February/March 2016 - St. Mary`s International School
February/March 2016 - St. Mary`s International School
NEWSLETTER St. Mary’s International School 1-6-19 Seta, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 158-8668 www.smis.ac.jp (03) 3709-3411 In This Newsletter Issue Page Upcoming Events and Contents Message from the Headmaster SMA President High School Principal Message Middle School Principal Message Ball Committee Message 61st International Ball Donations Committee Letter Japanese Language Class for Parents SMA Welcome Tea JSSG Seminar Greetings from the Learning Commons Letter for Carnival/Raffle Donations Form for Carnival/Raffle Donations Aprons for Sale Staff Appreciation Luncheon SMA Calendar of Events SMA Volunteer Form Smiling Faces of the SMA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Upcoming Events March 18 International Ball March 24 End of Third Quarter – Spring Holidays begin at 3:15 p.m. March 25 Good Friday March 27 Easter Sunday April 4 School Reconvenes April 13 The St. Mary’s Association Newsletter will be published periodically throughout the school year (September through June), distributed through the Families Mailing List to all registered e-mail addresses, and posted on the St. Mary’s website. Professional Development Day – Early Dismissal 11:20 a.m. If you have any questions or comments regarding an article you read here, or would like to submit an article that pertains to St. Mary’s International School academic and extra-curricular programs and student services, or fundraising activities of the St. Mary’s Association, please e-mail smis.newslettereditor@gmail.com. May 5 - No School – National Holiday Carmen Goff, Newsletter Editor February/March 2016 Page 1 of 19 MESSAGE FROM THE HEADMASTER Celebrate the Spirit The Fall Play had to be moved to the winter this year because the new MultiPurpose Hall was under construction. As a result, Mr. Kasai, the MPH manager, was put under pressure to keep the hall available for PE, the KPASSP Band festival, Jazz Night, the ES Nativity play, wrestling practices, assemblies, workshops, special presentations, Career day, the winter play, the ISCA Dinner Show, and the visiting Princeton Footnotes. I tell you this story to illustrate not only how one facility is used, but also to laud the resiliency of the programs at the school to adjust to the challenges of a new facility. Under some very challenging conditions, the students, coaches/ directors, parents and supporters have been patient and understanding as we move forward with events at school. The month of February signals the end of the debate season as well as the tournament-ending seasons for basketball, soccer and wrestling. I am happy to share the fact that the debate team took the Kanto championship, the wrestlers captured the individual AND dual team Far East championships, the basketball team tied for first in the league, and took third at the Far East going 6-1 at the tournament, and the soccer team took second in the league and Kanto tournament. The swim team is gearing up for a busy late winter and early spring with major swim meets coming up. And all of this with the academic demands on our students and staff. The dedication of students, parents, staff and alumni to excel is very humbling. All of us have an opportunity to participate and achieve that brings the school together not only for today, but for the future as well. Recognition and accolades to all involved to keep traditions alive, and to continually nurture the spirit of the school. Thank you. Sincerely, Saburo Kagei Headmaster February/March 2016 Page 2 of 19 Message from the SMA President On Friday, January 22nd a small group of SMA Board Members accompanied our lovely International Ball Chair, Cristina Platzer, to the ANA InterContinental Hotel in Roppongi to view the venue for the upcoming International Ball, “Around the World in 80 Days” to be held on March 18th. After a productive meeting with our contact at the hotel, we envision the night of the Ball to be nothing short of spectacular! Many hours of hard work have been dedicated to the detailed planning of this important community building event with many more hours to go. We take this opportunity to encourage you to book your tickets early as seats are limited. It promises to be an exciting and fun filled evening travelling “Around the World in 80 Days”. I would also like to give a warm thanks to the Hospitality Committee, Any Marrero and Keiko Andrews for hosting our second Welcome Tea of the year on January 26th. We welcome all new families to St. Mary’s and hope that your son’s educational experience is a wonderful journey. Thank you also to the Japanese Speaking Support Group Committee, Risa Osawa and Tomomi Horikawa for organizing the seminar, “How to Communicate with your Teenage Son”. Heartfelt thanks to Ms. Marie Kobayashi and Ms. Janel Callon for a very informative talk on this subject aided by the wonderful interpreting skills of Rika Atobe. SMA Board Advisor: Saburo Kagei President: Lia Kumar Vice President: Therese Adachi Secretary: Mimy Chang Treasurer: Rika Atobe Assistant Treasurer: Kiyomi Kunita Nominations: Mie Ward Bingo Chairperson: Yukari Ko Bingo Co-Chairperson: Moemi Matsubayashi Carnival Chairperson: Mineko Inoue Carnival Co-Chairperson: Aya Iwamoto Donations Chairperson: Caterina Tanaka Donations Co-Chairperson: Aileen Ishii Hospitality Chairperson: Any Marrero Hospitality Co-Chairperson: Keiko Andrews International Ball Chairperson: Cristina Platzer Japanese-Speaking Support Group Chairperson: Risa Osawa Japanese-Speaking Support Group Co-Chairperson: Newsletter Editor: Carmen Goff Publicity Chairperson: Naomi Takahashi Publicity Co-Chairperson: Mamee Kaneko Raffle Chairperson: Nidarshi Fernando Raffle Co-Chairperson: Urara Utagawa Recycled Uniform Chairperson: Keiko Fukasawa Recycled Uniform Co-Chairperson: Tamako Nakamura Room Parent Coordinator: Bunsei Tanaka Room Parent Co-Coordinator: Kayako Pang The remaining months in the school calendar are busy ones for many of the SMA committees. I am extremely grateful to all parents and members of the SMIS community for your valued support of SMA related events. Your support is vital to our ongoing success which in turn benefits our students. I am always ready to answer any questions that you might have and appreciate any feedback that you can offer. Best regards, Lia Kumar SMA President 2015-2016 sma@smis.ac.jp February/March 2016 Tomomi Horikawa Page 3 of 19 From the High School Principal BRINGING COLOR TO THE WALLS OF HIGH SCHOOL It is February; perhaps the bleakest time of year outdoors. A time when most of nature’s color has abandoned us. It’s a little too early for the splendor of the blossom season, there is often more grey in the sky than blue, and the temperature is nowhere near what we want it to be. Step inside our high school’s main hallway and pick up your spirits as you view the amazing colorful art exhibits that Mr. Stanley’s students have put together. As part of their IB Art course, Mr. Stanley’s art students have had rotating art exhibits in our main hallway and in the Titan’s Café. The exhibits have included a variety of art mediums and reflect not only the personalities of the artists but also the cultures in which they have lived. You will have an opportunity to scan the QR code attached to the exhibits and be linked to a YouTube presentation by the artist in which he explains his art. Feedback books are attached to the exhibit and we encourage you to comment on the art. This is the first year that our students have exhibited their art in this manner and Mr. Stanley and the artists are receiving very positive feedback. It appears that a far wider range of parents, staff, students, prospective students and visitors are able to view our student art at its best. So, until the blossoms come, please make sure you drop by and take in the color in the halls of St. Mary’s! Art by Jinya Yamakawa, who has been accepted into Parson’s School of Art and Design, Pratt Art Institute and School of Visual Arts, all in New York City. Best Wishes to all, Simon Faulkner High School Principal February/March 2016 Page 4 of 19 Message from the Middle School Principal Dear Middle School Parents, The Middle School continues to be a very active place with opportunities for boys to excel in all kinds of different ways. Our goal is for every student to discover a passion that he pursues not because he has to but because he wants to and because he wants to discover the joy of learning separate from grades and from standardized testing. Let me highlight a few areas in the Middle School where this is happening. 1. Please note the additional article in this newsletter related to the Learning Commons. Learning to read, not for grades or because students have to, is one passion that will serve your son well regardless of what he might pursue academically in his future. Not only is this happening in the Learning Commons but in many individual classrooms as well. 2. STEAM, or the integration of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math is gaining steam in the Middle School. Check out the many examples of the good work students are doing in this area since they are on display in the Middle School hallways. 3. Robotics has become a growingly engaging elective for our students. This includes an introduction to coding, an area we will continue to expand next year. We also hope to make the connections between math, coding and robotics transparent as we expand these opportunities for our students. 4. A Middle School drama production is in the works and has had more than 40 students show interest in being a part of it. This will build on the exposure students have had during their electives and will get them excited about the possibilities made available because of the new Multi-purpose Hall. 5. Our Problem-based Learning units continue to allow students to explore a wide range of topics to see how they might be more serious areas of interest for them in the future. We continue to explore ways to strengthen these units and have several ideas to do so for next year. 6. Extracurricular opportunities offer a number of activities that allow students to discover the challenge of setting goals and for working toward accomplishing them. Our dedicated coaches do a good job of finding the balance of becoming a student and an athlete with the student part being the priority. Finally, in all other classes at the Middle School, we continue to focus on how we can fully engage our students with their learning and for them to take as much responsibility for it as possible. We want to do our very best to provide them the knowledge, skill and dispositions that will lead to independent and self-directed learners excited about their future educational opportunities. Your continued support of our efforts is very much appreciated. Sincerely, Dr. Langholz Middle School Principal February/March 2016 Page 5 of 19 SMA International Ball Committee Dear St. Mary’s Families, Preparations for our International Ball are well and truly under way and we are now accepting reservations until March 11th. This elegant evening, which will be held at ANA InterContinental Tokyo, will kick off with a Champagne Reception, followed by stunning musical performances by the Jazz Band and International Show Choir, whilst enjoying sumptuous, fine courses featuring dishes from Around the World with corresponding premium wines. After dinner, be ready to dance the night away to the tunes of our celebrity DJ and St. Mary’s alumnus, Mr. Taku Takahashi. During the event, we will have a live auction and raffle with amazing prizes, like hotel stays, spa treatments, meal vouchers, as well as a silent auction of St. Mary’s students’ art work. Don’t miss “The Event of the Year”, the St. Mary’s International Ball, where parents, friends and faculty members all share a very special moment. We hope to see you at the 61st St. Mary’s International Ball, “Around the World in 80 Days”. The 240 seats will fill up quickly, so please reserve your seats now at ballrsvp2016@gmail.com. Sincerely, Cristina Platzer SMA International Ball Committee 2015-2016 February/March 2016 Page 6 of 19 February/March 2016 Page 7 of 19 From the Donations Committee The 61st St. Mary’s International Ball Around the World in 80 Days Dear St. Mary’s Families, The Ball Committee is working hard on the 61st St. Mary’s International Ball. Hopefully, you received an invitation in the mail recently. This Ball is a great opportunity for the adult community of the school to come together, dress up and enjoy a fun filled evening with music, dancing, great food and wine. Most importantly, at this event we raise funds for our students’ learning enrichment in the athletic, fine arts programs and social awareness projects by holding a live auction and a raffle. This year we will also have a silent auction of artwork done by upper elementary school students. In order to offset the cost of putting together this wonderful event, we request your sponsorship in the form of monetary gift donations. These donations will help defray the following costs: printing programs and raffle tickets, table and flower decorations, etc. Please fill out the form in the link http://public.smis.ac.jp/sma/2015-16/ball-family-donation-form2016.pdf and return it to the Donations Committee at smassociation@smis.ac.jp. We truly appreciate your contribution to the success of this event and we are looking forward to seeing you on March 18th at “Around the World in 80 Days “! Caterina Tanaka and Aileen Ishii SMA Donations Committee 2015-2016 February/March 2016 Page 8 of 19 Japanese Language Classes for SMIS Parents with Brother Michel Brother Michel has started teaching introductory level Japanese to non-native speaking parents every Wednesday morning from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. in Room 134, Level 1, North Campus. A textbook is being used in addition to other materials. If you are interested in joining this class, please contact Therese Adachi at jjtherese@yahoo.co.jp. にほんご 日 本 語 February/March 2016 Page 9 of 19 SMA WELCOME TEA On January 26th, SMA hosted a Welcome Tea in the school cafeteria for all St. Mary’s families. The school administrators introduced themselves, explained what they do at school and emphasized once again that the school has an open door policy and that they are always happy to help. Our headmaster, Mr. Kagei talked about everything that is happening at school and the importance for parents to have an active role in their son’s education. In addition, Lia Kumar, the president of SMA, informed us about all of the special events that are coming up during this school year and encouraged everybody to participate and contribute for the benefit of our children. It was a very enjoyable morning and we sincerely thank all those who made it possible. Hospitality Team February/March 2016 Page 10 of 19 On January 27th, JSSG held a seminar, "The Road to College - How to Talk to your Teenage Son", for high school parents. Ms. Marie Kobayashi and Ms. Janel Callon presented about how parents with high school children should approach and speak to their sons, introduced some books that would be helpful, and guided us in role playing sessions simulating interactions that we might have with our high school children. We would like to give special thanks to Rika Atobe for providing translation during the seminar. February/March 2016 Page 11 of 19 With Valentine’s Day and Winter Break just around the corner we, in the learning commons, are eager to hook you up with a blind date – with a book that is, from th February 9 – 17 . As the old saying goes, “you can’t judge a book by its cover”. The learning commons has many covered books with a few clues on the front to help you choose your blind date. There are a variety of stories to choose from, fiction of all types, biographies, and story collection. Take a look at the clues and choose the one that sounds interesting to you. Then you can “rate your date” to let us know how you liked it. Sakura Medal Art Contest We are looking for boys who like to create art for the Sakura Medal Art Contest. Boys should create an original piece of art using any medium they would like as long as it can be scanned. All entries should be A4 size and something about Japan, reading, or books. The winning St. Mary’s pictures will be sent in to a competition against students from other international schools here in Japan. The winning pictures from this competition will be sent to the winning Sakura Medal authors. St. Mary’s has always had a winning picture that was sent to the author and I hope this tradition will continue. All submissions should be turned into the Learning Commons by Friday, Mar. 18th. Sakura Medal Voting We are in the middle of the Sakura Medal season and I am sorry to say, but I was hoping to see more reading being done. We have a few boys who have voted but looking at the numbers in previous years St. Mary’s has always had more of a voice in choosing the winning books. It isn’t too late to start reading. Please come to the library and check out a Sakura book. There will be a celebration in April where we will count the votes to see which book was St. Mary’s favorite. Come be a part of this celebration and make your voice heard for the best Sakura Medal book in 2016! Hope to see you soon! The Learning Commons Team February/March 2016 Page 12 of 19 St. Mary’s Association (SMA) Celebrate The Spirit Carnival and Raffle 2016 Dear Parents, It's that time of the year again! St. Mary's International School and the Parent Association, St. Mary's Association, is preparing for its Annual Carnival and Raffle. This popular event is one of the biggest school festivals in Tokyo – reflecting the international character and cultural diversity of our school. The highlight of the Carnival is the exciting raffle where large selections of great prizes are awarded. Last year, an astounding amount of over twenty-two thousand raffle tickets were sold for a chance to win round-trip airline tickets, hotel and resort stays, electronic gadgets, and gift certificates. St. Mary's Carnival and Raffle festival is the school's biggest fundraiser with proceeds used to directly enhance the educational experiences of our students and provide financial support for library programs, IT resources, sports equipment, arts and music programs, and field trips. This year’s Carnival and Raffle will be held on Saturday, May 14, 2016 and will feature different country booths, ethnic foods, entertainment, fun and games. It promises to be yet another great community event that draws a large and diverse crowd. The contribution and support from parents as well as businesses such as yours is needed to make this a successful event. To help us achieve our goal, please consider supporting this event by donating: Cash donation Airline tickets Electronic gadgets and devices Hotel stay and travel packages Restaurant / retail gift certificates Sporting goods Spa Vouchers All donors will be acknowledged on the carnival flyer and raffle ticket. Please complete the enclosed donation and advertisement form. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me by email at smassociation@smis.ac.jp . Thank you again for including us in your charitable giving and supporting St. Mary's International School. Caterina Tanaka Donations Committee Chair 2015-16 St. Mary's Association Aileen Ishii Donations Committee Co-Chair 2015-16 St. Mary's Association Lia Kumar President 2015-16 St. Mary’s Association Therese Adachi Vice President 2015-16 St. Mary’s Association February/March 2016 Page 13 of 19 St. Mary’s Association (SMA) St. Mary's International School Annual Carnival and Raffle – Saturday, May 14, 2016 Celebrate The Spirit Organization / Name (Mr./Ms./Mrs.): Contact Person: Donor name to be printed on the Raffle Ticket: Company logo on Raffle Ticket and Flyer: Address: Telephone: Relationship: Family Alumnus Donation Type: Airline Hotel Title: □ Yes □ No □ Remain Anonymous Postal Code: Fax: Staff Friend Electronic Gadgets & Devices Email: Other (please specify) Cash Restaurant Sporting Goods Other Donation Item(s) Description: (Please include a description of the donation item(s), expiration date or advance notice required) Estimated Value of Donation: ¥ Expiration Date of Donation: We accept donations in the form of cash, checks and bank transfer. Please make all bank transfer payable to: Bank Information Mizuho Bank (No. 0001) Kaminoge Branch (No. 568) Ordinary Account / Futsu Yokin Account Transfer Information Ordinary Account / Futsu Yokin -St. Mary’s Association Carnival (Acct: 1683443) Ordinary Account / Futsu Yokin -St. Mary’s Association Raffle (Acct: 1656268) Please send your completed Donation Form by Friday, March 11, 2016. Company logo submission deadline is Friday, March 11, 2016. Please email company logo file in JPG or PDF to smassociation@smis.ac.jp by this date. Donated items can be mailed, delivered to St. Mary's main office during regular business hours before Friday, May 6, 2016 or we can arrange a pick up from the Tokyo area. Please return this completed form to: St. Mary’s International School, SMA Donations 1-6-19 Seta, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 158-8668 Tel 03-3709-3411 Fax 03-3707-1950 Email: smassociation@smis.ac.jp Thank you in advance for including us in your charitable giving and supporting St. Mary's International School! February/March 2016 Page 14 of 19 STAFF APPRECIATION LUNCHEON March 1st February/March 2016 Page 15 of 19 February/March 2016 Page 16 of 19 SMA CALENDAR OF EVENTS MARCH 18TH – INTERNATIONAL BALL APRIL 12TH – SPRING LUNCHEON TBD – HOSPITALITY TRIP TO EDO TOKYO OPEN AIR ARCHITECTURE MUSEUM MAY 14TH - CARNIVAL February/March 2016 Page 17 of 19 St. Mary’s Association (SMA) 2015-2016 Information and Volunteer Opportunities What is the SMA and what does it do? The SMA is an organization consisting of all parents of students attending St. Mary’s. The SMA Board is responsible for coordinating various fundraising and social events which enhance and enrich the boys’ educational and extracurricular activities. The main fund-raising events include Bingo, International Ball, Carnival and Raffle. Please refer to the attached sheets for detailed information on the various events throughout the school year. How can you help? All activities of the SMA are carried out on a volunteer basis. Just one or two hours of your time will make a valuable contribution to the efforts of the SMA which will in turn make the school a better place for our sons. Please fill out the information below and tick any of the areas that may be of interest to you. Send the completed form to the Main Office, or fax to 03-3707-1950. You will be contacted by a Board Member in due course. Thank you for your interest and support for St. Mary’s students! CARNIVAL (May 14) RAFFLE (April/May) ___ Entertainment ___ Facilities ___ Supplies ___ Country Booth chair ___ General support ___ General support ___ Donations/Prizes INTERNATIONAL BALL (March 18) HOSPITALITY Spring Luncheon (April 12) NEWSLETTER ___ Decorations ___ Donations ___ Entertainment ___ Reservations ___ Food/Beverage ___ General support ___Decorations ___ Flower Arrangement ___ Cake Auction ___ General support ___ General support RECYCLED UNIFORMS ___ Sales assistance ___ ES ROOM PARENT ___ MIDDLE SCHOOL LIAISON ____HIGH SCHOOL LIAISON ___SMA BOARD POSITION Your name ____________________ Your preferred language________________ Phone number__________________ Email_______________________________ Son’s name and grade/class_____________________________________________ February/March 2016 Page 18 of 19 The Smiling Faces of the SMA February/March 2016 Page 19 of 19
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