tegan and sara delve into synth-pop Heist, u of G style
tegan and sara delve into synth-pop Heist, u of G style
the T h e Un ive r s i t y o f Gu e l ph ’ s I n d ep en d en t Stu d en t New sp ap er 170.7 ◆ t h ur s day, f e b r ua ry 2 8 th, 2 0 1 3 ◆ w w w.the onta rion.com Tegan and Sara delve into synth-pop Duo plays Peter Clark Hall in support of new album seamlessly with new dance hits like “Goodbye, Goodbye,” both being performed with avidity from the band. Tegan and Sara fully engaged with the audiBen Derochie ence, throwing various quirky remarks throughout the concert. Being one of their only sold out This was perhaps best exemplified shows on their current tour, when they diverted from the set Tegan and Sara played to a wel- for a full five-minute discussion coming crowd at University of with the crowd regarding their Guelph’s Peter Clark Hall on Feb. previous adventures in Guelph, in23. In support of their new album cluding attending an after-party Heartthrob, Tegan and Sara de- in the city after they were invited part from their established indie by “some dudes in skirts.” The roots and embark into the do- audience was warmly receptive main of synthesizers and drum throughout the evening, cultivatmachines analogous to the synth- ing in the performance of the new pop era of the 1980s. The result single “Closer” as the entire crowd is an adrenalized live show glit- promptly transformed the room tered with vibrant scintillating into a dance floor. LED lights and pulsing dance Incorporating a full backing rhythms, which was more than a band, Tegan and Sara played all perfect excuse for all us students songs expertly with little or no disto let loose and have a bit of fun. sonance evident at all. The songs While dedicating a large por- did not divert or elaborate from tion of their repertoire to new their recorded counterparts, but material, they included an this is not essentially required as obliging allocation of previous these songs simply sound great fan favourites allowing anyone being performed live. Perhaps to satisfy their desire either to the most distinct moment of the rock out or dance away. Clas- night came in the encore as they sics like “Call It Off” were mixed jammed with a single acoustic Ben Derochie Tegan and Sara’s only Ontario tour stop was at a sold-out Peter Clark Hall on Feb. 23, where they performed largely from their latest synth-pop album, Heartthrob. guitar through multiple segments of several songs all in the timespan of a single song; a noteworthy and unique addition. There were a couple of unashamed and inevitable sales pitches thrown in for their new album, but this could be tolerated as they were poking fun of themselves for doing so. If you’re seeking good modern Canadian indie synth-pop, look no further. These folks are fun. for web-exclusive photo Reel features contents Heist, U of G style 4 9 16 DRAGONS’ DEN JILL BARBER TRACK &FIELD 9 15 19 20 21 22 23 23 Arts & Culture Sports & Health Life Opinion Editorial Crossword Community Listings Classifieds Updates on the UC break-and-enter Alicja Grzadkowska On Jan. 27, a break-and-enter took place in the University Centre, and several devices that may have contained students’ personal information were stolen. On Feb. 7, the University of Guelph’s Chief Information Officer Rebecca Graham informed students of the break-in through a widely distributed email, which caused some concern for recipients of the news. Since the incident, the university administration has taken several steps in ensuring that students’ concerns are dealt with accordingly. Another email from Graham informed students that the university would be providing free credit monitoring for one year to students affected by the incident. Lori Bona Hunt, of Communications and Public Affairs, says that this is merely a precaution on the part of the administration. “There actually has not been any evidence to date that any of the information has been used for fraudulent purposes. We’re just ...se e bre a k- i ns pag e 5 170.7 ◆ febr uary 28t h, 2013 news 3 Are campus washrooms accessible to all? Global to Local: Washroom Challenge aims to reveal accessibility concerns Students, staff, and faculty on international and national news Katie Shum The month of March is upon us, and luckily for those who have long-forgotten New Year’s resolutions, this month can be the beginning of a new challenge. The Guelph Resource Center for Gender Empowerment and Diversity (GRCGED) and the Central Student Association (CSA) are collaborating on a new project called the Gender Neutral and Accessible Washroom (GNAW) Challenge. The challenge is this: for the duration of March, stay away from using any washroom or change room that is gendered or inaccessible, on campus or elsewhere. This initiative is open to all members of the University of Guelph who wish to participate, but organizers are particularly keen on encouraging participants who “don’t find going to gendered bathrooms a difficult/ unsafe experience” and those “who don’t have to consider accessibility when planning to go to the washroom,” as explained on the event’s Facebook page. Ultimately, the hope is that through some personal experience, people will gain a glimpse of what daily life may be like for trans and gender-variant people or people with physical accessibility needs. To help participants stay true to the challenge, all that officially register online (the link can be found on the event’s Facebook page and on the CSA calendar of events on their website) will also have an opportunity to sign up for an additional information session. For registrants, the additional session is a chance to open the dialogue concerning accessibility and gender neutrality, and relate these issues to very real scenarios for many students, staff, faculty, and visitors on campus. To put this into perspective, imagine that as a participant, it is your first day of the GNAW challenge. As you walk through the UC, 30 minutes before your next class, you bump into your busy friend that you have not seen since October. Your friend then asks you to catch-up over coffee and a snack, seeing as you do not have class for a while. However, after giving an excited “Yes!” you suddenly realize that there is not a gender neutral or accessible washroom near your next classroom. Choices: do you forgo this social activity, or engage in this social activity at the risk of not being able to concentrate in an hour when you feel the need to go to the washroom? Or worse, do you leave class in search of a gender neutral and accessible washroom? CSA Academic and University Affairs Commissioner, Deaglan McManus, one of the primary collaborators of this initiative, discussed the timing of the Gender Neutral and Accessible Washroom Challenge. “Everyone needs to use the washroom, and everyone needs to feel comfortable using the “There is never a wrong time to bring these issues to light.” – Deaglan McManus washroom. There is never a wrong time to bring these issues to light.” Along with an open dialogue, a very basic, one-page “Washroom Audit” will be handed out to each participant, and the workshops will include instructions on how to go about auditing campus washrooms and change rooms. Keeping in mind that this challenge hopes to address both gendered and inaccessible facilities, the audit ranges from designations (e.g. male figure, female figure, male and female figure, etc.), to vanessa tignanelli The Gender Neutral Bathroom Challenge hopes to show the difficulties of bathroom use for trans and gender-variant individuals, and those with accessibility needs. simple questions about doors, information, when correctly sinks, toilets, and other objects searched on the campus map, to be found in both washrooms about the availability, location, and change rooms. and accessibility of washrooms The inspiration for creat- in buildings across campus. ing this major project came However, those listings may be from student experiences that out of date or unreliable, exhave been reported at the Uni- plained McManus. versity of Guelph. Currently, For example, what is listed as GRCGED is calling for student a “unisex stall on south end of submissions of experiences [third] floor” on the webpage with gendered and inaccessi- for the University Center fails ble washrooms for their zine, to include mentioning that this which will be available in facility is locked after 4:10 p.m. March. – and there are no other listings Another major source of for a gender-neutral facility on inspiration for the GNAW chal- other floors in the UC. Despite this and many other lenge came from a very similar bathroom challenge that was accessibility issues on camorchestrated in Halifax, Nova pus, McManus acknowledged Scotia in 2012. That challenge that there have been some also focused on gender-neutral signs of momentum from the bathrooms, however, organiz- University’s governing bodies. ers there also spoke of lobbying However, the sense that progfor bathrooms that could be ress for change has been slow is made accessible for people of suggested by the arrival of this all different abilities and needs. new student initiative. Guelph organizers hope that for McManus imparted that the people experiencing this chal- GNAW challenge is the first step lenge, or for people keeping up to raising awareness on camwith other news about this ini- pus, and that the outcomes tiative, those who are aware from the audits and support will feel inspired to fight for from participants will help this more gender neutral and ac- campaign to push changes for cessible facilities. more gender neutral and acCurrently, the University of cessible washroom and change Guelph website provides some facilities on campus. theontarion.com Research on discriminatory Google advertisements has recently come out of Harvard where a professor has discovered that the popular search engine allegedly links names associated with black people with ads related to criminality. In fact, Latanya Sweeney found that these adverts were 25 per cent more likely to appear alongside a search that included a black name. Services offering background checks for arrests and criminal records were two types of ads cited as appearing during these searches. Caucasian names brought up typical types of advertisements not related to criminality, even though some of the Caucasian names used by Sweeney in her research trial did have criminal records associated with them. In an article in The Daily Mail, a Google spokesperson responded that the company was not to blame as, “It is up to individual advertisers to decide which keywords they want to choose to trigger their ads.” The Ontarion: Have you heard about this and does it interest you? Sebastian Szilagyi, student: I haven’t heard about it. I guess it does interest me in a sense. We’re moving toward a much more equal world so to have these sorts of discriminatory things popping up – it’s not a good thing. So I think that it does interest me because I’d like to see those [things] not happening. You know, granted, there will be people of many races who just aren’t up to society’s level of standards, but you’re going to find that in any race – I’d read into it more. The Ontarion: Do you have any experiences with similar ads that have stereotyped or reflected your supposed interests in a particular way? SS: Well, I’ve seen certain things like that pop up, mostly on Facebook, not necessarily Google. Based on my likes, I’ve noticed certain things kind of popping up on the side. I don’t use them… At first, I was kind of thrown off by them, like this is stuff I’ve looked into or interested in. [I was] scrolling through Facebook and there was like this Big Lebowski advertisement on the side, which sort of catches you off guard. I’ve had some experiences based on that, yeah. Thanks to the participant for this week’s interview. If you have something to say about international or national news, and would like to be contacted for future issues, or if you want to see a particular news story covered here, contact News Editor Alicja Grzadkowska at onnews@uoguelph.ca. 4 w w w.th e on ta r ion . c om Gryphons meet a Dragon U of G welcomes Dragons’ Den personality and Wealthy Barber author David Chilton Al Ladha On Feb. 12, David Chilton – author of the bestselling Wealthy Barber books and a Dragon on CBC’s hit show Dragons’ Den – shared his recipes for success in personal finance with a mixture of humour and common sense for a packed house at War Memorial Hall. Chilton donated all funds generated from ticket sales to the OVC Pet Trust Fund in support of the Mona Campbell Centre for Animal Cancer. Before I left my office to interview Chilton, I had a chance to read a Maclean’s article about a generation the magazine is dubbing “the new underclass.” It delved into why many smart, educated, ambitious young people “have no future.” I fielded Chilton with some of the ideas. “It’s a complicated subject matter and traditionally I’ve been optimistic of all generations having better lifestyles than their parents,” said Chilton. “I mean we are all beneficiaries of the tremendous innovation that takes place and of all the accumulation of all the things that have come before us, but I will admit the job market is very challenging.” The entrepreneur says it’s a matter of adapting to technological advances and other progressions in our culture. “We are automating and digitizing so many processes that society on a whole may be winning – we may be net up – but unfortunately there is a lot of displacement and people who don’t have the matching skills are really struggling right now,” said Chilton. “A lot of the types of jobs people first entered into – and not just the traditional factory, but also clerk jobs or lower level jobs at all major institutions – are being automated or have been replaced by foreign workers in some cases and computers in others.” Chilton is finding that many intelligent 21 to 27-year-old people who have a lot of potential to add to society are falling between the cracks these days and are unable to find a solid footing. The economist notes that some of these people are turning towards entrepreneurship, but insists that’s not easy. “As David Chilton I’ve been an entrepreneur all my life, and I love it, but I realize not everyone is well suited to creating their own enterprise and taking care of all the facets that are necessary to run effectively.” Chilton says he was lucky enough to follow his passion at a young age and fell in love with the world of personal finance – and to wit, it’s served him generously over the years. That being said, Chilton maintains that we must be realistic and that not everyone can follow their passion and turn it into a great career. “During the early stages of your life you often times find yourself doing some things you’re not too keen on and this generation – admittedly up against legitimate problems – is scuffling with that,” Chilton conceded. “They are really struggling with the fact that you’ve got to go in and do menial tasks on occasion or things you don’t like doing. But that is the nature of life unfortunately.” “ Fol l ow i n g yo u r p a s s i o n sounds great in theory and looks great in books, but in the real world it’s not always easy to execute on, and again, if we “During the early stages of your life you often times find yourself doing some things you’re not too keen on and this generation – admittedly up against legitimate problems – is scuffling with that.” –David Chilton push everyone towards entrepreneurship it may be good for society in the big picture, longterm situation, but we’re going to have a lot of people fail, and that’s just the nature of startup enterprise.” Chilton brought up personal debt levels, noting that they news Mike Rao Dave Chilton, of The Wealthy Barber franchise and Dragons’ Den, visited the campus in support of the Pet Trust Fund. are very high and real, but also Although they both work in the said he sees them much more same industry David runs into in the U.S. – especially for stu- Kevin O’Leary less frequently. dents that have gone to grad They have had some conflict on school. He tends not to see air on The Lang and O’Leary those levels in Canada as often, Exchange, but they get along but didn’t underplay the prob- pretty well. Chilton says that lem; according to Chilton, “a when they all see each other degree or second degree doesn’t on set it’s a lot of fun, and as guarantee you a high income job the new Dragon they have been anymore and so it is difficult.” very warm, accepting and good Chilton maintains hammering to him. away at debt is always a good Speaking about his spare time financial move which reduces Chilton said he loves immersstress and frees up cash flow. ing himself in books related to He says “we are looking at a world politics, economics and different rate of return on the finance. He likes to play a fair investment equation right now amount of golf but has not been with post secondary education able to get on the green as much and all of a sudden, for the first in the last three years because of time in decades, we have a lot commitments to his new book, of people saying, ‘I’m not sure The Wealthy Barber Returns. He that was a wise move.’” says he’s still very close with As Chilton put it, it’s a more his kids and hangs around them complex situation than it’s been in the past and the return on investment isn’t guaranteed. He feels education – especially with the digital revolution – is going to undergo dramatic changes in the next 10 to 15 years. Rafaela é, Discussing Rich Carlgaard, a digital revolution writer for Forbes who has predicted 50 per cent of post secondary education could be challenged because of the Internet, Chilton said this model might not be so healthy for the institutions that are entrenched, but that it could be healthier for society in the long run. In respect to Dragons’ Den, Chilton says he and the other Dragons get along well. He bumps into Arleen Dickinson every so often in Toronto, he has a lot in common with Bruce Croxon, and loves Jim Treliving’s company although he lives in Dallas and travels a lot. a lot. Being a dog lover, Chilton says he “can’t live without them.” He has made deals with all three pitches this year that involve dogs, and as a result he has been razzed by some of his fellow Dragons, mainly Dickinson. In regards to this event, Chilton was happy to help out this great cause and thought it was nice to be invited, plus he loved the venue. Given his fondness for the University of Guelph and its location just a short drive from Kitchener, when the U of G called him it was pretty easy convincing him to speak. As Chilton said, “I’m a pet guy so from every perspective it was ideal.” He did mention however he has to learn to be a little more discerning when it comes to pet deals on Dragons’ Den. news 170.7 ◆ febr uary 28t h, 2013 Guelph talks agricultural sustainability Speakers and audience discuss future of global food supply Andrew Donovan On Feb. 25, the College of Management and Economics (CME), along with the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, invited Dr. Rick Yada of the University of Guelph to speak at a gathering held at the Guelph Holiday Inn. The presentation was titled, “The Future of Food: Advancing Health & Food Safety.” As our planet’s population is projected to reach nine billion by 2050 and demand for agricultural produce is expected to rise by 60 per cent in that time, it is in our present day, according to Dr. Ben Derochie Yada, that we must ask ourselves, experts, and government how we The event opened up discussion on a variety of issues related to food security and the growing population. plan on keeping up with such great demand. information about eating healthier garnered much success. seems to be the case with converThe discussion’s moderator, As- and the industry is adapting. But The conversation was diverse sations on food and sustainability, sociate Dean of the CME at the U there’s a catch in these marketing and intriguing, and everything you end up leaving the discussion of G, Dr. Sylvain Charlebois, began ploys, explained Yada. from the venue to the dialogue was with more confusion and questhe very inclusive, audience-ori“There’s this idea that if you eat a exceptionally entertaining. But, as tions than you had coming into it. ented discussion by asking Yada certain food, you will never get ill.” what food safety means to him. Ya- Though those claims simply cannot da’s answer dealt extensively with be foolproof and can be misleadthe idea of sustainability, not just ing, Yada did admit there is a great in an international context but also benefit to this paradigm shift, perwithin the borders of Canada. taining especially to healthcare. “We now have a population that is eating the ‘right’ foods as a form of preventative healthcare, not curative healthcare.” As with any discussion relating to the future of agricultural production, the highly controversial topic of GMOs came up. Yada approached the manner in a levelheaded and practical way. His biggest complaint was how GMOs are thrown into populations with little inquiry into whether the population wants it or how it will affect the environment it’s in, and that there is almost an absolute assumption by the creators of GMO that their seeds are just “better” and we ought to accept this claim without question. But Yada didn’t outright dismiss the potential of GMOs. “There is some benefit in being able to grow foods in a different “We live in a world of extremes. manner. It’s an option but not necOn one end, we have type-2 dia- essarily a solution.” betes and obesity and the other we The latter part of the conversahave starvation,” said Yada. “What tion addressed the ability of getting we are striving for globally is qual- food to nations with poor means of creating their own sustainable ity, quantity and choice.” As the conversation developed, agriculture. Campbell’s Canada the ideas of education became a has tried canned food initiatives major speaking point for the au- abroad, but as far as sustaining a dience and the presenters. Yada program like that is concerned, believes that we are in the midst of it was impractical as many loa paradigm shift, especially in the cals won’t take to a canned food west, when it comes to food and approach. Up until this point, many comfood marketing, and we are seeing that the power of the consum- panies have had “a paternalistic er is driving the evolution of the view of philanthropic aid,” which products. We are saturated with according to Charlebois, hasn’t yet “We now have a population that is eating the ‘right’ foods as a form of preventative healthcare, not curative healthcare.” – Rick Yada 5 ...bre a k- i ns c onti nu e d being abundantly cautious,” said Hunt. The emails have also been sent out to a large group of people for security measures since it was not evident which students’ personal information were on the devices. “In reality, far fewer people were probably affected,” said Hunt. The Jan. 27 break-in has been just one in a series of thefts that have taken place in the UC in recent months. A hard drive was stolen from The Ontarion’s office prior to Winter Break, another break, enter, and theft on the UC’s second floor reported as having occurred between Feb. 10 and 11, and on Feb. 19, CFRU’s Station Manager Peter Bradley informed volunteers and employees that a computer from the radio station was stolen on the 18th. Through email correspondence, Bradley told The Ontarion that this was the first break-in at CFRU “in several years.” “It’s unfortunate, and it’s alarming that this sort of thing has been happening all over campus,” added Bradley. “We won’t allow this incident to dampen the atmosphere of trust, goodwill, and creativity that defines CFRU’s volunteer culture, but we will be putting some new security measures in place that will help prevent this from happening again.” The slew of device thefts may indicate that obtaining personal information was not the intention of the Jan. 27 break-in, but rather that electronics were the sought after targets. However, the ongoing police investigation will hope to find the intention and perpetrator(s) of the crime in the upcoming months. “The university’s also been in contact with the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario,” added Hunt. Now, several weeks after the incident, the university has turned its attention to making students, staff, and faculty aware of on-campus security and keeping their personal electronics close. Because the UC is a public building and it’s open for long periods of time, Hunt says that the discussion has focused not just on security in the building, “but also about reminding people to lock their offices, lock up their equipment like computers and things like that just because frankly, it’s an easy target […] there is access to a significant chunk of the building for the public.” What Hunt calls “the educational component” of the process is particularly important as people store much of their information on desktops, rather than on hard drives, and often leave personal devices unattended. “[We’re to] remind people to make sure that their personal laptops or computers or any other personal belongings are locked up and secure,” said Hunt, “and not leaving information in places where it could be easily retrieved.” 6 w w w.th e on ta r ion . c om Food Not Bombs in the community The Guelph chapter proves that food is a right, not a privilege Kelsey Coughlin Providing free, accessible, and local food to the Guelph community is the goal of the Guelph chapter of Food Not Bombs, a loose-knit group of independent collectives serving free vegan food to those who are hungry, both on campus and in the community. The idea behind Food Not Bombs is to raise awareness about global issues, specifically the labelling of hunger as a form of violence. According to the group, the Food Not Bombs ideology is that government priorities are skewed to allow hunger to persist in the midst of abundance. Food Not Bombs is a global enterprise, which was founded in 1980 in Massachusetts by anti-nuclear activists. Since then, there have been more than 400 chapters nationally representing the organization. While each chapter is free to make its own decisions about what issues to endorse and fight against, they also embrace a few basic principles. Many chapters of Food Not Bombs are involved in community, anti-poverty, anti-war, and pro-immigrant organizing, as well as other political causes related to social justice. “[We] make and deliver all vegan food to people on campus who are looking for a healthy meal, but can not afford it because money is tight.” – Maria Timpano The Guelph chapter of the group aims to educate students and community members through various themed events, classes, and outreach programs. Already the Guelph chapter has held a number of events on campus. These include a visit by Keith McHenry, co-founder of Food Not Bombs, a Bring Your Own Bowl (BYOB) Soup Kitchen, and most recently, a free vegan dinner at the Aboriginal Resource Center. University of Guelph student Maria Timpano is a member of the Guelph organization and explained that students “make and deliver all vegan food to people on campus who are looking for a healthy meal, but can not afford it because money is tight [with the idea of] raising awareness of global hunger issues.” Too many University of Guelph students face this reality, says the group, and for some of them these opportunities are their only reason for not going to bed hungry. A large amount of the food served by the group of students is excess food from grocery stores, restaurants, and bakeries that would otherwise go straight to the garbage. They aspire to reduce waste through sharing both free food and information in protest of war, poverty, hunger, and similar global issues. The Guelph group wants students to realize that in a world of abundance, food is a right and hunger should not be tolerated. news Nuclear Winter The Guelph chapter of Food Not Bombs serves vegan food to the community through a variety of events. Students reminded to respect sexual health Heart Your Parts event held by the Wellness Centre Lindsay Pinter On Feb. 26, University of Guelph’s Wellness Centre, in association with the Canadian Federation for Sexual Heath, held an event called, “Heart Your Parts” at Branion Plaza. “Heart Your Parts is an event which raises awareness [for] sexual health, and getting tested for any sexually transmitted infections,” explained Wellness Centre member Erin De Jong. “The objective of this presentation [was] to put a positive, upbeat light on sexual health.” Jong also discussed the importance of the event, stating that it draws attention to protecting yourself from risks associated with sexual behaviour. “Being sexually active is a basic human right; people just need to be aware of the risks and how to stay healthy and protected.” The event provided information on various health related issues such as HPV and cervical cancer, and featured free hot chocolate for students stopping by. Members of the Wellness Centre stood by to answer any questions passers-by may have had. There were many pamphlets and resources available to students at this event as well, including some dedicated to the LGBTQ community. They toted slogans such as “PAPs matter – no matter who you have sex with,” and “Regular STI testing and yearly physicals are essential in maintaining good health; no matter whom you love.” “This is to explain to people that it doesn’t matter who you have sex with – everyone needs to be protected and visit their doctors to get tested,” said another Wellness Centre member, Kimberly Lyons. PAP tests for females are another very important health procedure, which many females overlook. This is a medical test to check for cervical cancer in females. If you are over the age of 21 or have had any sexual intercourse then you are eligible for a PAP test. Students with more questions on health-related issues, including mental health and sexual health can visit the Wellness Centre, which is located on Natasha Reddy The Wellness Centre set up a booth in Branion Plaza to educate students on sexual health. the second floor of the J.T. Powell building on campus. The centre is a valuable resource available to students that can provide them with one-on-one support, workshops, information kits and various events, such as Heart Your Parts. All the members of the Wellness Centre are trained to provide students with the best resources and support available for their varying questions and concerns, as well as information on how to contact a healthcare professional. The Wellness Center is always hosting many health related events, and students can visit the centre for more information on upcoming events hosted at the university. The event made it clear that students should stay positive and smart about sexual health, heart their parts, and get tested. 170.7 ◆ febr uary 28t h, 2013 news How much do you know about the PPP? Evaluating student involvement and awareness of review process Alicja Grzadkowska The question of how students can have an impact on changes happening in the university has arisen yet again this year. This time, the focus has turned to the Program Prioritization Process (PPP). The Central Student Association (CSA) claims that students are not being provided with accessible information about the PPP Task Force’s agenda, which is just one of the CSA’s concerns about the process. “A lot of the issues we have with the PPP [are about] how fast it’s moving, and how little communication happened with the CSA prior to September,” said Deaglan McManus, the Academic and University Affairs Commissioner for the CSA. According to McManus, communication with students has been scant, and not completely transparent. An initial communication was sent out in the first school week of September, which may have been overlooked by students busy settling back into university life. “I don’t think it should [have been] assumed that students would recognize that their programs might be at risk or that their programs are being evaluated in depth,” said McManus. The PPP was started back in September, and will serve as an assessment of academic and non-academic programs and services. The end goal is to identify the university’s strengths, as well as where it can cut back on costs to narrow the gap between revenues and expenses. While the language of the information released about the PPP is seemingly unthreatening, McManus says that the process is reminiscent of cuts that took place in 2009, which marked the end of the Women’s Studies program. “People didn’t realize towards the end of the process that it was going to happen,” explained McManus. And, according to McManus, similar issues have been present in the PPP’s work so far. The looming deadline to submit review forms, for one, is a concern. Units and departments in the University of Guelph are currently reviewing their services, and Maureen Mancuso, Provost and VP Academic, explains that each unit has been asked to complete a Program Information 7 Request (PIR) form, due on March 1. providing new insights and feedback.” “For example, every major will have Mancuso agrees that student para PIR form that is completed that pro- ticipation is important since they vides information on the ten criterion, have “perspectives/information on which the programs and services will their programs that would be useful.” be assessed against,” Mancuso detailed Mancuso also explained that it is not through email correspondence. The the Task Force’s responsibility to incriterion can be found on the PPP volve students, and that this job lies website, and include the external with departments. and internal demand for programs, Students are however present on and revenue and costs weight, among the Task Force. Noorain Shethwala and other criteria. Anne Laarman are the undergraduate McManus believes that this process and graduate interns respectively, and vanessa tignanelli should involve students, as they are will aid with the review process. Mcthe primary participants in programs. Manus is uncertain of how they will be Noorain Shethwala is the Right now, students are not able to get able to get involved and defend student undergraduate intern on the PPP easily involved, as many units have not interests, though the titles of the two taskforce, which is one of the two been asking students to participate students’ positions have been changed positions reserved for students. in part because of the tight deadlines. from their original titles as “student “We really appreciate those that have representatives.” website by providing the PPP with [been involving students],” said McM“How much freedom are they going feedback. Through the CSA website, anus, “because at least it helps students to have in opposing any decisions that McManus has also included contact understand what’s happening. The their supervisors make, given that their information for the authors of the PIR process does not allow for involve- supervisors are also on the taskforce?” forms, and an email template for what ment […] which is concerning when said McManus. “To our knowledge, students can send to the authors. students are the majority.” it hasn’t happened before that a stu“[We’re] informing students so Bruno Mancini, the director of dent’s been paid [by someone other they’re not hit with it when the deCounselling Services and the Centre than students] to sit on a university cisions are made at the end of the summer,” said McManus, adding, for Students with Disabilities, is one committee.” facilitator who has involved students in With the deadline approaching “The communication might get betthe review process. According to Man- quickly, McManus says that members ter towards the end of the process, cini, meetings he held with students of the CSA are working to improve but that’s when it’s going to hurt the were “well-attended and helpful in the accessibility of information on the most.” n e il t u rok Natasha Reddy Physicist Neil Turok received an honorary doctorate from the University of Guelph during the Feb. 20 convocation ceremony held in War Memorial Hall. One of Turok’s achievements has been establishing the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences in Cape Town. Since its opening in 2003, 400 students from a variety of African countries have graduated and moved on to science and technical-related careers. Newsology: News coverage of the Oscars Missing the point MacFarlane, and reporters are clearly confused about which of the two Alicja Grzadkowska MacFarlane had more of. Headlines included “Critics: Some of Seth MacOn the day after the Oscars, the news Farlane’s Oscar jokes ‘inappropriate,’ media had a lot to talk about, from ‘sexist’,” “Seth MacFarlane bombed the typical best and worst dressed terribly hosting the 85th Academy lists, where actresses (and sometimes Award,” and “Seth MacFarlane Best actors) get punished or rewarded by When He Wasn’t Trying to be Funny.” nobodies for their choice of insaneThe opening routine titled “We ly expensive gowns, to the obvious Saw Your Boobs” was clearly one of discussion on the night’s winners the skits that was perceived as inand losers. appropriate, though the actresses Nonetheless, with some media mentioned were apparently in on casting this year’s awards as boring the song and dance number about and forgettable, the focus turned to their on-screen chest reveals. the successes and failures of host Seth While the media generally agreed that MacFarlane was the wrong choice to host the Oscars, it is surprising that more reporters did not comment on Michelle Obama’s presentation of the Best Picture Award, who was evidently following in the footsteps of Bill Clinton at the Golden Globes. The Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin delivered an honest opinion on Obama’s presence at the awards, stating that the First Lady’s lack of comment on the military service personnel standing behind her, and her short and vague statement on the gay community were entitled and odd points of discussion for the White House representative. More importantly, as Rubin points out, why was Michelle Obama even at the Oscars? Her persona has nothing to do with Hollywood, unless you count appearing on Jimmy Kimmel as celebrity-status worthy, and her appearance only serves to corrupt the idea of the president as the capable leader of the U.S. who is solely focused on improving his country rather than attending fluffy galas and award shows. The ongoing attempts of world leaders to appear hip and “with it” are also insulting to youth. It seems that being a politician in the 21st century now necessitates the development of a cool image that appeals to young people, who apparently only pay attention to politics if the leader of the country shakes hands with Ben Affleck or fights other politicians in a joke wrestling match. Instead of judging which celebrity got it “right” with their outfit choices or whether MacFarlane was a good choice for the hosting gig, the news should have paid more attention to what Michelle Obama’s presence means for youth and the rest of the world’s understanding of U.S. politics, and its increasingly star-studded nature. 8 w w w.th e on ta r ion . c om No rest for the writers Workshops continue annual tradition of discussing compelling topics Alicja Grzadkowska Creative minds got little rest during Reading Week as the third annual Writers Workshops invited the community, students, and U of G faculty and staff to participate in a wide range of seminars on everything from blog writing and grammar, to publishing research and writing for an internet audience. The workshops took place all day Feb. 21 and Feb. 22 in McLaughlin Library, and were free this year, which has been the goal of Jodie Salter, the chief organizer behind the event, since her take-over of the event last year. “That was something I fought for,” said Salter, adding that the resulting community outreach from the workshops will hopefully help to bring people from on and off campus into the library. “I think it’s important for the The digital communication university and the library to make stream was particularly present itself more accessible, but also to in the workshops, with attention make itself accessible to faculty given to writing for the Internet and staff who may only think of in multiple seminars, even ones this building as a repository for that were not directly related to databases that they access online.” the web. For example, Salter told The change in admission pric- The Ontarion that writing for the ing wasn’t the only development net came up in “Plain Language from last year’s event. Elsevier, Writing Strategies” presented by a publisher of science, technical, Kim Garwood and Andrea Karand health-related work, spon- pala as “accessibility to broader sored the event, which according audiences” was discussed. Social to Salter, allowed the workshops media use was also explored by to have more promotion behind several workshops like “Managthem and be “a bit fancier.” ing Your Reputation Using Social Of course, the main focuses Media” led by Stuart Robertson of the event were the seminars and “How to Please Both Peothemselves, which were orga- ple and Robots with Your Digital nized in a way that let attendees Content” by Colleen Tully. follow the same or different Other presenters included streams throughout the program Calantha Elsby, the local persona schedule. behind the food blog piecurious. “I’ve tried to create streams, com, Nicholas Murphy, a U of G so creative writing streams, grad student working towards academic streams, digital his PhD who moonlights as an communication streams, so award-winning filmmaker, and hopefully if someone [was] in- creative writing pros like Sandra terested in that, they [could] Sabatini and Kilby Smith-Mcfollow it through the two days,” Gregor, to name a few of the said Salter. many talented individuals who news took the time to lead dynamic and absorbing seminars. Whether digital content discussions will continue to be a significant part of the workshops depends on the attendees’ reception of the workshops, says Salter. “I’m curious to see how the numbers are for those [workshops] in order to think of how we’ll shape it for next year.” Based on some of the feedback from the event, a variety of the seminars and streams were wellreceived, and people enjoyed the low registration fee. “I’m really focused on trying to hone in on research skills and research writing skills, and it was free,” said Telesphore Marie, a first-year agriculture student, on why he attended, adding, “I think it’s a great thing to share these ideas and this information with people like myself.” Kasia Zygmunt, a community member, agreed, commenting on the wide range of writing “tools and different views” that were made available through the event, and the free entry, which was a “huge contributor” to her presence at the workshops. Anjelica Abarra, a second-year English student used the workshops “to gain more knowledge from professionals.” For Salter, the event was meant to show the library off, and break “unconscious barriers” between the surrounding community and the campus, as well as the barriers between the library and people who regularly visit the campus. Networking and promoting other writing programs were also key parts of the event. “We have Creative Writing at Guelph here this year,” said Salter, “[So we can] get the community educated on what’s being offered,” adding that she sees the workshops “as a space where you start to create dialogue and networking on a multitude of levels.” Salter’s vision for the future of the workshops is clear. “It would be great if it becomes a network for different writers to create community outside of work place.” 170.7 ◆ febr uary 28t h, 2013 arts & Culture Jill Barber shares the love at River Run 9 Canadian songstress dazzles in special Valentine’s Day performance (2002), Oh Heart (2004, which earned Barber the Female Recording of the Year award at the 2005 Music Nova Scotia Awards), and For All Time (2006), it was Barber’s fearless transition into vocal jazz, Julia Tignanelli marked by the release of Chances in 2008, that launched the artOn Feb. 14, pairs plucked by cupid’s ist’s career forward. After earning arrow and unattached admirers of two Juno nominations for Chanlive music alike took in an appro- ces – including one for New Artist priately love-struck performance of the Year – the reinvented Barby Canadian torch singer Jill Bar- ber charged forward; the release ber at the River Run Centre. With of Mischievous Moon in 2011 sowarm stage presence, palpable lidified the singer’s utterly unique charm, and a perfect combina- and now unmistakable vocal style. The River Run performance was tion of toe-tapping numbers and breezy ballads, Barber encapsulat- in part a celebration of Barber’s ed old school romance by inviting latest musical endeavour, Chanthe audience into a dreamy, jazz- sons – a collection of covers of infused world. classic French love songs. In the Hailing from Port Credit, Ont., style of one of Barber’s noted inBarber has since been drawn to spirations, Parisian ballad singer both coasts of Canada, living for Édith Piaf, these melodies of love some time in Halifax, Nova Scotia and loss seemed a natural addiand eventually making the move tion to the starry-eyed performer’s westward to call Vancouver home. musical repertoire. Though this CBC darling has long Barber was accompanied onbeen on the Canadian music scene, stage by a suave, multi-talented beginning with folk-inspired al- ensemble of musicians – bandmates bums like A Note to Follow So Les Cooper (guitar), Steve Zsirai vanessa tignanelli Jazz singer Jill Barber provided an intimate and entertaining Valentine’s Day concert, drawing heavily on the influence of the love songs of Edith Piaf. (bass), Adam Warner (drums, per- from Barber’s previous albums, cussion), Robbie Grunwald (piano, including “Mischievous Moon,” accordion), and modern-day Ren- “Chances,” “Never Quit Loving aissance man Drew Jurecka, who You,” “Take It Off Your Mind,” an contributed musical stylings on upbeat, a cappella arrangement of violin, sax, mandolin, accordion, “A Wish Under My Pillow,” and the and clarinet, as well as a memorable audience-requested “Starting to whistle solo, which may have gar- Show,” which Barber appropriately nered the most applause all evening. used to announce the news of her Also scattered throughout the pregnancy. Tender moments like performance were beloved tracks this one were not rare, and when shared alongside witty anecdotes from Barber and bandmates, the show was consistently entertaining and intimate. With the expert execution of a charming and heartfelt performance, it’s safe to say that Barber seduced even the most pessimistic of hearts. for web-exclusive photo Reel The ubiquitous appeal of ukuleles Ukulele club facilitates inclusive learning to the ukulele, which seemed is said to originate from the to fit seamlessly with the music band’s time at a recording stuplayed. dio in which the band played it Like Logue, most of the meet- while their manager took a cofMichael Bohdanowicz ing’s participants considered fee break. Upon returning from themselves to be beginners the break, the manager insistGaining an understanding of playing the ukulele. The host ed that this song be recorded. how to play the ukulele seemed of the meeting, local musician It was, and “Iko Iko” became a to be attainable through being Gayle Ackroyd, also shared this hit song. present at a ukulele club’s meet- characteristic and is well-exFollowing a performance or ing held at Long & McQuade’s perienced with playing guitars. two of “Iko Iko,” Ackroyd again recently relocated Guelph locaUkuleles typically include four provided background information on Feb. 23. cords, tuned to the G, C, E and A tion on the next song, “Cheer The club held its first meeting musical notes. Ukuleles can be Up You’re Okay.” That song was in January in response to calls divided by their size with sopra- written by Ackroyd following a for the creation of such a club no, concert, tenor and baritone move to Guelph two years ago. A by Kim Logue. Logue is currently ukuleles forming the smallest to lack of friends and family memthe store’s lessons coordinator largest sizes respectively. bers in Guelph provided the but advocated the creation of a The first song the group played impetus for creating the song. ukulele club prior to finding em- was “You Are My Sunshine.” Additionally, two rail transployment with Long & McQuade. Without lyrics, the uplifting port-themed folk songs were The room in which the meeting sense of the song was nonethe- played during this gatherwas held was awash with par- less conveyed. “Oh! Susanna,” ing, “Freight Train” and “I’ve ticipants. The gathering had an written by Stephen Foster, was Been Working on the Railroad.” informal and supportive tone to the second song the group ad- “Tennesse Waltz” provided the it, as consensus was reached on dressed. Tablet sheets showing closing act. In keeping with the what songs the club should play this song were presented to at- club’s inclusive nature, particand its participants shared in- tendees, though this medium of ipants were welcome to pursue formation about ukuleles. With written music could present dif- solos and introduce new songs great patience, the group often ficulties in showing the number during the gathering. repeated songs so that partici- of beats. Overall, ukuleles provided pants could better understand Ackroyd provided background a soothing touch to the songs how to play them. This inclusive information on the next song played at the club’s gathering, nature welcomed the presence of performed by the group, “Iko which will meet again on March a cuatro, an instrument similar Iko” by the Dixie Cups. The song 23. 10 w w w.th e on ta r ion . c om Heart of Cuba on stage Ballet Creole performs at River Run Centre Colleen McDonell Not all ballets are classical affairs, with an audience hushed as dancers in tights and leotards move delicately to the sounds of a classical orchestra. On Feb. 17 at the River Run Centre, Guelph got a taste of a different type of ballet – the kind that gets your feet tapping, your hands clapping, and even got The Ontarion’s reporter and photographer up on stage. The “Heart of Cuba” performed by the Ballet Creole company brought a taste of the island to a snowy Canadian winter as part of the Guelph Mercury Family Series. “I wanted to show the dancing of Cuba on the main stage,” Patrick Parson, founder of Ballet Creole, told the audience. “Ballet” is a particular type of dance with origins in France’s courts dating back to the 1500s and 1600s, while “Creole” is a term that means “native to the locality” and refers to people born and raised in the Caribbean, but of mixed European and African descent. The two terms that make up the name of the company aptly arts & Culture described the River Run performance. “I ventured to pioneer a company that would take people like me – black dancers – on the main stage doing our traditional dance and modern and contemporary dance,” said Parson in an interview. Starting Ballet Creole in 1990, the founder decided to focus the company’s latest subset on Cuba after returning from the island to Toronto. “I noticed that there are Cubans here with the music, but not dance itself as a whole production.” In its second year of touring, the ballet infused the auditorium with the rhythms of Cuba through acrobatic dance and drumming. The four-member band used various drums to create different beats to acWendy Shepherd company their chanting and singing. At first, the music seemed not very Caribbean dance company Ballet Creole brought the sights and sounds of Cuba to the River Run Centre relatable to a majority of the audi- on Feb. 17 in a performance that included much audience interaction. ence, especially those of the younger generation. However, the dancers The founder made special mention shoulder-shaking, and skirt-flap- participation. Nearing the end, kids in colourful costumes inspired the of his colleague Yuhala Garcia, a Cu- ping techniques brought vibrancy to and parents alike joined the performviewer to get lost in the movements ban-born performer, who was very the stage. ers on stage, and through moves and try to discover the story behind instrumental in the creation of the “We try to show the heartfelt ex- inspired by Spanish flamenco and the energetic dance. choreography. pressions of Cuban people,” said African dance, they were transport“I keep delving deeper into the The four dancers moved through Parson. “We have Cuban dancers ed to the sunny island nation, if only music and every year discover some- the aisles of the audience during the and musicians to keep the traditions for a moment. thing new that allows me to refine second song, showing both the fluid- intact.” or develop the choreography,” Par- ity and complexities of the dances up Parson, on stage as part of the for web-exclusive photo Reel son said in the production pamphlet. close and personal. Their hip-moving, band, greatly encouraged audience From A to Zavitz Juried Photo Show explores environment and material concerns Kara Lee Blok The First Annual Juried Photo Show, which ran from Feb. 11 to 16 was presented by the University of Guelph’s photography department and organized by MFA student Dustin Wilson. Jurors Susan Dobson, Anna Cox and Paul MacDonald selected works of seven students, which focused around the themes of environmental portraiture and the material concerns of photographic practice. The environment in Susannah Van Der Zaag’s mural allows the viewer a curious glimpse into the artist’s family history. This image of the artist’s brother sitting in a concrete structure, once a bomb shelter and soon to be a space station, explores the narrative of a site and how it can shift over time. Van Der Zaag’s family has maintained ties to this underground structure for two generations, throughout which their use of the site has changed from a space safe from the threats of Cold War to one that is open to space exploration. Whitney Arnott and Laurel Barr explore portraiture with similar approaches, yet depict entirely opposite lifestyles. Arnott’s untitled series focuses on the female student demographic to which the artist Nadine Maher The First Annual Juried Photo Show in Zavitz Gallery the week of Feb. 16 featured seven students, selected by jurors to capture the themes of environmental portraiture and material concerns. belongs, presenting each subject in most viewers might see as simply an a straightforward depiction of how age group. The remaining four artists showed they inhabit their personal space. The resulting deadpan images re- work situated within the contempoveal the awkward nature of living in rary discourse of digital photography a liminal zone throughout univer- that challenges what is defined as a sity. Barr’s sensitive portraits allow photograph. In “Portraits of Sound,” the mostly student viewership a new Ashley Freake confronts this question perspective on the often-marginal- head-on by scanning an iPad’s moving ized elderly. Barr hopes to provide visualization of sound, thus capturing insight into the personalities of each an image of sound as opposed to light. model, thus establishing them as an Using a similar technique, Lisa individual standing apart from what Muzzin created photographic images through the process of scanning small paintings of marks characteristic of analog photography, such as the light leaks and various chemical inconsistencies that can occur in film processing. Her interest lies in exploring the transformation of these indexical marks from photography to painting and then back again, creating a hybrid image that simultaneously signifies both painting and photography thus forcing the viewer to question their own perceptual process. Samuel de Lange’s “Simulacra/ Mise-en-Abyme” series similarly instills a perceptual awareness in the viewer. Presented on one side of the diptych is a photograph of a slide of an original copy of an original sculpture significant in the canon of art history. On the other side there is a QR code, which – through a smartphone – allows access to the same opposing image. This interactive component brings the viewer to question their relationship to the image and further emphasizes the existence of the artwork as an index of an index of an index. Although a complete departure from the photographic medium, Zoe Downie-Ross’s video piece still speaks in a photographic language. Using slow camera movements to capture overlooked ceilings in three dreamy loops, Downie-Ross draws the beautiful out of the mundane and engages the viewer to become aware of their surroundings. Downie-Ross sets this relentlessly looping environment in contrast to the lulls in interpersonal communication created and amplified by technology. The show successfully presented photographs with a high level of conceptual depth and visual appeal, many of which challenged the viewer to consider the location of the artwork and expand their notions of what photography can encompass. Next year’s shows will certainly be a must-see. 170.7 ◆ febr uary 28t h, 2013 arts & Culture Album Review: My Bloody Valentine – m b v Shoegaze veterans return after two decades Loveless was a commercial disappointment despite its unanimous critical praise and undeniable influence on an entire generation of alternative rock. While it allowed Robyn Nicholson the band to sign to a major label, the pressure to live up to the sterling stanHow do you follow a landmark soph- dard set by Loveless meant the band omore-album-turned-cult-classic ultimately abandoned any hope of a which defined a genre and essentially third effort by 1999. a generation? If you're Irish alt-rockFast-forward to 2012: a reunion tour ers My Bloody Valentine, you wait and thousands of wild rumours later, twenty-odd years, speculate casually founding member Kevin Shields quiabout a possible release date, and sur- etly hinted in an interview with NME prise the entire music community by that new material might be in the dropping the new album – seemingly works, and set for release by the end on a whim – one Saturday night, ef- of the year. Amid swirling speculation, fectively propelling yourself back into m b v was dropped on Feb. 2, 2013 at the limelight after years of obscurity. precisely 11:58 p.m., effectively crashMy Bloody Valentine's history is ing the band's website server within something of an urban myth: after a mere moments of release. whirlwind debut (1988's Isn't AnyConsidering all this history, this thing), 1991's Loveless proceeded not generation's twenty-somethings are only to immortalize the band in music as old as Loveless itself and may not history through its groundbreaking entirely be subject to its influence. innovations in guitar sounds and pro- This being said, any fans of early U2, duction, but it also nearly bankrupted Radiohead and essentially the entire their unsuspecting independent label. Brit-Pop movement have My Bloody Like all future cult-classic albums, Valentine to thank for that trademark vacuum-infused, swirling, distorted guitar sound that has come to define alternative and indie rock as a genre. While m b v may not be much of a departure from Loveless, it reasserts My Bloody Valentines as dignified veterans of shoegaze, and yet it manages to sound as fresh and new as Loveless softly growls into the consciousness with a pulsing base and subtle bending of pitch that you can feel in your temples. Soft mesmerizing vocals croon nearly indecipherable sweetnothings and provide an inviting and mystifying lead into the rest of the album. Skip to track three, “Who Sees You,” and the percussion gets picked up more, skipping haphazardly with shakers and highly controlled use of snare, while guitars continue to grind out that signature half-vacuum cleaner, half-jet engine sound, while Shields and Bilinda Butcher's combined vocal forces blend in and out of focus. “Is This and Yes” introduces a more keyboard-synth driven sound which courtesy proves to be one of the more innodid all those years ago. The album is vative departures from My Bloody almost gesturing to an entire era of Valentine's already well-establish indie rock about where it came from, sonic signature, creating an efferand also proving once and for all that, vescent and sparkling dream-like twenty years aside, My Bloody Valen- atmosphere for higher-pitched votine defined a genre once, and they cals, thoroughly processed as always. can just as easily do it again. The magic of m b v is its timelessAlbum opener “She Found Now” ness – it is the logical counterpart to 11 follow Loveless, even though it is decades late. When you listen to the two albums back to back, it's as if no time has passed between them. My Bloody Valentine has always managed to remain fresh and present and yet simultaneously enigmatic and inexplicable. They are a band who managed to change the face of alternative rock in just three years and two albums before slipping off the face of the earth. For them to return after so long and effortlessly reclaim their spot atop the hierarchy of indie rock royalty is both astounding and refreshing. While many of us may not have been born early enough to take part in the original nostalgia for early nineties shoegaze and the second wave of British invasion, m b v allows us the opportunity not only to become aware of this landmark band and their history, but also work backwards and experience for the first time a signature sound which broke serious ground and had a heavy hand in shaping what alternative rock has sounded like for the last two decades – a monumental return for a monumental band. What the Tech? Art explained by neuroscience? Nick Revington John Onians has a radical way of approaching art history. Onians, an art historian and Professor Emeritus of the School of World Art Studies at the University of East Anglia in the United Kingdom, presented a talk Feb. 26 entitled Art and the Brain: How Neuroscience Can Help the Art Historian. Onians suggests that advances in neuroscience can go a long way in explaining questions such as what goes on in an artist’s mind, and why art is a universal activity but is “All of us in this room, basically all practiced differently at different times and places – questions typically the the things we’re good at, we’re good domain of art historians. at because we’ve done them many Based on MRI scans of the brain, times before, and that lays down neuOnians maintains that when an artist ral networks which are private to us, paints a portrait for example, they are personal to us, and there’s no shortnot drawing on what they see directly cutting that. That’s the only way you to produce an image, but rather on learn a language, an instrument, or a memories relating to previous experi- discipline,” said Onians. ence drawing certain types of features For example, Onians hypothesizes (such as lips) or how to capture cer- that the incredibly realistic perspectain lighting. tive of cave paintings in Chauvet, The notion that artists draw on past France – some of the oldest known experiences seems, in a way, blatantly paintings, at about 30,000 years old obvious. But Onians’s “neuroarthis- – as compared to other cave paintings tory” – the framing of this simple is a result of the inhabitants’ unique notion in neuroscientific terms – ap- opportunity to observe animals often. pears to hold a key to understanding Since the cave is situated near a natart in a new way. ural stone bridge over a major river, it was particularly well travelled by migrating animals. Similarly, Michelangelo created what were by far the most realistic sculptures of nude form up to the 14th century through intense studying and dissection of human corpses. But Onians also postulates that this approach can explain why large groups of artists produce similar works in similar times. American artists such as Jasper Johns, Mark Rothko and others created large paintings of relatively monotonous colours during the 1950s, which Onians suggests may be a result of the prevalence of imagery and concern in the collective conscience over the relatively monotonous and bare fields of the dustbowl years of the Great Depression a few decades earlier. That these paintings had such powerful appeal to patrons of art, too, might be explained in this way: neural pathways in both the artists and viewers that developed according to scenes common in that era contributed to preferences for artwork with that familiar aesthetic. It’s an approach art historians have never taken before, Onians said. While this way of understanding art history may seem somewhat mechanistic, Onians was quick to emphasize that it is anything but, as neural pathways are unique to individuals and arranged among hundreds of billions of neurons with hundreds of thousands of links between each of them. Pop Machine: “Junk” won’t cut it Video response fails to balance MacFarlane’s sexist anthem “We Saw Your Boobs” Tom Beedham Trigger warning: contains discussion of images of sexual violence. A face-palm prompting pop culture moment as infamous as Seth MacFarlane’s Oscars song “We Saw Your Boobs” is bound to spark parodies, and on Feb. 25, Kevin Gisi made that a reality with “We Saw Your Junk.” Beginning with a disclaimer reading, “To those who were offended by Seth MacFarlane’s ‘We Saw Your Boobs’ What’s not overt to all that watched her phone were leaked to the Internet. number at the Oscars I hope this helps!” MacFarlane’s number was that many MacFarlane cemented the song viewers are asked to expect that what’s of the moments referenced involved as one big slut shame by glorifying to come will somehow balance MacFar- sexual violence, predation, and sex- actresses that have yet to bare their lane’s male gaze championing anthem ploitation. As Katie McDonough breasts on screen by including a clip of that listed onscreen appearances of sev- pointed out in an article for Salon, Jennifer Lawrence snapping her fingers eral actresses’ exposed breasts to 40.3 the breasts viewers glimpse in The from the crowd after it’s noted that we million viewers. The one thing Gisi’s Accused, Boys Don’t Cry, Mon- haven’t seen her naked bosoms onsong has going for it is that it goes after ster, Monster’s Ball are shown in a screen. Gisi actually participates in a subject in a position of more privi- rape scene, a medical examination the same activity when he notes sevlege than that tackled by MacFarlane, following rape, a bathroom scene fol- eral movies Ron Jeremy’s penis was but what’s ultimately put forth is more lowing a rape (in which the breasts are not shown in on-screen, then goes of an apologist statement that is more bruised), and a sex scene in which the on to sing “But that doesn’t make up of a trivialization of legitimate back- line between consent and resistance for the porn.” lash MacFarlane received in the wake isn’t clear and the character can be Critics of MacFarlane’s detractors of hosting the Academy Awards. read as an object of white male sexual have pointed to the fact that many of Gisi’s song lists films in which actors’ exotification of the black female (re- the actresses featured in MacFarlane’s naked penises are featured onscreen, spectively). MacFarlane also referenced performance were in on the so-called but it ultimately fails to address the most the real life privacy violation of Scarlett “gag,” but that didn’t make it any less offensive subtexts of “Boobs.” Johansson, in which nude photos from sexist; all this signals is a Hollywood widely insular to the systemic oppression of women. To wit, satire, sarcasm, and grossout postmodern pastiche has been MacFarlane’s comedic vehicle of choice across all of the creations he’s steered directly (Family Guy, The Cleveland Show, etc.), and it’s possible to concede he was aiming to start a discussion. But I’m not about to become a MacFarlane apologist. We’re at an embarrassing stage in our pop cultural history if we’re willing to accept misogynist, homophobic, racist, and otherwise oppressive statements or actions as “clever humour” when the source material is simply receiving an application of literal or metaphorical quotation marks. We need to stop being a party to that. arts & Culture 14 w w w.th e on ta r ion . c om Videogame Review: Aliens: Colonial Marines Just another bug hunt Devon Harding There is no film more influential to the videogame industry than Alien. Halo takes its Sargent Johnston directly from Aliens’s Sargent Apone. Metroid borrows just about everything else. Even Doom, the father of first person shooters, was originally envisioned as an Aliens game. That’s why everyone in the gaming community seemed so excited when Aliens: Colonial Marines was announced five years ago. The title was stuck in development hell and was delayed multiple times. Finally, it arrived, and people were still excited. Gearbox, the developer, had just released the excellent Borderlands 2, and faith in the company was strong. I personally had pre-ordered it online, and was ready to start playing when the news hit me. It had received a two point five out of ten from a reviewer at Destructoid. A three out of ten from Eurogamer. This is roughly comparable to getting 30 per cent on an exam: awful. So is it really that bad? Or is it a case of five years of absurdly high expectations that no game could live up to? The first thing you’ll notice is that the presentation is downright sexy. The menus perfectly suggest the aesthetic of the original film, with the music following suit. It looks and sounds consistently like an official Alien sequel, the only good idea that is consistently pulled off without failure. You begin playing by trying out your movie-accurate pulse rifle and the terrifying motion tracker in levels that are lifted straight from the film. Soon, after slinking through the USCMC Suloco’s halls, you find a marine stuck in an alien “cocoon.” While cutting him down, a titular xenomorph slinks from the walls, and you freak out. It’s effective, it works, mainly because you are alone and you have no idea where an alien may come from. During the following game of cat and mouse between me and that single alien, the game felt right. And then the game goes careening downhill. Creatures pop from the walls and run at you with open arms, you cease to be alone, and can let your allies blast away with infincourtesy sega ite ammo. The game becomes a shoot-em-up where you will tear The single-player campaign of Aliens: Colonial Marines leaves much to be desired, especially for fans of through thousands of enemies the film, but the multiplayer mode is a great success. without any tension. It is still fun, when it works, but it betrays the tasks you with escaping a ruth- character deaths and nuclear controlled here by people, playfeeling of the source material. less (and apparently bulletproof) blasts. To add insult to injury, ers who are smart, resourceful, Beyond the fundamental prob- creature. After a mix of slinking when characters ask about these and who have a sense of selflem of making an action game through the shadows and sprint- discrepancies, others respond by preservation. A great moment with horror moments instead of ing from certain death, you get claiming “that’s another story.” occurred as I was playing as an the reverse, the game has many your gear and fight back with the Despite all this, the multiplay- alien: marines were gathered in ideas that are brilliant, but are power loader from the climax of er mode is awesome. Developed a room restocking on ammo, and pulled off with too much haste Aliens. It would be incredibly by a different studio than the three aliens had joined me on and not enough thought. If you cathartic, if operating the load- single player mode, this mode top of the structure. The marines shoot an alien close up, its acidic er required more than button would make the whole game ran out, and we jumped on them, blood can splash on your protect- mashing. Reaching to the film, worth it, if the price were re- shocking one to throw a grenade ive gear rendering it useless. A the game includes some great duced. As a marine, you are at his ally as we attacked them. great idea, but that shock is ren- lines and references, a guilty tasked with escaping infested That’s what the core of this dered moot when you can strap pleasure among them being the territory, carrying out a last game should have been: stealthy, on six helmets left lying around quit prompt asking “Game over stand until help arrives, or other smart aliens vs. overpowered, whatever derelict research man?” but then turns around and tasks highly reminiscent of the underprepared marines, joining station you are currently exter- outright ignores at least three films. Whereas the campaign the film in its Vietnam allegory. minating. At one point, the game major plot points of Aliens and just has creatures spring at you Instead, the campaign might be strips you of your weaponry and its sequel. This includes ignoring in the open, xenomorphs are better compared to Rambo. Film Review: A Good Day to Die Hard Quality action makes up for lack of character development Kevin Ricci To call A Good Day to Die Hard a good action movie is a comment that would likely fit within the views of the general public. However, to say the latest Bruce Willis action film is a good Die Hard feature would certainly be an overstatement. With a runtime of 97 minutes, A Good Day to Die Hard is the shortest film in the franchise by around 25 minutes. As a result, viewers get a frenetically paced slam-bang action picture that pulls a lot of punches, but leaves its brain at the door. The movie begins with the hero John McClane working as a police officer in New York City. When he receives information that his estranged son is being held under arrest in Russia, he flies out there to help him out. Upon his arrival, a bombing occurs at the courthouse where John’s son Jack is being held. The bombing allows for Jack’s escape and from there begins a 15-minute car chase where the bad guys are chasing Jack and John is following in tow to save his son. Father and son unite, and put behind all of their clichéd issues in order to save the day. The Die Hard films tend to have fairly basic plot lines; the fifth installment adds nothing new in this department. However, the Die Hard franchise also has well developed villains, a polished script and superb direction, which sets them on a very high pedestal in the action genre. These characteristics, sad to say, are what this latest entry lacks. The greatest guess for this film’s courtesy issues would have to be the running time; adding an extra half hour could have meant more clarity, character development, better editing, and an intelligent screenplay. Additionally, it appears that the characterization of John McClane was forgotten not only in this installment, but the franchise’s fourth film Live Free or Die Hard as well. The wise cracking, vulgar, nicotineaddicted alcoholic of the original trilogy has been replaced by the same Bruce Willis one would find in any of his other films. All complaints aside, A Good Day to Die Hard is a good time. Following a similarly structured approach as recent action features like Taken and The Expendables, the “shoot now, shoot later” attitude works in this instance. The quantity of totaled vehicles and pounds of broken glass surely outweigh the number of words found in the screenplay. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, as the film does exhibit some impressive action scenes. In fact, if director John Moore did not go for the Bourneesque approach of quick cuts and a shaky camera for every scene of action, it would be plausible for the newest Die Hard to boast some classic action sequences for decades to come. The car chase is certainly one of the best in recent memory, and the shootouts, even if implausible for Die Hard standards, will definitely keep viewers on the edge of their seats. A Good Day to Die Hard would be an easier film to recommend if it did not have “Die Hard” in the title. The plot structure, main character, script, and direction are not at the quality level of a Die Hard movie. However A Good Day to Die Hard is a better-than-average action feature and that is why it gets a recommendation. It’s not recommended for all audiences, but for those that are fans of Bruce Willis, popcorn flicks, and fast paced action, will certainly have a satisfying time at the movies. Rating: 3 / 5 1 70.7 ◆ febr uary 28t h, 2013 sports & Health Windsor too much for Gryphons 15 Playoff run cut short in 2-0 Lancer series sweep of the Gryphons Game one of the series took place in Windsor on Feb. 21, where a disciplined Lancer team scored twice on the powerplay and allowed only one goal on 30 shots. Scoring was finished Chris Müller by midway through the second, and neither team would alter the 2-1 final The men’s hockey team’s season has score by the end of regulation. come to an abrupt end following a 1-0 Game two returned the series to loss to the Windsor Lancers on Feb. 23. Guelph on Feb. 23, where the GryThe loss comes after an impressive and phons looked to equalize the series at hard-fought series between Guelph one game apiece. and Laurier in the quarterfinal series. The Gryphons came out firing on Guelph got off to a rough start in all cylinders, outshooting the Lancthe 2013 playoffs at home, dropping ers 16-9 in the first period. The tables the first game of the Laurier series in turned in the second period, as the overtime in a 4-3 loss. Guelph was Lancers returned the favour by outable to change their fortunes quickly shooting the Gryphons 15-6. At 16:01 though, posting a 3-2 victory in the of the second period, Windsor netted a Feb. 16 matchup in Laurier. The win powerplay goal on Gryphon goaltender forced a series-decided game three, Andrew Loverock, who had an otherand the teams entered a final overtime wise phenomenal night, stopping 30 period tied at 2-2. Gryphon forward of 31 shots. The goal would prove too Justin Gvora was the hero in front of much for the Gryphons to overcome, the hometown crowd, as he netted the as Windsor goaltender Parker Van Busgame winner 5:50 into overtime. An- kirk posted a shutout when his team drew Bathgate and Matt Lyall chipped needed it the most, stopping all 30 of Guelph’s shots. in with assists on the goal. The loss was the last game for GryThe OUA West semifinal series with Windsor would prove to be a drasti- phon Ed Gale, the graduating captain of the Guelph squad. cally different affair. tasha falconer Matt Lyall (8) of the Gryphons moves the puck into the offensive zone during the Gryphon’s playoff run. It simply wasn’t meant to be for the Gryphons offense this postseason, as they struggled to match the strong defensive performance by Loverock. In five games, Loverock posted a 2.06 goals against average and a .921 save percentage. In those same five games Guelph only mustered 10 offensive goals as they struggled to find the rhythm that made the Gryphons a potent offensive attack during the regular season. The Gryphon season concludes as one of the best in the last six years. The team’s 17-9-2 record in the regular season was the highest win total for the Gryphons in the last six seasons, and with young offensive firepower waiting in the wings for next season, the Gryphons have only scraped the surface of their potential. Gryphons fall to Gaels in OUA Semifinal After defeating UOIT in the first round, Guelph ousted by Queen’s Chris Müller You couldn’t script a better beginning to the playoffs than what the Gryphons experienced on Feb. 13 when they hosted the UOIT Ridgebacks at the Gryphon Centre. Jessica Pinkerton gave Guelph the lead at 5:26 into the first period and the Gryphons never looked back. Amanda Parkins netted one in the second, and Averi Nooren and Kaitlyn Mora each scored in the third malicious kneeing penalty was comperiod. Goaltender Stephanie Neh- mitted by Victoria MacKenzie of the ring made 13 saves for the shutout. Ridgebacks. The hit led to Leigh ShilThe Gryphons travelled to Oshawa ton of the Gryphons leaving with a on Feb. 15 for the second and final knee injury shortly after. MacKenzie game of the series. was given a five-minute major penAfter going up 1-0 on the Gry- alty and a game misconduct for her phons, the ridgebacks capitalized on role in the incident. a powerplay opportunity, as Jaclyn Guelph’s Kaitlyn Mora notched Gibson fired a shot past Nehring at the game-tying goal at 1:47 in the 17:29 in the first period to give UOIT third period, forcing overtime. an early 2-0 lead. One overtime period wasn’t Amanda Parkins was determined enough, and in the second overtime to change the course of the game, period Pinkerton netted the gameand netted an early goal just 3:27 winner with assists awarded to into the second period. Momen- Amanda Parkins and Christine Grant. tum shifted late in the second when a The win advanced the Gryphons into the OUA Semifinal. Without the assistance of Leigh Shilton, the Gryphons hosted the first game of the semifinal series against Queen’s on Feb. 20, a team that finished just two points behind the Gryphons in regular season play. Queen’s jumped out to an early 2-0 lead which Guelph would even up with just over six minutes remaining in the third period. The Gaels scored with six minutes and three minutes remaining in the contest to capture the first game of the playoff series. The series travelled to Kingston on Feb. 22, and Queen’s took full advantage of the home ice advantage. Queen’s outshot the Gryphons 20-5 in the first period and the Gryphons escaped down only a goal at the period’s end. The second period witnessed Christine Grant corral a rebound, tying the game at one apiece. An early third period goal by the Gaels put Guelph in the difficult position of trying to keep their season alive. A late powerplay goal by the Gaels put the game out of reach for the Gryphons, and the final score was 3-1. The Gryphons were outshot by the Gaels 39-22 in the final game of their incredible season. 16 w w w.t h e on ta r ion . c om Tough finish for Gryphon basketball Gryphons struggled to find rhythm in final weeks of season Chris Müller Both the men’s and women’s seasons have come to an end for the Gryphon basketball program, as the women were ousted in their first-round playoff game and the men dropped a heartbreaker that prevented them from getting into the playoffs. The women’s team beat Waterloo 71-55 in the final game of the regular season on Feb. 16, and was then given an early exit from the playoffs on Feb. 20 at the hands of McMaster. Only dressing 11, and missing the talents of Kayla Goodhoofd and Alyssa Shortt, the Gryphons struggled to find any offensive rhythm, eventually losing 81-51. It was the last game as a Gryphon for Jasmine Douglas, who played well, posting nine points and nine rebounds in her final game in the red, black, and yellow. It was also the last game for head coach Tom O’Brien, who announced his retirement after three years at the helm of the Guelph program. O’Brien concludes his career after a 26-29 record in his time at Guelph, choosing to leave the coaching post after 44 years of coaching experience. The team was led offensively by Kayla Goodhoofd’s average of 13 points per game throughout the season, and Douglas’ 174 rebounds in the regular season landed her fourth in the OUA in that statistical category. The men’s side dropped an incredibly close, down-to-the-wire game with Waterloo in their final game of the year on Feb. 16. After four quarters of back and forth basketball, with multiple lead changes in the closing minutes, Guelph failed to convert on a basket in the last 15 seconds, handing the last open playoff spot to Waterloo. Guelph finished the year with a 5-16 record. Veterans Zach Angus and Dan McCarthy led the team in scoring throughout the season, both averaging just over 13 points in each contest. Adam Kemp led the defensive unit with 90 rebounds over the course of the season. The men will search for their first winning season since 2007-08 as they prepare for next year, while the women will have to wait and see who will coach them as they look for their first winning season since 2006-07. for web-exclusive photo Reel sports & Health Wrestling takes fourth Three gold-medal performances highlight Gryphon success Chris Müller Ben Derochie Daniel McCarthy (4) works past a Waterloo defender on Feb. 16 at the W.F. Mitchell Athletic Centre. The Gryphons lost 63-62 in their final game of the season. Gryphons golden at OUA Chamionships Both men and women captured overall gold Chris Müller For the first time since the 1998-99 season, the familiar navy and blue of the Windsor Lancers was not to be found atop the men’s track and field championship podium. Rather, the red, black, and yellow of the Gryphons stood tallest amongst the OUA. Led by Gryphon athlete of the week Anthony Romaniw, the Gryphons jumped out to an early overall lead and never let up, beating Windsor by an impressive 57 points in the provincial championships. Romaniw captured four medals on the day, including the three gold medal finishes in the 600 and 1000-metre races, and anchored the 4 x 800 metre relay team. Romaniw added a silver in the 4 x 400 metre. Tim Hendry took gold in the shot put while breaking his own meet record, and grabbed silver in the weight throw event. Yves Sikubwabo earned silver in the 1000 and 1500metre events, and also pitched in to capture gold in the 4 x 800. The men’s 1500-metre witnessed the Gryphon 2-3-4-5 finish of Sikubwabo, Steve Holmes, Ross Proudfoot, and Andrew Nixon. All four Gryphons Andrea Connell Members of Guelph’s track and field team pose for the camera after another successful OUA Track and Field Championship. finished within two and a half seconds since 2008-09. Fellow Gryphon of the of each other. week Andrea Seccafien earned gold in The men scored points in every the 3000-metre, 4 x 800-metre, and event they competed in, and of the 1500-metre races, effectively spear28 male competitors sent to repre- heading the women’s team to a close sent the Gryphons, all finished in the victory over the rest of the field. top eight of at least one event in the The women’s team was 12 points off championship. It was truly a full-team the lead entering the final three events. performance by the men’s side, only to A 1-2 finish in the 1500-metre by Secbe rivaled by the efforts of the women. cafien and Carise Thompson helped The women’s side also performed secure victory. However, efforts by exquisitely, grabbing the title from the Julia Wallace (3 medals), Rachel Aubry defending Lancers for the first time (2 medals), Erika Fiedler (1 medal) and Karry-Ann Cornwall (1 medal) contributed to a team effort by the Gryphons that earned points in 16 of 17 events. In the last ten years of both men and women’s competitions, the OUA champion has won the overall CIS Championship 40 per cent of the time. The team is making all the lastminute preparations for what should be a very exciting CIS Championship at the University of Calgary on Mar. 7-9. The Gryphons travelled to St. Catherines to partake in the 2012-13 OUA Championships at Brock University on Feb. 16. The men finished fourth in a tightly contested day, ending with 59 points. Western earned 73, McMaster 67, and the host Brock notched 63 to round out the top three. Western’s victory gives them the title of back-to-back champions, winning last year’s championship as well. The imposing John Fitzgerald earned gold for Guelph in the 130-kilogram category, effectively defending the event he won at last year’s OUA Championship. Mathieu Deschatelets also took gold for his efforts in the 82-kilogram weight class, and Navrit Wirach earned silver in the 57-kilogram event. Deschatelets was named the male athlete of the week by the athletic department. The women’s side witnessed Brock win the championship at home with 69 points, while Western (59) and Lakehead (49) rounded out the top three. Guelph’s 39 points were enough to earn fourth in the competition. Kelsey Gsell earned gold in the 82-kilogram weight class, improving on the form that earned her silver in last year’s competition. Gsell’s efforts allowed her to share the athlete of the week spotlight with teammate Deschatelets, both were named OUA all stars. Jade Papke earned silver in the 52-kilogram category, totaling the gryphon medal accruement at five. Head coach Doug Cox was pleased with the young team’s performance in an excerpt from the gryphons.ca report. “We took a very young men’s and women’s team with half of our team made up of first year wrestlers,” said Cox. “I’m very excited about our future with the work ethic of our rookie athletes and the great group of returning athletes coming back next year.” Guelph’s wrestlers will travel to London, Ont. for the CIS Championships where the hosting Western Mustangs will look to keep the momentum gained from their first and second place finishes in the provincial finals. Concordia University will look to make it three national championships in a row on the men’s side, while Brock enters the women’s final looking to duplicate the success they had last year en route to a national championship. The championship will occur on March 1 and 2. 1 70.7 ◆ febr uary 28t h, 2013 sports & Health Provincial and national success in the pool The Gryphon swim team posted impressive results over the reading week Chris Müller Led by the efforts of potential Olympian Alisha Harricharan and rookie Evan Van Moerkerke, the Gryphons have dazzled in the pool on the provincial and national levels. Dating back to the OUA Championships from Feb. 7-9 in Toronto, the Gryphons have combined to tally 17 total medals at the provincial and national level. In the last few weeks, Guelph has proven that they can hang with the traditional swimming contenders like Western, Toronto, and McMaster. Guelph finished fourth overall in both the men’s and women’s divisions at the OUA finals. Gold medals from the OUA rookie of the year Van Moerkerke in the 100-metre and 50metre freestyle events as well as a silver in the 100-metre backstroke encapsulated an impressive performance by the young standout. A gold in the 200-metre and silver in the 100-metre were won by Matthew Stephenson, and Derek Quick earned a bronze in the 1500-metre freestyle. Harricharan earned gold in the 50, 100, and 200-metre butterfly events, setting an OUA record in the 100-metre. With the assistance of Tess Wey, Sasha Boulton, and Erica Pate, Harricharan also earned bronze in the 400-metre freestyle 17 relay. For her efforts, Harricharan and 46.65 in the 100-metre. No Gryphons were selected for was named the OUA female swimThe strong performances by these individual awards, and both swimmer of the year. two led to a 14th-place finish on mers of the year came from the Harricharan and Van Moerkerke both the men’s and women’s side Thunderbirds. The sprinter’s cup, led their respective squads into the of the competition. awarded to the athlete that wins CIS Championships held in Calgary The men’s side was won by the both the 50 and 100-metre freefrom Feb. 21-23. Both would earn University of Toronto for the first style events, was only awarded on two medals over the course of the time in 18 years, ending a frustrating the women’s side, going to Caroline championship. national drought for the perennial Lapierre-Lemire of the Université Harricharan earned gold in the contender. The University of Brit- du Québec à Trois-Rivières. 100-metre with a time of 59.72, ish Columbia and the University of With both Harricharan and Van shaving nearly half a second off Calgary rounded out the top three. Moerkerke returning next year, the OUA record-breaking time. A A mere 25 points separated Toronto there remains an excellent opportubronze in the 50-metre butterfly from Calgary in the final standings. nity for both the men and women of rounded out her performance on The women’s side was dominated the Gryphon swim team to maintain the national stage. by the University of British Colum- and improve their standing within Evan Van Moerkerke concluded bia, as the Thunderbirds scorched the university swimming landscape, an impressive few weeks by cap- the competition to win with 150 an excitement that is sure to be exturing bronze in both the 50 and points more than second-place fin- perienced as the team continues the 100-metre freestyle events. His ishing Calgary. The Toronto women year-round process of training for times were 22.99 in the 50-metre, finished third in the championship. next season. From the Bleachers The power of sport Chris Müller It’s been a weird couple of weeks in the world of sports. Oscar Pistorius, the double leg amputee sprinter, was accused of murdering his girlfriend Reena Steenkamp. Rebecca Marino’s bout with depression caused her to leave professional tennis; Ronda Rousey defeated Liz Carmouche in the main event of UFC 157; spring training has fans of baseball restless with anticipation; and the NHL is keeping the masses entertained (as it should). In the blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moment of the month, the Raptors are coming dangerously close to being relevant in the NBA. There’s a lot to get caught up on, and that list is only scratching the surface of major sports media’s coverage of the last few weeks. But the best story to emerge from this wonderful month of February centers on a 101-year-old man from India. Fauja Singh’s career as a marathon runner ended on Feb. 24, when he completed the 10-kilometre marathon in a time of 1:32.28. However, it’s the story of how he got his start in marathon running that’s much more interesting. Singh’s wife and son passed away in quick succession in 1994. To make matters worse, Singh witnessed the death of his son as a stray piece of corrugated metal flew through the air and decapitated him. With all of Singh’s other children emigrated, the then 83-year-old Singh battled with depression and moved to London to live with his youngest son. In London, Singh gained an interest in athletic events put on by the Sikh community. Singh even competed in sprints. Singh soon connected with a group of marathon runners that encouraged him to run as a way to clear his mind and work through the horrors of his past. In 2000, Singh ran the London marathon. The great-grandfather has been running ever since, appearing in Toronto events on several occasions. Singh soon gained international recognition, and the former farmer was soon staying at expensive hotels and appearing at functions with dignitaries. The illiterate Singh spoke through his Punjabi-English coach and translator, Harmander Singh, after the 10-kilometre run on Feb. 24. “From a tragedy has come a lot of success and happiness,” explained Singh. Singh’s optimism shone through as he described what the feeling would be when he watched marathons in the future. “There will be times in the future where I will be thinking, ‘Well, I used to do that.’” Singh expressed a hope that his efforts would be remembered, even if the Guinness World Records won’t recognize his status as the oldest man to ever run a marathon. The issue lies in Guinness not receiving a birth certificate to confirm his age. India did not issue birth certificates in 1911, and a British passport confirming Singh’s date of birth on Apr. 9, 1911 is still insufficient to establish his authentic age without any doubt. Singh accomplished the feat by running a full marathon in Toronto in 2011, effectively cementing him as the oldest man to run a marathon, record books be damned. It’s not Singh’s times that matter, or that his name might never be written down in the record books that makes this particular news item noteworthy. Rather, it’s the passion he felt for running, and the demons it allowed him to work through that will write the TYRONE SIU Find out why Fauja Singh (centre of photo) is the most fascinating sports story of the past few weeks. story of Singh’s life. This was a wonderful accomplishment by someone that has lived through an experience few could ever fathom, and despite legitimate government-issued identification papers, his record may never be set in official text. Here’s to Fauja Singh — here’s to the power of sport. Ken Dryden talks concussions Former NHLer leads discussion on head trauma in sport Laura Castellani It is a debilitating head injury whose effects extend well beyond the world of sport. The complexity of a concussion is undeniable and has left sport communities grappling to find the best approach to cope with this widespread yet often misclassified and ill-understood injury. On Feb. 19, the University of Guelph and Guelph sport communities offered the Guelph Concussion Panel to facilitate a community-wide discussion based on the experiences of a series of panellists, led by former NHLer and politician Ken Dryden. The evening featured three panels composed of concussed youth athletes, medical professionals and members of elite and recreational athletic programs who shared their experiences. In response to the increasing prevalence of concussions and the many approaches to reconcile player safety with competitive sport, the answer came in the simple thought of appreciating the injury for what it is. Often, advice and assessment are catered to the elements of play beyond the athlete. Young, recreational players may be more readily recommended to rest while professional and elite athletes will have advice confounded with their obligation to perform. “We must remember to treat the patient not the player. It is too easy to place distinctions on an individual, when we should be seeing a patient as a patient,” urged Dryden. Unlike many other sports injuries, concussions are unique for their somewhat subjective air. While recovery from most injuries can be assessed and monitored based on the progression of physical changes and the advice of sport scientists, the assessment of concussions is not so clear. A single succinct and step-wise recovery pathway is less likely due in large to the reliance on intuition and the qualitative (not quantitative) nature of diagnoses. In this way, as highlighted in the youth panel, concussion management is much more susceptible to influence by pressure and stigma from the community. Unlike other sports injuries, there are no physical signs to prevent the athlete from returning to play. A cast does not need to be removed nor are you clutching crutches that indicate that return to play is not an option. While these traditional signs of injury remain discrete, medical professionals advocate instead for the reliance on the familiarizing themselves with their patient. It is a warranted approach given that all six athletes of the youth panel discussed an intangible woe and feeling “like they were just not themselves.” Many discussed feelings of depression, feeling isolated from the sport they had been so immersed in, as well as the difficulties they faced in school and work environments. As the treating trainer, physician or physiotherapist, the ability to recognize these differences provides the ability to detect the lingering effects of a concussion that preliminary routine tests may not capture. Of course, while identifying strategies to treat and minimize the impact of a concussion, prevention at the level of the playing field could alleviate the complications of concussions and the strain they place upon the athletic community. The consensus was clear that education is key. Teaching players the fundamental skills to maintain a competitive edge without compromising safety is essential as is community awareness and the ability of involved individuals to recognize the signs of a concussion. Amidst the confusion and concern shown towards the issue of concussions, the symposium captured the spirit of sport in its ability to draw individuals together to achieve a common goal. Dryden was optimistic for the future and believes the work on concussion awareness, treatment and prevention is only beginning to take shape. “The game is always changing. What we’re seeing is only the end of the beginning.” 18 w w w.t h e on ta r ion . c om Is sitting the new smoking? Are you sitting idly as your health passes you by? Andrea Connell It’s time to join the 15 per cent. A 2011 Statistics Canada report found that is the percentage of adults who are getting the 150 minutes of weekly exercise needed to maintain health. Two years later that number hasn’t improved. Even though it’s a few months late I have resolved to get those minutes of weekly aerobic activity recommended by the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP). The CSEP recommends that adults between the ages of 18 – 64 aim for two and a half hours of moderate to vigorous exercise weekly. Sounds completely reasonable, doesn’t it? There are 168 hours in a week after all and this will only use two and a half of them. It is actually 16 minutes less time than I spent watching Peter Jackson’s recently released epic The Hobbit. Maybe you are wondering why you should care. You are young and healthy after all. Consider this: an Oct. 2012 article by public health reporter Andre Picard in The Globe and Mail states that “Sitting is the new smoking.” Picard’s article entitled, “Why the Sedentary Life is Killing Us” presented some pretty startling statistics. Those who are inactive face a 147 per cent increased risk of heart attack or stroke, a 112 per cent increase in the risk of developing diabetes, and a 90 per cent greater risk of dying from cardiac arrest. The article continues on with the stats that the average Canadian adult spends 50 to 70 per cent of their daily lives sitting. Ouch. Get moving people. Why is it so hard to get exercise? Perhaps our lifestyles aren’t helping. Many people commute long distances to work, students spend a lot of time sitting in classes and in front of the computer, and part-time jobs and other commitments fill up a day. However, there is good news. Physical activity does not have to be a complicated regime of racing to the gym, sprinting to spin-class and then pedaling so hard you are sweating from places you didn’t even know existed and your face turns red as a beetroot. CSEP says that undertaking exercise in sessions of 10 minutes or more at a time is just as effective as an hour all at once, as long as it is moderate to vigorous movement and gets your heart rate up. Yes, doing that counts. The long walk across campus to your class at MAC and then back to the UC counts. A walk to the mall, through the Arboretum, or around the block with your roommate’s dog – it all counts. There are many resources available to help inspire you with ideas of how to fit more activity into your daily life. The Public Health Agency of Canada, who founded CSEP’s study of Canadians exercise habits, has posted physical activity tip sheets on their website at www. publichealth.gc.ca. For adults, these include: getting 2.5 hours of weekly exercise (there’s that number again), finding an activity you enjoy, limiting TV time, and joining a team for support. sports & Health Nicola Villa Is the sedentary life killing us? Andrea Connell investigates the issue in this week’s issue of the Ontarion. As for me, I’ve never been part of a sports team and I won’t be giving up watching Girls or Arrow anytime soon. I enjoy cycling and hiking but participate in those activities mostly in the summer. So in the meantime walking is the easiest thing for me to do. I think I will take the dog for a 20-minute walk. Only 130 left to do this week. “You can’t do anything with a BA.” Underestimating BA Students Danielle Subject Philosophy, History, English, Drama, Music, Fine Arts; these are just some of the many programs of study that a Bachelor of Arts Degree offers. Unfortunately, BA students seem to fall victim to many misconceptions and assumptions that are projected towards them by those who believe studying arts is no more than a waste of time. Being an English major myself, I have been on the receiving end of ignorant comments from those who believe that taking English in University is a waste of an education, a waste of a degree, and a waste of time. Personally, I am a strong believer that as long as you are studying what you love, time is not wasted. I decided to approach this problem by interviewing a few English professors, as well as students from other BA programs, to gather their views on this issue. “Over the years,” commented Dr. Melissa Walker, a professor for the School of English and Theatre Studies (SETS) at the University of Guelph, “I have indeed encountered various ignorant comments pertaining to the perceived simplicity and futility of obtaining an English studies education.” One comment that she remembers to this day was, “It’s just English, right? Everyone knows English.” “I know people have that assumption,” stated Dr. Marianne Micros, an English Professor for SETS at the U of G, “‘There’s nothing you can do with an English degree,’ when in fact there are many places (businesses, stores, etc.) that want someone who has learned to think, read, and write well. We have graduates go on into law, business, etc., and not just teaching.” When asked for his opinion on this issue, Nick Hegedus, a Philosophy major at the University of Guelph, said, “The most common have been approached by friends response I get when I tell people who are part of the science and my program is the assumption that math realm of university life with I have no plan when it comes to a hopes that I can look over and edit career, while in reality I’ve had a their papers before they are subplan since I first applied.” mitted to professors,” explained The truth is, there are many Lindsey Legge, a History major at career paths out there for those the University of Guelph. with Bachelor of Arts Degrees in “I think that the development of anything from English to Phi- skills such as writing and analylosophy to History. These career sis of texts are the most valuable opportunities include marketing, element of my studies”, added journalism, teaching, law, human Hegedus. resources, speech-language paThere you have it Guelph. thology, travel and tourism, and Whether you are studying the communications. These are just functions of the human body, some of the options that are out solving a math equation, or there for those who were educated writing a critical essay, each to think objectively and analytical- program of study requires hard ly, as well as develop the required work and dedication. Furtherskills to produce well-written more, graduating with a BA is not useless nor a waste of essays. These skills are difficult to ac- money. The bottom line: study quire. Those who tell me my what you love, and respect other program is a joke are the same peoples’ education and career people who ask me to edit their choices. Ignorance helps no papers, or ask for advice on how to one, and only places a dividing get through an extensive reading line between students, preventin a short amount of time. ing us from learning from one “On more than one occasion I another. The Brew Review Weisse, Weisse, baby Chris Müller Beer is as much about the experience one encounters when drinking it as the taste of the brew itself. My first Hacker-Pschorr Weisse Bier came out of a ceramic draught tower that sat atop the bar at a local Bavarian restaurant back home. For this reason I might be inclined to associate the beer with a good bratwurst or schnitzel, but I will attempt to retain some sense of objectivity. Weisse, or wheat beers used to be all the rage in America a century ago, as wheat became an abundant agricultural product, with some brews requiring three parts wheat to one part traditional brewing malt. Wheat was cheap, and produced a beer that was similar in style to the weisse beers produced in Berlin at the time. The style was refreshing and sweet, and an excellent cure for the hard labours of agriculture. In effect, the American brewers implemented brewing techniques mastered by the German brewers at the time, a product of mass immigration into a booming agricultural sector in developing America. To connect with that tradition, it’s best to choose Hacker-Pschorr as an example of a traditional Bavarian weisse. The brewery has been in the business since 1417, after all. From the tap, a cloudy amber-coloured beer pours into a 19 This Week in History 1 70.7 ◆ febr uary 28t h, 2013 life traditional glass stein revealing a white, thick head. It’s an excellent introduction to the weisse due to its 60 /40 wheat to barley malt content, and the results are nothing short of sublime. A mild bitterness is masked by an aroma of lemon, banana, and a slight orange character, masked “Weisse, or wheat beers used to be all the rage in America a century ago, as wheat became an abundant agricultural product...” for subtlety by the wheat content of the beer. The cloudiness of the beer is caused by wheat proteins and the strand of yeast that is used in the brewing process. While other brews strive for clarity, the cloudiness is very much part of the experience of this beer, imparting a mildly dry mouth-feel. The beer boasts Mike Warner Find out what’s nice about the Hacker-Pschorr Weisse as The Brew Review tackles this Bavarian delight. magnificent texture and variety that is hard to experience in a bottled serving, as is the case with most beers (including next week’s Brew Review). So dig into your schnitzel, eat your vegetables, and drink your weisse. It’s not a brew to be missed. Birmingham Six on verge of freedom Seventeen years after being charged for an IRA attack on two pubs in Birmingham, the six men known collectively as the Birmingham Six were released from prison after years of maintaining their innocence. A few weeks before their release, the Director of Public Prosecution stated that the charges against the Six were “no longer considered safe and satisfactory,” according to the article appearing below the headline. The case was considered a “national disgrace,” and several of the individuals later became alcoholics and/or divorcees as their private lives were impacted by the many unnecessary years they spent in jail. According to The BBC, the real bombers have not been prosecuted to this day. (The BBC – Feb. 25, 1991) The Kaiser’s New Yacht is Successfully Launched While Kate Middleton and Harry are often the centre of attention as royal media darlings, North Americans were no less excited about the monarchy of any European country 111 years ago. On the German Prince Harry’s third day visiting America, his new schooner yacht, the Meteor, was launched in New York to the thrill of a large crowd, which included the Roosevelts. The reporter wrote that the yacht entered the water “gracefully” with the American flag “breaking out at the taffrail,” the railing around the stern of the ship. The statement painted a pleasant picture of the friendly international relations between the two nations, which only lasted for a few more years before the outbreak of WWI. Even Miss Roosevelt’s outfit was not left out from the description of the day’s celebrations, with the article stating that she wore “a dress of sapphire blue velvet, a large black hat, trimmed with ostrich feathers, and a fur muff.” (The Globe – Feb. 26, 1902) Lindbergh Baby Kidnapped From Home of Parents On this day, celebrity pilot Charles A. Lindbergh and his aviatress wife Anne Morrow experienced a shocking crime that involved the kidnapping, and later murder, of their infant son, Charles, who was snatched from his crib while the couple was out to dinner. The intruder came in through the nursery window and left an obvious trail of muddy footprints that led the police to the edge of the forest by the Lindberghs’ home, though little came out of the discovery. The baby’s body was discovered more than a year later six miles from the house. The event was called the crime of the century, and has inspired cultural adaptations in films and T.V. shows like American Horror Story. (The New York Times – March 1, 1932) Compiled by Alicja Grzadkowska 20 w w w.th e on ta r ion . c om In defence of OPIRG Greg Shupak I teach Media Studies at the University of Guelph and I have worked with the Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG) on several projects so I would like to speak to some of the arguments being put forth by the campaign to de-fund OPIRG. The de-funders resent the idea that their money goes to an organization that supports initiatives with which the de-funders do not agree. In a way, I understand this sentiment in that I object to many things the Canadian government does with public money such as spending millions of dollars to fight legal battles against Aboriginal land claims so that the government and corporations can continue to take indigenous peoples’ lands. (At least a person who dislikes OPIRG can opt-out of funding it; one cannot opt-out of, say, that portion of tax dollars that underwrite Canadian mining companies linked to violent repression in Latin America, a practice which has been chronicled by Professor Todd Gordon.) However, those who want to de-fund OPIRG have a very skewed sense of priorities. In the Jan. 24 issue of The Ontarion, they complain that OPIRG participates in opposition to the Keystone opinion XL pipeline without even saying to an opinion piece in the National cite on Facebook to justify this as- of IAW by pointing to an opinion why OPIRG is wrong to do this, Post that in no way proves that the sertion notes that a University of piece by a person who wanted to as if doing so is inherently objec- campaign has been discredited. It’s Guelph review “found no evidence de-fund OPIRG at the University tionable – no further rationale is unsurprising that the de-funders of financial mismanagement at of Toronto, which contains no eviprovided in the “facts” section of provide no evidence for this claim OPIRG.” The de-funders argue that dence or arguments for why IAW is their Facebook page or in the Jan. since none exists. there is “No public disclosure of “hateful” and to an article which 18 article in the Guelph Mercury The anti-OPIRG Facebook page how student money is spent” and explains that the Ontario legislaon the de-fund campaign. says that, “After a democratic elec- support that by linking to the same ture condemned IAW in a vote in There is something woefully tion, the OPIRG executive changed article, which says nothing either which only 30 of 107 MPPs parmisguided about springing to ac- the election rules during the elec- way on the question of public dis- ticipated. The legislators provided tion because a portion of the $6.31 tion to re-elect themselves. No closure. However, I have been in no facts or sustained arguments to one contributes to OPIRG each se- political dissent is tolerated.” The the OPIRG office and can attest that justify their position, only rhetormester (if they choose not to get article cited in support of this says binders disclosing all spending are ic, so the vote means little unless it back) is being used to oppose no such thing. It quotes a disgrun- available to anyone who wishes to one believes that Ontario MPPs are a pipeline, which has been flag- tled OPIRG employee in the last look at them. irreproachable moral authorities. ged as a serious ecological threat month of their contract as claimThe de-funders point out that an Far more meaningful is that Israeli by mainstream environmental or- ing that “one board member was OPIRG staffer pled guilty to char- policy has been described as a form ganizations like the Sierra Club and elected after filing nominations ges related to the 2010 Toronto G20. of apartheid by Nobel Laureates the World Wildlife Fund, instead paperwork for the process beyond The charges do not pertain to the Jimmy Carter and Desmond Tutu, of fighting to stop the University the deadline,” but it also quotes actions the person did while acting by United Nations representative of Guelph’s plan to raise tuition Brenda Whiteside, associate vice- on behalf of OPIRG. People with John Dugard, by the editor of the fees by hundreds of dollars in April. president of student affairs at the a criminal record have a right to Israeli newspaper Haaretz, and by The absence of substantiated University of Guelph, as saying that earn a living. And it’s worth re- Israeli establishment figures like claims on the Keystone XL pro- a university review of the employ- membering that the list of brave, Shulamit Aloni and Michael Bentests is part of a larger pattern ee’s accusations found no evidence principled people who have broken Yair. IAW 2013 will be coming to in which the de-funders either of “board impropriety.” Nothing the law in the context of political this campus in March and anyone refer to insufficient proof to jus- in the article even comes close to activities and eventually been re- who’s interested should attend tify the arguments they make, proving that “no political dissent is spected for doing so is a long one. the relevant events, learn about misrepresent the material they tolerated” and I have found OPIRG When the de-funders com- the issues involved, and make up cite, or simply make claims that to be a space for vigorous debate plain about OPIRG’s involvement their own mind as opposed to acthey seem to think are self-evi- wherein people frequently offer in the “hateful anti-Israel week” cepting the view of Ontario MPPs dent without offering any evidence dissenting views on a huge range I assume they are referring to Is- and OPIRG de-funders. In short, it is clear that the camwhat-so-ever. They assert that the of topics and doing so is not only raeli Apartheid Week (IAW), a worldwide, non-violent moveIdle No More movement has been “tolerated,” but encouraged. paign to discredit OPIRG is one “largely discredited” and on their The de-funders say that OPIRG ment to compel Israel to follow of distortions, fabrications, and Facebook page they support this has “a history of financial mis- international law. They attempt wrong-headed analysis, and ought argument solely by providing a link management” and the article they to prove the “hateful” character to be dismissed as such. Inordinate Ordnance What makes horses so special? Chris Carr Horse, cow, donkey, marmot, seagull, Chihuahua – what’s the difference? It all tastes the same, slathered in Sweet Baby Rays, between two buns, stuffed into the maw of your ravenous face hole. Recently, some of the meat coming out of the UK has been found to have traces of horse meat, causing would-be carnivores to stand up in disgust. Even more recently, traces of horse meat have been found in IKEA’s famous Swedish meatballs. They’ve since been pulled from their restaurants, but marzipan princess cakes are still available – thank god for small miracles. But, really, why are people upset about this? How is eating a horse any different than eating a cow or a pig? Personally, I’ve always felt that horses are the dbags of the animal kingdom – with their muscles and air of entitlement. If animals had credit cards, horses would shop at Hollister. If any animal deserves to have a bite taken out of it, it’s a horse. Anyway, the shocking thing is that everyone is disgusted obviously not intelligence, or I’d because of the animal they’ve be having a cheese and Kardashian mistakenly ingested. Give us not sandwich for lunch. Is it beauty? the pretty animals, feed us the “Horses and beautiful creatures, dull, dopey cow, they say, spit- they are majestic, strong, they ting flecks of buffalo wing at their should not be eaten.” Bull. I’ve TVs. Although cows can recog- seen some cows that are downnize over 100 different companion right stupid-cute and who among cows and develop long-lasting us hasn’t cooed at the adorability relationships with humans and of Babe and his hilarious advencows alike. What about pigs? It’s tures? Certainly, that’ll do. Again, what makes horse meat been shown that they have the same developmental intelligence any worse than regular meat that as three-year-old humans. If in- human beings eat on a catastrophtelligence is a factor in what meat ic scale? Is it health? It can’t be we eat, then serve up Honey Boo because red meat is one of the Boo. Pigs could teach her entire leading factors causing heart family a thing or two. disease. The amount of steroids What is the statute of limita- pumped into chickens to fatten tions on the devour-ability of them up affects our own intake certain animals? Cows, pigs and of antibiotics and medicines. This chickens add nothing besides sus- is somehow a healthier option? tenance to society, where a horse What’s our best option here? is a working animal, maybe. Then Well, stop it. Just knock it off. serve up a nice sloth steak. They Don’t eat animals and you won’t literally do nothing. How about have to convince yourself of these your cat? When’s the last time arbitrary distinctions. What’s he earned a solid wage? Seagulls, okay to eat and what’s not okay all they do is defecate; I’m sure to eat is a very simple distinction: they’d be great with a nice can- don’t eat anything that would sufdied orange sauce and side of fer so you can get fatter. If I stuck hamster-poppers. you with a fork, you’d tell me to If it’s not usefulness that keeps stop it wouldn’t you? So why do certain animals from keeping we do it three times a day to those my mashed potatoes company, who can’t tell us they’d prefer we then what is the stipulation? It’s had a salad instead. The sickening courtesy People complaining about horse meat should recognize their hypocrisy and stop eating meat all together, Chris Carr opines. part about this scandal is not that Chris Carr is Editor-in-Chief of it’s horse meat mistakenly being The Cannon. “Inordinate Ordeaten, it’s that the human species nance” publishes every Thursday still eats meat at all. How many in The Cannon and in The Ontarion. times do we have to go through E. The opinions posted on thecancoli threats and salmonella out- non.ca reflect those of their author breaks before everyone realizes and do not necessarily reflect the this system of eating animals is a opinions of the Central Student flawed one? Stop eating animals, Association and the Guelph Camit’s very simple. pus Co-op, or The Ontarion. editorial 1 70.7 ◆ febr uary 28t h, 2013 Denim deities draw copyright controversy Recently, an Italian denim company has caused somewhat of a stir in the realm of copyright law. The company is called Jesus Jeans, and holds a trademark on the name Jesus for use on apparel in the United States and European Union. To defend its brand, as any sensible business would do, it has taken legal action against a number of American clothing companies attempting to sell clothing under that name (Sweet Jesus, Jesus First, “Simply because something offends does not mean anyone should be prohibited from saying it.” and Jesus Couture among them). And of course, under copyright law, it has every right to do so. What it comes down to is the question of whether or not companies should be allowed to copyright names from religious sources at all in the first place. While Britain turned down an application to copyright Jesus Jeans in that country in 2003, calling it “morally offensive to the public,” it’s not clear that this in itself is a good reason to deny the application. Western society, since the Enlightenment, has carried a strong tradition of free speech. Under this principle, simply because something offends does not mean anyone should be prohibited from saying it. In Canada, of course, the exception to this rule is when someone’s right to free speech is encroaching on someone else’s rights – say, to choose a pertinent example – the right to freedom of religious assembly. But that’s not even what’s happening here. That someone sells jeans under the brand name Jesus Jeans in no way prevents anyone from pursuing their faith, as the copyright extends only to clothing products. Additionally, Jesus Jeans has said it will permit church groups to use His name on t-shirts and the like, as long as they are for non-commercial uses. Besides, we’ve also seemed to raise little objection to the use of other deities as brand names. As an attorney for Jesus Jeans’ parent company, BasicNet, pointed out to the Wall Street Journal, sportswear giant Nike gets its name from the Greek goddess of victory. Venus is the brand name of a popular razor courtesy and the Roman goddess of love. The list goes on. The problem While some might consider the use of religious figures in brand with exempting religious imag- names offensive, exempting them from copyright protection is even ery and names from copyright is more problematic. that there is no definitive basis on which to determine what is “too be exempt? The legal ambigu- the brand is likely to be unsuccessreligious” to use as a copyright. For ity over what qualifies as religious ful anyway, when it fails to connect example, if Jesus is exempt, should makes it simply impractical to with consumers. Should the brand turn out successful, it just goes to the apostles be, too? How do we uphold such a limit on copyrights. If we, as a society, are truly show that maybe we don’t take compare religious figures across different faiths in a multicultural opposed to the notion of using as much offense to the idea as we society to determine what should religious figures as brand names, thought. opinion Canadian government’s lesson in hypocrisy Karalena McLean Many people remember the international outcry that followed the introduction of Uganda’s “kill the gays bill.” The proposed bill would make the crime of homosexuality punishable by life imprisonment, or in some cases, death. The controversial bill also included Holocaust-like specifications, which stated that a person could be imprisoned for three years if they did not report someone they know to be LGBT within 24 hours of the bill passing. The bill received much international attention with some countries threatening to stop the flow of aid to Uganda should the bill be implemented. The pressure from the international community ended up stalling the bill in parliament and it was never passed. However, in 2012, the bill was in- information that the Government that the Government of Canatroduced again with members of of Canada is funding an anti-gay da, who took the time to criticize the Ugandan parliament claiming religious group from Ontario to Uganda for trying to pass exthat it would be passed quickly as work in Africa. The organization, tremely homophobic legislation, a “Christmas gift” to the nation. Crossroads Christian Commu- is now funding an anti-gay ChrisAlthough the bill has still yet to nications is receiving more than tian group to go into Uganda for pass, the battle is far from over. In $500,000 for humanitarian work “humanitarian” purposes. What reaction to the bill, the Canadian in Uganda. According to the sort of message does this send Minister of Foreign Affairs, John Winnipeg Press, “Until Tuesday, to the members of Ugandan parBaird said, “We will speak out on the organization’s website car- liament about the seriousness of the issues that matter to Canadi- ried a list of ‘sexual sins’ deemed Canada when it comes to ecoans — whether it is the role and to be ‘perversion.’” It described nomic sanction? It shows the treatment of women around the these acts as “Turning from the ever-prevalent Western issue of world, or the persecution of gays.” true and/or proper purpose of saying one thing and doing anArguably, Canada was one of the sexual intercourse; misusing or other when it comes to our own most vocal countries in its oppo- abusing it, such as in pedophilia, affairs. The government funded sition to the bill, even going so far homosexuality and lesbianism, propagation of hate is disparagas to threaten economic sanction sadism, masochism, transves- ing and must be stopped as it only tism, and bestiality.” Oddly provides empirical evidence of if Uganda passed the bill. The symbolic nature of Can- enough, listing homosexuality arguments that we in the West ada’s hardline stance was and lesbianism were listed as two are a bunch of hypocrites who well-received; however, these different things, but that’s a dis- try to force our values and beliefs decisions seem largely hyp- cussion for another time! on other nations without really ocritical in the wake of new It seems wildly inappropriate enforcing them at home. 21 The Ontarion Inc. University Centre Room 264 University of Guelph N1G 2W1 ontarion@uoguelph.ca Phone: 519-824-4120 General: x58265 Editorial: x58250 Advertising: x58267 Accounts: x53534 Editorial Staff: Editor-in-chief Tom Beedham Arts & Culture Editor Nicholas Revington Sports & Health Editor Christopher Müller News Editor Alicja Grzadkowska Associate Editor Colleen McDonell Copy Editor Stacey Aspinall Production Staff: Photo & graphics editor Vanessa Tignanelli Ad designer Sarah Kavanagh Layout Director Jessica Avolio Web Assistant Jordan Sloggett Office Staff: Business manager Lorrie Taylor Office manager Monique Vischschraper Ad manager Al Ladha Board of Directors President Bronek Szulc Treasurer Lisa Kellenberger Chairperson Curtis Van Laecke Secretary Alex Lefebvre Directors Aaron Francis Heather Luz Lisa McLean Marshal McLernon Michael Bohdanowicz Shwetha Chandrashekhar Contributors Kara Lee Blok Michael Bohdanowicz Chris Carr Laura Castellani Kelsey Coughlin Andrea Connell Ben Derochie Andrew Donovan Laura Douglas Tasha Falconer Devon Harding Nadine Maher Karalena McLean Bernadette Ng Robyn Nicholson Lindsay Pinter Natasha Reddy Kevin Ricci Wendy Shepherd Katie Shum Greg Shupak Danielle Subject Julia Tignanelli The Ontarion is a non-profit organization governed by a Board of Directors. Since the Ontarion undertakes the publishing of student work, the opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the Ontarion Board of Directors. The Ontarion reserves the right to edit or refuse all material deemed sexist, racist, homophobic, or otherwise unfit for publication as determined by the Editor-in-Chief. Material of any form appearing in this newspaper is copyrighted 2011 and cannot be reprinted without the approval of the Editorin-Chief. The Ontarion retains the right of first publication on all material. In the event that an advertiser is not satisfied with an advertisement in the newspaper, they must notify the Ontarion within four working days of publication. The Ontarion will not be held responsible for advertising mistakes beyond the cost of advertisement. The Ontarion is printed by the Guelph Mercury. 22 w w w.th e on ta r ion . c om crossword 43- Blind, in Volapük 44- Christmas season 45- YMCA day camp, ___ Yapi 46- Assistant Community Manager, for short 48- Bread unit 50 Beer barrel 51- Possesses 53- Gratis 55- The Song of the South 61- Moses’ brother 62- Exchange rate 63- Sarcastic response (2) 65- Emerald City paintings? (2) 66- Safety org. 67- Applaud 68- Breathing organs 69- Commotions 70- Tattle crossword by kate and sean Across 1- Screws up 5- In addition 9- Works, as a field 14- Highlander 15 -Tirade 16- Kidney-related 17- Global Awareness Society International 18- Prefix with -syncratic 19- Noblemen 20- Pinocchio’s conscience (2) 23- Decent, in modern slang 24- “___ rang?” 25- Sault ___ Marie 27- Bambi’s species 30- The Little Mermaid antagonist 35- McKellen and Fleming 37- LOL alternative 39- Trig functions 40- Spears’ and Gosling’s career beginning (3) Down 1- Bird-to-be 2- 2011 Telugu film 3- South and Mills eg. 4- Snail trail 5- Like Eric or Charming 6- The Tramp’s mate 7- French car manufacturer 8- Tale 9- Precede 10- Tap trouble 11- Honour (Ita.) 12- Mr. Disney 13- Mercedes model, ___ AMG 21- Roadside bomb, for short 22- Promise to pay 25- Mufasa’s son 26- Sonic’s sidekick 28- TV’s Oscar equivalent 29- Cars 2 racer 31- Under the weather 32- Repulsive 33- Daughter of Oceanus 34- ___ as, similar in size (2) 36- Comedy sketch 38- City in Guinea 41- Casts a spell 42- Shrimp and calamari 47- Angry 49- To and ___ 52- Mother of the ocean? (2) 54- Proclamation 55- The Lion King bird 56- Iraq’s neighbour 57- Star Wars bounty hunter 58- “Heavens to Betsy!” 59- “Thank You” and “White Flag” singer 60- Get better 61- “You’ve got mail” co. 64- Thromboplastin, for short Last Week's Solution Congratulations to this week's crossword winner: Vimanda Chow. Stop by the Ontarion office to pick up your prize! SUBMIT your completed crossword by no later than Monday, March 4th at 4pm for a chance to win TWO FREE BOB’S DOG’S! 1 70.7 ◆ febr uary 28t h, 2013 community listings Thursday February 28 Thursday At Noon Concert Series. Concerts start at 12:00p.m. Thursdays in Mackinnon room 107 (Goldschmidt room). Admission free – donations gratefully appreciated. Everyone welcome! Announcing a New Artistic Partnership between MSAC and SOFAM: The inaugural Boarding House Gallery exhibition ‘1’ marks the opening of a new public art gallery located at the Boarding House for the Arts at 6 Dublin St. South. Opening Reception 7pm. Exhibit runs until March 24. Saturday March 2 The University of Guelph is hosting Relay for Life in support of the Canadian Cancer Society, March 2-3. Register online, purchase a luminary or pledge a participant at universityofguelph.ca/universityofguelph. Information: email relay@uoguelph.ca or like our page on Facebook: University of Guelph Relay for Life. The Guelph NDP will host a Noodle Supper, a fundraising dinner geared towards supporters, families and community members. 4pm at Dublin St. United Church (68 Suffolk St W). Wheelchair accessible. Dietary options available. For ticket information: www.guelphndp.ca/ noodles, email info@guelphndp.ca, or call 519-341-3641. Sunday March 3 Guelph Hiking Trail Club: Hike Kolapore Uplands Ski Trails. 5 hrs. Level 3. Challenging, semi-wilderness trails on the Escarpment, 90 minutes north of Guelph. For adventuresome and reasonably fit skiers. XC ski only. Meet at 8am. Leader: Call Bill Mungall at 836-5567 for transportation info. Monday March 4 STOP WORRYING workshop, 7:00 - 9:00 pm. by the Stress Management Clinic. Identify the pitfalls that perpetuate worrying, and stratgies to address them. Student fee $5. Details at www.uoguelph. ca/~ksomers. Career Aviators Business Career Club: Students and professionals welcome. Mondays 7pm -9pm, Innovation Guelph classifieds COMMUNITY EVENTS THE GUELPH RECORD and CD SHOW - Sunday, March 10th. 10:30am - 4pm at the Royal Canadian Legion. 57 Watson Prkwy S. 25000+ Records. Over 30 vendors. Admission $4. For further information contact: 289-689-2734. SERVICES NEED ESSAY HELP! All subjects, research, writing and editing specialists, toll free 1 888 345 8295 customessay@bellnet.ca. Join our advertising team and make great commissions by placing posters around campus. Details: 416-280-6113. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Recruiting student volunteers for the Student Support Network your confidential drop-in centre on campus. Applications due March 1st, 2013. They can be picked up in Raithby House or found online. (111 Farquhar Street). Strategic advice and support; guest presentations; motivation to stay on track; worldwide Information exchange. PWYC. Info:1 866 873 7633 www.careeraviators.com Thursday March 7 Stratford Shakespeare Lecture Series @ Your Guelph 23 Public Library. The GPL and the Stratford Shakespeare Festival present four thought-provoking lectures based on this season’s plays. Each evening lecture features local Shakespearean experts. 7pm, Main Library (100 Norfolk St.). March 7, 14, 21and 28. Admission free. www.library.guelph. on.ca Liaison Officers