French Publishers Directory Annuaire d’éditeurs français 2015 L’ANNUAI RE DU BIE F French Publishers Directory Annuaire d’éditeurs français Bureau international de l’édition française 115, boulevard Saint-Germain 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 44 41 13 13 / f. +33 (0)1 46 34 63 83 info@bief.org / www.bief.org bief Bureau international de l’édition française For 140 years, Bief has been promoting French publishers’ creations on the international scene. A professional organization, it counts 280 publisher-members and enjoys the support of the Cnl (Centre National de Livre). – – – – – Our activities are organized around five main poles: Presence at international book fairs Publication of bilingual catalogues providing information about French books Research and organization charts representing the publishing market around the world Meetings and seminars where publishing professionals can meet Training and networking publishers and booksellers all around the world. Promoting French publishing all over the world This directory presents Bief’s members. Its aim is to enable professionals in the book industry all over the world to contact their French counterparts in the international department – export, foreign rights and audiovisual rights – accessing them easily by publishing house or by category. — nb: Here, you will find bief’s members on November 30th, 2014. The information given is provided by the publishers themselves. bief Bureau international de l’édition française Depuis 140 ans, le Bief est l’outil de promotion de l’édition française à l’étranger. Organisme professionnel, il regroupe 280 éditeurs et bénéficie notamment de l’appui du Centre national du livre (Cnl). – – – – – Son programme d’activité s’articule autour de cinq types d’actions : La participation à des foires internationales du livre, La publication de catalogues bilingues, outils d’information sur les livres français, La réalisation d’études et d’organigrammes sur des marchés du livre dans le monde, L’organisation de rencontres et d’échanges entre professionnels du livre, La formation et la mise en réseau d’éditeurs et libraires du monde entier. Promouvoir l’édition française dans le monde Cet annuaire présente les adhérents du Bief. Il permet aux professionnels étrangers de disposer des coordonnées des personnes en charge de l’international – droits étrangers, export, droits audiovisuels – dans chaque maison d’édition ainsi que les domaines éditoriaux publiés. — nb : Cet annuaire regroupe les adhérents du Bief au 30 novembre 2014. Les informations présentées proviennent directement des éditeurs. President Présidente Vera Michalski-Hoffmann Chief Executive Officer Directeur Général Jean-Guy Boin t. +33 (0)1 44 41 13 08 Executive Director Directrice adjointe Catherine Leprovost t. +33 (0)1 44 41 13 21 c.leprovost@bief.org International Book Fairs / Fiction Foires internationales du livre / Littérature Christine Karavias t. +33 (0)1 44 41 13 10 c.karavias@bief.org Humanities and Social Sciences, Law, Audiovisual / Market Studies Sciences humaines et sociales, droit, audiovisuel / Études Claire Mauguière t. +33 (0)1 44 41 13 02 c.mauguiere@bief.org Children and Young Adults, Comic Books / Web Site Jeunesse, bande dessinée / Site Internet Anne Riottot t. +33 (0)1 44 41 13 09 a.riottot@bief.org Art Books, Lifestyle, Leisure, Well-Being, ffl, stm Art – beaux livres, art de vivre, vie pratique, fle, stm Laurence Risson t. +33 (0)1 44 41 13 28 l.risson@bief.org Market Studies Études Karen Politis t. +33 (0)1 44 41 13 05 k.politis@bief.org Training and professional events Échanges professionnels Pierre Myszkowski t. +33 (0)1 44 41 13 04 p.myszkowski@bief.org Katja Petrovic t. +33 (0)1 44 41 13 23 k.petrovic@bief.org Communication, publications Communication, publications Catherine Fel t. +33 (0)1 44 41 13 18 c.fel@bief.org — The French Publishers’ Agency 55 West 39th Street, suite 804 New York, ny 10018, États-Unis t. +1 212 254 45 40 / f. +1 212 979 62 29 www.frenchrights.com www.frenchpubagency.com Director / Directrice Lucinda Karter Lucinda@frenchrights.com The French Publishers’ Agency À dos d’âne 8, rue Littré 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)6 85 36 93 29 www.adosdane.com Abc Melody 26, rue Liancourt 75014 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 44 78 92 43 f. +33 (0)1 70 24 76 03 www.abcmelody.com Year of creation: 2009 Number of titles in catalogue: 35 Titles published annually: 10 Year of creation: 2007 Number of titles in catalogue: 90 Titles published annually: 15 CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS EDUCATION FFL Publisher Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Sales and Export Véronique Cazeneuve contact@adosdane.com Director Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Sales and Export Stéphane Husar stef@abcmelody.com Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Sales and Export Christian Voges vogesforeignrights@free.fr Acr 20 ter, rue de Bezons Les Poissons 1193 92400 Courbevoie, France t. +33 (0)1 47 88 14 92 www.acr-edition.com Actes Sud Place Nina Berberova bp 90038 13633 Arles Cedex, France t. +33 (0)4 90 49 86 91 f. +33 (0)4 90 96 95 25 www.actes-sud.fr Year of creation: 1983 Number of titles in catalogue: 220 Titles published annually: 4 Year of creation: 1978 Number of titles in catalogue: 10 850 Titles published annually: 500 ART ART CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS COMIC BOOKS FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES RELIGION LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING Director Foreign Rights Sales and Export Ahmed Rafif a.c.rafif@acr-edition.com Foreign Rights (Fiction) Claire Teeuwissen c.teeuwissen@actes-sud.fr Foreign Rights (Illustrated Books) Isabelle Alliel i.alliel@actes-sud.fr Film and tv Rights Nathalie Alliel nathalie.alliel@actes-sud.fr Sales and Export Aurélie Lhotel a.lhotel@actes-sud.fr Actes Sud Junior 18, rue Séguier 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 55 42 63 12 f. +33 (0)1 55 42 09 19 www.actes-sud-junior.fr Adverbum Ferme La Belle Aureille Micropolis 05000 Gap, France t. +33 (0)4 92 81 28 81 f. +33 (0)4 92 81 37 11 www.adverbum.fr Year of creation: 1995 Number of titles in catalogue: 650 Titles published annually: 100 Year of creation: 1989 Number of titles in catalogue: 340 Titles published annually: 18-20 CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS ART RELIGION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING STM Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Johanna Brock j.brock@actes-sud.fr Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Nickie Athanassi nickie.athanassi@monagent etcompagnie.com Sales and Export Aurélie Lhotel a.lhotel@actes-sud.fr Sales and Export Michel Mirale michel.mirale@adverbum.fr Aedis 72, av. Raymond Poincaré bp 2324 03200 Vichy, France t. +33 (0)4 70 97 69 81 f. +33 (0)4 73 61 67 65 www.aedis-editions.fr Afnor Éditions 11, rue Francis de Pressensé 93571 La PlaineSaint-Denis, France t. +33 (0)1 41 62 80 00 f. +33 (0)1 49 17 90 30 www.boutique.afnor.org Year of creation: 1988 Number of titles in catalogue: 510 Titles published annually: 30-40 Year of creation: 1970 Number of titles in catalogue: 400 Titles published annually: 45 ART CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS RELIGION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING EDUCATION STM HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES DICTIONARIES & REFERENCE LAW ADMINISTRATION & MANAGEMENT EDUCATION FFL STM Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Lesia Medori lesia.medori@aedis-editions.fr Publisher Foreign Rights Catherine Dô-Duc catherine.doduc@afnor.org Sales and Export geodif@eyrolles.com Akata 13, Les Bosnages 87290 Rancon, France t. +33 (0)5 55 68 16 03 www.akata.fr Albin Michel 22, rue Huyghens 75014 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 42 79 10 00 f. +33 (0)1 43 27 21 58 www.albin-michel.fr Year of creation: 2001 Titles published annually: 25 Year of creation: 1900 Number of titles in catalogue: 6 000 Titles published annually: 500 COMIC BOOKS ART FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES RELIGION LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING Director Foreign Rights Dominique Véret dominique.veret@akata.fr Foreign Rights Solène Chabanais solene.chabanais@albin-michel.fr Sales and Export Sylvie Véret sylvie.veret@akata.fr Foreign Rights (Art Books) Aurélie Lapautre aurelie.lapautre@albin-michel.fr Film and tv Rights Marie Dormann marie.dormann@albin-michel.fr Sales and Export Jean-Yves Bry jean-yves.bry@albin-michel.fr Kamel Yahia kyahia@hachette-livre-intl.com Albin Michel Jeunesse 22, rue Huyghens 75014 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 42 79 46 00 f. +33 (0)1 42 79 46 80 www.albin-michel.fr Amaterra 06 c, rue des Capucins 69001 Lyon, France t. +33 (0)9 50 60 52 50 f. +33 (0)9 55 60 52 50 www.amaterra.fr Year of creation: 1980 Number of titles in catalogue: 800 Titles published annually: 120 Year of creation: 2007 Number of titles in catalogue: 82 Titles published annually: 25 CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS Foreign Rights Aurélie Lapautre aurelie.lapautre@albin-michel.fr Éloïse Elandaloussi eloise.elandaloussi@albin-michel.fr Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Daniela Bonerba daniela@amaterra.fr Film and tv Rights Marie Dormann marie.dormann@albin-michel.fr Sales and Export Jean-Yves Bry jean-yves.bry@albin-michel.fr Kamel Yahia kyahia@hachette-livre-intl.com Sales and Export Claire Terrier claire.terrier@volumen.fr Amazone Productions Éditions Guyane 37, rue Awara Lotissement La Ferme de Cabassou 97354 Remire-Montjoly Guyane française, France t. +(594) 694 27 61 17 www.amazonie-productionedition-guyane.com Anne Carrière Éditions 39, rue des Mathurins 75008 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 44 07 47 57 f. +33 (0)1 44 07 47 58 www.anne-carriere.fr Year of creation: 2012 Number of titles in catalogue: 24 Titles published annually: 10 Year of creation: 1994 Number of titles in catalogue: 500 Titles published annually: 35-40 CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS FICTION EDUCATION FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES Director Foreign Rights Sales and Export Patrick Agot apegedition@gmail.com Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Yasmina Urien yasmina.urien@anne-carriere.fr Les Apprentis Rêveurs 44, boulevard Notre-Dame 13006 Marseille, France t. +33 (0)9 65 02 96 47 www.apprentisreveurs.com Les Arènes 27, rue Jacob 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 42 17 47 80 f. +33 (0)1 43 31 77 97 www.arenes.fr Year of creation: 2009 Number of titles in catalogue: 18 Titles published annually: 4 Year of creation: 1999 Number of titles in catalogue: 300 Titles published annually: 40 ART CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS COMIC BOOKS FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES Foreign Rights Stéphanie Vernet stephanie@thepicturebookagency.com Foreign Rights Catherine Farin c.farin@arenes.fr Film and tv Rights Sales and Export Benjamin Grandclément benjamin@apprentisreveurs.com Film and tv Rights Sales and Export Jean-Baptiste Bourrat jb.bourrat@arenes.fr Armand Colin 5, rue Laromiguière 75005 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 40 46 35 00 f. +33 (0)1 40 46 49 95 www.armand-colin.fr Artège Éditions 9, espace Méditerranée avenue Général Leclerc 66000 Perpignan, France t. +33 (0)1 40 46 54 20 f. +33 (0)4 34 88 14 01 www.editionsartege.fr Year of creation: 1870 Number of titles in catalogue: 1 800 Titles published annually: 200 Year of creation: 2009 Number of titles in catalogue: 250 Titles published annually: 45 HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES DICTIONARIES & REFERENCE EDUCATION CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS COMIC BOOKS RELIGION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES Foreign Rights Laurence Leclercq lleclercq@dunod.com Director Sales and Export Bruno Nougayrède bruno.nougayrede@artege.fr Sales and Export Antoine du Besset adubesset@hachette-livre-intl.com François-Régis Bué francois@frbue.com Foreign Rights Pauline Misconi pauline.misconi@artege.fr L’Atalante 15, rue des Vieilles-Douves 44000 Nantes, France t. +33 (0)2 40 20 56 23 www.l-atalante.com Éditions de l’Atelier 51-55, rue Hoche 94200 Ivry-sur-Seine, France t. +33 (0)1 45 15 20 20 f. +33 (0)1 45 15 20 22 www.editionsatelier.com Year of creation: 1982 Number of titles in catalogue: 660 Titles published annually: 40 Year of creation: 1929 Number of titles in catalogue: 1 000 Titles published annually: 30 CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS COMIC BOOKS FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES RELIGION Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Sales and Export Annette Werther-Médou annette.werther-medou@l-atalante.fr Foreign Rights Lan-Hanh Do lan-hanh.do@editionsatelier.com L’Atelier du Poisson Soluble 35, boulevard Carnot 43000 Le Puy-en-Velay, France t. +33 (0)4 71 02 81 75 f. +33 (0)4 71 02 81 60 www.poissonsoluble.com Athéna Éditions 10, rue du Berry 31130 Balma, France t. +33 (0)5 61 24 60 45 www.athena-editions.com Year of creation: 1989 Number of titles in catalogue: 170 Titles published annually: 14 Year of creation: 1992 Number of titles in catalogue: 18 Titles published annually: 2 CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS COMIC BOOKS Director Film and tv Rights Olivier Belhomme poissonsoluble@wanadoo.fr Director Foreign Rights Sales and Export Michel Boucabeille athena.editions@wanadoo.fr Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Daniela Bonerba rights@poissonsoluble.com Au Diable Vauvert La Laune 30600 Vauvert, France t. +33 (0)4 66 73 16 56 f. +33 (0)4 66 73 16 57 www.audiable.com Autrement 87, quai Panhard et Levassor 75647 Paris Cedex 13, France t. +33 (0)1 44 73 80 00 f. +33 (0)1 44 73 00 12 www.flammarion.com Year of creation: 2000 Number of titles in catalogue: 280 Titles published annually: 25 Year of creation: 1975 Number of titles in catalogue: 1 500 Titles published annually: 100 CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS FICTION FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Marie-Pacifique Zeltner rights@audiable.com Foreign Rights Florence Giry fgiry@flammarion.fr Sales and Export Jean-Charles Grunstein jean-charles.grunstein@gallimard.fr Film and tv Rights Laure Saget lsaget@flammarion.fr Sales and Export Vincent Le Tacon vletacon@flammarion.fr Autrement Jeunesse 87, quai Panhard et Levassor 75647 Paris Cedex 13, France t. +33 (0)1 44 73 80 00 f. +33 (0)1 44 73 00 12 www.flammarion.com Aux Forges de Vulcain 131, av. de Flandre, Bât. e2 75019 Paris, France t. +33 (0)9 67 32 56 61 www.auxforgesdevulcain.fr Year of creation: 1996 Number of titles in catalogue: 450 Titles published annually: 30 Year of creation: 2010 Number of titles in catalogue: 55 Titles published annually: 15 CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS ART FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES Foreign Rights Jérôme Baron jbaron@casterman.com Director Foreign Rights Sales and Export David Meulemans david@auxforgesdevulcain.fr Film and tv Rights Sophie Levie s.levie@casterman.com Sales and Export Vincent Le Tacon vletacon@flammarion.fr Éditions Auzou 24-32, rue des Amandiers 75020 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 40 33 84 00 f. +33 (0)1 47 97 20 08 www.auzou.biz www.auzou.com Balivernes 16, rue de la Doulline 69340 Francheville, France t. +33 (0)6 76 21 32 10 f. +33 (0)4 26 29 90 34 www.balivernes.com Year of creation: 1955 Number of titles in catalogue: 650 Titles published annually: 150 Year of creation: 2004 Number of titles in catalogue: 100 Titles published annually: 15 CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS EDUCATION CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Aurélia Hardy aurelia.hardy@auzou.com Director Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Sales and Export Pierre Crooks pcrooks@balivernes.com Foreign Rights Pauline Husband pauline.husband@auzou.com Balland Le Muveran 17 ch 1880 Les Plans sur Bex, Suisse t. +41 24 498 23 01 f. +41 24 498 23 11 www.editions-balland.com Ballon Media Franklin Rooseveltplaats 12 b-2060 Antwerpen, Belgique t. +32 3 294 15 00 f. +32 3 294 15 01 www.ballonmedia.com Year of creation: 1967 Titles published annually: 30 Year of creation: 1989 Number of titles in catalogue: 1 950 Titles published annually: 160 ART CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES RELIGION DICTIONARIES & REFERENCE ADMINISTRATION & MANAGEMENT LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING EDUCATION CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS COMIC BOOKS Director Foreign Rights Sales and Export Sabine Larivé slarive@icloud.com Foreign Rights Sales and Export Stijn Mertens s.mertens@ballonmedia.com Bamboo Édition 116, rue des Jonchères / bp 3 71012 Charnay-les-Mâcon Cedex, France t. +33 (0)3 85 34 99 09 f. +33 (0)3 85 34 47 55 www.bamboo.fr Le Baron perché 30, rue Jacob 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 83 64 07 80 f. +33 (0)1 83 64 07 89 www.editionslebaron perche.com Year of creation: 1997 Number of titles in catalogue: 900 Titles published annually: 160 Year of creation: 2002 Number of titles in catalogue: 130 Titles published annually: 25 CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS COMIC BOOKS CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Catherine Loiselet c.loiselet@bamboo.fr Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Christian Voges vogesforeignrights@free.fr Sales and Export Kamel Yahia kyahia@hachette-livre-intl.com Sales and Export Brigitte Stephan b.stephan@editionslebaronperche.com Bayard Éditions 18, rue Barbès 92128 Montrouge Cedex, France t. +33 (0)1 74 31 63 22 www.groupebayard.com Béatitudes Domaine de Burtin 41600 Nouan-Le-Fuzelier, France t. +33 (0)2 54 88 27 41 f. +33 (0)2 54 88 97 73 www.editions-beatitudes.fr Year of creation: 1870 Number of titles in catalogue: 3 000 Titles published annually: 400 Year of creation: 1984 Number of titles in catalogue: 400 Titles published annually: 30 CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES RELIGION RELIGION Foreign Rights Emmanuelle Marie emmanuelle.marie@groupebayard.com Director Foreign Rights Claude Brenti direction@editions-beatitudes.fr Film and tv Rights Nathalie Becht nathalie.becht@bayard-presse.com Foreign Rights Ekzbieta Rosanska droitsetrangers@editions-beatitudes.fr Beaux Arts Éditions 3, carrefour de Weiden 92441 Issy-les-Moulineaux Cedex, France t. +33 (0)1 41 08 38 00 f. +33 (0)1 41 08 38 49 www.beauxartsmagazine.com Beaux-arts de Paris les éditions 14, rue Bonaparte 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 47 03 50 55 f. +33 (0)1 47 03 50 86 www.beauxartsparis.fr Year of creation: 2006 Number of titles in catalogue: 320 Titles published annually: 50-55 Year of creation: 1984 Number of titles in catalogue: 700 Titles published annually: 75 ART ART Foreign Rights Charlotte Ullmann charlotte.ullmann @beauxartseditions.com Director Foreign Rights Pascale Le Thorel pascale.lethorel@ensba.fr Sales and Export Mathilde Alliot mathilde.alliot @beauxartseditions.com Belin 8, rue Férou 75278 Paris Cedex 06, France t. +33 (0)1 55 42 84 00 f. +33 (0)1 55 42 84 35 www.editions-belin.com Les Belles Lettres 95, boulevard Raspail 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 43 54 47 57 f. +33 (0)1 45 44 92 88 www.lesbelleslettres.com Year of creation: 1777 Number of titles in catalogue: 3 500 Titles published annually: 250 Year of creation: 1919 Number of titles in catalogue: 2 100 Titles published annually: 100 ART CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES DICTIONARIES & REFERENCE EDUCATION FFL SCIENCES & TECHNOLOGY FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Anne Vignau anne.vignau@editions-belin.fr Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Marie-Pierre Ciric mpciric@lesbelleslettres.com Sales and Export Christophe d’Estais christophe.destais@editions-belin.fr Sales and Export Pierre Saiah psaiah@lesbelleslettres.com Benjamins media 5, rue de l’École de Médecine 34000 Montpellier, France t. +33 (0)4 67 52 98 42 f. +33 (0)4 67 04 44 00 www.benjamins-media.org Bernard Chauveau Éditeur 9, rue Édouard-Nieuport 92150 Suresnes, France t. +33 (0)1 47 72 93 61 f. +33 (0)1 47 72 93 61 www.bernardchauveauediteur.com Year of creation: 1987 Number of titles in catalogue: 23 Titles published annually: 3 Year of creation: 2002 Number of titles in catalogue: 150 Titles published annually: 12-15 CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS ART Foreign Rights Stéphanie Vernet stephanie@thepicturebookagency.com Director Foreign Rights Bernard Chauveau info@bernardchauveau-editeur.com Bibliothèque nationale de France – BnF Quai François Mauriac 75706 Paris Cedex 13, France t. +33 (0)1 53 79 81 73 f. +33 (0)1 53 79 81 72 www.bnf.fr Biotope Éditions 22, boulevard Maréchal-Foch 34140 Mèze, France t. +33 (0)4 67 18 65 39 f. +33 (0)4 67 18 46 29 www.biotope-editions.com www.leclub-biotope.com Year of creation: 1898 Number of titles in catalogue: 1 000 Titles published annually: 40 Year of creation: 1994 Number of titles in catalogue: 130 Titles published annually: 15 ART HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES STM Foreign Rights Marie-Caroline Dufayet marie-caroline.dufayet@bnf.fr Foreign Rights Julien Marmayou jmarmayou@biotope.fr Sales and Export Christophe Stoop christophe.stoop@bnf.fr La Boîte à bulles 5, Villa du Petit Valet 92160 Antony, France t. +33 (0)1 42 37 86 80 f. +33 (0)1 42 37 86 80 www.la-boite-a-bulles.com Buchet Chastel 7, rue des Canettes 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 44 32 05 60 f. +33 (0)1 44 32 12 45 www.libellagroup.com Year of creation: 2003 Number of titles in catalogue: 190 Titles published annually: 25 Year of creation: 1936 Number of titles in catalogue: 750 Titles published annually: 55 COMIC BOOKS ART FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES Director Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Vincent Henry vincent@la-boite-a-bulles.com Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Christine Bonnard Legrand christine.bonnardlegrand@libella.fr Sales and Export Claire Terrier claire.terrier@volumen.fr Sales and Export Paul Guillard paul.guillard@buchet-chastel.fr Bulles de savon Bas de Rochefort 69850 Saint-Martin-en-Haut, France t. +33 (0)4 78 19 14 88 www.editionsbullesdesavon.com Le Buveur d’encre 14, rue Charles V 75004 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 43 71 34 67 www.lebuveurdencre.fr Year of creation: 2011 Number of titles in catalogue: 23 Titles published annually: 7-10 Year of creation: 2001 Number of titles in catalogue: 50 Titles published annually: 5-7 CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS Director Foreign Rights Sales and Export Jean René contact@editions-bullesdesavon.com Director Foreign Rights Grégoire Cazier g.cazier@lebuveurdencre.fr Éditions du Cabardès 16, chemin d’Aragon 11610 Ventenac-Cabardès, France t. +33 (0)4 68 24 96 81 www.editions-du-cabardes.fr Callicéphale 9, rue de l’Abreuvoir 67000 Strasbourg, France t. +33 (0)6 46 41 09 00 www.callicephale.fr Year of creation: 2006 Number of titles in catalogue: 24 Titles published annually: 3-5 Year of creation: 2000 Number of titles in catalogue: 95 Titles published annually: 7-10 CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS Director Foreign Rights Monique Subra contact@editions-du-cabardes.fr Publisher Foreign Rights Sales and Export Aline Cardot editions@callicephale.fr Calmann-Levy 31, rue de Fleurus 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 49 54 36 00 f. +33 (0)1 49 54 36 40 www.editionscalmann-levy.com Cambourakis 24, rue Voltaire 75011 Paris, France t. +33 (0)9 81 02 10 92 www.cambourakis.com Year of creation: 1836 Number of titles in catalogue: 1 800 Titles published annually: 110 Year of creation: 2006 Number of titles in catalogue: 220 Titles published annually: 50 FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS COMIC BOOKS FICTION Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Patricia Roussel proussel@calmann-levy.fr Johanna Diaz jdiaz@calmann-levy.fr Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Sales and Export Chiara Gennaretti chiara@cambourakis.com Sales and Export Virginie Ebat-Lamueng commercial@calmann-levy.fr Casterman Cantersteen, 47 / Boîte 4 b-1000 Bruxelles, Belgique t. +32 2 209 83 00 f. +32 2 209 83 07 www.casterman.com Éditions du Centre Pompidou Direction des Éditions 75191 Paris Cedex 04, France t. +33 (0)1 44 78 12 33 f. +33 (0)1 44 78 12 69 www.editions. centrepompidou.fr Year of creation: 1780 Number of titles in catalogue: 5 000 Titles published annually: 350 Year of creation: 1977 Number of titles in catalogue: 350 Titles published annually: 50 CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS COMIC BOOKS ART CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS Foreign Rights Jérôme Baron jbaron@casterman.com Foreign Rights Sales and Export Francesca Baldi francesca.baldi@centrepompidou.fr Marie-Sandrine Cadudal marie-sandrine.cadudal @centrepompidou.fr Film and tv Rights Sophie Levie s.levie@casterman.com Sales and Export Vincent Le Tacon vletacon@flammarion.fr Éditions Cépaduès 111, rue Nicolas Vauquelin 31100 Toulouse, France t. +33 (0)5 61 40 57 36 f. +33 (0)5 61 41 79 89 www.cepadues.com Cerf 24, rue des Tanneries 75013 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 80 05 36 36 f. +33 (0)1 80 05 36 10 www.editionsducerf.fr Year of creation: 1969 Number of titles in catalogue: 540 Titles published annually: 40 Year of creation: 1929 Number of titles in catalogue: 4 000 Titles published annually: 200 DICTIONARIES & REFERENCE EDUCATION STM HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES RELIGION Director Foreign Rights Sales and Export Jean-Pierre Marson cepadues@cepadues.com Foreign Rights Laurence Rondinet laurence.rondinet@editionsducerf.fr Sales and Export Françoise Giuliani francoise.giuliani@sodis.fr Charleston Éditions 17, rue du Regard 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 40 52 35 35 f. +33 (0)1 45 43 76 70 www.editionscharleston.fr Éditions du Chêne 43, quai de Grenelle 75905 Paris Cedex 15, France t. +33 (0)1 43 92 30 00 f. +33 (0)1 43 92 33 81 www.editionsduchene.fr Year of creation: 2013 Number of titles in catalogue: 30 Titles published annually: 13 Year of creation: 1941 Number of titles in catalogue: 580 Titles published annually: 160 FICTION ART LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Sales and Export Stéphanie Piotrowski s.piotrowski@editionsleduc.com Foreign Rights Béatrice de Verdière bdverdiere@hachette-livre.fr Justine Granjard jgranjard@hachette-livre.fr Sales and Export Kamel Yahia kyahia@hachette-livre-intl.com Cherche-Midi 23, rue du Cherche-Midi 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 42 22 71 20 f. +33 (0)1 45 44 08 38 www.cherche-midi.com Christian Bourgois Éditeur 116, rue du Bac 75007 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 45 44 09 13 f. +33 (0)1 45 44 87 86 www.christianbourgoisediteur.com Year of creation: 1978 Number of titles in catalogue: 2 595 Titles published annually: 150 Year of creation: 1966 Titles published annually: 35 ART FICTION LIFESTYLE LEISURE &WELL-BEING FICTION Foreign Rights Cristina Prepelita Chiarasini contact@agencelitteraire-cgr.com Director Foreign Rights Dominique Bourgois bourgois-editeur@wanadoo.fr Film and tv Rights Sylvie Cann scann@cherche-midi.com Sales and Export Catherine Troller ctroller@cherche-midi.com Sales and Export Claire Terrier claire.terrier@volumen.fr Citadelles & Mazenod 8, rue Gaston de Saint-Paul 75116 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 53 04 30 60 f. +33 (0)1 53 04 30 61 www.citadelles-mazenod.com Clé International 9 bis, rue Abel Hovelacque 75013 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 72 36 30 53 f. +33 (0)1 45 87 44 10 www.cle-inter.com Year of creation: 1936 Number of titles in catalogue: 300 Titles published annually: 25 Year of creation: 1974 Number of titles in catalogue: 1 000 Titles published annually: 60-80 ART EDUCATION FFL Director Foreign Rights Matthieu de Waresquiel m.dewaresquiel@citadellesmazenod.com Sales and Export Evelyne Mazallon emazallon@cle-inter.com Sales and Export Kamel Yahia kyahia@hachette-livre-intl.com Clorophyl Éditions La cour du Gué 35380 Plélan le Grand, France t. +33 (0)9 77 52 88 48 Cnrs Éditions 15, rue Malebranche 75005 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 53 10 27 00 f. +33 (0)1 53 10 27 27 www.cnrseditions.fr Year of creation: 2004 Number of titles in catalogue: 100 Titles published annually: 30 Year of creation: 1986 Number of titles in catalogue: 2 520 Titles published annually: 120 CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES Director Foreign Rights Luc Honoré luchonore@orange.fr Foreign Rights Martine Bertéa martine.bertea@cnrseditions.fr Sales and Export Claire Terrier claire.terrier@volumen.fr Copyright 2.0 (packager) 16-24, rue Cabanis 12, villa de Lourcine 75014 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 44 16 92 00 f. +33 (0)1 44 16 92 08 www.copyright.fr Corsaire Éditions 11, rue de Châteaudun 45000 Orléans, France t. +33 (0)2 38 53 15 00 f. +33 (0)8 11 38 79 37 www.corsaire-editions.com Year of creation: 1984 Number of titles in catalogue: 300 Titles published annually: 100 Year of creation: 1994 Number of titles in catalogue: 400 Titles published annually: 20 CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING FICTION DICTIONARIES & REFERENCE Director Foreign Rights Nicolas Marcais nmarcais@copyright.fr Director Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Sales and Export Gilbert Trompas corsaire.editions@orange.fr Éditions Courtes et longues 16, rue Saint-Paul 75004 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 48 87 16 35 www.cleditions.com Création audiovisuelle et littéraire (c.a.l.) 3, rue de Téhéran 75008 Paris, France t. +33 (0)6 25 89 25 06 www.calfrance.fr Year of creation: 2006 Number of titles in catalogue: 90 Titles published annually: 10-15 Year of creation: 1996 Number of titles in catalogue: 3 500 Titles published annually: 200 ART CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS FICTION (E-BOOKS) Director Film and tv Rights Jean Poderos jean.poderos@cleditions.com Film and tv Rights Sales and Export Nathalie Carpentier carpentier@calfrance.com Foreign Rights Hannele Legras hannele@hanneleandassociates.fr Stéphanie Hauray stephanie@hanneleandassociates.fr Sales and Export Jean-Charles Grunstein jean-charles.grunstein@gallimard.fr Dargaud – Le Lombard 15-27, rue Moussorgski 75018 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 53 26 32 32 f. +33 (0)1 53 26 32 00 www.mediatoon.com www.dargaud.com www.lelombard.com De Boeck Supérieur Fond Jean Pâques 4 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve t. +32 (0)10 48 25 11 f. +32 (0)10 48 26 50 www.deboeck.com Year of creation: 1936 Number of titles in catalogue: 4 750 Titles published annually: 170 (Dargaud) / 157 (Le Lombard) Year of creation: 1883 Number of titles in catalogue: 2 500 Titles published annually: 250 CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS COMIC BOOKS Foreign Rights Sophie Castille sophie.castille@mediatoon.com Eileen Bersani eileen.bersani@mediatoon.com Émilie Védis emilie.vedis@mediatoon.com Film and tv Rights Laurent Duvault laurent.duvault@mediatoon.com Gabriel Venet gabriel.venet@mediatoon.com Sales and Export Sylvie Guillot guillot@ddldiffusion.com HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES DICTIONARIES & REFERENCE ADMINISTRATION & MANAGEMENT LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING STM EDUCATION DIGITAL PUBLISHING Foreign Rights Sales and Export Malika Cherigui malika.cherigui@deboeck.com La Découverte 9 bis, rue Abel-Hovelacque 75013 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 44 08 84 00 f. +33 (0)1 44 08 84 17 www.editionsladecouverte.fr Decrescenzo Éditeurs 241, Chemin de Saint-François 13710 Fuveau, France t. +33 (0)9 53 34 96 40 f. +33 (0)9 53 34 96 40 www.decrescenzo-editeurs.com Year of creation: 1959 Number of titles in catalogue: 1 500 Titles published annually: 100 Year of creation: 2011 Number of titles in catalogue: 26 Titles published annually: 10-15 HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS COMIC BOOKS FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING EDUCATION Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Delphine Ribouchon d.ribouchon@editionsladecouverte.com Director Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Sales and Export Frank Decrescenzo fdc@decrescenzo-editeurs.com Sales and Export Bruno Gendre b.gendre@editionsladecouverte.com Delcourt 8, rue Léon Jouhaux 75010 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 56 03 92 20 f. +33 (0)1 56 03 92 30 www.editions-delcourt.fr Denoël 33, rue Saint-André-des-Arts 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 44 39 73 73 f. +33 (0)1 44 39 73 90 www.denoel.fr Year of creation: 1986 Number of titles in catalogue: 2 500 Titles published annually: 350 Year of creation: 1930 Number of titles in catalogue: 5 000 Titles published annually: 55 COMIC BOOKS ART COMIC BOOKS FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES Foreign Rights Tiphaine Le Roux tleroux@groupedelcourt.com Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Judith Becqueriaux judith.becqueriaux@denoel.fr Film and tv Rights Juliette Mathieu jmathieu@groupedelcourt.com Sales and Export Kamel Yahia kyahia@hachette-livre-intl.com Foreign Rights (Comic Books) Sylvain Coissard sylcoissard2@orange.fr Sales and Export Jean-Charles Grunstein jean-charles.grunstein@gallimard.fr Des Femmes 35, rue Jacob 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 42 22 60 74 f. +33 (0)1 42 22 62 73 www.desfemmes.fr Desclée de Brouwer 10, rue Mercœur 75011 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 40 46 54 20 f. +33 (0)4 34 88 14 01 www.editionsddb.fr Year of creation: 1973 Number of titles in catalogue: 600 Titles published annually: 10 Year of creation: 1877 Number of titles in catalogue: 6500 Titles published annually: 50 ART FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES DICTIONARIES & REFERENCE RELIGION Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Christine Villeneuve direction@desfemmes.fr Director Sales and Export Bruno Nougayrède bruno.nougayrede@artege.fr Sales and Export Marie-France Llauro mfllauro@desfemmes.fr Jean-Charles Grunstein jean-charles.grunstein@gallimard.fr Foreign Rights Pauline Misconi pauline.misconi@artege.fr Diane de Selliers Éditeur 20, rue d’Anjou 75008 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 42 68 09 00 f. +33 (0)1 42 68 11 50 www.editions dianedeselliers.com Didier Jeunesse 8, rue d’Assas 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 49 54 48 30 f. +33 (0)1 49 54 48 31 www.didier-jeunesse.com Year of creation: 1992 Number of titles in catalogue: 32 Titles published annually: 1-3 Year of creation: 1988 Number of titles in catalogue: 350 Titles published annually: 50 ART CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS FICTION Foreign Rights Marion Balalud mb@dianedeselliers.com Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Anne Risaliti arisaliti@editions-didier.fr Sales and Export Aurélie Razimbaud ar@dianedeselliers.com Sales and Export Corinne Brivot cbrivot@hachette-livre-intl.com Dominique Senat dsenat@hachette-livre-intl.com Le Dilettante 7, place de l’Odéon 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 43 37 98 98 f. +33 (0)1 43 37 06 10 www.ledilettante.com Distillerie du savoir 4, place Louis-Armand Tour de l’Horloge 75603 Paris cedex 12, France t. +33 (0)6 75 62 28 25 Year of creation: 1985 Number of titles in catalogue: 330 Titles published annually: 15 Year of creation: 2013 Number of titles in catalogue: 2 Titles published annually: 10 FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES RELIGION Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Sales and Export Claude Tarrène claude.tarrene@ledilettante.com Director Foreign Rights Sales and Export Serge Brenel serge.brenel@icloud.com La Documentation Française – Dila 26, rue Desaix 75727 Paris Cedex 15, France t. +33 (0)1 40 15 70 00 f. +33 (0)1 40 15 69 90 www.ladocumentation francaise.fr Librairie Droz 11, rue Massot / cp 389 1211 Genève 12, Suisse t. +41 22 346 66 66 f. +41 22 347 23 91 www.droz.org Year of creation: 1945 Number of titles in catalogue: 5 000 Titles published annually: 334 Year of creation: 1924 Number of titles in catalogue: 5 700 Titles published annually: 75 DICTIONARIES & REFERENCE HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES LAW DICTIONARIES & REFERENCE HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES Foreign Rights Sales and Export Jean Berton jean.berton@dila.gouv.fr Director Foreign Rights Max Engammarre droz@droz.org Alain Ducasse Édition Les éditions culinaires 84, avenue Victor Cresson 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux, France t. +33 (0)1 58 00 21 24 f. +33 (0)1 58 00 21 82 www.alain-ducasse.com Dunod Éditeur 5, rue Laromiguière 75005 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 40 46 35 00 f. +33 (0)1 40 46 49 95 www.dunod.com Year of creation: 1999 Number of titles in catalogue: 95 Titles published annually: 15 Year of creation: 1793 Number of titles in catalogue: 3 800 Titles published annually: 400 LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES ADMINISTRATION & MANAGEMENT SCIENCES & TECHNOLOGY Foreign Rights Sales and Export Aurore Charoy aurorecharoy@gmail.com Foreign Rights Laurence Leclercq lleclercq@dunod.com Sales and Export Antoine du Besset adubesset@hachette-livre-intl.com François-Régis Bué francois@frbue.com Dupuis Rue Destrée, 52 6001 Marcinelle, Belgique t. +32 (0)71 60 05 00 f. +32 (0)71 60 05 99 mfr.mediatoon.com www.dupuis.com Ebk 710, rue Favre de St-Castor zac parc 2000 / cs 17406 34184 Montpellier Cedex 4, France t. +33 (0)4 67 40 26 68 www.ebook-lr.com Year of creation: 1898 Number of titles in catalogue: 2 966 Titles published annually: 176 Year of creation: 2013 CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS COMIC BOOKS DIGITAL PUBLISHING Foreign Rights Sophie Castille sophie.castille@mediatoon.com Anton Heully anton.heully@mediatoon.com Sales and Export Emmanuel Bégou emmanuel@ebook-lr.com Film and tv RIghts Laurent Duvault laurent.duvault@mediatoon.com Gabriel Venet gabriel.venet@mediatoon.com Sales and Export Sylvie Guillot guillot@ddldiffusion.com Ecir Consulting 12, rue des Tamaris 27240 Buis/Danville, France t. +33 (0)9 52 06 57 30 f. +33 (0)1 34 29 60 47 www.ecom-ecir.fr Éditions de l’École des hautes études en sciences sociales (ehess) 131, boulevard Saint-Michel 75005 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 53 10 53 55 f. +33 (0)1 44 07 08 89 www.editions.ehess.fr Year of creation: 2004 Number of titles in catalogue: 4 Titles published annually: 1 Year of creation: 1959 Number of titles in catalogue: 800 Titles published annually: 25 ADMINISTRATION & MANAGEMENT EDUCATION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES Director Foreign Rights Sales and Export Yann Szwec yann.szwec@tyalgr.com Foreign Rights Anne Madelain madelain@ehess.fr Sales and Export Jean-Charles Grunstein international@gallimard.fr L’école des loisirs 11, rue de Sèvres 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 42 22 94 10 f. +33 (0)1 45 48 04 99 www.ecoledesloisirs.com Édi 8 12, avenue d’Italie 75013 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 44 16 09 00 f. +33 (0)1 44 16 09 01 Year of creation: 1965 Number of titles in catalogue: 5 800 Titles published annually: 250 Year of creation: 2013 Number of titles in catalogue: 5 400 Titles published annually: 920 CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES RELIGION LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING Foreign Rights Isabelle Darthy idarthy@ecoledesloisirs.com Foreign Rights (Perrin) Rebecca Byers rebecca.byers@plon-perrin.com Film and tv Rights Christelle Roucheray croucheray@ecoledesloisirs.com Foreign Rights (Plon) Florence Maletrez florence.maletrez@editions-plon.com Sales and Export Catherine Lemarchand clemarchand@ecoledesloisirs.com Foreign Rights (First, Gründ, Tana) James Elliott james.elliott@edi8.fr Film and tv Rights Nathalie Carpentier carpentier@calfrance.fr Sales and Export Damien Naddéo damien.naddeo@edi8.fr Éditions no1 31, rue de Fleurus 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 49 54 36 00 f. +33 (0)1 49 54 36 40 www.calmann-levy.fr Élan vert 64, rue Guy Leroux 37700 St-Pierre-des-Corps, France t. +33 (0)2 47 54 26 86 www.elanvert.fr Year of creation: 1979 Number of titles in catalogue: 734 Titles published annually: 2-5 Year of creation: 1998 Number of titles in catalogue: 135 Titles published annually: 35 FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Patricia Roussel proussel@calmann-levy.fr Johanna Diaz jdiaz@calmann-levy.fr Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Christian Voges vogesforeignrights@free.fr Sales and Export Virginie Ebat-Lamueng commercial@calmann-levy.fr Kamel Yahia kyahia@hachette-livre-intl.com Sales and Export Amélie Léveillé elan.vert@wanadoo.fr Éditions Ellipses Édition Marketing 32, rue Bargue 75740 Paris Cedex 15, France t. +33 (0)1 45 67 74 19 f. +33 (0)1 47 34 67 94 www.editions-ellipses.fr Embrasure Le Muveran 17 ch 1880 Les Plans sur Bex, Suisse t. + 41 24 498 23 01 f. + 41 24 498 23 11 www.editions-embrasure.com Year of creation: 1973 Number of titles in catalogue: 8 000 Titles published annually: 580 Year of creation: 2000 Number of titles in catalogue: 80 Titles published annually: 30 HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES DICTIONARIES & REFERENCE LAW ADMINISTRATION & MANAGEMENT LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING EDUCATION FFL STM FICTION RELIGION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES Foreign Rights Sales and Export Josquin Bénézet export@editions-ellipses.fr Director Foreign Rights Sales and Export Sabine Larivé slarive@icloud.com Éditions de l’Emmanuel 89, bd Auguste Blanqui 75013 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 58 10 74 90 f. +33 (0)1 58 10 74 99 www.editions-emmanuel.com Empreinte – Temps présent 556, av. du Puits Vieux 30121 Mus, France t. +33 (0)6 11 44 75 73 f. +33 (0)1 42 61 26 58 www.editions-empreinte.com Year of creation: 1804 Number of titles in catalogue: 480 Titles published annually: 40-50 Year of creation: 1988 Number of titles in catalogue: 170 Titles published annually: 12 RELIGION FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES RELIGION Sales and Export Yves Delaunay avmlib@wanadoo.fr Director Foreign Rights Denis Guillaume empreint@aol.com Foreign Rights Sabrina Featherstone sf.empreinte@yahoo.fr E-Pagine Publications 76, avenue Pierre-Brossolette 92240 Malakoff, France t. +33 (0)1 55 58 32 00 f. +33 (0)1 55 58 32 59 www.epagine.fr Eska Éditions 12, rue du Quatre-Septembre 75002 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 42 86 55 65 f. +33 (0)1 42 60 45 35 www.eska.fr Year of creation: 2008 Year of creation: 1982 Number of titles in catalogue: 1 280 Titles published annually: 70 DIGITAL PUBLISHING HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES ADMINISTRATION & MANAGEMENT EDUCATION MEDICINE Director Foreign Rights Sales and Export Stéphane Michalon s.michalon@epagine.fr Director Foreign Rights Serge Kebabtchieff serge.kebabtchieff@eska.fr Esmod Éditions 12, rue de Cléry 75002 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 42 33 31 56 f. +33 (0)1 48 24 29 59 www.esmod.com Éditions Espaces 34 5, place du Château 34270 Les Matelles, France t. +33 (0)9 52 44 58 17 f. +33 (0)4 67 84 00 74 www.editions-espaces34.fr Year of creation: 1841 Number of titles in catalogue: 26 Titles published annually: 3 Year of creation: 2006 Number of titles in catalogue: 215 Titles published annually: 12 ART LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING EDUCATION SCIENCES & TECHNOLOGY CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING MEDICINE Director Foreign Rights Claire Wargnier claire.wargnier@esmod.com Director Foreign Rights Sabine Chevallier editions.espaces34@free.fr Sales and Export Grégory Hachette edition@esmod.com Eyrolles 61, boulevard Saint-Germain 75240 Paris Cedex 05, France t. +33 (0)1 44 41 11 11 f. +33 (0)1 44 41 11 44 www.editions-eyrolles.com La Fabrique 64, rue Rébeval 75019 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 40 15 02 63 www.lafabrique.fr Year of creation: 1925 Number of titles in catalogue: 3 000 Titles published annually: 420 Year of creation: 2000 Number of titles in catalogue: 150 Titles published annually: 12 ADMINISTRATION & MANAGEMENT LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING EDUCATION SCIENCES & TECHNOLOGY HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES Foreign Rights Sales and Export May Yang myang@eyrolles.com Foreign Rights Stella Magliani-Belkacem lafabrique@lafabrique.fr Fayard 13, rue du Montparnasse 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 45 49 82 00 f. +33 (0)1 42 22 40 17 www.editions-fayard.fr First 12, avenue d’Italie 75013 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 44 16 09 00 f. +33 (0)1 44 16 09 01 www.editionsfirst.fr Year of creation: 1857 Number of titles in catalogue: 8 500 Titles published annually: 280 Year of creation: 1987 Number of titles in catalogue: 2 000 Titles published annually: 382 FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES DICTIONARIES & REFERENCE RELIGION FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Carole Saudejaud csaudejaud@editions-fayard.fr Foreign Rights James Elliott james.elliott@edi8.fr Sales and Export David Strepenne dstrepenne@editions-fayard.fr Kamel Yahia kyahia@hachette-livre-intl.com Film and tv Rights Nathalie Carpentier carpentier@calfrance.fr Sales and Export Damien Naddéo damien.naddeo@edi8.fr Flammarion 87, quai Panhard et Levassor 75647 Paris Cedex 13, France t. +33 (0)1 40 51 31 00 f. +33 (0)1 43 29 21 48 www.flammarion.com Flammarion Jeunesse Père Castor 87, quai Panhard et Levassor 75647 Paris Cedex 13, France t. +33 (0)1 40 51 31 00 f. +33 (0)1 43 29 21 48 www.flammarion.com Year of creation: 1876 Number of titles in catalogue: 10 000 Titles published annually: 380 Year of creation: 1931 Number of titles in catalogue: 2 000 Titles published annually: 200 ART FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS Foreign Rights (Text Books) Florence Giry fgiry@flammarion.fr Foreign Rights Jérôme Baron jbaron@casterman.com Foreign Rights (Illustrated Books) Jana Navratil Manent jnmanent@flammarion.fr Film and tv Rights Sophie Levie s.levie@casterman.com Film and tv Rights Laure Saget lsaget@flammarion.fr Sales and Export Vincent Le Tacon vletacon@flammarion.fr Sales and Export Vincent Le Tacon vletacon@flammarion.fr Fleurus Éditions 15-27, rue Moussorgski 75895 Paris Cedex 18, France t. +33 (0)1 53 26 33 35 f. +33 (0)1 53 26 33 36 www.fleuruseditions.com Fluide Glacial 87, quai Panhard et Levassor 75647 Paris Cedex 13, France t. +33 (0)1 55 28 12 20 f. +33 (0)1 55 28 12 06 www.fluideglacial.com Year of creation: 1946 Number of titles in catalogue: 4 500 Titles published annually: 700 Year of creation: 1975 Number of titles in catalogue: 600 Titles published annually: 20 CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS RELIGION LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING COMIC BOOKS Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Marion Girona m.girona@fleuruseditions.com Anne Desramé a.desrame@fleuruseditions.com Foreign Rights Jérôme Baron jbaron@casterman.com Sales and Export Sylvie Guillot guillot@ddldiffusion.com Film and tv Rights Sophie Levie s.levie@casterman.com Sales and Export Vincent Le Tacon vletacon@flammarion.fr Les Fourmis rouges 32, av. du Président Wilson 93100 Montreuil, France t. +33 (0)1 70 24 18 38 www.editions lesfourmisrouges.com Futuropolis 132, rue du Fbg St-Denis 75010 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 55 26 90 70 f. +33 (0)1 42 05 06 71 www.futuropolis.fr Year of creation: 2013 Number of titles in catalogue: 30 Titles published annually: 15 Year of creation: 1974 Number of titles in catalogue: 400 Titles published annually: 36 CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS COMIC BOOKS Foreign Rights Hannele Legras hannele@hanneleandassociates.fr Stéphanie Hauray stephanie@hanneleandassociates.fr Foreign Rights Sylvain Coissard sylcoissard2@orange.fr Film and tv Rights Frédérique Massart frederique.massart@gallimard.fr Sales and Export Gilles Munich munich@delsol-diffusion.com Fyp Éditions 19, rue Pierre Leroux 87000 Limoges, France t. +33 (0)5 55 33 27 23 f. +33 (0)5 55 33 27 23 www.fypeditions.com Galaade Éditions 43, rue des Cloÿs 75018 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 42 23 56 02 f. +33 (0)1 42 23 56 21 www.galaade.com Year of creation: 2006 Number of titles in catalogue: 100 Titles published annually: 15 Year of creation: 2005 Number of titles in catalogue: 125 Titles published annually: 15 HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES ADMINISTRATION & MANAGEMENT SCIENCES & TECHNOLOGY FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES Director Foreign Rights Florence Devesa flo@fypeditions.com Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Sales and Export Romaric Vinet-Kammerer romaric@galaade.com Sales and Export Emmanuelle Jurmand emmanuelle.jurmand@dilisco.fr Gallimard 5, rue Gaston Gallimard 75328 Paris Cedex 07, France t. +33 (0)1 49 54 42 00 f. +33 (0)1 49 54 14 95 www.gallimard.fr Gallimard Jeunesse 5, rue Gaston Gallimard 75328 Paris Cedex 07, France t. +33 (0)1 49 54 42 00 f. +33 (0)1 49 54 16 04 www.gallimard-jeunesse.fr Year of creation: 1911 Number of titles in catalogue: 30 000 Titles published annually: 800 Year of creation: 1972 Number of titles in catalogue: 3 500 Titles published annually: 450 ART FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS COMIC BOOKS Foreign Rights Anne-Solange Noble anne-solange.noble@gallimard.fr Foreign Rights Anne Bouteloup anne.bouteloup@gallimard-jeunesse.fr Film and tv Rights Frédérique Massart frederique.massart@gallimard.fr Foreign Rights (Comic Books) Sylvain Coissard sylcoissard2@orange.fr Sales and Export Jean-Charles Grunstein jean-charles.grunstein@gallimard.fr Film and tv Rights Frédérique Massart frederique.massart@gallimard.fr Sales and Export Jean-Charles Grunstein jean-charles.grunstein@gallimard.fr Gallimard Loisirs 5, rue Gaston Gallimard 75328 Paris Cedex 07, France t. +33 (0)1 49 54 42 00 f. +33 (0)1 49 54 14 95 www.gallimard-loisirs.fr Éditions Geuthner 16, rue de la Gde Chaumière 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 46 34 71 30 f. +33 (0)1 43 29 75 64 www.geuthner.com Year of creation: 1992 Number of titles in catalogue: 700 Titles published annually: 150 Year of creation: 1901 Number of titles in catalogue: 1 500 Titles published annually: 20 ART LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES DICTIONARIES & REFERENCE RELIGION Foreign Rights Hélène Clastres helene.clastres@gallimard-loisirs.fr Foreign Rights Sales and Export Nicolas Filicic filicicn@yahoo.fr Film and tv Rights Frédérique Massart frederique.massart@gallimard.fr Sales and Export Jean-Charles Grunstein jean-charles.grunstein@gallimard.fr Glénat Éditions 39, rue du GouverneurGénéral Éboué, 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux, France t. +33 (0)1 41 46 11 11 f. +33 (0)1 41 46 11 13 www.glenat.com www.glenatbd.com Graine 2 6, rue au Pain 78100 St-Germain-en-Laye, France t. +33 (0)1 39 10 04 07 f. +33 (0)9 72 15 75 49 www.graine2-editions.com Year of creation: 1969 Number of titles in catalogue: 8 000 Titles published annually: 600 Year of creation: 2007 Number of titles in catalogue: 70 Titles published annually: 15 ART CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS COMIC BOOKS LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS LIFESTYLE LEISURE &WELL-BEING Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Marion Glénat-Corveler marion.glenat-corveler@glenat.com Foreign Rights Stéphanie Vernet stephanie@thepicturebookagency.com Foreign Rights Étienne Bonnin etienne.bonnin@glenat.com Olivier Galli olivier.galli@glenat.com Alessandro Munari alessandro.munari@glenat.com Sales and Export Kamel Yahia kyahia@hachette-livre-intl.com Sales and Export Émilie Hourtoulle e.hourtoulle@graine2-editions.com Éditions des Grandes Personnes 63, bd de Ménilmontant 75011 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 77 16 71 35 www.editionsdesgrandes personnes.com Grasset et Fasquelle 61, rue des Saints-Pères 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 44 39 22 00 f. +33 (0)1 42 22 64 18 www.grasset.fr www.grasset-jeunesse.com Year of creation: 2009 Number of titles in catalogue: 126 Titles published annually: 25-30 Year of creation: 1907 Number of titles in catalogue: 5 200 Titles published annually: 160 CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Sabine Louali sabine.louali@gmail.com Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Heidi Warneke hwarneke@grasset.fr Sales and Export Jean-Charles Grunstein jean-charles.grunstein@gallimard.fr Sales and Export Jean-Marc Levent jmlevent@grasset.fr Kamel Yahia kyahia@hachette-livre-intl.com Gründ 12, avenue d’Italie 75013 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 44 16 09 00 f. +33 (0)1 44 16 09 01 www.grund.fr Gulf Stream Éditeur Impasse du Forgeron / cp 910 44806 Saint-Herblain Cedex, France t. +33 (0)2 40 48 06 68 f. +33 (0)2 40 48 74 69 www.gulfstream.fr Year of creation: 1922 Number of titles in catalogue: 1 200 Titles published annually: 274 Year of creation: 1984 Number of titles in catalogue: 200 Titles published annually: 25 CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS Foreign Rights James Elliott james.elliott@edi8.fr Director Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Bérénice Hupel berenice.hupel@gulfstream.fr Film and tv Rights Nathalie Carpentier carpentier@calfrance.fr Sales and Export Yannick Lemonnier yannick.lemonnier@grund.fr Sales and Export Claire Terrier claire.terrier@volumen.fr Hachette Français Langue Étrangère 43, quai de Grenelle 75905 Paris Cedex 15, France t. +33 (0)1 43 92 30 00 www.hachettefle.fr Hachette Jeunesse 43, quai de Grenelle 75905 Paris Cedex 15, France t. +33 (0)1 43 92 36 51 f. +33 (0)1 43 92 33 38 www.hachette-jeunesse.com www.asterix.com Year of creation: 1978 Number of titles in catalogue: 1 250 Titles published annually: 75 Year of creation: 1926 Number of titles in catalogue: 1 700 Titles published annually: 315 FFL EDUCATION CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS COMIC BOOKS Director Foreign Rights François Dupuis fdupuis@hachette-livre.fr Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Mathilde Jablonski mjablonski@hachette-livre.fr Anne Vignol avignol@hachette-livre.fr Foreign Rights Jill Cairns jcairns@hachette-livre.fr Sales and Export Robert Menand rmenand@hachette-livre-intl.fr Sales and Export Kamel Yahia kyahia@hachette-livre-intl.com Hachette Pratique 43, quai de Grenelle 75905 Paris Cedex 15, France t. +33 (0)1 43 92 32 34 f. +33 (0)1 43 92 30 39 www.hachette-pratique.fr Hachette Tourisme 43, quai de Grenelle 75905 Paris Cedex 15, France t. +33 (0)1 43 92 32 34 f. +33 (0)1 43 92 33 41 www.hachette-livre.fr www.guideshachette.com Year of creation: 1987 Number of titles in catalogue: 500 Titles published annually: 250 Year of creation: 1841 Number of titles in catalogue: 410 Titles published annually: 250 LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING Foreign Rights Pierre-Jean Furet pjfuret@hachette-livre.fr Foreign Rights Monique Lantelme mlantelme@hachette-livre.fr Sales and Export Kamel Yahia kyahia@hachette-livre-intl.com Sales and Export Kamel Yahia kyahia@hachette-livre-intl.com Hatier 8, rue d’Assas 75278 Paris Cedex 06, France t. +33 (0)1 49 54 49 54 f. +33 (0)1 40 49 00 45 www.editions-hatier.fr Hazan 11, rue Paul Bert 92247 Malakoff Cedex, France t. +33 (0)1 41 23 67 44 f. +33 (0)1 41 23 64 37 www.editions-hazan.fr Year of creation: 1880 Number of titles in catalogue: 2 400 Titles published annually: 350 Year of creation: 1946 Number of titles in catalogue: 485 Titles published annually: 60 CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS DICTIONARIES & REFERENCE EDUCATION ART Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Anne Risaliti arisaliti@editions-hatier.fr Foreign Rights Jérôme Gille jgille@hachette-livre.fr Sales and Export Dominique Senat dsenat@hachette-livre-intl.com Corinne Brivot cbrivot@hachette-livre-intl.com Sales and Export Kamel Yahia kyahia@hachette-livre-intl.com Hélium 18, rue Séguier 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 55 42 65 14 www.helium-editions.fr Héloïse d’Ormesson Éditions 3, rue Rollin 75005 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 56 81 30 70 f. +33 (0)1 43 26 19 68 www.editionsheloisedormesson.com Year of creation: 2008 Number of titles in catalogue: 180 Titles published annually: 30 Year of creation: 2004 Number of titles in catalogue: 225 Titles published annually: 20-25 CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS FICTION FICTION Foreign Rights Film and TV Rights Elsa Giroux egiroux@helium-editions.fr Foreign Rights Film and TV Rights Sarah Hirsch sarah@editions-heloisedormesson.com Sales and Export Aurélie Lhotel a.lhotel@actes-sud.fr Sales and Export Gilles Cohen-Solal gcs@editions-heloisedormesson.com Hemma Rue de Chevron, 106 4987 Chevron, Belgique t. +32 86 43 01 01 f. +32 86 43 36 40 www.hemma.be Hermès Sciences Publications 14, rue de Provigny 94230 Cachan, France t. +33 (0)1 47 40 67 00 f. +33 (0)1 47 40 67 02 www.lavoisier.fr Year of creation: 1953 Number of titles in catalogue: 750 Titles published annually: 320 Year of creation: 1982 Number of titles in catalogue: 1950 Titles published annually: 75 CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS SCIENCES & TECHNOLOGY Foreign Rights Sales and Export Paul Bernard paul.bernard@hemma.be Foreign Rights Maud Sapène internationalrights@lavoisier.fr Sales and Export Anne-Marie Seys seys@lavoisier.fr Hoëbeke 7, rue d’Assas 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 42 22 83 81 f. +33 (0)1 45 44 04 96 www.hoebeke.fr HongFei Cultures 73, avenue de Tours 37400 Amboise, France t. +33 (0)2 47 79 39 30 f. +33 (0)1 72 33 55 45 www.hongfei-cultures.com Year of creation: 1984 Number of titles in catalogue: 250 Titles published annually: 20 Year of creation: 2007 Number of titles in catalogue: 52 Titles published annually: 2007 ART CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS COMIC BOOKS FICTION LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS Publisher Foreign Rights Audrey Demarre audreydemarre@hoebeke.fr Director Foreign Rights Chun-Liang Yeh chunliang.yeh@hongfei-cultures.com Foreign Rights Hélène Clastres helene.clastres@gallimard-loisirs.fr Sales and Export Vincent Le Tacon vletacon@flammarion.fr Les Humanoïdes Associés 24, avenue Philippe Auguste 75011 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 49 29 88 88 f. +33 (0)9 56 92 12 34 www.humano.com www.humanoids.com Ibis Rouge Éditions Chemin de la Levée / bp 267 Matoury Guyane française, France t. +33 (0)5 94 30 22 94 f. +33 (0)5 94 35 95 68 www.ibisrouge.fr Year of creation: 1974 Number of titles in catalogue: 450 Titles published annually: 60 Year of creation: 1995 Number of titles in catalogue: 440 Titles published annually: 20 CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS COMIC BOOKS HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES Foreign Rights Sales and Export Edmond Lee edmond.lee@humano.com Director Foreign Rights Jean-Louis Malherbe jlm@ibisrouge.fr Film and tv Rights Fabrice Giger licencing@humanoids.com Imav Éditions Le Petit Nicolas 163, rue du fbg Saint-Honoré 75008 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 44 54 84 36 f. +33 (0)1 44 54 98 83 www.imaveditions.com Indigène 1, impasse Jules Guesde 34080 Montpellier, France t. +33 (0)4 67 10 40 65 www.indigene-editions.fr Year of creation: 2003 Number of titles in catalogue: 47 Titles published annually: 5 Year of creation: 1996 Number of titles in catalogue: 100 Titles published annually: 5 CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS COMIC BOOKS ART CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Nicolas Gaucher n.gaucher@imaveditions.com Director Foreign Rights Sales and Export Sylvie Crossman sylvie.crossman@gmail.com InterÉditions 5, rue Laromiguière 75005 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 40 46 35 00 f. +33 (0)1 40 46 49 95 www.intereditions.com Ird Éditions 32, avenue Henri Varagnat 93143 Bondy Cedex, France t. +33 (0)1 48 02 56 48 f. +33 (0)1 48 02 79 09 www.editions.ird.fr Year of creation: 1978 Number of titles in catalogue: 230 Titles published annually: 25-30 Year of creation: 1962 Number of titles in catalogue: 650 Titles published annually: 30 LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES DICTIONARIES & REFERENCE EDUCATION STM Foreign Rights Laurence Leclercq lleclercq@dunod.com Director Foreign Rights Thomas Mourier thomas.mourier@ird.fr Sales and Export Antoine du Besset adubesset@hachette-livre-intl.com François-Régis Bué francois@frbue.com Sales and Export Patricia Rey patricia.rey@ird.fr Jouvence Éditions bp 90107 74161 St-Julien-en-Genevois Cedex, France t. +33 (0)4 50 43 28 60 t. +41 22 757 62 20 f. +33 (0)4 50 43 29 24 www.editions-jouvence.com Julliard 30, place d’Italie 75013 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 53 67 14 00 www.julliard.fr Year of creation: 1989 Number of titles in catalogue: 480 Titles published annually: 60 Year of creation: 1942 Number of titles in catalogue: 1 180 Titles published annually: 15 HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES Foreign Rights Annick Maziers a.maziers@editions-jouvence.com Foreign Rights Benita Edzard bedzard@robert-laffont.fr Sales and Export Aurore Guignard a.guignard@editions-jouvence.com Film and tv Rights Delphine de la Panneterie ddelapanneterie@robert-laffont.fr Sales and Export Arié Sberro asberro@robert-laffont.fr Kaléidoscope 11, rue de Sèvres 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 45 44 07 08 f. +33 (0)1 45 44 53 71 www.editionskaleidoscope.com Kanjil Éditeur 2, rue des Fossés-St-Jacques 75005 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 44 27 01 04 www.kanjil.com Year of creation: 1988 Number of titles in catalogue: 450 Titles published annually: 30 Year of creation: 2005 Number of titles in catalogue: 16 Titles published annually: 3 CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Laurie Jesson laurie@editions-kaleidoscope.com Director Foreign Rights Lise Bourquin-Mercadé kanjilediteur@gmail.com Sales and Export Catherine Lemarchand clemarchand@ecoledesloisirs.com Éditions Kero 14 bis, rue des Minimes 75003 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 53 01 21 67 www.editionskero.com Klincksieck 95, boulevard Raspail 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 43 54 47 57 f. +33 (0)1 45 44 92 88 www.klincksieck.com Year of creation: 2012 Number of titles in catalogue: 45 Titles published annually: 15 Year of creation: 1842 Number of titles in catalogue: 900 Titles published annually: 30 FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES Director Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Camille Lucet camille.lucet@editionskero.com Foreign Rights Marie-Pierre Ciric mpciric@klincksieck.com Sales and Export Pierre Saiah psaiah@lesbelleslettres.com Robert Laffont 30, place d’Italie 75013 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 53 67 14 00 www.laffont.fr Larousse 21, rue du Montparnasse 75298 Paris Cedex 06, France t. +33 (0)1 44 39 44 13 f. +33 (0)1 44 39 41 07 www.editions-larousse.fr www.larousse.fr Year of creation: 1941 Number of titles in catalogue: 6 700 Titles published annually: 170 Year of creation: 1852 Number of titles in catalogue: 2 400 Titles published annually: 400 CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES RELIGION ART CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS DICTIONARIES & REFERENCE LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING Foreign Rights Benita Edzard bedzard@robert-laffont.fr Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Evelyne Le Bourse elebourse@larousse.fr Film and tv Rights Delphine de la Panneterie ddelapanneterie@robert-laffont.fr Sales and Export Arié Sberro asberro@robert-laffont.fr Sales and Export Kamel Yahia kyahia@hachette-livre-intl.com Jean-Claude Lattès 17, rue Jacob 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 44 41 74 00 f. +33 (0)1 43 26 91 04 www.editions-jclattes.fr Lavauzelle Le Prouet / bp 8 87350 Panazol, France t. +33 (0)5 55 58 45 45 f. +33 (0)5 55 58 45 25 www.lavauzelle.com Year of creation: 1968 Number of titles in catalogue: 1 200 Titles published annually: 100 Year of creation: 1985 Number of titles in catalogue: 480 Titles published annually: 13-15 FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Eva Bredin Wachter ebredin@editions-jclattes.fr Director Foreign Rights Christian Bastin-Lavauzelle c.bastin-lavauzelle@lavauzelle.com Sales and Export Philippe Dorey pdorey@editions-jclattes.fr Kamel Yahia kyahia@hachette-livre-intl.com Lavoisier 14, rue de Provigny 94236 Cachan Cedex, France t. +33 (0)1 47 40 67 00 f. +33 (0)1 47 40 67 02 www.editions.lavoisier.fr Leduc.s Éditions 17, rue du Regard 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 40 52 35 35 f. +33 (01) 45 43 76 70 www.editionsleduc.com Year of creation: 1947 Number of titles in catalogue: 10 000 Titles published annually: 300 Year of creation: 2002 Number of titles in catalogue: 350 Titles published annually: 120 DICTIONARIES & REFERENCE ADMINISTRATION & MANAGEMENT STM LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING Foreign Rights Maud Sapène internationalrights@lavoisier.fr Foreign Rights Sales and Export Stéphanie Piotrowski s.piotrowski@editionsleduc.com Sales and Export Anne-Marie Seys seys@lavoisier.fr Lextenso Éditions 70, rue du GouverneurGénéral Éboué 92131 Issy-les-Moulineaux Cedex, France t. +33 (0)1 40 93 40 00 f. +33 (0)1 41 08 14 19 www.lextenso-editions.fr Liana Levi 1, place Paul Painlevé 75005 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 44 32 19 30 f. +33 (0)1 46 33 69 56 www.lianalevi.fr Year of creation: 1836 Number of titles in catalogue: 2 000 Titles published annually: 450 Year of creation: 1982 Number of titles in catalogue: 580 Titles published annually: 30 HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES LAW ADMINISTRATION & MANAGEMENT ART FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES Foreign Rights Christine Moritz christine.moritz@lextenso-editions.fr Foreign Rights Sylvie Mouchès s.mouches@lianalevi.fr Sales and Export Sylvie Liotier sylvie.liotier@lextenso-editions.fr Film and tv Rights Amélie Dor a.dor@lianalevi.fr Sales and Export Élodie Pajot elodie.pajot@lianalevi.fr Libretto 7, rue des Canettes 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 44 32 05 60 f. +33 (0)1 44 32 12 45 www.libellagroup.com Magnani 45, rue de la Chine 75020 Paris, France t. +33 (0)7 60 03 30 18 www.editions-magnani.com Year of creation: 1998 Number of titles in catalogue: 450 Titles published annually: 40 Year of creation: 2011 Number of titles in catalogue: 11 Titles published annually: 4 FICTION CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS COMIC BOOKS Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Christine Bonnard Legrand christine.bonnardlegrand@libella.fr Foreign Rights Stéphanie Vernet stephanie@thepicturebookagency.com Sales and Export Éric Lahirigoyen eric.lahirigoyen@libella.fr Film and tv Rights Sales and Export Julien Magnani julien@editions-magnani.com Éditions Maison des langues 78, rue de Turbigo 75003 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 46 33 85 59 f. +33 (0)1 71 19 97 11 www.emdl.fr Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme 190, avenue de France cs no 71345 75648 Paris Cedex 13, France t. +33 (0)1 49 54 21 94 www.editions-msh.fr www.lcdpu.fr Year of creation: 2004 Number of titles in catalogue: 880 Titles published annually: 50 Year of creation: 1975 Number of titles in catalogue: 1 100 Titles published annually: 50-70 EDUCATION FFL HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES Director Foreign Rights Katia Coppola k.coppola@emdl.fr Publisher Foreign Rights Emmanuelle Corne ecorne@msh-paris.fr Sales and Export Laureen Lagarde l.lagarde@emdl.fr Mama Editions 7, rue Pétion 75011 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 77 32 54 36 www.mamaeditions.net Marabout 43, quai de Grenelle 75905 Paris Cedex 15, France t. +33 (0)1 43 92 32 34 f. +33 (0)1 43 92 32 99 www.marabout.com Year of creation: 2000 Number of titles in catalogue: 50 Titles published annually: 10-12 Year of creation: 1949 Number of titles in catalogue: 1 400 Titles published annually: 450 HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES RELIGION LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING MEDICINE LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING Foreign Rights Sales and Export Juliette Gufflet marketing@mamaeditions.com Foreign Rights Monique Lantelme mlantelme@hachette-livre.fr Pixie Shields pixieshields@msn.com Sales and Export Kamel Yahia kyahia@hachette-livre-intl.com Marmaille et compagnie Geste s.a. Centre routier 11, rue Norman Borlaug 79260 La Crèche, France t. +33 (0)5 49 05 37 22 www.marmaillecompagnie.com Éditions de La Martinière Immeuble Cap Paris 25, bd Romain Rolland 75014 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 41 48 80 00 f. +33 (0)1 41 48 80 53 www.editions delamartiniere.fr Year of creation: 2013 Number of titles in catalogue: 25 Titles published annually: 10 Year of creation: 1992 Number of titles in catalogue: 2 870 La Martinière: 1 900 / dlmj: 970 Titles published annually: 150 CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS Publisher Foreign Rights Sales and Export Romain Naudin romain.naudin @marmaille-compagnie.com ART CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS FICTION LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING Foreign Rights (edlm Books) Marianne Lassandro mlassandro@lamartiniere.fr Séverine Zorzetto szorzetto@lamartiniere.fr Foreign Rights (Children’s Books) Claire Hartmann chartmann@lamartiniere.fr Florence Pariente fpariente@lamartiniere.fr Film and tv Rights Odile Horion ohorion@lamartiniere.fr Sales and Export Claire Terrier claire.terrier@volumen.fr Médecine Sciences Publications 14, rue de Provigny 94230 Cachan, France t. +33 (0)1 47 40 67 00 f. +33 (0)1 47 40 67 02 www.lavoisier.fr MeMo 4, rue des Olivettes 44000 Nantes, France t. +33 (0)2 40 47 98 19 www.editionsmemo.fr Year of creation: 1960 Number of titles in catalogue: 520 Titles published annually: 30-35 Year of creation: 1993 Number of titles in catalogue: 300 Titles published annually: 30 MEDICINE ART CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS Foreign Rights Maud Sapène internationalrights@lavoisier.fr Foreign Rights Hannele Legras hannele@hanneleandassociates.fr Stéphanie Hauray stephanie@hanneleandassociates.fr Sales and Export Anne-Marie Seys seys@lavoisier.fr Mengès Place des Victoires 6, rue du Mail 75002 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 44 55 37 50 f. +33 (0)1 40 20 99 74 www.victoires.com Menu Fretin 39, rue de Reverdy 28000 Chartres, France t. +33 (0)2 37 35 96 58 www.menufretin.fr Year of creation: 1978 Number of titles in catalogue: 380 Titles published annually: 60 Year of creation: 2007 Number of titles in catalogue: 60 Titles published annually: 14 ART CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING Publisher Foreign Rights Isabelle de Tinguy idt@victoires.com Director Foreign Rights Sales and Export Laurent Seminel laurent.seminel@menufretin.fr Sales and Export Gabriel Van Eiszner gve@victoires.com Mercure de France 26, rue de Condé 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 55 42 61 90 f. +33 (0)1 43 54 49 91 www.mercuredefrance.fr Métailié 20, rue des Grands-Augustins 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 56 81 02 45 www.editions-metailie.com Year of creation: 1894 Number of titles in catalogue: 5 000 Titles published annually: 50 Year of creation: 1979 Number of titles in catalogue: 900 Titles published annually: 35 FICTION FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Geneviève Lebrun-Taugourdeau genevieve.lebrun-taugourdeau @mercure.fr Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Sales and Export Catherine de Léobardy secretariat@metailie.fr Sales and Export Jean-Charles Grunstein jean-charles.grunstein@gallimard.fr Michel Lagarde Éditions 13, rue Bouchardon 75010 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 42 02 50 85 www.michellagarde.fr Michel Lafon Publishing 118, avenue Achille Peretti cs 70024 92521 Neuilly-sur-Seine Cedex, France t. +33 (0)1 41 43 85 85 f. +33 (0)1 46 24 00 95 www.michel-lafon.fr Year of creation: 2006 Number of titles in catalogue: 35 Titles published annually: 3-5 Year of creation: 1980 Number of titles in catalogue: 700 Titles published annually: 150 ART CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS COMIC BOOKS ART CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS COMIC BOOKS FICTION LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING Foreign Rights Sales and Export Colombine Depaire colombine@illustrissimo.com Foreign Rights Roxana Jamet roxana@michel-lafon.com Film and tv Rights Margaux Mersié margaux@michel-lafon.com Sales and Export Alexandra Zbikowski alexandra@michel-lafon.com Michelin Travel Partner 27, cours de l’Île Seguin 92105 Boulogne-Billancourt Cedex, France t. +33 (0)1 55 19 57 00 f. +33 (0)1 78 76 46 08 www.cartesetguides. michelin.com Minuit 7, rue Bernard Palissy 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 44 39 39 20 f. +33 (0)1 44 39 39 23 www.leseditionsdeminuit.fr Year of creation: 1900 Number of titles in catalogue: 1 500 Titles published annually: 100 Year of creation: 1945 Number of titles in catalogue: 970 Titles published annually: 17 LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES Foreign Rights Paul Carril pcarril@tp.michelin.com Director Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Irène Lindon direction@leseditionsdeminuit.fr Sales and Export Stéphane Coiffet scoiffet@tp.michelin.com Sales and Export Henri Causse commercial@leseditionsdeminuit.fr Mollat 15, rue Vital-Carles 33080 Bordeaux Cedex, France t. +33 (0)5 56 56 40 96 f. +33 (0)5 56 56 40 88 www.mollat.com Éditions d’art Monelle Hayot Château de St-Rémy-en-l’Eau 60130 St-Rémy-en-Eau, France t. +33 (0)3 44 78 79 61 f. +33 (0)3 44 78 78 59 www.editionsmonelle-hayot.com Year of creation: 1991 Number of titles in catalogue: 94 Titles published annually: 4 Year of creation: 1981 Number of titles in catalogue: 70 Titles published annually: 4 ART FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES ART Director Foreign Rights Denis Mollat s.aguerre@mollat.com Director Sales and Export Monelle Hayot monellehayot@hotmail.com Sales and Export Claire Terrier claire.terrier@volumen.fr Foreign Rights Christian Voges vogesforeignrights@free.fr Sales and Export Christelle Honoré christelle_eamh@hotmail.com Musée du Louvre Éditions Service des éditions 75058 Paris Cedex 01, France t. +33 (0)1 40 20 67 11 www.louvre.fr editions.louvre.fr Nathan 25, av. Pierre de Coubertin 75211 Paris Cedex 13, France t. +33 (0)1 45 87 53 10 f. +33 (0)1 45 87 57 82 www.nathan.fr Year of creation: 1991 Number of titles in catalogue: 475 Titles published annually: 40 Year of creation: 1881 Number of titles in catalogue: 15 300 Titles published annually: 400 ART CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING EDUCATION Publisher Foreign Rights Violaine Bouvet-Lanselle violaine.bouvet-lanselle@louvre.fr Foreign Rights Marie Dessaix mdessaix@nathan.fr Sales and Export Diane Vernel diane.vernel@louvre.fr Film and tv Rights Céline Charvet c.charvet@nathan.fr Murielle Coueslan m.coueslan@nathan.fr Sales and Export Éric Dior edior@nathan.fr Noir sur Blanc 18, avenue de la Gare 1003 Lausanne, Suisse t. +41 (21) 614 77 44 f. +41 (21) 614 77 40 www.libellagroup.com Non Lieu Éditions 224, rue des Pyrénées 75020 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 40 29 04 80 www.editionsnonlieu.fr Year of creation: 1987 Number of titles in catalogue: 250 Titles published annually: 15 Year of creation: 2005 Number of titles in catalogue: 170 Titles published annually: 20 FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES ART FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Christine Bonnard Legrand christine.bonnardlegrand@libella.fr Publisher Jérôme Carassou editionsnonlieu@yahoo.fr Sales and Export Paul Guillard paul.guillard@libella.fr Nouveau Monde Éditions 21, square Saint-Charles 75012 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 43 54 67 43 f. +33 (0)1 43 54 03 60 www.nouveau-monde.net Les Nouveaux Auteurs 16, rue d’Orchampt 75018 Paris, France t. +33 (0)6 34 18 64 46 www.lesnouveaux auteurs.com Year of creation: 2000 Number of titles in catalogue: 520 Titles published annually: 50 Year of creation: 2007 Number of titles in catalogue: 165 Titles published annually: 20 CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES FICTION Director Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Yannick Dehée ydehee@nouveau-monde.net Director Foreign Rights Sales and Export Jean-Laurent Poitevin jlp@lesnouveauxauteurs.com Film and tv Rights Nathalie Carpentier carpentier@calfrance.fr Nouvelle Arche de Noé Éditions (Nane Éditions) 16, rue de Marignan 75008 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 53 83 95 78 f. +33 (0)1 53 75 36 80 www.nane-editions.fr Nouvelle Cité Domaine d’Arny 91680 Bruyères-le-Châtel, France t. +33 (0)1 69 17 10 06 f. +33 (0)1 69 17 13 04 www.nouvellecite.fr Year of creation: 1997 Number of titles in catalogue: 116 Titles published annually: 10 Year of creation: 1957 Number of titles in catalogue: 300 Titles published annually: 20 CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING RELIGION Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Sales and Export Marie de Pimodan mdepimodan@nane-editions.fr Foreign Rights Suzanne Boudre rights@nouvellecite.fr Sales and Export Muriel Fleury commercial@nouvellecite.fr Océan Éditions 103 cd 41 97419 La Possession La Réunion, France t. +262 262 32 01 67 www.ocean-editions.fr Odile Jacob 15, rue Soufflot 75005 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 44 41 64 84 f. +33 (0)1 43 29 88 77 www.odilejacob.fr Year of creation: 1987 Number of titles in catalogue: 100 Titles published annually: 5-10 Year of creation: 1986 Number of titles in catalogue: 3 900 Titles published annually: 130 CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS FICTION CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING EDUCATION STM Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Daniela Bonerba bonerba.foreignrights@gmail.com Foreign Rights Marie Morvan morvan.rights@odilejacob.fr Sales and Export Claudine Serre claudine@ocean-editions.fr Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Pauline Buisson buisson.rights@odilejacob.fr Sales and Export Jean-Sébastien Dubois jsdubois@odilejacob.fr Okidokid (packager) 113, Chemin du Marchand 31860 Labarthe/Lèze, France t. +33 (0)5 62 23 87 95 www.okidokid.fr Éditions de l’Olivier 96, bd du Montparnasse 75014 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 41 48 84 76 f. +33 (0)1 45 49 17 60 www.editionsdelolivier.fr Year of creation: 2011 Number of titles in catalogue: 35 Year of creation: 1991 Number of titles in catalogue: 700 Titles published annually: 40 CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS COMIC BOOKS FICTION Director Film and tv Rights Justine de Lagausie jdelagausie@okidokid.fr Foreign Rights Violaine Faucon vfaucon@editionsdelolivier.fr Foreign Rights Hannele Legras hannele@hanneleandassociates.fr Stéphanie Hauray stephanie@hanneleandassociates.fr Film and tv Rights Joëlle Bouhout jbouhout@seuil.com Sales and Export Pierre Hild phild@editionsdelolivier.fr Ouest France Éditions Edilarge s.a. 13, rue du Breil / cs 26339 35063 Rennes Cedex, France t. +33 (0)2 99 32 58 27 f. +33 (0)2 99 32 58 30 www.edilarge.com P.O.L. Éditeur 33, rue St-André-des-Arts 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 43 54 21 20 www.pol-editeur.fr Year of creation: 1975 Number of titles in catalogue: 2 100 Titles published annually: 150 Year of creation: 1983 Number of titles in catalogue: 1 160 Titles published annually: 45 ART LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING FICTION Director Foreign Rights Servane Biguais sbiguais@edilarge.fr Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Vibeke Madsen madsen@pol-editeur.fr Sales and Export Claude Agaesse cagaesse@capdiffusion.fr Sales and Export Jean-Charles Grunstein jean-charles.grunstein@gallimard.fr Palette… 17, rue Campagne-Première 75014 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 43 20 19 53 f. +33 (0)1 43 20 34 48 www.editionspalette.com Le Papillon rouge 27, rue du Général de Gaulle 34560 Villeveyrac, France t. +33 (0)4 67 78 81 68 www.papillon-rouge.com Year of creation: 2003 Number of titles in catalogue: 210 Titles published annually: 20 Year of creation: 2003 Number of titles in catalogue: 65 Titles published annually: 10 ART CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING SCIENCES & TECHNOLOGY Foreign Rights Sylvain Coissard sylcoissard2@orange.fr Director Foreign Rights Sales and Export Hubert Delobette contact@papillon-rouge.com Sales and Export Nicolas Martin ed.palette@wanadoo.fr Parole et Silence Le Muveran 17 ch 1880 Les Plans sur Bex, Suisse t. +41 24 498 23 01 f. +41 24 498 23 11 www.paroleetsilence.com Le Passage 2, rue de la Roquette 75011 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 48 07 57 66 www.lepassage-editions.fr Year of creation: 1996 Number of titles in catalogue: 1500 Titles published annually: 100 Year of creation: 2001 Number of titles in catalogue: 215 Titles published annually: 15 FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES RELIGION DICTIONARIES & REFERENCE ART FICTION Director Foreign Rights Sales and Export Sabine Larivé slarive@icloud.com Foreign Rights Barthélemy Chapelet bclepassage@lepassage-editions.fr Charlotte Rousseau charlotte.rousseau@lepassageeditions.fr Film and tv Rights Yann Briand yann.briand@lepassage-editions.fr Sales and Export Claire Terrier claire.terrier@volumen.fr Le Passeur Éditeur 12, rue du Dragon 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)7 63 15 16 36 www.lepasseur-editeur.com Pastel 79, boulevard Louis Schmidt b-1040 Bruxelles, Belgique t. +33 (0)2 736 16 05 f. +33 (0)2 736 31 94 www.ecoledesloisirs.com Year of creation: 2013 Number of titles in catalogue: 69 Titles published annually: 40 Year of creation: 1988 Number of titles in catalogue: 650 Titles published annually: 35 ART FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES RELIGION LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS Foreign Rights Pascaline Giboz p.giboz@lepasseur-editeur.com Foreign Rights Muriel d’Oultremont pastel.doultremont@ecoledesloisirs.be Sales and Export Angélique Dubost a.dubost@lepasseur-editeur.com Film and tv Rights Christelle Roucheray croucheray@ecoledesloisirs.com Sales and Export Catherine Lemarchand clemarchand@ecoledesloisirs.com Éditions du patrimoine Centre des monuments nationaux 62, rue Saint-Antoine 75186 Paris Cedex 04, France t. +33 (0)1 44 54 95 20 f. +33 (0)1 44 54 95 21 www.editions.monumentsnationaux.fr Payot & Rivages 106, boulevard St-Germain 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 44 41 39 90 f. +33 (0)1 44 41 39 89 www.payot-rivages.fr Year of creation: 1996 Number of titles in catalogue: 600 Titles published annually: 35 Year of creation: Payot: 1912/Rivages: 1984 Number of titles in catalogue: 4 700 Titles published annually: 220-240 ART CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING Foreign Rights Sales and Export Clair Morizet clair.morizet@monumentsnationaux.fr Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Marie-Martine Serrano mmserrano@payotrivages.com Sales and Export Claire Terrier claire.terrier@volumen.fr Sales and Export Jacques Verwaerde jverwaerde@payotrivages.com Pedone 13, rue Soufflot 75005 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 43 54 05 97 f. +33 (0)1 46 34 07 60 www.pedone.info Perrin 12, avenue d’Italie 75013 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 44 16 09 00 f. +33 (0)1 44 16 09 01 www.editions-perrin.fr Year of creation: 1835 Number of titles in catalogue: 600 Titles published annually: 30 Year of creation: 1827 Number of titles in catalogue: 1 230 Titles published annually: 120 LAW HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES Director Foreign Rights Marc Pedone marc@apedone.net Foreign Rights Rebecca Byers rebecca.byers@plon-perrin.com Film and tv Rights Nathalie Carpentier carpentier@calfrance.fr Sales and Export Camille Couture camille.couture@editions-perrin.com Les petits Platons 7, rue des Fossés St-Jacques 75005 Paris, France t. +33 (0)9 81 72 23 49 www.lespetitsplatons.com Phébus 7, rue des Canettes 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 44 32 05 60 f. +33 (0)1 44 32 12 45 www.libellagroup.com Year of creation: 2010 Number of titles in catalogue: 50 Titles published annually: 10 Year of creation: 1976 Number of titles in catalogue: 600 Titles published annually: 25 CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES ART FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES Publisher Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Jean-Paul Mongin contact@lespetitsplatons.com Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Christine Bonnard Legrand christine.bonnardlegrand@libella.fr Sales and Export Éric Lahirigoyen eric.lahirigoyen@libella.fr Philippe Picquier Le Mas-de-Vert 13200 Arles t. +33 (0)4 90 49 61 56 f. +33 (0)4 90 49 61 95 www.editions-picquier.fr Groupe éditorial Piktos zi de Bogues Rue Gutenberg 31750 Escalquens, France t. +33 (0)5 61 00 09 86 f. +33 (0)5 61 00 09 83 www.piktos.fr Éditions Philippe Picquier Year of creation: 1986 Number of titles in catalogue: 850 Titles published annually: 70 Year of creation: 2008 Number of titles in catalogue: 1 300 Titles published annually: 120 CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS FICTION RELIGION LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING Foreign Rights Antonia Bou (Fiction) editions-philippepicquier @harmuniamundi.com Stéphanie Vernet (Children’s Books) stephanie@thepicturebookagency.com Publisher Film and tv Rights Sales and Export Philippe Lahille p.lahille@piktos.fr Film and tv Rights Sales and Export editionsphilippepicquier @harmuniamundi.com Foreign Rights Cristina Prepelita Chiarasini contact@agencelitteraire-cgr.com Pimchou (Éditeur-Packager) c /o Sofradom 99 b, av. du Général Leclerc 75014 Paris, France t. +33 (0)9 54 45 11 92 f. +33 (0)9 59 45 11 92 www.pimchou.fr Place des éditeurs 12, avenue d’Italie 75627 Paris Cedex 13, France t. +33 (0)1 44 16 05 00 f. +33 (0)1 44 16 05 05 www.placedesediteurs.com foreignrights.place desediteurs.com Year of creation: 2011 Number of titles in catalogue: 150 Titles published annually: 100 Year of creation: 1999 Number of titles in catalogue: 4 600 Titles published annually: 800 CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS ART CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING Publisher Foreign Rights Annick Briard abriard@pimchou.fr Foreign Rights (Children’s Books, Illustrated Books) Paul Bernard paul.bernard@hemma.be Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights (Fiction, Non-Fiction) Gregory Messina gregory.messina@placedesediteurs.com Sales and Export Louise Quantin louise.quantin@placedesediteurs.com Play Bac 33, rue du Petit Musc 75004 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 53 01 24 23 f. +33 (0)1 53 01 24 31 www.playbac.fr Plon 12, avenue d’Italie 75013 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 44 16 09 00 f. +33 (0)1 44 16 09 01 www.plon.fr Year of creation: 1985 Number of titles in catalogue: 400 Titles published annually: 80 Year of creation: 1845 Number of titles in catalogue: 850 Titles published annually: 100 ART CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES RELIGION Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Sales and Export Louise Barber l.barber@playbac.fr Foreign Rights Florence Maletrez florence.maletrez@editions-plon.com Film and tv Rights Nathalie Carpentier carpentier@calfrance.fr Sales and Export Marie Potdevin marie.potdevin@editions-plon.com Plume de Carotte 28, impasse des Bons Amis 31200 Toulouse, France t. +33 (0)5 62 72 08 76 f. +33 (0)5 62 87 59 14 www.plumedecarotte.com Le Pommier 8, rue Férou 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 53 10 24 60 www.editions-lepommier.fr Year of creation: 2001 Number of titles in catalogue: 64 Titles published annually: 15 Year of creation: 1999 Number of titles in catalogue: 670 Titles published annually: 50 LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING SCIENCES & TECHNOLOGY CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES EDUCATION SCIENCES & TECHNOLOGY Foreign Rights Laura Puechberty l.puechberty@plumedecarotte.com Director Foreign Rights Sophie Bancquart sophie.bancquart@editionslepommier.fr Publisher Foreign Rights Juliette Thomas juliette.thomas@editions-lepommier.fr Sales and Export Christophe d’Estais christophe.destais@editions-belin.fr Présence Africaine Éditions 25 bis, rue des Écoles 75005 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 43 54 13 74 f. +33 (0)1 43 25 96 67 www.presenceafricaine.com Presses de l’Université Paris-Sorbonne Maison de la Recherche 28, rue Serpente 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 53 10 57 60 f. +33 (0)1 53 10 57 66 www.pups.paris-sorbonne.fr Year of creation: 1949 Number of titles in catalogue: 800 Titles published annually: 10 Year of creation: 1983 Number of titles in catalogue: 955 Titles published annually: 50 ART CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES RELIGION EDUCATION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES SCIENCES Director Foreign Rights Suzanne Diop direction-pae@sfr.fr Foreign Rights Léo Carruthers leo.carruthers@paris-sorbonne.fr Charles Pailhas charles.pailhas@paris-sorbonne.fr Sales and Export Bintou Touré paf.bintu@yahoo.fr Sales and Export Sylvain Leduc sylvain.leduc@paris-sorbonne.fr Presses de la Fondation des Sciences politiques 117, bd Saint-Germain 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 45 49 83 64 f. +33 (0)1 45 49 83 34 www.pressesdesciencespo.fr Presses Universitaires de France – Puf 6, avenue Reille 75685 Paris Cedex 14, France t. +33 (0)1 58 10 31 00 f. +33 (0)1 70 76 65 59 www.puf.com Year of creation: 1975 Number of titles in catalogue: 1 300 Titles published annually: 40 Year of creation: 1921 Number of titles in catalogue: 5 000 Titles published annually: 500 HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES DICTIONARIES & REFERENCE HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES Foreign Rights Sales and Export Sandrine Boisard sandrine.boisard@sciencespo.fr Foreign Rights Maria Vlachou vlachou@puf.com Sales and Export Christophe Jeancourt-Galignani jeancourt@puf.com Presses Universitaires de Grenoble – Pug 5, place Robert-Schuman bp 1549 38025 Grenoble Cedex 1, France t. +33 (0)4 76 29 43 09 f. +33 (0)4 76 44 64 31 www.pug.fr Presses Universitaires de Vincennes – Puv Université de Paris viii 2, rue de la Liberté 93526 Saint-Denis Cedex 02, France t. +33 (0)1 49 40 67 50 f. +33 (0)1 49 40 67 53 www.puv-editions.fr Year of creation: 1972 Number of titles in catalogue: 1 000 Titles published annually: 45 Year of creation: 1982 Number of titles in catalogue: 350 Titles published annually: 20 HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES DICTIONARIES & REFERENCE ADMINISTRATION & MANAGEMENT EDUCATION FFL STM HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES Foreign Rights Sophie Rocheville sophie.rocheville@pug.fr Foreign Rights Zoulikha Bendahmane zoulikha.bendahmane@univ-paris8.fr Sales and Export Sylvie Bigot sylvie.bigot@pug.fr Sales and Export Vincent Macabrey vincent.macabrey@univ-paris8.fr Jean-Charles Grunstein jean-charles.grunstein@gallimard.fr Prosveta Éditions za du Capitou / cs 30012 83601 Fréjus Cedex, France t. +33 (0)4 94 19 33 33 f. +33 (0)4 94 19 33 34 www.prosveta.com www.prosveta.fr Éditions Quae c /o inra – rd 10 78026 Versailles Cedex, France t. +33 (0)1 30 83 34 06 f. +33 (0)1 30 83 34 49 www.quae.com Year of creation: 1972 Number of titles in catalogue: 190 Titles published annually: 5 Year of creation: 2006 Number of titles in catalogue: 900 Titles published annually: 60 RELIGION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES SCIENCES & TECHNOLOGY Sales and Export Brigitte Dufief suivi-commande@prosveta.com Director Foreign Rights Jean Arbeille jean.arbeille@quae.fr Sales and Export Pascale Desmoulins pascale.desmoulins@quae.fr Corinne Parpinelli corinne.parpinelli@quae.fr Rageot Éditeur 6, rue d’Assas 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 45 48 07 31 f. +33 (0)1 42 22 68 01 www.rageot.fr www.livre-attitude.fr Éditions du Regard 1, rue du Delta 75009 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 53 21 86 80 www.editions-du-regard.com Year of creation: 1941 Number of titles in catalogue: 500 Titles published annually: 60 Year of creation: 1979 Number of titles in catalogue: 208 Titles published annually: 20 CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS ART Director Foreign Rights Caroline Westberg cwestberg@rageotediteur.fr Director Foreign Rights José Alvarez info@editions-du-regard.com Foreign Rights Nathalie Moreau nmoreau@larousse.fr Sales and Export Christine Simon c.simon@editions-du-regard.com Claire Terrier claire.terrier@volumen.fr Film and tv Rights Claire Moussel cmoussel@rageotediteur.fr Sales and Export Dominique Senat dsenat@hachette-livre-intl.com Les Éditions du Ricochet 1, rue Spitalieri 06000 Nice, France t. +33 (0)4 93 13 04 00 ricochet-livres-jeunesse.fr Éditions du Rocher 28, rue Comte Félix Castaldi 98015 Monaco, France t. +33 (0)1 40 46 54 20 f. +33 (0)4 34 88 14 01 www.editionsdurocher.fr Year of creation: 1995 Number of titles in catalogue: 80 Titles published annually: 15 Year of creation: 1943 Number of titles in catalogue: 5200 Titles published annually: 70 CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS ART FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Natalie Vock-Verley ricochet.nvv@orange.fr Director Sales and Export Bruno Nougayrède bruno.nougayrede@artege.fr Foreign Rights Pauline Misconi pauline.misconi@artege.fr Rouergue 47, rue du Docteur Fanton bp 90038 13633 Arles Cedex, France t. +33 (0)4 88 65 90 05 f. +33 (0)4 90 96 06 72 www.lerouergue.com Rue de l’Échiquier 12, rue du Moulin-Joly 75011 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 42 47 08 26 f. +33 (0)1 47 70 13 80 www.ruedelechiquier.net Year of creation: 1984 Number of titles in catalogue: 880 Titles published annually: 80 Year of creation: 2008 Number of titles in catalogue: 55 Titles published annually: 12 ART CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES Foreign Rights (Fiction) Claire Teeuwissen c.teeuwissen@actes-sud.fr Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Sales and Export Ingrid Saillard ingridsaillard@ruedelechiquier.net Foreign Rights (Illustrated Books) Isabelle Alliel i.alliel@actes-sud.fr Film and tv Rights Nathalie Alliel nathalie.alliel@actes-sud.fr Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights (Children’s Books) Johanna Brock j.brock@actes-sud.fr Sales and Export Aurélie Lhotel a.lhotel@actes-sud.fr Rue de Sèvres 11, rue de Sèvres 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 42 22 94 10 f. +33 (0)1 45 48 04 99 www.editionsruedesevres.com Rue du Monde 5, rue de Port Royal 78960 Voisins-le-Bretonneux, France t. +33 (0)1 30 48 08 38 f. +33 (0)1 30 57 90 82 Year of creation: 2013 Number of titles in catalogue: 55 Titles published annually: 30 Year of creation: 1996 Number of titles in catalogue: 364 Titles published annually: 34 COMIC BOOKS ART CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS Foreign Rights Isabelle Darthy idarthy@ecoledesloisirs.com Director Film and tv Rights Alain Serres ruedumonde@wanadoo.fr Film and tv Rights Christelle Roucheray croucheray@ecoledesloisirs.com Sales and Export Catherine Lemarchand clemarchand@ecoledesloisirs.com Foreign Rights Hannele Legras hannele@hanneleandassociates.fr Stéphanie Hauray stephanie@hanneleandassociates.fr Sabine Wespieser Éditeur 13, rue Séguier 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 44 07 59 59 f. +33 (0)1 42 71 21 67 www.swediteur.com Salvator Yves Briend Éditeur s.a. 103, rue Notre-Damedes-Champs 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 53 10 38 38 f. +33 (0)1 53 10 38 39 www.editions-salvator.com Year of creation: 2001 Number of titles in catalogue: 134 Titles published annually: 10 Year of creation: 1924 Number of titles in catalogue: 750 Titles published annually: 100 FICTION RELIGION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES FICTION Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Magalie Delobelle rights@swediteur.com Foreign Rights Régis de Villers rdevillers@editions-salvator.com Sales and Export Claire Terrier claire.terrier@volumen.fr Sales and Export François-René Charles frcharles@editions-salvator.com Sarbacane 35, rue d’Hauteville 75010 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 42 46 24 00 f. +33 (0)1 42 46 28 15 www.editions-sarbacane.com Sauramps Médical 11, bd Henri IV / cs 79525 34960 Montpellier Cedex 2, France t. +33 (0)4 67 63 68 80 f. +33 (0)4 67 63 68 84 www.livres-medicaux.com Year of creation: 2003 Number of titles in catalogue: 535 Titles published annually: 70 Year of creation: 1989 Number of titles in catalogue: 600 Titles published annually: 50 CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS COMIC BOOKS MEDICINE Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Phi-Anh Nguyen phianh@lapetiteagence.fr Director Foreign Rights Yves Lefrand yves.lefrand@sauramps-medical.fr Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights (Comic Books) Sylvain Coissard sylcoissard2@orange.fr Sales and Export Marine Henry marine.henry@sarbacane.net Les Éditions de Saxe 13, rue Jules Verne zac du Caillou / cs 40205 69630 Chaponost, France t. +33 (0)4 78 72 92 54 f. +33 (0)4 78 72 64 18 www.edisaxe.com Sciences Humaines Éditions 38, rue Rantheaume / bp 256 89004 Auxerre Cedex, France t. +33 (0)3 86 72 07 00 f. +33 (0)3 86 52 53 26 www.editions.sciences humaines.com Year of creation: 1962 Number of titles in catalogue: 600 Titles published annually: 180 Year of creation: 1998 Number of titles in catalogue: 150 Titles published annually: 12 LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES DICTIONARIES & REFERENCE ADMINISTRATION & MANAGEMENT EDUCATION Foreign Rights Caroline Gaucher cgaucher@edisaxe.com Director Foreign Rights Véronique Bedin veronique.bedin @scienceshumaines.com Sales and Export Stéphanie Fillot sfillot@edisaxe.com Sales and Export Claire Terrier claire.terrier@volumen.fr Scrinéo 8, rue Saint-Marc 75002 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 42 36 01 83 f. +33 (0)1 42 33 09 61 www.scrineo.fr Le Seuil Immeuble Cap Paris 25, bd Romain-Rolland 75014 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 41 48 80 00 f. +33 (0)1 41 48 80 53 www.seuil.com Year of creation: 2006 Number of titles in catalogue: 135 Titles published annually: 30 Year of creation: 1935 Number of titles in catalogue: 13 100 Titles published annually: 550 CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS FICTION LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING ART CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS COMIC BOOKS FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES RELIGION LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Béatrice de Leyssac bdeleyssac@scrineo.fr Foreign Rights (Fiction) Martine Heissat droitsetrangers@seuil.com Sales and Export Claire Terrier claire.terrier@volumen.fr Foreign Rights (Illustrated Books) Elisabetta Trévisan etrevisan@seuil.com Foreign Rights (Children’s Books) Claire Hartmann chartmann@lamartiniere.fr Florence Pariente fpariente@lamartiniere.fr Film and tv Rights Joëlle Bouhout jbouhout@seuil.com Sales and Export Claire Terrier claire.terrier@volumen.fr Éditions Soleil 8, rue Léon Jouhaux 75010 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 56 03 92 20 f. +33 (0)1 56 03 92 30 www.soleilprod.com www.quadrants.eu Stock 31, rue de Fleurus 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 49 54 36 55 f. +33 (0)1 49 54 36 62 www.editions-stock.fr Year of creation: 1989 Number of titles in catalogue: 4 330 Titles published annually: 300 Year of creation: 1708 Number of titles in catalogue: 1 050 Titles published annually: 85 COMIC BOOKS FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES Foreign Rights Séverine Aupert saupert@groupedelcourt.com Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Fabienne Roussel froussel@editions-stock.fr Film and tv Rights Juliette Mathieu jmathieu@groupedelcourt.com Sales and Export Kamel Yahia kyahia@hachette-livre-intl.com Foreign Rights Marielle Kalamboussis mkalamboussis@editions-stock.fr Stefanie Drews sdrews@editions-stock.fr Sales and Export Kamel Yahia kyahia@hachette-livre-intl.com Syros 25, av. Pierre de Coubertin 75211 Paris Cedex 13, France t. +33 (0)1 45 87 50 00 f. +33 (0)1 45 87 57 57 www.syros.fr La Table Ronde 26, rue de Condé 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 40 46 70 70 www.editionslatableronde.fr Year of creation: 1974 Number of titles in catalogue: 275 Titles published annually: 20 Year of creation: 1944 Number of titles in catalogue: 3 300 Titles published annually: 45 CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES RELIGION Publisher Film and tv Rights Sandrine Mini smini@syros.fr Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Anna Vateva a.vateva@editionslatableronde.fr Foreign Rights Marie Dessaix mdessaix@nathan.fr Sales and Export Jean-Charles Grunstein jean-charles.grunstein@gallimard.fr Sales and Export Éric Dior edior@nathan.fr Talents Hauts 8, rue Charles-Pathé 94300 Vincennes, France t. +33 (0)1 41 93 16 64 www.talentshauts.fr Tallandier Éditions 2, rue Rotrou 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 40 46 43 88 f. +33 (0)1 40 46 43 98 www.tallandier.com Year of creation: 2005 Number of titles in catalogue: 200 Titles published annually: 20 Year of creation: 1965 Number of titles in catalogue: 500 Titles published annually: 90 CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES Director Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Laurence Faron laurence.faron@talentshauts.fr Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Marie Lannurien mlannurien@tallandier.com Sales and Export Claire Terrier claire.terrier@volumen.fr Sales and Export Baptiste Renault baptiste.renault@tallandier.com Tana 12, avenue d’Italie 75013 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 44 16 09 00 f. +33 (0)1 44 16 09 01 www.tana.fr Tec & Doc 14, rue de Provigny 94230 Cachan, France t. +33 (0)1 47 40 67 00 f. +33 (0)1 47 40 67 02 www.lavoisier.fr Year of creation: 2000 Number of titles in catalogue: 260 Titles published annually: 50 Year of creation: 1975 Number of titles in catalogue: 860 Titles published annually: 50-60 LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING SCIENCES & TECHNOLOGY Foreign Rights James Elliott james.elliott@edi8.fr Foreign Rights Maud Sapène internationalrights@lavoisier.fr Film and tv Rights Nathalie Carpentier carpentier@calfrance.fr Sales and Export Anne-Marie Seys seys@lavoisier.fr Sales and Export Damien Naddéo damien.naddeo@edi8.fr Thierry Magnier 18, rue Séguier 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 44 83 80 00 f. +33 (0)1 44 83 80 01 www.editionsthierry-magnier.com Les Éditions Tut-Tut 17, rue du Regard 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 40 52 35 35 f. +33 (0)1 45 43 76 70 www.tut-tut.fr Year of creation: 1998 Number of titles in catalogue: 880 Titles published annually: 80 Year of creation: 2012 Number of titles in catalogue: 35 Titles published annually: 15 CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING Foreign Rights Elsa Giroux egiroux@helium-editions.fr Foreign Rights Sales and Export Stéphanie Piotrowski s.piotrowski@editionsleduc.com Film and tv Rights Johanna Brock j.brock@actes-sud.fr Sales and Export Aurélie Lhotel a.lhotel@actes-sud.fr Tyalgr 12, rue des Tamaris 27240 Buis sur Danville, France t. +33 (0)9 52 06 57 30 f. +33 (0)1 34 29 60 47 www.tyalgr.com Ulisse Éditions 15, rue Mansart 75009 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 48 78 40 74 f. +33 (0)1 48 78 40 77 www.ulisseditions.com Year of creation: 2011 Number of titles in catalogue: 6 Titles published annually: 2 Year of creation: 1989 Number of titles in catalogue: 360 Titles published annually: 15 HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES ADMINISTRATION & MANAGEMENT EDUCATION LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING Director Foreign Rights Sales and Export Yann Szwec yann.szwec@tyalgr.com Director Foreign Rights Sales and Export Géraldine Boulanger geraldineboulanger@ulisseditions.com Univers Poche 12, avenue d’Italie 75627 Paris Cedex 13, France t. +33 (0)1 44 16 05 00 f. +33 (0)1 44 16 05 03 www.universpoche.com Éditions de l’Université de Bruxelles 26, avenue Paul-Héger / cp 163 1000 Bruxelles, Belgique t. +32 2 650 37 99 f. +32 2 650 37 94 www.editions-universitebruxelles.be Year of creation: 1949 (Fleuve noir) Number of titles in catalogue: 7 000 Titles published annually: 1 260 Year of creation: 1972 Number of titles in catalogue: 380 Titles published annually: 25 CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS COMIC BOOKS FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES DICTIONARIES & REFERENCE LAW Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Julie Buffaud julie.buffaud@universpoche.com Director Foreign Rights Sales and Export Michèle Mat michele.mat@ulb.ac.be Sales and Export cdes-export@interforum.fr Éditions Verdier 17-19, rue Houdart 75020 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 43 79 20 45 www.editions-verdier.fr Vial 8, rue des Moines 91410 Dourdan, France t. +33 (0)1 64 59 70 48 f. +33 (0)1 64 59 52 96 www.editionsvial.com Year of creation: 1979 Number of titles in catalogue: 730 Titles published annually: 25-30 Year of creation: 1910 Number of titles in catalogue: 170 Titles published annually: 10 FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES RELIGION ART LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING SCIENCES & TECHNOLOGY Publisher Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Colette Olive colette.olive@editions-verdier.fr Director Foreign Rights Sales and Export Olivier Wittwer olivierwittwer.editionsvial@orange.fr Sales and Export Jean-Charles Grunstein jean-charles.grunstein@gallimard.fr Foreign Rights Ximena Renjifo abiali@abiali.com Vigot-Maloine 23, rue de l’École de Médecine 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 43 25 60 45 f. +33 (0)1 46 34 05 89 www.vigot.fr www.maloine.fr Éditions de la Villette 144, avenue de Flandre 75019 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 44 65 23 58 f. +33 (0)1 44 65 23 28 www.paris-lavillette.archi.fr /editions Year of creation: 1890 Number of titles in catalogue: 1 000 Titles published annually: 120 Year of creation: 1980 Number of titles in catalogue: 160 Titles published annually: 10 DICTIONARIES & REFERENCE LIFESTYLE LEISURE & WELL-BEING MEDICINE ART HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES SCIENCES & TECHNOLOGY Foreign Rights Gaia Cangioli gcangioli@vigot.fr Publishing Director Foreign Rights Marc Bédarida marc.bedarida@paris-lavillette.archi.fr Sales and Export Romain Vigot rvigot@maloine.fr Hassen Djouad hdjouad@vigot.fr Sales and Export Claire Terrier claire.terrier@volumen.fr Viviane Hamy Cour de la Maison Brûlée 89, rue du Fbg Saint-Antoine 75011 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 53 17 16 00 f. +33 (0)1 53 17 16 09 www.viviane-hamy.fr Vrin 6, place de la Sorbonne 75005 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 43 54 03 47 f. +33 (0)1 43 54 48 18 www.vrin.fr Year of creation: 1990 Number of titles in catalogue: 280 Titles published annually: 10-12 Year of creation: 1920 Number of titles in catalogue: 1 500 Titles published annually: 65-70 FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES DICTIONARIES & REFERENCE Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Maylis Vauterin maylis.vauterin@viviane-hamy.fr Foreign Rights Gaël Kervoas gkervoas@vrin.fr Sales and Export Claire Terrier claire.terrier@volumen.fr Sales and Export Anne-Marie Arnaud amarnaud@vrin.fr Winioux Le Couderc 48190 Le Bleymard, France t. +33 (0)6 78 83 02 84 www.editionswinioux.com Éditions Xavier Barral 42, rue Sedaine 75011 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 48 05 73 01 f. +33 (0)1 48 05 64 79 www.exb.fr Year of creation: 2010 Number of titles in catalogue: 10 Titles published annually: 3 Year of creation: 2002 Number of titles in catalogue: 136 Titles published annually: 14 CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS FICTION ART Director Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Sales and Export Marion Fournioux winioux@laposte.net Foreign Rights Céline Moulard c.moulard@xavierbarral.fr Sales and Export Perrine Somma p.somma@xavierbarral.fr Zellige 15, rue des Prés Lunay 77171 Léchelle, France t. +33 (0)1 64 00 86 92 www.zellige.fr Zulma 18, rue du Dragon 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 58 22 19 90 f. +33 (0)1 58 22 19 99 www.zulma.fr Year of creation: 2001 Number of titles in catalogue: 40 Titles published annually: 60 Year of creation: 1990 Number of titles in catalogue: 450 Titles published annually: 20 FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES FICTION Director Foreign Rights Sales and Export Roger Tavernier tavernier.roger@orange.fr Foreign Rights Film and tv Rights Sales and Export Amélie Louat amelie.louat@zulma.fr Partners Interprofessional Organizations Partenaires Organismes Interprofessionnels Cette publication bénéficie du soutien du Centre national du livre Centre national du Livre 53, rue de Verneuil 75007 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 49 54 68 68 f. +33 (0)1 45 49 10 21 www.centrenationaldulivre.fr Aiei Alliance internationale des éditeurs indépendants 38, rue Saint-Sabin 75011 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 43 14 73 66 www.alliance-editeurs.org Ailf Association internationale des libraires francophones 11, rue Caillaux 75013 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 40 51 11 45 www.librairesfrancophones.org Centrale de l’édition 20, rue des Grands-Augustins 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 40 51 11 40 f. +33 (0)1 40 51 11 41 www.centrale-edition.fr Dilicom 60, rue Saint-André des Arts 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 43 25 43 35 f. +33 (0)1 43 29 76 88 www.dilicom.net Électre 35, rue Grégoire-de-Tours 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 44 41 28 00 f. +33 (0)1 44 41 28 40 www.electre.com Institut français Département Langue française, Livre et Savoirs 8-14, rue du Capitaine-Scott 75015 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 53 69 83 00 f. +33 (0)1 53 69 33 00 www.institutfrancais.com Le Motif Observatoire du livre et de l’écrit en Île de France 6, villa Marcel-Lods 75019 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 53 38 60 61 f. +33 (0)1 53 38 60 70 www.lemotif.fr Scelf Société civile des éditeurs de langue française 15, rue de Buci 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 53 34 97 10 f. +33 (0)1 42 46 21 94 www.scelf.fr Ofaj Office franco-allemand pour la jeunesse 51, rue de l’Amiral-Mouchez 75013 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 40 78 18 18 f. +33 (0)1 40 78 18 88 www.ofaj.org Sne Syndicat national de l’édition 115, bd Saint-Germain 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 44 41 40 50 f. +33 (0)1 44 41 40 77 www.sne.fr Oif Organisation internationale de la francophonie 19-21, avenue Bosquet 75007 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 44 37 33 00 f. +33 (0)1 45 79 14 98 www.francophonie.org Sofia Société française des intérêts des auteurs de l’écrit 199 bis, bd Saint-Germain 75007 Paris, France t. +33 (0)8 10 64 26 42 f. +33 (0)1 44 07 17 88 www.la-sofia.org Salon du livre de Paris 52-54, quai de Dion-Bouton 92800 Puteaux, France t. +33 (0)1 47 56 64 31 f. +33 (0)1 47 56 64 44 www.salondulivreparis.com Slpj Salon du livre et de la presse jeunesse en Seine Saint-Denis Mïce Marché international et interprofessionnel de la création pour enfants 3, rue François-Debergue 93100 Montreuil, France t. +33 (0)1 55 86 86 55 f. +33 (0)1 48 57 04 62 www.salon-livre-pressejeunesse.net UniFrance 13, rue Henner 75009 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 47 53 95 80 f. +33 (0)1 47 05 96 55 www.uniFrance.org List of Publishers Liste des éditeurs × Abc Melody × Acr × Actes Sud × Actes Sud Junior × × Aedis × × × × Akata × × Amazone Productions Guyane Éditions × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × Les Arènes × × Armand Colin × × Artège Éditions × × L’Atalante × × × × × Éditions de l’Atelier × × l’Atelier du Poisson Soluble × Athéna Éditions × Au Diable Vauvert × × × Autrement Autrement Jeunesse × × × × × × Éditions Auzou × Balivernes × × Ballon Media × × × × × Bamboo Édition × × Le Baron perché × Bayard Éditions × Béatitudes × × × × × × × × DIGITAL PUBLISHING STM – SCIENCES & TECHNOLOGY MEDICINE EDUCATION – FFL LIFESTYLE – LEISURE & WELL-BEING × × × Anne Carrière Éditions Beaux Arts Éditions × × Amaterra Balland × × × Albin Michel Jeunesse Aux Forges de Vulcain × × Afnor Les Apprentis réveurs LAW – ADMINISTRATION & MANAGMENT × × Adverbum Albin Michel HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES RELIGION – DICTIONARIES & REF. FICTION COMIC BOOKS CHILDREN & YOUND ADULTS ART À dos d’âne × × × × × Bernard Chauveau Éditions × Bibliothèque nationale de France – BnF × × Biotope Éditions × La Boîte à bulles Buchet Chastel × × Bulles de savon × Le Buveur d’encre × Édition du Cabardès × Callicéphale × Calmann-Levy Cambourakis Casterman Éditions du Centre Pompidou × × × × × × × × × × Éditions Cépaduès × Cerf × Charleston Éditions × × Éditions du Chêne × Cherche-Midi × × × Christian Bourgois Éditeur Citadelles & Mazenod × × × × × Clé International × Clorophyl Éditions × × Cnrs Éditions × Copyright 2.0 × Corsaire Éditions Éditions Courtes et longues Création audiovisuelle et littéraire (c.a.l.) × × × × × × × DIGITAL PUBLISHING LIFESTYLE – LEISURE & WELL-BEING LAW – ADMINISTRATION & MANAGMENT × × Benjamins média HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES RELIGION – DICTIONARIES & REF. FICTION COMIC BOOKS × Les Belles Lettres STM – SCIENCES & TECHNOLOGY MEDICINE Belin EDUCATION – FFL × CHILDREN & YOUND ADULTS ART Beaux-arts de Paris les éditions × × DIGITAL PUBLISHING × × × × × × × × × Denoël × Des Femmes × × Desclée de Brouwer Diane de Selliers Éditeur × STM – SCIENCES & TECHNOLOGY MEDICINE × EDUCATION – FFL × Delcourt LIFESTYLE – LEISURE & WELL-BEING × LAW – ADMINISTRATION & MANAGMENT × FICTION HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES RELIGION – DICTIONARIES & REF. Decrescenzo Éditeurs COMIC BOOKS × CHILDREN & YOUND ADULTS × La Découverte ART De Boeck Supérieur Dargaud – Le Lombard × × × × × Didier Jeunesse × × Le Dilettante × Distillerie du savoir × La Documentation Française (dila) × Librairie Droz × × Alain Ducasse Édition × Dunod Éditeur × Dupuis × × × × × Ebk Ecir Consulting × Éditions de l’École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales × × L’école des loisirs × Édi 8 × Éditions n°1 Élan vert × × × × × × × Ellipses Éditions Marketing × Embrasure × Éditions de l’Emmanuel × × × × × × × × Empreinte – Temps présent × × E-Pagine Publications × Eska Éditions Esmod Éditions Éditions Espaces 34 × × × × × × × × × × × La Fabrique LIFESTYLE – LEISURE & WELL-BEING EDUCATION – FFL STM – SCIENCES & TECHNOLOGY MEDICINE × × × × × Fayard × × First × × × × × × × × Flammarion × Flammarion Jeunesse Père Castor × Fleurus Éditions × Fluide Glacial × Les Fourmis rouges × Futuropolis × Fyp Éditions × Galaade Éditions Gallimard × Gallimard Jeunesse Gallimard Loisirs × × × × × × × × × Éditions Geuthner Glénat Éditions × × × × Graine 2 × Éditions des Grandes Personnes × Grasset et Fasquelle × Gründ × Gulf Stream Éditeur × × × × × × × Hachette Français Langue Étrangère × Hachette Jeunesse × × Hachette Pratique × Hachette Tourisme × Hatier Hazan Hélium × × Héloïse d’Ormesson Éditions Hemma Hermès Scences Publications × × × × × × × DIGITAL PUBLISHING LAW – ADMINISTRATION & MANAGMENT HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES RELIGION – DICTIONARIES & REF. FICTION COMIC BOOKS CHILDREN & YOUND ADULTS ART Eyrolles × × × × Ibis Rouge Éditions × × × Ird Éditions × Jouvence Éditions × Julliard × Kaléidoscope × Kanjil Éditeur × Éditions Kero × Klincksieck × × × × Robert Laffont × × × × × × Jean-Claude Lattès × × × × Lavauzelle × × Lavoisier × × Leduc.s Éditions × × Lextenso Éditions Liana Levi × × × Libretto × × × Magnani × × Éditions Maison des langues × Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme × Mama Editions × Marabout × × × × Médecine Sciences Publications MeMo × × Marmaille et compagnie Geste s.a. Édition de La Martinière × × × × × DIGITAL PUBLISHING × × InterÉditions Larousse × × × Imav Éditions Indigène STM – SCIENCES & TECHNOLOGY MEDICINE Les Humanoïdes Associés EDUCATION – FFL × LIFESTYLE – LEISURE & WELL-BEING × × LAW – ADMINISTRATION & MANAGMENT FICTION × HongFei Cultures HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES RELIGION – DICTIONARIES & REF. COMIC BOOKS × CHILDREN & YOUND ADULTS ART Hoëbeke × Menu Fretin × Michel Lagarde × × × Michel Lafon Publishing × × × × Mollat × Éditions d’art Monelle Hayot × Musée du Louvre Éditions × Nathan × × × × × × × × Noir sur Blanc × × Nouveau Monde Éditions × Les Nouveaux Auteurs × × × × × × × Nouvelle Arche de Noé Éditions (nane) × × Nouvelle Cité × × Océan Éditions × × Odile Jacob × × Okidokid × Éditions de l’Olivier × × × × × × × × P.O.L. Éditeur × × × Le papillon rouge × Parole et silence × × × Le Passage × × Le Passeur Éditeur × × × × × × × Pastel Payot & Rivages × × × × × × DIGITAL PUBLISHING STM – SCIENCES & TECHNOLOGY MEDICINE × × Minuit Éditions du patrimoine EDUCATION – FFL × Michelin Travel Partner Palette… LIFESTYLE – LEISURE & WELL-BEING × Métailié Ouest France Éditions Edilarge s.a. × × Mercure de France Non Lieu Éditions LAW – ADMINISTRATION & MANAGMENT HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES RELIGION – DICTIONARIES & REF. × FICTION CHILDREN & YOUND ADULTS × COMIC BOOKS ART Mengès Place des Victoires × × × Pimchou × × Groupe éditorial Piktos × × × × × × × × Place des éditeurs × × Play Bac × × × Plon Plume de Carotte × Le Pommier × × × × × × × × Presses de la Fondation des Sciences politiques × Presses Universitaires de France (puf) × Presses Universitaires de Grenoble (pug) × Presses Universitaires de Vincennes (puv) × Prosveta Éditions × Éditions Quae × × × Éditions du Rocher × Rouergue × × × × × Rue de l’Échiquier × Rue de Sèvres × × × Sabine Wespieser Éditeur × Salvator × × × × × × × × Les Éditions du Ricochet Sarbacane × × Rageot Éditeur × × Presses de l’Université Paris-Sorbonne Rue du Monde × DIGITAL PUBLISHING STM – SCIENCES & TECHNOLOGY MEDICINE × × Philippe Picquier Éditions du Regard EDUCATION – FFL × Les petits Platons Présence Africaine Éditions LIFESTYLE – LEISURE & WELL-BEING × Perrin Phébus LAW – ADMINISTRATION & MANAGMENT HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES RELIGION – DICTIONARIES & REF. FICTION COMIC BOOKS CHILDREN & YOUND ADULTS ART Pedone × Les Éditions de Saxe × Sciences Humaines Éditions × Scrinéo Le Seuil × × × Éditions Soleil × × × × × × × × × × × × × Stock Syros × La Table Ronde Talents Hauts × × Tallandier Éditions × Tana × Tec & Doc × Thierry Magnier × Tyalgr × × Ulisse Éditions × × × Éditions de l’Université de Bruxelles × Éditions Verdier × × × × Viviane Hamy × Vrin × Winioux × × × Zellige × Zulma × × × × Vigot-Maloine Éditions Xavier Barral × × Univers Poche Éditions de la Villette × × Les Éditions Tut-Tut Vial × × × × × × DIGITAL PUBLISHING STM – SCIENCES & TECHNOLOGY MEDICINE EDUCATION – FFL LIFESTYLE – LEISURE & WELL-BEING LAW – ADMINISTRATION & MANAGMENT HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES RELIGION – DICTIONARIES & REF. FICTION COMIC BOOKS CHILDREN & YOUND ADULTS ART Sauramps Médical Catalogue édité par le bief Bureau international de l’édition française 115, boulevard Saint-Germain 75006 Paris, France t. +33 (0)1 44 41 13 13 / f. +33 (0)1 46 34 63 83 info@bief.org / www.bief.org Cette publication bénéficie de l’appui du Centre national du livre Directeur de la publication Jean-Guy Boin Conception graphique Guillaume Dairou Traduction Catherine McMillan Imprimé en ue par Créa & Fab 8, rue de Valmy 93100 Montreuil Dépôt légal : Janvier 2015 À dos d’âne Abc Melody Acr Actes Sud Actes Sud Junior Adverbum Aedis Afnor Akata Albin Michel Albin Michel Jeunesse Amaterra Amazone Productions – Éditions Guyane Anne Carrière Éditions Les Apprentis rêveurs Les Arènes Armand Colin Artège Éditions L’Atalante Éditions de l’Atelier L’Atelier du Poisson Soluble Athéna Éditions Au Diable Vauvert Autrement Autrement Jeunesse Aux Forges de Vulcain Éditions Auzou Balivernes Balland Ballon Media Bamboo Édition Le Baron perché Bayard Éditions Béatitudes Beaux Arts Éditions Beaux-arts de Paris les éditions Belin Les Belles Lettres Benjamins média Bernard Chauveau Éditions Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF) Biotope Éditions La Boîte à bulles Buchet Chastel Bulles de savon Le Buveur d’encre Éditions du Cabardès Callicéphale Calmann-Levy Cambourakis Casterman Éditions du Centre Pompidou Éditions Cépaduès Cerf Charleston Éditions Éditions du Chêne Cherche-Midi Christian Bourgois Éditeur Citadelles & Mazenod Clé International Clorophyl Éditions Cnrs Éditions Copyright 2.0 Corsaire Éditions Éditions Courtes et longues Création audiovisuelleet littéraire (c.a.l.) 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Éditions de La Martinière Médecine Sciences Publications MeMo Mengès – Place des Victoires Menu Fretin Mercure de France Métailié Michel Lagarde Michel Lafon Publishing Michelin Travel Partner Minuit Mollat Éditions d’art Monelle Hayot Musée du Louvre Éditions Nathan Noir sur Blanc Non Lieu Éditions Nouveau Monde Éditions Les Nouveaux Auteurs Nouvelle Arche Noé Éditions(nane) Nouvelle Cité Océan Éditions Odile Jacob Okidokid Éditions de l’Olivier Ouest France Éditions – Édilarge s.a. P.O.L. Éditeur Palette… Le papillon rouge Parole et silence Le Passage Le Passeur Éditeur Pastel Éditions du patrimoine Payot & Rivages Pedone Perrin Les petits Platons Phébus Philippe Picquier Groupe éditorial Piktos Pimchou Place des éditeurs Play Bac Plon Plume de Carotte Le Pommier Présence Africaine Éditions Presses de l’UniversitéParis-Sorbonne Presses de la Fondationdes Sciences politiques Presses Universitairesde France (puf) Presses Universitairesde Grenoble (pug) Presses Universitairesde Vincennes (puv) Prosveta Éditions Éditions Quae Rageot Éditeur Éditions du Regard Les Éditions du Ricochet Éditions du Rocher Rouergue Rue de l’Échiquier Rue de Sèvres Rue du Monde Sabine Wespieser Éditeur Salvator – Yves Briend Éditeur s.a. Sarbacane Sauramps Médical Les Éditions de Saxe Sciences Humaines Éditions Scrinéo Le Seuil Éditions Soleil Stock Syros La Table Ronde Talents Hauts Tallandier Éditions Tana Tec & Doc Thierry Magnier Les Éditions Tut-Tut Tyalgr Ulisse Éditions Univers Poche Éditions de l’Universitéde Bruxelles Éditions Verdier Vial Vigot-Maloine Éditions de la Villette Viviane Hamy Vrin Winioux Éditions Xavier Barral Zellige Zulma
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