Remember - Labourdonnais Waterfront Hotel


Remember - Labourdonnais Waterfront Hotel
The Labourdonnais Waterfront Hotel
Le Suffren Hotel & Marina
For reservations or further information:
Please contact our business centre on 202 4024
or e-mail:
Limited places available, book now!
Christmas & New Year
Dinner Parties
at the Waterfront Hotels
Caudan Waterfront, Port Louis, Mauritius. Tel: (230) 202 4000 - Fax (230) 202 4040 -
New Year’s Eve Menu
Labourdonnais Waterfront Hotel
31 dec
Langouste pochée parfumée à l’huile de basilic, pointe de caviar aquitaine,
compotée d’endive accompagnée de son espuma au réglisse
Poached spiny lobster scented with basil oil, complimented
with chicory compote and served with chilled liquorice’s espuma
Terrine de foie gras, litchis juste macérés au cognac,
toast de pain brioché aux fines herbes
Duck liver terrine cognac macerated litchis and crispy wafer with herbs
Labourdonnais Waterfront Hotel
Our crème and gold themed evening will sparkle
with class and charisma. When you book your
evening at Le Grand Bal you know you’ve got
the best ticket in town for new year celebrations.
The evening begins with a cocktail reception
at 7:30pm. You’ll walk down the red carpet,
celebrity style dressed in all your finery and
as you enter a glass of Moët & Chandon
champagne awaits you to the accompaniment of
live piano music.
Sorbet de melon d’eau et son mousseux au kirsch
Water melon sherbet with a touch of frothy kirsch scented sauce
Darne de saumon juste saisie, rémoulade de cœur de palmiste
et pointes d’asperges vertes accompagnées d’une sauce
délicatement relevée au vin mousseux
Pan seared salmon served with heart of palm remoulade
and asparagus spears with sparkling wine flavoured sauce
Mignon de veau rôti au four, gratiné de patate douce
à l’huile de truffe et ses févettes vivement sautées
Oven roasted veal filet, sweet potato gratin with truffle oil served
with sautéed broad bean and jus de cuisson
Moelleux chocolaté aux fruits rouges, gelée de champagne rosé,
tuiles au Muscavado et émulsion à la vanille
Soft chocolate cake with red berries refreshed with champagne jelly,
Muscavado sugar crispy wafer and vanilla emulsion sauce
You’ll be escorted to your table where the
soft candlelight and carefully considered table
decorations with beige and gold ball masks will
set the tone for a wonderful evening. Then the
dinner begins. Stand by for course after course
of French gourmet food especially prepared by
our master chef Nizam Peeroo. As always, good
food and wine will weave their magic spell.
After dinner, sounds from the 70’s and beyond
will whisk you and your partner irresistibly
onto the dance floor. As midnight strikes a
spectacular firework display will light up the
waterfront and usher in 2011.
If you want the magic to continue, stay the night
from just Rs 5,000 for two persons sharing a
double room (inclusive of tax and breakfast).
Exclusively for Mauritian residents.
Dress code: evening dress.
Rs 2,500*
* excl VAT p/person
New Year’s Eve Buffet
Le Suffren Hotel & Marina
31 dec
La fête à
Le Suffren
What was once a sleepy fishing village
a few miles from Marseilles has become
an icon of French chic and cool, and
this vibrant, jet setting hot spot is the
theme for our unforgettable evening at
Le Suffren. For our St. Tropez new year
celebrations the theme is cool white.
White is the new black, so you can
dazzle in pure white, and then it’s time
to set the night alight.
We’ll be serving a sumptuous
Mediterranean themed buffet with a
wide selection of our master chef Nizam
Peeroo’s signature Mauritian
and Mediterranean fusion dishes.
Of course St Tropez throbs to an
incessant disco beat, and there’ll be
music from the 80’s till today to dance
to all expertly mixed by our DJ for
the night.
Come midnight you’ll watch a
spectacular firework display illuminate
the waterfront, and then it’s back to
St. Tropez and the dance floor.
If you can’t tear yourself away, why not
stay the night from just Rs 4,000 for two
persons sharing a double room (inclusive
of tax and breakfast). Exclusively for
Mauritian residents.
Cold Starters / Entrées froides
Assortiment de poissons fumés accompagné de focaccia,
crème de fenouil, câpres à queue et huile d’olive citronnée
Selection of smoked fish served with a cream of fennel,
capers, lime olive oil and focaccia bread
Ballottines de fruits de mer nappées d’une gelée
au jus de bouillabaisse façon méditerranéen
Seafood ballotines with a delicate bouillabaisse jelly Mediterranean style
Salade de bacon de cerf et de champignons des bois
assaisonnée de vinaigrette au persil plat
Fresh mushroom salad with venison bacon and tossed with vinaigrette
Salade de moules marinées accompagnée de tomate farcie à la tapenade d’olive noire
Marinated mussel salad accompanied by tomato stuffed with olive tapenade
Salade de maïs à l’effilochée de poulet poché et fines juliennes de jalapeno
Corn salad with poached shredded chicken topped with fresh chili julienne
Salade de fromage de brebis accompagnée de tomate cerise, courgette grillée,
fenouil et filet de vinaigrette au miel parfumé à la fleur de thym
Greek salad with cherry tomato, grilled zucchini and a honey and thyme dressing
Salade à composer soi-même:
Pomme nouvelle, céleri rave, oignons émincés, quatre variétés de laitues,
concombre, tomate, pignons de pin, carotte râpée, pamplemousse et copeaux de
fromage et vinaigrettes diverses - mayonnaise à l’ail, vinaigrette à la moutarde et au
poivre torréfié, sauce cocktail, vinaigrette aux noix, huile d’olive et vinaigre balsamique
Create your own tossed salad:
Four varieties of lettuce, spring potatoes, celeries, cucumber, sliced onion,
tomato, pine nuts, grated carrot, grapefruit and cheese shavings served with a
variety of dressings - garlic mayonnaise, mustard and roasted pepper dressing,
thousand islands sauce, walnut dressing, olive oil and balsamic vinegar
Sélection de pains méditerranéens accompagnée de tahini et houmous
Selection of Mediterranean breads served with tahini sauce and houmous
Salade niçoise composée de thon mariné au jus de citron, haricot vert,
olive verte et pomme de terre en robe des champs
Niçoise salad, fresh tuna in a lime marinade served with potatoes,
French beans and macerated green olives
Taboulé de salpicon de fruits de mer parsemé de menthe fraîche
Seafood salpicon taboulé scented with fresh mint
Terrine de saumon parfumée à l’aneth
Salmon terrine scented with dill
New Year’s Eve Buffet
31 dec
Le Suffren Hotel & Marina
New Year’s Eve Buffet
Le Suffren Hotel & Marina
Potages / Soups
Soupe de tomate à la chair de crabe et aux épices
Spicy tomato soup with crab meat
Soupe de potimarron et croûtons de fromage feta
Pumpkin soup with feta cheese crouton
Plats chauds /Hot dishes
Agneau grillé sur un lit de sauce tomate mi-séchée et poivron fumé
Grilled lamb on a bed of smoked bell pepper and sun dried tomato sauce
Escalope de bœuf sur un sauté de petits pois, noix de cajou rôties,
piments rouges et chips à l’ail
Grilled beef steak on sautéed green peas, roasted cashew nut
and red chilies topped with fried garlic chips
Pintade rôtie et jus au pistil de safran, agrémentée d’olives
et de pluches de coriandre
Pan roasted guinea fowl breast with saffron, olives and coriander sauce
31 dec
Salade de fruits frais au jus de pistil de safran
Fresh fruit salad with sweet saffron jus
Crème brûlée aux marrons d’eau
Water chestnut Crème brûlée
Tarte à l’orange
Orange flavored tart
Gâteau de carotte aux éclats de pistache verte
Carrot and pistachio cake
Gâteau mœlleux au chocolat parfumé à la vanille
Soft chocolate cake flavoured with vanilla
Assortiment de panna cotta : amande, fruits rouges et thé
Assortment of panna cotta delicacies : almond, red berries and tea
Fontaine de chocolat et brochette de fruits frais
Fresh fruit skewer with chocolate fountain
Mitonné de calamar aux tomates confites et aux olives, jus de cuisson au safran
Calamari squid stew with pickled tomatoes and olives
served with a delicate saffron jus de caisson
Ragoût de fruits de mer au piment doux et feuilles de basilic frais
Seafood stew with sweet chili and fresh basil leaves
Sacréchien rôti au fenouil braisé parfumé à la noix de muscade
Oven roasted seabream with braised fennel scented with nutmeg
Steak de thon sur légumes à la provençale et filet d’huile d’olive
Tuna steak on Provencal sautéed seasonal vegetables and drizzle of olive oil
Riz pilaf au cumin / Cumin flavored pilaf rice
Lasagnes de poivron et d’aubergine grillée nappées
d’une sauce tomate légèrement épicée
Eggplant and capsicum lasagna with a spicy tomato sauce
Purée de pomme de terre à l’échalotte saupoudrée d’épices zatar
Mashed potatoes and red shallot with zatar spices
Légumes de saison nappés d’une sauce à l’anchois et au cerfeuil
Seasonal vegetables with chervil and anchovy buttered sauce
Rs 1,800*
* excl VAT p/person
New Year’s Eve Buffet
La Bâtisse
31 dec
Station froide / Cold station
Salade de pomme ratte au poulet confit et vinaigre de framboise
Ratte potato salad with preserved chicken and raspberry vinegar
Salade landaise composée de lardon, œuf poché, gruyère et pignons de pin
Salad from the Landes composed of bacon, poached egg,
Gruyère and pine nuts
La Bâtisse
This is a lively, stylish high kicking way to
see in 2011. The theme is red and black, a
sexy colour combination in celebration of one
of Paris’ most talked about night spots at the
magnificent La Bâtisse.
Our Moulin Rouge new year celebrations
will include - what else - a fabulous French
brasserie style buffet to give you all the
stamina you will need for the hot disco
sounds we’ll be pumping out throughout
the night. It’ll be music from the 80’s and
beyond - and just to be clear, that’s 1980’s,
not 1880’s when French artist Toulouse
Lautrec was painting his famous posters of
the Moulin Rouge.
The Moulin Rouge was famous for its
revelries going on well into the night and
it will be just the same at our new year
When finally you decide to call it a night
why not take advantage of our Le Suffren
special package of Rs 4,000 for 2 persons in
a double room, including breakfast and tax.
Strictly for Mauritian residents only.
Tomate farcie aux rillettes de chair de crabe
Stuffed local tomato with crab meat rillettes
Assortiment de fruits de mer et rémoulade
de cœur de palmiste légèrement moutardé
Assortment of seafood salad with heart of palm
remoulade scented with mustard
Salade de fusili et maïs aux éclats de poivron grillé
et salpicon de fruits de mer
Fusili pasta and maize salad tossed with grilled
capsicum and seafood salpicon
Salade de poisson poché au court bouillon, citron confit
et fenouil mariné à l’huile d’olive
Poached fish salad with pickled lemon and marinated fennel
New Year’s Eve Buffet
31 dec
La Bâtisse
New Year’s Eve Buffet
La Bâtisse
31 dec
Salades variées:
Lollo Rosso, frisée, cressonnette, feuilles de romaine,
feuilles de chêne, mignonette, iceberg, sucrine,
roquette servies avec une variété de vinaigrettes
Plats de Résistance / Main courses
Salad selection:
Lollo Rosso, arugula salad, watercress, Romaine lettuce, mignon potatoes,
iceberg, mixed salad served with a variety of dressings
Coquelet rôti et jus de cuisson au raisin
Roasted baby chicken served with a grape jus de cuisson
Salade campagnarde composée de lardon, raisin mariné,
fromage de chèvre, pignons de pin et croûtons
Country style salad with lardons, marinated raisins, goat cheese,
pine nuts and croutons
Sélection de fromage accompagnée d’une variété de pains grillés :
roquefort, camembert, brie, chèvre pané, emmental et copeaux de parmesan
Selection of cheese composed of Parmesan, Emmental, goat cheese, Brie,
Camembert and Roquefort served with a variety of homemade breads
Le panier de la boulangère de la St Sylvestre avec ses mottes de beurre,
ses deux vinaigres, ses huiles et ses chutneys
Bread basket of St Sylvester with homemade butter, vinegar, oil and chutneys
Station de charcuterie et de poisson fumé /
Cold cuts and smoked fish station
Jambon à l’os fumé et jambon de cerf
accompagnés d’olives, cornichons et moutarde
Smoked ham and venison ham served with olives, gherkins and mustard
Saumon, truite et hareng accompagnés de crème aigre, confit de citron,
câpres à queue, huile d’olive et vinaigre balsamique
Salmon, trout and hake served with sour cream, pickled lime,
capers, olive oil and balsamic vinegar
Brochette d’agneau de lait rôtie à la broche
et sauce au romarin
Lamb skewer served with rosemary sauce
Moule marinière et croûtons à l’ail
Marinière mussel served with garlic crouton
Piqué de crevettes roses pochées accompagné
de sa sauce hollandaise
Pink prawn skewer accompanied
by Hollandaise sauce
Goujonnette de thon pané à la chapelure d’orange
et sa sauce au piment d’Espelette
Orange crust coated tuna served
with a chilli flavoured sauce
New Year’s Eve Buffet
31 dec
La Bâtisse
New Year’s Eve Beverage List
Labourdonnais / Le Suffren / La Bâtisse
31 dec
Pâtisseries / Pastry
Assortiment de macarons à la confiture de papaye rouge
Assortment of four macarons with red papaya jam
Nicolas Feuillate
Kir Royal
Moët & Chandon Brut Imperial
Mœlleux de carotte aux éclats de pistache et crème anglaise
Soft carrot cake with pistachio and vanilla emulsion
Pommes d’amour aux trois parfums : vanille, fraise et menthe
Three scented Pommes d’amour: vanilla, strawberry and mint
Assortiment de macarons accompagné de confiture d’abricot
Assortment of macarons served with apricot jam
Pudding aux fruits séchés macerés au vieux rhum
Macerated dry fruit pudding
Per glass
Rs. 550
Rs. 610
Rs. 750
Spirituous Beverages
Vodka Smirnoff/Count pushkin
Gilbey’s Gin
Johnnie Walker Red Label
Johnnie Walker Black Label
Rémy Martin, V.S.O.P
Mi-cru mi-cuit chocolaté aux fruits rouges
Red berries soft chocolate cake
Per glass
Moët & Chandon Brut Imperial
Laurent Perrier Brut
Louis Roederer Brut
Per bottle
Rs. 3,900
Rs. 3,900
Rs. 4,200
Champagne Rosé
Moët & Chandon Rosé
Laurent Perrier Rosé
Dom Pérignon Rosé
Rs 1,600*
* excl VAT p/person
10% discount on Champagne applies only for the prepaid orders
until 24 hours before the event.
All prices are in Mauritian rupees and exclusive of any Government taxes.
Per bottle
Rs. 4,500
Rs. 5,500
New Year’s Eve Beverage List
31 dec
Labourdonnais / Le Suffren / La Bâtisse
Champagne Millésime
Gosset Grand Millésime
Moët & Chandon ‘Dom Pérignon’
Louis Roederer ‘Cristal’
Per bottle
Rs. 4,500
White Wine
Le Bouquet, Boschendal, South Africa
Chardonnay d’Ardèche, Louis Latour, France
Sauvignon Blanc, Plaisir de Merle, South Africa
Sancerre ‘Les Belles Dames’, Pascal Gitton, France
Chardonnay, Meerlust, South Africa
Chablis Grand Cru ‘Les clos Jean Durup’, France
Per bottle
Rs. 950
Rs. 1,100
Rs. 1,300
Rs. 2,100
Rs. 2,300
Rs. 4,900
Red Wine
Merlot-Shiraz, Long Mountain, South Africa
Château des Tuquets AC, France
Shiraz-Cabernet Sauvignon
‘Rawson’s Retreat’, Penfold’s, Australia
Cabernet Sauvignon-Merlot
‘Grand Class Glen Carlou’, South Africa
Brouilly Château de la Chaize, France
Cabernet Sauvignon
Plaisir de Merle, South Africa
Gevrey-Chambertin, Louis Latour , Côte d’Or
Per bottle
Rs. 1,100
Rs. 1,500
Rs. 1,750
Rs. 1,900
Rs. 4,500
10% discount on Champagne applies only for the prepaid orders
until 24 hours before the event.
All prices are in Mauritian rupees and exclusive of any Government taxes.