July - San Diego Astronomy Association
July - San Diego Astronomy Association
San Diego Astronomy Association Celebrating Over 50 Years of Astronomical Outreach http://www.sdaa.org A Non-Profit Educational Association P.O. Box 23215, San Diego, CA 92193-3215 Next SDAA Business Meeting July 12th at 7:00pm 7270 Trade Street San Diego, CA 92121 Next Program Meeting July 20, 2016 at 7:00pm Mission Trails Regional Park Visitor and Interpretive Center 1 Father Junipero Serra Trail CONTENTS July 2016, Vol LIV, Issue 7 Published Monthly by the San Diego Astronomy Association Incorporated in California in 1963 Ju l y P r o g r a m M e e t i n g. . . . . . . . . 1 Julian StarFest..............1 June Minutes...............4 Astronomical Research.....6 M e r c u r y Tr a n s i t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 July Calendar..................10 S DA A C o n t a c t s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 2016 TDS Schedule..............12 Fo r S a l e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 T D S Wo r k Pa r t y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3 Space Place Par tners Ar ticle....17 A s t r o n o m y C a r t o o n s. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 9 Newsletter Deadline The deadline to submit articles for publication is the 15th of each month. July 2016 July Program Meeting Date: July 20, 2016 Speaker: Pat Boyce and Dave Wood Topic: Various topics San Diego Astronomy Association (SDAA) sponsors speakers on a wide range of astronomy topics on the third Wednesday of every month at the Mission Trails Regional Park Visitors Center. The program meeting begins at 7pm. Each attendee receives one free door prize ticket. After announcements and a small amount of business, the audience is treated to the featured presentation. At the close of the meeting the door prizes are presented. The event is open to the public. The Mission Trails Regional Park Visitors Center is at One Fr. Junipero Serra Trail, San Diego CA 92119. Call the park at 619-668-3281 for more information or visit http:// www.mtrp.org. SDAA's 9th Annual Julian StarFest August 4 – 6, Menghini Winery, Julian San Diego Astronomy Association Julian StarFest is fast approaching. Sign up now at www.julianstarfest.com. There is something for everyone. Thursday, August 4 after 3 pm to Saturday, August 6 All days Friday and Saturday Camping sign-in and registration for up to three nights of camping. Limited number of RV spaces. Volunteer and camp for free, contact info@julianstarfest.com. Only prearranged and pre-approved assignments are eligible for free camping. Snacks and full meals from Niederfrank’s Ice Cream, and Julian Cuyamaca CERT Mobile Field Kitchen Vendors: OPT will be there offering good deals on astronomy merchandise. Also expect to see Shannon Telescopes, Focus Astronomy Outreach and several others. Friday and Saturday Live-Feed by Woody Schlom: The "Live Feed" astro-video tent theater displays live and nearly-live video from telescopes onto video monitors and a video projection screen. View the Sun by day and deep sky at night. Friday, Aug 5 afternoon and evening Optional Night Sky Photography Workshop Friday night & all day Saturday Lectures on astronomy by a diverse group of guest speakers. A complete list is at www.julianstarfest.com. with Dennis Mammana: Learn the basics of capturing these phenomena with little more than a camera and tripod; all from one of America's favorite night sky photographers. http://www.julianstarfest.com 2 San Diego Astronomy Association Saturday morning, meet at 8am sharp by the corral, or be at Palomar before 10 am. Saturday, Aug 6 10am and 2 pm Saturday afternoon at 5pm Saturday evening starting at 7pm Sunday morning Optional tour of Palomar Observatory: reservations are required, box lunches can be reserved: This tour includes the lower observatory floor, and the main floor with the 200" Hale. See http://www.julianstarfest.com Kids' events: Fun astronomy crafts and games for kids...go on a celestial scavenger hunt, make a straw rocket that you can keep, design you own constellation, or make your own marshmallow shooter. The raffle: Donations from SDAA supporters and sponsors. Tickets will available for purchase at the event. Proceeds benefit SDAA's outreach activities. THE STAR PARTY: We expect over 1,000 people again this year. Even if you can't attend the full event, come out on Saturday evening with your telescope to share the night sky with the public. To help with planning, please contact outreach@sdaa.org with your contact information. Pack-up and say goodbye: until we meet again at the next Julian StarFest. 3 San Diego Astronomy Association San Diego Astronomy Association Board of Directors Meeting June 14, 2016 – Unapproved and subject to revision 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 7pm with the following board members in attendance: Mike Chasin, President; Greg Farrell, Vice President; Gene Burch, Treasurer; Nick Andrews, Corresponding Secretary; Brian McFarland, Recording Secretary; Dave Decker, Director; Dennis Ritz, director; and Dave Wood, Director. 2. Approval of Last Meeting Minutes The minutes of the May meeting were approved as published in the Newsletter 3. Priority / Member Business – none. . Treasurer’s & Membership Report • Gene presented the treasurer’s report and it was approved. • Currently at 485 members (some members still sans email addresses). • Made some JSF payments. • Still awaiting the quote for increased liability insurance (going from $1M to $3M). • Pad issue – two members sharing a pad requested separate yearly billing for their shared pad. The Board turned the request down for a couple reasons: 1) When the club originally recognized joint pad ownership, it was decided that a single yearly payment would be made – it would be up to the joint owners to sort it out between them (the same way the observatory partners handled the yearly tax payment); 2) Undue burden on the treasurer to try and track separate payments from two or more joint owners of a single pad, due at different times (coinciding with each member’s yearly membership dues payment). The same members also wanted to pay for years in advance but this was also denied; the pads are leased on a yearly basis and subject to the minimum yearly pad use requirements – paying for years in advance does not comply with the club’s pad lease guidelines. 4. 5. Standard Reports a. Site Maintenance – The water pump is reported to be making funny noises – it’s time for an evaluation. b. Observatory Report – The declination control on the Lipp is only working in one direction. Jerry is troubleshooting. c. Private Pad Report – The number of available pads remains unchanged since the last report. I’m in the process of writing up two new leases. d. JSF – Found a new security company based in Ramona; otherwise all is going well. e. Program Report • The last program meeting was attended by about 35 people, with about $100 in raffle proceeds. • Trying to coordinate some of the SDAA project leads to give short presentations describing their progress at a future program meeting (TARO, BARO, Cruzen, etc). f. Banquet – need to coordinate with Daphne and get started on preparations. g. AISIG Report • The last presentation was about observatory control software and was well attended. There was also a lot of discussion regarding TARO use and management. • This month’s presentation will feature Tony Hallas. h. Newsletter Report – Impressive work by Andrea K as always. i. Website Report • The SDAA website is now connected to WildApricot for membership applications and renewals. • The Julian StarFest website is now accepting online vendor and participant applications. j. Outreach Report-OSIG • SDAA was asked to hold star parties at Sycamore Canyon monthly during the summer and they are now on the schedule. • The Boy Scout Council has asked for SDAA participation in a STEM Fair on 15 October at the site near Balboa Park. Details are being worked, but it is during the day and will likely consist of talks and solar viewing. Kin Searcy has asked about Girl Scout STEM programs that SDAA could support, but the program is not underway. • SDAA held a Ramadan Moon sighting for a Turkish heritage association on 5 June at West Sycamore. This is difficult as the thin sliver moon is very close to the sun, but some participants were able to sight the small arc. 4 San Diego Astronomy Association • We had a successful star party at Cuyamaca last night. We had around 100 people drop by to take a look at the Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and several galaxies, nebulae, and star clusters. The skies were clear the whole night. Thank you to Dave and Cindy Decker, Larry Marshall, Dave Whigham, and Ken Hotelling for helping make this event successful. • We were given permission to use the Group Camping area for the first time yesterday. In fact, we were the first people to ever use it and camp in it. It is a much better location than the previous location. I will be attempting to get permission to use it for future star parties at the Paso Picacho campground. I hope to see you at the next Cuyamaca Star Party on July the 30th. • Ben is doing a fantastic job on the outreach events! k. Merchandise Report - Not too many sales lately. 3 items since May 5. • Still no confirmation to me that $140.27 was deposited into the club PayPal account, but it was withdrawn from the CafePress account on March 2. Since that payment, we've earned about $50. (CafePress pays-out automatically whenever we reach $100.) • I may start reminding the group about submitting images for a 2017 calendar in the coming months. The 2016 calendar happened very late in the year, and sold just 8 copies - which is fewer than the number of people who contributed photos. It doesn't cost anything to create a calendar. • Just today (June 5) I reached-out to Cheryl Staples, asking her if she had an archive of any of the older logos. Hopefully she will be in touch with me soon. • Regarding the CafePress club merchandise: I am torn on the concept of a web store as a fundraising outlet. The big conveniences of variety, not having to stock merchandise, and mail-out individual orders make Cafe Press items VERY expensive. $28 for a T-shirt seems pretty steep, and making the club $200/year is not as good as I thought it was going to be. • So my question is: Shall we continue to use CafePress to fund-raise $5 for each item, or reduce pricing $5 across the board, and have it just be an outlet for merchandise that doesn't turn any profit?? The Board elected to leave things as they are for now, but increase visibility in the newsletter and at the program meeting (mug, hat, prizes, etc.). l. New Member Mentor Report – Nothing to report. m. Rising Stars Report – On May 27, SDAA hosted 17 students from Preuss School Astronomy Class to a star party at TDS. Jim Traweek operated SDAA's 22-inch Lipp scope and Ed Rumsey operated the 8-inch D&G refractor. The students viewed Jupiter, Mars and Saturn, as well as several galaxies, open and globular star clusters, and planetary nebulae. Before dark they took a walking tour of TDS to see the Terry Arnold Remote Observatory (TARO) to which the students will have access during the next school term. TARO, the Preuss Astronomy Class and the field trips to TDS are generously sponsored and funded by Susi Kniel in honor of the memory of long time SDAA member Terry Arnold. n. TARO/Observatory C • The scope is guiding well, but we’re experiencing occasional mount stalls – Dave has a theory of what the problem is. • TARO was discussed extensively at the last AISIG meeting and there is a lot of interest. They will work as a group to determine the imaging targets and schedules. May even set up some contests. It’s looking like it might cost about $200/year per member right now, subject to change. o. Cruzen Observatory – We have one quote from Anthony’s for the concrete, and Dave will get another from the company who did the TARO pad. 6. Old Business a. TDS spring cleanup – Success. Barbed wire is half done and the dumpster is gone. b. Membership/Accounting – The transition is going well. c. Budget – Finished and accepted pending a minor correction. d. Call for other Old Business – none. 7. New Business a. TDS Electrical – We need a professional evaluation of our grid, and probably an upgrade from the current 90 amp feed to a 200 amp feed. b. TDS Guests – we are seeing more groups associated with TARO & BARO. No problems yet. c. Pad usage waiver for Kocher was granted. d. The SDAA Scholarship reference on the website was deemed to be clear – it’s a scholarship from Bill Lipp to SDSU and ASU, not from SDAA. Requests should be referred to those two schools. e. InSTAR Conference – Dennis attended and will provide a report for the newsletter. Some of our members presented. f. Call for other New Business – None. 8. Adjournment – Adjourned at 8:30pm. 5 San Diego Astronomy Association Student Astronomical Research Opportunities Workshop The Student Astronomical Research Opportunities Workshop was hosted by SDAA member Pat Boyce kicking off the American Astronomical Society annual meeting in San Diego June 12, 2016. It was well attended by educators from Southern California secondary and college astronomy programs outlining opportunities for students interested in astronomy to perform publishable research highlighted SDAA facilities at Tierra del Sol and other locations. Opportunities for students interested in astrometry, photometry, spectroscopy, and imaging using remote automated telescopes such as the SDAA TARO (Terry Arnold Remote Observatory), BARO (Boyce Astro Research Observatory) and TAI (Tierra Astronomical Observatory) provide new resources for student outreach. Presentations by SDAA members Pat Boyce (BARO), Mike Chasin (SDAA Outreach Initiatives), Dave Wood (TARO) and Sina Sadjadi (TAI and Mesa College) presented just a few of the opportunities available to Southern California astronomy students. Dr. Stella Kafka, President of the AAVSO (American Association of Variable Star Observers) presented AAVSO opportunities, including online educational resources for all levels of expertise, see: https://www.aavso.org/education Presentations by Russ Genet, past President of the Astronomy Society of the Pacific, Bob Buchheim, President of the Society for Astronomical Sciences, and R. Kent Clark Editor of the Journal of Double Star Observations (no relation to Superman) rounded out a luminary list of speakers. The San Diego Astronomy Association outreach initiatives were well represented at this exciting workshop. 6 San Diego Astronomy Association 7 San Diego Astronomy Association 8 San Diego Astronomy Association 9 San Diego Astronomy Association Sunday 3 10 Monday 4 New Moon 11 July 2016 Tuesday 5 Wednesday Thursday 6 End Ramadan Moon 12 7 Stars in the Park 18 19 Pauma 24 /31 25 26 1 Saturday 2 Member Night TDS 8 9 Stars at Mission Trails Mt Helix Park Public Star Party TDS 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 SDAA Business Meeting 17 Friday SDAA Program Meeting Full Moon 27 AISIG Meeting Stars At Sycamore Canyon West Sycamore 28 29 KQ Ranch 30 Cuyamaca State Park Member Night TDS 10 San Diego Astronomy Association SDAA Contacts President Vice President Recording Secretary Treasurer Corresponding Secretary Director Alpha Director Beta Director Gamma Director Delta Club Officers and Directors Mike Chasin Greg Farrell Brian McFarland Gene Burch Nick Andrews Dave Decker Dennis Ritz Michael Vander Vorst Dave Wood President@sdaa.org VicePresident@sdaa.org Recording@sdaa.org Treasurer@sdaa.org Corresponding@sdaa.org DirectorDelta@sdaa.org DirectorBeta@sdaa.org DirectorGamma@sdaa.org DirectorAlpha@sdaa.org (858) 210-1454 (858) 705-0065 (619) 462-4483 (858) 926-9610 (858) 215-0479 (619) 972-1003 (619) 890-7480 (858) 755-5846 (858) 735-8808 Committees Site Maintenance Bill Quackenbush TDS@sdaa.org(858) 395-1007 Observatory Director Jim Traweek Observatory@sdaa.org (619) 207-7542 Private Pads Mark Smith Pads@sdaa.org(858) 484-0540 Outreach Kin Searcy Outreach@sdaa.org (858) 586-0974 N. County Star Parties Jerry Hilburn NorthStarParty@sdaa.org (858) 877-3103 S. County Star Parties -Vacant- SouthStarParty@sdaa.org E. County Star Parties Dave Decker EastStarParty@sdaa.org (619) 972-1003 Central County Star Parties Kin Searcy CentralStarParty@sdaa.org (858) 586-0974 Camp with the Stars Jerry Hilburn CampWiththeStars@sdaa.org (858) 877-3103 K.Q. Ranch Coordinator Dennis Ammann KQ@sdaa.org(619) 247-2457 Newsletter Andrea Kuhl Newsletter@sdaa.org (858) 547-9887 New Member Mentor Dan Kiser Mentor@sdaa.org(858) 922-0592 Webmaster Jeff Stevens Webmaster@sdaa.org (858) 566-2261 AISIGDave Wood AISIG@sdaa.org (858) 735-8808 Site Acquisition -Vacant- SecondSite@sdaa.org Field Trips -Vacant- FieldTrips@sdaa.org Grants/Fund Raising Jerry Hilburn Grants@sdaa.org(858) 877-3103 Julian StarFest Hillary Griffith info@julianstarfest.com (619) 890-5267 MerchandisingRich WilkinsonMerchandising@sdaa.org (858) 357-7404 Publicity-Vacant- Publicity@sdaa.org Loaner ScopesEd Rumsey (858) 722-3846 Governing Documents TBD TDS Network Dave Wood TDSNet@sdaa.org (858) 735-8808 Amateur Telescope Making -Vacant- SDAA Editorial Staff Editor - Andrea Kuhl newsletter@sdaa.org Assistant Editor: Craig Ewing Have a great new piece of gear? Read an astronomy-related book that you think others should know about? How about a photograph of an SDAA Member in action? Or are you simply tired of seeing these Boxes in the Newsletter rather than something, well, interesting? Join the campaign to rid the Newsletter of little boxes by sharing them with the membership. In return for your efforts, you will get your very own byline or photograph credit in addition to the undying gratitude of the Newsletter Editor. Just send your article or picture to Newsletter@SDAA.Org. 11 San Diego Astronomy Association 2016 TDS SCHEDULE DATE Jul. 2 MOON DATA SUNSET ASTRO TWILIGHT S- 7:17p 5% 7:57p 9:37p 9 S-11:33p 26% 7:55p 9:35p 30 S- 5:06p 14% 7:44p 9:17p Aug. 27 R- 2:42a 16% 7:14p 8:20p Sep. 3 S- 8:37p 4% 7:06p 8:30p 24 R- 1:39a 28% 6:37p 7:59p S- 7:10p 0% 6:28p 7:50p 22 R-12:28p 43% 6:03p 7:25p 29 S- 5:45p 1% 5:56p 7:19p R-10:17p 69% 4:41p 6:07p 26 R- 4:41a 3% 4:39p 6:06p Dec. 17 R- 9:02p 84% 4:42p 6:10p Oct. 1 Nov. 19 PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PST PUBLIC For Sale: Meade 7-inch f/15 Mak - $499, Discovery 15-inch f/5 truss Dob with 12x80 finder and Telrad - $995. Discovery 8-inch f/5 Newtonian OTA - $149. Call Nick (619) 370-5705. 12 San Diego Astronomy Association Rescheduled SDAA Work Party @ Tierra del Sol June 4th SDAA thanks the volunteers who came out to maintain our observing site at Tierra del Sol. 13 San Diego Astronomy Association 14 San Diego Astronomy Association 15 San Diego Astronomy Association 16 San Diego Astronomy Association NASA Space Place Astronomy Club Article This article is provided by NASA Space Place. With articles, activities, crafts, games, and lesson plans, NASA Space Place encourages everyone to get excited about science and technology. Visit spaceplace.nasa.gov to explore space and Earth science! June 2016 Hubble's bubble lights up the interstellar rubble By Ethan Siegel When isolated stars like our Sun reach the end of their lives, they're expected to blow off their outer layers in a roughly spherical configuration: a planetary nebula. But the most spectacular bubbles don't come from gas-and-plasma getting expelled into otherwise empty space, but from young, hot stars whose radiation pushes against the gaseous nebulae in which they were born. While most of our Sun's energy is found in the visible part of the spectrum, more massive stars burn at hotter temperatures, producing more ionizing, ultraviolet light, and also at higher luminosities. A star some 40-45 times the mass of the Sun, for example, might emits energy at a rate hundreds of thousands of times as great as our own star. The Bubble Nebula, discovered in 1787 by William Herschel, is perhaps the classic example of this phenomenon. At a distance of 7,100 light years away in the constellation of Cassiopeia, a molecular gas cloud is actively forming stars, including the massive Oclass star BD+60 2522, which itself is a magnitude +8.7 star despite its great distance and its presence in a dusty region of space. Shining with a temperature of 37,500 K and a luminosity nearly 400,000 times that of our Sun, it ionizes and evaporates off all the molecular material within a sphere 7 light years in diameter. The bubble structure itself, when viewed from a dark sky location, can be seen through an amateur telescope with an aperture as small as 8" (20 cm). As viewed by Hubble, the thickness of the bubble wall is both apparent and spectacular. A star as massive as the one creating this bubble emits stellar winds at approximately 1700 km/s, or 0.6% the speed of light. As those winds slam into the material in the interstellar medium, they push it outwards. The bubble itself appears off-center from the star due to the asymmetry of the surrounding interstellar medium with a greater density of cold gas on the "short" side than on the longer one. The blue color is due to the emission from partially ionized oxygen atoms, while the cooler yellow color highlights the dual presence of hydrogen (red) and nitrogen (green). The star itself at the core of the nebula is currently fusing helium at its center. It is expected to live only another 10 million years or so before dying in a spectacular Type II supernova explosion. 17 San Diego Astronomy Association NASA Space Place Astronomy Club Article June 2016 Image credit: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA), of the Bubble Nebula as imaged 229 years after its discovery by William Herschel. 18 San Diego Astronomy Association MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION Send dues and renewals to P.O. Box 23215, San Diego, CA 92193-3215. Include any renewal cards from Sky & Telescope or Astronomy magazine in which you wish to continue your subscription. The expiration date shown on your newsletter’s mailing label is the only notice that your membership in SDAA will expire. Dues are $60 for Contributing Memberships; $35 for Basic Membership; $60.00 for Private Pads; $5 for each Family membership. In addition to the club dues the annual rates for magazines available at the club discount are: Sky & Telescope $32.95 and Astronomy $34. Make checks payable to S.D. Astronomy Assn. PLEASE DO NOT send renewals directly to Sky Publishing. They return them to us for processing. 19
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San Diego Astronomy Association
Director; Jim Traweek, Director; David Wood, Director.