Carefree Church Service PILATES
Carefree Church Service PILATES
Friday, June 26, 2015 CAREFREE LIVING SIGN UP SHEET IN OFFICE! We have enough signed up—it’s a GO! TEEN POOL PARTY Inside this issue: (ages 13-17) June 27 - 7:30-10:30 pm. Including DJ entertainment, Games, Prizes and FREE Pizza and pop! For more information call or text Katherine at 403-797-2046 Lot 5. You are invited to our first 2015 Carefree Church Service June 28—10:30 a.m. In the Clubhouse Come and enjoy the music of the Eefting Family and Bill Nixon speaking on “Why Should I Believe the Bible is True” Fitness Class in the Clubhouse Drop in and join us for PILATES Saturday, June 27th From 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. IT’S FREE—just bring your yoga mat, water bottles and energy! For more information call or text Katherine at 403-797-2046, Lot 5. We are on the Web!! Teen Pool Party Carefree Church Service Pilates Class 1 From the Board 2 Social Events 3 Social Calendar 4 Boating Society 6 Did you Know? 7 Emergency Numbers Golf Cart Insurance 8 Scoops Too 10 Carefree Resort on Gleniffer Lake 2540 Twp. Rd. 353 Red Deer County, AB T4G 0K6 Phone: 403-227-2100 Fax: 403-227-2107 Email Office Hours Seven Days a Week 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Bingo Friday, June 26 Doors open 7:15 pm Games begin 8:00 pm My Fellow Lot Owners/Friends: The weatherman predicts a great weekend, lots of activities planned, how does it get better? I met an amazing young man last week. His name is Tanner, and as you read this keep in mind he is 3 years old! I was on my way (at the allowable speed limit) to the store when I saw a little fellow dragging a plastic bag behind him. I stopped, and asked his Mom if I could offer them a ride, to which she replied "thanks but no". It was explained to me that Tanner demands that Mom accompany him every Saturday as he makes the rounds and picks up garbage around the Resort. This moved me more than a little, and I told him "no one works for free" at Carefree. I asked him to hop in the cart with Mom and I, and I would buy him anything in the store as a reward. I was amazed when he went directly to the freezer and picked out an inexpensive Freezie. His reasoning (I am guessing) is that they were inexpensive enough that he wasn't afraid to ask if he could buy three so that he could give one to each of his younger twin sisters. He was right! Amazing for a 3 year old—some day all of Carefree, if not our Country, will know Tanner. He has promised me that we can grow up together. Our very first Pilates class takes place this Saturday. I will not be there, but hope many of you will attend, and enjoy. I am very excited about the debut of our first ever "Teen Pool Party". No question, this 13-17 year old group has been given little opportunity for activities sponsored by the Resort. I truly believe the venue for this first attempt is conducive for success. If it proves to be popular, this will be the first of many. Parents, if your Teen is hesitant about attending, please encourage them to at least make an appearance. I will be one of the supervisors, and will be watching closely hoping to observe and learn from their maturity, and perhaps a few "pick up" lines. As ever, I am looking forward to visiting, and seeing as many of you as possible this weekend---in the meantime: Be safe, be happy. Be "Carefree". Points to Ponder: A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not the desire to beat others. Everyone has a photographic memory, some just don't have film. Dennis Herr YOUR DIRECTORS Dennis Herr, President, Lot 138 email: Russ Thomas, Vice President, Lot 6 email: Deb Bruce, Treasurer, Lot 672 email: Twyla Tobler, Secretary, Lot 501 email: Shelley Holitski, Lot 723 email: Kim Stannard, Lot 777 email: Dean Wihnan, Lot 578 email: For general Board of Directors inquiries send an email to: Coming Events This Weekend Friday Saturday BINGO Doors open at 7:15 p.m. Games start at 8:00 p.m. PILATES FITNESS CLASS 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. in the Clubhouse TEEN POOL PARTY 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. Ages 13—17 years old. Sunday CAREFREE CHURCH SERVICE 10:30 a.m. in the Clubhouse Next Weekend Friday Canada Day Fireworks BINGO Doors open at 7:15 p.m. Games start at 8:00 p.m. Saturday July 4th STAMPEDE BREAKFAST 8:00 to 10:30 a.m. Tickets in the office. at the South Beach CRAFT SALE 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. beginning about in the Clubhouse 11:00 p.m. KIDS DANCE 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. ADULT DANCE 9:00 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Weather permitting FIREWORKS Dusk. Live Band Entertainment Back by Popular Demand! at the Clubhouse The 2nd Annual Carefree Jam 9:00 pm to 12:30 am —————— Saturday, July 4 INKAHOOTS —————— Saturday, July 18 Upside of Limbo —————— Saturday, July 25 2 Bros + A Fro Saturday, July 25 3:00 to 7:00 pm at the Clubhouse Open Jam Session featuring Two Bros + A Fro Come jam with the Band! Everyone welcome - Bring your own instruments Come out to play or just come to listen! For more information, please contact Dave Wright at June 2015 Social Calendar 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 PILATES 10:00 a.m. BINGO 8:00 p.m. 28 29 TEEN POOL PARTY 7:30—10:30 pm 30 CHURCH SERVICE 10:30 a.m. *Full Season of Events Available on our Website July 2015 Social Calendar 1 2 3 4 STAMPEDE BINGO 8:00 p.m. 5 6 7 8 9 10 BREAKFAST 8:00—10:30 am CRAFT SALE FIREWORKS KIDS & ADULT DANCES 11 BINGO 8:00 p.m. CAREFREE PARADE KIDS DANCE 7:00 to 9:00 pm 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 BINGO 8:00 p.m. BOCCE TOURNEY BIKE RUN KIDS’ BALL ADULT DANCE 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 BINGO 8:00 p.m. 26 27 28 29 30 31 BINGO 8:00 p.m. GARAGE SALES 9 am to noon JAM SESSION 3—7 p.m. ADULT DANCE 9:00 p.m. Calling all Carefree bikers! Poker Run Mystery Ride A bike run is being planned for Saturday, July 18th. Prizes for best hand! 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. Social and Registration 10:00 a.m. Departure CAREFREE PARADE July 11, 2015 Aaaay Me Hearties ! Get your Pirate costumes and decorations ready for the parade Everyone welcome to enter the parade Time and location to follow VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to coordinate the annual Challenge Cup Golf Tournament If you want to see this great event carry on, please consider volunteering. Please leave name in office. THANK YOU To Vic Lohman of Vic’s Bobcat for once again donating his time and equipment to spread sand on the south beach. Life’s a Beach Without Vic’s! Adult Bocce Ball Tournament 2015 Saturday, July 18, 2015 9:00 am Sign In – 9:30 am Start Time Rain or Shine. Mixed Male and Female teams randomly drawn in advance and limited to 64 Players. Registration goes fast so please sign up with Amanda at Lot 722 with your $5.00 registration fee. Any and all prize donations are gratefully accepted at Lot 722. Any Business or Corporation looking to Sponsor a GREAT event, come and see us at Lot 722. Golf cart access and parking will be available as will BBQ refreshment and drinks. Everyone is welcome. Bring your lawn chairs and coolers and come and cheer on your favorite teams. CALLING ALL BASEBALL PLAYERS BETWEEN THE AGES OF 5 AND 15 Carefree Kids Baseball Tournament July 18th Sign up with Matt Wheatley, Lot #693, call 403-470-4360 or email: need to be signed up by 7 p.m. Fri., July 17. On game day, Saturday, July 18th, all players registered should meet at the ball diamond by 10:30 a.m. sharp for team selection. Refreshments 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. DID YOU KNOW… Once you paint something, it is no longer considered ‘maintenance free’. Gleniffer Lake Boating Society Email: Web Site: MARINA SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED Once again, a big thank you goes out to all our dedicated members who worked so hard at the marina installation. Not only to those who put the docks in but to those whose efforts help to beautify the marina. We all should be very proud of the great marina we have. RULES AND REGULATIONS We all detest rules, especially the ones that don’t make any sense to us. Rules are the result of someone lacking common sense and creating problems that negatively affect many others. As a result rules are put in place to protect the majority. The following are a couple of the marina regulations and the reasons that they have been put in place. Quads, ATV’s, etc. are not allowed in the marina during the summer as, in the past and more than once, there have been ruts in the gravel created by ATV’s. This resulted in someone having to rake the ruts out by hand—not a fun job. The marina is for members and their own watercraft only. The watercraft must be registered with the marina society and the trailer must have the membership number sticker and the year sticker on the tongue of the trailer in order to launch. It isn’t fair to the members, who pay dues each year for the operation and upkeep of the marina, for nonmembers to launch. Please do not allow others to use your access card as it will result in the loss of your access for the year. HOUSEKEEPING You may have noticed the “out” gate was open this past weekend. We hope to have it repaired by the weekend. Your Board is working on the repairs. We did our best to make the appropriate changes as we reconfigured A-String this spring 2015 Board of Directors ▪ Dan Lafreniere Vice President Kelly D'arcy Director Lot 214 Lot 003 ▪ ▪ President Lot 602 ▪ Joanne Germanine Treasurer Rob Lemon Director Lot 654 Lot 815 ▪ ▪ Jason Owens Barry Fielder Secretary Damien Leroy Director Lot 724 Lot 559 Spruce View & District CANADA DAY CELEBRATIONS Wednesday, July 1st Spruce View Community Hall Pancake Breakfast $4.00 person Parade at 11:00 a.m. Mud Bog at 1:00 P.M. at Dickson Arena Beer Gardens—Concession $10 per person/ $30 per family/6 & under FREE (no pets allowed) DID YOU KNOW… LIGHTNING If you are caught outside and cannot quickly get to a building or vehicle, then you should do the following: Avoid being the tallest object around Avoid being NEAR the tallest object around (i.e. an isolated tree) Avoid being near objects that conduct an electrical charge (metal fence, power lines, golf clubs, fishing rod, etc) Get out of, or off, the water STAMPEDE BREAKFAST July 4, 2015 Adults $5 Children $3 8:00 to 10:30 a.m. We still need volunteers! Tickets for sale in office For those lot owners who are interested in having internet service at their trailer Airenet will have a booth at the Craft Sale this year July 4th 1:00—3:00 p.m. CRAFT SALE July 4th 1:00—3:00 p.m. Call Carole at 403-540-0691 to book a table NOTICE REMINDER We have the Carefree dump trailer parked in front of the shop for disposal of tree branches, leaves, and grass clippings. No plastic. BURNABLE MATERIAL ONLY NO DIRT! NO SOD! FIREWOOD Delivered—Truck load 100 $ Please text, call & leave a message at 403-597-4859 GOLF CART INSURANCE As you know, we require proof of insurance for all golf carts as per policy. Please bring in your current proof of insurance to the Office in order to receive your required ‘15’ sticker. We will be looking for your name, expiry date and specification that the golf cart is in fact covered. If the insurance you submitted last year is still viable, come into the office and we will give you your sticker. We plan to police this subject more thoroughly this year, as it has been in effect for nearly 4 years now, and should be routine for lot owners with golf carts. Golf carts found driving around the resort without a ‘15’ sticker will be escorted back to their respective lots, and should remain parked until the sticker has been issued. If a golf cart is caught without the appropriate sticker more than once, a fine of $25.00 will be issued to the lot owner. Repeat offenders can expect increasing penalties including having their golf cart removed from the resort. We are confident that this procedure will ensure that our Carefree community is a safer place for all residents. For more information regarding golf carts, please see current policy statements. EMERGENCY AND AFTER HOURS HELP In case of emergency: Call 911 then call the resort @ 227-2100 choose option #9 or 304-4196. Leave a message including name, lot and phone number where you can be reached, and type of emergency. Staff will respond immediately. This procedure is for emergencies only. After Hours Assistance: The black phone outside of the office will allow you to contact the staff who will respond as soon as possible. Please press option #9 or phone 304-4196. Please leave name, lot and phone number so that we may respond. Security Staff: call: 304-0197 or 304-4196. Emergencies: call 911 Store Hours NEWSPAPERS Mon to Thurs—9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m Available for Saturday and Sunday during June Friday—9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. And 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. Saturday—8:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Sunday—8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. FLOATS Rootbeer Cream Soda Grape Orange We are proud to carry products from Big Bend Markets FRESH MUFFINS & CINNAMON BUNS Saturday & Sunday mornings only ALL SUMMER LONG Are YOU the Lucky One? If you order an ice cream cone and happen to get the last cone in the box, your cone is free! * as originally ordered—no upgrades or changes The Old Fav’s Are Still Around ! ICE CREAM 16 Flavours Always Out, Always Changing! PIZZA By the Slice $3.50 or Whole Pizza $20.00 Cheese, Hawaiian, Pepperoni, or Meat Lovers Call to Order or Stop By PROPANE The store will no longer be filling propane tanks. We have gone to the Tank Traders Barbeque Tank Exchange Program. Customers buy their first Tank Traders tank. The tanks are full of propane and ready to use. When your tank is empty, you simply return your empty tank to the store and trade it for another full tank. You only pay for the cost of the propane. If you have an existing 20 or 30 lb. tank that is certified, you can exchange it for a Tank Traders tank and only pay for the propane. Never have to wait for filling and always have a safe, certified tank. 40 lb. and 100 lb. tanks will not be accepted. Store Phone: 403-227-5669
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Carefree Resort on Gleniffer Lake
parked until the sticker has been issued. If a golf cart is
caught without the appropriate sticker more than once, a
fine of $25.00 will be issued to the lot owner. Repeat offenders can expect incr...