from huizhou with love 01 城市漫步珠江三角洲英文版 03 01 月份 Plus hong kong arts festival / nobel prize winner mo yan / jackie chan on chinese zodiac / okinawa travel / Gz sexpo JANUARY 2013 November 2012 // 1 2 November 2012 // November 2012 // 3 JANUARY 2012 // 1 《城市漫步》珠江三角洲 英文月刊 主管单位 :中华人民共和国国务院新闻办公室 Supervised by the State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China 主办单位 :五洲传播出版社 地址 :中国北京 海淀区北小马厂 6 号华天大厦 23-26 层 Published by China Intercontinental Press Address: Huatian Building, 6 North Xiaomachang, Haidian District, Beijing 100038, China 社长 President: 李红杰 Li Hongjie 期刊部负责人 Supervisor of Magazine Department: 邓锦辉 Deng Jinhui Managing Editor Shane Qin Editors Tom Bird, Jarrad Edwards Events Editor Ester Yang Web Editor Will Wu Editorial Assistant Juliette Ding Contributors Brad Phillips, Celine Song, Chris Devonshire-Ellis, Christine Gilbert, David Kellaway, Dr Gregg Miller, Ernest White, Eveline Chao, Jane Kent, Karoline Kan, Jessica Lymberopoulos, Lauren Hogan, Li Zhengde, Marianna Cerini, Ned Kelly, Robert Foyle Hunwick, Tom Lee, Copy Editors Jane Kent, Simon Edward Smith Interns Ben Chen, Jane Zhang Urbanatomy Media Shanghai (Head office) 上海和舟广告有限公司 上海市澳门路 872 弄 10 号 邮政编码 :200050 No.10, Lane 872, Aomen Lu, Shanghai 200050 电话 :021-2213 9018 传真 :021-2213 9010 Guangzhou 上海和舟广告有限公司广州分公司 广州市麓苑路 42 号大院 2 号楼 610 室 邮政编码 :510095 Rm. 610, No. 2 Building, Area 42, Lu Yuan Lu, Guangzhou 510095 电话 :020-8358 6125 传真 :020-8357 3859 - 816 Shenzhen 深圳业务 电话 :0755-8623 3220 传真 :0755-6406 8538 Beijing 广告代理 :北京爵士本色广告有限公司 北京市东城区新中街 18 号都市阳光 2 号楼 107 室 邮政编码 :100027 Rm 107, Bldg 2, Sun City, 18 Xinzhong Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing, 100027 电话:010-5629 0002 传真:010-6406 1752 General Manager Henry Zeng Operations Manager Rachel Tong Finance Assistant Annie Qi Production Supervisor Jason Liang Designers Mei Mei, Jim Luo Sales Managers Celia Yu, Morri Qin Account Managers Justin Lu, Christy Cai Account Executives Naney Deng, Vincent Fan Sales Assistants Sunnie Lü, Kenni Ouyang, Nicole Tang, Didier Liu Marketing Executive Rosalyn Cheng CEO Leo Zhou Editorial Director Ned Kelly Director of Digital Products Joshua Newlan Web & IT Oscar Jiang IT Projects Max Zhang, Roy Guo HR/Admin Manager Penny Li General enquiries and switchboard (020) 8358 6125 Editorial (020) 8358 9847 ext 808 Sales (Guangzhou) (020) 8358 9847 ext 802 (Shenzhen) (0755) 8623 3210 ext 801 Distribution/Subscription (020) 8358 7749 ext 828 Marketing (020) 8358 7749 ext 828 Listings & Events (Guangzhou) (020) 8358 9847 ext 808 Listings & Events (Shenzhen) (0755) 8623 3220 Web & IT (021) 5238 5459 Fax (020) 8363 3759 ext. 816 广告经营许可证 : 京海工商广字第 8069 号 法律顾问 :大成律师事务所 魏君贤律师 Legal Advisor: Wei Junxian, Dacheng Law Firm 国际标准刊号 ISSN 1672-8041 国内统一刊号 CN 11-5234/GO 定价 : 15.00 元 邮发代号 :46-193 如发现印刷装订问题,请与广州白云天马印刷厂联系 部分非卖品,仅限赠阅 2 January 2012 // January 2012 // 3 contents //34 COVER STORY An adventure to discover Huizhou, a historical city of over 2,000 years that is finally in the development fast lane. //8 CITY //12 China Memes 2012 A look back on some of last year's memes that have both entertained and delighted Chinese netizens. //14 LIFE & STYLE //18 Okinawa Travel Island adventures in Japan's tropical paradise. //20 ARTS // 21 Hong Kong Arts Festival A mixture of Western and Oriental influence in dance, opera and drama. //46 EAT & DRINK // Restaurant and bar reviews in the Guangzhou and Shenzhen Entertainment monthly inserts. 4 January 2012 // SWEET DELIGHTS RETRO CHANGDI //10 the gz bund //16 office wear //23 //46 east meets west EAT & drink Historical buildings on Guangzhou's Changdi Da Malu. Wardrobe must-buys for the workplace for the year ahead. Han Jiaying's solo exhibition demonstrates Chinese visual design over the last 30 years. See more details in the Guangzhou & Shenzhen Entertainment monthly inserts. // EVENTS IN GZ & SZ ENTERTAINMENT INSERTS // QUOTE OF THE ISSUE "Sex education [in china] needs to be strengthened." Li Ying, Sexologist from peking university, p30 High street fashion at Comme L'un // Life & Style 14 Hand care must-haves // Products 15 New DVDs // Arts 26 Fashion forward // Street Cred 15 January 2012 // 5 editor's note Win! Win! Win! JANUARY Although most of us realized that the Mayan apocalypse was just hype, many people did take those rumors seriously. Panic buying of survival supplies and shelters has been reported in different places of the world. In Guangshan County of Henan Province, a man armed with a kitchen knife attacked a village school and reportedly wounded 22 children, hoping to notify the world of his existence before “doomsday” came around. This case infuriated Chinese citizens because domestic media coverage, from CCTV in particular, has not focused on such tragic news at home but instead heavily on the parallel Newtown attack on the other side of the globe. Despite the different attention given, victims of both incidents were children. Those seriously injured and bereaved families have that’s PRD’s deepest sympathies. Now we’re officially in 2013 it’s time to look back before we move on. While most major media is busy reviewing significant world news in 2012, we take a look at last year’s Weibo – China’s answer to Twitter (page 12). While Facebook and Twitter are both not accessible in the Chinese mainland, Weibo has fast taken over to dominate the Chinese social-media scene. Reaching approximately 500 million Internet users in China, Weibo offers an interactive platform to express oneself, creating something of a public-sphere in China for the first time Along with improving media freedoms, sex is also gaining ground, becoming far less taboo with each generation. Checkout Guangzhou National Sex Culture Festival on p30 to learn about China’s longest running, some say groundbreaking sexpo. Looking east this month, we’ve sent our Shenzhen editors Tom Bird and Juliette Ding to discover Huizhou, a historical city of over 2,000 years that is finally in the development fast lane. What changes have taken place there? Follow the adventures Tom and Juliette along with photographer Li Zhengde in our cover story on page 34. Also, as you’ve probably noticed, that’s PRD, as well as, have a fresh layout design in the new year, looking more neat and clean. As always, we work hard to improve that’s PRD in every aspect. We hope you like our new look and keep on supporting us. Shane Qin Managing Editor COVER THIS MONTH’S COVER was designed by Mei Mei with a photo taken by Li Zhengde. December’s Urbanatomy Quiz winners were Alex Fok (GZ) and Mauricio Giovano (SZ). To win the dinning voucher from No.9 Garden valued at RMB 500 in GZ(see page 83) or 2 bottles of fine wine, the Grande Vitae Sangiovese 2009 valued at RMB 234 in SZ(see page 75), please send your answers to: marketing. prd@urbanatomy. com with the subject ‘Answers to Urbanatomy Quiz’ by the 20th of the month. Moreover, from now on we will have ‘Cryptic Pictures’ for the month to add to your enjoyment as well as another chance for you to win special prizes. See back page for more details. WEB ONLINE AT THATSMAGS.COM that’s Daily Our daily blog on the PRD’s latest Web Exclusives News, reviews, interviews Eat & Drink Reviews, listings, happy hour deals and more Events Up-to-date info on what’s happening all month The Photobox Snapshots of life in the PRD http://WWW.THATSMAGS.COM 6 January 2012 // January 2012 // 7 CITY prd icon THE BUZZ Edited by ned kelly, ester yang and juliette ding THIS MONTH IN HISTORY Grandbuy Group One day in… January Grandbuy department store was opened on Beijing Lu in Guangzhou in 1991, causing quite a stir in those "innocent" times. Since then, Grandbuy has become a favorite shopping option for Guangzhou locals with its elegant environment and high quality products. In 2002, the state relinquished total control and Grandbuy was allowed to attract independant investors. Grandbuy swiftly developed from a traditional department store into a modern retail phenomenon with chain stores in several cities. After being listed on the stock market in 2007, Grandbuy opened 23 branches in nine cities. To meet with different demand in the competitive market, the group also developed several new brands including Grandbuy Fashion, Grandbuy super markets, GrandBuy Electric Appliance and iGrandbuy. The department stores have also evolved into an all-in-one complex by adding dining options to improve customer experience. In order to ensure the quality of the products sold in Grandbuy, they cooperate with Guangzhou Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision to carry out random quality checks. During the financial crisis, Grandbuy Group brought out a series of promotions to stimulate consumption and minimize their loss. In many Chinese minds, Grandbuy today is the standard of high quality and has thus maintained its important role in Guangzhou’s retail market, despite the mushrooming of malls across the city. ACCIDENTAL CHINESE HIPSTERS Waiting for my man I can only guess that A) somebody’s grandchild has a good sense of humor, or that B) he is a fan of bananas, as it is totally reasonable for a person to be. Alison Kuo //For more hip hip hip visit QUOTE OF THE MONTH “With his devastatingly handsome round face, his boyish charm, and his strong, sturdy frame, this Pyongyang-bred heartthrob is every woman’s dream come true.” The Onion naming DPRK leader Kim Jong-Un their Sexiest Man Alive For 2012, as quoted by the People’s Daily Online. The Chinese website ran a 55-photo slideshow dedicated to the North Korean head honcho to herald the award, blissfully unaware that the US news satire site had tongue firmly planted in cheek. January 15, 1979 and Coke returns to the Chinese mainland for the first time since being expelled in 1949 with a shipment of 30,000 cases from Hong Kong. The deal had been arranged by President, CEO and Chairman of The Coca-Cola Company, J. Paul Austin, who had been working with Chinese officials since 1975 to secure its return, telling People magazine “all it took was patience.” “My attitude was not pushy,” Austin continued, “But to say that in the normal course of events it would be most likely that China would enter foreign trade. And when they did, the way to signal it to the world at large was to bring CocaCola in as the symbol of US foreign trade.” The deal came exactly one month after President Carter announced the normalization of relations between the US and the PRC, though Coca-Cola insisted there was no link. Turn the clock back to 1976 and a relatively unknown Governor of Georgia, one Jimmy Carter, was offered personal and professional support during the presidential election by a certain Atlanta-based businessman named… J. Paul Austin. In addition to contributing money to Carter’s campaign, Austin introduced Carter to other influential businessmen, including David Rockefeller, and even lent Carter the use of Coca-Cola’s corporate plane. But hey, “all it took was patience,” got that? Delta Hero Ma Huateng 马化腾 Ma Huateng's Shenzhen-based Tencent, better known by its web handle QQ, is an Internet titan. Tencent offer news media, web portals, e-commerce, instant messaging and gaming. It is ranked as the world's ninth most popular website by Alexa and is one of China's most valuable e-companys worth over $50 billion. (Tencent surpassed the 8 January 2012 // Helm of Tencent QQ worked for paging company China Motion Telecom Development. value of Facebook in August, 2012). Prudent and reserved, Ma Huateng may not appear to be as ambitious as he really is. He essentially started his business by aping other company’s products like ICQ, but by focusing on the wants and needs of his users, Ma has driven the company to the leadership position it holds today. Take Tencent’s fast-growing mobile messaging application WeChat Ma Huateng was born in 1971 in Shantou City on the eastern coast of Guangdong and his family moved to Shenzhen in 1984. He graduated from Shenzhen University with a degree in Computer Science in 1993. Before establishing Tencent Co. Ltd. with close friend Zhang Zhidong, Ma (more than 200 million users), for example, which offers a new affordable way of mobile communication and private social networking. In 2007, Ma was listed as one of the world’s most influential people by Time, and he was ranked No.4 on Forbes’s China Rich List. CITY Tales of the city Edited by jarrad edwards, will wu and juliette ding Jettison your castle A piece of Qie Gao New standards in morality J-7’s crash into a house The J-7 jet fighter is one of the major fighters of China’s air and naval forces. On December 4, a J-7, which was carrying out a drill, crashed landed into a house in downtown Shantou, a city in Guangdong Province and created a large fire. The pilot was unharmed since he escaped via parachute. Unfortunately, four people inside the house were injured and rushed to hospital immediately. The cause of the accident is still under investigation.for bringing about the end of the imperial era. The dynasty collapsed just four years after her death in 1912. Hit the airplane Bizarre Aids awareness stunt Qie Gao, a traditional Xinjiang snack, is made out of walnut kernels and raisins. Recently, a Weibo message about Qie Gao posted by Yueyang Police has triggered a viral debate. According to Weibo, around 2500 kg worth of Qie Gao was damaged due to a dispute between a local and a Qie Gao seller, and the damaged Qie Gao was “worth” RMB 150,000. Since then, Qie Gao has become a buzz word among Chinese netizens, ridiculing the fact that a piece of Qie Gao is a new value standard and the questionable honesty of police when describing the substantial cost of a blatantly cheap snack. Costly runnings Jaywalking in SZ will cost you On December 15, Mr. Fu paid a fine of RMB20 after he was accosted for running through a red light at an intersection in Huaqiangbei, Futian District, Shenzhen. Fu became the first pedestrian to be punished for the offense after traffic police launched a two-hour crackdown. The exercise was aimed at curbing traffic violations involving pedestrians and non-motorized vehicles. Nearly 1,000 traffic police officers were involved, resulting in 439 pedestrians punished for jay walking. Remember Green- Good, Red- Pay a fine. Post-Mayan Lunacy Better safe than sorry? December 21, date of the Mayan apocalypse. Candles and matches were almost sold out in Shuangliu and Longchang counties of Sichuan Provinceamid speculation there would be three days of darkness following Armageddon. Some businesses took advantage by selling survival packages which included food and self-help manuals. Unfortunately for some, nothing happened. Despite that, a company in Shunde district, Foshan city decided to have a holiday on December 21 and resume working if they survived. According to the company, such policy was not due to commercial speculation. On November 28, China’s first “wankathon” was held in the art village of Wutong Mountain in Luohu district, Shenzhen. A big banner was hung on site saying: “prevent Aids, care for health, control sexual impulsion, respect law, promote harmony.” The event was hosted to raise Aids awareness. First prize was awarded to whoever lasted longest and the second to the fastest. Girls in sexy nurse costumes with sex toys and an inflated doll were on hand to help. Snake invasion Dozens of snakes appeared in Guangwai Dozens of snakes were seen on the campus of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. The local paper, Yangcheng Evening News, reported that around 60 snakes were killed by cars on the campus road between Guangdong University of Foreign Studies and Sun Yat-sen University, with an about 40-or-more snakes still at large. Fortunately, they are not poisonous; seismologists ruled out possibilities of an earth-quake, prompting snakes usually to gather and escape. Despite warnings, some students voluntarily launched a rescue operation in order to stop snake culling. The rise of Mini Hu Guangdong has a new chief One of the Chinese Communist Party's rising stars, Hu Chunhua, has been appointed party boss of Guangdong province. A close protégé of Hu Jintao, the rising star was recently elevated to the politburo and concluded his stint as the chief of Inner Mongolia. As part of the sixth generation of CCP leaders, Hu replaces Guangdong reformist Wang Yang, who was also recently elevated to the politburo. JANUARY 2012 // 9 CITY PHOTO ESSAY The Bund of Guangzhou Historical buildings on Changdi Da Malu Text and photos by Shane Qin A lthough less famous than the Bund in Shanghai and smaller in scale, the Bund of Guangzhou – Changdi Da Malu (长堤大马路) used to be the pride of old Canton in the last century. Changdi, which means ‘long bank,’ got its name when it was built in 1920. Situated on the north bank of the Pearl River, Changdi spans a length of 892 meters, connecting both the east and west ends of Yanjiang Xi Lu (沿江西 路between Haizhu Bridge and Shamian). From the 1920s to the 1990s, Changdi was the bustling commercial hub of Guangzhou where many government bureaus, major banks, large department stores as well as famous hotels and restaurants gathered. It is also home to a great number of Qi Lou – Cantonese style arcade houses – and some spectacular European-style architecture such as Aiqun Mansion and Nanfang Mansion. Into the new century, however, the glory of Changdi faded away with the city center shifting to Tianhe over rapid urban expansion. The area now appears stagnant by day. Only when the nighttime comes does it become lively again as many of the gorgeous old buildings have now become bars, nightclubs and KTVs. In June 2012, Changdi was given a new life as the municipal government renovated it in an attempt to build a “private financial street,” which clusters many private financial firms including mortgage companies, pawnshops, investment companies, banks, securities companies, etc. Yong’antang Tower was built in the 1930s and was initially Built in 1937, the 64-meter Aiqun Mansion was once the used by Burman-Chinese tycoon Hu Wenhu as the head tallest building in South China and boasts the first rotating office for his medical unguent business. Simple yet restaurant in Guangzhou. During the ‘50s and ‘60s, it was modern, it was once Guangzhou’s second tallest building the city’s most important venue for activities involving for- and is now where the Guangzhou Youth and Children’s eigners. After all this time, it is still open for business. Library is located. Built in 1902, Haizhu Grand Theater used to be the stage every Cantonese Opera performer dreamed to take, and it has been graced by many stars over the last 110 years. However, as it failed to survive the severe commercial competition, the old theater closed its door Changdi Da Malu contains a great number of Qi Lou – Cantonese arcade houses built along the street, mixing together architectural styles of East and West. 10 January 2012 // in mid 2012. Built in 1922, Nanfang Mansion was Guangzhou’s first tall building built with reinforced concrete. Formerly Xin Da Xin Department Store, it changed its name in 1954. Today, the building is no longer a department store but a popular marketplace for electronic products. Facing the waterfront is Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital – originally the Boji Hospital founded in A major Qi Lou building on Changdi Da Malu has been renovated into office space for private 1835 by Dr. Peter Parker, an American medical missionary and diplomat. It was the first hospital to financial firms. offer western medicine and one of the cradles of modern medical sciences in China. The bell tower on west Changdi is the Guangdong Customs Building. Built in 1916, it is a representational Found at west Changdi, the Shaji Massacre Monument commemorates a tragedy on June 23 1925, piece of the neo-classicism architectural style. During the reign of Qing emperor Kangxi (1684), four prov- when over 100,000 on-strike Hong Kong workers and Guangzhou people demonstrating against inces including Guangdong, Fujian, Zhejiang and Jiangsu were opened as centers for foreign trade. brutal imperialism were shot by French and British troops at the location. January 2012 // 11 CITY webwatch China memes 2012 Looking back on last year’s Internet BY KAROLINE KAN Weibo has had its fair share of the witty, the naughty and the downright bizarre this year, from spoofing an ancient poet to a withering takedown of a blingloving official. Here’s a look at some 2012 web gems you may have missed while you’ve been manically refreshing your Wuluwu page. Nice, but no thanks On Nov 11, Singles’ Day for young Chinese people, a boy named Wang Wenjin from Huazhong University of Science and Technology gave his dream girl a super-long love letter. The lovelorn swain spent a total of 212 days (eight months) composing his heartfelt, 160,000-word missive – only to be rejected. He said the girl was “very much moved, but then refused me.” Once the news hit Weibo, tens of thousands of netizens latched onto it and began making up sentences using the expression “… very much moved, but then refused me.” Soon the expression was shortened to four Chinese characters 十动燃拒 (Shi Dong Ran Ju) and spread like wildfire, topping the Weibo topic list within one day. People began speculating about why the heartbroken Wang couldn’t get the girl. His response to press requests for an interview was “I’m very much touched, but I refused them.” 12 January 2012 // Shanxi Province, he responded, “Don’t ask me, I am just a migrant worker.” But the journalist didn’t give up and repeated the question. This time, Jiao paused and looked the journalist up and down, then replied calmly, “Wo xing Zeng” [my family name is Zeng]. There’s debate on whether Jiao was in on the joke or simply misunderstood, either way netizens ate it up and co-opted the phrase as a witty response to any question one would rather ignore. Yuan Fang, your Gangnam Style what’s idea? Okay it came from Korea, but the goofy, ironic, hip-hop video was no less resonant here than elsewhere. The song made Baidu’s top 500 downloads list, earning the “divine song” honorific. While Western pundits pondered why a Gangnam-style hit has yet to come out of China, Chinese people were busy making the song their own: there is now ‘Red Army Style,’ ‘No. 2 High School Style’ and ‘Panda Style.’ Plus, a multitude of celebrities earned their Gangnam stripes on TV or in concert including Eason Chan, Tony Leung, Aaron Kwok and many, many more. Wo Xing Zeng During Golden Week, CCTV News launched a program called Visit Grassroots - Hearing Common People’s Voices. Reporters found folks in the street and asked them all the same question, “Are you happy?”, which sounds the same in Chinese as “Is your family name Fu?” When a journalist posed the question to Mr. Jiao, a migrant worker from In long-running period drama Detective Di Renjie, Yuan Fang is the brainy assistant who follows Detective Di on his investigations. Di likes to consider Yuan Fang’s opinion, often asking: “Yuan Fang, what’s your idea?” In October, suddenly this classic line was cropping up everywhere online, regardless of topic: “Chen Guangbiao wants to give [Nobel laureate] Mo Yan a house, Yuan Fang, what’s your idea?” “Who will be the American president? Yuan Fang, what’s your idea?” “What’s the next lucky lottery number? Yuan Fang, what’s your idea?” Hey, loser The term ‘diao si’ 屌丝 entered the online vernacular in 2012. Originally a curse word in some dialects, it refers to pubic hair and means something similar to ‘loser’ in English. It was coined by young men who were not wealthy, well-connected, handsome or gainfully employed. Unsurprisingly, they didn’t have hot girlfriends either. The selfmocking losers used the word to express their solidarity with others in the same boat. The phenomenon arose as a backlash against the ubiquitous term ‘Tall Rich Handsome’ 高富帅, which describes well-off boys who lead charmed lives and aren’t shy about boasting about it online. The term was further popularized by fans of Li Yi, a famous Chinese football player, who were taunted as ‘losers’ in online forums, until the abused fans began using it to describe themselves. Li Yi made a public statement about it, saying, “There’s nothing wrong with selfmockery, but no one should give up on themselves.” Brother Watch On August 26, a horrific traffic accident caused 36 deaths in Shaanxi Province. The next day, a picture of an official smiling by the accident appeared on Weibo. The human flesh search engine kicked into gear and soon discovered the grinner was Yang Dacai, director of Shaanxi Bureau of Work Safety. The Internet’s collective detective realized through photos that Yang had at least five luxury watches. In a Weibo post, Yang insisted he only had the five and that they were bought with “legal income,” but further investigation revealed he had at least 83 watches. Yang lost his job and went down in the annals of Internet infamy as “Brother Watch.” Du Fu is so busy In March, high school textbook illustrations of Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu received a multi-century update in the microblogosphere: Du Fu wearing sunglasses, Du Fu dancing with pretty girls, Du Fu in basketball warm-ups. The meme tapped into post-80s and post90s generation nostalgia. Many twenty-somethings remember making similar doodles in their books before they could do so online. Think of it as the Chinese equivalent of Buzzfeed’s “25 Ways to Tell You’re a Kid of the ‘90s.” Aircraft Carrier Style Hangmu ( 航母) Style or Aircraft Carrier Style, was a recent internet meme that spread across the Chinese internet. It followed a news report that featured the successful take-off and landings of fighter jets on China’s new Liaoning aircraft carrier. One scene that amused Chinese netizens was the funny poses of two aircraft carrier personnel 2:37 minutes into the video. Chinese netizens soon began uploading photoshops and images of themselves mimicking this pose, and the internet meme was then combined with the recently world popular “Gangnam Style” phenomenon by Korean rapper PSY. Many of the parodies were collected from news articles and went viral on television news segments throughout China. The government suggested that these memes had created a patriotic spectacle showing the harmony of the Chinese people. Dear, oh dear 亲 Qin 亲 is the shortened form of qin ai de, meaning ‘dear’ or ‘darling.’ The widespread use of the word this year in China originated from Taobao sellers, who chose it as the way to address their customers in an attempt to bridge the online gap. Instead of saying ‘dear customers,’ they simply call everyone qin. The word has been praised for giving people a way to avoid embarrassment when they can’t figure out how to address others but don’t want to be too formal. Now everyone’s is calling each other dear all over the shop, from “Qin, where do you live?” to “Qin, can you give me a hand?” January 2012 // 13 life&style Shop Review style radar Health By juliette ding Comme L’un Boutique By dr gregg miller Have you had them? High Street Fashion Seven shots you need to live in China I n addition to the vaccines you received as a child, doctors recommend that those living in China receive several additional immunizations. A lthough the four traditional style capitals still reign supreme in the fashion world, the market is driving more Chinese designers to look inwardly and find inspiration at home. Busy preparing for his next show, Qiu Zihao, owner and creative director of award-winning Comme L’un told us that after decades of foreign brand worshiping, more and more wealthy Chinese consumers are turning their eyes to Chinese designer brands. Qiu was born and raised in Shenzhen but studied Fashion Design with Business in the UK. He has absorbed the British love of quirky fashion which he combines with his perceptions of individual lives in Shenzhen. One example would be the one-piece black dress with cape (RMB 1660, see upper-right photo). “I think women in Shenzhen have a certain air and grace; they are elegant yet tough. This dress is a reflection of that quality” says Qiu. In his pokey 40 square meter shop located on the 12th floor of an office building in downtown Luohu, Qiu neatly displays his own brand alongside four other local designer brands and other quality fashion accessories. The shop’s top sale is an eye catching sleeveless silk dress (RMB 2066, see 14 January 2012 // upper-left photo) delicately cut from the waist, the colors and image rendered is whimsical yet romantic. Comme l’un, Dong De Xi (东的西) in Chinese, means East of the West. “I take inspirations from Western designers such as former Balenciaga creative director Nicolas Ghesquière. I love his cutting-edge design and radical fashion style,” says Qiu. “But I’m also inspired by my own country and try to absorb elements of my life experience into each collection.” This is evident in Qiu’s 2012 fall / winter collection, which took inspiration from 70s and 80s Chinese fashion that Qiu recalls from his childhood. However, Qiu uses bright colors that were not popular in that time and would even seem bold for some now. “It is for special girls who don’t kneel to just big logos and tags, but know what they really want”. The new collection by Comme L’un will be available from January // 12/F, Room 1203, Hubei Bao Feng Building, No. 1054 Bao’an Nan Lu, Luohu District, Shenzhen (0755- 8969 0355).www.commelun. com 深圳市罗湖区宝安南路1054号湖北宝丰大厦 1203室 Standard childhood vaccines vary by country, but generally include the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella), the DTP (diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis) and the polio vaccines. Thanks to the jabs, these diseases are now rare in the developed world, but none of them have completely disappeared. No matter where you live, you need a complete set of childhood vaccines. Travelers to China need more immunizations. First up is the typhoid vaccine. Typhoid is a food-borne illness transmitted by improperly sanitized food. It causes a low-grade fever and intestinal bleeding, killing about 200,000 people worldwide every year. Two vaccines are available, one as an injection and one as an oral medication. The injection requires a booster shot every two years, while the oral medication requires a booster every five years. You also need the vaccine against hepatitis A, a common food-borne disease. The hepatitis A virus causes fever, stomach pain and a yellow skin discoloration called jaundice. While most people recover — after days to weeks of misery hunched over a toilet bowl — it can be fatal. Like most viral illnesses, there is no specific treatment once you have the disease. You should receive the vaccine a few weeks prior to travel, followed by another shot about a year later. Doctors also recommend the hepatitis B vaccine. Hepatitis B virus causes liver cirrhosis and death from liver failure. It is transmitted via intimate contact with body fluids through sex, needles for recreational drugs, tattoos and contaminated medical equipment. While most foreigners are at low risk for infection, about one in 10 Chinese is infected with the virus, so it’s a good idea to protect yourself. In addition to these China-specific immunizations, adults also need booster shots every ten years for tetanus and diphtheria, no matter where you live. Edited by marianna cerini fitness Products By Marianna Cerini Hand Care Basics Six of the best hand creams Origins Anti-aging creams can often leave an uncomfortable film, but Origins’ Make a Difference Rejuvenating Hand Treatment bucks the trend. Using the resurrection plant Rose of Jericho plus skin-reviving Trehalose and Sea Haricoys, this anti-dryness remedy will turn your claws into delicate paws. RMB270. // ( L’Occitane According to L’Occitane’s website, one Shea Butter Hand Cream is sold every three seconds around the world. Whether or not that’s true, this super creamy balm enriched with Shea Butter, coconut oil and honey extracts does the job for dry hands. RMB230. // ( Caudalie Paris With a formula rich in antioxidant grape seed polyphenols, Caudalie Vinotherapie Hand and Nail Cream is moist but non-greasy, great for dry, chapped fingers. Its subtle smell and quick dry will win over kids, men and other hand cream haters. RMB150. By brad phillips A Giant Push For Fast Results 1. Choose a complete fitness strategy that includes details such as gym workouts, and nutrition planning. Ask many weight loss experts and they will tell you that if you lose more than a half kilo of bodyweight per week you are twice as likely to put the weight back on. 2. Precisely execute the strategy for one month. Zero tolerance for any deviation from the plan. After that first month has passed, you can accurately determine if your strategy is working or not. This old adage wasn’t true for me. Personally, I lost 25 Kilos in three months, and have kept the weight off for going on six years now. After working with hundreds of Guangzhou residents and analyzing their results, I am a fan of speed when it comes to getting fitness results. There is a clear tendency in our gym for the people who make massive fitness gains such as losing 10 Kilos in a month to stick with the program. Set your goals high, and rise up to accomplish them. Below, are four steps on how to make your “big push” successful and long lasting. La Compagnie de Provence // ( 4. After you get your big singlemonth goal achieved, then stick with the plan until your feel you are at your ultimate fitness level. 5. Permanently change your lifestyle to accommodate your new fitness regime. The human mind doesn’t see small results. Instead, make up your mind to invest real effort to change your health and your life. Drastic results will motivate you to persist. // Brad Phillips, head coach at The Apollo Program Add: 1/F, #3 Block 6, 9th Yard Jianshe Da Ma Lu, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou (159 8900 0800) 广 州越秀区建设大马路9号大院6座03号首层 (7天酒店)( // ( The Extra Pure Hand Cream range by La Compagnie de Provence offers a traditional blend of Shea butter, olive oil and Vitamin E with funky fragrances. The ultra light Cherry Blossom lotion will make your extremities smell like spring. RMB98. 3. Analyze your results at the end of the month. Did you miss your goals by a large margin? If so, is your fitness plan the issue, or were you imprecise in its execution? Fix the problem. Style Radar Street Cred By Marianna Cerini Skin Food Korean cosmetics brand Skin Food has been working miracles on dull skin since 1957. Their Milk Mousse Hand Cream is deliciously silky, light and fresh smelling and the added aloe makes it a quick fix to parched extremities. RMB63. // ( Watson’s Pocket-friendly Watson’s Collagen Hand Cream combines natural and “non-polluted deep sea fish” collagen from Germany (don’t ask) and keratin softener, for a lotion that sinks in fast and moisturizes cuticles effectively. Its nutritive properties and hydration boost leave hands baby-soft. RMB10. // ( Missy Chao, Chinese, merchandiser, wearing an Asos jumper, skinny jeans and a fur hat from a flea market. Ljubo, Bulgarian, architect, wearing a scarf knitted by his grandma, a Taobao hat, a Martin Margiela jacket and Camper shoes. Wu Wenting, Chinese, designer, wearing a scarf from Japanese brand Honeys, a coat from Asobio and bag, ankle boots and legwarmers from Taobao. January 2012 // 15 life&style FASHION Back to the boardroom Wardrobe must-buys for the workplace BY Marianna Cerini O ut with the old, in with the new… Whether your office is casual and creative or buttoned-up and sophisticated, here’s a selection of closet staples to get your career uniform on the fast track for Jack Jones Field wool blazer, RMB1,299. 1) Shop 365, MixCity, 1881, Bao'an Nan Lu, Luohu District, Shenzhen. 深圳罗湖区宝安南路1881号万象城 375铺; 2) Shop M44, Tai Koo Hui, 383, Tianhe Lu, Tianhe District, Guangzhou.广州天河区天河路383号太古汇商场 裙楼地铁层M44号铺. the year ahead. Grand Gateway Shirt, RMB199. 1) B1, TaiKoo Hui, 383 Tianhe Lu, Tianhe District, Guangzhou (020 3808 8420); 2) G/F, King Glory Plaza, 2028 Renmin Nan Lu, Luohu District (0755 8261 1709) 1)广 州市天河区天河路383号太古汇商场B1;2 )深圳市罗湖区人民南路2028号金光华广 场地下一层. Fitted wool dress, RMB599. 16 January 2012 // Blazer with elbow patches, RMB1,399, corduroy tie, RMB259, checked shirt, RMB399, skinny jeans, RMB499. 1) Shop31-34, 1/F, One Link Mall, 230-232 Tianhe Lu, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 广州天河区天河路230-232号 万菱汇1楼31-34号铺; 2) B1/F, Yitian Holiday Plaza, 9028 Shennan Dadao, Nanshan District, Shenzhen (0755 8629 8750) 深圳南山区深南大道 9028号益田假日广场B1层. Mango 1) ShopL1-29-30, 1/F, One Link Mall, 230-232 Tianhe Lu, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 广 州天河区天河路 230-232号万菱汇 1楼L1-29-30铺; 2) ShopB1-39-40, Yitian Holiday Plaza, 9028 Shennan Dadao, Nanshan District, Shenzhen (0755 8638 6309) 深圳南 山区深南大道9028 号益田假日广场 B1-39-40. www. Zara Shanghai Tang Bow-tie silk twill blouse, RMB2,580. ( H&M Pencil skirt, RMB599. 1) Goldtak Center, 85 Huacheng Dadao, Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District, Guangzhou (020 38838077) 广州天河区花城大道85号高德置地 广场; 2) B1/F, Yitian Holiday Plaza, 9028 Shennan Dadao, Nanshan District, Shenzhen (0755 86298737) 深圳南山区深南大道9028号益田假日 广场B1层. Topshop, Topman, Embroidered cotton shirt by J.W. Anderson for Topshop, RMB688. Slate gray tie, RMB99 1/F, Shop25-26, King Glory Plaza, 2028 Renmin Nan Lu, Luohu District, Shenzhen (0755 8248 1591) 深圳罗湖区 人民南路2028号金光华广场一 楼25-26铺 Shop25-26, 1/F, King Glory Plaza, 2028 Renmin Nan Lu, Luohu District, Shenzhen (0755 8248 1591) 深圳罗湖区 人民南路2028号金光华广场一 楼25-26铺 Esprit, H&M, Peached cotton trousers, RMB599. Brogues, RMB349. 1) Goldtak Center, 85 Huacheng Dadao, Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District, 1) 1/F, 208 Tee Mall, Tianhe Lu, Guangzhou 天河区天河路208号天 河城一楼;2) 1/F, Citic Plaza,1093 Shennan Zhong Lu, Shenzhen 深 圳深南中路1093号中 信城市广场一楼. www. Guangzhou (020 38838077) 广州天河区花城 大道85号高德置地广场; 2) B1/F, Yitian Holiday Plaza, 9028 Shennan Dadao, Nanshan District, Shenzhen (0755 86298737) 深圳南山区深南大 道9028号益田假日广场B1层. Stradivarius Jacquard shorts, RMB349. Shop088-090, 1/F, Grandview Plaza, 228 Tianhe Lu, Tianhe District 天河区天河路228号正佳广场1楼 088-090铺. ASOS Slim-fit smart trousers, RMB233.18, oxford shirt, RMB174.88, brogue leather boots, RMB445.16. ( Massimo Dutti Moccasin with pink tassels, RMB1,190. 1) Shop143, 208 Tee Mall, Tianhe Lu, Guangzhou 天河区天河 路208号天河城143铺;2) Unit115-115A , 1/F, KK Mall, 5016 Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District, Shenzhen 深圳罗湖区深南东路 5016号京基百纳空间一楼115-115A 单元. Zara Jacquard blazer, RMB899, Yoko Ono t-shirt, RMB169, striped trousers, price TBD. 1) Shop31-34, 1/F, One Link Mall, 230232 Tianhe Lu, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 广州天河区天河路 230-232号万菱汇1 楼31-34号铺 2) B1/F, Yitian Holiday Plaza, 9028 Shennan Dadao, Nanshan District, Shenzhen (0755 8629 8750) 深圳南山区深南 大道9028号益田假日广 场B1层. January 2012 // 17 life&style travel Island adventures in Okinawa Japan’s tropical paradise By Lauren Hogan A vibrant turquoise sea blankets a diver’s playground of coral reefs. The brilliant patches of blue and green are so clear that even from high in the sky one can imagine seeing straight to the bottom. By the time we touch down in Naha Airport (Okinawa’s main terminal) beachthemed adventures have already monopolized our mental checklist and city life seems eons away. Be sure to visit an ATM before departing this tiny international hub, as they are few and far between outside the airport, and nine times out of 10 they don’t accept Chinese banking cards. Once sorted, our sharp, dutiful driver with his pristine white gloves and captain’s hat – a look popular with drivers here, we are to find – drives us through sleepy surfer streets lined with palm 18 January 2012 // trees, similar to the Santa Monica of yesteryear. By 9pm, things appear to have settled down for the night - no wonder these laidback, relaxed locals score the award for ‘prefecture of longevity,’ a tribute to the fact they have one of the highest life-expectancies in the world. images of wasabi-flavored cotton candy or Pikachu-themed rides, there are no carnys to be found, although the snake versus mongoose show listed on the pamphlet sounds intriguing. An early morning start allows us a history lesson at Shuri Castle, the palace of the Ryukyu Kingdom, which boasts a mix of Japanese, Okinawan and even Chinese architectural styles. It was almost completely destroyed in the Battle of Okinawa, its current image pieced together from memories and photographs. The UNESCO World heritage site is quite a contrast from our next point on the tour, but equally well worth a visit: the cheesy-sounding Okinawa World. Like long, beckoning fingers, the 300,000-year-old stalagmites and stalactites that stretch for 5,000 meters in the Gyokusendo Caves draw us in. Only 890 m are open to the public and viewing possibilities change depending on the season. Above us awaits a shopper’s paradise for traditional Okinawan crafts, which visitors can try to recreate, and local treats. There’s much free sampling to be done, including sea grapes, a type of snap-crackle seaweed, local coffee blends and sips from herb liquors bottled with snakes, made at their Nanto brewery. While the name might conjure This treasure trove of special- ties is an ideal spot for a rainy afternoon, as is the Busena Underwater Observatory where visitors are transported seven meters under the ocean to observe marine life in its natural habitat, or the Okinawa Ocean Expo Park and Churaumi Aquarium for a more monitored setting. Even when snorkeling isn’t a choice, there are still tropical tunas, dolphin shows and massive whale sharks to be found feasting on their dinner. Knocking the tourist attractions off the list, the rest of the islands are equally enthralling. They can easily be reached by speedboat from Yaeyama Island, only a short flight away. On Taketomi Island, the land where water buffalos cart visitors through the village, renting a bike is a good way to explore the surroundings at your own pace. Iriomote Island, famous for its wild cats and packets of fiercelooking cat ‘chinsukos’ (a type of Okinawan cookie), is a popular hiking place. From the dock, For our palates, the dishes on Yaeyama prove the most memorable. Yaeyama soba noodles served with pork and green onion are accompanied by local dishes of tofu and seaweed and a must-try, homemade miso paste. As we sit barefoot and cross-legged in this traditional restaurant a courteous, petite woman, with a smile that’s twice the size of her, presents us each with a tray, adding to the overall experience. On the same island, we feast at Yaefuku farm, where each diner is offered a platter piled with hearty slices of raw Ishigaki or Wagyu beef. A grill set in the center of the table waits to kindle our cow, making it not only a delicious meal, but a fun one as well. Don’t forget a mug of Orion beer to go with it. taxis take tourists to an outdoor center, where you’ll catch a boat with your bento box lunch and sail through mangrove-tree-lined waters before beginning a hike to Mariyudo waterfalls. Kayak trips are also an option. The difference between Okinawa and mainland Japan becomes evident in the course of our island hopping. The warmth and friendliness is present in both, but the Okinawa Island escapes are rich with a different sort of culture - one that performs folk songs accompanied with Sanshin or snakeskin guitars and serves more pork than fish – evident on the shop walls lined with spam cans. In fact, sushi isn’t even on the radar. The sort of fish you want to stuff in your rolls is better up north. No, this is where one comes to lie on the beach, soak in the sun and go snorkeling, diving or ride in glass-bottomed boats to observe luminous underwater creatures instead. Okinawa and its hundreds of islands beg to be explored, each one with a different adventure at the ready. // Direct flights from Hong Kong to Okinawa are available daily. For more information call the Naha Airport Tourist Bureau at 098 859 0742. For more information on Okinawa visit the Okinawa Convention and Visitors Bureau's website at www. or the Ishigaki City Tourist Association at http:// They can also be contacted at the emails, net or by phone at 852 2968 1006. For those who want to maximize adventure and minimize travel time, Okinawa’s Club Med offers snorkeling, windsurfing, diving trips to the nearby Manta Bay and more, all included in the price of your stay. Alcohol, food, parties and entertainment are as part of their deal as well. For more info visit January 2012 // 19 arts FILM collage Edited by Tom lee & shane qin Coming to a cinema near you… 20/01 01/08 NOW 26/01 The Artist The Grandmasters Skyfall Mysterious Island 2 The Artist comes to China a year after its 2011 premiere. This blackand-white silent romantic comedy was made by French director Michel Hazanavicius as a tribute to the silent era, earning him five Academy Awards including Best Picture, Best Director and Best Actor. Set in 1927 Hollywood, the story centers on the intertwined destinies of George Valentin (Jean Dujardin), a silent movie superstar, and young actress Peppy Miller (Bérénice Bejo). The emergence of the talkies ends silent cinema, as a result George’s career declines while Peppy Miller's quickly rises. This long-awaited martial arts film of famed HK art-house director Wong Kai Wai finally hits the mainland’s big screen. Tony Leung Chiu Wai, Wong’s favorite award-winning actor, portrays the legendary life of Wing Chun grand master Ip Man, who had several remarkable students including world-famous kung-fu star Bruce Lee. The film’s star-studded cast also includes China’s Zhang Ziyi and Korean actress Song Hye-kyo. Given that it’s a Wong Kai Wai production, Tong Leung’s performance is expected to be different from Donnie Yen’s interpretation Bond is back and he’s even bigger and badder than ever – this installment has already blown box office records for the franchise sky high. Faced with sinister cyberterrorist Raoul Silva (Javier Bardem), the British spy (Daniel Craig) is forced to the disquieting realization that you can’t just gun down all your problems with a Walther PPK. M (Judi Dench) is on the ropes, and if Bond is going to save her, he’ll have to pick up a copy of The Internet for Dummies. In this sequel to surprise smash Mysterious Island, director Kai Cheung Chung brings on a fresh batch of meat. Zhou Xi (Deng Jiajia) travels to Thailand to look for her missing twin sister. Joined by a man (Julian Chen) who claims to be her sibling’s boyfriend, the pair journeys along a death-haunted highway; before long, they’re being hunted by an unknown killer. Filled with Thai horror tropes, this film is being billed as Asia’s answer to The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Transcripted “Before boarding planes they require you to take off your shoes and belts… censorship, just like security checks, is necessary.” Nobel laureate Mo Yan on why he believes censorship is an essential government mechanism, during a press conference in Stockholm, where he had just accepted the Prize for Literature. 20 January 2012 // GOSSIP Waterworks Sometimes it takes an army of people to make a film successful. Sandwiched between Hollywood hit Life of Pi and local blockbuster Back to 1942, The Last Supper attempted to boost its poor audience numbers by employing a so-called ‘water army,’ people commonly used by Chinese film companies to spread positive feedback on web portals. The ruse was discovered, and the movie and its director were hung out to dry. Simply super Bruno Wu has been a busy boy over the past year. After backing a huge new co-production facility - touted as the largest in Asia - outside of Beijing in early 2012, he closed the year by sealing a deal with Marvel Studios founder Avi Arad to create a series of Sino-superhero flicks. The first of these Chinese blockbusters is being billed as Rise of the Terracotta Warriors, and will be based around the first emperor of China’s famed Terracotta Army. The clay men cometh. Kickback Kung fu king Jackie Chan has been officially honored as the most kick-ass actor in showbiz. The 58-year-old nabbed two Guinness World Records, one for Most Stunts Performed by a Living Actor and another for Most Credits in One Movie. The latter was awarded for work on his new film CZ12, in which he played 15 roles, including director, producer, actor and catering coordinator. Now that’s food for thought. Theater Hong Kong Arts Festival 2013 It’s Chinglish Jim, but not as we know it By David Kellaway T his year’s 41st Hong Kong Arts Festival runs for slightly more than four weeks - a little shorter than last year’s six-week marathon – from February 21 through March 22. As always a mixture – like the city itself – of Western and Oriental influences, the Hong Kong Arts Festival boasts a pantheon of dance, opera and drama. There’s always one old stage favourite; last year saw a dazzling performance of The Importance of Being Earnest by London’s Rose Theatre Kingston; this year from February 27 to March 3, it’s the world’s greatest love story Romeo and Juliet performed by the American Ballet Theatre with choreography by Sir Kenneth Macmillan, accompanied by the excellent Hong Kong Sinfonietta playing Sergei Prokofiev’s score. As always a mixture – like the city itself – of Western and Oriental influences, the Hong Kong Arts Festival boasts a pantheon of dance, opera and drama. Forty years after its premiere and twenty years after its last staging, Phillip Glass and Robert Wilson’s collaboration Einstein on the Beach is on a world tour which commenced in September last year – on the 75th birthday of the composer – and will take place during the Hong Kong Arts Festival between March 8 and 10. If Steven Thrasher’s review in September’s edition of Rolling Stone is anything to go by, we’re in for a treat. The staging looks superb. Last year saw violin genius Nigel Kennedy, this year it’s Jordi Savall with his 1697 seven-string viola da gamba presenting Les Voix Humaines (The Human Voices) for one night only, March 2. If you’ve Chinglish 2011 and with hilarious headlines such as "American Salesman in China Confronts Deformed Man's Toilet," it's not hard to see why. Chinglish is billed as a romantic and sexy comedy about an American businessman who falls in love with a government official, with predictable consequences. The play is performed with simultaneous English and Mandarin translations and might be one of the first plays to have both Chinese and Western audiences roaring as loudly as each other. Jordi Savall ever wondered if a musical instrument could talk, don’t miss him. With globalisation driving English learning throughout Asia, it was only a matter of time before someone would write a play about the myriad half-baked and hilarious translations and misunderstandings on menus and street signs in China that have kept us amused for years. Chinese-American David Henry Hwang has done so, in a comedy entitled “Chinglish,” which premiered in Chicago in October 2011 before moving to Broadway and San Francisco. The Hong Kong season will be from March 1 to 6. Chinglish is on Time magazine's and Bloomberg’s lists of Top Ten Plays and Musicals from Most performances are at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre, right on the waterfront in Tsim Sha Tsui, or directly across the harbour at City Hall and the HKAPA (Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts). All are easily reachable on Hong Kong’s reliable Star ferries and MTR. There’s a superb Programme and Booking Guide with descriptions in English and Chinese of every show, advice on how to book, and a very handy calendar on the centrefold. You might be lucky to pick one up at the Guangzhou Opera House or Xinghai Concert Hall in Guangzhou, but a safer bet would be the website,, on which you can also register for the mailing list so you get early notifications for next year’s festival. A free HKAF Android phone/tablet application is available on Google Play, the Apple equivalent of the iTunes App Store. Tickets may be purchased through www.urbtix., who can also post them to you. Einstein on the Beach January 2012 // 21 BOOKS arts When will the dust settle? Mo Yan and the Nobel Storm By Tom Bird the award has provoked the inevitable East/West ideological rift to materialize. There have been pot shots from the scandalhungry western press and return fire from the indigent Chinese state-media. When Mo Yan is said to have expressed that imprisoned campaigner Liu Xiaobo should be freed, the western media machine went into overdrive. But when he later refused to sign a petition asking for Liu Xiaobo’s release, Mo was widely criticized – notably by Salman Rushdie, who slammed him as a “patsy of the regime.” The Chinese media swiped back with their own qualms: "Could the decision also be a sign of the Nobel committee seeking to mitigate tensions with China after awarding the Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo in 2010?" wrote the Global Times. Fortunately, despite the crossfire, the Swedish Academy stuck “to their own convictions," as Mo Yan observed in his acceptance speech on December 10 in Sweden. O n October 11, the Swedish Academy announced that Mo Yan had won the 2012 Nobel Prize for Literature. Lit-lovers everywhere could rejoice at the nonpartisan recognition of a shy storyteller from rural Shandong. Or could they? Mo Yan, whose real name is Guan Moye, rose to prominence in the 1980s as part of the ‘rootsseeking movement.’ His novel, Red Sorghum was made into a successful film by Zhang Yimo, and his subsequent works have received widespread critical, if not mainstream, acclaim. Mo’s stories are often told from the perspective of peasants from his hometown, Gaomi Township, and chronicle China’s turbulent 20th century with unique intimacy, as Mo dances between gritty realism and the surreal – a style that’s been dubbed “hallucinatory realism.” Mo’s recognition ends China’s long crusade for Nobel glory. Lu Xun, Shen Congwen and Lao She are all rumoured to have 22 been nominated. When China reformed and opened-up in the 1980s, the desire to win a Nobel Prize became infected with a renewed sense of urgency, and was even promoted to the level of national policy. But why the Nobel Prize for Literature? Michel Hockx of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London tells that’s PRD that this desire is rooted in the Qing dynasty, “when the subsequent humiliations in wars with the western imperialists powers gave rise to a strong sentiment among Chinese intellectuals that they should ‘catch up’ with the West … The assumption [today] is still that the West is the centre of both material and cultural power in the world, and that China ought to rival that power. In the case of literature this sentiment is especially strong, because China has a very long and glorious literary tradition, yet it is felt that this is not sufficiently recognized and understood in other parts of the world.” A long journey maybe over, but January 2012 // that’s PRD’s pick of Mo Yan’s mustreads The Garlic Ballads The Garlic Ballads is set in Paradise County. The native peasants, who's way of life has not changed for generations, are suddenly thrown into disarray when officials order them to plant garlic, only to refuse to buy the crop once it has been harvested. Red Sorghum While western critics have concerned themselves that Mo Yan might be “too close” to the CCP, within China, the prize is being widely perceived as a national victory. But Professor Hockx asserts that the Nobel is anything but a state prize: “The Nobel committee has always been quite adamant about the fact that the Prize is given ‘to an author, not to a country.’ Mo Yan’s work has been translated and published and read in many languages for the past two decades. He is the most often translated living Chinese fiction writer, and one of the most widely studied.” Red Sorghum follows three generations of a family trying to survive China’s tumultuous twentieth century. The first two chapters inspired the film of the same name that help establish director Zhang Yimou and actress Gong Li as international stars. Somewhat belatedly, Mo Yan has joined their ranks. With pundits on both sides bent on politicizing Mo Yan’s award, the dust is unlikely to settle for sometime. Mo will have it tough maintaining his posture in the eye of such a storm. What all critics should keep in mind is the ability of fine art to transcend nationality makes it a truly unique endeavour. Accordingly, we should be grateful that the unique storytelling brilliance of a man who left school at the age of 12, will now be studied and appreciated by a far-wider audience. This surreal fable opens in hell. Lord Yama is torturing Ximen Nao, who refuses to admit being a capricious landowner on earth. Yama eventually relents and allows Ximen Nao to return to his old village – as a donkey! The story then unfolds from the donkey’s (and subsequent reincarnations as other animals) perspective. Life and Death are Wearing Me Out art Han Jiaying’s Solo Show How one designer’s practice chronicles Chinese visual design By Shane Qin design in China over the past three decades alongside the economic and political reform. went on to found his own design company. Moving from the laid-back ancient Xi’an city to the young bustling metropolis of Shenzhen, Han adapted himself to a very different environment, embracing a fresh urban experience as well as new trends and technologies. Gradually Han established his unique expression, which combines the influence of classical Chinese culture received in Xi’an and an international, contemporary vision adopted in Shenzhen. The visual elements of East and West in his design do not overlap each other, but complement each other to form poetic symbolic meanings through montage works. Calligraphy and Chinese characters are two elements that Han frequently uses, yet he skillfully filters out the overly formal and flashy attributes that often accompany them. Han has won countless awards, especially for the covers and posters designed for the popular literary magazine Frontiers. Furthermore, he has been the judge/curator of various design competitions/exhibitions. His career path somehow mirrors the development of visual O ften behind western countries, China did not grow in the field of contemporary design until the 1980s, but it is catching up fast. With a premier status in economic reform and convenient access to Hong Kong, Shenzhen has constantly served as a major design hub in the process, introducing into the mainland many fresh ideas about global design industry. As a UNESCO “City of Design,” Shenzhen has nurtured a considerable number of excellent, pioneering Chinese designers, amongst them Han Jiaying is inarguably one of their most extraordinary Keeping that in mind, the Shenzhen-based OCT Arts and Design Gallery – the first design-themed museum emerged in China – recently presented Han’s first solo exhibition, entitled “Reflection.” In this show a large number of Han’s acclaimed design pieces created between 1992 and 2012 are being showcased to the public in various categories, including poster design, book design, VI and branding design, installation art as well as the designer’s crossover activities with film, literature, art and fashion. In addition, Han’s private collection of everyday printed items, such as calendars, phone cards and certificates, is also on display to show the distinct looks of Chinese design at different periods. // Reflection – Han Jiaying Design Exhibition is ongoing until January 28. Add.: OCT Arts and Design Gallery, 9009 Shennan Da Dao, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District, Shenzhen (0755 33993222, 华美术馆, 深圳南山区华侨城深南大道9009号 More about Han Jiaying on www. figures. Born in Tianjin in 1961, Han graduated from the Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts in 1986. After being a design teacher for five years, he decided to quit the stable but boring teaching post and pursue a more exciting commercial career. In 1990, Han packed his bag for Shenzhen, where he took a design job at the large real estate developer Vanke Corporation. In three years, Han settled down in Shenzhen and January 2012 // 23 arts film Stars in His Eyes Jackie Chan talks about Chinese Zodiac BY Tom Lee and Celine Song Improvising is essential when it comes to dreaming up such scenes, says Chan, and appearing in fewer action films has only made him more inventive. “I only shoot one or two action films a year, or none at all in recent years, so my mind is full of ideas. I guess it might be rather painful for professionals… I’m lucky, in that I can keep my ideas only for my own works.” Jackie Chan, king of all he surveys I t’s been seven years in the making, but Jackie Chan’s Chinese Zodiac – or CZ12, as it is being marketed – finally hit cinemas last month. Written, directed and produced by the man himself, it is being billed as the latest classic in the kung fu comedy pantheon. The film began as a vaguely conceived concept that struck Chan as entertaining. “Different from other people, I don’t prepare the outline of the entire story before everything,” he explains. “For CZ12, at first I just knew searching for treasure would be a fun theme, with islands and pirates as ingredients.” From this seed, he developed a globetrotting heist adventure with an international cast of characters, centering on a heroic thief (Chan) who hopes to steal back a collection of 12 Chinese zodiac busts, plundered over a century earlier by imperialist foreign forces. A hearty amount of buzz has already engulfed the upcoming release, partly due to the 58-yearold’s announcement at Cannes last year that CZ12 would be his last action film. Recent years have seen him taking a step back from martial arts movies to refocus attention on appearing in more drama-fueled scripts like 2009 crime thriller Shinjuku Incident. Much to the relief of fans – after stoking up a rather nice amount of media and fan furor – Chan later clarified that he isn’t completely retiring his chops and kicks just yet, though this will be his last major action role, after which he intends to perform fewer stunts himself. Whatever his plans, trailers for CZ12 make it abundantly clear that Chan’s fight choreography hasn’t lost any of its flair: in classic Jackie fashion, one scene sees the star zooming along on rollerblades to take out gun-wielding security on motorbikes, before launching himself off a bridge. Jackie critiques his CZ12 leading ladies “Laura Weissbecker doesn’t have much experience in playing comedy. And this is such a fast-paced comedy… Another challenge for her might have been that she couldn’t understand much Chinese on the film site. But she wasn’t bad.” “Zhang Lanxin is a new face… I told her, ‘You must watch as much as possible. I myself learned most things on the film site. Following the shooting of one film is better than 10 years of learning at school.’ She took 24 January 2012 // my advice and progressed very quickly. She still lacks improvised facial expressions; she doesn’t have comic reflexes yet.” “Yao Xingtong is a very quiet girl. I often suggested she be more sociable and talk to people. Get familiar with everybody on the set, including the staff, then you can really work out your potential when you act. If you are familiar with everybody here, you know they can help you and you are not scared.” Though the concept has been brewing for awhile, a hectic filming schedule on both Western hits like Rush Hour 3 and Chinese epics like 1911 Revolution kept the 58-year-old from focusing on CZ12 until last year. Chan always had one eye on his pet project though, refining the script with his team, as well as collecting an assortment of bits and bobs that he thought might come in handy as either costumes or props. “I always enjoy buying all kinds of odd things. Of course, I’ve also bought many useless things!” Chan says wryly. “Only one tenth of the collected objects are actually used in the film… I don’t care if I need them now or in the future – whether they are as big as body-building equipment or as small as a knife or toy – I just order them instantly. All of them will have their place in the Jackie Chan museum!” Perhaps that’s the reason Shanghai’s Jackie Chan museum has been so long delayed: he’s having trouble sifting through all the treasures he’s hoarded. Music Uyghur Grooves Zhan Lang Band – 战狼乐队 By Tom Bird I meet guitar virtuoso Yakop and veteran percussionist Lao Xie at a table in the corner of the Tarim River Xin Jiang Restaurant. “This place is enormous,” I observe as I join them at their table, where the two musicians are dining on traditional Xinjiang BBQ lamb. “It’s owned by an ethnic Hui,” says Yakop while casually strumming his Spanish guitar. Hui people are another Muslim minority in China but Yakop and his band mates – who are dining with old friends on the adjacent table – are proudly Uyghur, Xinjiang’s largest ethnic group. The Zhan Lang Band (literally Fighting Wolf Band) perform nightly at Tarim River, with two sets between 7.15pm and 8.30pm. “We signed a contract,” says Lao Xie, the only Han member of the band who hails from Beijing. “Its hard work,” whom hail from the far north, came to Shenzhen to perform. Lao Xie’s quick to respond: “This is the place where reform began. The summers are long and the girls are pretty and you can play music with people from different places to people from different places. You know we play Rapscallions every Friday night in Coco Park. More than 70% of the audience is foreign but they love the music. They dance and go wild. The atmosphere is fantastic.” he sighs. An hour-plus work each day might not seem like much but considering the drummer is 68 years old and presently learning to drive, one can imagine the work might feel a bit taxing. Especially when you witness the energy the band, particularly Xie, deliver on stage. After a brief chat the group is summoned for the first set. Yakop and Xie are joined by vocalist / guitarist Mutalip and newly recruited bassist Jurat. After some ambient noise the band quickly swings into some up-tempo Uyghur folk with heavy tempered Latin rhythms complement by Turkish-tinged modes. But by the end of the set the band is blasting out flamenco and singing, remarkably, in Spanish! During the interval I ask Yakop how the band came to perform this style of music. “Xinjiang is a crossroads. We absorb many influences and flamenco is close to Uygur folk.” I question why the band, all of // Check out Fighting Wolf nightly at: Tarim River Xin Jiang Restaurant, 2/F, No.53 Bin Jiang Xin Cun, Dong Yuan Lu, Futian District , Shenzhen (075525870698). 塔里木河新疆餐厅,深圳市 福田区东园路滨江新村53号2楼 Or every Friday at: Rapscallions Bar, No.138 Min Tian Lu, North of Shopping Park, Futian District (0755-8359 7131). 瑞布斯酒吧, 福田区民田路城建购物公园138号 January 2012 // 25 dvds arts hollywood at home making the most of the prd's dvd bins BY Tom Lee sino-cinephile Lu Chuan By Ernest White The Man with the Iron Fists Wu-Tang Clan’s main man RZA directs and stars in this martial arts movie, in which he plays a blacksmith in 19th-century China. Joined by Russell Crowe (murderous Brit), Lucy Liu (brothel madam) and Rick Yune (the good guy), the plot centers on a prized shipment of gold and the kung fu masters who are willing to maim one another to get it using an arsenal of poisoned knives, steel-tipped fans and – you guessed it – iron fists.for a sci-fi flick. Cloud Atlas A time-traversing, globe-trotting blockbuster, this epic plunges into uncharted territory in an ambitious attempt to convert David Mitchell’s labyrinthine book into a comprehensible film. Verging on three hours, it features stars like Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Hugh Grant and Jim Broadbent swapping ages, ethnicities and genders, as they whip through different roles like children playing with an well-equipped dressing up box. Read our interview with author Mitchell on If you weren’t afraid of flying before, you might be after seeing Denzel Washington play William Whitaker, a pilot who washes down lines of coke with booze just before taking to the cockpit of a commercial plane. When the aircraft starts to fall apart, he miraculously saves the day using an unorthodox set of moves worthy of Top Gun’s Maverick – only to come under investigation when blood tests reveal his chronic substance abuse. Flight Lincoln Daniel Day-Lewis dons the ol’ stovepipe hat for this Steven Spielberg-directed biopic, which focuses on the last months of Honest Abe’s life. Holding forth through a chin curtain beard, Day-Lewis plays America’s 16th president as he attempts to ensure the passing of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, outlawing slavery. With the Civil War dragging on, he is surrounded by a house divided, one that he is destined to unite. Wreck-It Ralph Vandalizing video game villain Ralph is having a virtual midlife crisis. Sick of always being one of Litwak’s Arcade’s unloved bad guys, he decides it’s time to hightail it out of his world in search of a more heroic role to play, stumbling through first-person shooters and kiddy cart races on his journey to self-discovery. The Loneliest Planet Filled with the sublime beauty of the Caucasus Mountains, this art house flick follows an engaged couple as they head off for one last adventure together before getting married. Linking up with a friendly guide, the isolation from their natural settings begins to fray the emotional bonds that once tied them together.anine companion, sparking a spate of other animal resurrections. 26 January 2012 // L ast month in the LA Times, Gabrielle Jaffe looked at the dilemmas facing Chinese indie filmmakers who want to obtain the “dragon seal”. This mysticalsounding item is in fact a stamp of approval from the authorities, which opens the door to more domestic funding, official distribution and China’s booming box office. Are the necessary compromises worth it? An illuminating figure in this regard is Lu Chuan, who has a history of making officially approved, commercially successful films which retain their artistic integrity. His debut, 2002’s The Missing Gun, was a fresh if not entirely successful black comedy, which featured Jiang Wen and liberal use of the Sichuan dialect. Lu followed this up in 2004 with Kekexili, which transported the viewer to remotest Qinghai for an insight into the struggle to protect the endangered Tibetan antelope. Kekexili was hugely influential in terms of conservation awareness, but its pseudodocumentary feel also paid significant artistic dividends; the scene in which one character is swallowed by quicksand is especially harrowing. A bigger budget followed for 2009’s blackand-white City of Life and Death. The film depicted the Nanjing Massacre and was a commercial and critical success, receiving plaudits – as well as some scorn – for its unusually nuanced portrayal of a guiltwracked Japanese soldier. Lu’s latest, The Last Supper, is also unusual as a mainstream domestic film about Chinese history, balancing commercial appeal with a far more insightful look at the past than is commonly seen on the silver screen here. However, even with a dragon seal things don’t always run smoothly. Lu’s film about political upheaval and dynastic change was originally scheduled for release in the summer, but was eventually delayed until late November. Any guesses why? community Business China Profit Repatriation Techniques Getting your China subsidiary audited now may offset expected U.S. dividends tax increases By Chris Devonshire-Ellis T he George W. Bush-sanctioned U.S. dividends tax cuts are likely to come to an end early in 2013 during current U.S. President Barack Obama’s second term. Although details have not yet been formally announced and the decision not to extend the breaks has not yet been ratified, considered corporate opinion states that these changes are highly likely to come into effect. This may result in U.S. dividends tax being raised from the current level of 15 percent to somewhere in the region of 40 percent. Accordingly, there is some urgency in getting dividends realized in overseas subsidiaries, such as those in China, back to the United States before the U.S. domestic dividends tax ceiling is raised. Fortunately, China permits the repatriation of dividends from foreigninvested companies registered in China at any time, providing the correct procedures have been gone through. Although typical audit and dividend repatriation cycles naturally fit into the annual Chinese fiscal audit year of January 1 to December 31 (with audited accounts for the preceding year required to be filed by end of March the following year at the latest), the urgency concerning the expiration of the U.S. dividend tax breaks may result in a necessity to bring this process significantly forward. In doing so, the foreign investor needs to ascertain: corporate structuring. Once both the corporate income tax and dividends tax applicable to the profits element is paid, the money can then be transferred directly to the United States, in U.S. dollars, at the daily conversion rate against the RMB issued by the People’s Bank of China from the FIE’s bank account. Interestingly, there is no need usually to go specifically to SAFE as in the past, since guidelines applied by SAFE are executed by the bank. This has the benefit of cutting out a previously time-consuming administrative hurdle. Depending upon case specifics, this process can be completed from a minimum of six weeks, although this may take longer if DTA benefits need to be claimed. Assuming this can be conducted prior to the U.S. dividends tax breaks being cut off, the savings could be substantial. Time is of the essence here, and U.S. companies with profitable subsidiaries in China should be looking at this matter with urgency. 1. Is the increased audit cost – in terms of requesting an immediate, non-cyclical audit – worth the dividends tax saving? 2. Can I get the China audit and repatriation carried out prior to the US dividends tax break expiring? In terms of answering the first point, this is a business-specific financial equation that the U.S.-based CFO should be able to ascertain. In terms of the second, this falls into the “it depends” category as Washington has not given any clues yet as to when, and indeed, if, the U.S. dividends tax break will cease. Discussions over this matter should be held immediately with corporate tax counsel in the United States familiar with the subject for an opinion. Helpfully, the audit procedures for a foreign-invested subsidiary in China are fairly straightforward, and especially so if it is well-managed as this is not a statutory audit with applicable Chinese deadlines and additional fund and license renewal requirements. Assuming all necessary documents are in order and financial records have been accurately maintained with no inherent problems, an internal audit team will be able to provide an interim audit report for the purposes of assessing profits, the corporate income tax due on these and arrange to file the report with the China tax bureau for approval and clearance. The main aspects to consider when performing an interim audit for the purposes of facilitating profits repatriation are the cost justifications of performing a non-statutory audit purely for repatriation means (a statutory annual audit will still be due for the full 2012 fiscal year, although most of the figures can be derived from the interim report) while the time spent in conducting the report in order to beat the potential U.S. dividend tax cut-off dates also becomes important. This subject should be discussed with your China-based audit advisers, who will be able to assess the work required, provide a time-frame estimate for its completion, and will be able to handle the materials at hand to produce the required audit. Once the interim audit report has been completed, submitted and approved, the dividends repatriation process can commence. Note that China in any event levies its own dividends tax on repatriated profits, with the amount varying from between 5 percent to 10 percent depending upon whether any double tax treaties have been included into your China 28 January 2012 // Question: If business activities deviate from my scope of business, what are the consequences? How easy is it to change my scope of business? Answer: As a foreign invested enterprise, all its business activities shall comply with the business scope approved by the MOFCOM and filed with AIC. In case that the enterprise has conducted businesses out of the approved scope, it may face the penalty and/or administrative punishment, its Business License could even be revoked. To avoid the legal risk, the enterprise shall make application to the MOFCOM to expand its Business Scope in advance. As the normal practice, it takes 1 month to get the updated Business License and another 1 month to make the post-license certificates in place for the business scope modification. // Dezan Shira & Associates is a specialist foreign direct investment practice providing corporate establishment, business advisory, tax advisory and compliance, accounting, payroll, due diligence and financial review services to multinationals investing in emerging Asia. For further details or to contact the firm, please email or visit Business The “wow” factor Interview with Raghu Menon By Christine Gilbert T he General Manager of the Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen Raghu Menon radiates an aura of crisp assertiveness, from his tailored suit to his firm yet non-domineering handshake. that’s PRD sat down with Menon, a man described as “a little bit amazing” and “a work machine” by co-workers, to discuss how the 5 Gold Standards of the Ritz-Carlton company serve to shape the Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen experience. that’s PRD: How are you redefining your hotel to fit with Shenzhen, a city known for rapid change? egate to? R.M.: We have a new initiative, the Seven Wonders which directly targets those guests who want more than just staying in our hotel. For that level of clientele who needs exclusivity, privacy, personalization, [we provide] personalized stationary, exclusive lounge access, even their own car. R.M.: We select our Ladies and Gentlemen [the Ritz-Carlton’s special name for staff] using an extremely rigorous process. We use an online assessment and various interviews. I personally meet anyone joining the hotel no matter their level. The only way to retain [our Ladies and Gentlemen] is by empowering them to take care of our guests. that’s PRD: How do you go about selecting those to whom you del- that’s PRD: Since your job is largescale multitasking, do you feel that this aspect aids or deters you from focusing in the workplace? R.M.: The Gold Standards with the right people give [me] a proper balance. The Gold Standards help you to prioritize and delegating makes the job easier by focusing on these standards. that’s PRD: How does one deliver “Wow” to a patron or guest at the Ritz-Carlton? R.M.: When it comes to hotels, the product is the same. Some are old; some are new. Some are tall, some are short, but when it comes to the Ritz-Carlton, the personal experiences are what the guests come away with. that’s PRD: Why is social responsibility so important to a multimillion dollar company? R.M.: Regardless of which market we operate in, we want to make a lasting impression in [those] communities. It’s about being responsible and saying ‘thank you’ to the communities that welcome us as a brand. // The Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen, 116 Fuhua San Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, (755 2222 2222). 深圳福田区 福华三路116号 For further information, visit: Properties/Shenzhen/Information/ Default.htm. Shenzhen/Information/Default.htm. word on the street Eveline Chao is the author of NIUBI! - the Real Chinese You Were Never Taught in School, available on Amazon. The Write Stuff Chinese is hard. Is technology helping? By Eveline Chao N ews flash: writing in Chinese is freaking hard. And Chinese people think so too. Chinese people forget characters all the time. I’ve watched my mother, seatmates on the bus, even my Chinese teacher, suddenly stop in the midst of writing, unable to continue because they’ve blanked on a word. Technology is both solving and exacerbating the problem. A few years ago, I was in a car with my Taiwanese cousins, being driven around Taipei by a (directionally challenged) aunt. After her third time getting lost, she finally pulled over, plugged in the GPS, and wrote in the address of our destination. She used her finger to do this, drawing the characters onto the touchscreen. My cousins – her daughters – all leaned forward to watch, mouths agape. “Wow,” one of them said when she was done. “I don’t know how to hand-write anything anymore.” few reasons to hand-write characters anymore. They’re losing characters from their recall memory. Because of the way typing works on cell phones and computers, people rarely have to conjure up characters from scratch. They type the pinyin in Roman letters, then choose the correct character from the selection that pops up. So they rely on recognition rather than recall memory, which is easier on the brain. This is unfortunate, but on the other hand, it’s happening because they don’t need to remember how to write those characters. Were they the ones driving the car, they could have toggled the GPS to one of several other input methods: zhuyin or bopomofo, which prevail in Taiwan; or pinyin, most common on the mainland. Moreover, I wonder if the reduced need to recall characters means people are able to hold onto even more characters in their recognition memory. Thus, my blogging, texting, emailing, computer-loving cousins have Another twist to all this is that, since learning to hand-write char- acters is becoming less important, some believe that it’s time for the mainland to switch from simplified characters back to traditional. (Interestingly, right now there’s a comparable debate happening in the US about schools that no longer teach cursive writing.) All this forgetting of characters has a lot of ramifications which are addressed in The ‘Invisible’ Writing on the Wall, an essay by David Moser (Google it), who points to ways he believes the difficult writing system is holding China back. It was written in 2004, before smartphones and computers became ubiquitous. The question of whether technology is a help or a hindrance remains to be seen. January 2012 // 29 community lead story Over-sexposed A family day out at a Chinese sex festival BY Robert Foyle Hunwick photographs showing the graphic symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases stands utterly neglected. Despite some of the tackier sights on offer, the country’s need for greater openness and lessons about ‘taboo’ topics such as masturbation, contraception and sex toys has never been more urgent. When the Communist Party first came to power in 1949, China’s population stood at an estimated 563 million. That figure is now approaching 1.4 billion. This despite a An explosion of glitter descended over the podium as glamour models gathered around the balding organizers. G reeters dressed as giant inflatable Jissbon condoms, dozens of pimply youths wearing Superman costumes and a crowd skewed to the definitely male – prior to 2012, the Guangzhou National Sex Culture Festival was mainly known for being one of the few events in China to deal with a subject normally considered off-limits. That and, two years ago, exhibiting a blow-up doll that some wag had affixed an Obama head to. Last October, though, the Guangdong-based ‘sexpo’ celebrated its 10th anniversary and, although there was no erotic Mitt Romney toy to tempt newcomers, a healthy crowd was already amassed outside the exhibition hall for the opening ceremony, a series of deadpan speeches given 30 January 2012 // by middle-aged bureaucrats that seemed textbook China officialdom. Then the theme from the US cowboy series Bonanza suddenly blared over the loudspeakers, an explosion of glitter descended over the podium and a half-dozen glamour models gathered around the balding organizers. The rest of the weekend looked to be anything but. “Curiosity,” answered a woman in her 20s queuing for a RMB30 ticket, when we asked why she was attending the festival. “I may buy something, too.” What, though, she would not say. “I’m here to look at everything,” said a young man visiting for the first time with his girlfriend. “We want to learn more about all this.” As thousands mill around stalls selling seemingly every possible sexual stimulant and product, from herbal aphrodisiacs to vibrators, penis sheaths, lifelike silicone sex dolls, condoms and more, the response of many newcomers interviewed was often the same: it was “eye- opening.” To the casual observer, the sexpo simply seemed like a rambunctious trade fair, albeit of the type not normally seen in China. But the stated aim of the organizers was to “promote science, civilization, education, health and sexual morality.” Such lofty ideals help make events like this more palatable to conservative authorities, while also providing a patina of respectability for the public – quite a few even choose to bring their children along. And while pornography in China is technically illegal, a few relatively tame-looking DVDs and VCDs are discreetly on sale, albeit starring foreign-looking actors and labeled as “instructional.” “It’s more about promoting education, instead of educating per se,” says Professor Peng Xiaohui of the World Association of Chinese Sexologists. That would certainly explain the awkward contrast of hundreds of men tightly massed around a catwalk featuring live lingerie models, while just a few meters away a gallery of blow-up fairly rigorously-controlled one-child policy that has contributed (at least in part) to an annual abortion rate of 13 million terminations, according to a rare 2009 statistic from the National Population and Family Planning Commission (NPFPC). Academics and officials are aware of the root causes. “Sex education needs to be strengthened,” as Li Ying, a health science professor at Peking University, told state media when the NPFPC report was re- leased. day one, the crush surrounding live performances by pole-dancers and bikinied models is intense, with melees of amateur photographers jostling for position to ogle what are, by normal standards, pretty vanilla shows. Sex education has always been very patchy in modern China. It was first considered a Western bourgeois evil; then, when sexual liberalism became politicized in the late 1980s, was swiftly cracked down upon. The result is that even the most well-educated, middle-class graduate can have severe gaps in his or her basic knowledge. “There’s very little sex education in this country,” admits Wang Lanxing, an English major in his 20s at a top Beijing university. “You just hear the government telling you to use protection but most of the time without a good reason. We’ve been taught to be embarrassed about watching porn, but if not, how are we supposed to learn about this stuff?” For Professor Peng, who teaches sexology at Wuhan’s Central China Normal University (CCNU), “holding the sexpo for 10 years in a row is a big step. It’s an experiment but it’s hard to say if they’ve succeeded.” The Guangzhou sexpo has the backing of the provinciallevel Guangdong Family Planning Bureau, but one of the national hurdles, Peng says, is the education level of the family-planning officers themselves. “Many only have a junior high-school education background and lack the necessary technical training. Only by having more of those officers trained and educated can we solve the problem.” The local Guangdong bureau though, he adds, is “one of the best.” its proximity to Hong Kong, the southern province has a tradition of liberal leanings. This is partly geographical: due to its distance from Beijing and Those numbers sometimes prove overwhelming. By lunchtime on Other sexpos do take place in China – there’s an annual event in Henan’s capital, Zhengzhou, for example, and another here in Shanghai, coyly titled the “China Adult-Care Expo” – but Guangzhou’s is the longest-running. Organizers claimed up to half a million visitors over its three-day run. To many Chinese eyes, though, they are scintillating. Others reckon the pushy crowds were relatively well ordered. A 30-year-old e-commerce retailer named Zhu, visiting the sexpo to bulk-buy racy underwear, recalled a far smaller-scale event in Foshan, a Guangdong city with a large migrant population. “Some of the people there were very ill-mannered,” she said. “When the models performed at the underwear exhibition, they went crazy. Here, people are better behaved. The men are more gentlemanly.” As we left, one of these spikyhaired gentlemen in jeans and T-shirt slapped me on the back. “How are you enjoying?” he grinned in English. Fine – but what did he think of the show? “Very good,” he crowed. “Excellent!” January 2012 // 31 community eco China’s Electric Car World Record “Limited Range” myth for green autos dispelled by Tom Bird people are very independent. But they can’t form a big company because everyone has their own mind and they don’t want to cooperate with others. China is different. There is a lack of new ideas here but plenty of money to finance innovation. Shenzhen is the capital of electric products. Here you can find materials, you can find components. You know in Shenzhen there are about a hundred companies that work in the lithium battery field? And I’ve found the Chinese are very good when they are instructed on how to make something.” In recent years support for biofuel cars as an alternative to gasoline has emerged, particularly in the US. But Loglio perceives this trend as folly: “These resources are limited. Soil should be used to produce food for the people, other- O n the 13th of November 2012 China won its first ever world record in the field of automotive engineering. A convoy of press vehicles set out at 7.30am to follow two Zoyte Electric Cars as they were driven from Shenzhen to the capital of Guangxi Province, Nanning. The vehicles were specially fitted with lithium batteries that were developed by Dr. Marco Loglio and his team at Vantage Global Power. The total distance covered by the two prototypes was 801.3km and at the end of the journey 13% of the energy remained in the battery pack. “What we’ve demonstrated with this car is its range,” says Loglio. “There’s no more issue because this car can travel 800km.” Though Loglio attained his PhD in philosophy, he has worked in the electric car field for over 25 years, believing “passionately” that humans will one day be getting about on battery power alone. He held the world record once before, when he drove 508km across Switzerland in 1993. But 32 January 2012 // when Audi stole the e-car crown some 17 years later by driving 605km from Munich to Berlin, Loglio set his team a goal to reclaim the crown. “The battery was developed in Shenzhen. It's a lithium battery with new materials and some improvements. We have new electronics to help us manage the whole energy system within the vehicle. Then we just bought a car on the market, a Zoyte which are made in Zhejiang. The car is electric but can only travel about 200km on a single charge. We demonstrated without using an ultra light prototype vehicle how much further our battery can go.” Key to Vantage Global Power’s success is energy density. “This is important because for the same weight and space we can store more power,” Loglio explains. He refers to a chart of some leading battery packs on the market. Smart built by Tesla is the market- leader, with a battery that produces 132wh/kg. By contrast Vantage Global Power’s battery produces 250wh/kg, which makes their battery three times more powerful than the Nissan Leaf’s and a long way ahead of its nearest competitor. To leap so far in front, Loglio had to balance the advantages of his home country with those prevalent in China. “The people who brought most of the innovation came from Italy. Because of the education system there, wise we’ll see shortages. Already the price of maize is going up. Solar energy is more than enough to move all the cars in the world. And we have wind energy. If we concentrate that energy to move vehicles, they can be completely pollution free. This is my vision of the future. This is the best way to reduce pollution, to reduce CO2 and tackle the increasing temperature of the planet.” City of the Goose With talk of flourishing Huizhou echoing across the PRD, we assigned Shenzhen editors Tom Bird and Juliette Ding to investigate what all the noise was about. What they unearthed was perhaps a little odder than anyone had expected. But with the budget blown, we’re forced to relay the facts as they report them; a bare and brutish correspondence from the banks of the East River. Dear Readers, As I’m sure you understand, things are seldom pre- old Bob Burns famously wrote, “The best laid schemes of dictable in China. There are winds of change sweeping across mice and men, go often awry.” Consequently, I’ve decided the land and invisible forces squashing and stretching us at to pen this candid correspondence, so you too might know every juncture. I had not anticipated the full effect a of events that would typically be cut by any sane editor, in weekend in Huizhou could have had on my disposition. But as favour of the usual reviews and anecdotes... Hakka and his braised pork belly? How Huizhou bus station has survived the wrecking-ball is a mystery. Alec Gunniess’s immortal lines echo through my brain each time I have to navigate this mad quarter. “You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.” What exaggerates this hellish experience is the lack of taxis willing to run the meter. When we finally flag a respectable cab the driver laments, “Taxis can’t make money in this town anymore.” I’m temped to point out that if they didn’t all knock off at rush hour they might stand a better chance of garnering a few kuai. But seriously, who wants to stand between a 34 January 2012 // The road to the hotel brings to light the new reality of Goose Town. Those infamous traffic jams of Beijing and Guangzhou are no longer an expression of life in China’s first tier-cities. Car culture is endemic in Huizhou, despite how walker-friendly the town is, or at least, used to be. Today it seems folk who have no business behind a wheel of a Toyota are busy trying to squeeze their way down grossly inadequate streets while defying every road rule there is. “It’s a nightmare,” Britishexpat Mark Taylor tells us later. “I’ve seen the amount of cars rise five-fold in my time.” Huizhou and I have enjoyed a long tangled romance, beginning in 2005 when I first embarked on my China venture. Then it had been a sleepy backwater on the eastern periphery of the PRD; a place where water buffalo bathed in the river opposite my apartment building and motorbikes navigated its narrow streets. But word from old friends told a different story – one of cars and crass-consumerism. I pitched this idea of a “third-tier metamorphosis” to the managing editor. The branch manager has always been keen for editors to explore stories further afield, I reminded her, frequently berating us for our slothfulness: “We’re that’s PRD, not that’s Shenzhen and Guangzhou. What’s going on in Foshan? I hear there’s a new expat bar in Zhongshan!” I had reasons of my own for wanting to escape. I owed money all over town and a girl from Hunan had launched a psychological offense against me more vicious than a severe beating from a Wing Chun Master. So when the story finally got rubber-stamped, I began making fast demands: “I want an expense account… Someone has to schmooze a hotel with a pool… I’ll need Li Zhengde on team… And Shenzhen editorial assistant Juliette Ding will have to come as well.” The final demand was our insurance policy. We’d need someone levelheaded. Zhengde is a fine photographer, but I know how the man gets with a belly full of booze. I’ve witnessed him vomit all over a top tourist site in Suzhou and debate ancient philosophy (his favorite topic) in Afrikaans and Yiddish, despite only able to speak Mandarin and an obscure Hunan dialect. After checking-in to the Crowne Plaza, we head to Xiapu to feast on Chongqing Ma La Tang and warm ourselves up for the night ahead. Over beers, I chat with the owner whom I’ve known for several years. When he first came to Huizhou, he’d hoisted some tarpaulin between two derelict buildings to protect himself from the rain while he dished-out noodles to Huizhou’s migrant workforce. Two years later, he rented a cupboard-sized cafe. Today he is the patron of a large and popular restaurant. This kind of rags to riches story is common in flourishing Huizhou. It’s the story on the flipside of the car-craze. The goat herder turned entrepreneur, who’ll be able to afford an education for his son and end a cycle of poverty that has plagued his family for millennia. In American Retro, Zhengde and I get busy sinking 15 kuai Kingways, while Juliette seeks out locals to interview. This may appear discriminatory, but the girl only needs to down one G&T before she can laugh a night into oblivion. We veteran drinkers need to douse far more in order to complete the job at hand. I spend much of the evening propping-up the bar with Mark Taylor. Mark arrived in Huizhou six years ago. In this time, he has acquired a language school and a fine watering hole. American Retro is not the earliest western-style bar to open shop in Huizhou. There’s an Australian-run English Pub on the same street. And Relax a few doors down was the first Chinese bar not to try and deafen its clientele with dismal pop. But American Retro is probably the most successful attempt at integrating the local appetite for inane tat, with the foreigners’ desire to enjoy a few quiet pints before engaging local girls in elementary-level Chinese “We’ve had to make compromises,” says coowner Lance Smith who regularly performs in the bar. “We’re the only live-house in town. When we booked bands, we thought the locals would go wild, but they didn’t even applaud. You have to wait for the culture to catch-up.” “What we’ve tried to do is create somewhere between a pub and club,” adds Mark. “It’s a new concept, so it takes time for people to get used to it.” “They seem to have acquiesced,” I observe. “The place is packed.” “But everyone leaves at midnight,” laments Lance. “It’s the herd mentality. We only do real business between nine and twelve.” A few drinks later, Juliette and I discover Zhengde upstairs with a mismatch posse of drunkards. He’s found a fat man from his hometown, a Chaozhounese girl who adds the word “luo” onto every sentence and a girl who makes speeches in English that no man or beast can comprehend. But as Lance warned, around midnight patrons promptly abandon beer for their beds. Our companions in their haste forsake a bucket full of Budweiser, which we agree would be criminal to waste. The next morning we breakfast on egg-pancakes and drink Green Royalty, a native soft drink. We had planned to visit the Su Dong Po Museum but by the time we enter the West Lake Park none of us have the head for Song Dynasty poetry. So we buy cans of Tsingtao and rent a peddle-boat instead. From the West Lake, we can see the full expanse of Huizhou as it transforms itself. Huizhou’s oldest standing structure is the Great Sage Pagoda, which was last rebuilt in 1618. Across town, the 48 storey Renaissance Hotel represents how Huizhou sees itself today – brash and business-orientated. Whether such a structure will still be standing four hundred years from now is doubtful. But it is clear that Huizhou has its sights firmly set on a prosperous time ahead. Around the lake, old districts are being demolished to make way for luxury housing. When the intercity rail link and high-speed train are completed, they’ll slash commuter time to Shenzhen. Businesses are duly expected to relocate to take advantage of Huizhou’s cheap rent. The locals are already salivating at the prospect of feasting on the Pearl River mega pie. After our boat ride, we feel ready to check out the master works of Su Dongpo. It’s a relatively humble exhibition for a man who penned over two hundred hymns dedicated to Huizhou’s food, wine, lakes and mountains, but informative enough. Zhengde is in the middle of explaining the essence of a certain style of calligraphy when a girl approaches. “Where are you from?” “The UK,” I tell her. “Doesn’t look like it to me.” “What?” “How long have you been in China?” “Almost seven years.” “I don’t think,” she replied dismissively. Her doubt leaves me uncertain of my own sanity and I’m grateful when we meet my old friend Peter Hu, who has agreed to give us a guided tour of “new” Huizhou. January 2012 // 35 cover story Jiangbei is barely recognizable from a few years ago. There are luxury hotels and a sports stadium. The two Hua Mao Towers currently being advertised on the Shenzhen Metro stand beside Hua Mao Mall, which houses Zara, Armani and Calvin Klein. The transformation is impressive. But these gilded structures are entirely devoid of local charm. As Huizhou grows and absorbs foreign influences, is it destined to become less like Huizhou and more like everywhere else? I ask Peter if he’s concerned with the dearth in culture. “You know more than 50% of Chinese are poor. We just want to better our lives, do business and help our family.” He’s speaking from experience. Peter migrated to Huizhou from rural Sichuan and in the years that I’ve spent mostly drinking Tsingtao and pondering the meaning of it all, he’s married, produced a child, bought a house and car, brought his parents to live with him and spent time in the Middle East selling Arabs light-fittings. Of course he’s typically modest about his pole-vault from subsistence farmer to international businessman. “I’m too small to raise pigs and sow seeds. So I had to use my brain,” he says in near-perfect English. We ride the expressway to Boluo, a Huizhou satellite town that Peter and I cycled to several years ago. Then it was a nowheresville, connected to Huizhou by a dirt track. But change is stirring, even out here. On Tiyu Boulevard, we come upon a new development – a crass expression of what man can build if there’s too much money and not a lot of sense in an economy: A $940 million clone replica of Austria’s Hallstatt Village. Mozart blares from the loud speakers. A faux-church houses a property agent selling the Austrian villas scattered throughout the surrounding hillside. We resolve to get a Viennese coffee to help us digest this surreal scene but there’s none to be found. Every shop front is like a Hollywood set, a façade. “Could be worse,” says Juliette, aware of my disillusion. “They’re demolishing 700 mountains in Gansu Province 36 January 2012 // to make way for a new development zone.” I don’t, or can’t, reply. “That’s what they did in Dongguan,” she adds, bringing things a little closer to home. That night we dine in the Tsingtao Beer restaurant. After several pints, Zhengde and I head out to spend the last of our allocated resources in Huizhou's premier nightclub, Rave Party. ‘Gangham Style’ is booming when we arrive and the post-90s generation is getting high on whiskygreen tea in the early years of the China century. It’s too loud to talk, too bright to think. After a few hours of dice and some ballroom dancing that fails to attract any attention, we admit defeat and return to the sanctuary of American Retro for a nightcap. But it’s gone midnight and the Cinderellas and their chaperones are gone, or going. Around 2 or 3am, dizzy from booze, we tumble out of the bar into Binjiang Park. Discovering a slipway down to the murky waters of the East River, the inevitable exchange takes place. “You jump first.” “No you.” Zhengde seizes the initiative, diving into the murky stream and embarrassing me into following suit. We conclude our evening swimming breaststroke in the chilly December waters of the East River, Huizhou’s main artery, where the buffalo used to bathe. The following day at the bus station, we drink the last of the Tsingtaos and I wonder if it’s the excess of the weekend that has unnerved me. Or was it the world of strange concrete-block hegemony we’d witnessed under-construction? Zhengde photographs me beneath a sign that reads “Safety First.” Nearby there’s another sign: “Customers First” and another: “Service First.” But Readers, not everything can be first, right? Is Huizhou busy replicating the Shenzhen miracle or inflating a dangerous bubble? The verdict is out… But what is certain is that quaint old Huizhou is no longer so quaint, or so old. Change is afoot, and the railroad is coming. From Huizhou With love, -Tom Bird, Shenzhen Editor Huizhou Facts TEXT BY JARRAD EDWARDS H uizhou City is situated on the eastern edge of the Pearl River Delta. Though the city is small by Chinese standards the county stretches from the South China Sea to Guangzhou in the West and Heyuan in the North. The City of the Goose, as it is known, is far older than many of its delta city neighbours and Huizhou people have made many significant contributions to China’s ancient and recent past. Boost your PRD trivia here, with that’s PRD’s pick of the who, when and where. • In 2011, Huizhou’s nuclear power plant, Daya Bay or Dayawan won four out of six awards at the annual nuclear plant safety competition held by France's EDF. The Daya Bay nuclear power plant provides Hong Kong with 70% of its power output needs. • Huizhou is the world’s largest producer of batteries and Asia’s largest manufacturer of telephones. • In 1995, Carlsberg Group opened up the Carlsberg Brewery Guangdong in Huizhou, moving all its Asian production to the city. sen Sun instigated the “Huizhou Uprising” to attack the Huizhou Township and provincial authorities in Guangdong. The 20,000-strong revolutionary army was led by Zheng Shiliang and lasted half a month. Ultimately, the uprising ended in failure despite growing resentment of the Qing Dynasty. In 1907, Sun incited the “Huizhou Seven Women Lake Uprising” which ended in similar fashion -- another blow to the revolutionary cause. • Poetic genius, travel writer and legendary Song Dynasty statesmen, Su Dongpo or Su Shi was exiled to Huizhou for three years (AD1094-1097). • In 2010, the GDP of Huizhou increased by 18% since the previous year to RMB172.99 billion, ranking sixth among all the cities in Guangdong Province. • n October 1900, Dr. Sun Yat- • Born in Huiyang, Huizhou in 1896, Ye Ting was considered one of China’s foremost revolutionaries and military strategists. He was a founding member of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Huizhou GOLDEN BELT ALLEY Jin Dai Jie (金带街) is a winding alleyway opposite the famous West Lake that offers a wonderful insight into how Huizhou looked in times past. Life has a gentle intimate pace; locals chat in Huizhou-dialect and noise is resigned to the main roads far beyond this sleepy quarter. In recent years, antique dealers – mostly from the north – have set-up shop here. Whether you’re interested in Qing dynasty porcelain, Mao Zedong-era coins and stamps, Buddha statues, jade artefacts or bamboo carvings, you’ll find an array of treasures to choose from along this sleepy lane. AMERIC AN RETRO The brainchild of British Mark Taylor and American Lance Smith, American Retro has cornered the expat nightlife market and attracted local customers who wish to drink and socialize in a more international fashion. The interior is large and spacious with images of American icons like Marilyn Monroe and Elvis on the walls. There’s a pool table and a fully equipped stage where Lance, Hong Konger Kurt Li and other local acts perform. The bar also hosts parties and themed-events like –Ladies Night held every Wednesday. Typical western fast food like hot dogs (RMB30) and hamburgers (RMB35) are available at the bar, should you need revitalization after too many rounds of dice. There is also draft beer on tap, ranging from Tiger (RMB30) to Kingway (RMB15). // Amer ican Retro, 9A , Bin Jiang Building, Hui Sha Di Yi Lu, Xia Pu, Huicheng Distr ict, Huizhou City (0752- 211 1836). 惠城往事,惠州市惠城区惠沙堤一路滨江大厦9A January 2012 // 37 cover story Hakka Cuisine BY ESTER YANG B eing one of the top three branches of Guangdong cuisine, Hakka cuisine is the major cooking style in Huizhou. Through years of migration from the end of Qin Dynasty to the beginning of Song Dynasty, the Hakka ancestors moved from central China to settle in the mountainous areas around southern China. From the Ming Dynasty on, Hakka cuisine began to develop its own distinctive gastronomy, fusing northern cuisine with local foods. The historical background and lifestyle of Hakka people has had a large influence on their cuisine. Due to their agrarian lifestyle, salty food has traditionally been preferred as it helps recover vital salts lost through sweating. Hakka people preserves vegetable through salting and dehydrating in case of lean time or poor harvests. Today preserved vegetables are a prominent ingredient of Hakka cuisine. The basic cooking methods used by Hakkas are stewing, braising and steaming. Ginger and rice wine are preferred seasonings. Hakka classic include Braised Pork Belly with Preserved Vegetable, Stuffed Bean Curd and East River Salt-Baked Chicken. CrOWNE PLAZA HUIZHOU . If you’re property shopping, sourcing and trading or simply a visiting tourist, consider checking-in to the Crowne Plaza Huizhou. Located in Shui Kou, an area that was until recently rough and rural, the hotel now stands adjacent to a palatial public square and a vast new villa complex. Crowne Plaza has every kind of leisure amenity you’d expect, including indoor and outdoor pools, spa and gym. There’s even an affiliated karaoke bar (that’s not directly run by the hotel). The food and beverage choice is top-notch: Cantonese cuisine is served in the swanky Noble Court, a wide range of Japanese delicacies cooked-up before your eyes in Ishiyama and there’s all day Western dining in Cafe Boulevard as well. Due to its suburban location, the hotel has become a popular venue for cooperate functions and high-level meetings. Crowne Plaza Huizhou offers a comprehensive range of meeting and event facilities including a pillar-free grand ballroom and nine separate function rooms. All function rooms are equipped with the latest audio-visual equipment, wireless broadband Internet access and LCD projectors. The hotel also offers a signature program, Meeting Success to help you organize “simple and seamless” meetings. //Crowne Plaza Huizhou, No.8, Huangguan Lu, Shuikou Avenue, Huicheng Distr ict, Huizhou City (0752- 228 2222). 惠州皇冠假日酒店,惠州市惠城区水口街道皇冠路8号 YE QU YUAN RURAL RESTAURANT We were promised that Ye Qu Yuan had a pet ostrich. And while we saw pigs, chickens, geese, goats and fish, the big bird was nowhere to be seen. However, despite the illusive main attraction, we have to give Ye Quan Yuan a thumbs-up. This out-of-town eatery is part farm, part zoo, and part local delicacy specialist. Facilities range from BBQ to basketball. There are hammocks hanging between bamboo groves and an artificially stocked pond where you can fish for your supper. It’s an ideal family retreat: grown-ups can tuck into some authentic Hakka fare while there are plenty of distractions for the kids. It’s just a shame about that ostrich… // Ye Qu Yuan Nong Jia Le, No.38, Rong Tou villiage, Xian Ke Dadao, Ru Hu Town, Huizhou City (0752- 590 0888). 野趣园农家 乐,惠州市汝湖镇先科大道荣头村38号 38 January 2012 // Who are the Hakka? By Shane Qin The term Hakka refers to a unique group of Han Chinese whose ancestors originated in north-central China. Hakka people have been migrating south over 2000 years, as they’ve been gradually displaced by wars and natural disasters. The Hakka have mostly settled in Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Fujian, Jiangxi and Taiwan. When they first settled down, they were called “Hakka” or “guest people” by locals, of which the spelling is derived from the pronunciation in Hakka dialect (“haagga” in or “kejia” in Mandarin). As late comers, Hakka people had to survive in less favourable lands. Therefore, they are known as resourceful and hard working. Many significant Hakka figures have emerged during the course of Chinese and world history. To name just a few, political celebrities Dr. Sun Yat-sen, Soong Ching-ling, Deng Xiaoping, Lee Kuan Yew and famed actor Chow YunFat. Meet the Huizhouers TEXT by Juliette Ding Name: Terry Lu (Huizhou ) Occupation: Office Assistant Are there any advantages to living in Huizhou compared with other cities in the Pearl River Delta? Huizhou is more suitable to live as you suffer from less stress from work. How do you imagine Huizhou will develop in the future? When Shenzhen, Dongguan and Huizhou are connected more and more people will choose to move to Huizhou to live but still work in Shenzhen and Dongguan. In this sense, the three cities will somehow resemble Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and the New Territories of Hong Kong. Name: Kurt Li (Hong Kong) Occupation: Musician What do you like best about living in Huizhou? I was raised in Hong Kong but my family hail from Huizhou. I’ve lived in Huizhou on and off for over ten years. For me, it is an ideal place to pursue my music career, as it is easy to survive here, as living costs are low. Is there anything you dislike about living in Huizhou? The general work attitude in Huizhou is not very professional, you can’t get things done fast enough and the average education level is low. Name: Stephanie Zhang (Huizhou) Occupation: Owner of Great Way Language School Are there any advantages to living in Huizhou compared with other cities in the Pearl River Delta? Huizhou has many times been rated as a city that enjoys a high sense of wellbeing. It came third this year according to a ranking list from China Institute of City Competitiveness, only after Qingdao and Hangzhou. People here are happy and tolerant. Is there anything you dislike about living in Huizhou? If there is one thing, it’s the traffic. As living standard rises with economic development, most people own cars but the roads are not wide enough. Name: Peter Hu (Sichuan) Occupation: Marketing Director What do you like best about living in Huizhou? It’s a middle-sized city with a beautiful landscape and a rich history. It’s comfortable for living and enterprising. Here you can combine work and leisure. How do you imagine Huizhou will develop in the future? I bet Huizhou is going to be one of the top tourism cities, like Hangzhou and develop a strong economy like Shenzhen. Name: Steve Chorley (UK) Occupation: Company Director What do you like best about living in Huizhou? There’s a good mix of the city and the countryside. People are friendly and the air quality is good. How do you imagine Huizhou will develop in the future? I moved here in 2000 and was one of the only foreigners. Now many more people are bringing new frontiers and new opportunities. January 2012 // 39 the wrap Guangzhou Design Week 2012 NFL Experience 2012 H O eld from December 7 to 9 at Guangzhou Poly World Trade Center Expo, Guangzhou Design Week 2012 presented the public with regular programs including a significant industrial expo and a series of forums. As usual, GZDW serves as a platform for exchange of fresh ideas and communication between designers and the market. 40 January 2012 // n December 2, 2012, Tianhe Sports Center saw the second NFL Experience, attracting a crowd of over 8,000. Four adult football teams, which formed last year and are primarily comprised of local players, were given a chance to show their talents. Fans also got the chance to participate and have some fun. A booth held by that’s PRD near the playground was certainly a hot spot for kids. Utahloy’s Festival of Lights Inter-chamber Christmas U Dinner Party 2012 tahloy International School Guangzhou held a special event—Festival of Lights—on its vast campus on December 14, 2012. The event consisted of two parts: performances and fundraising. Students who took part in the performance were very enthusiastic to show their talents of singing and dancing. While in the fundraising part, students with their mothers eagerly sold their goods, either home-made dishes or hand-made small goods. The money being raised would be directly sent to charity groups including Couleurs de Chine and Hopeful Hearts. A s an annual event organized by the British Chamber of Commerce together with the French and German Chamber of Commerce in Guangzhou, this year’s Inter-chamber Christmas Dinner party saw over 230 guests at the Hilton Baiyun Hotel. All guests had a great time, enjoying both the gourmet food and the festival atmosphere. AMCHAM CHRISTMAS CARNIVAL 2013 F estive fun was had by all who attended the AmCham International Christmas Party on December 9, 2012, at the Gorgeous Days residence in Guangzhou's Panyu District. Families enjoyed the sunny day as well as a variety of games, a buffet lunch (including turkey) and the Christmas cheer brought by the songs of the AISG Choir Singers. January 2012 // 41 PRD FOCUS D O n December 6, 2012, the Italian wine company Marchesi Antinori and Links Concept Company Limited provided their guests at the G Restaurant of the Grand Hyatt Guangzhou with premium wines, including Tignanello, Guado Al Tasso, Prunotto and Santa Cristina. Tignanello, the iconic wines of the estate, have been defined by the international press as “among the most influential wines in the viticultural history of Italy”. BR (Lafite) and its exclusive importer in China, ASC Fine Wines, held a wine tasting on December 28, 2012 at Grand Hyatt Guangzhou. Michel Négrier , the Export Director of DBR (Lafite), communicated with the guests about the development of DBR (Lafite) and his opinion on China’s wine market. N ovember 29, 2012 witnessed the Henriot Champagne Launch held by Tian Bar at Four Seasons Guangzhou. Anne Deraisme, the Export Director of Maisons & Domaines Henriot, joined the launch and introduced the Henriot Champagne to the guests. T T he convenience store chain 7 Eleven Hong Kong has launched 30 special figurines of Hello Kitty and her friends. Mobile pop up shops have been set up to display the figurines and sell Hello Kitty totes bags. Each selling of a tote bag will get 7 Eleven to donate HKD10 to Benjis. Centre. S T he Canton Place in Guangzhou had its Christmas lighting ceremony on December 1, 2012 with a concert by Erhu master Li Jun and the Brazil Jazz band LV Beats. 42 he annual Parent Teacher Association Holiday Bazaar was successfully held on December 15, 2012 in the American International School of Guangzhou with their student string ensemble performing to welcome arriving guests. January 2012 // henzhen Concord College of SinoCanada and the International School of Nanshan Shenzhen enthusiastically celebrated their 10th anniversary on Tuesday December 11, 2012 at the Poly Theatre of Nanshan, Shenzhen. SCCSC and ISNS received recognition from esteemed representatives of the Guangzhou Education Bureau, Nanshan District Education Bureau, and the Government of Canada, for their contribution to society and the global education industry. L ast month, the British School Choir provided a festive Christmas in Guangzhou, which included special performances at the Shangri-La Hotel and Taikoo Hui. T he grand opening party of Hanbridge Mandarin Shekou Center kicked off on Sunday, December 2, 2012. A fruit buffet and wines were served throughout the party as students, teachers and members of the media mingled in the newly renovated classrooms, located in Seaview Plaza near Seaworld. Hanbridge teachers showed off their skills at traditional Chinese arts like calligraphy and traditional tea making. peacock princess Shenzhen reviews, events and information Famed dancer Yang Liping graces the Shenzhen stage See p54 for details This month 44 46 47 48 52 What’s on in January The Grapevine New restaurants & bars Home Cooking Wine A monthly insert in January 2013 改版 2013 1 SZ OK(12.12).indd 43 12-12-23 下午6:18 WHAT’S ON IN january JAN 2 WEd zubin mehta Shenzhen con c ert ha l l P5 4 jan 13 sun jan 4 fri Austr alia Symphony Orchestr a yang kun Shenzhen P o ly T heater P55 shen z hen po ly theater P 5 4 jan 6 Sun all month Wing Walker s A r t zoo m in g Ga l l ery P 5 8 44 vienna str auss orchestr a Shenzhen gr and theater P5 4 jan 13 Sun Fatman scoop pepper c lu b P 55 January 2013 // SZ // 改版 2013 1 SZ OK(12.12).indd 44 12-12-23 下午6:18 ◆◆ jan 5 sat ◆◆ jan 20 sun S h e nzh e n Po ly T h eate r B row n S u ga r Ja r vienna sinfonietta feuerhaus any bauer and die gui see p54 see p56 ◆◆ Jan 12 thu ◆◆ jan 26-27 sat-Sun S h e nzh e n C o n ce r t H al l , S h e nzh e n Po ly T h eate r Shui Mu Nian Hua Aesop's Fables see p54 see p56 ◆◆ jan 19 sat ◆◆ Feb 1-2 FRI-sat Cu r v B a r S h e nzh e n Po ly T h eate r Wine and chesse dinner party see p56 Rhinoceros in love see p56 // Daily 6-10.30am, 11.30am-3pm, 5-10.30pm. 22 Jiuxianqiao Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区酒仙桥路22号 (8414 9820) ◆◆ jan 20 sun ◆◆ Feb 1-17 FRI-SUN S h e nzh e n Po ly T h eate r Crowne Plaza Hotel & Suites Landmark Shenzhen lao gao and flymen see p56 Reunion package see p56 January 2013 // SZ // 改版 2013 1 SZ OK(12.12).indd 45 45 12-12-23 下午6:18 EAT / DRINK THE grAPEvINE OPEN DOOR Gossip grammy Award winning rap singer Fatman Scoop is playing in the all new Pepper Club just above club viva on January 13. Every night from 6pm, newly opened mediterraneo Tapas Bar (8389 3178) in coco Park serves-up a Spanish tapas buffet at rmb150/ person with a jug of Sangria. See PXX. 1001 Wine & Spirits Cellar (2585 7258) in dongmen luohu hosts a monthly theme tasting of premium wines from france, Italy, Spain, Portugal, chile, Australia and Argentina. from now until the Spring festival, if you spend over rmb500 you'll get a 20% discount. On January 19, Shenzhen Wine and Cheese dinner Party is on again in Curv Bar. The dress code is “chinese-style.” New Dinner Set at Mezzo Classic Italian To welcome the New year, a brand new three course set dinner (rmb260+15%/person) prepared by talented chefs from award-winning mezzo Italian restaurant is available until february 28, 2013. The new menu features Sautéed Portabello mushroom with fresh rosemary and creamy Polenta with a suggested wine pairing of ruffino Orvieto classico dOc. for the main course you can choose between Pan-fried Turbot with roasted Tomato and Sundried Tomato Jus, or grilled beef Sliced Tenderloin over pot roasted New Potatoes and crystallized Shallots with Porcini Sauce. for desert, there is a refreshing baked Sabayon with grape fruit and Ice-cream or Tiramisu. With an elegant environment and professional service, it’s the perfect place for you and your dearest one to discover and enjoy the real authentic Italian cuisine. Savor innovative fare, an inspiring open kitchen concept, and one of the most impressive wine libraries in Southern china. //Mezzo Italian Restaurant, Sheraton Shenzhen Futian Hotel, Great China Internatinal Exchange Square, Fuhua Lu, Futian District (8383 8888-6258).福田 区福华路大中华国际交易广场深圳大中华喜来登酒店Mezzo意大利餐厅 ZHE SHI SHEN ME Arrowhead 茨菰 By Jane Kent THE FIND Northwest Leader Muslim Restaurant like its name suggests, the Northwest leader muslim restaurant near the meilin mosque serves some of the most authentic northwestern cuisine in the city. There are hundreds of choices on the menu, from Xinjiang specialties to bbQ. besides a spacious restaurant, the owner has turned the space outside into a huge outdoor dining space set under old banyan trees. There’s also street butcher stand about 10 meters away selling halal meat. The kebabs (rmb3) are cooked upon order beside the street tree canapé and the meat is taken directly from the street butcher. The smell of cumin, pepper and other seasonings infuse the air. Nang bread (rmb3) is one of the staple foods in Xinjiang. uyghurs usually have it over breakfast with tea. rice with fried mutton and cumin (rmb15) is a big offering with a big flavor. roasted Whole lamb is also available from rmb880 if you want the full Xinjiang gastronomic experience, but you'll need to book ahead. // G/F, No.111-115, Mei Lin Lu, Jin Feng Garden, Futian District (8313 8895). 西北领 头羊清真馆,福田区梅林路111-115号金丰花 园首层 a rrowhead, or duck potato, is called “cigu” in chinese, which translates to “benevolent mushroom.” It is not a mushroom; instead it belongs to the Sagittaria family, which is a type of water plantain. but it is regarded fondly for its subtleness. much like potatoes, arrowhead offers little in the way of nutritional benefit. In chinese cuisine, it is considered a “yin” food, generating cold. It is it low in sodium and in all cultures is considered a gentle, bland food that is easy to digest. The arrowhead name refers to the shape of the leaf, but it is the tulip-like bulb that is consumed. There is a thin brown skin that is always removed, and then it can be sliced up and added to quick-frying dishes or to longer-cooked ones. Arrowhead is often steamed and paired with wax meats, such as duck or sausages. It is sweet and starchy, not unlike a yam, and popular as a thickener in soups and sauces. The fondness for arrowhead is usually attached to chinese New year, when it comes into season and the spotlight. Some people grow arrowhead plants in their home, since 46 By Juliette Ding according to traditional beliefs; doing so will ensure male offspring in the coming year. They can then be used in chinese New year delicacies, in particular chips. When thinly-sliced and deep-fried, arrowhead chips turns into a favorite snack known as nga ku. They are not found year-round and people feast on the crunchy, addictive chips as a part of their New year festivities. January 2013 // Sz // 改版 2013 1 SZ OK(12.12).indd 46 12-12-23 下午6:18 WHAT'S NEW Serving mythical meals on the sea Poseidon Restaurant & Bar By Jessica Lymberopoulos I n its prime seaside location at Coastal Rose Garden III, Poseidon Restaurant & Bar’s interior is absolutely begging to be chosen as the site of a toga party. An ivory-colored statue of Poseidon towers over the entry way, trident in hand. Neoclassical columns and blue and white drapes encircle the dramatic dining area. And the black ceiling glitters with starry lights and wellknown constellations. Although the Greek revival theme indoors is quite mood-enhancing, the scene outside is guaranteed to be your first choice on a nice day. Poseidon has a massive patio right on the coast filled with pretty, white lantern-lit tables. This space, no doubt, is what makes the place a popular choice for weddings and parties. The food at Poseidon is mostly western, with some fusion items thanks to the team of Chinese chefs. The somewhat trying e- reader menu makes ordering feel like a hassle, but don’t let it deter you. The quality of the food is on a par with that of neighboring restaurants, but more fairly priced. The sole topped with a creamy mushroom sauce (RMB68) is rich and satisfying, but you can’t go wrong with any of their seafood dishes. The bar staff also serves a few special cocktails (RMB50). If you like floral tasting drinks, try the rose cocktail. It comes out in a flute glass and features rose liqueur, raspberry and cranberry juice and vodka. Their signature Poseidon drink is tropical and super sweet with Blue Curacao and pineapple and coconut juice. // Poseidon Restaurant & Bar, No.13, Costal Rose Garden III, Jin Shiji Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (2160 9519) 波塞冬西餐 厅酒吧,南山区蛇口金世纪路南海玫 瑰园三期13号 January 2013 // SZ // 改版 2013 1 SZ OK(12.12).indd 47 47 12-12-23 下午6:18 EAT / DRINK HOmE COOKiNG a spicy Winter WarMer cOd fISH fIllET WITH SPIcy SAucE ANd crISPy gArlIc TEXT BY ESTER YANG, PHOTOS BY JASON LIANG W hat's better than a jolt of warmth for this winter? michel Pujol Soulet, the executive chef of marco Polo lingnan Tiandi foshan, shows us how to cook the cod fish fillet with Spicy Sauce and crispy garlic to drive the winter chills away. Ingredients: 150g cod fish fillet 60g Italian spicy sausages, sliced Sweet paprika to taste A bulb of garlic, peeled and sliced 2 bell peppers french fries How to make 1. roast bell peppers for three minutes and leave them for about 10 minutes to cool down. Then halve, deseed and shred them. 2. Pan fry each side of the cod fish fillet with olive oil for two minutes and set aside. 3. Pan fry sausage slices with olive oil for about one minute. 4. Heat another pan, stir fry pepper shreds with olive oil for about one minute. 5. deep fry garlic slices until their color turns golden brown. 6. On a serving plate, place cod fish fillet, sausage slices, pepper shreds and garlic slices on the top of french fries. Sprinkle sweet paprika and olive oil to the dish. Tips: No salt is added to the fillet in this recipe, because chef michel Pujol Soulet wants to maintain the original flavor of the cod. He suggests enjoying the fillet with the saltiness and spiciness of the sausages alone. // Thanks to Marco Polo Lingnan Tiandi Foshan, 97 Renmin Lu, Chancheng District, Foshan (0757 8250 1888) 佛山岭南天地马哥孛罗酒店, 佛山市禅城区人民路97号 48 January 2013 // Sz // 改版 2013 1 SZ OK(12.12).indd 48 12-12-23 下午6:18 Hidden Gem Whiskytown Rose Bank by glen by Tom Bird I n a city where cheap goods are exported as quickly as foreign ideas are being imported, it’s intriguing to see which foreign cultural produce are making inroads. Whisky, like wine and coffee, is certainly a success story. However, ragged peasants turned professionals don’t always grasp what’s in their hands, and the image of expensive scotch being downed during bouts of dice has rather tarnished how many view the local drinking culture. Expensive grog is consumed, but is it ever really enjoyed? Enter erudite entrepreneur Miss. Zhang, to set the whisky culture straight. Her exclusive whisky bar tucked away on the second floor of a renovated factory (A4 in the OCT Loft) is decked-out like a Singaporean colonial retreat – shuttered windows and ceiling fans with some sprightly tango humming in the background. Scotch and Irish whisky dominate the drinks list though there is a large choice of bourbon and cocktails as well. Zhang’s tipple is the Laphroaig Islay Single Malt Scotch at RMB80 a glass. For American Whiskey (with an ‘E’) lovers, Wild Turkey is a fine, foot-tapping bourbon. Ladies should taste the Kiwi Mojito (RMB80), made with fresh fruit and prepared right in front of you by expert bartenders. Of course, this joint ain’t cheap. This is a place for nouveau-riche connoisseurs to rub shoulders and talk shop. But at least the emphasis is on appreciation rather than inebriation, which perhaps marks a new stepping stone along Shenzhen’s path from village to ville international. // Rose Bank, 2/F, Shop 210-211, Building A4, OCT Loft Phase II, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District (8633 7473). 南山区 华侨城创意文化园北区A4栋2楼210-211号 January 2013 // SZ // 改版 2013 1 SZ OK(12.12).indd 49 49 12-12-23 下午6:18 EAT / DRINK WHAT'S NEW Absolutely Fandango Mediterraneo Tapas Bar by Tom Bird F inally, somewhere to go in Coco Park that’s not all burgers and booze. Set aside fears of pulsing techno – French and Spanish lounge music set the ambience while patrons sample sumptuous portions of healthy Spanish Tapas, incorporating ingredients from all over the Mediterranean. Mediterraneo Tapas Bar was opened by South American couple, Irene Palazzi and Lautaro Garay along with their Chinese partner Michael Wong on October 6. “We have been in Shenzhen for four years and like it very much,” says Palazzi. “My husband imports wine and he was looking for a warehouse. We found this place. I’m a foodie and so together we thought about opening a restaurant.” The result is a relaxed family-run business. Valencia red wine is racked along the walls and an open cooking station / bar is the central feature, from where Palazzi’s culinary creations are dished out to the clientele. Most Tapas dishes cost around RMB35 when bought independently. However, each night from 6pm you can opt for the buffet, which costs RMB150 and includes a jar of sangria or three beers -you can even upgrade and enjoy some wine with your meal for RMB188. The Hummus, Tuna Mousse, Prawn Cocktail and Roasted Red Peppers, all made with imported ingredients and served with freshly baked bread, had our taste buds dancing the fandango – that’s how authentic the food is! Palazzi has even created specialist dishes to attract local patrons, like the Soft Cheese with Sweet and Sour Capsicum Chutney, a dish that wins this humble writer's Yum of the Year award. Mediterraneo, B15, North of Shopping Park, Fumin Lu, Futian District (8389 3178). 福田区福民路购物公园北园负 WHAT'S NEW Freedom and drinks for all Liberty Bar By Jessica Lymberopoulos Y ou might have missed it due to all the construction happening (again) in Sea World, but there’s a new bar in the neighborhood that aims to steal the attention of the area’s faithful late night set. managers at Liberty Bar want to offer guests an environment of freedom and fun. They’ve gone so far as to provide virtual private network (VPN) powered WIFI to ensure liberty and Facebook for all. The first thing you’ll notice about Liberty Bar is the outdoor smokers’ lounge set up on a wooden platform. The lighting and upholstery somehow creates an Arabian Nights kind of mood, but that can’t have been intentional. Jokes aside, Liberty Bar is an easy place to relax. It has warm (faux) brick walls, velvety u-shaped platform couches – each big enough for a small crowd – a walk-up bar, pub tables, billiards, and TVs. Upon stepping inside, Americans – and many others – will quickly notice the image of the Statue of Liberty painted on a column by the bar. As the name implies, the 50 The staff and bartenders operate with confidence, which allows guests to enjoy the experience and their company without worrying about what happened to their drink order. Have any classic cocktail or a custom concoction for RMB45-50 or choose your favorite from their comprehensive list of spirits. Tiger and Heineken are available on tap (RMB20-35). Liberty Bar is still searching for the perfect western band to play live music, so only time will tell if it becomes a real rival to its neighbors. // Liberty Bar, Building 115-117, Sea World Plaza, Shekou, Nanshan District. 自由吧,南山区蛇口海上世界115-117号 January 2013 // SZ // 改版 2013 1 SZ OK(12.12).indd 50 12-12-23 下午6:18 Hidden Treasure Cool cafe, hot coffee Holly’s Coffee By Christine Gilbert I ntentionality drives the distinctions between Holly’s Coffee and its Shenzhen contemporaries. Well, that and their frothy sweet potato latte. Set in the business district of Chegongmiao, Holly’s management wanted this location to be a place where businessmen (or women) in the area could grab a quick cuppa or hold a meeting. Indeed, the design of the restaurant should be appreciated not just for the bare brick wall cozy pizzeria feel, but also for its separate smoking and nonsmoking sections. Additionally, Holly’s intentionality extends to their food selection and preparation. Imported coffee beans from Columbia and Brazil are roasted, but not over roasted or overused as happens sometimes in other international chains. The test of this? Order a bold Americano (RMB 22) and find out for yourself. Since the location lacks an oven, most of the baked goods are made at a local bakery, strangely just entitled, “Thomas." Holly’s supplies Thomas with the original recipes though, to ensure that the food is made the same as it is in the Holly’s in Korea. Waffles ranging from RMB15-40 are the snack gems on the menu, small and lightly sweetened. Try a large slice of hot chili toast for something more spicy and substantial though, or a caramel and cinnamon toast (both RMB 40), its sweet counterpart with gobs of whip cream. The toasts are a little dry, though, so order some extra sauce or cream respectively and let them marinate for several minutes if going that route. //Holly's Coffee, G/F, Urban Sunshine Building, No.6017, Shennan Dadao, Futian District (8284 0541). 豪 丽斯咖啡,福田区深南大道6017号都市 阳光名苑首层 ad January 2013 // SZ // 改版 2013 1 SZ OK(12.12).indd 51 51 12-12-23 下午6:18 EAT / DRINK WiNE betWeen the land and the sky kElIT WINES By David Kellaway sumption is white wine, mostly through the ho-re-ca (hotel, restaurant, café) channels. The exception is the futian district in Shenzhen where the proportion is 60% whites and 40% reds. t This month we feature an interview with mr corrado Schinelli, chairman of kelit wines, a company, which imports only Italian wines and has done so since 2007. It hasn’t always been an easy choice. What do Chinese drinkers know of italian wines? When I started this business in 2007, there were many chinese asking me “why do you propose Italian wine? Is Italy producing wine?” Nowadays it is not any more the same, especially if you go to Shanghai you see many Italian restaurants and they can communicate that Italy is a good producer of wine. is there any difference between north of south of China with respect to knowledge of italian food and wine? yes, Shanghai becomes very important to us as well as beijing. guangdong is the area that was a little bit tough for us at the beginning; they do not recognise so easily the quality and they fight a lot on the cheaper price. So Italy is not the country where you find the cheapest price, you find quite good prices but not the cheapest on the market and this province is quite price-sensitive. So what is it that makes italian 52 wines different to other Old World wines? I don’t want to say Italian wines are better or worse than french wines; they’re just different. In Italy, you have twenty regions producing wine, and this is part of the culture of the region as well as some different pressing styles, accent or dialect that we have, and the wine combines with the food of the region. There are about 2,000 varieties of grapes - of which 200 to 500 are commonly used – a very wide range of wines. france’s best-known wine region bordeaux, practically make all wines with five grape varieties blended together. Again is a limitation for the french market because there are many other good places where you produce good wine: cotes du rhone and Provence, Alsace – but at the moment is still limited because the chinese capacity to discover the quality is not so innate, so strong. And so they go by name. What are italians tending to drink these days? first of all, I would say there has been a big increase in white wine consumption, and nowadays the white wine is more or less equal to the red, if not a little bigger. We are drinking more wine during “happy hour”; as aperitifs and as after-dinner drinks. Especially in summertime, a good white wine or sparkling wine is a good aperitif – there’s also been a boom in Prosecco and other sparkling wine. There’s a feeling in china that white wines are only for women but that’s certainly not true in Italy. The Pinot grigios from the veneto area are very commonly drunk by men and then there’s friuli on the border with Slovenia – that is fantastic, everybody’s drinking white wine. In china, only 10% of con- Tell us a little about Bellavista. is this the company that dedicated a vintage to the La Scala Theatre? Of course, by law, it can’t be called “champagne”, but bellavista franciacorte is a bottle-fermented champagne-style wine from the franciacorte region that has its own dOc. The name represents both the geographical region and also the method of producing the wine. champagne (france) annually produces more than 300 million bottles, in this area the total output is 12 million, so we propose it to chinese as a very grand and high quality alternative to usual champagne. bellavista is a major sponsor of the la Scala Theatre in milan, which was re-opened in december 2004 after massive renovations. Just this year, they released a 2004 vintage, which was first tasted at the performance of “lohengrin” at la Scala. To the wines: We tried three of kelit’s offerings. The Bellavista Franciacorte Cuvee Brut (rmb1,345)), 80% chardonnay and 20% Pinot Noir grapes – packaged and presented in an eyecatching bottle, the wine exhibits very lively “mousse” (bubbles) with a yellowish tinge and hints of pear on the palate. A delicious offering from a company very proud of its Italian heritage. Equally delicious and luxuriously packaged was the Petra iGT Toscana (rmb1,103). The label features a graphic of the very eye-catching Petra winery whose design symbolises “man and his work being positioned between the land and the sky.” The Toscana is made of merlot and cabernet Sauvignon and exhibits an intense bouquet, balanced acidity on the palate and good persistence. ripe red fruits with hints of chocolate and coffee on the nose, blackberries on the palate and with some minerality. An opulent wine. Also from Tuscany, and sporting a cheerful and colourful label was the Petra Zingari (rmb317), a blend of cabernet Sauvignon, Sangiovese and merlot. Perhaps a pity to try this one after the Petra, it was nevertheless a refreshing red – not too alcoholic at 13% and a fruity, well-balanced and uncomplicated wine to accompany dinner in a good restaurant. January 2013 // Sz // 改版 2013 1 SZ OK(12.12).indd 52 12-12-23 下午6:19 January 2013 // SZ // 改版 2013 1 SZ OK(12.12).indd 53 53 12-12-23 下午6:19 EVENTS ARTS For more event information visit To list your events email IPO's Musical Director appointed for life in 1981, Mehta has conducted thousands of performances worldwide with the IPO, becoming a part of Israel's national heritage. Founded in 1936, the IPO has always been Israel’s foremost cultural ambassador, and travels extensively throughout the world. RMB 180-1880. Shenzhen Concert Hall, No.2016 Fuzhong Yi Lu, Futian District (8284 1888). 8pm. Jan 4 ARTS Jan 17-19 Dance: Peacock by Yang Liping In 1986, the then 28-year-old Yang Liping rose to fame after choreographing and performing the solo dance Spirit of Peacock. The graceful, vivid dance won her various prestigious awards and has thus made her a nationwide star. Yang has since always been connected with peacock dance. At age 54, Yang presents her new brainchild, Peacock, which consists of four chapters – the four seasons. It’s not only a story about the animal but also reflects the human nature. RMB 180-1280. Shenzhen Poly Theater, intersection of Houhaibin Lu and Wenxin Lu, Nanshan District (8637 1698). Daily 8pm. Jan 1 ARTS New Year Concert by China National Symphony Orchestra The China National Symphony Orchestra (CNSO) is one of the most outstanding professional orchestras in China. Previously known as the Central Philharmonic Society, which was established in 1956, CNSO boasts a series of top artists with exquisite skills, which enabled the orchestra to maintain a consistently high level of performance and create an orchestral tradition unique to China. Renowned Chinese conductor Chen Xieyang is invited to lead CNSO in this concert to play festive music from East and West. RMB 280-1680. Shenzhen Concert Hall, No.2016 Fuzhong Yi Lu, Futian District (8284 1888). 8pm. nightlife Gig: Li Zi In collage, Li Zi formed his own band playing anything from ballads to metal. Li eventually became the lead vocalist / guitarist of Nanchang hardrock band the Spring. Today, Li’s style has evolved into folk / rock. Brown Sugar Jar. G9 Huangguan Technology Park, Tairan Jiu Lu, Futian District (8320 7913). 9pm. EAT/DRINK Seafood Dinner Buffet Celebrate the arrival of 2013 with lavish buffet of rich favorites. Adult RMB298 net / person including houseselected wines, beers and soft drinks; 54 Child RMB68 net / person. 3/F, Taste Signature Restaurant, Four Points by Sheraton Shenzhen, No.5 Guihua Lu, Futian Free Trade Zone, Futian District (8359 9999). 6pm10:30pm. Jan 1-3 ARTS Ballet: Swan Lake More than 20 years ago, the critically acclaimed Russian State Ballet (RSB) embarked on its first tour of guest performances throughout Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Liechtenstein to impress the audiences with masterpieces of Russian classical ballet. Since then, interest in the Russian art of dancing and in RSB as true representatives of this art has risen steadily. Lead by artistic director Viacheslav Gordeev, RSB will stage Tchaikovsky’s best-loved pieces in Shenzhen. RMB 180-1280. Shenzhen Poly Theater, intersection of Houhaibin Lu and Wenxin Lu, Nanshan District (8637 1698). 8pm. Jan 2 ARTS Zubin Mehta and Israel Philharmonic Orchestra New Year’s Concert Superstar conductor Zubin Mehta and the legendary Israel Philharmonic Orchestra (IPO) are to present world class musicality in Shenzhen. Zubin Mehta of Indian origin is one of the world’s most sought-after orchestral and operatic conductors. Being the Concert by Yang Kun Inner Mongolia-born Yang Kun is a famous singer-songwriter in China. His debut album Does not Matter brought him national fame. Yang’s tough on the outside but soft in the inside, singing many sentimental songs with his distinct husky voice. One of his 32 concert tours that Yang boasted in the tremendously popular talent show The Voice of China, where he was a mentor, this show is expected a sold-out one. RMB 180-1080. Shenzhen Poly Theater, intersection of Houhaibin Lu and Wenxin Lu, Nanshan District (8637 1698). 8pm. Jan 5 ARTS Concert by Vienna Sinfonietta Feuerhaus Under the guidance of conductor Hans Peter Manser, the Vienna Sinfonietta Feuerhaus was formed in 2003 to be a young but high-level professional orchestra in Austria. Comprising of approximately 300 Vienna musicians, the orchestra specializes in playing both classical music and modern composition. Its debut concert featuring modern music in collaboration with jazz musicians was highly acclaimed. The orchestra is also praised by Chinese media for their rendition of traditional Chinese music. RMB 180-880. Shenzhen Poly Theater, intersection of Houhaibin Lu and Wenxin Lu, Nanshan District (8637 1698). 8pm. “The Voice of China” Concert The Voice of China, China's adaptation of a Dutch reality talent show, The Voice, is hugely popular across the country in 2012. With the intense competition now concluded, a team of the strongest contestants will tour to wow Shenzhen pop fans through their manufactured singing talents. RMB 180-1680. Main Stadium of Shenzhen Bay Sports Center, No. 3001 Binhai Dadao, Nanshan District. For tickets, call 400 610 3721. 8pm. Jan 6 ARTS New Year’s Concert by Vienna Strauss Orchestra The Vienna Strauss Orchestra (VSO) was originally formed by Johann Strauss himself – one of the best known classical composers of all time. Over nearly two centuries, the Orchestra has been conducted by different conductors, but the tradition of Strauss’ original ensemble continues. Emmy Award-winning Hungarian violinist Edvin Marton is now VSO’s new conductor and first violinist. With Paganini’s original Stradivarius violin, Marton brings a beautiful tone and his own style to the Orchestra. RMB 180-1080. Shenzhen Grand Theater, No. 5018 Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District (2590 6000). For tickets, call 400 610 3721. 8pm. Jan 10 ARTS Acrobatic show: Swan Lake Prepare yourself to see an unconventional adaption of Tchaikovsky’s masterpiece -- not in the form of dancing, but acrobatic stuns. Staged by awesome performers of a troupe affiliated with the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, this spectacle has been well-received since debuting in 2004. It has toured many countries worldwide and won numerous awards including Best International Show at the Manchester Theater Awards in 2008. RMB 80-580. Shenzhen Poly Theater, intersection of Houhaibin Lu and Wenxin Lu, Nanshan District (8637 1698). 8pm. Jan 10-11 ARTS Drama: Glory Days Born in 1982, Han Han is a best-selling author among China's post-1980’s generation. He’s regarded as a public intellectual in China and has been featured by CNN and Time magazine. This play, adopted from Han’s magic realism novel of the same name, tells a humorous, thought-provoking story of seven college graduates who volunteered to be community-supported teachers in a small town. There they encounter some weird people and build a bizarre world in search of the elusive glory days. RMB 180-480, Theater of Shenzhen Children’s Palace, Fuzhong Yi Lu, Futian District. For tickets, call 400 185 8666. Daily 8pm. Jan 12 ARTS Concert by Shui Mu Nian Hua Shui Mu Nian Hua (SMNH) was first formed in 2001 by music-loving Tsinghua University graduates Lu Genrong and Li Jian. With Li Jian went solo in 2001, SMNH grew into a folkpop duo now consisted of Lu and new member Miu Jie. The duo is popular January 2013 // SZ // 改版 2013 1 SZ OK(12.12).indd 54 12-12-23 下午6:19 in the Chinese mainland with hits like ‘Away from Home’ and ‘With You in My Life,’ named Best Music Group in a prestigious mainland music award, the East Billboard. RMB 180-1080. Shenzhen Concert Hall, No.2016 Fuzhong Yi Lu, Futian District (8284 1888). 8pm. nightlife Gig: Fatman Scoop Grammy Award winning rap singer Fatman Scoop is playing in the all new Pepper Club just above Club Viva. Pepper Club, above Club Viva, Coco Park, Fuhua Lu, Futian District. nightlife Gig:Po & Holy Power Two dynamic underground metal bands, Guangzhou’s Holy Power and Po from Foshan will together set Shenzhen rock fans on fire. RMB40. Brown Sugar Jar. G9 Huangguan Technology Park, Tairan Jiu Lu, Futian District (8320 7913). 3pm-6pm. Jan 13 ARTS Opera concert by the Australia Symphony Orchestra The Australia Symphony Orchestra (ASO) will perform Bizet’s music from world-famous opera Carmen, which has been widely acclaimed for its brilliance of melody, harmony, atmosphere and orchestration. Melbournebased ASO is one of the most influential music ensembles in the Southern Hemisphere. It has performed many famous operas and musicals and attended all the important music events in Australia and beyond. This concert will feature some leading Australian tenors and sopranos. RMB 80-680. Shenzhen Poly Theater, intersection of Houhaibin Lu and Wenxin Lu, Nanshan District (8637 1698). 8pm. Jan 17 Community AmCham Chinese New Year Pre-Celebration Cocktail Party Come and pre-celebrate Chinese New Year with AmCham members, friends, business partners or clients. It will be a wonderful event filled with fine foods, drinks, music and lucky draws. Call 020-8335 1475 or email events-b@ to sign up. Curv Bar, The Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen, 116 Fuhua San Lu, Futian District (2222 2222). 6:30pm 9:30pm FRI-SUN HOTEL Design Your Weekend Package @ Sheraton Shenzhen Futian Hotel brainchild, Peacock, which consists of four chapters – the four seasons. It’s not only a story about the animal but also reflects the human nature. RMB 180-1280. Shenzhen Poly Theater, intersection of Houhaibin Lu and Wenxin Lu, Nanshan District (8637 1698). Daily 8pm. a police officer, a designer and a con man, together form a hilarious story that consists of tricks and danger yet ends happily. RMB100-880. Huaxia Arts Center, 1 Guangqiao Jie, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District. (2692 8991). Daily 8pm. Jan 17-19 Jan 18-27 Jan 19 ARTS ARTS ARTS Dance: Peacock by Yang Liping In 1986, the then 28-year-old Yang Liping rose to fame after choreographing and performing the solo dance Spirit of Peacock. The graceful, vivid dance won her various prestigious awards and has thus made her a nationwide star. Yang has since always been connected with peacock dance. At age 54, Yang presents her new Drama: The Cruise Founded in 2003, Mahua FunAge Production Co. Ltd specializes in theatre performance with an aim to entertain the audience. The Cruise is Mahua’s new romantic comedy centering on the tangled relationships among five men and four women. Boarding a cruise for different motives, the nine characters, including Concert: Songs from classic Chinese films Some veteran Chinese vocalists will sing a number of household songs from many classic Chinese films that have emerged over the last 100 years, such as the concert’s theme, ‘Why Are the Flowers So Red’ which was originally an interlude in 1960s spy film Visitors on the Icy Mountain. January 2013 // SZ // 改版 2013 1 SZ OK(12.12).indd 55 55 12-12-23 下午6:19 EVENTS nightlife and wifi access. Crowne Plaza Hotel & Suites Landmark Shenzhen, No. 3018 Nanhu Lu, Luohu District (8217 2288). Every Monday nightlife MON-FRI Passport Night Match your Passport Nationality to the night of the week and you are ready to enjoy a very special discount in Mezzo Italian Restaurant. Bring your Passport or National ID, and you will receive a 25% discount on our entire a la carte menu selection. Mondays for Chinese / Hong Kong Nationals; Tuesdays for Latin America & North America Nationals; Wednesdays for European Nationals; Thursdays for Australia, New Zealand & Pacific Island Nationals; Fridays for the rest of the world. Mezzo Italian Restaurant, Sheraton Shenzhen Futian Hotel, Great China Internatinal Exchange Square, Fuhua Lu, Futian District (8383 88886258). EAT/DRINK Every Wednesday Open Mic Every Monday, live music open-mic night at McCawley’s Shekou. Sing for a beer! McCawley’s Shekou, Shop 118, Seaworld Shekou, Nanshan District (26684496). Starts form 9:30pm. jan 20 Gig: Andy bauer and die gui Andy Bauer and Die Gui is a group from American musician Andy Bauer’s project “Nationality Art,” which was formed in early 2012. Bauer and Miao folk musician Die Gui from Guizhou together try to combine their own experience with nationality art and make something new from this mixture. RMB 30(presale)/40(at door), Brown Sugar Jar. G9 Huangguan Technology Park, Tairan 9 Lu, Futian District (8320 7913). 9pm. RMB 180-1080. Shenzhen Concert Hall, No.2016 Fuzhong Yi Lu, Futian District (8284 1888). 8pm. EAT/DRINK Wine and Cheese Dinner Party Shenzhen Wine and Cheese Dinner Party is on again in the Curv Bar. The dress code is “Chinese-style.” 1/F, Curv Bar, The Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen, 116 Fuhua San Lu, Futian District (2222 2222). Jan 20 Children’s play: Aesop's Fables Aesop's Fables is the world's oldest collection of fables. China Children's Art Theatre is preparing for the stage some of the best known stories from the collection. Such stories as The Tortoise and the Hare, The Fox and the Grapes and The Raven and the Fox will be performed to delight and inspire the kids. RMB 80-480. Shenzhen Poly Theater, intersection of Houhaibin Lu and Wenxin Lu, Nanshan District (8637 1698). Daily 8pm. ARTS Concert: Lao Gao and Flymen band Renowned Chinese guitarist Lao Gao and his Flymen rock band will stage a high-level music performance mixing classical music with rock’n’roll. Lao Gao's new classical, new concept music has succeeded in bringing international attention to contemporary Chinese music and musicians. In this concert, Lao Gao will play his signature piece Guitar Rhapsody in E minor, which was adapted from Violin Concerto in E minor, one of the top four violin concertos by Mendelssohn. RMB 30-100. Shenzhen Poly Theater, intersection of Houhaibin Lu and Wenxin Lu, Nanshan District (8637 1698). Daily 8pm. nightlife Gig: Andy Bauer and Die Gui Andy Bauer and Die Gui is a group from American musician Andy Bauer’s project “Nationality Art,” which was formed in early 2012. Bauer and Miao folk musician Die Gui from Guizhou together try to combine their own experience with nationality art and make something new from this mixture. RMB 30(presale)/40(at door), Brown Sugar Jar. G9 Huangguan Technology Park, Tairan 9 Lu, Futian District (8320 7913). 9pm. Jan 26-27 ARTS 56 Enjoy an elite treat with the threecourse Business Set Lunch set menu featuring a choice of main courses, which integrate taste with nutrition perfectly. RMB 88+15% / person, including a choice of main courses. 2/F, Paletto Italian Restaurant, The Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen, 116 Fuhua San Lu, Futian District (2222 2222).12pm- 2:30pm. Open Mic Open-mic at Penny Black, be it jazz, country or pop, come and show the OCT how to rock. Penny Black Jazz Café, Shop 134, Building A5, OCT Loft Phase II, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan Distirct (8609 8585). Business Set Lunch ARTS Feb 1-2 ARTS Drama: Rhinoceros in Love Breaking stereotypes, director Meng Jinghui is considered an avant-garde figure in modern Chinese drama. His experimental work Rhinoceros in Love debuted in 1999, causing a big stir among young Chinese audiences. The story concerns a boy who falls madly in love with a girl named Mingming. When Mingming rejected his affection, the boy kidnaps her in desperation. Returning to the Guangzhou stage, the play features some promising Chinese actors and a strong visual impact. RMB 100-580. Shenzhen Poly Theater, intersection of Houhaibin Lu and Wenxin Lu, Nanshan District (8637 1698). Daily 8pm. Feb 1-17 EAT/DRINK Chinese New Year Reunion Package Chinese New Year Reunion Package is available from RMB988 net for a superior room, including the following benefits: RMB400 Food & Beverage credit per stay; Complimentary upgrade to next room category; Complimentary transportation from / to Luohu Port; Late check out until 4pm subject to availability; Complimentary access to heated swimming pool and gymnasium; Complimentary broadband Internet Jan 10 Acrobatic show: Swan Lake Prepare yourself to see an unconventional adaption of Tchaikovsky’s masterpiece -- not in the form of dancing, but acrobatic stuns. Staged by awesome performers of a troupe affiliated with the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, this spectacle has been well-received since debuting in 2004. It has toured many countries worldwide and won numerous awards including Best International Show at the Manchester Theater Awards in 2008. RMB 80-580. Shenzhen Poly Theater, intersection of Houhaibin Lu and Wenxin Lu, Nanshan District (8637 1698). 8pm. January 2013 // SZ // 改版 2013 1 SZ OK(12.12).indd 56 12-12-23 下午6:19 nightlife CBD Ladies Night Ladies drink for FREE with a free-flow of selected cocktails. Booking for 4 ladies will get a free bottle of sparkling wine at the table. Find a new girlfriend and hit the trendy Lavo for a night of free fun. Lavo Bistro & Lounge, 1M/F, Room 1B, Tower 3, Kerry Plaza, No.1 Zhong Xin Si Lu, Futian District (8899 9676; 8255 7462). 8pm – 12am. Pink Collar’s Night Enjoy the CJW Special Cocktail for free! Ladies with their business cards will be offered one cup of Selected Cassis Oolong Cocktail for free. The relaxing live jazz band music will keep you entertained. CJW, No.15 Qushui Bay, OCT Bay, No.8 Baishi Lu Dong, Nanshan Distirct (8639 5266). Salsa Night Get twisting with a professional teacher to help you get dancing. Make new friends, no matter whether you are Chinese or foreign, all are welcome. Free entry. Club Viva, No. 140, Coco Park, Fuhua Lu, Futian District (8328 4280) 8pm to 12am. WED- FRI EAT/DRINK Gone Wild at Enigma Gone Wild have won numerous awards in music and have traveled the world to share their superb music ingenuity. Their electrifying showmanship and power house stage persona have made them one of the top caliber bands in Manila. Free entry. Enigma Bar, G/F, Shop 6 Haibin Commercial Centre, Shekou, Nanshan District (2667 7744). Starts from 10pm. On top of the usual items including choice of savory, teacakes, cookies, fresh fruit, our pastry chef is adding a little bit of a surprise for you. Don’t miss out this opportunity to pamper yourself with a big “afternoon tea feast”! RMB198+15% / person. Onyx Lobby Lounge, The Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen, 116 Fuhua San Lu, Futian District (2222 2222). 2:30pm - 5:30pm nightlife Live Jazz Owner Bin Bin Chen croons under the stars supported by the cream of PRD jazz talent. Penny Black Jazz Café, Shop 134, Building A5, OCT Loft Phase II, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan Distirct (8609 8585). Hotel Design Your Weekend Shop in Hong Kong then relax at Sheraton Shenzhen with RMB1400+15%, including a refreshing breakfast, afternoon tea and an evening cocktail at Club Lounge. Other benefits including our fitness center and garden view outdoor swimming pool. RMB1400+15% for Superior Room; RMB1600+15% for Deluxe Room; Club Lounge access; Free shuttle bus ticket to Hong Kong, Mongkok Prince Edward; Free upgrade Superior to Grand Deluxe or Deluxe to Studio Suite. Until February 28, Sheraton Shenzhen Futian Hotel, Great China Internatinal Exchange Square, Fuhua Lu, Futian District (8383 8888). EVERY SATURDAY EAT/DRINK EVERY FRIDAY nightlife Ladies’ Red Heels Night Ladies! Meet up with your girlfriends, put on your red shoes and dance. Every Friday night, walk into Curv Bar and be handed a complimentary cocktail. Plus, ladies in red heels are eligible to win a bottle of Grey Goose. So relax, chit chat and keep an eye out for someone special. You deserve it. 1/F, Curv Bar, The Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen, 116 Fuhua San Lu, Futian District (2222 2222). 9pm-late. FRI-SAT EAT/DRINK Serendipity at The Ritz Do you believe in love at first sight? During this promotional period, Ladies will get a complimentary glass of champagne and a rose wine along with live, romantic jazz. 1/F, Curv Bar, The Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen, 116 Fuhua San Lu, Futian District (2222 2222).5pm9pm. FRI-SUN EAT/DRINK Afternoon Tea Buffet ARTS Red Bubbly Brunch You'll enjoy three and a half magical hours of live music and delightful food from the all-you-can-eat brunch buffet. There is a private children’s play area and a lucky draw. RMB388+15% all inclusive Lavish Buffet Brunch includes: exquisite “Piper Heidsieck” French Champagne, Martini Sparkling Wine, from China with Pride “1421 wines”, juice and soft drinks, tea and coffee. The RMB288+15% all inclusive Lavish Buffet Brunch includes juice and soft drinks, tea and coffee. Free for Children five years and under. 50% off for Children under 1.2 m. 1/F, The Exchange All Day Dinning Restaurant, East Wing, Sheraton Shenzhen Futian Hotel, Great China International Exchange Square, Fuhua Lu, Futian District (8383 8888-6208).11:30am-3pm. EVERY SUNDAY nightlife Open Mic Poets, singer-songwriters and story tellers, if you have a song to sing or something to say, Shenzhen’s number one open-mic night is for you. Free entry. La Casa, 139, North of Coco Park, Futian District (8290 3279). EAT/DRINK Sunday Brunch The award-winning Sunday Brunch Until Jan 28 Reflection – Han Jiaying Design Exhibition Tianjin-born Han Jiaying is one of the most extraordinary designers to emerge from in Shenzhen. His unique expression combines the influence of classical Chinese culture and an international, contemporary vision. The visual elements of East and West are well balanced to form poetic symbolic meanings. A large number of Han’s acclaimed design pieces created between 1992 and 2012 are currently on show, including poster design, book design, VI and branding design, installation art as well as crossover activities with film, literature, art and fashion. OCT Arts and Design Gallery, 9009 Shennan Da Dao, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District (3399 3222, takes on a new look. A brand new Brunch menu presented by Chef de Cuisine Giovanni. Exciting new repertoire from a Caribbean Band Sol Carib, kid's play area, fun activities and gifts! Enjoy the Procecco wine, free access to the indoor and outdoor swimming pools and fitness facilities. RMB388 net per person including free flow soft drinks and juice; RMB468 net per person including free flow of Presecco wine, red or white wine and beer. Capri Italian Restaurant, Sheraton Dameisha Resort, No.9 Yankui Lu, Dameisha, Yantian District (8888 6688). 11:30am-3pm. Bubbalicious Sunday Brunch Invite your family and friends to spend a relaxing Sunday. Bubbalicious Sunday Brunch is offering a wealth of the freshest seafood, Chinese premium dishes, teppenyaki, foie-gras and a mouth watering array of pastries plus a wonderful range of beverages. RMB308+15% / person. 1/F, Seasonal Tastes, The Westin Shenzhen Nanshan, No.9028-2, Shennan Dadao, Nanshan District (8634 8411). 12pm-3pm. Ongoing ARTS Spanish Contemporary Art Exhibition – Let's Art Spain Bridge Gallery and Spaniart jointly present the works of five famous Spanish contemporary artists. José Palacios adopts a Cubist language and vivid colors in depicting everyday life. Enrique Brinkmann’s abstract expression is peaceful and sober. Cristina Duclos shows her love for nature through bright, soft images of various flowers. Morocco-based Consuelo Hernández belongs to the school of realism and her style is known for her adept painting skill. Finland-born Totte Manne is deeply rooted to Nordic life and often focuses on peculiar landscapes covered in ice. Until Jan 22. Bridge Gallery, Unit 115, Building A4, OCT-Loft, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District (8623 3209). Reflection – Han Jiaying Design Exhibition Tianjin-born Han Jiaying is one of the most extraordinary designers to emerge from in Shenzhen. His unique expression combines the influence of classical Chinese culture and an international, contemporary vision. The visual elements of East and West are well balanced to form poetic symbolic meanings. A large number of Han’s acclaimed design pieces created between 1992 and 2012 are currently on show, including poster design, book design, VI and branding design, installation art as well as crossover activities with film, January 2013 // SZ // 改版 2013 1 SZ OK(12.12).indd 57 57 12-12-23 下午6:19 EVENTS HOTEL EVENTS literature, art and fashion. Until Jan 28. OCT Arts and Design Gallery, 9009 Shennan Da Dao, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District (3399 3222, It Takes Four Sorts: A Cross-Strait Four-Regions Artistic Exchange Project 2012 This exhibition marks the third year for the “Cross-Strait Four Region Artistic Exchange Project” which began in 2008. Five curators of contemporary art from Taipei, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macau have each selected three to four active young artists from each region. Working from their own geographic and experiential specialties, the five curators made their selection and compromises with the concept of exchange, creating a four-unit exhibition representing the four Chinesespeaking places. Until Feb 24. He Xiangning Art Museum, 9013 Shennan Dadao (2660 4540). China Design Exhibition 2012 This significant official design exhibition is divided into four segments. Product design segment focuses on the integration of Chinese design and manufacturing, aiming at exploring an effective path to upgrade Chinese creativity. Space design segment uses models and videos to demonstrate more than 50 different kinds of space categories.Graphic design segment features the subjects of image, magazine and character designs, while crossover design discusses how design work influences society. Until Feb 26. Guan Shanyue Art Museum, 6026 Hongli Lu, Futian District (8306 3156). “Wing Walkers” Contemporary Art Exhibition The opening exhibition of Artzooming Gallery features a group of rising Chinese artist of the post 80s generation, who grew up in a time when old traditions gave way to western influences. Curator Helen Joe hails them as the “Wing Walkers” who are courageous and determined. An interesting contrast of East and West, old and new, rural and city, tradition and modern, fashion and old fashion together with mixed feelings of eagerness and anxiety, self-sufficiency and insecurity are frequently found in their art. Until Mar 13. Artzooming Gallery, Coastal Rose Garden II, Shekou. First Shenzhen Independent Animation Biennale The media of animation has been increasingly adopted by artists as a new art form to express profound individual concepts. Taking animation into the consideration of contemporary art development, the OCT Loft launched the first Shenzhen Independent Animation Biennale, featuring the work of about 50 artists from China and abroad. It will surely offer the Shenzhen public a feast of animated visions and inspire the growth of Chinese indie animation. Until Mar 22. B10, Wenchang Nan Jie, OCT Loft Phase II, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District. Mirroring the Spring and the Autumn – Ancient Chinese Bronze Mirrors Bronze technology was highly developed in ancient China. The ancient bronze mirrors were usually circular, with one side polished bright to give a reflection and the reverse side with gorgeous patterns that reveal exquisite skills and craftsmanship. Provided by private collectors of the Shenzhen Collection Association and China Bronze Mirror Research Association, 280 highly decorative Chinese bronze mirrors spanning 3,000 years are now accessible to the public in Shenzhen. Until Mar 22. Shenzhen Museum, 6 Tongxin Lu, Futian District (8210 5800). Feature Langham Hospitality Group Proudly Introduces Its Eaton Brand Ambassador Charmaine Sheh Mr. Brett Butcher, Chief Executive Officer of the Langham Hospitality Group proudly introduced Ms Charmaine Sheh, celebrity actress to be the Eaton brand ambassador at the press conference held at Eaton, Hong Kong on November 25. Joined by Brett Butcher, Chief Executive Officer, Simon Manning, Vice President-Sales and Marketing of Langham Hospitality Group, Shane Pateman, General Manager of Eaton, Hong Kong, Sheh unveiled the new series of Eaton advertisements at the ceremony to showcase the signature balanced living that the brand is all about. // Eaton, Hong Kong, No. 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Kowloon, Hong Kong (852-2782 1818).www. Hotel News EAT/DRINK Shangri-La Hotel, Haikou Opens with seaside views and ocean breeze On 26 November 2012, Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts officially arrived on the shore of ‘China’s Hawaii’ with the opening of the 337-room Shangri-La Hotel, Haikou on Hainan Island. To celebrate its debut, Shangri-La Hotel, Haikou is offering an opening package through 31 March 2013 that starts from RMB1350 per night and includes a stay in a Deluxe Sea View Room, daily buffet breakfast for two and a RMB500 food and beverage credit. The offer is subject to a two night minimum stay and a 15 per cent tax and service charge. Guests can call the hotel on (0898-6870 7799) or book the special online at // No.256 Binhai Lu, Xiuying District, Haikou City, Hainan Province. The OCT Harbour, Shenzhen – Marriott Executive Apartments Completion Ceremony Afternoon Tea Buffet On top of the usual items including choice of savory, teacakes, cookies, fresh fruit, our pastry chef is adding a little bit of a surprise for you. Don’t miss out this opportunity to pamper yourself with a big “afternoon tea feast”! RMB198+15% / person. Onyx Lobby Lounge, The Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen, 116 Fuhua San Lu, Futian District (2222 2222). 2:30pm - 5:30pm. 58 The OCT Harbour, Shenzhen – Marriott Executive Apartments hosted its Completion Ceremony on December 2. This is the sixth extended stay property in China and the first in Southern China. Ideally located in the OCT Harbour, Shenzhen’s most popular urban entertainment destination, the apartments has 155 units including Studio Suite, One bedroom Suite, Two-bedroom Suite and Three-bedroom Suite. All apartments are fully equipped with state-of-the-art kitchen facilities, as well as separate office and living room areas. In addition, fitness center, outdoor swimming pool and children's play room are ready to satisfy all your needs. // No 8 Baishi Dong Lu, The OCT Harbour, Nanshan District, Shenzhen (8612 2194). Tangla Hotel Shenzhen Tangla brand core values of “Harmony, Elegance, Excellence and Tranquility” are blended together and showcased in the South China’s newest luxury lodging, Tangla Hotel Shenzhen. Located in the center of Longgang District, next to Longgang District government and culture center, the newly branded hotel serves as part of the beautiful Longgang Park. The 26 floor hotel is one of the highest buildings in the district. 285 guestrooms are decorated luxuriously, to create an unforgettable experience. // Tangla Hotel Shenzhen, No.588 Ji Xiang Zhong Lu, Longgang City Center, Longgang District (8998 8888). January 2013 // SZ // 改版 2013 1 SZ OK(12.12).indd 58 12-12-23 下午6:19 January 2013 // Sz // 改版 2013 1 SZ OK(12.12).indd 59 59 12-12-23 下午6:19 LISTINGS Help us stay updated! Let us know if any of this information has changed. Call 020 8358 6125 ext 808, or email INdex Help us stay updated! Let us know if any of this information has changed. Call 0755 8623 3220, fax 0755 8623 3219 or email For more listings please check out www. restaurant BAKERY/DESSERT Awfully Chocolate B1C- 076, CoCo Park, Fuhua San Lu, Futian District (8328 3448) 福田区福华三路购物公园负一楼 B1C—076号铺 Backstube Shop 24-2, Coastal Rose Garden, Wanghai Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District. (2681 0468) 德国面包坊, 南山区望海路南海玫瑰花园24-2商铺. Baguette & Compagnie Shop Middle 124,Sea Taste, Gong Yuan Nan Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District.(2689 3283). 巴吉特 南山区蛇口公园南路海韵嘉 园裙楼中124号 Belight Bakery Rm 116, Building 2, Noble Garden, No.64-1, Haiyue Lu, Nanshan District.( 2680 9013) 贝拉阔,南山 区海月路64-1号天骄华庭2栋116号商铺 Cold Stone Creamery 1) 029, -2/F, King Glory Plaza, Luohu Dist. (8261 1520) 2) B1-J01, COCO Park, Fuhua San Lu, Futian Dist. (2531 3593) 酷圣石冰淇淋,1) 罗湖区金光华广场负二楼029号 2) 福田区福华 三路购物公园B1-J02 Chez Clement Shop 110-1, phase I, Coastal Rose Garden, No.1093-6 Wanghai Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District. (2160 0880) 7am to 7pm. 南山区蛇口望海路 10963-6号南海玫瑰园一期商铺110-1 Dairy Queen 1) Shenzhen Central Book City, No.2014 Fuzhong Yi Lu, Futian District. (8255 8462); 2) 2/F, Tiley Fame City, No.85 Haide San Lu, Nanshan District. (8659 5210); 3) B1/F, Jusco, CoCo Park, Fuhua San Lu, Futian District. (2531 3715); 4) Le Tao Li Phase II, Huaqiang Lu, Futian District. (8320 8441); 5) G/F, 5B, Carrianna Friendship Square, Renmin Nan Lu, Luohu District.( 6163 1619); 6) B1/F, Excellence Century Plaza, Fuhua San Lu, Futian District. (8279 0102); 7) B1/F, Sun Plaza, No. 2001 Jiefang Lu,Dongmen, Luohu District. (2591 2221) 冰雪皇后 1)福田区中 心书城福中一路2014号;2)南山区海德三道 85号天利名城购物中心2楼 3)福田区福华三 路购物公园吉之岛B1楼;4)福田区华强路乐 淘里二期; 5)罗湖区人民南路2002号佳宁娜 友谊广场G-5B号;6)福田区福华三路卓越世 纪中心4号楼负一层 7) 罗湖区解放路2001号东 门太阳广场B1楼 Daily Treats 2/F, The Westin Shenzhen, 9028-2 Shennan Dadao, Nanshan District (8634 8306) shenzhen 思悦兹饼屋,南山区深南大道9028 号-2深圳益田威斯汀酒店2楼 GaGa Fresh Talk 1) B1, CoCo park, Fuhua San Lu, Futian District (8359 1880) 2) 1/F, Gate 8, South of Central Book Mall, No.2014 Fuzhong Yi Lu, Futian District. (2393 1125). GaGa鲜语 1)福田区福华三路星河购物公园B1层;2) 福田区福中一路2014号深圳书城中心书城1 楼南区8号门 Treasures & Scent, The Langham, Shenzhen, No. 7888, Shennan Dadao, Futian District (8828 9888). 福田区深南大道7888 号深圳朗廷酒店 Honey Moon 1) B1-25, -1/F, Holiday Plaza, Nanshan Dist. (8629 8767) 2) 152, 1/F, Coastal City, Nanshan Dist. (8635 9680) 3) B98, -1/F, Mix City, Luohu Dist. (8300 5599) 4) 28, B2/F, King Glory Plaza, luohu Dist. (8399 3468) 5) 73B, B-1, Coco Park, Fuhua 3rd Lu, Futian Dist.( 8290 3125) 满记甜品 1) 南山区 益田广场负一楼B1-25 2) 南山区海岸城广场1 层152铺 3) 罗湖区万象城负一层B98号 4) 罗湖 区金光华广场B2层28铺 5) 福田区福华三路星 河购物公园负一楼073B MoMo喜多 2/F, Shop 211-215,West 60 Wing, Coastal City, Nanshan District. (8661 6586) 2) B2, King Glory Plaza, RenMin Nan Lu, Luohu Dist. (82611816) 1)南山区海岸城西座2楼211-215号 2)罗湖区 人民南路金光华广场B2楼 simplylife Shop S169, 1/F, The MIXC, No. 1881 Bao’an Nan Lu, Luohu District. (2221 1782) 罗湖区宝安南路1881号华润中 心万象城首层S169号商铺 Smoothie Factory No. 287, Coastal City Shopping Center, No. 33 Wen Xin 5 Lu, Nanshan District (8635 9770) 斯摩菲, 南山区海岸城购物广场二楼287号 Toffee Cakes Shop No.3, No.197, Meihua Lu, Shang Meilin, Futian District. (8331 8148) 福田区上梅林梅华路197号3号铺 BBQ Alenha G/F, Intercontinental Shenzhen, 9009 Shennan Dadao, OCT, Nanshan District. (3399 3388) 炎巴西烧烤餐厅, 深南大道9009号华侨城, 深圳华侨城洲际大 酒店底层 Amazon Brazilian BBQ 1) B1/F, New City Plaza, Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian District. (2594 1188) 2) Sea World, Taizi Lu, Nanshan District. (2668 3388) 3) No.289, 2/F, Coastal City, Wenxin Wu Lu, Nanshan District. (8635 9658) 亚马逊巴 西烧烤餐厅,1)深圳福田区深南中路新城市 广场负一楼 2) 南山区太子路海上世界广场 3)南山区文心五路海岸城广场2楼289—290号 Garden BBQ & Lounge 1/F, Grand Mercure Oriental Ginza Hotel, Zhuzilin, Shennan Boulevard, Futian District (8350 0888 ext. 88605) 花园烤肉,福田 区深南大道竹子林东方银座美爵酒店花园烧 烤·酒廊 Gaucho Garden Grill Behind the Taizi Hotel, No.3, Taizi Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (2667 6608) 花园巴西烤肉,南山 区蛇口太子路太子宾馆1楼后面 BUFFETs Coffee Shop 1/F,Grand Mercure Oriental Ginza Hotel, Zhuzilin, Shennan Boulevard, Futian District (83500888 ext.88605) Coffee Shop西餐厅,福田区深南 大道竹子林东方银座美爵酒店1楼西餐厅 Café Chinois JW Marriott Hotel, 6005 Shennan Blvd. Futian District (2269 8230) 万豪西餐厅,福田区深南大道6005号 金茂深圳JW万豪酒店 Coffee Garden 2/F, Shangri-La Hotel (east of Railway Station), 1002 Jianshe Lu, Luohu District (8233 0888) 香咖啡, 罗湖区建设路1002号香格里拉酒店(火车站 东侧)2楼 Café Pavilion 1/F, The Pavilion, 4002 Huaqiang Bei Lu, Futian District. 廷韵咖 啡厅,福田区华强北路4002号圣廷苑酒店1楼 廷韵咖啡厅 Café Zen 1/F, Futian Shangri-La, Shenzhen, 4088 Yi Tian Road, Futian District. (8828 4088) 鲜Café,福田区深圳福田香 格里拉大酒店一楼 Café Zentro 1/F, The Venice Hotel Shenzhen, No.9026 Shennan Dadao, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District (2693 6888-8117). cafezentro@ szvenicehotel.com南山区华侨城深南大道 9026号深圳威尼斯酒店1楼 Four Seas International House 3/F, Holiday Plaza, Shennan Lu, Nanshan District.(8982 9988) 四海一家,南 山区深南大道益田假日广场3楼 Fusion Café 1/F, The Pavilion Century Tower, 4014 Huaqiang Bei Lu, Futian District. 菲苑咖啡厅,福田区华强北路4014 号圣廷苑酒店世纪楼一楼菲苑咖啡厅 Flavorz 2/F, The Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen, 116 Fuhua San Lu, Futian District. (2222 2222) 全日餐厅,福田区福华三路116 号深圳丽思卡尔顿酒店2楼 Golden Jaguar 4/F, 401, KK Mall, Kingkey Financial Center, Chai Wuwei Financial Center, Luohu District. (8889 6969) 金钱豹 罗湖区蔡屋围金融中心京基百 纳空间4楼401 楼;3)南山区侨城东路锦绣花园会所3楼 Mercado InterContinental Shenzhen, OCT, No. 9009 Shennan Dadao, Nanshan District. 广场咖啡厅,深南大道9009号华侨 城深圳华侨城洲际大酒店 Café Marco 1/F, Marco Polo Hotel, Fuhua Yi Lu, Futian District (8298 9888 ext. 8358) 马高,福田中心区马哥孛罗酒店1楼 Q Café Restaurant & Bar G/F, 999 Royal Suites& Towers, No.1003, Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District (2513 0999 ext. 33703) Q咖啡,罗湖区深南东路1003号丹枫 白露酒店首层 Panash 2F, Four Points by Sheraton, 5 Guihua Road, Free Trade Zone, Futian District (83599999) 泛亚风情餐厅,福田 保税区桂花路5号福朋喜来登酒店2层 Silk, 2/F, The Langham, Shenzhen, No. 7888, Shennan Dadao, Futian District (8828 9888). 福田区深南大道7888号深圳 朗廷酒店2楼 Seasons 2/F, Kempinski Hotel Shenzhen, Haide San Dao, Houhaibin Lu, Nanshan District (8888 8888) 四季西餐厅,南山区 后海滨路海德三道凯宾斯基酒店2楼 Social 96/F, St. Regis Shenzhen, No.5016 Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District (8308 8888-1832) 秀餐厅 深圳瑞吉 酒店罗湖区深南东路5016号 The Show Kitchen 32/F, Grand Hyatt Shenzhen, 1881 Baoan Nan Lu Luohu District. (2218 7338) 乐厨,罗湖区宝安南 路1881号 深圳君悦酒店32楼 The Tasty Buffet 5/F, Coastal City, Hai De Yi Dao, Nanshan District (8635 9922) 大饱口福,南山商业文化中心区海德一道海 岸城购物中心五楼 CAFES Bucher Cafe & Lounge No.50 Yankui Lu,Yantian District. Opposite to Dameisha Sheraton Resort.(2536 6891) 远洋帆清吧 盐田区盐葵路50号 92°C Coffee 1) 72 Nanyuan Lu, Futian District. (8362 9008) 2) 2/F, Huaxia Art Center, OCT, Nanshan District. (2690 9339, 2690 9139 ) 3) New City Plaza, No.1095 Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian District. 4) Investment Building, No.4009 Shannan Dadao, Futian District. 1) 92 度咖啡,1)福田区南园路72号 2)南山区华 侨城华夏艺术中心2楼 3)罗湖区深南中路 1095号新城市广场 4)福田区深南大道4009 号投资大厦 Andes Café Shop 40, Phase 2, Nanhai Rose Garden, Wanghai Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District. (2668 6704) 安第斯咖啡, 南山区蛇口望海路南海玫瑰园二期40号商铺 Aix Arôme Coffee 1) 1F, Yachang Art Gallery, 8 Caitian Bei Lu, Futian District. (2683 2087) 2) LG/F, Unit L111-112, New City Plaza, No.1093 Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian District. (2598 6166) 3) 1/F, Moi Friendship City, Renmin Nan Lu, Luohu District. (8223 8106) 3) 1/F, S103 Mall City, Shenhui Lu, Longgang District. (2837 2330) 埃克斯咖啡, 1)福 田区彩田北路8号路雅昌艺术馆1楼2)福田区 深南中路1093号新城市广场LG层L111-112 3) 罗湖区人民南路茂业友谊诚一楼 4)龙岗区深 惠路摩尔城一层S103号 Ashy 1) 1/F & B1 S005-006, Coco Park, Futian District. (8317 0291); 2) B1/F, Rm077-083, Fengsheng Ting, Che Gongmiao Metro Station, Shennan Dadao, Futian District.( 8271 8551) ; 3) LG/F, Jusco, New City Plaza, No.1095 Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian District.( 2593 7313); 4)1/F, Rm103, Yun Xiang Ge, Building No.7, West of Shenzhen University, No. 3688 Nanhai Dadao, Nanshan District. 艾薯 1)福田区购物公园1楼广场B1楼 S005006;2)福田区深南大道丰盛町B1楼077、079 、081、083室 ;3)福田区深南中路1095号新 城市广场LG楼吉之岛内;4)南山区南海大道 3688号深南大道深圳大学西7栋芸香阁1楼103 BBQ Chicken & Beer Café 1)B/F, Shop121-122, Golden Central Business Tower, Jintian Lu, Futian District. (8280 4653); 2)1/F, Donghai City Plaza, No.8099 Hongli Lu, Futian District. (2600 4055); 3) 3/F, Jinxiu Garden, Qiaocheng Dong Lu, Nanshan District. (2600 3887). 比比客 地铁会展中心E出 口;2) 福田区红荔路8099号东海城市广场1 Café One 1/F, The Fountain Suites Shenzhen, 2017 Shennan Dong Lu, Futian District (8228 8822 ext: 3168) 咖啡湾, 深南东路2017号华乐大厦一楼 Cafe Pavilion,1/F,The Pavilion Longgang, 168 Dayun Road, Longgang District (8989 9888 ext.316) 廷韵咖啡厅 龙岗区大 运路168号中海圣廷苑酒店1楼 Café Time Shop 62, Section E, Sea World, Shekou, Nanshan District (2685 5709) 南山区蛇口海上世界广场E区62号 Costa Coffee 1) 1/F, Unit L1J-09-10, COCO Park, Fuhua San Lu, Futian District. (2692 6386) 2) Podium of Oriental Grace Garden, Junction of Shenzhen Bay Er Lu and Baishi Lu, Nanshan District. (8628 8370) 3) No.B3-200, Terminal B, Shenzhen Baoan International Airport, Baoan District. (2345 3140) 4) Unit 302, Block 2, Nanhai E Cool, Huajian Industry Building, No. 6 Xinhua Lu, Nanshan District. (2602 8682) 5) MixC City, No.1881 Baoan Lu, Luohu District. (8269 0943) 6) 1/F, S142, Central Book Mall, No. 2014 Fuzhong Yi Lu, Futian District. (2398 0742) 7) 2/F, L218, Excellence Building, Futian District. (2390 3479) 悦 达咖世家,1)福田区福华三路购物公园L1J09-10商铺 2)南山区深圳海二路与白石路交 汇处御景东方花园裙楼123房地产L1-10a号商 铺 3)宝安国际机场B号候机楼隔离区B3-200 号商铺 4)南山区蛇口兴华6号(海上世界) 南海意库2号楼101室 5)罗湖区深南东路宝安 南路交汇处华润中心万象城09商铺 6)福田区 福中一路2014号中心书城南区S142号 7) 福田 区卓越世纪中心2楼L218 Coffee Time 1/F, Returned Students Foundation Garden, South Hi-Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan District (8635 0922) 咖啡时光,南山区高新科技园南区留学生创 业园首层 Crema Coffee Express Right Side of International Chamber of Commerce Tower, (8831 5001) 克瑞玛咖啡,国际商会 中心大堂右侧 Emily Cafe Shop1, P Phase 2, Shekou, Nanshan District. (2689 3469) 南山区蛇 口半岛城邦二期1号商铺 Fix Deli 1/F, The Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen, 116 Fuhua San Road, Futian District (2222 2222) Fix美食屋,福田区福华 三路116号深圳丽思卡尔顿酒店1楼 Friends Coffee Cafe & Bar 1/F, Huamao Xinyuan Building, Hongli Xi Lu, Futian District. (8297 0601). 福田区红荔西路华 茂欣园首层商铺 Greenland Lounge 1/F, The Pavilion, 4002 Huaqiang Bei Lu, Futian District (8270 8888-8213) 绿涧廊,华强北路4002 号圣廷苑酒店一楼绿涧廊 Heather's Garden Cafe, Area B, No. 9, Nanshan Flower Market, Qianhai Lu, Nanshan District (186 8894 6329) 欧石楠咖啡 馆,南山区前海路南山花卉市场B区9号 Hollys Coffee, G/F, Urban Sunshine Building, No.6017, Shennan Dadao, Futian District (8284 0541). 豪丽斯咖啡,福 田区深南大道6017号都市阳光名苑首层 ITA Coffee Shop A3, International Leisure Street, CITIC City Plaza, 1095 Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian District (2598 9203) ITA咖啡,福田区深南中路1095号中信 城市广场国际休闲街A3商铺 Italian Bain Coffee 1)1/F, Hoba Home, Bao’an Bei Lu, Luohu District 2)L2S113, Coco Park, Fuhua San Lu, Futian District (8831 1684) 3) B1, MixC City, Luohu District. (25577272) 百年意式咖啡店,1) 罗湖区宝安北路好百年首层中庭 2)福田区福 华三路星河购物公园L2S113 3) 罗湖区万象城 芮欧生活百货B1楼 Italian Best Coffee Room S142, Gate 8, Shenzen Book Store, Fuzhong Yi Lu, Futian District (2399 2094) 意天利,福田 区福中一路深圳书城8号门S142室 Java+ JW Marriott Hotel, 6005 Shennan January 2013 // SZ // 改版 2013 1 SZ OK(12.12).indd 60 12-12-23 下午6:19 Dadao. Futian District (2269 8026) 迎 客馆,福田区深南大道6005号金茂深圳JW 万豪酒店 KK Café 1) Lobby, Bao Li Bldg, Chuangye Lu, Nanshan District. (2642 9334) 2) Plaza Garden City, Shekou, Nanshan District. (2686 8520) KK咖 啡,1) 南山区创业路口保利大厦大堂 2) 南山 区工业八路蛇口花园城3期3栋15号 library 100/F, St. Regis Shenzhen, No.5016 Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District (8308 8888-1459/1455) 藏书阁,深 圳瑞吉酒店罗湖区深南东路5016号100层 lobby Bar 1/F, Grand Mercure Oriental Ginza Shenzhen, Zhuzilin, Shennan Dadao, Futian District. (8350 0888 ext. 88605) 大堂吧 福田区深南大道竹子林东方 银座美爵酒店 lobby lounge 1/F, Futian Shangri-La, Shenzhen, 4088 Yi Tian Road, Futian District.(8828 4088)大堂酒廊,福田区深 圳福田香格里拉大酒店一楼 la Piazza 1/F, The Venice Hotel Shenzhan, No.9026 Shennan Daodao, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District (2693 6888 ext: 8113) 深圳南山区华侨城 深南大道9026号威尼斯酒店大堂 new York Deli B1-023/025/027, Feng Sheng Ting, South side of Shennan Da Dao, Che gong miao, Futian District (3397 3315). 福田区车公庙深南大道南侧 丰盛町地下阳光步行街B1区023/025/027 Ming Dian Coffee and tea 59 Taizi Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (2686 7982) 名典咖啡语茶,南山区蛇口太子路59号 Mama Mia 1/F, Pengji Shangwu Shikong Dasha, Ba Gua Ling, Futian Dist. 妈妈咪 亚咖啡生活,福田区八卦岭八卦一路50号鹏 基商务时空大厦一楼 Mocha Café No. 125, 1/F, Sea Taste Garden Shopping Mall, Shekou, Nanshan District. (2686 3653) 摩卡恋咖啡屋 南山 区蛇口海韵嘉园商业街125号 Onyx lounge 1/F, The Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen, 116 Fuhua San Road, Futian District (2222 2222) Onyx大堂酒廊,福田 区福华三路116号深圳丽思卡尔顿酒店1楼 Old Heaven Books Shop 120, Building A5, OCT Loft Phase II, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District.(8614 8090).旧天堂书店 南山区华侨城侨城创意文 化园北区A5栋120铺 Palm Court, The Langham, Shenzhen, No. 7888, Shennan Dadao, Futian District (8828 9888). 福田区深南大道7888号 深圳朗廷酒店 Pacific Coffee 1) 2/F, Shop 12, Phase II, Tiley Fame City, Houhai Dadao, Nanshan District. (8663 6905) 2) Shop 422, MixC City, No. 1881 Baoan Nan Lu, Luohu District. (8266 0630) 3) L1/F, Shop 29, King Glory Plaza, Renmin Nan Lu, Luohu District. (8221 3002) 4) 1/F, S150Z, Mall City, Shenhui Lu, Longgang District. (2839 3860) 太平洋咖啡,1) 深圳市南山后海大道天利名城二期二楼十二 号 2)罗湖区宝安南路1881号华润中心万象城 422号商铺 3)罗湖区人民南路2028号金光华 广场L1楼29号 4)龙岗区深惠公路860号摩尔 城购物中心1楼S150Z号 Patio Cafe 1/F, Nanhai Hotel, 1 Gongye Yi Lu, Nanhai Dadao, Nanshan District. (2669 2888 ext. 315) 茵欣咖啡,南山区南 海大道工业一路1号南海酒店1楼 Sam’s Coffee YongJingXuan, Shekou Gong Ye Qi Lu, Nanshan District (2681 0123) 南山区蛇口工业七路雍景轩裙楼首 层101101B Seasonal tastes 1/F, The Westin Shenzhen, 9028-2 Shennan Dadao, Nanshan District (8634 8411) shenzhen 知味全日餐厅,南山区深南大道 9028号-2深圳益田威斯汀酒店1楼 Sculpting in time Café Shop A110, Bar Street, Eco-Square, OCT, Nanshan District (2660 3991) 雕刻时光咖啡,南山 区华侨城生态广场酒吧街A110号 Spinelli B1/F, S002-003, COCO Park, No 269 Fuhua San Lu, Futian District. (8318 2016) 盛品利咖啡福田区福华三路 269号星河购物公园B1楼B1S002-003号铺位 Spring Box Rm101-102, Building 5, Nanhai ECool Innovation Park, Xinghua Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (2688 5119) 南山区蛇口兴华路南海意库5栋 101-102 Sugar Box 1/F Grand Hyatt Shenzhen, 1881 Baoan Nan Lu, Luohu District (2218 7338). Website: shenzhen.grand. 罗湖区宝安南路1881号深圳君 悦酒店1层 Savorona lounge Café No6-20, Hi-Mart, Xuefu Lu, Nanshan District.(8630 8114) 南山区学府路6-20Hi-Mart品园首层(深圳大 学西门西侧300米) Starbucks 1) Shop 1002, CITIC City Plaza,1095Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian District (2594 1302) 2) G/F, Carrianna Friendship Square, Renmin Nan Lu, Luohu District (2518 2535) 3) Shop 113, Nanshan Hotel, Xinghua Lu, Sea World, Shekou, Nanshan District (2683 2163) 4) Shop C01,G & 2/F, MOI Department Store, 2005-2006 Huaqiang Bei Lu, Futian District (8301 9839) 5) Shop B1-106, Kingglory Plaza, Renmin Nan Lu, Luohu District (8261 1183) 6) Shop B99, Mix C, Bao’an Nan Lu, Luohu District (8269 1088) 7) Shop BS1-11, G/F, Airport Lounge B, Shenzhen Bao’an International Airport ’an (2998 2809) ; 8) G/F, Block A, C Mall,1 Huafa Bei Lu, Luohu District (8320 6928) 9) Shop 1-112A Sun Plaza, 2001 Jiefang Lu Luohu District (8239 8969) 10) Shop 132, 1/F, Garden Town Center, Shekou, Nanshan District (2686 3185) 11) Shop L1S-001, G/F, Coco Park, Fuhua San Lu, Futian District (8831 3819) 12) Shop 291, 2/F, Coastal City, Hai De Yi Dao, Nanshan District (8635 9969);13) G/F, E5, East Industrial Area, OCT Loft, Nanshan District (8610 6413) 星巴克,1)福田区深南中路1095号中信城 市广场1002号商铺 2)罗湖区人民南路佳宁 娜友谊广场首层 3) 南山区蛇口兴华路海上 世界南山宾馆113号商铺 4) 福田区华强北路 2005-2006号茂业百货首层及二层C01号商铺 5) 罗湖区人民南路金光华广场负一层B1-106 号商铺 6)罗湖区宝安南路华润中心万象城 B99号商铺 7) 深圳宝安国际机场B号候机楼 首层BS1-11号商铺 8)华发北路1号铜锣湾百 货广场A座首层商铺 9)罗湖解放路2001号太 阳广场1-112A号商铺 10) 南山区南海大道蛇 口花园城中心首层132号商铺 11)福田区福华 三路星河苏活购物公园首层L1S-001号商铺 12)南山区海德一道海岸城购物中心二层291 号铺 13)南山区华侨城创意文化园东部工业 区E5栋首层 Street D Café 101-1,1/F,Business street, Huifang Garden,Xuefu Lu, Nanhai Dadao, Nanshan District (2606 6797)迪 街咖啡,南山区南海大道学府路荟芳园商业 内街1楼101-1. the Coffee Point 1) 2/F, Renmin Bei Lu, Longhua Township (2814 7647) 2) 2/F Tianbei Lu, Telecommunications Building, Luohu District 3)1/F, Manha Business Plaza, No.2022, Huaqiang Bei Lu, Futian District. (83240305) 波特咖 啡,1) 龙华镇人民北路28号2楼 2) 罗湖区田 贝四路邮电大楼2楼(25605297)3) 福田区华 强北路2022号曼哈商业广场1楼 the Drawing Room 96/F, St. Regis Shenzhen, No.5016 Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District (8308 8888-1468) 闲逸廊 深圳瑞 吉酒店罗湖区深南东路5016号96层 SAR HIGHLIGHTS Hong Kong WHERE THERE IS DARKNESS… By Ernest White Night falls, and Hong Kongʼs famous neon signs are switched on. But what would happen to our view of the world if all of the lights went out? This is precisely the question which is asked, and answered, at Dialogue in the Dark, an attraction which encourages people to see things in a completely new way – by depriving them of their eyesight. Visitors are led through a series of Hong Kong environments in pitch darkness, forcing them to rely instead on their other senses. The foundation behind the attraction offers all kinds of nocturnal novelty experiences, but itʼs this signature tour which is the best example of the organizersʼ social aims. As well as getting to experience what itʼs like to live without sight, visitors are also supporting an enterprise which employs more than 40 visually-impaired staff members and gives a third of its profits to charity. Tours are available from Tuesday to Sunday in Cantonese, English and Mandarin; booking is advised. // Shop 215, 2/F, The Household Centre, Nob Hill, 8 King Lai Path, Mei Foo, Kowloon; +852 2310 0833 /; tickets: HK$65 – 160 Macau FINDING CREATIVE SPACE IN A CROWDED CITY By Ernest White the Exchange Level 1, Sheraton Shenzhen Futian Hotel , East Wing, Great China International Exchange Square, Fuhua Road, Futian District (8383 8888) 怡聚轩西餐厅,福田区福华路大中华国际交 易广场大中华喜来登酒店1楼 the lounge 33/F, Grand Hyatt Shenzhen, 1881 Bao’an Nan Lu, Luohu District. (8266 1234) 旅行者,罗湖区宝安南 路1881号深圳君悦酒店33楼 the lounge JW Marriott Hotel 6005 Shennan Blvd. Futian District. (2269 8220) 福田区深南大道6005号金茂深圳JW 万豪酒店 the Voyage 1/F, Central Book City, Fu Zhong Yi Lu, CBD, Futian District. (8276 5027) 旅行者西餐厅,福田中心区福中一路 中心书城内一楼 tt’s Coffee East side1) East side, 1/F, Liancheng Dasha, 1003, Chunfeng Lu, Luohu District. (2510 8245) 2) 2/F, Central Book City, Fu Zhong Yi Lu, CBD, Futian District. (8277 7632) TT咖啡,1) 罗湖区春风路1003号联城大厦1楼东侧 2)福田 中心区福中一路中心书城2楼 Viu Café G/F, Donghua Holiday Inn, Nanhai Dadao, Nanshan District. (8619 3999) 南山区南海大道东华假日酒店首层 cANTONESE 10 Residence 1-2/F, Hongbo Hotel, Qiaocheng Xi Jie, OCT, Nanshan District (2692 0888) 十号公馆,南山区华侨城西街 10号鸿波酒店1-2层 Cheong Bowl Restaurant Huaxia Art Square, OCT, Nanshan District (2690 9882/ 2692 9882) 渔舟畅碗酒楼,华侨城 华夏艺术中心后面 away from the tour group hotspots macau has quiet backstreets galore, some of which are home to hidden cultural gems. particularly surprising, for some visitors at least, are the intriguing art spaces which dot the territory’s less touristy thoroughfares. one of the best known is Ox Warehouse, which since 2002 has provided a platform for contemporary artists, as well as organizing workshops and creative exchanges. another good bet is to head for the delightful area surrounding the church of st. lazarus, where, just for starters, you’ll find macau-based design outfit Lines Lab, and portuguese food, live performances and the odd exhibition at Albergue 1601. elsewhere, AFA is an example of a nonprofit organization supporting studio and exhibition spaces, while the understated Tap Seac Gallery shows how the local public sector is using some of macau’s historic buildings for creative purposes. the macau cultural and creative industries website ( should give you some initial ideas about where to visit, but, as always in macau, perhaps the best approach is simply to get lost in the backstreets and see what you discover. // / / index.php/albergue-1601 / / Cafe e Nata), tel: (853) 2871 2080 Chifu Restaurant Jia Zhou Hao Yuan, January 2013 // Sz // 改版 2013 1 SZ OK(12.12).indd 61 61 12-12-23 下午6:19 By Ernest White LISTINGS 9013, Binhe Lu, Futian District. (8389 9888) 翅福酒家,福田区滨和路9013号嘉 洲豪园 JAN 1 TuE JAN 19 SAT dragon and Lion dance Extravaganza, 2pm – 4:30pm, canton road, Tsim Sha Tsui – uc centenary gardens, East Tsim Sha Tsui; free admission; more info: An extraordinary event featuring more than 800 dancing animals, with unicorns and the auspicious pixiu alongside the more familiar dragons and lions. The afternoon will feature two separate world record attempts and a parade, which will begin on canton road in TST. TVXQ!, 8pm, AsiaWorld Arena, chek lap kok; tickets: Hk$680 – 1680, While South korea’s TvXQ! are shrinking in size – there were five members in 2003, now there are only two – their popularity continues to grow, thanks especially to their hit ‘catch me’. JAN 20 SuN JAN 1 TuE JAN 17 THu Horrible Histories ruthless romans, 5pm, Hong kong Academy for Performing Arts, Wan chai; tickets: Hk$195 – 395,; more info: kidsfest 2013 will see four productions for young people being staged in January, with the show providing a rollicking introduction to the history of the roman Empire. Opera Hong Kong 10th Anniversary Gala Concert, 7:30pm, Hong kong cultural centre, Tsim Sha Tsui; tickets: Hk$150 – 1000, Opera Hong kong celebrates its first decade of existence with a gala concert featuring performers as diverse as the world-renowned Warren mok and the local children’s chorus. Accompaniment is provided by the Hk Philharmonic. 62 Five Sen5es B1, The Westin Shenzhen, 9028-2 Shennan Dadao, Nanshan District (8634 8383) shenzhen 中国元素,南山区深南大道9028 号-2深圳益田威斯汀酒店负1层 Fook lam Moon 2/F, Futian Shangri-La, Shenzhen, 4088 Yi Tian Road, Futian District.(2151 3833) 福临门,福田区深圳 福田香格里拉大酒店2楼 Ho@Home No.104, Building F1, Creative Park, Enping Jie, OCT, Nanshan District (8623 2332) 南山区华侨城恩平 街F1栋104号 tang Palace 6/F, Zhonghai Commercial Center, Shenzhen Theater, Xinyuan Lu, Luohu District 唐乐宫,罗湖区新园路深圳 戏院中海商城6楼(8223 3688) the Penthouse 28/F, Hua Le Bilding, 2017 Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District. (8228 8822) 蓬濠法国餐厅,罗湖区深南 东路2017号华乐大厦28楼 tao Heung 1)1/F, Central Walk, Fu Hua Lu, Futian District. (8280 1180) 2)5/F, B Block, Friendship City, Youyi Lu, Luohu District. (8229 9040) 3)5/F, Coastal City, Wenxin Wu Lu, Nanshan District. (8635 9766) 稻香超级渔港(改 为稻香酒家),1)福田区怡景中心城1楼 2) 罗湖区友谊路友谊城B座5楼 3) 南山区文心 五路33号海岸城购物中心5楼The First Sip of Soup Portofino garden, OCT, Nanshan District (8608 2219/8608 2213) 头啖汤,南山区华侨城 波托菲诺纯岸小区 the Orchid Palace 27/F, Hua Le Bldg, 2017 Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District (8228 8822) 罗湖区深南东路2017号华乐 大厦27楼 Zen Cuisine 4/F, The Mixc City, 1881 Bao’an Nan Lu, Luohu District (8269 1616) 罗湖区宝安南路1881号华润万象 城4楼 cHAOzHOu Huifulou 1/F, Difu Hotel, Zhenhua Lu 汇 福楼知味小厨,振华路迪富宾馆1楼 Chinese Restaurant 3/F, Grand Mercure Oriental Ginza Shenzhen, Zhuzilin, Shennan Dadao, Futian District (8350 0888 ext. 88602) 品味轩中餐厅 福田区深 南大道竹子林东方银座美爵酒店 iZZi Fusion, FL-1020, Central Walk , Fuhua Lu, Futian District. (2390 1199) 新悦 福田区福华路怡景中心城FL-1020 Ju’s Fusion Restaurant 1) 2/F, 999 Royal Suites & Towers, No. 100 3Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District (2513 0228). 2) L110, Shenzhen Bay Sports Center, No. 3001 Binhai Dadao, Nanshan District (2603 6999).驹鲍私房菜罗湖店,1) 罗湖区深南东路1003号丹枫白露酒店2楼 2) 南山區滨海大道3001号深圳湾体育中心L110 JAN 31 Kitchener Mess 1/F, Swiss-Belhotel Suites & Residences, Shennan Da Dao, Futian District (8287 2808, 8287 2618) 名厨饭堂,福田区深南大道7008号阳光高 尔夫1楼 Marco’s 1/F, The Venice Hotel Shenzhen, No.9026, Shennan Dadao, Nanshan District (2693 6888) 意华轩,南山 区深南大道9026号深圳威尼斯酒店1楼 May Flower Restaurant 1) Shop 4,Block B C, Shenzhen city garden, Luohu District. (8248 4133) 2)Beside the entrance of Wei Lan Coast, Hou Hai Dadao, Nanshan District. (2649 8033) 五月花, 1) 罗湖区书城路都市名园B,C座4号 铺 2)南山区后海大道蔚蓝海岸入口处 Phoenix town Area 54, Shenzhen Caiwuwei Square, Luohu District. (8227 1051) 正凤城美食,罗湖区蔡屋围新七坊 54区地下铺 michael morpurgo’s Kensuke’s Kingdom, 7:30pm, Hong kong Academy for Performing Arts, Wan chai; tickets: Hk$220 – 270, www. An reworking of michael “War Horse” morpurgo’s novel, in which a young boy is washed up on an apparently deserted Pacific Island, only to discover that he is not alone. t’ang Court, The Langham, Shenzhen, No. 7888, Shennan Dadao, Futian District (8828 9888). 福田区深南大道7888号 深圳朗廷酒店 Honeycomb 3/F, Zone A, Poly Culture Plaza, Haide San Lu, Nanshan District (8628 7871) 蜂巢印象中餐,南山区海德 三道保利文化广场A区3楼 laurel 1) 3/F, Tian An Cyber Park Chamber Club, Che Gong Miao, Futian District (8389 5138) 2) 1/F, Portofino Club House, Xiangshan Jie, OCT, Nanshan District (2600 3218) 3) 5/F, Luohu Commercial City, Railway Station Square, Luohu District (8232 3668) 4) 2/F, Xin Du Hotel, Century Square, Jianshe Lu, Luohu District (8232 3888) 丹桂 轩,1) 福田区车公庙天安数码城天安会所3 楼 2) 南山区华侨城香山街波托菲诺会所1楼 3) 罗湖区火车站广场罗湖商业城五楼 4)罗湖 区建设路世纪广场新都酒店2楼 THu Starz 1/F, Lotus Hotel, 2019, Dongmen Nan Lu, Luohu Distrct. (8233 0333) 众 星意大利风情餐厅 罗湖区东门南路2019号芙 蓉宾馆一楼左侧 Chaozhou Restaurant Underground Block B Yufeng Lu Bldg, Shangbu Nan Lu, Futian District (8363 8126) 潮州餐 厅,上步南路玉丰楼B座地下 dance Show – Here i Am, 7:45pm, fringe club, central; tickets: Hk$70 – 100, A trio of modern dance performances – ‘Here,’ ‘I’ and ‘Am’ – being staged as a tribute to one of the group’s members, who is facing eventual blindness as a result of a hereditary illness. JAN 18 Fri mind Eater, 8pm, fringe club, central; tickets: Hk$120 – 150, This striking production uses grotesque visuals and stirring music to take viewers on a journey that goes right to the heart of the human experience. Donghua Court Cantonese Restaurant 2/F, Donghua Holiday Inn, Nanhai Da Dao, Nanshan District (8619 3999) 东 华轩中餐厅, 南山区南海大道东华假日 酒店2楼 Hai tao Restaurant 4/F, Kempinski Hotel Shenzhen, Haide San Dao, Houhaibin Lu, Nanshan District (8888 8888 ext. 8301) 海涛中餐厅,南山区后海滨路海 德三道深圳凯宾斯基酒店4楼 JAN 25 Fri AiA K-POP 2013, AsiaWorld Arena, chek lap kok; tickets: Hk$688 – 1088, A k-Pop extravaganza, with big name boy band bEAST as headliners and support provided by girl groups 4minute and A Pink. Chinese Restaurant 3/F, Grand Mercure Oriental Ginza Hotel, Zhuzilin, Shennan Boulevard, Futian District (83500888 ext.88602)品味轩中餐厅,福田区深南大道 竹子林东方银座美爵酒店3楼 Fortune Court 2/F, Crowne Plaza Hotel & Suites Landmark, 3018 Nanhu Lu, Luohu District (8217 2288) 罗湖区南湖 路3018号深圳富苑皇冠假日套房酒店2楼 New Year’s day race meeting, 12pm – 6pm, Sha Tin racecourse, Sha Tin; entry: Hk$10 (public enclosure) / Hk$100 (tourist badge); more info: The 2013 racing calendar gets off to a galloping start with this afternoon meeting at the Sha Tin course. JAN 2 WEd China lodge 35-36/F, Grand Hyatt Shenzhen, 1881 Bao’an Nan Lu, Luohu District. (2218 7338) 主席楼,罗湖区宝 安南路1881号深圳君悦酒店35-36楼 深南中路1095号中信城市广场5楼 Prince Kitchen 5- 6/F, CITIC City Plaza, 1095 Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian District (2598 8333, 2598 8666) 王子厨房,福田 区深南中路 1093号中信城市广场5-6楼 Pu Yu tang Mooka Space, Block F3, OCT Loft, En Ping Street, OCT, Nanshan Dist. (8609 6647) 普语堂, 华侨城创意文 化园F3栋墨客空间 Restaurant De Grand 5/F, CITIC City Plaza, 1095 Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian District (2594 3333) 逸和轩,深圳福田区 ClX Restaurant 1-2/F,Jinyuan Bldg, 3009 Dongmen Nan Lu, Luohu District (8219 4818,133 023 19487,135 103 00727) 楚留香菜馆,东门南路3009金源 大厦一二层 Sunday Chiu Chow King Restaurant 9-10/F, 1076 Jianshe Lu, Luohu District (8231 0222) 三岛朝星轩建设路1076号三 岛中心9-10楼 the H Restaurant Sector B, Building 9, Qushui Wan, OCT Bay, No.8 Baishi Lu Dong, Nanshan District (2309 0099). 和茗轩,南山区白石路东8号欢乐海岸曲水 湾9栋B区 Xingli Chinese Restaurant 4/F, The Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen, 116 Fuhua San Road, Futian District (2222 2222) 星丽 中餐厅,福田区福华三路116号深圳丽思卡 尔顿酒店4楼 frENcH le Bistro No. 138 Shopping Park, Mintian Lu, 138, Futian District (8316 9651) 馨迪,福田区购物公园138号 art de Vivre Shenzhen Sculpture Academy, 8 Zhongkang Lu, Shangmeilin, Futian District (8251 0369) 福田区上梅 林中康路8号雕塑家园 atmosphere G/F, Shop NO.1, Penisula Phase 2, Shekou, Nanshan District. (2602 7898) 南山区蛇口半岛城邦2期1 号商铺 Belle-Vue 37/F Grand Hyatt Shenzhen, 1881 Bao’an Nan Lu, Luohu District (2218 7338) 悦景餐厅,罗湖区宝安南路 1881号深圳君悦酒店37层 PatiO REStO No.112 Deep Blue Building, Longcheng Lu, Nanshan District (186 8896 6961) 庭院法式餐厅,南山区 龙城路深蓝公寓112商铺 Pipette 1/F, Intercontinental Shenzhen, 9009 Shennan Dadao, OCT, Nanshan District (3399 3388 ext. 8581) 深南大道 9009号华侨城, 深圳华侨城洲际大酒店 Swallow nest 11/F, Nanhai Hotel, 1 Gongye Yi Lu, Nanhai Dadao, Nanshan District (2669 2888 ext. 394) 南海酒店 燕巢厅,南山区南海大道工业一路1号南海 酒店9楼 the Penthouse 28/F, Hua Le Building, 2017 Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District January 2013 // Sz // 改版 2013 1 SZ OK(12.12).indd 62 12-12-23 下午6:19 (8228 8822) 蓬濠法国餐厅,罗湖区深南东 路2017号华乐大厦28楼 Vienne French Restaurant Wuzhou Hotel, 6001 Shennan Dadao, Luohu District (8293 8000) 维埃纳法式餐厅,福田区深南 大道6001号五洲宾馆内 GERMAN BIERHAUS No.117, Seaworld Plaza, Taizi Lu, Shekou, Nanshan Dist. (2669 9591) 德瑞坊啤酒餐厅,南山区蛇口 太子路海上世界广场117号 HANGZHOU Famous Chef of Jiangnan China 1) 4/F, The Mixc City, 1881 Bao’an Nan Lu, Luohu District. (8269 1688) 2)3/F, Coastal City, Wen Xin Wu Lu, Nanshan District. (8635 9988) 3)3/F, Holiday Plaza, Shennan Lu, Nanshan District. (89819988) 江 南厨子,1)罗湖区宝安南路1881号华润中心 万象城4楼499号商铺 2)南山区文心五路海岸 城广场3楼 3) 南山区深南大道9028号益田假 日广场L3楼 Jiang Nan Chun 1) No.60-62, Jin Rong Lu, Sha Tou Kou, Yantian District. (2535 3888) 2) 2/F, Shenzhen Air International Hotel, No.6035, Shennan Lu, Futian District. (88819999-6720) 江南春,1) 盐 田区沙头角金融路60-62号 2) 深南大道6035号 深航国际酒店2 楼 HUNAN Fu Rong Chun Se Yi Cui Jia Yuan, Honghu Yi Jie, Luohu District (2566 5859) 罗湖区洪湖一街翠盈嘉园 Jia Jia Changsha Noodle 1) Chai Wu Wei Village,Jinghua Lu, Luohu District. (2566 5859) 2) West Wing, Coastal City, No.33, Wenxin Wu Lu, Nanshan District. 家家长沙米粉,1)蔡屋围新围38号 2) 南山区 文心五路33号海岸城西座 Ren Min Gong She Canteen 1/F, Donghai Building, Dongmen Nan Lu, Luohu District (8225 8958) 人民公社餐厅,罗湖区东 门南路东海大厦首层罗湖酒店后门 Tu Tu Fang Intersection of Qianhai Lu and Xuefu Lu, Nanshan District (8606 7285)土土坊湘菜食府,南山区学府路阳光 棕榈园26栋5号 INDIAN (SOUTH ASIAN) 1947 A01, Fazhan Zhongxin Dasha, 2010 Renmin Nan Lu, Luohu District. (82281808) 罗湖区人民南路2010号,发展 中心大厦A01商铺 Bollywood Cafe 2055-1 Xi Long Building, Renmin Nan Lu, Luohu District . (8222 0370) 宝莱坞咖啡,罗湖区人民南路 熙龙大厦三楼2055-1 Bombay Indian Restaurant & Bar Shop 116, Sea World, Taizi Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District 孟买印度餐厅,南山区蛇口太 子路海上世界117号 Little India 1)No.18B, Basement North of Coco Park, No138 Mingtian Lu, Futian District (8317 4827). 2) 2/F, No.56, Block A, Poly Cultural Center, Hou Haibin Lu, Nanshan District (8655 2106). 3) Shop No.116, Building 6, Nanhai ECOOL, Taizi Lu, Behind Fuzou Hotel, Nanshan District (2686 0020). 小印度,1 )福田区民田路138号购物公园地下18B 2)南 山区后海滨路保利文化广场A区二楼26号 3) 南山区太子路南海意库6栋116商铺 Indonesian Seafood Restaurant Opposite to Hengbo Hotel, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District. (2690 8338) 印 尼海鲜餐厅,华侨城鸿波酒店对面枕荔楼 Punjabi Indian Cuisine Jinhu Hotel Basement No. 1006, Hubei Lu, Luohu Distrct (8219 1115) 本杰比印度料理,罗 湖区湖贝路1006号锦湖宾馆地下室 Spice Circle Indian Restaurant 1)G/F Tianjun Mansion, Dongmen Nan Lu (Exit B at Guo Mao metro), Luohu District (8220 2129); 2) Taizi Road (back of TaiZi hotel) Shekou (2668 5390); 时派 圈印度餐厅,1) 罗湖区东门南路天俊大厦首 层(地铁国贸站B出口)2)蛇口太子路太子 宾馆后B座 TAJ Indian Restaurant G/F, Southwest Corner, Lianhua Building, Oppisite ot Carriana Friendship Square, Renmin Nan Lu, Luohu District (8236 2782) 印度宫廷 美食,罗湖人民南路联华大厦一楼西南角 Town, Nanshan District (2693 6888). 南山区华侨城深南大道9026号深圳威尼斯 酒店3楼 Lu, Futian District (2894 2208) 千登 世,福田区深南中路1095号中信城市广场 吉之岛内 Idutang OCT LOFT, Nanshan District (2691 1826) 一渡堂,南山区华侨城 创意文化园内 Fu Qing Japanese Restaurant 4/F, Qiu Shi Dasha, Zi Zhu 7 Dao, Zhu Zi Lin, Futian Dist. (8282 2302) 竎庆日本料理, 福田区竹子林紫竹7道求是大厦裙楼412-416 Itali-An 1/F, Oriental Plaza, Jianshe Lu, Luohu District (8225 7278)罗湖区建设路 东方广场1楼 Elba 99/F,St. Regis Shenzhen, No. 5016 Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District.(8308 8888) 欧尔巴 罗湖区深南东路5016号深圳瑞 吉酒店99层 La Terrazza 1/F Grand Hyatt Shenzhen, 1881 Baoan Nan Lu, Luohu District (2218 7338) 罗湖区宝安南路1881号深圳君 悦酒店1层 Lavo Bistro & Lounge 1M/F, Room 1B, Tower 3, Kerry Plaza, No 1, Zhongxin Si Lu, Futian District (8899 9676; 8255 7462) 福田区中心四路一号嘉里建设广场第 3栋1M层1B室 Milano Italian Restaurant Bar & Pizzeria 1/F, Anhui Building, No. 6007 Shennan Dadao, Che Gong Miao, Futian District (83581661). An authentic Italian Restaurant in Shenzhen, which is the only one run by 3 Italians, will make you feel to be in Italy itself. Great appetizers, homemade pasta. Italian pizza and many other specialities at reasonable price. An authentic Italian dining experience in elegant surroundings with an open kitchen. Serving everyday.Next to JW Marriot.米兰意大利 餐厅,福田区车公庙深南大道6007号创展中 心(安徽大厦首层) Caffe Di Roma Bistro No. 37-40 Shang Ye Jie OCT Portofino Nanshan District (2600 3297) 古罗马咖啡 吧,南山区华侨城波托菲诺商业街37-40号 Mezzo Level 2, East Wing, Great China International Exchange Square, Fuhua Road, Sheraton Shenzhen Futian Hotel, Futian District (8383 8888) 福田区福华路 大中华国际交易广场大中华喜来登大酒店2楼 Paletto Italian Restaurant 2/F, The Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen, 116 Fuhua San Road, Futian District (2222 2222) 福田区 福华三路116号深圳丽思卡尔顿酒店2楼 Prego 3/F,Crowne Plaza Hotel & Suites Landmark Shenzhen, 3018 Nanhu Lu, Luohu District (8217 2288) 罗湖区南湖路 3018号深圳富苑皇冠假日套房酒店3楼 red Rock G/F, Shop No.7, Xinhe Shopping Plaza, Nanhai Dadao, Nanshan District (8629 3803). 红岩意大利餐厅,南山 区南海大道信和自由广场一楼L1S-07商铺 The Spaghetti House 1)Shop 399, 3/F, The Mixc City, 1181 Bao’an Nan Road, Luohu District (8266 8006) 2)Shop FL1014, L1/F, Central Walk, Fu Hua Yi Lu, Futian District (8280 1060) 3)Shop 258, 2/F, Coastal City, Hai De Yi Lu, Nanshan District(8635 9622) 意粉屋, 1) 罗湖区宝安南路1881号华润中心万象城三楼 399号商铺 2) 福田区福华一路3号中心城L1层 FL1014号铺(会展中心地铁口B出口) 3)南山区 海德一路海岸城购物广场2楼258号铺 The Grill & Bar 2/F, Four Points by Sheraton Shenzhen, No.5 Guihua Lu, Futian Free Trade Zone, Futian District (8358 8662). 扒房·酒吧,福田区保税区桂花路5 号深圳福朋喜来登酒店2楼 The Top 5/F, Building 1, Nanhai E-Cool, Sea World, Shekou, Nanshan District (2688 1132) 南山区蛇口海上世界南海意 库1号楼5层 Trattoria Italiana Da Angelo 1) G12, Prince Plaza, Shekou, Nanshan District. (2682 5927) 2) L226-227, Excellence Century Plaza, Tower 4, Intersection of Haitian Lu and Fuhua Lu, Futian District. (2531 3842) 3) G/F, Building 12, OCT Bay, No.8 Baishi Lu Dong, Nanshan District (8654 1060) 艾嘉路意大利餐厅,1)南 山区蛇口太子广场G12号; 2)福田区海田路与 福华三路交汇处卓越世纪中心4号楼二区商业 层L226,227商铺 3)南山区白石路东8号欢乐 海岸曲水湾12栋1楼 Vista Lago 1/F, Interlaken OCT Hotel Shenzhen, OCY East, Dameisha, Yantian District (8888 3333) 花园餐厅,盐田区大梅沙东部华 侨城茵特拉根酒店 JAPANESE ITALIAN Banzai-Ya Japanese Dinning G/F, Hai Yang Ge, Hai Bin Garden, Xinghua Lu, She Kou, Nanshan District (2683 3090) 万菜屋,蛇口工业区海滨花园海阳阁1楼 Blue 3/F, Venice Hotel Shenzhen, No. 9026 Shennan Dadao, Overseas Chinese Chitose Family Restaurant Inside Jusco, CITIC City Plaza, 1095 Shennan Zhong Hele Japanese Cuisine 126,Binfen Holiday Shop, Nanyou Dadao, Nanshan District (2606 9163) 和乐日本料理,南山 区南油大道缤纷假日商铺126号 Isaribi 136 Eest Binfen Holiday Street, Nanguang Lu (2605 8376) 渔火铁板烧肉 日本料理,南光路缤纷假日商业街东136号 Japan Fusion 2,3/F World Financial Center, 4003 Shennan Dong Lu, (8266 6688) 中森名菜,深南东路4003号世界金融 中心二,三楼 JK Japanese Restaurant 2/F, The Venice Hotel Shenzhan, No.9026 Shennan Daodao, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District (2693 6888 ext: 8001) 深圳南山 区华侨城深南大道9026号威尼斯酒店2楼 Kyoku Japanese Cuisine Restaurant No.17 Qushui Bay, OCT BAY, No.8 Baishi Dong Lu, Nanshan District (8654 1122). 南山区白石路东8号欢乐海岸曲水湾17栋 Bao’an Nan Lu, Luohu District (8266 8311) 2)Coco Park, Fuhua San Lu, Futian District (8831 5543) 和民日本料理, 1) 罗湖区宝安南路1881号华润中心万象城4楼 2)深圳福田区福华三路星河购物中心2楼 Waterwheel 3/F Tianan Cyber Bldg, Tianan Cyber Park, Futian District (8830 2918) 水車坊日本料理,福田区天安数码城 天安数码时代大厦3楼 Ying Ting 1/F, Hai Jing Plaza, 18 Taizi Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (2681 1031) 樱亭日本料理,南山区蛇口太子路18 号海景广场1楼 Zetian Chuan Sushi 1-2/F, 104 Fuhua Lu, Futian District (8303 8002) 泽田川寿 司,福田区福华路104号1-2楼 KOREAN Han Yang Guan 1) Portofino Club House, Xiangshan Jie, OCT, Nanshan District. (8608 0389, 8608 0386) 2) 1F, Hai Bin Garden, Xinghua Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District. (2682 9586, 2682 9590) 3) 3F, Poly Culture Centre, Nanshan Business & Culture Center, Nanshan District. (8885 0289) 汉阳馆,1) 南山区华侨城香山街波托 菲诺纯水岸 2)南山区蛇口兴华路海滨花园1楼 3) 南山区南山商业文化中心保利文化广场3楼 Kamii Restaurant 1) 6/F,King Glory Plaza, Luohu District. (8261 1001) 2) G/F, Central Walk, Futian District. (8278 0059) 3) 3/F, Kingkey Banner Center, intersection of Bai Shi Lu and Sha He Dong Lu, Nanshan District. (8628 6060) 上井精致日本料理 1)罗湖区人民南路金光华 广场6楼 2)福田区怡景中心城G层 3)南山区 红树林白石路京基百纳广场3楼45号 Jin Shui Jiang 3/F, Coco Park, Fuhua, Futian District (8290 3248) 金水江山韩国 料理,福田区福华三路星河苏活购物公园3楼 Kamado Shop 319, 3/F Coast City, Haide Road 1, Nanshan District (8635 9792) 上井日本料理, 南山海德一道海岸城 3F319店铺 Sorabol Korean Restaurant 1) Shop 599, 5/F, The Mixc City, 1881 Bao’an Nan Lu, Luohu District. (8269 0776) 2) 7/F, King Glory Plaza, Luohu District.(2588 2280) 新罗宝韩国料理,1) 罗湖区宝安南 路1881号华润万象城5楼599号 2) 罗湖区金光 华广场七楼 Kenzo Teppanyaki 25/F, Grand Mercure Oriental Ginza Hotel, Zhuzilin, Shennan Boulevard, Futian District (8302 9564 ext.88661)银座铁板烧餐厅,福田区深南大 道竹子林东方银座美爵酒店25楼 Momiji 3/F Holiday Inn Donghua Shenzhen, Donghua Park, Nanhai Lu, Nanshan District (8619 3999) 米西索 加,南山区南海大道东华园 2307号东华假 日酒店三楼 Nishimura1/F, Marco Polo Shenzhen, Fuhua Yi Lu, Futian District (8298 9888) 西村日本料理,福田中心区福华一路深圳马 哥孛罗好日子酒店1楼 Osaka Japanese Restaurant 1/F Swallow Hotel, Jiabin Lu, Luohu District (8220 0364) 大阪日本料理店,罗湖区嘉宾路海燕 大酒店1楼(金光华对面) Sakana-Ya Japanese Dinning 4/F, Oriental Plaza, Jianshe Lu, Luohu District (8228 0778)酒菜屋,罗湖区建设路东方 广场4楼 Shizuku 2/F, JW Marriott Hotel, 6005 Shennan Blvd. Futian District (2269 8231) 福田区深南大道6005号金茂深圳JW 万豪酒店2楼 Sushi Chef TING 1) Shop150, Coastal City, Nanshan Dist.(8635 9662) 2)G/F New Srteet Plaza, Nanhai Da Dao, Nanshan District (2606 3639) 3)G/F, Xinwan Jia Surpermarket, Jintian Lu, Futian District(3333 1202) 寿师傳回转寿司,1)南山 区海岸城美食美家150铺 2)深圳南山区南海大 道新街口广场首层(近东滨路 3)深圳福田区金 田路兴万家超市首层 Sushi Oh Restaurant L318 Shop, Jusco Store, Basement, CITIC Plaza, Futian District (2594 0928) 寿司屋,福田区中信 广场负层吉之岛L318铺 Sushi King 1/F, Coastal City, Nanshan District (8635 9765) 寿司王,南山区海岸 城购物广场一楼149号商铺 Tairyo 1) 4/F, Citic City Plaza East, 1095 Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian District. (2594 1767) 2) A3, Poly Cultural Centre, Nanshan District (8628 7232) 3) 3/F, Holiday Plaza, Shennan Lu, Nanshan District. (86298266) 大渔铁板烧,1) 福田区深南中路1095号中信城市广场东区四 楼 2) 南山区保利文化广场A区3楼 3)南山区深 南大道9028号益田假日广场L3楼 Togetsukyo 51/F, Hilton Panglin Hotel, Jiabin Lu, Luohu District (2518 5888 ext.3908) 渡边桥日本餐厅,罗湖嘉宾路 2002号希尔顿彭年酒店51楼 Traditional Japanese Food 4/F, the Citic City Plaza, 1095 Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian District (2594 4333) 福田区深南中 路1095号中信城市广场4楼 Watami 1)4/F The Mixc City Plaza,1881 Scenes Courtry Korean Restaurant G/F, Southern Bldg, Block 202 Shangbu Industrial area, Futian District (8322 9028/8322 9038) 梨花苑韩国料理,福田 区上步工业区202栋南方大厦首层 Xiao Baidu 1)No. 5, 1/F Bldg 10th Bagua Yi Lu, Futian District. (8242 9600) 2) No.248, East Wing, Coastal City, Wenxin Wu Lu, Nanshan District. (8627187) 百度烤肉,1)福田区八卦一路 10栋首层5号2)南山区文心五路33号海岸城广 场东座248号 Zhou Story Commercial street, Dong Hai Fang, Donghai Huayuan, Futian Dist. 粥 Story,福田区东海花园二期东海坊步行街 LATIN AMERICAN Amigos Restaurant and Bar 1) Shop E6,G/F, Carriana Friendship Center, Renmin Nan Lu, Luohu District (6133 9993) 2) 1/F, Hong Long Hotel, Sea World, 32 Taizi Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (2683 5449) 欧蜜戈墨西哥餐厅1) 罗湖人民南路佳 宁娜广场1楼E06商铺 2)南山区蛇口3号太子 路 海上世界鸿隆公寓首层 Senor Frogs No.57, Rose Garden Phase 2, Seaworld, Shekou, Nanshan District. (2667 1155) 南山区蛇口玫瑰园二期57号 Tequila Coyote Cantian Shop 113, Seaworld, Shekou, Nanshan District. (26836446) 2) No.152 the north of Coco Park,Futian District. (8295 3332) 仙人掌餐厅,1) 南山区蛇口海上世界商铺113 号 2) 福田区福华路138号购物公园152号 MUSLIM Dewan-e-Khass (beside ICBC, near 92 degree coffee) 1/F, Shang Bu Ai Hua Market, 98# Nan Yuan Lu, Futian Dist. (8363 9552) 帝王 娜,福田区南园路98号(爱华市场一层工商 银行旁) Indus Kitchen G/F Luohu Bldg (opposite Century Plaza Hotel), 4012 Chunfeng Lu, Luohu District (8217 2783) 印达斯小厨, 罗湖区春风路4012号罗湖大厦首层 Muslim Restaurant 2013 Wenjin Nan Lu, Luohu District (8225 9664) 穆斯林餐厅, 罗湖区文锦南路2013号 Northwest Leader Muslim Restaurant, G/F, No.111-115, Mei Lin Lu, Jin Feng Garden, Futian District (8313 8895). 西 北领头羊清真馆,福田区梅林路111-115号金 丰花园首层 Tarim River Xin Jiang Restaurant, 2/F, No.53 Bin Jiang Xin Cun, Dong Yuan Lu, Futian District , Shenzhen (075525870698). 塔里木河新疆餐厅,深圳市福 田区东园路滨江新村53号2楼 OTHER CHINESE Art/Taste 1/F, Building A3, North of January 2013 // SZ // 改版 2013 1 SZ OK(12.12).indd 63 63 12-12-23 下午6:19 By Ernest White LISTINGS OCT LOFT, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District (2603 7966). 艺境味觉,南 山区华侨城创意园北区入口处A3棟一楼 China Spice 4/F Four Points by Sheraton Shenzhen 5 Guihua Lu, Futian District (8359 9999-88652) 福田保税区桂花路,深 圳福朋喜来登4层 ALL MONTH maxwell davies. JAN 5 SAT Sodagreen – Walk Together Tour, 8pm, cotai Arena; tickets: mOP280 – 880, / The folk-rockers, famous for marathon arena shows in their native Taiwan, bring their “Walk Together” tour to macau. Africa: See You, See me! 10am-7pm, macau museum of Art; admission: mOP5 / free entry on Sundays; more info: Artistic and documentary techniques are put to use in an exploration of the lives of the people of Africa in this rapidly changing era. ALL MONTH Human Bodies, 12pm – 8pm, cotai Expo; admission: mOP120 (free for children under 2); more info: www. A chance to experience our inner workings; close up, as more than 200 individual organs and full body specimens go on display. ALL MONTH Titanic: The Exhibition, 12pm – 8pm, cotai Expo; admission: mOP120 (free for children under 2); more info: www. coinciding with the 100th anniversary of the Titanic’s first and final voyage, this interactive exhibition includes the somewhat ghoulish gimmick of visitors being issued a boarding pass corresponding to an actual passenger on the ill-fated ship. JAN 5 SAT JAN 6 SuN 3-Legged Tale, 11am / 3pm, ccm; tickets: mOP140, www.macauticket. com As well as taking the audience on a magical journey through the seasons, this environmentallythemed canadian puppet show also has an educational aim. recommended for children aged five and above. JAN 13 SuN Soul Game – Fashion revolution, 10am-7pm, macau museum of Art; free entry on Sundays; more info: The last day to view an exhibition showcasing the works of fashion designer cheah Soo leng, showcasing a combination of fashion and installation art. JAN 26 SAT Din tai Fung 1) 3/F, Carrianna Friendship Square, Renmin Nan Lu, Luohu District. (6130 8688) 2) No.103, Beihuan Lu, Shajing Town, Bao’an District (2988 2268) 3) B2/F, King Glory Plaza, Renmin Nan Lu, Luohu District. (8261 1598) 鼎 泰丰,1) 罗湖区人民南路佳宁娜友谊广场3楼 2) 宝安区沙井镇北环路103号 3)罗湖区人民南 路金光华广场负2层 El Chino Intercontinental Shenzhen, OCT, 9009 Shennan Dadao, Nanshan District (3399 3388 ext.8599) 华膳中餐 厅,深南大道9009号华侨城深圳华侨城洲际 大酒店G楼 Futian Carrianna Chinese Restaurant 3/F, Marco Polo Shenzhen, Fuhua Yi Lu, Futian District (82728001/82728002) 福田佳宁娜中餐厅,福田中心区福华一路深 圳马哥孛罗好日子酒店3楼 Guiyou Beijing Cuisine 2/F, Taiwan Garden, Futian Dist. (8224 2318) 贵友京菜 馆,福田区巴丁街台湾花园2楼 Grey Wolf 1) Shop A107, Ecological Plaza, OCT West, Nanshan District. (2692 5700) 2) G/F , Shenzhen Central Book City, Fuzhong Yi Lu, Futian District. (8276 5036) 大灰狼餐厅,1)南山区华侨城 西街生态广场A107 2)福田区福中一路中心 书城南区1楼 Honycomb Chinese Restaurant 3/F, Zone A, Poly Cultural Plaza, Haide San Lu, Nanshan Dist. (8628 7871) 蜂巢印象中餐,南山区海德三道保利文化广 场A区3楼 Hutong A105, Ecological Plaza, Overseas Chinese Town, Qiaocheng Dong Lu, Nanshan District (2660 8184) 胡同 南山 侨城东路区华侨城生态广场A105 lijiang River Restaurant Room 301, East market,Shantou Jie, OCT, Nanshan District 福田区福华三路购物公园3楼 Man Ho JW Marriott Hotel, 6005 Shennan Blvd. Futian District (2269 8200) 蜂巢印象中餐,福田区深南大道6005号金茂 深圳JW万豪酒店 My noodle No. 104, Building F1, OCT Loft, Nanshan District (8610 2584) 南山 区华侨城东部工业创意文化园内F-1栋104号 macau Orchestra – Solo, 8pm, dom Pedro v Theatre; tickets: mOP40, This concert will highlight the collaboration between soloist and orchestra, with a program which includes bach, Haydn, mercadante, mozart and vivaldi. Museum Civil Ceramic Pot Simmer Soup 1) 77 Huafa Bei Lu, Futian District (8376 7999) 2) 99 Huafa Bei Lu, Futian District (8376 7666) 3) Xianggui Bldg., Chunfeng Lu, Luohu District (8239 6222) 4) 23, Zhonghang Lu, Futian District (8399 1888) 5) Block 1, Zhongxing Industrial City, Nanshan District (2605 5111) 1) 福田区华发北路77号 2) 深圳市福 田区华发北路99号 3) 罗湖区春风路向贵楼 4) 福田区中航路23号 5)南山区创业中兴工 业城一栋 JAN 26 SAT neighbour House 1-22 Xiangshan Zhong Jie, Portofino, OCT, Nanshan District. (8608 0303) 邻舍私房家宴 南山区华侨城波 托菲诺香山中街1-22 Old Captain 1/F, Yihua Building, Block 617, No.1 Bagua Lu, Futian Dist. (2592 6266) 老船长饮食, 福田区八卦一路617栋 艺华大厦首层 Prince Kitchen Cuisine Creative 5-6/F, Citic Plaza, 1095 Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian District (2598 8333/2598 8666) 王子厨房,福田区深南中路1095号中 信广场5-6楼 ROMantiQUE 1/F, Shenzhen Theater, Xin Yuan Lu, Dongmen, Luohu District. (8223 7890). 罗湖区新园路东门深圳戏 院一楼 Shang Palace 2/F, Shangri-La Hotel (east of Railway Station), 1002 Jianshe Lu, Luohu District (8233 0888) 香宫,建 设路1002号(火车站东侧)香格里拉酒店2楼 royal Scottish National Orchestra, 8pm, ccm; tickets: mOP120 – 480, The royal Scottish National Orchestra, under the leadership of conductor and musical director Peter Oundjian, brings its first china tour to a climax with a concert featuring mendelssohn, Stravinsky and 64 Hélène Grimaud Piano recital, 8pm, ccm; tickets: mOP100 – 250, Acclaimed for her emotive performances, pianist Hélène grimaud will give a recital spanning the diverse musical worlds of mozart, liszt, berg and bartók. the Orchard 4/F, The Pavilion, 4002 Huaqiang Bei Lu (8207 8888-8299) 馥 轩中餐厅,华强北路4002号圣廷苑酒店四楼 馥轩中餐厅 the Purple No.8 Baishi Lu Dong,OCT Bay,Nanshan District.(8315 2999) 紫苑 南山区欢乐海岸白石路8号 Xi’an lao Jia Restaurant 1) Opposite to Sangda Bldg., Huafa Bei Lu, Futian District (8332 2779) 2) 1/F Western side of Zhanghang Yuan Nanguang Bldg., Futian District (8324 6606/8368 9789) 西安老 家餐馆,1) 燕南路中部西侧兰天路1号 2)中航 苑南光大厦西侧首层 Yi Zhou Conceptual Conjee House F3Building, Industrial Park (East), OCT, Nanshan District (8609 5307) 南山区华 侨城创意文化园F3栋墨客空间 OTHEr WESTErN 360°Bar, Restaurant & lounge 31/F,Shangri-La Hotel (east of Railway Station),1002 Jianshe Lu, Luohu District (8396 1380) 360°西餐酒廊,罗湖区建设 路1002号(火车站东侧)香格里拉大酒店31层 acaly’Do 1/F Citic Mangrove Bay, Near Shahe Glof, Shahe Dong Lu, Nanshan District (8626 8176) 南山区沙河东路中信 红树湾首层沙河高尔夫斜对面 atomsphere No.1 Shop, Peninsula Phase 2, Shekou, Nanshan District. (2602 7898) 深圳市南山区蛇口半岛城邦2期商 铺1号 aHaVa israeli Restaurant No.115-117 Haibin Commercial Center, Sea World Plaza, Shekou, Nanshan District. (2685 6981) 南山区蛇口海上世界海滨商业中心115117号 Belle-Vue 37/F Grand Hyatt Shenzhen, 1881 Bao’an Nan Road, Luohu District (2218 7338) 珀力坊法式西餐厅,罗湖区宝 安南路1881号深圳君悦酒店37层 Burger King 2) No.108, Basement-1, KK Shopping Mall, KK Financial Centre, Luohu District (8202 5622) 3) 2nd Floor, Sang Da Building,(opposite of Moi) Hua Qiang Bei, Futian District.(8202 4922) 4) L2C-002, 2/F, CoCo Park, No.269, Fuhua San Lu, Futian District. (21515526) 汉堡王,2) 罗湖区菜屋围京基 金融中心之京基百纳空间负一楼108号 3) 福田 区华强北桑达大厦2楼(茂业百货对面)4) 福 田区福华三路269号cocopark2楼L2C-002号铺 Casablanca Seaworld Plaza, Hai Bin Commercial Building Shop 118, Shekou, Nanshan District (2667 6968) 卡萨布兰 卡餐厅,南山区蛇口兴华路海滨花园商业中 信1栋首层118-120 Caeser Restaurant 2/F, Lidu Hotel, Guangfa Bldg., 2007 Dongmen Nan Lu, Luohu District. (8225 9988 ext. 244) 凯 撒咖啡西餐厅,罗湖区东门南路2007号广发 大厦丽都酒店2楼 Calio Restaurant & Cocktail Wine Bar Shop 055, 2/F, Coco Park, Fuhua San Lu, Futian District (2531 3838) 卡里奥西 餐厅,福田福华三路星河购物公园二楼055 City Steak Emperor 229, 2/F, North Shenzhen Book City, Hongli Lu, Futian Dist. (2399 2133) 城市扒王,福田区红荔 路深圳书城北区2楼229号 Crissini No.103 Haibin Commercial Centre, Seaworld, Shekou, Nanshan District (2668 8379) 基斯尼餐厅,深圳市南山区蛇 口海上世界海滨商业中心103 Double Star Cafe 2/F, King Glory Plaza, Renmin Nan Lu, Luohu District (8261 1808) 帝宝星, 罗湖区金光华广场2楼 Danube 1/F, Vienna Hotel, 73 Fuhua Lu, Futian District (8398 1688, 8398 6993) 多瑙河西餐厅,福田区福华路73号维也纳 酒店1楼铺 Friday Cafe G/F, Xinxing Square,Diwang Bldg,5002 Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District (8246 0757) 星期五西餐厅,罗 湖区深南东路5002号地王大厦信兴广场首 层111号 Grape, No.1 Yanshan Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (2668 7777). 葡逸餐厅,南 山区蛇口沿山路1号 Grange Grill 25/F, The Westin Shenzhen Nanshan, No. 9028-2, Shennan Dadao, Nanshan District (8634 8431). 威斯汀扒 房, 南山区深南大道9028号-2深圳益田威斯 汀酒店25层 Greenery Cafe 3/F,Hualianfa Bldg, No.2006 North Huaqiang Street, Futian District (8399 8828,8399 8118) 绿茵 阁,华强北商业街2006号华联发大厦三楼 Gypsy’s Wine Bar and Restaurant Shop 3, G/F, Hai Bin Commercial Center (opposite the Ship), Shekou, Nanshan District (2668 2657) 吉普赛酒吧西餐厅, 蛇口海滨商业中心首层3商铺(船对面) Gold Coast Restaurant Shop 118, Hai Bin Commercial Building, Seaworld Plaza, Shekou, Nanshan District. (2667 6968) 黄金海岸西餐厅 南山区蛇口海上世界 海滨商业中心118号 in dining&lounge G/F, Houhai Gongguan, Houhai Dadao, Nanshan District (2689 0689) In餐厅,南山区后海大道蓝天 January 2013 // Sz // 改版 2013 1 SZ OK(12.12).indd 64 12-12-23 下午6:19 Sponsored by LATE NIGHT shenzhen Do you have party pictures to contribute? Send them to us at, and we’ll run the best. Vintage Party, Dec 15 The 7th Anniversary @ The Terrace, Dec 16 January 2013 // SZ // 改版 2013 1 SZ OK(12.12).indd 65 65 12-12-23 下午6:19 LISTINGS 路后海公馆商铺首层in餐厅 LSD F1-105A, OCT Loft, En Ping Jie, Nanshan District. (8610 6344) 迷食,南 山区华侨城创意文化园F1-105A Made in Kitchen 7/F, Kingglory Plaza, 2028 Renmin Lu, Luohu District (8261 1899) 厨房制造, 罗湖人民南路2028号金光 华广场7楼 McCawley’s Irish Bar & Restaurant Shop 118, Sea World, Shekou, Nanshan District (2668 4496) 麦考利爱尔兰酒吧, 南山区蛇口海上世界广场118号 McCawley's Bar & Grill Shop No.109, Building 7, Rose Garden Phase III, Shekou, Nanshan District (2667 4361). 南山区 蛇口南海玫瑰园三期7号楼109号商铺 Mama’s No.110-111 Sea World, Shekou, Nanshan District. (2686 2349) 南山区蛇 口海上世界110-111号商铺 May Flower Restaurant 2/F, the IV Commerce City, Azure Coast, Houhai Dadao, Nanshan District (2649 8033/2649 022) 五月花餐厅, 南山区后海大道蔚蓝海岸四期 商贸城2楼 Mediterraneo, B15, North of Shopping Park, Fumin Lu, Futian District (8389 3178). 福田区福民路购物公园北园负一 层B15 One Steak 1) 1/F Hongling Building, 1045 Shennan Zhong Lu, Nanshan District (2586 6333) 2) 2) L3-1, 9028-2 Shennan Lu, Holiday Plaza, Nanshan District (8629 8729) 王品台塑牛排,1) 深南 中路1045号红岭大厦1楼 2) 南山区深南大道 9028-2号益田假日广场三楼 Rapscallions No.138, Gou Wu Gong Yuan, Mintian Lu, Futian District. (8359 7131) 瑞布斯 福田区民田路购物公园北园 138号 Parkhaus B1S/002-006, Galaxy Coco Park, Futian District (8290 3241) 芝士坊 西餐厅,福田区coco park购物公园B1s/002-006 Poseidon Restaurant & Bar, No.13, Costal Rose Garden III, Jin Shiji Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (2160 9519) 波塞冬西 餐厅酒吧,南山区蛇口金世纪路南海玫瑰园 三期13号 Paiza Bistro & Lounge, No.110, Penisula I, Jin Shiji Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (2668 7055) 南山区蛇口金世纪路半岛城邦 一期110号 (2218 7338) 罗湖区宝安南路1881号深圳君 悦酒店33层 The Kitchen North Coco Park, 144 North Mingtian Lu, Futian District (2531 3860) 现场厨房,福田区民田路城建购物 公园138号 The Village No.108-109 Haichang Jie, Shekou, Nanshan District.(2685 0910). (close to A-best Supermarket). 南山区蛇口 海昌街海尚国际裙楼108-109号铺 West Steak House 2/F,52 Jiefang Lu, Luohu District (8229 9139) 西部牛扒 城,3)罗湖区解放路52号2楼 PIZZA Kiwi Pizza Shop46B,Costal Rose Garden Phase II, No.32 Wanghai Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District.(2160 1583). 维奇披 萨 南山区蛇口望海路32号南海玫瑰圆二期 46B商铺 NYPD Pizza 1) FL-1015 Store, Central Walk, Fuhua 1 Lu, Futian District. (8887 6973). 2)Sea Dynasty Store No.26 Hai Chang Jie, Shekou, Nanshan District. (Near A.Best) (8887 6973). 3) No.3085-10 Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District.(8887 6973,137 9847 1160). 纽约批萨1) 福田区福华一路中心城FL1015商 铺; 2)南山区蛇口海昌街海尚国际裙楼26号铺 ( 近新一佳); 罗湖区东门深南路3085-10号 Papa John’s Pizza 1) 1/F, F2.6 Tianzhan Building, Tian’an Industry Plaza, Futian Distrct. 2) Unit 149, 1/F, Coastal City, Nanshan Business & Culture Center, Nanshan District. 3) 2/F, Soho Coco Park, No.3 Fuhua Lu, Futian District. 4) 1/F, 115B, Garden City Commercial Centre, Nanhai Dadao, Nanshan District. 5) 1/F, TT International Area, Lianhua Lu, Futian District. 6) 1/F, Hubei Baofeng Building, 1054 Bao’an Nan Lu, Luohu District. 7) 3/F, Manha Shopping Plaza, Haqiang Bei Lu, Futian District. 8) 2/F, Luohu Culture Center, Renmin Bei Lu, Luohu District. 9) Unit A1-14, 1/F, Poly Culture Centre, Nanshan Business & Culture Center, Nanshan District. 棒!约翰 1) 福田区天安数码城 天展大厦F2.6栋1楼 2) 南山区商业文化中心 海岸城一层149号商铺 3) 福田区福华三路购物 公园 2楼 4) 南山区南海大道花园城商业中心 115B 5) 福田区莲花路TT国际街区首层 6) 罗 湖区宝安南路1054号湖北宝丰大厦首层 7) 福 田区华强北路曼哈购物广场3楼 8)罗湖区东门 步行街人民北路罗湖文化中心2楼 9) 南山区 南山商业文化中心区保利文化广场A1-14号 Tasty 1/F International Finance Center, 4003 Shennan Dong Lu, Futian District (2598 1298,2598 1299) 西堤牛排,深圳 市深南东路4003号世界金融中心1F Pizza Hut 1) B1/F,The Mixc City Plaza,1881 Bao’an Nan Lu, Luohu District. (8266 8261) 2) 1-2/F,Prince Plaza,32 Taizi Lu, Nanshan District. (2686 9920) 3) Shop 2001,2/F, CITIC City Plaza,1095 Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian District. (2594 2012) 4) G/F, Carrefour Shopping Center, Meilin Lu, Futian District. (8353 8335) 5) 2/F,Nanhai Center,2071 Dongmen Zhong Lu, Luohu District. (8218 6001) 6) 1-2/F,Modern Monte, Chuangye Lu, Nanshan District. (8617 1036) 7) 1-2/F, Rich Plaza, Guancheng Family, Qianjin Lu, Section 10,Bao’an District. (2766 2694) 8) 1-2/F Northern Bldg,3003 Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian District. (8327 8326) 9) 1/F,Wanjia Shopping Center, Oriental Nga,3002 Yitian Lu, Futian District. (8348 3547) 10) Rm. 101,Block 1,Nanguo Licheng Garden, Liuxian Dadao, Xili Town, Nanshan District. (8615 0690) 11) 2/F,Hongzhan Plaza,1108 Jiefang Lu, Luohu District. (8235 9753) 12) 1/F,Wuzhou Flavorful Moor, Wanxin Commercial City, Shenhui Highway, Longgang District. (8480 2425) 13) Center Bookstore,Hongli Zhong Lu, Futian District. (2399 2162) 必胜客, 1) 罗湖区宝安南路1881号华润中心万象城地下1 层 2) 南山区太子路32号太子广场1-2层(近海上 世界) 3) 福田区深南中路1095号中信城市广场 2楼2001铺(近南园路) 4) 福田区梅林路家乐福 商场首层(近梅丽路) 5) 罗湖区东门中路2071 号南海中心2楼 6)南山区创业路现代城华庭1-2 楼 7) 宝安区宝安10区前进路冠城世家大富豪 广场1-2层 8) 福田区深南中路3003号北方大厦 1-2楼(天虹商场对面) 9) 福田区益田路3002号 东方雅苑万佳百货1楼(近福民路) 10) 南山区 西丽镇留仙大道南国丽城花园1栋101(近天虹 商场) 11) 罗湖区解放路1108号鸿展广场2楼( 近人民北路) 12) 龙岗区深惠公路万鑫商业城 五洲风情摩尔B区1楼(近福中路) 13) 福田区红 荔中路中心书城 Tequila Coyote’s Cantina 1) Shop 113A, Seaworld, Taizi Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (2683 6446) 2) Shop 150, Opposite CoCo Park, Futian District (8295 3332) 1) 南山区蛇口太子路海上世界113A铺 2) 福田区朝阳公园150号 Hujiangxuan Shanghai Restaurant No.4018, Jiabin Lu, Luohu District (2567 0000 ext.6388)沪江轩上菜馆,罗湖区嘉宾 路4018号新时代酒店1楼 Romas Bar & Grill Block B, at the back of Tai Zi Hotel, Taizi Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (2683 8492, 2683 8491) 罗 马西餐厅,南山区蛇口太子路太子宾馆后B座 Seattle Café #38, 1/F, Holiday Garden, Nanshan District (near Holiday Inn) (2606 4862) 西雅图西餐扒房,南山区缤纷 假日花园1层38号(东华假日酒店旁) Sky Paradise 50/F, Hilton Panglin Hotel, Jiabin Lu, Luohu District (2518 5888) 罗湖区嘉宾路2002号希尔顿彭年酒店50楼 Stonegrill L1021-L1022, No.3 Fuhua Yi lu, Futian District 石头烧福田区福华一路怡 景中心城L1021尚铺(8276 5289) Subway 1) G6, Taizi Square, Taizi Lu, Shekou Industrial Zone, Nanshan District. (2688 9328) 2) FL1004, 1/F, Yijing Central Walk, No. 3 Fuhua Yi Lu, Futian District. (8280 1186) 3) Store B14, Basement, Gouwu Gongyuan Metro Shopping Mall, Futian District. (8329 2299) 1) 南山区蛇口工业区太子路太子广场 G6 2) 福田区福华一路怡景中心城一楼西侧 FL1004号铺 3) 福田区购物公园负一楼地铁商 业广场 B14 Super Steak 3/F COCO Park,Fuhua San Lu, Futian District (2531 3998) 超级牛 扒,福田区福华三路Coco Park三楼 Taste 3/F, Four Points by Sheraton, 5 Guihua Lu, Futian District (8359 9999 ext.88667) 桂花酒店,福田保税区桂花路5号 福朋喜来登酒店3楼 The Grill & Bar 2/F, Four Points by Sheraton Shenzhen, No.5 Guihua Lu, Futian Free Trade Zone, Futian District (8358 8662). 扒房·酒吧,福田区保税区桂花路5号 深圳福朋喜来登酒店2楼 The Lounge 33/F Grand Hyatt Shenzhen, 1881 Baoan Nan Road, Luohu District 66 SHANGHAINESE Jiangnan Garaden Shenzhenair International Hotel, 6035, Shennan Dadao, Futian District (8881 9999 ext.6720) 江南 春, 福田区深南大道6035号深航国际酒店2楼 Liu Yuan Shop 303, 3/F, the Mixc City, 1881 Bao’an Nan Lu, Luohu District (8269 1333) 留园饭店,深圳罗湖区宝安南 路1881号华润中心万象城303铺 Shanghai Restaurant 68, Jinrong Lu, Sha Tou Kou, Yantian District (2555 8290)盐 田区沙头角金融路68号 Yu Yuan Shanghainese Cuisine No.411, 4FL, Citic City Plaza, Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian District (2594 3228) 豫园上海饭 庄,深南中路1095号中信城市广场4楼411号 近南园路 SICHUAN Ba Shu Feng 1) 1-2/F, 405, Sangda Block, Zhenxing Lu, Futian Dist. (8324 6874) 2) 2/F, Yuehai Market, Longcheng Lu, Nanshan Dist. (2649 2707) 3) No.34, Aiguo Lu, Luohu Dist. (2568 0388) 巴蜀 风,1) 福田区振兴路7号桑达小区405栋1-3楼 2) 南山区龙城路粤海综合市场2楼 3) 罗湖区 爱国路1041号 Chuan Xiang Lou 2/F,Sichuan Mansion, #2001 Hongli Lu, Futian District (8367 3661) 川香楼,福田区红荔路2001号四川 大厦2楼 Dou Hua Gong Fang 5/F, The Mixc City, 1881 Bao’an Nan Lu, Luohu District (8266 8439) 豆花工房,罗湖区宝安南路 1881号华润万象城5楼 Fonsun Sichuan Restaurant Shop29-30, Sea World, Shekou, Nanshan District (2685 0566) 蛇口海上世界广场29-30号商铺 Zidu Sichuan Restaurant 1) No.101-102, old coco park, Mintian Lu, Futian Dist. (besides Marco Polo & McDonalds) (2801 1122) 2) 2) 3/F, Block A, Poly Cultural Centre, Hou Haibin Lu, Nanshan District (8602 4588) 子都,1) 深圳福田民田路9号 城建购物公园101-102 2) 南山区后海滨路保利 文化广场A区3楼 SOUTHEAST ASIAN Banana Leaf South Asia Restaurant B1/F, the Citic City Plaza, 1095 Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian District (8887 3338) 蕉 叶南亚汇餐厅,深圳福田区深南中路1095号中 信城市广场负1楼 Banana Leaf Asian Cafe & Bar C-076077, Coco Park, Fuhua 3 Lu, Futian District (8284 6655) 蕉叶南亚站,福田区coco park酒吧街L1C-076.077 Cili Padi Asia Cafe & Bar A7,2/F, Poly Cultural Centre, Nanshan District (8628 7087) 椒吧,南山区保利文化广场2楼A7 Coriander G/F, InterContinentalShenzhen, No. 9009 Shennan Dadao, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan Distirct (3399 3388) 芫香东南亚餐厅,福田区华 侨城深南大道9009号深圳华侨城洲际大酒店 地下一层 Nanji Lu, Luohu District (8220 2851) 香 茅泰味餐厅,罗湖区南极路17号新南华大 厦1楼 Yes Thai 1) 3/F, Coco Park, Fuhua San Lu (Gouwu Gongyuan metro station), Futian District (2531 3918) 2) 5/F, Costal City, No. 33, Wenxin Wu Lu, Nanshan District (8635 9989) 3) 4/F, KK Shopping Mall, KK Financial Centre, Luohu District (2290 0333) 鑫泰,1) 福田区福华 三路购物公园3楼 2)南山区文心五路33号海岸 城购物中心五楼 3) 罗湖区蔡屋围京基金融中 心京基百纳空间四楼 TAIWANESE Bellagio 1/F,Jinbi Hotel,3002 Chunfeng Lu, Luohu District (8228 5111) 鹿港小 镇,罗湖区春风路3002号金碧酒店首层 Best Tripod Way 1/F, A3, Xiangshan Dong Jie, OCT LOFT, Nanshan Dist. (2691 1191) 南山区华侨城创意园香山东 街A3栋首层 Cheers Building F4, Enping Jie, Creative Park, OCT, Nanshan District (8276 6688) 鹊尔斯酒窖,南山区华侨城恩平街创意园 F4栋 Golden Spoon 4/F, Coastal City, Nanshan District (8635 9623) 金汤匙,南山区海岸 城购物中心四层421号 Yu He Dao A007,Choi Lan Courmet, B/F, CITIC Metro Arade,1093,Shennan Road (2208 0209) 宇和岛台湾风味馆,深南中路 1093号中信地铁商场夹层蔡澜美食坊A007铺 TURKISH Istanbul Fast Food Cafe Jinghua Building 1C055, Huafa Bei Lu, Futian District (3309 7180, 3309 7190) 福田区华发北路 京华大院一号楼1C055号 Mevlana Turkish Restaurant 154 Zhenxing Lu, Futian District (8336 8778) 梅夫拉那土耳其餐厅福田区振兴路154号 The Istanbul Restaurant Room 107, Lang Yu Feng Ting,1010 Wenjin Nan Lu, Luohu District (8261 0201) 土耳其伊斯 坦布尔餐厅,罗湖区文锦南路1010号朗御风 庭107号地铺 Vegetarian 8deli No.20, Building A, Xihai Garden, No.169 Guimiao Lu, Nanshan District. (8606 2866) 南山区桂庙路169号西海花园首 层A座20号 Awaken Vegetarian Restaurant East to 1/F, Terra Hotel, Tairan Si Lu, Futian District. (8250 4570) 唤觉生态餐厅,福田区车公庙 泰然四路泰然酒店一楼东侧 HangLiPo Shop 006, UG/F, Central Walk, Futian District (8280 1399) 汉丽宝,福田 区新怡景商业中心城UG层006号铺 Green Life 2/F, Jun Ting Hao Yuan, Bao’an Nan Lu, Luohu District (2590 8426) 绿生活 健康素食,罗湖区宝安南路骏庭豪园2楼 Leaves Poolside Restaurant 5/F, The Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen, 116 Fuhua San Road, Futian District (2222 2222) 福田区 福华三路116号深圳丽思卡尔顿酒店5楼 Deng Pin 3/F, Jun Ting Ming Yuan, Bao’an Nan Lu, Luohu District (25908588) 登品餐 厅,罗湖区宝安南路2107号骏庭名园3楼 Malay Papa Shop 012,Basemant 2, Jingguang Plaza, Renmin Nan Lu, Luohu District (8261 1000, 8261 1088) 马拉爸爸, 罗湖区人民南路金光华广场负2层012铺 Malaysian Delight 3085 Shen Nan Dong Lu, Luohu District. (8222 0856) www. 马来风光,罗湖区深南东路 3085号(东门门诊部对面) Spring FL1006-1007, Central Walk, Futian District (8280 1885) 越南春天,福田 区新怡景商业中心城FL1006-1007号 THAI Idutang Bldg F3, OCT Loft, Engping Lu, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District. (8610 6046) 一渡堂,南山 区华侨城恩平路文化创意园F3栋 SIAM 2A, Floor 2/F, Hai Feng Yuan Buidling, Renmin Nan Lu, Luohu District (8883 6899) 人民南路海丰苑大厦2楼2A Tai Man Guan Shop 593, 5/F, The Mixc City, 1881 Bao’an Nan Lu, Luohu District (8269 1118) 泰满冠,罗湖区宝安南路1881 号华润中心万象城5楼593商铺 Tai Xiang Guan 1/F, Coco Park, Fuhua San Lu (Gou Wu Gong Yuan metro station) Futian District (8202 3555) 泰香 馆,福田区福华三路星河COCO PARK1楼 083-087号 The Terrace Sea World, Shekou, Nanshan District (2682 9105, 2683 2775) 露台酒 吧,南山区蛇口海上世界广场 Xiang Mao 1/F, Xin Nan Hua Bldg, 17 Jin Hai Ge 73 Nan Yuan Lu, Futian District (8365 9996) 金海阁素食馆,福田区南园 路73号 Wind Lucky 1) Behind Shanghai Volkswagen Automotive Store, XiangmiHu Holiday Resort, Futian District (8289 4181) 2)4/F,Dongmenting Plaza, Dongmen Yongxin Jie, Luohu District (8238 3453) 云 来居素食馆 1)福田区香蜜湖度假村内(大众4S 店后)2) 罗湖区东门永新街东门町四楼 wine ASC Fine Wines (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd Unit 1368,East13/F,China Nuclear Building,Shennan Road (8398 5514) www. 圣皮尔精品葡萄酒,深南中路 中核大厦13栋东侧1368单元 Bain Coffee & Wine Bar 2/F, Coco Park, Futian District 百年红酒坊,福田区COCO PARK2楼illy咖啡旁 Cheers Wine Cellar 105A, Block F1, CreativePark EnPing Jie, OCT Nanshan District (8276 6688) 鹊尔斯酒窖,南山区华侨城恩平街创意产业 园F1栋105A Dante Wines 1315, Nanguang Jiejia Building, 3037 Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian District. (8332 9952)但丁葡萄酒,福田区深南 中路3037号南光捷佳大厦1315室 Edmond’s Gallery Fine Wine & Cigar 101B, Block, Bin Hai Zhi Chuang Garden, Haide San Dao, Nanshan District (8622 0489) 艾文葡萄酒名廊,南山区海德三道滨海 之窗1号楼101B Kelit Italian Wine 18D-E Taiyang Dao Building, No.34, Dongmen Nan Lu, Luohu January 2013 // SZ // 改版 2013 1 SZ OK(12.12).indd 66 12-12-23 下午6:19 District (8220 8606). 意国 科立酒业,罗湖区东门南路34号太阳岛大厦 18D-E Meinuo Wine Cellar Shop 1-30, Portofino, OCT, Nanshan District, (8626 0995). 美诺 酒窖 南山区华侨城波托菲诺商业街7-10号 Opus One Wine & Cigar 1/F, 999 Royal Suites & Towers,1001Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District(2513 0999)红酒雪茄屋,罗 湖区深南东路1001号丹枫白露酒店1楼 Pieroth Wine.,Ltd. 26/F,Anlian Plaza, No.4018 Jin Tian Rd., Futian District ,ShenZhen(3395 5834) 碧洛德葡萄酒,福田区金田路 4018号安联大厦26楼 SUMMERGATE Room F,25/Floor, Noble Center No.1006,3rd Fuzhong San Lu, Futian District ShenZhen (3398 3100) www. 美夏国际酒业,福田区福 中三路1006号诺德金融中心25层F单元 Sourceland A-1709,International Chamber of Commerce Building Fuhua Yi Lu, ShenZhen (8293 1699) 夏桑园酒业,福华一路国际商会大 厦A座1709室 Torres Rm 27D, Building B, Honglong Century Plaza, No.3001 Heping Lu, Luohu District. (2519 0180) 桃乐丝葡萄酒 罗湖区和平路3001号鸿隆世纪广场B座27D The Vineyard B1-067/069, FengShengDing, District B, CheGongMiao, Shennan Dadao, Futian District.(8270 2225).维雅 酒庄 福田区车公庙深南大道南侧丰盛町B区 067-069商铺 Vins Descombe 101, Industrial Bank Building, CBD of Futian district. (82041585) 法国萄醉酒庄,深圳市福田区 深南大道兴业银行大厦一楼法国萄醉酒庄 Wine & Cigar Room 25/F, Grand Mercure Oriental Ginza Hotel, Zhuzilin, Shennan Boulevard, Futian District (83500888 ext.88661) 红酒雪茄屋,福 田区深南大道竹子林东方银座美爵酒店25楼 红酒雪茄屋 1001 Wine & Spirits Cellar, 3/F, Block A, Kou An Building, No.1006 Dongmen Nan Lu, Luohu District (2585 7258). 1001酒窖, 罗湖区东门南路1006号口岸大厦A座3楼 YUNNAN Big Tree Feet Restaurant 105 (Beside International Supermarket), Dongyuan Lu, Futian District (8206 1152) 大树脚云 南过桥米线,福田东园路105号(国际商场旁) Primitive & Healthy Block B, Eco Plaza, OCT, Nanshan District (2692 1890) 缘生 态餐厅,南山区华侨城OCT生态广场A-102号 Yang Jin Ma G/F, Building 6, Qushui bay, No.8 Baishi Dong Lu, Nanshan District (8665 1577).央金玛,南山区白石东路8号欢 乐海岸曲水湾6栋首层 Yang Zong Noodle Place Shop106, Building A3, OCT Loft Phase II, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District (8623 3299) 南山区华侨城创意文化园北区A3栋 106商铺 南路金光华广场3楼001号 铺 春风路3023号(庐山酒店1楼) nightlife LUOHU 360°Bar, Restaurant & Lounge 31/F, Shangri-La Hotel (East of Railway Station), No.1002 Jianshe Lu, Luohu District (8396 1380-8360). 罗湖区建设路1002号( 火车站东侧)香格里拉大酒店31层 Apollo 57/F, Hilton Shenzhen Pengnian Hotel, 2002 Jiabin Lu, Luohu District (2518 5888 ext 3914) 罗湖区嘉宾路2002号 彭年酒店57楼 Art Café 109, 1/F, Baofeng Building, 2006, Dongmen Nan Lu, Luohu District (8215 5880) 罗湖区东门南路2006号宝丰大 厦1楼 109 Babyface 1/F, Guoji Mingyuan, Jiangbei Lu, Luohu District (8237 3007) 罗湖区江 背路国际名园首层 Butter Basement B/F, Carrinna Friendship Square, 2002 Renminnan Road, Luohu Dist. (2518 3338) 罗湖区人民南路 佳宁娜广场负一楼 Feeling Bar 1/F, Zhidi Plaza, No.3068 Chunfeng Lu, Luohu District (2230 1119) 罗湖区春风路置地广场首层 In Club 1/F, Diamond Plaza, 2017 Nanhu Lu, Luohu District (8261 1111) 罗湖区南 湖路2017号钻石广场一层 The St. Regis Bar 96/F, St. Regis Shenzhen, No.5016 Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District (8308 8888-1468) 瑞吉吧 深圳瑞 吉酒店罗湖区深南东路5016号96层深圳瑞吉酒 店罗湖区深南东路5016号99层 Key Bar G-6 SOHO, Jia Ning Na Square, 2002 Ren Min Nan Lu, Luohu District 罗 湖区人民南路2002号嘉宁娜友谊广场SOHO 酒吧 街G-6 Le Nest 1/F, Guomao Da Sha, Renmin Nan Lu, Luohu District (8221 1018) 罗湖 区人民南路国贸大厦A区外一楼 Malt 100/F, St. Regis Shenzhen, No.5016 Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District (8308 8888-1459/1455) 天吧,深圳瑞吉酒店罗 湖区深南东路5016号100层 Michelle’s Bar South gate of Shenzhen Stadium, Sun Gang Lu, Luohu District (8327 6642) 罗湖区笋岗路深圳体育馆南门 Brew House 3/F, Crowne Plaza Hotel & Suites and Landmark, 3018 Nahu Road, Luohu District. (8217 2288 ext. 569) 罗 湖区南湖路费用户号深圳富苑皇冠假日套房 酒店三楼 Milky Jiabin Lu (beside Soho Bar), Luohu District (8225 8199) 罗湖区嘉宾路soho吧旁 Brown Sugar Jar 1/F, Le Yang Feng Jing Ge, Huang Bei Lu, Dongmen, Luohu District. (2541 6110) 红糖罐 罗湖区东门商业 圈 黄贝路乐扬枫景阁一楼 Richy’s 66 Chunfeng Lu (next to Lu Shan Hotel and Face Cafe), Luohu District (8232 0700) 深圳市庐山酒店Face Cafe侧 Champs Bar & Grill 2/F, Shangri-La Shenzhen, Luohu Dist. (8396 1366) 罗湖 区香格里拉大酒店2楼 Chocolate 1/F, New 2000 Plaza, Huishang Mingyuan, Nanqing Street, Dongmen, Luohu District. (2582 2222) 罗湖区东门南庆街汇商名苑2000广场1楼(金 莎国际会所楼下) City Cowboy 2/F, Jihao Garden, 1048 Hua Li Lu, Luohu District (2582 8218) 深圳市罗湖区华丽路1048号集浩花园2楼 Club Cash 1/F, Guidu Building, 3007 Chunfeng Lu, Luohu District.(8231 6993) 罗湖区春风路3007号桂都大厦1楼 Decanter 100/F, St. Regis Shenzhen, No.5016 Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District (8308 8888-1459/1455) 品酒阁 深圳 瑞吉酒店罗湖区深南东路5016号100层 Discovery Bar 48 Jin Tang Jie (next to Lijing Int’l Club), Luohu District (8248 1742) 罗湖金塘街48号丽晶国际俱乐部旁边 Evolution Bar F2/3, Carriana Friendship Square (next to Starbucks), Renmin Nan Lu, Luohu District 罗湖区人民南路佳宁娜友 宜广场首层G2&G3(近星巴克咖啡店) Face Café 66 Chunfeng Lu (next to Lu Shan Hotel), Luohu District (8234 2565) Oasis Bar 13/F, Jinhu Hotel, Hubei Lu, Luohu District 罗湖湖贝路锦湖宾馆13楼 Soho Bar Opposite of King Glory Plaza, Jiabin Lu, Luohu District (8220 0628) 罗湖区嘉宾路金光华广场对面 Sparkle Club & Restaurant 1/F, Zense Hotel, Wen Jin Zhong Lu, Luohu Dist. (8239 4800)罗湖区文锦中路升逸酒店首层 FUTIAN Club Viva No. 140, Fuhua Lu, CoCo Park, Futian District (137 9825 6176) 福田区福华路城建购物公园140号 3D Bar Block B, Bar Street, CITIC City Plaza, 1093 Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian District (2598 6011) 福田区深南中路1093 号中信广场酒吧街B区 After 5 Bar & Cafe Unit 104, Jin Run Building, Tai Ran Jiu Lu, Futian District (2396 4800).福田区泰然九路金润大厦104 A Bar In Angelo Italian Restaurant, Gou Wu Gong Yuan (Behind Coco Park), Futian District(2531 3842) 福田区购物公司 北园,235,236号商铺Angelo餐厅内 Angelbaby Bar 1/F, Huale Building, No.1, Zhong Hang Bei Lu, Hua Qiang Bei, Futian District.(2830 7788).天使宝贝 福田区 华强北中航北路1号华乐大厦一楼 Art de Vivre Sculpture Academy, No.8 Zhongkang Rd.,Shangmeilin,Futian District (8251 0369) 福田区上梅林中康路8号 雕塑家园 Before Sunset Bar Bar Street, CITIC Plaza, Futian District (13510131001) 中 信广场酒吧街 Bling Bling Club No. 148, Section C, North of CoCo Park, Fuhua Lu, Futian District (139 0291 7188) 福田区福华路购 物公园北园C区148号 Brown Sugar Jar G9 Huangguan Technology Park, Tairan 9 Lu, Futian District. (8320 7913) 红糖罐 福田区泰然九路皇冠 科技园2栋G9 Calio Bar Shop 055, 2/F, Coco Park, Fuhua San Lu, Futian Dist. (2533 1844) 福田区福华三路星河苏活购物公园二楼 055号 Tanghui Bar 1/F, A08, Zhidi Plaza, Chun Feng Lu, Luohu District (2230 1698) 罗湖区春风路北侧置地逸轩裙楼A08 Chicago Club G/F, Gate 4 of Shenzhen Stadium, Sungang Lu, Futian District (8324 0294) 福田区笋岗路深圳体育馆四 号门首层 Tashe Delick Bar 3/F, Shanghai Shizhuang Company, 2033 Hongling Zhong Lu, Luohu District (8241 8028) 红 岭中路2033号上海时装公司3楼 Crystal Bldg E, Bar Street, CITIC City Plaza, 1095 Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian District (2598 5509) 福田区深南中路中信 广场酒吧街E栋 True Color Club 4/F, Dongmen Golden World, Jie Fang Lu, Luohu District (8230 1833) 东门分店,罗 湖区解放路东门金世界商业中心4楼 Curv Bar 1/F, The Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen, 116 Fuhua San Road, Futian District (2222 2222) 福田区福华三路116号深 圳丽思卡尔顿酒店1楼 The Penthouse 38/F, Grand Hyatt Shenzhen, 1881 Baoan Nan Lu, Luohu District (2218 7338) 罗湖区宝安南路1881号深圳君 悦酒店38层 Duke’s, The Langham, Shenzhen, No. 7888, Shennan Dadao, Futian District (8828 9888). 福田区深南大道7888号深圳 朗廷酒店 Ubar Pacific Ocean Building, Jiabin Lu, Luohu 罗湖区嘉宾路太平洋商务大厦 Day and Night Building A3, Bar Street, CITIC City Plaza, 1095 Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian District (2598 9203) 福田区深 南中路中信广场酒吧街A3栋 Yellow Music Studio Shop 001, 3/F, King Glory Plaza, Renmin Nan Lu, Luohu District (8261 1638, 8356 7637) 罗湖区人民 Demon 1) Building C, Bar Street, CITIC City Plaza, 1095 Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian District (2615 7405) 2) 78-79, Bar Street, Coco Park, Fuhua San Lu, Futian January 2013 // SZ // 改版 2013 1 SZ OK(12.12).indd 67 67 12-12-23 下午6:19 LISTINGS District (2531 3800) 1)福田区深南中路中 信广场酒吧C栋 2) 福田区福华三路COCO 商 城,地铺78-79 Evening Show 4-5/F, Building 2, Huanggang Business Center, Fuhua San Lu, Futian District (8270 8888; 8278 3999;137 2435 3542). 福田区福华三路卓 越世纪中心2号楼裙楼4-5层 E Bar South Door, Shenzhen Gym, Sun Gang Road,Futian District (8327 6642) 福田区笋岗路体育馆南门 Executive Lounge 25/F, Grand Mercure Oriental Ginza Shenzhen,Shennan Da Dao Xi,Futian District (8350 0888) 福田区深南大道西东方银座美爵酒店25楼 Free man Bar Block 12, Shenzhen Stadium, Shangbu Bei Lu, Futian Dist. (8321 7133) 福田区上步北路深圳体育馆12区 Frankie’s No.33-34, Building 3, Gui Huayuan Garden, Fenghuang Dao, Guihua Lu, Futian Free Trade Zone (8271 9220) 福田保税区桂花路凤凰道桂花苑花园3栋一 层33-34号铺 Gold Rush Bar 2/F, The Pavilion Hotel, 4002 Huaqiang Bei Lu, Futian Dist. (8207 8888 ext. 8225) 华强北路4002号圣 廷苑酒店二层 Honolu Club Top/F ,Donghai Jingtian Yinzuo, Jingtian Bei Jie, Futian District 景田北街东海景田银座顶层 La Casa No.139 Coco Park, Fuhua Lu, Futian District. (8290 3279) 悦坊 福 田区福华路城建购物公园139号 Dongyuan Lu, Futian District (8227 4834) 3)Zhen Hua Club, 2/F, Zhong Hang Yuan Bldg, Zhenhua Lu, Futian District (8324 0986);www.truecolorclub. com 1) 国企总店,福田区上步南路国企大 厦A座25楼 2) 东园分店,福田区东园路东园 大厦3/4 楼 3)振华分店,福田区振华路中航苑 大厦2楼; Sports Bar 7/F, Grand Mercure Oriental Ginza Shenzhen, Zhuzilin, Shennan Dadao, Futian District (8350 0888 ext. 88605) 体育吧 福田区深南大道竹子林东方 银座美爵酒店 Vinsplus Room 6, 1/F, Kerry Plaza, No.1 Zhongxin Si Lu, Futian District.(8273 2082) 荣仕廊酒业 福田区中心四路1号嘉里 建设广场裙楼一层6室 Xpats Bar & Lounge FL1016 & FL1017 (next to NYPD), East Side Walk, Central Walk Shopping Mall, Fuhua Lu, Futian District (8280 1352) 福田区福华路中心城 东面1016-1017铺 Customs Bar Street, Window of World, Nanshan District (2692 9098); 3) Haide plaza, Coastal city, Wenxin Wu Lu, Nanshan District 1)福田区深南中路中信广场深 圳国际酒吧街F栋 2)南山区世界之窗欧陆风情 酒吧街6号; 3)南山区文心五路海岸城购物中 心海德广场202-1 Club Viva International Bar Street, West of Seaworld Square, Shekou, Nanshan District. (2669 7365)南山区海上世 界广场西侧国际酒吧街 ENIGMA Bar Beside the KTV, Seaworld, Shekou Nanshan District (2667 7744) 蛇 口海上世界海上明珠旁边 Eagle Bar Block 20, OCT Bay, No. 8 Baishi Lu Dong, Nanshan District. (8654 1082) 老鹰吧 南山区白石路东8号欢乐海岸 曲水湾20栋 Furstenberg 102B, Wanghai Huijing Yuan, Haichang Jie, Nanshan Dist. 南山区 海昌街望海汇景苑商铺102B Wall Street Club (Wine & Cigars) 4/F, Marco Polo Shenzhen, Fuhua Yi Lu, Futian District (8298 9888) 福田中心区福 华一路深圳马哥孛罗好日子酒店4楼 Galleon Restaurant & Bar interContinental, 9009, Shennan Lu, OCT, Nanshan District (3399 3388) 南山 区深南路华侨城洲际大酒店 Yes Bar 2/F, She Ji Bldg, 3001 Sungang Xi Lu, Futian District (8325 5116, 8361 7612) 福田区笋岗西路3001号设计大厦2楼 George & Dragon British Pub Shop No.3, Back of Taizi Hotel, Taizi Lu, Seaworld Plaza, Shekou, Nanshan District (2669 8564). 南山区蛇口海上世界太子路 太子宾馆一楼后排3号商铺 Yu Club 7/F, Block 3, Phoenix Building, No. 2008 Shennan Dadao, Futian District (8277 6868) 毓Club 福田区深南大道 2008号凤凰大厦3栋7 NANSHAN La Vie Club 3/F, above Lili Marleen, Gou Wu Gong Yuan, Mintian Lu, Futian District (8295 9399). 拉薇酒吧,福田区民田 路购物公园莉莉玛莲酒吧楼顶 Ghost Bar & Restaurant Shop 103, Hai Shang Guo Ji, Gong Yuan Nan Lu, Han Chang Street, Shekou, Nanshan District (2682 6260) 南山区蛇口公园南路海昌街海 尚国际103铺 Good Time Bar 202-2 Haide Plaza, Coastal City, Wenxin Wu Lu, Nanshan District (8635 9286) 南山区文心五路海岸 城购物中心海德广场202-2 Lavo Bistro & Lounge 1M/F, Room 1B, Tower 3, Kerry Plaza, No 1, Zhongxin Si Lu, Futian District (8899 9676; 8255 7462) 福田区中心四路一号嘉里建设广场T3 栋1M层1B室 Irish Rum Bar 1/F, Ying Chao Building, 45 Taizi Lu, Sea World, Shekou, Nanshan District (2669 6373) 南山区蛇口太子路45 号迎朝大厦1楼 Leo Bar Bar Street, CITIC City Plaza, 1095 Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian District (2598 9898) 福田区深南中路1095号中信城 市广场国际休闲街A4 Jazz Garden No.5, Window of the World Bar Street, Nanshan District (2660 0032). 爵士花园,南山区世界之窗欧陆情 酒吧街5号 Lili Marleen Fuhua Yi Lu (opposites Coco Park Starbucks), Futian District (8295 0548) 福田区福华一路购物公园星 巴克对面 Jordan’s Bar 55 South Sea Rose Garden, Phase 2, Wanghai Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District. (2668 6040) 南山区蛇口望海路南 海玫瑰园二期55号 McCawley’s Irish Bar Shop 151-152, Coco Park, Futian District. (2531 3599) 福田区购物公园151-152 Mexico Fans Club 1/F, Eight District Bldg, Tiyuguan, Futian DIstrict (8329 3138) 体育馆八区首层 Mama Mia 1/F, Pengji Shangwu Shikong Da Sha, Ba Gua Yi Lu, Ba Gua Ling, Futian Dist.八卦岭八卦一路50号鹏基商务 时空大厦一楼 Milano Bar Coco Park, 1F, Fu Hua San Lu (2531 3781) 福华三路酒吧街88铺 Monroe Bar 301, D Block, North COCO Park, Futian Dist. (2599 9988) 福田区购 物公园北北园301 O’live Club, No.138, Block B, North of Shopping Park, Min Tian Lu, Futian District (8860 1818). 欧莉酒吧,福田区民田 路购物公园北园B区138号 O! Garden No. 138, Mintian Lu, Futian District. (8889 6999)福田区民田路138号 购物公园 Parkhaus B1S/002-006, Galaxy COCO Park, Futian District 福田区coco park购物 公园B1s/002-006 Prince Bar 48 Shazui Yi Fang, Futian District 福田区沙嘴一坊48号 Q Club B138, North COCO Park, Mintian Lu, Futian Dist. (2531 3566) 福田区民田 路购物公园北园B区138号 Rapscallions Bar, No.138 Min Tian Lu, North of Shopping Park, Futian District (0755-8359 7131). 瑞布斯酒吧,福田区民 田路城建购物公园138号 Time Out Bldg A1, Bar Street, CITIC City Plaza, 1095 Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian District (2594 0778) 福田区深南中 路1095号中信城市广场国际休闲街A1栋 Tonga Bar 1010 Central Walk, Fu Hua 1 Lu, Futian District 福田区福华一路3号 怡景中心城, 1010号铺 (大中华喜来登酒店旁) (8780 1687) True Color Club 1) Guo Qi Club, 25/F, Block A, Guo Qi Bldg, Shangbu Nan Lu, Futian District (8212 9333) 2) Dong Yuan Club, 3-4/F, Dong Yuan Bldg, 68 The George & Dragon. The quintessential British pub; good draft beers, ales, stout, cider, hearty pub food, BBQ's, screening non-stop sports, secluded beer garden. Your home away from home. George & Dragon British Pub Shop No.3, Back of Taizi Hotel, Taizi Lu, Seaworld Plaza, Shekou, Nanshan District (2669 8564). 南山区蛇口海上世界太子路 太子宾馆一楼后排3号商铺 3D Bar 1)11, Bar Street, Window of the World, Nanshan Disdrict (2690 1559) 2)17, Block A, Bar Street, Poly Culture Centre (8628 7911) 1) 世界之窗欧陆风情 酒吧街头11号 2)南山保利文化广场A区17号 Aulon Wine Bar Shop 32, Coastal Garden II, Wanghai Lu, Shekou (2688 3381) 蛇口望海路南海玫瑰园二期32号 Bar Leo 1/F, Poly Cultural Centre, Nanshan District (8628 6868) 南山区中心区 保利文化广场一楼21号(保利剧院对面) Bill & Helen 1st floor, Taizi Hotel, No.5, Taizi Road, Shekou, Nanshan Dist. 2668 5972) 南山区蛇口太子路太子宾馆一楼 Brown’s Wine & Cigar House Shop 5556 Commercial Street, Portofino Club House, Xiangshan Lu, OCT, Nanshan District (8608 2379) 南山区华侨城香山路 波托菲诺会所商业街 55-56 号 Barfly No.3-12, Garden City Phase III, Gongye Ba Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District.(2667 2532) 南山区蛇口工业八路花 园城三期3-12号 Cheers Gan Bei Bar Shop 60, Coastal Rose Garden II, Wanghai Lu, Shekou (2683 2864) 蛇口望海路南海玫瑰园二期60 号商铺干杯酒吧 Club Tropicana B/F, Nan Hai Hotel, Gongye Yi Lu, Shekou, Nanshan Dist. (2669 2888 ext 513) 蛇口工业一路南海 酒店负1楼 CJW OCT BAY No.15 Qushui Bay, OCT BAY, No.8 Baishi Lu. Nanshan District (8639 5266) 欢乐海岸CJW南山区白石 路东8号欢乐海岸曲水湾15栋 Coko Club 1) Bar Street, CITIC City Plaza, 1093 Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian District (2598 9998) 2) No.6, European Idutang OCT Loft, Enping Jie, OCT, Nahshan Dist. 南山区桥城东恩平街华侨城 创意文化园内 La Piazza G/F, The Venice Hotel Shenzhen, No.9026 Shennan Dadao, Nanshan District (2693 6888) 南山区深南大 道9026号深圳威尼斯酒店首层 La Maison Shop 108, Nanhai Rose Garden, Building 29-32, No. 91, Wanghai Lu, Nanshan District. (2681 6410) 南山 区望海路91号29-32栋南海玫瑰花园108号 Listen Bar G/F Xin Neng Yuan Bldg, Nanhai Boulevard, Nanshan District (2643 3939) 南山区南海大道新能源大厦 首层 Liberty Bar, Building 115-117, Sea World Plaza, Shekou, Nanshan District (134 2385 3725). 自由吧,南山区蛇口海 上世界115-117号 Lounge 1982 1/F, InterContinental Shenzhen,9009 Shennan Road,OST(3399 3388) 深南大道深圳华侨 城洲际大酒店1楼 Luna Bar & Restaurant 12pm-2am, G/F, Fuzon Hotel, No.1 Kanle Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (2682 7888) 南山区蛇 口康乐路1号金銮富众酒店地下 McCawley’s Irish Bar Shop 118, Sea World, Shekou, Nanshan District (2668 4496) 南山区蛇口海上世界广场 118号 Mosaic Club Shop 18, Coastal Rose Garden II, Wang Hai Road, Shekou, Nanshan District (10 minutes walk past the Golf Club) 望海路南海玫瑰花园2期18号商铺 Mushroom Rm107, Building 2, Nanhai ECool Innovation Park, Xinghua Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (2688 5119) 南山区蛇口兴华路南海意库2栋107 Musibase Bar 1)Building 2, Bin Hai Zhi Chuan, Haide San Lu, Nanshan District (8612 5125) 2)G/F,Maple Leaf City Hotel, No.1039 Nanhai Dadao, Nanshan District. (2235 3933).根据地音乐现场 1)南 山区海德三路滨海之窗2栋 2)南山区南山大 道1039号枫叶城市酒店首层 Old Heaven Books Shop 120, Building A5, OCT Loft Phase II, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District.(8614 8090).旧 天堂书店 南山区华侨城侨城创意文化园北区 A5栋120铺 Oscar’s Sports Bar& Grill F/2, Holiday Inn Shenzhen Donghua , Donghua Park, Nanhai Lu, Nanshan District (8619 3999 ext.3208) 南山区东华假日酒店2楼 Penny Black Jazz Cafe Shop 134, Building A5, OCT Loft Phase II, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District (8609 8585). 黑邮票爵士咖啡,南山区华侨城创意 文化园北区A5栋134 Ritz Bar 52 South Sea Rose Garden Phase 2, Wanghai Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District. (2681 2793) 南山区蛇口望海路南 海玫瑰园二期52号 Rose Bank, 2/F, Shop 210-211, Building A4, OCT Loft Phase II, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District(8633 7473). 南山 区华侨城创意文化园北区A4栋2楼210-211号 Seagull Restaurant & Bar South of Sea World, Shekou, Nanshan Dist.(2688 0000, 2682 0768) 南山区蛇口海上世界南 边海景广场旁边 Snake Pit G16-A, Taizi Plaza, Sea World, Shekou, Nanshan District. (130 4883 7140) 南山区蛇口海上世界太子广场G16-A Sports Bar 7/F, Grand Mercure Oriental Ginza Shenzhen, Zhuzilin, Shennan Boulevard, Futian District (8350 0888 ext. 88622) 福田区深南大道竹子林深圳东方银 座美爵酒店7楼 Spy Glass Lanhong Haoyuan No.6, Haichang Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (134 3093 9084) 南山区蛇口海昌街蓝虹 豪苑6号 Suzy’s Lounge Bar 120, East Block, Coastal City, Haide San Dao, Nanshan Dist. (8629 0169) 南山区海德三道海岸城 东座120商铺 Keys Livehouse1/F,Block B2,OCT LOFT,East Industrial Park,Overseas Chinese Town,Nanshan District.( 8620 0661, 2661 6379 ) 苏荷爵士现场 南山区 华侨城东部工业区B2栋 The Base Bar 1-2/F, Xi HaiAn Bldg, Nanyou Dadao, Nanshan District (2649 0296) 南山区南油大道西海岸大厦1-2楼 The Jin Bar 115 - 117 Sea World Square, Shekou 蛇口海上世界 115-117 号 True Color Club OCT Club, Eco-Square, OCT Nanshan District (2691 3479)www. 华侨城店,南山区华侨城 生态广场酒吧 A109 The Tavern Sprots Bar 3/F, Shop 20-24, Sea World, Taizi Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District. (2602 4936) 南山区蛇口太子路 18号蛇口海上世界20-24号商铺3楼 The Terrace Above Starbucks, Seaworld Plaza, Shekou, Nanshan District (2682 9105) 南山区蛇口海上世界广场2楼 星巴克楼上 UKlub Wine Gallery Recreation Building 18, OCT Bay, No.8 Baishi Lu Dong, Nanshan District (8389 9898; 8389 9798) 南山区白石路东8号欢乐海岸曲水湾18栋 V Bar 2/F, The Venice Hotel Shenzhan, No.9026 Shennan Daodao, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District (2693 6888 ext: 8015) 深圳南山区华侨城 深南大道9026号威尼斯酒店2楼 Vague Club 6/F, Building B, Tiley Center Business Square, Haide San Dao, Nanshan District. (86290001) 魅·私人会所 南山区海德三道天利中央商务广场B座5层 Vrumm Tapas & Bar, A1-42, Poly Cultural Center, Coastal City, Houhai Metro Station Exit E1, Nanshan District (8626 7117). 南山区海岸城保利文化广场A1-42, 后海地铁站E1出口 X-TA-SEA 1/F, Cruise Inn, Sea World, Shekou, Nanshan District (2686 7649) 南山区蛇口海上世界太子路明华轮酒店1楼 Ying Lian Bar NO.7, European Customs Bar Street, City Inn Window of World (135 1078 1877) 世界之窗城市客栈欧陆 酒吧街7号 Simplicity Bar Chang Qing Garden, Nanshan Da Dao, Nanshan District (2657 2776) 南山区南山大道长青园 Simple Living Bar 104 Area C, Eco Plaza, OCT, Nanshan District (2691 2691) 华侨城杜鹃山东街生态广场C区104号 Longgang Barefoot Beach Bar and Restaurant Gate 1, Xichong Beach, Longgang District January 2013 // SZ // 改版 2013 1 SZ OK(12.12).indd 68 12-12-23 下午6:19 (136 8490 0652; 158 1472 7944) 龙岗区 西涌沙滩一号门 ARTS GALLERIES & ART SPACES A-Lift Unit 116, Building A4, Eastern Industrial Park, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District.(8271 9826). 提 南山区 华侨城东部工业区创意文化园A4栋116号 Artron Art Gallery Intersection of Caitian Lu and Meilin Ba Lu, Futian District (8251 2151). 福田 区彩田路与梅林八路交汇处 Art Loft Gallery F1-104, OCT LOFT, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District (8610 6997). 南山区华侨 城创意文化园F1栋104铺 Babu Gallery Room 208, Building A3, East Industrial Park, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District (8609 5506). 南山区华侨城东部工业 区A3栋208室 Bao’an Fine Art Institute 74 Xin’an Er Lu, Zone No.4, Bao’an District (2778 2645). Free Admission. Mon-Fri 9-12pm, 2-6pm. 宝安区四区新安二路74号 Beyond Gallery 3/F, Building No.1, Shenzhen 22 Art Zone , Baocheng Gongyuan Lu, Bao’an District. (2784 6166). www. 宝安区22区宝城公园路 深圳22艺术区一号楼5层 Bridge Gallery Shop 115, Building A4, OCT Loft Phase II, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District. 桥舍,南山区华侨城创意文化园北区 A4栋115号 Echo Art Living Museum Shop 53, Nanhai Rose Garden Phase 2, Wanghai Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District. 南山区蛇口望海 路南海玫瑰园2期53号铺 Ge Feng Arts Center 2/4F, Building No.1, Shenzhen 22 Art Zone, Baocheng Gongyuan Lu, Bao’an Dist. (2766 4076). 宝安区22区宝城公园路深圳22艺术区一号楼 2与4楼 F518 Idea Land Baoyuan Lu, central Bao’an District (2951 8518, 2997 8666). 宝安中心区宝 源路 Huacheng Gallery 1-3/F Wenshan Building, 136 Jiefang Lu. 罗湖区解放路136号文 山楼一层大堂至三楼 Lemon Gallery 2/F, Building No.1, Shenzhen 22 Art Zone, Gongyuan Lu, Bao’an District (2766 4071) 宝安区22区公园路深 圳22艺术区1号楼2楼 Mangrove Art Gallery Inside Mangrove West Coast, 1 Shenwan Yi Lu, Nanshan District (2678 9999) 南山区深湾一路1号红 树西岸小区内 Portofino Gallery B17, Portofino International Apartments, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District (2693 7097). 南山 区华侨城波托菲诺国际酒店B17 Shenzhen Free Art Base Inside F518 Idea Land, Baoyuan Lu, central Bao’an District (2629 1352). 宝 安中心区宝源路518时尚创意园内 SZX Gallery Shop24-1, Costal Rose Garden, Wanghai Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (2681 0468) SZX画廊,南山区蛇 口望海路南海玫瑰园24-1铺 Direction Gallery Room107, Block No.1, Nanhai E Cool, 6 Xinghua Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (2681 9500). www. 南山区蛇口兴华路六号南海意 库1号楼107 Total Art Jam 3/F, Building No.1, Shenzhen 22 Art Zone, Gongyuan Lu, Bao’an Dist. (2766 4269) 宝安区22区公园路深圳22艺术区一号楼3楼 T+1 Contemporary Art Space 1/F, Building 5, Rong Cun Industrial Zone, Gong Yuan Nan Lu, Shekou, Nanshan Distirct (139 2372 0916) T+1当代艺术空间 南山区 蛇口公园南路荣村工业区5栋一楼(南山电子 商务创新服务基地一期) Zai Gallery G/F,101-109,Penisula Phase 1, Shekou, Nanshan District (2680 9507) 自在空间 南山区蛇口半 岛城邦一期商业一层101-109 MUSEUMS Museum of Ancient Dapeng City Pengcheng Community, Dapeng Town, Longgang District (8431 9269). RMB20, daily 9am-5:30pm. 龙岗区大鹏镇鹏城社区 Gallery of Shenzhen Fine Art Institute Intersection of Yinhu Lu and Jinhu Lu, Luohu District (8241 4497). Free admission. Daily 9am-5pm. www.inkpainting. org 罗湖区银湖路与金湖路口交界 Guan Shanyue Art Museum 6026 Hongli Lu, Futian District (8306 3156). Closed on Mondays. Free admission. www.gsyart. com 福田区红荔路6026号 Hakka Culture Museum 1 Luoruihe Bei Jie, Longgang Town, Longgang District (8429 7960). 龙岗区龙岗镇罗瑞合北街一号 He Xiangning Art Museum 9013 Shennan Da Dao, Shenzhen (2660 4540). Daily 10am-5.30pm, Closed on Mondays. 福田深南大道9013号 The OCT Art & Design Gallery 9009 Shennan Da Dao, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District (3399 3222) 南山区华侨 城深南大道9009号 OCT Contemporary Art Terminal Enping Lu, Overseas Chinese Town, Shennan Da Dao, Nanshan District (2691 5100). 10am-5.30pm. Closed on Mondays. www. 南山区深南大道华侨城恩平路 Shenzhen Art Museum Inside Donghu Park, 32 Donghu Yi Jie, Aiguo Lu, Luohu District (2542 6069). Tue-Sun 9am-5pm, Monday closed. Free admission.罗湖区爱国路东湖一街32号东 湖公园内 Shenzhen Museum Section A, Shenzhen Citizen Center, 3 Fuzhong San Lu, Futian District (8201 3036) Tue-Mon 9am-5pm, Monday Closed. Free admission. 深圳博物馆, 福田区福中3路深圳市民中心A区 Shenzhen Paleontology Museum Inside Xianhu Botanical Garden, Luohu District (2570 2716). RMB20, Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm, Sat-Sun9am-6pm.罗湖区仙湖 植物园内 9am-9pm. 福田区福中 一路2001号 Space E6 2/F, E6 Building, OCT LOFT, Enping Lu, Overseas Chinese Town, Shennan Da Dao, Nanshan District (8623 2952). Free admission. cn 南山区深南大道华侨城恩平路创意文化 园E6大楼2层 STAGE Auditorium of Shenzhen Citizen Center 3 Fuzhong San Lu, Futian District (8210 7992). 福田区福中三路3号 Futian Cultural Center 2 Dongyi Jie, Futian District (2531 8321). 福田区景田 东一街2号 Huaxia Arts Center 1 Guangqiao Jie, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District (2692 8991). 南山区 华侨城光侨街1号 Idutang Building F3, OCT Loft, Engping Lu, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District (8609 5352). 一渡堂,南山区华侨 城恩平路文化创意园F3栋 Liangcha Shop Block F3 (opposites LSD restaurant), OCT Loft, Enping Lu, Oversea Chinese Town, Nanshan District (8609 5352). 凉茶铺,南 山区华侨城恩平路创意文化园F3栋(LSD对面) Longgang Cultural Center East end of Longcheng Square, Longgang District (8955 8996). 龙岗区龙 城广场东侧 Modern Performance Center Lianhua San Cun, Hongli Xi Lu (opposite to Lotus Bldg), Futian District (8332 4826/83324966). 福田区红荔西路莲花三 村(莲花二村莲花大厦对面) OTHERS Da Wang Culture Highland Xintianzai Station, Wangtong Lu, Luohu District. ( 2235 1680) 大望艺 术高地,罗湖区望桐路新田仔工作口内1000米 Old Heaven Books Shop 120, Building A5, OCT Loft Phase II, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District.(8614 8090).旧 天堂书店 南山区华侨城侨城创意文化园北区 A5栋120铺 Dafen Oil Painting Village Dafen Village, Buji Town, Longgang District (8473 2633). 龙岗区布吉镇 大芬村 Shenzhen Auditorium 5 Shangbu Zhong Lu, Futian District (8210 3619).福田区上 步中路5号 Nanhai E-Cool 6 Xinghua Lu (next to Sea World), Shekou, Nanshan District (2689 9999) 南海意库,南山区蛇口兴华路6号( 海上世界旁) OCT LOFT Enpingn Lu, Overseas Chinese Town,Shennan Da Dao,Nanshan District. 南山区深南大道 华侨城恩平路 Shenzhen 22 Art District Gongyuan Lu, District No.22, Bao’an District (2766 4239). 宝安区22区公园路 Shenzhen Academy of Sculpture 8 Zhongkang Lu, Shang Mei Lin, Futian District (8395 3116). 福田区上梅林中康 路8号 Shenzhen Art Institute of Calligraphy and Painting 38 Hongwei Lu, Caitian Village, Futian District (8315 5182). www. 福田区彩田村宏威路38号 Shenzhen Arts School 16 Baihua Lu, Bai Sha Ling, Futian District (8326 5405). 福田区白沙岭白花路16号 Shenzhen Children’s Palace Fuzhong Yi Lu, Futian District (8351 3099). www. 福田区福中一路市少年宫 Shenzhen Citizen’s Art Gallery 95 Yannan Lu, Futian District (8335 1377). 福田 区燕南路95号 Shenzhen Citizen Center 3 Fuzhong San Lu, Futian District (8210 7992). 福田区 福中三路3号 Shenzhen Curio World Xinxiu Lu, Luohu District (2566 8882). 罗湖区新秀路 Shenzhen Fine Art Institute The intersection of Jinhu Lu and Yinhu Lu, Luohu District (8243 8390). www.inkpainting. org 罗湖区金湖路银湖路口交界 Shenzhen Library Fuzhong Yi Lu, Futian District (8284 1211). Tue-Sun, daily cinema Bona Cineplex 9/F, Moi Department Store, No.2009, Huaqiang Bei Lu, Futian District (8301 9333) 福田区华强北路2009 号茂业百货九楼 Broadway Circuit 2/F, Coco Park, Fuhua San Lu, Futian District (8881 1222). 百老汇,福田区福华三 路购物公园二楼 PERFORMANCE VENUES Nanshan Cultural Center Intersection of Guimiao Lu and Yueliang Wan Dadao (2666 5145). Daily 9:30am-5pm. 南山区 文化馆,桂庙路与月亮湾大道交汇处 Guanlan Original Printmaking Base Shenzhen 22 Art Zone Gongyuan Lu, No.22, Bao’an Distrit. (2766 4239) 宝安 区22区公园路 (188 2378 4809). 小津概念书房,福田区景 田北路天健时尚新天地一楼商铺B10 China Film South Movie City 1)1093 Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian District (2594 4588) 2) 3/F Kingglory Plaza, intersection of Renmin Nan Lu and Jiabin Lu, Luohu District (8261 1138) 3) 4/F, Gang Long Cheng Shopping Center, Baomin Er Lu, Zone No.80, Bao’an District (2965 9918) 1) 福田区 深南中路1093号中信城市广场C区3楼 2) 罗 湖区人民南路和嘉宾路交汇处金光华广场3楼 3)宝安80区宝民二路港隆城购物中心4楼 Costal City Cinema 3/F, Costal City Shopping Center, 33 Wenxin Wu Lu, Nanshan District (8612 9988). 海岸影城,南山区文心五 路33号海岸城购物中心3楼 Donghai Pacific Cineplex 4/F, Donghai Shopping Plaza, 8099 Hongli Xi Lu, Xiang Mi Hu, Futian District (8837 1187) 福田区香蜜湖红荔西路 8099 号东海购物广场四楼 Golden Harvest Movie City 1)3/F, the Mixc, 1881 Bao’an Nan Lu, Luohu District (8266 8182) 2) 3/F, Costal City, 33 Wenxin Wu Lu, Nanshan District (8635 9528). 1)嘉禾影城,罗 湖区宝安南路1881号华润中心万象城三楼 2) 南山区海文心五路33号海岸城三楼 Golden Shield Cinema 1018 Shennan Da Dao, Futian District (8223 7766). 福田区 深南大道1018号 Huaxia Arts Center Digital Cinema 1 Guangqiao Jie (Huaqiaocheng metro station), Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District (2692 8991). 华夏艺术中心数码影院,南山区 华侨城光侨街1号(华侨城地铁站) Longgang Movie City 1/F, Section A, Longgang Cultural Center, East end of Longcheng Square, Longgang District (8955 8888) 龙岗影城,龙岗区龙城广场东 侧龙岗文化中心A区 Shenzhen Citizen’s Art Gallery 95 Yannan Lu, Futian District (8335 1377). 福田 区燕南路95号 MCL Cinema City 5/F, Garden City Center, Nanhai Da Dao, Nanshan District (2685 8870) 南山区南海大道花园城中心 五楼 Shenzhen Concert Hall 2016 Fuzhong Yi Lu (Shao Nian Gong metro station), Futian District (8284 1888) 福田区福中一路2016 号(地铁少年宫站) Nanyou Theater Nanyou Cultural Plaza, Dongbin Lu, Nanshan District (2664 5846)南山区东滨路南油文化广场 Shenzhen Grand Theater 5018 Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District (2590 6000). 罗 湖区深南东路5018号 Poly International Cinema 3/F, Section B, Poly Culture Center, Houhaibin Lu, Nanshan District (8628 7088). 南山区文 心五路保利文化广场B区3楼 Shenzhen Gymnasium Sungang Lu, Futian District (8324 9715). www.szgym. com 福田区笋岗西路 Shenzhen Auditorium 5 Shangbu Zhong Lu, Futian District (8210 3619, 8210 1673). 福田区上步中路5号 Shenzhen Poly Theater Intersection of Houhaibin Lu and Wenxin Wu Lu, Nanshan District (8637 1698, 8637 1699). 南山区后海滨路与文心五路交界处 Shenzhen Cinema 1 Xinyuan Lu, Luohu District (8217 5808, 1682 0011). 罗湖 区新园路1号 Splendid China Folk Culture Village Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District (2660 0626). 9am-9pm, RMB 120. www. 南山区华侨城 Shenzhen Theater 1 Xinyuan Lu, Luohu District (8217 5808, 8229 0807). 罗湖 区新园路1号 Theater of Shenzhen Children’s Palace Fuzhong Yi Lu, Futian District (8351 3099). 福田区福中一路,深圳市少年宫内 Window of the World Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District (2660 8000). 9am-10.30pm, RMB120. www.szwwco. com 南山区华侨城 OTHERS Xiaoxiong Japan Used Piano Warehouse 6/F, 8 Taoyuan Lu, Luohu District (8226 8078) 罗湖区桃 园路8号6楼 Art de Vivre Shenzhen Sculpture Academy, 8 Zhongkang Lu, Shangmeilin, Futian District (8251 0369) 福田区上梅林中康路 8号雕塑家园 Ozu Book B10, 1/F, Tianjian Xin Tian Di Plaza, Jingtian Bei Lu, Futian District Sun Plaza Digital Cinema 6/F Sun Plaza & Department Store, Dongmen Walking Street, Luohu District (8239 3788, 8239 3804).罗湖区东门步行街太阳百货六楼 The Cinema of Shenzhen Citizen’s Art Gallery 95 Yannan Lu, Futian District (8335 1043). 福田区燕南路95号 Warner Jinyi International Cinemas Central Walk (Exit B at Metro Hui Zhan Zhong Xin station), Fuhua Yi Lu, Futian District (8280 1168). 福田区福华 一路怡景中心城(地铁会展中心站B出口) Zhongying Jindian International Cinema 3/F, Jiaxinmao Shoping Center, intersection of Nonglin Lu and Qiaoxiang Lu, Futian District. (8253 1188) 中影今典国际 影城, 福田区农林路与侨香路交界嘉信茂 life & style beauty BEAUTY CARE Angel Life Shop 209A-B, 2/F, the shopping mall of Di Wang Commercial Center, 5002 Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District. (8207 2005) 罗湖 January 2013 // SZ // 改版 2013 1 SZ OK(12.12).indd 69 69 12-12-23 下午6:19 LISTINGS 区深南东路5002号地王商业中心商场209A-B铺 Bronze's Tanning is the first tanning studio to open in Shenzhen after branches were launched in Shanghai and Beijing. Address:Room 309, 3/F, CoCo Park, Fuhua Yi Lu, Futian Disctict, Shenzhen. (0755 26688465; 13924633425) 深圳市福田区福 华一路购物公园三楼309商铺 (马哥孛罗好日 子酒店对面,法拉利汽车专营店楼上) Beauty Farm 1) 3-001, 3/F, Coco Park, Fuhua San Lu (Gou Wu Gong Yuan metro station), Futian District. (8290 3179). 2) 4/F, Costal City, No. 33, Wenxin Wu Lu, Nanshan District(8635 9586) 3 )Room 311-314, Diwang Shopping Center, Citic Plaza, 5002 Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District (2583 3058) www.beautyfarm. 美丽田园, 1) 福田区福华三路星河购 物公园(地铁购物公园站)3楼001 2) 文心五路海 岸城购物中心四楼 3) 深南东路5002号信兴广 场地王购物中心311-314室 Cleopatra Salon & Spa Shop L5-063, Kingglory Plaza, 2028 Renmin Nan Lu, Luohu District (facial: 8261 1005; hair: 8261 1006). 罗湖区人民南路2028号金光华 广场L5-063铺 Forlady Shop No. 55, UG/F, Central Walk, Fuhua San Lu, Futian District (8280 1018). 福田区福华三路怡景中心城UG层 055号 L’Skin Beauty Care Center B1/F, Coco Park, Fuhua San Lu, Futian District (8831 2737). 福田区福华三路星河购物公 园B1层 Marie France Bodyline 1) Shop328, 3/F, The Mixc, 1881 Bao’an Nan Lu, Luohu District (3338 6198) 2) Shop407D, 4/F, CITIC City Plaza, 1093 Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian District (3338 9090) 3) Shop403, 4/F, Costal City, 33 Wenxin Wu Lu, Nanshan District (8635 9892). 5) L21-22, 9028 Shennan Lu, Holiday Plaza, Nanshan District (8629 8313) 1) 罗湖区 宝安南路1881号华润中心万象城3层328号商 铺 2) 福田区深南中路1093号中信城市广场4 层407D号商铺 3)南山区文心五路33号海岸城 购物中心4层403号商铺 5) 南山区深南大道 9028-2号益田假日广场二楼 Physical Club 1)B1/F, Citic Plaza, 1095, Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian District (2598 8861) 2)B1/F, Shun Hing Square, Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District (8246 0962) 3) An Bai Li Jing Garden, 6012 Shennan Da Dao (8297 3302). www.physicalclub. com 1) 福田区深南中路1095号中信城市广场 负一层 2) 罗湖区深南东路信兴广场负一层 3) 福田区深南大道6012号安柏丽晶花园内 HAIRDRESSERS Elizalee Hair Salon Rm 303, 3/F, west part of the Coastal City, Wenxin Wu Lu, Nanshan District (8837 1961). 南山区文 心五路海岸城购物广场西座三楼303 Flair Salon Shop 422, The Mixc, 1881 Bao’an Nan Lu, Luohu District (8266 8181)罗湖区宝安南路1881号华润中心万象 城422铺 M 18 Italy hair Spa Salon Bldg R/09, Portofino The Riviera 4, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District. (8608 0058) 南 山区华侨城波托菲诺纯水岸4期R栋09号 (波 托菲诺幼儿园对面路口进) MOMO Salon 5/F, The Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen, 116 Fuhua San Lu Futian District. (2222 2222 ext.8648)福田区福华三路116 号深圳星河丽思卡尔顿酒店5楼 (spareservation@森之泉水疗休闲会所 南山区 蛇口南海大道1019号南山医疗器械产业园A 栋一楼 Avana Spa G/F, Maillen Club, 1Yanshan Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District. (2681 9040) 南山区蛇口沿山路1号美伦会所首层 Casson City 38 Futian Nan Lu, Futian District (8395 2999) 嘉洋城国际俱乐部, 福田区福田南路38号 70 CHINESE MEDICINE Iridium Spa 75/F, St. Regis Shenzhen, No. 5016, Shennan Lu Dong, Luohu District (8308 8888). 罗湖区深南东路5016号 瑞吉酒店75楼 Shenzhen Zheng Wenyou Traditional Chinese Medical Hospital for Tumor Disease 4/F Jianda Building, Technology Zone, Nanshan District (2663 2761 2663 2762) 南山区科技园坚达大厦四楼 Oriental Ginza Club 5/F,Grand Mercure Oriental Ginza Hotel, Zhuzilin, Shennan Dadao, Futian District. (8350 0888 ext.88208) 福田区深南大道竹子林东方银座 美爵酒店5楼东方银座会所内 Gold Coast Club Inside Shenzhen Kaili Hotel, 2027 Jianbin Dong Lu, Luohu District. 罗湖区嘉宾东路2027号深圳凯利宾馆内 Spa Moment 1) 3/F, Man Ha Shopping Mall, Huaqiang Bei Lu, Futian District (8335 6066) 2) 3/F, Block B, Central Hall, United Plaza, 5022, Binhe Da Dao, Futian District (8295 1129) 3) shop G301, Di Wang Commercial Center, 5002 Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District (2583 9777). 1) 福田区华 强北路曼哈商城3楼 2) 福田区滨河大道5022号 联合广场B座中心大堂3楼 3)罗湖区深南东路 5002号地王大厦G301铺 Mandara Spa 4/F, Marco Polo Shenzhen, Fuhua Yi Lu, Futian CBD (8298 9888). Opening time: spa: 12am to 12pm/ salon: 12am to 8pm (closed on Mondays). 福田商圈福华一路 深圳马哥孛罗酒店4楼 Queen Spa & Dining B1-4/F,Golden Metropolis Bldg, Chunfeng Lu, Luohu District (8215 8822) 罗湖区春风路金色都 汇负1楼-4楼 Thaya Oriental 1/F, Haitao Hotel, 8 Gongye Yi Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (2683 3173). 南山区蛇口工 业一路8号海涛酒店一楼 The Ritz-Carlton Spa 5/F, The Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen, 116 Fuhua San Lu, Futian District (2222 2222 ext.8468) 福田区福华 三路116号深圳丽思卡尔顿酒店5楼 Waterfall Spa & Wellness InterContinental Shenzhen, 9009 Shennan Da Dao, Oversea Chinese Town, Nanshan District (2690 6888). 南山深南大道9009号华侨城 洲际酒店 Zense Spa 2 Wenjin Zhong Lu, Luohu District (8239 9999). 罗湖区文锦中路2号 NAILCARE Angel’s Touch Shop03, Building S, Phrase 4, Pure Waterfront Villas, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District (2600 3508) 南 山去华侨城纯水岸四期S 栋商住楼03号 Lovely Nails Shop 96, LG/F, CITIC City Plaza, Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian District (2598 9925) 福田区深南中路中信城市广 场LG层96铺 DENTAL Viva Dental 1) Room 1118, Block A, International Chamber of Commerce Building, Fuhua Yi Lu, Futian District. (8205 6515, Fax: 8205 6516) 2) L2/F, Galaxy Center Shopping Mall, No.5, Zhongxin Lu, Futian District (2361 8563; 2361 8565) 1)福田区福华一路深圳国际商会大厦 A座1118室 2) 福田区中心五路星河发展中心 购物广场L2层 Meng En Dental R1809,F18,Golden Central Tower, Jintian Lu, Futian District. (3322 8038/3322 8278) www.mengendental.com福田区金田路金中环商务大厦 1809 室 Arrail Dental Unit 2, G3&G4/ F, Di Wang Commercial Center, Shun Hing Square, 5002 Shennan, Dong Lu, Luohu District (2583 5608). 罗 湖区深南东路5002号信兴广场地王商业中心 G3&G4层2单元 A-Top Dental 1) 2/F Guihua Building, 46 Guiyuan Lu, Luohu District. (8213 1198) 2) Shopping arcade (opposites the west gate of Shenzhen University), Hui Fang Yuan Garden, Nanhai Dadao, Nanshan District. (8213 1198) 3) 2/F Honglong Building, Nanhai Dadao, Nanshan District. (8213 1198) 4) 2/F Bitao Yuan (opposites Bitao Football Field), Taizi Lu, Nanshan District. (8213 1198) www. 1) 罗湖区桂园路46号桂花大厦2楼 (原桂园派出所对面) 2) 南山区南海大道荟 芳园商业区(深圳大学西门对面) 3) 南山区 南海大道鸿隆大厦2楼 4) 南山区太子路碧涛苑 2楼(碧涛球场对面) Dental Bauhinia 9/F,Block B,Shenzhen International Chamber of Commerce Tower,138 Fuhua Yi Lu,Futian District,(8371 1696, 8371 2696) http:// 紫荆齿科 福田区 福华一路138号国际商会大厦B座9层 H&J Dental Clinic Room 1105-1106, Block B, Pavilion Hotel, Huaqiang Bei Lu, Futian District (8207 5220). www. 福田区华强北路圣廷苑酒店B座 1105-1106室 Hua Mei Dental 6/F,Baoli Building, Intersection of Nanhai Dadao and Chuangye Lu, Nanshan District. (2642 9141, 2642 9142) 南山区南海大道与创业路交汇处保利 大厦6楼606室 Ming Lun Clinic 1/F Dong Jia Bldg (adjoins Panglin Hotel), Jiabin Lu, Luohu District (2518 5502) 罗湖区嘉宾路东佳大 厦1楼(彭年酒店附楼) Reborn Dental Implant Center Rm 801, New World Center, No. 6009, Yitian Road, Futian District. (2398 2858) ; 瑞邦植牙专科 福田区益田 路6009号新世界中心大厦801室 Shenzhen Shiromoto Dental Clinic 2/F, Peng Ai Hospital, 1122 Nanshan Dadao, Nanshan District. (8622 4459, Japanese hotline: 13662206000). Daily 8.30am10pm. 南山区南 山大道1122号鹏爱医疗美容医院2楼 Salon Esprit 1) 3/F, The MIXc, 1881 Bao’an Nan Lu, Luohu District, Shenzhen (8266 8158). 2) L1-49, 9028-2 Shennan Lu, Holiday Plaza, Nanshan District (8629 8290) Opening time: 10am-10pm. 1) 罗湖区宝安南路1881华润万象城百货3层 2) 南山区深南大道9028-2号益田假日广场一楼 MASSAGE + SPAS health Shenzhen Traditional Chinese Medical Hospital 1 Fuhua Lu, Futian District (8835 9666) 福田区福华路1号 I Salon Shop 209C, 2/F, the shopping mall of Di Wang Commercial Center, Luohu District (8246 3690) 罗湖深南东路 5002号地王商业中心商场2楼209C铺 OR Sense Spa G/F, Mega-Plus Space, No.1019 Nan Hai Dadao. Shekou, Nanshan District. (2683 8226, 2683 8336). Zhi Dian Art Nail Salon ShopS176, 1/F, South Section, Book Center(Zhong Xin Shu Cheng), Hongli Lu, Futian District (2399 1398) 福田区红荔路中心书城南区 1楼S176号 Heavenly Spa 4/F, The Westin Shenzhen Nanshan, No. 9028-2, Shennan Dadao, Nanshan District (8634 8860) 威斯汀天梦 水疗,南山区深南大道9028号-2深圳益田威 斯汀酒店4层 Shang Hair B1/F, Coco Park, Fuhua San Lu, Futian District (2531 3978) 福田区福 华三路星河购物公园B1层 Touch Spring Shop 056, UG/F, Central Walk, Fuhua San Lu, Futian District (8280 1584). 福田福华三路怡景中心城UG 层056铺 丽思卡尔顿酒店内 U-Dental Clinic Unit F, 24/F, Jin Run Mansion, 6019 Shennan Da Dao, Chegongmiao, Futian District (8280 0366, 8280 0399) 福田区车公庙深南路 6019号金润大厦24层F单位 OR Nail Salon Shop B1S-039, B1/F, Coco Park, Fuhua San Lu, Futian District (8290 3011). 福田区福华三路星河购物公园 B1层B1S-039商铺 Nail Culture Ritz-Carlton Shenzhen, 116 Fuhua San Lu, Futian District (2222 2222-8468) 福田区福华三路116号深圳星河 U-Family Dental No.109 Shopping Street, Xihai Mingzhu Garden, Taoyuan Lu, Nanshan District (8625 0573) www. 南山区桃园路1号西海明珠 花园地面商业109号 INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL Chiho Medical Centre Unit 203, Block B, International Chamber of Commerce Building, Fu Hua Yi Lu, Futian District. (8830 1498; 8830 1468; 8830 1499); www. 福田区福华一路国 际商会大厦B座203单元 CanAm International Medical Center Shenzhen E0119, Fraser Place, 1033 Nanhai Dadao, Shekou, Nanshan District. (2688 7106) 南山区蛇口南海大道1033号泰 格国际公寓E0119 Distinct Clinic 1)Shenzhen Exhibition Center Clinic, Room 0219, International Chamber of Commerce Building, Fuhua San Lu, Futian District (8347 9801). 2) Coastal City Pediatric Clinic, Room 1012, Coastal City West Buiding, Haide San Lu, Nanshan District (2167 7955). 3) Wanxia Clinic, No. 76-77, Huangtinggangwan, Zhong Xin Lu, Nanshan District (8347 9801). 卓正诊所 1 )福田区福华三路168号国际商会中心裙楼 0219单元 2)南山区海德三道海岸城西座写字 楼1012室 3)南山区中心路皇庭港湾76-77号 Dayabindu International Counseling & Psychology Services A1311, 13/F, Golden Central Tower, Fuhua Lu, Futian District (8280 2248). Individual & marriage counseling, psychotherapy, and trainings in English, Spanish & Putonghua(with interpreter). 福田区 福华路金中环国际商务大厦13楼A1311 Home Women& the Children’s hospital 12018 Shennan Dadao, Nanshan District. (3391 9122) 南山区深南大道12018号 Shenzhen Renji International Clinic 3rd Floor, No.6 Tianxia Tongjian Building, Nanxin Lu, Nanshan District (2607 9966, 2649 3191) 仁济诊所 南山区南新路 田厦统建楼6栋3楼 Shenzhen Puji Clinic 1-4/F, Phase 2, Huibin Plaza, Dongbin Lu, Nanshan District. (2649 1709, 2649 1333, 8603 9111). 南山区东滨路汇滨广场 二期裙楼1-4层 Shenzhen Wu Zhou International Clinic 3/F Block B, Wu Zhou Chinese And Western Union Medical Hospital (7 Kehua Lu), Keyuan Bei Lu, Science And Technology Park, Nanshan District (135 5479 2040) 南 山科技园科园北路深圳五洲中西医结合医 院(科华路7号)B座3F LOCAL MEDICAL SERVICES Shenzhen Bo’ai Hospital 2056 Hongling Zhong Lu, Luohu District (2589 0396). 罗湖区红岭中路2056号 Shenzhen Affiliated Hospital to Beijing University 1120 Lianhua Lu, Futian District (8392 3333) 福田区莲花路1120号 Shenzhen Friendship Hospital Intersection of Bagua San Lu Dong and Hongling Bei Lu, Futian District (8243 3698). 福田区八卦三路东与红岭北路交界处 Shenzhen Pengcheng Hospital Changhong Da Sha, 3013 Sungang Donggang Lu, Luohu District (8211 2525).罗湖区笋 岗东路3013号长虹大厦 Shenzhen Sun Hospital 1048 Bao’an Nan Lu, Luohu District (2556 3998). 罗湖 区宝安南路1048号 sports Dance Mernisa Belly Dance Club Room101, Dongfeng Automobile Area, Yannan Lu, Futian District (8321 0815). 福田区燕南路8号东风汽 车大院101 Salsa Shenzhen The premier salsa club in Shenzhen. Find out more at www. Yinia Belly Dance Training Center Room6C Haiying Building, Exit A of Gangsha metro station, Futian District (8287 0819). 福田区 岗厦地铁站A出口海鹰大厦6C室 Fitness Fitness Center 6/F, The Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen, 116 Fuhua San Lu, Futian District (2222 2222) 福田区福华三路116号 深圳丽思卡尔顿酒店6楼 Oriental Ginza Club 5/F,Grand Mercure Oriental Ginza Hotel, Zhuzilin, Shennan Boulevard, Futian District (83500888 ext.88208)福田区深南大道竹子林东方银座 美爵酒店5楼东方银座会所内 Total Fitness 6/F Kingglory Plaza, Renmin Nan Lu, Luohu District (8261 1313). January 2013 // SZ // 改版 2013 1 SZ OK(12.12).indd 70 12-12-23 下午6:19 Opening time: 10am-10pm. 罗湖区人民南路金光华广场6楼 Football Gaelic Football Gaelic Football welcomes both male and female members whoever enjoys the traditional Irish sport. www. 深圳爱尔兰足球俱乐部 Inter Shenzhen Football The first expat football team in Shenzhen. Find out more at Golf 心五路33号海岸城广场4楼 4750). 南山区文心二路116号美墅蓝山家园 World Ice Arena 4/F, The MIXc, 1881 Bao’an Nan Lu, Luohu District (8266 8171)罗湖区宝安南路1881号万象城4层 Buena Vista Concordia International School (BCIS) GuangShen Highway, BaoAn exit, XiCheng, Bao’an Disctrict.;; (2823 8166). 曦城协同国际学校,宝安区广深高速 公路宝安出口 Swimming Maya Water Park Happy Valley, Shennan Da Dao, OCT, Nanshan District (2694 9168) 南山华侨城深南大道欢乐谷 Diving Pool at Shenzhen Stadium Sungang Xi Lu, Futian District (8379 2519) 福田区笋岗西路 Century Seaview Golf Club Yang Chou Bay, Nan’ao County (8440 0888). www. 龙岗区南澳镇洋 畴湾 Oriental Ginza Club 5/F,Grand Mercure Oriental Ginza Hotel, Zhuzilin, Shennan Boulevard, Futian District (83500888 ext.88208)福田区深南大道竹子林东方银座 美爵酒店5楼东方银座会所内 Mission Hills Golf Club-China No.1 Mission Hills Da Dao, Bao’an District.(2802 0888)观澜湖高尔夫球会 宝安区观澜湖高尔 夫大道1号 Swimming pool at Futian Sports Center Intersection of Huafa Nan Lu and Nanyuan Lu, Futian District (8293 8220) 福田区 华发南路和南园路口 Sand River Golf Club 1 Baishi Lu, Nanshan District (2690 0111). 南山区白石路1号 Shenzhen Firestone Public Golf Club Guangming Town, Bao’an District (2788 8999) 宝安区光明镇 Shenzhen Golf Club Opposites Xiang Mi Lake Resorts, Shennan Da Dao, Futian District (8330 8888) 福田区深南大道香蜜 湖度假村对面 Shenzhen Jiulong Hills Golf Club Jiulong Hills Green Base, Fumin Village, Guanlan Town, Bao’an District (2798 6222) 宝安区观澜镇富福民九龙山绿色基地 Shenzhen Noble Merchant Golf Club Shahe Dong Lu, Nanshan Dist (2690 9999)南山区沙河东路 Shenzhen OCT Yunhai Valley Golf Club San Zhou Tian, Yantian District (2888 1111) 盐田区三洲田 Shenzhen Tycoon Golf Club Jiu Wei Village, Xixiang County, Bao’an District (2748 3999) 宝安区西乡镇九围村 Xili Golf and Country Club Tang Lang Village, Xili Town, Nanshan District (2655 2888). 南山区西丽镇塘 朗村 Martial Arts Fusion Martial Arts Club 2A002, Building A, Fisherman’s Wharf, Dongjiaotou, Shekou,Nanshan District (2667 6775) 南山区蛇口东角头渔港码头海吉星大楼A栋 2A002 Kun Long Martial Arts Training Club 2/F, 444 Longping Dong Lu, Longgang Jie, Longgang District. (8884 5050) www. 龙岗区龙岗街道龙平东路444号 二楼 Shenzhen Kendo Club Stadium of Guiyuan Middle School, Songyuan Lu, Luohu District (135 1023 5420, Zeonkei Chan) 罗湖区松园路桂园中学体育馆内 Shenzhen Dexiu Martial Arts Training Club 2/F, Bldg 536, Ba Gua Er Lu, Futian District. (8226 7888 / 8226 4135 / 2612 7555) 福田区八卦二路 536幢东座2楼 Wanji Taekwondo Club Gymnasium of Workers’ Cultural Palace, 5 Xinyuan Lu, Luohu District (8220 0696) 罗湖区新园路5号工人文化宫体育馆 WSC Mixed Martial Arts Club, 2/F, He Zheng Jin Hu Yi Yuan, Hong Hu Yi Jie, Luohu District (13425156556; 8601 9688). 萬勝搏击俱乐部,罗湖区洪湖一街合 正锦湖逸园二楼 running Shekou Hash House Harries A mixed, family-friendly Hash of locals and foreigners, runners and walkers, that meets every Saturday. skiing The Ice and Snow World Inside Window of the World, OCT,Nanshan District 南山区 华侨城世界之窗阿尔卑斯滑雪场 Skating Coastal Ice Rink 4/F, Coastal City, 33 Wenxin Wu Lu, Nanshan District. 南山区文 WATER SPORT Aloha Beach Club Rent & Teach windsurfing, kitesurfing, kayak, SUP (stand-up Paddle Board) Jetski. Water front villa No.7, Pengcheng village, Dapeng Town, Longgang District, Shenzhen (8431 9734)龙岗区大鹏街道鹏城 较场三西八巷7号 GAIA Adventure (PADI Resort) Resort: Sunshine Resort, Xichong Beach, Nan’ao. Mailing address: Room1305, Bldg A, Jin Se Hai Qin Yuan, Dong Jia Tou, Houhai Da Dao, Shekou, Nanshan District (2121 1148, 2129 0101). 度 假村:南澳西冲阳光地带;邮寄地址:南山蛇口后 海大道东角头金色海琴苑A座1305室 Shen Divers Block K, 18/F, Seibu Building, 3002 Dongmen Nan Lu, Luohu District (8238 9912, 8238 9913). 罗湖区东门 南路西武大厦18楼K座 Yoga In Yoga 3/F, Building B, Wu Zhou Xing Yuan, Xinwen Lu, Futian District (3320 2391) 福田区新闻路五 洲星苑B栋3楼 Funful Shenzhen Bilingual School Inside Goldfield Seaview Garden, Xinzhou Nan Lu, Futian District (2381 0830). 福田区新洲南路金地 海景花园 Green Oasis School No 4030, Shennan Middle Road, Tianmian, Futian District. (8399 6712) www.greenoasis. 福田区田面村深南中路4030号 Hailida International Kindergarten Xinganghong Kindergarten, intersection of Tai’an Lu, Luohu District (2549 0253). 罗湖区太安路口新港 鸿幼儿园 Oxstand International School No.2040, Buxin Lu, Luohu District. (2581 3954/138 2355 1821/135 1006 5811) 深圳奥斯翰外语学校 罗湖区布心路2040号 Quality Schools International 2/F Bitao Center, 8 Taizi Lu, Shekou,Nanshan District (2667 6031). 南山区蛇口太子路8号碧 涛中心2楼 QSI International School of Shenzhen (Futian)8063 Hongli West Road, Futian District (behind the Shenzhen Celebrity Club) (8371 3122) 福田区香蜜湖红荔西 路8063号(名人俱乐部后门) Shang Shan Yoga Room 1221, D Building, Yuyuan Xin Garden, Longgang Zhongxin Cheng (2890 0766) 龙岗 中心城愉园新苑D栋1221室 Shenzhen Oriental English College Bao’an Education City, National Highway 107 (Bao’an Airport North) Bao’an District (2751 6669). 宝 安区107国道宝安教育城(宝安国际机场北) leisure SPORTS GROUPS UP We maximize infants & toddlers learning abilities. Rm 307 A/B/C, 3/F, East Pacific Square, Hongli Xi Lu, Futian District (8339 0166; 8339 0266) www. 福田区香蜜湖红荔西路东海 城市广场三楼307A/B/C LANGUAGE TRAINING International School of Nanshan Shenzhen A Canadian school accepting application for Pre-Grade 1 through Grade 12. 166 Nanguang Lu, Nanshan District (2666 1000, 2606 6968). admission@ 南山区南光路 166号 Shekou International School Jingshan Villas, Gongye Er Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (2669 3669). www.sis. 南山区蛇口工业二路鲸山别墅内 Hotz Yoga Room 202, Huacai New World, Haide Er Dao, Nanshan District (2121 2203) 南山区海德二道 华彩新天地202室 The Child-loving Pre-school (Shenzhen) Education Center 1)16 Jingtian Dong Lu, Xiangmi San Cun, Futian District (8391 0751, 8390 5242) 2) Jian Xin Yuan, Xin Xin Garden, Shixia Er Lu, Futian District (8345 1123, 8345 1146) 1) 福田区香蜜三村 景田东路16号 2)福田石夏二路新新家园建鑫苑 Mensa Kindergarten No.13, Xin Housha Lu, Yongkou Cun, Houjie Town, Dongguan.(Tel: 0769 8152 5999; 8290 1900; 8290 1919, Fax:0769 5152 5222) 菁华园幼儿园 东莞市厚街镇涌口村新 厚沙路13号 Jing Yuan Yoga Club 1) Rm1809, Block A, Shen Fang Building (Women’s World Fashion Plaza), Huaqiang Bei Lu, Futian District (8286 2888) 2)12/F, East Section, Hai’an Building, Haide San Dao, Nanshan District (8829 3888) www. 1) 福田区华强北路深纺大厦( 女人名店)A座1809; 2)南山区海德三道海岸 大厦东座12楼 Yogalife Yoga Center 2/F Hai Bin Commercial Center, Sea World, Shekou, Nanshan Dist (2689 0137). www.withinyoga. com 南山区蛇口海上世界海滨商业中心二层 4450) 2) Gemdale Haijing Garden, Xinzhou Nan Lu, Futian District (8330 3329). 1) 罗湖区莲塘沙东路桐景花园 2)福田区新洲南 路金地海景花园 Shenzhen (Nanshan) Concord College of Sino-Canada 166 Nan’guang Lu, Nanshan District (2656 8886).南 山区南光路166号 Shenzhen Soccer Schools Sports Training Services for Kids in Futian and Shekou with Qualified English Speaking Coaches. 602 Haibin Garden, Xinhua Lu, Shekou,Nanshan District. (26690765,13823112524) 南山区蛇口兴华路海滨 花园海虹阁602 St. Lorraine Chinese-English Kindergarten 1) Tongjing Garden, Shadong Lu, Liantang, Luohu District (2582 C Mandarin Rm 1516, Reith Center, Tower A Century Holiday Plaza, Shennan Dadao, Nanshan District. (8662 6522,8662 6533). 西曼德汉语 培训学校 南山区深南大道9030号瑞思中心世 纪假日广场A座1516室 Classic Mandarin 1) Room 11F Seaview Plaza, No.18 Taizi Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (2683 9152); 2) Rm 601, Unit 1, Building 4, Guanhaitai Garden, Wenxin Wu Lu, Nanshan District.(8605 2515) 1) 南山区蛇口太子路18号海景 广场11F室; 2) 南山区海岸城文心五路观海台花 园4栋1单元601室 ING English 1) 4/F Rm405, Jingtian Fu Er Building, Futian District (6139 3296) 2) 2/F Xiulin Xin Ju, 7 Meiyuan Lu, Nanshan Dist (2642 8428) 3) Rm 102, Block 52, Yuan Ling Garden, Yuan Ling Xi Lu, Futian District (2594 0606) 4) 2/F, Hongshuwai Club, Shahe Dong Lu, Nanshan District. (8626 8094) 1) 福田区景田妇 儿大厦4楼405室 2) 南山区梅园路7号秀林新居2 楼; 3) 福田区园岭西路园岭小区52栋102; 4)南山 区沙河东路中信红树湾社区南会所二楼 Hanbridge Mandarin 1) Room 103, Block D, Meijia Plaza, Qiaocheng Xi Jie, Nanshan District. 2) 16B, Seaview Plaza, Taizi Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (400 600 2202). 1) 南山区侨 城西街美加广场D栋103 室 2)南山区蛇口太子 路海景广场16B I Mandarin Chinese School 1) 1F, West Wing, Xincheng Building, 1027 Shennan Dadao, Futian District. (2598 7982) 2) Rm 8, 2/F,Youran Ju,Liuzhou Zhiye Center,Nanhai Dadao,Shekou,Nanshan District. (2682 8811) 3)Rm1706, Main building of Golden Central Tower, No.3037,Jintian Shenzhen Superren Ultimate Frisbee Shenzhen team. Join our club or team contact Jeff at or call 137 5110 0329. Shenzhen Wanderers Join the Shenzhen Wanderers for 5-a-side football practice every Monday in Nanshan, 8.30pm. -10.30pm. http://www.shenzhenstuff. com/group/shenzhenwanderers Shenzhen Celts Irish football for men and women of any level - make friends and get fit! Contact Coner at or call 139 2458 1413. education INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLS American International School, No.116, Wenxin Er Lu, Nanshan District ( 8619 January 2013 // SZ // 改版 2013 1 SZ OK(12.12).indd 71 71 12-12-23 下午6:19 LISTINGS Lu,Futian District.(15811815474) 爱玛德 1)福田区深南中路1027号新城大厦西座1F 2) 南山区蛇口南海大道和工业八路交汇处六洲 置业中心悠然居2楼 3)福田区金田路3037号金 中环商务大厦主楼1706 Rm 201, 2/F Overseas Chinese Scholars Venture Building, southern section of High-Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan District (Tel: 8635 0900; fax: 8635 0901).南 山高新科技园南区留学生创业大厦2楼201室 Huazhen Mandarin 1605B, Eastern Tower of Coastal City, No.33 Wenxin Wu, Nanshan District (8278 0705; 2167 4466).; 南山区文 心五路33号海岸城东座16楼05B European Union Chamber of Commerce Rm 308, 3/F Overseas Chinese Scholars Venture Building, southern section of High-Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan District (Tel: 8635 0920; fax: 8632 9785). 南山高新科技园南区留学生创业大厦3楼308室 HT Chinese School, 1) Rm 2302, Modern International Building, No. 3038 Jintian Lu, Futian District (136 3290 9630). 2) Rm 17C, Profusion Holiday E, Nan Guang Lu, Nanshan District (3663 0235) www. 1)福田区金田路3038号現代国際大 厦2302室 2)南山区南光路缤纷假日E栋17C室 French Chamber of Commerce in South China (CCIFC) Room 318, 3/F Chinese Overseas Scholars Venture Building,South section of Hi-tech Industry Park, Nanshan District (Tel: 8632 9602; fax: 8632 9736) www. ccifc.org南山区科技园南区留学生创业大厦 3楼318室 ING English 1) 2/F Honghao Garden, 2004 Xiangmei Bei Lu, Futain District. (8353 6200) 2) 2/F Xiulin Xin Ju, 7 Meiyuan Lu, Nanshan District. (2642 8428) 3) 2/F, Building No.8, Baishida Garden, Luohu District. (2561 3600) 4) 2/F, Hongshuwai Club, Shahe Dong Lu, Nanshan District. (8626 8094) 1) 福田区香梅北路2004号宏浩 花园2楼 2) 南山区梅园路7号秀林新居2楼; 3) 罗湖区白仕达8号楼2楼 4)南山区沙河东路中 信红树湾社区南会所二楼 La Seine French Training Center Room 1108-1112, Honggui Building, 2068 Honggui Lu, Luohu District (2586 5656). 罗湖区红桂路 2068号红桂大厦11楼1108-1112室 Linda Lee Interactive Chinese 12 Bihua Lu, Bitaoyuan Villa, Taizi Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (2686 2019). 南山区蛇口太子路碧 涛苑别墅碧桦路12号 Jiahua Language School Unit3106B The Modern International Fuhua road,Futian District (2396 0365 / 2396 0363) 福田 区福华路现代国际大厦31层3106B New Concept Mandarin 3/F, Bitao Center, 8 Taizi Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (2688 3577) 南山区蛇口太子路 八号碧涛中心三楼 Newcity Chinese School Room 4A, Building 6, Yang Ri Wan Pan, Coastal City, Nanshan District (15820427254). 南山区海岸城漾日湾畔 6栋4A New Oriental English Training 10 Kexing Lu, Science-based Industrial Zone, Nanshan District (8980 4966). 南山区科 技园科兴路10号 Prosen Mandarin Room 302, East Pacific Square, Hongli Lu, Futian District (400 0980 987) 福田区香蜜湖红荔路东海城市 广场302室 Qianmo Chinese 3/F, Hongfu Tower, Caifu Building, Caitian Lu, Futian District (8295 2151) 福田区彩田路彩福大厦鸿福 楼三楼 Sinomatin Immersion Chinese Suite 301, Block ‘A’ Haibin Huayuan (Seaview Garden), Seaworld, Shekou, Nanshan District 希诺麦田沉浸式汉语 深圳 市蛇口海上世界海滨花园A栋301室 Union Mandarin 2A Bibo Building, Haibin Garden, Xinghua Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District. (2688 4090) 南山区蛇口兴华路海 滨花园碧波阁2A business German Chamber of Commerce 217 Chinese Overseas Scholars Venture Building, Hi-Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan District. (8635 0487) www.china. 南山区高新科技园南区留学生创业 大厦217 IFE Business service Limited 15/F, Tower 2, Kerry Plaza, Zhongxin Si Lu, Futian District (3304 3438) 福田区中 心四路嘉里建设广场2座15楼 Israel’s Trade mission to China Shenzhen Liaison Office Rm 306,Overseas Chinese Scholars Venture Building, southern section of High-Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan District (Tel: 2671 2226; Fax: 2671 2223). 南山区高新科技园南区留学生创业大厦306室 New Zealand Trade & Enterprise Shenzhen office Room535, 5/F, Podium Building Cafu Square, 5 Guihua Lu, Futian Free Trade Zone (3391 1656) 福田保 税区桂花路5号加福广场裙楼535号 The American Chamber of Commerce in South China Rm 208, 2/F Overseas Chinese Scholars Venture Building, southern section of High-Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan District (Tel: 0755-2658 8342; fax: 0755-2658 8341). 南山区高新科技园南区留学 生创业大厦2楼208室 The British Chamber of Commerce, Shenzhen Sub-Chamber Rm 314, 3/F Overseas Chinese Scholars Venture Building, southern section of High-Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan District (Tel: 2658 8350). 深圳市南山区高新科技园南区 留学生创业大厦3楼314室 The Brussels Enterprise Agency Rm 222, 2/F Overseas Chinese Scholars Venture Building, southern section of High-Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan District (Tel: 8632 9700; fax: 8632 9705). 深圳市南山区高 新科技园南区留学生创业大厦2楼222室 Australian Trade Commission (Austrade) Shenzhen Rm21-C, Building of Shenzhen Development Bank, 5047 Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu DIstrict (Tel: 6130 3218; fax: 6130 7049) 罗湖区深南东 路5047号深圳发展银行大厦21楼C座 China-Italy Chamber of Commerce Rm220, 2/F, International Chamber Of Commerce, Fuhua San Lu, Futian District (Tel: 8632 9518; Fax: 8632 9528). www. 福田区福华三路国际商 会中心2楼 220室 Egypt-China Business Council (South China) 72 Yiwen (Eon) Books South section of Shenzhen Book Mall Central Walk branch, Fuzhong Yi Lu, Futian District (2399 2112). It specializes in imported foreign language books. 福田区福中一路中心书城南区 IMPORTED FOOD SHOPS Charlie’s Store USA & Co. 1) Shop 8, 1/F Bitao Center, Taizi Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (2667 2701) 2)Shop 030, UG/F, Central Walk, Fuhua Yi Lu, FUtian District (8280 1418). It features all kinds of imported food from the U.S. and Europe. 1)南山区蛇口太子路碧涛中心一楼8号 2)福田 区福华一路中心城广场UG层030号 Flaschengeist Shop A2-08, 2/F, Poly Cultural Center, Houhaibin Lu, Nanshan District. It features various liqueurs, sparkling wines, drinks, olive oils and vinegars imported from Australia. cn 南山后海滨路保利文化广场A区二楼 A2-08铺 The Butcher Shop & Fine Foods Shop 6, 1/F, Honlux Hotel, Sea World Plaza, Shekou, Nanshan District (2685 8295). Daily 10am-8pm. It offers a wide selection of imported food from chilled meat to fine cheese. 南山区蛇口海上世界 鸿隆公寓1楼6铺 Yichiban Food Shop 6, Banshan Ming Dian Fang, intersection of Gongye Er Lu and Yanshan Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (2667 6655). It specializes in imported Japanese food. 南山区蛇口工业二路与沿山路交汇处半山名 店坊6号 MARKETS & SPECIALTY STORES The Korea Chamber of C&I Shenzhen Rm 312, 3/F Overseas Chinese Scholars Venture Building, southern section of High-Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan District (Tel: 8635 0985; fax: 8635 0907). 深圳市南山区高新科技 园南区留学生创业大厦3楼312室 Allstar (spa products) Room8B, Nan Hai Ge, Huacai Garden, Nanhai Dadao, Shekou, Nanshan District (Tel: 2667 5937; fax: 2667 5937; email: ) www. 南山区蛇口南 海大道华彩花园南海阁8B室 SOCIAL ASSOCIATIONS Emoi Lifestyle 1/F, Building E-5, OCT Loft, Enping Lu, Nanshan District (3308 6688) www. 南山区华侨城创意文化园E-5 栋1楼 Shekou Women’s International Club A social club opens to membership for all expatriate ladies living in Shekou and surrounding areas. Shenzhen Asian Culture Society A non-profit networking organization in Shenzhen (134 2372 0417, Mary Ann MacCartney). OTHERS BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS Atlantic Canada Business Network Rm 205, 2/F Overseas Chinese Scholars Venture Building, southern section of High-Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan District, Shenzhen (Tel: 2658 8371; fax: 2658 8372). 南 山高新科技园南区留学生创业大厦2楼205室 branch, Fuzhong Yi Lu (Shao Nian Gong station of metro Line 4), Futian District (8289 3888) 2) Luohu branch, 1-4/F Jinshan Building, 5033 Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District (8207 3031) 3) Nanshan branch, the intersection of Nanhai Dao Dao and Haide Er Dao (next to Haiya Department Store), Nanshan District (8612 2001) 4)Yantian branch, 1/F Yantian Culture Center, Shayan Lu, Yantian Disrict (2522 7061) 5) Bao’an branch, 272 Jian’an Yi Lu, Section No. 10, Bao’an District (2778 2400) 6) Huaqiang branch, 3/F Wanshang Electric Appliance City, 3018 Huaqiang Bei Lu, Futian District (8376 5480). 1) 中心城,福田区福中一路(地铁四号线少 年宫站) 2)罗湖城,罗湖区深南东路5033号 金山大厦1-4楼 3) 南山城,南山区南海大 道与海德二道交界处(海雅百货旁) 4) 盐田 店,盐田区沙盐路盐田文化中心一楼 5) 宝安 城,宝安区十区建安一路272号 6)华强店,福 田区华强北路3018号万商电器城三楼 Chartis Insurance Company China Limited Shenzhen Branch 11/F, Diwang Commercial Center, 5002 Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District (Tel: 3685 6162; fax: 3685 6150) 罗湖区深南 东路5002号地王商业中心11楼 shopping BOOKSTORES Xin Guancha Cangjin Magazine Shop Exit A, Shi Jie Zhi Chuang metro station, Shennan Da Dao, Nanshan District (8122 9950) 新观察藏金杂志店(深圳市满金商行), 深南大道世界之窗地铁站A出口 Gome Electronic Appliance Chain Stores 1)Building 101, Shangbu Industrial Zone, Huaqiang Bei Lu, Futian District (8328 6012) 2) 1-4/F, Wensha Plaza, Dongmen Zhong Lu, Luohu District (8214 2269) 3) intersection of Houhai Lu and Chuangye Lu, Nanshan District (2644 4290). www. 1) 福田区华强北上步工业区 101栋 2) 罗湖区东门中路温莎广场1-4楼 3)南 山区后海路与创业路交汇处 IM LOFT SHOP Shop 117-118, Building A4, OCT Loft Phase II, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District.(8614 8700). LOFT设计产品店 南山区香山东街华侨城创意 文化园北区A4栋117-118铺 Jingcai Fabric Market Dongmen Zhong Lu, Luohu District 精彩布匹市场,罗湖 东门中路 MooMoo Balloons & Party Rm2701, Block C1, Galaxy Century Building, Caitian Lu, Futian District (Exit B at Gangxia metro station) (8272 2701). MooMooParty 福田区彩田路星河世纪C1 座2701室 Shenzhen Book Center 2-4/F, Zhonghe Building, intersection of Shennan Zhong Lu and Shangbu Lu (8281 5900). 深圳购 书中心,深南中路上步路口中核大厦2-4楼 Pantry Magic B1C-086A, COCO park, Fu Hua San Lu, Futian District,Shenzhen. (8361 5518) 品 厨 深圳市福田区福华三路星河购物公园 B1C-086A Shenzhen Book Mall 1) Central Walk Seg Electronics Market Seg Plaza, Huaq- iang Bei Lu, Futian District (8367 5137) 福田区华强北路赛格广场 Sundan Electronic Appliance Chain Stores 1) Building 103, Shangbu Industrial Zone, Huaqiang Bei Lu, Futian District 2) 4/F, The MIXc, 1881 Bao’an Nan Lu, Luohu District 3)3-4/F, Coastal City, 33 Wenxin Wu Lu, Nanshan District. Hotline (400 678 8688). 1) 福田区华强北路上步工业区103栋 2) 罗湖区 宝安南路1881号华润万象城四楼 3)南山区海 德三道与文心五路交汇处海岸城3-4楼 Toys “R” Us – The World’s TOY Store Shop 26-31, Yitian Holiday Plaza, 9028 Shennan Dadao, Nanshan District (400886-8828). 南山深南大道9028号益田假日广场1楼26-31 SUPERMARKETS Carrefour 1) 906 Changxing Nan Lu Xi, Nanshan District (2606 3532) 2) Zone No.1, Meilin Yi Cun, Futian District (3399 2799) 3) Lvjing Garden, intersection of Fuqiang Lu and Xinzhou San Jie, Futian District (8829 1855) 4) 68 Songyuan Lu, Luohu District (2215 4438) 5) Xiangbin Square, intersection of Jian’an Yi Lu and Xinzhen Lu, Bao’an District (2965 5669) 6) 2-3/F, Ganglong Shopping Center, east of Guangshen Gonglu, Section No.80, Xixiang Jiedao, Bao’an District (3381 6080) 7) Yijing Central Walk, Fuhua Yi Lu, Central District, Futian District (8280 1666) 8) B1/F, Poly Culture Square, intersection of Wenxin Wu Lu and Haide Yi Dao, Nanshan District (beside Kempinski Hotel) (3302 2308) 1)南山区常兴南路西906 号 2)福田区梅林一村一区裙楼 3)福田区福强 路与新洲三街交汇口西北侧绿景花园 4)罗湖 区松园路68号 5)宝安建安一路新圳路交汇处 香缤广场 6)宝安区西乡街道80区,广深公路东 侧港隆城购物中心2-3楼7)福田区中心区福华 一路怡景中心购物广场负1层 8)南山区文心五 路与海德一道交汇处保利文化广场B1层(凯 宾斯基酒店旁) Jusco 1) B1/F, City Plaza, 1093 Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian District (25942828) 2)1-2/F, Dongjun Commercial Building, Sino-Link Garden, Taining Lu, Luohu District (2594 2828) 3) Wuzhou Shopping Center, near Shenzhen-Huizhou Highway, Longgang District (8488 1688) 4) B1/F, Coco Park, Fuhua San Lu, Futian District 1) 福田区深南中路1093号中 信城市广场B1 2) 罗湖区太宁路百仕达花园 第四期东郡商业楼1-2层 3) 龙岗区深惠路旁 万鑫五洲风情购物中心 4)福田福华三路购物 公园B1层 Metro 1) No.4008 Bao’an Bei Lu, Luohu District. (8360 8888) 2) Building 4, No.255 Shahe Dong Lu, Nanshan District. (8602 8888) 3) A1A2, Building 1, Guan Cheng Shi Jia, Qianjin Lu Nan, Bao’an District. (3680 8888) 麦德龙 1 )罗湖区宝安北路4008号 2)南山区沙河东 路255号4栋 3)宝安区前进路南侧冠城世家1 栋1座A1A2 Olé 1)Shop B48, The MIXc, 1881 Bao’an Nan Lu, Luohu District (8266 8166) 2)B2/F Holiday Plaza, 9028 Shennan Da Dao (metro Window of the World station, Exit A), Nanshan District (8629 8208) 1) 罗湖区宝安南路1881号万象城B48铺 2)南山 区深南大道9028号益田假日广场负二层(地铁 世界之窗站A出口) ParkNShop 1) 102 of Generalization Market, OCT Portofino Community, Nanshan District. 2) Part of G/F, Le Parc, Fuzhong Lu, Futian District. 3) G/F, Crystal Garden, 8 Taizi Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District. 1) 南 山区华侨城波托菲诺小区综合市场102 2) 福田 区福中路黄埔雅苑商场首层 3) 蛇口工业区太 子路8号碧涛中心一楼 Walmart 1) 1-3/F Bai Hua Yuan, Shangbu Zhong Lu, Futian District (8327 0660) 2) 1-3/F, Zhong Shan Hua Yuan, 12 Fenghuang Lu, Luohu District (8214 0686) 3) 1-3 Hu Jing Hua Yuan, Honghu Lu, Luohu District (2562 9815) 4) B1/F Jia Li Center, 2008 Renmin Nan Lu, Luohu District (8236 1475) 5) Intersection of Gongye Da Dao and Dongbin Lu (2681 6711) 6) 1-2/F Hong Zhou Wen Ding Jia Yuan, Nanxin Lu, Shennan Da Dao, Nanshan District (2646 0707) 1) 福田区上步中路百 花园1-3层 2) 罗湖区凤凰路12号中山花园裙楼 1-3楼 3) 罗湖区洪湖路湖景花园1-3层 4) 罗湖 区人民南路2008号嘉里中心B1层 5) 工业大道 和东滨路交汇处 6)南山区深南大道南新路鸿 洲文鼎家园1-2层 SPORTING GOODS STORES Decathlon 1) Junction of Nanhai Dadao and Gongye Ba Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District. (2689 7878) 2) Building 1, No255 east Shahe Lu, Nanshan District. (next to IKEA) (8623 9003) 1) 南山区蛇口南海 January 2013 // SZ // 改版 2013 1 SZ OK(12.12).indd 72 12-12-23 下午6:19 大道与工业八路交界处 2) 南山区沙河东路225 号一号楼(宜家对面) Vafox Outdoor Equipment Shop 1) Hangyuan Bldg, Zhenhua Lu, Futian District (0755-8323 1232) 2) junction of Zhenxing Lu and Yannan Lu, Futian District (0755-8325 9153) 3) 5 Guimiao Lu (opposites Sui Bao Department Story), Nanshan District (0755-2607 2878) 4) 3085 Shennan Dong Lu (opposites the Men Zhen Bu bus station), Luohu District. 1) 福田区振华路航苑大厦后 2)福田区振兴路-燕南路交叉路口3) 南山区桂 庙路5号(岁宝百货对面) 4)深南东路3085号 (门诊部车站对面) VR Hiker Outdoor Equipment 1)No. 53 Binjiang Xincun, Dongyuan Lu, Futian District (8227 6991) 2)Block B No. 103, Yufeng Building, Shangbu South Road, Futian District (2513 6992) 3) No.5 Building 32, Block 2, Haiyue garden, Industrial Road Eight, Nanshan District (2683 8035) 4)1/F, No.1107,Block 4 Jinxiu jiangnan, Meilong Middle Road, Minzhi Street, Bao’an District (8178 7733) 1) 福田区东园路滨江新村53号 2) 福田区上步南 路玉丰楼B幢103号 3) 南山区工业八路海月花 园二期32幢5号地铺 4)宝安区民治街道梅龙中 路锦绣江南四期一楼商铺1107号 Trek Shop No.48, Phrase 2, Costal Rose Garden, Shekou, Wanghai Lu, Nanshan District (2688 5755) 绿色先锋 南山区蛇口 望海路南海玫瑰园二期48号商铺 hOTEL Hotels with the sign of a golden key are members of the Golden Key Alliance. ★★★★★ 999 Royal Suites & Towers No.1003, Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District (2513 0999;Fax: 2513 0839).; 丹枫白露酒店 罗湖区深南东路1003号 Best Western Shenzhen Felicity Hotel 1085 Heping Lu, Luohu District. (2558 6333) 罗湖区和平 路1085号 Century Kingdom Hotel Baige Lu, Buji Town, Longgang District (8996 9999) 龙 岗区布吉镇白鸽路 Crowne Plaza Shenzhen Longgang City Centre 9009 Longxiang Avenue, Longgang city centre, Longgang District. (3318 1888) 深圳龙岗珠江皇冠假日酒店 龙 岗区龙岗中心城龙翔大道9009号 Crowne Plaza Hotel & Suites Landmark 3018 Nanhu Lu,Luohu DisShenzhen trict (8217 2288) 罗湖区南湖路3018号 Golden Central Tower Intersection of Fuhua Lu and Jintian Lu, Futian DIstrict (8383 9918). 福田 区福华路与金田路交汇处 Grand Hyatt Shenzhen No.1881 Baoan Nan Lu, Luohu District (8266 1234) 罗湖区宝 安南路1881号 Shekou, Nanshan District (2669 2888). 南山区蛇口南海大 道工业一路1号(蛇口国际客运码头旁) 4002 Huaqiang Bei Pavilion Hotel Lu, Futian District (8207 8888) www. pavilionhotel.com福田区华强北路4002号 Ramada Plaza Shenzhen Meilong Lu and Minwang Lu Cross, Minzhi Lu, Long gang District (8171 1333). 深圳豪派特华 美达广场酒店. 梅龙路与民旺路交汇处 www. Shangri-La Hotel East of the Luohu Train Station, Jianshe Lu, Luohu District (8233 0888). www.shangri-la.com罗湖区 建设路火车站东侧 Shenzhenair International Hotel Shenzhen 6035 Shennan Da dao, Futian District (8881 9999). 深圳深航国际酒店, 福田区深南大道6035号. Shangri-La Futian Hotel 4088 Yitian Lu, Futian District. (8828 4088 ) 福田区益田路4088号 Sheraton Shenzhen Futian Hotel Inside the Great China International Exchange Square, Fuhua Lu, Futian District (8383 8888) 福田区大中华国际交易广场内 Sheraton Dameisha Resort 9 Yankui Lu, Dameisha, Yantian District (8888 6688) 盐田大梅沙盐葵路(大梅沙段)9号 1 Jiabin Lu, Luohu Sunshine Hotel District (8223 3888). 罗湖区嘉宾路1号 District (2590 1909) 罗湖区嘉宾路4018号 Novotel Bauhinia Shenzhen Qiaocheng Dong Lu, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District (2548 3461) 南山区华侨城 侨城东路 Seaview Hotel Overseas Chinese Town (Exit A at Huaqiaocheng metro station), Nanshan District (2660 2222) www. 南山区华侨城(地 铁A出口) ★★★ City Inn Overseas Chinese Town (Huaqiaocheng metro station), Nanshan District (2693 0666). 南山区华侨城 Golden Lustre Hotel 3002 Chunfeng Lu, Luohu District (8225 2888) 罗湖区春风 路3002号 Greatwall Hotel Shen Zhen 2086 Honggui Lu. Luohu District (2558 3369). 罗湖区红桂路 2086号 Hai Tao Hotel 8 Gongye Yi Lu, Industrial Zone, Shekou, Nanshan District (2668 1688) 南山蛇口工业区工业一路8号 No.33/35, Vienna Hotel (Meilin) Zhongkang Lu, Shangmeilin, Futian District (8331 7168) 福田区上梅林中康 路33-35号 ☆ St. Regis Shenzhen No.5016 Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District.(8308 8888) 深 圳瑞吉酒店 罗湖区深南东路5016号 Shenzhen Loft Youth Hotel Building 3, Enping Lu, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District (2694 9443, 26601293) 南 山华侨成恩平街3栋 Tangla Hotel Shenzhen, No.588 Ji Xiang Zhong Lu, Longgang City Center, Longgang District (8998 8888). 深圳友和国际 唐拉雅秀酒店, 龙岗区中心城吉祥中路588号 Vision Fashion Hotel Inside Shenzhen Grand Theater, Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District (2556 1570) 视界风尚酒店,罗湖 区深南东路5018号深圳大剧院内 The Interlaken OCT Hotel Shenzhen East Overseas Chinese Town, Dameisha, Yantian District (8888 3333). www. 盐田区大梅沙东 部华侨城 HRS Customer Service Hotline (China) (8007201388/4007201388) www. 全球订 房网 The Langham, Shenzhen, No. 7888, Shennan Dadao, Futian District (8828 9888). 深圳朗廷酒店,福田区深南大道 7888号 The Pavilion Longgang 168 Dayun Road, Longgang District. (8989 9888) www. 中海圣廷苑酒 店 龙岗区大运路168号 The Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen 116 Fuhua San Lu, Futian District (2222 2222) 福田 区福华三路116号 The Westin Shenzhen 9028-2 Shennan Dadao, Nanshan District (2698 8888) 南山区深南大 道9028号-2 The Venice Hotel Shenzhen No.9026, Shennan Dadao, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District (2693 6888) 深圳威尼 斯酒店 南山区华侨城深南大道9026号 Serviced Residence Ascott Maillen Shenzhen No.3 Yanshan Road, Nanshan District. ( 2160 0188). 南山区沿山路3号 Reits Service Apartment Yan shan Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District. (2667 3667) 瑞特兹服务 公寓 南山区蛇口沿山路11号 Chicago Suites International 9 Yannan Lu (next to Hualian Building), Futian District (8281 0888). 福田区燕南路9号(华联旁) Fietser International 6012 Shennan Dadao, Futian District (8292 8666). 福田区深南大道6012号 Fraser Place Serviced Residences 8 Nanhai Da Dao, Shekou, Nanshan District (2688 3333). 南山区蛇口南海大道8号 Holiday Inn Dong Hua Dong Hua Yuan, Nan Hai Boulevard, Nanshan District. 8619 3999 南山区南海大道东华园 Honlux Apartment Taizi Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (2681 6666) 南山区蛇口太子路 Wongtee V Hotel No.2028 Jintian Lu, Huanggang Business Center, Futian District. (8891 1111) 深圳皇庭V酒店 福田区 金田路2028号皇岗商务中心 Portofino International Apartment Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District (8608 0101) 南山区华侨城 波托菲诺国际公寓 277 Fuhua Lu (Exit Grand View Hotel C at Gangxia metro station), Futian District (8297 6888). 福 田区福华路277号(地铁岗厦站C出口) 6001 ShenWu Zhou Guest House nan Dadao, Futian District (8313 9480). 福田区深南 大道6001号 Qu Apart+tel 9172 Binhe Lu. Futian Shenzhen (4006788815) 福田区滨河路9172 号 9009 InterContinental Shenzhen Shennan Dong Lu, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District (Exit C at the Huaqiaocheng metro station) (3399 3388).www.intercontinental.com南山区华 侨城深南东路9009号(地铁华侨城站C出口) ★★★★ Somerset Garden City, Shenzhen No.1068 Nanhai Da Dao, Nanshan District (2602 9988) 南山区南海大道1068号 Grand Mercure Oriental Ginza Shennan Dadao Xi, Futian Shenzhen District (Zhuzilin metro station) (8350 0888) 福田区深南大道西(地铁竹子林站) JW Marriott Shenzhen No.6005 Shennan Dadao, Futian District. (2269 8888) 福田区深南大道6005号 Kempinski Hotel Hai De San Dao, Hou Hai Bin Lu, Nanshan District (8888 8888) 南山区后海滨路海德三道 Fuhua Yi Lu, Marco Polo Shenzhen CBD, Futian District (8298 9888). www. cn.marcopolohotels.com福田中心区福 华一路 Mission Hills Resort No.1 Mission Hills Dadao, Bao’an District.(2802 0888) 观澜湖酒店集团 宝安区 观澜湖高尔夫大道1号 1 Gongye Yi Lu (next Nan Hai Hotel to Shekou Int’l Ferry), Nanhai Dadao, No. 1 Chunfeng Century Plaza Hotel Road, Shenzhen (8232 0888)http:// 罗湖区春风路1号 5 Guihua Lu, Four Points by Sheraton Free Trade Zone, Futian District (8359 9999) 福田区保税区桂花路5号 TianGrand Skylight Garden Hotel mian City Building, Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian District (8281 6666) 福田深南中路田面城市大厦 Jinhui Jasper Hotel International Mayor Communication Center, Shennan Dadao, Nanshan District (8610 0888) 南山区深 南大道国际市长交流中心 Master Club 183 Taining Lu, Luohu District (2568 9222) 罗湖太宁路183号 Minghua Hotel 8 Guishan Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (2668 9968). www. 南山区蛇口龟山路8号 New Times Hotel 4018 Jiabin Lu, Luohu Shangri-La Residence Futian Shenzhen 4088 Yi Tian Lu, Futian District (8828 4088) 福田区益田路4088号 my home PROPERTY SERVICE oshang Building, Zhao shang Road, Shekou, Nanshan District (8886 7798) 南 山区蛇口招商路招商大厦8楼 825-826室 Easy Service (One-stop service for Expatriates) Room 1023,International Mayors Plaza,Nanshan District. (88825921; 18923797512); 南山区华侨城国际市 长大厦1023室 Santa Fe Real Estate Rm2207, CNPC Power Hotel,Nanshan Dadao, Nanshan District (2652 8055) www.santaferelo. com 南山区南山大道中油大厦2207室 Shenzhen Good House Easy Life Property Ltd. Shop Middle 135, Sea Taste, Wanghai Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (8882 9178; 2160 0686; fax: 2667 8888).; 深圳市嘉阁易居房地产经纪有限 公司 南山区蛇口望海路海韵嘉园商业裙楼中 135号 Somerset Garden City, Shenzhen No.1068 Nanhai Da Dao, Nanshan District (2602 9988) 南山区南海大道1068号 Centaline Property 3/F, Xin Hua Bao Xian Bldg, Mintian Lu, Futian District (Tel: 8221 1880, Fax: 3398 0901). www. 深圳市福田区民田路新 华保险大厦3楼 Century 21 Huitai Building, Yanhe Nan Lu, Luohu Dist. (2230 2899) 罗湖区沿河 南路汇泰大厦 DTZ Rm2809-2815, Di Wang Commercial Centre, 5002 Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District (Tel: 8212 5111, Fax: 8246 0001) 罗湖区深南东路5002号 地王大厦28楼2809-2815室 INTERIOR DESIGN Arting Décor 7/F, B Tower, Lianhe Plaza, Binhe Lu, Futian District (Tel: 8295 1183, Fax: 8295 1184). 福田区滨河路联 合广场B座7层702 Creative Space Decoration Design Co. Ltd Rm603, Block A, Hai Song Bldg, Tairan Jiu Lu, Che Gong Miao, Futian District (Tel: 8384 9994, Fax: 0755-8384 9994). 福田区车公庙泰然九路海 松大厦A座603室 Ease International Tower 21A&21B, Haiying Bldg, Caitian Nan Lu, Futian District (Tel: 8291 3509, Fax: 8292 4630). 福田区 彩田南路海鹰大厦21A/B座 J&A Interior Design Co. Ltd 1101 Building B Haisong Da Sha Tairan Jiu Lu, Chegong Miao,Futian District (Tel: 8341 6061, Fax: 8341 3626).www.szjap. 福田区车公庙泰然九路海松大厦B 座1101 KB PARTNERS & ASSOCIATES LTD. Interior design, construction, space planning 1)21/F Prosperity Center, 982 Canton Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong (852 26251178);2) G-H 23/F Daqing Building, Shennan Lu, Futain District, Shenzhen (6169 1587) 1) 香港九龙广东道982号嘉 富商业中心21楼 2)深圳市福田区深南路大庆 大厦23GH UCS Group m18D, Building 9, Xiang Shi Mei Lin, Zhulin Si Lu, Futian District (Tel: 8826 0166, Fax: 8826 0506). 福田区竹林四路香诗美林9栋18D Trueway Interior Design Rm 813-815, Chemical Industry Building, 2 Tianbei Si Lu, Luohu District (Tel: 2550 0121, Fax: 2550 0131). 罗湖区 田贝四路2号化工大厦813-815室 Ricky C.T. Wong Design Consultants (HK) Limited Rm 710 Shenmao Commercial Center, 59 Xinwen Lu, Futian District (Tel: 8294 5411, Fax: 8294 5400). www. 福田区新闻路59号深茂商 业中心710室 FURNISHING MALLS Ascott Maillen Shenzhen No.3 Yanshan Road, Nanshan District. ( 2160 0188). 南 山区沿山路3号 Coast Times (Expat Relocation & Real Estate Services) 19E,Seascape Square,Taizi Lu,Shekou,Nanshan District. (8884 6287; 2641 1929).; 南山区蛇口太 子路海景广场19E China Merchants Property Consulta nts (CMPC) Rm 825-826, 8/F, Zha- IKEA 8188 Beihuan Da Dao, Nanshan District. (Intersection of Shahe Dong Lu and Beihuan Da Dao) (400-800-2345). Opening hour: 10am-10pm. www.ikea. com/cn 南山区北环大道8188号(沙河东路和 北环大道交界西北角) IQ Air Shop 27, Phase 2, Nanhai Rose Garden, Wang Hai Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District. (26820754/26830617) www. 南山区蛇口望海路南海玫瑰 园二期27号商铺 January 2013 // SZ // 改版 2013 1 SZ OK(12.12).indd 73 73 12-12-23 下午6:19 CLASSIFIEDS BUSINESS SERVICES ASIABS & B.STRING Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai 1) Setting-up HK, BVI and other offshore company 2) Setting-up WFOE, JV, Representative Office in China mainland 3) Accounting, Taxation, HR, Visa & Trading service Tel: 852 8102 2592 86 21 58362605 86 10 65637970 Website: E-mail: Path To China Add: Rm. 1108, Block A, Galaxy Century Building, 3069 Caitian Lu, Futian District, Shenzhen (86 755) 6128 6800 地址:福田区彩田路3069号星河世纪大厦A座 11楼1108室(518035) Shenzhen XinChengDa Financial Consultancy Co.,LTD 1)Setting-up WFOE,Representative office in Shenzhen, Guangzhou,Dongguang 2) Setting-up HK,BVI and other offshore company 3) Accounting&Taxation,HR,Visa&Trading service Tel:0755-8370 2077 0755-8370 2525 Moble phone:13602502558 Address: 28D, Yangguang Garden2,No.6017 Shennan Rd,Futian District,Shenzhen P.R.China (Chegongmiao Metro StationExit C) EDUCATIONAL SERVICES iMandarin Chinese Training Centre 2 campuses in Shenzhen: Campus 1: Xin Cheng Building in Futian Campus 2: Golden Central Building in Futian We offer elegant environment, professional teachers, competitive price and authorized textbooks. Welcome to know more by the hot lines below: Golden Central:82805832 Xin Cheng: 25987982 Jiahua Language School Affordable Mandarin classes with professional trainers. All levels welcome. Flexible schedules. All classes are better price. In addition to your classes, we have many free out of the classroom activities for you to practice your speaking. Free Coffee. Tel: 400 608 9228 Address:Unit3106B The Modern International Fuhua road, Futian District Shenzhen Guangdong China Hanbridge Mandarin is a professional Mandarin language training school. All fulltime teachers with professional education background and practical teaching experince are dedicated to every single course. At Hanbridge, you can find: Tailor-made courses throughout the year Many course types available for choosing Measurable Performance More than 90% students’ renewal rate For moreinformation, Please Call (0755) 26942990 or Email MOVING & SHIPPING UniGroup Worldwide UTS Shenzhen International, domestic , local moving pet transport and storage services. We are part of the United Van Lines and Mayflower Transit group of companies with a worldwide network of over 1,300 offices. (86 755)2683 9330 AGS Since 1974, the AGS Group assists clients with their relocation needs, enabling them to move with complete peace of mind. AGS offers a worldwide network of 125 branches ISO 9001:2008 certified and uses overseas agents, members of the major international organisations of the moving industry (FIDI, IAM.) Tel: 0755 8662 6781 Email: Rm 605, Reith Center Tower A, Century Holiday Plaza, No.9030 North of Shennan Rd, Nanshan District Rayca Moving & Transportation Services With 10 years experience, Rayca provides international, domestic, local moving services & a pet relocation service. We can effectively move you anywhere with competitive prices! You move, you save! Service hotline: 400-048-9099 Email: Classic Mandarin Training Centre Courses:Daily Life Chinese, Business Chinese, Cantonese,HSK course,Corporate Training,Short-term Chinese, Kids’ Chinese. English and Japanese.Tutoring Add: Room 11F Seaview Plaza, No.18 Taizi Road, SheKou, ShenZhen. 地址:深圳市南山区蛇口太子路18号海景广 场11F室 Tel: 0755-26839152 74 Santa Fe Relocation is a relocation company providing high quality services to individual and corporate clients. Santa Fe is accredited by FAIM, ISO 9001, ISO14001, a Member of FIDI & OMNI, with full Import/ Export Permits, Customs Brokers & a fully employed packing staff to ensure the highest Industry Standard. Tel (86) 755 2652 8055 Fax: (86) 755 2652 8050 Email: Website: Petcare Movers provides pets’ relocation planning, domestic/international airline arrangements and door to door pick up & delivery. With over 8 years of experience in delivering any pet,anywhere any time, Your pet , we care ! Hotline: 400-109-1469 Email: Website: SHOPPING Calvin’s Tailor Shop * Customized factory,production line in 24hrs the earliest. * Authentic hand-made from Shanghai. * Copy is available from the original. * High quality. * Only in Luohu Commercial City,leather jacket. Tel:00186-13682435489 Fax:00186-755-82341609 Add:No.5049 5/F,Luohu Commercial City Shenzhen Villa Lifestyles has been serving China’s Expat community for 5 years. Discover a wide selection of BBQs and accessories, the Mosquito Magnet, trampolines, IQAir Air Purifiers and more. Shekou Showroom 蛇口分公司 Nanhai Rose Garden Phase 2, Shop 27, Wang Hai Road, Nanshan District, Shekou 518054 深圳市南山区蛇口望海路南海玫瑰园二期 27号商铺 Office: 0755-2682 0754 ; 2683 0617 E-mail: TRAVEL 白云航空服务有限公司Shenzhen Baiyun Air Service CO.,LTD ADD: 1/F. Block 618, No.1St. Road Bagualing, Futian District, Shenzhen, P.R.China TEL:0755-82122156 FAX:0755-82436870 SERVICE:Air Ticket, Hotel, Visa, Insurance BCTS TRAVEL SERVICE Best discounted Hotel worldwide and Air Tickets,Visa Extension,Travel.ADD:1/F,A-Best Supermarket,Gongyuan Road,Shekou. TEL: 0755-26685163,26685110 Fantasy Holidays - We are a travel agency dedicated to the Expatriates Community in China based in Guangzhou. We are ideally located in the Pearl River Delta and strategically situated in the center of Guangzhou. We are a real Service Provider able to respond to the requirements of demanding clients for both business and leisure travels. We offer a pallet of widerange innovative products for travels within Greater China, Southeast Asia and by extension the rest of the World. We can communicate in English, Chinese with all the travelers on assignment and the local residents. Tel: (020) 8387 2511 / 3183 4312 FAX: (020) 2237 3525 Mobile: 138 2623 1370; Hrc Worldwide Hotel & Travel Ervice is a professional online travel company based in Guangzhou, specializing in discount hotels reservation and China tours operation, with over 10 years experience and guaranteed unbeatable rates. Websites:, www., www.chinatourguide. com. Tel: 020-37251788 / 22822388 Free N Easy Travel An International Travel Agency in GZ, offers you the most competitive airfares, best discounted hotels worldwide and great getaway packages.Call our Toll free no.800-830-2353 or Tel 3877 2345 or email us at Guangzhou@fnetravel. com or visit us at our travel center at 218 Sky Galleria, CITIC PALAZA, 233 Tianhe North Road or check for more details at our website --- Lotus Holiday Your Personalized Tour Planer; Excellent English Speaking , Professional in International & Domestic Air Tickets ; Tour Packages; Hotel Reservation Etc. Contact us for quotes : JACKY email: Tel : 020-83180695 / 13533167564 Michael email : Tel : 020-83184722 同恒商务 -English speaking & free delivery service. For air ticket, hotel reservation, car rental bookings & packages, pls contact us at Tel: +8620- 3886 3632 / 3886 7895. Email: Or visit: Xpat Travel Planners English speaking service. Fast response by email. Contact us for quotes, Tel: 83589705,13719025500, Email: MEIYA Guangzhou - The general agent of Civil Aviation Group. We are authorized by more than 80 airline companies in the world and specified as ticket agency for Guangzhou government. Our braches cover all over China, and we offer free ticket delivery service in Guangzhou city. January 2013 // SZ // 改版 2013 1 SZ OK(12.12).indd 74 12-12-23 下午6:19 Shekou Ferry Timetables Shekou shekou Shekou 7:45 10:15 11:45 14:00 16:30 19:15 HongKong Central central central shekou 7:45 On Saturdays and Sundays, Ferry leaving 9:00 Shekou at 7:45 will be rescheduled to 11:30 09:00, and the ferry leaving Central at 9:00 *13:00 will be rescheduled to 10:00; 15:15 *this ferry will stop at HK airport which 18:00 takes 75 minutes. 20:30 H.K International Airport Shenzhen Shekou HK Airport 7:45 8:45 10:00 11:15 12:15 13:30 14:30 15:30 16:30 17:30 18:30 19:30 20:15 21:00 H.K Airport Shenzhen Shekou 9:00 10:15 11:00 13:15 13:45 14:30 15:30 16:30 17:30 18:30 19:30 20:30 21:20 19:30 Shekou Taipa Dang Ferry Terminal Shekou New macaumaritime ferry Terminal Shekou Taipa Shekou New Macau Taipa Dang Ferry New Macau Maritime Ferry Dang Ferry Terminal Maritime Ferry Terminal Terminal Shekou Terminal Shekou 9:30 12:15 11:00 14:00 Shekou Zhuhai (The trip takes about 60 minutes) Shenzhen Shekou Zhuhai Zhuhai 7:30 8:00 8:30 8:00 9:00 9:30 10:00 9:30 10:30 11:00 11:30 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 12:15 13:30 14:00 14:30 14:00 15:00 15:30 16:00 15:30 16:30 17:00 17:45 17:00 18:30 19:30 20:30 18:30 *21:30 *21:30 8:15 8:45 10:30 11:30 13:30 14:30 15:30 16:45 18:30 19:30 16:45 18:30 19:30 9:45 10:15 12:00 13:15 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 20:00 20:45 18:00 20:00 20:45 Shenzhen Shekou 8:30 9:00 10:00 10:30 11:30 12:00 13:00 13:30 14:30 15:00 16:00 16:30 17:30 18:00 19:30 20:30 *Only on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and other official national holiday. View or dail (0755) 2669 1213 or 2669 5600 for more information. QUiZ Finish these two questions and send your answers to before the 20th of the month. Spot the location Can you spot the location of this landmark in SZ? Chinese Corner shuāng guǎn qí xià last month’s answer is Modica Square. 双管齐下 What is the figurative meaning of this phrase? A. To handle two brushes at the same time. B. To attack one problem from two angles at the same time. C. To tackle two problems at the same time. Cantonese Primer 话唔埋 wah m�h màaih nán shuō (很难说)hěn last month’s Chinese Corner question: what is the actual meaning of “gāo shān liú shuǐ”? answer: a Explanation: referring to the harsh reality that talent and ability can rarely meet or find people who can really appreciate them. January 2013 // Sz // 改版 2013 1 SZ OK(12.12).indd 75 75 12-12-23 下午6:19 win! and finally... WINE, FINE WINE We’ve got 2 bottles of fine wine, the Grande Vitae Sangiovese 2009 to give away. But it’s going to take some effort to get your hands on them. Solve our cryptic clues and send the answers to with the subject ‘Answers to Cryptic Pictures’ by January 20 for a chance to win. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 9 11 76 12 January 2013 // SZ // 改版 2013 1 SZ OK(12.12).indd 76 12-12-23 下午6:19 改版 2013 1 SZ OK(12.12).indd 77 12-12-23 下午6:19 turkey air line 改版 2013 1 SZ OK(12.12).indd 78 12-12-23 下午6:19
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