Commission Agenda Report
Commission Agenda Report
Planning Commission Meeting 02-01-16 Item 5.C. Commission Agenda Report To: Chair Stack and Members of the Planning Commission Prepared by: Brenda Magana, Assistant Planner Approved by: Bonnie Blue, AICP, Planning Director Date prepared: January 21, 2016 Subject: Conditional Use Permit No. 15-008 An arplication to allow a new full service restaurant (Malibu Burcjer) to include the sale of beer and wine for onsite consumrtion Meeting date: February 1, 2016 — Location: APN: Zoning Designations: Applicant: Tenant: Property Owner: Application Filed: 23359 Pacific Coast Highway, Unit 3874A 4452-011-043 Commercial Visitor Serving 1 (CV-1 )1 Commercial General (CG)2 Burdge and Associates Malibu Burger Jamestown Premier Malibu Village, L.P. August 28, 2015 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 16-15 approving Conditional Use Permit No. 15-008 to allow for a new full service restaurant (Malibu Burger) to include the sale of beer and wine for onsite consumption in the Commercial Visitor Serving-One and Commercial General zoning districts located at 23359 Pacific Coast Highway, unit 3874A (Jamestown Premier Malibu Village, L.P.) DISCUSSION: The issue before the Planning Commission is whether to adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 16-15 approving CUP No. 15-008. Pursuant to Malibu Municipal Code (MMC) Chapter 17.66, the applicant is requesting that the City grant a CUP to allow for the operation of a restaurant, serving beer and wine. The proposed changes include a tenant improvement to a portion of the former Guido’s Restaurant, the former occupant, tenant space in the Malibu Village Shopping Center to accommodate a 1 2 This is the zoning designation for the subject parcel based on the Zoning Maps in the Local Coastal Program. This is the zoning designation for the subject parcel based on the City adopted Zoning Map as referenced in Malibu Municipal Code Section 17.06.020. Page 1 of 8 Agenda Item 5.C. new tenant (Malibu Burger). Conditional use permits run with the land. Guido’s restaurant was a legal-non-conforming establishment and did not have a CUP, therefore, Pursuant to MMC 17.22.040 Malibu Burger restaurant shall obtain a CUP for the restaurant use and the sale of beer and wine. The applicant also plans to make tenant improvements consisting of the construction of interior partition walls, relocation of bathrooms, food service line, self-serve fountain drink and condiment area, and construction of a new kitchen. The dining area will be one large room, with a variety of seating options ranging from dining tables to booths and tables. The City Environmental Health Administrator, City Public Works Department, and the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (LACSD) reviewed the subject application and determined it was consistent with applicable local and state provisions (Attachment 3, Department Review Sheets). This CUP approval does not permit construction; a separate over-the-counter application shall be obtained for the tenant improvement. Project Description The proposed application is for a CUP to allow for the operation of a restaurant serving beer and wine. As proposed and conditioned, the proposed restaurant use will not include amplified or live music, only dining. Service Area The service area consists of 1,328 square foot of interior service area. service area is proposed. No outdoor ABC License The applicant has submitted an application to the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) License Type 41 (On-Sale beer and wine) to permit the sale of beer and wine for onsite consumption. ABC will not issue the license until the proposed CUP is approved. Therefore, a condition of approval has been included in the resolution stating that the tenant must submit a copy of the ABC license to the Planning Department prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. The Planning Director may be requested to prepare a Letter of Public Convenience or Necessity and forward it to ABC. In anticipation of this request, Planning Commission Resolution No. 16-15 grants authority to the Planning Director to submit a Letter of Public Convenience or Necessity to ABC. Surrounding Land Use The subject tenant space is located in the Malibu Village Shopping Center. The Malibu Village Shopping Center is bounded on the north by office buildings and the Urban Page 2 of 8 Agenda Item 5.0. Outfitters retail store, on the south by Pacific Coast Highway, on the east by Malibu Creek and on the west by Cross Creek Road (Attachment 4, Vicinity Map and Aerial Photographs). The subject property is located adjacent to the creek and accessed from Cross Creek Road and Pacific Coast Highway. There is a mapped trail located on the opposite side of the creek. Single-family residences are located over 1,000 feet north, south and east of the subject property. The Table below describes land uses adjacent to the subject property. ~IBIIIIIIII~JdlIIIIfWi~Table I Address I APN North 3808 Cross Creek Rd South East West 3806 Cross Creek Rd Malibu Lagoon State Park Malibu Creek 3900 Cross Creek Rd 23387 Pacific Coast Hwy — A4acent Land Uses Size Zone 0.44 acre 2.39 acres CV-1 CV-1 ______________ ________ ______________ ________ 0.82 acre 0.52 acre ______________ CV-1 CV-1 ________ I Land Use Public Utilities Office, Retail ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Shopping Center Service Station Land uses in the Malibu Village Shopping Center consist of services and general retail, a bank, beauty supply store, a movie theater, three restaurants, an ice cream shop, and an optical store. The proposed restaurant is consistent with other surrounding land uses and occupies a tenant space that has historically been a restaurant. ANALYSIS Pursuant to Local Implementation Plan (LIP) Section 3.3(J) and MMC Sections 17.26.030 and 17.30.030, conditionally permitted uses in the CV-1 and CG zoning districts include restaurants, exceeding a maximum interior occupancy of 125 persons. The tenant space was previously occupied by Guido’s, a 4,652 square foot restaurant. On September 11, 2013, the City of Malibu approved Over the Counter (CC) Permit No. 13-064 for the subdivision of unit 3874, into two units. The subdivided units are 3874A, which is 2,207 square feet, and 3874B which is 2,445 square feet. Unit 3874B is currently occupied by a fitness center, Soul Cycle. The proposed restaurant will take the space of 3874A, which is currently vacant. Service area is illustrated on sheet A-0.5 of Attachment 2. The shopping center is currently served by existing utilities, including an alternative onsite wastewater treatment system (AOWTS) approved in 2005. No upgrade to the existing AOWTS is required for the proposed use. Formula Retail At the time of this report, litigation regarding the City’s formula retail regulations was still pending. However, in accordance with the definition of MMC Section 17.66.130 Malibu Burger is not a formula retail establishment as this is the only location. Page3of8 Agenda Item 5.C. Parking Pursuant to MMC Section 17.48.030(G), the parking requirements for a shopping center are five spaces for each 1,000 square feet of gross floor area within the center. To qualify for the “shopping center” criteria, a well-balanced mixture of uses within the center must be demonstrated. With the exception of the movie theatre for which parking was calculated separately because of its high parking demand, existing uses in the shopping center are considered well-balanced for parking purposes. However, any future land uses that are more parking intensive than what currently exists would either require additional parking spaces or a parking study demonstrating adequate parking spaces existed for the new use. Pursuant to MMC Section 17.48.030(G), where there is an imbalance of high intensity uses, restaurants, theater, bowling alleys, billiard parlors, beauty schools and other such uses and/or long-term parking uses, parking calculations will be based totally, or in part, on an individual basis, per the tenant use rather than utilizing the shopping center ratio. The required parking for restaurants is one space per 50 square feet of service area. The interior service area of the proposed restaurant is given credit for the previous restaurant use. Also, a parking study (Attachment 3, Public Works Department Review Sheet) was submitted to the City for a previous application for this tenant space that complied with the Department of Public Works requirements; therefore, a parking study was not required. Hours of Operation The proposed hours of operation for Malibu Burger are seven days a week, Sunday through Wednesday 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m and Thursday through Saturday 11:00 a.m to 12:00 a.m. The operating hours for other food service in Malibu Village are shown in Table 1. Grom Gelataria currently has the closing hour of 11:00 p.m. The proposed closing time for Malibu Burger is 12:00 a.m., an hour later than Grom Gelateria. As proposed, Malibu Burger would be the latest business operation open. The proposed service hours are similar to other food service operations in the same shopping center. Table I Hours of Operation ________________________ Weekdays Weekend Chipotle Mexican Grill 10:30 a.m. 10:00 rim. 10:30 a.m. — — Grom Gelateria Sunday-Thursday 11:00 a.m. 10:00 p.m. Sunday-Thursday 7:30 a.m. 9:00 p.m. Sunday-Wednesday 11:00 a.m. 10:00 p.m. — Marmalade Café — Malibu Burger — Page 4of8 10:00 p.m. Friday-Saturday 11:00 a.m. 11:00 p.m. Friday-Saturday 7:30 a.m. 10:00 p.m. Thursday-Saturday 11:00 a.m. 12:00 a.m. — — — — Agenda Item 5.0. Conditional Use Permit Findings. The applicant is requesting a CUP to allow the operation of a full service restaurant with the sale of beer and wine. Pursuant to MMC Section 17.66.080, the Planning Commission may approve, deny and/or modify an application for a CUP in whole or in part, with or without conditions, provided that it makes all of the following findings of fact. The findings to approve the CUP may be made as follows: Finding 1. The proposed use is one that is conditionally permitted within the subject zone and complies with the intent of all of the applicable provisions of Title 17 of the Malibu Municipal Code. Pursuant to LIP Section 3.3(J) and MMC Section 17.26.030, restaurants may be conditionally permitted in the Commercial Visitor Serving One (CV-1) zoning district. In addition, MMC Sections 17.22.040 and 17.30.030 allow for the sale of alcohol provided that a CUP is obtained. The proposed restaurant includes incidental service of beer and wine; therefore, a CUP is required. The project has been conditioned to comply with all applicable provisions of the MMC. Finding 2. The proposed use would not impair the integrity and character of the zoning district in which it is located. The proposed restaurant would occupy a portion of tenant space that has historically been a restaurant which also served beer and wine. The Malibu Village Shopping Center consists of a mixture of uses such as general retail, a bank, a movie theater, restaurants, an ice cream shop and an optical store. The proposed restaurant will be consistent with the existing surrounding land uses. Therefore, the proposed restaurant use will not impair the integrity and character of the applicable zoning district. Finding 3. The subject site is physically suitable for the type of land use being proposed. It has been determined that the subject site is physically suitable for supporting a restaurant, as the tenant space has historically been used as a restaurant with alcohol service and all reviewing departments have recommended approval. Finding 4. The proposed use is compatible with the land uses presently on the subject property and in the surrounding neighborhood. The subject site is currently developed as a retail shopping center and has been in operation for over 40 years. As previously discussed in Finding 2, existing land uses in the Malibu Village Shopping Center are compatible with the proposed restaurant. The subject property is within the Malibu Civic Center and abuts a portion of the Malibu Country Mart. General Plan Section 1.2.1 of the Land Use Element identifies “the stretch of Pacific Coast Highway just west of Carbon Canyon Road through the Civic Center” as the commercial core strip of the City’s commercial uses which include retail Page 5 of 8 Agenda Item S.C. and service space. The nearest residential buildings are at least 1,000 feet away and an ample buffer exists between these uses. Residential properties to the north, south and east are physically separated from the proposed restaurant by other commercially developed properties, Pacific Coast Highway and open space, and Malibu Creek, respectively. Therefore, the proposed restaurant is compatible with existing uses in the shopping center and with the commercial core strip, and is not located directly adjacent to any residential development. Finding 5. The proposed use would be compatible with existing and future land uses within the zoning district and the general area in which the proposed use is to be located. As previously discussed in Findings 2 and 4, the proposed restaurant is compatible with existing land uses within the shopping center and surrounding properties. Existing surrounding land uses are generally developed consistent with applicable zoning designations. Since the tenant space abuts Malibu Creek, a riparian habitat, conditions of approval have been included to restrict lighting from spilling outside the property lines. No outdoor service area is proposed. Therefore, the proposed restaurant is compatible with existing and projected lands uses within the applicable zoning designation and surrounding area. Finding 6. There would be adequate provisions for water, sanitation, and public utilities and services to ensure that the proposed use would not be detrimental to public health and safety and the project does not affect solar access or adversely impact existing public and private views, as defined by the staff The proposed use will be served by existing utilities. The proposed tenant improvement, under a subsequent Over-the-Counter permit will include interior changes only that will include the reconstruction of bathrooms and installation of plumbing fixtures. Consequently, the City Environmental Health Reviewer has reviewed the proposal and determined that the existing onsite wastewater treatment system can accommodate the proposed use without upgrade or modification. The existing envelope of the structure will not change and will not affect solar access or adversely impact existing public and private views. As previously mentioned, site lighting for the tenant space has been conditioned to avoid visual impacts. Finding 7. There would be adequate provisions for public access to serve the subject proposal. Pursuant to MMC Section 17.48.030(G), the parking requirements for a shopping center are five spaces for each 1,000 square feet of gross floor area within the center. To qualify for the “shopping center” criteria, a balanced mixture of uses within the center must be demonstrated. With the exception of the movie theatre, for which parking was calculated separately because of its high parking demand, existing uses in the shopping center are well balanced for purposes of parking. The proposed project will not increase the parking intensity of the previously existing use. As this use replaces a preevious Page 6 of 8 Agenda Item 5.C. restaurant use. Therefore, adequate provisions for public access to serve the proposed restaurant have been made. Finding 8. The proposed use is consistent with the goals, objectives, policies, and general land uses of the General Plan. The Malibu General Plan is a policy document that contains policy measures. The specific development standards to implement these policy measures are located in the MMC. The proposed restaurant is a conditionally permitted use in the CG zoning district and, as conditioned, is consistent with specific development standards in the MMC. Therefore, the proposed restaurant, as conditioned, is consistent with goals, objectives and policies of the General Plan. Finding F9. The proposed project complies with all applicable requirements of state and local law. The proposed project will comply with all applicable requirements of state and local law and is conditioned to comply with any relevant approvals, permits, and licenses from the City of Malibu and other related agencies, such as ABC, the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board, and the Los Angeles County Fire Department. Finding FlO. The proposed use would not be detrimental to the public interest, health, safety, convenience or welfare. Applications for restaurants are conditionally permitted uses in the CV-1 and CG zoning districts. As conditioned, the proposed use is replacing a previous restaurant and will not be detrimental to the public interest, health, safety, convenience, or welfare. Finding 11. If the project is located in an area determined by the City to be at risk from earth movement, flooding or liquefaction, there is clear and compelling evidence that the proposed development is not at risk from these hazards. The application involves a change in tenant on an existing developed property. The building footprint and envelope will not change; therefore, there is no new impact related to earth movement, flooding, or liquefaction. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Pursuant to the authority and criteria contained in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the Planning Department has analyzed the proposal as described above. The Planning Department has found that this project is listed among the classes of projects that have been determined to have a less than significant adverse effect on the environment; and therefore, is exempt from the provisions of CEQA. Accordingly, a CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION will be prepared pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 Existing Facilities. The Planning Department has further determined that none of the six exceptions to the use of a categorical exemption applies to this project (CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2). Page 7 of 8 Agenda Item 5.C. - PUBLIC NOTICE: A Notice of Public Hearing was published in a newspaper of general circulation within Maflbu and was mailed to all property owners and occupants within a 500-foot radius of the subject property. CORRESPONDENCE: To date, staff has received no public comments regarding this application. SUMMARY: The required CUP findings can be made. Further, the Planning Department’s findings of fact are supported by substantial evidence in the record. Based on the analysis contained in this report, staff is recommending approval of this project subject to the conditions of approval contained in Section 6 (Conditions of Approval) of Planning Commission Resolution No. 16-15. The project has been reviewed and conditionally approved for conformance with the MMC. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 16-15 2. Project Plans 3. Department Review Sheets 4. Vicinity Map and Aerial Photograph 5. Public Hearing I Mailing Notice Page 8 of 8 Agenda Item 5.0. CITY OF MALIBU PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 16-15 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MALIBU APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 15-008, TO ALLOW FOR A NEW FULL SERVICE RESTAURANT TO INCLUDE THE SALE OF BEER AND WINE FOR ONSITE CONSUMPTION AT 23359 PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY, UNIT 3874A IN THE CV-1 AND CG ZONING DISTRICT (JAMESTOWN PREMIER MALIBU VILLAGE, L.P. MALIBU BURGER) THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MALIBU DOES HEREBY FIND, ORDER AND RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Recitals. A. On September 11, 2013, the Planning Department approved Over the Counter Permit No. 13064 for a tenant improvement which consisted of the subdivision of unit 3874, the former Guido’s tenant space, into two units, 3874A and 3874B. B. On August 28, 2015, Burdge and Associates submitted Conditional Use Permit (CUP) No. 15-008 to the Planning Department, on behalf of the property owner. C. On December 8, 2015, a Courtesy Notice of the proposed project mailed to all property owners and occupants within a 500-foot radius of the subject property. D. On January 12, 2016, Planning Department staff deemed the application complete. E. On January 7, 2016, a Notice of Public Hearing was published in a newspaper of general circulation within Malibu and was mailed to all property owners and occupants within a 500-foot radius of the subject property. F. On February 1, 2016, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing on the subject application, reviewed and considered the staff report, reviewed and considered written reports, public testimony, and other information in the record. Section 2. Environmental Review. Pursuant to the authority and criteria contained in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the Planning Commission has analyzed the proposal as described above. The Planning Commission has found that this project is listed among the classes of projects that have been determined not to have a significant adverse effect on the environment and therefore, exempt from the provisions of CEQA. Accordingly, a CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION will be prepared and issued pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 Existing Facilities. The Planning Commission has further determined that none of the six exceptions to the use of a categorical exemption applies to this project (CEQA Guidelines, Section 15300.2). — Planning Commission Resolution No. 16-15 Page 1 of7 ATTACHMENT I Section 3. Letter of Public Convenience or Necessity. Based on CUP findings in Section 4 of this resolution, the Planning Commission finds that the proposed use will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or general welfare and is compatible with the land uses presently on the subject property and in the surrounding neighborhood. The Planning Commission hereby authorizes the Planning Director to prepare and submit a Letter of Public Convenience or Necessity for the proposed use to the State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. Section 4. Findings. The applicant is requesting a CUP to allow the operation of a full service restaurant with incidental alcohol service. Pursuant to Malibu Municipal Code (MMC) Section 17.66.080, the Planning Commission may approve, deny and/or modify an application for a CUP in whole or in part, with or without conditions, provided that it makes all of the following findings of fact. Based on evidence in the record, including all written and oral testimony and pursuant to MMC Section 17.66.080, the Planning Commission hereby makes the following findings of fact and approves CUP No. 15-008. Finding]. Pursuant to MMC Section 17.26.030, restaurants may be conditionally permitted in the Commercial Visitor Serving-One (CV-1) zoning district. In addition, MMC Sections 17.22.040 and 17.26.030 allow for the sale of alcohol provided that a CUP is obtained. The proposed restaurant includes incidental service of beer and wine; therefore, a CUP is required. The project has been conditioned to comply with all applicable provisions of the MMC. Finding 2. The proposed restaurant would occupy a tenant space that was historically been occupied by a restaurant. The Malibu Village Shopping Center consists of a mixture of uses such as general retail, a bank, a movie theater, restaurants, an ice cream shop and an optical store. The proposed restaurant will be consistent with the existing surrounding land uses. Therefore, the proposed restaurant use will not impair the integrity and character of the applicable zoning district. Finding 3. It has been determined that the subject site is physically suitable for supporting a restaurant, as the tenant space has historically been used as a restaurant all City agencies have recommended approval. Finding 4. The subject site is currently developed as a retail shopping center and has been in operation for over 40 years. As previously discussed in Finding 2, existing land uses in the Malibu Village Shopping Center are consistent with the proposed restaurant. The subject property is within the Malibu Civic Center and abuts a portion of the Malibu Country Mart. General Plan Section 1.2.1 of the Land Use Element identifies “the stretch of Pacific Coast Highway just west of Carbon Canyon Road through the Civic Center” as the commercial core strip of the City’s commercial uses which include retail and Planning Commission Resolution No. 16-15 Page 2 of 7 service space. The nearest residential buildings are at least 1,000 feet away an ample buffer exists between these uses. Residential properties to the north, south and east are physically separated from the proposed restaurant by other commercially developed properties, Pacific Coast Highway and open space, and Malibu Creek, respectively. Therefore, the proposed restaurant is compatible with existing uses in the shopping center and with the commercial core strip, and is not located directly adjacent to any residential development. Finding 5. As previously discussed in Findings 2 and 4, the proposed restaurant is compatible with existing land uses within the shopping center and surrounding properties. Existing surrounding land uses are generally developed consistent with applicable zoning designations. Therefore, the proposed restaurant is compatible with existing and projected lands uses within the applicable zoning designation and surrounding area. Finding 6. The proposed use will be served by existing utilities. The proposed project includes the reconstruction of bathrooms and installation of plumbing fixtures. Consequently, the City Environmental Health Administrator has reviewed the proposal and determined that the existing onsite wastewater treatment system can accommodate the proposed use without upgrade of modification. The existing envelope of the structure will not change and will not affect solar access or adversely impact existing public and private views. Finding 7. Pursuant to MMC Section 17.48.030(G), the parking requirements for a shopping center are five spaces for each 1,000 square feet of gross floor area within the center. To qualify for the “shopping center” criteria, a balanced mixture of uses within the center must be demonstrated. With the exception of the movie theatre, for which parking was calculated separately because of its high parking demand, existing uses in the shopping center are well balanced for purposes of parking. The proposed project will not increase the parking intensity of the previously existing use. Therefore, adequate provisions for public access to serve the proposed restaurant have been made. Finding 8. The Malibu General Plan is a policy document that contains policy measures. The specific development standards to implement these policy measures are located in the MMC. The proposed restaurant is a conditionally permitted use in the CG and CV- 1 zoning districts and, as conditioned, is consistent with specific development standards in the MMC. Therefore, the proposed restaurant, as conditioned, is consistent with goals, objectives and policies of the General Plan. Finding 9. The proposed project will comply with all applicable requirements of state and local law and is conditioned to comply with any relevant approvals, permits, and licenses from the City of Malibu and other related agencies, such as ABC, the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board, and the Planning Commission Resolution No. 16-15 Page 3 of? Los Angeles County Fire Department. Finding 10. Applications for restaurants are conditionally permitted uses in the CV-l zoning district. As conditioned, the proposed use will not be detrimental to the public interest, health, safety, convenience, or welfare. Finding 11. The application involves a change in use on an existing developed property. The building footprint and envelope will not change; therefore, there is no new impact related to earth movement, flooding, or liquefaction Section 5. Planning Commission Approval. Based on the foregoing findings and evidence contained within the record, the Planning Commission hereby approves Conditional Use Permit No. 15-008, subject to the conditions listed below. Section 6. Conditions of Approval. Standard Conditions 1. The property owners and their successors in interest, shall indemnify and defend the City of Malibu and its officers, employees and agents from and against all liability and costs relating to the City’s actions concerning this project, including (without limitation) any award of litigation expenses in favor of any person or entity who seeks to challenge the validity of any of the City’s actions or decisions in connection with this project. The City shall have the sole right to choose its counsel and property owners shall reimburse the City’s expenses incurred in its defense of any lawsuit challenging the City’s actions concerning this project. 2. This approval is for the operation of Malibu Burger, a full service restaurant that includes the incidental alcohol service and the authorization for the Planning Director to submit a letter of public convenience or necessity for the use. 3. Subsequent submittals for this project shall be in substantial compliance with plans on-file with the Planning Department, dated November 17, 2015. In the event the project plans conflict with any condition of approval, the condition shall take precedence. 4. This resolution (including signed and notarized Acceptance of Conditions Affidavit and Department Review Sheets) shall be submitted to the City of Planning Department. 5. Any questions of intent or interpretation of any condition of approval will be resolved by the Planning Director upon written request of such interpretation. 6. Minor changes to the approved plans or the conditions of approval may be approved by the Planning Director, provided such changes achieve substantially the same results and the project Planning Commission Resolution No. 16-15 Page4of7 is still in compliance with the MMC. Revised plans reflecting the minor changes and additional fees shall be required. Operations 7. The approved hours of operation are Sunday through Wednesday from 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. daily and Thursday through Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. Closure must be complete and all employees must vacate the premises no more than one hour after closing, daily. No after hours operation shall be permitted. 8. No new signage is permitted under this application; a sign permit shall be submitted and approved by the Planning Department prior to installation of any new sign. 9. There shall not be outside service area. 10. This approval permits the sale of beer and wine for onsite consumption with a Type 41 License. The property owner / operator shall obtain all necessary approvals from the California Department of Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC). Once obtained, the applicant shall provide to the Planning Department a copy of the ABC issued License. 11. At all times during the conduct of the permitted use the permittee shall maintain and keep in effect valid licensing approval from the Department of ABC. Should such licensing be denied, expire or lapse at any time in the future, the sale of beer and wine for onsite consumption shall no longer be allowed on site. 12. A copy of the current ABC license shall be kept on the premises of the establishment and be presented to any Planning Director, Code Enforcement officer, law enforcement officers or their duly authorized representatives, upon request. 13. No restaurant, food packager, retail food vendor, vendor or nonprofit food provider shall provide prepared food to its customers in any food packaging that utilizes expanded polystyrene. “Expanded polystyrene” means and includes blown polystyrene and expanded and extruded foams (sometimes incorrectly called Styrofoam, a Dow Chemical Company trademarked form of polystyrene foam insulation) which are thermoplastic petrochemical materials utilizing a styrene monomer and processed by any number of techniques including, but not limited to, fusion of polymer spheres (expandable bead polystyrene), injection molding, foam molding, and extrusion-blow molding (extruded foam polystyrene). Expanded polystyrene is generally used to make cups, bowls, plates, trays, clamshell containers, meat trays and egg cartons. 14. The tenant shall comply with the requirements set forth in MMC Chapter 9.28(Plastic Bag Ban). No retail establishment, restaurant, vendor or nonprofit vendor shall provide plastic bags or compostable bags to customers. This requirement applies to plastic or compostable bags provided at the point of sale for the purpose of carrying away goods. 15. Exterior trash bins shall be kept clean and covers kept closed at all times. Signage shall be placed at the trash enclosure regarding keeping the trash bin clean and the covers to the trash enclosures closed at all times. Planning Commission Resolution No. 16-15 Page 5 of7 Environmental Health 18. All final project plans shall be submitted for Environmental Health review and approval. These plans must be approved by the Building Safety Division prior to receiving Environmental Health final approval. Public Works 19. All commercial developments shall be designed to control the runoff of pollutants from structures, parking and loading docks. The following minimum measures shall be implemented to minimize the impacts of commercial developments on water quality: a. RESTAURANTS Properly design Equipment/accessory wash areas i. Install self-contained wash area, equipped with grease trap, and properly connected to Sanitary Sewer. ii. If the Wash area is located outdoors, it must be covered, paved, the area must have secondary containment and it shall be connected to the sanitary sewer. — b. TRASH STORAGE AREAS i. Trash container areas must have drainage from adjoining roofs and pavement diverted around the area. ii. Trash container areas must be screened or walled to prevent off-site transport of trash. Fixed Conditions 20. The conditions under which this conditional use permit was approved may be modified by the City without the consent of the property owner or operator if the Planning Commission finds that the use is creating a nuisance. 21. A conditional use permit that is valid and in effect, and was granted pursuant to the provisions of the MMC, shall run with the land and continue to be valid upon change of ownership of the land or any lawfully existing building or structure on the land. 22. Violation of any of the conditions of approval shall be cause for revocation of the conditional use permit and termination of all rights contained therein. 23. This conditional use permit shall become subject to revocation should the use for which the conditional use permit was granted cease for six successive calendar months afier the start of operations, except in the case of natural disaster. 24. The conditional use permit shall be revoked if the Planning Commission finds that one or more of the following conditions exists: a. The conditional use permit was obtained in a fraudulent manner. b. The use for which the conditional use permit was granted has ceased or was suspended for at least six successive calendar months. c. One or more of the conditions found within this resolution have not been substantially Planning Commission Resolution No. 16-15 Page 6 of 7 met. Section 6. Certification. The Planning Commission shall certify the adoption of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 1st day of February 2016. ROOHI STACK, Planning Commission Chair ATTEST: KATHLEEN STECKO, Recording Secretary LOCAL APPEAL A decision of the Planning Commission may be appealed to the City Council by an aggrieved person by written statement setting forth the grounds for appeal. An appeal shall be filed with the City Clerk within 10 days and shall be accompanied by an appeal form and proper appeal fee. The appellant shall pay fees as specified in the Council adopted fee resolution in effect at the time of the appeal. Appeal forms may be found online at, in person at City Hall orby calling (310) 456-2489 extension 245. - I CERTIFY THAT THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION NO. 16-15 was passed and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Malibu at the regular meeting thereof held on the 1St day of February 2016, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: KATHLEEN STECKO, Recording Secretary Planning Commission Resolution No. 16-15 Page 7 of 7 a C) w C!, D D -J D ATTACHMENT 2 LXlflNG~L~E 4?1CrfjC0N13 MALIBU BURGER COMPANY 3874A PACIFIC COAST HWY MALISUCA90265 I I DCSCRLPTTON: ~D G E STANDARD NOTES Ciates T-1.2 ~ WJjOtJ OURGERCOUPMW,~ ~ ~SCALt I 400 N~ j -~ SITE PLAN PROPOSED TOOK! I~t~ WI z~ NWLLS FARGO VACANT MARMAlADE DIESEL BOOK STORE I~ SHOD I L VACANT RADIO SHACK SHOE REPPIR MALIBU CLEANERS RON HERMAN IESRS VACANT L VACANT / I 05005 I AL L L V VACANT 3874 PROPOSED THIS SF RESTAURANT TENANT MP0500MENT INTERIOR SNORT ONL~ PARTIAL SITE PLAN MALIBU BURGER COMPANY 3874A PACIFIC COAST HWY MALIBU, CA 90265 IJG E ~TE PLAN ~Diates A-O.1 ~‘ITOStCT SAAIACSH ~MVAOA BURGER ESETPMIV MAST. IOREIS RD HITTER ff3 IRMISFORMED JIQARESTAURANT LEGEND MALIBU BURGER COMPANY 3874A PACIFIC COAST HWY MALIBU, CA90265 DGE ~ ~ISTING FLOOR P~N ciates TECTS~~’~ ~~ — ~ ~5ooR, ~ASSRR0RJRNARC0NSRAJV R0~UC0R ~ ~ -0 L~1 E~H~ (El ROOF TOREUGN 0 NOTE 2- NO GRANGE TO OTTER CONCATION NO DATE ISAAC ITITNII CUP UE.SUUMITTAI. MALIBU BURGER COMPANY 3874A PACIFIC COAST HWY MAUBU, CA 90265 ~DG E ICiate UU~UGRCCOGRU~N E)~S1iNG ROOF PLAN S A-O.3 ~ECTS~ MALUU SOnORA COURONY 000IA000 fl I~C~C OOLD ~ X71 \X5 X4’ ~X3 TOPOF PARAPET ~ 1W-WA FF Li-- .- J~[ iEEE] r - i’ TOPOF PARAPET 015-WA F.F FINISH ~OP-WAFF EAST ELEVATION Yl-’ \Y2 X7 X6 X5 X4 X~ X2 Xl RNHPJ’ET 0 lAW &F F. TOP OF IPI1APET O 25W aPE Em P EL*J WEST ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION LEGEND U REFERENCE CALLOUI NOTE - NOOIONGEROEXTE0100WINIHTIOII 2- ALL0000510IOIMNCIYAST0REMUIN ~ ~CU10R0~CAllU~UR~ lC10HCAPR~SAR5Rfl2L ~ RICH POSRRNIIrIAE -- DRRCRIPTION: MALIBU BURGER COMPANY D (3 E TECTS~l~ 3874A PACIFIC COAST HWY MALIBU, CA 9E265 EXISTING ELEVATIONS Ciate S ___________~ RUAIACUM ~ A-O..4 fICAIN AS 1101CR NOTES: I *3 lEAST SPERCENTC4THESEAT3GSP*CESflE.fl1 IUTCTO(QAREA8.eLLBEA~Essag*,oEncH*aEssae SEAT SIIAIJ cOMPLVWTH TUE FOJOWSA SATENIA SEUNTUE 00*1,0 flEECE 03020338CR OSALAC 2 II. MUUSESEAT4VOENTftUOREN*EN5,Wc SE STOUNTI0oCoIout PAW SHEASEI S UNEPSEL LNUNSTRuUTEOSIOESETTEOE.TnooRspacE PT VISED STALLADJOS QTCSETUPNIACCESSRJETOSTE CR *2012CM PAIEELOTAIR CLEAR FL~ SPACE 04005USD 4 IU4EESPACE*TLEAST WAlSH. rOLCAND IASEEPSATLL HEPROVISEDAT T4&ESAADCXRAITERS A EaJW*IESTSEwCESnocE~$,ALLeAppo5IcEo*r ECEESSSEESEATACSPACESASPRCVCEDFCRTHEGEAERA.L PLJRIC EXIT VISTA RQUREO S A~SSaESEATEGw*cEssEHueElSTEGRATDDwTU T*EGETCRALSE*TA000S)TTLLALLOW*IC_ASANT3.E SEIECTO2OF$EATIIG*RE* AS 20*200 SEESHEA SPECIE LIV HOHIGHTEDUS THAT [ESIUA2ATEOFUH PENFOIS TMTUDISARLITES MAO TRAWL SSTAJCEALLO%W0 AW_ROCTAT WRITOGAUAD 0111.000 ROOST LIMITATIONS GENERAL NOTES: EXISTING I SROVIEOITSEIIITUT(TOOIUTGETOF1010AAEA300II I PRVECOIAPPSOVEDA*TOUETCF,TDSPR,AQERSVSTEII *SSETFORTH BVA2JILDISG~HEAA0FIRE~9O3 PLANS FCVIEWMOAPPROVAIPTAQRTOINSTAILATIcN 3205*21 TWIG SPTR,NIEHED RJILAAA TVPE~FmESPR5TIER5y5TEu 304311 HE312 303313 I~~t~’ ~ES SE~RANUNI0~ N SO ~ I ~ P.AAI Il~I I IVIP%LIDU BURGER COMPANY ~ ~ 3874A PACIFIC COAST HWY MALIBU, CA 90265 — — I~ (N~ ~ OCCUPANCY LOAD? EGRESS PLAN - E C T S LT1.EU 030008 CR300312 www ~ ~ ST 2345.03 5 I Lii LEL INISELE DM111 ARREST SR,.E (NI RUINS IS)OEA000RE AREA C) C) ,RSH LEGEND LI REFERENEE FLOOR CALLOUT SCHEDULE - SEWRAOTASOTID NESTING 2 NEWSRLCSE000ERREA 5- SEWRTIEILAOAT I SEWPREPAREA 5- TIEWRRAEROGERSEA 6 NEWSELE-SEITACEARERRISPLAT NOTE: PORCH TIGHTANRSELF REDS SR 0- SR ORANGE TOALL EOTEDSRR LSTNDOGS TEED SHALL ORDAINED FRED NON ODEAARLE C- ALL RESTROOMS DOORS SHALL READS URN SELF CLRS GRAND VENT ESTEES TO AEMOITIAS LIARS SAITCOAOT CATER TI ERIRNDSS*IMRSRARM1AIODSS ] NO I~ A A I MOTE ISSUE 11315315 COMOH600SSITTML BURGER COMPANY - E i a t e s TILIIDMDMDS ME506IPTION: PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN ‘ECTSOLRCNC~ - 3874A PACIFIC COAST HWY MALIBU, CA 90265 DIAITSOSOROIAIMD OAAIA.CAE — ~OJcOT MAlIBU BARREn EDNIRVIT MCDIII 113310 AMOS SO DAN 00 WWIS 1 II0’~ I-S LEGEND REFETENCECALLOUT FLOOR CALLOUT SCHEDULE I 2S 4- NEWAENCU SEATING NEWCGTAUUSITV lADLE SEAT US NEWTATLI- SEATING ITAIEEL CARlA RAIl NSATET NOTE: MALIBU BURGER COMPANY 3974A PACING COAST HWY MALIBU, CA 90265 D~SdRIPTIRN: UDGE~TT~ lates I PROPOSED SEATING PLAN A-7. I RUGIACOTA ~ MAL1RUOUAGEACOMPF44Y ID I NOTE ~rlrStlS’-iItuurE ~ 0005 BASE MALIBU BURGER COMPANY 3874A PACIFIC COAST HWY MALIBU CA90265 FINISH PLAN iates A-7..2 ~D G E PROPOSED FLOOR ojEcs OUO~ACOM ESOLI000UOGEA COMPANY “° n° ,~a p p LEGEND O .OEFEOENCEcALLQUT NOTE EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE LII IC NO DATE II ii ISSUE OCR DIV FOIIIPIAFNT IATFIIVRV AI I DESCRIPTION; PROPOSED FOOD E.550RDVROI. BURGER COMPANY 3874A PACIFIC COAST HWY MALISU, CA 90265 i a t e~S SERVICE PLAN rEcTSISo~DAIoS WWIV. ~ 00010.000 FROONET I°~°°~° - MACAU OUTSET 000PPSV TOSS.: nIlE RUMOR 10’. I-U’ (ALL MOUNTED 6max 17-25 ma 4a243a (a) elevatIon 11 (b) plan itt S (6) (a) &nxalinn (c) ekooahcrn @ lavatory “° ptan FIGURE (18-306.2 TOE CLEARANCE FIGURE ((8-306.3 KNEE CLEARANCE ____________ ___________ REQUitED CLEARANCES AT SEATING AND LAVSj~~~ SEA tothe tort nra irs Err SEth CA Err, rUTr to (rotors OrES ESS TErrA thAT 25 Earns iris 550 (OAr sEal rOArEr snrs,rrnrs,onirn TriErs iota Ti ~ rEnts isromrrionanrtttcxrsiarrssTrr,iarssnirrrEnsprrrrtwrtr,dararr,orrrrssoo Znrrraninrnnt,0005,05rssholisanrrtsrrdirbntottrrrntirnr mn)rntnrsrs -~ (SiX ((Ox ~ 3E’036’XACCESUIRLETARLEDETA1LS DOOR MINIMUM CLEARANC~j~~5 ENIRYD000 ~i!_EXITZ IlJIl,~l Gropilirs. Estay cxii sign and diixtc(ion,(l exit sign shall hase pIainl~ legible letiers not lcss than 6 inches (152 non) high ssi(li (lie pnncqral of (he leners not less than ~ inch (19.1 non) arnIe. Ihe nerd “EXI I shall haw leneis hasing a ssidtli not less han 2 inches (SI non) wide. escep( he lelier “I,” and (he nmUtnUtn spacing I,etssccn letters shall not be less than ~ inch (9.5 not). Sgns larger ihari the irinininni esr hhshed mItts section shall hive lettei Es idihs_ sirokes ainh spacing in Irisiporisin to iheir 1 he ssord EXIT” shall be in Ingli c000xis svitlr (lie backgronnd and shall lie clearly discentil,le schen (lie means ol esii sign illnnmn aoin (stir ~5 lot eneigiced. lie cItes ron directional indicakil 5 (505 tIed as p.n ( if (lie esit sign, (lie eo(sn nilnin shall Ire soclr tIrEs (Ire di eden of (lie ehesien dirrduonal indica(oi ca000( lie teadil> changed. tNT. ELEVATtON tNT rLUVAT(oN H tNT. ELEVATiON tNT ELEVATION - -— EXITES1GNAGE NO DATE BAUD nrir,ils COP TE-8000ifl*L (AllairE FR ANT WOM1TtAL MALIBU BURGER COMPANY 3974A PAC(F(C COAST (-(WY MALIBU, CA 90265 ‘I TVI’tCAL nArIImtoOM STALL ELEVATION DETAILS Sit 5100mm I I iates [DECTS~M~ GE mArs or 000E Lojomn (ArTs - iNAnE. 0051,5 ROWTI CV - EisnEr A-8..1 ACCESSIBILITY uruon n000rrcnr000sv sTEELE osnnrrn $~EE~J 0 ~z~i 0 O~O 0 0 0 © 0 0 0 0 0 © 0 0 LEGEND $ 45 O{~PflLC$.~O~P ~S=~C ~.—P —0 0~W~ GWP I 01 ~ ~ e T T O o 0 C ~~~F-C ~ & ~ ~ 001 ~0 ~ ~t ~ ~zi NO OAT ~ ~ OuTline COP flE-OOJOMITT*4. 00000IPTION: MALIBU BURGER COMPANY 3874A PACIFIC COAST HWY MALISU, CA 90265 DG E PROPOSED REFLECTED CEIUNG PLAN ~ Diates ~ECTS~©~©T _.. . . . . . I oiiuiu~~n~ ~ AE—1..1 I,uTiAOeOlACilCIiTlPilOOY C City ofMalibu 23825 Stuart Ranch Rd., Malibu, California CA 90265-4861 (310) 456-2489 FAX (310) 317-1950 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH REVIEW REFERRAL SHEET TO: City of Malibu Environmental Health Administrator DATE: 8128/2015 FROM: City of Malibu Planning Department PROJECT NUMBER: CUP 15-008 JOB ADDRESS: 23359 PACIFIC COAST HWY, 3874A APPLICANT I CONTACT: Jose h Lezama, Burd e & Associates APPLICANT ADDRESS: APPLICANT PHONE #: 21235 Pacific Coast Highway Malibu CA 90265 310 456-5905 APPLICANT FAX #: APPLICANT EMAIL: ose h PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Malibu Burger Co. TO: Malibu Planning Department andlor Applicant FROM: City of Malibu Environmental Health Reviewer / Conformance Review Com~Iete for project submittals reviewed with respect to the City of Malibu Local Coastal Plan/Local Implementation Plan (LCP/LIP) and Malibu Plumbing Code (MPC). The Conditions of Planning conformance review and plan check review comments listed on the attached review sheet(s) (or else handwritten below) shall be addressed prior to plan check approval. Conformance Review Incomplete for the City of Malibu LCP/LIP and MPC. The Planning stage review comments listed on the City of Malibu Environmental Health review sheet(s) shall be addressed prior to conformance review completion. OWTS Plot Plan: 1~ NOT REQUIRED E REQUIRED (attached hereto) EJ REQUIRED (not attached) f5 ~.7OA ~ )≤~ Signature - Date The applicant must submit to the City of Malibu Environmental Health Specialist to determine whether or not an onsite wastewater treatment system (OWTS) Plot Plan approval is required. Andrew Sheldon, Environmental Health Administrator may be contacted Tuesday and Thursday from 8:00 am to 11:00 am, or by calling (310) 456-2489, extension 364. Rev 141008 ATFACHMENT 3 P.:~?c1) -.-— City of Malibu Environmental Health • Environmental Sustainability Department 23825 Stuart Ranch Road Malibu, California 90265-4861 Phone (310) 456-2489 Fax (310) 317-1950 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH REVIEW SHEET PROJECT INFORMATION Joseph Lezama, Burdge & Associates Applicant: (name and email address) Project Address: PlanningCaseNo.: Project Description: Date of Review: 23359 Pacific Coast Hwy, Unit 3874A Malibu, California 90265 CUP15-008 ~. ~ Contact Information: —.——~—— ~ .. ..... October 15, 2015 ~ Phone: (310)456-2489 ext. 307 Email: mjanou SUBMITTAL INFORMATION Floor plan by Burdge &Associates Submitted to Planning 8-28-2015 Architectural Plans: I OWTS Plan: ~ ~ Miscellaneous: Wastewater System Adequacy Report by Lombardo Associates dated 9-30-2015 ~ ~_.. ~. — - Previous Reviews: REVIEW FINDINGS Planning Stage: ~ LI Plan Check Stage: LI for the City of Malibu Local Coastal Program/Local Implementation Plan (LIP) and Malibu Plumbing Code (MPC). The listed conditions of Planning stage conformance review and plan check review comments shall be addressed prior to plan check approval. CONFORMANCE REVIEW INCOMPLETE for the City of Malibu LIP and MPC. The listed Planning stage review comments shall be addressed prior to conformance review completion. CONFORMANCE REVIEW COMPLETE APPROVED ~ NOT APPROVED Please respond to the listed plan check review comments and ~ review. OWTS Plot Plan: ~J LI NOT REQUIRED REQUIRED (attached hereto) LI REQUIRED (not attached) Environmental Health conformance review has been completed for the development proposal described in the project description provided by the Planning Department and the project plans and reports submitted to this office. Please distribute this review sheet to all of the project consultants and, prior to final approval, provide a coordinated submittal addressing all conditions for final approval and plan check items. The conditional conformance findings hereby transmitted complete the Planning stage Environmental Health review of the project. in order to obtain Environmental Health final approval of the project Page I of2 T \Ens Health Re~ie~~ Log’Projcct Rea~ee~’Pacific Coa~ I Is~v\23359 PCH hr CRC doc~ - Maltbn V,Ilage PlazaOTI and CUP Rev~e~~023359 PCII Unit 307-IA \Ialtba Burger Cc (CUP (5-008) 510(523359 PCH Unit 3874A CUP 5-000 conf City of Malibu Environmental Health Review Sheet CUP 15-008 23359 Pacific Coast Hwy, Unit 3874A October 15, 2015 construction drawings (during Building Safety plan check), all conditions and plan check items listed below must be addressed through submittals to the Environmental Health office. Conditions of Planning Conformance Review 1) Building Plans: All final project plans shall be submitted for Environmental Health review and approval. These plans must be approved by the Building Safety Division prior to receiving Environmental Health final approval. -oOo If you have any questions regarding the above requirements, please contact the Environmental Health office at your earliest convenience. cc: Environmental Health file Planning Department Page2of2 T:~EnvI1eahhRevie’~ Lo~’Proje~t Re’~iev~’Pac cCoast1h~~23359 ‘CI- MaIib~ViIIag~I’lazaVfl a,dCUP Re~icwsI23359 PCH Un~t3S74A Malib,, Burger Co (CUP 15-OOS(\151015 23359 PCH Unit 3874A CUI’ 15-003 conIbr CRC dccx . City ofMalibu \~,\—— /‘4~y 23825 Stuart Ranch Rd., Malibu, California CA 90265-4861 (310) 456-2489 FAX (310) 456-7650 PUBLIC WORKS REViEW REFERRAL SHEET TO: Public Works Department DATE: 812812015 FROM: City of Malibu Planning Department PROJECT NUMBER: CUP 15-008 JOB ADDRESS: 23359 PACIFIC COAST HWY, 3874A APPLICANT I CONTACT: Joseph Lezama, Burdge & Associates APPLICANT ADDRESS: APPLICANT PHONE #: 21235 Pacific Coast Highway Malibu, CA 90265 (310) 456-5905 APPLICANT FAX #: _______________________________________ APPLICANT EMAIL: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Malibu Burger Co. TO: Malibu Planning Department andlor Applicant FROM: Public Works Department _____ 1 The following items described on the attached memorandum shall be addressed and resubmitted. The project was reviewed and found to be In conformance with the City’s Public Wo k and LCP policies and CAN proceed through the Planning ~ Rev 120910 DA1t’ City of Malibu MEMoRANDuM To: Planning Department From: Public Works Department Jorge Rubalcava, Assist. Civil Engineer Date: September 11, 2015 Re: Proposed Conditions of Approval for 23359 PCH CUP 15-008 The Public Works Department has reviewed the plans submitted for the above referenced project. Based on this review sufficient information has been submitted to confirm that conformance with the Malibu Local Coastal Plan (LCP) and the Malibu Municipal Code (MMC) can be attained. Prior to the issuance of building and grading permits, the applicant shall comply with the following conditions. COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT 1. All commercial developments shall be designed to control the runoff of pollutants from structures, parking and loading docks. The following minimum measures shall be implemented to minimize the impacts of commercial developments on water quality: • RESTAURANTS Properly design Equipment/accessory wash areas i. Install self-contained wash area, equipped with grease trap, and properly connected to Sanitary Sewer. ii. If the Wash area is located outdoors, it must be covered, paved, the area must have secondary containment and it shall be connected to the sanitary sewer. • TRASH STORAGE AREAS i. Trash container areas must have drainage from adjoining roofs and pavement diverted around the area. ii. Trash container areas must be screened or walled to prevent off-site transport of trash. — C:\Usebmagana’ppData\Lo~I’~osoft\Windows\Temporary nterne~ Ffles\Content.OuUook\G1XR1WI3\23359 PCH CUP 15-008 (Malibu Burger Co.) (2).docx Recy~ed Paper / ~si bson oP transportation consulting, Inc. DRAFT DEp7 MEMORANDUM TO: Cindy McAfee, Jamestown Premier Malibu Village, LP FROM: Sean Mohn Eugene Tang, AICP DATE: March 2, 2015 RE: Parking Analysis for the Malibu Village Restaurant Project Option 2 Ref: J1269a Gibson Transportation Consulting, Inc. (GTC) was retained by Jamestown Premier Malibu Village, LP to perform a parking analysis for the Malibu Village Restaurant Project (Project) at Malibu Village shopping center in Malibu, California. This memorandum outlines the study methodology and summarizes the findings of the parking analysis. PURPOSE OF STUDY Jamestown Premier Malibu Village, LP is proposing to reactivate approximately 2,135 square feet (sf) of previously occupied and currently vacant retail space1 within Malibu Village and convert it to restaurant space. The Project will also provide approximately 200 sf of new outdoor patio seating in Phase 1 and an additional 800 sf of patio seating in Phase 2, resulting in a total of 1,000 sf of new patio seating area. In response, the City of Malibu requested a parking study to demonstrate that both the reactivation of currently vacant restaurant space and the addition of new outdoor patio seating can be supported by the existing parking capacity on-site. PROJECT SITE The Project is located within Malibu Village, located at 23359 Pacific Coast Highway. The site is generally bound by Cross Creek Road to the north, Malibu Creek to the east, Pacific Coast Highway to the south, and Cross Creek Road to the west. Malibu Village presently provides a total of 51,149 sf of gross leasable area (GLA), including 47,369 sf of shopping center space and a 192 seat cinema (equivalent to 3,780 sf). As detailed in the Attachment, the shopping center GLA is currently comprised of 2,010 sf of service space, 4,300 sf of bank space, 2,206 sf of health club space, 24,631 sf of retail space, 6,525 sf of restaurant space, and a total of 7,697 sf of vacant space2. 2 The vacant retail space totals approximately 2,135 sf. Includes both vacant restaurant space and vacant retail space. 523 W. 6th Street, Suite 1234 Los Angeles, CA 90014 p. 213.683.0088 f. 213.683.0033 Ms. Cindy McAfee March 2, 2015 Page 2 The parking supply consists of approximately 310 parking spaces located in the on-site surface parking lot. Figure 1 illustrates the Site Plan for Malibu Village. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Malibu Village is currently a mixed-commercial development predominantly comprised of retail/service tenants with several restaurant spaces. As previously discussed, the Project is proposing: • Reactivation of 2,135 sf of vacant retail space into active restaurant space for the Project • The addition of 200 sf of patio dining area for the Project in Phase 1 • The addition of 800 sf of patio dining area for the Project in Phase 2, resulting in a total of 1,000sf In addition, although these components are not part of the proposed Project, in order to consider the worst case scenario for the purposes of the parking analysis, the conversion and/or reactivation of the currently vacant retail space and restaurant space within Malibu Village is also assumed with the following components: • Reactivation of 2,982 sf of vacant retail space • Reactivation of 2,580 sf of vacant restaurant space Table 1 summarizes the land use plans for both the Existing Conditions and Future Conditions (Phase 1 and Phase 2). As noted in Table 1, the health club is a recent addition to Malibu Village and involved the conversion of previously vacant restaurant space. This study examined the off-street parking required by the Malibu Municipal Code (City of Malibu, 2013) (Municipal Code) based on two assumptions: (1) the extremely conservative assumption that the new outdoor patio seating is restaurant space and its parking demand is significantly higher than the reactivated restaurant space it actually serves and (2) the reasonable assumption that the new outdoor patio seating is essentially ancillary space and its parking demand is the same as the reactivated restaurant space that it serves. MUNICIPAL CODE PARKING REQUIREMENTS The Municipal Code has identified the off-street parking requirements of various land uses. Specifically, Title 17 (Zoning), Chapter 48.030 of the Municipal Code details the off-street parking ratios required for all developments proposed within the City of Malibu. The following parking rates are applicable to the Project: • Shopping Center o Five spaces per 1,000 sf of floor area • Restaurant o One space per 50 sf of service area Ms. Cindy McAfee March 2, 2015 Page 3 The following parking rates are applicable to the other land uses within Malibu Village, including the recently converted health club space3 and the reactivated retail space: • Shor~ing Center o Five spaces per 1,000 sf of floor area • Cinema o One space per three seats o One space per two employees The parking supply at Malibu Village was previously approved based on the shopping center and cinema parking rates described above. Existing Conditions The shopping center rate was applied to the total shopping center GLA of 47,369 sf (vs. the occupied shopping center GLA of 39,672 sf) and results in the requirement of 237 parking spaces. The cinema rate was applied to the 192 seat cinema and results in the requirement of 69 parking spaces. As detailed in Table 2, a total of 306 parking spaces are required for Malibu Village under existing conditions. Based on the application of the Municipal Code, the 310 space parking supply at Malibu Village is able to meet the 306 space requirement of the existing conditions. Future Conditions — Phase I As previously discussed, the Project is proposing to reactivate approximately 2,135 sf of previously occupied (and currently vacant) retail space and convert it to restaurant space. The Project will also provide approximately 200 sf of new outdoor patio seating in Phase 1. As noted earlier, the off-street parking requirement for the reactivated restaurant space is based on the previously approved shopping center parking rates. For the purposes of this analysis, however, the off-street parking requirement for the new outdoor patio seating area was calculated based on both the conservative assumption that the new outdoor patio seating area is effectively new restaurant space and and on the more reasonable assumption that the new outdoor patio seating area is essentially ancillary space. New Restaurant. The shopping center rate was applied to the 47,369 sf of existing shopping center GLA, including the reactivated restaurant space, and results in the requirement of 237 parking spaces. The cinema rate was applied to the 192 seat cinema and results in the requirement of 69 parking spaces. The restaurant rate was applied to the 200 sf of new outdoor patio seating area and results in the requirement of four spaces. As detailed in Table 3, a total of 310 parking spaces are required by Malibu Village under future conditions (Phase 1), which is equal to the 310 space parking supply at Malibu Village. Per the building permit issued by the City of Malibu, the parking requirement for the health club (Soul Cycle) was based on the Malibu Village shopping center rate (five spaces/ksf). Ms. Cindy McAfee March 2, 2015 Page 4 Ancillary Space. The shopping center rate was then applied to both the total shopping center GLA of 47,569 sf (existing plus new), including the reactivated restaurant space, and the 200 sf of new outdoor patio seating area, and results in the requirement of 238 parking spaces. The cinema rate was applied to the 192 seat cinema and results in the requirement of 69 parking spaces. As detailed in Table 4, a total of 307 parking spaces are required by Malibu Village under future conditions, resulting in parking surplus of three spaces within the 310 space parking supply at Malibu Village. Future Conditions — Phase 2 As previously discussed, the Project is proposing to reactivate approximately 2,135 sf of previously occupied (and currently vacant) retail space and convert it to restaurant space. The Project will also provide an additional 800 sf of new outdoor patio seating in Phase 2, resulting in a total of 1,000 sf of new patio seating area. As noted earlier, the off-street parking requirement for the reactivated restaurant space is based on the previously approved shopping center parking rates. For the purposes of this analysis, however, the off-street parking requirement for the new outdoor patio seating area was calculated based on both the conservative assumption that the new outdoor patio seating area is effectively new restaurant space and on the more reasonable assumption that the new outdoor patio seating area is essentially ancillary space. New Restaurant. The shopping center rate was applied to the 47,369 sf of existing shopping center GLA, including the reactivated restaurant space, and results in the requirement of 237 parking spaces. The cinema rate was applied to the 192 seat cinema and results in the requirement of 69 parking spaces. The restaurant rate was applied to the 1,000 sf of new outdoor patio seating area and results in the requirement of 20 spaces. As detailed in Table 5, a total of 326 parking spaces are required by Malibu Village under future conditions (Phase 2), which exceeds the 310 space parking supply at Malibu Village by 16 spaces. Ancillary Space. The shopping center rate was then applied to both the total shopping center GLA of 48,369 sf (existing plus new), including the reactivated restaurant space, and the 1,000 sf of new outdoor patio seating area, and results in the requirement of 242 parking spaces. The cinema rate was applied to the 192 seat cinema and results in the requirement of 69 parking spaces. As detailed in Table 6, a total of 311 parking spaces are required by Malibu Village under future conditions (Phase 2), which exceeds the 310 space parking supply at Malibu Village by one space. CONCLUSION The Project is proposing to reactivate approximately 2,135 sf of previously occupied (and currently vacant) retail space and convert it to restaurant space. The Project will also provide 200 sf of new outdoor patio seating in Phase 1 and an additional 800 sf of new outdoor patio seating in Phase 2, resulting in a total of 1,000 sf of new patio seating area. Based on the results of the future conditions analysis detailed above, when the new outdoor patio seating area is considered as ancillary space serving reactivated restaurant space, the 310 space parking supply at Malibu Village is more than sufficient to meet the needs of the Project during Phase 1 based on the Municipal Code parking requirement 307 spaces. During Phase 2, however, the parking requirement exceeds the parking supply by one space. When the new outdoor patio seating Ms. Cindy McAfee March 2, 2015 Page 5 area is considered as new restaurant space, however, the 310 space parking supply at Malibu Village is not sufficient enough to meet the needs of the Project during either Phase 1 or Phase 2. Due to the fact that the new outdoor patio seating area is relatively small in size and, in fact, will be serving as ancillary space to the reactivated restaurant space and not be serving as an independent destination, it is our professional opinion that the parking demand for this space will be the same as the restaurant that it’s serving. As such, it is our recommendation that the new outdoor patio seating area parking requirement be calculated based on the same rate used for the reactivated restaurant space for both Phase 1 and Phase 2, i.e., the previously approved shopping center rates for Malibu Village. TABLE I MALIBU VILLAGE LAND USE SUMMARY EXISTING CONDITIONS (FEBRUARY 2015) LAND USES SIZE FUTURE CONDITIONS (PHASE I) LAND USES SIZE CINEMA CINEMA 3,780 Sf 192 seats CINEMA 3,780 Sf 192 seats SHOPPING CENTER SERVICE 2,010 Sf SERVICE 2,010 sf BANK 4,300 sf BANK 4,300 sf HEALTH CLUB [a] 2,206 sf HEALTH CLUB [a] 2,206 Sf RETAIL 24,631 Sf RETAIL Restored from Vacani Subtotal Retail 24,631 Sf ~E~ZE2~n I~EI~2~ RESTAURANT 6,525 sf ~ ~ ~- ~ ~ ~ ~ RESTAURANT Rest&ed from Vacan Restored from Vacant (Project ~N~oSpaqe(l~foject’ Subtotal Restaurant [bJ ~ 27,613 sf 6,525 2,580 2,135 200 11,440 sf sf Sf sf OCCUPIED GLA 39,672 Sf OCCUPIED GLA 47,569 Sf TOTAL GLA 47,369 Sf TOTAL GLA 47,569 Sf EXISTING CONDITIONS (ê-t~BRUARY 2015) LAND USES SIZE FUTURE CONDITIONS (PHASE 2) LAND USES SIZE CINEMA CINEMA 3,780 Sf 192 seats CINEMA 3,780 Sf 192 seats SHOPPING CENTER SERVICE 2,010 sf SERVICE 2,010 Sf BANK 4,300 sf BANK 4,300 sf HEALTH CLUB [a] 2,206 sf HEALTH CLUB [a] 2,206 sf RETAIL Restored from Vacan Subtotal Retail 24,631 sf ~ sf 27~613 Sf RETAIL ~ RESTAURANT ~ 24,631 sf ~ 6,525 Sf ~ ~ t~i~L~k~ - RESTAURANT ~est~r~d from Vacanl Restored from Vacant (Project) ~ NewfatioSpace~(Project) Subtotal Restaurant [bJ 6,525 2 580 2,135 ~ 12,240 sf sf sf ~f - sf OCCUPIED GLA 39,672 sf OCCUPIED GLA 48,369 sf TOTAL GLA 47,369 Sf TOTAL GLA 48,369 sf NOTES: Currently VacantlDecommissioned Restoration from Existing VacantlDecommissioned New Construction [a] The Health Club is a recent addition to Malibu Village, and involved the conversion of previously vacant Restaurant space. [bJ The future Restaurant square footage total includes previously vacant Retail space. TABLE 2 MALIBU VILLAGE MUNICIPAL CODE PARKING REQUIREMENT EXISTING CONDITIONS - EXISTING CONDITIONS (FEBRUARY 2015) SIZE PARKING RATE LAND USES SPACES REQUIRED CINEMA CINEMA [a] 10 employees 192 seats 1 space per2 employees 1 space per 3 seats SUBTOTAL 5 69 SHOPPING CENTER [b] SERVICE 2,010 sf BANK 4,300 sf HEALTH CLUB 2,206 sf RETAIL m~ rp~r•..•• ~ ~ 24,631 sf RESTAURANT ~ ~ Vacani ~ TOTAL GLA SUBTOTAL ~jj7~z 6,525 sf ~rp~ ~80-sf~~~ 47,369 sf 5 spaces per 1,000 sf 237 TOTAL SPACES REQUIRED (TOTAL GLA): 306 TOTAL SPACES PRO WDED: 310 SURPLUS!(SHORTFA LL): 4 NOTES: [a] The parking requirement for the Cinema is based on the number of seats and employees (estimated) as previously approved by the City of Malibu. [b] The parking requirement for each of the land uses listed under the shopping center category (including the health club) is based on the shopping center rate, as previously approved by the City of Malibu TABLE 3 MALIBU VILLAGE MUNICIPAL CODE PARKING REQUIREMENT FUTURE CONDITIONS (NEW RESTAURANT) PHASE I - EXISTING CONDITIONS (FEBRUARY 2015) SIZE PARKING RATE LAND USES SPACES REQUIRED CINEMA CINEMA [a] 10 employees 192 seats 1 space per2 employees 1 space per 3 seats SUBTOTAL 5 69 SHOPPING CENTER [b] SERVICE 2,010 sf BANK 4,300 sf HEALTH CLUB 2,206 sf RETAIL Restored from Vacant 24,631 sf 2982 sf RESTAU RANT TOTAL GLA 47,369 sf 5 spaces per 1,000 sf 237 1 spaces per 50 sf 4 RESTAU RANT SUBTOTAL 241 TOTAL SPACES REQUIRED: 310 TOTAL SPACES PRO WDED: 310 SURPLUS/(SHORTFALL): 0 NOTES: rcestorauon irom txisiing vacanvuecommissionea New Construction [a] The parking requirement for the Cinema is based on the number of seats and employees (estimated) as previously approved by the City of Malibu. [b] The parking requirement for each of the land uses listed under the shopping center category (including the health club) is based on the shopping center rate, as previously approved by the City of Malibu. TABLE 4 MALIBU VILLAGE PARKING DEMAND ANALYSIS FUTURE CONDITIONS (ANCILLARY SPACE) PHASE I - EXISTING CONDITIONS (FEBRUARY 2015) SIZE PARKING RATE LAND USES SPACES REQUIRED CINEMA CINEMA [a] 10 employees 192 seats 1 space per 2 employees 1 space per 3 seats SUBTOTAL 5 69 SHOPPING CENTER [bj ~ • SERVICE 2,010 sf BANK 4,300 sf HEALTH CLUB 2,206 sf RETAIL 24,631 sf Ré~torëdfr&rh Vat ~ 2,982.ff~ 3TAURANT TOTAL GLA 47,569 sf SUBTOTAL 5 spaces per 1,000 sf 238 TOTAL SPACES REQUIRED: 307 TOTAL SPACES PRO WDED: 310 SURPLUS/(SHORTFALL): 3 NOTES: rwswrauon rrom txisung vacanvuecomm~ssionea New Construction [a] The parking requirement for the Cinema is based on the number of seats and employees (estimated), as previously approved by the City of Malibu. [b] The parking requirement for each of the land uses listed under the shopping center category (including the health club), is based on the shopping center rate, as previously approved by the City of Malibu. TABLE 5 MALIBU VILLAGE MUNICIPAL CODE PARKING REQUIREMENT FUTURE CONDITIONS (NEW RESTAURANT) PHASE 2 - EXISTING CONDITIONS (FEBRUARY 2015) SIZE PARKING RATE LAND USES SPACES REQUIRED CINEMA CINEMA [a] 10 employees 192 seats 1 space per 2 employees 1 space per 3 seats SUBTOTAL 5 69 SHOPPING CENTER [b] SERVICE 2,010 sf BANK 4,300 sf HEALTH CLUB 2,206 sf RETAIL Restored from Vacant 24,631 sf 2,982 sf RESTAU RANT Restored from Vacant Restored from Vacant (Project) 6,525 sf 2,580 sf 2,135 sf TOTAL GLA 47,369 sf RESTAU RANT ~New Patio Space (Project~ 1,000 ~sf 5 spaces per 1,000 sf 237 I spaces per 50 sf SUBTOTAL 257 TOTAL SPACES REQUIRED: 326 TOTAL SPACES PROVIDED: 310 SURPLUS/(SHORTFALL): (16) NOTES: Restoration from Existing VacantlDecommissioned ~New Construction [a] The parking requirement for the Cinema is based on the number of seats and employees (estimated), as previously approved by the City of Malibu. [bJ The parking requirement for each of the land uses listed under the shopping center category (including the health club), is based on the shopping center rate, as previously approved by the City of Malibu. TABLE 6 MALIBU VILLAGE PARKING DEMAND ANALYSIS FUTURE CONDITIONS (ANCILLARY SPACE) PHASE 2 - EXISTING CONDITIONS (FEBRUARY 2015) SIZE PARKING RATE LAND USES SPACES REQUIRED CINEMA CINEMA [a] 10 employees 192 seats 1 space per2 employees 1 space per 3 seats SUBTOTAL 69 SHOPPING CENTER [b] SERVICE 2,010 sf BANK 4,300 sf HEALTH CLUB 2,206 sf RETAIL Restored from Vacant 24,631 sf 2,982 sf RESTAURANT Restored from Vacant Restored from Vacant (Project) New Patio Space (Prolect) TOTAL GLA 5 6,525 2,580 2,135 1,000 sf sf sf ~ 48,369 sf 5 spaces per 1,000sf SUBTOTAL 242 242 TOTAL SPACES REQUIRED: 311 TOTAL SPACES PRO WDED: 310 . SURPLUS/(SHORTFALL): (1) NOTES: Restoration from Existing VacantlDecommissioned New Construction [a] The parking requirement for the Cinema is based on the number of seats and employees (estimated), as previously approved by the City of Malibu. [bj The parking requirement for each of the land uses listed under the shopping center category (including the health club), is based on the shopping center rate, as previously approved by the City of Malibu. Attachment Tenant Roster ATTACHMENT MALIBU VILLAGE TENANT ROSTER FEBRUARY 2015 - Parcel Unit Story A A A A A A A A A A A A A Sub-Total 3822 3824 3826 3828 3832 3834 3838 3840 3844 3854 3862 3868 3872 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Parcel Unit Story B B B B B B B B B B B B B Sub-Total 3874A 3874B 3880 3882 3883 3884 3888 3890 3894 3896 23357 23359 23361 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Business Name Hollywood Theater Flu San Lorenzo Bikinis Perricone MD Flagship Westime Chipotle True Religion Malibu Eye Center Optometry Banana Republic Salvation Levis Zadig & Voltaire Colony Cleaners Use Type Service Entertainment Retail Apparel, Shoes Retail Apparel, Shoes Retail/Service Beauty Retail Watches Food Restaurant Retail Apparel, Shoes Retail/Service Optometry Retail Apparel, Shoes Retail-Apparel, Shoes Retail Apparel, Shoes Retail Apparel, Shoes Service Cleaners, Laundry - - - - - - - - - - - Business Name Vacant (former Guido’s) Soul Cycle Radio Shack European Shoe Repair Unassigned Interior Retail Wall Street Gallery Grom Gelato Vacant Marmalde Café Sephora Vacant Vacant Wells Fargo Use Type Vacancy Health Club Retail Electronics Service -Apparel, Repair Vacancy Retail -Art Gallery Food Ice Cream Vacancy Food Restaurant Retail Beauty Supply Vacancy Vacancy Service Financial, Banking - - - - - Rentable SF 3,780 600 650 1,600 936 2,050 1,500 1,500 4,500 3,610 1,560 1,534 1,500 25,320 Rentable 2,580 2,206 1,700 510 540 1,056 875 1,777 3,600 3,885 2,135 665 4,300 25,829 Total 51,149 Total (Cinema) Total (Service) Total (Bank) Total (Health Club) Total (Retail) Total (Restuarant) Total (Vacancy) 3,780 2,010 4,300 2,206 24,631 6,525 7,697 Total Total (Shopping Center) 51,149 47,369 I L~ ~., ~ ~q~L ~ ~ — - I MALIBU VILLAGE POTENTIAL RESTRIPE OPPORTUNITIES J FIGURE Vicinity Map YOGASMOGA at the MAthI5 Colotby Mail —~ aa illIcit PeoØec Proposed Restaurant (Malibu Burger) BEDISTU * = BR Pasta To~ci NOW Ia MalAtskildlen flCotcntet Slabudlo 500010CC 23259 a- •cb,s Pacific Cow Hwy Sothobys lnlow,ouooal Real Estate A9cct I - ~. academy Aerial ~ ~ M i1.~M~IIs3oII ~ ;~io~1 CC —t,E~ ~ ~ a r .r -, I a- Ma] 7 ~ 4~ — lii ~p~,~s~isn_\ ‘:“ ‘lL~?1: I — ~i ‘~- ProposedRestaurant (Malibu Burger) ~ ‘ ~ ~ 1~~ - ~w 3 - a- Cca~rvMir — ~ — - n.-ts 4. 41 -n ~ ~ \ a! ~ •~—~ • — ~ ~ ;ThCb ~ I —~ . — p—a — UI) ~ tHw~\ — ATTACHMENT 4 Notice Continued... City of Malibu A written staff report will be available at or before the hearing for the project. All persons wishing to address the Commission regarding this matter will be afforded an opportunity in accordance with the Commission’s procedures. Copies of all related documents are available for re view at City Hall during regular business hours. Writ ten comments may be presented to the Planning Com mission at any time prior to the beginning of the public hearing. LOCAL APPEAL A decision of the Planning Commis sion may be appealed to the City Council by an ag grieved person by written statement setting forth the grounds for appeal. An appeal shall be filed with the City Clerk within ten days following the date of action for which the appeal is made and shall be accompa nied by an appeal form and filing fee, as specified by the City Council. Appeal forms may be found online at forms or in person at City Hall, or by calling (310) 456-2489, extension 245. 23825 Stuart Ranch Road Malibu, CA 90265 (310) 456-2489 Fax (310) 456-7650 CD NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING C .~Q) = - Date: January 7, 2016 By: Bonnie Blue, AICP, Planning Director CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 15-008 An application for Malibu Burger, a new full service restaurant which includes the sale of alcohol under a new Type 41 license, proposed to be open from 11:00 a.m. 12:00 a.m., located within an existing tenant space in the Malibu Village Shopping Center, previously occupied by a restaurant (Guido’s) — U 0~z~Q) ZY~ 0cc~ 0CD 3 IF YOU CHALLENGE THE CITY’S ACTION IN COURT, YOU MAY BE LIMITED TO RAISING ONLY THOSE ISSUES YOU OR SOMEONE ELSE RAISED AT THE PUBLIC HEARING DESCRIBED IN THIS NOTICE, OR IN WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE DE LIVERED TO THE CITY, AT OR PRIOR TO THE PUBLIC HEARING. If you have questions regarding this notice, please con tact Brenda Magana, Assistant Planner, at (310) 456 -2489, extension 353. The Malibu Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on MONDAY, February 1, 2016, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Malibu City Hall, 23825 Stuart Ranch Road, Malibu, CA, for the project identified below. (D - LOCATION: APN: ZONING: Serving One (CV-1) CD Burdge and Associates Jamestown LP Malibu Burger Company August 28, 2015 Brenda Magana Assistant Planner (310) 456-2489, ext. 353 APPLICANT: OWNER: TENANT: APPLICATION FILED: CASE PLANNER: Pursuant to the authority and criteria contained in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the Planning Director has analyzed the proposed project. The Planning Director has found that this project is listed among the classes of projects that have been determined not to have a significant adverse effect on the environment. H 23359 Pacific Coast Highway, Unit 3874A 4452-011-043 Community Visitor- Therefore, the project is categorically exempt from the provisions of CEQA pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 Existing Facilities. The — Planning Director has further determined that none of the six exceptions to the use of a categorical exemption apply to this project (CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2). z H 84 - 1--~ 78 N $ \ / (i ~‘ I M AL B U AGOON ll~rOll [flaps (3~0) 3i7~4S15 20756 S~thoard Ro~ Malbi CA 90265 200i o~:. ‘