The Prez Goes To Memphis - Magic City Blues Society


The Prez Goes To Memphis - Magic City Blues Society
M AG i C
C i T Y
MAR 2014
iSSUE# 248
The Prez Goes
To Memphis
2014 ibc report
Page 4
BlueStages Returns in April p8
from the prez
We are still working to transition
membership to our new membership
volunteer Susan LeFoy, which means
we have not being sending out renewal
notices. So please, if you notice your
membership has expired, send in your
payment. You can use the membership
form on the back of your mailed
newsletter or you can renew through
our website.
We are also working on getting
events scheduled for 2014. It looks
like we will be having four Phelan Park
events. The Five Points Neighborhood
Association is unable to help with
funding as they have had their money
from the City of Birmingham reduced.
However, Dreamland has stepped up
and will assist with a good donation.
Please thank them for supporting the
Blues and Phelan Park by patronizing
them and letting them know you are
a member of the MCBS. We are also
working on lining up the Junkyard Juke
Series, to be continued at Daniel Day
If you are a musician or not, don’t
forget about our first Friday’s monthly
jams at Ranelli’s Deli. March 7th is the
next one. Just come to listen or turn
up with your instrument to play. Full
backline is provided, so don’t worry
about hauling the heavy stuff. Bring
your friends, there is no charge and it’s
open to members and non-members.
If anyone is heading to the
Columbus, Mississippi area in March
you may want to visit the Columbus
Arts Center where I have a photo exhibit
March 6th through March 31st. March 7th
is also the date that the Columbus Arts
Council will have its “Blues for Willie”
event to celebrate the fifth anniversary
of Willie King’s last performance, which
was at the Rosenzweig Arts Center
on March 7, 2009. Clarence Davis,
Birmingham George, Jock Webb and
Albert Bilups will be the tribute band.
Getting these musicians together to
play is in itself an historic event.
All musicians note that we have
set Sunday July 20th for our Battle of
the Blues Bands Competition. We are
going back to Iron City, which is a
great location for the event. Now is the
time to mark your calendar and start
planning your winning performance.
Roger Stephenson
Meet a Member: Cabbie Bowes
This month, I am pleased to introduce you to our new
MCBS Treasurer, Cabbie Bowes. Cabbie and her husband
Randy joined the MCBS back in the “Sloss” days, over 15
years ago. Cabbie and Randy are also members of the
International Blues Foundation, which entitles them to a
vote for the Blues Music Awards (formerly the W.C. Handy
Awards). They have frequented Memphis for the IBC’s
and Memphis in May events. In the past years, Cabbie has
served as a Board Member at Large twice, stepped in as
Treasurer when the need arose and was elected to a full
term as Treasurer on the next Board. We are very pleased
to welcome Cabbie on “board” again.
We have been missing Cabbie and Randy for the past few years because of some
major life issues they have had to deal with. Randy, who will turn 64 in March, was
diagnosed with Alzheimer’s 10 years ago. Needless to say, this devastating disease
has been a long strange trip for all concerned. Over the past 2 years, Cabbie has also
been dealing with knee replacement, on BOTH knees. I should be very cautious in my
writings, with 2 new knees I’m sure she could really kick some Butt! I know this would
never occur though, because Cabbie is a very loving and kind person. Just ask all the
stray cats she has cared for over the years.
I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Cabbie and Randy on their
40th wedding anniversary! I know they will celebrate with a chocolate milkshake!
Magic City Blues News MARCH 2014
P.O. Box 55895
Birmingham, AL 35255
President: Roger Stephenson
Vice President: Jamey McMahon
Treasurer: Cabbie Bowes
Secretary: Wendy Walters
Board at Large:
Elizabeth Hooks
Richard Kirby
John Braswell
Webmaster: Richard Kirby
Membership: Susan LeFoy
Librarian: Mark Giorgi
blu e mail
our FREE weekly e-mail service
Keep up with the latest
Blues happenings in the
Sign up TODAY:
From our memphis correspondent
February 23, 2013 – Your
correspondent, like all who work on a
monthly schedule, notes that February
is a short month. In fairness, he guesses
that there are some longer months
that make up for it, but few, generally
speaking, return found money or an
over large tip so he, like his colleagues
on monthly schedules or checks, will let
it go.
If the regular reader of this column
has not discerned the ground-truth
that Memphis is permeated by Blues,
its author has profoundly failed. That’s
why your correspondent, coming home
early from a Memphis Blues Society
jam at which Howard Grimes (drummer
for the famed Hi Rhythm Section) just
happened to sit in, and that Earl (The
Pearl) Banks was about to join, was
able to listen to the Memphis Jug Band
singing “Take a Whiff on Me” (“I loves
my whiskey and I loves my gin, but the
way I love my coke is a doggone sin….”)
on WYPL, the Public Library Station.
All this prefaces what was hoped to
be a prescient appreciation of a band
that has not hit the Blues scene, or at
least your correspondent’s view of it,
just yet: Rev Peyton’s Big Damn Band.
They played Newby’s, a college bar on
the way out to East Memphis on the
Friday night just past, to a motley crew
of some 75 to one hundred. Based
on a few YouTube snippets, a snazzy
bedeviled t-shirt and their issuance of
a vinyl, monaural, single microphone
recording of Charlie Patton’s Greatest
Hits that included an actual 78 rpm
version, your correspondent expected
a new take on the Blues, the sort of
thing that The White Stripes, the Black
Keys, Black Joe Lewis or Lightnin’ and
Cedric provided to his great delight.
Sadly, that did not happen. There’s a
lot to like about Rev. Peyton and his
band: a washboard player that drags
her cymbal tipped glove in way that
suggests “scratch my back”; a load of
vintage guitars; catchy, populist and
sing-able lyrics; and an undeniably high
energy show. So why, the reader might
ask, the long face?
Well..., in your correspondent’s
meandering exploration of what
it takes to make some good blues,
several themes have sustained his
interest. First is swing. Swing includes
but is not just keeping time. Swing is
complex movement through time and
really through all three dimensions
(at least). Time, for sure, but also up
magic city blues news
is the official publication of the Magic City Blues Society,
a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization. The Society is not responsible for the views and opinions expressed in Magic City Blues News
by individuals, who are solely responsible for their views.
Full Page
Business Card
(9.25”-H x 7.25”-W)............................$100.00
(4.5”-H x 7.25”-W) or
(9.25”-H x 3.5”-W)................................. $75.00
(4.5”-H x 3.5”-W)................................... $50.00
(2”-H x 3.5”-W)...................................... $25.00
and down, back and forth and round
and round. Swing expands time. Then
there is lightness. While some find the
Blues oppressive, your correspondent
would argue that only bad Blues are
oppressive. The Blues are meant to
relieve, not cause, pain. Blues lyrics are
not somber, generally; they are wry
and ironic. Some scholars suggest that
is a response to an oppressive society
where plain speech might be punished.
For whatever reason, it’s to the
audiences’ and literature’s benefit. And
Blues melodies are not just minor and
sad: they hit Blue notes in the major key.
In the same way there is syncopation,
the shuffle, the particulars of the
swing. Finally, there are dynamics. All
the above requires a voice that has
dynamics actually within the beat;
but there are also the stop times, the
turnaround, the call and response, all
of which creates a music that is far, far
more complex in its execution that any
description would explain.
These remarkable elements have
created a vein of music that is mined
by many who really aren’t Blues people
but in whose derivative attempts, the
Continued on page 9
We want to thank the following businesses
and individuals that help support the MCBS:
Bob Sykes BBQ
Cathead Vodka
FAR Distribution
Space reservations,
production requirements, etc.:
Wendy Walters,
or Roger Stephenson,
James McMahon
Billing inquiries:
Cabbie Bowles,
Ranelli’s Deli
Publication design by Deluxe Interactive Services, LLC
Iron City
MARCH 2014 Magic City Blues News
The Prez Goes to Memphis
For the last 6 years I’ve made the trip
to the IBC in Memphis to support our
BOBB winners. And every year I come
back proud that we can compete with
the best and impress the crowds. On
my first few trips up there, there was
a large contingent from Birmingham,
well twenty or more-- a party crowd.
Suites were booked at the Hampton
Inn near Beale, cocktails started by
midafternoon, all were welcomed.
With a slight buzz on and warmed by
the alcohol the party moved 100 yards
to Rum Boogie to secure a good seat
for the evening. Seemed like half the
people there were from Birmingham.
Not being a bashful bunch it wasn’t
long before the entire place knew we
were from the Magic City Blues Society.
We’d hand out bumper stickers, decals
and buttons. It was a lot of fun.
This year, other than our competing
bands I was about the only one there
from the MCBS. Not sure why, maybe
the economy. I’d suggest we plan a
group trip for next year; the IBC is a
Blues lover’s paradise. I bumped into
many musicians we all love. Brandon
Santini was running the late night
jam at Mr. Handy’s Blues Hall and Jeff
Jenson was sitting in. The Memphis
Blues Society had a jam Thursday at the
Pig On Beale. Good on one time MCBS
member and Birmingham resident John
Gemmill, who is now President of that
fine society. When I popped in the floor
was taken over by the Ghost Town Blues
Band (second place band at the IBC this
year) and RB Stone belting out some
fine vocals. Little G Weevil was one of
Bob Margolin’s special guests for the
Saturday Jam at Rum Boogie, so sorry
I missed that, but I had to head home
Saturday night as I had commitments
Sunday morning in Birmingham.
Well, what about the competition!
There were a record 255 bands entered:
the quarter finals were Wednesday and
Thursday in 20 different locations close
to Beale. Not arriving until Thursday I
had a lot of ground to cover. I perhaps
only saw 20 of the entered bands that
night. First I headed to Blues City Café
to see the Atlanta Blues Society entry,
The Cazanovas, with Maurice Nazzaro,
Magic City Blues News MARCH 2014
Roger Stephenson
Mr. Sipp, the representative from the Vicksburg Blues Society, won the
band title at the 2014 International Blues Challenge
the band’s harp player and lead singer,
known to many of you as he has played
with Little G on many occasions. Little
G was there to show his support and
the band did great. I stayed to watch
the next up -- The Rockin’ Jake Band,
then headed to the Westin Hotel lobby
for some acoustic Blues. The lighting
was terrible, hard to take a photograph,
but the music was good. DJ Rice from
Kentucky and Texan John Egan played
some good traditional Blues on his
National Steel resonator assisted by an
electric stomp box. I made it over to
Silky O’Sullivan’s early to catch Brewer
and Stevo, only to find them halfway
through their set. It’s not often the
bands play ahead of schedule. They
were giving it all they had, Stevo trying
to blow the reeds out of his harp and
David Brewer looking serious as he
concentrated on his best performance.
The place was packed and the crowd
enthusiastic. A couple of doors down
to see DieDra, perfect this time as they
were just finishing sound check. Laura
Vendetti, President of the Gulf Coast
Blues Society, was already there to
support them. High energy from start
to finish, outside was cold, inside was
hot, red hot. Guitarist Keithen Ruff left
the stage taking the music into the
audience so they could see how he
played his guitar with his teeth and
behind his head. The crowd loved it.
Back to the Westin for something a
little quieter-- Willie Green representing
the North Central Florida Blues Society
was on stage. Good old fashioned
Delta Blues, the real deal from an
2014 IBC Fi nalists
Band: Bad Brad & Fat Cats
Colorado Blues Society
Band: Brat Pack
Philippine Blues Society
Solo/duo: Arthur Migliazza
South Sound Blues Association
Solo/duo: Nico Wayne Toussaint &
South Florida Blues Society
Band: Ben Rice and iLLamatics
Cascade Blues Association
Solo/duo: Erik Ray
Granite State Blues Society
Roger Stephenson
DieDra and the Ruff Pro Band
made the finals of the 2014 IBC
octogenarian who began playing house
parties and farm camps in the early
50’s. I was all the more interested when
I learnt he was born down the road in
Montgomery. Across the road to Coyote
Ugly to catch the Jimmy Pritchard Band.
Jimmy was the bass player for Mikey
Junior and his lead guitarist was Matt
Daniels who also was with Mikey. They
were waiting for their turn to play.
Jimmy was very distraught. He told
me they had a two piece brass section
that was snowbound at the airport.
They had to take the stage as a three
piece, no other option. They played
great, Matt has to be one of the best
young guitarists there is. They were
the last competing band, so time for a
drink at Mr. Handy’s Blues Hall waiting
for the results to be announced. Two
men down, but Jimmy Pritchard made
the semi’s, so did DieDra, and The
Cazanovas. Sadly Stevo & Brewer didn’t
advance. Only 30% made the cut, 48
bands and 31 solo/duo’s.
I spent Friday afternoon at the Purple
Haze where promotion company Blind
Raccoon held a showcase. Tommy Z
was a mean electric guitarist and I liked
New York’s Kirsten Thien who was a
great Blues vocalist backed by top
notch guitarist Eddie “Devil Boy” Turner.
Then time to catch the semifinals.
Jimmy Pritchard was competing at the
Hard Rock Café, still as a three piece, the
snowbound members could have made
it, but the rules didn’t allow a change,
so they had to continue the way they
started two members down. They did a
Continued on page 9
Band: Billy the Kid & Regulators
BIues Society of Western Pennsylvania
Solo/duo: Lucious Spiller
Ozark Blues Society of Northwest
Band: Brad Absher & Swamp
Houston Blues Society
Solo/duo: Matt Tedder
Nashville Blues Society
Band: DieDra & Ruff Pro Band
Magic City Blues Society
Solo/duo: Suitcase Brothers
Piedmont Blues Preservation
Band: Ghost Town BIues Band
Memphis Blues Society
Solo/duo: TimWilliams
Calgary Blues Music Association
Band: Katy Guillen & Girls
Kansas City Blues Society
Solo/duo: Wendy DeWitt w/
Kirk Harwood
The Golden Gate Blues Society
Band: Mr.Sipp
Vicksburg Blues Society
Roger Stephenson
Tim Williams of Canada won the solo/duo category
MARCH 2014 Magic City Blues News
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Magic City Blues News MARCH 2014
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MARCH 2014 Magic City Blues News
BlueStages Returns in April with Danny Brooks
Danny Brooks has traveled a long
way, both figuratively and literally, to
make it to Birmingham, Alabama, where
he will be performing at a Magic City
Blues Society BlueStages show on April
26th. For those of you who don’t know,
BlueStages is a wonderful, intimate evening with a performer that takes place
in one of our member’s homes. Bring
a small chair, the beverages of your
choice in a small cooler, and perhaps
some food to share and snack on… and
$15 to get in the door. Email to get on the attendance
list, and a few days before the show
we’ll send you an email with the location. Attendance is capped at around 60
people, - first come first served - so to
assure your spot, Act Now!!!
As for Danny Brooks, born in Ontario,
Canada in 1951, he has been performing virtually his entire life. His earliest
“performances” in front of an audience
occurred as a child, when, along with
his brother and sister, he preached and
quoted Bible verses on street corners
in Toronto. In spite of his righteous
upbringing, it didn’t really take at first…
Danny actually served a short stint in
prison in the early 70’s, and battled
drug and alcohol addiction throughout
his young adulthood.
Clean since the late ‘80s, Brooks splits
his musical career between writing,
singing and performing both Blues and
gospel music. Aside from performing at
the traditional Blues clubs throughout
the United States and Canada, Brooks is
a regular at prison, halfway houses, and
rehabilitation centers throughout North
America. An ordained minister, Brooks
has even published a book Miracles For
Breakfast: How Faith Helped Me Kick
My Addictions, that tells his personal
experiences with the music business,
addiction, and rehabilitation.
As for what we can expect musically
from Danny Brooks, his Blues, gospel,
country, bluegrass, R&B, and soul influences all combine to create a unique
performer who defines the term “roots
musician.” While not as widely known
in the States, Brooks has been a consistent nominee for various Canadian and
American music awards, including the
CGMA Covenant Awards, the International Songwriting Competition, the
Magic City Blues News MARCH 2014
Juno Awards, the Maple Blues Awards,
and was named a Blues ambassador by
the Blues Hall of Fame. Danny has even
done some recording down South with
Johnny Sandlin and Muscle Shoals legends David Hood and Spooner Oldham.
I got a chance to ask Danny a few
Q: What will be your basic
instrumental setup for BlueStages?
A: I’ll be using resonator, electric,
acoustic, and cigar box guitars, along
with a harmonica and a stomp board.
My wife sings with me and plays Cajun/
Q: Growing up, who were your
biggest influences in the blues/
country/gospel genres?
A: Hank Williams, Rev. Jumpin’ Jim
Jericho and Muddy Waters were the
three main primary artists that formed
my early stylings. Then Solomon Burke,
Bobby “Blue” Bland, and Taj Mahal and
the Allman Brothers helped shape my
Q: Can you speak to your general
thoughts on performing at house
concerts vs. club gigs with a full
A: I love house concerts because it allows for more stories behind the songs.
Q: The temptations for a traveling
musician are legendary… or
infamous. Given your background,
any secrets you can share about how
you keep your head straight on the
A: I never did anything in moderation and that helped getting a lot of the
temptations out of my system: I was
sick of it. My faith and my wife are truly
the biggest reasons for my sobriety and
towing the line. I fill myself with positive
thoughts, pray for the best for all, and
desire to perform and share the best I
possibly can.
Jamey McMahon
Alys Stephens Center H as the Blues!
Me and Sleepy Gumbo are big
fans of UAB’s Alys Stephens Center;
as now “preferred members,” after
being very loyal attendees, we have
managed to worm our way into front
row seats for the shows we pick for
the season.
Last year’s Buddy Guy show was
incredible; this guy, at 77 years
rockin, was all over the theater, in
the upper balconies, in the aisles,
everywhere. On Valentine’s Day,
our 27th wedding anniversary, we
treated ourselves with a Robert Cray
show. Sleepy and I saw Robert last
more than 20 years ago at, if memory
serves me (which might not, correct
me if I’m wrong), was at 5 Points
Music Hall. I remember then walking
away disappointed that the show
seemed like one studio version, with
no artistic stretches that I expect
from a live show.
This show was really good, with
the understanding that hearing
Robert Cray on Valentine’s Day is
taken with a grain of salt. This guy’s
got the blues—he’s either cheating
on or being cheated on, life is hard,
hearts are matter, we
had a great time and were thankful
for our own relationship!
Upcoming in the season we are
excited about having our same
sweet front row seats to see the
incomparable Taj Mahal; on our
10th anniversary Sleepy and I went
on a Blues cruise that featured Taj
as our host of the week. I danced
with him a bunch of times; he was
on vacation, too, and we had a blast.
I’ve seen him several times; one of
my favorite shows was a kid’s show
he did at City Stages.
If you have never been to the
incredibly beautiful Alys Stephens
Center, you definitely need to check
it out; as a longtime UAB employee,
I am proud of what we have brought
to the city. Every seat is good,
and the acoustics are fabulous.
Check out their website at http:// to get the full story
of this glorious venue we have here
in our town.
Wendy Walters
continued from page 3
Blues more often than not triumphs
and captures the hard rocker. Sadly,
not so much for Rev Peyton. Their
performance, while having many
positives noted above, took the Blues
out of the Blues. Even Patton, in their
album “Peyton on Patton”, is reduced
to a thumpy, preachy sort of Hee-Haw
caricature: the words, which from
Patton’s mouth were so indistinct that
2014 IBC
continued from page 5
great job, but no doubt the
brass section would have
added a dimension. People
were talking about Lucious
Spiller as a solo competitor,
they were telling me to see
this Arkansas boy. Went
to the 12 Bar, Lucious was
playing but the place was so
musicologists have come to blows over
them, were as stentorian as a Sunday
morning TV sermon and the finger
picked guitar had a bass drone like a
metronome rather than the driving,
bouncy, melodic and, yes, sweet riffs of
Patton or his acolyte Robert Johnson.
Their performance was even more
so, dominated by an over-amped
(“Gotta have more kick…More kick
in my monitor. Can you hear it out
there yet?)” kick-drum that that stayed
unfailingly on the beat (every beat).
Their vocals had some sweet harmonies
packed I couldn’t get near so
I moved on.
The Cazanova’s and Mr.
Sipp were both playing at
the same time, so I decided
to catch Mr. Sipp at the
Rum Boogie. He had made
the semifinals and I wanted
to hear his band as I had
them tentatively booked
for the Bob Sykes Blues
& BBQ Festival. The place
was packed as the Rum
but mainly seemed sort of hostile and
musclebound, as though Everett McGill
(George Clooney in “Oh Brother…”) had
spent more time in Parchman’s gym
than on their chain gang and spiked his
pomade with something anabolic.
None of this is to shrink the Big Tent
of Blues but only to suggest if they made
themselves at home in it, they, and at
least some of their audience, would
feel more comfortable. As far as your
correspondent’s disappointment goes?
It takes way more than one monkey to
stop the show in Memphis.
Boogie is always the most
patronized of the joints on
Beale. Loved the sound of Mr.
Sipp: something about those
Mississippi boys and Blues.
DieDra was the last band
playing at Alfred’s and they
put on another high energy
show. DieDra did slow down
for one number remarking
that she was getting too old
and needed to catch her
breath. But then on the next
number her husband and
guitarist Keithen Ruff jumped
right off the three foot high
stage, again taking it to the
audience. They were the last
competitor of the evening
at Alfred’s and I decided to
stay there as there was a
jam starting. R.B.Stone was
going to be sitting in and an
old friend from NY, David
Fields, was also going to play.
Seemed a good place to chill
to await the results.
It must have been close to
1am when the results were
announced. Eight solo/duo
and nine bands advanced to
the finals. DieDra & the Ruff
Pro Band made it, WOW. Mr.
Sipp made it as did Lucious
Spiller, who I’d tried to see.
Next morning I arrived
at the grand Orpheum
Theater around 11:30 to get
a good spot to listen and to
photograph the finals. The
first band, Bad Brad & Fat
Cats, kicked off sharply at
noon. Every twenty minutes
the bands changed over,
it went like clockwork, and
by 7:30 pm all nineteen had
competed and the results
were tallied. I would not have
wanted to be a judge as the
quality of every competitor
in the final was amazing.
There were three winning
bands and two solo/duo acts.
Mr. Sipp was announced
as winner – that was great
news as he had already
committed to play the Bob
Sykes Blues & BBQ Festival
on May 30th. Ghost Town
Blues Band from Memphis
was 2nd and Billy the Kid
& the Regulators were 3rd.
DieDra & the Ruff Pro Band
hadn’t made it, but they were
winners just getting into the
top nine bands and I felt,
based on the applause, they
were the winners with the
crowd. They certainly did the
MCBS proud. First solo act
was Canada’s Tim Williams
and 2nd place was Lucious
The party continued
on down to Beale Street.
I needed to head straight
home. I submitted all my
photographs to the Blues
Foundation and mine were
the ones selected for their
website. Just go to www. and you will
find them under “30th IBC
photos”. Cool.
For any Blues lover I
thoroughly recommend
going to the IBC. In 2015 it
will be held Jan 20-24. Mark
your calendar.
Roger Stephenson
MARCH 2014 Magic City Blues News
CD reviews
Alabama Women in Blues
Blues Babes of Alabama
Label: Ruff Pro Records
I could not be more proud of our
Alabama powerhouse Blues Babes...
pulled together by Deidra and Keithen
Ruff, this CD is just damn good fun.
The IBCs are just finishing, and we are
incredibly proud of DeiDra making the
finals!! Although she and the band didn’t
ultimately win, making the finals in phenomenal, and they have made us proud.
She’s got two tracks—the very trippy
“Fantasy,” where Keithen’s guitar work is
way out there in fantasy guitar land, and
the girlfriend, tell it like it is jumpin’ “Red
Shoes” as a bonus track to end the CD in
While I didn’t know every artist on the
CD, like the 17 year old Taylor McLain
who kicks it all off, from what I read, this
girl was recently named the Traditional
Vocalist and Entertainer of the Year by
the North American Country Music Association International. Next up is Alabama
Annie, whose “Train” throws you back to
days of pinstripe suits and hair permed
into waves. Great keyboards, and love
the clickety-clack of the train.
Little Kim Stuart puts it out there in
what she expects and needs from a man
in “Bootlegg Baby,” a very groovin’ tune.
Sharbaby Newport, also a MCBS sweetheart and now part of new documentary
airing this month, “Alabama Journey
Proud,” slides in a sultry little tune, “Keep
Your Mind to Yourself,” “and you can’t
hurt nobody else....”
Thessa Burgess plays guitar and hails
from Pell City, giving it her all on “The
Wind,” followed by Milynn Little with
“Mississippi.” Both these women add
to the varied styles of the CD, as does
BJ Miller, coming in with “Too Late.” It
would be so much fun to be one of BJ’s
backup singers, complete with handclaps and synchronized moves.
Two of MCBS’s longtime divas, Debbie Bond and Elnora Spencer, close out
this very enjoyable CD. Debbie belts
it out with “Nothing But the Blues,”
got some cool organ action working
on it. Elnora’s “Two Headed Man” ain’t
nothin’ but trouble. “One head’s sweet
and the other’s mean, they both get to
talkin’, y’all, you can’t get a word in between.” As Queen Elnora herself would
Really fun listen, and a great tribute
to the incredible female talent we have
here in the state of Alabama. Pick it
up, support the women of the Blues in
Wendy Walters
Carver Theater
Hosts the Blues
Scott Ward
Thanks for all the great times!
You are indeed loved and missed.
Magic City Blues News MARCH 2014
Blues, Blues and more Blues, a tribute to the Blues
Legends. On Saturday March 22nd at 8pm, there will
be a tribute to the Blues Legends at the historic Carver
Theater. Robert Harris will be the Master of Ceremonies,
and there will be a host of fine musicians – it’s rumored
that some original members of very famous bands will
be performing. Rumors I’ve heard are The Temptations
and The Platters. Local Blues & soul artist Mose Stovall
as well as Shaun Judah are confirmed, but there will be
some surprise guests. Many of you will have seen the
talented Robert Harris with his band as he has played
several of our events, including Mayor Bell’s Uptown
Juke Joint last year, as well as our Phelan Park September 2011 show. He also played the Bob Sykes Blues &
BBQ Festival the last two years. Tickets are $20, $15 in
advance from the Carver Theater. After the event it’s
rumored the band will move down a couple of blocks
to Wellington’s Bistro 9, corner of 2nd Ave. N & 15th St. to
party late into the evening.
Roger Stephenson
CD reviews
Damon Fowler
Sounds of Home
Label: Blind Pig Records
Hot on the heels of his
Magic City Blues Society
Blues Ball appearance
with Southern Hospitality,
Damon Fowler is keeping
his momentum going with
Sounds of Home on the
renowned Blind Pig label.
Joined by Chuck Riley on
bass and James McKnight on
drums, the (MCBS favorite)
Tab Benoit produced
recording features eight
original songs either written
or co-written by Fowler,
along with three cover/
traditional tracks.
Fowler sets the tone on
the first song, “Thought I
Had It All,” a simmering Blues
with both traditional slide
and lap steel guitar leads
throughout. “Sounds of
Home” finds Fowler lyrically
and musically describing
life in South Florida. “Spark”
is a short blast of boogiewoogie blues, whereas “Old
Fools,” “Bar Stools,” and “Me”
touches on Fowler’s country
influences. “Where I Belong”
is a lap steel romp, and
“Grit My Teeth” is perhaps
the closest song on the
recording to modern Blues/
The two cover songs
follow – Elvis Costello’s
“Alison” and Johnny Winter’s
“TV Mama” – an interesting
one-two punch!
Fowler closes the disc
with “Do It For the Love,”
a slow country Blues track
that finds Benoit adding
pedal steel guitar, and then
Fowler finger picking a lovely
version of the traditional
song, “I Shall Not Be Moved.”
Much like Southern
Hospitality’s Easy Living
from last year, Sounds of
Home is another masterful
Blues recording, not another
in a (too?) long list of 90
mph blues rock. It is pretty,
tasteful, and mature...just like
Damon himself!!!
Jamey McMahon
library corner
There a bunch of new CDs that have
come in this month to the library, all
part of your perks of being a member
of MCBS. At most of our events, our
ever energetic Mark Giorgi drags out
boxes and boxes of Blues CD’s that have
been donated to our library. These are
available to you, dear member, just for
being a part of our organization. You
check them out of the library, give it a
listen or twenty, and return it. We are
always looking for volunteers to write
a review of a CD that they particularly
enjoyed. This both helps the artist and
helps us get more ads through record
What started as a live recording for a
radio show blossomed into the release
of this CD. Check it out!
Debbie Bond and the TruDats
That Thing Called Love
Label: Blues Root Productions
Longtime good friend to MCBS
Debbie Bond has a new CD out, her
third release. Debbie and Rick Asherson,
multi-talented musician and Debbie’s
“partner in crime and love,” have been
powerhouses in Alabama, spreading the
mission of the Blues through their own
music, collaborations, and their very
incredible Blues in the Schools project.
This CD sprang spontaneously from a
trip to Nashville to appear on Radio Free
Nashville WRFN’s Mando Blues Show.
Jim Suhler
Panther Burn
Label: Underworld Records
Jim Suhler is a familiar name from
his work done with Monkey Beat, a
top notch Texan guitar driven band.
Suhler is also known for playing with
George Thorogood & The Destroyers.
This album is Suhler’s fifth release with
Monkey Beat, and it, as the promo
describes, is “the great Southwest
tradition melding dirt black country
blues and swing jazz into an irresistible
combination of groove, melody and
deep soul giving.”
The Bluesmasters
Volume 3
Label: Direct Music Distribution
I am a fan of this band, loved Volume
2 that featured Cassie Taylor; this one
brings on the fantastic female vocals
of Hazel Miller and knocks it out of the
house. This CD features mostly originals,
which is a change from the previous
releases covering classic covers. Led by
guitar slinger Tim Tucker, this CD does
not fail to entertain.
I understand that any unauthorized duplication or storing of any music on CDs or other
media I check out from the MCBS lending
library is a violation of federal law and also
violates the agreements that MCBS has with
the artists and record labels that provide these
CDs. This includes burning any copies of the
CD or storing the music in my computer or any
mobile audio device like an I-Pod. I agree not to
copy, duplicate or store or upload to file sharing
services any music contained on CDs lent to me
by the Magic City Blues Society.
Jason Vivone and the Billy Bats
Eddie Ate Dynamite
Label: Jason Vivone
OK, this is a little offbeat and weird,
but I kinda digged it. I laughed when I
read the insert promo: “Jason Vivone
has been called the Orson Welles of
Roots and Blues music. ‘It’s a helluva
compliment. And it makes me drop
and do 100 crunches immediately,’ says
Vivone.” And this, you decide: “Vivone
and the Bats operate in the ozone
somewhere between Lord Buckley and
Count Basie, while spice with Delta
Wendy Walters
MARCH 2014 Magic City Blues News
blues b and directory
Contact: Frank Ranelli
Contact: Greg “Big Papa” Franklin
205-222-3789 or
Contact: Leonard Watkins
Contact: Chip Riddlesperger
205-253-7046 or
Contact: Ned West
205-746-8397 or
Contact: Rick Ranelli
Contact: Chad Johnson
Contact: Rick Asherson
Contact: Earl Williams
Contact: Tom Thomas
Contact: John Bull
Contact: 205-470-6328
Contact: Lefty Collins or
Contact: Dave Gallaher
256-519-9993 or
Contact: Scott Lander
205-705-6775 or
Contact: BEATS Entertainment,
Carter Law
205-862-4723 or carterlaw2005@hotmail.
Contact: 205-478-0580
Contact: 205-967-8453
Contact: Lauren Brown
615-948-9669 or
Contact: Greg Franklin
205-222-3789 or
Contact: Scott Lander
205-705-6775 or
Contact: Mark Mizzell
205-915-2735 or
Contact: Stevo
Please direct all additions & changes to: Carolyn Pocus (
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Magic City Blues News MARCH 2014
calendar of the blues: march
Call clubs to confirm! Birmingham listings in BOLD face.
To be listed in MCBS calendar, contact Carolyn Pocus (
Sat. 01
Sam Pointer Trio
Crestwood Tavern
Sassy Brown Band
Ona’s Music Room
Microwave Dave
Boot Pizzeria, Huntsville
Debbie Bond and the TruDats
Mardi Gras Party
Kaffeeklatsch Bar, Huntsville
Sun. 02
The Elijah Butler Band
Sun. 09
Maxwell Russell and the
Shakedown Kings
Wellington’s Bistro
Wellington’s Bistro
Rickie Castrillo & Friends
Capitol Oyster Bar, Montgomery
Microwave Dave
Biscuit Miller & The Mix
Mon. 10
Open Blues & Soul Jam
Red Wolf
Wed. 12
Red Wolf
Fri. 21
Bob Margolin
City Vineyard
Microwave Dave
DanielDay Gallery
Garage Cafe
UnChain the Melody
Mama Annie’s, Huntsville
Debbie Bond
Moonlight on the Mountain
Sat. 15
Sassy Brown Band
Bandito Southside, Huntsville
Codzilla’s, 9-1am
Thurs. 06
Cahaba Brewing Company
MCBS Acoustic Open Jam
Ranelli’s Soul Pit
The Amazing Live
Sea Monkeys
DanielDay Gallery
Cedric Burnside
City Vineyard
(7-16) Microwave Dave
& the Nukes
Main St. Station, Daytona Beach, FL
“Blues for Willie” w/ Clarence
Davis & Birmingham George
Columbus Arts Council, Columbus, MS
Debbie Bond Trio
Von Braun Center, Huntsville
Sassy Brown and Glen Butts
City Vineyard
Rock House Eatery, Guntersville
Microwave Dave
Humphrey’s, Huntsville
DanielDay Gallery
Fri. 28
Valley Hills CC, Huntsville
New Rain
DanielDay Gallery
Beef O’ Brady’s St. Patty Fest
Fri. 07
Capitol Oyster Bar, Montgomery
Microwave Dave
Moose, Titusville, FL
Bandito Southside, Huntsville
Thurs. 27
Rickie Castrillo & Friends
Microwave Dave & The Nukes
Microwave Dave
Bandito Southside, Huntsville
George and the G-Men
17th Anniversary Show
Mark Mizzell & Kendra Sutton
Microwave Dave
Glen & Libba
Microwave Dave
Wellington’s Bistro
Glen & Libba
Red Wolf
Fri. 14
Red Wolf
Wed. 26
Open Blues & Soul Jam
Blues Mill
Open Blues & Soul Jam
Mama Annie’s, Huntsville
Wed. 19
Glen & Libba
Open Blues & Soul Jam
Wed. 05
Microwave Dave
Mama Annie’s, Huntsville
Blues Jam
Capitol Oyster Bar, Montgomery
Open Blues & Soul Jam
Open Blues & Soul Jam
Garage Cafe
Wellington’s Bistro
Glen & Libba
Mon. 03
Mon. 24
Open Blues & Soul Jam
DanielDay Gallery
DanielDay Gallery
Josh Garrett
Mon. 17
Sassy Brown Band
Sam Pointer
Sun. 16
Blues, Blues and More Blues
Microwave Dave & The Nukes
Microwave Dave
Carver Theater
Back Alley Bistro, Decatur
Boot Pizzeria, Huntsville
Sun. 23
The Tavern of St. Clair
Cosmos Brunch 12-3pm
DanielDay Gallery
Freddy’s Finest w/Jimmy Hall
Capitol Oyster Bar, Montgomery
Swampers, Florence
Sassy Brown and Glen Butts
Lefty Collins
Microwave Dave
Sassy Brown Trio
Debbie Bond Trio
The Dozens
24th St. Wailers
Chris Thomas King
Victor Wainwright and
the Wild Roots
DanielDay Gallery
Capitol Oyster Bar, Montgomery
DanielDay Gallery
Capitol Oyster Bar, Montgomery
Check out the calendar of the Blues
each and every month and make a point to
support your favorite artists!
MARCH 2014 Magic City Blues News
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* Copy of current student ID required to
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** Memberships limited to FIVE
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*** Memberships limited to FOUR
members and FOUR mailing
3. mail i n
Mail w/check payable to:
Magic City Blues Society, Inc.
P.O. Box 55895
Birmingham, AL 35255
For membership inquires, please contact Susan LeFoy at
P.O. Box 55895 • Birmingham, Alabama 35255
You can find us ONLINE:
“magic city blues society”