Newsletter_September2008 - Jamaican Self-Help


Newsletter_September2008 - Jamaican Self-Help
September 2008
Jamaican Self-Help
S-Corner Clinic Empowers Youth
by Marisa Kaczmarczyk
In Jamaica this past May, Jamaican Self-Help Director Dawn
Straka and I sat down with Carol
Narcisse, a highly experienced
worker with the United Nations
Development Program, and Muta
Baruka, a well-known dub poet
and radio personality. We discussed the latest plans for S-Corner Clinic & Community Centre.
The two Jamaicans, both Board
members of S-Corner, enthusiastically described a new youth centre
that will be built in one of the
volatile neighbourhoods near SCorner Clinic. This centre will be
based on a successful peace and
conflict resolution centre model
and will offer a range of youthfocused programmes – from job
skills training courses to video and
computer programmes to sports
and cultural activities. Despite
the potential risks and dangers of
establishing the Centre in a violence-prone area, it is important
to have this centre
Photo by Dawn Straka
built directly in
this neighbourhood, said Carol.
Muta added that
S-Corner must
reach out to the
people where they
are, and offer positive alternatives
that are attractive to the most
marginalized and
at-risk youth, otherwise there will
be no change. All
volunteer Board
Claudette Wilmot with kids from community
members are directly involved in the programmes is not. Jamaican Self-Help has
– venturing into sometimes dif- been supporting this kind of inficult situations, and by their ac- novative and multi-faceted comtions demonstrating their belief in munity development programme
the people and their potential for at S-Corner for many years.
Established in 1990, S-Corpositive change.
While the youth centre is ner began as a neighbourhood
new for S-Corner, the approach clinic in the community of Bennet
Lands, in the capital city of Kingston. Through a strong vision and
committed leadership, the clinic
expanded its health mandate to
In November, Jamaican Self-Help will welcome Angela
take a holistic approach to its
Stultz, Executive Director of S-Corner Clinic & Community
work in the community. Angela
Development Centre, to be our guest speaker for the Annual
Stultz, the Executive Director of
Ganley Lecture in Peterborough.
S-Corner, describes the Centre’s
The Ganley Lecture was instituted in 2005 to mark the 25
purpose: “to facilitate community
anniversary of Jamaican Self-Help (JSH) . Each year JSH brings
residents’ empowerment, through
a “global voice to Peterborough and offers the community a
their direct involvement in healthy
stimulating presentation on current cultural, social, economic
life style and preventative acand/or political issues.”
tivities, sustainable economic
For more information please contact JSH at (705)743-1671
and self-development projects,
or visit our website at
so they can work towards achiev-
Angela Stulz at the Ganley Lecture
S-Corner Clinic
Claudette talks
to parents in
the lane
Photos by Dawn Straka
ing community transformation
that will transcend to the wider
Currently the focus of Jamaican Self-Help’s support is on
S-Corner’s youth programmes.
This focus is important in the
Bennet Lands community, as
young men in particular have been influenced and
targeted by local gangs, and gang-related violence
has greatly impacted the entire community, including
those working at S-Corner. Despite this situation,
and because of the clear need, S-Corner maintains
a strong focus on children and youth.
Claudette Wilmot is the parenting programme
co-ordinator. She works with both primary and
secondary level schools in the area – setting up
programmes that address such issues as violence,
truancy, low self-esteem and child abuse. She meets
with the students, the parents and with the staff of
the schools and offers workshops and small group
support. Many of the students also attend an afterschool homework assistance class run by S-Corner.
Jamaican Self-Help featured one graduate from this
programme in the June newsletter – Yanique Bogle
achieved test scores high enough to be accepted to
a prestigious high school, Campion College, with a scholarship. Yanique attributes
her success to the help she received from
Jamaican Self-Help also offers support for the reproductive health programme
– a programme that is open to everyone
in the community, and assists young men
and women in particular to learn healthy
sexual practices and positive gender relations. HIV and AIDS prevention, testing
and education, is a significant component
to this work, and S-Corner has been successful in reaching hundreds of residents
in the community.
S-Corner staff and volunteers are always responsive to the needs of their community. Despite the many challenges it faces each
day, S-Corner continues to lead the way in innovative
initiatives and in its commitment to improving the
lives of the people in Bennet Lands. The work of
S-Corner has been recognized by other communities
and organizations, and the staff willingly share their
expertise with others. Jamaican Self-Help is proud
to be a supporter of this dynamic organization.
Musical Tour-The All Stars
“All Together Jamaica Tour” Musical/Cultural Performance with special guests the St.
Patrick’s Foundation All Stars direct from Kingston, Jamaica:
• In Peterborough - October 15th, 7:30pm, PCVS Auditorium. Opening with the PCVS
Drummers. Tickets $10/waged, $5/unwaged.
• In Ottawa - October 24th, 7:30 pm, Ottawa Mennonite Church, 1830 Kilborn Avenue.
Opening with “Baobab Youth Performers”. Tickets by donation.
Call JSH at (705)743-1671 for more information
Programme undertaken with the financial support of the Government of Canada provided through the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA).
1291/2 Hunter St. W. P.O. Box 1992 Peterborough, ON K9J 7X7
Phone: (705) 743-1671 Fax: (705) 743-4020
Email: Website:
Business No. 89733 7150RR0001