Dakota Camper Fall-Winter 2014-15


Dakota Camper Fall-Winter 2014-15
Dakota Camper
2nd place winner in the International FCRV Newsletter Competition
in 2007,2008 and 1st place in 2009, 2010,2011, 2013 & 2014
JeAnne Selby, ND/SD State Director
In This Issue:
From the Heartland
National Camp.
State Campvention
Retiree Rally
Regional Registration 9
Dates to Remember
March 24 - 30, 2015
44th National Retiree
Rally - Tallahassee,
June 5 - 7, 2015 ND/
SD State Campvention
- Wishek, ND
July 2 - 5, 2015 - Region 3 Regional
Campvention Sturgis,
July 6 - 10, 2015 55th National
Campvention Gillette,
March 14 - 21, 2016 45th National Retiree
Rally - Houma, LA
Family Campers
and RVers
Fall/Winter, 2014-15
Jim & Priscilla Paul, Newsletter Editors
North and South Dakota FCRVers receive three
awards at 2014 National Campvention by JeAnne Selby
Despite not being represented at the
on their 2007 and 2008 Spring issues of the
2014 National FCRV Campvention held at
Dakota Camper, as well as a third place
Essex Junction, VT last July, North and South
plaque on their 2005 issue, all entered in
Dakota FCRVers again “brought home” three
national state/provincial newsletter competinational awards!
tions. Last year they received the FCRV
2014 National Awards bestowed
plaque, the organization's highest award,
upon North and South Dakota FCRVers were
which recognizes outstanding contributions
first place on the Dakota Camper state newsto the local, state, regional and national
letter in the National State/Provincial NewsFCRV, as well as community involvement.
letter Contest, a national Wildlife Refuge
They also received the National FCRV ConGrant, and the 2014 membership award for
servation Director's Award for Outstanding
the largest percentage gain in membership
Chapter Conservation Directors of the Year
among “small” states and provinces.
at the 2007 National FCRV Campvention in
Pauls win first place in National
Pueblo, CO.
State/Provincial NewsThe Pauls have
letter competition: For
been active FCRV memthe fifth year, Jim and
bers at the club, state and
Priscilla Paul, Mandan,
regional levels. They've
State Newsletter Editors,
served as Club Presidents
received first place on
for three terms and as
their Spring 2014 issue
Club Conservation and
of the Dakota Camper
Wildlife Chairs for many
in the 10th annual state/
years, organizing numerprovincial newsletter
ous club conservation
contest at the 2014 Naprojects (planting trees,
tional Compvention in
painting park shelters and
Essex Junction, VT.
picking up litter). Jim has
The Pauls have State FCRV Newsletter Editors Jim and successfully applied for
served as editors of the Priscilla Paul, Mandan, accept a first
and received three naNorth Dakota/South place certificate and pins from State
tional FCRV Wildlife
Dakota state newsletter FCRV Director JeAnne Selby (right),
Refuge grants, on behalf
since its inception in Bismarck, for their Spring 2014 issue of of the Morton County
the Dakota Camper, entered into the
Park Service and the Great
State/Provincial national state/provincial newsletter com- Plains Regional Office of
newsletters entered into petition in July at Essex Junction, VT.
Ducks Unlimited, Bisnational competition are
marck. In addition to editjudged on appearance, information (including
ing and publishing the state newsletter for 23
local, state and national news or events), conyears, they've also co-chaired four State
tent (letter from the State Director or State
Campventions and two recent Regional
President, articles on both past and future
Campventions. Priscilla has served North
camp-outs and events, local chapter news,
and South Dakota FCRV as State Secretary
travel and/or tours and competitions), and
since May 1992. The Pauls have also served
general interest.
the Bismarck-Mandan Roughrider Chapter
The Pauls, 27-year-members of the
as Field Directors for the past six years.
Bismarck-Mandan Roughrider FCRV ChapIn their leisure time both Jim and
ter, have received two second place plaques
(National Awards: Continued on page 2)
Dakota Camper
Fall/Winter 2014-15
(National Awards: Continued from page 1)
Priscilla enjoy camping, reading and attending their grandchildrens' activities. Jim also enjoys experimenting with and
learning new computer software, North Dakota history, and
editing/publishing the Dakota Camper. Priscilla also enjoys
music and attending concerts.
Their volunteer activities include approximately 38
years of service, on various committees, to St. Joseph Catholic Church. Jim has served as a reader, while Priscilla has
been involved with the church choir. Jim has also been active in the Knights of Columbus since 1972, holding several
local offices as well as serving as Grand Knight of the local
KC Council for two terms. In addition he has held several
state KC program chairmanships. Priscilla has served as the
food committee chair for Mandan's annual Art in the Park
Festival for a number of years. She has belonged to Beta
Sigma Phi Sorority for 42 years, having held numerous club
offices, including four terms as club President and three
terms as Beta City Council President throughout the years.
Jim and Priscilla have been married 50 years and
have three grown sons and six grandchildren.
National Wildlife Refuge Grant awarded to Bismarck’s Dakota Zoo:
Dakota Zoo, in Bismarck, ND,
recently received a $1,000 FCRV wildlife refuge grant following the July 2014 National Campvention in Essex Junction, VT.
Submitted in May by State FCRV Director JeAnne
Selby, Bismarck, on behalf of the Dakota Zoo, the grant request sought national FCRV wildlife funds for the Zoo's raptor rehabilitation program.
According to Zoo Director Terry Lincoln, the
$1,000 award will go toward the construction of an additional
receiving pen for incoming injured or ill raptors brought to
the Zoo.
The FCRV Wildlife Refuge program offers financial
grants to governmental and private organizations to assist
them in wildlife conservation projects. The grant requests
must be submitted to the national FCRV Wildlife Refuge
Directors by an FCRV member and be accompanied by a
letter of concurrence from an agency/organization.
South Dakota FCRV wins National Membership
Award: South Dakota FCRVers received the 2014 Membership Award for the largest percentage gain in membership
among “small” states and provinces during the 2014 National
Campvention in Vermont.
The 2014 Membership Award follows a 2013 plaque
presented to both North and South Dakota, as well as a 2012
Membership Award presented to South Dakota FCRVers
2012 National
As sistant State
Gerry Pfirsch,
whose state
job description includes
me mb er s hip
Dakota Zoo Director Terry Lincoln introduces the Zoo’s newest raptor patient, a red- and retention,
praises ND/
tail hawk with an injured wing, to State
FCRV Director JeAnne Selby, Bismarck.
Selby wrote a grant request on behalf of the for their reefraptor rehabilitation program at the Zoo and cruiting
recently presented a $1,000 check to Lincoln forts, citing
utilization of
the Cadet Membership Program and hosting FCRV booths at
area RV shows in Aberdeen and Jamestown.
Deepest thanks to all North and South Dakota
FCRVers who, no matter their contributions, make our two
“small” states better – and make them states over which to
burst our buttons!
Taking care of Business
The following are a few administrative highlights
from recent issues of Camping Today, National President
Dave Ludwig’s monthly Executive Board e-communications,
and state administrative reminders.
Cadet Membership Program: The Cadet Membership Program continues, offering you a wonderful recruiting
tool. It offers your friends, relatives or co-workers a free trial
membership for six months!
Assistant State Director and Region 3 Director
Gerry Pfirsch joins me in encouraging you to continue inviting friends, family and co-workers to join FCRV.
If you’ve used or misplaced your Cadet membership
forms, more are available from Gerry, your club’s Field Director or me.
Complete details for the Cadet memberships, mentoring suggestions and policies are available on the upper
back portion of the Cadet registration form.
If you have any questions, please call State Director
JeAnne Selby (home) 701-255-1735 or (cell) 701-400-1322,
Page 2
by JeAnne Selby, ND/SD State Director
or Assistant State Director Gerry Pfirsch, at 605-290-5022.
Preliminary General Membership Survey Results:
Preliminary results from the Fall 2014 General Membership
Survey have been published in the November 2014 issue of
Camping Today.
The simple, voluntary, anonymous, on-line survey
could be accessed through the FCRV website, www.fcrv.org,
and took FCRVers about 15 to 20 minutes to complete.
According to Scott Serbousek, National FCRV Vice
President of Planning and Development, the feedback from
the survey will serve as the springboard for future decisions,
direction and communications for National FCRV.
Serbousek is pleased with the 20 percent response
rate from FCRVers across the U.S. and Canada. My thanks
to those North and South Dakota FCRVers who took time to
submit their on-line opinions – and be heard by National
The survey piece asked members about various
(Business: Continued on page 3)
Dakota Camper
Fall/Winter 2014-15
(Business: Continued from page 2)
basic attributes of FCRV membership. The attributes included member responses to FCRV activities and the amount
of time spent at various FCRV functions, respondents’ opinions of FCRV events, general satisfaction or dissatisfaction
with the organization, and reactions to Camping Today.
Watch future issues of Camping Today for additional survey results.
Spring 2015 National Elections: In March you
will have an opportunity to cast your ballot for three national
FCRV Trustee positions. The three positions are Vice President of Operations, Vice President of Planning and Development, and Comptroller. The names of the candidates, their
biographies and platforms will be available in a future issue
of Camping Today. The incumbents have agreed to seek reelection, but National President Dave Ludwig is still looking
for challengers for the three positions.
Balloting will again be done electronically. All
FCRV members are asked to send an e-mail to the national
FCRV office (at fcrvnat@verizon.net) containing their
names, member numbers (the five-digit number above your
name on your Camping Today magazine and on your membership card), and e-mail address at their earliest convenience (if they didn’t do so last winter for the 2014 election ).
In March members will receive instructions on how to access
the on-line voting website.
National President Ludwig encourages members to
vote electronically, as this will save the organization both
time and money.
National conversation on the participation of
grandchildren in FCRV youth and teen activities: Although we are nearing the end of the comment period on this
topic, if you still have unexpressed opinions, you may wish
to e-mail your thoughts to National President Dave Ludwig,
at fcrvpresident@earthlink.net at your earliest convenience.
Solicitation for comments went out to North Dakota/South
Dakota FCRVers via October-November annual meetings.
You may have read one of several letters to the editor on the
subject in recent fall issues of Camping Today.
Would you like your club publicized on the National FCRV website? If your club consensus to that question is “yes,” all your club president or secretary needs to do
is send an e-mail to FCRV Website Editor Vickie Roop (at
FCRVWebsite@aol.com), submitting 1) your Chapter name,
2) the name of a contact person, 3) his/her e-mail address
and phone number, and 4) the state and area in which your
club is located. If your club is willing to host out-of-our-area
FCRV guests at a club camp-out, your submission serves as
a welcoming invitation!
North Dakota/South Dakota FCRV Staffing: We
continue searching for FCRV families willing to assume the
positions of State DASAT (Disaster and Safety Awareness
Training) Director, vacated in September 2009, State Historian, vacated in June 2013, State Teen Director, vacated in
May 2011, and State Conservation/Wildlife Director, vacated in January 2012. With the promotion of Assistant
State Director to Region 3 Regional Director in July 2014,
we now also search for a replacement for that position as
Anyone interested in additional information or writ-
Page 3
ten job descriptions for any of these positions may contact
State Director JeAnne Selby at fourjs3@q.com or 701-4001322.
North Dakota/South Dakota Retiree King and
Queen to reign two years: Based on a vote of the general
membership at the June 2012 annual state meeting, Retiree
Royalty Ron and Sharron Crowley of the Roughriders will
“reign supreme” until June 2016, when new royalty will be
elected. The 2012 motion and vote changed the length of the
Retiree Royalty’s reign from one to two years.
Conservation and “Camping Is” Poster Competition: It’s not too early to start thinking about a topic or
theme for your (or your child’s) conservation poster or
“Camping Is” poster for state contests at the annual State
Campvention, this year June 5 – 7. In addition to monetary
prizes at the state level, the first place state winners in each
age division earn the privilege of advancing to the national
conservation and “Camping Is” competitions.
All conservation and “Camping Is” posters for youth
ages 5 to 12 years must be created on standard size, approximately 22” x 28” poster board. Both conservation and
“Camping Is” posters may be done in any media.
The “Camping Is” posters for youth age 4 or under
are pre-designed pieces available for download on the national FCRV website, www. fcrv.org (and found under the
youth program), from State Youth Directors Dan and Jennifer
Kapp or State Director JeAnne Selby.
Watch for complete guidelines for both poster contests in the Spring issue of the Dakota Camper. Meanwhile,
if you have questions on the conservation posters, contact
State Director JeAnne Selby.
Status of “state uniform:” The consensus of FCRV
members in the Dakota’s three clubs is that we will move
ahead with “collared” polo shirts, in a “denim” or heather
blue, with a single-color screen-printed logo as the “state
uniform” of the Dakotas.
In preliminary discussions with Bismarck screen arts
staff, they felt the submitted artworks were all too intricate or
detailed to translate well to print, so the winning bidder
would adapt what our artists have submitted (for an additional art charge).
The plan is to e-mail copies of the graphic artist’s
proposed re-design/s via field directors to all members for
their feedback and/or votes.
It will take approximately two weeks from whenever
the shirt order is placed until the arrival of the shipment.
Additional communication on the “state uniform”
will be primarily by e-mail through your club’s Field Director.
FCRV badges and logo shirts and caps to be available at 2015 National Campvention: Dale and Karen
Huston of Iowa will have badges, pins and embroidered logo
shirts and caps available for sale at the 2015 National
Campvention in Gillette, WY. Look for “Karen’s Embroidery and Badges” in the commercial area to order new
badges, additional rockers, small signs or embroidered shirts
and caps. A limited number of badge illustrations and prices
were featured on page 9 of the Summer 2014 issue of the
Dakota Camper.
Dakota Camper
Fall/Winter 2014-15
From the Heartland
Greetings! I hope this finds you well and in good
health. Here in Aberdeen we woke this morning to a blanket
of white that announces to us that winter is here once again.
The camper is winterized and put away for the year.
Some of you have or will be heading south for the
winter and I say “good for you.” Enjoy your chosen destination and drive safely to and from your winter haven. Now for
those of us who will be staying home, we have a winter of
work to do.
If your chapter is doing RV shows, I am sure you
are planning them already. You have your winter meetings,
elections, Christmas gatherings. No doubt it is a busy time of
the year. Continue to remember your recruiting efforts and
Each One Reach One challenge that we have. Continue our
recruitment efforts knowing the time of the year is against us
only because we are in the depth of winter now. For each of
us here in Region 3, that is just an
annual challenge we face; so recruit
For Regional 2015, we
have reservations at the Days End
Campground and we are moving
forward with the planning and
setup. We will be meeting up at the
Days End Campground in Sturgis
SD. We have the rate locked in and
we are looking forwards to getting
a count to insure we have spaces
for everyone.
We have also sent out the invitation to FCRV members across the nation via Camping Today. The registration
form and other pertinent information will appear in the January issue and the plan is for the information to appear in the
next two issues.
A room that will accommodate our meetings, Regional Dinner and Breakfast has been reserved at the campground for the duration of the weekend. We will have access
to opportunities for different tours and many sights to see in
the Black Hills. ND/SD State Director JeAnne Selby is in
charge of arranging tours for Regional.
Ken and Sandy Kendall will head up the Pancake
Breakfast which is planned for Saturday morning. There are
many other positions that we need to fill. We need help with
parking, youth, teens, as well as a conservation program,
wildlife program, regional dinner, games, and more. If you
are interested in chairing one of the open positions, please
feel free to contact me or your State Director.
State Directors, how are your members doing in the
Each One Reach One Contest? Nebraska appears to be in the
lead at this time with the Dakotas in second place. This could
change with you adding another new member in your Chapter. Remember the chapter with the highest percentage of
gain, as well as the State, with highest percentage of gain in
members win.
Keep in mind that to count in the contest, the new
member must be signed up by a member within the State and
Page 4
by: Region 3 Director Gerry Pfirsch
the Chapter with the proposer name on the membership application. Cadet members will count upon renewal.
State Directors, as members are signed up, please
keep me updated on the count.
Field Directors, please keep the lines of communication open to keep your chapter informed of it’s status in the
As a Field Director it is a must to be in contact with
your chapter and you should also attend the meetings of the
chapter. You have taken on a commitment to be the Field
Director and you should be keeping your chapter informed.
Field Directors should be reporting to the State Director each
month with some sort of status report for their respective
chapters. Your State Director will set up the format that
works for them and the required reporting time of the month.
In Iowa the search for Claudia’s successor is going
on. If anyone in Iowa has someone
that they would recommend to take
over the leadership of the State, I would
be interested in talking to you. Upon
Claudia’s stepping down on December 1,
2014, I took over the position of State Director until the position is filled. Do you know
a person that is committed to FCRV and to
Iowa and has leadership qualities? The ideal
candidate would be someone that attends State
functions, volunteers to help wherever help
is needed. This person would be a good
candidate for your State Director. I look forward to talking
with you or to that person. Let’s get this position filled soon
for the benefit of Iowa and the Region.
It is my hope that all are settled in for the winter! If
you are going south this year safe travels to your destination.
We will see you in the spring upon your return. As winter
sets in your Chapters will be planning for the next camping
season be a part of that and stay involved and informed as
well as engaged with your chapter. Mentor the people you
have signed up this year, keeping them involved with the
chapter over the winter. It is especially important that we
keep our Cadets involved in the chapter functions over the
winter. I hope each of you had a joy filled Holiday Season
with your family, friends, and with your Chapter.
I have encouraged and challenged your State Directors to fill the open positions within their state. I would hope
that those of you, if asked, will step up and fill the positions.
Open positions increase the work load for your State Director. We need your help to have a smooth functioning origination. I encourage you to take your talent and put it to use by
filling one of the many open positions in your state. Put
your talent to use in FCRV and support your State Director.
You will find it to be rewarding as well as fulfilling to you
and your state.
On page nine, you will find a registration form for
Sturgis 2015, the Regional Roundup on the way to National.
I hope to see you there.
Dakota Camper
Fall/Winter 2014-15
Page 5
2015 Region 3 Campvention to be held in the Black Hills of SD
by JeAnne Selby
The 2015 Region 3 Regional Campvention
will be different from most recent Region 3 Regionals, but organizers promise a fun, worthwhile
The 2015 Regional will be jointly co-hosted
by FCRVers from North and South Dakota, Iowa,
Kansas and Nebraska, rather than by only one state.
It will be held in July; July 2–5, 2015,
rather than in early August, as has been Region 3’s
tradition. The dates were selected to coincide with
the start of the 2015 National Campvention. Both
the dates and Campvention site are conducive to
continuing on the remaining 100 miles to the National Campvention at
Gillette, eliminating another four-day Regional
Campvention another
The 2015 Regional Campvention
will be held at the Days End Campground in the
beautiful Black Hills of South Dakota – Sturgis, to
be exact – a new site for a Regional Campvention.
Days End Campground is located in the
downtown area of Sturgis....within walking distance to McDonald’s, Burger King, Subway, Pamida, and the famous Sturgis Main Street. Area
attractions include Deadwood gaming, Mt. Rushmore, Crazy Horse, Devels Tower, the Badlands,
and Custer State Park. Car Rental are available at
the park.
Most, if not all of us, are familiar with Sturgis, a community of about 6,800, in west central
South Dakota, as the site of one of the largest annual motorcycle rallies in the world, held during
the first full week of August each year.
Typical FCRV Regional Campvention programming may be abbreviated but will be offered
to Campvention participants during the evenings,
leaving days open for Sturgis and Black Hills area
tours. Responsibilities and arrangements for programs, activities and tours are being divided among
all five participating states and are currently in preliminary planning stages.
Registration fees are $96.00 for the fourday, three-night event, or $125.00 at the gate. July
1 is designated as an “early bird” day, at $30.00,
payable with the general registration fees.
The traditional catered
regional dinner, this year featuring brats, baked beans,
cole slaw, chips and beverages, will again be available, at $8.00 per person
(or $10.00 at the gate). A Saturday morning pancake and sausage breakfast, with a $5.00 price tag
per person ($7.00 at the gate), will also be offered.
Pre-registration forms are available electronically from your Field Director, State Director,
and found elsewhere in this newsletter. Preregistrations are due by May 15, but encouraged
earlier, to provide the committee seed money for
Those pre-registering for Regional 2015
by February 28 will be eligible for a drawing for a
gas card at Regional 2015.
Knight Owls continue membership efforts
The Night Owls held the chapter
elections at the November meeting. The new
officers will assume tyheir offices at the
January meeting. It is nice to see that we have offices filled
and had people step up to fill the positions.
At the January meeting we will install the new officers as well as plan our summer camping schedule for
2015. We will also be planning for the upcoming RV
Shows starting with Big Boy Toy Show in Aberdeen on
February 14 and 15, 2015 and then the Liebelt RV Show
March 14 – 22, 2015. We will be working closely with Liebelt RV again this year as they are very supportive of the
chapter. Liebelt has been supportive of Chapter since the
by Gerry Pfirsch
day they found out I was trying to get a chapter started.
They are supporting the FCRV Cadet Program by offering
a membership the people that buy a new or used RV at the
shows we work.
For us, the RV Shows are a part of the year that we
look to bolster our membership and build the chapter. I
know that we do not have the number results that some
areas have from the RV Shows, but the results over the last
3 years speaks for themselves. We are working on the
Each One Reach One Contest as a chapter.
Will the Dakotas finish strong in the Region in the
contest? Well, the Night Owls plan to do their part to keep
us in the running.
See Ya camping!
Dakota Camper
Fall/Winter 2014-15
Page 6
National Campvention 2015 returning to Gillette, WY
By JeAnne Selby
A number of us had the
good fortune to attend the 2001
National Campvention at the
Cam-Plex in Gillette, WY. We
get to go back this coming July
for the 2015 National Campvention!
The 2015 Campvention
will be held at the recently expanded, 1,100 acre Cam-Plex
Multi-Event Center in Gillette
July 6 – 10.
Gillette bills itself as the
“Energy Capital of the Nation;”
it is centrally located in an area
of coal, oil and coal bed methane
Gillette, with a population of about 29,100, is approximately 100 miles from Sturgis,
SD, on the South DakotaWyoming border.
Level campsites offer full
hook-ups, including 30-amp service, with some 50-amp service
(but not all) also available. Parking will be hobo style, by state or
The 2015 Campvention
continues in a five-day format,
with July 1 – 5 designated as
“early bird” days, at $25.00 per
night, payable at on-site registra-
tion. Gates open at noon on
Wednesday, July 1; gates will be
open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. all
other days. Anyone arriving after
8 p.m. will spend the night in an
overflow area.
Registration fees are
$275.00 per camping unit, the
daily camp pass is $55.00 per
family, the daily walk/drive pass
is $20.00 per family. Registration fees at the gate increase for
all types of registrations.
Each family registering
will receive $10.00 in “vendor
bucks,” which family members
may use toward purchases from
on-site commercial vendors.
Vendor bucks will be distributed
at on-site registration; they must
be used at the 2015 National
Campvention. No vendor bucks
will be provided with the daily
camp pass and walk-in pass.
The theme of the 2015
Campvention is “Wagons West.”
Campvention programming will
feature many of the familiar activities we’ve come to expect at
National Campventions, including evening entertainment, the
national teen queen/king pageant,
ball and tea, various seminars,
craft sessions, teen and adult activities, games and sports, the
national parade, hospitalities and
much more.
Region 1 FCRVers encourage Campvention participants to come early or stay late,
to tour the area.
Please continue watching
future issues of Camping Today,
either on-line or hard copy, and
(www.fcrv.org) for additional
Campvention 2015 information
as it becomes available. Preregistration forms are available
in all recent issues of Camping
Today and on the FCRV web site
as well as on page 11 of this
Ten Commandments of Self-esteem
1. Thou shalt not consort with people who
make thee feel bad about thyself.
Thou shalt cease trying to make sense
out of crazy behavior.
Thou shalt not keep company with those
more dysfunctional than thyself.
Trust thy body all the days of thy life
(thy mind doth play tricks with thee).
Thou has permission at all times to say
"NO," to change thy mind, and to express thy true feelings.
6. What is not right for thee is also not
right for thy brethren.
7. Thou shalt not give beyond thine own
8. What thy brethren think of thee mattereth naught.
9. Wherever thou art, therein also is the
10.Thou shalt sing thine own praises all the
days of thy life.
Catherine Cardinal
Dakota Camper
Fall/Winter 2014-15
Page 7
by: Sherry McGuire,
Pres. Roaming
Buffalo’s Camping
Happy New Year to everyone out in Camping land. Not that we are camping yet…… but I do
want to give everyone a sneak peek at our State
Campvention plans.
This will be held in Wishek ND. at the TriCounty
Fairgrounds on the
edge of
Wishek. June 5-7,
2015. W i s h e k
does have a golf
course, and Rumpelquiltskins quilt
(fabric) shop, as
well as Stan’s Super Value which
carries the locally
made Wishek sausage. There is also
Judy’s Gift shop,
which has more craft supplies than you can shake a
stick at. If you have an old unfinished project in
your closet, this place will have the supplies to finish it up– even if the project is 30 years old.
The City Park, located on the south end of
town, has a pool if anybody wants to do some laps
in their spare time.
I am planning for some locally talented entertainment on Friday
night, as the Buffalo’s are in charge
of hospitality then,
and the Aberdeen
Night Owls will
host the Hospitality
on Saturday night.
More info
and directions will
be sent out later,
when I get a few
more details ironed out.
I hope to see everyone in June!
North Dakota FCRV Staff
JeAnne Selby
Gerry Pfirsch
Priscilla Paul
Alice Schott
Jim & Priscilla Paul
Position Open
Position Open
Position Open
Bill Schott
Marv & Gerri Huschka
Tim & Leslie Heisler
Position Open
Dan & Jennifer Kapp
Sherry McGuire
Jim & Priscilla Paul
Gerry Pfirsch
Ron & Mary Dietz
Sherry McGuire
Jim & Priscilla Paul
State Director
Asst State Director
State Secretary
State Treasurer
Newsletter Editors
Roaming Buffalo Field Director
Roughrider Field Directors
Night Owls Field Director
Night Owls Presidents
Roaming Buffalo President
Roughrider Presidents
jpaul@ q.com
Dakota Camper
Fall/Winter 2014-15
Page 8
State Campvention 2015
TriTri-County Fairgrounds,
Wishek ND
Friday, June 5-Sunday June 7 2015
Saturday night potluck
Fun for all ages
Bean bag baseball
Friday Evening - Roaming Buffalos
Saturday Evening - Aberdeen Night Owls
Friday evening - On your own
Saturday evening - potluck
Sunday Breakfast Roaming Buffalos
Registration is $15.00 per unit plus $15.00/ night or $10.00 for tents.
Registration Fee =
Camping fee: #_________nights x $15.00 = $_________
Total enclosed = $_________
Name: ___________________________________
Address: _________________________________
Phone Number:____________________________
Number of youth attending: _________
Number of teens attending: ________
Please send registrations and fees by May 15,2015 to:
Sherry McGuire
1509 9th Ave. S.E.
Jamestown, ND. 58401
For questions or additional information, contact Sherry McGuire:
Cell phone: 701-269-2257
Or e-mail at: jmac2@csicable.net
Dakota Camper
Fall/Winter 2014-15
Page 9
Retiree Rally 2015 to be held in Florida
by JeAnne Selby
Wouldn’t a trip to the
Sunshine State sound wonderful
about now!? If you need an excuse, in addition to the obvious
(after all, this is North Dakota/
South Dakota in the winter!), the
2015 National FCRV Retiree
Rally is being held in Tallahassee, FL in March – March 24 –
29, to be exact.
As you likely know, Tallahassee is the capital of Florida
and offers much in the way of
sightseeing and interesting dining experiences. You may refer
to pages 10 – 11 of your December 2014 Camping Today for a
partial list of touring suggestions
in and around Tallahassee.
In addition, the annual
Retiree Rallies also offer participants a wide variety of activities, including nightly “big
stage” entertainment, hospitalities, a pet parade, the collection
of items for the local food bank,
games and sports competitions,
golf, a red hat luncheon, a variety show (showcasing FCRVers’
talents), the election and coronation of the new 2015 National
Retiree King and Queen, and
much more.
The theme of this year’s
National Retiree Rally is “Up,
up and away.” All campsites
have water and electricity provided.
Pre-registration fees are
$215.00 for two people, or
Help Wanted:
Assistant State Director
State DASAT (disaster & safety
awareness training) Directors
State Conservation/Wildlife Directors
State Historians
State Teen Directors
For additional information or written
job description,
JeAnne Selby, State FCRV Director
701-255-1735 or fourjs3@q.com
$185.00 for one person in a unit;
or $105.00 for camp passes for
two people, and $75.00 for one.
Registrations must be received
by March 9. All fees increase
by $20.00 each if remitted at the
Early bird parking is
available March 20, beginning
at 8 a.m.; the fee for early bird
days is $20.00 per day, for water
and electricity, and is payable at
Central Registration, on site.
Watch future issues of
Camping Today for 2015 Retiree Rally updates.
Preregistration forms are available
in all recent issues of Camping
Today, both on-line and hard
National Retiree Director
Dick Likins and National Retiree Rally Coordinators Robert
and Nancy Linder invite you to
go “Up, up and away” to Sunny
Florida March 24 – 29!
Where are you?
Have you had a change
of address? Do you
have a new e-mail address? Please let us know at
(please note new e-mail address)
Think about it . . .
Campers: Nature's way of feeding mosquitoes.
~Author Unknown
How is it that one match can start a forest fire, but it takes a
whole box of matches to start a campfire? ~Christy Whitehead
Dakota Camper
Fall/Winter 2014-15
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Dakota Camper
Fall/Winter 2014-15
Page 11
Dakota Camper
Fall/Winter 2014-15
Page 12
National Campers & Hikers Association (NCHA) was founded July 4, 1949, at the Beaverkill Public campsite outside
Roscoe, New York in the heart of the beautiful Catskill mountains by H. (Hank) Ellsworth Nathan. It was incorporated in 1954
in the state of New Jersey and first maintained a national office at Newark. In 1962 NCHA was incorporated in New York State
and the National Office was moved to 7172 Transit Road. Buffalo. Since 1986 the office has been located at 4804 Transit Road,
Building 2, Depew. New York.
In 1954 NCHA was formally organized, and there are now members in every state in the Union, the Provinces of Canada and a few in other countries. In 1960 the first Annual meeting (convention) was held with about 50 families in the Manhattan Hotel in New York City where a constitution and bylaws were formed and adopted by the new organization. John Grant of
New Jersey was elected the first President of NCHA. Hank Nathan (Founder) was the first National Director.
The first “Campvention” was held in 1961 in Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri with 272 families in attendance. The attendance grew to 1,120 families in 1962. The largest Campvention was held in Indiana in 1972 with 7,842 families attending. The
Campvention became our “Annual Meeting” where a membership meeting is held each year. In the beginning states/provinces
bid on hosting the Campvention each year, but in 1998 because of decreasing membership and not having enough workers for
the event, a regional rotation was implemented. Since then the different regions which includes several state/provinces host the
event each year.
Dakota Camper
% Jim & Priscilla Paul
312 Division St. NW
Mandan, ND 58554-2026