Holding on to profitable customers in a high-switching world
Holding on to profitable customers in a high-switching world
Thought Leadership for the UK Financial Services Industry Distribution and Marketing Services Holding on to profitable customers in a high-switching world How to earn customers’ loyalty Holding on to profitable customers in a high-switching world Contents Executive summary 3 Loyalty: what’s the problem? 6 What is loyalty and what drives it? 11 How to create satisfaction and drive functional loyalty 14 Conclusion: time to raise the bar on loyalty 18 2 2 Holding on to profitable customers in a high-switching world Executive summary The financial services market is evolving fast. Across the world, consumers’ behaviours and expectations are changing. Today’s customers are interacting in new ways with the organisations they buy from, and are demanding more transparency and better value for money. They also expect the flexibility to transact and interact in ways and at times that suit them best. And, if these requirements should not be met, they are also increasingly willing to switch provider. The competitive landscape for banks and insurers is also changing fast, with highly differentiated new entrants from both inside and beyond the FS industry (for example Virgin Money and Marks & Spencer) seeking to take a share of the market. Against this backdrop, financial services institutions (FSIs) face the challenge of restoring their relationships with consumers who for nearly two decades have been encouraged to interact with them primarily through direct channels. The trend towards direct has impacted the relationship between FSIs and customers in two crucial ways. Firstly, with online and mobile interaction so dominant, customers have come to expect the same seamless, frictionless experience across all channels. Branches and contact centres, with their opening hours and routing, may represent a jarring experience for those rarely using them, and may be perceived as delivering poor service if the experience does not measure up to that normally associated with the bank’s online presence. In retail insurance, sales through brokers and independent advisers have been dwarfed by internet sales, giving way to competition based on premiums rather than service. Meanwhile, in retail banking, the rise of telephone, internet, and latterly mobile channels has seen a generation of bank customers grow up defaulting to selfserve, with more costly branch interaction relegated to delivering ATM access, services not available online via the counter, and dealing with moments of truth, where specific needs demand swift action delivered with the same lack of friction they experience in their normal, day-today interactions with the bank. More profoundly though, the resultant de-emphasis of the personal touch has served to loosen the bonds of trust that once existed between FSIs and their customers, who have simultaneously acquired much more information with which they can now compare providers more readily. A new breed of modern, self-directed, and increasingly demanding and savvy customer has arisen, ready and willing to use the information placed at their fingertips to make better, more commercial decisions about the products and services they buy. 3 Holding on to profitable customers in a high-switching world The increasing willingness of modern consumers to pick and choose providers is forcing industries like financial services to refine concepts such as “loyalty” to reflect the much more complex relationships that now exist between customer and provider. In this paper, the term “loyalty” describes a scenario where customers have sticky financial relationships, eschewing other providers in favour of maintaining a sustained and concentrated association with their bank or insurer from whom they purchase multiple products. In a banking context, this is a very traditional model, and reflective of the information asymmetry that existed before the birth of the Internet. At this time, information about products and services was largely disseminated by institutions to their customers in the form of advice, placing them in a highly privileged position. Following a litany of scandal, high profile and costly public bailouts of some of the UK’s biggest banks, and an unwavering focus on the incentivisation and remuneration of financial services professionals, the days of “my word is my bond” seem far behind us. And yet, our latest survey of current account customers in the UK and Ireland1 indicates that satisfaction and recommending activity have held stable in recent years. Instead the impact is being felt in loyalty. In the midst of this fast changing market, and against a backdrop of deteriorating perceptions and weakening ties, the power in the relationship between financial services institutions and customers has shifted irrevocably. 4 FSIs now find themselves at risk of becoming providers in a utility market where products are undifferentiated, players compete on cost rather than service, and the number one reason to switch is value for money. In the new world, where the strength of concepts such as “my bank” or “my insurer” is fading, we must think more in terms of functional loyalty. Instead of “disloyal”, the modern consumer is becoming “less sticky” and “more mobile” and, through this more positive interpretation, loyalty can perhaps be earned back by encouraging customers to choose you, and go on choosing you day-after-day for as many products as they need. This is the reality for businesses operating in the retail and utility sectors and, for better or worse, this is the direction in which many FSIs are headed. As Figure 1 shows, in the last year we have observed a strong swing towards mutuals in our latest UK/Ireland (UKI) banking customer survey, with their well-articulated ethical credentials and strong customer focus clearly chiming with switchers. To thrive in this new world, FSIs need to drive that daily customer decision to continue their association with their current bank or insurer. And, to do this efficiently, it is essential for FSIs to understand which customers on their books drive income and profit, and which have the greatest future potential, so the customer base can be cultivated to drive sustainable value for all. To drive loyalty with today’s customers, we believe banks and insurers must do the following: • Ensure they deliver relevant services to their customers by deploying data analytics to enable differentiated, data-led treatments for high priority customers, and using social media to “listen” to customers wherever they congregate to discuss their financial needs. • Reward customers for loyalty in ways that deepen their engagement with the bank, promote profitable behaviours and ensure that rates and offers are available to all the customers the bank wants— new customers entering the market, those they hope to win from competitors AND those that already have one or more products with them. • Understand the needs of their customers better by defining key journeys from their point of view, for example account opening or customer servicing. By bringing retailing principles to financial services, banks and insurers can better understand where the moments of customer pain and delight can be, helping them to deliver the seamless, friction-free experience many are looking for. Through relevant, tailored products, delivered in a low friction way, supported by compelling loyalty schemes, banks and insurers can begin to recover the strong, trust-based relationship they once enjoyed with customers. Holding on to profitable customers in a high-switching world Movement of survey switching population (2012 n=250) Internet Banks Irish Banks 1% of switchers swapped one Internet bank for another... 2% of switchers swapped one Irish bank for another... … there was 5% net outflow from the Irish bank segment … there was 0% net flow in the Internet bank segment 5% 1% 6% 4% Big 5 Banks 48% of switchers swapped one Big 5 brand for another... 1% …there was a 12% net outflow from the Big 5 Banks segment 22% 2% Mutuals 4% 2% of switchers swapped one mutual brand for another... …there was a 20% net inflow into the mutual segment Challengers2 0% of switchers swapped one challenger for another… ...there was a 2% net outflow from the challenger segment Figure 1: Strong flow of customers in 2012 from the Big 5 banks to mutual brands Source: Accenture UKI Current Account Customer Survey 2012 5 Holding on to profitable customers in a high-switching world Loyalty: what’s the problem? Rapid customer change… Switching of current accounts and other financial products grew in 2012 Banks and insurance companies are feeling the impact of the changing consumer, through the ways they want to interact, their rising expectations and, notably, through their willingness to switch. As Figure 2 shows, an Accenture survey of more than 10,000 bank and insurance customers in the UK and Ireland, conducted towards the end of last year, found that switching of both current accounts and secondary products such as cards, mortgages and savings, as well as 8 7 life insurance rose sharply in 2012. Motor6 5 insurance switching meanwhile held stable 4 3 at close to 40%. 2 Current accounts Other products 15% 15 11% 12 9 Meanwhile, banks in particular have found themselves coping with an increasingly hostile economic and regulatory environment since the global financial crisis, while a blend of tightening credit conditions, technical failures and ethical and regulatory scandals has further damaged customer trust. As Figure 3 illustrates, our 2012 study uncovered a significant decline in the extent to which customers, particularly those in the 18-24 age bracket, regard their bank as trustworthy, ethical, or fair and transparent. In our view, banks wishing to restore and deepen relationships with customers cannot afford to ignore these adverse trends in perception and must act to retain the customers they have. 7% 5% 1% 0 2011 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 7% 1% 2011 2012 A small rise in motor insurance switching in 2012 6% 1 Our study supports the view that today’s 0 financial consumers are becoming more mobile, less sticky, and harder to influence through pricing, discounts and offers. 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7% 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 6 3 A big jump in life and pensions product switching in 2012 8% 2012 37% 38% 2011 2012 Figure 2: Switching of financial products jumps in 2012 Source: Accenture UKI Financial Services Customer Survey 2012 Deteriorating sentiment, particuarly amongst younger customers, in 2012 2011 50 40 42% 45% 38% 2012 2011 34% 30 40 29% 30 20 20 10 10 0 48% 50 40% “My bank “My bank is “My bank is fair and trustworthy” is ethical” transparent” 0 2012 41% 37% 31% 36% 24% “My bank “My bank is “My bank is fair and trustworthy” is ethical” transparent” All respondents 18-24s Figure 3: Strong evidence of deteriorating trust amongst bank customers, particularly 18-24s Source: Accenture UKI Current Account Customer Survey 2012 6 Holding on to profitable customers in a high-switching world …accompanied by rising switching The need to take action is all the more pressing given the rising tendency for customers to switch provider. As well as increased switching, our 2012 survey also reveals a rise in the number of loyal-butfrustrated customers who want to switch, but choose instead to stick with their existing provider. For many, the decision to remain “loyal” was down to a mixture of concerns and anxieties about the speed, difficulty and risk of switching providers. However, a significant proportion also said that they didn’t know who to switch to, pointing to a distinct lack of differentiation in the market. As the UK Payments Council prepares to launch “guaranteed” seven-day accountswitching for customers, a combination of regulation and innovation is set to make switching easier in the future. As the process is improved over time, this could trigger an upward step-change in the UK switching rate. The banking market in particular is also seeing a fresh wave of interesting and differentiated new entrants joining the market, as the benchmark for customer experience rises. This change is being driven primarily by new UK entrants. New banking players like Virgin Money and Metro Bank are joined by non-banking players like Marks & Spencer, Tesco and the Post Office, all of whom are looking to bring fresh, differentiated propositions to a marketplace that has seen little innovation for some years. The financial services ecosystem is also expanding, with process specialists such as iZettle and PayPal in the payments space increasing the range of providers for specific banking needs. Our customer study confirms that banks should not underestimate these competitive threats. As Figure 4 shows, a significant proportion of bank customers are willing to consider using alternative providers of financial services. Significantly, the growing base of mobile banking customers interviewed in our survey are particularly keen to try out new non-bank providers. Would you consider giving business to the following alternative financial services providers? Average (n: 4,009) Regular Mobile Users (n: 896) 50 40 41% 44% 36% 29% 30 35% 33% 29% 27% 26% 20% 20 12% 10 0 Post Office Supermarket Branchless Bank Mobile Wallet 22% 20% Retail Store P2P Payments 11% P2P Lending Network Figure 4: Mobile customers particularly amenable to alternative providers Source: Accenture UKI Current Account Customer Survey 2012 7 Holding on to profitable customers in a high-switching world 8 Holding on to profitable customers in a high-switching world Mass-affluent customers: the biggest prize… Before looking at the measures FSIs should take to address the challenge of more mobile and less sticky customers, it is worth reminding ourselves that some sectors of the market are more attractive than others. For insurance companies, attractive customers are those who have long term relationships with them, who reliably renew their policies, concentrate their retail insurance holdings (e.g. buying their motor, home and contents cover from the same insurer), and who have a low incidence of claims. For banking though, the picture is somewhat more complex. Taken together, the industry dynamics we’ve highlighted and our research findings underline the fact that customer loyalty needs to be earned rather than assumed. And the business case for banks investing in efforts to earn and sustain loyalty is grounded in simple economics. We know for example that there are approximately 1.25 million banking customers in the UK with net incomes of £60,000 or more, commanding an aggregate total of nearly £150 billion of net income3. Logically, these higherearning customers would be more likely to purchase more complex and potentially more lucrative products and services than those on lower incomes. This “massaffluent” customer segment represents a bigger prize than the UK’s 28 million mass-market bank customers with an aggregate net income of around £500 million, who enjoy “free” current accounts and can be much harder to service profitably. In theory many FSIs have offers in place to address this more affluent market, but do they really step up to the mark? Looking at offers from different providers around the market, we do not believe they always do. … but the hardest to keep The potential for cross-selling products and services to these different segments must be balanced against the specific challenges that each one presents. It is possible to keep mass-market customers both happy and profitable, if they’re serviced, treated and managed in the right way. The challenge is to find a way to address their needs effectively at scale and at a low enough cost to generate decent margins. With mass-affluent customers, the challenges lie more in their behavioural traits as a group. While customers with incomes over £60,000 a year offer the highest profit potential, our survey shows that they also display a number of challenging characteristics. For example, compared to customers on lower incomes, they are less satisfied, more likely to switch their current account and other financial products and more likely to consider alternative non-bank providers (see Figure 5). Attitudes and behaviours of survey respondents differed by income band in 2012 60 50 Less than £20k 59% More than £60k 57% 50% all (n: 4,009) 41% 40 30 20 10 60 50 40 0 6% 10% 15% 7% Switch their current account 8% 11% 8% Switch another FS product Satisfied with their bank 59 57 15 % 21% 18% 12% Wanted to switch, but remained loyal Would consider an alternative non-bank provider Figure 5: High income customers are less satisfied, more likely to switch and more likely 50 those on low incomes to consider alternative non-bank providers than Source: Accenture UKI Current Account Customer Survey 2012 41 9 Holding on to profitable customers in a high-switching world While these traits are less pronounced amongst lower-income mass-market customers, they too have exhibited an increasing tendency to switch product and provider in the last year. So, whatever customer segment or segments a bank decides it wants to retain, adopting more sophisticated and targeted loyalty treatments will be vital for holding on to target customer groups, and servicing them successfully and profitably in the long term. Our study underlines the importance of keeping existing customers on board, since loyal customers are more likely to do business with their bank in the future, driving more profitable and durable relationships. The Net Promoter Score4 (NPS) data in our 2012 study show that the number one bank in the UK market by NPS was 50% more likely to be considered for a future financial purchase (49%) than the lowest-ranked UK banking group (33%). Our survey also finds that customers who make frequent use of mobile banking 10 services tend to be younger, are more likely to be high earners, and are more likely to be in full-time employment than the average customer, all of which indicates a higher potential lifetime value to the bank. However, as we saw in Figure 4, they are also much more likely to consider alternative banking providers than their branch-bound colleagues. The message is clear: banks’ highest-value customers are the ones whose retention is placed most under threat by the rising tendency to switch. So, in our view, it is vital for banks to take proactive steps to drive loyalty, if they are to sustain longterm profitable relationships, increase cross-sell and fend off the growing threat of disintermediation that could rob them of their highest-value customers. Holding on to profitable customers in a high-switching world What is loyalty and what drives it? As has already been described, FSIs need to consider the “loyalty” that they are seeking to drive, as well as the actions they can take to promote stickier, more concentrated customer relationships. Loyalty is often defined as “faith in a person, product or service”. As has been noted though, it is arguable whether any customer is ever truly faithful to a product or service provider. However, among brands that do inspire loyalty, what is clear is that some succeed in inspiring their customers to identify strongly with them on a personal and emotional level, while others generate less intense forms of loyalty by keeping their promises and providing a consistent customer experience. Different NPS groups exhibit different “sticky” behaviours… NPS Promoters Informed advocates, willing to recommend and sporting high levels of satisfaction and strong positive perceptions of their banks. Yet much more mobile and still willing to switch, requiring care and attention to retain. 19% NPS Neutrals Satisfied but disengaged, this group is much less likely to recommend and just as likely to switch providers. Banks must focus on re-engaging, building on the satisfaction they already drive with this customer group to stimulate more positive advocacy and migrate them up the pyramid. 24% NPS Detractors This inert majority is disengaged from the banking market – unlikely to recommend, with a low opinion of the trustworthiness, fairness, transparency and ethics of the brands they bank with. However, rather than displaying strong dissatisfaction, the majority instead are neutral, with a lower propensity to switch in their belief that today’s banks are all the same. Banks must re-engage this group, driving moments of joy to drive up satisfaction and trust, moving these customers further up the pyramid. 57% Figure 6: The three levels of loyalty in Financial Services as they relate to NPS Source: UKI Current Account Survey 11 Holding on to profitable customers in a high-switching world The types of loyalty exhibited by the current account customers in our survey map closely to the different NPS groups we identified, which we explore in more detail in Figure 6. Interestingly, none of the groups exhibits a strong demographic skew, with ages, income bands, employment status, region and gender splits all closely tracking the survey averages across so-called “detractors”, “neutrals” and “promoters”. However, in terms of their levels of satisfaction, advocacy, perception, switching behaviour and switching intent, they exhibit very different traits… NPS Promoters (aka “INFORMED ADVOCATES”): This group are strong advocates for their banks, with 97% of promoters in our survey declaring themselves satisfied with their bank, and 79% recommending their bank in 2012. Between 75-90% considered their bank ethical, fair & transparent, and trustworthy. So, we may imply that hygiene factors for this most active and positive of customers are high satisfaction and a strong positive reputation, which stimulates high levels of advocacy. However, dig deeper and the label “informed advocates” starts to make sense. Of this highly satisfied group of customers, who hold their banks in high esteem, nearly one-in-five (19%) had switched their current account at least once in the last three years, and 8% still planned to switch one or more products from their bank in the year ahead. T his indicates this group is mobile and aware of the different providers out in the market, willing as they are to switch and switch again. Elsewhere, with nearly one-in-ten intending to switch products to other providers in the year ahead, the power of satisfaction and reputation to drive loyalty is called into question. These motivated, mobile and informed customers are precisely those who must be reminded frequently why they chose a particular brand if they, and their valuable advocacy in the marketplace, are to be retained. 12 NPS Neutrals (aka “SATISFIED BUT DISENGAGED”): This group were also highly satisfied, yet much less likely to advocate. 79% were satisfied with their bank, yet only 49% recommended them in 2012. Perception scores were lower, with only 3249% considering their bank to be ethical, fair & transparent, and trustworthy. But, fewer (18%) switched their current account at least once in the last three years, while roughly the same proportion (9%) planned to switch one or more products from their bank in the year ahead. This group display many of the same traits as promoters, and are just as willing to switch. owever, if their banks can find ways to H increase levels of satisfaction and engender a more positive perception of themselves, there could be an opportunity to elevate this group to “informed advocacy” and out of the domain of “functional loyalty”, which is driven by an organisation simply demonstrating its competence as a utility, performing relatively simple but important tasks for the customer. The relationship with these neutrals can be bolstered through offers and various other types of inducements supporting cross-sell. However, if banks get their allotted tasks wrong, there’s a risk of the customer’s loyalty slipping back down the scale. Holding on to profitable customers in a high-switching world NPS Detractors (aka “THE INERT MASSES”): Surprisingly, only 8% of this group declared themselves “dissatisfied” last year. Rather, the majority (57%) were neutral on the subject of satisfaction, reflecting an inertia that sees them stay with their bank on sufferance. Significantly only 10% recommended their bank in 2012. This is not to imply that 90% gave a bad report to friends and family. Rather the evidence suggests that this group represent the disengaged majority who are not moved to advocate on behalf of their bank. Perception scores were of course lower, with only 12-21% considering their bank to be ethical, fair & transparent and trustworthy. But, only 13% had switched their current account at least once in the last three years, though a larger proportion of 19% said they planned to switch one or more products from their bank in the year ahead. This is evidence perhaps of further disengagement, and the beginnings of frustration, with brands they feel utterly disengaged from in a market lacking differentiation, where one bank appears very much like another. To move this large group of customers up the pyramid, banks should focus on encouraging a more engaged relationship with the bank, with opportunities to drive moments of joy for the customer that deliver satisfaction and, if repeated consistently, help to move the needle on perception (especially around trust). Given the range of behaviours here, FSIs evidently have an opportunity to tailor their loyalty strategies to each group. However, as has already been implied, there are certain specific hygiene factors that must be met first. Banks and insurers must visibly demonstrate their ability to deliver basic services consistently well. By removing friction and meeting customer expectations with each and every interaction, FSIs can compete on more level terms with the enhanced service experiences their customers have had in other areas of life, such as seamless one-click online shopping or telephone services that aim to connect the customer directly to a customer services representative within only a few rings. Historically, FSIs would likely have had a much higher proportion of NPS “promoters” in their customer bases. Trust was higher, by virtue of the concentration of information with a few main brands, and “power” in the relationship was stacked in favour of providers. Traditionally, many customers would have opened their first account or purchased their first insurance policy from the provider used or recommended by their parents. However, as the rank and position of FSIs within society diminishes, customers increasingly view FSIs as simply a group of service providers from whom different products and services should be acquired at best price. The mystique of the bank has vanished, along in large part with the concept of the “provider for life”. However, in this new world, FSIs can still make efforts to move customers up the loyalty model from “detractor” to “promoter”, or rather from “inertia” to “satisfaction”, through well executed, data driven, relevant and tailored retention strategies. It is here that successful interventions will generate the biggest returns on investment. However, having sacrificed their privileged position as trusted advisors, this task is very much harder in 2013 than it might otherwise have been. With this in mind, we’ll now go on to examine the mechanisms that FSIs can use to drive functional loyalty among today’s increasingly disengaged, demanding and mobile customer base. 13 Holding on to profitable customers in a high-switching world How to create satisfaction ⎯ and drive functional loyalty To drive the functional loyalty 1. Understanding customers’ that will keep customers on needs board and generate repeat cross- Deploying data analytics to enable selling, we believe that banks differentiated treatments and insurance companies should Going forward, FS loyalty leaders will focus on three key priorities: identify their customers’ needs by using a first, understanding customers’ range of data sources, including customer data from internal systems, social media needs through data analytics monitoring, and “Big Data” from external and social media; second, sources and strategic partnerships with defining tailored propositions other companies. These partners might that reward customers for their include complementary providers such loyalty in ways that deepen their as mobile telcos and retailers, who can engagement with the business collaborate with banks or insurers to and its brand; and third, focusing provide location-based services triggering specific offers as the customer passes on the customer experience. by a particular store. The data harvested from these internal and external sources can be subjected to analytics and used to drive product development and loyalty schemes, as well as to highlight specific triggers that might signal the customer is about to switch to another provider. Examples of these triggers might include large balance transfers to accounts at other banks, the cancellation of regular payments or deposits, or the approach of the annual renewal date for an insurance policy. Having identified these types of high-risk behaviours or milestones, the bank can act to head off the customer’s defection by deploying targeted messaging and offers to persuade the customer to stay. The value generated from analytics can be increased by identifying the most profitable customers, as well as those who are likely to represent a net cost for the business. Mobile operators have been actively allowing their lower-end customer base to churn for many years, while investing in relationships with high value customers through offers such as “membership” discounts at retailers and tickets for sporting and cultural events. 14 Some FS providers are already running similar schemes, such as the Barclays Premier Life’s Rewards programme and the Virgin Money Lounges, located in busy shopping areas around the country. However, we believe there is a much wider opportunity for banks to differentiate more actively between their customers based on their long-term value. As our research underlines, mobile banking customers are a potentially high-value but high switchrisk category that should be managed and nurtured with particular care. A recent Accenture project focused on delivering data-led differentiation was for the life insurance business of a leading global insurer. The Accenture team worked with the client to analyse its customer value and product holdings and identify appropriate cross-sell treatments. By enabling the insurer to use needs-based selling to increase product holdings successfully across its target customer groups, we helped it to increase its retention rates and generate several million pounds in extra premium revenues. Using social media to listen to your customers Harnessing social media as a way to listen to and engage with customers is becoming an increasingly valuable tool in FS companies’ analytical portfolios. However, research suggests that banks in the UK are lagging behind their peers in other global markets in exploiting this opportunity. For example, in a recent study by Pearlfinder5, only 22% of UK banks said they intended to invest in social media, while 88% of Japanese banks claimed they were already doing so. Holding on to profitable customers in a high-switching world 25% 25% Would you consider interacting with your 20% main bank using any of the following methods? 16% I would consider/like the opportunity to interact with my bank in this way 32% Customers want to keep contact with their bank on their terms... 3x more likely to consider ‘arms length’ IM over social media communication How likely would you be to consider disclosing more personal information to your bank in exchange for... (responses 5-10) 25% Only 1-in-4 customers would share more information with their bank...and they expect to be paid for the privilege! 25% 20% 21% 16% 19% 10% Instant Messenger Video Chat Video Kiosk Social Media Better value 32% Cheaper rates More efficient service Tailored services % Figure 7: Only 10% of UK/Ireland customers would consider 21 social media interaction 19% with their bank Source: Accenture UKI Current Account Customer Survey 2012 Tools such as Radian6 can be used to start tracking and listening to social media chatter, and can be a valuable aid in understanding what customers want. However, much work still needs to be done to firm up the social media proposition for financial services companies. As Figure 7 illustrates, only 10% of the customers interviewed in our survey would even consider interacting with their bank via social media, with three times as many (32%) preferring to consider a more arm’s-length, Instant Messenger-style form of communication. Some 71% were strongly against the idea of using social media for banking interactions, though this may be evidence of the need to articulate an offering that would benefit the client beyond “friending” them on Facebook, or “following” them on Twitter. 10% However, these findings do underline the fact that customers will only share their data and allow it to be used by a commercial organisation if they can see a clear benefit in doing so. This behavioural tendency means banks face the challenge of finding ways to interact through social media that bring explicit value to the customer. Looking across various industries, some models are emerging that might enable them to do this. Brands outside financial services are leading the way here—Johnson & Johnson’s “BabyCenter” is an online social community for new (and not so new) parents, and banks are similarly well-placed to run financial education and awareness sites that create real value for customers, if only they can restore trust. 15 Holding on to profitable customers in a high-switching world 16 Holding on to profitable customers in a high-switching world Current loyalty initiatives in UK financial services: two case studies Halifax, part of Lloyds Banking Group, offers two separate reward accounts6. One is the basic “Rewards Current Account”, which gives customers £5 cashback if they deposit at least £1,000 in their account each month. The second is the “Ultimate Rewards Current Account” that operates like a standard packaged account, providing a £5 discount on the cost of the account if the customer deposits at least £1,000, as well as providing a range of packaged account services. Halifax’s aim is to create a win-win relationship: put more money into your account and we’ll give you more discounts, which are transparent to the customer and simple to manage. A second example is NatWest’s CashbackPlus7 reward scheme for current account customers. Launched in 2012, this enables the bank’s customers to earn rewards by using their NatWest Visa debit card at a range of participating UK retailers. Once the reward balance hits £5, funds can be paid into the customer’s NatWest current account, traded in for gift cards of a higher value, or donated to charity. In creating this “retailisation” model, NatWest has emulated supermarkets by incentivising customers to remain loyal to build up their reward balance, and generating useful data on their spending habits that could ultimately drive more sophisticated customer analytics. 2. Defining tailored propositions ewarding customers for loyalty in R ways that deepen their engagement with the bank To build functional loyalty and boost retention, it is not enough for banks simply to recognise that a customer has been loyal. They also need to reward loyalty in ways that the customer wants and that deepen their engagement with their provider. With traditional loyalty programmes appearing to have limited appeal for customers, a number of UK FS providers are trialling different types of loyalty products to try and find different customers’ “hot-spots”. Two case studies are described in the information panel on the left. Going forward, UK banks may be able to learn new approaches to building loyalty from innovations elsewhere. In the US, Regions Bank’s “Quick Guides” have been developed to answer common questions and provide key points about checking accounts and loan products8. The Regions Quick Guides were created by Regions’ Customer Clarity Team, a cross-enterprise group of associates at Regions, and incorporate feedback from consumers and small business owners. Additional Quick Guides are being developed for other products and services and will be introduced on an ongoing basis. By showing its readiness to make its products competitive and demonstrating how they stack up against the market, the bank is positioning itself as its customers’ partner rather than provider. Back in the UK, it’s interesting to note how the mutual society Nationwide has won over large numbers of former “traditional” bank customers with its recent marketing campaign telling customers they “need a bank account, but don’t need a bank”9. By articulating their commitment to put their members first, and clearly stating that they are in no way beholden to shareholders, Nationwide has struck a chord with a disenchanted customer base that is looking for alternatives. As we saw in Figure 1, our study provides evidence of the power of the mutuals’ message, by revealing a significant inflow of customers from the UK’s Big 5 Banks in 2012. However, the problem for any challenger experiencing a sudden large influx of customers is that it must be able to handle these higher volumes and keep their newly acquired customers satisfied, or they may just as easily flow out again. 3. Focusing on the customer experience Defining key customer journeys from the customer’s point of view To clarify and sharpen their focus on the customer experience, leading financial services organisations are identifying key customer journeys, for example account opening or customer servicing and plotting them from a customer point of view, from end-to-end. This approach brings retailing principles to banking services, and helps banks to understand how to improve. Mapping and designing the experience journey from the customer’s point of view is vital if banks are to fend off the competitive challenge from new alternative non-bank entrants, who are seeking to differentiate themselves on customer experience. The key is to be able to identify the “hygiene factors” that will bring you up to par with other providers, as well as the “delight factors” that will genuinely differentiate you from the pack. Using these insights, organisations can implement coordinated changes to people, processes and/or technology to deliver the smoothest possible customer experience at the lowest possible cost to the business. Increasingly, loyalty is earned not through the initial offer, but through customers’ experience of the delivery of the offer through servicing and fulfilment. Concentrating on these elements of the journey is critical for a bank or insurer to move its customers up the advocacy scale. 17 Holding on to profitable customers in a high-switching world Conclusion: time to raise the bar on loyalty More than ever before, today’s financial services providers face a very real risk of losing large numbers of customers to new entrants which supply the same basic financial services while offering a more personalised and engaging customer experience. However, there is growing evidence that incumbents can see off this threat by boosting loyalty and keeping their most valuable customers. Already, experience shows that that a well-executed loyalty strategy can drive impressive results. Loyalty leaders will be able to remain relevant to their customers throughout their lifetime, using smart analytics to drive data-led treatments that keep pace with their customers’ changing lives. All FSIs can now achieve these goals, possessing the tools they need to develop a better understanding of customers’ behaviour, provide them with personally tailored messaging and offers, and create clear, simple-to-use products that reward customers for keeping and concentrating their business with the bank. 18 By using these tools effectively, banks can move their most profitable customers up the loyalty scale from inertia to satisfaction, and potentially to advocacy. That means customers will stay, and continue to buy. And they will stay not because they think all banks are the same but because they see their own bank as the trustworthy, competent and relevant provider of the financial products and services they need throughout their lives. Holding on to profitable customers in a high-switching world Contacts Peter Kirk Managing Director Financial Services UK peter.kirk@accenture.com Joanna Levesque Managing Director Banking joanna.levesque@accenture.com Rebecca Skiles Senior Manager, Accenture Interactive rebecca.skiles@accenture.com Robert Stubbs Banking Research Manager Financial Services UK robert.a.stubbs@accenture.com References 1. Accenture conducted online interviews with more than 4,000 current account customers in the UK and Ireland in late 2012, probing the perceptions and behaviours governing their banking relationships, switching and complaints activity, levels of satisfaction with service experiences, and the factors that influence provider selection. This was part of a larger study of 10,000 customers across banking, motor insurance and life insurance, which is referred to in this paper as the “Accenture UKI Financial Services Customer Survey 2012”. 2. “Challengers” refers to the group of non-mutual UK current account providers that sit below the Big 5 in terms of their market share. 3. Source: Accenture analysis of HM Revenue & Customs statistics 4. Net Promoter Score is a customer loyalty metric based on willingness to recommend, which is derived from the likelihood of a group of respondents to recommend a brand or a business. Their willingness to do so is expressed on a 0-10 scale, where ‘0’ is ‘definitely would not recommend’ and ‘10’ is ‘definitely would recommend’. NPS itself is calculated by subtracting the proportion of respondents who rated their willingness to recommend as a ‘9’ or ‘10’ on the scale (these people are said to be ‘promoters’) from those who rated themselves from ‘0’ to ‘6’ on the scale (these people are said to be ‘detractors’). An NPS score can therefore be as low as −100% (everybody is a detractor) or as high as +100% (everybody is a promoter). An NPS that is positive (i.e. higher than zero) is felt to be good, and an NPS of +50% is excellent. 5. “The Emperor’s New Social Media Site,” Banking Technology, 12 October 2012, via Factiva, © 2013 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. 6. “Best interest-paying current accounts to make your money work harder,” Daily Mail, 26 April 2013, via Factiva, © 2013 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. 7. See NatWest corporate website: https://www.natwestcashbackplus.com 8. “Regions Financial pledges to make banking simpler,” Investment Weekly News, 14 July 2012, via Factiva, © 2013 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. 9. “Waking up to Mutual Benefits,” The Independent, 7 July 2012, via Factiva, © 2013 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. 19 Holding on to profitable customers in a high-switching world About Accenture Disclaimer Accenture is a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company, with approximately 266,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries. Combining unparalleled experience, comprehensive capabilities across all industries and business functions, and extensive research on the world’s most successful companies, Accenture collaborates with clients to help them become high-performance businesses and governments. The company generated net revenues of US$27.9 billion for the fiscal year ended Aug. 31, 2012. Its home page is www.accenture.com. This report has been prepared by and is distributed by Accenture. This document is for information purposes. No part of this document may be reproduced in any manner without the written permission of Accenture. While we take precautions to ensure that the source and the information we base our judgments on is reliable, we do not represent that this information is accurate or complete and it should not be relied upon as such. It is provided with the understanding that Accenture is not acting in a fiduciary capacity. Opinions expressed herein are subject to change without notice. Copyright © 2013 Accenture All rights reserved. Accenture, its logo, and High Performance Delivered are trademarks of Accenture. 20