Rockaway Point News
Rockaway Point News
ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS NOVEMBER 2007 PAGE 1 P.O. BOX 164 • FT. TILDEN, NEW YORK 11695 • 718-634-8730 • FAX: 718-945-1661 Serving Remember to Vote The Point Since 1925 VOL. LXXXI, NO. 19 TOWN HALL MEETING Nov. 13, 2007 On Tuesday, November 13, 2007, the Board of Directors will host a Town Hall Meeting at the Colony Theater Center from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Shareholders who would like to submit questions to be answered at the Town Hall Meeting can direct them to the attention of Denise Neibel at the Cooperative Office or submit them the night of the meeting. 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234 th 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234 ELECTION DAY TUESDAY, NOV. 6 NOVEMBER 2007 FREE WATER MAIN BREAK SNARLS MAIN ROAD Marine Parkway Bridge Overnight Closure Extended Motorists are advised that the overnight closure of the Marine Parkway-Gil Hodges Memorial Bridge, which has been in effect Mondays through Fridays from 11 PM to 5 AM since September 28th, will need to continue through November 16th. The extension is due to inclement weather and heavy fog that curtailed nighttime work on the bridge. The closure had originally been set to end October 26th. Motorists should use the Cross Bay Veterans Memorial Bridge during the times that the Marine Parkway Bridge is closed, or continue to utilize alternative bus routes and designated driving detours. Emergency vehicles will be allowed to pass during nighttime closures. It’s “Fall Back” Time, Sunday, November 4 Saturday morning October 27, 2007, during a rain event a major water main break occurred on the Main Road at Reid Avenue. Responding fire units found massive amounts of water pouring from the break in the 12 inch water main located in the sand lane behind the first house off of Reid Avenue. It took the combined efforts of our volunteer fire companies and the Cooperative’s Field Department to finally turn the water off. By that time massive amounts of water covered the Main Road, Highland Place and Bedford Avenue and turned the adjacent parking lots into one huge lake, slowing traffic on the Main Road down to alternating one lane only. The Breezy Point Cooperative’s newly installed Reverse 911 system got its first trial under fire and it performed Roxbury’s New Fence Work is progressing on replacing the fence alongside Rockaway Point Boulevard in Roxbury. Cooperative workers started replacing the old fencing with an attractive and modern white style fence. well especially letting the residents know that the water was turned off and would be off for several hours. The system was used to update residents periodically during the day and gave them instructions on how to turn on water after the line was repaired. Repairs have continue into this week though without the need to shut down the water system. ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS PAGE 2 NOVEMBER 2007 Wishing You A Happy Thanksgiving We thank God for our family, our friends, our community and our country. BEAUJOLAIS NOUVEAU November 5 to November 16 15% CASE DISCOUNT Arrives THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15th on 750 ML and 1.5 L size wines Supply is limited so be sure to order now and include this annual tradition as part of your holiday menus. • Choose from our large selection of wines and spirits to compliment your Thanksgiving feast. • Look for our Christmas gift rack, stocked with gift boxes and gift sets for your personal or corporate giving. Cannot be combined with any other discounts (excluding Beaujolais Nouveau) Order your favorites now in time for your holiday enjoyment • See our collection of wine accessories, perfect additions to your Christmas list. • We will customize gift baskets and wrap all holiday purchases. • Free delivery. BREEZY WINE • 718-634-4411 202-26 ROCKAWAY PT. BLVD. ROCKAWAY POINT, NY 11697 Wholly Hanna Inc. BREEZY PT. - ROCKAWAY PT. - ROXBURY ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS NOVEMBER 2007 PAGE 3 Election Thoughts To Ponder By Daniel L. Uffner, Jr. The next federal Election Day is November 4, 2008, however, for several months, some 20 persons have been campaigning vigorously to be the candidate for President of the United States, one each, of the two principal parties—Republican and Democrat. The competing candidates will likely be known by the end of February, 2008 due to a flood of early primary elections. The question to be asked by each person is, “Which candidate best proposes what I believe in; who will be best for me?” Since you are not running for office, no one will offer to do exactly as you wish. To be most satisfied with your choice, a list of all of the topics that matter to you should be written down and placed in priority order. In that way, you will be able to see in black and white what is most important to you. Then, you will be able to objectively analyze each candidate and compare their proposals to your list to learn which one is closest to your way of thinking. Note, the above should not include who is the most photogenic, has the best sense of humor, wears the best clothes well, whether male or female or is in either party. We want the most able person available to lead us, don’t we? The sheer joy of loving another person and being loved back is free, but little else is. Most everything has a cost, and politicians are skilled at presenting benefits while glossing over costs. Since the government creates no wealth, the money to pay for benefits must come from people in the form of taxes, fees and proceeds from bond sales (get money now; pay later with interest). One item on the list might be taxes. Will I have more or less money to spend, save and invest if taxes go up or down? That was easy. Will I be more likely to keep my job or find a better one if the economy is good or bad? A healthy economy requires availability of capital; no job can be created without it. Therefore, we should determine who will allow the creation of more capital. Would we prefer to choose a school for our children to attend, or have someone tell us where they must attend? School vouchers would give every parent, regardless of financial circumstances, the power to make that choice, and it would lead to more efficiently run schools. Health is important to everyone, but the very young and the old require most of the care and cost. Will the latest techniques and equipment be readily available when I need health care? Will “free” health care under a national health care system provide me with better or worse care than I am able to receive now? Fortunately for us, it is possible to compare health care provided in the U.S. to other countries in which it is government controlled. Emergency care is comparable, but chronic care is delayed or non-existent in the latter where bureaucrats, not doctors, determine who are to be treated and how soon, if ever. Further, national programs accumulate far more non-medical personnel, which increases costs substantially, that is paid for by significant increases in taxes with no increase in the number of patients treated or the kind of treatment afforded. In addition, to try to contain costs, the acquisition of new hospitals and advanced equipment is delayed for years. The handling of the conflict in Iraq is a major topic of disagreement. Osama bin Laden and Amadinajad, President of Iran, have both voiced contempt for Western ways and want to convert the world’s population to Islam. Men are to dominate women, women may not leave homes unless completely covered with burkahs and accompanied by a male relative, no one may speak ill of or disagree with leaders, etc., etc., etc. Is it better that we fight that move- ment wherever it tries to advance or pull our troops from around the world in the hope of defending our way of life at our national borders? Could that be successful? If so, what will happen to our benefits derived from world trade that creates millions of jobs and lowers our cost of living when no other nation step forward to prevent encroachment of radical islamism? Will I have the same retirement and health benefits now received after mandatory contributions from workers no longer cover distribution of benefits in a few years? Who is suggesting a sustainable solution? Do I believe that no one should be above the law? Does that belief apply to illegal immigrants and municipalities that break federal laws by making their areas sanctuaries? The song, “Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die” seems to embody the feeling about fuel for energy. Vocal groups, for the avowed purpose of protecting the environment, are against drilling for oil and gas in and around many sites in the U.S. as well as to prevent the construction of nuclear power plants, yet want energy at reasonable prices. Without sufficient power, will I be able to go shopping, drive my car to work and play, run my home as I want to, will my job disappear? It is unlikely that the ANWAR area (Continued on Page 4) CURRAN’S SUPERIOR MEATS Serving the Community for over 45 Years If Its Curran’s...Its Quality 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901 417 Beach 129th Street, Belle Harbor, NY 11694 718-634-7408 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901 NOW 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901 TAKINGS 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901 R On Our Mini Size Freezer Plan!!! 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901 ORDE SAVE OVER 25% The following Items are Approximate Weights 3 lbs EXTRA LEAN CENTER CUT PORK CHOPS 3 lbs. CHICKEN CUTLETS - Plain or Marinated - your choice Mix & Match Your Way e.g., 1/ 2 plain and 1/ 2 marinated. 3 lbs. CURRAN’S GOURMET CHOPMEAT 3 Lbs. ROAST BEEF (or) POT ROAST (prime grade) APPROXIMATELY 12 LBS. GROSS WEIGHT WEIGHT PRICE TOTAL PRICE 12 lbs. $3.89 $46.80 POULTRY SPECIAL 10 lbs. Chicken Cutlets cut and wrapped per lb. your way $3.75 CURB-SIDE SERVICE AVAILABLE! or 718-634-6363 Turkey Time CURRAN’S FRESH TURKEYS ARE: 1 - All Natural 3. - No Artificial Color Added 2 - No Preservatives added 4. - No Excess Fat Order Your Thanksgiving Turkey EARLY to insure you have the proper size as some of the Turkeys in the following sizes are limited: 8 to 10 lbs 16 to 18 lbs 22 to 24 lbs 14 to 16 lbs 24 to 26 lbs – CALL YOUR ORDER IN – The Curran Staff Wishes You and Yours A Very Happy Thanksgiving CUSTOMER CORNER God Bless Our Troops! Do you need Salt Pork for your Turkey? Do you need Sausage Meat for the Stuffing? Be sure to order the above items when you place your turkey order. Where Quality Begins And Service Never Ends Need a Recipe or Cooking Time? We Have Them All! PAGE 4 ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS how well our emergency responders work. Well done, folks. Activities GIVING THANKS I know, I know - its weeks away from Thanksgiving, officially. But today I’m feeling thankful for many things at The Point. THE WATER EMERGENCY Seems a bit strange to be thankful for the recent, and still ongoing, water main breakage. I got up early on Saturday morning to find that I had almost no water coming from the taps. I’ve recently had numerous workers here repairing the foundation of this house. Seems there’s been warfare between the foundation and the sand. As we all know, in this case, Sand wins. So when I saw the diminished water pressure I immediately jumped to the conclusion that it was my workers’ fault. Wrong. Shortly thereafter I got the recorded reverse-911 message explaining what was happening. I looked out my back window and there were multiple agencies hard at work trying to locate the trouble and repair it. The FDNY was there, as well as DEP vehicles, and most of all numerous BPC field department workers. And of course, BPC Security was there steering two-way traffic into a single lane n Rockaway Point Blvd., which by this time looked like one of the great lakes. So while I cannot be grateful for the water pressure, I can be grateful for the expeditious way in which this emergency was handled by Cooperative management. The GM was on site, and the reassuring messages were delivered by Security Chief Dennis Dyer. Well done, Captain Dyer. Your clear messages helped us get through the emergency and I appreciated your counsel to cut back on water use in order to save it for a possible fire. I’ve been criticized for “picking on the Coop” but for what it’s worth, I try to be fair and give praise when it’s due. And this time, it is due. As I write this column (Tuesday morning) the water pressure is still diminished, but Security and Field are both on duty trying to restore the supply? Let’s hope that the fix is permanent. After all, our water mains probably date back to the 1920s in many cases. The Coop has been trying to replace them as they go about replacing paving, but that will take time. In the meantime, it’s heartening to observe I’m also thankful for the wide range of activities we have. And we have them because many folks are willing to give of their time and talents to provide for their neighbors. For example, I am currently a member (and sometimes an officer) in the St. Thomas More Altar and Rosary Society, the Breezy Point Garden Club, Golden Age, and (my special favorite, The Rockaway Point Association. Add to that service on several Breezy Point Cooperative committees, and that’s a lot of places to be, people to see, work to do. I am thankful for whatever good works these groups do and I’m grateful for the camaraderie they provide. WHAT’S IN A NAME William Shakespeare asked that as he discussed the name of the rose. I ask the same question now regarding the name of OUR church. Note that it’s ours: Not the bishop’s. I could not leave you my readers without grousing about something - or that just wouldn’t be me. At last month’s Rosary Society brunch table conversation got around to the change in name for our parish churches. According to the holy cards at each lady’s place, we will now be known as Blessed Trinity Parish. Say what??? I did some nosing around on how this new name came to be and learned that the process had begun several months ago when parishioners at St. Thomas More, St. Edmunds, and St. Genevieve’s had been asked to submit names for the new parish to be formed by combining all three churches. The names were turned over to the Parish Council so they could turn over the “top four” to Bishop DiMarzio, who would then make the final choice. I understand that Our Lady of the Rockaways received the most votes, but it was deemed inadmissible because that was never one of Mary’s titles. I ask you my readers So what. The next vote-getter in line was Holy Trinity - again a play on the fact that we are melding three churches into one. This too was rejected, on the grounds that there is a parish by this name within the Diocese of Brooklyn. Fair enough. But what, I must ask the Bishop, do you recast Trinity into Blessed. That’s not what we said. I submit that the whole matter should have been turned back to the people, with a letter from the Bishop explaining why our first two choices were not acceptable. Perhaps we could have had something more in keeping with our environment - like, perhaps, Our Lady of the Sea. Or we could have gone back to Jesus’ original occupation and names ourselves Church of the Fisherman. He and Peter were often out on the Sea of Galilee, yes??? And did He bit calm the waters? There may come a day when one of those hurricanes strikes us here and we’ll need to call upon our NOVEMBER 2007 Lord to calm our seas. I think you get my point don’t think we got our proper hearing over here in Rockaway and I’d like to reopen the whole issue. I have my own solution. I do not like the Bishop’s choice, so when I put checks into the collection for special occasions, I will make them out, as I have done in the past, to St. Thomas More RC Church. If you don’t like my choice, Your Eminence, you’re free to have my check returned to me. Election Thoughts To Ponder . . . (Continued from Page 3) of Alaska, located north of the Arctic Circle, will have a rush of visitors during the next millennium, and caribou herds have increased with the advent of oil drilling in Prudhoe Bay. France cleanly generates 80% of its electricity with nuclear power without pollution or mishaps, so it is difficult to defend the reasons offered by anti-drilling, anti-nuclear environmental groups who protest the advance of either kind of energy production. Am I willing (without complaining) to pay any price for energy to avoid any change in the environment or do I want representatives who will pass laws that will insure that I have adequate supplies of energy at a reasonable price by giving due consideration Happy Thanksgiving From The Staff of The Pointer to the Law of Supply and Demand? Obviously, this does not exhaust the topics of interest to us, but it is a start and an example of the kind of thinking we should do to cut through the clutter of spin spewed forth by the candidates. In addition to presidential candidates, there will be candidates for the Senate and House of Representatives. Fortunately, there is only one or possibly two of those with whom we have to be concerned at this time — one representative and one senator (if a senator’s term needs to be re-filled). The same list and priorities should be used for each candidate. Ultimately, it is we the voters who can hire and fire our leaders and are to blame if we elect those who do not represent us with wisdom. Therefore, we should not begrudge the time and effort needed to give due consideration to our choices come election time. JEFFREY F. ZWERLING, M.D. BRIAN H. ZWERLING, M.D. & JONATHAN S. ZWERLING, M.D. NOW OPEN 7 DAYS Rockaway’s oldest established ophthalmology practice with the expertise, integrity, and care you know and trust, now with: EXPANDED HOURS - the office will be open 7 days a week. Saturday and Sunday appointment will now be available, as well as early morning and later evening hours. EXPANDED SERVICES - routine M.D. eye exams, cataracts, glaucoma, newly expanded retina, macular degeneration and diabetic in-office laser treatment, comprehensive children’s exams, accurate glasses prescriptions - and much more! FREE PRIVATE PARKING 7 days a week in back of building. Entrance on Beach 118th Street. There will be quick scheduling for routine office appointments and much shorter waiting times in the office. In-office emergency care will always be available at all times. We will give you total medical eye care at the best level available anywhere. We look forward to serving your complete eye care needs for many years to come! JEFFREY F. ZWERLING, M.D., P.C. 117-18 Rockaway Beach Blvd. 718-634-5808 ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS NOVEMBER 2007 PAGE 5 Deirdre Maeve’s Supermarket Happy Thanksgiving BUTTERBALL K O O R B Y SHAD s) (fresh turkey (frozen turke ys) ALL SIZES IN STOCK If you want a special size please call the store and order in advance to be sure I can get it. Here are just a few of the many sales for November. Please remember that signs will also be posted as usual throughout the store. GROCERY “TURKEY-A-DAY GIVEAWAY” This year again, Deirdre and I will show our appreciation and gratitude to this fabulous community by giving a “Turkey A Day Giveaway”. Just sign the back of your register receipt with your name and telephone number and each day we will pick a lucky winner for a turkey any size you like Lipton Tea Bag 100’s ................................................... $2.99 Chock-Full-O-Nuts, regular coffee ............................ $$2.79 Bumble Bee Solid White Tuna, 6 oz. ........................... $1.19 Kellogg’s Raisin Brand, 20 oz. .................................... $2.99 DAIRY White Rose Whipped Butter, 8 oz. .............................. $1.29 Polly-O Mozzarella Cheese, 16 oz. .............................‘$2.99 Tropicana Orange Juice, 64 oz. .................................. $2.99 DELI Boar’s Head American Cheese ................................$3.99/lb Boar’s Head Ham ....................................................$5.99/lb. MEAT Bottom Round Roast. U.S.D.A. Choice ....................$3.69/lb Eye Round Roast, U.S.D.A. Choice .........................$3.99/lb Ground Chopped Meat Family Pack, U.S.D.A. Choice .......... $2.59/lb HOT LUNCH SPECIAL Monday - Friday $5.50 COOKED FRESH EVERY DAY 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234 BREAKFAST SPECIAL Every Day!! CHECK DELI BOARD IN STORE SPECIALS Impossible to say now for entire month of November, but we will always have Sales and Weekly Specials. Pick-up flyers by shopping baskets as you enter the store. Signs will also be posted in the aisles. 718-634-5862 ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS PAGE 6 Letters To Conflict of Interest…. or Interest in Conflict? The Editor The following letters are the opinions of its author and not necessarily those of the Rockaway Point News. and registered mail, but as of today, I have not received a response! The reason why this question must be answered is due to the fact that NEW ENGLAND FAST FERRY could build three new high speed boats with these funds. I am sure Tom Pollidano of TWFM could also secure new vessels with this amount of funding. So, I ask, what ever happened to this money? This new transportation service must include stops at three locations: Riis Landing, B110 Street and Beach Channel Drive, and at the Averne by the Sea vicinity. At B110 Street, the City of New York owns 1400 feet of bay-front property and on both sides of the street along Beach Channel Drive, approximately 60 cars could park. Also, if New York City would permit parking around the LIPA site there would be room for an additional 200 vehicles. Shuttle service along Shore Front Parkway from 72nd to 108 Street could be developed and since this 110 Street ferry stop is within close distance to many residents they could choose to walk or bike ride to catch the boat. Bike racks at the docks and on the boats could be installed to encourage this “green” way to commute. Furthermore, Averne by the Sea purchased property on the bay which could easily accommodate 500 vehicles. A ferry dock would also enable these new tenants and homeowners to walk to the ferry. A barge with pilings connected to a ramp from the street could be quickly installed at both 110 Street and the Averne site. After all, since the majority of the peninsula’s population growth is occurring on the east end, it is only logical and economical to establish service at locations beyond the WEST END. These other locations would also guarantee commuters an express bus or train option in the event he/she misses the last ferry, which is a real concern for commuters. Again, we need to consider where the housing/apartment development is occurring. As confirmed by representatives from West End Reality and Rockaway Ferry To the Editor: It is most encouraging to note that the newly created website has attracted significant interest in ferry service for the Rockaway Peninsula. Over 4,000 people were curious enough to find out about this new mode of transportation for our neighborhood, indicating an interest in this type of transportation. Now that the Rockaway’s has finally gotten the much needed attention from New York City officials to turn this idea into reality, and as one who has worked on this project for more than eleven years, I urge the peninsula residents to consider the following vital points related to its design and implementation. First, we must expect a high speed boat for our neighborhood. If we were to settle for a vessel similar to the one featured on the Website this new service will be doomed to failure. I participated in several test runs between Rockaway and Wall Street. One run conducted by SEASTREAK FERRY COMPANY took 32 minutes via a 300 passenger boat. On January 11, 2005, NEW ENGLAND FAST FERRY completed the Wall Street to Riis Landing run in 28 minutes then continued on to the Averne by the Sea vicinity totaling 37 minutes. We cannot allow anything but a high speed boat to provide us with this service. After all, if the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation can provide a $4.2 million subsidy and the operator can provide a new high speed catamaran boat between Yonkers and Wall Street, we certainly deserve the same set-up. Sometime ago, Congressman Anthony Weiner announced that he secured $15 million of federal funds for the development of a Rockaway Ferry Service. Two years ago I contacted Mr. Weiner’s office to inquire about the fund’s whereabouts - via telephone Walsh Properties, there are currently over 150 available apartments between 80th and 120th Street with an additional 500 units under construction. Dear Editor, Surely we should not be designing a I must take strong exception to the ferry service that would force people to recent comments in the “Viewpoints” drive to Riis Landing! (10/5/07) byline regarding A.J. Smith I also urge Rockaway residents to and Pat Kirby. In the column, Mrs. voice their concerns related to the type Shea presents her readers with the of ferry operator selected for this new “scoop” that Mr. Smith is Ms. Kirby’s transportation option, i.e., How is the brother in law. Under the heading, company’s safety record? What about “Conflict of Interest?” the reader is left the operator’s on time performance? with unanswered questions on the imHow often are boats out of service for pact that this relationship may have on repairs or violations? the “independence” of their financial Finally, the residents of Rockaway interactions. The writer carefully avoids must insist on a test run with the two top making a direct accusation, but skillbidders for the purpose of confirming fully creates the impression that sometheir advertised commuting times. thing must surely be afoot. Using clevRockaway residents have been prom- erly worded innuendo, Mrs. Shea casts ised so much over the past years when, doubt on the integrity of these fine at the end of the day, we were short- people and our budget process as a changed. Fortunately, we now received Cooperative. Along the way, she also a promise from Mayor Bloomberg that questions the independence of our exwe will be provided with an efficient ternal auditors. As a shareholder and and affordable transportation alterna- member of the Board, I unequivocally tive. If Staten Island can receive a state the following: There is no conFREE ferry service along with more flict; period! than 400 express busses into ManhatPat Kirby has proven through her tan, I sincerely believe Rockaway de- performance to be an outstanding Conserves a subsidized high speed ferry troller of the Cooperative and a welservice for all the peninsula residents. come addition to the Management team. It is about time we are given a respect- A.J. Smith has proven himself as a able transportation alternative that will dedicated Director and Committee not take 20 years to implement. Chairperson of the highest order. I have Sincerely, enjoyed the distinct good fortune of Joe Hartigan 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 ASSOCIATE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF FOOT SURGEONS 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 - OFFICE HOURS BY APPOINTMENT 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 114-12 BEACH CHANNEL DRIVE • SUITE #3 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 ROCKAWAY PARK, NEW YORK 11694 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 Steven B. Epstein, D.P.M. PODIATRIC MEDICINE and SURGERY FOOT SPECIALIST (718) 318-3310 Don’t Buy A Hearing Aid Until We Look Into Your Ears Finding Out What Could Be Causing Your Hearing Loss Is As Easy As.... 1 IT MAY BE EARWAX 2 IT MAY BE THE MIDDLE EAR 3 IT MAY BE NERVE LOSS JOSEPH CASTELLANO, AU.D., FAA DOCTOR OF AUDIOLOGY 1671 Sheepshead Bay Road 718-646-3372 To Avoid Waiting, Please Schedule An Appointment ® CARDS NOVEMBER 2007 FREE VIDEO EAR INSPECTION You’ll SEE...exactly what we SEE. We’ll look into your ear canal with our Sony Video Ear Camera. You’ll watch the TV screen & we’ll explain to you what you are seeing. We’ll do a complete inspection of your Ear Canal & Ear Drum. If there is any amount of wax blockage, you’ll know immediately and we’ll print a copy for you and your doctor. $250 OFF The Purchase of Any Digital Hearing Aid WITH THIS COUPON. PLEASE MENTION THIS AD WHEN CALLING TO SCHEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENT ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS NOVEMBER 2007 Letters To The Editor (Continued from Page 5). having known both A.J and Pat for many years and I am proud to call them friends. To be crystal clear, from the day Pat was recruited to become the Controller a few years ago, A.J. always has and continues to routinely recuse himself from votes and discussions that present even the slightest impression of conflict. Our Chairman, General Manager and General Counsel are responsible for eliminating even the perception of conflict and maintaining the integrity of our deliberations. They more than honor that responsibility at every turn. Oh, and just a few facts: 1. A.J. is not our “cfo”. 2. Our external auditors work with our Audit Committee and A.J. is neither chairperson nor a member of that committee. This thinly veiled attempt to cast doubt and dispersion on the character of these decent and ethical people seems to be yet another attempt by Mrs. Shea to create controversy and division in our community. These “viewpoints” seem to be selectively directed at particular Board members and Cooperative managers. I can only ask, to what end? What could possibly be the motivation for this type of a story and so many others CHIROPRACTIC “The Natural Way to Good Health” DR. LINDA SCOTT FAMILY CHIROPRACTOR 204-08 ROCKAWAY POINT BLVD. ROCKAWAY POINT, NY 11697 Tel: (917) 748-6997 • Tel: (718) 474-5407 WORKERS’ COMP • MEDICARE • NO-FAULT and MOST INSURANCES ACCEPTED PAGE 7 like it that seem so deliberately misleading? Pat Kirby and A.J. Smith deserve much better….they deserve our thanks for their work and their commitment to this community. They don’t deserve to have their names dragged through the mud. Tom Wipf Story by Daniel l. Uffner, Jr. Dear Editor, I’ve just finished reading Daniel L. Uffner, Jr.’s story in the October 5th issue of the Rockaway Point News, entitled, “Education: When will parents take charge?” I must say it was the most perceptive and incisive bit of writing I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading. Uffner hit the nail right on the head! I’d like to add a few thoughts of my own regarding the subject by asking: why is anyone surprised at the growing crime rate in our cities schools? Far too many of so called parents and guardians are neither parenting nor are they being guardians. Many of them appear to be suffering from terminal inertia when it comes to teaching their children normal civilized behavior, so what do they do instead? They pass on their responsibilities to teachers and School Administrators. The only problem is: the minute a teacher attempts to discipline unruly children in care, the parents suddenly snap out of their state of inertia before running out and hiring a lawyer. Can anyone blame a teacher for looking the other way? All they’re trying to do is get through the day with their skins in tact. Why on earth would anyone want to become a teacher these days considering they could make more money by taking a job as a prison guard in Attica State Prison. At least then they would be able to punish a prisoner for bad behavior. George Najarian Thank You Editor, I would like to thank and commend Marilyn Harvey of Breezy Travel for her support and participation in our auction on 10/12/07. Marilyn is a concerned and caring member of our community and I would like to wish her success in her business. Anne Hoerning of the Walker K. Hoerning Endowment Fund Dear Editor: WOW!!! Doesn’t that fence look great!!! I must say that the new fence going up in Roxbury looks fantastic! What a great job to those who chose the style of fence and what a great job our Field Department is doing in installing the fence. My family and I enjoy driving passed it everyday. Sincerely, Tommy Tennyson Brianne Fitzgerald MS, CCC-SLP Speech-Language Pathologist Speech at the Beach Speech Therapy for Kids Medical Center 204-08 Rockaway Point Blvd. Breezy Point, NY 11697 THANKSGIVING CENTERPIECES Thanksgiving Centerpieces •• Balloons BALLOONS•• Silk Flowers Plants • Gifts Greeting Cards Fruit Baskets Cell: (718) 551-4678 Fax: (347) 230-4074 THE BLUE BUNGALOW Your Neighborhood Place For Art, Antiques, Beach Writings, Framing, Gifts & Home Furnishings TAKE 10% OFF Purchase of $50 or More WITH with coupon offer COUPON good through 11/2/07 or mention Wave”. OFFER GOOD“Blue THRU 12/05/07 HOURS: Wed-S Sat: 10 am - 5pm Sun: 10 am - 3pm 113-2 20 Rockaway Beach Blvd., Rockaway Park, NY 11694 Tel: (718) 318-4 4663 . . . 157 Beach 116th St. 718-634-7585 ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS PAGE 8 WHISPERING BREEZES “Heard around town that…” A sure sign that fall is here is the clocks turning back and gaining that extra hour of sleep. Remember to turn them back Saturday night, November 3rd. Also remember to vote on Tuesday, November 6th. On the ballot weare voting for District Attorney and Justices of Supreme Court. Mark your calendars for the Town Hall Meeting on November 13th at the Colony Theater at 7:00 PM. November 12th we mark the 6th anniversary of the crash of AA Flight #587 into Belle Harbor. And 6 years later we have more airplane traffic over us than ever before. What happened to the promises from Congressman Weiner that he would have the planes re-routed to avoid the Rockaway Peninsula and Breezy Point in particular. Congratulations to Tom & Cathy Lind who celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary on October 8th. In the birthday department we send out good wishes to Mary Gillen HayesQuinn who celebrated on the 13th and to Jamie Nichole Schramm who turned 8 years old on the 18th. Congratulations to Freddy and Katie Rayes on the birth of their new baby girl Ava. Older sister Brianna who is 5 is delighted. The LAOH has set up a special fund to benefit Chris McCabe, a 15 year old Rockaway boy with medical expenses. They are holding a “Night at the Races” Fundraiser at the Knights of Columbus, 333 Beach 90th Street, Rockaway Beach on November 2nd at 8 PM. If you’d rather mail in a donation please address it to LAOH-Special Fund, 633 Bayside, Rockaway Point, NY 11697. The Rockaway Point Association will be holding their annual Thanksgiving Dinner for their Senior Members on Friday November 16th. Tickets are $5 and can be gotten from Ann Court or Joan Wilmarth at the Golden Age Meeting or calling Betty Glennon. Understand that Mrs. Hendry’s Dance Class is starting on November 5th and 6th. She teaches ballet, tap and tumble to boys and girls. The Daniel M. O’Connell American Legion Post 272 will be sending holiday gift packages to military personnel from Rockaway serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. Mike Honan and Vinnie Calimano are asking that family members of personnel overseas contact them and supply their names and overseas addresses no later than November 11th. Friends of Jamaica Bay have reported in the last couple of weeks that three old DEP barges were tugged into Barbados Basin. Aside from the fact that these are WILLIAM J. BURKE, D.D.S. BREEZY POINT MEDICAL CENTER Monday-Saturday by Appointment 718-474-6500 204-08 Rockaway Point Blvd. Rockaway Point, N.Y. 11697 NOVEMBER 2007 rusting hulks, it seems that Homeland Security requires notification when barges are passing under bridges. That notification process seems to have been bypassed and DEC and USCG are working to find out how that happened. More importantly is what is the plan for these three barges? We extend our deepest sympathies to Marvin Eisenstadt and his family on the passing of his wife Barbara Eisenstadt. Barbara was a lady of grace and dignity who was very actively involved in many of the Rockaway communities cultural and social programs. She was a member of the Rockaway Music and Arts Council, the Peninsula Hospital Center Auxiliary and the Belle Harbor Garden Club. She will be sorely missed. May she rest in peace. To Jackie Murtagh Abrams we extend our sincerest condolences on the passing of her husband Mickey Abrams. Mickey was q retired steamfitter with Local 638 and a member of the Knights of Columbus and VFW. May he rest in peace. To George and Kathryn Pierce we extend our deepest sympathies on the passing their son James on October 9, 2007. May he rest in peace. We send our sincerest condolences to the families of John Mastrota, Jeanne Kelly and Patricia A. Farrell on their recent passing. May God grant them eternal rest. Have you gotten your tickets yet for Lew Simon’s Good Government Club dinner dance at the El Caribe? It will be held on Thursday, November 15, 2007. Congratulations to all the honorees and especially Terri Cassidy, President of the Rockaway Point Association and Marty Ingram a member of the Board of Directors of the Breezy Point Cooperative. The St. Thomas More CYO Program is holding its fourth annual card party on November 9, 2007. Contact Teasha Young 718-634-4311 or Nancy Foley to donate gifts and prizes. Understand that Toys-R-Us has launched its Ultimate Toy Drive to benefit the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation. From now thru December 9th they are matching the total number of toys collected in their stores for the Corps “Toys for Tots” Christmas program. Cash contributions can also be made in-store or online at from now until December 24th. Beware - Big Brother is watching! New York State has started a pilot program upstate on the Northway to catch speeders using the Easy Pass System. The way it works is a recording device has been installed at intervals along the highway. Once an Easy Pass equipped vehicle passes, the device registers the account number and the time. Same is again registered at the next “checkpoint”. Based on the distance between the register points and the posted speed limit, the state is sending speeding tickets in the mail to the guilty persons. If you’re sitting there saying “Ha, ha - not me. I don’t have Easy Pass” be advised that the State will soon require that all new vehicle registration stickers will have a metal strip or chip imbedded in it that takes the place of the Easy Pass system. And who says Big Brother isn’t watching? Veteran’s Day this November 11th. Let’s not forget all those who have served in our armed forces and if you see someone in uniform please remember to thank them for serving. Don’t forget to vote on November 6th. It’s an off-year and though it doesn’t seem worthwhile to take the time to stop and vote, it’s exactly this type of election that pollsters look to when requests are made for assistance of them. Remember voting is our right and privilege. We wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. As we gather with our families on this happy day, may we not forgot those who have no home to go to nor food to eat. Please be generous in your giving. And mark you calendars for the 24th Annual Cooperative Tree lighting ceremony on December 7th. – Thirty – ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS, Inc. NECK Feel better now. P.O. BOX 164 FT. TILDEN, NEW YORK 11695 (718) 634-8730 • FAX: (718) 945-1661 Email: SHOULDER ELBOW HAND Publisher/Editor: NOREEN SCHRAMM HIP BACK Art Editors: Buster Sabba/Deneen Rubin KNEE FOOT KIERNAN CHIROPRACTIC Active Release Techniques ® Provider 115-06 Beach Channel Drive Rockaway Park NY 1-718-945-0406 Fast pain relief. Strength Training. Proven results. The Rockaway Point News is pleased to publish personal and other items of interest to its readers, and invites such communication. Name, address, and telephone number of the writer must in every case be given, not necessarily for publication but as evidence of truth. No anonymous communication will be printed. Columnists and contributors express only their opinion, which is not necessarily that of The Rockaway Point News. Other opinions are welcomed through letters to the editor. The Rockaway Point News reserves the right to reject any advertising deemed objectionable to the publishers. It assumes no financial obligation for typographical errors in advertisements, but when notified promptly will reprint that part of the advertisement in which the typographical error occurs. The Rockaway Point News abides by all U.S. Copyright Laws. Therefore, any columnists’ work submitted for publication in the Rockaway Point News, that was previously published in an other publication, are required to submit with that column written permission from and pay whatever applicable fees are required by that other publication. NOVEMBER 2007 ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS 1-718-WINDOWS 1-718-627-6400 1889 McDonald Avenue • Brooklyn, NY 11223 Tel: 718-627-6400 Fax: 718-627-3448 PAGE 9 ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS PAGE 10 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456 NOVEMBER 2007 BREEZY FIRE LINES November 4th Ballot is as follows: By BIG JACK JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT 11th Judicial District Vote for 3 Denis J Butler ...................................... Democratic Theodore Stamas ............................... Republican Kenneth C Holder ............................... Democratic Kerry John Katsorhis........................... Republican Steven W Paynter ............................... Democratic Joseph F Kasper ................................. Republican CONDOLENCES Ken Nelson’s mother recently passed away. We are very sorry and extend our sincerest condolences to the Nelson and Hendry families and to Mrs. Nelson’s many friends in Bay Ridge. May she rest in peace. WATER MAIN BREAK On Saturday Morning at a 8:30 A.M we responded to a major water main break outside of 104 Reid Ave. We helped the Field Department set up pumps and checked the houses in the area. The Field Department had to completely shut off the water supply to Rockaway and Breezy Points for about eight hours, while they replaced the broken main. During this time, we had crews on stand-by ready to respond to any fire emergencies with our trucks, which both have booster tanks storing water and also fire extinguishers. While the water was shut off we responded at 2:15 PM to a report of a gas leak on Irving Walk and at 2:30 PM, we responded to a house on Hillside Ave in Roxbury with an outside arching wire. We worked with our fellow firefighters from Rockaway Point, Roxbury and the F.D.N.Y. to quickly correct these conditions. FIRE SAFETY TIP Daylight Saving Time ends at 2:00 AM on Sunday morning. Before turning back your clocks, don’t forget to test your home’s smoke and co detectors and also to replace all their batteries. VETERANS DAY SUNDAY NOV. 11 We thank PBFD members Bill Hayes, Frank Farrell, Barney Pittari, John Manley, Ricky Savage, John Ingram, Neil Wilson, Marty Walsh, Phil Rawdon, Bob Klein, Marty Ingram and Jimmy O’ Meara for their courageous service in our nation’s armed forces. When you see a veteran, please thank him/her for defending our free American way of life. $1000 CLUB NEWS Club members greatly enjoyed themselves at Sunday’s drawings, ate the delicious dinners prepared by the Harbor Light and cheered our lucky October winners Bob and Betty Ahern from Beach 217 St, our lucky $1000 winners, Delores B Doheny from Hudson Walk and George Clark Jr. from Beach 221 St, who each won $125 and P Casper from the State Road in Roxbury who won $50. We then cheered, our November winners, D & G Wayne from Beach 122 St, our $1000 winners, M Kelly from Jamaica Walk and Patricia O’Rourke from Suffolk Walk, who each won $125 and J & V Simpson from Woodside, who won $50, and finally last, but certainly not last, we cheered our December winners Ken Fuchs from Marion Walk, who won $1000, Bill Lafferty from Lincoln Walk and George Clark Jr. from Beach 221 St, who each won $125 and Kathy and Bill Lang from Bath Walk, who won $50. CONGRATULATIONS Sondra and Keith Whalen and their fine son Ryan Allen, and Bernadine Whalen’s first grandchild, who was baptized on Saturday by our chaplain Father Brian Jordan O.F.M. and to Patty and Dennis Cook and their daughter Clair and her fine son Chris, Patty and Dennis’ first grand child, who was baptized at St. Thomas More on Sunday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY All of Breezy Point joins Big Jack in wishing Happy November Birthdays to Dennis Cook, Pat Concannon, Chris Hyland, Bob Johnson, Matt Mc Donald, Jim Moschetto and Mike Schramm Jr. VOTE ON ELECTION DAY TUES NOV. 6th HAPPY THANKSGIVING SMOKE AND CO DERECTORS SAVE LIVES PRAY FOR OUR COURAGEOUS TROOPS GOD BLESS AMERICA DISTRICT ATTORNEY – QUEENS Richard A Brown ................................. Democratic Richard A Brown ................................. Republican Richard A Brown .............................. Conservative JUDGE OF THE CIVIL COURT County - Queens Rudolph E Greco Jr. ................ Democratic JUDGE OF THE CIVIL COURT District - 4th Municipal Court District - Queens Cheree A Buggs .................................. Democratic Robert Beltrani .................................... Republican JUDGE OF THE CIVIL COURT District - 6th Municipal Court District - Queens William A Viscovich ............................. Democratic PROPOSAL NUMBER 1, AN AMENDMENT - CITYWIDE Yes .................................................................... No “Let HUNT Do The HUNTing” Hunt Real Estate SALES - RENTALS COLLEEN HUNT • MARY HUNT Located in BREEZY POINT • BROOKLYN • WINDHAM MT./CATSKILL FAMILY OWNED BUSINESS FOR OVER 40 YEARS Looking Forward to Servicing You Brooklyn COLLEEN HUNT 718-627-1500 Windham/Catskill TARA HUNT 718-339-8989 518-734-6233 Breezy Point Office MARY HUNT 718-318-6369 ALL ASSOCIATES CAPABLE OF SERVING ALL AREAS JAMES J. O’CONNOR, M.D. R.T Hunt Associates BOARD CERTIFIED IN INTERNAL MEDICINE AND GERIATRICS RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL APPRAISALS Hospital Affiliation: TARA HUNT • RODERICK T. HUNT JR. PENINSULA HOSPITAL CENTER Located in OFFICE HOURS BY APPOINTMENT 204-08 ROCKAWAY POINT BOULEVARD ROCKAWAY POINT, NEW YORK 11697 (718) 474-5454 HOUSE CALLS AVAILABLE BREEZY POINT • BROOKLYN • WINDHAM MT./CATSKILL FAMILY OWNED BUSINESS FOR OVER 40 YEARS Looking Forward to Servicing You Brooklyn COLLEEN HUNT 718-627-1500 Windham/Catskill TARA HUNT 718-339-8989 518-734-6233 Breezy Point Office MARY HUNT 718-318-6369 ALL ASSOCIATES CAPABLE OF SERVING ALL AREAS ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS NOVEMBER 2007 Lawrence Woodmere Academy Homecoming PAGE 11 Celebrate Thanksgiving with Your Family & Friends THE MARKETPLACE TABLE A gourmet selection of soups and salads THE MAIN EVENT Wild Roasted Vermont Turkey Roast Prime Rib of Beef Au Jus Honey Glazed Virginia Ham Roasted Atlantic Salmon Filet Bubbling Hot Vegetable Lasagna Al Forno Sautéed Seasonal Vegetables For All Reasons… For All Seasons CELEBRATING Over 30 YEARS in BUSINESS Thanksgiving Feast Caroline Clark (Belle Harbor) with Patricia Roantree, Math teacher, stringing donuts for the donut eating contest at Homecoming. Lawrence Woodmere Academy celebrated their homecoming festivities this Saturday, October 20th. Students, alumni, parents and faculty enjoyed the barbeque, the international food court with dishes that represent LWA’s diverse population, a selection of baked goods donated by parents and staff members, rides, and student fundraisers. The Upper School students organized and executed a coin toss to win goldfish, donut eating contests and several raffles with items donated by local vendors and community members. Parent leaders organized a scavenger hunt, a karate demonstration and crafts booth, in addition to coordinating the donation of inflatable rides through Coleman Camps. The DJ kept up the ambiance with upbeat tunes that brought people of all ages out to sing and dance. SCONZO & SCONZO, D.M.D., P.C. FAMILY DENTISTRY... By those that care . . . . . . For those that care. Tel: 718-339-0252 EMERGENCY: (917) 478-7404 Fax: (718) 376-0912 1666 MARINE PARKWAY BROOKLYN, NY 11234 Just 10 minutes from the Marine Park Bridge The Staff of Shear Explosion WARMLY WELCOMES Bella and Mariana formerly of Irena’s House of Beauty to SHEAR EXPLOSION Tel. 718-474-0022 KID TOWN USA Tom Turkey with Stuffing & Cranberry Sauce Mini All Beef Hot Dogs All Natural Macaroni and Cheese Cheese Ravioli with Marinara Sauce SWEET ENDINGS Thursday, November 22nd Creamy Pumpkin Pie Cinnamon Apple Pie Fruit Laden Bread Pudding Traditional New York Cheesecake Make Your Own Sundae Bar Butter Cookies _ Call Today to Ensure a Great Holiday Estate Brewed Coffee, Herbal Teas and Soft Drinks 3695 per person _ $1395 Children under twelve $ 18% Gratuity and NYS sales tax additional Call now! 516-223-6500 70 Milburn Avenue (Between Merrick Rd. & Sunrise Hwy.) Baldwin, NY 11510 MANUFACTURERS OF FABRIC, ALUMINUM, CLEAR & SMOKED AWNINGS ALL SEASON SUNROOMS Add a new Sunroom for more living space and year-round enjoyment. 500 OFF ALL SEASON IN HOUSE DESIGN & LAYOUT (New Orders Only) $ ROOMS Expires 11/30/07 VINYL 4-TRACK WINDOWS WITH REMOVABLE SCREENS! Our vertical window system combines the open feel of a screen room and the comfort and convenience of an all season room. ALUMINUM CUSTOM AWNING ALUMINUM 10’x20’ Installed Only AWNINGS, CARPORTS $ & PATIO COVERS 1995 RETRACTABLE AWNINGS Fully enclosed Retractable Awning systems that protect the fabric when retracted. Free STANDARD MOTOR With Purchase & Installation Of Retractable Awnings Expires 11/30/07 Visit our showroom 213 Beach 88th Street, Rockaway Beach SHOP AT HOME SERVICE • FINANCING AVAILABLE 718.945.4224 • 516.431.9154 • NYC License # 0919132 • Nassau County License # H0806440000 ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS PAGE 12 ROCKAWAY DOINGS by Sara Berger Years ago the New York Times ran a review of a new musical featuring a very young Julie Andrews. It went something like this. “What are you doing reading this? Why are you not out buying your tickets to see ‘My Fair Lady’ “ My Fair Lady has since become a part of our culture as an oft repeated revival production, including our own Rockaway Theater Company. It has also been made into a movie, (regrettably without Miss Andrews) and is shown on TV often. It is based on a play by George Bernard Shaw called “Pygmalian” which has also been made into a movie with Leslie Howard and Wendy Barrie, (I think), and of course that too has been on TV. The whole thing is based on a myth about a sculptor who carves a stature of a woman and falls in love with her. When I received my ticket to see the current Roundabout production of Pygmalian, I was prepared to be bored because I have seen all of the past productions as well as having read the play in school and figured that this would all be a little much but.... I had paid for the subscription so I went. I was not bored. The play has many sociological themes, as Shaw usually has and much of that I had forgotten. There were still many surprises and much laughter. The acting was wonderful although I did miss both Miss Andrews and our own Nancy who played Liza Doolittle in the RMAC production. The scenery was amazing. Don’t let anyone tell you that no one leaves the theater humming the scenery. There was a short glitch because of technical difficulties. After all, this was a preview performance. Once this was solved, everything proceeded as planned. Well, what are you waiting for? Go get your tickets at the American Airlines Theater. **** The October meeting of the Peninsula Hospital Center Auxiliary was so filled with information and good fun that it ran very late. No one wanted to leave. The announced topic was Income Taxes and the speaker was Peggy Fogarty who works for H & R Block locally. If you are thinking boring, or way over my head or just my cup of tea, you would be in my class. Was I wrong. Ms. Fogarty is an enchanting person with a wonderful sense of humor and a font of important information. She was NOT advertising her company even though she mentioned it once or twice. STRANDS 115-10 BEACH CHANNEL DRIVE • (718) 318-1080 Unlimited Tanning $ Danielle Dee Angela Christine Allyson Helen Katelyn Roz Gerri 99 For A Month STRANDS Is Happy To Welcome “Julia” formerly of Mr. Rocco’s Thursday Specials FREE HAIRCUT With Any Color And Blowdry* MEN’S HAIRCUTS $10* *With Allyson or Dee Exp. 11/29/07 Get Pampered With A Maureen Marta Diane Helen Kathy Kate Sofia Mary Grace Sal FREE PARAFFIN TREATMENT (with Manicure & Pedicure) THURSDAYS ONLY We Carry A Full Line Of Fairy Tale Products *We Carry “Sodium Chloride Free” Shampoo & Conditioner OPEN SUNDAYS 9 AM - 2 PM LATE NIGHTS: Tuesday, Thursday & Friday Another feature of the meeting was a report from the hospital itself on some future developments at the hospital. The Division of Cardiology is forming a Cardiac Support Group, “Heart Beats” which will be meeting monthly to educate, support and reassure cardiac patients, their families and caregivers about cardiac health. For more information and dates of these meetings, call 718-734-3018. Mammography is very important. It has gotten a bad reputation for long waits for appointments. This is no longer true at PHC since the purchase of 2 new machines in place of 1 old one. Additionally, there is the possibility of a quick appointment on an emergency basis if needed. The hospital now has its own web site. Every department in the hospital is covered and will be updated as the need arises. Check it out. If you have tried to make an appointment for an Angioscreening and been unable to get an answer on the phone, the number listed is only open on Tuesday and Thursday. Try again. It is worthwhile. Since this publication will only be a monthly for the winter, my reports about the Auxiliary will be coming too late to tell you what the next meeting will be about. However, we know that meetings are the first Tuesday of each month at noon. Put it on your calendar now and watch for updates on topics when I get them. **** There is a new organization specifically meant for women. It is called, “NYC Women First” and deals with NOVEMBER 2007 health issues particular to women. Two goals will guide this campagn: Increase awareness among New York City women about major health risks and improve women’s prevention efforts and health outcomes on a variety of indicators. Each month is devoted to a particular area. November Protect yourself against diabetes. December is protect yourself from HIV. January is Get help if you are experiencing domestic violence. February, keep your heart healthy. March if you are over 50 get a colonoscopy, April Get a gynecological provider. May Practice safe sex and know your reproductive health options. July get help if you are experiencing depression. August, quit smoking. September, have a healthy pregnancy. This organization is an initiative of the New York City Council. City Hall, New York 10007 (212) 788-7116 and is being coordinated by Maria Alvarado (2120 788-7116 and Elina Kazan (212) 494-4624 Macy’s Media Relations. Get yourself on their mailing list so that you can be up to date on women’s health issues to benefit yourself and all the women in your family. **** How do you clear off the bookshelves when you have lived in one house for over 78 years.? They keep accumulating as more and more arrive. We made a reservation to dispose of them one at a time as we took some to the adult homes or gave them to people who wanted them. While we were in the throes of reading and disposing....we went to the laundry and someone else (Continued on Page 13) DR. ELIZABETH S. MURPHY DIPLOMATE AMERICAN BOARD OF PODIATRIC SURGERY FELLOW, AMERICAN COLLEGE FOOT AND ANKLE SURGEONS 3617 Avenue S Brooklyn, NY 11234 (718) 336-3894 Fax: (718)9984974 Breezy Point Medical Center 204-08 Rockaway Point Blvd. Rockaway Point, NY 11697 (718) 318-5531 ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS NOVEMBER 2007 Rockaway Doings . . . (Continued from Page 12) seemed to have a similar idea. There were four books neatly lined up on the table. Instead of leaving one for others, we took one we had been wanting to read for years, “Bury My Heart On Wounded Knee”. Anyone interested in a few good books? **** Tuesday, November 6, is Election Day. So what! It is an off year. Nothing big is going to happen. I think I will sit this one out. Not so fast, Sara. Every election is important. I have been reminded time and time again that elected officials scan the numbers of people who actually go out to vote in a particular neighborhood. If your election district does not show a large number of voters, even in a “nothing” election, regardless of what party or candidate we vote for, the assumption is that we do not care. Why pay attention to them? They don’t vote for or against us. We will listen to the areas that do care. We want them to know that Rockaway cares. We want to stop being dumped on. After I go to vote, I will head for the Peninsula Hospital Center Auxiliary meeting where I expect to meet the new director of the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory, Thomas Brando, RN. This should be exciting since it is only recently that our hospital has been given permission to open this lab. I will also enjoy a delicious luncheon. Oh, gentlemen, please note, this is the auxiliary, not a ladies auxiliary. It is your hospital and TMLA Seniors Earn National Merit Honors your health too. **** Christmas is coming. How do I know? My mail box is jammed every day with catalogs from all kinds of companies that I never heard of in addition to multiple copies from companies I deal with. I am also getting myriad requests from charities, many of which may possibly be legitimate but their names are new to me. **** On Sunday, October 28, I was driving through Howard Beach on Cross Bay Boulevard. The traffic was very heavy and finally stopped. There were police and ambulances all over. We thought we were in the middle of some kind of emergency, Suddenly there were hundreds of beautiful, shiny motor cycles, It was the annual motorcycle run for Toys for Tots. **** When I was a child we washed dishes in a dishpan with hot soapy water and rinsed them in a dishpan with clear hot water before drying them. My friends parents washed theirs under the faucet. They lived in apartment houses and did not pay to heat the water. Now I see that people are still washing their dishes under the faucet under running water....and then putting them in the dishwasher. The New York City Water Board is raising the cost of the water we use. The gas or oil to heat the water is going to cost more (today’s news said 30 cents more a gallon) Maybe it wis time to rethink this practice. PAGE 13 Several TMLA seniors received letters of congratulations from the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. Based on their exceptional 2006 PSAT/ NMSQT test scores, they have received Letters of Commendation in recognition of their outstanding academic promise. These Commended Students are Grace Brock, Kristen Chuber, Jessica Roster and Gabrielle Saggese. In addition, The National Achievement Scholarship Program recognized the following TMLA seniors at Outstanding Students based upon their superior 2006 PSAT/NMSQT test scores: Anastasia Appleton, Brittany Denly and Jeanetta Green. Lesley Velazquez has been named a Scholar in The National Hispanic Recognition Program. B. 210th Street & Rockaway Point Blvd. 718-945-0202 N E K S ’ Y D E N 4 Course Wine Pairing Menu NOVEMBER 14th and NOVEMBER 28th Call for Details or check the website Sunday Brunch Served from 11:30 am to 2:00 pm Dinner served Lunch Mon. thru Fri. 11:30 am -3:00 pm Monday to Thursday 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm Friday thru Sunday 5:00 pm to 11:00 pm ON THE BAY Now Accepting THANKSGIVING DAY RESERVATIONS! Atrium and Dining Room Available for Christmas and Holiday Parties “PUB MENU” Sun. thru Fri. 3pm to Closing Bar Area ONLY ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS PAGE 14 Chatting with Chapey by Dr. Geraldine M. Chapey IS DISCRIMINATION ALIVE AND WELL? The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) basically requires that individuals who are 40 years of age and older be free of employment discrimination based on age. The Act states that “it is unlawful to discriminate against a person because of his/her age with respect to any term, condition or privilege of employment - including but not limited to hiring, firing, promotion, layoff, compensation, benefits, job assignments and training. It applies to both employees and job applicants.” Your employer is prohibited from hiring you or firing you based on your age. “The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) is your first defense against age discrimination. There has to be a lawful reason - not connected to age - for almost all employment decisions” according to the Age Discrimination paper issued by the AARP. If you find that you are being discriminated against the first step is to speak to your employer and to try to resolve the matter. If that doesn’t work you can file a charge against your employer at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, (EEOC). This is the federal agency which is required to enforce the mandates of the ADEA. As one of the four city wide officers of the Professional Staff Congress, the union representing the faculty and staff of the City University of New York, I worked with faculty members to file charges at the EEOC in cases regarding non-reappointment and promotion. The EEOC process was user friendly. If the EEOC rules that your case has merit, they investigate the case thoroughly by collecting data and holding hearings. In 2005, the EEOC proposed a rule to deny health benefits to employees or retirees who are eligible for Medicare or a state health plan. Based on the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), the AARP filed a suit to overturn this ruling. At the same time it filed an injunction requesting that the Supreme Court bar the EEOC from finalizing the proposed rule until the VETERANS’ DAY is a day to honor those who served our country so that we might be free — God Bless Them. NOVEMBER 2007 Supreme Court ruled on it. Unfortunately the 3rd Circuit Court on September 13, 2007 denied the request and it sent the proposed rule to the Office of Management and Budget. Why should the public be concerned? As the United Press International (UPI) clearly states “employers are now allowed to change the health benefits they offer retirees when they become eligible for Medicare. This ruling effectively negates the coverage of senior citizens from their protection under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act with regard to age - based reductions or termination of their health insurance. These individuals are at significant risk of being saddled with an enormous financial burden that the employer provided health insurance often deflected. This will happen at a point in their lives when they are not in a position to commence saving strategies to help meet these costs or seek employment to secure alternative coverage “ according to Ms. McCann a senior attorney for the AARP. According to Robin Conrad the executive director of the legal arm of the US Chamber of Commerce in the UPI release “Businesses will not be subject to age discrimination cases if they reduce benefits in keeping with Medicare benefits.” This ruling will have an impact on all retirees or employees who are eligible for Medicare. The AARP is now considering its options and will hopefully decide to appeal this serious decision on reducing health care benefits for Medicare eligible employees and retirees. Write, call and e-mail the AARP demanding that they appeal this ruling. Also call your elected officials and let them know how concerned you are about this health care reduction. Infor- mation for this article was obtained from the ADEA, AARP releases, and the United Press International documents. Another issue which deserves your attention is the US Senate plan to increase funding for Older American Act (OAA) programs. Senators Gordon Smith (Rep) and Blanche Lincoln (Demo) are leading the move to increase the funding to supportive senior services, senior centers, home delivered nutrition programs and the National Family Caregiver program. Call our Senators - Charles Schumer and Hillary Clanton and ask them to support these increases. On Wednesday, October 17 the Regular Democratic Club of the Rockaway’s had a standing room only crowd to hear Councilwoman Melinda Katz. Melinda has served as an assemblywoman and is now serving in the City Council. She holds an earned law degree from St. Johns University. Melinda chairs the Land Use Committee of the City Council. She shared current information on land use with the audience. Melinda announced that she is running for the NYC Comptrollers position when her term is up. Joining us at the meeting were two of the Democratic candidates for Judge - Dennis Butler and Ken Holder. The other candidate is Steve Painter. Please vote for Dennis Butler, Ken Holder and Steve Painter on Election Day for the position of Supreme Court Judge. The Rockaway Catholic Jewish Council has monthly meetings in our office. Renee Freeman and I are the cochairs. We are going to attend a meeting at the Museum of the City of New York on the topic of “Ethnic Power in New and old New York: the Irish, the Jews and the Italians”. According to (Continued on Page 15) Ruoff Realty FRANCES RUOFF Licensed Real Estate Broker BREEZY POINT 718-945-3362 DR. GERALDINE CHAPEY Democratic District Leader EUGENE PASTERNAK Member of Community Planning Board No. 14 DR. GERALDINE D. CHAPEY Member of The New York State Board of Regents Agents: VICKI RUOFF BEST .................................... (917) 544-2779 PAUL BRUDER ........................................... (347) 886-7930 LAURALEE MALONEY .................................. (917) 929-3538 OFFICE EXCLUSIVES ROCKAWAY POINT First time offered • WINTER BUNGALOW 2 B.R., Lg. open area for Kit, LR and Dining. Basement. – Asking $345,000 NEWLY REFURBISHED WINTER HOUSE. 4 lg BR, hardwood floors, 3 BA. Move in condition. Bay views $890,000. NOVEMBER 2007 ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS PHC Cardiac Support Group “HEART BEATS”, a new Cardiac Support Group at Peninsula Hospital Center, an affiliate of North Shore-LIJ Health System, had its inaugural meeting on Tuesday, October 23, 2007. Dr. Narendra Hadpawat, Chief, PHC Division of Cardiology, (left) gave a presentation concerning the everyday management of heart disease. Also in attendance was Tom Brando, RN, (right) who will be the Nursing Director of the soon-to-beconstructed Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory at Peninsula Hospital Center. The goal of the Cardiac Support Group is to offer a forum for cardiac education, support, nutrition, and reassurance for cardiac patients and their caregivers. It is intention of the group to meet not only at the Hospital Center during the year, but to set up meetings of the support group throughout the community. Assemblywoman Pheffer Offers Residents No Advertising Cards Assemblywoman Audrey I. Pheffer is pleased to offer residents “No Advertising” Cards for their use in accordance with Chapter 585 of the Laws of 2007. According to the new law, owners and managers of restaurants and other commercial establishments are liable for dumping menus and advertising fliers on private property where the owner has posted a sign stating that the placement of such materials shall be prohibited unless expressly permitted in writing by the owner of such private property. “New York City residents are being deluged with menus and fliers callously dumped on their doorsteps, in their lobbies and in their vestibules. This new law went into effect on October 14, 2007. Now, with the proper signage, this should bring an end to this practice”, said Pheffer. Assemblywoman Pheffer is offering residents 8 1/2” x 11” preprinted signs that inform solicitors that the residents are prohibiting the placing of these advertisements, If you are interested in receiving a sign they can be obtained at either of Assemblywoman Pheffer’s offices at 90-16 Rockaway Beach Boulevard, Rockaway Beach, tel. 718945-9550; or 108-14 Crossbay Boulevard, Ozone Park; tel. 718-6418755. Is Discrimination Alive And Well? M. Zeitz and is presented in conjunction with the Jewish Daily Forward: Embracing an Immigrant Community It was with deep sadness that I learned of the passing of Barbara Eisenstadt. Barbara held the Rockaway Music and Arts Council meetings in our office each month. She was a superb leader. She had a deep inner strength. She was talented and very creative. Beverly Baxter wrote a beautiful article about Barbara last week. Her funeral at the West End Temple was very crowded with people from the Tri State area whose lives had been touched and changed by Barbara. (Continued from Page 14) the Museum announcement the program will look at “successive groups of immigrants and their descendents who exercised power in 20th Century New York - in politics, finance, unions and social movements. Pete Hamil, former Mayor Ed Koch and Frank Macchiarola will discuss how various ethnic groups obtained, held and divided power and how the shifting dynamics of law, religion and ethnicity influenced the city politics”. It will be moderated by Joshua 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 n e p O r a e Y d n u ‘ro THURSDAY NIGHT ITALIANAMERICAN NIGHT Choice of American CHEESEBURGER & FRIES $7.00 – or – - CHICKEN FRANCAISE - EGGPLANT ROLATINI - PENNE A LA VODKA - STUFFED PORTOBELLO - MUSHROOM RAVIOLI SOUP OR SALAD $11.95 Regular Menu also available Children’s Menu PAGE 15 Live Karoke LIVE MUSIC Nov. 17 .......... Retro 69 Nov. 24 ........Rare Form Dec 8 ......... Souled Out CATERING AT YOUR HOME 1/2 trays 10 to 15 people $25 to $45 Full Trays 20 to 25 people $45 to $90 Featuring Chicken Marsala Chicken Francaise Calamari Salmon Eggplant Rolatini PLEASE CALL FOR FULL MENU Catering also available on Premises Open Thurs. thru Sun. • Lunch & Dinner Served Wednesday, November 21st Moonlight Bay HAPPY HOUR – FRIDAY – 4 PM to 7 PM $7.00 SUNDAY NITE FAMILY DINNERS CHOICE OF CHEESEBURGER & FRIES EGGPLANT ROLATINI PENNE ALA VODKA Regular Menu Available 500 BAYSIDE DRIVE • At the Rockaway Point Dock • 718-318-9660 ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS PAGE 16 NOVEMBER 2007 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567 By Dorothy Dunne DANZILO’S PLAYING HOSPITAL TAG Helene and Peter Danzilo were both in Peninsula General Hospital at the same time. Helene with more severe shingles and Peter with pneumonia. Helene was released after a week and Peter remained for two weeks longer in Rehabilitation Center. In the meantime Helen’ daughter, Laney, husband, Richard, little son, one and half year old, Valentino, their two dogs, in-laws, Vera and Dick Schroeder came to visit and I got to see Peter with them and join them for a famous Danzilo pasta dinner. However, I do think it was too much for Helene because she now ended up at Mt. Sinai in NYC. Fortunately I am here to relate they are both home now and seem to be doing much better. You can call them at home for a report and your payers are still appreciated. I WAS BLOWN AWAY (my hair that is) by the famous Federico on 36 East 57th Street who is the hair stylist for the top designer models who walk the runways at Bryant Park and St. Regis and more. He has attended to such stars as: Elizabeth Taylor, Sophia Loren, Naomi Campbell, Christy Turlington, Nicole Kidman, Michele Phiffer. He is Artistic Director for Bergdorf Goodman and the hairdresser for Socialites and Professional women. The beautiful salon has no attitude, you are greeted with a warm smile and hot cappuccino and Federico’s welcoming smile and his studied expertise to give you the coif of your life. Now I was ready for the runway, shoulders up. It was then on to the East River Café’ for lunch only a few blocks away at the corner of 61st serving Mediterranean specialties: Zucchini and Cucumber salad, smoked salmon, entrees Red Snapper which was superb; veal Scaloppini mashed potatoes and mushrooms, all topped off with desserts to die for. It is opened from 12 noon to 11pm Mon. to Fri. and Sat. 7pm to 12pm. Elizabeth Holstrom Honored At 80 At Catholic Club with balloons, DJ Music, Dancing, Belly Dancer and Frank Sinatra Imitator and, of course, all her family and friends. It was a beautiful tribute to a wonderful and productive woman of Arme- nian decent: Mother, Grandmother and Great Grandmother, of her four Children: Jeanette married to Tom Lynch who produced two daughters: Alyson (17) and Jacqueline (13); Loretta to John Carberry with 4 children: Jimmy, Nancy , T.J., and Tara Carberry. Jim and wife, Nancy went on to have four children: Gracie (6), Kasey(4);Ryan (3)and\ one son, Danny (1); Elizabeth’s son, Mark Holstrom married to Monica and gave birth to Mark Jr. (13) and Marie, (17) and Xavier. Son Artie present with fiancé Jane. From all of them sprouted her 8 grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Ed Deacy sang “Wind Beneath Our Wings” and all the children danced with their Mother. (Ed Deacy mentioned his wife Jane was voted the 23rd District Leader). DJ Chris Mathes supplied the lively music, everyone enjoyed Russ Mattone’s version of Frank Sinatra (VG), while the Belly Dancer had money thrown at her in appreciation. It was deliciously catered by Ludwigs and the Catholic Club was the ideal spot for the occasion Elizabeth comes from hearty stock. Her Aunt, Gladys Sudjian was there and is in her nineties. Not only family but groups of friends: The Arts and Crafts Group, Ronnie McCarthy (Leader and Organizer), Mary Whelan, Frances Steffen, Sally O’Brien, Loretta Smith, and Honoree Elizabeth Holstrom whom does beautiful work with shells (Shell Lady) and other things and she (Continued on Page 17) God Bless and Protect Our Armed Forces EST. 1938 BEEF BROTH CLAM CHOWDER ROAST BEEF HAMBURGER FRANK CHEESEBURGER FRENCH FRIES/CHEESE BEEF PLATE HAMBURGER PLATE MOZZARELLA STICKS ONION RINGS BEER SODA MILK - COFFEE - TEA PIE - PIE ALA MODE ICE CREAM GRILLED CHICKEN SANDWICH WING DINGS CHICKEN TENDERS HAPPY THANKSGIVING Specializing in Roast Beef at its Finest NOSTRAND & AVE. U, BROOKLYN, N.Y. 11229 ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS NOVEMBER 2007 PAGE 17 Dorothy Dunne . . . (Continued from page 16) donates it to the church; the Prayer Group: Rosemary Hughes, Mary Kohl, Chris Dalton; Kay Gully, Lillian Dilallia, Barbara Joyce, Mary Bianco, Muriel Daly. They wish to get in touch with Dr. Kelly Mattone at 516-482-2424. Not by prayer alone. Sometimes we have to help things along. Family goes B’way and loves it... Peter Fugelsong and Mother, Kathleen along with Sam, Tom, Chis and Amy and friend Nancy Brogan all thoroughly enjoyed “Mamma Mia”. Would see it again! The Sea Fair Floating Yacht Museum hosted Gilda’s Club for the benefit of fighting cancer and improving procedures for children and all survivors. It was a beautiful event with the Yacht filled with gorgeous paintings, sculptures and artifacts. You just Ohhed and Ahhed your way through. Open bar and plentiful pass-a-rounds to pacify all your senses. These benefits are a great way to give because you get back such an enjoyable evening. Puerto Rico held its fabulous trade fair at the elegant Ritz Carlton in Battery Park and I was most impressed, with not only the beauty of the hotel, but with the superb service. We danced to the infectious Puerto Rican music, met with the suppliers and learned you don’t need a passport to visit Puerto Rico and that they have great deals to vacation there. Met the medical doctors of India who apply the most modern techniques on the market, even robotics, for their heart and joint operations at the immaculate Apollo hospitals for a third of the cost in USA. Jet Airways provides you with private sleeping quarters, if you need them from Newark to New Delhi. And, you can also catch a glimpse of the magnificent Taj Mahal before you leave for home. Two For One Fish Story. Lillian Hanratty, resident of Breezy who winters in Florida was visited by her son Brain and wife, Christian and Brian caught two fish and lured them with ONE lure (didn’t even use live bait) just surf casting at the ocean’s edge. He caught two beautiful blues that made a fine dinner. Brian and Christian have two grown sons, Brian and Michael, both in College. If you like Vietnamese food or experimenting in tasteful food I can highly recommend Bun Restaurant at 143 Grant St. in downtown New York. It is sensational! Everything I put into my mouth which was new experience for me was absolutely delicious and I didn’t even know what I was eating. Example: Berkshire belly blood sausage, pickled shaved papaya, herbs; lamb chops out o this world and boar etc. etc. So good! At the New Zealand wine tasting at 210 Grand Street my favorites were Mud House and Bird Pinot Niors, not yet available but soon to be in New York, both exceptionally good as were the savory raw and fried oysters they served. Uncle Jack’s Steakhouse was an exceptional experience at its new location 44 West 56th. They had open bar and served samples of their steak, crab cakes, lamb chops, etc. Everything was deeelicius,and the service supreme. I highly recommend it. When I walk into Kennedy’s bar, I no longer am greeted by the smiling face of Joe Kilbride. While he was a big hearted guy, honest and good living retired police officer, his big heart stopped beating after his last heart operation. Your place as one of the Kenndey’s corner bachelors is sorely missed, Joe. Condolences to your family. Thank you for those of you who offered up prayers for my son, Kevin Matuozzi who lives in San Diego, Ca. where the fires engulfed and destroyed thousands of homes. Kevin’s home was spared, thank God. Are you ready for the cold ? It’s coming soon. And, with it folks who love to folic in the snow and enjoy skiing and snowboarding can pick up a brand new ski board real cheap. Over $200 off store price. Email me for particulars. TRAVEL: 25% off on 7nt and 4 nt Pkgs. to Jackson Hole, Vail and others to use your new snowboard. Vermont has great specials, too. Thanksgiving deals to be thankful for: Nov. 21 - 25 4n//5d $699, $200 less for child; Punta Cana 4N/5D $799 r/t Air, all incl., $200 less for child, Send me an email and AWAY WE GO!!! McGuinness’ Irish Gift Shop THANKSGIVING SALE BRING THIS AD AND SAVE BRING THIS AD AND SAVE $10.00 OFF PURCHASE $20.00 OFF PURCHASE of $50.00 or More of $100.00 or More Must Have Copy of this ad - Offer good until Friday, Nov. 30th, Must Have Copy of this ad - Offer good until Friday, Nov. 30th, 2007 3609 Avenue S, Brooklyn, NY Between E. 36th and E. 37th Street) (718) 627-0009 WE SUPPORT OUR TROOPS STORE HOURS: Tues. - Fri. 10 AM - 7 PM Sat. 10 AM - 6 PM MAJOR CREDIT CARDS WELCOME ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS PAGE 18 NOVEMBER 2007 LWA Middle School Helps Break Guinness World Record Middle School students at Lawrence Woodmere Academy helped break the Guinness World Record for the largest number of people to “STAND UP AGAINST POVERTY” in 24 hours. Over 38.7 million people stood up in 110 countries on October 16 and 17 to break the record- set last year at 23.5 million. It is organized by the United Nations Millennium Campaign (UNMC) and the Global Call to Action against Poverty (GCAP), along with other partners. At 12:30 p.m. on October 17, students taking the Global Concerns class stood up and led the Middle School in a reading of the pledge against poverty, which encourages world leaders to meet the challenges of the Millennium Development Goals and demand a more urgent political response to the growing crisis of global poverty. “Taking part in a worldwide event is a very important experience for Middle Schoolers. They directly experienced being part of a much larger group beyond their school community. Helping students become aware of issues on a global level prepares them to be better citizens of our global community. Developing understanding of issues and the compassion that naturally flows from the connection they have made is a responsibility we take to heart at Lawrence Woodmere Academy,” Donna Linton, the Middle School Director, said. Lawrence Woodmere Academy ,QGHSHQGHQW1RQ5HOLJLRXV*UDGHV3UH.WKURXJK Group Tours Lower School: November 15, 8:30a.m. - 9:30a.m. Middle School: November 14, 8:30a.m. - 9:30a.m. Upper School: November 19, 8:30a.m. - 9:30a.m. R.S.V.P. at 516.394.1827 We invite you to come and see what LWA can offer! )DFXOW\WRVWXGHQWUDWLRW\SLFDOFODVVVL]HRI &RPSUHKHQVLYHFROOHJHSUHSDUDWRU\FXUULFXOXP &ROOHJHDGYLVLQJEHJLQQLQJLQQLQWKJUDGH 8QLTXHFRXUVHRIIHULQJVVXFKDV0DQGDULQ&KLQHVHDQG(FRQRPLFV $FRPPLWPHQWWRUHWDLQLQJGHGLFDWHGDQGG\QDPLFWHDFKHUV %URDGDUUD\RI H[WUDFXUULFXODUDFWLYLWLHV $QLQFOXVLYHDWKOHWLFSURJUDP 3URPRWLRQDQGIXQGLQJQRWGULYHQE\VWDWHWHVWLQJ (GXFDWLQJVWXGHQWVIURPRXUFRPPXQLW\IRU\HDUV Private bus service is available for students in Breezy Point, Neponsit, and Belle Harbor 3OHDVHFRQWDFWXVIRUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRUWRVFKHGXOHDWRXUDWH[WRUYLVLWXVRQOLQHDWZZZODZUHQFHZRRGPHUHRUJ $ODQ%HUQVWHLQ+HDGPDVWHU&RULQQH0.LQJ'LUHFWRURI $GPLVVLRQVDQG$GYDQFHPHQW'DQLHOOH(+HQU\$VVRFLDWH'LUHFWRURI $GPLVVLRQV NOVEMBER 2007 ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS BREEZY WINE TOUR PAGE 19 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 AFFREY ONROY EARNING ENTER EWS 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 C C L Caffrey Conroy Learning Center 4th Grade ELA Test Prep Class This class will help the children prepare for the ELA test given by the state. New York State mandates that your children pass this test. Dates are as follows: Monday, November 19th and 26th, Tuesday, December 4th and 11th, Wednesday, December 19th and Thursday, January 3rd. Class is from 5:00-6:00pm. The test will be given January 8th, 9th and 10th. There is a $30.00 fee for the class. Defensive Driving Anyone interested in taking our Defensive Driving class please call the center @718-945-7801. After completion of this course you will receive 10% off your insurance and 4 points off your license. Fee is $40.00 and we need at least 10 people before we schedule the class. C N New Computers The Learning Center has purchased all new computers. The center is now equipped with brand new state of the art Dell computers. All the computers have XP Pro and Microsoft Office. If anyone would like one of our old computers, please call the center. After School Program Our After School Program is open from 4:00-7:00pm, Monday through Thursday. We offer homework help and tutoring free of charge. Thank you A special thank you to the Corral Family for hosting the Haunted House this past weekend, the proceeds of which benefited the Learning Center. We appreciate all your hard work and generosity. Thank you to all who attended. ARE YOU LISTENING? Breezy Tour & Travel & The Wine Club hosted a LI Wine tasting Bus Tour. Excellent lunch, nice vineyards and fall foliage at the farm complete a great day. With the imminent arrival of Christmas, we are caught up in the bustle of our gift-buying and wrapping, our Advent prayers, and the myriads of other tasks to make our holyday and holiday atmosphere as meaningful as possible. Sr. Mary Beata, with her combined choirs plus other talented musicians, is providing a definite boost to our collective holiday spirits with the Christmas Joy Concert on December 2, 2007. Her aggregate have been practicing and rehearsing to bring to all of us the old-time favorites, as well as a few that may be new to some of us, from her vast collec- tion of spiritual and convivial hymns, carols, and songs of the Season. The show begins at 3 p.m. in St. Thomas More Hall. Tickets @ $12./ Seniors @ $10.00. Tickets are available through Betsy Heinlein -718-634-9198 or Marie Harkins – 718-945-3872 or Kay Miller -718-9456737. Come and bring your family and friends for an afternoon of those songs we remember so well, and to listen to the enjoyable musicians and singers who will perform for us. Sr. Beata promises some surprises, in addition to her musicians’ usual excellent performance. Home For the Holidays Let Ludwig’s Serve Your Holiday Feast Place your Thanksgiving, Christmas and Holiday Orders Now FOR MORE HOLIDAY DINNER IDEAS Check Out Our Website at’s Catering LUDWIG’S CATERING 533 Beach 126th Street • Belle Harbor, NY 11694 • 718-634-4939 ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS PAGE 20 Pheffer Alerts New Yorkers that Numbers Will Begin Expiring from the National-DoNot-Call Registry in Early 2008 Assemblywoman Audrey I. Pheffer (D-Queens) wants New York residents to be aware that names will begin expiring from the Do Not Call Registry in early 2008. The Do Not Call Registry, created in 2003, is a database of phone numbers managed by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). When a person adds his or her phone number to the list via the tollfree hotline or FTC website, telemarketers are prohibited from calling that number. However, names on the list expire after 5 years, with the first wave set to expire in early 2008. Furthermore, the FTC does not send any form of notification to individuals on the Do Not Call Registry alerting them to their upcoming expiration or explaining that an individual is responsible for his own re-registration. “With the introduction of the Do-NotCall registry consumers across New York were finally able to rid themselves of unwanted telemarketing calls. It is important that we keep these consumers on the list so that they are not bombarded with telemarketing calls that are unprovoked and unwanted,” said Pheffer. “Since most consumers are unaware that their registration expires after five years, it is important that we get this information out to consumers so that they may take action to remain on the list.” Senator Charles Schumer (D-New York) announced legislation to amend the original law and prevent phone numbers from expiring once they are placed on the Do Not Call Registry.º “I advise New Yorkers currently on the list to check the status of their phone numbers on the Do Not Call Registry and to verify the expiration date of the number,” said Pheffer. The Do Not Call registry can be accessed online at NOVEMBER 2007 Bishop Ford Students Continue Medical Training Quincy Charles and Michelle Bandigan give medical advice to Raymond Nash, President of Ford Two of Bishop Ford’s brightest students are getting a jump on their college education. Quincy Charles and Michelle Bandigan both attended courses at Long Island University during the summer months. Bishop Ford joined with LIU in a joint effort called “College Project” for students interested in medicine. Both students took college courses as juniors in high school. Best Wishes for a Quincy took courses in Chemistry. Quincy lives in Canarsie with his parents and grandmother. He is a member of his church Youth Group and a lector at Our Lady of Miracles church. Quincy hopes to become a doctor. Michelle took courses in Biology and Oral Communication. She lives in Boerum Hill with her parents and sister. She is also a member of Ford’s Chorus. Michelle hopes to become a nurse. HAPPY THANKSGIVING from the Point Breeze Association ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS NOVEMBER 2007 Expecting? Childbirth Classes will Help Get You Prepared If you are expecting, childbirth classes may help you get ready. Learning what to expect with cesarean delivery, pain medications, and the warning signs of preterm labor are just some of the topics covered at these classes for pregnant women and their coaches. Taught by certified prepared childbirth educators, the classes will be held in three sessions on Thursdays, November 1, 8, and 15, 2007, from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm at St. John’s Episcopal Hospital. PAGE 21 Eucharistic Ministers Installed at Stella Maris The Hospital is located at 327 Beach 19th Street, Far Rockaway, NY 11691. The classes will be held in the Hospital’s Boardroom. Other topics the classes will cover include breathing, relaxation exercises, exercises for pregnant women, nutrition, breast and bottle feeding, stages of labor, post-partum depression, and taking care of yourself and your baby. Fees affordable. For registration information, please call 718869-7182. As the new year gets into full swing four Stella Maris Seniors were commissioned as Eucharistic Ministers. The students will assist at the Liturgical Gatherings throughout the year. The seniors pictured are Ashley Gleason, Heather Molloy, Shana Barnes and Christina Carcione shown with S. Barbara Mackiewicz, Coordinator of Liturgy. We Give Thanks This Thanksgiving Day ROBERT McMANUS NYC Lic. Plumber 1483 NYC Fire Suppression Lic. 528B MCMANUS MECHANICAL MAINTENANCE PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. FIRE SUPPRESSION PIPING CONTRACTOR Flynn & Flynn ATTORNEYS AT LAW Providing Professional, Confidential and Courteous Legal PERSONAL INJURY • AUTO, BUS & TRAIN ACCIDENTS • SLIPS & FALLS • CONSTRUCTION ACCIDENTS • WRONGFUL DEATH • MEDICAL MALPRACTICE • INJURIES ON THE JOB CRIMINAL LAW • DWI CASES • MISDEMEANORS • FELONIES REAL ESTATE & ESTATE PLANNING • WILLS & TRUSTS • PROBATE OF ESTATES • ESTATE PLANNING • RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL • CO-OPS & CONDOMINIUMS CORPORATE BUSINESS LAW • INCORPORATIONS • PARTNERSHIPS • LITIGATION • CONTRACTS AND OTHER LEGAL MATTERS 718-945-1000 424 Beach 135th Street Belle Harbor, NY 11694 (718) 945-3966 ROTARY CLUB OF ROCKAWAY NEW YORK Happy Thanksgiving RABBI MELVYN MAY President 114-12 BEACH CHANNEL DRIVE - Suite 9 • ROCKAWAY PARK BRIAN WELSOME INCOME TAX PREPARATION • Personal & Professional since 1995 • Fully-Computerized • Refunds with Direct Deposit within 1 week • $100.00 for most returns (FREE E-Filing) • Evening and weekend appointments available Call for an appointment (718) 339-4567 3029 Quentin Road Brooklyn, New York 11234 Walk-in March 22nd through April 15th ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS PAGE 22 CONDOR PEST CONTROL, INC. NOVEMBER 2007 TERMITE SPECIALIST DAVID SHANNON FLORIST & NURSERY There is No Disgrace In Having Cockroaches, Only A Disgrace in Keeping Them 3380 Fort Hamilton Parkway • Brooklyn, N.Y. 11218 RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL 718-436-4521 • Rats • Roaches • Moths • Ticks • Fleas • Ants • Mice • Waterbugs •Wasps • Carpet Beetles • Carpenter Ants Visit our websites PRIVATE CARS • FREE ESTIMATES 24 HOUR SERVICE • 7 DAYS A WEEK Full Line Of “Do-It-Yourself” Products 718-318-1807 • Alt. Call 718-370-3503 Major Credit Cards Accepted 91-08 ROCKAWAY BEACH BLVD. EMA VA MONTHLY SERVICE AVAILABLE Cert. N.Y.S. Env. LOW RATES Conv C2 145569 Flowers for all occasions. Landscaping, Bushes, Plants and patio blocks All major credit cards accepted. J. Perrotta & Family VETERANS’ DAY NOV. 11, 2007 We thank those men and women who served our country with honor and dedication throughout our history! SIL’S Steven S. Greenberg Senior Vice President - Investments Financial Consultant One New York Plaza 36th Floor New York, NY 10004 USED FOREIGN AUTO PARTS New and Recycled Auto Parts Late Model Foreign Wrecks Bought and Sold Nassau/Suffolk 631-581-7624 Toll Free: 1-800-244-7457 Fax: 631-581-0063 FATHER & SON 50 YEARS • DRAINS • LEADERS • TUBS • MAIN SEWERS 1498 Spur Drive South Islip, N.Y. 11751 N.Y.S. Dis#1522756 PHONE ANY DAY OR NIGHT CLEANED EXPERTLY 789-0818 WITH THE ELECTRIC EEL ROBERT N. HAUCK, Pres. ALL ELECTRICALLY ASK ABOUT OUR GUARANTEE RADIO DISPATCHED – LOW COST – Serving Brooklyn Tel. 1 212 428 5219 Tel. 1 800 445 6529 Fax 1 212 428 5285 Citigroup Global Markets Inc. BEDFORD Sewer & Drain Service Inc. THOMAS J. MITCHELL Attorney/C.P.A. Wills, Taxes, Corporate and All Real Estate matters (718) 474-2959 (212) 943-0280 ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS NOVEMBER 2007 Feel Better Session Hosted at Peninsula Hospital Center Pictured at this week’s “Look Good…Feel Better” session hosted by the American Cancer Society at Peninsula Hospital Center are Edore Ballard and Norma Lee, licensed Cosmetologists; Patricia Cunningham Drew, the Director of Patient and Family Services for the Queens Region of the American Cancer Society; and Peninsula Hospital Center’s Rosemarie Zapata, RN, who works with ambulatory chemo patients and coordinates the Hospital Center’s active Cancer Support Group. The American Cancer Society’s Queens Region office hosted a “Look Good…Feel Better” program this week at Peninsula Hospital Center. The “Look Good…Feel Better” program is a free, non-medical, community-based, product-neutral program offered in partnership with the American Cancer Society, the National Cosmetology Association, and The Cosmetic, Toiletry, and Fragrance Association (CTFA) Foundation, a charitable organization supported by the cosmetic industry. The program teaches beauty techniques to women cancer patients in active treatment to help them combat the appearance-related side effects of cancer treatment. Queens County St. Patrick’s Day Parade and Cultural Committee Fundraiser SAT., NOVEMBER 10, 2007 MUSIC BY Ed Deacy Band 7:00 PM - 11:00 PM KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS HALL 333 Beach 90th Street COMPLETE DINNER w/Wine, Beer, Coffee, Tea, etc. - 50/50 DRAWING COME AND SUPPORT OUR PARADE TICKETS: $50 EACH Available at Blackwater, Kerry Hills, Rogers Parade Committee or Call Mike 718-318-4749 PAGE 23 Queens St. Patrick’s Day Parade Kick Off The Queens County St. Patrick’s Day Parade kicks off it’s fundraising season with a dance on Saturday, November 10th from 7 to 11 pm at the Knights Of Columbus Hall at 333 Beach 90th. We are proud to announce that James Callahan, Business Manager of Local 15 of the International Union Of Operating Engineers, a well known labor leader and community activist has been selected as our Grand Marshal for our 33rd Parade. Larry Mc Dermott, a supervising member of Local 46 of the Metallic Lathers Union is our honorary grand marshal, Rockaway resident Serving as our Deputy Grand Marshals are a highly respected group who have been selected because of their continued service to their community and their heritage: they include: Patrick Kelly, New York State Court Officer, William Kinane, member Breezy Point Cooperative, retired Nyc police officer, James McVeigh well known runner and member of the St. Camillas Special Olympics, Dr. David Lichenstein well known medical doctor and avid equestrian, Msgr. Brown Pastor Of St. Francis De Sales Parish Rockaway, Kevin Lewis, member of the New York Sanitation Department, Grace Toland, member of Parade Committee and well known r.n., Dianne Willaum well known community activist, Jane Deacy Republican District Leader and community activist. and Ed Wilkinson from the Tablet newspaper In the “Look Good…Feel Better” session, trained volunteer cosmetologists taught the cancer patients who attended how to cope with skin changes and hair loss using cosmetics and skin care products donated by the cosmetic industry. Free cosmetic kits to enhance all complexion types were provided at the session. The women also learned ways to disguise hair loss with wigs, scarves and other accessories. Additionally, self-help materials including a video and instructional booklet were made available for those who were unable to attend this week’s “Look Good…Feel Better” session. “Look Good…Feel Better” group programs are offered nationwide in comprehensive cancer centers, hospitals, American Cancer Society offices and other community settings. To learn more information about the Cancer Support services at Peninsula Hospital Center, please call 718-7343017. BREEZY POINT SURF SHOP Going away? Need a birthday or holiday gift? CHECK OUT BREEZY POINT SURF SHOP s Saving to % 0 1 of FF O % 5 2 GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE Skateboards, Watches, Sweatshirts, Sweaters, Flannel Shirts, Long Sleeve Tees Surf Shop is open for all your Christmas and Holiday Shopping Store # 718-318-2381 • Cell #917-364-3280 ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS PAGE 24 Peninsula Hospital Center Names Cath Lab Director Thomas Brando, RN, has been named the Director of the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory at Peninsula Hospital Center in Far Rockaway, New York. Mr. Brando comes to the Peninsula Hospital Center from its affiliate, North Shore-LIJ Health System, where he worked for the past 20 years. Since 2004, he worked in the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory at North Shore University Hospital in Manhasset, where he was responsible for preparation and recovery of cardiac cath patients. His background includes nineteen years as a critical care nurse in North Shore’s Cardiothoracic Unit. He also served at North Shore in the Nursing Education Department where he functioned as a resource person, followedup on new nurse orientations; coordinated management from each unit and planned in-service education. The Cath Lab at Peninsula Hospital Center is in the critical planning phase and Brando has been brought on board during this preliminary stage so that he can be intimately involved in the early development of the policies and procedures that will be utilized in the lab. He, in collaboration with the physicians from North Shore-LIJ Health System (Dr. Barry Kaplan of LIJ Medical Center) and Peninsula Hospital Center (Dr. Narendra Hadpawat), will participate in the selection of the new state-of-the-art catheterization equipment; the architectural plans for the 4th floor of the Hospital Center that will house the lab, as well as the start of the actual construction phase. Additionally, Brando will oversee the hiring, training and supervision of all the nursing personnel who will serve as staff to the new cardiac cath unit. Brando is excited about the opportunity of being on board for the birth of cardiac catheterization procedures at Peninsula Hospital Center. He assures that the new Cath lab will be “absolute state-of-the-art and comparable to or better than anything that can be found in Manhattan or on Long Island.” Narendra Hadpawat, MD, Peninsula Hospital Center’s Chief of Cardiology, is very pleased to have Brando on staff. “Tom has been very well trained in cardiology at North Shore and will be a tremendous asset for the Hospital Center’s new Cardiac Cath Lab.” Following the completion of the construction of the cardiac catheterization laboratory, Peninsula Hospital Center will be the only hospital center featuring a cardiac cath lab on the South Shore of Queens County, the Rockaways and the Five Towns of Nassau County. Peninsula Hospital Center maintains an active affiliation with the North Shore-LIJ Health System and the new cardiac catheterization service will be in coordination with LIJ Medical Center’s cardiology program. NOVEMBER 2007 Bishop Ford Student Attends HOBY Conference Heather Geiger shares her experience with Raymond Nash, President of Ford. Heather Geiger attended a HOBY Leadership Seminar over the past summer. HOBY (the “Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership), began in 1958 as a vision to make a difference in young people’s lives. This is the nation’s only program exclusively designed for high school sophomores. Students must demonstrate leadership potential. This year’s seminar was held at St John’s University. Heather is a 15 student who maintains Academic Excellence. She also belongs to Amnesty International and volunteers at her church, Our Lady of Czechochowa. She lives in Sunset Park with her parents. TMLA Students Build Homes with Habitat for Humanity BuNgALoW DESIGN & ENGINEERING, PC Custom designed beach houses for the Breezy Point way of life. www. BungalowDesignPC .com 718-634-2515 Five TMLA seniors took time off from summer jobs and college searches to devote a week of their summer vacation to building homes for those in need through Habitat for Humanity. The students, Melanie Carroll, Caitlin Flood, Christine Forgione, Madeline Lesman and Sara Romanello, initiated and planned this trip for themselves and were joined by chaperones, Ellen Geis, TMLA Math teacher, and Lisa Pospischil a teacher at Our Lady of Hope School in Middle Village. Working through Habitat for Humanity’s Collegiate Challenge program, the group (pictured at right) spent the week of July 28August 4 in Port Charlotte Florida. ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS NOVEMBER 2007 PAGE 25 BREEZY POINT PHYSICAL THERAPY (IN THE MEDICAL CENTER) 204-08 Rockaway Point Blvd. Phone: 718-634-7878 Fax: 718-634-7879 After a disasterous fall last may, I was in a cast for 9 weeks and a brace for over a month. Needless to say, I became very discouraged. Ahmed, because of his expertise, honest caring and sense of humor kept assuring me that I would have 99% use of my wrist and hand again. Guess what, at the rate that I’m progressing – I believe him. Breezy Point Therapy is a professional, friendly and very competent facility. I would not hesitate to recommend it to anyone who requires physical therapy. Breezy Point is blessed with Ahmed and his lovely staff. Eileen Deering • Hands-on Personal Care With Multi-Skilled Therapists • Private Treatment Rooms/ Morning and Evening Hours • New Advanced Equipment I’ve been coming to Breezy Point Physical Therapy for about 3 months now. Not only are Dr. Ahmed and his staff supporting and encouraging, so are the other patients. I have made many new friends and actually look forward to my sessions. Christy Cook • Appointment Within 24 Hours • Medicare, No Fault, Worker Compensation and most insurance accepted • Emergency Consultations Are Always Accommodated • Free Parking WE SPEAK SPANISH, POLISH & RUSSIAN • Transportation Provided (Call For Details) BELLE HARBOR PHYSICAL THERAPY 114-12 Beach Channel Drive, Suite 6 Rockaway Park, NY 11694 Phone: 718-945-7878 Fax: 718-945-7879 All that I can say is, that if you need a little bit or a lot of help, there is no better place than the Breezy Point Physical Therapy office. Edda Hampton “Same Commitment To Excellence, Our Promise” ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS NOVEMBER 2007 Cadet Michael Nilsen at West Point PAGE 27 Golden Age Halloween Party West Point Cadet Michael Nilsen finished his CBT in mid-August and started classes shortly afterwards. The United States Military Academy at West Point is a highly rated University with a strong engineering program that also has many other majors. Mike intends to major in Political Science as he is considering both a legal degree and possible involvement in politics latter on in life after his military career. Look Who’s 8 Mike serving as an usher at the Army vs. Temple game on September 29. One is with his Uncle George Bassil and the other is with the Army mascot following a touchdown. Army won 37 21 at Michie Stadium (home). Jamie Schramm turned 8 on October 18. 718-634-2500 RESTAURANT - COCKTAIL LOUNGE - RAW BAR - LATE NIGHT SNACKS Every Sunday • 12 pm - 4 pm 5 BRUNCH 5 $ $ Choice of: KARAOKE SOUL OUT Fri., Nov. 2 • 9 PM Sat., Nov. 10 • 10 PM Come Be A Star _________________________________ ------------------------- MOONLIGHT BAY French Toast Sticks Sat., Nov. 3 • 10 PM We Thank Our Veterans & Support Our Troops Belgium Waffle served with Bacon or Sausage _________________________________ served with Bacon or Sausage RBVL Party Band Omelette ___________________________________ ------------------------- served with Homefries, Bacon or Sausage and Toast ------------------------- 2 Eggs Any Style served with Homefries, Bacon or Sausage and Toast Includes one FREE Bloody Mary, Mimosa or Screwdriver NFL SUNDAYS 25¢ Buffalo Wings 1/2 Price Clams on the ½ Shell $3 Coors or Bud Light Are you ready for some football? No Cover Charge Available For Private Parties Any Occassion Holiday Parties • Graduations Baby & Bridal Showers Birthdays • Retirement Closed Monday & Tuesday _________________________________ School & Hospital Appreciation Day 1/2 Price For All Veterans & Current Military Sun., Nov. 11 • 12 PM - 8 PM _________________________________ SQUID Fri., Nov. 16 • 10 PM _________________________________ WINE WITH SUE Wed., Nov. 21 • 10 PM _________________________________ Open Thanksgiving 8 PM _________________________________ Fri., Nov. 9 • 3 PM - 6 PM JAY’S MARTEENIES 1/2 Price Drinks • Free Buffet Fri., Nov. 23 • 10 PM ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS PAGE 28 The Retired Life by E.Z. Duzzit It’s human nature to take our blessings and gifts for granted. It’s only when we lose those goodies, be they health or wealth issues, that we become aware of them. In these days there is a lot of weeping and gnashing of teeth going on in financial circles which has to do with the crazy mortgages that were being underwritten by greedy mortgage companies and signed onto by borrowers who now claim that they were duped. (“Dopey,” is too politically unacceptable a term to be used in a family newspaper.) We shareholders of our cooperative have our by-laws to thank for preventing us from becoming victims of the recent real estate lending wackiness which is now shaking, rattling, and rolling all across most of America. The fact that there is a gigantic cap on how much a homeowner can borrow against the equity of a home located in our community has resulted in our being able avoid the maelstrom which is pulling so many naive mortgagors into oblivion. As bad as it has been, it could get even worse when 9% of the adjustable rate mortgages which were written a few years ago are going to have the teaser rates boosted in this fourth quarter of this year. NOVEMBER 2007 TRUE POINTS By Ryan Woerner I have heard young people complain that they can’t buy a home in our community because they can’t borrow most of the purchase price. I know how they feel because I once was there myself. It was cash on the barrelhead, and we didn’t have the cash. As prices rose, we, the coop, did put in provisions to borrow a portion of the purchase price, but only if it didn’t exceed 50% of that price or $350,000 whichever is LESS. The reason is that as a community, we’re not interested in being a vehicle for a financial windfall for some speculator. We’re interested in providing a place to live for people who have family oriented interests. As is the case in many instances, the Law of Unforeseen Consequences stepped in, home values skyrocketed, and the home we bought for our family’s use probably became one of the best financial investments we ever made. Meanwhile, can you even begin to place a value on the life you’ve lived being a part of this community? Getting back to the present day news, foreclosures will occupy a lot of the space in the media. Guess which community will not be part of that news. Once again, we have our founding families to thank. This Veteran’s Day join me in honoring those who served our country. Because we treasure peace and freedom, thank them and show them our appreciation. JOSEPH P. ADDABBO, JR. New York City Council Member District 32 District Offices: 159-53 102nd Street Howard Beach, NY 11414 (718) 738-1111 (718) 322-5760 - Fax 98-16 Rockaway Beach Blvd. Rockaway Beach, NY 11693 (718) 318-6411 (718) 318-6413 The fall is flying by. One group that deserves mention for their accomplishments is the Xavier High School Football team, who currently boast a record of 7 wins and only 1 loss. They play all of their home games at Aviator Sports and Recreation Center and have a number of Breezy Point and Rockaway residents on their roster. Breezy Point’s very own Seamus Kelly has been helping to lead a well balanced scoring attack within an old fashioned directsnap offense. So far he has scored ten touchdowns this season and is second on the team in total yards gained. It is great to see the football program at Xavier back on the rise considering their rugby club is so successful. Another Breezy Point resident, Kevin D’Emic, took home the Varsity Sectional Cross Country Individual Championship with a time of 13:25 on the difficult 2.5-mile course at Van Cortland Park. The senior Xavier runner battled tough weather conditions and difficult competition (all Catholic school teams from Manhattan, the Bronx, and Staten Island) to earn the convincing victory. In two weeks Kevin and the rest of his Xavier High School team will race at the Catholic High School Cross Country City Championship (say that five times fast) which will combine all teams from the five boroughs and Long Island. Hopefully he can cap off his senior season as City Champion and help his team qualify for the New York State Championship race (the top five teams from New York City and Long Island qualify). Good luck to all Xavier athletes who work hard and represent their school well. As we move toward the holiday season, I encourage everyone to stay warm and keep counting down the days until Memorial Day. As of Friday, November 2nd I believe the count is 210. Overseas Holiday Gifts The Daniel M. O’Connell American Legion Post 272 in Rockaway Beach will be sending holiday gift packages to Rockaway residents military personnel serving overseas in Iraq and Afghanistan. Family members are asked to contact Vinnie Calimano at 718-318-4625 or Mike Honan at 917-685-4974 and supply the names and overseas addresses, no later than November 11. Support Our Volunteers THOM McCARTHY 6 HOMES FOR SALE Pick Your Price Line $375M/$475/$525/$800/$950/$1.4MM LICENSED REAL ESTATE BROKER 718-634-0021 Cesspool Man, Inc. AT YOUR SERVICE FOR YOUR CESSPOOL AND SEWER DRAIN NEEDS. 1-800-974-PUMP ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS NOVEMBER 2007 PAGE 29 the courtside. If you hit a ball over the fence you can kiss it goodbye, unless you have a large bottle of calamine lotion and don’t mind a little poison ivy. The walls on the court are only painted half way. There is overgrowth every where. Of the four paddle tennis courts only two have nets. Keeping Up With The Jones After the assassination of President William McKinley, Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt became the 26th and the youngest man to take the oath of office (JFK was the youngest elected president). Teddy Roosevelt was the first conservationist president creating 150 National Forests, 5 National Parks, 18 National Monuments, 4 National Game Preserves, 21 Reclamation Projects, 51 Federal Bird Reservations, and setting aside 230 million total acres of federal land. But if Teddy saw the condition of Riis Park, part of the Gateway National Park, he’d be shocked and appalled. Of 28 National Parks surveyed, Gateway was rated rock bottom. Riis Park is a beautiful beach but the infrastructure looks more like a Greek ruin. Everywhere you look from the rusty flag pole to the crumbling steps, all you see is neglect. The steps from the main entrance to the beach have deteriorated to the point that the metal rods are exposed. There’s so much sand eroded from the bottom step that you feel like you’re climbing a Myan ruin. I am not sure why there are only showers on the east end of the park. Wouldn’t it make sense to at least have one by the main entrance? Without showers, the ladies’ room sinks turn into foot baths. Other ladies pour water over themselves and drain or no drain the result is a slippery wet floor and sinks full of sand. Not one dispenser in the ladies room has soap. By the end by the end of the day you have to hope that someone will “spare a square” because that’s all that left of the toilet paper. Capital One says, “Don’t leave home without it”, but in the case of the men’s room it’s your flip flops and a clothes pin not your credit card. The urinals leak and don’t flush and the result is a floor that’s soaking wet with a horrendous stench. It makes the bottle return room at Walbaums seem like a breath of fresh air. There’s really no handicapped access to the beach unless it doesn’t bother you to fly down a wet ramp (the east end showers are located on the only two ramps), and go off a little drop off the end. The problem doesn’t end there, there’s no walk way to the beach. Forget about riding a bike in the evening; half the lights on the promenade are out and there’s sand all over the sidewalk. You may argue that the park is closed at sunset well then why are there lights on the golf course? Numerous railings are either missing or rotten. At one place there’s a large section of railing that’s completely nonexistent and in its place is a cement barricade. The fence around the paddle ball courts looks like the leaning like Tower Of Pisa. Of the numerous courts only one is playable. The chain link fence is ripped from the bar and hanging over to The cement base is the only thing that remains on some park benches. Others have fared better and only have a few missing or rotten boards. It would probably be just as easy to play shuffle board on the deck of the HMS Titanic as it would be to play at Riis Park. The lines are faded and there are weeds all over the courts, and I doubt anyone at the park has seen the cues and discs recently. (Continued on page 30) BLARNEY CASTLE Treasure Coast Realty ROCKAWAY POINT “Now is the time to buy in Florida” 718-634-4503 Mary Bosch - Realtor South East Florida Real Estate Specialist 772-924-9030 Treasure Coast Realty GMAC 101 SW Monterey Road Stuart, FL 34994 Lifelong Pointer Cell: 772-924-9030 Toll Free: 877-297-7033 Fax: 772-288-0632 Rockaway Point Association Officers 2007-2008 President .................................................................... Terri Cassidy 1st VP ...................................................................... Tom MacLellan 2nd VP ........................................................................ Gerrie Gilson 3rd VP .................................................................... Claudia McDade 4th VP .......................................................................... Kathy Kirker Treasurer ................................................................... Brian Hegarty Financial Secretary .................................................. Jean Hammel Sergeant-at-Arms ......................................................... Ed Flaherty Recording Secretary .............................................. Frances Loftus Commodore .............................................................. Vinny Harkins Rental Agent .............................................................. Mary Murphy BOARD OF DIRECTORS Pat Adams Frances DeRosa Theresa Flanigan Joann Fogarty Marie Harkins Bridget Murphy, Chairperson Kevin Harvey Richie Ryan Ann Marie Horgan Mary Sweeney Jim King Catherine Tennyson Mary Murphy Hugh White CATERING FOR ALL OCCASSIONS DINNERS SERVED: WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY TOP TOP SALON 114-02 ROCKAWAY BEACH BLVD. Julie & John are Back! EVERYDAY SPECIALS Manicure & Pedicure $15* Full Set Tips Acrylic or Powder $20* Permanent French Tips Japanese Hair Straightening by Jason Enjoy Airburshing by John Open 6 Days • Walk-Ins Welcome Tuesday - Saturday 9 am - 8:30 pm • Sunday 10 am - 5:30 pm 718-318-0509 *Offer expires 11/30/07 MC/Visa ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS PAGE 30 Keeping Up With... (Continued from page 29) And let’s not forget the ball field where the bases are covered in sand. The infield is plagued with grass 4-5 inches high. It’s more like a game of hide-n-go seek rather than soft ball. There’s graffiti all over one building and one of the cement barricades. Could this be a crime scene from some Law and Order episode? Does this bear a striking resemblance to Jones Beach? Well it seems someone at Riis Park thinks so. They’re planning to raise the price of parking at Riis Park from $5.00 to $10.00 to match Jones Beach. We’ll first of all the parking fee at Jones Beach is $8 not $10. Riis Park charges a parking fee up to 6 PM; at Jones Beach it’s only to 4 PM. At Jones Beach the beach and pools close at 6 PM but the park is open until midnight. If you’re comparing the parking fees what about comparing everything else? As you enter the Jones Beach from parking lot#4 you’ll see green grass manicured and accented by colorful flowers. There’s two American flags surrounding a 9/11 memorial. And the flags have two lights shining on them. At the central mall there’s a flagpole in excess of 90'. Brightly colored signal flags extend from the yardarm. They display the message, “JONES BEACH STATE PARK: KEEP YOUR PARK NEAT”. There’s a 1.9 mile boardwalk that has the distances marked for walkers or runners. The boardwalk is well maintained. There are no missing railings and no rotten or missing boards on the benches. NOVEMBER 2007 with boat parts. I am not sure what you call it but it looks like a tuba. It gives the boardwalk a nautical feel and wards off seagull garbage pail attacks. The day that I was there was overcast and during the week; so maybe things would be different on a sunny weekend, but the ladies room floor was dry. There was no sand in the sinks, every dispenser had soap, and there was plenty of toilet paper. There were ramps for handicap access, that didn’t go through the showers. There was no walkway to the beach, but they did have an ATV wheelchair equipped with an umbrella. The garbage pails are camouflaged In the West Bathhouse there are lockers and showers and upstairs there’s a Friendly’s Ice Cream Parlor. The West Bathhouse looks a little like the Riis Park Bathhouse except in its courtyard there are two beautiful pools. The adult pool is 100’X150'. The kiddie pool is 100’x50'. It looks (Continued on page 31) Continuing The Tradition . . . Personal Service At a Fair Price TREIBER-ROBERTS, INC. St. Thomas More Insurance Christmas Concert AUTO - HOME - BUSINESS - LIFE 257 BEACH 116th STREET Chase Manhattan Bank Building 3rd Floor Rockaway Park, New York 11694 Phone: (718) 634-0400 Fax: (718) 634-7211 • Call Us For Flood Insurance TREIBER INSURANCE GROUP December 2nd 3:00 PM Tickets are $12.00 per person $10.00 for Seniors ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS NOVEMBER 2007 Thank You, Thank You, Thank You Keeping Up With... (Continued from page 30) (Conceptual rendering proposed by Donald Trump and Steven M. Carl) modate special large-scale events. like the reflecting pool in front of the Taj Mahal. There are lounge chairs all around the pool. There’s also an East Bathhouse that also has two pools. Unfortunately in the courtyard of the Riis Park Bathhouse there’s no pool just a graveyard of old lifeguard chairs. There are lights for the volleyball courts, two softball fields (infield free of grass), 14 paddle tennis courts, pitch and putt, and miniature golf. There’s an amphitheatre that seats 14,400 people with skyboxes, video screens, and concessions stands. The Jones Beach Theatre hosts world class performers. In approximately two years Jones Beach will be home to Trump oceanfront restaurant and catering facility. The new $30-million facility will be called “Trump on the Ocean”. There will be indoor seasonal and outdoor beachfront dining. It will also accom- PAGE 31 And finally there’s the Jones Beach tower. It’s a 200' high brick and stone water tower. It was modeled after the Campanile of St. Mark’s Cathedral in Venice. Doubling the price of parking; what would happen if the price of gas or milk doubled in just one year? There would be cries of price gouging and calls for investigations. But it’s perfectly okay if the government does it. They say that you get what you pay for but at Riis Park you’ll be getting less. There have been two renovations at Riis Park that I know of, the lights on the pitch and putt golf course and a total renovation of the old bath house. I’d say the golf course was a good idea, but up to 35 million dollars for a vacant bath house? Although it’s historic art deco for that amount of money, I’d rather have that Olympic size swim- BRIAN P. WELSOME Tim McCabe & Tom Boland you are the greatest. Our sound system is functioning beautifully in the Colony Theater. You have made it a memorable event in its history. A sensitive system that has to be handled professionally and you have been proof of that. You have graciously shared your abilities with our faithful D.J. people. The Teen Show is especially grateful to you for being with us on rehearsal nights and the five nights of shows. Everyone agrees the sound system is just wonderful for any special events when needed. To the Rockaway Point Association, special thanks for their large contribution that allowed us to install this state-of-the-art system. Looking forward to working with you now and in the future. Gert Hendry Be Well & God Bless ming pool. There was a New York Times article written by Michael Hinds on May 4, 1986 stating that “the National Park Service was planning to lease scores of buildings within the parks to private developers for suggested uses such as restaurants, dinner theaters, concert stages or corporate conference centers. The agency hopes that such novel, year round uses of the properties will raise money to restore the buildings and the parks...” How nice would it be on summer night to dine on a terrace overlooking the ocean illuminated by the light of the moon? Well it’s been 21 Tim McCabe and Tom Boland our great sound men 35th Teen Show “Life is Good” 2007. years where’s the restaurant? Instead we have Wendy’s over looking the bay (nothing against Wendy’s). Most Rockaway residents won’t be affected by the parking fee increase; unless they play golf and can’t manage to ride their bikes while carrying their golf clubs. But then again who knows. Beachgoers unwilling to pay the $10 parking fee may drive further east into Rockaway competing for the all too few parking spaces. Even if the parking fees don’t affect us, I still think it’s outrageous to double the fee while little is being done to maintain never mind improve the park. SAND-BAR CONTRACTORS, INC. ATTORNEY AT LAW CRIMINAL MATTERS • REAL ESTATE PERSONAL INJURY • WILLS & ESTATES 3029 QUENTIN ROAD BROOKLYN, N.Y. 11234 Tel.: (718) 339-4567 PRAYER TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN (NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL) Most beautiful Flower of Mount Carmel, Fruitful Vine, Splendor of the Heaven, Blessed Mother of The Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. O Star of the Sea, help me and show me, herein you are my mother, O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth. I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succour me in this necessity. There are none that can withstand your power. O show me herein you are my mother. O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee (3x). Holy Mary, I place this cause in your hands (3x). Holy Spirit, you who solve all problems, light all roads, so that I can attain my goal. You who give me the divine gift to forgive and forget all evil against me and that in all instances of my life you are with me. I want in this short prayer to thank you for all things as I confirm once again that I never want to be separated from you in eternal glory. Thank you for your mercy toward me and mine. The person must say this prayer for three consecutive days. After three days, the request will be granted. This prayer must be published after the favor is granted. Thank You, BMC Custom Homes New Construction Alterations • Plumbing Heating • Bathrooms • Kitchens • Decks • Siding • Windows FULLY LICENSED & INSURED Architect and Interior Decorating Services Available 718-945-5115 ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS PAGE 32 NOVEMBER 2007 SPORTS • SPORTS • SPORTS • SPORTS • SPORTS • SPORTS 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 By Don Kent 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 Coach’s Corner I wish everyone a happy and healthy Thanksgiving ... don’t forget on Saturday, November 10th there’s an 11:00 AM Memorial Mass for Tony Pinto ... there will be refreshments afterwards at the Breezy Point Clubhouse. I believe many Yankee fans will still root for the team on the field but will always question in some way or another the moves by Management. I also realize in business there’s always two sides one of which is Management which I am sure that there are people who will side with Management and others who will side with Joe Torre. Anyway the timing and how it was handled has got to be questioned even without knowing all the facts written and unwritten - Amen! Amazing college basketball is ready to start. Listen to this - there are 60 new Division I basketball coaches this season. It seems that every year this happens. It’s like you get hired to be fired. Needless to say, it’s a tough business college coaching on a Division I level. St. John’s will open their season on Wednesday, November 14th against St. Francis College of Brooklyn at Carnesecca Arena at 7:30. The Red Storm will play Cincinnati, DePaul Providence and Seton Hall at Carnesecca Arena and Sacred Heart, Fairleigh Dickinson, LIU and Niagara in non-league games at the Arena. Pittsburgh, Georgetown, Villanova, Marquette and West Virginia they will play in Madison Square Garden. The Big East Tournament will be held Wednesday thru Saturday, March 1215. Msgr McClancy will host the 26th Annual Brother Arnold Memorial Tournament on Friday, November 30th, Saturday, December 1st, and Sunday, December 2nd. There will be four games per day. The tournament kicks off on Friday at 4:00 PM with Moore Catholic H.S. of Staten Island playing St. John’s Prep; at 5:45 PM Coach Tim Leary’s Terriers of St. Francis Prep play Holy Trinity of L.I. and at 7:30 PM St. Mary’s, L.I. plays Cardinal Spellman and at 8:45 PM St. Agnes of NYC plays Msgr. McClancy. The games start at 3:00 PM on Saturday and 12 Noon on Sunday. St. Francis Prep is the defending champion. The Prep beat Regis H.S. 71-66 in last year’s final. I was honored to be selected to serve as the Assistant Coach in the 4th Annual The Boro’s vs. The Burb’s High School All Star game New York City vs. Long Island/Hudson Valley on Sunday, October 22nd at Christ the King H.S. In the all-star challenge game the NYC team won 89-85. The proceeds from the game went to the Long Island Alzheimer’s Foundation. Sylvan Landesberg of Holy Cross HS whom I coached for two summers with the NYC Empire State Team was the M.V.P. of the game. Sylvan recently selected the University of Virginia to play his college ball next year. I assisted Head Coach Ruth Lovelace of Boys-Girls High School along with Elmer Anderson the Assistant Coach at Boys-Girls HS. Elmer was a good college player a few years back at St. Bonaventure University. Next year I will serve as the Head Coach. The Metro Classic Game had a large crowd as there was a girls all-star challenge game before the boy’s game. I started to read a book call “No Excuses” by Vin Carucci. It’s about Charlie Weis the head football coach at Notre Dame University and it made the New York Times best selling list. It was written months ago. Notre Dame gave Charlie Weis a 10-year contract. I wonder if Notre Dame now has second thoughts. Charlie Weis is a good man and a good coach only time will tell. Kevin McCormick I am sure is concerned about ND Football but is happy that his New York Giants are 6-2. The Giants play Dallas November 11th at the Meadowlands. Thanks for the information that I received about Carmen Basilio from E. L. Ryan from Ocean Avenue. I mentioned Carmen Basilo in one of my columns during the summer. Speaking of Boxing the head custodian at Msgr. McClancy HS Earl Tripp fought Gerry Cooney and went 9 rounds with Gerry Cooney but lost the fight on a decision. I gave Earl the article E.L. Ryan mailed to me. Brooklyn USA Basketball had their 2007 Basketball Hall of Fame Inductees on Friday, October 19 and honored Rolando Blackman who played at Grady HS and Kansas State and in the N.B.A. finishing his career with the NY Knicks. Willie Hall a great player at Archbishop Molloy and St. John’s University 60’s era and Edwardo Webster who played at St. Peter’s College and scored 53 points in an upset win in the N.I.T. over Marshall University in the 1968. Bob Leckie was the point guard on that team. Bob recently honored by National Pro-Am is still busy with the Warf. Paul Walsh a St. Peter’s College graduate and former player at Brooklyn Prep and St. Peter’s is proud of both Elernardo and Bobbie. Brooklyn USA also honored Dave “Nicky” Walker and Debra Nortley. Frank Mickens former NYC Empire State Games Scholastic coach and former principal at Boys-Girls High received the Ozelious “Zeke” Clement Lifetime Achievement Award. Frank and Ray Nash coached the NYC Boys Empire State Team for 18 years. Ruth Lovelace the head coach of the Boys Team at Boys-Girls HS received the (Continued on page 36) BREEZY POINT • ROCKAWAY POINT • ROXBURY CAROLYN REDMOND TEL: 1-866-PLUMBER LICENSED REAL ESTATE BROKER 718-474-6722 • POINTER SUBSCRIPTIONS The Rockaway Point News will publish eight issues on a monthly basis from October 2007 to May 2008. Included will be a special December Holiday issue and a Spring Issue in March. These eight issues will be distributed free of charge to those residing at the time of distribution in the Cooperative area. If residing outside the Cooperative area we will be most happy to mail you a copy of all eight issues. The cost of receiving all eight issues is $20.00. Yearly subscriptions are also available at a cost of $45.00 for 20 issues. Price covers the cost of mailing First Class. Send a check or money order and this completed form to: Rockaway Point News, Inc. P.O. Box 164 Ft. Tilden, NY 11695 Name Address City Licensed Associate Broker : JANET REDMOND HOGAN - LICENSED SALES ASSOCIATES KATHLEEN FAHY TRICIA McGOORTY EILEEN HENNESSY TERRY COSTELLO BOBBY JAMIN • EILEEN YOUNG • TEASHA YOUNG PETER J. McHUGH ATTORNEY AT LAW - Personal Injury - Wills and Probate - Employment Contracts - Commercial Transactions - (718) 474-0576 • (212) 608-5657 State Zip ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS NOVEMBER 2007 PAGE 33 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123 Breezy Point Cooperative 24th Annual Tree Lighting The Cooperative’s 24th Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony will be held on Friday evening, December 7th, at 6:00 p.m., in the Rockaway Point Shopping Center. As is the custom, the merchants of our community will provide all who attend the festivities with cookies and hot cider, hot chocolate for the children and hot toddies for the adults to warm their insides. We expect that this year’s event will be better than ever. The Coca-Cola truck will be here again this year...and there are many more surprises in store for the children of our community. Items donated by our merchants and community groups will be raffled, with entry blanks available in any of the stores of the local merchants. Winners will be announced at the ceremony. You must be present to win! TEEN CENTER The Teen Center will be open on Friday and Saturday evenings at the Activity Center and the Parish Hall. The hours are 7:00 P.M.-10:00 P.M. 7th Grade/ Above — After 10:00 P.M. ALL THOSE NOT IN HIGH SCHOOL MUST LEAVE THE TEEN CENTER. The Teen Center will close at 12:00. YOUTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE GOALS: 1. GET TEENS MORE INVOLVED 2. HELP MAKE BREEZY “MORE APPEALING” FOR TEENS 3. WORK WITH MANAGEMENT IN THE PLANNING OF EVENTS/ TRIPS GEARED TOWARDS THE TEENS OF BREEZY 4. CHANGE THE PERCEPTION OF TEENS WITHIN THE COMMUNITY 5. PROMOTE BETTER RELATIONS BETWEEN YOUTH, SECURITY AND THE COMMUNITY Who can be involved The Youth Advisory Committee will be made up of two groups: Teens 13 and 14/Teens 15 and above Theresa Flanigan, Events Coordinator for the Breezy Point Cooperative, will chair the committee. Once the Committee has been established, the group will elect a co-chairperson and a recording secretary. A contact list will be put together and meetings will be held in accordance to what events are planned or issues that need to be addressed. Most information will be forwarded via email. The group will meet as a whole at least once every other month to keep everyone updated. The first meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 5 at 7:00 p.m. at the Activity Center. PARENTS: PLEASE ENCOURAGE YOUR CHILDREN TO GET INVOLVED!!!!! For more information, contact Theresa Flanigan at the Cooperative Office. TEEN DANCE SCHEDULE November 2nd - 5th, 6th Grade Dance - 7:30-9:30 December 7th - 7th, 8th, 9th Grade Dance - 8:00-10:30 January 11th - 5th, 6th Grade Dance - 7:30-9:30 February 8th - 7th, 8th, 9th Grade Dance - 8:00-10:30 If you are a parent whose child attends these dances, please consider volunteering to help chaperone a dance. If every parent volunteers one time there will be enough chaperones to cover all of the dances. It is understood that your children do not want their parents to attend the dances, but in order for them to run efficiently, we need your support and help. Also, please be aware of the rules put in place for the dances and review them with your child. Once a child enters the dance, they will not be permitted to leave. In the event they want to leave, a parent or guardian must give authorization to the chaperone. In the event that no one can be contacted, the child must remain at the dance until it is over. Please be sure that your child understands that your granting permission for them to leave is for them alone and not their friends. Please contact Theresa Flanigan at the Cooperative Office if you are able to volunteer your time or if you have any questions. CHRISTMAS ORNAMENT MAKING CLASS Saturday, December 8th - Colony Theater - 2 sessions - first being for younger children the second for older — children must register to participate - more details to follow - call Theresa Flanigan to reserve your spot!!!!! WATER MAIN BREAK Early Saturday morning Security was called by a shareholder on upper Reid Avenue with regard to an inordinate amount of water about her home. Upon investigation it was determined that the flooding was coming from a point under the first home on Reid Avenue and the main road. The Security Officer called the Field Department Directors and General Foreman to respond. After accessing the problem at about 5:30 a.m. additional personnel were called to respond which included our plumbing crew, equipment operator, mechanic, truck driver, laborer and carpenter. I arrived on the scene shortly after 7:00 a.m. and after conferring with the Field Department Supervisors, seeing the extent of community wide flooding and the point of leak called for the Chief of Security. Upon his arrival we outlined the nature of the Alert Now messages and called for response by the NYC Fire Department, NYC DEP and the volunteer fire departments. As time passed, it was determined the break in the 12" main could not be repaired where it occurred so a back up plan to cut and cap the main was arrived at. This begun in the Reid Avenue service lane along the road, but the tremendous volume of water still leaking, the rain, the moon, high tide and flooding water in the area, was overwhelming our pumps. At this point we called upon assistance of two pump trucks from the Cesspool Man. With their help and our pumps the Field crew was able to “pump down” the hole in order to cut through the main and install a cap on it. Water was gradually restored to the community beginning shortly after 4:00 p.m. Kudos to the response crew working under constraining, adverse conditions at times on the road with traffic passing and enduring rain showers. Thanks as well to all the individuals who came by and offered assistance. Thanks to the community for its patience and understanding during the day. Arthur C. Lighthall General Manager To tell the youth, no one but the youth... In keeping with the mindset of meeting the Breezy Point Cooperative’s community needs through greater collaborative planning, communication and interaction, our Security Department has developed a new position, that of “Youth Officer”. Officer Bill Wilson has taken on the formidable task as Youth Officer but is up to challenge. Bill joined our Security ranks this past summer as a seasonal Bike Patrol Officer where he had a chance to interact with many of our resident youths. He came to us with 20 years experience as a NYPD officer during which time he had several years as a Bike Officer while assigned to the Community Policing Unit in the 63rd Precinct in Brooklyn. Following this assignment he was made the precinct’s Youth Officer where he interacted with the youth and community groups in a pro-active, as well as an enforcement capacity, a position he held for seven years until his retirement. Bill’s educational background is in the field of psychology and is very active in his community and church which makes him the perfect person for this new position. One of Bill’s major roles will be to interact with Management, the Board of Directors, community groups and parents to coordinate the development and advancement of future programs designed to engage our youths in productive and rewarding activities, as well as to monitor existing programs for their effectiveness. New parent participation programs are also being developed. Anyone wishing to contact Officer Wilson can call him at 718-945-2368. MOVIE NIGHT SATURDAY NOVEMBER 3RD - 8:00 P.M. Featuring: “Disturbia” Disturbia is a 2007 thriller film from DreamWorks Pictures, starring Shia LaBeouf as a teen placed under house arrest who thinks he witnesses a murder while spying on his suspicious neighbor. The film is inspired by the likes of Alfred Hitchcock’s classic Rear Window, but it is not a remake — Rated PG-13 - $1.00 Admission - includes bag of popcorn. COMING SOON Teen Movie Night • Dinner & Movie Night • Date Night If you have suggestions for a movie you would like to see, please write them down and drop in an envelope to Theresa Flanigan at the Cooperative Office. ATTENTION MUSIC LOVERS The Breezy Point Music Club is in search of children, ages 6 and older, to attend a musical workshop. This workshop will serve as an introduction to various types of musical instruments. No prior knowledge of these instruments is required. All instruments will be provided. If a brass or woodwind instrument is desired, it will be necessary to purchase your own mouthpiece to be used during the workshop. Mouthpieces are available at Kings Music located in Brooklyn. All lessons will be free of charge. The workshop will be held one night a week at the Colony Theater and will run for a period of four weeks. Dates and times will be determined at a later date. If your child is interested in this workshop, please contact Theresa Flanigan at the Cooperative Office. ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS PAGE 34 St. Thomas More/St. Edmund HOLY NAME SOCIETY There will be a meeting of the Holy Name Society on Sunday, November 11, 2007 in the Parish Hall immediately following the 8:30 AM Mass at St. Thomas More. A continental breakfast will be served. We are pleased to have as our guest speaker, Rev. Msgr. Michael J. Curran, who will discuss our new parish name. All the men of the Parish are invited. E PLURIBUS UNUM PER CHRISTUM Christ Community Church Greetings and blessings to you in the wonderful name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! We at Christ Community Church have been blessed this year with many fine speakers who have spoken God’s word from our pulpit. We will be having our Holiday Sale on Nov. 17th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. We will be selling gifts, decorations and baked goods. Be sure you come, you will be very pleased. The Board of Directors has decided to continue our Sunday Service at 10:00 a.m. throughout 2007. Beginning the first Sunday in January, services will begin at 10:45 for the remainder of the winter. On October twenty-first, we will be blessed to have Rev. Alan Cohen in our pulpit. He is a Hebrew Christian. He taught that God still heals today, just like Jesus healed in the Gospels. God changes not, he forgives us, he has redeemed us all. He heals all our diseases. (Psalm 103) 1 Peter 2:24 says “by his stripes we are healed”. In the Old Testament Jehovah Rafa means God heals. Remember to pray for our servicemen abroad, and for our president and all those in authority. Also pray for the sick and injured. We pray for our Rev. John Ide, for his complete recovery. Until next month, God Bless and Happy Thanksgiving. WEST END TEMPLE SABBATH & HOLY DAY SERVICES Friday Services at 8:15 P.M. Saturday Services at 11:00 A.M. Kiddush following Rabbi Marjorie Slome 147-02 Newport Avenue • Neponsit, NY 11694 • Phone: 718-634-0301 • Fax: 718-634-0243 ST. GENEVIEVE’S CATHOLIC CHURCH ROXBURY, NEW YORK 718-634-7276 • RELIGIOUS SERVICES AT ST. GENEVIEVE Weekdays .......................................................................... 9:00 a.m. Saturday Evening .............................................................. 5:00 p.m. Sunday .......................................................... 9:00 a.m. and 12 Noon Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 4:00 to 4:45 p.m. or by request Thursdays: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament after 9:00 a.m. Mass followed by Marion Devotions, Prayer, and Teachings. Any questions with above schedule please call Rectory at 718-634-7276 CHURCH WILL BE OPEN DAILY FOR VISITS St. Thomas More & St. Edmunds Church – SCHEDULE – Masses at St. Thomas More Weekdays ............................................................. 8:30 AM Saturdays ........................................ 8:30 AM and 5:00 PM Sunday ........................................... 8:30 AM and 11:30AM For information call 718-634-6357 • Masses at St. Edmunds Weekdays Except Thursday ................................. 9:00 AM Saturdays .............................................................. 9:00 AM Sunday .................................................................10:00 AM For Information call Parish Hall 718-474-9310 NOVEMBER 2007 November and December Events for St. Thomas More November November 9th St. Thomas More CYO Card Party 7 pm November 11th Family Mass 10 a.m. St. Edmunds. Reception to follow. Baked goods or Donations appreciated. November 18th Teen Mass 5 p.m. St. Thomas More November 21st Thanksgiving Mass St. Thomas More 7 pm (bring your Thanksgiving Bread to be blessed.) Canned goods for the poor are welcome. November 24th and 25th Bethlehem Group selling religious articles after the Masses. November 28th First of four Wednesdays of Bible Study 9 am St. Thomas More rectory. Offered by Fr. Gribbon November 29th First of four Thursday evenings of Bible Study 7:30 St. Edmunds Hall. Offered by Fr. Gribbon November 30th Second Parish Assembly 7 pm St. Thomas More December December 2nd St. Thomas More Christmas Concert 3 pm December 9th Teen Mass St. Thomas More 5 pm December 10th Advent Penance Service St. Thomas More 7 pm December 13th Advent Penance Service St. Thomas More 11:30 December 16th Family Mass 10 a.m. St. Edmunds. Reception to follow. Baked goods or donations appreciated. Obituaries Irene M. McGann Patricia A. Farrell A Breezy Point resident since 1982 when she moved here from Brooklyn-Sag Harbor. She was predeceased by her husband John T. McGann, Jr., a NYC Court Administrator with whom she also enjoyed extensive travels and semi-professional ballroom dancing. Irene received her BBA from Baruch College and an MBA from NYU. Her working years in Accounting and Finance were spent at Avon Products and Pfizer Inc. She was later self-employed as a Tax Accountant. One of 10 children of the late Margaret & James McKinney, she is survived by many nieces and nephews and her very best friends, Joan Mackey of E. Islip, Jeanne & Joe Ferri of New Hyde Park and Marguerite & Charles Hughes of Breezy Pt. Burial under the direction of Denis O’Connor was in St. John’s Cemetery after Mass at St. Thomas More on 9/20/07. Homemaker Patricia A. Farrell a 14-year resident of the Breezy Point Cooperative passed away on October 24, 2007. Mrs. Farrell was born in Brooklyn, New York. Mrs. Farrell was preceded in death by her husband John F. Farrell and sister Elizabeth Cassidy. She is survived by her son John and his wife Maureen Farrell, daughter Kathleen Farrell and brothers Bernard and Thomas Sloan as well as her grandchildren John, Maureen, Devin, and Travis. She is also survived by many nieces and nephews. Funeral arrangements were entrusted to Denis S. O’Connor Funeral Home. Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated at St. Thomas More Church in Rockaway Point, New York. Interment took place in Long Island National Cemetery, Pinelawn, New York. (Continued on page 35) Christ Community Church West Market Street and 208th St SERVICES - Sunday, 10:00 A.M. ST. THOMAS MORE ST. EDMUND CHURCH PARISH VISITORS We visit all the lonely and homebound in Breezy Point.If you are interested in a visit please call 718-945-1055 ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS NOVEMBER 2007 Obituaries Barbara Eisenstadt John Mastrota Community Activist Retired Businessman On October 14, 2007, the Rockaway Community lost a dear friend in the passing of Barbara Eisenstadt. Barbara was an early supporter of the Rockaway Music and Art Council, founded its annual Fall Festival as well as its summer Sunset Picnic Concert series. She was the former president of the National Council of Jewish Women and the Friends of Rock Hall Museum in Lawrence. She was also an officer of the Neponsit Property Owners Association, the Peninsula Hospital Center Auxiliary, the Belle Harbor Garden Club and the historic Cornell Cemetery Corporation. Mrs. Eisenstadt was born in Mt. Vernon, New York. She was a clligrapher and graphic designer by training and designed the now famous little pink package that holds Sweet ‘N Low sugar substitute for her family’s company, the Cumberland Packing Company in Brooklyn. She was an accomplished artist, composer and poet. Mrs. Eisenstadt is survived by her husband Marvin; her son Jeff and grandchildren Jack, Charlotte, Ben and Sam; by Marvin’s daughter Jill Drinkard and Michael and their children, Jane, Lena and Colette; daughter Debra Morgan, Brett and their children Skylar and Max and by her son Steven and Jennifer and their daughter India. Services were held at West End Temple with Rabbi Marjorie Slome presiding. Interment followed at Greenwood Cemetery in Brooklyn. In lieu of flowers donations to the following institutions are requested by the family: Rockaway Music and Arts Council (PO Box 0171, Rockaway Beach, NY 11693); WeilCornell Medical College (Office of Development), 11300 York Avenue, Box 123, New York, NY 10021; Peninsula Hospital Center (51-15 Beach Channel Drive, Far Rockaway, NY 11691, Attn. Liz Sulik); West End Temple (147-02 Newport Ave., Neponsit, NY 11694). Jeanne A. Kelly Legal Secretary Jeanne A. Kelly a Rockaway resident for 71 years passed away on October 24, 2007. Mrs. Kelly was born in Brooklyn, New York and was a legal secretary. Mrs. Kelly was preceded in death by her husband Edmund. She is survived by her brother John Turley and many nieces and nephews. Funeral arrangements were entrusted to Denis S. O’Connor Funeral Home. Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated at St. Thomas More Church in Rockaway Point.Interment took place in Holy Cross, Brooklyn, New York. John Mastrota a 32-year resident of Rockaway Point passed away on October 16, 2007. He was born in Brooklyn, New York and was retired from American Slicing Machine Co., Eastern Division. Mr. Mastrota is survived by his daughters Joan Salerno and son-in-law Jay, Rosemary Giordano; sisters Helen Antici and Mary Reid and eight grandchildren and four great grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife Theresa Paola Mastrota, daughter Dolores and son-in-law Eugene Broda and brother Charles Mastrota. Funeral arrangements were entrusted to Denis S. O’Connor Funeral Home. Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated at St. Thomas More Church in Rockaway Point. Interment followed in St. Charles Cemeteery, Farmingdale, New York. PAGE 35 HONORING OUR ARMED FORCES In an effort to support our Armed Forces we will be listing them for you to keep in your prayers. If you have someone in your family serving in our Armed Forces and wish to add their names to our list please send it to: P.O. Box 164, Ft. Tilden, NY 11695. Currently serving our country overseas are: James Hayhurst Michael Kearney Watson Kevin Crumlish John McBride Mandi Gabriele Denis Cashin Kevin Kearney Thomas Gabriele Brian Sudler Christopher DeSimone Ronald Brown Michael Halas Glenn T. Riddle III Danny Santasieri Daniel Sudler Kevin McKeon Joseph Quinn Brad Stoultz Philip Gatti Brian Quinn, Jr. Christopher Jamison Robert Kramarick John Mahoney Marine Park FUNERAL HOME Reasonable • Courteous Service Comforting Facilities • Large Parking Area Family Owned and Operated James Pierce Musician James Pierce a 40-year resident of Breezy Point passed away on October 9, 2007. Mr. Pierce was born in Rockville Centre, New York and was a musician. Mr. Pierce is survived by his loving parents George and Kathryn (Tracy) Pierce, his brother George (Duke) and sister Tracey Waytowich as well as his nephews Justin and Eric Waytowich and nieces Nicole and Danielle Pierce. Funeral arrangements were entrusted to Denis S. O’Connor Funeral Home. Services were held at the funeral home. Rockaway Point Association Seniors Did you get your ticket yet?? If you didn’t there are a limited amount of tickets left for the Thanksgiving Dinner, It will be held in the Catholic Club on Friday November 16th from 4 to 8 pm ticket price $ 5.00 REMEMBER you must be a Rockaway Point Association member and you must be 60 + to attend. You can call Betty Glennon at 718-474-0651 or see Ann Court or Joan Wilmarth at Golden Age for tickets. 3024 Quentin Road (Corner East 31st Street) 718-339-8900 Brooklyn, New York At the time when Understanding, Dignity, Reverence & Service are most essential call Denis S. O’Connor, Inc. FUNERAL HOME 91-05 Beach Channel Dr., Rockaway Beach 718-634-4011 Chapel Service Rendered Throughout The Greater New York Area PRE-PLAN SERVICE AVAILABLE FAMILY OWNED SINCE 1918 JOHN J. MCMANUS & S ONS FUNERAL HOME - ESTABLISHED 1894 - Four Generations of Family Service Family Owned and Operated EDWARD G. DUNN, JR. • JEFFREY C. HOLCOMB 4601 AVE. N., BROOKLYN, NY 11234 (corner of E. 46th St.) 718-377-5200 • 800-336-0401 PARKING ON PREMISES ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS PAGE 36 Coach’s Corner (Continued from page 32) Mickey Fisher/Howie Jones Coaches Award. Ruth has been the Head Coach for 14 years. Mickey Fisher and Howie Jones were former coaches at BoysGirls High. Holy Cross H.S. will hold their annual Hall of Fame Dinner Dance on Saturday, November 17, 2007 at 7:00 PM at Holy Cross HS. The Honorees are Frank T. Chiarello ’72; Brother Karl Diemand, CSC (Posthumous); Fr. James F. Fitzpatrick (Postumous); Thomas Girard ’80; R. Adm. Kenneth P. Manning ’59; S. Benjamin Murolo and Georgiana Reese. The Cross and Anchor Award will be presented to State Senator Frank Padavan and Most Reverend Rene A. Valero, MSW. Tickets are $100/per person (718)886-7250. Holy Cross Football Coach Tom Pugh will be honored on Wednesday, November 7, 2007 at the Frank McGuire Foundation Dinner at 6 PM Cocktail Hour and 7 PM Dinner at the New York Athletic Club. Vinny Harkins will once again serve at the assignor for the Girls Catholic High School Athletic Association League for Swimming. Vinny always does a great job with the League. Holy Name Parish Foundation will hold their Dinner Dance on Friday, November 16, 2007 at the N.Y. Hilton Hotel. Mike Coyne, Jimmy Routhier a former Basketball player at Bishop Ford and St. Francis College will be honored along with Fr. Hederman. I went to Madison Square with the Smiling Irishman Don Hurley on Sunday October 22nd to see the Lipizzarian Stallions great show. The NY Knicks open their home season on Sunday, November 4th against Minnesota. Most experts are picking the Knicks to make the playoffs but they will lose in the first round is what they are saying. The pre-season NIT has Syracuse, Washington, Ohio State and Taxes A & M for the Regional rounds. These 4 schools are hoping to play at Madison Square Garden November 21 and November 23rd. The field is composed of Siena College, St. Joseph’s (PA), Fairleigh Dickinson, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Utah, High Point Wisconsin (Green Bay), Columbia, Deleware State, Oral Roberts, Texas El Paso and Texas A&M-Corpus Christ. The Hall of Fame Challenge is December 1st in Boston. Connecticut plays Gongoza and Boston College plays Providence. The Coaches vs. Cancer is November 15 and November 16 at Madison Square Garden. Connecticut, Kentucky Memphis and Oklahoma should be at the Garden. St. John’s will play in the Outrigger Hotels Rainbow Classic in Honolulu, Hawaii against Ohio University on Wednesday, December 19 and will play either Louisiana Lafayette or Hawaii on Friday, December 21st and another game on Saturday, December 22nd. In Football Trinity University from Texas an NCAA Division III school Rockaway theatre company, inc. In Partnership with Gateway National Recreation Area Proudly Presents Daniel Sullivan’s Directed by Peggy Page and Michael Wotypka For or best seats call RTC Hotline at 718-850 2450 Ticket prices: prices Adults-$15.00 Seniors and children-$12.00 Reserve Now- Ticket supply is extremely limited! Performances in the climate-controlled Post Theater, Ft. Tilden, Breezy Point, NY This program is supported, in part, by public funds from N.Y.C. Department of Cultural Affairs NOVEMBER 2007 used 15 laterals for a 28-24 victory over Millsaps (Mississippi). Trinity had 2 seconds left on the clock when they took over on its own 40-yard line. Tarleton State had 63 points and 602 total yards and still didn’t win. Bernard Scott ran for a school record 283 years and 6 touchdowns including a winning 10 yard score with a minute left Saturday to give Abilene Christian a 70-63 NCAA Division II victory. I hope we don’t have a tough winter weather-wise and enjoy your Thanksgiving holidays... John Sullivan of Brennan & Carr has to be happy as his son led Xavier HS into the CHSAA Soccer playoffs and he is only a freshman... He will also be playing on the frosh Basketball team at Xavier. I hope Russ Sullivan of Brennan & Carr’s is doing well health wise. He’s a good man in my book. I had the Msgr. McClancy HS Varsity Basketball Team in the Nazareth Team Camp and the Fall Classic of the Hoop Group at Neptune, New Jersey. The team finished with a record of 4-4. Fordham University Men’s Basketball team will have a tip-off dinner on Tuesday November 6th at Tavern on the Green. Don Ryan a graduate of Fordham University will be pulling for his “Rams” on Rose Hill. Don, I hope to see you at Madison Square Garden at the college games. Tom Penders Former coach at Fordham University Men’s Basketball should have a good team this season at the University of Houston. His assistant is Gerry Hobbie a former player for Tom at Fordham University. The Vinny Burnton Fundraiser will take place Saturday, November 4th at Bishop Ford HS at 7:00 PM in the Cafeteria. Vinny, a captain of FDNY and bartender at Farrell’s Tavern in Windsor Terrace, lost his life on 9/11. I saw a great Army football comeback at West Point on Saturday, October 6th. Army was losing 17-7 with 1:29 left in the game and won 20-17 in overtime. The 2nd string QB entered the game losing 17-7 and led the cadets to a field goal and a Hail Mary touchdown pass with 4 seconds left to send the game into overtime. Army had no timeouts left and the ball was on their own 20. The cadets had to go 80 years. The touchdown pass was thrown from Tulane’s 35 yard line and tipped by several players before the West Point End caught the ball. I’ll be back with the Coach’s Corner in December ... Jim Prendergast pick-up the pace walking. Yours in Hoops, Coach Don Kent Support Our Volunteers ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS NOVEMBER 2007 Fish ‘N’ Fun By Chet Jakubowski This is a follow-up to last month’s column in which I said that I’d try to get the details of some of our intrepid surfcasters and their children’s surfcasting ventures. Brian Hegarty and his daughters Caroline and Julianne were one group. Another was Mike McGuire and his sons Michael and Brendan. The final foursome was Danny Meyer and his three sons whose names I don’t have. These folks hit the ocean beaches and did something which was a rarity this past summer, they caught fish which were keepers. In addition to the normal catch which you can expect while surfcasting, I think that it was the Meyermen who also caught fluke, which is a surfcasting rarity. Another rarity comes our way from a spearfisherman, Mike Boccio. Last September Mike was freediving in the bay when he speared a six pound fish which he had trouble identifying. He took the fish to one of the tackle shops over in Sheepshead Bay and after some research they came up with a name for the critter. It was a tropical fish which is called a spade. Like the playing card. Obviously, this one was way out of its normal haunts and no, it had nothing to do with global warming. Each year, pieces of The Gulfstream Current break off and form large eddies in which tropical fish exist until the waters get too cold for them to survive. Once in a while, some of the fish are caught, most likely when you’re seining for baitfish. This phenomenon happens when the current is closest to shore as it is in September. By now, the waters have cooled enough so that the tropical fish which did venture this far north are long gone. Johnny Cakes Leading the League’s Santa Lists A quick reminder to the Walk League that this year’s Christmas Party will be held at the Catholic Club on Friday, December 7th at 8pm. ºPlease contact your respective team’s captain to let him know you will be attending this gala event. ºThe team with the lowest attendance will be scheduled with all 11:00 AM away games on the backfield next year (Walter, please ready the 2008 schedule for this). Remember, Sunday is Funday (and so is the Christmas Party)!!! Paulie Walnuts Rockaway Point Volunteer Fire Department Is pleased to offer Children/Special Needs Window Decals The Decals are available on request and attach to the window of the child or special needs person with an easily moved suction cup. Call the Rockaway Point Fire House 718-474-2593 or email PAGE 37 Breezy Hoops The 10th season of Breezy Hoops was a successful season as we were fortunate to have good weather and play over 150 games. The league had 369 players on 36 teams in 7 divisions of boys and girls ranging from the 3rd grade through high school. The season began on Tuesday, July 3rd and the last game was played on Friday, August 24th, with games being played on both courts Monday thru Friday. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the individuals who helped make the league possible and successful. To Frank McCarthy, all the parents who volunteered to coach, the boys who handled the scorebook and clock and John Nies for schedul- ing the referees. To Steve Greenberg and everyone in the Coop office and especially the Field Department for fixing the storage shed by the courts so that we had electricity to charge the clocks. The proximity of the shed also made it easier to store shirts and equipment. Thanks to Vinnie Harkins for letting us link into his electric service. All of this shows how lucky we are to live in a community that works together for the good of our most precious gifts, our children. Frank and I hope that everyone has a great winter and that you will all be back next summer to make the 11th season of Breezy Hoops even better. Tom Smith See The Pointer On-Line @ Let us take this time to reflect on all we have to be grateful for on this Thanksgiving Day JOSEPH P. ADDABBO, JR. New York City Council Member District 32 Please specify the number and type needed. District Offices: 159-53 102nd Street Howard Beach, NY 11414 (718) 738-1111 (718) 322-5760 - Fax 98-16 Rockaway Beach Blvd. Rockaway Beach, NY 11693 (718) 318-6411 (718) 318-6413 PAGE 38 ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS NOVEMBER 2007 Fontbonne Hall Academy Volleyball Fontbonne Hall Academy volleyball action resumed with the Bonnies traveling to Bishop Loughlin on Tuesday October 9th. The Bonnie JV continued their winning ways with a 2-0 victory. With the return of April Shaughnessy, who broke her finger during the season’s opening match, the Varsity was able to rout Loughlin 3-0. Fellow juniors, Krissy DiMasi, Maggie Sheehan, Danielle Eaton, and Sopho- more Sarah McCarthy chipped in with strong play. On Wednesday the Fontbonne JV defeated Stella Maris 2-0, with the Varsity following up with another 3-0 win. Strong play by seniors Pam Mendoza, Kelly Johnstone and Liz Rogers led the way. On Thursday, the Varsity met Saint Edmund’s and came away with a 3-0 win. This match saw the Varsity at full Fontbonne Hall Academy senior volleyball players shown on Senior Day are from left: Jane Taikina, Kelly Johnston, Liz Rogers, and Pam Mendoza Standing from left: Jackie Kennedy, Megan Malko, Amanda Glodowski, Ali Galindo, Angelica Singh, Jenna Nixon, Kara Egan, Rebecca Resner, Kate Cortez, and Justina Johnson; seated are Cody Dripchek, and Brianna Johnston. strength for the first time this season as Senior Jane Taikina returned to action after missing all but the first match. Fontbonne Volleyball continued for the next to last week of the regular season, with the Bonnies JV meeting and defeating the Bishop Ford Falcons 2-0 to solidify the season. With only one loss the Bonnie JV is tied for first place with Bishop Kearney. The Varsity Bonnies ended the week with wins against Bishop Ford (3-1), and Saint Saviors (3-0). The Saint Saviors win came on Senior day, the last home of the season. Fontbonne congratulated the four graduating seniors who have all played volleyball together the last four years. They are Kelly Johnston, Pam Mendoza, Liz Rogers, and Jane Taikina. The entire Fontbonne family, coaches, players, faculty and parents wish these girls all the success in their future careers. The playoffs began on Monday, October 29th with both the Varsity and JV seeded 2nd in Brooklyn and meeting the 3rd seed from Queens. (Ed. Note: As of press time we did not have the results.) Senator Smith Urges New Yorkers to Get Flu Shots Annual flu shots and one-time pneumococcal vaccine available at many city-sponsored sites With the start of the 2007 influenza season, State Senator Minority Leader Malcolm A. Smith encouraged New Yorkers to get a flu shot before the virus begins its annual spread of aches and pains. “One shot can prevent misery,” said the Queens lawmaker, noting that nearly 3,000 New Yorkers died in 2005 due to complications from influenza and pneumonia “It’s easy enough to take steps to protect yourself and your loved ones.” This year, manufacturers expect to ship more than 130 million doses of flu vaccine, so there should be ample supply for anyone who wants to avoid the flu. Vaccination is especially important for those at high risk of flu-related complications because of age or underlying illness. According to the state Health Department, those at highest risk for flu include: (Continued on page 39) Rockaway Point • Breezy Point CATHOLIC CLUB 718-634-2781 2007 OFFICERS & BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dennis Strong Jr ................................................................ President Tim Butler ................................................................... Vice President Steven J. Mitchell .............................................................. Treasurer Raymond Hickey ............................................. Recording Secretary Eric Johnson ...................................................... Financial Secretary Jim Kelly ............................................................... Sergeant-At-Arms BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chris Gibson Frank O’Neil Pat Adams Ed Flaherty Dennis Strong, Sr. Keir Johnson Bert Doyle Martin Fahy Terry Williams ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS NOVEMBER 2007 Breezy Point Bowling League The 2007/2008 Breezy Point Bowling League has started on a roll. The “B” Witches and the Spin Doctors are this year’s Colorado Rockies. Both are undefeated and looking to stay that way. ºOn the other end of the spectrum, 5 teams have failed to win a point yet and as you can see from the standings, the Johnny Cakes are playing under the new name “Team 9”. On a more serious note, the league participated in the “Save Second Base” awareness effort for breast cancer. The whole league, as you can see by the accompanying photo Week 2 Standings Place Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 “B’ Witches Spin Doctors Shark Attack (Shack?) Honeymooners F. F. B. Team 11 South Central Misfits The Pin Heads We Suck?? 3 Men & A Woman Pipes & Co. Spare Us Married w/ Children Breezy Angels Sweet We Made It Hasbeens Market Madness Bumpers Please Team 31 Strike This Huggy Bears Team 27 Pinball Wizards Breezy Buddies Up Your Alley Older Bud-wiser Ciro’s Heros Muffins Cookies The Imports New Team Pin Pals Team 9 Points Won 14 14 12 12 12 12 12 10 10 9 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 Points Lost 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 12 12 12 12 14 14 14 14 14 Pins 4,710 4,693 4,731 4,646 4,622 4,593 4,552 4,634 4,612 4,643 4,637 4,530 4,499 4,485 4,427 2,288 2,277 4,533 4,611 4,593 4,537 4,460 4,109 3,298 4,283 4,412 2,237 2,220 804 4,292 3,595 2,256 2,127 0 MICHAEL J. O’ROURKE ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR AT LAW Michael J. O’Rourke, P.C. 2055 Flatbush Avenue Brooklyn, New York 11234-3523 Cell Phone: (516) 924-0650 Tel: (718) 258-9000 Fax: (718) 258-9744 looked pretty in pink (even Muy Macho Johnny Whelan had a touch of the color on), showed their support for this great cause. A special “thanks” to Patty Duffy and all of her helpers for making the night such a success. Check out the league’s stat sheet for the women’s high score leader. Tom Dolan better be wearing a dress on the 10th. See all on November 10th for glow bowling. Meadow Soprano. PAGE 39 Senator Smith Urges New Yorkers to Get Shots (Continued from page 38) • Persons 50 years of age and older, with or without chronic health conditions; • Children aged 6 months up to their 5th birthday; • Adults and children with chronic health conditions; • Residents of long term care facilities; • Health care personnel; • Pregnant women; and • Household contacts and caregivers to persons at risk due to severe complications. Senator Smith noted that different strains of influenza circulate every winter, so the vaccine is tailored each year to match the strains most likely to strike. “This makes annual flu shots important; last year’s shot won’t protect you,” he said. The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene holds more than 400 influenza vaccination outreach events in the fall and has a dedicated clinic in each borough offering flu shots from October through late spring. Health and Hospital Corporation sites and many other facilities also provide vaccination services. For more information on outreach events or clinic locations, call 311 or visit JANE ELLEN DEACY REAL ESTATE CHICKIE AND JANE ARE READY TO ASSIST YOU IN ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS SERVICING BREEZY POINT Jane Deacy Lic. Broker (718) 634-8134 (917) 647-6098 Chickie Belford Lic. Agent (718) 318-2277 (516) 852-2902 HOMES STARTING AT $319,000 BAYFRONT AND OCEANFRONT TOO ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS PAGE 40 From The Leader’s Desk by Lew M. Simon Democratic District Leader 23rd A.D., Part B Gee, how time flies. We’re reminding everyone to get out and vote this Tuesday November 6 for the reelection of District Attorney Richard A. Brown, the best D.A. Queens County has ever seen. Other candidates are Rudy Greco for Civil Court Judge and Denis Butler, Ken Holder and Steve Paynter for three vacancies on the State Supreme Court. Each of the candidates spoke to a large and attentive crowd at the Good Government Regular Democratic Club on Thursday October 18. Rudy Greco arrived first and had time to tell much of his life story. A Democratic District Leader from Jackson Heights, Greco moved to Flushing from Brooklyn when he was ten. He was educated by the Sisters of St. Joseph and at Flushing High School. After his parents’ divorce, Rudy had to work as a water boy, lunch counterman, and steamfitter. He attended St. John’s Law School, but flunked out after one term. With the encouragement of Vincent McCarthy of Belle Harbor and Jim Roe, the Democratic County Leader, he studied law privately for four years and passed his bar exam. During the Vietnam War period, Greco said that he took a job as a Social Studies teacher in a junior high school in the South Bronx. He said that he is patriotic as anyone, but there some wars that we shouldn’t be involved in. Although he had no training as a gym teacher he was assigned to the gym. He said that he got respect from the kids. Greco has been in private law practice for 33 years. He represented Golden Glove boxers in a case against the Daily News and Don King and paid the rent on his office every month. Greco is proud to be a Democrat and promised to treat all who came before him with dignity and respect. We remembered Ken Holder, who is currently a Civil Court Judge, from his time as head of the Narcotics Bureau for Queens D.A. Brown. Holder was always responsive when we asked him for help in dealing with narcotics problems in Rockaway. Holder told us he has been in Queens for 35 years. His mother was Director of Nursing at Jamaica Hospital. He is most proud of having the lowest recidivism rate for those narcotics offenders he prosecuted. His best known case involved Arjune, a Queens resident, who reported narcotics dealers on his block to the police. After his home was firebombed, P.O. Eddie Byrne was assigned to a patrol car outside Arjune’s home. Officer Byrne was shot to death in the car. Holder asked all Democrats to be sure to vote in this election, because there are three Republicans running for the court against them. Denis Butler Jr., son of long time Queens Assemblyman Denis Butler, got enthusiastic support from Queens Democrats who know his father. The elder Butler, who has been ill, proudly introduced his son. Butler Jr., a graduate of Fordham Law, clerked for four judges and has been sitting in Civil Court for 4-1/2 years. All of the Democratic candidates received the highest rating from the screening group. Queens District Attorney comes out to our club every year even when he is not up for election. He is justly proud of the reduction in crime since he became D.A. in 1991 and his fifty years in public service in the city administra- JANET CORCORAN LICENSED REAL ESTATE BROKER TEL.: 718-634-3256 CELL: 347-228-3256 JACK MARTIN 718-634-8151 • CELL: 347-837-2131 ERIN CORCORAN CELL: 917-301-0299 ELLEN MARTIN 718-634-8151 • CELL: 917-622-6835 PAT CANNON 718-945-5655 • CELL: 917-886-0699 SUZANNE CORBETT 718-945-9666 • CELL: 917-642-5238 BETSY HENDRY 718-634-6427 • CELL: 917-816-5389 NOVEMBER 2007 tion, state legislature and as a judge before being elected D.A. Although Brown is unopposed this year, we urge everyone to vote for him on the Democratic line. It is not too late to register to vote for the February 5, 2008 presidential primary. Call my office to make an appointment to come up to register. The Queens Democratic organization has unanimously endorsed Hillary Clinton to be the next President of the U.S. Anyone interested in carrying petitions for Hillary, or signing a petition themselves can call 718-945-1216 to make an appointment. Tickets for our 20th anniversary annual dinner dance are still available. We will honor Andrew Baumann, President of CEC District 27, Kyle Bragg, VP Local 32BJ, Terri Cassidy. President Rockaway Point Association, Edward Figueroa, President Amalgamated Transit 1056, Sheila & Michael Finnegan, Peninsula Performing Arts, Martin Ingram, Breezy Point Coop Board, Staff Sergeant William Rahilly, Iraq War hero, Mary Romski, community leader, David J Rosenzweig, Fire Alarm Dispatchers, Daniel Ruscillo, President 100th Precinct Community Council, Senator Malcolm A. Smith, Senate Democratic Leader and Rabbi Boaz Tomsky, Principal Yeshiva Belle Harbor. The dinner will be on Thursday, November 15 at El Caribe in Mill Basin, Brooklyn. Tickets are $75 per person and $1,200 for a table of 16. Glatt kosher food available. Live DJ. Call 718-945-1216 for reservations. We are super annoyed at DEP for their lousy response in the Rockaways and Ozone Park. For the last several months, Beach 88th Street and Beach Channel Drive has had a major cave in that was paved umpteen times. DEP checked out the condition and verified a pipe was broken. They are waiting for an emergency contract. The morons didn’t even put a metal plate to cover it. The same goes for Beach 105th Street at Shorefront Parkway near the traffic light. It’s so bad people have been putting sand from the beach in the hole. Neither of the two places has been made safe for pedestrians or cars. Both of these locations should have been covered with a metal plate. We urge everyone to call 311 and DEP Commissioner Emily Lloyd at (718) 5956565. Etching of I-Pod and Sidekick cell phones will be available on the second Wednesday of each month at the Rockaway Park subway station at Beach 116th Street. The program was instituted by Capt. Phyllis Byrnes of District 23 Transit in light of a rash of robberies of the cell phones on the trains and streets. We urge everyone to have an ID # etched on them to deter a criminal from reselling them. We look forward to working closely with Capt. Byrne. Etching of cars will be available at the 100th Precinct by making an appointment with P.O. (Continued on page 41) To My Constituents in Breezy Point • Rockaway Point • Roxbury Veterans’ Day Greetings from Lew M. Simon Democratic District Leader - 23rd A.D., Part B GOOD GOVERNMENT REGULAR DEMOCRATIC CLUB INC. STOCKS - BONDS - CDs - MUTUAL FUNDS - IRAs 112-20 Beach Channel Drive Rockaway Park, NY 11694 Terence G. Wynne One of the few professionals still making house calls. I’ll meet with you at home or any other convenient location that suits your needs. (on second floor–opposite Waldbaums) 718-945-1216 973-383-3032 40 Park Place Suite 107 Newton, NJ 07860 Member SIPC Terence G. Wynne Investment Representative ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS NOVEMBER 2007 CONSUMER AFFAIRS CORNER Assemblywoman Audrey Pheffer 23rd Assembly District Social Networking Safety If you have teenagers living in your house, you are probably very familiar with the terms Facebook, MySpace and Friendster. These websites, often referred to as social networking sites, provide users with a convenient way to communicate and connect with other users, usually through message boards, chat rooms, blogs and e-mail exchanges. These sites have become extremely popular in recent years, especially among tweens and teens. While social networking websites can provide children with a fun and interactive way to communicate with their friends, there is a growing concern about the privacy and safety of young adult members. There have been instances of unsavory individuals, including sexual predators, contacting young adult users. Fortunately, there are a number of precautions that can be taken by both parents and teens to help ensure that the use of social networking sites by children can be both enjoyable and safe. The first step that may be taken is to set ground rules with your child regarding the use of social networking sites. Be sure to teach them that any information they post online can be viewed by anyone. It is extremely important that your child is warned against divulging personal information while using a networking site. Instruct them to not give out their name, address, phone number, e-mail address, school name or school address, or daily schedule to people they do not know while on the site. Make sure your child is aware of the fact that the Internet makes it easy for individuals to misrepresent their identity. A user claiming to be a local teen could actually be located hundreds of miles away, or worse, an adult posing as a teen. Your child should never agree to a face-to-face meeting with anyone they have met through the site without parental consent. If they want to meet with someone, it should be in a public place with parental supervision. If your child receives inappropriate material from another user of a social networking site, or if someone is harassing them or displaying other questionable behavior, tell them to not respond and to inform you. If the behavior seems very suspect or dangerous, you may want to report it to the local police. Ask your kids which networking site(s) they belong to, and read the sites’ privacy policy to determine what privacy settings are available to users. Some networking sites feature strong privacy settings. Many allow users to limit who can view their online profile and who can contact them. Remind your kids that any images, videos or blog entries posted to their profile may appear on the Internet even after they delete them. Any content posted on their profile can be copied and reposted on other sites, or remain in cached databases. Once information is posted for public view, it is essentially unable to be retracted. There are resources available if you are interested in learning more about safe online networking. The ConnectSafely website (http:// features networking safety tips and advice, a discussion forum for parents, and instructional videos. You may also want to consider visiting the Federal Trade Commission’s website on safe social networking at: http:// o n g u a r d o n l i n e . g o v / socialnetworking.html for more tips and information. ADVERTISE COMPLETE DINNER MENU Sunday - Thursday From $17.90 - $21.90 CATERING FOR ALL OCCASIONS FREE DELIVERY CLOSED MONDAYS SERVING SUNDAY BRUNCH 12 noon - 3 pm SPECIAL LUNCHEON MENU Tuesday - Sunday 11 am - 4 pm Salads - Sandwiches Hamburgers - Omelettes - More 718 - 318 - 5100 268 Beach 116th Street, Rockaway Park PAGE 41 Annual Veterans Day Mass and Brunch John G. McLaughlin Post 8540 of Veterans of Foreign Wars Saturday, November 10th Mass 9:00 A.M. – St. Genevieve Brunch immediately following Mass at Fr. Hessian Hall $10 per ticket for tickets please contact: Pat Adams (516-456-8068) Dan Lynch (718-318-1017) Tom Mitchell (718-474-2959) From The Leader’s Desk (Continued from page 40) Darcy at 718-318-4233. We urge everyone to take advantage of this great program. Our next Atlantic City trip to Bally’s Claridge will be on Saturday November 17. We leave at 5:30 PM and return at 7 AM. Bagels and cream cheese by Beach Bagels (and a movie) are served. Call now to pay for tickets in advance. We’d like to congratulate the best hair stylist on the Rockaway peninsula our one and only Julia, formerly of Mr. Rocco’s, who has joined the friendly staff of the Strand Salon at 115-10 Beach Channel Drive. She had personally cut my hair for over 20 years. Prices and service will stay the same. Rumor has it that we will soon see a column “From the Barber Chair” by Julia in the WAVE. We have heard grumbling to the effect that a new 12 story building will be build in the parking lot between Beach 106th Street and Beach 107th Street. We question the parking situation which is already over capacity. We are currently waiting for additional details. Watch for our Democratic presidential debate, with all candidates invited, in early December. On Friday, November 12, a benefit will be held for Chris McCabe, a 15 year old boy who was born with spina bifida. He just came through his 44th surgery. Please join me as Chris’ family, friends and neighbors host a Night at the Races this Friday night at Knights of Columbus Hall 333 Beach 90th St. $20 is payable at the door to LAOH Special Funds, 633 Bayside, Rockaway Point 11697. Yours truly will be selling 50-50’s. ROCKAWAY POINT ASSOCIATION Senior Citizen’s Thanksgiving Dinner Friday, November 16 in the RP/BP Catholic Club 4 PM - 8 PM Tickets: $5.00 This Event Is For All RPA Seniors (60+)! Frances DeRosa @ 718 634-5365 Barney Cassidy @ 718 634-4103 Betty Glennon @ 718 474-0651 Or Catherine Tennyson @ 718 634-1293 Joan Wilmarth and Ann Court will be selling tickets on Tuesday at The Golden Age Meetings ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS PAGE 42 Travelin with Marilyn This past month has been very busy with the Lighthouse Cruise we took to the North Shore of Long Island on a beautiful day with smooth sailing, great food and good company. Next up was the Long Island Wine Tasting Tour co-hosted by first winery we tried a flight of five wines and topped it off with hot cider on a clear beautiful fall day. The stop at Laurel Lake Vineyard included a tasty lunch of an amazing Greek orzo salad, grilled veggies and herb marinated grilled chicken Breezy Tour & Travel and The Wine Club. We started our day off with mimosas as we motored our way to the north fork of Long Island. At our complemented by two wines from the vineyard before we started our tour with Juan the wine maker that included a special barrel tasting. CRUISES, BUS TOURS & VACATION PACKAGES Book now for School breaks reservations are going fast! Atlantis, Disney, Beaches, Hawaii, Cruises & More Cruises, Bus Tours, River Cruises & Vacation Packages Happy Thanksgiving from Breezy Tour & Travel Holiday & Special Events Nov 2 “Don’t Tell Mama’s” Show Nov 15 Atlantic City Dec 1 Holiday Train Show at the Botanical Gardens Tour Dec 8 Bronx Zoo Holiday Lights Tour Nov-Dec Shopping trips Call for details 2008 April 19-26 Wine & Dine in Italy Ireland - Hawaii - Alaska and more Please call the office for these and other specials. Our next stop was to a family farm to get roasted corn hot off the grill, get fresh vegetables, pick a pumpkin from the pumpkin patch or try out the corn maze. As you can tell this was a popular stop. Back on the coach for our last stop at a vineyard for music, hayrides wine and cheese to top off a beautiful day. Fun was had by all on this multigenerational tour and Breezy Wine & Liquors offered a discount coupon to all the participants. Please join us when we start our 2008 wine tours to Long Island, the Hudson Valley and Connecticut Vineyards December 8th Holiday Lights at the Bronx Zoo Please stop by Breezy Tour & Travel to book this and other travel packages and adventures! This past month has been very busy with the Lighthouse Cruise we took to the North Shore of Long Island on a beautiful day with smooth sailing, great food and good company. Next up was the Long Island Wine Tasting Tour cohosted by Breezy Tour & Travel and The Wine Club. We started out day off with mimosas as we motored our way to the north fork of Long Island. At our first winery we tried a flight of five in the spring. Tonight, Friday, November 2nd, join us for “Single Again and This Time It’s Not My Fault” A funny journey inspired by the women of Breezy Point when Patricia Fitzpatrick from Cape Cod met the group from the Rockaway on our Cape Cod Tour this past June. Departing from the Activity Center at 4:30 the tour includes: coach transportation, tour director, admission to the show, two drinks with tip and a special afterglow reception with the show stars Patricia Fitzpatrick and Brian Patton at “Don’t Tell Mama’s $80.00 inclusive of above. Holiday shopping and more upcoming events include December 1 Holiday Train Show at the Botanical Gardens wines and topped it off with hot cider on a clear beautiful fall day. The stop at Laurel Lake Vineyard included a tasty lunch of an amazing Greek orzo salad, grilled veggies and herb marinated grilled chicken complemented by two wines from the vineyard before we started our tour with the Juan the wine maker that included a special barrel tasting. Our next stop was to a family farm to get roasted corn hot off the grill, get fresh vegetables, pick a pumpkin from the pumpkin patch or try out the corn maze. As you can tell this was a popular stop. Back on the coach for our last stop at a vineyard for music, hayrides wine and cheese to top off a beautiful day. Fun was had by all on this multi(Continued on page 43) POINT BREEZE ASSOCIATION, INC. P.O. Box 39 • Fort Tilden, New York 11695 • Clubhouse Address • 35 Point Breeze Avenue • Rockaway Point, N.Y. 11697 PRESIDENT ........................................................................ CHRIS STOKES 1ST VP ............................................................................ TERRY MALONEY 2ND VP .................................................................................... FRANK KEIM 3RD VP ............................................................. MARY SCHMIDT STRUMOLO TREASURER ............................................................................ MARK EGAN SECRETARY .................................................................. JEANETTE ISRAEL FINL. SEC. .......................................................................... CATHY HICKEY RECORDING SEC. .......................................................... JOANNE BILLOTT BOARD OF TRUSTEES TH 61 Pt. Breeze Ave., Breezy Point, NY 11697 Website: NOVEMBER 2007 2007 To 2008 ANNE MAGUIRE DONNA O’MEARA BOB TAIKINA REGINA HEGARTY 2007 To 2010 MARGUERITE HYLAND TOM FARR LILLIAN HESS LORRAINE PIERSON 2007 To 2009 JIMMY BELLIGIERI KATHLEEN LYNCH PATRICIA BUTLER-MITCHELL JIM McDONOUGH PAST PRESIDENT - DAN LEARY ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS NOVEMBER 2007 Way To Go Jason!! How Proud We Are Jason Schweiger, son of Kelly Murfitt, grandson of Kathy (DeKruyff) Murfitt and nephew of Kathleen Ribaldo received a beautiful congratulatory letter from the President of Kingsborough College. He was accepted in the Broadcasting-Technology courses offered in Kingsborough. Jason was one of the outstanding stars in the 35th Annual Teen Show. Looks like he is following in the footsteps of his Grand- PAGE 43 Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians’ 2nd Family Ceili mother and Aunt, who are famous stars in the Rockaway Theater Productions. Jason has been part of the Teen Show for over six years. He will be celebrating his 19th birthday Oct. 11th. Our best wishes to you Jason and success in your studies in Kingsborough. No matter what you undertake, you will obtain your goal. Gert Hendry Be Well & God Bless Jason is pictured with his “doting” Aunt Kathleen. Berger, born here in the old Rockaway Beach Hospital, is an associate professor of history at the University of North Dakota, and has served on the Board since July 1, 2001. He was reappointed by Governor Hoeven in 2004, and again in 2007. State Historical Board members are appointed by the Governor for three-year terms. The SHSND manages 55 state historic sites and two state museums, operating as North Dakota’s department of history, archaeology and archives since 1895. The agency has 60 full-time employees and some 200 volunteers working in its four divisions statewide. Underground Sounds INC. Provided Breezy Point with a Kicking party in the ball field after the Mardi Gras parade, we can play your party too. Available for all Parties, Music for all ages DJ.Shamrock Kevin Conlon 718-825-1992 Ryan Woerner 718-757-4669 BREEZY REALTY, Inc. BRIAN P. WELSOME Licensed Real Estate Broker Brooklyn (718) 339-4567 ALFRED W. WELSOME Licensed Associate Broker Breezy Point (718) 318 - 1691 lead to a full night of fun, good times and cherished memories...Young and Old came to enjoy their Irish heritage. The old time Irish music was played by DJ Sean Minardi including an old favorite, The Rockaway Waltz. Special thanks to all of the Hibernian Officers and their Division on making Family Ceili night a true success. ✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯ Veterans’ Day Greetings Assemblywoman AUDREY I. PHEFFER 90-16 Rockaway Beach Blvd, Rockaway Beach, N.Y. 11693 (718) 945-9550 ✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯ Dr. Albert Berger of Grand Forks, son of our own Sara Berger, has been elected by fellow board members as president of the North Dakota State Historical Board. The board oversees the operations of the state’s history agency, the State Historical Society of North Dakota (SHSND). __Chester E. Nelson, Jr., of Bismarck has been elected vice president, and Gereld Gerntholz of Valley City has been elected secretary. All three officers serve two-year terms. They were elected at the Board’s quarterly meeting October 12 at the North Dakota Heritage Center in Bismarck._ ✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯ Berger Elected President Of North Dakota State Historical Board The Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians, Division 25, Breezy Point Division held its second Family Ceili in October at the beautiful Colony Club in Breezy Point. The Ceili Caller was the wonderful Maureen O’Malley-Byrnes T.C.R.G. from the O’Malley School of Dance There were many dances taught and explained fully by the caller which ✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯ ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS PAGE 44 NOVEMBER 2007 Rockaway Point Association News by Terri Cassidy Hope everyone is enjoying the fall and its many activities here. Summer is of course a busy and enjoyable time of the year. Fall, however, is also becoming a time of the year when there is a multitude of events to enjoy. There has been the RPA Comfort Food Cook-off, the “Pumpkin Patch” at the RP Firehouse, and the RPA Children’s Halloween Party. Ticket sales for the RPA Senior Citizen’s Thanksgiving Dinner are going very well. You can call me at 718 634-4103 if you haven”t purchased your ticket yet. There are a limited number of tickets still available. Remember it’s scheduled for November 16 from 4-8PM in the RPBP Catholic Club. Tickets are $5.OO. This event is for RPA Senior Citizens only. I hope you are planning on attending the Town Hall Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, November 13 at 7PM at the Colony Theatre. Our appreciation is extended to all the Cooperative employees who were able to restore our water last Saturday after the water main break. We take for granted all of those aspects of our daily lives that depend on water. The use of the Reverse 911 system during that mini-disaster here in Breezy was quite helpful keeping all stockholders informed. I’d like to wish everyone a “Happy Thanksgiving” since the next issue of this paper will be at the beginning of December. Let’s take the time that day to express our thanks that day to God, our family, neighbors, friends and our troops for anything and everything, big or small that they do for us. Breezy Point Garden Club Breezy Point Garden Club wins National Award At the Second District Luncheon held on Monday, October 22nd at Crest Hollow Country Club, our garden club was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the National Federation of Garden Clubs for our participation in the Patriotic Trees Program. Our club planted a tree in our Community Garden in honor of All Breezy Point War Veterans on Flag Day 2007. We are happy to have been able to do this. Our next meeting is on Monday, November 5th at Christ Community Church. We are having a New Member drive. This meeting is at 6:00pm. Perhaps we’ll see you there. PRAYER TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN (NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL) Most beautiful Flower of Mount Carmel, Fruitful Vine, Splendor of the Heaven, Blessed Mother of The Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. O Star of the Sea, help me and show me, herein you are my mother, O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth. I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succour me in this necessity. There are none that can withstand your power. O show me herein you are my mother. O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee (3x). Holy Mary, I place this cause in your hands (3x). Holy Spirit, you who solve all problems, light all roads, so that I can attain my goal. You who give me the divine gift to forgive and forget all evil against me and that in all instances of my life you are with me. I want in this short prayer to thank you for all things as I confirm once again that I never want to be separated from you in eternal glory. Thank you for your mercy toward me and mine. The person must say this prayer for three consecutive days. After three days, the request will be granted. This prayer must be published after the favor is granted. Thank You, OA These Fall and Winter columns are always a problem to get started. I’m home here in the “World” Cranford New Jersey, and haven’t been back to Breezy since leaving in late September. We’ve been very busy getting caught up on our lives here. Dentist, Doctor, Motor Vehicle, Historic Society and all the things that were put on the “back burner” while at Breezy. We missed the best October on record as far as weather went, and should have been still at Breezy enjoying the beach. I’d been trying to round up my Wednesday luncheon group to bring them to Breezy for a look-see, but never could get a quorum. I figured I’d give them a quick tour, visit the Memorial, drive around the numbered streets, walk up and down a few Walks in the Wedge, check out Kennedy’s dock for the view, and return to Jamaica Walk for lunch. Everything was in the Fridg. A whole box of Topps burgers, a couple of packs of Nathan’s dogs, and a bunch of Schaefer beers. Luckily I didn’t get the quorum, because the Topps burgers were part of the E-Coli flavored batch. Chances are nothing would have happened, but I like mine rare, so maybe it could have. So maybe in the spring I’ll bring the boys over. Believe it or not there’s practically no one in New Jersey that has heard of Breezy nor has a clue to where it is. They think it’s way out on Long Island. Jerseyites go “down the shore” Breezyites go “down the beach”. Most Jersey beaches are quite shallow by Breezy standards, their sand is coarser with very few shells, and the water depth increases rapidly as you enter. I’m originally a Rockawayite that married into New Jersey and then returned to my roots. You all know the saying, “Once you get sand in your shoes etc, etc. Now back to the Rockaways. My roots go back to my Great Grandpa’s brother who was a stage driver into the Rockaways from Hempstead where he was also its Sheriff. Grandpa left Hempstead and was an entrepreneur in the 1890’s in Rockaway’s Seaside. Starting as a photographer he dabbled in real estate, and then owned and operated a hotel restaurant and bar on 103rd street, the heart of “Irish Town”. He lived on 104th street owning and renting houses on each side of his. My dad grew up there, was Grandpa’s handy man in the hotel and rental houses till WWI when Dad enlisted in “Rockaway’s Own” the 24th Company, which became part of the 57th Field Artillery Regiment. They trained in Sandy Hook, shipped to France, and Dad was wounded the day before his 21st birthday. Returning home to Seaside he joined the NY City Police force, then transferred to the Fire Department. Married, had a home built on 136th street and raised his 3 children there. My brother is deceased, my sister lives in Breezy, and I have the best of both worlds, Breezy in the summer, and NJ in the winter, so I still have sand in my shoes for about 4 months each year. I’m itching to get to Breezy to fish. From what I hear the Striper run hasn’t started but the bluefish have been hitting in. If you’re there when a school hits, then it’s a feast, otherwise it’s a famine. Each year the fall migration of Stripers seems to be later and later as evidenced by a fishing tournament that takes place on Long Beach Island NJ each year. It’s the “Governor’s Fishing Tournament”. It was held October 7th with 950 surf fishermen competing, and when the day was over the result was; 2 Striped Bass 33 Bluefish 7 Kingfish and 3 Blackfish. That’s a pretty sad commentary for surf fishing. The answer is to hold the contest later in the year. The same conditions prevail in Breezy. There seems to be no run of stripers till late in November or even into December. So my chances of hitting the right days in Breezy are pretty slim. I do have to get back to Breezy to wrap things up. Pull out my dead summer garden, clean up the leaves from my sycamore tree, empty the fridg, turn off the cable, drain the outside water, but not before I get a few days fishing the beach. My second love is coming up November 15th, that’s five days hunting upstate NY. Two days turkey and three for deer. Fishing and hunting are my two vices and I still don’t have a SUV. For fishing I use my bike, and for hunting I should have a 4-wheel drive vehicle, but so far I’ve always been able to navigate the mud, snow and ice, with my old Mazda. It has been hairy on a number of occasions but hopefully my luck will continue. Just because the car is 18 years old doesn’t mean you should rush right out and get another. That’s Depression Baby mentality. With that I’ll close because the well has run dry. Bye A D V E R T I S E ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS NOVEMBER 2007 TEENS NEWS & PRE-TEENS TOO! BY GERT HENDRY Hope your Halloween was safe and fun!! The bus trip to the Haunted House/ Haunted Corn Maze Oct. 19th attended by a busload of teenagers was not hindered by the rain. They were able to go through the Haunted Mansion but not through the Haunted Corn Maze. The boys and girls had a great time, thanks to Theresa Flanigan and her wonderful volunteer chaperones (Parents of children). Can’t report on the Haunted Walk on Halloween night 10/31 since deadline for Pointer was 10/29. I’m sure it was as good if not better than last year. The 1st Annual Adult Halloween Party was a success. It was very well attended, by young, old and in between. Prizes were given for costumes etc. Refreshments consisting of chips, snacks, beer, wine, soda and water was enjoyed. The fantastic D.J. “Shake It Up” by Paul Rudolph had the revelers dancing away. Looking forward to next year’s Spooky night. The Colony Theater is certainly living up to its promises. Just think much more to come. Nov. 6th is Election Day. All you 18 and over should be proud to have the privilege and freedom to vote. Every vote counts, so try to be a good American and do so on Nov. 6th, Tuesday. It is your civic duty in order to keep the responsible people governing us and representing us in office. On Nov. 10th there will be the Second Annual Memorial Mass for a beloved member of our community Tony Pinto. It will be in St. Thomas More at 11:00 a.m. Tony loved “kids” and it would be a perfect time for you boys and girls to honor his family by attending his Mass. Veteran’s Day on November 11th is a time to reflect and pay homage to all those who fought and are fighting for our freedom. We sing God Bless America, and we think about the words as we sing, do the words mean anything to us? (as they should) Are we patriotic, do we respect our Nation with its past history and what we stand for - life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. One Nation, indivisible protecting our lives and independence, this is America. Fly our beautiful American Flag, defend what it stands for. Anyone who desecrates our flag is unpatriotic, if they are living in this United States of America. Let us continue to keep the ideals and values that our great nation stands for. In the American Legion magazine, there is a quote from John F. Kennedy 1962 “This country does not forget God or the soldier. Upon both we now depend.” How true. I recently read the differences between Veterans Day and Memorial Day as follows: “Memorial Day is a day for remembering and honoring military personnel who died in the service of their country. Veterans Day is set aside to thank and honor all those who served honorably in the military - in wartime or peacetime. To thank living veterans for their service (not many left from WWII) and to underscore the fact that MARY M. GREER Licensed Real Estate Broker ROCKAWAY • BREEZY POINT 718-634-5494 – Associates – Catherine Gully Patricia Dwyer PRAYER TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN (NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL) Most beautiful Flower of Mount Carmel, Fruitful Vine, Splendor of the Heaven, Blessed Mother of The Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. O Star of the Sea, help me and show me, herein you are my mother, O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth. I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succour me in this necessity. There are none that can withstand your power. O show me herein you are my mother. O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee (3x). Holy Mary, I place this cause in your hands (3x). Holy Spirit, you who solve all problems, light all roads, so that I can attain my goal. You who give me the divine gift to forgive and forget all evil against me and that in all instances of my life you are with me. I want in this short prayer to thank you for all things as I confirm once again that I never want to be separated from you in eternal glory. Thank you for your mercy toward me and mine. The person must say this prayer for three consecutive days. After three days, the request will be granted. This prayer must be published after the favor is granted. Thank You, WJ all those who served-not only those who died-have sacrificed and done their duty”. On June 1, 1954 Pres. Dwight D. Eisenhower signed legislation changing the name of the legal holiday from Armistice Day to Veterans Day. On Oct. 1, 1954 he issued the first Veterans Day Proclamation. It is too bad “Civics” is no longer (I believe) taught in High School. This subject taught students what American Democracy is all about, and inspired youth to keep up with political agendas. Just try to remember what Veterans Day is all about; and not just a holiday-a day to have off from school and work. Fly our flag proudly on Veterans Day. Our next great holiday is Nov. 22, 2007 Thanksgiving Day. A day to also reflect on all the good things we have (and so many others don’t), to be thankful for the caring community we are a part of. First and foremost our families who support us at all times (even though we don’t often think about it), then to be glad we have food on our table, a roof over our heads, activities we can participate in, programs to guide us (Drug Awareness so faithfully planned by Elizabeth Leib and always hoping to have good attendance by the youth, parents and members of our community.) Alerting all to the ever present temptations (that can and do ruin young lives). The Activity Center is open to you Teens as a place to congregate and make friends. The Youth Advisory Committee, composed of teens who make known the needs of our youth. To join this wonderful committee call Theresa Flanigan at 718-945-2300. Be thankful for the Teen Dances held PAGE 45 in the Colony Theater Center at least twice a month. We always look forward to your participation and enjoying a good time only $5.00 for music, soda and snacks. Can’t go wrong for that small charge. The last dance held on Oct. 12th for 7-8-9th graders was a big success and all had a great time. The next dance will be Nov. 2nd - Friday for 5th & 6th grade from 7:30-9:30 at the Colony Theater Center. Hope to see you all there, make these dances a part of your agenda. To all of you a Happy Thanksgiving enjoy your day with family and friends. Gateway has several outings planned for November particularly Nov. 10th at Floyd Bennett Field Hangar Sat. from 1p.m. to 3p.m. Honoring Veterans and telling about the very important role Floyd Bennett Field had in W.W.II Reservations required. Call 718-338-3338 (for Nov. Activities also). Before closing my usual caution to you teens, pre teens and even older than teens. Marijuana (pot) the usual choice, according to statistics, is stronger and more dangerous to your health than ever. Your desire for more potent drugs becomes more intense, leading you to the use of Methamphetamines (slang for speed, meth, crystal, uppers), which affects your brain, self-control, your body and can kill you. You can avoid drugs by being educated and resolve to be strong and not go along with the “crowd” or your peers. You will find you can have a great time without the use of drugs/and or alcohol and by just being yourself. A quote from my calendar “I pray, that today I will make a difference in just one persons life, (Continued on page 46) The Board of Directors of The Walter K. Hoerning Endowment Fund Wishes to thank The Point Breeze Association and The Residents of Breezy Point For your support and generosity in making our Auction of October 12, 2007 A tremendous success. ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS PAGE 46 TEENS NEWS (Continued from page 45) that I have lessened their burdens and made their day happier.” Be Well & God Bless P.S. Next Family Mass Nov. 11th at 10:00 a.m. St. Edmunds sponsored by Grade 7. Refreshments will be served after Mass. Try to participate and attend. Teen Dances Never go out of Style Came Across this Old Article When cleaning out my desk. Our teen dances are still “a ball” but today they are hip and lots of fun. Enjoy reading about a teen dance 42 years ago when they were held in St. Thomas More Hall. Also a brief write up about Mr. Hendry in reference to his interest in the youth of our community. Andrew Hendry .... Cargo Underwriter - Marine/Aviation Department. An INAer since 1945, Andy has worked his way up from a clerk in the Marine Department to his present spot. He served with the U.S. Air Force from 1943-1945 as a Radio Operator Mechanic. .... He lives in Rockaway Point with his wife, Gertrude, and a son, 18, and daughter, 22. His eldest daughter is married and soon will present the Hendrys with their first grandchild. .... Teenagers are the main outside interest of Andy and Gertrude. For the past 17 years they have been running the “Tri-Teen Club”, comprised of teenagers in three communities. They supervise activities, counsel members and plan trips. Activities are planned for 3-6 nights a week for 220 teenagers. .... To producers, Andy says: “The Marine & Aviation Department is just as competitive as any other company. Let us show you how!” BREEZY POINT • ROCKAWAY POINT • ROXBURY 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456 Feimer Realty 718-474-7070 TED FEIMER 917-974-8537 NOVEMBER 2007 St. John’s Residence Celebrates On Wednesday evening, October 24, 2007, 190 friends and supporters of St. John’s Residence for Boys attended the gala at Russo’s on the Bay. Brother Tom Trager, long time Director at the home, who is celebrating his 50th Anniversary as a Marianist, was the special honoree. Mr. Paul J. Garavente, the President of St. John’s Residence Board of Directors, suggested the fundraising event would be an excellent way to mark Brother Tom’s Jubilee and raise some financial support for the home ganization, and a half dozen of the present St. John’s residents. Board member and Breezy Point resident, Ms. RoseEllen Dowdell, chaired the Journal Committee. Belle Harbor resident, Ms. Peggy DeMatteis, also a Board Member of St. John’s, worked as a liaison person with Russo’s and offered and solicited financial support for the event. One of the features of the evening was a slide presentation of Brother Tom’s life from the crib to present and its program for at-risk teenagers and their families. The celebrants included the local Marianist Community and visiting Marianists, Marianist Associates, present and past staff at St. John’s, volunteers, the Rockaway Rotary Club, members of the St. John’s Alumni Or- time. Mr. Gordon Haesloop, Board member and former student of Brother Tom’s, put together the entertaining presentation with a variety of photos and humorous anecdotal comments. Another feature of the evening was the special gift baskets and other prizes. (Continued on page 50) Lee & Kane, P.C. ATTORNEYS AT LAW FAMILY PRACTICE SPECIALIZING IN REAL ESTATE, WILLS AND ESTATES Free Consultations including home visits STAFF KNOWLEDGEABLE WITH BREEZY POINT PROCEDURES Convenient office location: 2175 Flatbush Ave. • Bklyn., N.Y. 11234 718-252-4467 NOVEMBER 2007 ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS New 9/11 Health and Compensation Act Approved By Addabbo and Labor Committee The new 9/11 Health and Compensation Act was approved by the New York City Council’s Civil Service and Labor Committee, chaired by Councilman Joseph Addabbo. The legislation, named after deceased Police Detective James Zadroga, is sponsored by Congressional Representatives Jerrald Nadler, Carolyn Maloney and Vito Fossella, and would cover rescuers, community residents, area workers and school children as to medical monitoring and the right to treatment. James Zadroga was a New York City Police Detective who was the first policeman to die as a direct result of exposure to Ground Zero. The thirtyfour year-old Zadroga passed in January 2005, leaving behind a four-yearold daughter. “Finally, we have federal legislation to cover all individuals, including over 100,000 rescue workers exposed to Ground Zero toxins,” said Addabbo. “Passage of the legislation will mean that many who are ill will have the right to treatment.” The Bloomberg administration also concurred in supporting the Zadroga Bill which re-opens the 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund which provides money for economic damages and expands the role of Clinical Centers of Excellence (Fire Department, Mt. Sinai Hospital and affiliates, and Bellevue Hospital) in regards to treatment of the sick. “The James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act along with Senator Hillary Clinton’s legislation calling for $1.9 billion funding for monitoring and treatment of 9/11 victims are necessary first steps in giving the duly owed attention to those affected and rightfully recognizes the September 11 tragedy not only as a city tragedy, but a national tragedy.” said Addabbo. PAGE 47 Sen. Smith in Washington New York State Senate Democratic Leader Malcolm A. Smith and Deputy Democratic Leader Jeff Klein met with Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, in Washington, D.C. recently to discuss children’s health care, homeland security and mortgage lending reforms. YOUR VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT NEEDS YOU!! Join Your Volunteer Fire Department and Help Your Community HAPPY THANKSGIVING from the Rockaway Point Association ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS PAGE 48 THE ROCKAWAY IRREGULAR by Stuart W. Mirsky factors might have influenced the radiTiger By the Tail? Besides all the usual stuff, one of cal variation in human civilizations’ the big things separating left and right technological achievements. Africa and the Americas exist on a these days is the environment. What’s happening to it and what are we going north-south axis, he notes, limiting the to do about it? Are we in the midst of a potential for the spread and crossglobal warming crisis and aren’t we pollenization of agricultural and other responsible for it if we are? Aren’t technologies among human groups in there really too many of us using too those areas, thereby adversely affecting those groups’ chances to develop. much of everything anyway? It may surprise some but even con- By contrast, he notes, Europe, the servatives like me can have concerns Middle East and Asia all lie on an eastabout the environment. I recently fin- west axis, increasing the opportunities ished reading Jared Diamond’s The for societies in those regions to share Third Chimpanzee, a book that takes technologies and cultural innovations off from the recently established fact because of climatological consistency that only about 1.6% of the entire hu- as you move east to west. Evolutionary man genome separates us from chim- competition is never far from his mind panzees (making them our closest liv- in any of this and he’s quick to warn ing relatives). For Diamond this nar- that modern governments and scienrow genetic gap obliges us to see our- tists may have acted unwisely by sendselves as visitors from another planet ing signals into outer space, announcmight: one species among many. What ing our presence, in hopes of finding that visitor would presumably see in other intelligent life forms. Evolutionus, according to Diamond, is an unusu- ary pressures being what they are, he ally successful and exceedingly vora- suggests we’d be better off if no one out cious primate with the propensity to there ever gets those messages. On the other hand, given what he devour its own environment. Though the attributes of our species, including sees as the locust-like march of manterritoriality, sociability, aggression, kind towards total planetary consumptool use, and even language are not tion and our proclivities for inter-group without precursors in the animal king- violence, he thinks it may be a better dom, Diamond notes that, even if we bet that we’ll devour ourselves before are only a bit less than 2% different, anyone else can. That may be why no genetically, from certain apes, this has one has answered us thus far, he sugstill had a massive impact on the planet gests, since it could well be that the evolutionary game on any planet where we inhabit. Diamond details how man’s his- life has arisen may lead to the same toric successes have resulted in con- kind of self-immolation he thinks we’re tinuous losses for our fellow species — now headed toward. Repeatedly he details the destrucand for ourselves. Besides a history of humans killing humans, he details the tion of pristine ecological environments massive and rapacious advance of our which routinely followed the appearkind across the face of the globe as we ance of our species in new parts of the repeatedly drove other animal species globe, from the earliest ages — when to extinction and irreversibly impover- men first spread out from Africa to ished the natural environment due to ultimately hunt the great mammals of our remarkable success in the competi- Europe, Asia and the Americas to extive game of evolution. A self-described tinction — to the era of European exbird-watcher and biologist, Diamond ploration, only a few short centuries takes his lessons from observations of ago, when Europeans permanently delost bird species in New Guinea and stroyed the ecological systems they other exotic locales while offering a found on previously untrod oceanic fascinating, and sometimes depress- islands. Indeed, Diamond blames us, ing, series of speculations. He describes the human chimp, for having destroyed how evolution shaped our bodies and the majority of creatures that have our very natures and how geographic walked the Earth since our first appear- ROCKAWAY POINT FIRE & AMBULANCE CORPS Chief ................................................................................ Edward Valentine Dep. Chief of Operations .................................................... William Thorsen Dep. Chief of Administration ............................................. Mathew Piccione FIRE COMPANY Capt. ............................ M. Ingram Lieut. ........................ M. Valentine Lieut. ............................ J. Healey RESCUE COMPANY Capt. ................................ J. Ruoff Lieut. ........................ P. Cashman Lieut. .......................... M. Sullivan NOVEMBER 2007 New Republican Club to Debut in Howard Beach! Howard Beach played a critical role in September’s Republican Primary election with an amazing voter turnout. The winners of that race have since taken notice and decided to form a new Republican Club in honor of one of America’s greatest Presidents, Ronald Reagan. Newly elected Republican District Leaders Eric Ulrich and Jane Deacy announced their plans to revitalize the Republican Party in the Howard Beach area. “The residents of Howard Beach deserve their own Republican club,” said Ulrich. “They are taxpaying, civic minded and family oriented voters who are ready for a new beginning,” added Ulrich. In fulfilling one of her campaign promises to ‘get people involved,’ Jane Deacy expressed optimism about the club’s prospects. “I want to unite Republicans throughout the district. And this is only the first step in that direction,” said Deacy. “Republicans will only win elections when everyone works together because united we stand, but divided we fall!” Deacy added. Both Ulrich and Deacy were proud to name Howard Beach resident and community activist Rosemary CiullaFrisone as the founding President. Ciulla-Frisone is currently a member of Community Board #10, LeffertsLiberty Kiwanis Club, Social Service employees Union Local 371, and a former democrat who recently changed parties. “I love my community and I love politics,” said Ciulla-Frisone. “When Eric and Jane asked me to serve as President of the club, I knew it was the right thing to do. I got involved almost 20 years ago, when Rudy Giuliani first ran for Mayor, and now what an honor it is for me to help him become President of the United States. This is truly an exciting time to be a Republican.” The Ronald Reagan Republican Club of Howard Beach will hold its first meeting on Monday, December 3rd at Carosello (162-54 Crossbay Blvd. Howard Beach) beginning at 7:30pm sharp. The club is open to all registered Republicans who want to get involved. Hon. Eric Ulrich _ Hon. Jane Deacy Republican District Leaders ance. And he thinks there’s worse to come including possible nuclear devastation or planetary collapse. In one intriguing passage he recounts how construction on a single site for a housing development on one Pacific island in the past twenty years resulted in the destruction and loss of uncounted species of small creatures found nowhere else on Earth. He invites us to imagine how many times, and to what devastating effect, this has happened before in our history. Ouch! And yet this points up a crucial weakness in his otherwise compelling, and certainly eye-opening, narrative. It’s unarguable that man’s presence alters his environment wherever he finds himself and that that alteration is generally permanent, irrevocable and, indeed, terrible for the creatures on the receiving end. Nevertheless, we, like every other species, cannot avoid leaving our footprint where we go and it’s certainly true that each and every tiny corner of this earth may, and probably does, harbor various unique species, if only on a microscopic level. Diamond’s advocacy for environmental awareness is good advice since it’s better to preserve and nurture our environment than devour it. As far as we know, at least for now, there is only this one Earth. But it’s unrealistic to imagine we can avoid impacting our environment entirely — or even enough to avoid displacing other species at all. That one development Diamond cites in the Pacific points up the problem, for how many others have done as much or more damage around the planet? Yet what is the alternative as the human population grows in order to sustain itself? What harm is being done to tiny forms of life we may not even know about as our own development here in Rockaway proceeds apace? We could have left Rockaway undeveloped, of course, and some of us would have preferred that. But what would it leave us with? Overgrown streets and packs of feral dogs roaming empty lots filled with garbage, rats and, perhaps, all (Continued on page 49) BUTLER REALTY (718) 474-4257 (718) 318-0160 NANCY BUTLER-STOKES Lic. Real Estate Broker PATRICIA BUTLER-MITCHELL Lic. Real Estate Broker -— AGENTS — Treasurer ......................................... Joan Piccione Secretary ........................................... A.M. Horgan Parliamentarian ....................................... J. Keane Sgt.-at-Arms .......................................... P. Sullivan Chaplain ................................................ L. Durante Engineer ............................................... P. McCarty Firemen Representative ....................... T. McGuire Historian ............................................ A. Grozinger FIRE COMMISSIONERS V. Gancitano A. Lind M. Healey Annmarie Durante-Horgan .............. 718 945-3913 Tom Farr .......................................... 718 634-0837 Patricia Leonard .............................. 718 318-2706 Mary Kay Pellegrino ........................ 718 945-2141 Helen Peterson ................................ 718 474-1075 Catherine Mulholland....................... 917-864-8969 ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS NOVEMBER 2007 New Chaplain Joins Christ the King The Board of Trustees and Administration of Christ the King Regional High School are pleased to announce the addition of Father Kevin Abels to the staff. Fr. Kevin is the new chaplain of Christ the King and will be working closely with Sr. Elizabeth Graham and Sr. Maryann Kollmer, the Spiritual Directors. (L to R) Fr. Kevin Abels and Sr. Elizabeth Graham Volunteers Sought by St. John’s Episcopal Hospital St. John’s Episcopal Hospital is seeking volunteers, specifically adults who have some time to help with some very special programs. These programs are: - Patient Elevator Transportation - At St. John’s, dedicated manned elevators transport patients and other essential services. Volunteers are clean-cut adults who are available to volunteer Monday through Friday between the hours of 8 am and 12 noon or 12 noon to 4 pm. - Friendly Feeders - The Friendly Feeders help feed patients who are unable to help themselves. Volunteers will receive full training and support from the Hospital’s professional nursing staff. Applicants must meet the following requirements: be an adult over the age of 21; fluent in English, bilingual speakers are welcome; able to volunteer a minimum of 15 hours a week; must complete a brief Friendly Feeder training session; and be warm, compassionate and friendly. If you are interested in volunteering for these programs, please contact the Volunteers Department at St. John’s Episcopal Hospital at 718-869-7870 for more information. PAGE 49 THE ROCKAWAY IRREGULAR (Continued from page 48) those unique, tiny forms of life we may never know were there? Can we simply call a halt and cease developing the world around us just because we want to? A growing human population has its problems but diminishing it could be even worse. Besides going against our natural biological imperative, it brings with it the risk of civilizational breakdown. Fewer and fewer members of the various population groups would be available to support more and more of us as the populations age out. At the same time, unless all of mankind can be diminished in numbers simultaneously, there would be competition for space and resources, the larger and more robust population groups impinging on the diminishing ones (as we see in Europe today, where an aggressive external Muslim population presses in on a more inward-looking, diminishing native population). This must lead to its own conflicts and disasters. Perhaps a worldwide plague or devastating war would do the trick then? But to what terrible effect? And what about the impact on the environments in which the self-destroying human populations must endure their wars and plagues? Despite Diamond’s important points about the human propensity to eat its own, we are still that third chimpanzee he writes about, hanging onto the tail of an evolutionary tiger, unable to let go without getting eaten but sure we eventually will if we don’t. Better hope no one’s out there reading NASA’s interplanetary e-mail. School Days Get up, get up, you sleepy heads There are snakes and lizards in your beds There are creepy crawlers on the wall And alligators down the hall. Get up, get up, prepare to dance There are bees inside your underpants There are Ps inside your pillowcase And Centipedes right near your face. Get up, get up, while you are able The breakfast food is on the table Your lunch is packed, the snakes are in it So Jump right up, this very minute. By Ed Gannon LOVOI SUPER SERVICE, INC. AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR CENTER Official NY State Inspection Station Lic. No. 7040180 DONATE YOUR AUTO My c to H ar we eav nt en! $ To the Society of St. Vincent DePaul Brooklyn & Queens and RECEIVE A TAX CREDIT Call For Information 718-491-2525 SALES/REPAIRS NETWORKS BARNEY CASSIDY front break pads / Inspect Rotors / FRONT DISC Install Inspect front wheel bearings BRAKE SPECIAL Inspect calipers / master cylinder / Serving NY/NJ Shamrock Computers 7 DAY ON-SITE SERVICE 718-921-1555 800-771-1718 We Service the Rockaways 79 .99 brake lines/ hardware & spring kit Most Cars • Vans and SUVs Additional Resurface rotors or drums extra COOLING SYSTEM MAINTENANCE $ 29.99 Replace Worn and Noisy Axles! $ 129.99 Per Axle Installed Most Cars and Light Trucks Drain & Fill Radiator / Pressure Test the Entire Cooling System & Radiator Cap Inspect hoses, belts & tighten all clamped connections Add up to 2 gallons of Antifreeze Most Cars $5.00 OFF ANY OIL CHANGE WITH THIS COUPON FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY 180-04 STATE ROAD, ROCKAWAY POINT, N.Y. 11697 718-318-3655 ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS PAGE 50 BREEZY POINT • ROCKAWAY POINT • ROXBURY NOVEMBER 2007 COMMUNITY CALENDAR November ® Ann & Bob Tracey - 718-945-5063 Joe Perrotta - 718-253-3723 Maryellin & Eddie Carroll - 718-945-3155 Bill Daly - 718-945-9445 BREEZY POINT RESIDENTS Living and Working in Our Community TRACEY REAL ESTATE Brooklyn Office Breezy Point Office 718-376-4994 718-945-5063 SEEKING LICENSED BREEZY POINT REAL ESTATE AGENTS UPPER BELLE HARBOR Great 5 Bdrm w/large great room, Custom EIK, FDR, LR w/fireplace. Full fin bsmt, bath on every flr. Pvt drive, 2 car gar, 1 Block to Beach!!! BREEZY POINT On Street, 40x100 Lot! 2Bdrm, 5 room Ranch with 3/ 4 Bath, Private parking $548,000 BREEZY POINT Bay front location! Beautiful views from this Winterized home on 30 x 100 Bayfront plot! $890,000 BREEZY POINT 2 Bdrm Winterized Bungalow, EIK, rear & side deck, out door shower enclosed porch, Walk to Beach!! $439,000 BREEZY POINT Ocean View!!! 2Bdrm Ranch, LR, dinette, Front & rear porch, 2 car private parking (seasonal) Handicap accessible $519,000 BREEZY POINT Mint Condition 3Bdrm, 1 3/ 4 BA, tiled Kitchen, Gas FPL, Car Pad for 2 Cars Asking $729,000 02-17 03 04 04 11 13 15 15 16 RTC Presents “Inspecting Carol at Post Theatre, Ft. Tilden Daylight Savings Time Begins Altar Rosary Society Meeting after 10 AM Mass STE Peninsula Hospital 100th Anniversary Ball Holy Name Society Meeting following 8:30 AM Mass at STM BPC Town Hall Meeting at Colony Theater 7:00 PM Altar Rosary Card Party @ St. Edmund’s Hall 12 Noon 20th Annual Good Government Dinner Dance at El Caribe RPA Annual Seniors Thanksgiving Dinner 01 6-8 07 09 09 11 16 Altar Rosary Society Arts & Crafts Sale at STM Hall 10AM-2PM RTC Presents “Our Town” @ Post Theatre, Ft. Tilden BPC Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony 6:00 PM Rockaway Pt. Shopping Center Holy Name Society Meeting following 8:30 AM Mass at STM RPVFD Childrens Christmas Party @ RP Firehouse 1:00 PM Altar Rosary Society Christmas Party @ Silver Gull PBFD Childrens Christmas Party @ PB Firehouse 1:00 PM 06 13 Altar Rosary Society Meeting after 10 AM Mass STE Holy Name Society Meeting following 8:30 AM Mass at STM December January 2008 February 03 10 14 Altar Rosary Society Meeting after 11:30 AM Mass STM Holy Name Society Meeting following 8:30 AM Mass at STM Altar Rosary Society Card Party at St. Edmund Hall - 12 Noon 02 09 Altar Rosary Society Meeting after 10 AM Mass STE Holy Name Society Meeting following 8:30 AM Mass at STM March St. John’s Residence Celebrates (Continued from page 46) Ms. Marcy Hennessey, staff member at St. John’s, put together 29 very attractive baskets that were filled with the prizes and gift certificates that had been solicited by the Board members. Mr. Brian Schwagerl, Board member, was particularly active in seeing to it that the baskets were chock full of very attractive prizes. The 50/50 ticket sales raised an extraordinary $10,550.00 giving the winner, a Manhattan resident, $5,275.00. In addition to Marcy Hennessey’s involvement in designing the baskets, Ms. Margaret Geissman was very successful in getting ads for the journal. Pulling all of this together on the home front, Ms. Rita Tortorelli, did a yeoman’s task coordinating all of the mail, email, phone calls, and other details in terms of reservations, journal submissions, seating arrangements, etc. She was a key factor in everything coming off as smoothly and beautifully as it did. In his comments of thanks, Brother Tom highlighted the many groups that attended the celebration, and reflected on how they are all, in a sense, part of the “family”. He indicated that he was particularly proud of the six young men who were representing St. John’s at the Jubilee. Many of the people who attended the event reflected on what gentlemen the six St. John’s residents were. They received quite an ovation on their introduction. They were bursting with pride at all of the adulation and compliments they had received throughout the night. It was an occasion filled with such joy and enthusiasm; it would be very hard to forget. CLASSIFIEDS • CLASSIFIEDS To Place a Classified Ad Call 718-634-8730 or e-mail HELP WANTED Customer Service Rep For busy local Commercial Insurance Office. Good PC Skills a must. College Degree Preferred. Fax resume to: 718-634-2305 ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS NOVEMBER 2007 PAGE 51 Christ the King Welcomes Prospective New Freshman On Sunday, September 30th, Christ the King opened its door to over 460 potential new students. Over 1800 people viewed the school and its atmosphere of warmth and discipline that encourages both academic excellence as well as moral responsibility. The day was filled with classroom lectures, clubs and athletic teams each displaying the different aspects that Christ the King has to offer. Christ the King has been providing quality Christian education since 1962. Chairman of the Board, Senator Serphin R. Maltese along with the Christ the King Mascot welcomes John Honan of St. Margaret’s. Remember Our Troops Newest edition to Christ the King, The Performing Arts Club was visited by many interested students. NACMI AS BR OS. Breezy-Proof Your Car!! MOBIL STATIO NACMIAS BROS. AUTO SALES 2472 CONEY ISLAND AVENUE - cor. Ave. V Next Door to Our Mobil Station N DMV #7026873 All AAA Members Welcome!! 10% AAA Discount on Repairs • 24-Hour Towing • Service Open 7 Days A Week 718-339-9767 CONS#836977 KINGS BAY MOTORS 2510 CONEY ISLAND AVENUE - Bet. Ave. V & Neck Rd 718-339-2072 SPECIAL DISCOUNTS FOR EVERYONE FROM ROCKAWAY We Service All Makes & Models including Exotics and High-end Vehicles. DMV #7080383 CONS#836977 COME AND SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION OF NEWLY ARRIVED 4x4s, CARS AND VANS. BUY WITH CONFIDENCE FROM US. EVERY VEHICLE IS 100% GUARANTEED. WHEN IT COMES TO BUYING A PREOWNED VEHICLE THERE IS NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT. WE’VE BEEN IN BUSINESS SINCE 1977. WE KNOW HOW TO TREAT OUR CUSTOMERS. WE’VE HAD OVER 25 YEARS OF PRACTICE. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IS OUR MAIN PRIORITY • COME AND SEE WHY MOST PEOPLE IN ROCKAWAY BUY CARS FROM US. • PERSONAL SALES BY JACK NACMIAS - BREEZY POINT RESIDENT LARGE SELECTION: • 4x4’s • MINI VANS • 2 DR. COUPES • 4 DR SEDANS • WAGONS • LUXURY MODELS • CARGO VANS • ECONOMY CARS • FOREIGN CARS • SPECIAL INTEREST • CLASSICS PICK-UP & DELIVERY AVAILABLE Call Jack Nacmias for Appointment FRIENDLY SERVICE OVER 100 VEHICLES FOR SALE IN PERFECT CONDITION - EXPERT REPAIRS - DIAGNOSTIC CENTER - NYS LICENSED INSPECTION STATION - 24 HOUR TOWING & FLATBED SERVICE - WE HONOR OUR USE OF OUR COMPETITORS COUPONS - COMPLETE COLLISION SHOP ON PREMISES - INSURANCE WORK & ESTIMATES - CHASSIS MACHINE & COMPUTERIZED COLOR MATCHING T & D AUTO BODY COLLISION NACMIAS BROS. MOBIL STATION 2464 CONEY ISLAND AVENUE 2478 CONEY ISLAND AVENUE - cor Ave. V Between Ave. V & Ave. U Next Door to Our Mobil Station DMV #706788 718-336-5259 CONS#913374 DMV #7032237 718-336-9588 CONS#852856 PAGE 52 ROCKAWAY POINT NEWS RIDGEWOOD SAVINGS Same as Last Month COLOR NOVEMBER 2007
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