I Love September, especially when we`re in it.
I Love September, especially when we`re in it.
Lodge Leader Lake of The Ozarks Elks Lodge #2517 5161 Osage Beach Parkway Osage Beach, Missouri 65065 Lodge 573-348-3798 Fax 573-302-1042 Newsletter e-mail: elks2517nl@yahoo.com Website: www.ozarkelks.org Volume 44, Issue No. 10, October 2016 LODGE OFFICERS Exalted Ruler Jerry Spurgeon Leading Knight Dan George Loyal Knight Ron Yarbrough Lecturing Knight John Calvert Secretary Nancy Sappington Treasurer Sue Doornbosch Esquire Bill Perkins Tiler Don Smith Inner Guard Sharon Cass Chaplain Carol Perkins Board of Directors: 5 Yr. Bill Morris 4 Yr. Bill Perkins 3 Yr. Bruce Meeker 2 Yr. Jim Bex 1 Yr. Sam Sunley HOUSE COMMITTEE Denny Pennington Terry Hackett Tom Black John Norris Jim Juengel Lisa Wilcox Jeff Sartarius House Committee Meetings: 1st Monday of the month at 9:30 a.m. Would like to thank Rick Cornell and crew for the great ribs on Friday, Sept 2nd, Labor Day weekend! On Saturday, Sept 18 the contents of the Brass Door were auctioned off. By the time you receive this newsletter, the building should be in the process of being torn down. On Sunday, Sept 19 the winner of the Veteran’s Motorcycle Raffle was announced. Congratulations to Bobbi Bash of Lake Ozark! Big thanks to Bill Morris for his efforts in the sales of the tickets over the last five months! We have a new cook in the kitchen. Lets all give Elizabeth our support! Will have music and corned beef and cabbage on Oct 7 and our Halloween party on Oct 28. More information inside newsletter. Will need 20 to 30 people to help with the veterans’ parade. Contact me to volunteer! Jerry Spurgeon, Exalted Ruler Quote of the Month There is a child in every one of us who is still a trick-or-treater looking for a brightly-lit front porch ~Robert Brault LOUNGE HOURS Mon-Thurs 2:00 pm– 9:00 pm Fri-Sat 2:00 pm-10:00 pm Sun Noon—7:00 pm Happy Hour: Daily 4:00-6:00 pm (hours of operation subject to change) CHECK CALENDAR FOR GREAT MEALS, EVENTS AND MUSIC Well we finally have a cook in the kitchen. Her name is Liz, and I would urge all to welcome her with open arms. She is young, and very eager to learn and grow with us. We continue to have trouble with members stepping forward to help serve and take money for the kitchen. PLEASE STEP UP when asked to help as this is a great help to your lodge. Our games are gaining in popularity , with the bags , washers, and shuffleboard leading the way. The Queen of Hearts continues to climb in value waiting for someone to claim. Again as always if you have a idea or comment to help us make our Lodge more enjoyable for everyone please let any house member know. SEE YOU ALL AT LODGE, Denny Pennington HCC God Bless & Protect our Service Men & Women wherever they Serve our Country around the World. WASHERS RESULTS 8/29 9/12 1st Place: Rick Goedde / Leroy Dawson 2nd Place: Mark Wallace / Shirley Wicker 3rd Place: Perry Welker / Rick Smith Singles Challenge: 1st Place: Mark Wallace 2nd Place: Jerry Seifert 1st Place: Jerry Seifert / Rick Smith 2nd Place: Mark Wallace / Shirley Wicker 3rd Place: Paul Eckhoff / Lucy Eckhoff Singles Challenge: 1st Place: Jerry Seifert 2nd Place: Mark Wallace Schedule: October 3, 17 and 31 November 14 December 5 and 19 Jerry Seifert, Coordinator WEEKLY BAGS TOURNAMENT Every Wednesday Evening following the Queen of Hearts Drawing. Come eat some tacos, enter to win the Queen of Hearts and then have some fun with your friends playing bags! Cost is $2 per person, draw for partner and HAVE FUN! Money awarded to 1st and 2nd place teams. You don’t have to be good but you DO have to have a good sense of humor! 8/17 8/24 8/31 9/7 9/14 1st Place: Gregg Masters / Matt Laughlin 2nd Place: Aaron Noel / Cindy Eggers 1st Place: Don Cruzen / Matt Laughlin 2nd Place: Jerry Spurgeon / Gregg Masters 1st Place: Don Cruzen / Bill Krueger 2nd Place: Matt Laughlin / Cindy Eggers 1st Place: Cecil Fields / Gary Tarasoff 2nd Place: Bill Krueger / Matt Laughlin 1st Place: Don Cruzen / Al Rongey 2nd Place: Cindy Eggers / Sam Sunley Cindy Eggers, Coordinator FRIDAY NIGHT MEALS PLEASE CONTINUE CHECKING THE LODGE AND YOUR EMAIL FOR UPDATES! Thanks for your patience and understanding! SHUFFLEBOARD RESULTS 8/22 8/28 9/5 9/12 1st Place: Ron Birdsong / Bob Miller 2nd Place: Sue Doornbosch / Mona Poole 1st Place: Ron Birdsong / Pat Maher 2nd Place: Rick Poole / Gary Tarasoff 1st Place: Eddie White / Nancy Reinagel 2nd Place: Darlene Wisnasky 1st Place: Ron Birdsong / Onie Morris 2nd Place: Glenda Birdsong / Mona Poole Glenda Birdsong, Coordinator Sign up at 4:45 every Monday. Play begins at 5:00. Prizes awarded to 1st and 2nd place teams. If you wish to play shuffleboard and can be here by 5:15, please call the Lodge or Glenda Birdsong (573-692-0900) and we can put you on a team to play later. Pool Tournament Results Returning soon! Watch for updates! Bob Miller and Terry Hackett, Coordinators BAR TRIVIA 8/26 Winning Team Grandview Guys (Perry Welker, Steve Erickson, Rick Goedde, Dave Johnson) Super Bonus Winner: Rick Goedde You know you want to play and its FREE!! NEXT GAME FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14 Match your SMARTS with your fellow Elks! Cindy Eggers, Coordinator ELKS LODGE #2517 ANNUAL FALL STYLE SHOW ANNUAL CHRISTMAS CHARITY AUCTION 5161 Osage Beach Parkway 573 348 3798 Lake Ozarks Elks Lodge #2517 5161 OB Parkway SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2016 SILENT AUCTION - NOON - 2:30 PM LIVE AUCTION - 3:00 PM PROCEEDS WILL PURCHASE CHRISTMAS TOYS AND FOOD BASKETS FOR LOCAL FAMILIES IN NEED. MARK YOUR CALENDAR BRING YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS! Sunday October 9, 2016 Doors Open at Noon to shop our bazaar for everything a woman needs! Lunch served at 1:00 pm Show starts at 2:00 pm * ** Tickets $15 each * * * Your ticket includes Light Lunch, One Free Drink (Mimosa or Wine), Door Prizes and Style Show presented by local shops. Tickets may be purchased at the Elks Lodge or see Glenda Birdsong (1-573-692-0900) Christmas Auction Volunteers Come one...Come All WE NEED HELP! Meeting on Monday, Oct 10 at 10:00 am (Less Than) HALLOWEEN PARTY Half Way to St. Pat’s Day Dinner and Party Friday, October 28, 2016 PRIZES! PRIZES! Dress in your funniest, scariest, or most creative costume! Dinner at 5:30 Entertainment by Matt Phillips Friday, October 7, 2016 WEAR YOUR GREEN! Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner At 5:30 pm Entertainment by Dee & Steve Ford Charity..Justice..Brotherly Love..Fidelity 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Antonio Lato Steve Schmidt Michael Vigna Caroline Harrington Vincent Harrington Edwin Kolb Michael Hammerstone Clifford Shirk Madeline Anderson Carole Olivarri Joyce Pennington Francis Wilson Sharon Wheeler Ronald Larrington James Richardson Kurt Schimmel Maria Bond John Harodecki Kristen Turner Janet Hickam Allen Ballard Lelia Burns Tina Cordia Orville Stoeber Russell Aalsburg Barbara Clark Larry Korte Sandra Vines Jerry Fox David Fronk Russell Hamman James Miller Mary Schutzenhofer Sandra Stocker Peggy Bull David Curtis Gregg Pearre Alan Rongey Sharon Smith Billye Bennett Harold Holder Forrest O’Neal Larry Ryan 15 John Bozzardi Edward Zenik 16 Susie Danforth Michael Digman Danny Galvin Nancy Sappington Mike Scherer Rick Trevor 17 Dana Deboard Betty Menges 18 Mark Schmitt 19 Steven Konczqkowski 20 Jane Cook Charlie Granda Joe Schutzenhofer 21 Karen Brindle Laverne Mentel 22 Thomas Buzbee Larry Greiwe 23 Joy Belton 24 Bill Bennett Jon Riley Sherry Selk 25 Louise Duncan Julie Hawkins Mark Hogue Kenneth Moulder Karen Pither 26 Albert Mueller Frank Vielhaber Lea Lewis 27 Jonas Layton 28 David Erie Michael Ralston Kathleen Swan 29 Dennis Butts Mary Krueser John Lewellen 30 Ronald Anderson Byran Dobry Pamela Layton Chuck Sharamitaro To Our Absent Member Dave Hanneken May he rest in peace BLOOD DRIVE Red Cross Blood Drive will be Monday, November 21. Mark your calendars today! More details in November Newsletter. 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 19 21 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Harrington Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Lato Mr. and Mrs. Charles Erath, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Tussey Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Langner Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pither Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lunsford Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Stamm Mr. and Mrs. Tom Black Mr. and Mrs. William Busch Mr. and Mrs. Michael Williams Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Lich Mr. and Mrs. David Witter Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sly Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith Mr. and Mrs. James Shipley Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mueller Mr. and Mrs. Richard Poole Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Terry Ryterski Mr. and Mrs. Donald Perry Mr. and Mrs. Sean Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Donald Morin Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Trudeau Mr. and Mrs. Victor Wade Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bunch Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Blancett Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Green Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bull Mr. and Mrs. Michael Digman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hill Mr. and Mrs. John Koerber Mr. and Mrs. Richard Merical Mr. and Mrs. Dale Griffen Mr. and Mrs. Larry Whitsett VETERANS’ PARADE We will have an organizational meeting on Saturday, October 22 at 4:00 pm. 20 -- 30 Volunteers will be needed. Please come to the meeting and Lend your support! EVERYBODY IS INVITED! ELKS GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEET ON THE FIRST AND THIRD TUESDAY EACH MONTH AT 7:00 PM, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF JULY, AUGUST AND DECEMBER WHEN THERE IS ONLY ONE MEETING ON THE FIRST TUESDAY. BOARD OF DIRECTORS (BOD) MEET THE FIRST TUESDAY EACH MONTH AT 5:30 PM. PAST EXALTED RULERS MEET ON THE FIRST TUESDAY EACH MONTH AT 5:00 PM Entertainment for October (6:30-9:30) 10/7 Dee & Steve Ford 10/28 Matt Phillips (Karaoke) Sun Mon Tue Wed Thurs Fri Sat 1 2 Sunday Fun Day Noon 9 3 House 4 5 6 Committee Mtg $1 Tacos and PER Mtg 5 pm 9:30 am BoD Mtg 5:30 p $4 Taco Salads Burgers General Queen Hearts Membership Shuffleboard 5:30 pm Mtg 5pm Bags 7pm Washers Tournament (Casual) 10 Sunday Fun Day Noon Style Show Sunday Fun Day Noon Christmas Auction Mtg 10 am Burgers 12 13 $1 Tacos and Veterans Show Me $4 Taco Salads The $$$ Committee Mtg Queen Hearts 3 pm 7 pm 5:30 pm 17 18 NEWSLETTER General ARTICLES Membership DUE NOON Mtg 7pm Burgers (Casual) Shuffleboard 24 Sunday Fun Day Noon 30 Sunday Fun Day Noon 25 Burgers Shuffleboard 5pm 31 Burgers Shuffleboard 5pm Washers DRINK SPECIAL Cactus Juice Shot $1 8 Less Than 1/2 Way To St Pat’s Dinner & Party With Entertainment 14 Mouse Races Guest Bartender Matt Laughlin 4-6 pm 15 Bar Trivia 7 pm Bags Tournament Shuffleboard 5pm Washers 23 Show Me The $$$ 7 pm 11 5pm 16 Downstream Casino Trip 7 19 22 $1 Tacos and Show Me $4 Taco Salads The $$$ Queen Hearts 7 pm 5:30 pm 21 22 Deep Fried Turkey Breast Dinner Veteran’s Parade Meeting 4:00 pm Bags Tournament 26 27 $1 Tacos and Show Me The $$$ $4 Taco Salads 7 pm Queen Hearts 5:30 pm Bags Tournament 28 Halloween Dinner and Party with Entertainment Please continue checking the Lodge and your email for Friday Night Meal Updates. If you would like to volunteer to be in charge of a Friday Night meal, see Jerry Spurgeon or Denny Pennington Remember, we really need volunteers in the Kitchen 29 KITCHEN HOURS 5:30 till 7:00 pm, or until gone, Monday, Wednesday and Friday HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLE RAFFLE WOW! On September 18 we had the drawing for our Veterans’ Committee Harley Davidson motorcycle. This was one of the largest projects our Lodge has undertaken. The winner was BOBBI BASH of Lake Ozark. Ticket sales were $36,150; Donations of $2,764 for a total of $38,914. Our expenses were $13, 062.63 which leaves us $25,851.37 for our veterans’ programs! We started this project in April and visited many venues around the Lake during the past 5 months! I would like to thank all our members and spouses who helped to make this a huge success and thanks to all who purchased tickets! Thank you so much! Bill Morris, Raffle Chairman LODGE GRANTS UPDATE The Gratitude Grant was used to purchase fire safety manuals for 400 children in our local schools. We were also able to purchase and send personal hygiene supplies and snacks to a Platoon stationed in Afghanistan. We will use the Beacon Grant to purchase coats, shoes, gym shorts and other needed items for our local underprivileged school children. You may be asked to help shop! Receiving these grants from the Grand Lodge is very important to our Lodge. It is FREE money we use to help others. If you have any ideas for future grants, please let me know! Nancy Sappington, Lodge Secretary Our 3rd Annual Veterans’ Day Parade will be November 12 at 10:00 am. The Parade route is from City Hall to our Lodge. We will provide hot dogs and chili to participants and spectators. We need volunteers to help carry our flag as well as cooking and serving the food. The (less than) Half Way to St Pat’s Day dinner and party will be October 7. Dinner will be corned beef and cabbage...of course! Dee and Steve Ford will be entertaining us! The Halloween Party will be Friday October 28. Get your costumes together and come join the party! Matt Phillips will be entertaining us! Happy Halloween! Lois Dunnagan ELKS LODGE 2517 JERRY TEICHGRAEBER MEMORIAL VETERANS LEGACY SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM 2017 Who is Eligible? 1. Any child or grandchild (or step child, step grandchild or legal ward) of any veteran member in good standing of Elks Lodge 2517. The child can reside anywhere within the United States. 2. Applicant must be a graduating senior 3. Veterans Legacy awards my only be applied to accredited US American schools, colleges, universities or vocational schools. 4. Applicant must take the Scholastic Aptitude Test or the American College Test by December 31, 2016. If planning to enroll in vocational school, this requirement is waived. Who will select the Legacy Award winners? A selection committee will be appointed by Lodge 2517 Veterans Committee. This committee will be responsible for the confidential review of each applicant’s file and the sole determiner of the Legacy Award recipients. How will applicants be judged? 1. Scholarship 2. Leadership 3. Responses to essay 4. Work Experience 5. Financial How to apply and what are deadlines? 1. Obtain a Veterans Legacy Award application from Elks Lodge 2517. There is one application form for those planning to attend college and a different form for those planning to attend vocational school. Please use the correct form. 2. Student must complete the application and return to Elks Lodge 2517 by February 28, 2017, or sooner. How will awards be administered? 1. The award become final when the student is notified, accepts it and actually enrolls in an accredited US American school, college, university or vocational school. All checks are paid directly to the school, made out to the school and the recipient. Under no circumstance can we make payment to the student. 2. Scholarship may be used for tuition and fees, books and supplies and room and board, if living on campus. 3. A complete verification of enrollment form from the attending school must be received in the office of Elks Lodge 2517, whereupon a check will be issued. 4. If the student leaves school for any reason, the undistributed balance must be returned to Elks Lodge 2517. 5. In all correspondence relating to a student who is applying for the Veterans Legacy Award, or who has won the Award, the full name of the student must be provided. PLEASE NOTE From the Editor, Carol Perkins Please email your newsletter articles by noon on October 17 to the Elks: elks2517nl@yahoo.com Upcoming Events 10/3 House Committee Mtg 9:30 am 10/3 Washers 10/4 PER Mtg 5 pm 10/4 BoD Mtg 5:30 pm 10/4 General Membership Mtg 7 pm 10/7 (Less Than) 1/2 Way to St Pats Dinner 10/8 Guest Bartender Matt Laughlin 10/8 Mouse Races 10/9 Annual Style Show 10/10 Christmas Auction Mtg 10 am 10/11 10/14 10/16 10/17 10/17 10/18 10/22 10/28 11/7 Upcoming Events Veterans Committee Mtg 3 pm Bar Trivia 7 pm Downstream Casino Trip Newsletter Articles Due Noon Washers General Membership Mtg 7 pm Veterans Parade Mtg 4 pm Halloween Party 3rd Annual Veteran’s Parade