Fall 2014 - District 4 Toastmasters
Fall 2014 - District 4 Toastmasters
The FOUR FOURcaster caster What’s making waves in District 4 Toastmasters Fall Edition 2014 Are you ready to Catch the Wave? Wave ? Join your fellow Toastmasters on November 8, 2014 at the District 4 Fall Conference in be a u t i f u l Monterey. Our keynote speaker, Judy Carter, will help us awaken the power and humor of our personal stories. Educational sessions, speech contests and Hall of Fame inductions will inspire you to carve your own way through the waves and R ide to S uccess ! Inside This Issue: Fall District Conference KEYNOTE SPEECH: “The Message of You: You Can’t Spell Message without M-E-S-S” Hanging Ten with D4TM: Club Events Do you have an Extraordinary Story INSIDE OF YOU but can’t seem to FIND it? "In her inspiring keynote and hands-on workshop, internationally renowned speaker and American author/comic Judy Carter takes you on a journey into yourself, awakening you to the POWER and Keynote Speaker HUMOR behind the stories JUDY CARTER that make up your life. Even if you feel like an “ordinary” person, Judy will guide you to find the EXTRAORDINARY story you have to share. A story only you can tell. A story that can give your life meaning, inspire others, ignite your career, and help you better connect with clients, friends and family. " Featured Clubs: Talk the Line Foster City Toastmasters MarketingSpotlight Education & Training Spotlight Bina’s Corner Distinguished Toastmasters Quick Links 1 d4tm.org 7 S aturday, Novemb er 8, 2014 R egister at: www.D4TM.OR G/ FALL2014 PRICING EARLY BIRD registration (ends October 31): $70 Conference Package ($90 after October 31) $90 Conference Package + evening reception ($110 after October 31) A la carte options are available (see registration page for details) CONFERENCE SCHEDULE 7:00 AM 8:15 AM 8:45 AM 10:30 AM 11:20 AM 12:00 PM 1:45 PM Sign in, Breakfast Opening Ceremonies Evaluation Contest Keynote Address Educational Breakout Sessions Luncheon; Hall of Fame Recognition District Business Meeting; Breakout Sessions Humorous Speech Contest Conference Adjourns; Opportunity Awards winners posted Optional Evening Reception Reception Program Adjourns 3:30 PM 5:45 PM 6:30 PM 8:00 PM KEYNOTE SPEAKER BIO J U DY C A R TER Judy Carter is a TEDx speaker, humorist, and stress reduction expert. expert. She has been feafeatured on over 100 TV shows, nominated for Atlantic City’s Entertainer of the the year, and and has been featured in the Wall Wall Street Journal, Wal New York Times, Times, The Oprah Winfrey Winfrey Show and on CNN. As an author, author, Judy doesn’t like to brag, but she did write the Bible. No joke, author of The The Comedy Bible (Simon she’s the author well as Standup Comedy: Comed y: & Schuster), as well The Book (Dell Books). Judy’s new book, The Message Message of You, teaches readers how to to inspire others and has has been use life stories to inspire featuredon National TV as well as NPR's “All Things Considered.” You can find free speaking and comedy tools at: http://judycarter.com EDUCATIONAL EDUCATIONAL SESSIONS SESSIONS “Finding “Finding Extraordinary Extraordinary Stories Stories in in an an Ordinary Ordinary Day” Day” Judy Judy Carter’s Carter’s hands-on hands-on workshop workshop will will help help you you find find the the stories stories only only you you can can tell tell “Branded “Branded for for Success Success -- Personal Personal Branding Branding Techniques Techniques to to Advance Advance Your Your Career” Career” Immediate Immediate Past Past District District Governor, Governor, Distinguished Distinguished Toastmaster, Toastmaster, Rita Rita Barber Barber S aturday, Novemb er 8, 2014 R egister at: www.D4TM.OR G/FALL2014 2 S aturday, Novemb er 8, 2014 R egister at: www.D4TM.OR G/ FALL2014 ATTENDING THE BUSINESS MEETING IS FREE FRE E ! Presidentsand andVPEs VPEsor ortheir theirproxies proxiesget getaavote vote Presidents Arrive Arriv eby by1:00 1:00 1: 00PM PMto tocheck to checkin inat atthe theCredentials the Credentialsdesk deskand and Arrive pickup upyour yourballots ballots pick Printproxy proxyform formon onpage page99of ofthis thisnewletter newletteror ordownload download Print at: ititat: http://d4tm.org/images/conference/fall2014_proxy_form.pdf http://d4tm.org http:// d4tm.org/images/conference/ /images/conference/fall fall2014_proxy_form.pdf 2014_proxy_form.pdf tto oattend attend atten dbusiness businesssmeeting busines meeting meetin gonly only No N oregistration registration registratio nrequired requiredto No (no refreshments refreshments included) included) (no DISTRICT 4 REFORMATION Over the years, District 4 Toastmasters has been consistently growing. This successful growth of our district has brought us to a point where we are now looking at reforming reformin g District Distric t 4 per pe r Toastmasters Toastmaster s International may better guidelines guidelines into into two two districts so so that that we we may serve our members. The reformation is planned for the 2016 – 2017 year. We will vote on District 4 Reformation at the Business Meeting Meeting during during the Fall Conference Conference on November 8th. For more information, please feel free to email emai l Immediate Past District Governor Governor Rita Rit a Barber at ipdg@d4tm.org SPONSORSHIP AND ADVERTISING Do you have a Business or Organiza�on iza�on that that you you would would like like to to showcase? showcase? Would you like to adver�se your products or services? Do Do you you think think you you have have the the best best Toastmasters Toastmasters Club Club in in the the District? District? This Fall Conference offers multiple sponsorship and advertising opportunities to do all 3! There are Platinum, Gold and Silver sponsorship levels for your company or business starting at $500 AND business card size to full page advertising in the conference program starting at $30! Sponsorship includes Banner and Signage, Advertising in the Program, Conference tickets and placement of YOUR LOGO and website LINK on D4TM website. Custom Sponsorships tailored to your budget and objectives are also available. If your company or busines sponsors YOUR TOASTMASTER CLUB, ask them to consider sponsoring the conference or placing ad supporting your club and the Toastmaster mission! ALL THE PROCEEDS BENEFIT DISTRICT 4 AND ITS EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS! Don’t delay; contact Ben Cardenas Cardenas,, Sponsorship Chairperson NOW! benthepromaster@gmail.com P: 650-533-5358 S aturday, Novemb er 8, 2014 R egister at: www.D4TM.OR G/FALL2014 3 HANGING TEN with D4TM Highlights around the District 4 d4tm.org FEATURED CLUBS Talk the Line “One of the things I noticed was how they greeted and thanked each of us and for the members who spoke. The Applause, not just any ordinary applause, I mean THE APPLAUSE. One that gets your emotions moving, one that is felt deep down inside. What a way to be welcomed and thanked!” ~ testimonial from a visitor to Talk the Line You may think, all Toastmasters clubs are welcoming, so what is special about this club? ‘Talk The Line’ club was started in Soledad prison, California in 2008. All the members are prisoners. The club has strict attendance and participation rules for members. Members address one another formally (saying Mister rather than first names). Club officers take their roles seriously. The speeches are of the highest caliber, displaying much research and thought. Members are passionate about Toastmasters, always thrilled when outside Toastmasters come as trainers or to provide feedback. There is a continual waiting list for new members hoping to get into the club. Being accepted into the club is a highly coveted honor. Every term, representatives from District 4 visit the club to provide club officers training. The club also held their first ever speech contest. For the last two years, Talk The Line has achieved President’s Distinguished award and are aiming for the third time. This makes Talk the Line a very special club in District 4. However, formula for success at Talk the Line is same as any other club: Trained and engaged officers, members rooting for mutual self-development and running quality meetings. The members of the club also support Gavel clubs within the correctional facilities. Foster City Toastmasters Club Foster City Toastmasters Club is a President’s Distinguished Toastmasters community club focused on empowering members to become leaders. We are a warm, friendly, and supportive club. We love our club so much that we maintain a high retention rate, manage excellent guest-tomember conversion rate (current base = 44 and growing), and contribute back to Toastmasters and District 4 by helping other clubs achieve their success. We also sponsored the charter of a new advanced club The San Mateo Storytellers, to develop the art of storytelling. When you join our club, you are assigned a mentor who will work alongside you to create your individual development plan that’s customized to your needs, your personal development goals, and your personal time commitments. We ensure that your development plan is driven by S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely) Goals. Our signature Fast Track Program provides you that extra push to get you closer to your success. As a member, we will encourage you to step outside your comfort zone by providing you opportunities to participate in various Toastmaster events. Our members are always eager to volunteer because they see the value it brings to develop a broader learning experience. Every member of our club strives to make Foster City Toastmasters Club a model club in District 4. Come join us and be part of the story. We would love to have you visit us and join our family. We meet at the Starboard Room at the Foster City Community Center every 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, between 07:30 PM and 09:30 PM. The Community Center is at 1000 E. Hillsdale Boulevard, Foster City, CA 94404. 5 d4tm.org MARKETING SPOTLIGHT Andy Gimenez, Lt. Governor Marketing, shares advice and highlights B u il d in g Y o ur C l ub ’ s F o un d at i on a nd G row t h The health of a Toastmasters club doesn’t solely rely on the speaking talents of its members and the leadership of its officer team. Having one or both of these luxuries in a club is not a possibility without membership building! Membership building includes reten�on and growth, not one or the other. How focused is your club on membership building? September Sanity Clubs that renewed 75% of their 7/1/14 membership base by September 15, 2014, earned $50 in District Credit. Thank you to the over 50 clubs that achieved September Sanity, which shows to everyone in the District, including their own members, that membership retention is key to keeping a strong club. 2014 Smedley Award From August 1 to September 30 of every term, World Headquarters recognizes all clubs that add 5 or more new, dual, or reinstated members. As a reward, clubs received a “Smedley Award” ribbon for display next to the club banner along with a 10% off their next club mail order. Many thanks in advance to these award winning clubs, who will be notified by World Headquarters in a few weeks. Swish! “Nothing but Net” Contest From now un�l December 31, 2014, District 4 will recognize the 3 top clubs in each Division that have the largest net gain in membership. For example, if a club’s 7/1/14 membership base is 20, adds 10 new members, and loses 5 members at renewal �me, the club’s net gain is +5. Within each Division, the top finishing club will win District Credits in the amount of: 1st place will win $100, 2nd place will win $75, and 3rd place will win $50. Membership Building Webinar On Wednesday, October 15, please join me, along with Rita Barber, DTM, IPDG, for a fun and insightful hour, learning the ABCs of building club membership. After watching this webinar, you will walk away knowing valuable best practices, from how to close the sale on prospective members, conducting an attractive open house, to keeping the membership experience fresh and interesting. For more details and to register: https://district4tm.wufoo.com/forms/membership-building-webinar/ I s y o u r c l u b i t c h i n g to r a i se the bar on membership? Have an idea on a new club? coach a W o u l d y o u l i k e t o co c l u b o r m e n t o r a ne w c l u b? Co C o n n e c t w i t h A n dy a t lgm@d4tm.org 6 d4tm.org EDUCATION & TRAINING Katherine Pratt, Lt. Gov. Education & Training, shares highlights and advice Creating Opportunities to Raise the Bar “Life opens up opportunities to you, and you either take them or you stay afraid of taking them. “ ~ Actor, Jim Carrey Toastmasters gives us the chance to take those opportunities, instead of letting them pass us by. What opportunities can you create this year to raise your own bar? I’m happy to see many instances of members and their clubs raising the bar this year. During club officer training, I encountered many brand new members taking on officer roles for the first time. Two of our newer clubs, UBSF and Pacific Rim stretched themselves to have all 7 officers trained. Clubs all over the district are working together to ensure the success of Toastmasters a club which their members. I was inspired after a recent visit to Peninsula Toastmasters, began the year with 9 members. In a few short months, they have added 5 new members, filled their meetings with multiple manual speeches, and are working together to become a distinguished club. They are living their new mantra, “Back on Track, Bouncing Back, Making a Mark.” Now that’s Raising the Bar! Educational Awards and Triple Crown Are you working on your speaking and leadership goals? Each month we publish the names of those who have earned educational awards on our website here . For those who are willing to set the bar high and earn three d i fferent educational awards this year, we will offer Triple Crown Award pins. Each member must earn at least one communication award (CC, ACB, ACS, ACG) and at least one leadership award (CL, ALB, ALS, DTM) to qualify. Early Achievers District 4 is ready to offer recognition to those clubs who are stretching themselves and helping members fill their goals. Any club which becomes an Early Achiever, (achieves 5 Distinguished Club Program goals by October 31), will receive $100 in district credit. As of October 6, 13 clubs have become Early Achievers and numerous others are on the path as well. Club Officer Training Update District 4 had a very successful club officer training season. 193 clubs (69%) had 4 or more club officers trained and 86 clubs (31%) had all 7 officers trained! A special thank you goes to Atul Nayak and Dennis Chase, our two TLI chairs, and all the Division and Area Governors who helped to put club officer training together throughout the district. Thank you to the trainers and of course the members who attended and helped us to Raise the Bar on training this season! Are you looking for chances to raise your own bar? Do you have a success story to tell? Reach out to Katherine at lget@d4tm.org 7 d4tm.org BINA’S CORNER A message from Bina Mehta, District 4 Governor “Seekh Hum Beete Yugon Se, Naye Yug Ka Karein Swagat” “Let’s welcome the future, learning from the past” These are the words from the theme song of one of the most popular TV series in India, Mahabharata, based on the Indian Epic of the same name. This week, we met with District 4 Past District Governor’s committee to share this year’s plan and progress and get nuggets of their wisdom. It was a rich and memorable experience to meet a group of 20 Toastmasters leaders from 20th and 21st century who care about our members and believe in the mission of Toastmasters. Have you met someone who has been a Toastmaster for over 10 years and wonder, what makes them keep coming? It is the opportunity of continuous learning, helping a fellow member, and being inspired by the transformation of newer members. Toastmasters International is celebrating its 90th anniversary. We have 90 years of history to learn from and a promising future to welcome. In our founder Dr. Ralph Smedley’s words, “We We learn best in moments of enjoyment” enjoyment . District 4 conferences are great opportunities to learn with enjoyment and our upcoming Fall conference is no exception. If you have never attended one, here are the reasons to attend: Celebrate Success at Hall of Fame. In this issue, you have read about numerous examples of members and clubs Raising the Bar. You will get a chance to meet and applaud them. Enhance your speaking and leadership skills by listening to experts. Support and cheer our Division champions compete for District titles. Network and make new connections. I would love to see you Catch the Wave and Ride to Success on November 8th in Seaside, Monterey. Warm Regards, Bina Mehta, ACG/ALB District 4 Governor dg@d4tm.org 8 d4tm.org 9 The FOU FOUR Rcaste casterr What’s making waves in District 4 Toastmasters Fall Edition 2014 CONTACTS: DISTINGUISHED TOASTMASTERS TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL Congratulations to the following members who have recently achieved their Distinguished Toastmaster Award. DISTRICT 4 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE http://www.toastmasters.org DTM is the highest level award that a Toastmaster can achieve and signifies the completion of both the communication and leadership tracks. District Governor: Bina Mehta, ACG/ALB dg@d4tm.org Lt. Gov. Education: & Training Katherine Pratt, DTM lget@d4tm.org Lt. Gov. Marketing: Andrew Gimenez, ACB/ALS lgm@d4tm.org Cheers to: Jim Ferrer Ravi Ganesan Jenny Cai Sam Chow Michael Bassetti Page Edwards James Louie Sunil Tomar Ritu Gupta Danny Lau Sue-May Jin Dave Gaul Lawrence Hileman Public Relations Officer: Deep Kakkar, ACB, ALS pro@d4tm.org Immediate Past District Governor: Rita Barber, DTM ipdg@d4tm.org District Secretary: Hari Sanghvi District Treasurer: Dave Gaul Parliamentarian: Tony DeLeon, DTM Sergeant-at-Arms: Keith Worrell DISTRICT 4 QUICK LINKS District 4 Website: www.d4tm.org District 4 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/District4Toastmasters District 4 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/district-4toastmasters District 4 Twitter: http://twitter.com/D4TM District 4 MeetUp Group: http://www.meetup.com/district4toastmasters/ d4tm.org Newsletter Designed by Lisa Tsai 10 The FOUR FOURcaster caster What’s making waves in District 4 Toastmasters Fall Edition 2014 Are you ready to Catch the Wave? Wave ? Join your fellow Toastmasters on November 8, 2014 at the District 4 Fall Conference in be a u t i f u l Monterey. Our keynote speaker, Judy Carter, will help us awaken the power and humor of our personal stories. Educational sessions, speech contests and Hall of Fame inductions will inspire you to carve your own way through the waves and R ide to S uccess ! Inside This Issue: Fall District Conference KEYNOTE SPEECH: “The Message of You: You Can’t Spell Message without M-E-S-S” Hanging Ten with D4TM: Club Events Do you have an Extraordinary Story INSIDE OF YOU but can’t seem to FIND it? "In her inspiring keynote and hands-on workshop, internationally renowned speaker and American author/comic Judy Carter takes you on a journey into yourself, awakening you to the POWER and Keynote Speaker HUMOR behind the stories JUDY CARTER that make up your life. Even if you feel like an “ordinary” person, Judy will guide you to find the EXTRAORDINARY story you have to share. A story only you can tell. A story that can give your life meaning, inspire others, ignite your career, and help you better connect with clients, friends and family. " Featured Clubs: Talk the Line Foster City Toastmasters MarketingSpotlight Education & Training Spotlight Bina’s Corner Distinguished Toastmasters Quick Links 1 d4tm.org 7 S aturday, Novemb er 8, 2014 R egister at: www.D4TM.OR G/ FALL2014 PRICING EARLY BIRD registration (ends October 31): $70 Conference Package ($90 after October 31) $90 Conference Package + evening reception ($110 after October 31) A la carte options are available (see registration page for details) CONFERENCE SCHEDULE 7:00 AM 8:15 AM 8:45 AM 10:30 AM 11:20 AM 12:00 PM 1:45 PM Sign in, Breakfast Opening Ceremonies Evaluation Contest Keynote Address Educational Breakout Sessions Luncheon; Hall of Fame Recognition District Business Meeting; Breakout Sessions Humorous Speech Contest Conference Adjourns; Opportunity Awards winners posted Optional Evening Reception Reception Program Adjourns 3:30 PM 5:45 PM 6:30 PM 8:00 PM KEYNOTE SPEAKER BIO J U DY C A R TER Judy Carter is a TEDx speaker, humorist, and stress reduction expert. expert. She has been feafeatured on over 100 TV shows, nominated for Atlantic City’s Entertainer of the the year, and and has been featured in the Wall Wall Street Journal, Wal New York Times, Times, The Oprah Winfrey Winfrey Show and on CNN. As an author, author, Judy doesn’t like to brag, but she did write the Bible. No joke, author of The The Comedy Bible (Simon she’s the author well as Standup Comedy: Comed y: & Schuster), as well The Book (Dell Books). Judy’s new book, The Message Message of You, teaches readers how to to inspire others and has has been use life stories to inspire featuredon National TV as well as NPR's “All Things Considered.” You can find free speaking and comedy tools at: http://judycarter.com EDUCATIONAL EDUCATIONAL SESSIONS SESSIONS “Finding “Finding Extraordinary Extraordinary Stories Stories in in an an Ordinary Ordinary Day” Day” Judy Judy Carter’s Carter’s hands-on hands-on workshop workshop will will help help you you find find the the stories stories only only you you can can tell tell “Branded “Branded for for Success Success -- Personal Personal Branding Branding Techniques Techniques to to Advance Advance Your Your Career” Career” Immediate Immediate Past Past District District Governor, Governor, Distinguished Distinguished Toastmaster, Toastmaster, Rita Rita Barber Barber S aturday, Novemb er 8, 2014 R egister at: www.D4TM.OR G/FALL2014 2 S aturday, Novemb er 8, 2014 R egister at: www.D4TM.OR G/ FALL2014 ATTENDING THE BUSINESS MEETING IS FREE FRE E ! Presidentsand andVPEs VPEsor ortheir theirproxies proxiesget getaavote vote Presidents Arrive Arriv eby by1:00 1:00 1: 00PM PMto tocheck to checkin inat atthe theCredentials the Credentialsdesk deskand and Arrive pickup upyour yourballots ballots pick Printproxy proxyform formon onpage page99of ofthis thisnewletter newletteror ordownload download Print at: ititat: http://d4tm.org/images/conference/fall2014_proxy_form.pdf http://d4tm.org http:// d4tm.org/images/conference/ /images/conference/fall fall2014_proxy_form.pdf 2014_proxy_form.pdf tto oattend attend atten dbusiness businesssmeeting busines meeting meetin gonly only No N oregistration registration registratio nrequired requiredto No (no refreshments refreshments included) included) (no DISTRICT 4 REFORMATION Over the years, District 4 Toastmasters has been consistently growing. This successful growth of our district has brought us to a point where we are now looking at reforming reformin g District Distric t 4 per pe r Toastmasters Toastmaster s International may better guidelines guidelines into into two two districts so so that that we we may serve our members. The reformation is planned for the 2016 – 2017 year. We will vote on District 4 Reformation at the Business Meeting Meeting during during the Fall Conference Conference on November 8th. For more information, please feel free to email emai l Immediate Past District Governor Governor Rita Rit a Barber at ipdg@d4tm.org SPONSORSHIP AND ADVERTISING Do you have a Business or Organiza�on iza�on that that you you would would like like to to showcase? showcase? Would you like to adver�se your products or services? Do Do you you think think you you have have the the best best Toastmasters Toastmasters Club Club in in the the District? District? This Fall Conference offers multiple sponsorship and advertising opportunities to do all 3! There are Platinum, Gold and Silver sponsorship levels for your company or business starting at $500 AND business card size to full page advertising in the conference program starting at $30! Sponsorship includes Banner and Signage, Advertising in the Program, Conference tickets and placement of YOUR LOGO and website LINK on D4TM website. Custom Sponsorships tailored to your budget and objectives are also available. If your company or busines sponsors YOUR TOASTMASTER CLUB, ask them to consider sponsoring the conference or placing ad supporting your club and the Toastmaster mission! ALL THE PROCEEDS BENEFIT DISTRICT 4 AND ITS EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS! Don’t delay; contact Ben Cardenas Cardenas,, Sponsorship Chairperson NOW! benthepromaster@gmail.com P: 650-533-5358 S aturday, Novemb er 8, 2014 R egister at: www.D4TM.OR G/FALL2014 3 HANGING TEN with D4TM Highlights around the District 4 d4tm.org FEATURED CLUBS Talk the Line “One of the things I noticed was how they greeted and thanked each of us and for the members who spoke. The Applause, not just any ordinary applause, I mean THE APPLAUSE. One that gets your emotions moving, one that is felt deep down inside. What a way to be welcomed and thanked!” ~ testimonial from a visitor to Talk the Line You may think, all Toastmasters clubs are welcoming, so what is special about this club? ‘Talk The Line’ club was started in Soledad prison, California in 2008. All the members are prisoners. The club has strict attendance and participation rules for members. Members address one another formally (saying Mister rather than first names). Club officers take their roles seriously. The speeches are of the highest caliber, displaying much research and thought. Members are passionate about Toastmasters, always thrilled when outside Toastmasters come as trainers or to provide feedback. There is a continual waiting list for new members hoping to get into the club. Being accepted into the club is a highly coveted honor. Every term, representatives from District 4 visit the club to provide club officers training. The club also held their first ever speech contest. For the last two years, Talk The Line has achieved President’s Distinguished award and are aiming for the third time. This makes Talk the Line a very special club in District 4. However, formula for success at Talk the Line is same as any other club: Trained and engaged officers, members rooting for mutual self-development and running quality meetings. The members of the club also support Gavel clubs within the correctional facilities. Foster City Toastmasters Club Foster City Toastmasters Club is a President’s Distinguished Toastmasters community club focused on empowering members to become leaders. We are a warm, friendly, and supportive club. We love our club so much that we maintain a high retention rate, manage excellent guest-tomember conversion rate (current base = 44 and growing), and contribute back to Toastmasters and District 4 by helping other clubs achieve their success. We also sponsored the charter of a new advanced club The San Mateo Storytellers, to develop the art of storytelling. When you join our club, you are assigned a mentor who will work alongside you to create your individual development plan that’s customized to your needs, your personal development goals, and your personal time commitments. We ensure that your development plan is driven by S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely) Goals. Our signature Fast Track Program provides you that extra push to get you closer to your success. As a member, we will encourage you to step outside your comfort zone by providing you opportunities to participate in various Toastmaster events. Our members are always eager to volunteer because they see the value it brings to develop a broader learning experience. Every member of our club strives to make Foster City Toastmasters Club a model club in District 4. Come join us and be part of the story. We would love to have you visit us and join our family. We meet at the Starboard Room at the Foster City Community Center every 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, between 07:30 PM and 09:30 PM. The Community Center is at 1000 E. Hillsdale Boulevard, Foster City, CA 94404. 5 d4tm.org MARKETING SPOTLIGHT Andy Gimenez, Lt. Governor Marketing, shares advice and highlights B u il d in g Y o ur C l ub ’ s F o un d at i on a nd G row t h The health of a Toastmasters club doesn’t solely rely on the speaking talents of its members and the leadership of its officer team. Having one or both of these luxuries in a club is not a possibility without membership building! Membership building includes reten�on and growth, not one or the other. How focused is your club on membership building? September Sanity Clubs that renewed 75% of their 7/1/14 membership base by September 15, 2014, earned $50 in District Credit. Thank you to the over 50 clubs that achieved September Sanity, which shows to everyone in the District, including their own members, that membership retention is key to keeping a strong club. 2014 Smedley Award From August 1 to September 30 of every term, World Headquarters recognizes all clubs that add 5 or more new, dual, or reinstated members. As a reward, clubs received a “Smedley Award” ribbon for display next to the club banner along with a 10% off their next club mail order. Many thanks in advance to these award winning clubs, who will be notified by World Headquarters in a few weeks. Swish! “Nothing but Net” Contest From now un�l December 31, 2014, District 4 will recognize the 3 top clubs in each Division that have the largest net gain in membership. For example, if a club’s 7/1/14 membership base is 20, adds 10 new members, and loses 5 members at renewal �me, the club’s net gain is +5. Within each Division, the top finishing club will win District Credits in the amount of: 1st place will win $100, 2nd place will win $75, and 3rd place will win $50. Membership Building Webinar On Wednesday, October 15, please join me, along with Rita Barber, DTM, IPDG, for a fun and insightful hour, learning the ABCs of building club membership. After watching this webinar, you will walk away knowing valuable best practices, from how to close the sale on prospective members, conducting an attractive open house, to keeping the membership experience fresh and interesting. For more details and to register: https://district4tm.wufoo.com/forms/membership-building-webinar/ I s y o u r c l u b i t c h i n g to r a i se the bar on membership? Have an idea on a new club? coach a W o u l d y o u l i k e t o co c l u b o r m e n t o r a ne w c l u b? Co C o n n e c t w i t h A n dy a t lgm@d4tm.org 6 d4tm.org EDUCATION & TRAINING Katherine Pratt, Lt. Gov. Education & Training, shares highlights and advice Creating Opportunities to Raise the Bar “Life opens up opportunities to you, and you either take them or you stay afraid of taking them. “ ~ Actor, Jim Carrey Toastmasters gives us the chance to take those opportunities, instead of letting them pass us by. What opportunities can you create this year to raise your own bar? I’m happy to see many instances of members and their clubs raising the bar this year. During club officer training, I encountered many brand new members taking on officer roles for the first time. Two of our newer clubs, UBSF and Pacific Rim stretched themselves to have all 7 officers trained. Clubs all over the district are working together to ensure the success of Toastmasters a club which their members. I was inspired after a recent visit to Peninsula Toastmasters, began the year with 9 members. In a few short months, they have added 5 new members, filled their meetings with multiple manual speeches, and are working together to become a distinguished club. They are living their new mantra, “Back on Track, Bouncing Back, Making a Mark.” Now that’s Raising the Bar! Educational Awards and Triple Crown Are you working on your speaking and leadership goals? Each month we publish the names of those who have earned educational awards on our website here . For those who are willing to set the bar high and earn three d i fferent educational awards this year, we will offer Triple Crown Award pins. Each member must earn at least one communication award (CC, ACB, ACS, ACG) and at least one leadership award (CL, ALB, ALS, DTM) to qualify. Early Achievers District 4 is ready to offer recognition to those clubs who are stretching themselves and helping members fill their goals. Any club which becomes an Early Achiever, (achieves 5 Distinguished Club Program goals by October 31), will receive $100 in district credit. As of October 6, 13 clubs have become Early Achievers and numerous others are on the path as well. Club Officer Training Update District 4 had a very successful club officer training season. 193 clubs (69%) had 4 or more club officers trained and 86 clubs (31%) had all 7 officers trained! A special thank you goes to Atul Nayak and Dennis Chase, our two TLI chairs, and all the Division and Area Governors who helped to put club officer training together throughout the district. Thank you to the trainers and of course the members who attended and helped us to Raise the Bar on training this season! Are you looking for chances to raise your own bar? Do you have a success story to tell? Reach out to Katherine at lget@d4tm.org 7 d4tm.org BINA’S CORNER A message from Bina Mehta, District 4 Governor “Seekh Hum Beete Yugon Se, Naye Yug Ka Karein Swagat” “Let’s welcome the future, learning from the past” These are the words from the theme song of one of the most popular TV series in India, Mahabharata, based on the Indian Epic of the same name. This week, we met with District 4 Past District Governor’s committee to share this year’s plan and progress and get nuggets of their wisdom. It was a rich and memorable experience to meet a group of 20 Toastmasters leaders from 20th and 21st century who care about our members and believe in the mission of Toastmasters. Have you met someone who has been a Toastmaster for over 10 years and wonder, what makes them keep coming? It is the opportunity of continuous learning, helping a fellow member, and being inspired by the transformation of newer members. Toastmasters International is celebrating its 90th anniversary. We have 90 years of history to learn from and a promising future to welcome. In our founder Dr. Ralph Smedley’s words, “We We learn best in moments of enjoyment” enjoyment . District 4 conferences are great opportunities to learn with enjoyment and our upcoming Fall conference is no exception. If you have never attended one, here are the reasons to attend: Celebrate Success at Hall of Fame. In this issue, you have read about numerous examples of members and clubs Raising the Bar. You will get a chance to meet and applaud them. Enhance your speaking and leadership skills by listening to experts. Support and cheer our Division champions compete for District titles. Network and make new connections. I would love to see you Catch the Wave and Ride to Success on November 8th in Seaside, Monterey. Warm Regards, Bina Mehta, ACG/ALB District 4 Governor dg@d4tm.org 8 d4tm.org 9 The FOU FOUR Rcaste casterr What’s making waves in District 4 Toastmasters Fall Edition 2014 CONTACTS: DISTINGUISHED TOASTMASTERS TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL Congratulations to the following members who have recently achieved their Distinguished Toastmaster Award. DISTRICT 4 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE http://www.toastmasters.org DTM is the highest level award that a Toastmaster can achieve and signifies the completion of both the communication and leadership tracks. District Governor: Bina Mehta, ACG/ALB dg@d4tm.org Lt. Gov. Education: & Training Katherine Pratt, DTM lget@d4tm.org Lt. Gov. Marketing: Andrew Gimenez, ACB/ALS lgm@d4tm.org Cheers to: Jim Ferrer Ravi Ganesan Jenny Cai Sam Chow Michael Bassetti Page Edwards James Louie Sunil Tomar Ritu Gupta Danny Lau Sue-May Jin Dave Gaul Lawrence Hileman Public Relations Officer: Deep Kakkar, ACB, ALS pro@d4tm.org Immediate Past District Governor: Rita Barber, DTM ipdg@d4tm.org District Secretary: Hari Sanghvi District Treasurer: Dave Gaul Parliamentarian: Tony DeLeon, DTM Sergeant-at-Arms: Keith Worrell DISTRICT 4 QUICK LINKS District 4 Website: www.d4tm.org District 4 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/District4Toastmasters District 4 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/district-4toastmasters District 4 Twitter: http://twitter.com/D4TM District 4 MeetUp Group: http://www.meetup.com/district4toastmasters/ d4tm.org Newsletter Designed by Lisa Tsai 10 The FOUR FOURcaster caster What’s making waves in District 4 Toastmasters Fall Edition 2014 Are you ready to Catch the Wave? Wave ? Join your fellow Toastmasters on November 8, 2014 at the District 4 Fall Conference in be a u t i f u l Monterey. Our keynote speaker, Judy Carter, will help us awaken the power and humor of our personal stories. Educational sessions, speech contests and Hall of Fame inductions will inspire you to carve your own way through the waves and R ide to S uccess ! Inside This Issue: Fall District Conference KEYNOTE SPEECH: “The Message of You: You Can’t Spell Message without M-E-S-S” Hanging Ten with D4TM: Club Events Do you have an Extraordinary Story INSIDE OF YOU but can’t seem to FIND it? "In her inspiring keynote and hands-on workshop, internationally renowned speaker and American author/comic Judy Carter takes you on a journey into yourself, awakening you to the POWER and Keynote Speaker HUMOR behind the stories JUDY CARTER that make up your life. Even if you feel like an “ordinary” person, Judy will guide you to find the EXTRAORDINARY story you have to share. A story only you can tell. A story that can give your life meaning, inspire others, ignite your career, and help you better connect with clients, friends and family. " Featured Clubs: Talk the Line Foster City Toastmasters MarketingSpotlight Education & Training Spotlight Bina’s Corner Distinguished Toastmasters Quick Links 1 d4tm.org 7 S aturday, Novemb er 8, 2014 R egister at: www.D4TM.OR G/ FALL2014 PRICING EARLY BIRD registration (ends October 31): $70 Conference Package ($90 after October 31) $90 Conference Package + evening reception ($110 after October 31) A la carte options are available (see registration page for details) CONFERENCE SCHEDULE 7:00 AM 8:15 AM 8:45 AM 10:30 AM 11:20 AM 12:00 PM 1:45 PM Sign in, Breakfast Opening Ceremonies Evaluation Contest Keynote Address Educational Breakout Sessions Luncheon; Hall of Fame Recognition District Business Meeting; Breakout Sessions Humorous Speech Contest Conference Adjourns; Opportunity Awards winners posted Optional Evening Reception Reception Program Adjourns 3:30 PM 5:45 PM 6:30 PM 8:00 PM KEYNOTE SPEAKER BIO J U DY C A R TER Judy Carter is a TEDx speaker, humorist, and stress reduction expert. expert. She has been feafeatured on over 100 TV shows, nominated for Atlantic City’s Entertainer of the the year, and and has been featured in the Wall Wall Street Journal, Wal New York Times, Times, The Oprah Winfrey Winfrey Show and on CNN. As an author, author, Judy doesn’t like to brag, but she did write the Bible. No joke, author of The The Comedy Bible (Simon she’s the author well as Standup Comedy: Comed y: & Schuster), as well The Book (Dell Books). Judy’s new book, The Message Message of You, teaches readers how to to inspire others and has has been use life stories to inspire featuredon National TV as well as NPR's “All Things Considered.” You can find free speaking and comedy tools at: http://judycarter.com EDUCATIONAL EDUCATIONAL SESSIONS SESSIONS “Finding “Finding Extraordinary Extraordinary Stories Stories in in an an Ordinary Ordinary Day” Day” Judy Judy Carter’s Carter’s hands-on hands-on workshop workshop will will help help you you find find the the stories stories only only you you can can tell tell “Branded “Branded for for Success Success -- Personal Personal Branding Branding Techniques Techniques to to Advance Advance Your Your Career” Career” Immediate Immediate Past Past District District Governor, Governor, Distinguished Distinguished Toastmaster, Toastmaster, Rita Rita Barber Barber S aturday, Novemb er 8, 2014 R egister at: www.D4TM.OR G/FALL2014 2 S aturday, Novemb er 8, 2014 R egister at: www.D4TM.OR G/ FALL2014 ATTENDING THE BUSINESS MEETING IS FREE FRE E ! Presidentsand andVPEs VPEsor ortheir theirproxies proxiesget getaavote vote Presidents Arrive Arriv eby by1:00 1:00 1: 00PM PMto tocheck to checkin inat atthe theCredentials the Credentialsdesk deskand and Arrive pickup upyour yourballots ballots pick Printproxy proxyform formon onpage page99of ofthis thisnewletter newletteror ordownload download Print at: ititat: http://d4tm.org/images/conference/fall2014_proxy_form.pdf http://d4tm.org http:// d4tm.org/images/conference/ /images/conference/fall fall2014_proxy_form.pdf 2014_proxy_form.pdf tto oattend attend atten dbusiness businesssmeeting busines meeting meetin gonly only No N oregistration registration registratio nrequired requiredto No (no refreshments refreshments included) included) (no DISTRICT 4 REFORMATION Over the years, District 4 Toastmasters has been consistently growing. This successful growth of our district has brought us to a point where we are now looking at reforming reformin g District Distric t 4 per pe r Toastmasters Toastmaster s International may better guidelines guidelines into into two two districts so so that that we we may serve our members. The reformation is planned for the 2016 – 2017 year. We will vote on District 4 Reformation at the Business Meeting Meeting during during the Fall Conference Conference on November 8th. For more information, please feel free to email emai l Immediate Past District Governor Governor Rita Rit a Barber at ipdg@d4tm.org SPONSORSHIP AND ADVERTISING Do you have a Business or Organiza�on iza�on that that you you would would like like to to showcase? showcase? Would you like to adver�se your products or services? Do Do you you think think you you have have the the best best Toastmasters Toastmasters Club Club in in the the District? District? This Fall Conference offers multiple sponsorship and advertising opportunities to do all 3! There are Platinum, Gold and Silver sponsorship levels for your company or business starting at $500 AND business card size to full page advertising in the conference program starting at $30! Sponsorship includes Banner and Signage, Advertising in the Program, Conference tickets and placement of YOUR LOGO and website LINK on D4TM website. Custom Sponsorships tailored to your budget and objectives are also available. If your company or busines sponsors YOUR TOASTMASTER CLUB, ask them to consider sponsoring the conference or placing ad supporting your club and the Toastmaster mission! ALL THE PROCEEDS BENEFIT DISTRICT 4 AND ITS EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS! Don’t delay; contact Ben Cardenas Cardenas,, Sponsorship Chairperson NOW! benthepromaster@gmail.com P: 650-533-5358 S aturday, Novemb er 8, 2014 R egister at: www.D4TM.OR G/FALL2014 3 HANGING TEN with D4TM Highlights around the District 4 d4tm.org FEATURED CLUBS Talk the Line “One of the things I noticed was how they greeted and thanked each of us and for the members who spoke. The Applause, not just any ordinary applause, I mean THE APPLAUSE. One that gets your emotions moving, one that is felt deep down inside. What a way to be welcomed and thanked!” ~ testimonial from a visitor to Talk the Line You may think, all Toastmasters clubs are welcoming, so what is special about this club? ‘Talk The Line’ club was started in Soledad prison, California in 2008. All the members are prisoners. The club has strict attendance and participation rules for members. Members address one another formally (saying Mister rather than first names). Club officers take their roles seriously. The speeches are of the highest caliber, displaying much research and thought. Members are passionate about Toastmasters, always thrilled when outside Toastmasters come as trainers or to provide feedback. There is a continual waiting list for new members hoping to get into the club. Being accepted into the club is a highly coveted honor. Every term, representatives from District 4 visit the club to provide club officers training. The club also held their first ever speech contest. For the last two years, Talk The Line has achieved President’s Distinguished award and are aiming for the third time. This makes Talk the Line a very special club in District 4. However, formula for success at Talk the Line is same as any other club: Trained and engaged officers, members rooting for mutual self-development and running quality meetings. The members of the club also support Gavel clubs within the correctional facilities. Foster City Toastmasters Club Foster City Toastmasters Club is a President’s Distinguished Toastmasters community club focused on empowering members to become leaders. We are a warm, friendly, and supportive club. We love our club so much that we maintain a high retention rate, manage excellent guest-tomember conversion rate (current base = 44 and growing), and contribute back to Toastmasters and District 4 by helping other clubs achieve their success. We also sponsored the charter of a new advanced club The San Mateo Storytellers, to develop the art of storytelling. When you join our club, you are assigned a mentor who will work alongside you to create your individual development plan that’s customized to your needs, your personal development goals, and your personal time commitments. We ensure that your development plan is driven by S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely) Goals. Our signature Fast Track Program provides you that extra push to get you closer to your success. As a member, we will encourage you to step outside your comfort zone by providing you opportunities to participate in various Toastmaster events. Our members are always eager to volunteer because they see the value it brings to develop a broader learning experience. Every member of our club strives to make Foster City Toastmasters Club a model club in District 4. Come join us and be part of the story. We would love to have you visit us and join our family. We meet at the Starboard Room at the Foster City Community Center every 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, between 07:30 PM and 09:30 PM. The Community Center is at 1000 E. Hillsdale Boulevard, Foster City, CA 94404. 5 d4tm.org MARKETING SPOTLIGHT Andy Gimenez, Lt. Governor Marketing, shares advice and highlights B u il d in g Y o ur C l ub ’ s F o un d at i on a nd G row t h The health of a Toastmasters club doesn’t solely rely on the speaking talents of its members and the leadership of its officer team. Having one or both of these luxuries in a club is not a possibility without membership building! Membership building includes reten�on and growth, not one or the other. How focused is your club on membership building? September Sanity Clubs that renewed 75% of their 7/1/14 membership base by September 15, 2014, earned $50 in District Credit. Thank you to the over 50 clubs that achieved September Sanity, which shows to everyone in the District, including their own members, that membership retention is key to keeping a strong club. 2014 Smedley Award From August 1 to September 30 of every term, World Headquarters recognizes all clubs that add 5 or more new, dual, or reinstated members. As a reward, clubs received a “Smedley Award” ribbon for display next to the club banner along with a 10% off their next club mail order. Many thanks in advance to these award winning clubs, who will be notified by World Headquarters in a few weeks. Swish! “Nothing but Net” Contest From now un�l December 31, 2014, District 4 will recognize the 3 top clubs in each Division that have the largest net gain in membership. For example, if a club’s 7/1/14 membership base is 20, adds 10 new members, and loses 5 members at renewal �me, the club’s net gain is +5. Within each Division, the top finishing club will win District Credits in the amount of: 1st place will win $100, 2nd place will win $75, and 3rd place will win $50. Membership Building Webinar On Wednesday, October 15, please join me, along with Rita Barber, DTM, IPDG, for a fun and insightful hour, learning the ABCs of building club membership. After watching this webinar, you will walk away knowing valuable best practices, from how to close the sale on prospective members, conducting an attractive open house, to keeping the membership experience fresh and interesting. For more details and to register: https://district4tm.wufoo.com/forms/membership-building-webinar/ I s y o u r c l u b i t c h i n g to r a i se the bar on membership? Have an idea on a new club? coach a W o u l d y o u l i k e t o co c l u b o r m e n t o r a ne w c l u b? Co C o n n e c t w i t h A n dy a t lgm@d4tm.org 6 d4tm.org EDUCATION & TRAINING Katherine Pratt, Lt. Gov. Education & Training, shares highlights and advice Creating Opportunities to Raise the Bar “Life opens up opportunities to you, and you either take them or you stay afraid of taking them. “ ~ Actor, Jim Carrey Toastmasters gives us the chance to take those opportunities, instead of letting them pass us by. What opportunities can you create this year to raise your own bar? I’m happy to see many instances of members and their clubs raising the bar this year. During club officer training, I encountered many brand new members taking on officer roles for the first time. Two of our newer clubs, UBSF and Pacific Rim stretched themselves to have all 7 officers trained. Clubs all over the district are working together to ensure the success of Toastmasters a club which their members. I was inspired after a recent visit to Peninsula Toastmasters, began the year with 9 members. In a few short months, they have added 5 new members, filled their meetings with multiple manual speeches, and are working together to become a distinguished club. They are living their new mantra, “Back on Track, Bouncing Back, Making a Mark.” Now that’s Raising the Bar! Educational Awards and Triple Crown Are you working on your speaking and leadership goals? Each month we publish the names of those who have earned educational awards on our website here . For those who are willing to set the bar high and earn three d i fferent educational awards this year, we will offer Triple Crown Award pins. Each member must earn at least one communication award (CC, ACB, ACS, ACG) and at least one leadership award (CL, ALB, ALS, DTM) to qualify. Early Achievers District 4 is ready to offer recognition to those clubs who are stretching themselves and helping members fill their goals. Any club which becomes an Early Achiever, (achieves 5 Distinguished Club Program goals by October 31), will receive $100 in district credit. As of October 6, 13 clubs have become Early Achievers and numerous others are on the path as well. Club Officer Training Update District 4 had a very successful club officer training season. 193 clubs (69%) had 4 or more club officers trained and 86 clubs (31%) had all 7 officers trained! A special thank you goes to Atul Nayak and Dennis Chase, our two TLI chairs, and all the Division and Area Governors who helped to put club officer training together throughout the district. Thank you to the trainers and of course the members who attended and helped us to Raise the Bar on training this season! Are you looking for chances to raise your own bar? Do you have a success story to tell? Reach out to Katherine at lget@d4tm.org 7 d4tm.org BINA’S CORNER A message from Bina Mehta, District 4 Governor “Seekh Hum Beete Yugon Se, Naye Yug Ka Karein Swagat” “Let’s welcome the future, learning from the past” These are the words from the theme song of one of the most popular TV series in India, Mahabharata, based on the Indian Epic of the same name. This week, we met with District 4 Past District Governor’s committee to share this year’s plan and progress and get nuggets of their wisdom. It was a rich and memorable experience to meet a group of 20 Toastmasters leaders from 20th and 21st century who care about our members and believe in the mission of Toastmasters. Have you met someone who has been a Toastmaster for over 10 years and wonder, what makes them keep coming? It is the opportunity of continuous learning, helping a fellow member, and being inspired by the transformation of newer members. Toastmasters International is celebrating its 90th anniversary. We have 90 years of history to learn from and a promising future to welcome. In our founder Dr. Ralph Smedley’s words, “We We learn best in moments of enjoyment” enjoyment . District 4 conferences are great opportunities to learn with enjoyment and our upcoming Fall conference is no exception. If you have never attended one, here are the reasons to attend: Celebrate Success at Hall of Fame. In this issue, you have read about numerous examples of members and clubs Raising the Bar. You will get a chance to meet and applaud them. Enhance your speaking and leadership skills by listening to experts. Support and cheer our Division champions compete for District titles. Network and make new connections. I would love to see you Catch the Wave and Ride to Success on November 8th in Seaside, Monterey. Warm Regards, Bina Mehta, ACG/ALB District 4 Governor dg@d4tm.org 8 d4tm.org 9 The FOU FOUR Rcaste casterr What’s making waves in District 4 Toastmasters Fall Edition 2014 CONTACTS: DISTINGUISHED TOASTMASTERS TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL Congratulations to the following members who have recently achieved their Distinguished Toastmaster Award. DISTRICT 4 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE http://www.toastmasters.org DTM is the highest level award that a Toastmaster can achieve and signifies the completion of both the communication and leadership tracks. District Governor: Bina Mehta, ACG/ALB dg@d4tm.org Lt. Gov. Education: & Training Katherine Pratt, DTM lget@d4tm.org Lt. Gov. Marketing: Andrew Gimenez, ACB/ALS lgm@d4tm.org Cheers to: Jim Ferrer Ravi Ganesan Jenny Cai Sam Chow Michael Bassetti Page Edwards James Louie Sunil Tomar Ritu Gupta Danny Lau Sue-May Jin Dave Gaul Lawrence Hileman Public Relations Officer: Deep Kakkar, ACB, ALS pro@d4tm.org Immediate Past District Governor: Rita Barber, DTM ipdg@d4tm.org District Secretary: Hari Sanghvi District Treasurer: Dave Gaul Parliamentarian: Tony DeLeon, DTM Sergeant-at-Arms: Keith Worrell DISTRICT 4 QUICK LINKS District 4 Website: www.d4tm.org District 4 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/District4Toastmasters District 4 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/district-4toastmasters District 4 Twitter: http://twitter.com/D4TM District 4 MeetUp Group: http://www.meetup.com/district4toastmasters/ d4tm.org Newsletter Designed by Lisa Tsai 10 The FOUR FOURcaster caster What’s making waves in District 4 Toastmasters Fall Edition 2014 Are you ready to Catch the Wave? Wave ? Join your fellow Toastmasters on November 8, 2014 at the District 4 Fall Conference in be a u t i f u l Monterey. Our keynote speaker, Judy Carter, will help us awaken the power and humor of our personal stories. Educational sessions, speech contests and Hall of Fame inductions will inspire you to carve your own way through the waves and R ide to S uccess ! Inside This Issue: Fall District Conference KEYNOTE SPEECH: “The Message of You: You Can’t Spell Message without M-E-S-S” Hanging Ten with D4TM: Club Events Do you have an Extraordinary Story INSIDE OF YOU but can’t seem to FIND it? "In her inspiring keynote and hands-on workshop, internationally renowned speaker and American author/comic Judy Carter takes you on a journey into yourself, awakening you to the POWER and Keynote Speaker HUMOR behind the stories JUDY CARTER that make up your life. Even if you feel like an “ordinary” person, Judy will guide you to find the EXTRAORDINARY story you have to share. A story only you can tell. A story that can give your life meaning, inspire others, ignite your career, and help you better connect with clients, friends and family. " Featured Clubs: Talk the Line Foster City Toastmasters MarketingSpotlight Education & Training Spotlight Bina’s Corner Distinguished Toastmasters Quick Links 1 d4tm.org 7 S aturday, Novemb er 8, 2014 R egister at: www.D4TM.OR G/ FALL2014 PRICING EARLY BIRD registration (ends October 31): $70 Conference Package ($90 after October 31) $90 Conference Package + evening reception ($110 after October 31) A la carte options are available (see registration page for details) CONFERENCE SCHEDULE 7:00 AM 8:15 AM 8:45 AM 10:30 AM 11:20 AM 12:00 PM 1:45 PM Sign in, Breakfast Opening Ceremonies Evaluation Contest Keynote Address Educational Breakout Sessions Luncheon; Hall of Fame Recognition District Business Meeting; Breakout Sessions Humorous Speech Contest Conference Adjourns; Opportunity Awards winners posted Optional Evening Reception Reception Program Adjourns 3:30 PM 5:45 PM 6:30 PM 8:00 PM KEYNOTE SPEAKER BIO J U DY C A R TER Judy Carter is a TEDx speaker, humorist, and stress reduction expert. expert. She has been feafeatured on over 100 TV shows, nominated for Atlantic City’s Entertainer of the the year, and and has been featured in the Wall Wall Street Journal, Wal New York Times, Times, The Oprah Winfrey Winfrey Show and on CNN. As an author, author, Judy doesn’t like to brag, but she did write the Bible. No joke, author of The The Comedy Bible (Simon she’s the author well as Standup Comedy: Comed y: & Schuster), as well The Book (Dell Books). Judy’s new book, The Message Message of You, teaches readers how to to inspire others and has has been use life stories to inspire featuredon National TV as well as NPR's “All Things Considered.” You can find free speaking and comedy tools at: http://judycarter.com EDUCATIONAL EDUCATIONAL SESSIONS SESSIONS “Finding “Finding Extraordinary Extraordinary Stories Stories in in an an Ordinary Ordinary Day” Day” Judy Judy Carter’s Carter’s hands-on hands-on workshop workshop will will help help you you find find the the stories stories only only you you can can tell tell “Branded “Branded for for Success Success -- Personal Personal Branding Branding Techniques Techniques to to Advance Advance Your Your Career” Career” Immediate Immediate Past Past District District Governor, Governor, Distinguished Distinguished Toastmaster, Toastmaster, Rita Rita Barber Barber S aturday, Novemb er 8, 2014 R egister at: www.D4TM.OR G/FALL2014 2 S aturday, Novemb er 8, 2014 R egister at: www.D4TM.OR G/ FALL2014 ATTENDING THE BUSINESS MEETING IS FREE FRE E ! Presidentsand andVPEs VPEsor ortheir theirproxies proxiesget getaavote vote Presidents Arrive Arriv eby by1:00 1:00 1: 00PM PMto tocheck to checkin inat atthe theCredentials the Credentialsdesk deskand and Arrive pickup upyour yourballots ballots pick Printproxy proxyform formon onpage page99of ofthis thisnewletter newletteror ordownload download Print at: ititat: http://d4tm.org/images/conference/fall2014_proxy_form.pdf http://d4tm.org http:// d4tm.org/images/conference/ /images/conference/fall fall2014_proxy_form.pdf 2014_proxy_form.pdf tto oattend attend atten dbusiness businesssmeeting busines meeting meetin gonly only No N oregistration registration registratio nrequired requiredto No (no refreshments refreshments included) included) (no DISTRICT 4 REFORMATION Over the years, District 4 Toastmasters has been consistently growing. This successful growth of our district has brought us to a point where we are now looking at reforming reformin g District Distric t 4 per pe r Toastmasters Toastmaster s International may better guidelines guidelines into into two two districts so so that that we we may serve our members. The reformation is planned for the 2016 – 2017 year. We will vote on District 4 Reformation at the Business Meeting Meeting during during the Fall Conference Conference on November 8th. For more information, please feel free to email emai l Immediate Past District Governor Governor Rita Rit a Barber at ipdg@d4tm.org SPONSORSHIP AND ADVERTISING Do you have a Business or Organiza�on iza�on that that you you would would like like to to showcase? showcase? Would you like to adver�se your products or services? Do Do you you think think you you have have the the best best Toastmasters Toastmasters Club Club in in the the District? District? This Fall Conference offers multiple sponsorship and advertising opportunities to do all 3! There are Platinum, Gold and Silver sponsorship levels for your company or business starting at $500 AND business card size to full page advertising in the conference program starting at $30! Sponsorship includes Banner and Signage, Advertising in the Program, Conference tickets and placement of YOUR LOGO and website LINK on D4TM website. Custom Sponsorships tailored to your budget and objectives are also available. If your company or busines sponsors YOUR TOASTMASTER CLUB, ask them to consider sponsoring the conference or placing ad supporting your club and the Toastmaster mission! ALL THE PROCEEDS BENEFIT DISTRICT 4 AND ITS EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS! Don’t delay; contact Ben Cardenas Cardenas,, Sponsorship Chairperson NOW! benthepromaster@gmail.com P: 650-533-5358 S aturday, Novemb er 8, 2014 R egister at: www.D4TM.OR G/FALL2014 3 HANGING TEN with D4TM Highlights around the District 4 d4tm.org FEATURED CLUBS Talk the Line “One of the things I noticed was how they greeted and thanked each of us and for the members who spoke. The Applause, not just any ordinary applause, I mean THE APPLAUSE. One that gets your emotions moving, one that is felt deep down inside. What a way to be welcomed and thanked!” ~ testimonial from a visitor to Talk the Line You may think, all Toastmasters clubs are welcoming, so what is special about this club? ‘Talk The Line’ club was started in Soledad prison, California in 2008. All the members are prisoners. The club has strict attendance and participation rules for members. Members address one another formally (saying Mister rather than first names). Club officers take their roles seriously. The speeches are of the highest caliber, displaying much research and thought. Members are passionate about Toastmasters, always thrilled when outside Toastmasters come as trainers or to provide feedback. There is a continual waiting list for new members hoping to get into the club. Being accepted into the club is a highly coveted honor. Every term, representatives from District 4 visit the club to provide club officers training. The club also held their first ever speech contest. For the last two years, Talk The Line has achieved President’s Distinguished award and are aiming for the third time. This makes Talk the Line a very special club in District 4. However, formula for success at Talk the Line is same as any other club: Trained and engaged officers, members rooting for mutual self-development and running quality meetings. The members of the club also support Gavel clubs within the correctional facilities. Foster City Toastmasters Club Foster City Toastmasters Club is a President’s Distinguished Toastmasters community club focused on empowering members to become leaders. We are a warm, friendly, and supportive club. We love our club so much that we maintain a high retention rate, manage excellent guest-tomember conversion rate (current base = 44 and growing), and contribute back to Toastmasters and District 4 by helping other clubs achieve their success. We also sponsored the charter of a new advanced club The San Mateo Storytellers, to develop the art of storytelling. When you join our club, you are assigned a mentor who will work alongside you to create your individual development plan that’s customized to your needs, your personal development goals, and your personal time commitments. We ensure that your development plan is driven by S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely) Goals. Our signature Fast Track Program provides you that extra push to get you closer to your success. As a member, we will encourage you to step outside your comfort zone by providing you opportunities to participate in various Toastmaster events. Our members are always eager to volunteer because they see the value it brings to develop a broader learning experience. Every member of our club strives to make Foster City Toastmasters Club a model club in District 4. Come join us and be part of the story. We would love to have you visit us and join our family. We meet at the Starboard Room at the Foster City Community Center every 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, between 07:30 PM and 09:30 PM. The Community Center is at 1000 E. Hillsdale Boulevard, Foster City, CA 94404. 5 d4tm.org MARKETING SPOTLIGHT Andy Gimenez, Lt. Governor Marketing, shares advice and highlights B u il d in g Y o ur C l ub ’ s F o un d at i on a nd G row t h The health of a Toastmasters club doesn’t solely rely on the speaking talents of its members and the leadership of its officer team. Having one or both of these luxuries in a club is not a possibility without membership building! Membership building includes reten�on and growth, not one or the other. How focused is your club on membership building? September Sanity Clubs that renewed 75% of their 7/1/14 membership base by September 15, 2014, earned $50 in District Credit. Thank you to the over 50 clubs that achieved September Sanity, which shows to everyone in the District, including their own members, that membership retention is key to keeping a strong club. 2014 Smedley Award From August 1 to September 30 of every term, World Headquarters recognizes all clubs that add 5 or more new, dual, or reinstated members. As a reward, clubs received a “Smedley Award” ribbon for display next to the club banner along with a 10% off their next club mail order. Many thanks in advance to these award winning clubs, who will be notified by World Headquarters in a few weeks. Swish! “Nothing but Net” Contest From now un�l December 31, 2014, District 4 will recognize the 3 top clubs in each Division that have the largest net gain in membership. For example, if a club’s 7/1/14 membership base is 20, adds 10 new members, and loses 5 members at renewal �me, the club’s net gain is +5. Within each Division, the top finishing club will win District Credits in the amount of: 1st place will win $100, 2nd place will win $75, and 3rd place will win $50. Membership Building Webinar On Wednesday, October 15, please join me, along with Rita Barber, DTM, IPDG, for a fun and insightful hour, learning the ABCs of building club membership. After watching this webinar, you will walk away knowing valuable best practices, from how to close the sale on prospective members, conducting an attractive open house, to keeping the membership experience fresh and interesting. For more details and to register: https://district4tm.wufoo.com/forms/membership-building-webinar/ I s y o u r c l u b i t c h i n g to r a i se the bar on membership? Have an idea on a new club? coach a W o u l d y o u l i k e t o co c l u b o r m e n t o r a ne w c l u b? Co C o n n e c t w i t h A n dy a t lgm@d4tm.org 6 d4tm.org EDUCATION & TRAINING Katherine Pratt, Lt. Gov. Education & Training, shares highlights and advice Creating Opportunities to Raise the Bar “Life opens up opportunities to you, and you either take them or you stay afraid of taking them. “ ~ Actor, Jim Carrey Toastmasters gives us the chance to take those opportunities, instead of letting them pass us by. What opportunities can you create this year to raise your own bar? I’m happy to see many instances of members and their clubs raising the bar this year. During club officer training, I encountered many brand new members taking on officer roles for the first time. Two of our newer clubs, UBSF and Pacific Rim stretched themselves to have all 7 officers trained. Clubs all over the district are working together to ensure the success of Toastmasters a club which their members. I was inspired after a recent visit to Peninsula Toastmasters, began the year with 9 members. In a few short months, they have added 5 new members, filled their meetings with multiple manual speeches, and are working together to become a distinguished club. They are living their new mantra, “Back on Track, Bouncing Back, Making a Mark.” Now that’s Raising the Bar! Educational Awards and Triple Crown Are you working on your speaking and leadership goals? Each month we publish the names of those who have earned educational awards on our website here . For those who are willing to set the bar high and earn three d i fferent educational awards this year, we will offer Triple Crown Award pins. Each member must earn at least one communication award (CC, ACB, ACS, ACG) and at least one leadership award (CL, ALB, ALS, DTM) to qualify. Early Achievers District 4 is ready to offer recognition to those clubs who are stretching themselves and helping members fill their goals. Any club which becomes an Early Achiever, (achieves 5 Distinguished Club Program goals by October 31), will receive $100 in district credit. As of October 6, 13 clubs have become Early Achievers and numerous others are on the path as well. Club Officer Training Update District 4 had a very successful club officer training season. 193 clubs (69%) had 4 or more club officers trained and 86 clubs (31%) had all 7 officers trained! A special thank you goes to Atul Nayak and Dennis Chase, our two TLI chairs, and all the Division and Area Governors who helped to put club officer training together throughout the district. Thank you to the trainers and of course the members who attended and helped us to Raise the Bar on training this season! Are you looking for chances to raise your own bar? Do you have a success story to tell? Reach out to Katherine at lget@d4tm.org 7 d4tm.org BINA’S CORNER A message from Bina Mehta, District 4 Governor “Seekh Hum Beete Yugon Se, Naye Yug Ka Karein Swagat” “Let’s welcome the future, learning from the past” These are the words from the theme song of one of the most popular TV series in India, Mahabharata, based on the Indian Epic of the same name. This week, we met with District 4 Past District Governor’s committee to share this year’s plan and progress and get nuggets of their wisdom. It was a rich and memorable experience to meet a group of 20 Toastmasters leaders from 20th and 21st century who care about our members and believe in the mission of Toastmasters. Have you met someone who has been a Toastmaster for over 10 years and wonder, what makes them keep coming? It is the opportunity of continuous learning, helping a fellow member, and being inspired by the transformation of newer members. Toastmasters International is celebrating its 90th anniversary. We have 90 years of history to learn from and a promising future to welcome. In our founder Dr. Ralph Smedley’s words, “We We learn best in moments of enjoyment” enjoyment . District 4 conferences are great opportunities to learn with enjoyment and our upcoming Fall conference is no exception. If you have never attended one, here are the reasons to attend: Celebrate Success at Hall of Fame. In this issue, you have read about numerous examples of members and clubs Raising the Bar. You will get a chance to meet and applaud them. Enhance your speaking and leadership skills by listening to experts. Support and cheer our Division champions compete for District titles. Network and make new connections. I would love to see you Catch the Wave and Ride to Success on November 8th in Seaside, Monterey. Warm Regards, Bina Mehta, ACG/ALB District 4 Governor dg@d4tm.org 8 d4tm.org 9 The FOU FOUR Rcaste casterr What’s making waves in District 4 Toastmasters Fall Edition 2014 CONTACTS: DISTINGUISHED TOASTMASTERS TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL Congratulations to the following members who have recently achieved their Distinguished Toastmaster Award. DISTRICT 4 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE http://www.toastmasters.org DTM is the highest level award that a Toastmaster can achieve and signifies the completion of both the communication and leadership tracks. District Governor: Bina Mehta, ACG/ALB dg@d4tm.org Lt. Gov. Education: & Training Katherine Pratt, DTM lget@d4tm.org Lt. Gov. Marketing: Andrew Gimenez, ACB/ALS lgm@d4tm.org Cheers to: Jim Ferrer Ravi Ganesan Jenny Cai Sam Chow Michael Bassetti Page Edwards James Louie Sunil Tomar Ritu Gupta Danny Lau Sue-May Jin Dave Gaul Lawrence Hileman Public Relations Officer: Deep Kakkar, ACB, ALS pro@d4tm.org Immediate Past District Governor: Rita Barber, DTM ipdg@d4tm.org District Secretary: Hari Sanghvi District Treasurer: Dave Gaul Parliamentarian: Tony DeLeon, DTM Sergeant-at-Arms: Keith Worrell DISTRICT 4 QUICK LINKS District 4 Website: www.d4tm.org District 4 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/District4Toastmasters District 4 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/district-4toastmasters District 4 Twitter: http://twitter.com/D4TM District 4 MeetUp Group: http://www.meetup.com/district4toastmasters/ d4tm.org Newsletter Designed by Lisa Tsai 10 The FOUR FOURcaster caster What’s making waves in District 4 Toastmasters Fall Edition 2014 Are you ready to Catch the Wave? Wave ? Join your fellow Toastmasters on November 8, 2014 at the District 4 Fall Conference in be a u t i f u l Monterey. Our keynote speaker, Judy Carter, will help us awaken the power and humor of our personal stories. Educational sessions, speech contests and Hall of Fame inductions will inspire you to carve your own way through the waves and R ide to S uccess ! Inside This Issue: Fall District Conference KEYNOTE SPEECH: “The Message of You: You Can’t Spell Message without M-E-S-S” Hanging Ten with D4TM: Club Events Do you have an Extraordinary Story INSIDE OF YOU but can’t seem to FIND it? "In her inspiring keynote and hands-on workshop, internationally renowned speaker and American author/comic Judy Carter takes you on a journey into yourself, awakening you to the POWER and Keynote Speaker HUMOR behind the stories JUDY CARTER that make up your life. Even if you feel like an “ordinary” person, Judy will guide you to find the EXTRAORDINARY story you have to share. A story only you can tell. A story that can give your life meaning, inspire others, ignite your career, and help you better connect with clients, friends and family. " Featured Clubs: Talk the Line Foster City Toastmasters MarketingSpotlight Education & Training Spotlight Bina’s Corner Distinguished Toastmasters Quick Links 1 d4tm.org 7 S aturday, Novemb er 8, 2014 R egister at: www.D4TM.OR G/ FALL2014 PRICING EARLY BIRD registration (ends October 31): $70 Conference Package ($90 after October 31) $90 Conference Package + evening reception ($110 after October 31) A la carte options are available (see registration page for details) CONFERENCE SCHEDULE 7:00 AM 8:15 AM 8:45 AM 10:30 AM 11:20 AM 12:00 PM 1:45 PM Sign in, Breakfast Opening Ceremonies Evaluation Contest Keynote Address Educational Breakout Sessions Luncheon; Hall of Fame Recognition District Business Meeting; Breakout Sessions Humorous Speech Contest Conference Adjourns; Opportunity Awards winners posted Optional Evening Reception Reception Program Adjourns 3:30 PM 5:45 PM 6:30 PM 8:00 PM KEYNOTE SPEAKER BIO J U DY C A R TER Judy Carter is a TEDx speaker, humorist, and stress reduction expert. expert. She has been feafeatured on over 100 TV shows, nominated for Atlantic City’s Entertainer of the the year, and and has been featured in the Wall Wall Street Journal, Wal New York Times, Times, The Oprah Winfrey Winfrey Show and on CNN. As an author, author, Judy doesn’t like to brag, but she did write the Bible. No joke, author of The The Comedy Bible (Simon she’s the author well as Standup Comedy: Comed y: & Schuster), as well The Book (Dell Books). Judy’s new book, The Message Message of You, teaches readers how to to inspire others and has has been use life stories to inspire featuredon National TV as well as NPR's “All Things Considered.” You can find free speaking and comedy tools at: http://judycarter.com EDUCATIONAL EDUCATIONAL SESSIONS SESSIONS “Finding “Finding Extraordinary Extraordinary Stories Stories in in an an Ordinary Ordinary Day” Day” Judy Judy Carter’s Carter’s hands-on hands-on workshop workshop will will help help you you find find the the stories stories only only you you can can tell tell “Branded “Branded for for Success Success -- Personal Personal Branding Branding Techniques Techniques to to Advance Advance Your Your Career” Career” Immediate Immediate Past Past District District Governor, Governor, Distinguished Distinguished Toastmaster, Toastmaster, Rita Rita Barber Barber S aturday, Novemb er 8, 2014 R egister at: www.D4TM.OR G/FALL2014 2 S aturday, Novemb er 8, 2014 R egister at: www.D4TM.OR G/ FALL2014 ATTENDING THE BUSINESS MEETING IS FREE FRE E ! Presidentsand andVPEs VPEsor ortheir theirproxies proxiesget getaavote vote Presidents Arrive Arriv eby by1:00 1:00 1: 00PM PMto tocheck to checkin inat atthe theCredentials the Credentialsdesk deskand and Arrive pickup upyour yourballots ballots pick Printproxy proxyform formon onpage page99of ofthis thisnewletter newletteror ordownload download Print at: ititat: http://d4tm.org/images/conference/fall2014_proxy_form.pdf http://d4tm.org http:// d4tm.org/images/conference/ /images/conference/fall fall2014_proxy_form.pdf 2014_proxy_form.pdf tto oattend attend atten dbusiness businesssmeeting busines meeting meetin gonly only No N oregistration registration registratio nrequired requiredto No (no refreshments refreshments included) included) (no DISTRICT 4 REFORMATION Over the years, District 4 Toastmasters has been consistently growing. This successful growth of our district has brought us to a point where we are now looking at reforming reformin g District Distric t 4 per pe r Toastmasters Toastmaster s International may better guidelines guidelines into into two two districts so so that that we we may serve our members. The reformation is planned for the 2016 – 2017 year. We will vote on District 4 Reformation at the Business Meeting Meeting during during the Fall Conference Conference on November 8th. For more information, please feel free to email emai l Immediate Past District Governor Governor Rita Rit a Barber at ipdg@d4tm.org SPONSORSHIP AND ADVERTISING Do you have a Business or Organiza�on iza�on that that you you would would like like to to showcase? showcase? Would you like to adver�se your products or services? Do Do you you think think you you have have the the best best Toastmasters Toastmasters Club Club in in the the District? District? This Fall Conference offers multiple sponsorship and advertising opportunities to do all 3! There are Platinum, Gold and Silver sponsorship levels for your company or business starting at $500 AND business card size to full page advertising in the conference program starting at $30! Sponsorship includes Banner and Signage, Advertising in the Program, Conference tickets and placement of YOUR LOGO and website LINK on D4TM website. Custom Sponsorships tailored to your budget and objectives are also available. If your company or busines sponsors YOUR TOASTMASTER CLUB, ask them to consider sponsoring the conference or placing ad supporting your club and the Toastmaster mission! ALL THE PROCEEDS BENEFIT DISTRICT 4 AND ITS EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS! Don’t delay; contact Ben Cardenas Cardenas,, Sponsorship Chairperson NOW! benthepromaster@gmail.com P: 650-533-5358 S aturday, Novemb er 8, 2014 R egister at: www.D4TM.OR G/FALL2014 3 HANGING TEN with D4TM Highlights around the District 4 d4tm.org FEATURED CLUBS Talk the Line “One of the things I noticed was how they greeted and thanked each of us and for the members who spoke. The Applause, not just any ordinary applause, I mean THE APPLAUSE. One that gets your emotions moving, one that is felt deep down inside. What a way to be welcomed and thanked!” ~ testimonial from a visitor to Talk the Line You may think, all Toastmasters clubs are welcoming, so what is special about this club? ‘Talk The Line’ club was started in Soledad prison, California in 2008. All the members are prisoners. The club has strict attendance and participation rules for members. Members address one another formally (saying Mister rather than first names). Club officers take their roles seriously. The speeches are of the highest caliber, displaying much research and thought. Members are passionate about Toastmasters, always thrilled when outside Toastmasters come as trainers or to provide feedback. There is a continual waiting list for new members hoping to get into the club. Being accepted into the club is a highly coveted honor. Every term, representatives from District 4 visit the club to provide club officers training. The club also held their first ever speech contest. For the last two years, Talk The Line has achieved President’s Distinguished award and are aiming for the third time. This makes Talk the Line a very special club in District 4. However, formula for success at Talk the Line is same as any other club: Trained and engaged officers, members rooting for mutual self-development and running quality meetings. The members of the club also support Gavel clubs within the correctional facilities. Foster City Toastmasters Club Foster City Toastmasters Club is a President’s Distinguished Toastmasters community club focused on empowering members to become leaders. We are a warm, friendly, and supportive club. We love our club so much that we maintain a high retention rate, manage excellent guest-tomember conversion rate (current base = 44 and growing), and contribute back to Toastmasters and District 4 by helping other clubs achieve their success. We also sponsored the charter of a new advanced club The San Mateo Storytellers, to develop the art of storytelling. When you join our club, you are assigned a mentor who will work alongside you to create your individual development plan that’s customized to your needs, your personal development goals, and your personal time commitments. We ensure that your development plan is driven by S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely) Goals. Our signature Fast Track Program provides you that extra push to get you closer to your success. As a member, we will encourage you to step outside your comfort zone by providing you opportunities to participate in various Toastmasters events. Our members are always eager to volunteer because they see the value it brings to develop a broader learning experience. Every member of our club strives to make Foster City Toastmasters Club a model club in District 4. Come join us and be part of the story. We would love to have you visit us and join our family. We meet at the Starboard Room at the Foster City Community Center every 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, between 07:30 PM and 09:30 PM. The Community Center is at 1000 E. Hillsdale Boulevard, Foster City, CA 94404. 5 d4tm.org MARKETING SPOTLIGHT Andy Gimenez, Lt. Governor Marketing, shares advice and highlights B u il d in g Y o ur C l ub ’ s F o un d at i on a nd G row t h The health of a Toastmasters club doesn’t solely rely on the speaking talents of its members and the leadership of its officer team. Having one or both of these luxuries in a club is not a possibility without membership building! Membership building includes reten�on and growth, not one or the other. How focused is your club on membership building? September Sanity Clubs that renewed 75% of their 7/1/14 membership base by September 15, 2014, earned $50 in District Credit. Thank you to the over 50 clubs that achieved September Sanity, which shows to everyone in the District, including their own members, that membership retention is key to keeping a strong club. 2014 Smedley Award From August 1 to September 30 of every term, World Headquarters recognizes all clubs that add 5 or more new, dual, or reinstated members. As a reward, clubs received a “Smedley Award” ribbon for display next to the club banner along with a 10% off their next club mail order. Many thanks in advance to these award winning clubs, who will be notified by World Headquarters in a few weeks. Swish! “Nothing but Net” Contest From now un�l December 31, 2014, District 4 will recognize the 3 top clubs in each Division that have the largest net gain in membership. For example, if a club’s 7/1/14 membership base is 20, adds 10 new members, and loses 5 members at renewal �me, the club’s net gain is +5. Within each Division, the top finishing club will win District Credits in the amount of: 1st place will win $100, 2nd place will win $75, and 3rd place will win $50. Membership Building Webinar On Wednesday, October 15, please join me, along with Rita Barber, DTM, IPDG, for a fun and insightful hour, learning the ABCs of building club membership. After watching this webinar, you will walk away knowing valuable best practices, from how to close the sale on prospective members, conducting an attractive open house, to keeping the membership experience fresh and interesting. For more details and to register: https://district4tm.wufoo.com/forms/membership-building-webinar/ I s y o u r c l u b i t c h i n g to r a i se the bar on membership? Have an idea on a new club? coach a W o u l d y o u l i k e t o co c l u b o r m e n t o r a ne w c l u b? Co C o n n e c t w i t h A n dy a t lgm@d4tm.org 6 d4tm.org EDUCATION & TRAINING Katherine Pratt, Lt. Gov. Education & Training, shares highlights and advice Creating Opportunities to Raise the Bar “Life opens up opportunities to you, and you either take them or you stay afraid of taking them. “ ~ Actor, Jim Carrey Toastmasters gives us the chance to take those opportunities, instead of letting them pass us by. What opportunities can you create this year to raise your own bar? I’m happy to see many instances of members and their clubs raising the bar this year. During club officer training, I encountered many brand new members taking on officer roles for the first time. Two of our newer clubs, UBSF and Pacific Rim stretched themselves to have all 7 officers trained. Clubs all over the district are working together to ensure the success of Toastmasters a club which their members. I was inspired after a recent visit to Peninsula Toastmasters, began the year with 9 members. In a few short months, they have added 5 new members, filled their meetings with multiple manual speeches, and are working together to become a distinguished club. They are living their new mantra, “Back on Track, Bouncing Back, Making a Mark.” Now that’s Raising the Bar! Educational Awards and Triple Crown Are you working on your speaking and leadership goals? Each month we publish the names of those who have earned educational awards on our website here . For those who are willing to set the bar high and earn three d i fferent educational awards this year, we will offer Triple Crown Award pins. Each member must earn at least one communication award (CC, ACB, ACS, ACG) and at least one leadership award (CL, ALB, ALS, DTM) to qualify. Early Achievers District 4 is ready to offer recognition to those clubs who are stretching themselves and helping members fill their goals. Any club which becomes an Early Achiever, (achieves 5 Distinguished Club Program goals by October 31), will receive $100 in district credit. As of October 6, 13 clubs have become Early Achievers and numerous others are on the path as well. Club Officer Training Update District 4 had a very successful club officer training season. 193 clubs (69%) had 4 or more club officers trained and 86 clubs (31%) had all 7 officers trained! A special thank you goes to Atul Nayak and Dennis Chase, our two TLI chairs, and all the Division and Area Governors who helped to put club officer training together throughout the district. Thank you to the trainers and of course the members who attended and helped us to Raise the Bar on training this season! Are you looking for chances to raise your own bar? Do you have a success story to tell? Reach out to Katherine at lget@d4tm.org 7 d4tm.org BINA’S CORNER A message from Bina Mehta, District 4 Governor “Seekh Hum Beete Yugon Se, Naye Yug Ka Karein Swagat” “Let’s welcome the future, learning from the past” These are the words from the theme song of one of the most popular TV series in India, Mahabharata, based on the Indian Epic of the same name. This week, we met with District 4 Past District Governor’s committee to share this year’s plan and progress and get nuggets of their wisdom. It was a rich and memorable experience to meet a group of 20 Toastmasters leaders from 20th and 21st century who care about our members and believe in the mission of Toastmasters. Have you met someone who has been a Toastmaster for over 10 years and wonder, what makes them keep coming? It is the opportunity of continuous learning, helping a fellow member, and being inspired by the transformation of newer members. Toastmasters International is celebrating its 90th anniversary. We have 90 years of history to learn from and a promising future to welcome. In our founder Dr. Ralph Smedley’s words, “We We learn best in moments of enjoyment” enjoyment . District 4 conferences are great opportunities to learn with enjoyment and our upcoming Fall conference is no exception. If you have never attended one, here are the reasons to attend: Celebrate Success at Hall of Fame. In this issue, you have read about numerous examples of members and clubs Raising the Bar. You will get a chance to meet and applaud them. Enhance your speaking and leadership skills by listening to experts. Support and cheer our Division champions compete for District titles. Network and make new connections. I would love to see you Catch the Wave and Ride to Success on November 8th in Seaside, Monterey. Warm Regards, Bina Mehta, ACG/ALB District 4 Governor dg@d4tm.org 8 d4tm.org 9 The FOU FOUR Rcaste casterr What’s making waves in District 4 Toastmasters Fall Edition 2014 CONTACTS: DISTINGUISHED TOASTMASTERS TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL Congratulations to the following members who have recently achieved their Distinguished Toastmaster Award. DISTRICT 4 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE http://www.toastmasters.org DTM is the highest level award that a Toastmaster can achieve and signifies the completion of both the communication and leadership tracks. District Governor: Bina Mehta, ACG/ALB dg@d4tm.org Lt. Gov. Education: & Training Katherine Pratt, DTM lget@d4tm.org Lt. Gov. Marketing: Andrew Gimenez, ACB/ALS lgm@d4tm.org Cheers to: Jim Ferrer Ravi Ganesan Jenny Cai Sam Chow Michael Bassetti Page Edwards James Louie Sunil Tomar Ritu Gupta Danny Lau Sue-May Jin Dave Gaul Lawrence Hileman Public Relations Officer: Deep Kakkar, ACB, ALS pro@d4tm.org Immediate Past District Governor: Rita Barber, DTM ipdg@d4tm.org District Secretary: Hari Sanghvi District Treasurer: Dave Gaul Parliamentarian: Tony DeLeon, DTM Sergeant-at-Arms: Keith Worrell DISTRICT 4 QUICK LINKS District 4 Website: www.d4tm.org District 4 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/District4Toastmasters District 4 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/district-4toastmasters District 4 Twitter: http://twitter.com/D4TM District 4 MeetUp Group: http://www.meetup.com/district4toastmasters/ d4tm.org Newsletter Designed by Lisa Tsai 10 The FOUR FOURcaster caster What’s making waves in District 4 Toastmasters Fall Edition 2014 Are you ready to Catch the Wave? Wave ? Join your fellow Toastmasters on November 8, 2014 at the District 4 Fall Conference in be a u t i f u l Monterey. Our keynote speaker, Judy Carter, will help us awaken the power and humor of our personal stories. Educational sessions, speech contests and Hall of Fame inductions will inspire you to carve your own way through the waves and R ide to S uccess ! Inside This Issue: Fall District Conference KEYNOTE SPEECH: “The Message of You: You Can’t Spell Message without M-E-S-S” Hanging Ten with D4TM: Club Events Do you have an Extraordinary Story INSIDE OF YOU but can’t seem to FIND it? "In her inspiring keynote and hands-on workshop, internationally renowned speaker and American author/comic Judy Carter takes you on a journey into yourself, awakening you to the POWER and Keynote Speaker HUMOR behind the stories JUDY CARTER that make up your life. Even if you feel like an “ordinary” person, Judy will guide you to find the EXTRAORDINARY story you have to share. A story only you can tell. A story that can give your life meaning, inspire others, ignite your career, and help you better connect with clients, friends and family. " Featured Clubs: Talk the Line Foster City Toastmasters MarketingSpotlight Education & Training Spotlight Bina’s Corner Distinguished Toastmasters Quick Links 1 d4tm.org 7 S aturday, Novemb er 8, 2014 R egister at: www.D4TM.OR G/ FALL2014 PRICING EARLY BIRD registration (ends October 31): $70 Conference Package ($90 after October 31) $90 Conference Package + evening reception ($110 after October 31) A la carte options are available (see registration page for details) CONFERENCE SCHEDULE 7:00 AM 8:15 AM 8:45 AM 10:30 AM 11:20 AM 12:00 PM 1:45 PM Sign in, Breakfast Opening Ceremonies Evaluation Contest Keynote Address Educational Breakout Sessions Luncheon; Hall of Fame Recognition District Business Meeting; Breakout Sessions Humorous Speech Contest Conference Adjourns; Opportunity Awards winners posted Optional Evening Reception Reception Program Adjourns 3:30 PM 5:45 PM 6:30 PM 8:00 PM KEYNOTE SPEAKER BIO J U DY C A R TER Judy Carter is a TEDx speaker, humorist, and stress reduction expert. expert. She has been feafeatured on over 100 TV shows, nominated for Atlantic City’s Entertainer of the the year, and and has been featured in the Wall Wall Street Journal, Wal New York Times, Times, The Oprah Winfrey Winfrey Show and on CNN. As an author, author, Judy doesn’t like to brag, but she did write the Bible. No joke, author of The The Comedy Bible (Simon she’s the author well as Standup Comedy: Comed y: & Schuster), as well The Book (Dell Books). Judy’s new book, The Message Message of You, teaches readers how to to inspire others and has has been use life stories to inspire featuredon National TV as well as NPR's “All Things Considered.” You can find free speaking and comedy tools at: http://judycarter.com EDUCATIONAL EDUCATIONAL SESSIONS SESSIONS “Finding “Finding Extraordinary Extraordinary Stories Stories in in an an Ordinary Ordinary Day” Day” Judy Judy Carter’s Carter’s hands-on hands-on workshop workshop will will help help you you find find the the stories stories only only you you can can tell tell “Branded “Branded for for Success Success -- Personal Personal Branding Branding Techniques Techniques to to Advance Advance Your Your Career” Career” Immediate Immediate Past Past District District Governor, Governor, Distinguished Distinguished Toastmaster, Toastmaster, Rita Rita Barber Barber S aturday, Novemb er 8, 2014 R egister at: www.D4TM.OR G/FALL2014 2 S aturday, Novemb er 8, 2014 R egister at: www.D4TM.OR G/ FALL2014 ATTENDING THE BUSINESS MEETING IS FREE FRE E ! Presidentsand andVPEs VPEsor ortheir theirproxies proxiesget getaavote vote Presidents Arrive Arriv eby by1:00 1:00 1: 00PM PMto tocheck to checkin inat atthe theCredentials the Credentialsdesk deskand and Arrive pickup upyour yourballots ballots pick Printproxy proxyform formon onpage page99of ofthis thisnewletter newletteror ordownload download Print at: ititat: http://d4tm.org/images/conference/fall2014_proxy_form.pdf http://d4tm.org http:// d4tm.org/images/conference/ /images/conference/fall fall2014_proxy_form.pdf 2014_proxy_form.pdf tto oattend attend atten dbusiness businesssmeeting busines meeting meetin gonly only No N oregistration registration registratio nrequired requiredto No (no refreshments refreshments included) included) (no DISTRICT 4 REFORMATION Over the years, District 4 Toastmasters has been consistently growing. This successful growth of our district has brought us to a point where we are now looking at reforming reformin g District Distric t 4 per pe r Toastmasters Toastmaster s International may better guidelines guidelines into into two two districts so so that that we we may serve our members. The reformation is planned for the 2016 – 2017 year. We will vote on District 4 Reformation at the Business Meeting Meeting during during the Fall Conference Conference on November 8th. For more information, please feel free to email emai l Immediate Past District Governor Governor Rita Rit a Barber at ipdg@d4tm.org SPONSORSHIP AND ADVERTISING Do you have a Business or Organiza�on iza�on that that you you would would like like to to showcase? showcase? Would you like to adver�se your products or services? Do Do you you think think you you have have the the best best Toastmasters Toastmasters Club Club in in the the District? District? This Fall Conference offers multiple sponsorship and advertising opportunities to do all 3! There are Platinum, Gold and Silver sponsorship levels for your company or business starting at $500 AND business card size to full page advertising in the conference program starting at $30! Sponsorship includes Banner and Signage, Advertising in the Program, Conference tickets and placement of YOUR LOGO and website LINK on D4TM website. Custom Sponsorships tailored to your budget and objectives are also available. If your company or busines sponsors YOUR TOASTMASTER CLUB, ask them to consider sponsoring the conference or placing ad supporting your club and the Toastmaster mission! ALL THE PROCEEDS BENEFIT DISTRICT 4 AND ITS EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS! Don’t delay; contact Ben Cardenas Cardenas,, Sponsorship Chairperson NOW! benthepromaster@gmail.com P: 650-533-5358 S aturday, Novemb er 8, 2014 R egister at: www.D4TM.OR G/FALL2014 3 HANGING TEN with D4TM Highlights around the District 4 d4tm.org FEATURED CLUBS Talk the Line “One of the things I noticed was how they greeted and thanked each of us and for the members who spoke. The Applause, not just any ordinary applause, I mean THE APPLAUSE. One that gets your emotions moving, one that is felt deep down inside. What a way to be welcomed and thanked!” ~ testimonial from a visitor to Talk the Line You may think, all Toastmasters clubs are welcoming, so what is special about this club? ‘Talk The Line’ club was started in Soledad prison, California in 2008. All the members are prisoners. The club has strict attendance and participation rules for members. Members address one another formally (saying Mister rather than first names). Club officers take their roles seriously. The speeches are of the highest caliber, displaying much research and thought. Members are passionate about Toastmasters, always thrilled when outside Toastmasters come as trainers or to provide feedback. There is a continual waiting list for new members hoping to get into the club. Being accepted into the club is a highly coveted honor. Every term, representatives from District 4 visit the club to provide club officers training. The club also held their first ever speech contest. For the last two years, Talk The Line has achieved President’s Distinguished award and are aiming for the third time. This makes Talk the Line a very special club in District 4. However, formula for success at Talk the Line is same as any other club: Trained and engaged officers, members rooting for mutual self-development and running quality meetings. The members of the club also support Gavel clubs within the correctional facilities. Foster City Toastmasters Club Foster City Toastmasters Club is a President’s Distinguished Toastmasters community club focused on empowering members to become leaders. We are a warm, friendly, and supportive club. We love our club so much that we maintain a high retention rate, manage excellent guest-tomember conversion rate (current base = 44 and growing), and contribute back to Toastmasters and District 4 by helping other clubs achieve their success. We also sponsored the charter of a new advanced club The San Mateo Storytellers, to develop the art of storytelling. When you join our club, you are assigned a mentor who will work alongside you to create your individual development plan that’s customized to your needs, your personal development goals, and your personal time commitments. We ensure that your development plan is driven by S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely) Goals. Our signature Fast Track Program provides you that extra push to get you closer to your success. As a member, we will encourage you to step outside your comfort zone by providing you opportunities to participate in various Toastmaster events. Our members are always eager to volunteer because they see the value it brings to develop a broader learning experience. Every member of our club strives to make Foster City Toastmasters Club a model club in District 4. Come join us and be part of the story. We would love to have you visit us and join our family. We meet at the Starboard Room at the Foster City Community Center every 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, between 07:30 PM and 09:30 PM. The Community Center is at 1000 E. Hillsdale Boulevard, Foster City, CA 94404. 5 d4tm.org MARKETING SPOTLIGHT Andy Gimenez, Lt. Governor Marketing, shares advice and highlights B u il d in g Y o ur C l ub ’ s F o un d at i on a nd G row t h The health of a Toastmasters club doesn’t solely rely on the speaking talents of its members and the leadership of its officer team. Having one or both of these luxuries in a club is not a possibility without membership building! Membership building includes reten�on and growth, not one or the other. How focused is your club on membership building? September Sanity Clubs that renewed 75% of their 7/1/14 membership base by September 15, 2014, earned $50 in District Credit. Thank you to the over 50 clubs that achieved September Sanity, which shows to everyone in the District, including their own members, that membership retention is key to keeping a strong club. 2014 Smedley Award From August 1 to September 30 of every term, World Headquarters recognizes all clubs that add 5 or more new, dual, or reinstated members. As a reward, clubs received a “Smedley Award” ribbon for display next to the club banner along with a 10% off their next club mail order. Many thanks in advance to these award winning clubs, who will be notified by World Headquarters in a few weeks. Swish! “Nothing but Net” Contest From now un�l December 31, 2014, District 4 will recognize the 3 top clubs in each Division that have the largest net gain in membership. For example, if a club’s 7/1/14 membership base is 20, adds 10 new members, and loses 5 members at renewal �me, the club’s net gain is +5. Within each Division, the top finishing club will win District Credits in the amount of: 1st place will win $100, 2nd place will win $75, and 3rd place will win $50. Membership Building Webinar On Wednesday, October 15, please join me, along with Rita Barber, DTM, IPDG, for a fun and insightful hour, learning the ABCs of building club membership. After watching this webinar, you will walk away knowing valuable best practices, from how to close the sale on prospective members, conducting an attractive open house, to keeping the membership experience fresh and interesting. For more details and to register: https://district4tm.wufoo.com/forms/membership-building-webinar/ I s y o u r c l u b i t c h i n g to r a i se the bar on membership? Have an idea on a new club? coach a W o u l d y o u l i k e t o co c l u b o r m e n t o r a ne w c l u b? Co C o n n e c t w i t h A n dy a t lgm@d4tm.org 6 d4tm.org EDUCATION & TRAINING Katherine Pratt, Lt. Gov. Education & Training, shares highlights and advice Creating Opportunities to Raise the Bar “Life opens up opportunities to you, and you either take them or you stay afraid of taking them. “ ~ Actor, Jim Carrey Toastmasters gives us the chance to take those opportunities, instead of letting them pass us by. What opportunities can you create this year to raise your own bar? I’m happy to see many instances of members and their clubs raising the bar this year. During club officer training, I encountered many brand new members taking on officer roles for the first time. Two of our newer clubs, UBSF and Pacific Rim stretched themselves to have all 7 officers trained. Clubs all over the district are working together to ensure the success of Toastmasters a club which their members. I was inspired after a recent visit to Peninsula Toastmasters, began the year with 9 members. In a few short months, they have added 5 new members, filled their meetings with multiple manual speeches, and are working together to become a distinguished club. They are living their new mantra, “Back on Track, Bouncing Back, Making a Mark.” Now that’s Raising the Bar! Educational Awards and Triple Crown Are you working on your speaking and leadership goals? Each month we publish the names of those who have earned educational awards on our website here . For those who are willing to set the bar high and earn three d i fferent educational awards this year, we will offer Triple Crown Award pins. Each member must earn at least one communication award (CC, ACB, ACS, ACG) and at least one leadership award (CL, ALB, ALS, DTM) to qualify. Early Achievers District 4 is ready to offer recognition to those clubs who are stretching themselves and helping members fill their goals. Any club which becomes an Early Achiever, (achieves 5 Distinguished Club Program goals by October 31), will receive $100 in district credit. As of October 6, 13 clubs have become Early Achievers and numerous others are on the path as well. Club Officer Training Update District 4 had a very successful club officer training season. 193 clubs (69%) had 4 or more club officers trained and 86 clubs (31%) had all 7 officers trained! A special thank you goes to Atul Nayak and Dennis Chase, our two TLI chairs, and all the Division and Area Governors who helped to put club officer training together throughout the district. Thank you to the trainers and of course the members who attended and helped us to Raise the Bar on training this season! Are you looking for chances to raise your own bar? Do you have a success story to tell? Reach out to Katherine at lget@d4tm.org 7 d4tm.org BINA’S CORNER A message from Bina Mehta, District 4 Governor “Seekh Hum Beete Yugon Se, Naye Yug Ka Karein Swagat” “Let’s welcome the future, learning from the past” These are the words from the theme song of one of the most popular TV series in India, Mahabharata, based on the Indian Epic of the same name. This week, we met with District 4 Past District Governor’s committee to share this year’s plan and progress and get nuggets of their wisdom. It was a rich and memorable experience to meet a group of 20 Toastmasters leaders from 20th and 21st century who care about our members and believe in the mission of Toastmasters. Have you met someone who has been a Toastmaster for over 10 years and wonder, what makes them keep coming? It is the opportunity of continuous learning, helping a fellow member, and being inspired by the transformation of newer members. Toastmasters International is celebrating its 90th anniversary. We have 90 years of history to learn from and a promising future to welcome. In our founder Dr. Ralph Smedley’s words, “We We learn best in moments of enjoyment” enjoyment . District 4 conferences are great opportunities to learn with enjoyment and our upcoming Fall conference is no exception. If you have never attended one, here are the reasons to attend: Celebrate Success at Hall of Fame. In this issue, you have read about numerous examples of members and clubs Raising the Bar. You will get a chance to meet and applaud them. Enhance your speaking and leadership skills by listening to experts. Support and cheer our Division champions compete for District titles. Network and make new connections. I would love to see you Catch the Wave and Ride to Success on November 8th in Seaside, Monterey. Warm Regards, Bina Mehta, ACG/ALB District 4 Governor dg@d4tm.org 8 d4tm.org 9 The FOU FOUR Rcaste casterr What’s making waves in District 4 Toastmasters Fall Edition 2014 CONTACTS: DISTINGUISHED TOASTMASTERS TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL Congratulations to the following members who have recently achieved their Distinguished Toastmaster Award. DISTRICT 4 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE http://www.toastmasters.org DTM is the highest level award that a Toastmaster can achieve and signifies the completion of both the communication and leadership tracks. District Governor: Bina Mehta, ACG/ALB dg@d4tm.org Lt. Gov. Education: & Training Katherine Pratt, DTM lget@d4tm.org Lt. Gov. Marketing: Andrew Gimenez, ACB/ALS lgm@d4tm.org Cheers to: Jim Ferrer Ravi Ganesan Jenny Cai Sam Chow Michael Bassetti Page Edwards James Louie Sunil Tomar Ritu Gupta Danny Lau Sue-May Jin Dave Gaul Lawrence Hileman Public Relations Officer: Deep Kakkar, ACB, ALS pro@d4tm.org Immediate Past District Governor: Rita Barber, DTM ipdg@d4tm.org District Secretary: Hari Sanghvi District Treasurer: Dave Gaul Parliamentarian: Tony DeLeon, DTM Sergeant-at-Arms: Keith Worrell DISTRICT 4 QUICK LINKS District 4 Website: www.d4tm.org District 4 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/District4Toastmasters District 4 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/district-4toastmasters District 4 Twitter: http://twitter.com/D4TM District 4 MeetUp Group: http://www.meetup.com/district4toastmasters/ d4tm.org Newsletter Designed by Lisa Tsai 10 The FOUR FOURcaster caster What’s making waves in District 4 Toastmasters Fall Edition 2014 Are you ready to Catch the Wave? Wave ? Join your fellow Toastmasters on November 8, 2014 at the District 4 Fall Conference in be a u t i f u l Monterey. Our keynote speaker, Judy Carter, will help us awaken the power and humor of our personal stories. Educational sessions, speech contests and Hall of Fame inductions will inspire you to carve your own way through the waves and R ide to S uccess ! Inside This Issue: Fall District Conference KEYNOTE SPEECH: “The Message of You: You Can’t Spell Message without M-E-S-S” Hanging Ten with D4TM: Club Events Do you have an Extraordinary Story INSIDE OF YOU but can’t seem to FIND it? "In her inspiring keynote and hands-on workshop, internationally renowned speaker and American author/comic Judy Carter takes you on a journey into yourself, awakening you to the POWER and Keynote Speaker HUMOR behind the stories JUDY CARTER that make up your life. Even if you feel like an “ordinary” person, Judy will guide you to find the EXTRAORDINARY story you have to share. A story only you can tell. A story that can give your life meaning, inspire others, ignite your career, and help you better connect with clients, friends and family. " Featured Clubs: Talk the Line Foster City Toastmasters MarketingSpotlight Education & Training Spotlight Bina’s Corner Distinguished Toastmasters Quick Links 1 d4tm.org 7 S aturday, Novemb er 8, 2014 R egister at: www.D4TM.OR G/ FALL2014 PRICING EARLY BIRD registration (ends October 31): $70 Conference Package ($90 after October 31) $90 Conference Package + evening reception ($110 after October 31) A la carte options are available (see registration page for details) CONFERENCE SCHEDULE 7:00 AM 8:15 AM 8:45 AM 10:30 AM 11:20 AM 12:00 PM 1:45 PM Sign in, Breakfast Opening Ceremonies Evaluation Contest Keynote Address Educational Breakout Sessions Luncheon; Hall of Fame Recognition District Business Meeting; Breakout Sessions Humorous Speech Contest Conference Adjourns; Opportunity Awards winners posted Optional Evening Reception Reception Program Adjourns 3:30 PM 5:45 PM 6:30 PM 8:00 PM KEYNOTE SPEAKER BIO J U DY C A R TER Judy Carter is a TEDx speaker, humorist, and stress reduction expert. expert. She has been feafeatured on over 100 TV shows, nominated for Atlantic City’s Entertainer of the the year, and and has been featured in the Wall Wall Street Journal, Wal New York Times, Times, The Oprah Winfrey Winfrey Show and on CNN. As an author, author, Judy doesn’t like to brag, but she did write the Bible. No joke, author of The The Comedy Bible (Simon she’s the author well as Standup Comedy: Comed y: & Schuster), as well The Book (Dell Books). Judy’s new book, The Message Message of You, teaches readers how to to inspire others and has has been use life stories to inspire featuredon National TV as well as NPR's “All Things Considered.” You can find free speaking and comedy tools at: http://judycarter.com EDUCATIONAL EDUCATIONAL SESSIONS SESSIONS “Finding “Finding Extraordinary Extraordinary Stories Stories in in an an Ordinary Ordinary Day” Day” Judy Judy Carter’s Carter’s hands-on hands-on workshop workshop will will help help you you find find the the stories stories only only you you can can tell tell “Branded “Branded for for Success Success -- Personal Personal Branding Branding Techniques Techniques to to Advance Advance Your Your Career” Career” Immediate Immediate Past Past District District Governor, Governor, Distinguished Distinguished Toastmaster, Toastmaster, Rita Rita Barber Barber S aturday, Novemb er 8, 2014 R egister at: www.D4TM.OR G/FALL2014 2 S aturday, Novemb er 8, 2014 R egister at: www.D4TM.OR G/ FALL2014 ATTENDING THE BUSINESS MEETING IS FREE FRE E ! Presidentsand andVPEs VPEsor ortheir theirproxies proxiesget getaavote vote Presidents Arrive Arriv eby by1:00 1:00 1: 00PM PMto tocheck to checkin inat atthe theCredentials the Credentialsdesk deskand and Arrive pickup upyour yourballots ballots pick Printproxy proxyform formon onpage page99of ofthis thisnewletter newletteror ordownload download Print at: ititat: http://d4tm.org/images/conference/fall2014_proxy_form.pdf http://d4tm.org http:// d4tm.org/images/conference/ /images/conference/fall fall2014_proxy_form.pdf 2014_proxy_form.pdf tto oattend attend atten dbusiness businesssmeeting busines meeting meetin gonly only No N oregistration registration registratio nrequired requiredto No (no refreshments refreshments included) included) (no DISTRICT 4 REFORMATION Over the years, District 4 Toastmasters has been consistently growing. This successful growth of our district has brought us to a point where we are now looking at reforming reformin g District Distric t 4 per pe r Toastmasters Toastmaster s International may better guidelines guidelines into into two two districts so so that that we we may serve our members. The reformation is planned for the 2016 – 2017 year. We will vote on District 4 Reformation at the Business Meeting Meeting during during the Fall Conference Conference on November 8th. For more information, please feel free to email emai l Immediate Past District Governor Governor Rita Rit a Barber at ipdg@d4tm.org SPONSORSHIP AND ADVERTISING Do you have a Business or Organiza�on iza�on that that you you would would like like to to showcase? showcase? Would you like to adver�se your products or services? Do Do you you think think you you have have the the best best Toastmasters Toastmasters Club Club in in the the District? District? This Fall Conference offers multiple sponsorship and advertising opportunities to do all 3! There are Platinum, Gold and Silver sponsorship levels for your company or business starting at $500 AND business card size to full page advertising in the conference program starting at $30! Sponsorship includes Banner and Signage, Advertising in the Program, Conference tickets and placement of YOUR LOGO and website LINK on D4TM website. Custom Sponsorships tailored to your budget and objectives are also available. If your company or busines sponsors YOUR TOASTMASTER CLUB, ask them to consider sponsoring the conference or placing ad supporting your club and the Toastmaster mission! ALL THE PROCEEDS BENEFIT DISTRICT 4 AND ITS EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS! Don’t delay; contact Ben Cardenas Cardenas,, Sponsorship Chairperson NOW! benthepromaster@gmail.com P: 650-533-5358 S aturday, Novemb er 8, 2014 R egister at: www.D4TM.OR G/FALL2014 3 HANGING TEN with D4TM Highlights around the District 4 d4tm.org FEATURED CLUBS Talk the Line “One of the things I noticed was how they greeted and thanked each of us and for the members who spoke. The Applause, not just any ordinary applause, I mean THE APPLAUSE. One that gets your emotions moving, one that is felt deep down inside. What a way to be welcomed and thanked!” ~ testimonial from a visitor to Talk the Line You may think, all Toastmasters clubs are welcoming, so what is special about this club? ‘Talk The Line’ club was started in Soledad prison, California in 2008. All the members are prisoners. The club has strict attendance and participation rules for members. Members address one another formally (saying Mister rather than first names). Club officers take their roles seriously. The speeches are of the highest caliber, displaying much research and thought. Members are passionate about Toastmasters, always thrilled when outside Toastmasters come as trainers or to provide feedback. There is a continual waiting list for new members hoping to get into the club. Being accepted into the club is a highly coveted honor. Every term, representatives from District 4 visit the club to provide club officers training. The club also held their first ever speech contest. For the last two years, Talk The Line has achieved President’s Distinguished award and are aiming for the third time. This makes Talk the Line a very special club in District 4. However, formula for success at Talk the Line is same as any other club: Trained and engaged officers, members rooting for mutual self-development and running quality meetings. The members of the club also support Gavel clubs within the correctional facilities. Foster City Toastmasters Club Foster City Toastmasters Club is a President’s Distinguished Toastmasters community club focused on empowering members to become leaders. We are a warm, friendly, and supportive club. We love our club so much that we maintain a high retention rate, manage excellent guest-tomember conversion rate (current base = 44 and growing), and contribute back to Toastmasters and District 4 by helping other clubs achieve their success. We also sponsored the charter of a new advanced club The San Mateo Storytellers, to develop the art of storytelling. When you join our club, you are assigned a mentor who will work alongside you to create your individual development plan that’s customized to your needs, your personal development goals, and your personal time commitments. We ensure that your development plan is driven by S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely) Goals. Our signature Fast Track Program provides you that extra push to get you closer to your success. As a member, we will encourage you to step outside your comfort zone by providing you opportunities to participate in various Toastmaster events. Our members are always eager to volunteer because they see the value it brings to develop a broader learning experience. Every member of our club strives to make Foster City Toastmasters Club a model club in District 4. Come join us and be part of the story. We would love to have you visit us and join our family. We meet at the Starboard Room at the Foster City Community Center every 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, between 07:30 PM and 09:30 PM. The Community Center is at 1000 E. Hillsdale Boulevard, Foster City, CA 94404. 5 d4tm.org MARKETING SPOTLIGHT Andy Gimenez, Lt. Governor Marketing, shares advice and highlights B u il d in g Y o ur C l ub ’ s F o un d at i on a nd G row t h The health of a Toastmasters club doesn’t solely rely on the speaking talents of its members and the leadership of its officer team. Having one or both of these luxuries in a club is not a possibility without membership building! Membership building includes reten�on and growth, not one or the other. How focused is your club on membership building? September Sanity Clubs that renewed 75% of their 7/1/14 membership base by September 15, 2014, earned $50 in District Credit. Thank you to the over 50 clubs that achieved September Sanity, which shows to everyone in the District, including their own members, that membership retention is key to keeping a strong club. 2014 Smedley Award From August 1 to September 30 of every term, World Headquarters recognizes all clubs that add 5 or more new, dual, or reinstated members. As a reward, clubs received a “Smedley Award” ribbon for display next to the club banner along with a 10% off their next club mail order. Many thanks in advance to these award winning clubs, who will be notified by World Headquarters in a few weeks. Swish! “Nothing but Net” Contest From now un�l December 31, 2014, District 4 will recognize the 3 top clubs in each Division that have the largest net gain in membership. For example, if a club’s 7/1/14 membership base is 20, adds 10 new members, and loses 5 members at renewal �me, the club’s net gain is +5. Within each Division, the top finishing club will win District Credits in the amount of: 1st place will win $100, 2nd place will win $75, and 3rd place will win $50. Membership Building Webinar On Wednesday, October 15, please join me, along with Rita Barber, DTM, IPDG, for a fun and insightful hour, learning the ABCs of building club membership. After watching this webinar, you will walk away knowing valuable best practices, from how to close the sale on prospective members, conducting an attractive open house, to keeping the membership experience fresh and interesting. For more details and to register: https://district4tm.wufoo.com/forms/membership-building-webinar/ I s y o u r c l u b i t c h i n g to r a i se the bar on membership? Have an idea on a new club? coach a W o u l d y o u l i k e t o co c l u b o r m e n t o r a ne w c l u b? Co C o n n e c t w i t h A n dy a t lgm@d4tm.org 6 d4tm.org EDUCATION & TRAINING Katherine Pratt, Lt. Gov. Education & Training, shares highlights and advice Creating Opportunities to Raise the Bar “Life opens up opportunities to you, and you either take them or you stay afraid of taking them. “ ~ Actor, Jim Carrey Toastmasters gives us the chance to take those opportunities, instead of letting them pass us by. What opportunities can you create this year to raise your own bar? I’m happy to see many instances of members and their clubs raising the bar this year. During club officer training, I encountered many brand new members taking on officer roles for the first time. Two of our newer clubs, UBSF and Pacific Rim stretched themselves to have all 7 officers trained. Clubs all over the district are working together to ensure the success of Toastmasters a club which their members. I was inspired after a recent visit to Peninsula Toastmasters, began the year with 9 members. In a few short months, they have added 5 new members, filled their meetings with multiple manual speeches, and are working together to become a distinguished club. They are living their new mantra, “Back on Track, Bouncing Back, Making a Mark.” Now that’s Raising the Bar! Educational Awards and Triple Crown Are you working on your speaking and leadership goals? Each month we publish the names of those who have earned educational awards on our website here . For those who are willing to set the bar high and earn three d i fferent educational awards this year, we will offer Triple Crown Award pins. Each member must earn at least one communication award (CC, ACB, ACS, ACG) and at least one leadership award (CL, ALB, ALS, DTM) to qualify. Early Achievers District 4 is ready to offer recognition to those clubs who are stretching themselves and helping members fill their goals. Any club which becomes an Early Achiever, (achieves 5 Distinguished Club Program goals by October 31), will receive $100 in district credit. As of October 6, 13 clubs have become Early Achievers and numerous others are on the path as well. Club Officer Training Update District 4 had a very successful club officer training season. 193 clubs (69%) had 4 or more club officers trained and 86 clubs (31%) had all 7 officers trained! A special thank you goes to Atul Nayak and Dennis Chase, our two TLI chairs, and all the Division and Area Governors who helped to put club officer training together throughout the district. Thank you to the trainers and of course the members who attended and helped us to Raise the Bar on training this season! Are you looking for chances to raise your own bar? Do you have a success story to tell? Reach out to Katherine at lget@d4tm.org 7 d4tm.org BINA’S CORNER A message from Bina Mehta, District 4 Governor “Seekh Hum Beete Yugon Se, Naye Yug Ka Karein Swagat” “Let’s welcome the future, learning from the past” These are the words from the theme song of one of the most popular TV series in India, Mahabharata, based on the Indian Epic of the same name. This week, we met with District 4 Past District Governor’s committee to share this year’s plan and progress and get nuggets of their wisdom. It was a rich and memorable experience to meet a group of 20 Toastmasters leaders from 20th and 21st century who care about our members and believe in the mission of Toastmasters. Have you met someone who has been a Toastmaster for over 10 years and wonder, what makes them keep coming? It is the opportunity of continuous learning, helping a fellow member, and being inspired by the transformation of newer members. Toastmasters International is celebrating its 90th anniversary. We have 90 years of history to learn from and a promising future to welcome. In our founder Dr. Ralph Smedley’s words, “We We learn best in moments of enjoyment” enjoyment . District 4 conferences are great opportunities to learn with enjoyment and our upcoming Fall conference is no exception. If you have never attended one, here are the reasons to attend: Celebrate Success at Hall of Fame. In this issue, you have read about numerous examples of members and clubs Raising the Bar. You will get a chance to meet and applaud them. Enhance your speaking and leadership skills by listening to experts. Support and cheer our Division champions compete for District titles. Network and make new connections. I would love to see you Catch the Wave and Ride to Success on November 8th in Seaside, Monterey. Warm Regards, Bina Mehta, ACG/ALB District 4 Governor dg@d4tm.org 8 d4tm.org 9 The FOU FOUR Rcaste casterr What’s making waves in District 4 Toastmasters Fall Edition 2014 CONTACTS: DISTINGUISHED TOASTMASTERS TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL Congratulations to the following members who have recently achieved their Distinguished Toastmaster Award. DISTRICT 4 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE http://www.toastmasters.org DTM is the highest level award that a Toastmaster can achieve and signifies the completion of both the communication and leadership tracks. District Governor: Bina Mehta, ACG/ALB dg@d4tm.org Lt. Gov. Education: & Training Katherine Pratt, DTM lget@d4tm.org Lt. Gov. Marketing: Andrew Gimenez, ACB/ALS lgm@d4tm.org Cheers to: Jim Ferrer Ravi Ganesan Jenny Cai Sam Chow Michael Bassetti Page Edwards James Louie Sunil Tomar Ritu Gupta Danny Lau Sue-May Jin Dave Gaul Lawrence Hileman Public Relations Officer: Deep Kakkar, ACB, ALS pro@d4tm.org Immediate Past District Governor: Rita Barber, DTM ipdg@d4tm.org District Secretary: Hari Sanghvi District Treasurer: Dave Gaul Parliamentarian: Tony DeLeon, DTM Sergeant-at-Arms: Keith Worrell DISTRICT 4 QUICK LINKS District 4 Website: www.d4tm.org District 4 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/District4Toastmasters District 4 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/district-4toastmasters District 4 Twitter: http://twitter.com/D4TM District 4 MeetUp Group: http://www.meetup.com/district4toastmasters/ d4tm.org Newsletter Designed by Lisa Tsai 10 The FOUR FOURcaster caster What’s making waves in District 4 Toastmasters Fall Edition 2014 Are you ready to Catch the Wave? Wave ? Join your fellow Toastmasters on November 8, 2014 at the District 4 Fall Conference in be a u t i f u l Monterey. Our keynote speaker, Judy Carter, will help us awaken the power and humor of our personal stories. Educational sessions, speech contests and Hall of Fame inductions will inspire you to carve your own way through the waves and R ide to S uccess ! Inside This Issue: Fall District Conference KEYNOTE SPEECH: “The Message of You: You Can’t Spell Message without M-E-S-S” Hanging Ten with D4TM: Club Events Do you have an Extraordinary Story INSIDE OF YOU but can’t seem to FIND it? "In her inspiring keynote and hands-on workshop, internationally renowned speaker and American author/comic Judy Carter takes you on a journey into yourself, awakening you to the POWER and Keynote Speaker HUMOR behind the stories JUDY CARTER that make up your life. Even if you feel like an “ordinary” person, Judy will guide you to find the EXTRAORDINARY story you have to share. A story only you can tell. A story that can give your life meaning, inspire others, ignite your career, and help you better connect with clients, friends and family. " Featured Clubs: Talk the Line Foster City Toastmasters MarketingSpotlight Education & Training Spotlight Bina’s Corner Distinguished Toastmasters Quick Links 1 d4tm.org 7 S aturday, Novemb er 8, 2014 R egister at: www.D4TM.OR G/ FALL2014 PRICING EARLY BIRD registration (ends October 31): $70 Conference Package ($90 after October 31) $90 Conference Package + evening reception ($110 after October 31) A la carte options are available (see registration page for details) CONFERENCE SCHEDULE 7:00 AM 8:15 AM 8:45 AM 10:30 AM 11:20 AM 12:00 PM 1:45 PM Sign in, Breakfast Opening Ceremonies Evaluation Contest Keynote Address Educational Breakout Sessions Luncheon; Hall of Fame Recognition District Business Meeting; Breakout Sessions Humorous Speech Contest Conference Adjourns; Opportunity Awards winners posted Optional Evening Reception Reception Program Adjourns 3:30 PM 5:45 PM 6:30 PM 8:00 PM KEYNOTE SPEAKER BIO J U DY C A R TER Judy Carter is a TEDx speaker, humorist, and stress reduction expert. expert. She has been feafeatured on over 100 TV shows, nominated for Atlantic City’s Entertainer of the the year, and and has been featured in the Wall Wall Street Journal, Wal New York Times, Times, The Oprah Winfrey Winfrey Show and on CNN. As an author, author, Judy doesn’t like to brag, but she did write the Bible. No joke, author of The The Comedy Bible (Simon she’s the author well as Standup Comedy: Comed y: & Schuster), as well The Book (Dell Books). Judy’s new book, The Message Message of You, teaches readers how to to inspire others and has has been use life stories to inspire featuredon National TV as well as NPR's “All Things Considered.” You can find free speaking and comedy tools at: http://judycarter.com EDUCATIONAL EDUCATIONAL SESSIONS SESSIONS “Finding “Finding Extraordinary Extraordinary Stories Stories in in an an Ordinary Ordinary Day” Day” Judy Judy Carter’s Carter’s hands-on hands-on workshop workshop will will help help you you find find the the stories stories only only you you can can tell tell “Branded “Branded for for Success Success -- Personal Personal Branding Branding Techniques Techniques to to Advance Advance Your Your Career” Career” Immediate Immediate Past Past District District Governor, Governor, Distinguished Distinguished Toastmaster, Toastmaster, Rita Rita Barber Barber S aturday, Novemb er 8, 2014 R egister at: www.D4TM.OR G/FALL2014 2 S aturday, Novemb er 8, 2014 R egister at: www.D4TM.OR G/ FALL2014 ATTENDING THE BUSINESS MEETING IS FREE FRE E ! Presidentsand andVPEs VPEsor ortheir theirproxies proxiesget getaavote vote Presidents Arrive Arriv eby by1:00 1:00 1: 00PM PMto tocheck to checkin inat atthe theCredentials the Credentialsdesk deskand and Arrive pickup upyour yourballots ballots pick Printproxy proxyform formon onpage page99of ofthis thisnewletter newletteror ordownload download Print at: ititat: http://d4tm.org/images/conference/fall2014_proxy_form.pdf http://d4tm.org http:// d4tm.org/images/conference/ /images/conference/fall fall2014_proxy_form.pdf 2014_proxy_form.pdf tto oattend attend atten dbusiness businesssmeeting busines meeting meetin gonly only No N oregistration registration registratio nrequired requiredto No (no refreshments refreshments included) included) (no DISTRICT 4 REFORMATION Over the years, District 4 Toastmasters has been consistently growing. This successful growth of our district has brought us to a point where we are now looking at reforming reformin g District Distric t 4 per pe r Toastmasters Toastmaster s International may better guidelines guidelines into into two two districts so so that that we we may serve our members. The reformation is planned for the 2016 – 2017 year. We will vote on District 4 Reformation at the Business Meeting Meeting during during the Fall Conference Conference on November 8th. For more information, please feel free to email emai l Immediate Past District Governor Governor Rita Rit a Barber at ipdg@d4tm.org SPONSORSHIP AND ADVERTISING Do you have a Business or Organiza�on iza�on that that you you would would like like to to showcase? showcase? Would you like to adver�se your products or services? Do Do you you think think you you have have the the best best Toastmasters Toastmasters Club Club in in the the District? District? This Fall Conference offers multiple sponsorship and advertising opportunities to do all 3! There are Platinum, Gold and Silver sponsorship levels for your company or business starting at $500 AND business card size to full page advertising in the conference program starting at $30! Sponsorship includes Banner and Signage, Advertising in the Program, Conference tickets and placement of YOUR LOGO and website LINK on D4TM website. Custom Sponsorships tailored to your budget and objectives are also available. If your company or busines sponsors YOUR TOASTMASTER CLUB, ask them to consider sponsoring the conference or placing ad supporting your club and the Toastmaster mission! ALL THE PROCEEDS BENEFIT DISTRICT 4 AND ITS EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS! Don’t delay; contact Ben Cardenas Cardenas,, Sponsorship Chairperson NOW! benthepromaster@gmail.com P: 650-533-5358 S aturday, Novemb er 8, 2014 R egister at: www.D4TM.OR G/FALL2014 3 HANGING TEN with D4TM Highlights around the District 4 d4tm.org FEATURED CLUBS Talk the Line “One of the things I noticed was how they greeted and thanked each of us and for the members who spoke. The Applause, not just any ordinary applause, I mean THE APPLAUSE. One that gets your emotions moving, one that is felt deep down inside. What a way to be welcomed and thanked!” ~ testimonial from a visitor to Talk the Line You may think, all Toastmasters clubs are welcoming, so what is special about this club? ‘Talk The Line’ club was started in Soledad prison, California in 2008. All the members are prisoners. The club has strict attendance and participation rules for members. Members address one another formally (saying Mister rather than first names). Club officers take their roles seriously. The speeches are of the highest caliber, displaying much research and thought. Members are passionate about Toastmasters, always thrilled when outside Toastmasters come as trainers or to provide feedback. There is a continual waiting list for new members hoping to get into the club. Being accepted into the club is a highly coveted honor. Every term, representatives from District 4 visit the club to provide club officers training. The club also held their first ever speech contest. For the last two years, Talk The Line has achieved President’s Distinguished award and are aiming for the third time. This makes Talk the Line a very special club in District 4. However, formula for success at Talk the Line is same as any other club: Trained and engaged officers, members rooting for mutual self-development and running quality meetings. The members of the club also support Gavel clubs within the correctional facilities. Foster City Toastmasters Club Foster City Toastmasters Club is a President’s Distinguished Toastmasters community club focused on empowering members to become leaders. We are a warm, friendly, and supportive club. We love our club so much that we maintain a high retention rate, manage excellent guest-tomember conversion rate (current base = 44 and growing), and contribute back to Toastmasters and District 4 by helping other clubs achieve their success. We also sponsored the charter of a new advanced club The San Mateo Storytellers, to develop the art of storytelling. When you join our club, you are assigned a mentor who will work alongside you to create your individual development plan that’s customized to your needs, your personal development goals, and your personal time commitments. We ensure that your development plan is driven by S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely) Goals. Our signature Fast Track Program provides you that extra push to get you closer to your success. As a member, we will encourage you to step outside your comfort zone by providing you opportunities to participate in various Toastmaster events. Our members are always eager to volunteer because they see the value it brings to develop a broader learning experience. Every member of our club strives to make Foster City Toastmasters Club a model club in District 4. Come join us and be part of the story. We would love to have you visit us and join our family. We meet at the Starboard Room at the Foster City Community Center every 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, between 07:30 PM and 09:30 PM. The Community Center is at 1000 E. Hillsdale Boulevard, Foster City, CA 94404. 5 d4tm.org MARKETING SPOTLIGHT Andy Gimenez, Lt. Governor Marketing, shares advice and highlights B u il d in g Y o ur C l ub ’ s F o un d at i on a nd G row t h The health of a Toastmasters club doesn’t solely rely on the speaking talents of its members and the leadership of its officer team. Having one or both of these luxuries in a club is not a possibility without membership building! Membership building includes reten�on and growth, not one or the other. How focused is your club on membership building? September Sanity Clubs that renewed 75% of their 7/1/14 membership base by September 15, 2014, earned $50 in District Credit. Thank you to the over 50 clubs that achieved September Sanity, which shows to everyone in the District, including their own members, that membership retention is key to keeping a strong club. 2014 Smedley Award From August 1 to September 30 of every term, World Headquarters recognizes all clubs that add 5 or more new, dual, or reinstated members. As a reward, clubs received a “Smedley Award” ribbon for display next to the club banner along with a 10% off their next club mail order. Many thanks in advance to these award winning clubs, who will be notified by World Headquarters in a few weeks. Swish! “Nothing but Net” Contest From now un�l December 31, 2014, District 4 will recognize the 3 top clubs in each Division that have the largest net gain in membership. For example, if a club’s 7/1/14 membership base is 20, adds 10 new members, and loses 5 members at renewal �me, the club’s net gain is +5. Within each Division, the top finishing club will win District Credits in the amount of: 1st place will win $100, 2nd place will win $75, and 3rd place will win $50. Membership Building Webinar On Wednesday, October 15, please join me, along with Rita Barber, DTM, IPDG, for a fun and insightful hour, learning the ABCs of building club membership. After watching this webinar, you will walk away knowing valuable best practices, from how to close the sale on prospective members, conducting an attractive open house, to keeping the membership experience fresh and interesting. For more details and to register: https://district4tm.wufoo.com/forms/membership-building-webinar/ I s y o u r c l u b i t c h i n g to r a i se the bar on membership? Have an idea on a new club? coach a W o u l d y o u l i k e t o co c l u b o r m e n t o r a ne w c l u b? Co C o n n e c t w i t h A n dy a t lgm@d4tm.org 6 d4tm.org EDUCATION & TRAINING Katherine Pratt, Lt. Gov. Education & Training, shares highlights and advice Creating Opportunities to Raise the Bar “Life opens up opportunities to you, and you either take them or you stay afraid of taking them. “ ~ Actor, Jim Carrey Toastmasters gives us the chance to take those opportunities, instead of letting them pass us by. What opportunities can you create this year to raise your own bar? I’m happy to see many instances of members and their clubs raising the bar this year. During club officer training, I encountered many brand new members taking on officer roles for the first time. Two of our newer clubs, UBSF and Pacific Rim stretched themselves to have all 7 officers trained. Clubs all over the district are working together to ensure the success of Toastmasters a club which their members. I was inspired after a recent visit to Peninsula Toastmasters, began the year with 9 members. In a few short months, they have added 5 new members, filled their meetings with multiple manual speeches, and are working together to become a distinguished club. They are living their new mantra, “Back on Track, Bouncing Back, Making a Mark.” Now that’s Raising the Bar! Educational Awards and Triple Crown Are you working on your speaking and leadership goals? Each month we publish the names of those who have earned educational awards on our website here . For those who are willing to set the bar high and earn three d i fferent educational awards this year, we will offer Triple Crown Award pins. Each member must earn at least one communication award (CC, ACB, ACS, ACG) and at least one leadership award (CL, ALB, ALS, DTM) to qualify. Early Achievers District 4 is ready to offer recognition to those clubs who are stretching themselves and helping members fill their goals. Any club which becomes an Early Achiever, (achieves 5 Distinguished Club Program goals by October 31), will receive $100 in district credit. As of October 6, 13 clubs have become Early Achievers and numerous others are on the path as well. Club Officer Training Update District 4 had a very successful club officer training season. 193 clubs (69%) had 4 or more club officers trained and 86 clubs (31%) had all 7 officers trained! A special thank you goes to Atul Nayak and Dennis Chase, our two TLI chairs, and all the Division and Area Governors who helped to put club officer training together throughout the district. Thank you to the trainers and of course the members who attended and helped us to Raise the Bar on training this season! Are you looking for chances to raise your own bar? Do you have a success story to tell? Reach out to Katherine at lget@d4tm.org 7 d4tm.org BINA’S CORNER A message from Bina Mehta, District 4 Governor “Seekh Hum Beete Yugon Se, Naye Yug Ka Karein Swagat” “Let’s welcome the future, learning from the past” These are the words from the theme song of one of the most popular TV series in India, Mahabharata, based on the Indian Epic of the same name. This week, we met with District 4 Past District Governor’s committee to share this year’s plan and progress and get nuggets of their wisdom. It was a rich and memorable experience to meet a group of 20 Toastmasters leaders from 20th and 21st century who care about our members and believe in the mission of Toastmasters. Have you met someone who has been a Toastmaster for over 10 years and wonder, what makes them keep coming? It is the opportunity of continuous learning, helping a fellow member, and being inspired by the transformation of newer members. Toastmasters International is celebrating its 90th anniversary. We have 90 years of history to learn from and a promising future to welcome. In our founder Dr. Ralph Smedley’s words, “We We learn best in moments of enjoyment” enjoyment . District 4 conferences are great opportunities to learn with enjoyment and our upcoming Fall conference is no exception. If you have never attended one, here are the reasons to attend: Celebrate Success at Hall of Fame. In this issue, you have read about numerous examples of members and clubs Raising the Bar. You will get a chance to meet and applaud them. Enhance your speaking and leadership skills by listening to experts. Support and cheer our Division champions compete for District titles. Network and make new connections. I would love to see you Catch the Wave and Ride to Success on November 8th in Seaside, Monterey. Warm Regards, Bina Mehta, ACG/ALB District 4 Governor dg@d4tm.org 8 d4tm.org 9 The FOU FOUR Rcaste casterr What’s making waves in District 4 Toastmasters Fall Edition 2014 CONTACTS: DISTINGUISHED TOASTMASTERS TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL Congratulations to the following members who have recently achieved their Distinguished Toastmaster Award. DISTRICT 4 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE http://www.toastmasters.org DTM is the highest level award that a Toastmaster can achieve and signifies the completion of both the communication and leadership tracks. District Governor: Bina Mehta, ACG/ALB dg@d4tm.org Lt. Gov. Education: & Training Katherine Pratt, DTM lget@d4tm.org Lt. Gov. Marketing: Andrew Gimenez, ACB/ALS lgm@d4tm.org Cheers to: Jim Ferrer Ravi Ganesan Jenny Cai Sam Chow Michael Bassetti Page Edwards James Louie Sunil Tomar Ritu Gupta Danny Lau Sue-May Jin Dave Gaul Lawrence Hileman Public Relations Officer: Deep Kakkar, ACB, ALS pro@d4tm.org Immediate Past District Governor: Rita Barber, DTM ipdg@d4tm.org District Secretary: Hari Sanghvi District Treasurer: Dave Gaul Parliamentarian: Tony DeLeon, DTM Sergeant-at-Arms: Keith Worrell DISTRICT 4 QUICK LINKS District 4 Website: www.d4tm.org District 4 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/District4Toastmasters District 4 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/district-4toastmasters District 4 Twitter: http://twitter.com/D4TM District 4 MeetUp Group: http://www.meetup.com/district4toastmasters/ d4tm.org Newsletter Designed by Lisa Tsai 10 The FOUR FOURcaster caster What’s making waves in District 4 Toastmasters Fall Edition 2014 Are you ready to Catch the Wave? Wave ? Join your fellow Toastmasters on November 8, 2014 at the District 4 Fall Conference in be a u t i f u l Monterey. Our keynote speaker, Judy Carter, will help us awaken the power and humor of our personal stories. Educational sessions, speech contests and Hall of Fame inductions will inspire you to carve your own way through the waves and R ide to S uccess ! Inside This Issue: Fall District Conference KEYNOTE SPEECH: “The Message of You: You Can’t Spell Message without M-E-S-S” Hanging Ten with D4TM: Club Events Do you have an Extraordinary Story INSIDE OF YOU but can’t seem to FIND it? "In her inspiring keynote and hands-on workshop, internationally renowned speaker and American author/comic Judy Carter takes you on a journey into yourself, awakening you to the POWER and Keynote Speaker HUMOR behind the stories JUDY CARTER that make up your life. Even if you feel like an “ordinary” person, Judy will guide you to find the EXTRAORDINARY story you have to share. A story only you can tell. A story that can give your life meaning, inspire others, ignite your career, and help you better connect with clients, friends and family. " Featured Clubs: Talk the Line Foster City Toastmasters MarketingSpotlight Education & Training Spotlight Bina’s Corner Distinguished Toastmasters Quick Links 1 d4tm.org 7 S aturday, Novemb er 8, 2014 R egister at: www.D4TM.OR G/ FALL2014 PRICING EARLY BIRD registration (ends October 31): $70 Conference Package ($90 after October 31) $90 Conference Package + evening reception ($110 after October 31) A la carte options are available (see registration page for details) CONFERENCE SCHEDULE 7:00 AM 8:15 AM 8:45 AM 10:30 AM 11:20 AM 12:00 PM 1:45 PM Sign in, Breakfast Opening Ceremonies Evaluation Contest Keynote Address Educational Breakout Sessions Luncheon; Hall of Fame Recognition District Business Meeting; Breakout Sessions Humorous Speech Contest Conference Adjourns; Opportunity Awards winners posted Optional Evening Reception Reception Program Adjourns 3:30 PM 5:45 PM 6:30 PM 8:00 PM KEYNOTE SPEAKER BIO J U DY C A R TER Judy Carter is a TEDx speaker, humorist, and stress reduction expert. expert. She has been feafeatured on over 100 TV shows, nominated for Atlantic City’s Entertainer of the the year, and and has been featured in the Wall Wall Street Journal, Wal New York Times, Times, The Oprah Winfrey Winfrey Show and on CNN. As an author, author, Judy doesn’t like to brag, but she did write the Bible. No joke, author of The The Comedy Bible (Simon she’s the author well as Standup Comedy: Comed y: & Schuster), as well The Book (Dell Books). Judy’s new book, The Message Message of You, teaches readers how to to inspire others and has has been use life stories to inspire featuredon National TV as well as NPR's “All Things Considered.” You can find free speaking and comedy tools at: http://judycarter.com EDUCATIONAL EDUCATIONAL SESSIONS SESSIONS “Finding “Finding Extraordinary Extraordinary Stories Stories in in an an Ordinary Ordinary Day” Day” Judy Judy Carter’s Carter’s hands-on hands-on workshop workshop will will help help you you find find the the stories stories only only you you can can tell tell “Branded “Branded for for Success Success -- Personal Personal Branding Branding Techniques Techniques to to Advance Advance Your Your Career” Career” Immediate Immediate Past Past District District Governor, Governor, Distinguished Distinguished Toastmaster, Toastmaster, Rita Rita Barber Barber S aturday, Novemb er 8, 2014 R egister at: www.D4TM.OR G/FALL2014 2 S aturday, Novemb er 8, 2014 R egister at: www.D4TM.OR G/ FALL2014 ATTENDING THE BUSINESS MEETING IS FREE FRE E ! Presidentsand andVPEs VPEsor ortheir theirproxies proxiesget getaavote vote Presidents Arrive Arriv eby by1:00 1:00 1: 00PM PMto tocheck to checkin inat atthe theCredentials the Credentialsdesk deskand and Arrive pickup upyour yourballots ballots pick Printproxy proxyform formon onpage page99of ofthis thisnewletter newletteror ordownload download Print at: ititat: http://d4tm.org/images/conference/fall2014_proxy_form.pdf http://d4tm.org http:// d4tm.org/images/conference/ /images/conference/fall fall2014_proxy_form.pdf 2014_proxy_form.pdf tto oattend attend atten dbusiness businesssmeeting busines meeting meetin gonly only No N oregistration registration registratio nrequired requiredto No (no refreshments refreshments included) included) (no DISTRICT 4 REFORMATION Over the years, District 4 Toastmasters has been consistently growing. This successful growth of our district has brought us to a point where we are now looking at reforming reformin g District Distric t 4 per pe r Toastmasters Toastmaster s International may better guidelines guidelines into into two two districts so so that that we we may serve our members. The reformation is planned for the 2016 – 2017 year. We will vote on District 4 Reformation at the Business Meeting Meeting during during the Fall Conference Conference on November 8th. For more information, please feel free to email emai l Immediate Past District Governor Governor Rita Rit a Barber at ipdg@d4tm.org SPONSORSHIP AND ADVERTISING Do you have a Business or Organiza�on iza�on that that you you would would like like to to showcase? showcase? Would you like to adver�se your products or services? Do Do you you think think you you have have the the best best Toastmasters Toastmasters Club Club in in the the District? District? This Fall Conference offers multiple sponsorship and advertising opportunities to do all 3! There are Platinum, Gold and Silver sponsorship levels for your company or business starting at $500 AND business card size to full page advertising in the conference program starting at $30! Sponsorship includes Banner and Signage, Advertising in the Program, Conference tickets and placement of YOUR LOGO and website LINK on D4TM website. Custom Sponsorships tailored to your budget and objectives are also available. If your company or busines sponsors YOUR TOASTMASTER CLUB, ask them to consider sponsoring the conference or placing ad supporting your club and the Toastmaster mission! ALL THE PROCEEDS BENEFIT DISTRICT 4 AND ITS EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS! Don’t delay; contact Ben Cardenas Cardenas,, Sponsorship Chairperson NOW! benthepromaster@gmail.com P: 650-533-5358 S aturday, Novemb er 8, 2014 R egister at: www.D4TM.OR G/FALL2014 3 HANGING TEN with D4TM Highlights around the District 4 d4tm.org FEATURED CLUBS Talk the Line “One of the things I noticed was how they greeted and thanked each of us and for the members who spoke. The Applause, not just any ordinary applause, I mean THE APPLAUSE. One that gets your emotions moving, one that is felt deep down inside. What a way to be welcomed and thanked!” ~ testimonial from a visitor to Talk the Line You may think, all Toastmasters clubs are welcoming, so what is special about this club? ‘Talk The Line’ club was started in Soledad prison, California in 2008. All the members are prisoners. The club has strict attendance and participation rules for members. Members address one another formally (saying Mister rather than first names). Club officers take their roles seriously. The speeches are of the highest caliber, displaying much research and thought. Members are passionate about Toastmasters, always thrilled when outside Toastmasters come as trainers or to provide feedback. There is a continual waiting list for new members hoping to get into the club. Being accepted into the club is a highly coveted honor. Every term, representatives from District 4 visit the club to provide club officers training. The club also held their first ever speech contest. For the last two years, Talk The Line has achieved President’s Distinguished award and are aiming for the third time. This makes Talk the Line a very special club in District 4. However, formula for success at Talk the Line is same as any other club: Trained and engaged officers, members rooting for mutual self-development and running quality meetings. The members of the club also support Gavel clubs within the correctional facilities. Foster City Toastmasters Club Foster City Toastmasters Club is a President’s Distinguished Toastmasters community club focused on empowering members to become leaders. We are a warm, friendly, and supportive club. We love our club so much that we maintain a high retention rate, manage excellent guest-tomember conversion rate (current base = 44 and growing), and contribute back to Toastmasters and District 4 by helping other clubs achieve their success. We also sponsored the charter of a new advanced club The San Mateo Storytellers, to develop the art of storytelling. When you join our club, you are assigned a mentor who will work alongside you to create your individual development plan that’s customized to your needs, your personal development goals, and your personal time commitments. We ensure that your development plan is driven by S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely) Goals. Our signature Fast Track Program provides you that extra push to get you closer to your success. As a member, we will encourage you to step outside your comfort zone by providing you opportunities to participate in various Toastmaster events. Our members are always eager to volunteer because they see the value it brings to develop a broader learning experience. Every member of our club strives to make Foster City Toastmasters Club a model club in District 4. Come join us and be part of the story. We would love to have you visit us and join our family. We meet at the Starboard Room at the Foster City Community Center every 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, between 07:30 PM and 09:30 PM. The Community Center is at 1000 E. Hillsdale Boulevard, Foster City, CA 94404. 5 d4tm.org MARKETING SPOTLIGHT Andy Gimenez, Lt. Governor Marketing, shares advice and highlights B u il d in g Y o ur C l ub ’ s F o un d at i on a nd G row t h The health of a Toastmasters club doesn’t solely rely on the speaking talents of its members and the leadership of its officer team. Having one or both of these luxuries in a club is not a possibility without membership building! Membership building includes reten�on and growth, not one or the other. How focused is your club on membership building? September Sanity Clubs that renewed 75% of their 7/1/14 membership base by September 15, 2014, earned $50 in District Credit. Thank you to the over 50 clubs that achieved September Sanity, which shows to everyone in the District, including their own members, that membership retention is key to keeping a strong club. 2014 Smedley Award From August 1 to September 30 of every term, World Headquarters recognizes all clubs that add 5 or more new, dual, or reinstated members. As a reward, clubs received a “Smedley Award” ribbon for display next to the club banner along with a 10% off their next club mail order. Many thanks in advance to these award winning clubs, who will be notified by World Headquarters in a few weeks. Swish! “Nothing but Net” Contest From now un�l December 31, 2014, District 4 will recognize the 3 top clubs in each Division that have the largest net gain in membership. For example, if a club’s 7/1/14 membership base is 20, adds 10 new members, and loses 5 members at renewal �me, the club’s net gain is +5. Within each Division, the top finishing club will win District Credits in the amount of: 1st place will win $100, 2nd place will win $75, and 3rd place will win $50. Membership Building Webinar On Wednesday, October 15, please join me, along with Rita Barber, DTM, IPDG, for a fun and insightful hour, learning the ABCs of building club membership. After watching this webinar, you will walk away knowing valuable best practices, from how to close the sale on prospective members, conducting an attractive open house, to keeping the membership experience fresh and interesting. For more details and to register: https://district4tm.wufoo.com/forms/membership-building-webinar/ I s y o u r c l u b i t c h i n g to r a i se the bar on membership? Have an idea on a new club? coach a W o u l d y o u l i k e t o co c l u b o r m e n t o r a ne w c l u b? Co C o n n e c t w i t h A n dy a t lgm@d4tm.org 6 d4tm.org EDUCATION & TRAINING Katherine Pratt, Lt. Gov. Education & Training, shares highlights and advice Creating Opportunities to Raise the Bar “Life opens up opportunities to you, and you either take them or you stay afraid of taking them. “ ~ Actor, Jim Carrey Toastmasters gives us the chance to take those opportunities, instead of letting them pass us by. What opportunities can you create this year to raise your own bar? I’m happy to see many instances of members and their clubs raising the bar this year. During club officer training, I encountered many brand new members taking on officer roles for the first time. Two of our newer clubs, UBSF and Pacific Rim stretched themselves to have all 7 officers trained. Clubs all over the district are working together to ensure the success of Toastmasters a club which their members. I was inspired after a recent visit to Peninsula Toastmasters, began the year with 9 members. In a few short months, they have added 5 new members, filled their meetings with multiple manual speeches, and are working together to become a distinguished club. They are living their new mantra, “Back on Track, Bouncing Back, Making a Mark.” Now that’s Raising the Bar! Educational Awards and Triple Crown Are you working on your speaking and leadership goals? Each month we publish the names of those who have earned educational awards on our website here . For those who are willing to set the bar high and earn three d i fferent educational awards this year, we will offer Triple Crown Award pins. Each member must earn at least one communication award (CC, ACB, ACS, ACG) and at least one leadership award (CL, ALB, ALS, DTM) to qualify. Early Achievers District 4 is ready to offer recognition to those clubs who are stretching themselves and helping members fill their goals. Any club which becomes an Early Achiever, (achieves 5 Distinguished Club Program goals by October 31), will receive $100 in district credit. As of October 6, 13 clubs have become Early Achievers and numerous others are on the path as well. Club Officer Training Update District 4 had a very successful club officer training season. 193 clubs (69%) had 4 or more club officers trained and 86 clubs (31%) had all 7 officers trained! A special thank you goes to Atul Nayak and Dennis Chase, our two TLI chairs, and all the Division and Area Governors who helped to put club officer training together throughout the district. Thank you to the trainers and of course the members who attended and helped us to Raise the Bar on training this season! Are you looking for chances to raise your own bar? Do you have a success story to tell? Reach out to Katherine at lget@d4tm.org 7 d4tm.org BINA’S CORNER A message from Bina Mehta, District 4 Governor “Seekh Hum Beete Yugon Se, Naye Yug Ka Karein Swagat” “Let’s welcome the future, learning from the past” These are the words from the theme song of one of the most popular TV series in India, Mahabharata, based on the Indian Epic of the same name. This week, we met with District 4 Past District Governor’s committee to share this year’s plan and progress and get nuggets of their wisdom. It was a rich and memorable experience to meet a group of 20 Toastmasters leaders from 20th and 21st century who care about our members and believe in the mission of Toastmasters. Have you met someone who has been a Toastmaster for over 10 years and wonder, what makes them keep coming? It is the opportunity of continuous learning, helping a fellow member, and being inspired by the transformation of newer members. Toastmasters International is celebrating its 90th anniversary. We have 90 years of history to learn from and a promising future to welcome. In our founder Dr. Ralph Smedley’s words, “We We learn best in moments of enjoyment” enjoyment . District 4 conferences are great opportunities to learn with enjoyment and our upcoming Fall conference is no exception. If you have never attended one, here are the reasons to attend: Celebrate Success at Hall of Fame. In this issue, you have read about numerous examples of members and clubs Raising the Bar. You will get a chance to meet and applaud them. Enhance your speaking and leadership skills by listening to experts. Support and cheer our Division champions compete for District titles. Network and make new connections. I would love to see you Catch the Wave and Ride to Success on November 8th in Seaside, Monterey. Warm Regards, Bina Mehta, ACG/ALB District 4 Governor dg@d4tm.org 8 d4tm.org 9 The FOU FOUR Rcaste casterr What’s making waves in District 4 Toastmasters Fall Edition 2014 CONTACTS: DISTINGUISHED TOASTMASTERS TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL Congratulations to the following members who have recently achieved their Distinguished Toastmaster Award. DISTRICT 4 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE http://www.toastmasters.org DTM is the highest level award that a Toastmaster can achieve and signifies the completion of both the communication and leadership tracks. District Governor: Bina Mehta, ACG/ALB dg@d4tm.org Lt. Gov. Education: & Training Katherine Pratt, DTM lget@d4tm.org Lt. Gov. Marketing: Andrew Gimenez, ACB/ALS lgm@d4tm.org Cheers to: Jim Ferrer Ravi Ganesan Jenny Cai Sam Chow Michael Bassetti Page Edwards James Louie Sunil Tomar Ritu Gupta Danny Lau Sue-May Jin Dave Gaul Lawrence Hileman Public Relations Officer: Deep Kakkar, ACB, ALS pro@d4tm.org Immediate Past District Governor: Rita Barber, DTM ipdg@d4tm.org District Secretary: Hari Sanghvi District Treasurer: Dave Gaul Parliamentarian: Tony DeLeon, DTM Sergeant-at-Arms: Keith Worrell DISTRICT 4 QUICK LINKS District 4 Website: www.d4tm.org District 4 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/District4Toastmasters District 4 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/district-4toastmasters District 4 Twitter: http://twitter.com/D4TM District 4 MeetUp Group: http://www.meetup.com/district4toastmasters/ d4tm.org Newsletter Designed by Lisa Tsai 10 The FOUR FOURcaster caster What’s making waves in District 4 Toastmasters Fall Edition 2014 Are you ready to Catch the Wave? Wave ? Join your fellow Toastmasters on November 8, 2014 at the District 4 Fall Conference in be a u t i f u l Monterey. Our keynote speaker, Judy Carter, will help us awaken the power and humor of our personal stories. Educational sessions, speech contests and Hall of Fame inductions will inspire you to carve your own way through the waves and R ide to S uccess ! Inside This Issue: Fall District Conference KEYNOTE SPEECH: “The Message of You: You Can’t Spell Message without M-E-S-S” Hanging Ten with D4TM: Club Events Do you have an Extraordinary Story INSIDE OF YOU but can’t seem to FIND it? "In her inspiring keynote and hands-on workshop, internationally renowned speaker and American author/comic Judy Carter takes you on a journey into yourself, awakening you to the POWER and Keynote Speaker HUMOR behind the stories JUDY CARTER that make up your life. Even if you feel like an “ordinary” person, Judy will guide you to find the EXTRAORDINARY story you have to share. A story only you can tell. A story that can give your life meaning, inspire others, ignite your career, and help you better connect with clients, friends and family. " Featured Clubs: Talk the Line Foster City Toastmasters MarketingSpotlight Education & Training Spotlight Bina’s Corner Distinguished Toastmasters Quick Links 1 d4tm.org 7 S aturday, Novemb er 8, 2014 R egister at: www.D4TM.OR G/ FALL2014 PRICING EARLY BIRD registration (ends October 31): $70 Conference Package ($90 after October 31) $90 Conference Package + evening reception ($110 after October 31) A la carte options are available (see registration page for details) CONFERENCE SCHEDULE 7:00 AM 8:15 AM 8:45 AM 10:30 AM 11:20 AM 12:00 PM 1:45 PM Sign in, Breakfast Opening Ceremonies Evaluation Contest Keynote Address Educational Breakout Sessions Luncheon; Hall of Fame Recognition District Business Meeting; Breakout Sessions Humorous Speech Contest Conference Adjourns; Opportunity Awards winners posted Optional Evening Reception Reception Program Adjourns 3:30 PM 5:45 PM 6:30 PM 8:00 PM KEYNOTE SPEAKER BIO J U DY C A R TER Judy Carter is a TEDx speaker, humorist, and stress reduction expert. expert. She has been feafeatured on over 100 TV shows, nominated for Atlantic City’s Entertainer of the the year, and and has been featured in the Wall Wall Street Journal, Wal New York Times, Times, The Oprah Winfrey Winfrey Show and on CNN. As an author, author, Judy doesn’t like to brag, but she did write the Bible. No joke, author of The The Comedy Bible (Simon she’s the author well as Standup Comedy: Comed y: & Schuster), as well The Book (Dell Books). Judy’s new book, The Message Message of You, teaches readers how to to inspire others and has has been use life stories to inspire featuredon National TV as well as NPR's “All Things Considered.” You can find free speaking and comedy tools at: http://judycarter.com EDUCATIONAL EDUCATIONAL SESSIONS SESSIONS “Finding “Finding Extraordinary Extraordinary Stories Stories in in an an Ordinary Ordinary Day” Day” Judy Judy Carter’s Carter’s hands-on hands-on workshop workshop will will help help you you find find the the stories stories only only you you can can tell tell “Branded “Branded for for Success Success -- Personal Personal Branding Branding Techniques Techniques to to Advance Advance Your Your Career” Career” Immediate Immediate Past Past District District Governor, Governor, Distinguished Distinguished Toastmaster, Toastmaster, Rita Rita Barber Barber S aturday, Novemb er 8, 2014 R egister at: www.D4TM.OR G/FALL2014 2 S aturday, Novemb er 8, 2014 R egister at: www.D4TM.OR G/ FALL2014 ATTENDING THE BUSINESS MEETING IS FREE FRE E ! Presidentsand andVPEs VPEsor ortheir theirproxies proxiesget getaavote vote Presidents Arrive Arriv eby by1:00 1:00 1: 00PM PMto tocheck to checkin inat atthe theCredentials the Credentialsdesk deskand and Arrive pickup upyour yourballots ballots pick Printproxy proxyform formon onpage page99of ofthis thisnewletter newletteror ordownload download Print at: ititat: http://d4tm.org/images/conference/fall2014_proxy_form.pdf http://d4tm.org http:// d4tm.org/images/conference/ /images/conference/fall fall2014_proxy_form.pdf 2014_proxy_form.pdf tto oattend attend atten dbusiness businesssmeeting busines meeting meetin gonly only No N oregistration registration registratio nrequired requiredto No (no refreshments refreshments included) included) (no DISTRICT 4 REFORMATION Over the years, District 4 Toastmasters has been consistently growing. This successful growth of our district has brought us to a point where we are now looking at reforming reformin g District Distric t 4 per pe r Toastmasters Toastmaster s International may better guidelines guidelines into into two two districts so so that that we we may serve our members. The reformation is planned for the 2016 – 2017 year. We will vote on District 4 Reformation at the Business Meeting Meeting during during the Fall Conference Conference on November 8th. For more information, please feel free to email emai l Immediate Past District Governor Governor Rita Rit a Barber at ipdg@d4tm.org SPONSORSHIP AND ADVERTISING Do you have a Business or Organiza�on iza�on that that you you would would like like to to showcase? showcase? Would you like to adver�se your products or services? Do Do you you think think you you have have the the best best Toastmasters Toastmasters Club Club in in the the District? District? This Fall Conference offers multiple sponsorship and advertising opportunities to do all 3! There are Platinum, Gold and Silver sponsorship levels for your company or business starting at $500 AND business card size to full page advertising in the conference program starting at $30! Sponsorship includes Banner and Signage, Advertising in the Program, Conference tickets and placement of YOUR LOGO and website LINK on D4TM website. Custom Sponsorships tailored to your budget and objectives are also available. If your company or busines sponsors YOUR TOASTMASTER CLUB, ask them to consider sponsoring the conference or placing ad supporting your club and the Toastmaster mission! ALL THE PROCEEDS BENEFIT DISTRICT 4 AND ITS EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS! Don’t delay; contact Ben Cardenas Cardenas,, Sponsorship Chairperson NOW! benthepromaster@gmail.com P: 650-533-5358 S aturday, Novemb er 8, 2014 R egister at: www.D4TM.OR G/FALL2014 3 HANGING TEN with D4TM Highlights around the District 4 d4tm.org FEATURED CLUBS Talk the Line “One of the things I noticed was how they greeted and thanked each of us and for the members who spoke. The Applause, not just any ordinary applause, I mean THE APPLAUSE. One that gets your emotions moving, one that is felt deep down inside. What a way to be welcomed and thanked!” ~ testimonial from a visitor to Talk the Line You may think, all Toastmasters clubs are welcoming, so what is special about this club? ‘Talk The Line’ club was started in Soledad prison, California in 2008. All the members are prisoners. The club has strict attendance and participation rules for members. Members address one another formally (saying Mister rather than first names). Club officers take their roles seriously. The speeches are of the highest caliber, displaying much research and thought. Members are passionate about Toastmasters, always thrilled when outside Toastmasters come as trainers or to provide feedback. There is a continual waiting list for new members hoping to get into the club. Being accepted into the club is a highly coveted honor. Every term, representatives from District 4 visit the club to provide club officers training. The club also held their first ever speech contest. For the last two years, Talk The Line has achieved President’s Distinguished award and are aiming for the third time. This makes Talk the Line a very special club in District 4. However, formula for success at Talk the Line is same as any other club: Trained and engaged officers, members rooting for mutual self-development and running quality meetings. The members of the club also support Gavel clubs within the correctional facilities. Foster City Toastmasters Club Foster City Toastmasters Club is a President’s Distinguished Toastmasters community club focused on empowering members to become leaders. We are a warm, friendly, and supportive club. We love our club so much that we maintain a high retention rate, manage excellent guest-tomember conversion rate (current base = 44 and growing), and contribute back to Toastmasters and District 4 by helping other clubs achieve their success. We also sponsored the charter of a new advanced club The San Mateo Storytellers, to develop the art of storytelling. When you join our club, you are assigned a mentor who will work alongside you to create your individual development plan that’s customized to your needs, your personal development goals, and your personal time commitments. We ensure that your development plan is driven by S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely) Goals. Our signature Fast Track Program provides you that extra push to get you closer to your success. As a member, we will encourage you to step outside your comfort zone by providing you opportunities to participate in various Toastmasters events. Our members are always eager to volunteer because they see the value it brings to develop a broader learning experience. Every member of our club strives to make Foster City Toastmasters Club a model club in District 4. Come join us and be part of the story. We would love to have you visit us and join our family. We meet at the Starboard Room at the Foster City Community Center every 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, between 07:30 PM and 09:30 PM. The Community Center is at 1000 E. Hillsdale Boulevard, Foster City, CA 94404. 5 d4tm.org MARKETING SPOTLIGHT Andy Gimenez, Lt. Governor Marketing, shares advice and highlights B u il d in g Y o ur C l ub ’ s F o un d at i on a nd G row t h The health of a Toastmasters club doesn’t solely rely on the speaking talents of its members and the leadership of its officer team. Having one or both of these luxuries in a club is not a possibility without membership building! Membership building includes reten�on and growth, not one or the other. How focused is your club on membership building? September Sanity Clubs that renewed 75% of their 7/1/14 membership base by September 15, 2014, earned $50 in District Credit. Thank you to the over 50 clubs that achieved September Sanity, which shows to everyone in the District, including their own members, that membership retention is key to keeping a strong club. 2014 Smedley Award From August 1 to September 30 of every term, World Headquarters recognizes all clubs that add 5 or more new, dual, or reinstated members. As a reward, clubs received a “Smedley Award” ribbon for display next to the club banner along with a 10% off their next club mail order. Many thanks in advance to these award winning clubs, who will be notified by World Headquarters in a few weeks. Swish! “Nothing but Net” Contest From now un�l December 31, 2014, District 4 will recognize the 3 top clubs in each Division that have the largest net gain in membership. For example, if a club’s 7/1/14 membership base is 20, adds 10 new members, and loses 5 members at renewal �me, the club’s net gain is +5. Within each Division, the top finishing club will win District Credits in the amount of: 1st place will win $100, 2nd place will win $75, and 3rd place will win $50. Membership Building Webinar On Wednesday, October 15, please join me, along with Rita Barber, DTM, IPDG, for a fun and insightful hour, learning the ABCs of building club membership. After watching this webinar, you will walk away knowing valuable best practices, from how to close the sale on prospective members, conducting an attractive open house, to keeping the membership experience fresh and interesting. For more details and to register: https://district4tm.wufoo.com/forms/membership-building-webinar/ I s y o u r c l u b i t c h i n g to r a i se the bar on membership? Have an idea on a new club? coach a W o u l d y o u l i k e t o co c l u b o r m e n t o r a ne w c l u b? Co C o n n e c t w i t h A n dy a t lgm@d4tm.org 6 d4tm.org EDUCATION & TRAINING Katherine Pratt, Lt. Gov. Education & Training, shares highlights and advice Creating Opportunities to Raise the Bar “Life opens up opportunities to you, and you either take them or you stay afraid of taking them. “ ~ Actor, Jim Carrey Toastmasters gives us the chance to take those opportunities, instead of letting them pass us by. What opportunities can you create this year to raise your own bar? I’m happy to see many instances of members and their clubs raising the bar this year. During club officer training, I encountered many brand new members taking on officer roles for the first time. Two of our newer clubs, UBSF and Pacific Rim stretched themselves to have all 7 officers trained. Clubs all over the district are working together to ensure the success of Toastmasters a club which their members. I was inspired after a recent visit to Peninsula Toastmasters, began the year with 9 members. In a few short months, they have added 5 new members, filled their meetings with multiple manual speeches, and are working together to become a distinguished club. They are living their new mantra, “Back on Track, Bouncing Back, Making a Mark.” Now that’s Raising the Bar! Educational Awards and Triple Crown Are you working on your speaking and leadership goals? Each month we publish the names of those who have earned educational awards on our website here . For those who are willing to set the bar high and earn three d i fferent educational awards this year, we will offer Triple Crown Award pins. Each member must earn at least one communication award (CC, ACB, ACS, ACG) and at least one leadership award (CL, ALB, ALS, DTM) to qualify. Early Achievers District 4 is ready to offer recognition to those clubs who are stretching themselves and helping members fill their goals. Any club which becomes an Early Achiever, (achieves 5 Distinguished Club Program goals by October 31), will receive $100 in district credit. As of October 6, 13 clubs have become Early Achievers and numerous others are on the path as well. Club Officer Training Update District 4 had a very successful club officer training season. 193 clubs (69%) had 4 or more club officers trained and 86 clubs (31%) had all 7 officers trained! A special thank you goes to Atul Nayak and Dennis Chase, our two TLI chairs, and all the Division and Area Governors who helped to put club officer training together throughout the district. Thank you to the trainers and of course the members who attended and helped us to Raise the Bar on training this season! Are you looking for chances to raise your own bar? Do you have a success story to tell? Reach out to Katherine at lget@d4tm.org 7 d4tm.org BINA’S CORNER A message from Bina Mehta, District 4 Governor “Seekh Hum Beete Yugon Se, Naye Yug Ka Karein Swagat” “Let’s welcome the future, learning from the past” These are the words from the theme song of one of the most popular TV series in India, Mahabharata, based on the Indian Epic of the same name. This week, we met with District 4 Past District Governor’s committee to share this year’s plan and progress and get nuggets of their wisdom. It was a rich and memorable experience to meet a group of 20 Toastmasters leaders from 20th and 21st century who care about our members and believe in the mission of Toastmasters. Have you met someone who has been a Toastmaster for over 10 years and wonder, what makes them keep coming? It is the opportunity of continuous learning, helping a fellow member, and being inspired by the transformation of newer members. Toastmasters International is celebrating its 90th anniversary. We have 90 years of history to learn from and a promising future to welcome. In our founder Dr. Ralph Smedley’s words, “We We learn best in moments of enjoyment” enjoyment . District 4 conferences are great opportunities to learn with enjoyment and our upcoming Fall conference is no exception. If you have never attended one, here are the reasons to attend: Celebrate Success at Hall of Fame. In this issue, you have read about numerous examples of members and clubs Raising the Bar. You will get a chance to meet and applaud them. Enhance your speaking and leadership skills by listening to experts. Support and cheer our Division champions compete for District titles. Network and make new connections. I would love to see you Catch the Wave and Ride to Success on November 8th in Seaside, Monterey. Warm Regards, Bina Mehta, ACG/ALB District 4 Governor dg@d4tm.org 8 d4tm.org 9 The FOU FOUR Rcaste casterr What’s making waves in District 4 Toastmasters Fall Edition 2014 CONTACTS: DISTINGUISHED TOASTMASTERS TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL Congratulations to the following members who have recently achieved their Distinguished Toastmaster Award. DISTRICT 4 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE http://www.toastmasters.org DTM is the highest level award that a Toastmaster can achieve and signifies the completion of both the communication and leadership tracks. District Governor: Bina Mehta, ACG/ALB dg@d4tm.org Lt. Gov. Education: & Training Katherine Pratt, DTM lget@d4tm.org Lt. Gov. Marketing: Andrew Gimenez, ACB/ALS lgm@d4tm.org Cheers to: Jim Ferrer Ravi Ganesan Jenny Cai Sam Chow Michael Bassetti Page Edwards James Louie Sunil Tomar Ritu Gupta Danny Lau Sue-May Jin Dave Gaul Lawrence Hileman Public Relations Officer: Deep Kakkar, ACB, ALS pro@d4tm.org Immediate Past District Governor: Rita Barber, DTM ipdg@d4tm.org District Secretary: Hari Sanghvi District Treasurer: Dave Gaul Parliamentarian: Tony DeLeon, DTM Sergeant-at-Arms: Keith Worrell DISTRICT 4 QUICK LINKS District 4 Website: www.d4tm.org District 4 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/District4Toastmasters District 4 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/district-4toastmasters District 4 Twitter: http://twitter.com/D4TM District 4 MeetUp Group: http://www.meetup.com/district4toastmasters/ d4tm.org Newsletter Designed by Lisa Tsai 10