Fall 2015 - District 4 Toastmasters
Fall 2015 - District 4 Toastmasters
THE F URCaster Fall 2015 IN THIS EDITION GAME ON! District Fall Conference Agenda & Registration Business Meeting & Sponsorship Public Relations Club Growth Spotlight An action packed first 3 months of the 2015-2016 Toastmasters Year is behind us! At District 4, many achievements and success stories have been realized in our journey so far. Join us at the 2015 District 4 Fall Conference to toast our success and prepare a game plan for the remainder of the year! Program Quality Update Kat’s Chat Business Meeting Proxy D4TM in Pictures, D4TM Leaders and Accolades Date: Saturday, 7th November Location: The Biltmore, Santa Clara, Address: 2151 Laurelwood Rd, Santa Clara, CA 95054 REGISTER HERE KEYNOTE SPEECH Got Mirth? Milking your material for all its humor’s worth! In this program, corporate comedian and humorist Brad Montgomery tips all of his hard-earned secrets so that you can be funnier in your presentations… starting tomorrow. Brad demonstrates and discusses humor techniques that you can apply to your programs not only to make your programs funnier, but to increase the connection between you and your audiences. If you want to learn humor and comedy skills, you don’t want to learn from an “arm chair” comedy expert. Brad’s honed his skills in thousands of programs and 2 decades of experience. And now he’s going to teach you what took him years to learn. KEYNOTE SPEAKER BIO Brad teaches people how to use happiness to boost productivity, creativity, innovation & profits. Brad is a Certified Speaking Professional and was inducted to the CPAE Speakers Hall of Fame recently. Aside from being one of the most sought after speakers on the Circuit today, Brad is an author, blogger, and happiness-at-work expert. THE FOURCaster REGISTRATION OPTIONS Bingo Package: Saturday & Sunday sessions $125 OR $140 after Oct 31st Conference & Reception: All Saturday sessions $100 OR $115 after Oct 31st Conference Only: All sessions except Reception $80 OR $95 after Oct 31st Reception Only: Networking Reception only $35 OR $40 after Oct 31st Evaluation Contest Only: Includes breakfast $35 OR $40 after Oct 31st Humorous Speech Contest Only: Includes coffee break with snack $35 OR $40 after Oct 31st AGENDA 07:30 AM 08:15 AM 08:35 AM 10:30 AM 11:45 PM 12:35 PM 02:30 PM 04:15 PM 06:30 PM Sign-in, Breakfast Opening Ceremony Evaluation Contest Keynote Address by Brad Montgomery Educational Sessions Luncheon and Hall of Fame Recognition District Business Meeting Parallel breakout session Humorous Speech Contest Conference Adjourns Opportunity Drawing winners posted EDUCATIONAL SESSIONS Saturday, November 7th 11.45 AM – 12.30 PM “How to be a Professional Speaker” by Brad Montgomery “Powerful Power Points” by Rita Barber “HPL - Check!” by Ken Cawley REGISTER TODAY! SPECIAL EVENING RECEPTION WANT TO GET FREE ADMISSION TO BREAKFAST WITH BRAD? Become a club growth champion OR get Club Ambassador Blue! Register here to attend the Growth Champions event and find out more. Email growth@d4tm.org for any questions. Saturday, November 7th 07.00 PM – 08.30 PM Games and Networking Event hosted by Sunny Moza Hors d'oeuvres will be served BREAKFAST WITH BRAD Sunday, November 8th 8.30 AM Onwards Your chance for a unique interaction over breakfast with our Keynote speaker. Get personalized tips! THE FOURCaster ATTENDING THE BUSINESS MEETING IS FREE! Club Presidents and VPEs (or their proxies) and District leaders get a vote. Please arrive by 2:00 PM to check in at the Credentials desk and pick up your ballots. Print the proxy form on this newsletter or download it at http://d4tm.org/images/conference/fall2015/Fall2015_proxy.docx No registration is required to attend business meeting (no refreshments included). SPONSORSHIP AND ADVERTISING Do you have a Business or Organization that you would like to showcase? Would you like to advertise your products or services? Do you think you have the best Toastmasters Club in the District? This Fall Conference offers multiple sponsorship and advertising opportunities! There is Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze sponsorship for your company or business. Sponsorship includes Banner and Signage, Advertising in the Program, Conference tickets and placement of YOUR LOGO and website LINK on D4TM website. You can also get a business card size to full page advertising in the conference program. Options vary from $30 (business card size ad) to $300 (full page ad)! Sponsorships tailored to your budget and objectives are also available If your company or business sponsors YOUR TOASTMASTER CLUB, ask them to consider sponsoring the conference or placing an ad for your club or business! Conference sponsorship improves your brand visibility. It also shows your commitment to communication and leadership development. Since we are a non-profit organization, your contribution is tax deductible. More information at http://d4tm.org/district-conferences/conferences-sponsorship For Sponsorship and Ads, please contact Mythili Prabhu quality@d4tm.org THE FOURCaster PUBLIC RELATIONS Kavitha BM, Public Relations Manager Great achievements have been made in the first 3 months since we started on our Journey Forward Together! New members, new clubs, strong renewals, and a growing community. See the Highlights and catch all the details on the what’s trending section on the d4tm website! Fall 2015 PR Awards – Call for Nominations We are now accepting nominations for the Diamond Director, Golden Quill and Platinum Presence PR awards for Fall 2015 from all club VPPRs/club PR Team Members in District 4. More details here. Why should you participate? Many Toastmasters clubs have come up with creative and innovative ideas to engage with members and showcase their personality to visitors or guests using both online and traditional platforms. If you are one of these clubs, this is your best chance to get recognition for your efforts! To be eligible, entries must be sent to pr@d4tm.org by October 24 Send your nomination with the Subject: Nomination For Award Name - <Club Name> The email should contain: Name and Number of the club, VPPR/PR Team Member name Faces of Four PR representative Vidyangi Patil has stayed busy interviewing members in our District and truly bringing out the best in our District. We have so far featured two Toastmasters on Faces of Four this term and will have many more to come. FOURSight We launched a new feature – FOURSight this year to showcase the unique character of each of the 10 Divisions within our District. PR representative Mugdha Dharkar has been instrumental in releasing the first edition featuring Division H. You can find the details on the FOURSight section. We will be featuring all Divisions this year! PR TEAM Ken Cawley and David Singer – Webmasters Arjun Ajjampur and Ram Sachdev – Design & Graphics Mugdha Dharkar, Vidyangi Patil and Hariharan Venkataramani – Editors and Social Media Team We are always looking for creative contributions. If you want to join the PR Team, send an email to pr@d4tm.org THE FOURCaster CLUB GROWTH SPOTLIGHT Keith Worrell, Club Growth Director – North David Spence, Club Growth Director – South As a District of Toastmasters International, our Mission is to build new clubs and support all clubs in achieving excellence. Toastmasters throughout District 4 are helping others improve their communication and leadership skills by adding members and starting new clubs. If you’re planning an Open House, need a Club Coach, or want to start a new club, please let us know by emailing growth@d4tm.org The Club Growth Team is here to help you make your club stronger and your own Toastmasters journey more rewarding. September Sanity Congratulations to the 74 clubs that earned their $50 District Credit as part of September Sanity. Check your club status on the what’s trending page. http://d4tm.org/what-s-trending#sanity Smedley Stretch Award Congratulations to all the clubs that added members this year. 19 clubs qualified for the Smedley Award from Toastmasters International by adding 5 members in August-September; An additional 14 clubs added 7 or more new members and will receive the Smedley Stretch Award from District 4. New Clubs A warm welcome to Economic Diplomacy, Demand Force, CSG Toastmasters, Sony Playstation Network, Touch Masters and Samsung Speaks into the Toastmasters family! Thanks to Georgi Dagnall, Karthik Kalpat, Anna Garcia, Ashish Farmer, Jean-Francois Roy, Bobby Roy, John Lau, Moyara Ruehsen , Chris Cain and Brian Dong for volunteering as Club Mentors to ensure that these new clubs “hit the ground running.” Club Growth Champions We also want to recognize our Club Coaches, Daniel Pinto, Vijay Narayanan, Marc Miller, Hla Min, Edwin Van Horne, Vern Stewart, and Jim Ferrer who are working with clubs that have 12 or fewer members to help them become Distinguished. Become a Club Growth Champion this year by participating in any (or all!) of these opportunities. You’ll be helping others experience the same benefits that you’ve received from being a Toastmaster, and as we Journey Forward Together, you’ll find that you’ve grown even more too. THE FOURCaster PROGRAM QUALITY – HELPING YOU BE AT THE TOP OF YOUR GAME! Aubrey Carrier, Program Quality Director – North Mythili Prabhu, Program Quality Director – South Congratulations! You’ve now traveled one-fourth of the way around the game board of the 2015-2016 Toastmasters year! This is an excellent time to pause, reflect on your progress so far, and review your plan for the next nine months. Where do you hope to end up by June 30, 2016? What’s your strategy to reach that destination? If you feel that you do not know the next move to make, remember that you have a strong team to support you. Though we all may travel at different speeds and toward different destinations, we’re on this journey together! Email us at quality@d4tm.org with questions. Club Officer Training & TLI Club Officer Training season served as a reminder that no one is in this game alone! Between June and August, over one thousand club leaders took advantage of the opportunity to share experiences and learn from one another, building the wealth of knowledge that makes our District resilient. We also successfully conducted 2 Toastmasters Leadership Institute events (TLI) with huge participation. Kudos to our TLI Chairs Atul Nayak and Mare Repetto for putting these together. Lucky 7 Strong clubs have a common trait – they have club leaders that are eager to learn and share. We began this year strong with 102 clubs making Lucky 7 (all 7 officers in these clubs attended training). 199 clubs had 4 or more Officers trained this term. Early Achievers We believe that Distinguished Club Program goals reflect the health and strength of a club. Clubs that achieve 5 DCP goals by October 31 st will receive $100 in District Credit. So far, 16 clubs have attained the Early Achievers status and numerous Clubs are on this path. Great Events Our District is growing and adding members continually. To help provide the best value to new and experienced members, we are offering special workshops through Great Events. We had a successful workshop on English Rhythm, Stress & Intonation. Watch out for our District newsletter FOURum to learn about the next Great Event. THE FOURCaster Kat’s Chat Katherine Pratt, DTM - District Director During the past few weeks, I’ve had the chance to visit various clubs and to interact with members throughout the district. I am always inspired by the leaders who are ready to act on decisions and to do what’s best for their clubs and the clubs they serve. Whether it’s making the decision to hold an Open House, starting a mentoring program within the club, replacing new officers when others have to leave, or changing the format of the meeting to allow for more members to speak, the decisions we must face as leaders aren’t always easy. But when we decide to “amp up” our game and act on the decisions that are best for our clubs, everyone becomes a winner. Are you ready to get your Game On? Game On! is the theme of the District 4 Fall Conference to be held on Saturday, November 7. And what better way to spend the day than with hundreds of Toastmasters from San Francisco to Monterey! There are many reasons to attend the Fall Conference: Enhance your speaking game by listening to experts including corporate comedian, humorist and motivational speaker Brad Montgomery. Support our Division champions as they indulge in some friendly competition for District titles in the Evaluation and Humorous Speech contests. Celebrate club and member success at the Hall of Fame, including the famous DTM hug line. Participate and witness Parliamentary Procedure in action at the District Business Meeting. Network and make new connections with members throughout the District. Making the decision to rev up our “game” advances us more quickly along our journey to success. The decisions we make or don’t make now affect our outcomes. Are you ready to get your Game On, as we Journey Forward, Together? Hope to see you on November 7th! Fondly, Kat Katherine Pratt, DTM District Director 2015-16 District 4 Toastmasters dd@d4tm.org THE FOURCaster BUSINESS MEETING VOTING PROCEDURES & PROXY INSTRUCTIONS At the upcoming District Conference, District Council members will vote on District Business. District Council members include From each Toastmasters club in good standing at the time of the District Council meeting: President Vice President of Education 1. Each club President and Vice President of Education in attendance is entitled to one vote. 2. If either or both officers cannot attend, they may designate, in writing, any other active member of their club to act as proxy. 3. If one of these officers is not in attendance and has not designated another club member as a proxy, the officer or proxy in attendance shall be deemed to hold the proxy of the other and may, therefore, cast two votes for the club. 4. No member may cast more than two club votes, even if he or she is a member of more than one club. 5. The proxy holder must present the proxy assignment to the Credentials desk in paper form (i.e. print out an e-mail) or forward the e-mail to the credentials chair on site.. All proxies must include the signed or typed name of the club officer making the assignment. Current District 4 Executive Committee members: District Director Program Quality Director Club Growth Director Public Relations Manager Immediate Past District Governor Division Directors Area Directors District Administration Manager District Finance Manager 1. Each District officer is entitled to one vote, which must be cast in person. 2. Proxies are not accepted for District Officers. 3. A District Officer may also hold up to two club votes (as described in the left column), therefore a District Officer may cast a total of three votes. Check in by 2:00 PM at the Credentials Desk Address : 2151 Laurelwood Rd Santa Clara, CA 95054 All club Presidents, Vice Presidents of Education, proxy-holders, and District Officers: Check in at the Credentials Desk and sign for your ballots by 2:00 PM, at least 30 minutes before the business meeting starts. All Toastmasters who are planning to attend the Conference: If neither your President nor Vice President of Education is attending, ask them to complete the proxy form for you or another club member who will be attending. Toastmasters International – District 4 Club Name: ____________________ Fall Conference, 2015 District Council Meeting Proxy I hereby appoint to vote Meeting. Signed: Officer: Club President [ ] VP Education [ ] (Check one) Club Number: __________________ as my proxy during the District Council THE FOURCaster THE FOURCaster DISTRICT 4 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DISTINGUISHED TOASTMASTERS Congratulations to the following members who have recently earned their Distinguished Toastmaster Award. Karthik Lakshminarayanan Wiliam Humphrey Yu Iu Melvin Lee Demi Chizgi Joseph Garza Hari Sanghvi Karthik Kalpat Alvin Zachariah Kristian Salvesan D4TM SOCIAL MEDIA MASHUP FOLLOW US TO STAY UP TO DATE! District Director: Katherine Pratt, DTM dd@d4tm.org Program Quality Directors: North: Aubrey Carrier, ACS, ALB South: Mythili Prabhu, DTM quality@d4tm.org Club Growth Directors: North: Keith Worrell, ACS, ALS South: Dave Spence, DTM growth@d4tm.org PR Manager: Kavitha Badhri, ACB, ALB pr@d4tm.org Immediate Past District Governor: Bina Mehta, DTM Administration Manager: Jayashree Rangarajan admin@d4tm.org Website Finance Manager: Christine Mamuad finance@d4tm.org Parliamentarian & Coordinator: Tony DeLeon Facebook Meetup Logistics Manager: Matthew Birmodiz REGISTER HERE Created By: Kavitha BM and Ram Sachdev THE F URCaster Fall 2015
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