2012 - Perpustakaan BAPPENAS
2012 - Perpustakaan BAPPENAS
ISSN 2088-1916 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA SEKRETARIAT PERIZINAN PENELITIAN ASING KEMENTERIAN RISET DAN TEKNOLOGI 2012 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi i 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Penyusun: Lukman Shalahuddin Sri Wahyono Disain Sampul : Asep Purnama Adiwikarta Tim Pendukung: Aryana, Asep, Karnadi, Nanang, Radiwan, Roqi, Lia, Siska Editor: Lukman Shalahuddin ISSN :2088-1916 Copyright © 2012 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 2012 Biro Hukum dan Humas, Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi Gedung 2 BPPT 2, Lt. 8, Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 8, Jakarta 10340 Telp.: +62 21 3169293; Fax.: +62 21 39836180 Homepage: www.ristek.go.id; Email: frp@ristek.go.id ii Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Kerjasama internasional mutlak diperlukan dalam pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, tidak hanya bagi negara berkembang namun juga sangat diperlukan bagi negara maju. PP No. 41 Tahun 2006 sebagai amanat UU No. 18 Tahun 2002 dan penyempurnaan Kepres No. 100 Tahun 1993 yang mulai diimplemetasi oleh Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi sejak 17 Desember 2007. Undang-undang tersebut memegang peran strategis dalam pembangunan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dan memberikan arah pengaturan guna mewujudkan tujuan memperkuat daya dukung ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi untuk mempercepat pencapaian tujuan negara, serta meningkan daya saing dan kemandirian dalam memperjuangkan kepentingan negara dalam hubungan internasional. Disamping itu, Undang-Undang tersebut merupakan dasar hukum bagi pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan di bidang pembangunan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Peraturan Pemerintah No. 41 Tahun 2006 tetang Perizinan Melakukan Kegiatan Penelitian dan Pengembangan bagi Perguruan Tinggi Asing, Lembaga Litbang Asing, Badan Usaha Asing dan Orang Asing tersebut berdasarkan pemikiran bahwa iptek dalam kerangka sistem nasional penelitian, pengembangan dan penerapan iptek tidak dapat terlepas dari kerjasama internasional. Hal ini kita sadari mengingat sebagian besar kemajuan iptek berkembang pesat di negara-negara maju yang menguasai sumber daya iptek, memiliki kemampuan finansial dan lembaga litbang yang sudah sangat mapan serta tradisi akademik yang sangat kuat. Sejalan dengan hal tersebut, maka kerjasama internasional di bidang iptek dilaksanakan untuk mempercepat alih teknologi dari negara-negara maju dan meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat ilmiah internasional. Salah satu bentuk kerjasama internasional di bidang iptek tersebut adalah kegiatan penelitian dan pengembangan yang dilakukan oleh Perguruan Tinggi asing, Lembaga Litbang asing, Badan Usaha asing dan orang asing yang dilakukan di Indonesia. Dalam tahun 2012 terdapat 554 peneliti asing yang telah diberikan Surat Izin Penelitian (SIP) melakukan kegiatan penelitian di berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Jumlah tersebut terdiri dari 447 izin penelitian baru dan 97 izin perpanjangan. Mayoritas peneliti tersebut berkewarganegaraan atau berasal dari Negara-negara maju yang menguasai iptek dan mengalokasikan dana riset yang besar dalam APBN mereka. Dalam tahun 2012 tersebut secara berturut-turut Amerika Serikat,Jerman, Jepang, Perancis, dan Inggris, menempati peringkat lima besar kemudian diikuti dan Belanda,Australia,RRC, Denmark dan Kanada menempati peringkat 10 besar. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi i 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Buku “Direktori Peneliti Asing di Indonesia 2012” ini memuat Abstract riset, biodata para peneliti dari berbagai perguruan tinggi, lembaga litbang, badan usaha asing dan mahasiswa asing serta kelompok profesi intelektual publik lainnya, seperti dosen, budayawan dan jurnalis asing. Buku ini telah terbit sejak tahun 2011, dan akan terbit secara berkala setiap tahunnya. Kami berharap buku ini dapat menjadi salah satu sumber informasi ilmiah dan rujukan bagi para peneliti dan akademisi serta semua pemangku kepentingan (stake holders) untuk memperluas jaringan kerjasama riset internasional dalam rangka penguatan kelembagaan (capacity building) dan mempercepat transfer iptek di berbagai bidang keilmuan. Kami menyadari bahwa buku ini masih jauh dari sempurna, seperti kata pepatah “tiada gading yang tak retak” maka kami sangat mengharapkan saran dan masukan dari semua pihak untuk penyemprnaan buku tersebut pada penerbitan yang akan datang. Kami juga tidak lupa mengucapkan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada semua pihak, khususnya rekan-rekan Sekretariat Tim Koordinasi Pemberian izin Penelitian Asing (TKPIPA), Biro Hukum dan Humas, Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi yang telah meluangkan waktu untuk membantu penyusunan buku direktori ini. Jakarta, September 2013 Tim Penyusun/Sekretariat TKPIPA - RISTEK ii Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Kata Pengantar.................................................................................................................................................i Daftar Isi............................................................................................................................................................iii Bab 1: Kondisi Penelitian Asing 2012.................................................................................................1 1.1 Permohonan Penelitian..................................................................................................1 1.2 Penerbitan Surat Izin Penelitian (SIP).........................................................................4 1.3 Negara Asal Peneliti Asing.............................................................................................5 1.4 Bidang dan Lokasi Penelitian........................................................................................7 Bab 2: Abstrak dan deskripsi Proyek Penelitian Asing.................................................................9 (A) Antropologi/ Budaya.......................................................................................................9 (A.1) The adaptive nature of culture: A cross-cultural analysis of the returns of Local Environmental Knowledge in three native societies..........................................................9 (A.1.a) Maximilien Lionel Andre Gueze..................................................................10 (A.2) Indigeneity, Ethnicity, Adat: The Utan and the Quest for Development..........................................................................10 (A.2.a) Takamasa Osawa...............................................................................................11 (A.3) The Enactment of Agency and Constructions of the Maternal Body: Female-Headed Households and Maternal Mortality in Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia....................................................................11 (A.3.a) Brooke Gabriel Nolan......................................................................................13 (A.4) Interpreting the Coral Triangle Initiative Nusa Penida Marine Park..........................................................................................13 (A.4.a) Heather Ann Gallivan......................................................................................14 (A.5) Akar Budaya Demokrasi Indonesia............................................................15 (A.5.a) Zhu Gangqin......................................................................................................16 (A.6) Sustainability of food production and plant use in rural villages of Indonesia.........................................................................16 (A.6.a) Takaki Hirose......................................................................................................17 (A.7) Development of cultural spaces and local communities: 990s-2010s in Yogyakarta..................................................17 (A.7.a) Tomoko Hayashi................................................................................................19 (A.8) Beliefs, Climate, and Subsistence Decision making in Ende, Island of Flores, Indonesia.............................................................................19 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi iii 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (A.8.a) Victoria Constanza Ramenzoni....................................................................20 (A.9) Governmentality in A Balinese Princedom: An Integrated Analysis of Multiple Modalities of Lord-Follower Ties.......................................................................................20 (A.9.a) Lene Pedersen....................................................................................................22 (A.10) Marine Anthropological Research in Bangka Island, the Province of Bangka-Belitung Islands....................................22 (A.10.a) Akifumi Iwabuchi..............................................................................................23 (A.11) Religious and Political behaviour of the ulama in contemporary Indonesia and Malaysia................................................23 (A.11.a) Norshahril Bin Saat...........................................................................................24 (A.12) Shaping Modern Muslim Subjectivities: Gender, Piety, and Modernity in Indonesian Islamic Boarding Schools...............................................................................25 (A.12.a) Claire-Marie Hefner..........................................................................................26 (A.13) New Value of Existence in Traditional Performing Arts: The Research for Social Inclusive Application to Communities.........................................26 (A.13.a) Kaori Okado.........................................................................................................27 (A.14) The Negotiation of Cultural Heritage Between Local Groups, The State and International Organizations in Indonesia................................................27 (A.14.a) Serena Helga Müller.........................................................................................28 (A.15) The Synoptic City: Local Journalism and the Public Sphere in Bandung, Indonesia................................................28 (A.15.a) Joshua David Barker.........................................................................................30 (A.15.b) Emily Zoe Hertzman........................................................................................30 (A.16) Multiethnic Situation in Jakarta, Indonesia: With Special Reference to the Batak People...........................................30 (A.16.a) Ikuko Hirata.........................................................................................................31 (A.17) The Cultural Dimensions of Educational Success in Eastern Indonesia........................................................................31 (A.17.a) Gary James Godfrey.........................................................................................32 (A.18) Social and Cultural Change in Kepulauan Riau During the Era of Democratisation............................................................33 (A.18.a) Nicholas James Long.......................................................................................34 iv Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (B)Arkeologi..............................................................................................................................35 (B.1) Cultural interactions between Java and Sumatra during the 8th-12th centuries....................................................................................35 (B.1.a) Veronique Myriam Yvonne Degroot..........................................................37 (B.2) Tanah Datar: Early state formation in relation to lowland and highland exchanges on Sumatra.................................37 (B.2.a) Ralf Dominik Bonatz........................................................................................38 (B.2.b) Annika E. Holtzan-Tchabashvili....................................................................38 (B.2.c) Arne Rolf Weiser................................................................................................38 (B.2.d) Johannes David Greger..................................................................................39 (B.2.e) Maria Theresia Starzmann.............................................................................39 (B.2.f ) Kilian Teuwsen...................................................................................................39 (B.3) The archaeology of the north coast of Bali: A strategic crossroads in nearly trans-asiatic exchange.....................40 (B.3.a) Ambra Calo.........................................................................................................41 (B.3.b) Jack Neil Fenner................................................................................................41 (B.3.c) Hsiao-Chun Hung.............................................................................................42 (B.3.d) Peter S. Bellwood..............................................................................................42 (B.3.e) Michael Thomas Carson.................................................................................42 (B.4) Human occupation of karstic area, rock art, and settlement of history in East Kalimantan (Indonesia).....................................................43 (B.4.a) François-Xavier O. Ricaut................................................................................44 (B.4.b) Josette Sarel........................................................................................................44 (B.4.c) Jean-Gearges, Christian Ferrié.....................................................................44 (B.4.d) Sébastien Plutniak............................................................................................44 (B.5) Early Austronesian Heritage in the NTT Province, Southeast Indonesia........................................................................................45 (B.5.a) Aimee Veronica Brown....................................................................................46 (B.5.b) Jean-Christophe Marie Galipaud................................................................47 (B.5.c) Hallie Ruth Buckley..........................................................................................47 (B.5.d) Sian Ellen Halcrow............................................................................................47 (B.5.e) Jonathan Javelle................................................................................................47 (B.5.f ) Rebecca Lorraine Kinaston............................................................................47 (B.6) Sedimentology, Palaentology and Dating of Pleistocene Fossil Vertebrate Faunas and Open Occupation Sites in Flores and Sulawesi.......................................................................................................48 (B.6.a) David Paul McGahan.......................................................................................49 (B.6.b) Michael Caedman James Marsh..................................................................49 (B.6.c) Kerrie Lee Grant.................................................................................................49 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi v 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (B.6.d) Glenn Stuart Marshall......................................................................................50 (B.6.e) Guy William Hazell............................................................................................50 (B.6.f ) Stephanie Flude................................................................................................50 (B.6.g) Michael John Morwood.................................................................................50 (B.7) Increasing and diffusing knowledge about the prehistory of human-occupied Flores, Indonesia throught targeted new excavations, analyses, and collaborative multidisciplinary research.........................................51 (B.7.a) Matthew Wayne Tocheri.................................................................................51 (B.8) Epigrafi Nusantara............................................................................................52 (B.8.a) Arlo Griffiths........................................................................................................53 (B.9) The Archaeology of Sulawesi: A Strategic Island for Understanding Modern Human Colonization and Interactions Across Our Region............................................................................................53 (B.9.a) Susan Lillian O’Connor....................................................................................54 (B.9.b) Emma Jane St. Pierre.......................................................................................54 (B.9.c) Tim Rian Maloney.............................................................................................55 (B.9.d) Rose Hannah Whitau.......................................................................................55 (B.9.e) Jack Neil Fenner................................................................................................55 (B.9.f ) Benjamin Marwick............................................................................................55 (B.10) Indonesia’s Role in Metal Age Southeast Asian Exchange: A Look at the Glass Beads.......................................................56 (B.10.a) Heather Robin Christie....................................................................................56 (B.11) Chronology and palaeoenvironments of the Indonesian Palaeolithic period in Central and Eastern Java: the Punung and Solo areas....................................................................................................57 (B.11.a) François Rene Eugene Semah......................................................................57 (B.11.b) Anne-Marie Semah..........................................................................................57 (B.11.c) Anne-Marie Moigne.........................................................................................58 (B.11.d) Thomas Ingicco.................................................................................................58 (B.12) Prehistoric Human Migrations, Maritime Networks and Resource Use in the Northern Sulawesi and Maluku Islands...............................58 (B.12.a) Rintaro Ono.........................................................................................................59 (B.13) Sejarah Kuno Nusantara; Arkeologi dan Epigrafi (abad ke-5 - abad ke-15 M)...............................................................................................................59 (B.13.a) Daniel Georges Perret......................................................................................60 vi Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (C)Arsitektur..............................................................................................................................61 (C.1) Megacity and The Global Environment: Multi-dimensional Appraisal of Jakarta Metropolitan Area (JABODETABEK) in the Worldwide Context with the Aim of Designing Better Future of the Urban Sphere”.......................................................................................61 (C.1.a) Satoru Itagawa...................................................................................................62 (C.1.b) Kenichiro Arai.....................................................................................................62 (C.1.c) Yasuo Uemura....................................................................................................63 (C.1.d) Masashi Hirosue................................................................................................63 (C.1.e) Shin Muramatsu................................................................................................63 (C.1.f ) Ryuto Shimada..................................................................................................63 (C.1.g) Kengo Hayashi...................................................................................................64 (C.1.h) Hiroko Matsuda.................................................................................................64 (C.1.i) Hiroshi Izumikawa............................................................................................64 (C.1.j) Akinobu Murakami..........................................................................................64 (C.1.k) Hironori Kato......................................................................................................65 (C.1.l) Akiko Hori............................................................................................................65 (C.1.m) Yuko Yamashita- Muramatsu........................................................................65 (D)Biologi...................................................................................................................................66 (D.1) Biodiversity Studies to Support Conservation in the Rainforest of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia..............................66 (D.1.a) Benjamin James Mervyn Jarrett..................................................................67 (D.1.b) Nicholas Charles Marchant............................................................................67 (D.2) Biodiversity Corridors in the Heart of Borneo: Species Diversity and Local Stakeholders................................................67 (D.2.a) Ryan Christian Burner......................................................................................70 (D.2.b) Gillian Jessica Torrens-Spence......................................................................70 (D.3) Predators as livelihoods: options and ostacles for shark management in Eastern Indonesia..........................................71 (D.3.a) Vanessa Flora Jaiteh.........................................................................................71 (D.4) Integrative Approaches to understanding Indonesian Marine Biodiversity...................................................................71 (D.4.a) Paul Henry Barber.............................................................................................72 (D.4.b) Christopher Porter Meyer..............................................................................73 (D.4.c) Amanda Marie Windsor..................................................................................73 (D.4.d) Abril Iniguez-Rivas............................................................................................73 (D.4.e) Allison Louise Fritts-Penniman....................................................................73 (D.4.f ) Victoria Melissa Morgan.................................................................................73 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi vii 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (D.4.g) Sara Elizabeth Koch..........................................................................................74 (D.4.h) Hayley Marie Nuetzel.....................................................................................74 (D.4.i) Samantha H.T. Cheng......................................................................................74 (D.5) Marine Biology, Ecology & Conservation of The Wakatobi Marine National Park: Research Proposal 2012-2014)........................................................................................74 (D.5.a) David John Smith..............................................................................................75 (D.5.b) Wayne Arden Bennett Jr.................................................................................76 (D.5.c) James John Bell.................................................................................................76 (D.6) Plant genetic diversity in tropical lowland rainforest transformation systems..............................................................76 (D.6.a) Natalie Breidenbach........................................................................................77 (D.7) Impact of urbanization on coral reef ecosystems (Spermonde Archipelago, Sulawesi, Indonesia)....................................78 (D.7.a) Willem Renema..................................................................................................79 (D.7.b) Christiaan Albert de Leeuw...........................................................................79 (D.7.c) Marcella Elisa Johanna Meerkerk................................................................80 (D.7.d) Nicole J. de Voogd............................................................................................80 (D.7.e) Rossana Martins De Freitas...........................................................................80 (D.7.f ) Friso Dekker........................................................................................................80 (D.8) Marine lakes of Indonesia: recently discovered laboratories of evolution................................................................................81 (D.8.a) Leontine Elisabeth Becking...........................................................................82 (D.9) Connectivity of coral populations between Indonesia and Western Australia................................................................82 (D.9.a) Natalie Roser.......................................................................................................83 (D.10) Assessing Impact of Climate Change on Coral Reef Health and Coastal Environments in West Papua, Indonesia....................................................................................83 (D.10.a) Elizabeth Anne Carruthers Johnstone.......................................................84 (D.11) Species discovery, evolutionary relationships, and conservation of Indonesia’s small terrestrial mammals.........................................................................................84 (D.11.a) Karen Marie Cavey Rowe................................................................................85 (D.11.b) Jacob Aaron Esselstyn.....................................................................................85 (D.11.c) Peter James Carmichael Smissen................................................................85 (D.11.d) Noel Wayne Longmore...................................................................................86 (D.12) Taxonomical study of the subfamily Scaphidiinae (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) in Sulawesi...................................................86 viii Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (D.12.a) Ryo Ogawa..........................................................................................................87 (D.13) Ornithological Exploration of Montane Forest in Central and South Sulawesi..........................................................................87 (D.13.a) John Berton Chenault Harris.........................................................................88 (D.13.b) Pamela Cecile Rasmussen..............................................................................88 (D.13.c) Yong Ding Li........................................................................................................89 (D.14) Structure, Stability and Functioning of Macro Invertebrate Communities in Rainforest Transformation Systems in Sumatra, Indonesia....................................89 (D.14.a) Malte Jochum.....................................................................................................90 (D.15) Taxonomic, Phylogenetic and Biogeographical Diversity of Vascular Plantsin Rainforest Transformation systems on Sumatra (Indonesia).................................90 (D.15.a) Katja Rembold....................................................................................................92 (D.16) Worldwide investigations on the ecology of invasive species: Do adverse conditions during transport select for stress-tolerant individuals in marine invertebrates?.........................................................92 (D.16.a) Armin Georg Fabritzek....................................................................................93 (D.17) Functional diversity of mycorrhizal fungi along a tropical land-use gradient..........................................................................93 (D.17.a) Josephine Sahner..............................................................................................94 (D.18) Collective Decision Making and Land Allocation at the Village Level...........................................................................................95 (D.18.a) Sandra Tappendorf...........................................................................................96 (D.18.b) Marcel Gatto.......................................................................................................96 (D.19) What is the effect of grazing on the grasslands of Java?.................................................................................................................96 (D.19.a) Arjun Brandreth Potter....................................................................................98 (D.20) Modes of Speciation in Indonesian Terrestrial Arthropods..........................................................................................................98 (D.20.a) Gen Takaku..........................................................................................................99 (D.20.b) Naoyuki Fujiyama.............................................................................................99 (D.20.c) Toru Katoh............................................................................................................99 (D.20.d) Shogo Kikuta......................................................................................................100 (D.21) Environmental drivers of vegetation patterns in tropical peat swamp forests..........................................................................100 (D.21.a) Beatrice Maite Myrtille Wedeux...................................................................101 (D.21.b) Sarah Elizabeth Hadman-Back.....................................................................101 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi ix 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (D.22) The distribution, abundance and the effect of land use system on termite and ant assemblages in Riau, Indonesia.............................................................................101 (D.22.a) Neoh Kok Boon.............................................................................................................................102 (D.23) Whence and Whither: Acoustic Structure of Tarsier Calls..............................................102 (D.23.a) Olivia Clare Kulander...................................................................................................................103 (D.24) Diversity and Conservation of Gobiid Fishes in Lesser Sunda Islands, Indonesia......104 (D.24.a) Zeehan Binte Ja’afar....................................................................................................................105 (D.25) Disassembly and functional diversity change in amphibian communities in degraded habitats in Indonesia (Sumatra).........................................................................105 (D.25.a) Andre Jankowski..........................................................................................................................105 (D.26) Effects of environmental enrichment on activity budget and abnormal behaviours of captive slow loris (Nycticebus coucang) in rehabilitation..............106 (D.26.a) Sharmini Julita Paramasivam...................................................................................................107 (D.27) Sustainable Manajement of Bioresources in Lowland Tropical Forest...................108 (D.27.a) Osamu Kozan.................................................................................................................................108 (D.28) Echinodermas as Bioindicators of Coral Reef Health and Resiliance in the indo-Pacific.....................................................................................................................................109 (D.28.a) Erica Lyn Warkus...........................................................................................................................110 (D.29) Effect on environmental stressors on the ecophysiology of marine organisms...110 (D.29.a) Britta Gunilla Baum......................................................................................................................111 (D.30) Effectiveness of BioRock coral reef restoration.................................................................111 (D.30.a) Kelly Haisfield................................................................................................................................112 (D.31) Assessing Impact of Climate Change on Coral Reef Health and Coastal Environments in West Papua, Indonesia...........................................................................113 (D.31.a) Elizabeth Anne Carruthers Johnstone..................................................................................114 (D.32) Biological Survey on the Indonesian Coelacanth, 2010.................................................114 (D.32.a) Masamitsu Iwata...........................................................................................................................116 (D.33) Understanding and Managing the Resilience of Coral Reefs and Associated Social Systems...............................................................................................................................116 (D.33.a) Janne Kristina Timm....................................................................................................................118 (D.34) Responses of bacterial communities to anthropogenic impacts.............................118 (D.34) Hauke Fabian Schwieder...........................................................................................................118 (D.35) Understanding Top-down and Bottom up rocesses that Lead to Functional Change in Indonesian Coral Reefs.........................................................................................120 (D.35.a) Mirta Carolina Teichberg...........................................................................................................121 (D.35.b) Sebastian Ferse.............................................................................................................................122 (D.35.c) Jeremiah Plass-Johnson.............................................................................................................122 (D.35.d) Jasmin Pascale Heiden...............................................................................................................122 x Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (D.36) Research on mosquito-borne and blood-borne viral infectious diseases in Indonesia.......................................................................................123 (D.36.a) Tomohiro Kotaki................................................................................................124 (D.37) Validation of on-invasive sampling for malaria surveillance in non-human primates.................................................................................124 (D.37.a) Christina Lynn Faust.........................................................................................125 (D.38) Collaborative Research Center for Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Disease (CRD – ERID)...................................................................125 (D.38.a) Takako Utsumi...................................................................................................127 (E)Botani....................................................................................................................................128 (E.1) Rural Homegardens in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia: local perceptions of plant diversity, its importance for livelihoods and its change over time...............................................................................128 (E.1.a) Katja Kehlenbeck..............................................................................................129 (E.1.b) Isaline Mercerat.................................................................................................129 (E.2) Genomic footprints of adaptation and diversification in tropical stone oaks (Lithocarpus; Fagaceae)......................................130 (E.2.a) Maria Joao Palermo De Faria Amaral.........................................................130 (E.3) Promoting Organic Dry Land Farming and Restoration of Deciduous Forest in West Bali, Indonesia................................................131 (E.3.a) Sally Eva Silverstone........................................................................................131 (E.4) The Review on Capsicum frutecens (Cabe Rawit): From Viewpoint of Distribution and Uniqueness/Characteristics in Indonesia........................................................................................................131 (E.4.a) Sota Yamamoto.................................................................................................132 (E.5) Botanical Exploration of Halmahera, Indonesia....................................132 (E.5.a) Melissa Elizabeth Abdo...................................................................................133 (E.6) Biogeography, ecology and informatics of Indonesian trees...........134 (E.6.a) Campbell Owen Webb....................................................................................135 (E.7) Nomenclature of Amomum species (Zingiberaceae) in Java...........135 (E.7.a) Mark Fleming Newman..................................................................................137 (E.7.b) Alison Jane Droop............................................................................................137 (E.7.c) Pu Zou...................................................................................................................137 (E.8) The study of biodiversity of tropical rain forest, 2012-2015..............138 (E.8.a) Eiji Suzuki.............................................................................................................138 (E.8.b) Yoshifumi Kudo.................................................................................................139 (E.8.c) Soichiro Shimonishi.........................................................................................139 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi xi 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (E.9) Tree diversity along altitudinal gradients in West Sumatra...............139 (E.9.a) Shinji Fujii............................................................................................................140 (F)Ekologi..................................................................................................................................141 (F.1) The influence of fruit scarcity on the ecology of nonhuman primates in East Kalimantan.........................................................................141 (F.1.a) Stephanie Spehar.............................................................................................142 (F.1.b) Shannon Lee Somerville Street...................................................................143 (F.2) Evaluating ecosystem services for sustainable collaborative forest management and conservation of biodiversity in and around Protected Area: Human-wild animal Interrelationship formed through Arboriculture in the mountain area of central Seram....................................................................................................................143 (F.2.a) Masatoshi Sasaoka...........................................................................................143 (F.3) Aboveground biomass estimation and validation in tropical region using Phased Array L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (PALSAR) data.....................................................................................................143 (F.3.a) Takeshi Motooka...............................................................................................144 (F.3.b) Tomohiro Shiraishi............................................................................................144 (F.3.c) Manabu Watanabe...........................................................................................144 (F.3.d) Rajesh Bahadur Thapa.....................................................................................145 (F.4) Producing Networks of Forest Governance: REDD+ in Kalimantan Tengah.....................................................................................145 (F.4.a) Caleb Tyrell Gallemore....................................................................................146 (F.5) Synergies between ecosystem servicces in the forested landscapes of Western Borneo (Kalimantan), Indonesia....................146 (F.5.a) Nicolas Labriere.................................................................................................147 (F.6) The Sungai Wain protection forest: An example of good landscape governance....................................................................................147 (F.6.a) Bastiaan van den Dries....................................................................................149 (F.7) Environmental and Land Use Change in Sulawesi, Indonesia: Socio-economic and Ecological Perspectives........................................149 (F.7.a) Wolfram Lorenz.................................................................................................150 (F.7.b) Pierre Gras...........................................................................................................150 (F.7.c) Yasmin Joana Monna Abou Rajab..............................................................151 (F.7.d) Matthias Faber...................................................................................................151 (F.7.e) Fabian Otto Brambach....................................................................................151 (F.7.f ) Andrea Hanf........................................................................................................151 xii Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (F.8) Assessing Green House Gases (GHG) emissions from land-use conversion in Kutai Barat District, East Kalimantan, Indonesia........152 (F.8.a) Ervan Rutishauser.............................................................................................153 (F.9) Institutional, ecological and social interplay for successful protection of biodiversity in East Kalimantan, Indonesia..................153 (F.9.a) Brent Robert Loken..........................................................................................155 (F.10) Cartography of the forest ecosystem in Seram Island, Moluccas, Indonesia........................................................................................155 (F.10.a) Marine Alexia Boulogne...................................................................................156 (F.11) Typology of the secondary vegetation in Seram, the Moluccas, Indonesia.............................................................................................................156 (F.11.a) Susanna Mathilde Stas....................................................................................156 (F.12) Community perceptions of landscape, habitat and species values near the Manusela National Park, Central Moluccas, Seram Island, Indonesia.............................................................................................................157 (F.12.a) Ariane Cosiaux...................................................................................................158 (F.13) Perceived landscape, land use and species values in the Kerangas / Mixed Dipterocarp Forest mosaic of western Kalimantan.................158 (F.13.a) Edith Peri Weihreter.........................................................................................159 (F.14) REDD+ and the delivery of biodiversity co-benefits in the tropics159 (F.14.a) Josil Philomena Murray..................................................................................159 (F.15) Mangrove and Human Coexistence in Batam, Indonesia..................160 F.15.a) Yukari Harada.....................................................................................................161 (F.16) Agroforestry certification; creating a multiple-use tool.....................161 (F.16.a) Thibaut Joaqium Rodrigues dos Santos...................................................162 (F.17) Role and influence of civil society organizations on land use planning and land tenure issues in Indonesia.......................................163 (F.17.a) Anis Raoul Chakib.............................................................................................163 (F.18) Linking insecticide treatment and cacao yields - investigation of the effects of “Chlorpyrifos 400 g” on the pollination of Theobroma cacao in Central Sulawesi / district of Kulawi / Toro valley................163 (F.18.a) Andreas Ralf Spangenberg...........................................................................165 (F.19) Restoration Impact on Tropical Peat Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics (ReTroPeat).....................................................................................166 (F.19.a) Jyrki Juhani Jauhiainen...................................................................................167 (F.19.b) Maija Kaarina Lampela....................................................................................167 (F.19.c) Mari Tuulia Könönen........................................................................................168 (F.20) Research to Support Conservation in the Tropical Forest of Kalimantan..........................................................................................................168 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi xiii 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (F.20.a) Mark Edward Harrison.....................................................................................169 (F.20.b) Lucas Alexander Ward.....................................................................................170 (F.20.c) Stijn Jacobus Johannes Schreven...............................................................170 (F.20.d) Cathryn Anne Freund.....................................................................................170 (F.20.e) Amy Sylvia Oxley...............................................................................................171 (F.20.f ) Jessica Margaret Stitt.......................................................................................171 (F.20.g) Sara Anne Thornton.........................................................................................171 (F.20.h) David Alan Smith..............................................................................................172 (F.20.i) Thea Jane Stella Powell...................................................................................172 (F.20.j) Amanda Rae Hoepfner...................................................................................172 (F.20.k) Helen Olga Thompson....................................................................................172 (F.20.l) Sarah Batty..........................................................................................................173 (F.20.m) Barbara Mc Allister...........................................................................................173 (F.21) Trade offs for social and ecological outcomes under Payment for Ecosystem Services in Lombok, Indonesia.....................173 (F.21.a) Lucy Angela Sinclair Garrett.........................................................................175 (F.22) Collaborative land use planning and sustainable institutional arrangement for strengthening land tenure, forest and community rights in Indonesia”..................................................................175 (F.22.a) Caroline Colette Rolande Tardivo................................................................176 (F.23) Identification of forest use patterns and their associations with rural livelihoods: a case study from Gunung Palung National Park in West Kalimantan”.........................................................................................176 (F.23.a) Haruki Maejima.................................................................................................178 (F.23.b) Shota Yanagisawa............................................................................................178 (F.24) The international climate change negotiations and their implications for forest policies and resource access in Indonesia..178 (F.24.a) Jonas Ibrahim Hein..........................................................................................180 (F.25) Terrestrial Influences on Mangrove Ecology and Sustainability of Their Resources (TIMES) –SPICE 3..........................................................181 (F.25.a) Joanna Anna Weiss...........................................................................................181 (F.25.b) Jens Boy................................................................................................................182 (F.25.c) Christian Martin Gerhard Rumpf.................................................................182 (F.26) Evaluating the Social Sustainability in a Local Community Level for the Stable Supply of Ecosystem Services: The Geospatial Quantitative Analysis on the Mountainous Area in Sulawesi Island...................................................................................182 (F.26.a) Ayako Oide...........................................................................................................183 xiv Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (F.27) Collaboration in the project utilization of liquid and solid wastes from palm oil, rubber and sugar mill for renewable energy and other useful products..............................................................183 (F.27.a) Shingo Maeno....................................................................................................184 (F.27.b) Etsuko Kaimi.......................................................................................................184 (F.28) Sustaining Livelihoods and Coral Reef Biodiversity: The Intersection of Traditional Modes of Access, Eco-Tourism, and Marine Protected Areas in Indonesia................................................184 (F.28.a) Michael Lawrence De Alessi..........................................................................185 (F.29) Ecology and conservation of a sympatric tropical forest felid guild: the wild cats of Borneo...................................................................................186 (F.29.a) Susan Mary Cheyne.........................................................................................187 (F.29.b) Bernat Ripoll Capilla.........................................................................................187 (F.29.c) Joana Aragay Soler...........................................................................................188 (F.29.d) Wiwit Juwita Sastramidjaja...........................................................................188 (F.30) Carbon Sequestration, Litter C Input to the Soil and Resource Use Efficiency in the Lowland Rainforest Transformation Systems on Sumatra..........................................................................................................188 (F.30.a) Martyna Malgorzata Kotowska....................................................................189 (F.31) Aboveground Pattern of Biodiversity and Associated Ecosystem Process Across Tropical Rainforest Transformations............................190 (F.31.a) Lisa Helen Denmead........................................................................................192 (F.31.b) Kevin Felix Arno Darras...................................................................................192 (F.32) Tree and Palm Water Use Characteristic in Rainforest Transformation system...................................................................................192 (F.32.a) Alexander Roll.....................................................................................................194 (F.33) Nitrogen cycling in soils under rainforest transformation systems in Jambi, Indonesia.........................................................................194 (F.33.a) Kara Elizabeth Allen.........................................................................................194 (F.34) How can REDD+ initiatives in Central Kalimantan Indonesia be designed to support the successful adaptation of local communities to climate change?................................................................194 (F.34.a) Tom Arne Paris.....................................................................................................196 (F.35) Structure and functioning of the decomposer system in lowland rainforest transformation systems..............................................................197 (F.35.a) Stephan Töppich...............................................................................................198 (F.35.b) Kristina Richter...................................................................................................198 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi xv 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (F.36) Structure, stability and functioning of macro-invertebrate communities in rainforest transformation systems in Sumatra (Indonesia)....................................................................................199 (F.36.a) Andrew David Barnes......................................................................................201 (F.37) System Transformation in the Face of Environmental Change........201 (F.37.a) Evelyn Kathleen Schwerdtner......................................................................203 (F.38) Stock, turnover and functions of carbon in heavily weathered soils under lowland rainforest transformation systems......................203 (F.38.a) Thomas Guillaume...........................................................................................205 (F.39) Carbon sequestration in the Indonesian Seas and its global significance: Generation of scientific knowledge for formulating strategies for adaptation to climate change (CISKA)..206 (F.39.a) Tim Rixen.............................................................................................................208 (F.39.b) Herbert Gűnter Siegel.....................................................................................208 (F.39.c) Dominik Michael Kneer.................................................................................208 (F.39.d) Stephanie Bodden............................................................................................208 (F.39.e) Hans Sloterdijk...................................................................................................209 (F.39.f ) Thomas W. P. Pohlmann..................................................................................209 (F.39.g) Julien Jean-Jacques Michel...........................................................................209 (F.39.h) Iris Stottmeister.................................................................................................209 (F.39.i) Francisca Maria Constance Wit....................................................................210 (F.40) Sources and Risks of Organic Contaminant and Heavy Metal Burden in Seafood from Jakarta Bay..........................................................210 (F.40.a) Jan Schwarzbuer...............................................................................................211 (F.40.b) Larissa Diskowitzky..........................................................................................211 (F.40.c) Ann-Kathrin Wluka...........................................................................................212 (F.41) Modeling the Dispersion of Pollutans in Relation to Microalgae Blooms and Fish Contamination in Jakarta Bay....................................212 (F.41.a) Simon Adriaan Van Der Wulp.......................................................................214 (F.42) Sources and sinks of nutrients and organic carbon and its effect on the trophic status of the Segara Anakan Lagoon, Java, Indonesia.............................................................................................................214 (F.42.a) Zerihun Senbeto Woldeyohannes..............................................................215 (F.43) Biodiversity enrichment in oil palm plantations: ecological impacts..216 (F.43.a) Martin Alexander Ehbrecht...........................................................................217 (F.44) The Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function in Tropical Agriculture (BEFTA) Project...................................................................................................217 (F.44.a) Edgar Clive Turner.............................................................................................218 xvi Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (F.45) Study on the establishment of allometry equation on mangrove’s below-ground root biomas...................................................218 (F.45.a) Yosuke Okimoto................................................................................................220 (F.46) Creation of the paradigm of sustainable use of tropical rainforest by the intensive forest management and advanced utilization of forest resources.......................................................................220 (F.46.a) Mamoru Kanzaki...............................................................................................220 (F.46.b) Hiroshi Kamitakahara......................................................................................221 (F.46.c) Tomoya Inada.....................................................................................................221 (F.46.d) Takayuki Kaneko...............................................................................................221 (F.46.e) Masayuki Yanagisawa......................................................................................221 (F.47) Indonesian Aquatic Biomass........................................................................222 (F.47.a) Ruben van Maris................................................................................................223 (F.48) The Effects of Drainage in Tropical Peatland on the Greenhouse Gas Emissions and the DOC Discharge.....................................................223 (F.48.a) Kiwamu Ishikura................................................................................................224 (F.49) Conserving the Orangutan: The Role of Environmental Education Programs in West Kalimantan.................................................224 (F.49.a) Steven Paul Patriarco.......................................................................................225 (F.50) REDD-ALERT (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation through Alternative Lan uses in Rainforests of the Tropics)..........................................................................................................226 (F.50.a) Sebastian Persch...............................................................................................227 (F.50.b) Louis-Pierre Comeau.......................................................................................227 (F.51) Sustainable Management of Bio-resources in Lowland Tropical Forests in the West Kalimantan...................................................................227 (F.51.a) Masayuki Ito........................................................................................................228 (F.52) Trace Gas Fluxes from Heavily Weathered Soils Under Rainforest TransformationSystem...............................................................228 (F.52.a) Evelyn Preuss......................................................................................................230 (F.53) Revaluing Rainforests: Market-Based Conservation in Indonesia...230 (F.53.a) Wendy Beth Miles.............................................................................................231 (F.54) Design of incentive mechanism for sustainable land use systems.232 (F.54.a) Miriam Vorlaufer................................................................................................233 (F.55) Collaboration in the project utilization of liquid and solid wastes from palm oil, rubber and sugar mill for renewable energy and other useful products......................................................................................233 (F.55.a) Etsuko Kaimi.......................................................................................................235 (F.55.b) Shingo Maeno....................................................................................................235 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi xvii 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (F.56) Ecological and Socioeconomic Functions of Tropical Lowland Rainforest Transformation system (Sumatra, Indonesia)....................235 (F.56.a) Miriam Rosemarie Teuscher..........................................................................236 (F.57) Mangrove and Human Coexistence in Batam, Indonesia..................236 (F.57.a) Yukari Harada.....................................................................................................237 (F.58) Biodiversity enrichment in oil palm plantations: ecological and socio-economic impacts.......................................................................237 (F.58.a) Steffen Mumme.................................................................................................238 (G)Ekonomi................................................................................................................................239 (G.1) Economic Growth and Structural Changes in Indonesia...................239 (G.1.a) Mitsuhiko Kataoka............................................................................................240 (G.2) The Effects of Nonfarm Employment on Rural Economy - Case Study in Javanese Villages.............................................................................241 (G.2.a) Tomoki Kamiura................................................................................................242 (G.3) Indonesian Economic Development in Post Soeharto Era................243 (G.3.a) Tetsu Konishi......................................................................................................244 (G.4) Smallholder productivity, market access, and internationa linkages in rubber and palm oil production in jambi province.......244 (G.4.a) Anna Marieke Holtkamp................................................................................245 (G.5) Functioning of local markets on the regional scale and linkages of local and international markets at the global scale........................246 (G.5.a) Thomas Kopp........................................................................................................247 (H)Geografi................................................................................................................................248 (H.1) Geomorphology and environmental history of Lombok Island......248 (H.1.a) Franck C. Lavigne..............................................................................................249 (H.2) JAXA-BPPT-LAPAN-BAKOSURTANAL joint airborne syntethic aperture radar campaign in Indonesia for forest carbon monitoring, ship detection, disaster monitoring, and geometric evaluation.....250 (H.2.a) Dairo Kageyama................................................................................................250 (H.2.b) Kazuhiko Koro....................................................................................................251 (H.2.c) Ryuichi Kitahara.................................................................................................251 (H.2.d) Yoshi Doi..............................................................................................................251 (H.2.e) Noriyuki Kawano...............................................................................................251 (H.2.f ) Yukinobu Kaneko..............................................................................................252 (H.2.g) Genzo Fukushima.............................................................................................252 (H.3) Diverse Transitions: Development Choices and the Coastal Landscape in Buton Island, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia..............252 xviii Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (H.3.a) John Daniel Watts.............................................................................................253 (H.4) Water Farm - Improving Farmers’ Livelihood through Integrated Watershed Management.........................................................254 (H.4.a) Bruno Lidon........................................................................................................256 (H.5) Cultural Landscape Tansformation.............................................................256 (H.5.a) Barbara Beckert.................................................................................................258 (H.5.b) Yvonne Kunz.......................................................................................................258 (H.6) Determinants of Land Use Change and Impact of Household Welfare among Smallholder Famers..........................................................258 (H.6.a) Vijesh Vijaya Krishna........................................................................................259 (H.6.b) Michael Andreas Euler....................................................................................260 (I) Geologi/ Vulkanologi.......................................................................................................261 (I.1) Seismic Stratigraphy of the Toba Caldera, Indonesia..........................261 (I.1.a) Michael Terry Dolan.........................................................................................262 (I.1.b) Del Wayne Roger Bohnenstiehl...................................................................262 (I.1.c) Craig Alan Chesner...........................................................................................262 (I.1.d) Sidney Paul Halsor............................................................................................262 (I.1.e) Jingpu Liu............................................................................................................263 (I.2) The Sumatran plate Boundary and Sea Level Project.........................263 (I.2.a) Kerry Edward Sieh...........................................................................................264 (I.2.b) Paramesh Banerjee...........................................................................................265 (I.2.c) Adam Douglas Switzer....................................................................................265 (I.2.d) Aron Jeffrey Meltzner......................................................................................265 (I.2.e) Jeffrey Avila Encillo...........................................................................................266 (I.3) Ground based remote sensing of volcanic emissions.........................266 (I.3.a) Philipson Bani.....................................................................................................267 (I.4) Improvement of seismic monitoring methodologies and application to volcanoes with extruding lava domes.........................267 (I.4.a) Jean-Philippe G.A. Metaxian.........................................................................268 (I.5) Hydrothermal system imaging by self-potential, ground temperature and CO2 concentration measurements.........................268 (I.5.a) Svetlana Jurevna Byrdina...............................................................................269 (I.6) Holocene Stratigraphy, Eruptive History, and Volcano Hazards of Salak and Ambang Volcanoes......................................................................269 (I.6.a) Christopher James Harpel.............................................................................270 (I.7) Climate and natural hazards in Australasia: A comprehensive impact analysis of prehistoric droughts, great earthquakes, and the Tobasuper-eruption.........................................................................270 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi xix 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (I.7.a) Michael Kevin Gagan......................................................................................272 (I.7.b) Nerlie Jane Abram............................................................................................272 (I.7.c) Claire Krause Elizabeth...................................................................................273 (I.7.d) David Bruce Wools-Cobb...............................................................................273 (I.8) Provision of Hazard Studies for Suoh Sekincau Geothermal Area.. 273 (I.8.a) Philip James White...........................................................................................273 (I.8.b) Jane Mary Alma Brotheridge........................................................................274 (I.9) Sedimentology, Palaentology and Dating of Pleistocene Fossil Vertebrate Faunas and Open Occupation Sites in flores and Sulawesi.......................................................................................................274 (I.9.a) Michael John Morwood.................................................................................277 (I.9.b) Gerrit Dirk Van den Bergh..............................................................................277 (I.9.c) Adam Robert Brumm......................................................................................278 (I.10) Vegetation, climate, fire dynamics and human impacts in Java and southern Kalimantan inferred from pollen, spore and charcoal deposits in the Java Sea during the Late Holocene...........278 (I.10.a) Anastasia Poliakova..........................................................................................279 (I.11) Stability and maintenance of Pacific atoll islands in the context of global climate change....................................................................................279 (I.11.a) Thomas Mann....................................................................................................281 (I.11.b) Andrè Klicpera...................................................................................................281 (I.12) The Study to Delineate Area of Spring and to Quantify the Recharge Rate on the East Versant of Merapi Volcano (Klaten, Central Java, Indonesia)..................................................................................281 (I.12.a) Adrien Pierre Antoine Selles.........................................................................282 (I.13) Australia Down Under: Quantification of Rates and Amount of Continental Subduction During Neogane Arc-Continent Collision on Timor...............................................................................................................283 (I.13.a) Ronald Albert Harris...........................................................................................283 (I.13.b) Garrett Wayne Tate.............................................................................................283 (J)Hukum...................................................................................................................................284 (J.1) The Dynamics and Elan of Ijtihad to Provide New Readings of Islamic Laws and Customary Practices on Women Human Rights.284 (J.1.a) Isnira Arap Baginda..........................................................................................284 (J.2) Addressing and regulating industrial water pollution: Looking for an appropriate role for local communities, NGOs and the government in pollution control...................................285 (J.2.a) Laure Yvonne d’Hondt....................................................................................286 xx Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (K) Kedokteran/ Kesehatan..................................................................................................287 (K.1) Field microscopy versus HRP2-pLDH combination rapid diagnostic test in detecting malaria in antenatal women in Eastern Indonesia........................................................................................287 (K.1.a) Elvira Ingrid Levy...............................................................................................288 (K.2) The accuracy of HRP-2-pLDH combination rapid diagnostic test in detecting placental malaria in Eastern Indonesia...................289 (K.2.a) Judith Julia de Jong.........................................................................................290 (K.3) Eliminate Dengue Project in Yogyakarta (EDP-Yogya)........................290 (K.3.a) Petrina Hannah Johnson................................................................................292 (K.4) Films on culture, mental illness, traditional healing, gender, autism treatment via gamelan.....................................................................293 (K.4.a) Robert Bush Lemelson....................................................................................293 (K.4.b) Alessandra Pasquino.......................................................................................293 (K.4.c) Wing Yen Ko Jr....................................................................................................293 (K.4.d) Yee Vuoch Ie........................................................................................................294 (K.5) Decentralization of Health Services in West Java, Indonesia............294 (K.5.a) Priscilla Anne Magrath....................................................................................294 (K.6) Seeing the future: The development and evolution of foresight....294 (K.6.a) Emma Joanne Collier-Baker..........................................................................293 (K.7) Bioprospecting of Indonesian Medicinal Plants....................................296 (K.7.a) Jin Hyub Paik......................................................................................................297 (K.8) Novel strategies and tools for antimicrobial resistance surveillance...297 (K.8.a) Firza Alexander Gronthoud...........................................................................299 (K.9) The Implant Matrix Hepatocyte Autologues as Novel Method in Tissue Engineering for Liver Diseases.......................................................300 (K.9.a) Hans Ulrich Baer................................................................................................301 (K.10) Survey on the HIV knowledge Levels and Attitudes of Public Healthcare Workers in Bogor, Indonesia..................................................301 (K.10.a) Carola Hofstee....................................................................................................304 (K.11) The Indonesia-Japan Collaborative Research Center for Emerging and Re-Emerging Infectious Disease (CRC-ERID)..................................304 (K.11.a) Masaoki Yamaoka.............................................................................................305 (K.12) The Role of Gender in Accessing Harm Reduction Services in Indonesia.............................................................................................................305 (K.12.a) Sheilagh Gaddes...............................................................................................305 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi xxi 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (K.13) Evaluation of different Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDT) as a screening tool for the control of malaria in pregnancy in Eastern Indonesia; and Intermittent screening and treatment or intermittent preventive therapy for control of malaria in pregnancy in Indonesia........................................................306 (K.13.a) Rukhsana Ahmed..............................................................................................306 (L)Kehutanan...........................................................................................................................307 (L.1) Evaluating ecosystem services for sustainable collaborative forest management and conservation of biodiversity within forest reserves....................................................................................................307 (L.1.a) Ken Sugimura.....................................................................................................307 (L.2) Climate Community and Biodiversity Assessment Report for the Forests of Buton Island...................................................................................308 (L.2.a) Nicola Mary Marples........................................................................................310 (L.2.b) Nancy Priston.....................................................................................................311 (L.2.c) David James Kelly.............................................................................................311 (L.3) Cultural Specific Human Interaction With Tropical Lowland Rainforest.............................................................................................................311 (L.3.a) Stefanie Steinebach.........................................................................................313 (L.4) The Way of Peatland Afforestation in Central Kalimantan.................313 (L.4.a) Kayako Hirao.......................................................................................................314 (L.5) Development and Dynamics of Rainforest and Rainforest Transformations in Sumatra During Prehistoric and Historic Times.....314 (L.5.a) Siria Biagioni.......................................................................................................316 (L.6) Wood quality of plantation species and secondary forest species.316 (L.6.a) Futoshi Ishiguri..................................................................................................317 (L.7) Water use characteristics of bamboo........................................................318 (L.7.a) Tingting Mei.......................................................................................................318 (L.8) IDDRI Research Project for on a RUPES Site, Indonesia, in Parnership with the World Agro, (ICRAF), South East Asia Regional Office, Bogor.....................................................................................................................319 (L.8.a) Renaud Lapeyre................................................................................................320 (L.8.b) Romain Pirard.....................................................................................................320 (L.9) Structure and Functioning of Decomposer system in Lowland Rainforest ForestTransformation Systems...............................................321 (L.9.a) Valentyna Ivanivna Krashevska...................................................................322 xxii Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (L.10) Impact of Rainforest Transformation on Phylogenetic and Functional Diversity of Soil Prokaryotic Communities in Sumatra (Indonesia)....................................................................................322 (L.10.a) Martin Engelhaupt...........................................................................................323 (L.11) Structure and Functioning of the Decomposer system in Lowland Rainforest Transformation Systems.....................................323 (L.11.a) Bernhard Klarner...............................................................................................325 (L.12) Central Scientific Support Unit....................................................................325 (L.12.a) Jochen Drescher................................................................................................326 (L.13) Identification of forest use patterns and their associations with rural livelihoods: a case study from Gunung Palung National Park in West Kalimantan.................................................................................326 (L.13.a) Shota Yanagisawa.............................................................................................328 (L.13.b) Haruki Maejima.................................................................................................328 (L.14) How Value Chain Actors Across Materially Different Non-timber Forest Resources...............................................................................................328 (L.14.a) Roderick Douglas Myers.................................................................................329 (M) Kelautan & Perikanan.......................................................................................................330 (M.1) The Java Upwelling Variations Observation...........................................330 (M.1.a) Weidong Yu.........................................................................................................331 (M.1.b) Liang Xue.............................................................................................................331 (M.1.c) Huiwu Wang.......................................................................................................331 (M.1.d) Chunlin Ning......................................................................................................332 (M.1.e) Yanliang Liu.........................................................................................................332 (M.1.f ) Jianjun Liu...........................................................................................................332 (M.2) Penelitian Pulau-pulau Kecil - China-Indonesia Ecological Station Establishment and Marine Biodiversity Survey in North Sulawesi Sea and Bintan Island - Riau Archipelago..............................333 (M.2.a) Chen Bin...............................................................................................................334 (M.2.b) Chen Guangcheng...........................................................................................334 (M.2.c) Lin Junhui............................................................................................................334 (M.2.d) Niu Wentao.........................................................................................................334 (M.2.e) Tang Senming....................................................................................................335 (M.2.f ) Xiang Peng..........................................................................................................335 (M.2.g) Huang Hao..........................................................................................................335 (M.2.h) Ma Zhiyan............................................................................................................335 (M.2.i) Zheng Senlin......................................................................................................336 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi xxiii 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (M.3) Investigation of the role of habitat quality as the reason for population-specific differences in tolerance towards abiotic stress in the Asian green mussel (Perna viridis).................................................336 (M.3.a) Mareike Huhn.....................................................................................................337 (M.4) Vegetation, climate, fire dynamics and human impacts in Java and southern Kalimantan inferred from pollen, spore and charcoal deposits in the Java Sea during the Late Holocene...........337 (M.4.a) Anastasia Poliakova..........................................................................................338 (M.5) South China Sea - Indonesian Seas Transport/Exchange (SITE) and Dynamics of Sunda and Lombok Straits..........................................338 (M.5.a) Bin Fan..................................................................................................................339 (M.5.b) Zhan Lian.............................................................................................................339 (M.5.c) Shujian Li.............................................................................................................339 (M.5.d) Xiaoqing Xu........................................................................................................340 (M.6) Study Project on Coral Reef Restoration using Steel Slag Products in Indonesia......................................................................................340 (M.6.a) Mineo Okamoto................................................................................................342 (M.7) Fishing Practices in the Makassar Spermonde Archipelago, South Sulawesi Indonesia.............................................................................342 (M.7.a) Veronika Breitkopf............................................................................................344 (M.8) Optical fiber based method to detect thiocyanate excretion in illegally caught reef fish: A practical application in the field............344 (M.8.a) Nicole Herz..........................................................................................................346 (M.9) Bioconversion of Palm Kernel Meal (PKM) to Resolve the Aquafeed Shortage in Indonesia.....................................................................................346 (M.9.a) Pascale Therese Leonce Talamond.............................................................346 (M.10) Research on ‘Bioconversion or Maggot Program’ as an alternative solution to respond to the fishmeal shortage and to the rising price of aquafeed in Indonesia....................................................................347 (M.10.a) Emilie Devic........................................................................................................348 (M.11) Investigation on Fish Pathology, Epidemiology, and Health Management in Aquaculture.......................................................................348 (M.11.a) Domenico Ugo Eugenio Caruso.................................................................349 (N)Linguistik..............................................................................................................................350 (N.1) Documentations of Kula, an endangered Papuan language of Alor (eastern Indonesia)............................................................................350 (N.1.a) Nicholas Jay Williams.......................................................................................350 xxiv Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (N.2) The Effect of Fulbright English Teaching Assistants on the Communicative Abilities of Secondary School English Language Learners...........................................................................................351 (N.2.a) Richard Allen Ferrera.......................................................................................352 (N.3) Communicative Practice and Cartographies of Belonging: Everyday Talk and bugis Mobility in Contemporary Indonesia.......352 (N.3.a) Andrew Michael Carruthers..........................................................................354 (N.4) Language Contact in Indonesia: Shifts in Usage and their Structural Manifestations...............................................................................354 (N.4.a) Abigail C Cohn...................................................................................................355 (N.5) A Sketch Grammar of Matek: A Land Dayak Language of West Kalimantan, Indonesia.........................................................................356 (N.5.a) Timothy Mark Connell........................................................................................356 (O)Manajemen.........................................................................................................................357 (O.1) Sustainable Management of Bio-resources in Tropical Forest.........357 (O.1.a) Kazuya Masuda..................................................................................................357 (O.1.b) Kazuo Watanabe...............................................................................................357 (O.2) The Complexity of Landscape Governance: A case study of Gunung Halimun-Salak National Park corridor in West Java, Indonesia.............................................................................................................358 (O.2.a) Ilse Hennemann................................................................................................360 (O.3) Navigating transformation in large-scale dynamic seascapes: The role of multi-stakeholder partnership formations and leadership strategies.......................................................................................361 (O.3.a) Franciska Anna Fanny Rosen........................................................................361 (O.4) Linking governance systems for regional-scale coral reef management: Analysis of case studies in Brazil and Indonesia......361 (O.4.a) Philipp Anton Friedheln Gorris....................................................................363 (O.5) How can comercially based, community forest projects and state-run forest management in Central Java inform one another?....363 (O.5.a) James Thomas Erbaugh..................................................................................364 (O.6) Upstream-downstream Linkages and Coastal and Watershed Governance in Indonesia...............................................................................364 (O.6.a) Johanna Jill Heyde............................................................................................366 (O.7) The Role of the Marine Conservation Area (MCA) in Regional Development in Indonesia............................................................................366 (O.7.a) Antoinette Petronella Pauwelussen...........................................................367 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi xxv 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (O.8) Incentivising Sustainable Tuna Management through a Credit System..................................................................................................................368 (O.8.a) Megan Lynn Bailey...........................................................................................368 (O.8.b) Alice Margaret Mackenzie Miller.................................................................369 (P)Pertanian..............................................................................................................................370 (P.1) Farm-level optimization of land use systems in Indonesia under consideration of uncertainty and ecological effects..............370 (P.1.a) Stefan Moser.......................................................................................................371 (P.2) Pengembangan Tanaman Sorghum dan Produksi Bio-Ethanol dalam Skala pilot Plan.....................................................................................372 (P.2.a) Kimihiro Tanaka.................................................................................................372 (P.3) Pengembangan Padi Hibrida di Lampung: Kerjasama Pemerintah China dan Indonesia........................................................................................373 (P.3.a) Yi Zhenhua..........................................................................................................373 (P.3.b) Liu Yingtie...........................................................................................................373 (P.3.c) Wang Chuntao...................................................................................................374 (P.4) Transition Mechanisms from Traditional Trading to the Marketin Developing Countries.....................................................................................374 (P.4.a) Shinya Ikeda........................................................................................................376 (P.5) Improving the sustainability of cocoa production in eastern Indonesia throughintegrated pest, disease and soil management in an effective extension andpolicy environment...............................376 (P.5.a) Peter John McMahon......................................................................................378 (Q)Politik.....................................................................................................................................379 (Q.1) Political Pluralism in Indonesia’s Multi-Party System...........................379 (Q.1.a) Dominic Berger..................................................................................................380 (Q.2) Transnational Flows of Islamic Political Thought in Indonesian Debates over Liberal Islam: the Case of the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization..........................................381 (Q.2.a) Carlo Joseph Bonura, Jr...................................................................................381 (Q.3) Decentralization and the Impact of Privatization on Higher Education in Indonesia...................................................................................382 (Q.3.a) Lynne Na Young Nolte....................................................................................382 (Q.4) The environmental governance of REDD+ in Indonesia....................382 (Q.4.a) Henry James Boer.............................................................................................386 (Q.5) After Authority: Media and Political Communication in Post-Suharto Indonesia..................................................................................387 xxvi Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (Q.5.a) Karen Strassler...................................................................................................388 (Q.6) Exploring the Political Edge: Conservation in an Era of Political Decentralization at Indonesia’s Kerinci Seblat National Park...........388 (Q.6.a) Keith Andrew Bettinger..................................................................................389 (Q.7) Pro-Formal: Pasar Kayu Domestik dan Revitalisasi Industri Kehutanandi Indonesia..................................................................................390 (Q.7.a) Krystof Obidzinski...............................................................................................390 (Q.8) Life-Style-Related Disease Public Policies in Indonesia............................391 (Q.8.a) Satoru Asegawa...................................................................................................392 (R)Primatologi..........................................................................................................................393 (R.1) Sound repertoires among wild Sumatran Orang-Utans....................393 (R.1.a) Stephanie Mercier............................................................................................395 (R.2) Population Density Survey of Tarsius in Central Sulawesi..................396 (R.2.a) Nanda Grow........................................................................................................396 (R.3) Variation in feeding behavior and nest building technique among orangutan females of different matrilines in Tuanan...........397 (R.3.a) Markus Bruno Lütscher...................................................................................398 (R.4) The socio-ecological studies on wild orangutans and non-human primates in East Kalimantan, Indonesia...................................................398 (R.4.a) Akira Suzuki........................................................................................................398 (R.4.b) Namiko Suzuki...................................................................................................399 (R.5) Home range establishment and flexibility among female orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii) at the Tuanan Mawas Reserve, Central Kalimantan.........................................................................399 (R.5.a) Alison Mary Ashbury.......................................................................................404 (R.6) Monitoring Nitrogen dan Energy Balance in Wild Bornean Orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii) in a Peat Swamp..............404 (R.6.a) Kevin Andrew Rosenfield...............................................................................405 (R.7) The influence of cultural knowledge on orangutan cognition........405 (R.7.a) Thibaud Nicolas Bertrand Gruber...............................................................408 (R.7.b) Ricki Elaine Oldenkamp..................................................................................408 (R.8) Behavioral Ecology of the Endemic Bornean Agile Gibbon Hylobates Albibarbis in a Peat-swamp Forest........................................409 (R.8.a) Jeremiah Rae Taylor.........................................................................................409 (R.9) Speciation and hybridization in Central Sulawesi tarsiers.................409 (R.9.a) Yvonne Eva-Maria Barbara Bohr..................................................................412 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi xxvii 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (R.10) Assessment of the status of Orangutans in Kalimantan, Borneo: a validation study for conversation planning and forest management......................................................................................................412 (R.10.a) Anne-Sophie Helene Pellier..........................................................................413 (R.11) The Role of Food Availability and Canopy Structure on Orangutan Population Density....................................................................413 (R.11.a) Leslie Anne Bolick.............................................................................................414 (R.12) Assessment of the Success of Orangutan Reintroduction in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia................................................................415 (R.12.a) Anna Maria Marzek..........................................................................................415 (R.13) Evolution of parasites affecting Indonesian apes and their responses to infection by parasites via self-medication.....................416 (R.13.a) Marie Plasse........................................................................................................416 (R.14) Orangutan (pongo pygmaeus morio) Ranging in East Kalimantan.....416 (R.14.a) Anne Eleanor Russon.......................................................................................417 (R.14.b) Timothy Peter David Stolerman..................................................................418 (R.14.c) Sarah Anne Iannicello.....................................................................................418 (R.14.d) Levi David Stutzman........................................................................................418 (R.15) The Javan slow loris: Population density and gastrointestinal health....................................................................................................................419 (R.15.a) Marlies Albers.....................................................................................................419 (R.16) The only poisonous primate: ecological context& function of slow loris venom...............................................................................................420 (R.16.a) Amanda Elizabeth Gray..................................................................................421 (R.17) Monitoring protein balance, skeletal protein catabolism and stress indicators in wild Bornean orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii) mothers with dependent offspring in a peat swamp forest.....................................................................................................................421 (R.17.a) Alysse Marie Moldawer...................................................................................423 (R.18) Understanding the Role of Ecology in Orangutan Reproduction...423 (R.18.a) Cheryl Denise Knott.........................................................................................424 (R.18.b) Andrea Lea Di Giorgio.....................................................................................424 (R.18.c) Jennifer Joyce Brousseau................................................................................424 (R.18.d) Chloe Elizabeth Tuck........................................................................................425 (R.18.e) Gail Angela Campbell-Smith.........................................................................425 (R.19) Calibrating a conservation strategy: studying endangered gibbons in West Java.......................................................................................425 (R.19.a) Megan Christina Selby....................................................................................425 (R.20) The phylogeography of Wallace’s tarsies (Tarsius wallacei)...............426 xxviii Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (R.20.a) Alexander Suchar..............................................................................................427 (R.21) Conservation of the critically endangered Sulawesi black crested macaques, Macaca nigra (M. nigra)............................................427 (R.21.a) Henry Benjamin Hilser....................................................................................429 (R.22) Behavioral and Endocrinological Research about Reproduction and Mating System..........................................................................................430 (R.22.a) Eunha Ko..............................................................................................................430 (R.23) Reactions to long calls in two populations of wild orangutans in an experimental setup...............................................................................430 (R.23.a) Bonnie Jacqueline Evans................................................................................433 (R.24) Conservation of the critically endangered Sulawesi black crested macaques, Macaca nigra (M. Nigra)...........................................433 (R.24.a) Gaétan Jean Marcel Masson.........................................................................434 (R.25) The Function(s) of Long-distance signal: The Orangutan Long Call.....435 (R.25.a) Brigitte Spillmann.............................................................................................436 (R.25.b) Urs Wifli................................................................................................................436 (R.26) Body size and ecological segregation in sympatric Sumatran Hylobatidae (Hylobates agilis and Symphalangus syndactylus)....436 (R.26.a) Matthew Gerald Nowak..................................................................................437 (R.27) Can the spatial distribution of long-calls produced by Bornean, flangedmale orangutans and Mueller’s gibbon song be used as as index for localpopulation densities and to assess habitat use?.437 (R.27.a) James Arthur Askew........................................................................................438 (R.28) Testing the Cultural Intelligence Hypothesis in Wild Orangutans..439 (R.28.a) Caroline Schuppli..............................................................................................440 (R.29) What makes orangutans intelligent? Testing the Cultural Intelligence Hypothesis..................................................................................440 (R.29.a) Zaida Karolina Kosonen..................................................................................441 (R.29.b) Laura Annelies Damerius...............................................................................441 (R.30) A comparative study on object play behavior in two populationsof wild orangutans................................................................................................442 (R.30.a) Meret Flurina Christina Heidmann..............................................................442 (R.31) Habitat quality and probability of poliandry in Suinatran siamangs (Symphalangus syndactyly): a test of the ecological constraints model.............................................................................................443 (R.31.a) Susan Michelle Lappan....................................................................................443 (R.32) Emotion expression in non-human primate vocalisations................444 (R.32.a) Carla Luisa Pritsch.............................................................................................445 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi xxix 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (R.33) Eco-ethology and Population Viability Analysis of Long-tailed Macaques (Macaca fascicularis) in Bali (Indonesia): Impact of Habitat type and Degree of Anthropization...........................................446 (R.33.a) Fany Aline Miryam Florence Brotcorne.....................................................447 (R.34) Interactions between Rural Communities and Proboscis Monkey (Nasalis larvatus) in West kalimantan, Indonesia..................................447 (R.34.a) Katie Lynn Feilen...............................................................................................448 (R.35) The Ranging Behaviour of male Orangutan in Sebangau Peat-swamp Forest...........................................................................................448 (R.35.a) Benjamin James William Buckley................................................................449 (R.36) Stress in crested macaques (Macaca nigra): Causes and consequences....................................................................................................450 (R.36.a) Pascal Roger Marty...........................................................................................451 (R.37) Evolution of parasites affecting Indonesian apes and their responses to infection by parasites via self-medication.....................451 (R.37.a) Rebecca Elizabeth Armson............................................................................453 (R.38) Conserving the Sumatran Orangutan: A multidisciplinaryapproach that supports collective action at the local community level..........453 (R.38.a) Danielle Louise Nilsson...................................................................................454 (R.39) Quantifying the role of forest fauna in seed dispersal using orangutans as case study...............................................................................454 (R.39.a) Esther Bonnie Tarszisz.....................................................................................454 (R.40) Ecology of Eastern Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus morio) in a multi-functional landscape in East Kalimantan............................455 (R.40) Kara Joann Norby.............................................................................................456 (R.41) The Effects of Spatial and Temporal variation in Plant Productivity on the Population Ecology of Bornean Rainforest Primates.............456 (R.41.a) Andrew John Marshall....................................................................................457 (R.41.b) Sylvain Remi Thomas Lemoine....................................................................458 (R.42) Assessment of the Success of Orangutan Reintroduction in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia.....................................................................458 (R.42.a) Pau Brugues Sintes...........................................................................................459 (R.43) The conservation and ecology of the red langur (Presbytis rubicunda) in the Sebangau Peat-Swamp Forest, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia.....................................................................460 (R.43.a) Camille Grace Hill...............................................................................................460 xxx Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (S)Sejarah..................................................................................................................................461 (S.1) Developments in National, Religious and Cultural Authority in Solo from 1800: A Southeast Asian Case..................................................461 (S.1.a) Charles Parks Sullivan......................................................................................461 (S.2) Cultures of Madness and the Madness of Culture...............................462 (S.2.a) Marian Kaiser......................................................................................................463 (S.3) Genealogies of Medicine and the Legacies of Empire in Southeast Asia, 1898-1960s..........................................................................464 (S.3.a) Ma Mercedes Planta.........................................................................................465 (S.4) Modern Bodies, Modern Souls: Religion, Medicine, and Public Life in the Late Colonial Indonesia.............................................................465 (S.4.a) Kevin Eyo Ko.......................................................................................................467 (S.5) The births of the modern diasporic subject: law, knowlegde, family reform and the overseas Chinese in British Malaya and Netherlands East Indies (1870-1930).........................................................467 (S.5.a) Seng Guo Quan.................................................................................................468 (S.6) A history of the anti-corruption movement in Indonesia..................470 (S.6.a) Elisabeth Anne Kramer...................................................................................470 (S.7) International Dimensions of Postcolonial National Cultures: UNESCO and Indonesia, 1949-2010...........................................................470 (S.7.a) Tod Stephen Wynford Jones.........................................................................470 (S.8) A study for history of port state Pontianak in West Kalimantan and maritime Southeast Asia.......................................................................471 (S.8.a) Aki Tomita............................................................................................................473 (S.9) Constructions of ‘Europeanness’ in late-colonial Indonesia (Ca. 1910-1940)..................................................................................................473 (S.9.a) Bart Willem Luttikhuis.....................................................................................474 (S.10) Recognition and retribution. Transitional justice in the Netherlands Indies after the Second World War.............................................................475 (S.10.a) Esther Petronella Maria Zwinkels.................................................................475 (T)Seni.........................................................................................................................................476 (T.1) Institutionalization of Art in Indonesia: The socio-cultural, economic and political embedding...........................................................476 (T.1.a) Irina Vogelsang..................................................................................................478 (T.2) Indonesia’s national music: Ismail Marzuki’s musical and cultural legacy....................................................................................................................478 (T.2.a) Andrew Victor Hicken......................................................................................479 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi xxxi 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (T.3) An Ethnography of Amateur Gamelan Musicianship in Central Java.. 480 (T.3.a) Jonathan Fergus Roberts...............................................................................482 (T.4) Music Making and Social Distinction in East Javanese Migrant Communities.....................................................................................483 (T.4.a) Steven Matthew Laronga...............................................................................484 (T.5) Textile Traditions and Contemporary Art in Indonesia: A Practical and Academic Study..................................................................484 (T.5.a) Sonja Kristine Dahl...........................................................................................484 (T.6) Waljinah: Keroncong, Identity and Modernity in Indonesia.............485 (T.6.a) Russell Peter Skelchy.......................................................................................486 (T.7) Studying improvisation/structure in Javanese gamelan singing (sindhenan) to inspire new work...............................................................486 (T.7.a) Jennifer Lay Shyu..............................................................................................488 (T.8) World Music Performance Based Study of Sundanese Karinding...488 (T.8.a) Elise Marie Luce.................................................................................................489 (T.9) Basic dance skill in dance education system at art school................490 (T.9.a) Masami Okabe.......................................................................................................491 (U)Sosiologi...............................................................................................................................492 (U.1) Indonesian Migrant Domestic Workers in Malaysia: A Human Security Perspective.....................................................................492 (U.1.a) Kenji Kimura........................................................................................................494 (U.2) Performance Analysis for the Globalization of Gyeongsangbuk-do Saemaul Undong..............................................................................................494 (U.2.a) Ha Jeahoon.........................................................................................................495 (U.3) Learning and action in the design and implementation of interventions that aim to reduce stigma in people affected by leprosy in Cirebon, Indonesia.................................................................496 (U.3.a) Ruth Maria Hendrika Peters..........................................................................497 (U.4) Reduce stigma in schoolchildren by developing learning materials for teachers......................................................................................497 (U.4.a) Anna Theodora Taal.........................................................................................499 (U.5) The Stigma Reduction Interventions Using the Interactive Learning and Action Approach...................................................................499 (U.5.a) Hind Oulhadj......................................................................................................500 (U.6) Mending New Social Communities in the Philippines & Indonesia after Involuntary Resettlement: Focus on Social Disarticulation and Food Insecurity.........................................................................................500 (U.6.a) Melissa Quetulio Navarra..................................................................................501 xxxii Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (U.7) Penjaga Kesehatan - Konteks Perkembangan Penduduk Lanjut Usia di Pedesaan Yogyakarta, Indonesia....................................501 (U.7.a) Sachiko Gochi.....................................................................................................502 (U.8) The Dynamics and Elan of Ijtihad to Provide New Readings of Islamic Laws and Customary Practices on Women Human Rights.502 (U.8.a) Isnira Arap Baginda..........................................................................................503 (U.9) Indonesian Nurses Sent to Japan under the EPA: Cross-cultural Friction and the Survivability of Indonesian Nurses in Japan..........503 (U.9.a) Ayami Saito.........................................................................................................504 (U.10) The Influences of Saints and Their Teachings on faith, its people in Malaya(sia).................................................................................504 (U.10.a) Tengku Dina Surati Bt. Tengku Zaman.......................................................506 (U.11) Trade offs for social and ecological outcomes under Payment for Ecosystem Services in Lombok, Indonesia.......................................507 (U.11.a) Lucy Angela Sinclair Garrett.........................................................................507 (U.12) Changing Paradigms in a Changing Climate: Analyzing the Political Economy ofForest Plantations........................507 (U.12.a) Julia Katarzyna Szulecka.................................................................................508 (U.13) Practice, Instruction, and Research (PIR) Collaborative Research: Enhancing Behavior Change through Conservation Campaigns...509 (U.13.a) Stacey Kathryn Sowards.................................................................................510 (U.14) Collaborative land use planning and sustainable institutional arrangement for strengthening land tenure, forest and community rights in Indonesia...................................................................510 (U.14.a) Caroline Colette Rolande Tardivo................................................................511 (U.15) Evaluating the Social Sustainability in a Local Community Level for the Stable Supply of Ecosystem Services: The Geospatial Quantitative Analysis on the Mountainous Area in Sulawesi Island....511 (U.15.a) Ayako Oide..........................................................................................................512 (U.16) Resource regimes and perceptions of the environment in West Kalimantan..........................................................................................512 (U.16.a) Timo Antero Kaartinen...................................................................................513 (U.17) Capability approach for villagers to mitigate deforestation: The case study of Central Kalimantan in Indonesia.............................513 (U.17.a) Hirofumi Yaginuma..........................................................................................515 (U.18) Long-term land use, poverty dynamics and emission trade-offs...515 (U.18.a) Sarah Katharina Trapp.....................................................................................516 (U.19) Mapping Islam in Jakarta: Religious Articulations of UrbanIndonesian Youth.................................................................................517 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi xxxiii 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (U.19.a) Eliot Yasumura...................................................................................................517 (U.20) Infrastructure, Property and Social Change in South Java................518 (U.20.a) Christian Lund....................................................................................................518 (U.21) Indonesian Labour and the International: The Domestic Workers’ Movement.............................................................519 (U.21.a) Bree Elizabeth Ahrens.....................................................................................519 (U.22) Education for Migrant Women Workers: The Case of Indonesia......520 (U.22.a) Ellen Louise Prusinski.......................................................................................521 (U.23) National Identity Constructions in Media Debates about the Indonesian Anti-pornography Law: A Discourse Analysis on Rhetorical Modi.........................................................................521 (U.23.a) Silke Ronja Eberle..............................................................................................521 (U.24) Science Field Shops, a new approach to create an agricultural extension service in Indonesia: How this form of social technology is socially organising the actors and influencing their adaptation practices........................................................................................522 (U.24.a) Onno Giller..........................................................................................................523 (U.25) Research on Community Response for Symbiotic Strategies in Social Change: In the Case of Communities in Indonesia.............523 (U.25.a) Sachio Ishida.......................................................................................................524 (U.26) Cultural and spiritual beliefs on leprosy among children, youngsters, elderly people and diverse key informants in Cirebon district, West Java, Indonesia..................................................525 (U.26.a) Timo Winfried Bravo Rebolledo...................................................................525 (V)Teknik....................................................................................................................................526 (V.1) Kajian Sistem Kerja Alat Muat dan Alat Angkut dengan Menggunakan Teori Antrian di Lokasi Penambangan PT. INCO......526 (V.1.a) Natalita Viera Aniceto......................................................................................527 (W)Zoologi..................................................................................................................................528 (W.1) Island Biogeography of Indo-Pacific Passerine Birds...........................528 (W.1.a) Pierre-Henri Frederic Fabre...........................................................................529 (W.1.b) Knud Andreas Jønsson...................................................................................530 (W.1.c) Michael Køie Poulsen......................................................................................530 (W.1.d) Andrew Hart Reeve..........................................................................................530 (W.2) The only poisonous primate: ecological context and function of slow loris venom and implications for conservation......................531 (W.2.a) Sandra Ingrid Kristina Thoren.......................................................................532 xxxiv Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (W.2.b) Eva Johanna Rode............................................................................................523 (W.3) Ecology and conservation of blackwater fishes and macroinvertebrates under land-use change in Southeast Asia.......523 (W.3.a) Xingli Giam..........................................................................................................533 (W.4) Evolutionary diversification in a biodiversity hotspot: the Southeast Asian peat swamp forest fish fauna..............................534 (W.4.a) Lukas Christof Rüber........................................................................................534 (W.4.b) Eleanor Agnes Sarah Adamson....................................................................535 (W.5) Biodiversity of leaf litter inhabiting arthropods in the forests of the Sunda-arc, an analysis based on weevils (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) and springtails (Collembola).................535 (W.5.a) Alexander Riedel...............................................................................................536 (W.6) Diet, distribution, demography and habitat preferences of Tomistoma schlegelii in Danau Mesangat, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia.............................................................................................................536 (W.6.a) Agata Maria Staniewicz..................................................................................539 (W.7) Population density and threats to large mammals: the primates and cats of Sungai Wain Protection Forest..............................................539 (W.7.a) Katherine Sarah Stephanie Scott................................................................540 (W.7.b) Elena Bersacola..................................................................................................540 (W.7.c) Ewan Alexander Macdonald.........................................................................540 (W.7.d) Lauren Jane Gilhooly.......................................................................................540 (W.8) The captive husbandry and reproduction of the Celebes babirusa (Babyrousa celebensis) at Bali Zoo...........................................541 (W.8.a) Masaaki Ito..........................................................................................................542 (W.9) Inventory of Indonesian Freshwater Fish Biodiversity with DNA-Barcoding..................................................................................................543 (W.9.a) Nicolas Michael Hubert..................................................................................544 (W.10) Towards a Peaceful Coexistence Between Men andElephants in Bukit Tigapuluh, Indonesia (Phase 2)....................................................544 (W.10.a) Alexander M. Moβbrucker............................................................................545 (W.11) Predators of Rodent Small Mammals in Oil Palm Plantations: A Landscape Approach...................................................................................546 (W.11.a) Aude Marie Felicie Ane Yvette Verwilghen.............................................547 (W.12) Phylogeography of flying animals in Southeast Asia: populatio n genetics of widespread species of flying foxes and butterflies in Indonesia........................................................................................................547 (W.12.a) David John Lohman........................................................................................548 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi xxxv 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (W.12.b) Susan Man Shu Tsang.....................................................................................549 (W.13) Ecological niche modeling as a conservation tool: A case study in the Javan slow loris (Nycticebus javanicus)........................................549 (W.13.a) Alke Voskamp....................................................................................................550 (W.14) Oxford University expedition to find the Moluccan Woodcock and provide the first comprehensive assessment of its conservation status..........................................................................................550 (W.14.a) John Constable Mittermeier........................................................................551 (W.14.b) Henry Eden Wells Cottee-Jones..................................................................551 (W.15) Mapping Conservation Landscapes of Irrawaddy Dolphins and Artisanal Fisheries.............................................................................................551 (W.15.a) Tara Sayuri Whitty.............................................................................................553 (W.16) Visual census of Napoleon fish, Cheilinus undulatus, in a protected area in Indonesia..................................................................553 (W.16.a) Yvonne Jill Sadovy De Mitcheson..............................................................555 (W.17) A Vertebrate Biotic Survey of Nusa Tenggara and Southeastern Maluku, Indonesia............................................................................................556 (W.17.a) Jimmy Adair McGuire.....................................................................................558 (W.17.b) Alexander Lawrence Stubbs........................................................................558 (W.17.c) Sean Bryant Reilly.............................................................................................559 (W.18) Ants of Komodo Island: Patterns in Distribution and Diversity........559 (W.18.a) Rebecca Lorreine Sandidge..........................................................................561 (W.19) Oceanic Dispersal of Leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea) Hatchings off Papua’s Bird’s Head...............................................................562 (W.19.a) Geoffrey Gearheart..........................................................................................563 xxxvi Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Bab 1: Kondisi Penelitian Asing 2012 1.1 Permohonan Penelitian DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Bab 1: Kondisi Penelitian Asing 2012 Jumlah aplikasi permohonan peneltian asing yang diproses oleh Kemenristek pada tahun 2012 ditunjukkan fluktuasi setiap bulannya pada gambar 1, yang terdiri dari permohonan baru dan perpanjangan. Total permohonan sebanyak 682 peneliti asing dari 424 proyek 1.1 Permohonan Penelitian atau judul penelitian.Sebagian proposal penelitian merupakan tim yang terdiri dari dua atau Jumlahlebih aplikasi permohonan peneltian asing yang olehmerupakan Kemenristek pada tahun 2012 ditunjukkan personel peneliti. Dari sejumlah itu, diproses 547 berkas permohonan baru dan 135 fluktuasi setiap bulannya pada gambar 1, yang terdiri dari permohonan baru dan perpanjangan. Total permohonan sebanyak permohonan perpanjangan. 682 peneliti asing dari 424 proyek atau judul penelitian.Sebagian proposal penelitian merupakan tim yang terdiri dari dua atau lebih personel peneliti. Dari sejumlah itu, Sidang 547berkas merupakan permohonan baru dantertera 135 permohonan Permohonan tersebut dibahas dalam TKPIPA dengan rincian sebagaimana perpanjangan. dalam Tabel 1. Permohonan yang disetujui selanjutnya diproses visanya agar dapat memulai risetnyatersebut di Indonesia. keputusan pending diberikan memerlukan klarifikasi, Permohonan dibahasSedangkan dalam Sidang TKPIPA dengan rincian jika sebagaimana tertera dalam Tabel 1. baik tertulis ataupun selanjutnya diundang presentasi pada sidang Permohonan ditolak Sedangkan Permohonan yang disetujui diproses visanya agar berikutnya. dapat memulai risetnya diyang Indonesia. umumnya topikjika penelitian merupakan isu baik sensitif terkait regulasi, ataupun kebijakan,pada sidang keputusan pendingkarena diberikan memerlukan klarifikasi, tertulis ataupun diundang presentasi berikutnya. yangyang ditolak umumnya karena topikkonflik. penelitian merupakan isu sensitif terkait regulasi, atau Permohonan karena lokasinya merupakan daerah rawan ataupun kebijakan, atau karena lokasinya yang merupakan daerah rawan konflik. Dibandingkan dengan data tahun 2011, secara keseluruhan jumlah permohonan 2012 Dibandingkan dengan datamasih tahun lebih 2011,rendah secara dibandingkan keseluruhan jumlah meningkat namun tahunpermohonan 2010 (Gb. 3)2012 meningkat namun masih lebih rendah dibandingkan tahun 2010 (Gb. 3) 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 permohonan Perpanjangan 2012 30 20 permohonan Baru 2012 10 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sep okt nov dec Gambar 1: Fluktuasi jumlah permohonan Gambar 1: Fluktuasi jumlah permohonantahun tahun 2012 2012 Tabel 1: Rincian jumlah proyek dan personel peneliti asing untuk permohonan BARU& Perpanjangan Tanggal Sidang TKPIPA 11/01/2012 permohonan Perpanjangan baru Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing dan Teknologi Jumlah JumlahKementerian Jumlah Riset Jumlah project/ peneliti project/ peneliti judul asing judul asing 13 13 5 5 1 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Tanggal Sidang TKPIPA Permohonan Baru 11/01/2012 13 13 5 5 27/01/2012 11 13 6 11 09/02/2012 8 27 4 4 22/02/2012 11 22 2 2 08/03/2012 14 22 5 7 21/03/2012 19 25 2 4 04/04/2012 12 43 1 1 25/04/2012 11 27 5 5 09/05/2012 14 43 5 13 24/05/2012 4 13 2 7 06/06/2012 32 41 4 4 21/06/2012 26 28 12 13 10/07/2012 23 37 5 5 25/07/2012 13 15 1 1 14/08/2012 18 36 4 6 31/08/2012 18 21 5 6 12/09/2012 10 27 5 14 28/09/2012 15 19 8 8 10/10/2012 9 9 4 4 24/10/2012 10 12 0 0 08/11/2012 7 7 1 1 28/11/2012 7 10 3 6 12/12/2012 10 11 5 5 27/12/2012 12 26 3 3 Total 327 547 97 Rata2 jumlah peneliti/ project 2 Perpanjangan Jumlah project/ Jumlah peneliti Jumlah project/ Jumlah peneliti judul asing judul asing Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 1,67 135 1,39 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Tabel 2: Rekap jumlah proyek dan personel peneliti asing, baik permohonan BARU maupun PERPANJANGAN Jumlah Project 327 97 Jumlah PA 424 547 135 682 Rata2 Project/ bln 27,25 8,08 35,33 Rata2 PA/ bln 45,58 11,25 56,83 1,67 1,39 1,61 Rata2 PA/ project DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Perbandingan Agregat Permohonan 2010-2012 Jumlah Permohonan (Baru + Perpanjangan) 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 JAN FEB MAR APR MEI JUN JUL AGS SEP OKT NOV DES Permohonan 2010 54 106 147 247 307 392 480 584 600 649 699 726 permohonan 2011 58 87 133 228 291 361 403 443 480 511 538 575 permohonan 2012 42 97 155 231 307 393 451 520 588 613 637 682 Gambar 2: jumlah agregat permohonan 2012, dibandingkan dengan 2010 dan 2011 1.2 Penerbitan Surat Izin Penelitian (SIP) Peneliti asing yang telah disetujui dan mendapatkan Visa Penelitian, selanjutnya datang ke Indonesia dan melapor ke Ristek. Ristek menerbitkan Surat Izin Penelitian (SIP), baik baru maupun perpanjangan. Fluktuasi jumlah SIP baru dan perpanjangan ditunjukkan oleh Gb. 3. Secara keseluruhan jumlah SIP mencapai 447 baru, dan 97 perpanjangan, atau total sejumlah 544 SIP. Dibandingkan dengan tahun 2011, jumlah SIP ini merupakan peningkatan (Gb. 4). Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 3 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 1.2 Penerbitan Surat Izin Penelitian (SIP) Peneliti asing yang telah disetujui dan mendapatkan Visa Penelitian, selanjutnya datang ke Indonesia dan melapor ke Ristek. Ristek menerbitkan Surat Izin Penelitian (SIP), baik baru maupun perpanjangan. Fluktuasi jumlah SIP baru dan perpanjangan ditunjukkan oleh Gb. 3. Secara keseluruhan jumlah SIP mencapai 447 baru, dan 97 perpanjangan, atau total sejumlah 544 SIP. Dibandingkan dengan tahun 2011, jumlah SIP ini merupakan peningkatan (Gb. 4). DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Jumlah SIP Baru dan Perpanjangan perbulan, 2012 120 Jumlah SIP 100 80 60 40 20 0 MEI JUN JUL AGS SEP SIP perpanjangan JAN 9 FEB MAR APR 8 6 5 1 23 10 4 10 OKT NOV DES 11 7 3 SIP baru 33 34 20 22 47 79 51 32 64 33 21 11 Gambar 3: Fluktuasi jumlah SIP tahun 2012 600 500 400 300 200 4 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 100 0 SIP 2011 SIP 2012 0 MEI JUN JUL AGS SEP SIP perpanjangan JAN 9 FEB MAR APR 8 6 5 1 23 10 4 10 OKT NOV DES 11 7 3 SIP baru 33 34 20 22 47 79 51 32 64 33 21 11 PENELITIAN ASING Gambar 3: DIREKTORI Fluktuasi jumlah SIP tahun 2012 DI INDONESIA 2012 600 500 400 300 200 SIP 2011 SIP 2012 100 0 Gambar 4: Jumlah agregat SIP tahun 2012, dibandingkan dengan 2011 1.3 Negara Asal Peneliti Asing 1.3 Negara Asal Peneliti Asing 36 | P a g e Mayoritas peneliti tersebut berkewarganegaraan atau berasal dari Negara-negara maju yang menguasai iptek dan mengalokasikan dana riset yang besar dalam APBN mereka. Dalam tahun 2010 secara berturut-turut AS, Jepang, Perancis, Inggris, dan Jerman menempati peringkat lima besar kemudian diikuti Belanda, Australia, RRC, Italia dan Kanada menempati peringkat 10 besar. Jepang yang selama sepuluh tahun terakhir selalu menempati posisi teratas, pada tahun 2010 tergeser oleh Amerika Serikat sedangkan Belanda, Australia, Jerman dan Inggris selalu menempati posisi peringkat lima besar selama sepuluh tahun terakhir. RRC merupakan Negara pendatang baru Asia yang mampu menembus posisi sepuluh besar. Namun dalam tahun 2011, posisi teratas kembali diduduki Jepang (27%), baru kemudian AS (25%). Posisi Perincis merosot menjadi peringkat ke 7, digantikan oleh Inggris yang naik menjadi peringkat ke tiga. Selanjutnya berturut-turut Jerman, Belanda, Australia dan RRC meningkat sedikit. Italia terlempar dari 10 besar, digantikan oleh Denmark. Sedangkan peringkat 10 tetap Kanada. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 5 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Mayoritas peneliti tersebut berkewarganegaraan atau berasal dari Negara-negara maju yang menguasai iptek dan mengalokasikan dana riset yang besar dalam APBN mereka. Dalam tahun2012, 2010 secara AS, Jepang, Perancis, Inggris, dan Jerman peringkat lima besardi posisi Dalam tahun AS berturut-turut kembali menempati posisi teratas, danmenempati Jerman menyodok kemudian diikuti Belanda, Australia, RRC, Italia dan Kanada menempati peringkat 10 besar. Jepang yang selama kedua menggeser Jepang yang merosot posisi ini oleh kemungkinan karena adanya sepuluh tahun terakhir selalu menempati posisike teratas, padaketiga. tahun 2010Hal tergeser Amerika Serikat sedangkan Belanda, Australia, Jerman dan Inggris selalu menempati posisi peringkat lima besar selama sepuluh tahun terakhir. dua projectRRC besar antara Indonesia-Jerman yaitu CRC, dan SPICE 3. Di papan tengah, Perancis merupakan Negara pendatang baru Asia yang mampu menembus posisi sepuluh besar. menggeser Inggris, sementara Belanda, Australia, RRC dan Kanada tetap masuk di 10 besar. Namun dalam tahun 2011, posisi teratas kembali diduduki Jepang (27%), baru kemudian AS (25%). Posisi Perincis 7, digantikan oleh Inggris yangSwiss. naik menjadi peringkat ke tiga. Selanjutnya berturutPendatangmerosot baru menjadi yang peringkat masukkesepuluh besar adalah turut Jerman, Belanda, Australia dan RRC meningkat sedikit. Italia terlempar dari 10 besar, digantikan oleh Denmark. Sedangkan peringkat 10 tetap Kanada. Gambar 5 di bawah ini menggambarkan komposisi 10 besar negara asal peneliti asing tahun 2012, AS kembali menempati posisi teratas, dan Jerman menyodok di posisi kedua menggeser Jepang tersebut. Dalam yang merosot ke posisi ketiga. Hal ini kemungkinan karena adanya dua project besar antara Indonesia-Jerman yaitu CRC, dan SPICE 3. Di papan tengah, Perancis menggeser Inggris, sementara Belanda, Australia, RRC dan Kanada tetap masuk di 10 besar. Pendatang baru yang masuk sepuluh besar adalah Swiss. Gambar 5 di bawah ini menggambarkan komposisi 10 besar negara asal peneliti asing tersebut. DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 37 | P a g e Gambar 5: Komposisi negara asal peneliti asing tahun 2010 (kiri), 2011 (kanan), dan 2012 (bawah); hanya ditujukkan 10 besar Gambar 5: Komposisi negara asal peneliti asing tahun 2010 (kiri), 2011 (kanan), dan 2012 (bawah); hanya ditujukkan 10 besar 1.4 Bidang dan Lokasi Penelitian Bidang penelitian terdapat 23 disiplin ilmu; 10 besar diantaranya ditunjukkan dalam Gb. 6 untuk tahun 2010 (atas kiri), 2011 (atas kanan) dan 2012 (bawah). Dari gambar tersebut nampak bahwa pada tahun 2011 bidang ekologi menyodok di urutan pertama, diikuti oleh biologi. Botani dan Geografi juga meningkat, yang tahun sebelumnya masih belum masuk ke 10 besar. Sedangkan Geologi, Oseanografi, Primatologi, Antropologi, Sosiologi, dan Zoologi, masih berada dalam 10 besar. 6 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 1.4 Bidang dan Lokasi Penelitian Bidang penelitian terdapat 23 disiplin ilmu; 10 besar diantaranya ditunjukkan dalam Gambar 5:2010 Komposisi negara asal2011 peneliti (atas asing tahun 2010 (kiri), 2011 (kanan), dan 2012 (bawah); ditujukkan 10 Gb. 6 untuk tahun (atas kiri), kanan) dan 2012 (bawah). Dari hanya gambar tersebut besar nampak bahwa pada tahun 2011 bidang ekologi menyodok di urutan pertama, diikuti oleh biologi. Botani dan Geografi juga meningkat, yang tahun sebelumnya masih belum masuk ke 1.4 Bidang dan Lokasi Penelitian 10 besar. Sedangkan Geologi, Oseanografi, Primatologi, Antropologi, Sosiologi, dan Zoologi, Bidang penelitian terdapat 23 disiplin ilmu; 10 besar diantaranya ditunjukkan dalam Gb. 6 untuk tahun 2010 (atas 2011 (atas kanan) dan 2012 (bawah). Dari gambar tersebut nampak bahwa pada tahun 2011 bidang ekologi masih beradakiri), dalam 10 besar. menyodok di urutan pertama, diikuti oleh biologi. Botani dan Geografi juga meningkat, yang tahun sebelumnya masih belum masuk ke 10 besar. Sedangkan Geologi, Oseanografi, Primatologi, Antropologi, Sosiologi, dan Zoologi, masih berada dalam 10 besar. DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 38 | P a g e Gambar 6: Komposisi bidang ilmu penelitian asing tahun 2010 (kiri) dan 2011 (kanan);dan 2012 (bawah); hanya ditunjukkan 10 besar Gambar 6: Komposisi bidang ilmu penelitian asing tahun 2010 (kiri) dan 2011 (kanan);dan 2012 (bawah); hanya ditunjukkan 10 besar Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 7 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Berikut ditunjukkan Abstrak dan deskripsi proyek penelitian asing, yang diurutkan sesuai abjad bidang penelitian, dari Antropologi hingga Zoologi. Secara total terdapat 23 bidang disiplin ilmu. Banyak diantaranya merupakan intra-disiplin ilmu, misalnya Sosio-Ekologi, Etno-musikologi, dsb; yang pada buku ini dicantumkan sekali pada salah satu bidang yang dipandang dominan. Bidang riset ini pada umumnya multi disiplin; disamping Antroplogi yang terkait erat dengan Sosial dan Budaya, juga ada yang bersentuhan dengan politik, ekologi, kelautan, pendidikan, dan agama. Secara keseluruhan terdapat 18 judul project penelitian di bidang ini, satu diantaranya dikerjakan oleh tim 2 orang sehingga total peneliti sebanyak 19 orang. (A.1) The adaptive nature of culture: A cross-cultural analysis of the returns of Local Environmental Knowledge in three native societies Tujuan Penelitian Bidang Penelitian Lama Penelitian Daerah Penelitian Mitra Kerja : Menguji bagaimana pengetahuan budaya dapat membentuk strategi adaptasi manusia dalam kerangka budaya yang berbeda : Antropologi : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 3 Februari 2012 : Kalimantan Timur (Malinau) : Prof. Cecep Kusmana - Fakultas Kehutanan IPB Abstract Researchers debate the role of culture in shaping human adaptive strategy. Some researchers suggest that the behavioural adaptations that explain the success of our species are partially cultural, i.e., cumulative and transmitted by social learning. Others find that cultural knowledge has often resulted in maladaptive practices leading to loss of technologies and societies’ collapse. Despite the importance of the debate, we lack empirical, comparative, research on the potential mechanisms through which culture might shape human adaptation. In this research, we will collect real world data to test a pathway through which cultural knowledge might enhance human adaptive strategy: the individual returns to culturally evolved and environment specific knowledge. We will collect six sets of comparable panel data in three foraging societies: the Tsimane’ (Amazon), the Baka (Congo Basin), and the Penan(Borneo). We will use a culturally-specific but cross-culturally comparative method to assess individual Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 9 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA local knowledge (explicit and tacit) related to 1) wild edibles; 2) medicine; 3) agriculture; and 4) weather forecast. We will analyze data using instrumental variables to get rigorous estimates of the returns to knowledge on a)own and offsprings health and b) nutritional status, and c) farming and d) foraging productivity. Data would allow us to make generalizations on 1) the returns to local environmental knowledge and 2) the conditions under which locally developed knowledge is adaptive or ceases to be so. The ground-breaking nature of this study lies in its explicit attempt to use empirical data and a cross-cultural framework to provide a first empirical test of the adaptive nature of culturally transmitted information, and to do so by linking cultural knowledge to individual outcomes NAMA PENELITI ASING: (A.1.a) Maximilien Lionel Andre Gueze Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Paris, 25-06-1985 Warga Negara : Perancis Jabatan : Postdoctoral Researcher Institusi : Institute of Environmental Sciences Autonomous University of Barcelona Email :maximilien.gueze@gmail.com Alamat : C/Sequia Comtal 11, Entlo-08018 Barcelona, Spain and Technologies, (A.2) Indigeneity, Ethnicity, Adat: The Utan and the Quest for Development Tujuan Penelitian Bidang Penelitian Lama Penelitian Daerah Penelitian Mitra Kerja : Melakukan penelitian lapangan mengenai kehidupan dan etnisitas masyarakat adat utan dalam kerangka teori antropologi dan etnografi Indonesia : Antropologi Budaya : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 16 Januari 2012 : Riau (Kec. Bangkalis, Kec. Rupat Utara) : Prof. Dr.rer.soz. Nursyirwan Effendi – FISIP Universitas Andalas Abstract In my PhD project, I will conduct fieldwork among the Utan of Riau, Indonesia, and explore their lives in the context of modern Indonesian development schemes. The governments in the archipelago have constantly intervened in the life of tribal peoples like the Utan historically 10 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 from the pre-colonial era to the present post-Suharto regime. In most part of the period, such tribal peoples have been marginalised and stigmatised. However, since the fall of Suharto in 1998, the situation has changed. The concepts of self-determination and indigenous rights, which were developed through transnational discourse and modified to fit the Indonesian local context, were added to the rationale for state intervention, and the importance of customary community, or adat community, has been emphasised by the local communities themselves and the NGOs. As a result, tribal peoples are, in some cases, attempting to obtain a new position in the state as “indigenous peoples”. In addition, the intervention of development programmes has led some of these peoples to reconfigure their tribal ethnicity. I will describe the transactions between the state intervention and the Utan reaction to it in the state development schemes of tribal peoples, and explore the concepts of indigeneity, ethnicity and adat in anthropological theory and Indonesian ethnography. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (A.2.a) Takamasa Osawa Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Yamanashi, 06-09-1979 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Ph.D. Candidate Institusi : School of Social and Political Science, University of Edinburgh Email :takamasa-osawa@hotmail.co.jp Alamat : Flat 25 room 1, Wellgate House, 200 Cowgate Edinburgh EH1 1 NQ, United Kingdom (A.3) The Enactment of Agency and Constructions of the Maternal Body: Female-Headed Households and Maternal Mortality in Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari bagaimana masyarakat di Sulawesi Tenggara memandang rumah tangga yang dikepalai oleh wanita, kematian ibu, serta peranan wanita dalam masyarakat. Bidang Penelitian : Antropologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 3 Agustus 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Tenggara (Desa-desa terpencil) Mitra Kerja : Universitas Haluoleo (Prof. Dr. Nasaruddin Suyuti, M.Si., dan Sarlan Adijaya, S.Sos., M.Si.) Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 11 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Abstract This research focuses on the ways local understandings of the maternal body, gender relations and female agency influence maternal mortality in Southeast Sulawesi. Spccifically, this work considers women’s agency and power over their bodies and how these issues affect decisions made about healthcare during pregnancy. Since migration among men seeking work elsewhere in Indonesia and abroad in countries such as Malaysia and Singapore is particularly high in Southeast Sulawesi, the question of how households headed by women affects gender relations will also be considered. According to the Indonesian Bureau of Statistics, the head of a household in Indonesia is either: ‘(i) the person who is actually responsible for the daily needs of a household; or (ii) the person who is considered the head of the household’ (Australia Indonesia Partnership 2010). In 2011, almost 15% of Indonesian households are headed by women (Australia Indonesia Partnership 2010). However, as official representatives of the family, men have authority, particularly in the public sphere, which women often do not. Relations between husbands and wives are influenced by traditions which affect the ways women are perceived and the ways they may act. In Southeast Sulawesi, bridewcalth is one of these traditions. The giving of bridewcalth has implications for power relations within marriage, which in turn influence methods of childbirth. These dynamics will be one focus of my work. In the literature on gendered forms of power and agency, the work of Kristeva (1982) and Butler (1993) is prominent. In this work, women’s agency will be seen in its relational context, as the dynamic between these women and the surrounding environment. This approach will be used because it situates women at the centre of inquiry without neglecting either the environmental forces which impact them as agents and therefore the enactment of agency, or the meanings created by that enactment. The role of gendered forms of agency in creating dynamic linkages between subjects and social forces will also be investigated. The social significance of how female agency creates social meanings in Southeast Sulawesi will also be an important part of my work. The fundamental basis of this research rests upon an investigation of how people in rural Southeast Sulawesi understand life (childbirth) and death (maternal mortality). By investigating local understandings of how women’s agency and power are linked to the maternal body, particularly in female-headed households, my work aims to make an original contribution to the corpus of anthropological research on Southeast Sulawesi 12 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 NAMA PENELITI ASING: (A.3.a) Brooke Gabriel Nolan Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Sydney, 30-10-1980 Warga Negara : Australia Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Institusi : University of Western Australia Email : borneobrooke@gmail.com Alamat : 6/18 Robinson AV Northbridge 6003 WA, Australia (A.4) Interpreting the Coral Triangle Initiative Nusa Penida Marine Park Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti bagaimana komunitas lokal dan praktisi LSM mengkonseptualisasikan lingkungan laut (marine environment) dan nilainya dalam konteks penggunaan sumberdaya dan keanekaragaman, memahami bagaimana masyarakat dan LSM memahami marine protected area (MPA), dan mengetahui bagaimana MPA dapat menjadi ajang negosiasi kebijakan konservasi Bidang Penelitian : Antropologi Ekologi/ Kelautan Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 2 April 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Bali (Nusa Penida), DKI Jakarta, Jawa, Sulawesi Tenggara (Wakatobi), Sulawesi Utara (Bunaken) Mitra Kerja : Dr. Ketut Gede Dharma Putra- Pusat Studi Lingkungan Universitas Udayana Abstract South East Asia and the Pacific exhibit the greatest marine biodiversity in the world, yet this area is the site of unprecedented species loss due to climate change and environmental degradation. In order to protect marine ecosystems and avert fisheries collapse, the Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI), a cooperative, multilateral conservation initiative. was instituted by six South East Asian and Pacific Island nations in 2007. The goal of the CTI is to increase and safeguard the health of coral seas and ocean basins by reversing current trends in anthropogenic and climate driven disturbance. As part of this initiative, transnational management agendas are being envisioned, defined, and transmitted across institutional scales. but enacted in local communities, affecting the livelihoods of millions. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 13 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Even when conservation initiatives have proven effective in protecting biodiversity, they have tended to disregard how goals are formed, by and for whom, and to what purposes. Drawing attention to this particular shortcoming, social scientists have contributed substantially to the field of conservation studies by contextualizing the impacts of protective policies at the local level. Yet. despite a proliferation of critical research on conservation practice, theorists have rarely explored the complex, synergistic processes that are involved in the negotiation and formalization of policy within conservation organizations- often for lack of institutional access. Research that contextualizes conservation decision-making processes should be pursued as it can inform the redefinition of more inclusive, successful outcomes. Research Objectives: The proposed ethnographic project explores how conservationists integrate discrepant spheres of “expert” and “local” knowledge as they negotiate interventions designed to address disparate stakeholder resource use agendas. It will elucidate: 1) the processes of productive articulation and translation of marine policies across scales and; 2) local knowledge, attitudes, perceptions, and behaviors regarding the future enactment of conservation interventions. There will be three field sites: The Nature Conservancy (TNC) Coral Triangle Center in Sanur. Bali. The TNC Coral Triangle Center in Nusa Lembongan, and adjacent fishing villages of the Nusa Penida Marine Protected Area (MPA). The research will investigate how marine protected areas act as sites of engagement (both physical and conceptual) leading to conservation spaces that are constructed and acted upon differentially by conservationists and local communities. As an independent researcher. I will address the questions: 1) How do local community stakeholders and NGO practitioners conceptualize the marine environment and its value in terms of resource use and biodiversity? 2) How do community stakeholders and NGO practitioners conceive of marine protected areas? 3) Are marine protected areas spaces for the negotiation of conservation policy? NAMA PENELITI ASING: (A.4.a) Heather Ann Gallivan Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Arizona, 09-01-1974 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Ph.D Student Institusi : University of Georgia Email : hgalliv@uga.edu Alamat : 375 ½ Holman Ave, Athens, GA 306606, USA 14 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (A.5) Akar Budaya Demokrasi Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Menganalisis demokrasi Indonesia dari segi budaya Indonesia, khususnya cara berpikir dan nilai Jawa tradisional yang telah mendarah daging dalam diri kebanyakan orang Indonesia Bidang Penelitian : Ilmu Budaya Lama Penelitian : 6 (enam) bulan mulai 7 Februari 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Tengah, DI Yogyakarta Mitra Kerja : Drs. Heru Marwata, M.Hum - Fakultas Ilmu Budaya UGM Abstract Permasalahan Indonesia dianggap sebagai negara demokrasi terbesar ketiga di dunia, tetapi berdasarkan informasi yang penulis temukan di berbagai buku maupun media lainnya, praktik demokrasi di Indonesia agak berbeda dengan demokrasi yang umum dipahami dan dijalankan selama ini di negara-negara Barat. Berkaitan dengan itu, penelitian ini ingin membahas masalah berikut: • Ciri khas demokrasi Indonesia dan budaya Indonesia khususnya cara berpikir dan nilai tradisional Jawa; • Peranan budaya Indonesia dalam penerapan domokrasinya melalui menganalisis peristivva-peristiwa konkret yang menimbulkan kisruh di Indonesia beberapa tahun ini; • Kerasionalan dan keterbatasan demokrasi Indonesia yang berbau kental budaya Jawa. Penelitian terhadap titik pusat pada judul tersebut dilakukan berdasarkan perpaduan antara pengamatan peneliti di Iapangan sendiri dengan bahan-bahan tangan kedua yang diketemukan melalui pustaka. Dengan penelitian ini diharapkan bisa dipahami secara lebih rasional ketika terjadi sesuatu yang tidak hanya bersifat positif dalam kehidupan demokrasi Indonesia, dan bisa juga dijadikan referensi bagi Tiongkok dalam pembangunan demokrasi yang berkarakteristik sosialisme. Tujuan Penelitian • Menguraikan demokrasi Indonesia yang berkarakteristik budaya lokal; • Mencermati hubungan antara budaya Indonesia dengan demokrasinya; • Menganalisis peristiwa-peristivva yang terjadi beberapa tahun ini yang selalu menimbulkan kisruh di Indonesia; Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 15 2012 • DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA mengenal lebih mendalam budaya Jawa supaya menulis makaiah yang terkait dan sekaligus dapat memberikan kuliah yang terkait di Jurusan Bahasa Indonesia Fakultas Bahasa dan Budaya Timur GDUFS Metode Penelitian • mengumpulkan bahan yang diperlukan dengan mendatangi perpustakaan UGM maupun di toko buku; • berdiskusi dengan dosen-dosen FIB dan FISIPOL UGM yang terkait atau mendengar kuliahnya; • mewawancarai orang-orang yang ahli dalam bidang terkait NAMA PENELITI ASING: (A.5.a) Zhu Gangqin Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Zhejiang, 15-12-1968 Warga Negara : RRC Jabatan : Lecturer Institusi : Guangdong University of Foreign Studies Email :rohaniqin@hotmail.com Alamat : Jl. Baiyundadao Bea 2, Guangzhau China 510420 (A.6) Sustainability of food production and plant use in rural villages of Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Melihat cara hidup masyarakat di NTT yang bersinergi dengan baik dengan alam Bidang Penelitian : Antropologi Lama Penelitian : 4 (empat) bulan mulai 17 September 2012 Daerah Penelitian : NTT (Rai di bagian timur NTT) Mitra Kerja : Universitas Hasanuddin (Dr. Andri Amri, Ph.D.) Abstract Due to recent modernization and industrialization, economic development of Southeast Asian countries has greatly progressed. However, these countries have faced or will face with 16 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 problems caused by dramatic environmental changes(e.g. global climate change). One of such problems are food shortage.Although such environmental problems have become manifesto in modernized societies, Southeast Asiian societies are known to have their own traditional wisdom for harmonization of human and nature. This study aims to explore such wisdom especially in sustainable nature use as basic research of human life; this information will be useful for future food supply under modernization. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (A.6.a) Takaki Hirose Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Mie, 18-04-1989 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Student Institusi : Kyoto University. Email : hirose@asafas.kyoto-u.ac.jp Alamat : 41-102,Yoshida-Izumidono cho, sakyo ku, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan (A.7) Development of cultural spaces and local communities: 1990s-2010s in Yogyakarta Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari peran seni dalam masyarakat Bidang Penelitian : Antropologi Lama Penelitian : 7 (tujuh) bulan mulai 3 Desember 2012 Daerah Penelitian : DI Yogyakarta Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya UGM (Wulan Tri Astuti, S.S., M.A.) Abstract I plan to do my research titled “Development of cultural spaces and local communities: 1990s-2010s in Yogyakarta” in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta from September 2012 to March 2013 with financial support from Osaka City University Urban Research Plaza “Promotion Program for Organizing Asia Arts Management Research Institution”. This research pays attention to the role of art in the communities. It specially focuses on so-called alternative spaces or artist-initiative communities that experienced a great increase Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 17 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA after the late 1990’s. A result of this research will form a map that indicates the development and transition of those activities in Yogyakarta and show how they link with each other and create a sense of “public” in the city. This research will mainly use field method, such as informal interviews and consultations with leaders of art activities. In addition, this research will use literature search to get information of historical background. Objectives: This research will be conducted under the scientific research titled “Promotion Program for Organizing Asia Arts Management Research Institution” headed by Prof. Shin Nakagawa in Osaka City University Urban Research Plaza, granted by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. After 1990’s, the arts have started to be taken not only as a tool for formation of national identity or enlightenment of the public but also as for revitalization of local communities. But we don’t have its methodology or theory yet. This research tries to touch this point. Using Yogyakarta situation in a form of case study, it defines the role of art in the local communities and its methodology. In our time, city has many kinds of problems, such as environmental pollutions, the tirban poor, disasters and so on. In this situation, the arts can work as an effective tool for discussion between different people and finding out its creative solution. These activities are now called as “community art” or art for “social inclusion”. The concept of community art has got academic concern since the 1970s, and that of social inclusion since the 1990s.a tool to recover wellness or good life in society. Yogyakarta, as historical-art city, has been well internationally known as one of the important cities in Asian contemporary art, but at the same time, has been very active in developing art programs for local communities. Specially after the late 1990s, many alternative spaces and artist-initiative communities were established and they have played an important role in this field. This research pays attention to the role of art in social life, and aims to create mapping of cultural activities in Yogyakarta, especially community art activities and art activities for social inclusion. For considering about the communities in the city, the cultural policy by Yogyakarta government will be an important part of my research, too. The result of this research will form a map that indicates the development and transition of those activities in Yogyakarta and show how they link with each other and create a sense of “public” in their communities. 18 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 NAMA PENELITI ASING: (A.7.a) Tomoko Hayashi Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Chiba, 04-08-1978 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Research Associate Institusi : Urban Research Plaza, Osaka City University. Email : hayashi@ur-plaza.osaka-cu.ac.jp Alamat : 3-3-138 Sugimoto, Sumiyoshi-ku, Osaka-shi 558-8585, Japan (A.8) Beliefs, Climate, and Subsistence Decision-making in Ende, Island of Flores, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Mengetahui sejauh mana kepercayaan masyarakat mengenai kemungkinan perubahan iklim mempengaruhi cara mereka bekerja serta bagaimana mereka menggunakan sumberdaya yang ada Bidang Penelitian : Antropologi Lama Penelitian : 6 (enam ) bulan mulai 20 Juni 2012 Daerah Penelitian : NTT (Ende-Flores) Abstract This project explores the relations between climatic knowledge, subsistence, and healthamong small-scale fisheries in Ende, Island of Flores, Indonesia. Its main goal is to determine theextent to which people’s beliefs about the changes in future climatic conditions explain workeffort and nutritional decisions including production activities and resource use. Despitenumerous research on the projections of climate change in agricultural production in SoutheastAsia, there is still uncertainty about the impacts of marine species modifications in diets ofcoastal populations. In addition, local institutions do not have enough information about people’sbeliefs and preferences regarding resource use and future climatic trends that ultimately affect apopulation’s health and environmental status. Lack of knowledge can have acute repercussions inthe design of health and development policies that are looking into the mitigation of futureexposed coastal areas. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 19 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA By investigating nutritional choices in relation to economic and ecological changes and localbeliefs about resource use and climate, this project proposes to conduct: 1) anthropometric andnutritional assessments, 2) ecological and climatologic measurements, and 3) livelihood surveysand cultural interviews, among Endenese small-scale fishermen in Flores, Indonesia. Results willbe analyzed through multivariate and bivariate statistics, and content analysis. Research tookplace in the course of 1 year and a half, comprising a 14 months-long field season in Ende,Flores, and 3 months of bibliographic research in The Netherlands, Flores, Yogyakarta andJakarta (June 2011-December 2012). Research is funded through the National ScienceFoundation. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (A.8.a) Victoria Constanza Ramenzoni Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Buenos Aires, 18-05-1978 Warga Negara : Italia Jabatan : Ph.D Student Institusi : Dept. of Anthropology, University of Georgia Email : vramenz@uga.edu Alamat : 250 A Baldwin Hall, Jackson ST-Athens, Georgia, USA– 306023, USA (A.9) Governmentality in A Balinese Princedom: An Integrated Analysis of Multiple Modalities of Lord-Follower Ties Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan analisis terpadu dalam ikatan yang luas, material, dan juga ritual dan personal, antara Dewa dan pengikutnya di Kepangeranan Sidemen, dan untuk memperoleh beberapa perspektif sejarah dalam ikatan ini. Bidang Penelitian : Antropologi Perpanjangan Penelitian : 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 5 Juli 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Bali Timur (Karangasem) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Udayana- Dr. I Nyoman Darma Putra, M.Litt 20 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Abstrak Dr. Lene Pedersen of Central Washington University will undertake a cultural anthropological research program to investigate the intersecting structures and meaning of ties between princes and subjects in a polity in Bali, Indonesia. Taking a multi-sited and multimethod approach within a spatially explicit environment, the study has three components. First Pedersen, working with a geographer and a Balinese research team, will map and analyze land-based, ritual, and kinship ties and obligations between princes and subjects; second, she will examine the direct involvement of princes in community life, such as ritual, irrigation and political decisions; and third, she will examine the perceptions of individual subjects on the relative roles of the princedom and the nation-state, and how ideas about the traditional polity shape contemporary subjects and princes. From considering the present context of decentralization in Indonesia and the rise of Bali-Hindu ethno-nationalism, both of which have given new impetus to traditional institutions, Pedersen will also, on the small stage of this principality, examine the consequences of post-colonial land reforms and local political restructuring. Mapping and analysis within a Geographical Information System will allow her to visualize the web of ties to the palace and analyze their relationships over time, while interviews and surveys contribute ethnographic and generalizable data on associated ideas and practices. Dr. Pedersen’s research is important because it takes a new approach to address longstanding questions still in dispute about the Balinese polity, including an attempt to test Geertz’s key argument that the “kinship state” was not linked to landowning, while also addressing contemporary theoretical and practical concerns surrounding governance. The proposed project will contribute a more nuanced understanding of Balinese derived social, political, etc. structures that remain of local interest and concern. In addition to contributing to the regional ethnographic literature, the study offers an example of a complex social-political-symbolic governance system that also is a feasible case to study state transformation and institutional complexity. It will contribute to the understanding of hybrid state-indigenous systems of governance and to methodology integrating ethnographic and survey approaches within a spatial framework. Dr. Pedersen will collaborate with participants and members of the faculties of Agriculture and of Letters at Udayana University to promote International collaboration and contribute to enhancing infrastructure for research and education in Bali. The proposed research will provide training and research experience to Indonesian assistants helping collect public records, interview, transcribe interviews, work with GIS and administer questionnaires; and to community participants in the mapping process. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 21 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NAMA PENELITI ASING: (A.9.a) Lene Pedersen Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir : Odense, 02 Agustus 1962 Warga Negara : Denmark Jabatan : Associate Professor Institusi : Department of Anthropology and Washington University Email : pedersenl@cwu.edu Alamat : 904 E.Manitoba Ave, Ellensburg WA 98926, USA Museum, Central (A.10) Marine Anthropological Research in Bangka Island, the Province of Bangka-Belitung Islands Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan penelitian etnografi pada orang Melayu laut untuk mengetahui komposisi antropologi sosial secara umum seperti komposisi keluarga dan kehidupan adat, serta strategi mereka pada hutan, zona pesisir pantai dan laut. Bidang Penelitian : Antropologi Lama Penelitian : 3(tiga) bulan dimulai 16 November 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Kep. Bangka sekitarnya) Mitra Kerja : Prof. Dr. Rer.soz. Nursyirwana Effendi - FISIP Universitas Andalas Belitung (Pangkalpinang dan pulau-pulau Abstract This research has two main objectives. First of all, maritime Malays living in Bangka will be ethnographically investigated in terms of general social anthropological themes such as settlement organization, family composition, or adat world. Secondly, their adaptation strategies toward the forest, coast or tidal zone, and the sea will be examined at length. There orang Sekak culture must have greatly influenced contemporary maritime way of life. Not only the material aspect of fishing techniques as cultural traits, but also the superstructural aspect of fishery rights or prohibitions would be thoroughly considered. The basic research method of anthropological field work is a participant observation. I would like to pick one hamlet up as a model village on the western coast of Bangka; the hamlet should be one of the most typical fishing villages facing mangrove forest and mudflat. Secondly, I also would like to pick one hamlet up as a model village on the eastern coast; the hamlet should be one typical village 22 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 facing sand beach and coral garden. While comparing two opposite hamlets, the similarity and difference of their cultural traits will be materialized. These days, however, everywhere in southeast Asia we could observe the confrontation between large-scaled commercial fishery and small-scaled traditional fishermen, who are occasionally rather forerunners of the community-based environment management to utilize marine resources or total surroundings. Their knowledge and skill would render valuable suggestions to the real national development in terms of ocean governance. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (A.10.a) Akifumi Iwabuchi Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Tokyo, 27 Desember 1960 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Professor Institusi : Tokyo University of Marine Sciences and Technology Email : iwabuchi@kaiyodai.ac.jp (kantor) iwabuchi@pa2.so-net.ne.jp(rumah) Alamat : Marine Anthropologi Laboratory Tokyo Univ of Marine Sciences & Technology 2-1-6 Etchujima Koto-ku Tokyo 135-8533, Japan (A.11) Religious and Political behaviour of the ulama in contemporary Indonesia and Malaysia Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari pandangan dan pemikiran pemuka agama Islam serta menganalisis implikasi pemikiran mereka terhadap pemerintah, kaum Muslim, serta masyarakat umum Bidang Penelitian : Antropologi Agama Lama Penelitian : 3 (tiga) bulan mulai 29 Oktober 2012 Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta, Jawa Timur (Surabaya), Sumatera Barat (Padang), DI Yogyakarta Mitra Kerja : Pusat Kajian Agama dan Budaya UIN (Irfan Abubakar, MA) Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 23 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Abstract The main purpose of this research is to fully provide an understanding of the views and ideas of dominant Muslim religious scholars on several key issues relevant to contemporary Indonesia and Malaysia. This research also seeks to analyse the implication of their ideas on the government, Muslims, and the society at large. Participants of this research include Muslim religious teachers, preachers, and leaders who are believed to be well versed in the religious sciences and are part of the key religious bureaucracy and institutions. Active participants of Islamic civil organizations, mosques, and religious bureaucracies are among those included in this research. There will beabout 30 participants involved. I shall be looking at two states: Indonesia and Malaysia. Several states and provinces are selected as samples. For the case of Indonesia, the study will mainly be based in Jakarta.Other provinces will include Jogyakarta, Surabaya, and Padang. For the case of Malaysia, I shall mainly be conducting fieldwork in Kuala Lumpur. Other states in Malaysia will include Kelantan, Perak and Johore Baharu. Objective: The main objective is to counter the dominant perception that the relationship between the ulama and state is one where the state is always controlling the ulama. It seeks to demonstrate that the ulama and the state can work closely in solving the problems facing the community. It also shows that the ulama still have an important role in the modern world. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (A.11.a) Norshahril Bin Saat Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Singapura, 14-03-1983 Warga Negara : Singapura Jabatan : Ph.D. Candidate Institusi : Australian National University Email : ”Norshahril Saat”<norshahril.saat@anu.edu.au> Alamat : Davey Lodge, Unilodge, 25 Childers ST Canbera City, ACT 2601, Australia 24 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (A.12) Shaping Modern Muslim Subjectivities: Gender, Piety, and Modernity in Indonesian Islamic Boarding Schools Tujuan Penelitian : Mengeksplorasi sosialisasi gender dan pencapaian akademis di dua pesantren putri di Yogyakarta Bidang Penelitian : Antropologi Agama Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan dimulai 2 Oktober 2012 Daerah Penelitian : DI Yogyakarta (Madrasah Mu’allimat Muhammadiyah dan Ponpes Ali Maksum Krapyak) Mitra Kerja : Dr. Zainal Abidin - Center for Religious & Cross-cultural Studies, UGM Abstrak The question of how to balance a modern, educated life-style with the demands of Islamic piety and femininity is the subject of great discussion in Indonesia. One arena where this topic is particularly salient is in Islamic schooling for girls. Through surveys, participant observation, interviews, and discourse analysis of popular Muslim media and educational materials, this research will explore gender socialization and educational achievement in two Islamic boarding schools for girls in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The broader question this research asks is twofold: (1) how do young Muslim girls learn and engage with what it means to be a proper, pious, and educated woman; and (2) how do differences in understandings of proper Muslim femininity reflect broader variations in Indonesian Muslim associations and religiouseducational traditions. The project aims to examine the ways in which the proper forms of Muslim femininity and educational achievement are conveyed and appropriated in school classrooms, hallways and school grounds, as well as the girls’ interactions and behaviors outside of school. Although the socialization of appropriate ideals and practices of Muslim femininity lies at the heart of Islamic education for girls, both formal and informal, education is today being adjusted and transformed as a result of far-reaching changes in modern Indonesian public culture, generally, and Islamic public life more specifically. This project hypothesizes that variation seen in religious and gender ideals in Muslim schools correlates with the efforts of different sub-communities to strike new balance between Islamic ideals of gender and the aspirations of a growing number of Muslim girls and parents for personal success. professional achievement, and. broadly speaking, a modern middle-class way of life. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 25 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NAMA PENELITI ASING: (A.12.a) Claire-Marie Hefner Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Massachusetts, 25-09-1986 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Institusi : Emory University Email :chefner@emory.edu Alamat : 56 Elmore ST. Newton MA 02454, USA (A.13) New Value of Existence in Traditional Performing Arts: The Research for Social Inclusive Application to Communities Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji peran baru seni pertunjukan tradisional Jawa dalam masyarakat Jawa dewasa ini dan kemungkinannya menjadi lebih inklusif Bidang Penelitian : Antropologi Budaya Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 27 September 2012 Daerah Penelitian : DI Yogyakarta dan Jawa Tengah (Surakarta) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya UGM (Prof. Dr. Timbul Haryono) Abstract This research explores new role of traditional performing arts in present Javanese society and the possibility they have to create more socially-inclusive community from researching new activities started at schools for handicapped children, juvenile halls, palaces and institutions of higher education at Yogyakarta and Surakarta area. Based on Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta, fieldwork will be conducted in Yogyakarta and Central Java (especially Surakarta area). Also, literature research will be conducted at Gadjah Mada University, Institute Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta, Institute Seni Indonesia Surakarta, Mangkunegaran Palace. 26 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 NAMA PENELITI ASING: (A.13.a) Kaori Okado Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Aichi, 03 – 01 – 1970 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Doctoral Student Institusi : Dept. Of Asian Culture and Urbanism, Graduate School of Literature and Human Sciences, Osaka City University Email :kaoriokado@gmail.com Alamat : 306, 7-10-23 Karita, Sumiyoshi-KU, Osaka, 558-0011 Japan (A.14) The Negotiation of Cultural Heritage Between Local Groups, The State and International Organizations in Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti bagaimana budaya sehari-hari ditransformasikan oleh kelompok masyarakat adat menjadi sebuah properti budaya dan kemudian digunakan sebagai self-identification dan selfdetermination untuk mencapai posisi sosial, ekonomi, dan kultural tertentu Bidang Penelitian : Antropologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 4 Juni 2012 Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta, NTT, Sumatera Utara dan Sulawesi Selatan Mitra Kerja : PSDR, LIPI - Drs. Fadjar Ibnu Thufail, MA Abstract The aim of the research project is to investigate how culture as everyday practices is transformed by local groups into cultural property/heritage and is then used as a means of community development and improvement of living conditions and cultural identification as well as for nation building. For this the research will investigate on communities in the focus of different government initiatives for community development. These government initiatives encompass projects directed at the development of marginalized and vulnerable communities (komunitas adat terpencil (KAT)), World Bank supported programs like PNPM mandiri rural that also focus on rural marginalized groups, but also initiatives of the currently established ministry of tourism and creative economy (Kementerian pariwisata dan ekonomi kreatif ) that is thought to make use of Indonesia’s overwhelming cultural diversity in order to develop tourism and improve markets for cultural inspired products and traditional arts. The research is based on the Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 27 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA idea of multi-sited ethnography of following the thing – here the discourse and use of cultural heritage/property and the corresponding policies implied - and the comparison of different regions is an integral part. Thus based in Jakarta I will undertake research trips to different provinces to take conclusions about national similarities and regional differences in relation to how culture serves and is used as means for development. Methodologically the research is based on participant observation combined with different kinds of interviews with state representatives entrusted with these programs on national, regional and local level and with representatives of the local groups in the focus of development initiatives. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (A.14.a) Serena Helga Müller Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Mutlangen, 20-08-1983 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Research Associate Institusi : Department of Social Anthropology, University of Gottingen Email : serena.mueller@sowi.uni-goettingen.de Alamat : Institut fur Ethnologie, Theaterplatz 37073 Gottingen, Germany (A.15) The Synoptic City: Local Journalism and the Public Sphere in Bandung, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji hubungan sosial dan pola budaya yang membentuk lingkungan perkotaan di Bandung, khususnya melalui praktik jurnalisme lokal di media cetak dan elektronik Bidang Penelitian : Antropologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 19 Juni 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Barat (Bandung) Mitra Kerja : Sekolah Arsitektur, Perencanaan, dan Pengembangan Kebijakan ITB - Ir. Teti A. Argo, MES., Ph.D Abstract The research program examines the social relations and cultural patterns that shape the urban public sphere in Bandung, Indonesia. A key focus of the research is on the practices 28 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 of local journalism in print and electronic media. The research will contribute to a growing literature in urban anthropology that analyzes the terms in which marginalized groups in the burgeoning cities of the global south make claims on city and national governments, as well as on transnational organizations. This work has focused primarily on the spatial and infrastructural claims of the urban poor, who have developed novel and exciting strategies for achieving their political objectives. The research focuses on less marginalized groups, local journalists and other proponents of public discourse (e.g. activists), who are likewise seeking to transform urban life by articulating and enacting claims about rights. In this case, however, the claims are not claims to the built environment but claims to a space of public discourse (within the press, within new kinds of online and face-to-face public forums). The proposed research program will examine the conditions that give rise to these claims and will detail the effects of these claims on Bandung’s broader urban public sphere. In so doing the research aims to contribute to understandings of the dynamics of contemporary urban politics and the role that media play in the construction of urban public life. Objectives: • To examine the changing social relations through which synoptic knowledge about cities is produced in Indonesia • To examine the strategies journalists use and the difficulties they face when trying tocarve out a space for open public discourse in a post-authoritarian context • To contribute to theoretical debates about the role played by media in constituting public life • To train a new generation of Canadians for field research in the global South Context Methodology: In examining the role of media in the construction of social imaginaries, some scholars have focused on media production, some have focused on interpreting media texts, and others have focused on the circulation and reception of these texts (Ginsburg et al 2002). On the production side, researchers focus on the social relations and cultures of mediators that shape the “materialities of communication” (Gumbrecht and Pfeiffer 1994) and craft the texts that serve as the basis for imagined communities (Barker 2003, 2005, 2008; Cottle 2007; Domingo and Paterson 2008; Hannerz 2004; Hefner 1997; Kelty 2008;Mazzarella 2003). Those who focus on texts tend to engage in interpretive analysis in an effort to establish the ways in which public discourse is shaped by internal structures and constraints (Keane 2009, Pemberton 1994, Richardson 2007, Siegel 1997 & 1998). On the reception side, researchers showhow even reified Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 29 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA texts are interpreted and given new meanings by those who experience them (Abu- Lughod 2002 & 2005, Mankekar 1999, Miller and Slater 2000). In this research program, elements of each of these methodologies will be put to use. Specifically, I am interested in producing three separate kinds of analyses and then combining them into a single narrative account: (a) an account of the changing structural conditions under which city journalists work; (b) an account of how particular journalists understand and negotiate the shifting ethical and political terrain they confront in their daily lives; (c) an interpretive account of a series of unfolding news stories and their reception that highlights the limits and possibilities of public discourse in Bandung. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (A.15.a) Joshua David Barker Tempat dan tanggal lahir Warga Negara Jabatan Institusi Email Alamat : : : : : : Toronto, 07-11-1967 Kanada Associate Professor Dept. of Anthropology, University of Toronto j.barker@uturunto.ca 19 Russell Street, Toronto, Ontario M5S2S2, Canada (A.15.b) Emily Zoe Hertzman Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Hamilton,12-10-1979 Warga Negara : Kanada Jabatan : Ph.D. Candidate Institusi : Dept. of Anthropology, University of Toronto Email : emily.hertzman@utoronto.ca Alamat : #102 2556 Highbury Street, Vancouver, BC, V6R 3T3, Canada (A.16) Multiethnic Situation in Jakarta, Indonesia: With Special Reference to the Batak People Tujuan Penelitian : Menganalisis situasi multietnik pada komunitas Batak di Indonesia Bidang Penelitian : Antropologi Sosial Lama Penelitian : 5(lima) bulan mulai 19 Juli 2012 Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta, Sumatra Utara (Medan dan Tarutung) Mitra Kerja : Iwan Tjitratjaja, Ph.D - FISIP UI 30 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Abstrak Objective of my research is to specifically and demonstratively describe and analyze the multiethnic situation around the Batak people in Jakarta, Indonesia. To be specific, this study has three objectives as follows; 1) to understand the expanded social relationship of the Batak in different economical and social positions and different living quarters; 2) To elucidate the selection of marriage partners of the Batak living in Jabotabek, and compare the situation between the first generation and the second generation; 3) to explicit the personal and organized relationship between the people in Jakarta and hometowns in North Sumatera; 4) Related to 3), continuously focus on the clan associations in Jakarta, and research its management system. Preceding researches on the Batak have always focused on the Batak traditional customs, and it seemed to be described that the Batak society is constructed only by the traditional patrilineal kinship and affinal relationship with matrilateral cross-cousin. Also, studies of the Batak urban migration have been focused on the maintenance of their ethnicity related to their traditional culture and customs. Therefore, preceding researches have been neglected the expanded relationship around the Batak, which is constructed at school, offices, churches, and with neighbourhoods. To do so, I would like to show there is a need to reconsider the argument whether ethnic identity is taking a important role in Jakarta. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (A.16.a) Ikuko Hirata Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Shizuoka, 08-04-1985 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Graduate Student Institusi : Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University Email :hirata@asafas.kyoto-u.ac.jp Alamat : 46 Shimoadachi-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, JAPAN (A.17) The Cultural Dimensions of Educational Success in Eastern Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan studi etnografi untuk meneliti faktor-faktor budaya yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan pendidikan di Indonesia bagian timur Bidang Penelitian : Antropologi Sosial / Pendidikan Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan dimulai 30 Oktober 2012 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 31 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Daerah Penelitian : NTT (Alor, Kupang), DI Yogyakarta, DKI Jakarta, Sulawesi Selatan (Makassar), Kep. Riau (Batam), Sumatra Utara (Medan) Mitra Kerja : Drs. Gregor Neonbasu SVD, Ph.D. - Yayasan Pendidikan Katolik Arnoldus Abstract The proposed research is an ethnographic study of cultural factors influencing educational success in eastern Indonesia in the context of regional, national and global social, economic and political transformations. It will explore the relationship between culture and education and the factors that contribute to success in an environment of change. The research will be conducted over the course of one year and will focus primarily on Alor Regency in East Nusa Tenggara Province. The researcher will live in Alor Regency for the majority of the research time in order to acquire an in-depth knowledge of local cultural beliefs and practices and the role these play in educational success. Shorter periods of time will be allocated for research in locations in other regions of Indonesia where Alorese have settled. These locations may include Yogyakarta, Batam in Riau Islands Province and Medan where many Alorese have moved for education or work. The purpose of this is to understand the destinations available to Alorese and favoured by them and how this feeds back into educational goals for Alorese still in school. Standard ethnographic research methods will be used including participant observation, digital recording of daily life and cultural events and practices, formal and informal interviews and the analysis of local literature and archival sources. The research will contribute to the knowledge of the Alor Archipelago, which has been largely neglected in the anthropological literature to date. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (A.17.a) Gary James Godfrey Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Brisbane, 23-02-1957 Warga Negara : Australia Jabatan : Doctoral Student Institusi : Department of Anthropology, Australian National University Email :gary.godfrey@anu.edu.au Alamat : 6 Bilsen Road Wavell Heights QLD 4012, Australia 32 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (A.18) Social and Cultural Change in Kepulauan Riau During the Era of Democratisation Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan penelitian etnografi secara kualitatif tentang bagaimana penduduk Riau memahami demokrasi dan pelaksanaannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari Bidang Penelitian : Sosio-Antropologi Lama Penelitian : 6 (enam) bulan mulai 27 Juli 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Kep. Riau (Tanjungpinang, Batam, Tanjungbalai Karimun) Mitra Kerja : Drs. Zamzami A. Karim, M.A –STISIPOL Raja Haji Tanjungpinang) Abstract This research project aims to investigate how residents of the Riau Islands are engaging with notions of’democracy’ in the contemporary period. ‘Democracy’ here is understood to refer to a set of values and behaviours that could be enacted in everyday life, rather than a set of formal political relations. My earlier research has found that Riau Islanders are highly motivated to cultivate ‘democratic values’ and employ these in aspects of their everyday lives, including their relations with their families, their friends and neighbours, and in their self-expression through media such as music and the arts. The project will examine how they develop their vision of ‘democratic values’, considering the role of such factors as schooling, exposure to international media, ethical self-reflection, and socialiations. It will also investigate the ways in which these values arc made manifest in everyday life, and- extent to which should be considered as a significant social / cultural change. Consequently, the research will also be concerned with examining how ‘democratic values’ articulate with the traditional values of the Malay population of the Riau Islands, and those of the many migrants currently living in Kepri’s urban centres. The research will use qualitative methods of participant observation and in-depth semistructured interviewing, in keeping with best practice for anthropological studies of political transformations. It is envisaged that between 60 and 100 individuals will be interviewed for approximately 6 hours each. Sampling and analysis will be structured to investigate whether there are meaningful differences in approach, activities, and/or outcomes of’selfdemocratisation’ according to factors such as age, gender, place of residence (urban or rural) and ethnicity. To date, very little research in the social sciences has paid close attention to how the prospect of democracy inspires citizens to change their everyday activities - nor how they Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 33 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA reconcile these new ethical imperatives with the values and traditions with which they were formerly acquainted. The project promises to make a substantive contribution to how scholars think about democracy and democratisation - in Indonesia and beyond - as well as proving a timely insight into the social change currently underway in the Riau Islands. The conclusions of the study could be very helpful for understanding how to facilitate a smooth and peaceful uptake of democratic principles in other regions of Indonesia. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (A.18.a) Nicholas James Long Tempat dan tanggal lahir Warga Negara Jabatan Institusi Email Alamat 34 : London, 14-05-1982 : Inggris : Postdoctoral Fellow : Dept. of Social Anthropology, University of Cambridge :njl34@cam.ac.uk : Dept. of Social Anthropology, University of Cambridge CB2 3RF, United Kingdom Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Bidang riset Arkeologi semakin diminati peneliti asing meningat situs-situs sejarah maupun zaman pra-sejarah yang banyak tersebar dan lokasinya spesifik di Indonesia. Secara keseluruhan terdapat 13 project penelitian, sebagian besar diantaranya merupakan tim dari Australia dan Perancis, misalnya dari Australian National University dan IRD; sehingga secara total terdapat 42 peneliti asing. Mitra di Indonesia mayoritas adalah Pusat Arkeologi Nasional- Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, dan Badan Geologi-Kementerian ESDM. (B.1) Cultural interactions between Java and Sumatra during the 8th-12th centuries Tujuan Penelitian : Memahami keterhubungan budaya antara Jawa dan Sumatra dengan mempelajari budaya material dan mengeksplorasi tiga hal yang diharapkan dapat merefleksikan interaksi antara kedua pulau tersebut: 1) Hinduisme di Sumatra, 2) kerajinan perunggu, 3) seni di pantai utara Jawa. Bidang Penelitian : Arkeologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 19 Januari 2012 Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta, Jawa Tengah, Sumatra Selatan, Sumatera Barat, Lampung, Jambi, Sumatra Utara Mitra Kerja : Agustijanto Indradjaya – Puslitbang Arkeologi Nasional Abstract Trade between India, Southeast Asia and China goes back to the dawn of time. The Dongson culture, that developed around 500 B.C. in Tonkin and spread down the coast of Annam to Indonesia, produced huge bronze drums whose ornament is clearly influenced by Chinese art of the period of the Warring States. As for commercial exchanges with India, they are testified by Indian jewels and vessels as well as by Roman objects dating from the beginning of the Christian era and found along the coast of the Gulf of Siam. Those contacts finally led, during the 2nd and 3rd centuries A.D., to the development and enrichment of early Southeast Asian states such as Funan, in the Mekong delta, and Lin-yi, in present-day Central Vietnam. By the 5th century A.D., the maritime trade route passing through the Strait of Malacca became the main trade route between India and China. Contacts between civilizations, and particularly between India and Southeast Asia, intensified, allowing what scholars have called the “Indianization” of Southeast Asia, i.e. the appropriation by local societies of the Indian language, script, religions Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 35 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA and political system and the re-articulation of Indian culture to fit Southeast Asian realities (Wolters 1982). To what extent Indian ideas and techniques were transformed is not precisely known but there is no doubt that Southeast Asian cultures were affected deeply and on a longterm basis. Hindu-Buddhist kingdoms flourished over the whole Southeast Asia, from Burma to Bali and, of course, in Java and Sumatra. On the island of Java, the first traces of an Indianized kingdom are the rock inscriptions of King Purnavarman of Taruma dating from c.450, but most of the remains of early Javanese kingdoms are to be found in Central Java. From the 8th to the early 10th century the region around mounts Merapi and Sumbing, in Central Java, was the centre of powerful kingdoms that built monuments as prestigious as Borobudur and Loro Jonggrang (Prambanan). In Sumatra, the earliest traces of a Hindu-Buddhist culture are to be found around Palembang and in Bangka. After a first period during which a pan-regional coastal culture developed, Sriwijaya emerges and rises to command the Straits of Malacca-and much of the region. There is much discussion about to what extent Sriwijaya politically dominated the area or focused merely on trade monopoly, as well as about the relationships between Sriwijaya and Melayu. It is however accepted that Hindu-Buddhist kingdoms of Sumatra kept a prominent role until the 13th, when they were overpowered by East Javanese kings. Objectives and scope of the research The research presented here is intentionally limited in terms of time (c.700-1200 A.D.) and scope. It will deal with the question of cultural interactions between Sumatra and Central Java through three themes: 1) Hindu art in Sumatra, 2) bronze craftsmanship in Java and Sumatra, 3) the art of the northern coast of Java. It will deal with questions such as: What are the similarities between Javanese and Sumatranese artistic traditions? When and how does Javanese influence manifest in the material culture of Sumatra? Was Hinduism well implanted over Sumatra? What does it say about the cultural relationships between the two islands? Is there something as a distincive Sumatranese style? What role played Sumatra in the trade and production of bronze object? Do statues from the northern coast of Java share feature with Sumatranese examples? This first year of research, however, is an exploratory year and is aimed at assessing the feasibility of the research program. The objective of these first fieldwork periods is essentially to gather data and yield an up-to-date inventory, especially as far as the archaeological sites of the north coast of Java are concerned. 36 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 NAMA PENELITI ASING: (B.1.a) Veronique Myriam Yvonne Degroot Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Charleroi, 07-06-1972 Warga Negara : Belgia Jabatan : Researcher Institusi : Ecole française d’Extrême-Orient Email : vmydegroot@gmail.com Alamat : Boerhaavelaan 68, 2334 ES Leiden, The Netherlands (B.2) Tanah Datar: Early state formation in relation to lowland and highland exchanges on Sumatra Tujuan Penelitian : Merekonstruksi pola-pola penyelesaian sengketa sebelum, ketika, dan sesudah masa peralihan pemerintahan Adityawarman; mendokumentasikan budaya material saat transisi sebelum dan awal masa pembentukan pemerintahan di dataran tinggi; mendapatkan pengetahuan yang lebih baik mengenai hubungan antara dataran tinggi dan dataran rendah dan dampaknya pada kondisi sosio-ekonomi dataran tinggi Bidang Penelitian : Arkeologi Lama Penelitian : 2 (dua) bulan mulai 27 Februari 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Sumatera Barat (Tanah Datar) Mitra Kerja : Dra. Rr. Tri Wurjani, M. Hum, Drs. Baskoro Daru Tjahjono Puslitbang Arkeologi Nasional, Kembudpar Abstract Proyek ini bertujuan untuk mendokumentasikan kronologi, jalan-jalan, dan budayabudayaan yang terlibat dalam jaringan perdagangan Trans-Asia yang menghubungkan Kepulauan dan Tanah Daratan Asia Tenggara pada akhir Masa Prasejarah (100 BC - AD 500). Di Bali utara ditemukan bukti kontak awal dengan India, Cina dan pusat-pusat di Asia Tenggara. Situs Sembiran, yang merupakan sebuah pelabuhan kuno, memiliki potensi menemukan bahan-bahan organik yang diawetkan dalam kondisi anaerobik, mungkin seperti biji-bijian cengkeh dan pala dari Indonesia timur. Kalau ditemukan, ini akan merupakan bukti arkeologis terawal perdagangan rempah-rempah pada sekitar 2000 tahun yang lalu. Ini menunjukkan Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 37 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA pentingnya strategis Bali untuk dinamik jaringan-jaringan perdagangan jarak jauh. Sebuah studi komparatif lambar antara artefak di Bali utara dan paralel kontemporer di seluruh Asia Tenggara akan menjelaskan pertanyaan penelitian lama tentang penganalan teknologi. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (B.2.a) Ralf Dominik Bonatz Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Frankfurt, 02-11-1966 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Associate Professor Institusi : Near Eastern Archaeology, Freie University Berlin Email : bonatz@zedat.fu-berlin.de Alamat : Vopelius PFAD 5, 14169, Berlin (B.2.b) Annika E. Holtzan-Tchabashvili Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Berlin, 20-09-1981 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Student Institusi : Near Eastern Archaeology, Freie University Berlin Email :hotzan@arcol.de Alamat : Lachtaubenweg 10 A, 13505 Berlin Lama Penelitian : 2 (dua) bulan mulai 27 Februari 2012 (B.2.c) Arne Rolf Weiser Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Lüneburg, 18-01-1958 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Researcher Institusi : University of Applied Sciences Berlin Email : mailto:arne.weiser@htw-berlin.de Alamat : 75 a D 12459 Berlin Lama Penelitian : 2 (dua) bulan mulai 27 Februari 2012 38 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (B.2.d) Johannes David Greger Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Rostock, 30-04-1981 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Student Institusi : Near Eastern Archaeology, Freie University Berlin Email :joh.d.gre@gmail.com Alamat : Sellosrabe 25, 14471 Postdam Lama Penelitian : 2 (dua) bulan mulai 27 Februari 2012 (B.2.e) Maria Theresia Starzmann Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Bad Reichenhall, 22-08-1980 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Researcher Institusi : Dept. of Middle Easterm Archaeology, Freie University Berlin Email : mstarzmann@zedat.fu-berlin.de Alamat : Huttenweg 7, 14195 Berlin, Germany Lama Penelitian : 2 (dua) bulan mulai 27 Februari 2012 (B.2.f) Kilian Teuwsen Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Carlton, 20-04-1987 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Student Institusi : Near Eastern Archaeology, Freie University Berlin Email :kteuwen@hotmail.com Alamat : Kurmarkieschestr.5/7 10783 Berlin Lama Penelitian : 2 (dua) bulan mulai 27 Februari 2012 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 39 : Huttenweg 7, 14195 Berlin, Germany nelitian : 2 (dua) bulan mulai 27 Februari 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA f) Kilian 2012 Teuwsen an tanggal lahir : Carlton, 20-04-1987 egara : Jerman (B.3) The archaeology of the north coast of Bali: A strategic crossroads in nearly trans: Student : Nearasiatic Eastern exchange Archaeology, Freie University Berlin : kteuwen@hotmail.com : Meneliti jaringan perdagangan yang menghubungkan kepulauan : Kurmarkieschestr.5/7 10783 Berlin Tujuan Penelitian dan daratan Asia Tenggara dengan India dan Cina sampai daerah pada akhir masa prasejarah (tahun 100 SM - 500 : 2 (dua) bulan mulai 27 Februari Mediterania 2012 nelitian SM) Bidang Penelitian : Arkeologi The archaeology of the north coast: of Bali: bulan A strategic in Lama Penelitian 4(empat) mulai 21crossroads Mei 2012 y trans-asiatic exchange Daerah Penelitian : Bali (Buleleng) enelitian enelitian nelitian enelitian ja : Meneliti jaringan perdagangan yang menghubungkan kepulauan dan daratan Asia Mitra Kerja : Dr. Bambang Sulistyanto-Pusat Arkeologi Nasional Tenggara dengan India dan Cina sampai daerah Mediterania pada akhir masa prasejarah (tahun 100 SM - 500 SM) : Arkeologi Abstract : 4(empat) bulan mulai 21 Mei 2012 Proyek penelitian arkeologi ini bertujuan untuk melakukan ekskavasi dan analisis temuan yang berhasil di pulau Bali. Proyeknya adalah sebuah ‘Discovery Early Career Researcher Award’ (DECRA) yang didanai oleh Australian Research Council (ARC) dan dipimpin oleh Dr. Ambra : Dr. Bambang SulistyantoPusat Arkeologi Nasional Calo, peneliti di Universitas Nasional Australia (AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY). : Bali (Buleleng) penelitian arkeologi ini bertujuan untuk an ekskavasi dan analisis temuan yang di pulau Bali. Proyeknya adalah sebuah y Early Career Researcher Award‘ yang didanai oleh Australian Research ARC) dan dipimpin oleh Dr. Ambra Calo, di Universitas Nasional Australia ALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY). ge Proyek ini akan melibatkan bekerja sama antara tim peneliti ANU dan peneliti Indonesia. Peneliti ANU adalah Dr. Ambra Calo, Prof. Peter Bellwood, Dr. Jack Fenner, Dr. Hsiao-Chun Hung, Dr. Michael Carson. Peneliti Indonesia adalah Dr. Bagyo Prasetyo (Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Arkeologi Nasional, Jakarta, ARKENAS), Prof. I Wayan Ardika dan Drs. Rochtri Agung Bawono (Jurusan Arkeologi Universitas UDAYANA, Denpasar), Drs. I Dewa Kompiang Gede dan Dra. Luh Kade Citha Yuliati (Balai Arkeologi Denpasar, BALAR). 40 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Periode proyek DECRA ini akan berlangsung selama tiga tahun dari bulan Maret 2012. Tahun pertama dan kedua, kami ingin melakukan ekskavasi baru di situs Sembiran-Pacung, Kecamatan Tejakula, Kabupaten Buleleng, dan di situs Pangkung Paruk, Kecamatan Seririt, Kabupaten Buleleng. Fokus proyek penelitian ini adalah menyelidiki jaringan-jaringan perdagangan yang menghubungkan Kepulauan dan Tanah Daratan Asia Tenggara dengan India dan Cina, sampai daerah Mediterania, pada Masa Akhir Prasejara (100 BCE/sebelum Masei – 500 CE/Masei). Pulau Bali terletak di persimpangan jalan strategis untuk perdagangan antara Indonesia timur dan barat, dan dengan Tanah Daratan selatan. Khususnya, daerah Bali utara memainkan peran penting dalam tahap awal perdagangan jarak jauh. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (B.3.a) Ambra Calo Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Piacenza, 11-06-1970 Warga Negara : Italia Jabatan : Research Fellow Institusi : Australian National University (ANU) Email : ambra.calo@anu.edu.au Alamat : 76 Finniss Crescent, Narrabundah, Canbera, ACT 2604, Australia Lama Penelitian : 12(dua belas) bulan mulai 21 Mei 2012 (B.3.b) Jack Neil Fenner Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Michigan, 14-06-1961 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Research Fellow Institusi : Australian National University (ANU) Email :jack.fenner@anu.edu.au Alamat : ANH, H.C. Coombs Bldg 9, ANU Canberra ACT, Australia Lama Penelitian : 4(empat) bulan mulai 21 Mei 2012 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 41 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (B.3.c) Hsiao-Chun Hung Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Taiwan, 27-09-1969 Warga Negara : Taiwan Jabatan : Research Fellow Institusi : Australian National University (ANU) Email :hasiao-chun.hung@anu.edu.au Alamat : 340, Sec.6, Chang –Nan Road, Changhua City, Taiwan (B.3.d) Peter S. Bellwood Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Leicester, 10-08-1943 Warga Negara : Australia Jabatan : Professor Institusi : Australian National University (ANU) Email: Alamat : 76 Finniss Crescent, Narrabundah, Canbera, ACT 2604, Australia Lama Penelitian : 4(empat) bulan mulai 21 Mei 2012 (B.3.e) Michael Thomas Carson Tempat dan tanggal lahir : California, 21-11-1970 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Visiting Scholar Institusi : Australian National University (ANU) Email :michael.carlson@anu.edu.au Alamat : 76 Finniss Crescent, Narrabundah, Canbera, ACT 2604, Australia Lama Penelitian : 4(empat) bulan mulai 21 Mei 2012 42 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (B.4) Human occupation of karstic area, rock art, and settlement of history in East Kalimantan (Indonesia) Tujuan Penelitian : Mengungkap sejarah kelompok-kelompok manusia yang menghuni kawasan karst Bidang Penelitian : Arkeologi Lama Penelitian : 5(lima) bulan mulai 21 Mei 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Timur (Berau, Sangata, Kutai Timur) Mitra Kerja : Bambang Sulistyanto - Puslitbang Arkeologi Nasional Abstract Within the population history of Island Southeast Asia, Borneo is of special interest PENELITIAN ASING and DI INDONESIA 2012 becauseDIREKTORI of its strategic location complex settlement history, and its relationship to other surrounding populations in the Pacific and Indian Ocean. Despite this scientific interest, Kerja : the Bambang Sulistyantoof - Puslitbang relativelyMitra little is known about pre-history Borneo.Arkeologi Nasional Abstract Our project aims to conduct a program of archaeological research, involving pluriWithinapproaches the population history of Island Asia,latest Borneoarchaeo-scienees is of special interest because of its strategicinlocation disciplinary through theSoutheast use of the methodology, order and complex settlement history, and its relationship to other surrounding populations in the Pacific and Indian Ocean. to link past and present human history. This step forward is essential in uncovering the history Despite this scientific interest, relatively little is known about the pre-history of Borneo. of human communities of karstic environment. Cultural and biological diversity of Human Our project aims to conduct a program of archaeological research, involving pluri-disciplinary approaches through the populations with their environment during 10human 000 years at step theforward heart isof use of in theinteraction latest archaeo-scienees methodology, in order to link pastthe and last present history.isThis essential in uncovering the history of human communities of karstic environment. Cultural and biological diversity of our project. Human populations in interaction with their environment during the last 10 000 years is at the heart of our project. Location of Liang Pemalawan site NAMA PENELITI ASING: Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing (B.4.a) François-Xavier O. Ricaut Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Toulouse, 01-07-1975 Warga Negara Jabatan : Perancis : Researcher 43 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NAMA PENELITI ASING: (B.4.a) François-Xavier O. Ricaut Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Toulouse, 01-07-1975 Warga Negara : Perancis Jabatan : Researcher Institusi : University of Toulouse Email :fx.ricuat@infonie.fr Alamat : 37 alees Jules Guesdes 31073 Toulouse cedex 3, France (B.4.b) Josette Sarel Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Paris, 12-04-1961 Warga Negara : Perancis Jabatan : Researcher Institusi : National Institute of Preventive Archaeology Email : Alamat : (B.4.c) Jean-Gearges, Christian Ferrié Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Libourne, 05-09-1978 Warga Negara : Perancis Jabatan : Ph.D. Candidate Institusi : University of Toulouse (B.4.d) Sébastien Plutniak Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Lille, 31-05-1986 Warga Negara : Perancis Jabatan : PhD Candidate Institusi : University of Toulouse 44 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (B.5) Early Austronesian Heritage in the NTT Province, Southeast Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Mendokumentasikan sejarah awal Austronesia di provinsi Nusa Tenggara, khususnya di pulau-pulau yang tersebar antara bagian Bali dan bagian tenggara Timor Bidang Penelitian : Arkeologi Lama Penelitian : 4 (empat) bulan mulai 9 Juli 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Flores – NTT Mitra Kerja : Dr. Bambang Sulistyanto – Puslitbang Arkeologi Nasional Abstract Populations speaking Austronesian languages rapidly spread, from 5000 BP onwards into the Southeast Asian islands from the northern Philippines to Borneo and further South and East. From 3600 BP they settled the uninhabited islands of western Micronesia (Guam, Saipan and later Palau) before reaching the southwestern islands of the Pacific, from the Bismarck Archipelago to Samoa and Tonga. In the South Pacific, the Austronesian migration process is known as the «Lapita culture». Much effort over the years has been devoted to the understanding of the Austronesian expansion and more specifically, to the question of the ultimate origin of Austronesian languages or to the roots in Southeast Asia of the Lapita culture. Among the proposed models, the most widely accepted today is the «out of Taiwan» model which suggests that a Proto-austronesian language developed in Taiwan as a result of influences and interactions from populations with a Neolithic economy arriving from Southern China. From East-Taiwan, these populations later reached the Philippines islands before spreading towards Sulawesi, Borneo and Java. It is now widely believed that the Lapita culture in Melanesia and Western Polynesia is the result of an eastern migration along the north coast of Irian Jaya and PNG from the same populations influenced by the cultures of the already settled islands in the Bismarck Archipelago. Indonesia plays a significant role in this scenario and the process of adaptations and interactions which occurred in Borneo and Sulawesi during the initial phase of the Austronesian Diaspora is of importance to understand the later Austronesian interactions in the Bismarck archipelago to the East and in the Sunda islands to the South. In these later islands, non-Austronesian languages are still spoken in some areaand this can indicate continuous or renewed contacts between Austronesian and non Austronesian cultures. Research in Indonesia on Austronesian influences has been important in the Sulawesi and Borneo islands and further East and has recently intensify in Java (see Simanjuntak 1999 for the large research project coordinated by the Research and Development Center of Archaeology in the Gunung Sewu area). Only few sites from this period have been located in the Nusa Tanggara province , and the Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 45 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA majority of these sites are urn burial cemetery that are believed to date from the early metallic Phase rather than from the Neolithic. No research so far has been undertaken in islands such as Alor, Pantar and Kisar where non-austronesian languages are spoken. A research project focusing on the Nusa Tanggara province will fill a gap in our knowledge about the Austronesian influences in the region as well as bring new data on the evolution of this formative Indonesian culture. It will also enhance our understanding of early Austronesian physical anthropology and help date the advance of Austronesian populations in these islands during the Neolithic period. More generally it will contribute to the understanding of the process of integration that led, further east, to the emergence of the Lapita culture. Project methodology and objectives The proposed research will aim at documenting the Austronesian early history in the Nusa Tanggara province and more precisely in the islands comprised between Bali in the west and Timor in the southeast. The main focus will be on the region from East Flores to Alor Island. The western part of Flores, which is currently researched by Australian colleagues in collaboration with archaeologists from Puslitbang Arkeologi Nasional, will not be included in this project. The main objectives of the proposed project are a) to date the initial Austronesian contact in these islands, b) to document the physical characteristics of the austronesian Neolithic and Early Metal age populations, and propose answers to such questions as health, demography or social organization through the study of urn cemeteries and c) to document human interactions and cultural processes during the period of Austronesian expansion to these islands. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (B.5.a) Aimee Veronica Brown Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Whangarei, 17-02-1986 Warga Negara : Selandia Baru Jabatan : Assistant Research Fellow Institusi : University of Otago Email :aimee.foster@anatomy.otago.ac.zn Alamat : P.O.BOX 913 Dunedin 46 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (B.5.b) Jean-Christophe Marie Galipaud Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Versailles, 12-06-1955 Warga Negara : Perancis Jabatan : Researcher Institusi : National Museum of Natural History, Research Institute for Development (IRD) Email : jean-christophe.galipaud@ird.fr Alamat : 43 rue cuvier, 75005 Paris, France (B.5.c) Hallie Ruth Buckley Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Auckland, 05-09-1969 Warga Negara : Selandia Baru Jabatan : Senior Lecturer Institusi : University of Otago (B.5.d) Sian Ellen Halcrow Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Takapuna, 01-08-1978 Warga Negara : Selandia Baru Jabatan : Assistant Research Fellow Institusi : University of Otago (B.5.e) Jonathan Javelle Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Saint-Etienne, 22-08-1985 Warga Negara : Perancis Jabatan : Researcher Institusi : Archeodunum S.A.S (B.5.f) Rebecca Lorraine Kinaston Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Timaru, 24-10-1985 Warga Negara : Selandia Baru Jabatan : Post Doctoral Research Fellow Institusi : University of Otago Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 47 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (B.6) Sedimentology, Palaentology and Dating of Pleistocene Fossil Vertebrate Faunas and Open Occupation Sites in Flores and Sulawesi Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan penggalian, survey geologi dan rekonstruksi lingkungan deposit Pleistocene Bidang Penelitian : Arkeologi Lama Penelitian : 3 (tiga) bulan mulai 28 Mei2012 Daerah Penelitian : NTT (Soa Basin di Kab. Ngada, Kab. Ende, Maumere, Larantuka), Sulteng (Lembah Walanae, Watansoppeng, Bone) Mitra Kerja : Dr. Ir. Djumarna Wirakusumah - Pusat Survei Geologi, Badan Geologi, Kementerian ESDM Abstract The Soa Basin in West Central Flores is a geological depression of c. 15 x 20 km wide, surrounded by active and inactive volcanoes. The basement of the basin is formed by a >100 m thick Late Pliocene sequence of massive volcanic breccias and agglomerates of the Ola Kile Formation. These breccias are overlaid by the up to 100 m thick sequence of the Ola Bula Formation. The contact between the two formations is unconformable and represents an erosional hiatus of c. 800.000 years. Geomorphological evidence suggests that the Ola Kile breccias were formed as the footslope deposits of a massive volcanic centre located at the northwestern margin of the Soa Basin, near Welas. Sometime in the past this volcano blew up and at present the eroded remnants form a caldera with a diameter of c. 5 km, and debouching into the Soa basin to the southeast. The Ola Bula Formation can be divided in three members, from base to top: 1) Tuff Member, 2) Sandstone Member and 3) Limestone Member. Though with local variations, these three members can be recognised throughout most of the Soa Basin, though the basal Tuff Member may be lacking or is very thinly developed in areas where the basement forms an elevated topography. Aims of the project So far no hominin fossils have been discovered in the Soa Basin, although the abundant stone artefacts represent proxy evidence for early hominin activity. The current project is scheduled to last for a period of 4 years until 2014. This project has been accommodated under the general MoU for cooperation between the Geological Agency of Indonesia and the University of Wollongong, Australia. The principal aims of the project are to: 48 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 • find in situ fossil remains of the maker of the up to 1 Myr old stone artefacts from the SoaBasin, who was the likely ancestor of Homo floresiensis. • Collect larger samples of in situ artefacts at Mata Menge and other sites, which couldreveal cultural changes through time under fluctuating environmental conditions. • Collect more fossils remains of fauna to gain a better understanding of temporalevolutionary changes in faunal composition and individual lineages. In addition, taphonomicresearch may reveal more detailed knowledge concerning the nature of the boneaccumulations encountered at various sites of the Soa Basin. • Fine-tune the geochronology of the Soa Basin strata and get a better insight in thechronostratigraphic correlations between various sections and temporal succession of thevarious sites. • Reconstruct depositional environments and paleo-landscapes contemporaneous with thefossil and artefact-bearing layers. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (B.6.a) David Paul McGahan Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Brisbane, 27-06-1976 Warga Negara : Australia Jabatan : PhD Student Institusi : UCD Dublin (B.6.b) Michael Caedman James Marsh Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Sydney, 17-01-1974 Warga Negara : Australia Jabatan : Archeologist Institusi : Ironbark Heritage and Environment Pty Ltd. Email : mmarsh@ironbarkeritage.com Alamat : 83/369 Hay Street Perth, WA 6000, Australia (B.6.c) Kerrie Lee Grant Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Melbourne, 18-02-1961 Warga Negara : Australia Jabatan : Senior Field Archaeologist / Field Manager Institusi : Gavin Jackson Pty. Ltd. - Cultural Heritage Management Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 49 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (B.6.d) Glenn Stuart Marshall Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Shepparton, 21-04-1968 Warga Negara : Australia Jabatan : Director Works & Outstation Manager Institusi : Central Desert Shire Council (B.6.e) Guy William Hazell Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Maidenhead, 12-03-1953 Warga Negara : Inggris Jabatan : Senior Field Archaeologist / Field Manager Institusi : Casey & Lowe (B.6.f) Stephanie Flude Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Sheffield, 18-07-1979 Warga Negara : Inggris Jabatan : Post Doctoral Research Fellow Institusi : Sheffield, 18-07-1979 (B.6.g) Michael John Morwood Perpanjangan 12 (dua belas) bulan dimulai 1 Mei 2012 Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Auckland, 27 – 10 – 1950 Warga Negara : Australia Jabatan : Professor Institusi : University of Wollongong, Australia Email :mikem@uow.edu.au Alamat : Northfield Ave, Wallonggong, NSW 50 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi Australia 2500 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (B.7) Increasing and diffusing knowledge about the prehistory of human-occupied Flores, Indonesia throught targeted new excavations, analyses, and collaborative multidisciplinary research Tujuan Penelitian Bidang Penelitian : Untuk mengetahui tentang bagian Flores yang dihuni manusia prasejarah melalui penggalian, analisis, dan penelitian multidisipliner kolaboratif : Arkeologi Lama Penelitian Daerah Penelitian Mitra Kerja : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 17Oktober 2012 : Flores (Liang Bua dan beberapa daerah lain) : Bambang Sulistyanto - Puslitbang Arkeologi Nasional Abstract The primary goal of our research is to continue the increase and diffusion of knowledge about the prehistory of human-occupied Flores through targeted excavations, analyses, and collaborative multidisciplinary research. At the same time, we are continuing to develop and nurture the productive relationship between Pusat Arkeologi Nasional and Smithsonian researchers, as well as those from other institutions. Specifically, our research targets important questions surrounding the timing and nature of the disappearance and probable extinction of Homofloresiensis, Stegodonflorensis, and other endemic fauna during the late Pleistocene, and the subsequent arrival of modern humans and associated non-endemic fauna as well as the introduction of farming during the Holocene. Thus, our research will shed light on key issues relating to the peopling and biodiversity of Flores during the past. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (B.7.a) Matthew Wayne Tocheri Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Thunder Bay, 11-07-1973 Warga Negara : Kanada Jabatan : Associate Professor Institusi : Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History Email :caley.orr@asu.edu Alamat : Stony Brook, NY 11794, 8081, USA Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 51 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (B.8) Epigrafi Nusantara Tujuan Penelitian : Membuat Corpus lengkap online seluruh prasasti masa klasik Indonesia Bidang Penelitian : Arkeologi Lama Penelitian : 12(dua belas) bulan mulai 18 Juli 2012 Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta, Jawa Timur (Sidoarjo, Surabaya, Kediri, Blitar), Jawa Tengah (Surakarta, Salatiga dan Klaten), Lampung Mitra Kerja : Dr. Bambang Sulistyanto - Puslitbang Arkeologi Nasional Abstract Tujuan jangka panjang adalah membuat Corpus lengkap online seluruh prasasti masa klasik Indonesia. Corpus tersebut akan mengandung reproduksi (misalnya foto) dari prasasti asli, serta alih aksara dan terjemahan dari teksnya dalam bahasa Jawa Kuno, Melayu Kuno dan Sanskerta, disertai piranti elektronik untuk melacak pembacaan-pembacaan terbaru dari prasasti tersebut; akan mengandung juga berbagai peta dan dokumen untuk mempermudah akses kepada sumber-sumber primer sejarah purba Indonesia dari segi berbagai bidang ilmu. Setiap prasasti akan diperiksa ulang untuk menjamin dapat diandalkannya data yang diterbitkan dalam rangka program ini. Mengingat kwantitas besar prasasti, keterbatasan tenaga di bidang ilmu prasasti (baik di dalam maupun di luar Indonesia), serta kondisi bidang epigrafi Indonesia yang dirasa relatif kurang berkembang, sehingga banyak langkah awal bclum tuntas, maka tujuan jangka pendek adalah berbagai jenis persiapan untuk Corpus tersebut. Metodologi Prasasti yaitu suatu artefak (benda) arkeologis yang memuat suatu teks kuno yang seringkali tak ternilai harganya untuk penyelidikan sejarah Indonesia. Maka penelitian terhadap prasasti memerlukan metode ilmu arkeologi (khususnya penelitian di lapangan) untuk pendeskripsian dan pendataan prasasti sebagai artefak, maupun metode ilmu fdologi untuk uraian teks kuno sehingga bisa dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber sejarah, dan akhirnya metode ilmu sejarah untuk pemanfaatan dari sudut pandang masalah-masalah sejarah. 52 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 NAMA PENELITI ASING: (B.8.a) Arlo Griffiths Tempat dan tanggal lahir : New York, 06-06-1976 Warga Negara : Belanda Jabatan : Professor Institusi : French School of Asian Studies Email : ”Arlo Griffiths” (arlo griffith@efeo.net Alamat : Jl. Pejaten Barat Indah II No. 5 Jakarta Selatan (B.9) The Archaeology of Sulawesi: A Strategic Island for Understanding Modern Human Colonization and Interactions Across Our Region Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji arkeologi Sulawesi dalam konteks paleoenvironmental Bidang Penelitian : Arkeologi Lama Penelitian : 3 (tiga) bulan mulai bulan 3 September 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Tenggara (P. Buton, Kab. Buton, Ds. Lawele, Bau bau, Ds. Palabusa, Kab. Buton Utara, Ds. Waodeburi, Kendari, Wakatobi) Mitra Kerja : Pusat Arkeologi Nasional (Dr. Bambang Sulistyanto) Abstract This project will investigate the archaeology of Sulawesi within its palaeoenvironmental context. Lying between the Asian mainland to the west (Sunda), the Philippines to the north, New Guinea to the east and the lesser Sundas and Australia to the south, Sulawesi is strategically positioned to test competing models of initial modern human expansion, and subsequent cultural changes and interactions, across our region. Most previous research into the antiquity of human occupation in Sulawesi has focused on cave sites in the Maros region of southwest peninsula of Sulawesi and open terrace sites in the Walanea valley. Work on the Neolithic has focused on the Karama Valley. This study will provide a comparative basis for evaluating human occupation and will focus on the cave and open sites in the region of Lake Towuti and surrounding areas of Sulawesi (Kabupaten Luwu Timur, Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan, Kabupaten Konawe Utara, Propinsi Sulawesi Tenggara, Kabupaten Kolaka Utara, Propinsi Sulawesi Tenggara). It will also investigate the rock art of Sulawesi more generally, and attempt to provide a chronological framework for the art by radiometric dating. The proximity of these sites to the Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 53 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA deep lake Towuti, will enable us to compare the human occupation record against changing environment over time through an analysis of the pollen from this site. The project is designed to explore all phases of human occupation of this region from the earliest human arrival at least 40,000 years ago, through to the Metal Age. The project thus has six separate components or sub-projects. This strategy is appropriate to an area which is little tested archaeologically and will ensure results and outcomes which meet at least some of the project aims. The six separate sub-projects which we will investigate are: 1) Early modern human colonization and the colonists’ economic strategies 2) Human ecology and palaeoenvironmental change in the terminal Pleistocene 3) Early to mid-Holocene subsistence and technology in South Sulawesi 4) Holocene regional interactions: pottery, animal translocations and the transition to agriculture 5) Dating and contextualizing rock art production in Sulawesi 6) Jar burials and the introduction of metals to Sulawesi NAMA PENELITI ASING: (B.9.a) Susan Lillian O’Connor Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Melbourne, 08 November 1956 Warga Negara : Australia Jabatan : Professor Institusi : Australian National University Email :sue.ocornor@anu.edu.au Alamat : Canberra, ACT, Australia 0200 (B.9.b) Emma Jane St. Pierre Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Cairns, 13-08-1982 Warga Negara : Australia Jabatan : Archaeologist Institusi : Land Access Solutions Email :e.stpierre@uq.edu.au st_emma@hotmail.com Alamat 54 : 34 Oakwal Tce, Windsor, QLD 4030, Australia Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (B.9.c) Tim Rian Maloney Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Belmont, 11-06-1988 Warga Negara : Australia Jabatan : Ph.D. Candidate Institusi : Australian National University Email : tim.maloney@anu.edu.au Alamat : ANH Coombs BLD#9, Acton, ACT 2600, Australia (B.9.d) Rose Hannah Whitau Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Burwood, 14-11-1986 Warga Negara : Selandia Baru Jabatan : Master Student Institusi : Australian National University Email :u4998112@anu.edu.au Alamat : ANH, HC Coombs Building, Acton, ACT Australia (B.9.e) Jack Neil Fenner Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Michigan, 14-06-1961 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Research Laboratory Manager Institusi : Dept. of Archaeology and Natural History, Australian National University Email :jack.fenner@anu.edu.au Alamat : ANH, NC Coombs Building 9 Acton ACT, Australia (B.9.f) Benjamin Marwick Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Subiaco, 08-11-1978 Warga Negara : Australia Jabatan : Assistant Professor Institusi : Dept. of Anthropology, University of Washington Email : bmarwick@uw.edu Alamat : BOX.353100, Seattle, WA 98195-3100 – USA Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 55 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (B.10) Indonesia’s Role in Metal Age Southeast Asian Exchange: A Look at the Glass Beads Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan dokumentasi dan analisis terhadap koleksi manikmanik berbahan kaca di Indonesia yang sudah ada sejak milenium pertama Bidang Penelitian : Arkeologi Lama Penelitian : 10 (sepuluh) bulan mulai 5 November 2012 Daerah Penelitian : DI Yogyakarta, DKI Jakarta, Jawa Barat (Bandung), Sumatra Selatan (Palembang), Sulawesi Selatan (Makassar) Abstract The primary objective of my Fulbright research “Indonesia’s Role in Metal Age Southeast Asian Exchange: A Look at the Glass Beads” is to document and analyze the glass bead collections in Indonesia dating to the first millennium AD. Most of the collections are housed only in Indonesia, and the information concerning the collections likewise exists only in Indonesia, printed largely in Indonesian. Through the Fulbright Study/Research Grant, I will also work closely with Dr. Daud Tanudirjo and Dr. Inajati Adrisijanti at Universitas Gadjah Mada to document the various collections of glass beads in Indonesia, beginning with those in Yogyakarta. There are roughly 150 sites in Indonesia with undocumented glass beads, and each site has an average of 500 beads. When I was in Indonesia last, we documented 10 sites in two weeks, and so I am confident that I can document 150 sites in a single year. Most collections are housed at branches of the National Archaeological Research Center and are easily accessible through contact with the branch office in Yogyakarta. I plan to base myself in Yogyakarta at Universitas Gadjah Mada and travel to other archaeological offices in the country to continue the documentation process (Jakarta, Bandung, Palembang, and Makassar). NAMA PENELITI ASING: (B.10.a) Heather Robin Christie Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Rhode Island, 12-10-1989 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Master Student Institusi : Dept. of Anthropology, University of Illinois Email :hchris5@uic.edu Alamat : 536 W. Addison Street Chicago, IL 60613 USA 56 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (B.11) Chronology and palaeoenvironments of the Indonesian Palaeolithic period in Central and Eastern Java: the Punung and Solo areas Tujuan Penelitian : Mengurai sejarah keberadaan manusia (Homo erectus dan Homo sapiens) yang telah beradaptasi dengan tantangan kondisi iklim tropis sejak 1,5 juta tahun yang lalu sampai dengan terpencarnya kelompok-kelompok manusia di berbagai wilayah kepulauan Bidang Penelitian : Arkeologi Lama Penelitian : 2 (dua) bulan mulai 5 November 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Tengah (Sangiran), Jawa Timur (Punung) Mitra Kerja : Pusat Arkeologi Nasional (Dr. Bambang Sulistyanto) NAMA PENELITI ASING: (B.11.a) François Rene Eugene Semah Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Paris, 15-04-1954 Warga Negara : Perancis Jabatan : Professor Institusi : National Museum of Natural History Email :semahf@mnhn.fr Alamat : 54, avenue Marthurin Moreau F-75019 Paris (B.11.b) Anne-Marie Semah Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Hellemes-Lille, 03-03-1953 Warga Negara : Perancis Jabatan : Researcher Institusi : Institut de Researche pour le Développement (IRD) Email :anne-marie,semah@ird.fr Alamat : 49 rue Sedaine – 75011 Paris Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 57 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (B.11.c) Anne-Marie Moigne Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Brest, 07-09-1955 Warga Negara : Perancis Jabatan : Researcher Institusi : National Museum of Natural History Email :moigne@mnhn.fr Alamat : 2 rue Klebèr, 66720 Tautavel France (B.11.d) Thomas Ingicco Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Brest, 19-08-1984 Warga Negara : Perancis Jabatan : Associate Professor Institusi : University of the Philippines Diliman Email :ingicco@mnhn.fr Alamat : 34 Rue des Oetis Hotels, 75010, Paris (B.12) Prehistoric Human Migrations, Maritime Networks and Resource Use in the Northern Sulawesi and Maluku Islands Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan penggalian dan analisis arkeologi untuk merekonstruksi eksploitasi marine dan terrestrial di lokasi-lokasi yang cenderung belum diketahui di Indonesia timur Bidang Penelitian : Arkeologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 23 Agustus 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Utara (Manado, Kep. Talaud), Maluku (P. Morotai, Halmahera, Tobelo) Mitra Kerja : Dr. Bambang Sulistyanto – Puslitbang Arkeologi Nasional, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Abstract The research aims three goals as (1) to conduct new archaeological excavations and analysis for reconstruct Austronesian marine and terrestrial exploitation in the archaeologically 58 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 unknown region in Eastern Indonesia, particularly around the Northern Sulawesi and Maluku region; (2) to develop a more comprehensive scheme for archaeo-zoological and archaeobotanical analysis on fauna and floral remains; and (3) to conduct an intensive and extensive ethno-archaeological investigation of modern fishing technology and strategies across a range of island ecosystems in Wallacea region. In terms of ethno-archaeological fieldworks, I will conduct interviews and observational surveys on their fishing and farming practices in some villages around the coast or archaeological sites as for extensive research. During intensive researches, I will attempt to collect ethnological quantitative data of fish catch and farming procuction at a few villages in the field. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (B.12.a) Rintaro Ono Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Tokyo, 15-05-1975 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Lecturer Institusi : School of Marine Science and Technology, Tokai University Email :rintaro@tokai-u.jp Alamat : Shimohozumi 324-706, Shizuoka 422-8037, Japan (B.13) Sejarah Kuno Nusantara; Arkeologi dan Epigrafi (abad ke-5 - abad ke-15 M) Tujuan Penelitian : Memperkaya data mengenai sejarah kuno Sumatra bagian utara sejak abad ke-5 sampai abad ke-15 M Bidang Penelitian : Arkeologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 8 November 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Sumatra Utara (Medan Marelan) Mitra Kerja : Pusat Arkeologi Nasional (Dr. Bambang Sulistyanto) Abstract Peninggalan-peninggalan purbakala di situs Kota Cina, di pinggir kota Medan sekarang, sudah dipastikan keberadanya sejak tahun 1970-an, setelah dijalankan sejumlah survei dan penggalian oleh Dinas Purbakala. Dari hasil penelitian awaljni ditemukan sebuah situs pemukiman kuno yang sangat kaya akan artefak dari abad ke-11 M hingga abad ke-14 M. Temuan-temuan ini terdiri terutamanya dari area, gerabah, keramik asal China, keramik asal Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 59 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Asia Tenggara dan Timur Tengah, kaca, mata uang, berbagai jenis benda dari logam (besi, perunggu), serta artefak-artefak organik berupa kulit kerang, kayu, tulang, dll. Temuan-temuan ini merupakan indikasi hubungan langsung atau tidak langsung dengan berbagai kawasan di Samudra India, termasuk India dan Sri Lanka, dengan wilayah-wilayah lain di Asia Tenggara serta dengan Tiongkok dan Timur Tengah. Sudah jelas bahwa Kota Cina merupakan di antara pemukiman terpenting di Selat Melaka pada zaman tersebut. Sayangnya situs purbakala ini kurang diberi perhatian yang sewajarnya sampai sekarang. Oleh karena itu, sesudah diadakan penelitian arkeologis bersama yang cukup intensif di situs pemukiman kuno di pantai barat propinsi Sumatra Utara, yaitu di daerah Barus (Kab. Tapanuli Tengah), khususnya di situs Lobu Tua (akhir abad ke-9 hingga akhir abad ke-11 M) dan di situs Bukit Hasang (abad ke-12 hingga awal abad ke-16 M) dari tahun 1995 sampai tahun 2005 kemudian di tengah propinsi yang sama, yaitu di daerah Padang Lawas, khususnya di situs pemukiman kuno Si Pamutung (akhir abad ke-9 hingga awal abad ke-14 M) dari tahun 2006 sampai tahun 2010, penelitian yang serupa di situs Kota Cina pasti dapat memperkayakan datadata mengenai sejarah kuno Sumatra bagian utara untuk zaman tersebut. Selain itu, di samping kemungkinan yang terbuka luas sekarang untuk melakukan banyak perbandingan dari segi artefak dengan’ situs sezaman yang baru digali di Barus dan di Padang Lawas, pengalaman kami dalam penelitian arkeologis Sumatra Utara selama 16 tahun akan sangat membantu untuk meneliti situs Kota Cina. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (B.13.a) Daniel Georges Perret Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Roanne, 20-11-1958 Warga Negara : Perancis Jabatan : Associate Professor Institusi : Ecole française d’Extreme-Orient Email :dagperret@yahoo.com Alamat : 22 avenue du Prèsident WILSON, 75116 PARIS 60 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Bidang riset Arsitektur ini khususnya terkait Tata Wilayah, namun sebenarnya multi-disiplin karena menyangkut juga ilmu Sosial dan Lingkungan. Hanya terdapat satu project penelitian yang terdiri dari Tim besar yaitu 13 peneliti asing dari Jepang yang dikoordinir oleh Research Institute for Humanity and Nature. (C.1) Megacity and The Global Environment: Multi-dimensional Appraisal of Jakarta Metropolitan Area (JABODETABEK) in the Worldwide Context with the Aim of Designing Better Future of the Urban Sphere” Tujuan Penelitian : Mencari metode terbaik untuk menciptakan hubungan yang harmonis antara kota dan lingkungan. Bidang Penelitian : Arsitektur/ Tata Wilayah Lama Penelitian : 12(dua belas) bulan mulai 1 Agustus 2012 (Satoru s/d Masashi) 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 15 September 2012 (Shin Muramatsu s/d Yuko) Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta (Cikini, Arsip Nasional), Jawa Barat (Bogor, Depok, Bekasi), Banten (Tangerang) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Ilmu Pertanian IPB (Dr. Ernan Rustiadi, M.Agr., Prof. Dr. Hadi Susilo Arifin, MS., Dr. Alinda Fitriani M. Zain, M.Si) untuk (Satoru s/d Masashi) Fakultas Teknik UI (Ir. Kemas Ridwan Kurniawan, Ph.D); untuk (Shin Muramatsu s/d Yuko) Abstract Objectives: Cities today support half of the earth’s population. In this context, this project establishes cities as the most important spaces where human beings are destined to live in the future and, as its main objective, seeks to find methods for creating harmonious relationships between cities and the earth’s environment. The project therefore will investigate megacities in order (1) toshed light on the mechanism of megaurbanization and historical restrictive conditions, (2) to establish methods for recognizing megacities in an integrated manner according to various disciplines, history and culture, etc, (3) to indicate integrated solutions for mitigating negative impacts, (4) to sindicate models of how cities that successfully integrate environmental, economic and social affluence should be, and (5) to approach megacity issues from urban micro to macro and from regions by variousstakeholders to the international arena. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 61 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Methodology: The project has formed a fieldwork team consisting of nine researchers who respectively do research in Jabodetabek area. Shin Muramatsu. the project leader will supervise the team and manage collaboration with the counterparts, the University of Indonesia (Ul) and Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI). In addition, Muramatsu will integrate our analysis both in cognitive science and in design science as a whole, beside his own research on urban spaces with greenery in Jabodetabek. Akinobu Murakami deals with the “natural environment” with analyses of land cover classification, surface temperature simulations and observation of residents’ behavior. Kengo Hayashi involved in the “built environment*’ will do research by categorization of residential districts according to population, land use pattern and arrangement of dwellings, estimation of total building material stocks and calculation of the building vulnerability. Yuko Muramatsu and Hironori Kato are in charge of the “social environment”, investigating the change of the marketing systems and its impact on the food lifestyles, lifestyles of local people with the questionnairesurvey, statistical analyses of the result and modeling approaches. Furthermore, Ryuto Shimada,Hiroshi Izumikawa and Hiroko Matsuda are going to conduct the archival researches on the environmental history, the economic history and the history of the water management. Finally, Akiko Hori will organize the joint workshops on 3 dimensional urban conditions in order to recommend strategic management by different scenarios to forecast long term future and acupuncture intervention to limited spots of a megacity, and will contribute to proposal of a future megacity design. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (C.1.a) Satoru Itagawa Tempat dan tanggal lahir Warga Negara Jabatan Institusi Email Alamat : Saitama, 06-03-1986 : Jepang : Ph.D. Student : Keio University :satoru36@sfc.keio.ac.jp : 3-13-15, Mukoyama, Ageo-City, Saitama Pref. Japan (C.1.b) Kenichiro Arai Tempat dan tanggal lahir Warga Negara Jabatan Institusi Email Alamat 62 : Gumma, 20-07-1970 : Jepang : Associate Professor : Maebashi Kyoai Gakuen College :arai-k@c.kyoai.ac.jp : 2-203-1-609 Azuma-cho, Omiya, Saitama, Japan Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (C.1.c) Yasuo Uemura Tempat dan tanggal lahir Warga Negara Jabatan Institusi Email Alamat : : : : : : Mie, 25-09-1947 Jepang Profesor Emeritus Hiroshima University yuemura@hiroshima-u.ac.jp 3-3-18-702, Ushita Honmachi, Hihashi-ku Hiroshima City 7320066, Japan : : : : : : Kochi, 22-11-1952 Jepang Professor Rikkyo University hirosue@rikkyo.ac.jp 2-9-13-101 Shakujii-cho, Nerima-ku,Tokyo 177-0041, Japan (C.1.d) Masashi Hirosue Tempat dan tanggal lahir Warga Negara Jabatan Institusi Email Alamat (C.1.e) Shin Muramatsu Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Shizuoka, 17-05-1954 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Professor / Researcher Institusi : Research Institute for Humanity and Nature Email :muramatsushin@aol.com Alamat : Nishimachi 2-16-12, Kokubunji Tokyo 185-0035, JAPAN (C.1.f) Ryuto Shimada Tempat dan tanggal lahir Warga Negara Jabatan Institusi Email Alamat : : : : : : Kanagawa, 06-09-1972 Jepang Associate Professor Seinan Gakuin University r_shimada@nifty.com Meinohama 2-7-1-1010, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka, 819-0002 JAPAN Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 63 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (C.1.g) Kengo Hayashi Tempat dan tanggal lahir Warga Negara Jabatan Institusi : : : : Osaka, 16-05-1980 Jepang Project Researcher Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (C.1.h) Hiroko Matsuda Tempat dan tanggal lahir Warga Negara Jabatan Institusi Email Alamat : Hiroshima, 17-08-1965 : Jepang : Researcher : Research Institute for Humanity and Nature :matsudahiroko@chikyu.ac.jp : 6-22-104, Daikan-cho, Higasi-ku, Nagoya, Aichi JAPAN (C.1.i) Hiroshi Izumikawa Tempat dan tanggal lahir Warga Negara Jabatan Institusi Email Alamat : Kagawa, 01-10-1978 : Jepang : Ph.D. Student : Hiroshima Graduate School of Letter :hizuming782001@yahoo.co.jp : 203-1-1 Yonemitsu, Hachihonmatsu-cho, Higashi-Hiroshima, Jiroshima JAPAN (C.1.j) Akinobu Murakami Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Kanagawa, 15-06-1971 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Associate Professor Institusi : Tsukuba University Email : murakami@sk.tsukuba.ac.jp Alamat : Tennodai I-I-I, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, JAPAN 64 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (C.1.k) Hironori Kato Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Tokyo, 22-08-1970 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Associate Professor Institusi : University of Tokyo Email : kato@civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp Alamat : 30-15-301, Denenchofu-Houcho. Ohta-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN (C.1.l) Akiko Hori Tempat dan tanggal lahir Warga Negara Jabatan Institusi Email Alamat : : : : : : Tokyo, 11-02-1963 Jepang Associate Professor Graduate School of Engineering, Chiba University aokab@faculty.chiba-u.jp 3-6-10, Eifuku, Suginami-ku Tokyo 168-0064, JAPAN (C.1.m) Yuko Yamashita- Muramatsu Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Shizuoka, 16-04-1962 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Associate Professor Institusi : Graduate School of Commerce and Management Hitotsubashi University Email :yamashita.yuko@r.hit-u.ac.jp Alamat : Nishimachi 2-16-12, Kokubunji, Tokyo 185-0035, JAPAN Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 65 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Bidang Riset Biologi, disamping Ekologi, selalu merupakan bidang yang dominan dilakukan peneliti asing, mengingat kekayaan biodiversitas Indonesia. Banyak diantaranya terkait dengan pencarian species baru untuk updating ilmu taxonomy, terkaiat evolusi yang terjadi di wilayah Wallacea, ekologi, kehutanan, kelautan termasuk terumbu karang, dan yang terbaru adalah riset tentang mikrobiologi. Secara kesuluruhan terdapat 38 project penelitian, sebagian diantaranya merupakan tim, sehingga total mencapai 64 peneliti asing di bidang Biologi tahun 2012 ini. (D.1) Biodiversity Studies to Support Conservation in the Rainforest of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan penelitian keanekaragaman dan ekologi di hutan rawa gambut serta memonitor perubahan habitat dan keanekaragamannya sebagai akibat dari gangguan manusia dan pelaksanaan manajemen konservasi Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 12 Januari 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Tengah (Lab Alam Gambut, Sebangau, Kalampangan, Hutan Bawan) Mitra Kerja : Fransiskus A. Harsanto, S.Hut, dan Santiano –CIMTROP Universitas Palangka Raya Abstract The lowland rainforests of Central Kalimantan are among the most biodiverse areas on Earth, yet are threatened by a variety of human activities. These include fire, drainage of peat swamps, conversion to agriculture, logging, and harvesting of certain species for food and pet trade. Conservation efforts are therefore needed in order to manage these forests to conserve their biodiversity for the future. Biodiversity studies are crucial to: (1) assess the value of different forests for biodiversity conservation, to enable more efficient targeting of limited resources; and (2) to monitor the effectiveness of conservation actions. I will assist with biodiversity studies in the Natural Laboratory of Peat Swamp Forest (NLPSF), Sabangau; the unprotected Bawan and Kalampangan Forests; and hopefully other non-protected areas in Central Kalimantan to achieve these aims. Sabangau is a particularly important area of tropical peat-swamp forest, due to its role as home to populations of many endangered species, including the largest population of orang-utans in the world and the largest known contiguous population of gibbons in 66 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Indonesia and the huge amounts of carbon locked away in its peat. The NLPSF is managed by CIMTROP (the Centre for the International Cooperation in Management of Tropical Peatlands), an Indonesian research and conservation institution based at the University of Palangka Raya (UNPAR). I will assist with studies designed to further our knowledge of peat-swamp forest biodiversity and ecology, and to monitor changes to the habitat and its biodiversity arising from human disturbances and conservation management actions. Research in Bawan Forest and Kalampangan will focus on documenting the importance of the area for biodiversity conservation, through a number of sampling methods. Ecological monitoring programmes of this nature are crucial for documenting the responses of different animal groups to natural- and human-induced changes in habitat condition. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (D.1.a) Benjamin James Mervyn Jarrett Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Enfield, 23-05-1989 Warga Negara : Inggris Jabatan : Research Intern Institusi : OuTrop, University of Oxford Email : bjmjarrett@gmail.com Alamat : 92 Middleton Road, Hackney, London, E8 4LN United Kingdom (D.1.b) Nicholas Charles Marchant Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Dublin, 23-03-1982 Warga Negara : Irlandia Jabatan : Researcher Institusi : OuTrop –The Orangutan Tropical Peatland Project Email :ncmarchant@gmail.com Alamat : 276 Harolos Grace Road, Dubling 16, Ireland (D.2) Biodiversity Corridors in the Heart of Borneo: Species Diversity and Local Stakeholders Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti keanekaragaman hayati di Kalimantan, mendokumentasikan keragaman yang khas dalam hutan di Taman Nasional serta meneliti persepsi komunitas lokal mengenai keragaman spesies dan hal-hal yang mempengaruhi upaya konsevasi di tingkat lokal Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Lama Penelitian : 5 (lima) bulan mulai 30 Januari 2012 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 67 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Barat, Kalimantan Tengah, dan Kalimantan Timur di TN berikut: TN Betung Kerihun, TN Danau Sentarum, TN Kayan Mentarang, TN Bukit Baka Bukit Raya, TN Gunung Palung, TN Kutai Mitra Kerja : Drs. Imran S.L. Tobing, M.Si. - Fakultas Biologi Universitas Nasional Abstract This research began as part of a U.S. Student Research Fulbright Grant from the AmericanIndonesian Exchange Foundation (AMINEF, Jakarta) and has now been expanded to form the basis for my PhD thesis in cooperation with Universitas Nasional, Jakarta and Universitas Mulawarma, Samarinda. The primary goal of this research originally was broader but soon after beginning I narrowed the scope and the goal was to examine the elevational distribution of avian communities along an elevational gradient in the Heart of Borneo region. I completed point transect surveys and mist netting at elevations between 600 m and 1200 m on two mountains in the Long Apari region of Kalimantan Timur in the headwaters of the Mahakam river near the village of Long Apari. Point counts detected 163 species of birds on the site, and 61 species have been mistnetted for a total of 167 species in the region. This included some species not previously documented from the area, and should help to clarify range maps by filling in gaps for the little-known distribution of avifauna in this region of the island. My hypotheses were generally supported. A number of these species showed moderate to strong elevational preferences as evidenced by their nonrandom distribution with respect to transect elevation. Elevation, rather than habitat, was most important in predicting species and foraging guild distribution. Lowland specialists were absent from moderate to high elevation hill forests, providing an important confirmation of past studies. My goal and interest in future work will be to survey other mountains of similar characteristics but different locations within Kalimantan, compare the elevational distribution of bird species, and draw conclusions about the mechanisms producing these distributions. Indonesia is the third most biologically diverse country in the world after Brazil and Colombia. In an effort to protect these resources on the island of Borneo, the ‘Heart of Borneo’ (HoB) initiative was signed by Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei in February 2007. This agreement seeks to conserve forest resources in Borneo while improving local peoples’ welfare through a network of connected protected areas. 68 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 The current lack of baseline biological information from the HoB region makes the development of conservation plans difficult. In particular, it is not known quantitatively to what extent lowland bird species can persist in hilly and submontane forests. Because much of the remaining primary forest in Borneo, including two of the largest protected areas in Kalimantan (TN Betung Kerihun and TN Kayan Mentarang), are comprised mostly of this hilly forest, it is very important to understand the patterns and mechanisms of species distribution along elevational gradients. Such information will contribute to future conservation and management. The latitudinal gradient in species diversity is a widely recognized pattern in ecology, and much effort has been directed towards explaining the observed pattern of declining species richness with increasing latitude (Koleff & Gaston, 2009; Rohde, 1992; Rosenzweig, 1992; Taylor & Gaines, 1999; Veech, 2000). Proposed explanations for this effect have included gradients of primary productivity (Hutchinson, 1959), differences in speciation and extinction rates (Janzen, 1967; Rohde, 1992), climatic and geologic history (Fjeldså & Rahbek, 2012), Rapoport’s effect (Stevens, 1989), as well as null models including the mid-domain effect (Colwell & Lees, 2000; Veech, 2000). Rohde (1992) has pointed out that many commonly cited potential explanations are either circular or unsupported by empirical data, and concludes that greater effective evolutionary speed in the tropics is the main driver behind this diversity. Confusion about what patterns are most commonly observed, difficulties in comparing species diversity measurements taken at different scales, and the lack of understanding of the productivity-species diversity relationship make elucidating mechanisms particularly challenging (Rosenzweig, 1992). Many ecologists now agree that a single explanatory factor is unlikely to account for differences in diversity along the latitudinal gradient and there has been an increased focus on investigative approaches that consider an array of interacting abiotic and biotic factors (Lomolino, 2001; Rahbek, 1997). Whereas the mechanisms producing the latitudinal gradient in species diversity remain widely debated, the existence of the effect is not. Most taxa display a similar general trend (Ruggiero & Lawton, 2008), making elucidating the mechanisms producing this pattern, and the related patterns observed on elevational gradients, a central goals in ecology (Lomolino, 2001). Such an understanding would no doubt increase our understanding of a number of ecological processes at smaller, as well as continental, scales. Ecologists interested in understanding the mechanisms behind latitudinal gradients in species diversity have long observed a similar trend which occurs along a gradient that is much more spatially compressed but which shows many apparent similarities – the elevational gradient (Terborgh, 1971). Stevens (1992) discussed this relationship between the two gradients and suggested that many of the same processes may account for the declining diversity along both gradients. In particular, he suggested and tested for an Altitudinal Rapoport’s Effect (ARE) to explain patterns of avian diversity in South America (Stevens, 1992). Both the Latitudinal Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 69 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Rapoport Effect (LRE) and the ARE have since been much discussed in the literature (Ashton, 2001; Bhattarai & Vetaas, 2006; Colwell & Lees, 2000; Kattan & Franco, 2004; Lee, Chun, Song, & Cho, 2013; McCain & Bracy Knight, 2012; Rahbek, 1997; Ribas & Schoereder, 2006; Rohde, 1992; Ruggiero & Lawton, 2008; Sanders, 2002; Taylor & Gaines, 1999; Veech, 2000). There are indeed many similarities. As both latitude and elevation increase, average temperature decreases as generally does primary productivity, whereas the range of climatic conditions experienced widens (Stevens, 1992). However, Rahbek (1995) has highlighted some significant differences between high latitudes and high elevation sites in the tropics. Increased seasonality at higher latitudes is contrasted with relative seasonal stability at all elevations in the tropics, where variation in temperature is primarily diurnal (Rahbek, 1997). Although temperature does decrease as elevation increases, an equally important climatic factor, precipitation, may decrease steadily (Stevens, 1992) or show a mid-elevation peak (Rahbek, 1997). Rahbek (1997) notes that this mid-elevation peak in precipitation has no parallel in latitudinal gradients, nor do the tendencies for increasing natural disturbance and fragmentation frequency with increasing elevation (Graves, 1985). NAMA PENELITI ASING: (D.2.a) Ryan Christian Burner Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Ohio, 26-11-1982 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Fulbright Research Fellow Institusi : US Fish and Wildlife Service Email : bcrcj@hotmail.com Alamat : 13197 Bayton St. Alliance, Ohio 44601, USA (D.2.b) Gillian Jessica Torrens-Spence Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Texas, 24-02-1980 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Student Institusi : University of California, Santa Barbara Email :gjspen@hotmail.com Alamat : 3329 Uper Palace Green, Virginia Beach, VA,23452, USA 70 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (D.3) Predators as livelihoods: options and ostacles for shark management in Eastern Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti populasi hiu di Indonesia Timur dan mengkaji potensi serta tantangan untuk mempertahankan populasi tersebut secara berkelanjutan bersama para nelayan hiu Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Kelautan Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 1 Februari 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Maluku (P. Osi, Dobo, P.Aru), Papua Barat (Raja Ampat) Mitra Kerja : Dr. Augy Syahailatua - Puslit Oseanografi LIPI NAMA PENELITI ASING: (D.3.a) Vanessa Flora Jaiteh Tempat dan tanggal lahir Warga Negara Jabatan Institusi Email Alamat : : : : : : Glarus, 03-05-1985 Australia Ph.D. Student Murdoch University vanessa.jaiteh@hotmail.com 5/79 Waverley Avenbue, Coolbellup, WA 6163 Australia (D.4) Integrative Approaches to understanding Indonesian Marine Biodiversity Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti mekanisme yang menyokong pola biodiversitas laut Indonesia melalui pendekatan yang terintegrasi Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Kelautan Lama Penelitian : 4(empat) bulan mulai 16 Mei 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Sumatera (Kep. Mentawai, padang, P. Weh), Jawa Tengah, Jawa Barat, Kep. Natuna & Anambas, Bali, NTB, Maluku (Halmahera), Sulawesi Utara, Sulawesi Tengah, Sulawesi Selatan, Sulawesi Tenggara, Papua Barat (Raja Ampat, Manokwari), Timor Barat, Kalimantan Mitra Kerja : Dr. I Gusti Ngurah Kade Mahardika - Lab Biomedik dan Biologi Molekuler Hewan, Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Udayana Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 71 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Abstract Overview: Indonesia is the global epicenter of marine biodiversity. We are proposing a series of different studies to explore the causes of this exceptional biodiversity. Our previous research in Indonesia has suggested that there are 2 key barriers to the dispersal of marine larvae. However, these two barriers seem insufficient to explain the remarkable diversity found in the coral reefs of Indonesia. As such, we proposal an integrated approach to investigating other mechanisms of promoting Indonesian marine biodiversity patterns. These focus on the process of community assembly, effects of pollution, ecological effects, and the role of differences in fish coloration. This integrated approach will give us a much better understanding of the different processes shaping Indonesian biodiversity patterns. Because our project consists of several different approaches, we have organized our application in to a series of subproject, and include the primary investigators on these (below). Educational Framework: We do all of our research in Indonesia in a collaborative educational framework. All work will be based out of the Indonesian Biodiversity Research Center in collaboration with our official research sponsor, Dr. I Gusti Ngurah Mahardika from Udayana University and will be governed by MOUs and MTAs with LIPI. The Indonesian Biodiversity Research Center was developed out of our previous research and education efforts in Indonesia, supported by a $650,000 grant from USAID. Our proposed research activities will form the basis of 3 courses taught for Indonesian students and scientists from Diponegoro University (UNDIP), Udayana University (UNUD), the State University of Papua (UNIPA), LIPI Oceanologi, and Conservation International Indonesia. These courses include 1) Scientific Diving, 2) Marine Biodiversity Survey’s, and 3) Molecular Ecology. We are not only training Indonesian in these skills, but we are inviting back 4 participants last year to train them to lead future trainings across Indonesia. In total we expect 15 Indonesian students to be trained over 3 months of our total planned research activities. Our project is funding the faculty of these courses as well as the expenses for travel and participation of Indonesian participants. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (D.4.a) Paul Henry Barber Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Arizona, 17-12-1968 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Associate Professor Institusi : University of California, Los Angeles 72 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (D.4.b) Christopher Porter Meyer Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Pennsylvania, 15-07-1966 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Associate Professor Institusi : National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution (D.4.c) Amanda Marie Windsor Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Warga Negara : Jabatan : Institusi : Ohio, 01-03-1981 Amerika Serikat Researcher Smithsonian Institution, Museum Support Center (D.4.d) Abril Iniguez-Rivas Tempat dan tanggal lahir : California, 14-06-1986 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : PhD Student Institusi : University of California, Los Angeles (D.4.e) Allison Louise Fritts-Penniman Tempat dan tanggal lahir : New York, 31-07-1986 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : PhD Student Institusi : University of California, Los Angeles (D.4.f) Victoria Melissa Morgan Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Florida, 05-08-1991 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Student Institusi : Cornell University Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 73 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (D.4.g) Sara Elizabeth Koch Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Colorado, 13-02-1979 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : PhD Student Institusi : University of California, Los Angeles (D.4.h) Hayley Marie Nuetzel Tempat dan tanggal lahir : California, 27-03-1991 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Student Institusi : University of California, Los Angeles (D.4.i) Samantha H.T. Cheng Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Massachusetts, 25-09-1987 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Institusi : University of California, Los Angeles Email :scheng87@ucla.edu Alamat : 621 Charles, CA 90095, USA (D.5) Marine Biology, Ecology & Conservation of The Wakatobi Marine National Park: Research Proposal 2012-2014). Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti ketahanan terumbu karang, khususnya dalam kaitannya dengan peningkatan ancaman dari eksploitasi taanpa memperhatikan aspek sustainability yang juga dikombinasikan dengan perubahan iklim Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Kelautan Lama Penelitian : 5 (lima) bulan mulai 3 Juli 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Tenggara (TN Wakatobi) Mitra Kerja : Prof. Dr. Ir. Jamaluddin Jompa, M.Sc - Puslitbang Laut, Pesisir, dan Pulau-pulau Kecil Universitas Hasanuddin 74 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Abstract During the period 2009 and 2011 the Coral Reef research Unit, in collaboration with the Research and Development Centre for Marine, Coast and Small Islands, University of Hasanuddin and funded through Operation Wallacea, undertook a multi-themed research project entitled “Survey of the Marine Biodiversity, Ecology and Natural Resource Management of the Wakatobi Marine National Park, South East Sulawesi, Indonesia”. The research project was very successful in addressing its key aims, and resulted in numerous scientific publications, the publication of a book and several capacity building. Herein we describe our new proposed research programme that would capitalise on the findings of the last but focus more on the key issues impacting marine systems on the Wakatobi both at the present time and in to the future. The new research programme proposes to address five key research themes and to use these research topics to address the key issues of Climate Change, Environmental Governance and the need to Capacity Build within the Wakatobi and wider region. These cross-cutting issues will be addressed from the context of 1) Coral Reef Form and Function 2) Coral Reef Resilience 3) Life in the Extremes 4) Coral Reef Resources and 5) Coral Reef Management which represent the research themes. The thematic approach will provide a strong research framework in which do address the key issues, whilst also providing an adaptive potential through evolving and objective led research tasks. The proposed represents a series of activities that will help to maintain and sustain the Wakatobi Marine Park as a centre of international quality research, research that is aimed at advancing global knowledge of coral reefs but also, and most importantly, research that informs present and future management. It is most important that such research activities as outlined herein, incorporate elements of capacity building to ensure that lessons learnt from the research are passed on to future researchers and decision makers. Therefore this document outlines our proposed approach to increase capacity building activities through the provision of taught, experience and learning based opportunities. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (D.5.a) David John Smith Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Newport, 01-04-1972 Warga Negara : Inggris Jabatan : Senior Lecturer Institusi : Dept. of Biological Sciences, University of Essex Email :djsmitc@essex.ac.uk Alamat : Cariad Lodgr, Brightlingjea ESSEX,UK Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 75 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (D.5.b) Wayne Arden Bennett Jr. Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Michigan. 14-04-1958 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Senior Lecturer Institusi : Professor Email : wbennett@uwf.edu Alamat : 11000 University Parkway, Pesacola, FL 32514, USA (D.5.c) James John Bell Tempat dan tanggal lahir Warga Negara Jabatan Institusi Email Alamat : : : : : : Kettering, 25-07-1976 Inggris Senior Lecturer Victoria University of Wellington james.bell@vuw.ac.nz PO.BOX 600, Welington, New Zealand (D.6) Plant genetic diversity in tropical lowland rainforest transformation systems Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari konsekuensi dari perubahan hutan hujan pada level keanekaragaman intraspecific Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Lama Penelitian : 12(dua belas) bulan mulai 13 Juli 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (TN Bukit Dua Belas dan Hutan Harapan) Mitra Kerja : Prof. Dr. Iskandar Z. Siregar – IPB Abstract The transformation of tropical lowland rainforests to other types of land use has considerable impacts on biodiversity levels and patterns at different spatial scales from local to global. Losses of plant species diversity along gradients of increasing land use intensity are well documented, but the consequences of rainforest transformation have rarely been studied at the level of intraspecific diversity. Population genetic theory predicts losses of genetic diversity as a consequence of fragmentation and small remnant populations. Intraspecific (genetic) diversity is a fundamental aspect of biodiversity and a main resource for adaptation to environmental change. 76 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 The aim of this project is to study the consequences of rainforest transformation at the level of intraspecific diversity and to assess intraspecific diversity in different transformation systems by the investigation of dominant vascular plant species with different taxonomic and phylogenetic positions and life history traits (growth forms, mating systems longevity, etc.). Comparing the results to other aspects of biodiversity investigated by other groups will allow investigating trade offs between intraspecific diversity of vascular plants with other aspects of biodiversity, e.g. plant diversity. The intention is to test the following hypothesis; a decline of species diversity from reference forests to oil palm plantations is mirrored by a decline of intraspecific diversity of the plant species dominating the respective systems. Methodology and concept Ten dominant species will be selected in each of the 32 core sites based on rough estimates of above ground biomass. We propose above ground biomass as a simple proxy for the ‘dominance’ or importance of a given species for general ecosystem functions, which can be rapidly assessed. All vascular plants, including ferns and epiphytes, will be considered as long as reasonable estimates of their biomass within the 50x50 m plots can be obtained. Species will be morphological identified and if necessary confirmed by DNA barcoding. Ten plants from each selected species will be collected at each site. Herbarium voucher specimen of all sampled plants will be kept at the University of Jambi to allow reassessment of the species status as necessary. An overlap of the selected species is expected in particular for the intensively managed transformation systems (rubber and oil palm plantations). Thus, considerable less than the maximum of 320 species (32 sites x 10 species/site) are expected to be included in the analysis. The anonymous fingerprinting method AFLP (Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms) will be used for the assessment of intraspecific genetic diversity. For this purpose approximately 2 g of leaf material will be collected and dried on silica gel. For this analysis all samples will be shipped to Germany. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (D.6.a) Natalie Breidenbach Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Mainz, 13-06-1984 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Individual Researcher Institusi : University of Greifswald Email : natalie.breidenbach@gmail.com Alamat : Anklamer Str. 3a, 17489 Greifswald, Germany Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 77 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (D.7) Impact of urbanization on coral reef ecosystems (Spermonde Archipelago, Sulawesi, Indonesia) Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari variabilitas temporal dari struktur himpunan karang untuk mengurai variabilitas alami dan dampak antropogenik dalam sebuah sistem terumbu karang Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Kelautan Lama Penelitian : 2 (dua) bulan mulai 30 Juli 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Selatan (Kep. Spermonde) Mitra Kerja : Puslit Oseanografi LIPI (Ir. Yoshephine Tuti H.) Abstract Current biodiversity estimates suggest that modern coral reefs house between 4 and 5% of all described species. The origins and maintenance of these diverse ecosystems remains, however, poorly known, particularly as the relative importance of controls that maintain the structure of reef communities differ according to the scale of consideration. Although the development of biodiversity is increasingly placed in a historical context, the development of a comprehensive model is hampered by the difficulty to develop a timeline of the biotic response to large scale environmental disturbance. The planned research will contribute to the understanding of temporal variability of assemblage structures to disentangle natural variability and anthropogenic impact in a reef system. In addition, it will show the response of the sensitive reef and inter reef environments to increased terrestrial influx related to increased anthropogenic influence. Combined this will provide valuable new insights towards the resilience and protection of coral reefs. Today, due to both global and local influences coral reefs around the world are facing a scenario of steady declines in coral cover punctuated by periodic large-scale perturbations. Our current understanding has offered much towards understanding spatial variation, but falls behind in explaining temporal dynamics. However, to assess whether and how ecosystem dynamics have changed over the past ~200 years, it is critical to document ecosystem dynamics before large human activity. Most datasets of reef biota cover short time-spans. In the Spermonde Archipelago (S\V Sulawesi, Indonesia) there is the unique opportunity to built a data set spanning 30 years, complemented by sediment cores covering the past 500-1000 years. We propose a total system approach and take into account interaction between physical, geochemical and ecological processes. We will combine data on the assemblage composition of stony corals, sponges, large benthic foraminifera, and molluscs, with detailed assessments 78 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 of environmental data (benthic community structure, sedimentary facics and stable isotopes). Large benthic foraminifera are known to be abundant in both reef and inter reef environments, and are excellent model organisms to asses reef health. The detailed characterisation of scdimcntological parameters (e.g. grain-size distribution, mineralogy, organic content) will help to understand the current sediment distribution pattern within the reef and, the often neglected, inter reef environments. The geochemical parameters will help to quantify temperature and salinity distribution through time. Assemblage composition of large benthic foraminifera, as well as sediment composition and geochemical analysis of the sediments in the cores will show the response of the system to environmental variability and the capacity to recover. The environmental tolerances of species as determined during the first part of the study will provide a framework for the interpretation of trends over years to hundreds of years. Our full system approach will result in valuable new insights in linking ecological resilience to environmental variability in coral reefs. For this project, in situ surveys will be conducted to provide observations at various scales: gcomorphology, species composition and habitat. During the in situ surveys, we will asses assemblages of fishes, large benthic foraminifera (LBF) and sponges; we will combine these data with detailed assessments of environmental data (benthic community structure, sedimentary facies and stable isotopes). NAMA PENELITI ASING: (D.7.a) Willem Renema Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Apeldoorn, 06-01-1972 Warga Negara : Belanda Jabatan : Researcher Institusi : Netherlands Centre for Biodiversity, Naturalis Email : Alamat : Darwinweg 2, 2333CR Leiden, The Netherlands (D.7.b) Christiaan Albert de Leeuw Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Gouda, 25-08-1988 Warga Negara : Belanda Jabatan : Master Studentr Institusi : Vrije University, Amsterdam Email : Christian_de_leeuw@hotmail.com Alamat : Johannes Verhulsstraat 61 II 1071 MT Amsterdam Lama Penelitian : 2 (dua) bulan mulai 30 Juli 2012 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 79 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (D.7.c) Marcella Elisa Johanna Meerkerk Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Dordrecht, 24-10-1987 Warga Negara : Belanda Jabatan : Master Student Institusi : Utrecht University Email: Alamat : Ina Boudier –Bakkerlaan 15-13582 VB Utrecht, Belanda Lama Penelitian : 2 (dua) bulan mulai 30 Juli 2012 (D.7.d) Nicole J. de Voogd Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Warga Negara : Jabatan : Institusi : Email : Alamat : Lama Penelitian : Dordrecht, 06-04-1972 Belanda Researcher Netherlands Centre for Biodiversity, Naturalis Nicole.devoogd@ncbnaturalis.nl Darwinweg 2, 2333CR Leiden The Netherlands 2 (dua) bulan mulai 30 Juli 2012 D.7.e) Rossana Martins De Freitas Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Gloria, 20-07-1986 Warga Negara : Portugal Jabatan : Master Student Institusi : Universidade do Porto Email :rossana.freitas@gmail.com Alamat : Rua Luis de Camöes, 215, P3830-696 Gafanha da Nazarё(Portugal) Lama Penelitian : 2 (dua) bulan mulai 30 Juli 2012 (D.7.f) Friso Dekker Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Drechterland, 24-09-1988 Warga Negara : Belanda Jabatan : Master Student Institusi : University of Amsterdam 80 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Email :fdekker@msn.com Alamat : Kaya Kashmiri 47, Willemstad 2012 Netherlands Antilles Lama Penelitian : 2 (dua) bulan mulai 30 Juli 2012 (D.8) Marine lakes of Indonesia: recently discovered laboratories of evolution Tujuan Penelitian : Mengetahui tentang keterhubungan genetis dan sejarah biogeografis dari populasi laut dengan menggunakan danaudanau laut (marine lakes) sebagai sampel biotop Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Kelautan Lama Penelitian : 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 13 Agustus 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Timur (Kep. Derawan, Derawan, Kakaban, Maratua, Sangalaki, Samama, Panjang, Rabu Rabu) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Mulawarman (Dr. Ir. H. Abdunnur, M.Si.) Abstract Marine lakes are unique marine habitats that could provide researchers with new insights into complex ecological and evolutionary processes in the marine realm. This rather scarce and unknown marine ecosystem is found in several disconnected island nations and comprise land-locked Holocene marine basins with inhabitants of marine descent. The relatively small populations isolated in the marine lakes, which represent a combination of multiple heterogeneous environments with varying degrees of isolation to each other and to the open sea, offer unprecedented opportunities for fundamental studies on Holocene evolution in marine taxa, which typically lack fossil records. Approximately 200 marine lakes are thought to be distributed worldwide, of which “Jellyfish Lake” in Palau (Micronesia) is likely the most well known. Studies in Palau have demonstrated that these lakes show untapped potential for studies on marine evolution. Recently, similar marine lakes have been discovered in Indonesia. Pilot studies on these marine lakes in East Kalimantan and Papua revealed that sponges are some of the most abundant and diverse groups, with a high number of rare and unknown species, as well as species that are common in the surrounding reef area. We propose to document the unique fauna of Indonesian marine lakes in order to investigate the variation in community composition within and outside of the lakes. In parallel we wish to conduct molecular analyses to assess the level of divergence between species and populations. We expect to conduct fundamental work towards a general understanding of biogeographical relationships and population structures of benthic marine species. The anticipated results Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 81 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA will, furthermore, provide information that can be applied for selecting the most effective and appropriate conservation measures for these vulnerable ecosystems. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (D.8.a) Leontine Elisabeth Becking Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Amsterdam, 29-11-1978 Warga Negara : Belanda Jabatan : Ph.D. Candidate Institusi : Netherlands Center for Biodiversity Naturalis, Marine Zoology Department Email : lisa.becking@ncbnaturalis.nl Alamat : Netherlands Center for Biodiversity Naturalis Darwinweg 2, 2333 CR Leiden, Netherlands (D.9) Connectivity of coral populations between Indonesia and Western Australia Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti hubungan jumlah populasi pada dua spesies karang keras (Acropora tenuis dan Acropora millepora) di Indonesia dan Australia Barat Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Kelautan Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 27 Agustus 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Selatan (P. Barrang Lompo, Makassar), Sulawesi Tenggara (Wakatobi), Maluku (Kep. Kai), NTB (Lombok), NTT (Maumere, Flores, P. Sawu, Kupang, Timor Barat) Mitra Kerja : Puslitbang Laut, Pesisir, dan Pulau-pulau Kecil Universitas Hasanuddin (Dr. Asmi Citra Malina) Abstract Population connectivity, i.e. the degree to which local production results in recruitment to other populations, is an important process that affects the survival, regeneration and evolution of coral assemblages. There are two time scales of connectivity: the ecological scale that operates at relatively short time scales (1-20 years) and is important for maintaining local populations, and the evolutionary scale which operates over longer time frames and is important for evolutionary mechanisms such as speciation and adaptation. 82 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 It has long been assumed that Western Australian coral populations are connected with Indonesian coral populations via the transport of larvae. Western Australian and Indonesian coral reefs have a common ancestry in the ancient Sea of Tethys, a vast tropical ocean around the centre of the world that existed prior to the breakup of Gondwanaland. While it has been assumed that this connectivity is sustained in contemporary times, this assumption has never actually been tested. This project will investigate connectivity between coral populations in Indonesia and north Western Australia, and will provide information about connectivity on both the ecological timescale and the evolutionary time scale. The determination of regional connectivity among Indonesian and north Western Australian reefs is interesting from an evolutionary perspective and will have important implications for marine planning and management of coral populations in north Western Australia. However, it is also important for managing coral reefs in the present because the degree of connectivity determines the degree to which conservation efforts should be addressed on a local or broader international scale. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (D.9.a) Natalie Roser Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Sydney, 26-05-1977 Warga Negara : Australia Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Institusi : School of Animal Biology, University of Western Australia Email :rossen01@student.uwa.edu.au Alamat : 35 Stirling Hwy, CRAWLEY W.A 6009, Australia (D.10) Assessing Impact of Climate Change on Coral Reef Health and Coastal Environments in West Papua, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian Bidang Penelitian Lama Penelitian Daerah Penelitian Mitra Kerja : Mempelajari penyebaran dan proses penetasan telur kura-kura laut (Dermochelys coriacea) dan ekologi lautnya : Biologi/ Kelautan/ Ekologi : 12 bulan mulai 14 Juli 2012 : Papua Barat (Pantai-pantai Wermon dan Jamursba Medi di Jazirah Kepala Burung) : Jurusan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Papua, Manokwari - Ricardo Tapilatu Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 83 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NAMA PENELITI ASING: (D.10.a) Elizabeth Anne Carruthers Johnstone Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Indonesia, 22 – 02 – 1977 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Graduate Student in Marine Biology Institusi : Scripp Institution of Oceanography, La Jola, California (D.11) Species discovery, evolutionary relationships, and conservation of Indonesia’s small terrestrial mammals Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan survey mamalia darat kecil sepanjang Jawa dan Sulawesi untuk mendapatkan perkembangan informasi mengenai diversitas, hubungan dan ekologi dari fauna Indonesia yang khas Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Lama Penelitian : 3 (tiga) bulan mulai 23 April2012 Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Barat (Gunung dewata), Sulawesi Selatan (Gunung Latimojong) dan Jawa Barat (Gunung Pangrango) Mitra Kerja : Pusat Penelitian Biologi – LIPI - Anang S. Achmadi, M.Sc Abstract: The small terrestrial mammal and bird faunas of Indonesia represent remarkably speciesrich and morphologically diverse groups of animals. Indonesia’s shrews and rats, for example, are very poorly known in terms of their diversity, geographic distributions, ecologies, evolutionary relationships, and conservation statuses. We propose to inventory small terrestrial mammals and birds along elevational gradients on Java and Sulawesi to provide improved information on diversity, relationships, and ecology of Indonesia’s unique fauna. Our new surveys will almost certainly result in the discovery of new species and contribute to in-progress research on the phylogenetic relationships and diversification patterns in Southeast Asian vertebrates. -Anticipated products include seminars and peer-reviewed publications on the taxonomy and evolutionary relationships of Indonesian mammals and birds, which have direct implications for the preservation of Indonesian biodiversity. Indonesian collaborators are intimately involved in every stage of this research, including authorship of peer-reviewed publications. 84 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Objectives: a) b) c) Inventory small mammals and birds on mountains in Java and Sulawesi, specifically in the provinces of Bogor, Sulawesi Selatan, Sulawesi Tengah, Sulawesi Barat, Sulawesi Tenggara, Sulawesi Utara, and Gorontalo. Describe new species in scientific publications. Investigate phylogenetic relationships and biogeography and publish results in peerreviewed scientific journals. d) Expand Indonesian collaborators’ and students’ expertise in biodiversity science. e) Improve assessments of conservation priority areas by providing inventories of small mammals and birds Mammalian diversity in Indonesia is staggeringly diverse at over 500 species, with more than 60% of these taxa endemic to the country (Wilson & Reeder 2005). In addition to this high diversity, Indonesia’s fauna remains poorly known, especially on the large islands east of Java— new species and genera of mammals are still being described frequently (e.g., Musser & Durdert 2002; Bates et al. 2007), suggesting much diversity remains to be discovered (Reeder et al. 2007; Esselstyn et al. 2009). NAMA PENELITI ASING: (D.11.a) Karen Marie Cavey Rowe Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Maryland, 21-04-1977 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Research Associate Institusi : Museum Victoria, Melbourne (D.11.b) Jacob Aaron Esselstyn Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Oregon, 25-09-1973 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Post-Doctoral Fellow Institusi : Museum Victoria, Melbourne (D.11.c) Peter James Carmichael Smissen Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Ferntree Gully, 18-04-1987 Warga Negara : Inggris Jabatan : Ph.D. Candidate Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 85 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Institusi : Museum Victoria, Melbourne Email : psmissen@student.unimelb.edu.au atau psmissen@museum. vic.gov.au Alamat : PO BOX. 597,Ocean Grove 3226 Vic, Australia (D.11.d) Noel Wayne Longmore Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Emmaville, 08-02-1948 Warga Negara : Australia Jabatan : Collection Manager Institusi : Museum Victoria, Melbourne (D.12) Taxonomical study of the subfamily Scaphidiinae (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) in Sulawesi Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkalkulasi jumlah spesies scaphidiid yang hidup di Sulawesi Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Lama Penelitian : 5 bulan mulai 26 April2012 Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi (Gn. Lompobatang, Gn. Ogoamas, Gn. Malino, Gn. Tentolomafinan, Gn. Boliohutu, Gn. Gambuta, Gn, Bulawa, Gn. Poniki, Makassar, Gorontalo) Mitra Kerja : Prof. Dadang A. Suriamiharja, Dr. Ir. D. Agnes Rampisela – Universitas Hasanuddin Abstract In Sulawesi, 12 species belonging to 7 genera of the subfamily Scaphidiinae are recorded: Baeocera derougeemonti, Birocera derougemonti, Birocera puntatissima, Scaphidium celebense, Scaphidium sondaicum, Scaphisoma bugi, Scaphisoma napu, Scaphisoma obliquemacuhtum. Scaphisoma palu, Scaphisoma sandang, Scaphobaeocera celebense and Termitoscaphium kistneh. The relationship between the land area and living species is discussed many scientists and it is known that it indicates a approximate correlation. In Islands, however, the correlation is different from mainland, but it is demonstrated as dynamic equilibration by MCARHUR and WILSON (1967). The species-area relation in the island is compared to Japanese species, and Sulawesi representatives are expected to be approximate 40 ~ 60 species from the consideration of above data. 86 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 This island is formed by 3 continental plates which are the Pacific, Eurasian and IndianAustralian plates through plate tectonics. The Sulawesi being an ecotone of the biogeographical regions changed from Australasia to Indomalaya is called the “Wallacea”, and is important region for elucidating the phylogenetic and taxonomic problems of this subfamily. Research project will be conducted at mountains and lowlands in Sulawesi, namely, G. Lompobatang (alt. 2871m), G Ogoamas (alt. 2565m), G Malino (alt. 2443m), G Tentoiomafinan (alt. 2217m), G Boliohutu (alt. 2065m), G Gambuta (alt. 1954m), G Bulawa (alt. 1970m) and G Poniki (alt. I SI 7m), and their vicinities. Collecting methods are provided with three ways, viz. sifting with a sieve and tray, night collecting from fungi by looking (to collect living adults), and using Flight intercept traps (to collect flying adult rove beetles). NAMA PENELITI ASING: (D.12.a) Ryo Ogawa Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Nagasaki, 16-10-1987 Warga Negara : Jepang Institusi : Graduate School of Agriculture, Ehime University Email : ailmasbl 0854@yahoo.co.jp Alamat : 2-8-8-201 Inoue-heights, Iwasaki, Matsuyama, Ehime 790-0854, Japan (D.13) Ornithological Exploration of Montane Forest in Central and South Sulawesi Tujuan Penelitian : Mencari data sistematis dan ekologis beberapa jenis burung di Sulawesi yang dicurigai merupakan jenis-jenis yang belum teridentifikasi ataupun telah teridentifikasi namun baru sedikit dipelajari seperti genus Muscicapa. Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Lama Penelitian : 3 bulan mulai 4 Juni2012 Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Tengah (TN Lore Lindu) Mitra Kerja : Puslit Biologi LIPI - Dr. Dewi M. Prawiradilaga Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 87 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Abstract The Indonesian island of Sulawesi is a globally important hotspot of avian endemism, yet Sulawesi’s birds have received little formal study. Indeed, several avian taxa still unknown to science have been reported in the Lore Lindu and Lake Matano areas in central Sulawesi (Sulawesi Tengah and Sulawesi Selatan). These taxa, for all of which specimens are unavailable, include a new flycatcher presumably of the genus Mascicapa, a Ninox owl that may either be a new race of N. ios or an undescribed species, a new thrush tentatively referred to the Turdus poliocephalns complex, a new white-eye probably of the Zoster ops atrifrons complex, and one or more new taxa of the cardueline finch Serinus estherae complex. Further ornithological exploration of montane central Sulawesi will almost certainly result in discoveries and descriptions of new species. We hypothesize that the montane avifauna of central Sulawesi has a distinctive composition from that of Sulawesi’s other mountain ranges. We will test this hypothesis with field work involving intensive field surveys, extensive vouchered audio recording, and morphological analysis via collected specimens caught by mist netting. Specimen collections’will be conducted under the supervision of the Research Centre for Biology (RCB) and will be deposited as scientific collections at the Museum Zoologicum Bogoriensc. Our integrative approach, that unites morphology and bioacoustics, will provide critical new data on the systematics and ecology of these poorly known species. Description of new taxa and new fundamental information on Sulawesi’s montane birds will help direct conservation effort, which is fast becoming critical in this region of rapid habitat loss. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (D.13.a) John Berton Chenault Harris Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Alabama, 09-01-1984 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : PhD Student Institusi : School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Adelaide Email : aramidopsis@gmail.com Alamat : 3309 Lookout Drive, Huntsville, AL 35801 USA (D.13.b) Pamela Cecile Rasmussen Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Oregon, 16-10-1958 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Assistant Professor Institusi : Dept. of Zoology, Michigan State University 88 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (D.13.c) Yong Ding Li Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Singapore, 10-06-1983 Warga Negara : Singapura Jabatan : Lecturer Institusi : National Junior College (D.14) Structure, Stability and Functioning of Macro-Invertebrate Communities in Rainforest Transformation Systems in Sumatra, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti keanekaragaman species dan kelimpahan comunitas invertebrata makro Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 6 September 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (TN Bukit Dua Belas dan Hutan Harapan) Mitra Kerja : Dr. Tri Heru Widarto - IPB Abstract The proposed project (B01) has four major goals which will be investigated in four work packages (WPs). This proposal concerns WP 1 and 2: • WP1: Investigate changes in the species diversity and abundance, body-mass and trophic level structure of macro-invertebrate communities of the litter and upper soil layers with lowland rainforest transformation • WP2: Investigate the role of bottom-up (litter quality) and top-down forces (predators such as ants) in determining the biomass densities of the litter and soil macro-invertebrate communities Research location The research will implemented in Jambi Province in Sumatra, with the fastest and most complete transformation of tropical lowland rainforest. We focus on tropical lowland rainforests as these are experiencing the strongest losses worldwide (Achard et al. 2002). In particular, the massive transformation of lowland rainforest into oil palm plantations has been identified as a major threat for biodiversity and a potential driver of climate change (Danielsen et al. 2009, Giam et al. 2010, Wilcove and Koh 2010). Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 89 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Two landscapes within Jambi Province have been chosen for the CRC research comprising large units of lowland rainforest: National Park Bukit Duabelas and Harapan Rainforest. The transformation systems to be investigated include lowland rainforest as reference sites, jungle rubber (extensive rubber plantations), and intensive rubber and oil palm plantations. Lowland rainforest reference sites represent old-growth forest but have been subject to logging. Large sites of untouched natural rainforest are no longer existing in Jambi province, but the lowland rainforest reference sites selected represent large rainforest regions in a close to natural state. Jungle rubber represents an extensive management system which is established by planting rubber trees into rainforest. Its implementation dates back into the early 20* century but still covers large areas of Jambi. In each of the two landscapes (comprising blocks in a randomized complete block design), four replicates of each of the four transformation systems (including the lowland rainforest as reference) will be investigated. These 32 sites will constitute the core sites; covering these core sites is mandatory for all CRC scientific projects (SPs) that collect micro level data. In addition to investigating established transformation systems, a reforestation experiment will be established near Harapan Rainforest landscape. The experiment aims at investigating principal questions of how to establish sustainable forest management systems, optimizing both conservation needs and socioeconomic benefits. Apart from the work on these sites and on the reforestation experiment, socioeconomic surveys will be undertaken in the same sites, but also including a broader area in Jambi Province to be able to capture institutional heterogeneity, which is important for comprehensive understanding of socioeconomic causes a nd consequences of land use changes. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (D.14.a) Malte Jochum Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Wiesbaden, 29-07-1986 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Student Institusi : University of Gottingen Email : mjochum@gwdg.de Alamat : Steinweg 56, 37120 Bovenden, Germany (D.15) Taxonomic, Phylogenetic and Biogeographical Diversity of Vascular Plantsin Rainforest Transformation systems on Sumatra (Indonesia) Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji dampak perubahan penggunaan lahan terhadap keanekaragaman tumbuhan tropik Bidang Penelitian : Biologi 90 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Lama Penelitian : 12 bulan mulai 18 Juni2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (TN Bukit Dua Belas dan Hutan Harapan) Mitra Kerja : IPB (Dr. Sri Sudarmiyati Tjitrosudirdjo) dan Universitas Jambi (Drs. Astrizal Paiman, M.P) Abstract Effects of land-use on tropical plant diversity to date have been mainly studied based on species occurrences and abundances. Other aspects of biological diversity such as functional diversity (FD) or phylogenetic diversity (PD) have been only rarely integrated (but see Mayfield et al. 2006). On the other hand, there is clear evidence that crucial ecosystem functions are determined rather by the number of functional traits in a community than by its number of species (Hooper et al. 2005). For instance, grassland experiments have shown that the number of functional groups better predicts productivity than the number of species (Tilman et al. 1997). Furthermore, functional redundancy in plant communities leads to greater ecosystem resilience (Laliberte et al. 2010). Recent approaches in functional plant ecology, the increasing availability of phylogenetic data, novel bioinformatic tools, and advances in statistical modelling opens new avenues for an expanded perspective on how functional and phylogenetic diversity and the biogeographic patterns of species change in rainforest transformation systems. The integration of ecological traits with data on phylogenetic community structure can offer new insights on how communities are structured and which processes (e.g. niche conservatism, environmental filtering) determine changes in community composition and diversity, e.g. along environmental or land-use gradients (Webb et al. 2002; Kembel & Hubbell 2006). Often phylogenetic distance is used as a proxy for functional dissimilarity, but the validity of this assumption has rarely been tested. More importantly, taxonomic diversity (TD), PD, FD are not necessarily closely and linearly correlated. For instance, the loss of species from functionally highly redundant communities will result in only limited losses of FD compared to communities with low functional Taxonomic, phylogenetic, functional, and biogeographical diversity of vascular plants B06 redundancy (Flynn et al. 2009; compare Fig. 2)).This SP aims at providing an integrative perspective on how PD and FD change along gradients of TD and across different transformation systems. The overarching goal of this SP is to quantify the effects of rainforest transformation on plant diversity and ecosystem functioning by (1) integrating different metrics of biodiversity: taxonomic, phylogenetic, functional, and biogeographical; (2) investigating how plant diversity is partitioned at different spatial scales (alpha, beta, gamma). Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 91 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NAMA PENELITI ASING: (D.15.a) Katja Rembold Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Neuss, 07 - 02 - 1980 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Researcher Institusi : University of Gottingen (D.16) Worldwide investigations on the ecology of invasive species: Do adverse conditions during transport select for stress-tolerant individuals in marine invertebrates? Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan studi ekologi invertebrata laut yang bersifat invasif Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Lama Penelitian : 5 bulan mulai 27 Juni2012 Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta (Teluk Jakarta), Jawa Barat, Banten (Selat Sunda) Mitra Kerja : IPB (Dr. Neviaty P. Zamani, M.Sc) Abstract The activities in Indonesia are part of a global latitudinal comparison in the framework of the GAME program (Global Approach by Modular Experiments), which is coordinated by IFMGEOMAR in Kiel, Germany. GAME provides graduate students from participating institutions with the opportunity to work on their theses in the frame of an international research and education project. Students always work in teams (one International and one German student). GAME-X is focusing on worldwide investigations of the ecology of invasive marine invertebrates. Starting from current knowledge, the participants will investigate, if adverse conditions during transport processes foster the abundance of stress-tolerant individuals in various marine invertebrate species. Therefore they will perform a series of laboratory experiments. Participants of GAME-X come from partner institutions in Turku (Finnland), Lissabon (Portugal), Coquimbo (Chile), Niteroi (Brasilia). The Indonesian partner institution is the Institut Pertanian Bogor. 92 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 NAMA PENELITI ASING: (D.16.a) Armin Georg Fabritzek Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Lahnstein, 28-05-1982 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Student Institusi : Johannes Gutenberg-University (D.17) Functional diversity of mycorrhizal fungi along a tropical land-use gradient Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti dampak menurunnya keragaman spesies pohon serta fungsi komunitas mikoriza Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Lama Penelitian : 4 (empat) bulan mulai 6 September 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (TN Bukit Dua Belas dan Hutan Harapan) Mitra Kerja : Institut Pertanian Bogor (Dr. Sri Wilarso Budi).Universitas Tadulako (Dr. Henry Barus), dan Universitas Jambi (Dr. Bambang Irawan) Abstract Mycorrhizal fungi form mutualistic interactions with plant roots and function as key link fornutrient exchange between the above- and belowground compartment.The main goal is to investigate the impact of decreasing tree species diversity on the diversityand function of mycorrhizal communities and feed-backs on n acquisition. To this end we willwork in the core plots along a tree diversity gradient and study N concentrations in soil andplant compartments (short term uptake and long term uptake of N). Uptake studies studieswill be conducted on selected plots. Substantially we have three work plans. The Goal of the first work plan is to determine fungaldiversity in EM (ectomycorrhizal) and non-EM roots (= AM (arbuscularmycorrhizal)+nonmycorrhizal roots) as well as in soil in a land use gradient comprising lowland tropicalrainforest, jungle rubber, rubber plantations and oil palm plantations. The goal of the second work plan is to investigate whether sites differing in plant andmycorrhizal diversity differ in uptake of nitrate or ammonium and if the fluxes are affected dydecreasing plant diversity.And the third work plan will focus on the long term uptake of organic N. The significance oforganic N sources for plant nutrition in tropical forest ecosystems Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 93 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA has rarely been studied. Toaddress the role of differences in mycorrhizal community structures and their contribution toecosystem services, we will select plots representing contrasting situations based on theresults of the first and second work plan. Methodology and concept Changes within mycorrhizal fungal communities caused by the transformation from lowland tropical rainforests to more capital-intensive agro-forest systems will be investigated by a combination of molecular methods, morphological and anatomical analyses and will be related to root diversity as well as root nutrient concentrations. N fluxes will be determined by stabile isotopes. For the characterization of soil and root fungal diversity in relation to mineral nutrient content and tree species diversity, soil cores will be collected with a soil corer in each of the core plots (see 3) research location). The goal is to identify 1000 roots and their EM (ecto¬mycorrhizal) or AM (arbuscularmycorrhizal) associations, which will enable us to determine host preferences to the fungi. Roots will be sorted under a field dissecting-microscope according to root colonization type and each fraction will be used for nutrient analyses as well as for molecular analyses. Soil and root samples for high-throughput sequencing will be kept over silica gel and shipped to Gottingen. Short term mineral N uptake in relation to mycorrhizal diversity will be detected stabile isotopes. Solutions containing either labelled N03 or NH4 at concentrations in the range of the natural abundance will be used to flush a surface patch and samples will be collected during a time course of some hours to some days after N application. Long term organic N uptake in relation to mycorrhiza and forest type will be also determined by stabile isotopes. To prepare 15N labelled litter, seeds of Shorea leprosula, which is an abundant species, will be collected and plants will be grown in the nursery of the University of Jambi. The plants will be regularly irrigated with a solution containing 1*N-labelled nitrogen. After a year, plants will be harvested and the allocation of 15N to different plant parts will be measured with Bambang (University of Jambi), who will be involved in this during a research visit in Gottingen. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (D.17.a) Josephine Sahner Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Berlin, 28-05-1983 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Institusi : University of Gottingen 94 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Email :jsahner@gedg.de Alamat : Leinestr 13, 12049 Berlin, Germany 2012 (D.18) Collective Decision Making and Land Allocation at the Village Level Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan analisis faktir penentu sosial ekonomi alokasi lahan pada tingkat desa Bidang Penelitian : Biologii Lama Penelitian : 5 (lima) bulan mulai 6 September 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (TN Bukit Dua Belas dan Hutan Harapan) Mitra Kerja : IPB (Dr. Didik Suharjito), Universitas Jambi (Dr. Adrizal) Abstract Research Objectives: Analysis of socio-economic determinants of land allocation at the village level. Methodology and concept: Within about 100 villages we will conduct census questionnaires to collect data on village level. In addition we will apply an experimental design (trust and dictator game) to elicit true preferences that cannot be asked by means of questionnaires. Research location: The research will implemented in Jambi Province in Sumatra, with the fastest and most complete transformation of tropical lowland rainforest. We focus on tropical lowland rainforests as these are experiencing the strongest losses worldwide (Achard et al. 2002). In particular, the massive transformation of lowland rainforest into oil palm plantations has been identified as a major threat for biodiversity and a potential driver of climate change (Danielsen et al. 2009, Giam et al. 2010, Wilcove and Koh 2010). Two landscapes within Jambi Province have been chosen for the CRC research comprising large units of lowland rainforest: National Park Bukit Duabelas and Harapan Rainforest. The transformation systems to be investigated include lowland rainforest as reference sites, jungle rubber (extensive rubber plantations), and intensive rubber and oil palm plantations. Lowland rainforest reference sites represent old-growth forest but have been subject to logging. Large sites of untouched natural rainforest are no longer existing in Jambi province, but the lowland rainforest reference sites selected represent large rainforest regions in a close to natural state. Jungle rubber represents an extensive management system which is established by planting rubber trees into rainforest. Its implementation dates back into the early 20th century but still Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 95 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA covers large areas of Jambi. In each of the two landscapes (comprising blocks in a randomized complete block design), four replicates of each of the four transformation systems (including the lowland rainforest as reference) will be investigated. These 32 sites will constitute the core sites; covering these core sites ismandatory for all CRC scientific projects (SPs) that collect micro level data. In addition to investigating established transformation systems, a reforestation experiment will be established near Harapan Rainforest landscape. The experiment aims at investigating principal questions of how to establish sustainable forest management systems, optimizing both conservation needs and socioeconomic benefits. Apart from the work on these sites and on the reforestation experiment, socioeconomic surveys will be undertaken in the same sites, but also including a broader area in Jambi Province to be able to capture institutional heterogeneity, which is important for comprehensive understanding of socioeconomic causes and consequences of land use changes. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (D.18.a) Sandra Tappendorf Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Leipzig, 07-01-1989 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Master Student Institusi : University of Gottingen Email :sandratappendorf@aol.com Alamat : Papendiek 31/32 Ap. 2 in 37073 Gottingen, Jerman (D.18.b) Marcel Gatto Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Mettingen, 09 - 09 – 1984 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : PhD Student Institusi : University of Gottingen (D.19) What is the effect of grazing on the grasslands of Java? Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti dampak aktivitas memakan rumput oleh mamalia pemakan rumput liar dan domestik di padang rumput Jawa untuk mempelajari faktor-faktor yang menentukan komposisi spesies serta keanekaragaman dalam ekologi padang rumput Bidang Penelitian : Biologi 96 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 17 September 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Timur (TN Alas Purwo, TN Baluran) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Kehutanan UGM (Dr. Satyawan Pudyatmoko, S.Hut., M.Sc.) Abstract My research concerns the effects of grazing on the grasslands of Java. My objectives are to: 1. To determine whether grazing by wild herbivores increases, decreases, or has no effect on biodiversity (both species richness and evenness). 2. To determine whether grazing by wild herbivores increases, decreases, or has no effect on the productivity of the grassland. 3. To identify the most important processes and mechanisms by which grazing influences species composition and productivity. 4. To identify the applications of my research for managing grasslands and the wildlife that use them, for the benefit of the people of Indonesia. Description of study field: My project falls within the field of ecology. Since I am most interested in the interactions between different plant species as well as interactions with wildlife, the field of study of my research can be described as plant community ecology with aspects of wildlife biology. Grazing has been shown to increase diversity and has variable effects on aboveground production. This is because hoofed animals graze preferentially on the dominant grass species, allowing other species to come in. The question remains whether such patterns are true for all grasslands—it is unknown how grazing impacts grassland diversity in Indonesia. Java is extraordinary in that it has both high rainfall and exceptionally fertile soil, due to a history of volcanism. This rare combination makes for extremely productive land, but this high productivity can create an environment where the most competitive species outcompete all others, decreasing diversity. An example of this are the areas that are dominated by Imperata cylindrica (Indonesian: alang-alang), which covers more than 4% of Indonesia’s land area. While grazers (both wild and domestic) relish its young shoots, it is unpalatable when mature. However, land that is released from agriculture or that is heavily grazed is dominated by several species of prostrate grasses, for instance Paspalum conjugatum, Axonopus compressus,Cynodon dactylon,and Chrysopogon aciculatus. These same species of grasses have been reported as Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 97 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA favored forage for Banteng, an endangered species of wild cattle found in a few pockets of Java. Theory and modeling suggest that the effects of grazing should differ across a precipitation and a nutrient gradient, and as such the impact of grazing in Java should be especially dramatic. Presumably, grazing by both wild and domestic herbivores decreases one favorable species, such as Imperata, to the benefit of other, even more favorable species—if this is true, it is opposite of trends in much of the rest of the world. Banteng (Bos javanicus) are different from many species of wild cattle in that they both browse (consume woody vegetation) and a graze grass.However, there is little consensus in the literature as to relative proportions of grass versus woody vegetation in its diet, and the composition, quality, seasonal variation in their diet in unknown. Quantifying the effect of Banteng and other wild grazers on grassland may inform both grassland community dynamics and the habitat needs of this endangered species. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (D.19.a) Arjun Brandreth Potter Tempat dan tanggal lahir : New York, 27-03-1990 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Fulbright Scholar Institusi : American Indonesian Exchange Foundation / AMINEF Email : arjun@visionage.net Alamat : 131 Cottage Street, New Haven, CT 06511 New York, Amerika Serikat (D.20) Modes of Speciation in Indonesian Terrestrial Arthropods Tujuan Penelitian : Menjelaskan mekanisme keberagaman artropoda darat di bagian tropis Asia dengan penekanan pada seranggga dan beberapa artropoda non-serangga seperti tungau Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Lama Penelitian : 4 (empat) bulan mulai 29 Oktober 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Barat (Kebun Raya Bogor), Jawa Timur (Surabaya), Sumatera Barat (Padang), Kalimantan Timur (Balikpapan), Kalimantan Barat (Pontianak), Kalsel (Banjarmasin), Sulawesi Selatan (Makassar, Rantepao, Masamba), Bali (Kebun Raya Bali), Lombok (TN Gunung Rinjani), Sumbawa (Bima, Sumbawa Besar) Mitra Kerja : Puslit Biologi LIPI (Dr. Sih Kahono, Dr. Sri Hartini, Dhian Dwibadra, S.Si) 98 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Abstract Indonesia is attractive to the students of evolution for a number of reasons. It occupies a central part of the Asian tropics, which is known to harbor the world’s richest and most diverse fauna and flora. It has diverse climatic and vegetational environments. Furthermore, Indonesia consists of many islands that differ in their size and distance from other islands. These islands are distributed over two major biogeographic elements. With the high diversity of habitat conditions and biogeographic peculiarity, Indonesia provides a fascinating arena for various sorts of evolutionary studies, in particular those of speciation and related issues. This project aims to elucidate mechanisms generating diversity of terrestrial arthropods in Asian tropics, with particular emphasis on insects and some non-insect arthropods such as mites. Our methods include (1) field collection of specimens, (2) gathering in-depth biological information of target taxa, and (3) rearing of insects in the laboratory. Modes of speciation in tropical organisms are still largely unknown, and our results will greatly contribute to enrich knowledge of this important field of evolutionary biology. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (D.20.a) Gen Takaku Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Hokkaido, 01-06-1966 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Professor Institusi : Hokkaido University of Education (D.20.b) Naoyuki Fujiyama Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Hokkaido, 08-07-1969 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Associate Professor Institusi : Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University of Education Email :fujiyama.naoyuki@a.hokkyodai.ac.jp Alamat : 9 Hokumon-cho, Asahikawa, Hokaido, Japan (D.20.c) Toru Katoh Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Aomori, 08-10-1970 Warga Negara : Jepang Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 99 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Jabatan : Assistant Professor Institusi : Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University Email :tkatoh@mail.sci.hokudai.ac.jp Alamat : North 10 West 8, Kita-ku, Sapporo, Japan (D.20.d) Shogo Kikuta Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Fukushima, 12-12-1981 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Postdoctoral Fellow Institusi : Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University Email :kikuta@mail.sci.hokudai.ac.jp Alamat : Sapporo, Hokaido, Japan (D.21) Environmental drivers of vegetation patterns in tropical peat swamp forests Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti perubahan struktur dan komposisi hutan rawa gambut di gradien lingkungan. Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Lama Penelitian : 5 (lima) bulan mulai 15 Oktober 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Tengah (Area Konservasi Mawas, Kapuas, Mantengai, Release, Bagantung, Tuanan) Mitra Kerja : Pusat Pengendalian Kebakaran dan Rehabilitasi Hutan, Universitas Palangka Raya (Dr. Ir. Aswin Usup, M.Sc.) Abstract Tropical peatlands play an important role in the global carbon pool as they form one of the terrestrial ecosystems with the highest carbon density. Peat accumulation leads to the formation of peat domes that store ombrotrophic water and are characterised by increasing nutrient availability and waterlogging from the top to the lower riverine areas of the domes. Peat domes are naturally covered with peat swamp forests (PSF) that show compositional and structural transitions along the nutrient and waterlogging gradients. Little is known about the functional ecology of peat swamp forests along undisturbed peat domes and under different disturbance regimes of drainage and fire. This study proposes to analyse temporal and spatial 100 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 changes of PSF composition and structure in pristine and degraded PSF by combining a field and remote sensing approach. LIDAR (LIght Detection And Ranging) is a state-of-the-art tool to monitor 3D forest structure and spatial organisation in inaccessible forests at a broad scale, but this technique needs to be ground-truthed. The project will be carried out in the BOS (Borneo Orangutan Survival) Mawas Conservation area in collaboration with KFCP (Kalimantan Forests and Climate Partnership) and results will improve our knowledge on PSF ecology and recovery dynamics and will be valuable to local conservation and restoration initiatives. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (D.21.a) Beatrice Maite Myrtille Wedeux Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Paris, 19-03-1986 Warga Negara Jabatan Institusi Email Alamat : : : : : Luksemburg PhD Student Dept. of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge beatrice.wedeux@gmail.com Department of Plant Science, Downing Street Cambridge CB2 3EA, UK (D.21.b) Sarah Elizabeth Hadman-Back Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Exeter, 23-10-1990 Warga Negara : Inggris Jabatan : Student/ Research Assistant Institusi : King’s College, Cambridge University Email : sarahhb_1990@hotmail.com Alamat : Pontysgawrhyd Mill, Meifod, Powys, Pontysgawrhyd Mill, Meifod, Powys, SY22 6XT, United Kingdom (D.22) The distribution, abundance and the effect of land use system on termite and ant assemblages in Riau, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti bagaimana komunitas semut dan rayap berubah seiring dengan praktek intensifikasi pertanian dan urbanisasi. Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 29 Oktober 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Riau (Cagar Biosfer Riau, Giam Siak Kecil-Bukit Batu) Mitra Kerja : Pusat Inovasi LIPI (Prof. Bambang Subiyanto) Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 101 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Abstract Restoration of natural ecosystem services is pivotal to promote sustainability in agriculture. Besides, ants and bees provide ecosystem services as pollinators, while in arid environment, the presence of ants and termites reportedly increased the crop yield to 36. There are a series of publication concerning the consequences upon agricultural intensification. Considering large-scale plantations of oil palm, Acacia mangium, teak, coffee, tea, sugarcane, and cassava in Southeast Asia, it is ironically that the information on termite and ant communities associated with agricultural intensification and urbanization, is relatively rare. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (D.22.a) Neoh Kok Boon Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Pulau Pinang, 11-07-1982 Warga Negara : Malaysia Jabatan : Postdoctoral Research Fellow Institusi : Center for Souteast Asian Studies, Kyoto University Email : neohkb@cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp Alamat : 46, Shimoadachi-cho, Yoshida, Sakyo-ku JAPAN Kyoto 606-8501 (D.23) Whence and Whither: Acoustic Structure of Tarsier Calls Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari pola penyebaran dan diversifikasi tarsius Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Lama Penelitian : 10 (sepuluh) bulan mulai 5 November 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Bagian utara P. Sulawesi dan pulau-pulau sekitarnya (Lembeh, Bangka, Talisei, Bunaken, Manado Tua, Mantehang, Siau, Biaro, Tagulandang) Mitra Kerja : FMIPA Universitas Negeri Manado (Dr. Alfonds A. Maramis, S.Si., M.Si.) Abstract The Sulawesi tarsiers are the only mammal species known to exhibit a “duet call:” a loud vocal display in which males and females synchronously call to each other. The acoustic structure of the duet call is known to be correlated with species differentiation and distribution, and two species have recently been described based initially on the structure of their call, including 102 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 the newly described (2010) Siau island species, T. tumpara. Sulawesi tarsier species therefore constitute a unique opportunity to study information-rich acoustics in a rapidly disappearing primate taxon. Colonization patterns of dispersal and allopatric speciation of tarsiers (and other mammal species) across this region have resulted in isolated regions of endemism wherein speciation is likely. Analysis of the acoustic structure of the tarsiers’ ritualized duet calls should help to elucidate the tarsiers’ migration patterns, and will likely be the first step in the description of novel species. We propose recording tarsier calls on mainland Sulawesi and on nine islands (Lembeh, Bangka, Talisei, Bunaken, Manado Tua, Mantehang, Siau, Biaro, and Tagulandang.) We will then conduct spectrographic analyses on the resulting call data and use principal components and discriminant function analyses to test for congruence between tarsier vocalization structure assessing the differences and their potential consequences on the conspecificity or lack thereof among Sulawesi tarsier species. We will spend two weeks on each island, from October 2012 through April 2012. We will be equipped with Edirol field recorders, recording one vocalization every morning between 4am and 5:30am, for a maximum of fourteen samples per island, data analysis will begin in the field, and be completed by May, 2012. Results will increase our understanding of tarsier dispersal and distribution and provide exposure to this charismatic primate. This in turn will serve to promote ecotourism and inform local policy. We will be working with local guides and university students to collect audio-data, so participating parties in the research will be locally based stakeholders with strong interest in the outcomes of the research. Accordingly, whether the individual island populations lead to descriptions of distinct species or not, the research results may be used at the local level to augment and reinforce the guide’s scientific framework, as well as the data that they divulge to their clients, both national and international. The conservation consequences of the work described herein are therefore real and tangible. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (D.23.a) Olivia Clare Kulander Tempat dan tanggal lahir : California, 20-01-1982 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Master Student Institusi : Portland State University Email : livili@gmail.com Alamat : 4214 NE 23rd AVE Portland, OR 97214, USA Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 103 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (D.24) Diversity and Conservation of Gobiid Fishes in Lesser Sunda Islands, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Mengevaluasi keragaman fauna gobiid dan biota lainnya dalam sistem perairan dan pesisir di Kepulauan Sunda Kecil dan situs perbandingan lainnya Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 5 November 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Maluku (Ambon), NTT (Waingapu, Kupang), NTB (Bima), dan beberapa lokasi di Jawa, Sumatra, Sulawesi yang akan dilakukan pada fase penelitian berikutnya Mitra Kerja : FMIPA Universitas Mataram (Yuliadi Zamroni, S.Si., M.Si.) Abstract Geographic distributions of marine organisms is highest in the Indo-West Pacific, and decreases with increasing distance from this area, forming a distinct richness gradient. While many marine organisms exhibit this observation, there are knowledge gaps in several groups of fishes. The Gobiidae is one such group; it is one of the largest families of fishes with more than 2000 described species. Although ecological and economically important, these abundant and diverse fishes are poorly known. The dearth of information surrounding this group stems from the inability to effectively sample and identify them. This has hampered the overall understanding of aquatic biota and community interactions, which is important in view of rapid development of watersheds and coastal areas. To successfully inform conservation policies, it is important to understand species richness patterns and the consequent impacts of aquatic systems. Through this collaborative project with Mataram University, we aim to close the gap in our understanding of gobies distribution, taxonomy and ecology in the Lesser Sunda Islands, with comparative sites throughout Indonesia. Specifically, we aim to answer the following questions a) What is the diversity of gobies in the Lesser Sunda Islands and comparative sites throughout Indonesia? b) What other cryptic biota are present at these sites? c) What are the levels of impacts present at the sites which are sampled? The answers to these questions will aid in informing conservation policies of aquatic and coastal areas. 104 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 NAMA PENELITI ASING: (D.24.a) Zeehan Binte Ja’afar Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Singapore, 10-05-1978 Warga Negara : Singapura Jabatan : Lecturer Institusi : National University of Singapore Email : ”zeehan Jaafar”<dbszj@nus.edu.sg Alamat : 14 Science Drive 4 Singapore 117543 (D.25) Disassembly and functional diversity change in amphibian communities in degraded habitats in Indonesia (Sumatra) Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari dampak gangguan habitat oleh manusia pada komunitas yang kaya akan spesies amfibi di Indonesia Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 14 November 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jambi, Sumatra Selatan (Hutan Hujan Harapan, TN Bukit Barisan Selatan) Mitra Kerja : Sekolah Ilmu dan Teknologi Hayati ITB (Prof. Dr. Djoko T. Iskandar) NAMA PENELITI ASING: (D.25.a) Andre Jankowski Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Husum. 25-09-1973 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Institusi : Dept. of Animal Ecology, University of Hamburg Email : andre.jankowski@zoologie.uni-hamburg.de Alamat : Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3 D-20146 Hamburg, Germany Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 105 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (D.26) Effects of environmental enrichment on activity budget and abnormal behaviours of captive slow loris (Nycticebus coucang) in rehabilitation Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari pengaruh pengayaan lingkungan untuk mereduksi perilaku abnormal loris yang berada dalam kandang Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 15 Maret2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Barat (Bogor) Mitra Kerja : Wihermanto - Pusat Konservasi Tumbuhan KR Bogor, LIPI Abstract Objectives: 1. To see the effect of environmental enrichment on reducing abnormal behaviours in captive slow lorises. 2. Predict an improvement in animal well-being and future survival in the wild. 3. Predict which type of wild available plants have a greater positive effect on captive slow lorises. Rehabilitation and release programmes include releasing wild animals that have been injured or captive-bred animals and may be part of a comprehensive conservation effort for an endangered or threatened species (Kleinman, 1989). The success behind captive-reared reintroduction programmes like the golden lion tamarin is because of pre-release conditioning that was responsible for behaviours that increased survival in the wild (Kleinman et al., 1986; Beck, 1991; Stoinski et al., 2003). Post release survival can be increased if captive-bred animals are prepared for the wild before being released. There is evidence that captivity alters an animal’s behaviour from its wild conspecifics (Jule et al., 2008; Marquez-Arias et al., 2010). A more naturalistic captive environment has been suggested to promote wild type behaviours (Carlstead, 1996; Dishman et al., 2009). Mallapur et al., 2007 reported that confiscated primates show high incidence of abnormal behaviour possibly related to a non stimulating environment. There are several known ways to tackle abnormal behaviour in captive animals which are through genetic selection, drug intervention, positive reinforcement, punishment and environmental enrichment (Mason, 2007). Environmental enrichment is the most common method (Mason, 2007). For example, feeding enrichment helps increase foraging time which is a natural feeding behaviour (Honess et al., 2006a). Although rehabilitating primates are in captivity for the purpose of future release, mental stress should be reduced as much as possible. Chronic stress leading to psychological stress is recognised in primates (Honess et al., 2006b). 106 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Captive slow lorises at International Animal Rescue (IAR) Indonesia, are held in captivity with the intention of reintroduction to the wild. It has been found that wild slow loris (Nycticebus spp) show greatest preference for nectar producing plants with one third of the time spent foraging on sap (Wiens et al., 2007). In relation to this, it could be suggested that environmental enrichment that are tied to producing natural behaviours should be introduced to captive slow lorises. Methods: Introducing enrichment to wild-born and captive-bred slow lorises in captivity prior to being released to the wild. Enrichment includes natural plants such as Dischochaeta gracillis, Angiopteris evecta, Paraserianthes falcataria, Pinanga coronate, Plectocomia coronate, Calliandra calothyrsus, Cercopia peltata and Piper aduncum. These plants are readily available around the area of the rescue centre and also available in the secondary forest where the lorises are released. Other enrichment include using bamboo filled with honey, balls hung with honey inside, crickets filled into bamboo. Natural enrichment was prioritized more than the made ones whenever possible. However, due to the lack of staff to collect samples from the wild sometimes easier enrichment which was the hand-made ones were used. We also found that using the natural plants required more effort and were less likely to be feasible long term therefore a mixture of natural and non natural enrichment had to be selected. We hope that by doing this we would slowly be able to introduce a culture between the keepers to give more natural plants instead of made enrichment. Each enrichment was introduced to one group for a minimum of 4 weeks to observe if any changes had been observed in weight or health. This is very important as these lorises are kept in captivity in unnatural conditions and it is most important to make sure that diseases or too high nutrition is given to them. Data collection as not included during this period. We considered this the habituation to enrichment phase. There were no changes in weight after the one month period nor was there any change in overall health in any of the lorises. We did notice that the lorises sneezed a few times when given some enrichment that contained dried leaves. We believed this to be due to dust particles. However, no long term effect was seen so we concluded that it could not cause any long term respiratory problem. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (D.26.a) Sharmini Julita Paramasivam Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Selangor, 20-09-1982 Warga Negara : Malaysia Jabatan : Research Fellow Institusi : Oxford Brookes University Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 107 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Email :sharminijp@gmail.com Alamat : 95,SS 18/4, 47500 Subang Jaya Selangor, Malaysia (D.27) Sustainable Manajement of Bioresources in Lowland Tropical Forest Tujuan Penelitian Bidang Penelitian Lama Penelitian Daerah Penelitian Mitra Kerja : Menganalisa akibat penggunaan tanah dan perubahan lapisan tanah terhadap atmosfer dan siklus hidrologi di Riau, serta untuk menghasilkan sebuah manjemen yang berkelanjutan dalam hal sumberdaya alam di tanah rendah hutan tropis di Kalimantan Barat : Biologi : 12 (dua belas) bulan dimulai 9 November 2012 : DKI Jakarta, Kalimantan Barat (Pontianak, Wana Subur LestariHutan Rawa Gambut, Sari Bumi Kusuma-Hutan Hujan Tropis), Riau (Pekanbaru, Tasik Betung, Giam Siak) : Prof. Dr. Bambang Subiyanto - Pusat Inovasi LIPI Abstrak My research purposes are to provide the required scientific information and technology to establish the sustainable management of bio-resources in lowland tropical forests and coastal region. My research also aims to clarify the quality and quantity of environmental services, and to improve the life of local peoples living in the forested areas. Our core objectives are to estimate the impacts of land use and land cover change on the atmosphere and hydrological cycle in Riau and to propose Sustainable Management of Bioresources in Lowland Tropical Forests in the West Kalimantan. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (D.27.a) Osamu Kozan Tempat dan tanggal lahir Warga Negara Jabatan Institusi : : : : Email :kozan@cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp Alamat : 46 Shimoaddachi-cho, Yoshida Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan 606-8501 108 Hiroshima, 19-06-1976 Jepang Associate Professor Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (D.28) Echinodermas as Bioindicators of Coral Reef Health and Resiliance in the indo-Pacific Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari aspek-aspek kesehatan terumbu karang dengan menggunakan Echinoderms sebagai bioindikator Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Kelautan Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 19 November 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Bali (TN Bali Barat, Nusa Lambongan, Nusa Penida), NTB (Lombok), NTT (P. Komodo), Sulawesi Utara (Bunaken), Sulawesi Tenggara (Wakatobi) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Udayana (Prof. Dr. I Gusti Ngurah Mahardikia) Abstract I will be researching the potential of the reef-dwelling echinoderm community to serve as a bioindicator of coral reef health and resilience across a range of human impacts. Indonesia is the global center of marine biodiversity, but it also has a very high ratio of coastline to land area. This means that as Indonesia becomes increasingly developed, the surrounding marine ecosystem is highly impacted. However, the extent of human impact is largely unknown and difficult to quantify. Identifying accurate bioindicator species would allow us to easily and efficiently evaluate the state of coral reef ecosystems for managment, policy and conservation purposes. Echinoderms are large, slow-moving macroinvertebrates that encompass a variety of trophic levels and have been shown to be sensitive to pollution and other human impacts. Echinoderms tend to feed by class (i.e. starfish=predators, brittle stars=detritivores, urchins=grazers, crinoids=filter feeders). Since a healthy, functioning ecosystem generally has a balanced complement of trophic niches, the ratio of echinoderm biomass at each trophic level may allow us to assess the health and resilience of a reef. Methods: I will survey the echinoderm community on coral reefs at a consistent depth and determine the ratio of echinoderm biomass at each trophic level for a pristine reef and compare that ratio of echinoderm biomass to impacted reefs across a gradient of human impact factors. My study will take into account water temperature, turbitiy, nutrificatioft, watershed land use, fishing intensity, current and other additional factors that are yet to be determined. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 109 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Results: I hope to establish a scale of healthy/resilient reefs as well as identifying trophic ratio warning signs that signify “at risk” reefs. This information will be shared with the local community and regional policy makers. I also hope to create a key to identifying Indonesian echinoderm species that will educate and involve the local community and interested tourists, etc. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (D.28.a) Erica Lyn Warkus Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Hawaii, 29-06-1990 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Student Institusi : Arizona State University Email :erica.warkus@gmail.com Alamat : 68-1866 W, Kaupapa PI. Waikoloa, HI 96738, USA (D.29) Effect on environmental stressors on the ecophysiology of marine organisms Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti dampak tekanan lingkungan di level fisiologis, ekologis, dan ontogenetis pada spesies-spesies laut yang penting dengan menggunakan pendekatan biomarker Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Kelautan Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 24 September 2012 Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta (Teluk Jakarta, Kep. Seribu) Sulawesi Selatan (Makassar, Kep. Spermonde), Bali Mitra Kerja : Puslitbang Kelautan & Pemrosesan Produk Perikanan dan Bioteknologi - KKP (Dr. Singgih Wibowo) Abstract Worldwide, megacities are posing enormous environmental pressure on the marine environment. As a result of multiple stressors such as eutrophication, increased sedimentation, hypoxia, pollution with toxic substances, fishing pressure and habitat degradation, marine organisms and whole ecosystems are challenged, both ecologically and physiologically, 110 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 under these stressful conditions. For this PhD project, the effects of environmental stress on ecologically and economically important marine species will be studied on a physiological, ecological and ontogenetic level using a biomarker approach. This project is part of Topic 1 SPICE. Research will primarily be carried out in Jakarta Bay. Field work will be carried out during a number of field visits between September 2012 and February 2015. Using cellular, metabolic and ecological biomarkers, it is expected to find physiological impairments from the environmental pollution as well as trade-offs between basal maintenance and reproduction/ activity leading to unsustainable populations. This knowledge will support the establishment of management plans and the sustainable use of environmental resources. In addition, the work in this subproject links to work carried out in by other research groups in Topics 3 and 4 from the SPICE project. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (D.29.a) Britta Gunilla Baum Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Berlin, 24-01-1987 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Institusi : Leibnitz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology Email : gunilla.baum@zmt-bremen.de Alamat : D-28359 Bremen, Germany (D.30) Effectiveness of BioRock coral reef restoration Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji efektivitas restorasi terumbu karang, khisisnya BioRock, di sekitar kepulauan Gili Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Kelautan Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 5 November 2012 Daerah Penelitian : NTB (Gili Trawangan) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Mataram (Dr. Ir. Sitti Hilyana, M.Si., Ir. Lalu Arifin Aria Bakti, M.Agr.) Abstract Purpose of Research: In my research I aim to assess effectiveness of reef restoration, specifically BioRock, around the Gili Islands, just off the northwest coast of Lombok, Indonesia. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 111 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA I hope to identify if the coral restoration in the Gili Islands can be biologically effective for replication at even larger scales in marine parks throughout Indonesia. Many researchers have assessed restored reefs in terms of coral growth, but few have examined if coral community assemblages (the different coral species and shapes that make up the coral reef ), fish diversity and biomass on are comparable to natural reefs in similar habitats. I also hope to determine which habitat characteristics (depth, distance from shore, etc) lead to the most successful restoration projects. Methodology: My research will have three components: 1) monitoring large highly mobile fish (stationary point counts); 2) monitoring small and hidden fish species (belt transects); and 3) measuring coral and other immobile organisms (quadrat counts). Stationary point counts will be conducted first because large mobile fish are more likely to swim away. I will identify all fish greater than 25cm in length (identifying to species if possible, and estimating length within 5 cm) that swim within a 10 meter diameter during a five minute time period. In order to count all species within the cylinder I will position myself in the center of the cylinder and rotate. For the belt transects, I will make two 20 meter swims (or transects) over the coral identifying species and estimating length of all small (less than 25cm in length), or cryptic (hidden) fish within 2 meters to either side of the transect line. On the first swim I will identify all species greater than 10cm in length, while on the second swim I will identify fish less thanlOcm in length and cryptic species. Quadrat counts will be used to assess coral diversity and assemblages. For this method I will construct 1 by 1 meter square quadrats using P VC pipe. At each site I will randomly place the quadrat in six locations. At each I will identify (to genus or species if possible, otherwise to family) and measure each immobile organism within the boundaries of the quadrat. All monitoring will be conducted by myself, Kelly Haisfield, and my research assistant, Adam Oaks, using self contained underwater breathing apparatus (SCUBA) equipment and done monthly at both restored and control sites, which I will identify based on similarity of habitat and geographical location to restored sites. At each site, I will measure spatial location, temperature, depth, visibility, and slope. I will map and spatially analyze sites using Arc GIS 9 software, and statistically analyze fish diversity, biomass and coral assemblages. If commercially important species (sharks, grouper, etc.) are observed outside of transects they will be recorded, but not included in statistical analyses. Location: Shallow water coral reefs surrounding Gili Trawangan, Lombok, Indonesia. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (D.30.a) Kelly Haisfield Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Maryland, 16-04-1983 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Program Associate 112 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Institusi : World Wide Fund (WWF) Email : k_haisfield@yahoo.com Alamat : 2000 N Adams St. Apt. 726, Arlington, VA 22201, USA 2012 (D.31) Assessing Impact of Climate Change on Coral Reef Health and Coastal Environments in West Papua, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji dampak-dampak perubahan iklim terhadap kesehatan terumbu karang dan lingkungan pantai dan pemetaan pantaipantai tempat atau sarang bertelur dan penetasan kura-kura laut (Dermochelys coriacea)di Papua Barat Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Kelautan Lama Penelitian : 12 (duabelas) bulan mulai 14 Juli 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Papua Barat (Teluk Cendrawasih dan Jazirah Kepala Burung bagian utara) Mitra Kerja : Ridwan Sala dan Richardo Tapilatu - Jurusan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Negeri Papua, Manokwari Abstract Geological and geophysical seafloor and terrestrial mapping will be conducted in Cenderawasih Bay and the north side of Bird’s Head Peninsula as the foundation of a comprehensive baseline dataset for the region to understand better the impacts of climate change on biohabitats. Despite their remoteness and near-pristine condition, the islands, reefs and forests of the Coral Triangle face immediate threats from climate change and ocean acidification. Our long-term goal is to raise scientific awareness and education in Papua, Indonesia by improving technology and initiating collaborative research efforts to assess how forcing functions such as sea level rise and climate change are impacting these biologically important environments. Project Summary High-resolution regional seafloor and coastal terrestrial mapping will be conducted to provide constraints about the past and present processes that have shaped the existing environments that have led to the highly biodiverse ecosystems observed in West Papua. E. Johnstone will be using terrestrial scanning technology to map the beaches along the north side of Bird’s Head Peninsula. She will also use sidescan and multibeam to map the shallow reef environments in Cenderawasih Bay with assistance from researchers and students from UNIPA. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 113 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Once regional data has been acquired, researchers will conduct biological and geological sampling efforts to gather chronological information and document dispersal patterns of endangered species. The interdisciplinary approach to research in the area will provide opportunities for extensive training of Indonesian researchers and students, while engaging them in data collection and analysis. Project Description and Methodology Terrestrial Mapping of Leatherback nesting beaches Semi-annual surveys will be carried out of the entire coastline between the West end of the nesting beach of Wembrak to the East end of the nesting beach of Wermon. In July 2011, the first trials will take place and it is expected that the entire coastline will be surveyed in 2 weeks time. During the inter-season (October-November 2011) the coastline will be surveyed again to measure the start of beach erosion at Jamursba Medi (Wembrak, Batu Rumah and Warmamedi) and the start of sand build-up (accretion) at Wermon. In February 2012 the next survey will take place to record the effect of several months of sustained NW monsoon winds. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (D.31.a) Elizabeth Anne Carruthers Johnstone Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Indonesia, 22 – 02 – 1977 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Graduate Student in Marine Biology Institusi : Scripp Institution of Oceanography, La Jola, California Email : elizabeth johnstone lizjo222@gmail.com eajohnst@ucsd.edu Alamat : 9500 Gilman Drive MC : 0208 Scripp Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, CA 92037, USA (D.32) Biological Survey on the Indonesian Coelacanth, 2010 Tujuan Penelitian : Menjelaskan aspek habitat biologi ikan Coelacanth Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Kelautan Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 19 Agustus 2012 114 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Ambon, Maluku, Sulawesi Utara (Teluk Manado, Bunaken, P. Talise, P. Bangka, P. Siau), Maluku Utara (Ternate, Galela, P. Morotai, P. Gebe), Papua (Loka Konservasi Biota Laut LIPI di Bosnik, Biak dan Karido di Kab. Biak Numfor)) Mitra Kerja : Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi LIPI (Dr. Augy Syahailatua) Abstract Indonesian coelacanth, Latimeria menadoensis, was found in Manado, Province Sulawesi Utara in 1997. In December 1999, 2 living coelacanths were filmed in north Sulawesi about 300km far from Manado, but since then there has been no record. Our researches since 2005 were conducted in the north area of Sulawesi Island and succeed to find out the coelacanth habitat around Buol, Central Sulawesi Province. In addition, the living coelacanth was filmed in Manado Bay. However detailed information like the range of distribution, population, life history and other behavior are still unknown. Aquamarine Fukushima has established good co-operation with LIPI and Sam Ratulangi University and conduct Indonesian coelacanth survey together. We need to make it stronger and should study ecosystem in Sulawesi water including the coelacanth habitat as a next step. Aim of research The aim of the study is to clear the coelacanth biology and habitat in Indonesia. Theresult of video materials recorded will be utilized for the education and publicawareness of the coelacanth conservations. This survey will be conducted togetherwith researchers of the Research Center for Oceanography, LIPI and the Faculty ofFisheries and Marine Science of Sam Ratulangi University. Through this survey,they will get basic scientific data around the survey area. The result of this survey will be shared between AMF, LIPI and UNSRAT. It mustavail for the conservation of coelacanth and the marine resource in this area.In addition, because the range of distribution of the coelacanth is expected to existwider in Indonesia, the survey area should expand gradually to other places. Observation underwater ROV is operated on the surface and dive until 300m depth for the surface. Itfilms the environment with recording several data like date, time, direction,depth, temperature and so Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 115 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA on.The operation time is usually between 30 minutes and 60 minutes. According toinfluences of the current it is difficult to keep operating against it, however,when the coelacanth is found, we try to film it as long as possible.Each coelacanth has a different spot pattern on the body. It is possible todistinguish each individual using these spot patterns. During filming, some environmental changes like water temperature will berecorded with the coelacanth behavior. They will be analyzed for the influence ofthe environmental factor to the fish. The oceanographic data (water temperature, current, under water topography and so on) will be collected during the survey cooperated by RCO-LIPI and UNSEAT. These data will be captured periodically once a month. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (D.32.a) Masamitsu Iwata Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Fukushima, 14 – 07 – 1966 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Researcher Institusi : Aquamarine Fukushima Email : m-iwata@marine.fks.ed.jp Alamat : 32-50, Sorimachi, Taira-Shimoarakawa Iwaki City, Fukushima Pref. Japan 971-8032 (D.33) Understanding and Managing the Resilience of Coral Reefs and Associated Social Systems Tujuan Penelitian : Mengukur struktur, dinamika, dan perbedaan populasi genetika serta spesies-spesies yang penting secara ekologis dan komersil di habitat pesisir Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Kelautan Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 11 September 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Selatan (Kep. Spermonde), NTT (Laut Sawu) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Biologi - Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (Dr. Agus Nuryanto) 116 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Abstract Due to increasing changes of environmental conditions and overexploitation of coastal habitats like coral reefs, many species inhabiting such habitat suffer depletion of populations, which may lead to local extinctions. The change of species composition may have an influence on the resilience of a whole ecosystem to disturbances and changing environmental conditions. Important factors for an assessment of the status and chance for recovery and adaptation of exploited and disturbed populations is the genetic diversity and connectivity to other conspecific populations. In this subproject, the genetic population structures, dynamics, and diversities of commercially and/or ecologically important species of coastal habitats (e.g. coral reefs) in two different regions of Indonesia will be measured (Spermonde Archipelago, Sulawesi, and SavuSea). We aim to investigate organisms that are either exploited by fisheries of the regions, or fulfil an important ecological role in the construction and conservation of coral reefs. With having a picture of the population structures of these species at the ready, we will be able to estimate the connectivity and dispersal leading to a better understanding of recruitment and recovery possibilities, and underlying factors, at the different sites. This baseline data is useful for a comprehensive picture, together with the data compiled by the other sub-projects, of the state, resilience, and management needs of each species. We aim to study following organism groups in the subproject: • Scleractinian coral species; ecologically important ecosystem-engineers • Herbivorous reef fish: important for the reef ecology and coral recovery (resilience) • Holothuria: economically and ecologically important; nutrient remineralisation For the genetic analyses, small tissue samples (e.g. 5x5mm fin clip for fish) need to be collected and stored in >96% ethanol until the extraction of the DNA in the laboratory. For each species, at least 20 tissue samples from each sampling site are needed for profound/ robust analyses and statistical validation. The tissue samples will be collected directly by scuba diving or snorkelling in a non-invasive manner, whenever possible, or with the least impact upon the animals possible. Additionally, in case of commercially used species (e.g. some fish and holothurian species), the cooperation with local fishermen will be preferably implemented. The genetic analyses will be conducted in the genetics lab in Bremen (UFT), Germany, and in Purwokerto, Indonesia. For each organism group, listed above, we will choose two species that differ in their reproductive behaviour (e.g. breeding vs. free spawning), or other important factors for dispersal. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 117 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA The analytical methods in the lab start with the DNA extraction, followed by the amplification of specific DNA fragments used as genetic markers with the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). The products will be checked with the gel-electrophorasis and finally the DNA fragments will be sequenced or the lengths will be measured with automated sequencers. Population genetic analyses, using specific computer based programmes will be conducted to assess the genetic diversity and connectivity of the studied species within the study areas. To have a good coverage of populations in the first study area, Spermonde Archipelago, south Sulawesi, around 15 sample sites, well spread over the whole area, were selected. They are located in all shelf areas, as those might exhibit different current regimes and influences from outside the archipelago, e.g. the land or the Indonesian Throughflow. Additionally, an overlap of study sites with the other subprojects is important to have assortative data for a synergetic analysis. For the second study area, the Savu-Sea, potential six sample sites will hopefully be covered, in cooperation with the other subprojects. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (D.33.a) Janne Kristina Timm Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Hannover, 17-02-1976 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Postddoctoral Research Fellow Institusi : University Bremen Email : jatimm@uni-bremen.de Alamat : Leobenerstr, 28859 Bremen, Germany (D.34) Responses of bacterial communities to anthropogenic impacts Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti kelebihan patogen karang potensial di Kep. Spermonde Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Kelautan Lama Penelitian : 3 (tiga) bulan mulai 13 September 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Selatan (Makassar, Pangkep) Mitra Kerja : Balitbang KP (Dr. Agus Heri Purnomo) Abstract In this project we will investigate the abundance of potential coral pathogens (Alteromonodaceae and Vibrionaceae) along an environmental cross-shelf gradient in the 118 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Spermonde Archipelago, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The investigation will go along with an assessment of important water quality parameters (NO3”, N02’, NrU+, PO43-, Chi a, DOC), benthic cover rates and coral disease prevalence. With this comprehensive data set we aim to shed new light on the responses of heterotrophic, and potentially pathogenic, bacterial communities to various anthropogenic influences. This will help to identify threats to local coral reef ecosystems as well as clarifying which influences will need to be addressed to facilitate coral reef ecosystem recovery and resilience. Objectives Overarching goals of the proposed project are to reveal the relative roles of different DOC sources in the growth stimulation of potentially pathogenic bacteria and to examine the in-situ effects of DOC on bacterial abundance along a cross-shelf eutrophication gradient Therefore, I will address the following key questions in the proposed dissertation: • How does the availability of DOC from different sources (coral, algae, sewage) influence the abundance of total bacteria, Vibrionaceae and Alteromonadaceae? • Is there a correlation between DOC concentrations, bacterial abundance and basic indicators of coral reef health in-situ (e.g. disease prevalence)? The overarching goals result in a set of hypotheses which will be addressed: • DOC released by algae has the greatest potential to increase Vibrionaceae and Alteromonadaceae abundance. • The abundance of the monitored bacteria, in the water column and coral mucus, will increase significantly with an increase of DOC availability in-situ. By fulfilling the following objectives, the key questions and study hypotheses can be answered: • Monitoring of Vibrionaceae, Alteromonadaceae in the water column and coral mucus, as well as water quality parameters in-situ along the cross-shelf eutrophication gradient (field work). • Parallel monitoring of live coral cover, coral diversity, algae cover and coral disease prevalence (field work). • Small-scale DOC measurements and bacterial counts at “hot-spots” of algaegrowth (field work). NAMA PENELITI ASING: (D.34) Hauke Fabian Schwieder Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Aurich, 28-04-1983 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Research Assistant Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 119 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Institusi : The Leibnitz Center for Tropical Marine (ZMT) Email : hauke.schwieder@zmt-bremen.de Alamat : Fahrenleitstraβe 6, 28359 Bremen, Germany (D.35) Understanding Top-down and Bottom up rocesses that Lead to Functional Change in Indonesian Coral Reefs Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji dan mengidentifikasi peran dari proses-proses top down dan bottom up yang berpengaruh terhadap keadaan terumbu karang di Kep. Spermonde Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Kelautan & Manajemen SDA Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 10 September 2012 Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta (Teluk Jakarta dan Kep. Seribu) ; Sulawesi Selatan (Kep. Spermonde, Pangkep dan Makassar); NTT (Laut Sawu) Kalimantan Timur (Berau) Mitra Kerja : Puslitbang Kelautan & Pemrosesan Produk Perikanan dan Bioteknologi - KKP (Dr. Singgih Wibowo) Abstract Coral reefs are some of the most biologically diverse ecosystems on the planet, but their future is threatened.Direct and indirect anthropogenic processes such as climate change, overexploitation, disease and changes in water quality are altering their natural biogeochemical environment (Hughes et al. 2003). Many human populations rely on the goods and services provided by coral reefs meaning that changes to these systems will have important impacts on coastal communities (McClanahan et al. 2009), therefore, lending importance to understanding how environmental processes affect reefs. Coral reef community composition is affected by the generation and accumulation of organic and inorganic products where the accumulation of carbonate from photosynthesising, hermatypic, corals create essential habitat for other reef dwelling organisms. They compete with other primary producers for resources such as nutrients, light and space meaning the reef is highly affected by bottom-up processes where increased nutrients can stimulate plant growth and microbial activity leading to decreased oxygen availability or eutrophication (Kuntz et al. 2005, Kline et al. 2006). Furthermore, coral reef benthic communities are also controlled by top-down process such as vertebrate and invertebrate grazing and carbonate turnover (Hoey and Bellwood 2007, 2010). These two opposing processes, accumulation and removal, become unbalanced through anthropogenic and/or natural perturbations. Subsequently, this can result 120 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 in a change in habitat complexity and community composition and overall ecosystem function, potentially leading to less desirable, alternate ecological stable states (Bellwood et al. 2004, Norstrom et al. 2009). When ecosystem function is able to stay relatively consistent, it allows for a level of resilience within the community when perturbations do occur (Roff and Mumby 2012). Furthermore, reef function is intrinsically linked to the goods and services they provide to coastal communitiesand, therefore, understanding the underlying ecological processes can facilitate better resource management. The relative importance of bottom-up and top-down processes have yet to be explored in Indonesia, a tropical archipelago state that relies on the resources provided by its coral reefs. Makassar is a coastal city of approximately 1.3 million people, on the relatively large island of Sulawesi. Off the western coast of the city lies the Spermonde archipelago which contains islands and reefs varying in distance of up to 70 kilometres from Makassar. These islands and reefs are exposed to varying levels of fishing pressures and nutrient exposure. The main source of the effluents comes from Makassar and previous studies have shown a gradient of increasing water quality as one moves away from the city (Edinger and Kolasa 2000, Sawall et al. 2011). Fishing pressure varies spatially where reefs closest to the city experience greatest pressure, but local populations on islands of the archipelago means that the same gradient as water quality does not exist, and individual islands can see increased fishing pressure despite relative distance to Makassar. Given the combination of a consistent change in water quality, but a semi haphazard fishing regime, this offers a unique opportunity to test the varying effects of these two variables, water quality and fishing pressure, in their influence on reef community composition, structure, and function. Research Objectives: The aim of this project is to examine and identify the role of various top-down and bottomup processes that affect the function of reefs off the Spermonde archipelago to elucidate key components that can lead to alternative states of the reef. Further objectives include identifying key species or functional groups that may assist in the resilience of the reef to avoid ecological transition. Particular concern will be on species or groups that are both important for the health of the reef and as human resources because of the close relationship of the two. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (D.35.a) Mirta Carolina Teichberg Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Buenos Aires, 20 - 02 - 1976 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Research Group Leader Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 121 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Institusi : The Leibnitz Center for Tropical Marine (ZMT) Email : mirta.teichberg@zmt-bremen.de Alamat : Fahrenleitstraβe 6, 28359 Bremen, Germany (D.35.b) Sebastian Ferse Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Braunschweig, 24 - 12 - 1978 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Researcher Institusi : The Leibnitz Center for Tropical Marine (ZMT) Email : sebastian Alamat : Fahrenleitstr 6, 28359 Bremen, Germany (D.35.c) Jeremiah Plass-Johnson Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Uxbridge, 02-04-1986 Warga Negara : Kanada Jabatan : Independent Research Assistant Institusi : OuTrop - The Orangutan Tropical Peatland Project Email :jeremiahtaylor43@gmail.com Alamat : 572 Romaine Street, Peterborough, ON K0L1V0, UK. (D.35.d) Jasmin Pascale Heiden Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Lavenkusen, 14 - 10 - 1988 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Research Assistant Institusi : The Leibnitz Center for Tropical Marine (ZMT) Email : J.heiden@uni-bremen.de Alamat : Fahrenleitstraβe 6, 28359 Bremen, Germany 122 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (D.36) Research on mosquito-borne and blood-borne viral infectious diseases in Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan penelitian epidemiologi sero- dan molekuler sebagai studi dasar yang diperlukan untuk mengetahui karakteristik virus yang dibawa oleh nyamuk dan darah Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Molekuler Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 25 September 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Timur (Surabaya) Mitra Kerja : Lembaga Penyakit Tropis, Universitas Airlangga (Prof. Dr. Nasronudin, dr., SpPD, K-PI, FINASIM) Abstract Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne viral disease that is endemic throughout tropical and subtropical countries including Indonesia, and is caused by infection with dengue virus type 1-4. The recent distribution of the viruses in Indonesia has not been elucidated, and there would be a possibility of an appearance of highly pathogenic strains in the future. Thus, it is important to continuously conduct the surveillance of the viruses in Indonesia. In addition, HIV/ AIDS is a blood-borne viral disease prevalent all over the world, and is mainly caused by HIV-1 infection. Rapidly growing epidemic of HIV-1 is a serious public health problem in Indonesia. In order to control the HIV-1 epidemic, it is important to reveal the current prevalence rate of HIV-1 in Indonesia. In addition, HIV-1 is a highly mutagenic pathogen. The mutation-driven evolution of HIV-1 potentially changes viral characteristics such as its pathogenicity and antigenicity, and may also affects the sensitivity of diagnostic methods for this virus; therefore, it is important to perform the genotyping of currently circulating viruses in Indonesia. Finally, co-existence of two or more blood-bourn pathogenic viruses may affect their pathogenicity. In order to reveal the co-infection of blood-bourn viruses, sero- and molecular epidemiology of such bloodborne viruses, HBV, HCV and GBV-C, is also important. I would like to perform sero- and molecular epidemiology as well as basic studies which are required to reveal viral characteristics on these mosquito-borne and blood-borne viral diseases, in order to gain the information that are necessary for the control and prevention of these viral diseases in Indonesia. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 123 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NAMA PENELITI ASING: (D.36.a) Tomohiro Kotaki Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Hyogo, 03-05-1988 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Research Assistant Institusi : Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe University Email :tkotaki0503@yahoo.co.jp Alamat : 7-5-1, Kusunoki-cho, Chou-ku, Kobe, Hyogo 650-0017, Japan (D.37) Validation of on-invasive sampling for malaria surveillance in non-human primates Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti mengenai validasi metode deteksi malaria dari sampel fases pada Macaca sp yang akan dilakukan di LBM Eijkman Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Molekuler Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 7 November 2012 Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta Mitra Kerja : LBM Eijkman (Dr. Josephine Siregar) Abstract This project aims to establish standard protocols to use non-invasive fecal samples for detection and identification of macaque malarias [Plasmodium species) in collaboration with the Eijkman Institute of Molecular Biology. The project will benefit disease surveillance and human health by providing a non-invasive, relatively inexpensive technique to detect the presence of potential zoonotic pathogens.In order to validate this protocol, we propose to conduct preliminary work on captive macaques that are known Plasmodium positive. We plan to: 1) Determine the optimal method of collection and storage of fecal samples; 2) Determine sensitivity of detection; 3) Improve ability to survey for malaria. Fecal matter has been used as a non-invasive technique to study hormones, genetics, disease and more in rare or hard to capture species. The relative ease of collecting feces and non-invasiveness makes it an ideal tool to use in the field, especially to collect samples from a large number of individuals. 124 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 With improvement in molecular techniques, fecal samples have been used in the detection and surveillance of many pathogens: from viruses to helminths (i.e. Keele et al. 2006). Several recent studies have successfully isolated and sequenced novel Plasmodium species from fecal samples of apes and Old World Monkeys in Central Africa (Prugnolle et al. 2010, Kaiser et al. 2010). We propose to utilize these successes as a template for developing standard protocols for macaques and the detection of their malaria parasites. Malaria parasites (genus Plasmodium) infect a diversity of primates globally. Humans are hosts to four species of Plasmodium [P. falciparum, P. vivax, P. malariae, and P. ovale), which continue to cause significant morbidity and mortality globally. In Southeast Asia, a fifth species of malaria, P. knowlesi, has been found in humans, although the natural hosts are macaques. This zoonotic malaria (animal to human transmission) poses a novel threat to public health in the region but little is known about the prevalence and distribution of P. knowlesi in wild macaque populations. By developing a protocol to isolate and identify Plasmodium from non-invasive samples, we aim to improve our understanding of transmission dynamics and contribute crucial information for prevention and control strategies of this zoonosis. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (D.37.a) Christina Lynn Faust Tempat dan tanggal lahir Warga Negara Jabatan Institusi Email : Georgia-USA, 29 Mei 1987 : Amerika Serikat : Ph.D. Candidate : Princeton University :cfaust@princenton.edu Alamat : 106a Guyot Hall, Princenton, NJ 08544, USA (D.38) Collaborative Research Center for Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Disease (CRD – ERID) Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari virus hepatitis B dan Hepatitis C pada penderita karier asimtomatik, hepatitis kronis, kanker hati dan karsinoma hepatoselular Bidang Penelitian : Mikrobiologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 16 Oktober 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Timur (Surabaya), DI. Yogjakarta, Kalimantan Timur (TN. Samboja Lestari), Balidan Sulawesi Tenggara Mitra Kerja : Prof. Dr. H. Fasich, Apt - Lembaga Penyakit Tropis, Universitas Airlangga. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 125 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Abstract Objectives of Research: The purposes of research are to determine the extent of infection on Hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (IICV) and hepatitis E virus (HEV) in Indonesia, and to clarify the characteristics of HBV; HCV and HEV in Indonesia. Methodology and Concepts 1. All the research activities on hepatitis viruses, such as hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV) and hepatitis E virus (HEV), will be conducted in Institute of Tropical Disease (ITD), Airlangga University, in collaboration with Dr.Soetjipto, the head of the Viral Hepatitis research group at ITD, and his colleagues. 2. A Japanese long-term researcher, Dr.Takako Utsumi, who stays at ITD to do research on viral hepatitis will be dispatched from Center for Infectious Diseases (CID), Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine. The supervisors of the long-term researcher (Dr.Yoshitake Hayashi and Dr.Hak Hotta) and/or their colleagues may be dispatched from CID for a short-term stay to join in the collaborative research activities at ITD. 3. The following experiments on hepatitis viruses will be conducted. A. B. C. D. E. F. 126 The entire genome of HBV obtained from asymptomatic carriers, and patients ofchronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma will be sequenced toexamine the possible correlation between the disease status and a particular mutation(s) of HBV. The entire genome of HBV obtained from patients who responded either efficientlyor poorly to lamivudine treatment will be sequenced to examine the possiblecorrelation between the treatment responses and a particular mutation (s) of HBV Part of the HCV genome (core, NS3, NS5A, NS5B, etc) obtained from asymptomatic carriers, and patients of chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma will be sequenced to examine the possible correlation between the disease status and a particular mutation (s) of HCV. Part of the HCV genome (core, NS3, NS5A, NS5B, etc) obtained from patients whoresponded either efficiently or poorly to the combination therapy with pegylatedinterferon and ribavirin will be sequenced to examine the possible correlation betweenthe treatment responses and a particular mutation (s) of HCV. Part of the HCV genome (core, NS3, NS5A, NS5B, etc) obtained fromHCV-infected patients will be sequenced to possibly identify naturally occurredgenetic recombination of HCV. Part of the HEV genome (ORF2 etc) obtained from HEV-infected patients and swinewill be sequenced and compared with each other. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA G. 2012 Serum samples will be serologically (HBsAg, anti-HCV, anti-HEV etc) examined to determine the status of HBV, HCV and HEV infection with sequence results in given regions. Research field: The fieldwork will be done in TulungAgung, Lamongan and Surabaya in Java, Mengwi and Denpasar in Bali, Samarinda in Kalimantan and Bau Bau in Sulawesi. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (D.38.a) Takako Utsumi Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Kagawa, 14 – 12 – 1962 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Assistant Professor Institusi : International Center for Medical Research and Treatment (ICMRT), Kobe University Email :takako.utsumi@gmail.com Alamat : 7-5-1, Kusunoki-Cho, Chuo-Ku, Kobe 650-0017, JAPAN Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 127 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Bidang riset Botani, disamping juga pada bab berikutnya Primatologi dan Zoologi,sebenarnya merupakan cabang dari Biologi; namun karena jumlahnya cukup signifikan sehingga dipisahkan dalam klasifikasi bidang di Buku ini. Botani banyak diteliti karena biodiversitas tanaman di Indonesia, terutama di wilayah Hutan yang masih belum terjamah. Secara keseluruhan terdapat 9 project penelitian, dan karena beberapa diantaranya dikerjakan oleh Tim, sehingga total mencapai 14 peneliti asing. (E.1) Rural Homegardens in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia: local perceptions of plant diversity, its importance for livelihoods and its change over time Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti perkembangan keberagaman spesies tanaman yang ditanam di kebun sekitar rumah masyarakat terkait dengan tren komersialisasi produknya yang tengah berkembang Bidang Penelitian : Botani Lama Penelitian : 1 (satu) bulan mulai 6 Februari 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Tengah (Ds. Wuasa, Ds. Wanga, Ds. Siliwanga, Ds. Rompo, Ds. Tamadue di Lembah Napu yang berdekatan dengan TN Lore Lindu) Mitra Kerja : Prof. Dr. Ir. Y. Purwanto, DEA - Komite Nasional Program MABUNESCO Indonesia, LIPI Abstract Homegardens are regarded as a sustainable agro-ecosystem located around a homestead for subsistence production and income generation, which is characterised by a rich biodiversity. Plant diversity is said to be the basis for homegarden productivity and sustainability, however, diversity is influenced by a combination of several agro-ecological and socio-economic factors, e.g. commercialisation and market access. In Central Sulawesi, plant diversity in homegardens has been studied in 2001 and 2004 in the same locations. The study confirmed the statement that homegardens harbour high plant diversity (204 useful plant species in 50 gardens). Plant diversity was positively influenced by garden size, but negatively by a cash-oriented production and if the gardener was a migrant. As the commercialisation of homegarden production further increased in the area (e.g. by introduction of cocoa growing in the gardens) it would be of interest to study the development of the same homegardens in a time series. The objective of the planned study is, therefore, to investigate the species diversity of useful plants in the same 128 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 gardens and to assess the factors responsible for changes. In addition, traditional knowledge of the gardeners on plants and their uses will be gathered for an ethno-botanical study. The study will be performed in 5 villages of the Napu valley in Central Sulawesi, where the same 50 homegardens studied in 2001 and 2004 will be re-visited. Plant species inventories will be performed in each of the gardens and gardeners will be interviewed individually. In each of the households a separate categorising and ranking exercise on plant uses and importance will be carried out with male and female household members, using a modified ‘Pebble Distribution Method’. In addition to individual interviews, group discussions and participative observation will be used. Multiple regression analysis will be carried out to identify the factors influencing plant diversity. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (E.1.a) Katja Kehlenbeck Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Hamburg, 04-06-1969 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Postdoctoral Fellow Institusi : World Agroforestry Centre Email : katja_kehlenbeck@yahoo.de, k.kehlenbeck@cgiar.org Alamat : PO.BOX 30677, 00100 Nairobi, Kenya (E.1.b) Isaline Mercerat Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Champoz, 18-11-1987 Warga Negara : Swiss Jabatan : Master Student Institusi : Institute for Systematic Botany, Zurich University Email :isalie.mercerat@gmail.com Alamat : Rue des Aulnes 42,2735 Bevilard (Bern), Switzerland Lama Penelitian : 8 (delapan) bulan mulai 6 Februari 2012 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 129 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (E.2) Genomic footprints of adaptation and diversification in tropical stone oaks (Lithocarpus; Fagaceae) Tujuan Penelitian : Mengaplikasikan teknik sequencing baru untuk mempelajari pola diversifikasi genus Lithocarpus. Bidang Penelitian : Botani Lama Penelitian : 5 (lima) bulan mulai 7 September 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jawa (Gn. Slamet), Sumatra (TN Kerinci Seblat, Gn. Gadut, TN Gn. Leuser), Kalimantan (TN Gn. Palung, TN Bukit Raya Bukit Baka, Gn. Meratus, TN Kutai), Sulawesi (TN Lore Lindu, Danau Matano, Camba) Mitra Kerja : Puslit Biologi LIPI (Abdulrokhhman Kartonegoro, S.Si.) Abstract How the genomes of diversifying lineages evolve and adapt is a fundamental problem in evolutionary biology and conservation science. This is particularly important given current predictions of rapid climatic changes and in the case of sessile organisms such as plants, whose dispersion ability is often limited. Plants will be able to cope with climatic changes if they can disperse fast enough, have a wide distribution range which increases the probability that small pockets of individuals can persist in refuge areas, or if they can evolve adaptive solutions. Although adaptation often uses new mutations that appear in a population, it is tightly linked to the amount and distribution of existing genetic variation in metapopulations. The reason being, that high genetic variation should allow a wider range of phenotypes to coexist tliroughout the species range and thus, a higher chance that some of these phenotypes can be adaptive in new environments. Both adaptive and non-adaptive forces contribute to shape the distribution of genetic variation among populations/species, its levels and patterns along the genome. These forces act in many ways manipulating demography, connectivity and fitness of populations, and specific genomic signatures of these processes are often left behind. Here we intent apply newly developed next generation sequencing techniques to study genome wide signatures of adaptation in a non-model system, the genus Lithocarpus {Fagaceae) and understand its history and diversification patterns. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (E.2.a) Maria Joao Palermo De Faria Amaral Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Porto, 24-06-1970 Warga Negara : Portugal Jabatan : Ph.D. Student / Collaborator 130 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Institusi : University of Fribourg / - Email :amaralmariajoao@gmail.com Alamat : 1700 Fribourg, Switzerland 2012 (E.3) Promoting Organic Dry Land Farming and Restoration of Deciduous Forest in West Bali, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti kesesuaian tanaman yang akan ditanam serta sistem pertanian yang digunakan petani lokal dengan daerah penanaman, untuk kepentingan penelitian agrikultur, pengayaan hutan dan kontrol terhadap erosi Bidang Penelitian : Botani Lama Penelitian : 12(dua belas) bulan mulai 7 April 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Barat (TN Gunung Halimun Salak), Bali (TN Bali Barat) Mitra Kerja : Ir. Albertus Husein Wawo, M.Si - Puslit Biologi LIPI NAMA PENELITI ASING: (E.3.a) Sally Eva Silverstone Tempat dan tanggal lahir : United Kingdom, 15-06-1955 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Researcher Institusi : Biosphere Foundation Email :siera@pcrf.org Alamat : P.O. Box 808 Big Pine, CA 93513, USA (E.4) The Review on Capsicum frutecens (Cabe Rawit): From Viewpoint of Distribution and Uniqueness/ Characteristics in Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti distribusi cabe rawit di Indonesia dengan mengumpulkan varietas lokal serta melakukan analisis untuk mengetahui penyebarannya di Asia Tenggara Bidang Penelitian : Botani Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan dimulai 11 Mei 2012 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 131 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Barat (Cirebon), Jawa Tengah (Brebes), Jawa Timur (Tuban dan Lamongan), Riau, Lampung, Sulawesi Selatan, Bali (Denpasar) Mitra Kerja : Dr. Herman Hidayat, APU - PMB LIPI dan Dr. Siti Nuramaliati Prijono – Puslit Biologi LIPI. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (E.4.a) Sota Yamamoto Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Hyogo, 03-04-1980 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Associate Professor Institusi : Research Center for the Pacific Islands, Kagoshima University Email :sotayama@cpi.kagoshima-u.ac.jp Alamat : 1-51-3-14 Kinkodai, Kagoshima, Japan 891-0145 (E.5) Botanical Exploration of Halmahera, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan penelitian keanekaragaman tumbuhan di Halmahera Bidang Penelitian : Botani Lama Penelitian : 12 (duabelas) bulan mulai 14 Juli 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Maluku (TN Aketajawe-Lolobata, Halmahera, Ternate), Jawa Barat (Bogor), Jawa, Sulawesi Mitra Kerja : Yayan Wahyu Candra Kusuma - Pusat Konservasi Tumbuhan, Kebun Raya Bogor LIPI Abstrak We propose to work with Kebun Raya Indonesia, Bogor (of LIPI), Herbarium Bogoriense (of LIPI), Burung Indonesia - Ternate (NGO), and Balai Taman Nasional Aketajawe-Lolobata to study the flloristic diversity of Halmahera. Our research objectives are to (1) build upon the knowledge of North Maluku biodiversity through collection of new herbarium specimens and data, (2) add to existing regional checklists of plants through a review of new and existing collections, and (3) support Indonesian research and conservation efforts integrating 132 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 ecological studies and in-situ and exsitu components. Herbarium specimen collections will only be made when appropriate Material Transfer Agreement and permits are in place with the aforementioned local counterpart(s), and in accordance with all LIPI policies. Any and all data, checklists, and publications arising from this research will be jointly developed and coauthored with Indonesian research counterparts. With the recent establishment of Aketajawe-Lolobata National Park, there is an important opportunity to catalog the biodiversity of Halmahera. Our goal is to support and complement national and local Indonesian efforts already underway. We anticipate that the proposed project will create a timely synergy. For example, Kebun Raya Bogor is currently spearheading a national effort to implement regional botanic gardens and thus broaden the coverage of exsitu plant collections held in national botanic gardens; our project will directly support this effort by delivering new propagules and training opportunities to newly forming Indonesian botanic gardens and their local staff. Our research project will also complement Burung Indonesia Ternate’s program to conserve the birds of Halmahera by enhancing studies of endemic bird - plant ecological interactions, and aid in identifying plant species important to sustaining rare bird populations. We will also build the collection of Herbarium Bogoriense (BO) via new herbarium specimens deposited at BO, and will work closely with taxonomists based at BO and Kebun Raya Bogor as a priority. The information and training shared with local park staff (Balai Taman Nasional of Aketajawe - Lolobata) as a result of this project will directly aid their work. Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden (FTBG), a non-profit public garden located in Miami, Florida, USA, was established in 1938. The garden was established in honor of Dr. David Fairchild (1869-1954), a famous plant explorer and author. Inspired by a conversation he had with Alfred Russel Wallace at an early age, Dr. Fairchild had a lifelong goal of studying the natural history of the Moluccas. Two years after the garden opened, when Dr. Fairchild was 71 years old, he finally had the opportunity to lead an expedition to the Moluccas to study the region’s plants, yet his trip was cut short due to the onset of World War II. Several years from now, Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden will celebrate the 75th anniversary of this expedition, and looks forward to celebrating this milestone through renewed research with Indonesian collaborators. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (E.5.a) Melissa Elizabeth Abdo Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Florida, 16-07-1981 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Researcher Institusi : Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden Email : mabdo002@gmail.com Alamat : Center for Tropical Plant Consevation, 11935 Old Cutler Road, Miami, FL, 33156 USA Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 133 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (E.6) Biogeography, ecology and informatics of Indonesian trees Tujuan Penelitian : Mengembangkan informasi keberagaman khususnya di bidang biogeografik dan diversifikasi ekologi tumbuhan Indonesia Bidang Penelitian : Botani Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 28 Februari 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Maluku (TN Manusela di Kab. Maluku Tengah, Seram), TN Bogani Nani Wartabone di Sulawesi Utara dan Gorontalo, Sumbawa, Kalimantan Barat (TN Gunung Palung di Kab. Kayong Utara) Mitra Kerja : Dr. Teguh Triono Instansi : Puslit Biologi – LIPI Abstract The Indonesian archipelago contains tree communities of outstanding biodiversity and endemism, and represents the most dynamic and potentially informative biogeographic experiment on earth. Forest trees also form the basis of the vital Indonesian timber industry. At the same time, much of the information there is about tree species is not available to most Indonesian and global researchers, and there is a great need for capacity building in Indonesian biodiversity informatics. In 2010, a joint team of US and Indonesian researchers received funding from the US National Science Foundation for a three-year study of the biogeographic assembly of tree communities across the archipelago, with development of associated biodiversity informatics resources in Indonesia, and this Indonesian research permit proposal is for Year 2 activities outlined in the attached NSF document, plus three other related research goals at Gunung Palung National Park, West Kalimantan. Webb and Indonesian collaborators propose to collect ecological data and plant specimens at Taman Nasional Manusela (Maluku Tengah) and Taman Nasional Bo-gani Nani Wartabone (Bolaang Mongondow, Sulawesi Utara), process the collections for DNA sequences, and develop cutting-edge biodiversity informatics tools, from February 2012-January 2013. Extensive training will be given to both field and informatics participants. This research continues and builds upon work conducted in 2009-2011 at Gunung Palung National Park, in which over 1,200 fertile specimens were collected, over 700 taxa were DNA sequenced, and data were made widely available (see http://xmalesia.info/). Both collecting activities and sequencing activities will be governed by a pre-existing Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) and Intellectual Property Rights Agreement between PPB-LIPI and the Arnold Arboretum. 134 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Deliverables will thus include: i) collections of fertile material where encountered, ii) comprehensive collections of DNA sequences for five focal clades and, for all trees in 12 forest inventory plots, at least two markers, iii) an online, open, cutting-edge biodiversity informatics database (developed with Indonesian technicians), that integrates ecological, biogeographic, and systematics data (including identification keys), eventually for all plants in the five islands to be visited, iv) Training will be given to local- and national-level technicians and scientists. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (E.6.a) Campbell Owen Webb Tempat dan tanggal lahir : New Jersey, 10-01-1968 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Senior Research Scientist Institusi : Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University Email : cwebb@oeb.harvard.edu Alamat : 22 Divinity Ave, Cambridge MA 02138, USA (E.7) Nomenclature of Amomum species (Zingiberaceae) in Java Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan studi nomenklatur pada empat spesies Amomum Jawa Bidang Penelitian : Botani Lama Penelitian : 1 (satu) bulan mulai 15 Mei 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Banten (TN Ujung Kulon, Jawa Barat (Cagar Cikepuh, TN. Gn. Ciremai, TN Gn. Gede Pangrango, TN. Gn. Halimun Salak) Mitra Kerja : Dr. Marlina Ardiyani - Puslit Biologi LIPI Abstract The Zingiberaceae of Java were last revised in 1968 and need to be monitored to ensure their long-term survival. Some species of Amomum in Java may be confused with species in other nearby countries. Good herbarium collections with flowers, fruits and leaf samples for DNA analysis are needed to resolve these taxonomic questions. This project proposes to target four Javanese species of Amomum in order to typify all names and decide what names should be accepted. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 135 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Indonesia has more species of plants and animals than almost any other country and is particularly rich in wild gingers of the family Zingiberaceae. The last revision of the whole family Zingiberaceae was published in 1904 and a new revision is urgently needed. In working towards a new revision, we need to form a clear idea of the identity and status of each species and this often means trying to make new collections in or near the original collecting localities, especially of species which were described a long time ago. Amomum is one of the largest genera of Zingiberaceae with at least 150 species, the majority of them in Indonesia and is the focus of this proposal. The Zingiberaceae of Java were last revised by Backer and Bakhuizen van den Brink Jr in 1968 in the Flora of Java. Among the species of Amomum which were recognised in that revision were four which had originally been published between 1810-1827. a) Amomum aculeatum Roxb. (Published 1810. Type unknown. Roxburgh’s illustration based on material grown at Calcutta, originally from an unknown locality in the Malay Archipelago, perhaps Sumatra) b) Amomum compactum Sol. ex Maton (Published 1811. Type at BM. New collections with flowers and fruits are needed.) c) Amomum gracile Blume (Published 1827. Type is a sterile specimen. New collections with flowers and fruits are needed.) d) Amomum maximum Roxb. (Published 1810. Type unknown. Roxburgh’s illustration based on material grown at Calcutta, originally from an unknown locality in India.) It has been difficult to find type material which was seen by the original authors of these names. In some cases, no type can be found and in other cases, the type is incomplete and lacks crucial information. Without a type specimen for a name, it may not be possible to decide whether the species is the same as another in a nearby country or not. This can lead to species being known by alternative names in different countries. For example, Amomum gracile Blume of Java looks very similar to Amomum longiligulare T.L.Wu of China, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam and Amomum compactum Sol. ex Maton of Java looks very like Amomum varum Blackw. of Cambodia. We need to have good, modern collections of the Javanese species of Amomum in order to establish the limits of species and their distributions in Java and beyond. Objectives: • 136 To collect herbarium specimens from the forests of Java, concentrating on the genus Amomum, but also making collections of other Zingibcraceae, Begoniaceae, Gesneriaceac and Sapotaceae, if found. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 • To carry out collaborative research using this material with staff at Herbarium Bogoricnse and Kebun Raya Bogor. The research will take the form of classical herbarium revisions and molecular phylogenetic work. • To produce co-authored publications with Indonesian researchers on the taxonomy of the Zingibcraceae of Indonesia. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (E.7.a) Mark Fleming Newman Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Glastonbury, 28-02-1959 Warga Negara : Inggris Jabatan : Researcher Institusi : Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Email : m.newman@rbge.ac.uk Alamat : Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, 20a Inverleith Row Edinburgh EH3 5LR, Scotland - UK (E.7.b) Alison Jane Droop Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Oxford, 28-06-1978 Warga Negara : Inggris Jabatan : Researcher Institusi : Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Email : jdroop@rbge.ac.uk Alamat : Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, 20a Inverleith Row Edinburgh EH3 5LR, Scotland - UK (E.7.c) Pu Zou Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Sichuan, 22-05-1978 Warga Negara : RRC Jabatan : Researcher Institusi : Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Email : pzaou@rbge.ac.uk Alamat : Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, 20a Inverleith Row Edinburgh EH3 5LR, Scotland - UK Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 137 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (E.8) The study of biodiversity of tropical rain forest, 2012-2015 Tujuan Penelitian : Mendeteksi perubahan yang terjadi pada hutan dan biodiversitas dengan melihat pada daerah-daerah yang sudah ada sejak lama Bidang Penelitian : Botani Lama Penelitian : 12(dua belas) bulan mulai 21 Mei 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Barat (TN Gn. Halimun-Salak, TN Gede Pangrango, Cagar Alam Pangandaran), Kalimantan Barat (Cagar Alam Mandor, Cagar Alam Gn. Niut), Kalimantan Barat (TN Betung Kerihun), Kalimantan Timur (Bukit Bangkirai, TN Kutai, Berau), Kalimantan Tengah (Lahei) Mitra Kerja : Prof. Dr. Tukirin - Puslit Biologi LIPI Abstract Since 1982, we have many cooperative studies of plant ecology in Indonesia: Krakatau, Java, Sumatra and Kalimantan. We made nearly 100 plots and their total area was 40ha. In these 30 years, the environment of Indonesia has changed drastically. Some of our study sites are still in good condition, some are changed a little, others aredestroyed. The comparison of the plots between the original and today conditions will give us useful information to know the change of forest, and will give some suggestion for the further management of the natural resources in Indonesia. Purpose of Research:To protect biodiversity of tropical forests, we need to know the history of the forests. We made many plots in Kalimantan and Java in these 30 years. The measurement of these plots will give us some useful information. The purpose of our research is to detect the forest and biodiversity change from measurements of old plots. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (E.8.a) Eiji Suzuki Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Shizuoka, 19-01-1953 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Professor Institusi : Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Kagoshima University Email :suzuki.age@gmail.com Alamat : 1-21-35 Korimoto, Kagoshima City, Japan 138 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (E.8.b) Yoshifumi Kudo Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Iwate, 16-12-1983 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Graduate Student Institusi : Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Kagoshima University Email :k4039970@kadai.jp Alamat : 1-21-35-Korimoto, Kagoshima City, Japan Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 21 Mei 2012 (E.8.c) Soichiro Shimonishi Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Miyazaki, 16-11-1989 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Student Institusi : Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Kagoshima University Email :s_1il@yahoo.co.jp Alamat : 1-21-35-Korimoto, Kagoshima City, Japan Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 21 Mei 2012 (E.9) Tree diversity along altitudinal gradients in West Sumatra Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan klarifikasi keanekaragaman spesies pohon di pegunungan Sumatera Barat dan mengkaji pola-pola altitudinal dari kekayaan ragam spesies Bidang Penelitian : Botani Lama Penelitian : 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 23 Agustus 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Sumatera Barat (Padang, Gn. Gadut) Mitra Kerja : FMIPA Universitas Andalas (Prof. Dr. Syamsuardi, M.Sc.) Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 139 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Abstract Research on “Tree diversity along altitudinal gradients in West Sumatra” is conducted by Shinji Fujii, a Japanese researchers from University of Human Environments, cooperationg with Andalas University in Padang, West Sumatra. The objective is to clarify the diversity of tree species in the mountains at West Sumatra, and to assess the altitudinal patterns of species richness. Study sites in the field will be placed at Gn. Gadut, about 20 km east from Padang City, and botanical survey will be done 4 times among 4 years. The schedule is following: 1. Aug. – Sept. 2012 (6 weeks) 2. Aug. – Sept. 2013 (6 weeks) 3. Aug. – Sept. 2014 (6 weeks) 4. Aug. – Sept. 2015 (6 weeks) This study has been planned as the part of strategic research project on Asian biodiversity sponsored by the Ministry of Environment Japan from July 2011 to March 2016. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (E.9.a) Shinji Fujii Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Osaka, 23-08-1964 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Associate Professor Institusi : University of Human Environments Email :shinji@uhe.ac.jp Alamat : Kanayama 2-4-16-302, Naka-ku Nagoya, Japan 140 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Sebagaimana telah disebutkan bahwa bidang riset Ekologi, bersama dengan Biologi, merupakan bidang yang selalu dominan dilakukan oleh peneliti asing di Indonesia. Banyak diantaranya yang merupakan intra-disiplin ilmu dengan Kehutanan, Lingkungan, Primatologi, Sosial, dan Tata Wilayah Lahan. Secara keseluruhan terdapat 58 project penelitian, sebagian diantaranya merupakan Tim, sehangga total mencapai 105 peneliti asing. (F.1) The influence of fruit scarcity on the ecology of nonhuman primates in East Kalimantan Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji bagaimana hewan primata pemakan buah-buahan menyesuaikan strategi ekologi mereka dengan kelangkaan makanan Bidang Penelitian : Ecology Lama Penelitian : 3 (tiga) bulan mulai 2 Juli 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Timur (Hutan Lindung Wehea di Kutai Timur) Mitra Kerja : Dr. Yaya Rayadin - Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Mulawarman Abstract The influence of resource seasonality on the behavioral ecology of nonhuman primates has been extensively studied. However, variation in resource distribution and abundance also extends beyond intra-annual seasonal fluctuations. Such supra-annual variation is characteristic of Southeast Asian forests, which exhibit irregular “masting” cycles in which highly synchronized periods of fruiting are interspersed with extended periods of little or no fruit production. The term scarcity can be used to refer to such prolonged, supra-annual periods of resource shortage. Although scarcity has most likely played an important role in shaping the biology and behavior of many primate species, it has not been studied extensively. Resource-scarce habitats should select for behavioral flexibility, which is likely to be highly adaptive in variable conditions. Nonhuman primates exhibit great potential for behavioral flexibility in response to different environmental conditions, but few comparative studies have been conducted with wild primates. Thus, the influence of resource scarcity on the ecology of primate species, and the capacity of nonhuman primates for behavioral flexibility, remain poorly understood. This project will examine how fruit-eating primates adjust their ecological strategies to cope with the scarcity of their preferred food. Specifically, we will examine the 1) feeding Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 141 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA ecology and 2) anti-predator behaviors of three primate species in.the Wehea Protected Forest in East Kalimantan: orangutans (Pongopygmaeus), Bornean gibbons {Hylobates muelleri), and red langurs (Presbytis rubicunda). We will spend at least five to seven days each month for six months collecting data on the dietary composition, ranging behavior, population density, and anti-predator behaviors of one group of each of these species. We will also collect samples of all plant foods consumed by these primates to characterize the nutritional content of their diets. The forests of Borneo, particularly East Kalimantan, exhibit exceptionally low fruit availability and provide an excellent environment in which to study responses to scarcity. These same species have been studied elsewhere in Borneo, providing a basis for comparison between fruit-scarce and more fruit-abundant conditions. This project will take place from June 2011-January 2012. The significance of this proposal is that it uses a within-site and inter-specific comparative approach to examine the range of responses of different sympatric primate species to scarcity. This will allow us to better understand how behavioral flexibility is promoted or constrained, and its role in shaping responses to the environment. A broader impact of this study is that examining responses to varying habitat conditions can provide crucial insight into how nonhuman primates might adapt to antliropogenic habitat alteration, which is crucial for designing effective management plans. Finally, this study will also provide much-needed information about Asian primate communities, which have been understudied relative to primate communities elsewhere. Dr. Stephanie Spehar is the primary investigator on this project, but Mr. Justin D’Agostino and Mr. Eric Fell will also be participating in this project and collecting data. All participants will be working on the same research project, which is why we are applying for our research permits jointly. This study is being conducted in collaboration with Dr. Yaya Rayadin of the Tropical Forest Research Center and Forestry Department at Mulawarman University in Samarinda. Dr. Rayadin and his students will be directly involved in conducting this research, and is also acting as our Indonesian sponsor and providing logistical support and assistance for our research. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.1.a) Stephanie Spehar Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Colorado, 06-12-1979 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Assistant Professor Institusi : Dept. of Religious Studies & Anthropology, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh Email : ”stephanie spehar”<stephanie.spehar@gmail.com> Alamat : 800 Algoma Blvd, Oshkosh, WI 54901, USA 142 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (F.1.b) Shannon Lee Somerville Street Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Cranbrook, 06 Juli 1989 Warga Negara : Kanada Jabatan : Individual Researcher Institusi : University of British Columbia (F.2) Evaluating ecosystem services for sustainable collaborative forest management and conservation of biodiversity in and around Protected Area: Human-wild animal Interrelationship formed through Arboriculture in the mountain area of central Seram Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji model konservasi di lahan modifikasi yang sesuai dengan jasa ekosistem langsung dan tidak langsung yang dilakukan masyarakat lokal Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 16 Januari 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Maluku (Kec. Seram Utara di dekat TN Manusela) Mitra Kerja : Dr. Herman Hidayat – Puslit Kemasyarakatan dan Kebudayaan LIPI NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.2.a) Masatoshi Sasaoka Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Saitama, 15-08-1971 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Postdoctoral Research Fellow Institusi : Center International Forestry Research (CIFOR) Email :m.sasaoka@cgiar.org Alamat : PO.BOX 0113 BOCBD (F.3) Aboveground biomass estimation and validation in tropical region using Phased Array L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (PALSAR) data Tujuan Penelitian Bidang Penelitian : Melakukan investigasi dan validasi pengukuran above ground biomass (AGB) di hutan tropis Asia Tenggara menggunakan data rentang waktu PALSAR dari Advanced Land Observing Satellite. : Ekologi Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 143 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Lama Penelitian Daerah Penelitian Mitra Kerja : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 24 Januari 2012 : Riau (Kampar, Siak, Pelalawan, Kauntan Singingi, Indragiri Hulu, Indragiri Hilir) : Dr. I Nengah Surati Jaya - Fakultas Kehutanan IPB NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.3.a) Takeshi Motooka Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Fukuoka, 17-04-1983 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Research Fellow Institusi : Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Email : motooka.takaheshi@jaxa.jp Alamat : Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) 2-1-1 Sengen, Tsukuba, Irabaki 305-8505, JAPAN (F.3.b) Tomohiro Shiraishi Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Oita, 01-07-1975 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Researcher Institusi : Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Email :shiraishi.tomohiro@jaxa.jp Alamat : Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) 2-1-1 Sengen, Tsukuba, Irabaki 305-8505, JAPAN (F.3.c) Manabu Watanabe Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Aichi, 02-09-1968 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Associate Senior Researcher Institusi : Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Email : watanabe.manabu@jaxa.jp Alamat : Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Tsukuba, Irabaki 305-8505, JAPAN 144 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2-1-1 Sengen, DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (F.3.d) Rajesh Bahadur Thapa Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Nepal, 17-04-1973 Warga Negara : Nepal Jabatan : Researcher Institusi : Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Email :rajesh.thapa@jaxa.jp Alamat : Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) 2-1-1 Sengen, Tsukuba, Irabaki 305-8505, JAPAN (F.4) Producing Networks of Forest Governance: REDD+ in Kalimantan Tengah Tujuan Penelitian : Membantu pengumpulan data dan analisis data kuantitatif mengenai bagaimana tatakelola lingkungan yang bersifat multilevel dalam kerangka REDD+ terbentuk Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 4 (empat) bulan mulai 11Januari 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Barat (Bogor), Kalimantan Tengah (Kab. Kapuas) Mitra Kerja : Dr. Ibnu Syabri - Sekolah Arsitektur, Perencanaan, dan Pengembangan Kebijakan (SAPPK) ITB Abstract The province of Kalimantan Tengah is on the forefront of global climate change mitigation and anti-deforestation policy and is the foremost test case for what Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) projects, aimed at slowing deforestation as a means of mitigating the threat of climate change, will likely look like in the future. The proposed research is a portion of the Global Comparative Study on REDD+ currently being undertaken by the Center for International Forestry Research, headquartered in Bogor, Indonesia, which will utilize in-depth interviews and survey analysis to study the formation of a policy network working to formulate and implement REDD+ policy in Kalimantan Tengah. Social network analysis techniques will be used to investigate patterns of cooperation, debate, and communication among a variety of public and private organizations working to develop effective REDD+ policy in the province. This work will supplement national-scale research on REDD+ policy networks and support effective, efficient, and equitable second-generation policymaking on REDD+. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 145 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.4.a) Caleb Tyrell Gallemore Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Missouri, 26-07-1984 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Graduate Student / CIFOR Interns Institusi : Ohio State University Email : gallemore.1@osu.edu Alamat : 1036 Derby Hall, 154 North Oval Mall Columbus, OH 432101361, USA (F.5) Synergies between ecosystem servicces in the forested landscapes of Western Borneo (Kalimantan), Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Menganalisis ecosystem services (ES) dan sinerginya dengan melihat indikator-indikator yang berpengaruh pada produksi ES pada tipe-tipe ekosistem yang berbeda Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 17 Januari 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Barat (Kapuas Hulu) Mitra Kerja : Riak Bumi Foundation-Valentinus Heri Abstract Current research on global environmental change, biodiversity conservation, and local development makes reference to the concept of ecosystem services (ES). In Indonesia, tropical forests are recognized and valued for timber production and carbon sequestration, rather than other services. A better understanding of the synergies between different ES is needed for supporting conservation policies and REDD initiatives (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation). The objective of this research proposal is to analyze different ES and their synergies, by defining and validating indicators for the production of ES by different ecosystem types. Modeling ES flows produced by ecosystems and benefiting local societies will allow proposing conservation or restoration priorities for each ES depending on their role for the society and their likelihood of being degraded under global environmental changes. 146 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.5.a) Nicolas Labriere Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Brest, 27-02-1985 Warga Negara : Perancis Jabatan : Doctoral Student Institusi : Ecological Engineering and Biodiversity Gestion, Montpellier Email : nicolas.labriere@gmail.com Alamat : 5 rue de Pen Ar Ch’leuz 29 200 Brest, France (F.6) The Sungai Wain protection forest: An example of good landscape governance Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari cara melindungi hutan Sungai Wain di tengah tekanan-tekan internal dan eksternal Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 5 (lima) bulan mulai 25 Januari 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Timur (Sungai Wain, Balikpapan) Mitra Kerja : Petrus Gunarso, Ph.D. - Tropenbos International Indonesia Programme Abstract Gain insight in the way in which the Sungai Wain forest, despite strong external and internal pressures, is protected, maintained and restored. Analysis of contributing actors and their roles in the forest protection which can be transformed into lessons learned, to be applied at a wider scale in Indonesia and beyond. Research questions In order to achieve the research objective, the following research questions should be answered during the process: • Who have been and are the stakeholders involved in exploitation, protection and maintenance of the Sungai Wain protection forest? Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 147 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA • What has been and is the particular role of stakeholders in terms of landscape arrangements favouring protection, maintenance and restoration of Sungai Wain? • Is there a key factor for success present in the case of Sungai Wain? • If Sungai Wain is a success story, could their case be replicated in other parts of Indonesia and beyond? Theoretical and conceptual framework • How can a forest like Sungai Wain be protected and maintained by the different actors involved? What are the implications of different coalitions made for the forest area? • When actors are able to protect and maintain this forest area they seem to have reached a quality decision based both on general principles and operational decisions. Conserving tropical forests need a sustainable stewardship of natural resources. In the recent decades a general trend is found to manage forests on a landscape scale and implement sustainable forest management. These trends give a broader and more integrated look on forests considering both social and environmental perspectives. The demand for forest and trees is taken into account in broader multifunctional landscapes. Forest are seen increasingly as valuable component of landscapes. This general trend is almost occurring all over the world (Sayer & Maginnis, 2005). Large continuous forest areas increasingly have turned into mosaic landscapes, in which forests only form part of the land cover, intertwined with other forms of land use (commercial plantations, agriculture, urban constructions (RietbergenMcCracken et al, 2007). Looking at a larger spatial scale is done since there is a recognition that a combination of the landscape mosaics is greater than the sum of the parts (Lafortezza et al, 2008). Management that is sustainable at a local scale can have a negative impact on neighbouring areas, it is therefore unsustainable at a larger scale. Sustainability at landscape level is integrating natural resources with sustainable management both to meet production goals and goals of the broader community. The landscape approach is beneficial for forests since it can deal with issues important on the international agenda, such as climate change, conserving forest values in decentralized forest management, problems of illegal activities and crime, and managing forest resources sustainable to reduce poverty (Sayer & Maginnis, 2005). Landscapes can provide a spatial setting for a multi-stakeholder dialogue in and over administrative boundaries (Rietbergen-McCracken et al, 2007). To acquire a complete understanding on the decision making process and planning of Sungai Wain two theoretical approaches are exercised, the landscape approach and policy arrangement approach (PAA). 148 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.6.a) Bastiaan van den Dries Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Goes, 01-08-1988 Warga Negara : Belanda Jabatan : Master Student Institusi : Wageningen University Email : bas.vandendries@gmail.com Alamat : Hoogstraat 14 A, 6701 BT Wageningen Province of Gerderland, the Nehterlands (F.7) Environmental and Land Use Change in Sulawesi, Indonesia: Socioeconomic and Ecological Perspectives Tujuan Penelitian : Mengidentifikasi struktur jaringan pemangsa makanan (burung, kelelawar dan serangga arthropod) dalam sistem agroforestry (perkebunan coklat) dan menguji apakah struktur struktur tersebut tergantung pada manajemen perkebunan coklat atau pada konteks lanskap hutan alam Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Tengah (TN Lore Lindu, Cagar Alam Morowali, kompleks hutan Polahi -Marissa) Mitra Kerja : Dr. Abdul Rauf, Dr. Ir. Hafsah, M.Sc. , Dr. Sc.agr. Henry Barus dan Dr. Sc.agr. Aiyen, M.Sc - Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Tadulako, Palu mulai sejak tanggal 4 September Abstract Interdisciplinary and international research projects require a broad range of tasks to maximize cooperation and to optimize administration. To facilitate synergies, interdisciplinary research requires a very significant level of coordination and administration. International research always involves additional challenges associated with intercultural communication. The projects involve cooperation between researchers from several faculties of the University of Gottingen, the Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) and Tadulako University (UNTAD) in Palu (on Sulawesi), as well as the Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI, Bogor, Cibinong and Jakarta, Java). In addition, there is informal partnership with the Southeast Asian Regional Centre for Tropical Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 149 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Biology SEAMEO-BIOTROP. In addition to scientific partnerships, an important role is played by the interaction with authorities at local, regional and national level. These range from national governmental administrative bodies that facilitate and enable research of German scientists in Indonesia (e.g., research permit procedures) to regional immigration offices and local traditional villagerepresentatives. For communication to be upheld and facilitated across divides of culture - both in national and organisational terms - and language, the flow of information needs to be appropriately bundled. The project management unit (PMU) tackling these essential issues for the success of the proposed research activities. The research activities take place in Central Sulawesi in the vicinity of the Lore Lindu Park. Most of the research activities are outside of the National Park. However, the project keeps close contact to National Park authorities. The research infrastructure and networks to stakeholders and local authorities has been established already in cooperation with the Tadulako University, Palu, during previous research activities under the umbrella of STORMA. The CTFM office at the Tadulako University Palu manages the former research infrastructure of STORMA, like the vehicle park, the laboratory unit, the climate network and small scientific equipment as well as the office and student work places. Researchers are provided with a workplace equipped with PC. The CTFM office runs a house in the village of Toro for researchers staying overnight and a shelter at the rainforest site of the Sulawesi Throughfall Displacement Experiment NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.7.a) Wolfram Lorenz Tempat dan tanggal lahir Warga Negara Jabatan Institusi Email Alamat Speemberg, 10 – 05 – 1967 Jerman Coordinator Project Management Unit Dept. of Ecosystem Modelling, Georg-August – Universitat Gottingen :wolfram.lorenz@gmx.de : Muehlengrund 537124 Rosdorf, Germany (F.7.b) Pierre Gras Tempat dan tanggal lahir Warga Negara Jabatan Institusi : : : : Email Alamat 150 : : : : Peine, 25 – 12 – 1984 Jerman Postdoctoral Researcher Dept. of Vegetation and Phytodiversity Analysis, Albrecht von Haller Institute of Plant Sciences :pgras@gwdg.de : Departement of Ecology and Ecosystem Research Untere Karspuele 2, 37033 Goettingen, Germany Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (F.7.c) Yasmin Joana Monna Abou Rajab Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Filderstadt, 27 – 05 – 1984 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Research Assistant Institusi : Dept. of Botany, The University of Hohenheim Email : abourajab@yahoo.de Alamat : Teckstr 3, 70 188 Stuttgart, Germany (F.7.d) Matthias Faber Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Ziegenhain, 18 – 04 – 1969 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Institusi : Dept. of Ecology and Ecosystem Research, Silbert von Haller Institute for Plant Sciences Email : Mfaberbio@web.de Alamat : Albrecht-von-Haller Institute for Plant Science, Departement of Ecology and Ecosystem Research Untere Karspuele 2, 37033 Goettingen, Germany (F.7.e) Fabian Otto Brambach Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Halle A.D. Saale, 11 – 07 – 1980 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Scientific Assistant Institusi : Dept. of Vegetation and Phytodiversity Analysis, Albrecht von Haller Institute of Plant Sciences Email : fabianbrambach@yahoo.de Alamat : Gollierstrabe 41, 80339 Munchen, Germany (F.7.f) Andrea Hanf Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Halle, 12-06-1979 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Research Associate Institusi : Faculty of Geoscience, Georg-August-University, Gottingen Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 151 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (F.8) Assessing Green House Gases (GHG) emissions from land-use conversion in Kutai Barat District, East Kalimantan, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Menganalisis metode untuk mendapatkan alternatif paling akurat dan efisien dalam metode pengukuran karbon standar yang sesuai dengan implementasi REDD+. Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 16 Januari 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Timur (Kutai Barat) Mitra Kerja : Dr. Ir. Fajar Pambudhi – UPT. Perhutanan Sosial Universitas Mulawarman Abstract The iREDD project aimed at finding the highest potential for reducing the uncertainty or the cost ofcurrently available methods of carbon assessment. The most common land use transitions of the studysites were identified at one site (Batu Majang, Kutai Barta, East Kalimantan) and sample plots wereestablished along this transition, including forests, rubcollected data will be used to develop a model of how the common land use transitions affect thecarbon dynamics of soil and vegetation. New cost efficient methods, such as infrared spectroscopy forassessment of soil carbon content, were tested. All fieldwork were carried out with local partners whileat the same time training the local staff in methods of soil sampling, assessment of abovegroundbiomass and measurements of GHG fluxes. Currently there isdeveloping field of research in Indonesia. The results will be used for calibration of remotemonitoring approaches and will provide inputs for the communitysame area. The data will also be important for the design of the MRV system in Indonesia for providing amore solid base for calculating the REDD+ payments. Objectives and scope a) Assessment of temporal changes in carbon stocks following land use transitionswill be established to assess long term changes in soil and vegetation carbon stocks as a result of landuse transitions. This approach will allow for scenarios of carbon stock changes due to future land usechange to be assessed. A chronosequence representing the most common land use transitions in thehumid tropical upland and lowland areas (Indonesia) and in the humid to subareas (Laos, Yunnan and Vietnam). For each land use, 3 plots will be establish to assess carAboveground carbon stocks will be estimated by recording DBH, height and species of all trees > 10 cmand applying appropriate allometric equations. Soil carbon stocks will be determined by volume specificsoil sampling to a depth of 1 152 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 meter combinedet al., 2002) to assess the microvariability of terraced plots. Samples will be collected according to thepedogenic horizons and depending on the extent of the horizons a soil sample will be collect10 cm. The depth of each of the horizons will be registered and used to calculate carbon stocks to adepth of 1 meter. b) Assessment of spatial variability in carbon stocks within land cover typesstorage in soil and vegetation within forest types will be assessedwill ensure variations in soil texture, type and depth, which we hypothesize will have an effect on thesize of the carbon stock in aboveground biomass, on the amount oresponse of the soil carbon to land use change (Bruun et al., 2006, Feller and Beare, 1997, Powers andVeldkamp, 2005). Aboveground biomass will be assessed as described above and moreover, in 3subplots within each large plot, all stems >5 cm DBH will be recorded. Soil carbon stocks will bedetermined as above and cyclic soil sampling will be conducted to assess the horizontal variability of thecarbon content of the top soil and the variability of carbon content withurrently rubber plantations, and shifting cultivation areas. Thessment little capacity within this rapidlycommunitybased monitoring carried out in theta transitions. A chronosequencesequence subhumid tropical uplandwith an extended cyclic soil sampling procedure (Burrowstypes. The variability of carbond by an inventory of plots (1 ha), thatof carbon stored in the soil and on thearge distance from trees. Extrapolation of this calibrated relationship is possible using EO data and geostatistical techniques (Stoyet al., 2009) and will be done in conjunction with other work packages. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.8.a) Ervan Rutishauser Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Bottighofen, 30-05-1979 Warga Negara : Swiss Jabatan : Postdoctoral Fellow Institusi : Center International Forestry Research (CIFOR) Email : er.rutishauser@gmail.com Alamat : PO.BOX 0113 BOCBD, Bogor (F.9) Institutional, ecological and social interplay for successful protection of biodiversity in East Kalimantan, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti faktor-faktor ekologi, ekonomi, dan sosial yang mempengaruhi eksistensi clouded leopard dan Prebystis hosei canicrus Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 153 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Lama Penelitian : 10 (sepuluh) bulan mulai 20 Februari 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Timur (Kutai Timur, Berau, Hutan Wehea, Hutan Lesan, daerah sekitar S. Wahau, S. Segah, dan S. Kelay) Mitra Kerja : Dr. Chandradewana Boer - Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Mulawarman. Abstract Effective wildlife and nature conservation requires balancing human development with the impacts on wildlife populations and their habitats. However, to effectively manage this balance, one needs to understand the ecological, economic and social factors that are influencing the survival of a species. This ten month study, beginning in March 2012, aims to help conservation planners develop more effective policies for biodiversity conservation and link biological conservation objectives with local development objectives. Research will focus on how to best protect two endangered animals from East Kalimantan Indonesia, the Sunda clouded leopard (Neofelis diardi) and Miller’s Grizzled Langur (Presbytis hosei canicrus). Ecological research will focus on the ecosystem dynamics of tropical forests. Emphasis will be placed on the study of tropical ecosystems from a structural view of populations, population distribution and movement of animals across landscapes. Research will investigate movements of clouded leopards across forest landscapes using a network of at least 40 camera traps and 1 GPS tracking device in the Wehea and Lesan Forests. Spatial-capture recapture analysis will allow for clouded leopard densities to be calculated. Additional behavioral and ecological research on the extremely rare P.h. canicrus will shed light on one of the rarest and least known primates in Kalimantan. Direct observations at mineral springs in Wehea Forest will yield data on the presence of P.h. canicrus, behavior, troop size and composition. However, to protect a species, conservation scientists must not only understand the ecological requirements of a species, they must also understand the social dimensions at play. These social dimensions include the threats to a species, economics of protecting a species and institutions that lead to successful resourcemanagement. A growing body of scholarship on common-poolresource governance has shown that a tragedy of 22the commons may be averted through the self-organizatiorvof natural resource users. However, community-based conservation as a panacea, like government-based conservation as a panacea, ignores the necessity of managing commons at multiple levels. To investigate the social dimensions of protecting the clouded leopard, surveys will be conducted in a number of villages along the Wahau, Kelay and Segah rivers. Interviews will be conducted with the Kepala adat and other leaders in each community to better understand the history of the community, relationship to local resources, cultural significance of the clouded leopard, and thelocal institutions that are in place to protect the forests around the community. In addition, variables that lead to sustainable use of resources 154 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 will be explored through interviews with various stakeholders including government officials, NGO’s, management bodies and local. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.9.a) Brent Robert Loken Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Iowa, 22-07-1970 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Doctoral Student Institusi : Simon Fraser University Email : brent loken@gmail.com Alamat : 07-22 Jurong West 41 ’Lakeshore” Singapore 649412 (F.10) Cartography of the forest ecosystem in Seram Island, Moluccas, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian Bidang Penelitian Lama Penelitian Daerah Penelitian Mitra Kerja : Memetakan ekosistem hutan di Pulau Seram dengan menggunakan peralatan penginderaan jauh : Ekologi : 3 (tiga) bulan mulai 1 Maret 2012 : Maluku (P. Seram), Jawa Barat (Bogor) : Marthina Tjoa, S.Hut, MP - Universitas Pattimura Abstract This internship is offered in the program COLUPSIA working on the development of planning rules related to ecosystem services of forests in Indonesia. The main objective is to map the forest ecosystem of Seram Island (Moluccas, Indonesia), using remote sensing tools for planning rules. For mapping, we will use three sensors at different spatial resolution: opitcal sensor (MODIS and SPOT) and Radar (ALOS) combined with field work. We will experiment two types of classification, object-oriented and supervised and attempt to extrapolate the results to the whole Seram Island. The underlying assumption is that it is necessary to use multi-sensor analysis to map finely the surface states in the development of forest areas. To what extent this approach can be standardized and be repeated on other areas of studies of this type in the Moluccas Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 155 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.10.a) Marine Alexia Boulogne Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Amiens, 30-09-1987 Warga Negara : Perancis Jabatan : Master Student Institusi : University of Paul Sabatier Email : boulogne.marine@gmail.com Alamat : 21 rue du Marechal Joffre 22410 Saint Quay Portrierux, France (F.11) Typology of the secondary vegetation in Seram, the Moluccas, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari vegetasi sekunder yang telah ada di Seram serta mengembangkan tipologi dengan menggunakan data floristik dan struktural Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 6 (enam) bulan mulai 7 Maret 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Maluku (P. Seram) Mitra Kerja : Marthina Tjoa, S.Hut, MP - Universitas Pattimura Abstract Tropical forests and other vegetation types provide various ecosystem services. The implementation of a system called ‘Payments for Ecosystem Services’ (PES) is proposed to conserve nature with its valuable services. In order to discuss ecosystem services in the Moluccas, Indonesia, ecological data in various vegetation types need to be identified. In this research, a typology will be developed for various secondary vegetation types in Seram, Central Moluccas, using floristics and structural data. For each vegetation type, a vegetation description will be made and the most dominant & abundant species and biomass & related carbon values will be calculated. This information serves as baseline data for future discussions about PES in this area. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.11.a) Susanna Mathilde Stas Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Venray, 04-11-1986 Warga Negara : Belanda 156 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Jabatan : Individual Researcher Institusi : Utrecht University Email :suzane_stas@hotmail.com Alamat : Tesselschsdestraat 28, 3521 XW Utrech, The Netherlands (F.12) Community perceptions of landscape, habitat and species values near the Manusela National Park, Central Moluccas, Seram Island, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari persepsi masyarakat lokal tentang hutan dan sumberdaya alam di sekeliling mereka Bidang Penelitian : Ekoologi Lama Penelitian : 6 bulan mulai 9 Maret2012 Daerah Penelitian : Maluku (P. Seram, TN Manusela) Mitra Kerja : Universitas Pattimura - Marthina Tjoa, S.Hut, MP Abstract Actually, the worldwide environmental degradation and forest loss are increasing rapidly, leading to an immediate impact on local level in tropical countries, such as Indonesia. The loss of biodiversity and ecological services provided by tropical rainforests are especially important for local rural populations that rely on natural resources for their livelihood. The aim of my research is study the local perceptions of landscape, habitat and species values near the Manusela National Park, on the center of Seram Island. My research will be carried out on one of the study site of the COLUPSIA project supported by CIRAD - CIFOR. Through this study, we should learn more about what is of importance to the local community, the historical uses of the areas and the local peoples’ uses of plants, soils and landscape. The information and data that I will collect and compile should be used as a ground for the formulation of new policies for sustainable natural management that will benefit both the environment and the local communities. Firstly, the local perception and classification of diverse aspects of the natural environment of the field site will be recorded including types of vegetation, soil types, and traditional land use practices. The data and informations collect will be based on participatory mapping, interviews with local key informants. Secondly, local knowledge about plants use will be collected for each type of vegetation or type of agroecosystem identified. The present proposal will contribute at facilitating integration of socio-ecological into larger landscape planning and biodiversity conservation. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 157 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.12.a) Ariane Cosiaux Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Marvejols, 14-03-1988 Warga Negara : Perancis Jabatan : Master Student Institusi : University of Montpellier (F.13) Perceived landscape, land use and species values in the Kerangas / Mixed Dipterocarp Forest mosaic of western Kalimantan Tujuan Penelitian : Memfasilitasi integrasi antara jasa ekosistem dan data sosial ke dalam perencanaan lanskap dan konservasi keanekaragaman Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 6 (enam) bulan mulai 9 Maret 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Barat (Kapuas Hulu) Mitra Kerja : Valentinus Heri - Riak Bumi Foundation Abstract The research conducted is a vegetation and ecosystem study in Kapuas Hulu, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. The objective is to refine existing knowledge about the biophysical basis of ecosystem flows for informing conservation decision making through ecosystem services mapping, and to enable a better understanding of community perceptions on the environment. This is done within the scope of the Collaborative Land Use Planning and Land Tenure project (CIRAD CIFOR, which focuses on better understanding of the relationship between land use planning and the provision of ecosystem services (ES). Mapping of regional land use, land cover and watersheds guides the decision process on desirable land uses in the district of Kapuas Hulu. The combination of biophysical, social-ecological and economic surveys performed by the CoLUPSIA project will provide information on the baseline and historical context of the forested area and its surroundings. It will also be an opportunity for cross-fertilization between communities’ knowledge and the more technical data collection and analysis performed by the scientists. One aspect of this internship is therefore to collect information about the traditional resource management systems, community perceptions of trends and priority issues in 158 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 resource management, biodiversity and conservation in an around the forest. Furthermore, the student will elaborate a vegetation and ecosystem service typology. This study will contribute at facilitating integration of ecosystem services and social data into larger landscape planning and biodiversity conservation. The activities are particularly centred around villages and specific forest landscape types occurring in a region covered by a mosaic of Dipterocarp and “Kerangas” forests that have not yet been described for that part of Borneo Island. The data will be used to ensure that the future planning design and collaborative management process is based on a good understanding of the local system. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.13.a) Edith Peri Weihreter Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Augsburg, 05-10-1986 Warga Negara : Perancis Jabatan : Master Student Institusi : University of Montpellier Email :edith.weinhreter@gmail.com Alamat : Le Mas de Gentil 34980 Combaillaux, France (F.14) REDD+ and the delivery of biodiversity co-benefits in the tropics Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti manfaat dari segi biodiversitas pada proyek awal REDD+ di Indonesia Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 26 Maret 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Lokasi Global Comparative Study REDD+ di Kalimantan Tengah (Kotawaringin Timur, katingan, Seruyan, Kapuas), Kalimantan Barat (Ketapang) Mitra Kerja : Dr. Damayanti Buchori, M.Sc - Fakultas Pertanian IPB NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.14.a) Josil Philomena Murray Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Perak, 07-05-1983 Warga Negara : Malaysia Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 159 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Institusi : School of Environment, Natural Resources and Geography, Bangor University Email :fayphil7@gmail.com Alamat : Deinol Road, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 2UW, United Kingdom (F.15) Mangrove and Human Coexistence in Batam, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari produksi arang bakau di Pulau Batam Bidang Penelitian : Socio-Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 2 (dua) bulan mulai 5 Maret 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Kep. Riau (P. Batam di Kec. Sungai Beduk, Kec. Saguling, Kec. Galang) Mitra Kerja : Haris Gunawan, M.Sc., Ph.D - FMIPA Universitas Riau Abstract The global warming issue is at the present period one of the problems for solution in the immediacy. The approach of the carbon-dioxide emissions reduction on the world scale is done, and it is a decrease in tropical forests to attract attention as a cause of the global warming issue now.The mangrove is a generic name of the halophyte colony that grows at the tidal zone from the tropics to the subtropics. That has immediate use for the fuel, wood, and the tannin use, etc. and a bigger effect has been demonstrated indirectly with about prevention of the coast part erosion and meteorological disasters, the marine resources training, and the biodiversity conservation etc. (FAO 2007). In Southeast Asian countries, there have been rapidly developed in mangrove forests during recent decades. The main cause of it is increasing demand for mangrove forest and non-forest products in developed countries, and the development of the coastal area for settlements, industry or agriculture.etc. Indonesia has largest mangrove forest, but in there about 1.3 million ha (31%) have declined too, during 25 years from 1980 to 2005. Approximately 25% of disappeared mangrove, that causeis the conversionof coastal land use (FAO 2007).In the considerablyadvanced stage ofdevelopment, however, marine resourcesare in stateofopen access (Akimichi 1998).The use of marine resources including mangrove are becoming more predatory by the entry of companies. However, now the development as the industrial site, the conversion to agricultural land and the salt farm, and the creation of shrimp and fish’s cultivation ponds, etc. expanded by the modern mechanism of physical distribution and the overseas capital, etc. Those factors 160 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 probably became key factors that destroy mangrove forests and the ecosystem. The interview investigation has been done in villages on the Batam Island so far. Moreover, around each village, every tree was investigated in the mangrove forest. As a result, the trade and intrusion of the enterprise, etc. in the littoral region are thought to be a greatly related with the mangrove swamp ecosystem use and the current state of maintenance. So I have to observe change of mangrove use widely and do fixed point observation in small scale region. Because it will be thought there is a necessity for clarifying the influence that the globalization gives to the mangrove ecosystem deeper, and comparing each contribution factor. Research objective: Batam Island where located in the Strait of Malacca, has been developed as an industrial island because there are closed from Singapore. In the island many industrial parks constructed by multinational-corporation are there and the island also has a role of hub port for Singapore. There are the lows that prohibit mangrove deforestation, but still now making charcoal from mangrove have been done in the south of Batam Island. Especially in this decade, the numbers of people who start to do that work at the public space in each village have increased. This return to traditional direct use is thought one of the features of Batam Island. This study’s aim is to reveal social background and influence of this present condition. And then, it will be explained the relationship between Mangrove conditions and that. (NAMA PENELITI ASING: F.15.a) Yukari Harada Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Jepang, 05-06-1984 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Institusi : Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University Email : Yukari Harada” <harada@asafas.kyoto-u.ac.jp> Alamat : 21-6 Tenjinmori Morimoto-cho, Mukou-shi Kyoto,617 0003, Japan (F.16) Agroforestry certification; creating a multiple-use tool Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji inisiasi sistem multifungsi yang dapat mewadahi konservasi keanekaragaman, produksi, dan pengembangan pada level lanskap Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 161 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 6 (enam) bulan mulai 9 Maret 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Maluku (P. Seram), Jawa Barat (Bogor) Mitra Kerja : Marthina Tjoa, S.Hut, MP - Universitas Pattimura Abstract The practice of agroforestry and its related concepts are becoming one of the best alternative to intensive agriculture. In the tropics, this biodiversity-friendly agricultural technique has already been practiced for generations by millions of people, but is loosing weight against intensive agriculture. The last is responsible for the destruction of the natural ecosystems and is damaging for the local populations. This last years, much research have been conducted in Indonesia for forest conservation. It sounds as a reaction from the government to the massive destruction of their forest cover due intensive agricultural development in the country. REDD+ programs have been developed there, and are currently being tested at large scale. These recent biodiversity conservation techniques are known as the method of payment for ecosystem services (PES). In parallel, other research looks towards certification schemes for forest conservation which present an interesting alternative to PES schemes, very criticized at some points. We will start here the development of a certification scheme for agroforestry practice. The goal is to create a multi-functional system that conciliate biodiversity conservation (and therefore its benefits, like ecosystem services), production and development at a landscape level. The approach would allow to include factors like local development, ethic values and biodiversity-friendly agricultural practices in a certification scheme, with a possible application of labelling. The study will start with a bibliography review and will continue with work on agroforestry systems in Indonesia lands. This will allow to have data to defend the ideas presented before. In a Master 2 context, the study will end with the writing of a report, for the validation of the diploma. Key-words : Agroforestry, PES, certification schemes, Indonesia, conservation, landscape. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.16.a) Thibaut Joaqium Rodrigues dos Santos Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Ales, 12-07-1989 Warga Negara : Perancis Jabatan : Master Student Institusi : University of Montpellier Email : thibauts@gmail.com Alamat : 13 Quai Aspirant Herber – 34200, Sete- France 162 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (F.17) Role and influence of civil society organizations on land use planning and land tenure issues in Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Memahami peran, dinamika, dan posisi organisasi masyarakat madani yang mewakili keterwakilan kepentingan dalam perencanaan penggunaan lahan Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 6 (enam) bulan mulai 9 Maret 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Maluku Tengah, Kalimantan Barat Mitra Kerja : Prof. Dr. R. Oszaer, MS - Universitas Pattimura NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.17.a) Anis Raoul Chakib Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Paris, 20-04-1986 Warga Negara : Perancis Jabatan : Master Student Institusi : Institute of Technology for Life, Food and Environmental Sciences (ENGREF-AgroParisTech) Email : anis.chakib@agroparistech.fr Alamat : 10 rue Onslow 63 800 Cournoun, France (F.18) Linking insecticide treatment and cacao yields - investigation of the effects of “Chlorpyrifos 400 g” on the pollination of Theobroma cacao in Central Sulawesi / district of Kulawi / Toro valley Tujuan Penelitian Bidang Penelitian Lama Penelitian Daerah Penelitian Mitra Kerja : Mengumpulkan data kuantitatif tentang pengaruh insektisida pada penyerbukan tanaman cacao : Ekologi : 6 (enam) bulan mulai 2 April 2012 : Sulawesi Tengah (Kulawi, TN Lore Lindu) : Dr. Golar, S.Hut., M.Si - Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Tadulako Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 163 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Abstract Research Objectives The research aimed at collecting data on the effect of management practices on cacao pollination and pod set. The major objective was to conduct an experiment linking insecticide treatment and cacao pod set (and thereby indirectly pollination). The main focus is on the development of the main pollinator of Cacao, small midges or “no-see-ums” of the Ceratopogonidae family, under different treatments. Additionally, the development of C. cramerella, P. palmivora and Helopeltis theobromae, the most severe pests in Sulawesian Cacao plantations, are monitored indirectly by evaluating the fruits on the trees in the plots. Hypotheses a) The following hypotheses have been tested: b) The pollination of cacao is negatively impacted by the application of insecticides. c) The application of insecticides may lead to a decrease of cacao yields, due to a loss of ecosystem services, in particular pollination. d) The pollination of cacao may be measured indirectly by measuring the amount of pod sets per plant. e) The abundance of cacao pollinators is affected by the distance to the primary forest. (E) The population dynamics of the main pollinator of cacao can be observed by the installation of insect traps. Research Area The research area is located in the Toro village, district of Kulawi, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. From further studies we know, that the Kulawi valley receives an annual precipitation of 1916 mm. Soils at these sites are comparable, relatively rich in nutrients and have developed from colluvia. The climate is tropical throughout the whole year. The Toro village is located at an altitude of ca. 700 to 800 m asl. The center of the valley bottom in Toro is mostly used by settlements, surrounded by rice fields, which is in terms of area the biggest land-use form in Toro, followed by Cacao plantations. Most of the Cacao plantations are located at the slopes of the valley. Though, some of the Cacao plantations are located directly in the rice fields or in the nearby forests of the Lore Lindu National Park (e.g. in Pono, a small settlement close to Toro or as seen in mostly allplantations in Bulu Kuku), which surrounds the whole settlement area. 164 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 The village is highlyattractive for transmigration, as a matter of formerly still available land and as proved bythe observation of citizens from the Batavi, Bugis, Kailih, Kulawi, Napu, Manado, Rampiand Toraja ethnics. From JUHRBANDT (2010) and STEFFAN-DEWENTER et al. (2007) weknow that farming Cacao is one of the most important income sources for the populationof Toro. An increase of new Cacao plantations in the area during the last 10 years couldbe observed. Reasoning research site selection and research methods Concerning the above displayed climatic and geological factors, Toro is a very suitablesite for research on Cacao plantations. Except the absolute height of the village, thereseems to be everything available which would be necessary for vital and productiveCacao trees. As the above mentioned pests are of major concern in the Toro valley, the documentationof the development of P. palmivora and C. cramerella under different managementstrategies was included in the research protocol, in order to test the actual effects of Chloromite 400, the mostly used insecticide in the research region, on the mostconcerning pests. Though P. palmivora is not treatable with insecticides, the spread ofthese fungi may increase by the harming of insects as C. cramerella and H. theobromae. As shown above, not just pest development, but pollination as well is an important drivingfactor. So we had to monitor the population dynamics of the Ceratopogonidae family, inorder to find out whether the pollinator may be negatively affected by the application ofinsecticides or not. So that could mean a decrease of pests on one side, but a decrease ofthe pollination rate on the other side. Yellow pan traps have been used, because theywere tested and recommended for Ceratopogonidae in the method paper fromFRIMPONG et al. (2011). As shade is an important driving factor of Cacao fitness and yields, I decided to record theshadow conditions in relation to the conditions in open land and to exaggerate the canopydevelopment in the plots every month. Additionally we recorded position, height andcanopy diameter of all shade trees, in order to compare them with the yields in affectedplots. Concerning plot selection, I made sure to choose plantations which are more or lessequally shaded in order to equalize the effects of shade to Cacao yield and pest pressure. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.18.a) Andreas Ralf Spangenberg Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Herzogenaurach, 27-08-1980 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Master Student Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 165 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Institusi : Georg-August-University Gottingen Email :trampademaiz@gmail.com; a.spangenberg@dtud.uni-goettingen.de Alamat : Nikolausberger Weg 5737073 Gottingen, Germany (F.19) Restoration Impact on Tropical Peat Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics (ReTroPeat) Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari perubahan dalam dinamikan karbon dan nitrogen dalam proses reboisasi gambut tropis Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 7 Mei 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Tengah (Lab alam gambut dekat Ds. Kereng Bangkirai, Kalampangan Zone di Blok C ex PLG dan Ds. Taruna Jaya) Mitra Kerja : Kitso Kusin, SP., Feteria Darma, S.Hut - CIMTROP Universitas Palangka Raya Abstract Rain-fed ombrotrophic peatlands in the tropics are formed from semi-decomposed organic plant matter, mainly debris from wet environment adapted rain forest trees. Reducing the frequency of water logging of the surface peat by drainage, especially during permanent drainage in land use change, removes the precondition for peat carbon preservation, as aerobic degradation of the recently deposited and recalcitrant organic matter in the surface peat is enhanced. There has been increased interest to restore and rewct degraded tropical peatlands because of cost efficiency created from saving globally significant carbon deposits in the system and potential of economic returns created from vegetation grown on it. Little is known about the consequences of re-wetting and vegetation regrowth on carbon and nitrogen cycle in degraded tropical peat systems. Rewetting and reforestation can be expected to change peat carbon store dynamics because many of the original characteristics (e.g. hydrology, bulk density, chemical composition of carbon substrates) have changed during progressing degradation. The RETROPEAT project focuses on changes in carbon and nitrogen dynamics that take place in the process or rewetting and reforestation in tropical peat. Several focused experimental approaches will be applied. Our research objectives can be divided into four categories; (i) species and environmental condition impacts on seedling growth success, (ii) peat greenhouse gas dynamics (CO2, CH4 and N20), (iii) peat matter changes, and 166 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (iv) role of influential abiotic and biotic controls on carbon and nitrogen dynamics in undrained and restored peat. The research site is located at northern part of the Sabangau catchment in Central Kalimantan, West from the Sabangau River is undrained peat swamp forest area and East from the river is located the North-western corner of the drained Ex-MRP area. Research results based on this funding will be publicly available in high rank peer reviewed papers. The ultimate goal of the project is to provide scientific information and decision making tools for interest groups working on sustainable use of natural resources and on tasks aiming to lower GHG emissions. Project funding is from Academy of Finland and effective duration from 1.1.2012 to 31.8.2015. Indonesian project partner is Center for International Co-Operation in Sustainable Management of Tropical Peatland (CIMTROP, Palangka Raya, Indonesia), represented by Suwido H. Limin, Dr., Director of CIMTROP. International partner is Department of Forest Sciences in the University of Helsinki (Finland), presented by Harri Vasander (Project leader), Jyrki Jauhiainen (Project coordinator), Maija Lampcla (Project participant), Man Kononcn (Project participant). NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.19.a) Jyrki Juhani Jauhiainen Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Kiuruvesi, 23-05-1966 Warga Negara : Finlandia Jabatan : Research Coordinator Institusi : University of Helsinki Email : Jyrki.Jauhiainen@helsinki.fi Alamat : P.O. BOX 24, FIN-00014 University of Helsinki (F.19.b) Maija Kaarina Lampela Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Helsinki, 21-12-1974 Warga Negara : Finlandia Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Institusi : University of Helsinki Email : maija.lampela@helsinki.fi Alamat : Siilitie 6 B 7, 00900 Helsinki Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 167 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (F.19.c) Mari Tuulia Könönen Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Anjalankoski, 31-08-1985 Warga Negara : Finlandia Jabatan : Research Coordinator Institusi : University of Helsinki Email : mari.kononen@helsinki.fi Alamat : Kotkankatu 2A1 00270 Helsinki, Finlandia Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai bulan 3 September 2012 (F.20) Research to Support Conservation in the Tropical Forest of Kalimantan Tujuan Penelitian : Bertujuan menyediakan data untuk mendukung upaya konservasi di wilayah hutan bernilai konservasi tinggi (High Conservation Value) di Kalimantan, Indonesia Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : multi years Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Tengah (Lab. Alam Gambut Sebangau, Stasiun Penelitian Kalampangan, Baronang Dua, Bawan, TN Bukit Baka Bukit Raya, Gn. Lumut, Kalaweit Hampapak, Hutan KatinganMentaya, Mungku Baru, Murung Raya) Mitra Kerja : Dr. Ir. Suwido Limin, MS.–CIMTROP Universitas Palangka Raya Abstract The Orangutan Tropical Peatland Project (OuTrop) is a UK-based research group affiliated to the Wildlife Conservation Research Unit (WildCRU), University of Oxford; Department of Geography, University of Leicester; and College of Life and Environmental Science, University of Exeter. Together with scientists from CIMTROP (Centre for International Cooperation in Sustainable Management of Tropical Peatlands), at the University of Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan, we conduct research and provide opportunities for development of Indonesian scientists. Our long-term multi-disciplinary research project aims to provide data to support and enhance locally-led conservation efforts in High Conservation Value Forests in Kalimantan, Indonesia. This will be achieved through studies designed to (i) improve our knowledge of the natural ecology of these forests and resident species’ behaviour; and (ii) elucidate the impacts 168 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 of human activities on this, including both anthropogenic threats to the ecosystem and forest management activities. These studies will build upon data collected in Kalimantan by OuTrop and CIMTROP team members over the last ten years, enabling us to maintain and extend our existing data sets, and collect new data sets, to continue our analyses of ecosystem change in these important forests and provide information to support conservation policy decisions. To achieve this, our three-year research programme will incorporate studies on floral and faunal biodiversity and ecological interactions, including trees, birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish and invertebrates; forest structure and dynamics; flagship conservation species, including orang-utans, gibbons, red langurs and use of camera traps to survey cats; communities; ecosystem services; threats to the forest and conservation measures to counter these threats; and trials of the effectiveness of forest regeneration and reforestation techniques. This research will be conducted primarily in the relatively undisturbed Natural Laboratory for Peat-swamp Forest (NLPSF) and highly-disturbed peat swamps of the Kalampangan Research Station, both in Sabangau, with additional data collected to support these objectives in other High Conservation Value forests in Kalimantan. Using these data from both disturbed and relatively undisturbed forests, we will test hypotheses regarding the influence of anthropogenic threats on forest ecology and biodiversity, providing important insights for conservation managers. Our long-term data collection in the core NLPSF research site is essential for providing baselineinformation on natural processes and variation in the ecosystem, which is necessary for interpreting differences between this and more disturbed areas of forest. This programme will also bring a number of additional important benefits to Indonesia, including improving the knowledge base and building capacity, through collaborations with Indonesian scientists; training of local post-graduates, students and local community members; providing alternative sustainable economic opportunities in Kalimantan, particularly through employing local research assistants; and promoting and sourcing funds to support the conservation activities led by CIMTROP. We will produce a series of interim reports on our progress as required by RISTEK and other Indonesian authorities and to feed into the conservation management of the Sabangau Forest and our other study areas, plus a final report on the state of the Sabangau Forest and some specific management recommendations to be submitted to relevant parties in Indonesia within 3 months of the end of the research project. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.20.a) Mark Edward Harrison Tempat dan tanggal lahir Warga Negara : Peterborough, 11-07-1980 : Inggris Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 169 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Jabatan Institusi Email Alamat Lama Penelitian : Managing Director : OuTrop (Orangutan Tropical Peatland Project)) : Harrison_me@hotmail.com/mark_harrison@cantab.net/ mh339@le.ac.uk : Departement of Geography University of Leicester Bennett Building, University Road, Leicester, LEI 7RH,UK : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 6 Juli 2012 (F.20.b) Lucas Alexander Ward Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Isledorth. 06-10-1981 Warga Negara : Inggris Jabatan : Individual Researcher Institusi : Roehampton University London Email :lukeward007@hotmail.com Alamat : 22 Park Road, Ashford, Middlesex TW 15 1 EY, United Kingdom Lama Penelitian : 12(dua belas) bulan mulai 17 Juli 2012 (F.20.c) Stijn Jacobus Johannes Schreven Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Groesbeek, 18-10-1988 Warga Negara : Belanda Jabatan : Master Student Institusi : Wageningen University Email : Harrison_me@hotmail.com/mark_harrison@cantab.net/ mh339@le.ac.uk Alamat : Departement of Geography University of Leicester Bennett Building, University Road, Leicester, LEI 7RH,UK Lama Penelitian : 6(enam) bulan mulai 6 Juli 2012 (F.20.d) Cathryn Anne Freund Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Minnesota, 22-08-1988 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Master Student Institusi : Columbia University 170 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Email : caf2145@columbia.edu/cathryn.fruend@gmail.com Alamat : E3B, Columbia University 2012 New York, NY, USA Lama Penelitian : 6(enam) bulan mulai 9 Juli 2012 (F.20.e) Amy Sylvia Oxley Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Croydon, 09-09-1985 Warga Negara : Inggris Jabatan : Individual Researcher Institusi : Imperial College London Email :a.s.oxley@hotmail.co.uk Alamat : 203 Farley Road, South Croydon Surrey, CR2 7NP, United Kingdom Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 17 Juli 2012 (F.20.f) Jessica Margaret Stitt Tempat dan tanggal lahir : New York, 16-05-1988 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Independen Researcher Institusi : - Email : jessmstitt@gmail.com Alamat : 251 Briarcliff Rd. Ridgewood, NJ, USA 07450 Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 20 Juli 2012 (F.20.g) Sara Anne Thornton Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Turku, 05-12-1991 Warga Negara : Finlandia Jabatan : Master Student Institusi : University of Edinburgh Email :sthornton1991@hotmail.com Alamat : Jagersweg 13, 1272 AL Huizen Netherlands Lama Penelitian : 4 (empat) bulan mulai 9 Juli 2012 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 171 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (F.20.h) David Alan Smith Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Northampton, 04-12-1981 Warga Negara : Inggris Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Institusi : Oxford Brookes University Email : deveblpr@hotmail.com Alamat : 75, Furnace Lane, Nether Heyfotd Norhamptonshire NN7 3JS, UK Lama Penelitian : 4(empat) bulan mulai 12 Juli 2012 (F.20.i) Thea Jane Stella Powell Tempat dan tanggal lahir Warga Negara Jabatan Institusi Email Alamat Lama Penelitian : : : : : : Brighton, 12-07-1989 Inggris Independen Researcher tpowell 124@gmail.com 7 Moncklton Way, Kingston, Near Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 3LD, UK : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 20 Juli 2012 (F.20.j) Amanda Rae Hoepfner Tempat dan tanggal lahir Warga Negara Jabatan Institusi Email Alamat Lama Penelitian : Utah, 07-04-1988 : Amerika Serikat : Ph.D. Student : University of Utah :Amanda.hoefner@utah.edu : Department of Biology, University of Utah, 257 S 1400 E, Salt Lake City UT, 84112 : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 2 Agustus 2012 (F.20.k) Helen Olga Thompson Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Inverness, 15-09-1987 Warga Negara : Inggris Jabatan : Master Student 172 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Institusi : University of Edinburgh Email :helen.ot87@gmail.com Alamat : 8/5 Clearburn Road, Edinburgh, UK, EH16 5EY Lama Penelitian : 7(tujuh) bulan mulai 17 September 2012 2012 (F.20.l) Sarah Batty Tempat dan tanggal lahir : London, UK, 12 - 12 - 1979 Warga Negara : Inggris Jabatan : Student Institusi : Edinburg Napier University Email : sarahbatty@hotmail.com Alamat : Edinburg, United Kingdom Lama Penelitian : 6 (enam) bulan mulai 9 Oktober 2012 (F.20.m) Barbara Mc Allister Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Neunkirchen, 07-05-1986 Warga Negara : Austria Jabatan : Master Student Institusi : University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna Email : barbaraamcalliser777@yahoo.de Alamat : Gregor Mendel Stoβe, Vienna Lama Penelitian : 6 (enam) bulan mulai 9 Oktober 2012 (F.21) Trade offs for social and ecological outcomes under Payment for Ecosystem Services in Lombok, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari interaksi antara pemanfaatan sumber daya alam dengan ekosistem itu sendiri Bidang Penelitian : Sosio-ekologi Lama Penelitian : 10 (sepuluh) bulan mulai 21 Mei 2012 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 173 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Daerah Penelitian : NTB (Lombok, Sumbawa) Mitra Kerja : Prof. Ir. Yusuf A. Sutaryono, Ph.D- Climate Change Adaptation Projetc, Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Mataram Abstract Tropical ecosystems provide innumerable benefits at multiple scales, from timber and nontimber forest products (NTFPs) to support local livelihoods, to their role in global biodiversity conservation. However, growing populations, expanding agriculture and impacts of climate change are increasing the pressure on ecosystem services and the communities dependent upon them. Subsequently poverty and consumer demand is forcing the overexploitation of natural resources. Deforestation is responsible for an estimated 20% global carbon emissions in addition to unknown impacts on the provision of water for both agriculture and human consumption (Trivedi et al 2009). Consequently, the protection of ecosystem services in developing countries has been identified as a “global social objective” (Ferraro 2002: 990). Recent developments in conservation initiatives seek to combine both biodiversity protection and sustainable development through incentive-based mechanisms such as payments for ecosystem services (PES). Based on an ecosystem services approach, PES has been seen by some to be a “win-win” situation; simultaneously tackling climate change, biodiversity loss and poverty (Kosoy et al 2007). PES uses economic incentives to influence behaviours and natural resource use patterns, while also benefiting local communities through capital development (McShane et al 2010). PES therefore aims to integrate the short-term immediacy of conservation goals with the long-term slow pace of economic and social change of development objectives to (Ferraro 2001). Furthermore, influencing natural resource-use decisions of individuals via economic incentives may also serve as a redistributive mechanism between different social groups and ecosystem users (Kumar and Muradian 2008, Barrett and Arcesese 1998, Adams and Hulme 2001). The potential of PES schemes to mobilise financial resources for conservation while also achieve development goals has generated strong interest in its application (Tacconi et al 2011). Indeed, PES schemes developed under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) for a mechanism for Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD), are gaining momentum. Mitigating carbon emissions through avoided deforestation schemes is being viewed as an important, cost-effective component of climate change (Klein et al 2005); providing an opportunity to utilise emerging carbon markets to integrate these goals with biodiversity conservation and community development. Opportunities to combine climate change, conservation and development goals appear idyllic. However, lack of evidence on the possible socio-economic implications of PES for communities who live in, and depend upon the ecosystems management by the initiative have 174 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 raised concerns (Peskett et al 2006). Recent literature has raised many questions regarding the trade-offs and synergies between the conservation and development goals of PES and the many assumptions on which it is based. In particular, PES’ effectiveness, equity of marginalised poor participation, and long-term resilience for the forest-dependent communities involved have been questioned (Kosoy and Corbera 2010). Indeed, Petheram and Campbell (2010) suggest that there is a lack of empirical research on local people’s perceptions of PES and their potential roles as service providers. For example, what are the general factors influencing the livelihood of people adopting to and adhering to PES scheme? This raises questions as to how environmental values can be captured and thus enhanced and maintained through PES active management. This research aims to understand the interaction between natural resource use and ecosystems themselves within the context of theories of tropical forest decline. Drawing on theories of ecosystem value and maximising utility for resource-use decisions (Espinosa 2008) to identify how this can contribute to greater equity in the design and implementation of incentivebased conservation schemes such as PES. In addition, this research aims to understand how the implementation of PES schemes impacts trade offs between livelihoods and ecosystems, and how this can inform discourse to reduce environmental and social vulnerability, and build resilience to factors such as demographic, political and climatic change. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.21.a) Lucy Angela Sinclair Garrett Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Guildford, 24-07-1980 Warga Negara : Inggris Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Institusi : University of East Anglia Email : lucyasgarrett@gmail.com Alamat : 24 Willow Road, Farncombe, Godalming, Surrey GU7 3SP, UK (F.22) Collaborative land use planning and sustainable institutional arrangement for strengthening land tenure, forest and community rights in Indonesia” Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari faktor-faktor sosiologi, ekologi, dan politik yang terkait dengan perubahan pemanfaatan lahan Bidang Penelitian : Sosio-Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 7(tujuh) bulan mulai 18 Juli 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Barat (Kapuas Hulu) Mitra Kerja : Dr. Eny Faridah, M.Sc. – Fakultas kehutanan UGM dan Valentinus Heri - Riak Bumi Foundation Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 175 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Abstract This research project will take place from June to December 2012 in the district of Kapuas Hulu (West Kalimantan). It is part of the CoLUPSlA Project (“Collaborative land use planning and sustainable institutional arrangement for strengthening land tenure, forest and community rights in Indonesia”), managed by the CIFOR. This project aims to understand sociological, ecological and political factors that are responsible for the land use changes, and particularly the conversion of forests and agroforests in oil palm plantations, by the building of a model showing the interactions between actors and their environment. This research project will consist in three phases of work: a literature review, a first fieldwork constituted by interviews leading to the realization of a conceptual model, and a second fieldwork constituted by role playing games workshops and by the constant improvement of the model. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.22.a) Caroline Colette Rolande Tardivo Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Warga Negara : Jabatan Institusi : Email Alamat Paris, 12-11-1988 Perancis : Master Student AgroParisTech, National School of Water and Forestry, Montpellier : caroline.tardivo@gmail.com : 1 Rue des minims 75003 Paris, France (F.23) Identification of forest use patterns and their associations with rural livelihoods: a case study from Gunung Palung National Park in West Kalimantan” Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji pola pemanfaatan hutan dalam kaitannya dengan kehidupan masyarakat lokal Bidang Penelitian : Sosio-Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 2 (dua) bulan mulai 22 Juli 2012 Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta, Jawa Barat (Bogor), Kalimantan Barat (Ketapang, Kayong Utara, TN Gunung Palung) Mitra Kerja : Prof. Dr. Lilik Budi Prasetyo, M.Sc. – Dept. Konservasi Sumberdaya Hutan dan Ekowisata, IPB 176 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Abstract Deforestation is continuingall over the world.Southeast Asia has gone through a large decline in forest areain the last ten years, with an annual net loss of forests of more than 0.9 million hectares. Particularly in Indonesia, where there is mega biodiversity with extensive forest area, However, tropical forests have been decreasing with the second highest deforestation ratio following Brazil. The establishment of protected areas is one of the effective methods for conserving forests and biodiversity. In Indonesia, a national park has been one of the most important measures for nature conservation (Soekmadi, 2002). Designation of national parks and other categories of protected areas have been accelerated in recent years, and around 50 national parks have been established by 2006. However, simple establishment of national parks alone may not be sufficiently effective. In Indonesia, it is common that there are various ‘illegal’ activities, either subsistence or commercial, by local people nearby the established parks. With the recognition that simple exclusion of such people would be neither possible nor effective, several buffer zone programs have been promoted, to cope with local people’s pressures and mitigate illegal logging activities. Yet, few effective results have been reported. It would be a first step to collect more information on rural livelihoods. From this viewpoint, firstly, we will marshal the kinds of forest use patterns inside a national park in terms of the levels of pressures on forest resources; i.e. agroforestry such as durian gardens, rubber plantations, or shifting cultivation. Secondly, characteristics of households associated with each kind of forest use pattern will be confirmed. With this information, more precise targeting of program beneficiaries would be possible, which would result in better outcomes of buffer zone or other protected areas-related programs. Study Site In our study, we focus on GunungPalung National Park (GPNP) in West Kalimantan thatcontains globally significantecosystems in terms of biodiversity conservation.GPNP is located in Ketapang District and Kayong Utara District with anapproximate area of 90,000 ha and maximum elevation of 1,116m. Thisregioncontains seven types of tropical rainforest ecosystems: sub-alpine rain forest, mountain rain forest, lowland rain forest, alluvial forest, moss forest, swamp forest, mangrove forest and rheofite vegetation. In addition, the national park is famous for endemic habitat of orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus), with estimated population density of 3.0 individuals/km2, totally 2,470 individuals. Proboscis monkey (Nasalislarvatus) is also distributed with high density.However, illegal logging has been serious throughout the national park, particularly since 1999, and 50,400ha had beendeforested in mid-2003. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 177 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.23.a) Haruki Maejima Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Aichi, 02-06-1989 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Master Student Institusi : University of Tsukuba Email :ruta2681@gmail.com Alamat : Roiyaru Haitsu Fujimidai#103 49-3 Toyoshiki, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-0863 Japan (F.23.b) Shota Yanagisawa Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Saitama, 13-05-1989 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Master Student Institusi : University of Tsukuba Email :mainayana@gmail.com Alamat : Bonurucourt#101,4-23-1 Kasuga 8521, Japan Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305- (F.24) The international climate change negotiations and their implications for forest policies and resource access in Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan analisis empiris kualitatif dari konsep konservasi hutan yang digaungkan oleh proses negosiasi internasional terkait iklim dan dampaknya terhadap pengembangan pedesaan serta upaya perllindungan hutan tropis di Indonesia Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi & Ilmu Politik Lama Penelitian : 4(empat) bulan mulai 16 Juli 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (TN Bukit Dua Belas dan Hutan Harapan), TN Berbak, TN Kerinci Seblat), Kalimantan Barat (Kapuas Hulu), Kalimantan Tengah (Lokasi bekas proyek Mega Rice), DKI Jakarta, Jawa Barat (Bogor) Mitra Kerja : Prof. Dr. Endriatmo Soetarto – IPB 178 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Abstract After several attempts to establish a binding international agreement to protect the world’s forests failed, the global community has recently ranked forest conservation high on international negotiation agendas. The dominant international discourse sees tropical forest protection as a highly cost effective climate change mitigation option and its protection as a substantial income source for developing countries and in particular for its marginalized forest dependent communities. Deforestation and forest degradation processes alone contribute 15% to the global greenhouse gas emissions (Van der Werf et al., 2009), Indonesia is one of the largest emitter of land-based greenhouse gas emissions. Up to 60% of its emissions are caused by deforestation, forest degradation and peatland conversion (Brockhaus et al., 2011). At COP 15 in Copenhagen Indonesia announced as one of the first developing countries an ambitious emission reduction target of 26% below business as usual (BAU) until 2020. A substantial part of this commitment is planned to be reached by a forest policy aimed to reduce deforestation and forest degradation. For this purpose, the country is receivingadditional support from the international community - as part of the REDD (ReducingEmissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) mechanism introduced to the UNFCCC process in 2005. Multilateral initiatives such as the UNREDD Programme or the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) managed by the World Bank, and bilateral initiatives such as the German International Climate Initiative (ICI), the Australian-Indonesian Forest Carbon Partnership and the Indonesia-Norway REDD+ Partnership support the efforts of the Indonesian government to establish a national REDD framework. Today regional Indonesian governmental institutions (e.g. Provincial and District Governments), donor agencies, NGO’s and private businesses are implementing more than fourty REDD pilot projects in nearly any part of the country (CIFOR 2012). Most of the recently published research on REDD focuses on rather technical facets of the . mechanisms. Cost benefit analyses, proposals for REDD governance and market concepts, models illustrating historic deforestation and predicting future deforestation, and greenhouse gas inventories exist for different forest types and were conducted for several regions in Indonesia and abroad. The results of such studies draw a simplistic, technocratic image and are dominated by a global gaze (Fogel, 2004). A global gaze often ignores local populations living in areas designated as carbon sinks and neglects the existence of local narratives, local resource use practices and local interpretations of nature. The main objective of this research project is to conduct a qualitative empirical analysis of the impacts of forest conservation concepts emerged from international climate negotiations andtheir effects on rural development and on the protection of tropical forests in Indonesia. REDD has according to climate experts (WBGU 2011) the potential to foster moresustainable and climate-friendly resource use practices. REDD valuates or in other words creates incentives Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 179 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA for the protection and sustainable use of forest resources. This implies that not the demand for agro-industrial products would drive rural development in frontier and post-frontier regions but rather the demand for tradable emission reduction certificates. REDD demonstration activities in Indonesia are implemented in regions in different stages of frontier transformation and thus deforestation is caused by different drivers. Whereas in the Jambi province agricultural intensification of the already existing agricultural area is a major cause for land-use change induced greenhouse gas emissions (Feintrenie et al. 2010; Mc Carthy 2007; Browder et al. 2008) the provinces of Kalimantan Barat and Kalimantan Tengahstill have larger areas of frontier forests (FWI/GFW 2002: 18; Lusiana et al. 2011). Deforestation induced greenhouse gas emissions in the two provinces on the island of Kalimantan are mainly caused by forest conversion for agricultural purposes. This research seeks to draw a comparative political ecology of the Indonesian REDD process considering different political scales and different stages of frontier transformation in up to three Indonesian provinces. The project has three main research foci jinked to subsidiary research questions: Focus 1: Impacts of international climate discourses on local forest.protection policies and the on the valuation of natural resources. • What is the influence of global climate governance on national and localforest policies? • Is REDD already considered as an income source for local stakeholders?Focus 2: Actors, local negotiations and REDD demonstration activities. Which local stakeholders are involved?Is REDD changing resource access opportunities for rural households? Focus 3: Early impacts on land-use practices.Is REDD already influencing land-use oattems NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.24.a) Jonas Ibrahim Hein Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Berlin, 07-06-1983 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Institusi : University of Gottingen Email :jonas.hein@die-gdi.de Alamat : Perthesanlage 9, D-53119 Bonn, Germany 180 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (F.25) Terrestrial Influences on Mangrove Ecology and Sustainability of Their Resources (TIMES) –SPICE 3 Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti proses terperangkapnya karbon pada ekosistem mangrove sebagai fungsi konversi mangrove. Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai bulan 27 Agustus 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Tengah (Segara Anakan, Cilacap), Kalimantan Timur (Berau), Sulawesi Tengah (Kep. Togian, Tojo Una-Una) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Pertanian IPB (Dr. Iskandar) Abstract This project aims at understanding the processes of carbon (C) sequestration in mangrove ecosystems as a function of mangrove conversion, in order to develop and test an easy-touse tool for pricing of C related environmental services (CRES) in REDD and PES schemes. We will investigate into the C sequestration potential of mangrove by linking C stocks to sources, composition, and turnover of organic matter (OM) species in soil. Furthermore, we aim to clarify to which extent these functions are triggered by plant and microorganisms (bacteria and fungi) species composition in pristine and used (including completely deforested) mangroves. This process-based understanding of utilization thresholds is a prerequisite for successful future management scenarios dealing with C sequestration in mangrove ecosystems. Moreover, it will be tested whether identification of aboveground species composition could act as a valid indicator for CRES, both in economically based decision making on broader scale and local costefficient monitoring of the consecutive provision of CRES. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.25.a) Joanna Anna Weiss Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Lodz, 08-02-1983 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Institusi : Institute of Soil Science, Leibnitz University of Hannover Email : weis@ifbk.uni-hannover.de Alamat : Herrenhäuser Str.2D030419 Hannover, Germany Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 181 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (F.25.b) Jens Boy Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Lich, 23-10-1972 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Senior Scientist Institusi : Institute of Soil Science, Leibnitz University of Hannover Email : boy@ifbk.uni-hanover.de Alamat : Herrenhäuser Str.2 D030419 Hannover, Germany (F.25.c) Christian Martin Gerhard Rumpf Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Burgwedel, 18-12-1982 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Institusi : Institute of Soil Science, Leibnitz University of Hannover Email : rumpf@ifbk.uni-hannover.de Alamat : Herrenhäuser Str.2 D030419 Hannover, Germany (F.26) Evaluating the Social Sustainability in a Local Community Level for the Stable Supply of Ecosystem Services: The Geospatial Quantitative Analysis on the Mountainous Area in Sulawesi Island Tujuan Penelitian : Mengevaluasi keberlanjutan tata kehidupan di level komunitas lokal dalam penerapan jasa ekosistem Bidang Penelitian : Sosio-Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 27 Agustus 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Selatan (Toraja Utara) Mitra Kerja : Universitas Hasanuddin (Ir. Andi Amri, Ph.D.) 182 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.26.a) Ayako Oide Tempat dan tanggal lahir Warga Negara Jabatan Institusi Email Alamat : : : : : : 2012 Saitama, 30-09-1988 Jepang Ph.D. Student Kyoto University oideayako@gmail.com, oide@asafas.kyoto-u.ac.jp 46 Shimoadachi-cho, Yoshida, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, 606-8501, Japan (F.27) Collaboration in the project utilization of liquid and solid wastes from palm oil, rubber and sugar mill for renewable energy and other useful products Tujuan Penelitian Bidang Penelitian Lama Penelitian Daerah Penelitian Mitra Kerja : Mempelajari kelayakan pengurangan emisi GHG di Indonesia dan mengevaluasi dampaknya seperti pada pengukuran pemanasan global dan polusi : Studi Lingkungan : 5 (lima) bulan mulai 13Februari 2012 : Lokasi PTP Nusantara VII (pabrik dan perkebunan) di Sumatra Selatan : Dr. Astu Unadi - Balitbang Pertanian, Kementerian Pertanian Abstract Consideration : Deforestation of tropical rainforest has caused carbon dioxide increese. Infertile soils including strong acidic soils are widely distributed in Indonesia. About 7% of the country of Indonesia is considered as infertile soils (strong acid soils) land and these lands are unused.According to economic development, coal ashes disposed as waste are expected to increase in Indonesia. Purpose: The purpose of this project is to avoid the deforestation by creation of an alternative land. First, the coal ash from power plant is processed into soil improvement product by Japanese technology. Infertile soils (strong acid soils) are improved using the soil improvement product. Deforestation is avoided by using soil improvement land. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 183 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA This project involves a survey for REDD+ under consideration for a new international framework to cope with the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) reduction. The survey, which includes the following activities, aims to study the feasibility of GHG emission reduction in the host country, Indonesia. It also evaluates the co-benefit effect such as countermeasure against global warming and protects deforestation measure in Indonesia. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.27.a) Shingo Maeno Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Tokushima, 15-03-1980 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Technical Staff Institusi : Chugai-Technos Corp. Email :s.maeno@chugai-tec.co.jp Alamat : 1-12-9 Nihonbashi-Hamascho Chuo-ku Tokyo, Japan (F.27.b) Etsuko Kaimi Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Hiroshima, 08-04-1965 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Deputy General Manager Institusi : Chugai-Technos Corp. Email :e.kaimi@chungaqi-tec.co.jp Alamat : 1-12-9 Nihonbashi-Hamacho Chu-Ku Tokyo, Japan (F.28) Sustaining Livelihoods and Coral Reef Biodiversity: The Intersection of Traditional Modes of Access, Eco-Tourism, and Marine Protected Areas in Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji bagaimana institusi legal, politik dan sosial berpengaruh terhadap keberhasilan ekologi pelestarian laut di Segitiga Terumbu Karang (Coral Triangle) di Indonesia. Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 19Juni 2012 184 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Bali, Sulawesi Tenggara (Wakatobi) dan Papua (Raja Ampat). Mitra Kerja : Dr. Ir. Luky Adrianto, M. Sc dan Dr. Ir. Fredinan Yulianda, M. Sc., Departemen Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan (MSP), Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, IPB dan Ir. A. Gatot Murwato, M. Si., Fakultas Peternakan dan Ilmu Kelautan – Universitas Negeri Papua. Abstract Purpose of research: To better understand how traditional modes of access to marine resources, legal precedents for access to marine resources, local enforcement, and the efforts of dive tourism operators to create no-take zones affect the ecology of marine protected areas within the Coral Triangle in Indonesia. Methodology I will work with marine biologists from IPB and the international NGO community to build on the basic ecological data that already exists in both Wakatobi and Raja Ampat, and I will use that ecological data to inform my research on the human institutions, both social and political, that underpin the effectiveness of marine reserves in Wakatobi and Raja Ampat. I plan to have six research sites - three in each region - lying within a protected area, within a dive tourism no-take zone, and near a well-establish fishing community. I will collaborate with researchers from IPB and the international NGO community to interview dive operators, fishermen, and government officials to find out where people are fishing in relation to the local marine reserve, how effective reserve enforcement is, how fishing has changed since the reserves were created, whether fishermen have established any formal or informal territories, and how payments from dive operators have affected communities. I will also research the legal basis of agreements between dive operators and fishing communities. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.28.a) Michael Lawrence De Alessi Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Washington, D. C., 27 Juli 1969 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Research Scientist Institusi : School of Aquatic and Fishery Science, University of Washington. Email :mdealessi@gmail.com Alamat : 51 Delmar St San Francisco, CA 9411, 415-305-3474, USA Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 185 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (F.29) Ecology and conservation of a sympatric tropical forest felid guild: the wild cats of Borneo Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari status, perilaku, ekologi, dan aspek-aspek terkait mengenai kucing liar Kalimantan serta meneliti populasinya khususnya clouded leopard. Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi & Biologi Lama Penelitian : 1 2 bulan mulai 26 Juni 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Tengah (TN. Sebangau, Palangkaraya), Kalimantan Timur (Hutan Lindung Sungai Wain, TN Kutai), Kalimantan Tengah (Hutan Bawan, Hutan Mungku Baru). Mitra Kerja : CIMTROP Universitas Palangka Raya (Ari Purwanto, SP., Ramadan, Abdul Azis ) Abstract Research Objectives 1. Investigate felid diversity, distribution and activity patterns in 4 different forests throughout Kalimantan e.g. Hutan Lindung Sungai Wain, TN Kutai (Kalimantan Timur), Bawan Forest and Mungku Baru Forest (Kalimantan Tengah) 2. Investigate clouded leopard density in these habitats. 3. Expand investigation into threats to the Bornean felids including direct hunting of cats and also hunting of their prey base. 4. Establish a camera trapping training course for Indonesian staff and students Description of study site The Sungai Wain Protection Forest (SWPF) is the only intact lowland forest surviving in the south-eastern part of East Kalimantan. it covers an area of 100 km2 and is largely dominated by dipterocarp trees. The SWPF includes swamp forests which are permanently or frequently flooded, alluvial forests along the rivers, steep and ridge forests as well as forests present on high-altitude plains (Fredriksson and Nijman, 2004). A large number of mammals are present in the SWPF, including re-introduced orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus), proboscis monkeys (Nasalis larvatus), Müller’s gibbons (Hylobates muelleri), red langurs (Presbytis rubicunda), white fronted langurs (P. frontata), sun bears (Helarctos malayanus) as well as all five cat species present on Borneo (Fredriksson and Nijman, 2004; 186 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Geissmann and Nijman, 2008; Nijman and Meijaard, 2008). Sixty percent of this protected area was burned during the El Niño fires in 1998, and has since been in the process of regenerating (Fredriksson and Nijman, 2004). Population and density surveys will be conducted in two forest types: the alluvial intact forest and the regenerating forest. A grid of line transects cover the survey area. Methods 1. To survey a minimum of 160km2 in each forest 2. To place cameras in 80 locations to cover this area 3. To collect data over a minimum of 40 days with all cameras active 4. To carry out habitat data collection around each pair of cameras 5. To conduct questionnaires in collaboration with Indonesian students and counterparts about hunting in each area NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.29.a) Susan Mary Cheyne Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir : Irvine, 03 Maret 1976 Warga Negara : Inggris Jabatan : Postdoctoral Researcher Institusi : Wildlife Conservation Research Unit, Dept. of Zoology, University of Oxford Email : susan.cheyne@zoo.ox.ac.uk Alamat : 10 Beauchamp DL, Oxford, UK (F.29.b) Bernat Ripoll Capilla Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Barcelona, 15-12-1981 Warga Negara : Spanyol Jabatan : Researcher Institusi : CERP Email : bernatripoll@gmail.com Alamat : Passeig Vall Herbron 17108035 Barcelona-Spain Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 187 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (F.29.c) Joana Aragay Soler Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Barcelona, 29-11-1983 Warga Negara : Spanyol Jabatan : Researcher Institusi : Nusos Email :joana.aragay@gmail.com Alamat : Pintor fortuny 24, Pral 2a, 08001 Barcelona, Spain (F.29.d) Wiwit Juwita Sastramidjaja Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Amstelveen, 16-02-1980 Warga Negara : Belanda Jabatan : Research Assistant Institusi : OuTrop Email :wiwitjuwita@gmail.com Alamat : Str.v. Magelhaens 66, 1183HD, the Netherlands (F.30) Carbon Sequestration, Litter C Input to the Soil and Resource Use Efficiency in the Lowland Rainforest Transformation Systems on Sumatra Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji perubahan peredaran karbon sebagai dampak perubahan penggunaan lahan Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 12 bulan mulai 18 Juni2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (TN Bukit Dua Belas dan Hutan Harapan) Mitra Kerja : IPB (Dr. Sri Sudarmiyati Tjitrosudirdjo) dan Universitas Jambi (Drs. Astrizal Paiman, M.P.) Abstract Rainforest transformation has been suggested to largely influence the carbon cycle of the respective ecosystems. However, changes in carbon sequestration and ecosystem net primary productivity may also be influenced by the resource (water or nutrient) use-efficiency in the respective forest system. This project will investigating changes in carbon sequestration 188 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 and net primary production above- and belowground. and litter carbon fluxes to the soil carbon stock with forest transformation of tropical lowland forest into jungle rubber forest, and intensively managed rubber and oil palm plantations in Sumatra (Indonesia). The project links altered patterns in tree species diversity and identity in the presence of tree functional types, and forest structure to ecosystem functioning with a focus on the carbon cycle and the resource use-efficiency in net primary production of the forests. The results will help to assess the consequences of large-scale conversion of natural tropical lowland rainforest into forest transformation systems for carbon sequestration and ecosystem functioning for larger landscape areas. Methodology and concept In each of the 32 study plots (50 m x 50 m) an inventory of aboveground woody biomass and carbon stocks will be carried out. Annual aboveground litter fall will be determined by the installation of 24 litter traps and analysis of litter samples for C and N contents. Belowground litter production will be estimated with an ingrowth core approach (24 ingrowth cores in all 32 plots). To validate the ingrowth core data, we will apply the minirhizotron technique for analysing fine root longevity from direct observations (16 rhizotron tubes in 4 plots). In order to gain quantitative data on seasonal changes in living and dead fine root mass (and related C and N contents), we will conduct a sequential soil coring approach (20 sampling locations at 4 plots). Annual above-ground tree biomass production will be estimated based on the investigation of major components of above-ground net primary production: stem diameter growth (natural rainforest and rubber systems), height growth of oil palm individuals, litter production and oil palm fruit yield. For the inventory of live and dead fine root mass soil samples from the upper soil will be analysed from 10 randomly selected sampling locations in 3 soil depths with varying distance to surrounding stems in each of the 32 core sites. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.30.a) Martyna Malgorzata Kotowska Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Szczecin, 05 - 12 - 1986 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Institusi : University of Gottingen Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 189 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (F.31) Aboveground Pattern of Biodiversity and Associated Ecosystem Process Across Tropical Rainforest Transformations Tujuan Penelitian : Menghitung secara kuantitatif proses-proses ekosistem di hutan hujan tropik Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 12 bulan mulai 18 Juni 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (TN Bukit Dua Belas dan Hutan Harapan) Mitra Kerja : IPB (Dr. Damayanti Buchori) dan Universitas Jambi (Ir. Hamzah, M.Sc.) Abstract 1) Research Objectives Improving ecological and socio-economical functionality of tropical human-dominated landscapes is a major challenge. In this scientific project (SP), we focus on aboveground animal biodiversity patterns and related ecological functions at local and landscape scales in lowland forest, jungle rubber (resembling secondary forest), rubber plantations and oil palm plantations. Decreases in diversity from lowland forest to agroecosystems have already been reported. However, spatial patterns of biodiversity essential for scaling findings up to landscape scales are poorly known. Similarly, lack of knowledge about the relationship between taxonomic and functional diversity and resulting ecosystem services hampers the prediction of ecological functioning. Using two taxonomically and functionally diverse groups, ants and birds, we will sample all core plots at multiple scales to quantify beta diversity and fit species-area relationships. We will test for congruence between taxonomical and functional diversity responses of ant and bird communities to rainforest transformation at different scales. In all core plots, we will quantify ecosystem processes such as herbivory, predation, seed-dispersionand pollination using observations on phytometer plots designedtoinclude plantation, forest and homegarden crop species. Manipulation of ant and bird access will allow testing of predictions about the impact of these groups on plants, above- and belowground animal communities across rainforest transformation systems and lowland forest. Our SP is intimately linked with plant and belowground ecological groups working on the core plots as well as socio-economic groups working at household and village level. 190 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 The two specific objectives I will have responsibility for are: a) Taxonomic and functional diversity responses of ants to rainforest transformation b) Ant and Bird exclusion experiment to determine responses of ecosystem processes 2) Methodology and concept Ants will be sampled across all core sites using winklertraps , combined with baiting for arboreal species, every 4 months during 2 years. Ant species traits will be based on morphometric measurements and complemented with nitrogen isotopic signature, behaviour at baits, predation of prey items and field ecological observations. The structure of the ant community will be also analysed using in stable isotope ratios (15N/14N and 13C/12C). Forgetting a comprehensive view on the trophic structure, 26 species (with 2-3 bulk samples per species) will be studied from each of the32 core plots. Full factorial treatment Full factorial treatment combinations of ant and bird exclusion will be established in 5x6 m subplots in each of the 32 core plots. In each of six 2x2 m cells we will establish one of six plant species:palm, rubber, two natives forest species, chilli and cucumber. These species include the dominant vegetation in the plots, as well as common homegarden species will flower and produce fruit during the 1st phase of the CRC, allowing to quantify further ecosystem functions. The advantages of this design over treatments applied to existing trees are ease of manipulation and replication, and that all plant species can be included in all systems. In an additional 1x6m strip within the subplots. Exclusion of birds will be done using fishnets, exclusion of ants using aluminium barriers with sticky glue dug into the soil and toxic baits (following Klimes et al. 2011). We expect not only ants but also other mobile predators will be excluded: live pitfall traps will be exposed 3 times per year to quantify differences in densities of ants and other predatory arthropods inside and outside the exclosures. Arthropod communities on plants and herbivory will be recorded every 3 months. Pollinator visitation (homegarden plots) will be studied for 20 min per cell. Movement between phytometers and other flowering plants in the neighbourhood will be recorded. We will also record herbivory, predation pressure, fruit and seed set, yield (chilli and cucumber), density of decomposer and predatory invertebrates, and decompositon rates in the experimental plots. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 191 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.31.a) Lisa Helen Denmead Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Blenheim, 15 - 04 - 1987 Warga Negara : Selandia Baru Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Institusi : University of Gottingen (F.31.b) Kevin Felix Arno Darras Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Ambilly, France, 21-12-1986 Warga Negara : Perancis Jabatan : Doctoral Student Institusi : University of Gottingen (F.32) Tree and Palm Water Use Characteristic in Rainforest Transformation system Tujuan Penelitian : Menentukan derajat komplementari dalam penggunaan air tanah di dalam hutan tropik Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 8 bulan mulai 18 Juni2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (TN Bukit Dua Belas dan Hutan Harapan) Mitra Kerja : IPB (Dr. Hendrayanto) dan Universitas Jambi (Ir. Heri Junedi, M.Sc.) Abstract Rainforest transformation will most likely alter ecosystem water cycles with respect to associated magnitude of fluxes, within-system variability and temporal dynamics. Under given environmental conditions, both stand-level water use and productivity may be driven by the degree of complementary soil water use. The objectives of the proposed project are: (1) to determine the degree of complementarity in soil water resource use, (2) to analyze the relationship between soil water uptake and fine root distribution, (3) to estimate whole-plant water use rates in trees and palms, and (4) to derive water use efficiencies. The study will be conducted in tropical lowland rainforests, jungle rubber, and rubber and oil palm plantations 192 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 in two regions of Jambi province (Sumatra, Indonesia). The objectives will be investigated in two work packages (WPs), which are ‘soil water uptake’ (WP1: in cooperation with PhD student Andrea Hanf ) and ‘water use rates’ (WP2). The following hypotheses (Hs) shall be tested: WP1: Soil water uptake H1: Patterns of soil water uptake differ significantly across transformation systems: • The spatial variability, the degree of complementary water use and the depth of soil water uptake decrease in order from rainforest to jungle rubber, rubber plantation and finally oil palm plantation, and the temporal dynamics are similarly affected between systems • The relative contribution of deep soil layers to water uptake increases with tree size. • Trees with deep soil water uptake have the highest water use rates. H2 : The distribution pattern of fine roots alone does not sufficiently explain differences in the depths of soil water uptake across species/systems: • • Trees with a relatively high contribution of deep soil layers to water uptake still have the highest fine root densities in the topsoil. Differences in soil water uptake depths (as indicated by deuterium isotope analyses) are more closely related to the amount of fine roots occurring at the respective (sub-) soil depths. WP2: Water use rates H1: Water use characteristics of trees and palms differ significantly across transformation systems: • At the stand level, the rates of water use and within stand variability are highest in rainforest and decrease through jungle rubber to rubber plantation and oil palm. • A prediction of regional transpiration will be further improved when, in addition to tree size, landscape position and transformation system are also considered. H2: Water use efficiencies differ across transformation systems: • • • At the stand level, water use efficiencies decrease in order from rainforest to jungle rubber, rubber plantation and oil palm. Trees and palms with access to deep water sources have low water use efficiencies. Water use efficiency correlates with leaf N concentrations, and stem 6,3C and 6180 signatures. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 193 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.32.a) Alexander Roll Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Marktredwitz, 21 - 05 - 1984 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Student Institusi : University of Gottingen (F.33) Nitrogen cycling in soils under rainforest transformation systems in Jambi, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Membandingkan karakteristik kimia dan fisik tanah serta mengukur biomas mikroba Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 12 bulan mulai 18 Juni2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (TN Bukit Dua Belas dan Hutan Harapan) Mitra Kerja : IPB (Dr. Imam Rosmana) dan Universitas Jambi (Drs. Damris Muhammad, Ph.D) NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.33.a) Kara Elizabeth Allen Tempat dan tanggal lahir : South Carolina (USA) , 15 - 11 - 1982 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Doctoral Student Institusi : University of Gottingen (F.34) How can REDD+ initiatives in Central Kalimantan Indonesia be designed to support the successful adaptation of local communities to climate change? Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji kelayakan kemungkinan penerapan kombinasi strategi adaptasi dan mitigasi tantangan perubahan iklim dalam kerangka REDD+ Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi 194 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Lama Penelitian : 2 bulan mulai 14 Agustus2012 Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta, Kalimantan Tengah (Palangkaraya, Hutan Pendidikan Hampangen, Area Kalimantan Forests and Climate PartnershipKFCP Mitra Kerja : Universitas Palangka Raya (Dr. Ir. Aswin Usup, M.Sc.) Abstract A consensus has been reached in the academic field that climate change is real and is a threat to society and the world. Even the more conservative predictions estimate large worldwide consequences that will impact and damage millions of livelihoods. Mitigation efforts are underway in order to reduce and prevent climate change from occurring, but with emissions still increasing worldwide and with past emissions already in the atmosphere has meant that climate change is inevitable. Only the severity of climate change can still be controlled by our actions. International policy is heading towards a worldwide 2°C above preindustrial temperature target, which is nevertheless predicted to have large scale impacts on the natural system and societies. As a result, preparing for the impacts of climate change becomes as important as mitigation efforts if we are to successfully tackle the threat of climate change. Adaptation will therefore need to come to the forefront of climate change policy or at least be on equal footing with mitigation. Policy makers have mainly resisted large scale adaptation actions for a number of reasons. First and foremost is the lack of accuracy that comes with predicting the impacts of climate change, especially on regional and local scales. It goes without saying that it is difficult to prepare for climate change if countries are not sure what to prepare for. The second problem is the ambiguous nature of adaptation. Adaptation scholars disagree upon the definition of adaptation, the role of adaptation and the means to best implement adaptation strategies. A lack of confidence in the theory makes policy making and implementation a difficult task. Furthermore, adaptation is by nature a context specific concept, meaning policies need to be implemented on a regional or local basis, and are not as effective on an international or national scale. However, considering that climate change is an international and national problem, the interaction between different levels of decision making is important but remains difficult to implement effectively. Finally, the longevity of climate change and adaptation is an issue. The benefits from adaptation are not going to be seen until climate change impacts are becoming apparent which may be decades away. Political systems across the world do not conform to such timeframes, with immediate results the focus of attention and elections. Discovering ways in which to promote adaptation to climate change and to provide solutions that policy makers are more willing to consider is therefore essential. The focus of this Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 195 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA thesis will be to explore the feasibility of one such solution. That solution is to link adaptation strategies into mitigation strategies in order to determine the circumstances required that would allow for positive adaptation outcomes to occur while implementing mitigation projects. Ascertaining such a connection would help simplify decision making amongst policy makers on adaptation as co-benefits will make these options more attractive. In order to do so, this dissertation will explore the feasibility of this theory in REDD+ (Reducing Emissions through Deforestation and Forest Degradation) projects. Exploring this in REDD+ is attractive due to the infancy of the initiative and the associations these projects have with local communities. With no final decisions yet made on REDD+ policy, this research has the potential to provide productive policy recommendations. As a result, the dissertation will perform research atseveral REDD+ affected case studies within the region of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia to determine if and how REDD+ can support adaptation. A number of stepwise objectives need to be fulfilled to do so, which are outlined in the following three research questions. a) What key features define the successful adaptation of local communities to climate change inCentral Kalimantan Indonesia? b) What key design features of REDD+ initiatives are likely to have greatest impact on theadaptation of local communities to climate change in Central Kalimantan Indonesia? c) Is project-based REDD+ or country-to-country based REDD+ more likely to lead to successfuladaptation of local communities to climate change in Central Kalimantan Indonesia and whatother policy recommendations can be made? The benefits of the research are apparent and can provide important contributions into how climate change adaptation will be tackled in years to come. It will also provide input into the academic field in another way. With a major stumbling block in successful adaptation responses being the lack of consensus within the academic field on the concept itself, this research will hopefully be a small step towards reaching a consensus, as it will contribute to filling a gap in the current academic literature. Adaptation at the local level is an area that has had little attention in the academic field as of yet, despite the importance it presents to adaptation theory, and will be researched in detail in the upcoming study. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.34.a) Tom Arne Paris Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Gravenhage, 21-05-1987 Warga Negara : Belanda Jabatan : Master Student Institusi : The University of Queensland 196 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (F.35) Structure and functioning of the decomposer system in lowland rainforest transformation systems Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti struktur dan fungsi jaring makanan bawah tanah, khususnya pada aspek mikro organisme Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 3 (tiga) bulan mulai 6 September 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (TN Bukit Dua Belas dan Hutan Harapan) Mitra Kerja : IPB (Dr. Rahayu Widyastuti ), Puslit Biologi LIPI (Dr. Yayuk R. Suhardjono) Abstract As knowledge on the decomposer system in tropical lowland rainforests and itstransformation systems is very limited project focuses on answering general questions on thestructure and functioning of the belowground food web focusing on microorganisms andmajor microbial consumers. The project has four major goals which will be investigated infour work packages (WPs): • WP1: Soil fauna as affected by transformation of lowland rainforest • WP2: Decomposition processes in lowland rainforest transformation systems as affected bytop-down forces • WP3: Bottom-up and top-down forces as driving factors for the soil micro- and mesofauna • WP4: The role of roots and mycorrhizal fungi for the detritivore food web Methodology and concept Soil animals will be extracted by heat using modified Kempson-extractors. Oribatid mites (Oribatida) will be analysed at high taxonomic resolution (species level). Collembola will also be analysed at high taxonomic resolution in close collaboration with Dr. Y.R. Suhardjono. With lower taxonomic resolution other soil animal taxa extracted by heat will be investigated in a comprehensive way in close collaboration Dr. R. Widyastuti, including Collembola, Gamasida, Isopoda, Diplopoda, Chilopoda, Araneida. Animals will be assigned to trophic groups and the size will be measured to allow integration into food web models of B1 Brose. For the analysis of bacteria and fungi we will investigate microbial respiration (02 microcompensation technique), microbial biomass as measured by substrate-induced respiration (SIR) and microbial community composition as indicated by PLFA in the litter and upper soil layers (F/H and/or Ah). Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 197 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Complementary analysis of microbial biomass by fumigation extraction will be done by our counterpart Dr. R. Widyastuti. The structure of the soil animal food web will be investigated by analysing natural variations in stable isotope ratios (15N/14N and 13C/12C). Decomposition of litter materials will be investigated by using litter bags. The role of roots and mycorrhizal fungi for litter decomposition, saprotrophic microorganisms and the nutrition of decomposer soil invertebrates will be investigated in a field microcosm experiment. Microcosms (diameter 15 cm, length 20 cm) selectively excluding plant roots and mycorrhizal fungi will be installed at one of the Harapan lowland rainforest sites. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.35.a) Stephan Töppich Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Essen, 24-11-1985 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Master Student Institusi : University of Gottingen Email : stephan.toeppich@biologie.uni-goettingen.de Alamat : Sollingstr.79 D, 37081 Gottingen Germany (F.35.b) Kristina Richter Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Köthen-Anhalt, 19-01-1988 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Master Student Institusi : University of Gottingen Email : kristina.richter@stud.uni-goettingen.de Alamat : 37075 Gottingen Germany 198 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (F.36) Structure, stability and functioning of macro-invertebrate communities in rainforest transformation systems in Sumatra (Indonesia) Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji bagaimana transformasi hutan hujan berdampak pada stabilitas populasi, keberadaan jaring makanan, dan skala dekomposisi dalam model jaring makanan kompleks Bidang Penelitian : Biologii Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 6 September 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (TN Bukit Dua Belas dan Hutan Harapan) Mitra Kerja : IPB (Dr. Tri Heru Widarto, Dr. Achmad Farajallah) Abstract Research Objectives • The proposed project (B01) has four major goals which will be investigated in four work packages (WPs). This proposal concerns WP 3 and 4: • WP3: Investigate how rainforest transformation affects neutral and niche constraints on beta diversity and species-area relationships • WP4: Investigate rainforest transformation effects on population stability, food-web persistence and decomposition rates in complex food-web models. Methodology and concept WP3: Beta diversity and species-area relationships Hypotheses: • H9: Community similarity decreases with spatial distance and is constant across environmental distance (neutral theory). • H10: Community similarity decreases with environmental distance and is constant across spatial distance (niche theory). • H11: The relative importance of spatial and environmental distance for community similarity depends on (a) land-use types and (b) trophic groups. • H12: The exponent of the species-area relationship increases with trophic level and is lower in transformation systems than in tropical lowland forests, (contributes to Focus 3 -Hypothesis 3) Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 199 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA This WP will include data of macro-invertebrates (this SP, WP1), soil micro- and mesofauna (B08 Scheu/Maraun), epigeic fauna (B09 Tscharntke/Clough, 22), and vascular plants (B06 Kreft). Each species will be characterized according to seven trophic groups: belowground predators and decomposers (macro-invertebrates), bacterivores and fungivores (micro- and mesofauna), aboveground predators and herbivores, and vascular plants. The abiotic environment of the vegetation structure (canopy openness and light availability, B06 Kreft), the soil (A04 Kuzyakov) and climate (A03 Knohl/Panferov) will be characterized at the levels of subplots and CPs. Environmental variables affecting the abundances of species will be identified by ordination methods (e.g., canonical correspondence analyses). Subsequently, relevant environmental variables will be standardized to calculate the Euclidean distance between any pair of subplots as a measurement of environmental distance. The Jaccard index as an indicator of community similarity, the spatial distance, and the environmental distance will be calculated for each pair of the 96 subplots. Correlation analyses will reveal the relationship between spatial and environmental distances. Calculations of community similarity will be replicated for the total data set and each of the seven trophic groups. GLMs will be employed to test for significant effects of spatial distance (H9) or environmental distance (H10) on community similarity. The land-use type will be entered as a covariates to assess potential effects of rainforest transformation (H11a). These analyses will be replicated for the total data set and individual data sets for each of the seven trophic groups (H11 b). Subsequently, the distance between subplots and CPs, D, and their similarity in species, S, will be employed to calculate the exponent, z, of the species-area relationship by: S = constant - 2z ln(D) (Harte et al. 1999). These calculations will be independently replicated for the seven trophic groups and four transformation systems to assess the dependence of z on trophic level and transformation system (H12). Knowledge of these scaling exponents will enable scaling up diversity and complexity to the landscape level (Brose et al. 2004). WP4: Model analyses of rainforest transformation effects on population stability, food-web persistence and decomposition rates Hypotheses: • H13: The losses of large species by rainforest transformation decreases population stability (coefficients of variation of species biomass densities) and food-web persistence. (contributes to Focus 1 - Hypothesis 2) • H14: Rainforest transformation decreases the average and the stability of the decomposition rates, (contributes to Focus 1 - Hypothesis 2) The macro-invertebrate species sampled (WP1) will be trophically grouped according to stable isotope data (615N, 613C, 30 species per CP) into primary decomposers, fungivores and 200 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 predators of different trophic levels. Specific feeding links between species will be established based on laboratory feeding trials consistent with protocols from prior studies (e.g., own experiments for beech forest food webs of the Biodiversity Exploratories). These trophic data will be combined with data on species and their feeding links for the soil micro-and mesofauna (B08 Scheu/Maraun) and fungi (B07 Polle). Subsequently, these empirical food-web structures will be used to parametrize non-linear, bioenergetic population models. These models employ empirical relationships between the biological rates of growth, respiration and consumption, and body masses to predict dynamics in biomass densities (see Brose et al. 2006, Otto et al. 2007, Berlow et al. 2009 for details). Integration of these differential equations will yield time series that will be analysed for the stability of populations (e.g., coefficient of variation of their biomass density) and community persistence (e.g., fraction of persistent species). The models will be parametrized by the empirical food-web topologies and average body masses of the populations (WP1). Independent model analyses will be carried out for the four transformation systems to detect systematic differences in population stability and food-web persistence (H13). Subsequently, the consumption rates of primary decomposers and fungi at the base of each food web will be aggregated to calculate time series of community decomposition rates. This allows predicting the strength and stability of the litter decomposition for the different land-use types (H14). These predictions will be tested in a litter bag experiment (see B08 Scheu/ Maraun for details). NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.36.a) Andrew David Barnes Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Oregon, 02-01-1986 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Institusi : University of Gottingen Email : adb85@unlive.ac.nz Alamat : 61 Fairfeld Zealand Avenue, Addington Chrischurch, New (F.37) System Transformation in the Face of Environmental Change Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji perubahan penggunaan sumber daya alam di hutan bakau dan terumbu karang di Indonesia dari waktu ke waktu Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 201 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 10 September 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Tengah (Cilacap), Kalimantan Timur (Berau), Sulawesi Selatan (Kep. Spermonde, Makassar, Pangkajene Kepulauan, Takalar, Barru, Maros), NTT (Laut Sawu) Mitra Kerja : Balitbang KP (Dr. Agus Heri Purnomo) Abstract Within the projects “Terrestrial influences on mangrove ecology and sustainability of their resources” (4), and “Understanding and Managing the Resilience of Coral Reefs and Associated Social Systems” (3), this subproject (SP) will provide an overview about changes in use over time of natural resources in Indonesian mangrove forests and coral reefs. It will contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the social-ecological transformations of these systems in relation to resource use. By identifying economically important species and analysing their exploitation and the related rules and institutions, SP3 will supply important baseline data for other projects. The research will cover both resources for local consumption (such as benthic invertebrate species), and resources mainly relevant as export commodities (such as sea cucumbers). The major goal of SP3 is the analysis of natural resource use in Indonesian coastal mangrove forests and coral reefs and their temporal and spatial changes. This refers to the determination of resource exploitation patterns and underlying drivers of economically important resources. The SP aims to analyse and define communalities and distinctions in the exploitation patterns in four different case study areas. Researchers will further describe social, political and economic rules and institutions related to resource use and management, including catching and collection techniques, politics and policies, trading routes and credit-depth arrangements. Special attention will be paid to the analysis of formal and informal management schemes. The SP is strongly linked to several other subtopics in topic 4 and 3. For example, the identified exploited species from mangrove forests will be further studied in SP 1 (topic 4) in terms of their ecological importance. This will allow assessing the impacts of resource exploitation on selected species. Identified species from coral reefs will also be subject to genetically analysis in SP 2 (topic 3). This is expected to provide new insights on how exploitation has an impact on the connectivity of populations. The analysis of rules and institutions related to resource use will also be utilized by SP 3 (topic 3) for the work on effective coral reef management strategies. In a more general context, the results of this SP will provide a major contribution to the development of improved management strategies for sustainable resource use in Indonesia. 202 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Research in this SP is based on three hypotheses: a) Natural resources, resource exploitation and the related rules and institutions form a coevolving social-ecological system. b) The agents and characteristics of this system (e.g. species exploited, catching techniques, and management regulations) change over time. c) Analysing the transformations of this system and the underlying drivers is a precondition for the development of sustainable resource management strategies. Three specific scientific objectives will be addressed in this project: Objective (1) is to identify major resources/ economically important species in the four case study areas over time. Objective (2) is to determine exploitation patterns for these resources/ species, and their temporal and spatial changes over time. Objective (3) is to describe the related social, political and economic rules and institutions, including catching and collection techniques, politics and policies, as well as formal and informal management schemes. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.37.a) Evelyn Kathleen Schwerdtner Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Gorlich, 08-09-1975 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Researcher Institusi : Leibnitz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT) Email : kathleen.schwedtner@zmt-bremen.de Alamat : Fahrenheitstrasse 6, D-28359 Bremen Germany (F.38) Stock, turnover and functions of carbon in heavily weathered soils under lowland rainforest transformation systems Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti perubahan stok, jumlah, dan kualitas karbon di tanah yang sudah rusak setelah terjadinya konversi hutan hujan dataran rendah, serta mengkaji perubahan fungsi simpanan karbon dengan mengevaluasi aktivitas mikrobial Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 3 (tiga) bulan mulai 17 September 2012 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 203 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (TN Bukit Dua Belas dan Hutan Harapan) Mitra Kerja : Puslit Tanah Indonesia – IPB(Edi Husen) Abstract Research Objectives • Assessment of changes in stock, budget and quality of C in heavily weathered soils after conversion of lowland rainforest to the three transformation systems • Evaluation of mechanisms of C sequestration with special focus on DOM fluxes within whole soil profile by four land use systems and evaluation of changed turnover of SOM and microbial biomass • Assessment of changes of functions of stored C by evaluation of microbial activities Methodology and concept WP1: C stock, quality, composition and stability The WP1 is mainly focused on parameters of soil C budget including evaluation of the amounts and quality of C sequestered under 4 land use systems, changes of soil aggregates and their contribution to the sequestered C as well as its stability to microbial decomposition. WP2: C sequestration processes and mechanisms in topsoil (Ah) and subsoil (Bt) The WP2 is focused on mechanisms and processes of C sequestration in Ah and Bt in highly weathered soils under changed land use. DOM sorption on Ab«and Fe3t oxides and clays and the stability of these complexes will be evaluated and related to the turnover time of sequestered C (A-wO.’ The litter C input and DOM fluxes in the Bt horizon will be monitored WP3: Functions and consequences of changed C stocks and quality for soil fertility Functional changes of microbial biomass in soils as related to C and N cycle will be evaluated based on enzyme activities and respiratory quotient. This will allow us to predict consequences of changed C stocks and quality for soil fertility and ecosystem productivity. and related to land use changes. Research location The research will implemented in Jambi Province in Sumatra, with the fastest and most complete transformation of tropical lowland rainforest. We focus on tropical lowland rainforests 204 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 as these are experiencing the strongest losses worldwide (Achard et al. 2002). In particular, the massive transformation of lowland rainforest into oil palm plantations has been identified as a major threat for biodiversity and a potential driver of climate change (Danielsen et al. 2009, Giam et al. 2010, Wilcove and Koh 2010). Two landscapes within Jambi Province have been chosen for the CRC research comprising large units of lowland rainforest: National Park Bukit Duabelas and Harapan Rainforest. The transformation systems to be investigated include lowland rainforest as reference sites, jungle rubber (extensive rubber plantations), and intensive rubber and oil palm plantations. Lowland rainforest reference sites represent old-growth forest but have been subject to logging. Large sites of untouched natural rainforest are no longer existing in Jambi province, but the lowland rainforest reference sites selected represent large rainforest regions in a close to natural state. Jungle rubber represents an extensive management system which is established by planting rubber trees into rainforest. Its implementation dates back into the early 20,h century but still covers large areas of Jambi. In each of the two landscapes (comprising blocks in a randomized complete block design), four replicates of each of the four transformation systems (including the lowland rainforest as reference) will be investigated. These 32 sites will constitute the core sites; covering these core sites is mandatory for all CRC scientific projects (SPs) that collect micro level data. In addition to investigating established transformation systems, a reforestation experiment will be established near Harapan Rainforest landscape. The experiment aims at investigating principal questions of how to establish sustainable forest management systems, optimizing both conservation needs and socioeconomic benefits. Apart from the work on these sites and on the reforestation experiment, socioeconomic surveys will be undertaken in the same sites, but also including a broader area in Jambi Province to be able to capture institutional heterogeneity, which is important for comprehensive understanding of socioeconomic causes and consequences of land use changes. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.38.a) Thomas Guillaume Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Geneve, 29-04-1983 Warga Negara : Swiss Jabatan : PhD Student Institusi : University of Gottingen Email :thouguillaume@gmail.com Alamat : Rosdorfer Weg 19 A, 37073 Gottingen Jerman Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 205 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (F.39) Carbon sequestration in the Indonesian Seas and its global significance: Generation of scientific knowledge for formulating strategies for adaptation to climate change (CISKA) Tujuan Penelitian : Menghitung simpanan karbon dan emisi CO2 dari wilayah laut Indonesia, serta mempelajari dampak perubahan daur karbon pada kegiatan perikanan di perairan pesisir dan sungai-sungai gambut. Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 24 September 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Teluk Banten, Pantai Timur Sumatera Mitra Kerja : Balitbang KP (Dr. Widodo Pranowo) Abstract The aim of this project is to quantify the carbon storage in and the CO2 emission from the Indonesian Seas, and to study the impact of the changing carbon cycle on the fisheries in the coastal waters and peat draining rivers. Therefore, a carbon budget for the organic and the inorganic carbon cycle will be established by determining long-term organic and inorganic carbon accumulation rates as well as carbon exports from coastal ecosystems into the ocean and the atmosphere. In order to account for the different succession of ecosystems in peat and non-peat dominated coastal regions, two main working areas were bilaterally agreed and selected: the peat-dominated eastern coast of Sumatra (including the Banten Bay) and the coral reef-dominated carbonate platform in the Spermonde Archipelago. The carbon fluxes determined in these regions will be integrated into a hydrodynamical model and extrapolated to a regional scale. The model will furthermore be used to study the influence of climate anomalies (ENSO and Indian Ocean Dipole Mode, IOD) on the carbon cycle in the Indonesian Seas. The established carbon budget will, furthermore, provide the scientific background data for the development of sustainable mitigation strategies in the framework of compensationbased institutional approaches to reduce the C02 emissions. Background This project “CISKA” is mentioned before part of the bilateral Indonesian/German program SPICE. The overarching goal of the SPICE Program is to address the scientific, social and economic issues related to the management of the Indonesian coastal ecosystems and theirresources. In addition to strengthening the existing scientific data base on coastal ecosystems, the program 206 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 promotes capacity and infrastructure building in the manne sector in Indonesia and Germany. The program is being carried out in cooperation among partners from several Indonesian and German universities and government research institutions. SPICE makes substantial inputs towards fulfilling regional and international obligations of the two countries as entailed in international conventions and treaties. Within this context the overarching scientific aim of the project CISKA is to quantify and to value carbon storage and the C02 emission from the Indonesian Seas caused by declining ecosystems for the development of sustainable mitigation strategies within the framework of compensation-based institutional approaches to reduce the C02 emissions. In order to achieve these goals we are planning to carry out three research cruises. Research cruises The objective of the cruises within this cooperation project is to determine the most important oceanic compartments of the above mentioned cycle of organic and inorganic carbon. This is an interdisciplinary approach and includes different working groups. The peatdominated eastern coast of Sumatra will be visited twice, at the end of the dry season in September 2012 and at the end of the rainy season in March 2013 to include the difference due to the influence of land-borne compartments on the observations in the ocean, while the coral reef-dominated Spermonde Archipelago and its vicinity will be visited at the end of the rainy season in March 2014 only. During the cruises, direct and indirect measurements of organic and inorganic carbon and carbon-related processes investigated will bethe carbon flow through selected tropical seagrass beds to show Mow dependent its function as carbon sink is on riverine input of dissolved and particulate carbon,the bio-productivity and bio-optical characteristics in coastal environments quantifying the contribution of phytoplankton to the carbon cycle,riverine inputs of dissolved and particulate organic and inorganic carbon (DOC, POC, DIC, PIC) as well as of total alkalinity (TA) into the coastal ocean,C02 emissions from rivers (river outgassing) and the coastal ocean including seagrass beds and coral reefs into the atmosphere,the individual components of the carbonate system including the aragonite (Oara) and calcite saturation states (Deal) in the water column,changes of assemblages of carbonate producers and their preservation state along pH (=Qara/cal) gradients. Besides, physical ocean water parameters will be determined at all stations and during the entire cruises. At certain stations with long-term observations (seegrass beds), there will ocean current measurements with an ADCP (acoustic Doppler current profiler). Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 207 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.39.a) Tim Rixen Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Bremen, 23-10-1962 Warga Negara Jabatan Institusi Email Alamat : : : : : Jerman Researcher Leibnitz Centre for Marine Tropical Ecology (ZMT) tim.rixen@uni-bremen.de tresckowstr 5020259 hamburg, Germany (F.39.b) Herbert Gűnter Siegel Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Rostock-Warnemunde, 26-01-1952 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Scientist Institusi : Leibnitz Institute for Baltic Sea Email : herbert.siegel@oi-warnemuende.de Alamat : Klosterbachstrasse 16, 18057 RostockGermany (F.39.c) Dominik Michael Kneer Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Stuttgart, 18-09-1978 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Scientist Institusi : Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research Email :dominik.kneer@awi.de Alamat : Hafenstasse 4325992 List/Sylt, Germany (F.39.d) Stephanie Bodden Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Aachen, 16-09-1984 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Master Student Institusi : University of Bremen Email : s.bodden@uni-bremen.de Alamat : Weberstraβe 7, 28203 Bremen Germany 208 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (F.39.e) Hans Sloterdijk Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Montreal, 14-03-1977 Warga Negara : Kanada Jabatan : Researcher Institusi : Leibnitz Centre for Marine Tropical Ecology (ZMT) Email : hans_mer@hotmail.com,hans.stoterdijk@zmt-brement.de Alamat : Fahrenheitstasse 6 28359 Brement, Germany (F.39.f) Thomas W. P. Pohlmann Tempat dan tanggal lahir Warga Negara Jabatan Institusi Email Alamat : : : : : : Hamburg, 17-03-1959 Jerman Researcher University of Hamburg pohlmann@ifm.uni-hamburg.de Bundesstv 53 20146 hamburg, Germany (F.39.g) Julien Jean-Jacques Michel Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Amiens, 18-02-1981 Warga Negara : Perancis Jabatan : Postdoctoral Researcher Institusi : Leibnitz Centre for Marine Tropical Ecology (ZMT) Email : julien.michel@zmt-bremen.de Alamat : Fahrenheitsk, 6, 28359 Bremen, Germany (F.39.h) Iris Stottmeister Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Nettetal, 20-01-1972 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Scientist Institusi : Leibnitz Centre for Marine Tropical Ecology (ZMT) Email : iris.stottmeister@io-wamemuende.de Alamat : Heilgeiststraβe 6418439 Stralsund Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 209 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (F.39.i) Francisca Maria Constance Wit Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Alkmaar, 10-03-1984 Warga Negara : Belanda Jabatan : Consultant Water Management Institusi : Grontmij Nederland B.V. Email :francisca_4@hotmail.com Alamat : Wilhelm-Liebknecht-Straβe 24, 28329 Bremen, Germany (F.40) Sources and Risks of Organic Contaminant and Heavy Metal Burden in Seafood from Jakarta Bay Tujuan Penelitian : Mengidentifikasi kontaminan organik dan anorganik dan menentukan tingkat konsentrasi pencemaran air, sedimen dan kompon di Teluk Jakarta Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 24 September 2012 Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta (Teluk Jakarta dan Kep. Seribu) Mitra Kerja : Puslitbang Kelautan & Pemrosesan Produk Perikanan dan Bioteknologi - KKP (Dr. Singgih Wibowo) Abstract Seafood is the main protein source and an important income basis for many local communities in coastal areas of Indonesia. But seafood consumption is also an important route of human exposure to contaminants. Commercially important fish and benthos species from densely populated and industrialized coastal areas with inputs of untreated sewage such as Jakarta Bay may contain potentially harmful organic contaminants and heavy metals in levels which are exceeding international safety thresholds. This is probably posing a risk to human health, in particular with respect to bioaccumulating contaminants. It is therefore necessary to evaluate the quality of seafood from such Indonesian coastal systems in terms of contaminant burden. The aim of the proposed project would be a soume-to-ceH approach to state of pollution in Jakarta Bay and its implication for human food resources. It traces the implications of harmful substance loads from their primary emission sources via food chains to the consumed seafood. 210 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 The obtained data set will be used to develop recommendations for an improvement of water quality and effective reduction of seafood contamination and, consequently, the intake of contaminants by consumers. Scientific and/or technical objectives i) Identify relevant organic and inorganic contaminants comprising in particular those site specific compounds that represent the major and most harmful contamination ii) Determine the concentrations of these contaminants in water, sediments suspended matter and Identify the sources of pollution considering source^ specific marker compounds iii) Study concentrations of bioaccumulating contaminants, e.g. priority pollutants according to the Stockholm convention, In edible parts of economic important macrobenthic invertebrate and fish species iv) Calculate the human intake rate of priority pollutants and compare ft with international safety thresholds NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.40.a) Jan Schwarzbuer Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Hamburg, 25 - 05 - 1966 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Professor Institusi : Energy and Mineral Resources Group, Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Petrolium and Coal - RWTH Aachen Email : schwarzbauer@lek.rwth-aachen.de Alamat : Lochnerstr. 4-20, 52056 Aachen Germany (F.40.b) Larissa Diskowitzky Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Kassel, 24 - 05 - 1971 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Scientist Institusi : Energy and Mineral Resources Group, Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Petrolium and Coal - RWTH Aachen Email :larissa.dsikowitzky@emr.rwth-aachen.de Alamat : Lochnerstr. 4-20, 52056 Aachen Germany Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 211 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (F.40.c) Ann-Kathrin Wluka Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Aachen, 30 - 12 - 1986 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Student Institusi : Energy and Mineral Resources Group, Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Petrolium and Coal - RWTH Aachen Email :ann.kathrin.wluka@rwth-aachen.de Alamat : Lochnerstr. 4-20, 52056 Aachen Germany (F.41) Modeling the Dispersion of Pollutans in Relation to Microalgae Blooms and Fish Contamination in Jakarta Bay Tujuan Penelitian Bidang Penelitian Lama Penelitian Daerah Penelitian Mitra Kerja : Mengumpulkan data dan menganalisis data yang telah ada dari waktu ke waktu tentang polutan-polutan yang mengalir ke Teluk Jakarta : Ekologi : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 24 September 2012 : Banten (Tangerang); Jawa Barat (Bekasi, Karawang, Bogor); DKI Jakarta ( Teluk Jakarta, Kep. Seribu, Jakut, Jakbar, Jaktim, Jakpus, Jaksel, Jakut), Jaktim : Puslitbang Kelautan & Pemrosesan Produk Perikanan dan Bioteknologi - KKP (Dr. Singgih Wibowo) Abstract The primary goal of the project is to contribute to a safe management of the coastal waters of the Jakarta Metropolitan Area (JMA) in order to protect biodiversity, fishing and harvest waters in this polluted region and enhance seafood quality. For this purpose, the transport and disper¬sion of anthropogenic nutrients (N, P) from the JMA will be studied in detail using a combination of field measurements and numerical modelling. Model simulations of typical situations, worst case scenarios and strategies to reduce the risk of pollution will provide a basis for the definition of critical areas and for recommendations aiming to improve the effectiveness of potential miti¬gation measures, in order to evaluate potential coherence patterns of different environmental stressors, measured and modelled nutrient gradients will be related to data on phytoplankton biomass and to the occurrence of microalgae bloom events as well as to the prevalence of con¬taminant levels in water and biota as assessed by subproject SP1 and SP5 of the joint MABICO Project. This intercomparison will allow for a closer insight into the different processes affecting the quality status of Jakarta Bay. 212 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Scientific and/or technical objectives in order to meet the main target of the project, the following sub-goals should be reached: i. Objective 1: Quantification of river discharges and nutrient loads to Jakarta Bay - ii. Inventory and analysis of existing data-sets from monitoring time-series of flow and nu¬trient concentrations of the main rivers entering the bay (IPB). - Seasonal measurements of nutrient concentrations in the downstream section of the rivers (IPB). Objective 2: History of microalgae bloom events in Jakarta Bay - iii. Compilation of past phytoplankton bloom records as assessed in former field surveyswith quantitative and qualitative methods (BBRP2B, IPB). Objective 3: Assessment of the hydrographic structure and of water quality gradients - iv. Two intensive field measuring campaigns covering the entire study area (FTZ, BBRP2BIPB). Objective 4: Monitoring of water level variability at key locations in Jakarta Bay - v. Inventory and analysis of data-sets from existing operational tidal gauge stations. If nec-essary, additional installation and operation of pressure loggers at crucial positions Processing of the data for model application (FTZ, ITB). Objective 5: Development of a numerical model for simulating current patterns in Jakarta Bay - Grid definition, set-up, sensitivity studies and calibration of the hydrodynamic model using existing information (e.g. bathymetry) and data from wet measurements (FTZ). vi. Objective 6: Development of a numerical model for simulating nutrient gradients in Jakarta Bay - Set-up, sensitivity studies and calibration of the water quality module using data fromwet measurements (FTZ). vii. Objective 7: Model simulations of nutrient patterns and scenario runs - Application of the model for simulations of typical conditions as well as of worst case andnutrient reduction scenarios (FTZ). viii. Objective 8: Coherence analysis of nutrient gradients, microalgal and contaminant patterns - Investigation of relationships between nutrient supply, phytoplankton stocks (as chl-aequivalents) and contaminant patterns (FTZ, BBRP2B, IPB). ix. Objective 9: Capacity building and training (contribution to SP7 of the joint MABICO Project) Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 213 2012 - DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 4-week-training of Indonesian guest scientists at Kiel University in coastal surveyingtechniques and basics of numerical modelling. Participation in a joint crossproject training course in Indonesia (FTZ). NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.41.a) Simon Adriaan Van Der Wulp Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Dordrech, 21 - 07 - 1979 Warga Negara : Belanda Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Institusi : The Research and Technology Center Westcoast, University of Kiel Email : svdwulp@colelab.uni-kiel.de Alamat : CORELAB, Otto-Hahn-Platz 3 D-24118 Kiel, Germany (F.42) Sources and sinks of nutrients and organic carbon and its effect on the trophic status of the Segara Anakan Lagoon, Java, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji sumber dan resapan nutrien serta karbon organik serta dampaknya terhadap Segara Anakan Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 6 (enam) bulan mulai 14 Desember 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Tengah (Segara Anakan di Kab. Cilacap) Mitra Kerja : Balitbang KP (Dr. Husein Sastranegara) Abstract Increased nutrient inputs with a change in the nutrient mix due to human activities in the coastal ecosystem is affecting a number of critical ecosystem services, assessment of the fluxes of dissolved and particulate matter of the Citanduy river in addition to identification of sources and sinks of nutrients and organic carbon of the Lagoon and watershed will be conducted, sample of water, suspended matter and sediments in the lagoon and the largest river of the area, the Citanduy, will be analyzed, sampling of plants and soils in the watershed will also be conducted from October to March. Result will be analyzed with respect to.spacial and temporal variation and also interannual discrepancy of the Segara Anakan will be evaluated which would have importance for a cost-effective implementation of precise conservation measures. 214 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Background Nitrogen and phosphorus inputs into the ocean have trebled between the 1970s and 1990s due to human activities while the input of silicon decreased dramatically. As a consequence of increased nutrient inputs and a change in the nutrient mix excessive algal blooms and changes in the phytoplankton community composition towards non-biomineralizing species have been observed in many regions. This has implications for food webs and biogeochemical cycles of coastal seas including the release of greenhouse gases as observed, for example, in the Mississippi and the Gulf of Mexico. Examples from tropical coasts with high population density and extensive agriculture, however, display deviations in this respect. Agriculture which is a major source of the essential nutrients nitrogen and phosphorus is also strongly jnvolved in the silicon cycle. Hydrology alterations and land use also exert control on the nutrient cycle. This, in turn, has consequences for downstream aquatic systems which have hardly been considered in studies of cultural eutrophication and attendant ecological consequences as yet. Objectives and Rationale of the Study The Segara Anakan lagoon is affected by high riverine sediment inputs, overexploitation of natural resources and effluents from agriculture, industry and households (White et al. 1998; Yuwono et al. 2007).Therefore, key management issues in the area are the decreasing size of the lagoon due to heavy riverine sediment input from upland activities, water quality problems due to sedimentation from upland agriculture activities and poor economic conditions of the coastal inhabitants (Dudley 2000; BPKSA 2003; Yulastoro 2003). Information on the nutrient and carbon variation across the aquatic ecosystem have significant importance to claim the fate and transport of elements and compounds that occur naturally or anthropogenic origin and discuss its ecological role in the system. In my study, I would like to assess the sources and sinks of nutrients and organic carbon and its effects on the trophic status of the Segara Anakan Lagoon as a result of land use/cover and hydrological patterns. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.42.a) Zerihun Senbeto Woldeyohannes Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Addis Ababa, 02-11-1982 Warga Negara : Ethiopia Jabatan : Master Student Institusi : University of Bremen Email : zerihunsen@gmail.com atau zerihundido@yahoo.com Alamat : Leobenestraβe 4/04, 28359 Bremen Germany Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 215 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (F.43) Biodiversity enrichment in oil palm plantations: ecological impacts Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan percobaan pengayaan biodiversitas melalui penanaman spesies pohon lokal di antara sela-sela kebun kelapa sawit Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 18 Oktober 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (TN Bukit Duabelas, Hutan Hujan Harapan) Mitra Kerja : Universitas Jambi (Dr. Bambang Irawan), IPB (Dr. Pamungkas) Abstract The transformation of natural rainforest into large-scale mono-cultural oil palm plantations has led to dramatic losses in biodiversity and in ecological functioning. To alleviate negative impacts on ecological systems in existing plantations, designer plantation landscapes have been proposed, where agroforestry zones buffer natural vegetation from oil palm. In many landscapes, however, natural vegetation has been almost entirely converted to oil palm. Consequently, re-establishing diverse habitats by planting and restoring ecological functionality will sooner or later become necessary. Expected ecological benefits may justify the payment for environmental services, especially in the context of smallholder oil palm cultivation. The ecological and economical processes that may hamper or facilitate re-establishement of diverse habitats are largely unknown. Within the subproject B11 “Biodiversity enrichment in oil palm plantations: ecological impacts” a biodiversity enrichment experiment will be implemented, whereby native tree species are going to be planted in gaps within an oil palm plantation. Research in the first phase of the CRC will focus on seed rain, successional dynamics of gap plant communities, and determinants of growth and survival in the planted trees. Based on such ecological studies, the enrichment planting experiment will evaluate the effectiveness of proposed designer plantation landscapes, and may contribute to the development of ecologically improved and socio-economically viable management concepts in oil palm landscapes. Methodology and concept The planned enrichment planting experiment intends to systematically vary the species richness (one to six species) and identity trees in gaps within oil palm plantations. The following questions will be addressed: 216 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 • What are the experimental effects on biodiversity and ecosystem functions inside the gaps and on the surrounding oil palm? • Do these effects change during the successional trajectory of the experiment? • Do these effects depend on the distance to natural habitat? • What are the socio-economic constraints and impacts associated with enrichment plantings? Plots of 20x20 meters will be established in a mono-cultural large-scale oil palm landscape. On each plot, varying tree species diversities and compositions will be planted. The plantings will comprise six native multi-purpose tree species while adopting a random partitions design with four partitions series (tree diversity levels of six, three, two and one) plus treatments without planting subject to natural succession and plantings of oil palms resulting in a total of 56 experimental plots. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.43.a) Martin Alexander Ehbrecht Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Goettingen, 11-10-1982 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Master Student Institusi : Georg-August-University of Göettingen Email : martin.ehbrecht@web.de Alamat : Görlitzerstrβe 57, 37085 Göettingen, Germany (F.44) The Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function in Tropical Agriculture (BEFTA) Project Tujuan Penelitian : Memperkirakan dampak kompleksitas habitat untuk mempertahankan keragaman, fungsi ekosistem, dan jasa ekosistem dalam wilayah perkebunan sawit Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 6 November 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Riau (Wilayah Sinar Mas Agro Resources and Technology Corporation Research Institute di Libo Estate) Mitra Kerja : SMART Research Institute (Dr. Ir. Sudharto Prawirosukarto, SU) Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 217 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Abstract Palm oil is among the most important sources of vegetable oil worldwide. With increasing demand as a feedstock for biofuel production, its global demand is set to increase. It is clear that forest conversion to oil palm plantation has severe impacts on biodiversity. However, little research has focussed on methods that can be employed to maximise biodiversity within plantation habitats, nor the role this biodiversity plays in ecosystem functioning and crop production. The Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function in Tropical Agriculture (BEFTA) Project aims to quantify the effect of habitat complexity within oil palm plantations on biodiversity and the role of this biodiversity in ecosystem functioning and productivity. In particular the project will: • quantify the effect of habitat complexity in maintaining biodiversity, ecosystem function and ecosystem services within oil palm • develop novel experimental approaches for partitioning the effects of habitat structural complexity and aspects of biodiversity on ecosystem functioning • predict and model optimal cover of understory and epiphyte vegetation in oil palm plantations so as to maximise biodiversity and economic profitability through ecosystem services. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.44.a) Edgar Clive Turner Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Chelmsford, 27-03-1979 Warga Negara : Inggris Jabatan : Affiliated Researcher Institusi : Dept. of Zoology, University of Cambridge Email :ect123@cam.ac.uk Alamat : 25 Merton Road, Histon Cambridge CB24 9JW, United Kingdom (F.45) Study on the establishment of allometry equation on mangrove’s belowground root biomas Tujuan Penelitian : Mengukur jumlah biomass dari tanaman bakau dengan menggunakan persamaan allometri Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 7 November 2012 218 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Barat (Kubu Raya) Mitra Kerja : Balitbang Kehutanan, Kementerian Kehutanan (Dr. Haruni Krisnawati) Abstract Objectives:In order to clarify root biomass amount of mangrove trees which is estimated as a great proportion of the biomass, we will try to develop a common allometric equation to predict the below-ground root biomass using some excavated plots. Background:It is reported that mangrove trees possess higher C02 fixation capacity compared to terrestrial tropical forests, which is expected for AR-CDM (Afforestation and Reforestation in the Clean Development Mechanism) and REDD+. However, in the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change methodologies relating to mangrove trees (AR-AMS0003 and AR-AM0014), some allometric estimates for above-ground biomass of the mangrove trees are approved, but no estimate of below-ground mangrove root biomass is shown. Alternatively, it is described as the root biomass is determined with a default value of 0.1 of the above-ground biomass. As reported by Komiyama et al. (2008), a low ratio of mangrove top biomass to its root biomass (T/R ratio; Komiyama et al., 2000), mangroves might have a great allocation of biomass to their roots. Therefore, it is-required to develop a method to estimate the mangrove root biomass appropriately. I (Dr Yosuke Okimoto, the applicant) has been in charge of mangrove study over the last decade and challenged to develop methodologies which estimates C02 fixation of the mangrove trees (Okimoto et al., 2007 and 2008). In collaboration with Dr. Joko Purbopuspito, Research Fellow at CIFOR, I plan to investigate and study allometric equation on root biomass of the mangrove trees of various growth stages in Indonesia to predict the belowground root biomass. Methodologies: High-pressured water supplied from an engine-pump will be used to dig out the below-ground roots in muddy soil. I has previous experience in investigating root biomass of the mangrove trees by using the high-pressured water supplied from an enginepump. During the trained collaborative works, I would like to incorporate such techniques with the CIFOR staffs in these research works at Kubu Raya (West Kalimantan). Location: Kubu Raya (West Kalimantan), with possible additional sites in Papua, Sumatra, Sungai Asam (Jambi), Cilacap (Central Jawa), and Lampung. Duration of the research in Indonesia:One and a half year (November 2012 to March 2014) Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 219 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.45.a) Yosuke Okimoto Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Hiroshima, 08-02-1979 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Researcher Institusi : Faculty of Agriculture, Saga University Email :yosuke_okimoto@hotmail.com :d4708@cc.saga-u.ac.jp Alamat : 1, Honjyo-machi, Saga city, 840=8502 Saga, JAPAN (F.46) Creation of the paradigm of sustainable use of tropical rainforest by the intensive forest management and advanced utilization of forest resources Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji bagaimana menciptakan paradigma baru dalam penggunaan hutan hujan tropis yang berkelanjutan Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (duabelas) bulan mulai 17 Juli 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Tengah (Kab. Seruyan, Kab. Katingagan) Mitra Kerja : Prof. Bambang Subiyanto - Pusat Inovasi LIPI NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.46.a) Mamoru Kanzaki Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Osaka, 31-01-1957 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Associate Professor Institusi : Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University Email :mkanzaki@kais.kyoto@ac.jp Alamat : Nakayama – Satsukidai 5-2-12-201, Takarazuka-shi. Hyogo, 6650871 JAPAN 220 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (F.46.b) Hiroshi Kamitakahara Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Kanagawa, 04-11-1968 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Assistant Professor Institusi : Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University Email :hkmitan@kais.kyoto-u.ac.jp Alamat : Kitashirakawa-oiwake-cho,Sakyoku, Kyoto 606-8502 JAPAN (F.46.c) Tomoya Inada Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Osaka, 20-10-1987 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Student Institusi : Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University Email : tinada1020@gmail.com Alamat : Tomobuchi-cho 1-5-6-116, Miyakojima-ku, Osaka-shi. Osaka 534-0016, JAPAN (F.46.d) Takayuki Kaneko Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Kyoto, 02-09-1966 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Assistant Professor Institusi : Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University Email :kaneko@kais.kyoto-u.ac.jp Alamat : Hieidaira 1-38-22, Ohtsu-shi, Shiga, 520-0016 JAPAN Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 11 September 2012 (F.46.e) Masayuki Yanagisawa Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Le Mans, 24-08-1985 Warga Negara Jabatan Institusi Email Alamat Lama Penelitian : Jepang : Associate Professor : Center for Integrated Area Studies, Kyoto University : : 46, Shimo-adachi-cho, Yoshida, Sakyo-ku Kyoto, 606-8501 : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 27 Februari 2012 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 221 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (F.47) Indonesian Aquatic Biomass Tujuan Penelitian : Mengembangkan algae biomass dalam proyek pengolahan limbah cair pabrik kelapa sawit Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 12 Juli 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Lampung, Jawa Tengah (Semarang) Mitra Kerja : Dr. Hadiyanto, M.Sc. - Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro Abstract The attention for biomass for energy purposes, specifically ‘modern’ forms of bio-energy, has increased explosively in recent years. Unfortunately, biomass production is inevitably linked to questions of productivity, water efficiency, infrastructure, institutional capacity, technological developments and chain development As major investments already have been made and production capacity will continue to grow rapidly, the Dutch government has committed themselves to invest in improvement of the sustainability of existing production chains for bio fuels such as palm oil. Indonesia is one of the world’s leading countries in production of palm oil. The present way of production of palm oil is based on agrarian production and causes risks to the environment. Especially production of Palm oil mill effluent (POME) is considered a serious threat for the environment as it causes surface water pollution and severe greenhouse emissions. Maris Projects and partners KU Leuven, University Dipogenero and PT Wirana Jayatama Abadi have developed a project to improve the sustainability of the palm oil production chain. The project will prove and demonstrate local applicability of algae treatment on POME. This promising technique removes phosphates, nitrates and heavy metals from the waste water whilst simultaneously absorbing C02 from the air or from exhaust gas and producing biomass. Algae biomass in itself is very suitable as feedstock for bio fuel as it contains a high oil content Therefore, a derived project objective is to prove that algae production in itself is a sustainable and more profitable alternative biomass chain for bio fuel production purposes. The project encompasses knowledge building, capacity building and knowledge transfer. Project partners intent to set up a series of pilots in Indonesia, based on treatment of POME and additional waste water streams such as landfill leachate and domestic waste water by algae technology (knowledge building). Within the pilots also research for the best way to convert the algae biomass to bio fuel will’be. conducted. 222 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.47.a) Ruben van Maris Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Wormerveer, 17-11-1971 Warga Negara : Belanda Jabatan : Managing Director Institusi : Maris Projects BV Email : ruben@maris-projects.nl Alamat : Van Oost Frieslandstraat 6 5482 GW Schijndel, the Netherlands (F.48) The Effects of Drainage in Tropical Peatland on the Greenhouse Gas Emissions and the DOC Discharge Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan evaluasi dampak drainase lahan gambut tropik terhadap emisi gas rumah kaca (greenhouse) Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 2 Oktober 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Barat (Bogor); Kalimantan Tengah dan Riau Mitra Kerja : IPB (Prof. Dr. Hanny C. Wijaya dan Dr. Suwardi) dan CIMTROP Universitas Palangka Raya (Dr. Ir. Suwido H. Limin, M.S.) Abstrak Although tropical peatland is a huge carbon reservoir (Maltby and Immirzi 1993), it has been a source of emission of greenhouse gases (GHG) associated with peat fire and peat decomposition enhanced by the drainage for the peatland development (Page et al. 2002, Hirano et al. 2007). Peat decomposition enhances the discharge of dissolved organic carbon (DOC). The increase of DOC discharge influences not only the carbon balance (Worrall et al. 2007) but also the climate change as substrates of greenhouse gas productions (Charman et al. 1994). Therefore, it is important to elucidate the change in greenhouse gas emissions from and the DOC discharge in tropical peatland associated with the drainage in order to obtain a more complete picture of the global carbon cycle. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effects of drainage of the tropical peatland on the greenhouse gas emissions and the DOC discharge. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 223 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.48.a) Kiwamu Ishikura Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Chiba, 03 – 0 02 – 1988 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Research Student Institusi : Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University Email :ishikura@chem.agr.hokudai.ac.jp Alamat : Laboratory of Soil Science, Division of Environmental Resources, Graduate School Of Agriculture, Hokkaido University Kita-ku 9, Saqpporo, Hokkaido, 060-8589, Japan (F.49) Conserving the Orangutan: The Role of Environmental Education Programs in West Kalimantan Tujuan Penelitian : Menganalisis bagaimana program pendidikan konservasi dapat membantu komunitas lokal di sekitar TN Gunung Palung untuk mampu menjaga sumber daya alam milik TN Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 2 (dua) bulan dimulai 8 November 2012 Daerah Penelitian : DI Yogyakarta, Jawa Barat (Bogor), Kalimantan Barat (Ketapang, Kayong) Mitra Kerja : Leti Sundawati, Ph.D. - Fakultas Kehutanan IPB Abstract The purpose of this research is to analyze how conservation education programs (specifically those programs geared towards “Alternative Livelihoods/’ herein after referred to as ALPs) can help rural communities near Gunung Palung National Park in West Kalimantan, Indonesia to sustainably manage the Park’s natural resources for the benefit of current and future generations. It is posited that only through the sustainable management of the Parks natural resources can positive conservation outcomes for protected wildlife such as the Bornean orangutan [Pongo pygmaeous) be actualized. Based on reporting from local organizations and institutions, as well as ground truthing, primary obstacles to sustainable management of the Parks natural resources come from a combination of local and external pressures, such as a lack of livelihood options in nearby communities, disturbances to traditional livelihood activities such as agriculture, and a high local and external demand for natural resources such as timber. This research sheds greater understanding on whether ALP programs are .effective at increasing 224 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 household knowledge, skills and capacity that leads not only to increased livelihood options in communities surrounding the Park, but also to improved environmental stewardship. This research concludes there is significant potential to the ALP programs as employed by Gunung Palung Orangutan Conservation Program (GPOCP), but that considerable obstacles must be overcome in order to achieve meaningful conservation outcomes through the creation of alternative household livelihood strategies. Justification of Selection of Sites: This consisted primarily of household interviews and focus groups across 8 villages - 4 villages that have actively running ALP programs, and 4 villages that do not yet have programs. The basis for selection of the former villages was the existence of actively running ALP programs, whereas the basis for selection of the latter was based on a combination of theoretical and logistical factors, chiefly: proximity to the National Park and high biodiversity areas, need for greater data regarding livelihood strategies of the communities, perceived high level of environmentally unsustainable livelihood activities in the community, potential for future ALP partnership, and practicality of travel and basic accommodation during study period. All of these factors were analyzed in detail in consultation with GPOCP staff as described in the Sampiing Strategy Section. Comparison With Other Studies:Numerous studies exist that address the success or lack thereof of alternative livelihood programs on achieving positive conservation outcomes in protected areas-including programs that focus heavily or exclusively on non-timber forest products (NTFP). The conclusions of these studies in terms of the success of the programs are as varied as their study sites and populations, from Southeast Asia and the Americas to the Horn of Africa. However some general conclusions can be drawn from these studies that are applicable to this research’s study area, such as the need to understand existent livelihood strategies and constraints (Timmermans 2009), the need for local input and leadership to drive the ALP programs (Farmer 2010), and the need for mindfulness regarding market issues (i.e., market dependency, adaptability, versatility) to avoid unknowingly creating increased community vulnerabilities (DFID 2012), be they local-based markets or distant markets. To date, in large part due to their recent beginnings, no comprehensive study exists which evaluates the current success and future potential ALP programs of Yayasan Palung (GPOCP) on communities surrounding the National Park. Hypothesis to be tested:Non-applicable as this is an inductive study. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.49.a) Steven Paul Patriarco Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Illinois, 13-05-1985 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 225 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Jabatan : Fullbright Research Fellow Institusi : Brandeis University, Waltham Email : steven.patriarco@gmail.com Alamat : 179 Charles Street Waltham, MA, USA 02453 (F.50) REDD-ALERT (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation through Alternative Lan uses in Rainforests of the Tropics) Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti bagaimana penggunaan lahan yang berbeda di Indonesia dapat mempengaruhi pelepasan gas rumah kaca ke atmosfer Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 18 Desember 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jambi dan TN Berbak Mitra Kerja : Puslitbang Kenservasi dan Rehabilitasi, Balitbang KehutananKemhut (Dr.I Wayan Susi Dharmawan) Abstrak How do you link global policy with local incentives for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation?How can national-level rewards overcome the many local-level pressures that lead to deforestation, including the need to produce food and fuelwood, and develop economies? REDD-ALERT is an FP7 EU project lead by the Macaulay Institute, Aberdeen and involving 12 partner institutions from EU and tropical countries, linking with the ASB (Alternative To Slash and Burn) Partnership for the Tropical Forest Margins. The project will work during 3 years in 4 countries namely Cameroon, Indonesia, Peru and Vietnam. In Indonesia, REDD Alert scientists will be conducting research in Jambi and Lampung (Sumatra) and East Kalimantan. Objectives a) Documenting the diversity in social, cultural, economic and ecological drivers of forestransition and conservation and the consequences, in case study., areas in Indonesia,Vietnam, Cameroon and Peru (representative of different stages of forest transition). b) 226 Quantifying rates of forest conversion and change in forest carbon stocks. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 c) Improving accounting (methods, default values) of the consequences of land use change for GHG emissions in tropical forest margins including peatiands. d) Identifying and assessing viable policy options addressing the drivers of deforestation andtheir consistency with approaches on avoided deforestation currently being discussed inUNFCCC and other international processes. e) Analysing scenarios in selected case study areas of the local impacts of potentialinternational climate change policies on GHG emission reductions, land use and livelihoods. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.50.a) Sebastian Persch Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Hamburg, 11-09-1982 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Master Student Institusi : Georg-August-University Gottingen Email Alamat : sebastian.persch@stud.uni-goettingen.de : Hermann-Foge-Weg 8 37073 Gotingen, Jerman (F.50.b) Louis-Pierre Comeau Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Montreal, 15-05-1980 Warga Negara : Kanada Jabatan : Graduate Student Institusi : University of Saskatchewan Email :comeau_louis@hotmail.com Alamat : 2467 Delorimier Longueuil Quebec Canada J4K3P5 Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan dimulai 15 November 2012 (F.51) Sustainable Management of Bio-resources in Lowland Tropical Forests in the West Kalimantan Tujuan Penelitian : Memperkirakan dampak penggunaan lahan dan perubahan penggunaan lahan pada atmosfer dan siklus hidrologi, serta mengkaji upaya manajemen bio-resources berkelanjutan di hutan tropis dataran rendah Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 29 Oktober 2012 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 227 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Barat (Pontianak, Lahan konsesi alam gambut Wana Subur Lestari, Hutan hujan konsesi Sari Bumi Kusuma), Riau (Pekanbaru, Tasik Betung, Giam Siak Kecil), DKI Jakarta Mitra Kerja : Pusat Inovasi LIPI (Prof. Bambang Subiyanto). Abstract My research purposes are to provide the required scientific information and biogeochemistry to establish the sustainable management of bio-resources in lowland tropical forests and coastal region. My research also aims to clarify the quality and quantity of environmental services, and to improve the life of local peoples living in the forested areas. Our core objectives are to estimate the impacts of land use and land cover change on the atmosphere and hydrological cycle with considering water quality in Riau and to propose Sustainable Management of Bio-resources in Lowland Tropical Forests in the West Kalimantan. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.51.a) Masayuki Ito Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Osaka, 19-01-1979 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Assistant Professor Institusi : Center for Souteast Asian Studies, Kyoto University Email :masayukiitoh@yahoo.co.jp Alamat : 46 Yoshidashimoadachi, Sakyo, Kyoto 606-8501 Japan (F.52) Trace Gas Fluxes from Heavily Weathered Soils Under Rainforest Transformation System Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan pengukuran pelepasan karbon dari perkebunan kelapa sawit Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 12 bulan mulai 18 Juni2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (TN Bukit Dua Belas dan Hutan Harapan) Mitra Kerja : IPB (Dr. Iman Rusmana) dan Universitas Jambi (Drs. Damris Muhammad, M.Sc., Ph.D) 228 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Abstract Research Objectives. 1) Monthly measurement of NO, N20, CH4 and C02 fluxes and of soil factors known to control trace gas fluxes: soil water contents, mineral N, and temperature 2) Measurement of C02 and CH4 fluxes from the canopy in an oil palm plantation Methodology and concept At all 32 core sites, we plan to conduct whole-year monthly measurements of NO, N20, CH4, and C02 fluxes and soil factors known to control trace gas fluxes: soil water contents, mineral N, and temperature. All these measurements will be conducted in situ, using chamber methods combined with gas chromatographic and chemiluminescence techniques. Furthermore, we plan to conduct the trace gas flux measurements on four subplots (5m x 5m each with a permanent chamber base) per replicate plot, which will be selected by stratified random design. At one plot of oil palm plantation we plan to do more frequent measurements (every 2 weeks) at 10 subplots to detect whether the aboveground part of this heavily-managed oil palm plantation is a C02 and CH4 source or sink. We also plan to do a series of incubations similar to the ones described in our earlier work in Ecuador to detect whether the cavities formed by leaf axels of oil palm are indeed a source of CH4. Research location The research will implemented in Jambi Province in Sumatra, with the fastest and most complete transformation of tropical lowland rainforest. We focus on tropical lowland rainforests as these are experiencing the strongest losses worldwide (Achard et al. 2002). In particular, the massive transformation of lowland rainforest into oil palm plantations has been identified as a major threat for biodiversity and a potential driver of climate change (Danielsen et al. 2009, Giam et al. 2010, Wilcove and Koh 2010). Two landscapes within Jambi Province have been chosen for the CRC research comprising large units of lowland rainforest: National Park Bukit Duabelas and Harapan Rainforest. The transformation systems to be investigated include lowland rainforest as reference sites, jungle rubber (extensive rubber plantations), and intensive rubber and oil palm plantations. Lowland rainforest reference sites represent old-growth forest but have been subject to logging. Large sites of untouched natural rainforest are no longer existing in Jambi province, but the lowland rainforest reference sites selected represent large rainforest regions in a close to natural state. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 229 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Jungle rubber represents an extensive management system which is established by planting rubber trees into rainforest. Its implementation dates back into the early 20,h century but still covers large areas of Jambi. In each of the two landscapes (comprising blocks in a randomized complete block design), four replicates of each of the four transformation systems (including the lowland rainforest as reference) will be investigated. These 32 sites will constitute the core sites; covering these core sites is mandatory for all CRC scientific projects (SPs) that collect micro level data. In addition to investigating established transformationsystems, a reforestation experiment will be established near Harapan Rainforest landscape. The experiment aims at investigating principal questions of how to establish sustainable forest management systems, optimizing both conservation needs and socioeconomic benefits. Apart from the work on these sites and on the reforestation experiment, socioeconomic surveys will be undertaken in the same sites, but also including a broader area in Jambi Province to be able to capture institutional heterogeneity, which is important for comprehensive understanding of socioeconomic causes and consequences of land use changes. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.52.a) Evelyn Preuss Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Freiburg, 18 Mei 1984 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Student Institusi : University of Gottingen (F.53) Revaluing Rainforests: Market-Based Conservation in Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti tentang dimensi sosial dari penerapan nilai-nilai ekonomi terhadap keberlangsungan ekosistem Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Manusia Lama Penelitian : 3 (tiga) bulan mulai 4 Oktober 2012 Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta, Jawa Barat (Bogor), Lokasi proyek REDD+ di Kalimantan, Kalimantan Tengah, Sulawesi Tengah, NTB (Lombok Tengah), Kalimantan Timur (Berau), Kalimantan Barat (Ketapang, Kapuas Hulu). Mitra Kerja : Dr. Soeryo Adiwibowo – Fakultas Ekologi Manusia IPB 230 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Abstract A key design element of the proposed international carbon market is the commodification of carbon sequestered by forests. The proposed research explores the social aspects of commodifying carbon through a case study of a REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) project being piloted in Indonesia. The proposed research investigates: (1) the varying perceptions of forests and how these are influenced by commodification and (2) the representation of forest-dependent communities in REDD deliberations and the potential socio-economic influence of commoditizing CO2 on local people. Research Objective: To better understand the social dimensions of assigning economic value to ecosystem services. Location: During my research on REDD+ in 2012 I will be based in Bogor, Indonesia at the Institut Pertanian Bogor and the Center for International Forestry Research’s Headquarters. My research will be conducted in Bogor, Jakarta, and at a REDD+ pilot project in Kalimantan. I will make a decision on which REDD+ project in Kalimantan in conjunction with IPB, CIFOR, and relevant government agencies, and will keep RISTEK/KRT informed.. Methodology: I will gather data on the perspectives of international institutions, government agencies, non-profit organizations, private sector businesses, and forestdependent communities who are involved in REDD. I will explore the proposed topic using a mix of qualitative and quantitative methods. Archival data will include project reports, forest management plans, minutes from REDD meetings, and agreements resulting from REDD. Primary data will be gathered using methods of participant observation, focus group discussions, semi-structured interviews, and surveys. To analyze the qualitative data on forest perspectives of various stakeholders, I will develop preliminary coding schemes based on literature (such as aesthetic, cultural, market, subsistence, species conservation, and environmental services), but for the most part will use an open-ended inductive approach to allow interviewees’ own categories to emerge. Variations within and between stakeholder groups will be compared. Using this same method I will explore if and how people’s perceptions change with the commodification of CO2 sequestration. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.53.a) Wendy Beth Miles Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Kansas, 18-12-1979 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Doctoral Candidate Institusi : University of Hawaii and the East-West Center Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 231 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Email :woodsandrain@gmail.com Alamat : 1711 East-West Road # 519, Honolulu, HI 96848, USA (F.54) Design of incentive mechanism for sustainable land use systems Tujuan Penelitian : Menguji dampak komposisi desa, mekanisme kompensasi yang berbeda, serta pendidikan lingkungan dalam kaitannya dengan PES (Payments for Ecosystem Services) pada alokasi lahan dan kontribusinya pada aktivitas konservasi Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Sosial Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 21 September 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (TN Bukit Dua Belas dan Hutan Harapan) Mitra Kerja : Universitas Jambi (Dr. Adrizal). Abstract As a response to high international prices oil palm plantations have expanded rapidly in Indonesia, which is now the world’s leading producer of palm oil. On the one hand, this land use transformation towards more intensively managed land use systems offers unique opportunities to increase the incomes of local families and to spur economic development in the region. On the other hand, oil palm plantations often replace more complex land use systems like forest and jungle rubber that preserve a larger share of biodiversity and fulfill important ecosystem functions (Feintrenie and Levang 2009). In recent years, payments for ecosystem services have been implemented increasingly in developing countries to promote conservation objectives and reward farmers for sustainable land uses (Jack et al. 2008). In many cases, they have fallen short of the expectations with respect to conservation objectives given that transaction costs related to the implementation and monitoring of the project can be substantial. One potential option to overcome high transaction costs associated with many small landholders is using collective enforcement mechanisms (e.g. collectively bundled contracts as being tested in a program in Costa Rica) (Wunder 2007). Yet, the use of collective mechanisms raises concerns on whether the land conserved is fragmented into small areas that are too small to sustainably provide ecological functions. Parkhurst et al. (2002) propose the use of an agglomeration bonus to promote the conservation of biodiversity by reuniting fragmented habitat across private land. There is an increasing body of literature studying experimentally how different institutional mechanisms 232 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 affect conservation and land use decisions (Ehmke and Shogren, 2008; Ibanez and Martinsson 2007). While economic incentives can be effective in promoting conservation, Cardenas et al. (2000) show that external regulations can crowd out local cooperation. Alternatively, collective incentive mechanisms such as threshold public goods have been suggested (Croson et al 2008). Our proposed research contributes to this literature by studying how identity (origin of the village) influences the effectiveness of different incentive mechanisms. Our work is closely related to the work of Carpenter and Cardenas (2005) who study how heterogeneity in group affiliation (here: nationality) affects contributions to different conservation funds. Besides, building on Tisdell and Wilson (2006), we consider that the knowledge about environmental functions of different land use systems is likely to influence conservation decisions. Hence, this study aspires to test the effects of village composition, different compensation mechanisms, and environmental education on land allocation and contribution to conservation activities. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.54.a) Miriam Vorlaufer Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Frankfurt, 27-05-1985 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Institusi : University of Gottingen Email : mvorlau@gedg.de Alamat : Am Feuerschanzengraben 20a, 37083 Gottingen, Jerman (F.55) Collaboration in the project utilization of liquid and solid wastes from palm oil, rubber and sugar mill for renewable energy and other useful products Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari kelayakan pengurangan emisi GHG di Indonesia dan mengevaluasi dampaknya seperti pada pengukuran pemanasan global dan polusi Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi/ Lingkungan Lama Penelitian : 5 (lima) bulan mulai 13 Februari 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Lokasi PTP Nusantara VII (pabrik dan perkebunan) di Sumatra Selatan Mitra Kerja : Dr. Astu Unadi - Balitbang Pertanian, Kementerian Pertanian Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 233 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Abstract Deforestation of tropical rainforest has caused carbon dioxide increese.Infertile soils including strong acidic soils are widely distributed in Indonesia. About 7% of the country of Indonesia is considered as infertile soils (strong acid soils) land and these lands are unused. According to economic development, coal ashes disposed as waste are expected to increase in Indonesia. Purpose: The purpose of this project is to avoid the deforestation by creation of an alternative land. First, the coal ash from power plant is processed into soil improvement product by Japanese technology. Infertile soils (strong acid soils) are improved using the soil improvement product. Deforestation is avoided by using soil improvement land. This project involves a survey for REDD+ under consideration for a new international framework to cope with the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) reduction. The survey, which includes the following activities, aims to study the feasibility of GHG emission reduction in the host country, Indonesia. It also evaluates the co-benefit effect such as countermeasure against global warming and protects deforestation measure in Indonesia. Subject to the availability of budget, and in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations, FORDA shall: • Provide facilities for the project including existing laboratory,office, and experimental land for this collaborative research work in Bogor, and Samboja; • Keep C02 monitoring equipment which will be leased by CHUGAI after temination of the project; • Designate the appropriate supporting staffs for this collaborative research work. Subject to the availability of budget, and in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations, CHUGAI shall: • Be responsible for staff wages for C02 monitoring; • Be responsible for costs of cultivation test; • Transfer appropriate GHG emission reduction monitoring metnpjcjifo FORDA; • Lease the C02monitoring equipments after termination of theproject; 234 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.55.a) Etsuko Kaimi Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Hiroshima, 08-04-1965 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Deputy General Manager Institusi : Chugai-Technos Corp. Email :e.kaimi@chungaqi-tec.co.jp Alamat : 1-12-9 Nihonbashi-Hamacho Chu-Ku Tokyo, Japan (F.55.b) Shingo Maeno Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Tokushima, 15-03-1980 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Technical Staff Institusi : Chugai-Technos Corp. Email :s.maeno@chugai-tec.co.jp Alamat : 1-12-9 Nihonbashi-Hamascho Chuo-ku Tokyo, Japan (F.56) Ecological and Socioeconomic Functions of Tropical Lowland Rainforest Transformation system (Sumatra, Indonesia) Tujuan Penelitian : Menganalisis bagaimana perubahan dalam keanekaragaman spesies pada gradien transformasi hutan hujan berdampak pada fungsi-fungsi ekologi dan sosio-ekonomi Bidang Penelitian : Sosio-Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 18 Juni 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (TN Bukit Dua Belas dan Hutan Harapan) Mitra Kerja : IPB (Dr. Hendrayanto); Universitas Jambi (Dr. Bambang Irawan, M.Sc Abstract A main goal of the CRC is to address how changes in species diversity across the rainforest transformation gradient result in changes of ecological and socio-economic functions (see Focus Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 235 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 1). Generally, projects in the first phase of the CRC focus on the consequences of lower diversity in transformation systems compared to tropical lowland forest. In contrast, this scientific project (SP) will address consequences of changing diversity in the opposite direction by experimentally increasing tree species diversity in ecologically depleted oil palm plantations thus contributing significantly to Focus 4 of the CRC. The overarching question of this SP thus addresses whether biodiversity and ecological functions can be restored by enrichment planting and what are the associated socio-economic implications. The proposed experiment will systematically vary the species richness and identity of trees planted in gaps within oil palm plantations (i.e. gap enrichment). At the same time, a household-level survey will be implemented in the vicinity of the experiment to collect information on the current use of tree species and the farmers’ willingness to accept compensation for planting trees within their oil palm plantations. Under this framework, we will address the effects of diversity and identity of initially planted species as well as distance to forest on the successional trajectory and associated biodiversity and ecosystem functions. This longitudinal study will span the planned 12 years of the CRC. Based on the data collected in the socio-economic household survey, we will investigate the constraints to and impacts of enrichment plantings and contribute to the design of payments for ecosystem services programs to motivate more sustainable land uses. The primary goals of this SP in the first phase of the CRC are the establishment of the experimental plots, monitoring of early successional colonisation, and the socio¬economic survey and data analysis. In subsequent phases of the CRC, the plots of the enrichment plantings will be available for the other projects of the CRC to become a central part of the CRC. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.56.a) Miriam Rosemarie Teuscher Tempat dan tanggal lahir Warga Negara Jabatan : Bad Kreuznach, 21 - 01 - 1985 : Jerman : PhD. Student Institusi : University of Gottingen (F.57) Mangrove and Human Coexistence in Batam, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari produksi arang bakau di Pulau Batam Bidang Penelitian Lama Penelitian Daerah Penelitian : Socio-Ekologi : 2 (dua) bulan mulai 5 Maret 2012 : Kep. Riau (P. Batam di Kec. Sungai Beduk, Kec. Saguling, Kec. Galang) : Haris Gunawan, M.Sc., Ph.D - FMIPA Universitas Riau Mitra Kerja 236 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.57.a) Yukari Harada Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Jepang, 05-06-1984 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Institusi : Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University Email : Yukari Harada” <harada@asafas.kyoto-u.ac.jp> Alamat : 21-6 Tenjinmori Morimoto-cho, Mukou-shi Kyoto,617 0003, Japan (F.58) Biodiversity enrichment in oil palm plantations: ecological and socioeconomic impacts Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti apakah fungsi-fungsi ekologi dan biodiversitas dapat diperbaiki dengan melakukan pengayaan penanaman serta apa saja dampak sosial ekonominya Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi/ Sosial-Ekonomi Kehutanan Lama Penelitian : 3 (tiga) bulan mulai 6 September 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (TN Bukit Dua Belas dan Hutan Harapan) Mitra Kerja : IPB (Prof. Dr. Hendryanto, Dr. Prijanto Pamoengkas), Universitas Jambi(Dr. Bambang Irawan) Abstract Research Objectives A main goal of the CRC is to address how changes in species diversity across the rainforest transformation gradient result in changes of ecological and socio-economic functions (see Focus 1). Generally, projects in the first phase of the CRC focus on the consequences of lower diversity in transformation systems compared to tropical lowland forest. In contrast, this scientific project (SP) will address consequences of changing diversity in the opposite direction by experimentally increasing tree species diversity in ecologically depleted oil palm plantations thus contributing significantly to Focus 4 of the CRC. The overarching question of this SP thus addresses whether biodiversity and ecological functions can be restored by enrichment planting and what are the associated socio-economic implications. The proposed Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 237 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA experiment will systematically vary the species richness and identity of trees planted in gaps within oil palm plantations (i.e. gap enrichment). At the same time, a household-level survey will be implemented in the vicinity of the experiment to collect information on the current use of tree species and the farmers’ willingness to accept compensation for planting trees within their oil palm plantations. Under this framework, we will address the effects of diversity and identity of initially planted species as well as distance to forest on the successions trajectory and associated biodiversity and ecosystem functions. This longitudinal study will span the planned 12 years of the CRC. Based on the data collected in the socio-economic household survey, we will investigate the constraints to and impacts of enrichment plantings and contribute to the design of payments for ecosystem services programs to motivate more sustainable land uses. The primary goals of this SP in the first phase of the CRC are the establishment of the experimental plots, monitoring of early successional colonisation, and the socio-economic survey and data analysis. In subsequent phases of the CRC, the plots of the enrichment plantings will be available for the other projects of the CRC to become a central part of the CRC. Methodology and concept Taxonomic and functional diversity of birds and arthropods The Master student will focus on ecological succession in specific animal groups (birds and arthropods) from the tropical lowland rainforest (Harapan Rainforest) to the oil palm plantations. To evaluate the ecological success of gap enrichment planting, in the first stage, this subproject will carry out a background survey of biodiversity on the lowland forest plots of the Harapan Rainforest and the oil palm plantations surrounding the experimental plot. This background survey will include birds and invertebrate species from different herbivorous and predatory groups (collaboration with Z2). Bird communities will be assessed by point counts. Invertebrate communities are sampled by fogging of individual trees (see Z2 for details). The faunal composition of oil palm plantations and lowland forests represent the baseline and benchmark systems against which the longitudinal data from the enrichment gaps will be compared during the 11 years following the establishment of the plots. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (F.58.a) Steffen Mumme Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Berlin-Neukölln, 17-02-1985 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Master Student Institusi : University of Gottingen Email : steffen.mumme@stud.uni.goetingen.de Alamat : Kreuzbergring Germany 238 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 56b (App.001), 37075 Gottingen DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Bidang riset Ekonomi yang menjadi interest peneliti asing umumnya yang terkait dengan komunitas rural, ataupun yang terkait dengan dinamika sejarah dan politik Nasional/ Regional. Secara keseluruhan terdapat 5 project penelitian, semuanya project individu (bukan Tim) sehingga jumlah peneliti asingnya juga sebanya 5 orang. (G.1) Economic Growth and Structural Changes in Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji pertumbuhan ekonomi dan perubahan struktural di Indonesia dengan melebarkan rentang model teori neoklasik tradisional, yakni dengan memasukkan faktor “efficiency growth” Bidang Penelitian : Ilmu Ekonomi Lama Penelitian : 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 27 Agustus 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Barat (Bandung) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Padjadjaran (Nury Effendy, SE., MA., Ph.D.) Abstract Economic growth is inevitably uneven in its subnational impacts. Some regions grow faster than others do. This especially holds true for large, spatially diverse Southeast Asian nations; a few examples of uneven growth can be observed in the significant interregional income gaps between Java Island and off-Java islands in Indonesia, between West and East Malaysia, between Bangkok and the rest of Thailand, and between the northern and southern parts of Vietnam. The standard neoclassical economics literature that analyzes interregional growth disparities considers two sources: the increase in factor inputs and productivity growth. However, the following issues have been empirically examined with the regional data constraints: the extent to which factor input has contributed to regional/national economies and the extent to which interregional factor mobility has contributed to regional/national economies. In order to fill this gap, this research extends the traditional neoclassical model to include another source of economic growth—efficiency growth—which is attributed to interregional allocation of factor inputs from low-productivity to high-productivity regions. The research Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 239 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA empirically applies this conceptual framework to province-level panel data for Indonesia for 1986-2007, estimated in my previous study. The Indonesian economy was chosen because, since Indonesia’s independence, the country considers interregional income inequality an important political issue, given its insular geography and large population—now the fourth largest in the world—as well as its extraordinary economic, demographic, cultural, and historical diversity. To achieve this objective, I develop a decomposable national growth equation, which consists of the following four components: (i) input factor growth, (ii) biased technical growth, (iii) neutral technical growth, and (iv) efficiency growth. This equation is derived from two empirical results: (i) estimation results in the province-level regional production functions that incorporate time-trend variables and (ii) the Pareto-optimal interregional allocation of the factor inputs, where the national welfare is maximized. The application of this analysis can be extended to other Asia-Pacific economies such as Japan. Additional factual findings on the source of national economic growth and the interregional growth inequalities at different development stages could contribute to further discussions on understanding policy implications in various economies. This empirical research can provide seminal results in terms of policy relevance, contemporary focus, and comparative research on Southeast Asian issues. The results will be appropriately presented at an in-school seminar, an international conference, and in an academic journal and will contribute to the excellent reputation held by your school. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (G.1.a) Mitsuhiko Kataoka Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Aichi, 17-04-1965 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Associate Professor Institusi : Chiba Keizai University Email :m-kataoka@cku.ac.jp Alamat : Nishikoujiya 4-16-2 Oota-ku, Tokyo 144-0034, JAPAN 240 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (G.2) The Effects of Nonfarm Employment on Rural Economy Case Study in Javanese Villages Tujuan Penelitian : Menganalisis dampak adanya lapangan kerja non-pertanian pada ekonomi pedesaan Jawa dan melihat dampak kebijakan reduksi kemiskinan serta kebijakan pengembangan pedesaan Bidang Penelitian : Ilmu Ekonomi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 28 Agustus 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Selatan (P. Barrang Lompo, Makassar), Sulawesi Tenggara (Wakatobi), Maluku (Kep. Kai), NTB (Lombok), NTT (Maumere, Flores, P. Sawu, Kupang, Timor Barat) Mitra Kerja : IPB (Dr. Yusman Syaukat) Abstract The objective of this study is to analyze the effects of nonfarm employment on Javanese rural economy and to demonstrate policy implications for poverty reduction and rural development policy. This study includes three issues to achieve the objective: the effects of nonfarm employment on income inequality within rural village, the effects of nonfarm employment on farmers’ production and investment behavior, and the factor of rural residents’ occupational choice and occupational strategies. The progress of economic development in Indonesia affects not only urban areas and industrial sector but also rural areas and agricultural sector. One of the major factors of economic development that affect rural areas is the increase of nonfarm employment inside and outside rural areas. Traditional nonfarm employments in rural areas include agricultural hired labor, small business such as small shop or merchant of vegetables, civil servants. However, recently, with an increase of the demand for labor in urban areas and around rural areas, housekeeper, factory worker, and construction workers outside the rural village has been increasing. Those recent nonfarm employments give the workers high salaries compared to traditional nonfarm jobs. Some villagers can earn from nonfarm employment as much as from large-scale farming. Therefore, it is considered that the increase of nonfarm employment lead to improve the income of rural residents, and can be an important opportunity for them to escape poverty. The features in Javanese rural areas include the high population density, the low rates of farm land per capita, and the existence of many smallholders and landless households. In the rural villages, there are not only farmers but also landless households who engaged Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 241 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA in agricultural hired labor, and various small businesses which are related to agriculture and nonagricultural activities. There arc also farmers whichhave the farm land, but they do not have enough land to feed their families, therefore, must engage in nonfarm employment. In general, large landholders are ranked in the top of the economic stratifications in Javanese rural villages. Conversely, smallholders and landless households are ranked in the bottom of the economic stratifications, in other words, they are the poor household in Javanese village. Considering the high population density and the low rates of farm land per capita, not only agriculture, but also nonfarm employments have an important role to improve the incomes of subsistence farmers and landless households who are poor and to decrease the poverty rates in rural villages. On the other hand, it is possible to think that the increase in nonfarm employment does not necessarily lead to poverty reduction in rural villages. This is because the villagers are sometimes required the sophisticated human capitals such as high education and professional career to get a high-wage nonfarm employment. In such situations, it is considered that relatively wealthy household can afford to invest their human capitals and can get lucrative nonfarm jobs, while the poor household can’t engage in such jobs because they don’t have enough money to invest their human capitals. In this case, even if the lucrative nonfarm employment can increase the average income in the rural villages, substantial poverty don’t decreased and furthermore economic inequality within the villages worsen. To reduce the substantial poverty in rural areas, it is necessary for the poor to engage in the lucrative nonfarm job. These suggest that an increase in nonfarm employment has the potential to lead to not only poverty reduction in rural areas, but also positive or negative impact on economic disparity in rural areas. In Indonesia, many people reside in rural areas, and many rural residents remain poor (19.93 million peoples in rural areas and 11.10 million people in urban areas stay under the poverty line in 2010 (BPS(2010))). To reduce the poverty and economic disparities in the whole country of Indonesia, it’s essential to solve the problem in rural areas. Nonfarm employments are considered to have possibilities for dealing with that problems, however its effects are still uncertain. In this study, I analyze the impact of nonfarm employment in rural Javanese economy, and show policy implications for poverty reduction and rural development in Java. Java region is the center of economic and social activities and has highest population in Indonesia. And Indonesia has the fourth largest population in the world. Therefore, this study will contribute not only to economic and social stability in Indonesia but also to the stability of the economy in the world. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (G.2.a) Tomoki Kamiura Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Kagoshima, 20-12-1985 Warga Negara : Jepang 242 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Jabatan : Doctoral Student Institusi : Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University (G.3) Indonesian Economic Development in Post Soeharto Era Tujuan Penelitian : Mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis pembangunan ekonomi di era Paska Soeharto Bidang Penelitian : Ekonomi/ Studi Pembangunan Lama Penelitian : 6 (enam) bulan mulai 17 Desember 2012 Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta Mitra Kerja : 1. FISIP - UI (Ikhsan Darmawan, S.Sos, M.Si) 2. Fak. Ekonomi dan Manajemen – IPB Abstract The main purpose of this research is to identify and analyse the Indonesian economic development in Post Soeharto era.The key questions to be asked in my research are the following* a) How should we understand recent economic development in Indonesia, althoughthe world economy’s stagnant? b) What are the factors which have been promoted this economic development inpostSoeharto Indonesia? c) How should we take these factors in the context of the Pancasila philosophy? d) How would this “Pancasila economy” be in the future? By answering these questions, my research aims to figure out the factors of economic development in Post Soeharto Indonesia. Methodology and Concept This research applies the integrative approaches of economicdevelopment in Indonesiaand area studies. I will probe into the economic development in Indonesia interviewing with the business managers in the Corporations, the Governmental companies (BUMN) and some private companies. Those are the important elements of Indonesian economy. And interviewing with Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 243 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA staffsin the Governments (Ministry of Industry, Office of Coordinating Ministry of Economy, Bappenas), and staffs in some economic organisations, such as Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industiy (KADIN) and Indonesian Entrepreneurs Association (APINDO). NAMA PENELITI ASING: (G.3.a) Tetsu Konishi Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Nagasaki, 06 - 10 - 1980 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Institusi : Center for Southeast Asian Studies Kyoto University Email : ts_te52s@hotmail.com Alamat : 46, Yoshida Shimoadachicho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto-shi Japan (G.4) Smallholder productivity, market access, and international linkages in rubber and palm oil production in jambi province Tujuan Penelitian : Menganalisis peranan pelaku ekonomi berorientasi ekspor terhadap kesejahteraan petani kecil di industri minyak sawit dan karet pada skala yang bervariasi Bidang Penelitian : Sosial-Ekonomi Kehutanan Lama Penelitian : 6 (enam) bulan mulai 17 September 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (TN Bukit Dua Belas dan Hutan Harapan) Mitra Kerja : IPB (Dr. Dedi Budiman Hakim, Prof. Dr. Rina Oktaviani), Universitas Jambi (Prof. Dr. Zulkifli Alamsyah) Abstract This SP analyses the role which export-oriented value chains play for the welfare of smallholders active in rubber and palm oil production at different scales. More specifically, the following topics will be at the focus of the research: • Analysis of productive efficiency of smallholders in oil palm and rubber transformation systems. • Analysis of the value chain for palm oil and rubber, in particular at the interfaces between smallholders, traders, and local processors. • Integration between international and regional rubber/palm oil markets, especially the impact of international and local policies in the area of bio-energy on local markets (including feedback relationships). 244 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 An integrated perspective along the supply chain will allow us to Identify major economic drivers and institutional arrangements which have important implications for land use changes. The expected results will contribute to the development of methodological approaches to address the assessment of the trade-offs between economic and ecological functions of alternative transformation systems. Furthermore, the SP will contribute to the development of political measures that support more sustainable transformation systems. Methodology and concept Technical and environmental efficiency of smallholder palm oil and rubber production • H1: Differences in technical efficiency between smallholders within the same transformation system as well as differences in the distribution of technical efficiency between different transformation systems are substantial. • H2: Differences in environmental efficiency between smallholders are substantial, and the best-practice frontier functions between the transformation systems differ along intensity gradients. The household survey information will be used to estimate a multi-output production technology for the sampled smallholders, with specific focus on palm oil and rubber production. The estimation of a frontier production function (possibly extended to accommodate multiple outputs in a distance function framework (e.g., Brummer et al. 2003, Brummer and Glauben 2004) will allow to estimate technical efficiency, and to identify the determinants of the observed inefficiencies. In particular, the effects of institutional arrangements, such as land rights, and the extent of vertical integration on farm-level efficiency measures will be analysed. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (G.4.a) Anna Marieke Holtkamp Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Tübingen, 27-04-1985 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Master Student Institusi : University of Gottingen Email : amholtkamp@web.de Alamat : Nikolaistraβe 18, 37073 Gottingen, Jerman Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 245 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (G.5) Functioning of local markets on the regional scale and linkages of local and international markets at the global scale Tujuan Penelitian : Menganalisis value chain industri karet dan minyak sawit, khususnya persinggungan antara petani kecil, pedagang, dan pengusaha lokal Bidang Penelitian : Sosial-Ekonomi Kehutanan Lama Penelitian : 6 (enam) bulan mulai 18 September 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (TN Bukit Dua Belas dan Hutan Harapan) Mitra Kerja : IPB (Prof. Dr. Rina Oktaviani) Abstract Objectives (1) Analysis of the value chain for palm oil and rubber, in particular at the interfaces between smallholders, traders and local processors. Hypotheses: • Product prices (and hence economic outcomes) for smallholders depend crucially onthe specific organisation of the local value chain • The functioning of the local value chains depends on the institutional arrangementswhich govern the interactions between the economic agents (2) Integration between international and regional rubber/palm oil markets, especially theimpact of international and local policies in the area of bio-energy on local markets(including feedback relationships) Hypotheses: a) b) International market developments are important drivers for the developments inthe value chain for oil palms and rubber, moderated by national and regional policyenvironments Trade costs are substantial and induce substantial gaps between prices at the borderand at the smallholder level Work plan For the analyses of the regional value chain, an interview-based trader survey will be carried out. This survey will be conducted in those villages, where the household survey of my research partner will take place. In these villages, all local middlemen and small traders will be interviewed. Rubber oriented villages show the most complex local trading schemes, 246 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 with up to 15 local middlemen and traders. On average, I expect that in each of the 40 villages about 7 interview partners will be interviewed, leading to a sample size of about 280. Based on the information gained from the interviews, I expect about 70 larger local traders and regional stockholders for rubber to be identified and interviewed, so that the total sample will consist of 350 observations. The questionnaire for the trader survey will collect information on the involvement of the middlemen in palm oil and rubber marketing. The regional rubber value chain is of particular interest: Field visits revealed that the linkages between smallholders and middlemen are far more complex than a simple supplier-buyer relationship. Frequently, middlemen grant longterm credit to the farmers at nominally zero interest rate. They recover their refinancing cost (including profit) by differentiating the price they pay for the delivered rubber. The actual sources of refinancing are often larger (regional) traders, where again no nominal interest rate is part of the credit agreement. These complex institutional arrangements turn the true capital costs elusive so that credit markets are likely to be incomplete and inefficient. The interviews will capture the full complexity of these arrangements at the various levels. The data for the trade flow and price transmission analyses will be based on secondary data. Regional, national and international statistical agencies collect a multitude of price information at various levels. The trade flows for palm oil (crude and refined) and rubber products will be obtained from Global Trade Information Services (GTIS) at the HS six digits level (palm oil: HS 151110,151190, rubber HS 40011x). Information on relevant policy instruments (e.g., export taxes) will be obtained from provincial and national authorities. In combination, quantity and price data will allow for a comprehensive assessment of the integration of the regional and international markets for palm oil and rubber. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (G.5.a) Thomas Kopp Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Gräfelfing, 03-12-1983 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Project Coordinator Institusi : University of Gottingen Email :thkopp@gmx.de Alamat : Mauerstr, 14, 37073 Gottingen, Germany Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 247 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Bidang riset Geografi juga merupakan intra-disiplin dengan bidang ilmu lain misalnya Tata Wilayah Lahan, Ekonomi, Sosial, Pertanian, Lingkungan, Geologi, dan bahkan Sejarah dan Teknik Penginderaan Jauh. Berbagai topik Geografi dilakukan oleh peneliti asing sebagaimana tercantum dibawah, mencapai 6 project penelitian dan 14 peneliti asing. (H.1) Geomorphology and environmental history of Lombok Island Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan rekonstruksi sejarah lingkungan Pulau Lombok serta hubungannya dengan aktivitas volkanik Gn. Rinjani Bidang Penelitian : Geografi Lama Penelitian : 4 (empat) bulan mulai 7 Mei 2012 Daerah Penelitian : NTB (Lombok Barat, Lombok Timur, Lombok Tengah) Mitra Kerja : Dr. Danang Sri Hadmoko, S.Si., M.Sc - Fakultas Geografi UGM Abstract The signatures of many famous eruptions that occurred in the Tropics, such as Tambora (1815) and Krakatau (1883), have been identified in polar ice core archives of sulphate and tephra deposition. Many more eruptions are evident in the glaciochemical records but have yet to be associated to a particular volcano. Obviously many volcanic sources of such large eruptions are on Indonesian origin. Yet this country hosts many poorly-studied volcanoes whose eruptions have had far-reaching repercussions. Two criteria allow identifying such eruptions: first, a large caldera, second a huge amount of pyroclastic deposits, especially pumices. One of these poorly studied volcanoes in Indonesia is the Mount Rinjani in Lombok Island. Objectives The goal of this study was to reconstruct the recent environmental history of Lombok Island and its relation to historical volcanic activity of Mt Rinjani. 248 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Local research description Lombok is an island in West Nusa Tenggara (Nusa Tenggara Barat or NTB) province, Indonesia. It forms part of the chain of the Lesser Sunda Islands, with the Lombok Strait separating it from Bali to the west and the Alas Strait between it and Sumbawa to the east. It is roughly circular, with a “tail” (Sekotong Peninsula) to the southwest, about 70 km across and a total area of about 4,725 km² (1,825 sq mi). The entire island is covered by pumice (batu apung) probably originated from the Mount Rinjani. Methods A total of 130 outcrops of pyroclastic deposits were studied. These were found in natural exposures and quarries. The field analysis revealed a complex stratigraphy with an alternation between Plinian and phreatoplinian episodes before a major phase of pyroclastic density currents (PDCs). We collected 32 samples from the PDC deposits and 29 from the pyroclastic fall deposits, of which six belong to the F1 Plinian phase, two to the F2 phreatoplinian phase, and five to the F3 Plinian phase. In addition, a total of 26 charcoal samples were collected from the pyroclastic deposits, of which 12 were dated by the 14C method. These samples were taken from the lower part of the PDC unit, within a pyroclastic surge deposit S1, or at the base of the Plinian F1 deposit. Geophysical surveys using sismic refraction geoelectric methods were carried out upon the ignimbrites, in collaboration with scholars of the University of Mataram and the Gadjah mada University. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (H.1.a) Franck C. Lavigne Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Lyon, 31-03-1964 Warga Negara : Perancis Jabatan : Professor Institusi : Université Paris 1 Panthéon, Sorbonne Email : lavigne@univ-paris1.fr dan franklavigne@yahoo.fr Alamat : 18 Avenue France de la resistance 91600 Savigny-sur-Orge Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 249 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (H.2) JAXA-BPPT-LAPAN-BAKOSURTANAL joint airborne syntethic aperture radar campaign in Indonesia for forest carbon monitoring, ship detection, disaster monitoring, and geometric evaluation Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan verifikasi kegunaan potensial satelit Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) untuk pengawasan dan pemetaan lingkungan Bidang Penelitian : Geografi / Penginderaan Jauh Lama Penelitian : 2 (dua) bulan mulai 2 Juli 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Riau (Hutan-hutan alam, Selat Malaka), Lampung (Selat Sunda, Gn. Krakatau), Maluku Utara (Gn. Gamalama), DKI Jakarta Mitra Kerja : Dr. Ir. Muhamad Sadly, M.Eng – PTISDA BPPT Abstract We propose a joint airborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) campaign in Indonesia using the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency’s (JAXA) airborne SAR system (Polan’metric and intcrferometric airborne SAR in L-band type-2 called “Pi-SAR-L2”) between JAXA and Indonesian collaborators, i.e., Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT), National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN), and National Mapping Coordinating Agency (BAKOSURTANAL). The main objective of this campaign is to verify the potential use of SAR satellites (i.e. Advance Land Observing Satellite (ALOS), ALOS-2, and Indonesian future satellites) for environmental monitoring and mapping. This campaign focuses on the following four themes: (1) forest carbon monitoring, (2) ship detection, (3) disaster monitoring, and (4) SAR data geometric evaluation. The research areas arc located at Riau province (for forest monitoring), Malacca strait or Sunda strait (TBD, depending on security clearancefor ship detection), Krakatau and Gamalama (for disaster monitoring), and around Jakarta (for geometric evaluation). Pi-SAR-L2 data over the research areas are planned to obtain from three airborne SAR flights during June to July 2012. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (H.2.a) Dairo Kageyama Tempat dan tanggal lahir Warga Negara Jabatan Institusi Email : Shimane, 24-01-1959 : Jepang : Researcher (Pilot) : Diamond Air Service (DAS) :kageyama@das.co.jp Alamat : 5-39553-96 Jyojyo-cho, Kasungai City, Aichi, 4860833, JAPAN 250 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (H.2.b) Kazuhiko Koro Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Aichi, 08-03-1968 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Researcher (Engineer) Institusi : Diamond Air Service (DAS) Email :koro@das.co.jp Alamat : 1-5-7 Miya-machi, Aichi, 4860904 JAPAN (H.2.c) Ryuichi Kitahara Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Osaka, 12-08-1966 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Researcher (Pilot) Institusi : Diamond Air Service (DAS) Email :kitahara@das.co.jp Alamat : 2-7-56 Takamoridai Kasugai -shi, Aichi, 4870832 JAPAN (H.2.d) Yoshi Doi Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Kochi, 22-08-1976 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Researcher Institusi : Diamond Air Service (DAS) Email :doi@das.co.jp Alamat : 5-1685-9 Aoyama Nishikasugai Tyoyama, Aichi JAPAN 480-201 (H.2.e) Noriyuki Kawano Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Fukuoka, 20-06-1972 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Associate Senior Researcher Institusi : Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 251 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (H.2.f) Yukinobu Kaneko Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Kanagawa,07-04-1961 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Researcher (Pilot) Institusi : Diamond Air Service (DAS) (H.2.g) Genzo Fukushima Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Aichi, 17-12-1971 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Researcher Institusi : Diamond Air Service (DAS) (H.3) Diverse Transitions: Development Choices and the Coastal Landscape in Buton Island, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Mencari penjelasan atas pilihan masyarakat atas keputusan untuk mengembangkan diri dan keluar dari kemiskinan dengan menggunakan skala lanskap sebagai unit analisis, yang dalam hal ini merujuk pada desa dan teritorinya Bidang Penelitian : Geografi/ Demografi (Studi Kependudukan) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai bulan 3 September 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Tenggara (P. Buton, Kab. Buton, Ds. Lawele, Bau bau, Ds. Palabusa, Kab. Buton Utara, Ds. Waodeburi, Kendari, Wakatobi) Mitra Kerja : Universitas Haluoleo (Prof. Usman) Abstract There are many pathways out of poverty for rural people, some quicker than others. For most rural people, the primary choice for development is to remain in the village and try to improve their life there, or migrate to another location. Migration can be temporary or permanent, involving one member of a household or the entire household. Why do people make thedevelopment choices that they do? What enables and prevents people achieving their own development goals? And, how can planning and development interventions help people to overcome these obstacles? To answer these questions, the research will build on methods used in the analysis of multifunctional landscapes. Multifunctional landscapes are theplaces where natural and social systems interact, affected by natural and social processes at multiple 252 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 scales. Although the landscape promises an integrated approach, most commonly it is used to explain the effects of social systems on the natural environment. The focus of this research, in contrast, seeks to understand how people’s development choices can be explained using the landscape scale as a unit of analysis, in this case, the village and its territory. The research will take place in Buton Island, Southeast Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. One coastal village and its territory will be selected from each district in Buton (Buton, North Buton and Bau Bau City). The livelihoods of people in these landscapes typically involve a mixture of agriculture, mariculture, agroforestry and fishing. The research willconduct surveys and interviews at the household level to determine livelihood activities including migration, income and expenditure, as well as the development goals and aspirations of villagers. Livelihood activities, as well as plots and maricultural areas and their composition, will be to linked to their place on the landscape and seascape, including components and their functions. The data will be entered into a Geographical Information System, via an application on an IPad. Additional interviews will be conducted with people who have migrated, permanently or temporarily from the landscape. Via this data, it will be analysed what are the main factors that affect and determine people’s development choices. From these analyses, the main determinants of choices will be explored further using a mixture of methods. The outcomes of the research will inform spatial planning (Rencana Tata Ruang Desa andRencana Tata Ruang Wilayah) and socioeconomic planning (Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah) processes, particularly at the village and district levels, as well as providing innovative and cost effective tools for government and other organisations engaged in planning, conservation and development. In particular, the research will provide answers to the structure and causes of people’s development choices. The research will also provide simple tools for mapping livelihoods and choices, and identifying intervention points for improving the lives of rural people living in coastal areas. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (H.3.a) John Daniel Watts Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Hong Kong, 22-07-1980 Warga Negara : Australia Jabatan : Ph..D Candidate Institusi : Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University Email : johndanielwatt@gmail.com Alamat : 2115-17A Abborsford Pde AbbotsfordNSW 2046, Australia Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 253 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (H.4) Water Farm - Improving Farmers’ Livelihood through Integrated Watershed Management Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti keterkaitan antara sumber, penggunaan dan produktivitas air serta kehidupan di sekitar daerah aliran sungai untuk mengembangkan metode-metode yang dapat meningkatkan tingkat kehidupan dalam kaitannya dengan pemanfaatan air Bidang Penelitian : Hidrologi Lama Penelitian : 12(dua belas) bulan mulai 7 September 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Tengah (Klaten) Mitra Kerja : Dr. Ir. Budi Kartiwa, CESA dan Ir. Hendri Sosiawan, CESA Balitbang Pertanian, Kementerian Pertanian Abstract To challenge water scarcity that affects Indonesian agriculture development in multiple water use context, this research program primarily addresses the ways water resources are used, and can be more productively used within a watershed. It tackles biophysical, economic and organizational concerns arising from water scarcity, by creating sustainable options for adaptive management of water resources that increase water productivity and improve farmers’ livelihood. In accordance with the 2008-2009 Action Plan developed in the framework of the CIRADIAHRI research and development program on “Integrated and Participatory Water Resources Management towards Effective Agricultural System in Klaten Regency”, the main activities developed during the Year’ 2009-2010 in Pusur watershed were related with the: • Evaluation workshop (April 2009) to present and discuss the 2008 program achievements and results and to collectively identify the further activities (2010-2012 Action Plan). • Socialization campaign to disseminate workshop outputs in Kapilaler and Pusur River basin perimeters. • Rehabilitation works of Kapilaler primary canal with sediment removals and garbage cleanings along the irrigation network. • Implementation and the monitoring of experimental agronomical trial devices related to corn irrigation and fertilization in Kapilaler perimeter. • On-field meetings to present and discuss agronomical results recorded on experimental devices. • Monitoring of water supply at inlet gate in Pusur perimeters and in Kujon irrigation block (Kapilaler downstream areas). 254 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Main objectives: The main objective is to provide scientific knowledge about the links between water and land productivity within a watershed and to identify and test technical and organizational options for improved productivity across the entire blue-green, rainfed-irrigated, surface water-groundwater spectrum within multiple water use context. Within this context, specific objectives are to: o Develop approaches and interactive multi-scale tools enabling to scientifically identify sectoral, spatial, and temporal problems that affect water productivity within a watershed o Propose and test alternative technical and organizational options and assess their environmental and economic feasibility and impact at various scales o Develop in partnership with Indonesian R&D Centres and Universities a field of scientific expertise aiming at improving their capacity to deal with complex systems such as watersheds o Build a scientific expertise capacity through scientific exchanges, undergraduate and post graduate training throughout the project life. Method: Facing the high complexity of the watershed system, the research program design and implementation will be approached from a multidisciplinary standpoint, engaging the variety of backgrounds required toaddress the technical, social, environmental, and economic concerns. Within that context, the research methodology will combine: • innovative multi-scale and multidisciplinary approach that can federate the necessary and knowledge and expertise to identify and develop technical, organisational and managerial ways of improvement likely to increase water productivity and improve farmers’ livelihood. The research will be simultaneously developed in three watersheds so as to take into account the variability of environmental conditions. • holistic frameworks such as multidisciplinary platforms, which could be adopted to involve researchers, universities, development operators, authorities and local stakeholders in the watershed system improvement process. • expertise capacity building, undergraduate and post graduate training, knowledge transfer, and result dissemination. Main expected outputs. • Validated multi-scale and multi-disciplinary tools and related approach to build alternative scenarii of watershed management for increased water productivity and improved farmers’ livelihood Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 255 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA • For the package of adaptive technologies tested within the project (hydraulic structure, improved irrigation practices and cropping system, eco-friendly innovative agrotechnologies), their dissemination conditions (organizational and economic aspects) and their temporal and spatial impact at different watershed scales. • Three monitored and assessed reference watersheds to be used to develop training, to disseminate project results and transfer methodology and tools. • The development of new scientific engineering capacities through joined research implementation and exchange of scientists, • Supervision of graduate and doctoral students (3 MS2 and 1 PhD • Scientific publications and formalizing approach and tools, synthesizing results and data recorded on pilot sites, • Diffusion and socialisation of results to policymakers and stakeholders. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (H.4.a) Bruno Lidon Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Paris, 05-06-1950 Warga Negara : Perancis Jabatan : Senior Researcher Institusi : CIRAD (Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement) Email : bruno.lidon@cirad.fr Alamat : 73 rue Jean – Francois Breton 34398 Montpellier 5 France (H.5) Cultural Landscape Tansformation Tujuan Penelitian : Mengidentifikasi kondisi-kondisi dan faktor pendorong atas transformasi landskap budaya serta menganalisis dampak transformasi ini pada kehidupan pedesaan Bidang Penelitian : Geografi/ Sosio-Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 12(dua belas) bulan mulai 15 Agustus 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (TN Bukit Dua Belas dan Hutan Harapan) Mitra Kerja : IPB (Prof. Dr. Endriatmo Sutarto dan Dr. Soeryo Adiwibowo) 256 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Abstract The project focuses on the questions how historical layers of settlement, land use and population structure determine the current cultural landscape and the rural livelihood systems. The exploitation of the natural resources in Jambi province started with Dutch colonial rule in the beginning of the 20th century, and was continued after independence (1945), especially by rubber production. During the 1970s another period of change started with roads, commercial logging and transmigration projects, followed by the expansion of oil palm production. Indonesia was ruled a long time by authoritarian regimes under which natural resources have been exploited centrally. But in the course of the ongoing reform era (since 1999) with its democratization and decentralization of power through local and regional autonomy, the utilization of natural resources is no longer dominated by the national action arena alone. At present, various interest groups from all decision levels are struggling for access to natural resources arid for power over landscape exploitation and protection (= drivers of landscape transformation). These so-called stakeholders, i.e. state owned enterprises, private companies, government institutions, non-government organizations, village communities and powerful clans determine the politics of local transformation leading to recent forms of fragmented land use and de-gradation. To explain the historical transformation processes in Jambi province the analytical framework of political ecology will be used, particularly emphasizing on approaches of environmental entitlements, social vulnerability and on conflict theories. This conceptual framework is based on a historic geographical approach on conditions and ramifications of land use change. With respect to methodology, quantitative and qualitative approaches will be used and applied to the political ecology perspective on human-environmental interactions. We will generate our data by reviewing literature and archives, applying village case studies, household case studies, and stakeholder questioning by semi-structured interview techniques, focus group interviews and Participatory Rural Appraisal tools. The files and transcripts will be exploited by content analyses. Research Objectives. The main objective is to identify regional idiographic and nomothetic aspects determining the cultural landscape transformation in the study regions Harapan Rainforest (HRF) and Taman Nasional Bukit Duabelas (TNBD). The focus is on the questions how historical layers of settlement, land use and population structure determine the current cultural landscape and the living conditions of rural population in Jambi Province. The historical drivers of land use change will be highlighted by focusing on a regional analyses of demographic development (population structure, migration, ethnicity), settlement patterns and political conditions for five different time periods: pre-colonial period, colonial period, Soekarno era, Soeharto era, Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 257 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA reform era, and on physical geography aspects concerning regional and local accessibility and variations of land use over time. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (H.5.a) Barbara Beckert Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Erlangen, 20 - 08 - 1984 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : PhD. Student Institusi : University of Gottingen (H.5.b) Yvonne Kunz Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Wiittlich, 01 - 07 - 1981 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : PhD. Student Institusi : University of Gottingen (H.6) Determinants of Land Use Change and Impact of Household Welfare among Smallholder Famers Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji dampak perubahan penggunaan lahan dan kelembagaan pedesaan terhadap pendapatan dan distribusi pendapatan Bidang Penelitian : Geografi/ Sosio-Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 6 (enam) bulan mulai 18 Juni 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (TN Bukit Dua Belas dan Hutan Harapan) Mitra Kerja : IPB (Prof. Dr. Ir. Hermanto Siregar) dan Universitas Jambi (Zaky Fathoni, M.Sc) Abstract Research Objectives. 1. Determination of the role of formal and informal credit institutions and networks on sustainable rural livelihoods 2. Examination of impacts of land use changes and rural institutions on income and income distribution 258 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 3. 2012 Examination of impacts of land use changes and racial differentials on dietary pattern and calorie intake Methodology and concept The overall goal of the research project is to understand the livelihood impacts of the recent land use changes and associated institutional conditions (land rights, contracts, social networks etc.) in the lowland rainforest areas of Sumatra. The main unit of observation is the rural household. We will cany out an interview based survey of 700 farm households from randomly selected 40 villages, in addition to the villages where the 32 core sites are located (Harapan rainforest and Taman Nasional Bukit Duabeles). The sampling procedure will enable us to capture the cultural and institutional diversity in the project region. The survey questionnaire for the facc-to-face interviews will capture the details on land use changes, agricultural production (plot-level) and other economic activities, sources of inputs and outlet of farm products, and comprehensive food and non-food consumption pattern. We will also try to identify easy-to-observc indicators that can proxy biodiversity and other ecological functions in managed transformation systems. The household level data will subsequently be subjected to econometric analysis to gain insights and develop statements of appropriate institutional design to promote efficient and equitable outcomes. Research location The research will implement in Jambi Province in Sumatra, with the fastest and most complete transformation of tropical lowland rainforest. The primary data will be collected from the randomly selected 40 villages of Jambi, in addition to the 100 villages from the two landscapes within the Province, which have been chosen for the CRC research comprising large units of lowland rainforest: National Park Bukit Duabelas and Harapan Rainforest. From these two landscapes, 32 sites will constitute die core sites and micro level data will be collected from the households from the villages associated with these sites. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (H.6.a) Vijesh Vijaya Krishna Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Kerala, 25 - 10 - 1976 Warga Negara : India Jabatan : Senior Research Fellow Institusi : University of Gottingen Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 259 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (H.6.b) Michael Andreas Euler Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Bad Kreuznach, 20 - 09 - 1982 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Institusi : University of Gottingen Email : michael.euler@agr.uni-goetingen.de Alamat : Albert-Einstein Strasse 42, Germany 260 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Bidang riset Geologi banyak dilakukan oleh peneliti asing di Indonesia mengingat kondisi sejarah geologi yang unik, dimana merupakan pertemuan dari 3 lempeng benua yang aktif hingga kini dan berdampak pada aktifnya gunung berapi dan karakter batuan, tanah, dan kelautan yang unik pula. Disamping itu bidang ini menjadi perhatian karena kaitannya dengan kefahaman terhadap bencana alam dan pencegahannya. Secara total terdapat 13 project penelitian dan 29 peneliti asing. (I.1) Seismic Stratigraphy of the Toba Caldera, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji keberadaan sedimen di Danau Toba yang dapat memberi gambaran kejadian-kejadian geologi dan mekanisme evolusi kaldera serta kejadian-kejadian hidrologis yang terjadi selama 74.000 tahun terakhir Bidang Penelitian : Geologi Lama Penelitian : 2(dua) bulan mulai 16 Juli 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Sumatra Utara (Danau Toba) Mitra Kerja : Dr. Asnawir Nasution – Fakultas Ilmu dan Teknologi Kebumian ITB Abstract Lake Toba, the largest caldera lake in the world, formed following a super-volcano eruption 74,000 years ago in northern Sumatra. Besides its notoriety as Earth’s largest recent volcanic eruption, this eruption has been implicated in global climate change, glacial advances, and the evolution of modern humans. An explosive eruption produced a 100 x 30 x 2 km caldera whose floor is now mostly covered with up to 500 m of water. Recently, we conducted a bathymetric survey of Lake Toba that revealed structural aspects of (he caldera, identified sedimentological and volcanic features on the lake bottom, and resulted in construction of a modern bathymetric map. Based upon this work and studies at other caldera lakes, we expect a thick sequence of lake sediments, recording nearly 74,000 years of sedimentation, to lie beneath the lake. This proposal seeks funds to support a seismic reflection profiling study at Lake Toba that will image this extensive sedimentary record and provide insights into geologic events and mechanisms of caldera evolution, sub-lacustrine volcanic hazards, long-term sedimentation, and dynamic hydrologic events over the past 74,000 years. Our study will use a sub-bottom profiler to collect seismic profiles across the lake, and target areas of interest identified within the existing Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 261 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA bathymetric database. We anticipate that this study will guide a future lake sediment coring program that will allow detailed environmental reconstructions during the final pulse of cooling and eventual emergence from the last glaciation, and possibly document the arrival of humans into northern Sumatra. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (I.1.a) Michael Terry Dolan Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Illinois, 24-02-1969 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Director / IT Consultant Institusi : Affinicore, Inc. Email : dolan@affinicore.com Alamat : 1203 E Sixth Ave, Houghton MI 49931, USA (I.1.b) Del Wayne Roger Bohnenstiehl Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Illinois, 14-12-1972 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Associate Professor Institusi : North Carolina State University Email : drbohnen@ncsu.edu Alamat : Campus Box 8208 North Carolina 27695-8208 (I.1.c) Craig Alan Chesner Tempat dan tanggal lahir : New Jersey, 26-06-1958 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Professor Institusi : Eastern Illinois University Email :cachesner@eiu.edu Alamat : Charleston, Illionis, USA (I.1.d) Sidney Paul Halsor Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Oregon, 05-08-1955 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat 262 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Jabatan : Professor Institusi : Wilkes University Email :sid.halsor@wilkes.edu Alamat : Wilkes – Barre PA 18766 USA 2012 (I.1.e) Jingpu Liu Tempat dan tanggal lahir : China, 09-01-1970 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Associate Professor Institusi : North Carolina State University Email :jpliu@ncsu.edu Alamat : North Carolina State University Reliegh NC 27695, USA (I.2) The Sumatran plate Boundary and Sea Level Project Tujuan Penelitian : Mengevaluasi resiko tsunami dari gempa bumi dasar laut di barat P. Sumatera dan mengembangkan model baru untuk memprediksi tsunami Bidang Penelitian : Paleoseismologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 15 Februari 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Provinsi Bengkulu, Provinsi Sumatera Barat, Provinsi Sumatra Utara Mitra Kerja : Dr. Danny Hilman Natawidjaja, M.Sc., Ir. Bambang W. Suwargadi, M.Sc., Ir. Mudrik Daryono, M.S., Dr. Eko Yulianto, Dr. I Wayan Sengara, Dr. Dudi Prayudi, Dr. Adrin Tohari - Pusat Penelitian Geoteknologi Abstrak The earth Observatory of Singapore (EOS), LIPI, and colleagues are involved in a number of ongoing scientific and geological hazards-related research projects in Sumatra that require regular, repeated visits to various locations in and near Sumatra. In addition to scheduled visits that are sometimes a few months apart or less, there is a need to respond quickly following large earthquakes, such as the Mentawai earthquake and tsunami of October 2010: after any Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 263 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA large earthquake, it is highly desirable that scientists, such as ourselves, visit the region affected very soon after the event, because (a) observable markers that provide crucial information degrade rapidly with time, and (b) we wish to make a forecast for future earthquake hazards as soon as possible after any large earthquake. For these reasons, we wish to secure year-long (annually renewable) multiple-entry research visas for each EOS scientist who will be making frequent trips to the field or who is likely to be needed in the field following such an event. If these visas can be acquired in advance , then all EOS personnel who might be involved in such work can deploy into affected areas within hours to days following a natural disaster, instead of waiting weeks to months for a research visa to be procured, as has been necessary in the past. In that way, we can avoid delays that can significantly hamper our efforts to understand what has happened and that can limit our ability to forecast what may occur in the future. In addition, it will ease the burden on both the EOS scientist and our LIPI sponsors, for those EOS scientists who need to make frequent trips to the field. In this proposal, we summarize projects that are anticipated in the coming year. Following the proposal, we attach, as appendices/ supporting material, complete proposals for each project- Sumatran Tectonic Geodesy We propose to investigate 5 aspects of the tectonic behavior of the Sumatran section of the Sunda plate boundary, using Sumatran GPS Array (SuGar) data. (1) what are the slip rates and locking depths of the Sumatran fault? (2) what is the behavior of the megathurst updip of the great 2005 and 2007 ruptures? (3) what is the behavior of the 100-km section of the mega thrust between the 2004 and 2005 ruptures? (4) How is the Mentawai patch behaving now, prior to its anticipated great rupture? And (5) what are the long-term post-seismic responses to the recent great Sumatran ruptures? This research involves installation and maintenance of GPS stations. Scheduled visits to Indonesia: regulary every 3 months plus any time for troubleshooting personel involved: P. Banerjee, I. Hermawan, J. Encillo. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (I.2.a) Kerry Edward Sieh Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Lowa, 11 – 10 – 1950 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat 264 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Jabatan : Professor Institusi : Earth Observatory of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University Email :Kerry_sieh@hotmail.com Alamat : Block N2-01a-10, 50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798 (I.2.b) Paramesh Banerjee Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Parganas, 21-02-1962 Warga Negara : India Jabatan : Technical Director Institusi : Earth Observatory of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University Email : parameshb@hotmail.com Alamat : Block N2-01a-10, 50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798 (I.2.c) Adam Douglas Switzer Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Port Kembla, 04-10-1973 Warga Negara : Australia Jabatan : Assistant Professor Institusi : Earth Observatory of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University Email : Alamat : 07-22 Jurong West 41 ’Lakeshore” Singapore 649412 (I.2.d) Aron Jeffrey Meltzner Tempat dan tanggal lahir : California, 04-06-1978 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Research Fellow Institusi : Earth Observatory of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University Email : Alamat : 50 Nanyang Avenue, Block N2-01a-15, Singapore Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 265 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (I.2.e) Jeffrey Avila Encillo Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Camarines Sur, 15-08-1985 Warga Negara : Filipina Jabatan : Research Assistant Institusi : Earth Observatory of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University Email : jeffencillo@ntu.edu.sg Alamat : Block N2-01a-10, 50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798 (I.3) Ground based remote sensing of volcanic emissions Tujuan Penelitian : Menghitung dan memonitor tingkat emisi magma dari gunung api aktif serta melakukan karakterisasi komposisi debu vulkanik untuk memperkirakan manifestasi magma Bidang Penelitian : Vulkanologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 31 Januari 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Gn. Merapi, Gn. Papandayan, Gn. Dieng, Gn. Bromo, Gn. Semeru Mitra Kerja : Dr. Surono - Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi ESDM Abstract Volcanic emissions are considered as telegrams from Earth’s interior - if the messages can be Intercepted and Interpreted, they can be used to aid in forecasting and prediction of volcanic activity. Many investigators have developed and applied methods to measure the gas mixtures and emission rates from volcanoes, and to understand what controls these parameters. While volcano surveillance efforts still largely concentrated on seismological and geodetic approaches, volcanic emissions studies are widely recognized as important and highly desirable components of multidisciplinary monitoring. Increasing sophisticated remote sensing techniques are becoming available to measure volcanic emissions, including range of spectroscopic instruments than can be deployed from the ground. This proposal aims to quantify and monitor magmatic emissions from Indonesian active volcanoes. It will also focus on plume composition to infer into the subsurface manifestation, as well as evaluating potential hazards related to plume dispersal. Such investigations are likely to improve forecasting of volcano behavior with immediate benefits in mitigating the risks of eruption to society. 266 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 NAMA PENELITI ASING: (I.3.a) Philipson Bani Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Amibae, 25-05-1975 Warga Negara : Vanuatu Jabatan : Research Scientist Institusi : Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement (IRD) Email : p.bani@opgc.univ-bpclermont.fr Alamat : 12 Rue Ange Berlioz, Trianon BP11138, 98802 Noumea Cedex (I.4) Improvement of seismic monitoring methodologies and application to volcanoes with extruding lava domes Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti peningkatan metodologi pengawasan seismik dengan menggunakan beberapa pendekatan yang berbeda Bidang Penelitian : Vulkanologi Lama Penelitian : 12(dua belas) bulan mulai 4 Oktober 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Tengah (Gn. Merapi) Mitra Kerja : Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi, ESDM (Dr. Hendra Gunawan) Abstract Seismicity is the short-term precursory phenomena most frequently detected before a volcanic eruption, occurring as the Earth’s crust is distorted by magma pushing its way to the surface, and as fluids (magma, volcanic gas and/or hydrothermal fluids) move within faulted rock. The final approach to eruption is commonly preceded by accelerating occurrence rates of both high-frequency volcano-tectonic (VT) earthquakes and low-frequency (LF) events. These characteristic seismic signals are unique to volcanoes and associated with fluid movement. Improvement of seismic monitoring needs to better understand physical processes involved in generating LF earthquakes, VT-LF transition and their relation with eruptive dynamics. During my stay in Indonesia, I propose to work mainly on 3 different scientific axes: 1. Improvement of seismic monitoring methodologies by using different approaches: the temporal distribution of seismicity, the temporal variations of the amplitude and waveform, frequency content, LF and VLF source locations and mechanisms, changes associated with tectonic activity and structural studies. 2. Geophysical multiparameter study at Merapi volcano. A multi-parameter monitoring station will be set up with the aim to observe several parameters as seismic signals (LF Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 267 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA and VLF), electrical signals, deformation, gas flux and composition and temperature associated with dome growth and / or degassing in superficial conduits. 3. Instrumental contribution to volcano observation, monitoring and intervention. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (I.4.a) Jean-Philippe G.A. Metaxian Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Paris, 07-04-1962 Warga Negara : Perancis Jabatan : Researcher Institusi : IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le Dévéloppement) Email : metaxian@univ-savoie.fr Alamat : 73376 Le Bourget Du Lac,France (I.5) Hydrothermal system imaging by self-potential, ground temperature and CO2 concentration measurements Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan studi struktural sistem hidrotermal vulkanik serta melakukan pengawasan variasi medan listrik alam di Gn. Merapi Bidang Penelitian : Vulkanologi Lama Penelitian : 3(tiga) bulan mulai 18 Oktober 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Barat (Gn. Papandayan), Jawa Tengah (Gn. Merapi) Mitra Kerja : Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi, ESDM (Dr. Hendra Gunawan) Abstract Self-potential, ground temperature and degassing measurements help to detect the fluid and gas flow in the subsurface, delineate faults and fractures, permeable zones serving as preferential pathways for fluids. Zones of high diffuse degassing, high temperature and anomalous self-potential indicate zones of high hydrothermal activity. In most cases, theses methods serve to understand the geometry of hydrothermal circulation controlled by main geological structures. Practically, the measurements will be carried out along several profiles going from the base of a volcano to the accessible part of the summit region. The maps of soil temperature, carbon dioxide concentration of the soil gas, and self-potential will be created. 268 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Another objective will be to identify potential monitoring sites and to supply arguments for the species/parameters to continuously monitor. A second part of my work is the participation in an installation of a multi¬parameter monitoring station for tilt, seismicity, natural electric fields and ground temperature variations in at a summit region of Merapi volcano. Collaboration: Agus Budi Santoso, Philipson Bani, Hendra Paris, J.P Metaxian, Philipson Bani (CVGHM Bandung, IRD, France). Research base is CVGHM Bandung. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (I.5.a) Svetlana Jurevna Byrdina Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Moskau, 13-04-1970 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Researcher Institusi : IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le Dévéloppement Email : Svetlana .Byrdina@UNIV-SOVIE.FR Alamat : German (I.6) Holocene Stratigraphy, Eruptive History, and Volcano Hazards of Salak and Ambang Volcanoes Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari sejarah erupsi Gn. Salak dan Gn. Ambang selama 10.000 tahun terakhir Bidang Penelitian : Vulkanologi Lama Penelitian : 8 (delapan) bulan mulai 22Maret2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Barat (Gn. Salak), Sulawesi Utara (Gn. Ambang) Mitra Kerja : Dr. Surono - Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi, ESDM Abstract This project will investigate deposits from eruptions of Salak volcano, Java and Ambang volcano, Sulawesi, to determine the eruption history for both volcanoes through the last 10,000 years. The results from this work will be applied to volcano hazards research in collaboration with the Indonesian Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 269 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NAMA PENELITI ASING: (I.6.a) Christopher James Harpel Tempat dan tanggal lahir : California, 08-07-1974 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Research Fellow Institusi : Earth Observatory of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University Email :cjharpel@ntu.edu.sg Alamat : 50 Nayang Avenue, Block N2-01a-15 Singapore 639798 (I.7) Climate and natural hazards in Australasia: A comprehensive impact analysis of prehistoric droughts, great earthquakes, and the Tobasupereruption Tujuan Penelitian : Merekonstruksi sejarah bencana kekeringan, gempa bumi besar, dan bencana gunung api di Australasia bagian selatan untuk melihat dampaknya pada sejarah manusia Bidang Penelitian : Geologi Lama Penelitian : 2 bulan mulai 4 Juni2012 Daerah Penelitian : Sumbar, Selat Sunda Mitra Kerja : Puslit Geoteknologi LIPI - Prof. Wahyoe S. Hantoro dan Dr. Hamdi Rifai Abstract This research program is designed to reconstruct the history of catastrophic droughts, great earthquakes, and volcanic disasters in southern Australasia to fully understand their ongoing impacts J’on human history. Our primary aim is to answer key scientific questions that are central to Australasia’s ability to predict and adapt to climate change. Climate change scenarios indicate that Australia, in particular, may not fare well under enhanced greenhouse-gas forcing (IPCC AR4, 2007), and the signs are already not good where important Australian agricultural industries depend on reliable winter rain. While it is well known that rainfall in northern and eastern Australia tends to be below average during El Nino events (e.g. Stone et al., 1996; Dai and Wigley, 2000), 270 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 recent research has revealed a previously underestimated influence on winter rainfall in southern Australia from the tropical Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) climate system (e.g. Ashok et al., 2003; England et al., 2006, Meyers et al., 2007; Schott et al., 2009; Ummenliofer et al., 2009). Understanding the nature of the IOD is now urgent, given new evidence indicating that the frequency and magnitude of IOD events (and drought in southern Australasia) has increased rapidly over recent decades (e.g. Abram et al., 2008; Cai et al., 2009). If the recent intensification of the IOD is a consequence of anthropogenic climate change, the need for human adaptation could be imminent and extensive as the IOD affects rainfall throughout the Indian Ocean region (e.g. Saji et al., 1999; Webster et al., 1999). IOD activity also appears to be inextricably linked to other major climatic features of Australasia; the El NinoSouthern Oscillation (ENSO), the Australasian monsoon, and the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool (e.g. Abram et al., 2008; Abram et al., 2009). Resolving how the Warm Pool and the interconnected IOD-ENSO-monsoon climate systems will change in the future requires palacociimatic records from a broader range of climatic regimes. Our key goal, therefore, is to improve understanding of recent and future changes in the IOD system by identifying how its variability, preferred (or mean) state and teleconnections respond to different background climates, including times of abrupt climate change. Approach and methodology The following research program will build strategically on our achievements in 200610 as a result of ARC Discoveiy grants DP0663227 (corals) and DP0663274 (speleothems). We envisage three synergistic research streams that, together, will efficiently (and economically) shed light on key research questions of great importance to Australasian societies. Program 1. The IOD system and Australasian drought The problem. Climate models currently provide little consensus when tasked with the question of how tropica! climate variability and preferred climate states will evolve in a warming world. Palaeoclimate records provide constraints that help to evaluate and improve climate models. At the same time, the interpretation and synthesis of palaeoclimate records is greatly enhanced through collaboration with climate modellers. Our proposal will focus on reconstructing the history of IOD variability and preferred climate states over the last -200 ka using the powerful combination of geochemical tracers in speleothems and corals. The merging of these palaeoclimate records with climate modelling will further quantify our understanding of past and future climate. While the production of palaco-ENSO and Australasian monsoon records is well underway, the development of a comprehensive history for the IOD is still in its infancy, and major efforts to do this are centred Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 271 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA on our research group. The focused research approach described below will allow us to characterise the natural range of seasonal to millennial-scale IOD variability, and the response of the IOD system to different background climate states and abrupt climate changes at timescales immediately relevant to society. Program 2: Great earthquakes and coral palaeo-gcodesy Program 3: Environmental impact of the Toba super-eruption The problem. The Toba super-eruption -74 ka ago is the largest known Quaternary eniption, with an eruptive output of 2,800 km3 (Oppenheimer, 2002). A distinct sulphate (S04) peak in the GISP-2 icecore places the eruption at the beginning of an -1,000-year long cold interval (Zielinski et al., 1996), which has led to the hypothesis that SO4 aerosols associated with the eruption could have produced a long-term “volcanic winter” (Rampino and Self, 1992). A NASA-GISS ModelE simulation (with interactive chemistry) indicates that the earth cooled by ~18°C five years after the Toba eniption, and was still ~5°C cooler 20 years later (Robock et al., 2009). Furthermore, model simulations indicate that broadleaf evergreen trees (and tropical deciduous trees) largely disappearedfrom Earth’s surface during the Toba “volcanic winter” (Robock et al., 2009), and some 5palaeoclimate data support these results (Williams et al., 2009). The likely devastation of deep tropical vegetation across the -1% of Earth’s surface covered by Toba ash would have increased Earth’s albedo, and potentially produced a positive feedback for global cooling. At present, there are no precisely dated palaeoclimatc records with the decade-scale resolution required to seriously examine the impact of Toba on the tropics. We will examine multiple geochemical proxies in precisely dated speleothems to determine the exact timing and duration of the climatic and environmental impacts associated with the Toba super-eruption. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (I.7.a) Michael Kevin Gagan Tempat dan tanggal lahir Warga Negara Jabatan Institusi : : : : (I.7.b) Nerlie Jane Abram Tempat dan tanggal lahir Warga Negara Jabatan : Newcastle, 21-06-1977 : Australia : Research Fellow Institusi : Research School of Earth Sciences, Australia 272 Los Angeles, 16-12-1956 Australia Senior Research Fellow Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (I.7.c) Claire Krause Elizabeth Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Carlton, 24 April 1987 Warga Negara : Australia Jabatan : PhD Student Institusi : Australian National University (I.7.d) David Bruce Wools-Cobb Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Launceston, 03-06-1958 Warga Negara : Australia Jabatan : Pharmacyst Institusi : Australian National University (I.8) Provision of Hazard Studies for Suoh Sekincau Geothermal Area Tujuan Penelitian Bidang Penelitian Lama Penelitian Daerah Penelitian Mitra Kerja : Melakukan studi bahaya geotermal dalam rangka pengujian sumberdaya geotermal oleh PT. Chevron Geothermal Suoh Sekincau : Geologi : 5(lima) bulan mulai 3 Desember 2012 : Lampung (TN Bukit Barisan Selatan) : PT Sinclair Knight Merz Indonesia (Henrica Hinggarwangi) Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi, Badan Geologi – Kementerian ESDM (Dr. Ir. Mochamad Nugraha Kartadinata) NAMA PENELITI ASING: (I.8.a) Philip James White Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Warga Negara : Jabatan : Institusi : Email : Alamat : Auckland, 23-09-1960 Selandia Baru Senior Geologist Sinclair Knight Merz Corp. james.white@otago.ac.nz 86 Customhouse Quay 6011 P O Box 10 283 6143, Wellington, New Zealand Phone: +64 4 473 4265, Fax: +64 4 473 3369 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 273 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (I.8.b) Jane Mary Alma Brotheridge Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Epsom, 06-10-1965 Warga Negara : Selandia Baru Jabatan : Geothermal Geologist Institusi : Sinclair Knight Merz Corp. Email : Alamat : 86 Customhouse Quay 6011 P O Box 10 283 6143, Wellington, New Zealand (I.9) Sedimentology, Palaentology and Dating of Pleistocene Fossil Vertebrate Faunas and Open Occupation Sites in flores and Sulawesi Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti rekonstruksi geomorfik, lanskap, dan sejarah lingkungan paleo Bidang Penelitian : Geologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 28 September 2012 Daerah Penelitian : NTT (Soa Basin di Kab. Ngada, Kab. Ende dan Maumere, Larantuka); Sulawesi Selatan (Watansoppeng, Bone) Mitra Kerja : Pusat Survei Geologi, Badan Geologi Kementerian ESDM (Ruli Setyawan, Iwan Kurniawan, Dida Yurnaldi, Rakhmat Fakhruddin) Abstract This proposal for joint research between the Geological Survey Institute at Bandung and the University of Wollongong, aims at excavating Quaternary deposits on Flores and Sulawesi in order to obtain further information on the spatial and chronological distribution of fossils, stone artifacts, paleolandscape features and depositional processes at known and yet to be discovered new sites on these islands. Interdisciplinary surveys of the Soa Basin in Flores and the Walanea Basin in South Sulawesi, will better document the spatial and chronological distribution of paleolandscape features, sedimentary fades, resources, fossils and stone artifacts. This will be integrated with systematic collection of volcanic ash and lacustrine samples for chemical fingerprinting, sourcing, interpretation and high precision ages. The aim is to reconstruct the geomorphic, landscape and paleoenviromental historyof the basin in greater detail, to provide a context for the earlier excavations, and to identify further sites with potential to yield Middle Pleistocene hominin skeletal remains.The research is planned to take place during the period 2010-2013 for periods of up to three months 274 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 The Soa Basin in West Central Flores is a geological depression of c. 15 x 20 km wide, surrounded by active and inactive volcanoes. The basement of the basin is formed by a >100 m thick Late Pliocene sequence of massive volcanic breccias and agglomerates of the Ola Kile Formation. These breccias are overlaid by the up to 100 m thick sequence of the Ola Bula Formation. The contact between the two formations is unconformable and represents an erosional hiatus of c. 800.000 years. Geomorphological evidence suggests that the Ola Kile breccias were formed as the footslope deposits of a massive volcanic centre located at the northwestern margin of the Soa Basin, near Welas. Sometime in the past this volcano blew up and at present the eroded remnants form a caldera with a diameter of c. 5 km, and debouching into the Soa basin to the southeast. The Ola Bula Formation can be divided in three members, from base to top: 1) Tuff Member, 2) Sandstone Member and 3) Limestone Member. Though with local variations, these three members can be recognised throughout most of the Soa Basin, though the basal Tuff Member may be lacking or is very thinly developed in areas where the basement forms an elevated topography. From 1957 until the early 1970-ties excavations were carried out in the Soa Basin by the Dutch priest Theodor Verhoeven. Mata Menge was one of the localities that yielded fossil remains of an endemic Stegodon (S. florensis), a rat (Hooijeromys nusatenggara) in association with a simple palaeolithic stone tool assemblage (Maringer & Verhoeven, 1970; Sondaar et al., 1994; Morwood etal., 1997). The age of the fossil and artefact-bearing layer at Mata Menge, stratigraphically situated near the transition between the Tuff Member and the Sandstone Member of the Ola Bula Formation, is constrained by two fission track dates, one on a sample taken from tuffaceous mudstone directly underlying the fossil- bearing layer and one from a white tuff at the top of the fossil-bearing layer. The dates of these samples were 0.88 ± 0.07 Myr BP and 0.80 ± 0.07 Myr BP, respectively (Morwood et al., 1998; O’Sullivan et al., 2001). More recent work in the Soa Basin conducted between 2004 and 2008 by a joint IndonesianAustralian-Dutch team, has resulted in the discovery of an even older archaeological site, named Wolo Sege, which is located c. 520 metres east of Mata Menge. From additional fission-track and Ar-Ar dates throughout the Soa Basin it followed that the oldest stone artefacts discovered so far occur at the base of the Ola Bula Fm at 1 Myr BP at the site Wolo Sege (Brumm et al., 2010). This suggests that the maker of the stone tools arrived on the island before 1 Myr BP. So far no associated fossil fauna has been found at Wolo Sege, but the slightly younger site Tangi Talo (fission-track dated at 0.9 Myr BP) has yielded a fauna containing a very small pygmy Stegodon (S. sondaari), Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis) and giant tortoise. All younger sites in the Ola Bula Formation contain the large to medium sized Stegodon florensis but lack giant Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 275 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA tortoise, suggesting that between 0.9 and 0.88 Myr BP S. sondaari and giant tortoise became extinct and a new Stegodon immigrant entered the island. The age of the artefacts initially suggested that the maker was Homo erectus. Recently, fossil hominin remains have been discovered in the cave site Liang Bua in West Flores. The Liang Bua hominin, which has been named Homo floresiensis, was only 1 m tall and shows rather primitive traits, despite the relatively young age of ca. 18.000 yrs BP (Morwood et al, 2004; Brown et al. 2004). The very small brain volume (380 cc), developed brow ridges, small face and lack of chin, suggest a close relation to an early Homo erectus stock (Brown et al., 2004), though primitive features of the hand and foot bones (Tochieri et al., 2007; Jungers et al., 2009) may indicate an even earlier representant of the hominins as ancestor. Some researchers have claimed that the skeleton of LB1 (the holotype of H. floresiensis) represents a pathological individual of Homo sapiens, but since more anatomical studies have been completed recently, now most researchers agree that LB1 and the associated bones of additional individuals represent a distinct species ofhominin. The much older stone artefacts from the Soa Basin most likely were made by the ancestor of H. floresiensis, who had colonized the island of Flores at least by 1 Myr BP. Fossil remains of this presumed ancestor could clarify many aspects of the anatomical peculiarities encountered in H. floresiensis and would provide more adequate clues concerning its ancestry. Homo floresiensis in Liang Bua is associated with Varanus komodoensis and the pygmy Stegodon florensis insularis, the latter though to have been derived from the Soa Basin Stegodon florensis florensis through a size reduction of 30% in linear dimensions (van den Bergh et al., 2008, 2009). Like other large mammalian island elements such as stegodonts, the Flores hominins may have been subject to the same evolutionary trend of size diminution or dwarfing often observed in island faunas. Both this Stegodon and H. floresiensis disappear in layers younger than the last glacial maximum, when anatomical modern humans appeared on Flores. With the onset of the Neolithic period newfaunal elements were introduced by these anatomically modern humans, such as pigs, macaques, porcupines and civets. Aims of the project So far no hominin fossils have been discovered in the Soa Basin, although the abundant stone artefacts represent proxy evidence for early hominin activity. The current project is scheduled to last for a period of 4 years until 2014. This project has been accommodated under the general MoU for cooperation between the Geological Agency of Indonesia and the University of Wollongong, Australia. The principal aims of the project are to: • 276 find in situ fossil remains of the maker of the up to 1 Myr old stone artefacts from the SoaBasin, who was the likely ancestor of Homo floresiensis. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 • Collect larger samples of in situ artefacts at Mata Menge and other sites, which couldreveal cultural changes through time under fluctuating environmental conditions. • Collect more fossils remains of fauna to gain a better understanding of temporalevolutionary changes in faunal composition and individual lineages. In addition, taphonomicresearch may reveal more detailed knowledge concerning the nature of the boneaccumulations encountered at various sites of the Soa Basin. • Fine-tune the geochronology of the Soa Basin strata and get a better insight in thechronostratigraphic correlations between various sections and temporal succession of thevarious sites. • Reconstruct depositional environments and paleo-landscapes contemporaneous with thefossil and artefact-bearing layers. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (I.9.a) Michael John Morwood Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Auckland, 27 – 10 – 1950 Warga Negara : Australia Jabatan : Professor Institusi : University of Wollongong, Australia Email :mikem@uow.edu.au Alamat : Northfield Ave, Wallonggong, NSW Australia 2500 (I.9.b) Gerrit Dirk Van den Bergh Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Rotterdam. 07 – 03 – 1961 Warga Negara : Belanda Jabatan : Research Associate Institusi : Schoolof Earthand Environmental Sciences, University of Wollongong E-mail :gert@uow.edu.au Alamat : 98 Cowper ST, Port Renbla NWS 2505 Australia Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 277 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (I.9.c) Adam Robert Brumm Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Toowoomba, 17-07-1976 Warga Negara : Australia Jabatan : Postdoctoral Research Fellow Institusi : School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Wollongong E-mail : abrumm@uow.edu.au Alamat : 20 The Drive, Stanwell Park NSW 2508, Australia (I.10) Vegetation, climate, fire dynamics and human impacts in Java and southern Kalimantan inferred from pollen, spore and charcoal deposits in the Java Sea during the Late Holocene Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari variabilitas vegetasi, iklim Laut Jawa, serta dampak antropogenik dan konsekuensinya Bidang Penelitian : Geologi Kelautan Lama Penelitian : 12(dua belas) bulan mulai 25 September 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Barat (Cirebon), Jawa Tengah (Laguna Segara Anakan) Mitra Kerja : Balitbang KP (Duto Nugroho) Abstract Despite the importance of the Indonesian Archipelago to modern and future global environmental change, little is known about its past. The Java Sea with its terrestrial deposits provide an excellent study area, which can be used as an example region to study the natural environmental (vegetation, climate, fire) variability and the anthropogenic impact (slash and bum, deforestation, Sand use) and its consequences. Innovative temporal high resolution muftiproxy studies (pollen, spores, charcoal) will be applied on the same sediment samples from the Java Sea also used in the “paleoceanographic* (5.1) and “biogeddtemicaT (5.2) subprojects to reconstruct past environmental changes as an important contribution to the understanding of past, modem and future global changes in respect to the role of the human impact and ecological responses. 278 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 NAMA PENELITI ASING: (I.10.a) Anastasia Poliakova Tempat dan tanggal lahir : USSR. 08-03-1983 Warga Negara : Rusia Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Institusi : Georg-August-University Email : poljakovaan2mail.ru Alamat : 37073 Gottingen,Germany (I.11) Stability and maintenance of Pacific atoll islands in the context of global climate change Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti morfologi, stratigrafi, dan evolusi dari pulau-pulau karang yang berada di lintang tropis dalam kaitannya dengan perubahan iklim Bidang Penelitian : Geologi Kelautan Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 22 Oktober 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Selatan (Kep. Spermonde) Mitra Kerja : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Laut, Pesisir, dan PulauPulau Kecil Universitas Hasanuddin (Prof. Jamaluddin Jompa, PhD.) Abstract Reef and atoll islands form the majority of habitable land area for island states such as Tuvalu, the Maldives, Kiribati and Samoa. Controlled by internal and external forcing mechanisms, the climate is supposed to influence the stability and maintenance of the unconsolidated reef islands. Hence, the effects of climate change such as global warming, sea-level rise and the increased frequency of extreme weathers are oftentimes regarded as key control-factor of island resilience. During the last decades, several attempts have been undertaken to resolve future response of reef and atoll islands to environmental change. Investigations of reef island evolution as analogues for morphological trajectories are thereby of particular importance. The processes leading to sediment accumulations on reef substrate depend on the interplay between different variables, including sea-level changes, reef substrate development, wave Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 279 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA and current regimes and episodic storm surges. The exact evolution of reef islands however is still not well understood. As a consequence of global warming, sea-level rise is considered to have potentially large impacts on low-lying reef islands, including shoreline erosion, the inundation of low-lying areas (usually in the central part of the islands sheltered by an oceanward and lagoonward ridge) and the saline intrusion into the freshwater lens. Some studies presume that sea-level rise entails the above-mentioned future impacts, whilst others suggest that some islands are able to persist. Obviously, more data is needed, as the question arises, to what extent sea-level rise affect the morphological resilience of reef islands. In contrast to the effects of sea-level changes on island stability, there is no doubt that the rate of sediment supply controls island maintenance for both, areas of rising sea-level as well as for places where sea-level is falling. Hence, the impacts of ocean acidification and overfishing on the reef community are essential for future island resilience, because the sediments that build up reef and atoll islands derive entirely from the reef flat and coral reef environments and island construction is therefore directly linked to the health of the “carbonate factories”. However, in what way coral reef communities are able to adapt to ecological shifts is still a matter of debate. Proposed methods of research The long-term objective of my PhD studies is to improve the understanding of the effects of climate change that are inferred for low-lying islands located in tropical latitudes. During the envisaged fieldwork on Spermonde Archipelago (Sulawesi, Indonesia) I want to examine the morphology, stratigraphy and evolution of reef islands. The morphology will be determined by several transects across the individual islands and related to a datum of mean sea level. Along these transects, subsurface stratigraphy will be identified either from cores or from excavated pits. The land area (supra- and intertidal) will be mapped using a GPS. Furthermore, the different fades will be investigated. Samples from the island will be collected for sedimentological analysis and radiocarbon dating. Samples from the subtidalwill be collected using bottom samplers (Petersen-, Van Veen- and Smith&Mcintyre-samplers). At best, the reef flat development is recorded by microatolls allowing meto reconstruct the mid to late Holocene sea-level history. If availably, the collected samples will be compared with voucher material of different museums. Because sea-level changes are considered as a key control on island stability by many authors, I want to install a permanent tide gauge station. I have also some other ideas in mind, including the application of Ground Penetrating Radar to study the architecture of the shallow subsurface and the examination of the ocean surface topography using satellite altimeter data (e.g., TOPEX/Poseiden, Jason-1, Jason-2). 280 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Investigations of alterations in the environment and how they are perceived in the context of global climate change is an issue of central importance. Finding a way to link socio-cultural knowledge with scientific investigations is therefore not only a great challenge, but also a unique opportunity of this project. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (I.11.a) Thomas Mann Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Blaubeuren, 02-06-1985 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Ph.D.Candidate Institusi : Leibnitz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT) Email : thomas.mann@zmt-bremen.de Alamat : Fahrenheitstrasse 628359 Bremen, Germany (I.11.b) Andrè Klicpera Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Marburg, 05-11-1978 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Ph.D.Candidate Institusi : Leibnitz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT) Email : andre.klicpera@zmt-bremen.de Alamat : Fahrenheitstrasse 628359 Bremen, Germany (I.12) The Study to Delineate Area of Spring and to Quantify the Recharge Rate on the East Versant of Merapi Volcano (Klaten, Central Java, Indonesia) Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan survey geologi yang terintegrasi yang meliputi pemetaan topografi serta riset hidrologi, hidrogeologi, geoelectricity, dan hydro-isotop pada lokasi-lokasi sumber air tanah untuk mendapatkan data hydrogeology yang menyeluruh. Bidang Penelitian : Geologi/ Hidrologi Lama Penelitian : 12(dua belas) bulan mulai 21 Agustus 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Tengah (Klaten) Mitra Kerja : Dr. Heru Hendrayana, Fakultas Teknik UGM Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 281 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Abstract Water is renewal natural resources with important roles in water supply for various needs. The vital role of water means that the utilization has to consider its balance and sustainability, in another word, environment friendly. Nowadays, groundwater as one of water resources is a national problem which needs a real action to minimize the negative impact of groundwater exploitation. Groundwater management has to be applied wisely in accordance to law and technical aspects of groundwater knowledge. Activities such as inventory, utilization rules, permission, control, and supervision should be included in the management of groundwater, in order to achieve Sustainable Groundwater Use in Indonesia and in particular in Central Java. To sustain the use of groundwater, stakeholders (i.e. groundwater resources users) have an obligation to understand the basic knowledge of groundwater, their characteristic and how to protect the sources of groundwater. Managers and users, with this understanding should not act against groundwater characteristic, to protect the groundwater to be utilized accordance to its function, economic values, and the environment. In order to protect the sustainable use of groundwater in the East versant of Merapi volcano (Java), UGM (Yogyakarta, Indonesia) and Paris 6 University (France) promote an investigation to conduct an integrated geological survey, including topographic mapping, hydrology research, hydrogeology research, geo-electricity research, and Hydro-isotope research on this groundwater resources site. This study will be make during a phD program of a French student. Results of this survey should give important knowledge of hydrogeology condition, especially the delineation of the sources recharge area and the information about the infiltration rate of water on this recharge zone and the protection plan. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (I.12.a) Adrien Pierre Antoine Selles Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Saint-Jean –De-Maurienne, 24 Maret 1987 Warga Negara : Perancis Jabatan : Ph. D Student Institusi : University Pierre et Marie Currie, Paris, France Email :adrien.selles@gmail.com Alamat : 19 Rue Callamand, 84 140 MONTFAVET, FRANCE 282 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (I.13) Australia Down Under: Quantification of Rates and Amount of Continental Subduction During Neogane Arc-Continent Collision on Timor Tujuan Penelitian : Menggunakan beberapa teknik berbeda untuk menguji kerentanan wilayah Laut Banda terhadap terjadinya ancaman gempa bumi dan tsunami Bidang Penelitian : Geologi Lama Penelitian : 3(tiga) bulan mulai 5 Juni 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Wilayah Laut Banda (Timor Barat di Kalbano, Ocussi, Mutis, Kefemenanu, Atapupu; Leti, Sermata, Moa, Banda Neira, Timur Tengah Selatan di Soe; Timur Tengah Utara di Kefamenanu) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Ilmu dan Teknologi Kebumian ITB - Ir. Benyamin Sapiie, Ph.D NAMA PENELITI ASING: (I.13.a) Ronald Albert Harris Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Oregon, 29-06-1957 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Profesor Institusi : Dept. of Geological Sciences, Brigham Young University (I.13.b) Garrett Wayne Tate Tempat dan tanggal lahir : New Jersey, 01-05-1987 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Ph. D Student Institusi : Princeton University Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 283 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Bidang riset Hukum umumnya dilakukan dalam kaitannya dengan Sosial, Agama, dan Kebijakan Publik. Tahun 2012 hanya terdapat 2 project penelitian, masing-masing merupakan individu, sehingga juga sejumlah 2 peneliti asing. (J.1) The Dynamics and Elan of Ijtihad to Provide New Readings of Islamic Laws and Customary Practices on Women Human Rights Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari dinamika dan semangat Ijtihad di Indonesia, Malaysia, dan Thailand, dalam kaitannya dengan Hak Asasi Wanita. Bidang Penelitian : Hukum/ Sosiologi Lama Penelitian : 5(lima) bulan mulai 24 Juli 2012 Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta, DI Yogyakarta, Sulawesi Selatan (Makassar) Mitra Kerja : Drs. Dundin Zaenuddin, MA - PSDR LIPI Abstract This study will capture the dynamics and fervor at work in Ijtihad (In Islam: reasoning/ deduction on matters related to Islamic Law and how it applies in the changing conditions of society) that provided platform for Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand, in a new reading of the Islamic prescriptions to promote Women Human Rights. It will look into the local customary practices and Islamic Laws in each country mentioned that are actually interpreted and adapted to promote women rights. Using the above-mentioned as platforms, the research will provide a new reading of the Islamic prescriptions and the customary laws to raise the prevailing practices at par with international law and standard on women human rights. Keywords: Ijtihad, Islamic Law, customary practices, women human rights, International Law NAMA PENELITI ASING: (J.1.a) Isnira Arap Baginda Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Zamboanga City, 06-07-1964 Warga Negara : Filipina Jabatan : Assistant Professor Institusi : Mindanao State University 284 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Email : nicebaginda@gmail.com Alamat : 4 Doot Apartement, Fatima Campus, Mindanao State University, General Santos City 9500, Philippines (J.2) Addressing and regulating industrial water pollution: Looking for an appropriate role for local communities, NGOs and the government in pollution control Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji peran komunitas lokal, LSM yang mewakili suara komunitas ini, dan pemerintah dalam hal regulasi polusi air yang berasal dari limbah industri. Bidang Penelitian : Ilmu Hukum Lama Penelitian : 3 (tiga) bulan mulai bulan 27 September 2012 Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta, Jawa Timur (Surabaya), Maluku Utara (Malifut), Jawa Barat (Rancaekek) Mitra Kerja : Universitas Diponegoro (Prof. Sudharto P. Hadi, MES., Ph.D.) Abstract: This research seeks to better understand the role of local communities, NGOs that representthese communities and the government in cases of addressing and regulating industrial waterpollution. Thereby the research wants to contribute to increasing the knowledge onsustainabiiity of the environment by analysing the legal and sociological context of pollutionproblems. The research will primarily take place in Jakarta, where the legal and institutional framework of water pollution will be studied. Addressing and regulating cases of pollution takes place against the background of Indonesia’s environmental management laws, policies and practices. Therefore the research seeks to provide insights on the legal and institutional context of water pollution control. It analyses relevant environmental laws and regulations, and the regulating role of the government in environmental management. Furthermore, additional fieldtrips will be made to analyse three cases where problems of industrial water occur, namely in East Java, West Java and North Maluku. Research indicates that the legal and institution framework regarding pollution control have improved over the last years, but that there remains room to become more effective. Currently, the people affected by pollution and organizations that represent them, such as NGOs, play a important role in the process to halt pollution problems. After they addressed the Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 285 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA problem, the government is likely to respond by facilitating in negotiations between the affected local communities and the industry that caused the pollution. During these negotiations, and when economic interests are at stake, environmental interests may easily lose priority. The research takes place with the support of Indonesia counterparts, including Universitas Diponegoro, and the Indonesian Ministry of Environment. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (J.2.a) Laure Yvonne d’Hondt Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Hilvarenbeek, 04-04-1981 Warga Negara : Belanda Jabatan : PhD Student Institusi : Van Vollenhoven Institute, Leiden University Email : laureyvonne@hotmail.com Alamat : Orteliuskade 47-11057 AJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands 286 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Bidang riset Kedokteran dan Kesehatan banyak dilakukan oleh peneliti asing di Indonesia mengingat banyaknya penyakit menular yang endemic seperti Malaria, TBC, demam berdarah, dll. Dalam perkembangannya penyakit HIV pun mulai diteliti. Disamping itu terkait potensi tanaman obat yang hanya terdapat di Indonesia. Secara keseluruhan terdapat 13 project penelitian dan 16 peneliti asing. (K.1) Field microscopy versus HRP2-pLDH combination rapid diagnostic test in detecting malaria in antenatal women in Eastern Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian Bidang Penelitian Lama Penelitian Daerah Penelitian Mitra Kerja : “Field microscopy versus HRP2-pLDH combination rapid diagnostic test in detecting malaria in antenatal women in Eastern Indonesia”. : Ilmu Kedokteran : 5(lima) bulan mulai 27 Februari 2012 : NTB (Sumba) : dr. Din Syafruddin, Ph.D. - LBM Eijkman Abstract As part of our medical curriculum at the University of Amsterdam we completed our tropical medicine research internship working in a project in SW Sumba conducted by the Eijkman Institute in Jakarta under the supervision of Dr D Syafruddin. We took part in a research project entitled “Evaluation of different Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDT) as a screening tool for the control of malaria in pregnancy in Eastern Indonesia”. We worked in the project from the 28th of February to the 16th of June. The project consisted of comparing the performance of 4 different HRP2-pLDH based malaria Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDT) to detect malaria in pregnant women attending routine antenatal care and placental malaria in Sumba Barat Daya. The overall aim of the project was: 1) to compare the accuracy of 4 HRP2/pLDH combo malaria RDTs to detect and differentiate between Plasmodium falciparum and non-falciparum species when used for screening of malaria in pregnant women, 2) to assess the quality of field microscopy and compare it with the performance of the RDTs and 3) to evaluate the end-users experience of the 4 RDTs when used in the field. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 287 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA The project activities consisted of learning laboratory skills at the Eijkman Institute and understanding of operational research skills in implementing field studies. Activities at the Eijkman Institute: • Training inpreparation and reading of thin and thick blood slides for malaria diagnosis. • Practice performing and reading RDTs we were going to use in the field study. • Improved our skills of basic laboratory procedures and the principles of performing PCR. On return from the field work we assisted the Eijkman laboratory staff to analyse the PCR samples. All slides were read by field microscopist and at the Eijkman laboratory although we did do some slide examination as a learning exercise. Field activities: In preparation of the field work we assisted the laboratory staff in packing the equipment and consumables necessary to take to Sumba.In the field we were engaged in the training of midwives and nurses in the use the RDTs, how to make the blood slides for microscopic examination and on consent procedures and filling of the study questionnaire. The field work was conducted in women attending antenatal care at the following Puskesmas and their Posyandus: Kori, Bondo Kodi, Wallandimu and Panenggo Ede. In addition women delivering in the 3 Puskesmas Kori, Bondo Kodi and Wallandimu and at the Karitas hospital were enrolled and maternal and placental blood samples were collected at enrolment. We actively participated in the supervision of the study procedures at the posyandu together with project staff. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (K.1.a) Elvira Ingrid Levy Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Casablanca, 15-12-1987 Warga Negara : Belanda Jabatan : Student (Internship) Institusi : University of Amsterdam Email : ik_elvira@hotmail.com Alamat : Meer en Vaart 358-K31068 LH Amsterdam 288 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (K.2) The accuracy of HRP-2-pLDH combination rapid diagnostic test in detecting placental malaria in Eastern Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Mengevaluasi ketepatan empat kombinasi RDT HRP-2 dan pLDH yang berbeda untuk mendeteksi malaria plasenta. Bidang Penelitian : Ilmu Kedokteran Lama Penelitian : 5(lima) bulan mulai 27 Februari 2012 Daerah Penelitian : NTB (Sumba_ Mitra Kerja : dr. Din Syafruddin, Ph.D. - LBM Eijkman Abstract (same as Elvira Ingrid Levy above) As part of our medical curriculum at the University of Amsterdam we completed our tropical medicine research internship working in a project in SW Sumba conducted by the Eijkman Institute in Jakarta under the supervision of Dr D Syafruddin. We took part in a research project entitled “Evaluation of different Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDT) as a screening tool for the control of malaria in pregnancy in Eastern Indonesia”. We worked in the project from the 28th of February to the 16th of June. The project consisted of comparing the performance of 4 different HRP2-pLDH based malaria Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDT) to detect malaria in pregnant women attending routine antenatal care and placental malaria in Sumba Barat Daya. The overall aim of the project was: 1) to compare the accuracy of 4 HRP2/pLDH combo malaria RDTs to detect and differentiate between Plasmodium falciparum and non-falciparum species when used for screening of malaria in pregnant women, 2) to assess the quality of field microscopy and compare it with the performance of the RDTs and 3) to evaluate the end-users experience of the 4 RDTs when used in the field. The project activities consisted of learning laboratory skills at the Eijkman Institute and understanding of operational research skills in implementing field studies. Activities at the Eijkman Institute: • Training inpreparation and reading of thin and thick blood slides for malaria diagnosis. • Practice performing and reading RDTs we were going to use in the field study. • Improved our skills of basic laboratory procedures and the principles of performing PCR. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 289 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA On return from the field work we assisted the Eijkman laboratory staff to analyse the PCR samples. All slides were read by field microscopist and at the Eijkman laboratory although we did do some slide examination as a learning exercise. Field activities: In preparation of the field work we assisted the laboratory staff in packing the equipment and consumables necessary to take to Sumba.In the field we were engaged in the training of midwives and nurses in the use the RDTs, how to make the blood slides for microscopic examination and on consent procedures and filling of the study questionnaire. The field work was conducted in women attending antenatal care at the following Puskesmas and their Posyandus: Kori, Bondo Kodi, Wallandimu and Panenggo Ede. In addition women delivering in the 3 Puskesmas Kori, Bondo Kodi and Wallandimu and at the Karitas hospital were enrolled and maternal and placental blood samples were collected at enrolment. We actively participated in the supervision of the study procedures at the posyandu together with project staff. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (K.2.a) Judith Julia de Jong Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Ouder-Amstel, 17-03-1990 Warga Negara : Belanda Jabatan : Student (Internship) Institusi : University of Amsterdam Email :judithdejong35@hotmail.com Alamat : Echtenstein 157, 1103AA Amsterdam (K.3) Eliminate Dengue Project in Yogyakarta (EDP-Yogya) Tujuan Penelitian : Mengembangkan pendekatan kontrol biologis bebasis Wolbachia untuk memodifikasi populasi nyamuk dan mengurangi transmisi dengue ke manusia Bidang Penelitian : Ilmu Kedokteran Lama Penelitian : 12(dua belas) bulan mulai 2 Februari 2012 Daerah Penelitian : DI Yogyakarta Mitra Kerja : dr. Abu Tholib Aman, M.Sc., PhD. - Fakultas Kedokteran UGM 290 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Abstract The Eliminate Dengue (www.eliminatedengue.com) research program aims to develop and trial an innovative, Wolbachia-based biological control approach to modify mosquito populations and reduce dengue transmission to humans. The project involves the introduction of a naturally occurring bacterium called Wolbachia pipientis into the Aedes aegypti (dengue mosquito) population. These symbiotic bacteria are naturally found in up to 75% of all insect species, including flies, beetles, butterflies and mosquitoes. Although Aedes aegypti is not naturally infected with Wolbachia, we have successfully transferred Wolbachia from the fruit fly, where they occur naturally, into Aedes aegypti mosquitoes (McMeniman et al, 2009). In Aedes aegypti, the effect of Wolbachia is to block dengue virus transmission without harming the mosquitoes (Moreira et al, 2009; Walker et al, 2011). Wolbachia bacteria cannot grow outside of the insect host cell because they are obligate endosymbionts, and they are only maternally transmitted from mother to offspring. That is, they are transmitted through the egg cytoplasm. Wolbachia does not infect humans and is not transmitted through blood or mosquito bites (Popovici et al, 2010). The Eliminate Dengue Project - Yogyakarta (EDP-Y), an international collaboration between Yayasan Tahija (YT), Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) and Eliminate Dengue Program (EDP) led by Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, has the explicit goal of testing the technology in the Indonesian context. The project is divided into four (4) phases with Phase I commencing in September 2011 and running until March 2013. Project activities during Phase I include: Generation of local Indonesian mosquitoes that contain Wolbachia and monitoring and testing these mosquitoes under laboratory conditions to demonstrate dengue virus interference effects; Characterisation of up to five field sites throughout Yogyakarta as study sites for ongoing research activities,; Establishment and implementation of best-practice laboratory diagnostic methods for Wolbachia and dengue virus screening in Yogyakarta; Establishment of best-practice data management systems to enter, store and retrieve project related data; Community engagement in Yogyakarta to explain the eliminate dengue methodology, understand any community concerns and issues, and determine preferred engagement strategy of stakeholders; Engagement with health experts and policy makers from the Health Office, Yogyakarta Province, to determine the feasibility of potential releases of Wolbachia mosquitoes and integration with existing dengue prevention strategies; and Conducting a local Risk Analysis Assessment and obtaining approval from regulatory bodies to conduct Phase II research activities. Following on from completion of Phase I, Phases II to III will involve open field releases of Wolbachia in study sites and investigation of methods for large-scale implantation of Wolbachia technology. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 291 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA In Yogyakarta, the project is led by UGM scientist dr. Eggi Arguni, Sp.A., M.Sc., Ph.D. and the EDP-Y project team is comprised of six units of local staff and unit managers. These include the management and administrative team (Project Manager, Financial Officer, and Administration Assistant), an Entomology Unit led by local senior entomologist, that is comprised of a Mosquito Rearing Unit (MRU) with two laboratory technicians, Field Entomology Unit (FEU) with 14 technicians, a Diagnostic Until (DU) with five laboratory assistants; a Community Engagement Unit (CEU) with six staff; and a Data Management and Mapping Unit (DMU) with four staff. Overall, the EDP-Y will bring together Indonesian and international scientists to develop and evaluate a promising new approach to the prevention of dengue. If successful, this method may represent a cost-effective and sustainable method of preventing dengue disease in humans, not only in Yogyakarta, but also broadly throughout Indonesia and other countries where dengue is a problem. The multi-discipline research component of Phase I research includes laboratory- and field-based entomology research to investigate the population biology of Aedes aegypti and other Aedes mosquitoes in Yogyakarta and to place Wolbachia in Indonesian mosquitoes. The diagnostic aspect of the research in Phase I will involve screening laboratory and field samples for Wolbachia. The focus of my research in Indonesia is the laboratory- and field-based Entomology activities. All research was conducted in collaboration with the EDP-Y senior entomologist, Warsito Tantowijoyo, Ph.D., and with skilled support from the EDP-Y team. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (K.3.a) Petrina Hannah Johnson Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Townsville, 16-12-1975 Warga Negara : Australia Jabatan : Field Implementation Manager Institusi : Monash University Email :petrina.johnson@monash.edu Alamat : 6 Billabong St, Kenmore Hills, QLD 4069 Australia 292 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (K.4) Films on culture, mental illness, traditional healing, gender, autism treatment via gamelan Tujuan Penelitian Bidang Penelitian Lama Penelitian Daerah Penelitian Mitra Kerja : Melakukan penelitian mengenai autisme di Yogyakarta dengan berfokus pada penanganan autisme pada anak /menggunakan musik gamelan. : Ilmu Kesehatan : 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 28 Agustus 2012 : DI Yogyakarta : Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Kedokteran Jiwa Indonesia Cab. Yogyakarta (dr. Mahar Agusno, Sp. KJ(K)) NAMA PENELITI ASING: (K.4.a) Robert Bush Lemelson Tempat dan tanggal lahir : New Jersey, 13-03-1961 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Director& Anthropologist Institusi : Elemental Production Email: Alamat : 736 El Medio Ave, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 USA (K.4.b) Alessandra Pasquino Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Mantova, 21-08-1960 Warga Negara : Italia Jabatan : Film Producer Institusi : Elemental Production Email: Alamat : 3553 Redwood Ave, Los Angeles CA 90036 USA (K.4.c) Wing Yen Ko Jr Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Canada, 09-04-1967 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Cinematographer & Editor Institusi : Elemental Production Email: Alamat : 751 Holland Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90042 USA Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 293 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (K.4.d) Yee Vuoch Ie Tempat dan tanggal lahir : California, 03-06-1984 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Photographer & Office Manager Institusi : Elemental Production Email: Alamat : 240 S Reeves DR. Unit B, Beverly Hills CA 90212 USA (K.5) Decentralization of Health Services in West Java, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Bertujuanuntuk melihat bagaimana desentralisasi diinterpretasikan dan dipraktekkan dalam pelayanan kesehatan di Jawa Barat Bidang Penelitian : Kesehatan Masyarakat Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 10 Juli 2012 Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta, Jawa Barat (Bandung, Sukabumi) Mitra Kerja : Prof. Dr. Soenarto Sastrowijoto, Sp. THT – FK UGM NAMA PENELITI ASING: (K.5.a) Priscilla Anne Magrath Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Guildford, 04-06-1963 Warga Negara : Inggris Jabatan : Graduate Student Institusi : School of Anthropology, University of Arizona Email :pmagrath@email.arizona.edu Alamat : 721 E Calle de Cibola Tucson, AZ, 85718, USA (K.6) Seeing the future: The development and evolution of foresight Tujuan Penelitian 294 : mengkaji apakah manusia (anak-anak) dan kera-kera besar di Indonesia dan Australia merencanakan masa depan dengan cara menilai bagaimana mereka menghadapi masalah terkait kebutuhan masa depan dan dengan pemetaan temporal. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Bidang Penelitian : Psikologi Lama Penelitian : 12(dua belas) bulan mulai 6 Agustus 2012 Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta (Primate Schumutzer Centre, Jawa Barat (Depok) Mitra Kerja : Edward A. Soetardhio, M. Psi. – Fakultas Psikologi UI. Abstract Research problem and objectives. Humans are capable of mentally projecting themselves into the past and future. Reminiscing about your last holiday, planning your next project, or picturing your future retirement years all involve what Suddendorf & Corballis {1997) have called mental time travel (MTT). We engage in these mental projections into the past and future with little effort. MTT could even be the human mind’s default ‘idle’ setting (Buckner &Carroll, 2007). Certainly it can prove a considerable challenge to disengage from MTT, as anyone who has ever attempted to practice meditation can attest to. Our social, cultural, and technological exploits depend heavily on MTT. An ability to foresee possible future scenarios undoubtedly confers a formidable adaptive advantage. What we do not yet know is how and when this ability develops and whether we share it with other species. Episodic memory -the faculty that enables us to mentally relive our personal past experiences - has been the focus of decades of research (e.g., Tulving, 1984; 2005). Interestingly, however, questions about the related ability to mentally ‘prelive’ our possible futures - or foresight - did not capture scientific imagination until very recently. The field of comparative cognition has seen considerable effort devoted to identifying the capacities that humans share with other species, progressively narrowing the goalposts around what may be deemed uniquely human. Determining the cognitive capacities of our closest living relatives, the great apes (orangutans, chimpanzees and gorillas), can offer insight into our evolutionary past and the phylogeny of the human mind. Archaeological evidence of stone tool manufacture and transport by Lower Paleolitliic hominins suggests that a faculty for MTT was evident at least 2 million years ago (e.g., Osvath & Gdrdenfors, 2005). Could the capacity be older still? MTT has been claimed as a uniquely human trait (e.g., Suddendorf & Corballis, 1997; 2007), yet empirical investigation into whether great apes share our capacity for foresight and episodic memory is very limited. Much more is known about episodic memory in children. But only recently have researchers examined how and when foresight develops. This is surprising considering that application of this knowledge could confer significant educational benefits. Empirical evidence has been limited to a small number of research paradigms which have overwhelmingly involved verbal dependant measures. Verbal tasks not only rule out direct comparisons with non-human primates, but may underestimate the MTT skills of younger children (Hayne & Imuta, 2011). Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 295 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA To understand the emergency of foresight in childhood, as well as its evolutionary origins, a comprehensive comparative-developmental approach is required. To date no such work exists. Here, I propose to conduct the first program of research to directly compare the future-directed thinking of great apes and children. This project aims to fill significant gaps in our knowledge about the origins and nature of foresight. My two major research questions are: (1) can great apes solve future-directed problems? and, (2) when can young children solve these problems? A truly comparative project, the series of studies I propose below does not rely on verbal ability and will therefore allow for a clean comparison between great apes and humans, as well as between children of different age groups. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (K.6.a) Emma Joanne Collier-Baker Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Cardiff, 16-03-1978 Warga Negara : Australia Jabatan : Lecturer Institusi : School of Psychology, University of Queensland Email :emma@psy.ug.edu.au Alamat : St. Lucia, Queensland, Australia (K.7) Bioprospecting of Indonesian Medicinal Plants Tujuan Penelitian : Mengeksplorasi potensi keanekaragaman hayati Indonesia di berbagai daerah untuk tujuan pengobatan Bidang Penelitian : Farmakologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 26 Desember 2011 Daerah Penelitian : Penambahan lokasi: Sulawesi Tengah (TN Lore Lindu); Lokasi lama: Banten (Lab. Pengembangan Teknologi Industri Agro dan Biomedika BPPT di Kawasan Puspiptek Serpong Mitra Kerja : Drs. Tarwadi, M.Si. - Pusat Teknologi Farmasi dan Medika BPPT Abstract For centuries, plant biodiversity has provided fuels, medicines, materials for shelter, food and energy for human beings. Examples of utilization of plant biodiversity are varied and 296 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 the benefits derived are interconnected. It has been well known that Indonesia has very rich biodiversity resources due to the special geographical reasons and especially Indonesia contains a great number of plant diversity resources together with variety of traditional knowledge that have been extensively used as complementary medicine by the Indonesian population throughout long history. On the other hand KRIBB has been continuously trying to build up the ability and capacity in the area of natural product research. As a result KRIBB is capable of cooperating with many foreign research partners to produce better research results. Therefore in this project through the intensive cooperation between BPPT and KRIBB we anticipate there will be good possibility to be successful in development of high value added nutraceuticals or natural drug materials for the benefit of both countries. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (K.7.a) Jin Hyub Paik Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Seoul, 23-04-1972 Warga Negara : Korea Selatan Jabatan : Researcher Institusi : Korean Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB) Email : ipaik@krib.re.kt dan herbary55@hotmail.com Alamat : 617-67 Anyang-dong, Manan-gu Anyang-si Gyeonggi-do, Korea (K.8) Novel strategies and tools for antimicrobial resistance surveillance Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan validasi, optimalisasi, dan implementasi penggunaan pengawasan resistensi antimokrobial berbasis LQAS (Lot Quality Assurance Sampling) Bidang Penelitian : Ilmu Kedokteran Lama Penelitian : 12(dua belas) bulan mulai 1 Oktober 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Sumatra Utara (RS Adam Malik / Universitas Sumatera Utara, RS Hasan Sadikin / Universitas Padjadjaran) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Kedokteran USU (Dr. R. Lia Kusumawati, MS, SpMK(K)) Abstract Objectives: The central objective of this project is to validate, optimize and implement the use of LQAS-based AMR surveillance as a feasible strategy to timely inform local antimicrobial Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 297 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA stewardship activities and estimate overall AMR prevalence, supported by sustainable enhancement of microbiology capacity thjough a Telemicrobiology approach Methods Surveillance studies will focus on AMR against commonly used antibiotics in Escherichia coli and Klebsiellapneumoniae strains isolated from patients with community- and hospital acquired urinary tract infections(UTI). These pathogens are known reservoirs of resistance genes and well-established indicator organismsfor AMR surveillance. Patients will be recruited from the two participating tertiary hospitals, Dr Hasan Sadikin General Hospital(Bandung) and H. Adam Malik Hospital (Medan), as well as from secondary hospitals and primary healthcare facilities in the same cities. Microbiology laboratory analyses from all sites will be performed at the twotertiary hospitals. During the validation phase, conventional surveillance of AMR will be performed on urine samples fromconsecutive patients clinically suspected of UTI. Urine samples are cultured using standard methods andantimicrobial susceptibility against selected relevant antimicrobial drugs is determined by disk diffusionmethods. Demographic and clinical data, including antimicrobial use and clinical outcome, will be collected. Beside validation and optimization of LQAS-based surveillance, results from conventional surveillance willalso be used to identify and evaluate clinical predictors of infection with resistant microorganisms. This willprovide further knowledge to feed guidelines for empirical treatment of UTI. Storage of isolated MDRmicroorganisms will allow more detailed (molecular) microbiological analyses of AMR. Following the validation phase and fine-tuning of LQAS sample sizes, LQAS-based surveillance will beapplied in the same sites, and impact of LQAS-based surveillance results on empirical treatment guidelinesand practices will be determined. During the last phase, LQASbased surveillance (supported byTelemicrobiology) will be implemented in two additional Indonesian hospitals if proven successful. To support AMR surveillance and research activities, e-learning modules will be developed with particularfocus on topics relevant to the project, including UTI, AMR and antimicrobial susceptibility testing ofbacterial pathogens. Existing e-learning modules on more general topics related to micrctbiology andinfectious diseases, which were developed as part of the Dutch-Vietnamese Telemicrobiology project (seebefore), will also be translated into the Indonesian language. 298 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Participating laboratories will be provided with eCamera’s and associated software to allow for digitalimaging of agar plates and standardized susceptibility testing using digital measurement of zone diameters. Next to enabling interaction between project partners during web-based “virtual labrounds”, this will allowfor quality evaluation throughout the project. Storage of images will allow for external assessment ofsusceptibility results. The impact of Telemicrobiology on capacity enhancement and quality will bedetermined using quantitative and qualitative outcome measures, such as performance in knowledge testsand external quality assurance panels. Location and duration of the research This collaborative project will be executed at the the Hasan Sadikin Hospital/Padjadjaran University and H. Adam Malik Hospital/University of Sumatera Utara. In a joint decision between the collaborating partners, Academic Medical Center, Hasan Sadikin hospital and H. Adam Malik Hospital I have been assigned to Medan for 1 year and the tentative starting date is 1st of October 2012. My contribution will consist of providing assistance and support in setting up the project in Medan and help analyzing the data under supervision of Dr R. Lia Kusumawati. For my research I will use the facilities at H. Adam Malik Hospital. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (K.8.a) Firza Alexander Gronthoud Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Burgemeester van Amsterdam, 04-06-1982 Warga Negara : Belanda Jabatan : Student/Resident Microbial Biology Institusi : Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam Email : f.a grouthoud@amc.uva.nl Alamat : Meibergdreef 9, 1105 AZ Amsterdam Noord-Holland Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 299 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (K.9) The Implant Matrix Hepatocyte Autologues as Novel Method in Tissue Engineering for Liver Diseases Tujuan Penelitian Bidang Penelitian Lama Penelitian Daerah Penelitian Mitra Kerja : Mengkaji prosedur baru dalam rekayasa jaringan untuk pengobatan penyakit-penyakit hati : Ilmu Kedokteran : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 24 April 2012 : DKI Jakarta : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Tarumanagara (Dr. Siufui Hendrawan dan Dr. Fia Fia) dan Rumah Sakit Gading Pluit (Dr. Syafrudin Lelosutan, Sp. PD, Dr. Ardian, Sp.Jp., Dr. Errawan W., Sp. B, Dr. Peter Ian Limas, Sp. B., Dr. Ines M. Theja, Sp.An dan dr. Suryadi) Abstract Purpose of the Study: To prove that the Autologous Hepatocyte Matrix Implant as a novel method in tissue engineering for liver cirrhosis patients could improve their quality of life. Currently the phase 1 study is intended to show feasibility and safety of the procedure. Place of the Study: The study is performed in RS Gading Pluit and Tarumanagara Human Cell Research Laboratory in Jakarta. Material and Object in the Study: The method involves autologous hepatocytes and islet cells harvested from cirrhotic livers that are seeded on a matrix (scaffold) which later will be re-implanted into the patient’s small bowl mesentery. The hepatocyte islet implant has been proven in animal investigations to improve liver function and quality of life. Method of the Study: The Ethical Committee has given the approval for a phase I study in humans with ten patients. Out of 50 patients that were investigated for possible inclusion into the study, ten have been selected and hospitalized for further investigations. Seven chronic liver-diseased patients have been carefully selected according to the specific criteria of the study. Thorough physical examination, laboratory tests, and other supportive tests to calculate the Child-Pugh and MELD classification have been performed. The inclusion and exclusion criteria of the protocol that had been submitted to the Ethical Committee have been followed. All patients had a pre implantation period of at least last 3-6 months of clinical and laboratory values observation. During this period the patients did not gain any significant improvement despite of optimal conservative treatment. 300 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 The patients have been given complete information about the method and procedure of the study, the possible risks and benefits and allowed to consider joining the present study for minimum of 2 weeks before they have decided for their participation in the study. They all agreed and had signed informed consent statements. After that, the patients were admitted to RS Gading Pluit for the autologous hepatocyte matrix implant procedure. They all had undergone 2 operations for with a 3 days interval and had been taken care in the hospital more than 3 weeks for recovery (which is a longer period than the estimated 2 weeks). After they recovered and allowed to go home, the patients stay under supervision of their respective hepatologists, scheduled to have regular meetings 3 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months, 6 months, 8 months, 12 months, 18 months and 24 months after the surgery with the team in the RS Gading Pluit. All expenses of the examination procedures will be covered by the study during the whole research period. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (K.9.a) Hans Ulrich Baer Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Wetzikon, 22 – 03 – 1951 Warga Negara : Swiss Jabatan : Researcher / Professor Institusi : Bermed Center for Abdominal Surgery E-mail : hans.bear@bearmed.ch Alamat : Witellikerstrasse 40 CH-8032 Zurich (K.10) Survey on the HIV knowledge Levels and Attitudes of Public Healthcare Workers in Bogor, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji tingkat pemahaman atas HIV/AIDS pada tenaga kesehatan serta perlakuan yang mereka terapkan pada pernderita HIV/AIDS Bidang Penelitian : Ilmu Kesehatan Lama Penelitian : 3(tiga) bulan mulai 22 November 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Barat (Bogor) Mitra Kerja : Dinas Kesehatan Kota Bogor (drg. Dede Rukasa, M.Kes.) Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 301 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Abstract Aim: To assess HIV/AIDS knowledge levelsand attitudes of HCWs towards people living with HTV or AIDS in Bogor and to provide recommendations for future training programs. Objectives 1. To review available literature on HIV knowledge and awareness among HCWs. 2. To measureHTV/AIDS knowledge levels among HCWs in Bogor, Indonesia. 3. Examineattitudes of public HCWs towards PLWHA. 4. To determine whether there are differences in knowledge and attitudes between socio-demographic variables and current position within the facility.5. To provide recommendations to the local MoH about the importance of HTV related training and its content. Epistemological Approach This study will use quantitative methods, adapting a positivist approach in which an objective stance from the phenomenon will be applied (Bruce et al., 2008). The study likewiseassumes that knowledge and attitudes can be measured and this explains why a quantitative approach was preferred. Limitations of this approach are that is does not explore the why of the level of knowledge and attitudes and this could be revealed with a qualitativestudy design. Methods Design:A quantitative population-based survey will be applied and close-ended,selfcompleted questionnaires, designed by Eckstein (1987) and used by Hassan &Wahsheh (2010) and Zadah et al (2012) will be used to assess HTV knowledge and attitudes. Sampling Frame and Sample Size:The sampling frame will be all 300HCWs employed at the 24PHCs in Bogor (doctors, nurses and midwives). All eligible HCWs who volunteer to participate will be included. Sample size is calculated according the formula for population proportion and since there are no previous studies from Indonesia, it is assumed that 50% of HCWs (total 300 for the whole city) will have a score of at least 50% on the HTV/AIDS knowledge score. The confidence interval was set at 95% and a 5% margin of error. This resulted in an ideal sample size of 169 calculated using OpenEpi (n.d.).To increase representativeness and to make up for non-responses, all 300 HCWs will be invited to participate in the study. Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria: All 24 PHCs in Bogor will be included as this will increase the generalizability of the resultsand allows for analysis of possible differences among geographical areas. All health Mips workers (doctors, nurses, and midwives) who volunteer to participate in the study will be included. Excluded from the study are employees of the HTV referral hospital and the private VCT testing sites. Although they detect and treat HIV cases, these are private institution and therefore inclusion will likely reduce the generalizability of the results.Recruitment of Participants: The researcher will arrange a meeting with the heads of the 24 PHCs to explain about the research and to decide on a 302 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 suitable day for data collection. The head of the infectious disease department will be invited to join this meeting as well in order to demonstrate collaboration between his department and the researcher. The heads will be asked to invite the HCWs to gather at their PHC on the date of data collection. Some of the PHCs operate one hour per day and therefore, asking the HCWs to gather, will likely increase the response rate. During the date of data collection the researcher will arrive and administer the informed consent procedure to the health workers. During the informed consent procedure, it will be made clear to the staff their participation is purely voluntary and those who refuse to participate will not suffer any negative consequences. No incentives will be provided for completing the questionnaire. Once informed consent is obtained, the questionnaires will be distributed, filled in and collected at the same day. The researcher will thus be present during data collection and is able to answer any questions HCWs might have. This will also minimize bias as HCWs do not get the opportunity to look up answers or discuss extensively with co-workers. Data Analysis & Research Outcomes Data analysis will be carried out using SPSS software, version 19. Descriptive statistics will be used examine participants* socio-demographic variables (including age, gender, educational levels, etc.), knowledge, and attitudes. Chi-square statistics will be used to assess relationships between HIV/AIDS knowledge and attitudes and socio-demographic variables,geographical location, currentposition within the facility, etc. It is hoped that this study will reveal the level of HIV knowledge and attitudeof HCWs in Bogor. Results could be used to adapt training programs, according to the observed gap in knowledge and expressed attitudes. Ethics Ethical approval needs to be obtained from both the University of Liverpool and the Indonesian research institute before data collection can start. Informed consent will be asked to every participant and all personal identifiers will be coded to assure confidentiality and anonymity, and data will be kept for 5 years on completion of the study. Costs The total costs for this study are estimated to be 900 USD. (300 USD transportation and printing, 600 USD for research permit) and will be taken by the researcher. Timeline Sept 2012: proposal approval. Oct: ethical application and literature review. Nov: prepare visits, pilot-test questionnaire, chapter lay-out and introduction. Dec-Jan 2013: Data collection. Feb-March: data analyses, methodology, results and discussion chapters. April: prepare final draft and submit to DA. May 2013: Submit final dissertation. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 303 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NAMA PENELITI ASING: (K.10.a) Carola Hofstee Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Rotterdam, 26-08-1978 Warga Negara : Belanda Jabatan : Master Student Institusi : University of Liverpool Email :chofstee@gmail.com Alamat : De Entrée 11-13, 1101 BH Amsterdam Z.O. The Netherlands (K.11) The Indonesia-Japan Collaborative Research Center for Emerging and ReEmerging Infectious Disease (CRC-ERID) Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari penyakit menular flu burung dan dengue. Bidang Penelitian : Ilmu Kesehatan Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan dimulai 8 Mei 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Timur (Surabaya) Mitra Kerja : Dr. C.A. Nidom DVM, M.Sc. - Lembaga Penyakit Tropis, UNAIR. Abstract The Indonesia-Japan collaborative project to establish the “Collaborative Research Center for Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases” (CRC-ERID) has been approved and supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan, and now in progress since April 2007. CRC-ERID is established in Institute of Tropical Disease (ITD), Airlangga University, and the collaborative research will continue until 31st March 2014. Dr. Masaoki Yamaoka who has been assigned to take a position of Associate Professor of Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine on April 1, 2008 will carry out studies on H5N1 avian influenza in Indonesia in collaboration with Dr. Chairul Anwar Nidom, the avian influenza project leader in TDC as well as the Vice Dean of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Airlangga University, and his colleagues. Since 2010, Dr. Yamaoka will carry out isolation of H5N1 viruses from chicken, pigs and other domestic animals using fertile hen’s eggs or MDCK cells in collaboration with new members of Indonesian researchers. In Indonesia avian influenza virus infection spreads among poultry and people. There is also novel H1N1 virus infection. 304 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 In these circumstances, there is always a possibility that recombination among these viruses takes place in pigs or humans and another novel influenza virus could appear. In Indonesia, where the surveillance system.has not been established, it is very important to carry out the influenza virus surveillance and to keep on sending out the information to the world in order to successfully observe and control the infection. Together with Dr. Laksmi Wulandari, and Dr. Resti Yudhawati of Dr. Soetomo National Hospital, we will establish four station hospitals in Surabaya and will carry out the seasonal influenza and novel influenza vims surveillance. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (K.11.a) Masaoki Yamaoka Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Kochi, 10 Oktober 1947 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Associate Professor Institusi : Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe University Email :yamaokioki@gmail.com Alamat : 7-5-1 Kusunoki-cho, Chaoku, Kobe, Japan (K.12) The Role of Gender in Accessing Harm Reduction Services in Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti peran gender dalam memperoleh akses terhadap pelayanan pengurangan bahaya penularan HIV melalui jarum suntik Bidang Penelitian : Kesehatan Lama Penelitian : 12(dua belas) bulan, mulai 2 Agustus 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Timur (Surabaya dan Malang) dan D.I . Yogyakarta Mitra Kerja : Dr. Achmad Habib, M.A – Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang Dra. Sumianingsih, M.A - UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta Bahrul Ulum - Sadar Hati Foundation Malang Alfianda Mariawati - Yayasan Koalisi Perempuan Indonesia NAMA PENELITI ASING: (K.12.a) Sheilagh Gaddes Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Sydney, 02 – 02 – 1965 Warga Negara : Australia Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 305 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Jabatan : Ph.D. Student in Public Health Institusi : Griffith School for Public Health, Griffith University. Email : s.gaddes@griffith.edu.au Alamat : 10 St Helena Place Tingalapa QLD 4178, Australia (K.13) Evaluation of different Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDT) as a screening tool for the control of malaria in pregnancy in Eastern Indonesia; and Intermittent screening and treatment or intermittent preventive therapy for control of malaria in pregnancy in Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : (1) Mengevaluasi akurasi dan praktik lapangan empat HRP-2 dan pLDH yang berbeda untuk mengontrol malaria pada masa kehamilan di Indonesia Timur. (2) Menentukan tingkat keamanan dan efektivitas IPTp dan ISTp pada SSTp (Single-Screening and Treatment) yang tengah berlaku Bidang Penelitian : Kedokteran Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 31 Mei 2012 Daerah Penelitian : NTT (Sumba) Mitra Kerja : LBM Eijkman - dr. Din Syarifuddin, Ph.D NAMA PENELITI ASING: (K.13.a) Rukhsana Ahmed Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Male, 28-10-1958 Warga Negara : Maladewa Jabatan : Researcher Institusi : Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine Email: Alamat 306 : Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Bidang riset Kehutanan banyak dilakukan oleh peneliti asing karena luasnya wilayah hutan di Indonesia, termasuk untuk menghadapi fenomena penggundulan hutan dalam laju yang mengkhawatirkan. Apalagi karakteristik hutan Hujan Tropis, Hutan Gambut yang dikelola dalam banyak Taman Nasional, ditambah dengan isu-isu pengelolalaan Sumber Daya Alam, REDD, Lingkungan, Transformasi Lahan, merupakan daya tarik bagi penelitian asing. Secara total terdapat 14 project penelitian dan 18 peneliti asing. (L.1) Evaluating ecosystem services for sustainable collaborative forest management and conservation of biodiversity within forest reserves Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti metode untuk mengevaluasi jasa ekosistem hutan dan mengembangkan metode jasa ekosistem hutan untuk kepentingan pemanfaatan yang berkelanjutan dan konservasi keanekaragaman Bidang Penelitian : Kehutanan Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 20 Januari 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Barat (TN Gunung Halimun-Salak) Mitra Kerja : Ir. Istanto, M.Sc. – Balai Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Salak NAMA PENELITI ASING: (L.1.a) Ken Sugimura Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Tokyo, 09-05-1953 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Senior Researcher Institusi : Center International Forestry Research (CIFOR) Email: Alamat : PO.BOX 0113 BOCDB, Bogor. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 307 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (L.2) Climate Community and Biodiversity Assessment Report for the Forests of Buton Island Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan pengujian biodiversitas tahunan taksa-taksa kunci di hutan Lambusango Bidang Penelitian : Kehutanan Lama Penelitian : 5(lima) bulan mulai 16 Juli 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Tenggara (Suaka Margasatwa Lambusango, P. Buton) Mitra Kerja : Prof. Dr. Ani Mardiastuti, Dr. Mirza D. Kusrini, Dr. Yeni A. Mulyani dan Dr. A. Haris Mustari – Fakultas Kehutanan – IPB Abstract Operation Wallacea has been supporting biodiversity research and conservation, in collaboration with its Indonesian and UK academic partners, on Buton and nearby islands of Sulawesi Tenggara since 2000. Over the past 12 years this program has evolved into a multidisciplinary research effort examining various aspects of biodiversity, forest conservation, ecology and management of forests on Pulau Buton, with particular focus upon the Lambusango and Kakenauwe Forest Reserves and surrounding forests (known collectively as the Lambusango Forest Management Area, LFMA). The project has evolved over the years to become a broad collaboration of scientists and research assistants integrating work across different taxa in one geographic area. Information from this research project has fed into the management of the LFMA. Research carried out by the project was the basis for the successful application to the Global Environment Facility (GEF) that led to the establishment of the Lambusango Forest Conservation Project (LFCP; website www.Lambusango.com) led by Dr Edi Purwanto and supported by the Operation Wallacea Trust, PHKA and BKSDA. As well as being a valuable collaboration between Indonesian and foreign researchers, the project has allowed a number of Indonesian undergraduates to join with research teams and gain valuable experience of forest research. Many of these students are now working in conservation research or with government departments across Indonesia. The program has supported three Indonesians PhD candidates and two Indonesian MSc candidates, representing our increasing commitment to support the future of Indonesian forest biodiversity research. In addition to formal training, the program has provided extensive capacity building in local communities to enable them to assist and support forest biodiversity research. The program continues to provide unparalleled opportunities for local BKSDA forest ranger staff to enhance their skills and knowledge in the field. 308 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 The key to the long-term success of this project has been the unique way it is funded, through the contributions of volunteers who join as eco-tourists to experience the project in the field. This sustainable funding model has resulted in this project being possibly the longest running biodiversity research project of its scale in Indonesia. Where other projects have been and gone because of their time-limited funding. Operation Wallacea’s research on Buton is going from strength to strength. Through this program awareness of the significance of the biodiversity of Sulawesi Tenggara amongst local communities has been increased. In recent years, scientists from the program have presented their research at national and international conferences, notably at the: National Biology Seminar Makassar 2008, (keynote presentation); Alfred Russel Wallace, Letter from Ternate 150 Year anniversary conference 2008 (keynote presentation). Association for Tropical Biology Conference, Bali, 2010 (organized Wallacea symposium). The key achievements can be summarized under three headings: scientific, social, and educational. Scientific • Possibly the most comprehensive dataset on vertebrate assemblage composition of any forest in Indonesia • Identification of at least 13 species of vertebrates new to science. • Long-term data sets on temporal changes in herpetofauna, bat and bird communities, population trends of threatened species such as Anoa. • Studies of forest structure, dynamics and post disturbance recovery that are almost unique inthe region. Social • Producing baseline data for leveraging funds for sustainable development and conservation. • Increasing income to local communities, making forests pay for themselves. • Spreading knowledge of forest biodiversity in local communities and enhancing knowledge andskills transfer. • Raising aspirations of rural communities. Educational • Providing opportunities for training for students from Indonesia and elsewhere. • Disseminating knowledge on the forests of Buton. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 309 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA • Developing resources for learning about forest biodiversity. • Providing research opportunities for early career Indonesian scientists. The completion of the 2009-2011 research plan presents an opportunity to re-focus and re-evaluate the aims of the research program in the context of changes in major themes in forest biodiversity and conservation research. In 2011IPB and Operation Wallacea signed an MOU to advance research and achieve tangible conservation outcomes on Buton Island. This research application for the period 2012 - 2014 reflects this greater emphasis on productive outputs of value to government departments and local communities in the management and protection of forests. Operation Wallacea have appointed the University of Hull as the lead academic organization on their behalf to implement this new program alongside IPB and to achieve completion of the CCBA report by the end of the research period. Key Objectives a) Identify factors (natural or anthropogenic) that influence distribution of biodiversity in the forests of Buton island. b) Evaluate the key threatening processes operating, and how they are impacting biodiversity c) Evaluate changes to biodiversity or key taxa over time, either through recovery from past disturbances or in response to new disturbances, or as a result of changed management policies and practices. d) Evaluate the relative biodiversity value of the Buton forests compared with surrounding areas e) Produce data on carbon standing stock of the forests which combined with satellite imagery can be used to calculate Voluntary Carbon Credits. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (L.2.a) Nicola Mary Marples Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Bristol, 05-03-1964 Warga Negara : Inggris Jabatan : Associate Professor Institusi : Trinity College Email :nmarples@tcd.ie Alamat : 84 Meadow Mount Churchtown, Dublin 16, Ireland 310 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (L.2.b) Nancy Priston Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Hammersmith, 21-12-1979 Warga Negara : Inggris Jabatan : Senior Lecturer Institusi : Dept. of Social Sciences, Oxford Brookes University Email : nancy@cantab.net Alamat : Dept. of Social Sciences, Oxford Brookes University Gipsy Lane Campus Oxford, OX3 0BP, UK (L.2.c) David James Kelly Tempat dan tanggal lahir : London, 20-07-1963 Warga Negara : Inggris Jabatan : Researcher Institusi : Dept. of Zoology, Trinity College Email :djkelly@tcd.ie Alamat : Dept. of Zoology, Trinity College, Dublin2 IRELAND (L.3) Cultural Specific Human Interaction With Tropical Lowland Rainforest Tujuan Penelitian : Mengidentifikasi keanekaragaman sosial dan kultural khususnya pengetahuan lingkungan lokal dan penggunaan hutan produksi Bidang Penelitian : Kehutanan Lama Penelitian : 4(empat ) bulan mulai 16 Juli 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Tenggara (Suaka Margasatwa Lambusango, P. Buton) Mitra Kerja : Prof. Dr. Ani Mardiastuti, Dr. Mirza D. Kusrini, Dr. Yeni A. Mulyani dan Dr. A. Haris Mustari – Fakultas Kehutanan – IPB Abstract Overall goal of this WP is to identify the cultural and social diversity within the research locations of the whole CRC, Therefore the spatial location, the size and the distribution of different cultural groups will be identified first. Engagement of these groups in forest transformation systems and their basic attitudes to the forest and its transformation will be investigated. Linked to this issue are questions about access to the forest and land in general, local environmental Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 311 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA knowledge and the use of forest products. To understand why people decide for or against engagement inforest transformation systems, the decision making process and the (cultural) key factors by which their decisions are influenced will be analysed. Methodology and concept The methods used will be both qualitative and quantitative. Field research will be prepared by literature review on the cultural groups in the research locations. For some groups (e.g. Bathin Sembilan) literature dates back to colonial times or has recently been published as ‘grey literature’ by local NGOs and governmental institutions. Archive studies in Leiden (Netherlands), Jakarta and Jambi are planned in order to delineate developments since the colonial time. In a first step of this project an overview over the cultural groups living in the research locations will be set up. For this purpose, a combination of different forms of rapid rural appraisal methods will be applied and external data already collected by other institutions and organizations such as the Provincial Government will be used. A total of 10 villages or settlements (about 2 per sociocultural group) will be chosen for data in the explorative phase of the research. We will select at least one village or settlement of each cultural group which will constitute a sample for further comparative research. These villages/settlements will be chosen in cooperation with other scientific projects within working group C (C02, C07, C08) but also in cooperation with scientific projects from working group A and B (B09, B10). An important part of the research will therefore be fieldwork in different places with the different cultural groups (“multisited ethnography, see Marcus 1998). This method will be applied to gain a basic overview over the social and cultural situation in each of the chosen research sites. It will include open and semi-structured interviews as the main tools to identify key factors of cultural significance and use of forest and its transformation systems. Aspects of these interviews will then be further explored by using structured interviews. In order to obtain the necessary quantity and depth of data we will, in a second step, cooperate with research assistants (junior Indonesian scholars). Each of them will conduct the field research in one of the research sites chosen and each will work with a selected range of identical research question. The data obtained in these different sites will then serve as the basis for the comparison. For this reason, the data will be fed into a data base program (atlas. ti) to make them easily available for each of the researchers. Regular meetings will be held to discuss the intermediary results and to adapt the research questions if necessary. Analysis of discourses on forest use and forest transformation on different levels (local, national, global) will be another important research tool to analyze the meaning of forest transformation systems in different contexts. 312 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 NAMA PENELITI ASING: (L.3.a) Stefanie Steinebach Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Langen, 17 - 02 - 1972 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Scientific Coordinator Institusi : University of Gottingen Email :ssteine@gwdg.de Alamat : Auf dem Klim 1337434 Krebeck / Renshausen, Germany (L.4) The Way of Peatland Afforestation in Central Kalimantan Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti faktor-faktor penghijauan sosial yang Bidang Penelitian : Kehutanan Lama Penelitian : 6 bulan mulai 9 Maret2012 Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Tengah (Ds. Taruna Jaya) Mitra Kerja : IPB - Prof. Dr. Ir. Cecep Kusmana, MS. mengganggu proses Abstract Tropical forests which work as source of carbon sink have been decreasing quickly. As a result, huge amount of green house gas has been released to the atmosphere. Tropical peat swamp forest is one of tropical forests that contains huge amount of carbon, as it stands on peat soil which consists of accumulated organic matter under unaerobic condition. During the three decades, tropical peat swamp forests has experienced development and triggered serious environmental problems from local to global scale. Development of tropical peat lands begin with cutting trees and digging a canal for transportation of logged trees, in general. Clear cut forests are drained with further digging of deeper canal to develop peatland into arable farmland. Such digging of canal makes peat vulnerable to fire and leads to serious environmental problems such as emission of Green House Gas, loss of vegetation and peat subsidence through fire. As a result of such development peatlands have turned into barren field. Then, abandoned field have been spreading. Recently, several attempts have been implemented to rehabilitate and afforestate these barren fields. However, most of attempts have resulted in failure. On the one handtechnical Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 313 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA factors such as survival rate, species selection of seedling and timing of planting can be counted as important reason for the failure. On the other hand, social background is more critical factors for the failures. For example, there has been an afforestation system called BLTS (Buying Living Tree System) which performed by local and foreign researchers In BLTS, supporting staffs check trees every three months after planting and wages for keeping the trees according to the proportion of surviving trees. This system has seemed to going well at the initial stage. However, some problems have happen such as neglecting the seedling and burning of the site after the financial support would be finished. As a result afforestation has failed. In such situation, the problems are not lying on technical matters, and afforestation is possible. For example, at the initial stage of planting local people maintain their land after planting as long as they get wages. But when it comes to the next stage that they cannot earn wages, they hardly maintain planted trees. As a result such fields become vulnerable to fire, and finally would be burnt and all of the planted tree would die. It seems that the social factor is more important than technical factor as a factor that disturbs afforestation of the site. However, examination about social factors which disturbs afforestation of arable land have not been well understood. Here objective of the study is to determinesocial factor that disturb afforestation. For the objective I focus on livelihood, land use and its management of local people to clarify the relationships between local people and environments.Method Research site is Taruna Jaya village in Central Kalimantan. The observation period is between February, 2012 and July, 2012. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (L.4.a) Kayako Hirao Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Nagasaki, 06-09-1988 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Master Student Institusi : Laboratory of Forest Resources Biology, Ehime University Email: Alamat : (L.5) Development and Dynamics of Rainforest and Rainforest Transformations in Sumatra During Prehistoric and Historic Times Tujuan Penelitian Bidang Penelitian Lama Penelitian Daerah Penelitian Mitra Kerja 314 : Merekonstruksi transformasi hutan dataran rendah dan hutan hujan dalam ruang dan waktu : Kehutanan : 6 bulan mulai 5 November2012 : Jambi (TN Bukit Dua Belas dan Hutan Harapan) : IPB (Prof. Supiandi Sabihan) dan Universitas Jambi (Yudi Achnopha, M.Si.) Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Abstract Research Objectives The main goal of this subproject is to make available facts and knowledge on tropical lowland rainforest and rainforest transformations during prehistoric and historic times from different local sites to landscape level in the study region of the CRC in central Sumatra. Specific research goals are to study: • Vegetation/pollen rain relationship in different vegetation types (tropical lowland forest to rainforest transformation systems), • Reconstruction of lowland rainforest and rainforest transformation systems in space and time, past plant diversity dynamics in natural and rainforest transformation systems, response of disturbed and undisturbed rainforests to climate variability (droughts, ENSO),past human impact (Since when? How intensive?) by shifting cultivation, slash and burn, crop cultivation, rubber and palm plantation, impact and role of fire. Hypotheses to be tested: • • • • • HI: Rainforest transformation systems are the outcome of a complex interplay between pastenvironmental and human impacts, where anthropogenic impacts play the major. H2: Prehistoric lowland rainforest transformations had a much lower impact on Sumatra’slowland rainforest ecosystems and its biodiversity than different historic/ colonial rainforesttransformations. H3: Tropical lowland rainforest landscapes allow limited transformations over time withoutlosing plant diversity and sustainable ecosystem processes and functioning. H4: Past drought events (El Nino) and their consequences (e.g. fires) had markedly strongereffects on transformed rainforest ecosystems than on natural or little disturbed rainforests. H5: On local scale, past tropical lowland rainforest transformation systems are different at the studied sites due to impacts by different ethnic and culture groups. H6: On regional scale, general similar pattern of lowland rainforest developments and dynamics occurred due to past environmental impacts. Research location The research will implemented in Jambi Province in Sumatra, with the fastest and most complete transformation of tropical lowland rainforest. We focus on tropical lowland rainforests as these are experiencing the strongest losses worldwide (Achard et al. 2002). In particular, the massive transformation of lowland rainforest into oil palm plantations has been identified as a major threat for biodiversity and a potential driver of climate change (Danielsen et al. 2009, Giam et al. 2010, Wilcove and Koh 2010). Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 315 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Two landscapes within Jambi Province have been chosen for the CRC research comprising large units of lowland rainforest: National Park Bukit Duabelas and Harapan Rainforest. The transformation systems to be investigated include lowland rainforest as reference sites, jungle rubber (extensive rubber plantations), and intensive rubber and oil palm plantations. Lowland rainforest reference sites represent old-growth forest but have been subject to logging. Large sites of untouched natural rainforest are no longer existing in Jambi province, but the lowland rainforest reference sites selected represent large rainforest regions in a close to natural state. Jungle rubber represents an extensive management system which is established by planting rubber trees into rainforest. Its implementation dates back into the early 20,h century but still covers large areas of Jambi. In each of the two landscapes (comprising blocks in a randomized complete block design), four replicates of each of (he four transformation systems (including the lowland rainforest as reference) will be investigated. These 32 sites will constitute the core sites; covering these core sites is mandatory for all CRC scientific projects (SPs) that collect micro level data. In addition to investigating established transformation systems, a reforestation experiment will be established near Harapan Rainforest landscape. The experiment aims at investigating principal questions of how to establish sustainable forest management systems, optimizing both conservation needs and socioeconomic benefits. Apart from the work on these sites and on the reforestation experiment, socioeconomic surveys will be undertaken in the same sites, but also including a broader area in Jambi Province to be able to capture institutional heterogeneity, which is important for comprehensive understanding of socioeconomic causes and consequences of land use changes. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (L.5.a) Siria Biagioni Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Roma, 07 - 12 - 1982 Warga Negara : Italia Jabatan : PhD Student Institusi : University of Gottingen Email: Alamat : (L.6) Wood quality of plantation species and secondary forest species Tujuan Penelitian : Menguji karakteristik kayu dari pohon-pohon yang berada dalam areal perkebunan dan hutan sekunder hasil budidaya untuk melihat efektivitas penggunaan sumberdaya perkebunan untuk masyarakat lokal Bidang Penelitian : Kehutanan 316 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Lama Penelitian : 12 bulan mulai 27 Agustus2012 Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Tengah (Camp KM 35 di PT Saru Bumi Kusuma, Kab. Seruyan, Kab. Katingan) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Kehutanan IPB (Prof. I. Wahyudi) Abstract The objectives of this study is to examine the wood properties of trees in plantation and secondary forest created by the shifting cultivation to find out the effective utilization of plant resources for local peoples. Experimental site is located in Central Kalimantan Concession of Sari Bumi Kusuma (Kabupaten Seruyan and Kabupaten Katingan, Central Kalimantan). Plot (ca. 20 by 20 m) is set in the plantation or secondary forest naturally regenerated after shifting cultivation. Diameter at 1.3 m above the ground level, tree height, and stress-wave velocity are measured for all trees in the plot. Stress-wave velocity is measured by using a commercial, handheld stress wave timer. In addition, core sample (5 mm in diameter) is collected from several trees for determining the moisture content, basic density, and compressive strength parallel to grain by increment borer. Moisture content and basic density are determined by oven drying method and water displacement method, respectively. Compressive strength is measured by a strength-testing machine for core samples. Furthermore, core sample is also collected for determining the cell morphology. For determining the radial variation of cell morphology, core samplcsare cut at every 1-cm interval from pith to bark. Transverse sections (20 umin thickness) are obtained from each I-cm segment with a sliding microtome. The sections are stained with safranin and then dehydrated and mounted in biolite. Digital images of transverse sections are captured into a personal computer and analyze with I mage J software (National Institute of Health). The tangential and radial diameters are determined of 30 vessels and fibers in each 1-cm segment, and average. The double wall thickness of 30 fiber cells is measured, and one half of the double wall thickness is defined as the fiber wall thickness. Five digital images of each 1 cm segment are taken for measuring vessel frequency. Vessel frequency (vessels/mm2) is determined in 5 digital images of 2.5 sq.mm each. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (L.6.a) Futoshi Ishiguri Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Saitama, 31-12-1973 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Associate Professor Institusi : Faculty of Agriculture, Utsunomiya University Email: Alamat : Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 317 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (L.7) Water use characteristics of bamboo Tujuan Penelitian Bidang Penelitian Lama Penelitian Daerah Penelitian Mitra Kerja : : : : : Mengkaji karakteristik penggunaan air pada bambu. Kehutanan 12 (duabelas) bulan mulai 6 November 2012 Jawa Timur dan Jawa Barat (Kampus IPB Bogor) IPB (Dr. Hendrayanto) Abstract Bamboos (Poaceae) are widespread in tropical and subtropical forests. Particularly in Asia, bamboos are cultivated by smallholders and increasingly in large plantations. In contrast to trees, reliable assessments of water use characteristics for bamboo are very scarce. Recently we tested a set of methods for assessing bamboo water use and obtained first results. Objectives of the proposed project are (1) to further test and develop the methods, (2) to compare the water use of different bamboo species, (3) to analyze the water use to bamboo size relationship across species, and (4) to assess effects of bamboo culm density on the stand-level transpiration. The study shall be conducted in Java (Indonesia) where bamboos are very abundant. It is planned to work in a common garden (method testing, species comparison, water use to size relationship), and on farm (effects of culm density). Method testing will include a variety of approaches (thermal dissipation probes, stem heat balance, deuterium tracing and gravimetry), whereas subsequent steps will be based on thermal methods. The results may contribute to an improved understanding of bamboo water use characteristics and a more appropriate management of bamboo with respect to water resources. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (L.7.a) Tingting Mei Tempat dan tanggal lahir Warga Negara Jabatan Institusi Email Alamat 318 : : : : : : Guangdong, 10-08-1984 RRC Ph.D. Student Georg-August-University Gottingen ttmei84@126.com Waldbau und Waldoekologie der Tropen Burckhart-Institut Georg-August, Universitaete, Germany Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (L.8) IDDRI Research Project for on a RUPES Site, Indonesia, in Parnership with the World Agro, (ICRAF), South East Asia Regional Office, Bogor Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji proyek masyarakat Hulu pengembangan jasa lingkungan bagi Bidang Penelitian : Kehutanan Lama Penelitian : 5(lima) bulan mulai 3 Desember 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Banten (Kab. Serang dan Kab. Pandeglang, Banten)) Mitra Kerja : Puslitbang Konservasi Alam - Balitbang Kehutanan (Dr. Tata Hesti Lestari) Abstract The research project aims at uncovering the rationale for, and local impacts of, the implementation of market-based instruments for biodiversity conservation, including payment for environment services (PES) and payments for watershed services (PWS) schemes in Indonesia. Building on work carried by ICRAF on RUPES pilot sites, the project’s objective is to administer household surveys at the local level to assess success and challenge of a watershed protection scheme in Cidanau, Banten region, whereby a private water company pays farmers, through an intermediary forum, to rehabilitate forest in uplands so that water flow and quality is improved over the coming years. On order to analyse this scheme the research project Research questions: In order to analyse such scheme, the project wants to focus on following questions: nature of the instrument and governance, actors’ motivations, land-use changes, and finally livelihood impacts. Site: Cidanau has been identified as a priority for research in Indonesia, due to previous visits and the advanced stage of implementation on the ground. Timeline: Field research in Cidanau will take place over a minimum of one month by the end of the year 2012 (over the period November-December). Human resources: IDDRI will provide two senior researchers to assist in and undertake research design, data collection and analysis: Romain Pirard and Renaud Lapeyre. The team will be assisted by scientific staff and students from the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF). Methodological Approach: Data collection will be done with 5 enumerators through household surveys clustered at the kelompok (participating group) level, building on the experience of R. Lapeyre on household surveys (in large-scale survey exercise in Kenya) and experience of R. Pirard in Indonesia. The survey instrument will include a socio-economic Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 319 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA module, a module on land-use patterns, a module on motivations and participation and finally a module on socio-economic impacts of the scheme at the family level. Sample: 200-250 households will be interviewed on their experience with the watershed scheme. Around 150-200 households participating in the scheme will be interviewed with the 5 farmers’ groups (around 3à-40 participant households per kelompok) while around 50 nonparticipating households will beinterviewed (approx. 10-12 non participant households per village visited) Subjects Ethics: consent will be formally asked to respondents and anonymity will be secured. All identification information will be recorded on a separate page linked only with generated ID numbers) and entered separately. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (L.8.a) Renaud Lapeyre Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Paris, 07 - 01 - 1979 Warga Negara : Perancis Jabatan : Research Fellow Institusi : Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI) Email : renaud.lapeyre@iddri.org Alamat : 41 rue du four, 75006 Paris, France (L.8.b) Romain Pirard Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Meudon, 13 -3 - 1974 Warga Negara : Perancis Jabatan : Research Fellow Institusi : Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI) Email : romain.pirard@iddri.org Alamat : 41 rue du four, 75006 Paris, France 320 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (L.9) Structure and Functioning of Decomposer system in Lowland Rainforest ForestTransformation Systems Tujuan Penelitian : Menganalisis mikroorganisme dan dekomposisi hutan Bidang Penelitian : Kehutanan & Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 12 bulan mulai 18 Juni2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (TN Bukit Dua Belas dan Hutan Harapan) Mitra Kerja : Dr. Rahayu Widyastuti - IPB - Dr. Rahayu Widyastut; Universitas Jambi - Ir. Margaretha, M.Si Abstract Research Objectives As knowledge on the decomposer system in tropical lowland rainforests and its transformation systems is very limited the proposed project focuses on answering general questions on the structure and functioning of the belowground food web focusing on microorganisms and major microbial consumers.Investigation focusing on the analyses of microorganisms and testate amoebae (protists) (WP 1, WP 2) and litter decomposition (WP 3) Work packages (WPs): • WP1: Soil fauna as affected by transformation of lowland rainforest • WP2: Decomposition processes in lowland rainforest transformation systems asaffected by top-down forces • WP3: Bottom-up and top-down forces as driving factors for the soil micro- andmesofauna • WP4: The role of roots and mycorrhizal fungi for the detritivore food web Methodology and concept Testate amoebae will be investigated by washing the samples from the litter and upper soil layers (F/H and/or Ah) over the filters, staining and direct counting. Measuring biomass and community composition of soil microorganisms will be based on a combination of methods, including substrate-induced respiration, and ergosterol and phospholipid fatty acid analysis (PLFA). These methods complement each other and allow a reliable estimate of microbial biomass and the relative contribution of bacteria and fungi to microorganisms in litter and soil. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 321 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA As representatives of the bacterial and fungal food chains we will focus on testate amoebae (“Testacea”) which will be analysed at high taxonomic resolution (species level), microfauna will be assigned to trophic groups and the size will be measured to allow integration into food web models. WP1: Soil fauna as affected by transformation of lowland rainforest. Lowland rainforest, jungle rubber, rubber and palm oil plantations (Harapan Rainforest, Taman Nasional Bukit Duabelas). From each of three subplots of the 32 core plots soil cores will be taken for analysis of soil microflora (three 5 cm soil cores bulked to one soil sample), and extraction of soil mesofauna (5 cm diameter cores). WP2: Decomposition processes in lowland rainforest transformation systems as affected by top-down forces. In each of the 32 plots of the core sites litterbags will be exposed to investigate changes in litter decomposition with forest transformation. Representative leaf and root litter material from each of the four transformation systems will be analysed. The litter material will be collected from the transformation systems and incubated in litterbags of a mesh size of 4 mm to allow access of soil fauna. Litterbags will be exposed in subplots excluding the access by cursorial predators, in particular ants, NAMA PENELITI ASING: (L.9.a) Valentyna Ivanivna Krashevska Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Zhovis Vaody, 07 - 10 - 1981 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Post Doctoral Researcher Institusi : University of Gottingen Email: Alamat : (L.10) Impact of Rainforest Transformation on Phylogenetic and Functional Diversity of Soil Prokaryotic Communities in Sumatra (Indonesia) Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji perubahan Prokaryotik tanah yang berkaitan dengan ttransformasi hutan hujan tropik menjadi perkebunan Bidang Penelitian : Kehutanan Lama Penelitian : 5 bulan mulai 18 September2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (TN Bukit Dua Belas dan Hutan Harapan) Mitra Kerja : IPB (Dr. Nisa Rachmania Mubarik) dan Universitas Jambi (Ir. Itang Ahmad Mahbub, M.P) 322 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Abstract Research Objectives, The project has three major goals, which are addressed in threecorresponding WPs. 1) Investigate changes in soil prokaryotic diversity associated with rainforesttransformation to plantations. 2) Investigate the impact of rainforest transformation to plantations on the overall functional diversity of soil prokaryotic communities. 3) Investigate the effect of rainforest transformation on biogeochemical functions of soil microorganisms (N cycle) In addition, the SP will also follow in WP4 the changes in microbial community composition and function in the course of the joint B11 gap enrichment experiment (mainly in Phase II of the CRC) To achieve these goals, community composition, metabolic potential, and key functions of soil prokaryotic communities will assessed in the transformation systems (jungle rubber, rubber and oil palm plantation) and compared to lowland rainforest by metagenomic and metatranscriptomic approaches. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (L.10.a) Martin Engelhaupt Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Heilingenstadt, 03 - 08 - 1985 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : PhD Student Institusi : University of Gottingen Email: Alamat : (L.11) Structure and Functioning of the Decomposer system in Lowland Rainforest Transformation Systems Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti keanekaragaman species dan kelimpahan comunitas invertebrata makroi Bidang Penelitian : Kehutanan & Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 12(dua belas) bulan mulai 6 September 2012 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 323 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (TN Bukit Dua Belas dan Hutan Harapan) Mitra Kerja : IPB (Dr. Rahayu Widyastuti) dan Universitas Jambi (Ir. Margaretha, M.Si.) Abstract As knowledge on the decomposer system in tropical lowland rainforests and itstransformation systems is very limited project focuses on answering general questions on thestructure and functioning of the belowground food web focusing on microorganisms andmajor microbial consumers. The project has four major goals which will be investigated infour work packages (WPs): • WP1: Soil fauna as affected by transformation of lowland rainforest • WP2: Decomposition processes in lowland rainforest transformation systems as affected bytop-down forces • WP3: Bottom-up and top-down forces as driving factors for the soil micro- and mesofauna • WP4: The role of roots and mycorrhizal fungi for the detritivore food web Methodology and concept Soil animals will be extracted by heat using modified Kempson-extractors. Oribatid mites (Oribatida) will be analysed at high taxonomic resolution (species level). Collembola will also be analysed at high taxonomic resolution in close collaboration with Dr. Y.R. Suhardjono. With lower taxonomic resolution other soil animal taxa extracted by heat will be investigated in a comprehensive way in close collaboration Dr. R. Widyastuti, including Collembola, Gamasida, Isopoda, Diplopoda, Chilopoda, Araneida. Animals will be assigned to trophic groups and the size will be measured to allow integration into food web models of B1 Brose. For the analysis of bacteria and fungi we will investigate microbial respiration (02 microcompensation technique), microbial biomass as measured by substrate-induced respiration (SIR) and microbial community composition as indicated by PLFA in the litter and upper soil layers (F/H and/or Ah). Complementary analysis of microbial biomass by fumigation extraction will be done by our counterpart Dr. R. Widyastuti. The structure of the soil animal food web will be investigated by analysing natural variations in stable isotope ratios (15N/MN and 13C/12C). Decomposition of litter materials will be investigated by using litter bags. The role of roots and mycorrhizal fungi for litter decomposition, saprotrophic microorganisms and the nutrition of decomposer soil invertebrates will be investigated in a field microcosm experiment. Microcosms (diameter 15 cm, length 20 cm) selectively excluding plant roots and mycorrhizal fungi will be installed at one of the Harapan lowland rainforest sites. 324 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 NAMA PENELITI ASING: (L.11.a) Bernhard Klarner Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Schwerte, 19 - 03 - 1980 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Institusi : University of Gottingen Email : bklarne@gwdg.de Alamat : Böttingerstr. 1 37073, Gottingen DE, Germany (L.12) Central Scientific Support Unit Tujuan Penelitian : Mengumpulkan data dengan latar belakang flora, fauna, dan iklim untuk mendukung proyek penelitian secara umum Bidang Penelitian : Kehutanan/ Sosial- Ekonomi Lama Penelitian : 10 bulan mulai 18 Juni 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (TN Bukit Dua Belas dan Hutan Harapan) Mitra Kerja : IPB (Iskandar Z. Siregar ) dan Universitas Jambi (Dr. Bambang Irawan, M.Sc Abstract The success of the international and interdisciplinary research of the proposed Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) depends to a significant degree on efficient project support. There will be a very high demand for support of scientific projects with respect to the organization and collection of background data on flora, fauna and climate, and this will be met by the Central scientific support unit. The project will focus on four major topics: (1) Collection of essential climate data at each of the core sites and four reference sites including temperature and moisture at different levels above and below the ground. (2) Establishment of a barcoding system for vascular plants of the study sites to support species identification and to assign fine roots to species. (3) Support to the determination of arthropod species and implementing the sampling, determination and monitoring of tree arthropod communities. (4) Functioning as focal point and interface for collaboration withcollections in Indonesia, in particular the Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI), and museums all over the world. Support will be provided with regard to issues on the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) ensuring that CRC scientists are familiar with the principles of the CBD including the Access and Benefit Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 325 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Sharing system, and conduct their research accordingly. In a program focusing on investigating the diversity of highly diverse taxa in a tropical rainforest region, support in biodiversity issues is mandatory to ensure that the expected high diversity of animals, plants and microorganisms receive adequate attention, are stored and archived properly, and are handled conforming to Indonesian and international regulations. The Central scientific support unit is expected to form a long term focus on biodiversity monitoring of tropical regions and to ensure that collections and results of the CRC are saved for future use. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (L.12.a) Jochen Drescher Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Koln, 05 - 11 - 1978 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Researcher Institusi : University of Gottingen Email: Alamat : (L.13) Identification of forest use patterns and their associations with rural livelihoods: a case study from Gunung Palung National Park in West Kalimantan Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji pola pemanfaatan hutan dalam kaitannya dengan kehidupan masyarakat lokal Bidang Penelitian : Kehutanan/ Sosio-Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 2(dua) bulan mulai 22 Juli 2012 Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta, Jawa Barat (Bogor), Kalimantan Barat (Ketapang, Kayong Utara, TN Gunung Palung) Mitra Kerja : Prof. Dr. Lilik Budi Prasetyo, M.Sc. – Dept. Konservasi Sumberdaya Hutan dan Ekowisata, IPB Abstract Deforestation is continuingall over the world.Southeast Asia has gone through a large decline in forest areain the last ten years, with an annual net loss of forests of more than 0.9 million hectares. Particularly in Indonesia, where there is mega biodiversity with extensive forest area, However, tropical forests have been decreasing with the second highest deforestation ratio following Brazil. 326 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 The establishment of protected areas is one of the effective methods for conserving forests and biodiversity. In Indonesia, a national park has been one of the most important measures for nature conservation (Soekmadi, 2002). Designation of national parks and other categories of protected areas have been accelerated in recent years, and around 50 national parks have been established by 2006. However, simple establishment of national parks alone may not be sufficiently effective. In Indonesia, it is common that there are various ‘illegal’ activities, either subsistence or commercial, by local people nearby the established parks. With the recognition that simple exclusion of such people would be neither possible nor effective, several buffer zone programs have been promoted, to cope with local people’s pressures and mitigate illegal logging activities. Yet, few effective results have been reported. It would be a first step to collect more information on rural livelihoods. From this viewpoint, firstly, we will marshal the kinds of forest use patterns inside a national park in terms of the levels of pressures on forest resources; i.e. agroforestry such as durian gardens, rubber plantations, or shifting cultivation. Secondly, characteristics of households associated with each kind of forest use pattern will be confirmed. With this information, more precise targeting of program beneficiaries would be possible, which would result in better outcomes of buffer zone or other protected areas-related programs. Study Site In our study, we focus on GunungPaiung National Park (GPNP) in West Kalimantan thatcontains globally significantecosystems in terms of biodiversity conservation.GPNP is located in Ketapang District and Kayong Utara District with anapproximate area of 90,000 ha and maximum elevation of 1,116m (Fig 1). Thisregioncontains seven types of tropical rainforest ecosystems: sub-alpine rain forest, mountain rain forest, lowland rain forest, alluvial forest, moss forest, swamp forest, mangrove forest and rheofite vegetation. In addition, the national park is famous for endemic habitat of orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus), with estimated population density of 3.0 individuals/km2, totally 2,470 individuals. Proboscis monkey (Nasalislarvatus) is also distributed with high density. However, illegal logging has been serious throughout the national park, particularly since 1999, and 50,400ha had beendeforested in mid-2003. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 327 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NAMA PENELITI ASING: (L.13.a) Shota Yanagisawa Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Saitama, 13-05-1989 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Master Student Institusi : University of Tsukuba Email :mainayana@gmail.com Alamat : Bonurucourt#101,4-23-1 Kasuga Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8521, Japan (L.13.b) Haruki Maejima Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Aichi, 02-06-1989 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Master Student Institusi : University of Tsukuba Email :ruta2681@gmail.com Alamat : Roiyaru Haitsu Fujimidai#103 49-3 Toyoshiki,Kashiwa, Chiba 277-0863Japan (L.14) How Value Chain Actors Across Materially Different Non-timber Forest Resources Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti hubungan antar pelaku dalam jaringan sosial produksi sumber daya kehutanan dan bagaimana mereka memperoleh akses dan manfaat dari sumber daya kehutanan di sekitar TN Lore Lindu Bidang Penelitian : Kehutanan Lama Penelitian : 12bulan mulai 13 Desember 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Sulteng Kab Donggala dan Kab. Poso (daerah perbatasan TN Lore Lindu) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Kehutanan Untad (Dr. Ir. Hamzari Palaguna, M.Sc.) 328 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Abstract To conduct and analyse field research at multiple subnational levels to understand land use decisions and benefit sharing mechanisms in a multilevel governance context and in relation to REDD+ in Indonesia; to participate in collaborative comparative research and analysis in coordination with other researchers in Indonesia and elsewhere. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (L.14.a) Roderick Douglas Myers Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Halifax, 07 - 07 - 1976 Warga Negara : Kanada Jabatan : PhD Student Institusi : University of East Anglia Email :r.myers@cgiar.org Alamat : JL TUKAD BADUNG XIX BLOK C NO 28, DENPASAR, BALIINDONESIA Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 329 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Bidang riset Kelautan dan Perikanan banyak dilakukan oleh peneliti asing karena luasnya wilayah perairan Indonesia dan karakteristiknya yang perlu difahami karena keterkaitannya dengan iklim, terumbu karang, lingkungan, biodiversitas ikan dan manajemen perikanan. Secara total terdapat 11 project penelitian dan 27 peneliti asing. (M.1) The Java Upwelling Variations Observation Tujuan Penelitian : Mengukur besaran dan variabilitas pertukaran massa air, suhu, salinitas, dan arus panas di Samudera Hindia dan Laut Cina Selatan Bidang Penelitian : Oseanografi Lama Penelitian : 14(empat belas) hari mulai 15Februari 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Perairan laut selatan P. Jawa Mitra Kerja : Dr. Agus Setyawan -Pusat Pengkajian dan Perekayasaan Teknologi, Balitbang KP. Abstract The Java Upwelling Variations Observation (JUVO) is a collaboration program between the Agency for Marine and Fisheries Research and Development (AMFRD) Indonesia and the First Institute of Oceanography (FIO) China. Through this program, a subsurface ADCP mooring system and a surface buoy system part of Indian Ocean Observing System (IndOOS) will be deployed at location (8°30’S, 106°45’E) and (8°S, 100°E), respectively, to provide long-term monitoring of the upwelling variations off the coast of Java. It was suggested that the Java upwelling variations has an important role to the IndianOcean Dipole (IOD). This phenomenon could cause a strong SST cooling in southeasterntropical Indian Ocean (TIO) in some years and it further develops into the significant IODevents that have profound climate and social-economical impacts on both the Indian OceanI nearby countries and remote areas through atmospheric teleconnection. Objectives • 330 To measure the variability of Java upwelling by deploying a subsurface mooring system consisting of an ADCP and some CTDs at different levels to have the velocity profile of the upper layer and below surface temperature/salinity variations. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA • 2012 To determine the impacts of Java upwelling on the upper ocean heat budget, SST variations and its role in the development of IOD by deploying a surface buoy system with surface Meteorological sensors and subsurface oceanic sensors down to 700m depth. Cruise Outline • Service the subsurface mooring system at the location (8°30’S, 106°45’E), including the recovery and the new deployment; • Service the surface buoy system at the location (8°S, 100°E), including the recovery and the new deployment; • Carry out the CTD casts to measure temperature and salinity profile at some specified stations along the cruise track. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (M.1.a) Weidong Yu Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Shandong, 22 – 10 – 1970 Warga Negara : Republik Rakyat China Jabatan : Research Professor Institusi : The First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration Email: Alamat : 6 Road Xian-Xia-Ling, Qingdao 266061, P.R. China (M.1.b) Liang Xue Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Shandong, 01-10-1981 Warga Negara : Republik Rakyat China Jabatan : Assistant Researcher Institusi : The First Institute of Oceanography (FIO), State Oceanic Administration (SOA) Email : xueliang@fio.org.cn Alamat : 6 Road Xian-Xia-Ling, Qingdao 266061, P.R. China (M.1.c) Huiwu Wang Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Shandong, 30-07-1972 Warga Negara : Republik Rakyat China Jabatan : Researcher Institusi : The First Institute of Oceanography Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 331 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Email : why@fio.org.cn Alamat : 6 Road Xian-Xia-Ling, Qingdao 266061, P.R. China (M.1.d) Chunlin Ning Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Shandong, 14-05-1977 Warga Negara : Republik Rakyat China Jabatan : Researcher Institusi : The First Institute of Oceanography Email : clning@fio.org.cn Alamat : 6 Road Xian-Xia-Ling, Qingdao 266061, P.R. China (M.1.e) Yanliang Liu Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Shandong, 28-02-1982 Warga Negara : Republik Rakyat China Jabatan : Researcher Institusi : The First Institute of Oceanography Email : liuyl@fio.org.cn Alamat : 6 Road Xian-Xia-Ling, Qingdao 266061, P.R. China (M.1.f) Jianjun Liu Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Shandong, 10-09-1962 Warga Negara : Republik Rakyat China Jabatan : Researcher Institusi : The First Institute of Oceanography (FIO), State Oceanic Administration (SOA) Email: Alamat 332 : 6 Road Xian-Xia-Ling, Qingdao 266061, P.R. China Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (M.2) Penelitian Pulau-pulau Kecil - China-Indonesia Ecological Station Establishment and Marine Biodiversity Survey in North Sulawesi Sea and Bintan Island - Riau Archipelago Tujuan Penelitian :Melakukan penilaian dan perbandingan tentang kesamaan dan perbedaandari biodiversitas laut di Perairan Sulawesi Utara dan Perairan Selatan Cina,serta kesamaan dan perbedaan dalam pengelolaan pulau-pulau kecil diIndonesia dan di Cina, dengan studi kasus Pulau Bintan dan Pulau XiamenBidang Penelitian Lama Penelitian Daerah Penelitian Mitra Kerja Bidang Penelitian : Oseanografi Lama Penelitian : 2 bulan mulai 4 Juni2012 Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Utara (Bitung), Kep.Riau (P. Bintan) Mitra Kerja : Dr. Dirhamsyah, MA - Puslit Oseanografi LIPI Abstrak Usulan penelitian pengeiolaan pulau-pulau kecil ini adalah program pendamping (counter program) dari Puslit Oseanografi-LIPI (P20-LIPI) dari program kerjasama penelitian China-Indonesia Ecological Station Establishment and Marine Biodiversity Survey in North Sulawesi Sea and Bintan Island - Riau Archipelago antara P20-LIPI dengan Third Institute of Oceanography -State Oceanic Administration (TIO-SOA). Fokus dari kerjasama penelitian ini adalah penilaian dan perbandingan tentang kesamaan dan perbedaan dari biodiversitas laut di Perairan Sulawesi Utara dan Perairan Selatan China, serta kesamaan dan perbedaan dalam pengeiolaan pulau-pulau kecil di Indonesia dan di China, dengan studi kasus Pulau Bintan dan Pulau Xiamen. Tujuan dari kerjasama penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan kedua belah pihak dalam pelaksanaan riset dan pengeiolaan biodiversitas laut dan pengeiolaan pulau-pulau kecil yang pada akhir hasil penelitian ini dapat dimanfaatkan bersama untuk kepentingan konservasi biodiversitas laut dan pemanfaatan pulau-pulau kecil secara bijaksana. Kerjasama penelitian ini direncanakan akan berlangsung selama 4 tahun dimulai sejak tahun 2012 sampai dengan tahun 2015. Kata kunci: biodiversitas laut, pulau-pulau kecil, konservasi dan pengelolaan Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 333 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NAMA PENELITI ASING: (M.2.a) Chen Bin Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Fujian, 10-09-1970 Warga Negara : RRC Jabatan : Director Institusi : Marine Biology and Ecology Dept., Third Institute of Oceanography (TIO Email: Alamat : No. 178, Daxua Road, Post Code 361005, RRC (M.2.b) Chen Guangcheng Tempat dan tanggal lahir Warga Negara Jabatan Institusi : : : : Fujian, 23-08-1982 RRC Research Scientist Marine Biology and Ecology Dept., Third Institute of Oceanography (TIO) Email: Alamat : (M.2.c) Lin Junhui Tempat dan tanggal lahir Warga Negara Jabatan Institusi : : : : Fujian, 09-10-1979 RRC Research Assistant Marine Biology and Ecology Dept., Third Institute of Oceanography (TIO) Email: Alamat : (M.2.d) Niu Wentao Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Shandong, 06-09-1979 Warga Negara : RRC Jabatan : Assistant Professor Institusi : Marine Biology and Ecology Dept., Third Institute of Oceanography (TIO) 334 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Email: Alamat : (M.2.e) Tang Senming Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Fujian, 02-07-1949 Warga Negara : RRC Jabatan : Professor Institusi : Marine Biology and Ecology Dept., Third Institute of Oceanography (TIO) Email: Alamat : (M.2.f) Xiang Peng Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Fujian, 30-12-1978 Warga Negara : RRC Jabatan : Assistant Professor Institusi : Marine Biology and Ecology Dept., Third Institute of Oceanography (TIO) Email: Alamat : (M.2.g) Huang Hao Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Hebei, 20-11-1981 Warga Negara : RRC Jabatan : Associate Professor Institusi : Marine Biology and Ecology Dept., Third Institute of Oceanography (TIO) Email: Alamat : (M.2.h) Ma Zhiyan Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Hebei, 20-11-1981 Warga Negara : RRC Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 335 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Jabatan : Research Assistant Institusi : Marine Biology and Ecology Dept., Third Institute of Oceanography (TIO) Email: Alamat : (M.2.i) Zheng Senlin Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Fujian, 09-11-1975 Warga Negara : RRC Jabatan : Director Institusi : Marine Biology and Ecology Dept., Third Institute of Oceanography (TIO) Email: Alamat : (M.3) Investigation of the role of habitat quality as the reason for populationspecific differences in tolerance towards abiotic stress in the Asian green mussel (Perna viridis) Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti adaptasi genetis, faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi habitat dan ketersediaan makanan sebagai mekanisme utama yang mempengaruhi toleransi stess pada “Perna viridis” Bidang Penelitian : Perikanan & Ekonomi Lama Penelitian : 12(dua belas) bulan mulai 15 Juli 2012 Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta (Teluk Jakarta), Banten (Selat Sunda), Ambon (Wakasihu, Laut Banda, Lateri, Teluk Ambon, Laut Banda) Mitra Kerja : Dr. Neviaty P. Zamani, MSc. – Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan IPB Abstract The Asian green mussel, Perna viridis, is an ecologically and economically important bivalve species in Indonesia. In attaches to hard substrates and densely inhabits eutrophic habitats. This characteristic is discussed to be mainly due to its ability to withstand environmental stressors common in anthropogenic influenced habitats. However, differences between P. viridis populations in their ability to resist abiotic stress have been observed. This PhD project is to elucidate, the role habitat quality plays in the development of higher stress resistance 336 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 among certain populations of the mussels. Aim is to distinguish between genetic adaptation, acclimation to habitat factors and food availability as the main mechanisms leading to high stress tolerance in P. viridis. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (M.3.a) Mareike Huhn Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Mainz, 13-06-1984 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Institusi : Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (GEOMAR) Email :mhuhn@daad-alumni.de Alamat : Schulstraβe 345739 Oer-Erkenschwick, Germany (M.4) Vegetation, climate, fire dynamics and human impacts in Java and southern Kalimantan inferred from pollen, spore and charcoal deposits in the Java Sea during the Late Holocene Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari variabilitas vegetasi, iklim Laut Jawa, serta dampak antropogenik dan konsekuensinya Bidang Penelitian : Kelautan Lama Penelitian : 12 bulan mulai 25 September2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Barat (Cirebon), Jawa Tengah (Laguna Segara Anakan) Mitra Kerja : Balitbang KP (Duto Nugroho) Abstract Despite the importance of the Indonesian Archipelago to modern and future global environmental change, little is known about its past. The Java Sea with its terrestrial deposits provide an excellent study area, which can be used as an example region to study the natural environmental (vegetation, climate, fire) variability and the anthropogenic impact (slash and bum, deforestation, Sand use) and its consequences. Innovative temporal high resolution muftiproxy studies (pollen, spores, charcoal) will be applied on the same sediment samples from the Java Sea also used in the “paleoceanographic* (5.1) and “biogeddtemicaT (5.2) subprojects to reconstruct past environmental changes as an important contribution to the understanding of past, modem and future global changes in respect to the role of the human impact and ecological responses Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 337 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NAMA PENELITI ASING: (M.4.a) Anastasia Poliakova Tempat dan tanggal lahir : USSR. 08-03-1983 Warga Negara : Rusia Jabatan : PhD Student Institusi : Georg-August-University Email: Alamat : (M.5) South China Sea - Indonesian Seas Transport/Exchange (SITE) and Dynamics of Sunda and Lombok Straits Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan pengamatan dinamika laut aliran panas di antara lautan Indonesa dan Laut Cina Selatan di Selat Karimata dengan melakukan pemasangan mooring Bidang Penelitian : Kelautan/ Oseanografi Lama Penelitian : 1 (satu) bulanmulai 5 November 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Perairan selat Sunda dan selat Karimata termasuk selat Gaspar dan selat antara Pulau Karimata dan P. Kalimantan Mitra Kerja : Dr. Aryo Hanggono, Dr. Agus Setyawan dan Mukti Trenggono, M.Si. - Pusat Pengkajian dan Perekayasaan Teknologi Kelautan dan Perikanan, Balitbang KP, KKP Abstract The program SITE outlines an effort to measure the magnitude and variabilityof the water mass transport/exchange, temperature, salinity, and heat flux between theIndonesian Seas and South China Sea (SCS) in the Karimata Strait by deploying aseries of trawl-resistant bottom mounted acoustics current Doppler profiler (TRBMADCP) moorings. The flow through the Karimata Strait is hypothesized to play amajor role in controlling the dynamics of the SCS and Indonesian Seas, and inaffecting the primary Indonesian through flow (ITF) and its impacts on seasonal fishmigration.The field work of the Phase I& llof SITE program has been implementedfrom November 2007 to October 2010. Data obtained in Karimata and Sunda Straitsrevealed that a significant water mass transport, 3.6 Sverdrup (Sv), flowed from theSouth China Sea to the Java Sea in boreal winter and about 1.8 Sverdrup from theJava Sea to the South 338 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 China Sea in boreal summer. This indicates that the KarimataStrait transport can contribute a seasonal variability of more than 5 Sv in the totalIndonesian Through flow (ITF). This result indicates that the Karimata Strait throughflow can greatly impacts the circulation of both the South China Sea and theIndonesian Seas. It has also been found that the current in Sunda Strait has been obvious seasonal variation, which has important impacts on seasonal fish migration. To evaluate the seasonal and inter annual variation of the Karimata and Sundathrough flow there is a need to continue to measure the currents in the Karimata,Gaspar and Sunda Straits, so we will continue to carry out observation in 2012. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (M.5.a) Bin Fan Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Warga Negara : Jabatan : Institusi : Email : Alamat : Shanghai, 23-02-1960 Republik Rakyat Cina Senior Engineer The First Institute of Oceanography fanb@fio.org.cn 6 Xian-Xia-Ling Road, High-Tech Industry Park, Qingdao, 266061, China (M.5.b) Zhan Lian Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Shandong, 26-07-1982 Warga Negara : RRC Jabatan : Assistant Researcher Institusi : The First Institute of Oceanography Email: Alamat : (M.5.c) Shujian Li Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Shandong, 11-11-1979 Warga Negara : RRC Jabatan : Assistant Researcher Institusi : The First Institute of Oceanography Email: Alamat : Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 339 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (M.5.d) Xiaoqing Xu Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Shandong, 09-01-1986 Warga Negara : Republik Rakyat Cina Jabatan : Research Assistant Institusi : The First Institute of Oceanography Email : xuxq@fio.org.cn Alamat : 6 Xian-Xia-Ling Road, High-Tech Industry Park, Qingdao, 266061, China (M.6) Study Project on Coral Reef Restoration using Steel Slag Products in Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan rehabilitasi terumbu karang dengan metode steel slag Bidang Penelitian : Oseanografi Lama Penelitian : 12(dua belas) bulan mulai 13 Februari 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Utara (Perairan Manado). Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Perikanan dan Kelautan, Universitas Sam Ratulangi (Prof. Dr. Laurentius TX Lalamentik, Dr. Kakaskasen Andreas Roeroe), Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Prov. Sulawesi Utara (Ir. Happy TR Korah, M.Si.), Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah Prof. Sulawesi Utara (Noldy Tuerah, Ph.D.), Universitas Negeri Manado (Prof. Dr. Philotheus EA Tuerah, M.Si., DEA) Abstract Terumbu karang dikenal sebagai ekosistem yang mengandung berbagai manfaat sangat besar dan beragam, baik secara ekologi maupun ekonomi. Estimasi jenis manfaat yang terkandung dalam terumbu karang dapat diidentifikasi menjadi dua yaitu manfaat langsung dan manfaat tidak langsung. Manfaat dari terumbu karang yang langsung dapat dimanfaatkan oleh manusia adalah: • sebagai tempat hidup ikan yang banyak dibutuhkan manusia dalam bidangpangan • industri pariwisata yang sangat significant kontribusinya bagi perekonomiandi beberapa daerah dan masyarakat lokal. • penelitian dan pemanfaatan biota perairan lainnya yang terkandung didalamnya. 340 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Sedangkan yang termasuk dalam pemanfaatan tidak langsung adalah sebagai penahan abrasi pantai yang disebabkan gelombang dan ombak laut, serta sebagai sumber keanekaragaman hayati. Kerusakan ekosistem terumbu karang saat ini telah sampai pada kondisi yang sangat memprihatinkan. Dimana beberapa faktor utama yang menyebabkan adalah: “coral bleaching” yang disebabkan oleh perubahan suhu air laut yang yang drastis, ekploitasi sumberdaya perikanan yang berlebihan dan menggunakan metode yang tidak ramah lingkungan, pencemaran dan “run-off. Konservasi dan restorasi ekosistem terumbu karang sudah sangat mendesak dan harus dilaksankan mengingat akan pentingnya ekosistem ini bagi kehidupan manusia. Berbagai penelitian untuk menciptakan teknik yang pas dan efisien telah dikembangkan sampai dengan saat ini oleh beberapa ahli. Jepang menghadapi permasalahan dengan kerusakan ekosistem terumbu karang di Kepulauan Okinawa, yang sangat parah. Usaha-usaha untuk merehabilitasi ekosistem terumbu karang telah dilakukan oleh banyak pihak dan instansi yang terkait “Marine Block” (MB) dan “Coral Settlement Device” (CSD) yang terbuat dari “steel slag”, seperti yang tampak pada gambar 1, telah digunakan sebagai bahanuntuk mengumpulkan benih karangyang akan digunakan untuk rehabilitasi ekosistem terumbu karang melalui transplantasi karang. Ke dua material ini telah diuji coba melalui beberapa penelitian dan didapatkan hasil yang menunjukan akan keunggulannya sebagai tempat hidup bagi benih-benih karang. Kegiatan rehabilitasi terumbu karang dengan menggunakan material dan teknik ini dilaksanakan oleh Kementerian Lingkunganjepangdi Kepulauan Ryukyu. Material dan teknik ini diharapakan akan mampu digunakan dan diterapkan untuk merehabilitasi ekosistem terumbu karang di Indonesia. Tujuan Penelitian Untuk memulihkan ekosistem terumbu karang di perairan Sulawesi Utara yang rusakyang diakibatkan oleh “coral bleaching”, penangkapan ikan ddengan menggunakan teknik yang tidak ramah lingkungan serta pemangsaan oleh “Acantaster”, restorasi dengan menggunakan MB dan CSD akan dilakukan melalui percobaan di lapangan. Efek pada pertumbuhan karang yang djtransplantasikan akan dievaluasi. Sejauh ini MB telah digunakan sebagai material untuk merehabilitasi ekosistem perairan yang mengalami kerusakan. Proyek ini diharapkan akan memberikan kontribusi untuk konservasi keragaman hayati terumbu karang di Indonesia dan juga negara lainnya di Asia Tenggara melalui jaringan ERIA. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 341 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA ERIA, merupakan Lembaga Penelitian Ekonomi bagi ASEAN dan Asia Timur, yang memainkan peran penting untuk mewujudkan pertumbuhan yang berkelanjutan dan berpartisipasi dalam menjawab masalah-masalah lingkungan. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (M.6.a) Mineo Okamoto Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Gumma, 11 – 03 – 1950 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Professor Institusi : Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Email :okamotom@kaiyodai.ac.jp Alamat : 2-14-35 Kamigaya Konan-ku Yokohama 233-0012 JAPAN (M.7) Fishing Practices in the Makassar Spermonde Archipelago, South Sulawesi Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Menganalisis hubungan cost and benefit penggunaan teknologi tertentu dalam kegiatan menangkap ikan Bidang Penelitian : Kelautan/ Perikanan Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 10 September 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Selatan (Makassar dan Kep. Spermonde) Mitra Kerja : Puslitbang Kelautan dan Sosial-Ekonomi Perikanan - Balitbang KP - KKP (Dr. Agus Heri Purnomo) Abstract The Spermonde Archipelago in South Sulawesi consists of a large number of small islands and is one of the largest reef fisheries of Indonesia. The highest number of fishing households per kilometer of coast is found there as well as a very divers fishing fleet. Over the time the demands from increasing global markets are risen and as a result many fisherman shift to other gear types to increase the productivity. Many of these technologies are destructive. Recent research focuses on such methods identifiing harmful effects and trying to keep the environment in a 342 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 sustainable state. Traditional and potentially less destructive gear types are discounted. In this study all gear types are described and their cost-benefit relations are analvsed. Indonesia is tlic largest island State persisting off about 17 000 islands. Coral reefs are extended all along the coasts providing a suitable habitat for numerous marine species. These reefs occupy one-fifth of the coral reefs on earth and is furthermore an area showing one of the highest biodiversities (Glaser et al. 2010). Several ecosystem services such as food income and coastal protection are provided and the inhabitants are highly dependent on them. Because of that dependence several fishing technologies have been developed to exploit the resources. Pet-Soede (2001) reported about 22 different gear types which are operated from 10 different boat types. Contrary to that there were 19 different gear types found during SPICE II. Over the time the demands from increasing global markets have risen and as a result the levels of overharvestiug and the emergence of new target species have increased. The fish Slocks get more and more depleted and the productivity of some fishing gears decrases. As a consequence the affected fisherman shift to more productive methods by usingbombs and cyanide. These technologies cause damage to the habitat. Recent research focuseson such destructive methods in order to identify harmful effects and to keep the environment in a sustainable State, Traditional and potentially less destructive gear types are discounted. The objectives of this study are to analyse the cost-benefit relation of the gear types as well as the factors which infleunce the use of a particular gear type and of a certain fishing ground. Material and methods The study area is located in the Spermonde Archipelago in South Sulawesi. The Archipelago consists of a large number of small islands and is one Of the largest reef fisheries of Indonesia. The highest number of fishing households per kilometer of coast is found there as well as a very divers fishing fleet. During September 2012 the members of SPICE III visit Several islands of the Archipelago to get an overview of the ecological and social consitions there. By that time the exact islands are selected on which this study will be conducted. The study takesplace on 5 to 10 different islands. Due to the high number of changing study sites the base station is located in Makassar. Sulawesi from where the island trips start. The data are collected from Scptmcbcr 2012 to April 2013 by using qualitative methods. Scmi-strucutrcd interviews are carried out by working with translators- Fishermen as being the key stakeholders arc interviewed. The number of fishermen being intcrviewes and thereby the number of islands being included in the study are determined after a phase of pretesting. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 343 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Expected results Expected results are to find some kindof pattern in the relation of certain fishing gears to a certain island. Furthermore there may be a relation between the fishing ground and the gear used. Another outcome could be a beneficial cost-benefit realtion of a non-dcsiructivc fishing technology. The destructive fishing technologies are potentially more productive than the traditional ones but they bear also higher risks for human’s health. If a technology would be found for which the benefits overtop the disadvantages the ecological virtue can be rated. This fishing gear would become more important in social and ecological issues. It could be integrated in future management plans to pursue ecological sustainability as well as social wellbeing. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (M.7.a) Veronika Breitkopf Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Rintein, 18 - 05 - 1989 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Master Student Institusi : The Leibnitz Center for Tropical Marine (ZMT) Email : veronika.breitkopf@googleemail.com Alamat : Angerstraβe 8, 31840 Hessich Oldendorf, Niedersachsen Germany (M.8) Optical fiber based method to detect thiocyanate excretion in illegally caught reef fish: A practical application in the field Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji metode fiber obtik baru di kondisi lapangan serta di rantai perdagangan yang bervariasi untuk mendeteksi keberadaan sianida pada ikan tangkapan Bidang Penelitian : Perikanan Lama Penelitian : 6(enam) bulan mulai 24 September 2012 Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta, Bali, Sulawesi Selatan (Makassar)i Mitra Kerja : Puslitbang Kelautan & Pemrosesan Produk Perikanan dan Bioteknologi - KKP (Dr. Singgih Wibowo) 344 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Abstract Cyanide fishing is a destructive fishing method that is widely applied in many Southeast Asian countries (Jones and Steven 1997). It is used to collect living reef fish for the human consumption in China or the ornamental fish trade in the US and Europe. Although the method is illegal it is used on a regular basis to sustain the living of fishermen on the one hand and to supply the high demand for living reef fish worldwide on the other. Fishermen use sodium cyanide (NaCN) or potassium cyanide (KCN) tablets to obtain hydrogen cyanide which stuns the fish (Johannes and Riepen 1995). However cyanide can be a very destructive toxin that affects both, targeted and non-targeted species that eventually die from overdoses (Cervino, Hayes et al. 2003). Furthermore corals are killed as their symbiosis with zooxanthellae is disrupted (Jones and Hoegh-Guldberg 1999) and coral recruits are being prevented from a successful settlementPet-Soede and Erdmann 1998). Thereby the whole reef community is at threat and areas that were intensively exposed to cyanide fishing before are now dominated by algal overgrowth and show a decrease of diversity in fish species. There are several methods to detect cyanide, nevertheless none of these provides satisfying results as they are either time-consuming or destructive to the fish. The University of Aveiro, Portugal invented a new optical fiber (OF) based method that allows detecting thiocyanate (SCN-). Thiocyanate is a metabolite of cyanide that is being excreted by reeffish that have been exposed to cyanide (Vaz, Rocha-Santos et al. 2012). The method is a fast, nondestructive and non-invasive approach. In their lab-based study they investigated to which extend captive-bred clownfish [Amphiprion clarkii) excrete thiocyanate (SCN-). The specimen were therefore exposed to cyanide for 60 s at levels of either 12,5 or 25 mg L*1 of CN2 and then tested over a period of 28 days. The tested fish excreted between 6.9660±03 and 9.8460±03 ug L”1 of SCN2, respectively, during the 28 days of exposure. Aims This thesis intends to extend the previous work of Vaz et al. 2012 and is designed to testify the newly developed OF method under field conditions and along the various steps of the trade chain. Reef fish from different traders in Indonesia and from one large-scale importer in the Netherlands will be tested for SCN- excretion. The testing of fish from various traders refers to different points of the trade chain in order to determine the best point of time for the application of the OF method. It is the aim to verify the method and to test its applicability in a non-laboratory environment where multiple parameters such as pH, salinity, background levels of thiocyanate in coastal waters (Silva, Justino et al. 2011), or the presence of halogens such as Br or Clare likely to change. In contrast to the lab experiments the levels of thiocyanate in fish excretions depend on conditions such as the concentration of cyanide during fish collection, the duration of exposure, post-collection handling or the holding time in export or import Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 345 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA facilities (Bruckner and Roberts 2008). Given that the method is suitable to detect the illegal usage of cyanide along the trade chain it might be essential to establish the detection method in exporting as well as in importing countries on a general basis. Corruption by authorities shall be bypassed and fishermen, making their living on a legal basis, without the use of cyanide, shall be supported with this approach on the long run. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (M.8.a) Nicole Herz Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Freiburg, 20-09-1987 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Institusi : Leibnitz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology Email : herz.niocole@web.de Alamat : 28359 Bremen, Germany (M.9) Bioconversion of Palm Kernel Meal (PKM) to Resolve the Aquafeed Shortage in Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Mengembangkan pengetahuan tentang pakan ternak ikan Bidang Penelitian : Perikanan Lama Penelitian : 5(lima) bulan mulai sejak tanggal 1 Februari 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Barat (PRPB-Balitbang KP Depok), Jambi (BBAT Balitbang KP) Mitra Kerja : Dr. I. N. Adiasmara Giri KKP - Puslitbang Perikanan Budidaya, NAMA PENELITI ASING: (M.9.a) Pascale Therese Leonce Talamond Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir : Orange, 19 – 03 – 1967 Warga Negara : Perancis Jabatan : Researcher Institusi : Research Nutritional Biochemist in Research Institute for Development (IRD) Montpellier Frence 346 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Email : pascale.talamoubd@ird.fr Alamat : IRD – Gamet 361, rue Jean-Francois Breton BP 5095 2012 34196 – MONPELLIER cedex 5 (France) (M.10) Research on ‘Bioconversion or Maggot Program’ as an alternative solution to respond to the fishmeal shortage and to the rising price of aquafeed in Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari tentang penggunaan belatung untuk bahan makanan ikan Bidang Penelitian : Perikanan Lama Penelitian : 4 (empat) bulan mulai 23 Februari 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Depok Mitra Kerja : Dra. Irsyaphiani Insan, M.Si. - Puslitbang Perikanan Budaya, Balitbang Kelautan dan Perikanan, Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan Abstract “Bioconversion” or “Maggot” Research program, developed in Indonesia since 2006, is firstly focused to help in solving the fishmeal shortage that had strong negative consequences on aquaculture (fish ponds abandoned, reduction on fish production,..). Efforts and results made on insect Henrietta illucens biology and life cycle have oriented the program into two directions for application. The first application (1) is the model applied to help rural aquaculture (pilot project in Sumatra) where the maggot production is based on natural populations of insect Hermetic* living in their natural habitat, and resulted on a maggot production of 250kg/ week. It has confirmed that Maggot may play a capital role to reactivate aquaculture which is dormant from a long period of time. But unfortunately the bioconversion for rural aquaculture has been stopped temporary caused by the drastic increase applied on PKM price (more than 5 times from 200Rp/kg to I500Rp/kg). The second application (2) is the mass production of Hermetia larvae, obtained under control method with high density rearing of insect population artificially maintained in captivity within insectariums (a prototype facility of 1000m2 has been established at BRBIH in Depok research station). This second aspect, the control on maggot mass production, has reached a determinant step to be applied forward in a bigger scale. Actually the Depok unit may produce up to 800 g to 1000 g per month of Hermetia eggs biomass, corresponding to 30 - 35 million of larvae. The short term focus of this second aspect of application is to push the production into a higher productivity. By January 2011 our ambition is to scale-up four times the actual capacity (biomass eggs production of around 6000 g/month, Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 347 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA equivalent to about 200 millions of eggs per month. Tin’s new ability of massive Hermetia egg and larvae production has conducted us to valorize others unused organic wastes which may cause pollution and to release maggot from PKM use. The maggot biomass produced will be transformed into “Maggot meal form” used to replace Fishmeal. Emilie DEVIC will be integrated among the actual IRD/BALITBANGKP to take part in this Bioconversion research program. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (M.10.a) Emilie Devic Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Noumea, 10-01-1987 Warga Negara : Perancis Jabatan : Junior Researcher Institusi : IRD (Institut de recherché pour le développement) Email : emilie.devic@gmail.com Alamat : PO. BOX. 14534, 98803 Noumea, New Caledonia (M.11) Investigation on Fish Pathology, Epidemiology, and Health Management in Aquaculture Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memperkuat pengetahuan tentang keanekaragamaan ikan air tawar, evolusinya terhadap aktivitas manusia, dan valorisasinya melalui budidaya perikanan dalam skala Kepulauan Indonesia Bidang Penelitian : Perikanan/ Patologi Ikan Perpanjangan Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 24 September 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Barat dan Jambi Mitra Kerja : Pusat Riset Perikanan Budidaya - BRKP (Lili Solichah) Abstract IRD French research institute for development, study the freshwater fish biodiversity of endangered species or with high implication in aquaculture. This animal production is in continuous growth represent a very important way to answer to the steadily increase of request for human food. Intensification of aquaculture practises goes together with an increase of pathological problems during different phases of cycle production and fish pathology often represents a 348 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 bottleneck for aquaculture development. The economical losses and environmental impact induced by mismanagement of fish pathology may be a heavy threat for the aquaculture sustainability. Fish disease is due by a complex interaction between biological, environmental and socioeconomic factors and a global (holistic) approach is need for understand, identify and manage this factors and their relationship: • Development of a holist approach of fish disease especially by ecopathology - a branch of analytical epidemiology- is proposed in order to expand new IRD collaborative program for ichthyopathology. • Improvement of descriptive epidemiology of fish diseases and to organize analytical epidemiological surveys (ecopathology). • Acquiring information on the origin, pathogenicity, diversity and ecology of the most prevalent fish pathogens and development of new diagnostic tools for early detection (with DrJ.C Avarre) • Planning of a holistic study on the decrease of fish productivity in relation to pathological problems and health practices. • Knowledge and test the local pharmacopeia as a tool for health care in aquaculture. • Planning experimental challenge disease test in order to further document the immunestimulation induced in fish by alternative feed. • Suggesting improved and sustainable health practices The research activities are carried out at LRBIHAT Depok (PRPB-BRKP), in BBAT Jambi (DJPB, Sumatra) and BBPBAT Sukabumi (DJPB, West Java). NAMA PENELITI ASING: (M.11.a) Domenico Ugo Eugenio Caruso Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir : Catania, 23 Februari 1963 Warga Negara : Italia Jabatan : Senior Scientist Institusi : Institut de Recherce Pour le development (IRD) Email : domenico.caruso@ird.fr Alamat : 71, Rue de L’Aiguillerie 34000 Montpellier, France Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 349 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Bidang riset Linguistik dilakukan oleh peneliti asing mengingat kekayaan etnis dan budaya di Indonesia; yang menghasilkan kekayaan bahasa daerah. Secara total terdapat 5 project penelitian dan 5 peneliti asing. (N.1) Documentations of Kula, an endangered Papuan language of Alor (eastern Indonesia) Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan penelitian untuk membuat dokumentasi video tentang bahasa Kula yang selama ini belum terdokumentasikan serta mengkaji hubungan antara pola tata bahasa dan interaksi sosial melalui studi kasus pada pengguna bahasa Kula Bidang Penelitian : Linguistik Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 2 April 2012 Daerah Penelitian : NTT (Ds. Lantoka di Alor) Mitra Kerja : Yassir Nasanius, Ph.D Universitas Atmajaya - Pusat Kajian Bahasa dan Budaya, NAMA PENELITI ASING: (N.1.a) Nicholas Jay Williams Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Ohio, 15-03-1986 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Ph.D Student Institusi : University of Colorado Email :nicolas.j.williams@colorado.edu Alamat : Departement of Linguistics, University of Colorado at Boulder 295 UCB Boulder, CO 80309-0295, USA 350 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (N.2) The Effect of Fulbright English Teaching Assistants on the Communicative Abilities of Secondary School English Language Learners Tujuan Penelitian : Mengevaluasi efektivitas program Fulbright English Teaching Assistant Program di Indonesia yang telah berlangsung sejak tahun 2004 Bidang Penelitian : Linguistik Lama Penelitian : 12(dua belas) bulan mulai 1 Agustus 2012 Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta (Unika Atma Jaya) Mitra Kerja : Universitas Atma Jaya (Yanti, Ph.D.) Abstract Purpose of Research: Since 2004, the Fulbright English Teaching Assistant program has placed over 200 American university graduates in Indonesian secondary schools. The purpose of the program is to assist Indonesian students in developing communicative abilities in English, but results have not been scientifically evaluated. This research intends to evaluate the effectiveness of the program. Methodology: Students from 10 classes will be used as subjects for this research. One class will be drawn from each of 10 separate public state high schools. In order to ensure a sufficient number of subjects, only classes with over 25 students will be eligible (n > 250). These should all be classes in which ETAs are scheduled to teach once per week, because that is the most common teaching arrangement (schedules can vary from school to school, so an effort must be made to ensure that the students studied represent the average student -ETA interaction). Each student in the selected classes will be given a Speak Test within a month of the ETA arriving to teach their classes. The same students will be given another Speak Test eight months later, within a month of the ETA leaving the school. This test will measure a student’s ability to produce understandable spoken English in conversation with a native speaker. A comparison of data obtained from the two tests will provide evidence concerning whether or not the presence of the ETA leads to increased communicative abilities. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 351 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Location: Primary: Jakarta; Institutional: Atma Jaya Catholic University Secondary: Interviews will be done at 10 schools, which can be divided into five research sites. The first research site will be Java, where research will be conducted in schools in Parung, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Surabaya and/or Genteng. The second research site will be Kalimantan, where research will be conducted in schools in Banjarmasin, Balikpapan, and/or Samarinda. The third research site will be NTT, where research will be conducted in schools in Kupang and/or Sumba. The fourth research site will be Seram, where research will be conducted in schools in Masohi. The fifth and final research site will be Sulawesi, where research will be conducted in schools in Manado. More than 10 schools are listed here to allow for flexibility, since scheduling or other difficulties may make research impossible in one or more of the candidate schools. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (N.2.a) Richard Allen Ferrera Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Minnesota, 26-09-1985 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Researcher / Curriculum Consultant Institusi : AMINEF Email: Alamat : 809 Springhill Drive, Burnsville MN 55306 USA (N.3) Communicative Practice and Cartographies of Belonging: Everyday Talk and bugis Mobility in Contemporary Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan studi etnografi dan linguistik yang difokuskan pada praktek-praktek budaya dan bahasa orang Bugis di Sulawesi Selatan Bidang Penelitian : Linguistik Lama Penelitian : 10 (sepuluh) bulan, mulai 29 Agustus 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Selatan (Makassar, Watampone, Ponre) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Hasanuddin (Prof. Burhanuddin Arafah, M.Hum., Ph.D.) 352 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Abstract Indonesia’s Bugis people are famous as a mobile, seafaring ethnic group who call South Sulawesi their home, but frequently move throughout Sulawesi and the greater Indonesian archipelago in “search of brighter futures” (Buginese: massappa’ dalle). In the present era of globalization and increased internal Indonesian migration (migrasi internal di Indonesia), however, their older patterns of national mobility are developing characteristics like those thematized in important anthropological work on mobility. More recent ethnographic work on these national dynamics centers on socially and geographically mobile people as more than passive participants in macro-movements of people or capital, focusing instead on how they actively negotiate their positions at home and in out-of-the-way places in microcontexts of day-to-day life. This work raises but has not yet fully addressed crucial issues of social and geographical mobility, dynamics of globalization, and national practices as they are reflected, (re)signified, and shaped through language and linguistic practices in everyday life. The proposed linguistic-anthropological research, then, centers on the linguistic and cultural practices of South Sulawesi’s Bugis people, attending to the ways Bugis migrants and nonmigrants jointly talk about and envision mobility throughout the nation not only as a source of economic advantage, but also as an emergent mode of local and national belonging in contemporary Indonesia. The research will center on everyday ways of thinking and speaking about Bugis notions of mobility and will attend to multiple empirical foci: the genres and images that recurrently frame Bugis notions of internal migration and massappa ‘dalle - “searching for brighter futures”; the contexts in which those narratives are more or less strategically deployed; and specific forms of speech (accent, grammar, lexicon) that signal sociolinguistic expertise and allegiance across shifting interactional settings. In all these ways, the personal narratives of Bugis migrants and nonmigrants can be used to gauge the ways that broader forces in contemporary Indonesia are reshaping local and national Buginese notions of personhood, place, and community. To study experiences and narratives of Buginese mobility in Indonesia, ethnographic research will be conducted in the following sites in South Sulawesi: (i) Makassar, South Sulawesi’s provincial capital, where Bugis people from various kabupaten migrate to in “search of brighter futures,” (ii) Watampone, capital of the Bone Regency, a provincial subdivision widely recognized as a major seat of Buginese nobility, tradition, and culture; and (iii) the Ponre subdivision of the Bone Regency, where Bugis people engage in traditional practices such as rice farming that are far removed from the practices associated with contemporary life in Makassar, South Sulawesi’s urban center. The research project will deploy ethnographic and linguistic modes of analysis. Participant observation among a wide and representative cross-section of South Sulawesi’s Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 353 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Bugis population, including Bugis who have never moved from home, Bugis people who have moved away from home in “search of brighter futures,” and return migrants to South Sulawesi from elsewhere in Indonesia will be conducted. Unstructured and semi-structured interviews will be conducted that speak to how Bugis notions of mobility are linked with senses of local and national belonging in contemporary Indonesia. An additional focus of these interviews will be naturally-situated and elicited commentary on everyday linguistic practices that would shed light on how migrants and nonmigrants’ experiences or construals of Buginese mobility and national belonging are shaped or reflected by ideologies of communicative practice. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (N.3.a) Andrew Michael Carruthers Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Massachusetts, 29 May 1987 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Institusi : Dept. of Anthropology, Yale University Email :Andrew.carruthers@yale.edu Alamat : 10 Sachem Street new Haven, CT Amerika Serikat (N.4) Language Contact in Indonesia: Shifts in Usage and their Structural Manifestations Tujuan Penelitian : Menginvestigasi dampak kontak bahasa di Indonesia yang mengaplikasikan kebijakan bahasa nasional, dengan menggunakan bahasa Sunda sebagai uji kasus Bidang Penelitian : Linguistik Lama Penelitian : 11 bulan mulai 30 Juli2012 Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta, Jawa Barat (Bandung) Mitra Kerja : Pusat Kajian Bahasa dan Budaya, Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya (Prof. Dr. Bambang K. Purwo) Abstract Indonesia provides a fascinating test case where the interwoven effects of national language policy, muhilingualism, diglossia, register differences, and the development of regional varieties all come together in the context of recent shifts in language use and practice throughout Indonesia. I plan to carry out a project investigating effects of language contact in 354 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Indonesia taking Sundanese as a test case, in order to document and analyze these intricate patterns of change in collaboration widi colleagues at Atma Jaya Catholic University, during an upcoming sabbatical, 2012-13, supported by a Fulbright Senior Scholar Research Grant. Results of this work will provide much needed documentation that will inform theoretical and applied questions and serve as a model for similar studies on other languages. My collaboration with Atma Jaya Catholic University will provide an excellent basis for strengthening educational exchange with colleagues and students in Indonesia. Methodology: These issues of language contact will be investigated through a sociolinguistic and structural study of Sundanese, the third most widely spoken regional language. Sundanese, spoken in W. Java by an estimated 27 million speakers, exhibits considerable dialectal variation, but it also supports a clearly defined ethnic and cultural group with strong religious ties to Islam. It is a high prestige language, seemingly an excellent candidate for long-term maintenance. The principle research site for the project will be in Jakarta. The background and preliminary data collection, as well as analysis with be done in Jakarta with colleagues and students at Atma Jaya Catholic University. Interviews for the project will be collected in three locations, Jakarta, Bandung, and village near Bandung. The interview format and questionnaire will be designed to elicit information about language use and language attitudes in order to document shifts in usage and provide data with which to conduct a systematic investigation of the structural manifestations of language contact. The social factors that are expected to influence language use include speakers’ age, gender, and educational level, as well as the urban vs. rural settings in which they live. The sample will be constructed to include speakers that cover the range of each of these categories. Tlirough the interviews, data will be collected on the current state of Sundanese structural properties, such as pronunciation, use of pronouns and terms of address, and syntactic properties, particularly use of sentence particles. The target is to conduct 30-50 interviews at each location. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (N.4.a) Abigail C Cohn Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Illinois, 28-01-1957 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Professor Institusi : Dept. of Linguistics, Cornell University Email: Alamat : Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 355 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (N.5) A Sketch Grammar of Matek: A Land Dayak Language of West Kalimantan, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji deskripsi tata bahasa atau linguistik bahasa Matek Bidang Penelitian : Linguistik Lama Penelitian : 5 (lima) bulan mulai 17 September 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Barat (Kabupaten Sanggau dan Kabupaten Melawi) Mitra Kerja : Pusat Kajian Bahasa dan Budaya, Unika Atma Jaya (Yanti, Ph.D.) NAMA PENELITI ASING: (N.5.a) Timothy Mark Connell Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Timaru, 15-10-1989 Warga Negara : Selandia Baru Jabatan : Master Student Institusi : School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics, University of Canterbury Email : tim.connell@pg.canterbury.ac.nz Alamat : Private Bag 4800 Christchurch 8140, New Zealand 356 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Bidang riset Manajemen dilakukan oleh peneliti asing dalam hubungannya dengan Manajemen sumber daya alam, termasuk hutan, lahan, ikan dan kelautan. Secara total terdapat 8 project penelitian dan 10 peneliti asing. (O.1) Sustainable Management of Bio-resources in Tropical Forest Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji pemanfaatan biomass secara optimal di Indonesia dewasa ini dalam konteks teknologi, ekologi dan kondisi sosial Bidang Penelitian : Manajemen Sumber Daya Alam Lama Penelitian : 12(dua belas) bulan mulai 11 Oktober 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Riau (Cagar Biosfer Riau, Bukit Batu Giam Siak Kecil dan Kalimantan Tengah (Area Konsesi PT Sari Bumi Kusuma Unit Seruyan) Mitra Kerja : MAB Program LIPI (Prof. Dr. Endang Sukara);Pusat Inovasi LIPI (Prof. Dr. Bambang Subiyanto) dan Universitas Riau (Adhy Prayitno, Ph.D.) NAMA PENELITI ASING: (O.1.a) Kazuya Masuda Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Aichi, 27 – 11 – 1971 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Project Researcher Institusi : Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University Email :kamasu@cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp Alamat : 46 Yoshida – Shimoaadaqchi, Tokyo, Kyoto, Japan (O.1.b) Kazuo Watanabe Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Kumamoto, 26 – 11 – 1978 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Researcher Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 357 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Institusi : Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University Email :isseiw@cseas.kyoto-u.ac-jp Alamat : 46 Shimondachi Yoshida Sekyo Kyoto, Japan (O.2) The Complexity of Landscape Governance: A case study of Gunung Halimun-Salak National Park corridor in West Java, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Melihat perumusan kebijakan di tingkat pusat dan persaingan antar kelompok kepentingan dalam pengelolaan lahan Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun-Salak Bidang Penelitian : Manajemen SDA Lama Penelitian : 6 bulan mulai 22 Mei2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Barat (TN Gunung Halimun-Salak di Lebak, Bogor, Sukabumi) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Kehutanan IPB - Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Hero Saharjo, M.Agr Abstract The year 2011 has been declared ‘The International Year of Forests’ by the United Nations in order to celebrate people’s action for sustainable forest management and simultaneously raise more awareness about the on-going forest issues worldwide. This demonstrates the gravity as well as the need for more research on sustainable forest management (FAO, 2011). Forest landscapes are changing because the relationships between resource users and forests have changed. Therefore, imposed interventions, often by national governments, include the establishments of protected areas. Since local rural communities are often highly dependent on forest resources for their livelihoods, conflicts about ownership rights arise (Kubo, 2010; Contreras-Hermosilla & Fay, 2005). Indonesia is known for its rich biodiversity and tropical forests as well as its high rates of deforestation and social tensions over land use rights (Contreras-Hermosilla & Fay, 2005). Similar to many other tropical countries, forests in Indonesia are owned and managed by national authorities who are struggling to meet the needs of the various stakeholders (Kubo, 2010). The focus of this study will be on Gunung Halimun-Salak National Park (GHSNP) located in West Java . The main reasons for the national park designation in 2003, according to the government of Indonesia, are the rich ecosystems and the important hydrological functions of the area. The consequences for communities, suddenly living within the national park boundaries, have been substantial (Galudra et al. 2008). Their inherited tenure rights were not acknowledged and 358 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 they were no longer able to use the area for their livelihoods. From a legal perspective, the main objective was and still is to conserve the natural biological resources and this does not permit resource use within the park and agricultural land use on park land (Kubo, 2008). After 2003, tensions regarding land issues and critique on the central policies have increased. The role of local people in decision-making processes of the national park was very limited (Kubo, 2008). As a reaction to these growing critiques, the government shifted to a more participatory form of conservation management. These processes of landscape governance will be analysed by adopting a political ecology perspective. Concepts of rules and resources and agency will be used to get a better insight in the landscape governance of GHSNP. This proposal has the following structure. The first chapter contains more background information on the developments that led on to the national park designation in 2003, but will also discuss the policy shift in 2004 which aim was to increase participatory conservation. In the following chapters, I will address the problem statement, research objectives and questions. Chapter 6 and 7 will elaborate on the theoretical approach of political ecology, three central concepts and the chosen methodology. Finally, I will conclude my proposal with a planning and budget for my three months’ fieldwork in Indonesia. Research objectives It is my main hypothesis that in Gunung Halimun-Salak National Park, political and local networks and arrangements are not properly aligned and three aspects play a significant role in this: • Different perceptions of legality • Different perceptions and use of landscape • Uneven power relations among the actors Based on this hypothesis, the general objective of my study is to gain insight as to why there is no alignment between these initiatives on various levels (and perhaps also within the same level) in the landscape of GHSNP. I want to observe the landscape physically, but also in intangible terms such as networks and arrangements between stakeholders. The reason for this focus is that a better understanding can contribute to good landscape governance which is essential for an environmentally and socially sustainable landscape. For example, I know that there are forest restoration activities going on in the GHSNP corridor. A better understanding of networks and initiatives can facilitate in landscape restoration as it shows what the landscape should look like and where the frictions and possibilities lays management-wise. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 359 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Besides the main hypothesis, I have two other hypotheses which are based on literature review. Several studies on policies and stakeholders have been conducted in GHSNP and what interested me is the degree of generalisation and homogenisation in these articles with respect to two issues. One frequently mentioned stakeholder group are ‘the local communities’ and their ‘the land tenure conflict’, as if there is no substantial diversity among the local people and the nature of the conflicts. Even though the results of these studies are bit more nuanced than I exemplify here, my fear is that generalizations are made too quickly. One can read through the lines of these articles that there are in fact differences among local communities with respect to use of forest resources, access to land, jobs etc. This implies that people living in the park might have different interests regarding the access and use of national park land. Besides the literature, I have heard from Centre for Development Innovation and Tropenbos that new people have settled within the park and thereby creating new tensions. Based on these findings, I therefore assume that the diversity among the local communities as well as the nature of conflicts in GHSNP is much greater than previous studies pretend. Research design The research design will be a case study. According to Green & Thorogood (2010) this entails the study of a phenomenon in its context. The focus will be on providing a thick description of a number of small cases rather than on generalizations. Two or three cases will be selected during my preparation phase or in the beginning of my field work which will revolve formal or informal arrangements concerning land issues in GHSNP. By analysing multiple arrangements between stakeholders or even networks, these cases can be compared during the data analysis. I have selected a case study research design due to time constraints. The focus on several smaller cases, will contributed to the depth of this study within a three month period. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (O.2.a) Ilse Hennemann Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Arnhem, 20-12-1986 Warga Negara : Belanda Jabatan : Master Student Institusi : Wageningen University Email: Alamat 360 : Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (O.3) Navigating transformation in large-scale dynamic seascapes: The role of multi-stakeholder partnership formations and leadership strategies Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti mekanisme kerjasama multilateral dimana Indonesia telah berperan dalam menjaga sumberdaya kelautan menuju pembangunan berkelanjutan Bidang Penelitian : Manajemen Sumber Daya Alam Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 2 April 2012 Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta, Sulawesi Utara (Manado), Sulawesi Tenggara (Wakatobi) Mitra Kerja : Prof. Dr. Tridoyo Kusumastanto - Pusat Kajian Sumberdaya Pesisir dan Lautan IPB NAMA PENELITI ASING: (O.3.a) Franciska Anna Fanny Rosen Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Norrbarke, 22-11-1983 Warga Negara : Swedia Jabatan : Ph.D Student Institusi : The Stockholm Resilience Centre Email : franciska.rosen@undaffilliates.org Alamat : Langholmsgatan 18, 117 33 Stockholm, Swedia (O.4) Linking governance systems for regional-scale coral reef management: Analysis of case studies in Brazil and Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Menganalisis sistem pengaturan regional untuk manajemen terumbu karang dan mengidentifikasi kesempatan serta hambatan untuk menghubungkan unit-unit pengaturan MPA (Marine Protected Areas) di Brazil dan Indonesia Bidang Penelitian : Manajemen SDA Lama Penelitian : 12(dua belas) bulan mulai 10 September 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Selatan (Kep. Spermonde, Makassar, Pangkajene, Pangkeb, Bonetambung, Badi Sarappo, Polewali) Mitra Kerja : Balitbang KP (Dr. Agus Heri Purnomo) Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 361 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Abstract Marine ecosystems in many regions of the world show alarming signs of degradation (The World Bank, 2006) and 85 per cent of all fish stock is being classified as overexploited (United Nations Secretary-General’s High-level Panel on Global Sustainability, 2012). In the 2008 report The Sunken Billions’ by the World Bank and the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), the total economic loss caused by the global decline in fish stocks is estimated to be approximately two trillion dollars for the last 3 decades (The World Bank & Food and Agriculture Organization, 2008). The loss of functions, goods and services ecosystems provide is a significant barrier to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger (United Nations Secretary-General’s High-level Panel on Global Sustainability, 2012). In 2011, the general assembly of the United Nations restated that the protection of oceans and related ecosystems, including coral reefs, which was already envisaged in chapter 17 of Agenda 21, the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation (JPol) and other international agreements, remains a main objective (UN resolution 65/150 Art. 92). In the face of increasing depletion and degradation of marine resources, Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) have become more and more important around the world in order to address overfishing, habitat degradation and strengthen the livelihood of the local populations (Christie & White, 2007; Kelleher, 1999). The benefits from effective implementation of MPAs are diverse but generally include ecological (Adan, 2004; Alcala, 1998; Gell & Roberts, 2002; Laffoley, 2008; Roberts et al., 2001; White, Alifio, & Meneses, 2006) as well as social elements (Govan et al., 2009; Laffoley, 2008; Roberts et al., 2001; White et al., 2006). Positive examples of MPAs have been reported from all over the world (e.g. Alcala, 1998; Gell & Roberts, 2002; Laffoley, 2008; Pinto da Silva, 2004; Roberts et al., 2001; The World Bank, 2006; White, Alifio, & Meneses, 2006). However, only about 6% of territorial waters and still less than 1 % of the world’s oceans are currently under some form of protection (The World Bank, 2006). In addition, past experience with MPA management has also shown that effort toward conservation of biological diversity and sustainable resource use frequently has not yielded the desired results (e.g. Christie & White, 2007; Gerhardinger et al., 2011). The focus for marine management has shifted from the implementation of individual small-scale approaches toward up-scaling marine management efforts on a regional scale. The main reasons are that socio-economic and ecological drivers of change are situated on multiple levels (from local to global), and we need to navigate use planning in order to achieve social and ecological objectives on larger scales (Cicin-Sain & Belfiore, 2005; Kittinger et al., 2011; Pietri et al., 2009). The implementation of this approach, however, poses new challenges for the institutional architecture due to the inclusion of additional stakeholders as well as multiple levels and scales into management. Research with respect to networking governance systems for MPAs is still in its nascent stages (Pietri et al., 2009). Up to now, there is only limited theoretical 362 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 guidance and empirical studies on how regional scale marine resource governance should be implemented (Fidelman et al., 2012). Methods By using an inductive case study approach based on qualitative methods and Social Network Analysis, this study seeks to advance our understanding of regional governance systems for coral reefs and to examine the challenges for creating MPA networks. Methods will include Social Networks Analysis (SNA) complemented by qualitative methods. The SNA will be conducted focusing on cooperation and communication to disentangle the social and political structure involved and analyze the modes of communication between actors in the governance system. For the SNA, Stakeholders from within the different management units and outside the formal management structure will be targeted using a structured SNA questionnaire. Qualitative methods will be used in order to further analyze the structure of interaction. Specifically, this comprises in-depth key informant interviews (KM), secondary data collection and participatory observation. The Klls will be based on semi-structured interviews, which are open ended but follow a general script and cover a list of topics listed above (Bernard, 2006). NAMA PENELITI ASING: (O.4.a) Philipp Anton Friedheln Gorris Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Berlin, 18-05-1983 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Institusi : Leibnitz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology Email : philipp.gorris@zmt-bremen.de Alamat : Fahrenheitstrasse 6, D-28359 Bremen, Germany (O.5) How can comercially based, community forest projects and state-run forest management in Central Java inform one another? Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti bagaimana proyek-proyek komersial kehutanan dan manajemen hutan yang dilaksanakan pemerintah dapat saling terkait dan saling berkomunikasi Bidang Penelitian : Manajemen SDA Lama Penelitian : 3 (tiga) bulan mulai 5 Oktober 2012 Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta, Jawa Barat (Bogor), Jawa Tengah (Pati, Jepara)) Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 363 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Kehutanan IPB (Dr. Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat), Trees-4Trees (Devi Silvia) NAMA PENELITI ASING: (O.5.a) James Thomas Erbaugh Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Ohio, 05-07-1986 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Master Student / CIFOR Interns Institusi : University of Oxford Email : erbough.jt@gmail.com Alamat : 20 Worcester Place, Oxford OX1 2JW Amerika Serikat (O.6) Upstream-downstream Linkages and Coastal and Watershed Governance in Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Memperoleh pemahaman yang mendalam tentang pengelolaan daerah resapan air yang berbasis insentif Bidang Penelitian : Manajemen SDA Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 19 Desember 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Barat (daerah resapan air Kapuas); Lampung (daerah resapan air Sumberjaya) di Kab. Lampung Barat dan Way Kanan; Bnaten (Cidanau, Serang, Pandeglang, Cilegon ; NTB (Rinjani, Mataram, Lombok Barat, Lombok Timur, Lombok Utara, Lombok Tengah); Jawa Timur (Brantas dan beberapa kabupaten); Sumatera Barat (Singkarak, Tanah Datar, Padang Panjang Barat, Jinjung Sirih, Kota Padang); Jawa Tengah (Laguna Segara Anakan di Kab. Cilacap); Jawa Barat (Ciamis dan Tasikmalaya) Mitra Kerja : Puslitbang Manajemen Perikanan dan Konservasi, Balitbang KP (Duto Nugroho) Abstract Despite longstanding investment into watershed management, many river catchments worldwide are degraded, adversely affecting downstream and coastal ecosystems and communities. This situation is also evident in Indonesia. Water as a fluid medium connects the various actors and utilisations upstream and downstream. Many rivers are highly multifunctional and used, for example, as a space for living, for personal hygiene and washing 364 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 clothes, for fishing and aquaculture, as a source of water for industrial, agricultural and domestic purposes, for the discharge of partly toxic domestic and industrial waste water and rubbish, for mineral and sand mining, and as a route of transport for people and goods. Via the flow of water, land use/ cover patterns and the various water uses throughout river catchments are linked with downstream ecosystems and the resource use claims of lowland and coastal communities and cities. Sustainable management of downstream and coastal ecosystems therefore needs to be combined with effective watershed management. The integration of watershed management with management strategies for coastal and near-shoremarine ecosystems remains a major conceptual and practical challenge worldwide. It requiresmechanisms and instruments that can deal with complex social-ecological processes operating acrossregions and various scales, balance short-term economic needs and interests with long-termsustainability aims and provide for a fair distribution of the costs and benefits of ecosystemconservation. Payments for Environmental Services (PES) approaches have been shown to providepotential in this respect and could substantially facilitate integration of upstream, downstream andcoastal zone management. However, while these approaches are currently being promoted at a largescale, worldwide experiences in watershed and coastal contexts are still limited to a few cases, and thereis a general lack of scientific inquiry. In addition, development of such mechanisms and instrumentsrequires a thorough understanding of the conflicting multi-functionality of rivers, their catchments andtheir associated coastal areas and of the drivers of change, including (partly historical) socioeconomicdynamics. In this context, one part of the research aims at a social-scientific spatial theoretical analysis of upstream-downstream and urban-rural interrelations with regard to the fluid resource water. Issues of urban drinking and waste water services or transformations in coastal areas will be linked to transformations of human-nature relations upstream. This part of the research will focus on the Segara Anakan lagoon and its catchment area in Java and on the Kapuas River in West Kalimantan. A second part of the research will explore the potentials of new economic instruments and governance mechanisms aiming at both watershed conservation and sustainable management of mangrove areas. This research focusses on an assessment of existing PES schemes in different parts of Indonesia, their institutional arrangements and their effects on resource use decisions and patterns of resource access and control. Based on the insights gained, the research will in a second step explore potentials and possible arrangements of new integrated governance instruments for the mangrove-fringed Segara Anakan lagoon and its catchment area. Objectives The objectives of the research are to: • Analyse upstream-downstream and urban-rural interrelations with regard to the fluid resource water and explore the conflicting multi-functionality of rivers in Indonesia, Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 365 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA mainly focussing on the Kapuas River in West-Kalimantan and the tributaries of the Segara Anakan lagoon in Java. • Analyse land use and land cover change in selected watersheds. • Assess existing PES schemes in Indonesia by examining institutional arrangements and effects on resource use decisions and patterns of resource assess and control. • Explore the potentials and possible institutional arrangements of new integrated governance instruments, aiming at sustainable management of the mangrove-fringed Segara Anakan Lagoon and its catchment area. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (O.6.a) Johanna Jill Heyde Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Hamilto (Canada), 28 - 04 - 1965 Warga Negara : Inggris Jabatan : Researcher Institusi : Research Center for Sustainability Studies,University of Bremen Email : jill.heyde@uni-bremen.de Alamat : Enrique-Schmidt-Str.7 28359 Bremen, Germany (O.7) The Role of the Marine Conservation Area (MCA) in Regional Development in Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti dinamika penggunaan sumberdaya perairan, jejaring sosial dan konservasi alam di daerah konservasi perairan di Indonesia untuk mendapatkan data empiris mengenai pembuatan kebijakan yang berhasil disosialisasikan. Bidang Penelitian : Manajemen SDA Lama Penelitian : 6(enam) bulan dimulai 6 November 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Timur (Berau, Tanjung Rebeb, Samarinda), Sulawesi Selatan (Kep. Spermonde, Pangkep, Makassar). Mitra Kerja : Dr. Dedi Adhuri - PMB-LIPI Abstrak This research proposes to investigate the dynamics of marine resource use, social networks and nature conservation in two of Indonesia’s regional MCAs in Spermonde (Sulawesi) and Berau (Kalimantan) to generate empirical data for socially informed policy making. We propose 366 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 an in-depth exploration of diverging perspectives of stakeholders regarding the MCAs and link these to their underlying perceptions of nature and sustainability. Through a focus on social networks the study intends to point out the conditions that facilitate the fruitful collaboration and exchange of knowledge across different societal scales and places. These insights provide essential interdisciplinary groundwork for policymaking that supports sustainable partnerships in Indonesia’s regional (marine) resource management. General research question: How are different ‘ideas of MCA* formed in relation to the social networks stakeholders participate in, and how does the enactment of these different ideas influence the ways in which interventions for marine conservation are acted out in practice in Spermonde and Berau? The proposed research uses an empirical case study approach and most of the research is therefore carried out in two MCAs in Indonesia: Berau (Kalimantan) and Spermonde (Sulawesi). The Berau MCA in East-Kalimantan was established under Law 31/2004 and Government Regulation 60/2007 and part of the Spermonde archipelago just off Sulawesi’s southwest coast was declared an MCA under Law 27/2007. Both MCAs are part of a new generation of Indonesian conservation areas falling under district authority, with a policy framework that explicitly acknowledges the need for multi-level and multi-sector involvement in MCA building and active participation of local communities through co-management arrangements (COREMAP, 2002; Glaser et al., 2010 (for Spermonde); Wiryawan et al., 2005; WWF, 2009 (for B”erau)). The two sites are related by a common cultural-historical origin of the majority of the people in both sides from Sulawesi by migration (Mandar, Buginese, Makassarese and Bajau), and family networks between these two MCA areas across the sea (Makassar Strait) exist until today as well as direct trade and fishing networks linking the Berau coast to Spermonde traders (Zerner, 2003). The choice for two sites enables us to show how different configurations of interests and perspectives lead to different MCA outcomes. This enables all stakeholders to use the insights of this research to reflect on the role of the MCA within Indonesia’s decentralization process and regional development planning. The research in Indonesia is planned to be carried out from November 2011 to November 2012. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (O.7.a) Antoinette Petronella Pauwelussen Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Groningen, 6 April 1981 Warga Negara : Belanda Jabatan : Ph. D Student Institusi : Social Sciences Dept., Wageningen University Email :annet.pauwelussen@wur.nl Alamat : Secretariat Rural Development Sociology (RDS) Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 367 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (O.8) Incentivising Sustainable Tuna Management through a Credit System Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji dampak pemberian kredit terhadap kelestarian habitat tuna dan terumbu karang Bidang Penelitian : Manajemen/ Perikanan Lama Penelitian : 4(empat) bulan mulai 24 September 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Timur, Maluku, Bali (Benoa), NTT (Flores), Sulawesi Utara (Bitung) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan - IPB (Dr. Budy Wiryawan dan Thomas Nugroho) Abstract Fisheries governances the Coral Trianglehas not prevent edtheoverexploitation oftropicaloceanic species, most notablyyellowfin and bigeye.Innovation in tuna fisheries management is needed to ensure: that the growingindustry limits pressure on the overexploited tunas and other vulnerable spedesas marlins, turtles and sharks. The proposed research willl explore the potential for acredit systemto incentivize equitable “sustainabletuna fisheries management inIndonesia”. Indications forsuccess:The research will feed into network of academics, policy makers, NGOs and fish chain actors in the Coral Triangle, including Indonesia, around alternative tuna management tools (see Pet-Soede et.al. 2010). Fishers, NGOs and policy makers alike have already shown interest in incentive based management at both national and regional levels. Workingwith these groups of key actors will increase receptiveness for the further development and introduction of a tuna credit system. Keywords: tuna fisheries, environmental credits; incentive-based management, institutions, markets NAMA PENELITI ASING: (O.8.a) Megan Lynn Bailey Tempat dan tanggal lahir : London, 8, 08 - 02 - 1980 Warga Negara : Kanada Jabatan : Postdoctoral Researcher Institusi : Environmental Group, Wageningen University Email : megan.bailey@wur.nl Alamat : 6706 KN Wageningen, NL 368 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (O.8.b) Alice Margaret Mackenzie Miller Tempat dan tanggal lahir : London, 16 - 03 - 1982 Warga Negara : Inggris Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Institusi : Dept. of Geography, Wageningen University Email :ammmiller@gmail.com Alamat : 6706 KN Wageningen, NL Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 369 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Bidang riset Pertanian dilakukan peneliti asing dalam kaitannya dengan penggunaan lahan, kejasama bidang tanaman pokok padi, sorghum dan cokelat. Secara keseluruhan terdapat 5 project penelitian dan 8 peneliti asing. (P.1) Farm-level optimization of land use systems in Indonesia under consideration of uncertainty and ecological effects Tujuan Penelitian : Menentukan secara normatif keputusan penggunaan tanah yang optimal oleh petani Bidang Penelitian : Pertanian Lama Penelitian : 6 (enam) bulan mulai 18 September 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (TN Bukit Dua Belas dan Hutan Harapan) Mitra Kerja : IPB (Dr. Syaukat Yusman) Abstract Research Obfectives The overall objective of this research project is to normatively determine optimal land use decisions of farmers. In doing so, we calculate economic-ecological trade-offs between different land use systems. Finally we will be able to analyze the effects of different economic incentives to realize more sustainable land use systems in different villages in Jambi from a normative viewpoint. We will answer the following questions: • What is the subjective risk attitude of farmers in Indonesia and how can we empirically quantify it? • How can we determine the triggers to switch between two different land use systems with perennial crops (e.g., oil palms vs. rubber) taking into account real options effects? • Which are the optimal land use systems if many different production activities compete with each other? • What is the willingness to accept of Indonesian farmers to deliver additional ecological functions? 370 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Research location The research will implemented in Jambi Province in Sumatra, with the fastest and most complete transformation of tropical lowland rainforest. We focus on tropical lowland rainforests as these are experiencing the strongest losses worldwide (Achard et al. 2002). In particular, the massive transformation of lowland rainforest into oil palm plantations has been identified as a major threat for biodiversity and a potential driver of climate change (Danielsen et al. 2009. Giam et al. 2010, Wilcove and Koh 2010). Two landscapes within Jambi Province have been chosen for the CRC research comprising large units of lowland rainforest: National Park Bukit Duabelas and Harapan Rainforest. The transformation systems to be investigated include lowland rainforest as reference sites, jungle rubber (extensive rubber plantations), and intensive rubber and oil palm plantations. Lowland rainforest reference sites represent old-growth forest but have been subject to logging. Large sites of untouched natural rainforest are no longer existing in Jambi province, but the lowland rainforest reference sites selected represent large rainforest regions in a close to natural state. Jungle rubber represents an extensive management system which is established by planting rubber trees into rainforest. Its implementation dates back into the early 20th century but still covers large areas of Jambi. In each of the two landscapes (comprising blocks in a randomized complete block design), four replicates of each of the four transformation systems (including the lowland rainforest as reference) will be investigated. These 32 sites will constitute the core sites; covering these core sites is mandatory for all CRC scientific projects (SPs) that collect micro level data. In addition to investigating established transformation systems, a reforestation experiment will be established near Harapan Rainforest landscape. The experiment aims at investigating principal questions of how to establish sustainable forest management systems, optimizing both conservation needs and socioeconomic benefits. Apart from the work on these sites and on the reforestation experiment, socioeconomic surveys will be undertaken in the same sites, but also including a broader area in Jambi Province to be able to capture institutional heterogeneity, which is important for comprehensive understanding of socioeconomic causes and consequences of land use changes. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (P.1.a) Stefan Moser Tempat dan tanggal lahir Warga Negara Jabatan Institusi Email Alamat : Melk, 09-01-1984 : Austria : Ph.D. Student : University of Gottingen :stefan.moser@wu.ac.at : Sachsenplatz 8/4, 1200 Wien Austria Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 371 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (P.2) Pengembangan Tanaman Sorghum dan Produksi Bio-Ethanol dalam Skala pilot Plan Tujuan Penelitian : Mengembangkan tanaman sorghum dan produksi Bio-Ethanol dalam skala pilot plan Bidang Penelitian : Pertanian Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 7 November 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Barat (Cibinong Science Center LIPI), Lampung, DI Yogyakarta Mitra Kerja : Pusat Inovasi LIPI (Firman Tri Ajie dan Adi Setya) Abstrak Energi merupakan salah satu permasalahan utama dunia pada abad ke-21. Sampai saat ini bahan bakar minyak masih menjadi konsumsi utama negara-negara dunia, sedangkan pencarian ladang-ladang baru tidak dapat mengimbangi jumlah pemakaian dunia. Disisi lain pengembangan energi alternatif dan sumber energi alternatif berkembang disertai dengan bertumbuhnya isu-isu permasalahannya. Sorghum merupakan varietas tanaman sereaiia yang bukan hanya sebagai sumber alternatif energi berupa bio-ethanol, tetapi juga menjadi sumber pangan, pakan ternak dan biomassa. Sorghum Japan Co. Ltd yang berawal mengembangkan varietas Super Sorghum yang ditujukan sebagai bahan penyerap limbah radio aktif di Fukushima, berusaha mengembangkan Super Sorghum di Indonesia dengan pertimbangan pada letak geografis ideal serta pemanfaatan lahan-lahan marginal untuk mendapatkan hasil yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan beberapa negara lain yang telah diujicoba penanaman. Pada Penelitian ini, Sorghum Japan Co.Ltd dan LIPI akan menetapkan beberapa lokasi penelitian dengan dikombinasikan dengan berbagai variabel penelitian termasuk pada ujicoba berbagai varietas super sorghum dan pemakaian pupuk organik hayati LIPI untuk mendapatkan proyeksi produktifitas ideal serta pemodelan bisnis yang dapat dijalankan di Indonesia. Kata Kunci : Energi Alternatif, Bio-Ethanol, Super Sorghum, Lahan Marginal, Pupuk Organik Hayati. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (P.2.a) Kimihiro Tanaka Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Aichi, 18-04-1980 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Chief Section Institusi : Sorghum JapanCo Ltd. 372 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Email :kmhr_tnk@major.ocn.ne.jp Alamat : Ascend Building 2 Fn 3-2-8, Akasaka, Minatoku 2012 Tokyo, 107-0052 JAPAN (P.3) Pengembangan Padi Hibrida di Lampung: Kerjasama Pemerintah China dan Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan upaya pengembangan padi hibrida sebagai salah satu alternatif untuk meningkatkan dan mempertahankan program swasembada beras Bidang Penelitian : Pertanian Lama Penelitian : 12(dua belas) bulan mulai 14 Maret2012 Daerah Penelitian : Lampung (Kebun Percobaan Natar BPTP Lampung) Mitra Kerja : Dr. Ir. Masganti, MS (sebagai penanggung jawab proyek) Kementerian Pertanian NAMA PENELITI ASING: (P.3.a) Yi Zhenhua Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Hunan, 03-01-1982 Warga Negara : Republik Rakyat Cina Jabatan : Rice Agronomist / Expert Team Institusi : Yuan Longping High-Tech Agriculture Co. Ltd. Email : tizh@lpht.com.cn Alamat : 9th floor, Zhengquan Buiilding, No. 329, North Chenzhan Rd. Changsha City, Hunan Provice, P.R. of China (P.3.b) Liu Yingtie Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Hunan, 26-01-1973 Warga Negara : Republik Rakyat Cina Jabatan : Rice Agronomist / Expert Team Institusi : Yuan Longping High-Tech Agriculture Co. LTD Email :lytwhy@163.com Alamat : 9th floor, Zhengquan Buiilding, No. 329, North Chenzhan Rd. Changsha City, Hunan Provice, P.R. of China Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 373 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (P.3.c) Wang Chuntao Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Hunan, 24-10-1972 Warga Negara : Republik Rakyat Cina Jabatan : Rice Breeder / Expert Team Institusi : Yuan Longping High-Tech Agriculture Co. LTD Email :wangchungtao2004@yahoo.com.cn Alamat : 9th floor, Zhengquan Buiilding, No. 329, North Chenzhan Rd. Changsha City, Hunan Provice, P.R. of China (P.4) Transition Mechanisms from Traditional Trading to the Marketin Developing Countries Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji mekanisme liberalisasi pasar yang terjadi pada sektor pertanian di negara berkembang Bidang Penelitian : Pertanian/ Agronomi Lama Penelitian : 12 bulan mulai 26 Juni2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Barat (Bandung, Cianjur, Bogor, Sukabumi), DKI Jakarta Mitra Kerja : Dr. Rinekso Soekmadi - IPB Abstract Agricultural markets extend through the entire food system from input supply to farm production, collection, processing, packaging, transportation, and all the way to final consumption of retail food products. Vertical coordination throughout the system ranges from spot market transactions through contracting to full vertical integration. There is potential for noncompetitive behavior and for collective action to countervail it. Agricultural marketing activities occur over space and through time, linked by interregional trade and storage. Agents throughout the food system are subject to risk and uncertainty, which has led to an important role for market information systems and risk management through futures, options, and insurance. Agricultural markets also have been a rich source of data, providing impetus for numerous advances in econometric modeling of price and market systems. In developed economies, liberalization for agricultural markets has resulted in concentration and vertical integration, with a small number of large corporations purchasing directly from farmers and selling to distributors. In many instances, producers have become sub-contractors with agrobusiness corporations that provide them with credit and inputs and purchase their output. 374 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 In contrast to developed countries, market liberalization in poor countries has resulted in deconcentration and specialization. As state-controlled agricultural marketing boards were abolished or scaled down, domestic trade in agri-cultural products was taken over by a myriad of small operator operating in a rudimentary fashion. A lot of researchers attended to clarify the mechanism of small operators as profit maximizer. It, however, hasn’t been revealed clearly, because the transition mechanism depends on situations of each developing country. In this study, we focused on food retail market in Jawa, Indonesia as case study. The market has enormous power bringing by supermarkets to proceed to modern market mechanisms like above from traditional market system like Bazaar (Geertz 1978). Supermarkets are traditionally viewed by development economists, policymakers, and practitioners as the rich world’s place to shop. But supermarkets are no longer just niche players for rich consumers in the capital cities of the countries in these regions; Southeast Asian countries—Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand—is 33%, but is 63% forEast Asian countries—Republic of Korea, Taiwan, and Philippines—(ACNielsen). The rapid rise of supermarkets in the past five to ten years has transformed agrifood markets at different rates and depths across regions and countries. Many of those transformations present great challenges—even exclusion—for small farms, and small processing and distribution firms, but also potentially great opportunities. Developmentmodels, policies, and programs need to adapt to this radical change. Furthermore, local markets in Indonesia tend to be influenced by international trade, especially introducing FTA and activity of ASEAN. Those complex situations around Indonesia affect the way of transformation of markets so that we have to analyze it from multiple view points, which detail is explained next chapter. First view point is market integration theory, which has origin at industrial organization theory. It is a very useful tool to clarify the market efficiency as general data for following analysis. Second view point is decision making of merchants on procurement system. We adopt micro economic theory to the problem for investigating more micro behaviors of traders than first view point. Third one is network analysis for market place. It refers to horizontal relationship among traders, comparing with latent two viewpoints. And we can analyze the role of society on market places affecting the economic and social decision making of traders. Introducing network theory to economic theory, we integrated game theory and social network theory and econometrics to conduct the study. Last point is trade theory for the liberalization of food retail markets. That analysis mainly use the secondly data from World Bank or other institutions of development studies. It will be aimed to integrate the first analysis to clarify the market behavior to compare with other developing countries, Philippine, Malaysia, Thailand, China and such that. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 375 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NAMA PENELITI ASING: (P.4.a) Shinya Ikeda Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Tokyo, 18-08-1984 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Doctoral Student Institusi : Tohoku University Email: Alamat : 1-1 Amamiya-machi, Tsutsumidori, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi 981-8555, JAPAN (P.5) Improving the sustainability of cocoa production in eastern Indonesia throughintegrated pest, disease and soil management in an effective extension andpolicy environment Tujuan Penelitian : Mengembangkan praktik penyuburan tanah oleh petani kecil, mempelajaripenyebab terjadinya perubahan dalam gejala penyakit vascularr-streakdieback (VSD), melanjutkan uji lahan untuk diseminasi hasil tiruan cocoayang telah dikembangkan, dan menganalisis kebijakan terkait manajemenpertanian Bidang Penelitian : Pertanian Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 21 Maret2012 Daerah Penelitian : Sulsel (Makassar) Mitra Kerja : Dr. Sahardi Mulia - Balitbang Kementan Abstract In the 1980s and 90s, smallholder cocoa production expanded rapidly in Sulawesi driven by the initiative of farmers, abundance of suitable land, fertility of forest soils, availability of migrant labour, minimal pest and disease damage, and the development of competitive supply and cocoa buying chains. Cocoa greatly boosted the incomes of over 500,000 smallholders in Sulawesi and other outer regions, and Sulawesi rapidly became the third largest producer of cocoa in the world. The sustainability of this sector is now threatened as land has become scarce, soil fertility has declined, and pest and disease problems have built up to destructive levels, reducing the yield, quality and profitability of cocoa. The Indonesian government, through the National Cocoa Revitalisation Program (GERNAS), is seeking technical, extension and policy interventions that will ensure the long-term sustainability of existing cocoa production in 376 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 eastern Indonesia; AGB/2010/011 aims to support the implementation of GERNAS by providing the research and extension needed for the production of high quality cocoa in sustainable smallholder systems. Previous ACIAR cocoa projects (CP/2000/102, SMAR/2005/074, ASEM/2003/015) in Indonesia and PNG have lead the development and widespread adoption of improved cocoa clones, methods of grafting these onto mature trees, and integrated pest and disease management (IPDM) involving mainly cultural measures, and have influenced national policies and programs such as GERNAS and cocoa breeding at the Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute (ICCRI). However, aspects of cocoa production . requiring further research to sustain smallholder livelihoods have been identified: depletion of soil fertility over three decades with little fertilisation has greatly reduced productivity and damage by pests and diseases has greatly increased; since 2004 the symptoms of vascular-streak dieback (VSD) have changed dramatically and the disease has become a major problem. Also, ineffective extension linkages and poor functioning of market-based incentives have constrained farmer adoption of sustainable farming practices. Accordingly, the objectives of this project are: (1) to develop improved smallholder soil fertilisation practices, including use of locally sourced organic composts and inorganic fertilisers, (2) to investigate the reasons for the substantial changes in VSD symptoms and severity, (3) to continue on-farm testing and dissemination of improved cocoa clones, and (4) to implement and test improved extension methods and analyse existing policies aimed at improving farm management. IPDM trials involving farmer participation and farmer-to-farmer extension will be used as an extension focus and digital communication technologies will be used to ensure greater exposure of trials and more effective dissemination of knowledge. Research activities will be conducted at one location in Sulawesi and one in West Papua, while IPDM participatory trials will be established more widely by participating extension agencies. The applied technical research will be linked to social science research aimed at improving the engagement of extension services and farmers and generating clear policy recommendations for programs to improve sustainability of cocoa production. Achievement of these objectives will break the boom and bust cycle which has characterised cocoa farming globally, and will lead to a more secure future for cocoa farmers and their communities and reduce the pressure for expansion of cocoa farming into forested areas. Three institutions in Australia (La Trobe University, The University of Sydney and Mars Inc.) will work with Indonesian partners in Sulawesi, Java and Papua, coordinated by the Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian (BPTP; Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology - AIAT) in South Sulawesi, the Cocoa Research Group at Hasanuddin University (UNHAS), Makassar, and the Biotechnology Research Institute for Estate Crops (BRIEC), Bogor. Other Indonesian partners will be ICCRI in East Java, AIAT Papua, AIAT West Papua, AIAT Central Sulawesi, Mars Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 377 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Symbioscience, The University of Papua (UNIPA), and the Dinas Perkebunan agencies in West Sulawesi and West Papua. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (P.5.a) Peter John McMahon Tempat dan tanggal lahir : London, 11-10-1960 Warga Negara : Australia Jabatan : Researcher Institusi : Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) Email : p.mcmahon@latrobe.edu.au com Alamat : Departement of Botany, La Trobe University, Bundoora, Victoria 2086, Australia 378 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi atau peterjmcmahon@hotmail. DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Bidang riset Politik dilakukan oleh peneliti asing mengingat kaitannya dengan dinamika politik dan perkembangan demokrasi di Indonesia; termasuk berbagai kebijakan publik tentang desentralisasi, lingkungan, dan agama. Secara total terdapat 8 project penelitian dan 8 peneliti asing. (Q.1) Political Pluralism in Indonesia’s Multi-Party System Tujuan Penelitian : Menganalisis perkembangan pluralisme politik dalam sistem politik multipartai di Indonesia Bidang Penelitian : Ilmu Politik Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 16 April 2012 Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta, Jawa Barat (Bandung) Mitra Kerja : Dr. Mangadar Situmorang–FISIP Universitas Parahyangan Abstract Objectives:The objective of this research is to analyse the development of political pluralism in Indonesia’s multi-party system. Outline: Indonesia is beginning to gear up for the next legislative and presidential elections set to be held in 2014. In the lead up to this important event, this study will analyse the Indonesian politicalsystem with a focus on the prevalence of political pluralism. The current party system in Indonesia is shaped by Indonesia’s unique cultural, social and political history. From Indonesia’s period of Parliamentary Democracy in the 1950s, to Guided Democracy in the 1960s, and Pancasila Democracy in the 1970s and 1980s, Indonesia has undergone a multitude of political systems with different characteristics. This history continues to influence and shape Indonesia’s political system today. Since the opening of the political system more than one decade ago, Indonesia’s political landscape has become increasingly plural and diversified in accordance with Indonesia’s political and social needs. Pluralism was allowed and encouraged within a broader framework of unity, cohesion and balance. For example, the implementation of Law 31 of 2002 allowed dozens of new political parties to emerge, while at the same time regulating the new multi-party system in a number of ways. Firstly, in order to stabilize the system, parties were required to reach a minimal threshold of 2.5% in order to gain representation in the Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 379 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR, People’s Representative Council). Secondly, parties must have a presence in a majority of Indonesia’s provinces, in order to encourage national parties, rather than regional parties that could endanger national unity. And finally, parties must also adhere to the Pancasila ideology and stay in accordance with the 1945 Constitution in order to prevent the emergence of parties that do not comply with Indonesia’s state ideology. These methods of organizing Indonesia’s political system are the result of two factors. Firstly, Indonesia’s history as a plural society, with culturally, religiously and politically diversity presents challenges for government that are found in few other states. This has given rise to uniquely Indonesian concepts such as the Pancasila ideology, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (Unity in Diversity), and NKRI (The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia). Secondly, democratic reforms that have taken place over the last decade have transformed Indonesia’s political system to such an extent that Indonesia is today widely considered the most democratic nation in Southeast Asia, and globally a model for how democracy can function in a Muslim majority nation. As such, Indonesia’s system represents a fusion of the traditional and the modern as well as the local and the global. With such unique features, this study has two goals, one theoretical and one analytical; Firstly, the rapid changes that are taking place in Indonesia’s political system offer political scientists new perspectives for the theoretical study of concepts such as political orders in plural societies. Secondly, Indonesia’s preparations for the next national elections in 2014 represent another practical milestone in Indonesian democracy and required careful analysis. Therefore, the aim of this study is to fuse a theoretical evaluation of how plural societies are governed, with an analysis of the issues surrounding the implementation of a multi-party system in Indonesia in the run up to the 2014 legislative and presidential elections. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (Q.1.a) Dominic Berger Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Jerman, 29 September 1984 Warga Negara : Australia Jabatan : Ph. D Candidate Institusi : Australian National University Email : dominic.berger@anu.edu.au Alamat : 192A Chandlers Hill Road, Happy Valley 5159 Adelaide, South Australia 380 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (Q.2) Transnational Flows of Islamic Political Thought in Indonesian Debates over Liberal Islam: the Case of the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization Tujuan Penelitian : Melihat pengaruh ISTAC (International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization) dan mengidentifikasi bagaimana konsep dan argumen spesifik yang diasosiasikan dengan kelompok ini dipandang oleh para pemikir konservatif di Indonesia Bidang Penelitian : Ilmu Politik Lama Penelitian : 2 (dua) bulan mulai 21 Mei 2012 Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta, Makassar Mitra Kerja : Dr. Rizal Mallarangeng- Freedom Institute Abstract Among new debates over public religion in Indonesia, the question of Islamic liberalism and the activism of the Liberal Islam Network {Jaringan Islam Liberal) have received a considerable amount of attention. In general, very little has been written about the vocal critiques of the Liberal Islam Network from within the “Islamic academy” in Indonesia and Malaysia. A considerable number of these academic critics in Indonesia received graduate training from the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC) at the International Islamic University in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The objective of this research is to determine the influence of ISTAC and identify how particular concepts and arguments associated with the Institute have been appropriated by conservative thinkers in Indonesia. An Association of South-East Asian Studies in the United Kingdom grant will allow me to carry out two months of research in Malaysia and Indonesia. In Indonesia I will interview graduates of the Institute as well as liberal intellectuals who are the object of their critiques. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (Q.2.a) Carlo Joseph Bonura, Jr. Tempat dan tanggal lahir : New York, 12-06-1971 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Researcher Institusi : Dept. of Politics and International Relations, Centre for Political Ideologies, University of Oxford Email : carlo.bonura@politics.ox.ac.uk Alamat : Manor Road,Oxford OX13 UQ, UK. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 381 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (Q.3) Decentralization and the Impact of Privatization on Higher Education in Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan pengamatan peraturan pemerintah terkait pendidikan untuk menganalisis isu privatisasi perguruan tinggi di Indonesia. Bidang Penelitian : Ilmu Pemerintahan Lama Penelitian : 10 (sepuluh) bulan mulai 10 Januari 2012 Daerah Penelitian : UI di DKI Jakarta dan Jawa Barat (Depok), UGM DI Yogyakarta dan USU di Sumatra Utara Mitra Kerja : Francisia SSE Seda, Ph.D. - Program Pascasarjana Dept. Sosiologi FISIP-UI NAMA PENELITI ASING: (Q.3.a) Lynne Na Young Nolte Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Korea, 05-09-1984 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Master Student Institusi : University of Wisconsin Email : Lynne.N.Nolte@gmail.comdan LNoite@wisc.edu Alamat : 1240 Van Hise Hall, 1220 Linden Drive Madison, Wisconsin 53706, USA (Q.4) The environmental governance of REDD+ in Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Menganalisis instrumen kebijakan serta instansi pemerintah dan swasta yang terlibat dalam program dan proyek REDD+ Bidang Penelitian : Kebijakan Publik Lama Penelitian : 5 (lima) bulan mulai 24 Januari 2012 Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta, Jawa Barat (Bogor) Mitra Kerja : Mangadar Situmorang, Ph.D. - FISIP Universitas Katolik Parahyangan 382 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Abstract Indonesia is a global leader in the climate change program, Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+). The Government of Indonesia is currently developing a national policy framework and building institutional capacity to implement REDD+ programs and activities. Indonesia is also host to large number of demonstration projects located in different provinces. These policies and projects are developing new methods and institutions to manage forest carbon and provide financial incentives and development opportunities. These REDD+ programs and projects are coordinated by different government agencies, and engage a number of private forest companies, communities and landowners, consultants and non-government organisations. This research project is analysing the multilevel environmental governance of REDD+ implementation in Indonesia, with a focus on the national policy architecture and on demonstration projects. The research will analyse the policy instruments, the institutions and the government agencies and private organisations engaged in REDD+ programs and projects. The purpose is to provide applied research that is of benefit to practitioners engaged in REDD+ implementation and contribute to research in the fields of climate change, international relations and public policy. Data collection will require interviews with representatives from the Government of Indonesia agencies, private companies and project consultants and NGOs engaged in REDD+ programs and demonstration projects in Indonesia. Background Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) is a key mechanism under negotiation in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Since 2007, a number of countries have commenced implementing REDD+ policies and measures, and investing in demonstration projects. These projects involve forest carbon activities, such as large scale conservation and management, the rehabilitation of degraded forests and peatland, and reforestation or plantations. Indonesia is a global leader in the development of REDD+ programs and projects. The Government of Indonesia is currently developing a National REDD+ Strategy, has issued a number of decrees and regulations, and is building institutions to support national implementation. Indonesia is also host to an expanding number of on-ground demonstration projects located across the provinces. There is also significant government investment in capacity building and technical development in areas such as monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) of forest emissions. The emerging REDD+ program in Indonesia is highly complex and interacts with international policy developments, and with project activities at the local/provincial level. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 383 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Indonesia is a member of the UN-REDD Program and the World Bank Forest Carbon Partnership Facility. The Government of Indonesia has also developed bilateral partnerships with the Norwegian, Australian and German Governments. Many of the demonstration projects have been financed from multilateral funds, donor government programs or from private companies and investment banks. Projects are also being developed to generate carbon credits that can be traded in carbon markets. The development and operation of these REDD+ programs and projects engages a variety of stakeholders including; national and provincial government agencies; landowners, and communities; private companies and project consultants; and nongovernment organisations (NGOs). Objectives The proposed research will analyse the multi-level environmental governance of REDD+, with a focus on Indonesia. Broadly the research aims to understand how the governance of REDD+ operates across different levels - from projects, to national and international programs. The research will analyse three key aspects to the governance of REDD+ including; the different policies and measures (PAMs); the institutions that facilitate implementation; and the different agencies and organisations involved.The research objectives are: • Analyse the governance REDD+ implementation in Indonesia including; national policy frameworks; national decrees, laws and regulations; national REDD+ institutions, including monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) systems; • Study the governance of REDD+ demonstration projects in Indonesia and the role of the different government agencies and non-government organisations and private companies involved in the projects. • Analyse the governance linkages and relationships between demonstration project activities, national level REDD+ policies and measures and international frameworks and financing mechanisms, including funds and carbon markets. There is a growing body of research on REDD+ that focuses on the technical and scientific needs, the incentive instruments, and social and economic issues. This research on multi-level environmental governance is a new and important approach that aims to understand how REDD+ programs and projects are being governed in Indonesia. Outputs The purpose of the research is to understand and analyse the complex governance of REDD+ in Indonesia and provide an important contribution to the implementation of REDD+ programs and to academic scholarship in this field. 384 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Applied component The research will provide a practical contribution to REDD+ programs and projects in Indonesia and more broadly in the Asia-Pacific region. The study will develop applied knowledge on REDD+ implementation that is of benefit to practitioners, to government agencies and other organisations. The research will provide a report that covers: • The REDD+ environmental governance systems in Indonesia and how they operate. • The key drivers of REDD+ governance, outlining the policy and institutional factors and the role of different agencies and organisations. • Information on how REDD+ governance systems could be streamlined to enhance the delivery of REDD programs and projects. Theory component The research will also develop theory in the areas of multi-level environmental governance of climate change. The study will aim to theorise how the different REDD+ programs and activities function across the different levels. The outputs will be articles in refereed journals. Please note that the research is not intended to be critical of the Government of Indonesia or be controversial. The research is designed to develop knowledge on REDD+ governance that will assist the effective and successful implementation of programs and projects. Methodology: The research will apply a qualitative research methodology using a case study framework. Data will be collected from publicly available documents including REDD+ project reports, Indonesian Government agency reports, decrees and legislation, and from agency and organisation websites. Data will also be collected from reports published by consultants, carbon companies, science and research organisations and non-government stakeholders. Semi-structured interviews will be conducted with a cross section of different representatives and stakeholders involved in the governance of REDD+ programs and demonstration projects. This includes the Ministry of Forestry, Ministry of Environment, BAPPENAS and other relevant agencies. Interviews will also be conducted with private companies, research organisations and NGOs engaged in REDD+ projects and programs. All interviews will be confidential and names and contacts of participants will not be recorded, and any interview data used will be anonymous. Data will be kept secure and locked in a filing system and on a password protected computer files. All interviews will be conducted in Jakarta and Bogor. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 385 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA The research in Indonesia has been approved by the Griffith University Research Ethics Committee (Protocol number PPP/05/11/HREC) and complies with Australian Government Ethical Standards for research. The research project has been approved by the Griffith Research School, the Griffith Business School and the Department of Politics and Public Policy. Concept: The research is in the disciplines of international relations and public policy, with a focus on governance. Environmental governance is an emerging research field and will be used as the conceptual framework for this project. Environmental governance relates to the different steering mechanisms and processes to respond to environmental issues, such as the policy instruments, and the political and social institutions (Lemos and Agrawal 2006; Young 2009). Environmental governance also relates to the networks of government, private and civil society organisations engaged in developing and implementing environmental policies and programs (Bierman and Patteberg 2008). One type of environmental governance model is public-private partnerships between government, private companies and other stakeholders. Multi-level environmental governance is a relatively new concept that has been used to describe and analyse how environment programs have been developed and implemented in different countries. The approach has also been used to evaluate the different layers of governance in any national or international climate program (Kern and Bulkeley. 2009). Multi-level governance has also been suggested as useful framework for studying REDD+ implementation (Skutch and Van Laake 2009; Thompson et al 2011). However, this research will be one of the first projects to apply a multi-level governance framework to REDD+ in Indonesia or across the Asia Pacific region. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (Q.4.a) Henry James Boer Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Sydney, 24-08-1971 Warga Negara : Australia Jabatan : Ph.D Student Institusi : Dept. of Politics and Public Policy, Griffith University Email : h.boer@griffith.edu.au Alamat : Dept. of Politics and Public Policy, Griffith UniversityGriffith Business School, Glyn Deavis Bld N72 Nathan Campus Griffith University 170 Kessels Road Nathan QLD 4111, Australia 386 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (Q.5) After Authority: Media and Political Communication in Post-Suharto Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari proses demokratisasi di Indonesia pasca 1998 dari sudut pandang kebebasan pers dan teknologi media Bidang Penelitian : Ilmu Politik Lama Penelitian : 7 (tujuh) bulan mulai 28 Desember 2012 Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta, DI Yogyakarta Mitra Kerja : Puslit. Sumber Daya Regional – LIPI (Fadjar Ibnu Thufail) Abstract Research Objectives: This research aims to understand the process of democratization in Indonesia post-1998 through an understanding of how new press freedoms and new media technologies have led to a more open and participatory public sphere. This is a study of media in the broadest sense. While studies of “media” tend to focus on the mainstream print and electronic press, my interest is in the interactions between these more mainstream, established media (usually referred to as “the media”) and alternative or “small” media such as Internet-based social media, blogging, street and protest art, amateur documentary film, VCDs, cell phones, digital photography, political cartoons, art exhibitions, even children’s drawings. I am interested in how privatized, decentralized, informal and unregulated media such as these contribute to the inclusion of once excluded voices in the national conversation: former political prisoners, radical Islamists, Chinese Indonesians, human rights activists, etc. The research will focus on a series of events or controversies in which new or alternative media became central to public discussions about the nation’s past, present, and future. In these debates (about political corruption, pprnography, human rights abuses, the representation of history, etc.), media technologies serve not only as the material means for new forms of political communication but also as important symbols of both the liberating possibilities of transparency and democracy and the threat of obscured power, porous national borders, morally suspect promiscuity, and unauthored rumors. This project aims to dissect the role of media technology within two interlinked postauthoritarian outcomes: a more vital, participatory public sphere, on the one hand, and oneplagued by doubt, suspicion, and anxiety, on the other. I argue that these apparently contradictory outcomes are mutually constitutive aspects of a post-authoritarian “crisis of credibility,” which manifests in intensive questioning of—and heightened longing for— authority and authenticity. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 387 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA I plan to produce an academic book that will contribute to the study of democratic transitions and to the understanding of Indonesia’s recent history. It will be of use to Indonesianists, anthropologists, and those in related fields such as media studies and communications. Methodology: The primary method will be interviewing of key players in the various arenas of public debate that I will explore (journalists, artists, filmmakers, historians, bloggers, activists, etc.). These will be open-ended interviews. I will record them when acceptable to the interviewee. I will use pseudonyms and protect the confidentiality of my interviewees, except when they explicitly want their real names to be used. I will use snowball techniques to pursue additional subjects for interviews. In addition I will be collecting relevant documentary materials such as newspaper clippings, exhibition catalogues, photographs of art works, videotapes, etc. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (Q.5.a) Karen Strassler Tempat dan tanggal lahir : New York, 22-10-1969 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Associate Professor Institusi : Queens College Email : karen..strassler@qc.cuny.edu Alamat : Queens College 65-30 Kissena Blvd Flushing, NY 11367, USA (Q.6) Exploring the Political Edge: Conservation in an Era of Political Decentralization at Indonesia’s Kerinci Seblat National Park Tujuan Penelitian : Mengetahui dampak desentralisasi terhadap kawasan lindung di Indonesia dengan menggunakan TN Kerinci Seblat sebagai studi kasus Bidang Penelitian : Politik & Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 5 bulan mulai 6 April2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (TN Kerinci Seblat dan wilayah sekitar TN Mitra Kerja : TN Kerinci Seblat - Kementerian Kehutanan (Ir. Luhut Sihombing) 388 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Abstract This dissertation examines the effects of decentralization on protected areas in Indonesia using Sumatra’s Kerinci Seblat National Park as a case study. Sweeping decentralization reforms were implemented in 2001 after decades of central rule by the authoritarian Suharto regime. The reforms devolved significant powers to the district level while national parks remained under the control of the central government. The unfolding of decentralization has created a number of conflicts related to conservation. These conflicts stem from fundamental contradictions created by decentralization: for the districts the new powers came with new responsibilities to generate operating revenue and provide development opportunities for constituents. These goals are often met by encouraging agricultural expansion and natural resource extraction, but for the districts around the park these options are limited, because the park remains under central government control, and so trees, minerals, and land contained within are off limits. This dissertation is a systematic examination of the implementation of decentralization reforms after the first decade. The 15 districts around the park vary in terms of the types and intensity of pressure exerted on the park. I trace the de jure and de facto networks that determine access and control, and the driving interests behind these networks. Few studies have examined in-depth the effects decentralization has had on national-park based conservation in Indonesia. In addition this project makes contributions to political ecology as it examines the interface between policies and on-the-ground actors in an attempt to illustrate why people make the choices they make. Finally, this dissertation examines a fundamental contradiction: that of district level development priorities which push for exploitation of natural resources juxtaposed with national and global scale conservation priorities which support preservation and conservation. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (Q.6.a) Keith Andrew Bettinger Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Louisiana, 04-08-1974 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : PhD Student Institusi : Dept. of Geography, University of Hawaii Email: Alamat : Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 389 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (Q.7) Pro-Formal: Pasar Kayu Domestik dan Revitalisasi Industri Kehutanandi Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Menguji implikasi ekonomi dan sosial dari implementasi sistem jaminanlegalitas kayu yang baru, khususnya bagi industri kehutanan skala kecil danmenengah di Indonesia Bidang Penelitian : Kebijakan Publik Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 30 Mei2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jateng, Kalimantan Timur (Berau) Mitra Kerja : Prof. Wawan Kustiawan - Universitas Mulawarman, dan Lala M. Kolopaking, Ph.D - Pusat Studi Pembangunan Pertanian dan Pedesaan, IPB Abstract The Ministry of Forestry’s vision for the future of Indonesian forestry sector is elaborated in the Forestry Master Plan 2025. It envisions revitalization of the ailing plywood and veneer industries and the expansion of FMU and plantation based timber supplies. The revitalization and expansion of the forestry sector is aimed at regaining the position of the forestry sector as a major contributor to the national GDP and an important driver of employment and rural development. The growth target is accompanied by parallel measures to ensure compliance with legality and sustainability standards. That is why the Government of Indonesia has signed the VPA agreement with EC in late 2011 and is implementing the timber legality verification system (TLAS), known as SVLK. SVLK is to become mandatory in March 2012. While there is general support for SVLK among the forestry sector practitioners, there is also a concern about higher costs this system may entail. Some observers indicate that SVLK may drive production costs up by as much as 25%. It is therefore important to examine the economic and social implications of the implementation of this new timber legality assurance system, especially for small and medium forestry enterprises in Indonesia. This project aims to assess these implications. It will examine the challenges that small and medium enterprises face in implementing new limber legality verification systems. Finally, it will provide policy and management options to ensure efficient and effective implementation of SVLK which supports revitalization of the forestry sector in Indonesia. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (Q.7.a) Krystof Obidzinski Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Poland, 22-10-1969 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat 390 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Jabatan : Researcher Institusi : CIFOR Email :cifor@cgiar.org Alamat : Seneca Road, Plainville CT 06062, USA 2012 (Q.8) Life-Style-Related Disease Public Policies in Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Melihat bagaimana kebijakan publik Indonesia dalam menangani diabetes dan penyakit-penyakit terkait gaya hidup lainnya serta menganalisis bagaimana proses ini dikomunikasikan pada level sekunder seperti provinsi atau kota Bidang Penelitian : Politik/ Kebijakan Publik Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan dimulai 9 November 2012 Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta, Sulawesi Utara (Tomohon, Manado), Jawa Barat (Depok), Jawa Timur (Surabaya), Sumatra Utara (Medan) Mitra Kerja : Prof. Dr. Eko Prasojo, Mag.rer.publ. UI - Pascasarjana FISIP - Abstrak Diabetes is classified as one of the main life-style-related disease, and is affected by daily diet and/or the amount of exercise. Research on aspects of diabetes and other life-stylerelated disease will help to understand the Public Policies including social systems, and medical systems of Indonesia. Diabetes and life-style-related diseases are no longer limited to diseases of developed countries and the number of diabetics is increasing worldwide in developing nations. Indonesia is no exception and has the 4* largest number of diabeties of any country in the world, after India, China, and the USA. Of the population of Indonesia, 8.6% of the population are diabetics, and the Dumber of patients who suffer from this disease have increased dramatically from 4.5 million in 1995 to 12.4 million by 2025, based on surveys conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Ministry of Health of Indonesia (KEMKES). Since 1986, the Indonesian government has been taking the lead in making provisions for dealing with diabetes. Congress and medical doctors have cooperated and established the Association of Diabetes in Indonesia (PERSADIA), whose headquarters are in Jakarta and has expanded to 11 regions, 92 departments, and 172 units/clubs all over Indonesia. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 391 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA In Indonesia, the association has promoted and initiated treatment and research in each region or district, nevertheless, it has been unable to stop the increase in the number of diabetics. Diabetes awareness increased in 2006 when The United Nations declared “Unitefor Diabetes”. Since this declaration, societies, generally, have become increasingly aware of diabetes, especially in the main cities of Indonesia. Also in this year, 2006, KEMKES founded the Office for Diabetes Mellitus in the Directorate of Non Communicable Disease (NCD) Control and started to tackle with life-style-related diseases in Indonesia. Research Objectives This research has two primary objectives: (1) To determine how Indonesia is dealing with public policies on diabetes and life-style-related diseases, and (2) to analyze how this process is transmitted to secondary levels, such as regions or districts as identified in the Figure. For regions or districts identified in ‘4. Fieldwork Locations’, to determine how public policies on diabetes and life-style-related diseases affects individual patients in concerned regions or districts. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (Q.8.a) Satoru Asegawa Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Hokkaido, 06-06-1985 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Graduate Student Institusi : Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University Email :satoru.asegawa@gmail.com Alamat : 274-5 Cyujo. Izuhokuni-CityShizuoka, JAPAN 392 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Bidang riset Primatologi, sebenarnya merupakan cabang dari Zoologi dan Biologi, namun dalam Buku Direktori ini dipisahkan tersendiri mengingat interest-nya yang banyak dari peneliti asing. Topik yang favorit adalah sekitar tingkah laku dan kesehatan orang-utan, kaitannya dengan ekologi, konservasi dan komunitas hutan. Perbandingan antara orang-utan Kalimantan dan Sumatera. Primata lain juga menjadi topik penelitian seperti kukang, gibbon, tarsius, dan macaca. Terdapat 43 project penelitian, dan 55 peneliti asing. (R.1) Sound repertoires among wild Sumatran Orang-Utans Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari mekanisme sosial dan perilaku yang mempengaruhi perkembangan dan fleksibilitas home range pada orangutan betina Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi Lama Penelitian : 7 (tujuh) bulan mulai 12Januari 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Tengah (Stasiun Penelitian Tuanan). Mitra Kerja : Wisnu Wijiatmoko.S.Si. - Fakultas Biologi Universitas Nasional Abstract This project will contribute to an overview of call innovations made by wild Sumatran orangutans. The special focus will be on three kinds of sounds: the nesting sounds (known as raspberry sounds at Suaq Balimbing), the mother-infants sounds and some “private” sounds in other context. Data from previous studies on vocal repertoire of the orang-utans will be combined with the data that will be collected during this research, in order to get insight of the function, the origin and the ontogeny of these sounds. The project will be conducted in coordination with other projects from the University of Zurich. So far, most of the studies on the cultural and functional aspect of the vocal repertoire of the orang-utans were made in Borneo (Marietta P., 2007, Naso A., 2007, Spillmann B. et al., 2010). Thus, the aim of this project is to produce additional data on these specific sounds from Sumatran orang-utans. Moreover, the comparisons with the Bornean data will help us to shed light on differences between the two populations, which might contribute to our understanding of the function, origin and ontogeny of these sounds. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 393 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA The aim of this project is to investigate the call repertoire made by wild orang-utans at Suaq Balimbing, Sumatra, Indonesia. Ecological context data and daily sound records on several age-sex classes will be collected in a wild population of orang-utans. Detailed data on nesting sounds, mother-infants sounds and sounds in other context, including possibly “private” sounds, are needed to have a better understanding of the function, origin and ontogeny of these sounds. Orang-utans are known to have a rich sound repertoire including 32 different sounds and vocalizations that can be distinguished such as long call, kiss squeaks or raspberry sounds (Hardus M.E. et al., 2009a). However, little is known about the functional aspect of many lessconspicuous sounds but a plausible hypothesis is that they can serve as a communicative signal. If the nest-building sounds have a function in the communication, we would expect the closest neighbours to start building their own nest soon after the signaller made these calls even if they might move a little bit away in order to regulate the distance between them. Equally, if the mother-offspring sounds serve as a communicative signal, we would expect that the infant will join his mother straight after she produced a specific soundor that the mother will allow the infant to suckle just after it asked for it by making a special sound. As some nesting sounds are similar to some feeding sounds, we might think that they have got the same origin. If they do, an orang-utan making such a feeding sound is expected to produce the same sound while building his nest and inversely, an orang-utan making a nesting sound is expected to produce the same sound while foraging. To have a better understanding of the meaning of the nesting sounds, and so their function, playback experiments in the field will be conducted. As they are similar to some feeding sounds, it will be very interesting to do some analyses and comparisons of the recordings to obtain more information on the origin of the nesting sounds. To investigate the ontogeny of the sounds made by orang-utans, the comparisons of these sounds between several individuals should give us already an idea about the first use of these sounds by young orang-utans. Moreover, the ecological context will be carefully studied to determine whether there are some regularities for these sounds. Finally, the analyses of the ecological data and the private sounds will allow us to establish whether some sounds could be innovations and if they can be socially transmitter. Although the presence of culture has been demonstrated in several animal taxa such as birds, cetaceans and primates (Kmtzen M. ef al., 2005, Madden J.R., 2008, Whiten A. er al., 1999), there is still no standard definition of “culture”. However, the definition of this term as “the possession of multiple traditions, spanning different domains of behaviour such as foraging techniques and social customs” by Whiten & van Schaik (2007) would likely be acceptable by most researchers. As traditions are defined as “behavioural practices that are inherited over generations through social learning” by Perry & Manson (2003), a species can show cultural behaviour as soon as some innovations, that cannot be due to genetics or explained by 394 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 ecological conditions, are socially transmitted over generations of the same species. Long-field studies on the geographic variations of the behaviour of wild populations of orang-utans in Indonesia provided evidence of culture in this Asian great ape (Schaik C.P.v. et al., 2003). Indeed, Elizabeth Fox and her colleagues demonstrated that the ecological factor does not contribute to variation in tool-based insect foraging strategies in Sumatra comparing to other populations (Fox E.A. et al., 2004). However, diet traditions in two populations of wild Bornean orang-utans, that are genetically identical living in a similar habitat but are separated by a river impassable for orang-utans, were established in a recent study (Bastian M.L et al., 2010). Moreover, research on feeding-related knowledge of immature orang-utans demonstrated that they learn these foraging skills socially through vertical transmission by enhancement or observational learning (Dindo M. et al., 2010, Jaeggi A.V. et al., 2010). Thus, the presence of culture among orang-utans is very likely. Data will be collected daily by following focal animals from their morning nest to the evening nest, hence from dawn to dusk. During this time wild orang-utans will be observed and their behaviour recorded using the standard methods published on the orang-utan network (http://www.aim.uzh.ch/orangutannetwork.html). Ad libitum sound records will be collected during the day. Later, playback experiments will be performed under appropriate circumstances of the day and analysed to determine the function, the origin and the ontogeny of the nesting sounds, the mother-infant sounds and all other private sounds. All data will be collected between January and June 2012. This research will take place at Suaq Balimbing Research Station (3’42’N, 97’26’E), Aceh Selatan, within the Gunung Leuser National Park located in the north of Sumatra, Indonesia. The research area of 500ha consists of peat-swamp forest, with adjacent areas of mixed dipterocarp, riverine, and seasonally flooded freshwater swamp. At Suaq Balimbing orang-utans have been object to behavioural observations between 1992 and 1999 (Schaik C.P.v., 2004) and from 2007 to date. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (R.1.a) Stephanie Mercier Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Halifax Can, 02-07-1986 Warga Negara : Swiss Jabatan : Master Student Institusi : University of Neuchâtel Email :stephainie.mercier@unine.ch Alamat : Jolimont 4 2000 Neuchatel, Switzerland Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 395 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (R.2) Population Density Survey of Tarsius in Central Sulawesi Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan survei kepadatan populasi tarsius dan memetakan pengelompokan mereka secara demografis Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 24 Januari 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Tengah (TN Lore Lindu: Rore Ketimbu) Mitra Kerja : Ir.H.M. Galib Ishak,MS. - Universitas Tadulako Abstract In August of 2008, a live group of pygmy tarsiers, Tarsius pumilus, was located on Mt. Rore Katimbu in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia by Dr. Sharon Gursky and the PI. Three individuals were captured, tagged, and observed. While several previous attempts to locate the tarsiers were unsuccessful, this was the first recorded observation of living specimens of pygmy tarsiers since the first museum specimens were collected in 1917. The recent successful capture indicates that the primate still exists in the wild at a density where field observation is feasible. This is a proposal to locate additional groups of pygmy tarsiers on Mt. Rore Katimbu and determine the density at which this primate lives, including group size and composition, home ranges, and distance between groups. As the conservation status of the nocturnal primate Tarsius pumilus is currently classified as data deficient, the results of this study will contribute to information on the conservation status of the species as well prepare for future research in the area. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (R.2.a) Nanda Grow Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Parganas, 19–12 – 1982 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Ph.D Student Institusi : Dept.of Anthropology Texas A & M University Email :nanda.grow@gmail.com Alamat : 4352 TAMU, College Station TX 74843, USA 396 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (R.3) Variation in feeding behavior and nest building technique among orangutan females of different matrilines in Tuanan Tujuan Penelitian : Membandingkan perilaku orangutan liar Kalimantan di setidaknya dua cluster dari segi pemilihan makanan, teknik mengolah makanan serta teknik membangun sarang Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi Lama Penelitian : 8 (delapan) bulan mulai 24 Januari 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Tengah (Stasiun Penelitian Tuanan) Mitra Kerja : Wisnu Wijiatmoko, S.Si. - Fakultas Biologi Universitas Nasional Abstract Culture can be defined in different ways, depending on the field of science. A widely accepted definition of culture equates it with the term tradition, namely, as distinct behavioral practices passed from one generation to another through socially aided learning. In this project, we use the concept of Whiten & van Schaik (2007), where culture is defined as “the possession of multiple traditions, spanning different domains of behaviour , such as foraging techniques and social customs.” Using the ‘geographic method’, differences in cultural behavior can be identified by comparing behavior of two different populations while ruling out ecological, genetical and other relevant explanations. In addition to humans, cultural differences between populations are found in many animal taxa, such as wild great apes, cetaceans and few bird species. Orangutans are known to possess cultural behavior in nest building or feeding. Studies between geographically and thus physically separated sites showed differences up to 60% in food choice, as well as differences in food-processing technique, nest construction or calls in orangutans. Recent studies found, that even clusters of females with home range-overlap might differ in their traditions in food choice, suggesting that also a social barrier might yield different traditions and therefore culture. However, it is unknown to what extent traditions in nest construction, food processing technique or food choice vary between social clusters. In this project, I will compare the behavior of wild Bornean orangutans in from at least two clusters (known different matrilines) in terms of their food choice, food processing techniques as well as nest construction techniques. The sampling will be conducted in the fieldsite Tuanan, Kalimantan Tengah, starting in February until June. Using the geographic method, I will then identify different possible traditions, leading to a better understanding of cultural behavior in great apes and the behavior of orangutans in general. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 397 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NAMA PENELITI ASING: (R.3.a) Markus Bruno Lütscher Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Haldenstein, 01-02-1982 Warga Negara : Swiss Jabatan : Master Student Institusi : University of Zurich Email :markus.luetscher@access.uzh.ch Alamat : Bulachstrasse 11/I, 8057 Zurich, Switzerland (R.4) The socio-ecological studies on wild orangutans and non-human primates in East Kalimantan, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan penelitian sosiologi, ekologi, dan perilaku orang utan dan spesies primata non-manusia lainnya di Kalimantan Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi Lama Penelitian : 12(dua belas) bulan mulai 24 Januari 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Timur (Kutai Timur, Berau, Sang Kulirang, Tarakan) Mitra Kerja : Prof. Dr. Ibnu Maryanto - Puslit Biologi LIPI NAMA PENELITI ASING: (R.4.a) Akira Suzuki Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Chiba, 02-01-1939 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Director Institusi : The Man of the Rain Forest Foundation, Tokyo Email : Alamat : 5-11-8 Ikuta, TamaKawasaki, JAPAN 398 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (R.4.b) Namiko Suzuki Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Chiba, 11-08-1972 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Manager Institusi : The Man of the Rain Forest Foundation, Tokyo Email : orangutan@livedoor.com Alamat : 5-11-8 Ikuta, Tama Kawasaki Kanagawa JAPAN (R.5) Home range establishment and flexibility among female orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii) at the Tuanan Mawas Reserve, Central Kalimantan Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari mekanisme sosial dan perilaku yang memmepngaruhi perkembangan dan fleksibilitas home range pada orangutan betina Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi Lama Penelitian : 10(sepuluh) bulan mulai 9 Januari 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Tengah (Stasiun Penelitian Tuanan) Mitra Kerja : Astri Zulfa, M.Si. - Fakultas Biologi Universitas Nasional Abstract An animal’s home range can be defined as the area that it normally occupies throughout its life after having established independence from its mother (Jolly, 1985). Home ranges generally include a core area, used most intensely, as well as a large periphery, parts of which may only seldom be used. Orangutans are large-bodied, semi-solitary, arboreal frugivores (MacKinnon, 1974; Galdikas, 1985; 1988]. Scientists generally recognize two species: Pongo abelii on Sumatra and Pongo pygmaeus on Borneo. Primarily because of morphological differences, three subspecies of the Bornean P. pygmaeus are recognized: the Northwest Bornean orangutan (P. p. pygmaeus), the Central Bornean orangutan (P. p. wurmbif }, and the Northeast Bornean orangutan (P. p. mono) (Singleton et al., 2004). These (sub)species delineations correspond to genetic differences as well as differences in diet, gregariousness, morphology, and life history (Wich et al., 2009a). Pongo abelii have the least variable amount of fruit in their diet, the largest brains, the slowest life histories, and are the most gregarious (Wich et al, 2004; 2006; Taylor and Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 399 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA van Schaik, 2007; van Schaik et al., 2009). At the other end of the spectrum, P. pygmaeus mono have a highly variable amount of fruit in their diet, the smallest brains, the fastest life histories, and are the least gregarious (MacKinnon, 1974; Taylor and van Schaik, 2007; Morrogh-Bernard et al., 2009; van Schaik et al., 2009; Wich et al., 2009b). P. p. wurmbii appear to be intermediate on most accounts (van Schaik et al., 2009). In all (sub)species of orangutans, the primary social units are single adult males, adult females with one or two dependent offspring, and single independent immatures (adolescent or subadult males and females) (Galdikas, 1985; van Schaik, 1999). Despite their semi-solitary nature, they are not without social organization and structure. Studies of Pongo abelii and P. pygmaeus spp have shown that orangutans associate preferentially with certain conspecifics and actively avoid or even antagonize other conspecifics (Singleton and van Schaik, 2002; Knott et al., 2008; Mitra Setia et al., 2009). Orangutans’ social structure is also demonstrated by their home range location and overlap patterns. Recent genetic studies have demonstrated that orangutans exhibit female philopatry, with males dispersing (Arora etal., 2010; Morrogh-Bernard ctal., 2010; Nater et al., 2011; van Noordwijk et al., submitted) (but see Goossens et al., 2006). Adult males emigrate far from their natal areas - although the timing of this seems to be variable - and eventually set up vast homeranges which overlap those of many females as well as other males (Singleton and van Schaik, 2001; 2002; Morrogh-Bernard etal., 2010; vanNoordwijk et al., submitted). Adult female orangutans have small home ranges (relative to males) which are extremely stable over time and which overlap widely with those of neighboring adult females (Singleton and van Schaik, 2001; 2002; Knott et al., 2008; Wartmann et al., 2010; van Noordwijk et al., submitted). It has been observed that adult females form “clusters,” members of which have highly overlapping home ranges, preferentially associate with one another, and maybe related (Singleton and van Schaik, 2002; Knott et al., 2008) or are known to be related (van Noordwijk et al., submitted). Studies that have sought to measure the size of adult female orangutan home ranges have produced remarkably differing results; everything from 40 to >850 hectares (Rodman, 1988; Singleton and van Schaik, 2001). Some of this variability can be explained by differences in study area sizes as well as the length of the studies - smaller study areas and shorter study periods produce smaller home range estimates (Singleton et al., 2009). Some of the observed variation in home range size, however, is thought to represent real ecological differences between individuals and populations (Singleton et al., 2009). On an individual level, female orangutan home range size appears to be primarily correlated with reproductive phase. Some studies investigating female ranging and activity budgets have shown that sexually active females have larger home ranges and/or longer daily path lengths than adult females with infants (van Woerden et al., 2007; Wartmann et al., 2010). 400 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Fox et al. (2004) also found that nulliparous female orangutans rested significantly less than other females and that lactating females had the shortest daily path lengths. The reasons for these variations likely have to do with changes in dietary preference, social allowance, mating effort, and overall energy allocation of female orangutans as they mature and age through different reproductive phases. Furthermore, Galdikas (1995) observed the remarkably gregarious nature of adolescent female orangutans and concluded that because of their small body size, they were able to travel faster and further each day and maintain a higher degree of sociality without incurring the same energy costs as would fully adult females with infants. However, preliminary data from Tuanan did not show high association rates for young females, possibly due to demographic factors such as a lack of suitable peers (van Noordwijk, personal communication). Singleton and van Schaik (2001) found that a relatively large number of subadult females were seen in their study area only occasionally or even rarely and they speculated that these young females were exploring around their mothers’ home ranges before establishing home ranges of their own. There is some evidence that the process of home range establishment is a complex and difficult social process for female orangutans. Although adult female orangutans arenot territorial - in that they do not actively defend their home range to the exclusion of all others Knott etal. (2008) did find evidence of core area defense in the form of passive range exclusion at Gunung Palung. This passive range exclusion was achieved through mutual avoidance and occasional agonistic encounters, van Noordwijk etal. [submitted] did not find similar evidence of core range exclusion at Tuanan but they did witness resident females actively discouraging an unrelated female (immigrating to the study area after the forest of her own home range was cleared) from ranging in their already established home ranges. Furthermore, agonistic interactions between unrelated females were far more common than between mothers and their daughters or between sisters (van Noordwijk et al., submitted), and Knott et al. (2008) observed that when two females fought, the female within whose core area the fight took place, was more likely to win the encounter. The same is not true at Tuanan, however, where dominance rank is the primary predictor of the outcome of agonistic encounters, regardless of where the encounter takes place (van Noordwijk, personal communication). These finding all imply that relationships and relatedness play an important but variable role in the establishment and maintenance of a female’s home range. Knott et al. (2008) further mention that the majority of the agonistic interactions between females documented in their study were between mothers and their juvenile or adolescent daughters at the time when the daughters were being pressured to travel independently. This alludes to the role of the mother in a female’s home range establishment. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 401 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA To date there has been little research focusing specifically on the establishment and flexibility of the female home range. The behavioral mechanisms and complex social interactions that are involved in a female establishing and shifting her home range as she matures are not yet well understood, nor has this been quantitatively analyzed. A mother’s role in the establishment of her daughter’s home range has also not yet been studied in depth. Objectives The overall objective of this study is to gain a better understanding of female orangutan home range establishment and flexibility. We hope to answer the following questions: • What are the behavioral mechanisms of home range establishment among females? • When and with whom do females first venture out of their natal ranges? • Do maturing female orangutans first begin to range outside of their natal ranges in response to any immediate stimuli? (such as: male long calls, fruiting trees, chased by mother, etc.) • How do adolescent/subadult females’ behaviors differ when they are making excursions out of their natal home ranges and their own core areas versus when they are within their natal home ranges and their own core areas? • What role do mothers play in the establishment of their daughters’ home ranges? How do a mother’s ranging patterns differ when she has a daughter versus a son? Is there a relationship between a mother’s excursion patterns and the home range(s) subsequently established by her daughter(s)? • What are potential benefits of female phylopatry in orangutans? Why do females set up home ranges close to their mothers and sisters? Methodology This study will be conducted in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding between Universitas Nasional Jakarta (UNAS) and the Anthropological Institute and Museum of the University of Zurich. Fieldwork will be conducted over a period of 6 to 8 months, in collaboration with the local field team at the Tuanan field station, students and researchers from our Indonesian partner Universitas Nasional, and foreign collaborators. We will collect data for this study during focal animal follows of adolescent, subadult, and adult female orangutans. Whenever possible, orangutans will be followed from night nest to night nest. The data collected will be in accordance with standardized field methods (http:// www.aim.uzh.ch/orangutannetwork/ FieldGuidelines.html). In addition, location data for the 402 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 focal individual will be noted every 30 minutes using a compass and nearby trail markers, or a hand-held GPS unit. Subsequent data analysis will be conducted at the University of Zurich and will also include behavioral and location data collected by other past and present researchers at the Tuanan field station since 2003. Home range size will be calculated using minimum convex polygone methods as well as kernel density methods. We will use ArcGIS software to delineate 95% volume home ranges and 50% volume core areas using a fixed Gaussian kernel density estimation method, in accordance with methodology used by van Noordwijk et al. (submitted). Home ranges and core areas will be calculated for each individual for each year since 2003, thus allowing for an analysis of changes in range use over time. In addition to home range and core area sizes, analyses will be performed to establish female’s daily travel distances and nest-to-nest distances. For each of these variables, comparisons between individuals and interannual comparisons for each individual (for which enough long-term data exists) will be conducted. Where kin relationships are known, the extent of the overlap between these young females’ and their mothers’ and sisters’ home ranges and core areas will be established and compared to the overlap with unrelated females. Special focus will be given to an analysis of behavior and sociality of females entering adulthood, especially while they are in the “excursion zones” of their home ranges (Singleton and van Schaik, 2001:906]. Their behavior and sociality while in this peripheral area will be compared to that while in their core areas as well as while in their mothers’ home ranges. This will allow us to establish the behavioral mechanisms of range exploration and eventual establishment. There are currently several female orangutans ranging in the Tuanan study area who we will likely pay close attention to for this analysis (van Noordwijk, personal communication). Juni has been followed since 2003 (as an adolescent) and gave birth to her first offspring in 2006; thus there is ranging data covering her adolescent phase, sexually active phase, and mothering phase. Kondor was first followed as a dependent immature in 2003 and she is now ranging independently and is thought to perhaps be pregnant. Two other females, Milo (b. 2001) and Streisel (b. 2003) are both in the early stages of ranging independently from their mothers, while Cikipos (b. <2003), began her first sexual associations in 2008 (van Noordwijk, personal communication). Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 403 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NAMA PENELITI ASING: (R.5.a) Alison Mary Ashbury Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Halifax Can, 02-07-1986 Warga Negara : Kanada Jabatan : Master Student Institusi : Anthropological Institute & Museum, University of Zurich Email :ama64j@gmail.com Alamat : Whinterthustrasse 190, Zurich (R.6) Monitoring Nitrogen dan Energy Balance in Wild Bornean Orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii) in a Peat Swamp Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari keseimbangan protein pada orangutan liar Kalimantan dengan mengumpulkan sampel urin serta melakukan pengukuran tingkat nitrogen Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi Lama Penelitian : 8 (delapan) bulan mulai 9 Januari 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Tengah (Stasiun Penelitian Orang Utan Tuanan) Mitra Kerja : Fikty Aprilinayati, S.Si.. - Fakultas Biologi, Universitas Nasional Abstract Protein is believed to be a significant limiting factor for non-human primates in tropical environments (White, 1998; Milton, 1981; Milton, 1979), as all frugivorous primates supplement their diets with insects and/or leaves, which are high in protein (Conklin-Brittan et al., 1998; Oftedal, 1991; Rothman et al., 2008). Frugivorous primates may suffer a negative protein balance if body protein is mobilized to meet demands caused by low fruit availability. Orangutans may be particularly vulnerable to protein deficiency due to their habitat in which they experience long periods of low fruit availability punctuated by periods of extremely high fruit availability (Sakai et al., 2006). The objective of this research is to study protein balance in wild Bornean orangutans by collecting urine samples from focal individuals and measuring nitrogen levels. Our specific objectives include answering the following questions: Are orangutans at Tuanan energetically stressed during periods of low fruit availability? During periods of fruit scarcity, how much protein must be consumed in order to maintain neutral energy balance? Are orangutans at Tuanan undergoing tissue wasting due to low nitrogen intake? How does protein 404 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 utilization vary with the availability of preferred ripe fruit? Do the orangutans at Tuanan get enough protein when fruit is low by supplementing their diets with leaves, flowers, and innerbark? Do orangutans at Tuanan adjust their activity patterns during periods of low nitrogen intake?This current project will add to the small amount of knowledge known about protein deficiency and protein regulation in wild primates. Protein cycling may occur during low periods of fruit availability when protein balance is negative. To answer the question, “During periods of fruit scarcity, do orangutans experience protein cycling?”, I will conduct full day focal samples, collecting behavioral and ecological data and urine samples. From the urine samples, urea concentration and nitrogen isotope ratios will be measured to determine protein cycling. Our approach involves the participation and training of local Indonesian scientists, students, and local assistants in the process of empirical measurement. We anticipate publishing our results in international scientific journals and presenting our results at scientific conferences. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (R.6.a) Kevin Andrew Rosenfield Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Paris, 07-09-1985 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Student Institusi : Rutgers University Email : kevin.rosenfield@gmail.com Alamat : 131 George ST, New Brunswick, NJ, USA 08901 (R.7) The influence of cultural knowledge on orangutan cognition Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari adanya pengetahuan budaya yang mempengaruhi perilaku orangutan Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi Lama Penelitian : 12(dua belas) bulan mulai 9 Januari 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Sumatra Utara (Sibolangit), Jambi (TN Bukit Tigapuluh) Mitra Kerja : Fitri Basalamah, M.Si.. - Fakultas Biologi, Universitas Nasional Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 405 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Abstract Determining if ape community-specific behavioral patterns are equivalent to human cultural differences is crucial in studying the origin of human cultural behaviors. There are still controversies in knowing if the same mechanisms as in humans create these differences, notably because there is no experimental proof that presumed ape cultural behaviors are socially transmitted. Additionally, even if these behaviors are cultural, do they really influence apes’ everyday life, as they do for humans? Here, I intend to address both questions through the use of field experiments, which aim at bringing the controlled settings of the laboratory directly in the species’ natural habitat. My previous work used the same settings in two communities of Ugandan chimpanzees. I showed that they reacted differently when attempting to retrieve inaccessible honey from a standardized hole. Given the absolute segregation of reactions between the two communities, I concluded that chimpanzees rely heavily on their cultural knowledge to solve problems in their environment. Chimpanzees also appeared to be culturally biased, in that their current knowledge was influencing how they comprehended their environment and could even prevent them from developing new behaviors. I wish to continue this work in orangutan communities that also vary in the same behavior as the chimpanzee communities I studied, prompting to conduct the same experiment with them. Doing so would make a more compelling case about this apparent cultural bias in ape cognition if I find the same results as in chimpanzees. Combined, the results of these studies will allow understanding more about our own evolution by isolating what components of human and animal cultures are common but also what is different to explain the uniqueness of our own species. Research objective My research objective is to produce a method that allows to study ape cultures directly in the wild and develop tools to compare them with similar paradigms used in human cultural studies so as to clearly identify what is similar and what is different between human and animal cultures. Taking an evolutionary stance, the studies I have already conducted and the new ones I am proposing here, attempt to explore the evolutionary foundation of human cultural biases in studying its presence or absence in our closest relatives, great apes. To explore this question, I propose to use field experiments. Field experiments attempt to bring the controlled settings of the laboratory in the wild, in order to produce robust results which are less prone to critics such as observations that will continue to be dismissed as anecdotes, no matter how numerous they are, by the most skeptics. The results I obtained during my PhD suggest that a cultural bias is present in chimpanzees already. Here, I would like to extend my research to a less closely related species, the orangutan. Orangutans are, with chimpanzees, the only apes known to use 406 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 tools consistantly in the wild. They are also the species that diverged the longest time ago from humans among great apes. However, they are also considered to be a very good example of a ‘cultured’ animal species. Determining if a cultural bias is present in this species would open new horizons for comparative anthropology in showing that a cognitive culture such as humans experience may generally be common among great apes. Research protocol In order to investigate the cognitive impact of cultural knowledge on apes, I plan to implement field experiments with orangutans. During my PhD, I designed a task based on simple tool using behaviors (using a stick or a leaf to gather some honey), ‘the honey-trap experiment’. The new studies I am proposing aim at continuing my work in adapting this task to another species that also shows community-specific variations: the orangutan. This study will aim at replicating the findings in chimpanzees with several populations of orangutans in Sumatra with the same settings used with chimpanzees. Notably, two Sumatran populations, in Suaq Balimbing and Ketambe, are known to differ in their use of sticks while acquiring honey, a situation comparable to the chimpanzees I studied and that I wish to investigate. Additionally, I will compare this work with a preliminary analysis in orangutan sanctuaries which will act as a control to the findings in the wild, a study that was not implemented with chimpanzees. The honey trap experiment in the wild and in sanctuaries All the studies that I propose are based on the experimental protocols developed in my previous studies (Gruber et al. 2009; Gruber et al. 2011). I will manufacture portable logs from fallen trees in the orangutans’ natural habitats. All logs will be standardized to a length of 50 cm and a width of 25 cm. A 16 cm deep hole 4 by 5 cm wide will be drilled in the middle, using a manual drill (this width and depth, suitable for chimpanzees studies, may be adapted to orangutans following pilot studies in the sanctuaries). Logs will be positioned in locations frequently visited by the orangutans, such as on an arboreal pathway or near a feeding tree. Twigs, climbers, and leaves will be available as potential raw material for tools in large quantities. During experimental work, every morning, honey will be poured into the hole by the experimenter (TG) to 10 cm below the surface. Additionally, honeycombs will be used to cover the hole and protect it from insect invasion and to provide a conspicuous visual cue to the orangutans. A motion-sensitive video camera (PixController DVREye) will survey the hole and an immediate area of about 20 m2. All experiments will be set up in the absence of orangutans. Access to the honey spot will be unrestricted, and no additional means will be used to attract individuals to the hole or to encourage them to engage with it. The experimenter will then Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 407 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA leave the area. All recordings will be done with the remote video camera and additional video recordings will be shot by the experimenter with a Canon Legria FS200 handy video camera. No social interactions will take place between the experimenter and any of the animals. Additional methodology for orangutan studies The methodology described above will be used both in the field and in sanctuaries with wild and captive orangutans. In sanctuaries, the logs will be selected from the nearby environment which is familiar to orangutans. Additionally, two types of individuals are found in sanctuaries: rehabilitants which were captured as young animals, almost always before weaning and thus unlikely to have already acquired all the skills to survive independently in their natural habitat. Second, individuals found in the centers can be wild adult individuals which were displaced because of a loss of habitat. These individuals are known as translocated, as they are meant to stay in the centres only for a short time before being released again. Comparison of both types of individuals will allow to study the impact of genetics and social influence on the development of tool using behaviours when selecting subjects originating from the same area. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (R.7.a) Thibaud Nicolas Bertrand Gruber Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Paris, 07-09-1985 Warga Negara : Perancis Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Institusi : Anthropological Institute & Museum, University of Zurich Email : thibaud.gruber@gmail.com Alamat : Whinterthustrasse 190CH8057 Zurich (R.7.b) Ricki Elaine Oldenkamp Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Michigan, 22-06-1987 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Student Institusi : Anthropological Institute and Museum, University of Zurich Email: Alamat 408 : Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (R.8) Behavioral Ecology of the Endemic Bornean Agile Gibbon Hylobates Albibarbis in a Peat-swamp Forest Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan survey populasi dan meneliti ekologi tingkah laku Gibbon Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi Lama Penelitian : 6(enam) bulan mulai 11Januari 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Tengah (Lab. Alam Hutan Gambut Sebangau dan Hutan Sebangau) Mitra Kerja : Feteria Darma,S.Hut. - CIMTROP Universitas Palangka Raya NAMA PENELITI ASING: (R.8.a) Jeremiah Rae Taylor Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Uxbridge, 02-04-1986 Warga Negara : Kanada Jabatan : Independent Research Assistant Institusi : OuTrop - The Orangutan Tropical Peatland Project Email :jeremiahtaylor43@gmail.com Alamat : 572 Romaine Street, Peterborough ON K0L1V0, UK (R.9) Speciation and hybridization in Central Sulawesi tarsiers Tujuan Penelitian : Mengevaluasi hibridisasi dan penguatan potensial pada zona kontak sekunder antara T. dentatus dan T. lariang dari segi telemetri dan genetik, serta menggunakan analisis akustik Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi Lama Penelitian : 12(dua belas) bulan mulai 17Februari 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Tengah (Winatu dan Marena di Kec. Kulawi, Kab. Sigi) Mitra Kerja : Dr. drh. Joko Pamungkas, M.Sc. - Pusat Studi Satwa Primata, LPPM IPB Abstract Tectonic events and climate fluctuations are thought to be responsible for the remarkable diversification of many of Sulawesi’s endemic animals. Intriguing is the almost explosive Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 409 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA diversification of the genus Tarsius following the island’s presumed colonisation in mid-Miocene (Shekelle & Leksono 2004). Their recent, allopatric distribution has very likely been shaped by geological events, e.g., microplale-teclonic movements (Hall 1998). But what happens at the resulting zones of secondary contact? In the case of the parapatric tarsier species T. dentatus and T. lariang, there is evidence of introgressive hybridization (Merker et al. 2009), which begs the question how both groups maintain integrity despite gene flow. These two tarsier species are an ideal model system to identify mechanisms of speciation and drivers of hybridization. With this background, the proposed project has the major aim to evaluate hybridization and potential reinforcement at the secondary contact zone between T. dentatus and T. lariang by means of telemetry, genetics and by acoustical analyses. Project staff The project will be conducted by Ms Yvonne Bohr (MSc), a PhD student of Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany and a counterpart scientist/student from the Primate Research Centre of Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, Indonesia. Ms Bohr is supervised by Dr Stefan Merker, Goethe University Frankfurt. Field and lab expenses will be covered by the German side. Aims and Questions We will investigate hybridization, dispersal patterns and mate choice in the hybrid zone between T. lariang and T. dentatus: • Who are the agents of gene flow? • Is the hybrid zone moving? • How do species withstand genetic homogenisation despite gene flow? Is there evidence of reproductive character displacement in the contact zone? Can we identify operators of reinforcement? How effective are duet songs in mate recognition? Beyond shedding light on the genetic and behavioural basis of speciation, reinforcement hybridization and introgression in general, we expect results of these projects to be most relevant to our understanding ofthe historical biogeography of the Sulawesi region,patterns and causes of reproductive isolation among tarsiers, andthe role of vocalisation in tarsier mate recognition and preference. 410 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Methods The study will comprise field work as well as molecular analyses. Methods include mistnetting, radio-tracking, playback of duet songs, and genotyping tarsiers at various loci. DNA will be obtained from small ear biopsies (2x2mm). All tarsier capture and handling will follow wellestablished procedures (e.g. Driller et al. 2009, Merker et al. 2005, 2007, 2009, 2010). All animals will be captured alive, measured, sampled and released immediately afterwards. The German PhD student and the PRC-IPB counterpart will capture (and release) 70 tarsiers in the hybrid zone of T. lariang and T. dentatus (i.e., appr. 35 of each species) of which 40 -mostly pre-dispersing subadults - will be radio-tracked over the course of seven months to trace cross-boundary migration. Playback trials will be conducted to test the significance of duet songs for mate recognition, thereby seeking traces of potentially reinforced receiver selectivity in the hybrid zone. Genotyping tarsiers at various autosomal, Y-chromosomal and mitochondrial loci will shed light on the genetics of reproductive isolation. Study site of this project part will be the environs of the village Winatu (Kec. Kulawi, Kap. Sigi, Prov. Sulawesi Tengah, S1°33’4”, E119°57’56”). In order to study dispersal in the hybrid zone, 20 tarsiers of each species will be radio-tracked: 10 subadults (5 males, 5 females) and 10 adults (5 males, 5 females). Tissue samples will be taken from all captured tarsiers including non-collared specimens. We thus expect to sample approximately 30 individuals of each of the two species. The total radio-tracking period will cover ca. 30 weeks. Focal-animal sampling of dispersing tarsiers will be conducted ad hoc to investigate vocal and ranging behaviour during dispersal. We expect to obtain a total of 80-100 bearings per animal. After radio-tracking, collared tarsiers will be re-captured and collars will be retrieved. We will use the RANGES 8 software (Anatrack Ltd.) to analyse and display home ranges and dispersal. Tarsier vocalisations will be documented and characterised alongside capturing and radio-tracking the animals. Sound analyses will be conducted using the programme RAVEN PRO 1.3 (Bioacoustics Research Program, Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA). At two distances from the species boundary, a total of 24 tarsier groups will be exposed toconspecific and heterospecific calls to assess the ability of the animals to discern signals of different species as a prerequisite for species-assortative mating. Molecular genetic work will be performed in two labs. DNA extraction from ear biopsies will be performed in the molecular biology lab at the Indonesian Primate Research Center in Bogor. Subsequently, Whole Genome Amplification (WGA) of all samples will be conducted to amphfy DNA and to prepare it for shipping under CITES regulations. This procedure has proven its value in previous joint research projects always resulting in excellent genotyping data. The original DNA samples will stay at the Primate Center in Bogor, WGA samples win be shipped to Frankfurt, Germany to be analysed. As the high costs of sequencing all samples in Indonesia would by far exceed the financial capacities of this project and as avoiding the pitfalls Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 411 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA of applying the specific genetic markers is dependent on Dr Merker’s supervision, this step is crucial for the success of the project. PCR and sequencing of several markers will generate ca. 1800 sequences. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (R.9.a) Yvonne Eva-Maria Barbara Bohr Tempat dan tanggal lahir : St. Ingbert, 30-12-1981 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Research Assistant Institusi : Goethe University Frankfurt Email : yvonne.bohr@gmx.de Alamat : Heddernheimer-Land-Str. 15, 60439 Franfurt Main, Germany (R.10) Assessment of the status of Orangutans in Kalimantan, Borneo: a validation study for conversation planning and forest management Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan studi validasi populasi orangutan di Kalimantan Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi Lama Penelitian : 6 (enam) bulan mulai 27 Februari 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Barat, Kalimantan Tengah, Kalimantan Timur di wilayah berikut: Landak, Sanggau, Ketapang, Sintang, Kapuas Hulu, Sukamara, Lamandau, Kotawaringin Barat, Seruyan, Kotawaringin Timur, Katingan, Kapuas, Murung Raya, Barito Utara, Kutai Barat, Kutai Kartanegara, Kutai Timur, Berau. Mitra Kerja : Valentinus Heri - Riak Bumi Foundation. Abstract Borneo and other nearby islands are the most threatened in terms of patterns of net change in overall extinction risk for wildlife which influence the economic development of Borneo’s people. Effective solutions are needed for counteracting the threats to species and to lead efficient conservation management for sustainable development and the ecology of large mammals. This require understanding of ecological, socio-cultural, political and economic factors that underlie conservation threats, with synthesis of high quality evidence, appropriately targeted activities and rapid re-evaluation and adaptation. The endangered species of Bornean Orangutan conservation, Pongo pygmaeus, is a good example of this issue and assess its status 412 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 is important. Nevertheless, conservation assessments employ costly survey methods that focus on ecological variables and sometimes only a subset of factors, but do not usually address the sociocultural factors that underlie their threats. Arcus Program leads projects for effective sustainable development master plan on Borneo taking both in consideration livelihoods of local people and ecological needs of Bornean orangutans. In this line of project, a cost effective and statistically robust method to quantify main factors, was lead by Meijaard and al. (2011), a complementary survey method based on interviews of nearly 7,000 local people in 687 villages held in 2008 and 2009 across Kalimantan, Indonesia. Here, a validation study is invaluable to avoid potential bias in the conducted interview study and aims to begin in March 2012. Finally predictive models will be made to complete at maintaining viable forest ecosystems for sustainable development of communities and in maximizing orangutan survival chances. Key words: Bornean orangutans status, management, Interview-based survey. sustainable development, conservation NAMA PENELITI ASING: (R.10.a) Anne-Sophie Helene Pellier Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Le Mans, 24-08-1985 Warga Negara : Perancis Jabatan : Individual Researcher Institusi : Center international for Research and Development (CIRAD) Email :annesophie@gmail.com Alamat : 1 Allee des Saules, 72230 Raudin, France (R.11) The Role of Food Availability and Canopy Structure on Orangutan Population Density Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan survei terhadap ketersediaan makanan, struktur kanopi dan kepadatan populasi orangutan Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi Lama Penelitian : 11(sebelas) bulan mulai 19 Maret 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Tengah (TN Tanjung Puting) Mitra Kerja : Dr. Ir. Suwido H. Limin, M.S - CIMTROP, Universitas Palangka Raya Prof. Dr. Birut Mary Galdikas - Yayasan Orangutan Internasional Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 413 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Abstract The endangered orangutan remains in small numbers only on the islands of Borneo (Pongo pygmaeus) and Sumatra (Pongo abelii). The orangutan’s unique life history and ecology make populations inherently prone to extinction. Research is needed to understand how habitat limits orangutan density in order to assess habitat carrying capacity, analyze population viability and improve management for the orangutan within conservation areas. Food availability and canopy structure are widely recognized as key components of orangutan habitat that set limits on population density, and these may vary significantly across the mosaic of disturbed and undisturbed forest types that comprise remaining orangutan habitat. Orangutan movement in response to variable and unpredictable fruiting, especially in Bornean forests, adds to the complexity of assessing habitat components that may best predict orangutan densities. This research proposes to conduct surveys of food availability, canopy structure and orangutan density on permanent transects that will capture shifting forest phenology and orangutan densities over 24 months. Protocol orangutan survey midlines and transects will be replicated in logged and unlogged peat swamp, mixed dipterocarp and secondary forest in order to compare habitat quality across these types. Hypothesis testing is expected to provide new insights into how food availability and canopy structure limit orangutan density and influence carrying capacity. This research will be carried out at Tanjung Puting National Park in Kalimantan, which houses a globally significant orangutan population and is representative of orangutan peatland habitat throughout the region. This research will further our understanding of orangutan ecology and the unique tropical peat forest they inhabit and contribute to conservation of the orangutan. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (R.11.a) Leslie Anne Bolick Tempat dan tanggal lahir : North Carolina, 10-03-1967 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Ph.D Student Institusi : University of Carolina Davis Email : leslie.ofi@gmail.com Alamat : 952C ave, Coronado CA 92118, USA 414 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (R.12) Assessment of the Success of Orangutan Reintroduction in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Mengumpulkan data perilaku pada orangutan yang telah dilepasliarkan dengan menggunakan metode pengumpulan data standar Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 21 Maret 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Tengah (Hutan Lindung Batikap, Kec. Seribu Riam, Kab. Murung Raya) Mitra Kerja : Dr. Ir. Jamartin Sihite – Yayasan BOS Abstract Orangutans are solitary living animals therefore social units in this species are not easily recognized. Even though, social structure is not as evident in orangutans that live in neighbourhoods as in group living primates, it exists (van Schaik 2004). Many long-term studies showed extensive geographic variation in behavioral ecology, social organization as well as putative culture of orangutans (Wich et al. 2009). However, geographic variation in orangutan social organization as well as their behavioural ecology can not be fully explained by either genetic or environmental factors and may be better interpreted, in both cases, by local adaptation through developmental plasticity (Krützen et al. 2011). Two components of behavioural plasticity: individual learning and social learning of local innovation (i.e. tool use,foraging techniques or social behaviours) may play a key role in explaining the geographic variation between orangutan populations (Bastian et al. 2010, Bastian et al. 2012, Krützen et al. 2012). The goal of this project is therefore to identify which factors limit the spread of behavioral innovations in Bornean (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii) and Sumatran (Pongo abelii) orangutan using combination of socio-behavioural, ranging and genetic data. Data will be collected on wild, habituated and already well studied orangutans in two field sites: Tuanan Research Area within Mawas Conservation Forest in Central Kalimantan and in Suaq Balimbing Research Station within Gunung Leuser Nationa Park in Sumatra. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (R.12.a) Anna Maria Marzek Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Radziejow, 15-06-1983 Warga Negara : Polandia Jabatan : Independent Researcher Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 415 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Institusi : Anthropological Institute and Museum, University of Zurich Email :anna.marzec@gmail.com Alamat : Wl. Jagielly 31b/1641-106 Siemianowice Slaskie, Poland (R.13) Evolution of parasites affecting Indonesian apes and their responses to infection by parasites via self-medication Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji dinamika interaksi inang parasit sebagai indikator kesehatan orangutan dan ekosistem Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 22 Maret 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Sumatra (TN Gunung Leuser, Bukit Kencur, Langkat, Bukit Lawang, Marike, Ketambe, Suaq), Kalimantan (TN Sebangau, TN Tanjung Puting, Mawas, Tuanan, Nyaru Mentang, Wanariset Samboja) Mitra Kerja : Wisnu Nurcahyo, DVM., Ph.D. - LPPM UGM NAMA PENELITI ASING: (R.13.a) Marie Plasse Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Saint-Etienne, 19-11-1984 Warga Negara : Perancis Jabatan : Individual Researcher Institusi : - Email : marieplassester@gmail.com Alamat : Les Chazeaux 43200 Yssingeaux, France (R.14) Orangutan (pongo pygmaeus morio) Ranging in East Kalimantan Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari kemampuan adaptasi dan fleksibilitas dan aspek aspek sosio-ecologis Orangutan (Pongo Pygmaeus morio) baik di habitat normal maupun ekstrim (rusak dan tidak familiar) Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi 416 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Lama Penelitian : 3 (tiga) bulan mulai 15 Maret 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Timur (TN Kutai) Mitra Kerja : Ir. Asep Sugiharta, M.Sc - Balai TN Kutai Kalimantan Timur Abstract This project aims to study ranging and its flexibilities in Pongo pygmacus morio, the orangutans of E. Kalimantan. New comparisons show morio as the extreme of orangutan adaptation: morio faces the harshest environment and may therefore have distinct morphology, behavior, and life history. Most morio data are 20-25 years old, however. They are not good enough verify these distinctions, they suggest other differences, and they represent conditions that may no longer exist because natural disasters and development have since damaged and fragmented much of morio’s habitat. New studies of morio are then needed, and ranging is a good place to start. Orangutan ranging is determined mainly by two resources, fruit and mating partners, but their biology and ecology make it extremely complex. First, orangutans have enormous food needs because of their extremely large size, but they live in forests known for poor, irregular food productivity. Second, their main foods are patchy in time and space, so their ranging must be flexible. Third orangutans must learn their complex ranging skills but they do so very slowly because they develop extremely slowly. Studying ranging then offers a good view of how orangutans use space and resources, and studying its flexibilities offers insights into how they deal with fluctuations in the availability of key resources, including those caused by habitat change. In addition to enhancing our understanding of orangutan biology, ranging studies may contribute to managing morio-lxuman conflicts by improving understanding of why and how morio change their ranging patterns and where they cannot. Objectives of this project include reassessing morio ranging and its flexibilities by assessing long-term ranging patterns in normal habitat and, as possible, in extreme (damaged) and unfamiliar habitat. Concepts and methods developed for studying primate spatial cognition will be used as well as standard socio-ecological methods. In 2009, aims are to launch the study of morio ranging in ear normal habitat (Kutai National Park), and if possible, in unfamiliar habitat (rehabilitaiit orangutans adjusting to forest life in forest schools or release forests managed by Yayasan BOS, Samboja Lestari). NAMA PENELITI ASING: (R.14.a) Anne Eleanor Russon Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Toronto, 20 Mei 1947 Warga Negara : Kanada Jabatan : Profesor Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 417 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Institusi : Dept. of Psychology, Glendon College, York University Email: Alamat : (R.14.b) Timothy Peter David Stolerman Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Hong Kong, 26-07-1985 Warga Negara : Inggris Jabatan : Field Internship Student Institusi : Durham University Email : timbostol@hotmail.com Alamat : Brook House, Cherington, Shipston-on-stour, Warwickshire CV36 5HS, United Kingdom Lama Penelitian : 3 (tiga) bulan mulai 15 Maret 2012 (R.14.c) Sarah Anne Iannicello Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Windsor Can, 14-04-1988 Warga Negara : Kanada Jabatan : Field Internship Student Institusi : Glendon College, York University Email : s.iannicello@live.com Alamat : 657 Exeller Cr, Newmarket ON L3X 1P6 Lama Penelitian : 3 (tiga) bulan mulai 5 April 2012 (R.14.d) Levi David Stutzman Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Milton, 16-07-1989 Warga Negara : Kanada Jabatan : Field Internship Student Institusi : York University Email :i.d.stutzman@gmail.com Alamat : 12400 Second Line Campbellville, ON. CAN L0P 1B0 Lama Penelitian : 4 (empat) bulan mulai 19 Juli 2012 418 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (R.15) The Javan slow loris: Population density and gastrointestinal health Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji kepadatan populasi Nycticebus javanicusdi Garut dan mengumpulkan basis data parasit gastrointestinal pada populasi loris disana Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi Lama Penelitian : 4 (empat) bulan mulai 9 Mei 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Barat (Cipaganti, Cisurupan, Garut, Ciamis, Sumedang) Mitra Kerja : Dr. Abinawanto- FMIPA UI. Abstract The Javan slow loris is currently listed on the IUCN redlist as EN but will be updated to CR. However, at this moment the population density of the Javan slow loris population in Garut is unknown. It is known that their habitat in Garut is not ideal. Most of the natural habitat is gone and the lorises live on disturbed habitat. Living on disturbed habitat can affect host-parasite interactions in significant ways. It is associated with an overall greater prevalence of parasite infection. However, there is no data on gastrointestinal parasites of the Javan slow loris. This study aims to (1) assess the population density of the Javan slow loris (Nycticebus javanicus) in Garut, West Java; (2) collect baseline data on gastrointestinal parasites of the Javan slow loris population there; (3) ascertain if there is a significant relationship between the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites and gender, as well as weight and size; and (4) develop health guidelines for rescue centres. The data collection will be done by walking twelve line transacts, each measuring 1.2 km in length. While walking the line transacts faecal samples will be collected. Sodium nitrate floatation techniques will be used to isolate the gastrointestinal parasites from the faecal sample (Dryden et al 2005). The outcomes of this study will result in (1) a MSc degree for the student, (2) possible publication in scientific journals, and (3) heath guidelines for gastrointestinal parasite burden of the Javan slow loris will be provided for rescue centres. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (R.15.a) Marlies Albers Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Zoetermeer, 24-03-1987 Warga Negara : Belanda Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 419 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Jabatan : Master Student Institusi : Oxford Brookes University Email : marlies.albers-2011@brokes.ac.uk Alamat : E8C John Garne Way, Oxford OX3 0FP, United Kingdom (R.16) The only poisonous primate: ecological context& function of slow loris venom Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji konteks ekologi dan kegunaan racun pada kukang dalam kandang Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi Lama Penelitian : 4(empat) bulan mulai 8 Mei 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Barat (Bogor, Gn. Salak, Ciapus Primate Centre, Garut, Tasikmalaya) Mitra Kerja : Ir. Wirdateti, M.Si - Puslit Biologi LIPI Abstract The study of the venomous systems of animals has provided fascinating insight into their interactions with predators, prey and competitors (Harvey, et al., 1998). Among the very few mammals known to produce toxins, the slow loris of southeast Asia {Nycticebus spp.) is the only primate that appears to be poisonous. The bites of slow lorises are usually delivered after a threatened animal raises its arms tightly above its head, combining secretions of its brachial gland with saliva (Nekaris et al., 2007). Bites can cause oedema and fester. In extreme cases, bite recipients may enter anaphylactic shock, experiencing a burning tongue and throat, a sensation of heat, red itching skin, very low blood pressure, shock, painful muscle convulsion, pain in the heart and kidney region, respiratory problems, heart problems, unconsciousness and even death (Wilde, 1972; Streicher, 2004; Nekaris and Fry, pers. obs.). A handful of attempts have already been made to characterize loris toxin. The loris toxin has been suggested to be involved with predator avoidance (Altermann, 1995). Also, the protein peptides in the brachial oil have been shown to be homologous with domestic cat Fel-dl peptides, suggesting that the primary use of loris secretions are to communicate with other lorises, with the toxin being a by-product in some species susceptible to allergens (Krane et al. 2003; Hagey et al. 2007). The limited numbers of studies that have been conducted on slow loris toxin are characterized by small sample sizes of captive animals with often unknown taxonomic origin, which call for further work to elucidate the toxins’ actions. Therefore, the aim of the proposed study is 420 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 to reveal the ecological context and use of venom in captive lorises, in collaboration with Dr. Thoren, who will also be collecting data on wild counterparts. My study will be conducted on captive lorises at Ciapus Primate Centre (CPC) in Ciapus near Bogor on Java. Behavioural observations will be recorded to assess venom responses to novel objects. Additionally, I will collect Cortisol samples to investigate any relationship between venom production and stress levels. Concurrently, temperament scoring will beused in the presence of novel objects to assess boldness and shyness; this may provide valuable data for future reintroductions of slow lorises into their natural habitat. CPC houses the Endangered Javan slow loris (N. javanicus) as well as the Vulnerable Bornean slow loris [N. menagensis) and Vulnerable greater slow loris [N. coucang) (Nekaris & Shekelle, 2008). Temperament scoring can have survival implications for lorises reintroduced to the wild, which is a primary objective of CPC. Results will be distributed to local rescue and education centres and the international primatology and conservation community. The project manager/supervisor Dr. K-Anne Isola Nekaris has already 15 years experience ip studying nocturnal primates which will ensure the quality of the project. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (R.16.a) Amanda Elizabeth Gray Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Louisiana, 30-04-1984 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Master Student Institusi : Oxford Brookes University Email : amanda.gray-2011@brookes.ac.uk Alamat : F7D Clive Booth Postgraduate Center, John Garne Way, Marson Oxford, OX3 0TU, UK (R.17) Monitoring protein balance, skeletal protein catabolism and stress indicators in wild Bornean orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii) mothers with dependent offspring in a peat swamp forest Tujuan Penelitian : Bertujuanuntuk melihat keseimbangan nutrisi pada induk orangutan yang hidup di lingkungan rawa gambut terpencil Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi Lama Penelitian : 10 (sepuluh) bulan mulai 10 Juli 2012 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 421 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Tengah (Stasiun Penelitian Tuanan) Mitra Kerja : Moh. Hamdani –Fakultas Biologi Universitas Nasional Abstract All animals require sufficient energy intake and reserves to maintain essential growth, cell maintenance, homeostasis, immune function, and reproduction. Wild orangutans are unique compared to other great apes due to successfully adapting to live in a marginal environment with extended periods of fruit and, in turn, nutrient scarcity. Current research has shown orangutans, like humans, have evolved extreme hypometabolism [1] in order to adapt to periods of fruit scarcity, and unlike other wild great apes, store excess amounts of energy as fat when nutrients are abundant. Similar to other mammals, orangutans also experience protein catabolism [2] during extended periods of low caloric intake and for those populations living in peat swamps forests, it is expected that they would exhibit protein catabolism more often than other great apes or other populations living in nutrient dense forest regions. We will focus on wild orangutan females with dependent offspring living in a marginal, peat swamp environment, The Tuanan Orangutan Research Project. Maternal orangutans must not only obtain adequate nutrition for themselves, but also sufficient quantities for their dependent offspring. Consequently, we would expect that wild orangutan mothers are even more vulnerable to nutrient deficiencies because they need to supplement their own protein and energy intake, in addition to adequately nourishing or providing for their offspring. These consequences would be exhibited in more frequent occurrences and higher concentrations of stress markers, indicated by the presence of inflammatory cytokines and Cortisol in the urine. The objectives we plan to address in this study are to examine: (1) Are orangutan mothers at Tuanan energetically stressed (negative energy balance) during periods of low fruit availability? (2) During periods of fruit scarcity, how much protein must be consumed in order to maintain neutral nitrogen balance? (3) Are orangutan mothers at Tuanan undergoing loss of body protein and increased skeletal protein breakdown due to low nitrogen intake?(4) How does net protein utilization vary with the availability of preferred ripe fruit? (5) Do the orangutan mothers at Tuanan obtain sufficient protein when fruit is low by supplementing their diets with leaves, flowers, and inner-bark? (6) Do orangutan mothers at Tuanan adjust their activity patterns during periods of low nitrogen and energy intake? (7) Do orangutan mothers at Tuanan experience increased evidence of stress and inflammation, as indicated by increased urinary cytokine and Cortisol excretion? This current project will add to the small amount of knowledge known about protein deficiency and protein regulation in wild primates. We will conduct full day focal samples, collecting behavioral and ecological data and urine samples. From the urine samples, urea, creatinine and 3-methylhistidine concentration and nitrogen isotope ratios will be measured 422 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 to determine protein cycling. Our approach involves the participation and training of local Indonesian scientists, students, and local assistants in the process of empirical measurement. We anticipate publishing our results in international scientific journals and presenting our results at scientific conferences. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (R.17.a) Alysse Marie Moldawer Tempat dan tanggal lahir : New York, 16-01-1988 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Individual Researcher Institusi : The George Washington University Email :moldawer.alysse@gmail.com Alamat : 131 George Street, New Brunswick New Jersey, USA (R.18) Understanding the Role of Ecology in Orangutan Reproduction Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan studi ekologi, enegetik, daur hidup, dan fisiologi endokrin yang terfokus pada evaluasi variabel-variabel ekologis dan reproduktif pada orangutan Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi Lama Penelitian : 12(dua belas) bulan mulai 10 Juli 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Barat (Situs Penelitian Cabang Panti di TN Gunung Palung) Mitra Kerja : Prof. Sangkot Marzuki, AM.–LBM Eijkman Abstract Existing evidence suggests significant reproductive variation between orangutans inhabiting the islands of Borneo (Pongo pygmaeus) and Sumatra (P. abelii). Counter to expectation, orangutans on Borneo have shorter inter-birth intervals (IBI) than those on Sumatra (7.8 years vs 9.2 years), despite living in less productive forests. To address this, researchers from four field sites on Borneo and Sumatra will collaborate on an intensive study of ecology, energetics, life history, and hormonal physiology in orangutans. In this study, \vc will test between these competing possibilities by collecting urine samples for hormonal analysis across study sites. Our objectives include: (1) Detailed investigation of the role of energy fluctuations Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 423 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA on orangutans through collection of data on activity levels, dietary diversity and ranging patterns (2) Determination of orangutan energetic and social stress levels (3) Cross-population comparisons, focusing on ecological and life history variation across the two orangutan species (4) Detailed investigation of the behavioral ecology of P.p wurmbii (5) Determination of orangutan health status through parasite monitoring of feces and urinary dipstick analysis (6) Determination of orangutan diet using DNA Bar Coding (7) Genetic analysis of fecal samples. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (R.18.a) Cheryl Denise Knott Tempat dan tanggal lahir : California, 24-03-1963 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Associate Professor Institusi : Dept. of Anthropology, Boston University Email : knott@bu.edu Alamat : 232 Bay State Road, Boston, MA 02215, USA (R.18.b) Andrea Lea Di Giorgio Tempat dan tanggal lahir : New Jersey, 17-01-1974 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Ph. D student Institusi : Boston University Email : andreadi@bu.edu Alamat : 232 Bay State Road, Boston, MA 02215, USA (R.18.c) Jennifer Joyce Brousseau Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Rhode Island, 22-09-1990 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Student Institusi : Boston University Email : jbrouss@bu.edu Alamat : 232 Bay State Road, Boston, MA 02215, USA 424 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 (R.18.d) Chloe Elizabeth Tuck Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Texas, 01-11-1989 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Student Institusi : Boston University Email : ctuck@bu.edu Alamat : 232 Bay State Road, Boston, MA 02215, USA (R.18.e) Gail Angela Campbell-Smith Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Scotland, 10 Janari 1972 Warga Negara : Inggris Jabatan : Post Doctoral Researcher Institusi : Boston University, U. S. A Email :primatelass@gmail.com Alamat : Jl. Gajah Mada No. 97 Kalinilam Ketapang, 78851, Kalimantan Barat (R.19) Calibrating a conservation strategy: studying endangered gibbons in West Java Tujuan Penelitian : menggunakan range-mapping methodology dan observasi prilaku untuk memahami respon populasi gibbon perak (Hylobatesmoloch) terhadap degradasi habitat dan gangguan manusia. Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi Lama Penelitian : 12(dua belas) bulan mulai 6 Agustus 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Barat (Ciwidey, Gn. Tilu di Bandung, Sancang di Garut) Mitra Kerja : Made Wedana – The Aspinall Foundation. MM - BKSDA Jawa Barat. Dr. Ir. Joko Prihatno, NAMA PENELITI ASING: (R.19.a) Megan Christina Selby Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Texas, 27-06-1984 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 425 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Jabatan : Doctoral Candidate Institusi : University of Auckland Email : megselby4@gmail.com Alamat : 29b Maungrei Rd, Auckland 1050, New Zealand (R.20) The phylogeography of Wallace’s tarsies (Tarsius wallacei) Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti status konservasi dan dampak pemisahan geografis untuk T. wallacei Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi Lama Penelitian : 5 (lima) bulan, mulai 6 Agustus 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Parigi Moutong, Kec. Ampipabo, Kec. Kasimbar, Kec. Tinombo, Kab. Donggala, Kec. Balaesang, Kec. Damsol, Kab. Sigi, Kec. Kinovaro, Kec. Marawola Barat) Mitra Kerja : Pusat Studi Satwa Primata IPB (Azhari Purbatrapsila, S. Hut) Abstract Tectonic events and climate fluctuations are thought to be responsible for the remarkable diversification of many of Sulawesi’s endemic animals. Intriguing is the almost explosive diversification of the genus Tarsius following the island’s presumed colonisation in mid-Miocene (Shekelle & Leksono 2004). Their recent, allopatric distribution has very likely been shaped by geological events, e.g., microplate-tectonic movements (Hall 1998). But what happens at the resulting zones of secondary contact? In the case of the parapatric tarsier species T. dentatus and T lariang, there is evidence of introgressive hybridization (Merker et al. 2009), which begs the question how both groups maintain integrity despite gene flow (see the RISTEK-approved current research project of Yvonne Bohr). In contrast to this re-encounter of two tarsier species, there exists a remarkable geographical separation of two populations of the recently described T. wallacei (Merker et al. 2010) in Central Sulawesi, which has yet to be examined for its evolutionary causes and effects and which provides an excellent framework to study incipient speciation. The proposed project has been designed to shed light on the conservation status and on causes and effects of the geographic separation of T. wallacei. 426 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Aims and Questions Parti I: will focus on the timing and possible causes for the geographical separation of the two populations of T. wallacei. Within this scope, dating of splitting events will be interpreted against the background of geological and paleoclimatic data to reconstruct mechanisms of speciation and the colonisation history of Sulawesi by our distant relatives. This part will mainly be conducted by Alexander Suchar but both researchers will be involved in field work. Part II: will determine basic parameters of the southern T. wallacei population (population density and size, genetic variability, hybridization with neighbouring species) to establish a base of fundamental data and to assess the population’s extinction risk. Results will most probably be incorporated into the IUCN threat assessment for Wallace’s tarsier. This part will be led by Azhari Purbatrapsila but both researchers will be involved in field work. We expect results of this project to be most relevant to our understanding of • the historical biogeography of the Sulawesi region, • mechanisms of speciation in primates, and • the conservation status of the newly discovered Tarsius wallacei. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (R.20.a) Alexander Suchar Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Moskau, 28-12-1986 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Master Student Institusi : Goethe University Frankfurt Email :s_suchar@gmx.de Alamat : Odenwaldstr 1361137 Schoeneck-Oberdorfelden, Germany (R.21) Conservation of the critically endangered Sulawesi black crested macaques, Macaca nigra (M. nigra) Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan sensus Macaca nigra di Minahasa dan P. Bacan, meneliti ancaman yang dihadapi spesies tersebut termasuk dampak dari kegiatan pariwisata, dan mencari materi pendidikan yang paling tepat untuk program konservasi Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 9 Januari 2012 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 427 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Utara (Minahasa) dan Maluku Utara (P. Bacan) Mitra Kerja : Dr. John Tasirin - Pacific Institute for Sustainable Development Abstract The tropical forests of the Indonesian archipelago rank second among the top 25 biodiversity hotspots of the world, after Brazil (Myers et a/. 2000). With a growing population of over 200 million, the demands for food, timber, energy and other resources are in competition with the extant flora and fauna, threatening many species with extinction and destroying the forests at a faster rate than observed in any other country worldwide (Ross & Wall, 1999). According to Wilson et a/. (2006), the island of Sulawesi should be prioritised for conservation efforts due to its high species endemism, cost-effectiveness, and likely success of conservation initiatives. The threats endangering Sulawesi’s biodiversity are ubiquitous with other fragile habitats and include hunting, forest degradation and wildlife trade activities (Whitten et al. 2001, Lee etal, 2005). Poor management of protested areas, lack of local community conservation awareness and law enforcement currently hinder efforts to mitigate these threats (Lee et a\. 2005). In North Sulawesi, bushmeat hunting for consumption and commercial trade is a primary concern; where unlike the majority of Indonesia, the predominantly Christian population is not constrained by religious prohibition of wildlife consumption (O’Brien & Kinnaird, 2000, Milner-Gulland & Clayton 2002, Lee et al. 2005,). In Tangkoko Nature Reserve in Minahasa, bushmeat hunting and consumption, for example, has extirpated endemic species such as the anoa (Bubalus depressicoumis), babirusa [Babyrousa babyrussa) and the flying foxes (Lee 2000; Clayton & Milner-Gulland 2000). Remaining species such as bear cuscus [Ailurops ursinus) are vulnerable, and it has also led to a huge reduction in Macaca nigra (Sulawesi crested black macaque) population, which is one of seven macaque species endemic to Sulawesi. The home range of Macaca nigra is exclusive to Minahasa province, the far northern tip of north Sulawesi, and since the 1980’s its population has declined by 85%. Previous census information estimated there were 300 animals/km2 in 1980, which declined to less than 26 animals/km2 by 1998 (MacKinnon & MacKinnon, 1980; Sugardjito et al., 1989). Today, it is thought that there are less than 3 animals/ km2, although no large scale census has been performed in the last lOyrs (Melfi et al. 2007 in press). 428 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Scientific Justification for Research In 2008 the IUCN red data list changed the status of the M. nigra from ‘Endangered’ to ‘Critically Endangered’ due to previous research that indicated that there had been an 85% population decline in the last 30 years(MacKinnon and MacKinnon 1980; Sugardjito ef at. 1989; Rosenbaum ef a/. 1998; Melfi ef al. 2007, 2010). It is likely that M. nigra populations have continued to decline since the last published surveys, even within protected forest areas, and that the anthropogenic pressures within A/1, nigra habitat tcontinues, and is threatening this species with imminent extinction. Conservation of M. nigra can only be effective and move forward with an accurate evaluation of the current threats facing the population today. Previous research has identified that the main threats to the survival of M. nigra are hunting, trade and the degradation of prime forest habitat across Minahasa, the M. nigra home range (Lee & Kussoy 1999, Clayton & MilnerGulland 2000, Lee 2000, Lee ef a/. 2005, Rocky et al. 2007). Surveys of communities close to M. nigra habitat therefore provide a useful insight into human activity and the threats to the species and its remaining habitat. Additionally, the monitoring of bushmeat being traded in local markets can be a useful measure of levels of hunting activity, local demand and consumption of wild animals, and can give an indication of the remaining populations of species through accessibility of supply (Lee et al. 2000). Understanding the levels of bushmeat consumption, wildlife trade and forest resource exploitation/disturbance activities still performed today, is therefore vital, so that conservation initiatives can start to identify effective conservation actions and target the right communities that are causing the greatest threat to the remaining population of M. nigra. NAMA PENELITI ASING: (R.21.a) Henry Benjamin Hilser Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Trowbridge, 10-10-1984 Warga Negara : Inggris Jabatan : Individual Researcher Institusi : Whitley Wildlife Conservation Trust Email :hhilser@yahoo.com Alamat : 6 Awgar Stone Road, Headington Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX3 7FD, UK Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 429 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA (R.22) Behavioral and Endocrinological Research about Reproduction and Mating System Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti fungsi pembengkakan seksual pada gibbon Jawa Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 19 September 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Barat (TN Gunung Halimun Salak) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Kehutanan IPB (Prof. Dr. Ir. Sambas Basuni, M.S.) NAMA PENELITI ASING: (R.22.a) Eunha Ko Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Korea, 10-04-1986 Warga Negara : Korea Selatan Jabatan : Doctoral Student Institusi : Ewha Womans University Email :eunha0410@gmail.com Alamat : 11-1 Daehyun-Dong, Seodaemun-Gu, Seoul 120-750, Korea Selatan (R.23) Reactions to long calls in two populations of wild orangutans in an experimental setup Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari suara (long call) orangutan sebagai fungsi sinyal komunikasi jarak jauh dan membandingkan kedua fungsi tersebut antara orangutan Sumatra dan orangutan Kalimantan dalam sebuah kerangka eksperimental Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi Lama Penelitian : 6 (enam) bulan mulai 2 Oktober 2012 Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Tengah (Tuanan) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Biologi UNIVERSITAS NASIONAL (Tomi Ariyanto, S.Si) 430 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2012 Abstract Aims of the project The aim of the project is to answer these unresolved questions about the long-distance communication system in both a Sumatran (Suaq Balimbing) and a Bornean (Tuanan) orangutan population. We will do this by systematically comparing populations at the two islands. Spontaneous long calls The main function of spontaneously given long calls in Sumatra is female attraction: female coordination and mate attraction. The female coordination function enables females to gain protection from sexual coercion just by seeking the locally dominant male’s proximity. Elicited long calls Elicited long calls’ function can be seen as repulsion of subordinate males by the locally dominant male. Therefore they primarily seem to be a sign of dominance. Non-dominant males run the risk of provoking elicited calls, and thus attacks, by the dominant male in the area because of their presence or because of their long calls in the vicinity of the locally dominant male. Therefore, responses of the eavesdropping dominant male are a costly byproduct for non-dominant males. The strategy to minimize it is: (i) to avoid the dominant male in the area (approach-avoidance system), and (ii) to give long calls only when the dominant male is not in the area. Elicited long calls should occur only when male-male dominance is contested or unclear in Sumatra, although in practice it will also occur because the avoidance system is imperfect. Long call function in Borneo. Spontaneous long calls The function of spontaneously given long calls in Borneo is exclusively mate attraction, because the femalecoordination function is absent. Elicited long calls The function of elicited long calls is repulsion of rival males. In Borneo, sequences of long calls betweenflanged males can be observed. This is best explained with “calling battles,” where calling males canapproach each other and escalations in fights are possible. Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 431 2012 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA Predictions: Elicited long calls: • We predict that the percentage of elicited long calls is much higher in Borneo than in Sumatra. Eavesdropping males We predict that the presence of males in the area is negatively correlated with the presence of more dominant males in Sumatra, but not in Borneo. Thus, we expect that subordinate males are eavesdropping on the calls of the dominant in order to be able to move into areas not currently occupied by him. In Borneo, we predict that long call rate of an individual does not depend on the presence of other males, because fighting ability relative to other males varies greatly over time (and thus previous encounters need not be informative). Eavesdropping females Elicited calls do not announce travel direction of th