majlis sambutan hari kebangsaan
majlis sambutan hari kebangsaan
1 PULSE For the students, by the students Pulse PTES’s Bilingual Newsletter! Issue #1 2016 Kata Mutiara Deduikasi, Disiplin Dan Integriti Menjamin Keberkesanan Perkhidmatan MAJLIS SAMBUTAN HARI KEBANGSAAN Oleh Najirah bte Tussin AE 5, Norizwanina bte Helmy AE 7 dan Siti Nur Azillah bte Sahari AE 13 Principal : Cikgu Haji Ismail bin Haji Zainal ADMINISTRATION Office: 2671660 Fax: 2671665 Email: TBA Hari Kebangsaan PP1-2 Majlis Ilmu PP2-3 Committed to your Future PP4-7 Lawatan Sambil Bekerja PP7-8 Drama PP8-10 Bacaan Ikrar daripada pelajar Bahasa Melayu yang diketuai oleh Md Khairul Hazim Bin Md Zakaria Vision : Enhance Teaching and Learning For Individual Excellence Mission: To provide the opportunity for all students to realise their potential and become better citizens. Pada hari Selasa, 1 Mac 2016M bersamaan dengan 21 Jamadilawal 1437H, Pusat Tingkatan Sengkurong telah meraikan majlis Sambutan Hari Kebangsaan yang diungkayahkan oleh Jabatan Pengajian Melayu dan Matametik. Majlis dimulakan dengan nyanyian lagu kebangsaan ‘Allah Peliharakan Sultan’, lagu rasmi ‘PTE Sengkurong’dan ‘Bersatu’ yang dinyanyikan oleh pelajar-pelajar Bahasa Melayu dan Sastera. MAJLIS SAMBUTAN HARI KEBANGSAAN Majlis diteruskan dengan bacaan Surah Al-Fatihah dan Doa kesyukuran yang dipimpin oleh Presiden Kelab Badan Bahasa dan Sastera iaitu Md Syafiq Siddiqi Bin Dr.Hj Ismuhadi bagi memberkati majlis. Selanjutnya, bacaan ikrar sempenan Hari Kebangsaan diketuai oleh Md Khairul Hazim Bin Md Zakaria bagi menyuntik semangat patriotisme dalam kalangan pelajar. Pada majlis tersebut, pengetua PTE Sengkurong Yg Mulia Awg Haji Ismail Bin Hj Zainal berkesempatan memberikan ucapan. Antara isi kandungan ucapan beliau “Dinilai dari sini bahawa pelajar bukanlah sebagai penutut atapun bukanlah sebagai pelajar,tetapi saya lihat yang duduk di hadapan saya ini adalah „future Scientist‟, „future Engineer‟, „future Doctor‟, „future Minister‟, „future Principal‟ dan inilah „Generasi Berwawasan”, bakal peneraju Negara Brunei Darussalam bagi mencapai wawasan 2035. Selain itu, Tuan Pengetua juga menekankan bahawa para pelajar juga perlu berfikir atau berpandangan jauh demi merealisasikan tema hari kebangsaan pada tahun ini iaitu Generasi Berwawasan. Seterusnya, ditayangkan sebuah video Sambutan Hari Kebangsaan yang mengandungi latihan perbarisan dan ucapan daripada para pensyarah dan juga pelajar. Majlis dimeriahkan lagi dengan kuiz mengenai Hari Kebangsaan yang ditujukan kepada pelajar – pelajar dan penyampaian hadiah kepada pelajar – pelajar yang berjaya menjawab soalan kuiz tersebut. Majlis diakhiri dengan dua buah lagu Patriotik iaitu lagu „Bendera Negara‟ dan „Generasi Berwawasan‟ oleh kumpulan pelajar Bahasa Melayu dan Sastera. YM Awg Hj Ismail bin Hj Zainal *** MAJLIS ILMU Oleh Marzila binti Matjais, AE 14 Majlis Ilmu 2015 berlangsung pada 9hb sehingga 11hb November dan beberapa penuntut daripada PTES menghadiri Majlis perasmian Majlis Ilmu yang diadakan di Dewan Plenary Antarabangsa ICC. Antara penuntut yang menghadiri majlis tersebut adalah Muhammad Hafiy bin Noorsam @ Noorsyam, BE 10 dan Marzila binti Matjais, BE 14. 9hb November 2015, Ahli jawatankuasa hadir pada jam 7 35 pagi manakala para jemputan dikehendaki menghadirkan diri dalam jam 8 00 pagi. Pada jam 8 30 pagi, para jemputan khas dan para pembesar negara hadir ke perasmian Majlis Ilmu tersebut. Majlis Ilmu bermula setelah Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu‟izzaddin Waddaulah Ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar „Ali Saifuddein Sa‟adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan dan Yang DiPertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam serta Kerabat Diraja berangkat tiba pada jam 9 00 pagi. Majlis dimulakan dengan bacaan ayat-ayat suci Al-Quran serta terjemahannya. Seterusnya sembah alu-aluan oleh Yang Berhormat Pehin Udana Khatib Dato Paduka Seri Setia Ustaz Haji Awang Badaruddin bin Pengarah Dato Paduka Haji Awang Othman, Menteri Hal Ehwal Ugama. Kemudian Titah Perasmian Majlis Ilmu, Perasmian Seminar Wasatiah dan Memulakan bagi Penulisan Mushaf Kolej Universiti Perguruan Ugama Seri Begawan (KUPU SB) oleh Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan dan Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam. Majlis seterusnya menjunjung Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan dan Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam, bagi Upacara Memulakan Penulisan Mushaf Kolej Universiti Perguruan Ugama Seri Begawan (KUPU SB). 2 MAJLIS ILMU Majlis Ilmu tersebut diserikan lagi dengan pembentangan kertas seminar yang berjudul "Wasatiah Asas Kesejahteraan Sejagat" yang dibentangkan oleh Penceramah Yang Berhormat Pehin Datu Seri Maharaja Dato Paduka Seri Setia (Dr) Ustaz Awang Haji Abd Aziz bin Juned,Mufti Kerajaan. Tema majlis tersebut ialah: “WASATIAH ASAS KESEJAHTERAAN SEJAGAT” Penerangan tema: Sesungguhnya Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala mengutus Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam dengan membawa ajaran Islam yang maha suci dan menjadikan Islam sebagai agama yang adil dan seimbang. Prinsip itulah yang dipraktikkan sejak zaman Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam, Khulafa Ar-Rasyidin Radhiallahu 'Anhum dan kurun-kurun awal selepasnya dan akan kekal selamanya In Sya'a Allah. Justeru, umat Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam adalah umat wasatiah (umat yang adil dan pilihan) sesuai dengan Firman Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala dalam Surah Al-Baqarah, ayat 143 َويَ ُكىنَ ال َّرسُى ُل َعلَ ْي ُك ْم َش ِهيدًا اس َ َِو َك َٰ َذل ِ َّك َج َع ْلنَا ُك ْم أُ َّمةً َو َسطًا لِّتَ ُكىنُىا ُشهَدَا َء َعلَى الن Muhammad Hafiy dan Marzila Tafsirnya: "Dan demikian pula Kami telah menjadikan (umat Islam) umat pertengahan (sebagai umat yang adil dan pilihan) supaya kamu menjadi saksi atas manusia (tentang yang benar dan yang salah) dan Rasulullah pula akan menjadi saksi atas (perbuatan) kamu" FOKUS Majlis Ilmu 2015 merupakan sambutan Majlis Ilmu kali kesepuluh (10) sejak ia mula diperkenalkan pada tahun 2004. Oleh itu, Majlis ilmu 2015 pada kali ini akan memfokuskan kepada kesejahteraan sejagat dengan mengutamakan Wasatiah sebagai prinsip kehidupan dan panduan yang diberikan oleh Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala kepada umat manusia amnya. Dengan memenuhi tuntutan kehidupan dunia dan akhirat yang seimbang dan adil tanpa mengabaikan salah satu daripada keduanya, umat manusia sejagat akan menikmati kehidupan yang harmoni, damai dan membangun ke arah kecemerlangan dan kejayaan. Malangnya, istilah yang ringkas dan mempunyai maksud yang mendalam ini sering disalahertikan dan seringkali dijadikan hujah untuk menafikan atau menyokong sesuatu tindakan sehingga umat Islam yang wasatiah di sisi musuh Islam ialah umat yang menolak hukuman hudud, menafikan jihad, memperjuangkan kebebasan ijtihad dan kebebasan agama tanpa mengikut kefahaman syara’ yang sebenar dan sebagainya. Maka Majlis Ilmu 2015 dihasratkan dapat memberikan gambaran sebenar Wasatiah yang tersirat di dalam Islam serta membetulkan tanggapan negatif terhadap ketelusan Islam yang mengamalkan prinsip Wasatiah dalam kehidupan. Perasmian Majlis Ilmu tersebut diakhiri dengan bacaan doa selamat. Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan dan Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam dijunjung berangkat menandatangani plaque Majlis Ilmu 2015 dan seterusnya dijunjung beserta Kerabat Diraja menyaksikan Pameran Majlis Ilmu 2015. Setelah selesai Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan dan Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam serta Kerabat Diraja berangkat meninggalkan majlis. Seminar diteruskan pada petang 9hb November hingga 14hb November 2015. 3 COMMITTED TO YOUR FUTURE The hardworking members of the Career and Higher Education Section – Cikgu Hajah Noor Linda binti Haji Nasir, Cikgu Hajah Nurul Hakiimah binti Haji Mohamad, Cikgu Dayangku Ida Iryani binti Pengiran Doctor Haji Abu Bakar, Cikgu Han Chen Ying, Cikgu Khairina binti Haji Ibrahim, Cikgu Annie Phillipose and Cikgu Siti Khadizah binti Roslan – have been very busy recently organising a series of events as part of their ongoing commitment to helping PTES students towards a bright future by providing them with information regarding the options that lie before them once they have completed their A levels. Applications Workshop The first of these events was an applications workshop which took place on 13th January. Aimed at last year’s upper sixth students, the objective of this session was to show students how to set about applying for universities and outlined the steps that they should follow in order to ensure that their applications were submitted on time. Because of the large number of students who decided to sign up for the workshop, it was decided to divide them up into two groups and to hold two parallel sessions which took place in LT 1 and LT 2. The facilitators reported some very positive feedback from the students. Cikgu Annie Phillipose, Cikgu Han Chen Ying and Cikgu Dayangku Ida Iryani binti Pengiran Doctor Haji Abu Bakar, the facilitators at the Applications Workshop USA Study Day On 23rd January, a USA Study Day took place in the Student Common Area. An encouraging number of students went along during their PS blocks to look at the university prospectuses and to have a chat to Ms. Mayra T Robles, the advisor for Education USA. A Pulse reporter was on hand to see what aspirations PTES students have: Nurshuhidah binti Jemudin of AE 10 is studying Psychology, Economics and History. Her reason for being at the USA Study Day was to find out information about degrees in Psychology. Although having no contacts who have studied in the United States – ‘The only relatives and friends I know who have studied abroad all studied in the UK,’ she acknowledged – she stated that this should not be an excuse for not exploring this option. The editors of Pulse would like to wish her all the best in her quest to become a hospital psychologist. Studying for four A levels – Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics – AE 13 student Md. Yazid bin Md. Arrifin stated that he was trying to obtain information concerning degrees in Pharmacy, Health Care and Medicine. While well aware of the options available in the UK, he expressed the view that studying in the USA would be ‘a good alternative to studying in the United Kingdom.’ Let us hope that Md. Yazid can go on to bigger and better things and eventually return to Brunei to fulfill his ambition of working for the Ministry of Health. With an eloquence and confidence that will surely see her go far, Syakirah binti Zulkiflee of AE 14 stated that she wanted to weigh up all her options before making a final decision as to where to study. Studying Biology, Mathematics, Physics and GP, she confided that she was really looking for a new environment – somewhere abroad where she can learn to become independent – and that as she already knew something about the opportunities that Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand can provide, was at the study day to see what the USA had to offer. Whichever country Syakirah chooses, everyone at Pulse would like to see her come back to Brunei with a degree in Biology and begin a successful career in one the three fields she is interested in – Biological Engineering, Micro-Biology or Forensic Science. 4 COMMITTED TO YOUR FUTURE Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics student Rasydane bin Rosland of AE 14 admitted that he was attending the USA Study Day because he was interested in doing something different. With an older brother already studying in the UK, Rasydane was keen to emphasise that he and his brother are two different people: “I do not want to follow in my brother‟s footsteps; I want to follow my own footsteps,” he stated firmly. With such an uncompromising attitude, the future can only be bright for Rasydane who later hopes to qualify as a quantity surveyor. Students contemplating studying in the United States of America Lancaster University Talk by Findlay Representatives Wednesday 27th January then saw a representative from Findlay (B) Sdn. Bhd., Brunei Darussalam‟s newest education services agency, and a representative from Lancaster University come to PTES to give a talk about studying at Lancaster University. With a long-established history of welcoming Bruneian students through its doors and a top-ten ranking among universities in the United Kingdom, this prompted thirty ambitious students to sign up for the session. Otago University, New Zealand Sharing Sesssion Although this sharing session was organised by the Brunei Student Association, and took place at Maktab Sains, on 30th January, this did not stop seventeen enthusiastic Mathematics and Science students from PTES from attending. The facilitators for this session were none other than two former PTE Katok students – Aqilah binti Hashim and Liew Shaw Loong – who were able to give the students present information about writing personal statements and details of their own experience of studying abroad. But for the dedication of Cikgu Hajah Noor Linda and her team in promoting the sharing session very few students would have known that it was taking place. Canada Talk On 28th January 2016, representatives from three Canadian educational institutions came to PTES to talk about higher education in Canada. They were Mr. Curtis Clarke from Dalhouise University, Mr. Callum Sawatzky from Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning and Ms. Hana Jung from Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology. About thirty students attended the briefing which was held from 2.30 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. The speakers started off by introducing themselves and their respective institutions. In trying to „sell‟ the idea of higher education in Canada, they highlighted three key facts - that Canada has a lower cost of living compared to other countries, tuition fees are not as high as elsewhere and that the country offers a safe environment to live in as it is a multicultural society where everyone respects each other‟s religion. In addition, the representatives stated that there were a lot of overseas students studying at their institutions who were attracted by the excellent facilities they provided, the availability of on campus accommodation and, for those who don‟t want to live on campus, an efficient public transport system. 5 COMMITTED TO YOUR FUTURE When the subject of food was touched upon the speakers reassured the students that they would be able to find halal food in Canada, but had to concede that its availability was rather limited. However, they expressed the hope that this problem would not deter the students from applying to study in Canada, as this would be an opportunity for them to experience cold weather and to visit the many beautiful places the country has to offer. After informing the students that applying to study in Canada is very easy and straightforward – students just need to apply directly to the institution they want to study at – the representatives showed a video profiling their respective institutions. UK Study Day This took place on 15th February in the Student Common Area and attracted a group of around twenty interested students. During the session, the students watched a video and listened to a talk which centred on campus life in the UK. The majority of the students spoken to after the event stated that that it had been a positive session and that they felt inspired to study hard to obtain a place at a British university in 2017. York University For those students in search of a high-ranking university in an historical setting, the talk given by representatives of York University was the place to be on 18th February. The students who attended the talk learned that although the university is still relatively new when compared to places like Oxford and Cambridge, it has wasted no time in establishing a reputation for its high standard of teaching and the quality of the academic experience it offers to students. Ranked 14 th in the UK in 2015, the university’s quest for excellence is reflected in its entry requirements – a grade A in three A Level subjects and at least a grade B for O Level Mathematics – and certain students admitted to being deterred from applying to study there. History & Sociology ‘How We Did It’ Sharing Session With the History and Sociology departments on a bit of a high following the release of the October/November 2015 A Level results, they are understandably keen to capitalise on their success. What better way, therefore, to prepare the next generation of PTES students (this year’s upper sixth) than by holding a sharing session, with the invited speakers none other than a group of 2015 top achievers. The session took place on the afternoon of 16 th February 2016 in LT2 and was not only attended by some fifty upper sixth History and Sociology students, but by the Principal, Cikgu Hj Ismail bin Hj Zainal; the Deputy Principal Academic, Cikgu Tutty Hyrneeita binti Hj Abdul Latip; the Deputy Principal Administration, Cikgu Alexandar bin Bandang; the Head of History, Cikgu Herman Alfonso Serudin bin Hj Yahya; Cikgu Hajah Soveyanna binti Hj Abas, the Head of Sociology as well as teachers of the two departments involved in organising this sharing session. In addition to sharing their personal study tips – such as starting revision early, organising notes, the importance of regular writing practice, prayers and blessings, knowing when and how to relax and how to maintain their interest in the subjects – and giving the students present some advice on how to interpret the types of examination question they are liable to face in the May/June and October/November examinations, the speakers also gave the audience some useful insights into how they dealt with examination stress and any personal problems they experienced in the run-up to the November 2015 A Level examinations. Sitting for examinations is one thing, but what to do afterwards is another. Here, again, the invited speakers gave the audience the benefit of their experience. Instead of sitting at home doing nothing for two months, the speakers opted to do work attachments in fields that they felt would be relevant to their degree courses and to their future careers. With the grades that they managed to obtain, the options are endless for them! A question and answer session then followed before the Principal was invited to present gifts and certificates to the speakers. The session then ended with a recitation of the Al-Asr by Ahmad Fadhil. It is hoped that this year’s lower sixth History and Sociology students will learn from the experience of their seniors and go on to achieve top honours in these subjects. By way of acknowledging and honouring the achievements of the speakers concerned, here are their names and the grades they obtained: Nurin Jazlina @ Siti Nur Ikhsan binti Hj Abd Ghani (A* Sociology, History B); Mohd Nasri bin Hj Mohd Tahir (A* Sociology); Ak Ahmad Zawawi bin Pg Hj Asmali (History A); Emie Norfaziera binti Hj Roslan (A Sociology, History C) and Lo Siong Wei (A Sociology). The editors of Pulse would like to wish them all the best in the future. 6 COMMITTED TO YOUR FUTURE Cikgu Hj Ismail bin Hj Zainal (front row, fourth from right) with the Deputy Principals, teachers and speakers *** LAWATAN SAMBIL BELAJAR Oleh Ina Ida Matusilmi, AE 13 Pada 23 November hingga 28 November 2015, seramai 9 orang pelajar lelaki dan 7 orang pelajar perempuan yang mengambil subjek Bahasa Melayu beserta 2 orang pensyarah yang mengajar subjek Bahasa Melayu di Pusat Tingkatan Enam Sengkurong iaitu Cikgu Hjh Dayang Halus binti Hj Lasim dan Cikgu Suziah binti Awg Hj Md Yussof mengadakan Program Lawatan Sambil Belajar ke Melaka, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Program lawatan sambil belajar selama 6 hari ini diadakan dengan harapan pelajar boleh meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pengalaman mereka yang berkaitan dengan materi pembelajaran dalam Subjek Bahasa Melayu kertas 1 mahupun Bahasa Melayu Kertas 2. Pada hari pertama dalam program ini, rombongan berangkat dari Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Negara Brunei Darussalam kira-kira pukul 9.30 pagi dan sampai di Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) kira-kira pukul 11.30 pagi. Kemudian rombongan meneruskan perjalanan mereka ke Hotel Royal, Kuala Lumpur tempat penginapan rombongan. Setelah berehat dan melaksanakan ibadah solat zohor, rombongan beredar untuk makan dan membeli-belah di sekitar tempat penginapan. Rombongan balik ke hotel dan mengadakan taklimat tentang perjalanan ke Melaka esok harinya. Sebelum tidur guru pengawas mengadakan rondaan di setiap bilik pelajar. Pada hari kedua, rombongan melawat ke Melaka. Di Negeri Melaka mereka melawat ke rumah tradisional di kampung Morten dan seterusnya ke Queen Victoria Fauntain di Bandar Melaka dan berjalan kaki ke kota A Famosa. Setelah itu peserta rombongan melanjutkan lawatan mereka dengan melawat ke Muzium Kesultanan Melayu Melaka, Surau Batu Ujung Pasir untuk melaksanakan solat Jamak Takdim dan rombongan sempat singgah di Warung Asam Pedas Pak Man untuk makan tengah hari. Setelah itu rombongan melawat ke Masjid Selat Melaka, Perkampungan Hang Tuah di Kampung Duyong, perigi Hang Tuah, Rumah Tradisional Melaka Hang Tuah dan melihat Masjid Jamek Laksamana Hang Tuah. Kemudian rombongan kembali ke Kuala Lumpur. Diperjalanan ke Kuala Lumpur rombongan singgah di Seremban untuk mengerjakan solat dan makan malam. 7 LAWATAN SAMBIL BELAJAR Pada hari ketiga, rombongan Lawatan Sambil Belajar melawat ke Muzium Diraja (Istana Negara Lama). Kemudian mereka melawat ke Planetarium Negara. Seterusnya lawatan mereka dilanjutkan lagi ke Dataran Merdeka Malaysia dan kilang Coklat Beryl’s serta Kompleks Kraf Kuala Lumpur. Setelah itu rombongan melawat ke Zoo Negara. Pada hari keempat, rombongan melawat ke Universiti Putra Malaysia untuk menghadiri kuliah Penulisan Karangan Menggunakan Kaedah DR.GHAZ’ dengan salah seorang pensyarah di UPM, DR. Ghazali Lateh. Setelah kuliah selesai, para pelajar dibawa melihat sekitar kawasan kampus UPM dengan menggunakan van. Puan Shahriah Membar, Pegawai Perhubungan Antarabangsa UPM mendampingi rombongan melawat sekeliling kampus sambil menjelaskan beberapa perkara tentang kampus tersebut. Rombongan juga sempat berkunjung ke Masjid Agung UPM untuk melaksanakn ibadah solat zohor. Seterusnya rombongan pergi melawat ke Pustaka Peringatan P. Ramlee dan Tugu Peringatan Negara. Hari kelima rombongan melawat ke Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka Kuala Lumpur untuk menyaksikan pameran lukisan dan sejarah penubuhan Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. Di dalam Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka rombongan juga masuk ke dalam ruangan galeri Keris Mas dan membeli buku di Kedai Buku DBP. Seterusnya rombongan pergi ke KLCC untuk makan tengah hari. Pelajar lelaki sembahyang Jumaat di masjid yang dekat dengan KLCC. Setelah itu rombongan melawat sekitar Kuala Lumpur sambil membeli-belah. Rombongan kembali ke hotel untuk mengemas barang dan berehat. Hari keenam: Rombongan melawat Istana Budaya. Rombongan menyaksikan kecanggihan pentas Istana Budaya. Kemudian rombongan pergi ke Putra Jaya untuk melihat tempat yang menjadi pusat pemerintahan Malaysia. Di sana rombongan menikmati juadah makan tengah hari. Seterusnya rombongan berangkat ke KLIA untuk berlepas balik ke Brunei Darussalam. *** PERTANDINGAN DRAMA LAGENDA BRUNEI Oleh Nur Amalia Aimi Na'iemah binti Hj Ramlee, AE 7 Pada 7 November 2015 bertempat di Multimedia Theatre, Jabatan Pengajian Melayu, Pusat Tingkatan Enam Sengkurong telah mengadakan pertandingan drama lagenda Brunei, iaitu aktiviti akhir tahun jabatan. Objektif pertandingan adalah untuk meningkatkan kemahiran berkomunikasi dalam kalangan pelajar, mengetahui cerita-cerita lagenda Brunei dan mencungkil bakat para pelajar dalam seni drama. Seramai 63 orang penuntut yang mengambil mata pelajaran Bahasa Melayu telah menyertai pertandingan ini. Pertandingan ini telah dibahagikan kepada 6 pasukan mengikut tajuk yang dipilih antaranya Nakhoda Manis, Panglima Galis, Puteri Lela Menchanai, Lumut Lunting dan Pulau Pilong-pilongan, Buaya putut, Awang Semaun dan Dang Ayang. Pertandingan tersebut telah dihakimi oleh Ketua Jabatan Pengajian Melayu iaitu Cikgu Hjh Rashidah binti Mohd Alai, Cikgu Suziah b inti Haji Mohammad Yussof dan Hakim undangan yang terdiri daripada pelajar iaitu Abd Haziq bin Shawal. Pertandingan drama telah dimenangi oleh pasukan Puteri Lela Pasukan Puteri Lela Menchanai Menchanai diikuti oleh pasukan Panglima Galis ditempat kedua dan ditempat ketiga dimenangi oleh pasukan Awang Semaun. Badan Bahasa dan Sastera juga telah memberi anugerah pelakon terbaik kepada Mohammad Khairulhazim bin Zakaria. Anugerah ini diberi berdasarkan kreativi dan lakonan yang mantap oleh peserta .Hadiah telah disampaikan oleh Timbalan Pengetua Cikgu Tutty Hyrnneita binti Haji Abdul Latip semasa perkumpulan pagi. Pertandingan drama lagenda Brunei berjaya dilaksanakan dan dapat menunjukkan meluahkan kreativi para pelajar. 8 WALKING THE BOARDS Fresh from putting on their successful production of Hansel and Gretel, the PTES Drama Club (now known as the Theatre Club) showed that they were no one-hit wonders when they ended 2015 by taking to the boards again for the ten-minute drama Becoming by Australian playwright Alex Broun. The idea of putting on this play was that of Cigku Roziana Haji binti Juned (who has now, sadly, abandoned the Theatre Club for the challenge of the more physically demanding activity of spinning) and, with upper sixth members unavailable because of examinations, it provided some of the lower sixth members with their first taste of performing on the stage. As Muhammad Arif bin Asri (BE 9, 2015), who played the part of Jamie, explains: “None of us had any experience of acting. We were all newbies.” Surprisingly, there were no auditions for the play. Instead, six of the eleven members of the club volunteered to be members The cast and backing crew of Becoming of the cast while the remaining five automatically became the backstage crew. The cast were then given their play scripts on 15th October and had their first rehearsal eleven days later. There then followed a further five rehearsals, culminating in the performance itself which took place on 5th November. Thematically, the play is an exploration of scorn and violence and raises the question of where the line between who we are and the acts we commit is. Although Arif felt that the situation depicted in the play is not one that completely mirrors that of Bruneian families, he conceded that the theme of older siblings receiving preferential treatment from parents is quite prevalent. “It is a common thing,” he affirmed, “and it can lead to feelings of jealousy from the younger siblings.” With confidence high after staging this play, it is hoped that it will not be too long before members of the Theatre Club are again seen walking the boards of the Multi-Media Theatre. And looking beyond 2016, who knows, perhaps we may see Arif fulfill his dream of becoming a scriptwriter. 9 SHAKESPEARE LIVES On 28th November, 2015 a group of English Literature students went to PTE Meragang to watch a performance of Othello, by William Shakespeare. At the end of the play two of the students – Dayangku Nursyafiqah Hadhinah binti Pengiran Shahbuddin of AE 15 and Nur Farah binti Ghazali of AE 8 – kindly gave their comments on the performance: Asked what they thought was the aim of putting on the play, Dayangku Nursyafiqah had this to say: “The aim was to educate not only Literature students and those who are keen on the classics, but people who are simply interested in drama or Shakespeare himself.” In Nur Farah binti Ghazali’s opinion, the aim was also “to convey the beauty of Shakespeare's plays which contain plenty of ambiguity and morality as well as to pique the interest of the public about Shakespeare's dramatic plays.” Both girls agreed that the organisers had succeeded in achieving their aims and felt that seeing a performance of the play, which is also one of the A Level set books, was an invaluable experience as it provided them with a general understanding of the play and of the characters in advance of studying the play in class. As the production was a modern version of the play, the obvious next question to ask the two girls was whether they could see any PTES Literature teachers (standing 5th and 11th from left) and students themes in it which are reflected in twenty-first century Brunei. “Personally, I feel that discrimination is the most distinct theme in the play,” Farah asserted. “There are constant references to the fact that Othello is black and this reflects the acts of discrimination that still exist in society today, especially the act of favouring one person at the expense of another because of their skin colour and race. Feminism and dominance are also obvious themes present in the play.” Dayangku Nursyafiqah’s answer to this question was more succinct, summing up the theme of the play as: “Jealousy.” When asked about the benefits of watching or reading some of Shakespeare’s other plays, even though they are not on the syllabus, Dayangku Nuryafiqah commented: “Well, as Shakespeare’s plays mostly concentrate on what is happening in society, this can make the audience more aware of the way they should or shouldn’t behave in their own lives.” Not to be outdone, Farah’s view was as follows: “Shakespeare's plays cover a number of genres – comedy, romance and tragedy being the principal ones. There are also the themes, character development, morality, ambiguity and, especially, the dramatic action that make each and every play different from each other. Reading his other plays will not only cultivate readers’ imaginations, it will also sharpen them as they perceive things from different angles. Furthermore, I feel that a study of his other plays will help readers to become more understanding. It would be a shame to miss out on the different types of adventures and drama available in Shakespeare's plays by only studying the plays that are on the syllabus.” The interview ended on an optimistic note when, in answer to the question concerning what the future might bring for these two Literature students Dayangku Nursyafiqah had no hesitation in stating that: “As a Literature student, next for me is the hope of reading more and to have the experience of watching some of Shakespeare’s other plays,” While, “I hope to excel in Literature as I believe it will surely help me to become a better writer as well as reader. I also hope that I will continue Literature even after I graduate from college,” was Nur Farah’s concluding comment. The editors of Pulse would like to wish Dayangku Nursyafiqah and Nur Farah all the very best in their studies. 10