Buletin Akademik Ogos 2012 - Terengganu
Buletin Akademik Ogos 2012 - Terengganu
AURAT: Bukan Sekadar Bertudung oleh; Mu’allim Bin Mohd Bakri “Wahai anak-anak Adam! Sesungguhnya Kami telah menurunkan kepada kamu (bahan-bahan untuk) pakaian menutup caurat kamu, dan pakaian perhiasan…”(Surah al-‘Acraf (7) : 26) Menurut al-Qurtubi, ayat ini adalah dalil kepada hukum wajib menutup aurat kerana di dalamnya ada menyebut “untuk menutup auratmu”. Selain daripada nas al-Qur’an ini, terdapat juga Hadith Nabi saw yang menjelaskan kewajiban menutup aurat. Hadith ini bermaksud: “Daripada cAbd al-Rahman Bin ’Abi Sacid al-Khudriyyi daripada bapanya, sesungguhnya RasuluLlah saw bersabda : Orang lelaki tidak boleh memandang kepada aurat lelaki dan orang perempuan tidak boleh melihat kepada aurat orang perempuan. Dan orang lelaki tidak boleh menyentuh lelaki yang lain di dalam satu pakaian. Dan orang perempuan juga tidak boleh menyentuh perempuan yang lain di dalam satu pakaian” Hadith ini jelas menunjukkan bahawa haram lelaki melihat aurat lelaki dan wanita melihat aurat wanita. Manakala hukum haram lelaki melihat aurat wanita dan haram wanita melihat aurat lelaki sabit melalui ijmac. Bagi Aurat wanita, terdapat ayat al-Quran yang menjelaskan dengan terperinci berkaitan dengan Aurat wanita. Sebagaimana Firman Allah dalam Surah Al-Nur ayat 31 yang bermaksud: Dan katakanlah kepada perempuan-perempuan yang beriman supaya menyekat pandangan mereka (daripada memandang yang haram), dan memelihara kehormatan mereka; dan janganlah mereka memperlihatkan perhiasan tubuh mereka kecuali yang zahir daripadanya; dan hendaklah mereka menutup belahan leher bajunya dengan tudung kepala mereka; dan janganlah mereka memperlihatkan perhiasan tubuh mereka melainkan kepada suami mereka, atau bapa mereka, atau bapa mertua mereka, atau anak-anak mereka, atau anak-anak tiri mereka, atau saudarasaudara mereka, atau anak bagi saudara-saudara mereka yang lelaki, atau anak bagi saudara-saudara mereka yang perempuan, atau perempuan-perempuan Islam, atau hamba-hamba mereka, atau orang gaji dari orang-orang lelaki yang telah tua dan tidak berkeinginan kepada perempuan, atau kanak-kanak yang belum mengerti lagi tentang caurat perempuan..(Surah al-Nur (24): 31) Ayat al-Qur’an ini jelas menerangkan batas-batas aurat bagi wanita. Selain memelihara kehormatan diri, kaum wanita juga dilarang memperlihatkan perhiasan tubuh mereka kecuali yang zahir sahaja seperti muka dan kedua tapak tangan. Berkaitan dengan larangan memperlihatkan perhiasan tubuh ini termasuk di dalamnya dengan memakai pakaian-pakaian yang sendat sehingga menampakkan bentuk badan. Selain itu, kaum wanita juga hendaklah menutup kepala mereka dengan tudung. Namun begitu terdapat kelonggaran sekiranya mereka bersama dengan mahram seperti yang dijelaskan di dalam ayat 31 surah al-Nur di atas. Begitu juga dari sudut cara berjalan, sebagaimana firman Allah SWT dalam Surah al-Nur ayat 31 yang bermaksud: Maksudnya :…Dan janganlah mereka menghentakkan kaki untuk diketahui orang akan apa yang tersembunyi dari perhiasan mereka... (Surah a-Nur (24): 31) Ayat al-Qur’an ini jelas menerangkan bahawa kaum wanita dilarang menhentak-hentakkan kaki ketika berjalan sehingga terdengar bunyi gelang kaki. Selain cara berjalan, pergerakkan yang ditonjolkan juga perlu dijaga ketika berurusan dengan ajnabi. Oleh yang demikian, mereka janganlah menonjolkan pergerakkan yang terlalu kasar dan terlalu lemah gemalai yang mampu menarik minat sesiapa yang melihatnya. Bahkan, penggunaan alat solek dan wangian juga dilarang sama sekali sekiranya berurusan dengan golongan yang berbeza jantina. Ini kerana, kedua-dua unsur tersebut boleh menyebabkan wujudnya daya tarikan yang mampu menimbulkan fitnah Berdasarkan dalil-dalil dan hujah-hujah yang dinyatakan sebelum ini, jelas menunjukkan bahawa Islam mewajibkan umatnya menutup aurat. Tuntutan menutup aurat ini lebih diutamakan apabila umat Islam berada di dalam keadaan yang memerlukan percampuran antara lelaki dan wanita ajnabi. Oleh yang demikian, wajiblah bagi lelaki dan wanita Islam menutup had aurat mereka sebagaimana yang telah ditetapkan oleh Islam. Selain menutup aurat, Islam juga amat memelihara tatatertib yang perlu dipelihara ketika melakukan urusan yang melibatkan percampuran lelaki dan wanita. Tatatertib yang dinyatakan perlulah dipelihara agar percampuran lelaki dan wanita yang wujud dapat mengelakkan perkara-perkara yang boleh menimbulkan fitnah. Kesimpulannya, Islam merupakan agama yang sempurna, lengkap, menyeluruh dan indah. Segala peraturan yang telah ditetapkan bukanlah untuk menyekat kebebasan dan bersifat jumud. Namun begitu, segala yang telah ditetapkan mempunyai Maqasid atau objektif yang telah ditetapkan oleh Allah SWT. Antara objektif tersebut adalah untuk memelihara, agama, nyawa, keturunan, akal dan harta. Sekiranya Aurat yang telah diwajibkan tidak dilaksanakan dengan betul boleh mengakibatkan pelbagai kerosakan di dalam masyarakat. Pelbagai kerosakan yang mampu terjadi, antaranya pencabulan, rogol, zina, pengeksploitasi wanita, dan sebagainya. Jadi, sempena kempen menutup aurat yang sedang giat dijalankan oleh Pusat Pemikiran dan Kefahaman Islam (CITU) UITMT marilah kita bersamasama bermuhasabah tentang kekurangan yang perlu diperbetulkan. Semoga hidup kita diberkati dan diredhai Allah SWT. RUJUKAN Qurtubi, ’Abi cAbdu’Llah Muhammad bin ’Ahmad al-’Ansari al-(2002), alJamic li ’Ahkam al-Qur’an (Tafsir al-Qurtubi), 10 j. Kaherah: Dar al-Hadith Nawawi, ’Imam Mahyuddin ’Abi Zakariya Yahya bin Sharaf al-(t.t), Sahih Muslim bi Sharh al-Nawawi, 9 j. Mansurah, Misr: Maktabah al-’Iman Mustafa Siba’ei (Dr.) (1986), Wanita Menurut Syariat Islam Dan Peradaban Moden, Sdr. Halimuddin (terj.), Kuala Lumpur: Pustaka Antara Yusuf al-Qaradawi (Dr.) (2001), Fatawa Mucasarah, 3 j. c. 9. Kaherah: Dar al-Qalam Patrons >> Assoc. Prof. Dr. Samad Abdol Nawi | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Baharom Abdul Rahman | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mazidah Puteh Advisor >> Noor Sharulniza Sau Hamid Chief Editor >> Gopala Krishnan Editors >> Asri Salleh | Raja Mariam Raja Baniamin | Goh Ying Soon Layout & Graphics >>Roziani Mohamad (HEA) BOARD 8 ak tin ade bule EDITORIAL Namun begitu, setelah menutup Aurat, para wanita juga telah diajar untuk menjaga adab dan tatatertib agar dapat mengelakkan daripada timbulnya fitnah yang mampu membawa kerosakan. Antara adab dan tatatertib yang dianjurkan oleh Islam adalah sebagaimana Firman Ayat ini jelas menunjukkan bahawa Allah swt memerintahkan agar isteri-isteri Nabi saw bercakap dengan menggunakan kata-kata yang petah, kasar dan sopan serta melarang bercakap dengan menggunakan kata-kata yang lembut dan lemah longlai yang mampu menaikkan nafsu apabila berhadapan dengan kaum lelaki. Namun begitu, ayat ini merupakan ayat hukum yang melingkupi keseluruhan kaum wanita yang beriman. 08/ 2012 ENSYARAH… ENGAJAR? ENDIDIK? Normala Binti Ismail Mohamad Kamil Ariff Bin Khalid Umum mengetahui bahawa pensyarah memainkan peranan yang penting dalam proses pendidikan, pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Pensyarah yang mempunyai sahsiah yang baik boleh melaksanakan dengan berjaya pendidikan yang bersepadu berasaskan Falsafah Pendidikan Negara yang dapat melahirkan rakyat Malaysia yang berilmu pengetahuan, berketrampilan, berakhlak mulia, bertanggungjawab dan berkeupayaan mencapai keyakinan diri serta memberi sokongan terhadap keharmonian dan kemakmuran masyarakat dan negara. Justeru, pensyarah turut bertindak sebagai ‘pengurus’ kerana melaksanakan beberapa fungsi pengurusan dalam bilik kuliah bagi melaksanakan kurikulum. Proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran melibatkan interaksi antara pensyarah dengan pelajar. Hasil perhubungan ini akan menentukan sama ada pensyarah boleh mengajar, manakala pelajar pula bersedia untuk belajar. Oleh itu, keberkesanan pengajaran pensyarah bergantung kepada bagaimana seseorang pensyarah itu dapat menyesuaikan diri dan memahami masalah pembelajaran pelajarnya. Kajian Normala Ismail dan Mohamad Kamil Ariff Khalid [2007] mendapati bahawa pengajaran pensyarah tidak dipengaruhi oleh kehadiran pelajar ke kuliah, sama ada pelajar mempunyai asas dalam sesuatu kursus yang diambil, minat dan program pengajian. Sebaliknya, ia adalah berdasarkan jantina, kursus yang diambil, kategori pelajar dan bahagian pengajian. Kajian mereka turut mendapati terdapat empat faktor yang mempengaruhi persepsi pelajar terhadap pengajaran pensyarah, iaitu personaliti [peribadi] pensyarah, pensyarah dalam pengajaran, hubungan pensyarah dengan pelajar dan sikap serta sahsiah pensyarah. Dari aspek personaliti, kajian menunjukkan pelajar mengkehendaki personaliti pensyarah yang berketrampilan, rajin, peramah, penyabar, menghormati pelajar, prihatin dan yang paling tidak diminati oleh pelajar adalah pensyarah yang garang. Pensyarah dalam pengajaran pula boleh dilihat dari tiga aspek, iaitu pensyarah sebelum memulakan pengajaran, semasa pengajaran dan di akhir pengajaran. Dari aspek perlakuan pensyarah sebelum memulakan pengajaran, hampir setiap pelajar mahukan pensyarah yang mempunyai pengetahuan mendalam terhadap isi pelajaran supaya pensyarah dapat memberi penerangan dengan jelas dan mudah difahami. Pensyarah mestilah tahu akan tahap kemampuan dan kemahiran pelajarnya. Ramai pelajar yang bersetuju bahawa pensyarah perlu meluangkan masa dan berbincang untuk menyelesaikan sesuatu masalah dari latihan yang diberikan. Pensyarah juga mestilah memastikan bahawa pelajar telah mencuba latihan dan menyelesaikan masalah itu bersama daripada bergantung sepenuhnya kepada jawapan pensyarah. Dari aspek perlakuan pensyarah semasa pengajaran pula, pensyarah seharusnya mempunyai suara yang jelas, yang boleh didengar oleh setiap pelajar, di samping menggunakan bahasa yang mudah difahami. Pensyarah juga perlu merancang pengajarannya dengan mempelbagaikan kaedah pengajaran. Pensyarah yang mengajar kaedah pengajaran yang menarik dengan menggunakan alat bantuan mengajar akan membuat pelajar seronok untuk belajar. Akhir sekali, dari aspek perlakuan pensyarah pada akhir pengajaran, pelajar mahukan pengajaran yang disampaikan oleh pensyarah mestilah dapat menimbulkan minat mereka. Seseorang pelajar yang berminat dalam perkara yang dipelajarinya akan menunjukkan pencapaian yang tinggi. Pensyarah mestilah membuat rumusan dan kesimpulan terhadap apa yang telah diajar di samping menjawab soalan pelajar dengan memberikan jawapan yang memuaskan. Selanjutnya, dalam hubungan pensyarah dengan pelajar, pensyarah sepatutnya memberi dorongan dan galakan kepada pelajar supaya berusaha dengan lebih gigih. Di samping itu, pensyarah juga digalakkan memberi persaingan yang positif sesama pelajar, selain menerima pendapat dan pandangan pelajar dan tidak mendakwa pelajar dengan ancaman ataupun denda. Penemuan kajian mengenai sikap dan sahsiah seterusnya mendapati bahawa pelajar memerlukan pensyarah yang bersifat adil dengan tidak membezakan pelajar selain dari sifat bertimbang rasa dan menunjukkan simpati atas kelemahan pelajar. Pensyarah juga tidak seharusnya mencari kesalahan atau menyindir dan memperkecilkan pelajar. Di samping itu, pensyarah juga harus memberi pujian kepada pelajar yang memberi jawapan yang betul sebagai motivasi agar pelajar minat belajar. Pelajar juga tidak suka pensyarah yang suka berleter atau marah tanpa sebab. Keseluruhannya, kajian mendapati bahawa pensyarah yang baik adalah pensyarah yang dapat menguasai isi kandungan pelajaran. Apabila seseorang pensyarah mempunyai pengetahuan yang mendalam mengenai isi pelajaran, beliau akan lebih berkeyakinan semasa pengajaran dan dapat menyampaikannya dengan baik. Persediaan yang rapi sebelum memulakan pengajaran juga merupakan salah satu faktor penting yang dapat mempengaruhi kualiti pengajaran pensyarah. Akhir sekali, pengurusan masa merupakan satu lagi aspek penting yang perlu diberikan perhatian. Pensyarah hendaklah sentiasa menepati masa. Pensyarah perlu peruntukkan sedikit masa untuk sesi perbincangan, tidak kira sama ada untuk membincangkan masalah yang timbul dari latihan yang diberikan ataupun masalah yang wujud semasa sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran dalam kuliah. Proses pengajaran adalah sesuatu yang kompleks. Justeru itu, pengajaran yang menarik dan berkesan merupakan pengajaran yang boleh menghasilkan pembelajaran pelajar sebagaimana yang diharapkan oleh masyarakat dan negara. Menurut George [1976] pengajaran yang berkesan merupakan pengajaran yang boleh meningkatkan pembelajaran dalam diri pelajar. Pembelajaran yang efektif hanya boleh berlaku dalam suasana yang sihat, bersemangat dan demokratik. Hasil pembelajaran akan mengubah tingkah laku pelajar akibat daripada penerimaan pengetahuan atau kepercayaan yang baru. Perkembangan seseorang pelajar itu pula merangkumi aspek jasmani, emosi, rohani dan intelek. Rujukan • Normala Ismail dan Mohamad Kamil Ariff Khalid. (2007). Persepsi Pelajar Terhadap Keberkesanan Pengajaran Pensyarah dalam Kursus Ekonomi. IRDC: UiTM • George, J. M. (1976). Psychology for Effective Teaching. Third Edition. New York: Holt and Rinehart Incorporation. k mi ak a tin de Sesungguhnya, kewajiban menutup aurat ini jelas dinyatakan dalam nas-nas al-Qur’an dan al-Sunnah. Antara Nas al-Qur’an yang menjelaskan kewajiban menutup aurat ini adalah sebagaimana firman Allah SWT dalam Surah al-‘A’raf ayat 26 yang bermaksud: Allah SWT dalam Surah al-Ahzab ayat 32 yang bermaksud: Oleh itu, janganlah kamu berkata-kata dengan lembut manja (semasa bercakap dengan lelaki asing) kerana yang demikian boleh menimbulkan keinginan orang yang ada penyakit dalam hatinya (menaruh tujuan buruk kepada kamu), dan sebaliknya berkatalah dengan kata-kata yang baik (sesuai dan sopan). (Surah al-’Ahzab (33) : 32) 1 bule “Saya malulah nak memakai tudung, nanti kawan-kawan akan mentertawakan saya”, “Saya tak bertudung pun, tapi hati saya baik tak macam kawan-kawan saya yang bertudung kerana mereka suka mengata orang”, “Belum sampai seru lagi untuk saya bertudung”, “Rimas la ustaz sebab panas dan pendengaran pun terhad bila memakai tudung ni”,”Ahh tak vogue la bertudung, tak boleh nak berfesyen macam Lady Gaga, Beyonce dan Tyra Bank” dan pelbagai lagi alasan-alasan yang diberikan kerana tidak mahu bertudung. Rentetan daripada alasanalasan ini telah memberikan satu tanggungjawab kepada penulis untuk menjelaskan konsep aurat. Penumpunan di dalam penulisan ini adalah terhadap aurat wanita. k mi OCEAN ACIDIFICATION Prepared by: Siti Munirah binti Muda & Yazarina binti Yahya 1.0 INTRODUCTION The consequences of Man using fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas which cause global warming have grabbed everyone’s attention. Sea water acidification is another example of global warming effect. Although it is much less known, this has resulted in approximately 79 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) released into the atmosphere every day which is mostly not only consumed by fossil fuel burning but also by deforestation and production of cement. About one third of the CO2 released in the atmosphere is caused by anthropogenic (human related) activity that has been absorbed by the world’s seas during the beginning of the industrial revolution. This will lead in moderating climate change. Due to the capacity of the oceans, the CO2 content in the atmosphere would have caused much higher global warming and its consequences would be more dramatic. The evidence of seawater acidification caused by carbon dioxide emission and the pH of seawater play an important role in the ocean’s carbon cycle. However, pH measurement is complicated due to the chemical properties of seawater and several distinct pH scales which exist in chemical oceanography. Although the natural absorption of CO2 by the world's oceans helps to mitigate the climatic effects of anthropogenic emissions of CO2, it is believed that the decrease in pH will have negative consequences, primarily to oceanic calcifying organisms. mainly through the combustion of fossil fuels, cement production, agriculture and deforestation. The concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere has been increasing from its recent pre industrial level of about 280 parts per million (ppm) to about 380 ppm. Atmospheric CO2 levels are predicted to continue to increase for at least the next century and probably longer, unless emissions are substantially reduced, which may well reach levels exceeding 1000 ppm by 2100, higher than anything experienced on Earth for several million years. The carbon cycle comes in two forms which are the organic carbon cycle and the inorganic carbon cycle. The inorganic carbon cycle is particularly relevant when discussing ocean acidification for it includes the many forms of dissolved CO2 present in the Earth’s oceans. When CO2 dissolves, it reacts with water to form a balance of ionic and ionic chemical species like dissolved free carbon dioxide (CO2(aq)), carbonic acid (H2CO3), bicarbonate (HCO3-) and carbonate (CO3-2). 2.1 The long term inorganic carbon cycle Students who have higher quality outcomes normally adopt good approaches to learning under the following situations: the lecturer provides ample and useful feedback, makes clear the lesson objectives; the assessment criteria and what is expected of students, presents the significance of the course and endeavours to make it interesting, produces opportunities for questions and time for consultations, is good at explaining things and makes an attempt to understand students’ complexity. The abundance of literature on effective teaching that relates to student achievement bears witness to the ongoing quest for a better understanding of the effect of lecturer characteristics and attributes (inputs) on student learning gain. What is rarely looked at is how the lecturer actually performs in the classroom and how that performance translates into student learning advantage. Hence, the relationship between lecturer teaching contribution and student learning gain can be expressed in four dimensions of lecturer teaching attributes: rapport, clear explanation, preparation and organization, and feedback. Each has different effects towards student learning gain. 1.1 Rapport It is vital that lecturers acknowledge student's personalities, exhibit stability of character, and build healthy relationships with the students. The lecturer will be able to motivate each student extensively once a mutually respectful and good rapport has been created. By developing a good relationship with their students, the lecturer would be able to assist them in regarding learning as a positive experience. Crosnoe, R., Johnson, M. K., & Elder, G. H. (2004) stress on the intergenerational connection between students and their teachers, such as how a student distinguishes his or her teacher (i.e. fair, caring, etc.), and investigate how that rapport influences the student’s performance in school (Crosnoe, et al., 2004). Lecturer’s job is not simply disseminating information. He or she can be a person with whom students need to feel trusting and confident. A robust bond between student and lecturer is crucial for generating and upholding a productive and positive classroom environment. The entire learning system could easily descend if good communication is lacking between an educator and students. On the contrary, if students and lecturer maintain respect for each other, students will feel safer and more comfortable; which would result in higher concentration on learning content. 1.2 Clear Explanation According to Chin & Brown (2000), explanation refers to how or why an occurrence arises. Lee & Fradd (1998) highlight it as the notion of instructional congruence to point out the process of reconciling the nature of academic content with students' language and cultural experiences to make such content comprehensible, meaningful, and applicable for various students. Lecturers should learn both from experience and other educators the best way in conveying the message and explaining to students in order to make them understand (Edge, 2002). Freeman (1993) proposes that expressing implicitly would give educators greater control in sharing their classroom practice through articulating the ideas in professional and local language. With clearly articulated notions, it would maximize comprehension and promotes higher quality outcomes among students. 1.3 Preparation And Organization Only highly professional individuals and people with the necessary teaching expertise should be trusted in the profession of teaching because the process is very important and complicated. As such, to be successful in their profession, lecturers must possess a wide knowledge and background of other disciplines, such as pedagogy, psychology and methodology, significant features in disseminating the knowledge to the students. Part of the preparation for lecturers is getting themselves and their classrooms well organized. Lecturers who have made proper preparation and classroom management plans would tend to have well-managed classrooms. Organized educators and classrooms create a positive learning environment which encourages students to pay attention and work hard. Educators who are not well-managed are often ineffective in the classroom and they often report high levels of stress and have symptoms of burnout (Brouwers & Tomic, 2000). The flow chart below shows the overview of subtopic for better understanding of ocean acidification. Insufficient preparation is one of major causal factors to the classroom management problems faced by educators. Although the significance of effective classroom organization and behavior management is extensively acknowledged by educators, many fail to establish productive classroom environments (Baker, 2005). 3.0 IMPACTS OF OCEAN ACIDIFICATION As we know, over 71% of the Earth's surface is covered by the oceans, which are home to an incredibly diverse flora and fauna. They play a key role in regulating the climate and levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) which is one of the main greenhouse gases. 2 ak tin ade bule Carbon dioxide is being produced in substantial quantities Ocean acidification could potentially reduce marine biodiversity in a number of ways. Firstly through a loss of those species which are sensitive to changes in CO2 and pH. Secondly, if sensitivity to acidification is a function of an organism's taxonomic group, acidification may also reduce taxonomic The authors, however, are of the opinion that whatever amount of preparation and good rapport with students, lecturers must give priority to the ability to explain clearly and provide good feedback to students so that students will attain higher learning gain in their class. For this reason, lecturers can make a difference ! Baker, P. H. (2005). Managing Student Behavior: How Ready Are Teachers to Meet the Challenge? American Secondary Education, 33(3), 13. Brouwers, A., & Tomic, W. (2000). A longitudinal study of teacher burnout and perceived self-efficacy in classroom management. Teaching and Teacher Education, 16(2), 239-253. Chin, C., & Brown, D. E. (2000). Learning in science: A comparison of deep and surface approaches. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 37(2), 109-138. Crosnoe, R., Johnson, M. K., & Elder, G. H. (2004). Intergenerational bonding in school: The behavioral and contextual correlates of student-teacher relationships. Sociology of Education, 77(1), 60. Edge, J. (2002). Continuing cooperative development. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press. Feldman, K. A. (1976). The superior college teacher from the students' view. Research in Higher Education, 5(3), 243-288. Freeman, D. (1993). Renaming experience/reconstructing practice: Developing new understanding of teaching. Teaching and Teacher Education, 9(5-6), 485497. Hunter, M. (1982). Mastery teaching: Increasing instructional effectiveness in elementary and secondary schools, colleges, and universities. El Segundo: TIP Publications. Jones, F. H., & Jones, P. (2007). Fred Jones Tools for Teaching: Discipline, Instruction, Motivation: Fredric H. Jones & Associates. Lampert, M. (2002). Appreciating the complexity of teaching and learning in school: A commentary on Cobb; Forman and Ansell; McClain; Saxe; Schliemann; and Sfard. The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 11(2/3), 365368. Lee, O., & Fradd, S. H. (1998). Science for all, including students from nonEnglish-language backgrounds. Educational Researcher, 27(4), 12. Marsh, H. W. (1987). Students' evaluations of university teaching: Research findings, methodological issues, and directions for future research. International Journal of Educational Research, 11(3), 253-388. Reiser, B. J., Tabak, I., Sandoval, W. A., Smith, B. K., Steinmuller, F., & Leone, A. J. (2001). BGuILE: Strategic and conceptual scaffolds for scientific inquiry in biology classrooms. Cognition and instruction: Twenty-five years of progress, 263-305. Sanders, W. L., & Horn, S. P. (1998). Research findings from the Tennessee Value-Added Assessment System (TVAAS) database: Implications for educational evaluation and research. Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education, 12(3), 247-256. Sherman, T. M., Armistead, L., Fowler, F., Barksdale, M. A., & Reif, G. (1987). The quest for excellence in university teaching. The Journal of Higher Education, 66-84. k mi ak a tin de THE GLOBAL CARBON CYCLE Jones & Jones (2007) recommends a feedback system that makes certain students receive attention and feedback from educators on progress. It would help promote effective classroom management and positive education environment. Lecturers can monitor students’ work by praising, prompting, and then leaving or moving on to the next student. According to Hunter (1982), the practice enable educators to give first-rate feedback while verifying for student understanding. References References 2.0 1.4 Feedback on Continuous Assessment Assessment is the process of attaining information needed in making educational decisions about students and providing feedback about their progress, strengths, and weaknesses. Assessment techniques comprises of formal and informal observation, qualitative analysis of pupil performance, paper-and-pencil tests, oral questioning, and analysis of student records. 7 bule Figure 1: Overview of subtopic in acidification of seawater Calcium ions in the oceans are supplied by the weathering of carbonate-silicate rocks in sea spreading brought to the surface. The calcium ions in these rocks are then recycled. The calcium carbonate (limestone) deposits on the sea floor are subducted in the mantle align plate boundaries like the one a few hundred miles off the Washington coast. As the limestone heats up, it undergoes metamorphosis. The carbon is expelled in the form of CO2 in volcanic eruptions. The calcium reacts with quartz to form calcium silicate. Eventually the “metamorphic” calcium silicate rock in sea floor spreading returns to the surface and makes its way onto land where it becomes subject to erosion. The calcium ions are then carried by rivers into the ocean where they become available to shell forming phytoplankton, thereby completing the cycle. k mi On the other hand, GMO products from pigs or dogs may be allowed for external use, such as cosmetic products. The reason is that the physical element of pigs or dogs cannot be detected or traced in the product, whether during processing or in the finished As a conclusion, it is safe to say that GM products are considered fit for Muslims consumption as long as they originated from halal sources. Therefore, Muslim should always be careful in choosing GM food and be sure of the sources before consuming them. HELLO, SHOPPERS! by; Wan Mardiana Wan Musa and Jusniza Abdul Jamal While online shopping has become a trend nowadays, it sounded alien to me, until recently, when I discovered myself pregnant. Suddenly, I became interested in my sister’s (who conceived 6 months earlier) online shopping activities. She introduced me to various websites befitted our current needs such as maternity and nursing garments and appliances. I became an addict almost immediately and found myself browsing almost every day and regularly placing my orders. Another excitement was waiting for the delivery man to arrive at the front door and impatiently tearing out the wrappings of our packages to see the goods. The anti-climax was when we found that the quality of the goods was not as what we had expected and sometimes, the goods received were different from what we had ordered. I’m sure other online shoppers out there might have experienced the same problems throughout their purchases. So what can we do about it? In Malaysia, all purchases are protected by the Sale of Goods Act 1957. Section 15 and 16 of the Act are most relevant when it comes to online shopping. Section 15 provides as follows: Where there is a contract for the sale of goods by description, there is an implied condition that the goods shall correspond with the description; and, if the sale is by sample as well as by description, it is not sufficient that the bulk of the goods corresponds with the sample if the goods do not also correspond with the description. Therefore, shoppers have all the rights to demand the goods to correspond with the description as agreed by the parties in the contract. If you ordered 30 packs of Carter’s rompers 5 in 1 set, packed in three different boxes, the goods should arrive as per your request, if it was agreed earlier. Similarly, if you asked for Carter’s, then it should be Carter’s and not other brand name even though the quality might be the same. Such right is provided by Section 16(1) of the 1957 Act. The section reads as follows: (1) Subject to this Act and any other law for the time being in force, there is no implied warranty or condition as to the quality or fitness for any particular purpose of goods supplied under a contract of sale, except as followsWhere the buyer, expressly or by implication makes known to the seller the particular purpose for which the goods are required, so as to show that the buyer relies on the seller’s skill or judgment, and the goods are of a description which it is in the course of the seller’s business to supply (whether he is the manufacturer or producer or not) there is an implied condition that the goods shall be reasonably fit for such purpose: Provided that, in the case of a contract for the sale of a specified article under its patent or other trade name there is no implied condition as to its fitness for any particular purpose. Where goods are bought by description from a seller who deals in goods of that description (whether he is the manufacturer or producer or not) there is an implied condition that the goods shall be of merchantable quality: Provided that if the buyer has examined the goods, there shall be no implied condition as regards defects which such examined ought to have revealed. The above section saved my sister when she found that one of the baby jumpers she ordered was torn and had a hole in the fabric. It is her right to get the baby jumper as of the quality promised by the seller and because of that, they agreed to compensate her loss by refunding money or delivering a new, similar item to her. It is also important to make thorough check of the website in which you would like to place your orders. Usually, I would choose the ones that are frequented by my sister or fellow friends. They are the living testimony to the trustworthiness of the websites and hence reduce the risk when buying online. The mode of payment should also be taken seriously if you are new to online shopping. Make sure that the website management provides customer friendly modes of payment and ensure efficient corresponding methods to avoid any miscommunication. If you are new to the website, try to minimize your order so that you can test it first. Through my experience, online shopping is very convenient as well as time and money saving since I don’t have to spend on fuel and parking ticket. Furthermore, it also helps to reduce the temptation to shop and buy unnecessary things that are not even in my list. The goods offered are cheaper too compared to ordinary convenient stores or hypermarkets as most online traders have no business premises and operate from home. In addition, as the fundamental chemistry of the oceans is changing, the impacts to marine life from these changes will make an impact on the society. Thus, the socio-economic value of coral reefs for example has been highlighted (Brander et al., 2009). This is because, ocean acidification will affect the society through its impact on fisheries, with the possibility of declining harvests and loss of fishery revenues from shellfish and their predators. According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, 6 global fisheries provide around 15 percent of the animal protein consumed by humans worldwide (much higher in Africa and Asia), provide direct and indirect employment for nearly 200 million people, and generate $85 billion annually. Ocean acidification could therefore lead to “substantial revenue declines, job losses, and indirect economic costs” (Cooley and Doney 2009). The economic losses from decreased fishery harvests will be concentrated in specific regions that rely heavily on such income. 4.0 CONCLUSION As a conclusion, the ocean acidification leads to natural source of green house gas emission which is CO2 gas release. Ocean acidification will cause climate change such as hurricanes, snow pack, glacier, water supply, drought, heat waves, fires, ecosystem imbalance, sea level rises and also extreme event which is climate change. Besides that, the buildup of green house gas caused by anthropogenic sources which are from human activities such as land-use changes, the combustion of fossil fuels and the production of cement will lead to a new flux of CO2 into the atmosphere. 5.0 REFERENCES • Brander, L. M., Rehdanz, K., Tol, R. S. J. & Beukering, P. J. H. (2009). The Economic Impact of Ocean Acidification on Coral Reefs. Retrieved from http://www.tara.tcd.ie/ handle/2262/27779 • Buesseler, K.O. (2001). Ocean Biogeochemistry and the Global Carbon Cycle: An Introduction to the U.S. Joint Global Ocean Flux Study. Oceanography 14(4), 5-121. • Cooley, S. R., & Doney, S. C. (2009). Anticipating ocean acidification's economic consequences for commercial fisheries. Environmental Research Letters, 4 (2), 1-8. • doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/4/2/024007 • Guinotte, J.M., Orr, J., Cairns, S., Freiwald, A., Morgan, L. & George, R. (2006). Will human-induced changes in seawater chemistry alter the distribution of deep-sea scleractinian corals? Front. Ecol. Environ., 4, 141–146. • Krauskopf, K. B. & Bird, D. K. (1995). Introduction to Geochemistry (3rd ed.). • McGraw-Hill Inc. :New York. • Laque, F.L. (1975). Marine Corrosion: Causes and prevention. John Wiley: New York, USA. • Richard, Z. & Gattuso, J. P. (2006). " Marine carbonate chemistry." In: Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. Cutler J. Cleveland Washington, D.C.: Environmental Information Coalition, National Council for Science and the Environment. • Orr, J.C. (2005). Anthropogenic ocean acidification over the twenty-first century and its impact on calcifying organisms. Nature, 437, 681–686. • Science Policy Briefing 37. (2009). Impacts of Ocean Acidification. European Science Foundation. • Williams, N.(2010). Arctic acid test. Current Biology, 20(6), 255-256. RESEPI AIR TANGAN BONDA MENJADI INSPIRASI DALAM PERNIAGAAN REMPAH ADAMI FOOD & SPICES INDUSTRIES SDN BHD Oleh JANNAH MUNIRAH BINTI MOHD NOOR Tiada kesenangan tanpa kesusahan. Dan tiada kemanisan tanpa melalui kepahitan,itu lah yang dilalui oleh pengusaha rempah ini saat berbicara mengenai dunia keusahawanan. Pengalaman adalah sesuatu yang teramat bernilai. Setiap orang mempunyai pengalaman berbeza-beza, begitu juga dengan Pn Zulaika Jamaliah Harun. Bermula dari zaman remaja bidang masakan merupakan hobi yang diminati, berbekalkan seribu semangat beliau sentiasa mengimpikan mempunyai perusahaan sendiri dalam bidang masakan. To improve teaching and learning in university, study on student learning can be very helpful. The factors that influence student learning gain are particularly useful for lecturers who want to understand their students' learning and create learning environments which encourage students to achieve desired learning outcomes. Sanders and Horn (1998) indicate that the single most important factor in determining university student academic success is the lecturer. Classrooms are complex systems where many factors influence student learning including tools, lecturers, and peers (Lampert, 2002). Reiser et al.(2001), argue that the role of the lecturer is essential in structuring and guiding students' understanding of theories. Marsh (1987) carried a definitive review of the massive literature on the use of student evaluations and their relation to teaching effectiveness. He identified workload, lecturers’ explanations, empathy (interest in students), openness, and the quality of assessment procedures (including quality of feedback), among his nine dimensions of effective instruction at university level. Similarly, Feldman’s (1976) scheme included nineteen similar categories of instructional effectiveness, including stimulation of student interest, lecturer sensitivity to class level and progress, clarity of course requirements, understandable explanations, respect for students and encouraging independent thought. According to Sherman, T. M., Armistead, L., Fowler, F., Barksdale, M. A., & Reif, G. (1987), five characteristics had been regularly and consistently attributed to university instructors selected as excellent: enthusiasm, clarity, preparation/organization, stimulating, and love of knowledge. Berkat usaha dan sifat tidak putus asa beliau, beliau berjaya menghasilkan produk perencah rempah ratus Adami yang kini telah menembusi pasaran antarabangsa. Perjalanan dari Terengganu ke Bandar Maharani, Muar, menyingkap seribu pengalaman usahawan wanita berjaya, biarpun perjalanan mengambil masa 8 jam, perasaan gembira menemuramah dan by; Sakinah Mat Zin | Hajjah Rohana Yusoff | Nor Aini Hassanuddin ak tin ade 6 Putting aside direct biological effects, it is expected that ocean acidification in the future will lead to a significant decrease in the burial of carbonate sediments for several centuries, and even the dissolution of existing carbonate sediments. This will cause an elevation of ocean alkalinity, leading to the enhancement of the ocean as a reservoir for CO2 with moderate implications for climate change as more CO2 leaves the atmosphere for the ocean. Jatuh bangun dalam dunia perniagaan adalah resam dalam dunia perniagaan, malah beliau sentiasa berprinsip kerugian itu bukan satu kegagalan atau kesalahan tetapi sebagai terapi diri untuk belajar menjadi yang lebih baik untuk dijadikan sebagai sandaran dan pengalaman. Menyingkap kisah sejarah permulaan menceburi dunia perniagaan, pada peringkat permulaan ,beliau hanya memulakan perniagaan rempah sebagai hobi, dan bermula hanya 2 periuk sahaja. Menjaja di tepi jalan dan rumah ke rumah sudah menjadi kebiasaan bagi beliau, berbekalkan seribu semangat beliau, perasaan putus asa tiada di dalam kamus, biarpun usia menginjak ke 40 an, beliau masih mengagahkan diri ke Kursus- kursus keusahawanan anjuran FAMA, MARDI dan juga beberapa agensi kerajaan yang lain. In a nutshell, online shoppers need not worry if the goods ordered are not satisfactory or defective as the Sale of Goods Act 1957 provides some remedies in a form of monetary compensation, a refund or a replacement. So, happy shopping you guys! LECTURERS MAKE A DIFFERENCE: THEIR ATTRIBUTES ON STUDENT LEARNING GAIN bule diversity. Thirdly, the loss of keystone or a reduction in their activity (e.g. predation, grazing, bioturbation), could reduce habitat complexity and also reduce the biological regulation of competition. berkongsi pengalaman bersama beliau adalah suatu kenangan yang tidak dapat dilupakan. SEJARAH ADAMI FOOD & SPICES INDUSTRI SDN BHD • Dibangunkan 11 tahun yang lalu dengan satu kedai dan satu periuk khas masakan perencah • Kini, ADAMI telah memiliki 6 lot bangunan sebagai kilang memproses dan 12 periuk (2 tan pengeluaran dan menghampiri 20, 000 paket sehari). • Dulu ADAMI mengisar penyediaan bahan mentah di tempat lain, kini kami mampu mengisar bahan mentah sendiri untuk mengekalkan kualiti produk dan menjamin mutu kebersihan STRATEGI PEMASARAN • ADAMI menguasai 90% pasaran di Johor • 60% di Melaka • 60% di Negeri Sembilan • 30% di kawasan tengah & Utara • 15% di kawasan timur • • • Sebagai Pengilang produk penjenamaan semula kepada koperasi & agensi kerajaan seperti Koperasi Celcom Bhd(jenama Nasi Berianigam KOPCEL BEST), Koperasi Felda (jenama Nasi Berianigam SELERA), FAMA (jenama Mee Bandung Agromas, Soto Agromas). ADAMI sentiasa berusaha mencari peluang dan ruang untuk memasarkan produk ini ke peringkat antarabangsa. Sekrang ini ada beberapa negara yang berminat untuk memasarkan produk ADAMI di negara Brunei Darul Salam, China & Australia k mi ak a tin de product. Therefore, according to Islamic principles, they do not have to meet the criterion of prohibition. 3 bule of the IJC on GMOS. IFANCA acknowledges that discussions on food derived from biotechnology are ongoing. k mi Discover the Temple of Jupiter, Pompeii by; Ernie Melini Mohd Jamarudi It was summer 2007; I and another friend went for a back-pack trip for 16 days to Austria and Italy. Among all places that we have been, I wish to share my humble experience in discovering the Temple of Jupiter, Pompeii, Italy. Proses menyejukkan bahan yang dikisar... Proses menyejukkan bahan yang dikisar... MENYEJUKKAN BAHAN YANG DI KISAR Proses Memasak produk... However, my enthusiasm over Pompeii arose when I discovered one of the world famous tourist attractions, the Temple of Jupiter. It was a very large temple which situated in distance to the Vesuvius Volcano. Historically, it was not just a main temple for religious practice but it was also a place for the locals largely were the members of aristocrat to enjoy the therapeutic roman bath built in the temple. MEMASAK Proses memasakPROSES produk... Proses membungkus... PROSES MEMBUNGKUS A ADAMI Penulis VARIASI (kanan) PRODUK bersama KELUARAN tenaga pengusaha produk Adami, Puan Jamaliah PRODUK SIAP UNTUK DI EDA RKAN Bersama selebriti Chef Wan... Tanjung Puteri Ke Kuala Sedeli, Singgah Membeli Ikan Tenggiri, Kalau Pelajar Ke Bandar Maharani, Cari ADAMI Istimewa Di Hati. Variasi Produk Keluaran ADAMI... • 4 MEMBURU IMPIAN SEBAGAI USAHAWAN • Kekuatan Jati Diri • Rajin • Sabar • Tiada rasa putus asa(kecewa) • Penuhkan dada dengan ilmu • Jika gagal, cari kelemahan dalam diri sendiri • Jika sudah berjaya, jangan lupa diri (Bersyukur atas nikmat kurniaan Allah) ak tin ade bule Visi ADAMI 15 tahun akan datang untuk berada di papan utama Bursa Malaysia. Untuk merealisasikan visi ini, ADAMI memerlukan kekuatan dalaman industri, pemasaran yang hebat & 5 anak syarikat di bawah ADAMI sebagai ADAMI group. Being guided with the digital tour, I was informed about the date when the temple was built and its development was influenced by the ancient Roman era. By looking at the leftover buildings, temple maps and the overall structures, I could imagined how beautiful the temple would be had it not been destroyed by the volcano’s lava in decades ago. Now, only left are the excavated buildings covered with lava dust. There are also few human statutes in different kind of forms can be seen in this temple. According to the digital tour guide, these statutes are real dead bodies which had been buried in the dried lava. These dead bodies had been taken out from the lava and they were preserved by using some kind of chemical in order to let them remain in form of stone statute. The story which I have written here are totally based from my observation and also based on what I have listened from the digital tour guide. Further information about the Temple of Jupiter can be found on the internet. In a nut-shell, I would recommend this place for a visit especially for those who are interested with historical buildings and stories. GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOOD: A CHALLENGING HALAL ISSUE by; Jusniza Abdul Jamal | Rosmawati Abdul Rahman | Noorimah Misnan challenging and difficult question regarding the halal issue is the controversial Genetically Modified (GM) food and processed food containing GM elements. During the last ten to fifteen years, Genetically Modified Crops (GMC) and the scientific techniques that inspired them have become a routine issue that attracts a lot of controversies. Produk siap untuk diedarkan... View of Mount Vesuvius from Temple of Jupiter Nowadays, it is very difficult for Muslim consumers to make sure that the products that they are buying are clean and permissible in Islam. It is because of today’s technologically advanced methods used in production and processing of food and care products. One of them is the genetically modified food. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) is something new to Muslim scholars, especially when it comes to food products. However, Muslim scholars are encouraged to study new technologies for the betterment of humans’ lives. These include not only new ingredients from conventional raw materials, but also GM products. In agriculture, genetic engineering allows useful genetic traits to be artificially inserted, instead of the plant acquiring them through pollination. The inserted gene sequence (the transgene) may come from wild relatives, another unrelated plant or from a completely different species including fish, animals, bacteria or virus. The problem arises when DNA from animals such as pig, is used to manipulate genes of crops. In order to form a GM crop, a bacterial vector is required so as transport the genetic material from one species to another. Usually the bacteria used as the vector is of the Agrobacterium Tumefaciens type, which can interact naturally with almost all types of plants. The foreign gene is inserted into the bacterial vector, which in turn, is transferred into a plant to be genetically modified. The DNA which contains the gene code, from the foreign gene would then replicate itself in the plant. The part of the plant with the foreign gene is cultured and used to form a new type of plant. This new type of plant is so called transgenic GM crop, which would then produced the GM food. Is GM crop halal in Islamic point of view? To determine whether GMO products are halal or not, one has to go to the principles of halal (lawful) and haram (forbidden) in Islam, as guided by the Quran and the Hadith, while observing the following principles: (1) anything that is harmful to the human body is haram; (2) four types of food are clearly haram—carrion, blood, swine and dog flesh and anything immolated to anyone other than God. GMO products are lawful if they originated from lawful sources, including genes from lawful animals. They become haram or highly questionable if they originated from unlawful sources such as genetic material from pigs or dogs. According to the Malaysian National Fatwa Committee, since Islam prohibits the eating of swine and product derived from it, a GM food derived from crop using transgenic biotechnological method incorporating swine DNA is against the Syari’ah and therefore, it is haram. But according to Islamic Fiqh Academy, there is no fatwa issued on this matter. According to the Islamic Jurisprudence Council (IJC), food derived from biotechnology-improved GM crops is halal which means that they are fit for consumption by Muslims. Some scholars have suggested that food derived from biotechnology-improved crops could possibly become haram if they contain DNA from forbidden sources. For example, swine DNA in soy could make the soy product haram. This issue is still the subject of some debates among scholars and certifying organizations. Today, a product that is brought to the market with a gene from a haram source, would at least be considered Mashbooh (questionable) if not outright haram. However, all biotechnology-derived food on the market today is from approved sources. k mi ak a tin de Penulis (dua dari kanan) bersama tenaga pekerja Adami Food Sdn Bhd... Nothing fascinated me when the first time I stepped into Pompeii. It was always crowded and dusty due to the Vesuvius Volcano situated n e a r b y. Some of the locals are a bit strange because they have yellowish coloured iris eyes which made me felt spooky and there were a lot of wild dogs everywhere (I mean dogs with no owners). Strangely, these dogs are tame and like to follow people sort of like offering themselves to be pampered as a pet. The Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America (IFANCA), the main North American halal certifying body supports the position 5 bule Jannah Munirah shared Makanan Tradisi Melayu by ADAMI k mi