January - April 2015 - Terengganu


January - April 2015 - Terengganu
Faculty of Hotel and
Tourism Management
January - April 2015
Oleh: Noraida Abd Karim
anjir besar yang melanda Terengganu tahun 2014 baru baru ini, merupakan
ujian yang sangat besar kepada seluruh rakyat Terengganu. Pelbagai bentuk
bantuan dari wang ringgit, bahan makanan dan tenaga dikerah bagi membantu
masyarakat setempat. Ini termasuklah, Misi Pasca Banjir yang melibatkan staf UiTM
Services Sdn. Bhd (UTSSB) yang tersalah lokasi bantuan, sehingga terjumpa sebuah
sekolah kampung di Mukim Pasir Raja, dengan jarak 96 km dari bandar Dungun.
Keadaan sekolah berkenaan agak teruk disebabkan banjir lumpur dengan kerosakan
hampir semua peralatan sekolah. Keesokan harinya, 6 Jan 2015, sekali lagi UTSSB
mengumpulkan tenaga keringat untuk bersama-sama menjayakan misi bantuan
ini, dengan kerjasama dari pensyarah Fakulti Pengurusan Hotel dan Pelancongan
ehadiran ramai sukarelawan pada hari tersebut sedikit sebanyak melegakan pihak sekolah, memandangkan sesi persekolahan hanya berbaki
seminggu sahaja lagi. Turut hadir sama adalah pelbagai NGO dan agensi luar yang bergabung tenaga membersih, mengangkat barang dan
mengeringkan peralatan sekolah yang masih boleh digunapakai. Kami meninggalkan kawasan sekolah hampir jam 5 petang dengan perasaan
hiba dan sedih bercampur baur. Syukur, anak-anak kita masih bersekolah di sekolah yang selesa, bagaimanakah adik adik Kampung Shukur bakal
menempuh sesi persekolahan nanti?.
MANIK URAI - JAN 20, 2015
isah Manik Urai dilanda banjir teruk di dada surat khabar, televisiyen, dan
segenap talian maya memanggil saya untuk membuat sesuatu untuk komuniti
di sana. Kenderaan bertali arus biar pun terpaksa meredah selut yang agak tebal.
Mereka tenggelam dalam kelu sambil merakam kesan bah besar yang tidak pernah
disaksi sebelum ini.’ Orang tua yang meniti usia lebih 80 tahun di Kampung Chatang
memberitahu tidak pernah melihat lagi bah besar seperti yang berlaku baru-baru
ini. “Bah merah yang dikatakan paling besar dalam sejarah pun tidak sebesar bah
yang berlaku kali ini. Dahulu bah merah air lambat surut, sekarang banjir surut
lebih cepat,” kata Zakaria Ibrahim, 57.
ni adalah beberapa ayat yang sungguh menyayat hati untuk kita yang tidak
merasa keadaan sebenar bah di Manik Urai. Rumahnya ranap dilanggar bah,
manakala di malam dan awal pagi terpaksa berdepan dengan suhu sejuk anggaran
dari 19 – 22°c. Atas keprihatinan saudara kita di sana, kami mengumpulkan selimut
dan baju sejuk terpakai dalam masa tiga hari untuk dibawa bekalan buat saudara
di Manik Urai. Kerjasama ini melibatkan sumbangan orang ramai dan kerjasama bersama Pertubuhan Ikatan Kekeluargaan Rumpun Nusantara
Malaysia (HaRUM). Semoga usaha kecil ini dapat membantu mereka yang memerlukan. Sesungguhnya, musibah yang melanda pantai timur
tahun lepas telah membuka ruang dan peluang saudara sesama Islam kembali berukhwah.
JAN 18, 2015
ekolah Rendah Kampung Nyiur yang terletak
di Tebing Tembah, Paka merupakan sebuah
sekolah pendidikan khas yang menempatkan
pelajar-pelajar istimewa tahap 1 & 2. Beberapa
Oleh: Maizatul Asyikin Amat Jupri & Norazlina Rahmat
siri amal telah kami jalankan yang melibatkan
sekolah ini dengan menyumbang duit poket dan
barangan sekolah seperti bag sekolah, stokin,
buku akaun bank, alat tulis dan peralatan diri
bagi kegunaan pelajar-pelajar ini. Projek amal
ini melibatkan kelab Pensyarah Hotel (KePAH)
dan wakil NGO luar dikenali sebagai Pertubuhan
Malaysia (HaRUM).
KePAH terlibat dalam
pencarian penyumbang, manakala HaRUM
hadir menyantuni adik adik istimewa yang
terlibat dengan membawakan kumpulan musik
LASKAR pada hari tersebut. Alhamdulilah, ramai
individu dan pihak-pihak tertentu yang datang
ada 24 Februari 2015, jam 8.30 malam bertempat di restoran Bayu Grill, telah
diadakan majlis makan malam sempena penyerahan duit hasil kutipan sumbangan
yang akan disalurkan ke Tabung Bencana Banjir FPHP. Hasil sumbangan ini telah
berjaya dikumpulkan melalui program Forum Zero to Hero anjuran pelajar-pelajar
semester 3 Diploma Pengurusan Pelancongan (HM1113B) yang telah diadakan di
Dewan Aspirasi UiTM Terengganu pada 15 Februari 2015 yang lalu. Selain hasil
kutipan sumbangan daripada program ini, Kelab D’ Hoteliers UiTM Terengganu
juga turut menyalurkan hasil kutipan sumbangan mereka untuk tabung
berkenaan. Majlis makan malam ini telah dihadiri oleh barisan ahli jawatankuasa
program Forum Zero to Hero iaitu seramai 15 orang berserta Puan Norazlina
Rahmat selaku Penasihat Program. Selain itu, majlis ini dimeriahkan lagi dengan
kehadiran Ketua Pusat Pengajian Fakulti Pengurusan Hotel dan Pelancongan,
Encik Harnizam Zahari dan Koordinator (Ijazah) Fakulti Pengurusan Hotel dan
Pelancongan iaitu En Mushaireen Musa serta dua orang wakil daripada Kelab D’
Hoteliers iaitu saudara Ahmad Nazri dan Irfan.
menyumbang dan membantu projek ini.
erima kasih kepada semua penyumbang,
moga usaha kecil ini dan sumbangan yang
diberi mendapat syafaat dan diberkati Allah
Saudara Muhammad Ridzwan bin Ramli selaku ketua projek Forum Zero to
Hero telah menyerahkan hasil kutipan sumbangan yang berjumlah RM4383.80,
manakala wakil daripada kelab D’ Hoteliers, saudara Ahmad Nazri telah
menyerahkan hasil kutipan sumbangan sebanyak RM1558.00. Kedua-dua
sumbangan ini akan disalurkan kepada Tabung Bencana Banjir FPHP bagi
membantu mangsa-mangsa banjir yang terlibat. Dengan adanya bantuan bencana
seperti ini diharapkan ianya dapat membantu meringankan beban mereka yang
terlibat dalam musibah banjir.
HotNewz Bulletin Editorial
Chief Editor
Layout & Graphic
Ybhg. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abdol Samad
Wan Nazriah Wan Nawawi
Azahar Adzmy
Azlina Samsudin
Rahman Abdullah
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Azemi Che Hamid
Harnizam Zahari
Haslina Che Ngah
Malissasahila Abdul Manap
All articles should be sent to: hotnews@tganu.uitm.edu.my
Oleh : Fatimah Abd Ghani
ada hari Khamis bersamaan 5hb Mac 2015, bertempat di
Dewan Cemara UiTM Terengganu, telah berlangsung program
Nutrition Talk. Ia merupakan agenda wajib setiap semester bagi
memenuhi keperluan kod kursus HTF275 (Nutrition and Health).
Program ini telah dianjurkan oleh para pelajar semester 4 Diploma
Pengurusan Perkhidmatan Makanan dengan penglibatan
daripada semua kumpulan pelajar yang mengambil kursus ini.
Antara objektif program ini adalah:
Menambah ilmu pengetahuan tentang nutrisi pemakanan
dan kesihatan manusia.
Memperolehi pendedahan dan maklumat yang lebih
mendalam tentang pemakanan dan diet yang seimbang
daripada pakar dietetik dan sains pemakanan.
Mengenal pasti cara-cara pemakanan seharian yang betul.
Memperoleh pengetahuan tentang isu-isu kesihatan yang
berkaitan dengan terapeutik diet.
Menimba ilmu dan pengetahuan dalam menguruskan
program di peringkat fakulti dan Universiti.
Dietitik daripada Hospital Dungun. Ceramah yang seterusnya pula
disampaikan oleh Puan Salihah Brahim, Pegawai Sains Pemakanan
daripada Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Dungun bertajuk Basic Requirements
in Healthy Eating for students. Penceramah jemputan juga telah menjadi
panel kepada forum yang mendebatkan topik hangat di kalangan
pelajar iaitu Consuming Collagen: How effective is it? Pada masa yang
sama pameran kesihatan daripada Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Dungun
juga turut diadakan di Dataran Sura untuk tontonan awam.
Melalui Nutrition Day yang telah diadakan, para pelajar dapat memahami
dengan lebih lanjut dan terperinci tentang pemakanan dan kesihatan
manusia dengan berinteraksi terus bersama pakar jemputan.
Acara bermula pada jam 8.00 pagi dengan sesi pendaftaran bagi
pelajar-pelajar yang terlibat. Ceramah yang pertama bertajuk
Therapeutic Diet telah disampaikan oleh En. Teo Hao Zi, Pegawai
Table and Dining
Etiquette By: Intan Syahiirah Dol Ramli & Norazlina
n Sunday 8th February 2015, students from Diploma in
Tourism Management (HM1114B) had organized one event
called Table and Dining Etiquette as part of our assessment
which contributes about 10% for the Business Etiquette and
Communication Skills subject. Madam Haslina Che Ngah has
been invited to be our Guest Speaker for the event. During
the event, she has taught us various ways on proper dining
etiquette which are very crucial to the hospitality industry. The
event starts at 8.30pm and end about two hours later. Most of
the students are very happy with the valuable information and
tips that they received from the speaker and hopefully they can
implement it for their daily life interaction.
Oleh: Arma Mohd Faisal Abu Bakar & Kelab D’Hoteliers
ada 10 Dis 2014, kelab D’Hoteliers sekali lagi telah mengadakan
Mesyuarat Semi Tahunan Kelab D’Hoteliers bersama semua pelajar
fakulti. Aktiviti yang bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan kelab kepada
seluruh warga Fakulti Pengurusan Hotel & Pelancongan kali ini telah
diadakan di Dewan Pingpong, Stadium Gemilang. Aktiviti yang
bermula dengan ketibaan para pelajar bermula jam 7.45 malam
seterusnya ketibaan para pensyarah fakulti telah berlangsung dengan
jayanya. Agenda utama pada malam tersebut adalah sesi pembubaran
ahli Jawatankuasa kelab D’Hoteliers bagi sesi Jun 2014 - Okt 2014 dan
sesi perlantikan ahli Jawatankuasa kelab Dis - Apr 2015. Antara agenda
lain adalah pembentangan aktiviti semester Jun 2014 - Okt 2014 dan
pembentangan aktiviti bagi semester ini.
nduksi Siswa Siswi D’Hoteliers telah diadakan dengan jayanya
pada 24 Januari 2015 bertempat di Dewan Ping Pong, Stadium
Gemilang dan kawasan sekitar fakulti. Program yang melibatkan
semua pelajar semester satu dan sesetengah pelajar senior ini
adalah bertujuan untuk memberi kefahaman yang lebih kepada
pelajar baharu tentang fakulti dan juga untuk mendekatkan lagi
kewujudan kelab D’Hoteliers dengan warga fakulti yang baru.
Aktiviti yang diadakan sepanjang program ialah dua sesi taklimat
iaitu pengenalan dapur yang disampaikan oleh En. Rahman
Abdullah, Koordinator Dapur dan taklimat pengenalan kelab dan
fakulti yang disampaikan oleh penasihat kelab, En. Arma Mohd
Faizal Abu Bakar. Aktiviti diteruskan dengan aktiviti Treasure
Hunt yang mana siswasiswi dibahagikan kepada 16 kumpulan.
Keseluruhannya, program yang berlangsung bermula jam 2.30
petang hingga 6.30 petang itu ternyata memberi kepuasan hati
kepada kedua-dua belah pihak, iaitu penganjur dan juga peserta.
Penyampaian hadiah kepada para pemenang diadakan sebagai
acara penutup program ini.
ada 25 Februari 2015, kelab D’Hoteliers telah mengadakan
program Career Talk: D’Hoteliers Talk About Your Future. D’Hoteliers telah
menjemput Chef Wan untuk memberi ceramah pada program tersebut
sekaligus merasmikan Café Chiffon by D’Hoteliers. Aktiviti ini dijalankan
adalah bertujuan untuk memberi pendedahan tentang alam pekerjaan
sebenar daripada pakar industri hospitaliti dan membuka minda semua
pelajar mengenai industri perhotelan dan pelancongan. Program yang
bertempat di Dewan Aspirasi ini diteruskan dengan aktiviti soal jawab.
Aktiviti ini telah dijayakan dengan bantuan daripada pensyarah Fakulti
Hotel Dan Pelancongan.
Nutrition Application
Towards Healthy Life Oleh: Hayati Adilin Mohd Abd Majid (Dr.) &
Khazainah Khalid
ada 4 Disember 2014 bertempat di Dewan Bidara Hotel UiTM Dungun, telah diadakan satu program iaitu Nutrition Application towards
Healthy Life. Program ini telah melibatkan seramai 150 orang pelajar sebagai penganjur program yang juga merupakan pelajar Ijazah Sarjana
Muda Pengurusan Hotel (bahagian 5) dan Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan Perkhidmatan Makanan (bahagian 3, 4 dan 6). Program ini
merupakan aktiviti wajib bagi memenuhi keperluan subjek HTF554 (Nutrition for Foodservice Professionals) di samping mengaplikasikan apa
yang telah dipelajari di dalam kelas. Antara aktiviti menarik dan berinformatif yang telah dijalankan:
Ceramah berkaitan Pemakanan dan Gaya
Hidup Sihat.
Penyediaan menu makanan sihat dan Ujirasa
Makanan Sihat yang diubahsuai serta dicipta
sendiri oleh pelajar:
Pameran contoh Produk Makanan Sihat (Malaysia, Asia,
Pemakanan pelbagai peringkat
Menyusu, Bayi, Kanak-Kanak,
Remaja, Dewasa dan Orang Tua),
Diet terapeutik (Kanser, Kencing
Manis, Darah tinggi dll.) dan
Panduan kalori pemakanan.
Pemeriksaan Kesihatan oleh Staf
Hospital Dungun seperti berat
badan unggul , gula dalam darah,
tekanan darah, dan lain - lain :
K a u n s e l i n g
dan kakitangannya:
Antara contoh menu yang disediakan pelajar:
Lakonan berkaitan
nutrisi &
pemakanan seimbang.
By: Munirah Hamid and Fatimah Abd Ghani
he latest study says runners may have a life to live three years
longer than those who did not run. According to research, running
slowly for 5 minutes a day can make your heart healthier than those
who do not run. This proves that exercise is important as part of
a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, there is a lack of awareness on
the importance of exercise in life. There are still many people who
love giving various excuses for not working out like having no time,
no interest in exercising, no friend to exercise with and lack of will
power. Don’t jeopardize your health and give so many excuses. Your
health is priceless compared to money.
Did you know that exercise can make you feel great about yourself?
When exercising, physical health, mental, internal and external
health will be energized. As a result, your appearance will look great
and your confidence level can be enhanced. Exercise also helps in
reducing stress. This is because endorphin and serotonin hormones
are secreted during exercise. These hormones can make you feel
happy and relaxed.
Exercises can be done anywhere either in the gym, at home or
even outdoors. Many activities can be done with friends or even
alone. Among the exercises that you can do like walking, riding a
bike, go jogging, sit ups, push ups, squat, etc. Ensure that exercise is
done with proper technique to avoid injury. To avoid injury to the
muscles, exercise should be started with a warm-up and concluded
with a cool down.
The best exercise is in the early morning after you wake up and in
the evening after work. But there is no harm if you want to work out
lightly at night before sleeping. The truth is that there’s no reliable
evidence to suggest that calories are burned more efficiently at
certain times of day. But the time of day can influence how you feel
when exercising. The most important thing, experts say, is to choose
a time of day you can stick with, so that exercise becomes a routine
which leads to habit. Remember, every workout count.
D. Lee, R.R. Pate, C.J, Lavie, X. Sui, T.S. Church, S.N. Blair (2014) ‘
Leisure-time running reduces all-cause and cardiovascular mortality
risk’. Journal of the American College of Cardiology.
C.P. Wen, J.P. Wai, M.K. Tsai, C.H. Chen (2014) ‘Minimal amount of
exercise to prolong life : To walk, to run or just mix it up?. Journal of
the American College of Cardiology.
By: Sulaiha Mohd Isa & Zatul Iffah Mohd Fuza
ccessible tourism is about making it easy or stressfree for all individuals to enjoy tourism experiences. The
term accessibility refers to how easy it is for everybody to
independently approach, enters and uses building, outdoor
areas and other facilities without the need for special
arrangements. Providing information on accessibility and
improving access benefits wide range of people who wants
to travel, but who may find it difficult (Westcott, 2004). In
such situation, tourism is used as a tool to achieve barrierfree society that could enhance people with disabilities to
live independently in the society (Anonymous, 2011). Hence,
accessible tourism enables people with access requirements,
including mobility, vision, hearing and cognitive dimensions of
access, to function independently and with equity and dignity
through the delivery of universally designed tourism products,
services and environments. These include those travelling with
children in prams, people with physical disabilities and senior
citizens (Darcy & Dickson, 2009).
Examples of accessible tourism at various tourism destinations
in Malaysia
You can start exercising slowly and gradually. If you start an exercise
routine quickly, you will easily lose patience and spirit causing
boredom to continue. Try starting your exercise slowly and increase
your exercise levels according to your suitability. Thus, you will feel
challenged to further motivate yourself to continue to exercise.
To increase the motivation so that you continue to exercise, you may
invite friends or your spouse to join you. Find people who have the
same goal and perception of fitness. Don’t worry if there is no one to
accompany you to exercise. You can still work out while listening to
your favorite music. No matter wherever you are, make the workout
as your daily routine. Start your day with exercise and lead to a
healthier life to be a better you.
Petaling Jaya,
Westcott, J. (2004). Improving information on accessible tourism for disabled people.
Europeon Communities. ISBN 92-894-7678-8. Retrieve on 23 Feb 2015 from: http://
Darcy and Dickson (2009) pg 34. Retrieved on 23 Feb 2015 from: http://www.
Redang Island
Anonymous (2011). Accessible Tourism Promotes National Development. Retrieved
on 23 Feb 2015 at http://www.dpiap.org/resources/pdf/report_pro_icat_2011_
oyalty programs are mushrooming in Malaysia. Almost every
organizations and foodservice operators in various industries
such as retailing, tourism, hotels and entertainment are adopting
Loyalty Programs.
Just look at retailing industry. Several product categories have
this Loyalty Programs. Being a Starbucks member can entitle you
to enjoy a free drink with every 10th purchases. While in Jusco
malls, you can collect points being AEON member and redeem
it for cash vouchers or attractive rewards. The Watsons Loyalty
Program provides special discounts for members as part of their
initiative to attract people to join.
Although in Loyalty Program Management literatures, it’s agreed
that Loyalty Programs are facing their maturity stage in developed
countries liked United States and United Kingdom, but it is still in
the introductory phases in Malaysia. The first Loyalty Program in
the hotel industry is Golden Circle, introduced by Shangri-la Hotels
& Resorts in the year 2010. They offered three (3) categories or
tiers with various benefits (Golden Circle Gold, Jade and Diamond
membership). The higher the tier, the more benefits you will
gain as members. For instance, being a Golden Circle Diamond
member, guest deserve and will receive the full commitment and
dedication in everything that hotel do. Shangri-la hotels will ensure
that services will be personalized and exceptionally rewarding.
Among the benefits that guest will enjoy our priority check-in and
checkout, guaranteed room availability for reservations made 48
hours in advance, guaranteed bed type availability, early check-in at
8am & 6pm late checkout, personal preference, including bed and
pillow type, complimentary sit-pressing, complimentary selected
resort facilities, choice of 3 welcome amenities, complimentary
breakfast at the Café Restaurant and 24-hour concierge services
for non-staying guests.
By: Jazira Anuar
customer loyalty. Organizations aware that retaining a loyal customer is
crucial compared to employ a new one. This is because loyal customers
are very powerful in recommending their experiences to others. Imagine
one unhappy customer posted bad reviews about his dining experiences
at a famous restaurant through Facebook. The frustration expressed
by this unhappy customer over the services provided, food freshness
and promotions will surely affect the restaurant image and reputation.
Considering the power of social media nowadays, it will make it even
worse. Negative stories will be disseminated to many peoples with just
a single click. Thus, management has to really take into accounts all this
issue that can lead to the success or failure of their Loyalty Programs.
1.Retrieved from www.shangri-la.com/corporate/golden-circle/about
2. Airasia launches BIG loyalty programme in Singapore press release.
(2013).Retrieved from http://www.airasiabig.com/my/en/assets/press.
In the airline industry, BIG is among the current loyalty
programs available. Introduced by Air Asia in September 2013,
BIG acknowledge travelers to accumulate points, which they
can redeem for free flights, baggage and Hot Seats later on.
Additionally, BIG has also partnered with local giants, DBS Bank
and StarHub, where guests can convert their points to BIG points
for redemption.
Reviewing all these Loyalty Programs characteristics, they are all
having the same goal that is to encourage repeat purchases and
The Emergence of Food Truck in Malaysia:
Trend and Challenges
By: Anderson Ngelambong, FPHP, UiTM Pulau Pinang
Popular Food Trucks in Klang Valley
rom traditional to western cuisine, food operators in Malaysia are
increasingly utilizing trucks to sell their products. This so called “food
truck” or sometimes known as “food on wheels” are gradually gaining
acceptance especially among urban communities such as in Klang
Valley. The idea here is the food trucks will go to wherever their potential
customers are located. Thus, the customers do not have to face the
traffic jammed to have their meals. The time saving and hassle free food
experience is important especially for those white collar workers whose
time is limited. In addition, the food price is relatively more cheaper than
a typical restaurant because of lower operation costs. Social media also
contributes to the popularity of the food trucks. Most of them are taking
advantages of social media such as Facebook and Twitter to reach their
existing and potential customers. Through this channel, they are able
to inform their current location and latest promotion that are available.
Although the food trucks provide a quick and trendy eating option, some
people are concerned about their level of cleanliness. Similar to other food
and beverage premises, the food trucks should be subjected to strict food
safety and sanitation rules. The issue here is how do the local authority
implement such rules and regulations on mobile food operators? The
risks of foodborne illness among customers are serious as the rules and
regulations pertaining to the food truck industry remain unclear. There
are several food poisoning cases has been reported in the local news last
year. There is a possibility that similar cases may raise further with the
rapid expansion of the food truck industry. Therefore, it is crucial that
local authority formulate a proper guideline for food truck operators in
terms of issues related to food safety, hygiene and sanitation. Finally, the
food truck operators must be responsible in ensuring their profit is not in
the expense of a customer’s life.
Oleh: Arma Mohd Faisal Abu Bakar & Kelab D’Hoteliers
ajlis makan malam fakulti telah
diadakan dengan jayanya pada 20 Mac
2015 bertempat di Dewan Aspirasi UiTM
Terengganu. Program ini melibatkan
semua pelajar semester 3 dan 4 Diploma
Pengurusan Hotel, Diploma Pengurusan
Perkhidmatan Makanan dan Diploma
penganjur utama dan dibantu oleh pelajar
semester 2 Diploma Pengurusan Hotel dan
pelajar semester 3 Diploma Seni Kulinari.
Program ini dihadiri oleh pelajar dan
pensyarah dari Fakulti Pengurusan Hotel
dan Pelancongan. Turut hadir tetamu VVIP
Prof. Madya Abdul Samad Nawi (Rektor
The Humble Chef
Pasta dishes, sandwiches,
pitas, and omelets
Pusat Bandar
Little Fat Duck
Pastas dishes, mushroom
soup, mashed potatoes and
homemade milk pudding
Subang Jaya
The Royal Post
Espresso bar (coffee, tea,
latte), gourmet sandwiches
and patisseries.
Jalan Sultan Ismail,
Kuala Lumpur
Spaghetti with side dishes
such as with chicken fillet,
spicy lamb or tempura fish.
Pusat Bandar
Damansara or Jalan
Dungun, Kuala Lumpur
Pasta salad, seafood olio,
tuna pesto, fries, wedges
and Italian dessert and soda.
Jalan Dungun, Kuala
Lumpur or Subang
La Famiglia
UiTM) dan isteri, En. Mushaireen Musa (Koordinator Fakulti bagi pelajar Ijazah), Pn.
Norazlina Rahmat (Koordinator Fakulti bagi pelajar Diploma) dan En. Arma Mohd Faizal
Abu Bakar (Penasihat Kelab D’Hoteliers). Matlamat utama program ini berlangsung adalah
untuk meraikan pelajar semester 5 yang bakal menjalani latihan industri pada semester
6 dan merapatkan hubungan silaturahim antara pelajar dan pensyarah. Antara slot yang
diadakan sepanjang program ialah
persembahan daripada kumpulan
brassband, persembahan daripada
pelajar semester 1 dan anugerah
pelajar cemerlang. Keseluruhannya,
program yang berdurasi tiga jam
(8.00 – 11.00 pm) ini memberi
kepuasan hati kepada kedua-dua
belah pihak iaitu penganjur dan
What’s Cooking
By: Mohd Azuan Mohd Alias
can’t remember how many times I have met chef Wan. But I
can tell you that no matter how many times I chance upon him,
I will never get used to it. I will always try to look cool in front of
him, pretending like I am not thrilled; like nothing, but inside I am
jumping like a kid in a candy store. May be this is because I have
been idolizing him since I was a kid, or the fact that he has one of the
most recognized faces of any chefs in Asia. The first time I saw him,
it was in one of the gastronomic seminar hosted by one of the top
private college in Damansara 12 years ago. I was so fascinated by the
way he communicated with his audience.
He is a ‘machine’ when he delivers on stage. He is the real deal;
Unscripted and unstoppable. I realized that I must share this with
my students. I must bring him to UiTM, to Dungun. So I invited him,
“Azuan u look the same as you were 7 years ago u know that right?”
said chef Wan. “Cheffy, I’m flattered, but I don’t look the same as I was
7 years ago, that’s faizal and yes, he is as young as I were back then”
and that was how we break the formality that night and laughed
while we were walking to the van after fetching him from the arrival
hall in Sultan Mahmud Airport in Kuala Terengganu. We stopped at
Primula Hotel Kuala Terengganu for dinner. It was a well-arranged
feast by the hotel. We were invited by the general manager as soon
as he heard the arrival Malaysia Number One Chef to Terengganu. A
guest in his hotel!
answered. He is absolutely right..!!! Funny to think it that way though,
but I needed to relax. (Did I not mentioned, UiTM Terengganu has its
own hotel and the services plus food are great!)
Despite our concerns, dinner went well. Chef Wan was actually a very
pleasant man. Nothing bad happened. He is just a simple guy who
eats Mee Goreng Mamak at night and drinks more than 1 cup of coffee
every meal. A humble man for a person of great prominence. As we
left Hotel Primula, a question was asked by the great chef. “Will there
be Nasi Dagang tomorrow for breakfast, Azuan.? I purposely skipped
that one because you told me there will be Nasi Dagang tomorrow.”
At that moment, if anyone were to call diva, I would slapped that
person on the spot. Throughout the visit, that was the only request
that came out from the celebrated chef.
During our journey to Dungun, I took the opportunity to get
acquainted with my idol. I couldn’t recall any single dull moment.
A: Have u ever felt tired chef?
C: I sleep like a baby every night Azuan. So, I must have been a very
tired man. I sleep at least 7 hours everyday. It’s important for my
health. I’m an old man. But I will make sure I will have a great morning
every day. I wake up at 5. I’ll make sure I won’t miss my morning walk,
and that is after my subuh prayer. I love watching the sun goes up.
I’ve been taught to appreciate my morning. And I think everyone
should be a morning person. It has to do with the “rezeki.” But really,
at night, I feel tired. I’m a human. Not a robot. I am tired of working.
Sometimes I over-worked myself.
A: Have you ever lost it?
C: Wow, is this going to be “Les Miserable of Chef Wan” Azuan?
A: NO… (and we laughed)
The minute I stepped into the hotel lobby, I started to have second
thoughts about our decision to bring him to this hotel. This is Chef
Wan we are talking about. He disapproved in-flight nasi lemak
by MAS; and woken up everyone in the country with the caption
“NASI LEMAK TELANJANG” as national news headlines. He disagreed
with Nyonya Curry Noodle by The Mandarin Oriental. Not that I am
disagreeing with him. It was a bad curry noodle. Trust me I have tried
it! He dared the Republic of Indonesia to substantiate their claim on
our favorite teatime chow - the Popiah aka Malaysian spring rolls. I
wonder at times; what is with the Indonesians and their claimants. It
started with Mee Bandung, to Mee Jawa and now the Popiah!
Back to Chef Wan. Now, what if he showed disapproval over his
meal tonight? What if he mocked me for the hotel’s services tonight
if it doesn’t meet his standard? What if we are the raison d’être to
every bad thing happens that night? “I really hope we did the right
decision bringing him here faizal” I expressed my nervousness to
Faizal. His answer was consoling, “You worry too much En. Azuan.
This is the reason we bring him here at the first place.”“Why?” I asked.
“So that he won’t have time to scrutinize our own hotel’s food” Faizal
BY: Noorazlin Ramli, Nuur Izzahton Auni Mohd Filus & Mas
Amira Khali
owadays, plastic is very common and useful packaging in food
and beverage industry. Plastic also have pros and cons in using
it. Is it scaremongering or is it truth about the food poisoning
caused by chemical from plastic? The prolific use of plastic bags
in our daily life has also led to environmental hazards as plastic
bags are not biodegradable. When hot food is packed in plastic,
chemical exchange between plastic and food is maximised by high
temperature and the nature of the food. Certain plastic bags may
cause chemical filtration into the food. Those chemicals include
styrene and Bisphenol-A (BPA) which can cause cancer, heart
diseases and reproductive problems.
Toxins could migrate from the plastic to the substances they
hold. The most common food interactions are the migration of
low molecular weight substances such as stabilisers, plasticisers,
antioxidants and monomers from plastic packing materials. Water
in plastic containers is also unfit for human consumption because
the containers are usually exposed to direct sunlight when they
are loaded onto trucks. The compounds on which most concerns
have focused are Bisphenol-A (BPA), which is used in tough
polycarbonate products and epoxy resins that line tin cans, and a
group of plastic softeners called phthalates. Research has shown
that these compounds can leach from plastics into the food and
drinks that we consumed.
Dari muka 12.
Nasihat daripada mereka terhadap individu di luar sana yang
masih belum bertemu jodoh:
Faliza: Sentiasa percaya kepada takdir Allah S.W.T. Jangan
sesekali berhenti berdoa. Apabila tiba masanya, Allah S.W.T. akan
makbulkan jua doa kita. Sesungguhnya perancangan Allah S.W.T.
itu adalah yang terbaik untuk setiap hamba-hambaNya.
Fazli: Akan sampai waktu dan ketikanya dimana kita
sememangnya tidak merancang atau mencari jodoh.
Jodoh itu akan datang dengan sendirinya tanpa kita sedari.
Sekiranya dengan izin-Nya, satu hari jodoh itu datang jua
akhirnya kepada kita, namun ia secara tidak langsung dan
agak sukar untuk diungkap perasaan itu dengan kata-kata
sewaktu ia tiba.
Below are symptoms caused by poisonous plastic
Airways and lungs
Eyes, ears, nose, and throat
Severe pain in the throat, Severe pain
or burning in the nose, eyes, ears, lips,
or tongue, Loss of vision & Throat
swelling (which may also cause
breathing difficulty)
Stomach and intestines
Severe abdominal pain, Vomiting,
Burns of the oesophagus (food pipe),
Vomiting blood & Blood in the stool
Heart and blood vessels
Hypotension (low blood pressure) develops rapidly & Collapse
Irritation, Burn & Necrosis (holes) in
the skin or underlying tissues
penghargaan yang tidak terhingga kepada semua sahabat handai
yang sudi hadir dari jauh dan dekat untuk turut sama memeriahkan
majlis. Tidak lupa juga, ucapan terima kasih untuk semua hadiah
dan doa yang telah dikirimkan. Semoga perkahwinan ini diberkati
dan diredhai Allah S.W.T. di dunia dan di akhirat. InsyaAllah Aamiin
Ya Rabbal Alamiin. Akhir kata, hayatilah lirik lagu lambang kisah
cinta kami iaitu ”Jodoh Berdua” dendangan Hafiz Hamidun yang
begitu bermakna dan cukup menyentuh hati dan sanubari kami
Kedua pasangan ingin mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih dan
A Journey with
Queen Elizabeth
By: Muhammad Khilfi Khairul Asman, Syafiqa Mohd Jaafar,
Muhammad Rozaidi Baharudin, Hadi Iskandar Mohd
Rashidan, Ain Najwa Ahmad Basri & Haslina Che Ngah
s an introduction, there is a fact that you need to know before we
explore more about the cruise, specifically the Queen Elizabeth Cruise.
Hotels can be classified based on their location which includes city
hotel, suburban, motel, airport hotel, resort, forest hotel, floatel, boatel
and rotel. Queen Elizabeth Cruise is considered as floatel which mean a
hotel establishment on luxury liners or ship. In cruise ships, rooms are
smaller and all furniture is fixed down. The world largest cruise ships
are Allure of The Seas, Oasis of The Seas, Norwegian Epic, Freedom of
The Seas, Liberty of The Seas, Independence of The Seas and followed
by Queen Mary (Queen Elizabeth). The first invented cruise ship was by
the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company in 1822 with
routes between England and the Iberian Peninsula.
The Queen Elizabeth cruise ship is operated by the Cunard Line. It is
the second largest cruise ship to be constructed for Cunard. It’s capable
of carrying up to 2,092 passengers. The first cruise ship operated by
Cunard was Queen Victoria, followed by Queen Mary 2. Queen Elizabeth
is the newest luxury liner, named in 2010 by Her Majesty the Queen.
Recalling the rich heritage of the first Cunarder to bear the name, her
elegance and modern features have won her many accolades and
made her a firm favourite with her passengers. Instead of capturing
the public’s imagination with water slides and high-tech nightclubs,
Cunard cashes in on its impressive heritage, a sense of occasion and
old-fashioned pursuits like ballroom-dancing, lawn bowls or afternoon
tea in the Garden Lounge.
Extensive use has been made of cream and chocolate marble, as well as
polished wood in the public spaces. Every bar or lounge has something
beautiful in it, whether it is a piece of intricate wood marquetry or an
evocative painting of a maritime scene. Everywhere you look, there
are Cunard memorabilia: a Christmas card from Queen Elizabeth
II displayed in a glass case, a solid silver model of QE2 made by the
famed London jeweller Asprey and the original bell of the first Queen
Enjoy a variety of activities on the Queen Elizabeth. State-of-the-art
facilities are a standard on this fine cruise vessel. Start with dance classes
- learn the Lindy hop, the jitterbug, ballroom dancing and more. There
is a Classic Film Club where you can enjoy tons of silver-screen
movies, Insights where you can enjoy guest speakers lecturing
about acclaimed novels, historic exploits, and more. Cunard Place
features a collection of artifacts and images; the Games Deck is
a great place to enjoy the English country garden ambience croquet, traditional bowls, and even a paddle tennis are available
to play. The Library has over 6000 titles to choose from, and the
Pavilion Pool is an invigorating place to enjoy the sun and water.
The Cunard Royal Spa and Fitness Centre is an experience to
behold - pamper yourself with a massage or a manicure, or work
up a sweat in the full gym.
The Queen Elizabeth is equipped to keep you entertained for the
entire evening, every evening. The ship boasts intimate venues,
delicious cocktails, great dancing, and more. The Empire Casino is
a great place to play roulette, slots and blackjack - try your luck and
see what happens. The Commodore Club is an observation lounge
with an amazing night view and a wide selection of martinis. The
Golden Lion offers pub-style favorites including beer, cider, wine,
karaoke and more. Midships Bar is another great, laid back lounge
where you can relax and enjoy good company. The Queens Room
is a Grand Ballroom that hosts themed balls like the Black and
White Ball, or the Ascot Ball. The Royal Court Theatre features live
performances, music, musical productions, and more - and there
are even private boxes. Finally, the Yacht Club is a great nightclub
with a DJ and a live band for you to enjoy.
Finally, you don’t have to be a royalty to enjoy the newest Cunard
cruise ship Queen Elizabeth. It’s offers a modern glamour, high
society club experiences, traditional White Star service and diverse
itinerary program. It is all in one package at affordable luxury
prices year-round. Get your opportunity to enjoy experiences with
Queen Elizabeth Cruise. You might find it is really an interesting
and unforgettable experience.
Ship Stats and Features
Year Entered
Beam (Ship Width):
106 ft
26 ft
964 ft
Cruising Speed:
23 kts
Number of Decks:
Number of Lifts:
Raikan Cinta
Fazli dan Faliza
Oleh: Fatimah Abd Ghani & Munirah Hamid
1436H, pada pagi Jumaat yang
penuh barakah telah menjadi
saksi termeterainya janji dua
hati, penyatuan dua jiwa antara
Mohd Fazli Haji Musa dan Faliza
Haji Mahamed Ali untuk hidup
rumahtangga. Tarikh ini dipilih
kelahiran Faliza dan semestinya
ia merupakan tarikh istimewa
yang akan sentiasa diingati oleh
kedua pasangan ini. Majlis akad
nikah kedua mempelai ini telah
iaitu Tuan Haji Mahamed Ali Bin
Sarun di kediaman mereka di
Seksyen 20, Shah Alam.
Mengimbas detik perkenalan
mereka, Fazli merupakan senior
kepada Faliza semasa mereka
Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah
Alam dan juga di Universiti Utara
Malaysia, Sintok. Walaupun jarak
antara mereka sangat dekat,
tetapi ironinya mereka tidak
pernah bertemu sehinggalah
mereka menjadi rakan sekerja
di UiTM Terengganu. Tidak
pernah terlintas di hati keduanya,
perkenalan sebagai rakan sekerja
sejak tahun 2006 berubah
menjadi jodoh akhirnya. Namun
benarlah seperti dikata, jodoh
itu sememangnya rahsia Allah.
Bibit – bibit percintaan mereka
bermula sewaktu kedua pasangan
ini mewakili Fakulti Pengurusan
Hotel dan Pelancongan, UiTM
(Terengganu) dalam Pertandingan
MySkills Malaysia 2011. Cinta
mula berputik di hati Fazli tatkala
terdengar kemerduan suara Faliza
mengalunkan ayat-ayat suci AlQuran sambil menitiskan airmata.
Sepanjang pertandingan itu, Fazli
mula mengenali hati budi Faliza
dengan lebih dekat dan baginya
Faliza adalah seorang wanita yang
tegas namun mempunyai hati yang
Menyingkap detik-detik percintaan
mereka, Fazli tertarik dengan sikap
Faliza yang sudi menerima dirinya
seadanya. Selain itu, sikap Faliza
yang sentiasa positif dan sering
memberi kata-kata perangsang
kepadanya mengukuhkan lagi
perasaan cinta terhadapnya. Antara
ayat yang paling terkesan di hati
Fazli ialah “one step a day biarpun
kita merangkak”. Bagi Faliza pula,
kesetiaan Fazli dalam menanti
dirinya dan sikap Fazli yang
menerima dirinya dan keluarga
seadanya telah menambat hati
untuk menyambut salam cinta
yang luhur.
Menyusur majlis nan bahagia, majlis perkahwinan berlangsung
penuh sempurna dengan cuaca yang cukup indah buat para
tetamu jemputan yang hadir. Meriah suasana yang tercipta
turut merakam memori yang bakal menjadi kenangan hingga
ke akhir hayat buat Fazli dan Faliza. Bertemakan warna pilihan
‘soft pink’ untuk upacara akad nikah serta diserikan lagi dengan
majlis berinai di malam pernikahan. Manakala, warna ‘dusty
pink’ dipilih sebagai tema pelengkap di majlis resepsi sebelah
pengantin perempuan dan warna hijau pucuk pisang bagi
majlis resepsi sebelah pengantin lelaki. Kedua-dua mempelai
begitu berseri-seri dan serasi digandingkan bersama di pelamin
nan indah dilengkapi dengan kehadiran saudara mara dan
sahabat handai yang turut hadir untuk sama-sama berkongsi
kegembiraan. Dengan ini sempurna sudah majlis yang cukup
meriah dan bermakna bagi keduanya. Semoga ikatan yang suci
ini berkekalan hingga ke syurga serta dikurniakan zuriat yang
soleh dan solehah sebagai pelengkap kebahagiaan mereka.
Sambungan di muka 10.
Sekembali daripada Pertandingan
rakan sekerja mereka iaitu Encik
Nazaruddin dan Puan Rohayu,
Fazli telah memberanikan diri
menyuarakan isi hatinya terhadap
Faliza melalui laman sosial
‘Facebook’. Balasan yang diterima
daripada Faliza “biarlah jodoh dan
takdir yang menentukan, sekiranya
kau untuk aku maka aku akan jadi
milikmu, sekiranya tidak, janganlah
kita putuskan persahabatan kita”.
Selepas melalui pelbagai rintangan
dan dugaan dalam percintaan
selama dua tahun, akhirnya
mereka telah bersepakat untuk
melangsungkan tali pertunangan.
Persahabatan dan percintaan makin
rapi anyamannya, malah makin
indah dan penuh dengan sinar
kebahagiaan. Lantas tersingkap
melengkapi antara satu sama lain.