About Repartees. Laughter. A Clergyman`s Joke.
About Repartees. Laughter. A Clergyman`s Joke.
: The travelers were leagues away from their pig-sties and milk-pails when the sun lUflHIO IVIBT TOISSAT, aT SO. 8 HOSTS OTTO SZEHI i came back from China , and showed with 31 GEO. SAHDBUSOS. what opals and diamonds the prodigal - TilMB. , 8TOS0WPUOB.—Two Dollars per annum , payable In aa- frd.-t king had been decorating even the Tance. No subscription di«on«noed ontll all arrearhumblest way-side bush and tree ; and ages are paid , nnl«« at the option of th e Editor. A»TtBiu«M«!rf3.—Advertise ments, not exceeding one ' before ni ghtfall they were near an old and square , (ItHaas.) will be inserted thre e times for one dollar , and twenty .five cents for each additional inser- aristocratic town , where Mrs. Cobb's tion. Those of greater length In proportion. oonsin , Mrs. Doctor Danvers, res i ded . Jos PRnrtnco—Snch as Hand Bills, Posters , Pamphlets, ' What do yon say to giving cousin DanBlanks , Labels, ic, 4c, executed with accuracy and on _ vers a call V sajd Mr. Cobb. the«hort< »Bt notice. * ' I am agreed to that,' returned Mr. SUNSET ^FTBft A SHOWER. Wiggin. ' But bow is it , have your folks Orer the hUI-topa , fold upon fold. straw and provend er enoug h V Like blood-stained banner s within the eky, Braided with crimson , and fring i d with gold, ' Yes ! I expeJt they are very foreIn a sea of amber , the spent clouds lie. h anded people, and Dootor Danvers is quite Down in the valley the slumbrous trees a likel y eoit of a man , I should jud ge by Droop, heavily jewelled with falling rain ; what little I have seen of him. They visAnd a spioy-scented tremulous breeze ite d u s once , some y ears a g o, but it has In ri pples cross the bending grain. so happened we have never returned (heir The winding liver like silver gleams Throug h dreamy vistas that melt and fade; cal l .' ' And the sunli ght , falling in slanting beams , After some inquiry as to the way, tho Strikes deep in the heart of the forest 's shade. ' gray horse andJ>lue pung stopped in front On distant uplands the lonely pine of Dootor Danvers' stately mansion just Ia.fringed with purple, and bound with fire ; The etones in the oburcbyard glance and sh in e, as the sun started off back to China And the weather-vane is gilded wire. again. The tapering cedar , like a spear , « I'll ran in and see if the folks are at Shoots out of tbe cliff where stands revealed The rocky ledge; and the herd appear h ome ,' said Mr. Cobb, while Mr. Wi gg in Like spots oi color within the field. held in the gray horse with all his mi g ht , \ And the braided banner of clouds are seen shouting : ' Whoa , whirr ! whoa , whirr!' \ ^ To fiercer burn as with sudden shame; which had the effect of making him prance \ While the bills below , and tbe vales between , and rear, thus showing his mettle to the \ Are drowned in a yellow mist of flame. passers-by. And a fanner 's boy, all aglare with light , Looks over the cliff" where the cedurs grow , A pert-colore d gir l an swer ed t be door And shades with bis hand the dazzled sight , bell , with her head thrown back aa thoug h And calls to his comrade s down below. taking an observation of the planetary Then the brazen woodlands echo and ring . sy stem , and , saying, ' Doctor Danvers isn 't And the earth and sk y seem to shout with him ; s fleet wing ; A pearly arch is the hawk' at home, nor Missis either, was and about And tbe sweltering landscape seems to swim. shutting the door in Mr. Cobb's face. On yonder hill-side a cottage shines— < Won 't t h ey be back to-ni g h t V ask ed Tbe window westward fishes and glows— It nestles amid its sheltering vines he, before she had time. Of glistening ivy like a rose. ' 'Spects likely they will,' answered she And there in the porch two lovers woo— indifferentl y. Her slender figure his arms enfold; While two doves in tbe dove-cot kiss and coo , ' Then 1 guess I will go in and wait till And raffle their necks of ereen and ?nld. they come. I suppose I am some connec* tion of Mrs. Danvers ,' returned Mr. Cobb , THE BOAT OF LIFE. beckoning with his hand to Mr. Wi gg i n to tie the spirited gray and follow him in. , BT THOMAS MOORE. Let' s take this world aa some wide scene , Miss Geraldine ushered them into the Through which , in frail but buoyant boat , parlor, somew hat against her will, as was With skies now rude and now serene , manifested by slamming the door when she Together I and tbou must float ; Beholding oft , on either shore , made her exit. Bri ght spots where we should love to stay, ' This 'ere looks comfortable!' ej acul ated But Time plies swift his fly ing oar , And on we speed—away, away . Mr. Wiggin , depositing his huge bulk in a velvet aric-ehair in front of a blazing Should chilling winds and rains come on , We 'll raise our awning 'gainst the showercoal fire , and drawing an embroidered , Sit closer till tbe storm is gone ottoma n for his feet. ' Thoug h I won 't Aod smiling wait a sunuier hour. say, but the old ki.chen and the old kitchen 1 And if that sunnier hour should shine , We 'll know its bri gh'nesa cannot stay, firep lace at home, suit my notions just as And , htippy while 'tis th ine and mine , well .^ Complain not when it fades away. The dainty embroidery agreed with him ' . Thus reach we both , at l ast , t hat fall , Down Which life's currents all must go— in that , as the snow began to melt from his The dark , the brilliant , destined all heavy boots, and tin ge its delicate colors To sink into the void below; Nor e'en that hour shall want its charms , with a dash of yellow ochre. It' side by side still fond we keep, Very possible Mrs. Danvers thoug ht so And calmly in each other 's arms , when she came in , but she sho wed no anTogether linked , go down tho ateep. n oya n ce , welcomi ng her cousin's husband A BONNET SONNET. with gracefu l ease. a ti psy little sonnet on a jaunty Here 's little bonMr . Cobb made her acquainted with an net , With a myrtle-wreath upon it , that X saw at church old nei ghbor of his Mr Wi gg in ; at least he to-d«y; ta id he did , and Mrs. Danvers acknowlWith a wealth of carls below , in many a golden ed ged it by bowing forma l l y, with elegant r ing let flowing, On the li ghtest breeze outflowing, in wavy ' wilder- di gnity. ing pl»y ; ' A very fine fi gure of a woman , and 'Twas a sweet , bew itching face in it, with wondrous dressed out like a poppet ; but give me my charming grace in it, And not tbe faintest truce in it of—anything un- Poil y with a clean calico gown on after pleasant; Pale the forehead vras, and fair , under two soft all!' said Mr. Wi gg in to himself. waves uf h.tir , ' Do you enjuy pood health , Mrs. J) inNot too hi ftb , aud not too fair; just arched like a vert V asked Mr. Cobb by way of opening crescent; (Ah ! I' m half afraid they know it , by their merry- conversat ion. glan cing wiles!) ' Usuall y not ,' replied the lad y languidCheeks wiih ruee and lily blended , mouth like Culy. ' Indeed for a few days I have been pid' s bow unbended , Or like dewy tuli ps rended , when it parted in her reall y ill , and was try in g to sleep when you smiles ; ran g." Ail within that little bonnet , With the myrtle-wreath upon it. ' I unders 'ood the black gir l that you had gone away,' said Mr. Cobb in astonALL COUSINS TOGETHER. ishment. ' She onl y mean t that I was not at home BY FRANCES LEE. to company, ' returned Mr3. Dinvers with The Cobb famil y were at breakfast. composure. • A little more gravy, if you pl ease,' said ' Oh! ho !' soliloquized Mr . Wi gg in , Mrs. Cobb. makin g another mental comparison in favor As she raised her plate there was a of Poll y and her hospita lity. loud , siDgl$ knock at the door , which 'Do you always keep hel p ?' inquired opened instantl y, apparentl y of itself. Mr. Cobb, s,till bent on sociability. ' Ho ! it 's Mr. Wi ggin ,' said Mr. Cobb ' Certainl y. We emp loy two serva n ts , to himself in a disappointed tone, as a colored and an Irilh gir l besides the though he bad expected to see tbe Secre- Doctor 's office boy, who takes care of the tary of War—or at least a contraband. horses. ' * Good morning, Mr. Wi gg in ,' said he At the word horses Mr. Wiggin gl anced affabl y aloud. uneasily towa rd the window , and Mr. Cobb ' Your servan t, Sir ! Good Morning !' said : ' Then the Doctor has a barn 1— returned the visitor , stampin g tbe snow We've got a horse out here that 1 expect from his boots in the same emphatic man- thinks it is about foddering-ticne ' ner that he spoke. He was so large a man ' I mistrust a little hay wouldn 't taste that he seemed exaggerated, with hair that bad to him ,' said Mr. Wi ggin going tohad once been red , and whiskers that still ward the door. . were. ' I shall be obliged to ask you to take 1 Help yourself to a chair , Mr. Wi ggin ,' your horse to one of the hotels , as t h e said Mrs. Cobb , who had forgotten all Doctor has no extra stalls in his barn ,' about wanting gravy. But he preferred observed Mrs. Danvers in a courteous tone , the corner of the wuod box , w h ere h e sat as though she were accustomed to sugarwith an old hat .on his head and his brawny coat her hnsband ' s p i,Is . hands clasped about one knee , as fearin g Mr. Wi ggin strode off , shocked at what it might , in its energy, \*alk away of seemed like inhospitality, to him ; he itself. would have made a stable of his bed' 1may as well be brief, and oome ri ght room , if he had no other accommodations to the point. I am a plain man , as you for ihe horse of a guest , but out of respect know, neighbor Cobb , and when I have to Mr. Cobb he made no si gn of discomany thing to Bay, speak out a leetle—blunt, fiture , excepting by a sudden weakening we'll »ay, without the ceremony and pala- of the muscles of his neuk and eyelids , ver that certain ones of our -nei g hbors which would have been expressive enoug h have—I won't call no names on this oc- to bis faithful Poll y. casion, yon understand whom I mean well When he returned with Mr. Cobb from enough.' Of oourse he maan t Colonel carin g for the horse, Mrs. Danvers was Dempster, to whom he was opposed in not in the parlor , and did not appear until • every thing, simply because it was his tea-time, w hich see m ed a tedious w hile nature and life to be opposed to some- com ing to men who had faced the north body. Having given the inevitable hit at wind all day ; and , breakfasting at five in the urbane Colonel , he proceeded : ' My the morn ing, had eaten noth ing but cold business, and the reason wh y I called so doughnut s and oheese since. early this morning, is to have some talk The table , covered with elegant damask with you about buy ing young critters . It was glittering with si' ver and cut- lass ,; is my purpose and intention to take a fair but alas ! the slices of bread were sog genstart to-morrow morn ng for Vermont , to teelly thin , that after tak ing f,,ur Mr look for some. 1believe I am not mistaken Wigg in found himself with unabated, ap-. in thinking you want more stocfe , and pet ite, yet ashamed to take another. A therefore 1 called in to Bay if you want to bit ol " jell y and a slice of fruit-cake with join me in an expedition of this kind , be tea from cups as delicate and much ready to step aboard my craft at precisely larger than a robin 's egg—what not was half-past five o'clock to-morrow morning. to a man who could have devoured a this 1am a man of lew words , what do you say, of baked-beans , with pork to matchquart , as nei ghbor Cobb, jes or no V you and I would eat a saucer of strawNeig hbor Cobb took a moment to oon- berr ies ? sider, and then assenting to his need of Dootor Danvers must be excused more stock, didn 't know but he could ar- tea was well over, for every minute before was a range to leave borne to-morrow as well aa diamond to him and bis time was so taken , any time. up that reall y he had seldom an hour to ' Half-past five o'clock precisel y .' I call his , but they would find Mrs. have told you just how it is ; I want to Danvers own much better oompauy. So perget an early start ,' reiterated Mr. Wiggin , ha ps they mi and releasing his knee from du r an ce, w.th- to order someg ht , if she had not left them dut the fashionable superfluity of adminis- return. Bidd more coal , and forgotten to y came in with the coal-hod tering the oath of alleg iance , he followed directl y, (Geraldine was above such coarse it actively through the door-way. work ;) and Mr. Cobb, who was a man of At half-past five precisel y, on tbe next friendly, social feelings , with a weakness morning, the meroi.ry stood at a discoura- for all who had come from ging distance below zero , but Mr. W iggin 'a commenced conversation beyond the sea , with her in this bine puog and gray horse drew up before wise:— :; rHB LANCASTER INTELLIGENCER. Mr. Cobb' a gate, with all the more zest , ' How long have you been in the counfor he had an especial relish for dn t-gen- try V - .. . eratin g the weather , and never yielded ' And what is it ye'll be afth er spak in' hU plans a whit for its ri gor or inolemen- abou t tbi n to the likes of me.?' re turned the girl , turnin g about and spilling a quan- tity of coal on the carpet, just in the centre of a bunch of white roses. ' 1 say, how long is it sinoe you left Ireland ?' ' Tin weeks, yer honor. And sure and it 's longer by that much than I'm wishing it was ! Ooh ! but it would be luck to me if it was niver a day since I left the blissed ould country, . the holy Virgin forgive me for doing that same !' ' Then you don't like it as well here as you did in Irelan d V ' Indade and it's the troth ye are spakin ,' to be sure. I'd. give more for one spair of grass that grew in ould Ireland than for ivery tree in Ameriky. It's nothing but hard work that I gets over here , and plinty of it, but when it was at home that 1 was , 1 niver had to lift me little finger at anything, but lived just like a bor n l edd y of theland, as Patric k O'Flanni gan 's daug hter was, to be sure '.' ' Bidd y ! B idd y ! I should like to know who do you think s is doing your work in the kitchen while you are entertaining com pany in. the parlor ?' -said Greraldine , poking her blac k face through the door. After this Mr. Cj bb and Mr. Wigg in dozed before the fire, unlit the musical cloc k on tbe mantel mentioned that it was nine of the nig ht , when they were aroused by Mrs . Danvers , who came in dressed for a party, and look ing ' as though she had been done up at a laundry,' Mr. Wiggin told Polly. '1 hope you are entertaining yoursel ves ,' said she. < The Doctor and I have an engagement this evening, so I trust you will excuse us , and make yourselves comfortable. If you would like to retire before we return , Geraldine will show you your room. ' ' I reckon these ere folks would suit Colonel Dempster 's taste to a T, but give me good , plain farmer living, and farmer manners ,' remarked Mr. Wi ggin , as he blew out the gas in his bed ohamber. I will not waste your time describing the state of the atmosphere in the house, by the time Geraldine had discovered which gas pipe was leaking, except to say with Mr. \Vi ggin that <it scented most k il l ing ly.' ' We must try to get off as early as we can thjs morning, ' said he, sometime before cook-crowing, in a hopeless tone. But not half hope less enoug h , being accustomed as be was to tho thrifty housewifery of Mistress Poll y. It was quite nine o'clock before breakfaat was served , and it consisted of wafflas and omelets . ' If you ever coma our way, you will alway s find the latoh-atring ouc, with me and my wi fe read ytf to return this favor , after our plain , poor, homespun Bty le,' said Mr . Wi ggin in his whole-souled , heart y fashion , by way of taking leave. As he spoke , he leaned back so heavil y in the li ght dining chair , that its frail framework gave audib le expression of dissatisfaction wit h its huge burden ; and when he spran g suddenl y up it fel l bro k en at his feet. ' If they d o come , th ey will find chai rs that wa'n 't made merely to look at, and that are stout enoug h to bear u p a mosquito '.' said he in monologue. When he found himself and Mr. Cobb fairl y outside the door of Doctor D±nvers , he gave a grunt of relief , saying : ' 1 don 't never desire to set foot among your fashionable gentry again , as long as my name is Nehemiah Wiggin! 1 had rather for the pleasure of it be put to breaking stones on the hi ghway . Now that s so !— And I'll tell you one thing more, the first tavern we come to, after leaving this, famine p lace , 1 shall stop and take a bite of someth ing or other to stay my stouiaob. ' You would have thought so to have seen him eat. Sausages, ham , potatoes, oa bbage and brow u bread , disappeared like vegetation at the time of the plague of locusts in Egypt , until he had made ample amends for all past oj iission. It was snowing when they left tho hotel , and snowed thicker and faster as the day wore away, but the tra velers kept on going hither and thither , as they h eard of farmer Dobson 's fat two-year old , and farmer somebod y else's likel y yearlings. 'I' ve a pro position to make to you ,' said Mr. Wigg in , as da y light began to fail. ' I put up at your cousin 's last night , what do you say to putting up at my cousin 's to-nig ht , nei g hbo r Cobb V Nei ghbor Cobb didn't know aB he had any objection , but preferred to leave the matter altogether with him. ' Then it is settled in a few words ! We will go,' returned Mr. Wi ggin. ' I don 't know exactl y for positive where cousin Otis lives , but it's sumewhere among these ere hil ls ; and one thiDg I am certain about , we sh an 't be bot hered with any of that 'are nasty smelling 1 stuff for to li ght up the rooms with , and there won 't be more cloth and silve r ware on the table than is needed , I'll warrant you that . Cousin Otis' folks an 't none of your stuok up gentry, or I am "mistaken , tho ug h I han 't seen none of them these twenty years.' Tho chase for cousin Otis' house was a long and treacherous one ; but after losing the way several times , and buffeting a fierce north-easter till far into the evening, they came in si g ht of a dim li ght , which was supposed to show the haven they sou ght. - Mr. Wigg in jumped from the slei gh , and , grop ing Wi way to the door, rapped loudl y with his w,h p stalK. This call was ans wered directl y by a woman and. two large dogs. Tbe man of few words was not long in making himself known. ' Most obed ient madam ! does Otis Wiggin live here ? I f so, his cousin Nehemiab has come to see him fro m Massachusetts, and I am the man. ' Before he had finished speaking, the joy of the welcome began. ' Sure enough, Otis ! It ' your cousin Nehemiah come from the old .Bay State in this storm a purpose to see us ; only think on 't!' O tis had alread y retired for the ni ght , but his bed room and kitchen being one, he did not wait to dress before joining hia welcoming with his wife '?. ' Well now, I never did ! This is better than a gold diamond , an 't it , Hepsy ? Who'd a believed it ? Clean from the old Bay State. We han 't had such a treat as a oousin to see us these ten years, tave we Hepsy V Even Mr. Wiggin , with all his power of lung, was overpowered for a while, but he took advantage of the first lull to say he had a friend in hia sleigh at Ihe door. This intelligence inoreased the deli ght. ' Think of that, Otia !. Another cousin come to see us! Two on 'em in: one night! Here , wake up, children , we've got cousins from abroad oome to. see us.' While trundle-beds aid bunks gave up an incredible number of white-headed, barefoot occupants, oonsin Otis was at the sleigh welcoming Mr. Cobb." * Walk right in ! walk ri ght in ! don't stop to knock off the snow ; I am powerful glad to see yon , and so is Hepsy.' ' So I be, and proud to know yon took the pains to come and see poor folks like us,' said Hepsy, comin g forward with a coarse, shabby dress, hang ing in disorder about her gaunt form , ' and not a bit of grace or polish in' her manner ; yet with such cordiality and warmth of heart light, ing up her hard , care-worn face, that she seemed almost comely to the weary travelers. The poor room, too, with its uneven floor and soanty furniture , looked cheerful and attractive, as the biggest boy raked open the coals in the great stone fire-place , and heaped on wood , whioh spran g into flames, and spa'rkled and roared up the blackened chimney. Consin Oti s put the horse in his cow shed, turning the cow in for a ni ght's lod g. ing with the pig; ti pped up the sleigh to protect it from the the snow, and broug ht in the buffaloes to dry by the fire. ' He is a cousin too, isn 't he V said Hepsy, looking at Mr. Cobb, as she proceeded to stir np a jobnny cake for their supper. ' Notra cousin exaotly, but a ni gh neighbor of mine, an d a mod excellent on e, I oan assure you !' replied Mr. Wiggin. ' I thoug ht we were all cousins together , but he's just as weloomc, I'm sure ; and it is all the kinder in him to come out of the way to see poor folks like us that an 't no blood relation to him ,' replied Hepsy, putting the cake beforo the fire to bake, in a spider. When done, it was served with milk , and eaten with relish ; while cousin Otis and his admiring family looked on , considering every mouthful eaten an especial favor and compliment to themselves. When the meal was over, with ready thoughtfulness, Hepsy reokoned they must be tired , an<t wouldn 't feel like visiting any more that night . ' I am going to have you turn into our bed ,' said she hospitabl y. ' We oan get aloug well enough to oamp down among the ohildren. It would be kinder hand y to have another room , but I hope you will put up with it , seeing as we are al l oousins together , as it were.' W ear in ess of bod y and a clear oonscienoe broug ht untroubled sleep to guests and hosts, althoug h a wild storm of wind and snow bowled in at tbe broken windows, and down the wide chimney, until , at tbe proper time , morning cacne, bring ing with it fair weather, and a breakfast of potatoes roasted in the ashes, and garnished with salt. In honor to the visitors , the riokety table was covered with a sheet, taken from the bed ; and Hepsy ate her breakfast with a large butcher's knife and unalloyed satisfaction. 1 1 want you to gran t me the favor and privilege of g iving my n-> me to this 'ere little chap of yourn , if he isn't alread y provided with one,' said Mr. Wiggin , who had been pondering on some delicate met hod of recompensing h is entertainers. ' It's a her ,' replied Hepsy, 1 mking at the scrawny montblio g with affectionate p ride , ' and we laid out to call her Hepsy af ter me , b u t i t don 't m ake n o o d ds , we had just as lief save it for the next one. ' Call her Poll y, then , after my wife ; and you couldn 't name her after a better woman , thou gh I say it , and here 's a little present for her from me and my Poll y.' "Mr. Wi ggin threw a golden half-eagle in the lap of the mother , as h e spo k e , whioh broug ht the children swarming about her , like flies around a cup of molasses. ' Now what is it, marm ?'( 'Let me see it V ' You get away and let me look !' ' Oh ! 'tan 't not hin ' onl y a yeller cent!' ' It 's the yeller gold and it 's worth more t han forty cents , I reckon ,' said the mother in her superior wisdom , putting it oarefully away in a broken cup on the top-shelf of t he dresser. When the travelers left , cousin Otis went aloug with " the ' fire-slice ,' to hel p them throu gh the drifts , unt il they reached the main road ; then , g iving encourageme n t that if h a could get Mr. Gip son 'a ol d mare and wagon , he would visit tbem after berry-time,with Hepsy and the children , he took a friendly farewell , and returned to his home and its joys. ' Well , neighbor Cobb,' said Mr. Wiggin, after pl ung in g throu gh the drifted snow for a while in silence, ' I don 't k now how it may be with you , or what your thoug h ts may be , but my mind and opinion is, that for true, hearty , friendl y, thoroug h hospitality and cordiality, give me the poor rather than the rioh in this world's goods !' After another pause , and another drift co nq uered , he continued : ' But, however , and f urt h er m o re , I have been thinking, if you are agreed, we will pat up at the tavern during the remainder of our tour , and not ' oousin ' any more.' About Repartees. A repartee, we presume to be an immediate and appropriate reply to an observation , depending upon the rapidity of tbe working of the mental powers, which seem to work rather faster with some peop le than others. We were once riding in an old stage coacb,wuh a worth y farmer ; the mud was very deep, and our progress at the rato of 2.40 miles per hour. To our impatient i&quiries as to wben we shou ld reach our destination , the old man rep lied in a slow tone, whioh did not belie his words, ' I never allow my mind to travel any faster than my body.' Some persons, however, seem tn have an eleotrio current of wit, which flashes the moment it meets an opposing one ; and it is our purpose here to give from memory a few specimens of this sort of wit, for whioh we would give the authors proper oredit if we knew their names ; beginning with the two of Lamb's, which oannot be left out of suoh a catalogue , familiar as they are. First, his rep ly when he' was rebuked for coming in to business at the India House so very late in the morning — ' You know I always go away very early in the afternoon ;' and the still older one to the anxious passenger's query on entering a crowded omnibus— 'All full inside V «I don't know how 'tis with the other passengers, but that last piece of oyster pie did the business for me.' It is related of some-friends of Camp bell, the author of Hobenlinden ,in leaving bis room after a gay supper , that cne of the number had the misfortune to fall down a long flight of stairs. The poet, alarmed at the noise, opened his door and inquired— « What'a that *' « ?Tis I; sir, rolling ra- pidly,' was the immediate reply of hia fallen friend. Sheridan is said to have remarked on entering a crowded committeeroom, in parliamentary language—' Will some member move that 1 may take a seat ?' Also on being asked how the sensitive Eox would take a salary provided for him by his charitable friends , replied, 'Quarterly.' A poor poet, desiring a compliment, asked Currau (referring to his recently published poem of that name,) « Have you read my Descent into Hell V ' No ; I should like to see it,' replied the wit. A prosy member of Parliamen t having asked him—' Have you read my last speech V he replied , ' I hope I have.' Two old New England ministers were riding by a gallows, when the older one asked the other— ' Where would you be if that tree bbre its proper fruit V ' Biding alone, sir,' was the immediate reply. An Irish girl at play on Sunday was accosted by the priest— 'Good morning, daughter of the devil ,' and meekly replied , • Good morning, father.' Two friends meeting, one remarked—' I have just met a man who told me I looked exact t y like you.' ' Tell me who it was, that I may knock him .down , replied his friend. Don't trouble yourself,' said he , ' I did that myself at onoe. ' The oelebrated David Crockett, on visiting a menagarie, was comparing the countenance of a monkey to that of one of his fellow members of Congress. Turning, he saw tbe gentleman had overheard his remarks ; so, to make matters p leasant, he said—« 1do not know whioh to apologize to—you or the* monkey.' Two deacons were|onoe disputing about the proposed site for a new graveyard , when the first remarked— ' I'll never be buried in that ground as long as I live.' ' What an obstinate man ,' said the second. ' If my life is spared , I will.' Laughter. It jb an old proverb that laughter is akin to tears ; and, aecording to Dootor L«mpriere , the one seems to have grown very naturall y out of the other. When Momus was born he filled all Olympus' with his lusty ories ; all the goddesses hastened to appease the terrible child ; and Jup iter , who could not look without inextinguishable l au ghter at his last oreature—Man— at onoe dedicated to him the weeping clown. Laug hte r draws backward the oorners of t h e mout h, dra ws up the upper lip— espec ially in young women who have pretty teeth—wrinkles the oheeks , smooths the brow , cau ses th e ey es to sparkl e, and drawa dow n the corners of the eye-brows , while the cheeks swell so that , in those fat persons who are given to laughter, on e so arce sees the eyes. At the same time the veins of the neck swell , and the blood rushes with p leasan t vio l en ce to t h e h ea d , the h eart , an d the l un gs. These are the phenomena of laughter , which , if undul y incr eased , are capable of endangering life. It is curious that we read only among the anoients and the French of people laughing themselves to death. We Americans have eithe r more jokes , or a poorer appreoiation of wit. Zeuxis is said to have died of laughing at a painting of an old woman , his own handiwork. Philemon expired of a donkey who so oontentedl y ate t he ph i loso p her 's figs, that with his last articu late breath , he sent out a glass of wine to the beast,-who drank it with equal en j oyment , and t hus proved himself , it seems to me , not such a donkey after all . Pomponious Mela has a story of a blessed island in which were two springs, at one of which mortals could imbibe till they laughed themselves to death , when a swallow of the other restored them to life again. In an essay in the Guardian laug hing is defined to be ' an agreeable kind of convulsion , a symptom of inward satisfaolion ; and those wh o p ract i ce i t a r e di vi ded into dinipler-i, smilers , laug h ers , grinners , ho r se laug hers, and sneerers. This is to lay dow n a scien ce of l aug hing, for wbieh there mi ght be need if General McClellan or General Beauregard should take up the idea of old Billow , who proposed to form troo p s, in tbe face of the eoemy, in line of battle , and order tbem to advance with t heir aims at a shoulder and salute the foe with ringing bursts of laug hter. ' Be su re ,3 said Bulow ' that your opponents , surpris ed and dismayed at this astonishing salute, would turn about and run off. ' This plan , perhaps , would not do so well while the present lon^-range artillery is used ; but as nothing is too absurd to succeed on ce , it is related as a matter of fact that the Mamelukes once turned tail from an assault upon the French in Egypt, on hearing the roar of laug hter with which Napoleon 's veterans greeted the command ' Un quarre , les anss et les tavans au millieu—Form in sqnare, asses and men of ftniftnnn in the np.n trn ' ' Nobody has seen me laug h sinoe I havo oome to use my reason ;' and Congceve makes his Lord Fr oth , in the Double Dealer say, ' When I laugh I always , laug h alone.' Nevertheless , the singer Robert gave lessons in laughter in Paris and London in 1805, and with considerable success— so far as filling his own purse went. He held that men and women could not laugh ' deoently and systematically ' without proper training ; and said ' that a person who oould laugh in but one tone seemed to him like one who oould say only out and nun; bat that a trained laug hter oou:d express many things without words, and would often thus be spared tho utterance of unpleasant words. A Clergyman's Joke. I was spending 'the night in a hotel .in Freeport , Illinois. After breakfast 1oamo into the sitting-room , when 1met a pleasant, chatty, good-humored traveller, who, like myself was waiting for the morning train from Galena. We conversed freel y and pleasantly on several topios, until seeing two young ladies meet and kiss eaoh other in the street, the conversation turned on kissing, j ust about the time the train was approaching. ' Come/said he, taking up his carpet bag, ' sinoe we are on so sweet a subjeot, lot us have a praotioal app lication. I'll make a proposition to you. I'll agree to kiss the most beautiful lady in the cars from Galena, you being the jud ge, if yon will kiss the next prettiest , I being the jub ge.' The proposition staggered me a little, and I could hardly tell whether he was in earnest or in fun ; but as he would be as deep in it as I oould possibly be , I agreed , provided he would do the first kissing, though my heart failed somewhat as I saw his blaok eye fairly sparkle with daring. ' Yes,' said he , ' I'll try it first. You take the baok oar, and go in from the front end, where you can see the faoes of the ladies, and you stand by the one you think the handsomest, and I'll oome in from behind and kiss her.' I had hardly stepped inside tbe car when I saw at the fiist glanoe one of the loveliest looking women my eye ever fell on. A beautiful blonde , with aubuin bair, and a bright sunny-face, full of love and sweetness , and as radiant and g lowing as the morning. Any further search was totally unnecessary. I immediately took my stand in the aisle of the ca r by her side. She was looking out of the window earnestly, as if expeoting some ono. The baok door of the car opened , and in stepped my hotel friend. I pointed my finger al y ly to her never dreaming that he would dare to carry out his pledge ; and you may imagine my horror and amazement when he stepped up quickly behind her, an d stoo ping over kissed her with a relish that made ' my mouth water, from end to end. I expeoted , of oourse, a shriek of terror and then a row generally, and a knock-.down ; but astonishment succeeded astonishment when I saw her return tbe kisses with oompound interest. Quick as a flish he turned to me and sa id , ' Now , sir, it is your turn ;' pointing to a hideously ugly, ola woman who sat in the seat behind. ' Oh, you must excuse me. you must exouse me !' I exclaimed. ' I am sold this time. I give up. Do tell me who you have been kissing.' ' Well ,' said he, ' sinoe you are a man of so much taste, and suc h quick perception , I'll let you off. ' And we all burs t into a general laughter as he said. « This is my wife ! I have been waiting here for her. I knew that was a safe proposition.' He told the story to his wife , who looked • ten-fold sweeter as she beard it. Before we reached Chicago we exchan ged cards , and I discovered that my genial companion was a popular Episcopalian preacher of Chicago whose name I bad frequently heard. Whenever I go to Ohioago, I always go to hear him , and a heartier , more natural , and more eloquent preaoher it is hard to find. He was then but a young man ; he is now well known as one of the ablest divines of the Episcopal denomination in the West.—Harper 's Monthly. Splitting Hairs.—Some years ago, Koger M. Sherman and Perry Sinitb , of CoBnecticut, were opposed to each other as ad vocates in an i m porta n t case, befoie a cou rt of jus tice. Smith opened the case with a wild and foolish tirade against Sherman's oharaoter. Sherman rose in a composed man ne r, and remarked : ' I shall not discuss politics with Mr. Smith before this court , but am perfectl y willing to argue questions of law, to chop logic, or even to split hairs wiih him.' ' Split that, then ,' said Smith , at the same time pulling out a short rough-looking hair from his own head, and handing it over towards Sherman. ' May it please the honorable court ,' retorted Sberman , ' I didn't' say bristles !' ABnER' g D I I O H B OT 1 L . F . . N o . 9 2 » K A B . K B T 8 T a « a T¦i B«tw««n 9th ana I»th , ' PHILADELPHIA. J. a BWIN0 rad J. H. KURTZ , Proprietor *. BOABDBRS Meomuodated on rusonablft ternu ^ and transient customers at tl 00 per da;. tdDg lor Botentj tin Honea. nEt j ^ -SU tfgf J nly lt T> K SI O V A. I< .—WlIOilABa S. AStKB , Jtv D£NTI3f f for nve jeara a student aod ^2a£=3*. auut ant of Dr. WAYLAN, formerly of this ^M a ^S city, uas removed his office to the rooms lately ^££TXE7 occupied by Dr. McCalla, la Rut King »lr»st, two anon frum Centre Sqaare, vueie he is pnipared to. meet those who may finor htm with their confidoose , and' aerte them la the ntodt skillf ul m&aaer , warranting satisfaetiQa In every reasonable can , both.as to- operation * penornud and ohargw fer ine same? WU. «. AUHO. apr i ... -:;-:, 1y u QOMETH1SO FOR , THB TlMfilSl FT O A AlSOiSaSlrY IN KYB&Y HJU3KH O1JJ11I ¦ Johns <t wtosiJti'8 . ¦• > A M E R I C A N O K U l i N I &LIJ B, . *" vax sraoKQisi qutk in tax woain ~ FOB 0EMKNTLXO WOOD. LKATHKK, GLASS. IV0BY. CHINA, MAHBLB, t0R0KLAlM 7 Al.ABAS]!Ka, ^^ BONJS , OOUAL, *o, *>, *c The only article ot the aind ever prwlac ed whioh will ' withstand Water. • K XT B A C T S : " Every housekeeper should hare a supply of John 4 Croaley's American Cement tilue."—-Afeto York Timu. "It Is so convenient to have in the hooae. "—Xee York i Szpreu. .. **it ia always ready; this commends it to everybody."— JK r. /iKfcpoxfent . . . " We have cried It, and find it a? useftil'lh :our'booaft as water. "— WOlcatSpirit qf the Tima. PRICK i'WK.M'Y-HVli UKNM PEB BOITLB. Very Liberal Kedtutions to Wholesale Dealer *. . TKKMS CASH. 49- For sale by all DrngglsUand Storekeepers generally throug hout the country. J O U N S 4 0R08LBT , (Sole Manufacturers ,) 78 WILLIAM ST., (Corner ol Liberty lit.,) NEW YOBK , joi y 9 uaa ri ' HlS ST. L . O V I S , OUtiSTMUT STHKUT JL .HUUdB , BlTITZIir TCIBD A.YD FuO&TB , PSTLAHJUflli. The muHuMgned , havlug leased , for a term of jean, this popular Jiouj ie, have thtt pleasure of announcin g to their irlmid * aud the travelling comurauUy that is is now open, for the reception of guesu. . The hooae since: the ' first of March last, has been entirely renovated and refitted In a superior manner ; the apartuiunta are large , «ell ventilated and furnished in modern style. It ts centrally located , convenient to all the deuot aud steamboat landings , an d in the immediate vicinity of the Custom Huuse , Post Ufflce and Cora rxjtcnaage. Connected with the Hotel Is a Beataurant for the accommodation of tbose preferring the European plan. Prices of Rooms . from Three to ttaven Dollars per week, aocording to location. Board $1.50 per day. Table d'Hote -'for merchants and bnai ne&e men from X to 3 J?. M. HBNBT NEIL, apr 8 ly 13J 1SAA0 L. DiSVOH. HOWARD ASSOCIATION , PHILADELPHIA, bur tbe Relief of the dick and Distressed , afflicted with Vlru ent and Chronic Diseases, and especially for the Onre of Diseases of the oexual Organs. MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis , by the Acting Burgeon. VALUABLE BKPOKTB on Spermatorrhoea, ot Bemlnal . Weakness , and other Diseases of the tiexual Organs , and on tbe N EW KK1IEDIK3 employed in the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted In sealed letter envelopes , free of charge. Two or three Stamps for postage will be acceptabl e. Addi ess, DR. J. 8KILLIN H0UUHT.0N, Acting Burgeon , Ho ward Association , No. i South Ninth St., Philadelphia ' J ane 10 ly 2i S 8 I i E B > S DR E BAIR JE IULEV 3T0KE, No. 206 North 8th Strut abovk ivaoz, PHILADELPHIA. On hand and for Bale, a choice assortment ol superior patterns , and will plait to order BRACELETS , EAA RINGS , BLSGERRINGB , BREAST pr NS, CROSSES, NECKLACES, GUARD AND) VEST CHAINS. aa- Orders enclosing the hair to be plaited may be sent by mail. Give a drawing as near as. you can on paper , and enclose such amount aa vou may choose to pay. Costs as lollows: Ear Rings fi to $6— Breast Pins $3 to $7—Fing er Rings 76 cents to $3.60—Vest Chains»8 to 17— Necklaces $2 to $10. -03* Hair pat into Medalions , Box Breast Pins, Rings, fto. OLD GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT AT FAIB BATES. apr 16 ly H I O T I W A R O O F I N G . M1NOPACTTOBD BT TBE UNITED STATE3 BIOTINA ROOFING COMPANY. No. 9 Gom Block , oorsir Greek abb Pitts Sis. BOSTON , MASS. This Portable Roofing Is tbe only article ever offered to tho public , which 13 ready pre pared to go on the roof without any Sulsbiug operation. It is light, handsome , an d easily applied , and cau be sifeiy aud cheaply tr nsported to any part of the world. It will not taint or discolor water running over , or lying on it, and Is in all respects a Yezy deslruble article. Its nonconducting properties ada pt it especially to covering manufactories ol various kindB , and It is confidently offered to the public after a test of four years in all varieties of climate aud temperature , for covering all kinds of roofs, flit or pitched , together with cars, steamboats , &c. It is both cheap and durable. Agents wanted , to whom liberal inducements are offared. Send for sample , circular , 4c, with rarticular8 , 4o " U. a. ROOFING CO., No. 9 GOEI rapr29 8m]6 . Block , Boston. " R . J . ~~ T . B A K E R , H0MCEJPATHI0 PHYSICIAN , Of L a n o a s t s b O i t t , . ., . may be consulted professionally, at his Omce, at Henry Bear's Hotel , In tbe Borough of Strasburg, on Thursday of each wees, from 10 o'clock in the morning to three in the afternoon. An opportunity is thus afforded to residents of Strasburg and vicinity to avail themselves of Hrmoeopathio treatment , and females suffering from-chronlc diseases may enjoy tho advico of one who has made tbiB cUbs of diseases a speciality. J. T. BAKER , M. D., Homoeopathic Physlrian, oct 22 tf 41J East King street , above Lime, Lancaster B O O K F O R THE! T I M S S l GJS T I T M R E A D I T i l l JULIETTE PASSION MOORE; OB. A N D R E A L I TY. i. I U 1 O T T B E S O U T H . BX WILLIE WABE, Well known as a contributor to the following first-class pnblfcatlnns: Peterson 's National Magazine , Oodey 's Lady 's Book , New York Weekly, New York 'Saturday Courier. New York Dispatch , New York Sunday Times, Fl«g of Our Union , True Plug. American Union , Literary Companion , Life Illustrated. &c &c. He is also well known as tbe original ot Doestlckfi, 8weet William; In tbe Diversions of tbat celebrated writer. And tbe anruor of Driftwood , The Little Brown House , Estelle Graham, (a prize story ) The Choice, etc. 49- Ttie usual diacoont to trade. Please send your ordern Immediately to WILLIE WAUB , Monroe, M ich. 93- PRICE OF BOOS—15 Cents. Ifeb 11 tf 6 Ott S B AND C A T T L E P U W D B K TATTERSAL'B HORSE P0WDEB , WEAVE P0WDEB , BOSIN , PENNTJGREEK flULPH CB, GBDBIAN , CaEAif TARTAR, COPPEBAJpa, Sor sale at THOMAS BLLMAKER'8 Dra g t Chemical Store, West King street LsnCr. fob 9 tf« FI S H I N G T A C K L E . Rods, Limerick and Kirby Hooks, Net-Twine, Baa Q rass , Cotton and Linen Lines, Floats, Snoods. 4c. Sinoe Adam , who invented laughter— For sale at THOMAS ELLMAKER'S . doubtlesB wben he awoke and saw Eve by Drug A Chemical Store, opposite Cross-Keys HoteL W '. fmav IT tf 18 Einf street. Lancaster. . his side—no two men have laughed alike. I li D 1 H €t S 1, A T K The laugh is as distinct as the voice ; perB B THE BEST QUALITIES IN THE MABKBT. haps more so, for tbe laugh of a full rnHB LAJICASTBK ISTELLIGESCEK Tbe undersigned , having made arrangements with Mr. R JONES , for all bis best quality of PKACH BOTTOM JOB PBINTIN Q ESIKBLISBMENT, bearded man is very different from that INo. 8 NORTH SLATE , Tor this market; and a similar anasgement with DUKE STREET , LANCASTER , PA. which he laug hs , when he has been clean The Jobbing. Department , is thoroughly furnished with tbe proprietors of six of the principal and best quarries in new and elegant type of every description , and Is under York county, be has J ust received a large lot of these shaven by a barber. Women laugh differ- the charge of a pr actical and experienced Job Printers — superlr r quantities of Building Slats, which will be put on by the square , or sold by tbe ton , on the most reasonently f rom men , ohildren from women , and The Proprietors are preparcd ,to able tertnB Also, constantly on hand , an EXTRA 'f/OHT PRINT 0HE0K8, some writers even profess to detect nationPEACH BOTTOM SLATE , Intended for Slating on Shingle NOTES, LEGAL BLANKS , CARDS AND CIRCULARS. Roofs. ¦ al peruliarities in the laug h; as for inAs these qnalltW of Slate are THE BE8T IN THH BILL HEADS AND HANDBILLS , stance, say they, the Frenchman laughs PROGRAMMES AND POSTEBB , MARKET , Builders and others will find it to their Interest PAMPHLETS, to call and examine samples, at my offlcv' ln-WM. P. with his teeth , like the apes. The Abbe PAPER BO0K8 AND BALL TICKETS AND INVITATIONS , SPRECHER'S , New Agricultural and Seed Ware-rooms. GEO D. 8PRKCHKB , PRINTING IN COLORS AND PLAIN PRINTING , Damasceni thoug ht he had discovered , in No. 28 East King St., 2 doors West of the Court Houu. with neatness , accuracy and dispatch , on the most reasona the various enunciations of laughter, a ble terms , and in a manner not excelled by any establishJ) 3- This is to certify that I do not sell my best quality the city. sure guide to tbe temperaments of the 'ment inOrders from a distance, by mall or otherwise ] of Peach Bottom Guaged Slate to any other person ill 4EaTlaughers. Thus he said Ha ha ha belonged promptly Lancaster , than Geo. D. Sprecher , as above stated. attended to. Address ¦ B. JONES , 6E0. SANDERSON t SON, . to a choleric man, He he he to the phlegManufacturer ot f each Bottom Soof lagSlate. Intelligencer Office, feb25 No. 8 North Dnke street. Lancaster , Pa. matic, Hi hi hi to the melancholic , and : lji Ho ho ho to the sanguine. It is true that yiSE WATCHES I RICH JEWELRY I r pHE AM ERICAN A5SUAL CYC LOX P.SDIA AMDHEfllSTER01? IMPOBTAH l EVENTS men laugh commonl y in Jl and 0, and S I L V E R WA B BI S I L V E R W A R E ! ! -OF THE YE4B 1861. KNI VE8. women in E and I , and it is singular that PIE, CAKB AND BDTTER Embracing Political , Civil , Military and Social Affairs; SUGAR , CREAM AND 0Y8TBB SPOONS. Pu blic Documents; Biography, Statistics, Comwith all people , even the cockneys , the asSOUP AND OYBT K R LADLES, merce, Finance , Literature , Science, AgriSPOONS. FORKS , 4c, 4a culture and Mechanical Industry. p irate, H , preoedes the vowel. Linsr gnus in Best Wobebskshi p. The volnme will be in tbe style of the New Americas The old theolog ian s held laughter to be SILVER-PLATED WABK 1 8ILVER-PLATED WABE 11 Cyclopaedia, Jiaving not less than 760 pages, royal Svo. BASKETS. CASTOBS, PITCHERS , M UGS, The work will be published exclusively by subscription, one of the consequences of the first sin, SPOONS, FORES, 4o , 4o, audits exterior appearance will dp at once' elegant land subJ 0 B J 1 I I > I I I F i o i ol l l l . stantial. D. APPLETON * CO, New Yor k. and believed that Adam did not laugh till WATC HES! WATCHE81I W ATCHESI11 ELIA8 BARRiCO.,. > he was driven: out of Paradise. WARKASTZS TItlE EUPEBS. No. 6 East King Street, . CHEAP I CHBAPI1 CHEAP I1 apr 16 tf 14] Agt'» for Lancaster City and Co. Great men havo often fancied it a part 0 L 0 0 K S ! 0 L O O K Sll C L O C K S i l l gilt , counnr Airp plus prokts . of greatness to refrain from hilarity.— O O T ASP BHOEHIAKE RS TAKE JBWBLBYI JE WKLRYll JEWELBYI1 B NOTICE. —J. V. COM BS. Currier and Leather Dealer, Phili p IV. of Spain is said to have laughed LATIgT 8TTLXS AND BEST QUALITY. 1130 Market Street below 12th, Philadelphia, hia the most HARBY Z KH OADS, outri ght but once in his life , when bis extensive assort ment of SO LE AN D U PPER LEATHER 22 % W z s t K i s s S h u t , all descriptions: Bed and Oak Sole Skirting, ¦•riff ),, bride, Anne of Austria , wept at hearing Between Cooper's Hotel and 3. G. GaM 's Dry Goods Store. of Slaughter , French and City Calf Skins, Kips, Wax Wvl f <9 " Upper Morocco, Linings, Lacings, Leather Apron r Ika * that the Queens of Spain had no feet.— lull art icle 1 i. s—Ca stor Oil , Sweet OH , OU of Skins, 8hoe Tools, Lasts , Findings, *&. and every Betail She took with German literalness an old . requisite for Boot and Shoemaklng, Wholesale and SPIKE , STONE, BENEKA, SASSAFRAS, 4c, " ^ att ention of the , at tbe lowest prices, to which he Invites BLMAKKRS jfor , sale at THOMA8 . pieoe of over-wrought Spanish oourtesy.— fai>r 22 6m U the trade. Drn z i Chemical Store Weet King stree ' Lan. As she was journey ing toward Spain some f.H ¦ . tf G HOUSE! O*1 JtBSBD , HEB. German nuns met her, and desired to pre- MAS U AL. ABO DRILL. BOOK , FOR. BANKIN D1SR80N & CO—On- 'the *S8th -Of MABQHv Instant , Volunteers and Militia , cor, revis e d tho use of all . under the firm of BEED, HSNpKBBON '. the noderdgned, sent some stockings of their own knitting. rected , and adapted to the discipline of the soldier of the 4 CO., will commence tbe Bankng BuslnasaV In to umal t he United States Army. The worthy prinoess was about to aocept present day, by an officer in, hitherto oecupleeV.by ^OtuiJL. Beed branches at tho ofllfte ^ J. M. WESTHAKPFBRfS , At A Co- at the corn er of East King andi>nite r atraets ,bo . the gift when a Spanish grandee of her * mav.H " tf 181 No. 44. Corner N.Qneen A Orange nta. tween the Court Home and Sprechert Hotel, Lancaster, Pa: ratal. suite interfered , with the remark that it O P I C K 8 , Ac—Cinnamon , Clov ea, Sal*. They will pay interest on depositsat the ¦following 6U per cent, for 6 months and longer. - ' '.: 2 ';; Ju. 80DA, CREAM TARTAR, NUT "* Sr .< would be against etiquette, as the Queens & RATUB, BAKING SO days and longer. . 5 . . ¦ -Foraale at TEOMAB ELLHAKEB'S *oV They will tray and sell Stocks arid Real Eiltat *on comof Spain were not supposed to have any &KG8,Drag * Ohatnlcal Store West Kind street , LaneV. mission, negotiate Loans for others; purchase ^nd sail Billi use for stockings '. whereat the princess of Exchange, Promissory Notes, Drafts, *o, *o_ la. undersigned will be individually liable to theextent A A C B A1LTOI * 8 O H , ; -1 ofThe began to weep—understanding, poor lady, I SWHOLESALE their means, tor all . deposits,and- <j*h«r, pbtodd onsof GROOBRS ,AND SEALERS IN 00UH BJmV HaaMMoai.Oo., ... ,., ,"S^^'JffiBL^An , that on her arrival in Madrid her feet TRY PRODUCE, WINB8 AND UQU0B8, Not. 1«Md 167 HortnBtc ond a&ee ^. would be oat off. Lord Chesterfield said : 4eoll,'60tJ13] ,¦ ¦ ' marSOtfl oJ::- - . . IRI10*HIBaB5B, PSILA DaXPrTTi. ¦;¦ - . - ¦ ' . . . tv^BH -j ci-J . ¦¦:¦¦; :- ^¦Cs-'v]i.'^-7.V--**V~ ' " " : "-., f x ^ i j 1 :: . - ¦'-¦^- .-J -r';J - ': '->-*v;.V .'fes; ^ / ,-.v;-T J *r^ ;-;;-~ :-iy!: ¦ TO TBB DBHOOR1T8,AID ALL THK tiocolab It They cr» u mtf, tat M* t» th* *»• vTHK 8HISPI ,ASTKtt 0O»O R»8». want to warn the mechanicsand laborers, and LOCAL DEPARTMENT OTHSH FBIBSO8 OP TIB OOS8TI- object; ttysr*nova*to *^ One orthe last acts of the present Congress the industrial classesof the country,that this TUTION AMD VBIOV IH PBnTBfSTI *- and Inwmi&tentreaion*. Thftlserfarm. whichaxsnniwBd* what w« previoralyknown m tho BtatM Bightparty, before their adjournment, was to pass» bill Administration, which I said was but an elonAssigned to Duty.— Oar young friends, The SemoeamtU State Ombal OammlttMiddns yon ap- and to muchthe l««rebs**tek tobwekdm na&ui gation of. the preceding one, is ende avoring to wt np StaUdijmuiatiSn- With making postage and other stamps currency,as convert this Government, in the name of Dsmo- On,Josiph Domnrand Vukk G. Aibeiqht,of tnii city, on subjects of tho gravestmoment.The lift of onr beloved Indepeadenwand ' oiKb -SAHDBBSOSi KJ J WOR. f§ themit haTtng paned Tery enditable examinations tine country 1*in d»ngw. Thenationwrithes nnder the throes Is a war tgainrt naUonaHry^Theother dam tgbitng. ATllAMPKRSOM. A»lpHt»t« - \ it suppose* , to maintain and preservoita right*5f money. Pneviooslegislation had anthoriied cracy; TO A DESPOTISM; .AND THE State Medical Board, hm been asdgned to be&re dntj—the of widespread drfl war. All our pmtriotinn, all oar aa tnur with theJTthBeghdaftt CoL Stamtanjh¦, and tho «BsUh,.aU oor phnlealpowers, all of whateTw tirtue ex- propertyand domestlosafety,whloUit has beta made to an issue of Government paper money to the TREASURY DEPARTMENT, under the f taller wUh the TBUi Begtamt, Ool:Himbright . ¦V iata in tb« BepnbHali tnTOkad,and should be promptly belhveare *s»iledby this Government.. ThisUtter da* guise of treasury notes , INTO ONE GRAND afforded to savo tb*N*ttmud Constitutionand tha Union are not disonkmlftawr *;;they are to only becamethey three hnnfoed millions of dol¦ over amount of have been made to believedut ttab •dmtaiatratlon ii ln¦ ; . SIM>0 CO ^WBl cmOI Tl.»TIOM, :\ ; • ; T«« CoiiwENtiBiBNT.—The Annual Coui- of the Statesfrom otter OfBrOtrow. It makingwaron th*irdome«tic right*, and -. £ •: -; ,butZo«&« laststep BANKING SYSTEM.":^ this gnsaofBOB pp**™, $%p o ytrjiiuKuii. r>j Franklin .nil mencement of - Xa tb«r«a Peunijlranlan -who Tallies the UUe of Amer- imlealto theirAa lars, in largerdenominations Manual! College took place long aa Uwso two olasaecrart together, »S^tp Institutions^ at Enlton Haft, cltiavn—who mere*-the leave every reader to his own on Wednesday Iart, (n can memory of make preaeaceof aerowdtSST We . the men of the t;i _ _ _ jrlllneverassent to a peaoev The.polioy.then, to b* redaceB^t dowftto^een< «d audleocs of stnmgere ud djlzena. The grmdnatn .ReTolatfcm—whonines cWl and rellfdons liberty—who they ¦ ¦ : tbV'winmeMlat erisSfof 1857, which Uommenteon those extracts-^and the curtenoy nimrtwedtwenty-eijht.ThtaMnSeaaa teener*!thing •.boonanarcby or dmpotUm-or, who claims to possess »' pursuediaobvlpna;The Jormer olaatwfll nevW be noon' " 1 ,In heart, that Is not prepared to pledge lift , oiled, bnt in*attar may r^ Kenwvjttheirappreflanatons. 8/IL nHnsnTJkMfc , M'iMitiftr TU^aiaa la John W. iottskf- and MdEro* MctSicBtXL, excellent,veil timed and weudeurend. EreiythlDg; manly, patriotic Mtion of the RepubUciS Congress of 1862— were Satisfy them that no harm Is Intended to them and their named off pleasantly and to the entire saiia&ettonof all fortune and sacred honor for Ms country, in this, her h onr Institutions?, MMfmxr. vAVn morttaflneX lttd jwj ^?^ Esq., of Philadeiph»,Bev. Alfred Cookmait, pressedheavily, not only upon the banks bat that thisGovernmentIs not makingwar on . * and pern. None can withhold such as- their rights of. of greatest need -concerned, SngSewiptperiln th. United Bt»te« •ndthe,2Srf J2i« : as we have already " in mind, however, bearing property,but Is simplydefendingits Upttt community, it was proposed Mr. onr by the entire ofihd Importance of preserving "At the annual meeting of Ins Board of Tmrteea, ex- suranees of a Joat estimate 5iw «M«&orIiea to contract for n« «t ^STvSt of New York, Rev/Dr/ScHAHr, of Meroersthese Institntfous. We approach mats* authority, and they will gladly return to their Bepnbllcao that the proposition on which tenderer! h!« resignation as President Preold ent the existence of oar stated, Bbchaiu* ^&-H«m 4 Asson, No. 336 Brosdirstory, JTte SSfe fffjWeBias soon as the pressureof military dominion tiurg, (who spoke in German) Bev. Mr. Con- Buchanan's administration that the Governor the Board; bnt at the requestof « nnmber of the mem- yon with the fall conviction that the heartsof the great allegiance arHuthorliedto reosrre advertise ment gentlemen were speaking in 1857, was, not to bershe withdrew It, and was unanimouslyreflected. »dy of the people of Pennsylvania are with theircountry Imposed by the Confederate authority is removed from bad, of this city, and Col. O. Ji Dkebt. The ment shoold issue, not three or four hundred in this great crisis of her destiny; that all (hat Is needed, tfrani. Government paper curput in circulation a , adopting "Twelvemonths ago both Houses,of Congress . ll George M. Bavr Aerivsd Home.—Sergeant modeof reUefand eimcjdioD, IstoDe*atisfiedofafaasihUi M6MicHABt's) millions; but only twenty millionsof treasury then but recentlysent In* deof your message, prisoner at the and of the most effective organisation to combine all the' the spirit nawrlMd to receive "*»i^ ttaiy lSKIrSn ??S! Irst twoi ^eoher(espeeiflIj rency, bat simply, as a relief to the commercial hab, or the Union Qnards, who was taken • with singular unanimitythe objects of the war,and second dsy'l figh t before Richmond. arriTed at his home forces that can ba applied to speedily and effectually yield clared thtopaper . It our lowest rates . HU receipts will ». ro- were strortgly tainted with Abolitionism ; and notes, in denominations of fifty dollars -and the country Instantlybounded to your side to assist you and business community, to issue twenty In this dty on Wednesday last, direct from BiehmondTi» the happy fruits of returned peaceand prosperity. carrying it on. If the spirit of that resolutionhad been ^^ aH ^^ S^a^OTrewDBl A^oT ta lp»ted Jto* Col. .Forney could not let the opportunity upwards, for the purpose of relieving the Fortress Monroe. He left at the latter placeGeorge Ochs, To clearly Indicate the mode of relief it would appear to In adhered to w» are confident that we should before now of no denomination millions of treasury notes, ( city, and Us be proper to first determine the cause or causes of our of TTo!sairortIi COt rtreefc Philadelphia . Bebanttorixed John Wcldel and OaWIn L. Murphy, and at, the country. When the ¦ thrusts and people, repeated . have seen the end of this deplorable conflict. Bat what making ¦ TteZanca jfer ¦ pass without Item of It would reeelttiMi yerUsameotaaDdimtscriptionBfor present diffi culties. Understanding the causes, Jnnins B. Fotts, of StraaBurg.. He brings also an we seen T In both Housesof Congresswe haveheard below $50. . - -' - •¦ most gratifying Intelligence, in relation ti> Wm. H. Bnbh, seem to he la the order of nature that restoration shoold bavo ^SjOtaitS , No. 1 Scollay'i Building, Court St, Boston, abasing his former patron and friend ,- Mr. proposition was before Congress, it was vehesubversive of the principlesof the Constitution, saw follow noon their removal. It Is not compatiblewith the doctrines Sergeant but whom the who was reported aa killed, and seen measureafter measure founded In substance on : tc. pra TH E NBWS. iBCrarantSxoriiod Agent for ieceirtiig ai-rertiKanent ^ ctical efficiencyof as address, inch as this, to engage those doctrines on the 7th of Jnly alire, bst goffering with a wound In BccHANANi Col. Dickey made deoiaeoly the mently opposed by the leading Republicans in proposedand curled through, which am In any that he elaborate exposition, o r his t orical acc o unt o f t h e the hip , and heard from his surgeon on the 22d Officers who left . Gen. MoClellan's army on was doing well and In no danger. John McOain, who was gradual progressof antecedent causes, that have at last have no other effect than to distract and divide loyal men. most sensible and appropriate speech of any ; both houses, as unconstitutionaland impolitic. and exasperate and drive still further from xa and thelr L'AG. P OTJ B from many sources as dead, left Richmond in culminated in the dreadful resultswe now behold. We the peopleof the rebelliousStates. Militaryofficers, for he told those present on the 'stand and Bead the following extracts from the speeches Tuesday, report th&t some important move- reported health, in company with Martin Keller, on the 2M- Thos. shall, therefore, necessarily be brief, and beat discharge duty following these had examples,have stooped beyond the oar purpose by Monday a statement of facts, which you will all Zsllers died in the prison at Richmond on the Slut. So around him, in substance, that this was of some of these men at that time, who are ment was then hourly expected. On limits of their authority in the same direction, until fir as he can tell, all the other Lancasterboys who were recognise as correct, and by the assertion of propDoiUons last in several Instancesyou have felt the necessityof interferthe all nc GenMoClellan issued orders for and and who now go the whole on8 still in Congress, i t me for talk—that the time for »Wch Sergeant will report himself we maintain, taken are all right." cannot be successfully The n0 " x5? K The troubles controverted. that are now upon usare those ing to arrest them. And even the passageof the resolution action had arrived—that they ought to length in flooding the country with shin- troops to be ready for action at a moment's at Annapolis, in obedience to orders, in a day or two. that the fettersof this country foresawmight arise upon to which yon refer hasbeen ostont*tiouBlyproclaimed as the peopleof the Southern of patriotism the decsy op , and against which they undertook the triumph of principle which Petit Jcrobs to serve in the Court List notice. say "come boys," instead of " go " when plasters : to them. The effect of these to guard by the Constitution of the United States, and the States regardas ruinousand of Common Fleas, commencing Monday, August 25th : may now be seen in the establishment thereby of what was deemed by them—anil measures was foretold, On Tuesday a body of two hundred ConSenator Collahkr said : George Boyle, Columbia. they asked others to enlist—he himself state of Southern feeling. has, until recently,proved to be the harmonious action of indurated George W. Buckley, Salisbury. o thesecauses, Mr. President, and not to our omission "The moment there is difficulty, the momen t federates invested the town of Mount Sterling, the States and the Federal Government^-in their defined to"T was ready to enrol his name, and he wanted Martin M. Brnbaker, Elizabeth. vote fof the resolutionrecommended by yon, we solemn* other. each and just relations to "Washington, in his farepeouniary pressure which is felt A. N. Breneman. City. there is any 'believe we are to attribute the terrible earnestnessof Kentucky, and demanded the surrender of the others about him to do tbe same thing, &c. well address, pointed out these dangers; and , above all, ly John Dorwart. City. ia arms againsttheGovernmentand the continuance by the treasury, however slight its pulse may indicated as the evidenee of % waning attachment for the those AbrahamDindoie, Upper Leacock. &c. His remarks created the only real eni be, immediately the bottom is knocked out of place. The demand was refused , and they of the war. Nor do we (permit us to say, Mr. President, of its fall, the precursor Union and as the creation of tecB. B. Doner, Penn. with all respectfor you) agrto that the institution of slave* It was in view of probable efforts In this but were repulsed by tionaXpartit *. thnsiaam that was manifested in the meeting, your system by this bill ; tbe whole of it is then attaoked the town, Martin Erwin, Clay. Is ''the lever of their power," bat we are of the opinion direction that he appealed to his countrymen "to indig- ry Abm. Bspeushade, East Lampeter. that " the l«ver of their power," is the apprehension that and broken down. What the Home Guard. Tbe Confederate loss was of every attempt dawning to frown upon the first nantly for they were pointed and apposite.. Of coarse utterly disregarded Benj. Eby, Manbeim. in its place ? To begin with : the powers of a common government, created for common alienate any portion of our country from tbe rest, or to and Martin JSrwin, Colnmbla. isonerseight killed and forty eight taken pr equal protection to the interestsof all, will be wielded they were not relished by the noisy patriots is substitute^ enfeeble the sacred ties which link together the various against Abraham Eshleman. Strasburg. the iastttutions of the Southern SUtes. the bill provides for the issue of $20,000,000— The Federal casualties were only three men sufficiently Had the countrymen of Washington parts. Henry Bby, Upper Leacock. " "Signed by, present—some of whom were on the stand— I will not use any vulgar names, bat I will say appreciated his patriotic warning, the widespread civil John Friday, West Hempfleld. * O. A. Wicklipts, Chairman. never have existed; but, would war that now afflicts us wounded. themselves, Amos Groff, to the war but prefer City. who don'tgo $20,000,000 of irredeemable paper ; that, is GabbittDavis, under the supat this lime, on t he contrary, wa should , r Henry Hersbey, Colnmbia. took Confederates reported that the B. Wilsoh, no man who holds it can get the It is port which a most bountiful Providence Is extending to staying at home to abase better Union men paper which Isaac Halnes, Colersin. w. J. CBRTXlfBXN, ' us, be In the enjoyment of a degree of prosperityand hapIsaac Hollinger, East Hempfleld. Jno. 8, C&&ULX, and better citizens in every respect than them- money for by^any legal demand he may have, Russellville, Ky., on Tuesday, and subsepiness (we venture to assert) unequalled in tbe history of Samuel Houston, City. , J. W. CEDWaXD, short of one year ; and as the treasury receives quently left the place on the approach of a grown nationB. Most unfortunately, sectional parties have John Hess , Oonestoga.sfilres. J. S. Jackson, of title begetting sectional bitterness; and already the these notes in the payment of revenue, they up, Willlam Lowry, City.. * H. GarotR, American citizen begins to pale before the invasive pro* We shall publish the resolutions, &c, next are to be re-issued, with a provision that no force of Federal troops. Russellville is in Wlatt W. Miller, Conestoga. John S. Phelps, gress of such titles as Northerner and Southerner. John Miller, Manhelm. Louisville Francis Tsohas, on a branch of the Logan oounty, more than $20,000,000 shall be out at one then a very insignificant when we shall have more room and may Years ago men in the North, winds free, week, William McDannel, Mount Joy. Now our flog Is flung to the wild Charlxs B. Oaltxbt, combination, began to assail our Constitution and our time." Henry Mnsselman. Straabnrg. • - - ¦Let it float o'er our lather land, and Nashville railroad, forty-one miles North C. L. L. Ls&ky, take occasion to give our opinion more at Union. This faction basing Its opposition Upon a misfame shall be spotless And tae guard of Its John G. OfTner, Paradise. Edwin H. Wxbbtsr, Again : guided sentimentality in regard"to the servitude of the of Nashville. H. M. Penny, Drnmore. ColnmbiA'a chosen band. length in reference to the objeot intended by H. M&itOBT, negrorace in the Southern States, and allowing that senJohn Bohrer, West Lampeter. " It is said that the object is to pay debts Aabon HiRDnra, timentality to swallow op all true feelings of patriotism, Gov. Magoffin , of Kentucky, has issued a the prime movers in the affair. In the meanA. E. Roberta, City. Jamss 8. Bouizre, and all duty as citizens, boldly proclaimed thefr hostility Mahlon Ruth, Leacoek. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. time we trust that recruiting for the army will which we now owe. We have not the money. proclamation calling the Legislature together, T. W. Mwzrss, to the Constitution and the Union, which they rightly N. E. Slaymaker, Paradise. Then borrow the money like an honest debtor Thos L. Paics, claimed recognized and was pledged not to invade the conH. E. Snyder, Earl. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL : G. W. Diiklap, go forward vigorously, and that the Eegiment and pay interest for it. Go and buy gold, put for the purpose of explaining the extent of the trol of the States respectivelyover the Institution of doJacob Swarr, East Hempfield. Wit. A. TTal<l.» and to consider mestic slavery. the military board, Disloyal declarations, better no such as •' power of County. sub-treaSamuel Truscott, Columbia. it into your treasury, keep up ypur Union will be filled up this week, notwithstanding ISAAC SLENKER, In further prosecution of the emancipation project of Union at all than a Union with slaveholders," became the M.B.Wehater, Fulton. axiomatic dicta of this faction,then and now (in Its formid- the Abolitionists we have the proposition to arm and eaO. M. eahm, Oity. the " wet blanket " that was thrown over it sury, do not abandon your constitutional cur- President Lincoln's emancipation policy. POR SUEVEYOR GENERAL : Hst the negroes as soldiers. Indeed, we are informed, able proportions) best known as Abolitionists. "Without rency. You oan to-day obtain a premium for to serve m the Court of Common ¦ by the Jobobs LI3T or Petit General Pope with his staff arrived at dwelling upon the progress and growth of tbls faction, it from official sources, that one General In the ar my has wire-pullers and managers of the meet- six percent, stocks of the^United States having Fleas, commencing Monday, Septembor 1st : JAMES P. BARE, Pittsburg. . is too lamentably true and well known that proclaiming already organized a full regiment of negroes. We forbear Henry Bechtold, Mount Joy. ing on Saturday . any reasonable length of time to run. You Warrenton on Tuesday, and assumed comthrough Its leaders their chief object to be " the ultimate to dlecuss.the question, whether such aoidlera (?)are not City. John Bitts, extinction of slavery " it attained to aoch consequence a burlesque upon the name, and whether clothing and in the field. The citizens will make money by borrowing gold for your mand of his army John Bitzer, West Earl. MEETING OF THE DEMOCRATIC CO. that the people of the slaveholding States became alirmed, armin sr negroesas such, beside the waste of clothes, arms, J. W. Cotrell, COMMITTEE. Columbia. LASCASTES COUNTY AHEAD ! Why this shrinking back from the remain within the lines, refusing to take the stocks. and began to form counter combinations to resist the and other supplies, 13 not exposing as to defeat Id battle, Emanuel Cassel, Rapho. The Democratic Coanty Committee met for the pnrpose threatened overthrow of what they claimed to be rights from the clearly established fact, that the negro is utterly John Doebler, Lancaster township. ; Recruiting has been very briBk in this city borrowing of money when you owe a debt, and oath of allegiance or go South , alleging that that were intended to be sacredly gaarded by the Consti- disqualified by natore to stand tbe musketry and artilof organization at Bhober's Hotel, in this city, on Wednas* John Devlin, West Hempfleld. ought to pay it? Why not honestly and tution of the United States. At the' same time there had lery flre—not to speak of tbe bayonet charge—of modern Samuel Dyer, Mount Joy borough. day last;at 11o'clock, A. M., and was called to order by and county since our last isBue. Upon inquir- squarely say, " we will preserve the constitu- General Pope dare not enforce the order to existed aa lasjg nl&csat , nod of themselvespowerless,baud war/are. The subject has infi nitely greater proportions Feter B. Eciiert, Letcock. S. said that he was H. B. SWAEB, Esq, Chairman. Mr. ing, we learn that over seven hundred men tional currency ; we will preserve oursub-trea that effect. At Luray Court House, however, of disunfonlflts in otie or two of the slaveholding States, when regarded in its effect to discourage enlistments by Jacob Eshleman, Paradise. who seized upon the opportunity tbns afforded by the ag- our owu race; resulting from the commendable repugglad to Bee so large an attendance of the member!, and have been sworn in—enough to constitute the Henry L. Frantz, East Hempfield. sury ; we'will not tbrustour paper on the people on the same day, all the males of the town gressive action of the Abolitionists* to stimulate these nance of the white man to be placed uson an equality of Curtis Frey, Ephrata. especially at this terrible crij ia; it was an earnest that it counter movements. These efforts were too successful ; military rank with tbe negro. them to get against their consent and oblige and the eight companies required in the call, ThomasForoias, Little Britain. were arrested and imprisoned , preparatory to tlie democratic party was yet alive to the interests of the Bat not the least objectionable consideration Is the fact, and materials too, for such efforts, were being continually Benjamin Qood, Cooestoga. cashed ; but we will as honest men use our supplied by the successes of the Abolitionists. Abuse and that this Inferior race having their minds and passions inconntry, and was ready at all times and nnder all circum- good work i8 still going on. We have no Madison Court House Qarber, administering the oath . Jacob B. West Hempfield. flamed by the tales of real or Imaginary wrong* which and use it as we oredit to borrow hard money, obloquy against the slaveholder streamed out from same organization to restore James J. Henderson, Balisbnry. stances to devote its energies and doubt that, by the olosa of the present week, have agreed to do, in paying our debts." was occupied by Federal troops on Saturday pulpits In the North , where the virus of Abolitionism had Abolitionism Is too careful to impart to them, will, with Henry S. Hoatetter. Manhelm. the Union as It was and maintain the Constitution as it isarms in their hands, perpetrate the atrocities of " the Inbeen infafed. Retaliatory epithets were indulged In by fall Christian O. Herr, Manor. names will be added to make ten There is no other honest way of acting on this last. A skirmish occurred near the town , but pulpits In the Sooth against tbe Abolitionists. Church or- discriminate slaughter of all ages, sexes, and conditions " He hoped the proceedings of the Committee would be con- enough Edward Hlbshman, Enhrata. ganizations in the Union were split up it. to organizations —barbarity In warfare—of which o,arancestors complained Lev! John, Eaet Cocalico. ducted with harmony and for the best interests of the companies—a Regiment. This speaks well occasion ; all other modes are evasions, incon the Federals suffered no loss. Madison Court North and South. Nominations for the Presidency were against Great Britain , who had employed against them the Manbeim borougn. George Long, only Union party of the Nation—tho great Democratic for the patriotism of the Old Guard , and is sistent with your previous principles. The House is northwest of Gordonsville, and not made upon issues, in fainter or bolder terms, involving the " merciless Indian savages." H&rmtm Ligbtoer, East Donegal. The history of negro wars and Insurrections la St. Doquestion of the existence or limitation of the area of doparty. Mr. S. was heartily applauded during bfB remarks. worthy of imitation by every other county in issuing of these notes is an abandonment of the, Pequea. Andrew Mehaffy, lines at far from the Confederate Gen. Ewell's mestic slavery. The decisions of the Supremo Cour t of the mingo, and other West India Islands, is replete with the was chosen and the more you make of Penn , constitutional currency, , Jacob Miller Mount Joy. On motion , Mr. Eieah R. Huix, barbftT ltles of rapine and slaughter of helpless women and United States were resisted, its integrity assailed, and Its John M'KMips, Leacoek. the State. them circulate the greater is the abandonment. Stannardsville. The Confederates are still temporary Secretary. remodellingavowed- These were followed by oatbrealts, Infants, that nhozk the sensibilities of the lowest developWilliam Martin , Colerain. ment of humanity In the white man. -~And yet, should the The roll waa then called, and the following members as illustrated by the raid of John Brown into Virginia.— Captains Franklin and McGoveen are You deny that we have power to establish a lying quietly along the Central railroad, thirty Henry Martin , Coneetoga. Meantime tbe retaliatory and disunion movements in tho negroes In tho Southern. States be employed and armed by answered to tbeir names. Henry Neff , West Hempfield. tho Federal Government sgaiuat the white population, engaged in getting ready to form the nation al bank. We once had such a bank , or forty thousand strong. busily gouth, crystallized and proclaimed the monstrous heresy Canestoga. Christian M. Rohror, John J. Keylor, Bart ; David McColm, Brecknock.; John with a capital of $30,000,000, and you said it that the Union was bnt an alliance of sovereign States, then the atrocities of the West India Islands we may Rudolph F. Ranch, City. KlEer, Keq..,Clay; William N.Qatt>ra.lth, Colerain; Henry encampment, and in a day or two everything and that any one of its mefirbors might, in the exerci3S of naturally expect to be repeated here on a vastly more exIt is reported that a large force of guerillas, Horace Ratter, Leacock. E- Shimp, East Cocalico; George Bennett , Conoy; Banders will be ready to move the men into quarters. was a great monster. Here you are making a an unlimited sovereignty, which was claimed for it, with- tended scale. Against such a fiendish policy would nnt Otho Reynolds, Fulton. national bank without checks, without any from Arkansas have entered Missouri, and are McCullongh, Drumore ; William Dungan , Eden ; J. H. draw from Buch union. N ;This, heresy was designated, and only 'be moral renslbiiities of all the whites of the NorthSamuel Shartzer, Washington borough. Bletz, Elizabsthtown Bor.; Lawrence Hippie, Fulton ; S. When tho Kegiment is formed we hope to see hypothecation of securities, based on nothing as we all know, is famlllariyicfllled Secessioniftm, and, un- ern fltites who havo not become brutalized by tbe devllich* Marietta. Birr Snangler, West now encamped in Howell and Texas counties C. Plnkerton, East Hempfleld ; John M. Weller, der Its banner, & great and formidable party In the slave ness of Abolitionism, bo moj t painfully shocked, but tho David Weidman, Penn. Hempfield; Banrael I»ong, Weat timpeter; Andrew J. Capt. Franklin promoted to the Colonelcy and except the public oredit. You aT6 creating The town of Hannibal is almost deserted by whole cirilizetl world would condemn us, and probably, In States was rallied. David P. Weavor, East Earl. Steinman, City, N. W. Ward ; H. B. Swarr, N. E. Ward; a bank with power to issue $20,000,000 in Thus were confron ted two great sectional parties^—the tbe cause of humanity, rise to stay atrocities ho disgraceDr. Henry Carpenter, 8. W. Ward; William A. Morton. S. Capt. McGotekn to the Lieutenant Colonelcy. one day, and to re issue it from time to time , its inhabitants, fearing the forays of the ful. Abolitionists North, and the Secessionists South—the very E. Ward ; George Diller, Leacoek; George W. Linville,UpCINCINNATI CORRESPONDENCE. But what sane man can doubt that under such policy antipodes of each other in their sentiments; they met on per Leacoek; James Patterson, IJttle Britain ; Benjamin No better selections, nor better qualified or and at the end of the year, after you shall guerillas. the list spark of Union sentiment in the South would bo Cincinnati, July 28, 1862. tended to tbe common platform of Disunion. Each, alike, Workman, Manhelm Twp.; George G. Brush, Manor ; more popular officers , could be found any- have issued this paper three or four times, extinguished , and the entire Southern population become feature Intelligences : The moatmelanfcboly alike, overthrow the Constitution and the Union. Each, Editobs of A body of nine hundred Confederates were of war Ib the great suffering of the sick and wounded.— are tbe enemies of tbe Republic. Tbe Secessionists, claim- united a<( one person against Ihe Government? It were Henry Shaffner, Mount Joy Bor.; Amos Rockey, ParadUe ; your treasury will be in the same condition as H. B. Hull, Ponn ; Franklin- Clark, Strasburg Twp.; E. where. there are some poor but heroic soldiers ar- ing to act from tbe apprehension that the threat for " tbe the mereyt folly to suppose otherwise! How then would defeated by a force of six hundred and fifty Almost dailywhoso E. TBhudy, Warwick. now." emaciated forms and excruciating painB ultimate extinction of slavery " would be pnt In execution, Buch fi ghting briDg back the revolted Ftates into tho riving here, The Chairman then stated that the first business in order Mills, Federals at Moore's , near Fulton Mistell that their "sands of life " have nearly all' run succeeded by bare majorities in Bome cases, and by the Union ? Can the 8,000.000 of white' people be held thero plainly RECRUITING. Again : under our republican form ofGovernment , in subjugation ? out. We never realize the great evilH and horrors of war more efficient organi zation of probable minorities in others, Is permanent officers. He called Dr. would be the election of it believed that the peoplo of the North can be maddenin pr ' curing the adoption cf ordinances of Secef slon, or for The Government is urgently pressing the in our midst. " I say, then , that this whole proceeding is souri on Monday. The Confederate loss is until it is truly Carpenter to the chair, anl , in » few neat and appropriate ed into the effort for the extermination of eight millions a thing that accords with the sentiment of the withdrawal of such States from the American Union This Is remarks, Mr. Swarr thanked the memberB for the uniform enlistment of men. They arc needed without unprecedented in its nature, unfair in its prin- stated at from seventy-five to one hundred tbe poet that "distance Jeoda enchantment to tbo view." f s are now banded under the designation of the Confeder- of people wi'li whom we have hitherto lived in a Union rirceilior by f.ateraal bonds, and moat of whom aro conrtt'sy extended to him as Chairman of the Count y Com- delay—now. It is only recently that the real ciples, a violation of the whole idea of the sub- killed and wounded. The Federal casualties It is pleaaant to read the pages of Homer and Virgil, and ate States. Obtaining, thni, the.formal organization of a lielii now Louorl lo memter.i of our own population by tho reflect on the heroic deeds of these god like men ; it is government , they Hot at defiance the Constitution and closest tiog of consanguinity ? If we 'w ere to exhaust all mittee, during the long period he had acted as auch. He heft of the public enemy—its powers and its treaBury, an abandonment of the great consti were forty-five killed and wounded. g n s those brilliant campai laws of the United State?, and undertook to reslHt their to trace the events of pleasaot our p liyfical resources and all oar pecuniary means, could tu tional currency." respectfully declined a ro-election. modern times so vividly pictured by the historian ; it execution jvithin the pretended jurisdiction of this revo- we The Confederates have captured a dispatch In if we would, accomplish bucIi purpose of exterminaabout the different macoeuTres of lutionary government. The Government of the United ia pleasant to speculate On motion, Mr. Richard R: Tsuopy , of Warwick, was numbers—has been ascertained. We have Senator King said : tion ? Can we hold the Southern States or people in subthe troops in tho field and trace the successful operations State?, in strict accordance with Its powers, undertook to jugation steamer about one hundred and fifty miles of unanimously chosen Chairman. without ororthrowiog .our Constitution and tlia lost valuable time in learning that men from thousands of men to a plan which emanated from one enforce these laws and to demand obedience to thorn- Union ; without " Fifty dollars is a convenient sum for paper above Vioksburg. They took , in fact, ojtttbli»hlng a government the Mr. Tshudt, on assuming the dnties of the Chairman- a southern latitude can fight and fight well. mind; but it is not qoitea,o pleasant to participate In tho armed resistance was at once inaugurated on the part of most quite a large ' despotic ? for circulation. In my jud gment, it would and have practiincident to war, sufferings tbe Secessionists, and th as began a rebellion and civil war hardships aad ship, made a fow pertinent and eloquent remarks. He We need no *; answer foryou theieiuquii ie *. We know number of prisoners and destroyed the boat. cal experience of the scenes and effects It has on a country. that has become onfe of gigantic proportions, and for many We must now accept this as a fact, and prehave been better for this country, if there said the mission of the Democratic party was a grand , a a)! poetry, brilliancy and of its characteristics t>noof tho most formidable that ever whit mut-t te the re^poute of every mind not demon led by itself of Tho subject divests By the arrival of the steamer Australian at speculation ; and nothing bat suffering , horror and death existed among a civilized people. At its outset, the appeal Abolitionism noble one—that of maiutaiotug the Constitution as it is pare at once to act upon it. Hence more never had been a note under that denominaHave we not shown , then, the policy of Abolitionism, scenes present themselves far waa made to tbe loyal men of the North to fly to arms, In and restoring the Union as it waa. That is the motto men should be put in tho field—and that tion in circulation as money ; but I think, OF New York on Wednesday, we have European stare you in the face ; and tbe reach of the most livel y imagination. order to nnhold the Constitution and laws, and to main- if carried out, la to the overthrow of our Constitution and ALL THE PAPER WHICH IS TO CIRCU- advices to the 20th ult. Mr.-Lindsay s motion beyond which iB emblazoned on onr banners in letters of living Union ? That Abolitionists are the enomles of the Repubwas thrown in a most intense state of excitetain the Union. With tbe rapidity of magic this sppeal Our city ' LATE IN THIS COUNTRY , AS MONEY, light. He trusted that paet dissensions were entirely for- quickly. ment by the advances of Morgan and his party in Ken- was responded to with unbounded enthusiasm, and an lic? Uolleving we havo done bo, It iemains to inquire : What ia the relief for ub In this our hour of gloom for our in the British Parliament , in favor of mediafeared b y our wisest beads armed force of over 700,000 and it was really men Btood ready to obey the tacky, " Above all, " the Government is urging the THE WORST IS PAPER BASED ON THE gotten, and past feuds buried. The position to which he country? We auawor : BemoFe tho causes; rethat Cincinnati woe In great danger of being captured by summons to meet the foes of the Union. President Lin- beloved move Abolitionism and EeressionlBm. Put down the forhad been chosen was an arduous one. He thanked the policy of filling up the " old Regiments." CREDIT AND FAITH OF THE GOVERN- tion and for the recognition, of the Southern the Sccesh under their daring leader. Tbe first notice we coln , in his inaugural address, had said: mer at the ballot bos; put down the latter (hacked by members for the confidence reposed in him, and would This is its real policy. These regiments are MENT , AND NOT UPON COIN. I would Confederacy, was called up on the 18th, and had of the advance of Morgan was from Gen. Boyle, of . "I havo no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere arms) by force (farms.- In the execution of the latter, <ville , stating that the rebel band was marching on with tbe institution of slavery in tho States where it exendeavor to discharge the duties faithfully and energetirather have the responsibility of individuals gave rise to a debate.' The resolution was Loci insist that the Govornmont ahall stand by Its plighted Lexing ton with a force of three thousand men, and asking ists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have faith—to conduct the war to uphold the Constitution and cally. Mr. T. was greeted with much applause throug hout. under good and veteran Commanders, and the than that of the Government, because they are to send all tho available force he could comno inclination to flo so Mayor the " * * * * The Congress of ihe United States, immediately af ter the the Union , and r>n t . aa Abolitionism would nave It, to On motion of Andrew J. Steinman, Esq., the unanimous interests of tho service as well as the good ot limited by the courts, and by their liability to finall y withdrawn , at tho suggestion of Lord mand. ¦Mayor Hatch immediately called a meeting to make disunion complete and to overthrow the Constitufor raising a force to defend our siBter State measures battle of Ball Run , in July, 1881— take thanks of tho Committeo were tendered H. B. Swase, Esq., the men , gives to this branch of enlistments a be brought up by a stronger power than them- Palmerston , who appealed to tho House to tion I As Pennsy i vanians, you Ii-ive possibly a greater stake "Resolved, That the present deplorable civil war has been in from the Inroads of the enemy. tlie preserratloD of tlio Union than the people of any for the able and faithful manner in which he had disselves, and when they become insolvent there leave the matter in the hands of the GovernThis meeting was addressed by the Major and several forced upon tbe country by the Disunionists of the South- other decided preference. State. Should ihe co operative, yet, In ' Home sense, was appointed to .make some ara Committee ern States, charged the dnties of Chairman. and now in arms against tbeConstitntlonal Governothers is an end of them ; but the Government has ment. Lord Palmerston " treated the issuo rangements to raise volunteers for the emergency. hostile movements of Abolitionism and Secessloniem bucment, and in arms around the_capital ; that, in this naOn motion of Dr. Henry Cahpenter, Andrew J. SteinWe are gratified to state that the recruiting no end to its credit except an utter prostration was Saturday night (12th) and the Committee was tional emergency, Congress, banishing ail feeling of mere ceod, and disunion become an established fact, PennsylThis MAH , Esq, of the city, was unanimously chosen Secretary. in this county is going on with great alaority ; like that which resulted from the issue of con- of the war," we are told , " bb a foregone to report the next morning at 9 o'clock. Long before the passion or resentment, will recollect only its duty to the vania, owing to her peculiar geographical position, would to the desolation and become the battle field of On motion , it was the streets were crowded and the highest state of whole country ; that this war is not waged o"n their part be exposed tinental bills. The issue of Government paper conclusion , saying that the only satisfactory meeting conflicting forces that might undertake to settle all excitement prevailed. Gloom and melancholy were de- in any spirit of oppression, or for any purpose of conquest tho Jtesolvtd, That the Chairman be requested to issue a call and we expect that during the present week, does not require means ; by a simple determiqueations that would remain as the heritage of disunion. and fearfol apprehensions countenance,or subjugation, every or purpose of overthrowing or Interfering termination that could bo antici pated was an pleted on to tho Democracy and other conservative men ot the the full complement will be ready. however, wo forbear now to contemplate ; for wo were entertained that tbe Confederate flag might wave over with the rights or established Institutions of those States, areTli^e, nation of the representative body, the Legisla- amicable separation." He thoug ht , however, our coanty, those who are for maintaining the Constitution as urnrillfng to believe that "that Gcd who presides over Mayor course of two or three days. The the bnt to defend and maintain the supremacy of the Consticity in it iB and a restoration of the Union as it was, and oppoBed of .nations *' will permit such a terrible disture, to increase the amount of their circulaappeared and read another despatch from Gen. Boyle, tution, and to preserves the Union , with all the dignity, the destiniea to sectionalism both North and South , to meet in their reTHE NEW REAR ADMIRALS. to befall us. We are unwilling to believe that tion , the capital of the bank can be doubled. that this result "would be impeded rather urging more strongly the necessity of sending assiatanco, equality and rights of the several States unimpaired; and peneatlon spective wards, boroughs and townships on Saturday, Septha peoplo of the free States will ever become eo maddened were then near Lexington without any force Rebels that as soon as theso objects are accomplished the war as the For tho first time in its history, the Amer- It depends on the jud gmen t and opinion of the than facilitated by debates in Parliament."— tember 6tb, and elect not less than three nor more than as to aid the spirit of Abolitionism, that fleems now to there to repel them, and that their destination was evi- biiffbt to cpaza " fire delegates to represent them in a County Convention , Thus, the faith of the President and Congress was brood overua like toma evil genius, th.it would control ua to be held at Fulton Hall, in the City of Lancaster, on ican Navy now has a rank above that of legislative body ; and I think that the most He contended that the recognition of the dently Cincinnati. deduction. It cannot be that we are to have a The greatest excitement and confasion, imaginable en- pledged to every loyal man in the North that the war was to ourworse Wednesday, September 10th, at 11 o'clock, A. M., for^he Captain. The President, on Wednesday last, dan gerouB mode in which paper may be issued Southern Confederacy could give no cause of than befell Babylon after she had "become tho sued. Borne flwore vengeance agalnBt Morgan and were to bo carried on for the Constitution as It is and the Union doom puipOBft hi plMiVag \n nonrinattcm a County Ticket to be habitation of devils and the hold of every foul spirit." for circulation . It has been tried by most of broom stick or any , to shoulder an old shot gun as ft was. Under the inspiration of this high, patriotic ready supported at the ensuing election. put in execution the late act of Congress offense to the North that tbe , but .thought The only oxcase offered by Abolitionism for Its policy, Is warfare by which they could do most and holy purpose onr gallant countrymen have marched bther instrument of , tbo Governmen ts of the world, and has failfallacy that "slavery Is the cause of onr On. motion, the Committee adjourned. execution and cross the Ohio river to repel the to the battle field , keeping step to the music of the Union , the plausibledisunion. creating the rank of Rear Admiral. On the ed." present condition of the contest would not horrible m »¦? " To thoaewho look only to Immedlinvaders. Others were more deliberate in their op inions, enduring privations and sufferings that would havo utter- threatened and proximate canses, this position Is captivating; but TO THE DEMOCRACY OP THE CITY Retired LiBt he commissioned the veterans •Lovej ov, of the House, said : justify any such action on the part of the and thought such a mob could not effect much to step the ly appalled IeS3 patriotic and devoted soldiers The enemy, ato AND COUNTY OF LANCASTER, daring men as John Morgan and his although massed jn formidable bodisp, and supported by an to those who remember that the original Union, which progress of such Stewart, Read , Shubrick , Joseph Smith , Sto" Sir, what is paper ourrenoy—irredeemable Government." clan. The result of the meeting was, the sending of all energy, skill , and munitions of war that evinced an in- waged the war of the Revolution, was made of thirteen In accordance with the resolution of the County Comthe Police force of the city that night, and the calling out creased concentration of sentiment In behalf of the rebel- Glaveholding States; that the Union at tbe time of the mittee, adopted at their meeting on Wednesday , July 30th, rer, Gregory, Lavalette, Stringham and Paul- paper currency ? It is afalselwod. When a ot all the Home Gcar ds to organize properly and be ready lion, yet, before tbe miahty ahoek. of our arms—inflicted adoption of the present Constitution, consisted of twelve IS THK FLATFOBJU A FAILURE ! you are requested to assemble in the Beveral wards of tbe ding, each of whom has contributed to the bank bill goes abroad in the country, and says, for duty the next day. Bat It was discovered afterwards by the soldiers of-the Union—they were for a time van- slaveboldlng to one free State, it Is very plain, that instead liie following is an extract irotn the Onica - that Home Guards ware very scarce,and many of the com- quished ; their forts, towns and other strongholds were of slavery producing disunion that, unless ft had been re* . city, and boronghs and townships of the county, on SAT- renown of our navy. On the Active List he " I am twenty dollars , or I am fifty dollars ; I panies carried out practically the resolution of the Bung- rapidly taken , and, amid the shontB of the exultant and cognized and the faith of tbe wholef eople pledged for its ? represent so much specie," it is a falsehood go Platform : URDAY, the 6th day of SEPTEMBER neit, then and there town Rifle Company, "Ktsolved, That this Company dis- triumphant soldiery who had enlisted for the mere pur- protection, this Union would have never existed. It would be aa reasonable to argue that houses and to elect the nsnal number of delegates to a County Conven- appointed Farragut, Goldsborough, Dupont upon its face. It does not represent ' what it whenever war ia declared. " pose of re-establisblng devotion to, and the protection Ofj Resolved, That the people justly view with band However, recruiting offices were opened for enlistments oar proud national ensign, the star-spangleo' banner there money should be exterminated, because so long as they tion, to be held on WEDNESDAY, the !Oth day of SEP- and Foote. The country will be pleased with purports to represent. It often represents alarm tho reckless EXTRAVAGAKCE .- whieh perexlat there will be incendiaries and thieves, as to argue and before evening several companies were for ten days, again spread out Its folds. At the beginning of these sucTEMBER nex t, at 11o'clock, A. M., at Fulton Hall, in the these selections , and it is certainly well pleas- nothing. And when we put forth paper cur- vades every Department of the Federal Gov- ready for duty. The same day a regiment of troops ar- cesses much attachment for the Union was developed that slavery should be destroyed, because so long as it exiats there will be Abolition latE. Housesand money are and the streets were filled the Chase, City of Lancaster, for the pnrpose of nominating a ticket rived from Camp among the people where such successes occurred. It was rency of treasury notes to the world , purport- ernment ; that a return to rigid economy and whole day with recruits marching, or troops from tne reg- hoped and believed tha^ wlt fi a few more similarly Impor- not more clearly and decidedly recognized by the Conitituto be supported at the ensuing October election, composed ed at having the new rank established. Here- ing to represen t so much specie in the treasury, accountability tlon and laws of the Federal Government, as subject to the evening the Police force and two or is indispensable to arrest the In ular army. tant blows Inflicted upon the rebellion, that its force would tofore tho officers of the navy have had no suoh or other places of deposit, when the specie is ol the following officers: of regular troops were sent off , and the have been epent, and that tbe people of tbe rebellious the laws and protection of the States where they exist, as system of PLUNDER .OF THE PUBLIC three companies A Member of Congress. city felt somewhat relieved that there would be at least a States, being assured that the pledges of the President and is the right of the master to the service of his negro slave chances of promotion as those of the army, not there, it is deceptive. It is like the Credit TREASURY BY FAVORED PARTISANS ; small in States where negro slavery is recognized. Incendiaries Four Members of the Houso of Representatives. force to check Morgan 's coarse if he should march on Congress would he faithfully observed, would have relaxed and thieves no more violate ib© recognizedrightsof others timply because the hi ghest recognized rank Nobilier of France. It represents not specie, while the recent startling developments of oar " city. A District Attorney. thefr efforts In behalf of their usurping government, and One County Commissioner. churches suspended divine service, and the that the Union men of tbe South, and the returning sense when they horn houses and commit robbery, than do AboMany of the but the oredit of the country. And , if the was that of Captain . FRAUD and CORRUPTION at the Federal Now the President may litionist*, when, by the underground railroad or other deTwo Directors of the Poor. the appearance more of a military camp than of the inestimable value of the Union to all divisions of vices, city assumed they deprive the nlaveholders of the South of that Two Prison Inspectors. pleasant summer Sunday. population there, would complete the restoration of respect select, from among " those captains who have present Administration follows in the footsteps metropolis show that an entire cJmnge of Cincinnati ou awill One Auditor. always be remembered by oar citizens and obedience to tbe Constitution and laws of the federal property to which the Constitution and iftWB of bis State, of the last Administration for the next four Administration is imperatively demanded. Thifl Sunday as well as those of the United States guaranteeprotection. with, tbe idea that it was near will associate it , Government. These bones have not beeu realized and given the most faithful service to their counand some The township committees are requested to give early years, I do not think the credit of the country In the attempt to commit arson or robbery, life is taken, Undoubtedly there weie great rogues in the advent of the Confederate rule in Cincinnati. The the explanation of this disappointment, In a great degree If notice in their respective districts of the time and place of try," men to bear the rank and title of Ad- will be worth much. Sir, all these attempts it is marder in tbe first degree; so too it Is murder of tbe excitement quietly subsided until Friday morning, when at least, Is found In the evidence afforded of the terrible same grade .to take life in the unlawful attompt to deprive meeting for the election of delegates. a despatch was received to the effec t that oar force had fact that the Abolitionists of the North are determined the owner miral. The awkward phrase " Flag Officer " to relieve these commercial disasters , or to pre- office under former administrations, but the been of his rights in the service of hts negro. And and all captured, and that Cyntblana was that the white population of the South shall be extermi- here, too, we AH persons favorable to the maintenance of the Constivent them , by new issues of irredeemable Chicago Convention was to remedy all that. In thedefeated will remark that tbe present war, if Abolitionwhich is only about fifty miles nated, , the Rebels, or held In subjugation and that our Government hamlaof will bo more, rarel y heard now than it has tution as it is, and the restoration of the Union as it was, BhOuld succeed iu di verting it from Its proper purpose paper, are like the polioy of tho man in Scrip- A new party in power at Washington would from here. The wildest excitement ensued and many of shall be overthrown, and the Union ot these States finally iats upholding the Constitution and the Union, and prostiopposed alike to the heresies of Secession and Abolition- been. Admiral Dupont, Admiral Farragut, tare, who built his hpase apon the gand ; and the bankers removed their money from tbe city. The and forever broken up. Yea 1 exUrminait the whites of the of to thefr cherished object of freeing negroes by of Covington and Newport wera pat nnder martial South, or govern them bb a subjugated people; and over- tuting itwhite Ism, and believing that tho perpetuity of oar principles Admiral Foote, and Admiral Goldsboroug h when the rains men, wonld become an atrocious murderous descended and the floo'ds came, bring about a condition of things somewhat cities law and many arrests made of supposed seccessionlsts.— throw the Government and dalroy the Union , is their pur- killing of liberty1 and free government depend upon a middle , that wonld justly subject all who give it such direcand the winds blew and beat upon that house, approaching tho millen nial period. Now what Our telegraph offices were crowded all night expecting pose. And we ask your candid consideration for a mo- war will have a more agreeable sound. tion to the penalty ol the law imposed against the highest and conservative course between radicalism and sectionalthe streets resounded with marment , until we present to you a few points, from which eome favorable news and it fell. I tell you that all the cobweb attempts iB the result 1 Let tbe Albany Evening Jourcrimes. •--»•* tial music, and every preparation was made to contest the you will Fee-that tbe inference is Irresistible that this is of The ism ,>ar"e most cordially invited to attend. policy of AboIHionlBm, therefore, is not only unsupto keep off the storm will be unavailing. Your nal , edited by Thubloif Weed , tel l • progress of the enemy to every Inch. The next day two the design of this ,most disloyal band. THE INDIANA DEMOCRACY. """By order of the Democratic County Committee. ported by one tenable ground , even for its palliation, but here and the citizens felt conregiments of troops arrived Tbe Constitution and the Union were early regarded by bark may sit calm and beautiful upon the lake R. R. T3HUDY , Chairman. " There has been peculation . Weak men fident that the city was ont of danger. The excitement the Abolitionists as the barriers that stood in the way of judged by Its objects and its effects, It is in the highest deOur thanks are due to our old friend , Mr . while ita waters remain unruffled , but when the have disgraced , and bad men have betrayed gently died away, and utany expressed themselves that it negro emancipation. Hence, such Constitution was by gree criminal and disloyal. By eradicating Abolitionism , Andrew J. Steinman, Secretary. Alexander Wiley , of Fort Wayne, Indiana , storm comes it will be capsized and will sink. was merely a "big scars." them denounced as a covenant with death and an agree- we remove not only sectionalism from tbe North , bnt the Lasc&bteb, August 2d, 1862. Yesterday eight Vvundrnd Federal priaonerB passed ment with hell." So"late as the 15th of June last a portion cause of sectionalism In the South. [The list of Township Committees w ill be published next for a copy of the Indianapolis Stale Sentinel , And so, when you undertake to build up na- the Governmen t. Contractors have fattened The fall of Abolitionism we verily believe, would in a Camp Chase, through here en route for where they will be on fat jobs. Adventurers have found the war of the members of this band, at a meeting In Massachu- short week.] time be attended by the fall of Seeesslonism. Alfor Secesh. These were a part of the two: regi - setts, passed a formal resolution , viz: containing the full proceedings of the monBter tional prosperity, by means of a paper curren- a source of private gain. Moral desperadoes exchanged thongh the imaginary advantages of a Southern ConfederThey evidently showed ments captured at Murfreeshoro*. "Saolved , That aa Abolitionists, devoted to the great cy, which does not represent dollar for dollar, in entertained by many In the revolted States, has MR. HUGHES' ADDRESS. have flocked about tbe National Capital and th^t they had been active service and did not altogether work of overthrowing slavery, we renew and repeat our acy, Mass Meeting of the Democracy of the State and is not convertible into specie , it will not lain in wait for prey. ' The scum of the land receive tbe beef kind of treatment. old pledge, « No Union with Slaveholders. No support to secured for it. unconditional supporters, yet the desolation We publish in tO'day s paper the first ad- of Indiana, held at Indianapolis on the 30th stand. But, sir, There was a grand Billiard match last week In one of any Administration or Government that "permits slavery that hasalready attended upon their efforts at separation, when you build it upon hard the contlnned pressure of oar arms, and the .recollections dress of the Democratic State Central Com- ult. Addresses were made by Hon. Thomas money, upon a metallio currency, you have has gathered about the sources of power and our fashionable paloons, between Fred Meyer of Memphis on any portion of its soil—and we value this war only »» of the blessings of the Union , will, upon the nmoval ot and Phil Tiemann, tho champion player of the West. Tbe we believe it mnat to emancipation by order of the caoso of Southern Sectionalism , revive their sentimittee. It is from the pen of Hon. F. W. A; Hendkicks, Hon. C. A. Wickliffe of Ken- built your house upon a rook , and it will stan d defiled them'by.'its reeking and offensive odor." game opened moat brillfantly. Meyer taking the lead, Federal authorities,lead or to a dissolution of the Union, which the ments of nationality. fourteen points, while Tieman made three hundred and mast speedily produce the same result. " Huqheb, the able and accomplished (Jhairman , tucky, Hon. John S. Cablile, U. S. Senator the test of all the stormB that may beat upon fifty. The others ranged from Senator Chandler, proof Michigan, made two hnndred and It Is unnecessary to even specify the prominent eviWe believe that upon the Fubstantlal extinction- of Abo8©" to eighty points.' dences that, from time to time, havo been afforded that litionism, the Union certainly can be restored, bnt that and was unanimously adopted by the Com - from Virginia , Col. Williah A. Richardson it. Sir, I repeat that this system of putting in poses to raise a regiment and take command thirty After a few rounds Meyer seemed to meet with bad suc- the Abolitionists had firmly resolved upon the destruction without such extinction it never can be. I t is, therefore, circulation mere promises to pay instead of the himself. If he should be ordered to the Poto mittee at their meeting on Tuesday last , in of Illinois, and Hon. D. W. Vooriiees. A money itself, iB always unsafe and unsatisfaccess, .and finally found himself one hundred and fifty of this Government. A few of them are found in the un- quite as essemitl (hat the energies of Ihe loyal men of the points behind Tieman out of a thousand. However few bo called, u Personal Liberty Bills." of North be duected again*t the Abolition foes of the Union Philadel phia. It is a lucid exposition of the letter was received from the old patriot, John tory. This kind of a currency is always found mac, General MoClellan will probably place men play with more precision than Meyer does, arfd no constitutional, several States ; tbe repeated declarations Of prominent as It Ib against Sectapion foes. It remains tbe efore only him in a position where he can enjoy a " little doubt ha will be one of tbe first players in the conn try by party leaders, even in tbe last Presidential campaign, (see to inquire in what w*y can theso energies bo most effecorigin of our National troubles, as also of the J. Crittenden, regretting his inability to be wanting when we need the cash ." blood-letting."—Exchange. more conBtant practice. The defeat was in nc way dis- the speech delivered by Frank P. Blair, at Franklin Hall tively diree'ed to accomplish the deasred purpose? We Again : to him as he made several more successful feats in the city of Philadelphia, on the 2d of October, 1860, one reply only by mpporting the organization of tbe Demoprinciples which divide the two political present, but stating that his heart was with There is no danger of Mr. Chandler 's taking couraging than had ever been made in Cincinnati , and his friends week before the election,) In which he, quoting still higher cratic party. There is no other thoroughly loyal party in " I object, finally, to this bill, because it is the field. Men of hia stamp are not the class urge him to.play another game with his victor. parties, and will be read with intense interest the Conven tion , and that he heartily endorsed authority, declared .that the object of the Republican party the land; it has always been national; it is tha only patty Business Is improving and merchants are laying in a was " the ultimate extinction of slavery." In the avowed that has no affiliation or sympathy with sectionalism— by every well-wisher and friend of tho Union the movement. 50,000 freemen were estima- unconstitutional. Now, it is said to be out of th at do the fighting. They prefer to stay at heavy the fall trade, and no doubt they determination to resist the decision of the Supreme Court North or South—it is the only party In Pennaylrania, that stock of goods for will realize their highest expectations. Everything shows of the United Statep, in the Dred Scott case, and in such Is sot In the sympathy or support of such friends as Wade, and Constitution , whethor belonging to the ted to be present, and the greatest harmony tastet and to be unparliamen tary, to say any- home, and abuse those who are periling their that Cincinnati merchants will redeem the time they have declarations as made by Senator Wade, " a Union where Sumner. Gietley, Phillips, A.ovejoy and Wilmot. The thing about conscience here. I do not know Democratic party or not. Mr. II. is one of and enthusiasm prevailed. Tho Democracy but it is unparliamentary to say anything about lives for the welfare of the Union. We havo lost during the last jew, and may probably make op for all men-are equal, or no Union at ajl." Acting upon this national men who snpported Bell and Everett lathe late losses sustained daring this rebellion. original purpose, and upon the conviction that a return to Presidential canvass, vro believe, may now be counted in AMTTY. the greatest intellects in the State , and his of the " Hoosier State " in tend giving a good the Constitution ; but I hope not, because we Chandlers by the dozen in thiB city , and by Congress of Senators and Representatives from tbe South- the rauks of the Democratic party. Th% only other politiern States would result In their political overthrow, tbe cal organization In this State is the tnemy of the Demoselection as chairman of the State Central account of themselves at the October election. have sworn to support the Constitution- I the hundred throughout the county. Some For Tbe In telligencer. Aboli tionists in the ]&t» Congress have pursued a policy cratic party, wbo has rallied once more under the designawant the chairman of the Committee of Ways that has alarmed every loyal man In the North, and forced tion of tho Pecple'a Paj ty. This paity held their ConvenCommittee, by the late Demooratio State Conand Means, or any other friend of this bill, to of them were prominent actors at tho war THE EFFECT. the conviction that our gallant armies in the field , and the tion at Harrisburg on the 17lh fnst., and 1halr true charvention , was a judici ous one in every respect. IMPORTANT CORRESPONDENCE. whole nation were to be thwarted fn their patriotic pur- acter la abnodmtly shown In thxt in their resolutions point me to that olause of the Constitution meeting on Saturday. The War Meeting on Saturday last was called ostensibly poses. resolution above quoted, adopted by Congress rbe7 eulogise and sastiln Senator Wllmot while they confor the purpose of filling op the new Lancaster County in July,The Wo publish in this paper the correspondence which authorizes the issue of treasury notes. 1861, immediately after the Bull Run disaster, it demn Senator Cowan, totfi by the homage paid Mr. Wilmot, bat tbe real object of tbe leaders was soon made g&'The Address of the State Central Regiment, waa sought to re-affirm in the present Congress, through a and by refusing to Mr. Cowan even the meed of * faint between the President and the Representatives There is the power to borrow money upon the Fobnxt and MoMichail commenced their after Pakson Brownlow's Book.—We are in- apparent The insane ravings of these two political weath- resolution offered by Mr. Holman , of Iadlana in the fol- praise." Tha distinguishing feature In the political course Committee, and the correspondence between of these two Senators, it is well known, is, that Mr. Willowinft terms: of the Border States in relation to his Eman- credit of the United States, it is true ; but what debted to ' the Publisher, George W. Childs, speeches. and but effect of deterring enlistments, tbe ercocks had is the use of whipping the President Lincoln and the Border State Con"Hesdvcd.That Ihe unfortunate civil warInto which the mot has supported the extremist Afeolitioa measure*of tho around the very few men were obtained on Saturday afternoon. In- Government cipation Scheme. We trust no one will fail to stump ? Why not eome out Devil present , whilst Mr. Cowan has won tho admiraby the of the United States has been forced frankly like men, G30 Chesnut St., Philadelphia, for a copy deed, yoBirsT and MoHj craii, by their ultra Abolition treasonable attempt of Southern Secessionists to destroy tion andCongress gressmen on the subject of Emancipation , confidence of every Union loving patriot In the drove many conservative citizens away from tbe read it. That scheme may truly be character- and say they want to borrow money for the land by his honest and fearless opposition to these measother purpose any the Union, Bhculd not be prosecuted for occupy considarable space in our columns this of this somewhat noted book—containing talk, Republicans as well as Democrats. Why not armeeting, of the Constitution urei—measures that tended to mate Disunion perpetual. Government, and not ask for authority to issne FoBjrrr and McMichailas traitors to their country, than tbe restoration of the authority any loyal man in the State, therefore,hesitatewhich morning,- and exolude several other artioles ized as a plan to aid the rebellion and render treasury notes. "Sketches of the Rise, Progress, and Decline rest and welfare of the whole people of thetfaltea States, who of Can who are giving "aid and comfort" to tbe enemy ? the two 'political organization*is entitled to hfs support ? the restoration of the Union impossible. That the preservation of our presare permanently involved In A UNION MAN. which we'had intended publishing. Their "The truth is, there is no constitutional of .Secession ; with a Narration of Personal ent form of Govsrnment , without modification or chapge." The stacdard beareis selected by the Democratic StateConwould be its certain effect, and the persistent This resolution was defeated by a motion to lay it npon 7eotlon aio \n overy retpect d*8©rving of jour confidence. power to issue treasury notes. I know that it Adventures among the Rebels." The volume great importance, however , wj]] fa]]y justify Jgy Send them Back.—The Philadel phia the table, made or Mr. Lorejoy,by the fol/owing vote, yeas Isaac Slzskib, Eeq , oor candidate f or Auditor General , spotless reputheir insertion at this time , aDd we bespeak recommendation of it by the President has un- will be brought up as a .plea—the precedents • is fully illustrated, handsomely bound in Bulletin says that the army of the Potomac 00 nays 58. Of those wbo voted to thus defeat the reso- is a gentleman ot distinguished ability, andPennsylvania— doubtedly given more aid and comfort to the that we did it in 1837, in 1842, and 1847 ; lution 59 were KcpublicaDS, while every Democrat except- tation. Ho Is a native of York touoty, and who were tille s of the soil. and contains upwards of 450 pages. born cf German paients, for both a careful and unprejudiced perusal. Border States representative, muslin, and every whose has been more depleted by furloug hs th an by ing one, rebel leaders than anything else except the rad- and now cannot we do. it in 1857 1 In The early political couree acd well trkd intf grity of Isaac is recorded, voted in the negative. ice $1,25. For sale iy the Publisher, and battle and sickness. A letter from Washing- vote the language of Young with a slight varia- Pr this most significant declaration, Slenker, ia known to many of the people of Pennsylvania. t ion with co-opera In THB COtJWTY COMMITTEE. ical legislation of Congress. to represent Union aDd Northumtion, by the Federal House of Representatives, we had the mill- In 1834 he wes elected in this tuiD uibj city.. at Uil ult all the L11O Bookstores .wuiiaifULca iu ,.. In tha Senate of Pennsylvania.; and while Ihe new Democratic Coanty Committee; aa ton says that it is stated on unquestionable tary emancipation proclamations of Generals Fremont and beriand counties We do not propose to discuss the great ques" Once more the fatal precedent win peal." ¦ Along with these we had the project of Mr. too many Senators in that body yielded to the influences Hunter. will be seen by reference to the proceedings tions raised in this correspondence, but simply authority that 30,000 soldiers once belonging Sumner, In the Senate, to blot oa t the State governments tlist were employed by iha late Hank of (ha VaJted States charter f rom a Pennsylvania Legislature, " We have done it three times, and why not ggf Beegnis, tbe editor of the Telegraph of tbe rebel States, reduce them to a (erritorlsl condition, to obf&fn irr with elsewhere, met and organized on Wednesday desire to direct the reader 's careful attention eleven others, as honest man , resisted Slenker, do it a fourth ? EVERY REPETITION OF and Postmaster at Harrisburg, has Bofid the to tbe army of the Potomac are now loitering and to govern them aa sneh. Then followed various eman- Isaac these Influences, and won tha reputation of fJllhful amonff as well ae they ever were. over tho free States last, H.B. Swaee, Esq., who so ably and to two points in the letter of the Border State AN UNCONSTITUTIONAL ACT ENDANcipation schemsF, and among them the project of confiscationof slaves nominally,but really a bill to emancipate the faithleBS. He was upon the Jndiciary Committee of Patriot & Union for libel. We away, but the editora of how they all got It is not exphmned faithfully filled the position of Chairman , with men—that showing that the great strength of GERS THE COUNTRY BY MAKING A them. We cannot probably better prove the operation of the Senate, and took an active part in the revision of oar Bebgnee for the last twenty-four tho statement is made, by the same authority, Each measuresapon the Southern mind , than to quota tbe civil code- At the expiration of his Senatorial lerm , Mr a brief interval, for the past nine years, re" the rebellion is derived from abolition agita- SUBSEQUENT VIOLATION MORE EASY, hare known succeed- following extract from the reply of twenty out of twenty- fclenker returned again to the practice of bis'-profession as had member of Congress that a single and soon ycu will find the good national shi p years, and never supposed it possible for anyrepresentatives from the Border Slave States to Presi- a lawyer, and sloca then has been out of puLlio position, speotfully deolined a re election, and Mr. tion, and that relating to the abolition " pres- unmoored, and floating ed in getting furloughs' and discharges for eight dent Lincoln, In referenceto his appeal to them to adopt except that 1856 he was one of the.PresidentialElectorson away, in a very ocean unless three hundred soldiers during the recent ses- bis preject that the Federal Government should aid ihem the Dtmociatic ticket iu this Stale. Mr. SSltnker.iaa genBichabd E. Tshudt , of Litiz, was chosen hia sure " which the President is unwilling to re- of precedents, with the Constitution almost body to alander him in any particular, upon his tleman of commanding abilities \highly exem plary in his are 230 Senators with money to pay the ' master for his negro ¦. " /successor. We.cannot hel p but congratulate Bist. A thoughtful pernsal of this correspon- submerged, and hardly able to keep above the on the principle of " the greater the truth the sion of Congress. There habits of life; of great industry and parity;^!.character. viz : . each_of them has been emancipation, if ; ; Col. Jahes P. Babb, onr candidate tot Surveyor General, the Teleand Representatives the libel." His own paper, from the union of all greater "Tbo rebellion derives its strength therCommittee on the admirable selection they dence will be profitable to all ; and it may angry billows. And here, from my place, and then they have got fur- classes In the insurgent States; and while that union lasts' Ia the editor and proprietor of the Pfttabnrg Jb& a news, one as active as this is one of the most abusive and slander. upon my responsibility as a member of this grap h, paper that since Sir. Barr'a connection with iV^bas over hate, made. Mr T. has the requisites of the war will never end utterly exhausted. until they are enormons amount to the to some new ideas in regard both to Honse, I want especiall y to warn those who ou8 sheets in the Commonwealth, and there- loughs and discharges We know that at the inception of thesetroubles Southern been the advocate of sound National principles. " During talent, and is well versed give ypnHi,-energy andwell proBoof 69,000 men. But suppose they have only society was divided,and that a large portion, perhaps a the preaentdvllwar thai^ hadably odvoateilthe . as English languages tbe rebellion, and the hopelessness of its sup- live in tbe country—for |g$te 9^rm^aa fare, we think, he is about the iaat individual averaged one half that number, we would majority, were oppoeedto secession. Now the great m&ss cutlou of tha war for the guppreeaionof the Ttbelttom ud of the Oonstrtutlon antf-thi 11 God made the country, and man made the town of Bonthern.peopleare united. To discoverwhy they are tlie preservation Union! At 3Rei$ndist,<t 'hat he will make a capital pression upon Mr. Linooln's emancipation Its by these means, ," army, the loss to nave a who should oomplain at anything published BtiU so we murt.glanee at Southern society and noUoe the the same time It has been nn^p^ng in hotUUtjr to that . Chairman, ' polioy. i cUstts Into which It his been dlvifled. and which Btfll dls- disloyal patty or combination that has soughtioproatituta and I like man's workmanship the best—I against him in Demooratio papers. of 34,500 Wen. gt)r fanfa0 let 3nt cUigmccr "¦'¦afl M^^ g&gftBg? 5t ^g^ nwra w i n HBETI96 ' i The Conner War Meeting held in this city, on Saturday last, was tolerably .well attended from town and conntry; but, as we Bave not , been fam ished witha copy of the proceedings we are enable to giro either the list of officers ; or the resolution^:this week. The meeting was presidedover by Dr. F. A;Mohlbneesoj of this oity, and speeoheiwere-inade by Col. : ^.^^^^ 1 —M — ^ 1 ^ ^^^ ^ ^ ^ ¦HBM — — ^ ^ — ^ — — ^ ^ 1 — ^ — 5^^ ^^ ^^ ss 2 S 253¦5 ^^^^^MIH ^^^ ss 5H552HS S — Noof l S l a v a . ^f?SYA*rK^RrJ&*KB^Oia»lHa 9:rI( *XB L yiPHB HOBAOB^WATWRft^lODgflJ »oah warto the merepnrpoioof negro emandpation, and !State *. /; - : r —T 1; of Oolumtla deceMed. auditor to dlrifibnta the X IMPROVED OVBBfiTKUHO^^VU^IByOK^ -225,490 HJce AiOTtiatnreofBBsinejB: segriBMitnqainfciOnx Br«ryon<ihlSflWnS»le8, the train of the peopleu» h* . JCi .?r " ^ to thatpoUoTla eomJoifiDR ltJttat neoeuarilr tend*to ifKentuciy had ¦ v. ' ¦ 87,188 Influenced by the was want of oonfldeooe, and will !man.JOTe»*€fe,oftheCnia«nt0lu>r^^CTotutag8tora. WmU datamJ ,jrffl ta&n gaiaXheSatoof tixioxeeutat ' ' and to permmenUy destroy onr pM*ryIan3 ¦ makedMmionperpetual ¦ , *t the Library Boom, lu-tho are juitly pronounced bj^thePresa and Undo Hasten to - 490,887 not considerthe proposition in it* present impalpa- 603 Market street, above eii, in addition to havingthe n»etall partiesinterated - ' - -' ' xepiihUcaa fi>nn of jsovsrninent. Hr. B&xr, like Mr. VireirJa the be superior Injtnrmants. Th*yaro builtof th«b«stam; stock of Clothingin Coort House, in the (Sty ' Bf tancartor,cm FRIDAY, Blanker,is a PennirlnnluUiylilrtb 1,798 ble form. -The interestthey are askedto give up i» argest, most varied and rishkanbto , bom in the county Dellwaie . - . "- . J 8th day of ATJGtfOT/at ¦ 1 0 Vclock; ;JL M. Philadelphia most thoroughly seasoned matexiaMrand , made expreMlrlbr. ¦ retail sales, will stand any have constiof Westmorelan d—U a practicalprinter—hasraised himself Missouri •* 114,965 to them of immmiwi importance ,and they ought not tuted every one his cmn-fUfltaliaBf-by-iBijriBg marked in •^ GI0.M. KUNB, , climate. The tone Is rerydeep, round, fall and mellow: to a ptbud politicaland BnjlneM poslUoaby his industry Tenrj esaje : 275,784 expected ' r to be even to entertain the proposal untn . * Auditor. . . figures,on aach »rfli^^ai-»»ry;aow««tprie»It can b. Ja'ylS4t273 . tbo touch elastic £«oh Piano warranted fin- three years! anil energeticcharacter,and i» a gentleman o! promptness luey miu bbbuxwi uib* wua laey loceps IB UWir jOBt i sold:br,soihey onnot KxaSblyvtry—atl Prices fromvm $175to $100 and Integrityin all hLvnrlrate and .political relations. mustbuy illie. KW^ aretaU - - 1,196,112 .expectationswill not b»frustrated. We regardyour ) Making in the whole ¦ Paca. —« The Horace WatersPianosare irelI'irpoiig«I«ndrnepared and.Hgrs«t A S S I G N E D ESTATE OP JOSEPH ^1 0HB30H8 While onrcandliialMhare 'great reason to entertain a ' -. ¦ . ' ¦ . ' - , , ij aiua wl^.f - ' ^ tafcw>%itartH4 na>fpfc-^;a»rffr^iT*»'"»T1'rj.sM ii£+>,, A WBNOES and wift, of Upper teacock twp^ lAnctt- known as among the very best We are enabled to speak plan as a propositionfrom the Nation to the States ; palria Just nridothatthey h»w been selected a» the standard- At the same rate of valuation these ' ' ' -¦¦ ¦ . - — .HX ..mu ¦.-: hi*wife, of Upper of these tastruments.with some degreeof confidence, from beanrsora great national party, straggling to maintain . . would amount to - $358,833,600 to exercise an admitted constitutional right in a MlMJnTanceorgettiBg i gopdartWeatth* T«rjtowest tor eomHr.—Joseph Wenger and Uaxia, *»i»^3a assignof Tolnntarr X«ftec«k townshTp, haying by den) the Union and Oorutltntlonagainst dangerousand Insldi. Add fot depbrtion and colonization jr-«w55nttoae «nd ¦ durable —— ; particularmanner and yield up a valuable interest. JSEfi ££$F <£-gf THE GBHAjfEKKEDT ~ assigned and quauty." __^_ 1862, —Cwiffwin rhfffhjjcuaj. , dated the 2Sth day of JUNE, ~ ' Eemamber men t, eras arauilbi of their enemies, still, that party may well the CretceriVln Marlut, 533 abort 8th, Ho. 60* ' - • 119,244, Before they ought to consider the proposition $100 eaeb - , it "' ¦ ¦ ¦ transferred &n their estate and. eflacta to the undersigned, • - congratulateitself that it is so worthily . :¦£&£ *¦'¦«„. .- ->3i :'i ._ .r ¦ representedIn its should be presented in such a tangible, practical, ¦" .-;¦ .. '. .. ¦ for the benefit of the creditorsof the said Joseph Wenger: - $ 1-5 0 1—NBW7-^)CTAT^PlANOStaRosewoodcase* standard-bearers. , : : Fellowcountrymen, great tsjua is before yon—it in- ' And we hare the enormous sum of 4478,078,132 efficient shape as to command their confidence that «^X»>eamsirjiitptl'rem.- .TlieAdvertiser The undersigned therefore gives notice to' all persons in- iron frames, and 0T«Mtnm*battvaf dMer^makOTTfor * - . o « J ? 8 r jr ?l?,j :o :N - " ' '^ s We did not feel that we should be justified in its fruits are contingentonly upon their acceptance. )»lr«*ea»i«crWl weeka ta5^1hin a Jew , by»>«ry 4e&t«d to said Assignor,"to -make paymentto the under- $150£ do,witt moulding , $l6oTdo, wScSr^S toItssthe momentoosconsideration, whether onr CoDstia»^^ «d yearLTith a signedwithout delay,' and thosehaTing claimsto present inlaid nameboard, $175,*$185, and $200: o^ , c£rlnx»^»red tntton and Union shall bepreserred;or whether Abolition Toting lor a measure which if carried oat, would add We cannot trust'anything to the contingencies of siap T e r e m eafterdcJ^th ~"* oair '~ '' • " " —*bi>-ih»-—^_i^ \_ v '.;^ - JOHN SOLE, Awignee keys, $225, $250and $300;wr efc-oSwi VS6?dSJeS , torn Ziortb> or Secession fees Sonth, ehail destroy them ! this vast n m n n n t. to our publio debt at a moment future legislation. If Congress , byproperand neces- "*^-wW3KQ£4flSQUQll4 AUlI*cBftt QaPBftd 1U8fiaUf0a Oo^WnHIPt10H them to octaTe,$140. TheaboTOPianoaS aaP ^SuSSi «& UpperIdacocktwn.,Lancaster eotraty, Brerypatriotin the land should know and feel that the when the Treasury was reeling under the enormous sary legislation , shall provide sufficient funds and —4a uxloiu to make knows to hii fellow-Bofferersthe O N L Y K N O W N i B M B B Y^ y * means of care. are t its greatest bargains that can be round in the dtr E«i., LANI>I8, only chaneelor the preservation of onr present Government expenditures of the war. >JESSB r ' place them at yoor disposal to be applied by you to To all who desire it,be willsend m copj of the prescripPlease call and see them. Second-hand Pianos at*?»» city. july 8 6t 26J tin' Attameyat Lair, Lancaster its Oanst itntion' and the Union based thereon, is in the *25. * «* Again, it seemed to us that tlus resolutionwas but the payment of any of our States or the o*fr";wi» tion used (fre*of chsrgo.) with the directionsfor preparing . and $100. . successof the Democratic party in the free States at the which could not or thereof who shall adopt tie abolishment of slavery, and usingthe same, which they will find a sore Core for T?STATE OF JOHN K. ROHRBB,LATE $50, $60, $76, nextelection I If we fail, then all is lost, and the hithei to the awranoiation of a sentiment DIABETES actual, tangible ' .;. : an reduced to Conanmptlon , Asthma, Bronchitis . TBE HORACE WATERS MELODEONS Government, was not likely to be either gradual or immediate as they may determine Ac The only object of adminfrreat JZt of Bromore township, deceased. —Letters of glorious fabric of our once will fall into , , , ¦ the abyss of anarchy, or else upon its rains a despotism proposiiion. Ho movement was then made to pro- and the expense of deportation and colonisation of the advertiserin sending the Prescription Is to benefit the istration on said estate haring-been granted to the under- Rosewood Cases, Tuned the Equal Temperament, with the ¦' / AHD impiT^ oy sal be concelrMto be signed, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make Patent Divided Swell and Solo Stop. Prices from $35 to afflicted; and spread to carry it information which^ required willbo reared.. the funds ' appropriate glares the liberated vide and , then trill onr States and people % In either event onr future will be marked in desolated into effeot ; and we were not encouraged to believe take this proposition into careful consideration, Tor invaluable, and he hopesevery sufferer will trj his remedy, immediate payment, and' those baring claims or de- $200. Organ Harmoniums with Pedal Bass, $250, $275 and K I D N B Y S A N D B L A D D » B ._ as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. homes, ruined fortunes, the deprivation of personalliberty mands against the same vfll present them without delay $300. School Harmoniums, $40, $60, $80 and $100. Also, would be provided. And our belief has Parties wishingthe prescription »U1pleas*address for settlement to the undersigned, residing in said town- Melodeons and Hannoneoms of the following makers, and personal security, and very possibly our soil and onr that funds justified by subsequent events. Hot to such decision as in their judgment is demanded by fully been their honor their interest , and their duty to the , RET. SDWABD A. WILSON, ship. Thoseindebted to the firm of Bohrer k Peoples are Prince A Go's, Carhart Jfc Needham, Mason & Hamlio, anc streams be reddened with the blood of onr own people. In requested to pay to Hiram Peoplas orto the undersigned, 8.D.AH. W. Smith,all of Which,will be sold at extremely These Dangerous ana Xrooblattme such circumstanceswe appeal to every loyalPennsyiranian mention other circumstances, it is quite sufficient for whole country. We have the honor to be, with . Wmiamsbnrgh, Kingsconnty,New York. Steuafc which ban may 20 and those indebted to the firm of Peoples ft Bohrer are re* low prioes. TheseMelodeonsremain in tune a long time. to do his daty, by giving his energies, his icflaence, and our purpose to bring to your notice the fact that, riat respect, • 3m 19 tho. far BofeUd tho butXeto4Tn 5a»S!e«ii quested to pay to¦John Peoples, or to the undersigned. bis Tote to insure the success of the nominees of the Demo- while this resolution was under consideration in the Bach Melodeon warrantedtofor three years. A. W1CKLLFPE, Chairman. be CompletelyControlled by tho BHJtKDY ¦ liberal ¦ j Administratrix discount Clergymen. Churches, MAST BOHBEfi, , ¦ cratic party. A Sabbath Jt ^ Senate, our colleague, the Senator from Kentucky, GAEEET DAVIS, • C. L. L. LEAEY , MARRIAGES. now beitmml ' ¦ > . : Drumore township. ¦ Schools, Lodges, Seminaries and Teachers. The trade By order of the Committee. June 24 61*24] moved an amendment appropriating $500,000 to the E. WILSON, • EDWIN H. WEBSTEB , supplied on the most liberal terms. F. W. HUGHES, Chairman. object therein designated, and it was voted down J. J. CiJITTENDEN, • B. AIALLOBY, On the 31st nit, by the Ber. J. £. Meredith, Samuel H. PHTLADXWHU,July 29th, 1862. a CCOUNTS OF TRUST AND ASSIGNED ' AAEON HARDING, with great unanimity. What confidence, then, could JNO. S. CABLILE, Z&hm to Sao Miller, ail of this city. THE D A T S C H O O L B E L L . J\ _ ESTATES.—The accounts of the following named THB CURATIVE we reasonably feel that, if we committed ourselves, to J. W. CEISFIELD , . On the 25th ult, by the Bar. J. J. Striae, Benjamin N. estates JAMES 8. KOLLINS, hare been exhibited and filed In the Offlco of the 85,000 COPIES ISSUED. Brabakar to Catharine B. Lots, both of HempQold twp. the policy it proposed, our constituents would reap J. S. JACKSON , Prothoootary of the Court of Common Pleas of Laccastei a A. new Singing Book for Day Schools, called the Day properties of the med!dnodirect themselves J. W. MENZEES, to the organs On the22d ult at York. 31 ills, , near Yoik, Pa, by the the fruits of the promise heid out ; and on what H. GEIDEE, School Bell, Is now ready. It contilna abont 200 choice of secretion,and by bo altering the conditionof tho¦tomach county, to Wit: THOS. 1 . PKICE , Bar J.H.MongBS, HenryBrandt. Ssq., to Hester A. Bmedground could we, aa fair men, approach them and JOHN S. PHELPS , Jno. H. Ecatexnaeh, Assigned Estate, Adam Lufz and songs, rounds, catches, duetts, trios, quartetts and chor- and liver that the starchy principleof the foodla not con&. W. DUBLAP , all of Colombia. Pa. ley, uses, many of them written Assignees. verted into sugar bo long as the system fa Christian Eehtarnacb, expressly for this work, beunder the Influchallenge their support ? FRANCIS THOMAS, WM. A. HALL, On the 29th ult., by the Bar J J. Strine, Daniel Brown Eddee 32 pages of the 'Element* of Music The Elements ence of the Robert Barton, Trust Estate, Henry Barton, Trustee. BOEDEk THE HIS APPEAL. TO Xhe nght-to hold slaves is a right appertaining to CHAELES B. CALVEET. to Ann Knnkle. both of West HempBeld* are so easy and progreeriTe, that ordinary teachera will John Stevenson, Estate, Wm. E. Ramsey, Committee. CONSTITUTION WATER, ^ all the States of this Union. Tney have the right STATUS—THIS AAS ttrKR. On the 28th nit, by Rot. J. E. Meredith, CaMn W. :—^-9 m find themselves entirely successful Henry in instructing even Ferdinand Barkholder, Domestic Attachment, From the National Intelligencer, July IS, to cherish or abolish the institution as their tastes or Creagsr to Henrietta H. Colmmarry. all of this city. PISTOLS FOR THB CLEKGY. youog scholars to sing correctly and scientifically; while which gfresthose organs time to recovert&elr healthy Shreiner.Cyrus Ream and Joseph Selgfrled, Trustees. Enos Pennock, Anlgned Estate. Lsvis Pennock and tbe tunes and words embrace such a variety of lively, at- toneandvigor. We are able to state that the Oonititutton [The Bepresentative? and Senators of the Border their interests may prompt, and no one is authorized ihe presentation of a pistol and other .. . tractive, and sottl-etirring music and sentiments, that no Water hascared every case of Diabetes in whichIt has Job. Pennock,Assignees. DEATHS. Slaveholding States baring, by special invitation of to question the right or limit its enjoyment. And ' Notice Is hereby given to all persons Interested In an; trouble will be experienced in Inducing all beginners to been given. the .President, bee a convened at the Ksecutive no one has more clearly affirmed that right than you weapons of war to Parson Browblow, at appointed MONDAY, go on with zeal in acquiring skill In one of the most Mansion on Haturday mornigg last, Mr. Lincoln have. Your inaugural address does you great honor Hartford, In Leacock township, Amos Weaver, aged 25 years, 8 of said estates, that the Conrt have , beaaiy-improviug,happiness-yielding,and STONE IN THE BLADDER, CAWJUIUS, GRAYEL, has famished occasion to the Wanthe 25th day of AUGUST, 1862, for the confirmation and health-givingired the country with confiin this respect, and insp months and 20 days. addressed them as follows from a written paper exceptions be filed or order-producingexercises of school life. In stmpllcty of BRICK DUST DEPOSIT, AND MUCOUSOE In Harrisburg, on Sunday week, Jnly 27th, Harry, son allowance of said accounts, unless dence in your fairness and respeot for the law. Our tucket Inquirer for some pertinent remarks on hold in ilia hands:] its elements. In variety and adaptation of music, and in should not be allowed. MILKY DISCHARGES AFTER ot Charlesand Mary Hambrlght in the 5th year of his cause shown why said accounts States are in the enjoyment of that right. We do ^ TRE PRESIDENT 'S APPEAL. excellence and number of its songs, original, selected, and PETER MARTIN, Prpth'y. URINATING. -, : age. PEOTHOSOTABy'8 Omca, Lancaster, July 28th, 1862. adapted, it claims by much to exeel all competitors. It Gentlemen : After the adjournment of Congress , not feel called on to defend the institution, or to the impropriety of mixing np rifles with On the 9th nit, in Clark county, Ohio, Daniel Herahey, ought to be cherished. Perf or seminaries, acadeDisease occurringf romone and the same caose will be will be f ound the beat ever issued . 46 29 now near, L shall hare no opportunity of seeing you affirm it is one which religion, and pistols with piety. We give son of Jacob Hershey, Sr., aged 40 years, 2 months, and 29 Joly 29 mies and public schools. A. few sample pages of the ele- entirely cured by the Const itution Water,if fr^n for any : for several months. Believing that yoa of the haps, if we were to make the attempt, we might find days. 1 timo* h9 daBe **">*!& T«y with the srority tunes and songs, are given in a circular; send and Border States, hold more power for good than any that we differ even among ourselves. It is enough below some extracts from the article of the In this city, on the 27th ult, AureliusChrist, son of the fTIOWN P R O P E R T Y AT PRIVATE ments, J twenty drops to a teupoo&ftil three of the £ disease, * on a. It is compiled by Horace Waters, author of ^S? from e sale, a get late Augustus and AureliaChrist,in the fifth year of his X SALE.—The subscriber will sell, at privat other equal number of members, I feel it a duty for our purpose to know that it is a right ; and , so Inquirer : ' a day, in water. During the passage of £e Calculus , ONE-STORY U)G WJ3ATHBR-BOARDED DWELLING "Sabbath School Ball," Nos. 1and 2, which have had the times which 1cannot justifiably waive to make this appeal knowing, we did not see why we should now be exsale of 735,000 copies. Prices—paper eoTer, 20 the pain and urgent symptoms should i» combated with The clergy, with some exceptions, have de- Died, very suddenly, at the same place, and on the same HOUSE and Kitchen attached, with 32 feet six t—A enormous pected to y ield it. We had contributed our full share to you. cents, per 100; bound, 30 cents, $22 per 100; cloth $15 0W6<l P UP 1 00Mat Inches front and 215 feet deep running to a 14 * » day, Olivia Kryder °^5?*^ bound, embossed gilt, 40 cents, $30 per 100. 25 copies fur- aS. Watrra -»e^cSS. , wife of Charles Kryder, and aunt of "* Emancipa te f o r Money Now, or Wait and Lost M l . to relieve the country at this terrible crisis ; we had scended from their high and apostolio mission Anrelins Christ, who had just breathed hii last In her arms. feet alley. Said property is situated and fronts Bsgsl I intend no reproach or complaint when I assure done as much as had been required of others, in like to the arena of party politics. They have for- Immediately after his deceaseshe was takon ill and died on the east side of North Queen street, between JbJLX nished at the 100 price. Mailed at the retail price. HORACE WATERS, Publisher, 811 you that, in my opinion , if you all Jiad voted for the circuuiEtanoes ; and we did not see why sacrifices gotten the mandate of turning " the other in fifteen minntes, In the 49th year of her age. , Lemon and James streets, and Is a desirable location for a . ' 481 Broadway,New Yoik. In this city, on the 24 inat, Henry S.Zink, In the 32d residence. Tie property is clear of all Incumbrances, and .' resolution in tne U-radual Emancipation Message of should be expected of us from which others, no more cheek also and been willing to accept the PEOyUBK PLOWING. " will be sold on reasonable terms, and possession thereof year of his age. last March, the war would now be substantially loyal, were exempt. Nor could we see what good S A B B A T H S C H O O L B E L L iVo. 2. given on the 1st of April next. Enquire of ended. And the plan therein proposed is yet one the nation would derive from it. Such a sacrifice weapons of slaughter. They have taken the Both diseasesarising from a faulty secretion of the men85,000 COPIES ISSUED. WM. LOWBY, of the most potent and swift means of ending it.— submitted to by us would not have strengthened the warring spirit of David and Saul and Joshua THB MARKETS. It is an entire new work of nearly 200 pages. Many of strual flald—Ln the ono c*hqbeing too little, and accomSecond door above thd premises, or panied by severe pain; and the other a too profuse secre.Let the States which are in rebellion see definitel y arm of this government, or weakened that of the for their guide, rather than the meek and the tunes and hymns were written expressly ior this volJOHN WILRELMy ume. It will soon be as popular as its 'predecessor, (Bell tion, which will be speedily cured by the Constitution and certainly that in no event will the States you enemy. It was not necessary as a pledge of our patient and forbearing example of John and Lancaster Wholesale Grain Market. uly 15 3t 27 E. Chesnut street. Water. No. 1) which has tun np to the enormous number of 650 ,represent join their proposed Confederacy, and tney loyalty, for that had been manifested beyond a Corrected weekly by J. B. Brcrx& & Bro., Forwarding and Tbat disease known as FALLINGOF THB WOMB, which 000 copies—outstripping any Sunday school book of Its cannot much longer maintain the contest. But you reasonable doubt , in every form , and at every place James and Christ. In the political strifes in Commission Merchants, No. 91 North Queen street. A VAL UABLE FARM AT PRIVATE Bize ever if sued in thiscountry. Also, both volumes are is the result of a relaxation of the ligaments of that organ, cannot divtst them of their hope to ultimately have possible. There was not the remotest probability Judea bow wonld the great Master have reLahcastis.August 4. J\ _ SALE.—The subscriber offers at private sale, on bound in one to accommodate schools wlahing^ttiem in and Is known by a sense of heaviness and dragging pains you with them so long as you show a determination that the States we represent would join in the rebel- buked those who presented him with tho Flour, Superfine, $ bbl $5.12 reasonable terms, a valuable Farm Bitnata on the Con- that form. Prices of Ball No. 2, paper covers, 15cents, $12 in the back and sides, and at timesaccompanied,by sharp " Extra " 6 37 nodogulnet creek, near " Welae's Bridge," In North Middle- per 100; bound, 25 cents, $18 per 100; cloth-bound, em- laclnatlng or shooting pains through the parts, will,in all to perpetuate the institution within your own States. lion , nor is thore now; or of their electing to go with weapons of worldly warfare. How would he White Wheat, $i bushel.... 1.25 ton township, Cumberland connty, Pa. about 2% miles bossed giit,30 cents, $23per 100. Bell No. 1, paper covers, cases, be remored by the medicine. Beat t&em. at elections, as you have overwhelmingly the Southern section in the event of a recognition of Bad " " a. 1.20 north of Carlisle, containing 156 ACRES, more or jL j 13 cents, $10 per 100; bound, 20 cents, $18 per 100; cloth There is another class of symptoms arising from IRRIdone, and, nothing daunted, they still claim you as the independence of any part of the disaffected have wept to have found those whom ho had Corn, „ old " ^ 50 less, of first-rate Slate Land, having thereon *™™t bound, embossed gilt, 25 cents, $20 per hundred. Bells TATION OF THE'WOMB, which physicians call NerTOnstheir own. % You aad I know what the lever of their region. Our States are fixed unalterably in their baptized in the waters of eternal life, and •* '* new erected a TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE, a weather ¦ S| ness, Iff Koa. 1 and 2 bound together, which word covers np much ignorance, and in nine 40 cents, $30 per 100 , cloth resolution to adhere to and support the Union ; they g power is. Break that lever .before their faces, and made ministers in his great and glorious Oats " 35 boarded Log House, Bank Barn, Wagon Sbed, ' "' embossed gilt, 50 cents, $40 per 100. 25 copies fur- caseB oat of ten the doctor does not really know whether see no safety for themselves and no hope for consti- wo r k , leaving t he hi gher things of their mission Rye ].... 62 Corn Oribfl , Acw, with never-failing water at the door. bound, they can shake you no more for ever. " the symptoms are the disease,or the disease the symptoms. nished at the 100 price. Mailed at the retail price. CloTerseed " " About 140 acres is cleared and under good fences, and the Most of you have treated me with kindness and tutional liberty but by its preservation. They will We can only enumerate them here. I Bpeak more parHORACE WATERS, Publisher, 30 balance in good timber. This farm has recent)? boon well consideration, and I trust you will not now tnink 1 under no circumstances consent to its dissolution ., to dabble in the politics of Cssar and his Whiskey, in hhds ticularly of Cold Feet, Palpitation of the Heart, Impaired ' 481 Broadway, New York. " in bbla.. SO^ limed, aDd is in & good state of cultivation. For farther improperly touch what is exclusively your own , and we do them no more than justice when we assure subordinates. How would he have turned Memory, Wakefnlness, Flashesof Heat, Languor, Lassiparticulars call on or address tude, and Dimness of Vision. when, for the sake of the whole country, X ask, you that while the war is conducted to prevent that aside from the noisy " evening " conclave and NEW INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. * Philadelphia Market. jnly 15m 25J JACOB HARTMAN. President Lincoln's Grand March, with the best Vignette " Can you, for your States, d o b a tte r than t o take terrible catastrophe, they will sustain it as long as wandered sad and sorrowful through the silent ' SUPPREBSED MENSTRUATION , Philadelphia, Angust 1. of his Excellency that has yet been published; music by the course/1urge?" Discaxding pic?ictiliv and max- they can muster a man or command a dollar. Nor streets of Bethany, rather than appear in the There ia not much shipping demand for Flour, and only CUMBERLAND COUNTY FARM FOR Helmsmuller, leader of the 22d Regiment Band, price 50 ims adapted to more manageabl e times, and looking will they ever consent, in any event, to unite with 2,000 obis. Bald at $5 for superfine; $5.37%@5 50 for extra A SALE.—A good farm of 121 ACRES, mostly cleared cents. Our Generals' Quick-Step, with viguetto of 35 of our Which in the unmarried female ia a constant recurring only to the unprecedented!y stern facts of our case, the Southern Confederacy. Tne bitter fruits of the midst of men who were clamoring for the blood and £6 for extra family. Receipts light. Small sales of and limed, and In aa excellent state of cultivation will be generals; music by Grafulla, leader of ttie 7th Regiment disease, and through neglect the seeds of more grave ana oan you do better in any possible event? Yon prefer peculiar doctrines of that region will forever prevent of their brothers. Some of these ministers of Rye Flour at $3.25 and Cornmeal at $3 f i bbl. There Is an sold at private sale by calling on the subscriber , ,residing Band, £0 cents. The Seven Sons' Gallop, and Laura Keene dangerous maladies are the result ; and as month after that the constitutional relation of tho States to the them from placing their security and happiness in the Gospel point to the sin of slavery as their active demand for Wheat and prices are well maintained ; In Newville, Cumberland county, Pa, The Improvements Waltz, 35 cents each. Comot Schottische, 25 cents; all by month passes without an effort being made to assist nation, shall be practically restored without distuib- the cu st od y of an association which has incorporated excuae. Slavery existed eighteen hundred sales of 4,000 bus. r*ed at $1.30@l.S3, and white at $1.42® are a good LOG HOUSE, weatherboarded, with * *_a Baker. Music Box Gallop, by Herring, 35 cents. Union nature, the suppression becomes chronlc.the patient gradu1.45. Bye has advanced to 80 cents. Cora ls in good de- Wash-House attached, a good Log Barn, new *?5*^ Waltz , La Gmssa, 25 cents. Volunteer Polka, Gold beck, ally loses her appetite, the bowels are constipated, night ance of the institution ; and , if this were done, uiy in its organic law the seeds of its own destruction. We cannot admit, Mr. President, that if we had years ago. The edicts of Herod and Tiberius mand and 3,000 bus. yellow sold at 64 cents. Oats steady Carriage-House , Hog Pen, Pail Fencing, Ac. The j |oe| 25 cents. Spirit Polka; General Scott's Farewell. Grand sweats come on, and consumption finally ends her career. whole duty, in this respect, under the Constitution at 44 rents for Pennsylvania, and 43 cento for Delaware. 1b well watered and contains two Orchards, f , f | March, 25 cents each ; Airy Castles, 30 cents, all by A. E. and my oath of ofiice, would be performed. But it voted for the resolution in the emancipation, message had opposers .then , but how strange would have Coffee ia very firm ; sales of Rio at 22@22% cents. Pro- farm LEUCORRHffiA OR WHITES. is a moat desirable property in all respects. Parkhuret. Freedom , Truth and Bight Grand March, is not done, and we are trying to accomplish it by of March last the war would now be substantially been .the Bight to see a " beloved disci p le " visions are held firmly: Sales of Mobs Pork at $ll@11.50 ; and apr 1tf 121 MRS. ANNA BANDERSON. with splendid vignette; music by Carl Heinemau , 60 cts. war. Xhe incidents of the war cannot be avoided. ended. We are unable to see how our action in this flourishing, a stri ng of resolutions in a noisy Hams at 7@9J4 cents; Sides at 6@6 cents; aDd Shoulders This diseaso depends upon an Inflammation of nmeoos All of which ore fine productions. particular has g i v en or could , encouragement give at Lard Is firm at 4@4J£cents. bblu. If the war continues long, as it must if the object 9J4@9% lining of tho vagina and womb. It is in all oases accomts ia cents at 30for VALUABLE FARM AT PULIC SALE.cents. panied by severe Bftin in the back, across the bowels an 4 be not sooner Attained , the institution in your States to the rebellion. The resolution has passed, and if assemblage of Jews and Gentiles, or Peter and 9^@9% cen fof kegs. Whisky dull NEW VOCAL MUSIC. Tne undersigned, executors of the last will and testaI will be true to thee ; A penny for your ttbughts ; Lit- through the hips. A.teaspoonfnl of the medicine may be will be extinguished by mere friction and abrasion there be virtue in it, it will be quite as efficacious as upon a public platform presenting a javelin ment of Samuel Diehl, late of Guilford twp., Franklin New York Market. three times a day, with an Injection of a tablespoon* —by the mere incidents of the war. It will be gone, if we had voted for it. We had no power to bind to James or John or Barnabas or Matthew, county, deceased, will offer at public sale, on TUESDAY, tle Jenny Dow; Better times are coming; I dream of my taken New Tore, Augnst 1. the 26th day of AUGUST next, on the premises, the follow- mother and my home ; Merry little birds are we, (a song ful of tbe-medjclne, mixed with a half-pint of soft water, and yoa will have nothing valuable in lieu of it.— our States in this respeot by our votes here ; and and they promising to " put it through " any Flour dull; sales of 11,500 bbls. at $4.85@5 for State, ing described tract of land, lying and being situate in said for children ;) Slumber, my darling, Lizzie dies to-night, morning and evening. Much of its value is gone, already . How mnch bet- whether we had voted the one way or the other , they rebels to royal authority. $5.45@6.55 for Ohio, and $5.30@5.80 for Southern. Wheat township of Gnilford , about 6 miles south of Chambers - Jenny's coming o'er the green ; Waa my Brother in the ter for you and for your peop le t o t ake the step are in the same condition of freedom to accept or re; sales of 60,000 bus. at $1.12J^@1.18 for Chicago burg, on the Greeucastle road, containing 216 ACRES OF Battle, and Why have my loved ones gone, by Stephen O. IRRITATION OP THE NECK OP THE BLADDER, Ministers of the Gospel at this day and time firm which at once shortens the war, and secures substan- ject its provisions. No, sir ; the war has not been INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS, AND Foster. Shall we know each other there ? by the Rev. R. Spring. $1.17@1.22 for Milwaukto Clubland $1.28@133 for LAND, 60 of which is in good r llfl CATARRH OF THE BLADDER, STEANtial compensation f or that which is sure to be wholly prolonged or hindered by our action on this or any have broken down the barriers between the red Western. Corn dull ; 50,000 bus. sold at 66 cts. Beef LIMESTONE Lowry, Pleasant words for all, by J. Roberts. Tbero-is a timber with a BKICK DWELLING HOUSE, Log beautiful world , by I M. Holmes. Price 25 cents each. GURY AND BURNING, OR PAINlost in any other event 1 How much better to thus other measure. We must look for other causes for spiritual and the secular. The pulpit is bow- quiet. Pork firm at $11.25 for ihbes. Lard firm at 8J^@ and Frame Barn, a Stone Spring House, a Brick f£» | a a | | Freedom, Truth and Right, a national Bong and grand FUL UaiNATING. save the money which else we sink forever in the that lamentEd fact. We think there is not much ing down to the private and orude notions of 9}4 cents. Whisky steady at 30^@31c. Smoke House and other outbuildings. An excel- . L U cborus ; music by Carl Helnemann, with English and Gerdifficult y, in pointing out not much uncertainty, lent spring of running water and pipea laid which carry man words, war! How much better to do it while we cau , le st For these diseases it is truly a sovereign remedy, and 30 centa. .Wbfre liberty dwells is my country, Baltimore Market. the water Into the barn-yard the whole year. Also an the war ere long render us pecuniarily unable to do others far more probable and potent in their agencies parishioners, and he whose Baored duty it is Plumley. Forget if yon-can, but forgive; I hear sweet too much cannot bo said in its praise. A single dose has Orchard of tolerably good fruit. to " preach the word " and presenfc _the pre Balttmoee, August I. it! How much better lor you , as seller , and the to that find. known to relieve the mosturgent symptoms. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock, P. M., on said day, when voicea singing, and Home" Is home, by J. R. Thomas, SO been Flour Bteady and in good demand. Wheat firm ; new The rebellion derives its strength from the union cious promises to .the people must Irim his nation as buyer , to sell out and buy ont that without Are you troubled with that distressing pain In the small centa each. These songs are very popular. Mailed froo at the conditions of sale will be made known by white $1.65@1.65, and red at $L35@1.40. Corn—white adof the back and through the hips? A teaspobnfol a day of retail price. which the war could never have been, t ha n to sink of a ll olaas es in the in surg en t States ; an d w hile that sails to the popular gale, and seldom permit vanced 2 cents and selling at 55@57, and yellow unchanged SAMUBL DIEHL, Foreign Sheet Mnsic at 2 cents per page. All kinds of Constitution Water will relieve you like magic. both the thing to be sold and tho price of it, in union lasts the war will never end until they are them to be filled with the celestial breezes and and Bcarce. WhiBky dull at 323^. Coffee quiet 'at 21@23. CHRISTIAN DIEITC, Mnsic merchandise at war prices. utterly exhausted . We know that at the incept ion 5 Provisions heavy. cutting one another 's throats ! Executors. July 22 6t 28] FOR DYSPEPSIA, nOKACE WATERS, Publisher, swell with the balmy airs of Paradise. Instead of these tronbles Southern society was divided and , -S uggests Colonization in iSoutlt America . 481 Broadway, New York. I "do not speak of emanci pation at on ce, but of a tbat a largo po"rtio n, perhaps a majority , were op- of preaching against all sins, they are prone MONEY WANTED.-The Commission- T)OSITIVE SALE OF REAL ESTATE. it has no equal in relieving the most distressing symptoms. poBod to secession. Now the great mass of Southern decision at once to emancipate gradually, iioom in ers of Lancaster county will receive loana for tho X On SATURDAY, the 20th day of SEPTEMBER , 1832, to select one particular sin against which Also, Headache, Heartburn, Acid Stomach, Vomiting Food, . NEW MUSIC FOR THE MILLION, South America for colonization can be obtained peop le are united. To discover why they are so, we mere declamation is popular, and exhaust use of said connty from individuals, at thewrate of five per will be sold at public sale, on the premises of No. 1, in IS CHEAP FOKM, ARRANGED AS QUABTETTES AND CHORUSES FOR &c. Take a teaspoonfnl after dinner. The dose in all cent, interest per annum. Colerain township, Lancaster county, the following decases may be increased if desired, but should be done cheaply and in ab undance , and when n u mb ers shall m ust glance at Southern society, and noti ce the MUSICAL SOCIETIES, CHOIRS, BUNDAT SCHOOLS, By order of the Commissioners, scribed property , to wit: gradually. PUBLIC SCHOOLS, SEMINABLKS. ETC. be large enough to be company and encouragement classes inlo which it has been divided , and w hich upon that all their logio, and polish all their ang 5 3t 80] P. Q. EBERMAN, Clark. No. 1. A desirable small farm Id said township, now iu PHYSICIANS Shall we know each other there ; Shall we meat beyond for one another, the freed peop le will not be so reluc- still distinguish it. They are in arms, but not for eloquence , and sharpen all their invective until - - - wmmw^^^ssss^ssmmmym: f ^ ^mwmf ^o- ^Ka ^vm*i *mitr* *r > -Is^Hs ^sMHaf l ' C o s b.t i" w-if t kiymsM X if if c . __ —— MB. LINCOLN'S EMANCIPATION SCHEME. rs ssj ! usi&k ™- ..... tant to go. Deprecates the Abolition " Pressure "— Tki7iXs thr Border States can Relieve Him. I am pressed with a difficulty not yet mentioned —one which threatens division among those who, united, are none too strong. An instance of it is known to you. Gen. Hunter is an honest man . He was, and X hope still is, my friend. X valued him none the less for his agreeing with me in tho general wish that all men everywhere could be freed. He proclaimed all men free within certain States, and I repudiated the proclamation. He expected more good and less harm from the measure than I could believe would follow. Yet , in repudiating it, X gave dissatisfaction, if not offence, to many whose support the country cannot afford to lose. And this is not the end of it. The pressure in this direction is Btill upon me and is increasing. By conceding what I now ask you can relieve me, and , m uch mor e , can relieve the oountry in this important point. A Final Appeal. Upon these considerations I have again begged your attention to the message of March last. Before leaving the Capitol, consider and discuss it among yourselves. You are patriots and statesmen, and as suoh I pray you consider this proposition ; and at least commend it to the consideration of your States and people. As you would perpetuate popular government for the best people in the world , I beseech you that you do in no wise omit this. Our common country is in great peril, demanding the loftiest views and boldest action to bring a speedy relief.— Once relieved, its form of government is saved to the world ; its beloved history and cherished memories are vindicated, an d its happy future full y assured and rendered inconceivably grand. To you , more than to any others, the-privilege is given to assure that happiness and swell that grandeur, and to link your names therewith forever. KEPLY OP THE HAJOBITY . The following paper was on the 17th inst., sent to the President, signed by the majority of the representative^from, the border slaveholding States.— [Messrs. Noel, Casey, "Fisher , Clement, Brown , B lair and Willey signed a minority report , agr e eing to the President's report, and Mr. Maynard of Tenn., signed a separate report to the same effect ;J Washington, Jul y 14, Ib62. TO THE PRESIDENT ; the sumo objects ; they are moved to a common end , but by different and even inconsistent reasons: The loaders , which comprehends what was previousl y known as the State ri ghts party, and is mu ch the lesser class, seek to break down national independence and set up State domination. With them it is a war against nationality. The other class is fi ghting, as it supposes, to main t ain and p r eserve it s right s of property and domestic safety, w hic h it has been made to believe are assailed by this government. This latter class are not disuuionists per se ; they are so only because they have been made to beli eve th at t h i s administ ration is inimioa l to th eir ri ghts , and is making war on their domestic institutions. As long as these two classes act together they will never assent to a peace. The policy, then , to be pursued is obvious. The former class will never be reconciled , but the latter may be. Remove their apprehensions ; satisfy them that no harm is intended to them and their institutions ; that this governm en t is not making war on t he ir ri gh ts of property, but is simp ly defending its legitimate authority, and they w ill g ladl y r etu r n t o th eir alleg iance as soon as the pressure of military dominion imposed by the Confederate authority is removed from them. Twelve months ago both Houses of Congress, adopting tho spirit of your message, then but recently sent in , deolared with singular unanimity the objects of the war, and the country in stantl y bounded to your side to assist you in carrying it on. If the spirit of that resolution had been adhered to we are confident that we should before now have seen the end of this deplorable conflict. But what have we seen ? In both Houses of Congress we have heard doctrines subversive of the princioleB of the Const itutio n, and seen measure after measure founded in substance on these dootrines, proposed and oarried through which can havo no other effeot than to distraot and divide loyal men , and exasperate an d driv e still fu r ther fr om u s and thei r duty t he peop le of the rebellious States. Military officers , following these bad examples, have stepped beyond the just limits of their authority in the same direction until in several instances you have felt the necessity of interfering to arrest them. And even the passage of the resolution to which you refer has b een ost e nta t iously proclaimed as the triump h of a principle which the people of the Southern States regard as ruinous to them. The effect of the measur es was fore t old , and may now be seen in the indurated state of Southern teoling. To these causes, Mr. President, and not to our omission to vote for the resolution recommended by you , we soleml y believe we are to attribute the terrible earnestness of those in arms against the Government, and the continuance of the war. Nor do we (per mit us to say, Mr. President , w ith all res p ect for you) agree that the institution of slavery is " the lever of their power ;'' but we are of the opinion that 11 the lever of their power " is the apprehension that the powers of a comm on government, c reat ed for common and equal prote ct ion to t h e intere sts of all , will be wielded against the institution s of tho Southern States. There is one other idea in your address we feel called on to notice. After stating the fact of your repudiation of General Hunter 's pr oclamation , you Th? undersigned, representatives of Kentucky, Virginia, Missouri, and Maryland, in t he t wo Houses of Congress, have listened to your address with the profound sensibility naturally insp ir ed by the high source from which it emanates , the earnestnesswhich marked its delivery, and the overwhelming importance of the subject of which it treats.— "We have given it a most respectful consideration , and now lay before you our response. We regret that want of time has not permitted us to make it more perfect. We have not been wanting, Mr. President, in respect to you, and a devotion to the Constitution and the Union. We have not been indifferent to the great difficulties surrounding you , compared with which all former national troubles have been but as the summer cloud ; and we have freely given you our sympathy and support. Repudiating the dangerous heresies of the secessionists, we believed , with add : Yet, in ropudiating it, I gave dissatisfaction , if not you, that the war on their part is aggressive and wicked, and the objects for which it was to be prose- offen ce, to many whose support the country can ' not cuted on ours, defined by your message at tho open- afford to lose. And this is not the end of it. The ing of the present Congress, t o be su ch as all good pressure in this direction is still upon mo and inmen should approve, we have not hesitated to vote crea sing. By conceding w hat I now ask you can reall supplies necessarytocarry it on vigorousl y. We liev o me, and, mnch more, can relieve the country have voted all the men and money you have asked in thiB important point. We have anxiously looked into this passage to for, and even more; we have imposed onerous taxes on our peopl e, and they are paying them with cheer- discover its true import , but we are ye t in painful uncertainty. How can we, by conceding what you fulness and alacrity ; we have encouraged enlistments and sent to the field many of our best men ; now ask , relieve you and the country from the increasing pressure to which y on refe r ? We w ill not and some of our number have offered their persons to the enemy as pledges of their sincerity and devo- allow ourselves to think that the proposition is, that tion to country . We have done all this under the we consent to give up slavery, to the end that the most disconrsging circumstances, and in the face of H unter proc lam ation m ay be let loose on th e Sou th ern measures most distasteful to us and injurious to the people ; for it is too well known that we would not interests we represent, and in the hearing of doo- be parties to any such measure , and wo have too trines, avowed by those who claim to be your frieud3, much respect for you to imagine you would propo se most abhorrent to us and our constituents. But , tor it. Can it moan that , by sacrificing our^interest in all this, we have never faltered, nor shall we as long slavery, we appease the spirit that controls the presas we have a Constitution to defend and a Govern- sure, cause it to be withdrawn, and rid the country ment which protects us. And we are ready for re- of the pestilent agitation of the slavery question ? newed efforts , and even greater sacrifices , yea , any We are forbidden so to think , for that spirit would sacrifice, when we are satisfied it is required to pre- not be satisfied 1 with the liberation of seven hundred serve our admirable form of government and the thousand slaves, and cease its agitation, while t hree millions remain in bondage. Can it mean that, by priceless blessings of constitutional liberty. abandoning slavery in our States, we are removing A few of our number voted for the resolutions the pressure from yon and the country, by preparing recommended by your message of the 6th of March last, the great er p orti on of us did n ot , and wo will for a separation on the line of the Cotton States '! We forbidden so to think , because it is known briefly state the prominent reasons which influenced thatare we are , and we bolieve that you are, unalterably our action. opposed to any division at all. We would prefer to In the first place, it proposed a radical change of think that you desire this concession as a pledge of our social sy.stem, and was hurried through both ou r support , and thus enable you to withstand a houses with undue haste, without reasonable time pressure which weighs heavily on you and the for consideration and debate, a nd with no time at country. Mr. President , no such saortfioe is necesall for consultation w ith our constituents , whose in- sary to secure our support. Confine yourself to your terests it deeply involved. It seemed like an inter- coDstitntiona! authority ; confine your subordinates ference by this government with a question which within the same limits; conduot this war solely for peculiarly and exclusively belonged to our respective the purpose of restoring the Constitution to its legiStateB, on which they had not soug ht advice or solic- timate authority, concede to each State and its loyal ited aid. Many of us doubted the constitutional citizens, their just ri ghts :—and wo wedded to power of this government to make appropriations of y ou by mdissoluhlo ties. Do this, Mr. are President, and money for the object desi gnated , and all of us you touch the American heart and invigorate with thought our finances wore in no condition to bear new hope. You will , as we sincerel y believe, it due the immense outlay whioh its; adoption and faithful time restore peaoe to your oountry ; lift itinfrom execution would impose upon the national treasury. despondency to a future of glory; and preserve to If we pause but a moment to think of the debt its your countrymen, their posterity, and man the inacceptance would have entailed , we are appalled by estimable treasure of constitutional government. its magnitude. The proposition was addressed to all Mr. President, we have stated with frankness and the States, and embraced the whole number of candor the reasons on which we forbore to vote for slaves. According to the census of 1860 there were the resolution we have mentioned ; but you have then very nearly four million slaves in the country : again presented this proposition , and appealed to us from natural increase they exceed that number now. with an earnestness and eloquenoe which not At even the low average of three hundred dollars ', failed to impress us , to " consider it, and athave the least the price fixed by the emancipation act for the to commend it to thecomaderation of our States and slaves in this District , and greatly below their real people." Thus appealed to by the Chief Magistrate worth, their value runs up to the enormous sum of of our beloved in the hour of its greatest twelve hundred millions of dollars, and if to that per il , we cannotcountry, wholly deoline. . We are willing to we add the cost of deportation and colonization at trust every question relating their interest and one hundred dollars each, which is but; a fraction happiness to the considerationtoand ultimate judgmore than is actually paid by the Maryland Colon- ment of our own people. While differing from you ization Society, we have four hundred millions more. as to the necessity of emancipating the slaves our We were not willing to impose a tax on onr people States as a means of putting down the rebellionof and , sufficient to pay the interest on that sum, in addition while protesting against the propriety of any extra to the vast and daily increasing debt already fixed territorial interference to induce the of our upon them by the exigencies of the war, and , if we btates to adopt any particular line ofpeople policy on a had been willing, ' the country could not bear it.— subject which peculiarly and exclusively belongs to Stated in this form the proposition is nothing less them ; yet when you and our brethren of the loyal than the deportation from the country of sixteen States sincerel y believe that the retention of slavery hundred million dollars* worth of producing labor, by us is an obstacle to peace and the substitution in Us place of an interest- and are willing to contribute and national harmony, peouniary aid to combearing debt of the same amount. pensate our States and people for the inoonvenienoes Sat if we are told tbat it was expected that only produced by mich a change of system, we are the States we representwould accept the proposition , not unwilling that our people shall consider the prowa respectfullysubmit that even then it involves a priety of putting it aside. ¦um too great for the financial ability of this govBut we lave already said that we regarded this ernment at this.time. According to the census resolution as the utteranoe of a sentiment, and we ¦ ' . of, 185v:— . had so confidence that it would, assumethe shape of the hearers mix politics and polemics, revolu- rpBACHERS "WANTED TO SUPPLY JL vacancies in the Common Schools of the t'itv of Lidtions and reli g ions , Judas and Jeeus all in caater, viz : One for a Primary School , salary $200. one eonfused babble , and are ready to present Three for a Combined Primary School—salaries of the affo rds and pistoJs to pastor as well as peop le , Principal, $200 ; of the First .Assistant, $135 ; arid of the Assistant. $175. and so commit a thousand Bins in attempting Second One for the African School—salary $200. * to exorcise one. Applicants vill'forward their names and certificates * imto Wm. B. Wiley, Esq., Secretary. The election That minister who stands fast by the oracles mediately will be on THURSDAY, the 7th of AUGUST. of God , who presents with all his heart those By order of the Board of Directors. ang 5 td 30] A. L. HAYES. precepts of tho Gospel most needed by the community, who opposes error and vice and A S S I G N E D ESTATE OF JOHN 1). ain as if his tongue were fired by a coal from J\. K.LINGLER.—The undorai goed Auditor , appointed the Court of Common Pleas of Lancaster county, to off the Altar , who declares the whole counsel by distribute the balance remaining ia the hands of the of Gnd , who leaves " unto Caj sar the things assignee of John D. KHng ler, to and among those legally to the same, will sit for that purpose on MONDAY , that are Caesar's," who stands as a light and entitled SEPTEMBER 9th,at 10 o'clock, in the Library lloom a guide to wanderers from the way of peace, of the Court House, in the CityA. M., of Lancaster, where all may think himself fortunate if some sill y dea- personb interested in said distribution may attend. aug 5 4C SOJ H. B. SWABR , Auditor. con does not call together the weak and tender lambs of his church or society to demand of mURNPIKE D I V I D E N D .-The President their pastor " to define his position." Even _1 and Managers of the LANCASTER AND iSPHKATA have this day de clared a Dividend of Seventynow the mob dictates the prayers of the church . TURNPIKE Five Cents on each share of Stock, payable to the StockWe can almost say as goes the mob so goes the holders, on and after the 10th July inat, at the Banking House of Reed, Henderson £ Co. minister. HENRY SHREINElt , It is hi gh time that ministers of the Gospel July 7, 1862. Treasurer. kept oiFof platforms. It is high time that the jniy 22 3t 28 day of p i stol giving and pistol receiving among LA W S C H O O L O F H A R V A R D COLLEGE. . olergymen pastors , if there are any, turned 1862-3. their swords into plough shares, and their Two Terms, of nineteen wee&s each , commencing Sepepears into pruning h ooks , and devoted their tember 1st, 1862, and March 2d, 1863. best energies to beautifying the waste places of For Catalogue and Circular address JOEL PARKER , Itoyall Professor. their earthl y Zion , and to cultivating more Cambridge, July 18, 1862. j uly 29 3t 29 carefull y those tender flowers that may be n O A L J. O C. i l* ! C O A L O I L ! ! ciiide to bloom eventually on the borders of the V^ MILLIGAN & CO., 911 Mabket Street , Philadelphia , Better Land. Wholesale Dealers in strictly first quality COAL OILS, are prepared to supply to the trade extra refined non-ezplopive Coal Oils, possessed of unequalled burning and illuminating properties, at the very lowest market rates. Also, pure " MECCA" OIL, suitable for all kind* of machinery. 1 jnly 29 3m 29 A BS1GAED K6TATE OF JOHN HERB, _f\^ late merchant of the City of Lancaster.—The Auditor appointed to pass upon exceptions and to distribute the balance in the hands of the assignee of said estate, will meet all par ties interested on BATURDAY, the 9th day of AUGUST, at 2 o'clock, P. M., In the Library Boom, in the Court House, in the City of Lancaster. GEO.M. KLINE, Auditor. [Examiner copy.] 4t 27 July 15 Horrible Tragedy — A Woman Murders Her Seven Children and Hien Cuts Her Own Throat. —Tha Quebec (C. E.) Chronicle, of the 22nd ult , gives the following account of a terrible traged y in that city : We learned last ni ght , from a gentleman from Arthabaskaville, that a shocking traged y had oocurred in the townshi p of Stanford , about three miles from the station , some time yesterday morning. A woman named E S T A T E OF CATHARINE FRY, decM.—Letters of administration on the estate of M'dme Bourret , who has manifested sympFry, late of East Cocalico township, deceased , toms of insanity years ago, and before her Catharine having been issued to the subscriber residing in said twp.: marriage, and whose husband is now in the All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and thoge having claims will present United States, murdered her seven children, them without delay properly authenticated for settlement. and then cut her own throat. It appears I3AA0~FRY, Administrator. that on Sunday ni ght there was a veillee at June 24 Ot 24] her house , and the thing must have occurred a SSIGNKK'S NOTICE.-ABslgned Estate _l\ of Donegal of Martin Nunemacher and wife, between the departure of the guests and township, Lancaster county. Having by deedWent of voluntary morning, for j ut on early hour yesterday assignment, dated June, 1862, assigned and transferred all morning, M'dme Bourret*s daughter, who had their effects to the undersigned, for the benefit of the of said Martin Nunemacher and wife, he 1herobee n at the veillee , but resided at St. Ferbert, creditors fore gives notice to all persons indebted to said assignor to ca ll e d at he r mother 's to aeo her. make payment to the undersigned without delay, and those to Finding the door closed, she looked in having claims to present themOLDWEIUEB , Assignee, through the window , and was th en shocked to jane 24 6fc 24] PHILIP Residing in West Donegal tgp. 6ee ei ght corpses—those of her mother, her 1 T A T E OB SUSAN HOFFMAN— brothers and sisters, The eldest of the mur- E SLettere Testamentary on the estate of Susan Hoffman, deceased, having been granted to dered children , a girl fourteen years of age, late of Conoy township, the subscriber, late of Conoy twp., now residing in the eeems to have had a desperate struggle for her District of Colombia: All persons indebted to Bald estate 1 life, for the bodies of mother and daughter are requested to make immediate payment, and those havclaims will present them, without delay, properly wer e l ying close together, and the mother ing authenticated for settlement to had several wounds on her arm , apparently J. HOFFMAN SMITH, Washington City, D. C inflicted by an axe that was also close to the bodies . The dang hter 's throat and arm were june 24 6t 24] or H. R SWARR, his Attorney, Lancaster. cut , evidentl y with a razor , w hich the rigid A UDITOR'S NOTICE.--Estate of Jesse fingers of the mother still ti ghtly grasped J\ _ Yandt, late of West Earl twp , Lancaster county, when the tragedy was discovered by the deceased.—The undersigned Auditors appointed to distribute the balance remaining ia the bands of John Slieaffer, surviving daug hter. All the doors and win- Executor of the Will of Jesse Yundt , dee'd, to and among dows were found barred on the inside, thus of those legally entitled to the same, will sit for that purpose on FRIDAY, 15th, at 2 o'clock, P. M., in the course leading to the conclusion that the Library BoomAUGUST of the Court House, in the City of Lancasdreadful deed had been oommitted by some ter, where all persons interested in eaid distribution may attend. WM. B,WILSON, one inside. Leslie Coombs' View of It.—Leslie Coombs, of Kentucky, is a man whose devotion to the Onion has at no time been questioned. He has labored unremittingly against disunionism and secessionists Under date of May 19, 18G2, he wro te a letter to E- Graves, Esq., of New York city, in which he says : " We have thirty thousand gallant volunteers in the fiel d, read y to die in the cause, and yet the ultra legislation now being pressed by the Abolition traitors in Congress ia doing us infinite mischief, and putting us in politieal and personal jeopardy in onr approaching August election. We feel ourselves in much greater danger from tho hands of secretly organized and armed traitors in oar midst— stimulated by the intemperate Abolitionists in Congress—than we do from their public armies." Paper Currency.—The Boston Traveler opposes the further increase of paper money, nnd illustrates the comparative value of the Back of England notes and U. S. legal tender note s, thus:— " Bank of England notea are bought in New York by brokers at $5,50, w ^ en >n specie paying times their price here was $4,70. In plain terms, a British merohant6 can send Bank of England notes, not gold, into New York , exchange them for onr legal tender notes, and th en buy American flour by this exchange at $4,25, that the people of Now York who consume it here are compelled to pay $5 for." - jnly 16t 25] A. J. STEINMAN, Auditors. ASSIGNED ESTATE OF H E N R Y D1FFBNBAGH and wife, of Strasburg borough, Lancaster'county.—The undersigned Auditors appointed, to distribute the balance remaining in the hand* of Heory Miller, assignee of Bald estate, to and among those legally entitled 16 the same, will Bit for that purpose on THURSDAY. AUGUST 7th, at 2 o'clock* P. 51.. in the Library Room of the Conrt House, Id the City of Lancaster, where all persons interested in said distribution may atteud. A. SLAYMAKER, ANDREW J. STEINMAV , july 14t 25] Auditors. STATE OF JOHN BYERLY , DEC'D , late of Leacock township.—Letters of administration on said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make immediate settlement, and those having claimsor demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement to the undersigned, residing in said township. JOHN BYEBLY, JR.. EMANUBL BYERLY, Administrators. june 17 6t 231 S S I G N E D ESTATE OF M A R T I N A SHIRK.—^The undersigned Auditor, appointed to distribute the balance remaining in the handB of Peter Brnnner, Assignee &c, of said Martin Shirk, to and among those legally entitled to the same, will sit for that purpose in the on MONDAY, AUGUST 11, 1862, at 2 o'clock, P. M^ Library Boom of the Court House, in the City of Lancasdistribution may said ter, where all persons interested In attend. WM. AUQ. ATLEE, Auditor. 5t 26 jnly 8 . TESTATE OF GABBIKIi C. ECKERT, Pj late of Leacock township, Lancaster county, dee'd.— The ondersJgDad Aud itor, appointed to distribute the balanco remainingin the hands of John G. Robinson and George L. Eckert, Executors of the will of Gabriol O. Eckert,Mec\J, to and among those legally entitlod to the same, will sit for that purpose on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13tb, at 2 o'clock, P. 1L, in the Library Room of the Court House, in tho City of Lancaster, where all persons interested in said distribution may attend. H. B. SWARR, Auditor. 4t26 - Jnly 8 ' TASTATB QF JA COB SWARR ,1mATE OF JL2J- East Hampfield twp., Lancaster county, deceased.— The undersigned,appointed Auditor by theOrphanB' Court ~ "~ of aaid county, to decide uponclaims filed and report disSPEOIAI4 5OT1CKS. . tribution among creditors and others Interested, of the balancein the hands of D. Q. Eshlcman, £sq^ administrator pendeateliteand administrator cum tastamento annexo of said decedent, will maet at tne Court House, in the City We will pay from $25 to $75 per month, and all expenus* of Lancaster, oil THURSDAY, AUGUST :14th, 1862, at 2 to active Agenti, er give a commission. Particulars Mn P. M-,whan and wberomU persons Interested may attend free. Address Brie Sewing Machine Company, B.JAMES, If they seeproper. REUBEN IL LONG, , * [ang 27 ly 83 ' 1 . SarafffSSr Ufluim :'¦ ,-. - . General Agent, Milan, Ohio. [july lMtV . 835 1] A a Tfv$^m!?\ „ , »*bi the tenure of Isaac Rodgers, near Phili p Anns' Mill and Clonmol Post Ofiice, containing 67 Acres and 57 Porches, about <i0 acres of wMch is clear farm laud , in s good state of cultivation , divided into convenient fields nadur good fences , with access to water; the balance is Chestnut Sprout Land. Tho improvements ure a K°°d j__!L the river? Be.In time; There is a beautiful world; Don't you hear Lho 'Angela'coming; Where liberty dwells in my country; Freedom, Truth and Right, (national songs.) Is there a land of love ? Sorrow shall come again no more. Price 3 cents, 25 cents per doz., $2 per 100. Poatage 1 cent. In sheet form, with Piano accompaniment, 25 coats. TWO-STORY LOG AND WE ATHER-BOARDED #?^? Published by HORACE WATERS , 481 Broadway, New DWELLING IRJU3E, a large and substantial jjjfl g York, and for sale by N. P. Kemp, Boa too ; Chas. 8. Luther, Stone and Frame Barn , Straw House, Cora Crib, " * ' Philadelphia ; G. Crossby, Cincinnati ; Tomlincon & Bros., Sic, an excellent spring with a stone spring house near Chicago, and J. W. Mclntyre, St. Louis. jnly 29 Gm 29 the dwelling ; aleo an Orchard of bearing fruit trees . No. 2. A STORE STAND AMD BLACKSMITH SHOP , with 37 Acres of Land, situate Eden township, near Jacob Stauffer 's Mill , now occupied by William Knnkel. The land is mostly clear, and in a middling state of cultivation , being recently limed; the balance is Cheatnut Timber. This property Is a desirable business stand , being located at tbe Intersection of public cross roads, in a gocl neighborhood for business. The Improvements are a good commodious DWELLING AND STORE HOUSE, with fixtures all r ea dy for business ; Two Good Tenant Houses, a Barn , Blacksmith Shop, 4c. No. 3. Bein? the undivided h:ilf part of 20 Acres and ISO Porch'9 of Land , in Eden township aforesaid , adjoining lands of C. Brroke, Jr., decM , Isaac B. Myers and others, withou t improvements. No. 4. Containing 5 Acres and 120 Perches of Land, adjoiuiog No. 1, now la tbe teunre of Pamuel Wilmer, with a SMALL STONE DWELLING HOCSK, it good spring of water, an excellent garden Inclosed with a good substantial fence, a largo lot of land cleared , and the balance covered with thriving Chestnut Spront3. P. t. At the *amo time and place will ba sold the cnehalf part of nest year's wheat crop on No. I, fn tho ground. £&•Sale to commBDca at 1o'clock, P. M,, when tnrms ISAAC WALKER. will be made known by ta 2S . July 22 , EXCELSIOR. BURR STONE MILLS, (FOB FARMERS AND MILLERS.) AND ANTI-FRICTION HORSE P0WKK8. Took Ten First Premiums at Western State Fairs last year , and are jnstly considered Buperior to all others. The Mill may be driven by horse, water or steam power, does Ha work as well as the "Sat stone mills in milling establishments, and requires but one-half the power to drive the largeBt i-izoa. They are vary compact, perfectly simple, and for farm use will last Thirty Years, and cost nothing for repairs. PRICES—$100, $140 and $170. ElourBolt for smallest Mill $50 extra. T H E H O R 3 E P O W E R baa proved itself to ba the best ever invented. The friction iB reduced by IRON BALLS, eo arranged lii all the bearings, that the whole weight of the castings rnns npon them. THREE POUNDS DRAUGHT, at the end of a ten feet lever, will keep the power in motion f thus permitting the entire strength of the horses to be used on the machine to be driven. One horse will do aa much work on this power aa two on thoeudless Chain Power. Itis portable aad may bo used in the field as well as In the house. More than Twenty-Five Per Cent, of horsa flesh is saved over any other power in use. It is simple in construction , and not liable to get out of order. Price of power for 1 to 4 horses $125 Price of power for 1to 8 horseB $175 THE $125 POWER- WILL DRIVE ANY THRESHING MACHINE. EVERY MACHINE IS GUARANTEED TO GIVB SATISFACTION, OS THE MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. REFERENCES. np H E R. S A ND S GRAND MULTISERIAL C O M B I N A T I O N C I R C X T 8, —and— Homoliippodeal Amphitheatre. The most perfectly organized and most attractive exhibition ever established on thiB continent, will exhibit la LANCASTER , ON THURSDAY , AUGUST 7th, 18G2. THE G R E A T SH O W OF 1 8 6 2 . Among the many novelties which characterize this establishment will be found the performances of the worldrenowned CARLO FAM ILY , whose wonderful exploits have challenged tho admiration of the world — Among this family are SIG. FELIX CARLO, the great 'Trick Clow n, and GDILLIAMO CARLO, who will appear in his TERRIFIC IMPALEMENT SCENE, and other equally thrilling and heartstirring feats. S1GN0R GUILLIAMO and IAGO FELIX in their great Pyrainidlcal performances. MR. CHARLES SHERWOOD, The great Scenic and Histrionic Equestrian , and renowned representative of PETE JENKINS. Wm. Leaf , R. R. Supt. Philadelphia, Penna. J. P. Poet, Patterson, N. J. K. F. Condit, Chatham, " N. H. Hockstetler, ShaneBville, Ohio. Walnut Creek. Geo. Smith, Orange Judd , Editor Am. AGBicOLTPRiaT, N. Y. City. Philadelphia , Pa. Gbbtb: With two horses on your Anti-Friction Power , wo drive your No. 1Mill, grinding 35 bushels of corn per houty and cut a large quantity ot hay &t the same time. I have never sean a power, that runs with eo little friction , and consequently with so little strain upon tho horses. W. P. COOPER. Sapt. 13th and 15th St. Pass. R. R. Co. CL05TER, N. J., Jan. 29, 1862. Messrs. Benne't Brothers, Gents : I am very much pleased with the Power. It runB easier than any other Power iu this vicinity,and with, the same horses will do n earl y, or quite twice aa mnch work. I ran my Thresher at 1,500 revolution* per minute, and a 24 Inch Cross-cut Saw, at 1,200 revolutions. " PETER J. WHITE. Yours truly, S&-OS* ALL ORDERS RECEIVED BEFORE OCT. 1ST, 1862. THE FBEIGHT WILL BE PREPAID TO PHILADELPHIA. *S?" Liberal discount to dealers. Agents wanted. State, Connty and Shop Rights for sale. For farther information send stamp for Illustrated " BENNET BROTHERS, Circulars to 42 and 44 Greene street, New York. . 3m 29 jnly 29 pOORT PROCLAMATION-Wliereas the \j Hon. HENUY G. LONG, President, Hon. A. L. Hates and Feerei: Brintok, Esq., Associate Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, in and for the county of Lancaster, and Assistant Justices of the Courts of Oyer and Tenniner and General Jail Delivery and Quarter SeBBions of the Peace, In and for said county of Lancaster, have issued their Precept to me directed, reqnlring me,among other things, to mnfee public Proclamation throughout my Bailiwick, that a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery; also, a Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace and Jail Delivery, will commence In the Court House, in the City of Lancaster, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, on the 3rd MONDAY in AUGUST, 1862 : In pursuance of which precept, PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, to the Mayor anaV,Aldermen of the City of Lancaster, in aaid county, and all the Justices of the Peace, the Coroner, and Constables of the said City and County of Lancaster, that they be then and there in their own proper persons, with their rolls, records and examinations, and inquisitions, and their other remembrances, to do those things which to their offices appertain, in their behalf to be done, and also all those who will prosecute against tho prisoners who aro, or then Bhall be, in the Jail of said connty of Lancaster, are to be then and there to prosecute against them as ahall be just. Dated at Lan&wter, the 14th day of July, 1862. jnly 22 3t 28] S. W. P. BOYD, Sheriff. have long since given up the use of buchu , cubebs, and juniper iu the treatment of these diseases, and only use them for want of a better remedy. . CONSTITUTION WATER has proved itsalf equal to the task that has devolved upon it. DIURETICS Irritate and drench the kidneys, an d by constant use soon lead to chronic degeneration and confirmed disease. READ! READ1! READIII Danville, Pa., June 2, 1862. . Dr. Wm. H. Gregg—Dear Sir : In February, 1801, 1 was afflicted with the sngar diabetes, and for five months I passed more than two gallona of water in twenty-four hours/ I was obliged to get up as often as ten or twelve times during the night , and in five months I lost about fifty pounds in weight. Daring the month of JnJy,.1861, I procured two bottles of Constitution Water, and In two days after using it I experienced relief, and after taking two bottles I was entirely cured, soon after regaining my usual good health. Yours truly, J. V. L.DE WXTT. Boston Corners, N. Y., Dec. 27, 1861. Wm. H. GitEao & Co.: Gents; I freely give you liberty to make use of the following Certificate of the value of Constitution Water, which I can recommend in the highest manner. . . My wife, who was attacked with pain in the shoulders, whole length of the back, and in her limbs, with Balpitation of the Heart, attended ,,w lth Falling of the Womb, Dysmenorrbsa, and Irritation of the Bladder; I called a physician, who attended her about three months,,when he left her worse than he found her. I then employed one of the best phyflicians I could find , who attended her abon t nine months, and while she was under his care she did not suffer quite as much pain; he finally gave her up and said, " her case was incurable." For, said he, '* she has such a combination of complaints, that medicine given for one operates against Borne other of her difficulties.1? About this time, she commenced to use the Constitution Water, and to onr utter astonishment, almost the first dose seemed to have the desired effect , and she kept on improving rapidly under its treatment, and now superintends entirely her domestic affairs, tine has not taken any of the Constitution Water for about four weeks, and we are happy to say that It has produced a permanent cure. WM. M. VAN BENSCHOTEN. Mufobd, Cosh., Not. 19, 1861. Da. Wm. H. Qezoq : Dear Sir: I hare for fiereral years, been afflicted with that troublesome and dangerous dlseaso—Gravel—which resisted all remedies and .doctors, nntll I took Constitution Water, and yon may be assured that I was exceedingly plea&od with the result. It has entirely cured me, and yoa may make any use of my name you may see fit in regard to tno medicine, as I hare entire confidence in ita efilcacy. Tours truly, . POND 8TEONO. THESE ABE BACT8 ENOUGH. There is no class of diseases that produces such exhausting effects upon the human constitution as Diabetes and Diseases of the Kidnoys, Bladder and Urinary Passages, and through a false modesty they are neglected until they are so advanced as to be beyond the control of ordinary remedies, and we present the CONSTITUTION WATER to the publio with the conviction that It has no equal In relieving the class of diseases for which it has been fonnd so eminently successful in curing; and we trust that we shall be rewarded for our efforts in placing so valuable' a remedy in a form to meet the requirements of patient and physician. -> FOE SALE BY ALL DBUOGISTS,PEICB $1. WM. H. GRE9S k CO., Proprietors. Morgan 4 Alien , General Agents, No. 46 Ciifl street, New York. [Jnly 29 ly 29 P R I N G J E B S 80 0 0 0 NOW 07ZSIKO AT S • HAGBR 4 BROTHERS. . M0DE3 AND BRIGHT COLORED PLAIN SOBB, BEO0ADE SILKS—Plain Colors, NEAT CHECK SILKS, BLACK SILKS—Extra Quality, ENGLISH AND FRENCH CHINTZES, Ni'ATFIGURED WOOL DELAIN8 for Children, WHITE AND COLOREDBR1LLIANTES, LEONORAS AND M0ZAMBIZE8, (New Styles.) SHEPPARD'S PLAIDS In full assortment, NEW SPRING 8TYLB GINGHAMS. MOURNHfQ DBBSSO00D8. BOMBAZINES AND DELAINES, TAMI8E CLOTH AND ALPACAS, FRENCH CHALLIES AND POPLINS, FOULARD SILKS, \ CRAPES, VEILS, COLLARS, io. SPRING CLOAKINGCLOTHS, /"^IRCUIiAR*--"W ashington Pennaylva\ j nla Soldiers' Relief Association."—This Association having opened an office at No. 5 Washington Buildings, In full assortment. [aprltfli corner of 7th street and Pennsylvania Avenue, where will be foand a register ot all Pennsylvania soldiers in or W Si A a , E M ' S around' this city In hospitals, invite tho friends of the just szczxvxD mr same to call, assuring them that all possible aid will be HAGER k BROTHERS. extended in finding their sons. BLACK AND COLORED FRENCH CLOTHS, Mr. Chas. L. Wells, the Register, will be found in the BLACK FREN0H DOESKIN CASSIMERS, office. PLAIN AND MIXED COATINGS, The Corresponding Secretary, Mr. S. Todd Perley, will FANCY FRENCH CA88IMERES, (New Styles,! answer all letters in regard to sick and wounded Pennsyl- PLAIN AND FANCY MELTONS, (for Suits,) vania soldiers, whether in or around this city, Baltimore, NEAT AND PLAIN CA8BIMEBBB for Boys. Philadelphia, New York, or New Haven: Address, care SILK , CASHMERE AND MARSEILLESTESTING, Washington, D. C. R E A D Y - M A D E CLOT H I N G , Boz U}4 ™, J. K. MOREHEAD, Pres'U of Buperior manufacture for Men and Boys—a full assort{July 29 3t 29 J. M. SOUIVAN, Sec'y. ment. [aprltf lS MADAME VIRGINIA SHERWOOD, D E N T I S T R Y . the most popular, beautiful and daring THE AMBER BASE , j^3^ Equestrienne ever seen. Sg°g«tf A HEW AND SUPERIOR METHOD OF Mb. GEORGE R OSS, in his classicact, M O U N T I N G A R T I F I C I A L T E E T H . 'uITTTTf the "Flight of Ariel," and In his unI would announce to my patrons and others requiring rivalled "Scenes dn Saute." the services of th'e Dentist, that I am about Introducing SAM LONG, the great Humorist of the AMBER BASE into my practice. The advantages of tho King, in his choice Melange of this method of mounting teeth over the metalIc base have Comicalities. been folly established in the five years In which It has been ME33EB. SHAPPEE and WHITNEY, subject to the severest tests, with the most satisfactory the Trapeze and Bar Performers. results. W. H. BERDEAU, tbe great AmeriIt is fully as strong and durable as either silver or gold can Gymnast. —more easily kept clean, more natural to the touch of the LES FRERES COMIQUE, and a host tongue and lips, and It is firmer and more serviceable in of other artists. the mouth, In consequence of onr being able to obtain a \V<? A STUD OP MAGNIFICENT HORSES, more perfect fit to the gum. which,for form, color, and training canThis work is not eo expanaivo as gold, but a little higher not be excelled. Also, a HORDE OF in price than silver. It will be warranted to give ffatiafscTRICK PONIES, whose eccentric erotion, or be exchanged for goldVor silver work as the patient lntlons and really astonishing tricks may prefer. are the delight of old and young. *»- OFFICE : No. 28 West Orange St., Lancaster. A large troupe of Tumblers, TaultS. WELCHENS, D. D, 8. jaly 29 3m 29J Athletes, Wrestlers ers,Acrobats, , CooTj ijl* D E a - B E R RX W I S E . tortlonlsts, Ac, etc., will appear at each performance. For sale at AMOS SOURBEER'S Store , in 8afe Harbor, A GRAND PROCESSION! which , for Spectacular Display,ex ceeds a large quantity <»f four ye*""' ol* aaything- ever before attempted, will -_ _ be formed by the ImmenseestablishE L D E R - B E R R Y W I N E , E ±fc ment on entering tbe town, led by THK WAR CHARIOT OS ACHILLES1 a prime article, and will be sold by the barrel or In smaller Drawn by a team of Arabian Hones, and followed by • quantitier, at reasonable prices, THB CAVA LCADE OP OBERIN, in which the whole; Troope of Trick jnly 29 At*29] AMOS SOUBBEBR. ¦ Ponies.will appear. ' ¦ * 8EELY*i3 CELEBRATED CORNET T t e a t b o l l came to the ¦BAND, on A premisesof the snbscrlber, in Manor township, Performing all the popular airs of the day. or about the 1st Inflt., a LARGE RED BULL, supposed to ADMISSIOV 25 CENTS. ADMISSION b« between,two and three years old. The owner Is reDoors open at 2 and 7 P. M. Performancesto commence at 2J4 and VAP» M. take htm away, ¦ he will be disposed of according ¦¦ otherwise '- ¦ " ¦- ¦• ¦:• CHRISTIAN H. STBGBIST. At EHZARETHTOWN , WXIUfaSDAY, AUGUST 6tl ?o i«w ¦-¦«• ¦ -. , " ' :. . , », : . Julj 29 2t 29 july 15 v 1862. O P R. I 1862. N a 1862. 51 I H i O E E & B E O T HH K S aro now opening a* large stoclc of OABPJBTS and OIL tta an examination. CLOTHS, to uhldi they Tnr NEW STYLES BRUSSELSOABPKE8, NEW STYLES TAPESTBYOARPBTS, hytri THREE-PLY OABPKCB, 8UPKEHNE IN0BAINCARPETS, VENETIAN AND DUTCH CARPETS, ¦ HEMP. RAG AND LIST CARPETS, DEtraaETS, BUSS AND OOCOAM ATS, ~ VLOOB OIL 0L0TH8, T^ Fromone to ftrar varda wld*. . . WINDOW SHADES I . WINDOW SHADESI In new and elegant designs. ; v :*-. i FINE TBLVETBORDERED SHADES, . . PINE OILT SHADES, : PAINTED AND PLAIN SHADES, COBD S, TASSELS AND FIXTURE : BUPB AND GREEN CURTAIN HOLLANDS, tfl3 apr l 18 6 2 . B P B I NQ I , 186a TTpiAI. PAPBSKS I WAIiE PAPERS I J ~ 10 , 000 PIE0ra WAl£ i PAEBB8 DJ ' ' ¦ - • ^O^^ND^^DMOBATXONS. AND OAK DECORATIONS, ' ^SLiBBLB ^ NEAT AMD GAY GLAZEDPAPERS, PLAIN AND BRIGHT OOJEBONPAPBRS BORDERS, STATUES,' FIRE BOARD PRINTS. BLINDS, toi' ; , . :.i. . : WILL Bl 8OL_»"A* * ' ~ - '¦" GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, : - BY-HAGER*BBOTHERS. apr l tf l2] ' 8 A A C B A S T O H. * S O W , WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND DHALER8IN 00UN TRY PRODUCE, WINS8ANDLIQUORS, l»an41W Nor *gwona ««&;_ • No *. ; ; v.^flmABKiPaiA. dsoiyepUM) ¦ , .' ¦'. : .' - . ;- ,". :- .".,: : .i'.-:;. .' ¦ ' - ""-J-Ji". .'. Ma • eEES'SSSt^Hi - ' lfab 4 ly 4 ; A'-;iar<M I»S% ;BSBt 'f fftf * - -^ . AilAW , i^M ^ ^ ' &'***$gE!s&&g»-? j r'.li-£j "!, ¦;¦ - . :- -!. ^rta EV KWTOJI LieBTNBH , ATIOBN p«rlT t*•« Kf^b Dutoit tMt , SSwSft * Of oppositetoeOourt House. a tfU K5BSf35SflL-?^S3 ££g&*?mT ^ [^"^ S T B I I H A S, K DB.BW J. i r f o aw i r i J i r . .. . v^toid tiOJOt- rtHotaiWMtKliigitrMt ¦ TBTff'.j '' .-:-:'-. - -- - - ¦ ly\i f>B "*iOVi *i.*rWlI.MAM 8. AKWBS , XL Attorney at Law, bias removed his office from hl> ormer place Into SonthUafce rtreet , nearly opposite the aprBt rlZ Trinity Lutheran Church. ¦ m E A l l F O K B a A SL A, W :£ ' . l ^A - T T O R N E . T A T 28 East .Knra vOmcnr iJBT. R Humus , Eki, No; :.. -• .. l A ¦H O i B¦ J¦• O ¦, P A . .-;;.norl6 :: - . . . . - . . . . S*, ly ^* B.JOHVIKCAU.A , DBHTIST .-Offlc. and Residence , one door below the •Lamb Hote l,two" [aprl8 f J ° _ . ¦glpgsttast , Lancast er, Pa. Attorney »t 5.»w.--OfTKWB liASDIS, «J nee.onedoor ea.tot Lechler 'l Hotel . BMt Klng rtreet , . " 8 WUfe All'JaM. of Brfrenin g-™^ "^" 'Deilt ^Mortgage., Accounts,*., »0I be attended to with may 16. 55tf-17 gctnessiinTtaiTatcb . lOtr orney at fcaw—OfTAMES BLACK , Att two doors , •J ficeln Bast Kin g street ¦ east of Leader 's Hotel Lancaster , Pa. " - j» aU business connected with * his profession , and nil kinds of writin g, such as preparing Deeds, Mor tgages, promptly attended to. "Wills, Stating Accounts, Ac., ¦ ¦ tf-17 16. REM OVALH .-H. B. SWARR , Attorney at Law, has removed his office to No. 13 North Duke street ,nearly opposite his former location , and a tew doors apr 5 3m 12 north of the Coujt House. , m l_ ) EMOVAiy. ~DR. J. T. BAKER, HO 1*1_ti GJPATHIO PHYSICIAN , has removed his office to . No. 6ft Bast Kiog street , next door above King 's Grocery. . Reference—Professor W. A. Gardner , Philadelphia. - ¦ Calls from the conutry will be promptly attended to. ' apr 6 tfia " hEMOTAL. --From and after the first ot JX April. the office of WM. B. FOKDNKY , Attorney at 'Law , will be removed to East King street , one door above Xechler *fl tavern , and nearly opposite to Demutb' s Snuff Stor e. [mar 26 3m 11 J AMES H . B A R N E S , FANCY AND WINDSOR CHAIR MAKER, N o . 69% East K i n g s t r e e t , L a n c a s t e r , Takes pleasure Id inviting tbe public to call at his Warerooms, and examine his BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF CHAIRS OF VARIOUS PATTERNS. to at the t ^ ORDERS received and promptly attended hortest notice. None but the beat workmen are employed In this establishment , consequently Chairs purchased at this house are fully equal to any article sold In the Eastern Cities. Call and examine for yourselves, [aug iti ly 31 W ATCHK 9, CLOCKS and JEWELRY. W H O L E S A L EA N D R E T A I L. O. B. SHULTZ , fc^K It^Sk . 914 Mark et itreet , above 9th, Sonth Bide , Phlla- VOuSSO delphia. . June 2 ly '20 M P L O Y M K N T . The undersi fraed are desirous of securing the nervicas of a few Young Men , to engage In a Travelling Agency, upon a salary of FORTY DOLLARS PER MONTH , 1 expenBes-paid. This is an* opportunity seldom ' on S and to thoaa who meri t the approbation of the sub scribers , by strict attention to buntoeBa , can rely upon constant employment for a term of years. For farther particulars , address ADAM3. HKINAX * CO., 113 and 115 Broad Street , Atkinson Depot. N. H. mar 9"! ¦TSOMmvaiaa ^twoBtcitrum::*oubsm » L p^^^rurV ^i^?^?^' ¦t-^X vmipi ^ 'dkJsr ^tiaSgf iai ^]¦ ^-: SCALE GRAND AND SQUABSPTiNO-TOBTia. h In the month of Tteomnlw: , 1868, the nndaril t M d f c r t h . *0B 18821 I N_ - . :? - flKBAT -MDnOBMBSTS M A A Z X Brit Uma offend forMl *to gu pnblto Dr. J. Bom Dot * P M T ' K . B 8^) S ' or8tbi woaijffO n» Itnjwrlal Wine BtttarVud in this ahort period Owy lar. umsl iBm'BMT^ ass caure * inch anlversal aattafactkm to the man / Aonanda r-SwTpop mar montWr Magaxln. eon-aloii nwrly 1000 given of panou who hare tried them that it U bow an ertabpUt«i *.d.llbont 800 Wood rte el 80 to pagwi &m 26 »rtlcl«. Tha amount of bodily »nd mtoM mtory BoEraVines- «odall this for only tew ddlmna jrmr. - This Ilshed « neglect of amall complalnU U sac Is more, propartto n«t»Iy. than any magasjne erer gaT«— arising limply from prhiig, wd It U thmofore of U» ntmorttosoft iTOa tt«t » Peters on" teemotatiial lyi Mno» ™f? - - THB MASAZK B I0R THB TtHBB. »itrlct altention to Owteut and mot trifling todnj iil. had; ** diKmw of the body murt lnnu *. Tb« rt oris« In "P«t«raqn J ' ar«eoceedodtD bo the bast ment ihonld to mind. Hw Bltacrthon do» only «ak « ahly att$dL th» Stephens, anywhere. Theedltort are Hn Ann 8. nnblUbed jSthor of "M«yD«wen t,»- W . T i l o nand famine- and tfW Cf Bit. J . BOTJ8 *. D O D 8 ' Cba rlnJ.Eetarson , anthor of "Kate Ayleriord,* "The I M P E R I A L W12TM B l t T X B S tl :TsBey Jaim.";ete, etc^Canl thay are 4arist«l by Mr *. thio. W» chill<mg» th» warM Danlson, Franklue Benedict, by tlw anUior of " 8n«7 Vi from mU who h»r» not med -- - - - . ¦ •Dlary »:by T. 8: Arthur. B. L.Onaodler Moolton. Hehtta- to TirodCM ^ft thHr OT*if ^1 ih«« Bitten for tbe cor. of Weak Stomach * , Gtnaral biaHolyn kerVtrgfoiaKTownsend; Carry Stanle y, Osrollne E. Fnlrfl.li BUen Aahton, F. L. Msee,B; »*»«». A DebUlqr, anil for Purifying and Enriching the Blood, are oy any oth er remedy on eart h.To L. Otis, and aU the most popular femsle writers or Americ a absolutely nnanrpaand be assured of tbls, it to only nece»sary to make the trta L In addition to the usual nnmberof stories, th ere, will be The Wine itself i»of a very enperlor quality, being about glTen in 1862, Four Original and Copy-r ightedTfov eleta, one4hbd itroDgerthanother wine.;warming and Invigoradng tbe .vhole system from the head to the feet Aj THE JA COBITE'S DAUGHTER ; a Xale of the '« , Umm Bitters an tonic and alterative in . thalr character, ao _. By Mrs. Ann 8; Stephens. ANN ..IHIHBOP'8 BN0A08MBNT; a Tale of to-day, thuy strengthen and Invigorate tha whole system and give _ _, _»»,,» aflnf-tone and healthy action to all ll» parts , by equalizBy Carry Stanley. THB MTJBRAYS OF MTJRBAT HOOT* : a Tale of 76, ing the circulation, removin g obetracttons , and producing a general warmth. They are afco excellent lbr Diseases Peterson. By Obarle»G and Weakness peculiar to Females, where a Tonic ls .regettin g mo socur rr yghj f day lulred to Btnngthen and bracethe system. No Lady ,who ^ ^ to is subject to lassitude and faintness, should be without «"=>osl«ly These, and other writer s, contribute "Pete rson ." Mora lity and rlrtn e are always Inculcated. them, as they are revivifying in their action. THESE BITTBRS WIL L NOT ONLY CORE , BUT PREIM VENT DISEASE, . COLOBBD FASHION PLATES IN ApVANOB. JO- It is the Only Magaiine whose Fashion Plate! can and in this respect are doubly valuable to tha person who may use them. For °Eaeh num lw contains a Fashion Plate, engraved on IHCI PTJBHT CONSUMPTION , ateeL* and colond; also, a dozen or more New Styles, en- Weak Lungs, Ind igestion, Dyspepsia, Diseases of the graved <"> "ood '• dB> " Pattern / from which a Dress, Man- Nervous System, Paralysis , Piles, and lbr all eases requirtilla, or Child' s Costume can be cut, without the aid of .a ing a Tonic nj.nl oa maker—so that each Number , in this way, will DR. DODS' CELEBRATED WINE BITTERS ABE UN' SURPASSEDI Tha Paris, London , Philadelsar e a year's subseziptioa For Sore Throat , so common amon g the Objrgy, they are phia and New York Fashions are described, at length , each month. Patterns of Caps , Bonnets, Head Dresses, Ac, tru ly valuable. For the aged and infirm, and for persons of a wesk given In great rrohuion. Its SDPESB MEZZOTINTS AND OTHBB STEEL ENOBAV- eonstitntion—for Ministers of the Gospel, Jjawyers ,an<]all public speakers—for Book-Keepers , Tailors, Seamstresses , INO3 Are by the first Artists , and one at least s is given in Students , Artists, and all persons leading a sedentary U&, they will prove truly beneficial. every nu mber. Its As a Beverage, they are wholesome, Innocent, and deCOLORED EMBROIDBBY PATTERNS. The Work-Table-Department of this Magazine is wholly licious to the taste. They produce all the exhilara ting nnriTalled. It Is edited by Mrs. Jane Weaver, who tnr- elects of Brandy or Wine , without intoxicating; and are nisbes, for eacb number , beanttfnl Original Patte rns. a valuable remedy for persons addicted to the use of exEvery number contains a doseu or more pattern s In every cessive strong drink, and who wi.h to retrain from It varlutv of Fanev Work : Crochet. Embroidery, Knitting, They are pare snd entirely free from the poisons contained Bead Work , ghall -Worit. Hair-Work, Wai Flowers , 8tained in the adulterated Wines and Uquors with which the Glass, Leather-Work , Painting. Photograph *, Ac., witb foil country is flooded. These Bitters not only Cure , but Prevent Disease,- an d descriptions. Every Number will contain a SUPERB COLORED PATTTERN for 8LIPPBR, PURSE, CHAIR- should be used by all who live in a country where the SKAT, HANDKERCHIEF , BMBKOIDBRT. COLLAR AND water is bad, or where Chills and Fevers are prevalent. CUFF , or some other usdful , or oroameotat article; and Being entirely Innocent and harmless , they may be given each of these , would cost, at a retail store , fifty cents. freely to Children and Infants with impunity. Physicians , Clergymen and temperance advocates , as an These c<n be bad in no other American Mseasin e. RECEIPTS FOR THE TABLE , TOILETTE , 8ICK- act of humanity, should assist in spreading these tr uly KOOM , Ac,- Ac will be given every Number. «S" A valuable Bitters over the land, and thereby essentially aid PIECE OF NEW AND FASHIONABLE MUSIC WILL in banishing Drunkenness and Disease. APPEAR EACH MONTH. Also, articles on the Flower- IN ALL AFFECTIONS OF THIS HEAD, SICE HEADACHE , OR NERV0U8 HEADACH E, DR. DODS' IMQarden. and Hortlifnlture generally; and bints on all matPERIAL WINE BITTERS WILL BE FOUND TO BE ters IfttlO interesting lUM»CBUJlg to KJ JJOUICD. Ladles. MOST uouuioiii iuvhi SALUTARY juiu AND JuiiwaviuuOi EFFICACIOUS. TERMS :—ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. P B M A L $ S . ....»$ 2.00. One Copy for one year, „ 6 00. The many certificates which iuVe been tende red us, and Three Copies for ooe year, 7 50. the letters which we are dally receiving, are conclusive Vive Coplea for one year, 10.00. proof that among tha women these Bitten have given a ElRht Copies for one year, satisfaction which no others have done before. No woma n 16.00. Twelve Copiea for one year, n 20.00. In the laud should be without them, and those who once .Sixteen Copies for ooe year, PREMIUMS FOR GKTTINGUP CLTJB3!—To every per- use them will not fall to keep a supply. DR. J. BOVISE DOD5' IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS son getting up a club of S, and remitting $5, or a club of 6, and remitting $7.50, or a club of 8, and remitting $10, are prepared by an eminent and skilful physician who has or a club of 12, and remitting $15, an extra copy for used them successfully in his practice for the last twenty1862 will be sent, gratia. If preferred, however, we will five yoars. The proprietor, before purchasing tbe exclusive send aa a Premium, 'instead of the extra copy,) an illus- right to manufacture and sell Dr. J. Bovee Dods1 Celebrated trated LADY'S ALBUM , hand omely bound In gilt, or onr Imperial Wine Bittera , had them tested by two distinM/sgniflceot Mezzotint for framing, size 27 inches by 20— guished medical practitioners, who pronounced them a valu*• Bunyan 's Wife Interceding for his Release from Prison." able remedy for disease. Although the medical men of the country , as a general To everv person getting up a Club of Sixteen, two extra copies of the Magazine, or of either of the other Premiums thing disapprove of Patent Medicines , yet we do not believe will be sent. that a respectable Physician can be found in the United Btates, acquainted with their medical properties , who will Address, post-paid. CHARLKS J. PETERSON, No. 306 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. not highly approve DB. J. BOVEE JDODS 1 IMPERIAL £5"- All postmasters constituted Agents ; but any person WINE BITTERS, In all newly settled places, where there Is always a large may get up a Club. Specimens sent gratuitously, if writ ten for. [mar 25 tf 11 quantity of decaying timber from which a poisonous miasma is created , these bitters should be used erery morning before breakfast T 91. W K S T H A K F F E U'3 DR. J. BOVEE DODS' IMPERIAL WINS BITTERS O . C H E A P CASH BOOK STORE! are composed of a pure and unadulterated Wine , combined WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOK EMPORIUM. A very extensive and well selected sfcok of LAW, MEDI- with Barberry, Solomon's Seal, Comfrey, Wild Cherry Tree CAL, THEOLOGICAL, SUNDAY bOHOOL AND MISCEL- Bark , Spikenard, Chamomlle Flowers and Gentian. They LANE OUS BOOKS'alwayBonhand. Also.app lendidassort- are manufactured by Dr. Dods himself, who is an experiment of LARGE BTBLKS, HYMN AND PRAYERBO^ICS, enced and successful Physician , and hence should nut be classed among the quack nostrums which flood the countr y, for all denominations. Especial attention is called to tny assortment of PORT- and against which the Medical Profession are so justl y MONAIES. POCKKT BOOKS, CARD CASES, WBITING prejudiced. These truly valuable Bitters have b«en so thoro ughly DESK:*, LADIES' MOROCCO rf ORKB. 'XE3. GOLD PENS, and the most elegant assortment of Stationery ever tested by all elapses of the community for almost every variety of disease Incident to the tinman system, that they biought to the ctty. My sto^k of SCHOOL BOOKS embracesevery kind in use, are now deemed indispensable as a T0NIO , MEDIOINE AND A BEVERAGE. and are Bold to School Directors , Teachers , and others on the most Accommodating P U R C H A S E ONE BOTTLEI ' terms. PiSNS , INKS * It Costs but Little ! Purify the Bloodf Give Tone to the ENVELOPES, brought Stomach 1 Renovate the System 1 and direct from tbe manufacProlong Life I turers, and sold at most PRICE $1 PER BOTTLE , 6 BOTTLES FOR $5. Prepared and sold by red need rates. I would alno Invite atCHARLES WIDDIFIELD k 00., tention to my fine assortSole Proprietors , ment of PHOTOGRAPH 78 William Sthmt , Niw York. AI BLM8. A large stock For sale by druggists and grocers generally throu ghout and choice variety al- the country. [ang 6 1y30 ways on hand. Also, " Cartes Be Visite " Pho O H O U S E K E E P E RS I f|l GuneralR and anil other dindinand Steel tLujiravings of Gdnerale toera phs anc tographs tingnisbed peraonages of the nation. Autograph Bucks, The particular attention of persons going to housekeepAlba inb, &c , &c. A Rood Ftock of the fine»t FOOLSCAP , LETTER , AND ing Is- called to examine the extensive assortment of NOTE PAPERP , ENVKLOPES . VISITING CARDS and ever? varietv of Stationery. PURSi 8. PORTMONAIKS, STOVES , COPPER KETTLES AND TIN WASE, TABLET.-, CARD OASES, GOLD, INDIA RUBBER AND STliEL PBNS . alw ays on hand. Publisher of FATHER8 At DEANEB A SCHAUM'S , OF THE GERMAN KE*OR51ED CBUKCH , 2d vol. Price £1,00 per vol. KOHRKK'd PRACTICAL CALCULATOR No. 7 East Kmo S t ru t , Price 50 cents. A most valuable book to persons In any kind of business. LANCASTER. AU tbe Monthlies , Weeklies and Periodicals for sale or mailed if desired at J. M. WESIHAEFFER'S Cheap Cash Book Store, No. 44, Corner of North Queen and Orange streets. 49" At this Establishment the public can find the t f 2 8 r; Jul y 22 ' -'' '\-li- '-- '-:"£ '} M0&f ctotiaxM ' ..: - : ;' ;:":;..::;'. ; ^t at tri. '\; j ' ¦C-rtMj estc^t ^-tr ^j i ^ir -^ Tbe''SW«^^ a»WttoWorId. ' ' • . ::- / 1^ffitifW«iWte 'tte ..yoiM. - - .- . . : ¦ IbiM ^ DurabloQlMi ntheWarliL " :¦; " 'i. nie ^y Bi^WQ^n^^^ rU. ;. - ¦, / ; : , . - " -'¦ ' . "• 'ItoBertffla VtetlwTFarliL ' ' ; ^ I-jiV-suki "-*:!o.v« » .-- dial .*»i a-1 v h ' V . _ .- 1 ; .. . ¦ - :, - - "" . - To Destroy—Rats, Roaches , k. is the only arUde of the kind ever produced whicb To Destroy—Mice , Moles, and Ants. to Destroy—Bad-Ba gs. ^ To Destroy—Mothsin Pars, Qot hea, *c To Destroy—Hosanitoes and Fleas. To Destroy—Insectson Plants and Fowls. To Dsstroy—-Inaectaon Antmala , fte. To Destroy—Every form and species of Vermin. « THE ONLY INFALLIBLE REMEDIES KNOWN. " nlStXOTBXR&FAjmT EVERY FORM AND SPECIES OF V E R M I 1ST . Those Preparations (unlike all others) an " Free from Poisons." u Not dangerous to the Human Fatrily. " WILL . TTITH8TAHD W A T S R . • : : L . - IT WILL MBND WOOD, ' ' - - - Save your broken Furniture. • ' .' ¦ IT WILL; MEND LEATHE R, . Mend jour Harness, Straps, Belts, Boots, ke. ' IT WILL ifEVD OLaSS , Savethe piecesof that expansiveCut GlassBottle. IT WILLY MBND IVORY, that broken Ivory Fan, it is easily re Don't throw away ¦ " They are the only infallible remedies known. " " 12 years and more established in New Tork City. " Used by—the City Post Office. - TJsed by—the City Prisons and Station Houses. Used by—th e City Steamers , Ships, &c Used by—the City Hospitals , Aims-Houses, 4c ¦ Used by—the City Hotels— ' Aster —• St. Klcholss,' 4c Used by—the Boarding Houses, Aa, 4c. '- . HENRY R. C03TAH—We sre selling your preparations rapidly. Wherever they have been used Rats , Mice, Roaches and Vermin disappear rapidly. Ecus, 4 Stoufmb, Drug gists, Windsor, Md. - .—Wmtiw HlSOIt. "I have never ' played upon so rich and heavy a tone 8qnare Planb.Fort». I*--J »EraraNAMM o».- : . :. " 1 am astontehad and delighted with tha Nmr. Scale Inn Iranw Pianoltortes mado br yon, Then mast bo a splendid futu re tor Lights 4 Bradburys" Piano-Fortes. "— J . -¦ EVERY THIN S BUT METALS. Any article cemented with AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE will not show where it Is mended. B X T R A 0 T 8. " Ever y Hou sekeeper should have a supply of Johns 4 Crosle y's American Cement Glue."—New York Times. " It is so convenient to have in tbe houx."—Sf ea York " It 1» always ready; this commends it to everybody."— Independent " We have tried It, and find It as useful in onr house as water."— TBEtei* Spirit of the Times. E C O N O M Y IS WEALTH. $10.00 per year saved in every family by One Bottle of AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE. Price 2S Cents per Bottle. posed to test the powers of this valuable remedy. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. VERY LIBERAL REDUCTION BUYERS. TERMS TO WHO LESALE CASH. 49" For Sale by all Druggists and Storekeepers generally throughout the country. J O H N S <t iR!£ **£& SS? ¦ ^ilBlT^" .' VR O S L EY , (Sole Manufacturers,) ¦ !«¦» ¦ An aperient and stomachic: preparation of IE0N purified of Oxygen and Carbon by com. bastion in Hydrogen, of high medical authority and extraor dinary efficacy in each, of the y. • following complaints viz. : ' iJEBttnfs; " NEBVotrs * Ai'tia ji'ioKs , eha- Pat ap In nent flat metal bnxi-s containing slx b"»'s> SO plllsf pric e 50 cents per Ixix ^ For «d<- by S3 B0; one doxen hoxMu S* 00. Drnjnkats eenera Uy. Will bo sent free «o nnylaareslon rece ipt or tho pr ice. All letters, orders , etc., should be addressed to R. B. IiOCKE&CO., General Agents, ELIXI R PROPYLAMINE, In the form above spoken of, haa recently been extensively experimented with In the Price 25 Cents per Bottle. l r nX!R P R0R>rtAMlN^ Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Vj > - " ' MLaa^sA. , BTATtHTTRA , CONSTICIATI0N, DYSPEPSIA PATION. SCBOFULA7 SALT BjuaujL BUVHtVY , JATJTIDICE LIVES C0MP LAIBT3 ' BHETJMA TJSH. MEBCTTEIAL CON8EqTTENCE8, INTEBMITXEIIT FEVEKS, SEDBALOIA. CHE0MI0 IBEADACTES; ^ E0SALK_WKAKHES8 r - MISHENSTETJAT ION, WHITES, CHLQKOSTS, otc, PIMPLES ON THE FACE, E0TJGHNESS OF . . B I S SSSS, etc. • ' ¦ " The IE0N being absorbed tytb > blooa, and thna circulating through the vboIb 'system, no part of the body can escape their trul y woader¦ ful influence, The experience of thousands daily proves that no preparation of Iro n can for a moment be compared with it Imp urities of the blood , depression of vital ensrg*" pale and otherwise sickly complexions indicate its necessity in ul* During the past year we have introduced to 'the notice most every conceivable case. In all cases of of the medical profession of this country tbe Pore Crystalfemale debility (fluor albus, chlorosis. eto.\. its Ized Chloride of Propylamlne , as a effects are delig htfully renovating. Hor,emeely has ever been discovered , in the whole history REMEDY FOR.RHEUMATISM ; of medicine , which exerts such prompt , happy, and.havlc g received from many sources, both from phyand fully restorat ive effects. Good appet ite, comsicians of the highest standing and from patients , the plete digestio n, ra pid acqu isition of strength , with an unu sual dispositio n for active and host nATttBnta-TssnuoiiiALS of its-mai valux cheerful exercise, immediately follow its nse. In the treatment of this painful and obstinate disease, we As a grand stomachvo and general restorative are Induced to present it to the public in a form READY it has no superior and no subst itute. FOR IMMEDIATE USE, which we hope will commend Itself to those who are Buffering with this afflicting complaint , and to the medical practitioner who may feel dls Price 25 Cents per Bottle. 49-See one or two Specimens of what is Everywhere said by the People—Editors—Dealers , 4c. MORE GRAIN and provisions are destroyed annually in Grant county by vermin than wonld pay for tons of this Bat aud Insect Killer. —Lancaster[Wii.] Herald. ¦. r :.; paired. IT WILL MEND BONE, COBAL, LAVA, AND IN FACT Used by—more than 60,000 Private Families. HOUSEKEEPERS—troubled with vermin need be so no longer , if they use " Costab '8 " Exterminators. We have used it to onr satisfaction , an d if a box cost $5 we would have it. We had tried poisons, but tliey effected nothing; but " Costab 's " article knocks Jhe breath out of Rats , Mice, Roaches , and Bed-Bugs quicker than we can write it. It is in great demand all over the country. —Jfedina [O.] Gazette. Tha InrolaUid Jta jnVnmrprwarrw th» original ton* of (helnstrnmant in all Ita parity, iserufnt; It Tor all time against (Eat most d&anmble flnay quality often,invariably found In til other Iron Vrame-Pian» *orte>. It 'HTUHlly sUengtha&s tha cue and thoa keeps tha Piano * for ia much longer In- tnna. U gives the ln*tnmant a much fnU>r, rteb.tr and awmter tone- It adaptsth» Piano to all climate *and to_all changss of atmosphera, and fat ill respectsIt II pi-mommd by onr « artUW »tn.trsatost linomvMM ntoi Uu aga in Ranc-TortacottstrnoUon; proto~b* wpsrlorto all dnflnt an Instrnmenfacknowlod ^ed dt&(i»rnu3«In this oonntryorBnrop *. s thb sua «»T88 THiosi4i8 _ ra_ j i a S S ato ; PBBIOBITT Of ODB H<» BOAiB PAMST IH8D,/ . LATKD PIANO-fO BTKS. . , , •^Ihav..iamlMd tt» Kanp .fcthi oflWita * Bradare bnrys with entire satisfa ction. I know not that there any others better , either In oor own country ¦ or elsewhere." . —De. Iowill Huo*. . ' ..- . "In ci^-mw, richness, and,, volnmo of tona, delicacy, elasticityor touch, and floe repea tingaction, I ton nanr played npon their KpuL'^-B. A..Wmxethaott. ~ " In Tolanw, richness, evanneas,and purity of tone, and In delicacy of touch they certainly excel, and In that soseldom found. " beautiful sh-giiiK quality sodaalrableyot - ".—¦ _ '1have never played npon -T so . . fine .. .an . . Instrument, . .. GSO. P. .BW6KJW. ^ u I consider them u to beauty ^ richness, -fullness and IT WILL MEND CHINA, equality of tone , aa veil as their agreeable, elastic touch, Tour broken China ICupsandBsnearscari ba mads as good equal If not superior to any Pianos made In this country -' " _ .' . ' - ', as new. or Europe. "— Kabi. Wmg. power, quantity, and equalityof tone, they certainly " In IT WILL MEND MARBLE, while lor that peculiar rich and and singing tone That pieceknocked out of your Marble Mantle can be pu- excel; so invalu able as an arcompa niment to the voice, I have ' on as strong as erer. their equal. "—O. BASacn. never ., . ¦¦ «• methate all the reqnlrementa for a superior Inte rpreThey IT WILL MEND PORCELAIN , tation of both classical and modem compositions. "—M. No matter if that broken. Pitcher did not cost bnt a shll SntlKOSH. ling,a'sblUing saved is a shilling earned. Warcroom, 421 Broome Street, a f«w doom East.orBrosdW *y IT WILL MEND ALABASTER, j« aS\s.TISFACITOKY a0ABANTBK GrVEN. -e» That costly Alabaster VaseIa broken and you cant match eow ly 38. oct 2 it, mend it, it wiH never show when put together. : " Bats do not dls on the premises. " " They come out of their holes to die." ¦¦ ¦MB ' j i^jBj ^va ^^mjm ^^ W ¦ 0 .jlft pDlgSiilfcr^^ ¦i ¦ Ttfp y r "is V .aatw- '-TiMiB . to aiHT ; up ^ ''~ ^Bv^L^rJL&i ^LP^LsHH. ^ i ** PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL , and with MARKED SUCCESS (as will appear from the published accounts In the medical jonrcals.) *&- It is car efullyput up ready for immediate use. witb fall directions, and can be obtaine d from all the druggists 339 BROADWAY , N V. of Is the a sGae-alm ilo B^—The above box. label on each KAUFFMAN A CO., 'No. ll^K rampb' s BiUldlDfts, Eu Orange street, sol© Agenta for Lancaster. [nov 15 ly 1 j fm at 75 cents per bottle, and wholesale of BULLOCK A ORENSHAW , Dru ggists and Manufacturing Chemists , jane 25 ly 24] Philadelphia. 78 WILLIAM STREET , NEW YORK , Comer of Liberty Street. THE PHILA DELPHIA EVENING BULLETIN, AN INDEPENDENT DAILY NEWSPAPER devoted especially to the interests of Pennsylvania. Containing Important Telegraphic News, sixteen hours In advance of the Morning PaperB. Original , Foreign and DoImportant to Honae Owners. mestic Correspondence , Editorials on all Subjects , and fall Reports of all the news of the day. The Commercial and Important to Builders. Financial Departments are full, and are carefully attended to. Important to Railroad Companies. " Coster 's " Rat, Roach, 4c, Exterminator. DANDELION COFFKE. XT' O CLOCK'S 49- As Air Advihtibikq Mjedium th ere Is no better IV This preparation, made from the befit Java Coffee, is G I N AS A R E M E D I AL t f G E N T . paper in the State , the circulation being next to the largest Impor tant to Fanners. "Costar 's " r ecu m man dud by i>hyplclans as a superior NUTRITIOUS in the city, and amoBg the most Intelligent and influenTHI3 DELtCIOUS TONIC STIMULANT, ^ BE VERAG B fir General Debi'ity, Dyspepaia , and all bili ^ud ESPECIALLY designed for the use of tha Medical Pro/«To all whom this may concern , and it concerns everybody. tial of the population. " Costar's ", Bed-Bog Exterminator. disorders. * ThiuBandawho have been compelled to abandon sion and the Fhtf til y, having auporeedod tha fiO-caUad TERMS , BIX DOLLARS PER YEAR , I N ADVANCE. tha use of coffee will use tbln without injurious effects. CUMMINGS & PEACOCK , *'GIns," "Arnmsth1," "Cordial," "Mediated," "Schnapps,1 J OH N S 4 C R O S L E Y ' S " Costar 's " ' One can contains the Btrengih of two pounds of or dinary ' Proprietors , etc., Is now endorsed by all of the prominent physicians coffee. Price 2& cents. Philadelphia. No. 112 South Third street , chemists and connoisseurs, as poasasaing all of Chose in 1 ROOFING, IMPROVED GUTTA PER0HA CEMENT K O L L O O K 8 L E V A I N, " Costar 's " Electric Powder ^'f or Inse cts, Ac. trinsic medicinal qualities {tonic and dlurotlc) which be- , The purest aud beat BAKING POWDER known for THE PHILADELPHIA SATURDAY BULLETIN , a long to an OLD and PURE GIN. Put up In quart bottles - The Cheapest and most durable Roofing In use. making light , twtet and nutrltiuus bread and cakes. Price Id 25c. 50c and $' .00 Boxes , Bottles and Flasks , $3 and $& handsome , well-filled , Fakslt Weekly Newspa per , Is pnb- aud sold by all drUKgisln.grocera , etc. 15 cents. Sizes for Plantations. Ships, Boats, Hotels , A. M. BININ'GER * CO., llahed by the Proprietors at the following unprecedented ^ HAWUFACTURED BY IT IS FIRE AND IFATEB PROOF. (Established In 1778.) Bole Proprietors, low rates: 4c, 4c, 4c. M. H KOLLUOK , Chemist , 1 00 No. 19 Broad ntreet, N. Y. one year 1 Copy, $ , Comer of Broad and Chestnut sta., Philadelphia. GATJTTGN11! To prevent the public from being Impose d It can be applied to new and old Roofs of all kinds , steep 6 00 For aale by FRENCH, RICHARDS A CO.,—W. W. ft 0 Copies, " -ttS ~Soldby all Druggists and Groce rs. npon by Spurious and Highly Pernirlons Imitations , a new or flat, and to Shinge RoofB without removing the [feb 25 ly 7 13 " " 10 00 H. SMITH , and all of the prominent Wholesale Drug Shingles. label haB been prepared , fac timite of the Proprietor 's 21 " " 16 00 gists in Philadelphia. [oct 2 ly 38 8150. 3150. signature. Examine each box-bottle , or flask carefully be80 " " 20 00 ABOUT ONE-THIRD THAT OF THE COST IS ONLY fore purchasing, and take nothing bnt '• Oostart. " P I A N O S . T > E S T ROF. L. M I L L E R'S H A I R INV1UUH.A100 " " 60 00 TIN, AND IT IS TWICE AS DURABLE. TOii.—An Effoctive , Safd uud Economical Compnuaii FURTHER INDUCEMENTS1 <iR0YE3TEEN & HALE , haviDg removed to their new THE LARGEST CLUB (over 100) will be sent for three FOR RESTORING GRAY UAIR to Ita original color with This article has been thoroughly tested in New York out dyeing, and prtj vtmting the Uair from turning; gray. warerooms, years West Indies city and all parts of the United States, Canada, THE NEXT LARGEST CLUB , (over 100) will be sent FOR PREVENTING BALDNESS , andcuring it, whtm ther* No, 478 B R O A D W A Y , and Central and Soutb America, on buildingB of all kinds, is tbe leuat particle of vitality 'of recuperative energy for two years. Address Railroad Depots, Foundries, Churches, such as Factories. are now prepared to offer to the public a magnificent new CUMMINGS 4 PEACOCK , remaining. Cars, and on Pnbllc Buildings generally, Government FOR ItBUOVING SCURF AND DANDRUFF, and all Proprietors, Bulletin Building, scale fnll Buildings, 4c, by the piincinal Builders, Architects and cut&ueoua nfftj ctioua of the Scalp. No. 112 South Third street , Philadelphia. others, during the paat.four years, and has proved to be the SEVEN OCTAVO ROSEWOOD PIANO, FOR B K A U W Y I 8Q THB UA1K, Imparting to it aa an nov 23 tf 46 Cheapest and most durable Roofing in use ; It is in every containing all improvements known in this country or equalled gloss and brilliancy, making It soft and silky respect a Fire, Water, Weather and Time Proof covering In Ita teitare and canslng it to carl readily. Europe, over-strung bass, French grand action , harp pedal , 4^-Sold Everywhere ^—by Y O U R H A I H . I for Roofs of all kinds. largest assortment of C U R L, r Tha great celebrity and increasing demand for this prepa1 N G E X 9 N Y D E R , BEAUTIFY YOURSELF , , VA N * This is the only material manufactured in tbe United full iron frame, for All Wholesale Druggists ' in the large cities. ration, convince tbe proprietor that one trial la only DESIGNERS AND ENURAVER8 ON WOOD, B T U S I N G very desirable properties of States which combines the S T O V E S , $160 CASH , Some of the necessary to patisfy a discerning public of its superior quail N. E. Coener 6th awd Chestnut Streets, Elasticity and Durability, which are universall y acknowl- CHAPPELL'9 HYPEKION FOR CURLING THE nAIR. ties over any other preparation nt preaent iu use. It cleanses PHILADELPHIA. Wabhahted fok Five Years. Wh ousaii AQENT8 IN New Yohk Cut . The Ladies and Gentlemen throug hout the world will edged to be possessed by Gutta Percha and India Rubber. Execute all kinds of WOOD ENGRAVING , with beauty, OF EVERT DESCRIPTION , TO BE FOUND IN THE 0ITT. be pleased to learn that I have recently diBCovered an the head and scalp from dandruff and other cutaneous Bloh moulding cases, diseases. Causes tbe hair to grow luxuriantly, and gives correctness and despatch—Original Designs furnished for ShlefTelin Brothers 4 Co. Harral , Rlsley 4 Kitchen . NO HEAT IS REQUIRED IN MAKING APPLICATION. article that will Curl tbe llair. $175 to $200 , Fine Boob Illustrations—Persons wishing Cuts, by sending B. A. Fahnestock, Hull 4 Co Bush. Gale 4 Robinson. By using CIIAPPKLL'S HVPERION , Ladles and Gentle- i t a rich, soft, glossy/and flexible appearance, and also whore the hair la loosening and thinning, It will give A. B. 4 D Rands 4 Co. M. Ward , Cloae 4 Co. all warranted to be made of the beEt seasoned material a FhotORraph or Daguerreotype, can have views of The expenBe of applying it la trifling, as an ordinary Roo men can beautify themselves a thousand fold. TIN WARE , COLLEGES, CHURCHES, Wheeler 4 Hart. McKlsson 4 Robbtns. CHAPPELL'S HYPERION is the only article in the strength and vigor to the rook), and restore the growth to can be covered and nnisbed the same day. aud to stand better titan any sold for $400 or $500 by the COTTAGES, STORE FRONTS, James S. Aaplnwall. . D. S. Barnes k Co. world that will Curl strai ght Hair. The only article that those parts which hivo become bald, causingIt to yield a 0 0 P P E B W A R E , old methods of manufacture. We invite the best judges fresh covering of hair. PORTRAITS, MACH1N ES, Morgan 4 Allen. F. 0 Wells 4 Co. will Cnrl the Hair IN BEAUTIFUL CURLS I IT CAN BE APPLIED BY ANY ONE, Thure are hundreds of Indies and gentlemen in New York STOVES, PATENTS , 4c. Ball , Ruckel 4 Co. Laivlle . Marsh 4 Gardner. to examine and try these new instruments, and we stand INGL033Y CUKLS! and when finished fortnB a perfectly Fire Proof surface, SHEET-IRON WARE 4c, Ac who have had th?ir hdlr restored by the nie of this Iuvfgas well as on personal application. Tbnxnas 4 Follor. Hall , Dlxon 4 Co. ^ IN SILKEN CPRLS I with an elastic body, which cannot be injored by Hear, ready at all times to test them with any others manufac Engraved orator, when all other preparations bad tailed. L. M. has FANCY ENVELOPKS, LABELS. BILL HEADINGS , P. D. Orvis. Comad Fox. IN FLAXKN CURLS Shrinking of Roof Boards, nor any exterCold or Storms, AT T E I L O W X S T HASH E A T 1B f tured In this country. In his possession letters innumerable testifying to the SHOW BILLS, VISITING , BUSINESS and other CARDS , AND OTHEBS. IN FLOWING CURLS I nal action whatever. above facts, from persona of the highest respectability.. It engraved in the highest stylo of the Art, and at the lowest GROVESTEEN & HALE , IN WAVING CURLS will effectually prevent the'hair from turning gray no til prices. PmUBELPBTA, Pi. IN LUXURIANT CURLS QUTTA LIQUID PEROHA CEMENT, 478 B r o a d w ay , N e w Y o e k . For Specimens of Fine Engraving, see the Illustrated THEIR MATERIAL IS THE BEST IN It makes the Hair Boft and glossy. It invigorates the the latest period of life ; and iu cases where the hair haa I Robert Shoemaker 4 Co. THE MARKET, T. W. Dyott 4 Co. . 3m 21 June 3 already changed its color tha use of th& Ixtvlgoratot will Works of J. B. LIPPINCOTT A Co., E. H. BUTLER 4 Co., Hair. It beautifies the Hair. It cleanses the Hair. It For Ooatiug Metals of a\\ Kinds when exposed to the B. A. Fahnestock 4 Co. French Richards 4 Co. , ~ &c, &c. \ with certainty redtore it to its original hua, giving it a [oct 23 ly 41 has a most delightful perfome. Action of the Weather, andTT7ENTZ BROTHERS, 1 AND OTHEHS. AND THE REPUTATION OF THE ESIt prevents the Hair from falling off; It fastenB It to the dark, glossy appearance. As a perfume for the toilet and AITO BT ' will a Hair Restorative It is particularly recommended, baring " 0DH COUNTEY—ONE AND INDITMIBLB. " scalp. It IB the only article ever yet discovered that FOR PRESERVING AND REPAIRING METAL ROOFS -» Have the pleasure of offering to their customers TABLISHMENT IS A SURE GUARS . R A T H V O N, I Druggists , Grocers , Storekeepers and Retailers generally curl straight Hair in beautiful curls, without injury to the an agreeable fragrance; and the great facilities It afford OF ALL KINDS. —the People— in dressiug the hair, which, wben moist wlib, the Invtgura In all Country towns and Villages, S . MERCHANT TAILOR AND CLOTHIER , Hair or8calp. I ANTEE OF THE SUPERIORITY At Kramph' s Old St and , Corner of Orange and North The 11VPKLUON does not in any manner interfere with tor caii bo dressed in any required form, so as to .preserve known which will successThis is the only Composition I In the THE GEEATEST BARGAINS Its place, whethorplain or infa axis—hence the great demand Quee> streets, (oppositeShober's Hotel,) Lancaster city, Pa., fully reafBt extreme changesof all climates, for any length the VN I T E D S T A T E 3 . lor It by the ladleb aa a standard toilet article vbiob. none OF THE WOKK. h-\fl od band a varied assortment of NATURAL SOFTNESS OF THE HAIR. of time, when applied to metala, to which it adherea firmly, of the day. Recent heavy purchases from New York and al ways ought to be without, as the price places It within the reach CLOTHS. CA68I ERbld VESTING8 TRIMMINGS , , , dries it. Tbe HYPEKION can be It neither Ecorches.nor to three coats of ordinary paint, forming a body equal Philadelphia saleB, enable us to sell at C A L L all, being ONLY TWE.VrY-FIVE CENTS par bottle, to A^N i> a HEADY-MADE VLOTU^Q AND FDKNISHING A T costii much less, and will laBt three times aa long; and so applied as to cause the Hair to curl for one day, or for of had at all respectable druggists' and perfumers. GOODS from Its elasticity is not injured by the contraction and one week, or tor one month , or any longer period desired. beL. LANOASTXB , SACRIFICING PRICES. MILLtiR would call the attention of Parent* snd in general, for both Men and Boys, adapted to the prevailTho HYPERION is the only article in tbe world bnt consequent npon expansion of Tin and other Metal Roofs, ing seasons, tastes and Bfyles. Civilian and Military, what can be counterfeited or imitated by oprlncipled per- Guardians to the use of his Iovj gorator, In cams where the ' .93-Sold by sndden changes of the weather. We invite all to cal l and secure their share. Hair incltaw to be weafc. Iho use of. itlaya the Dresa , Undress, Fatlgne and Business Clothing, made R E M E M B E R T H E It will not crackin cold or run in warm weather, and sons. To prevent this, we do not offer It for Bale at any childrens* OLD 8 I A N D1 1 i founds ion for a guod head of hair, aa it removes .any impromptl y to order , aud warranted to give entire BatisficDruggist's in tbe United States. will not wash off. DRESS GOODS. CHARLES A. HKIN1TSH, tion. Special attention , as heretofore, given to Boys' Work , j Therefore, any Lady or Gentleman who desires to purities that may nave become con neeted with the scalp No. 7 EAST KINO STREET. Leahy Tin and other Metal Boofncan he readily repaired removal of which Is necessary both for the health o Ac. with GUTTA PEROHA CEMENT, and prevented from beautify themselves by nslog tbe HYPERION, must in- the Immense stock. Ladle*, we have magnificent goods Cutting. the child , and the future appearance of the Hair. . Thankful for past patronaue , the proprietor confidently JOHN DEANEB, JOHN F. LONG 4 CO., further corrosion and leasing, thereby ensuring a perfect- close the PRICK, ONE DOLLAR, in a letter, and JOHN P. 8CHAUM. j Caution.—Nonu genuine without the fac simile LOUIS looks to the BOHtaiDiog band of a generous public for a W. OHAPPBLL 4 CO., Address, ly water tight roof for many years. FOR V2%, 1$%; 20, and 25 CENTS , continuance of that support which has heretofore b*en so Box 64, Parkman, Geanga Co., Ohio, MILLKK being on the outer wrapper; also, L. MILLER'S jan 7 ' This Cement 1b pecnliarly adapted for tbe preservation of Sm 62 A. B. KAUFMAN , HAIR INYIGORATOR, N. \ blown lo tn« glus. \ li b erall y extended towards him and those in bis emp loy. I Iron Railings, Stoves, Ranges, Safes, Agricultural Imple- And It will be carefully sent by return mall, Cheap at double tb,e prices. Wholesale Depot, &6 Day Street, and sold by all the 8. 8. RATHVOV, nov 1 2 ly 44 for general manufacturers' use. ments, 4c,.also F I R T H, F O N D & C O ., principal Merchants aud Druggtatathroughout tfie world . T. S. ELLMAKER Merchant Tailor and Clothier. , Extra Large Stock of BUtTDPACTUHEBS OP Liberal discount to porchaaera by the quantity. . P. S.-^-SPRING FASHIONS , and Spring and Summer GUTTA PEROHA CEMENT SALES I TRADE SALBS 1 ! r pRADE I also desire to present to the American Public my Material , receivod and ready to ba made, t-ither plain, M U S I C A L I N S T R U M E N T S I B. S. MUHLBNBE BG, S O OP S K I S TSI sim publishes* or NEW AND IMPROVED INSTANTANEOUd LIQUID medinm or fashionable. [may 6 tf 17 for preserving and repairing Tin and other Metal Roofa of having just returned from the PhiladelTbe subscriber , S H E E T M U S I C , HAIR DYE every description , from its great elasticity, is not injured phia Trade Sales, offers at the lowest prices ail kinds of Our Skirt Room is now full. 647 Beoaiway, Niw York. I And by the Dru ggists, Storekeepers and Betailers generally. by the contraction and expansion of Metals, and will not Books, embracing LAW , FICTION , MEDICAL , RE- which a£|er years of scientific experimenting- I have T H E P E O P L E' S H A T A K D C A P brought to perfection. It djes Blued or Brown , instantly al S T O R E . can crack in cold or run in warm weather. order LIGIOUS , BIOGRAPHY , MECHANICAL and other kinds. ; above. WENTZ BROTHERS. Great inducements offered to purchasers. -sj^»Country Dealers These materials are adapted to all climates, and we are These books will be sold at the lowest prices, as we had without injury to the Hair or Skin, warranted tha best Or addrest> orders direct—[or if Prices , Terms , 4c, J article of tbe kind In existence. N o . 5 E a s t K i ng S t b e e t . prepared to supply orders from any part of the country, at the advantage and were the only Bookseller from LancasIs desired , IS"send for [1862] Circular , giving roNEW AND SPLENDID PIANO FORTES , I 8HCLTZ 4 BRO, PMWBt ONLY FIFTY CENTS. June 24 tf 24 ahort notice, for GUTTA PERCHA ROOFING in rolls, ter at the Trade Sales, and , as a consequence , we can Bell dnced Prices] to as low as $200 for cash , and every Instrument warranted. DEPOT , 56 DEY STREET , NEW YORK. ready prepared for use, and GUTTA PERCHA CEMENT lower tban any other Store. A few of the Books are here HENRY R. COSTAB , 1O—"SIGH OP THB BIG WATCH "— I O NEW PIANOS rented and the rent applied to the purS A T T E B S ang U Iy 81 with full printed directions for application. In barrels, mentioned : chase. WATCHES, CLOCKS, J E W E LR Y AND PamciPAL Depot—No. 482 Bboadway , New York. WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY , SILVER WARE.—JAMES P. DYSART , NO 1C MELODEONS AND HAKMONEUMS constantly on hand. pEEAT DISCOVERT. No. 20 Nobth Quees Stezet, Lakoastzb, Pa. une 24 5m 24 A G E N T S W A N T E D . J WOROK8TBR'8 UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY , B A N D I N S T R U M E N T S . WEST KING St^, (near Market) takes pleasure In inviting VX I have made a discovery of the utmost importanc e SOLDIERS' TEXT BOOKS , We manufacture and import Band Instruments of all attention to bis new and large stock, of Goods, which comThe subscribe™ are desirons to inform their Customers to every married person of either sex, and will send the We will make liberal and satisfactory arrangements REVISED ARMY REGULATIONS , prises as great a variety of all articles In his line as can and the Public generally, that their preparations of a large kinds. full particulars concerning it to any one on receipt of a GREAT INDIAN HERBAL TEA ! with THE responsible parties who would like to establish themMoOLKLLAN'S BAYONET EXERCISES , A full Get of 12 Brass Instruments, forwarded for $150 be found In the city, consisting in part of assortment of 11ae stamp to pay return postage. MK F E M A L E S . selves In a lucrative and permanent business. U. 8. INFANTRY TACTICS , cash. List nf prices sent on application by letter. Ladies' Fine 18 Carat Hunting Lever Watches, stop Address , DR. J. H. MARTELL , SOFT FELT AND SILK HATS , ZOUAVE DK1LL BOOK , £fftx EVERY KIND OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENT , Fine Gold Hunting Levers, apr 16 ly 14] Alfred, Maine. j D R . E N G L I S H ' S O U R T E R M S A R E C A S H . adapted for Spring and'Snmmer wear, have been comGIFT BOOKS OF ALL KINDS , and all kinds of Musical Goods Open-faced Levers, can be furnished in our ' I N D I A N V E G E T A B L E B M M E N A G O G U E : " " wr sk ^ PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS , STEREOSCOPES I--T U « i « .. wonder ful pleted ; the same comprises the richest and most beautiful Btocg. Parties ordering by letter and enclosing the money,, n& fvg Silver Hunting Case " shades of color and style, which taste and long experience can depend upon prompt attention to their orderB. We can give abundant proof of all we claim in favor of For the Pocket or Oentre Table , in great variety. The $J and universally admired pictures , whi ch, appeai ai ,: Open-faced " " t This Celebrated Female Medicine possesses virtues uqound and solid as sculptured marble, are taken dally at ¦ OUR NEW GKRMAN SILVER FIFE, price $7.60, in tnown or anything else of the kind , and proving effectual onr Improved Roofing Materials, having applied them to GIFT BOOK for the season. a good assortment of LEVERS and LEPINES of Silver and conld prod uce. In our assortment will be foond all the Newest Styles of case, is the best Fife ever made. several thousand Roofs in New York city and vicinity. SCHOOL MAPS , CHARTS AND CARDS, JOHNSTON'S SKY LIGHT SaLLEEY , Composition Cases; QUARTIER8 indENGLISH WATCHAfter all others have failed; it is pre pared from an ''Indian , PELTON'S OUTLINE MAPS corner of North Queen and Oran ge stf . GUITARS I GUITARS II , JK '(nrstand"second handed,) all of which are warranted S I L K , C A 8 S I H E R E A N D S O F T H A T S , Herb " peculiar to Northern Mexico and Texas, and is used JOHNS 4 CROSLEY , BANDERS' ELOCUTIO NARY CHART , JtS f Daguerreotypes of every six* and style, takes I Tbe demand for our Guitars is constantly on the increase T)y the Natives In producing the mokthl t hokhess. It ia to keep time or no sale. S T R A W H A T S , * His assortment of JEWELRY Is the most extensive SANDER*' SCHOOL CARDS , the lowest prices , because thay do not crack or split in any climate. designed for both married and single ladies , and ts the SERGEANT'S SCHOOL CARDS , fjsnauter , Ja na 1<* %t Every Guitar of our make is fully warranted. Sole Manufacturers, tf- * ever offered to the citizens of Lancaster, part of which are every Style and Quality for Gentlemen 's and Boys' Wear. Tery beat thing known for the pnrpoae , as it will remove WEBB'S SCHOOL CA RDS. " PR I OE 8. the following -styles: FINE PAINTED BREASTPINS A full line of obstructions after other remedies have been tried in variety, from twenty-five cents to F I S H I N G ' T A C K L B . BIBLES in great No. 1. MAHOGAN Y GUITAR , with patent head, in caso, *1I WB0U8AU WABXHonsE, 78 WOLIAH STBIET, VAR RINGS AND.BRACELKTS to match ; CAMEO SETTS* ' Tain. It is a pleasant tea, containing nothing inj urious to CHILDREN'S STRAWGOODS. KODd , LIMERICK and KIRBY HOOKS , NETtwenty-five dollars , some of them baving tbe finest bindwitb extra Bet of strings WiOKKNTINB MOSAIC, and PLAIN EAR RINGS and $15 -health , and a cure can be relied upon in nil cases. TWINE, LINEN and COTTON L1NEB , HLOAr ings and Illustrations ever received in town. kUMMEB STYLE CAPS. NEW YORK. ¦ ? SWIVNo. 2. ROSEWOOD GUITAR, patent bead, In caae, ic. 18 Corner of Liberty Street, , ' : BKEAfiTPINS,all of which for beauty, style and cheapness Prolapena Uteri , or felling of tbe Womb; Flooes Albas , . . : . . . :. ¦ SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS—Methodist , Lutheran , ELS, 4c. For sale at No. 3. cannot be surpassed In the city, Also, a fine assortment of extra beading, 4c 22 In conclusion we would return onr sincere tbanks for or Whites ; Chronic Inflammation " " , or Ulceration of the Full descriptive Circulars and Prices will be furnished on Episcopal , Presbyterian , American Tract Society, AmeriTHOMAS ELLUAKER.'3 " PLAIN- and CHASED BRACELETS and (1 No. 4. oval back, Ac " 35 j TFomb; Incidental Hemorage or flooding; and diseases of BA^YDS, wit h past f avors, and tru-t by unvaried exertions, attention and Drug and Cbemical Store , can Sunday School UDlon. application. No. 6. Cameo'Setts and Medallions. Particular attention paid to dispatch to meiit ita continuance. ' " centrifugal bare, 4o 36 the Spine. " " Opposite tbe Cross Keys1 Hotel, « SCHOOL BOOKS—Sanders ', Towers ', Bergeant' B, WilNo. 6. Jewelry or Gentlemen's wear, comprising Sleeve Buttons " elegantly Inlaid , and J&~ Ladies in the early Btage of pregnancy are cautione d JOHN A. SHULTZ , 30 tf West King Street , LancasU J uly 291 HENKt A. SHTTLTZ. ; Readers ; Montelth' 88 son's Parker 4 Watson 's s, Mltchel' oct 1 ly s, , finished in superior style, Studs, Guard, Breast and Fob Chains of the best quality50 against the nse of this tea, as it will produce miscarria ge. Warren 's, Smith' s Geographies. Also, Algebras, Arithme may 27 ' We will pack our Gnitars iree of charge, on receipt of the Ribbon Slides, Gold and Silver Tooth Picks, etc. Always tf 20 PEIPABED AlfU BOLD BZ *.<cs, Grammars , Histories , Dictionaries , 4c. Stationery, P ETZEJLT A M'BVOV , STILL COS T J H K U M A T I C ! 8 price from parties out of the city. on hand a good assortment of D E . CK W . E N G L I S H , tinue the MERCH ANT TAILORING BUSINESS in the * Copland Composition Books, Cap, Note and Letter Paper. Cheap imported Guitars, from $2 and upwards. S I L VER W A R E, DRESSING AND No. 216 South Second Street , Philadelphia , Pa. HAIR. SHAVING THE GRANITB BUILDING , Blank Books, Slates , Lead and Slate Pencils. . Pens and DR. L E L A N D ' S such aa Spoons, Tea, Table, Dessert, Sugar, Mustard and BANJOS 1 BANJOS !1 S A L O O N Price $1.00 per paefcage, (with fnll directions for uae) sent . North Queen fit. - Our stock consists of the choic No. 6M, Holders Ink and Ink Btands Envelopes. Tbe best , Rulers , B A N D , A N T I R H E U M A T I C We make the best Banjos Bait; Dinner and Tea Forts; Napkin Rings; Butter and in the World I Onr patent SAMUEL J. WILLIAMS tates pleasure in notifying his by KxpreBB or Mail to any address. Oft FRENCH CLOTHS, such as Baiolues, Rj hwmieB and viz : Maynard 4 Noye's, Inks in the market are sold here PEBUATTENTLT C U BES , FruitKnives; SaltCollers; Cupa , Pie Knives, Pickle Knives n umei-005 fdends and customers , that he has removed hia Banjos with extra screws and turning keys, for Solo PlayDr. E. can be consulted is all obstinate Female ComArnold' s, Hoover 's, Lang hlings 4 Bushfleld' s, Biackwood' s, Nollsaons finest Cloths of various . colors; the, choicest R H E U M A T I S M , and Forks, setts of Knives, Forks/and SpoonB for Hisses.— Saloon from Cooper'B Botol to tbe basement under Peter ers, has thrica the tone and power of the ordinary Banjo. ¦ptalota , In person or by lettei , and will famish the GnttaFrench Oassimeres; Black Doeskin Casaimerei; Fancy etc. At the Cheap Book Store of nr all its various roasts, Also a beautiful lot oi Port Monnabs for Ladies and Gents M'Conomy's Shoe Store, in West King street , near the Price , from $8 to $25, with csse, according to finish. "pereha Female Syringe—highly recommended by the " '. -^ JOHN SHEAFFER , CassimereB, the best selection ; Testings of all descriptionj Combs and Brushes of all kinds, Accordeons Ac Cheap Banjos , from $1 and upwards. Buckley 's New .Faculty to married ladies for special purposes. M rket Houst> , and has fitted it up in new and elegant style Acute or Inflammatory, Chronic , Lumbago , Sciatica, ' nov 12 tf 44] No. 32 North Queen St, Lancaster , Pa and a large ussortment of Method for the Banjo. The best book for learning that * Clockafrpm$155. to $50, all warranted. Pleuradyne, <£c., tCc. r* or the accommodation of customers. Also Radical Cure and other Trusses—Improred Eotary GENTLEMEN'S FURN1BHING GOODS. instrument. Price undersigned .•»-The has, at considerable expense sot $1, copies sent by mail, postage paid. ¦and Spine Abdominal Supporters—Sbonlder Braces-Elastic _ Stiffness of the Joints and Cramps—GOUT. NEUHAIR DRESSING, SHAVI\'8 AND SHAMPOONING CHEAT CAUSE OF We respectfully ask a continuance of the patronage so m/mlmtmt up a Card of Hair Work Patterns, for which htj ru^cives dnne in the m st scientific and faEtjionable style, and his O RALGIA and al) NE RVOUS AFFECTIONS— Eryslpe-^ STRINGS 1 STRINGS!! THB Lace StocklogB—Spinal Aripaiataa , for Weak and HU MAN MISERY. Reall y good Violin Strings are a rarity. We make it a | *nd , and trasr by f t t IM liberally bestowed open our predecessor orders—to be execnted in Philadelphia in the must chaate tons'Tiol operatioBB are performed with the greatest ease las, Salt Khenm and Scrofulous Eruptions uf the Curved Spine—and Instruments for all Deformities, A j&velopk Jcst Published in a Sealed strict attention to business to receive it. point to keep very * and durable style, and at short notice. The public are iu- and comfort to all concerned. f am^^^^^S^m superior String!, for good players. 'large Stock of tbe above articles constantly ou hand , and -£bodv—Neutralize * the Impurities of the Blood and _ «ar- Price Six Cents "39 One of the finn b^shad considerable expesienc« in one ^ vited to call and examine his Btock and Judge for themFluldB of the wbole system, and effectually counter* " He will also color the hair and whiskers, and guarantee Price 76 cents perset. Sent b y m ail , postage paid. Beside ¦will be furnished at lowest rates by sendipj ? order with ALE0TURE BY DR. CULVEBWELL, ON illE U..U3B the largest and most fashionable Merchant Tailoring £¦the bbove we have Italian , German. French and English [ measurement and full particulars. seivea. JAMES 1>. DYcJARi .1. the colors tu be app lied without injury to either. acting Mercurial and other poistmouB Influences. .*, AND CURE of Sptrmatorrbcea, Consumption ,- Mental and ablishments in Philadelphia, and natters bicueU that he BIgn of the Big Watch , No. 10, West King St., Lancaster Give tbe Professor a call , and he flitters himself that he Strings, for VIoUo , Vlolincello , L onble Bass, 4c. Jewellers, I 4£3~ All communications Rtrlctly coot, jntiai. For Physical Debility, Nervousness, Epilepsy; Impaired Nn - will be able to render satialkctian to the patron * ot (he Dealers in Music, Books, Fancy Goods, 4c, are invited to | farther particulars pleaEo addreie , will be able to render general satisfaction. It Is a conveniently arranged BELT, containing a ) **• June 1 tl'20 trltion ot the Body; Lis>ltade; Weakness of the Limbs firm. PBTZSLT AMCtiVOY. give our Strings a trial. Don «3't make a mistake apd gtt into the wrong shop. P Medicated Compound , to be worn around the body, DR. Q. W. ENGLISH , j and the Back; indbposition, and Incapacity for Study and ap 17 ti 13 SHEET MUSIC AND MUSICAL BOOKS. E S T A B L I S H E D1 a Recollect , It la immediately under M'Conomy 's Shoe Store. 1310 about the waist, EQUALLY EFFECTING ALL 216 South Second Stbext , bkow Doojl, Labor; Dullness 01 Apprehension ; Lore of Mtnvry; Our Catalogue of Music Is very FANCY . J) Y£Ji\O ESTABLIS HMENT extensive and apr 15 If 141 popular, be. It can be worn wherever the disease may PARTS, $9 ! PHILlDELPHIA. PA. 8. J. WILLIAMS. O1GS OF TI1K aGD COATI Aversion to Society ; Love of Solitude'; Timlditj ; beltand we are publishing New Mnslc Every Day. J. A W. JUNES , No. 432 NUKXli FttUA T oT., above ! without injury to the most delicato person, and no JOS* I HAVE NO AGENT? [nov 6 ly 43 Dizziness; Headache; AHections of tho £>es; CallowhiU, Philadelphia, dye Sijks, Woolen and F-ncy ¦rp H E Besides our own publications we have all of the. Mnstc jj F l A i K L E &, L - Y O N © change In tbe proper habits of liviDg Is required It»* Dlbtrust; FALL AXD WKJTKR CLOH1ISO CHBAPBR THAN published in tbe country,and can furnish Foreign Muslp. j Goods oi every description. Their superior style of Dyuiog entirely removcB the disease from tbe system,' with M PimpUs on the Face; Involuntary Emissions, and Sexual X S E W I N G M A C H I N E C O M P A CT KVBK1! " THERE IS NO SUOH WORD AS FAIL. Incapacity ; the Consequences of Youthful Indheret&n , " Ladies' and Gentlemen's Garments 1» widely known Dealers, Teachers of Mnsic Heads of Seminaries , , Book I 533 BROADWAY , NEW YORK. M out the fallacious nBe, In such cases, of powerful in" S . W. K A U B , Dealers and News Agents, can have their orders promptly !¦ i r p A R R A N T ' S CRAPE AM> ftlEtUNO 8UAWLS ternal medUines, which weaken and destroy tbe eoo-S 4c^ *cThis admirable Lecture clearly JAUOK AND CLOTHIKE, ajar* provrs that tt» .Dyed the .moet brilliant or plain colors. Crape and Merino ! THIS COMPANY , beins duly licensed , their Machines filled and forwarded by Express or mail, gtstitntloQ and give temporary relief only by stnpifying St, Lahcastis. So. 8 X»»a Qcsu above enumerated, often self-afflicted evils The pottage , may be rcmoxwl shawls cleaned to Jouk like new—also, Gentlemen's ap- are protected from infringement and litigation. on Music sent by mail Is only about one the system and deadening it-i vitality. By this treat- O o i i p o u t f D I i r i A H or without inedidne and without daugerons surgical r-Btrtr- StJldK W. EL\CB oils iho atwoUon of the citizens of parel, Cuj tains, Ac., cleaned or re^Jjed. P«r«ODB <i-&\riug to procure a Sewing Machine should cent for each piece. This is the cheapest and quickest way ment, the medicinal properties contained in the city to bis large and welt'selected ~ *fcJ LutodWr tiona, aud should be read by every youth <wxctr and to forward small packages. ^ «T«ry mitt *&• Call and loot at oar work, before going elsewhere, purchase 'be aromaticand volatile nature BAND, being of a highly O U B E B S A N D CO P A I B A . ttack <f Nk* uix>d« and Ready, Made Fall ind Winter mar i6 ' 2in 11 ay Send fir onrCat.logum and Olroulan. F I N K L E <£ L T O N M A C H I N E and capable of beiDg readily absorbed, tbroogb thep« in the land. , tae r Sent under seal, In a plain envelope, to any addrm, 00 CtethtKe. lire largest a n j beet assorted in the city of LanRemember the name and number. ^ loilowiog lor reaaous : gporeB of the skin, come into direct contact witb the 1 the receipt of all Cents eartwr. is. W. Kaub would call particular attention to his or wo ;xiaUui! , tunr *. hj «dd!W». FIRTH, 1st There Ig no ' POND 4 CO., Machine, making the ti ght or lockBlood and general circulation , without first having^ !' Uhls preparation is particularly recommended to the R O O F 1 W G S L A T E . tog, Dr. On A S. J. C kl.t.NK %t**% ct Ready Made Clothing of bis own manufacture, may 6 3m 17] 647 Broadway, New Ymk. }1 ai-IDlOAL PROFESSION and the PUBLIC, as combining, PBICES REDUCED AT GEORG E M. 8TEINMAN A etitcb, which Ih so elraple and so easily ubderstood. n to pass through the stomach, whlcb would tend not alt warranted to be well sowed and guaranteed to give 127 Bowery, New York, Pon Ofllee Box, 44S8. 2nd. Thurs Is no SBWing Machine eo dnrabla, and so but to CU'a HARDWARE STORE , l.N W£3T KUNG ST. only to detract from their cnratlve powers, in 4iie most convenient aud efficacious form , the wellentire satisfaction: may 13 t fj s 1 T A LATE MEETING OF THE BOARD •established virtues and properties of Cubebs and Copslbs. Impair the internal organsand derange tbe digestion *3 Persons ia want of Roofing Slate, or wuhing to have easily kept in order. OVEiiCOAlb, from $3.M> to f 12.00 their buildings covered witti Blate, will find it to their SrJ. There Is no Sewing Machine capablo of doing so J\ of Directors of the Common Schools of tbe City of For the speedy and effectual relief and cure of all SEXUAL {13 also—thus avoiding the Injurious effects, so often BLACK FKOUK COATS, from 4.00 ¦' 14.00 ' interest to c. 11 as above. Having made arrangements for great a range of work; no work ever nqnired In Family Lancaster , the following resolution was adopted : remedies, and effecting SN tbe result of internal YORK I t i K DI C A t . DISEASES, it may justly be considered one of the grettest INSTITUTE. '¦ N E W BUSINESS COATS 3.00 " 10.00 , , " kesolvrd . That the President and Trea&nr er bo author - -and cnoBt valuable discoveries in the annals of medicine , m perfect enre by purifying and equalizing tbe circulaa large supply of very superior quality, thay will be offered Sewing, but what may be dono perfectly on 'our Machine A benevoUut IntuuiMott <*»**»!.*» l*» cure of » 6.00 MoNKhY COATS, •' 8.00 at pricua to suit the tiices. ized to prepare certificates of loan, and advertise for sn frtiQuently effecting a cure in three or four days. In its tion cf the vital fluids and reatoiing the paits affected Q Unronlc Dlseasra of owrjr natnre, ««« to |>rot»et Invalids from Lace to Heaviest Cloth. « BLACK PANE'S, 8.60 " 6.00 amount for the ¦ present 4th. Wherever onr Machines have , not to exceed Fix thousand dollars to a healthy condition. Tbis Band is also a most aMor t o>ent of HARDWA RE , to which the from quack advertuvn «R<I !ttH*»h*». *"o charges except baen fairly exhibited , preparation aa an extract or a paste , the usual nanseous 4.60 1.40 " FANCV CASS. I'ANTS, '• *t£i?i«r. g<?£rttl tarmers > Wechanics aud Merchants is invit ed. In competition with other flrBt-claaa Machines, we have to meet loans now due and becoming due , and called for/ ' 'taste Is avoided , and It Is, consequently, never found to Rpowerlul "ANTI-MKRCURIAL AGENT." Calomel for medicine unlll eumk and !a tit * cT Mtreme poverty •» 6.00 VBStS, all ptKta. "4 " nSr n We therefore give notice that we have prepared tbe cer* Interfere with the d igestion , while , from its greater eonbeen awarded First Promlums. • being the primary causo of a lai ge part of the Stifftreatment free. No Miutmle ef Mb oous Drags used. Boyt md iVnUt't W-«.-» i*j j J «H Vriatt , ami , 6m 9 Harranfed tiflcates required ¦ , an d now advertise for offart of 5t&. With new improvements constantly being added— Loans , contrition, *h edoee fs n)uch reduced. It may be relied on . 1 ness, Nenraigio Pains and Rheumatics, so prevalentgj The Physician! hate Im.l l'-hg nfctt extensive experieuco . . im*«fe. TkBlT G AND C H E b i i c a I « t o n tp with perfection of mechanical skill , cbtaincd by long and will entirely tellevo the system from its pernlclboth In private Knd Uotpnal |M»cllf«. The following are ex- not exceeding Six Thousand dollars, at six per cent, per as the best mode for the administration or these remedies »W »cW<Httd juwrtment of French , Al*\ cu hnu J o has ? perience—we aim to produce a Mschine which shall be a annum , tbe interest payable half yearly, on the 1st day of in the large class of diseases of both sexes to which they M ons effects. some of the cotnptaltttR \d whtch special attention U$lY*tt* KviUA ftuti Akih W<»« tKvUu, unr-Vuatlngs and Cas ai July, and the 1st ^ day of January. Bource of profit and pleasure to the purchaser. Moderate cases are cumd In A fow days, and we are ^ All diseases or tho lt»d. Throat, Lung*, U«H, j Uttw.Wb, gw(«i nM Vosttoj g*, are applicable. *ft*tb «Ul t* m»do up at slior t All persons desirous of investing In each loans , which * (o* 6th. There is no Setting Machine »o foll y guaranteed as bConEtantly receiving undoubted teitlmoutitln—to Liver, Kidney, IJUddnr, KheumaUim, ft<». V*\WK ttVaK ^iW> , »Al» N . U.—Purch asers aie advised to ask for ¦«*, esiv «u4 n»ul» la the late st stylo {><*, ours; for we warrant entry Machine w>. sell to givt bf ticr are amply seenred by the value of the real estate belong which we Invite inspection at our oRlie—of tholrSj ¦ ¦ TARHANT'S COMPOUND BXTRAOL' OF CUBEB3 AND Nervous Afflictions, Diseases of Iho »«*»*> Vfet£*e&, $mmX ««gc«M«mi<»»t» «Y«>,MVV.t».M.k>© iu • Ing to the Common Schools of the City of Lancaste r , thesatisfaction than any other, or we will refund the money. effl caey in aggravated cuen of lona (Undln>. COPAIBA , Weakness, Impotence auu \'U«V*\ *t**ft »>. W* WAU 'tV, MAK S AND FIT. Articles , Baraa iwrUlas , to., 4o., to which tho attran « ,l ^ ' PRICE TWO DOLLARS. May be had of Drunglsts, « 7th. We have still mrther reduced onr prices, an d wben authority which the law gives them to levy an annual tax and to take nothing else—as imitations and worthless natur e positively cutwl, &**»* «|- fowte o#i i(ft uswHu ittXit of Gentlemen 's FurB Abib tax DABfi. » bhw on the assessment eof^Brdiant s.phjriciaii, anil wnBnmerB ta ^erS! of the property in th e a ^ the quality of the Machine is considered, it will bo readily elty, and by their preparations , under similar names , are In the market. or will be sent by mall upon receipt qt $2, or by exIrregularities succesatato tWM «*. jfefejafc Jo^t. 8hirts ,, low leck Ties, i. Invited. w Q^^(»lSl.>J w Collar., portion of lbs ann ual Btate aDpro priation , will please to ap- Pamphlets accompany THOMAS JSULMA nllC conceded that for medicine,, containing full and buyin g their ness cored without patht«l ojpmVFua. 'fr.Wa.Vt \<m>m ^S Sprees everywhere, with all necessary Instructions n goods SSS *^ *5 iJr ta<UiiU«nwn ly to PETER McCONOMY , Treasurer, West Kin * street , ample directions. Price,the fe*>»» West aipg Bt reey un. from the principal office of 9 4 0 $1.00. Sent by express on receipt by letter , by sending » MaAeajjia A<*kV*m- «S%. l&Mmi). S* fashionable Btjle, at the lowest ? Di:aBt 6r • >^l call La «Sl KWift t e we furni ah 1he best and cheapest Machine in the world. A. I,. HAYES , «t price. sent to any part of tire «*la«tis- ft«Ht» ** &<» V* **. , n 8fg2] ,J nne lO . a. SMITH 4 CO., Sole Proprietors , ™ Send for a Circular , whicb , with price-list , and samples invited to President CARD TO YOUNG LADIE S A M D Prepared and sold wholesale and retail , by Address, 8tatnB tM&eepl and examine befor. 491 B e o a d w a t , r i a s B e o o m i S t . , ^^^ iwiSSwn are A OiiilTLKMBN. -ThB snb«cril»r will ao nd ( f ru of free*°rt 6°°8 on th e Famlly M"0'1'08 wm be sent mail N E W Y.ORK. T A BB A N T " 4 0 0 . , ¦ iWft fe<i«»M», charffe) to aU^ wno defire .it, thB Kecipe and direcUona fOr CASTER. H OME MUTUAL PIHES mar SJ ly ll] Sw YWgtty, 49-ILLUSTRATED TREATISE LAN WITH CERTIFIED Agents want ed who will pardiMs Machines. Wt never Wasiih Shut, TSSTIJIOMIALS BEHT FiiKS. Ko. Sit GctEiwiOH Sum, coutzjt or nuuung a V^etaWa Bal m, llm will, ia lrom two to eight IOTU8AN08 COM PART. ¦ ¦ ~ ¦ ~] " consign. . • I00 e llIilllM B1 lt<!h OFFICE, NO.58 EASTKINO STBEBT. NEW YORK, ' ¦ H O T O e ~ift A »T A Y ." No. 8 North Qneen iu, LaEcasttr. 49* A d a p t e d t o S o l d i e r s. "B» > Iai '' ;rreckl «l. 8>ilowneM , .and J " all ' i?:.impnritta. P1MKLE 4 LTON SEWING MACHINE COMPANY , ¦ IN AU ftS TOASetiRS, ' " This Company having I tvi 18 tf 401 and' roaghntBS received of thb Skin applications for , insurleaving tne Dru ggists Generally , And For Bale by 8l Agents in Lancaster: A. B. KAUFMAN , J. F. LONG 4; 8 E1«>«>WAY , N. Y. ance of Real Estate ($160,000) to the amount required »» IBBOHT BOOT , OIli, ".«'liu*l!LI"s' ^ " l;sionId >»-»°". clear , smooth !„n i17 t ' ClASTOR !StL O. A. HBIN1T8H. SONS, apr 22 Iy l5 antt bMuUInl. i IU Charter , commenced Issuin g policies on the 1st day oj IhoM dairing the Bedpe , wit h mil In°° 6m 23 BORAX , ' • / SWKKTOIL Oolusobla: T. A. WILLIAMS. [may It ly 20 April , 1863, and is now prepare d to Insure Real and PerCAMPHOR, ALCOHOL , C- Z. G O T T W A 1 . S , sonal Property in the City and County of Lancaster. It 1* T T I I T B D CALOMEL , -. ¦ ¦ SPICKS , STATES HOTEL , pH O X O B K A P H A L B U M S . strictly on the mutual princi ple no profits being STEREOSCOPIC JP Q&rXAJTS, ¦: .JT. CHAPM AN , Prac tical Chemist, LOaWOOD , B0DA, ^j .. U P B K M 8 Y L V A N I A R A I L R O A D DEPOT , ,™ P R O V U CE O 0 M M I8 S I 0N U BB O H A N T plated, bu t an immense saving. , Stock Insurance contemmy 20 2am Ambrotjpes , Daguerreotypes, *c. for Caws, Medallions , 831 Broadway , New ¥ok Compa, CRKAM TAETAB . PEAHLBAELBY, 8. 9. COBHIR UtB ABTD M»"* 8TO1RS, Kings, nies being principally designed for tbe benefit of the stock• 21y D. Pins. Imarl» *c at ¦ .*US . : HAKT8UOHN pHTF^rMEr^^T* ; .BUM ARABIC, , Vo 812 gPMHO GiSBSI SlEBi, loldeis, this company has been organized for the special F. at 2.00 . a ^OW ,SliW ^D^WXBa ESTISG VIALS, . : H. W. KANAGA, GKLATIKE, ' ' " siiNiiA, :. ; ,:....: benefit of tho insure d part ies, and they will control It , as No. 6 at 3.60 PBOPXHTom. bbcbabb V '¦nVH B M7 H - I O A . deo 24| PHI IADEIPHIA. . there are no stockholders to do so. Every person insuring TERMS:— $1,25 per day. No. 6U at 838 riy M j * ' spoNsKtvr r alapT^ [may 28 tf 20 J. A1OI 811111 V 1 0 T 1 T ¦H U D , property in this company thereby becomes a member ; X&M#& .aBimBi , . a"Su oj Dowstio Im B* No. 6 at 4.26 For sale at . TUOMAB iLLaAK gK'S B.NIT.GH.B OV UVBBT DESG RlpI thereof, and will be represented ther ein to the extent . PHILADELPHIA. tf fcUUxv^t "to .tL mnej or, IhoJ Barl s' Dangh ter, IIU No. 7 at 460 oi _ .. - . tf 14 : Driut and Ohm ileait»tOTai:»ea£S)u it»t 1 tion, warranted as good as , , the best, and cheaper than hia insurance. . . . CPTOSSB J BB ' B O D U O O B K . No, 8 at 4.7» .; ..KWOO .. proprietor. . ¦ . . , . . T H E , . ttochsapesf-at KBIcEilPS , Nobih Qoim nSanToa Dialer os-rBevv Win. E Qtrhari, President: D. a. iOO ... This -wonderful article , Just patented, Is something rri TTBKSAL L ' * HBAVB PWDB B No. 6U at, 4^-ThisHotel lr central, convenientby Passenger Cats ;Xposits Shan k's National House, Lancaster. Swam and J. B.Swart iwelder, Tics Presidents: M0 Powdered Rosing Anttooi J ,I^en^bigrWlt ian -entirely new, and never before offered to agents, who art No. 1ST »t ; bnlphur l <«Ul>aruofthedty f^ari *rn»TeTyi ^acnlaradapB N. B. To any one purchasing $50 worth't efcro the first I. Lefever, Secretary; John Bheaffer, Treasurer;Christ to. >d Itl John D. ¦wantsd everywhere, JuUpartlcuisrswnt t Sair petrc,Asaaltotlda,Alnm^ 4cv FoSal *iP^ 3 > ¦ *•«. torite ' 5 ^ ^ «!^* < I ^ c*S» rta j rf> n»xt, 10 per oent. willbe allowed forCaah. IkUes, Christian Out , Barton B. Martin and Lawren ce » ^OI^niuS«publl.. lO ly nr.aft g 1 L BAi«*O0, Oor. Morth Queen onlOrw w Sto of November ftflnroM 8HAW apV»ltf14 . THOMASWifiaMsUiB •J tltfliQ PIB DAy. fsep * ¦ ng81 SS W TEKMB»1^0 Knapp. ' t(88 No. 6 BastKing S*. pmg ,nd (Swaital Store,W«ttaU» n . * |aprU8m l« aprSlyU] , BUdafora Tataaia. I B r U U.leJ ft - - __ 'J ¦ 11 wmpIeue * on or ad" ^ ¦ssssassysssj ^ g««sLjti. ,* Aft» rs» "Ta^ffia.r v&SSt ^^* *™^^^ a .^r^M^w^Y ^ ^i^ froa^s^ir1111-