Winter2015-16 edition - Port Chester Obedience Training Club


Winter2015-16 edition - Port Chester Obedience Training Club
Sit ‘n Stay
Quarterly Newsletter of PCOTC • Winter 2015–16
Club Doings
Pages 2–5
Pages 6–7
Obedience & Rally
Pages 8–9
Family Manners
Pages 10–11
Nose Work
Page 12–14
Calendar of Events
Events are held at the PCOTC facility unless otherwise noted
Dec 9 Holiday Club Party & Club Meeting
Dec 13 Agility Run-thrus
Jan 10
WPW Obedience run-thrus
Jan 17
Nose Work ORT (SNiFF)
Jan 31
Agility run-thrus
Feb 13
Meet the Breeds, Manhattan
Feb 14
WCRL Rally Trial
Feb 21
WPW Obedience run-thrus
Mar 5-6 AKC Rally & Obedience Trials
Mar 13 Agility run-thrus
Mar 20 WPW Obedience run-thrus
Apr 10
Girls Scouts on a visit to PCOTC, with therapy beagle Tucker. Apr 10
See more on p. 23. Photo © Morgaana Photography
Apr 16–17
WPW Obedience run-thrus
PCOTC at Bark for Life
Suzanne Clothier seminars
PCNUT Agility Trials, FDR Park, Yorktown Heights, NY
May 22 WPW Obedience run-thrus
Jun 9
Annual Club Meeting
Jun 19
WPW Obedience run-thrus
Jun 25–26
Tracy Sklenar agility workshops
Jul 17
WPW Obedience run-thrus
Aug 31 Club Meeting
Sep 2-4 AKC Agility Trials
Sep 18 WCRL Rally Trials
Oct 26 Howl-o-Ween Party & Club Meeting
Nov 12-13 Bobbie Lyons workshops
Dec 4
WCRL Rally Trial
Dec 12 Holiday Party & Club Meeting
Port Chester
Obedience Training Club
220 Ferris Avenue, White Plains, NY or
Est. 1940
President, Lynn Lucas, 914-302-7126
1st Vice President, Carol Fessler, 914-245-8236
2nd VP, George Berger,
Recording Secretary, Audrey Woods,
Corresponding Secretary,
Jeanne Turschmann, 914-761-2339
Acting Treasurer, Bob Amen,
Grace Heck, 302-584-8166
Debbie Poe, Registration, 914-762-2252
Jane Wheeler, Publicity & PR, 845-227-5116
Megan Woods, House Liaison, 914-591-7209
Kathy Gregory,
Competition Obedience & Rally
Rick Pisani, 631-581-2834
Kim Seiter, 914-564-6007
Family Manners
Jenn Michaelis, 406-396-3353
K9 Nose Work
Kathe Baxter, 914-238-6505
PCOTC Message Phone:
914-422-DOGS (3647)
Seminars/Special Events:
Jane Wheeler,
--------Facility Emergencies::
Stephen McKay, 914-835-5487
Registration Questions:
Is a quarterly publication of Port Chester
Obedience Training Club. Articles of interest to
the membership are welcome and encouraged. The
editor reserves the right to edit all material in the
interest of space constraints and appropriateness.
EDITOR, George Berger,
OUR STARS, Michelle Trummer,
Next deadline: February 10, 2016
2 • SIT ‘N STAY, WINTER 2015–16
President’s Message
It’s been almost six months since our elections and, looking back on this time, I want to
share with you some of the positive things that the club and its members have achieved,
and are still working on behind the scenes.
Our first Open House proved to be a great success. It was invigorating to watch members of the Board, instructors, and club members working together to promote our club
to new people. We certainly had fun and learned a lot in the process, so that our next
Open House in Spring will be even more exciting.
Review of our Constitution & By-Laws is progressing steadily and thoughtfully, and we
are also taking this opportunity to review and update policies based on member feedback. Member involvement and attendance at club meetings has increased, and we have
been gratified by the lively discussions highlighting member concerns and the ideas and
suggestions that have been offered. I believe that this is an excellent way to utilize our
club meetings and one that I hope will continue.
The independent audit of our financial position and practices has started and should be
completed before the end of the year, thereby informing our future plans. We are also
looking to improve many aspects of club life as we enter 2016. These improvements
include: using assistants in classes, increased efficiency in renting the facility and the
greater use of social media as a means of communication. This is only the start, and we
anticipate many more innovations and improvements in the months to come.
As you know, we have had transitions in both Board positions and instructors. I want
to offer my heartfelt thanks for the work and service those that have moved on have
provided over the years and wish them all the best in their new endeavors. As we enter a
new chapter for the club I am excited to welcome those that have filled their shoes. I am
sure, with time, these new additions will add a new dimension to the club.
Member achievements in all disciplines this past year attest to how strong our club has
become, demonstrating the quality of instruction that is offered and the high standard
that our students reach. Several members were invited to the AKC/Eukanuba Competition in December and many will be traveling south to Florida to compete in that event.
I am sure that you all join me in wishing them safe travels and the best of luck.
Finally, I wish all our students, their families and dogs a peaceful, happy and festive
holiday season!
— Lynn Lucas,
Holiday Party & Club Meeting
Join us for our annual Holiday Party & Club Meeting on Wednesday, December 9, at
7:30 p.m.! Enjoy holiday-themed refreshments, and a panel discussion on puppy training, prior to a club meeting.
Panelists will include club instructors and members. The panel will address such topics as favorite training techniques, whether early training
is different depending upon the intended work
of the puppy (agility? herding? therapy dog?),
and how often/when to engage in formal puppy
training sessions.
Following the panel discussion, a club meeting
will be held.
Photo © Grace Heck
Club Doings
New Board Members
The Board of Directors has chosen three
members to fill vacant seats:
Bob Amen, Treasurer
Obedience Championship for seven years
in a row, and Pepsi, my Golden Retriever
bitch, qualified for three more years. I did
not participate in 2014 because I was on
the AKC judging panel for the event. I am
also an obedience judge with the Australian
Shepherd Club of America.”
Along the way, Bob has been on the Board
of Directors of the United States Australian
Shepherd Association, and was the Obedience Editor for the Journal for two years.
He was a contributing editor for Front &
Finish, now an online magazine; and he
wrote an article that appeared in the AKC
Family Dog magazine and won a Maxwell
Award from the Dog Writers of America.
Bob Amen is retired after over 40 years in
financial public relations and corporate
management with Fortune 500 companies.
He ran his own consulting business, headquartered in Greenwich, CT, for 10 years,
serving major U.S. companies, and sold it
to Ketchum Public Relations, a New Yorkbased firm, where he served as President
of the Global Corporate Practice. As Bob
neared retirement, he says, “I decided to get
serious about my love of dogs, and began
training for obedience competition.”
During the 18 years that Bob has been a
member of PCOTC, he has served on its
Board of Directors, been an obedience
instructor and Director of Obedience
Training, and served as the club’s AKC
Delegate from 2005-2015. While a delegate,
he served on the Delegate’s Standing Committee on Companion Events (Obedience,
Agility and Tracking).
Bob was elected to the AKC’s Board of
Directors in 2011 and served until 2015; in
2014 and 2015, he was the AKC’s Chairman of the Audit Committee, which was
responsible for monitoring the AKC’s
financial processes and performance.
“When asked to serve on the PCOTC
Board,” Bob says, “I accepted because I felt
that my experience might be helpful to the
club as we look ahead to a bright future. As
Although Bob and his wife have always had Acting Treasurer, I hope to apply some of
a dog, Bob did not get his first competition my background to the job of helping keep
that growth a profitable one.”
dog until 1994, when he acquired “Sara,”
AKC/ASCA OTCH C-Bar M Saranade
in Blue UDX, a blue merle Australian
Shepherd, bred in Texas. Bob details his
competition history:
Audrey Woods, Recording
“Sara was my Novice A dog and we
worked our way through the Obedience
Trial Champion title. I have since earned
the OTCH title on three other dogs, two
Aussies and one Golden Retriever, who is
also an AKC Obedience Grand Champion.
My Aussie, B.G., qualified for the National
After over a decade of serving as an
elementary school principal for a private
parochial school in Tarrytown, Audrey is
currently the Executive Director of The
Tarrytown Nursery School, also in Tarrycontinued next page
Save the Dates:
2016 Club
Club meetings for 2016 are scheduled for
• Tuesday, April 26
• Thursday, June 9 (Annual Meeting)
• Wednesday, August 31
• Wednesday, October 26
• Monday, December 12
New Members!
PCOTC welcomes the following new
• Heather Emmel with Rhodesian Ridgebacks “Xola,” “Asha” and “Nyah”
• Ruth Frumkin with Mixed Breeds “Colby” and “Erica”
• Barbara Napoli
• Lisa Savasta with Doberman “Denali”
• Scott Shaw and Kelly Cornish, with Bernese Mountain Dogs “Daisy” and “Fin”
Online Sit ‘n Stay
Sit ‘n’ Stay is produced for online delivery,
allowing for color photography and live
web links, among other benefits. We hope
you enjoy the new format, adopted in 2015.
However, if you need to receive the
newsletter in print, please contact Jeanne
Turschmann at 914-761-2339.
SIT ‘N STAY, WINTER 2015–16 • 3
Club Doings
New Board Members
place for all its members.” As an active
member for the past 11 years, and with her
diverse experience in a variety of dog sports,
Audrey feels that she has “a lot to offer to the
club, its members and the Board.”
Grace Heck, Director
Grace Heck works as a Process Development Engineer at Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, analyzing samples generated by the
Process Development group in support
of designing manufacturing processes for
Regeneron’s commercial products.
town. She has worked in education for 20
Dogs have always been a part of Audrey’s
life, but, she says, “It was my first Bearded Collie who taught me that there was
more to dogs than a brisk daily walk and
a quick game of tug.” A fellow Bearded
Collie owner introduced her to the fun at
PCOTC’s “Just for Fun Agility Class” on
Friday nights. During this class she made
many new friends and was introduced to a
variety of new activities she could do with
her dogs. That class was her springboard
to become a member and go on to take a
variety of competition level classes, and to
begin competing in a variety of dog sports.
Five Bearded Collies later (four of whom
are still living), Audrey’s dogs have earned
titles in Obedience, Rally, Canine Good
Citizen, Barn Hunt, Agility, and Conformation. Audrey says that she’d “like to believe
that they like Rally the best since I teach
Rally at PCOTC, but to be honest, I think
Agility is at the top of their list!”
In Audrey’s words, “PCOTC is my playground and the playground for my dogs. I
joined the Board of Directors to ensure that
the club will continue to be a fun, special
4 • SIT ‘N STAY, WINTER 2015–16
get more involved in and give back to the
club. The club is moving in new and exciting directions, and I’m looking forward to
how I can affect change.”
Grace also has a young horse, Lea, who
she’s training for Jumpers and Hunter Paces, and she says “When I’m not at the club
teaching my dogs to jump, you can find me
at the barn teaching my horse to jump.”
Grace’s interest in dog sports started when
she was looking for something to do together with her first dog Riley. They started
with agility, and after seeing how much
Riley loved it, Grace was hooked. She found
PCOTC after moving to New York, and
looking for opportunities to continue their
agility training. Grace took foundation classes with Stephen McKay for a few months,
and shortly after, became a member.
Grace now has two all Americans, a Beagle
mix Riley, and a Corgi mix Casey, both of
whom are training in agility. Riley recently
earned his Performance Dog title, and is
now competing in P2 in USDAA. Casey will
make her trialing debut later this year, once
she and Grace shore up their foundations.
Grace says she agreed to join the board “to
Club Reminders
For those dogs in season, please make sure
panties are worn when inside the facility.
Please clean up any bodily fluids thoroughPARKING: Students/Renters are not
ly with the appropriate agents and if they
permitted to park in the lot behind PCOTC eliminate on the outside stairs/deck, please
during weekday hours. You may park in
rinse it off. Thank you for your help in
the lot after 5:00 p.m. weekdays, and on
keeping PCOTC clean!
weekends. If parking in the lot, your car
must be in a designated space; you may not
park next to the ramp. Please be aware that
illegally parked cars are subject to towing.
CLEANUP: Please be aware of where your
dog’s nose is (if they are looking at it, they
are thinking about it) when entering and
exiting the facility, as well as what his/her
rear end is doing!
Missing Crate
Did anyone find a Noz2Noz Soft Krate after
the PCOTC August Obedience Trial? It is
maroon, 24” x 30”. If you did find it, please
contact Ruth at
Club Doings
Update on the Club’s
Financial Planning
PCOTC Document
Scanning Begun
In November, a program to scan and digitize
PCOTC documents was initiated. So far, the
program includes old issues of Sit ‘n Stay as
well as some color photos from the 1980s
and 1990s. Documents will be saved in both
PDF and JPG formats, with digital copies to
be saved in several locations.
Newsletters and photos from 2005 on are already in digital format. If you have PCOTC
newsletters or other documents from prior
to 2005 and are willing to lend them for
scanning, please contact Jane Wheeler at
Project coordinator is Jane Wheeler and
volunteers include Barbara Dodds, Sabine
Hellge, Keith and Ashley Margulis, and
Deborah Silver.
by Bob Amen
As part of its review of the Club’s financial
performance, the Board of Directors has
authorized an audit of its financial activities
for fiscal 2015 (year ended May 31, 2015),
by its accounting firm, Dinowitz & Bove,
C.P.A, P.C., based in New York City.
The task has started with the initial review
of our procedures and financial records by
an auditor from the firm, who has already
visited our facility in White Plains; further
meetings are planned. Lynn Lucas, club
AKC Eukanuba Obedience Classic, Dec. 2015
The AKC/Eukanuba National Championship week this year has attracted
over 6,100 dogs from all over the world to compete at the Orlando, Florida,
Convention Center. Most of the dogs will compete in Conformation events,
including the AKC Junior Showmanship Finals and the AKC National Owner-Handled Series; the rest will be involved in the AKC Agility Invitational,
AKC Juniors Obedience and the Rally Classic. Below, PCOTC members who
report having been invited:
• Bob Amen and Cola. Tanbark’s Cola Saranade, BN CD. Obedience
• Felicia Bettini and Lily. Briar Patch Holiday Look, Owner Handler
• Denise DeVito and Sabrina. Doberman Kalora’s A Bewitching Kiss, CD,
NW2, Obedience
• Rena Dershowitz and Star. GCH CH Absolute Silver Star UDX OM1 BN
GO RE MX NXJ XF CGC, miniature poodle, Utility
• Phillip Johnson and Bouncer. CH Dideb’s Dream Catcher is the number 4
Owner-Handled Schipperke
• Olga Kornienko and Pinot. #1 PBGV, Owner Handled
• Lisa McCarthy and Dali. #1Preferred greyhound in Agility
• Patti Murphy, Drew and Buzz. GCH Timberwind’s Magical Mystery Tour,
BN, RN, PCD, CGCA, CAA, RATI, HT, TDI, National Owner Handler, Rally
Advanced and Novice. Drew’s nephew, Timberwind’s Fly Me to the Moon,
“Buzz” in Rally Novice, Beginner Novice and Breed.
• Audrey & Megan Woods and P.J. CH Britannia Live Long and Prosper BN
RA CGC RATI, the number 5 Owner-Handled Bearded Collie
President, and Bob Amen, Acting Treasurer, are overseeing the project.
The audit report is expected to be completed by the end of December, with the report
being presented to PCOTC’s Board in
January. We hope to share this information
with the membership. In the meantime, the
Board is discussing the value of organizing
a Finance Committee to help evaluate and
implement recommendations of the audit
Celebrate PCOTC With a
75th Anniversary T-Shirt!
Celebrate Port Chester
Obedience Training Club
by proudly wearing a
PCOTC 75th anniversary
logo T-shirt!
Members: Have you picked
up your free PCOTC
T-shirt? Get your choice
of women’s or unisex cut,
in different sizes, at club
meetings and events. And
you can buy more T-shirts
at $20 each for family
members, friends, and
fellow trialers.
Anyone can purchase the handsome black T-shirts with
red and gold logo via our registration site. Go to
and click “T-Shirts” on the left-hand side of the page to
bring up choices of shirt style and size.
SIT ‘N STAY, WINTER 2015–16 • 5
New Agility Training Director, Kim Seiter
Kim has been involved in many aspects of
dog training and competitive dog sports
for the last 30 years. She brings a unique
behavioral approach to training dog agility.
She started training basic Obedience with
her German Shepherd Dogs at a young age,
then progressed to Competitive Obedience
and Conformation show handling with her
Kim has obtained over 200 individual
agility titles with eleven of her dogs and
competes on a national level in USDAA,
AKC and UKI. Kim has multiple Agility
Championship titles in AKC and USDAA.
Her Hungarian Mudi “Nyalka” was the
first Mudi to earn many USDAA titles. He
earned all AKC qualifying runs novice –
masters with 1st Place scores. He was also
ranked AKC Top Five Mudi competing
at the AKC Invitational 2012-2014. Kim
has years of hands-on experience training
many rescued dogs, unique breeds, and
working with all levels of agility teams.
Kim’s goal with her own dogs is to train
each of them to their individual potential,
to be good companions, and to be top
performance dogs; either way, they are all
happy and balanced in life.
Kim’s training
approach is based
on building a strong
relationship and
clear communication skills. She
trains with positive
reinforcement and
play-based methods.
Kim truly enjoys the
process of teaching both humans
and animals. She
is highly skilled at
building “teamwork”
and strengthening
the human/ animal
bond. She also specializes in working
with difficult rescue
dogs, evaluating and designing a training
program that suits their particular needs.
Kim has been instructing Agility full-time
for the past 14 years at six different training clubs and schools in the Northeast. She
has presented numerous seminars on all
aspects of Dog Agility. She was the Agility
Training Director at Morris K9 Campus.
Agility Tip: Five-Minute Maximum
by Kim Seiter, Agility Training Director
Keep training sessions short!
It’s not how long you train or even how often, but rather the quality of your training.
Because I’m instructor with some extreme
demands on my time, my own dogs’
training is often limited, so the sessions
are short and effective, which make them
very successful. I keep notes on what I train
each session, so I can pick up right where I
left off in advancing the skill.
I also keep repetitions down to a maximum
of three. If my dog doesn’t understand and
offer the behavior on the third attempt,
they don’t know it. I will then break the
behavior down into smaller steps until I
achieve success.
I don’t train what my dog already knows,
but add another skill to it. Even if it’s just
taking something like a fast “Sit” on the
right and left, but now move it in five new
6 • SIT ‘N STAY, WINTER 2015–16
Be sure to use both food and toy rewards
for different behaviors. I use toys for drive
and food when I need more focus. Once a
behavior is understood, it should be performed at speed. Keeping these things in
mind, you will have effective training session with your dog working at full speed!
Kim has also worked as a Veterinary
Technician at three different Veterinary
hospitals. She has a BFA as a Photographer/Designer, but decided to pursue a
career with animals and training dogs.
Kim is now the owner-operator of “Kim
Seiter Dog Agility” in Lake Hopatcong, NJ.
She has over 90 students enrolled in classes
each session.
Agility Run-thrus
Agility run-thrus are scheduled for
December 13, January 31 and March
13. An entry form with more information for the December run-thrus
is linked from the website calendar,
An online volunteer signup sheet will
be posted in early December for the
December 13 run-thrus.
More information will be posted
soon for the January and March runthrus.
New Agility Instructors
Mary Champagne
Mary Champagne first got involved in agility in 1994 because she thought it “looked
fun” and has since trained a variety of dogs
of all sizes, breeds and mixes. She began
teaching for her local agility club, SNEAK,
and now runs her own training school, The
Agility Facility, in Southeastern Connecticut. Mary’s dogs have competed extensively
in the Northeast earning the sport’s top
titles, and have also been semi-finalists at
multiple championship events and ranked
in the Agility Top Ten national standings.
An advocate of strong foundation training
for agility and not rushing her dogs, Mary
believes that “it is a journey from the time
dogs begin their puppy fundamentals until
they retire.” Mary is a fun, knowledgeable,
experienced and very approachable instructor. She says she enjoys teaching new
teams and loves the diversity of breeds of
dogs. She loves seeing teams come together
and being able to share in their journeys.
Stefanie Rainer
Stefanie Rainer is an
accomplished dog agility handler and teacher.
She is also a judge for
the American Kennel
Club. With 15 years
of experience, she has
been competing and
achieving new goals
since she was seven
years old. Stefanie has
earned many titles on
multiple breeds including a Papillon, Cavalier
King Charles Spaniel, and three Border
Collies. Stefanie actively competes in AKC,
USDAA, and UKI events with her Border
Collies Spree and Nike.
Stefanie’s list of achievements include:
• Competed in seven AKC National and
four USDAA national competitions
• 2011 Grand Prix Finalist, Cynosport
World Games
• 2012 Eastern Canadian Regional Steeplechase Champion
• 2012 New England Regional Grand Prix
silver medalist
• 2013 North Central Regional Steeplechase bronze medalist
• 2015 AKC NAC 20” finalist, 7th place
• 2015 Mid-Atlantic Regional Performance
Speed Jumping Champion
• 2015 Mid-Atlantic Regional Performance
Grand Prix Champion
Tracy Sklenar Workshops in June
Tracy Sklenar will offer agility workshops at
PCOTC on June 25–26. She is the Training Director of Leader of the Pack (www. in central New York State and
has competed successfully in agility with a
variety of dogs of shapes, sizes and temperaments.
Tracy and her canine partners have earned
multiple wins and placements at local,
Regional and National events. Her dogs
Rebound and Export have both appeared
in multiple National finals in the US and
Canada, in events that require speed as well
as consistency.
Tracy’s coaching experience ranges from
local competitors to international teams. In
• 2015 New England Regional Performance
Speed Jumping Champion
• 2015 New England Regional Performance
Grand Prix silver medalist
• Three-time AKC/USA European Open
large dog team member
Stefanie has developed her own style of
teaching with the guidance and expertise of
her mother Renee. She honed her teaching
style under the mentorship of renowned
dog trainer, Diane Bauman. Stefanie frequently attends seminars to stay current on
the latest agility trends. Her latest adventure took her and Nike to Finland for a
week working with One Mind Dog agility
coaches. Stefanie doesn’t believe in any one
system and she adapts her methodology to
the most effective style based on her assessment of the handler and dog team.
2011, she coached Team USA at the World
Agility Open in the UK.
Tracy uses positive reinforcement, games
and shaping to build brilliant behaviors in
the dogs while teaching the handlers to be
consistent and positive in their handling and
dog training. She emphasizes teamwork,
consistency, mental focus, handling mechanics, play and fun for both the handler
and the dog.
SIT ‘N STAY, WINTER 2015–16 • 7
Obedience & Rally
Obedience Tip: New AKC Obedience Rules
by Rick Pisani CPDT-KA, Competition Obedience Training Director
New rules for AKC Obedience trials became Novice Group Exercises. The armband stays
effect on December 1. Here is a great website with leash.
that explains all the new rules:
Return for Groups? Handler must inform
the steward immediately after the individual
Highlights of Changes
Leashes must be attached to the collar for
classes with on leash exercises, groups and
awards. It’s OK to slip a leash through a
collar to bring a dog in/out of the ring for
individual exercises in classes when all exercises are off leash.
Directed Retrieve: Post the Glove #
Leashes must be attached to the dog for
Scent Discrimination:
• Articles: Metal, Leather, Wood (use 2 sets)
• Wood: One or more solid pieces
• NOTE: Read and evaluate article procedure. Exhibitors should pay special attention
to this section before they show in Utility.
Rulebooks that contain the new rules effective 12/1/2015 are anticipated to be out in
Fall 2016. In my opinion, some of the rule
changes are great, especially for the safety
of the Novice dogs. However, I feel that the
article exercise in Utility is awkward and
wastes time. It also allows for more deduction of points for minuscule behaviors. In
my opinion, the exercise is about “Scent
Discrimination,” not scenting procedure.
Be sure to be familiarize yourself with the
new procedures; otherwise, you may have a
deduction of points.
Happy Training!
Rally Tip: It’s a Partnership
by Anne Mandelbaum, CPDT-KA
OK, I’m still stuck on this cueing business
(see my column from the Summer 2015 issue
“What’s In A Word?”). It seems to me that
cueing is vitally important in Rally even more
so than in Competition Obedience, because
the very structure of Rally requires that each
competition is an entirely new mix of behaviors. In Obedience, at each level of competition there is a set of exercises, each performed
in a specific way —really the only variation
comes in the heeling pattern. In Rally, on
the other hand, within an average of three
minutes or less of continuous performance,
the team is expected to perform as many as
20 separate behaviors chosen from a possible
34 exercises at the novice level, to as many as
65 at the most advanced level.
It goes without saying that the first step in
successfully negotiating the course is to
familiarize yourself with it during the walkthrough. Make sure you understand how to
execute each station, how to move from one
station to the next, where the course presents
specific difficulties for you and your partner.
8 • SIT ‘N STAY, WINTER 2015–16
Visualize running the course smoothly and
successfully together. Your goal is to maintain
engagement/focus throughout your performance from the start until you pass the finish
and complete the course. If you run into
trouble, you will have a game plan ready to
cope with it.
But in order to accomplish all this you and
your canine partner really need a reliable
communication system based on verbal cues
and body language that has been developed
through training, and consistency, well
understood and clear. Before you ever get
to the competition venue, your dog has to
understand that when you look to your left
and turn your body left (cue!) you expect him
to shorten his stride and move his hindquarter to the left or that when you say “sit” as you
put your weight on your right foot (cue!), he
should be sitting as your left foot comes up to
meet your right foot. (These are just examples, your physical and verbal cues may be
different, but they MUST be consistent and
You are asking a lot of your dog—and she’s
up to it! But only if you keep up your end of
the bargain by giving her clear, well trained
and rehearsed information. Ask a lot of
yourself. Train yourself to give those clear
signals. Have specific words and moves to cue
specific behaviors and use the right ones for
the behavior you want. Use the cues you have
carefully taught in training sessions, don’t
abandon them under the pressure of competition—that’s the place to bring out all your
tools to give you and your partner the best
chance for a great trip through the course.
WCRL Trials in 2016
World Cynosport Rally trials are
scheduled for Sundays, Feb. 14, Sept.
18, and Dec. 4.
WCRL events at PCOTC are hosted by
PCRE. For more information, contact
Audrey Woods at, or
Obedience & Rally
March AKC Obedience & Rally Trials
On March 5, there will be two AKC Rally
trials. The judges are Lynda Moore and
Dawn Martin. We will be asking exhibitors
and members to donate to the potluck
breakfast and lunch. Entry fees are $30 for
each entry. The premium will be released
as soon as the AKC has confirmed and
approved our application. To volunteer,
contact Megan Woods at
Two AKC obedience trials are scheduled for
March 6. The judges are Sara Steele and Bob
Amen. Classes offered are Beginner Novice
A and B, Novice A and B, Open A and B,
and Utility A and B. Fees are $30 for first
entry and $25 for each additional entry per
trial. The trials are confirmed/approved by
AKC and the premium is available at
PCOTCpremium3-6-16.pdf Cindy Rubin
is the chief steward. To volunteer, contact
Bruce Sheffler at
Photos © Kristen Hurwitz
March Obedience Trials Trophy Fund White Plains Weekends
by Lynn and Jonathan Halpern
This year is Port Chester Obedience Training Club’s 76th year of operation. We would
like to make our March 6, 2016 obedience
trials as memorable as possible. As Trophy
Chairmen for the Trials, we would like to
invite all PCOTC members to contribute
to our Trophy Fund so that we can provide
memorable trophies for placements in the
various classes and for all qualifiers. In the
past we gave out Lucite paperweights engraved with the Club’s logo for first place in
each of the classes, High in Trial and High
Combined. In addition, we gave out Zanies
tug toys for 2nd through 4th placements.
We would like to be able to do the same
for 2016. Won’t you help out so that our
76th year is a successful one! As usual we
are holding two trials for Obedience, so we
need to fund the prizes for two trials.
The categories and donation amounts for
the trials are as follows:
High in Trial
High Combined 20
For first place in the following classes, $15.
For 2nd through 4th place, $5.00 each:
Beginner Novice, Novice A, Novice B,
Open A, Open B, Utility A, Utility B
Our target is to fully fund the cost of our
prizes. Please help us meet our goal. You
may sign up via e-mail to,
or via a sign up poster on a bulletin board
at the Ferris Avenue facility. Your selection
of a class(es) is on a first come basis and
ties will be broken by the time stamp on
your e-mail.
Please send your selected classes and
checks for the appropriate amount to our
Florida address: Lynn & Jonathan Halpern,
7012 Vivaldi Lane, Delray Beach, FL 33446.
If you would like a dedication (“in memory
of ” only), please say so and it will be run in
the catalogue in addition to your name.
White Plains Weekends (obedience runthrus) dates for 2016 are:
• January 10
• February 21
• March 20
• April 10
• May 22
• June 19
• July 17
More information will be posted soon.
Deborah Jones Seminar
We are sad to report that Deborah Jones
has had to cancel her “Get Focused” seminar at PCOTC planned for October 15 and
16, 2016. She discovered that she would not
be retiring in the coming year, as planned.
She promises to come to PCOTC when
she’s “really and truly retired.”
SIT ‘N STAY, WINTER 2015–16 • 9
Family Manners
New Family Manners Training Director, Jenn Michaelis
tests. Jenn’s specialty is teaching Canine
Musical Freestyle and Rally-FrEe, where
she prepares her students for competition
with the Musical Dog Sport Association
and Rally Freestyle Elements.
Jenn Michaelis is a Certified Professional
Dog Trainer, Knowledge Assessed (CPDT
-KA), an evaluator for the AKC Canine
Good Citizen program, and an Executive
Board Member for the Musical Dog Sport
Association. She is also a member of the
Association of Professional Dog Trainers
and the National Association of Canine
Scent Work. Jenn is committed to training
dogs with force-free positive-reinforcement
training techniques that are fun, effective,
and easy to learn. She enjoys empowering
and educating dog guardians to create a
well-behaved and cherished family member.
Owner of SassyT Canine Academy, Jenn
serves a variety of private training clients throughout Westchester County and
teaches group lessons at PCOTC. She has
been teaching positive-reinforcement dog
training classes since 2003, and began
teaching at PCOTC in 2011. Her classes
Her current dogs compete in Rally-FrEe,
Musical Freestyle, and Canine Nosework.
Her Cane Corso, Terra, is the first dog
in MDSA history to earn a Premier title,
requiring eight different high-scoring musical freestyle routines. She is also only the
sixth dog in RFE history to earn a Musical
Freestyle Champion Title, earning High
In Trial at live events. They are currently
working toward their RFE Grand Champion MF Title and a NW2. Her Chinese
Crested, Ringo, recently earned his Entry
and Novice Freestyle Titles and also enjoys
demoing in her classes and at public events.
include all levels of the Family Manners
Program, including K9 Games, K9 Fitness
and prep classes for CGC and therapy dog
Contact Jenn at
Suzanne Clothier Seminars in April 2016
Suzanne Clothier is scheduled to offer seminars at PCOTC on the weekend of
April 16-17, 2016. More information will be posted shortly.
Suzanne has been working with animals professionally since 1977, with a
deep background of experience that includes obedience, agility, puppy testing,
breeding, Search and Rescue, conformation, instructing, kennel management
and canine midwifery. She is well-respected for her holistic “Relationship Centered Training™ approach to dogs and the people that love them.
Whether the audience is companion dog owners or experienced trainers,
Suzanne’s broad knowledge, common sense, and humor offer exciting, practical
information and approaches that will enhance the dog/human relationship.
Her book, Bones Would Rain from the Sky: Deepening Our Relationships With
Dogs, has received widespread praise from every corner of the dog world, and
was twice included in the Wall Street Journal’s list of Top 5 Dog Books. An
award-winning author of videos, books, booklets and numerous articles, Suzanne has written articles for the AKC Gazette, Dog Fancy, Dogs In Canada, Off
Lead, Clean Run, Wolf Clan and numerous breed magazines and newsletters.
From 2007-2010, Suzanne served as a consultant to Guiding Eyes for the Blind,
one of the world’s largest guide dog schools. Her Relationship Centered Training™ and Enriched Puppy Protocol™ served as the structure for the updating of
GEB’s puppy raising program.
10 • SIT ‘N STAY, WINTER 2015–16
Family Manners
Fall Freestyle Fun
by Jenn Michaelis
October was a very busy month for
freestyle students at PCOTC. They had
spent the last weeks of summer planning
out their choreography, practicing their
ring entrances, and perfecting the timing
of their end poses, so they could submit
a good video take. Finally they received
their results from the August Musical Dog
Sport Association video competition.
Elizabeth Lynch and Coco were rewarded
for their hard work by earning their third
leg and their Novice Title with a two-minute routine to “I Love You Like a Love
Song” by Selina Gomez. Their routine
featured a chin-targeting beginning pose,
simultaneous spins, and a very happily-heeling hound. View it here:
Carol Fessler and Lucy submitted a lovely
and upbeat routine to “I Would Walk
500 Miles” by Kenny and the Scots and
earned their first leg toward their Novice
Title. They started with their signature
patty-cake paw trick, showed off their
front-position side-passes and nailed the
timing of their spins and weaves. View it
In late August Jenn Michaelis and Terra
finished their MDSA Premier Title with
a routine that showed off their signature look-backs, marching and cheerful
side-switches to the song “Don’t Go
Breaking My Heart” by Elton John and
Kiki Dee. They are the very first freestyle
pair in MDSA history to earn a Premier
Title, MDSA’s highest freestyle award.
Caitlin Doody and Augustus did a routine
to “Honey I’m Good” by Andy Grammer.
The quick-stepping pair earned their first
leg toward their Novice Title with MDSA.
Then they took their routine to a live Rally
Freestyle Elements Musical Freestyle event
in Newtown, CT on October 23, 24 where
their strong performance earned them
two qualifying scores toward a Newcomer
Title with RFE. Here they are at the live
event in Newtown:
They also performed the same routine at a live Rally Freestyle Elements MuJessica Schulte and Trix earned their first
sical Freestyle event in Newtown, CT
Novice Title leg for their heartwarming
on October 23 and 24, where their high
routine to “This Heart” by Nanci Griffith. scores allowed them to complete their
Their routine showed off Trix’s signature
RFE Masters Freestyle Title, and earn a
bounce trick, their energetic leg weaves,
leg toward their Champion title. Jenn and
and a perfectly-timed combo of tricks for
the ending pose. Watch their routine here:
continued next page
SIT ‘N STAY, WINTER 2015–16 • 11
Family Manners
Freestyle Fun
Terra then finished their RFE Champion
Title four days later, at a RFE Worldwide
video event, making them only the 6th
freestyle pair in RFE history to earn their
Champion Title. Here they are performing
their Premier routine for MDSA:
and at the RFE live event:
Jenn Michaelis and Ringo finished their
MDSA Novice Title and their RFE Entry
Title with a routine that showed off Ringo’s backing, jumping and high-stepping
flair to the energetic song “It’s a Good
Day” by Perry Como. Here they are competing it at the RFE Musical Freestyle live
competition in Newtown, CT:
Nose Work
Odor Recognition Nose Work Tip: You Can
Test (ORT) in January Do It Everywhere
SNiFF (Start Nosing for Fun) is planning
an Odor Recognition Test (ORT) for
all three odors (Birch, Anise, Clove) at
PCOTC on January 17.
The ORT demonstrates a dog’s ability to
recognize the target odors that will be present during National Association of Canine
Scent Work (NACSW) K9 Nose Work
trials. Prior to entering a trial, a dog must
have successfully passed the corresponding
ORT for trial eligibility.
There are three levels of NACSW trials with
each level requiring the dog to be proficient
in a different odor. For level 1, the odor is
Sweet Birch, for level 2, Anise seed, and for
level 3, Clove bud.
Already passed your ORT, or not ready for
one yet? Come out and volunteer—it’s a
learning experience!
Questions may be directed to Karen Reilly
at The
event premium will be posted at
by George Berger
When we going out walking, along with my
money and card clip, a handkerchief, and
a pick-up bag, I always carry a round tin
containing birch or anise scent. You never
know when an interesting hide opportunity
is going to turn up.
Even though he can probably detect the
scent in my pocket, Little Paco knows it’s
not “game on” until I tell him, “Find It.”
In just the past two weeks, I “sneaked”
hides into a stone wall, a discarded pizza
box, and a parked bicycle. Paco nailed
them all.
On a walk today, we passed a giant pile
of raked fallen leaves. With great sleight
of hand (if I do say so myself!), I reached
into my pocket and flipped the tin into the
pile. At that moment, Paco had become
fascinated with the damp, stained bottom
inches of a telephone pole. But on my “Find
It,” he spun and dove into the pile like a Kamikaze. Three seconds later, he was nosing
the tin through the leaves and, no doubt,
being once again thrilled with the many
possibilities of the Nose Work game.
Currently, students are preparing routines for the December 31st MDSA video
competition as well as entering the RFE
Rally-FrEe video competition December 1. Plans for 2016 include a freestyle
club, group practice times, and offering
PCOTC’s first video and live freestyle
events. Come join us and see what all the
fun is about!
Above: ORT setup, with Jenn and Terra at the startline.
12 • SIT ‘N STAY, WINTER 2015–16
Nose Work
My Little Nose-Working
By Karen Rogers
Alex, an 8 year-old, Miniature Pinscher, is my
little working machine when it comes to K9 Nose
Work. I am so proud how far he has come. We
had our first class about a year ago. It didn’t start
out like I had hoped. When it was our turn to
“find the rabbit,” or the hide, he seemed hesitant.
He kept looking toward me for a clue or some
help. He wanted me to show him. But I just raised
my hands, showing that they were empty. It was
difficult for me at first because I didn’t want him
to feel like I was ignoring him. I just said, “Go find
it,” and he went sniffing. But instead of finding
the hide, he found a place to lift his leg! I was so
embarrassed, but Kathe and Jessica, our instructors, were so understanding and even cleaned up
after him. Usually, Alex never turns down a food
reward and that night was a first. He didn’t really
want the cheese I brought for the reward. He was
feeling stressed and even when he found it, he
seemed indifferent to it. One of the first things I
learned was to bring something that Alex loved.
So, the next time I brought chicken as the reward
and he did much better.
Fast forward to this year and Alex can find the
scent of birch on a tiny cotton swab hidden in the
oddest places! He has learned that he is in charge
and it is up to him to find the “rabbit.” He leads
me. I’m learning how to rely on him and to trust
his instincts. I’m learning to see how he catches
the scent by the way the air moves. He now can
do multiple searches on or off lead, interior and
exterior search areas and vehicle searches. I’m
amazed at how his confidence has grown and how
he takes his job so seriously. He heads out without
hesitation. He has a job and he knows what it is.
He is a confident, methodical, hard working and a
determined little working machine.
We both look forward to our classes, seeing our
teammates and our instructors, Kathe and Kathy.
And we both love the sport of K9 Nose Work!
Photos on the right and on the next page show
Karen and Alex engaged in a vehicle search sequence, ending with indication of source odor by
Alex and a treat from Karen.
continued next page
SIT ‘N STAY, WINTER 2015–16 • 13
Nose Work
My Little Nose-Working
Machine continued
Ivan’s Nose Work Journey,
by Barbara Siegel
Ivan started doing Nose Work not only because I enjoyed it, but it’s a great activity for
reactive dogs to gain confidence and learn
to think through a problem.
The second and third elements went very
smoothly. The last one, Vehicles, is where
our problem was in December, so I was
getting nervous. When I walked out there
and saw that the cars were not in the same
This was our second attempt at an NW1
configuration I had 10 seconds to come up
trial and title. At the first one, last Decemwith a new searching strategy. We walked
ber, he did really well, but we lost it on the
along the furthest vehicle on the right. Ivan
vehicle search. So with the help of some
didn’t appear to be on odor yet and the
really good trainers we upped the ante of
wind was picking up. Wind can be a good
distractions around the exterior and vehicle
friend, especially in warmer weather when
searches as well as really focusing on Odor
the odor likes to travel upward. The traffic
Obedience, and working on my own skills
on the street in front of where the search
of leash handling and reading him when he
was taking place was also picking up with
is in odor.
some very loud motorcycles going by. So
It was a gorgeous day on June 7. The trial
I just figured right to left was easiest since
site was a school in Newfoundland, Pa. On he was already heading in that direction, I
the early morning walk-through, I made
waited until we were very close to the first
note of size, what was around, entry to the car before giving him his “Find it” cue.
area, start line. For the interior I needed to
We worked our way to the other end of
decide to work on- or off-lead. The room
another vehicle and Ivan was indicating
was large, but Ivan works well independent
a hide when some very loud motorcycles
of me so I went with off- lead and figured
went by, which completely distracted him.
if we got to the 30 second warning, or he
I was 90% sure he was on odor, but time
was distracted, I could always put him back
was on our side so I just turned and walked
on leash quickly enough. The exterior had
around the other side of the car and, as I
a couple of trees and other places that were
had hoped, he pulled me back to where the
very tempting to a male dog who liked to
hide was. I called “Alert!” “Yes!” said the
mark, which he does. The container search
was in a large room, very spread out; the
interior search area was a large classroom
Of course the first thing was to do a little
with lots of desks, books, etc. and there
celebration with a friend who also titled
was not much air flow as the day was warm that day, then to call our instructors to let
and getting hotter. The vehicles venue was
them know. I received a call back a short
interesting in that the three cars were in a
while later to find out Ivan was the first
different configuration than when we did
Mudi in NACSW to title. I also inquired to
the walk-through!
see if any other Mudik had gotten this far. I
was elated, as I’ve never had a first with any
The Interior was first and even though the
of my dogs or anything else in my life. This
classroom was large, it was filled with so
was special for the breed and for Ivan.
much stuff, I realized as Ivan was searching
off lead that I was in his way. Moving to an More difficult searches are in our future,
area where I wasn’t interfering, I looked
and we are looking forward to it!
away from him for just a second and, of
course, that’s when he was indicating where
the hide was! Thankfully he stayed right
on that spot. I called “Alert.” The judge said
14 • SIT ‘N STAY, WINTER 2015–16
AKC Delegate’s Report
by Kathy Gregory, PCOTC’s AKC Delegate
On September 11, I attended my first AKC
Delegate meeting, representing PCOTC.
Their procedure for welcoming a new
Delegate is to assign you a mentor and have
them guide you through your first day of
committee meetings, then the general Delegate Meeting the following day. My mentor
was Larry Wilson, representing the Philadelphia Dog Training Club. It was nice to
have so much to speak about with someone
representing another training club.
During the general delegates’ meeting,
Larry was elected Chairman of the Companion Events Committee, with which I
would truly like to become more involved.
Larry’s presence was very helpful to me;
the thought of being among all those other
delegates and not knowing anyone, was
very intimidating to me! I need not have
worried; it turned out that I did, in fact,
know many of the Delegates attending the
meetings those days, from the Conformation, Agility and Obedience worlds and
from reading many of their articles in past
issues of the AKC Gazette! I was absolutely
starstruck at seeing and then meeting so
many of the men and women I had heard
about for years—true icons in their field!
My first day began with breakfast at 7:00
a.m. with Doug Lundgren, VP of Performance Events. The Committee meetings
started at 9:00 and went till late afternoon.
The meetings are arranged near each other,
with an open door policy—you can come
and go as you please. Although the formal agendas were tightly adhered to, any
Delegate could ask a question or make a
suggestion to the committee. I visited six
meetings and spent some time in each in
order to get a flavor for what they were
talking about and if I thought that meeting
might be of interest to the club.
Dinner that evening was another immersion into a dog bubble, with people at my
table talking about all kinds of topics related
to dogs, from Field Trials to litter registration procedure. It was pretty overwhelming,
in a really good way.
The next day started with another breakfast
followed by the general Delegates meeting.
This meeting began with a remembrance
of all the sacrifices and lives lost in the 9/11
World Trade Center disaster. There were
many stories of “where I was when it happened” and how the AKC rallied to help,
mobilizing nationwide volunteers to give
access to veterinary medical supplies for the
search and rescue dogs working “the pile.”
The AKC started the DOGNY project that
day, eventually raising $3,500 to aid organizations supporting search and rescue dogs.
Additional topics discussed at that meeting
were the concern that puppy registrations
were declining, that more programs for
Juniors be instituted in an effort to bring
young people into dog sports and the
awarding of new titles to all entries in some
puppy classes in an effort to encourage
The election of new committee members
took up the rest of the afternoon and another dinner ended the day.
In short, I was deluged by information, faces and groups of people all trying to guide
the AKC into making sound decisions for
the future of the organization. Everyone I
met was friendly and welcoming and I look
forward to the next meeting in Orlando in
Note: The AKC Board of Directors has
approved a recommendation to allow
deaf dogs to participate in AKC agility,
rally and tracking events, effective for
all trials held on or after Oct. 1, 2015.
PCOTC at Public Events
by Jane Wheeler
“Public events” are events that PCOTC participates in, but are put on by
other organizations, such as the AKC and rescue/shelter groups. There are
three such events scheduled in the first six months of 2016:
• AKC/Westminster Kennel Club’s “Meet the Breeds” on February 13 in
Manhattan. PCOTC will host a booth.
• The American Cancer Society’s “Bark for Life” on April 16 at Lyndhurst,
Tarrytown, NY. PCOTC will host a booth, and will offer two “My Dog Can
Do That!” rings for agility and for other sports such as rally, nose work, and
Family Manners. “My Dog Can Do That!” rings let a dog/handler team try
out a simple course to get an idea of what that sport is like.
• The SPCA of Westchester’s “Walkathon and Pet Fair” in May at FDR Park,
Yorktown Heights, NY. PCOTC will host a booth and provide agility demos.
To volunteer for any of these events, please contact who will direct volunteers to the coordinator for
each event.
PCOTC booth at Yorktown Festival on October 11.
Photo: Jane Wheeler
SIT ‘N STAY, WINTER 2015–16 • 15
Book Reviews
by Joanne Sheffler
Find Momo: A Photography
Book by Andrew Knapp
This canine Where’s Waldo? is the perfect gift book. Andrew Knapp is a Canadian photographer who takes photos
while traveling with his Border collie,
Momo. The lyrical landscapes, architecture, bridges, and farms will captivate
you. What sets the book apart is that
in each photo, Momo hides, and the
reader searches him out. Not only will you come away with a sense of
place, but with an awakened appreciation of the long sits and downs!
The Connection Collection: Relationship Centered Training by Suzanne Clothier
It’s always a treat, not to mention enlightening and inspirational, to
read anything by Suzanne Clothier. Her latest literary offering is a
collection of essays covering aspects of the person-dog relationships,
providing insights, not recipes, for training
and problem solving. True, most if not all
of the essays can be found on her website,
but if you like the comfort of a book in
hand or the convenience of having it all on
your iPad, it’s an inexpensive indulgence.
And a very nice gift.
Among the essays is “If Only That Had
Not Happened, This Dog Would be Fine,”
years of excuses. The perennial favorite
“He Just Wants to Say Hi.” Pushy dogs,
clueless owners, and it’s your dog’s fault.
“Of Hostages and Relationships” as
basically the Stockholm syndrome of dog
Clothier’s experiences lend a unique perspective that, without a
doubt, can enhance your relationship with your dog.
Note: Suzanne Clothier will be at PCOTC on April 16–17!
In Do Unto Animals: A Friendly Guide to How Animals
Live, and How We Can Make Their Lives Better, Tracey
Stewart shares her memories of the animals from her childhood,
fast forwarding to the farm animal sanctuary she and her husband
Jon (yes, that Jon) have established in New Jersey. It’s a warm,
friendly little book. I think the appeal will be greatest among young
families (or grandparents) with small children.
Although a few longer segments deal with Tracey’s life-changing
experiences, for instance her experiences as a vet school student
that changed the course of her life, most chapters are two for three
pages long, giving information of the various species inhabiting her
property: dogs, cats, cows, goats, and all kinds of birds and insects.
16 • SIT ‘N STAY, WINTER 2015–16
In this beautifully illustrated book
by the talented Lisel Ashlock, the
reader is coached on the body
language of all the species. There
are charming crafts designed to
engage the youngest animal enthusiasts encouraged to enrich the
life of the animals. Learn how to
make a sock water bottle cat (great
idea), a simple bird feeder and
recipes for the feeder (great idea),
a worm bin (I don’t think so), a bee house (definitely not).
Children will love this! And so will the young at heart,
A few topics that might be considered controversial are simply treated from Tracey’s perspective. To be fair, it is geared
towards little children. I doubt children would appreciate the
nuances of early neutering, pro and con. Or whether or not
carriage horses should be in New York City—or what should
happen to them were they to be banned. But the discussion is
approached and opened up.
Adults can pick up some helpful hints, though I am skeptical
that hyacinth bulbs will really chase away moles. It’s worth a
try. At the very least, the mole mounds will look pretty.
I can recommend Do Unto Animals as a sincere book to
help the little ones gain an appreciation of the world of all
animals, and us older ones to see nature through the eyes of
You Can Train Your Dog! Mastering the Art & Science of Modern Dog Training by Pamela Dennison
It’s always a treat to learn from Pamela Dennison, whether
it’s through her DVDs, her seminars, or her books. And her
latest book, You Can Train Your Dog!, is no exception.
Starting with learning theory and
continuing through foundation skills
every dog needs to learn, the book
is equally helpful to new dog owners
and seasoned owners looking for a
fresh perspective.
I found particularly interesting Pam’s
lessons on loose leash walking. Pam
says she is not particularly a fan of
the old stand by Make Like a Tree,
pointing out that if done incorrectly,
you are in worse shape than when
you started. Basically, MLT is used to teach the dog to check
in with you and walk politely on leash. The dog pulls ahead,
you stop (make like a tree); the dog eventually turns and runs
back to you. The error many of us make is to instantly reward
the return, and continue on our way, setting up a behavior
continued on page 25
Fall Events
August Agility Trials
On August 29 and 30, PCOTC held their
six and seventh agility trials of 2015 at
Victoria Farms in Middletown NY. It was
during a warm time of year, but the real
heat was in the ring. Congratulations to the
following teams that earned titles under
judge Linda Syner:
• Michelle Trummer & Corn earned a
remarkable MACH 14!!!!!!!
• Linda Husson & Dezi - AX and AXJ
• Melanie Behrens & Zim - OAJ
• Betsi Hartman & Ici Blue - OAJ
• Pat Kozial & Cassipeia - OAJ
• Sarah Johnson & Sassafras - OAP
• Lois Fricke & Bonita - OJP
• Caroline Le Bel & Beya - NA and NAJ
• Lesley St Pierre & Gidget - NA
• Dusty Nason & Fe - NAJ
• Kate Murphy & Cowboys Jazzy Jasper –
Other brags included multiple double Qs
for Ellen Halperin & Drew, Stephen McKay
with Scorch & Derby, double Blue Ribbons
for Joe Alemani & Penny, first agility Q and
an accompanying blue ribbon for Mary
Jane Koren & Topsey, and 2nd Novice
by Stephen McKay
Standard Q for Nancy Nelson &
Zsa Zsa.
We had no shortage of hard
workers, all of whom deserve
recognition. Michele Cardone,
Helen Sherman, Alice Carter, and MJ Koren all worked
multiple classes. Ellen Halperin
and Joe Alemani contributed
their course building efforts.
Barbara Siegel, Deb Harris and
Yukiko Hanes came to help
out even though not entered
in the trial. Special thanks to Scott Shaw
for transporting items back and forth to
PCOTC. Thanks to the Trial Committee
that included Jamie McKay, Dana Rocco,
Virginia Hagan and Ellen Halperin. And
special recognition especially for those
bitter enders who stayed in the heat and
humidity to break down the event on Sunday afternoon—Jamie McKay, Dana Rocco,
Sarah Johnson, Ellen Halperin and Skyline
member Betsi Hartman!
Everyone enjoyed the late afternoon cold
watermelon that was delivered ringside
Top: Ellen Halperin & Drew. Left to right: Michelle Trummer & Corn, Joe Alemani & Penny,
Virginia Hagan with donations for the Hudson Valley Pet Food Pantry collected at the trial.
as well as the trivia game that challenged
competitors between runs.
Additionally, we held a very successful
food drive for the Hudson Valley Pet Food
Pantry. The Hudson Valley Pet Food Pantry
is a non-profit organization helping those
who need assistance with feeding their pets
because of job loss or other hardship.They
offer assistance to fixed-income senior
citizens, the disabled, veterans, and others
who qualify because they lack the financial
resources to properly feed their pets. FMI
Thanks to the many contributors who
made the event a success, PCOTC members and all agility enthusiasts!
SIT ‘N STAY, WINTER 2015–16 • 17
Fall Events
Puttin’ on the Dog
by Gigi Squillante-Rego
On Sunday, September 20, PCOTC was a
sponsor for the Puttin’ on the Dog event
in Greenwich, CT, which is a benefit for
enjoyed watching the teams perform!
Our booth was very busy and expertly
manned by the whole crew of volunteers,
which included Pat Paese, Marie Fay,
Marisa Inzucchi, Betsy Frumin, Heather
We could not have asked for a nicer day
Witt, Rick Ritacco, Nancy Ritacco, Maror a more enthusiastic team of PCOTC
ianne Huniyack, Jackie Soccodato, Mike
volunteers (both two-legged and four)!
Jones, Mary-Elizabeth Simpson, Virginia
Our Agility demo was a huge hit with
Hagan, David Lebedin, Janis Mandrus and
the crowd and included Jackie Soccodato
Gigi Squillante-Rego. Many questions were
with “Buster;” Mike Jones with “Smartie,”
answered and club brochures and sched”Abbie” and “Jerry;” Virginia Hagan with
“Robbie;” David Lebedin with “Casey” and ules were explained and handed out to the
crowd throughout the day. Our free pens
“Beau;” Janis Mandrus with “Penny” and
and pads were a huge hit too!
Heather Witt with “Rowan.” We also had
time to wow the crowd with an Obedience Special thanks goes out to Pat Paese, Marie
demo, as well as Tricks and Disc Dog dem- Fay, Betsy Frumin, Jane Wheeler and Gigi
os! Our Obedience demo included Rick
Squillante-Rego for loading equipment
Ritacco with “Emmie;” Mike Jones with
up the night before the event, as well as to
”Abbie;” Mary-Elizabeth Simpson with
Marisa Inzucchi, Virginia Hagan and David
“Mason;” Heather Witt with “Rowan” and Lebedin for returning the equipment to the
Marianne Huniyack with “Brinkley.” David club after the event. A very special thank
Lebedin gave a fast-paced Disc Dog demo you to Scott Shaw for picking up all of the
with “Beau” and Heather Witt performed
equipment at the end of the day and getting
a Tricks demo with “Rowan.” A great time it safely back to the club in his pick-up
was had by all and the crowd thoroughly
Photos from Puttin’ on the Dog.
By Marisa Inzucchi: Two at top right, two middle
By Gigi Squillante-Rego: Far left, top and bottom,
Booth with “dog.”
18 • SIT ‘N STAY, WINTER 2015–16
Fall Events
Hounds on the Sound
by Virginia Hagan
On Sunday, September 27, the Hounds on
the Sound (HOTS) Dog Walk and Festival
opened in a new location at Harbor Island
Park in Mamaroneck, NY. HOTS annually
benefits the Humane Society of Westchester at New Rochelle (formerly New
Rochelle Humane Society) and Pet Rescue.
PCOTC participated again this year with
a volunteer-staffed booth and by leading
participants through an AKC “My Dog Can
Do That!” (MDCDT!) agility ring.
volunteers with experience in MDCDT!
offered guidance and pointers to those who
were newcomers, so we were confident
tackling logistics and potential challenges.
At 10:00 a.m., the event opened to the
public and we immediately started guiding handler and dog teams through the
mini agility course. The MDCDT! crowd
grew quickly early on, thinned out a bit
when the scheduled walk started at 11:30
a.m., then increased steadily throughout
HOTS requires many dedicated volunthe afternoon. All told, we guided 128
teers and PCOTC members rose to the
teams through the course, a new PCOTC
occasion. At 7:00 a.m., Jane Wheeler, Bill
record for MDCDT! Both Betsey Frumin,
Romania and I met at the PCOTC facility
in the morning, and Bill Romania, in the
and loaded basic agility training obstacles, afternoon, maintained good organizabooth equipment and supplies into our
tion through the registration and control
cars before heading to the park in Mamaprocess moving crowds of people and dogs
roneck and the MDCDT! ring and vendor
to the entrance safely. MDCDT! guides
area. We arrived around 8:00 a.m. allowing included Pat Paese, Sharon Ripps, Dana
plenty of time to set up the obstacle course Rocco, Mike Jones, Mary Jane Koren,
in the “Rover’s Run” fenced arena as well as and me. We led all the teams through the
the PCOTC booth. PCOTC volunteers who course explaining the purpose of the obassisted our location set up included Mike
stacles and building the teams’ confidence
Jones, Betsey Frumin, Deborah Silver and
and knowledge as they tackled each station.
Carolyn Ripps.
Mike Jones later demo-ed obedience skills
with his Golden Retriever, which generated
HOTS is a come-rain-or-come-shine event.
more spectator interest.
Happily, we were blessed with abundant
We found participants were delighted and
sunshine and beautiful early autumn temoften surprised at how well their dogs were
peratures. PCOTC enjoyed a wide-open
highly visible location in the middle of the able to perform individual obstacles. We
also had participants who felt that their
festival. Once everything was arranged,
dogs were not agility material but enjoyed
making the attempt. There were many
children and parent teams and many people who had been through our MDCDT!
agility course in prior years and enjoyed
doing it again. Although we had a few
minor glitches, such as a family who tried
to do the course themselves by entering
through the exit, and a couple of dropped
leashes, people were highly enthusiastic
and engaged in doing a worthwhile activity
with their family members and dogs. Many
proudly told us they have taken classes at
At the end of the runs, we answered remaining questions, gave participants their
accomplishment (My Dog Did That!) stickers and indicated the way to the nearby
PCOTC information booth. At the booth,
more PCOTC volunteers were on hand
to give out training information and class
schedules as well as offer PCOTC freebies.
At 3:00 p.m., the event ended. The volunteers helped us load our cars once again
and Bill Romania and I returned the equipment to PCOTC. We all enjoyed HOTS in
the new location and hope our efforts generate even more interest in PCOTC classes
and activities as well as provide support to
the Humane Society of Westchester and Pet
Left: PCOTC’s booth at HOTS. Photo © Bill Romania.
Right: Crowd at the MDCDT! ring. Photo @ V Hagan
continued next page
SIT ‘N STAY, WINTER 2015–16 • 19
Fall Events
Hounds on the Sound continued
Clockwise from left:
• Sharon Ripps helps a dog/handler team on the wobble board.
• Mike Jones guides a dog down a plank.
• Two people help their dog through a chute tunnel.
• Virginia Hagan helps a team through the weave poles.
Photos © Bill Romania
Mary Horne Obedience/Rally Workshops
On Sept. 26–27, Mary Horne, former
Obedience Training Director at PCOTC,
offered three workshops for obedience and
rally enthusiasts. The first workshop, “Let’s
PLAY!”, focused on cultivating play drive in
our dogs. Play creates energy, enthusiasm,
and “want to” in our performance dogs.
“Focus & Engagement for Obedience and
Rally” worked on how to properly train
and maintain focus and engagement as
discrete skills. Topics included effective use
of markers, lured versus offered attention,
food versus toy rewards, and systematic
The third workshop, “Ring Smart: Tips,
Tricks and Techniques” was intended for
competitors and future competitors at all
levels of obedience or rally, and looked at
the art and science of ring performance:
What to do before and during ring entrances, including getting and staying connected
throughout the class, what to do when the
leash comes off, warm-ups, and more!
Left: a game of
Right: Mary
Horne with the
tricks of the
Photos: Jane
20 • SIT ‘N STAY, WINTER 2015–16
Fall Events
PCOTC Open House Oct. 4
We couldn’t have asked for a better Sunday
to host the Open House. Sunshine brought
in 47 dogs and their families to try out all
that PCOTC has to offer. From older dogs
to puppies, from the older generation owner to the young, our club was packed.
The lower level was divided into four rings
with a wide aisle between, letting us offer
dogs and their families the chance to try
their hand at aspects of agility, nose work
and obedience/rally. The Family Manners
component offered tricks, advice on leash
walking and general training areas.
A huge thank you goes out to the many
members who helped to organize and run
this event, as well as several of our instructors who planned these activities for our
visitors to try out.
With one Open House under our belt we
can certainly look forward to more in the
Thank you everybody!
Open House photos © Debbie Poe
Clockwise from top left:
• Entering the Open House.
• Agility Area, with Grace Heck
guiding a team.
• Ann Mandelbaum guiding a
team in the Obedience/Rally ring.
• Jenn Michaelis in the Family Manners ring.
• Kathy Gregory working with a dog in the Nose Work ring.
SIT ‘N STAY, WINTER 2015–16 • 21
Fall Events
Howl-o-ween Party
PCOTC’s Howl-o-ween Party on October 29 began with a table-full of Halloween-themed food and treats, and a costume competition.
See page 31 for the minutes of the club meeting that followed the party.
From top left:
Grace Heck with
Riley as Acme
Rocket Dog,
Francine Hellman
with Victoria,
Jenn McGregor
with Duibhin as a
penguin, Priscilla
Rahner’s Flynn &
Kloie as bride and
groom, Elizabeth
Lynch with Coco
as a three-olive
martini, and Lisa
McCarthy with
Dali as Mickey
Mouse, with
Debbie Poe &
Maybelle as a
buzzy bee in the
22 • SIT ‘N STAY, WINTER 2015–16
Photos: Jane
Fall Events
Girl Scouts Visit PCOTC
by Grace Heck
On Friday, November 20, PCOTC hosted
11 members of a Girl Scouts troop working
on their animal helper badges. The twohour program consisted of a mix of Therapy Dog and Nose Work discussions and
hands-on demonstrations. Andrea Costa’s
Golden Retriever, Hobbes, met the girls at
the door and gave them lots of snuggles.
The evening began with a Question and
Answer session led by Francis Hellman and
her Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Victoria.
The girls competed to answer Victoria’s
questions correctly for stickers and a cuddle from Victoria.
Next, Carrie Kaplan described how her
Wheaton Terrier, Darwin, helps children
learn to read and interacts with the elderly
in assisted living communities. She explained the differences in training between
Photos: Morgaana Photography
Therapy dogs like Darwin, and service dogs
who help those with physical and emotional disabilities. The girls were then divided
into small groups and got an opportunity
to meet each of our five outstanding therapy dogs. Rachel Nissenblatt’s Beagle, Tucker, and Elizabeth Lynch’s mix, Coconut,
stole the show with their respective tricks
(jumping over the girl’s backs, and rolling
over for belly rubs).
We then moved on to our Nose Work
portion of the evening, where Barbara Del
Rowe prepared a short packet of exercises
the girls could practice at home (complete with an altoid tin!). Barbara demo’ed
various hides with her dog, Jed, starting
with simple hides, and allowing the girls
to suggest how to “up the ante” with each
run. Mary Skirchak also demo’ed with her
dogs, Emily and Daisy, and the girls took
turns being the “scent hiders” and the “dog
handlers.” All the girls had a great time
watching the dogs work their way through
each of the Nose Work demonstrations,
and more than a few pointed out the dog’s
course through the boxes as evidence of
“odor diffusion.”
We also collected an impressive donation
from PCOTC and the Girl Scouts for the
Humane Society of Westchester at New
Rochelle, and we thank everyone who so
graciously contributed.
This was a truly fantastic event, and I look
forward to a continuing relationship with
our local Girl Scouts troops as we strive to
educate and inspire the next generation of
dog handlers.
SIT ‘N STAY, WINTER 2015–16 • 23
Fall Events
Yorktown Festival & Street Fair
PCOTC participated in the Yorktown
Festival & Street Fair on October 11 with a
booth and ring space where we introduced
pet owners to several areas of dog sports.
Our rings in the event’s “paw park” included basics and tricks, agility, and nose work.
PCOTC’s team was coordinated by Jane
Wheeler. PCOTC FM instructor Marie Fay
offered “Learn Basic Tricks” and “Ask the
Trainer,” and advanced nose work student
Elizabeth Lynch offered “Try K9 Nose
Work!” Several PCOTC members staffed
the agility ring, including Nancy Boyer
Parchment, Priscilla Rahner, Margaret
Tucker, and Joelle White.
by Jane Wheeler
Elizabeth Lynch talks with Festival participants about Nose Work. Photo: J Wheeler
WCR Rally Trials, Oct. 25
WCR Rally Trial images from Priscilla
Rahner, left to right: Priscilla Rahner receives ARCH title from judge Peg Munves;
Meg Tucker; Joanne Sheffler; Sarah
24 • SIT ‘N STAY, WINTER 2015–16
Glad Tales
Phouka Earns CA
Phouka earned his CA Title under Judge Dr. Stephen Sipperly at the Hudson River Valley Hound Association AKC
Lure Coursing Trials on November 14th, at Westerlo Town
Park. We ran the 600. Talk about Prey Drive!
— Morgaana Menzel
Owen Is Excellent!
My Italian Greyhound, Owen, earned his AXJ title on Nov.
27 at the Skyline AKC trial in Middletown, NY, then added
an AX (Excellent Standard) title on Nov. 29. I’m especially
thrilled since, while Owen is my fourth IG with whom I
did agility, these are the first ever Excellent titles that I’ve
Owen also Q’d in his first Masters Jumpers with Weaves
class and got his first MACH point!
— Cynthia Catts
Photo © Barry Rosen
Book Reviews
continued from page 16
chain—pull, return, treat, pull return, treat.
Dogs learn it really fast and really well! But
the dog is still pulling. Pam suggests that
when the dog checks back in and returns to
you, that you refrain from treating that exact
moment. Instead, continue to walk forward
and if the dog is walking appropriately, after
a few steps, reinforce with a treat.
There’s a chapter on Pam’s Whistle Recall. Another chapter on husbandry: nail
cutting, putting on a collar, brushing,
touching. Chapters on self-control games,
fixing “bad” behavior, puppy raising, dog
sports—a lot of topics that will appeal to of
a multitude of dog owners.
Best of all, the book is written in the clear
and sometimes witty language Pam Dennison is known for. And here I am, once more,
recommending without reservation the
latest Dennison training book.
SIT ‘N STAY, WINTER 2015–16 • 25
Glad Tales
Bean & Bonita Go
to Their First National Agility Event
From the left: Bean, Owen, Bonita
Family Additions
Bean (10 years old) and Bonita (4 years old)
traveled with me to Perry, GA for their first
national-level agility competition. The UKI US
Open took place across 4 days, with multiple
runs per day. Bean and Bonita both got placements in various events, and Bean ran in the big
ring twice. She went in with no pre-qualifications
and managed to work her way up two rounds to
the National Championships Finals on Sunday.
The courses were some of the hardest we have
ever run, and I was thrilled with both dogs’ skills
and enthusiasm, holding their own in an event
packed with professional agility handlers. We are
looking forward to next year’s US Open!
— Shannon Kelly
We have added Seraphina, a Dutch Shepherd to our family.
Her primary focus will be French ring sport.
— Jeanne Meldrum
26 • SIT ‘N STAY, WINTER 2015–16
The Gregory family has welcomed a new Doberman to our
household, 4-year-old Max (Ch. Kalora’s Maximus B Kissable).
He is related to three other Dobies taking class at PCOTC (Damian, papa, Sabrina and Nyx, sisters) and is looking forward to
trying many K9 sports. Max is an “easy keeper” and, as you can
see, has made himself right at home.
— Kathy Gregory
Sad Tales
?? – October 21, 2015
We sadly said good-bye to our
dear friend, Alice. She came
to us as a rescue from a shelter
near Dallas (hence her name) in
September of 2006, and immediately became a treasured member
of our family. A devoted follower
of Tori, an ever-ready playmate
for Lucy, an eager Rally partner
for me, and a beloved companion
to all of us, Alice will be remembered with love.
— Carol Fessler
It is with a heavy heart that I tell you that “Madison” crossed the
Rainbow Bridge on July 27, 2015. Madison was a precious gift;
she took me to places I never would have gone! Madison had her
RN, CGC, TDI, NW1 & NW2 titles and was an avid swimmer.
We visited Newtown, CT and several Children’s camps in New
Jersey for Special Education. Madison served as a Therapy Dog
every Sunday at St. Patrick’s Nursing home (6 years) and Stamford Hospital (3 years).
Madison changed and touched the lives of all she met including
mine. She was an amazing dog and had a wonderful life ! I find
comfort in knowing that the love and memories between Madison and I will live forever.
Rest in Peace Madison—you are gone from my life but never
absent in my heart! Until we meet again at the Rainbow Bridge!
— Jackie Purcell
SIT ‘N STAY, WINTER 2015–16 • 27
Our Stars
New Titles & Honors Reported by Club Members As of 11/21/15
American Kennel Club (AKC)
AKC Rally Novice (RN)
Sarah Johnson, Daisy Furball, Aussie x
World Cynosport Rally Limited (WCRL)
WCR Rally Level 2 – Award of Excellence (RL2)
Priscilla Rahner, Susqudilla’s Kahlua Kloie, “Kloie,”
Chesapeake Bay Retriever
WCR Rally Level 3 (RL3)
10/25/15 Sarah Johnson, Daisy Furball, Aussie x
American Kennel Club (AKC)
AKC Open Agility Preferred (OAP)
Sarah Johnson, “Sassafras,” Plott x
AKC Open Jumper Preferred (OJP)
10/18/15 Sarah Johnson, “Sassafras,” Plott x
AKC Excellent Jumpers with Weaves (AXJ)
Jacqueline Soccodato, “Sassafras,” Plott x
AKC Master Agility Jumpers Preferred 2 (MJP2)
10/10/15 Debbie Poe, Neguinho Maluco, “Jethro,” Pomeranian
AKC Time 2 Beat 7 (T2B7)
Michelle Trummer, MACH 14 Corn Cockle Cornelius
CDX MXC4 MJB5 FTC1 TQX T2B7, “Corn,” Shetland
AKCMaster Standard Bronze (MSB)
11/22/15 Stephen McKay, Holther’s Well Done, “Scorch,” BC
AKCMaster Jumper Bronze (MJB)
10/16/15 Ellen Halperin, Kentucky’s True Blue, “Drew,” Australian Shepherd
11/21/15 Stephen McKay, Holther’s Well Done, “Scorch,” BC
AKC Master Jumper Silver 2 (MJS2)
10/11/15 Stephen McKay, Brigadoon Have Tux Will Travel,
“Derby,” Shetland Sheepdog
AKC Master Jumper Silver 5 (MJS5)
10/10/15 Michelle Trummer, “Corn,” Shetland Sheepdog
AKC Master Agility Champion (MACH)
6/21/15 Brenda Laroza, CH MACH Lancers Quincy Adams,
“Quincy,” Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
AKC Master Agility Champion 14 (MACH 14)
Michelle Trummer, “Corn,” Shetland Sheepdog
AKC Master Century Agility 4 (MXC4)
Michelle Trummer, MACH 14 Corn Cockle Cornelius
Shetland Sheepdog
United States Dog Agility Association (USDAA)
USDAA Starters Performance Jumpers (SPJ)
Grace Heck, “Riley,” All American
USDAA Starters Performance Snooker (SPK)
Grace Heck, “Riley,” All American
USDAA Jumpers Champion (JCH)
Stephen McKay, Brigadoon Have Tux Will Travel,
“Derby,” Shetland Sheepdog
Canine Performance Events (CPE)
CPE Level 3 Standard (CL3-R )
28 • SIT ‘N STAY, WINTER 2015–16
9/18/15 Ann Ouchterloney, Mercury’s Top Gun, “Maverick,”
Shetland Sheepdog
CPE Champion Snooker (CHSN)
9/5/15 Ann Ouchterloney, Mercury’s Next Edition, “Indy,” Shetland Sheepdog
National Association of Canine Scent Work (NACSW)
Peg Munves, Sher-Mi 3C Chi Nine and Three, “Chi,”
Labrador Retriever
NACSW Nose Work 1 (NW1)
Barbara Siegel, Springhill Sir Wilfred of Ivanhoe,
“Ivan,” Mudi
Demetria DeSarno, “Uma,” Pit Bull
NACSW Level 1 Containers (L1C)
10/25/15 Barbara Siegel, “Ivan,” Mudi
10/25/15 Demetria DeSarno, “Uma,” Pit Bull
NACSW Nose Work (NW2)
10/11/15 Heather Emmel, “Asha,” Rhodesian Ridgeback
10/18/15 Heather Emmel/Barbara Napoli, “Xola,” Rhodesian
NACSW Nose Work 3 Elite (NW3 Elite)
Elizabeth Lynch, Coconut, “Coconut,” Mixed
Musical Dog Sport Assocation (MDSA)
MDSA Novice Freestyle Dog (NFD)
Elizabeth Lynch, Coconut, “Coconut,” Mixed
Jenn Michaelis, CH Mystic Morning Shadow White,
“Ringo,” Chinese Crested
MDSA Premier Freestyle Dog (PFD)
8/30/15 Jenn Michaelis, Grizzly Mountain’s Terremoto, “Terra,” Cane Corso
Rally Freestyle Elements (RFE)
RFE Musical Freestyle Entry (MF-E)
10-27-15, Jenn Michaelis, “Ringo,” Chinese Crested
RFE Musical Freestyle Masters (MF-M)
10/24/15 Jenn Michaelis, “Terra,” Cane Corso
RFE Musical Freestyle Champion (MF-CH)
10-27-15, Jenn Michaelis, “Terra,” Cane Corso
American Kennel Club (AKC)
AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC)
Kathleen Foley, Cesare’s Rome ‘N In The Gloamin’
CD RE AXP AJP SE CA CGC, “Brian,” Westie
AKC Therapy Dog Advanced
Elizabeth Lynch, Coconut, “Coco,” Mixed
AKC Therapy Dog Excellent
Elizabeth Lynch, Coconut, “Coco,” Mixed
American Kennel Club (AKC)
AKC Champion (CH)
Brenda Laroza, CH MACH Lancers Quincy Adams,
Our Stars HELP WANTED Volunteering
“Quincy,” Cavalier King Charles
10/23/15 Janet York, Piccadil’s The Spy
Who Loved Me, “Sky,” Cavalier
King Charles Spaniel
Volunteers needed for public demos, ring
guides, booth duty, transport and setup:
• AKC Meet the Breeds, Manhattan, Feb.
• Bark for Life, Tarrytown, NY, April 16
• SPCA of Westchester, May
AKC Senior Earthdog (SE)
10/10/15 Kathleen Foley, Cesare’s Rome ‘N
The Gloamin’ CD RE AJP AXP CA
SE, “Brian,” West Highland Terrier
See article on page 15. To volunteer,
contact Jane Wheeler at
American Kennel Club (AKC)
Jan. 31, and Mar. 13. Online volunteer
sign-up sheets will be posted prior to
each date.
American Kennel Club (AKC)
AKC Coursing Ability Advanced (CAA)
11/14/15 Barbara Siegel, Springhill Sir Wilfred of Ivanhoe, “Ivan,” Mudi
Barn Hunt Association
BHA Barn Hunt Instinct (RATI)
Jeanne Meldrim, Meldrim’s
Halligan du Dantero, “Halligan,”
Belgian Malinois
Barbara Siegel, “Ivan,” Mudi
Barbara Siegel, Akekal’s Lady
Guinevere, “Gwen,” Mudi
BHA Novice Barn Hunt (RATN)
Jeanne Meldrim, Meldrim’s
Halligan du Dantero, “Halligan,”
Belgian Malinois
BHA Open Barn Hunt (RATO)
Kathleen Foley, Cesare’s Rome ‘N
The Gloamin’ CD RE AJP AXP CA
SE, “Brian,” West Highland Terrier
North American Ring Association
NARA Certificat de Sociabilité et d’Aptitude
a l’Utilisation (CSAU)
Matthew Meldrim, “Axe,” Belgian
Matthew Meldrim, “Halligan,”
Belgian Malinois
New titles and awards will be posted periodically at the facility, and will be included
in yearly ads that congratulate our mem-
Volunteers run all PCOTC activities except
dog training, for which we pay qualified
instructors. We ask each club member to
volunteer a minimum of 12 hours during
each club year (June 1 to May 31). Those
who complete the minimum of 12 hours
receive special Member Volunteer rates
that provide year-round savings on all
group classes.
In order to receive the special volunteer rates for a club year, members must
complete their volunteer hours prior to the
beginning of that club year.
10, Feb. 21, Mar. 20, Apr. 10, May 22, Jun. Volunteer hours do not “carry over” from
19, Jul. 17. Volunteer signup instructions year to year. Each member in a family
membership needs credit for 12 volunteer
will be posted soon.
hours, but family members may credit
hours to another person in the membership.
Rally volunteers should contact Megan
Woods at
Obedience volunteers should contact
Bruce Sheffler at
or Cindy Rubin, chief steward, at
We need someone to take a list of names
to Crown Trophy to update our Obedience trophies. Contact Deborah Silver at
OTHER OPPORTUNITIES volunteer come up periodically.
Check with Deborah Silver at (volunteers) and
Carol Fessler,
Our Stars: Reporting Titles
To submit your dog’s new titles/awards for
publication in the “Our Stars” column in
this newsletter, please fill out the Our Stars
form found on our web site
bers on titles earned.
If you do not have web access, you may
report your new titles by mail (or e-mail),
to or to Michelle
Trummer. Summer home: 11 Lakeview Rd.,
North Salem, NY 10560. Winter Home:
11988 61st Street North, West Palm Beach,
FL 33412.
New club members must complete 6 volunteer hours prior to submitting their application for membership, and are eligible for
the Volunteer Member privileges immediately upon admission to the club. They then
must complete an additional 6 hours prior
to the end of the club year to receive Volunteer Member status for the next year.
You can find volunteer opportunities in the
Help Wanted column and on the PCOTC
Events bulletin board at the facility or by
contacting our Volunteer Coordinator. You
may also join the PCOTC group E-mail list
to receive periodic requests for volunteers
when they are needed.
It is your responsibility to report your
volunteer hours via a PCOTC Volunteer
Reporting Form, kept in stock at the facility. The form is also available for download
from the Membership page of our web site.
Volunteer members who log in 30+ hours
in a club year will be considered “Super
Volunteers” who will be honored at the
annual club meeting and given a Certificate
of Appreciation.
SIT ‘N STAY, WINTER 2015–16 • 29
Keeping in Touch
with PCOTC
PCOTC Club Meetings
Minutes 8/31/15
PCOTC’s Web Site: Go to
Board Members: G. Berger, P.Daye, C. or
for class registration and information about Fessler, L. Lucas, J. Turschmann, M.Woods
our classes, special events, facility, instrucRoll Call: 36 members signed the attentors, and membership.
dance sheet
MailChimp Mailing List: You can subscribe to this e-mail list via our web site,
or go to You
do not have to be a member or have taken
classes yet. Mailings are sent out several
times a month with news and information
about upcoming training session registration, new events and classes added to our
calendar, reminders of opening and closing
dates, and club meetings, etc.
Having trouble receiving e-blasts from
PCOTC through MailChimp? Missing
out on club information? Be sure to enter into your computer’s address book or list, or messages from
PCOTC may end up in your spam filter.
PCOTC’s Yahoo Group E-mail List: This
e-mail list is by subscription only and for
members only. If you want to hear about
volunteer opportunities as they come up,
be sure you are subscribed to this list.
Subscribe via
Facebook Page: Go to
or search for “Port Chester Obedience
Training Club” to bring up our page.
Twitter: You can follow PCOTC on Twitter: @TeachRover, for news such as class
cancellations, opening or closing dates for
trials and seminars, etc.
Minutes of Last Meeting
There were no corrections or deletions
requested to the previous Club meeting
Report of the President
• The McKays have stepped down from
their Training Director roles. They will
continue at the club as instructors
• Replacement TDs have been selected
to replace them both. Jenn Michaelis has
been selected as the new Family Manners
TD and Kim Seiter has been selected as the
new Agility TD
• Kathy Gregory is stepping down as
Treasurer. She will continue as an instructor and as a delegate to the AKC. A job
description for Treasurer will soon be
distributed to the membership to solicit
• The Board has decided to abandon the
confidentiality agreement previously required of Board members
• A by­laws committee is being formed. At
this time the members will be: Virginia
Hagan, Lisa McCarthy, George Berger,
Megan Woods and Tom Nardi
• The BOD is discussing forming a new
Finance committee that will include members at large as well as Board members
• Once a new Treasurer is in place, the
Board would like to have an audit conducted, what remains is to decide what type of
audit. It is undecided at this time whether
class fees will be included in this Committee’s tasks
• The membership asked Lynn Lucas about
the corrections that were never made to
the P&L statements presented at the Annual Meeting. The changes were submitted by
the members and have been appropriately
30 • SIT ‘N STAY, WINTER 2015–16
Report of the Corresponding Secretary
• We have switched from iContact to
MailChimp for eblasts
• We will be updating the class surveys and
revisiting the questions that are included in
the current survey
• Sharon Ripps is involved in market
research and would like to offer her assistance to the Corresponding Secretary. She
made the point that the survey seems more
geared to new people rather than those of
us who’ve been taking classes year after
• A question was asked about whether the
registration software could be linked to the
survey software. It is not possible at this
• A question was asked about how survey
information gets shared with instructors.
Data from the surveys is shared with
Training Directors, Instructors, and BOD
• The membership renewal period ends
on May 31. There is a 90 day grace period
after that that ends on 8/29, which has
just passed. If someone misses this grace
period they then have to pay a $25.00 fee
in addition to their annual dues to rejoin
• As of August 29 , we have 287 in good
standing of which 17 are new this year
• Every year we lose approximately the
same percentage of people who do not
renew their membership
• The mats will be cleaned this week on
Wednesday and Thursday coming
• The outdoor ramp will be scraped and
painted by the end of the week
• The faucet in the ladies’ room has been
• New toilet seats have been installed in the
ladies’ room
• There is finally a new light in the unisex
• The light covers have been installed
PCOTC Club Meeting Minutes
poll club members about potential dates
for this
• The “driveway mirrors” for the stairs to
the second floor classroom are supposed to NEW BUSINESS
be installed today
Open House:
• The landlord continues to want us to only
• Board would like to conduct an Open
use the one set of stairs. He is not open to
House on a Sunday afternoon and offer
us using one set of stairs for up and the
a sampler to our own students of various
other for down. The other set of stairs is for
sports they may like to learn more about
the other tenants
and/or pursue.
• A trash can and poop bags have been
We’ll incorporate a My Dog Can Do That!
added to the deck outside the door to the
component as well.
Lower Level
• This will not be advertised to the public,
we will use our eblast list and Facebook
• Sit ‘n Stay will be going out tomorrow. It page
will include want ads for the various posi• We’ll test the waters and see if we’d like
tions available. One such job is for someto offer this to the community outside our
one to digitize a lot of our old documents
Club at some future date
and photos.
Floor Matting:
Obedience / Agility:
• Membership asked if the flooding had
• Patty Daye announced that an email had
been addressed on the lower level. Megan
been distributed seeking individuals interWoods advised that the landlord had found
ested in forming an obedience committee.
where the water was entering and the founIt appeared that some obedience students
dation had been repaired
had not received this email and there was
some confusion over whether the original • Someone asked if there are drains below
the mats. Megan Woods and Tom Nardi
obedience committee was still functionadvised that there are no drains. Old drains
al. This raised the question of the newly
formed agility committee and its members. are plugged
This engendered a lot of response from the
• The BOD advised the membership that
membership about both of those commitwe are looking into new flooring. The old
tees. Virginia Hagan explained the differflooring has become slick and damaged. It
ent types and functions of committees as
was further explained that at some point
outlined in Robert’s Rules. The formation
someone numbered the back of the mats
of those two committees is tabled for now
(possibly after pulling them up to dry the
pending further discussion.
floor) and has made it impossible to use
both sides up now due to this numbering.
The members would like to continue the
75 Anniversary Dinner:
discussion about the floor rather than
• 100 people responded to the survey sent proceed with purchasing new materials at
in July for the type of party desired (dinner this time
at the club or at a restaurant, BBQ, etc.)
• A buffet dinner or a BBQ outside the
• Discussion about the fee structure for
club premises were numerically close in
WPW. It was decided this should be disselection
cussed within the Obedience Committee
• We still have a deposit at Sam’s of Gedney since the factors affecting such a choice
Way, we could utilize for the buffet dinner. would not be familiar to everyone at the
full Club meeting
We will have to decide further what month
Registration glitches:
we’d like to do this
• We could do a buffet dinner and a BBQ.
Potential for BBQ in the Spring. Will also
• Various members brought up issues
they’d experienced with the registration
They were advised to contact the registrars
if they felt there was something wrong with
their registration so it could be fixed.
Next club meeting October 29 – Halloween
The meeting was adjourned.
Board members: L. Lucas, B. Amen, J. Turschmann, A. Woods, J. Wheeler, G.Heck,
M. Woods, D. Poe
Roll Call: 31 members present
Report of President
• Open House feedback was positive and
another will be planned in the spring. Registration has picked up in foundation classes perhaps as a result of the Open House.
• Requests have come in from instructors and students needing hours toward
instructor certification to help in classes.
For the November/December session 8
instructors will be paired up with class
assistant volunteers. After the session the
board with feedback from the instructors
and assistants, will assess the effectiveness
of this.
• Volunteer opportunities have been
opened up to non-members who need
initial hours to become members. The
position of volunteer coordinator is still
• The Obedience Group met to discuss
obedience trials, run-thrus and events. An
e-blast went out regarding the notes from
this meeting. Bruce and Joanne Sheffler
are chairing Obedience trials through the
end of 2016. Monthly dates for WPW have
been proposed to Jeanne Turschmann who
is checking the calendar and will need to be
approved by the Board before finalizing on
the calendar.
• Grace Heck and Debbie Poe will be
determining the dates for agility run-thrus
continued next page
SIT ‘N STAY, WINTER 2015–16 • 31
PCOTC Club Meetings
for 2016. There is a run-thru scheduled in
Report of Corresponding Secretary
• 43 e-blasts have gone out since the last
club meeting
• The updated class surveys will be going
out shortly. They have been made more
to the membership.
• A question was raised from the floor
about the ability to do on-line voting since
the AKC has recently added this feature.
The committee will look into it.
Report of Working Groups House
• Nothing new to report
user friendly.
• At this time the surveys cannot be linked
to ASAP.
• Newsletter is online and in color. This
amounts to a yearly cost savings of $3500$4000.
Report of the Acting Treasurer
• Bob’s first steps as acting treasurer is
to review all the processes including the
• Only 13 people have requested paper
• 3 public events since the last meeting.
Hounds of the Sound moved to Mama• He made the suggestion to report the
roneck and while the space is smaller, it
financial picture quarterly which gives a
gives the club booth and MDCDT better
better picture of income.
visibility. 128 people went through “My
• Expenses were higher than income for the Dog Can Do That”.
June-September period with a net loss of
• Seminars – working with the TDs to de$27,671 compared to the same period’s loss
termine these. Several have been scheduled
last year of $ 13,870.
for 2016 already.
• Non-class income for this period was
• The process of digitizing the club’s old
higher than the previous year and a
records, mainly Sit N Stays, has begun.
question from the floor was asked as to
what makes up this income. While it was
• Revised content for the website will be
suspected that T-shirt donations, WPW
presented shortly to the board.
and such may have contributed, a deeper
dive into the allocation of income into this
• On line registration closes tonight at
category will be conducted.
11:59 p.m. To date there are 20 less enroll• Auditing of the books for the past year is
ments than last time.
underway. The outside firm who is conducting this auditing hopes to complete the OLD BUSINESS
process by mid-December.
• The picnic is tentatively scheduled for
June 5. Discussion is ongoing with FDR
• A question about the formation of the
Park and the planning group is discussing a
Finance Committee was raised from the
workshop/event element to the picnic.
Report of Committees
• We have a total of 271 members with a
couple of new members.
Constitution and Bylaws
• The committee has had 2 meetings so
far with the next meeting scheduled for
November 2.
• The plan is to have a detailed document
for the board to review before submitted it
32 • SIT ‘N STAY, WINTER 2015–16
• The formal formation of committees has
been turned over to
the Constitution and
Bylaws Committee for
review and discussion.
AKC Delegates Report
• Kathy Gregory
reported on the AKC
Delegates meeting that
she attended. The AKC has recently added
a “Pee Wee” division to its conformation
classes. They have also recently allowed
deaf dogs to compete in its performance
events and studied why people participate
in dog sports.
Young Handlers Project
• Grace reported on the work she and Carol
Fessler have been doing to create this program at the club. It is a good bonding event
for the students and gives them experience
they need to continue in dog sports. They
will be reaching out to the membership to
determine if their children would like to
participate. They envision a group of 10
or so students spending time in different
disciplines with different instructors.
• Girl Scouts will be coming to the club on
November 20 to earn their animal helpers
badge. They will be introduced to therapy
dogs, service dogs and nose work dogs and
• In conjunction with New Rochelle Humane Society the club and the Girl Scouts
will be conducting a food drive.
Rental Policy
• A question was raised as to when the
rental policy (which requires 4 day notice
of requested time slot) was changed?
Jeanne Turschmann explained that the
policy has always been in effect. The new
volunteers handling the calendar are aware
of this policy and are following it. The
board however will review the 4 day rule at
its next board meeting.
Next meeting date: December 9th. Holiday
Meeting was adjourned.
PCOTC Board Meeting Minutes
(rescheduled from 10/7/15)
Attendance: G. Berger, C. Fessler, L. Lucas,
D. Poe, J. Turschmann, M. Woods
Reading of Minutes of Last Meeting,
8/27/15 – a motion was made to accept the
minutes as amended. All in favor.
Report of the President:
• Open House- scheduled on Sunday 10/4;
to date, eight volunteer members stepped
forward to help with preparations including hospitality, treats, sign-ins, and membership; the Lower Level will be split into 4
corners to showcase the different disciplines; publicity of event has been sent out
through flyers, ASAP, eblasts, Facebook, &
instructors have spoken about it in classes;
PCOTC T-shirts will also be sold for $10
• Obedience Committee: Obedience
meeting has been rescheduled for October
21st ; 2015 WP Weekends will be chaired
by Kristen Hurwitz; signups are available
through the links to Volunteer Signups
• A motion was made to accept the application of Scott Shaw and Kelly Cornish as
new members of PCOTC. All in favor.
House Liaison:
• Certificates must be sent into PCOTC no
later than 10/5/15 in order to teach classes
for the November/December class session.
Additional Agility Instructor:
• The lockbox next to the Lower Level door
will be replaced.
• A motion was made to accept Stefanie
Rainer as an Agility Instructor at PCOTC.
All in favor.
Class Assistants:
• Members have represented PCOTC at
Hounds on The Sound in Harbor Island
Park, Mamaroneck; 128 dogs and their
owners participated in My Dog Can Do
• In an effort to improve instruction,
PCOTC will begin using assistants in some
classes on a trial basis in the November/
December session. Instructors may decide
to request an assistant for a particular class;
open assistant positions will be publicized
with a Help Wanted E-Blast to members.
Only PCOTC members will be eligible to
become assistants, and they will receive
volunteer hours for their time. The program will be reviewed at the conclusion of
the session.
75th Anniversary Event Dates:
Use of Lower Level – Classes/Rentals:
• Survey was sent out to the membership;
45 members responded; a BBQ/Picnic will
be scheduled for FDR State Park in June
• If Lower Level is not being used for
classes, classes scheduled in the Upper
Level will have first priority in utilizing
the available space on the Lower Level. On
both levels and at all times, classes take precedence over rentals in scheduling.
Registration Liaison:
• Registrations for the September/October
session were 384 enrollments; an increase
from 331 enrollments in July/August
Report of Acting Treasurer:
Google Drive
• Rent, Instructor pay, and bills are current- • Central location to keep BOD doculy up to date
• A motion was made to accept the Dinow- Policy & Procedures Document
itz & Bove Audit Proposal. All in favor.
• Currently being updated and will be
Report of the Corresponding Secretary:
shared with the instructors and membership upon completion
• 21 eblasts have been sent since the last
BOD meeting; open rate is above industry
Open Board Seats:
• Received a letter of thanks from Hudson
Valley Pet Food Pantry for our recent dona- • A motion was made to invite Bob Amen
to serve on the Board of Directors and to
tions through the Labor Day Agility Trials
serve as Acting Treasurer until the audit is
• Family Manners & Class Feedback Surcomplete. All in favor.
veys have been updated; questions have
• A motion was made to invite Audrey
been restructured and will be sent out to
Woods to serve on the Board of Directors
current students at the conclusion of the
September/October session; results of both as Recording Secretary. All in favor.
surveys will be shared with the member• A motion was made to invite Grace Heck
ship at upcoming Club Meetings
to serve on the Board of Directors as a
REPORTS of Committees/Special Groups Director. 4 in favor, 1 against.
Constitution & Bylaws Committee:
Instructor Insurance:
• Reviewing the current PCOTC Constitution & Bylaws point by point; next meeting
is scheduled for the week of 10/5/15
• All instructors at PCOTC must hold
current insurance and produce a valid
certificate of insurance.
New Therapy Dog Class:
• New certification preparation class will be
offered in November/December session
• PreScreening will be scheduled to check
temperament and some obedience skills
prior to entry into class
• If dog/handler pass class, they will be
evaluated by PetPartners, examined by vet,
submit credentials to PetPartners prior to
becoming eligible to work as a Therapy
Dog team
Agility Trial, May 2016 (FDR State Park):
• Scheduled for 5/12/16-5/15/16
• Debbie Poe will be stepping in as Acting
Chair to provide guidance in paperwork
and preparations
Next BOD Meeting: November 11, 2015
Meeting was adjourned.
SIT ‘N STAY, WINTER 2015–16 • 33
PCOTC Board Meeting Minutes
Present: B. Amen, G. Berger, C. Fessler, G.
Heck, L. Lucas, D. Poe, J. Turschmann, J.
Wheeler, A. Woods, M. Woods
Minutes of last meeting 9/28/15 were
accepted and published.
President’s Report
1. Agility/Obedience and Rally Equipment Donation–Two previous members
have been in contact wanting to donate old
equipment. They are happy for us to ask
members for donations if we are unable to
use it at the club. We need people to pick
it up.
advance of rental date. Some rentals have
been denied because there was insufficient
time allowed.
es “more space” for Meet the Breeds this
year—that was our main issue at last year’s
3. After discussing the policy the board
agreed to change the policy in the meantime to two-day notice, once we know
that there will be sufficient volunteer help
to process these requests. An E-blast will
go out for additional volunteer help. The
policy in its entirety will be addressed at
the December board meeting. This includes
but is not limited to, half room rentals,
using apps to sign up for rental time, follow-up on no-shows, number of members
allowed to rent together, pricing, etc.
Digitizing Project: Old club records were
divided into four packages to be mailed out
Tuesday to our volunteer scanners/digitizers along with a USB flash drive for storage
of files. The volunteers are Deborah Silver,
Barbara Dodds, Keith and Ashley Margulis,
and Sabine Helge. We intend to save older
files in both JPG and PDF formats.
8. Shelter Refunds – were discussed in
light of the expense of issuing refunds
using ASAP and credit card fees. A motion
was made and seconded to hold the refund
4. Agility class maximum numbers. A
on shelter dogs until the end of the class
motion was made and seconded to hold the session. The student will have the option to
Carol will contact Scott Shaw. He might be maximum of foundation and lower level
have the refund applied to their next class
able to move the equipment around. Two
agility classes to 10 with instructor approv- or be issued a check. All were in favor.
new tunnels were bought for the agility
al and if a class assistant is available. Upper
9. ORT date – January 17, 2016. Nose
level classes maximum will be changed
work trial committee wanted to have a
to 6 for 60 minute classes, and 90 minute
A new member who is an attorney resnow date of 2/28. When Nose Work has
classes will have a maximum of 8. All were
viewed the class waiver and came up with
a trial, both the upper and lower levels of
a new one. This waiver will be used for the in favor.
the facility are used and cannot be used
next class session.
5. Proposed agility trials – June and Aufor classes. Having two dates when classes
cannot run because a snow date is built
2. White Plains Weekends (WPW) Mike
in is not financially feasible. Therefore, a
Jones and Karen Wrey will take over from
motion was made to approve one date of
Kristen Hurwitz for the 2016 WPW. LookMay
their choice. This motion was made and
ing into on-line registration. Advertising
seconded. All were in favor.
has been placed in the Match Show Bulletin 6. Sue Ann Lesser – room rental. Sue
but will look into social media to promote
Ann’s rental fee has not seen an increase
10.Volunteer Coordinator - we are still in
in several years yet operating costs for
need of a volunteer coordinator.
Treasurer’s Report
and seconded to increase her rental fee by
Bob presented to the board a profit and loss 5% for 6 months beginning January 2016.
1. Policy and Procedures Document
statement of June through October 2015,
9 in favor, 1 opposed. Motion carried. The
profit and loss comparison including the
board will reevaluate in May.
Discussed how substitutes are currently
previous year, balance sheet and balance
prepaid. A motion was and seconded that if a
sheet comparison with the previous year.
class is cancelled, the instructor tries to get
Several questions were asked to better
a substitute and the substitute bills the club
understand the numbers.
of wants and needs were bounced around.
for their time. All were in favor.
Corresponding Secretary
It was determined that a good starting
The treasurer is currently bonded for up to
point would be to determine the vision for
Report attached
$10,000. We will look into increasing this
the website; how we want PCOTC presentto $100,000.
A motion was made and seconded. All
ed in the public’s eye. A working group was
were in favor.
formed made up of George Berger, Grace
Non disclosure policy will be vetted and go
Auin the new P&P document.
drey Woods to determine this first step.
A stated policy will be spelled out in the
1. Signatories for the accounts. A motion
DecemP&P document about volunteers who
was made and seconded. All were in favor.
ber 1 issue.
work at seminars. A motion was made and
2. Room Rental Policy was brought up at
seconded to allow someone who works at
the 10/29 meeting by a member. The Policy Public Events: AKC Meet the Breeds:
the seminar to audit for free provided that
states that members should allow 4 days in Shall we participate again this year, on
they are approved by the seminar coordinaSaturday, February 13? The AKC promistor. Those who work and audit will not get
34 • SIT ‘N STAY, WINTER 2015–16
PCOTC Board Minutes
volunteer hours. All were in favor.
2. Google drive: document /information
sharing. Information, logos etc. will be
placed in folders on Google drive.
Report of Special Groups:
Constitution and By Laws Committee –
on target
Membership- voted in a new member, Barbara Napoli by a motion made and seconded. All in favor. With the addition of this
member, we have a total of 291 members
in good standing. The Red Book is being
prepared for publication within the month.
House – nothing to report
Publicity – Will find out what the AKC
means by “more space” for Meet the Breeds
before committing.
Registration – student enrollment report
Next meeting will be Tuesday, Dec. 15
Meeting was adjourned.
PCOTC Board of Directors Meeting – Wednesday 11/11/15
Jeanne Turschmann, Corresponding Secretary
MailChimp Allotment (as of 11/9/2015):
 Unlimited emails per month
 2,816 subscribers
MEMBERS: Club Meeting
Minutes 10/29/2015
Help Needed! February 14,
2016 WCRL Rally Trials
MEMBERS- Attention:
Obedience / Rally Students
Online Class Registration
Closes Thursday 10/29
MEMBERS: Howl-o-ween
Party & Club Meeting Thursday 10/29
MEMBERS: K9 Cornucopia!
MEMBERS: Agility RunThrus - Sunday 12/13
Volunteers Needed for 11/1
& 11/15 WPW
Online Class Registration Is
Now Open!
MEMBERS: Meeting
Minutes 8/31/15
PCOTC Howl-o-Ween Party
and Club Meeting
MEMBERS: Obedience &
Rally Meeting- Wednesday
Help Wanted! Variety of
Opportunities Available!
MEMBERS: Agility RunThrus - Sunday 12/13
PCOTC at Fall 2015 Events
Send Date
Successful Unique Open
Recipients Deliveries Opens Rate
Unique Click
41 16.14%
715 25.35%
174 68.50%
687 24.35%
122 48.03%
141 55.51%
698 24.72%
692 24.46%
716 25.26%
152 59.84%
132 51.97%
133 52.36%
850 29.90%
129 50.79%
843 29.60%
SIT ‘N STAY, WINTER 2015–16 • 35
PCOTC Board Minutes
MEMBERS: Help Wanted Class Assistants (2nd Eblast)
Volunteers Needed for
10/18 WPW
Therapy Dog Certificate
Prep: Free Pre-screens!
MEMBERS: Howl-o-ween
Party & Club Meeting
Online Class Registration
Opens Wed 10/14
MEMBERS: Help Wanted Class Assistants
Open House - What a
MEMBERS: Meeting
Minutes 9/28/15
Open House Tomorrow!
Sunday 10/4 1:00-4:00pm
New Agility Instructor:
Stefanie Rainer
MEMBERS: Meeting
Minutes 8/27/15 & 9/8/15
MEMBERS: Announcement
- New Board Members
Anniversary Event- Dates
150 59.06%
811 28.42%
861 30.14%
152 59.84%
789 27.54%
171 67.32%
159 62.60%
145 57.09%
715 24.94%
879 30.63%
159 63.10%
169 67.06%
142 56.35%
Facebook Ad (as of 11/9/15)
Last 30 days:
 Campaign Reach (those who saw ad): 26,342
 Bidding (maximum we’re willing to pay per click or per 1,000 impressions): $1.00
 Average amount paid per click or per 1,000 impressions: $0.42
 Number of clicks: 348
 Budget: $5.00/daily
 Amount Spent: $144.71
SurveyMonkey (as of 11/9/15)
FM Feedback Survey and PCOTC Class Survey have been updated. Links to new and improved
Class Feedback Surveys were sent to September/October students on/about 10/30/15.
36 • SIT ‘N STAY, WINTER 2015–16