GLS Voice October 2013
GLS Voice October 2013
G UJ A R AT L AW SOCIETY News for GLS students, staff, alumni and friends Date of publication : 7th of every month. Gujarat Law Society, Opp Law Garden, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad 380006 ■ Ph 079 26440532, 079 26468513 ■ email: ■ Price Rs.2/- INSIDE Volume 5 Issue 10 Editor: Dr. Bhalchandra H Joshi Þwðk MkþÂõíkfhý yux÷u hküÙ MkþÂõíkfhý hk Pg : 2 GUEST LECTURE SERIES AT GLS MBA Pg : 4 N. R. & GLS SEC. & HIGHER SEC. SCHOOL AT SCIENCE FAIR Pg : 6-7 GLS COLLEGES AT G.U. YOUTH FESTIVAL üÙeÞ þkÞh, frð ©e Íðuhþ[tË {u½kýe fnu Au fu, “½x{kt ½kuzk ÚkLkøkLku ykík{ ®ðÍu Ãkkt¾, yýËeXu÷e ¼ku{ Ãkh ÞkiðLk {ktzu ykt¾” Ãkúf]ríkLkwt ÞkiðLk yux÷u ðMktík, yLku SðLkLke ðMktík yux÷u ÞkiðLk. ÞwðkLke yux÷u Mkwðýo {kiÂõíkf hMkkÞý. yu Ãk[u íkku Ãkwrü ykÃku yLku Vqxe Lkef¤u íkku rðLkkþ ðuhu. Mðk{e rððufkLktËu fÌkwt níkwt fu {Lku Mkku Lkr[fuíkk ykÃkku íkku nwt rðïLkku Lkfþku çkË÷e Lkk¾eþ. ykiÃkrLk»kËef Lkr[fuíkk yux÷u yuðk ÞwðkLkku fu su MkíÞ MkkÚku fËe A¤ fhíkk LkÚke, yMkíÞLku ykÄeLk Úkíkk LkÚke, Ët¼Lke Ãkwü fhíkk LkÚke, Ãkú÷ku¼LkkuÚke Ãkeøk¤íkk LkÚke yLku rðÎLkku Mkk{u ðk{ýkt çkLkíkk LkÚke. ÞkiðLk MkknMkÚke þku¼u Au, MktÞ{ ðzu rðfMku Au, yLku Mk{sËkheÚke þýøkkhkÞ Au. su{ økktzeíkqh LkËeLkk ÄMk{Mkíkk ÃkúðknLku ¾k¤ðk {kxu çktÄ çkktÄðkLke sYh nkuÞ Au íku{ ÞkiðLkLkk ÄMk{Mkíkk ÃkúðknLku MktÞ{Lkku çktÄ çkktÄðk{kt ykðu íkku ÞwðkþÂõík Mk{økú rðïLku Mkws÷k{-MkwV÷k{ fhe þfu Au. r{ºkku, ‘Þwðk’ þçËLku shk W÷xkðeyu íkku çkLku ‘ðkÞw’ ðkÞw yux÷u Ãkúðuøk-ÃkðLk. yLku ÃkðLk Ãkwºk yux÷u nLkw{kLk. nLkw{kLkS yux÷u rðhkx þÂõík. ykÃkýk Ä{oøkútÚkku- Ãkkihkrýf økútÚkku{kt Þwðk~kfríkLkk yLkufkLkuf WËknhýku òuðk {¤u Au. òBçkðLíkSyu MkeíkkSLke þkuÄ {kxu nLkw{kLkSLku ÃkkuíkkLke þÂõíkLkwt M{hý fhkðe íku{Lku MkeíkkþkuÄ {kxu ÃkúuÞko. fwÁûkuºkLkk {uËkLk{kt ®n{ík nkhu÷k yswoLkLku ÃkkuíkkLke ðehíkkLkku Ãkrh[Þ ©e f]»ýyu fhkÔÞku. ÷kûkkøk]nLkk yÂøLkÚke çk[ðk ¼e{MkuLkLku þÂõíkLkwt M{hý MknËuðu fhkÔÞwt níkwt. Mðk{e rððufkLktËLke þÂõíkLku Wòøkh fhLkkh Ãký ©e hk{f]»ý Ãkh{ntMk s níkk. ÃkkuíkkLke þÂõík yLku ÃkkºkkLkku ÞkuøÞ Mk{Þu Ãkrh[Þ ÚkkÞ íkku ÞkiðLk ¾e÷e WXu Au. r{ºkku, yk ÞkiðLk yux÷u {kºk Þwðk ÃkwÁ»kku s Lk®n Ãký Ãký Þwðíkeyku Ãký Mk{krðü s Au. Mºke þÂõíkLke ðkík fheyu íkku Þwðk Lkkheyku –MkwrLkíkk rðr÷ÞBMk, MkkrLkÞk r{Íko yLku hkýe ÷û{eçkkE suðe yLkuf ËwrLkÞk{kt ÃkkuíkkLkk Lkk{Lkku ztfku ðøkkzâku Au. ykí{[uíkLkkÚke Ãkúfkrþík ÚkÞu÷k ÞkiðLkLku SðLk rðfkMk{kt fkuE Áfkðxku Lkzíke LkÚke. Ãkúf]rík Ãkkuíku s yuLke ÃkÚkËŠþfk çkLku Au. ÞwðkLkkuLku Ëwøko{ÃktÚku ÃkúÞký fhðkLkwt ykbkLk fhíkkt frð©e {Lkkus ¾tzurhÞk fnu Au fu – “xkuÃk÷e{kt íkus ÷E Lkef¤e Ãkzku ÃkkýeLke ðå[u hMíkku ÚkE sþu.” rðïfÕÞkýLkku rð[kh ÷ELku Lkef¤u÷k ÞkiðLkLku s¤ÃkúðkV fu sLkÃkúðkn Lkzíkku LkÚke. ÞkiðLkLku ÃkøkwtÃk÷kÞLkðkË þku¼íkku LkÚke. Ãký yVMkkuMk ! yksLkk ÞkiðLkÄLkLku ÃkkLkLkk økÕ÷k Ãkh ík{kfw ¾kíkkt [kh hMíkk Ãkh W¼k hne, síke Lk økkze, Lk økkzo Pg : 11 FLYING HIGH ykðíke çkuLk, rËfheykuLke {~fhe fhíkkt òuE Ëw:¾ ÚkkÞ Au. çkeS çkksw òuEyu íkku Wå[ rþûký {u¤ðu÷k ½ýkt ¾hk ÞwðkLkku rðËuþ{kt ÃkkuíkkLkk ¿kkLk, ykðzíkLkku ÷k¼ ykÃku Au yu Xef Au Ãký yu ÞwðkþÂõík íkLk, {Lk, ÄLkÚke ynª fu¤ðkÞ, Mk[ðkÞ yLku Mkþõík çkLku íkuðk ÃkúÞíLkku Mkhfkhu Ãký fhðk òuEyu. økÞk yXðkzeÞu s Mk{k[khÃkºk{kt ðkt[ðk {éÞwt níkwt fu, ¼khík ÞwðkþÂõík ÄhkðLkkh rðïLkku çkeò fú{Lkku Ëuþ Au. òu yk ÞwðkþÂõíkLkwt ÞkuøÞ MkwøkXLk fhðk{kt ykðu íkku ¼khík yu rðïLke ÃkúÚk{ {nkMk¥kk Ähkðíkku Ëuþ çkLkþu yu{kt fkuE þtfkLku MÚkkLk LkÚke.ðze÷kuLkk ¿kkLk yLku yLkw¼ð íkÚkk ÞwðkLkkuLke þÂõíkLkku Mk{LðÞ fhe hküÙLkwt MkwøkúÚkLk fhðwt òuEyu. su{ yýwþÂõíkLkku rð¿kkLkûkuºku WÃkÞkuøk fhe rðfkMk fhe þfkÞ íkuðe s heíku ÞwðkþÂõíkLkku ÞkuøÞ WÃkÞkuøk fhe hküÙLkwt LkðrLk{koý fhe þfkÞ. Þwðk MkþÂõíkfhýÚke hküÙLke þÂõík Ãký Mkku¤u f¤kyu ¾e÷e WXþu. AuÕ÷u þqLÞÃkk÷LkÃkwheLke ÃktÂõíkÚke {kÁt ðõíkÔÞ Mk{kÃík fheþ. MðÞt nwt s hkne, MðÞt nwt s {trÍ÷, {¤e Au {Lku ÂMÚkhíkk Äúwð suðe, MkËeykuÚke {khe ¾çkh Au rËþkLku, ÞwøkkuÚke {Lku fkV÷k yku¤¾u Au. .. yMíkw .. yu[.yu.fku÷us ykuV fku{MkoLke ÃkúÚk{ ð»ko çke.fku{.Lke rðãkÚkeoLke yLku ÞwÚk VuMxeð÷{kt Lktçkh ÷uLkkh Ãkúf]rík yuMk. Ãktzâk ‘ Y O U N G O T S AV 2 0 1 3 ’ By Rajani Mevada Suthar . M. Patel Institute of Commerce hosted the Gujarat University InterZonal youth festival ‘Youngotsav 2013’ on 3rd and 4th October, 2013. Total 27 events were conducted at 7 different venues including College Campus, L.A.Shah College, GLS Skating Rink, GLS Auditorium, H.K. Hall and Thakorebhai Desai Hall. The inauguration function was held at Thakorebhai Desai Hall. Shri Sudhir Nanavati, Executive Vice President, GLS, Dr. Mukul Shah, In-charge Vice Chancellor, Gujarat University, and Ms. Pooja Gor, TV Celebrity (‘Pratigya’ fame) and Alumni of SMPIC were among the dignitaries present at the occasion. In the inaugural speech principal, Dr Ashwin Purohit, S.M. Patel Institute of S Pg : 8 OCTOBER 2013 Commerce welcomed all and motivated the students to set high standards for themselves and actively participate in various events. Shri Sudhir Nanavati, in his speech, laid emphasis on the fact that such events brought out the innate abilities of students and that GLS has always focused on all- round development of students. In his address, Dr. Mukul Shah stressed on importance of such events for youth in present time. The event had 1000 to 1200 student participants of different colleges affiliated to Gujarat University across Gujarat during these two days. About 127 colleges of 5 zones took part in Youngotsav. Competitions were organized during the two-day festival in the area of Music, Literary, Theatre, Dance and Fine Arts and winners of Zonal Youth Festival enthusiastically participated in various events. The Valedictory Function and Prize Distribution were organized at GLS Auditorium. Shri N. R. Shah, Executive Director, GLS, Dr. Mukul Shah, In-charge Vice Chancellor, Gujarat University, Dr. Ashwin Purohit, Principal, S.M. Patel Institute of Commerce, RJ Kunal, renowned Radio Jockey(Radio Mirchi) and Ex-SMPICite and Shri V. K. Chavda, Assist. Director, Youth Welfare Dept, Gujarat University graced the occasion. (The writer is a faculty of English at SMPIC) OCTOBER 2013 2 EVENTS I GUEST LECTURE SERIES AT GLS MBA t is very important for management students to be aware of the external environment, industrial scenario and the current prospects of the industry. To provide the pragmatic wisdom to the students who are at the threshold of their professional careers, GLS MBA program regularly conducts Corporate Guest Lectures. This year the lecture series included lectures by Mr. Prateek Banerjee, ManagerMarket Development (Gujarat), Business Standard Limited, Mr. Rakesh Patel- Gujarat Circle GLS INSTITUTE OF TEACHERS’ EDUCATION MR. PRATEEK BANERJEE WITH ATTENTIVE AUDIENCE HR Head, Videocon Telecommunications Ltd., Mr. Kalpesh Kamani- CEO, Kaka Group of Company and Mr. Mahesh Pandya Executive, Bombay Stock Exchange. They enriched the students knowledge in the fields of Sales and Distribution Management, Management of Industrial Relations & Labor Legislation, Discipline at work place etc. RASHTRIYA HINDI DIVAS WAS CELEBRATED ON 14TH SEPTEMBER 2013. STUDENTS PRESENTED THE SKIT “UDAIPUR KI TRAIN” AND “DOHA” OF POETS KABIR AND RAHIM ‘National Day celebration of Qatar’ at Gujarat Technological University By N.R. Institute of Business Management 60 students of N.R. Institute of Business Management participated in the ‘National Day Celebration of Qatar’ organized by the Centre for Global Business Studies, Gujarat Technological University on September 21, 2013. GTU has implemented a new Global MBA program since August 2011. GCSR (Global Country Study Report) program has been introduced, as a twosemester study program during the 3rd and the 4th semesters of MBA. In GCSR, the students study business interactions with all seven regions of the world having the focus on developing countries. Students of N.R. Institute of Business Management presented on technical topics like ‘History and General Information of Qatar’ as well as on ‘Business Status, Export-Imports companies and products of Qatar’. They also staged the culture and traditions of Qatar and India. Priti Morjaria, Purvi Morjaria, Bijal Patel, Yesha Gajjar, Manali Goswami, Hitesh Mohnani, Paresh Kakadiya, Kushal Akabari, Aakash Modi, Bhavik Thanki and Pooja Nair secured prize for the Cultural event. Bhumi Trivedi secured prize for Techinical Presentation. ON 11TH SEPTEMBER, GANESH CHATURTHI UTSAV WAS CELEBRATED WITH GREAT JOY. MS. SUNANDABEN, PRINCIPAL OF N.R.HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL WAS PRESENT AS THE CHIEF GUEST AND MOTIVATED THE STUDENTS BY HER POSITIVE THINKING. Communication Workshop Volume: 5, Issue: X © 2009 All rights reserved. President, GLS Deepak Navnitlal Parikh Honorary Secretary, GLS Devang Nanavati Publisher & Editor-in-chief Dr Bhalchandra Joshi (Registrar, GLS) Managing Editor Dr. Avani Desai Editorial Board Aashal Bhatt Dharini Patel Dipalee Atre Dr. Jean Dsouza Kalpesh Jani Dr. Kavita Patel Kruti Paritosh Marzun Jokhi Nirja Vasavada Dr. Jayesh Mandanka Vineeta Gangal GLS Voice is published monthly by Gujarat Law Society, Law Garden, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad. The opinions expressed by others in GLS Voice do not necessarily reflect those of Gujarat Law Society or its members. Letters to the Editorial Board and other correspondence should be sent to The Editorial Board, GLS Voice, Gujarat Law Society, Law Garden, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad or e-mailed to editor@ Communication Workshop on ‘Goal Setting, Goal Formulation and Time Management’ was conducted for the students of N.R. Institute of Business Management by Lt. Col. (Retd.) Dr. Vijay Kumar Gautam, Prof. & Group Director, Modern Group of Institutes from September 10 to 12, 2013. Students learnt the importance of timemanagement and how important it is to set a goal in life and work towards achieving it in this 2-hour workshop. G L S A L U M N I A S S O C I AT I O N Not yet registered? Fill out the enclosed form and send it along with the registration fees* to Ms Sonal Rawal/Mr Shashank Shah at: Gujarat Law Society, Opp Law Garden, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad - 380006. Alternately, log on to to download an electronic version of the form. Fee Structure Age Below 30 years Above 30 years Registration Fees Rs. 250 Rs. 1,000 You can also become a Patron by filling up the same form. Registration fees for a Patron are Rs. 5,000 and above. ON 21ST SEPTEMBER 2013, A SEMINAR ON HIV/ AIDS AWARNESS WAS CONDUCTED. MR.PANKAJBHAI, HARSHADBHAI AND ARVINDBHAI FROM GAP ORGANISATION CAME AS RESOURCE PERSONS. THEY GAVE INFORMATION ABOUT HIV IN DETAIL. Coming Soon!!! A GLS initiative to provide a platform to the lovers of performing arts like classical and folk dance and music (vocal and instrumental)! This platform aims to promote artists amongst its’ faculty, students and alumni. GLS VOICE invites its’ readers to write back with their suggestions of an appropriate name for this club. Write to us at Keep reading GLS VOICE for further details. OCTOBER 2013 3 GLS SHINING AT GUJARAT UNIVERSITY YOUTH FESTIVAL 2013!!!!! ZONALS INTERZONALS CITY C. U. SHAH COMMERCE COLLEGE ONE ACT PLAY: Zala Varsha Garange Nihar Patel Dipti Bharvad Ankit Desai Komal Sonvane Chintan Shirali Shivangi Garange Nihar Thummar Monika Bhavsar Dipak Revare Nitin Vaghela Gopal Parekh Hiral MONO ACTING SKIT RANGOLI Desai Komal Sonvane Chintan C.U.SHAH ARTS COLLEGE Spot Photography Karan K. Bhatt MIMICRY Sharma Jyoti Clay Modeling Nili Shah Poetry Writing Light Vocal Elocution -Jabina U. Ganchi Western Group Song -Karan K. Bhatt Krunal M. Solanki Sahil A. Thakur Shyamal M. Vyas Siddhi Joshi Prakruti Pandya NRIBA Indian Classical Dance Bansuri Pandya Western Solo Song On the Spot Painting Rafia Shaikh Collage Anam Shah Poster Making Charu Jain On the spot photography Kishan Prajapati Skit Divya Agrawal Dhaiwat Joshi Lakshmi Suthar Saffan Radhanpuri Yashvi Patel Priti Parmar Mimicry Deepak Chauhan Western Group Song Mohit Chauhan Hardik Prajapati Arpita Jaichandani Mansi Shah Shruti Khatri Maitri Bhatt Indian solo Song Arpita Jaichandani Poetry Recitation (First) Spot Photography Classical Dance (Third) GLS INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SKIT Western song -Solo (Third) Jeenal Patel Karan Panchal Dhairya Thakkar Devarsh Bharbhaya Shirin Shaikh Kripa Vyas Kevin Shah On the Spot Painting Abhran Goswami Nathani Jhalak Nandlal Shah Ashna Keyur Classical Dance Shah Ashna Keyur Classical Instrumental Solo (Percussion) Shah Harshil Dharmendra Poetry Recitation Nathani Jhalak Nandlal Western Vocal (Solo) Thakar Priyanka Mahendrakumar Group Song (Indian) Thakar Priyanka M. Parikh Foram Mukeshbhai Bhatt Bhumik Rajeshbhai Tiwari Mitva Hemant Shah Viishva Mukeshbhai Shah Parshwa Rajendrabhai Group Song (Western) Thakar Pryanka M. Bhavsar krishna jayeshbhai Desai Yash Kanubhai Gandhi Pratham Harshik Bhatt Bhumik Rajeshbhai Shah Parita Ajay One Act Play Gurjar Anuja J Bhatt Dhara Janakbhai Gandhi Danesh Chetan Group Song -Indian (Third) Thakar Priyanka Mahendrakumar Parikh Foram Mukeshbhai Bhatt Bhumik Rajeshbhai Tiwari Mitva Hemant Shah Viishva Mukeshbhai Shah Parshwa Rajendrabhai Group Song - Western (Third) Thakar Pryanka Mahendrakumar BHAVSAR Krishna Jayeshbhai Desai Yash Kanubhai Gandhi Pratham Harshik Bhatt Bhumik Rajeshbhai Shah Parita Ajay Thakar Priyanka M. GLSIC COLLAGE (Third) Anam Shah CITY C. U. SHAH COMMERCE COLLEGE MONO ACTING (Second) Desai Komal SMPIC - Karan K. Bhatt GLS (SMT. M.R.PARIKH) INSTITUTE OF COMMERCE Collage Neha Koitiya H A COLLEGE OF COMMERCE Folk/Tribal Dance (First) Shivani Ninama Mono Acting Sonvane Chintan SMPIC Soni Hely Pinakin Mehta Devanshi Saileshbhai Parikh Aabha Udaybhai Joshi Jaimil Rashmikant Prajapati Mansi Bharatkumar Solanki Utsav Shankarbhai Raval Kathanki Ashish Patel Chaitanya Jayantibhai Shah Nidhip Dipeshbhai Maheshwari Tapan Ghanshyam Shivani Ninama Ashwina Twinkal Chauhan Rita Patel Pinky Rathod Jyoti Sharma Desai Komal Poetry Completion - Mukesh R. Chauhan SMT SADGUNA C U ARTS COLLEGE Mime RANGOLI (Second) Sharma Jyoti NRBBA AT MODEL UN Vora Dhrumil Vimalbhai Quraishi Asma Liyakat Husain Vora Riddhish Ketanbhai Trivedi Vatsal Hiteshbhai Pandya Devami J Shah Param Vikrambhai Agrawal Palkesh Rakeshkumar Folk/Tribal Dance Soni Hely Pinakin Mehta Devanshi Saileshbhai Parikh Aabha Udaybhai Joshi Jaimil Rashmikant Prajapati Mansi Bharatkumar Solanki Utsav Shankarbhai Raval Kathanki Ashish Patel Chaitanya Jayantibhai Shah Nidhip Dipeshbhai Maheshwari Tapan Ghanshyam Rally Rahul Jagatia Sweety Khiani Zainab Lakdawala Anjali Mehta Vidhi Shah Nancy Shah Shaival Shah Vikas Shing Pratham Gandhi Anurag Parikh Prashant Makawana Nilish Anchalia Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. Ralph Waldo Emerson S abahat Contractor of TY is seen here with the Best Reporter’s Trophy that she bagged at the Model United Nations held at H L college of Commerce. The United Nations as we know, was founded in 1945 after World War II to replace the League of Nations, to stop wars between countries, and to provide a platform for dialogue. It contains multiple subsidiary organizations to carry out its missions. Today, the UN has 193 member nations. Members of the diplomatic corps represent their respective countries at the UN. The UN functions through its’ various committees on which representatives from member nations sit and discuss issues of global concern. To develop debating and research skills and to develop interest of young students in areas such as foreign policies, trade and commerce, nuclear disarmament, MOCK or MODEL UNs are held at school and college levels. One such MODEL UN was recently held at H L College of Commerce where a team of 12 students from NRBBA participated. OCTOBER 2013 4 EVENTS & ACHIEVEMENTS C U SHAH PREPARATORY SCHOOL SR. K. G. STUDENTS HAD THE THEME OF MYTHOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL CHARACTERS. HERE, SHABARI IS WAITING FOR SHRI RAM’S ARRIVAL. NURSERY CHILDREN WERE DRESSED AS ‘MAGGI’, ‘PINEAPPLE’, ‘5 STAR CHOCOLATE’, ETC. C U SHAH PRIMARY SCHOOL Kudos to the school for winning the first prize at ‘Taak Dhina Dhin’ Dance Competition organized by ‘The School Post’. Fighting through tough levels of competition across various prestigious schools of the city, the school paved the victorious path of success for itself. The winners were awarded an individual trophy as well as a gift voucher of thousand rupees each. Congratulations to C.U. Shah Primary School for creating history by winning the first prize for the third consecutive time at ‘The Jagrut Jan’ Patriotic Group Dance competition. The performance presented by the students portrayed India in both – Pre & Post Independence times. It reminded the spectators of the precious and selfless sacrifices of martyrs. It even made them feel proud of being a part of such rich, cultural legacy brought down through ages that makes Indians stand a class apart Both these dance performances at their level of competition were outstanding due to the whole-hearted efforts put in by the students, the constant encouragement and support extended by the Principal - Mrs. Bela Mehta, In-charge teachers Mrs. Priti Vora, Mrs. Devyani Pendse, Property in-charge Mr. Shailesh Raval and all those behind the success stories of both the events. Felicitations to Ms. Riya Shah of Std VIII for standing first in Group B at the fifth Interschool Elocution Competition organized by the Rotary Club of Prahladnagar, Ahmedabad. Twelve students from the school participated in different categories at the same competition. From amongst these participants, Ms. Aafia Naaz Siddiqui of and Ms. Juhi Bhattacharyajee were selected to propogate for the drive ‘I love my city Ahmedabad’. Well done students ! ! You have made us proud ! ! An education isn’t how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It’s being able to differentiate between what you know and what you don’t. Anatole France N. R. & GLS SEC. & HIGHER SEC. SCHOOL AT SCIENCE FAIR JUNIOR K. G. CHILDREN DRESSED AS ‘MILK PRODUCTS’. HERE, CHILDREN ARE SEEN AS ‘FRUIT SALAD’, ‘ICE CREAM CONE’, ‘CHOCOLATE SUNDAE’, ‘TRI-COLOUR BARFI’, ‘MILK’, ETC. IT WAS A TREAT TO WATCH THEM. SCIENCE FAIR WAS HELD AT SAHAJANAND SCHOOL . N. R. & GLS. SCHOOL PARTICIPATED IN IT. PROJECT “CT SCAN MACHINE’ PREPARED BY THE STUDENTS WAS SELECTED AT THE DISTRICT LEVEL. THIS FAIR PROVIDED THE OPPORTUNITY TO THE STUDENTS TO SHOWCASE THEIR SCIENTIFIC-THINKING SKILLS. OCTOBER 2013 K N PRIMARY SCHOOL 5 EVENTS & ACHIEVEMENTS REPORT ON REGIONAL SUMMIT OF SCHOOL PRINCIPALS: CELEBRATION OF HINDI DAY Children of K N Primary School celebrated ‘Hindi Day’ on September 14, 2013 by making charts and appreciating the work of all the great Hindi authors and poets. They also paid hearty respect to our National Language by reciting Hindi poems. LATE SHREE NAVINBHAI JHAVERI CUP Y oung champions of N.R. & GLS High school. In the year 2013, the young challengers of N.R. & GLS High School proved themselves all rounder by defeating the teams of the different schools. - N.R. & GLS School V/S M. K. School The stars of the match :Ansh Patel – 46 Runs, Vardhaman Shah – 5 Wickets. - N. R. & Gls School V/S St. Kabir School Ansh Patel – 37 Runs, Tanmay Shah – 36 Runs, Rudraraj Vaghela – 36 Runs Rushil Chavda - 4 Wickets Rushil Chavda Was Declared The Best Bowler Of Tournament & Ansh Patel Was The Best Batsman. The N. R. & GLS team was given the trophy in the presence of our Honourable Chief Minister Shri Narendra Modi for their outstanding performance. They were rewarded with the cash prize of Rs. 5000/-. The Executive Vice President of Gujarat Law Society Shri Sudhirbhai Nanvati also gave a cash prize of Rs. 5000/- In appreciation of their efforts. AN ODE TO RIVER NARMADA The River of Rivers, The holiest of holy, We salute thee, O Narmada river ! The land is dry, And people are thirsty, The clouds are uncertain And trade winds elusive, O Narmada river ! We have Sabarmati and Saraswati, And dry lakes and sarovers, Flood them with life giving waters, For we adore your prowess And divine greatness, O Narmada river ! On your flow When wheat and corn In lands will grow, Our farmers will rejoice Praising you great and bold, O Narmada river ! On your way When flowers will blossom Birds will sing and dance, For family and people Shall ripple you loud With cheers and prayers, O Narmada river ! The sacred river Which carries our ashes, To far off lands and seas Nurtures every heart The message of peace, O Narmada river ! Compiled by PRASHANT GADIYAR (C U Shah Primary School) ADDICTION IN SCHOOL CHILDREN ~ NEW AGE CHALLENGES he spends substance addiction is more By Manan Shah he term ‘addiction’ brings most of his amongst boys while behavioral to our minds images of waking hours addiction is more amongst girls. hardcore drug addicts we either in The following are some of often see near bus stands, under indulging in the indications of an addict flyovers and at railway stations. his addiction person : We seldom associate this term or thinking of • Low understanding with young school going ways to • Impulsive children from decent families. satisfy his addiction and is left • Lack of communication However, the truth is very with no time or energy for • Aggressive alarming ! Many of these learning other worthwhile • Lack of self-esteem / selfinnocent looking children are in activities. confidence the grip of one or the other form Therefore, an addicted The summit was conducted of addiction. Addictions not person suffers not only from the by eminent psychologist Dr. S. only include physical substances direct effects of his addiction Ravindran. He concluded with one consumes such as alcohol but also from a lot of indirect explaining how causes of or drugs, but may include consequences like poor addiction become its remedy behavioral addictions like cell academic performance, also. The event was held at phones, video games, internet, relationship problems, financial Anand Niketan school, Nr. S. relationships etc.. difficulties and even problems G. Highway in association with When a person is addicted with law. ICTRC (Institute of Counselor to something, he can’t control One thing one should Training Research and himself and becomes dependent remember that habits and consultancy ) on August 30, on it to cope with daily life. addiction are different. Habits 2013, Friday. I attended summit Addiction can lead to serious are by choice and it could be as a program co-ordinator problems at school, home or good or bad. But addiction is representing N. R. SEC. & H. society at large. The addicted not by choice, it is compulsion. SEC. SCHOOL (GLS). I am individual needs larger amount However, bad habits can very much thankful to Principal of addiction substances in order become window to addiction. Mrs. Sunanda Shah for giving to get same effects. As a result, The surveys reveal that me this opportunity. T N R PRIMARY SCHOOL In tune with Nature On Friday, 30th August 2013, we got an opportunity to visit Sundervan Nature Park. Sundervan is managed by the Department of Zoology, Central Government of India, Delhi. We saw many bamboo trees, banyan trees, peepal trees and different plants. The birds section had geese, turkey, grey guinea fowl peacock, hen, love birds etc. H ardi Shah of Std 5th won first prize in INTER SCHOOL ELOCUTION COMPETITION held by Rotary Club of Ahmadabad in Group-1. The topic was ‘I want to play’. I am Hardi from N.R Primary School. I really want to enjoy a free life. I don’t like controls I.e.……don’t and do’s. My school teachers give a lot of home work. They want me to read and learn a lot. So, I hardly find any time to play, to dance, to sing and to enjoy the company of my friends. We all have this problem. Let me say school homework has become a great burden. We find very little joy and charm in life. Let me say, “What is life if full of care? I have time to stand and stare”. We cannot enjoy the beauties of nature. Childhood is a period of little work and more play and Their melodious chirping filled the air. The snake section had the Indian rat snake, saw scale, viper etc. During the snake show we learnt that we should not feed them milk or kill them. When a snake bites you, you should go to the closest government hospital and get proper treatment. We also saw variety of fish in the aquarium. This visit will stay in our memories for a long time. (written by Gunjal Shah, Riya Choksi, Kriya Shah, Isha Choksi) ACHIEVEMENTS enjoyment. My mother again and again asks me to read, to write and to learn. She says “Don’t waste time”. She gets angry. She shouts and scrams if I do not obey her orders. She acts like a policeman controlling people. “Do not eat this or that”. “Do not play in the rains or sunshine”. “Do not watch T.V programmers How, can I escape? Last week in the fitness camp majority of children were under low rate of fitness. Now I would like to ask you, who is responsible for this? Society, school, parents, teacher? “Really all controls and no freedom”. I want to play games. I want to run and dance. I want to sing. I want to learn playing different games. But there is no chance for me to think freely. I have to control my feelings O God please do something for children’s happiness and joy. Really shining and bright days of childhood will fly away. After growing up, we will have more work more duties more worries….. So let our childhood period be free, fearless and full of fun and frolics. Do not suppress our desires and dreams. We shall be highly thankful to you if you give us freedom. Let me play, let me speak and act freely. Let me sing and dance. Let me enjoy this golden perio OCTOBER 2013 GLS COLLEGES AT G.U. YOUTH FESTIVAL College students eagerly await the month of September as it is in this month that the University Youth Festival is held. High-voltage enthusiasm and exuberance are seen at the actual competition. Here are glimpses of some of the vibrant performances. CUSHAH ARTS - WESTERN GROUP GLSIC - CLASSICAL DANCE GLSIC - MIMICRY GLSIC - POSTER MAKING GLSIC - SKIT GLSIC - WESTERN GROUP SONG SADGUNA - MIME SADGUNA - MONOACTING SADGUNA - ON THE SPOT PHOTOGRAPHY SADGUNA - SKIT SMPIC - AT THE RALLY SMPIC - FOLK DANCE SMPIC - LIGHT VOCAL SMPIC - MIME SMPIC - ONE ACT PLAY 6-7 OCTOBER 2013 8 Lk økkze, Lk økkzo - r[Lkw {kuËe (7Ãk {kt ð»ko rLk{e¥ku) (Mkh yu÷.yu.þkn ÷kì yuLz ykxoTMk fku÷us, S.yu÷.yuMk. ykxoTMk fku÷us yLku nðu ©e{íke yu÷.yuLz Mke. {nuíkk ykxoTMk fku÷us yu{ ºký-ºký ð¾íkLke Lkk{Äkhe fku÷usLkk çk¤wfeÞk yæÞkÃkfkuLkk çk¤wfeÞk rðãkÚkeoyku{ktLkk yuf yksu 7Ãk ð»kooLkk ykhu ykðeLku W¼k Au. S.yu÷. yuMk. ykðk yLkuf çk¤wfeÞk rðãkÚkeoykuLke sL{Ëkºke Au. yuðk yuf [eLkw¼kE {kuËeLku MkkËh yLkuf þw¼uåAkyku ! yLku rLkhk{Þ SðLkLke fk{Lkkyku MkkÚku Mk{Ãkeoík – yuzexh çkkuzo) Mk.19Ãk4 {kt {ktz {ktz {Lku Mkh yu÷.yu.þknLke rðLkÞLk fku÷us{kt ÃkúÚk{ ð»ko{kt Ãkúðuþ {éÞku. y{khe fku÷usLkk Ãký yk[kÞo òýeíkk yuzðkufux yu{. yu{. Xkfkuh s níkk. sLkh÷ nku÷{kt ÚkÞu÷k rðãkÚkeo Mðkøkík Mk{kht¼{kt yu{ýu çkúñûkºkeÞLke h{qS þi÷e{kt fnu÷wt : ‘Ônk÷kt rðãkÚkeo¼kEçknLkku. yuf ðkík ÞkËhk¾òu, ykÃkýe fku÷usLke Mkk{u n{ýkt s çkøke[ku BÞwrLkrMkÃkkr÷xeyu çkktæÞku Au yLku þnuhesLkku ykÃkýe fku÷usLku fkhýu yuLku ÷ku-økkzoLkLku çkË÷u ÷ð-økkzoLk fnu Au. ík{u Ãký Vúe rÃkrhÞz{kt sòu Ãký yuf ðkík ÞkË hk¾òu-ykÃkýe ÃkkMku {uxhrLkxe nkuMÃkex÷Lke Mkøkðz LkÚke.’ y{khe yk fku÷us rðLkÞLkLke ºkeS s fku÷us níke. yuf : økwshkík fku÷us; çkeS yu÷. ze. ykxoTMk fku÷us yLku ºkeS Mkh yu÷. yu. þkn fku÷us. yk fku÷us{kt sux÷k Mxku÷ðxo yæÞkÃkfku níkk – yuðk ÏÞkík yLku rðîkLk yæÞkÃkfku ¼køÞu s çkeS rðLkÞLk fku÷uSMk{kt níkk. þuõMkrÃkÞhLkk y¼qíkÃkqðo yÇÞkMke yuMk.ykh.¼è – suLku Mkkt¼¤ðk yLÞ fku÷uSMkLkk Lknª, yLÞ rðãkþk¾kykuLkk Ãký rðãkÚkeo y{khe fku÷us{kt ykðíkk. þuõMkrÃkÞh Ãkh yu{ýu yu ÃkAe ½ýkt ð»kuo ©e Þþðtík þwõ÷Lke fku÷us{kt ÔÞkÏÞkLkku ykÃku÷kt- íÞkhu yu[.fu. ykxoTMk fku÷usLkwt ykurzxkuheÞ{ ¾e[ku¾e[ ¼hkE síkwt. yu{Lke ÃkkMku ‘nuÕ{ux’ ¼ýðk {¤u÷wt – yu W{kþtfh ÃkkMku Ãkú{kLktË ¼ýðk suðwt Mkt¼khýwt fnuðkÞ. çkeò níkk: òýeíkk frð Ãký ytøkúuSLkk yæÞkÃkf ©e rLkhtsLk ¼økík. nS ºkeMke Ãký Lknª ðxkðu÷k yk E. yæÞkÃkf yutøkúe Þtøk ÃkkuyuxTMk {ktLkk yuf nkuÞ yuðk ÷køkíkk níkk. ÃkuLx{kt Ãký xkE ðøkh ykðíkk ¼økík Mkknuçk yu{Lke çkkçkhe WAk¤e nt{uþkt ykðuøk{kt Ãkúð[Lk ykÃkíkk. Ãkúð[Lk ykÃku íÞkhu nt{uþkt yuf nkÚk ÃkuLxLkk øksðk{kt síkku. ‘Ônkux EÍ ÃkkuyuxÙe ?’ yu rðþuLkk yÇÞkMk çknkhLkkt ¼k»kýkuyu {khe frðíkk Mk{s ðÄkhu÷e ‘Mkkur÷xhe rhÃkh’, ‘ðuMxr{LMxhrçkús’, ‘÷kçku÷k zu{ Mku{ {Mkeo’ yLku ‘ykuLk rnÍ ç÷kELzLkuMk’ {ktLke [kiË ÃktÂõíkyku yu{Lke ÃkkMku þe¾ðk {¤e –íÞkhu frðíkk ÃkkX þe heíku ÚkkÞ, yuLke Mk{sLkktt çkes ððkÞu÷kt. {khe frðíkkLkkt yu Ãknu÷kt MkwÄkhLkkh yæÞkÃkf Ãký ¾hk s. ©e {LkMkw¾÷k÷ Íðuhe, fu. çke. ÔÞkMk yLktíkhkÞ hkð¤, ¼qÃkík ðzkuËrhÞk, nrhLËÙ Ëðu suðk suLkk rðãkÚkeo yuðk ¿kkLkLkk økhðk ðz÷k suðk ÃkqßÞ hrðþtfh òuþe Mkknuçk yu økwshkíke ¼ýkðu íÞkhu yu{ s ÷køku, økkuðÄoLkhk{Lkk rðãk[íkwh yLku {kLk[íkwhLkk MktÞkusLkÚke çkLku÷k yk òuþeMkknuçk Au. yM¾r÷ík ðkýe Ãkúðkn, yktS Lkk¾ðkLkk {kun ðøkhLke Ãký Ãkú¼kðþk¤e ðkõTAxk ðk¤k yk yæÞkÃkfkuLkk yæÞkÃkf ÃkkMku ¼ýðwt yu {khk Ãknu÷k ÃkúrMkæÄ ÃkwMíkf ‘ðMktíkrð÷kMk’{kt yu{ýu ykþeðo[Lk Ãký ÷¾e ykÃku÷k. yksu Ãký ¼kðLkøkh òô íÞkhu Ãkúk.íkÏík®Mkn Ãkh{kh Mkknuçk {Lku {¤u yLku ¼uxu íÞkhu y[qf fnu: ‘ykÃkýk yuf s økwY-òuþe Mkknuçk, yu Lkkíku ík{u {khk økwY rnLËe MkkrníÞ yfkË{e ÃkwhMfkh rðsuíkk økw shkík rnLËe MkkrníÞ yfkË{e, økktÄeLkøkh fu÷uLzh ð»ko Ëhr{ÞkLk rnLËe ¼k»kk MkkrníÞLkkt rðrðÄ ÃkúfkhLkkt Ãkúøkx Úkíkkt ÃkwMíkfku {ktÚke økwýð¥kkLkk Äkuhýu ©u»X ÃkwMíkfkuLku økwshkík MkkrníÞ yfkË{e îkhk Ëh ð»kuo Ãkkrhíkkur»kfku yÃkoý fhðk{kt ykðu Au. ð»ko-h010 {kt Ãkúfkrþík ÚkÞu÷k ÃkúkiZ rð¼køk{kt rððu[Lk MðYÃk{kt økwshkík ÷kì MkkuMkkxe Mkt[kr÷ík çke. ze. ykxoTMk fku÷usLkk rnLËe rð»kÞ{kt yæÞûk íkhefu fkÞohík zkì. Äehs¼kE ðýfh r÷r¾ík ‘f{÷u~ðhfk fnkLke MkkrníÞ ykih Mkk{krsf ÞÚkkÚko’ ÃkwMíkfLku Yk.Ãk000/- Lkwt ík]ríkÞ Ãkkrhíkkur»kf ÃkúkÃík ÚkkÞ Au. yk yuðkuzo íkuykuLku 3, ykuõxkuçkh Lkk hkus økwshkík hkßÞLkk h{ík-øk{ík Þwðk yLku MkktMf]ríkf Ãkúð]r¥kykuLkk {tºke©e h{ý÷k÷ ðkuhkLkk nMíku yÃkoý fhðk{kt ykðþu. yk WÃkhktík zkì. ðýfhLku hküÙeÞ MkkrníÞ f÷k ykih MktMf]ríkf Ãkrh»kË, nÕËe ½kxe (hksMÚkkLk) îkhk ‘rþûkk¼q»ký’ hküÙeÞ MkkhMðík MkL{kLkÚke 14 ykuõxkuçkh h013Lkk hkus Lkðksðk{kt ykðþu. zkì. Äehs¼kE ðýfhu yíÞkh MkwÄe{kt [kh ÃkwMíkfku, økwshkíke{kt 100 ÷u¾ku rnLËe MkkrníÞ{kt 70 ÷u¾ku yLku frðíkkyku Ãký ÷¾u÷ Au. Mk{økú çke.ze. ykxoTMk fku÷us Ãkrhðkh nkŠËf yr¼LktËLk ÃkkXðu Au. çktÄwÚkkð.’ yksu Ãký suLku íÞkt Ëh hrððkhu nwt y[wf òô yuðk ©e hðeLËÙ Xkfkuh y{khk ÷kzfk yæÞkÃkf. yu ‘{u½kýeLke ðurðþk¤’ ¼ýkðu yux÷u Akufhkyku yu{Lku ‘Mkw¾÷k÷’ fnuíkk. Mktøkeík YÃkfku yLku nðu W¥k{ f]ríkykuLkkt økwshkíke ¼k»kktíkh yu{ýu ykÃkýLku ykÃku÷kt-Ãký, {Lku Lkkxf{kt ‘hku÷’ fhðkLkku ‘[kLMk’ Lknkuíkku ykÃku÷ku, yu nS Ãký ÞkË Au. yk{ MktMf]íkLkk yLku ÃkAe ÷tzLk sE yÚkoþkMºkLkk yæÞkÃkLk{kt hMk ÷uLkkh yu{. ze. ¼èMkknuçk, Þtøk yLku nS Ãký yux÷k s yuLksuorxf. sÞuþ ËuMkkEMkknuçk yk MknwLke MkkÚku MkkÚku {khk nðuLkk r{ºkkuLku, yu ð¾íku íkkuVkLkLke íkf ykÃkíkk Ãký fux÷kf økw yæÞkÃkfku níkk. nk, {kºk {khk suðk fux÷kf {kxu s Lkkufheyu hk¾ðk{kt ykðu÷kt VkhMkeLkkt yæÞkrÃkfk r{Mk fktøkk níkkt yLku þuh÷kuf nkuBMk {khu VkhMke{kt ¼ýðkLkku ykðu÷ku su{ yæÞkÃkfku Mxku÷ðzo níkk, yu{ ¼krð Mxku÷ðzo rðãkÚkeoyku{kt ÞkuøkuLËÙ {fðkýk, þtfh®Mkn ðk½u÷k, Ãkúfkþ þkn, rðLkkuË ¼è EíÞkrË Ãký níkk. nwt nS frðíkk ÷¾ðkLkwt þY fhíkku níkku íÞkhu yu rËþk{kt ËkuhLkkh MkwÄeh {ktfz rðþu íkku nwt yøkkW ÷¾e s [qfu÷ku Awt. Ãký {khe fku÷us{kt frðhksLkwt rçkhwË {Lku Lknkuíkwt {éÞwt- ©e hksuLËÙ WÃkkæÞkÞLku rðãkÚkeoyku ‘frðhks’ fnuíkk. nS hksuLËÙ Au yLku Mke. yuLk. nkEMfw÷Lkk yk[kÞo ÃkËuÚke rLkð]¥k ÚkE ‘fkÔÞLkk ykMðkË’ ÷¾u s Au; frðíkk fËk[ ÷¾íkku nþu AkLke AkLke. {ut yu÷. yu. þkn fku÷usLkk fuBÃkMk{kt çku ð»ko (yuV. ðkÞ. - swrLkÞh) ykxoTMk{kt [kh ð»ko ÷ku ¼ýðk{kt yLku çku ð»ko yu[. yu. fku÷us ykuV fku{Mko{kt xâwxh íkhefu fk{ fhu÷wt yux÷u ÷ku MkkuMkkÞxeLkk fuBÃkMk{kt yksu òô íÞkhu ‘ðkEÕz MxÙkuçkuhe’ rVÕ{Lkk LkkÞf su{ yuf fnuíkk yLkuf M{hýku ÄMk{Mkíkkt ykðu Au. Ãký yu{ktLkwt yLkLÞ íkku Au ‘{nkøkwshkík’Lkwt Ãkwhòuþ{kt yktËku÷Lk ELËw÷k÷ Þkr¿kfu þY fhu÷wt yLku yuf s rËðMku yktËku÷LkLke rðhwæÄLkk Lkuíkk {kuhkhS¼kELkwt Vqxçkku÷ økúkWLz{kt ¼k»ký fkUøkúuMku hk¾u÷wt yLku y{khe fku÷usLkk rfúfux økúkWLz Ãkh ELËw÷k÷ Þkr¿kfLkwt ¼k»ký níkwt. ¾e[ku¾e[ ¼hkÞu÷k y{khk økúkWLz{kt ELËw÷k÷u fnu÷wt fu ‘{nkøkwshkík ÷u fh hnUøku’ yLku yk¾e Mk¼kyu yk Mkqºk Auf ykfkþ MkwÄe Ãknkuut[kzu÷wt. ‘rðhkuÄ fhLkkhLkk Ëktík ¾kxk fhe Lkk¾eþ’ yuðwt rðÄkLk, ðÕ÷¼¼kE Ãkxu÷u suðwt òuYfwt, yuf Lkkøkhu Wå[khu÷wt yLku íku Lkkøkh yux÷u ELËw[k[k-nS ½ýe ðkh yu{. su. ÷kEçkúuhe ÃkkMku, r¾MMkk{kt hnu÷k [ýk Vkfíkkt Vkfíkkt [k÷íkk yk ¼u¾Äkhe ÞkË Au – yk ÷kufLkuíkk ÃkkMku Lk økkze níke – Lk økkzo. (ÃkwLk: {wËTý LkðLkeík Mk{Ãkoý {u. h013 {ktÚke) MktÃkkËLk : çku÷wh çkûke -yuLk.ykh.çke.çke.yu. Ãkkrhíkkur»kf rðsuíkk shkík MkkrníÞ yfkË{e, økktÄeLkøkh îkhk fu÷uLzh ð»ko Ëhr{ÞkLk Ãkúøkx ÚkÞu÷kt økwshkíke ¼k»kk MkkrníÞLkk ÃkwMíkfku {ktÚke økwýð¥kkLkk Äkuhýu ©uc ÃkwMíkfkuLku Ãkkrhíkkur»kfku yÃkoý fhðk{kt ykðu Au. ð»ko h010 {kt Ãkúøkx ÚkÞu÷kt ÃkkiZ rð¼køk{kt MktþkuÄLk-rððu[LkyÇÞkMk MðYÃk{kt çke.ze.ykxoTMk fku÷usLkk MktMf]ík rð»kÞLkk Ãke.yu[. zeLkk rðãkÚkeo zkì. økeheþfw{kh fu. Mkku÷tfeLku “MkwçkttÄwf]ík ðkMkðË¥kkMkr{ûkkí{f yæÞÞLk” ÃkwMíkfLkk MksoLk {kxu Yk.Ãk000/- Lkwt ík]íkeÞ Ãkkrhíkkur»kf íkk.3-10-h013 Lkk hkus økwshkík hkßÞLkk h{íkøk{ík, Þwðk yLku MkktMf]ríkf Ãkúð]r¥kyku rð¼køkLkk {kLkeÞ {tºke ©e h{ý÷k÷ ðkuhkLkk ðhË nMíku yuLkkÞík fhðk{kt ykðu÷ Au. OCTOBER 2013 9 MOODLE- THE SOLUTION FOR PAPER BASED EXAM INDIA’S SOCIAL NETWORKING SITE “JUMPBOOK” Indians! Good News! Good News! ow Indians should feel proud as India has its own social networking site “”. Sometimes it is good to think best if you start working on it to prove your words. There are many people who have proved their talent and potential to win the world. This can happen only and only if you have pure determination and confidence among yourself to achieve whatever you want to in your life. Indians are one such category of people who has proved that they are not too far to achieve great heights and are also not too inefficient to compete others, eventhough they lack with basic necessities. This has been proved by two Indian youngsters, who are in their mid 20’s, by developing a unique social networking site “Jumpbook”. Nilay Singh and Ankur Singh, from Patna, Bihar has created a social networking website all on their own. The social networking website “” is unique in a sense that it combines the three most popular internet vibes namely the ‘Blogs’, ‘E-commerce’, and ‘Forums’. The Jumpbook has tried to cover all the aspects and all the requirements of users, for which they come to internet. Due to the combination of these three aspects in a single step, Jumpbook Jump three steps ahead of other popular social networking websites. N By Prof. Pankti Bodiwala onventionally all our exams are with a pen and supplementary. We thought of an experimental exam during the mid-terms of the BCA students in GLSICA. For this exam we decided to ask multiple choice questions and Moodle was the apt software that we planned to work on. Moodle, Modular ObjectOriented Dynamic Learning Environment, is a Course Management System (CMS), also known as a Learning Management System (LMS) or a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). Using this free web application, educators can create effective online learning sites. It can be installed on any computer that can run PHP, and can support an SQL type database. It can run on Mac, Windows or Linux operating system. It provides various features like online quiz, assignment, activities, chat, blogs, news etc. To work, Moodle needs to be installed as a Web Server. It was a bit confusing for me as the environment was new to me. With the help of colleagues and our experiments we were successful. On the server, C information of users had to be uploaded. Users can be Administrator, Teacher or Student. Each of them gets restricted access depending on criteria. Each one is provided with username and password through which he/she can log in. The quiz was our main target. Professors had to upload the questions on server. Questions can be True/False, Multiple choice, Short questions, Long questions etc. On the other side, from client machines, students had to attempt the quiz. It provides high level of security as number of attempts for each quiz can be restricted. Also different quizzes can be shown to different groups of students. Even within a group, students get questions randomly. The assessment of individual question is done automatically. The lists of grades are generated automatically. This saves each professor’s time. Students can also see their grades immediately, after the completion of their attempt. So Moodle is the solution for an offline exam. Moodle is low cost, eco friendly, flexible and a secure tool for examination. Many GLASS PAINTINGS BY SHRIPA SHAH, GLS BCA SEM-III different types of content formats can be uploaded and available for use by the students and the professors. The most important thing is that it saves time for evaluation. This initiative would not have been possible without my team. I heartily thank Dr. Harshal Arolkar, Prof. Tripti Dodiya, Prof. Ankit Bhavsar, Prof. Nikita Shah and Prof. Poonam Dang who guided me towards this success. “Online exam is the best practice for Third year students, as we all are appearing for CMAT. This has made us familiar with online test. So while appearing for CMAT, we will be pretty aware about the interface. In college perspective also it is very useful as it saves time of students and faculties because it displays the result as soon as the test gets over. So no need to wait for the result and for the faculties, no need to check the paper.” says Shalu Jain, SEM-IV. Based on the feedback from the students, we hope we can conduct more exams like this in the future. (The Writer is Lecturer at GLS (I&RKD) Institute of Computer Applications) Creator of “”: took around 7 years to get completed. The two brothers who dropped from some ordinary colleges because of financial problems and also due to low level of education provided at those institutes had to struggle very hard to achieve their dream of providing an alternative to the other popular social networking websites. The two brothers used to develop websites and used to sell them to customers. They were earning by developing and selling websites and in the meanwhile were developing their own social networking website Jumbpook. At last they completed their website on 16th April 2013 and launched the same, the site has now around 22,000 active users in just 4 months of time. 4-in-1 Features: o Sharing and Posting. o Quiz Application. o Forum & Blog Platform. o Uploading Pictures. Though this website is in the stage of improvement, it can offer the features needed by and useful to the users. According to Singh Brothers, they are facing challenges on the financial fronts as they need funds to increase their server capacity. If the interested investors in this project will invest in their website, then the duo show a promising career ahead. -Sweety Motwani -Semester –III (S.Y.B.C.A) -G.L.S (I&RKD) Institute of Computer Applications WAX DRAWING BY HETAL MISTRY, GLS BCA SEM-I OCTOBER 2013 10 BOOK REVIEW Are You Sure? A Story of Aesthetic World -Published by Rigi Publication -By Bhushan Khairnar ach one of us wants to lead a better, more meaningful life. And to that end, we seek gurus who we believe will show us that path or try to find our own answers through various self-help, religious and biographical books. AM of this book could E research in Semiotics (Science of Symbols) and weaves in interesting bits of symbology that would appeal to the reader. All in all, an interesting read. The author Bhushan Khairnar is a faculty in Communication Skills at NRBBA and this is his first published book. He is a researcher in Semiotics (science of symbols) and a Psychological Counselor. be one of us. The story sees his physical journey to a lonely and deserted sea coast and his quest to find ‘the secret of life’. He finds the symbols of the secret of life and tries to unravel their meaning. His story has further twists and turns. Throughout this journey, there are interactions shown in the form of SMSes and e-mails between AM and his friend CAN, his perfect counterfoil. The story ends with AM and the readers realizing one of the biggest ironies of life “Human can live a wonderful life by using his/her Common Sense without being positivenegative, certain-uncertain”. This book gently tells us that the solution to all that ails us lies with ourselves. Through the interactions between AM and CAN, readers realize the importance of friends and a solid support system. The author draws from his to the needs of the guests living here. But a classy cafe is hard to hide! We found the menu extensive, appealing to the Indian, Continental, Mexican as well as American palate. The quality and quantity of servings were awesome. And the costs were decent. But what we most enjoyed were the drinks. The coffees were perfect, the coolers were superb and the shakes were just right. The smell of the freshly roasted coffee beans permeated the cafe and created the kind of ambiance one would experience on the streets of tiny European holiday towns. Speaking of ambiance, the entire unit is built out of a monumental house which was constructed by Ravi’s greatgrand father about a hundred years ago. It boasts of having housed luminaries like Gandhiji, Sardar Patel, Gulzarilal Nanda, and the like in its history. The wood-work in the entire building is nearly a 100 years old, and gives a feel of antiquity and solidness to the place. One could easily call it a Heritage site. Because it feels like one. The taste of the coffee and the cafe lingered in mind and on the tongue through the coffee bean chocolates that were served complimentary chenna and nuts and raisins. Stir for 2 mts. Add condensed milk at this stage, if using it. Its optional. 8. Bring to room temperature and chill. The kheer will thicken lightly on chilling. You can add a little milk, if required for a thinner consistency. 9. Garnish with toasted nuts and serve chilled or at room temperature. The whey will become clear which is an indication that the milk has curdled completely. Immediately add about 10-12 ice cubes and turn off flame. Leave aside for 3-4 mts. 2. Strain the whey and add the chenna to a damp cheese cloth or a light cotton cloth. Gather the four corners of the cloth and twist it gently and rinse under cold water to remove the sourness of the lemon juice. Tie the ends and hang it at a height and allow the whey from the chenna to drain completely. Leave aside for 10 mts. 3. Remove the chenna onto a wide plate and crumble it lightly. Keep aside. 4. Toast the nuts and raisins in ghee till brown. Keep aside. 5. To prepare the kheer, take a stainless steel vessel, add milk and bring it to a boil. Reduce flame and simmer till the milk reduces to almost half the quantity. Stir constantly to avoid burning. 6. Add the soaked saffron and cardamom powder and mix. Add sugar and simmer for another 10 mts, stirring once in a while. 7. Add the crumbled paneer/ RESTAURANT REVIEW Fresh Roast By Dr. Jean Dsouza I t is not everyday that we find a little nook in the middle of a crowded city that is cocooned and quiet. It is not everyday that some of us from the Voice team find a moment to re-connect and enjoy that cocoon. It is not everyday that that cocoon surprises us, refreshes and rejuvenates us. Fresh Roast is such a place. Tucked away off the busiest, noisiest of roads, Ashram Road, amidst the many bus-stops that Paldi is famous for, Fresh Roast is an oasis. The quiet and the class it has is almost unreal in a city like Ahmedabad. Built initially as part of the plush and high quality service apartments that owner Ravi Dalal --- set up, the cafe was intended to cater with the bill. All in all, Fresh Roast is the stuff for story books settings and romantic movie backdrops; a beautiful place, delicious delicacies and lovely ambiance. We sure enjoyed ourselves! (The writer is Associate Professor in English and Commercial Communication at HACC) RECIPES Paneer Kheer Ingredients • To prepare Paneer • Milk - 1 lt • Lemon juice - 1 lemon • For Kheer: • Milk - 1 • Sugar - 1/2 cup • Condensed milk - 2 tbsp (optional) • Cardamom powder - 1/4 tsp • Saffron - 4-5 strands, soaked in a tbsp of warm milk • Raisins - fistful • Cashew nuts - 6-7, break into small pieces • Almonds - 4-5, make slivers • Pistachios - 6-7, lightly crushed • Ghee - 1 tbsp Method 1. Take a heavy bottomed vessel and boil milk. Once its boiled, slowly add the lemon juice and you will find that the milk will curdle and the whey will separate. Anjeer Halwa (Dried Figs Dessert) Ingredients: • 1/4 lt boiled warm milk • 1 small cup of dried figs (Anjeer) chopped into pieces • 1 big tbsp ghee (clarified butter) • 1/2 cup of sweetened condensed milk (Milkmaid) • 5-6 almonds blanched and chopped length wise • few saffron strands Method Soak the chopped figs in warm milk for an hour and then grind to a fine paste along with the milk. Heat ghee in a vessel and add the condensed milk and fig paste and cook on medium heat stirring continously till it leaves the sides of the vessel. Serve hot garnished with chopped almonds and saffron strands. Note: Halwa can also be eaten cold. (courtesy: http://www. OCTOBER 2013 11 SMPIC ACHIEVEMENTS- NRBBA Commerce Idol Vishal Chitlangiya stood 1st and Vikas Chitlangiya stood 2nd in State level Commerce Idol Competition organised by City CU Shah Commerce College Lal Darwaja. SMPIC stood first for the consecutive 4th time. Harshal Patel, a TYB.Com student of SMPIC, created a record by winning 6 gold medals and one bronze medal at the 49th Gujarat State Shooting Championship on 18th September 2013. Congratulations!!! Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world. Harriet Tubman SAHIL MINSARIA WITH HIS SECOND PRIZE IN CARTOONING AT GLSIC’S RANGBAHAR STUTI DESAI WITH HER SECOND PRIZE IN ON THE SPOT PAINTING COMPETITION AT GLSIC’S RANGBAHAR HACC STUTI DESAI (L) AND VINISHA RUPAREL (R) WITH THEIR RESPECTIVE FIRST AND THIRD PRIZE WINNING ENTRIES AT THE GREETING CARD MAKING COMPETITION ORGANIZED BY J G COLLEGE OF COMMERCE SMT. SADGUNA C.U. ARTS COLLEGE FOR GIRLS THE GIRLS’ VOLLEYBALL TEAM WON THE CHAMPIONSHIP AT THE GUJARAT UNIVERSITY EVENT FOR THE 24TH TIME IN A ROW. FLYING HIGH THE BOYS’ TENNIS TEAM WERE THE FIRST RUNNERS UP AT THE SINGLES AND DOUBLES EVENTS AT GUJARAT UNIVERSITY INTERCOLLEGE TOURNAMENT. THE BOYS’ WRESTLING TEAM WON THE GUJARAT UNIVERSITY CHAMPIONSHIP FOR THE 14TH TIME IN A ROW. DEEPALI SADHU WITH HER FIRST PRIZE WINNING RANGOLI AT RANGBAHAAR INTER COLLEGE COMPETITION DEEPALI SADHU WITH HER SECOND PRIZE WINNING CLAY MODEL AT RANGBAHAAR INTER COLLEGE COMPETITION By Capt. Ulupi Patel reams, indeed, come true. When Dimpal joined her NCC training she never thought that her destination was there in NCC. When she was intimated to go to Agra for Para jumping training, it was quiet new to her. She was ignorant about the type of her training but tons of courage she had. NCC cadets from Ahmedabad went to Agra by train with a conveyance officer from NCC. They were informed about the nature of training; it was unbelievable for them that for the very first time they were going to fly high in an Indian Air Force plane. Cadets were trained for ten days by highly skilled officers and trainers of the Indian Air Force and were given minute details about how to jump, the factors affecting parachute jump like wind, heat etc. It was very difficult for Dimpal to control her goosebumps, when the time came for the first jump. She felt that her training and her mentors’ blessings were with her. She jumped on the first number with chills and thrills. That day was D proud day not only for Dimpal but for family and her Sadguna Privar. Dimpal, coming from a very small town of Mokasan, Kadi was thrilled while sharing her experiences of parachute jumping to Dr. Suhasben Jhala. Indian Air Force selects very few cadets from all over India for such a rigorous training. It is really bone breaking and nerve wracking training, through which every trainee has to pass. “I cannot believe that I did it. I feel more confident and will be always grateful to my Principal and NCC officer for giving me such a precious opportunity to prove myself”, shares Dimpal. She believes NCC to be very important for those girls who want to do something ‘HATKE’ in her life. (The writer is an Associate Professor at Smt. Sadguna C.U. Arts College for Girls.) RNI number is GUJBIL/2009/30687. Licence to post without pre-payment Licence No. CPMG/GJ/88/2012 Valid up to 30-6-2014. Permitted to post at AHD PSO/1 on 10th of every month Under Postal Registration No. GAMC-1738/2013-2015 issued by S.S.P. Ahmedabad, valid up to 31st December 2015. OCTOBER 2013 STATE LEVEL SEMINAR ON S 12 SMPIC : VICTORIOUS AT JOSH FOR THE SIXTH YEAR “Development dynamics of Gujarat- Growth opportunities and potential ahead”. MPIC organised a UGC sponsored State Level Seminar on 29th Sep 2013 at GLS auditorium. The title for the seminar was “Development dynamics of Gujarat- Growth opportunities and potential ahead”. In past SMPIC has organised various seminar by its own resources. However this was for the first time SMPIC received financial assistance from UGC The inaugural session began with the warm welcome speech of Dr.Ashwin Purohit. Shri Jaynarayan Vyas as an keynote speaker for the seminar covered, in depth, every sector of Gujarat with an extensive power point presentation. Shri Sudhir Nanavati motivated delegates with his inspiring and encouraging words and explained the dynamics of Gujarat through five important points like political stability, security, uninterrupted water supply, power generation and excellent roads throughout the state. Dr Mala Sharma briefed the participants about the objectives of the seminar. In the first technical session Dr. Niti Mehta, Director SPIESR, presented a detailed scenario of the Development of Gujarat. The seminar was attended by 150 delegates and 50 students from various colleges of the state. In technical session – II, forty papers on different aspects of development of Gujarat were presented. This session was chaired by Dr. Hitesh Ruparel, Director N.R.I.B.M. and Prof. Sandeep Bhatt, Department of Business Studies, Sardar Patel University Delegates departed with enriched minds, delicious lunch and unforgettable goodies. S .M. Patel Institute of Commerce once again proved that it is far above the rest of the colleges in Town by winning the intercollegiate event Josh organised by NAEMD on September 30, 2013. The college won the First prize in all the categories; Fashion show , Michael Jackson at Bollywood and the Indian Dance . The cheer for the college was so loud that the college won the prize for the loudest cheer as well. Principal Dr. Ashwin Purohit and the in-charge faculty members Prof. Bhavna Parwani, Prof. Bimal Solanki and Prof. Aashal Bhatt have always motivated the students to bring their best. The college has received tremendous support from the management especially Shri Sudhir Nanavati for excelling in extracurricular activities and encouraging the students by awarding cash prizes. Printed and published by Dr Bhalchandra H Joshi on behalf of Gujarat Law Society. Printed at DB Print Solution (Divya Bhaskar), Bhaskar House, Plot No 280, Makarba, S G Highway, Ahmedabad 380051. Published from Gujarat Law Society, Opp Law Garden, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad 380006. Editor: Dr. Bhalchandra H Joshi.
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