December 2014
December 2014
VOLUME 18 DECEMBER 2014 ST JOSEPH’S NUDGEE COLLEGE MAGAZINE Farewell Mr Hanly Cameron Harder-Hutton Lliam Ricketts Matthew Sneesby Brother Ryan Year 10 Immersion Reflections Junior School Update ST JOSEPH’S NUDGEE COLLEGE MAGAZINE 1 Front cover: Daryl Hanly 2 VOLUME 18 DECEMBER 2014 Trustees of Edmund Rice Education Australia trading as St Joseph’s Nudgee College 2199 Sandgate Road Boondall 4034 PO Box 130 Virginia 4014 p: +617 3865 0555 f: +617 3865 0500 w: e: Editor Tanya King Contributors Paul Begg, Mike Byrne, Simon Carter, Chris Cawley, Lawrie Cusack, Tricia Fitzpatrick, Tony Gleeson, Daryl Hanly, Anthony Hart, David Johnston, Dr Martin Kerby, Tanya King, Rebecca Knezevic, Br Vic Larkin, Catherine Lunney, Andrew McNamara, Sam O’Neill, Evie Saunders, Guy Stacey, Anna Stewart, John Wagner, Erin Wedge Many thanks to Cindy Abbey, Mark Ellison, Brody Grogan, Daryl Hanly, Martin Harmon, Sian Kennedy, Peter Kropp, Lara Morgan, Lliam Ricketts, Matthew Sneesby, Year 10 immersion students Photography Cover image courtesy of Gary Lynagh Photography Other images courtesy of Bayside and Northern Suburbs Star, AV Crew, Tanya King, John Sayer, Joshua Hobl, Nudgee College Archives and others Design Elliot Creative Design Co. e: Content Editor Carol Campbell Printing Screen Offset Printing Contents 2 4 10 12 14 16 18 24 26 TO THE NTH DEGREE 30 32 36 NUDGEE COLLEGE ACTIVITIES Reflection A PERSON OF INFLUENCE Daryl Hanly NUDGEE COLLEGE BOYS EXCEL Cameron Harder-Hutton SPANNING THE GLOBE Lliam Ricketts SPANNING THE GLOBE Matthew Sneesby NUDGEE COLLEGE HISTORY Brother Ryan ST JOSEPH’S NUDGEE COLLEGE Year 10 Immersion Reflections JUNIOR SCHOOL Junior School Update NUDGEE COLLEGE NARRATIVE Congratulations / DimensionsNC / Global Youth Challenge / NAIDOC Week / Stella Fella Day / Swagtember / Tournament of Minds Rugby Wrap NUDGEE COLLEGE ACTIVITIES Sporting and Cultural NCOBA From the NCOBA Editorial queries, feedback and change of address phone: 07 3865 0319 email: Nth Degree is published by St Joseph’s Nudgee College’s Development and Communication Team in cooperation with other parties. Material in this publication is gathered from a range of sources and does not necessarily reflect the opinions and policies of St Joseph’s Nudgee College. COPYRIGHT: All rights reserved. Copyright of articles and photographs of Nth Degree remain with the individual contributors and may not be reproduced without permission. Other material may be reproduced, but only with the permission of St Joseph’s Nudgee College. ST JOSEPH’S NUDGEE COLLEGE MAGAZINE 1 TO THE NTH DEGREE St Joseph’s Nudgee College DARYL HANLY The words “transition and transformation” resonate when I reflect on 2014 and envision possibilities for 2015. There is no doubt that there are some significant transitions evident in our context. Our Orientation Day in mid-October saw the arrival of those students who will be new to this school in 2015. Our orientation activities assisted them in what can be for some, a daunting experience. We have a large number of students entering into Years 5, 7 and 8 as well as into the older years. Our excellent Pastoral Care Program will continue to support these young gentlemen as they continue their journeys. There have been some significant physical changes that will enhance the transition of all boys as they move from one stage of their education to the next. The new Boarding Village, Stage 2 of which will be finished in January 2015, will mean that for the first time in the 124-year history of this College, every student who is boarding will reside within the one complex. It will also be the first time in which there are no boarders in the original Treacy Building. The Learning Centre, which will be operational from Term 2, 2015, is another sign of transitioning. Enhanced learning facilities, a modern library complex and undercover common areas with seating, as well as a new tuckshop herald an environment conducive to the support of both Years 7 and 8, both of whom are experiencing their first year of secondary schooling. With transition comes the need to discern what we change and what we 2 VOLUME 18 DECEMBER 2014 keep. We are guided very clearly by the Four Touchstones, ensuring stability in terms of our core values and beliefs. We focus on Liberating Education as we open our hearts and minds through quality teaching and learning experiences so that through critical reflection and engagement each person is hope-filled and free to build a better world for all. We invite all people into the story of Jesus and strive to make his message of compassion, justice and peace a living reality within our community. This is authentic Gospel Spirituality. As an Inclusive Community we are accepting and welcoming, fostering right relationships and commitment to the common good. In terms of Justice and Solidarity we are committed to justice and peace for all, grounded in a spirituality of action and reflection that calls us to stand in solidarity with those who are marginalised and the Earth itself. As we transition into new times and contexts, we are challenged to discern what transformations might occur in the ways in which we do things, while at the same time holding true to the Four Touchstones. This critical discernment is the focus of the current strategic planning process, through which we develop the appropriate strategic planning concepts that are centred on our mission and vision. At this stage of drafting, four such concepts which will assist us in this transformation have emerged. We champion a learning culture by celebrating and sharing best practices, by further embedding the Habits of Mind Learning Framework throughout the College and by forming selfdirected, technologically capable lifelong learners. We proclaim our Mission and Identity through further developing faith formation of the community, embedding justice, service and advocacy into school practices and curriculum and integrating the religious life of the school throughout College life. We steward our finite resources through responsible management and utilisation now and for the future through ongoing consideration and management of our environmental impact and through strategic prioritisation and implementation of initiatives. We develop leadership capability by determining the strategic skill sets within our community for now and for the future by further implementing targeted and strategic programs and focusing on the positive emotional development and well-being of the community. These concepts are currently in draft but they are a sign that as we transition we must also transform to adapt to the context which is, and also the context which might be! As I transition out of St Joseph’s Nudgee College after 13 years, and out of fulltime teaching after 50 years, I have enjoyed my involvement in the transitioning in of our new Principal, Mr Peter Fullagar. I thank you all very much for your support during my time in the Nudgee College community. I have come to understand the real meaning of being among “Ten thousand sisters and brothers, who are living Signs of Faith”. God bless. Mr Daryl Hanly College Principal ST JOSEPH’S NUDGEE COLLEGE MAGAZINE 3 TANYA KING For 13 years Daryl Hanly has been the leading man in the St Joseph’s Nudgee College story. He has celebrated the highs, shown strength during the lows and has been the reassuring presence for everything in between. Daryl’s initial contract was for five years. When he steps aside as Principal at the end of the year, however, it will be as the longest consecutiveserving Principal in the College’s history. Daryl’s commencement as Principal in January 2002 was a significant change in tradition for Nudgee College, which had only ever had Christian Brothers as Principals. As the first lay Principal in the College’s history, Daryl faced, and overcame, a variety of obstacles in his early years as the community came to terms with the change in direction. “In a Catholic school, the Principal is the faith leader,” Daryl said. “I had to quickly understand what that meant and how it was made manifest within the school. This was the first challenge. I wasn’t asked to but I committed to further my faith studies through my master’s degree which helped. 2014 marks Daryl’s 65th year in a school environment and his 50th as a teacher. Daryl completed his secondary education at St Brendan’s College, Yeppoon, and his tertiary studies at the University of Queensland, the Queensland University of Technology and the Australian Catholic University. His previous positions included being Deputy Principal of Townsville State High School (1974–78), founding Principal of Kirwan State High School (1979–83) and Principal of Kelvin Grove State High School (1984–94). Immediately prior to starting at Nudgee College, Daryl was the Director of Education Queensland International but he wanted a change. “I was initially attracted to the role of Principal because I had previously been a Principal in government schools and was a director in a large government department so I was looking forward to the challenge of being in a school community again,” Daryl said. “I also like the idea of doing something for the first time. Before I came to Nudgee College I had never been Principal of a boarding school or a Catholic school and had only been in a single-sex boys’ school as a student.” 4 VOLUME 18 DECEMBER 2014 “Secondly, we had to articulate the vision of the school through the development of a strategic plan and, thirdly, develop a master plan as to where the school was going in terms of buildings and infrastructure. In order to do this we needed to assess the culture of the school and determine which traditions should stay and which could go over time. “I think I achieved these things but would not have without the outstanding support of the team of teachers and ancillary staff. Once goals were achieved, we re-set our benchmarks.” Despite being a lay Principal, Daryl has always respected the College’s history as a Christian Brothers school. “One of my goals when I began at Nudgee College was to ensure that, as a Christian Brothers school, the students understood the heritage of the Christian Brothers,” he said. “Expanding and capturing that heritage in the vision for the school going forward – as well as the need for a clear understanding of the Edmund Rice Charism and how that was manifest within the school context, and imposing the Catholicity, the rigour of the religious education program and providing an ST JOSEPH’S NUDGEE COLLEGE MAGAZINE 5 inter-faith dialogue that formed young boys into Signum Fidei – Signs of Faith – was important. “I also wanted to continue to enhance the good reputation that Nudgee College had in its capacity to provide the opportunity for a broad range of students. I wanted to strike a realistic balance between academic and sporting endeavours. “Promoting the academic pathways and providing for those who were academically outstanding, as well as those who chose other pathways, was critical in achieving this. The various pathways added a richness which, when combined with the inclusive nature of the College, was a key element in the coherently formed outcome.” Over the 13 years he has been Principal at Nudgee College, Daryl has seen many changes, not the least of which has been the “culture change which has come about as a result of exposure to the performing and visual arts, especially music”. “It was an intentional journey in Nudgee College providing a balance between academic, cultural and sporting endeavours and ensuring that success in any field was applauded. I used to often hear the term ‘Nudgee man’ but I have always used the term a ‘Nudgee gentleman’. A Nudgee College gentleman respects and understands women, he knows how to have proper and productive relationships with them and can lead, and be led, by women. “When the boys tell me about how a social justice activity or immersion has made them realise how lucky they are, it always makes me smile. For example, the passion behind the Walk to the 6 VOLUME 18 DECEMBER 2014 Philippines, the global connectedness the boys feel when they take on fundraising and the subsequent benefit the boys get out if it and all the social justice activities, is something that will stay with me.” It goes without saying that running a school, especially one as large as Nudgee College, is a big job; however, Daryl has never been one to sit in his office all day, preferring to interact with staff and students as much as possible. “I enjoy the pleasant greetings in the morning, the ingenuous expressions of points of view and the freshness of thoughts from the staff, watching the boys who arrive troubled at the College graduate or others achieve beyond their expectations, and the stories from the boys when I’m on Tuckshop duty. “I have always tried to be approachable and respect, and welcome, the students and their views. I believe an active presence is important in achieving this, which is why I have always spent time in the playground or in the dining room with the boarders or at the Tuckshop. “Seeing me in these situations shows the boys they can approach me or raise issues with me in a more informal way. I have never had a student who disrespected that position or overstepped the mark in terms of the Principal–student relationship. “When I first started here, a Brother said that I would like Nudgee College but in time I would learn to love it – and he was right.” Even though he is retiring and will miss teaching, Daryl already has a long list of things he wants to do once the demands of the workplace are left behind, and he won’t be leaving the education section entirely. “I will still remain Chair of the Stuartholme Board next year and will also become Chair of the St Leo’s College Council so I’ll keep involved with the community. I am a community person and I will always find a community to work in. “I will also undertake more study when I pick up my PhD studies again and am looking forward to imparting the wisdom and knowledge that I’ve gained over my years to other schools in a consulting process, such as was undertaken here with the school renewal. “One of the big things I’m going to do is learn the piano, which is something I’ve wanted to do since I was a young boy.” History will ultimately determine Daryl’s legacy at Nudgee College but as a proud family man, Daryl is more concerned with the legacy he will leave in his family’s eyes than any he will leave in a work environment. “My priorities have always been my wife, my sons and family and then my job. If my wife thinks I have been a great, loving husband and my sons believe I have been a good father, I will have been successful. “For the students, staff and wider College community, if in some small way I have been able to make a difference, I would be happy. Even if just one or two persons thought I empowered them and helped them make a difference through my leadership, that would be enough.” ST JOSEPH’S NUDGEE COLLEGE MAGAZINE 7 COMMUNITY WORDS Dear Daryl, Wishing you all the blessings for the next chapter of your life. May it be filled with happiness, love and laughter. May the blessing of light be on you – light without and light within, May the blessed sunlight shine on you and warm your heart til it glows like a great peat fire - OLD CELTIC BLESSING Much love, Erin Wedge Dean of Identity Daryl’s support at the Tuckshop each week greeting the boys is fantastic! We will miss you next year. Congratulations on your retirement. Kind regards from the Tuckshop, Tricia, Kirsten, Kim, and Melissa Daryl Hanly has been an outstanding leader in education in Queensland. He is greatly respected across both the State and Catholic sectors. His skill in managing the demands of a large boarding school like Nudgee College is a great testament to his ability. Despite this workload, Daryl’s contribution extended well beyond the school, including leading national Principals’ associations and as a member of the Queensland Studies Authority. Daryl was gifted in the way he was able to easily engage with students and the school community, giving and commanding respect. He will be greatly missed in Catholic education and we wish him all the best for a long and happy retirement. Mike Byrne QCEC Executive Director Dear Daryl, I am thankful that I had a wonderful opportunity to work with you; you have always been a great mentor, companion and support, both professionally and personally. Nudgee College has been blessed to have been touched by your wisdom, compassion and vision. As a former colleague once said to me, “now you retire and can say goodbye tension, hello pension!” Thank you for everything, David Johnston Dean of Learning and Teaching Daryl, Your leadership has been one of inspired presence and a courageous commitment to delivering what is best for students and families. You have not only provided great educational leadership but been an example of how one’s faith can be truly lived and made tangible in daily actions. I have every trust in the fact that while you may be in education retirement, Nudgee College will never be too far away from your thoughts as you were ‘Signum Fidei’ in our community. Thank you, Paul Begg Dean of Students Dear Daryl, Thanks for sharing Thanks for caring And for leading the way. Although you’ll be gone Your vision shall live on Whatever may come NC’s way. It’s been an honor to know you Daryl. Wishing you all things wonderful for the future, 8 The NCOBA wish outgoing Principal Daryl Hanly a restful retirement after his significant tenure. Daryl’s influence has helped strengthen our Association’s program and we have appreciated being able to work more closely with the College on many fronts. Anthony Hart NCOBA President Your presence in our lives has made an indelible difference, not only to our sons and their lives today, but to every member of the College community yesterday, today and into the future. We are truly blessed to have shared the company of such an inspiring Principal and honourable man. On behalf of all the mothers at Nudgee College I wish you a retirement filled with the love and laughter of family and friends. From Our Hearts to Yours, Anna Stewart Catherine Lunney Past parent and College Board member Ladies’ Auxiliary Co-President VOLUME 18 DECEMBER 2014 During the four years I worked alongside Daryl, I gained an insight into the Edmund Rice charism through Daryl’s leadership of the Nudgee College community and also his advocacy of the students who he treats with compassion and respect. Dear Daryl, Best wishes, Thank you so much for your wisdom, guidance, support and compassion during my short time with Nudgee College. Your leadership has made my transition into education seamless and enjoyable. I wish you all the very best in your retirement. Enjoy the time with your grandchildren, they are the most special children you will have to spoil, adore and dote on. Love and best wishes, Evie Saunders Rebecca Knezevic PA to the Principal Dean of Operations that’s not the case. Dear Trish [Daryl’s wife] is right out the front – quietly leading the way and making suggestions, even about Nudgee College, from her own professional standing and doing it so quietly and well through those years. Thank you very much, Trish. Someone told me one day, when Daryl parks his car just over there, it takes him about an hour to get to his office, which is just there, because he wants to meet everybody. He knows the very talented secretaries up above can run the school, I’ve seen them doing it. Even if a crisis occurred they could call on that wonderful Maggie Shaw – Mrs Nudgee – and she would fix everything. I thank Daryl for his leadership and extend my best wishes for life after Nudgee College. Mr Hanly, we will be eternally grateful for the phenomenal service that you have shown to this College. You have led the school and the students in a way that not only harbours respect but inspires change. Thank you for everything, you will forever be remembered in the hearts of our ‘10,000 brothers’. Samuel O’Neill 2014 College Captain I renewed my acquaintance with Daryl after trying to teach him in Year 8 at St Patrick’s, Mackay. I renewed my friendship with him in the 1980s when he returned to Brisbane to take charge of Kelvin Grove School of Excellence. I received a phone call during that year asking me to attend his first speech night, which I readily accepted. When I arrived at the evening function two prefects led me to the beginning of the procession of educational dignitaries. As they lined up, I thought “now I’ll just sneak into the Hall”, but no, Daryl stood in front of me and said “I want you to walk beside me during this first speech night”. By doing that, he was saluting the many Brothers who taught him in Mackay and St Brendan’s, Yeppoon. That’s the Daryl we have known here at Nudgee College. Daryl has spoken frequently over these 13 years of his links with the Brothers, and how the Brothers work at this place must be remembered. Of course, they worked in very hard times, much harder than now. Money didn’t flow readily; during depression and wars, but that’s my memory of Daryl – his support, always, for the Brothers. Now we know he is a strong family man, and you know there’s that saying, behind every good man, there’s a better woman. However, I didn’t ever have a row with Daryl during the whole of the 13 years. I look upon it sometimes as great fun; having a row with the Headmaster, but I missed out. There was one occasion when I begged to differ and I said to Daryl, “look you plant the name of the Brothers on all these building around here, even my name is on that plaque there, what about a building that’s got ‘Hanly Building’?” “Oh no, no, no, no,” he said. “Why not?,” I asked. Daryl replied, “I have my monuments. I have two great sons – Richard and Nicholas – and they are sufficient monuments for me and I am very proud of them.” I had nothing further to say. Daryl’s hands have touched, literally and metaphorically, every corner of this place. Right from here [Treacy Building], through to the Red Shed that the Property and Services use, and even the refurbished athletics track that is used so well by the boys. However, all those buildings don’t give the real message about Daryl. His main interest was the boys. The boys have always been important to Daryl. I noticed early on he took the duty of Tuckshop Supervision. It’s not a bad place to have a relaxed boy, to give him a bit of a cheer up, or a quiet little come on, we need a little improvement there. That’s my memory of Daryl; that the boys came first, second and third. I could go till midnight, so we’ll just wind it up by thanking Daryl. Thanks Daryl. Thank you. Thank you. I’ll take a bit of liberty with a familiar prayer where we ask God’s blessing. I confidently say God will bless you, Daryl and your family, and that Jesus will definitely live in your hearts forever. Excerpt from Br Vic Larkin’s speech at Daryl’s farewell soiree. ST JOSEPH’S NUDGEE COLLEGE MAGAZINE 9 NUDGEE COLLEGE BOYS EXCEL TANYA KING While most of us were asleep early on the morning of September 5, Year 12 student Cameron Harder-Hutton was chatting to Pope Francis via a Google link-up. Cameron’s historic chat with His Holiness began with a typical Aussie hello – “G’day”. 10 VOLUME 18 DECEMBER 2014 Cameron’s participation in the conversation was made possible through Edmund Rice Education Australia’s involvement with Pope Francis’s initiative of Scholas Occurrentes and EREA’s commitment to Edmund Rice Education Beyond Boarders,” said Dean of Identity Ms Erin Wedge. “Cameron was chosen to represent Oceania and was one of only five other students from around the world – El Salvador, Turkey, Israel and South Africa – to be involved in the conversation.” Scholas Occurrentes is a global network of schools and educational institutions launched by Pope Francis last year through the Pontifical Academy to encourage networking among international schools. Pope Francis requested a young nonCatholic Christian represent Oceania during the live chat, and Cameron, a baptised Anglican, was the ideal candidate. “Cameron was chosen by Principal Mr Daryl Hanly, because he is extremely intelligent and the perfect candidate who would appreciate the opportunity to talk to the Pope,” Ms Wedge said. “Cameron plays a huge role in the social justice league at the school and is a major participant in our Big BBQ and Big Brekkie programs. He also instigated Vic’s Cafe (a cafe run by students each morning using fair trade coffee beans) where he organises the training for other students using the skills he has learnt from working at Zaraffas. “Cameron was supported by a small group of Nudgee College students and teachers who were behind the scenes on the night. He was articulate, intelligent and gracious in his question and his response.” For some, speaking with His Holiness on such a big stage may have resulted in nerves taking their toll; however, Cameron is a seasoned professional when it comes to delivering speeches. He has been involved with GPS Debating for four years, culminating in his leadership of the Senior A team this year. Despite initially not believing he was going to speak with the “real Pope”, Cameron said he was “honoured” to represent Australia. “I was extremely humbled by the experience. I enjoyed the lead-up and preparation and was honoured to represent the College and Australia.” Cameron’s question and the Pope’s response follow. Cameron: G’day from Australia. St Joseph’s Nudgee College is a Catholic school in the Edmund Rice Tradition. We follow in the footsteps of Scholas, having several campaigns advocating peace internationally and within our local community. An example of this would be our own interreligious soccer match for peace last month between the school and recent refugees who are being held in detention centres. Because of this we’d like to thank you personally for the Scholas Program. It allows us to have direct communication with yourself as youths of diverse religions and as such, we are all incredibly humbled to have the opportunity to speak with you. It is certainly a leap in the right direction in terms of developing a global network for peace and it is amazing how we can use technology to have dialogue and learn from each other. So what we want to know, specifically, is how the Scholas Program can bridge gaps between the youths of various countries today? His Holiness: First, I’ll pick up on one phrase you said – dialogue between cultures. You need to do more of that. That is the future of our world. There are two types of people in the world – those who build bridges, and those who build walls. We need people to build bridges. If we put up walls, we divide people; however, if we’re bridge builders we join and share. In response to your question, “What can be done?”, we can keep communicating, communicate experiences... and through communication no one commands but everything works. It is the spontaneity of life, a “yes” to life. In true communication, we are all equal. Communication is giving; communication is generosity; communication is respect; communication means avoiding all types of discrimination. I encourage you and the young people of the world to continue sharing; young people have great hearts. Pope Francis finished his dialogue with Cameron by asking God to bless him and the young people of Australia. ST JOSEPH’S NUDGEE COLLEGE MAGAZINE 11 SPANNING THE GLOBE TANYA KING $5 an hour, cash in hand, as a factory assistant, driving forklifts and batching orders. I feel doing casual work while at school or on holidays helps create a good work ethic.” As any company director will tell you, running a business is hard work. Old Boy Lliam Ricketts has never shied away from hard work, though, and is the company director of two successful companies – Future Sustainability and Supply Partners. “My mother always said to me growing up that ‘if a job is worth doing, it’s worth doing well’. By applying this to every task, small or large, you set an example of how you would like things done.” After leaving Nudgee College, Lliam worked for small businesses in various fields, which allowed him to experience what running a business was like. He combined this with his hospitality experience to open his first business in December, 2003, just two years after finishing school. Lliam attended Nudgee College from 1997–2001 (Years 8–12). He was on the GPS Cross Country team and played water polo. Like many students, Lliam took advantage of Nudgee College’s diverse academic pathways that allowed him to combine academic studies and a vocational qualification. “The best decision I made while at Nudgee College was attaining recognised TAFE qualifications in hospitality and engineering while completing my senior certificate,” Lliam said. “The flexibility to choose any direction in schooling, whether it is TAFE qualifications, OP, music, sport or something else, is definitely the College’s best attribute.” Lliam’s work ethic was forged early. He joined the workforce at the age of 13, even though he said, “technically, the legal working age is 14 years and nine months.” “I got my first job in Year 8. I got paid 12 VOLUME 18 DECEMBER 2014 “Throughout most of my years at Nudgee College I worked in restaurants at night and on the weekend,” Lliam said. “This led to my first business, a mobile cafe called Espresso Break Co, which I ran with two other Nudgee College Old Boys. It was during this time that I realised my passion was to become an accomplished entrepreneur. “During the drought in 2007 and 2008 I started my second company, a rainwater tank supply and installation business called Versatanks, with another Nudgee College Old Boy. “In 2009 I restructured the company with two new business partners and rebranded the business to Future Sustainability, an electrical contracting company focused on supplying and installing renewable energy and energyefficient products, such as solar systems, renewable energy battery-storage systems and LED lighting products. “After installing more than 2500 solar systems in homes and businesses across Australia, we established strong relationships with larger manufacturers. This led to the birth of Supply Partners in January, 2012. Supply Partners is a national wholesale and distribution company of solar products, renewable energy battery-storage systems and LED lighting products.” Being the entrepreneur that he is, Lliam enjoys working within the day-to-day operations of his businesses, even with the challenges that sometimes arise. “As an active part of the team, as well as a company director, I find myself working in levels of the business, from management meetings and marketing plans, to sales and business development, to operations,” he said. “At times I even drive the forklift, loading and unloading trucks in our distribution centre. “The renewable energy sector is a new and growing one, and keeping up with the market movements and demand is a daily challenge. However, creating two quality-focused, ethical, profitable businesses has definitely been my greatest achievement to date, careerwise.” Lliam recently returned to Nudgee College to assist with mock interviews for Year 12 English Communication students, something he has done for the past three years. The College stages mock interviews to prepare students for this often nerve-wracking part of the job application process. Each student is interviewed by a member of the community from their intended field of employment and is observed by a teacher. The guest and teacher then provide formal feedback for each individual. It is an integral part of the Achieving Career Success unit and is an invaluable learning experience for the boys. Not content with running his two businesses, Lliam and his wife are now looking to follow their passion for good food by opening a whole-food cafe in Brisbane, although Lliam does value his spare time. “I love getting out on my boat, enjoying good food and wine and being an energetic entrepreneur – thinking up the next idea,” he said. ST JOSEPH’S NUDGEE COLLEGE MAGAZINE 13 SPANNING THE GLOBE TANYA KING By his own admission, Matthew Sneesby’s interests while he was at Nudgee College were “different to the usual”. Luckily for Matthew, Nudgee College offers opportunities for all students to follow their chosen path. Unlike most of his classmates, Old Boy Matthew Sneesby (NC 2007–11) didn’t play much sport at Nudgee College because his interest lay in art. Matthew followed his passion and later this year he will graduate from a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree with a major in painting. “At school, I had interests that were different to the usual ones of a lot of the students but I found my niche,” Matthew said. “Getting involved in art and not worrying about it – even though it wasn’t the popular thing to do – was definitely the best decision I made at Nudgee College. Throwing myself into my art really helped to set me up for what I’m doing now.” While Matthew always had an interest in art, making a career out of it was not something he wanted to do from a young age. “When I was younger, I went to art shows and exhibitions but I didn’t realise my interest until I was in about Year 10,” he said. “That’s when I started to warm 14 VOLUME 18 DECEMBER 2014 to the idea. My mum and Gregg Elliot, the staff member who probably had the most influence in terms of my current studies with the time, enthusiasm and commitment he put in, really supported me. In Year 11 I was fairly set on an art career, or life path really, as it is a lifestyle.” For some, building a career in a field that does not have a guaranteed pathway could be seen as a risk. However, Matthew is committed to building a future in the art industry. “It is a struggle as there’s no set path or job at the end of the course like with some degrees. You need to be selfdriven to find a path to success,” he said. “I am still very early in my career and it’s a very slow process. You have to bang your head a lot to get anywhere but I’m doing things that others aren’t because I’m committed to building a life in art. “Ultimately, I’d like to be represented by a gallery or involved in art in Brisbane, broader Australia or internationally. Art opens up lots of paths so being involved in art could be as an artist or within businesses related to art or galleries. That’s how I’ll self-assess my career success.” While Matthew “loves everything about art” he also admits you need to have a “thick skin” in order to deal with the criticism working in such a subjective industry ultimately brings. “The actual making of art I adore but it is an incredibly personal moment. It is just you and the paint,” Matthew said. “That process then continues with shows or exhibitions, which is a completely incredible aspect as well. The art community is a vast group filled with interesting and smart people. “However, you can’t please everyone. If you enjoy what you’re doing, people will find you and will hopefully offer constructive criticism or ask questions about why you are doing it. As a professional, I’m learning to answer and deal with that as I go.” At the end of the year, Matthew will participate in the Queensland College of Art Grad Show at South Bank where he will exhibit “several pieces of independent artwork”. A gallery at West End has also approached him about being involved in a group show. “My degree has gone so quickly that I’ve applied to do honours next year where I will be involved in research about the arts,” he said. “I’m also working with my housemate on an Artist Run Initiative (ARI) called Ratio Gallery, to open in Milton next year. The ARI will be run and owned by us and we will open the applications up to emerging artists in Brisbane to have shows in the gallery. Eventually we will have our own art shows there too, but we want to open it up to others and have a couple of their shows first.” Matthew’s advice to current Nudgee College students is to “get involved”. “Five years leaves a lot of imprints but the importance of being part of the community, which Nudgee College emphasises, was the biggest for me. It definitely benefited me as it is so important in the art scene to get involved and enjoy your time where you can. “Obviously, there will be things you don’t want to do but there will always be something you enjoy. At the end of Year 12, I thought, ‘Wow, that went quick’, and now, at the end of my degree, I’m saying again, ‘Wow, that went quick’.” ST JOSEPH’S NUDGEE COLLEGE MAGAZINE 15 NUDGEE COLLEGE HISTORY DR MARTIN KERBY To us in Australia, who follow with interest and pride the grandeur and the glory of the development of the work of the Congregation in other lands... Nudgee epitomises all that is of best repute in other lands. The noble pile of buildings that crown the Nudgee hill attracts the attention of every traveller, by land, sea, or air as he approaches Brisbane... Its silver domes glistening in the brilliant sunshine; its four hundred acres of playing fields and bushland; the old Nudgee Creek glinting in its placid beauty as it sluggishly flows to join the Brisbane River; surely earth holds nothing more fair. Brother Ryan is rightly regarded as our greatest headmaster. Though the author of Brother Ryan’s necrology may well have given into emotion while penning this tribute to him, he was right in devoting the first two pages to Nudgee College as, for over half a century, in a period stretching from 1894 until his death in 1949, Nudgee College was his spiritual home. Ryan was born in Knockainy, County Limerick, in 1872, and was educated by the Christian Brothers at Doon. Professed in 1890, he arrived in Australia shortly after in October of the same year and would make his final profession in 1898. Ryan was sent first to Balmain where he stayed until March, 1894, when he was sent to Nudgee College, then in its fourth year. The College he arrived at was a world away from the one he would last see in 1948, and a universe away from the one that stands there still in the second decade of the 21st century. The only portion of the property that had been cleared of the giant gums and eucalypts was around the original part of the Treacy building, with the rest of what is the modern campus still 16 VOLUME 18 DECEMBER 2014 covered in forest and dense scrub, while the lowland near the creek comprised impassable mangrove. Ryan left after five months for the “more congenial Gregory Terrace”. At Terrace Ryan was the Senior Brother of those under Annual Vows, and here, as elsewhere, he took no part in sport, though he would later pursue sporting triumphs at Nudgee College with a single-mindedness remarkable even for this bastion of sporting prowess. After three and a half years at Terrace, Ryan returned to Nudgee College in January, 1898. In April, 1902, he was made Superior for the new foundation in Charters Towers, where he presented students for the Public Examinations of the University of Sydney as there was no comparable opportunity in Queensland. From there he was transferred to Rockhampton in February, 1911, where he met with similar success. In 1916 he arrived at Nudgee College for his first stint as headmaster. The College would remain as he left it for a generation. The author of his necrology searched history for a precedent for such a leader and his influence on his “realm”. Historians refer to the long and successful reign of Louis XIV as an epoch or an era. And when we seek reasons for such terms, we find them in the character and person of the king himself, in the idea and theory of kingship, in his absolutism and autocracy, and in the grandeur of the achievements which characterised these years. And, indeed, there are many parallelisms in the period on which we now enter, for Br Columban was in many respects “le grand monarque”, and the years of his successive Superiorships became an era... the grandeur and magnificence of his concept became objectified in Nudgee itself, and, under him, Nudgee reached a pinnacle from which, thank God, it has never receded. During this period Ryan opened the Magee Chapel, Dunne (now Duhig) Building, finished the Main (now Ross) Oval and the TC Beirne gates, as well as presiding over the formation of the Nudgee College Old Boys Association. His first absence from Nudgee College during this period was a one-year appointment to Charters Towers in 1922, during which time his loyal deputy Tierney assumed the headmastership. A second one-year break in 1924 was the result of Ryan becoming the first of the Brothers of the Australian Province to return to Ireland on a holiday. In 1928, he returned to Charters Towers before beginning his final stint at Nudgee College in 1931. When he was succeeded by O’Neill at the end of 1933, he stayed on at Nudgee College as bursar and he later filled the same role in Perth at St Aquinas from April, 1937. In recognition of his contribution to Nudgee College, he was permitted to return to the College to celebrate his Golden Jubilee in July, 1939. After a short return to the West, he transferred to Nudgee Junior in March, 1941, and from there he became the Provincial Bursar at Strathfield in 1944. He died at Lewisham Hospital on 16 January, 1949. As a man he lacked humour; in culture he recognised only one tune, God Save the Queen, and, as an Irishman, he despised it. He had no knowledge of sport and had not the least knowledge of even the most basic of rules. Yet he inspired affection, even love in those who understood his deep and abiding love for the College. In 1950 his biographer, writing for men well acquainted with his foibles, suggested that he was in heaven still celebrating his connection with Nudgee College. Perhaps less emotively, the College history notes that his leadership was such a success that Nudgee College has “since worn JC Ryan as a second skin, as he had once worn the College”. For those who are convinced that history does indeed repeat itself, the departure of Daryl Hanly after 13 years at the helm should hold few terrors. For it was just over a century ago the College bade farewell to another iconic leader in the form of Br Bernard Felix Magee. If the community feared that the Magee years might be a summit never again conquered, the arrival of Brother Ryan in 1916 for the first of his four stints should have been evidence enough of the folly of that view. Shakespeare may well have been right when he argued that “All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances”. Daryl Hanly received his well-deserved praise at his farewell mass on 11 November, 2014, before exiting the stage that he dominated for more than one-tenth of the College’s history. He leaves it as Magee and Ryan did... far stronger for his presence but prepared for the future. ST JOSEPH’S NUDGEE COLLEGE MAGAZINE 17 ST JOSEPH’S NUDGEE COLLEGE Each year all St Joseph’s Nudgee College Year 10 students participate in a week-long Immersion Program, which allows them to explore the concept of social justice through an area that interests them. “The Immersion Program allows our students to answer the call of Jesus and to stand in solidarity with the marginalised, and thus live out the call to build a better world for all,” said Dean of Identity Ms Erin Wedge. “This compulsory program offers students the opportunity to step outside their comfort zone and interact with those who are poor and oppressed, to hear stories of those from different backgrounds, to stand in solidarity with the Earth and develop feelings of their own value and individuality. It also seeks to foster a sense of empathy within each student. “At its core, the program facilitates the understanding that service is the movement from charity to justice. It provides real and appropriate experiences for students, where they have the chance to experience faith in action in an area that is meaningful to them.” Following are reflections from students on each of the experiences. Behind the Wire Kha Truong On the first day, we were excited and eager for what the day had for us. We had the pleasure of welcoming guest speakers who had close and intimate experiences with refugees. After listening to the guest speakers, we headed off to Mu’ooz restaurant, which is run entirely by refugees. We ate foods like curries, rice and bread before listening to the restaurant owner’s story and the struggles she faced coming to 18 VOLUME 18 DECEMBER 2014 Australia. It was a different experience and the food was great. Brisbane at the Margins The day after, we arrived at Milperra State School. We were nervous around the students during class time, but when it was lunch time it was a completely different story. The definite highlight for me was playing lunchtime soccer with the students. Everyone got along and we had good competition and friendly rivalry for both days whilst we were there. On the last day of our immersion, we left for the Kedron Indoor Sports Centre to play sport with, and get to know, the Bhutanese community. During this immersion we got to experience a lifestyle that most of us would not understand and we witnessed first-hand what some of Brisbane city’s homeless go through each and every day. On the first day we headed off to the 139 Club, which is a homeless drop-in centre that opens every day of the year in the Valley. This club not only provides a free meal but it also gives the homeless people something to do. I was shocked to notice that most of the homeless people didn’t match my stereotype, with some not much older than I am. During the week I learnt to be more thankful for the things that I’m blessed with and lucky to have. I want others to know that whatever you have, you should cherish it, because someone out there is doing worse. Cooper Harland On the second day we went in to the city and wandered around by ourselves with no phones or money, just as the children and with the kids in the kindergarten next door. On our way back to the capital city, we stopped by St Paul’s Institute, which is a university set up by Bishop Olivier. The university is primarily focused on teaching vocational skills and has brilliant facilities with good support from foreign entities. In Phnom Penh, we visited the national museum, a Buddhist pagoda and the Killing Fields, where people deemed to be traitors of the Khmer Rouge were taken to be killed. We also went to the Toul Sleng genocide museum, spent time at the Maryknoll Centre, which assists people living with HIV/AIDS, homeless people do. Walking past shops with no money is frustrating and you soon start to develop a temptation to steal something. Later that night we had a sleep out and slept in swags that the school rolls. At the end of the week we spent two days at the Flexi School in Paddington, where disadvantaged youth can catch up on education that they’ve missed out on. One thing I learnt from visiting these places is not to judge someone by their appearance. Some of the kids that are at the Flexi School come from very disadvantaged backgrounds, some are young parents and others have simply been neglected by their parents. It is important for students at Nudgee College to understand that going to school is a privilege in itself. Cambodia Lachlan Green Myself, five other boys and four teachers visited Cambodia for two weeks. We flew into Phnom Penh for the night before travelling south to Kampot where we stayed at one of the few small parishes with Catholic missionary priest Father Guan Luca. While spending time with Father Luca we bonded with students from the local school and attended small masses. The people of Cambodia are very friendly and always welcome a new face – as long as you’re prepared to play a few games of soccer and basketball. The next few days and nights were spent in and around St Francois school where we met Bishop Olivier and attended some English classes. We also visited a centre that cares for disabled children and spent some time with ST JOSEPH’S NUDGEE COLLEGE MAGAZINE 19 and headed out of town to the Marist Brothers-run Lavella School for children with severe disabilities. Our final stop, Siem Reap, was a fairly tame and somewhat touristy experience but still full of the Khmer culture that all of us had grown to love. We spent plenty of time at the temples of Angkor, huge stone monuments and buildings that are over 800 years old – truly wonders of the ancient world. Northey Street Sebastian Holland The immersion was a great, eye-opening experience that changed the way I see and treat the environment. When we were helping out at the community garden, we were told how locally grown food is the best option for you because it is healthier and it tastes better, too. When we go to the supermarket, do we really know where the food has come from or if it was genetically grown? How food is grown is a big part of our health. We should start growing and making our own food because, right now, that’s the only way to find out if it’s freshly grown, plus we should be growing more plants and trees. On the second day we went to visit people’s houses to see how they lived and how they were growing their food. This gave us the opportunity to find out how we could grow our own food at home. On the third day we went to the community garden and Jedd Darcy and I built a large herb garden. On the last day we went to an aquaponics area, where we learnt new and interesting ways to grow our fruits and veggies and had our minds blown away at how they were farming fish and food. They showed us around and told us how everything worked. The way they were growing their food was just awesome. This immersion was interesting and I had fun. I learnt some new things and now have a garden at home where we are growing our own tomatoes. 20 VOLUME 18 DECEMBER 2014 Country Exchange Sam Bray In August, five Nudgee College men departed Brisbane and headed west. For kilometre after kilometre all that filled the eye was dry barren land, until we arrived in the small rural town of St George, where we were greeted by the principal of St George High School before partnering up with a Year 10 boy who we would homestay with for the next four days. During our time in St George we spent time in classes at the high school, took a tour of the local dam and water system, played indoor sports with some of the Aboriginal boys and girls at the Community Centre, and travelled to a property about 45min west of town alongside a Year 12 Agricultural class. There we completed soil and water tests, which provided us with some great knowledge of the land, found out how the property operated and learnt about future plans and about the heritage of the site. On the Wednesday, sales manager Rick gave us an exclusive tour of Vanderfield Machinery. The tour gave us a good idea of the costs involved with running a farm, with some machinery required costing up to a million dollars. After spending time with our new friends in St George, it was our turn to play host when the boys we had stayed with came to Brisbane. For three days we toured around the city and South Bank, went to the Pyjama Foundation function at Movie World, visited the Ekka and cheered on Nudgee College teams playing BBC in rugby and basketball games. Buru Zac Dawes In the dark, early hours of the morning where tents stand together in an army and teenage boys have just started stirring it won’t be long before they turn barmy. Kids Connecting Tom Jefferies The Kids Connecting immersion was an emotional and physical journey that put me well outside my comfort zone. This immersion was an eye-opening experience that really helped me spiritually. It was hard to believe that there are little children at our doorstep that have gone through things in their life that no kid should. On the first day, we set out to Zillmere State School and we didn’t really know what to expect. As soon as we got there, we were welcomed by all of the kids and the teaching staff. The children couldn’t take their eyes off us and all they wanted to talk about was us and our school. We helped with their Maths lesson before having lunch where the kids talked about their buddies and whose were better. The highlight of the immersion was the day trip to Movie World where we were partnered up again with our buddies and were sent out in three big groups to go on the rides. It was great to see the children having fun together and conquering their fears by going outside their comfort zone. This immersion experience will definitely stick with me throughout my time at Nudgee College and into later life as it made me realise just how lucky I truly am. So “Team 3” is pulled out of their tent to get breakfast ready with great haste. Then the teachers yell the boys’ favourite word and all the boys ran and raced. But not only did we help them, they were inclined to return the gesture. They took us to their sacred lands which really were a treasure. We saw the native life from snakes to spiders. They showed us nearly everything even though we were outsiders. They told us lots of stories. They even made us laugh. They impressed the many kids and even most of the staff. So in a line, they came, prepared for what was served up. Everyone knew the rules. “Grab a bowl, spoon and a cup.” But when all the fun and all the games were over, they shared facts and stories that hit us like a boulder. They grab their camp chairs and gather around the fire, singing in tune with the guitar in some sort of choir. And at Laura State School where kids were destroying clichés by being the nation’s best readers the principal wanted them to leave, and go other ways Once breakfast was finished, and boys were prepped for the day, we all started our walk, which would usually take all day Once we arrived at Laura, we went straight to the school. The boys snuck into the class, and the kids thought we were “cool”. We helped them with a lot. We helped the kids to learn. Until the day was gone we helped them each in turn. Then we were packed up and shipped off to Buru for a 20-kilometre hike which we all had to do. We stayed there for a while helping the elders fixing their shed. We also had to landscape which left us half-dead. But aside from all the building and all of the hard labor they let us into their personal lives and we got to do them favours. And beneath the elders’ smiles and happiness, beneath the elders’ cheekiness and fun, they were worried about their culture that their stories and legacy were done. But overall, it was a great trip And we all became great friends. But just like all great and joyous times the time just has to end. Philippines Ian Trinh The “Pag-Inupdanay with Spirit” immersion was definitely an eye-opener for me because of what I saw. The first thing that struck me was the slums. To say the least, the slums were overcrowded and dirty. Despite this, we were all surprised as the people living there had little to no material goods but were still very happy. The lack of material goods was compensated by unconditional love for their guests and amazing hospitality. ST JOSEPH’S NUDGEE COLLEGE MAGAZINE 21 The second eye-opener was Anawim. Anawim is a deaf orphanage on the Island of Negros (the island where we stayed for the majority of our Philippines immersion), which is run by one person. Before going to Anawim, I knew that it would definitely be an experience, to say the least. What I didn’t know was that it would be heart-warming. I learnt that the person who runs Anawim didn’t have any training beforehand and that the kids are there for two reasons: 1. They were abandoned because their families thought their deafness was a curse by God because of their highly religious background, and 2. The families didn’t have the money to take care of them because of their special needs. Overall, this immersion was amazing. I thought that the “Pag-Inupdanay with Spirit” immersion really lived up to its name: Bringing everyone together, from different cultures. It brought us Nudgee College boys together with the local boys who came from the outlying schools. It was an experience that can never be replaced. Whenever you get the chance to do an immersion that’s culturally fulfilling, grasp it with both hands as it may only come once. Pyjama Foundation Michael O’Sullivan This immersion centred on us working with children aged 8–13 in foster care and supported by the Pyjama Foundation. The Pyjama Foundation sends volunteers out to read to foster children every week and help them with maths and homework. This improves the kids’ reading skills massively and really aids them at school. 22 VOLUME 18 DECEMBER 2014 The 14 foster kids we met on the immersion were ranging in age and confidence levels. They all have their own background and story. It was the Nudgee College student’s job to make them feel both special and wanted. We took them to the beach and played sports with them, took them to the Flipside Circus and to Australia Zoo. All of the foster kids responded with joy and excitement, clearly showing that the task was being fulfilled. One particular boy Noah, aged 9, said that I was his best friend; and I had known Noah for only three days! The Pyjama Foundation gets most of its money from grants and events. You can help the Pyjama Foundation by getting involved in its events and donating if you wish. All the Nudgee College students that were part of the immersion also attended the pyjama party at Movie World. Please support this worthy cause to make a difference in these kids’ lives. Survival in the Majority World Finn Diggles From Nudgee College we drove southwest until the number of houses and the quality of the road slowly trickled away and the scenery became a dirt road with no houses. We eventually came to a point where the bus could no longer proceed and we had to walk with our big packs while the teachers drove in all the food and tents. The hike was really cool as there were all of these little creeks that were mostly bone dry because there has not been much rain. When we reached camp, we were told to set up our tents before performing our last chore for the day – digging the toilet (this was the first of many!). The following days became freezing cold nights, and we had several hikes across various terrain and lessons in how to make fire, a bed and a shelter. My five days of immersion was one of the best experiences in my life. I loved the feeling of standing in solidarity with the earth and being able to be a valuable and reliable member of the camp. Meeting Sam, the Aboriginal elder who took us on a hike and showed us how to use the plants to help us fix injuries and keep cuts clean, was a highlight. Although Sam had struggled with formal education, his knowledge and understanding of the land was brilliant. Reflecting on feeling cold every night when we were trying to fall asleep helped foster in me a sense of empathy for those who are not as fortunate as us, those who are homeless through war, country of birth or broken homes. My experience on this immersion was invaluable. back to the city and all around. When we eventually got down, we were treated to an 8-kilometre hike back to where the troop carriers were parked. After we got back to camp, we picked up a few wooden boards and then headed out to what was called the desert, a parting in the trees that was completely covered in sand. We walked across the dunes until we got to the biggest one of them all. We took the boards up to the top and then for the next hour we flung down the dunes at lighting speeds. There were a few stunning stacks and falls but everyone got out fine. Starlight Calvin Jaques For our immersion experience, three other boys and I went into the Children’s Mater Hospital to work with the Starlight Foundation. The immersion was a oncein-a-lifetime experience and an eyeopening adventure. Nudgee College is the only school that is privileged enough to work with the Starlight Foundation, so to be allowed to go into the Starlight room and work with the Starlight captains one must be truly grateful. On the first day I was unsure of what to expect and what would be expected of me. However, after walking through a huge floor-to-roof pivot door, painted the most vibrant red you could imagine, and meeting the Starlight captains, all my worries disappeared. The reassurance they provide is amazing. At the Starlight room we were tasked with multiple small jobs to do if not helping children to enjoy themselves. A massive wall sketch of the Dr Seuss characters had been drawn and taped up. It was our job in our spare time to paint this the best we could. While we tried our hardest, we soon found ourselves being outdone by some of the children who were extremely eager to try their hand. Other activities included painting and sand drawings, playing musical instruments or providing a partner for PlayStation games. The Starlight room also has a radio broadcast centre to ensure those children in the wards unable to come to the room were not left out. Each day when we broke for lunch we would have to ask the kids to leave for a while and the big red door would be closed. Having to ask children to leave the place where they are having joy and return to reality was by far the hardest and saddest part of the immersion. In saying that, nothing was more joyful than seeing their expressions when the door opened again and we welcomed them back. Walking the Land Tyler Cotter I would recommend the Walking the Land immersion as one of the greatest immersions to do when you reach Year 10. You can really feel the connection of Aboriginal culture and history. Despite being an Aboriginal myself, I had never tasted traditional Aboriginal foods of kangaroo, crocodile and emu before. These foods are the history of animals that roamed Australia when the Aboriginal people made the land their home. On one of the days, we got to hear the history of Brisbane from Uncle Joe. He told us stories of Aboriginal people in Brisbane, how they became slaves and about the stolen generation. The most amazing day was when we went to the Gold Coast and met up with an Aboriginal couple who own a canoeing place. They took us out to South Stradbroke where we had to canoe from one island to the next, stopping at each one and being told a story. Some of these were incredible, especially the one told by the Aboriginal wife about her involvement in the terrible Stolen Generation when she was younger. This was a hard story for her to tell and she had tears streaming from her eyes. We sat there feeling so bad for her but it was one of the most memorable days ever. Walking the Land immersion is a great one, especially hanging with friends while learning about another culture all learning about my own. Wild Mob Moorgumpin Jack Jordan The third day saw us at an isolated cove that was sheeted in litter that had washed up from the mainland. On the way there we carried jerry cans filled with water and fertiliser as well as small trees to plant in an erosion-prone area. Wild Mob Woonoongoora Pierce Braithwaite When we first arrived we didn’t know how it would end For us it was just camping in the forest with a friend But as we saw the people and the beauty of the land we started to see it was more than dirt and sand Seeing the mountain ranges and the tops of tall trees was almost enough to bring tears to eyes and shakes to knees I think the one thing the most that I took was the beauty of nature you can’t experience from a book And as the feelings of serenity and happiness grew it soon became clear what I had to do Our immersion took us to a campsite just off the beautiful beaches of Moreton Island. We set up our tents and by about one o’clock we found ourselves on a strip of beach cluttered with rubbish and a weed called Prickly Pear. Some found great abundances of the weed while others found next to nothing. When we got back we had a quick swim in the freezing ocean just by camp but were out within 10 minutes. As night fell we returned to our tents for, what we felt, was a well-earned rest. I’d done a bit of weeding but it was only just the start of helping the environment and helping do my part The second day we were taken to Mt Tempest. After about a half an hour’s hike we were at the top. The view was completely breathtaking, you could see And maybe, just maybe, instead of being paved these gorgeous, beautiful forests can instead be saved Now, hard work and spirit I must employ to save this place that has given me such joy So I ask you to come and see nature’s art Take in the scenery or help and do your part ST JOSEPH’S NUDGEE COLLEGE MAGAZINE 23 JUNIOR SCHOOL CHRIS CAWLEY One of the many highlights for boys in the Junior School is their annual camp. Below is a summary of what the boys got up to this year. Year 5 The Year 5 students thoroughly enjoyed their camp at the end of Term 2. We were blessed with superb weather throughout the duration of the camp and the surrounds were beautiful. It was the first Nudgee College camp experience for the boys and, for some, their very first camp. The students had the chance to sleep in cabins with their classmates and enjoy this new experience. During the camp the students were involved in a number of activities that were designed to challenge them physically and encourage them to take risks in a safe environment. They were required to work as a team and use their strengths to achieve a team objective. 24 VOLUME 18 DECEMBER 2014 At times, the students were placed in situations outside their comfort zones to allow for personal development and growth. The activities included the sugar glider, obstacle course, orienteering, survival skills, Mt Tuchekoi hike, raft building, camp fire, and peacemaking skills. There were many highlights with the most popular being the mud run in the obstacle course and the Mt Tuchekoi hike which had amazing views over the Mary Valley. It was a fantastic experience for the students and they are to be commended for their willingness to try new activities and the respectful way they interacted with their peers, camp and College staff. Year 5 Camp was the best camp I have been to in my life, because the raft-building activity was so much fun, even though the water was freezing.” (Henry Coronis, 5H) I found camp great, but the food wasn’t up to the standard my mum feeds me. Even though I tore my muscle and I was on crutches, I enjoyed camp as much as my friends. (Riley Granger, 5T) Year 6 Year 6 headed to the idyllic location of Alexander Headland for their camp. The weather was perfect and the boys threw themselves into the numerous activities with gusto. As with the Year 5 camp, the Year 6 students were challenged to step outside their comfort zone. Standing 10 metres above the ground on milk crates or flying 20 metres above the ground on a flying fox are not your everyday experiences for an 11-year-old. The boys excelled in supporting each other in group activities and the bonds formed between friends will endure for years to come. At night we had a great deal of fun in a number of activities and had the pleasure of watching the second State of Origin game live. Can I say, with some regret, I was glad to see NSW win as the boys went to bed in silence and disbelief, and a quiet night ensued. The Year 6 camp was a great success due to the dedication of the staff who attended and the way the boys completed each activity. I thank the staff of Higher Ground for their professional approach to the activities provided and also to the number of College staff who gave of their time to aid our students in this experience. Last year’s camp I thought was great but this year’s camp beats Year 5 camp by miles – this camp was PERFECT. All the staff were welcoming and made us achieve goals we didn’t even think of. Also this camp gave us great laughs because of karaoke and the State of Origin loss. Above all, everybody had an amazing time. Thank you for the best three days and two nights of my life, and no other camp can beat it. Thanks everybody who made this perfect. (Cooper Tamer, 6S) ST JOSEPH’S NUDGEE COLLEGE MAGAZINE 25 NUDGEE COLLEGE NARRATIVE 26 participated in NAIDOC Week activities with a trivia morning tea, professional development with Georgina Kadel from BCEC, breakfast with discussions from our Mog-wi-dan students, a movie afternoon and didgeridoo playing each morning at Vic’s Café. Swagtember NAIDOC Week A group of St Joseph’s Nudgee College students joined TV celebrities, hotel workers, council staff and others in a swag roll-off in September to help launch Street Swags Swagtember campaign. Nudgee College celebrated NAIDOC Week in August with several activities that feted our Indigenous culture. The official NAIDOC Week was 6–13 July, but being school holidays, the College moved their celebrations to August. Swagtember is an online fundraiser that aims to raise much-needed funds for homeless charity Street Swags. The launch event also aimed to raise awareness about the growing number of Australians experiencing or falling vulnerable to homelessness. “National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee, otherwise known as NAIDOC, is the celebration of our Indigenous cultures and the opportunity to recognise and celebrate the contributions of Indigenous Australians,” said Dean of Identity Ms Erin Wedge. Tournament of Minds As seasoned swag-rolling professionals, the Nudgee College students easily rolled more than double the number of swags than the corporate teams in the 10-minute period to again win the “trophy”. The week’s activities included Indigenous students beginning the prayer liturgy at assembly with dance as well as lunchtime Aboriginal storytelling and dance, didgeridoo workshops and Indigenous painting. Staff also This year Nudgee College entered two Tournament of Minds teams, combining boys from Years 6 and 7. This competition allows the boys to develop their teamwork and creative skills to complete a chosen long-term challenge VOLUME 18 DECEMBER 2014 Nudgee College also welcomed the Trading Circle to Vic’s Café for the week, where staff and students were able to purchase Indigenous gifts from all over the world supporting Indigenous cultures and providing income for people living in poverty. and a shorter, unseen, spontaneous challenge. The boys chose to be entered in the Applied Technology and Social Sciences categories. The Social Sciences boys presented a case to the International Court of Justice for, and against, a claim for the removal of a national icon to another country. An interesting case was made for moving the Leaning Tower of Pisa from its historical home in Italy! The Applied Technology team developed the idea of a new type of contact lens – “Eye Cam” – which would take a photo every time you blinked. They presented this device through both digital and performance formats. The boys won their regional final and took part in the state final in September. Category 1 Jenny Cass (The Long Paddock) Category 2 Mela Cooke (Take it if you can) Category 3 Mary Ann Bland (The Damselfly) DimensionsNC The annual DimensionsNC Art Festival was held in August and was another great success with more art, more art sales, better food, a wider drinks menu and incredible entertainment (both student and professional) than ever before. Judging this year’s winning entries was again managed by Margaret Campbell-Ryder, owner of Red Hill Gallery. Margaret viewed over 300 pieces of student and local amateur art before selecting the following winners: This year’s feature artists, Kylie Farrelly and Amanda Russian, captivated guests with their beautiful paintings. The artists have very different styles but each has their own fan base and they were happy to see the red dots appearing next to their artworks during the course of the evening. Guests were entertained during the gala evening by NC Voices, NC Big Band and ST JOSEPH’S NUDGEE COLLEGE MAGAZINE 27 Rock Bands 1 and 2. During Saturday, visitors heard talented guitar/vocal and NC String students, while on Sunday, piano and cello students entertained visitors to the exhibition. Congratulations In July, at the official launch of Queensland’s Catholic Education Week, long-serving staff member Mr Brian O’Reilly was honoured with a 2014 Spirit of Catholic Education Award. Brian has been a member of staff at Nudgee College for more than 30 years. He has held a variety of positions, both in the teaching and boarding areas. He is an active member of the Social Justice Team, as well as a senior boarding supervisor and the Head of the Cattle Club. Brian was nominated for initiating a program or activity in response to a need. In 1989, Brian initiated the Big BBQ and Big Brekky programs which, with College student participation, provide meals to the homeless and marginalised around Brisbane. Brian’s extensive involvement in local and overseas community support includes Street Swags, conservation groups and an overseas employment-based charity in Cambodia. Brian received his award from the Premier of Queensland, the Hon Campbell Newman MP. The Minister for Education, Training and Employment, the Hon John-Paul Langbroek MP, also attended the launch event and delivered an address. Stella Fella Bow Tie Day In August, Nudgee College staff and students wore bow ties to raise awareness of women across the globe who are subjected to violence that no one should be forced to endure. Nudgee College, in conjunction with other ERA For Change schools, has 28 VOLUME 18 DECEMBER 2014 stepped up as an advocate for antiviolence towards women and human trafficking. All funds raised from “Stella Fella Bow Tie Friday” went to the Salvation Army’s Trafficking and Slavery Safe House – a refuge for all women who seek to feel safe from abuse or harm. The “Stella Fella” campaign is aimed at young men and challenges them to engage others in ending all forms of violence that most Australian’s don’t realise takes place in our country. A “Stella Fella” is not only someone who can respect a woman, but someone who will fight for the rights of females and stand up to their disrespectful treatment. All women should be treated the way one would expect their grandmother, mother, sister or girlfriend to be treated; with dignity and respect. Global Youth Challenge In November, a group of Year 11 Business students represented Nudgee College at the Global Youth Challenge at Brisbane’s City Hall. The competition, which was held the weekend prior to the G20 in Brisbane, allows international students in their final two years of high school to challenge their English skills and business acumen. Campbell Brendish, Jamie Browne, Nick Debnam, Josh Mills, Nick Neroni, Ben Rada Martin, Heath Trotman, and Adam Wagner spent the majority of the weekend gaining valuable experience in leadership and communication. One team managed to take out second place for the ‘country’ they represented, bringing home some very nice silverware to add to the trophy cabinet. All students agreed it was a worthwhile and enjoyable experience. ST JOSEPH’S NUDGEE COLLEGE MAGAZINE 29 NUDGEE COLLEGE ACTIVITIES ANTHONY CONNELLAN The College were runners-up in the 1st XV premiership but 16 teams finished the season undefeated and there were some outstanding representative achievements from our boys. The 2014 Nudgee College rugby season proved to be very successful in terms of participation and results in the GPS competitions. The College entered 40 rugby teams with approximately 725 boys playing, all representing the College with great spirit and pride. 30 VOLUME 18 DECEMBER 2014 The new-look Years 5–12 GPS season saw a positive change for rugby with all our teams playing in Term 3. This created some great home days at Nudgee College, with games involving U10s through to Opens. Our rugby program aims to develop the core skills of rugby and instil values of teamwork and fair play. It encourages all boys to do their best and, whether win, lose or draw, develop as young men. It also strives to provide an opportunity for boys to become match officials and for coaches to develop their coaching skills in a competitive environment. This season, 82 coaches and age coordinators were involved in our program with an important balance of teaching staff, boarding staff, Old Boys, current students and parents. All worked extremely hard to provide the best experience for their teams. Many were involved in our coach-development program, focusing on the core skills of ball carry, tackle, breakdown and attack. We had six coaches gain their Level 1 accreditation and one coach complete Level 2 accreditation. With the change of rugby season to Term 3 now in its second year, Nudgee College put in place two optional development programs to ensure the boys continue to be as well prepared as possible. In the April holidays, 130 boys participated in our first highperformance camp, which involved 16 of our most experienced coaches planning and presenting our Nudgee College Rugby Core Skills program. This proved to be a brilliant start to our season and provided excellent grounding for players to take back to their teams. In Term 2, we ran a nine-week development program for any boys wishing to attend. The focus was on basic skills, and all coaches did two professional development sessions to deliver the Core Skill program from the April high-performance camp. The aim of the development program was to provide an enjoyable experience that focuses on safety and skills development. This program is very much in its infancy and will continue to grow and improve next season. Highlights of our season included: Undefeated teams: the 16 teams that were undefeated in competition rounds were: Open 3rd XV, Open 4th XV, Open 5th XV, Under 15Ds, Under 14A’s, Under 14Bs, Under 14Cs, Under 14 Whites, Under 14 Reds, Under 13Ds, Under 13 Blues, Under 13 Whites, Under 11A’s, Under 11Cs, Under 10A’s, and Under 10Bs. This is an outstanding achievement and congratulations must go to the boys and coaches of these teams. The following boys were selected in Australia or Queensland representative teams (players are named in highest honour): Australian Schools – Reece Hewat, Gavin Luka and Alex Mafi; Queensland Schools – Eli Pilz, Tyrone Hussey, Calvin Pritchard, Agassi Stowers, and Jackson Evans. Round 5 v TSS was our Opens on Ross Oval day and Nudgee College won from the Open 6th XV through to the 1st XV. The Under 14A’s were the winners of the For and Against trophy, with 362 points for and only 26 points against and a points differential of 42 per game. Congratulations to the players and coaches, Mr Chris Lake and Mr Kieran Prideaux. Second place went to the Under 13Ds while third place was a tie between the Open 3rd XV and Under 11Cs. With the addition of the Junior School teams in Term 3, we had our biggest home day in recent memory, with 39 games played at Nudgee College in Round 5 on 10 ovals. Nudgee College Rugby Gala Ball – The event was an outstanding night of great entertainment and fun. The special guest was All Black and New Zealand 7s legend Eric Rush, whose stories of rugby had the whole room in fits of laughter. As usual MC and Nudgee College Old Boy David “Luttsy” Lutteral was in fine form with his dry wit. mention of Dan Dalton, who concludes his official association with Nudgee College rugby this year. Dan has been president of the Rugby Support Group for the past two years and treasurer for a number of years prior. He has made an enormous contribution to the rugby program. There were three new Super Rugby debutants in 2014: Sean McMahon (NC 2007–11) with the Melbourne Rebels, Sam Jeffries (NC 2005–09) with the Melbourne Rebels, and Scott Gale (NC 2007–11) with the Queensland Reds. Finally, to the Nudgee College rugby players, rugby is about having the opportunity to play with your mates and enjoy the camaraderie of being part of a team. It is about doing your best, improving your skills and ultimately having fun. Congratulations on a great season. I hope you achieved all that you aimed for and enjoyed the experience. Thank you to the many people who contributed so positively to the 2014 season. I would like to make special ST JOSEPH’S NUDGEE COLLEGE MAGAZINE 31 NUDGEE COLLEGE ACTIVITIES ACTIVITIES WRAP-UP Track and Field The 97th GPS Track and Field Championships were held at QEII in October. The strong and motivated Nudgee College team made their presence felt from the first event when Tuku Hopoate threw a magnificent 39.69m to win the 13 years Discus. As the field events continued, 22 PBs and some outstanding performances were witnessed. Our throws contingent were simply outstanding with Jacob Wallace hurling the Javelin over 8 metres further than his best to take out the 13 years event, while Conor Warren took out the 16 years event with a massive 63+ metres. The other throwing events were equally as impressive with all five Discus throwers registering ‘bests’ and finishing with two first placings (Tuku and Bailey Tautau 14 years), and three seconds (George Crossan 15 years, Conor Warren 16 years, JC Smith Open). Bailey Tautau made it a double taking out the Shot Put, and 15 year thrower Doug Bailey unleashed three 14m plus throws (2m PBs), to finish second. In the jumps area Tuku Hopoate (who had a Discus win and a Shot Put third under his belt), jumped a High Jump PB which he then followed with a cracking Triple Jump (2nd). Nick Dooley in the 16 years jumped a 6cm PB in the High Jump, then leapt close to 13m in the Triple Jump to take third place. Ryan Shepherd in the 14 years didn’t let a broken wrist stop him with a PB Long Jump just short of 6m, and a massive 12.30m in the Triple Jump – close to 2m longer than what he jumped at Met North before his injury. No better jumping was seen at the Championships than Shem James in Opens. Shem won all three jumps, opening his day with a GPS Record of 7.67m in the Long Jump, and another GPS Record of 15.59m in the Triple Jump (set at 14.98m, in 1984). He then popped over to the track to take a third in the 110m Hurdles before heading to the High Jump pit to contest that event. Tweaking his ankle in the warm up wasn’t ideal preparation, but Shem, a true champion, took the event with an easy 2m clearance, before heading off to anchor the 4 x 400m Open Relay team to a victory! Shem completed the amazing feat of winning all three jumps for all five years of his GPS campaign. Turning to the track, the 200m saw Isaiah Naawi (14 years) and Brandon Herrigan (16 years) both win their events. Brandon set a GPS record with a blistering 21.21s performance. Will Harris ran a tenacious and tactically brilliant 800m to claim first place in the 13 years. 32 VOLUME 18 DECEMBER 2014 In the 100m, all five races were tightly contested with Nudgee College’s men all improving or running within 0.05 of their personal best times. The 400m’s are always the turning point of the night and Mitch Wood (14 years) and Dan Mowen (Open) ensured Nudgee College stamped our authority with outstanding runs of 53.84s and 48.99s respectively. The two 4 x 400m relays were terrific, with Ryley Robinson, Isaiah Naawi, Tom Blackmore and Jack Donovan coming a close second in the All Age event, whilst the Open team of Luca Cates, Jarrod Vos, Jack Vollert and Shem James took out the title in emphatic style. Third places in the 1500m by Oliver Diggles and Nelson Birogi, and a courageous second to Open man John Lean saw Nudgee College lead into the final events of the evening. Success in the relays meant Nudgee College took home the Sir John Goodwin Cup for the second year in a row. Congratulations to all the GPS schools for a fine day of sportsmanship and quality athletics. Especially rewarding was seeing both sides of “the team” so obviously enjoying themselves at the end of the night – the team who had been on “the track and in the field”, along with the team in “the stand”. Both mutually contributed to a ‘Big N’ effort which will be recalled fondly for many years to come. Congratulations Rodeo Nudgee College congratulates the following students on their sporting successes: In September, the Nudgee College Rodeo Team competed at the St Brendan’s Origin Energy High School Rodeo, held at St Brendan’s College, Yeppoon. This event comprises four separate rodeo competitions contested over the course of one day. Adam Bakker, who won bronze as part of the Junior Australian Team at the World Junior Rowing Championships. Director of Rowing Mr Christian Oneto was a coach on the team. Shem James, whose 2.14m high jump – a 4cm PB – won bronze at the Youth Olympic Games. As in previous years, the College competed in the St Brendan’s v Nudgee College Challenge. Teams competed in three events: Junior Steer, Steer and Junior Bull. Nudgee College’s junior steer riders – Jerry Tarpencha, Jesse Rayner, Salathia Wasui and Paddy Hobson – drew tough little steers, but managed great rides to kick the College off to a good start at the top of the points tally. Keeping the score accumulating, and doing battle with some good bucking stock, were College steer riders Frank Poi Poi, Zeph Kadel and Kyle Coulsen. Will Magnay, who was selected in the Australian 18s All Start team to tour the US in December. Will was selected as a result of his performance in the Queensland team, which took out the title at the School Sport Australia National Basketball Championships. With only the junior bull event to go and the overall points neck and neck, junior bull riders Liam McCue, Isaac Westerhuis and Fynton Collier went into battle against the equally as tough St Brendan’s bull riders. Riding some of the toughest junior bulls in the country, riders from both teams had the crowd on their feet James Macklin, who competed in the U19 School Sport Australia Golf Championship in Toowoomba in August. As a result of his outstanding performance, James was selected in the Australian Schoolboys Merit Team. as they fought it out in the rodeo arena for those all-important points that would give their respective schools the overall win. With each team’s scores tallied, and the results closer than they have ever been, the Nudgee College riders showed great sportsmanship as they congratulated the St Brendan’s Challenge team on their win. The College was not to leave the arena empty-handed though, with an 87-point ride by team captain Isaac Westerhuis convincingly taking out first place in the junior bull ride. The Bullzye Inter-school Rodeo featured teams of six riders from schools around central and southern Queensland compete for the title of Inter-school Rodeo champions. The Nudgee College team of Jesse Rayner, Paddy Hobson, Zeph Kadel, Fynton Collier, Liam McCue, and Isaac Westerhuis rode well against some of the leading junior riders in the country, securing fifth place in the competition. On Saturday, 11 October, four Nudgee College cowboys competed at the Woodford Charity Rodeo, with all proceeds going to the National Breast Cancer Foundation. ST JOSEPH’S NUDGEE COLLEGE MAGAZINE 33 The large number of competitors and spectators made for a great evening of rodeo action. The first event for the evening was the U16 Junior Bull ride. Wayde O’ Sullivan was our first cowboy out of the chutes on an extremely quick and strong little bull. Wayde had one of his best rides this year, being thrown only a second before the 8sec bell. The next Nudgee College cowboy to ride was Zeph Kadel. Drawing one of the biggest junior bulls of the event, Zeph sat up nicely on him out of the chute. The bull proved a little too strong on the night, putting Zeph to ground without a judge’s score. The last junior bull rider for the event was Isaac Westerhuis. Isaac has had a number of really good rides this year, winning or placing in the top four in nearly all Junior Bull events he has competed in. Woodford was no exception, with Isaac tying for third and fourth place. The Poddy Ride was the next event, in which Lewis Cammack was the cowboy representing Nudgee College. The very first poddy rider on the team and riding for the first time in a rodeo, Lewis was shown plenty of support and was given lots of instruction from the older, more experienced boys, as he settled in the chutes ready for his ride. The first ride is always the hardest and, although Lewis didn’t ride time on the night, he put up a great ride on an extremely quick little poddy. Chess 2014 was a great year for Nudgee College Chess. The GPS season concluded with Nudgee College’s Premier Team defeating Southport and Ipswich to tie with BBC. The College’s other teams also performed strongly, with the Open A and Open C teams finishing fourth and Open B and Senior teams finishing second. The teams’ success was highlighted by the strong performances from some of the College’s newest players. Angus Tully, Noah Smith and Henry Kennedy had remarkable performances in their first season of GPS Chess, which earned them Most Improved Senior, Junior and Primary respectively. Veterans Andrew Trinh and Mackenzie Hope consistently showed why they are at the top of Nudgee College’s Chess team, performing well in all tournaments, including GPS, and winning Best Performing Senior and Junior. Jacob Martin, one of the team’s most promising young players, joined them as Best Performing Primary. 34 VOLUME 18 DECEMBER 2014 The Nudgee College Chess Championships were hotly contested this year, with play-offs needed to decide both Overall and Primary Champion. After some tough matches, Mackenzie Hope managed to claim the title of Nudgee College Champion over Tom Kennedy, who walked away as Junior Champion. Andrew Trinh was Senior Champion and Henry Kennedy Primary Champion. Special mention should go to Jazz Born who, after numerous victories over higher-rated opponents, tied with Henry after the championship, but narrowly lost to him in the play-offs. The high school players are now focused on preparing for the 2015 season. The primary school team has one more challenge ahead of them in Term 4, having won a place in the Queensland School State Finals competition. This tournament will pit them against some of the strongest junior players in the state and will be a fantastic experience for the boys. Best of luck to the team of Jacob Martin, Caleb Giorgas, Henry Kennedy, Jazz Born and reserves Riley Granger and Sam Schimming. Kookaburra Cup Cricket Tour Nudgee College was well represented by 17 boys from Years 5 and 6 and three staff members who attended the Kookaburra Cup Cricket Carnival in Canberra from 30 September3 October. The carnival is convened by Cricket ACT and draws a wide cricket audience from across Australia with over 35 x 8-a-side teams playing five games of T20 cricket over three days. This year, Nudgee College entered two teams into the Under 12 Plate division and had some great success with Nudgee Blue winning four games from five and Nudgee White winning two from five, which was a great effort considering our teams were primarily made up of 10-year-old boys. The boys enjoyed a tour of the Australian Institute of Sport before settling into the carnival. After giving their best on the cricket field for two and a half days, the group also stopped by the Australian War Memorial, which was a truly humbling and grounding experience. A big thank you must go to the tour coaches – Randall Corless and Matthew Goggin – for their mentorship of the young men off and on the field. Their commitment leading into the tour was outstanding and ensured all the boys had a fantastic experience. A special thank you, also, to Richelle Casley and Simon Pang for their generous donation to the tour, which helped with the cost of tour clothing and excursions. All in all, the tour was a great success and one the boys will be talking about for some time. Basketball From start to finish, the Nudgee College basketball season was one of progress. This might sound a little strange compared with previous years because the results column across the board was a little drier than usual. However, results alone will never be the sole measure of success in activities at Nudgee College. Coaches in various sports say you learn more from your losses than you do from your wins, and the great achievement of many teams this year was that, despite being on the end of some heavy defeats, the boys’ continued hard work and resolve to improve underpinned some stirring wins towards the end of the season. These wins didn’t happen by accident; they were due to the hard work invested by players and the persistence of their coaches. Every coach of the 20 teams this year must be congratulated and thanked for the time and dedication they gave to the program. Without their enthusiasm and passion, the season would not have been possible. Each home day is a sizeable operation with many pieces of the puzzle falling into place with the help and expertise of many people, who merit heartfelt thanks. Mr Mik Scott, particularly, was largely the driver of many things behind the scenes this year, which he managed in his own time. This basketball season would not have been possible without him. ST JOSEPH’S NUDGEE COLLEGE MAGAZINE 35 NCOBA NUDGEE COLLEGE President’s message a sign of faith. Sunshine Coast, Anzac Day, Goondiwindi, Roma, Charleville, Longreach, Sydney, Toowoomba, CBD drinks, Gala, Business Breakfast, Golf Day, Bowls Day, Reunion weekend, two Business Networking functions, Valedictory address, and a Memorial Mass! The NCOBA also wishes outgoing Principal Daryl Hanly a restful retirement after his significant tenure. This is just the visible evidence of what has been a phenomenal year for the NCOBA. It is only possible to host these events through the hard work of the NCOBA executive team. I offer my sincere thanks to Dr Simon Carter, Hugh Hamilton, Doug Carrigan, Tony Gleeson, Andrew McNamara, Lawrie Cusack, Vince Rao, Saxon Mew, Matt Hart and Luanne Wishart for their vision and tenacity in delivering our demanding schedule to both the Old Boy community and also the wider Nudgee College community. Obviously, these events are only as successful as the community support allows, and it is for this widespread support that the NCOBA extends its warmest gratitude to all who have patronised our events and assisted us in enhancing the bonds of the Nudgee College family. The NCOBA is delighted to congratulate Dallas O’Neill for his significant contribution to the Nudgee College community. Dallas was recognised this year by way of receiving a Signum Fidei Award for conspicuous Achievement and Service to Australian Rugby, to his alma mater – Nudgee College, and to the Nudgee College Old Boys’ Association Inc. Dallas, by his example, is 36 VOLUME 18 DECEMBER 2014 The NCOBA looks forward to continuing its engagements in 2015 and invites our community to join us as we all celebrate 125 years of Nudgee College and welcome the class of 2014 to our band of 10,000 brothers. Anthony Hart President Levare Film production by any stretch of the imagination is no mean feat, and animated film production is even harder as it requires a particularly intense level of focus and determination. It also requires a strong passion for the art, a passion that animator, film maker and Old Boy Andrew Martin (NC 1996–2000) possesses in spades. The testament to Martin’s level of passion comes in the form of his multiaward-winning short film Gus. It took him over 7000 hours across seven years to create the film, which claimed awards at film festivals in Australia, America and France. After the international success of Gus, Martin’s own Honeydew Studios and his team are now hard at work on their next production, Levare, which is produced using 3D computer graphics, technology akin to that used by Pixar and Dreamworks. Levare looks to be a stunning and wonderfully crafted tale that is sure to be recognised equally as its predecessor. Andrew Martin The story is of an elderly inventor, named Valentino. He lives in a house perched on the side of a cliff in a mountainous fantasy world. His only companion is his creation, a small mechanical bird named Alida, powered by a gem lit by direct sunlight. The primary antagonist of the short film is Libitina, the goddess of death in the form of a ghostly, giant raven. Without giving too much away, it is ultimately a story of fulfilment, and asks what would happen if death came to take a soul that could carry itself into the afterlife. It is a rich plot, accompanied by beautiful artwork – the creation of concept artist Nathan Geppert. Levare draws similarities with other animated films in that there is something for everyone: impressive visuals and a rich storyline for a younger audience, yet a narrative that also holds existential afterthoughts for an older demographic. The seed for Levare has been planted in Martin’s mind since 2005, and production is currently underway. Guy Stacey Excellence rewarded at the Duke of Gloucester Cup Sundown is approaching. You’ve spent the last 48 hours in jungle surroundings with a pack that weighs as much as you do, a thin swag to sleep on and a plethora of weaponry. You wake up in the pouring rain following two hours of sleep, with leeches all over you. It’s your job to expertly execute several offensive and defensive stratagems, all under the watchful eye of commanding officers. It is a gruelling test of psychical strength, endurance and willpower, and it’s only one of a number of tests that you will face over two weeks in the prestigious Duke of Gloucester (DoG) Cup. Each year, the best 12 members of each battalion are handpicked to compete in the DoG Cup, a competition that is designed to test the mettle of the top soldiers in the Australian Army. Despite only having been enlisted since May, 2013, Old Boy Tom Windsor (NC 2007–11) has established himself as an exemplary soldier, culminating in his selection to participate in this year’s DoG Cup. After graduating from Nudgee College, Tom cut his teeth in the mines at Olympic Dam for 10 months. It was a formative experience, and one in which his harsh surroundings enabled him to gain invaluable life-knowledge. Not satisfied with driving 20-tonne loading vehicles underground, Tom signed up for the army, a decision that was a long time in the making. “I’d always sort of had the idea of signing up, and the mines got a little bit boring after a while, so I thought I’d go for something a bit more interesting,” Tom said. Interesting is one word that can be used to describe his military experiences thus far. At the start of this year, Tom and his infantry section spent 70 consecutive days in the bush. This time was composed of completing offensive and defensive drills, trench warfare and weaponry training. Tom, himself, was a grenadier – the soldier who primarily operates the artillery and carries weapons such as an M72 66mm LAW (a rocket launcher). When he’s not out-bush he’s in barracks, and Tom still has a Monday to Friday commitment to the army. Daily personal training sessions begin at 7.30am each day, followed by a quick breakfast. Then it’s time to get stuck into the admittedly mundane jobs around the barracks, such as cleaning the facilities and mobility vehicles. However, there is value in such tasks; an extremely high level of practical fitness is not the only thing Tom has picked up from this routine. He cites discipline and a high level of maturity as two of the more important skills he has gained. “Discipline and maturity are probably the two main things I’ve taken on, and they bleed into the other aspects of your life,” he said. We hear about this notion of militaristic camaraderie often, and some people see it as coming across a touch stereotypical, but it is a sentiment that Tom echoes genuinely. “At the end of the day, you’re not really fighting for king and country; you’re fighting for your mates. It’s hard not to when you go through all the things you do together.” The schedule for the DoG Cup is gruelling. Running for almost two weeks, Tom and his teammates were constantly put through their paces. men of the College. Countless Old Boys were enlisted in the army, and served overseas in conflicts such as two World Wars, the Korean War and the Vietnam War. While those wars were many years ago, there are several current conflicts in which Australia possesses a military presence. Tom could find himself on a tour of duty in the near future. This would highly concern some parents, but Tom’s parents, Mick and Michelle, maintain a level-headed approach. “Of course it is a concern about our son serving overseas; it’s dangerous,” they said. “Danger is everywhere, though; you can go into the Valley on a Saturday night and get king hit for no reason.” It’s certainly not a job for the fainthearted, but Tom encourages those currently at Nudgee College to take up the challenge. “In school I had the idea in my head about joining the army, and it’s a huge challenge, but I don’t regret it at all,” he said. “At the end of the day, it’s a good feeling to serve your country, it’s a great source of income, and it’s a fun job to do.” Tom’s great achievement of being selected in the DoG Cup is a wonderful example of where a career in the army can take you. Indeed, many great men have had their start in the military. Guy Stacey A day after arriving, all teams were unexpectedly dropped into six days of jungle warfare, all whilst being marked by directing staff. The following Saturday, a competition took place to find the best individual soldier. For the next three days after that, the group competition took place before returning to Singleton on the Tuesday to complete marked drills. The tests ranged from jungle warfare, to building complex assaults, to hostage rescue training. It was a great test of skill, and an experience that Tom will likely never forget. “It was great because the Cup required a balance between initiative and following the plan,” he said. “I’ve never seen so many ranking officers before in my life. It was strange having a lieutenant general yelling at me during a drill.” Not only is Tom following in the steps of his ancestors (many members of the Windsor family have public service and military backgrounds over the past 100 years or so), but also those of former ST JOSEPH’S NUDGEE COLLEGE MAGAZINE 37 Tom McLellan Jack Armitage Tom McLellan and Jack Armitage have experienced rowing to some degree and all would know just how unforgiving the sport can be. Despite the extreme rigours and demands, both boys are highly enthusiastic in moving further and achieving more. Tom wants to be competitively rowing for as long as he can and Jack is aiming for a spot in the Senior A men’s pair. For the last handful of years Nudgee College’s rowing program has excelled, producing some incredibly successful crews. Consequently, we have also seen some incredible individual performances from current students and Old Boys alike. Two of the recent successes are Tom McLellan (2009–13) and Jack Armitage (NC 2010–13). Tom represented Australia at the recent World Rowing Junior Championships in Germany, and Jack competed at the World Rowing Under 23 Championships in Italy. While they have achieved amazing feats separately, it is hard not to pair the two. Both are 2013 Old Boys, both were in the 1st VIII together at Nudgee College, and both rowed for the entire time they were at the College. Both men continued to row for different clubs once they had graduated, and they attended the same national trials in Penrith earlier this year. Tom represented Queensland in the men’s coxed four and Jack represented Toowong Rowing Club in the lightweight men’s pair. They were subsequently selected to represent Australia in their respective international championship events. Tom’s crew finished 10th overall, while Jack’s pair finished sixth. Regardless of final standings, to be competing in the events in the first place is a huge achievement, and both Tom and Jack should be highly commended for their efforts. Many boys at Nudgee College 38 VOLUME 18 DECEMBER 2014 Guy Stacey NCOBA Golf Day Another chapter in the history of the NCOBA Golf Championships was written on Sunday, 14 September, when John Gallagher successfully defended last year’s title. The event has been contested since 1932, when it was won by Bill Ahern at Virginia Golf Club. It has been held at many venues over the years, including Clontarf Golf Club and as far afield as Gailes and Indooroopilly. This year we were at Nudgee Golf Club, where the course was in great shape and proved more than a challenge for our elite field. Next year we will again contest the cup on the Sunday after Father’s Day – Sunday, 13 September. All are welcome. Simon Carter Business Breakfast NCOBA Business Breakfast 2014 was a full house at Victoria Park, with guest speakers Chief Justice Tim Carmody (NC 1969–74), Chief Magistrate Ray Rinaudo (NC 1966–70) and Lord Mayor Graham Quirk. Tim and Ray teamed up for some questions, answers and banter, where they gave each other a grilling, reminisced about their times at Nudgee College, and outlined the direction both courts were now taking. The Lord Mayor highlighted the forward path for Brisbane and its burgeoning world status leading up to G20. The 200 Old Boys and guests enjoyed the chance to celebrate recent successes, while reconnecting and networking around the room. Tony Gleeson NCOBA Networking Event The NCOBA’s Professional Network sub-committee hosted its first formal event in September. This new initiative aims to provide an engagement vehicle for Old Boys with a corporate tilt. Many Old Boys may, in fact, be mixing with their co-members unaware of their blue-and-white heritage. We aim to help those members to recognise and interact with each other in business to further strengthen the bonds of our association. Dr Chris Hart (NC 1989–90) spoke impressively about his experience as a professional and entrepreneur, and the impact the Old Boys connections and relationships had on his pathway to success. There was strong support for this type of event from our members and we will be sure to include it in the 2015 schedule. Thanks to Saxon Mew and Matthew Hart for their initiative and drive on this front. Anthony Hart ST JOSEPH’S NUDGEE COLLEGE MAGAZINE 39 R U OK Day On Friday, 12 September, Old Boys Damian Mason (NC 1983–87) and Andrew McNamara (NC 1985–89) addressed the Year 10 students in Ryan Hall. The talk followed on from R U OK day the previous day. Damian Mason is a radiation therapist with Genesis Cancer Care and has over 20 years’ experience working in the challenging medical field of radiation oncology. As a direct consequence of his daily interactions with individuals confronted with life’s ultimate challenge – a cancer diagnosis – Damian has penned two books, Emotional SOS, and more recently, Hope: A Cancer Doctor’s Life Secrets. He has also completed his honours in psychology. Drawing upon his own experiences and professional expertise, Damian discussed with the boys three factors in life – pain, pressure and peers. Pain: “As males we are pretty good at dealing with physical pain,” he said. “From an early age, we learn to endure or put up with physical pain and discomfort. Just consider your own rugby experience at Nudgee College. In fact, if you consider our evolutionary history as males, as hunters and warriors, it didn’t pay to talk; it would scare away the prey or give up your position to a potential threat.” Pressure: He said everyone had a breaking point – it didn’t matter how Caption 40 VOLUME 18 DECEMBER 2014 big, or tough or strong you were, we all had breaking points. “Just consider the No.1 torture technique – sleep deprivation. A lack of sleep can put the hardest individual into the foetal position.” Peers: “What would you do if a mate was getting picked on or beat up? You would step in; you would look after your mate. There’s no difference if you’re doing it tough between the ears; a friend or a mate would step in, he’d ask how you’re doing, and he’d try and get you help. “Equally, if your mate has put his chin out there, you owe it to him to put your hand up and get your problem sorted. There’s no shame or need to feel embarrassed. With the changing roles and responsibilities of males in life, it’s critical to source extra assistance if life is weighing you down.” Pain. Pressure. Peers. Everyone’s got a breaking point. Step in if your mate is doing it tough. Swallow your pride and seek extra assistance if you’re doing it tough. It’s not weak; it’s smart. It’s evolutionary, dear Watson. To order a copy of Damian’s latest book, go to, click on “shop”, and type in “Hope: A Cancer Doctor’s Life Secrets”. The NCOBA would like to thank Margie Wills for allowing us the opportunity to address the students. Andrew McNamara Dallas O’Neill – Signum Fidei Award Dallas John O’Neill came to Nudgee College from Mackay in 1957 and completed his Senior in 1961. He is the son of Noel (NC 1931–33) and brother of Noel (NC 1953–57) and Paul (NC 1964–67). Dallas was a member of the 1st XV rugby teams from 1959–61, and captained the premiership teams from 1960–1961. He was a member of the combined GPS representative teams from 1959–61, captaining the GPS team in the latter year. He represented Nudgee College in GPS athletics from 1958–61. He was the College shot put champion and placed second at the GPS Track and Field championships. Dallas was Cadet Under-Officer of the Nudgee College Cadet Corp in 1960 and 1961. In 1960 he was awarded the Collins Cup for Conduct, Study and Sport. In 1961 he was again awarded the Carlton-Smith Trophy for Leadership, Character, Study and Sport, together with the Principal’s Prize. From 1962–66 Dallas played rugby for Brothers and captained the team from 1964–66. In 1966 he returned from a badly broken leg to captain Brothers Rugby XV (his first game back after injury) to a premiership (10 tries to 3), mainly through his on-field leadership. He attained unique distinction in his first year after school when, only 19, he was selected in the Queensland Rugby XV and in the Australian Rugby XV to tour New Zealand. He was selected as an Australian Rugby XV International from 1962–64. He continued to play rugby for Queensland from 1963–66 and was captain of the state’s XV from 1964–66. At that time, rugby union was still very much an amateur game, and Dallas chose to switch codes and join the South Sydney rugby league team. He later returned to Brisbane with a contract to play for Wests Rugby League. A bad knee injury prevented him playing at his best so he chose, admirably, not to hold Wests to a playing contract. He returned to rugby union as a coach and steered Brothers A Grade for five years (1973–77), winning premierships in 1973, 1974 and 1975. In being awarded the Collins Cup and Carlton-Smith Trophy at Nudgee College, Dallas O’Neill displayed the attributes of leadership and character that have remained with him throughout his life. Dallas joined the staff at Nudgee College in 1995 as school supervisor. He leads by example and is greatly respected by students and staff at Nudgee College. He is a most worthy Signum Fidei. Lawrie Cusack and John Wagner 60 Year Reunion More than 90 men, including College captain Tom McDonnell, who graduated from Nudgee College in 1954 returned to our beloved school in October for the 60 year reunion. The event included a Mass celebrated by Emeritus Archbishop John Bathersby and several Old Boy priests, morning tea, a museum tour, a bus tour of the new College buildings, and lunch. In 1954, Nudgee College’s student capacity was just 303 students compared to more than 1500 today. A majority of boys also boarded at the school. The 1954 class produced six doctors, three priests, three religious Brothers, and many successful sportsmen, among other professionals. The Nudgee Gala Following the success of the inaugural Gala in May this year, we will again be holding the event at Victoria Park Golf Club in 2015. The theme will be an extravagant White Christmas in July. To ensure the success of the evening we would like to hear from those willing to be committed table captains and welcome volunteers to register for the committee. Please contact Hugh Hamilton (VicePresident NCOBA) on 07 3009 6400 or by email ST JOSEPH’S NUDGEE COLLEGE MAGAZINE 41 2199 Sandgate Rd, Boondall, Queensland 4034 Tel: 07 3865 0555 A boys’ Catholic day and boarding school in the Edmund Rice Tradition Nudgee College congratulates and welcomes Mr Peter Fullagar who commences as Principal in 2015. 42 VOLUME 18 DECEMBER 2014
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