Nimsoft Monitor tomcat Guide - CA Unified Infrastructure Management
Nimsoft Monitor tomcat Guide - CA Unified Infrastructure Management
Nimsoft® Monitor™ tomcat Guide v1.2 series CA Nimsoft Monitor Copyright Notice This online help system (the "System") is for your informational purposes only and is subject to change or withdrawal by CA at any time. This System may not be copied, transferred, reproduced, disclosed, modified or duplicated, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of CA. This System is confidential and proprietary information of CA and protected by the copyright laws of the United States and international treaties. This System may not be disclosed by you or used for any purpose other than as may be permitted in a separate agreement between you and CA governing your use of the CA software to which the System relates (the “CA Software”). Such agreement is not modified in any way by the terms of this notice. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if you are a licensed user of the CA Software you may make one copy of the System for internal use by you and your employees, provided that all CA copyright notices and legends are affixed to the reproduced copy. The right to make a copy of the System is limited to the period during which the license for the CA Software remains in full force and effect. Should the license terminate for any reason, it shall be your responsibility to certify in writing to CA that all copies and partial copies of the System have been destroyed. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, CA PROVIDES THIS SYSTEM “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT WILL CA BE LIABLE TO YOU OR ANY THIRD PARTY FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE, DIRECT OR INDIRECT, FROM THE USE OF THIS SYSTEM, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST PROFITS, LOST INVESTMENT, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, GOODWILL, OR LOST DATA, EVEN IF CA IS EXPRESSLY ADVISED IN ADVANCE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH LOSS OR DAMAGE. The manufacturer of this System is CA. Provided with “Restricted Rights.” Use, duplication or disclosure by the United States Government is subject to the restrictions set forth in FAR Sections 12.212, 52.227-14, and 52.227-19(c)(1) - (2) and DFARS Section 252.227-7014(b)(3), as applicable, or their successors. Copyright © 2012 CA. All rights reserved. All trademarks, trade names, service marks, and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. Legal information on third-party and public domain software used in the Nimsoft Monitor solution is documented in Nimsoft Monitor Third-Party Licenses and Terms of Use ( Contact CA Contact CA Support For your convenience, CA Technologies provides one site where you can access the information that you need for your Home Office, Small Business, and Enterprise CA Technologies products. At, you can access the following resources: ■ Online and telephone contact information for technical assistance and customer services ■ Information about user communities and forums ■ Product and documentation downloads ■ CA Support policies and guidelines ■ Other helpful resources appropriate for your product Providing Feedback About Product Documentation Send comments or questions about CA Technologies Nimsoft product documentation to To provide feedback about general CA Technologies product documentation, complete our short customer survey which is available on the CA Support website at Contents Chapter 1: tomcat 1.2 7 tomcat Overview .......................................................................................................................................................... 7 Chapter 2: tomcat Probe Deployment 9 Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................................................ 9 Check that Java exists in the path ......................................................................................................................... 9 Prepare the hosts to be monitored ..................................................................................................................... 13 Supported Platforms .................................................................................................................................................. 15 System Requirements ................................................................................................................................................ 15 Software Requirements ............................................................................................................................................. 15 Monitoring System Requirements ............................................................................................................................. 15 Probe Deployment Information ................................................................................................................................. 15 Product Information ................................................................................................................................................... 15 Installation Notes ....................................................................................................................................................... 16 Chapter 3: tomcat Configuration 17 Probe Defaults ............................................................................................................................................................ 18 Probe Configuration Interface Installation ................................................................................................................. 18 Probe GUI ................................................................................................................................................................... 19 The Left Pane ...................................................................................................................................................... 19 The Right Pane .................................................................................................................................................... 21 The Tool Buttons ................................................................................................................................................. 24 Probe Configuration ................................................................................................................................................... 29 Prepare the Probe ............................................................................................................................................... 29 Connect to the Apache Tomcat Server ............................................................................................................... 30 Add Monitors ...................................................................................................................................................... 35 Create New Template ......................................................................................................................................... 41 Chapter 4: QoS Threshold Metrics 45 tomcat QoS Metrics ................................................................................................................................................... 45 tomcat Alert Metrics Default Settings ........................................................................................................................ 45 Contents 5 Chapter 1: tomcat 1.2 This description applies to tomcat probe version 1.2. This section contains the following topics: tomcat Overview (see page 7) Documentation Changes (see page 8) tomcat Overview The Tomcat Server Monitoring (tomcat) probe monitors Apache Tomcat servers via the JMX interface (jsr160). Apache Tomcat is the servlet container that is used in the official Reference Implementation for the Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies. Chapter 1: tomcat 1.2 7 tomcat Overview Documentation Changes This table describes the version history for this document. Version Date What's New? 1.2 December 2012 ■ Added support for Tomcat 7.x. ■ Modified Probe Defaults for the probe. ■ Added information for Debian and Ubuntu support for the probe. ■ Added information to control heap memory size. ■ Added support for monitoring templates; added new mechanism of Mbean handling; and start up mechanism change to start up java. Related Documentation Documentation for other versions of the tomcat probe (../../tomcat.html) The Release Notes for the tomcat probe Monitor Metrics Reference Information for CA Nimsoft Probes ( 8 tomcat Guide Chapter 2: tomcat Probe Deployment This section contains the prerequisites, system requirements and deployment information for the tomcat probe. This section contains the following topics: Prerequisites (see page 9) Supported Platforms (see page 15) System Requirements (see page 15) Software Requirements (see page 15) Monitoring System Requirements (see page 15) Probe Deployment Information (see page 15) Product Information (see page 15) Installation Notes (see page 16) Prerequisites JMX is implemented as per JSR-3, a specification developed over several years by an industry-wide network management experts group that is part of the Java Community Process (JCP). All currently available application servers support the retrieval of monitoring information by using JMX. The tomcat probe uses JMX to obtain monitoring data from the application server. A Java Virtual Machine (JVM) of version 1.6.x must be installed on the computer running the tomcat probe, and the PATH has to contain the java executable. Check that Java exists in the path Check that Java (version 1.6 or higher) exists in the path on the computer hosting the probe as described below: Note: If the probe does not start, you should check the probe log-file. If the following lines appear in the log, it probably means that java is not installed, or it is not included in the path 'java' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. Chapter 2: tomcat Probe Deployment 9 Prerequisites Verify Java on Unix Follow these steps: 1. Open a shell as user root and go to opt > nimsoft > jre > jre1.6.0_24 > bin. 2. Use the command java –version. The output should show that java version =>1.6 is installed. 3. Restart Nimsoft to "read" the path by giving the two following commands in the shell: ./niminit stop ./niminit start 4. 10 tomcat Guide Open the Controller probe GUI in the Infrastructure Manager and click the Robot environment button. Prerequisites 5. Double-click Path in the list and verify that Nimsoft has java included in the path. Verify Java on Windows Follow these steps: 1. Open a DOS window and use the command java –version. The output should show that java version =>1.6 is installed. Chapter 2: tomcat Probe Deployment 11 Prerequisites Note: If not found, you must manually place the java.exe in the path. This is done in the Control Panel > System > Advanced > Environment Variables. Then run the command described above again. 12 tomcat Guide 2. When OK, open the Infrastructure Service Controller by selecting Programs > Nimsoft Monitoring > Nimsoft Service Controller. 3. Click Force Stop and then Start to enable Nimsoft to include java in the path. 4. Open the Controller probe GUI in the Infrastructure Manager and click the Robot environment button. Prerequisites 5. Double-click Path in the list popping up and verify that Nimsoft has java included in the path. Prepare the hosts to be monitored To ensure proper functioning of the tomcat probe: ■ You must enable JMX on the target application server by setting the startup arguments to the application server as explained in following sections. ■ To allow communication between the probe and the application server, you must ensure that the firewall does not block the JMX port. You can configure the hosts that you want the probe to monitor on Unix and Windows. Prepare Hosts on Unix Follow these steps: 1. Set the environment variable JAVA_OPTS on the computer like this: Note: The example below shows an unsecure setup, not recommended for a production system. Currently the probe does not support SSL, but authentication (authenticate=true) is supported. JAVA_OPTS=" \ \" export JAVA_OPTS 2. Perform a restart of the Apache Tomcat Server. Chapter 2: tomcat Probe Deployment 13 Prerequisites Prepare Hosts on Windows Follow these steps: 1. Set the environment variable JAVA_OPTS on the computer like this: Note: The example below shows an unsecure setup, not recommended for a production system. Currently the probe does not support SSL, but authentication (authenticate=true) is supported.. SET 2. Perform a restart of the Tomcat Server. Note: If the Apache Tomcat runs as a service on the host, then stop the service and set the environment variable in the properties dialog for Apache Tomcat service (see the three last lines in the Java options field in the example below), and then start the service again. 3. You may copy the following lines and paste into the dialog. Avoid using any space is front or behind. 14 tomcat Guide Supported Platforms Supported Platforms The tomcat probe is supported on the same set of operating systems and databases as the Nimsoft Monitor Server solution. Please refer to the: ■ Nimsoft Compatibility Support Matrix for the latest information on supported platforms. ■ Support Matrix for Nimsoft Probes for additional information on the tomcat probe. System Requirements The tomcat probe should be installed on systems with the following minimum resources: ■ Memory: 2-4 GB of RAM. This probe OOTB configuration requires 256 MB of RAM. ■ CPU: 3 GHz dual-core processor, 32-bit or 64-bit. Software Requirements The tomcat probe requires the following software environment: ■ Nimsoft Monitor Server 5.1.1 or later ■ Nimsoft Robot 5.23 or later ■ Java Virtual Machine 1.6 or later (typically installed with NMS 5.0 and above) Monitoring System Requirements The tomcat probe monitors Tomcat server using Mbeans exposed by Tomcat Server. Probe Deployment Information There are three ways to distribute archive packages. You can distribute the package within the web-based Admin Console (for supported probes), from within Infrastructure Manager, or use the standalone Nimsoft Distribution application. See Probe Deployment for more information on deploying probes. Product Information The older version of this probe cannot be upgraded with version 1.2x. Chapter 2: tomcat Probe Deployment 15 Installation Notes Installation Notes Follow these steps to install the package into your local archive: 1. Drop the package from your local archive onto the targeted robot. 2. Double-click the probe for initial configuration. At first-time probe configuration, initiated by double-clicking the probe in Nimsoft Infrastructure Manager, the installation wizard automatically will be launched. The wizard will prompt you for the path to the java.exe of the version required by the probe. 3. You can easily define alarms to be raised and propagated to the Enterprise Console when the specified thresholds are breached. Notes 16 tomcat Guide ■ The probe package is distributed using drag and drop. To ensure a successful distribution of the probe package (drag and drop), it is required that a java.exe (version 1.6 or higher) exists in the path. Refer section Check that java.exe exists in the path (see page 9). ■ The hosts you want to be monitored by the probe must be prepared as described in the section Prepare the hosts to be monitored (see page 13). Chapter 3: tomcat Configuration The tomcat monitoring probe has the capability of handling all common monitoring and data collection tasks. The probe collects and stores data and information from the monitored system at customizable intervals. You can easily define alarms to be raised and propagated to the Enterprise Console when the specified thresholds are breached. Some common monitors are listed below: ■ LoadedClassCount ■ HeapMemoryUsage.used ■ OperatingSystem.CPU Usage ■ ThreadCount Double-click the line representing the probe in the Infrastructure Manager to open the Probe GUI. The GUI will initially appear as displayed below - An empty group called Default Group, QoS node containing some QoS definitions, and the Templates node. Chapter 3: tomcat Configuration 17 Probe Defaults Refer section Probe GUI (see page 19) for a description of the GUI and the different terms, elements, tool buttons and window panes involved. Note: You must click the Apply button to activate any configuration modifications done. This section contains the following topics: Probe Defaults (see page 18) Probe Configuration Interface Installation (see page 18) Probe GUI (see page 19) Probe Configuration (see page 29) Probe Defaults At the time of deploying a probe for the first time on robot, some default configuration will be deployed. For this you have to drag and drop the test template to the profile. These probe defaults could be Alarms, QoS, Profiles and so on, which save time to configure the default settings. These probe defaults will be seen on a fresh install, that is no instance of that probe is already available on that robot in activated or deactivated state. Probe Configuration Interface Installation The probe configuration interface is automatically downloaded and installed by the Nimsoft Infrastructure Manager when the probe is deployed on a robot. 18 tomcat Guide Probe GUI Probe GUI The window consists of a row of tool buttons and two window panes. In addition, a status bar is located at the bottom of the window, showing GUI version information and when the probe was started. The Left Pane The left pane shows the monitoring groups, the Resources defined, and the QoS definitions. Initially the Default Group and the standard QoS definitions are created and that will appear in the pane. The different entities in the left pane are described below: Groups You can create new groups by right-clicking a group and selecting New Group (or by clicking the Create A New Group tool button). Chapter 3: tomcat Configuration 19 Probe GUI Resources A group contains one or more resources. On this probe you normally just create one resource. This resource is configured as a link to the Apache Tomcat Server. It is possible to move a resource from one group to another, using drag and drop. Note the following icons: Means the connection to the host is OK. Means the host is not available. QoS This node contains the standard QoS definitions included with the probe package. These can be selected when editing the monitoring properties for a monitor. To define your own QoS definitions, right-click the QoS node and select New. Templates This node contains the section for creating new templates to store your desired list of monitors which can be applied to any resource or profile. Right-clicking in the pane opens a pop-up menu, giving you the following possibilities: New Resource Opens the Resource dialog enabling you to define a new resource to be monitored. This is available only when a group or a resource is selected. New Group Creates a new group where you may place resources. The new group will appear in the pane with the name New Group. This is available only when a group or a resource is selected. Right-click the new group and select Rename to give the group a name of your own choice. New Opens the QoS Definition dialog enabling you to create a new QoS definition. This is available only when the QoS node or a QoS definition is selected. Edit Lets you edit the properties for the selected resource. This is available only when a resource is selected. Delete Lets you delete the selected element (group, resource, or QoS definition). Note: The Default Group cannot be deleted but if you remove all elements from the group, it will not appear the next time you restart the probe. 20 tomcat Guide Probe GUI Rename Lets you rename the selected element (group or resource). Note: The Default Group cannot be renamed. The Right Pane The contents of the right pane depend on what you select in the left pane: ■ Resources when a group is selected in the left pane. ■ Monitors when a resource is selected in the left pane. Note the following icons: : Indicates the monitor (type event or counter) where no value yet is measured (or no event has occurred). Black: Indicates that the monitor is NOT activated for monitoring. That means that the Enable Monitoring option is not set in the properties dialog for the monitor. Green: Indicates that the monitor is activated for monitoring and the threshold value defined in the Monitor Properties dialog for the monitor is not exceeded. Other colors: Indicates that the monitor is activated for monitoring, and the threshold value defined in the properties dialog for the monitor is exceeded. The color reflects the message token selected in the properties dialog for the monitor. ■ QoS definitions when the QoS node is selected in the left-pane. ■ List of templates when the Templates node is selected in the right-pane. Right-clicking in the pane gives you the following possibilities: ■ When the QoS definitions are listed in the pane: Right-clicking in the list opens a small menu, giving you the possibility to add or delete a QoS definition. ■ When the resources are listed in the pane: Right-clicking a resource in the list opens a small menu, giving you the following options: New Opens the Resource dialog allowing you to define a new resource. Edit Opens the Resource dialog for the selected resource allowing you to modify the properties. Chapter 3: tomcat Configuration 21 Probe GUI Delete Deletes the selected resource. Activate Activates the selected resource. Deactivate Deactivates the selected resource. ■ When the monitors are listed in the pane: Right-clicking in the list opens a small menu, giving you the following options: Edit Opens the Monitor Properties dialog for the selected monitor, allowing you to modify the properties. Delete This option is only active when the resource is selected in the left pane, otherwise grayed out. Then all monitored checkpoints are listed. Selecting Delete will delete the monitor from the list and it will not be monitored. Refresh Refreshes the window to display the most current measured values for the monitors. Add to template Opens the Select Template dialog to add the monitor to the template. Monitor Launches the monitor window and starts filling a graph with real time values measured on the selected monitor. 22 tomcat Guide Probe GUI The fields in the above dialog are explained below: Interval This interval is set to 10 seconds. Each 10 seconds the sample value is read from the probe, which means that the check interval set for the resource is vital. The value will not change until the next poll from the probe. Samples The number of samples received since the monitor window was launched. Average The average value of the samples received since the monitor window was launched. Value The most recent value received since the monitor window was launched. The color of the indicator next to the number indicates the alarm state of the monitor. For example, green means that the alarm threshold defined for the monitor is not breached. ■ When the QoS definitions are listed in the pane: Right-clicking in the list opens a small menu with the following options: New Opens the QoS Definition dialog allowing you to add a QoS. Delete Deletes the selected QoS. ■ When the templates are listed in the pane: Right-clicking in the list opens a small menu with the following options: New Opens the Template Properties dialog allowing you to add a new template. Edit Opens the Template Properties dialog allowing you to edit the template properties. Delete Deletes the selected template. Chapter 3: tomcat Configuration 23 Probe GUI The Tool Buttons The configuration tool also contains a row of tool buttons: ■ General Setup (see page 24) ■ Create New Group (see page 25) ■ Create New Resource (see page 26) ■ Message Pool Manager (see page 26) ■ Create New Template (see page 29) General Setup You can open the General Setup dialog by clicking the General Setup button in the toolbar. The General Setup dialog contains the General and Environment tabs. 24 tomcat Guide Probe GUI The fields in the above dialog are explained below: General Log-level Sets the level of details written to the log file. Log as little as possible during normal operation, to minimize disk consumption. 0= Fatal errors. 1= Errors. 2= Warnings. 3= Information. 4= Debug info. 5= Debug information, extremely detailed. Environment Reflects the folder containing Java home as defined during the probe installation wizard. Create New Group You may create a new group using this functionality. Follow these steps: 1. Select the Create New Group button in the menu-bar. The new group will appear in the pane with the name New Group. 2. Right-click the new group and select Rename to give the group a name of your own choice. Chapter 3: tomcat Configuration 25 Probe GUI Create New Resource You may create a new resource using this functionality. Follow these steps: 1. Select the group it should belong to (normally Default) and click the Create New Resource icon in the menu-bar. The Resource dialog will be launched guiding you through the process of creating a resource. 2. Refer section Create a Resource (see page 35) for details. Message Pool Manager The Message Pool can be opened by clicking the Message Pool Manager button in the toolbar. 26 tomcat Guide Probe GUI The alarm messages for each alarm situation are stored in the Message Pool. Using the Message Pool Manager, you can customize the alarm text and you may also create your own messages. Note that variable expansion in the message text is supported. If typing a ‘$’ in the Alarm text field, a dialog pops up, offering a set of variables to be chosen: Resource Refers to the resource in the alarm message. Host Indicates the host computer where the alarm condition occurs. Port Defines the communication port on the host. Monitor Specifies the monitor (checkpoint) referred to in the alarm message. Desc Provides the description of the monitor. Key Defines the monitor key (normally the same as the name of the monitor). Value Defines the value used in the alarm message. Chapter 3: tomcat Configuration 27 Probe GUI Oper Specifies the operand to be combined with the value and the threshold in the alarm message. Thr Defines the alarm threshold defined. Unit Specifies the unit to be combined with the value in the alarm message (for example Boolean). Info Provides the event information. Change the Severity of Alarm Message To change the severity of the alarm messages, deactivate the probe and edit the configuration file accordingly. For example, you can change the severity of MemoryWarning from 3 (yellow) to 4 (orange). Follow these steps: 1. Hold the Shift key and right-click on the tomcat probe. 2. Select Raw Configure. The Raw Configure dialog appears. 28 tomcat Guide Probe Configuration 3. Expand messages folder and click MemoryWarning folder. 4. Select the sev key and click Edit Key. The Edit Key dialog appears. 5. Type 4 in the Enter new value text box and click OK. Create New Template You can create templates using the Create New Template button in the toolbar and define a set of monitors belonging to that template. Probe Configuration This section describes the configuration concepts and procedures for setting up the tomcat probe. Prepare the Probe The probe does not monitor anything yet! First you have to define what to monitor. Follow these steps: 1. Connect to the Apache Tomcat server. (Refer section Connect to the Apache Tomcat Server (see page 30).) 2. Add monitors (checkpoints). (Refer section Add Monitors to be Measured (see page 37).) 3. Configuring the checkpoints to send QoS data and alarms if the thresholds specified is breached. Chapter 3: tomcat Configuration 29 Probe Configuration Connect to the Apache Tomcat Server Follow these steps: 1. Create a resource to be used as a connection to the Apache Tomcat server, through which the probe collects and stores data and information from the monitored components. 2. Select the Default Group in the left pane, right-click and select New Resource. The Resource dialog appears. 30 tomcat Guide 3. Define the computer hosting the Apache Tomcat server. Refer section Create a Resource (see page 35) for details. 4. Press the Test button to verify the connection to the host. You should receive a response like the one shown below. Probe Configuration 5. Click the OK button to exit the Resource dialog 6. Click the Apply button in the probe GUI to activate the new resource configuration. The new resource linking the probe to Apache Tomcat server should now appear under the Default Group. Troubleshoot Host Connection If you receive a response like this by clicking the Test button when creating the resource, it means that you have specified the wrong Java version during the probe installation wizard. Chapter 3: tomcat Configuration 31 Probe Configuration Follow these steps to fix this: 1. Exit the probe GUI and then open the Raw Configure tool for the probe by pressing the SHIFT-key and simultaneously right-clicking the probe in Infrastructure Manager and selecting Raw Configure. 2. Select the properties folder in the navigation tree and delete java_home key by selecting the key and clicking the Delete Key button. 3. Click the Apply button and exit the the Raw Configure tool. 4. Double-click the probe in Infrastructure Manager, and the installation wizard will be launched again. 5. Make sure to browse to the correct Java version. When finished, you should be able to create the resource as described above. 32 tomcat Guide Probe Configuration Control JVM Heap Memory Size You can create keys to control value of the heap memory size which would be later on used by the probe. In JRE 1.6 the default maximum heap size is less than 1/4th of the physical memory or 1GB. This means that the probe could use a large amount of memory before garbage collection would occur. But you can specify the maximum amount of memory to be used by the probe. Follow these steps: 1. Open the Raw Configure tool for the probe by pressing the SHIFT-key and simultaneously right-clicking the probe in Infrastructure Manager and selecting Raw Configure. 2. Select properties in the left pane and click New Section. The New Section dialog appears. Chapter 3: tomcat Configuration 33 Probe Configuration 3. Enter java_options and click OK. The java_options folder is created under properties folder. 4. Select the java_options folder and click New Key. The New Key dialog appears. 5. Enter the first key name as min and value as -Xms64m. The min key is created that defines the value of the minimum heap memory size which would be later on used by the probe. 6. Enter the second key name as max and value as -Xms64. The max key is created that defines the value of the maximum heap memory size which would be later on used by the probe 7. Click the Apply button and run the probe again. You can configure the probe to restart when it hits a maximum memory limit. Follow these steps to set this limit: 1. Click janitor folder and click memory limit key. 2. Click Edit Key. The Edit Key dialog appears 3. Type 32000 in the Enter value text box and click OK. Note: The memory limit is always specified in kilobytes. 34 tomcat Guide Probe Configuration Add Monitors The link to the Apache Tomcat server is now established but you have not yet selected any monitors (checkpoints). You can add monitors as described in the section Add Monitors to be Measured (see page 37). When finished, you must click the Apply button in the probe GUI to activate the configuration. Create a Resource You can edit the properties for a resource by right-clicking a resource and selecting Edit. This brings up the Resource dialog. The fields in the above dialog are described below: Hostname or IP address Defines the hostname or IP address to the Apache Tomcat Server to monitor. Port Defines the SSL port which ensures a secure connection (all communication will be encrypted). Active Provides the option to activate/deactivate monitoring of the resource. Group Allows you to select which group you want the resource to belong to. Normally you just have the Default group. Chapter 3: tomcat Configuration 35 Probe Configuration Check interval Defines how often the probe checks the values of the monitors. Username Defines a valid user name to be used by the probe to log on the Apache Tomcat Server. Password Defines a valid password to be used by the probe to log on the Apache Tomcat Server. Alarm Message Selects the alarm message to be sent if the resource does not respond. Note that you can edit the message or define your own ones, using the Message Pool Manager. Test button Verifies the connection to the host. 36 tomcat Guide Probe Configuration Add Monitors to be Measured To select a monitor to be measured for a resource, you simply select the resource in the left pane and maneuver through the Apache Server browser appearing under resource node. Selecting a folder in this tree-structure, the monitors found will be listed in the right pane of the probe GUI, enabling you to select the ones you want to monitor. Select the checkpoints you want to monitor and click the Apply button. Selecting the resource node in the left window pane, all monitors currently being measured will be listed in the right pane. Note that you can also select/deselect monitors here. Chapter 3: tomcat Configuration 37 Probe Configuration Enable Monitors for QoS and Alarming You can now see the current values for the monitors in the Values column in the monitor list of the GUI. To enable the probe to send QoS data and/or send alarms on threshold breaches, you have to modify the properties for each of the monitors. This is done by double-clicking a monitor (or right-clicking and selecting Edit), which brings up the Monitor Properties dialog. Refer section Edit the Monitor Properties (see page 39) for details. 38 tomcat Guide Probe Configuration Edit the Monitor Properties Edit the properties for a monitor by right-clicking it in the right window pane and selecting Edit. When finished, you must click the Apply button to activate the new configuration. The fields in the above dialog are explained below: Name Defines the name of the monitor. The name will be inserted into this field when the monitor is fetched from the Apache Tomcat Server but you are allowed to modify the name. Key Indicates a read-only field describing the monitor key. Chapter 3: tomcat Configuration 39 Probe Configuration Description Provides a description of the monitor. This description will be inserted into this field when the monitor is fetched from the Apache Tomcat Server but you are allowed to modify it. Value Definition Lets you select which value to be used, both for alarming and QoS. You have the following options: ■ The current value: Means that the most current value measured will be used. ■ The delta value (current – previous): Means that the delta value calculated from the current and the previous measured sample will be used. ■ Delta per second: Means that the delta value calculated from the samples measured within a second will be used. ■ The average value (cur + prev) / 2: Means the average value of the current value and the previous value). Active Activates the monitoring of the probe. Enable Monitoring Activates the monitoring. Note: The monitor will also be selected in the list of monitors in the right window pane when this option is selected, and that you can enable/disable monitoring of the checkpoint from that list. Operator Specifies the operator to be used when setting the alarm threshold for the measured value. Example: > 90 means alarm condition if the measured value is above 90. = 90 means alarm condition if the measured value is exact 90. Threshold Defines the alarm threshold value. An alarm message will be sent if this threshold is exceeded. Unit Indicates the unit of the monitored value. Example: %, Mbytes etc. The field is read-only. 40 tomcat Guide Probe Configuration Message Token Selects the alarm message to be issued if the specified threshold value is breached. These messages are kept in the message pool. The messages can be modified in the Message Pool Manager. Key not found alarm Allows you to send an alarm if no key is detected. This may for example happen after a restart of the Apache Tomcat Server when it takes some time before all monitors are restored. Publish Quality of Service Provides the option to have QoS messages issued on the monitor. QoS Name Specifies the name to be used on the QoS message issued. Create New Template Templates are useful tools for defining monitors to be measured on the various hosts or folders under host node. You may create templates and define a set of monitors belonging to that template. These templates can be applied to a group or hosts under a group by dragging and dropping the template on the group/host, where you want to measure the monitors defined for the template. You may also drop a template on a host in the tree structure, and the template will be assigned to the particular folder under that host. Follow these steps: 1. Select the Templates node, right-click in the right window pane and select New. Note: You may also edit an existing template by selecting one of the templates defined. Chapter 3: tomcat Configuration 41 Probe Configuration The Template Properties dialog appears 2. Specify Name and Description for the new template. 3. Click OK to create the new template. Add Monitors to the Template Drag checkpoints from the right pane and drop on the template in the left pane. 42 tomcat Guide Probe Configuration Apply a Template to Group/Host Drag and drop the template on the group/host where you want to measure the monitors defined for the template. Note: You may also drop the template on a group containing multiple hosts/folders. You will then be asked if you want to apply the template to all hosts/folders under the node. Chapter 3: tomcat Configuration 43 Chapter 4: QoS Threshold Metrics CA Nimsoft Monitor probes ship with the default QoS threshold values set. The default threshold values give an idea of the type of values to enter in the metrics fields. To help in tuning thresholds and reducing false-positive alarms, this section describes the QoS metrics and provides the default QoS thresholds. This section contains the following topics: tomcat QoS Metrics (see page 45) tomcat Alert Metrics Default Settings (see page 45) tomcat QoS Metrics The following table describes the checkpoint metrics that can be configured using the tomcat probe. Monitor Name Units Description QOS_TOMCAT_CLASSLOADCOUNT Count Counter QOS_TOMCAT_MEMORY_USAGE Kilobyte Memory in KB QOS_TOMCAT_THREADCOUNT Count Counter tomcat Alert Metrics Default Settings This section contains the Alert metrics default settings for the tomcat probe. QoS Metric Error Threshold Error Severity Description ResourceCritical - Critical Alarms to be issued when the resource is not responding. ResourceWarning - Warning Alarms to be issued when the resource is not responding. MonitorWarning - Major Alarms to be issued when the monitor is outside expected limits. Chapter 4: QoS Threshold Metrics 45 tomcat Alert Metrics Default Settings QoS Metric Error Threshold Error Severity Description MemoryWarning - Minor Alarms to be issued when the memory usage is above threshold. ThreadCountWarning - Minor Alarms to be issued when the threadcount value is above threshold. ClassLoadWarning - Minor Alarms to be issued when the class load value is above threshold. 46 tomcat Guide