Atlantic Gazette
Atlantic Gazette
Atlantic Gazette In this Issue Volume 83; Issue 69 December 2015 The Monthly Newsletter of the Red Bank Area Chapter Mid-Atlantic District Barbershop Harmony Society Chapter Officers Installed By Bruce Hanson November Caroling..................4 ‘T is the season for the Chorus annual installation dinner, where members, Colts Neck Veterans Honored..6 Idle Chatter................7 The Songs We Sing...8 From the Board.........9 November Birthdays & Anniversaries.....9 spouses and friends get together for a nice dinner, swear in next year’s officers and recognize members for their achievements. Seabrook has become the venue if choice and delivered once again with good food, a nice room, pleasant and helpful catering staff, and a reasonably priced cash bar. It was also nice to see former member Jim Young, along with his daughter. Those who saw the November Gazette know that Jim was just inducted into the New Jersey Aviation Hall of Fame. Following dinner, the officers were invited to join Jim Hawthorne for the ritual swearing-in (see photo below). Though their faces might have been familiar, there was a changing-of-the-guard this year. Chapter President Andy Ferreira will be passing the gavel (or is it pitch pipe) to Terry Schmalzried. Andy is taking a much-deserved Continued on page 2 Chapter Officers Installed continued from page 1 “rest,” by assuming the Secretary position vacated by Terry. Otherwise the 2016 officer slate remains the same as 2015. Following the swearing-in, the audience demanded a song from the officers, who obliged with a rousing rendition of “Bring Back Those Good Old Days” Next, it was awards time, with President Ferreira naming Chorus Director Craig Page and Idles Director Continued on page 3 Atlantic Gazette December 2015 2 Chapter Officers Installed continued from page 2 John Huetz as “co” Barbershoppers of the Year for their tireless service in support of our music. Next, Director Page tapped Frank Glaz with the 2015 Director’s award for his love of singing and for reaching out with quartets to veterans and other groups. (It as also Frank who did all the arrangements for the Installation Dinner.) Secretary Schmalzried then honored Jack McDermott for achieving his 50th year anniversary as a Barbershopper, and John Huetz pointed out that we were also celebrating Ray Volz’ birthday. Jim Hawthorne, Herb Van Note and Tom DeBruin were also recognized as barbershop “Golden Oldies.” Finally, director Craig Page closed the “official” program, leading the chorus in singing a few songs ending with “Irish Blessing.” “Unofficially” the evening continued with dancing to the music provided by a DJ until the curfew hour. Atlantic Gazette December 2015 3 November Caroling By Bruce Hanson Once again, the Chorus played its part in kicking off Red Bank’s holiday shopping season. Fourteen enthusiastic members showed up on ginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas.” This called for an extra effort to “get it down,” so “It’s Beginning…” became a song of choice at every stop. After about an hour on Broad street the singers headed off to our favorite indoor stops which are somewhat off the beaten path. Following a route that has been successful in the past, the carolers first stopped into New Corner Pizza for a few songs, then crossed over Front Street to pack into the tight quarters of the Sugarrush cupcake shop where the staff kindly offered us complimentary coffee and hot chocolate. Their next stop was right next door at Leonardo Jewelers where an unseasonably warm afternoon to show off our holiday repertoire along with a few other sentimental favorites. Rain was in the forecast, but we were optimistically unprepared. The “show” started on Broad street, where the singers discovered there was some uncertainty as to the lyrics of “It’s Be- they were welcomed by both staff and customers. It was then off to the Front Street Trattoria where tables of diners also enjoyed a quartet performance of “Little St. Nick.” Just a few steps south on English plaza was Nails Plus, the next destination, followed by a walk around the corner to Hair and Co., a long-time favorite stop. It was then on to the Dublin House in a light Continued on page 5 Atlantic Gazette December 2015 4 November Caroling continued from page 4 drizzle where the chorus was surprised to find an empty patio out front. This called for several songs to appreciative passers-by, including “It’s Beginning…” whose words by this time had been thoroughly memorized. Then it was across Monmouth Street to the Emporium, an Antique center with parallel stairways in the entry way which make for great singing, For a change of pace, everyone crowded the left hand staircase rather than working both sides. The great acoustics are always a pleasure. A caroling tour of Red Bank would not be complete without a final stop at Tiffany & Co. on the way back to the parking lot. So the chorus hustled down Broad street, dodging the light raindrops and arriving at Tiffanys reasonably dry. The 3 hour sojurn ended there with “Feast of Lights Medley” and “Oh, Holy Night.” It was a pleasant, festive, and mostly precipitationAtlantic Gazette December 2015 5 Colts Neck Veterans Honored By Bruce Hanson A fter having heard Chris Papa’s various quartets sing at Colts Neck Memorial Day Ceremonies over the years, Pastor Chris Durkin of the Colts Neck Community Church thought the Chorus or a quartet might be able to sing at his church’s 9/11 ceremony this year. So he contacted Chris to see if it could be arranged. Since the chorus was already engaged, Chris suggested he keep us in mind for future events. Pastor Durkin did just that, contacting Chris again about a Veteran’s Day Celebration at the church. Chris, who was “medically indisposed” at the time and unable to participate, contacted Andy Ferreira who arranged for eleven available chorus members and Associate Director Kirk Thomson to attend. Not knowing just what to expect, but with a desire to show appreciation to our Veterans, the singers arrived at the church and were directed to a warm-up room where we waited anxiously for Kirk, who had phoned that he was stuck in traffic on the GSP. Andy took charge of the warm-ups. Kirk finally arrived, just in time for a few quick run-throughs before the group was ushered into a large community room filled with people. The singers were greeted with polite applause from the seated diners, several of them in military uniform. Atlantic Gazette Kirk introduced the group and started things off with a rousing “Bring Back Those Good Old Days.” When it ended, the audience burst out with thunderous applause, leaving no doubt that they were happy to have us there and enjoyed what they had just heard. What followed were several more songs, including “America the Beautiful” and “God Bless America,” each rewarded with a very enthusiastic audience response. The eleven man mini-chorus closed its performance with a heartfelt “Irish Blessing,” and exited to a standing ovation. It is appreciative audiences like this one that remind us why we love to do this. Thank you for the opportunity, Pastor Durkin! December 2015 6 Idle Chatter by John Huetz nother Sing-Out by the Matinee Idles took place at the WE CARE ADULT CARE SENIOR CENTER in Red Bank, NJ. on 11/11/2015. This event was special since the opening of the program celebrated the Veterans present that day as seen by the photos and including the Idles Veterans. Ray Volz opened the singing w/the National Anthem and ended the show directing “How Great Thou Art”. when Ed Smith queried the title for “I Want A Girl, Just Like A Girl ....” And they answered ...”That Married Dear Ole Dad”. As usual the guests, as they are named since they attend on a daily basis, were very familiar of the songs we sing especially when the quartet sang the Valentine package and Traveling and singing throughout the year to various establishments such as these is very rewarding and gratifying, knowing that you touch and affect people’s feelings and memories and knowing they will make it for another day and then some. Atlantic Gazette December 2015 7 The Songs We Sing “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer” By Chris Papa E very Christmas holiday show has included this old seasonal favorite of the Chorus of the Atlantic. And, if Dave Murch happens to be the Master of Ceremonies at the event, provides him the opportunity to repeat his Soviet-era joke which ends with the homonymic, “Rudolph the Red, Knows Rain, Dear”. Despite this, the chorus members are always eager to include the song in the program because it invariably delights both the young and old in the audience. The origin of “Rudolph” can be traced back to 1939 when Robert L. May wrote a story titled “Rudolph, The Red Nosed Reindeer” which was published in booklet form by Montgomery Ward. The original story was written as a poem in the meter of “’Twas the Night Before Christmas” and has since become a standard in Christmas folklore. It has been successful not only as the very familiar song, but has been featured in cartoons, comic books, feature length film, TV and as children’s toys. Again, it is not surprising for you to know that the originator of this famous Christmas story was Jewish. (Think Irving Berlin and “White Christmas”) Moreover, it was his brother-in-law, Johnny Marks, who composed the memorable song we sing. He, too, by the way, was Jewish and the composer of "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree" and "A Holly Jolly Christmas" and more than a dozen other songs, all dealing with Christmas! He composed many other tunes, as well, and was a member of the Songwriters Hall of Fame. I guess it is a little strange that “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer” became an instant hit 10 years later, when it was recorded by the Atlantic Gazette popular singing cowboy, Gene Autry. (The talented Autry also actually composed “Here Comes Santa Claus”, and later managed to be- come the owner of the Los Angeles Angels baseball franchise.) Gene’s recording of “Rudolph” became the number one recording of 1950 and went on to sell 1.75 million copies the first year. The totals subsequently have been over 150 million copies, second in popularity only to Bing Crosby’s “White Christmas”. “Rudolph” has been recorded by a long list of popular entertainers, including Bing Crosby, Dean Martin, Dolly Parton, Burl Ives, The Jackson Five, Ray Charles and Alvin and the Chipmunks. Seems like the Chorus of the Atlantic is in good company when it comes to perform- December 2015 8 Jack Somers Passes Away - a note from Jack McDermott Jack Somers was known by many Barbershoppers in N J as one of the really 'good' guys. To know him was to love him for his 'upbeat' love of life! He was a dedicated Chorus singer and administrator. He loved singing in Quartets where he most often wowed the audiences with his Jokes and telling very funny stories! Jack was 93 yrs old when he died Oct.30, 2015. He was 67 yrs. a Barbershopper and married to his Gladdie for 54 yrs. Although confined to a wheeled chair in his home for many years, he remained upbeat, his answer to "how are you" was as always "still getting away with it" with that smile and wellknown giggle!!!! I will remember Jack as a great friend, wonderful joke teller and although I would never tell him... my favorite Bass! Remember him in your prayers and God Bless Jack Somers. - Jack McDermott From the Board Highlights from the Minutes of the November 9, 2015 Meeting Present: Andy Ferreira, Frank Glaz, Bruce Hanson, Ken Hicks, Frank Niemann, Terry Schmalzried Absent: Allan Dean, Jon Greene, Carl Stainagle, Jim Weythman Secretary – Terry Schmalzried Terry attended Leadership Academy on November 7th and encourages other new or returning board members do the same. The last opportunity this year will be January 9th in Newark, DE. Treasurer – Bruce Hanson The board accepted the treasurer’s report. The estimated budget for 2016 was discussed. Music & Performance – Ken Hicks The board is considering these dates for the Spring Show: April 16 or May 7th. (May 7th was subsequently chosen based on availability of the OTHS auditorium) Marketing & Publicity – Allan Dean (submitted by email) Allan suggested we might consider giving a stuffed teddy bear with singing valentines instead of rose. The board discussed and prefers giving a rose, but wants to discuss it with Jon. Allan heard from Riverview and they would be glad to have us come sing. Allan will pursue arrangements. Jim will work on the show flier this week to get to Jamm early next week. Programs – Frank Glaz Frank is all prepared for the Installation Dinner. Future Meetings The next meeting will be held December 14th at Frank Niemann’s house. Important Dates - December Members’ Birthdays Frank Glaz Bruce Hanson Jim Hawthorne Ralph Jeffers Atlantic Gazette Anniversaries Liz & Bruce Hanson Betty & Phil Wilderotter December 2015 9 Chorus of the Atlantic Red Bank Area Chapter Mid-Atlantic District Barbershop Harmony Society P O Box 8403 Red Bank, NJ 07701-8403 (732) 842-3117 Music Director........................................Craig J. Page Associate Music Director.....................Kirk Thomson Manager ...................................................Dave Murch Matinee Idles Director.......................................................John Huetz President.................................................Dan Cahalane Manager..............................................Phil Wilderotter Bulletin Editor Bruce Hanson 28 Markham Place Little Silver, NJ 07739 Photographer: John Huetz Production Manager: Bruce Hanson Chapter Officers President.................................................Andy Ferreira VP Music & Performance..........................Ken Hicks VP Programs..............................................Frank Glaz VP Chapter Development..................Frank Niemann VP Marketing & Publicity........................Allan Dean Treasurer .............................................Bruce Hanson Secretary.........................................Terry Schmalzried Member at Large.................................Jim Weythman Member at Large..................................Carl Stainagle Immediate Past President.........................Jon Greene On the web at Project Managers GUESTS ALWAYS WELCOME! The Red Bank Area Chapter meets weekly on Tuesdays at 7:30 P.M. at the Red Bank Middle School, 101 Harding Road, Red Bank, NJ Historian.....................................................Bob Artale Librarian..............................................Jim Weythman Uniforms...................................................Dave Murch Harmony Foundation........................Ed Wengrowski Sunshine Chairman...............................Carl Stainagle 50-50 Assoc.........................................Armando Orsini Webmaster.............................................Dan Cahalane Atlantic Gazette Bruce Hanson 28 Markham Place Little Silver, NJ 07739 The monthly bulletin of the Red Bank Area (NJ) Chapter Return Correction Requested Atlanticand Gazette December 2015 10
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Atlantic Gazette - Chorus of the Atlantic
Photographer: John Huetz
Production Manager: Bruce Hanson