The Legend Summer - Austin Preparatory School


The Legend Summer - Austin Preparatory School
The Legend
Layne Kennedy
Susannah List
On the 15th of April , 2014, Mr.
Chenery’s Sociology class reenacted the events of the June 5th,
1893 murder trial of Lizzie Borden, who was accused of killing
both her father Andrew and stepmother Abby with a hatchet in
Fall River, Massachusetts. Mr.
Chenery has been running this
trial for eleven years.
The excitement for doing
the trial all comes from his students, he says. They come in at
the beginning of the year and ask,
“Are we doing the trial?” For
more than twenty years, Mr.
Chenery’s Sociology classes have
been doing multiple different trials.
The class performed the
mock trial in the Gathering Room,
which was set up as a courtroom,
where Mr. Chenery served as
judge. Students referred to him as
Judge Chenery.
The atmosphere in the
room was excited and a little nervous. The students were wellprepared. They memorized their
information and knew what they
wanted to ask. Everyone was into
the trial as if they were present at
the real one, making the room
seem electric. Nervousness was
evident only when a student occasionally misphrased a question.
But it did not happen often.
Seven parents acted as jury
members. Impressively, they
stayed for the whole day and judged fairly as all juries
are charged to do.
Following the original trial precisely, the prosecution presented their opening statements and the
defense responded, each claiming why they thought
Lizzie was guilty or not guilty. The prosecution started
by calling up witnesses. They first called up Adelaide
Churchill, one of the Borden’s neighbors.
Many of the prosecution witnesses revealed a
riveting piece of information. Some claimed that a
light blue dress, made by Mary Raymond, the family
dressmaker, was ruined by brown paint and declared
unwearable. Lizzie had saved the dress and was said to
have been wearing it the morning of the murders. The
only difference was that the dress she turned in was
different from the one worn before. Her sister
thought Lizzie burned the dress the day after the murders. No one knew where it went and what its disappearance meant. The defense said she had just forgotten to get rid of it and she needed a stress reliever so
she burned the dress. They claimed Lizzie was a victim of the murders and not the murderer. Everything
that happened was just her reaction out of loss and
she was innocent. Many students played multiple
parts by being a prosecutor or defender. Most of them
also went up to testify. The students were very convincing about who they were supposed to be, each
believable enough that you could
imagine you were in the courtCONTINUED ON P. 6
Caroline Sullivan
oz wikia
It was incredibly interesting to learn
how historic New York City is, as
Caroline Sullivan
well as see all the diverse sections
The junior class trip to New York
Manhattan is known for. For examCity took place for three days in
ple, on the trip we got to go to Little
March and was run by Ms. Fuller
Italy and Chinatown. We were able
and Mr. and Mrs. Enright. This trip
to barter with people to get souvewas action packed from the minute
nirs for a reasonable price and eat
we left the bus and visited the
traditional Asian cuisine.
United Nations - to the moment
we left Manhattan to visit the Statue of Liberty.
Caroline Sullivan
Caroline Sullivan
We saw a Broadway show, Newsies, got
to go to Madame Tussauds Wax Museum and Time Square, skated at Rockefeller Center, ate at the Hard Rock Café, climbed the Statue of Liberty and
so much more. Skating at Rockefeller
Center was an absolutely great time.
Even though it was cold everyone got
on the ice and skated for about an
hour. The Statue of Liberty was an
incredible piece of history that was
interesting to see up close. My group
was able to climb the stairs out to the
balcony and look down at all the people below.
All the students who went
were able to participate in everything
and go off on their own to see the
sites. It’s a trip I highly recommend all
the juniors take next year because of
how exciting it is to visit and be a tourist in such a huge city.
Freshman Art
By Kyle
Kyle Nickerson
By Nicole Poirier
By Poppy Simmonds
By Paige McCormack
By Marisa Massone
THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH? thing like this has happened with
Ringling, however. In May of 2004,
Allison Paladino
32 year old Dessi España was per-
Earlier this month, an acrobatic stunt forming an aerial chiffon act and
at a Ringling Bros. and Barnum &
was suspended 35 feet in the air.
Bailey show in Providence, RI went
Something, either the metal bar or
horribly wrong.
the fabric, failed and she fell, land-
The stunt is called the
ing on her head. She later died
“human chandelier,” and consists of
from these injuries, marking the
eight acrobats suspended about forty
first death in ten years for Ringling
feet off the ground by their hair.
These similar tragedies that
occurred almost a decade apart
raise many safety questions, such as
whether or not aerial circus acts
should have nets underneath them,
and how well their equipment is
inspected and maintained. While, if
not landed on properly, nets could
potentially be harmful for the performers, these risks far outweigh
While it has been successful at all of
paralysis, brain injury, or death.
The safety equipment holding the
Ringling Bros.’ previous shows, it un- performers 30-40 feet above the
fortunately resulted in eleven people
ground needs to be more reliable.
being injured on Sunday, May 4th. A
A regular check after each show—
safety clip at the top of the apparatus
even if it may cost more for the
suspending the girls snapped, and sent circus company—is something that
them plummeting to the ground. The needs to be performed. It is just a
girls sustained serious injuries, but will small price to pay for the safety
and life of the performers.
This is not the first time
1810 - P. T. Barnum is born July 5th in Danbury, Connecticut.
1842 - Barnum opens Barnum's American Museum in New York
City. His unique advertising of the Museum is the genesis of
what is now referred to as outdoor advertising.
1850 - Barnum introduced acclaimed European opera star, Jenny
Lind, to American audiences.
1870 - P. T. Barnum's Grand Traveling Museum, Menagerie, Caravan
and Circus -- the largest circus ever in America -- makes its debut.
1872 - Barnum's legendary circus train first begins traveling the
nation's railways.
1881 - Barnum joins forces with James A. Bailey -- the new entity
will be called Barnum & Bailey's Greatest Show On Earth.
1882 - Barnum brings Jumbo, a massive 12-foot African elephant, to America. The word "jumbo" becomes part of the
English language.
1884 - Ringling Bros. Circus began in Baraboo, Wisconsin by the
five Ringling brothers.
1891 - P. T. Barnum dies and is laid to rest in Bridgeport, Connecticut.
1907 - Ringling Bros. Circus and Barnum & Bailey Circus merge. The
two circuses tour separately.
1919 - The first-ever performance of the combined Ringling Bros.
and Barnum & Bailey Circus® takes place at Madison Square
Garden in New York City.
1956 - The final performance of Ringling Bros. and Barnum &
Bailey Circus under a tent takes place in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
1967 - The Feld family acquires Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey
with a ceremony held at the Colosseum in Rome, Italy.
1968 - Irvin Feld creates Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Clown
1969 - Irvin Feld introduces a second touring unit of Ringling
Bros. and Barnum & Bailey that marks the American debut of
circus legend Gunther Gebel-Williams.
1973 - Irvin Feld and Kenneth Feld become the first father-son
producers of The Greatest Show On Earth®.
1985 - Kenneth Feld becomes the sole producer of Ringling Bros.
and Barnum & Bailey following the passing of Irvin Feld in 1984.
1995 - Kenneth Feld establishes the Ringling Bros. and Barnum &
Bailey Center for Elephant Conservation® in Central Florida dedicated to research, reproduction and retirement of the endangered
Asian elephant.
2004 - Kenneth Feld introduces a third touring circus
unit. Kenneth Feld and Nicole Feld become the first fatherdaughter producers of The Greatest Show On Earth.
2010 - Nicole Feld and Alana Feld become the first sisters to
produce The Greatest Show On Earth. Honoring the 200th birthday of P. T. Barnum, the new production is named Ringling Bros.
and Barnum & Bailey Presents Barnum's FUNundrum! SM.
Nicholas Sorabella
the course of over seventy years, leading many to be-
lieve he does not exist. However, a close encounter with the
assassin proves him to be very real and, with the aid of a robotic arm, able to go the distance with Captain America himself. As the story unfolds, Steve and his team realize that the
whole plot is bigger than they could have ever imagined and
Chris Evans is back as the First Avenger in Marvel’s Captain America: The Winter Soldier, which hit
that the Winter Soldier is not what he appears to be.
What has set The Winter Soldier apart from previous
theaters April 4th. Considered the most success-
Marvel films is how it depicts many political controversies
ful of Marvel’s movies since The Avengers, The
such as NSA spying and military drones rather than just the
Winter Soldier has helped reignite popularity in the
franchise after the disappointing critical perfor-
superpowers of the title characters. Without revealing too
mance of Thor: The Dark World. Offering plenty
much, the plot itself was very original leaving many of he most
of action mixed with political controversies that
diehard Marvel fans (including myself) surprised over some of
plague today’s society—such as widespread use of
drones looking for potential and often nonexist-
its unexpected twists. It also portrays Captain America as a
ent threats—The Winter Soldier is certainly a must-
more vulnerable character who has to deal with the psycholog-
ical problems of adapting to an unfamiliar society (the world
Taking place two years after The Avengers
storyline, Steve Rodgers (Evans) finds himself
was a little different seventy years ago) and face a piece of his
struggling to adapt to a modern world where peo- past that has come back to haunt him. The Winter Soldier curple are far less trusting of one another. After a
S.H.E.I.L.D co-patriot is assailed, Steve finds
himself teaming up with Falcon (Anthony Mack-
rently holds an impressive 89% on Rotten Tomatoes and has
grossed close to seven hundred million dollars. It’s a great
ie) and Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) in order movie and, unlike many movies in a series such as Marvel,
to find a mysterious assassin called, the Winter
Described as a ghost, the Winter Soldier
does not require that you see the previous films to get a grasp
of the storyline. It introduces the recurring characters subtly,
is credited with many political assassinations over allowing even first time Marvel moviegoers to become
Arts + Entertainment
Aingea Venuto
Illustration by Tom Newsom
As you all may know if you watched the
Oscars this past March, The Wizard of Oz
celebrated its 75th anniversary this year.
This celebration on one of TV’s
biggest nights shows the enduring appeal
of the story of Dorothy and her companions finding their way home. Recently, I’ve
decoded my own deeper meanings from
the story originally penned by American
author, L. Frank Baum, after performing in
the play and getting the chance to step into
Dorothy’s shoes. In 75 years of popularity,
people have continued to find meaning
and guidance in the story. Here are some
of my “a-ha” moments.
Firstly, the overall Kansas scenes
are in sepia. This gives the idea that Dorothy thinks her life is more bland in Kansas
than in Oz, and it also gives an idea that
Kansas and Oz are two totally opposite
realms. Also, when they’re in Oz and
they’re getting “cleaned up,” they’re essentially creating the “perfect life,” including
the “perfect friends” Dorothy always
wished for.
In Kansas, when Dorothy runs
away and encounters Professor Marvel
(The Wizard’s parallel) and he’s telling her
fortune, he tells her that her mother’s sick
so that she will go back to her and prevent
her going to Oz. But she goes to Oz anyway, because fate (the twister/cyclone)
wills it. She needed to learn her lesson
about home by herself. She was looking
for a place with no trouble at all, but in
but in reality, that’s home!
When Dorothy first gets to Oz,
she meets Glinda first (Aunt Em’s parallel). This, in my mind, signifies that Aunt
Em is always first in her life and that she
knows that Em cares for her the most.
And when she meets her friends, she instantly gets endeared to them because
they remind her of the only people who
would spend time with her back on the
farm: Hunk, Hickory, and Zeke. She
knew what their problems were
(Scarecrow’s lack of a brain, etc.), and
immediately wanted to help them.
Throughout the whole movie,
Dorothy’s kindness shined through. For
example, she didn’t just turn her new
friends away, she wanted to help them.
And also, when her friends were receiving their gifts, she was being happy for
them, and almost forgot for a second that
she had the desire to go home. She put
other people before her and always
looked on the bright side of things. Even
when she was being chased around by
the Witch, she always made the best of
things and continued to help her friends.
The personality of each character
showed something about its parallel in
Kansas that didn’t show through in the
beginning. Glinda showed the side of
Aunt Em that was really caring and loving. Scarecrow showed that Hunk was
actually really smart; he just didn’t know
it yet. Scarecrow was the one who was
making all of the plans in Oz to get them
there. Tinman showed that Hickory was
not heartless at all, but actually had more
of a heart than anyone else on the farm.
Tinman thought that he needed a physical heart to know that he was kind and
sentimental, but he already was that. The
Lion did have some fears, but he didn’t
understand that he did have courage, he
just didn’t know it yet. He needed that
one extra push of encouragement to get
it to shine through. Dorothy was the key
to getting each character to realize they
already had what they were
looking for. Then Dorothy
realized that Oz was doing
the same thing for her; she
needed to realize that home
was where there was no
trouble and where everyone loved and cared for
Many people
watched The Wizard of Oz
as kids and only later realize its deeper meanings and
messages. It was only after
stepping into Dorothy’s
shoes myself that I realized
how hard a lesson it was
for her to learn - how we
can’t have everything in
life, but we always have our
parents. I guess there really
is no place like home!
familiar with them.
Overall, The Winter Soldier
sets Marvel back on the
right path for The
Avengers sequel coming
to theaters next summer.
UP NEXT: The Verdict
Did Lizzie Do It?
Borden’s MA home
thing during the mock trial. Just before Lizzie
sat down to testify, the power went out. And
only one light remained on. That one light soon
shone only above Lizzie Borden. Coincidence,
or was it all Lizzie’s doing?
Julie Bloise
room yourself.
Thomas Kieran had a testimony that stood out. He stated that he was testing the range of where Bridget would have
been able to see Abby from. Abby was lying beside the bed on
the other side. Bridget said she could see her lying down from
the staircase. In the house, Thomas Kieran’s assistant laid down
where Abby died and Thomas looked for him around the staircase slits. He could barely see him. Thomas was defending Lizzie
because there was no way Bridget would have seen the body if
Thomas couldn’t see his assistant when they were in the same
Last to the stand was Lizzie herself, as played by Kristen
Randolph. And the whole atmosphere of the room changed.
Everyone was focused on her and her answers. She was quiet
and answered the questions curtly. The defense attorneys kept
objecting to questions. One was a common knowledge question
about what color dried blood was. It was the turning point that
made the jurors really focus on the testimony. Randolph did a
great job in portraying what Lizzie Borden might have been really like.
The judge and jury found Borden not guilty. Lizzie was
being tried for capital punishment, guilty with a charge of death.
Out of the seven jurors, five of them voted her guilty. Two of
them voted her not guilty so she was let go because unanimity is
necessary for a capital punishment guilty verdict
My mind, however, is convinced that Lizzie committed
the murders. As soon as the trial started and the information was
presented, I found that more evidence and speculation made
sense on the prosecution’s side than on the defense’s.
As many of you know, we had a storm that day. It started
right before the student playing Lizzie got up to the stand. Mr.
Chenery says in his other classes, when the door slams or blinds
shutter without wind, “It’s Lizzie Borden.” Well, I noticed some6
Played by
Adelaide Churchill
Melanie Cersosimo
Alice Russell
Paige Oxley
Eli Bence
Damien Dell’Anno
Dr. William Wood
Justin Tylus
Dr. William Dolan
Ben Pompilus
Officer William
Davis Foster
Dr. Frank Draper
Max Murphy
Assistant Marshall
John Fleet
Teddy Sackos
Bridget Sullivan
Sandy Dumar
Mary Raymond
Mackenzie Rae
Phoebe Bowen
Christina Morganti
Officer Mullaly
Josh Saber
Alfred Clarkson
Grayson Freeman
Dr. Cheever
Jason Busch
Dr. Bowen
Jack Meaney
Thomas Kieran
Corey Bedrosian
Emma Borden
Emily DiFranco
Lizzie Borden
Kristen Randolph
could be considered the major steal all of its picks on Saturday, deciding not to
deal any away in trades, and surprised
of the draft.
Justin Winschel
many draft observers by not taking any
The event New England Patriots
players at two positions that were thought
fans have been waiting for is finalJIMMY GAROPPOLO
to be of particular need: safety and tight
ly over. The Patriots went into the
draft with one of the deepest ros6’2’’
ters in the National Football
226 LBS
PICK 105
League and few open roster spots.
In one of the biggest surMultiple media sources agreed
that positions of need for the Pa- prises in the draft, the Patriots
triots were: Tight End (TE), De- selected Jimmy Garoppolo with
315 LBS
their second round pick. Could
fensive Tackle (DT), Safety (S)
and Offensive Line (OL). In addi- he be Brady’s heir apparent? Cur- Stork was the center for the current Narent backup Ryan Mallett is in
tion, the positions of Defensive
tional Champion Florida State Seminoles.
the last year of his rookie conEnd (DE) and Linebacker (LB)
tract and is expected to enter free He could fill a glaring need, as the interiwere considered those lacking
or offensive line was a large weakness for
agency at the end of the 2014
depth. With the draft now conseason.
Gathe Patriots last season. A massive man
cluded, it is evident the positions
prioritized by the media and fans roppolo could be expected to be standing at 6’4” and weighing 315lbs.,
were not exactly the same as Head the future of the Patriots franStork won the Rimington Trophy as the
Coach Bill Belichick and his staff. chise if Brady retires when his
contract ends in 2017. Garoppo- nation's top center.
The following were the players
selected by the New England Pa- lo is the highest QB selected by
PICK 130
triots in the 2014 NFL Draft:
was selected first overall in the
draft by the Patriots in 1993. The
DOMINIQUE EASLEY best Patriots fans can hope for is
204 LBS
a Favre-Rodgers transition when
Brady hangs up the cleats. This
White had a very productive career at Wis6’2’’
reference alludes to when in 2005 consin despite splitting carries for four
288 LBS
the Packers selected QB Aaron
years with the likes of Montee Ball and
Many thought the Patriots would
Rodgers in the first round, deother current NFL players. He offers a baltrade out of the first round of the
spite having Super Bowl-winning anced enough skill set to factor as a recydraft. However, they stayed put
QB Brett Favre. Rodgers was
clable, complementary, change-of-pace
and drafted Dominique Easley, a
Favre’s backup for four years,
back for the Patriots. White could also
very interesting prospect. Ever
learning from the great. When
make current RB Shane Vereen expendable
since trading away Richard SeyFavre “retired,” Rodgers took
when his contract is up at the end of this
mour in 2009, the Patriots have
over and is now a Pro Bowl QB. season.
looked for a DT to create interior
Patriots fans can only hope for
pressure on the Quarterback. Easuch a situation where the dynasPICK 140
sley could be that guy. He was
ty is continued once Brady is
considered a top-15 talent before
tearing his ACL during a practice
The Patriots entered the
in September. Easley has an
323 LBS
final four rounds of the 2014
alarming injury history, having
NFL Draft with seven draft
torn the ACL in each leg in a 3
choices, and exited with seven
year span, making him a risky
new players. New England kept
pick, but if he stays healthy he
Jason Busch
At this time last year, The Celtics had
just finished a disappointing, but not
surprising first round exit of the
playoffs. Considering that they were
old, a low seed, and were in the same
conference as the Heat and Pacers.
There were many questions going into
the 2013 season that all related to the
future of where the team was going.
The options were clear: Either they
were going to bring the team back together and try for another chance of
winning another championship, or
they could trade away their top players
and try to start to build for the future.
Both of these options had a lot of risk.
If they went for the first option and brought the team back together to win another championship,
then it would be unlikely they would
be able to do much damage considering how they were eliminated the year
before going up against teams like the
Heat with the best player in Lebron
James, and the Pacers, who arguably
had the best all around team. And
even if they did find a way to win a
championship, their older players
would probably have left after the season. If they went with the second
route, and traded away their good players for future draft picks, the road
would still be risky. First of all, they
would be at the bottom of the league
and secondly, there would be no telling
how long they would be there, considering rookies don’t always pan out.
Celtics fans finally got the answer they were looking for on June
28th, when it was announced that their
two long standing leaders, Kevin
worst having the least. So it is not
Garnett and Paul Pierce were traded known for sure what pick the
to the Brooklyn Nets for draft picks. Celtics will have.
Some of the fans were not happy
The Celtics have been one
letting go two of the leaders that
of, if not the most dominant franbrought a basketball championship chises in the history of the NBA.
back to Boston in the 2007-2008 sea- But for the past few years they
son. But it was clear that if the
have been one of the worst. Will
Celtics want to get back to legitimate this draft be the start of the turn
title contention they were going to
around for the Celtics? Or will
have to move on from Garnett and they continue their downward spiPierce. Once the season started the ral?
strategy was set in place: lose as
many games as possible to get the lowest pick possible. Since - the less wins Big, thickly built, experienced
you have the better chance you would right tackle who graduated with a
have of getting a higher pick. And it
seemed that way for a while until the degree in aeronautics and astronautics and entered the draft early
trade deadline on July 31st.
Rajon Rondo, the last remain- despite standing to benefit from
ing player of the championship team, another year of seasoning at Stanhad only a couple of years left of his ford. Has size and smarts to stick
contract, and many fans hoped that he
in a power/slide-protection
would be traded for even more draft
picks. The interesting thing about this scheme, but needs to make strides
was that it wasn’t that he was injured with his functional strength, techor that he wasn’t playing well. The
nique and aggressiveness. Could
problem was that he was actually too
be tried inside at guard. Fleming
good. If they were going to be able to
would be backing up current
get the lowest draft pick as possible
they were going to have to get rid of Tackles Nate Solder and SebasRondo since he was too good. Then at tian Vollmer.
the trade deadline the Celtics made a
PICK 179
shocking decision and decided to not
trade Rondo. This confused many
Celtics fans. If the Celtics were trying
to gain more draft picks, why would
323 LBS
they keep Rondo?
At the end of the season the
Halapio is naturally thick with
Celtics ended with the 5th-to-last recbig hands. He can drive block
ord of the league. However, this does
not mean they will have the 5th pick in and is effective when he has an
the draft. The NBA has a ping pong angle. Functional anchor. Proball system that has been in effect for vides adequate
years now. In this system, the top five three-step drop
worst records all have a number of
protection. Has a
ping pong balls. Going from the worst
warrior's metalrecord having the most and the 5th
Sports + Picks
ity -- plays hurt. He played the whole
2013 season with an 80% pectoral
tear. Made 43 career starts. Another
addition to shore up the interior offensive line.
PICK 198
269 LBS
Looks the part with NFL stature,
length and musculature. Is athletic
and flexible and has rare leaping ability for his size. Quick off the snap.
Averaged a sack per game. Flashes
the ability to gain extension and play
off blocks. Gives effort in pursuit and
ranges to make tackles. Good closing
speed. Snares ball carriers. Averaged a
sack per game in college. Has experience in a 4-3 and 3-4. Dedicated,
hardworking and coachable two-time
captain. Mentally tough guy who has
beaten the odds and persevered to get
to this point. Has moldable tools and
upside. Raw, physically gifted, Division II standout with untapped potential given his combination of size,
length and movement skills. Will have
defensive line coaches drooling in
workouts. Could be tried as a linebacker. Moore is exactly what the Patriots needed for their DE rotation.
He could end up being a major steal,
in typical Bill Belichick fashion.
PICK 206
192 LBS
Strong, tough, durable, downhill box
safety whose hip tightness is limiting,
but he brings desirable grit, physicality and competitiveness and could
latch on as a situational nickel-safety
and special-teams player.
SEAL of a four-man mission that
goes horribly wrong. It’s based on
PICK 244
a true story. And although it can be
very gruesome, it shows the true
horrors of war, while celebrating
the soldiers who willfully enter it to
185 LBS
fight for this country. It is arguably
Stocky, strong slot receiver with more the best war movie since Saving Priof a running back's build, Gallon pos- vate Ryan and is, without a doubt, in
sesses the hands, zone awareness and my top ten favorite movies. It
toughness to fend for a job. Lacks the comes to DVD on June 3rd and is
absolutely worth a watch.
top-end speed desired as a kick returner, but shows enough burst to
warrant an opportunity fielding punts. -Allison Paladino
Would be useful as punt returner,
which would allow recently resigned
WR Julian Edelman to stay out of
harm’s way. Also, Gallon is from
Tom Brady’s alma mater (Michigan)
and has stated he can’t wait to work
with Tom.
The Patriots’ 2014 draft was
Call of Duty has released the trailnot a very “sexy” one by most fans’
standards. This draft was one for the er for their next installment, Call of
big boys, the large men who man the Duty: Advanced Warfare, which will
trenches. Many will complain, but
hit stores this Fall. Taking place in
Patriots fans must remember the Suthe future, Advanced Warfare will
per Bowl winning years of the early
certainly offer a brand new pace to
2000’s. The Patriots won with great
defense and a great offensive line,
the aging franchise. From exdespite having no name wide receiv- osuits, to deployable cover, Aders. The Patriots seem to be returning
vanced Warfare promises a more
to their successful roots.
dynamic style of play. Coupled
with the addition of Hollywood
talent Kevin Spacey providing the
voice of the main antagonist, Advanced Warfare will likely fulfill
Lone Survivor
Sledgehammer Games’ hopes of
is a movie
bringing the series into the next
generation of gaming.
Mark Wahl-Nicholas Sorabella
berg, who
plays the
only surviving Navy
Tips to Make Yours Shimmer and Shine
Renee Leavitt
A great way to enjoy summer is to kick
back and relax with your friends. Here
are a few tips to make your summer absolutely awesome.
1. Always use sun-block. A nasty burn
could put a damper on things. No need
to stay inside with a sunburn when you
could have easily put on some block.
2. Speaking of sun, if you want a tan, get
a real one. Spray tan and tanning booths
are really bad for your skin and lungs.
Mayo Clinic says the jury’s still out on
spray tans. It seems they’re okay if you
keep them away from your nose and
mouth. All natural is the way to go. I
meant for tanning . . . put your bathing
suit back on.
3. Instead of wasting your summer days
waking up late only to go straight to the
computer or iPhone, call a few people
and have a sprinkler party! I get that I
sound like a five-year-old, but sprinkler
parties can be a good way to get outside,
cool off, and have some fun with your
4. Set a schedule for yourself. It’s easier
to get more accomplished in the three
month period with an easy to follow
schedule. You can give your room a
makeover, start a healthy meal plan, 1 tomato, 1 mozzarella ball, 1
and even get ready for the fall sports basil leaf, and 1 tomato.
you’re trying out for.
2.Drizzle with balsamic glaze
5. If you’re going on vacation, don’t and season (optional)
post every single moment on Facebook or Instagram. Sure, you want
3. Enjoy!
memories of your family trip to Cancun or your cruise to Argentina, but -Aingea Venuto
remember to live in the present too,
and cherish those memories as they MAIN
actually happen.
6. Enjoy yourself! Summer only
comes once in a while, so make it
last. Live like any teenager should,
and have some fun. Don’t be too
risky, but if you wake up and want to
go parasailing, do it. If you want to
lay out by the pool all day, do it. And
if you actually do think about that
sprinkler party, well do it!
(courtesy of
A nice twist on the classic Italian
You’ll need (to make 10 kabobs):
10 bamboo skewers
20 cherry or grape tomatoes
10 mini mozzarella balls (or
mozzarella cut into 1 inch cubes)
10 fresh basil leaves
balsamic glaze
1. Place the ingredients on the
skewer, following this pattern:
You’ll need (for 6 servings):
1 (10-ounce) package frozen
microwaveable brown rice
1 cup vanilla fat-free yogurt
1 teaspoon curry powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
3 cups chopped cooked chicken breast (~1 lb.)
1 1/2 cups chopped Gala apple
(~1 medium)
1/2 cup chopped celery
1/4 cup cherry-flavored sweetened dried cranberries
green leaf lettuce leaves
1. Prepare rice according to
package directions. Spread it in
a shallow pan; place in freezer
8-10 minutes.
2. While rice chills, combine
yogurt, curry powder and salt
in a bowl. Add chicken and
The Legend
next 3 ingredients to yogurt mixture. Stir until coated.
3. Stir chilled rice into chicken
mixture. Spoon chicken salad
onto lettuce leaves if desired.
I’ve made it before and it's great! Very
simple and good for summer nights.
-Muriel Baillie
(courtesy of
Here’s a quick
and easy recipe that makes a nice refreshing mango smoothie! All you need is:
Muriel Baillie
1 cup chopped ripe mango
1/2 cup low-fat milk
1/2 cup ice
/4 cup plain low-fat yogurt
1 tablespoon honey
>If you want your smoothie to be
thicker, use over-thawed vanilla ice
cream. Make sure to thaw it
enough so that it’s runny, but not
enough to lose the solidness.
>If you want a fun twist, you can
add another fruit, such as tangerines or bananas.
Rules of Sudoku: Fill in the blanks so that each row, each column, and
each of the nine 3x3 grids contain one instance of each of the numbers 1
through 9.
1. Place the mango, milk, ice, yogurt, and honey in a blender.
2. Blend until smooth and frothy.
-Aingea Venuto
The Legend
The Legend
Austin Preparatory School
101 Willow Street
Reading, MA 01867
Muriel Baillie
Jason Busch
Jennifer Cha
Renee Leavitt
Susannah List
Allison Paladino
Nicholas Sorabella
Muriel Baillie
Muriel Baillie
Aingealica Venuto
Garrison White
Justin Winschel
With Special Thanks to Julie Bloise
Tara Oliveri
Want to be a part of The Legend?
The Legend is written and edited by the students of Austin
Preparatory School. The opinions expressed are not that of
the faculty nor the administration.
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Day 6
Writing Lab
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