danish literary magazine
danish literary magazine
DANISH ARTS FOUNDATION DANISH LITER ARY MAGA ZINE S PR I N G 2 0 16 WELCOME the season’s Danish literary crop, Danish Literary Magazine is the place for you. Take, for example, the new novel from the already internationally acclaimed Dorte Nors, Mirror, Why do some Danish books sell like hot cakes Shoulder, Signal. Or Peder Frederik Jensen, abroad, while other hits on the home market whose novel Violence is a deeply original just get lost in the crowd? example of modern, socially conscious literature. Or there is multi-award-winning I’m afraid we can’t answer that one, but our interviews with three acquiring editors from author Anne-Cathrine Riebnitzsky’s latest France, the USA and Sweden, provide some novel The Hurricane Season and the Silence. level of insight into what they look for when buying literature for translation. non-fiction at the moment as well. In this edition, we present recent books from two If you’re on the lookout for the best of PAGE 2 PAGE 4 PAGE 7 PAGE 18 PEDER FREDERIK JENSEN AWARDS BOOKS IN BRIEF JACOB SHEIKH Exciting things are happening in Danish PAGE 20 PAGE 22 PAGE 25 PAGE 30 ANNE-CATHRINE RIEBNITZSKY CHOOSING A DANISH TITLE RECENTLY SOLD SUPPORT SCHEMES award-winning journalists: Jakob Sheikh’s writers who are winning awards. It will also account of young Danish people who travel to remind you of the application deadlines for Syria to fight as jihadists, and Puk Damsgård’s the Danish Arts Foundation’s international shocking report The ISIS Hostage. pools, to which you can apply for funding for everything from translation and production to As ever, we do our best to bring you the best of current Danish literature, but there marketing and support for research trips. will always be good books that we don’t have room for. To cover this gap, the Danish Arts Subscribe to Danish Literary Newsletter on Foundation recently launched an international www.danishliterarymagazine.dk newsletter, which will be sent out 4–5 times a year. Danish Literary Newsletter is for those who want to know more about Danish books that are being published abroad and Danish Annette Bach EDITOR-IN-CHIEF DANISH LITERARY MAGAZINE ‘ PREVIOUS TITLES SOLD TO: Hungary 2 Within our country there are tons of Excerpt from VOLD (VIOLENCE) PHOTO: LARS GUNDERSEN Vold (Violence) is both the story of The basic theme in this book is people who are seeking something a road trip through West Africa and the act of violence that is hidden different. I don’t think that the a street view of the counter-culture in a story and how we build a story social welfare state will survive. of Copenhagen in the 90s. It is a about ourselves, both in our close coming of age novel, a thoughtrelationships, but also in regards Simon is rootless and his journey provoking tour-de-force and also to the bigger picture. Each partner directionless. What is the story you a love story. In the novel, Simon holds onto their own perception of want to tell? is a young writer living near Isted reality. The theme is similar in both There is no plot in one’s existence. Street, a popular haunt for junkies Banedanmark (Danish Rail) and Writers such as Ryszard Kapuand prostitutes near the main Violence. It’s about looking at how ci ski, Isabelle Eberhardt and station in Copenhagen. Thomas Boberg have His relationship with his inspired me. In Eberhardt’s “The unbridled nature girlfriend is at a standstill book, there is no plot. One of Vold (Violence) fascinates me. and one day he can’t take is released from gender, it anymore. He packs his circumstances, etc. It’s When Peder Frederik Jensen opens backpack and takes off about finding oneself in the floodgates, it’s like looking to West Africa – not to a situation and having to down a trembling volcano of artistic find himself, but to get manage as well as you can. energy and creative potential. I find away from it all, from his it’s a courageous book, that initiates dysfunctional family, from Born in 1978, PEDER love and death. But what FREDERIK JENSEN vital discussions and dares to do greets him is a chaos that attended The Danish something completely different.” forces him to confront his Academy of Creative JAKOB MALLING LAMBERT, EDITOR own past, both the abuses Writing and is also a trained he has suffered and those boatbuilder. His debut novel who have suffered at his own hand. we represent ourselves. Denmark Her står du (You’re Standing Here) Vold (Violence) is in many ways a keeps holding onto the idea of us as was published in 2007. In 2012 he brutal novel about how victims can the good guys. What are we doing published Læretid (Apprenticeship), become violent men, and vice versa. when our planes bomb Libya, but we followed by the short story won’t accept refugees a year later? collection Banedanmark (Danish In a recent interview you state: Rail) in 2014, which was nominated “Every time one ignores that one Does your novel present a cultural for the 2016 EU Literature Prize. lives in a privileged world, one change occuring in Denmark? becomes a cynic.” How does this Simon becomes a part of the global perspective relate to your writing? community when Soda asks him “Then he began to talk about Africa. I started thinking about selffor money. That’s when he realizes About Soda in her bathrobe, when awareness, morality and that everything that he knew about she made eggs and toasted bread, responsibility in Scandinavia. the world was banal – a simple while Dakar buzzed outside. About There’s an enormous hypocrisy Scandinavian way of understanding that moment when she asked if in the way the Danes perceive the world. he could help her out with a little themselves, amongst others, based money, when he was standing in the on the story of how great we were Besides this being a love story, it’s doorway, on his way to Mali by train. during the Holocaust. But that’s also a confrontation with one’s He said, I want to write about that fictional as well. own cultural self-importance. In journey, that home doesn’t exist, Denmark we would like to be a part that a place is defined by that which of the bigger context, but we also Vold (Violence) Samleren 2016, 384 pages. flows through it. But it all ended up want to isolate ourselves. That’s FOREIGN RIGHTS: Copenhagen Literary being about violence.” impossible within our democracy. Agency, Monica Gram, Monica@cphla.dk. PEDER FREDERIK JENSEN “THERE’S AN ENORMOUS HYPOCRISY IN THE WAY THE DANES PERCEIVE THEMSELVES” Jensen stands out as a notable voice and social commentator on the Danish literary scene. Echoes of Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness are apparent in Violence, but here the ‘dark heart’ is a global wanderer, and darkness can be found anywhere – in this case at home in the Danish welfare state. From Dakar to Denmark, Jensen pieces together thousands of years of global cultural puzzles, breaking down patterns and borders. 3 DANISH LITERARY MAGAZINE PUK D R Å G S M DA MORTEN PA P E PHOTO: RASMUS B. LIND The Debutant Prize – 20 years of history, seen from below Morten Pape won the Debutant Prize 2015 for the semiautobiographical Bildungsroman Planen (The Ghetto), which explored the harsh realities of growing up in the socially deprived housing estate Urbanplanen on Vestamager, Copenhagen. separated, dysfunctional family – comes up with survival strategies in a concrete jungle, may be clearly fuelled by personal anger but it also paints a convincing picture of a place in time and of change.” - Jury chair Mona Madsen. The Debutant Prize is worth DKK 50,000. “Morten Pape’s story of how he – a bespectacled nerd from a MORTEN PAPE, born 1986, and a winner of Politiken’s prize for 4 feature articles, is studying screenwriting at the film school Super16. MORTEN PAPE Planen (The Plan/The Ghetto) Politikens Forlag 2015, 565 pages FOREIGN RIGHTS: Politiken Literary Agency, Nya Guldberg, nya.guldberg@jppol.dk AWARDS KLAUS HØECK JESP S TEIN ER The Cavling Prize – Everyday Closeups of War The 2015 Cavling Prize, a prestigious Danish award for journalism, honours correspondent Puk Damsgård for her coverage of human stories behind the conflicts in the Middle East, and for her book JB ØR N SSEN U M S RA Ser du månen, Daniel (The ISIS Hostage). Danish freelance photographer Daniel Rye was kidnapped and held hostage by ISIS in Syria for 13 months. The story is his touching and terrifying experience of torture and friendship, surviving in prison under extreme circumstances, as well as an insight into the people who guarded the hostages. Kirsten Pilgaard, president of the Cavling committee said: “When Damsgaard tells us about life in the Middle East, we also get the story of how it is to live with war. She brings us directly into the everyday, lived between the wreckage and uncertainty.” PHOTO: KEN HERMANN Born in 1978, PUK DAMSGÅRD is Danish Broadcasting Corporation’s Middle East correspondent based in Cairo. She has received several awards, including the Freedom of Speech Award from Jyllands-Posten and the Journalism Award from the Berlingske Foundation. Her other books include De Renes Land (Land of the Pure, 2009), Ulvehjerter (Wolfhearts, 2011) and Hvor solen græder (Under a Crying Sun - a story from Syria, 2014). PUK DAMSGÅRD Ser du månen, Daniel (The ISIS Hostage), Politikens Forlag 2015, 304 pages. FOREIGN RIGHTS: Politiken, Rudi Rasmussen, rudi.u.rasmussen@jppol.dk PREVIOUS TITLES SOLD TO: Hungary, Italy, Japan, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Sweden, UK 5 DANISH LITERARY MAGAZINE PHOTO: MORTEN HOLTUM The Nordic Council Literature Prize – The best of Danish poetry right now The Nordic Council awards an annual prize for literature to a work of fiction in one of the Nordic languages. The prize is worth DKK 350,000. This year the Danish nominees are the poets Klaus Høeck for Legacy and Bjørn Rasmussen for Ming. KLAUS HØECK The 2015 Booksellers Award, De Gyldne Laurbær (The Golden Laurel), was awarded to Jesper Stein for his crime novel Aisha, the fourth novel in the popular Axel Steen crime series, which Stein refers to as “2200 Noir” (2200 is a Copenhagen postcode). At the start of Aisha, the tortured body of Sten Høeck is found in a penthouse apartment. Høeck, a notorious womanizer, was Maersk’s chief of security, but also did some work for PET, Denmark’s secret service. With his death, secrets about PET activities have been lost forever, but when another former 6 Born in 1965, JESPER STEIN is a former law and crime reporter based in Copenhagen. He received the Danish Crime Academy Debut award in 2012 for his novel Uro (Unrest), the first in a trilogy, with Bye Bye Blackbird following in 2013 and Akrash in 2014. Film rights to the trilogy have been sold to SF Film in Denmark. PHOTO: FRIDA GREGERSEN Dagbladet Information said: “His language is original and jaunty, as he borrows from the hard-boiled genre, and shapes it into his very own lyrical narrative voice.” intelligence officer turns up dead, Steen begins to link the murders to an old terrorism case, one that not only involves his former boss, but also his new girlfriend. Legacy (Legacy) Gyldendal 2015, 585 pages. FOREIGN RIGHTS: Gyldendal Group Agency, Jenny Thor, jenny_thor@gyldendalgroupagency.dk PHOTO: KH FOTO The Booksellers Award – Bestselling Copenhagen Noir JESPER STEIN Aisha (Aisha) Politikens Forlag 2015, 440 pages. FOREIGN RIGHTS: Politiken Literary Agency, Rudi Rasmussen, Rudi.U.Rasmussen@jppol.dk PREVIOUS TITLES SOLD TO: Czech Republic, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Norway, Poland, Sweden, The Netherlands BJØRN RASMUSSEN Ming (Ming) Gyldendal 2015, 87 pages. FOREIGN RIGHTS: Gyldendal Group Agency, Jenny Thor, jenny_thor@gyldendalgroupagency.dk BOOKS IN BRIEF / FICTION BOOKS IN BRIEF FICTION WHY CAN’T YOU JUST BLOODY WELL LEARN TO DRIVE? ON FINDING YOUR WAY IN LIFE “Dorthe Nors surprises me every time she hands in a new manuscript. And yet there is a recurring voice and musicality throughout her work. She ‘gets’people and has a huge talent for satire. Mirror, Shoulder, Signal conveys pain, but it is also rambunctiously funny and told with great empathy. Dorthe has a special and completely unpretentious type of star quality, and looks her readers straight in the eye.” Julie Paludan-Müller, editor. DORTHE NORS, born 1970, has a master’s in Nordic literature and art history. She made her literary debut in 2001 with the novel Soul, followed by a string of critically acclaimed books and short stories. In 2011, she was awarded the Danish Arts Foundation’s three-year working grant, followed in 2014 by the Per Olov Enquist Prize. PHOTO: ASTRID DALUM O: The Oprah Magazine, The New Yorker and The Paris Review are just three of the big US media outlets to realise just how talented Dorthe Nors is. After one of her short stories was published in The Boston Review in 2009, others, including Harper’s Magazine, soon came calling – culminating in autumn 2013 when the prestigious The New Yorker published Hejren (The Heron) from the collection Kantslag (Karate Chop), heralding her international breakthrough. Dorthe’s new novel, Spejl skulder blink (Mirror, Shoulder, Signal), about Sonja, who earns a living translating Swedish crime fiction and is taking driving lessons from the sleazy instructor Folke, has just been published. Sonja’s masseuse Ellen thinks the emotional stress of learning to drive has worked its way into her body and is doing her best to relieve the tension. Her friend Molly and sister Kate also offer their own unique outlooks on life and its challenges. Nors conjures up concise, subtle and humorous snapshots of the modern compulsion to analyse ourselves and each other, and of our simple desire to be able to cope. “... A LITTLE LIKE DANISH FURNITURE, SPARE AND SUBLIME” O: THE OPRAH MAGAZINE DORTHE NORS Spejl skulder blink (Mirror, Shoulder, Signal) Gyldendal 2016, 192 pages FOREIGN RIGHTS: Ahlander Agency, Astri von Ahlander, astri@ahlanderagency.dk PREVIOUS TITLES SOLD TO: United States, Great Britain, Czech Republic, Germany, Romania, Norway, Sweden, Turkey, Hungary and The Netherlands 7 DANISH LITERARY MAGAZINE LOSS, GUILT AND UNIVERSAL TRUTHS SPINNING LITERARY GOLD FROM A BAD START IN LIFE But it does get worse: His mum actually drowns, his dad barricades himself in his bedroom with a ton of chocolate and a TV, and the only adults Henry has anything to do with are teachers and psychologists. To make matters worse, Alma is deported to Funen. His mate Adam is a rare bright spot in this gloom – but is he falling for the incredibly irritating Alice? Henry turns to his notebook and starts exacting revenge on reality. Det kommer til at ske (It Will Happen) is about spinning literary gold out of a bad start in life, and then being confronted by the people you wrote about, who are not best pleased and out for revenge. 8 On her last novel Politiken wrote: “In its own indirect and ironic way, Politisk Roman (Political Novel) rips into all of us good, well-meaning, hypocritical, weak and powerless middle-class types – the ones who shy away from politics, leaving the stage free to ‘the worst types, full of passionate intensity’. It isn’t just good literature; it is important and timely. Read it before everyone else does.” LONE ABURAS, born 1979, made her debut in 2009 with the novel Føtexsøen (The Føtex Lake), which was lauded by the Danish Arts Foundation as one of the best books of the year, and has since been dramatised. She followed up with the critically acclaimed Den svære toer (The Difficult Second Book) and Politisk Roman (Political Novel). In 2010, she was awarded the Danish Arts Foundation’s three-year working grant. LONE ABURAS Det kommer til at ske (It Will Happen) Gyldendal 2016, 176 pages FOREIGN RIGHTS: Gyldendal Group Agency, Jenny Thor, jenny_ thor@gyldendalgroupagency.dk The reviewer from Berlingske was enthusiastic about Beck’s last novel: “In Familien Kammer (The Kammer Family), Hanne Richardt Beck lays PHOTO: MORTEN HOLTUM Things just can’t get any worse for young Henry. His mum likes to play dead, his dad digs graves for her in the garden, Henry brings her back to life with his toy doctor’s kit – and the beautiful, cross-eyed Alma knows all about it. PHOTO: ROBIN SKJOLDBORG DARKEST OF SOCIAL SATIRE Purely by chance, a pile of small human bones is found on a hillside in Mallorca. On closer analysis, they appear to be those of Luis, a boy who disappeared without a trace 13 years ago. The case leads Spanish detective Pilar to three Danish women who were on holiday in the house next door to Luis’s father when his son disappeared. Uforudsete hændelser (Unpredictable Incidents) is a study of friendship and the bonds between parents and children, but it is also about loss and guilt, about the female body, about the brevity and erratic nature of human life. BOOKS IN BRIEF / FICTION PHOTO: ANDERS BEIER bare the shredded souls of suburban middle-class Denmark. It is pure poetry, but like all true art it’s also undiluted reality.” HANNE RICHARDT BECK, born 1959, made her debut in 1993 with the novel De brune øjne, Arthur (The Brown Eyes, Arthur) and has since published several novels and a collection of short stories. She has received a number of grants and awards, including from the Danish Arts Foundation. HANNE RICHARDT BECK Uforudsete hændelser (Unpredictable Incidents) Gyldendal 2016, 350 pages. FOREIGN RIGHTS: Gyldendal Group Agency, Jenny Thor, jenny_thor@ gyldendalgroupagency.dk PREVIOUS TITLES SOLD TO: Norway, Sweden STORIES THAT TRANSFORM TIME UNFLINCHING REALISM WITH IMAGINATIVE COMPLICATIONS GLOBE-SPANNING LOVE STORY In Brooklyn, a young man gets involved with Ana Iván, an intense artist and mathematician who is preparing to conduct an experiment that will remove her sense of time. Ana was born in Romania, right before the fall of Ceausescu in 1989, and through their gradual acquaintance the narrator begins to learn about her past and a bizarre story that has haunted her family for generations, leading him on a journey from the mathematical institute in Ceausescu’s Bucharest to a village in Morocco and onwards to the art scenes in Bergen and Brooklyn. In an abandoned gallery, a secret is revealed, one that switches dates and times around, and allows Ana’s family to escape from the past and eventually find their way into the life of the narrator. It is a novel about love in all forms, and the ability of stories to transform our lives. “A story, that holds many threads and many fates and many places…and despite that, doesn’t lose its focus or stumble in its own philosophical curiosities.” – Berlingske. Born in 1987, MIKKEL ROSENGAARD debuted as a writer for young adults in 2010 with his novel Videre (Next). He has been living in New York since 2010, where he works for the PEN World Voices literary festival. MIKKEL ROSENGAARD Forestillinger om Ana Ivan (The Premature Death of Ana Ivan) Gyldendal 2016, 272 pages. FOREIGN RIGHTS: Gyldendal Group Agency, Jenny Thor, jenny_ thor@gyldendalgroupagency.dk PREVIOUS TITLES SOLD TO: Norway, The Netherlands, Sweden. 9 DANISH LITERARY MAGAZINE LIFE IN THE DISSONANT ZONE Zoe, a pianist, teaches at the conservatory but dreams of composing again. Frederik, her nineyear-old boy, is good at maths and computer games. Zoe has a friend called Beate, a photographer whose husband has just left her. The three are fixed points in each other’s lives, but when things goes wrong for Zoe, all of their relationships are thrown out of kilter. A wolf interval is a musical term that describes the minor dissonance that enables certain tonal systems to work as a whole. The book is about what happens when life gets stuck in the dissonant zone, and how it affects everyone around you. On her last book: Siden blev det for pænt (Then it Got Too Nice) Jyllands-Posten wrote: “The book cuts right to the bone. You hear the nerves crackling, and it’s seductively wicked [...] Trisse Gejl establishes herself in the pantheon of Danish writing with this description of her fictional colleague’s mental afflictions.” TRISSE GEJL, born 1968, is a former editor and journalist on several top Danish newspapers and magazines. She made her debut in 1995 with the novel Hvor mælkebøtter gror (Where Dandelions Grow), followed by Spradefuglen (Spradefuglen) and Stilleben (Still Life). Her breakthrough came in 2006 with Patriarken (The Patriarch), which was nominated for Weekendavisen’s Literature Prize and the P2 Novel Prize. In 2012, Siden blev det for pænt (Then it Got Too Nice) was nominated for the Danish Broadcasting Corporation’s Novel Prize. TRISSE GEJL Ulvekvinten (The False Note) People’s Press 2016, 256 pages. FOREIGN RIGHTS: People Group Agency, Louise Langhoff Koch, lolk@artpeople.dk PREVIOUS TITLES SOLD TO: Hungary, Sweden A NOVEL ABOUT WHAT ELSE LOVE MIGHT BE LOVE AND LOSS IN 1930s DENMARK Based on the author’s family history, this chronicle tells the story of Marie, who grows up in the 1930s on the small provincial island of Langeland, in southern Denmark. It is a childhood without money and with violence on a daily basis. Otto, an electrician, becomes her ticket away from Langeland’s poverty. The couple travel to Copenhagen to create a new and better future, but Marie finds that she can’t escape her life in Langeland that easily, while the future in the progressive city doesn’t unfold as she had hoped. PHOTO: LES KANER 10 Born in 1965, MERETE PRYDS HELLE debuted in 1990 as a novelist with Imod en anden ro (Towards PHOTO: ROBIN SKJOLDBORG FOR BETTER OR WORSE “Merete Pryds Helle challenges the unimaginative way the movies have taught us to tell stories,” says writer Pia Juul of the Danish Academy. “Instead, she imitates life in a much more refined way, where the point of view changes, past and present are mixed, and strict chronology breaks away.” THE AFTERMATH OF A RAPE In the centre of Copenhagen, a young lawyer is dragged into an entranceway and raped. She is able to make her way back home to her boyfriend and together they report the crime, but their relationship is changed forever. Through the eyes of her boyfriend, we follow her journey through the legal system up to the day when she stands before the judge in court. We experience how she gradually disintegrates under the scrutinizing gaze of the system, but also how the narrator himself becomes a victim of the rape, as he rages, grieves and struggles to understand, filled with a longing for revenge. The Victims is an enthralling, intense and thought-provoking reading experience, a study of guilt, resentment and victimization. Born in 1970, MORTEN BRASK’s debut Havet i Theresienstadt (Sea of Theresienstadt, 2007), was nominated for the Prix du Roman Fnac 2011 and the Prix Chapitre du roman européen 2011. His second novel, William Sidis perfekte liv (The Perfect Life of William Sidis, 2011), went on to win the Edoardo Kihlgren Award for European Fiction 2014 as well as the Italian Bottari Award 2015. In 2013, Brask published En pige og en dreng (A Girl and A Boy), which has sold more than 25,000 copies in Denmark. MORTEN BRASK Ofrene (The Victims) Politikens Forlag 2016, 209 pages. FOREIGN RIGHTS: Copenhagen Literary Agency, Esthi Kunz, esthi@cphla.dk PREVIOUS TITLES SOLD TO: France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Turkey PHOTO: THOMAS FREITAG Another Tranquility). She has received several literary awards, including the Copenhagen County Cultural Award in 1997 and, in 2009, the Francophone Countries Ambassadors Literature Award for her novel Oh, Romeo. She also received the Beatrice Prize in 2009. BOOKS IN BRIEF / FICTION A DELICATE TOPIC AND A DRIVEN NARRATIVE MERETE PRYDS HELLE Folkets skønhed (The Beauty of the People) Lindhardt and Ringhof 2016, 480 pages. FOREIGN RIGHTS: Lindhardt and Ringhof, Sune de Souza Schmidt-Madsen, sune.schmidtmadsen@lrforlag.dk. PREVIOUS TITLES SOLD TO: France, Germany, Italy, Latvia 11 DANISH LITERARY MAGAZINE BOOKS IN BRIEF / FICTION family and doesn’t want to talk about his past. But Heidi still falls head over heels in love with him. His condition makes climate change a bit of a bind for Kenneth, so he’s keen to do his bit. But what can individuals do? And how far are they willing to go? EUROPE TURNED INSIDE OUT THE REFUGEE JOURNEY Møder med de danske forfattere (My Meetings with Danish Authors). In October 2015, Madame Nielsen began a new Grand Tour of Europe, travelling from ancient Greece all the way to Denmark – on foot. Walking alone, she falls in step with the ‘tide of refugees’. From their perspective she observes the changing landscape, where pretty, dilapidated or ambiguous. She shares their exhaustion, the border crossings, and the camps. And moving at a slower pace, she notes the smaller details: the garden gnomes, the road kill and the children caught in no-man’s land. She experiences a Europe turned inside out, where capital cities appear like provincial villages and hip lives are strangely unaffected by what is happening along the borders. MADAME NIELSEN 12 CHARLOTTE WEITZE, born 1974, has had four collections of stories and four novels published and two radio plays aired. She has received numerous awards and scholarships, including Bogforum’s Debutant Prize and the Danish Arts Foundation’s three-year working grant. CHARLOTTE WEITZE CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE ABOMINABLE SNOWMAN Den afskyelige (Big Foot) is a tale of fanaticism and deep love, of unsustainable CO2 emissions and the individual responsibility. Heidi takes a job in a hospital to be close to her sister, Angelica, the victim – seven years go – of the last-ever skiing accident in the country. Nobody knows what actually happened, but Angelica went to meet somebody and Heidi was sworn to secrecy. Since then, climate change has melted all the snow off Klaftafjeld. In the hospital, Heidi meets Kenneth, a patient in the sweat clinic. Over six feet tall and wildly hirsute, he has no Den afskyelige (Big Foot) Samleren 2016, 250 pages. FOREIGN RIGHTS: Gyldendal Group Agency, Jenny Thor, jenny_thor@gyldendalgroupagency. dk PREVIOUS TITLES SOLD TO: Bulgaria, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Russia ECO-POLITICAL SATIRE PHOTO: LEA MEILANDT MADAME NIELSEN. Since 2002 the Danish author Claus BeckNielsen has worked under the name Das Beckwerk and in 2011 he changed his name to Nielsen, while also writing as Madame Nielsen. Among the most praised of his novels are Claus Beck-Nielsen (1963-2001) – a biography (Gyldendal 2003) and The Suicide Mission (Gyldendal 2005) for which the author was nominated for The Nordic Council Literature Prize. In 2014 the author was once again nominated for The Nordic Council Literature Prize for Mine Invasionen – En fremmed i flygtningestrømmen. Dannelsesroman (The Invasion – A Stranger in the Flood of Refugees. Bildungsroman) Gyldendal 2016, 192 pages. FOREIGN RIGHTS: Copenhagen Literary Agency, Anneli Høier, anneli@cphla.dk - Partial German sample available. PREVIOUS TITLES SOLD TO: France, Norway, Spain, Sweden, US “I think Charlotte Weitze is the only writer capable of penning an ecopolitical satire and interweaving it with a moving and sensual love story about the effects of climate change on an abominable snowman’s sweat glands. If it all sounds a bit wild, that’s because it is. Wild and wonderful.” Louise Kønigsfeldt, editor BOOKS IN BRIEF / NON FICTION NON-FICTION THE STORY OF A SIMPLE DRAWING NADIA PLESNER Simple living - kamp og kunst fra en campingvogn (Simple Living: Struggle and Art from a Caravan) Lindhardt & Ringhof 2015, 384 pages FOREIGN RIGHTS: Lindhardt and Ringhof, Sune de Souza Schmidt-Madsen, sune. schmidt-madsen@lrforlag.dk FILM RIGHTS: Good Company Films PHOTO: THOMAS ANDEERSEN A PERSONAL STORY OF TRIUMPH AND ARTISTIC FREEDOM Born in 1981, NADIA PLESNER is a Danish/Dutch painter who trained at the Graphic Arts Institute in Copenhagen and at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam. In 2008 she created her campaign, Simple Living Committee, and was later named Cosmopolitan’s Provocateur of the Year Award. In 2011, Plesner was nominated for the JCI Ten Outstanding Young People’s Award. HOW FAR WOULD YOU GO? “The book is an original mix of historical narrative, reporting and personal reflection on our relationship with ourselves, lust and existence.” Janne Breinholt Bak, editor LONE FRANK, born 1966, has a PhD in neurobiology and writes about science for Weekendavisen. She contributes to leading international publications and is a regular voice in debates on science, technology and society on Danish radio and television. She is the author of the critically acclaimed and award-winning books New Life, Klonede Tigre (Cloned Tigers), Mindfield and My Beautiful Genome, and has received several awards for her ability to impart knowledge. LONE FRANK Lystens pioner (The Pioneer of lust) Gyldendal 2016, 224 pages. FOREIGN RIGHTS: Gyldendal Group Agency, Jenny Thor, jenny_thor@ gyldendalgroupagency.dk PREVIOUS TITLES SOLD TO: Germany, Norway, the Netherlands, and the UK The American psychiatrist Robert Heath insisted that mental illness stems from physical defects in the brain. In the 1950s, he came up with the idea of placing electrodes deep in the brain of patients with schizophrenia, depression and epilepsy, and channelling electricity through them. The results were remarkable, but he went too far when he tried to “cure” a gay man by locking him up with a female prostitute and jolting his brain’s pleasure centre with electricity. Heath may have been written out of history, but his method has been resurrected. New pioneers now conduct experiments with electrical stimuli to treat everything from depression and anxiety to compulsive behaviour, anorexia CONTROVERSIAL and aggression. In Lystens PSYCHIATRIST WANTED pioner (The Pioneer of TO USE ELECTRO-SHOCK Lust), Lone Frank tells ON GAYS the fascinating story of Heath’s rise and fall, and identifies surprising links PHOTO: ROBIN SKJOLDBORG Hit by a speeding scooter in Amsterdam, art student Nadia Plesner woke up three months later in a cold, isolated caravan, deserted by her boyfriend and physically incapacitated. Picking up an old newspaper, she was struck by the discrepancy between a whole page dedicated to Paris Hilton and a tiny snippet covering the genocide in Sudan. What begins as a simple drawing sketched on a kitchen door that day, six years later leads her to The Hague where she successfully defends artistic freedom and confronts Louis Vuitton’s copyright infringement lawsuit. Film rights were sold before publication. with current research and how it might pan out in the future. 13 DANISH LITERARY MAGAZINE CRIME THE DARK SIDE OF THE BABY BUSINESS “I had to meet several of my sources well away from Christiansborg because the prospect of being seen scared them out of their wits.” - Helle Vincentz. HELE VINCENTZ, born 1978, is a journalist and author of the bestselling Caroline Kayser thrillers. Her new series features anthropologist Sofie Munk. HELLE VINCENTZ Stjålne liv (Stolen Lives) People’s Press 2016, 456 pages FOREIGN RIGHTS: People Group Agency, Louise Langhoff Koch, lolk@artpeople.dk PREVIOUS TITLES SOLD TO: France, Germany and The Netherlands PHOTO: CAMILLA STEPHAN When inseminated ovaries disappear from a fertility clinic, Sofie Munk is sent to investigate. Mik Karlsen at the Ministry of Justice is warned of a suspect device at the airport. Without knowing it, Sofie and Mik are both working the same, deadly dangerous case. NO QUESTIONS ASKED The prime minister is murdered, and in Bangladesh a factory collapses on top of hundreds of poor textile workers. Communications Director Palle Bengtson leaves his wife, career and a corporate scandal and heads for South America. This is a tale of tough confrontations, and what happens when you turn your back on everything you know. “It is a wellwritten and relevant novel [...] It is a dynamic story with much more to offer than just good entertainment.” Kristeligt Dagblad PHOTO: LES KANER 14 MORTEN HESSELDAHL, born 1964, is director of the Danish Royal Theatre and the author of several comic books and novels. In 2007, his novel Drager over Kabul (Kites over Kabul) was named “Danish thriller of the year”. MORTEN HESSELDAHL Manden fra lavlandet (Man from the Lowlands) Modtryk 2016, 282 pages. FOREIGN RIGHTS: Forlaget Modtryk, Nanna Rørdam Knudsen, nrk@modtryk.dk PREVIOUS TITLES SOLD TO: France, Germany, Norway, Sweden CLASSIC CRIME IN COPENHAGEN In the fourth Lars Winkler crime novel, friendships and betrayal are central to a case when the body of the HR director of the Tivoli Gardens is found hanging from a swinging balloon ride. The case is further complicated by the attempted murder of a suspect’s wife. Winkler learns that those who hold the clues have conflicting interests which take him all the way back to a series of killings in the 70s. BOOKS IN BRIEF / CRIME PHOTO: HAZEL THOMPSON JACOB MELANDER was born in 1965. His 2013 crime debut Øjesten (The House that Jack Built) was a bestseller that sold to eight countries, followed by Serafine (Scream of the Butterfly) and De Berusedes vej (From Her to Eternity). JACOB MELANDER Det bedste til mig og mine venner (With a Little Help From My Friends) Rosinante 2016, 400 pages. FOREIGN RIGHTS: Gyldendal Group Agency, Jenny Thor, jenny_thor@gyldendalgroupagency.dk PREVIOUS TITLES SOLD TO: Canada, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Norway, Slovakia, The Netherlands, US Amina’s brother disappears from the Iranian atomic program. PHOTO: STINE HEILMANN Born in 1971, LONE THEILS worked as a Danish correspondent in London for 15 years before becoming a full-time author. Of her 2015 debut novel, Pigerne fra Englandsbåden (Fatal Crossing), Berlingske wrote: “Sand is a heroine one would gladly meet again.” LONE THEILS Den blå digters kone (The Blue Poet’s Wife) Lindhardt og Ringhof 2016, 325 pages. FOREIGN RIGHTS: Nordin Agency, Lina Vozzi Salazar, lina@nordinagency.se PREVIOUS TITLES SOLD TO: Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Japan, Portugal, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands, UK all they have to offer are a couple of bizarre clues – a dismembered finger, a cache of magic mushrooms and a bloodied bathroom. The truth will out, but only by circumventing the police work and delving deep within his psychiatric experiments, can Falk discover the depths of the motive and that revenge is imprinted on the brain. Born in 1971, INGER WOLF published her debut Sidespring (The Affair) in 2000 and Sort Sensommer (Dark Summer) in 2006, which won the Danish Crime Academy Debutant Award. Brændte sjæle (Burned Souls) is the first in a new crime-science thriller series. INGER WOLF NEW PSYCHIATRIC DETECTIVE SERIES NORA SAND SERIES Brændte sjæle (Burned Souls) People’s Press 2016, 300 pages. FOREIGN RIGHTS: People Group Agency, Louise Langhoff Koch, lolk@artpeople.dk PREVIOUS TITLES SOLD TO: France, Germany, The Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden When the police ask Psychiatrist Christian Falk to assist them when Anton Jørgensen is reported missing, In Lone Theils’ second thriller, we reacquaint ourselves with Globalt’s correspondent Nora Sand. When Nobel-prize winner Manash Ishmail turns up at a refugee camp, he appeals to Sand to find his wife Amina, a search that leads to dangerous hiding places. Sand has her own fears as well, with the Danish security service, tracking her every move when 15 DANISH LITERARY MAGAZINE COMICS Du skal slet ikke røre mig, so! Christian, kom s… 68 PHOTO: ANNE-MARIE VANG Udødelighed. 116 CHRISTIAN VII STARS IN EXCEPTIONALLY WELL RECEIVED COMIC In October 1766, aged just 17, Christian VII married his English cousin, Princess Caroline Mathilde. The very young, psychologically fragile king and his imported child bride live separate, miserable lives in Christiansborg – he the confused figurehead of a supposedly absolute monarchy, she a royal birth machine. At the same time, in Altona, the royal physician Johann Friedrich Struensee is working away, trying to improve the lot of the weakest in society, as well as his own life. All three have their own dreams of a better tomorrow. “Working with Karoline has been an absolute pleasure. As well as being a huge talent with a unique drawing style, she is extremely disciplined and passionate (not to 16 KAROLINE STJERNFELT I morgen bliver bedre (It Will Get Better Tomorrow) Forlaget Cobolt 2015, 157 pages. FOREIGN RIGHTS: Forlaget Cobolt, Pernille Arvedsen, pernille@cobolt.dk COMIC SENSATION OF THE YEAR mention wonderfully stubborn). This exceptionally well received book is already into a second print run in less than three months.” Pernille Arvedsen, editor. “There is a clarity, a sharpness to this book – at times even a virtuosity. The characters are both heavily caricatured and vividly realistic. It’s the kind of stuff Will Eisner did.” Jyllands-Posten KAROLINE STJERNFELT, born 1993, is a graduate of Serieskolan in Malmö. Her past works have featured in a number of anthologies. Stjernfelt’s solo project I morgen bliver bedre (It Will Get Better Tomorrow) consists of three volumes: The King, The Queen and The Doctor. The book was arwarded as one of the season’s best books by The Danish Arts Foundation. BOOKS IN BRIEF / COMICS FINAL CURTAIN ON AMBITIOUS GRAPHIC BIOGRAPHY Danish comics really are enjoying a golden age at the moment, with more and more talented artists entering the market. One of them is Halfdan Pisket. Dane is the last part of his The Cockroach Trilogy, in which we follow the life of Pisket’s father – one of those to do well out of the Danish welfare system and a bit of a crook down in Christiania. After his ex-wife contacts him, having been badly beaten by her new boyfriend, the way is clear for him to reconnect with his children. But balancing family life with a life of crime proves problematic. HALFDAN PISKET Dansker (Dane) Fahrenheit 2016, 170 pages. FOREIGN RIGHTS: Copenhagen Literary Agency, Esthti Kunz, esthi@cphla.dk PREVIOUS TITLES SOLD TO: France, Mexico, The Netherlands “A MODERN MASTERPIECE OF DANISH CARTOON ART” BERLINGSKE HALFDAN PISKET is a graduate of the Royal Danish Art Academy. He was awarded a three-year work grant by the Danish Arts Foundation in 2015, and received the Ping Award for best graphic novel in 2015. 17 DANISH LITERARY MAGAZINE THERE IS NO FOR RADIC Based on wide-ranging and richly detailed source material, Jacob Sheikh’s book Danmarks børn i hellig krig (Denmark’s Children of Holy War) is the grim tale of more than 100 Danish Muslims who have left the country to fight as jihadists in Syria and Iraq. They were all born and raised in Denmark, but came from widely different social, economic, religious and ethnic backgrounds and had widely different reasons for making such a drastic choice. They include Danish converts, children of ethnically mixed immigrants, secular Muslims and devout believers. Some have psychological issues, or are even mentally ill, while others are seemingly well adjusted, educated and have good jobs. 18 National integration and social policies offer few answers. Denmark and Sweden have different policies in these areas, but recruits from both have joined radical groups in Syria and Iraq. However, the apparent lack of a one-size-fits-all profile of who will succumb to radicalism doesn’t mean that there is no pattern. Jakob Sheikh identifies one. The boys involved were socially insecure and vulnerable, which may explain their taste for the sense of solidarity and charismatic leaders found in such circles. Nonetheless, there is no actual formula for extremism, and it may well just have been an unfortunate combination of circumstances that led to their individual decisions to devote their lives to holy war. Exceptionally honest personal stories The book excels at telling personal stories that bring the reader close to the jihadists. It portrays five ordinary Danes’ paths into extremism; Amir, Lukas, Shiraz and the two 16-yearold girls from Skejby who left their family and were dubbed the “terror twins” by the media. Shiraz, born in Copenhagen to Pakistani parents, is known by the nickname “the Spider”. He’s charming, garrulous and is really good at reaching out to young people who are seeking JACOB SHEIKH “With his new book, Danmarks børn i hellig krig (Denmark’s Children of Holy War), journalist Jakob Sheikh provides an accessible and fascinating tale of the rise of a violent Islamist scene in Copenhagen.” INFORMATION Hailed for his outstanding knowledge of radicalised circles O FORMULA CALISATION something in their lives. Lukas, a frail kid from South Harbour in Copenhagen, struggled with mental problems, crime and a society that had no place for him. He died a martyr’s death, after which his mother handed over all the relevant material she could find to the author. Amir and Jakob Sheikh grew up together. Their fathers came from the same part of Pakistan, their parents divorced at roughly the same time, and the two boys hung out with the same types. Sheikh is from a similar background to the people he portrays, which helps him understand their need to explore religion in search of a depth absent from ordinary, day-to-day life. His background is his key to connecting with people who are otherwise extremely wary of surveillance by the intelligence services and don’t like talking to outsiders. The role of the welfare state One of the common traits in the book is that religion, initially at least, solves some of the young people’s problems – it alleviates loneliness, enhances their social esteem or lifts them out of a life of crime. Sheikh stresses the importance of early intervention by the social services in stopping vulnerable young people falling for the seductive allure of radical groups. The welfare state and its range of social, economic and educational provisions has a role to play in providing alternatives to radicalisation. JAKOB SHEIKH, born 1987, has a Danish mother and a Pakistani father and has lived all his life in Copenhagen. He is a graduate of the Danish School of Media and Journalism and the American University in Beirut, and has appeared as an expert in radicalisation in Der Spiegel and on the BBC, al-Jazeera, the Danish Broadcasting Corporation and ABC News (Australia). His articles on radicalisation have been translated into more than ten languages. He is also spokesperson for Responsible Press, which aims to raise awareness about the role of the press and responsibility in society. He has received several awards, e.g. the EU Commission Journalist Award in 2012. In January 2016, he was awarded the Berlingske Foundation Journalist Award for his “outstanding work informing readers about integration, parallel societies and radicalised milieux in Denmark”. Danmarks børn i hellig krig (Denmark’s Children of Holy War) Lindhardt og Ringhof 2015, 568 pages FOREIGN RIGHTS: Lindhardt og Ringhof, Ulla Ewald Stigel, ues@lrforlag.dk 19 DANISH LITERARY MAGAZINE When trying to describe award-winning author Anne-Cathrine A TASTE FOR U NUSUAL THE MES Riebnitzsky, the media often use words like “atypical” and “unusual”. Why? Perhaps because her career as a successful writer and the fact she is a graduate of the Danish AcaAdemy of Creative Writing is completely at odds with her background as a soldier and language officer in Afghanistan – and with her anything-but-idyllic rural childhood... PHOTO: LES KANER 20 ANNE-CATHRINE RIEBNITZSKY “Wonderfully well written. An absolutely splendid novel about a man, a boy, a woman. The links between them are tenuous, but their stories intermingle and together their thoughts and actions create a real and meaningful world. A story full of real suspense from Helmand Province, Afghanistan. Get it read!” WEEKENDAVISEN ON DEN STJÅLNE VEJ (THE STOLEN ROAD) No matter what she writes about, Riebnitzsky’s readers are never in any doubt about what’s on her mind, whether it is women in Afghanistan, Danish soldiers stationed there or neglected children. She is never afraid to draw on her own professional and personal experiences, and her work often closely reflects real life. As one reviewer put it, some of the themes she tackles are not the usual stuff of literary family drama. Take, for example, her second novel, the gritty Forbandede Yngel (Slaughtered Pigs), which mixes tense combat in Afghanistan with quiet, subtle struggles between parents and children in the most peripheral of Danish provinces. The novel hammers home the fact that Riebnitzsky is a writer with something to say – and one who is difficult to ignore. “A novel you’re meant to swallow whole and be shocked by,” as Politiken said. In 2013, the book earned Riebnitzsky the Danish booksellers’ award, the Golden Laurel. Orkansæsonen og stilheden (The Hurricane Season and the Silence) also tackles big themes like faith, justice, love, sorrow and forgiveness. In this novel we meet Monica, a happily married church minister who regularly talks to God, and Beate, who was happily married but lost her husband in a car crash for which she feels partly to blame. Over the span of a year, the two friends cross paths with a whole range of people – a teenage Guatemalan girl who grew up in a children’s home, a Mafia gangster, a young hash dealer and a policeman in love, with an itchy trigger finger… ANNE-CATHRINE RIEBNITZSKY, born in 1974, graduated from the Danish Academy of Creative Writing in 1998 and qualified as a language officer in Russian in 2003. In 2007 she was deployed to Afghanistan, initially as a soldier and later as an adviser to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She made her publishing debut in 2010 with a non-fiction book about her work with Afghan women, Kvindernes krig (The Women’s War), which was nominated for a Weekendavisen readers’ prize. Her fiction debut came two years later with Den stjålne vej (The Stolen Road), for which she received the Bogforum Debutant Prize and was nominated for readers’ prizes by both Weekendavisen and the Danish Broadcasting Corporation. Her second novel, Forbandede Yngel (Slaughtered Pigs) (2013), about a more-thanusually dysfunctional family, won Politiken’s Novel Competition and received the Danish booksellers’ prestigious Golden Laurel award. Orkansæsonen og stilheden (The Hurricane Season and the Silence) is her third novel. Orkansæsonen og stilheden (The Hurricane Season and the Silence) Politikens Forlag 2015, 320 pages FOREIGN RIGHTS: Politiken Literary Agency, Nye Guldberg, nya.guldberg@jppol.dk PREVIOUS TITLES SOLD TO: France, Iceland, Norway, Sweden “It makes for a gripping read [...] A story about all the things that make life worth living, from the mild Danish summer to love and comradeship. It shows that the horrors of family life can be overcome but that the cost of doing so may be too high.” JYLLANDS-POSTEN ON FORBANDEDE YNGEL (SLAUGHTERED PIGS) 21 DANISH LITERARY MAGAZINE UGLY DUCKLINGS: ACQUIRING EDITORS ON CHOOSING A DANISH TITLE 22 CHOOSING A DANISH TITLE Acquiring editors know the feeling well: they’ve fallen for a foreign title, but translations are expensive, bestsellers in the original language aren’t necessarily bestsellers abroad and the cultural context is difficult to transfer. Susanne Juul is an acquiring editor at Gaia Editions, located in Southwestern France, which specialize in Nordic, as well as French, and Eastern European literature. During the past two years they have acquired several Danish titles, such as Patriarkens hændelige død (The Patriarch’s Accidental Death) by Leif Davidsen and Den skaldede detektiv (The Bald Detective) by Anna Grue. Most recently, they bought Jens Andersen’s biography of Pippi Longstocking author Astrid Lindgren, Denne dag, et liv (This Day, A Life), which they don’t plan to publish until 2018. The long wait, Juul notes, is due to the fact that their translator Alain Gnaedig is so busy with Danish titles at the moment. One of the issues that Juul often faces is that non-fiction, in particular, is difficult to transfer because it is more likely, than fiction, to be directed at a specific, national audience, but Pippi Longstocking So, what considerations do acquiring editors make when choosing a Danish title? This article presents three publishers who have all bought a Danish title within the last six months. They explain what drew them to a specific title and why they think it will appeal to a non-Danish audience. is well known internationally. Juul’s acquisition of Andersen’s book relied on finding an existing common ground within the French market and crossing over into different audiences. “Most readers in France know about the Pippi Longstocking books, but few are aware of Lindgren’s contributions beyond her literary endeavours,” says Juul. “The biography won’t solely be directed towards fans of her books, but to those who would enjoy reading about the era in which Lindgren lived and how she managed to get the best out of her life. It simply tells a fantastic life story.” 23 DANISH LITERARY MAGAZINE Since founding Archipelago Books in Brooklyn in 2003, Jill Schoolman has gained a reputation in the US as a publisher of literature in translation, with notable contemporary names including Norwegian sensation Karl Ove Knausgård. Most recently Archipelago acquired the Danish title En Ny Tid (A Change of Time) by Ida Jessen, which they plan to publish before 2018. Schoolman’s acquisition of Jessen exemplifies the role that translators and translation networks can play in spreading awareness of foreign writers: Schoolman was initially drawn to Jessen’s work because Jessen is the Danish translator of Alice Munro. “Once I read the opening of Martin Aiken’s beautiful English translation of A Change of Time, I was sold,” says Schoolman. “Ida Jessen’s writing is understated, delicate and perceptive. I gave myself over to the narrator’s quiet adamance, to her deep-rooted emotions, to the relaxed rhythm that gives us room to breathe, feel and think.” In Stockholm, Teresa Knochenhauer works with translated fiction at Forum, which first published classics such as Thor Heyerdahl’s KonTiki, and have since worked with Nobel Prize winners such as Toni Morrison. Over the past year they have published Danish author Kim Leine’s Afgrunden (The Abyss) and most recently they acquired Mikkel Rosengaard’s Forestillinger om Ana Ivan (The Premature Death of Ana Ivan), which they plan to publish in 2017. They are positive that Rosengaard’s work has international appeal because of its unique and engaging story. “Mikkel Rosengaard is an interesting new voice in Danish literature,” says Knochenhauer. “The Premature Death of Ana Ivan is a philosophical novel about time and artistry, as well as an epic story about truth, delusions and our need for stories. Keeping the novel on a high note as an art form, Rosengaard also manages to create a moving portrait of a girl and her mysterious past.” potential of titles, although their common ground will naturally be easier to find. Looking at what Scandinavian countries are buying from each other might well be a good way of discovering new Danish titles with appeal beyond Scandinavia. In addition to this, there are of course also awards and prizes to consider, such as The Nordic Council Prize and the Danish Booksellers Award: The Golden Laurel (De Gyldne Laurbær). There are also new prizes such as The Blixen Literary Award, or genre prizes, that can lead editors in the right direction. See our author profiles for more information and lots of great tips. 24 The Nordic countries, although having a shared culture and similar languages, can differ widely in their literary trends. Scandinavians acquiring from each other still have to consider the international JULY 2015–JANUARY 2016 RECENTLY SOLD ABROAD DANISH FICTION BRANA AJ KAZINSKI DEN GENFØDTE MORDER BRANA JESPER STEIN AKRASH ALBANIA EJAL PUBLISHING NAJA MARIE AIDT BAVIAN EJAL PUBLISHING KAREN BLIXEN DEN AFRIKANSKE FARM EJAL PUBLISHING HELLE, HELLE DETTE BURDE SKRIVES I NUTID EJAL PUBLISHING KIM LEINE PROFETERNE I EVIGHEDSFJORDEN PUBLISHING HOUSE FAN NOLI KRISTIAN BANG-FOSS DØDEN KØRER AUDI ARMENIA GUITANK NAJA MARIE AIDT BAVIAN BULGARIA EMAS JUSSI ADLER-OLSEN JOURNAL 64 ERA JONAS T. BENGTSON ET EVENTYR CROATIA VBZ ZAGREB MLADINSKA JOSEFINE KLOUGART EN AF OS SOVER CZECH REPUBLIC ALBATROS AGNETE FRIIS BLITZ BRANA LEONORA CHRISTINA SKOV HVOR INTET BRYDER VINDEN DOBROVSKY JENS HENRIK JENSEN DE HÆNGTE HUNDE + DE MØRKE MÆND + (TITEL 3) EUROMEDIA LONE THEILS PIGERNE FRA ENGLANDSBÅDEN EUROMEDIA LARS HUSUM MIT VENSKAB MED JESUS KRISTUS KNIHA ZHIN STEFFEN JACOBSEN GENGÆLDELSEN ESPERANTO ESPERANTO CULTURE WORLDWIDE HELLE, HELLE DETTE BURDE SKRIVES I NUTID ESPERANTO CULTURE WORLDWIDE PETER HØEG FRØKEN SMILLAS FORNEMMELSE FOR SNE ESPERANTO CULTURE WORLDWIDE KIM LEINE PROFETERNE I EVIGHEDSFJORDEN ESTONIA EESTI RAAMAT PETER HØEG EFFEKTEN AF SUSAN VARRAK PUBLISHERS LONE THEILS PIGERNE FRA ENGLANDSBÅDEN + DEN BLÅ DIGTERS KONE FAORE ISLANDS SPROTIN KARIN DYHR OG MARIANNE HOLMEN GLASPIGEN SPROTIN JOHANNES V JENSEN DEN LANGE REJSE (BIND 1+2) FINLAND BASAM BOOKS LONE THEILS PIGERNE FRA ENGLANDSBÅDEN + DEN BLÅ DIGTERS KONE MINERVA KUSTANNUS THOMAS RYDAHL EREMITTEN TAMMI PETER HØEG FORESTILLING OM DET TYVENDE ÅRHUNDREDE + FRØKEN SMILLAS FORNEMMELSE FOR SNE FRANCE ACTES SUD HAMMER & HAMMER PIGEN I SATANS MOSE CHEYNE ÉDITEUR SØREN ULRIK THOMSEN ANTOLOGI 60 DIGTE FOLIO SAGESSES KAREN BLIXEN THE SAILOR-BOY’S TALE + THE YOUNG MAN WITH THE CARNATION + THE PEARLS SVEND BRINKMANN Stå Fast (Stand Firm – a critique of the personal development mania) The book everyone in Denmark is talking about! Svend Brinkmann’s caustic and highly amusing face-off with the self-help industry has been a fixture on the Danish bestseller list since it was published over a year ago. It has now sold 50,000 copies. Drawing partly on the philosophical tradition of stoicism, Brinkmann presents a seven-step alternative to the constant clamour for selfrealisation and development. Stand firm. Say no. Relax. FOREIGN RIGHTS: Gyldendal Group Agency, Jenny Thor, jenny_thor@ gyldendalgroupagency.dk. SOLD TO: Estonia, Finland, The Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, UK. 25 DANISH LITERARY MAGAZINE KRISTIAN BANG-FOSS Døden kører Audi (Death Drives an Audi) A sharp, humorous and heart-breaking road novel from one of Denmark’s most talented young authors. WINNER of the European Union Prize for Literature 2013. “Foss is a competent stylist and a delicate narrator, but he especially masters the difficult art of humour.” Frederiksborg Amts Avis FOREIGN RIGHTS: Gyldendal Group Agency, Jenny Thor, jenny_thor@ gyldendalgroupagency.dk. SOLD TO: Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, South Korea, Turkey. GALLIMARD KIM LEINE AFGRUNDEN PRÉSQUE LUNE HALFDAN PISKET DESERTØR NOTABILIA MADAME NIELSEN DEN ENDELØSE SOMMER PHÉBUS CARSTEN JENSEN DEN FØRSTE STEN GERMANY BERLIN VERLAG ANNA GRUE ITALIENSVEJ BLANVALET ERIK VALEUR LOGBOG FRA ET LIVSFORLIS ROWOHLT VERLAG GMBH LONE THEILS PIGERNE FRA ENGLANDSBÅDEN STIFTUNG LYRIK KABINETT PIA TAFDRUP TARKOVSKJIS HESTE GREECE METAIXMIO LONE THEILS PIGERNE FRA ENGLANDSBÅDEN + DEN BLÅ DIGTERS KONE SAIXPIRIKON EDITIONS INGER CHRISTENSEN DET HUNGARY ITALY CALCOGRAFIA “AL POZZO” KAREN BLIXEN THE GHOST HORSES DEL VECCHIO EDITORE KRISTIAN BANG-FOSS DØDEN KØRER AUDI DONZELLI EDITORE INGER CHRISTENSEN SOMMERFUGLEDALEN + DIGT OM DØDEN IPERBOREA DAN TURELL MORD I MARTS MARSILIO JESPER STEIN BYE BYE BLACKBIRD + AKRASH ANIMUS JUSSI ADLER-OLSEN ALFABETHUSET SCRITTURAPURA IDA JESSEN EN NY TID NAPKUT KIADO ERLING JEPSEN MED VENLIG DELTAGELSE SCRITTURAPURA JOSEFINE KLOUGART EN AF OS SOVER ICELAND JAPAN HANSER MORTEN BRASK WILIAM SIDIS PERFEKTE LIV BÓKAÚTGÁFAN SÆMUNDUR KIM LEINE PROFETERNE I EVIGHEDSFJORDEN HAYAKAWA PUBLISHING LONE THEILS PIGERNE FRA ENGLANDSBÅDEN HEYNE STEFFEN JACOBSEN ET BJERG AF LØGNE FORLAGID HELLE, HELLE HVIS DET ER LATVIA HINSTORFF VERLAG JESPER CLEMMENSEN FLUGTRUTE: ØSTERSØEN URDUR JANE AAMUND JULIANE JENSEN + OVEN VANDET GOLDMANN EVA MARIA FREDENSBORG ÉN GANG MORDER GUGGOLZ VERLAG WILLIAM HEINESEN ANTOLOGI 16 NOVELLER WILLIAM HEINESEN KEIN & ABER DORTHE NORS SPEJL, SKULDER, BLINK OSBURG VERLAG LASSE HOLM ROMEREN + GRÆKEREN + REPUBLIKANEREN RANDOM HOUSE GERMANY KAREN BLIXEN MIT AFRIKA 26 UGLA ÚTGÁFA EHF ELSEBETH EGHOLM SKJULTE FEJL & MANGLER (DICTE 1) INDIA MEDIA PUBLICATION KAREN BLIXEN OUT OF AFRICA + SHADOWS ON THE GRASS ZVAIGZNE ABC PUBLISHERS PETER HØEG ELEFANTPASSERNES BØRN + FRØKEN SMILLAS FORNEMMELSE FOR SNE MAKEDONIEN BOJAN SAZDOV ALEN MESKOVIC UKULELE-JAM THE NETHERLANDS AMBO ANTHOS LONE THEILS PIGERNE FRA ENGLANDSBÅDEN + DEN BLÅ DIGTERS KONE DE BEZIGE BIJ LEONORA CHRISTINA SKOV HVOR INTET BRYDER VINDEN DE BEZIGE BIJ ERIK VALEUR LOGBOG FRA ET LIVSFORLIS DE BEZIGE BIJ CARSTEN JENSEN DEN FØRSTE STEN QUERIDO MIKKEL ROSENGAARD FORESTILLINGER OM ANA IVAN SUBQ HALFDAN PISKET DESERTØR NORWAY ASCHEHOUG ANE RIEL HARPIKS + SLAGTEREN I LISELEJE AUDIATUR JEPPE BRIXVOLD FORBRYDELSE OG FREMGANG CAPPELEN DAMM DORTHE NORS SPEJL, SKULDER, BLINK CAPPELEN DAMM ANNA GRUE ITALIENSVEJ FORLAGET PRESS CARSTEN JENSEN DEN FØRSTE STEN GYLDENDAL NORSK FORLAG MIKKEL ROSENGAARD FORESTILLINGER OM ANA IVAN PAX INGER CHRISTENSEN HEMMELIGHEDSTILSTANDEN + DET SAMLAGET AMALIE SMITH I CIVIL SAMLAGET ASTA OLIVIA NORDENHOF DET NEMME OG DET ENSOMME POLAND HELION JENS HENRIK JENSEN DE HÆNGTE HUNDE HELION JESPER STEIN URO RECENTLY SOLD RUSSIA ERIK VALEUR Logbog fra et livsforlis (Logbook from a Lifewreck) COMMENTARIES HELLE, HELLE RESTER Logbook from a Lifewreck is a fable, a chronicle of our age and a thriller all rolled into one. It is about children who grow up with idiosyncrasies that are impossible to escape; about spirits, death and the universe; about powerful politicians, management gurus and media stars; and about the secrets we all try to hide from ourselves – and from each other. “The prize-winning journalist Erik Valeur, who four years ago had his breakthrough as an award-winning fiction writer with The Seventh Child, has done it again.” Berlingske EKSMO LONE THEILS PIGERNE FRA ENGLANDSBÅDEN SLOVAKIA IKAR LARS HUSUM MIT VENSKAB MED JESUS KRISTUS FOREIGN RIGHTS: Politiken Literary Agency, Nya Guldberg, nya.guldberg@ jppol.dk. SOLD TO: Germany, The Netherlands, World English Rights . IKAR LONE THEILS PIGERNE FRA ENGLANDSBÅDEN SPAIN EDHASA GRUPO LONE THEILS PIGERNE FRA ENGLANDSBÅDEN MINÚSCULA MADAME NIELSEN DEN ENDELØSE SOMMER SOUTH KOREA MUNHAKDONGNE PUB. CORP. KRISTIAN BANG-FOSS DØDEN KØRER AUDI SWEDEN ALBERT BONNIERS FÖRLAG CARSTEN JENSEN DEN FØRSTE STEN BOKFABRIKEN AB THOMAS RYDAHL EREMITTEN FORUM MIKKEL ROSENGAARD FORESTILLINGER OM ANA IVAN FORUM KIM LEINE AFGRUNDEN MODERNISTA AB SIGNE GJESSING UD I DET ULØSE NORSTEDTS JESPER STEIN BYE BYE BLACKBIRD LINDELÖWS FORLAG AHMAD MAHMOUD SORT LAND ORDFRONT DORTHE NORS SPEJL, SKULDER, BLINK MODERNISTA URSULA SCAVENIUS FJER NORSTEDTS LONE THEILS PIGERNE FRA ENGLANDSBÅDEN + DEN BLÅ DIGTERS KONE RASTLÖS FÖRLAG MAJSE AYMO-BOOT OVER OS HÆNGER EN VIDUNDERLIG SOL SADURA FÖRLAG JULIA BUTSCHKOW ABER DABEI TURKEY USA GOA MORTEN BRASK WILIAM SIDIS PERFEKTE LIV ARCHIPELAGO BOOKS IDA JESSEN EN NY TID PINHAN PUBLISHING HELLE, HELLE DETTE BURDE SKRIVES I NUTID OPEN LETTER ASTA OLIVIA NORDENHOF DET NEMME OG DET ENSOMME UNITED KINGDOM ARCADIA BOOKS LONE THEILS PIGERNE FRA ENGLANDSBÅDEN + DEN BLÅ DIGTERS KONE DEDALUS LIMITED CARSTEN JENSEN DEN FØRSTE STEN DEDALUS LIMITED WILLIAM HEINESEN TÅRNET VED VERDENS ENDE + NOATUN + DE FORTABTE SPILLEMÆND PUSHKIN PRESS DORTHE NORS SPEJL, SKULDER, BLINK DANISH NONFICTION CZECH REPUBLIC EUROMEDIA PUK DAMSGÅRD SER DU MÅNEN DANIEL ESTONIA PEGASUS PUBLISHERS SVEND BRINKMANN STÅ FAST FINLAND KAREN BLIXEN Den afrikanske farm (Out of Africa) Karen Blixen’s world-famous classic about her time on a coffee farm in Kenya between 1914 and 1931. In it, the 29-year-old Blixen encountered everyday African farm life, a far cry from international, upper-class circles in Nairobi. The book has long since entered into the canon of world literature, but continues to be published in new languages. FOREIGN RIGHTS: Gyldendal Group Agency, Jenny Thor, jenny_thor@ gyldendalgroupagency.dk. SOLD TO: all over the world, most recently Albania. KIRJATAIMI NASER KHADER HJERTET BLØDER FRANCE FLEURUS JEUNESSE ARNESEN & WIVEL FLETNINGER GAÏA ÉDITIONS JENS ANDERSEN DENNE DAG, ET LIV GERMANY HOFFMANN UND CAMPE KRISTIAN DITLEV JENSEN ORD I ORIENTEN 27 DANISH LITERARY MAGAZINE PATMOS MARIE HOLM BUDDING- OG ANDRE DIRRENDE DESSERTER SPRINGER IB TUNBY GULBRANDSEN OG SINE NØRHOLM JUST STRATEGIZING COMMUNICATION. THEORY AND PRACTICE ULLMANN HANNE JUUL DIÆTISTENS LOW CARB HUNGARY EUROPA PUK DAMSGÅRD SER DU MÅNEN DANIEL ITALY STERLING & KUPFER PUK DAMSGÅRD SER DU MÅNEN DANIEL JAPAN KOBUNSHA PUK DAMSGÅRD SER DU MÅNEN DANIEL THE NETHERLANDS LEV / A.W. BRUNA SVEND BRINKMANN STÅ FAST UITGEVERIJ AD. DONKER CLAUS BUNDGÅRD CHRISTENSEN WAFFEN SS ZNU ANNE HJERNØE SUNDE SALATER ZNU JANE FAERBER LCHF SPIS DIG MÆT OG GLAD PARADIGMESKIFTE FORLAG CHARLOTTE RØRTH JEG MØDTE JESUS EDICIONES MAEVA CHARLOTTE RØRTH JEG MØDTE JESUS POLAND SOUTH AFRICA MIND PUBLISHING JESPER JUUL ET ÆBLE TIL LÆREREN + BONUSFORÆLDRE + FAMILIER MED KRONISK SYGE BØRN TAFELBERG ARNESEN & WIVEL FLETTEPIGERNES FAVORITTER SONIA DRAGA PUK DAMSGÅRD SER DU MÅNEN DANIEL WYDAWNICTWO ESPRIT CHARLOTTE RØRTH JEG MØDTE JESUS PORTUGAL PLATANO DIDACTA PUK DAMSGÅRD SER DU MÅNEN DANIEL RUSSIA AZBOOKA-ATTICUS PUBLISHING GROUP JENS ANDERSEN DENNE DAG, ET LIV HEMIRO LIMITED ARNESEN & WIVEL FLETNINGER SLOVENIA IKAR PUK DAMSGÅRD SER DU MÅNEN DANIEL KNJIGA JESPER JUUL AGRESSION SPAIN ANAYA FLEMMING ROSE TAVSHEDENS TYRANNI SWEDEN FRI TANKE PUK DAMSGÅRD SER DU MÅNEN DANIEL CHILDREN’S BOOKS ARGENTINA PICTUS LENE KAABERBØL SKAMMER 1-4 BELGIUM NATUR & KULTUR ANETTE PREHN HJERNESMARTE BØRN LANNOO LENE KAABERBØL VILDHEKS 3 MARCUS FORLAG MAJKEN MATZAU STRESSFRI PÅ 12 UGER CHILE STUDENTLITTERATUR ORLA VIGSÖ KRISEKOMMUNIKATION LIBERALIA EDICIONES IDA JESSEN CARL + DA CARL NÆSTEN VAR OND + DA CARL BLEV RASENDE + DA CARL HAVDE DET SJOVT + DA CARL NÆSTEN IKKE KUNNE GÅ + DA CARL NÆSTEN SOV I TELT UNITED KINGDOM CHINA GROVE ATLANTIC PUK DAMSGÅRD SER DU MÅNEN DANIEL KING-IN CULTURE JAKOB MARTIN STRID MIMBO JIMBO OG DEN LANGE VINTER RABEN&SJÖGREN ARNESEN & WIVEL FLETTEPIGERNES FAVORITTER GRUB STREET MARIE HOLM BUDDING- OG ANDRE DIRRENDE DESSERTER POLITY SVEND BRINKMANN STÅ FAST USA PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRESS JOAKIM GARFF REGINES GÅDE NORWAY KING-IN CULTURE SØREN LIND/HANNE BARTHOLIN HISTORIEN OM ABSOLUT INGENTING LIAONING CHILDREN’S PUBLISHING HOUSE KENNETH BØGH ANDERSEN ANTBOY 1: TISSEMYRENS BID + ANTBOY 2: OPERATION SKÆBNESPIL + ANTBOY 3: MASKEFALD + ANTBOY 4: TISSEMYREN VENDER TILBAGE + ANTBOY 5: SLIM, SNOT OG SUPERKRÆFTER + ANTBOY 6: HELTE OG SKURKE ALLER ARNESEN & WIVEL FLETTEPIGERNES FAVORITTER CAPPELEN DAMM FLEMMING ROSE HYMNE TIL FRIHEDEN CAPPELEN DAMM ERIK SIGSGAARD BØRN OG UNGES NEJ JAKOB MARTIN STRID Den utrolige historie om den kæmpestore pære (The Incredible Story of the Giant Pear ) FLUX FORLAG JENS-ANDRÉ P. HERBENER NATUREN ER HELLIG Children and adults around the world love the story of two friends who find a seed that grows – overnight – into a giant pear, and then embark on a fast-paced adventure in search of the mysterious island where giant pears grow. Just before it was published, the book sparked widespread excitement at the Frankfurt Book Fair. Quite exceptionally, it was bought by publishers in eight countries before the illustrations were even finished. NORSK GYLDENDAL MARGRETHE HJERRILD (RED.) LIGE MULIGHEDER FOREIGN RIGHTS: Gyldendal Group Agency, Jenny Thor, jenny_thor@ gyldendalgroupagency.dk. SOLD TO: More than 15 countries. DREYERS FORLAG CLAUS BUNDGÅRD CHRISTENSEN WAFFEN SS 28 RECENTLY SOLD LENE KAABERBØL CROATIA Skammerens datter (Shamer Chronicles 1–4) KATARINA ZRINSKI D.O.O. JENS SIGSGAARD PALLE ALENE I VERDEN The series about Dina – who has inherited her mum’s ability to shame, i.e. to see people’s darkest secrets when she looks them in the eye – and her family has been read by more than one million children, young people and older readers. It has won several awards, both in Denmark and abroad, has been translated into more than 25 languages and has been adapted into several plays and a film. FAROE ISLANDS BÓKADEILD FØROYA LÆRARAFELAGS SVEND OTTO S. BOGEN TIL DIG BÓKADEILD FØROYA LÆRARAFELAGS SALLY ALTSCHULER HR. BABELS TÅRN BÓKADEILD FØROYA LÆRARAFELAGS LINE KYED KUNDSEN K FOR KLARA 4: SOVE HOS MALOU BÓKADEILD FØROYA LÆRARAFELAGS ANDERS MORGENTHALER PISSELET – TORSTEN OG VERDENS LÆNGSTE SNOTTER + PISSELET – EN HUND EFTER SELSKAB GERMANY BASTEI LÜBBE JAKOB MARTIN STRID DA LILLE MADSENS HUS BLÆSTE VÆK + DEN UTROLIGE HISTORIE OM DEN KÆMPESTORE PÆRE BELTZ SIRI MELCHIOR RITA OG KROKODILLE PÅ FISKETUREN BELTZ NICOLE BOYLE RØDTNES ELVERSKUD 3: SKYGGEHÆVN EULENSPIEGEL VERLAGSGRUPPE JENS SIGSGAARD PALLE ALENE I VERDEN PETER HAMMER VERLAG ANNETTE HERZOG PSSST! TULIPAN VERLAG ANDREAS BRÆSTRUP KIRSTEIN/RASMUS BREGNHØI POUL ER IKKE TRÆT UEBERREUTER VERLAG SVEND OTTO S. SIKKEN VOLDSOM TRÆNGEL OG ALARM ICELAND FORLAGID KIM FUPZ AAKESON HEKS HUNDAHOLMI JENS SIGSGAARD PALLE ALENE I VERDEN FOREIGN RIGHTS: Copenhagen Literary Agency, Esthi Kunz,esthi@chpla.dk. SOLD TO: The whole world, most recently Argentina, China and Taiwan. ITALY PERU SWEDEN CARLO GALLUCCI LENE KAABERBØL VILDHEKS 1 EDICIONES SM THOMAS WINDING MESTER OG ANDRE DYR BERGHS FORLAG KIM FUPZ AAKESON VITELLO SKAL HAVE EN PAPFAR MEXICO SAGA BOOKS THOMAS WINDING JUL HELA ÅRET BERGHS FÖRLAG DANIEL ZIMAKOFF MEZZI 5: NI MOD NI + MEZZI 6: FARVEL TIL KINGO LEETRA FINAL. S.A. DE C.V SØREN LIND/HANNE BARTHOLIN HISTORIEN OM ABSOLUT INGENTING THE NETHERLANDS UITGEVERIJ MOON JAKOB MARTIN STRID DEN UTROLIGE HISTORIE OM DEN KÆMPESTORE PÆRE NORWAY ASCHEHOUG JAKOB MARTIN STRID LILLE FRØ RUSSIA CLEVER MEDIA GROUP GLENN RINGTVED FOR SENT! CLEVER MEDIA GROUP IDA-MARIE RENDTORF RIDDER OSKAR OG KONG VINTER SOUTH KOREA DHAMPUS PUBLISHING CO. PER HOLM KNUDSEN SÅDAN FÅR MAN ET BARN CAPPELEN DAMM LARS HENRIK AAGAARD HVOR LANGT ER DER TIL VERDENS ENDE HYUN BOOKS SØREN LIND/HANNE BARTHOLIN HISTORIEN OM ABSOLUT INGENTING CAPPELEN DAMM ELLEN HOLMBOE FILIP M. LUND - HEMMELIG DETEKTIV (ALL BOOKS IN THE SERIES). HYUN BOOKS INC. MARIANNE IBEN HANSEN/ HANNE BARTHOLIN AXEL ELSKER BILER GYLDENDAL NORSK FORLAG KRISTINA AAMAND & ELISABETH KIERTZNER OMAR, BRUNO OG MUSSA OG SAGEN OM DEN MYSTISKE NUMSEVANDKANDE HYUN BOOKS INC. MATS LETÉN/HANNE BARTHOLIN FINN HERMAN BERGHS FÖRLAG PETER GOTTHARDT DEN GYLDNE SKÅL BOG 3 + DEN GYLDNE SKÅL BOG 4 OPAL BOKFORLAG SALLY ALTSCHULER, HR. BABELS TÅRN FORLAGET HJULET KIM FUPZ AAKESON DET SATANS UKRUDT TAIWAN OMNIBOOK LENE KAABERBØL SKAMMER 1-4 HSIAO LU PUBLISHING MAJBRITH ANDERSEN/JESPER DELEURAN DEN STORE NUMSEBOG UKRAINE CHITARIUM LIMITED JAKOB MARTIN STRID DEN UTROLIGE HISTORIE OM DEN KÆMPESTORE PÆRE VIGMOSTAD & BJØRKE JAKOB MARTIN STRID MIMBO JIMBO OG DEN LANGE VINTER + DEN UTROLIGE HISTORIE OM DEN KÆMPESTORE PÆRE 29 DANISH LITERARY MAGAZINE SUPPORT SCHEMES THE DANISH ARTS FOUNDATION’S COMMITTEE FOR LITERARY PROJECT FUNDING WORKS TO PROMOTE DANISH LITERATURE AT HOME AND ABROAD AND HELPS FACILITATE LITERARY EXCHANGE PROJECTS BETWEEN DENMARK AND OTHER COUNTRIES. INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH PROGRAMME Support may be provided to foreign publishers, heads of festivals and the like who want to acquire an insight into contemporary Danish literature and visit Danish publishers, festivals etc., to strengthen networks and dialogue between the Danish and international literary partners. There is no application deadline, and applications will be processed as quickly as practicable. SAMPLE TRANSLATION FUND Foreign translators, theatres, and publishers may apply for support to finance sample translations of Danish literature. There is no application deadline, and applications will be processed as quickly as practicable. TRANSLATION AND PRODUCTION APPLICATION GUIDELINES, DEADLINES AND ELECTRONIC APPLICATION FORMS MAY BE OBTAINED AT DANISHARTS.DK CONTACT: THE DANISH ARTS FOUNDATION’S COMMITTEE FOR LITERARY PROJECT FUNDING LITT@SLKS.DK WWW.DANISHARTS.DK 30 Support is provided to foreign publishing houses and theatres that publish works translated from Danish. Support is provided for translation and/or production costs for works of fiction, general works of non-fiction, comics/graphic novels, children’s literature and theatre plays translated by professional translators. In a pilot project, the Danish Arts Foundation’s Committee for Literary Project Funding has earmarked special funds to cover the cost of printing and production for foreign publishers wishing to publish Danish illustrated children’s books in translation. Publishers can apply for a set grant of 1,000 euros. There are two annual application deadlines. SUPPORT SCHEMES SAMPLE TRANSLATION FUND INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH PROGRAMME TRANSLATION & PRODUCTION THE DANISH ARTS FOUNDATION SUPPORT SCHEMES LITERARY EVENTS AND MARKETING ABROAD NORDIC TRANSLATION FUND: INTER-NORDIC TRANSLATIONS The fund is open to Nordic publishers wishing to publish a work translated from Danish to a Nordic language. Support for translations into Danish must be sought from within the country in which the respective work was originally published. The funds for Nordic translations are distributed on behalf of Nordic Culture Point’s Culture and Art Programme under the Nordic Council of Ministers. Internordic production grants can be applied for under the fund for Translation and Production. There are three annual application deadlines. LITERARY EXCHANGE FUND Support may be provided to defray travel expense in connection with a Danish author’s / illustrator’s participation in literary festivals, readings and publication events abroad, if there is a formal invitation to promote a publication. Support may be provided to foreign authors travelling to Denmark on the same basis. In addition travel NORDIC TRANSLATION FUND LITERARY EXCHANGE FUND grants can also be awarded translators of Danish literature to a meeting with the Danish author. Danish authors and illustrators can apply for travel costs in connection with residencies abroad and translators of Danish literature in connection with residencies in Denmark. There is no application deadline, but trips must not have started at the time the application is made. Applications will be processed as quickly as practicable within a month. LITERARY EVENTS AND MARKETING ABROAD Subsidies for literary events and marketing of Danish literature abroad. Applications for subsidies are accepted from foreign publishers, diplomatic representations abroad, cultural institutions and others who wish to promote and increase knowledge about Danish literature outside Denmark. There are two annual application deadlines. 31 THE DANISH ARTS FOUNDATION WORKS TO PROMOTE ART IN DENMARK AND DANISH ART ABROAD. THE DANISH AGENCY FOR CULTURE AND PALACES IS THE ADMINSTRATIVE ARM OF THE DANISH ARTS FOUNDATION. www.danisharts.dk MORE LITERARY NEWS FROM DENMARK ORGANISATIONS DANISH WRITERS OF FICTION AND POETRY THE DANISH WRITERS ASSOCIATION was founded in 1991 and has approximately 200 members. is Denmark’s oldest professional association for writers and translators. It was founded in 1894 and has approximately 1350 members. The association includes the Danish Translators Association. df@danskforfatterforening.dk / www.danskforfatterforening.dk kontor@skoenlit.dk / www.skoenlit.dk THE DANISH PLAYWRIGHTS’ AND SCREENWRITERS’ GUILD (founded in 1906) is an association for theatre, radio, television and film scriptwriters. It has approximately 300 members. admin@dramatiker.dk / www.dramatiker.dk THE DANISH BOOKSELLERS ASSOCIATION is a trade association for Danish booksellers. The association has approximately 380 members and represents 90% of all Danish booksellers. ddb@bogpost.dk / www.boghandlerforeningen.dk THE DANISH PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION (founded in 1837) is a trade association for individuals and firms involved in the publishing industry. The association accounts for approximately two-thirds of the overall turnover from Danish publications, including multimedia. danskeforlag@danskeforlag.dk / www.danskeforlag.dk DANISH LITERARY MAGAZINE IS PUBLISHED BY Danish Arts Foundation’s Committee for Literary Project Funding EDITOR-IN-CHIEF TEXT CONTACT US Annette Bach aba@slks.dk Amrit Maria Pal Solvej Todd Lotte Kirkeby Hansen Danish Agency for Culture and Palaces / Literature H.C. Andersens Boulevard 2 1553 Copenhagen V Denmark Tel. +45 3373 3373 litt@slks.dk EDITOR Lars Theil Münster ltm@slks.dk TRANSLATION Tam McTurk DESIGN NR2154 DANISH LITERARY MAGAZINE IS PUBLISHED BY THE DANISH ARTS FOUNDATION’S COMMITTEE FOR LITERARY PROJECT FUNDING. THE MAGAZINE IS PUBLISHED TWICE A YEAR. DANI SHARTS.DK MORE LITERARY NEWS FROM DENMARK SUBSCRIBE TO DANISH LITERARY NEWSLETTER ON DANISHLITERARYMAGAZINE.DK
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