featuring - Armstrong McCall Professional Beauty Supply
featuring - Armstrong McCall Professional Beauty Supply
ARLINGTON, TX M AY ARLINGTON CONVENTION CENTER 3–4 FE ATU R I N G Farouk Systems Paul Mitchell® TIGI® AG Hair DevaCurl® Martin Parsons Geno Stampora Scruples® Rusk® BaByliss® PRO Joico®/Minardi™ Malibu C® Johnny B.® Wella Professionals™ Sebastian® Nioxin® Matrix® Aquage® Donald Scott NYC Product Club® Cricket® Hempz® Satin Smooth® Depilève Ardell® GiGi® Clean + Easy® CND® Gelish® OPI® Morgan Taylor™ & more! FOR MORE INFO, VISIT W W W. FA S H I O N - FOCU S . N ET Full Class Descriptions • Guest Artist Info C E I n f o • Tr a v e l I n f o • U p d a t e s & M o r e *P re s e nte r s A n d E x h i b i to r s S u bj e ct To C h a n g e. N o O n e Under The Age Of 16 Is Admitted On The Show Floor. Beaut y Industr y Professionals And S tudents O nly. No Refunds, All Sales Final. Forms O f Payment Accepted O n The S how Floor: CAS H AND CR EDIT CAR D ONLY. A R L I N GTO N , T X TICKETS NOW ARLINGTON CONVENTION CENTER MAY 3–4 S U N : 9 : 0 0 a m to 6: 0 0 p m M O N : 9 : 0 0 a m to 4: 0 0 p m O N SAL E! 2 Full Days of Beauty Included in your General Admission Ticket TOP INDUSTRY EDUCATORS Learn new skills & techniques. Earn CE accreditation. FEB 1–FEB 28 SAVE $25 MAR 1–MAY 2 SAVE $15 Two-Day Ticket: $54.95 ARTISTS ON EVERY STAGE You will see an artist on every stage. Move from stage to stage and get inspired by the best of the best. Two-Day Ticket: $64.95 AT-THE-DOOR SALON SOLUTION CLASSES Business programs provide you with tools to build your business. Something for everyone! Two-Day Ticket: $80.00 All Sales Are Final, No Refunds. SHOPPING Professional prices and show deals. Happy shopping! Johnny B.® AG Hair Aquage Joico®/Minardi™ Ardell Keracolor BaByliss® PRO Malibu C® CHI® Matrix® ® ® SAVE $25 * when you purchase your ticket by February 28th! *Maximum savings based on At-the-Door Two-Day Ticket Price of $80.00. 3 WAYS TO PURCHASE: 1. Visit your local Armstrong McCall ® store 2. Contact your Salon/Sales Consultant 3. Call 1.800.45.SALON Martin Parsons Clean + Easy® MIKAL Cirepil® by Perron Rigot Morgan Taylor™ CND® Nioxin® Obliphica Professional® Collins ® E X H I B I TO R S UP TO China Glaze ® Cricket OPI® Dennis Bernard® Oster® Depilève Paul Mitchell® DevaCurl Product Club® Donald Scott NYC Rhino Mats Earthly Body Rusk® Eclipse Hair Filler Salon Furnishings Farouk Systems Satin Smooth® Footsie Bath Scruples® ® ™ Gelish® Gena® Sebastian® TIGI® GiGi Trionics® Hempz® Wella Professionals™ Hot Tools® Woody's InfraShine® & more! ® E S S E N TI A LIT Y The Essentiality Collection brings the essence of life into stunning reality! With a fresh take on classic looks and an emphasis on advanced techniques, layers create movement, direction and texture. Bold colors with a soft blend between levels and tones create sophistication with feminine appeal. Take what is essential and make it NEW with the Essentiality Collection. P h o t o c o u r t e s y o f Fa r o u k Sy s t e m s . GETTING TO KNOW EFR AI N LEIVA BRAND HIGHLIGHTS Fa ro u k Sys te m s fo J E S S I CA PO RTI LLO t is rt A e u G d n a n o ti ri sc D e J O E ANTH O NY PEÑA la ll u IS C IT With his “rockstar appeal” and passion for educating, it’s no surprise that Joe was awarded International Artist of the Year at the 2013 Farouk Systems Conference. His unique artistry has allowed him to make his mark in more than 100 countries and appear in numerous beauty publications in the U.S. and abroad. Year round, he operates two successful salons in Victoria, TX, and transforms and builds confidence in his clients through the art of hair. F V As a Farouk Systems Creative Artist, Jessica brings almost two decades of experience to the industry and believes in paying it forward to future hairdressers. She is a "triple threat" with updo styling, creative coloring and barbering expertise. Jessica mentors young stylists seeking career guidance and technical development. Her strong commitment resulted in a mega expansion of her business, Salon 210. Today, Jessica is the owner of a top salon and CHI® Partnered School in Fairfield County, CT where she enjoys creating beauty and helping bilingual students follow their dreams. p Fa ro u k Sys te m s ss W W W .F A s SH IO N st -F O C U In S. N E T Efrain’s hairdressing career has spanned more than 30 years. As a Farouk Creative Artist Team Member and Miss Universe and Miss USA Stylist, he captivates audiences with his fashion-forward hairstyles and updos. His creative abilities expand beyond styling; he is known for using contrasting color techniques to enhance styles. Efrain believes that his role as a Farouk Educator is to spread the knowledge that he has gained over the years to help guide others through their hair journey. Fa ro u k Sys te m s CONNECTING YOU WITH THE BRANDS YOU LOVE. For Tickets, Call: 1.800.45.SALON No One Under The Age Of 16 Is Admitted On The Show Floor. Beauty Industry Professionals And Students Only. No Refunds, All Sales are Final. Forms Of Payment Accepted On The Show Floor: Cash And Credit Card Only. TI G I ® AC A D E M Y CO LLEC TI O N : R E A L H A I R ST Y LE S FO R R E A L P EO P LE The TIGI® Creative Team presents their NEW editorial-inspired collection with the latest trends in cutting, coloring, styling and finishing. Each collection hairstyle can be translated and duplicated to work with the lifestyle, personal image and hair texture of real people. Texture plays a key element in this collection, resulting in lived-in looks to extend P h o t o c o u r t e s y o f T I G I ®. a person’s own sense of fashion style. H I G H LI G H TI N G B E T W E E N T H E LI N E S : BA L AYAG E Make ordinary blondes extraordinary, brunettes sparkle with dimension, and redheads radiant with copper and strawberry accents! Learn balayage in color correction using color panels, hair painting and streams of color. This class is based upon the Celestial Color Balayage Technique from Product Club®'s Highlighting Between the Lines DVD, Vol. 3. Presenters and exhibitors are subject to change. See website for class times. G R OW YO U R CONFIDENCE. r Evo l u t i o n ! Superstar stylists from Paul Mitchell® bring cuts, colors and styles to life with an exciting NEW booth/stage layout that puts you in the middle of the action. Plus, get hands on with our NEW Pro Tools™ NEURO® Collection and be one of the first to try our latest luxury, MarulaOil. Photo cour tesy of Paul M itchell ®. GETTING TO KNOW P a u l M itc h e ll ® P a u l M itc h e ll ® BRAND HIGHLIGHTS LI N DA YO D I CE Breaking the mold of the stereotypically ultra-cool, flashy hairdresser, Linda's sophisticated elegance and straight-forward attitude make her a “breath of fresh air” for the beauty industry. As a sought after expert in cut and color, she recently earned her the distinction of being one of Modern Salon Magazine’s ‘Top 75 Educators of All Time.’ SCOT T CO LE A haircutter at heart, Scott loves the effect of color and cut together. Seeing this as the future of hairdressing, Scott created COLORCUTTING® USA, a continuing education company in Arizona that offers courses, video education and tools for the hairdressing professional. Scott enjoys learning from many different facets of life. The work of architectural great Frank Lloyd Wright and hairdresser friends Trevor Sorbie and Vidal Sassoon are just a few of his inspirations and mentors. B E P R E PA R E D : R A ZO R C U T TI N G W IT H S C I S S O R S AT T H E SA M E TI M E Welcome to the next level in haircutting as the Donald Scott NYC Education Team shares with you their unique approach to razor cutting. With Donald Scott NYC's PREPARE™, a Liquid Tool™ glide, the myths of razor cutting become history. Along with PREPARE™, learn the Donald Scott NYC cutting system to re-create all of your razor designs. When you re-create all of your masterpieces, you become “dangerous”! Multiple tools, plus multiple techniques, equals “dangerous”! VISIT W W W. FA S H I O N - FO C U S . N ET Full Class D escriptions a nd G uest Ar tist Info P r e s e n t e r s A n d E x h i b i t o r s A r e S u b j e c t To C h a n g e . S e e We b s i t e F o r C l a s s T i m e s . For Tickets, Call: 1.800.45.SALON No One Under The Age Of 16 Is Admitted On The Show Floor. Beauty Industry Professionals And Students Only. No Refunds, All Sales are Final. Forms Of Payment Accepted On The Show Floor: Cash And Credit Card Only. INSPIRE YOUR ARTISTRY. ST Y LE LI N K The Matrix® Artistic Team introduces a NEW styling era: Style Link! With breakthrough innovation and technology unique to Matrix®, prep, play and perfect as you mix and customize your own styling recipes. Experience styling freedom and connect digitally to education and inspiration with infinite possibilities. Learn NEW haircutting and color designs with a NEW approach to styling and finishing techniques. The power is in your hands with Style Link! GETTING TO KNOW BRAND HIGHLIGHTS FAB IAN CI S N EROS Fabian points to two icons that inspire his artistry—Vidal Sassoon and Coco Chanel. He has worked with M atr ix ® Color Specialist' in Southwest Florida. M atr ix ® Over the past 20 years, Martin has been in more than 85 national hair shows and 27 international shows. He served as an image consultant for the Telemundo network, commenting on beauty and style on the Buenos Dias Fronteras program. Martin has also been a consultant for local, state, national and international beauty pageants. He transformed the image of pop artist Gloria Trevi and worked with several Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders. As an in-demand stylist, color expert and educator, his salon is called Martin’s Hair Design International. STEVE WALD MAN M atr ix ® fo t is rt A st e u N G d IO n a s SH n A o ti .F p ri W sc e W D W ss la IT C ll u IS Telemundo network, and on a towering billboard on Florida’s Interstate 95. Fabian was also named 'Best MARTI N SALI NA S -F O C U In S. N E T model and actress Petra Nemcova; his work has appeared in an Australian publication called Noise, on the Steve, a visionary member of the Logics Artistic Team, has been educating hairdressers for over 14 years. His impressive list of accomplishments includes styling hair for NYFW, The Tony Awards, The White House, and The Capitol. Steve’s work has appeared on TV shows such as Seinfeld and the West Wing and in high-profile publications such as Vogue, People, and Estetica. He has also presented with teams at The Alternative Hair Show and Intercoiffure. Steve has a list of celebrity clients, including Katie Holmes, Al Pacino and Chris Issak. F V Photo courtesy of Matrix ® . T H E A RT O F B E AU T Y Join Aquage® Master Artists Shawna Parvin and Donna Hamilton and discover the NEW Spring 2015 Collection. Super-fast signature techniques allow you to create textural effects with an effortless editorial feel for easy updos. A fresh, modern take on long hair dressing, each style can be done in 15 minutes or less! Along with our NEW long hair dressing techniques, you will learn NEW haircutting techniques that give classic shapes a NEW, modern edge. Photo courtesy of Aquage ® . GETTING TO KNOW No One Under The Age Of 16 Is Admitted On The Show Floor. Beauty Industry Professionals And Students Only. No Refunds, All Sales are Final. Forms Of Payment Accepted On The Show Floor: Cash And Credit Card Only. Donna is a nationally recognized and award-winning stylist who was also a 2011 NAHA Finalist for ‘Fashion Forward’. She creates original hair designs that inspire professionals and translate easily to the salon. Her charismatic personality and integrity complement her creativity for highly enjoyable and educational experiences. As a successful salon owner in the Manchester, NH area, Donna communicates on many professional topics from salon promotion and marketing strategies to staff development and motivation. S HAWNA PARVI N Aq u a g e ® For Tickets Call: 1.800.45.SALON Aq u a g e ® D O N NA HAM I LTO N 2010 NAHA finalist for North American Hairdresser, 2009 NAHA award-winner for Texture, named best haircutter in Austin, TX and named one of the ‘Top 100 Hairstylists’ by Ladies Home Journal, Shawna Parvin possesses the unique ability to create original hair designs that inspire the most seasoned professional while translating easily to the salon. Her charismatic personality and integrity give Shawna the insight to communicate on many professional topics from salon promotion and marketing strategies to staff development and motivation. Presenters and exhibitors are subject to change. See website for class times. IGNITE YOUR PASSION. CO LLEC TI O N S - ENGLISH Join us for a collection of four salon-wearable looks that use NEW Joico® products. All four cuts use interior geometry to support a soft focus with an exterior that offers infinite styling options and is universally flattering. Each look uses Sue Pemberton’s NEW color blocking, split strand, feathering, and quick salon techniques inlaid into rich bases of red, brown and blonde. CO LLEC TI O N S - E S PA Ñ O L Únanse a los artistas de Joico® mientras ellos exhiben y les enseñan las últimas tendencias de colores de la temporada. Aprenda las técnicas de colores para ayudarle a crecer en su negocio. BRAND HIGHLIGHTS CO LO R CO R R EC TI O N 101 J A I M I E O LV E R A & M E G A N M E T R OYA N I S No matter what brand of color you are using, this class will teach you how to tackle color correction with simple, foolproof steps that will take out the guesswork and ensure success. S E Photo cour tesy of J oico ®. E W E B S IT E F O R M I N A R D I ™ CO LO R Photo cour tesy of B a Byliss® PRO. C M E G A N M E T R OYA N I S L A Want to increase your color business? Learn to create beautiful color with S S confidence and runway looks that are easy to re-create in your salon with consumer-friendly and money-making techniques from Beth Minardi Signature®. E S See how BaByliss® PRO bridges the gap between the barber and the stylist with men’s and women’s clipper cutting featuring the amazing Volare X2 Clipper. IM Photo cour tesy of Minardi™. T THE SYNERGY COLLECTION: HANDS - ON CLIPPER CUTTING CLASS (CLASSROOM) . THE SYNERGY COLLECTION (SHOWFLOOR) GETTING TO KNOW Join us for a “front row” view of the revolutionary technology, tools and skills that are changing the hair industry forever! Traditionally, the hair industry has faced a great divide between the dynamic crafts of barbering and cosmetology. Now, through innovation, technology and a passion for products, the BaByliss® PRO Team is bridging that gap with the Synergy Collection. JAI M I E O LVER A With 30 years in the business, Jaimie Olvera is a second generation hairdresser. Jaimie has dedicated himself to the industry as a trained precision cutter and artistic colorist. With Jaimie’s background in J o i co ® multi-manufacturer color training, he will take you through the artistic world of color correction. He The 2015 Flashback Collection is inspired by the trends of yester-year. With a little inspiration and creativity, what was once can be again. Evolve and allow your imagination to run free! CREATIVE COLORIST (CLASSROOM) Define who you are as a creative colorist in this Rusk® hair color class. Whether you choose a bold contrast or create a dreamlike mood, develop your success with Deepshine® Hair Color and related products. P h o t o c o u r t e s y o f R u s k ®. THE FLASHBACK COLLECTION: HANDS-ON WORKSHOP (CLASSROOM) RUSK® DESIGN TEAM Learn one of our amazing haircutting techniques in this 2-hour hands-on workshop. Date: May 4, 2015 | Time: 1:00 pm-3:00 pm | PRICE: $49 includes mannequin Seating is limited. See your Sales Consultant to attend. J o i co ® / M i n a rd i ™ THE FLASHBACK COLLECTION (SHOWFLOOR) also pays it forward as founder of the Salons of Substance (S.O.S.) charity. S.O.S. organizes San Diego salons to pull together their philanthropic endeavors by hosting cut-a-thons and toy drives, providing makeovers for military families, and donating services to battered women shelters. M EGAN M ETROYAN I S Megan Metroyanis has been specializing in color and texture for 7 years. As a Joico® and ISO™ team member for the past 4 years, the beauty industry and education are her true passions. Whether "behind the chair" or on a photo shoot, Megan is always full of creativity and exudes the brilliant architecture of hair design for Minardi™ Signature Color. “As the industry grows, so does the artist inside of me. To be a part of an industry that transforms people to look and feel beautiful is simply the most rewarding feeling. I aspire to change lives and turn heads," says Megan. For Tickets, Call: 1.800.45.SALON No One Under The Age Of 16 Is Admitted On The Show Floor. Beauty Industry Professionals And Students Only. No Refunds, All Sales are Final. Forms Of Payment Accepted On The Show Floor: Cash And Credit Card Only. NURTURE YOUR TOT E M I C The signs and symbols of traditional culture summon a global tribe that is uniquely Sebastian®. Hair becomes decoration, armor and art. The lines blur between headdress and hair, ceremonial beauty, and a battle cry for artistry. Every twist and every textured strand echoes its inspiration and moves us forward. GROW TH. P h o t o c o u r t e s y o f S e b a s t i a n ®. Discover how to achieve thicker, denser-looking hair! Experience demos and a hands-on workshop featuring Nioxin®’s Design Principles. Learn how to customize cuts, colors and styles for all of your clients. 4 Col E S . P h o t o c o u r t e s y o f N i o x i n ®. F O R C L A S S T IM BRAND HIGHLIGHTS D E S I G N P R I N C I P LE S 1 Col THE SPRING COLLECTION: DISTILLED COLOR ELITE CLIPPER CUTTING P h o t o c o u r t e s y o f We l l a P r o f e s s i o n a l s™ . S E E W E B S IT E Like light broken by a prism, layers of color reveal in hair. From red to rich amber to cognac, black to deep violet blue, and blonde in its purest form distilled to a pure white, the personality of color is distilled and magnified to its iconic form. CURL EXPERIENCE Join us in the DevaCurl classroom for an unforgettable curl experience. Check out the Arlington Fashion Focus™ website for more details. Photo cour tesy of D evacurl ®. TO P TI P S FO R CO LO R & CO LO R CO R R EC TI O N : T H E S EC R E T TO H I G H LI G H T I N G & BA L AYAG E S U CC E S S Learn tips and tricks that will help your color services, combat your worst hair “nightmares” and increase your revenue. Armed with the tools you need, you’ll be able to pump up your stellar services with Malibu C®! GETTING TO KNOW TR I S HA R I CE For Tickets, Call: 1.800.45.SALON COME & SEE M A R T I N PA R S O N S ! HAIR CUTTING Martin is ready to excite you with his unique approach to cutting and finishing your latest cuts in this 60-minute fun & uplifting presentation. Martin’s systematic and intelligent approach to designing the right cut for each individual facial shape will forever change the way you look at your clients. A program not to be missed! LONG HAIR UPDOS Malibu C® In 1996, Trisha set the “standard” for wellness by opening one of the first day spas in the Pacific Northwest to successfully incorporate wellness into every hair, skin and scalp service. As a dedicated member of the industry for nearly 20 years, she educates professionals on the wellness approach that her salon adopted called, Total Oxidation Management or T.O.M. T.O.M. guarantees successful color and has been adopted by many of the top celebrity colorists around the world. Johnny B.®’s elite clipper cutting class without attachments is perfect for any professional. Clipper-over-comb is the most respected skill among top barbers. Come and master this technique to leave your personal mark on every haircut. This class is taught by the most seasoned Johnny B.® Educators and encompasses the latest in men’s grooming. No One Under The Age Of 16 Is Admitted On The Show Floor. Beauty Industry Professionals And Students Only. No Refunds, All Sales are Final. Forms Of Payment Accepted On The Show Floor: Cash And Credit Card Only. It’s magic time again! See a variety of dressed hairstyles in 60 minutes. Get inspired and feel great about your industry with a true master! See schedule page and website for details. 2 Col Reve EXPLORE C N D ® A D D I T I V E S A RT S T U D I O Add, blend and create with pure concentrated pigments and sparkling effects for complete artistic freedom! Learn to create impressive nail art in this creative workshop. EMERGING TRENDS. C N D ® V I N Y LUX® D E S I G N L A B Photo cour tesy of C N D ®. Explore your creativity in the CND ® Design Lab while discovering the virtues of CND ® VINYLUX®. Translate your design inspiration into works of art and place them on display for all to see! S E A S O N A L T R EN D FLO R A & FAU N A : C N D ® S H EL L AC ® & V I N Y LUX® Wearable nail styles unite peaceful harmony, shiny and matte textures, and watercolor impressions of luminous landscapes in the Flora & Fauna Collection from CND®. Learn the latest trends unveiled and NEW nail styles featuring CND® SHELLAC®, VINYLUX® and Additives. Transform your nails into works of art with Brisa® Gel and see this season’s NEW colors! Fo rT ick et s, Ca ll : 1.8 00 . 45 . SA N LO Photo cour tesy of G elish ®. BASIC & B EYON D S T R EN G T H & S T R U C T U R E Experience the inspiring colors of Gelish ® ! Learn revenue-generating designs from basic and beyond to take back to your salon. Get personal “face time” with a Gelish ® educator and have all of your questions answered. Experience VitaGel and Structure and help your clients care for their nails. VitaGel strengthens and revitalizes natural nails; multiple-use Structure resurfaces nail plates for design work and adds an extra layer of strength. DESIGN STUDIO Let us stretch your imagination! Join the Gelish ® Education Team and be dazzled by exciting designs that you can take back to your salon to wow your clients. P R O H E S I O N AC RY L I C NAILS SEE WEBSITE FOR CLASS TIMES AND BUILD YOUR CUSTOM CLASS SCHEDULE. Want to stretch your creative side? Join the Gelish ® Education Team and see the versatility of ProHesion Acrylic. Use our full acrylic line in your sculpting, natural nail, and tip overlay salon applications. G ELCO LO R , G ELCO LO R NAI L ART AN D TH E N E W G ELCO LO R P ED I CU R E! The OPI ® GelColor LED Light cures in a total of 4 minutes for weeks of glossy wear that will make GelColor by OPI ® your NEW signature service. Stop by the OPI ® booth for continuous demos. Let us show you how to increase your service dollars! Photo cour tesy of O PI ®. N o O n e U n d e r T h e A g e O f 1 6 I s A d m i t t e d O n T h e S h o w F l o o r. B e a u t y I n d u s t r y P r o f e s s i o n a l s A n d S t u d e n t s O n l y. N o R e f u n d s , A l l S a l e s a r e F i n a l . F o r m s O f P a y m e n t A c c e p t e d O n T h e S h o w F l o o r : C a s h A n d C r e d i t C a r d O n l y. WA N T TO B EC O M E A L A S H E X P ERT ? Ardell® has taken the guesswork out of applying lash enhancements. Eyelash enhancements are not just for parties, weddings or evenings out. Now, they are part of your everyday makeup. With Ardell®, eyelash application is quick, easy and a great moneymaker. LET U S H ELP YOU B U I LD TH E SALON OF YOU R DR EAM S • P rivate, Confidential Consultations D O U B L E YO U R P R O FI T S I N H A L F T H E T I M E T H E C L E A N + E A SY ® WAY ! * • C omplete Selection of Innovative Products & Styles Ph o to co u rte sy o f Cle an + E asy ® . Take your waxing skills to the next level! This detailed Clean + Easy® class covers speed-waxing techniques from head-to-toe. • Custom Designs • Exclusive Brands ES TI S FO TE SI EB D ER M A R A D I A N C E & S M O OT H S C U L PT * ® DermaRadiance provides organic microdermabrasion; SmoothSculpt lifts, tightens and transforms the face and body. Change your client’s life and elevate your business to the next level with these unique systems! FEM A L E B R A ZI L I A N WA X I N G* Learn tips to take your Female Brazilian Waxing skills to the next level. With advanced waxing techniques, this class will inspire seasoned professionals and give new waxing technicians a plan for confident Brazilian Waxing. Become an expert in three different types of wax: soft, hard, and thin film. Retail value over $75! *First come first serve. Limit one bag per wristband. While supplies last. No rainchecks. Offer is valid only at the Arlington Fashion Focus™ Show on May 3-4. Must present wristband to receive free gift. R CL AS ET FREE Ph o to co u rte sy o f Satin Sm o o th ® . W Learn about the economical, safe and easy to use beBare™ wax-free hair removal system that allows you to offer comfortable and lasting hair removal. beBare™ is perfect for novices and pros–in any salon, spa or medi-spa! E C O L L I N S | FOOTSIEBATH™ RHINO MATS AND MORE! GIFT BAG TH b e B a r e™ H A I R R EM OVA L : H E A D -TO -TO E WA X I N G* ES WE ARE PROUD TO OFFER SE Call 1- 800 -45-SALON, Option 4 . M Learn the specifics on the over 15 specialized GiGi® waxes. GiGi® offers the best solution to address your clients’ hair removal needs and yields beautifully smooth, hair-free skin. GET INSPIRED! Visit the Salon Collins: Market Street Furnishings Center on the Exhibit Floor and explore the latest styles and product innovations from today's leading equipment manufacturers. *For a product replacement recommendation or to discuss plans for a complete remodel, contact the Salon Furnishings Consultant in your area for a private consultation before, during or after the show. IC B E AU T I F U L S M O OT H S K I N T H E G I G I ® WAY . S • Lease Financing Available* For Tickets, Call: 1.800.45.SALON B ROWS TO B R A ZI LIAN * See schedule page and website for details. *These are advanced classes with fullfrontal nudity. No one under the age of 18 will be permitted to attend. Out of respect for the model, waxing classes will begin on time, and no entry will be permitted once the class has started. 2015 S H OW CLASS IONS T P I R C S E D pm to 4 :0 0 9 :0 0 a m / MON: m T IO N S p 0 6 :0 N S O LU O 0 a m to L A :0 9 S : N : SU IL S HOURS H A IR E ST H E T IC S TO R S EXHIBI ND TERS A . PRESEN HANGE T TO C C E J B U S NA AQUAGE® CND® DONNA HAMILTON & SHAWNA PARVIN CND® ADDITIVES ART STUDIO THE ART OF BEAUTY Join Aquage® Master Artists Shawna Parvin and Donna Hamilton and discover the NEW Spring 2015 Collection. Super-fast signature techniques allow you to create textural effects with an effortless editorial feel for easy updos. A fresh, modern take on long hair dressing, each style can be done in 15 minutes or less! Along with our NEW long hair dressing techniques, you will learn NEW haircutting techniques that give classic shapes a NEW, modern edge. ARDELL® Add, blend and create with pure concentrated pigments and sparkling effects for complete artistic freedom! Learn to create impressive nail art in this creative workshop. CND® VINYLUX® DESIGN LAB Explore your creativity in the CND® Design Lab while discovering the virtues of CND® VINYLUX®. Translate your design inspiration into works of art and place them on display for all to see! SEASONAL TREND FLORA & FAUNA: CND® SHELLAC® & VINYLUX® Ardell® has taken the guesswork out of applying lash enhancements. Eyelash enhancements are not just for parties, weddings or evenings out. Now, they are part of your everyday makeup. With Ardell®, eyelash application is quick, easy and a great moneymaker. Wearable nail styles unite peaceful harmony, shiny and matte textures, and watercolor impressions of luminous landscapes in the Flora & Fauna Collection from CND®. Learn the latest trends unveiled and NEW nail styles featuring CND® SHELLAC®, VINYLUX® and Additives. Transform your nails into works of art with Brisa® Gel and see this season’s NEW colors! BABYLISS® PRO DEPILÈVE CULLEN GREENTANER WANT TO BECOME A LASH EXPERT? THE BABYLISS® PRO DESIGN TEAM THE SYNERGY COLLECTION (SHOWFLOOR) Join us for a “front row” view of the revolutionary technology, tools and skills that are changing the hair industry forever! Traditionally, the hair industry has faced a great divide between the dynamic crafts of barbering and cosmetology. Now, through innovation, technology and a passion for products, the BaByliss® PRO Team bridges that gap with the Synergy Collection. THE SYNERGY COLLECTION: HANDS-ON CLIPPER CUTTING CLASS (CLASSROOM) DEANNA DERTHICK BROWS TO BRAZILIAN* Learn waxing techniques from basic facial waxing to advanced Brazilian techniques. GELISH® MALIBU C® BASIC & BEYOND TRISHA RICE DESIGN STUDIO Learn tips and tricks that will help your color services, combat your worst hair “nightmares” and increase your revenue. Armed with the tools you need, you’ll be able to pump up your stellar services with Malibu C®! Experience the inspiring colors of Gelish®! Learn revenue-generating designs from basic and beyond to take back to your salon. Get personal “face time” with a Gelish® educator and have all of your questions answered. Let us stretch your imagination! Join the Gelish® Education Team and be dazzled by exciting designs that you can take back to your salon to wow your clients. MARTIN PARSONS PROHESION ACRYLIC Martin is ready to excite you with his unique approach to cutting and finishing your latest cuts in this 60-minute fun and uplifting presentation. Martin’s systematic and intelligent approach to designing the right cut for each individual facial shape will forever change the way you look at your clients. A program not to be missed! Want to stretch your creative side? Join the Gelish® Education Team and see the versatility of ProHesion Acrylic. Use our full acrylic line in your sculpting, natural nail, and tip overlay salon applications. STRENGTH & STRUCTURE Experience VitaGel and Structure and help your clients care for their nails. VitaGel strengthens and revitalizes natural nails; multiple-use Structure resurfaces nail plates for design work and adds an extra layer of strength. GENO STAMPORA CREATING A PROFITABLE & PRODUCTIVE SALON TEAM Learn how grow your team, eliminate drama, stay inspired, stay motivated and sell in this class for upper management. Take responsibility for your own growth in beauty by learning how to market yourself. HOW TO MAKE MONEY & STAY BUSY IN BEAUTY Learn how to upsell, sell more add-ons, sell retail and reschedule guest visits in this class for salon staff. MAKE BEAUTY WORK FOR YOU & YOUR TEAM This class covers the fundamentals of selling and communication. Learn how to be memorable with each guest, be a “team player” and grow an incredible business. *This is an advanced class with full-frontal nudity. No one under the age of 18 will be permitted to attend. Out of respect for the model, waxing classes will begin on time, and no entry will be permitted once the class has started. GIGI® DEVACURL BEAUTIFUL SMOOTH SKIN THE GIGI® WAY CURL EXPERIENCE CATHY JORGENSON Learn the specifics on the over 15 specialized GiGi® waxes. GiGi® offers the best solution to address your clients’ hair removal needs and yields beautifully smooth, hair-free skin. See how BaByliss® PRO bridges the gap between the barber and the stylist with men’s and women’s clipper cutting featuring the amazing Volare X2 Clipper. Join us in the DevaCurl classroom for an unforgettable curl experience. Check out the Arlington Fashion Focus™ website for more details. BETH MINARDI SIGNATURE® DONALD SCOTT NYC KRISTINA LEE JASON CLEMONS InfraShine®’s approach to educating stylists is focused on doing real hair for real people. Experience the “magic” with techniques taught with style, finesse and humor to reach you in a whole NEW way! MEGAN METROYANIS MINARDI™ COLOR Want to increase your color business? Learn to create beautiful color with confidence and runway looks that are easy to re-create in your salon with consumer-friendly and money-making techniques from Beth Minardi Signature®. CIREPIL® BY PERRON RIGOT HAPPY WAXING YOUR WAY TO SUCCESS! Waxing with Cirepil® is not just hair removal but a complete beauty treatment in itself! Discover sought after techniques and best waxing practices and procedures to provide gentle and effective treatments for facial, brow, under arm, bikini/intimate and speed waxing. This class will cover non-strip hard wax, strip wax and client position and comfort. CLEAN+EASY® ELHAM JAZAB DOUBLE YOUR PROFITS IN HALF THE TIME THE CLEAN+EASY® WAY!* Take your waxing skills to the next level! This detailed Clean + Easy® class covers speed-waxing techniques from head-to-toe. *This is an advanced class with full-frontal nudity. No one under the age of 18 will be permitted to attend. Out of respect for the model, waxing classes will begin on time, and no entry will be permitted once the class has started. Classes Will Take Place SUNDAY And MONDAY. Class Times & Schedule Planner To Be Posted Online 45 Days Prior To The Show; Please Visit FASHION-FOCUS.NET For Times! BE PREPARED: RAZOR CUTTING WITH SCISSORS AT THE SAME TIME Welcome to the next level in haircutting as the Donald Scott NYC Education Team shares with you their unique approach to razor cutting. With Donald Scott NYC's PREPARE™, a Liquid Tool™ glide, the myths of razor cutting become history. Along with PREPARE™, learn the Donald Scott NYC cutting system to re-create all of your razor designs. When you re-create all of your masterpieces, you become “dangerous”! Multiple tools, plus multiple techniques, equals “dangerous”! ECLIPSE HAIR FILLER DENNY SMOLINSKI INSTANT HAIR FILLER Give your thinning-hair clients the appearance of a thicker, fuller head of hair with Eclipse Instant Hair Filler. Learn how to apply Eclipse Hair Fiber and Fiber Locking Spray. For men and women of all ages, Eclipse can be sold both as a service and as a high-profit consumer retail item. FAROUK SYSTEMS EFRAIN LEIVA, JESSICA PORTILLO & JOE ANTHONY PEÑA ESSENTIALITY The Essentiality Collection brings the essence of life into stunning reality! With a fresh take on classic looks and an emphasis on advanced techniques, layers create movement, direction and texture. Bold colors with a soft blend between levels and tones create sophistication with feminine appeal. Take what is essential and make it NEW with the Essentiality Collection. No One Under The Age Of 16 Is Admitted On The Show Floor. Beauty Industry Professionals And Students Only. No Refunds, All Sales are Final. Forms Of Payment Accepted On The Show Floor: Cash And Credit Card Only. TOP TIPS FOR COLOR & COLOR CORRECTION: THE SECRET TO BALAYAGE SUCCESS INFRASHINE™ HOW TO DO REAL HAIR FOR REAL PEOPLE JOHNNY B.® ELITE CLIPPER CUTTING Johnny B.®’s elite clipper cutting class without attachments is perfect for any professional. Clipper-over-comb is the most respected skill among top barbers. Come and master this technique to leave your personal mark on every haircut. This class is taught by the most seasoned Johnny B.® Educators and encompasses the latest in men’s grooming. JOICO® COLLECTIONS - ENGLISH Join us for a collection of four salon-wearable looks that use NEW Joico® products. All four cuts use interior geometry to support a soft focus with an exterior that offers infinite styling options and is universally flattering. Each look uses Sue Pemberton’s NEW color blocking, split strand, feathering, and quick salon techniques inlaid into rich bases of red, brown and blonde. COLLECTIONS - ESPAÑOL !Únanse a los artistas de Joico®! Mientras ellos exhiben y les enseñan las últimas tendencias de colores de la temporada. Aprenda las técnicas de colores para ayudarle a crecer en su negocio. COLOR CORRECTION 101 JAIMIE OLVERA & MEGAN METROYANIS No matter what brand of color you are using, this class will teach you how to tackle color correction with simple, foolproof steps that will take out the guesswork and ensure success. HAIR CUTTING LONG HAIR UPDOS It’s magic time again! See a variety of dressed hairstyles in 60 minutes. Get inspired and feel great about your industry with a true master! MATRIX® FABIAN CISNEROS, MARTIN SALINAS & STEVE WALDMAN STYLE LINK The Matrix® Artistic Team introduces a NEW styling era: Style Link! With breakthrough innovation and technology unique to Matrix®, prep, play and perfect as you mix and customize your own styling recipes. Experience styling freedom and connect digitally to education and inspiration with infinite possibilities. Learn NEW haircutting and color designs with a NEW approach to styling and finishing techniques. The power is in your hands with Style Link! MIKAL FRED DENGLER 12 BUSINESS-BUILDING IDEAS Do you need more clients? Are you having challenges getting to the next level? Is cash flow a problem? Solve these problems with proven ideas to jump-start your business in this class and learn how to get new clients, generate cash flow and create a daily plan to grow your business. AMAZING MARKETING IDEAS! This class sets out all of the marketing strategies for your success! Learn three FREE e-marketing things to do right now, two easy ways to get more perfect customers, three types of buyers and how to get them, how to set your marketing on autopilot, and how to start making more money. SIX SECRECTS TO OPENING OR RE-INVENTING YOUR SALON Create your perfect business and realize your dreams! In this class, define goals, make a plan and realize a vision for a NEW or re-invented salon. Learn how to get organized, and get the funds, location, look, staff and clientele for your salon. STAFF UP: HOW TO BUILD A WINNING TEAM! Using the strategies in this class, create a positive culture and staff your salon with a great team. Learn how to get better applicants, interview and hire more effectively and create a compensation and goal-setting system to build a winning team. WOW YOUR CLIENTS & YOUR BUSINESS WILL EXPLODE! Learn how to develop low and no cost marketing and client management strategies to build the strong business your hard work deserves. From turning prospects into clients with “smart marketing” to ensuring the rebooking of every client contact, find out how to maximize the “wow” you deliver and potentially double your client retention! NIOXIN® DESIGN PRINCIPLES Discover how to achieve thicker, denser-looking hair! Experience demos and a hands-on workshop featuring Nioxin® ’s Design Principles. Learn how to customize cuts, colors and styles for all of your clients. OPI® GEL COLOR, GEL COLOR NAIL ART & THE NEW GEL COLOR PEDICURE The OPI® GelColor LED Light cures in a total of 4 minutes for weeks of glossy wear that will make GelColor by OPI® your NEW signature service. Learn revolutionizing color finished services, fast “French” finishes, street-smart nail art and simple, economical removals. 2015 S H OW IONS T P I R C S E CLASS D pm to 4 :0 0 9 :0 0 a m / MON: m T IO N S p 0 6 :0 N S O LU O 0 a m to L A :0 9 S : N : SU IL S HOURS H A IR E ST H E T IC S I B I TO ND EXH TERS A PRESEN NGE. A H C T TO SUBJEC RS EARN TEXAS CEs NA YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO EARN ALL OF YOUR TX CE HOURS AT THIS SHOW! PAUL DIGRIGOLI RUSK® ART OF LEADERSHIP: ON THE NEXT LEVEL THE RUSK® DESIGN TEAM BE AN ENTREPRENEUR “BEHIND THE CHAIR” Learn one of our amazing haircutting techniques in this 2-hour hands-on workshop. $49.00 (Includes mannequin head.) Whether you’re a salon or cosmetology school owner, manager, booth renter or a team-based salon, take your business and personal development to an exceptional level with this comprehensive leadership workshop. Discover the most important aspects of a team leader and harness your entrepreneurial spirit! Learn the qualities to become a great entrepreneur, the “secrets” to hiring the best stylists, the pros and cons of booth leasing, and much more. HOW TO BECOME A SUPER INSTRUCTOR! Drive your students’ spark, passion and energy for years to come! Learn how to deliver in a way that will get results and make a MASSIVE IMPACT on your students. HOW TO BUILD A HEALTHY SALON Don’t be left behind! Learn everything that drives the healthiest salons today–from attracting good stylists, understanding a profit and loss statement, expanding brand awareness to working less and making more. Plus, the importance of delegation and the potential this industry has to offer. YOUR FUTURE IN COSMETOLOGY IS BRIGHTER THAN YOU THINK! The future is bright! With unprecedented growth, the cosmetology industry is one of the few “recession proof” careers today. Influence the industry and learn info to propel you into your future as a cosmetologist. PAUL MITCHELL® LINDA YODICE & SCOTT COLE rEvolution! Superstar stylists from Paul Mitchell® bring cuts, colors and styles to life with an exciting NEW booth/stage layout that puts you in the middle of the action. Plus, get hands on with our NEW Pro Tools™ NEURO® Collection and be one of the first to try our latest luxury, MarulaOil. PRODUCT CLUB® DEVIN FOX HIGHLIGHTING BETWEEN THE LINES: BALAYAGE Make ordinary blondes extraordinary, brunettes sparkle with dimension, and redheads radiant with copper and strawberry accents! Learn balayage in color correction using color panels, hair painting and streams of color. This class is based upon the Celestial Color Balayage Technique from Product Club®'s Highlighting Between the Lines DVD, Vol. 3. RUSK® THE RUSK® DESIGN TEAM CREATIVE COLORIST (CLASSROOM) Define who you are as a creative colorist in this Rusk® hair color class. Whether you choose a bold contrast or create a dreamlike mood, develop your success with Deepshine® Hair Color and related products. THE FLASHBACK COLLECTION (SHOWFLOOR) The 2015 Flashback Collection is inspired by the trends of yester-year. With a little inspiration and creativity, what was once can be again. Evolve and allow your imagination to run free! Join Unlimited Continuing Education, provider #1525, for enjoyable and informative courses that meet TDLR's CE hour requirements, effective September 1, 2012. You can pre-register to avoid waiting in line and reserve your classroom seating by visiting www.txunlimitedcedu.com. Space is limited, so register today! CE tickets may also be purchased onsite in the convention center lobby at the CE Ticket Sales Counter. You may also acquire an additional 1 hr. CE credit for simply attending the show! (1 hr. Show Credit requires a $10 processing fee*). You must follow all the mandatory requirements listed below to receive credit. CONTINUED THE FLASHBACK COLLECTION: HANDS-ON WORKSHOP (CLASSROOM) Monday, May 4, 2015 | 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm IF YOU ARE 65+ YEARS AND HAVE HELD A LICENSE FOR 15+ YEARS, YOU ONLY NEED 1 HOUR SANITATION TO MEET ALL YOUR TX CE REQUIREMENTS. (THIS INCLUDES INSTRUCTORS.) Seating is limited. See your Sales Consultant to attend. SATIN SMOOTH® Please contact Andrea Davis at 512.448.7633, 800.45.SALON or adavis@armstrongmccall.com or Pam White at pamwhite@txunlimitedcedu.com for more info. beBare™ HAIR REMOVAL: HEAD-TO-TOE WAXING* Learn about the economical, safe and easy to use beBare™ wax-free hair removal system that allows you to offer comfortable and lasting hair removal. beBare™ is perfect for novices and pros–in any salon, spa or medi-spa. *TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING & REGULATION (TDLR) WILL BE ONSITE AT MAIN TICKET SALES AREA. D ERMA R ADIANCE & S MOOTH S CULPT* DermaRadiance provides organic microdermabrasion; SmoothSculpt lifts, tightens and transforms the face and body. Change your client’s life and elevate your business to the next level with these unique systems! MANDATORY for all who wish to receive TX CE credit for license renewal: · Must purchase 1 hr. CE Show Credit at the CE Booth*. · Must pay $10 processing fee to receive 1 hr. Show Credit*. · Must purchase CE Ticket to attend CE Class. · Must show Photo I.D. and Cosmetology License (Both at Ticket Sales Booth and CE Classroom). · Must have Arlington Fashion Focus™ Show wristband to enter CE classroom. · Must attend entire CE course to receive credit; you may not arrive late or leave early. · No Refunds,No Exceptions! FEMALE BRAZILIAN WAXING* Learn tips to take your Female Brazilian Waxing skills to the next level. With advanced waxing techniques, this class will inspire seasoned professionals and give new waxing technicians a plan for confident Brazilian Waxing. Become an expert in three different types of wax: soft, hard, and thin film. *This is an advanced class with full-frontal nudity. No one under the age of 18 will be permitted to attend. Out of respect for the model, waxing classes will begin on time, and no entry will be permitted once the class has started. SCRUPLES® *EXCLUDES INSTRUCTORS SCRUPLES® DESIGN TEAM SKIP THE LINE! IF YOU PRE-REGISTERED ONLINE, YOU DON'T HAVE TO WAIT IN LINE; YOU CAN GO DIRECTLY TO THE CLASSROOM. SYNERGY The Scruples® Design Team blends and unites the duality of hard and soft with cut, color and style in the new Synergy Collection. Inspired by the Scruples® Gel and Crème Color range, this series showcases high fashion trends for the ultimate freedom of expression. SEBASTIAN® TOTEMIC The signs and symbols of traditional culture summon a global tribe that is uniquely Sebastian®. Hair becomes decoration, armor and art. The lines blur between headdress and hair, ceremonial beauty, and a battle cry for artistry. Every twist and every textured strand echoes its inspiration and moves us forward. TIGI® TIGI® CREATIVE TEAM TIGI® ACADEMY COLLECTION: REAL HAIR STYLES FOR REAL PEOPLE The TIGI® Creative Team presents their NEW editorial-inspired collection with the latest trends in cutting, coloring, styling and finishing. Each collection hairstyle can be translated and duplicated to work with the lifestyle, personal image and hair texture of real people. Texture plays a key element in this collection, resulting in lived-in looks to extend a person’s own sense of fashion style. WELLA PROFESSIONALS™ THE SPRING COLLECTION: DISTILLED COLOR Classes Will Take Place SUNDAY And MONDAY. Class Times & Schedule Planner To Be Posted Online 45 Days Prior To The Show; Please Visit FASHION-FOCUS.NET For Times! ATTENTION TEXAS COSMETOLOGY LICENSEES: Like light broken by a prism, layers of color reveal in hair. From red to rich amber to cognac, black to deep violet blue, and blonde in its purest form distilled to a pure white, the personality of color is distilled and magnified to its iconic form. No One Under The Age Of 16 Is Admitted On The Show Floor. Beauty Industry Professionals And Students Only. No Refunds, All Sales are Final. Forms Of Payment Accepted On The Show Floor: Cash And Credit Card Only. CE CLASS INFO: CE CLASS TIMES UNLIMITED CONTINUING EDUCATION PROVIDER #1525 Unlimited Continuing Education - Provider #1525 INSTRUCTOR: PAM WHITE Sanitation, Laws & Instructor Methods Pre-Registration Prices (online) CUTOFF: MAY 1ST SAVE $5 – Visit www.txunlimitedcedu.com · $15 – Sanitation 1 hr. · $20 – Our Professional Industry 2 hrs. · $45 – Instructors Only 4 hrs. On-Site Prices: · $10 – Show Attendance 1 hr. · $20 – Sanitation 1 hr. · $25 – Our Professional Industry 2 hrs. · $50 – Instructors Only 4 hrs. **PRE-REGISTRATION PRICES (ONLINE) SAVE $5 VISIT WWW.TXUNLIMITEDCEDU.COM For Instructors Only! (CE# TBA) 4 hrs. – Cost: $50** Sun: 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm Salon Sanitation (CE# TBA) 1 hr. – Cost: $20** Sun: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Mon: 9:30 am - 10:30 am Our Professional Industry (CE# TBA) 2 hrs. – Cost: $25** Sun: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Mon: 11:00 am - 1:00 pm TBA - To Be Announced N O I T U L SO N O L A S hedu See sc S imes. class t le for YO U R S U C C E S S M AT T E R S T O U S . Geno Stampora Geno Stampora Geno Stampora and his work have been featured in Modern, American, Salon Today, Nails, Nailpro, Dayspa, Launchpad, and almost every salon and spa trade magazine. Geno has owned, managed and worked “behind the chair” in his collection of salons. He has owned two beauty academies where he also instructed. As an industry expert and speaker, Geno has educated industry artists and sales people all over the world. In 2009, Geno was inducted into the North American Hairstyling Awards Hall of Leaders. Martin Parsons Martin Parsons Martin Parsons has long been recognized as a leader in advanced education and for his highly entertaining and educational stage performances. He was listed among the elite in Modern Salon’s ‘Top 75 Educators for the Past Century’ and was the recipient of the first Lifetime Achievement Award in the Canadian hairdressing industry. Fred Dengler MIKAL Fred Dengler Fred co-founded the MIKAL Corporation in 1981 with the goal of designing a powerful PC-based software program for the beauty industry. He is dedicated to designing the ultimate Salon Management System (SMS). Fred teaches over 50 beauty salon management and marketing classes a year. His company received an All Star Var award in 2007. In 2011, MIKAL won the RSPA Innovative Solutions Award for the ‘Beauty Industry Tablet App.’ Fred has written numerous articles for Salon Today, Spa Management, American Salon, and many other publications. Paul DiGrigoli Paul DiGrigoli As the author of a highly popular book, “Booked Solid,” a hairdresser for over 30 years and a current school and salon owner, Paul is a passionate, creative, funny and dynamic motivational speaker and self-made entrepreneur. He has won the “Entrepreneur of the Year” award from the National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship and Modern Salon’s honorarium “Excellence in Education” national award for his school’s culture for the years of 2012, 2013 and 2014. No One Under The Age Of 16 Is Admitted On The Show Floor. Beauty Industry Professionals And Students Only. No Refunds, All Sales are Final. Forms Of Payment Accepted On The Show Floor: Cash And Credit Card Only. TEXT FFDFW to 70000 NOW! DON'T MISS the FREEBIES! •T ext or Scan to receive text messages throughout the show for FREE gifts at vendor booths. e in-the-know while on-the-go for •B your chance to get exclusive coupons. PLUS, find out about special store promotions all year long! FREE samples available only to those who OPT IN to receive text messages. Be one of the first to show your text message at the booth and get your FREE sample. Limited quantities available. While supplies last. No purchase required. Void where prohibited by law. By texting us, you are agreeing to opt-in to our mobile texting program, and you agree to receive future promotional text messages from Armstrong McCall®. Terms & Conditions: Our text messages are intended for subscribers 16 and over and are delivered via USA short code 70000. You may receive up to 10 message(s) per day of show text alerts and up to 4 message(s) per month from Armstrong McCall® for deals and text alerts. Message & data rates may apply. Phones with text messaging capabilities are required, and subscribers on AT&T, Verizon Wireless, T-Mobile ®, Sprint, Virgin Mobile USA, Cincinnati Bell, Centennial Wireless, Unicel, U.S. Cellular ®, and Boost. For help, text HELP to 70000, email emoore@group3marketing.com, or call +1-888-571-6554. Text STOP to short code 70000 to stop promotional texts. SCAN HERE HOTEL INFO S H E R ATO N A R LI N GTO N e M & IN or FO ! 1500 Convention Center Drive | 817.261.8200 Rates: $159 Single/Double $169 Triple • $179 Quad Tickets available through: te Up • fo In • In fo -F tI n N is rt IO A H st ue AS G • ns W tio W ip W cr es T D as s SI Cl ll VI By texting us, you are agreeing to opt-in to our mobile texting program, and you agree to receive future promotional text messages from Armstrong McCall®. Terms & Conditions: Our text messages are intended for subscribers 16 and over and are delivered via USA short code 70000. You may receive up to 10 message(s) per day of show text alerts and up to 4 message(s) per month from Armstrong McCall® for deals and text alerts. Message & data rates may apply. Phones with text messaging capabilities are required, and subscribers on AT&T, Verizon Wireless, T-Mobile®, Sprint, Virgin Mobile USA, Cincinnati Bell, Centennial Wireless, Unicel, U.S. Cellular®, and Boost. For help, text HELP to 70000, email emoore@group3marketing.com, or call +1-888-571-6554. Text STOP to short code 70000 to stop promotional texts. .F 70000 NOW Fu to O CO N N EC T ! TEXT F F D F W • C JOIN OUR MOBILE CE US fo .N Tr ET Rates effective until 4/9/2015. Reservation Code: Armstrong McCall. av el FO R M O da RE s H I LTO N A R LI N GTO N 2401 E. Lamar Blvd. | 817.640.3322 Rate: $145 Single/Double/Triple/Quad FIND US ON THE WEB ARMSTRONGMCCALL.COM Use #FFDFW in all your tweets about the show! ED_006733