CLAS S UP! - Armstrong McCall Professional Beauty Supply
CLAS S UP! - Armstrong McCall Professional Beauty Supply
s scription class de 1 2 18 s page ® ™ / A qu ag e ® /M in ar di ® ® / Jo ic o ® / Wella x n el l® / M at ri s / Seba stia ™ H ai r em st Sy Pa ul M it ch ® / IN D IE ® / Farouk ® ® Scruples ® Bylis s PRO ® hnny B. / Ru sk / Ba epilève ® / M IK A L / D Crew / Jo ® ® / A m er ic an on vl A / r n ® xi ge PI io O Ja N uC / nt y / Kathy ® ahl® / Malib sy® / Jo e Sa G elis h / W ® ® / Cl ea n + Ea i iG * G / l ® el M or e! CN D / A rd g Nails / & ton / Youn V ickie Pres P! CLASS U 2 - 13 T OE ,BA REI ZRO N1 A OC & S PA N DAL E HOTEL GLE ENDAL ANCE GL ISIT INFO, V E R O M S.NET FOR ION-FOCU H S A F . tist Info r W A WW • Guest RENAISS tions s Descrip ore Full Clas dates & M p U • o f Tr a v e l I n CH AN GE . SU BJ EC T TO OW HI BI TO RS ON TH E SH ER S AN D EX AD M ITT ED IS TS ON LY. 16 *P RE SE NT OF D ST UD EN E AG E AN TH R LS DE NA NO ON E UN PR OF ES SIO IN DU ST RY TY AU BE FLOO R. VISIT W W W.FA S H I O N - F O C U S.N E T EST ARTIST INFO. FOR FULL CLASS DESCRIPTIONS AND GU OC TO B E R 12 -13 floor. No one under the age of 16 is admitted on the show Beauty industry professio nals and students only. GLE NDA LE, ARI ZON A Forms of payment accepted on the show floor: cash and REN AISS ANC E GLE NDA LE HOT EL & SPA SUN: 9:00 credit card only. am to 6:00 pm / MON: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm SAVE $30 UP TO * when you purchase your ticket by July 31! *Maximum savings based on At-the-Door Two-Day Ticket Price of $62. TICKE TS NOW ON SALE! JUNE 16–JULY 31 Two-Day Ticket: $32 SAVE $30 AUGUST 1–31 Two-Day Ticket: $42 SAVE $20 SEPT 1–OCT 11 Two-Day Ticket: $52 SAVE $10 AT-THE-DOOR Two-Day Ticket: $62 E X H I B I 3 WAYS TO PURCHASE: 1. Visit your local CosmoProf® or Armstrong McCall ® store 2. Contact your Salon/Sales Consultant 3. Call CosmoProf® at 1.800.362.3186 or Armstrong McCall ® at 1.800.45.SALON T O R S ** AG Hair Dashing Diva ® Malibu C® Salon Furnishings American Crew ® Dennis Bernard ® Matrix ® Salon Tech Aquage ® Depilève ® MIKAL Ardell Earthy Body Morgan Taylor Scruples ® /INDIE™ Hair Eclipse Instant Hair Fiber My Amazing Blow Dry Secret Sebastian ® Avlon ® ® Body Drench ® Fake Bake ® Bric McMann Farouk Systems China Glaze ® Gelish ® Chéci® Gena ® Clean + Easy ® GiGi® CMS of Holland Hempz ® / PBI Group CND InfraShine ® Satin Smooth ® ™ Nail Tek® Nioxin ® OPI ® Oster ® ® Collins Johnny B.® Cricket ® Joico ®/Minardi™ Paul Mitchell ® Pro Linc™ Race for the Cure ® Rusk® / BaByliss ® Pro Salon Design Center **Presenters and exhibitors subject to change. Seche ® Sormé Timeless By Pevonia ® Trionics ® Wahl ® Wella ® Woody’s Young Nails & More! W W W.FA S H I O N - F O C U S.N E T FOR FULL CL ASS DESCRIPTIONS AND GUEST ARTIST INFO. VIP VENDORS VISIT Photo courtesy of P a u l M i t c h e l l ®. T H E N E X T G E N E R AT I O N Experience an action-packed program that brings together the very best in cutting, color and style. Discover NEW techniques, products and tools, including exciting innovations in shines XG, Neuro™ and men’s grooming. Pa u l M i tc h e l l ® S C OT T C O L E A haircutter at heart, Scott loves the effect of color and cut together. Seeing this as the future of hairdre ssing, Scott created COLORCUTTING ® USA, a continuing education company in Arizona that offers courses , video education and tools for the hairdre ssing professional. Scott enjoys learning from many different facets of life. The work of architec tural great Frank Lloyd Wright and hairdre sser friends Trevor Sorbie and Vidal Sassoon are just a few of his inspirations and mentor s. Pa u l M i tc h e l l ® Photo courtesy o f A q u a g e ®. N O O N E U N D ER T H E AG E O F 16 I S A D M I T T ED O N T H E S H OW FLO O R . BE AU T Y I N DU S T RY P RO FES S I O N A L S ® Photo s cour tesy of Aqua ge . For Tickets, Call CosmoProf ® at 1.800.362.3186 or Armstrong McCall ® at 1.800.45.SALON L I N DA YO D I C E Pa u l M i tc h e l l ® GETTING TO K N OW Breaking the mold of the stereotypicall y ultra-cool, flashy hairdresser, Linda Yodice’s sophisticated elegance and straight-forw ard attitude make her a “breath of fresh air” for the beauty industry. As a sought after expert in cut and color, she recently earned her the distinction of being one of Modern Salon Magazine’s ‘Top 75 Educators of All Time.’ I R E N E TO L E D O Tole do now calls the ta Monica, CA, Irene Sassoon Academy in San ire others with bright, insp to Having graduate d from able be to t “I wan Puerto Rico her home. cut,” says Irene. hair a of e inspirational island of shap and balance rs that accentuate the love teaching the I , nish Spa healthy and vibrant colo or speaking English show s or in the salon, “Whether working at ts.” star y That’s when creativit how, why and when. T H E AQ UAG E ® PAV I L I O N Learn how to take classic shapes and give them a NEW, modern twist that translates easily to your salon. Take your cutting techniques to a NEW level with quick, easy ways for graduation, disconnection and transitional layering. ERIC FISHER and experience with He is willing to share his vast knowledge Eric Fisher is the "Hairdresser’s Hairdresser". Asia to Europe and here in the United from ms platfor ion educat worked has hairdressers worldwide. He great flair for creating truly enjoys the art of dressing and has a States. A distinguished haircut ter, Eric Fisher . beautiful styles with an “edge” S H AW N A PA R V I N for Texture, named Hairdre sser, 2009 NAHA award- winner 2010 NAHA finalist for North Americ an Home Journal, one of the ‘Top 100 Hairstylists’ by Ladies best haircut ter in Austin, TX and named the most to create original hair designs that inspire Shawna Parvin possesses the unique ability ality and integrity easily to the salon. Her charismatic person seasoned professional while translating promotion and on many professional topics from salon give Shawna the insight to communicate and motivation. marketing strategies to staff development A N D S T U D EN T S O N LY. F O R M S O F PAY M EN T ACC EP T ED O N T H E S H OW FLO O R : C A S H A N D C RED I T C A R D O N LY. Presenters and exhibitors are subject to change. See website for class times. VENDORS VIP VISIT W W W.FA S H I O N - F O C U S.N E T FOR FULL CL ASS DESCRIPTIONS AND GUEST ARTIST INFO. Photo courtesy of Matrix ®. 2 014 D E N I M C O D E From Americana to American Modern, today denim is dressed up, down, distressed, worn in, rocked out, and its color and texture possibilities seem endless. Experience customized cuts, diffused color and texture details during this 1-hour presentation with the Matrix® Artistic Team! P hoto s c ou r tesy of M a t r i x ® . NICHOL AS FRENCH Nicho las has been invite d to appe ar seven times at the Alter nativ e Hair Show ; the last five in Chica 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005 go in , and at the Royal Alber t Hall Lond on in 2009. He has also receiv best main stage and educa tiona ed many l awards. Nicho las has trave led exten sively produ cing over 1,500 educa tional show s for profe ssion high energ y al haird resse rs world wide in the USA and glam orous destinatio world . His prese ntatio ns range ns aroun d the from small hand s-on to large show s for over 2,000 peop le. S T E V E WA L D M A N Steve Waldman, a visionary member of the Logics Art Team, has been educa ting hairdressers for over 14 years. salon, on stage, or representing Logics In the at the Global Academy in New York City, he delivers content-packed progra with passion and style. His resume ms contains an impressive list of accom plishments which include styling hair The Tony Awards, The White House for NYFW, , and The Capitol. Steve’s work has appeared onscreen on television shows Seinfeld and the West Wing and in such as high-profile publications such as Vogue , People, and Estetica. He has also presen with teams at The Alternative Hair ted Show and Intercoiffure. Steve is alway s in demand and has a list of celebr which include Katie Holmes, Al Pacino ity clients and Chris Issak. ® P hoto s c ou r tesy of M a t r i x . MARTIN SALINAS ® years. He is inspired for 29 years and a Matrix educator for 20 Martin Salinas been a professional hairdre sser ssers to the next level. He hairdre take helps Martin ssers. hairdre by his ability to share knowle dge with other she was able to and success. His mother is his mentor because believe s that education is the key to growth ethic by believing in work 's mother his es embodi Martin skills. or raise a family of 16 with no formal education working hard to achieve desires. the power of imagination and dreaming, but R O D S LY O R T I Z done fashion ® as a bilingual educator. She has has been with Matrix for 20 years share her to is From Houston, TX, Rodsly Ortiz n passio Her s. award n town. Rodsly has received two Passio yourself is the show s in both Mexico and her home Rodsly believes that believing in ors, ment her as ts paren her surround you, knowledge and inspire other s. With age and inspiring the ones that y to rejuvenate a client ’s self-im key to succe ss.”Having the abilit y. Rodsl says me,” with d share to what my parents once grounds me and bring s me back tesy of Photo cour ® rew . American C EN T: TH E IN DE PE ND® ’S 2014 CO LLE CT IO N EW AM ER IC AN CR , hin ts e low -sid e pa rts fea tures vin tag nt de en ep piq ue Th e Ind to ns tio no ity rav b era , an d an ti-g of the blow com erime ntal exp , ing nk thi the for wa rdthe intere st of n––h e’s mo re tha n a ma Ind ep en de nt is gro om er. Th e le! sty l ria ito en t of ed lea din g a movem For Tickets, Call CosmoProf ® at 1.800.362.3186 or Armstrong McCall ® at 1.800.45.SALON N O O N E U N D ER T H E AG E O F 16 I S A D M I T T ED O N T H E S H OW FLO O R . BE AU T Y I N DU S T RY P RO FES S I O N A L S A N D S T U D EN T S O N LY. F O R M S O F PAY M EN T ACC EP T ED O N T H E S H OW FLO O R : C A S H A N D C RED I T C A R D O N LY. Presenters and exhibitors are subject to change. See website for class times. W W W.FA S H I O N - F O C U S.N E T FOR FULL CL ASS DESCRIPTIONS AND GUEST ARTIST INFO. V IP VENDORS VISIT Photo courtesy of Joico® Photo cour te s y of Beth Minardi Signature ® . Photo courtesy of W e l l a ®. Photo courtesy of N i o x i n ®. N O O N E U N D ER T H E AG E O F 16 I S A D M I T T ED O N T H E S H OW FLO O R . BE AU T Y I N DU S T RY P RO FES S I O N A L S Photo courtesy of S e b a s t i a n ®. For Tickets, Call CosmoProf ® at 1.800.362.3186 or Armstrong McCall ® at 1.800.45.SALON ERIC TAYLOR & MEGAN METROYANIS C O LO R C O R R E CT I O N 101 No matter what brand of color you are using, this class will teach you how to tackle color correction with simple, foolproof steps that will take the guesswork out and ensure success. J O I C O ®/M I N A R D I ™ I N T E R AC T I V E LO U N G E: VISUAL INSPIRATION/PERSONAL ENGAGEMENT/CREATIVE ASPIRATION We have created a relaxed and more personal setting to offer you an up-close-and-personal look at the latest trends in cut, color and styling. Learn the intimate secrets from industry leaders such as Vero K-PAK® Color, Color Intensities, Beth Minardi Signature® and Joico® Power Styling. B O R D E R L I N E B E AU T Y FA L L / W I N T E R C O L L E C T I O N : R E S H A P E RESHAPE empowers stylists to bring borderline beauty trends into everyday color, cut and styles using Koleston Perfect®, Color Touch®, Illumina Color, Blondor®, and Magma. Wella® provides stylists with the tools to maximize business by bringing the trends to life in a wearable way with RESHAPE! ADVANCED SKINCARE FOR THINNING HAIR PREMIUM SERVICES AND DESIGN PRINCIPLES FOR MEN Learn more about all of the Nioxin® Principles of Cut & Color to enhance the appearance of denser, thicker hair. Discover premium services including one that can help reduce hair loss by an average of 54%! E VO K E FA L L / W I N T E R C O L L E C T I O N : TOT E M I C Totemic: The signs and symbols of traditional culture summon a global tribe that is uniquely Sebastian®. Hair becomes decoration, armor and art. The lines blur between headdress and hair, ceremonial beauty, and a battle cry for artistry. Every twist and every textured strand echoes its inspiration and moves us forward. A N D S T U D EN T S O N LY. F O R M S O F PAY M EN T ACC EP T ED O N T H E S H OW FLO O R : C A S H A N D C RED I T C A R D O N LY. Presenters and exhibitors are subject to change. See website for class times. VENDORS VIP See website for class times. Photo courtesy of Farouk Systems. IZIN G REL AXE RS 101: MA XIM THE POT ENT IAL* E OF SAM E THE ART ISTR Y & SCI ENC NG* AXI REL & ING LOR DAY CO G LIN STY RAZ OR CUT TIN G AND HAI R* REL AXE D AND TEX TUR ED *See sched ule page and webs ite for detai ls. T H E B E AU T Y B A S H combination hairstyles with the perfect Collection features romantic The Farouk Beauty Bash Beauty Bash al, appe nine femi with rs ting a clash of textured laye of elegance and edge. Crea ® and tools. life by utilizing CHI color to asies fant r colo and brings cut NTHONY PEÑA OW N I T ! W I T H J O E A ing g a team and creating winn ing your business, managin Gain inside tips for build class will rmative and candid, this info ng, ivati Mot s. egie ia strat marketing and social med the next level! elevate your business to JOE ANTHONY PEÑA a rou k S yste m s. P hot os c ou r tesy of F cato r and afte r inte rnat iona l edu Pena is a high ly soug ht iden ce to teac h, Joe Anth ony mot ivat es and fost ers conf He . ents Ingr aine d with a pass ion evem achi his s for earn ed man y acco lade le term s and inco rpor ates simp in es niqu plat form artis t who has tech ing cutt tries , and ity to expl ain com plex to mor e than 100 coun in othe rs and has the abil roac h have brou ght him ge. His artis try and app ad. abro prac tical prod uct kno wled and here erou s beau ty pub licat ions he has app eare d in num ANDREW GUERRA er at the age year s. Star ting his care uk Syst ems for over 11 n an edu cato r for Faro t and salo n own er in San artis hair ul essf succ And rew Gue rra has bee a and driv e as ed his true ded icati on of 17, And rew has prov , TX. Anto nio, TX and Kerr ville A S H L E Y WO O D in the s and curr entl y is base d hair indu stry for 13 year ing and cutt ing styli st, has bee n in the ulat hair d form wne nt, reno eme a plac d, g, Ash ley Woo ing in colo r-im agin by nom enal colo rist spec ializ othe r hair styli sts to grow Dall as area . She is a phe kno wled ge and help ing Ash ley love s shar ing her r. colo ent plem com in way s that stan dard . edu catin g to the high est . & ® liss® PRO. ® colle ction explores The BaByliss PRO 2014 there’s no and tory terri NEW crea tive cutt ing and better way to brin g your Be a part of the styli ng to NEW heig hts. and chan ge the Mira Curl ™ revo lutio n curl s and text ure. way the wor ld crea tes ® stic The BaB yliss PRO Arti of n ctio dire gn desi Witn ess the inno vati ve re X2 Vola the of ance orm cutt ing- edg e perf Team as they shar e the ® Adv anta ge! stry = The BaB yliss PRO Clip per. Inno vati on + Arti Photo cour tesy of Rusk Photo cour tesy of BaBy ® T H E BA BY L I S S P R O A DV A N TA G E Pro f at For Tickets , Ca ll Co smo ® stro ng Mc Ca ll 1.8 00. 362 .318 6 or Arm at 1.8 00. 45. SALON ® C O L L E CT I O N MODERN ICONIC p, confident lines, ned by shar this collection is defi A NEW approach in giving you controlled textures, yet d tere and shat soft, velvety silhouettes look. ern mod a into e styl sform any traditional the techniques to tran of 16 is adm itted on the No one und er the age stry professi ona ls and show floo r. Bea uty indu pay ment acc epte d on stud ents only. Form s of cred it card only. the show floo r: cash and VENDORS ™ Photo courte sy of INDIE Hair. VIP See website for class times. IND IE™ STYL ING Photo courtesy of Scrup stylin g rules Break away from tradi tiona l ™ to take stylin g with INDIE Hair. Learn how ts” to the salon and finish ing from “the stree idual style with and tap into your own indiv ™ bers. fun tips from INDIE Team Mem EM AND PEARL C R E A M C O LO R SYS T , make mor e mon ey ng you need to save time les®. the salo n with ever ythi hing tech niqu es into Lear n how to show up in forw ard styli ng and finis dom . Tran slate fash ionfree tic artis your ch and stret ® sic Coll ectio n. Clas l Pear ples Scru s from the wea rabl e, yet dari ng look AND PEARL ng G E L C O LO R SYS T E M slate fashion-forward styli ® 3-D Gel Color System. Tran ® ication with the Scruples Pearl Clas sic Colle ction. Learn custom color appl g look s from the Scruples into wearable, yet darin and finishing techniques S c r u p l es K AT I E N I E L S E N ® gs over ente r, Kati e Niel sen brin l Hair colo r Exch ang e pres As a form er Inte rnat iona is kno wn for her ® She r. cato edu ples to her role as a Scru r map ping 20 year s of expe rien ce her expe rt “eye” for colo r plac eme nt as well as prac tical app roac h to colo and tona lity sele ctio n. K A R L A VA ZQ U E Z bee n eme nt tech niqu es have s as well as her colo r plac lly and has Karl a’s cutt ing met hod iona rnat inte and lly She has trav eled nati ona : Yosh Toya , desc ribe d as “exq uisit e.” bigg est icon s inclu ding som e of our indu stry ’s shar ed the stag e with Day. t Tren Wha tley and Terr ence Ren k, Will iam DON’T MISS Color Correction Top Tips for Color and Suc ces s* ge aya Bal to ret The Sec *See sched ule page and webs ite for detai ls. SENTIALS CLIPPER CUT TING ES hments to make Essentials uses attac ®' Johnny B. s Clipper Cutting ct . Our class covers every subje rmed unifo cutting hair easy and ers, blending clipp for uses the all ding from start to finish, inclu product se will also feature a brief evenly, and styling! This cour ® g how Johnny B. products ratin onst dem ent segm e knowledg can be used as tools! O N ES GA B R I E L “G Q” Q U I N one of etologist. As the owner of a Master Barber and Cosm Gabriel “GQ” Quinones is working with on elf hims s pride iel ops in Los Angeles, Gabr the most popular barbersh nical yet esses a unique blend of tech ering technique”. He poss stylists to adapt “the barb enhances learning and ts clien s ivate capt ging personality that creative skills with an enga AO and musical artists such as LMF also worked backstage with experiences. Gabriel has emulate. to t wan ts stylis y man g him an "edge" that the ‘Party Rock Crew’, givin & Pro f at For Tickets , Ca ll Co smo ® stro ng Mc Ca ll 1.8 00. 362 .318 6 or Arm at 1.8 00. 45. SALON ® WI TH TEC HN OL OGY CO MB INI NG TRA DIT ION ition with technology. of classes that combine trad Wahl® offers a portfolio and simplified for easy n dow istent training broken Classes reflect solid, cons gender or hair texture, th, leng hair t’s clien s of your understanding. Regardles clippers. with lts resu achieve your desired we will teach you how to of 16 is adm itted on the No one und er the age stry professi ona ls and show floo r. Bea uty indu pay ment acc epte d on stud ents only. Form s of cred it card only. the show floo r: cash and See website for class times. Add, blend and create. Learn to create impressive nail art in this creative workshop! C N D ® B R I S A™ L I T E 411 Discover the only gel that safely removes without nail damage, builds instant length and shape and delivers 3-weeks of perfect, color-stable enhancements. C N D ® V I N Y LU X ® D ES I G N L A B Now every week is Fashion Week with CND ®’s newest color innovation, VINYLUX®! Join us in the CND ® Design Lab where you can explore your creativity while discovering firsthand the virtues of VINYLUX®. Photo courtesy of OPI ®. Photo courtesy of Gelish®. NAILS Photo courtesy of CND ®. C N D ® A D D I T I V ES A R T S T U D I O G E LC O LO R , G E LC O LO R N A I L A R T A N D T H E N E W G E LC O LO R P E D I C U R E! The OPI ® GelColor LED Light cures in a total of 4 minutes for weeks of glossy wear that will make GelColor by OPI ® your NEW signature service. Stop by the OPI ® booth for continuous demos. Let us show you how to increase your service dollars! FA S T J U S T G O T FA S T E R ! Learn quick salon techniques and tricks that will make all of your clients “gelish”! Come and experience NEW, innovative “secrets” the Gelish ® Education Team has for you! Pro f ® at For Tickets , Ca ll Co smo ® stro ng Mc Ca ll Arm or 6 .318 362 00. 1.8 at 1.8 00. 45. SALON of 16 is adm itted on the No one und er the age stry professi ona ls and show floo r. Bea uty indu pay ment acc epte d on of s Form . only stud ents cred it card only. the show floo r: cash and I N T ER ACT IV E P L AY S TA T I O N the opportunities Come play and see all of ® the Dashing Diva g usin by te crea can you ucts, build prod y appl to how n system. Lear your customers NEW services, and offer s that will NEW fashion-forward look . style their ent plem com & I M AG I N AT I O N A R T stain ed er blen ding , inla y desi gns, cove rs cust om colo r, glitt A craz y, fun class that desi gns in all thre e nail art nail om cust te Crea h mor e! l and glas s effe cts and so muc nail art to the next leve and gel poli sh. Take your cate gori es: acry lic, gel in one class ! incr ease your inco me all ESTHE TICS VENDORS Red Carpet with the Stars! class times. See website for TAKE YOUR PIC WA N T TO B E C O M E A L A S H E X P E R T ? Ardell® has taken the guesswork out of applying lash enhancements. Eyelash enhancements are not just for parties, weddings or evenings out. Now, they are part of your everyday makeup. D O U B L E YO U R P R O FI T S I N H A L F T H E T I M E T H E C L E A N + E A SY ® WAY!* WITH A TOP ARTIST* *Red carpet features life-size cutouts of various artists. However, actual artists may be available for pics between presentations. Take your waxing skills to the next level! This detailed Clean + Easy ® class covers speed-waxing techniques from head-to-toe. B E AU T I FU L S M O OT H S K I N T H E G I G I ® WAY Learn the specifics on the over 15 specialized GiGi ® waxes. GiGi ® offers the best solution to address your clients’ hair removal needs and yields beautifully smooth, hair-free skin. B R O W S T O B R A Z I L I A N* Learn waxing techniques from basic facial waxing to advanced Brazilian waxing. B E B A R E ™: S U P E R I O R Q U A L I T Y B O TA N I C A L WA X - F R E E H A I R R E M OVA L SYS T E M* Learn how to implement this easy to use, versatile, cost-effective hair removal system in your business. Offer your guests a gentle, effective treatment and increase your net profit with little capital investment. A LIVE DEMO of head-to-toe hair removal featuring Brazilian Bikini with beBare™. H E A D - T O - T O E WA X I N G F E AT U R I N G F E M A L E B R A Z I L I A N WA X I N G* Learn which waxes to use for a Brazilian service and the importance of client consultation. Also, learn how to have an effective consultation using a client record card, waxing “do’s and don’ts”, how to position your client and proper sanitation methods for waxing services. S M O O T H S C U L P T ™ F O R FA C E A N D B O D Y: T H E N O N - I N VA S I V E S O L U T I O N F O R T I G H T EN I N G, L I F T I N G A N D S CU L P T I N G Learn about the SmoothSculpt™ Theory, how it works, proper techniques and an overview of correct sanitary procedures. Join us for a discussion and LIVE DEMO! one with full-frontal nudity. No *These are advanced classes respect permitted to attend. Out of under the age of 18 will be and no entry time, on begin will es class for the model, waxing class has started. will be permitted once the stry show floo r. Bea uty indu of 16 is adm itted on the No one und er the age t acc epte d on the show men pay of s Form . ents only professi ona ls and stud card only. floo r: cash and cred it Pro f ® at For Tickets , Ca ll Co smo ® ng Mc Ca ll stro Arm or 6 .318 362 1.8 00. ON SAL at 1.8 00. 45. Get INSTANT ACCESS to all the tools you need that will help you succeed as a Beauty Professional. Monthly Shopping Guides & Current Catalogs Store Locator Class Listings Shop Online Social Sites Scan Here to Visit CosmoProf ® to Go TODAY! 2014 class descriptions SHOW HOURS / SUN: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm / MON: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm AMERICAN CREW ® CND ™ THE INDEPENDENT TIMILY CALLES The Independent features vintage low-side parts, hints of the blow comb era, and anti-gravity notions to pique the interest of the forward-thinking, experimental groomer. The Independent is more than a man–he’s leading a movement of editorial style! AQUAGE ® ERIC FISHER & SHAWNA PARVIN THE AQUAGE ® PAVILION Join Aquage® and learn how to take classic shapes and give them a NEW, modern twist that translates easily to your salon. Take your cutting techniques to a NEW level with quick, easy ways for graduation, disconnection and transitional layering. Cla sse s will tak e pla ce Sun day an d Mo nd ay. Cla tim es to be po ste ss d onlin e 45 day s prior to the show; please vis it fas hio n-focu s.n et for tim es! (continued) CND ® BRISA™ LITE 411 The cutting edge just got moved. Discover the only gel that safely removes without nail damage, builds instant length and shape and delivers 3-weeks of perfect, color-stable enhancements. CND ® VINYLUX ® DESIGN LAB Now every week is Fashion Week with CND®’s newest color innovation, VINYLUX®! Join us in the CND® Design Lab where you can explore your creativity while discovering firsthand the virtues of VINYLUX®. DASHING DIVA ® INTERACTIVE PLAY STATION ARDELL ® WANT TO BECOME A LASH EXPERT? Ardell® has taken the guesswork out of applying lash enhancements. Eyelash enhancements are not just for parties, weddings or evenings out. Now, they are part of your everyday makeup. With Ardell®, eyelash application is quick, easy and a great moneymaker. Come play and see all the opportunities you can create by using the Dashing Diva® system. Learn how to apply our products, build NEW services, and offer your customers NEW fashion-forward looks that will complement their style. DEPILÈVE ® DEANNA DERTHICK BROWS TO BRAZILIAN* AVLON ® MARTHA WATTS & LORI PETTAWAY RELAXERS 101: MAXIMIZING THE POTENTIAL Learn the difference between relaxing hair straight and softening the curl pattern, deciding to color or not color relaxed hair, how to maintain curly hair while minimizing frizz and maintaining scalp health even on clients with dry, sensitive or itchy scalp. THE ARTISTRY AND SCIENCE OF SAME DAY COLORING AND RELAXING See how to relax and permanently color hair in the same day with the NEW Avlon® Fiber Guard® Bridge Conditioning Serum. Also, learn about the physical and chemical structure of hair, understanding the pH scale, product application, as well as processing and timing for all relaxers, colors and lightener systems. RAZOR CUTTING AND STYLING RELAXED AND TEXTURED HAIR Are you turning away potential profits because you are not comfortable with cutting relaxed and textured hair? In this class, the Avlon® Master Stylist will teach you how to cut and style relaxed hair. BABYLISS PRO ® BABYLISS PRO DESIGN TEAM ® THE BABYLISS ® PRO ADVANTAGE MALIBU C ® HAIR CHEMISTRY SIMPLIFIED! TRICIA RICE Chem-Heads Unite! Unlock the mysteries surrounding hair, texture and color chemistries by learning the reasons behind certain ingredients. This easy-to-comprehend presentation will help you answer common questions from clients about chemical services and retail products. This is not a “business as usual seminar”; it is out-of-the-conventional-box and guaranteed to open your mind. See how an understanding of ingredients and chemistry can enhance your creativity! TEXTURE DYNAMICS Grab some NEW education on the dynamics of Keratin Smoothing, Perming, Japanese Thermal Reconstruction, relaxing and more. Learn the limits of each service, a brief overview of the different chemistries, tips and techniques to improve service delivery and marketing ideas to build your texture program. NOT GRANDMA’S PERM! You will discover the latest ways to prep hair to help hair fibers stay in great condition; out-of-the-box dynamics to be used with any wrap or specialty rod to give your clients styling versatility; and proven marketing strategies to rekindle texture sales for you and your salon. Be the texture guru in your area! JOHNNY B. THE BEAUTY BASH The Farouk Beauty Bash Collection features romantic hairstyles with the perfect combination of elegance and edge. Creating a clash of textured layers with feminine appeal, Beauty Bash brings cut and color fantasies to life by utilizing CHI® color and tools. JOE ANTHONY PEÑA OWN IT! WITH JOE ANTHONY PEÑA Gain inside tips for building your business, managing a team and creating winning marketing and social media strategies. Motivating, informative and candid, this class will elevate your business to the next level! GELISH ® FAST JUST GOT FASTER! Learn quick salon techniques and tricks that will make all of your clients "gelish"! Come and experience NEW, innovative “secrets” the Gelish® Education Team has for you. CLEAN+EASY ® Learn the specifics on the over 15 specialized GiGi® waxes. GiGi® offers the best solution to address your clients’ hair removal needs and yields beautifully smooth, hair-free skin. DOUBLE YOUR PROFITS IN HALF THE TIME THE CLEAN+EASY® WAY!* INDIE ™ HAIR BEAUTIFUL SMOOTH SKIN THE GIGI ® WAY Take your waxing skills to the next level! This detailed Clean + Easy® class covers speed-waxing techniques from head-to-toe. INDIE STYLING TEAM *This is an advanced class with full-frontal nudity. No one under the age of 18 will be permitted to attend. Out of respect for the model, waxing classes will begin on time, and no entry will be permitted once the class has started. Break away from traditional styling rules with INDIE™ HAIR. Learn how to take styling and finishing from the streets to the salon and tap into your own individual style with fun tips from INDIE™ Team Members. INDIE STYLING CND ® INFRASHINE ® TIMILY CALLES DANIEL KEANE HOW TO DO REAL HAIR FOR REAL PEOPLE Infrashine®’s approach to educating stylists has always been focused on doing real hair for real people. We at Infrashine® believe that true technique is what separates a professional from the rest. When technique is taught with style, finesse and humor that reaches the audience in a whole NEW way, that is when the magic happens! Come visit us at our booth and experience the magic of technique! P R ES E N T E R S A N D E X H I B I TO R S S U B J ECT TO C H A N G E. TOP TIPS FOR COLOR & COLOR CORRECTION: THE SECRET TO HIGHLIGHTING & BALAYAGE SUCCESS Learn tips and tricks that will help your color services, combat your worst hair “nightmares” and increase your revenue. Armed with the tools you need, you’ll be able to pump up your stellar services with Malibu C®! MATRIX ® ENGLISH CLASS: NICK FRENCH & STEVE WALDMAN SPANISH CLASS: MARTIN SALINAS & RODSLY ORTIZ DENIM CODE UNPLUGGED From Americana to American Modern, today Denim is dressed up, down, distressed, worn in, rocked out, and its color and texture possibilities seem endless. With the assistance of the iconic industry Biolage® brand, the Matrix® Artistic Team has endless styling options! MEDICOOL ® STACY HARRILL ® CLIPPER CUTTING ESSENTIALS ANDREW GUERRA & ASHLEY WOOD SALON SOLUTIONS JOE SANTY *This is an advanced class with full-frontal nudity. No one under the age of 18 will be permitted to attend. Out of respect for the model, waxing classes will begin on time, and no entry will be permitted once the class has started. FAROUK SYSTEMS NAILS N O O N E U N D E R T H E AG E O F 16 I S A D M I T T E D O N T H E S H OW F LO O R . B E A U T Y I N D U S T R Y P R O F E S S I O N A L S A N D S T U D E N T S O N LY. GABRIEL QUINONES GIGI ® Add, blend and create. Learn to create impressive nail art in this creative workshop! ESTHETICS Learn waxing techniques from basic facial waxing to advanced Brazilian techniques. Be part of the MiraCurl™ revolution and change the way the world creates curls and texture. The BaByliss® PRO Artistic Team will share the “cutting edge” advantage using the Volare X2 Clipper. See intricate men’s haircutting such as the “hard part” made easy and Hollywood-influenced styling with a modern, retro twist. CND ® ADDITIVES ART STUDIO HAIR SAVE TIME - MAKE MONEY! COMMON SENSE SANITATION! Johnny B.®'s Clipper Cutting Essentials uses attachments to make cutting hair easy and uniformed. Our class covers every subject from start to finish, including all the uses for clippers, blending evenly, and styling! This course will also feature a brief product knowledge segment demonstrating how Johnny B.® products can be used as tools! Learn everything you ever wanted to know about using an Electric File safely. Build confidence and increase speed without compromising quality. Save time, make more money! Learn correct techniques to use an Electric File (Drill) to help avoid aching wrists, elbows and shoulders while filing acrylics, gels and pedicures. MIKAL JOICO ®/MINARDI ™ FRED DENGLER INTERACTIVE LOUNGE: VISUAL INSPIRATION/ PERSONAL ENGAGEMENT/CREATIVE ASPIRATION We have created a relaxed and personal setting to offer you an up-close-and-personal look at the latest trends in cut, color and styling. Learn the intimate secrets behind the stunning models from our technical stage rotation and model showcase area...featuring Vero K-PAK® Color, Color Intensities, Beth Minardi Signature® and Joico® Power Styling. JOICO ® FIND HIDDEN PROFITS AT YOUR FRONT DESK Make your front desk the most profitable station in your salon! Double NEW client bookings, handle price checks, and learn easy upsell scripts you can take home and start using right after the show. Learn how to hire, train, and motivate the right person for this critical position. WOW YOUR CLIENTS AND YOUR BUSINESS WILL EXPLODE! Use your marketing, scripting, services and follow up to give clients a WOW experience that increases retention, visit frequency, average ticket, and referrals! This class will help you to identify and maximize present WOWs, add NEW WOWs, and get solid ideas you can take home and use directly after the class. ERIC TAYLOR & MEGAN METROYANIS COLOR CORRECTION 101 No matter what brand of color you’re using, this class teaches you how to tackle colorcorrection with simple, foolproof steps that will remove guesswork and ensure success. KATHY JAGER SUPERSIZE! (TEACHER CLASS) Learn how to develop strong and confident leadership skills that gain respect and make a difference in productivity. These quick tips will help you take action and implement NEW habits that will make a defining difference in your career. ROCKIN’ THE SHOP (STUDENT CLASS) This class provides students an overview and understanding of the "soft skills" needed to succeed, info about career choices and all of the opportunities in the industry. INDUSTRY READY! (TEACHER CLASS) Learn the value of "soft skills" and how they can have a profound effect on one's career. Experience everlasting passion for your profession and learn ways to reinvent yourself. Reclaim your own passion to better communicate the "vision" for your students. TEN AMAZING MARKETING IDEAS Learn 10 easy low cost/no cost ideas you can take home and start using tomorrow. One idea will potentially double your NEW client retention and a simple change in your script will potentially triple your retail sales. Find out how to upsell the easy way and seven other great marketing ideas. SIX SECRETS TO OPENING OR REINVENTING YOUR SALON From the signage and curb appeal to "four cornering" your front area for supercharged retail sales, this class will help you put the right systems and design in place to maximize your investment. Also learn how to interview, hire and train a team that will create a great culture for you and your clients. NIOXIN ® NIOXIN ® DEMOS Stop by the Nioxin® booth to see model and product demos. We will also be showcasing the Nioscope to educate you on the proper client consultation and the features and benefits of Nioxin®’s in-salon services. DO N ’T M IS S O ctob er 19 t h ! Student Hairstyling Competition 2014 class descriptions SHOW HOURS / SUN: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm / MON: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm HAIR ESTHETICS NAILS Clas se s will ta ke place Sund ay an d M on day. Clas s tim es to be po ste d onlin 45 days prio e r to th e sh ow ; plea se visit fa shio n-fo cu s.n et fo r tim es! SALON SOLUTIONS P R ES E N T E R S A N D E X H I B I TO R S S U B J ECT TO C H A N G E. N O O N E U N D E R T H E AG E O F 16 I S A D M I T T E D O N T H E S H OW F LO O R . B E A U T Y I N D U S T R Y P R O F E S S I O N A L S A N D S T U D E N T S O N LY. OPI ® SEBASTIAN ® GELCOLOR, GELCOLOR NAIL ART AND THE NEW GELCOLOR PEDICURE! OLIVER SHORTALL The OPI® GelColor LED Light cures in a total of 4 minutes and keeps weeks of glossy wear that will make GelColor by OPI® your NEW signature service. Learn revolutionizing color finished services, fast “French” finishes, street-smart nail art and simple, economical removals! Stop by the OPI® booth for continuous demos. PAUL MITCHELL ® SCOTT COLE & LINDA YODICE (ENGLISH) IRENE TOLEDO (ESPAÑOL) THE NEXT GENERATION Visit the Paul Mitchell® booth for an action-packed program that brings together the very best in cutting, color and style. Discover NEW techniques, products and tools, including exciting innovations in shines XG™, Neuro™ and men’s grooming. RUSK ® RUSK DESIGN TEAM MODERN ICONIC COLLECTION Inspired by classical hairstyles of the past that are adapted and updated with a fresh, contemporary appeal, the Modern Iconic Collection is defined by sharp, confident lines, soft, velvety silhouettes and shattered yet controlled textures. Learn techniques to transform any traditional style into a modern look. SATIN SMOOTH ® BEBARE ™: SUPERIOR QUALITY BOTANICAL WAX- FREE HAIR REMOVAL SYSTEM* Learn how to implement this easy to use, versatile, cost-effective hair removal system in your business. Offer your guests a gentle, effective treatment and increase your net profit with little capital investment. A LIVE DEMO of head-to-toe hair removal featuring Brazilian Bikini with beBare™. HEAD -TO -TOE WAXING FEATURING FEMALE BRAZILIAN WAXING* Learn which waxes to use for a Brazilian service and the importance of client consultation. Also, learn how to have an effective consultation using a client record card, waxing “do’s and don’ts”, how to position your client and proper sanitation methods for waxing services. *This is an advanced class with full-frontal nudity. No one under the age of 18 will be permitted to attend. Out of respect for the model, waxing classes will begin on time, and no entry will be permitted once the class has started. SMOOTHSCULPT ™ FOR FACE AND BODY: THE NON - INVASIVE SOLUTION FOR TIGHTENING, LIFTING AND SCULPTING Learn about the SmoothSculpt™ Theory, how it works, proper techniques and an overview of correct sanitary procedures. Join us for a discussion and LIVE DEMO! SCRUPLES ® KATIE NIELSEN & KARLA VASQUEZ CREAM COLOUR SYSTEM & PEARL Let top artists from Scruples® teach you how to show up in the salon with everything you need to save time, make more money and stretch your artistic freedom. Translate fashion-forward styling and finishing techniques into wearable, yet daring looks from the Scruples® Pearl Classic Collection. GEL COLOR SYSTEM & PEARL Learn custom color application with the Scruples® 3-D Gel Color System. Translate fashion-forward styling and finishing techniques into wearable, yet daring looks from the Scruples® Pearl Classic Collection. & S A LO N F U R N I S H I N G S EVOKE FALL/WINTER COLLECTION: TOTEMIC Totemic: The signs and symbols of traditional culture summon a global tribe that is uniquely Sebastian®. Hair becomes decoration, armor and art. The lines blur between headdress and hair, ceremonial beauty, and a battle cry for artistry. Every twist and every textured strand echoes its inspiration and moves us forward. VICKIE PRESTON EMPOWER U When we confront our weaknesses and self doubt, the sum of the parts is always greater than the whole. We design the emotional connection our customer wants, needs and has to have. We are the organization (or people) with the power to put the competition out of business. Get Inspired! Visit with our creative Salon Furnishing & Design consultants to craft the salon of your dreams! For a product replacement recommendation or to discuss plans for a complete remodel, contact the Salon Design Consultant in your area for a private consultation before, during or after the show. Call 1-800-362-3186, Opt. 3. (CosmoProf ®) or 1-800-45-SALON, Opt. 4. (Armstrong McCall®) MENTAL TOUGHNESS Learn how to challenge yourself and control your thinking. Get mentally tough and beat defeat forever! MOTIVATION EQUATION What separates the super successful from the ordinary? Motivation. Learn how to “create” your future! R.O.I. (RETURN ON INVESTMENT) You must invest in relationships. Why? You always get more than you give. Learn how to make people trust your intention, competence and propriety to get more back. SALES MASTERY Let’s face it, if your client isn’t buying from you and from your salon, it might be time to rethink your sales strategy. Growth is doing something, doing anything different than you are doing now. THE MINDFUL COACH We will focus on the critical drivers of sustainable, profitable growth (great leadership, committed culture and loyal customers) and engage everyone in identifying and reducing those interferences and, naturally, performance excels! Garfield WAHL ® CHRISTINA GOREE COMBINING TRADITION WITH TECHNOLOGY Perfect your skills with Wahl®! Learn how to achieve desired results with clippers regardless of your client’s hair length, gender or hair texture. Discover how incorporating clipper techniques into your daily routine will grow your business. WELLA ® JASON SCHWIND BORDERLINE BEAUTY FALL/WINTER COLLECTION: RESHAPE RESHAPE empowers stylists to bring borderline beauty trends into everyday color, cut and styles using Koleston Perfect®, Color Touch®, Illumina Color, Blondor®, and Magma. Wella® provides stylists with the tools to maximize business by bringing the trends to life in a wearable way with RESHAPE! YOUNG NAILS TERESA CARTER IMAGINATION ART This is a crazy, fun class that covers custom color and glitter blending, inlay designs, stained glass effects and so much more! We will show you how to create custom nail art designs in all three nail categories: acrylic, gel and gel polish. Learn how to take your nail art to the next level and increase your income all in one class! Collins: Market Street Collins: Remington LE T U S H EL P YO U B U I LD TH E SALO N O F YO U R D R E AM S Private, Confidential Consultations • Complete Selection of Innovative Products and Styles Custom Designs • Exclusive Brands • Complimentary Salon Layout Designs • Lease Financing Available* K A E M A R K ® / C O L L I N S / B E LV E D E R E ® / V E E C O / GA R F I E L D K AY L I N E / F O OT S I E BAT H ™ / & M O R E ! * With approved credit. Some restrictions apply. SALON SOLUTIONS See website for class times. Joe Santy Get INSTANT ACCESS to all the tools you need that will help you succeed as a Beauty Professional. Joe Santy, Vice President of Education for Dennis Bernard companies, is known for his technical knowledge, especially when it comes to chemical services. He worked with Joe Santy one major manufacturer for over 30 years traveling in all capacities while owning six salons. His background provides him a wealth of knowledge and experience that is incorporated into his seminars. The seminars have helped novice stylists to seasoned professionals. His “60-Minute Impact Series Seminars” have been given two “thumbs up” by audiences for over 33 years. Scan Here to Visit Armstrong McCall ® to Go TODAY! MIK AL Fred Dengler Monthly Shopping Guides & Current Catalogs Store Locator Shop Online ultimate Salon Management System (SMS). Fred teaches over 50 beauty salon management and marketing classes a year. His company achieved an All Star Var award in 2007. In 2011, MIKAL won the RSPA Innovative Solutions award for the beauty industry tablet app. Fred’s commitment to the industry has driven him to write numerous articles for Salon Today, Spa Vickie Preston Social Sites Vickie Preston For over 35 years, Vickie has facilitated great results for her clients as a stylist, DON'T MISS the FREEBIES! owner, teacher, speaker, author, coach, and platform artist. As a beginning stylist, Vickie was paid to make people beautiful on the outside, but she quickly learned that loyal clients came back when she helped them experience their beauty on the inside. Currently, Vickie specializes in coaching individuals and companies within the beauty industry. She helps individuals and leaders obtain results by changing old mindsets and behaviors that keep them stuck to new mindsets and behaviors that set them free. Kathy Jager TO OR SCAN Receive text messages throughout the show for FREE gifts at vendor booths. ® By texting us,available you are agreeing to opt-in to our texting you of agree to receive future messages fromget CosmoProf FREE samples only to those who OPT IN mobile to receive text program, messages.and Be one the first to show yourpromotional text messagetext at the booth and your FREE/ ® Armstrong McCall . Termsavailable. & Conditions: text messages are intended for subscribers 16prohibited and over and are delivered code 96000. You may sample. Limited quantities WhileOur supplies last. No purchase required. Void where by law. By textingvia us,USA youshort are agreeing to opt-in to our ® ® ® receivetexting up to 10 message(s) of to show text future alerts and up to 4 message(s) per month from CosmoProf /Armstrong McCall formessages deals and text alerts. for mobile program, and per you day agree receive promotional text messages from CosmoProf . Terms & Conditions: Our text are intended ® Message & data rates may apply. Phones with text messaging capabilities are required, and subscribers on AT&T, Verizon Wireless, T-Mobile , Sprint, subscribers 16 and over and are delivered via USA short code 96000. You may receive up to 10 message(s) per day of show text alerts and up to 4 message(s) per ® ® Virginfrom Mobile USA, Cincinnati Bell, Centennial Wireless, Cellular , andPhones Boost.with For help, text HELP to 96000, email, month CosmoProf for deals and text alerts. MessageUnicel, & dataU.S. rates may apply. text messaging capabilities are required, and subscribers on ® or call +1-888-571-6554. Text STOP to short code 96000USA, to stop promotional texts. AT&T, Verizon Wireless, T-Mobile , Sprint, Virgin Mobile Cincinnati Bell, Centennial Wireless, Unicel, U.S. Cellular ®, and Boost. For help, text HELP to 96000, email, or call +1-888-571-6554. Text STOP to short code 96000 to stop promotional texts. Kathy Jager As a thirty-year industry veteran, Kathy shares her lifelong passion for the beauty industry. FFGLEN 96000 PC-based software program for the beauty industry. He is dedicated to designing the Management, American Salon, and many other trade publications. Class Listings TEXT Fred Dengler Fred co-founded The MIKAL Corporation in 1981 with the goal of designing a powerful She is a motivational industry writer, author, educator and keynote speaker. Kathy helps professionals develop, master and remain committed to the beauty industry by providing valuable leadership and interpersonal skills that go beyond the beauty school program. She is a living example of how to create a lifetime career and helps professionals prepare for the journey. For Tickets, Call CosmoProf ® at 1.800.362.3186 or Armstrong McCall ® at 1.800.45.SALON N O O N E U N D ER T H E AG E O F 16 I S A D M I T T ED O N T H E S H OW FLO O R . BE AU T Y I N DU S T RY P RO FES S I O N A L S A N D S T U D EN T S O N LY. F O R M S O F PAY M EN T ACC EP T ED O N T H E S H OW FLO O R : C A S H A N D C RED I T C A R D O N LY. HOTEL I N FO Hotel room blocks are available on a first come, first served basis. Room blocks may sell out prior to the date posted below. Hotel information is subject to change. R E NAI S SAN C E G LE N DALE H OTE L & S PA 9495 W. Coyotes Blvd. | Glendale, AZ Rates: $165 Single/Double | $175 Triple $185 Quad Reservation Code: Fashion Focus Phone:623.937.3700 Rates effective until 9/18/2014 GET 10% OFF ALL SPA SERVICES! Image courtesy Renaissance Glendale Hotel and Spa. Join Our Mobile C o n n e ct! Text Just use reservation code “Fashion Focus” when booking! FFGLEN to 96000 now By texting us, you are agreeing to opt-in to our mobile texting program, and you agree to receive future promotional text messages from CosmoProf®/Armstrong McCall®. Terms & Conditions: Our text messages are intended for subscribers 16 and over and are delivered via USA short code 96000. You may receive up to 10 message(s) per day of show text alerts and up to 4 message(s) per month from CosmoProf®/Armstrong McCall® for deals and text alerts. Message & data rates may apply. Phones with text messaging capabilities are required, and subscribers on AT&T, Verizon Wireless, T-Mobile®, Sprint, Virgin Mobile USA, Cincinnati Bell, Centennial Wireless, Unicel, U.S. Cellular®, and Boost. For help, text HELP to 96000, email, or call +1-888-571-6554. Text STOP to short code 96000 to stop promotional texts. FIND US ON THE WEB! Connect with CosmoProf® @ Connect with Armstrong McCall® @ Use #FFGlen in all your tweets about the show! Tickets available through: V i si t W W W. FA S H I O N - F O C U S . N E T fo r m o re info! F u l l C l a s s D e s c r i p t i o n s • G u e s t A r t i s t I n f o • Tr a v e l I n f o • U p d a t e s & M o r e ED_006412A