Check out our brand new SPRING 2015 PHOTO
Check out our brand new SPRING 2015 PHOTO
From our Gardens to Yours EXCELSA GARDENS, INC Featuring our Showstopper, the... Cordyline ‘Pink Diamond’ (561) 790-3789 12839 25th Street North, Loxahatchee, FL 33470 Visit our redesigned website: ALOCASIAS AND COLOCASIAS from EXCELSA GARDENS Alocasia amazonica ‘Polly’ Alocasia ‘Black Stem’ Alocasia calidora ‘Giant Elephant Ear’ NEW Alocasia odora ‘Dwarf California’ Alocasia portora ‘Giant Elephant Ear’ Alocasia ‘Low Rider’ Alocasia ‘Lutea’ NEW Alocasia ‘Regal Shields’ NEW Alocasia ‘Tiny Dancer’ Colocasia ‘Black Ruffles’ Colocasia ‘Maui Gold’ Colocasia ‘Mojito’ BANANAS from EXCELSA GARDENS Apple– Manzano EDIBLE Dwarf Cavendish EDIBLE Basjoo ORNAMENTAL Add an instant splash of tropical to your Garden! Create a lush colorful mixed container! Grow your own tasty bananas! Ensete maurelii Ice Cream ORNAMENTAL Zebrina Rojo ORNAMENTAL EDIBLE Pisang Ceylon Bananas– Assorted Varieties EDIBLE CORDYLINES from EXCELSA GARDENS Auntie Lou Black Magic Bolero Tricolor Brian’s Diamonds Cuero Pink Exotica Fairchild Red Florica Red Golden Stripe Hilo Rainbow Jackie Kiwi Lemon Lime Maria Pink Mocha Latte Morning Sunshine CORDYLINES from EXCELSA GARDENS Orange Slice Peppermint Swirl Picasso’s Red Pink Diamond Pink Pepper Red Bull Red Hawaiian Compacta Red Pepper Roly Ruby Red Sharon Red Shubertii Silver Star Sonny Matthews Willie's Gold Orange Hawaiian Compacta NEW SUCCULENTS from EXCELSA GARDENS Agave americana ‘Blue’ Agave attenuata Agave ‘Blue Glow’ Agave gemniflora Agave impressa Agave lurida variegata Agave ‘Ray of Light’ Aloe ‘Delta Lights’ Aloe ‘Hedgehog’ Aloe ‘Hercules’ Echeverias– assorted Echeverias– assorted Kalanchoe ‘Fantastic’ Opuntia Variegated Yucca ‘Blue Sentry’ Yucca ‘Colorguard’ HELICONIAS from EXCELSA GARDENS Andromeda Carmasita Choconiana Firebird Flamingo Frosty Golden Torch Hot Rio Nights Lady Di rostrata Lobster Claw rostrata Pink Peru rauliniana Red Holiday Christmas Sharonii Strawberries & Cream Tagami FAVORITES from EXCELSA GARDENS Anthuriums Flamingo Flower Coffea Arabica Edible Coffee Cyathea cooperi ‘Australian Tree Fern’ Cymbopogon ‘Lemon Grass’ Cyperus Giant Egyptian Papyrus Cyperus Little Tut Papyrus Cyrtostachys renda Licuala grandis ‘Red Sealing Wax Palm’ Medinilla magnifica Medinilla myriantha Nepenthes ‘Miranda’ Pitcher Plant Rhapis excelsa ‘Lady Palm’ NEW NEW Strongylodon macrobotrys ‘Green Jade Vine’ Synsepalum dulcificum ‘Miracle Fruit’ Tacca chantrieri ‘Black Bat Plant’ Theobroma cacao ‘Chocolate Tree’ CANNAS from EXCELSA GARDENS Bengal Tiger Carolina Pink Australia Kreta Red Maui Punch Lemon Punch Madiera Orange Punch Tenerife Pink Sunburst Rose Pink GINGERS from EXCELSA GARDENS Alpinia henryi ‘Pink Perfection Ginger’ Alpinia zerumbet Green Shell Ginger Alpinia purpurata ‘Pink Ginger’ Alpinia purpurata ‘Red Ginger’ Dichorisandra pendula ‘Weeping Blue Ginger’ Costus woodsonii ‘Red Button Ginger’ Dichorisandra thrysiflora ‘Blue Ginger’ Tapeinochilos ananasse ‘Indonesian Wax Ginger’ CALATHEAS AND SPATHOGLOTTIS from EXCELSA GARDENS NEW Calathea makoyana ‘Peacock Calathea’ Calathea rufibarba ‘Fuzzy Feather’ Spathoglottis ‘Purple Haze’ Calathea lancifolia ‘Rattlesnake Calathea’ Spathoglottis ‘Berry Banana’ Calathea ‘Moonlight’ Spathoglottis ‘White Angel’ Spathoglottis ‘Tropical Punch’ BROMELIADS from EXCELSA GARDENS Alcantarea odorata Aechmea ‘Harvey’s Pride’ Neoregelia ‘Ardie’ Aechmea ‘Blue Tango’ Aechmea ‘Del Mar’ Aechmea ‘Little Harve’ Neoregelia ‘Martin’ Aechmea ‘Zebrina Pink’ Neoregelia ‘Hannibal Lector’ Neoregelia ‘Monet’ Vriecantarea ‘Juliette’ Alcantarea imperialis Spring 2015