Retirement Payment Options [GuideStone] - (pdf file)
Retirement Payment Options [GuideStone] - (pdf file)
“Well done...” M AT THE W 25:21 Do well. At GuideStone Financial Resource Resources, we strive to do well. For more than eight decades we have been enhancing the financial security of our Southern Baptist ministers, church and institutional employees and seminary students. We have built our reputation on our quality products and our proven track record of customer service. Do right. We share common values with you. We be believe that doing what’s right matters. Our retirement products and investment funds seek to be competitive while remaining faithful to Christian values and goals. We are here for your benefit. No profit motive. No competing interests. Our bottom line is your bottom line — retirement security. 777'5)$%34/.%/2's'5)$% 2 Shaping the years ahead Understand and choose your retirement payment option The following pages will help you evaluate the retirement payment options available through GuideStone. (Note that the letters used to identify the benefit options in the table of contents below correlate to the Benefit Application which you will find in the back pocket of this folder.) If you have questions about the application process or any other concerns, please call GuideStone at 1-888-98-GUIDE (1-888-984-8433) for personal assistance. We are glad to help you at every step along the way. 5 ± Before you decide 6 ± Benefit comparison chart 9 ± Annuity Benefits 10 11 12 12 13 ± ± ± ± ± Joint Life Annuity Benefit /PTION! Joint Life Annuity Benefit with a Guarantee Period /PTION" Single Life Annuity Benefit /PTION# Single Life Annuity Benefit with a Guarantee Period /PTION$ Fixed Period Benefit /PTION% 16 ± Installment Benefit /PTION& 17 ± Single Sum Benefit /PTION' 18 ± Combination of Benefits /PTION!' 19 ± Common questions 20 ± Benefit selection checklist 3 GuideStone is here for you We will serve you just as well in retirement as we did during your working career. recognized Customer Relations department You may have spent half a lifetime saving and planning for retirement. Now that discipline and has specialists available Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. CST. Access their expertise by diligence are about to pay off. For many people, retirement means new opportunities and ventures calling 1-888-98-GUIDE (1-888-984-8433). — maybe you’ll continue in your current position or U !CCESSIBILITY — GuideStone provides work part-time far beyond the “traditional” retireaccess to your account information through several avenues including quarterly statements, ment age. Perhaps you’ll turn a hobby into a busie-mail, the Web site, ness, or try a new career path. or our toll-free number, 1-888-98-GUIDE (1-888-984-8433). There are many choices when it comes to managing the money in your retirement account. The same U Expertise — At GuideStone you benefit from the expertise of financial professionals holding thought and care that went into building your a variety of prestigious certifications including: savings can now be directed toward putting your Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA®) chartersavings to work for you. GuideStone is ready to help. holder, Certified Financial Planner® (CFP®), Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Certified As a participant in a GuideStone Financial Resources Employee Benefit Specialist (CEBS), Chartered retirement savings plan, you have a well-established Retirement Planning Counselor (CRPC) and organization standing behind you and your retirenumerous securities licenses. ment money. You have relied on us for many years to help you save and invest for your future. We will U Motivation — Our products and services are designed to be competitive while adhering to serve you just as well in retirement as we did during Christian values. Unlike many organizations your working career. corporate profit is not our motive. Our annuities #ONSIDERTHEFOLLOWING'UIDE3TONEFEATURES charge no commissions and offer competitive U Heritage — You are with an organization that funding rates which result in higher benefit payhas been increasing financial security for its parments to you. ticipants and retirees since 1918. U #ONSOLIDATION — You can combine other U Individual attention — GuideStone repreretirement accounts with GuideStone. This sentatives provide informative on-site group can increase your benefit payment amount meetings as well as the opportunity for oneand simplify your retirement through one on-one appointments. GuideStone employees trusted provider. are willing to go the extra mile to take care of our participants. GuideStone’s nationally- Housing allowance for ministers Eligible ministers can designate their GuideStone benefit as a tax-free minister’s housing allowance, within legal limits. 4 Before you decide Your benefit selection is a personal decision involving considerations about your income requirements, attitudes about risk, need for control over your finances and other factors. 7HENCHOOSINGYOURPAYMENTOPTIONCONSIDERTHEFOLLOWING s Your age and, if married, your spouse’s age. s Spouse’s retirement income, if any. s Other assets (savings and investments). s Health care expenses for you and your family. s Living expenses (food, clothing, housing, auto, insurance, etc.). s Amount of debt and the time it will take to pay it off. s Social Security benefits. s Prospects of earning additional income. (Remember additional earnings could lower your Social Security benefits. Check with your local Social Security Administration office for additional information.) s Retirement goals (travel, hobbies, etc.). s Housing. s Family obligations (dependent family member). s Health and ability to manage retirement. s Inflation. s Estate plans. s Receiving an inheritance. Questions? If you need additional assistance, st please call '5)$% (1-888-984-8433). The next few pages discuss payment options avail(1-888-984-8433) able to you. As you review these options, feel free to call us. We are trained and ready to assist you in making your decision. 5 Benefit Comparison Chart !..5)49"%.%&)4 The Electronic direct deposit: What are the benefits? offers you… 34!"),)49 s You can have a monthly income payment option that is: – set for life (fixed annuity benefit), or – adjusted annually (variable annuity benefit), or This no-cost service offered by GuideStone gives you: s Security Your benefit is automatically deposited so you do not have to worry about it being lost or stolen. – established for a period of your choosing (fixed period benefit). '5!2!.4%%$).#/-% s You will not outlive your money if you choose any of the life annuity benefits. ,)&%4)-%).#/-%&/2!30/53% s You can set up a benefit that will pay throughout your, and your spouse’s, lives. s #ONVENIENCE No need to make a trip to the bank. &2%%$/-&2/-).6%34-%.42%30/.3)"),)4)%3 s Simplicity It is easy to start, stop or change. #(/)#%3 s &LEXIBILITY Your deposit is made into any account you choose. s Reliability You can be sure your funds are deposited into your account on time, accurately and confidentially. s Make your benefit choice and leave the rest to GuideStone. s You can set up your annuity benefit as: – Single Life. – Single Life with a Guarantee Period. – Joint Life. – Joint Life with a Guarantee Period. – Fixed Period benefit. s You can choose between: – &IXEDANNUITYBENElT Offers fixed monthly payment amount. – 6ARIABLEANNUITYBENElT Offers monthly benefit amount that adjusts annually (up or down). +%%0).-).$4(!4x When you choose an annuity benefit, all of your decisions are made up front. You will not outlive your money with a life annuity benefit. For more details, go to page 9. 6 The ).34!,,-%.4"%.%&)4 offers you… &,%8)"),)49 s You can receive your benefit in one of three ways: – Equal monthly payments. Combine multiple payment options. – A percentage of the account. – Over a specific period of time. s You can choose to take an annuity benefit in the future. #/.42/,/&).#/-% s You can start, stop or change payments at any time. s You can receive a portion of your account at any time. You can have the flexibility of managing a portion of your account as well as the security of a monthly benefit payment for life. Simply decide what options you want and complete the appropriate section of the benefit application. #/.42/,/&).6%34-%.43 s You can continue to choose your investment funds. %34!4%6!,5% s You can pass any remaining account balance through your estate. +%%0).-).$4(!4x Depending on your withdrawal and the return on your investments, you could outlive your money. When you choose the installment option, you are subject to investment risks and there are no guarantees of returns. For more details, go to page 15. Questions? Call a GuideStone Customer Service specialist at '5)$% or visit our Web site at 7 Annuity terms TOREMEMBER s !NNUITY A benefit payment for life received in exchange for a lump sum. s #ONTINGENTANNUITANT May be anyone with whom you choose to share a joint life annuity benefit (usually your spouse). In most cases, if you are married you must obtain your spouse’s notarized consent to name another person as your contingent annuitant. s Guarantee period Ensures that your designated beneficiary receives income if you and your contingent annuitant die before the guarantee period ends. The benefit could be monthly payments equal to the contingent annuitant payment or a lump sum payment. You may choose any guarantee period such as 10, 15 or 20 years. s "ENEFITPERCENTAGE You determine what percentage of your benefit your contingent annuitant may receive at your death. You can select any percentage up to 100%, such as 50%, 75% or 100%. 8 Annuities The life annuity benefit, sometimes referred to as an immediate annuity, provides a regular source of income for life. It is an arrangement you make with GuideStone to manage the investment of your retirement money and distribute the benefit payments to you, your contingent annuitant or your beneficiary. One unique aspect of GuideStone’s life annuities is that our funding rates do not include commissions or sales charges, which means more income for you. When you establish an annuity benefit, you make all the decisions up front. GuideStone takes over from there. You may elect to take lifetime annuity benefits as a fixed dollar annuity, a variable annuity, or a combination of the two. Once established, an annuity benefit cannot be changed. Two types of life annuity benefits are available: s A fixed dollar annuity benefit provides a benefit that is a specific, set dollar amount regardless of the performance of the underlying investments. s A variable annuity benefit provides a benefit dollar amount that varies from year to year. On January 1 each year, the benefit amount may increase or decrease as a result of the underlying investments. How are lifetime annuity benefits calculated? Questions? Call a GuideStone Customer Service specialist at '5)$% or visit our Web site at The benefit payment amount is determined by variables, including the amount of the account balance used to establish the benefit, the funding rate at the time your benefit is established, your age, the payment option you selected (single life or a joint life annuity), and any guarantee period chosen. If you select a joint life annuity, the amount will also be based on the age of your contingent annuitant and the percentage of your benefit which is payable to the contingent annuitant. 9 Joint Life Annuity Benefit Option ! What does this payment option provide? The Joint Life Annuity Benefit will provide you a monthly benefit payable for life. In the event of your death, the survivor feature goes into effect. The contingent annuitant you designate, normally your spouse, will receive a monthly benefit payable for his or her life. The amount of this survivor benefit is determined by the percentage of your benefit you choose when completing the Retirement Benefit Application. You may choose any percentage up to 100% of your benefit. Under this option, all benefits cease once you and your contingent annuitant pass away. You can establish the Joint Life Annuity Benefit with all or a portion of your account balance. Once you have decided, the money is transferred from your account to establish your Joint Life Annuity Benefit. &OREXAMPLE Bill, age 65, is retiring with an account balance of $100,000 and wants the assurance of a monthly income for life for himself and his wife, Mary, who is 63. Bill names Mary as his contingent annuitant on the application. Next he must determine the percentage of his benefit that is to continue as a survivor benefit for Mary. Let’s look at two options: UÊ *OINT ,IFE !NNUITY "ENEFIT — Based on his account balance and actuarial factors, this option will pay Bill a monthly benefit of $632 for his lifetime. Upon his death, Mary will continue to receive a lifetime benefit of $632 (100% of Bill’s monthly benefit). UÊ *OINT ,IFE !NNUITY "ENEFIT — Based on his account balance and actuarial factors, this option will pay Bill a greater monthly benefit of $682 for his life. However, upon his death, Mary will receive a lifetime benefit of $341 (50% of Bill’s monthly benefit). *Examples are based on current funding rates and other assumptions. 10 Joint Life Annuity Benefit with a Guarantee Period Option " What does this payment option provide? The Joint Life Annuity Benefit with a Guarantee Period will provide you a monthly benefit payable for life. In the event of your death, the survivor feature goes into effect. Your contingent annuitant, normally your spouse, will receive a monthly benefit payable for life. The amount of this survivor benefit is determined by the percentage of your benefit you choose when completing the Retirement Benefit Application. You may choose any percentage up to 100% of your benefit. Under this option, you also choose a guarantee period on the Retirement Benefit Application. If you and your contingent annuitant both die before the end of the guarantee period a benefit will be paid to your beneficiary for the remainder of the guarantee period. The amount of the monthly benefit for the remainder of the guarantee period will be the same as the contingent annuitant’s survivor benefit. You may choose a guarantee period such as 10, 15 or 20 years, etc. However, the maximum guarantee period GuideStone offers depends on life expectancy and is determined under IRS regulations. The beneficiary has the option to receive the equivalent of the remaining payments in a single sum payment or to continue receiving the current monthly payments for the remainder of the guarantee period. If you live beyond the guarantee period, payments will continue for the remainder of your life. In the same way, if your contingent annuitant lives beyond the guarantee period, payments will continue for the remainder of their life at the percentage you decide as described previously. Annuities &OREXAMPLE Bill, age 65, is retiring with an account balance of $100,000 and wants the assurance of a monthly income for life for himself and his wife, Mary, who is 63. However, he also wants to make sure payments continue for at least 15 years if he and Mary should die early in retirement. Bill names Mary as his contingent annuitant on the application. Next he must determine the percentage of his benefit which is to continue as a survivor benefit for Mary. Let’s look at two options: UÊ *OINT ,IFE !NNUITY "ENEFIT WITH A 9EAR'UARANTEE — Based on his account balance and actuarial factors, this option will pay Bill a monthly benefit of $628 for his life. Bill dies after receiving two years of payments. Mary continues to receive a lifetime benefit of $628 (100% of Bill’s monthly benefit). If Mary dies three years later, Mary’s beneficiary would receive a monthly payment of $628 for the ten years remaining in the guarantee period or the equivalent amount in a single sum payment. UÊ *OINT ,IFE !NNUITY "ENEFIT WITH A 9EAR'UARANTEE — Based on his account balance and actuarial factors, this option will pay Bill a greater monthly benefit of $680 for his life. However, upon his death after two years, Mary will only receive a lifetime benefit of $340 (50% of Bill’s monthly benefit). If Mary dies three years later, Mary’s beneficiary would receive $340 for the ten years remaining in the guarantee period or the equivalent in a single sum payment. *Examples are based on current funding rates and other assumptions. Questions? Call a GuideStone Customer Service specialist at '5)$% or visit our Web site at 11 Single Life Annuity Benefit Option # What does this payment option provide? The Single Life Annuity Benefit will provide you a monthly benefit payable for life. In the event of your death, benefit payments stop. &OREXAMPLE Beverly, age 65, is single and wants the assurance of a monthly income for life. She has an account balance of $100,000 and selects a Single Life Annuity Benefit. Based on her account balance and actuarial factors, this option will pay Beverly a monthly benefit of $740 for her lifetime. Benefits will cease in the event of death. *Examples are based on current funding rates and other assumptions. Single Life Annuity Benefit with a Guarantee Period Option D What does this payment option provide? The Single Life Annuity Benefit with a Guarantee Period will provide you a monthly benefit payable for life. Under this option, you also choose a guarantee period on the Retirement Benefit Application. You may choose a guarantee period such as 10, 15 or 20 years, etc. However, the maximum guarantee period GuideStone offers depends on life expectancy and is determined under IRS regulations. If you die before the guarantee period ends, a benefit will be paid to your beneficiary for the remainder of the guarantee period. The amount will be the same as your benefit. The beneficiary has the option to receive the equivalent of the remaining payments in a single sum payment or to continue receiving the current monthly payments for the remainder of the guarantee period. 12 &OREXAMPLE Beverly, age 65, is retiring with an account balance of $100,000 and wants the assurance of a monthly income for her lifetime. However, she also wants to make sure payments continue for at least 15 years. Beverly is single and designates her sister, Jane, as beneficiary. Beverly selects a Single Life Annuity Benefit with a 15-Year Guarantee. She receives a monthly benefit of $689 for her life. If she dies after receiving seven years of payments, her sister Jane will receive $689 monthly for the eight years remaining in the guarantee period or the equivalent in a single sum payment. *Examples are based on current funding rates and other assumptions. Fixed Period Benefit Option E What does this payment option provide? The Fixed Period Benefit provides you all or part of your benefit for a set period of time. The total amount required to fund the Fixed Period Benefit for the time you choose is transferred from the assets in your retirement account unlike the installment benefits or systematic withdrawal (see p. 15). At the end of each month, you will receive a Fixed Period Benefit check. At the end of the fixed period, no other benefits will be paid. You can choose the amount and/or payment period for a Fixed Period Benefit payment. Annuities &OREXAMPLE Beverly, age 65, is single and retiring. She decides to receive a portion of her account as a Fixed Period Benefit with equal monthly payments of $1,000 for 60 months. Beverly designates her sister Jane as the beneficiary for this benefit. At the end of the 60month period, Beverly must complete new forms to receive any additional retirement benefit payments from the unused portion of her account. If Beverly dies after receiving only five months of this benefit, Jane, her beneficiary for this benefit, will receive $1,000 monthly for the remaining 55 If you die before the fixed period ends, your benefi- months in the fixed period or the equivalent of the ciary will receive payments in the same amount for remaining payments in a lump sum. the remainder of the payment period. The beneficiary can also receive the equivalent of the remaining *Examples are based on current funding rates and other assumptions. payments in a single sum payment. If you and your beneficiary both die before the fixed period ends, the beneficiary of whomever dies last will receive a single (OWARE&IXED0ERIOD sum payment equal to any remaining payments. "ENEFITSCALCULATED Your employer’s plan may impose limits on amounts The benefit payment amount is determined taken as a Fixed Period Benefit. If you have questions by the longevity of payments, the frequency about the possible restrictions, call a GuideStone of payments, the account balance used to Customer Service specialist at 1-888-98-GUIDE establish the benefit and the funding rate (1-888-984-8433). when the benefit is established. Your payment is fixed regardless of the actual experience of the underlying investments. Questions? Call a GuideStone Customer Service specialist at '5)$% or visit our Web site at 13 14 Installment Benefit An installment benefit provides you monthly income along with flexibility and continued control over your investments. You continue directing your retirement plan assets in your choice of investment funds while taking installment payments. In choosing this option, you will need to be comfortable with the risk level of your investments and understand the impact that inflation can have over time. The installment benefit can help satisfy your regular income needs, but it also requires your continued attention. If you withdraw too much money each year, you may outlive your assets. However, if you withdraw too little each year, you may make unnecessary sacrifices. The goal is to reach a “sustainable withdrawal rate” that allows you to live comfortably. However, if you withdraw 6% of your account (beginning at age 65) with the same increases for inflation, you have only a 56% chance that your account will last for your lifetime. As a result, many experts recommend that you utilize an appropriate asset allocation, begin with no more than a 4% withdrawal at age 65, and increase the withdrawal amount by no more than 3% each year to provide some assurance that you don’t run out of money. It is important to note that the installment benefit option is flexible. You may decide to increase, decrease or stop your installment, or change all or a portion of your account balance to an annuity at a later date. In addition, an installment allows you to receive a lump sum portion of your account balance at any time. Basically, a sustainable withdrawal rate involves a combination of your age, your * For illustration purposes, the above examples planning horizon or life expectancy, and assume an appropriately diversified investment an appropriate asset allocation*. For portfolio that earns an average of 7% per year. example, if you withdraw 4% of your account beginning at age 65, and increase the withdrawal amount by 3% each year for inflation, you will have a 95% chance that your account will last for your lifetime. Questions? Call a GuideStone Customer Service specialist at '5)$% or visit our Web site at 15 Installment Benefit Option & What does this payment option provide? 0ERCENTAGE OF TOTAL ACCOUNT BALANCE An Installment Benefit will provide you with monthly This installment method will provide a monthly income without committing all or a portion of your benefit that varies each month. The benefit account balance to establish an annuity payment. amount is calculated by multiplying a monthly Installment Benefits are payable for a specified percentage by the total account value. The period of time, until your funds are exhausted or monthly percentage of your choosing is the until you choose to cancel benefit payments. You annual rate indicated on the application divided can change or stop your Installment Benefit at any by 12. If the annual percentage requested is time by completing an Installment Benefit Change greater than 14%, it will be subject to a 20% FedForm. To be eligible for an Installment Benefit, your eral Income Tax withholding. monthly benefit payment must be a minimum of $50 (see information below). Your employer’s plan may 0AID OUT OVER SPECIFIED PERIOD OF TIME limit the amounts taken as an Installment Benefit. Under this installment method, the benefit The installment benefit offers three distinct payment amount will vary each month. This benefit amount options. In all three cases, your beneficiary or estate is calculated by dividing the total account value by is eligible to receive any balance remaining in your the remaining number of payments. The entire account after your death. designated amount is paid out. If the payment period is less than 10 years it will be subject to %QUAL PAYMENTS OF A SPECIFIED AMOUNT 20% withholding. This installment method will provide equal monthly benefits of the amount requested. The &OREXAMPLE benefit amount requested for this installment Beverly, age 65, is single and is retiring. She decides method must be equal to or greater than $50 not to receive an annuity benefit at this time. per month. If it appears the monthly payment Instead, she decides to receive $100,000 of her amount will exhaust the account balance in less account value as an Installment Benefit. Below is a than 10 years, it will be subject to a mandatory chart showing Beverly’s benefits under each of the 20% Federal Income Tax withholding. installment methods: %QUAL0AYMENTS #ALCULATION Method Monthly "ENElT You choose the monthly payout $500 for 200 months 0ERCENTAGEOF4OTAL (Your balance x 4%) ÷ 12 !CCOUNT"ALANCE Beverly ($100,000 x 4%) ÷ 12 PERYEAR 0AIDOUTOVERTIME $100,000 ÷ 180 months (15 years) Chart does not assume growth of underlying account balance. 16 $333 (will vary each month) $555 (will vary each month) Single Sum Benefit Option G Single Sum Benefit What does this payment option provide? A Single Sum Benefit provides all or part of your benefits to you in one payment. Your employer’s plan may impose limits on a Single Sum Benefit. A Single Sum Benefit payment is subject to a mandatory 20% Federal Income Tax withholding. If only a portion of the account balance is used, any remaining balance will be paid to your designated beneficiary. &OREXAMPLE Beverly, age 65, is single and retiring. She wants to receive a one-time payment of a portion of her $100,000 account balance. She wants to defer payment of the remaining benefits until a later time. Beverly selects a Single Sum Benefit of $25,000, which represents 25% of her contribution accounts. When Beverly wants to receive more of her account value, she must complete new forms to receive new benefits. Questions? Call a GuideStone Customer Service specialist at '5)$% or visit our Web site at 17 Combination of Benefits Options !' Combination of Benefits benefits and chooses to set up half of his retirement account as a Fixed 100% Joint Life Annuity and the other half as a Variable 100% Joint Life Annuity. He will receive $316 a month as a fixed benefit. He will also receive $316 a month as a variable payment until Jan. 1 of the next year. At that point the Variable Annuity portion of the benefit will increase or decrease as a result of the performance of the underlying investments. Upon his death, Mary will &OR EXAMPLE 3INGLE ,IFE !NNUITY "ENEFIT continue to receive a fixed benefit of $316 a month 3INGLE3UM"ENEFIT)NSTALLMENT"ENEFIT and the variable benefit as adjusted each year. Beverly, age 65, is single and retiring. She has $100,000 in her retirement account. She wants to receive a monthly income for life and wants to supplement this lifetime benefit by drawing a portion of her account each month. Beverly selects a combination of benefits and chooses to set up a Single Life Annuity, a Single Sum Benefit as well as an Installment Benefit. She requests a Single Sum Benefit of $3,000 to use for home repairs. The Annuity Benefit will pay her $370 each month for the rest of her life while the Installment Benefit will supply her with an additional $157 each month. In the event of her death, the annuity payments will cease but the remaining account balance will be paid to her beneficiary. What does this provide? You can combine benefit payment options to take advantage of multiple benefits such as a Fixed or Variable Lifetime Annuity Benefit, a Fixed Period Benefit, an Installment Benefit and/or a Single Sum Benefit. This approach could be used to customize a plan that takes advantage of several of the payment options mentioned earlier. &OREXAMPLE&IXED*OINT,IFE!NNUITY"ENEFIT 6ARIABLE*OINT,IFE!NNUITY"ENEFIT Bill, age 65, is married, retiring and has $100,000 in his retirement account. He wants to receive a fixed monthly income for life for himself and his wife to cover his fixed expenses. He also wants to receive an additional monthly benefit that has the opportunity to increase over time. Bill selects a combination of For assistance in deciding what combination of benefits could be used in your situation, call to speak to a specialist at '5)$% (1-888-984-8433). 18 Answers to commonly asked questions about retirement benefits. ( OW EARLY CAN ) BEGIN RECEIVING MY 7. If I choose an installment benefit at the beginning of my retirement, can I switch benefit? Normally, you may begin receiving to an annuity later? Yes. Simply notify your accumulation benefit upon termination GuideStone and complete the appropriate of service. Some employers may provide other paperwork. early retirement dates. 2. When can I expect to get my first benefit )F)CHOOSEANANNUITYBENEFITCAN) switch to an installment later? No. check? You can expect to receive your first benefit check at the end of the month that your )F)SELECTALIFEANNUITYWITHAGUARANTEE benefit is effective, provided your completed period, what happens if I live longer applications are received at GuideStone before than my guarantee period? You will the 15th of the previous month. continue receiving payments for your lifetime. )DONOTPLANTORETIREATAGE-UST) )F ) TAKE THE INSTALLMENT BENEFIT WHAT begin receiving my retirement benefits happens to my money when I die? The then? No. The law generally requires you to remaining money will be payable to your begin receiving retirement benefits by April 1 of designated beneficiary or beneficiaries. the calendar year following the year you reach age 70 1/2 or the year you retire, whichever is #AN)SELECTMORETHANONEBENEFICIARY Yes. You must designate the beneficiaries on a later. You should contact GuideStone before form provided by GuideStone. 1/ attaining age 70 2 for more information. 7 HAT HAPPENS TO THE MONEY IN MY retirement account if I die before establishing a benefit? Your account balance will be paid to your designated beneficiaries. 5. What happens to my retirement benefit if I return to work? Your benefit will continue to be paid to you. Re-employment does not cause retirement benefits to stop, and in some cases additional retirement contributions may be possible. # AN)CHANGETHECONTINGENTANNUITANT OFMY*OINT,IFE!NNUITY"ENEFITONCE) begin receiving my annuity? No. All annuity benefits are irrevocable once established. Give us a call! If you have questions or need further explanation regarding the material in this workbook, please call us at '5)$% (1-888-984-8433) or visit our Web site at 19 Benefit Selection #HECKLIST Read through the "ENElT3ELECTION+IT and review your "ENElT%STIMATE. Complete your 2ETIREMENT"ENEFIT!PPLICATION. Complete Form 70 for options other than a Single Sum Benefit. Complete your "ENEFICIARY$ESIGNATION&ORM. Complete your2OLLOVER!PPLICATION to consolidate retirement accounts (if needed). Call 1-888-98-GUIDE (1-888-984-8433) for personal assistance. 20
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