Connected Magazine - MTCO Communications
Connected Magazine - MTCO Communications
October 2011 Magazine Serving Metamora & Germantown Hills Miss America Visits Metamora Community Calendar of Events Inside A Community Publication Provided By MTCO Communications MTCO Communications 220 N. Menard Street Metamora, IL 61548 On The Cover: October Reminds Us That Winter Is Near Ah yes, October . . . . the views of the trees turning colors and the leaves falling to the ground. The frost covered plants, yards, and windshields in the morning reminding us that winter is on the way and we need to be prepared. allows you to record and view them later at your convenience or save them for a snowy day. With the “Whole Home DVR” you can watch the recorded shows on any connected television in your house. Here at MTCO we have prepared an array of services to get thru the winter blahs with our digiMAX Triple Play services. 3. We also have high quality telephone service that has been serving this community for over 66 years. This telephone network is completely underground giving you the added safety that your telephone will be working after storms have taken out other communications and power. With a regular telephone that only needs to be plugged into a telephone jack and requires no power, you will be able to make and receive calls while the “internet” phones are not working. A l s o , M T C O landline phones come with Enhanced 9 1 1 service that allows safety officials to know where you are even when you can’t verbalize where you are located. 1. MTCO provides a fast, dedicated Internet service keeping you connected to your favorite websites and entertainment during these long, dark, cold days. Since we were the first company to bring Internet to our community in 1995, we knew that being the leader meant offering great service at a fair price. Sixteen years later we feel we have met this achievement, and we hope our customers and friends feel the same. 2. We have “Built From The Ground Up” a TV network that is 100% digital entertainment all in its’ own. We offer over 70 channels of HD programming along with all of your favorite movie packages including HBO, Cinemax, Showtime, and more. The Digital Video Recorder (DVR) will capture the shows that you do not want to miss, and With our Triple Play bundle you get great telephone service, 100% digital television, and dedicated high-speed Internet. Stop in today and see us at our local office or give us a call. You will be happy that you connected with us! The Germantown Hills Chamber of Commerce hosted The Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast with Miss America on September 19 at Metamora Fields. She is pictured singing God Bless America during the breakfast, and later spoke to students at Metamora High School and Metamora Grade School. For more information about our services, please visit or scan this QR code with your smart phone. MTCO Communications 220 N. Menard Street Metamora, Illinois 61548 309-367-4197 President & CEO Glenn Rauh Vice President & CFO Ann Dickerson Wireless Operations Manager Editor - Connected Magazine Bob Becraft Marketing Manager Editor - Connected Magazine Kip DuBois Connected Magazine is published monthly by MTCO Communications with corporate office located at 220 North Menard Street, Metamora, Illinois, 61548. The publication is intended for use of the residents of Metamora and Germantown Hills. No article in this issue or any part of this publication may be reproduced without the expressed written permission of the Publisher. For more information about this magazine, or for additional copies, contact Bob Becraft or Kip DuBois at 309-367-4197 or connected@ If you have questions or concerns regarding your services, please contact our Customer Service Representatives at (309)367-4197 or 800859-6826. Copyright 2011 MTCO Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. Entertainment & Technology TNT Mystery Movie Night This Fall This fall, TNT is debuting a new lineup of original movies based on contemporary crime dramas that range from true-life crime stories to fictional mysteries from some of the best-selling authors of this genre. Action, drama, and suspense! These movies are based on New York Times best selling mystery/thriller novels that come from highly regarded authors that will keep you guessing! Baker Boys This new documentary will air four episodes on Wednesday evenings in October, premiering Wednesday, October 5 at 9:00pm CST. This series achieves the most accurate, honest, and unfettered look at what the U.S. Army’s counter-insurgency effort in Iraq really looks like from the ground--from the point of view and in the words of the soldiers who fight in it. Hassle-Free Protection For Your Computer We all know Internet security is a must to protect our computers at home, and MTCO now offers fully-mananged, hands-free protection with SecureIT Plus. One major benefit is the free, U.S. based 24/7 technical support via telephone and online remote assistance. With online remote assistance, the SecureIT tech takes remote access of your PC while you watch, and works on any antivirus/spyware service issues you may be having. In addition, this is a monthly subscription service so you don’t have to worry about your protection lapsing. If you postpone or forget to renew a yearly contract with other anti-virus services, your protection quickly becomes obsolete by not receiving needed updates. SecureIT Plus offers real-time Anti-Virus/AntiPhishing and Spyware protection with the following features: • Hands-Free Updates & Personal Firewall Is It Necessary to Update Windows? • Automatic Hard-Drive Maintenance to keep your computer running efficiently Although it’s perfectly natural to get annoyed by Windows’ seemingly endless “New updates are available” alerts, it’s not a good idea to ignore them. You do so at your own risk. • Parental Controls The vast majority of updates (which arrive on your system courtesy of the Windows Update tool) deal with security. Microsoft routinely patches newly discovered holes, adds malware definitions to its Windows Defender and Security Essentials utilities, bolsters new Office security, and so on. And don’t forget the occasional Windows hotflix, which may address serious issues such as random system lockups. In other words, yes, it’s absolutely necessary to update Windows, but it’s not necessary for Windows to nag you about it every time. To make Windows Update work mostly behind the scenes, click Start, type Windows Update, and press Enter. (In WindowsXP, head to the Control Panel and seek out Windows Update). Next, click the Change Settings option, and choose Install updates automatically. Click OK to finish the process. Now, the only time you’ll hear from Windows Update is when it requires a reboot. Please note these instructions may vary per computer. (PCWorld) • Monthly Summary Reports • 24/7 Technical Support via Telephone and Online • SecureIT Plus ranking among peers: Protect your PC for $4.95/mo. for one computer ($3.95/mo for each additional computer) + one-time $15 assisted install (per computer). Call or visit MTCO today for more information or to subscribe. Keep up with Entertainment and Technology news. Add MTCO to your Facebook and Twitter groups and visit and click on “MTCO News” on the right section of the webpage. 31 30 25 Metamora Village Board Meeting 7pm 18 Metamora Area Business Association Monthly Meeting 11:30am 11 Metamora Village Board Meeting 7pm 4 27 Redbird Replay on digiMAX @ 7pm 26 Redbird Replay on digiMAX @ 7pm 19 Redbird Replay on digiMAX @ 7pm 12 Metamora Park Board Meeting 7pm Redbird Replay on digiMAX @ 7:00pm 5 28 Germantown Hills Village Board Meeting 6pm 27 Germantown Hills Chamber of Commerce at Amie’s Music Together in Washington at 12pm 20 Woodford County Historical Society Meeting 7pm Germantown Hills Village Board Meeting 6pm 13 6 29 28 Metamora High Homecoming VS Dunlap 21 14 7 30 Add the regular season of NFL RedZone to your digiMAX channel lineup for just $45 Every Touchdown. From Every Game. Sunday Afternoons. On digiMAX ch. 29. 24 Germantown Hills Planning Commission Meeting 7pm 17 23 16 9 10 3 2 Pancake & Sausage Breakfast St. Mary of Lourdes Parish Center 7am-Noon 26 25 Halloween on the Hill at 5pm Germantown Hills Fire Dept. 29 Germantown Hills Fire-Rescue Challenge 7:30am 22 Metamora Farmers Market on the Square 8am-Noon 15 Marching Band-31st Annual Metamora Parade & Field Invitational Metamora Farmers Market on the Square 8am-Noon 8 Metamora Farmers Market on the Square 8am-Noon 1 In Our Community FIRST Robotics Program Snyder Village Garage Sale Metamora Township High School is excited about the prospect of starting a FIRST Robotics team this school year. FIRST Robotics is a worldwide event where students build a robot to contend in a competitive game each year. This program provides background in different career paths that will be in high demand in the future, challenges students academically in a fun environment, and develops positive leadership qualities. Students in the program participate in sub-teams such as design, programming, electrical and mechanical. The 3rd Annual Snyder Village Garage Sale will be held at the S/V Center on Friday, October 14th from 8:00am. 4:00pm, and Saturday, October 15th from 8:00am. - Noon. Metamora High School has a tremendous facility for hosting this event. However, there is high cost of the regional competition along with the amount of equipment needed such as electrical supplies, pneumatics, motors, sensing devices, control mechanisms and aluminum. MTHS is still pursuing several grant opportunities in addition to sponsorships from local industry to be able to start the program this year. If you would like to participate in the Metamora FIRST Robotics Team as a student member, through a financial sponsorship, or through a mentorship role, please contact Joseph Bachman at Metamora High School through e-mail at jbachman@ If sufficient grants and sponsorships are attained that the team can commence, a student/parent/mentor informational meeting will be held at a date to be determined toward the end of October. The actual competition will then begin on January 7, 2012, at which time students will have 6 weeks to build the robot. More information about FIRST Robotics can be found at Metamora High School is very excited about the FIRST Robotics program and its focus upon Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math careers, as it will continue to facilitate the goal of bringing excellent educational opportunities to students in the community. Pancake & Sausage Breakfast The Lourdes Men’s Club will hold its Pancake & Sausage Breakfast on Sunday, October 2, 2011 from 7:00am - noon at the St. Mary of Lourdes Parish Center. If you wish to pre-order fresh sausage, please contact Bill Kessling at 645-7795. Sausage orders must be picked up between 7:00am - noon on October 2. All proceeds from the sale will go to the Snyder Village Resident in Need Fund. This fund helps offset the cost of care for individuals in the Health Center that have exhausted their means of support. Last year’s sale brought in $4000 for the Resident in Need Fund and we hope this year will be even better. A very special thank you goes to the 2011 Garage Sale Co-Chairs, Jane Kramer and June Ahrens and their team for the great job they do with the sale. For more information about the garage sale, please call Snyder Village at (309) 367-4300, ext. 116. Parade & Field Invitational The 31st Annual Parade & Field Invitational will be held on Saturday, October 8, 2011. The parade portion of the event steps off at 11:00am followed by the field competition beginning at 1:00pm. MTHS is proud to present this years program to our community, “1945, The Greatest Generation Ever.” The program includes music from the WWII era, paying tribute to those who served, those who stayed at home and kept the country going, and the pride we feel to call ourselves Americans! Our parade marshalls include Metamora residents that served in WWII, along with other tributes to our veterans displayed throughout the day. For further information, please contact Dr. Parks at 367-4151 regarding the band program, or Patty McGuire at 383-3398 regarding Parade & Field. Can’t escape cable’s scary price increases? Germantown Hills Fire-Rescue Challenge Germantown Hills Fire Department will have their Fire-Rescue Challenge, a 5,000 Meter/3.1 Mile Run/Walk & 0.66 Mile Kids’ Fun Run on October 29, 2011. The 5k Race begins at 7:30 a.m. and race packets can be picked up at 6:30 a.m. The Kids’ Run will begin at the conclusion of the 5k Race. The entry fee is $10 for the 5k until October 9 and $15 after. You are encouraged to register before race day, and you can get forms at the fire house or online at Other activities for Halloween include a costume contest, pumpkin carving contest and Germantown Hills Chamber of Commerce Halloween on the Hill. For more information contact the Germantown Hills Chamber or Fire Department websites. Historic Structures of Metamora Presentation The Woodford County Historical Society will present a pictorial program “Historic Structures of Metamora” at its monthly meeting on Thursday, October 13 at 7:00pm at the Christian Union Church. This program will be narrated by Murllene Kramer (co-founder and past president of the Metamora Association for Historic Preservation and past president of Woodford County Historical Society). The slide presentation will include narrative of the history of structures such as the Metamora Courth House, which was built in 1845, the Joseph Schertz home and the cornerstone of St. Mary’s Catholic Church (started during the Civil War), Soldiers and Sailors Monument in Oakwood Cemetery, Partridge Church Monument (first Amish-Mennonite Church in Illinois), numerous local stone structures built by stonesman Herman Weber, and much more. The Woodford County Historical Society meets the second Thursday of the month at various locations in the county. The meetings are free and open to the public. Do you have some community news to share with the residents of Metamora and Germantown Hills? Send it to, or mail it to us at 220 N. Menard St., Metamora, IL 61548, Attn: Connected Magazine. go local and switch today • MORE THAN 70 HD CHANNELS Free HD to your first TV! • SELECT Package has 38 more channels than cable’s family basic digital package • PAUSE LIVE TV, PLAYBACK & RECORD with DVR • RELIABLE HIGH-SPEED INTERNET with Free Wireless Gateway • 500 FREE LONG DISTANCE MINUTES with CALLING FEATURE PACKAGE • E911 YOU CAN RELY ON Catch the excitement of the 2011 Metamora Redbird football season with Redbird Replay, shown only on digiMAX HD channel 410 (digital ch. 400) on Wednesdays at 7pm. Let the nostalgia kick in with Redbird Classics on Sundays at 7pm. Enjoy the ‘75, ‘07, and ‘09 State Title games plus other classics from the past like the ‘96 Normal semifinal. 309-367-4197 Your exclusive LOCAL CHANNEL for Germantown Hills & Metamora to watch the Metamora Redbird Football Replay in HD! Catch all the action on digiMAX Channel 400 (HD channel 410) Wednesday evenings at 7pm. Special thanks to the outstanding businesses below for helping underwrite the Metamora Redbird Football Replay, along with our other sponsors: Bill Christ/Country Financial, Kaufmann Chiropractic, Kouri’s Grille & Bar, Mason Funeral Homes, McDonald’s, Metamora Fields, Metamora IGA, PA Atherton Construction, Redbird Express Mart, Sunbelt Rentals, The Flame Family Restaurant. Greg Edwards, AAMS® Financial Advisor 418 Old Germantown Road Germantown Hills, IL 61548 Bus. 309-383-3131 TF. 888-383-3138 Cell 309-472-1198 Fax 877-222-8716 10% OFF ENTIRE ORDER (Excluding Specials) CARRYOUT AVAILABLE Metamora - On The Square (309) 367-2600 Washington - Across from DQ (309) 444-5858 Let’s Go Redbirds! GO BIRDS!!! BREAKFAST BUFFET Every Sunday 7:30am to 11:00am Catering Banquets Parties & Carry Outs 400 Riverside Dr. East Peoria 1006 Peoria St. Washington 605 Upper 10 Mile Creek Germantown Hills Kitchen Open Until 11pm Watch The Redbird Replay Every Friday Night We’ll replay the football game that night on all TV’s 920 N. Niles - Metamora (309) 367-2108 GREAT FOOD - FAST SERVICE 513 Jubilee Lane - (309) 383-3030
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Connected Magazine - MTCO Communications
Redbird Football Replay, along with our other sponsors: Bill Christ/Country Financial, Kaufmann
Chiropractic, Kouri’s Grille & Bar, Mason Funeral Homes, McDonald’s, Metamora Fields, Metamora
IGA, P...