
 THE COLDSTREAM GUARDS ASSOCIATION NORWICH BRANCH NEWSLETTER MAY 2012 Gentlemen, The website is now up and running and I hope you will get some enjoyment using it, although it is still in its infancy, there are several links to Regimental Headquarters, shinycapstar, Veterans Association, War Graves Commission and other branches with in the Coldstream Guards Association and google search which will be helpful. At this stage I would like to thank Brain Leslie (my brother in law) for all the work he has done to help me and the branch to get this project going. The address for the website is As postage is increasing I would like those of you who have a computer to let me know by using the comments page to let me have your email address so that I can inform you of any newsletter updates on the website, this will save the branch expense of paper, ink and postage. If you have any items you wish to go onto the website ie. Photos, light‐hearted stories or experiences while serving with the Regiment please let me have them. If you have any ideas on how the website can be improved go to the comments page and leave me a message and I will get back to you as soon as I can. REGIMENTAL HEADQUARTERS NEWS NEWSLETTER 02/12 REGIMENTAL CHRISTMAS CARD 2012 1. This year’s card is “Halt! The (very) Coldstream Guards” a reproduction of a cartoon dated 1897. A copy of the picture is on the attached order form. It has a ribbon!!! Cards will cost 65p each with postage charges as shown on the order form. Please note that orders can only be accepted up to the 30th September 2012. REGIMENTAL DIARY 2013 2. The Regimental diary will be a one week to view leather bound diary with the Coldstream star and “2013” embossed in gold on the cover. It will again cost £6.50p, which includes post and packing. Orders on the attached order form please, by no later than the 30th September 2012 after which time they cannot be accepted. RHQ WEB SITE AND SHOP 3. The first phase of improvements to the shop is in full flow. We’ve increased the range of goods and have stuck to the two critical criteria of quality and value. Included in this is a wonderful range of baby and children’s clothing and there will be more new products to come so do keep visiting to keep an eye on things. Feel free to bookmark this address. It will make re‐visiting the shop a lot easier. Most importantly, we have switched to PayPal which is arguably the safest payment platform online. Not only that, it will work and is a lot easier to use than the old system we had in place. We receive Notification of your order almost immediately and endeavour to send all shop orders out within 24 hours. While the improvements to the online shop are a huge benefit to you, we still enjoy personal visits to the shop at RHQ. This has also had a ‘makeover’ and visitors can now wander in and browse to their heart’s content. So if you’re in the area, pop in and see us. THE GUARDS CHAPEL 4. The Chapel is open to the public for visits during the week between 10.00 am and 4.00 pm, 10.00 am and 2.00 pm on Fridays, with services each Sunday. The chapel can be contacted on Tel: 020 7414 3228/3229. NO 18 PLATOON, COLDSTREAM GUARDS – MALAYA 1966 5. Members are now eligible to claim and wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia Medal. Those wishing to claim it should contact the Regimental Adjutant either by letter or email ( NATIONAL MEMORIAL ARBORETUM – 9TH SEPTEMBER 2012 6. There is to be a visit and wreath laying ceremony at the National Memorial Arboretum, by various branches of the Grenadier Guards Association (Reading, Dorset, Gloucester and Worcester), on Sunday 9th September. The Guards Division Corps of Drums Association will be present. The London and Leicester branches of The Coldstream Guards Association are considering attending and it is thought that other branches might like to attend also. Those that would, should contact Stuart Sutton of the Guards Division Corps of Drums Association by e‐mail: IN MEMORIAM 7. It is with regret that I publish the names of the following Coldstreamers who have passed away since the last Newsletter: 5336254 G C 23206099 V 2659790 J 2665472 L 23302893 K M 2667023 L A Captain D N 23474299 T A J 2664541 M P F 2666410 S N The Viscount Lord Sgt 2671106 L J 5621876 G Captain The Earl of Levev & Major General C S 2664475 D 22405776 M O J Rotchell Carr Dennis Mills Pugsley Davis Green Willis Cooper Hindley Bushell Sutcliffe Arter Ridley Annals Pipkin Irvings Melvill DL Wallis‐King CBE Scrimgeour Burridge Towler 20 Jan 12 27 Jan 12 27 Jan 12 30 Jan 12 31 Jan 12 06 Feb 12 08 Feb 12 12 Feb 12 12 Feb 12 1 Feb 12 09 Mar12 12 Mar12 13 Mar12 22 Mar12 22 Mar12 24 Mar12 29 Mar12 07 Apr 12 10 Apr 12 12 Apr 12 16 Apr 12 23 Apr 12 NORWICH BRANCH NEWS PRESENTATION OF NEW COLOURS, WINDSOR THURSDAY 3RD MAY 2012 Although there was a wet weather program arranged, the weather did hold out for the Presentation of New Colours in Windsor Castle. Below is a link to a collection of photographs taken on the day? THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The Annual general meeting will take place on Wednesday 18th July 2012at the Canary Social Club, 104 Thorpe Road, Norwich. Please make every effort to attend and air your views. After the Meeting a buffet has been arranged. Any Points or propositions for the AGM must be in writing and sent to me no later than the 4th July 2012. INFORMAL LUNCHEON The next Informal Luncheon will be held at the Oakland’s Hotel, Yarmouth Road, Norwich on Wednesday 13th June 2012, time 12.30pm 1.00pm, ladies are invited. Luncheon cost is £5.00 per person, two course, plus Tea/Coffee. Summer BBQ I am please to inform you that the details for the Summer BBQ have now been finalised. Captain Andrew Freeland will again host the Summer BBQ at his home, The Elms, Toft Monks, Beccles, Suffolk, NR34 0EJ on Sunday 9th September 2012, cost will be £15.00 per person. Those of you who attended last year’s BBQ enjoyed the atmosphere and gardens; times 1.00pm for 1.30pm. Please vacate the premises by 16.00 hrs. This venue has wet and dry weather facilities and is an excellent venue for a BBQ. Captain Freeland runs his company from this venue holding weddings and wedding receptions in the grounds. The menu will consist of BBQ pork, chicken, sausages, potatoes and salad, plus a dessert also tea and coffee. Guest are welcomed, I hope this Summer BBQ will attract vice‐presidents and members. Would you please complete the attached proforma and send it with your payment to me, no later than the 10th August 2012. _____________________________________________________________________________ THE NORWICH BRANCH SUMMER BBQ SUNDAY 9TH SEPTEMBER 2011 I will/will not attend the Summer BBQ, Numbers attending______@ £15.00 per person I enclose a cheque for £_________ Please make cheques payable to The Coldstream Guards Association (Norwich Branch) Payment must be made when booking. Name and address of Member in BLOCK CAPITALS________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ THE BAND OF THE COLDSTREAM GUARDS
The Band of the Coldstream Guards will perform at Thursford nr Fakenham at 19.00hrs Tuesday 11th September 2012. The evening will begin with Beating Retreat on the car park, followed by a concert inside, a buffet supper during the interval is included in the ticket price Tickets bookable in advance at £21.00. Call the booking office on 01328 878477. All proceeds go to the Army Benevolent Fund. THE NORWICH BRANCH ANNUAL LUNCHEON SUNDAY 28th OCTOBER 2012 Again this year the Annual luncheon will be held at Park Farm Country Hotel, Hethersett Norfolk. This year’s menu is: Starters Leek, Celery and Potato Soup Chicken and Asparagus Roulade wrapped in Leek with Salad Leaves and Chilli Dressing Smoked Salmon and Crayfish Roulade with Dill Main Haddock wrapped with Smoked Bacon on Olive Mash with a Tomato and Coriander Sauce. Roast Sirloin of Beef with Yorkshire pudding, Gravy and Horseradish Sauce. Roast Norfolk Chicken with Bacon Roll and Seasoning. With a selection of fresh vegetables Desserts Fresh Fruit Salad. Fresh Cream Profiteroles with Chocolate Sauce. Vanilla and Raspberry Brule accompanied with Biscotti Biscuit. Coffee and Mints. If you require a special meal please let me know and I will arrange it with Park Farms. The cost of the three course luncheon is only £20.00 per person, May I ask you all to gather in the conservatory at 12.30 pm for a Bucks‐Fizz/Pimms reception, we will sit for lunch at 1.00 pm. I will send out the menu forms in my next newsletter. Regards Maurice, Hon.sec Mr. M. J. Millington 55 Vale Green Norwich Norfolk NR3 2EP Tel: 01603 469033 email: 2012 REGIMENTAL CHRISTMAS CARD
PRI SHOP REGIMENTAL HEADQUARTERS COLDSTREAM GUARDS WELLINGTON BARRACKS BIRDCAGE WALK LONDON SW1E 6HQ : 020 7414 3249 E‐Mail: All profits from sales go to Regimental Charitable Funds FROM (BLOCK CAPITALS): ……………………………………………… PLEASE SUPPLY: .......... Christmas Cards @ 65p each: = £ ……..………… Postage and Packaging £1.25 per order The cost of the 2013 Regimental Diary is £6.50. This includes Postage & Packaging Please send me ……….. Diary/diaries. I enclose my cheque/postal order for £ ………………. I enclose my cheque/postal order for £ ………………. Postage on 101 Cards and over and overseas deliveries will be invoice I ENCLOSE A CHEQUE/POSTAL ORDER FOR A TOTAL OF £ ………………….. PLEASE MAKE CHEQUES/POSTAL ORDERS PAYABLE TO “COLDSTREAM GUARDS ASSOCIATION (NORWICH Branch) USE BLOCK CAPITALS (As the address label below will be used to send your order) NO ORDERS CAN BE ACCEPTED AFTER 20th OCTOBER 2012 PLEASE PRINT IN CAPITALS NAME____________________________________ ADDRESS _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ CORRESPONDENCE Regimental Sergeant Major
1st Battalion Coldstream Guards
Victoria Barracks, WINDSOR,
Telephone: 01753 755594 Mil 94 253 5594
Fax: 01753 756731
Fax: 94 2253 6731
From WO1(RSM) DTP (Danny) Morrell Branch Secretary Coldstream Guards Association Fellow Coldstreamer, It is with great pleasure that I find myself writing to you and your members on the occasion of my promotion to Warrant Officer Class 1 and more importantly as the newly appointed Sgt Maj of the Battalion, I have had many letters and cards of congratulations and I thank you all for your words of support. My life as a Coldstreamer started on 2nd September 1988 as a Junior Leader in Waterloo Company at the Guards Depot, and passed out on 3rd August 1989 and joined the 1st Bn in Wellington Barracks. Over the years I have served my apprenticeship as a Coldstreamer and joined the Sgts Mess in May 1998. Since then life has been a whirl wind blur of Courses, Tours, Postings and Troops, all of which has been valuable experience in preparation for this appointment. I have been married to Sue for 14 years and we have a young son called Louis aged 31/a (perhaps a Coldstreamer in the making). Sue has been a steadfast influence in my career and is supportive of the wider Coldstream family. It is impossible to take up this position and not cast my eye back on the great men that have been before me, examples of excellence each and every one. It is understandable therefore that it would be easy to be overawed by it all, that is, if it was not for one key fact and that is, I am not yet on par with these great men but feel that I have the skill set and the Regimental ethos to do them proud. I am a keen believer that I am not the owner of this rank; just the current caretaker and I see it as my duty to add to our great history and do right by those that have gone before and those that serve today. To steal a phrase from the Commanding Officer, "Nulli Secundus is not a right of the individual but a challenge we should all strive to achieve". This year will be a most excellent Coldstream year; it will see us being presented new colours by Her Majesty the Queen, also Troop the 1st Bn colour and we will be at the centre of this year's Jubilee Celebrations. That is not to mention, the Garter Service at Windsor Castle and the State Opening of Parliament. This year will ceremonially be a great page in our history, promoting Coldstream values and standards for the world to see. You will all be pleased to hear that I am an enthusiastic supporter of the Associations and the work they do for young and old and past and present, it is with this in mind that I look forward to visiting as many Branches as I can. The Regiment finds itself in the middle of a difficult period and its serving soldiers may be the focus but all Coldstreamers have a part to play in the continuance of this most excellent Regiment.