la paloma corporate center
la paloma corporate center
AVAILABLE FOR LEASE LA PALOMA CORPORATE CENTER CLASS A OFFICE SPACE 3561 & 3567 E SUNRISE DRIVE :: TUCSON, AZ A V A I L A B L E S PA C E : ± 6 4 6 – ± 5 , 9 3 2 R S F CENTER SIZE: Two Buildings Totaling ±60,826 SF RENTAL RATE: $25/SF, Full Service FEATURES: • Premier location in the heart of the Catalina Foothills • Beautiful mountain, golf course, and city views • Flexible floor plans and available suite sizes • High-end corporate office complex F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N C O N TA C T: David M. Montijo Jeff Casper First Vice President Associate +1 520 323 5136 +1 520 323 5181 LA PALOMA CORPORATE CENTER CLASS A OFFICE SPACE 3561 & 3567 E SUNRISE DRIVE :: TUCSON, AZ AERIAL MAP L O C AT I O N M A P N N La Paloma La Encantada Vivace Restaurant D riv e Skyline Gallery Five Palms Restaurant Su is e nr The Westin La Paloma i en da d Cam pbe ll A ve mita Palo Via Plaza Colonial Skyline Drive c Ha © 2015 CBRE, Inc. This information has been obtained from sources believed reliable. We have not verified it and make no guarantee, warranty or representation about it. Any projections, opinions, assumptions or estimates used are for example only and do not represent the current or future performance of the property. You and your advisors should conduct a careful, independent investigation of the property to determine to your satisfaction the suitability of the property for your needs. Sol el D ri ve d Swan Road ne Corporate Center Ponta toc Ro a y li nue Sk LA PALOMA CORPORATE CENTER CLASS A OFFICE SPACE 3561 & 3567 E SUNRISE DRIVE :: TUCSON, AZ SUITE 109A ±909 RSF SUITE 215A ±694 RSF N SUITE 105A ±1,541 RSF Floor plans not to scale. LA PALOMA CORPORATE CENTER CLASS A OFFICE SPACE 3561 & 3567 E SUNRISE DRIVE :: TUCSON, AZ SUITE 231A ±3,315 RSF N SUITE 235A ±2,617 RSF Floor plans not to scale. LA PALOMA CORPORATE CENTER CLASS A OFFICE SPACE 3561 & 3567 E SUNRISE DRIVE :: TUCSON, AZ SUITE 119B ±1,342 RSF SUITE 101B ±1,495 RSF N SUITE 111 ±2,428 RSF Floor plans not to scale. N LA PALOMA CORPORATE CENTER CLASS A OFFICE SPACE 3561 & 3567 E SUNRISE DRIVE :: TUCSON, AZ N SUITE 225B ±1,631 RSF Floor plans not to scale. SUITE 133B ±2,084 RSF N