November 2002 - Jewish Community of Amherst


November 2002 - Jewish Community of Amherst
Calendar (pg.23)
Newsletter Index
JCA Homepage
November 2002
The Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter
Jewish Community
of Amherst
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Candle Lighting Times
November 1 ~ 4:25 pm
November 8 ~ 4:17 pm
November 15 ~ 4:10 pm
November 22 ~ 4:05 pm
November 29 ~ 4:01 pm
Times shown are 18 minutes
before sunset for Amherst, MA
Vaad L’Chizuk KiyumHamitzvot
Please note:
The office will be closed
November 28th & 29th for
Special Events
November 3-10
Yiddish Book Center
JCA Religious School
Book Fair
November 8
Ilan StavansScholar in Residence
November 29
Light 1st Hanukkah
candle in the evening
December 4
Hanukkah Party
Online at:
Message From Co-President
Beth Eisenberg, 584-0081
this writing, I am preparing to go to
the Jewish Reconstructionist convention in
Montreal, from November 7-10. I am hoping
also to attend a pre-convention leadership
workshop to learn more about how to better
serve our congregation. I am tremendously
excited about the entire convention, at which
the JCA will be formally welcomed as a new
member, and at which there is an exciting
array of workshops dealing with many aspects of Reconstructionist Judaism. I will be
reporting back to the community at an Erev
Shabbat service in late November. The
Board will be looking also at a mechanism
for deciding who should attend future conventions at JCA expense. More about this
One of my greatest worries as president is
that in our ongoing effort to recognize and
thank members for their contributions to the
community, I will forget to mention someone
who has made an important effort. Unfortunately, I made this very mistake last month
in the notice in the newsletter regarding the
contribution JCA members have made to
Not Bread Alone. In mentioning the new coordinator, I did not talk about the very important contribution made by Richard Berman thus far in organizing volunteers. While
he is stepping down in that capacity, he will
continue to volunteer. I am so sorry for this
omission. Thank you, Richard!
B’nai Mitzvah
November 2 – 10:00 am
Bat Mitzvah of Ellyana Leopold
November 16 – 10:00 am
Bar Mitzvah of Michael Bloomberg
November 23 – 10:00 am
Bar Mitzvah of Aaron Winckler
November 2002
Heshvan/Kislev 5763
Vol. No. 1 Issue No. 15
Speaking of volunteers, Beth Dworetzky, in
addition to ably co-chairing the Education
Committee, has been trying for many months
now to put together a new JCA cookbook.
She has sent out mailings, put notices in the
newsletter, and spoken with people in person. However, she and Nina Tetenbaum
have not received nearly enough recipes to
make this happen. I know you all are very
busy, but this is a fundraising effort that
really involves very little effort for contributors. I know that there are zillions of fabulous recipes floating around out there; please
take five minutes to e-mail some of yours to
Beth at It is crucial
that each of us supports fundraising efforts
so that we can rely not only on dues to meet
our financial needs. Also, it is great fun to
have a cookbook created by us! There is a
wonderful surprise title in the works; this can
never be revealed until we know it is a go!
Beth and Nina are willing to do 98% of the
work here; please let us each also do our
part. Please E-mail now, before you forget!
Recipes can also be dropped off in the office.
The Rabbi Search Committee has received
word that their application to the Reconstructionist organization has been processed, and
information will have appeared in their October newsletter, which is the formal vehicle
used by congregations and rabbis to find
each other. Joel Alpert has informed the
committee that we are well situated to receive excellent applications. The Search
Committee will keep us posted. I will also
nose around at the convention, though there
is no formal process there, as it is oriented
towards members, not rabbis.
B’Shalom, Beth
November 2002
The Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter
Since we now have Co-Presidents of the JCA,
we have divided up areas of primary focus for
each of us. We share them below so that you
can know who to contact with concerns. That
being said, we want to assure you that we are
both available to anyone to deal with any aspect of JCA life.
Co-Presidents’ Areas of Responsibility
John Loeb
Beth Eisenberg
Board Meetings
Semi-Annual and
Annual Meetings
Office Hours
Executive Committee
Education (Youth &
Rabbi Search
Office Hours
Dear Friends,
To date we have a profit of over
$2,000.00. This despite the fact
that only a small group of people use the scrip. There are, perhaps, ten people who make it a
practice to always have scrip available
for their shopping at Stop & Shop, but buying in advance. Imagine how successful we
could be if more of our families got into that habit!
(see page 22)
Saul Gladstone
Jewish Community of Amherst, Inc.
742 Main Street, Amherst, MA 01002
(413) 256-0160, fax (413) 256-1588
Religious School (413) 256-0160 ext. 203
email:; On line at:
Rabbi Emerita Sheila Weinberg
Rabbi Emeritus Yechiael Lander (586-1137)
Education Director: Jody Rosenbloom (256-0160 ext. 203)
Co-Presidents: John O. Loeb (253-0336) , Beth Eisenberg (584-0081)
Co-First Vice Presidents: Bill Breitbart (253-5514), Fay Zipkowitz (367-9573)
Second Vice President: John Clayton (548-9645)
Third Vice President: Len Lubinsky (665-2221)
Treasurer: Michael Baumgarten (253-0699)
Membership: Ronnie Williams (665-5502)
Chesed Cmtee: Jane Giat (256-4252), Jenny Silver (256-6839)
Office Administrator: Marcia Howard (256-0160)
Administrative Assistant: Phyllis Miller (256-0160)
Event Co-ordinator: Gene Stewart (256-0160 ext. 207)
Editor/Graphic Designer: Aaron Bousel
(Voice: 253-3544, Voice & Fax: 253-3846 ; or
Proofreader: Sarah Thomson
Deadline for the December issue is November 13th
October 2002, Vol. 1, Issue No. 15
Newsletter is published 11 times per year. Subscription price is included in membership, $25 per year for non-members.
Online at:
The Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter
November 2002
Wednesday, December 4th
Pot luck dinner & latkes
Stories and dinner cleanup
Candle lighting ceremony
Bring your favorite menorahs
Music and games
For Pot-luck, bring according to your last name.
Remember, vegetarian only.
A-G Main dish
H-M Salad or side dish
N-R Dessert
S-Z Drinks
Please let us know you are coming
call Ruth Love Barer at 548-6817.
So we can plan for the event.
Note: This evening is a total eclipse of the sun.
It is truly the darkest night of the year.
So come out and bring your light.
Online at:
November 2002
The Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter
Religion Committee
Judy Young, Co-chair, 549-5139,
Sarah Thomson, Co-chair, 253-2930,
Shabbat Haye Sarah, Genesis 23:1-25:18
Friday 6:15 PM
Service leader: Ruth Love Barer
Saturday 10:00 AM
Bat Mitzvah of Ellyana Leopold
Service leaders: Catherine Madsen and Ruth Love Barer
Ba'al Korei: Elissa Rubinstein, Joseph Boucher
Ba'al Maftir: Ellyana Leopold
D’var Torah: Ruth Love Barer
Shabbat Toldot, Genesis 25:19-28:9
Friday 8:00 PM
Service leader: To be announced
Program: Scholar-in-Residence talk by Ilan Stavans
See page 8 for more information.
Saturday 10:00 AM
Service leader: To be announced
Ba'al Korei: To be announced
D’var Torah: Catherine Madsen
Shabbat Vayetze, Genesis 28:10-32:3
Friday 8:00 PM
Service leader: Mara Benjamin
Program: Beth Eisenberg will talk about her trip to the
Reconstructionist Convention in Montréal
Saturday 10:00 AM
Bar Mitzvah of Michael Bloomberg
Service leader: Mara Benjamin
Ba'al Korei: Family of the Bar Mitzvah
Ba'al Maftir: Michael Bloomberg
D’var Torah: Mara Benjamin
Shabbat Vayishlach, Genesis 32:4-36:43
Friday 8:00 PM
Service leader: Ruth Love Barer
Program: Mark Keller, director of Shelter and Housing at
ServiceNet, Inc, will speak on the impact of recent budget
cuts on funding for the area homeless shelters. Sponsored by
the Critical Issues Committee. (see page 12 for more
Saturday 10:00 AM
Bar Mitzvah of Aaron Winckler
Service leaders: Ruth Love Barer and Nicky Silver
Ba'al Korei: to be announced
Ba’al Maftir: Aaron Winckler
D’var Torah: Ruth Love Barer
Shabbat Vayeshev (first day Hanukkah)
Genesis 37:1-40:23, Numbers 7:1-17
NOVEMBER 29 (first Hanukkah candle)
Friday 8:00 PM
Service leaders: Judy and Laura Young
NOVEMBER 30 (second Hanukkah candle)
Saturday 10:00 AM
Service leader: To be announced
Ba'al Korei: To be announced
We are in need of people to give a d’var torah. If you’ve
never done it, and are not sure about volunteering for
this and what it would involve, the Religion Committee
can help. If you’ve already had the experience then you
know what a wonderful way this is to explore and learn
about the week’s parasha,…. and yourself!
Please call Shirley Gladstone at 253-0631 for more
information or to volunteer.
Check the JCA website at:
for updated religion calendar information.
Online at:
November 2002
The Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter
Religion Committee
Kiddush and Oneg
October 5 (mincha)Philippe and Joyce Galaski in
honor of the Bat Mitzvah of
their daughter, Aviva
October 11 & 12Jeffrey Rubin and Shoshana
Sokoloff-Rubin in honor of
the Bat Mitzvah of their
daughter, Emma
October 18 & 19John Lentz and Diane
Norman Lentz in honor of the
Bat Mitzvah of their daughter,
November 2Walter and Talya Leopold in
honor of the Bat Mitzvah of
their daughter, Ellyana
November 8Scholar in Residence
Committee in honor of Ilan
November 9Tetenbaum and Zalkind
families in honor of the High
Holy Days Committee
November 22 & 23-Ilene Winckler in honor of the
Bar Mitzvah of her son,
Dates not listed are available
for Kiddush or Oneg
Meditation Minyan
The weekday
meditation minyan
continues to meet every
Wednesday at 7:30 am
in the small sanctuary.
Online at:
Enjoy Shabbat morning services while your children are cared for. Children are also welcome to attend part or all of the services.
Weekday services are conducted on Tuesday (traditional) and Wednesday (contemplative)
mornings from 7:30-8:30. If you have a Yahrzeit coming up and would like to organize a
special weekday service, call the JCA office at 256-0160, Saul Gladstone at 253-0631, or
Aaron Bousel at 253-3544.
All JCA members who are interested in the opportunity to read Torah on Shabbat mornings,
please contact Saul Gladstone (253-0631). Young people who have recently completed their
Bat or Bar Mitzvah are encouraged to participate.
A number of our members have allergies to perfumes, colognes and other fragrances. Please
try to minimize the use of these products when coming to JCA services and other events.
Please inform your guests about this policy as well.
The religion committee would like to continue the practice of having a talk as part of the Friday
night services that begin at 8 pm. We need volunteers from the community to step forward and
take advantage of this opportunity. This is not like a d’var Torah in that it need not be related to
the week’s parasha, but can be of a more personal nature, for example, your personal history in
relation to Judaism, or a story from your family history that would be of interest to others. You
can also use this time to read a favorite short story, share an essay that has particular meaning
to you, share some of your own writings, or review a book you’ve read. Your talk should run
about ten to twenty minutes. Contact Sarina Ergas 549-1469,, for
more information and to reserve a date.
Thanks to all those who have helped in the last few months to lead a service, read Torah, or
give a d'var Torah. Also, thanks to those who have attended services and shared the joy of the
Sabbath and festivals. It is the participation from our community, through the giving and
sharing of time and energy, that helps make us a community.
Sponsoring a kiddush (Saturday after services) or oneg (following the Friday night service) is
a wonderful way to honor a person or to commemorate or celebrate an event. You can sponsor a kiddush or oneg to commemorate the yahrzeit of a family member or friend, to celebrate a milestone event in your life (birthday, anniversary, graduation, or retirement, for example), or to honor or express gratitude towards someone.
The kiddush or oneg can be as simple or as elaborate as you want to make it. The basic kiddush, what we have when there is not a bar or bat mitzvah, would cost around $50.00 and you
can add on from there if you like.
When the information is available in time, kiddush and oneg sponsors will be listed on the
religion pages in the newsletter for the current month. All kiddush and oneg sponsors will be
listed and thanked in the newsletter of the month following the event.
Call Gene Stewart at 256-0160 ext. 207 to reserve a date and for more information.
You are needed!
Every Tuesday morning several people meet in the small sanctuary for a morning service. More often than not we are not able to make a minyan and what’s frustrating is
that more often than not we are eight or nine people. This is a wonderful way to begin
your day. The service begins at 7:30 and is over by 8:30. Latecomers are always welcome. Your attendance could make the difference between someone being able to say
Kaddish for a loved one or not. Please consider coming when you can.
November 2002
The Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter
Education News
Jody Rosenbloom, Director of Education, 256-0160 ext. 203
Community Invited to Explore the Saturday
Morning Service
On Sunday, November 3 from 10 am-12:45 pm, Community Education is hosting a program which explores the
Shabbat morning service. Grades 3-6 will be guided
through a series of experiential stations designed to give
students a feel for the "kavanah" (intention) of the service.
In a parallel learning session, parents and community members will look at an overview of services and influences on
the development of prayer. Students in grades 1 & 2 will
have class as regularly scheduled from 11-12:45. Our
thanks to Community Educator, Felicia Mednick, the
Community Education Committee, and the JCA teaching staff for developing our programming.
First Graders Prepare for Kedusha
To mark the beginning of their formal Jewish education, first graders and their families join together
for Kedusha LaTorah (consecration) on Friday, December 6. In preparation, students have learned
songs, studied the creation story, and
decorated their own kipah/yarmulke; all
in celebration of Shabbat. During a workshop on Sunday,
November 17 students and parents build a special ark to
store their miniature Torah scrolls, explore the meaning of
their Hebrew names, and review the blessings for this special occasion.
Fundraisers Defray Large Fee Increases
The Education Committee, in collaboration with the National Yiddish Book Center is sponsoring a book fair fundraiser the first week in November. From November 3-10,
our congregation receives 15% of whatever is sold to purchasers identifying themselves as with the JCA. So head
on down to the National Yiddish Book Center (on the campus of Hampshire College) for your Hanukkah shopping.
For those of you who are feeling less mobile, on Sunday,
November 3 there will be Education Committee representatives at the JCA to assist with on-line ordering or providing
information to do the ordering yourself. The Education
Committee commits to fundraising in an effort to defray
tuition increases.
Teen Programs Experience Growing Pains
Wow, over 25 Jewish teens playing miniature golf on a
Sunday in October. After several years of slow growth,
last year proved to be a turn around for teen programming
at the JCA. Averaging 15 teens per program, events
ranged from snow tubing to working at the Food Bank of
Western Mass. And the growth continues this year with
over 30 teens registered for our teen program. Programming is expanding to include a Jewish teen theater group.
Teens Shaina Levi Neilsen (10th grade) and Dori Ziperstein (9th grade) joined Teen Advisor, Rachel Zaslow at
the October JCA Board meeting to encourage the board to
continue and possibly increase financial support for teen
programming. Currently costs are covered by teen
fees and a generous grant from the Harold Grinspoon Teen Initiative. The November regional
Jewish teen event will be Rock Climbing at the
Northampton Athletic Center on Saturday, November 16. Watch your mail for details.
To Tom Hidas and Amber Waves for the donation
of boxes which became the 6th graders etrog
holders for Sukkot.
To Lisa Sussman for helping with shopping and opening
day treats.
Sun, Nov. 3 - "Exploring the Siddur" for 3rd-6th Graders
& parents 10 am-12:45 pm
Sun, Nov. 3 - Nov. 10: Fundraiser-Buy books, etc. at the
Yiddish Book Center!
Mon, Nov. 4 - Education Committee 7:15 pm
Sat/Sun, Nov. 9/10 - No School
Sat, Nov. 16 - Shabbat Shalom w/parents 10:30 am
Teen Initiative Rock Climbing 7 pm
Sun, Nov. 17 - Grade 1 w/Parents: Kedusha LaTorah
Workshop 11-12:45
Teen Program: Beyond B'nai Mitzvah with
Felicia Mednick 11-12:30
Tues, Nov. 26-Sun, Dec. 1 - No School
Fri, Dec. 6 - Kedushah LaTorah (consecration) 6 pm
Online at:
November 2002
The Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter
Adult Education - There’s still time to sign up for these courses in January!
Shemoneh Esreh for the New Year of the Trees: A Medieval Amidah for Tu B’Shevat
Wednesday January 15, 2003 from 7 – 8:30 p.m.
In this pre - Tu B’Shevat session we will study an 11th century poem which is an Amidah for Tu B’Shevat. This poem,
which was literally buried for centuries among stacks of old papers in the attic of the synagogue in Old Cairo (The Cairo
Geniza), weaves together themes of the Amidah prayer with images of trees, nature and the land of Israel. Texts will be
available in both Hebrew and English; knowledge of Hebrew is not required.
Fee: $10 for members, $18 for non-members
Instructor:Rabbi Joyce Galaski is a member of the JCA and the rabbi of Congregation Ahavas Achim in Westfield. Her
translation of a commentary on the Shemoneh Esreh for the New Year of the trees appeared in The Tu B’Shevat Anthology.
Medieval Hebrew Poetry: The Poet-Rabbis of the Golden Age of Spain
Wednesday, January 29 from 7 - 8:30 p.m.
We will explore several Hebrew poems written in the 10th to 12th centuries in Muslim Spain. The great poet-rabbis of this
period wrote both religious and secular poetry, including love poems addressed to both women and men. Their poems are
among the most exquisitely crafted in the Hebrew language. Texts will be available in both English and Hebrew; knowledge of Hebrew is not required.
Fee: $10 for members, $18 for non-members
Instructor:Rabbi Joyce Galaski is a member of the JCA and the rabbi of Congregation Ahavas Achim in Westfield. Her
translation of a commentary on the Shemoneh Esreh for the New Year of the trees appeared in The Tu B’Shevat Anthology
The Deadline for the December
newsletter is November 13th
All submissions MUST be made either by
email, email with a file attached or on a
floppy disk left in the newsletter box in the
office. Please include a hard copy of any
flyers and make sure you leave a ONE
INCH MARGIN all around the page. If
you do not have access to a computer, contact the office and you will be connected
with someone who can help.
If you are submitting information from a
committee, please include the name(s) and
phone number(s) of the committee chair(s).
Aaron Bousel,, 253-3544
Online at:
November 2002
The Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter
Scholar-in-Residence Committee
Rhonda Shapiro-Rieser, Co-chair 774-5796
Tom Wolff, Co-chair 367-0239
Ilan Stavans is the editor of The Oxford Book of
Jewish Stories, The Oxford Book of Latin American Essays, and the author of The Hispanic Condition. He has been a National Book Critics' Circle
Award nominee and the recipient of the Latino Literature Prize. He is currently an associate professor at
Amherst College.
This event is the fall program of the Scholar in
Residence Committee.
"Third World Views of the Holocaust"
A short talk by award-winning critic and novelist,
Ilan Stavans, on Friday night November 8.
(Services start at 8:00 p.m.).
Adult Reading Group
The next meeting of the
JCA Adult Reading Group
will take place on Thursday
evening December 12th,
2002 at 7:30 p.m. in the
JCA multi purpose room.
The book for discussion is
Allegra Goodman's Paradise Park; it is available in
paperback. All are welcome. There will be 4 meetings through the course of
the year and this is the second.
Ken Talan
National Yiddish Book Center Book Sale to Benefit the JCA Religious School
Are books on your Chanukah shopping list? Growing your collection of Jewish books will help the JCA Religious
School. The National Yiddish Book Center is sponsoring a book fair to benefit our school. We’ll receive 15% of all purchases (includes most special book orders as well as CDs, videos, menorahs, candles and other
gifts) made by JCA members and/or supporters during the week of November 3 – 10, 2002.
Can’t fit a trip to the National Yiddish Book Center into your schedule? You’ll be able to place
orders via their web site, You can type in JCA on the checkout
screen and the National Yiddish Book Center will calculate the 15% donation based on purchases excluding tax and shipping.
If you shop in person, please bring this newsletter article or the postcard you received in the mail, to ID yourself as a
member/supporter of the JCA.
The National Yiddish Book Center is open Sunday through Friday 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
The website : is open 24hours-a-day, 7 days a week.
Mark your calendars now. We look forward to your participation and thank you in advance for your support.
The JCA Education Committee
piano & harpsichord technicians
tuning • repairs • regulation
(413) 253-3846 fax
187 Heatherstone Road
Amherst, Massachusetts 01002-1638
Online at:
The Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter
November 2002
Pastoral Counselors' Group
Joan Saperstan, Barbara Burkart, Judy Davis,
Devorah Jacobson and Rhonda Shapiro-Rieser,
Daniel Berlin, Rabbi Ed Feld
We are very pleased to inform you that at the request of the
Oversight Committee (formerly the Plan B committee), we are now
offering pastoral counseling to the JCA community. We expect to
continue in this capacity until the JCA hires a permanent rabbi.
The number of pastoral counselors available to the community has expanded under the direction of the Plan B Implementation
Committee. Daniel Berlin, an experienced psychotherapist and spiritual director, and Rabbi Edward Feld are now available to offer pastoral counseling to community members.
Our group now includes five therapists and two rabbis, with
training in spiritual counseling and spiritual direction, individual and
family therapy, and the rabbinate. We are available to help you with
your concerns, which may include:
• crises due to loss or unexpected change in life circumstances
• struggles with faith, or questions, doubts or concerns about God
• grief, death and dying issues, and end-of-life care issues
• questions or shifts in one's relationship to Judaism
• interfaith issues
• life cycle concerns
• family issues arising out of the bar/bat mitzvah process
• issues related to acute or chronic physical or emotional illness
• couples counseling
• gay and lesbian issues
• help with creating rituals to mark important passages
You may call whomever you choose. Someone is on call
each week day, and any of us can be contacted at other times. Please
be assured that our work is held in strictest confidence. You may
reach us either by calling the JCA during office hours, or by phoning
us directly.
Joan Saperstan at 549-5059 (home)
Barbara Burkart at 256-8139 (home)
Wednesdays Judy Davis at 549-0128 (home)
Devorah Jacobson at (413) 567-3949 x.2210 (work)
Rhonda Shapiro-Rieser at 774-5796 (home)
As Needed
Daniel Berlin at 259-1425
As Needed
Rabbi Ed Feld at 584-9080
Please don't hesitate to call. We are deeply grateful to be of
service to our community in this particular way.
Online at:
Kehila Campaign Update:
Reaching Out to New
Thanks to the generosity of
the Kehila Campaign’s donors
we have received pledges totaling over $1.5 million. To
date, more than 2/3’s of the
pledges have been received
and put to work dramatically improving our facilities. Each of us can be proud of the progress
we’ve made toward achieving the campaign's
Four years ago, when the campaign was initiated, we sought to achieve 100% participation by
all community members. This was both a financial necessity, given the nature of our community, and an important philosophical objective.
As a practical matter, this meant that we would
need to seek participation from new members
who joined after the campaign’s initial phase. In
addition, a number of existing members were
never formally asked to contribute.
To meet our financial and philosophical goals,
we are now reaching out to all community members to seek their participation. If you are a new
member who joined after the campaign’s initial
phase, or if you never made a contribution, you
will receive a letter in the near future. This letter
gives us an opportunity to summarize the campaign’s history, to share what we've accomplished, and to ask for your participation in this
critical phase in the JCA's development.
Given our current projections, once the original
five and/or six year pledges have been collected,
the JCA will retain an estimated $300,000 in
long-term debt. Achieving 100% participation
will enable us to further reduce long-term debt,
thereby decreasing operating expenses. This will
help minimize dues for current and future JCA
community members and ensure the long-term
vitality of our community.
As always, feel free to contact me with any questions, suggestions or input.
- Josh Goldman, Campaign Chair
(413) 367-9234 or
November 2002
The Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter
The Wexler-Dingol JCA Music Program
The JCA Board of Directors has approved the formation of the “Wexler-Dingol Music Program”, named for two JCA
member families who specified that their gifts support Yiddish music and culture. This program, proposed and co-chaired
by Allen Davis and Susan Rosenberg, will be a way to work toward enhancing and further integrating music into the life
of the JCA community. At the same time, it is viewed as renewable “seed money” to help create multiple fund-raising opportunities to supplement dues and other existing sources of revenue.
Additional support for this program comes from funds raised by the 1995-1996 Jewish Music Festivals, which many of
those in attendance still talk about fondly. In addition to organizing other such events, the Program’s mission is to:
Help build community through music
Provide opportunities for JCA members to participate in a wide range of musical activities
Create contexts for family and community Jewish education
Enhance the communal celebration and commemoration of holidays and special occasions
Enrich religious services with performances and new musical materials
There are already several things underway for this year:
THE BROKEN HALLELUJAH, a benefit concert on May 3, 2003, for the JCA by Catherine Madsen, with Allen Davis,
Joe Boucher, Aaron Bousel, and other accompanists to be announced. Save the date! For those who have only heard Catherine lead services, this is a rare opportunity to encounter Catherine performing material from the rich repertoires of Yiddish, Ladino, English ballads, and contemporary American song. You will not want to miss this!
PURIM CABARET: Saturday, March 22. Music, dancing, merrymaking, food and drink! The last full Cabaret was held in
1998, and it was a huge success. This time, we have the Social Hall – more room for dancing and partying! There will be
performances by JCA ensembles, but we are counting on community members to come forward with stand-up routines,
songs, acrobatics – musical accompaniment will be provided.
It’s not too early now to get in touch with Allen Davis and begin to plan your moment under the Purim Moon (of course
we’ll have a hamentaschen contest!).
The rebirth of Makhela as a Regional Jewish Chorus! Sometime in May/June the region’s first ever Jewish chorus will give
its inaugural performance as a benefit for the JCA. Supported
with seed funding by the Wexler-Dingol Program and by other
area synagogues, community organizations, and individuals,
Makhela will make Pioneer Valley history!
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Musical Projects: to encourage musical projects by b’nai mitzvah, resources will be made available to help
select musical material and provide accompaniment. Past examples include learning and performing Yiddish and Ladino
songs, a mother/daughter instrumental duo, performances of
suites of Jewish music for violin and piano.
WHAT WE NEED: we are looking for members of the Program Council who either have musical expertise and experience, and/or share our passion for Jewish music and would like
to help plan and administer this program. We expect meetings
to be kept to a minimum (following organizational planning),
but there will be work to be done in such areas as publicity,
logistics, liaison with other JCA Committees, etc.
Allen Davis (549-0128) and Susan Rosenberg (256-1069)
Online at:
The Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter
Announcing the formation of
November 2002
Join us as we celebrate the treasures of the Jewish choral tradition! This first of its kind Pioneer Valley chorus will be devoted to Jewish music in all its richness and variety, including works in Hebrew, Yiddish, Ladino, and English. While some
prior choral singing experience would be helpful, all those of any age who love to sing and are interested in exploring this
choral repertoire are welcome.
Makhela’s Music and Artistic Director is choral leader and teacher, Kayla Werlin. Ms. Werlin currently directs women’s
choirs and teaches music theory at Longmeadow High School. She is the former conductor of the JCA adult and children’s
choruses, as well as the founding director of the Springfield Children’s Chorus at the Community Music School of Springfield. She is a member of ‘Cantabile’, the Pioneer Valley’s professional vocal chamber ensemble, and appears annually as a soloist with Arcadia Players Baroque
The first rehearsal for our inaugural Spring session will take place on January 7, 2003 from 7:309:00 pm in the sanctuary of the Jewish Community of Amherst. There will be weekly rehearsals at the JCA to prepare for
performances at area synagogues and other venues later in the spring. Suggested membership fee for the semester is expected to be $50 (sliding scale).
There have already been promises of financial support from area organizations. To help make all of this possible, we are
also seeking donations from individuals. Please send your donations to Makhela, PO Box 2007, Amherst, MA, 01004-2007.
We are also currently looking for people interested in organizational and advisory roles, as well as members for a Board of
Directors. If you are interested in singing with us, taking on an organizational or advisory role, or would like further information, please contact Susan Rosenberg Tel. 256-1069; email:
JCA Cookbook
If you have not yet sent recipes for the cookbook, we
need your delicious submissions to make this a success. You can drop your favorite recipes off in the
office or e-mail them to Beth Dworetzky
at She is willing to do the work of getting
this together, but needs your submissions to do so. Please do it
now; if you are anything like me, you’ll forget to do it later!
Thanks, Beth Eisenberg
Your Research Solution
We're Looking for You
Individualized Web Based Research
Susan P. Rosenberg
Director of Research
Online at:
Reasonable hourly rates
Phone: 413-256-4246
The Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter
November 2002
The Black Sheep
79 Main Street, Amherst
Delicatessen, Bakery, & Café
*fresh baked challah every Friday
*h & h bagels from n.y.c
*smoked fish from brooklyn
*special holiday menus & items
*full service catering at the j.c.a or other locations
“Having fun with food since 1986”
Critical Issues Committee
Epi Bodhi, Chair 256-8421, 256-4077
The Critical Issues Committee is very aware of the budget cuts throughout the Commonwealth. We would like to take this opportunity to discuss some of the impacts
of these cuts on the people that can least afford it. This will be an opportunity for a
discussion, and brainstorming of ideas for us to help in this needed time. Mark Keller, will be our speaker at Friday night services on November 22 . Please join us for a
lively necessary discussion.
Mark Keller is the Director of Shelter and Housing at ServiceNet, Inc. Shelter and
Housing provides an array of services including emergency, transitional and permanent housing for adults, families, and youth throughout the Valley. This includes:
The Interfaith (cot) Shelter, Grove St. Inn, Franklin County Emergency Shelter, Silver St. Inn, and Amherst Shelter.
Mark is trained as a Social Worker and started in this position in February 2002. He
comes with a 25 year history of work in psychiatry both in outpatient and inpatient
settings. Prior to coming to work at ServiceNet, Mark was the Program Director of
the Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit, a 15 bed, secure, inpatient unit at Berkshire
Medical Center in Pittsfield for 12 years. Mark has also worked as a consultant for
the past 20 years providing crisis management training to agencies, long term care
facilities, schools, and health care professionals.
the JCA Klezmer Band
is available for your
Allen Davis 549-0128
Aaron Bousel 253-3544
Online at:
November 2002
The Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter
Hebrew Names Project
It is customary for people to be called to the Torah for an aliyah using their Hebrew name and the Hebrew names of their parents. Many
synagogues keep these names handy in written form on the pulpit to make this process of calling people up flow more easily. We would
like to do the same. The form below gives you an opportunity to list the names of each member of your family and the names of their parents. Because of space limitations, you may not be able to list all your family members on this form. Please either photocopy this form or
contact the office for more forms. We are encouraging you to list English names, Hebrew names (in Hebrew and/or transliteration) and
those of the parents of each member. If you or a family member does not have a Hebrew name, or if the Hebrew name is not known, we
are asking that you choose whether you would like names said in English or would like to participate in choosing Hebrew names for those
who do not have them. Guests who are at services and others whose names we do not have in the files we are creating will still be able to
be called up to the Torah using the method we currently use of asking people's names as they ascend to the pulpit.
In addition, we are giving you the space to share with us the anniversary dates of the death of parents, siblings, and children (Hebrew date
and/or secular calendar date and year) for our records if you wish to do so. Perhaps in the future, when our name collecting project is in
place, we can use the additional information to reach out to you at a time when it would be especially meaningful.
Thank you for your participation.
The Religion Committee
Additional forms are available at the JCA office.
I would like to be called to the Torah using:
My Hebrew name and my parents’ Hebrew names
My Hebrew name and my parents’ English names
Hebrew Name: __________________________________________
My English name and my parents’ English names
English Name: __________________________________________
I would like to participate in Hebrew names being
for me and/or my loved ones.
English Name: __________________________________________
Hebrew Name: __________________________________________
English Name: __________________________________________
Hebrew Name: __________________________________________
I would like to be called to the Torah using:
My Hebrew name and my parents’ Hebrew names
My Hebrew name and my parents’ English names
Hebrew Name: __________________________________________
My English name and my parents’ English names
English Name: __________________________________________
I would like to participate in Hebrew names being
for me and/or my loved ones.
English Name: __________________________________________
Hebrew Name: __________________________________________
English Name: __________________________________________
Hebrew Name: __________________________________________
Anniversary of Death of Family Member
English Name: __________________________________________ Relationship: ________________________________
Date of Death (secular date with
Hebrew Name: __________________________________________ year or Hebrew date if known): _________________
English Name: __________________________________________ Relationship: ________________________________
Date of Death (secular date with
Hebrew Name: __________________________________________ year or Hebrew date if known): _________________
Online at:
The Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter
November 2002
Building Committee
Tom Butler, chair, Howard Schultz, Ted Diamond, Joe Boucher, Robert
Kaufman, Alan Peterfreund, Paul Charette, Gene Stewart (who actually knows the most)
A year ago we celebrated the dedication of our new and renovated buildings. Since that time the building committee has
been busy both selling our house on Northeast Street and learning how to maintain our facilities. The purpose of this article
is to explain some of our new procedures and outline what we need members to do and not do.
Security system and keys
As of November 15th we will be activating the building security system in order to enhance our safety and protection. This
system will require the use of a PIN each time the building is opened for the day or evening. Initial entry must be through
the lobby door that faces our parking lot. Only those with keys signed out from the office will be given a PIN. If you have
a key contact the office. For policy issues contact Tom Butler.
Heating and Air Conditioning
We have recently installed programmable thermostats into all areas except the main sanctuary and the school. You can adjust the temperature and it will return to the programmed sequence automatically. We ask you to be responsible for controlling energy costs by not over adjusting.
We have a standing service contract when problems arise. Please do not try to fix problems yourself. Contact the office or
the building committee.
Lighting and Sound
Please shut off lights and sound system after using. If you need help with either contact Paul Charette or Robert Kaufman.
Social Hall/Small Sanctuary Wall
If you have not been trained – don’t try to move the wall. Contact Gene Stewart, Joe Boucher, Aaron Bousel or Paul Charette.
We need help in enhancing and maintaining the landscaping. There are still some areas to be planted and other areas
that need loving care for pruning and weeding. We need to
form a committee to work on these issues. Please contact
Ted Diamond.
All people using the kitchen for an event must be trained by
Gene Stewart.
Other issues
Let the committee know – please don’t take action into
your own hands.
Online at:
The Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter
WJCA’S Monthly News Brief…
What's A Zionist Dove To Do? By
Ralph Seliger,*
NY Jewish Week, 9/9/02
The peace process we've defended
against all comers for most of the last
decade - against both Jews and Arabs,
from the left and the right – lies in
heaps of smoking ruins throughout Israel and the Palestinian territories. Our
"partner" Arafat has turned out to be
either a coward or a conniving liar regarding his oft-pronounced commitment to the "peace of the brave." And
Ariel Sharon, the poster boy of hardline hawks, is Israel's prime minister,
with a reinvigorated Bibi Netanyahu
looming as his main challenger from
the fire-breathing far right.
Any peace movement worth the name
would challenge the Palestinian decision to embark upon this "Al-Aksa Intifada" as a self-inflicted disaster of
enormous magnitude.
I'm not going to recapitulate the tedious debate on whether Barak and Clinton were truly fair to Arafat and the
Palestinians at Camp David and the
months of on-and-off discussions that
followed. The proper reaction to any
allegedly flawed or unfair Israeli negotiating proposals during the aborted
negotiations in the summer of 2000
through Taba in January2001 was to
negotiate harder, not to turn to violence.
Yes, Israel is not entirely innocent;
which country is? Yes, it's an embarrassment that the West Bank settler
population doubled and not a single
settlement was dismantled during the
Oslo years. Was this a good reason not
to come to a deal that would have finally dismantled all or nearly all settlements beyond those closest to Jerusalem and Tel Aviv? At least some of
Israel's counter measures may be excessive, and undoubtedly innocent Palestinians have been victimized. But are
innocents targeted in the same way by
the IDF as are children, women and
old people by the suicide attackers?
Online at:
November 2002
It seems peculiar to me that in these
times when the Palestinians have shattered the peace process and seen to
Sharon's election with their escalating
campaign of violence, a number of explicitly Jewish peace groups have
emerged to excoriate whom? Israel.
withdrawal from most settlements).
His police minister's raid on Al Quds
University in Jerusalem was not a
blow against terrorism but rather an
attack on the most outspoken of moderate Palestinian leaders, Sari Nusseibeh, the president of that institution.
I was one of many people who received an e-mail invitation from Michael Lerner, editor-in-chief of Tikkun, to spend the July 4th weekend
discussing the "[d]enial rampant in the
Jewish world about the role that Israel
is playing inflicting pain and violating
human rights in Palestine. ..." The fact
that the IDF attacks are responses to
Palestinian violence hardly enters into
his pronouncement.
Military actions are a legitimate response to terror, but they should not be
the only response. Unfortunately, the
temporary reoccupation of cities and
towns, harsh restrictions on the movement of civilians, and the imposition of
long curfews may at times be necessary, but they also motivate further
acts of terror. Diplomatic openings,
such as the Saudi and Arab League
initiative of March, must be pursued.
Late in April, an organization called
Brit Tzedek Ve Shalom: Americans for
a Just Peace held its inaugural conference in Washington. (This is apart
from the "Tikkun Community"
founded in January by Lerner; there is
some overlap between the two.) These
people seem to be genuinely concerned
about Israel's well being, but they basically buy the Palestinian line that the
"occupation" is to blame.
Purely defensive measures, such as the
security fence now being constructed
near the old Green Line, may be ugly
but given the situation are overdue (the
fence around Gaza works remarkably
well). I also hope that the U.S. government may soon go beyond President
Bush's overly broad statement of June
24 to offer detailed proposals - including the possibility of a Washington-led
international intervention - as part of a
determined effort to guide the parties
toward peace (but I won't hold my
Aside from denigrating the negotiations that would have curtailed the settlements, this argument ignores the
fact that 90 percent or more of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza
lived under the Palestinian Authority,
not under Israeli rule as prior to Oslo. I
fear that these radical doves undermine
efforts toward peace by supporting the
Palestinians' one-sided narrative and
their rationalizations for violent" resistance."
Let me be clear: I favor democratic
debate among Jews regarding Israel, I
am very unimpressed by the performance of the current Sharon-led coalition government, and I see the need for
a change in direction regarding the settlements. Sharon's resistance to entering a serious political process and his
fist-pounding declaration that not a
single settlement will be dismantled
until after the next Israeli election is
not the kind of leadership most Israelis
need or want (polls consistently favor
Obviously, these are not the views of a
traditional leftist. This is about peace
and security, not utopian ideology.
*Ralph Seliger is board secretary of
Meretz USA and co-editor of its publication, "MeretzUSA." These are some
of his thoughts which he is planning to
present at the JCA Teach-In on October 27. In our next issue of WJCA’S
Monthly News Brief we hope to have
Libby Arny’s response which she is
planning to present at the Teach-In.
Both Seliger and Arny stress that these
are their personal views and do not
necessarily represent those of
MeretzUSA or Brit Tzedek V’Shalom.
November 2002
The Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter
Yaffa Gunner & Marilyn Kushick, Co-Chairs
Thanks to all of you who donated to Operation Rehovot,
the fund that helps immigrant children in the public schools of Rehovot adjust to life in Israel.
Frances & Robert Abrams
In memory of Betsy Brooks' brother, Robert Brooks
Reed & Arnie Alper
Neoma Berger
Norman & Eva Brown
In honor of our Grandchildren: Alejandro, Jake, Sally, Ernesto,
Samuel, Camila, Max
Michael Bulman & Ronnie Janoff-Bulman
Ruth Chalfin
In honor of Mr. & Mrs. M. Levine
Shlomit Cheyette
Joe & Marilyn Kushick
Kevin & Sallie Deans Lake
In honor of Beth Eisenberg & Paula Gottlieb
Rose & Yechiael Lander
In memory of Joyce Lynne Lee
John & Karen Loeb
In honor of Beth Eisenberg & Paula Gottlieb's Commitment
Leonard & Marion Lubinsky
Susan & Sydney Myers
In honor of our Grandchildren
Moira & Stephen Clingman
In memory of Betsy Brooks' brother, Robert
Anna Pearce
Robin & Ted Diamond
In honor of Larry Fine's outstanding leadership of the High
Holiday Services
Barbara & Jim Pistrang
Robert & Katherine Feldman
Deb & Larry Fine
In honor of Ken Talan's birthday
Marcia & Sheldon Goldman
In honor of the marriage of our daughter Sara to Edward
Yaffa & Haim Gunner
In honor of Rebecca Perlman & David Serlin
Yaffa & Haim Gunner
In memory of Robert Brooks, brother of Betsy Brooks Machta
In honor of the baby daughter of Madelyn Farr & Jonathan
Joel Halpern
Naomi & Micha Peleg
Tom & Johanna Plaut
Robert & Jeanne Potash
David Rozman
Fran Saed
In memory of Albert Saed
David & Barbara Schimmel
Shoshana Sokoloff & Jeff Rubin
In memory of Robert Brooks
Herbert & Paulina Stark
Robert Stern & Judith Glaser
In honor of Larry Fine for his inspired leadership on the High
Holy Days
Michael Switzenbaum & Gail Schumann
Irene Janoff
Joan Temkin
In memory of my parents, Alex Temkin & Polly Brody Weitzman
Ellen Koteen & Diane Palladino
In honor of Beth Eisenberg & Paula Gottlieb
Jeffrey Tenenbaum
In memory of Julius Tenenbaum
Bettie S. Kravetz
In honor of Harry's 82nd birthday
Jerome & Barbara Weidenfeld
Esther Jacobson
Alan Weiner
Online at:
November 2002
The Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter
The Operation Rehovot Committee has recently received a request from Daniella Gutman, Supervisor of Teachers
in the Elementary Religious Public Schools in Rehovot and in Rishon LeZion, on behalf of an Ethiopian Jewish family living in Rishon LeZion. The family has seven children attending schools ranging from elementary school to the university.
The family is sorely in need of help to enable all of the children to continue their schooling. We understand that they are
highly motivated, very bright and have great potential. The family needs support for tuition, books, supplies, transportation,
etc. This is a one-time request to our congregation.
Our Operation Rehovot Committee, now in its twelfth year, is actively working to help immigrant children adjust
to life in Israel. The Movement-Therapy Program in the Maalot Meshulam Religious Public School continues the work
started last year with small groups of elementary school children. By this time you should have received a mailing asking
for your support of the program. We hope you will make your contribution to this year’s program.
If you are also interested in helping the family, please make out a separate check to JCA Operation Rehovot Special Needs Family.
With thanks.
Yaffa Gunner, Marilyn Kushick and Barbara Perman
Advertise in the
JCA Newsletter
By advertising you can:
⇒ Help support the cost of
producing the newsletter
⇒ Let the community know
about your products
and/or services.
⇒ Increase your business!
Contact Aaron Bousel
for more information
Household Items for Sale
White, Steel Bunk Bed
Single Top, Double Bottom with Mattresses
Very Sturdy, Excellent Condition
With Railing and Ladder -
Sears Car-Top Luggage Carrier, White $50.00
Call Robert, evenings at 548-1020
Online at:
United Jewish Appeal and
New Israel Fund
Thanks to all those who contributed to our annual
United Jewish Appeal and New Israel Fund
campaign this month. Though we send out our
fund-raising letters only once a year in the spring,
contributions do come in throughout the year and
we are pleased to acknowledge with gratitude this
month’s contributors:
United Jewish Appeal:
Judy Glaser and Bob Stern
New Israel Fund:
Ava Fradkin and Henry Lappen
Judy Glaser and Bob Stern
Frances Saed
Beginning Friday, November 15th, 2:00-4:00 PM, in Amherst
led by Daniel Berlin, Psy.D. and Marcia Black, Ph.D.
Learn how to experience and be aware of the Divine
Presence in your life through chanting, contemplative
practices, and Jewish teachings.
Call Daniel at 259-1425 or Marcia at 253-4102
to register and for more information.
Cost: $180 for the 10 weeks.
The Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter
November 2002
Adult Ed
Suzanne Arnopolin
Fran Saed
Sallie Deans Lake
Children’s Fund
Elinor Levine & Scott Nielsen(In Honor of Benjamin Rehorka, new son of Rachel Schwab Rehorka and Gary
Eva & Norman Brown (In Gratitude to Gene Stewart and her committee and the many others who made the
High Holidays a special time for our community this year.)
Eva & Norman Brown (In Appreciation of Larry Fine’s heartfelt, moving and knowledgeable leadership at the
High Holiday Service)
Co-Presidents’ Discretionary Fund
Judy & Clifford Fonsh (In Honor of the wedding of Beth Eisenberg )
JCA General Fund
Richard & Alison Ellis (In Memory of Robert Brooks, the brother of Betsy Brooks)
Elsie Fetterman (In Memory of Louise Bulman, mother of Michael Bulman)
Elsie Fetterman (For the speedy recovery of Harriette Zuckerman)
Richard & Marcie Sclove (In Honor of Larry Fine for a wonderful job at the High Holidays)
Caden & Lewis Mainzer (In Memory of Rachel Penstein, sister of Sol Abraham of Florida and Julia Abraham of
Joan & Monroe Rabin (In Memory of Betsy Brooks brother, Robert Brooks)
Elinor Levine & Scott Nielsen (In Honor of our son, Lee Frankel’s marriage to Jessica Wheatcroft)
Edith Levine Frank (In Memory of Sarah Toabe Levine, Peter David Levine & Arthur Sidney Levine)
Phyllis Miller (In Honor of Beth Eisenberg & Paula Gottlieb-on their Simcha)
Kitchen Committee
Elinor Levine & Scott Nielsen (In Honor of Gene Stewart for her many contributions to the JCA)
Library Fund
Jan & Mitchell Resnick (In recognition of Larry Fine’s leadership and inspiring words during the High Holiday
MaryAnn Grim
New Building Fund
Jaymie & Michael Chernoff (In Memory of my mother, Florence)
Saul & Shirley Gladstone (In Honor of the Office Staff and John Clayton for making it possible to initiate mailing reminders to donors of Memorial Plaques on the annual Yahrzeit date.)
Prayerbook Fund
Elinor Levine & Scott Nielsen (In Honor of Larry Fine for his inspirational leadership of High Holidays)
Religion Committee
Elinor Levine & Scott Nielsen (In Honor of Judy Young’s 50th Birthday)
Elinor Levine & Scott Nielsen (In Honor of Aaron Bousel for his many contributions to the JCA)
Wendy Chabot & Ken Lieberman (To the Torah Scroll Repair fund- In Honor of Larry Fine’s leading of services
on the High Holidays)
Lynn Feinman (For Restoring the Torah Scrolls, in Honor of Rabbi Weinberg’s infinite contributions to the
Naomi & Melvin Schwartz (In Honor of our son, Marvin Ellin, reading the Torah during the Holidays.)
Elissa & Bernard Rubinstein (In Honor of Judy Young’s 50th birthday)
(Continued on page 19)
Online at:
The Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter
November 2002
(Continued from page 18)
Religious School
Anna Pearce
Elinor Levine & Scott Nielsen (In Memory of Robert Brooks, brother of Betsy Brooks)
Helen Grabel (In Honor of Saul Gladstone for generously and lovingly teaching Torah trope)
New Members
David Marlin & Joanna Grand
Karen Koehler & Gary Orlinsky and their children Benno and Ezra
Elizabeth & Ted Trobaugh and their children Hannah, Tess and Gabriel
The following comes from the web site One of its goals is “ restore the Sephardi
heritage..”. It tells of a tradition of kindling Hanukkah lights that may be unfamiliar to many of us. Ed.
The following is a response from Hakham Ya'aqob Menashe to numerous inquiries that we received concerning
the manner of lighting the Hanukkah lights.
The following question is being asked with increasing regularity, every year at this time. There appears to be general confusion and, indeed, division, as to the correct manner of physically lighting the Hanukkah lights.
Specifically, does one use the additional candle (sometimes referred to as "Shammash") to light the others, or is that extra
candle (Shammash) lit last? And are there differences in Ashkenazi and Sephardi custom in this matter?
Maran Yosef Karo, z"l, whom the Sephardim follow, writes in the Shulhan 'Arukh (the Code of Jewish Law) that this additional light is lit LAST and should be placed slightly further away from all the other candles.
Rabbenu Moshe Isserles, z"l, (the Rama) whom the Ashkenazim follow when he disagrees with Maran Yosef Karo, says
that in [Ashkenazi] lands, they do not add one more candle as Maran mentioned, but use the Shammash to light all the other
candles and then put it in the place reserved for the additional light.
In other words, in Ashkenazi lands it is lit FIRST.
Hakham Yosef Hayyim, in BEN ISH HAI writes that the additional candle (which some call Shammash) is lit LAST.
In short, the age-old customs are clear. Sephardim use another candle (or other device) to light all the Hanukkah candles and
then when all are lit, light the additional light (Shammash) LAST. It is placed in a slightly different position to the other
Needless to say, this is also the custom at Midrash BEN ISH HAI, where the additional light is kindled last.
Ashkenazim light the Shammash FIRST and use it to kindle all the other lights.
One might be tempted to ask then, how we explain the fact that numerous Sephardim today, seem to be lighting the additional light first? The answer is simple, that in this particular matter, at least, they are following the customs of the Ashkenazim.
In any case, whichever method you choose to light the Hanukkah (Menorah), we wish you Tizku LeShanim Rabboth.
Please celebrate this Holiday in keeping with the spirit and meaning that our Hakhamim of blessed memory intended.
For more information on customs and laws pertaining to Hanukkah, please refer to:
With Torah blessings,
Rabbi Ya'aqob Menashe
© Copyright Midrash BEN ISH HAI
Online at:
November 2002
The Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter
Hadassah News:
You Are Cordially Invited
to the
HMO Donor Luncheon
The Mother and Child Center at Hadassah Hospital
Sunday, November 24, 2002
11:30 a.m.
Hotel Northampton
Featuring A Mother-Daughter Fashion Show
Look for your invitation coming in the mail soon.
If you didn’t receive an invitation and want one please call
Jane Stein – 413-367-2161 or Barbara Goldstein – 549-0555
There is only one more month to send recipes for our Hadassah Cookbook.
We would like many more recipes and we especially need holiday and traditional recipes.
Please send recipes to Naomi Peleg,
Synagogue Council of Massachusetts
41 Webster Ct., Amherst, MA 01002
A joint venture of UAHC (Reform), USC (Conservative),
or email them to her at
Orthodox, and Reconstructionist congregations in
This Month at the National Yiddish Book Center
Sunday, November 3rd 2:00 p.m. - Performance
The Book of Klezmer. Jewish Authors and Artists, Live!
Acclaimed musician, filmmaker and ethnologist Yale Strom discusses
his latest book, The Book of Klezmer: Its History, Its Music, Its Folklore. Strom, an accomplished fiddler, will also play selections from classic klezmer works, as well as his own jazz-fusion compositions.
Sunday, November 10th 2:00 pm - Author Talk
Salvaged Pages. Jewish Authors and Artists, Live!
Alexandra Zapruder will talk about the inspiration and sources for her
new book, Salvaged Pages: Young Writers' Diaries of the Holocaust.
Fifty years after the publication of Anne Frank's Diary, we now have
available, thanks to Zapruder's decade of work, a rich collection of diaries
written by young people whose wartime experiences were diverse and
whose individual voices remain unique, potent and resonant. The diaries
have been meticulously translated, edited, and brought together for the
first time.
Unity Mission to NYC Sunday & Monday,
November 17 & 18
This nationally known program, now in its 16th
year, brings together leaders of Reform,
Conservative, Reconstructionist and Orthodox
congregations from throughout Massachusetts for a
one-of-a-kind experience that will move you, uplift
you and alter the way you perceive yourself and
your fellow-Jews for all time!
Along with a diverse group of committed leaders
from the other movements, you will meet, face to
face, with prominent national and international
Jewish leaders, such as Rabbi Yitz Greenberg,
founder of CLAL, and with eminent rabbis from
Yeshiva University, The Jewish Theological
Seminary, and Hebrew Union College. You will
visit rare book rooms, libraries, chapels and the
national Jewish genealogical institute, enabling you
to view, up close, the sacred spaces, treasured
archives and artifacts preserved and housed at each
of the Unity Mission’s itinerary sites.
Please call Linda Skolnick at (617) 244-6506,
ext. 17 for more information on how to
participate in this exciting and important
(continued on page 21)
Online at:
November 2002
The Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter
Stand up Comedian and Emcee
Rueven Russell
Gathering the Sparks
…..the only show of its kind, provocative, entertaining ....
and Jewish
A one man show.
This man knows how to make you laugh!!
On Sunday, October 13th, the Jewish Youth Alliance regional council convened to sign The New England Program. JYA, created last year, is an activist group that
brings together the six major Jewish youth groups of New
England (USY, NCSY, NFTY, BBYO, Young Judaea,
and Teen JCC).
The New England Program, drafted by the regional boards
of those six groups, outlines the youth's support for Israel
as a Jewish Homeland and Jewish unity towards Zionism.
The document hopes to re-instill pride in the word Zionism while taking away the negative stigma attached to it;
it focuses on Zionism being simply the love of a Jewish
Homeland in Israel.
Additionally the NEP calls for unification of all Jews to
assist Israel through hard times. "We stand for the solidarity of Jews everywhere...We stand with Israel in her pursuit of peace", states The New England Program.
Sunday, November 17, 2002
Congregation Beth Israel
1280 Williams Street
Longmeadow, MA 01106
Tickets: $20 per person
Meat Hors d'oeurves Buffet at 6:30 p.m.
Dessert Buffet after the show
Your check is your Reservation.
This program is funded in part by The Jewish Endowment
Foundation of Greater Springfield.
and more. JYA looks forward to a year full of advocacy for
The document signing was covered by newspapers includ- Israel and other important issues affecting worldwide Jewry.
ing The Jerusalem Post, Boston Globe, Jewish Advocate,
For more information, contact Noah Mencow, JYA President,
at: 781-861-8538 or
Scholar-in Residence Program at Hampshire College:
Visit of author and translator Peter Wortsman
Saturday, 9 November, 7:30 p.m.
Music Building Recital Hall
Musical performance: The Ballad of Crystal Night (lyrics by Mr. Wortsman), performed
by Elaine Broad (voice) and Danny Holt (piano)
Play reading:
Mr. Wortsman will read from his play, The Tattooed Man Tells All, based on interviews
that he conducted with Viennese Holocaust survivors while he was a Fulbright scholar.
Continuing a tradition begun by the Five-College German and Jewish Studies departments
and programs, this event is held in commemoration of the anti-Jewish attacks of "Crystal
Night," in Nazi Germany, 9 November 1938.
Monday, 11 November, 4:00 p.m.
Franklin Patterson Hall, West Lecture Hall
Public Lecture:
"Don't Burn What You Don't Understand!: How a Christian Scholar Helped Save the Talmud and Other Hebrew Books from the Flames of the Inquisition"
Mr. Wortsman is the translator and editor of Johannes Reuchlin's
sixteenth-century treatise against book-burning (NY: Paulist Press, 2000).
Online at:
November 2002
The Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter
Have you acquired the habit? It’s so easy– Fill out your request for how much scrip you can use
at Stop and Shop, mail or bring it to the office (with a check) and we will get the scrip to you!
If you purchase a Stop & Shop SCRIP gift certificate from the JCA, the JCA will
benefit at no extra cost to you.
The JCA will be purchasing Stop & Shop SCRIP gift certificates. You exchange
your money to receive the same amount in Stop & Shop gift certificates. They
can then be redeemed at any Stop & Shop for your family’s purchase there.
Every time you shop at Stop & Shop with these certificates, 5% of what you
spend will be gained by the JCA.
Amount You Spend per Month
Amount Received by JCA
Number of
After filling out the section below, send or deliver it to the JCA where it will be
processed. Your certificates can be picked up a week after they are received.
They may be picked up during the JCA office hours, which are as follows:
Please call to confirm office hours.
Hours may change when school is
not in session and when staff is off.
Sunday: 8:30 am – 1:00 pm
Wednesday: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Monday: Closed
Thursday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Tuesday: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Friday: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Call Saul Gladstone 253-0631
Please include a stamped selfaddressed envelope if you
would like your certificates to
be returned to you by mail.
Total Amount: $
Volunteers are essential to help
with the sorting and organizing
Name____________________________________ of the order forms. If you are
able to volunteer, please conPlease make checks payable to the JCA
tact Saul Gladstone.
742 Main Street, Amherst, MA 01002
Online at:
November 2002
The Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter
Friday, November 8
Third World Views of the Holocaust (see page 8)
November 3 - 8
Yiddish Book Center/JCA Religious School
Book Fair (see page 8)
Wednesday, December 4
Hanukkah Party & Pot Luck Supper
(see page 3)
Non-Profit Organization
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Jewish Community of Amherst
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