The Shuttle Feed


The Shuttle Feed
The Shuttle
April 2016 No. 3
Naming contest - congratulations to Dom Weller (see photo below) for the newsletter
name! Many thanks to everyone who participated and supported this naming contest.
Message from The President
We are approaching our busiest time of the year with tournaments to be held regularly
around the State. They start with the City of Launceston on the 30/4/16. The
tournaments to be held in Hobart are the City of Hobart 21st & 22nd of May, STBA
Invitational on the 16th & 17th July, and the GOSEN Australian Malaysian
Championships 27th & 28th August. These tournaments are open to all players, of all
grades. I hope that we can entice more players especially those in Division 4 to
Please keep this in mind and if you would like more information, and please don’t
hesitate to talk to myself or anyone on the committee. Tournaments are also to be held
in Launceston, Burnie and State Championships to be held in Launceston in early
August. All of these events are open to
all players from Open to E grade.
101 Cascade Road, South Hobart
Please if you are able, support those
events, as we wish those from the
North and North West to support us.
Robert Brockman, President
Summer Roster Winning Teams – Divisions 1-4 (L-R, T-B) and newsletter name prize winner (C)
ROSTER ROUNDUP – Monday to Thursday, 7:30pm onwards
Division 1 (Wed): Last month Journey managed to fight off a strong finishing
Queen in the Summer grand final! The Autumn roster has started strongly, and
the 90s group themed teams saw Human Nature losing tightly to Take That
last week. Two weeks in, Take That and the still unnamed Team 5 are tied at
two wins apiece.
Division 2 (Thurs): With just 2 weeks of the roster completed, Henry V and
Othello are sharing top position, followed closely The Tempest, Julius Caesar,
MacBeth and Twelfth Night all on 2nd place. Last place is shared by Hamlet
and King Lear but it’s early days yet and the scene is set for a riveting
performance by all players.
Division 3 (Mon): A quiet first two weeks of the roster see the herbally (is that a
word?) themed Oregano and Fennel equal first with 8 points each. However,
anything can happen after 2 weeks!
Division 4 (Tues): Div 4 has started well and players are getting used to
singles being back and playing 3 sets to 21! The div reps would like to thank
teams/players for their understanding and patience as we replace missing team
members (we have had some drop outs due to injury and work commitments).
And special thanks to those players coming on board to play for a team that has
lost players it makes the roster go much smoother.
Division 5 (Wed): This Autumn the STBA is not running a division 5, but a
public session is run from 7:30 pm on Wednesdays, so come along for a hit!
In 2014, BWF boasted a total of 183,300,000 million minutes of content
viewed on their channel! See for more
Tennex Elbow Shock Absorber
Are you struggling with tennis elbow muscle
injury? Finding it painful to get your weekly
badminton fix? This product may be for you. The Shock Absorber works by reducing
the vibrations caused when hitting the shuttle from continuing up your arm to the
muscles around the elbow. Other suggestions for tennis elbow include using a
larger grip on the racquet or forms of strapping. However, the Tenex elbow shock
absorber has been seen to have a significant effect in reducing elbow issues,
caused from playing badminton among STBA members over the years. This is not
the cheapest product at $85 but we have not heard of anyone being disappointed in
this unique device.
Please feel free to ask us in store or email for any
badminton inquires. With 40 years combined badminton experience, Will and
Rowan will be happy to assist in any way they can!
Coaches Corner
All coaches should have now been shown how to use the shuttle feeder, if you
haven’t yet been shown please contact me to arrange a demonstration. If any
players wish to use the feeder please contact Robert Brockman to arrange a
session with one of the coaches. This piece of equipment was purchased to benefit
all players in our association. Players who have used it to this date have loved the
training opportunities it is providing!
From the Treasurer
The annual membership registration fee is $80. Should it
be paid after 5th May, the fee will increase to $90. You
can make the payment via internet transfer (please use the player’s name as
reference); cash at the canteen; or use the EFTPOS facility at the committee office.
If you have any question, please don’t hesitate to contact the Treasurer, Vicky
Zhang, via email or phone 0410 328 320
The Saturday Junior Program will commence with two Come and Try days, the
28thof May and the 11th of June from 1:30 – 4:30 pm. This program will the run most
Saturday afternoons through until the September School holidays when there will
be a junior championships event held. This is the key program run with the support
of the STBA to develop badminton at a junior club level within the south of
Many adult members of the association were introduced to weekly play at the STBA
through this program including the majority of the current division 1 night roster
players. Further information regarding the dates throughout the roster will be sent
out in a separate flyer to STBA members and Schools within the next few weeks.
For any enquiries please contact the roster manager Rowan Henderson at
•  Come and Try sessions - Tuesdays (7:30pm), Fridays (6:30pm), Sundays (7pm)
•  NEW PUBLIC SESSION – Wednesday nights, 7:30-9:30pm
•  Many regular training sessions throughout the week
•  Divisions 1-4 roster nights Mon-Thurs (free entry – come & watch!)
•  City of Launceston Tournament - 30th April
•  Gosen Tasmanian Team Champs, Hobart - 14th May
•  Bellchambers Cup, Hobart - 15th May
•  City of Hobart Tournament – 21st-22nd May
•  College Roster commences – 18th May
•  High School Rosters commence – 20th May
•  Junior Saturday Roster and Come and Try Session - 28th May @ 1:30-4:30pm
See website or contact the STBA secretary on 0488 788 426 for more details
What to look for in a new mortgage?
Every loan these days seems to come with
its share of bells and whistles – but which ones really make a difference? Here’s a simple
guide to work out what’s what.
Principal and interest loan with a variable rate
PROS When rates drop, payments drop, generally variable rate loans offer more flexibility.
CONS When the cash rate rises, payments can rise. Your rate can be put up by lenders at
any time.
Suits borrowers who want to take advantage of some of the lowest rates on offer.
Stay away if you think rates are likely to rise in the near term.
PROS If you have a financial emergency, you can redraw your excess funds. The money in
your redraw will reduce the interest charged by lowering your outstanding principal loan
CONS Easy access to funds means you may not save as much as you’d like. Some home
loan products charge for redraw, or have a limited number of permitted redraws, so look for a
loan with free, unlimited redraw if you plan to use it frequently, such as the Aussie Select
basic variable loan.
Suits borrowers who want to be covered for contingencies and unexpected expenses.
Stay away if you’ll be tempted to redraw too often.
Offset account
PROS Interest is calculated on reduced principal amount if transaction account is in credit.
Additional funds paid into the offset account are generally easily accessible, like a normal
savings account.
CONS Requires disciplined budgeting as penalties can apply if you overdraw. Rate may be
higher than for a basic no-frills loan.
Suits borrowers who can stick to a budget.
Stay away if you can’t resist the temptation to spend.
Principal and interest loan with a fixed rate
PROS If rates go up, payments won’t change.
CONS If rates go down, payments won’t change. Limits may apply to making additional
payments. Substantial costs can apply if you want to break the fixed period.
Suits borrowers who don’t like uncertainty.
Stay away if you want to pay off your loan faster.
If you have any questions regarding mortgage or finance in general, please feel free to
contact your friendly STBA resident broker, Vicky Zhang on 0410 328 320.
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