Bodog European Roulette Online - MAC-ISA


Bodog European Roulette Online - MAC-ISA
635,1* &DQRS\ &RYHUDJH
0$&,6$ 75(( &/,0%,1* &+$03,216+,3
AC-ISA held an outstanding
Tree Climbing Competition this
year. Thanks to over 50 volunteers,
11 sponsors, 5 exhibitors and 36
competitors, representing 19 different
companies along with a fabulous site
and fantastic hosts, the event went
smoothly. The Wheaton Regional Park
location was perfect and provided
plenty of activities for the whole family.
Thanks to the Maryland National
Capital Park and Planning Commission
for their hospitality.
The weather was gorgeous this
year and a large crowd came out to
enjoy the event. Montgomery County
Fire and Rescue employees were on
site to learn more about aerial rescue
and arboriculture. The competition
was tough this year, but our winners
rose to the top of a challenging
group of climbers. MAC-ISA will be
represented well in Portland, Oregon.
Congratulations to our champions,
James Earhart, Arborcare and Jocelyn
Lohse, TrueTimber Tree Service. James
and Jocelyn exemplify our chapter’s
high level of competition and we will
be proud of
their efforts in
Portland. See
page 2 for a
list of other
event winners.
go out to all
of the many
who made this
experience a
James Earhart, Men’s
huge success.
Overall Champion and his
2012 Competitors
together an event of this size requires
an enormous amount of time and
effort. There are far too many people
involved to thank everyone individually
here, see page 8 for a list of all of
our volunteers. The recreational tree
climbing event hosted by Riverside
Outfitters was once again a big draw
for all ages and raised funds for Steve.
As many of you know, Steve
Castrogiovanni had an unfortunate
accident during the March 6 cleanup
activities for the TCC. This year’s
Tree Climbing Championship was in
support of Steve and his family. We
had a very successful fundraising
effort of baked goods, T-shirts, a 50/50
raffle, where the person generously
donated their share back to Steve, and
a small silent auction, in total raising
over $1500. A few red Tree Climbing
Championship t-shirts are still available
for $10. Call 703-753-0499 to order.
For more information on Steve and
the fundraising go to his Caring Bridge
Although the 2012 MAC-ISA Tree
Climbing Competition just finished,
we are already looking forward to
next year’s event. We encourage
you to come out, get involved, and
lend us a hand. It’s a very worthwhile
experience. Mark your calendars for
the 2013 TCC to be held in Richmond
VA, April 6, 2013.
TCC Committee
Special Thanks to our TCC
Arbor Tech Supply
Bartlett Tree Experts
Davey Tree Experts
Forestry Equipment of Virginia
Georgetown Insurance Service
Johnson Crane Service
K&M Lawn, Garden and
Arborist Supply
Lewis Tree Service
The Care of Trees
Vermeer Mid Atlantic
Photos courtesy of Patrick Teague
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Congratulations to everyone that competed at the 2012
Tree Climbing Championship
April 14, Wheaton Regional Park, Wheaton, MD
TCC Head Judge and Co-Chairs
First Place Event and Overall Winners
James Earhart Jocelyn Lohse
l to r: Don Osborn, Jerry Langham, Rich Godwin
Overall Champions
Overall Men’s
Aerial Rescue
Foot lockSpeed Climb
Work Climb
Robert Gallant Mark Tremper Randy Fackler
Speed Climb
Randy Fackler
Spirit of
Women’s: Jocelyn Lohse
Men’s: James Earhart
Aerial Rescue
1st Place – James Earhart, Arborcare
2nd Place – Flint Anderson, treelife
3rd. Place –Thomas Whitelock, Advanced Arborist Solutions
Belayed Speed Climb
1st Place – Robert Gallant, Gallant Tree Services
2nd Place – James Earhart, Arborcare
3rd Place – Thomas Whitelock, Advanced Arborist Solutions
Foot lock Speed Climb
1st Place – James Earhart, Arborcare
2nd Place – Chris Coates, Advanced Arboriculture
3rd Place – Andrew Dunavent, Pro Arbor
The Four Masters’ Challenge Competitors
from left to right: James Earhart, Thomas Whitelock, Flint Anderson and Chris Coates
Photo courtesy of Jerry Langham
1st Place – Mark Tremper, M-NCPPC
2nd Place – Chris Coates, Advanced Arboriculture
3rd Place – Randy Fackler, Carroll Tree Service
Work Climb
1st Place – James Earhart, Arborcare
2nd Place – Flint Anderson, treelife
3rd Place – Mike Cotter, Ex-Cel Tree Experts
Randy Fackler Spirit of the Competition Award
2012 Award winners, Head Judge, Head Tech, Co-Chairs
and MAC-ISA President Bonnie Deahl
Winner – Randy Fackler, Carroll Tree Service
Masters’ Challenge Results
1st Place – James Earhart, Arborcare
2nd Place – Thomas Whitelock, Advanced Arborist Solutions
3rd Place – Flint Anderson, treelife
4th Place – Chris Coates, Advanced Arboriculture
Special thanks to Patrick Teague and Bonnie
Deahl for providing TCC photo coverage
To view and purchase photos visit:
0$&,6$ &DQRS\ &RYHUDJH 2012 Judges, Techs , Timers and Runners
Photo courtesy of Patrick Teague
Other photos on this page courtesy of Bonnie Deahl
Tree Climbing Championship ......... 1-2
President’s Message ......................... 5
Calendar of Events ............................ 5
Certification News ............................. 6
Tree Climbing Championship ........ 8-9
International News............................10
Safety & Business Message......... ....11
Academic News ...............................12
Member News.............................. ....14
Member News.............................. ....15
American Arborist..............................6
A publication of the
Mid-Atlantic Chapter International Society of Arboriculture
PO Box 1200,
Haymarket, VA 20168
Phone: 703-753-0499 • Fax: 703-894-4994
E-mail: • Website:
Newsletter Committee
Susan D. Day, Nancy Herwig, Jessica Strother, Donna Murphy, Ineke Dickman
We welcome submissions from our readers. Deadlines for receipt are January 15, April 15, July
15 and October 15. Please send your submissions via e-mail to or via
regular mail to our main office. All contributions are subject to editing for clarity and length.
We especially encourage you to send:
Letters to the editor • Notices of professional achievements of our members
• Educational events for our calendar • Synopsis of research or current practices •
Articles on arboriculture, management and other topics of interest to our readers •
Suggestions for regular features
Please call Nancy Herwig (703-753-0499) to discuss potential submissions in advance.
Publication Schedule
Canopy Coverage is published 4 times a year.
Printed on recycled paper by Piedmont Press
Advertising Sales
Ineke Dickman, MAC-ISA Communications Phone: 703-753-0499
Please contact Ineke Dickman about ad sizes and rates in Canopy Coverage.
Forestry Equipment of Virginia...........9
Nelson Tree Service .........................12
Rainbow Tree Care...........................13
Vermeer Mid Atlantic........................16
Call for Nominations for the
MAC-ISA Board of Directors
Four board member positions are open
Terms begins at annual meeting in October
2 year commitment
4 meetings a year
Nominate someone or volunteer yourself
Please send your nominations to Keith Forry, no later than June 1th or call,
The election will be held online this year, watch for
an email in July. You will be mailed a ballot if we
do not have an email on file.
Executive Committee
Bonnie Deahl, President
Keith Forry, Vice President
Paul Martin, Treasurer
Randy Finn, Secretary
Steve Genua, Council of Component Representative
Tyler Balderson, Term 2013 (MD)
Robert Corletta, Term 2012 (DC)
Luke McCall, Term 2012 (VA)
Chad Peevy, Term 2012, (VA)
Doug Petersen, Term 2013 (VA)
Kevin Sigmon, Term 2013 (VA)
Barbara White, Term 2013 (VA)
Other Services
Certification Liaison: Stan Wageman
TREE Fund Liaison: Doug Petersen
Executive Director: Nancy Herwig
Administrative Assistant: Candance Teates
Communications Manager: Ineke Dickman
0$&,6$ &DQRS\ &RYHUDJH Tree Care
ial Rescue
Training Program
" $ !
Tree Care
afety Specialist
Student name
Company name
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0$&,6$ &DQRS\ &RYHUDJH 635,1* 35(6,'(17·6 0(66$*(
ast Saturday in Wheaton, Maryland
MAC-ISA held their annual tree
climbing championship. Over 50
volunteers helped make this event
happen on schedule. As I walked
from event to event watching climbers
compete, judges confer, exhibitors sell
equipment, I couldn’t help but think of
the family that we all are as MAC-ISA
and what that means when we all get
together a few times a year for these
events. Nothing happens without the
help of volunteers who take family time
off devoting their weekend time to be
at MAC-ISA events. It is here where
we all share common ground and come
together for reasons bigger than each
of us.
A man in
a wheelchair
came to the
event. I saw
him coming
up from
behind where
I walked. He
had a few people with him and I
wondered who he was. I realized
after a few moments that this man
was one of our own family, Steve
Castrogiovanni. Tears came to my own
eyes realizing that he made it here to
be with us that day. For those who do
not know about his recent accident at
the cleanup event for this climbing day
over 6 weeks ago, Steve fell from a tree.
Many of the same people were on the
scene that day also, seeing Steve fall
and then coming to his rescue. It was
as if the world stopped for everyone
around this situation.
I watched
as friends and
came over to
say hello to
him; seeing
looks of relief,
sincerity, joy, and thankfulness that one
of their own friends somehow had been
spared from the unthinkable.
As a responder you automatically do
what needs to be done to stabilize the
situation. People come together to help
another in need. A special heartfelt
thanks goes to those who responded
to the situation on that fateful day for
Steve. Many have kept Steve and his
family in our thoughts and prayers in
hopes that Steve’s healing time will
go smoothly and we will see him back
among us. Steve was a former head
judge for this event and had planned to
compete this year. He is also a TCIA
Certified Tree care Safety Professional
and ISA Board
Master Certified
Arborist. Accidents
can happen to
not just the
untrained, but it
leaves no stone
unturned. What we
learn here is how
precious lives are.
I felt that on Saturday during Steve’s
brief visit. He wanted to be there and
had the will to get better so he could
make an appearance. Thank you Steve
for showing us you are OK and are
hanging in there. We want to see you
back real soon!
Bonnie Deahl
MAC-ISA President
Steve’s visit to the TCC: pictures courtesy of Bonnie Deahl
Bonnie’s first climb: picture courtesy of Barbara White
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May 16, 17, Charlotte, NC - i-Tree Eco
Summer Training Workshop, http://www.
June 12, 19, 26, Fairfax, VA - MAC-ISA
Arborist Certification Course, or 703-753-0499, 24 CEUs
September 30 - October 2, Cumberland,
MD - MAC-ISA Annual Meeting,
May 17, Wheaton, MD - MAA Spring Pest
Walk,, 2 CEUs
June 16, Richmond, VA - Tree Worker
October 3, Manassas, VA - Arborist Training
May 18, Chesapeake, VA - Arborist
Certification Test, to register visit
June 21-22, Rockville, MD - Summer
Splicing Symposium, 12 CEUs
October 5, MD, TBA - Arborist Training
July 17-19, Abingdon, VA- MAC-ISA
May 23, Fairfax, VA - Fairfax County Insect Arborist Certification Course,
and Disease Invasive Pest Seminar, 703- or 703-753-0499, 24 CEUs
324-5304,,, 4 CEUs
August 11 – 15, Portland, OR International Society of Arboriculture
June 9, Baltimore, MD - Day of
88th Annual Conference,
Safety,, 5 CEUs
November 10, Baltimore, MD - MAA
Volunteer Arborist Day, volunteers needed,
December 4, 5, 6, Charlottesville, VA- MACISA Arborist Certification Course, or 703-753-0499, 24 CEUs
Visit the Green Industry Calendar at for additional listings
0$&,6$ &DQRS\ &RYHUDJH &(57,),&$7,21 1(:6
MAC-ISA Arborist Certification Course
Prepare Yourself for the Arborist Certification Test
or get valuable CEUs.
June 12, 19, 26, 8:00 – 5:30
Merrifield Garden Center - Fair Oaks, Fairfax, VA,
24 CEUs
Instructor: Joe Murray
$360 for members
Upcoming Course Dates:
July 17, 18, 19 - Abingdon, VA
Dec. 4, 5, 6 - Charlottesville, VA
Topics include all domains of the ISA Arborist Test; such
as Tree Biology, Soil Science, Pruning, Plant Health Care,
etc. Ability to register 1, 2 or 3 days may be available,
contact the office for information.
Limited Space Available. Visit the web site at to register and pay online or download
the brochure/registration form. Or call 703-753-0499.
Upcoming 2012 Arborist Certification
May 18 - Chesapeake, VA
June 27 - Fairfax, VA
July 20 - Abingdon, VA
index.aspx to register. Additional dates will be added.
MAC-ISA Tag line Contest
ut on your creative writing hats and help MAC-ISA
create a tagline to go with our new logo. A tag line is a
three to seven word phrase that accompanies your logo.
It expresses your company’s most important benefits and/
or what you want your customers to remember about
working with you. Think of it as the words you want to
linger in your target customer’s mind about you and what
you have to offer.
The MAC-ISA mission is:
“To promote a culture of safety while fostering education
and research that supports the care and benefits of trees”.
Some buzz words that may go well in a tagline: safe,
safety, urban forest, trees, arborist, education,
community, network, branches.
Here are a few ideas that were already submitted:
A canopy of knowledge rooted in safety
Safety from the roots to the leaves
Safety. Education. Professionalism.
To send in your ideas go to
Submissions must be entered by July 1st.
0$&,6$ &DQRS\ &RYHUDJH Mark Your Calendars for the
2012 MAC-ISA Annual Meeting
Sept. 30 - Oct. 2, 2012 - Rocky Gap, Cumberland, MD
he meeting will begin officially with the field day on
Monday and be followed by one day of educational
sessions. There will also be pre-conference workshops
on Sunday. All the sessions will be held at the Rocky
Gap Resort. The planning committee is busy securing
speakers, exhibitors and sponsors. Additional volunteers
are needed to help plan the meeting. Join the team by
calling 703-753-0499.
The Monday Field Day topics will include, tree risk
assessment, a look at the Chestnut Foundation test site,
Columbia gas boring techniques, spray drift, tree spade
and climbing and rigging demonstrations and much more.
There will also be hikes to see a hemlock wooly adelgid
beetle release site, and the Rocky Gap Gorge.
Indoor Sessions on Tuesday will include talks on Pest
Updates, Tree Allometry, Bradford Pear Management,
Stem Girdling, ANSI Standards updates, and more.
Registration forms will be available soon on our
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Special Thanks to the 2012 TCC Committee,
Judges, Technicians, Cleanup Day and Event
A & A Tree Experts - Nick Economos, Morgan Lisle, Aaron
Arbor Artist - Trenton Thomas
Arbor Care – James Earhart, Bryan Campbell
Asplundh Tree Experts - Ron Muir
Bartlett Tree Experts - Scott Bates, Tyler Balderson, Kyle
Ewing, Sasha Krywonos, Dean Massey, Jose Mendoza, Jose
Ramirez, Brad Seay, Rob Springer, Ryan Thomas
Bel-Pre Applicators - Bill O’Neil
Big “O” Tree & Lawn Service - John Jeffers
Carroll Tree Service - Randy Fackler, Leonel Orellanam
City of Falls Church - Ben Thompson
City of Richmond – Luke McCall
City of Takoma Park - Todd Bolton
Davey Tree Experts – Mark Bennett, Miquel Cabrera, Frank
Fogle Jr., Miquel Garcia, Jose Milton
Family Tree Care – Jim Wentink
Growing Earth Tree Care – Jim Martin, Jason Perry, Chris
Smith, Mike McGee
Land and Tree Solutions – Doug Petersen
Loudoun County - Chris Kenney
Mead Tree & Turf Care – Steve Castrogiovanni, Rich Godwin,
Bob Mead
Moore & Wright Tree Service - Doug Tochtrop
M-NCPPC – Alexis Fuenzalida, Patrick Harwood, Sam
Janesko, Jerry Langham, Craig Logan, Don Osborn, Jose
Palacios, Tommy Roberts, Zach Wilson
Pro Arbor - Drew Donavan, Jonathan Ernst
Reston Association - Keith Kanzler
SavaTree – Doug Demarest
Scooter’s Construction – Tim Ittner
SherrilTree - Tim Bushnell
Streamline Tree Care - Glenn Butler
Sunrise Arboriculture - Zachary Hancuff
treelife - Reid Kemp, Flint Anderson
TrueTimber Tree Service - Peter Girardi, Randy Reynolds
White’s Landscape Service – Wesley White
General volunteers – James Baker, Liz Bizford, Bonnie
Deahl, Teresa Figuero, Bailey Godwin, Debbie Kuhn-Auxier,
Emma Springer, Hugh Whitehead, Nancy Wood
Special thanks to Riverside Outfitters for sponsoring our
recreational tree climbing event
Special thanks to our host: M-NCPPC
Wanted: Past Newsletters
AC-ISA is trying to archive our past newsletters.
We are missing quite a few. Please contact Nancy
Herwig at or call the office at
703-753-0499 if you have any of the following newsletter
issues. Thanks so much!
winter (w), spring (sp) summer (s) and fall (f)
1990: w,sp,s,f
1991: w,sp,f
1992: w,sp,s,f
1993: w,sp,f
1994: w,sp,s,f
1995: w,sp,s,f
1996: w,s,f
1997: sp,s,f
2000: sp
2004: f
2010: sp
Archive Volunteer Needed
AC-ISA is looking for a Volunteer who can be our
Chapter Historian. We need help gathering info on
our Chapter’s past. Please contact exdirector@macisa.
org if you are interested in volunteering for this position!
Special Thanks to this years Exhibitors:
Arbortech Supply - 540-439-9038
Forestry Equipment of VA - 434-851-2929
Georgetown Insurance Service - 301-681-9645
K&M Lawn, Garden and Arborist Supply - 540-825-8371
Vermeer Mid Atlantic - 800-492-1274
Big Boyz BBQ - 240-375-6468
Special thanks to Lewis Tree Service for sponsoring the
competitors’ lunch, Davey Tree Expert Company and The
Care of Trees for sponsoring the judges lunch and Johnson
Crane Service for sponsoring the judges dinner.
2012 ArborMaster Climbing Prize Package Presented to our Chapter Champions
Each prize package included:
Petzel Vertex Helmet with Professional Hearing Protection provided by Husqvarna
150’ ArborMaster® Climbing Line with eye splice from Samson
New Lanyard w/Positioner (made w/Lava Rope) & RopeBoss Wingman Stretchtop from SherrillTree
Buckingham $50 Gift Certificate
Silky POCKETBOY 170 (med teeth)
OREGON® POWERsharp® Precision Saw Chain Sharpening System
50% savings for an ArborMaster® 2-Day or 3-Day Hands-On Training Module
The package is intended to help equip the chapter representative(s) for the International Tree Climbing Championship (ITCC).
Sponsored by:
0$&,6$ &DQRS\ &RYHUDJH ,17(51$7,21$/ 1(:6
Tree Fund News
our des Trees 2012!
Celebrating 20 years of
cycling for healthy trees!
This year: Portland, Oregon
and surrounding countryside!
7 days - 585 miles - August 5-11, 2012
Support our Mid Atlantic Team and
riders with your donations!
Go to: to
make your donations!
Donate to our individual riders or
to the team as a whole to be split
amongst the riders. As of April 18 the
following members are on Team MACISA: Tom Armstrong, Steve Parker and
Kristina Bezanson.
For more information contact Doug
Petersen at or visit
Motorcycle Ride for Research
he second annual motorcycle ride
for tree research will be held on
Sunday, September 30th at noon. We
will start out at Rocky Gap
State Park and head into
Pennsylvania stopping for a
snack at the Roadkill Cafe.
We will then head back into
MD. picking up scenic 144
(old Rt 40 ) and head to
Hancock MD. where we will
cross the Potomac into WV where we
will stop in the historic town of Berkley
Springs at Terri’s Cafe for lunch. After
lunch we will travel to Paw Paw WV.
where we can walk through the famous
tunnel of the C&O canal. Leaving the
tunnel we will head to Cumberland
MD. where we will take a scenic tour
of the city before heading back to
Rocky Gap. The trip will be + or - 100
miles taking approximately 4 hrs. Early
registrants will recieve an event T Shirt
donated by Judge Anthony, Anthony
Tree Experts. Cost for the event will
be a tax deductible donation of $50.00
per rider. Make checks out to the Tree
For more information you can contact Gary Mallow at 301-697-6360 or
email me at
Come to the 2nd
Saturday, June 9th
Dundalk Community College,
Baltimore, MD
8:00 am–3:00 pm (includes lunch),
CEUs and CTSPs will be available
Sessions will include:
• The Z133 standards and local state
safety laws update
• Chipper Safety
• Aerial Rescue
• Worksite Safety
• Live Wire Demonstration
To register online and see more
information visit
We expect a large turn out for this event
so register early.
Special thanks to our major sponsors (as of 4/17/12): Arbor Tech Supply, Asplundh Tree Experts,Dundalk
Community College, K&M Lawn,
Garden and Arborist Supplies, Pepco,
Vermeer Mid Atlantic
Additional sponsors needed: email, visit or call 703-753-0499
Treat most trees in 5 minutes or less.
Proven EAB control
With the Wedgle® Direct-InjectTM System, you can
treat more trees in less time. Inject chemical
directly into the cambial zone.
• No guarding.
• No waiting for uptake.
• No drilling and no drilling damage.
• Kills Emerald Ash Borers as well as
adelgids, aphids, many borers and
beetles, and other destructive pests.
• Treat preventatively and curatively,
even in heavily infested areas.
• Saved thousands of ash trees since 2002.
With eight Injection Tip options, you can treat
more types of trees more effectively.
• Wedgle® Tips and new WedglePlusTM Tips
are ideal for most hardwoods.
• Portle® Tips effectively treat conifers
and hard-to-treat hardwoods.
• Palm Tips penetrate thick husks and deliver
chemical to inner active layers.
Stop Diplodia Tip Blight
• Now labeled for Diplodia Tip Blight,
Powdery Mildew, and Flower Blight.
• Also prevents Oak Wilt, Dutch Elm
disease, Sycamore Anthracnose, and
other devastating tree diseases.
• One application for full-year prevention.
Spend less time per tree and boost your profits.
0$&,6$ &DQRS\ &RYHUDJH 635,1* 6$)(7< %86,1(66 0(66$*(
Safety Message
s many of you know, one of our
members, Steve Castrogiovanni,
took a significant fall during preparation
for the MAC-ISA Tree Climbing
Championship on March 6th. Steve
has been in the hospital for the past six
weeks and was moved from there to
a rehabilitation center. His prognosis
is very good and he was able to return
home on April 14th. This is remarkable
considering he fell from 60 feet. While
the facts about the accident are still
being reviewed, one thing we know
is that his hardhat probably saved his
life. We normally think about hardhats
as a piece of equipment to prevent
“struck by” injuries. Anyone who
attended our Inaugural Day of Safety
last November will remember Don
Blair’s graphic demonstration using a
small watermelon. He put a hardhat on
the watermelon and whacked it with a
stick. No damage. Then he whacked
the watermelon without the hardhat and
split it wide open spilling the insides all
over the table.
The ANSI Z 133.1 requires the use
of personal protection equipment
(PPE) during arboriculture operations.
The hard hat is a key component of
PPE. While we are required to wear
them at all times, many people do not!
When Steve fell, he hit a branch at
approximately 30 feet and we think that
this caused him to rotate. He landed
on his head and shoulder. There
was about a 3 inch deep dent in the
ground where his head hit. If he was
not wearing his hardhat this article
would be very different. We would
in all likelihood have lost one of our
members and Steve’s wife and young
kids would be without their husband
and father. While this accident was
very unfortunate and Steve still has a
long road to recovery, we can all learn
from it and know that proper use of
personal protective equipment can help
ensure that all of us get to go home
safely at the end of the day.
Wayne Noll, Safety Committee Chair, ISA
Certified Arborist, Tree Risk Assessor
Rich Godwin, Safety Committee Member, CTSP,
ISA Certified Arborist
Branching Out to
Community Associations
ommunity Associations offer
a great tool for marketing your
services. Condominium Associations,
Co-Op Housing Associations,
Homeowners Associations, Age
Restricted Communities and Golf
Course Communities are examples
of Community Associations. Almost
every Community Association manages
Common Areas for the use and
enjoyment of their members. Some
Common Area amenities are manicured
parks or pools, while others are natural
areas with walking, biking, or horse
There are over 5,000 Community
Associations registered with the
Virginia Department of Occupational
and Professional Regulations
(“DPOR”). Montgomery County
Maryland has over 500 registered
Community Associations, and the
Community Association’s Institute
(“CAI” - a trade group for Community
Associations) has almost 3,000
members representing Community
Associations from Maryland to North
Community Associations want to
ensure that their Common Areas are
safe usable areas for their members.
However, they may not fully appreciate
the dangers posed by low branches,
dead-wood, or dying trees located
adjacent to their common areas. Your
training, experience and skills can
help them understand how proper
tree maintenance can improve
their community. While Community
Associations can obviously benefit
from removal of dangerous limbs, trees
and dead wood adjacent to Common
Area amenities, you should also look at
offering a periodic walk through to help
identify trees which pose a hazard to
the Common Area amenities.
Other areas in which Community
Associations can benefit from your
services include identifying hazardous
edge trees located adjacent to
individual owner’s lots. Owners often
complain to Community Associations of
Common Area trees which they feel are
threatening their property. Conducting
hazard tree evaluations of such trees
will help the Community Association
determine if action needs to be taken.
Newer Community Associations
may also be faced with trees declining
due to construction damage. Helping
to identify these problem areas and
developing management plans will help
the Community Association budget for
larger tree care expenses.
Becoming the established
consultant for a Community
Association will get you into the
neighborhood on a regular basis and
may lead to additional work from the
individual lot owners. When doing
work on individual lots, familiarity with
the Community Association can also
be a benefit. Community Associations
may have restrictions on the size of
trees that can be removed from private
property without approval from the
Association’s Architectural Review
Board. Similarly, tree removal on a lot
may be restricted due to buffer area
requirements. Knowing the community
and its restrictions can help you aide
individual property owners form running
afoul of such community restrictions
and build your reputation and
desirability within the community.
The best way to establish a
relationship with a Community
Association will be through its
community manager. In larger
communities, managers may be
located on-site at the community club
house, while smaller communities may
have off-site managers. In Virginia,
you can use the DPOR website: http://
13&CFTOKEN=56485621 to locate
Community Associations, managers
and management companies in your
area. Participating as a business
partner in your local CAI chapter
is another way to meet community
managers to market your services to
Community Associations.
Erik W. Fox, Esq.
0$&,6$ &DQRS\ &RYHUDJH $&$'(0,& 1(:6 81'(5 7+( &$123<
Student and Early-Career
Professional Activities
Planned for 2012 ISA
he Student Subcommittee of ISA’s
membership committee has been
working on increasing the number
of students who attend the ISA conference, starting with the 2012 ISA
Conference this summer in Portland,
Oregon. On Sunday, just prior to the
Opening Session, students and earlycareer professionals are invited to a
welcome networking session featuring ISA President Colin Bashford, ISA
Executive Director Jim Skiera, and ISA
Student Membership Subcommittee
Chair Rich Hauer.
On Tuesday, ISA will be hosting a
Student/Early-Career Professional Mentoring Lunch in the Convention Center.
At this event, experienced professionals
representing all facets of arboriculture
will be available to share their thoughts
and experiences over lunch with students and those new to the profession.
Watch the ISA website and conference program materials for room locations. An ISA student Facebook group,
Student Society of Arboriculture-ISA,
has been established. Students seek-
ing more information, lodging roommates or transportation-sharing can
post on this page. Want to get involved
in helping with any of these activities?
Contact Rich Hauer, chair of the subcommittee at
People in the News
est Virginia University and Virginia
Tech both sent student teams to
the Professional Landcare Network
(PLANET) Student Career Days in
Manhattan, Kansas on March 22 – 25.
Students enjoyed the competition as
well as the opportunity to attend educational sessions and career fair.
avid Mitchell will earn a Minor in
Arboriculture in May 2012, the first
West Virginia University Horticulture
student to complete this new minor.
David will be attending Virginia Tech in
the fall to pursue his Master’s of Science working with Dr. Susan Day.
irginia Tech junior, Johanna ArredonV
do, who is a double major in Urban
Forestry and in Natural Resource Recreation, was selected for the Society of
Academic News is edited by Dr. Susan D.
Day at Virginia Tech. Please send your
student and program news to
Municipal Arborists (SMA) Municipal
Forestry Internship this summer.
irginia Urban Forest Council ScholV
arships were awarded to Mason
Patterson, Cindy Musick, Joshua Willis,
and Melanie Kearney.
ujuan Chen, urban forestry PhD stuY
dent at Virginia Tech took first place
in the poster competition at the 4th
Annual Graduate Research Symposium
in Forest Resources & Environmental
Conservation at Virginia Tech. Yujuan
also presented her research on how
deep-profile soil rehabilitation affects
soil carbon stores and tree growth at
the Mid-Atlantic Chapter Ecological
Society of America (MA-ESA) meeting
held in Blacksburg, Virginia April 14-15.
The MA-ESA meeting attracted participants from over 40 universities and
colleges and had over 150 oral and
poster presentations—including a session on urban forestry and another on
urban ecology. Keynote speaker, Greg
Shriver from the University of Delaware,
presented new research on the ecological value of urban forest fragments.
Presentation abstracts can be viewed
online at the conference website:
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Crichton Wildcats Are
Helping the Lorax thanks
to Appalachian Power
ur past MAC-ISA president Phil
Ross, coordinated a generous donation from AEP, Appalachian
Power to elementary school children in
Crichton Elementary School in Quinwood, West Virgiania. Because of this
donation, Crichton students and staff
were able to take Dr. Seuss’ challenge in his book, The Lorax, to make
the Earth greener and healthier. Each
one took home an American Plum tree
seedling to plant. And in the words
of Dr. Seuss, “Treat it with care, give it
clean water and feed it fresh air. Grow
a forest. Protect it from axes that
hack. Then the Lorax and all of his
friends may come back.” Thanks to the
Appalachian Power Company and the
MAC-ISA for all they do.
Both wanted to give something back
to the community they work in, and
to raise awareness of the importance
of ISA Certified Arborists and proper
tree care. Based on the model of the
Tree Care Industry Association (TCIA)
project, local ISA tree climbers were
asked to donate a day of their services
to a local historic organization in need
of tree care. The first event was held in
2007 and successful ones have been
held each year at different venues in the
Lynchburg area with support from Trees
Virginia and other organizations.
Day of Service 2012 will be overthe-top since it is in cooperation with
the Trees Stewards’ Arbor Day Festival.
ISA Certified Arborists involved will be
Knight Garrard, Richard Jones, Joe
Murray, Mike Neal, Jonathan Sledge,
and Certified Climber Specialist Brian
Chapman. In addition, many other tree
enthusiasts will be assisting with the
event and its activities. The slogan for
the event is, “Lynchburg Speaks Trees”.
Ravina Nicely, Crichton Elementary
Submitted by Richard Jones
Lynchburg Speaks Trees
he Lynchburg Day of Service project
in which local ISA Certified Arborists
donate a day of their tree care services
to a worthy organization will happen
for the 5th year in 2012! However, this
year the Day of Service will be in cooperation with Lynchburg’s Arbor Day
Festival, April 21st at the City’s Miller
Park. Lynchburg is celebrating its 30th
year as a Tree City USA with not just an
Arbor Day ceremony, but with a daylong festival. The arborists will prune
large trees in the park as they wear
microphones to explain to spectators
how to properly care for trees, and why
they should use ISA Certified Arborists.
In addition, they will provide a real tree
autopsy of a large, dead, oak tree in
the park. The Arborists will cut up the
tree and explain what may have killed
it, how old the tree may be, CODIT and
branch attachment details. Also, Arborist Joe Murray will give a public lecture
on tree care at 1pm.
Organizing a Day of Service in the
Lynchburg area was the 2006 idea of
Jonathan Sledge and Richard Jones.
0$&,6$ &DQRS\ &RYHUDJH Editor’s note: The event was very successful!
Student Scholarships
Available to attend the
MAC-ISA Annual Meeting
Past TCC Champions
AC-ISA is trying to make a list of
previous TCC Champions. We
need info from the first chapter TCC till
1992. This is what we have. Contact if you know any
of the missing information.
Robert Gallant
Mike Cotter
Mike Cotter
Ray Smythe
Mike Cotter
David Booth
Robert Gallant
David Booth
David Booth
Robert Gallan
Mike Cotter
James Earhart
Robert Gallant
James Earhart
Flint Anderson
James Earhart
Karissa Mechler
Holly Nelson
Melissa Lawler
Melissa Lawler
Karissa Mechler
Karissa Mechler
Jocelyn Lohse
Jocelyn Lohse
AC-ISA has full and partial
scholarships available for our
upcoming meeting, October 1- 2 at
the Rocky Gap Resort in Cumberland,
Applicants must be currently
enrolled in an arboriculture, urban forestry, horticulture or related program.
Preference will be given to full time
students. Recipients will be required
to volunteer during the meeting. Hotel
rooms will be shared with other scholarship recipients.
Last year’s scholarship auction
raised over $1700 that will be used to
fund the scholarships.
Applications are available on our
website,, or by
calling 703-753-0499. They must be
turned in by Friday, Sept. 7th.
MAC-ISA Board Members at the
Richmond Board Meeting
Photo Courtesy, Bonnie Deahl
635,1* 0(0%(5 1(:6 +,*+/,*+76
Member Profile: Steve Castrogiovanni
Board Member Barbara
White from the VA Department of Forestry hands the
Tree Line USA Utility Award
to Keith Forry, REC andMAC-ISA Vice President.
teve was born in
Washington DC and
raised in Montgomery
County. He graduated
from Seneca Valley High
School in 1995. He
is married and has 2
wonderful daughters.
Steve has worked in the tree care industry
since 1996, gaining experience in the field as
a grounds man, tree climber, and production
foreman. He currently is Plant Health Care
Manager and staff arborist for Mead Tree and
Turf Care. Steve is well-known in the industry
for his experience and credentials, as well as
his energy and enthusiasm, quick wit and ready
He is an ISA Board Certified Master Arborist,
ISA Certified Tree Worker as well as Tree Worker
Evaluator, a Member of the Tree Care Industry
Association (TCIA) and a TCIA Certified Tree
Care Safety Professional (CTSP), as well as
a Maryland Licensed Tree Expert; as well as
current President of the Maryland Arborist
Association, where he has been a board member
for 8 years. He was the head judge for the MACISA Tree Climbing Championship in 2010, and
has presented at our Annual meeting.
Steve sustained serious injuries from a 60 foot
fall while he was volunteering for our TCC cleanup day. Thankfully and miraculously, he survived
the fall, due to luck, a good hard hat, and
immediate medical care. For more information
on Steve and updates on his recovery go to his
Caring Bridge site:
visit/stevecastrogiovanni. We wish Steve and his
family well and wish him a steady and complete
Photo courtesy Bonnie Deahl.
Tree Line USA Utility Award
appahanock Electric Cooperative (REC) received the Tree Line USA
Utility Award for the 10th year. Other companies in our Mid Atlantic
Chapter that received the Tree Line USA Utility Award in 2011 are Dominion, Pepco and Delmarva Power.
The MAC-ISA Tree Climbing Championship was a great
event. There was a lot of looking up during the day!
To view and purchase photos visit:
Message from Steve
would like to take the opportunity to express
my deepest thanks and appreciation to those
who expressed their concern and willingness to
keep me in their prayers during this difficult time.
It is my greatest wish that in light of my
accident, everyone will stop and take extra time
to insure their own personal safety and avoid the
same situation that has happened to me. Thanks
for your help,
Steve Castrogiovanni
Canopy Coverage
PO Box 1200
Haymarket, VA 20168
Mark Your Calendars, MAC-ISA Day of Safety
June 9th, Dundalk Community College, Baltimore, MD