Untitled - Università di Bologna
Untitled - Università di Bologna
Izdavač Publisher Veterinarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu Faculty of Veterinary medicine Zagreb Hrvatska veterinarska komora Croatian Veterinary Chamber Urednici Editors Prof. Dr. Ivica Harapin Prof. Dr. Josip Kos Grafički urednik Graphic Editor Josipa Skočibušić, graf. ing. Tisak Printed By Intergrafika d.o.o., Zagreb, Bistranska 19 Radovi tiskani u Zborniku su recenzirani XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 POKROVITELJ PATRONAGE REPUBLIKA HRVATSKA REPUBLIC OF CROATIA MINISTARSTVO POLJOPRIVREDE ribarstva i ruralnog razvitka MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, Fisheries and Rural Development ORGANIZATORI ORGANIZERS VETERINARSKi FAKULTET SVEUČILIŠTA U ZAGREBU FACULTY OF VETERINARY MEDICINE UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB Hrvatska veterinarska komora Croatian Veterinary Chamber POSEBNO ZAHVALJUJEMO MINISTARSTVU ZANOSTI I TEHNOLOGIJE REPUBLIKE HRVATSKE NA POMOĆI PRI ORGANIZACIJI XVI. KONGRESA MEDITERANSKE FEDERACIJE ZA ZDRAVLJE I PRODUKTIVNOST PREŽIVAČA GREAT GRATITUDE TO THE MINISTRY FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLGY OF REPUBLIC CROATIA ON ASSIST TO THE ORGANIZATION OF XVI. CONGRESS OF THE MEDITERRANEAN FEDERATION FOR HEALTH AND PRODUKTION OF RUMINANTS MEĐUNARODNI ORGANIZACIJSKI ODBOR INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Prof. Dr. Sc. J. Kos, Croatia Prof. Dr. Arcangelo Gentile, Italy Prof. Dr. Antonio Pugliese, Italy Dr. Sc. B. Fatur, Slovenia Prof. Dr. M. Erman Or, Turkey Prof. Dr. Paulino Garcia Partida, Spain Prof. Dr. Pablo Diez-Banos, Spain Prof. Dr. Hossein Hamali, Iran XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 NACIONALNI ORGANIZACIJSKI ODBOR Predsjednik: Prof. Dr. Josip Kos, DVM Organizacijski tajnik: Prof. Dr. Ivica Harapin, DVM Tehnički tajnik: dr. Nikica Prvanović, DVM NATIONAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE President: Prof. Dr. Josip Kos, DVM Organisation secretary: Prof. Dr. Ivica Harapin, DVM Technical secretary: dr. Nikica Prvanović, DVM Članovi Members Prof. Dr. Marijan Cergolj, DVM, Prof. Dr. Zdenko Makek, DVM, Prof. Dr. Antun Tomašković, DVM, prof. dr. Ljiljana Bedrica, DVM, Prof. Dr. Vlasta Šerman, DVM, doc. dr. Zoran Milas, DVM, doc. dr. Tomislav Babić, DVM, doc. dr. Dražen Vnuk, DVM, dr. Juraj Grizelj, DVM, Zlatko Hrastnik, DVM, Ivo Forgač, DVM dr. Pero Božić, DVM, dr. Željko Cvetnić, DVM, Danimir Kolman, DVM ZNANSTVENO STRUČNI ODBOR Predsjednik SCIENTICIC PROFESSIONAL COMMITTEE President: Prof. Dr. Ivica Harapin, DVM Članovi: Members: Prof. Dr. Josip Kos, DVM, Prof. Dr. Antun Tomašković, DVM, Prof. Dr. Zdenko Makek, DVM, Prof. Dr. Darko Capak, DVM, Prof. Dr. Zvonko Stojević XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 ODRŽAVANJE XVI. KONGRESA MEDITERANSKE FEDERACIJE ZA ZDRAVLJE I PRODUKTIVNOST PREŽIVAČA POMOGLI SU: XVI. CONGRESS OF THE MEDITERRANEAN FEDERATION FOR HEALTH AND PRODUCTION OF RUMINANTS IS SPONSORED BY: INTERVET GLAVNI SPONZOR ALAPIS NEXE GRUPA BAYER HEALTHCARE, Bayer Pharma d. o. o. CENTAR ZA UNAPREĐIVANJE STOČARSTVA GAVRILOVIĆ MEDICAL INTERTRADE PFIZER CROATIA Odjel veterine PHOENIX FARMACIJA D. D. VETERINA d. d. VETERINARSKA MREŽA ZIK 90 XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Contents - Sadržaj Invited Lectures - Pozvana predavanja Sušić, V., A. Ekert Kabalin, I. Štoković, Ž. Pavičić, B. Mioč, V. Pavić, Z. Barać, S. Menčik 13 Autochthonous Ruminant Breeds in Croatia Autohtone pasmine preživača u Hrvatskoj Antonio Gonzalez-Bulnes, Claudia A. Letelier, Ignacio Contreras-Solís, Juraj Grizelj 25 brief review of the state of the art in assisted reproduction in small ruminants Situación actual de las técnicas de reproducción asistida en pequeños rumiantes Aktualni status postupaka asistirane reprodukcije malih preživača Infectious Diseases - Zarazne bolesti Juan Muñoz Bielsa 35 NEW SOLUTION FOR THE CONTROL OF THE BOVINE RESPIRATORY COMPLEX Nove mogućnosti kontrole zaraznog goveđeg respiratornog sindroma Reina, R., Grego, E., Lacerenza, D., Profiti, M., Rosati, S. 43 GENETIC CHARACTERIZATION OF SMALL RUMINANT LENTIVIRUS GENOTYPE E GENETSKA KARAKTERIZACIJA LENTIVIRUSA GENOTIPA E U MALIH PREŽIVAČA Lika, E., Lika A., Gjino P., Turmalaj L., Grizelj J., Vince S. 47 Entomological surveillance for Bluetongue vectors in Tirana ENTOMOLOŠKO ISTRAŽIVANJE BLUETONGUE VEKTORA U TIRANI Habus, J., N. Turk, M. Friess, R. Zobel, Z. Grabarevic, Lj. Barbic, Z. Stritof, Z. Milas, V. Staresina 51 Sheep - associated malignant catarrhal fever – a case report Zarazna korica goveda – prikaz slučaja Nadalian M., Sadeghi-Nasab A., Hemmatzadeh F., Nadjafi J., Seifoori P., Gorjidooz M., Bahonar A. 57 Detection of persistently infected (PI) calves with bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) using “Ear Notch Test” and comparing it by Immuno-capture ELISA Otkrivanje perzistentno inficirane (PI) teladi s goveđim virusom virusnog proljeva (BVDV) koristeći rez uške i njegova usporedba s Immuno-capture ELISOM Ata Ayhan, Mesih Kocamüftüoğlu, Sibel Hasircioğlu, Mehmet Kale 63 Investigation of Bovine Herpesvirus-1 (BHV-1) Infection in Relation to Fertility in Repeat Breeder Cows Istraživanje infekcije goveđim herpes-virusom-1 u odnosu na plodnost krava koje se preganjuju Lupo Tiziana, Daniele Macrì, Vitale Maria, Antonella Migliazzo, Stefano Reale, Fabrizio Vitale 71 PrP ANALISYS IN SICILIAN SCRAPIE OUTBREAKS sc Analiza PrPsc kod pojave svrbeža u ovaca na siciliji Yavru, S., O. Yapici, M. Kale, Ş. Şahinduran, F. Pehlivanoğlu, m.k. Albay, o. Avci 75 SEROLOGICAL, VIROLOGICAL AND HAEMATOLOGICAL EXAMINATION OF CORONAVIRUS INFECTION IN CALVES WITH DIARRHEA AND THEIR DAMS Serološka, virusološka i hematološka pretraga na koronavirusnu infekciju u teladi s proljevom te njihovih majki Carcangiu V., Mura M. C., Vacca G. M., Parmeggiani A., Pazzola M., Dettori M. L., Bini P. P. 81 GH and some haematochemical parameters variation during the first two months of lactation in mouflon (Ovis gmelini musimon) II XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 GH I VARIJACIJE NEKIH HEMATOKEMIJSKIH PARAMETARA TIJEKOM PRVA DVA MJESECA LAKTACIJE U MUFLONA (OVIS GMELINI MUSIMON) Romero Tejeda A., Thiry J., Preziuso S., Thiry E., Petralia P., Valente C., Cuteri V. 89 Serological detection of a Bovine herpesvirus 1 related infection in buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) by using BoHV-1 blocking ELISA Serološko otkrivanje goveđeg herpesvirusa 1 povezanog s infekcijom u bufala (Bubalus bubalis) Pavlak, M., M. Benić, D. Cvitković, M. Tadić 97 Epidemiological data of intrammamary infection in cattle - a quantitative analysis of published data and comparison with data in Croatia Epidemiološki podatci rasprostranjenosti mastitisa u goveda – analiza publiciranih podataka i usporedba s podatcima pojave mastitisa u Hrvatskoj Alireza Haghparast, Evert Hensen 113 Bovine MHC Class II Structure-Function Relationships: Implications for Vaccine Development ODNOSI GRAĐE I ULOGE GOVEĐIH MHC KLASE II: IMPLIKACIJE ZA RAZVOJ VAKCINE Parasitology - Parazitologija Díez-Baños, P., Dacal, V., Vázquez, L., Pardo, M., Cienfuegos, S., Díez-Baños, N., López, C., Panadero, R., Morrondo, P. 119 ANALYSIS OF THE PREVALENCE AND PARASITIC INTENSITY BY LUNG NEMATODA IN ROE DEER (Capreolus capreolus) HUNTED IN GALICIA (NW SPAIN): EFFECT OF AGE ANALIZA POJAVNOSTI I INTENZITETA INVAZIJE PLUĆNIM NEMATODIMA U SRNA (Capreolus capreolus) ODSTRIJELJENIH U GALICIJI (SZ ŠPANJOLSKA): UTJECAJ DOBI Díaz, P., J. Pedreira, J. L. Suárez, R. Sánchez-Andrade, R. Panadero, A. Paz-Silva, P. Díez-Baños, P. Morrondo 123 INFLUENCE OF THE LIVER FLUKE-CONTROL PRACTICES ON THE PREVALENCE AND EGGOUTPUT IN SEMIEXTENSIVE BEEF CATTLE HERDS UTJECAJ POSTUPAKA KONTROLE JETRENIH METILJA NA POJAVNOST I POLUČIVANJE JAJAŠACA U SEMIEKSTENZIVNO DRŽANIH STADA TOVNIH GOVEDA Morrondo, P., Vázquez, L., Pardo, M., Dacal, V., Díaz, P., Paz, A., Sánchez-Andrade, R., Arias, M.S., Uriarte, J., Díez-Baños, P. 129 ROE DEER (Capreolus capreolus) AS A RESERVOIR OF PARASITIC INFECTIONS IN DOMESTIC RUMINANTS UNDER FIELD CONDITIONS IN GALICIA SRNA (Capreolus capreolus) KAO REZERVOAR PARAZITSKIH INVAZIJA ZA PAŠNO DRŽANE DOMAĆE PREŽIVAČE U GALICIJI Francisco, I., M. Arias, J. Pedreira, A. Paz-Silva, R. Francisco, R. Sánchez-Andrade, P. Díaz, J. L. Suárez, P. Díez-Baños, P. Morrondo. 133 A SEROEPIDEMIOLOGICAL SURVEY OF BOVINE PARAMPHISTOMOSIS BY USING THE Cd2 ELISA SEROEPIDEMIOLOŠKO ISTRAŽIVANJE GOVEĐE PARAMFISTOMOZE METODOM Cd2 ELISA Vázquez, L., Dacal, V., Cienfuegos, S., Díaz, P., Lago, N., Panadero, R., Fernández, G., Morrondo, P., López, C. 139 OCURRENCE OF TREMATODE EGGS IN SHEEP FROM GALICIA (N.W. SPAIN) Učestalost nalaza jajašaca metilja u ovaca iz pokrajine Galicija ( sjeverozapadna Španjolska) Dacal, V., Vázquez L., Cienfuegos S., Panadero R., Pato J., Fernández G., Díez-Baños P., López C. 147 INFECTION BY INTESTINAL CESTODES IN SHEEP FROM GALICIA (N.W. SPAIN) Infekcija ovaca iz područja Galicije crijevnim trakavicama XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 III Vitale Maria, Scatassa Maria Luisa, La Giglia Maria, Giangrosso Giuseppe, Currò Vittoria, Vitale Fabrizio, and Caracappa Santo 153 Toxoplasma gondii screening, by molecular and serological methods, in a farm with a rural management in Sicily Istraživanje Toxoplasmae gondii molekularnim i serološkim metodama na farmama sa zastarijelom tehnologijom na području Sicilije Pieragostini E., Alloggio I., de Ruvo G., Rubino G., Petazzi F. 157 Genetical markers of resilience to tick borne diseases (TBD) - a research project for the improvement of sheep breeding and management strategies Genetski markeri rezistencije na bolesti prenosive krpeljima (BPK)istraživački project sa ciljem napredka uzgoja ovaca i srategija upravljanja Poglayen Giovanni, Stancampiano Laura, Varcasia Antonio, Anna Paola Pipia, Caterina Bio, Costanza Romanelli 161 PASSIVE MONITORING EXPERIENCES ON CYSTIC ECHINOCOCCOSIS IN ITALY ISKUSTVA PASIVNOG MONITORINGA CISTIČNE EHINOKOKOZE U ITALIJI Pauling Bruce 163 A Field Report to Compare the Responses in calves with diarrhoea associated with Cryptosporidiosis when treated with Electrolytes with or without Betacyclodextrin USPOREDBA ODGOVORA NA TERAPIJU PROLJEVA POVEZANOG SA KRIPTOSPORIDIOZOM PROVEDENU ELEKTROLITIMA SA I BEZ B-CIKLODEKSTRINA Metabolic Diseases - Metaboličke bolesti Masucci Marisa, Michela Pugliese, Alessio Scardillo, Antonio Sutera, Ferrantelli V., Giuseppe Licitra 169 NEUROLOGICAL MANIFESTATIONS AND LIVER DISEASE IN DAIRY COWS Neurološki poremećaji i bolesti jetre u muznih krava Abbasi, M, Gharzi, A. 173 Effects of sex on histological characteristics of skin in Lori sheep Utjecaj spola na histološke osobitosti kože u Ovaca pasmine lori Blanco-Penedo, I., López-Alonso, M., Miranda, M., Castillo, C., Hernández, J., Prieto Montaña, F. Benedito, J. L. 177 Metabolic profile determination in calves from different management in NW Spain ODREĐIVANJE METABOLIČKOG PROFILA TELADI S RAZLIČITIH UZGOJA SJEVEROZAPADNE ŠPANJOLSKE Tooloei, M. Nadalian, M., Khosravi, A., Helan, J. A., Najafie, R. 185 A field outbreak of Aflatoxicosis with high fatality rate in feedlot calves in Tehran Province - Iran A field outbreak of Aflatoxicosis with high fatality rate in feedlot calves in Tehran Province - Iran Morgante M., Stelletta C., Cannizzo C., Casalone M., Coppola L., Gianesella M. 193 Subacute rumen acidosis in dairy herds: diagnostics tools Subakutna acidoza buraga u mliječnih krava: dijagnostički postupci Radojičić Biljana, B. Dimitrijević, A. Krasnić 201 INFLUENCE OF PROPYLEN GLYCOL IN FEED FOR PROPHYLAXIS OF KETOSIS IN PERIPARTAL PERIODS OF DAIRY COWS utjecaj PROPiLEN GLikOLa u hrani na spriječavanje ketoze u muznih krava prije poroda IV XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Tabrizi, Afshin Davasaz, Roozali Batavani, Siamak Asri-Rezaei, Malahat Ahmadi 207 Electrophoretic study of plasma proteins in dairy cows with clinical and subclinical mastitis by Agarose gel procedure Istraživanje proteina plazme elektroforezom u mliječnih krava s kliničkim i subkliničkim mastitisom postupkom gel Agara Bustamante Cano J, Hernández Arroyave W., Gutiérrez Chávez A. J., Alonso Alonso P., González Montaña J. 213 SECONDARY COPPER DEFICIENCY IN CATTLE FROM MOLYBDENUM INTOXICATION: CLINIC AND PATHOLOGICAL STUDY. [HIPOCUPROSIS BOVINA SECUNDARIA A MOLIBDENOSIS: ESTUDIO CLÍNICO, HISTOPATOLÓGICO Y HEMATOLÓGICO Sekundarna deficijencija bakra u goveda otrovanih molibdenom: Klinički i patološki nalaz Comin A., Tidu L., Cornacchia G., Cappa A., Renaville B., Prandi A. 221 NEONATAL PERIOD AND HAIR CORTISOL IN CATTLE AS A MARKER OF STRESs NEONATALNO RAZDOBLJE I DLAČNI KORTIZOL U GOVEDA KAO MARKER STRESA Kostelić, A., Branka Artuković, R. Beck, M. Benić, M. Cergolj, I. Štoković, Z. Barać 227 Diseases of sheep on Croatian islands Bolesti ovaca na hrvatskim otocima Stojević, Z., Natalija Filipović, Z. Tuček, Blanka Beer Ljubić, K. Dolanski, Lina Bačar-Huskić 233 The influence of calcium-propionate in diet on energy status in dairy cows Utjecaj dodavanja propionata u hrani na energetski status mliječnih krava Kayar, A., Mehmet Erman OR, Remzi Gonul, Banu Dokuzeylul, Ali Rıza Kiziler, Birsen Aydemir, Abdullah Aksu, Cağla Parkan, Tamercan Morkoc, and Bora Bartucu 237 The Clinical Efficiency of Minerasol® Which is a New Trace Element Combination on Sheep Učinak kombinacije minerala u pripravku Minerasol na nivo nekih elemenata u ovaca Trojacanec, P., T. Dovenski, V. Ilieski, S. Trojacanec, K. Ilievska, L. Pendovski 243 Possibilities for teaching reproductive clinical anatomy using laparoscopy Primjena laparoskopije u nastavi reproduktivne kliničke anatomije Reproduction, Obstretics and Udder Health - Reprodukcija, porodništvo i zdravlje vimena González Montaña JR, Cal L, Benech A, Lataste V, Grille L, Rodas E. 247 PREGNANCY TOXEMIA IN EWES: ALTERNATIVE THERAPEUTIC IN EXTENSIVE SYSTEM CONDITIONS GESTOSIS OVINA SUBCLÍNICA: ALTERNATIVAS TERAPÉUTICAS EN CONDICIONES DE EXPLOTACIÓN EXTENSIVA GRAVIDITETNA TOKSEMIJA U OVACA: ALTERNATIVNA TERAPIJA U EKSTENZIVNOM OVČARENJU Hamali H., S. Mosafery 253 A Survey of Teat End Hyper Keratosis Prevalence in the Tabriz Dairy Herds Hiperkeratoza sisa u stadima mliječnih krava u provinciji Tabriz Pengov A, Podpečan O. 261 PERACUTE STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS MASTITIS IN EWES PERAkutni STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS MASTITIS u ovaca Zobel ,R., D. Gereš, R. Turk, D. Gračner, D. Žubčić 267 Onset of ovulation analysis in dairy cows Analiza vremena nastupa ovulacije u mliječnih plotkinja XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Prvanović, N., D. Đuričić, S. Vince, J. Sulon, J. F. Beckers, N. Filipović, M. Cergolj, J. Grizelj, M. Samardžija, T. Dobranić, M. Lipar 275 Influence of breed, parity and lactation on PAG and progesterone profiles in pregnant saanen and boer goats Utjecaj pasmine, pariteta i laktacije na koncentraciju PAG i progesterona tijekom gravidnosti sanskih i burskih koza Šeol, B., T. Naglić, H. Ball, D. Finlay, K. Matanović, M. Martinec 281 An outbreak of Mycoplasma bovis mastitis on a diary cows farm in Croatia Epizootija mastitisa uzrokovanog bakterijom Mycoplasma bovis u mliječnih krava u Hrvatskoj Grizelj, J., S. Vince, A. González de Bulnes, M. Karadjole, T. Dobranić, M. Samardžija, I. Getz, N. Prvanović, M. Belić, A.Tomašković, M. Lipar, D. Cvitković 287 THE ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION OF OVARIES AS A TOOL IN GOAT SUPEROVULATION PROCEDURES ULTRAZVUČNA PRETRAGA JAJNIKA U SUPEROVULACIJSKIM POstSTUPCIMA U KOZA Saif A. Balios 293 SYNCHRONIZATION OF OESTRUS IN KARADI EWES: THE USE OF DIFFERENT PMSG DOSES Sinkronizacija estrusa u karadi ovaca: uporaba različitih PMSG DOza Surgery, Miscellaneous - Kirurgija, ostalo Gjino P., Koleci Xh., Turmalaj L., Grizelj J., Vince S., Lika E. 301 Role of Bovine Digital Dermatitis (BDD) on service period of dairy cattle Utjecaj bovinog digitalnog dermatitisa na servis period krava muzara Zemljič, Borut 307 INFLUENCE ON PREVALENCE OF THE DERMATITIS DIGITALIS PAPILLOMATOSA IN THE DAIRY HERDS UTJECAJ NA POJAVNOST PAPILOMATOZNOG DIGITALNOG DERMATITISA U MLIJEČNIH KRAVA Capak, D., B. Radišić, D. Vnuk, I. Harapin, J. Kos, T. Babić, Marija Lipar, and D. Matičić 313 Unilateral scrotal hernia in ram JEDNOSTRANA SKROTALNA HERNIJA U OVNA Cabras, P. A., A. Firinu, S. Tola, A. Orrù, A. M. Deiana, S. Usai, S. R. Poddighe, V. Petruzzi 317 Infectious Keratoconjunctivitis (Pink Eyes) in Sardinian Goats: Clinical, Diagnostics and Epidemiological Considerations Zarazni Keratokonjunktivitis (Pink Eyes) u sardinijskih koza: klinička, dijagnostička i epiemiološka razmatranja Babić, T., Kos J., Smolec O. 321 THE FIGURATIVE OUTLINE OF HORN DEFORMATION AND HORN INJURIES OF THE FARM CATTLE TREATED IN THE WIDER SURROUNDING COUNTRYSIDE OF ZAGREB SLIKOVIT PRIKAZ DEFORMACIJA I OZLJEDA ROGOVA FARMSKIH GOVEDA OBRAĐENIH U ŠIROJ OKOLICI ZAGREBA Morelli C., Cubeddu M. G., Calabrò G., Russo M., Di Pietro C., Passantino A. 325 PENALTIES FOR BREACH OF EC FOOD LAW IN ITALY Kazne za kršenje EC zakona o hrani u Italiji Cubeddu G. M., Lai M. G., Coda S., Fois G. M. 329 Penal and Civil Cases in the matter of cattle: forensic observations Il contenzioso penale e civile in materia di bovini: osservazioni medico-legali KRIVIČNE I GRAĐANSKE PARNICE S PREDMETOM GOVEDA: SUDSKI OSVRTI VI XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Pugliese A., Tortorella A., Di Marco V., Di Pietro S., Russo M., Gruppillo A., Scardillo A., Niutta P.P. 333 EPIDEMIOLOGICAL DATA ON INFECTIOUS KERATOCONJUNTIVITIS (IKC) OF SHEEP AND GOAT IN SICILY EPIDEMIOLOški pokazatelji zaraznog KERATOkonjUNTIVITISa (IKC) ovaca i koza na Siciliji Robles-Robles, R., Revuelta, J.F., González-Montaña, J.R. 337 THE ECONOMICS OF EXTENSIVE BEEF PRODUCTION IN SPAIN Isplativost ekstenzivnog uzgoja goveda u Španjolskoj Džaja., P., M.Čuljak, J. Bagarić., V. Vrkić., K. Rukavec, F. Martinković., E. Šatrović, M. Radačić, I. Vranješ, A. Lokin., I. Semren 345 CERTAIN FEATURES OF RAW SKIN FROM LARGE DOMESTIC HOOFED ANIMALS NEKA SVOJSTVA SIROVIH GOVEĐIH KOŽA Džaja P., Z. Perić, M. Vujić, J. Kos, Ž. Grabarević, E. Šatrović, J. Bagarić, M. Radačić, B. Artuković, A. Lokin, T. Zubak 351 THE MOST COMMON JURIDICAL CASSES OF CATTLE SINCE 1923 -2007 NAJČEŠĆI SUDSKI SLUČAJEVI IZ GOVEDARSTVA OD 1923-2007. Bazargani T. T., Hemmatzadeh F., Nadjafi J. and Sadeghi-Nasab A. 361 Outbreak of the BVDV induced gastro-neuropathy in a feedlot calves around Tehran (Iran) POJAVA BVDV-OM INDUCIRANE NEFROPATIJE KOD TELADI U OKOLICI TEHERANA (IRAN) Šehić, M., V. Butković, D. Stanin, B. Škrlin, B. Radišić, J. Kos 369 Comparison of conventional and digital radiography of phalangeal bone and soft tissue in cattle Usporedba konvencionalne i digitalne radiografije kosti i mekih česti falangi goveda Fernández, G., Lago, N., Pato, J.,López, C.M., Díez-Baños, P., Cienfuegos, S, Viña, M. 377 SEROLOGICAL SURVEY OF MAEDI-VISNA IN SHEEP IN LUGO (NORTH-WEST SPAIN) SEROLOGICAL SURVEY OF MAEDI-VISNA IN SHEEP IN LUGO (NORTH-WEST SPAIN) Posters - Posteri Kale, M., Ö. Kurşunb, A. S. Akcan Kalec, F. Pehlivanoğlud, S. Hasırcıoğlua, S. Yavrue 383 SPINAL CORD TISSUE DETECTION IN COMMINUTED BEEF IN A PRIVATE ABATTOIR IN SOUTHERN TURKEY Detekcija tkiva leđne moždine u usitnjenoj govedini iz privatne mesnice u južnoj Turskoj Kale, M., Ayhan ATA, Sibel Yavru, Orhan Yapkiç, Oya Bulut, Uğur Büyükyörük, Mehmet Şükrü Gülay, Oğuzhan Avci 389 INVESTIGATION OF BOVINE VIRAL DIARRHEA VIRUS (BVDV) INFECTION IN RELATION TO FERTILITY IN CATTLE Istraživanje utjecaja BVD ( Bovine Viral Diarrhea) na plodnost u goveda Kale, M., O. Kursun, A. S. Akcan Kale, F. Pehlivanoglu, A. Guner, R. Baskaya, Y. Dogruer, C. Outurk 397 DETECTION OF SPINAL CORD TISSUES AS BOVINE SPONGIFORM ENCEPHALOPATHY SPECIFIED RISK MATERIAL (BSE-SRM) IN BEEF CARCASSES DURING SPLITTING IN TURKEY OTKRIVANJE TKIVA RIZIČNOG ZA PRIJENOS BSE PRILIKOM ODVAJANJA GOVEĐIH POLOVICA U TURSKOJ XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 VII Dobranić, T., M. Samardžija, D. Đuričić, I. Harapin, S. Vince, D. Gračner, N. Prvanović, J. Grizelj, M. Karadjole, Lj. Bedrica, D. Cvitković 403 THE METABOLIC PROFILE OF BOER GOATS DURING PUERPERIUM THE METABOLIC PROFILE OF BOER GOATS DURING PUERPERIUM NIVELES DE METALES TÓXICOS (As, Cd, Hg y Pb) EN HÍGADOS DE BOVINOS CRIADOS EN INTENSIVO EN LA PROVINCIA DE LEÓN (N.O. ESPAÑA). Escudero, A., González JR, Miranda M, Hernández J, Lechuga A, Castillo C, Benedito JL. 409 TOXIC METAL CONCENTRATIONS (As, Cd, Hg y Pb) IN LIVER OF BEEF CATTLE FROM PROVINCE OF LEON (NW SPAIN). KONCENTRACIJE TOKSIČNIH METALA (As, Cd, Hg I Pb) U JETRI TOVNE JUNADI S PODRUČJA LEONA (SJEVEROZAPADNA ŠPANJOLSKA) Benech, A., Cal L, Martín A, Da Silva S, Lataste V, Torío R, Fernández Rodríguez F, González Montaña JR, Prieto Montaña F y Rodas E. 415 STARVED PERIOD IN LATE GESTATION: EFFECTS ON EWES AND LAMBS RESTRICCIÓN DEL ALIMENTO EN LA GESTACIÓN AVANZADA: EFECTOS SOBRE LA OVEJA Y SOBRE EL CORDERO UTJECAJ GLADOVANJA TIJEKOM KASNE GRAVIDNOSTI NA OVCU I JANJAD Filipović, Natalija, Nikica Prvanović, T. Mašek, Ž. Mikulec, Z. Stojević 421 Bone metabolism in dairy ewes during lactation Koštani metabolizam u mliječnih ovaca tijekom laktacije Majić-Balić, I., S. Milinković-Tur, J. Piršljin, B. Beer Ljubić, A. Orak, P. Božić 427 Activity of glutathione peroxidase in sperm and blood serum of simmental breeding bulls Aktivnost glutation peroksidaze u spermi i krvnom serumu bikova simentalske pasmine Marenjak, T. M., Nina Poljičak-Milas,Jasna Piršljin, Blanka Beer Ljubić, Ivančica Delaš 433 Interactive fat supplementation changed the milk quality and plasma thyroid hormone concentration in Simmental cows DODATAK NEŽAŠTIĆENE MASTI U OBROK MIJENJA KVALITETU MLIJEKA I KONCENTRACIJU HORMONA ŠTITNJAČE U SIMENTALSKIH KRAVA Blanka Beer Ljubić, Renata Laškaj, Jasna Piršljin, Ivanka Majić-Balić, Terezija Silvija Marenjak, Suzana Milinković-Tur 441 Seasonal changes in lipid composition of bovine serum and seminal plasma Utjecaj godišnjih doba na sastav masnih tvari u serumu i sjemenoj plazmi bikova Karadjole, M., I. Getz, N. Macesic, M. Samardzija, T. Karadjole, G. Bacic, Z. Makek, T. Dobranic, M. Knezevic, G. Perculija, D. Cvitkovic 451 EFFECT OF DONOR BREED ON BOVINE OOCYTE RECOVERY AND IN VITRO EMBRYO DEVELOPMENT AFTER OVUM PICK UP Utjecaj pasmine goveda na jajne stanice dobivene postupkom transvaginalne ultrazvučne punkcije I embrionalni razvoj in vitro Maćešić, N., Marijan Cergolj, Nikica Prvanović, Marko Samardžija, Tugomir Karadjole, Martina Karadjole, Goran Bačić, Tomislav Dobranić, Antun Kostelić, Miroslav Benić 457 THE ETIOLOGY AND PREVALENCE OF INTRAMAMMARY INFECTION OF DAIRY GOATS IN REGIONS OF NORTH CROATIA ETIOLOGIJA I PREVALENCIJA INTRAMAMARNIH INFEKCIJA KOZA U SJEVERNOJ HRVATSKOJ Šakić Vedad, Katica Velija, Crnkić Ćazim, Softić Almira, Brdarić Maja 461 PHENOTYPE AND PRODUCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF DUBIAN ZECKEL SHEEP FENOTIPSKE I PROIZVODNE KARAKTERISTIKE OVCE DUBSKE PRAMENKE VIII XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Grabarević, Ž., Seiwerth, S., Čorić, M., Šoštarić-Zuckermann, I.C., Hohšteter, M., Artuković, B., Beck, A, Gudan-Kurilj, A., Džaja, P., Švić, L. 467 Metastatic cholangiocarcinoma in a cow - case report Metastatski kolangiocelularni karcinom krave – prikaz slučaja Dettori, M.L., G.M. Vacca, V. Carcangiu, M. Pazzola, M. Sanna, G. Maricosu, P.P. Bini 473 POLIMORFISMO DEL GENE CSN1S2 NELLA CAPRA SARDA POLIMORFIZAM GENA CSN1S2 U SARDINIJSKE KOZE Sanchez, L, Cantalapiedra, J.A., Carril, J. A., Iglesias, A. 481 ANALYSIS OF GROWTH CURVE OF CROSSES RUBIA GALLEGA X NELLORE BY MEANS OF MICHAELIS-MENTEN EQUATION ANALISIS DE LA CURVA DE CRECIMIENTO DE CRUCES DE RUBIA GALLEGA X NELORE MEDIANTE LA ECUACION DE MICHAELIS-MENTEN Gönül Remzi, Abdullah Kayar, Tanay Bílal, M. Erman Or, Çağla Parkan, H. Tamer Dodurka, Tevfik Gülyaşar, Bora Barutçu 485 COMPARISON OF MINERAL LEVELS IN BONE AND BLOOD SERUM OF CATTLE IN NORTHWESTERN TURKEY USPOREDBA RAZINE MINERALA U KOŠTANOM SUSTAVU I KRVI KRAVA U SJEVEROZAPADNOJ TURSKOJ Cubeddu G.M., Coluccio P., Lai M.G., Pintori G.,Vacca E. 491 Forensic observation on the use of auricular marks on the Sardinian purebred sheep Osservazioni cliniche, medico-legali, legislative e di benessere animale sull’applicazione delle marche auricolari in ovini di razza sarda MEDICINSKO-PRAVNI OSVRT NA PRIMJENU UŠNIH MARKICA KOD SARDINIJSKIH PASMINA OVACA Gharzi, A and Abbasi, M 497 Biometry and histomorphometry of ovary in Lori local sheep Biometrija i histomorfometrija ovarija ovce pasmine Lori Hassanpour, A., Amougli Tabrizi, B. 498 Biochemical and hematological parameters in cows with TRP Biokemijski i hematološki pokazatelji u goveda sa TRP Yahya Tahamtana, Seyyed Shahram Shekarforooshb, Seyyed Ali Pourbakhshc 499 The survey on prevalence of E.coli O157:H7 using VT1, 2 and eae genes from sheep in Shiraz-Iran Pregled pojavnosti E.coli O157:H7 upotrebom VT 1,2 i eae gena iz pokrajine Shiraz u Iranu Yahya Tahamtana, Ali Pourbakhsh, Shahram Shekarforoosh 500 First Identification of Escherichia coli O157:H7 by Improved Trypticase Soy Broth and Sorbitol MacConkey Agar containing cefixime and tellurite and comparison with PCRs from cattle carcasses in Shiraz-Iran Prva identifikacija E.coli O157:H7 na poboljšanoj podlozi bujona sojine triptikaze i sorbitol McConkey agaru koji sadrže cefexim i telurit u usporedbi s PCR od goveđih lešina u iranskoj pokrajini Shiraz Saif A. Balios, Muaffq S. Kassim and Rabea A.S.Al-Oramary. 501 Induction of parturition in ewes (local breeds) and subsequent survival of neonates Brianti, E., Abbene S., Gaglio G., Risitano A.L., Ferlazzo M., Chiofalo B., Cavallaro M., Giannetto S. 502 Effects of untreated gastrointestinal nematode infections on performances and development of effective immune response in lambs of Valle del Belice breed XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 IX Bahari Aliasghar, Mohammadreza Sadeghi, Shamsedin Ghaemmaghami, Ali Sadeghi-nasab 503 Serological survey on bovine viral diarrhea virus infection of cattle in Hamadan area-Iran Haghparast Alireza, Gholamreza Mohammadi, Shalaleh Mousavi 504 Seroepidemiology of Bovine Leukemia Virus (BLV) infection in the north eastern provinces of Iran Leoni, G. G., Bebbere D., Satta V., °Berlinguer F., Mereu P., Pirastru M., Manca L., Naitana S. 505 GENETIC CARACTERIZATION OF SARDINIAN MOUFLON POPULATION USING MICROSATELLITES AND mtDNA MARKERS. Kocamüftüğlu Mesih, Ayhan Ata, Mehmet Kale, Sibel Hasircioğlu 506 Investigation of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) Infection in Relation to Fertility in Dairy Cows with Repeat Breeding Prvanović, N., M. Cergolj, A. Tomašković, N. Maćešić, J. Grizelj, M. Samardžija, T. Dobranić, N. Filipović, G. Bačić, M. Lipar 507 Influence of impropriate milking on udder health of dairy cows Mohagheghzadeh Ali 508 ANTIMICROBIAL EFFECT OF EDTA_TRIS AND ANTIBIOTICS ON SALMONELLA TYPHIMURIUM INVITRO AND ON BROILER CARCASE Nicolussi P, Bonelli P, Pau S, Canalis M, Soru A, Sarria A, Patta C, Marongiu E, Di Gennaro A, Bonfini B, Savini G. 509 Effects of Bluetongue live modified vaccine on early and mid pregnancy in sheep Vicari D., Mancuso R., Cicero A., Randazzo V., Martorana C., Chetta M., Ferrantelli V., Castiglione F. 510 Epidemiological survey of infectious causes of diarrhea in young small ruminants in Sicily Castiglione F., Tamburello A., Macrì D., Emanuele M.C., Alaimo C., Monteverde V., Puleio R., Manno C., Ferrantelli V., Nicholas R.A.J. *, Loria G.R. 511 Development of “potency test” for evaluation of farm vaccines against contagious agalactia in a natural outbreak Galia S., Pugliese M., De Majo M., Mazzullo G. 515 CLINICAL AND HISTOPATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS IN A CASE OF OVINE OCULAR SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA (OSCC) Sušić, V., A. Ekert Kabalin, I. Štoković, Ž. Pavičić, B. Mioč, V. Pavić, Z. Barać 521 Sheep of the Island of Pag: lambing frequency and lamb birth weight during winter-spring season Paška ovca: učestalost janjenja i porodna masa janjadi tijekom zimskoproljetne sezone Benić, M., Ž. Cvetnić, M. Lojkić, B. Habrun, G. Kompes, M. Cergolj,, N. Maćešić 527 Prevalence and aethiology of cow mastitis in small dairy holdings in Croatia Prevalencija i etiologija mastitisa krava u malim obiteljskim gospodarstvima Di Marco Vincenzo, Russo Miriam, Aronica Vincenzo, Fiasconaro Michele, Scimeca Salvatore, Alongi Angelina, Torina Alessandra 531 Case Report of anaplasmosis on a sheep farm in the Nebrodi Mountain range (Sicily – Italy - Europe) Caracappa Santo, Torina Alessandra, Nicosia Silviane, D’Agostino Rosalia, Russo Miriam, Alongi Angelina, Di Marco Vincenzo 533 Theileria equi in ovine: a cases report Barriada Alvarez M., Martínez López L. M. 535 ANIMAL IDENTIFICATION: CONDITIONS OF THE INDIVIDUAL IDENTIFICATION OF BOVINE ANIMALES IN ASTURIAS (SPAIN) XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Invited Lectures Pozvana predavanja XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 11 XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 12 Autochthonous Ruminant Breeds in Croatia Autohtone pasmine preživača u Hrvatskoj V. Sušić1, A. Ekert Kabalin1, I. Štoković1, Ž. Pavičić2, B. Mioč3, V. Pavić3, Z. Barać4, S. Menčik1 1 2 Department of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia Department of Animal Hygiene, Environment and Ethology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia 3 Department of Animal Science II, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb, Croatia 4 Croatian Livestock Centre, Zagreb, Croatia In every geographical region, as well as in the regions of the Republic of Croatia, autochthonous breeds of animals evolved and adapted under the influence of a number of factors - ranging from natural selection to those implemented by man (Posavi et al., 2001). Declining numbers or the disappearance of autochthonous domestic animal breeds in the last hundred years is the result of an increasingly rapid technological development and the establishment of greater economic requirements, in addition to socio-economic changes and the migration of the rural population to urban areas. Consequently, at present time in the world, like in Croatia, a great deal of attention has been given to the preservation of autochthonous breeds of animals. After signing the Convention of Biological Diversity in 1992 and its ratification by the Croatian Parliament in 1996, creating of national strategies for protecting Croatia’s biological and landscape diversity have started. The main reasons for protection the diversity of autochthonous animal breeds are their value as components of Croatian heritage, as well as their inclusion in the historico-cultural development of certain regions (Ekert Kabalin and Štoković, 2007; Posavi et al, 2001; Sušić et al., 2001). The main ways to preserve autochthonous breeds includes identification, ascertaining size and status of endangered breeds, their genotyping and conservation methods in situ and ex situ. Preservation in situ implies the preservation of the population in their original environment, while ex situ implies the preservation of animals removed from their original environment. Two methods of preservation can be used: in vivo (live animals) and in vitro (storage of genetic material like semen, embryos or other tissues in the gene bank) (Štoković et al., 2007 a and b; FAO 2005; Henson 1992). As an urgent measure to put a stop to the disappearance of autochthonous breeds, the Republic of Croatia increased financial Subsidies for their breeding. Besides that, several research and aplied programes started with the goals to develop favourable marketing conditions with the commercialization of autochthonous products that need to find a place on the domestic and foreign markets (Ekert Kabalin and Štoković, 2007). Status of autochthonous ruminant breeds in Croatia According to the World Watch List categorization, Croatian autochthonous ruminant breeds are located on different levels of endangerment (Barać et al., 2007; Bulić et al., 2007; Ekert Kabalin XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 13 and Štoković, 2007; CLC, 2007; DZZP, 2006; Sušić et al., 2006b and 2001; Posavi et al., 2004 and 2001). 2. The present status of autochthonous ruminant breeds in Croatia are illustrated in Tables 1 and Table 1: Status of Croatian autochthonous cattle breeds in the year 2006 (Source: CLC, 2007; Annual Report for 2006) Number of animals Breed Istrian cattle Buša of Lika Şlavonian-Syrmian Podolian Number of males 18 11 Number of females 343 100 1 26 Effective population size* Population status 68,41 39,64 in danger in danger 3,85 critical * Effective population size (Ne) is the fundamental criteria for the determination of endangered breeds. It is calculated according to the expression: Ne = (Nm * Nf) / (Nm + Nf) Table 2: Breed structure of sheep and goats under selection control and estimate of population size in 2006 (Source: CLC, 2007- Annual Report for 2006) Breed Number of sheep /goats Istrian Sheep Sheep of the Island of Cres Sheep of the Island of Pag Ruda Sheep Pramenka of Lika Pramenka of Dalmatia Tsigai Sheep of the Island of Rab Croatian variegated goat 1.923 603 1.944 253 4.035 2.311 1.841 645 210 Number of yearlings 285 121 411 37 866 447 682 129 23 Number of rams /hegoats 53 23 88 17 81 78 39 22 7 Total heads 2.261 747 2.443 307 4.982 2.836 2.562 796 240 Estimate of population size 2.261 15.000 30.000 307 30.000 200.000 3.000 6.500 20.000 Primary characteristics of Croatian autochthonous cattle, sheep and goat breeds According to the List of autochthonous and protected breeds and strains of domestic animals (NN 127/98, 73/03, 39/06, 126/07) in autochthonous breeds of ruminants are included: Istrian cattle, Buša of Lika, Şlavonian-Syrmian Podolian, Pramenka of Dalmatia, Ruda Sheep (Dubrovnik Sheep), Sheep of the Island of Cres, Sheep of the Island of Rab, Pramenka of Lika, Istrian Sheep, Sheep of the Island of Pag, Tsigai, Sheep of the Island of Krk, Croatian variegated goat and Croatian white goat (MPŠVG, 1998, 2003, 2006 and 2007). CATTLE The Istrian cattle belongs to a group of primitive primigenius European cattle. Among the people it’s still called boškarin. The creation of this cattle breed favours arable land, gentle climate and a rich 14 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Istrian cattle millenial livestock tradition. Cows of a mature age are tall in withers around 138 cm and the length of the body is around 155 cm. Bulls are on average tall in withers around 155 cm and can attain 170 cm. On average, they weigh between 1000 and 1200 kg (some examples can attain up to 1400 kg). Istrian cattle has a coarse physical constitution and strong bone structure, resistant and strong with great working abilities. Most often, they are light grey to white in colour transitioning to darker grey tones. The horns are proportionally long in a shape that resembles a lyre. At the roots they are greyish to yellowish, and from the half way point to the tops they are dark grey to black. The hooves are hard made with very sturdy keratin, trimmed with black hair. At birth, the calves are often red, although they can be white to grey. Istrian cattle belongs to a late maturing breed of cattle whose maturity reaches 6-7 years in age providing the extraordinary possibility for long lasting useage of these cattle in work. High resistancy, modesty and adaptability to the conditions of the Istrian climate, gives the possibility to use poorer, marginal pastures and overgrown wooded vegetation which is the main food source in the time of drought. Today we endeavour to include this breed in sustainable production based on the meat production as well as autochthonous cheeses (www.hssc.hr; Posavi et al., 2004 and 2002). The Buša of Lika was included in the critical breeds category, however, according to the report from the Croatian Livestock Centre for 2006 (CLC, 2007) it is mentioned as a breed in danger. It belongs to the group of short-horned cattle - Bos brachyceros europaeus. It belongs to the primitive (extensive) breed of cattle which can be found in regions where man’s influence on its breeding is very weak. The Buša of Lika is a tiny cattle with a coarse physical constitution. The height of the wither is 100 to 110 cm. The cow weighs from 180 to 250 kg and the bull approximately 300 kg. It is nearly always one colour, from completely bright, brown throughout, prutaste (national name for buša with concealed, bushy, narrow tiger stripes) red to black colour with stripes on its back which is in contrast with its basic colour. The horns and hooves are always dark. It is a late maturing cattle. The first time heifers mate is from 2 years. The calves are tiny, their birth weight is approximately 15 kg. The fertility of the Buša ok Lika is about 85-90%. Female animals remain fertile between 10 to 12 years. They live about 20 years. The Buša of Lika is the result of poor nutrition and little care so that its milk production is not greater than 700 to 800 litres. The milk is excellent quality because it XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 15 Buša of Lika has 4 to 6% milk fat. Lactation lasts about 8 months. The production of meat is poor (55%) because the Buša is bony and tiny animal. The work ability of the Buša of Lika is modest, but satisfactory for the extensive agricultural needs of its breeding area. This breed is suitable for individual breeding in families which are involved in extensive raising and who have modest breeding facilities. Cattle are held outside in summers and winters, whether they are in the pastures or corrals. Only during the Slavonian-Syrmian Podolian coldest winter or in bad weather they are closed in the stables. It is favourable for the economical production of cattle meat and the production of autochthonous cheeses (www.hssc.hr; Posavi et al., 2004 and 2002). The Şlavonian-Syrmian Podolian belongs to the group of long-horned cattle - Bos taurus. At the beginning of the 20th century it was the most significant and the most representative of cattle breeds in Croatian regions of Baranja, Syrmia and Slavonia and in the part of Podravina. Today, most of the animals are raised in The Croatian Centre for Reproduction in Cattle Breeding. It is a late-maturing, very resistant and perservering cattle with a sturdy skeleton. The height of the cow is 16 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 approximately 130 cm, while the bulls are approximately 10 cm higher. The colour of the SlavonianSyrmian Podolian is white grey to dark grey, often with dark pigmentation on the lower neck and head. In bulls, there is noticeable pigmentation, and bigger dark circles around the eyes. The horns are the main feature of this breed, differing in length, often in a slanted position to the tops which portrude on the side, with a big span between the tops (lyre-shape). The other type of horns are in a more vertical position and the tops hooked backwards so these horns have a pitch fork shape. In the past, this breed of cattle was raised mainly because of work and meat. Milk products range from 800 to 1000 litres in lactation. Today we can regard this breed as an important genetic resource, and in addition, it is necessary to emphasize its ecological and economic value in producing specific products - cattle meat and the production of autochthonous cheeses (www.hssc.hr; Posavi et al., 2004 and 2002). SHEEP The Pramenka of Dalmatia belongs to the large group of pramenka sheep. This is a Croatian autochthonous breed of sheep raised in the wider territory of Dalmatia region. It is very resistant, adaptable to the specific climate conditions (high summer temperatures often accompanied by long lasting drought) and characterized by its good use of low quality grass. The Pramenka of Dalmatia represents a very valuable population of sheep, esspecially in territories with difficult economic conditions (karstic, mountainous terrains, Dalmatian hinterland). Rams have strong horns, while sheep are generally hornsless. The ears are in a straight position. The fleece is an open end kind with piercing tufts. The body mass of a sheep is between 30 to 40 kg and the ram is 45-55 kg. It is a late maturing breed. The colour of the wool is mostly white, although we have a significant percentage of animals with black colour, and a smaller percentage with brown and grey wool. Fertility is low (liter size is 1.1). Milk production varies from 50 to 100 kg of milk in a lactation period of 150-180 days. Until age of 120 days weight gain is approximately 170 grams per day. Randement is from 45 to 52%, with high meat quality. Today the Pramenka of Dalmatia is mostly bred for its lamb meat. Only a small number of sheep are used for milk and cheese production (www.hssc.hr ; Posavi et al., 2004 and 2002; Mioč et al., 2000). Sheep of the Island of Cres Sheep of the Island of Rab XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 17 Pramenka of Lika Tsigai (Source: Posavi et al., 2004) Istrian Sheep Sheep of the Island of Pag Ruda Sheep (Dubrovnik Sheep) is breed which is raised on a narrow Croatian coastal belt from the Pelješac peninsula to the border with Montenegro. It is assumed that breed came into existence with time in the Republic of Dubrovnik through crossbreeding of domestic pramenka sheep and merino fine wooled sheep which were imported by sailors from Spain, Portugal and Italy. According to the colour of the wool, the Dubrovnik Sheep is in 90% of cases white, and rarely black. The average body mass of the sheep is 30-40 kg, and of rams 42-52 kg. Sheep are in wither height 58-62 cm and rams 62-66 cm. Sheep breeding is mainly extensive and nutrition is based on pasture. Just a small number of sheep breeders use concentrated fodder for feeding. The remaining heads are raised exclusively for their meat products (lamb). Sheep fertility is 120-150%, the body mass of lambs of 30-45 days old weigh 12-15 kg, in a period of 3-4 months the body weight is 25-30 kg. Currently the Dubrovnik sheep is one of the most endangered of all indigenous breeds of sheep in the Republic of Croatia (www.hssc.hr; Posavi et al., 2004 and 2002; Mioč et al., 2003 and 2000). 18 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Sheep of the Island of Cres have origins and are raised on the islands Cres and Lošinj. Based on the environment the Sheep of the Island of Cres is small, quite lively and rather resistant. The torso of the Sheep of the Island of Cres is middle length and height, rather well built with some thinner, longer but distinctively strong legs adapted to the difficult rocky terrains on the island Cres. The height of the withers of the sheep is approximately 60-65 cm and for rams 63-70 cm. The body mass of the sheep is approximately 33-40 kg and of the rams about 50 kg. Sheep are with or without horns, and rams have strong, sturdy and very pronounced horns. They belong to the category of long tailed sheep. Concerning its production quality the Sheep of the Island of Cres belongs to a group of breeds with combined production properties. Fertility is 120-150%. The body mass of lambs 3045 days old amounts from 12 to 15 kg. Milk production is 100-150 litres. Annual shear amount per sheep is 1-1,5 kg and rams from 2 to 3 kg. The lambs of Sheep from Island Cres are highly requested because of theirs meat quality. (www.hssc.hr; Pavić et al. 2006; Posavi et al., 2004 and 2002; Mioč et al., 2000). The Sheep of the Island of Rab is remarkable resistant breed and adaptive to the climate of the island of Rab (high summer temperatures often accompanied by long lasting drought, bora wind in winter months). In the sheep profile the nasal bone is slightly prominent and they are often horned. The fleece is white and half closed. The head and the legs are often white but on the legs, head and ears there might appear black, brown or grey spots. Sheep lamb one lamb in a litter, rarely two so the average size of the litter is 1,1 -1,2 lambs. During lactation from 150-170 days the sheep produces from 80-120 kg of milk. The daily weight gain of lambs aged up to 100 days amounts to approximately 180 g. Slaughtery utilization of lambs amounts from 45-55% and the quality of the meat is excellent so it represents a culinary speciality. Today sheep are mainly raised for lamb-meat, and just a small number of sheep are used for milk production (www.hssc.hr; Posavi et al., 2004 and 2002; Mioč et al., 2006 and 2000). The Pramenka of Lika is a breed which was developed in the mountainous area of Lika and Gorski Kotar. It is the most typical type of pramenka in Croatia. This sheep belongs to the group of medium developed sheep, pronoucedly resistant and adaptive. The Pramenka of Lika is well built with a strong physical constitution. Sheep have an average weight of 45-55 kg, while rams 65-75 kg. Usually some have pronounced length rather than body height. The height of the withers in sheep is 62-65 cm, while in rams 67-72 cm. The body ends with a tail which reaches as far as under the ankle joints. The body is covered in open fleece mixed wool, composed of pointed tufts. Rams are horned, sheep are mostly hornless. White is the typical colour. Head is spotty with bigger and smaller black speckles. Milk production during lactation is 120-150 litres. A lamb of 3-4 months reaches a weight of 20-25 kg ( www.hssc.hr; Posavi et al., 2004 and 2002; Mioč et al., 2000 and 1998). The Istrian Sheep is breed expanded in the wider territories of Istra. Although the origin of this breed isn’t completely clear, it’s exterior implies the type of mediterranean sheep in which were left traces by certain Italian breeds, particularly Bergamo sheep. Istrian Sheep are included in the sturdiest pramenka in Croatia, which is confirmed by the fact that the average mass of sheep reaches up to 70 kg, and rams up to 100 kg. The height of wither in rams is 82-88 cm and in sheep 76-80 cm. They are well built, with a strong physical constitution and pronounced body length. The head is mid length with a convex profile line. In many sheep ear agility can be entirely limited inside closed spiral horns. The fleece covers the upper side of the neck and back, while the stomach, legs and face are covered in short hair. The body is fundamentally white with spots while the stomach and the legs are usually entirely black. Sometimes the pigmentation is so pronounced that it looks like its black foundation. Istrian Sheep belong to the group of sheep with combined meat-milk production XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 19 characteristics. In the course of lactation from 200 days on average sheep produce about 120 kg of milk, a smaller number of heads produce even more than 200 kg. The most of breeders of Istrian Sheep produce hard sheep cheese which is greatly valued on the market. The fertility of the Istrian sheep is 130-150 %, and the body weight of lambs at the age of 45-60 days is 15-18 kg (www.hssc. hr; Mikulec et al., 2007; Posavi et al., 2004 and 2002; Mioč et al., 2000). Sheep of the Island of Pag are raised almost exclusively on the island of Pag. This breed is a little smaller than other island sheep breeds. The torso is well built, with middle pronounced width and depth. Sheep have an average body weight of 30-40 kg and rams 50 kg or more. The height of wither in sheep is 57-60 cm, and in rams 59- 63 cm. They are mainly white and in approximately 2% of cases they appear in a black colour, and that individuals are rarely remaining for breeding. Sheep are mainly hornless while rams are mostly horned, though there are some without horns. Because the back is not much higher than the withers, the back line lightly climbs towards the back. The body is well covered with wool. The fleece is closed to half closed. The legs are sturdy. The length of the tail reaches under the ankle joint. Fertility is approximately 120%. Lambs suckle until 30 days. The birth weight of lambs is about 3 kg. The body mass of lambs 30-45 days old is 12-15 kg. After the suckling period sheep are milked about 5 months so that the average length of lactation is about 180 days, and in that time Sheep of the Island of Pag produce from 80 to 150 litres of milk. The fundamental production goal in breeding Sheep of the island of Pag is the production of milk and well known cheese. A special place on the Croatian market is also reserved for the high quality lamb meat. (www. hssc.hr; Sušić et al., 2006a; Pavić et al., 2005; Posavi et al., 2004 and 2002; Mioč et al., 2000). The Tsigai is one of the oldest breeds which was created in the Middle East from where it expanded into the Balkan peninsula and in certain parts of Europe. In Croatia it is bred in regions of Slavonia and Barania. It is a large breed, with a well built body and a strong physical constitution. The average height in sheep amounts to 60-76 cm while 70-85 cm in rams. Rams have a prominent profile. Sheep are hornless and rams may have horns. The ears are big and often slouching. The head, ears and legs are black. At birth the lamb is a grey mouse colour. With time this colour is lost, so that at the age of 4 months the lamb gets white coloured wool, except for grey-born lambs which are mostly black and rarely variegated. The Tsigai is a breed of combined production characteristics - for meat, milk and wool production. Adult sheep weigh 50-65 kg and rams 70-100 kg. Although during lactation the Tsigai can give up to 120 litres of milk, today it is bred exclusively for the production of lamb-meat. Fertility is 140-180%, and the weight gain of lambs of 3-4 months amounts to 30-35 kg (www.hssc.hr; Posavi et al., 2004 and 2002; Mioč et al., 2000). Sheep of the Island of Krk is breed especially resistant, adaptive to the climate on the island of Krk (high summer temperatures often accompanied by long lasting drought, bora wind in the winter months). It is a smaller sheep, but proportional with a sturdy build. It is lively and resistant. The sheep are most often white, rarely black, grey or brown. The head of the sheep is small, with a straight profile and hornless. In rams the nasal bone profile is pronounced and they are often horned. The fleece is half closed to closed. The head and the legs are most often white but on the legs, heads and ears can appear black, brown or grey spots. These sheep most often lamb one lamb in a litter, rarely two, so the average size of the litter is 1,1-1,2 lambs. During lactation from 150 to 170 days sheep produce from 90 to 120 kg of milk. Aged up to 100 days, the average daily weight gain amounts to about 180 g. Randement of slaughterd lambs amounts to approximately 45%, the meat quality is excellent and represents a culinary speciality. Sheep of the Island of Krk are mostly raised today for their lamb-meat which is highly regarded on the Croatian market („Lamb from the island of Krk“). A small number of sheep are used for milk production, although there is growing interest in the market 20 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 for hard sheep cheeses („Sheep cheese from the island of Krk“) (www.hssc.hr; Posavi et al., 2004 and 2002; Mioč et al., 2004 and 2000). GOAT The Croatian variegated goat is characterized by its resistance and adaptability to difficult available passages and difficult karst terrains. The average body weight amounts to 30-40 kg in females and to 40-60 kg in males. The body is covered with long, thick and shiny hair of different colours. The horns are dark, coarse and dull and grow behind like a sabre. Breeding of Croatian varietgated goats is organized primarily in extremely extensive conditions. Goat fertility on average amounts to 100% and in some flocks it can be 20-30% twins. The average milk production is about 100 l during lactation from 150-200 days. At present time the major production goal for breeders of Croatian varieated goat is meat (www.hssc.hr; Posavi et al., 2004 and 2002). Besides Croatian variegated goat, there is also the Croatian white goat, but this population is not introduced as a breed in the National Register, nor does it exist in the FAO’s reports of endangered autochthonous breeds. Basic characteristics of this population are resistance, adaptability, modesty, agility, liveliness and persistance. Goats are white, sometimes cream to a light yellowish colour. They are raised primarly because of the meat. The main breeding regiones are territories with difficult economic conditions (mountain karstic terrains, Dalmatian hinterland, islands) similar to the Croatian variegated goat. The average body mass of an adult female is between 40-60 kg while the male is 5070 kg, depending on the environmental conditions, mostly feeding. Goats have good fertility, early maturity, most often give birth to twins, so the average fertility is from 160-180 %. During lactation from 250 to 280 days they produce 250 to 300 kg of milk, and the average daily weight gain of kids is about 180 g (www.hssc.hr; Posavi et al., 2004 and 2002). Croatian variegated goat (Source: Posavi et al., 2004) Croatian white goat (Source: Posavi et al., 2004) Financial Subsidies It is clear fact that the production capacity of autochthonous breeds is relatively low and that those populations cannot be competitive with other high productive breeds and/or crossbreeds concerning the conditions of conventional livestock production. Taking into consideration that the protection of autochthonous domestic animal breeds are special interest, the Republic of Croatia insured financial XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 21 resources for their breeding. Those financial resources are used for paying breeders/owners through subsidies (Dadić and Jakopović, 2007). Subsidies in Croatian livestock production can be divided into three fundamental groups: subsidies in conventional production (in milk production, for fattening cattle, for breeding cattle…), then subsidies in ecological production and subsidies for the breeding of autochthonous and protected breeds. The legal regulations for subsidies in cattle production is based on the Law of the country subsidiary in agriculture, fishery and forestry (NN 87/02; NN 117/03; NN 82/04; NN 12/05; NN 85/06; NN 141/06 - MPŠVG 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006) and the Regulation of manners and conditions concerning the implementation of the production subsidies model (NN 17/07 - MPŠVG, 2007) (Dadić and Jakopović, 2007; www.hssc.hr). Table 3: Paid subsidies for Croatian autochthonous ruminant breeds during the year 2006 (Source: www.hssc.hr) Breed Istrian cattle Buša of Lika Slavonian Syrmian Podolian cattle Istrian sheep Sheep of the island of Cres Sheep of the island of Pag Ruda Sheep Pramenka of Lika Pramenka of Dalmatia Tsigai Sheep of the island of Rab Croatian variegated goat Number of heads 613 141 141 1849 593 1620 265 1997 164 294 668 200 Sum Total Kunas 2.431.500 603.000 550.500 647.150 207.550 567.000 139.125 698.950 57.400 102.900 233.800 70.000 ≈ Euros ≈ 334.500 ≈ 83.000 ≈ 76.000 ≈ 89.000 ≈ 29.000 ≈ 78.000 ≈ 19.000 ≈ 96.000 ≈ 8.000 ≈ 14.000 ≈ 32.000 ≈ 10.000 ≈ Euros per head ≈ 550 ≈ 600 ≈ 550 ≈ 50 ≈ 50 ≈ 50 ≈ 70 ≈ 50 ≈ 50 ≈ 50 ≈ 50 ≈ 50 Conclusion The most rational strategies for the protection of autochthonous ruminant breeds are to ensure that they evolve or that they remain as a functional part of the production system. Therefore, in their economic assessment we have to take into consideration some specific factors which give them preference in comparison with high productive breeds. Those factors are: genotype diversity, environment adaptation, socio-cultural contributions in heritage as well as production of some autochthonous products or some other unique use (Kuterovac et al., 2001; Rege, 1999; WWL-DAD 3, 2000). Also, breeding and production of autochthonous ruminant breeds can be opportunity to increase market and tourist offer (national parks, eco-villages…) (Sušić et al., 2001; Horvath, 1996). In this way, a part of Croatian future agriculture could be based on raising autochthonous breeds in an ecologically acceptable manner, within sustainable production systems, in order to gain optimal results as well as to protect biological diversity. Reference: 1. Barać, Z., B. Mioč, V. Pavić, V. Sušić (2007): Uzgoj izvornih pasmina ovaca i koza u Republici Hrvatskoj. 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Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Abstract The use of assisted reproduction techniques is crucial for the improvement of productive yields in small ruminants, either applying artificial insemination or embryo transfer or combining both techniques; a previous oestrus synchronization is always necessary. Current work is a brief review of the state of the art in assisted reproduction in small ruminants. Sažetak Korištenje postupaka asistirane reprodukcije ključno je za poboljšanje produktivnosti malih preživača, bilo korištenjem umjetnog osjemenjivanja (U.O.) ili embriotransfera (ET), bilo kombiniranjem obaju tehnika; uz uvijek neophodnu prethodnu sinkronizaciju estrusa. Ovaj rad predstavlja skraćeni pregled spoznaja iz područja asistirane reprodukcije malih preživača. Introducción Ovino y caprino son especies tradicionalmente importantes en el área Mediterránea. Los pequeños rumiantes, desde un punto de vista social, favorecen la producción de productos de primera necesidad, a un coste menor que otras especies, y permiten el mantenimiento de las actividades agrarias en zonas desfavorecidas; desde un punto de vista medioambiental permiten la utilización de los recursos naturales mediante la explotación de los recursos pastables, facilitan la conservación del medio gracias al aprovechamiento de zonas de matorral, limpiando las zonas de explotación y evitando la propagación de incendios. En el esquema de producción actual, los pequeños rumiantes tienen un tercer papel, la elaboración de productos de calidad, de origen natural y con posibilidades de competir en el mercado frente a productos similares. Este sistema debe partir de razas susceptibles de aportar buenos rendimientos en las condiciones ambientales y de manejo de cada país, de cada región y de cada explotación. A partir de ello, la aplicación de programas de manejo reproductivo y de selección y mejora genética es básica para conseguir un aumento de las producciones. Las técnicas de manejo reproductivo y de reproducción asistida pueden ser dirigidas al macho, inseminación artificial, o a la hembra, producción y transferencia de embriones. Ambas técnicas permiten la optimización de la eficiencia reproductiva y, en el caso de los programas de selección y mejora genética, el testaje de los reproductores mediante pruebas de progenie, posibilitando con ello la disponibilidad de genealogías paternas y/o maternas, la difusión amplia y rápida de los caracteres mejorantes y la conexión entre los rebaños adscritos al sistema de selección. Ambas pueden ser XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 25 combinadas, y ambas exigen previamente la inducción y sincronización del celo y la ovulación en las hembras. Sus procedimientos, rendimientos y la influencia de factores intrínsecos, principalmente genéticos, y extrínsecos, derivados de factores medioambientales y de manejo, son revisados en el presente manuscrito. Inducción y sincronización de celos y ovulaciones El control del momento de aparición del celo y la ovulación es esencial para un adecuado manejo de la reproducción tanto en ovejas como cabras. Esta acción permite inducir el periodo de partos en la época más adecuada para el ganadero, aumentando la eficiencia reproductiva del rebaño. Y lo que es más, la sincronización de celos es indispensable para ser aplicado previamente a la inseminación artificial y/o la transferencia de embriones. La sincronización de celos es comúnmente realizada mediante la administración de progesterona, o sus derivados, y eCG (gonadotropina coriónica equina). Los tratamientos progestativos disminuyen la pulsatilidad de LH a valores similares a una fase luteal, evitando la ovulación de los folículos de tamaño preovulatorio; la retirada del progestágeno, junto a la administración de eCG, induce la aparición de una fase folicular, del celo y la ovulación. La progesterona o los progestágenos pueden ser aplicados por vía oral, intramuscular, subcutánea e intravaginal. Sin embargo, su uso en la práctica está restringido a la aplicación vaginal, en esponjas de poliuretano impregnadas con un progestágeno (Robinson, 1967); los más comúnmente utilizado son el FGA (acetato de fluorogestona) y el MAP (acetato de medroxiprogesterona), con una eficacia similar (Steffan et al., 1982). La progesterona puede ser aplicada también en dispositivos intravaginales (CIDR, Rhodes et al., 1988). En ovejas, los dispositivos intravaginales son mantenidos entre 12 y 14 días (Robinson, 1965), para sobrepasar la vida activa de un posible cuerpo lúteo. En cabras, las esponjas pueden ser mantenidas por 16 días (tratamiento largo, Armstrong et al., 1982); pero una duración tan larga puede causar vaginitis y otros problemas y, así, el protocolo más utilizado es la combinación de un progestágeno por 11 días y una dosis de prostaglandina F2α para lisar un posible cuerpo lúteo (Corteel et al., 1988). La eCG se inyecta en el momento de la retirada de la esponja, con el objetivo tanto de favorecer un mayor número de folículos preovulatorios como de inducir la ovulación. La dosis de eCG es también crucial; la dosis media en ovejas es 500 UI, pero varía desde 250 a 600 UI, dependiendo de la raza, edad, estación del año y estado fisiológico (Cognie et al., 1970; Evans y Robinson, 1980). Sin embargo, la sincronización de celos con progestágenos tiene varios inconvenientes. En primer lugar, las tasas de concepción son menores que en celo natural. Esta disminución en la fertilidad se ha relacionado, en la oveja, con anomalías en el transporte espermático y su supervivencia en el tracto reproductivo femenino (Hawk y Conley, 1971), alteraciones en los patrones de secreción de LH (Scaramuzzi et al., 1988) y calidad de las ovulaciones (Killian et al., 1985). Las posibles causas parecen estar relacionadas con deficiencias en la secreción de esteroides durante el desarrollo folicular preovulatorio (Gonzalez-Bulnes et al., 2005a). En cabras, el uso de eCG también contribuye a los fallos en fertilidad debido a que induce la producción de anticuerpos, lo que disminuye la fertilidad de sucesivos tratamientos. Finalmente, el aumento de la regulación internacional en material de residuos químicos, que ha causado la prohibición de su uso en Estados Unidos o una fuerte restricción en los límites máximos de residuos permitidos en la Unión Europea. La sincronización de celos en pequeños rumiantes puede ser obtenida, en razas no estacionales o durante la época reproductiva en animales estacionales, mediante la inducción de luteolisis controlada por la administración de dos dosis de prostaglandina F2a, o sus análogos, separados 9–11 días (Nuti 26 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 et al., 1992). Este tratamiento es efectivo para sincronizar celos en estación sexual, con más del 90% de las hembras mostrando sintomatología de celo (Greyling, 1996), pero la fertilidad es menor que con progestágenos (67% vs 80%) (Kusina et al., 2000). Las posibles causas de esta disminución no son bien conocidas. Estudios en ovejas (Boland et al., 1978), indican posibles alteraciones en la dinámica de crecimiento de los folículos preovulatorios y/o el momento de ovulación (Barret et al., 2002). Estudios en cabras indican que el momento de la fase luteal afecta la respuesta de las cabras a la inducción de celos con prostaglandinas. Los tratamientos con prostaglandinas se inyectan con un intervalos de 9-11 días; así, la mayoría de los animales estarán en mitad de la fase luteal en el momento de la segunda inyección. Esto asegura que todos los animales ovularán de forma sincronizada. Sin embargo, este sería el peor momento para el tratamiento, considerando la dinámica folicular; el mejor momento sería temprano en la fase luteal. Así, hay un mayor número de hembras con síntomas de celo, una aparición más temprana de esta sintomatología y un mayor número de animales respondiendo con ovulaciones en cabras tratadas en fase luteal temprana (GonzalezBulnes et al., 2005b). En cabras, como en otros rumiantes, la mayoría de los folículos en la primera onda de crecimiento están en estado creciente (ver la revisión de Rubianes y Menchaca, 2003). El número de ondas foliculares y el día de emergencia de los folículos es muy variable entre animales e impredecible (Ginther y Kot, 1994; de Castro et al., 1999; Gonzalez-Bulnes et al., 1999; Menchaca y Rubianes, 2002). Así, algunos de los folículos más grandes están en crecimiento en los días 11 y 16, pero otros están estáticos o en regresión (Gonzalez-Bulnes et al., 2005b). Esta alta variabilidad individual causa una pérdida total de sincronización de la segunda y sucesivas ondas foliculares; lo que interfiere con la fertilidad. Inseminación Artificial Actualmente, el uso de la inseminación artificial (IA) es ineludible en programas de selección genética, ya sea para leche, lana o carne. El uso de la IA se desarrolló fuertemente en Australia en la década de 1970, en ovejas de lana, de forma similar a como se realizaba en novillas lecheras, inseminando entre 15 y 17 horas después de la detección de celos (Lightfoot y Salamon, 1970). La aplicación de tratamientos progestativos, diseñados en el mismo país a finales de 1960 y principios de los 70 fue muy importante para el desarrollo de la IA, debido a la posibilidad de inseminar en tiempo prefijado sin detección de celos, 55-56 horas después de la retirada del progestágeno, con una fertilidad del 50% (Colas y Brice, 1970). En cabras, la inseminación debe ser aplicada antes, 46-47 horas después de la retirada de la esponja. El uso combinado de IA y progestágenos permite el uso de semen refrigerado a 15ºC, con dosis no menores de 400 x 106, con una fertilidad de aproximadamente el 50% (Fieni et al., 1992). En cabras, la estructura anatómica del cérvix permite una deposición del semen más profunda, incluso en el útero, en un 30-50% de las hembras, así, la fertilidad puede alcanzar el 70% (Amoah y Gelaye, 1997). Las tasas de fertilidad obtenidas estarán determinadas por la viabilidad de los espermatozoides (Hawk y Conley, 1971) y el intervalo entre la ovulación y la deposición del semen (Signoret y Cognie, 1975). El uso de semen congelado está dificultado en ovejas por la imposibilidad de traspasar el cérvix; en cabras, es posible alcanzar un 40% de fertilidad. El desarrollo de la IA mediante laparoscopía (IAL) por Killeen y Caffrey (1982), permitió depositar el semen en el interior del útero y, así, un significativo incremento en las tasas de fertilidad con semen congelado. El uso de IAL con semen refrigerado es también beneficioso, ya que aumenta la fertilidad usando dosis con menor número de espermatozoides. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 27 Desde un punto de vista técnico, en el uso de IAL, es importante asegurar la deposición del semen en el interior del útero y no en la pared uterina, evitar el uso de anestesia que puede interferir con la ovulación (Radford, 1966), y distribuir la mitad de cada dosis en cada cuerno uterino, evitando la exteriorización de los ovarios (McKelvey et al., 1985). Superovulación y transferencia de embriones Si la IA es la técnica de elección para maximizar el progreso genético a partir del macho, la tecnología de embriones es la técnica para realizarlo usando la hembra. En esencia, la superovulación consiste en la administración de altas dosis de productos comerciales de FSH para estimular el crecimiento de un alto número de folículos preovulatorios y, así, un alto número de oocitos para la producción in vitro de embriones o un alto número de ovulaciones para la producción in vivo. Actualmente, los protocolos para producción de embriones in vivo aplicados en nuestro grupo en ganado caprino consisten en la sincronización de celos con la aplicación de 45mg de FGA durante 16 días, combinada con una dosis única de 0.4ml de cloprostenol en la primera inyección de FSH; el tratamiento superovulatorio consiste en 8 dosis de 1.25ml de FSH ovina (OvagenTM, ICP, NZ), a intervalos de 12h. El uso de este protocolo permite una media de 14.3 cuerpos lúteos, 11.3 embriones recuperados y 6.8 embriones viables por cabra superovulada. En ovejas, el protocolo es similar, excepto que las dosis son decrecientes (1.5mLx3; 1.25mLx2; 1mlx3); el número medio de cuerpos lúteos es 15.9, con una media de 13.5 embriones recuperados y 7.0 embriones viables por hembra (Gonzalez-Bulnes et al., 2004). Sin embargo, los rendimientos están limitados por una alta variabilidad en la respuesta ovárica a los tratamientos superovulatorios necesarios para incrementar el número de embriones, por alteraciones en los procesos de fertilización y en la viabilidad de los embriones durante los estadios tempranos de desarrollo. Aktualni status postupaka asistirane reprodukcije malih preživača Uvod Ovce i koze su tradicionalno važne vrste u području Sredozemnog bazena. Mali preživači, sa socijalnog gledišta, omogućuju proizvodnju primarnih proizvoda uz manji trošak nego ostale vrste te omogućuju poljoprivrednu aktivnost u područjima s nepovoljnim uvjetima. S gledišta okoliša, mali preživači omogućuju iskorištavanje prirodnih dobara putem korištenja pašnjaka, oni olakšavaju očuvanje okoliša zahvaljujući iskorištavanju šipražja, krčeći takova područja te na taj način ujedno smanjuju i mogućnost pojave požara. U smislu suvremene proizvodnje, mali preživači imaju novu ulogu, a to je produkcija kvalitetnih proizvoda, prirodnog podrijetla, spremnih za tržišnu utrku sa sličnim proizvodima. Takav sustav kreće od odgovarajućeg pasminskog odabira koji može ostvariti dobre prinose u datim prirodnim okolnostima i načinima uzgoja u svakoj pojedinoj zemlji ili području te napose tipu iskorištavanja. Krenuvši od toga, primjena reproduktivnih i selekcijskih programa te genetskog unaprijeđenja predstavlja temelj ostvarenja veće proizvodnje. Tehnologija upravljanja reprodukcijom i postupci asistirane reprodukcije, mogu biti orijentirani prema mužjaku (umjetno osjemenjivanje) ili prema ženki (proizvodnja i transfer zametaka). Obje tehnike omogućuju optimizaciju reproduktivne učinkovitosti te, u slučaju selekcijskih programa i genetskog unaprijeđenja, testiranje takovih rasplodnih potencijala putem progenih testova, 28 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 omogućujući tako poznavanje podrijetla matera i očeva, široku i brzu difuziju poželjnih osobina i vezu između stada uključenih u sustav selekcije. Obje tehnike mogu biti kombinirane, a svaka zahtijeva predhodnu indukciju estrusa te sinkronizaciju estrusa i ovulacije u ženki. Njihovi postupci, rezultati i utjecaj unutarnjih čimbenika (primarno genetskih) te vanjskih (proizašli iz okoliša i uzgoja), tema su ovog rada. Indukcija i sinkronizacija estrusa i ovulacije Kontrola trenutka pojave estrusa i ovulacije temelj je adekvatnog upravljanja reprodukcijom u ovaca i koza. Ovaj postupak omogućuje poticanje razdoblja janjenja i jarenja u razdoblju kada je to stočaru najpoželjnije, povećavajući tako reproduktivnu učinkovitost stada. I ne samo to, sinkronizacija estrusa neophodna je za provođenje umjetnog osjemenjivanja i embriotransfera. Sinkronizacija estrusa uobičajeno se provodi aplikacijom progesterona ili njegovih derivata i eCG-a (konjski korionski gonadotropin). Progestagenski postupak smanjuje pulsatorno izlučivanje LH na vrijednosti slične onima u lutealnoj fazi ciklusa, spriječavajući tako ovulaciju preovulatornih folikula. Vađenje progestagena, uz istodobnu aplikaciju eCG-a inducira pojavu folikularne faze ciklusa, estrus i ovulaciju. Progesteron ili progestageni mogu se aplicirati peroralno, intramuskularno, subkutano te intravaginalno. Ipak, njegovo korištenje je u praksi ograničeno na vaginalnu aplikaciju, u vidu poliuretanskih spužvica impregniranih nekim progestagenom (Robinson, 1967). Najčešće se koriste FGA (fluorogeston acetat) i MAP (medroksiprogesteron acetat) sa sličnom učinkovitošću (Steffan i sur., 1982). Progesteron može biti korišten i u vidu intravaginalnih spirala (CIDR, Rhodes i sur., 1988). U ovaca se takovi intravaginalni umetci postavljaju na razdoblje od 12 do 14 dana (Robinson, 1965) kako bi vremenski nadmašili razdoblje aktivnosti žutog tijela koje se možda u tom trenutku nalazi na jajniku. U koza se pak spužvice mogu držati i 16 dana (dugi tretman; Armstrong i sur., 1982); ali u tom slučaju moguća je pojava vaginitisa i drugih problema pa se zato koristi protokol koji kombinira aplikaciju progestagena kroz 11 dana i jednokratnu aplikaciju prostaglandina F2α koji će dovesti do lize eventualno prisutnog žutog tijela (Corteel i sur., 1988). Injekcija konjskog korionskog gonadotropina (eCG) se aplicira paralelno sa vađenjem spužvice, s ciljem kako nastanka većeg broja preovulatornih folikula, tako i indukcije ovulacije. Doziranje eCG-a je od odlučujuće važnosti; prosječna doza u ovaca je 500 i.j., ali varira od 250 do 600 i.j., ovisno o pasmini, dobi životinje, razdoblju godine i fiziološkom statusu (Cognie i sur., 1970; Evans y Robinson, 1980). Ipak, sinkronizacija estrusa progestagenskim preparatima ima i svoje nedostatke. Na prvom mjestu svakako je niža stopa koncepcije, nego što je slučaj u spontanom, prirodno nastalom estrusu. Navedeno smanjenje plodnosti povezuje se u ovaca, sa anomalijama u transportu spermija i njihovom preživljavanju u reproduktivnom traktu (Hawk i Conley, 1971), promijenjenim modelom sekrecije LH (Scaramuzzi i sur., 1988) i kvalitetom ovulacije (Killian et al., 1985). Mogući uzroci čini se da su povezani sa manjkavostima u sekreciji steroida tijekom razvoja preovulatornih folikula (GonzalezBulnes i sur., 2005a). U koza pak, korištenje eCG-a također doprinosi smanjenoj plodnosti zbog indukcije nastanka antitijela koji umanjuju učinkovitost sljedećih tretmana. Konačno, pooštrena je međunarodna XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 29 legislativa vezano uz kemijske rezidue, što je dovelo do njegove zabrane korištenja u SAD-u te do jake restrikcije maksimalno dozvoljenih granica rezidua u Europskoj Uniji. Sinkronizacija estrusa se u malih preživača može ostvariti kod nesezonalnih pasmina ili tijekom trajanja sezone spolne aktivnosti u sezonalnih životinja, inukcijom luteolize aplikacijom dvaju doza prostaglandina F2α ili njihovog analoga, u razmaku od 9-11 dana (Nuti i sur., 1992). Ovaj je postupak učinkovit u sinkroniziranju estrusa tijekom trajanja sezone spolne aktivnosti, sa više od 90% ženki koje pokazuju znakove estrusa (Greyling, 1996), ali je plodnost niža u odnosu na postupke koji uključuju progestagene (67% nasuprot 80%) (Kusina i sur., 2000). Mogući uzroci ovoga smanjenja nisu posvema poznati. Istraživanja u ovaca (Boland i sur., 1978) ukazuju na moguće promjene u dinamici rasta preovulatornih folikula i trenutak pojave ovulacije (Barret i sur., 2002). Studije na kozama su pokazale da odgovor koza na indukciju estrusa prostaglandinima ovisi o razdoblju lutealne faze u kojoj je tretman obavljen. Tretman prostaglandinima odvija se dvostrukom aplikacijom istih, u razmaku od 9-11 dana; na taj način većina životinja će biti u sredini lutealne faze u trenutku aplikacije druge injekcije. To će osigurati da sve životinje ovuliraju u isto vrijeme. Ipak, to je najgori trenutak za tretman s gledišta folikularne dinamike. Najbolji bi trenutak bio tijekom rane lutealne faze što bi dovelo do većeg broja koza sa simptomima estrusa, ranije pojave estrusa i većeg broja životinja koje će ovulirati (Gonzalez-Bulnes i sur., 2005b). U koza, kao i u ostalih preživača, većina folikula u prvom valu folikularnog rasta nalazi se u fazi rasta (Rubianes y Menchaca, 2003). Broj folikularnih valova i dan pojave folikula veoma varira između životinja i nepredvidiv je (Ginther i Kot, 1994; de Castro i sur., 1999; GonzalezBulnes i sur., 1999; Menchaca i Rubianes, 2002). Na taj način, samo su neki od najvećih folikula 11. i 16. dana ciklusa u rastu, dok su ostali statični ili u regresiji (Gonzalez-Bulnes i sur., 2005b). Ta visoka individualna varijabilnost svih folikularnih valova, osim prvog, uzrok je potpunog gubitka sinkronizacije drugog i svih sljedećih folikularnih valova spolnog ciklusa, što utječe na smanjenje plodnosti. Umjetno osjemenjivanje Korištenje umjetnog osjemenjivanja (U.O.) neizbježno je u programima genetske selekcije, bilo u smislu produkcije mlijeka, vune ili mesa. Uporaba UO-a snažno se razvila u Australiji 70-tih godina 20. stoljeća u ovaca za proizvodnju vune na sličan način kako se realizira u krava muzara, osjemenjujući ih između 15 i 17 sati nakon detekcije estrusa (Lightfoot i Salamon, 1970). Primjena progestagenskih postupaka, osmišljenih u istoj zemlji koncem 60-tih i početkom 70-tih godina prošlog stoljeća, odigrala je vrlo važnu ulogu u razvoju U.O.-a, zahvaljujući mogućnosti osjemenjivanja u unaprijed određeno vrijeme, bez detekcije estrusa, 55-56 sati nakon vađenja spužvica te sa plodnošću od 50% (Colas i Brice, 1970). U koza osjemenjivanje mora biti izvršeno nešto ranije, 46-47 sati nakon izvlačenja spužvice. Kombiniranje U.O.-a i progestagena omogućuje uporabu sjemena ohlađenog na 15ºC, u dozi ne manjoj od 400x106 te plodnosću od približno 50% (Fieni i sur., 1992). U koza anatomska građa cerviksa omogućuje dublje polaganje sjemena, uključujući čak i uterus u 30-50% ženki; na taj način plodnost može dosegnuti i 70% (Amoah i Gelaye, 1997). Stope ostvarene plodnosti određene su vitalnošću spermija (Hawk i Conley, 1971) te razmakom između ovulacije i polaganja sjemena (Signoret y Cognie, 1975). Uporaba smrznutog sjemana otežana je u ovaca zbog nemogućnosti prolaza kroz cerviks. U koza pak moguće je dosegnuti 40% plodnosti. 30 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Razvoj laparoskopskog umjetnog osjemenjivanja (L.U.O.) kojeg su uveli Killeen i Caffrey (1982), je omogućio polaganje sjemena u maternicu i na taj način značajan porast stope plodnosti pri korištenju smrznutog sjemena. Korištenje L.U.O.-a s ohlađenim sjemenom je također koristno jer povećava plodnost korištenjem doza s manjim brojem spermija. S tehničkog gledišta, prilikom L.U.O. važno je ostvariti polaganje sjemena u unutrašnjost maternice, a ne greškom u samu materničnu stijenku. Nadalje, treba izbjeći korištenje anestezije jer može interferirati sa ovulacijom (Radford, 1966) te je potrebno raspodijeliti polovicu korištene doze u svaki od materničnih rogova, izbjegavajući prilikom manipulacija eksteriorizaciju jajnika (McKelvey i sur., 1985). Superovulacija i trensfer zametaka Ako je U.O. tehnika izbora kojom maksimiziramo genetski napredak koji polazi od mužjaka, onda je tehnologija sa zametcima tehnika koja se temelji na ženkama. Sažeto rečeno, superovulacija se sastoji od aplikacije visokih doza komercijalnih produkata FSH kako bi se izazvala stimulacija rasta velikog broja preovulatornih folikula i na taj način velik broj oocita za in vitro produkciju zametaka ili velik broj ovulacija za proizvodnju zametaka in vivo. Protokoli za proizvodnju zametaka in vivo u koza koji se trenutačno koriste u našem istraživačkom timu se sastoje od sinkronizacije estrusa aplikacijom spužvica 45mg FGA tijekom 16 dana u kombinaciji sa jednom dozom 0,4mL cloprostenola paralelno sa prvom injekcijom FSH. Superovulacijski tretman sastoji se od 8 doza od 1,25mL ovčjeg FSH (OvagenTM, ICP, Novi Zeland) u razmacima od 12 sati. Korištenje ovog protokola ostvaruje u prosjeku 14,3 žutih tijela; 11,3 zametaka nakon ispiranja maternice i 6,8 vitalnih zametaka po svakoj superovuliranoj kozi. U ovaca je protokol sličan, osim što su doze hormona u padajućem nizu (1,5mLx3; 1,25x2; 1mLx3). Prosječan broj žutih tijela je 15,9; prosjek dobivenih zametaka nakon ispiranja maternice 13,5 te 7 vitalnih zametaka po svakoj ženki (Gonzalez-Bulnes i sur., 2004). Ipak, učinkovitost tehnike ograničena je visokom varijabilnošću jajničkog odgovora na superovulatorne tretmane neophodne za povećanje broja zametaka te promjenama u procesu oplodnje i vitalnosti zametaka tijekom ranog razvojnog razdoblja. Referencias bibliográficas 1. Amoah EA, Gelaye S.. Biotechnological advances in goat reproduction. J Anim Sci 1997; 75: 578-585. 2. Armstrong DT, Pfitzner AP, Porter KJ, Warnes GM, Janson PO, Seamark RF.. Ovarian responses of anoestrous goats to stimulation with pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 1982; 5: 15-23. 3. 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Control of fertility and fecundity of sheep by means of hormonal manipulation. Austr J Biol Sci 1988; 41: 37-45. 33. Signoret JP, Cognie Y. Determination of the moment of ovulation in ewe and sow. Influence of environment and hormonal treatment. Ann Biol Anim Bioch Biophys 1975; 15: 205-214. 34. Steffan J, Poissonet P, Thibier M. Control of oestrus in ewe lambs and yearling ewes with medroxiprogesterone acetate and fluorogestone acetate. Anim Reprod Sci 1982; 5: 191-198. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 33 34 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 NEW SOLUTION FOR THE CONTROL OF THE BOVINE RESPIRATORY COMPLEX Nove mogućnosti kontrole zaraznog goveđeg respiratornog sindroma Juan Muñoz Bielsa International Marketing, International Product Manager Ruminant Biologicals, Intervet International bv ( part of Schering Plough, P.O. Box 31, 5830 AA Boxmeer, The Netherlands, E-mail: juan.munozbielsa@ intervet.com The respiratory disease complex of ruminants consists of the single clinical entity of bronchopneumonia, but is caused by numerous combinations of infectious agents, compromised host defences, and environmental conditions. Over the past decade, a number of viruses and bacteria/ mycoplasma have been associated with acute bovine respiratory disease. The importance of these different agents depend on the prevalence and incidence in the herd, control measures available on the farm (such as vaccination) and if the pathogen can cause direct damage to the lung or if it works more as a predisposing factor. MAIN RESPIRATORY PATHOGENS Depending on if the pathogens cause direct damage to the lungs or not we could propose the following classification: Predispose to damage BHV-1 BVDV Parainfluenza-3 Bovine Adenovirus Bovine Coronavirus Direct damage BRSV M haemolytica P multocida H sommus M bovis Predispose to damage Bovine Herpesvirus Type 1 (BHV-1) BHV-1 is a member of the family of the Herpesviridae and the subfamily of Alphaherpesvirinae. Depending on the route of inoculation, infection with BHV-1 results mostly in acute inflammation of the mucous membrane of either the upper respiratory tract, giving rise to infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR), or of the genital tract, causing infectious pustular vulvovaginitis (IPV) in female cattle and infectious pustular balanoposthitis (IPB) in bulls. BHV-1.1 strains are associated with the more severe respiratory infections and BHV-1.2 with the milder genital infections, but both subtypes can however be isolated from both tracts. The acute infection is characterized by fever, depression, loss of appetite, hyperaemia of the mucosae, mucosal lesions and discharge. This sometimes results in complete obstruction of the nasal passage or even the trachea, with animals eventually suffocating to death. In the field, the clinical signs of disease are often worsened by secondary infections. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 35 Parainfluenza-3 (PI-3) Parainfluenza virus type 3 (PI-3) is a RNA virus classified in the paramyxovirus family. Variation in virulence between strains has been reported. The widespread prevalence of antibodies to this virus indicates that it is ubiquitous in the cattle population. This finding suggests the possibility of repeat infections or at least persistence of antibodies after infection. Infection appears to spread rapidly in susceptible cattle housed at high population densities and in close contact. By itself, PI-3 is a relatively mild infection; death loss to the disease is rare, and maybe non-existent. The clinical signs include fever, cough, nasal and ocular discharge, increased respiratory rate, and increased breath sounds. Following initial multiplication in the upper respiratory tract, the virus multiplies in the lung, growing in high titters in pneumocites and alveolar macrophages, and by adversely affecting the function of these cells may pave the way for secondary bacterial infection. The most important role of PI-3 is in predisposing the respiratory tract to subsequent infection by other viruses and bacteria such as M haemolytica, making the mixed infections more damaging and dangerous. Bovine alveolar macrophages (BAM) are the initial cellular defenders of the lungs against bacterial colonization. Impaired BAM function may help to explain the pathogenesis of the severe bacterial pneumonia in cattle that often follows PI-3 infection. The results from a challenge study showed that microbicidal activity was almost completely eliminated in alveolar macrophages from control calves at 4 to 8 days after virus challenge (Adair, 2000). It was also found the presence of virus antigen in circulating mononuclear cells following challenge. Bovine Virus Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) BVD is an RNA virus of the genus Pestivirus and included in the family Flaviviridae. It is recognised the existence of two species of BVDV, BVDV Type 1and Type 2. Within the BVDV1 species there are at least 5 serologically distinct subspecies, 1a-1e. BVDV-1 has a worldwide distribution while BVDV-2 is largely restricted to USA although some have been isolated from Europe. The role of BVDV in the bovine respiratory complex is controversial. As a single infection it causes a mild respiratory disease (some strains are more pneumopathogenic than others). The most important feature of BVDV infection is its immunosupressor effect that may enhance the disease caused by other viruses (particularly IBR and BRSV) and bacteria (synergistic interaction between M haemolytica and BVDV has been shown experimentally). Bovine Adenovirus (BAV) There are 9 different types of Adenovirus and they are usually responsible of a mild subclinical infection. It has been associated with pneumonia, enteritis and/or conjunctivitis. Type 3 BAV is the serotype most often associated with respiratory infection. In late 70,s and early 80’s it was considered part of the Bovine Respiratory Complex but later on lost importance and we eliminated from most of the commercial vaccines. Coronavirus The role of Coronavirus is still under discussion and although recent studies in USA detect seroconversion against Coronavirus in cases of pneumonia, it is not clear what is the real significance of this virus. 36 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Direct Damage Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus (BRSV) BRSV) is classified in the genus Pneumovirus of the family Paramyxovirinae. There are antigenic differences between G proteins of BRSV isolates. Based on antigenic reactivity RSV isolates were divided into 3 subgroups (A, B and AB). The biological appearance of different subgroups of RSV has not yet been assessed, but some degree of cross protection is evident. BRSV antibodies are found in cattle all over the world. Prevalence of antibodies to BRSV increases with age and is over 70% in cattle of 2 years of age and more. BRSV plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of pneumonia in cattle. In calves less than 6 months of age induces an acute interstitial pneumonia with alveolitis and bronchitis. Respiratory tract signs of BRSV in older cattle are moderate or absent and seldom severe. The clinical signs in calves are elevated body temperature (40-42.2 C), depression, decreased feed intake, elevated respiratory rates, hypersalivation, and nasal and lacrimal discharges. Subcutaneous emphysema and intermandibular edema are sometimes noted. Primary BRSV infections tend to occur mainly in autumn and winter. Respiratory disease during BRSV infection is severe in some cases and absent in others. It is not clear which factors are responsible for the severity of the disease: virulence of the virus, level of specific maternal antibodies, presence of concurrent viral, bacterial and mycoplasma infections, housing and management conditions or weather conditions. Re-infections can happen in animals of all ages. The re-infections are most often observed in autumn and winter but they can also be observed in summer. Re-infections, determined by measuring significant antibody rises, can result not only from virus replication after re-exposure to the virus, but also from activation of a putative persistent virus infection. RSV may circulate in herds through continuous subclinical re-infections or through chronically or persistently infected cattle, which shed BRSV for some undetermined period, or through both of these epidemiological mechanisms. (Wim van der Poel, 1995) Observations from experimental infection studies and natural outbreaks indicate that maternally derived antibodies (MDA) does not prevent BRSV infection in calves but modify the severity of the disease. Most cases of severe BRSV mediated disease develop in calves aged 1-3 months, at which time they still possess maternal antibodies in serum. Nevertheless, maternal antibodies may be protective to a certain degree, since the severity and incidence of disease in calves less than 3 months of age seem to be inversely related to the serum level of MDA (Larsen, 2000) Mannheimia haemolytica M haemolytica is a normal inhabitant of the nasal pharyngeal mucosa of healthy cattle. Fifteen different serotypes of M haemolytica have been identified in cattle. In the UK, pneumonic pasteurellosis in cattle is associated mainly with serotype A1. During the years 1982-85, serotype A1 comprised 56% of all M. haemolytica isolates and 63% of lung isolates submitted to the Moredun Research Institute for serotyping (Quirie et al, 1986). Other biotype A serotypes accounted for only 14% of the total (serotype A2, 8%; all other A serotypes combined, 6%). In the early ‘90s, it became apparent that the incidence of serotype A6 was increasing, and during the years 1990-99 serotypes A1 and A6 each accounted for approximately 30% of bovine isolates (unpublished observations). XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 37 Under conditions of impaired pulmonary defences caused by stress (transport, weaning…), nutritional deficiencies, and/or pre-existing viral infections (in particular BHV-1, BVD and PI-3), M haemolytica is able to proliferate rapidly within the lung and then produce a severe fibrinopurulent bronchopneumonia. M haemolytica causes the most severe damage of all the recognised bacterial pathogens. It produces a potent leukotoxin that destroys the macrophages and the neutrophiles. Pasteurella multocida P Multocida is a normal inhabitant of the nasal pharyngeal mucosa of healthy cattle. There are different serotypes being A and D the ones involved in the bovine respiratory complex. P multocida causes less damage in the respiratory tract than M haemolytica and cause a fibrinous bronchopneumonia. Mycoplasma bovis Mycoplasma bovis is not ubiquitous and the occurrence of this agent in a herd is always connected with cases of mastitis, arthritis and/or pneumonia. Clinically healthy calves can harbour M bovis in the respiratory tract and shed the agent through nasal discharge fro months. The most common histological findings are interstitial and catarrhal to catarrhal-purulent bronchopneumonia. Haemophilus somnus H somnus is a gram-negative bacteria and is a normal inhabitant of the nasal pharyngeal mucosa of healthy cattle. It has been associated with pneumonia, fibrinous pleuritis, myocarditis, septicemis, pericarditis, polyarthritis and meningoencephalitis. It is considered a significant component of the respiratory complex that affects calves in the feedlots of USA. The isolation of H somnus has been published in United Kingdom, Denmark, Germany and Hungary, but it is believed to have a worldwide distribution. CONTROL OF BOVINE RESPIRATORY COMPLEX The health status of a calf depends on the level of management, nutrition, parasite control, environmental conditions and presence of respiratory pathogens. The control of the bovine respiratory complex should be directed to all the parameters mentioned already but we will focus in this article in the control of respiratory disease through vaccination. Different technologies have been used in the production of respiratory vaccines and they have been presented in different combinations. The efficacy of a vaccine depends on: choice of the right antigen, active on the presence of maternally derived antibodies, safe and right combination. It is very important that veterinarians and farmers have a clear idea of what is the purpose of our vaccination scheme: control of clinical signs, control of the infection and/or eradication of the disease. There are currently vaccines available in the market for the control of BHV-1, BVDV, PI-3, BRSV, M haemolytica and P multocida. Former vaccines containing bovine adenovirus were withdrawn from all different markets and current research on adenovirus vaccines is focused on the use of apathogenig strains of adenovirus as vector vaccines. In the case of bovine Coronavirus there are vaccines available fro the control of enteric Coronavirus but not respiratory Coronavirus. A vaccine against respiratory Mycoplasma bovis infection was developed in the 80’s but was never 38 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 commercialised and there is at least one inactivated vaccine available in USA but its efficacy is unknown. Recommended vaccination programme IBR: control and eradication of the disease with the use of marker vaccines. Vaccination should be carried out every 6 months and use of live vaccines is particularly recommended to achieve reduction of virus circulation (Bovilis IBR marker live) BVDV: Control should be aimed primarily to avoid the birth of animals persistently infected in utero and for that reason vaccination of the dam with a vaccine that has been proved to provide foetal protection is recommended (Bovilis BVD). In feed-lots where animals may be supplied from different sources there can be circulation of BVDV and vaccination against BVDV may be necessary. Maternally derived antibodies can be present until month six of life and they can interfere with vaccination. Bovine Adenovirus and Bovine Respiratory Coronavirus: There are currently no vaccines available for the control of these viruses in western Europe. The only product available in Hungary is a combined product that will be removed from the market when the IBR eradication programme starts. Bovine adenovirus has lost importance as a respiratory pathogen while the role of bovine Coronavirus could result to be more important than we believe now. Mycoplasma bovis and Pasteurella multocida: There are bacterins available for the control of Pasteurella multocida A and D, but they have not been proved to be very efficacious. Mycoplasma bovis vaccines are not available in Europe and the efficacy of those sold in USA is unknown. BRSV: Vaccination against BRSV is widespread in Europe as it is considered the major component of the bovine respiratory complex. As the disease can affect animals even when maternally derived antibodies are present, it is crucial that vaccination is efficacious on the presence of MDA. Parainfluenza-3: Due to the fact of being spread worldwide and its negative effect on pulmonary macrophages it is common practice to vaccinate against PI-3. M haemolytica: Major bacterial pathogen. Former inactivated M haemolytica vaccines were of very low efficacy. It was found that those vaccines did not contain the relevant antigens required to provide protection against M haemolytica infection. Two main technologies were developed and are currently being used in the production of these vaccines: Iron regulated proteins (IRP) and leukotoxins. Iron regulated proteins have been shown to be highly protective and moreover they are cross protective within different strains of M haemolytica, making them the most suitable antigen to be used in M haemolytica vaccines. Bovilis Bovipast Vaccine developed for the control of BRSV, PI-3 and M haemolytica infections even when maternally derived antibodies are present in the calf. First dose can be administered when the calf is two weeks old. The fact of being efficacious in the presence of maternally derived antibodies is extremely important because diseases such as BRSV can cause disease despite of MDA being present Primary course consists of two injections (5 mls each) administered subcutaneosly and animals should be booster prior to each pneumonia season. It combines the three major respiratory pathogens and it is the ideal complement for IBR marker vaccination in those farms where there is evidence of bronchopneumonia. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 39 The vaccine includes an inactivated BRSV and PI-3 strains, and iron regulated proteins of M haemolytica A1. Iron regulated proteins have been proved to be highly immunogenic and because they are shared by the different serotypes of M haemolytica they guarantee protection against them. IRP’s are located in the outer membrane of M haemolytica grown in vivo or under iron-restricted in vitro conditions. Former M haemolytica vaccines lack thse IRP’s and that was the reason of their non-efficacy when used in the field. The vaccine efficacy against BRSV and PI-3 was assessed in different challenge studies. In both studies the response from vaccinated animals was very good but in the case of the BRSV challenge it was extremely good showing the superior efficacy of the BRSV strain included in the Table 1 shows the effect of vaccination in the level of clinical signs induced by BRSV. T able 1-E ffec t of vac c ination on c linic al s c ore (tem perature, nas al dis c harge, c oughing) 9 Total clinical score 7 5 3 V ac c inates C ontrols 1 -1 0 2 4 6 8 D ay after B R S V c hallenge 10 12 14 We also studied the quality of the immunological response induced by the BRSV strain of Bovilis Bovipast. Two antibody responses are generally considered to contribute to BRSV protection. These are against G and F antigens. Virus neutralization (VN) measures F and G antibody and most of the ELISA s employed measure primarily F antibody. F antibody has been correlated with a good degree of protection by trials involving the administration of monoclonal passive F antibody. Trials with vaccines suggest the VN response is not always well correlated to protection. A study carried out by P. Kerkhofs at VAR (Veterinary and Agrochemical Research Centre) in Belgium showed that the inactivated BRSV strain from Bovilis Bovipast induced a higher serological response than a live (mlv) strain against F protein (Table 2) 40 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 mean ELISA titre (OD) Table 2. ELISA response Live vs Bovilis Bovipast 1 0.8 0.6 inac mlv 0.4 0.2 0 v1 v2 day 7 14 24 44 56 sample time In the case of M haemolytica protection was showed not only against challenge with serotype A1 (table 3) but also when challenged with serotype A6 (table 4), showing the efficacy and crossprotection of the IRP’s. Moredun Research Institute in Scotland developed the challenge model and it is a very severe challenge model that induces high mortality level in non-vaccinated animals. Table 3. Challenge with M haemolytica A1 Number of animals Dead % Mortality Control 12 8 66.60% Bovilis Bovipast 12 2 16.60% Table 4. Challenge with M haemolytica A6 Number of animals Dead % Mortality Control 8 7 87.50% Bovilis Bovipast 8 1 12.50% The vaccine is currently available in most of the European countries and it is the first choice by most veterinarians in the control of bronchopneumonia in cattle due to its efficacy against the most important pathogens in calves of almost all ages. Iron regulated proteins meant a major breakthrough in Mannheimia haemolytica vaccines and this superior technology ensures high cross-protection against this deadly bacteria. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 41 References AdairBM. Effect of parainfluenza-3 virus challenge on cell-mediated immune function in parainfluenza-3 vaccinated and non-vaccinated calves. Res Vet Sci. 2000 Apr;68(2):197-9. Larsen LE: Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus (BRSV): A review. Acta Vet. Scan. 2000, 41, 1-24 Van der Poel W: Epidemiology of Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections. Ph D Thesis 1995 42 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 GENETIC CHARACTERIZATION OF SMALL RUMINANT LENTIVIRUS GENOTYPE E GENETSKA KARAKTERIZACIJA LENTIVIRUSA GENOTIPA E U MALIH PREŽIVAČA Reina, R., Grego, E., Lacerenza, D., Profiti, M., Rosati, S. Dipartimento di Produzioni Animali Epidemiologia ed Ecologia, Universita di Torino, Torino.Italy. INTRODUCTION Small ruminant lentiviruses (SRLV) are wide world distributed affecting sheep and goats and cause slow and insidious disease affecting lungs, brain, mammary gland and articular joints. Although the prototypes Maedi Visna Virus (MVV) and Caprine arthritis-Encephalitis Virus (CAEV) have been originally isolated from sheep and goat respectively, the species barrier is less tight than previously thought and an increased number of recent studies characterized goat isolates more related to MVV cluster and vice versa. Main target cell of SRLV is the monocyte/macrophage lineage although it has been found in vivo in some epithelial tissues, brain, among others. Also in vitro SRLV are able to infect a wide range of cell types including several immortalized cell lines Genetic organisation of SRLV fits in with other complex lentiviruses such as HIV or SIV. Thus, structural genes gag, pol and env as well as accessory genes tat, vif and rev are usually present in the genome, all of them controlled by the regulation of the LTR. Artificial deletions in the AML, AP1 and CAAAT sites of the LTR have shown to decrease viral titers in vitro. Among the structural genes, viruses artificially deleted in the dUTPase subunit of the pol gene have shown to be competent for viral replication in dividing cells, but viral growth in terminally non-dividing cells is reduced or abrogated, with an increase in G→A transition mutations hampering viral fitness. In a similar way, among the accessory genes, the SRLV tat or vpr-like increased the viral load, tissue distribution and severity of inflammatory lesions when compared with vpr-deleted counterpart. The majority of SRLVs can be classified in 3 groups attending to genetic homologies in gag and pol genes. Group A includes the prototypes of Visna Maedi viruses. Group B includes caprine arthritis encephalitis virus prototypes and group C houses the divergent CAEV1GA strain. Recently, a new highly divergent subtype named E have been found in Italian goats. In this work we have isolated, sequenced and analysed the complete genome of the first double naturally deleted SRLV, the genotype E, as well as its in vitro biological features. Sažetak Lentivirusi malih preživača (SRLV) rasprostranjeni su širom svijeta djelujući na ovce i koze uzrokojući sporu, ali progredirajuću bolest koja djeluje na pluća, mozak, mliječnu žlijezdu i zglobove. Iako su prototipovi Maedi Visna Virusa (MVV) i kozjeg artritis - encefalitis virusa (CAEV) izvorno izolirani iz ovaca tj. koza, vrsna granica je tanja nego što se ranije mislilo, a više je novijih istraživanja pronašlo kozje izolate povezanijima sa MVV skupinom i obrnuto. Glavna ciljna stanica SRLV su monocitno / makrofagnog podrijetla iako ih se in vivo pronašlo i u nekim epitelnim tkivima i mozgu, između ostalog. Sedam godina stara koza, klinički zdrava i visoko reaktivna na antigen tipa E, ali XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 43 negativna na genotip A i B je odabrana za izolaciju virusa. Nakon žrtvovanja, dobiveni su različiti uzorci ciljnih tkiva. DNK i RNK su ekstrahirani iz kultura i korišteni za amplifikaciju genoma. Kompletni genom genotipa E amplificiran je PCR-om. Test infektivnosti izveden je inficiranjem različitih kozjih staničnih tipova konvencionalnim sojem CAEV-To1/89 i genotipom E. Izolacija virusa bila je uspješna iz tkiva slezene, mliječne žlijezde i mamarnog limfnog čvora dok sinovijska membrana, korioidni pleksus, pluća i medijastinalni limfni čvor ostadoše intaktni barem do 5. pasaže što je ocijenjeno prisutstvom CPE i/ili PCR pozitivnom reakcijom. Genom genotipa E sastojao se od 8454bp uključujući funkcionalni LTR, 3 strukturna gena (gag, pol i env) i 2 akcesorna gena normalno prisutna u SRLV vif i rev. Ipak, utvrđena je delecija u pol genu što je bilo prisutno u svim stadima u kojima je taj genotip E bio prisutan. Zbog toga što dvostruka delecija može spriječiti replikaciju u nedijelećim stanicama kao što su makrofagi akumulacijom mutacija tijekom rane infekcije, predmnijevali smo ranu infekciju premonocita u koštanoj srži. Potom, ti rano inficirani monociti mogu doseći mliječnu žlijezdu te zajedno sa epitelnim stanicama mogu odigrati ključnu ulogu u patogenezi tog novog genotipa.Serološka dijagnostika sa komercijalnim kitovima koja se bazira na gag i TM regijama može bit umanjena jer su uočene mnoge razlike u tim regijama kod SRLV-E. MATERIAL AND METHODS Animals, Virus and Cells. A seven year old goat, clinically healthy and highly reactive against type E antigen but negative against genotypes A and B was selected for virus isolation. Following sacrifice, different target tissue explants were obtained. Co-cultivation of blood derived macrophages with ovine foetal choroid plexus cells was also carried out. DNA and RNA from the cultures were extracted and used for genome amplification. CAEV field isolate TO1/89 was obtained by explantation of synovial membrane from arthritic goat and was used in in-vitro experiments as conventional strain. Amplification cloning and sequencing of viral genome. The complete genome of genotype E was amplified by PCR with primers which were designed based on known fragments, resulting in five overlapping products. PCR was performing using Qiagen Long Range PCR following manufacturer’s instructions. In parallel, when necessary the amplicons were cloned into pCR-XL TOPO vector (Invitrogen). Sequencing was carried out with fluorescent dye terminators on an ABI PRISM 310 Genetic Analyzer. One step RT-PCR (Superscript; Invitrogen) was carried out to amplify the Revencoding regions according to the instructions manual. Infectivity assay. Different caprine cell types were infected with conventional strain CAEVTo1/89 and genotype E. Titres were calculated using an indirect non-radioactive method (HS-Lenti RT Activity kit, Cavidi) at different times post-infection. RESULTS Virus isolation was successfully carried out in spleen, mammary gland and mammary lymph node while synovial membrane, choroid plexus, lung and mediastinal lymph node remained all negative at least until the 5th passage as assessed by presence of CPE and/or PCR positive reactions. Supernatant from positive cultures were used to replicate the isolate in foetal choroid plexus (CP), spleen, synovial membrane (SM) and epithelial milk cells (EM). RT activity increased with every passage reaching a maximum level at passage 4 with viral titre of 1.5 x 105 TCID50/ml in CP as well as SM but not in spleen. However, the SRLV-E behavior was only comparable with that of conventional strain when using EM cells. 44 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 The genome of genotype E consisted in 8454 bp including a functional LTR, the three structural genes (gag, pol and env) and two accessory genes normally present in SRLV vif and rev. However, a deletion in the pol gene corresponding to the dUTPase subunit was found. We could demonstrate that this deletion was present in all the flocks in which this genotype E was present, representing a peculiar genetic marker of this distant genotype. A second deletion based on SRLV consensus sequences and corresponding to tat or vpr-like accessory gene was identified between vif and env genes. Regarding LTR we have found a single copy of the 70 bp repeat described for CAEV-Co reference strain which includes additional AP-1, CAAAT, GAS and TAS sites. CONCLUSIONS The first double naturally deleted SRLV in dUTPase and vpr-like regions showed a restricted growth limited to mammary cells and only after several adaptation steps was able to replicate on GM and CP cells. Since the double deletion could hamper replication in non dividing cells such as macrophages (target cell of the SRLV) by accumulation of mutations in early infection, we have hypothesized the early infection of pre-monocytes in bone marrow. After that, pre-infected monocytes could reach mammary gland and together with epithelial cells could develop a key role on the pathogenesis of this new genotype centered in vertical transmission. Serodiagnosis with commercial kits normally based on gag and TM regions may be impaired since a high number of differences were observed in these regions in SRLV-E. (Extended results are currently being written in a full paper for publication) XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 45 46 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Entomological surveillance for Bluetongue vectors in Tirana ENTOMOLOŠKO ISTRAŽIVANJE BLUETONGUE VEKTORA U TIRANI Lika E.,1 Lika A.2, Gjino P.1, Turmalaj L.1, Grizelj J.³, Vince S.3 1 2 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Tirana, Albania Institute of Food Safety and Veterinary, Tirana, Albania 3 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Zagreb, Croatia Abstract The incursion of Bluetongue virus (BTV) in the Mediterranean basin have implicated numerous countries that had never experienced the infection in their territory before. To define the infection area and better control the infection, some of them have established entomological and serological surveillance plans. The circulation of bluetongue virus (BTV) was detected serologically in Albania in 2002. In the same season a survey for Culicoides Latreille, 1809, was also made to establish whether Culicoides imicola Kieffer, 1913, the main vector of BTV in the Mediterranean Basin or any other suspected vector species were present. The present study was designed to analyse the monthly activity of Culicoides species in the region of Tirana, particularly secondary vector species such as C. obsoletus, C. pulicaris and C. punctatus. While the main vector, C. imicola was not detected in the present study, a number of species which are known or suspected BTV vectors including C. obsoletus and C. pulicaris complex were among the most prevalent in Tirana. Here we report the results of this entomological survey during the year 2005. Key word: Bluetongue virus, Culicoides vectors, entomology, surveillance, trap Sažetak Prodor Bluetongue virusa (BTV) u područje Sredozemlja obuhvatio je brojne zemlje koje do tada nikada nisu imale infekciju na svom području. Kako bi odredile područje infekcije i bolje kontrolirale istu, neke od njih su načinile entomološke i serološke planove nadzora. Cirkuliranje Bluetongue virusa serološki je utvrđeno u Albaniji 2002. U istoj sezoni provedeno je istraživanje Culicoides Latreille, 1809 kako bi se utvrdilo da li je prisutan Culicoides imicola Kieffer, 1913, glavni vector BTV-a na Sredozemlju ili neki drugi pretpostavljeni vektor. Ova je studija osmišljena u svrhu analize mjesečne aktivnosti Culicoides sp. u Tiranskoj regiji, posebice sekundarnih vrsta vektora poput C. obsoletus, C. pulicaris i C. punctatus. Iako u ovoj studiji provedenoj u Tirani nije utvrđen glavni vector - C. imicola, utvrđene su brojne druge vrste poznatih i pretpostavljenih BTV vektora uključujući C. obsoletus i C. pulicaris kompleks kao najprevalentnije. U radu se iznosi izvješće ove entomološke studije obavljene 2005. Ključne riječi: Bluetongue virus, Culicoides vektori, entomologija, nadzor, klopka Introduction Bluetongue virus causes an infectious, non-contagious disease of ruminants, and is transmitted between its vertebrate hosts by Culicoides biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). Bluetongue virus is thought to infect all known species of ruminant. However, severe disease usually occurs only in certain breeds of sheep, particularly the fine-wool and mutton breeds and some species of deer, most notably the North American white-tailed deer. Clinical signs may include fever, depression, excessive salivation, nasal discharge (serous, muco-purulent or bloody), facial oedema, hyperaemia XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 47 and ulceration of the oral mucosa, coronitis, lameness, muscle weakness and death. The mortality rate and the severity of the clinical signs seem to vary with the breed and age of the animal infected (with the older age groups being more susceptible), the type and strain of the virus and certain rather ill-defined interactions with the environment. In the field BTV is transmitted between its vertebrate hosts almost entirely via the bites of various species of biting arthropod, and extensive experimental and epidemiological investigation has shown that by far the most important of these are certain species of Culicoides biting midge which are true biological vectors. The distribution of BTV is therefore limited to those geographical areas where competent vector species of Culicoides are present and its transmission to those times of the year when the climatic conditions are favorable for adult vector activity. The BTV epizootic started in 1998 when the virus serotype BTV-9 was isolated on four Greek islands, Rhodes, Leros, Kos and Samos close to the Turkish mainland. In the following years the disease spread to northern Greece and nearby Balkan countries including Albania, Kosovo, Bulgaria and Bosnia-Herzegovina. It is thought that the disease first appeared in Albania during 2001 as an extension of the outbreak in the neighboring Greek regions of Epirus and Western Macedonia. In 2002, a sero-survey was carried out in 15 district of Albania to detect antibodies to BTV in cattle and small ruminants (Di Ventura M. et al., 2004). In total, 1754 sera samples from cattle and small ruminants were examined of which 264 (15,1%) were positive using C-ELISA, with sero-positive cases being widely distributed, even in mountainous areas. The relatively high sero-prevalence of antibodies to BTV in Albania is evidence that Culicoides vectors are present but there is little entomological data as to which species are prevalent in the country. A limited survey of 43 catches carried out in conjunction with the 2002 sero-prevalence study (Goffredo M. et al., 2004), identified 20 Culicoides species of which C. obsoletus was the most prevalent. The present study was undertaken to study the monthly activity of Culicoides species in the region of Tirana, in order to reevaluate the medical importance of Culicoides Complexes such as Obsoletus, Pulicaris and Nubeculosus Complexes according to each season of the year. Material and Methods Study Area Entomological monitoring was carried out in Tirana region (in the territory of the Institute of Food Safety and Veterinary in the suburb part of Tirana). According to the sero-survey of 2002, Tirana was the district with the highest BTV prevalence; interestingly Tirana was also the district in which animals showed the highest neutralising antibody titres. Sampling Protocols Monitoring activity was carried out during the period 1 January – 31 December 2005. The capture, catch analysis and identification of species of Obsoletus and Pulicaris Complex were carried out according to the methods described by Goffredo and Meinswinkel, 2004. One light trap for insects of the type “Onderstepoort” with 8 W UV-light tube and downdraught suction motor was available for the study. The light trap was positioned in open air with the UV-light tube 1.5-2 m above ground level. The light trap was operated overnight, starting from 1 hour before sunset to 08.00 am the following morning. The resultant insect catch was poured through a fine gauze square and then transferred to a plastic jar containing 70 % alcohol. The insect were identified under a stereomicroscope Stemi 2000-C using appropriate taxonomic keys. 48 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Results During the course of this study, a total of 3680 Culicoides specimens (2964 females and 716 males) were obtained from 365 trap collection during all the year 2005. The species of Obsoletus, Pulicaris and Nubeculosus Complexes and Other Culicoides species were identified under a stereomicroscope Stemi 2000-C using appropriate taxonomic keys according to the methods described by Goffredo and Meinswinkel, 2004. The abundance of the Obsoletus, Pulicaris and Nubeculosus Complexes according to each month is shown in the Table No. 1. Table No. 1. The abundance of the Obsoletus, Pulicaris, Nubeculosus Complexes and other species of Culicoides every month Number of Culicoides according to each month Complexes Jan Feb Mars April May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Obsoletus 16 11 38 217 89 91 187 41 44 6 31 36 37 48 37 26 62 13 16 5 1 402 274 67 23 Pulicaris Nubeculosus Other species of Culicoides 4 18 110 1 389 419 919 2 1000 900 800 700 600 500 C . o b s o le tus C . p ulic a ris C . nub e c ulo s us O the r 400 300 200 100 December October November C . o b s o le tus September August July May C . nub e c ulo s us June April Mars February January 0 Fig. 1. The abundance of the Obsoletus, Pulicaris, Nubeculosus Complexes and Other species of Culicoides every month Obsoletus Complex was the most abundant complex and accounting for 21.9 % of the total catch; Pulicaris Complex accounted for 6.65 % followed by Nubeculosus Complex that accounted for 0.13 %. Other Culicoides species accounted for 71.3 % of the total. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 49 Discussion Of more than 1400 Culicoides species worldwide, fewer than 20 are considered to be actual or possible vectors of bluetongue virus. While the main vector, C. imicola was not detected in the present study, a number of species which are known or suspected BTV vectors including obsoletus and pulicaris complex were among the most prevalent in Tirana region. These findings are in agreement with the results of the previous survey in Albania and similar to those reported for other countries (Purse B. V. et al. 2006) As for the seasonal trend of culicoides fauna, it could be determined especially for Obsoletus Complex which is also the most abundant complex. The first adult appeared on 13 January 2005 and the last one was collected on 27 December 2005, the highest number of specimens being collected at the end of April. All of these new finding are of interest since they suggest that BTV may be able to overwinter in Tirana region were adult vector, especially of Obsoletus Complex, are present during all the year. In general, our survey confirms what previously observed on the Culicoides fauna composition of Albania, and particularly on the distribution and abundance of Obsoletus Complex. During the entomological survey of 2002, the species of the Obsoletus Complex result the most abundant, and at least two species of the complex, C. obsoletus and C. scoticus, were present. References 1. Di Ventura M., Tittarelli M., Semproni G., Bonfini B., Savini G., Conte A., Lika A. (2004): Serological surveillance of bluetongue virus in cattle, sheep and goats in Albania. Vet. Ital., 40 (3), 101-104. 2. Goffredo M., Delécolle J., Semproni G., Lika A. (2004): Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) in Albania: results of the 2002 entomological survey for bluetongue. Vet. Ital., 40 (3), 209-211. 3. Goffredo M. and Meiswinkel R. (2004): Entomological surveillance of bluetongue in Italy: methods of capture, catch analysis and identification of Culicoides biting midges. Vet. Ital., 40 (3), 260-265. 4. Purse B. V., Nedelchev N., Georgiev G., Veleta E., Boorman J., Denison E., Veronesi E., Carpenter S., Baylis M., Mellor S. (2006): Spatial and temporal distribution of bluetongue and its Culicoides vectors in Bulgaria. Medical and Veterinary Entomology 20 (3), 335-344. 50 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Sheep - associated malignant catarrhal fever – a case report Zarazna korica goveda – prikaz slučaja Habus, J1., N. Turk1, M. Friess2, R. Zobel3, Z. Grabarevic4, Lj. Barbic1, Z. Stritof1, Z. Milas1, V. Staresina1 Department of Microbiology and Infectious Disease with Clinic, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia. 1 2 Institute of Virology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Zurich, Switzerland. 3 4 University Vetmed d.o.o., Stružec, Croatia Department of General Pathology and Pathological Morphology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia. SUMMARY Sheep associated malignant catarrhal fever is severe, highly fatal, viral disease of cloven-hoofed animals. SA-MCF occurs worldwide, usually sporadically, although significant herd outbreaks are occasionally seen. It is caused by ovine herpesvirus 2 (OvHV-2), member of the emerging subfamily Gammaherpesvirinae, genus Rhadinovirus. Sheep are the natural hosts of OvHV-2 but the infection may be transmitted to cattle, pigs and big variety of wild ruminant species. Interestingly, sheep remain healthy upon infection with OvHV-2, while other susceptible hosts develop clinically evident disease. Exact mechanism of transmission from sheep to the susceptible species is still not cleared. Up to now, OvHV-2 has never been successfully propagated in vitro. However, OvHV-2 DNA has been detected in nasal secretions of sheep. Aerosolized nasal secretions containing infectious virus has been speculated as a way in which sheep transmit OvHV-2 to susceptible animals. Generally, infected cattle and pigs which develop symptoms of SA-MCF are considered unable to transmit disease to other hosts. Several suspected cases of SA-MCF in cows without identification of the causative agent have been reported previously in Croatia. In June 2005, on a farm in Stružec, north-west Croatia, where 17 diary cows and 2 heifers shared stables and meadows with dozen sheep, one of the heifers developed symptoms reminiscent of SA-MCF. Symptoms included anorexia, high fever, profuse catarrhal discharge from the eyes and nares, bilateral corneal opacity, necrosis of the muzzle and erosions of the buccal epithelium. Due to anorexia there was also a significant weight loss. Ten days following onset of the disease neurological symptoms such as ataxia, tremor, convulsions and hyperesthesia occurred. Animal died within 14 days. During the autopsy sharply demarcated erosions on the mucosal surfaces including tongue, oral mucosa, oesophagus, abomasums, jejunum, colon, caecum and urinary bladder were found. Histopathology revealed significant perivascular and intramural arterial infiltrations with mononuclear cells, mostly lymphocytes. In order to confirm diagnosis, samples from brain, cerebellum, spleen and lymph nodes were obtained and submitted to DNA extraction procedures for molecular diagnosis. Fluorogenic real-time PCR amplification specific for OvHV-2 was preformed and OvHV-2 DNA was detected in all investigated organs. For the first time in Croatia OvHV-2 was identified and quantified as a causative agent of SA-MCF. Sažetak Zarazna korica je izuzetno teška i najčešće letalna virusna zarazna bolest domaćih i divljih papkara. Bolest se javlja širom svijeta, najčešće sporadički, no moguća je i pojava epizootija sa znatnim gospodarskim štetama. Uzročnik zarazne korice je ovčji herpesvirus 2 (OvHV2), unutar emergentne podporodice Gammaherpesvirinae, rod Rhadinovirus. Prirodni rezervoar ove bolesti su ovce koje ne pokazuju znakove bolesti, dok se bolest klinički može očitovati u goveda, svinja te u različitih divljih papkara. Točan način prijenosa s ovce na prijemljive životinje XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 51 nije još u potpunosti razjašnjen. Također, do danas nije uspjelo izdvajanje uzročnika in vitro, no molekularnim metodama dokazana je virusna DNA u nosnom sekretu ovaca te se smatra da je infekcija primljivih životinja posljedica širenja kapljične infekcije s ovce na goveda. Bolest prelazi isključivo s rezervoara na domaćine, a bolesne životinje ne izlučuju virus i ne mogu širiti infekciju. U Hrvatskoj je do sada zabilježeno nekoliko slučajeva zarazne korice goveda, a dijagnosticiranje se osnivalo na epizootiološkim podacima, kliničkoj slici, patoanatomskom i histopatološkom nalazu. U lipnju 2005, na jednoj farmi u mjestu Stružec (Sisačko-moslavačka županija), u istom objektu bilo je smješteno 17 mliječnih krava i 2 junice zajedno sa desetak ovaca. U jedne od junica pojavili su se klinički znakovi koji su upućivali na zaraznu koricu goveda. Bolest je nastupila naglo, a očitovala se gubitkom apetita, povišenom tjelesnom temperaturom, profuznim sluzavim iscjetkom iz očiju i nosa, obostranim zamućenjem rožnica, nekrotičnim promjenama na nosnom ogledalu i erozijama po sluznici usne šupljine. Životinja je značajno izgubila na tjelesnoj masi, a desetak dana nakon pojave prvih znakova bolesti došlo je i do poremetnje funkcije SŽS-a u smislu otežanog kretanja, drhtanja, grčeva i pojačane osjetljivosti na podražaje. Životinja je uginula 14-og dana od pojave bolesti. Razudbom su ustanovljene oštro ograničene erozije na sluznici jezika, usta, jednjaka, sirišta, tankog i debelog crijeva, slijepog crijeva i mokraćnog mjehura. Histopatološki, ustanovljena je znatna perivaskularna i intramuralna infiltracija arterija mononuklearnim stanicama, uglavnom limfocitima. U cilju objektivnog dijagnosticiranja bolesti uzorkovana su tkiva mozga, slezene i limfnih čvorova u cilju identifikacije i kvantifikacije virusne DNA. Iz spomenutih organa ekstrahirana je virusna DNA te je amplificirana metodom lančane reakcije polimeraze u stvarnom vremenu (Real-time PCR) uporabom početnica specifičnih za OvHV-2. U svim istraživanim organima ustanovljena je i kvantificirana OvHV-2 DNA što predstavlja prvi dokaz i kvantifikaciju uzročnika zarazne korice goveda u Hrvatskoj. INTRODUCTION Malignant catarrhal fever (MCF) is severe and frequently fatal disease syndrome of certain domestic and wild cloven-hoofed animals caused by closely related members of family Gammaherpesvirinae. Two major epidemiological forms of MCF are defined; one is known as wildebeest associated MCF (WA-MCF) reflecting the fact that the causative agent (Alcephaline herpesvirus 1) exist in nature as endemic subclinical infection in wildebeest. Second epidemiological form is described as sheepassociated malignant catarrhal fever (SA-MCF) and it is caused by closely related ovine herpesvirus 2 (OvHV-2) (PLOWRIGHT et al., 1990). Wildebeest associated MCF is restricted to African continent e.g. to the places inhabited by the wildebeest, while sheep associated MCF occurs worldwide. Though never successfully propagated in vitro there is a substantial epidemiologic, serologic and molecular evidence that all varieties of domestic sheep represent a reservoir of OvHV-2 that can be transmitted to susceptible, poor adopted ruminants, such as domestic cattle, deer, other wild ruminants and, recently reported, also to pigs (ALBINI et al., 2003; KIM et al., 2003; LI et al., 2005). SA-MCF usually appears sporadically and affects only one or few animals, but occasionally significant herd outbreaks can be seen (BEREZOWSKI et al., 2005). The disease may present a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations ranging from the peracute form, when minimal changes are observed prior to death, to the more florid cases characterized with more specific symptoms. In both forms of the disease, animals with clinical signs are not a source of infection as virus is only excreted by the natural hosts – wildebeest and sheep, respectively (LI et al., 1995; ACKERMANN, 2006). Since the etiological agent has never been propagated in vitro, routine diagnostics of the diseases in the past relied mostly on clinics, pathology and histopathology. Recently usefulness and advantages of molecular methods for detection and identification of viral DNA were reported (BAXTER et al., 1993; LI et al., 1995). Suspected cases of SA-MCF in cows without identification of the agent have already been reported in Croatia during the last decades. This paper describes a case of SA-MCF in 13 month52 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 old heifer from northwest Croatia and subsequent diagnostic findings including identification and quantification of OvHV-2 DNA in different organs. CASE HISTORY Assessment of epidemiological data and clinical signs. In June 2005, on a farm in northwest Croatia, where 17 Simmental diary cows and 2 heifers shared stables and meadows with a dozen sheep, a 13 month-old heifer showed symptoms reminiscent of SA-MCF; anorexia, high fever, bilateral corneal opacity, profuse catarrhal discharges from the eyes and nares, necrosis of the muzzle and erosion of the buccal epithelium. Due to anorexia there was also a significant weight loss. Ten days following onset of the disease neurological symptoms occurred, such as ataxia, tremor, convulsions and hyperesthesia and animal died. Pathology and histopathology. Macroscopically lymph nodes were swollen. Sharply demarcated erosions were found on the most mucosal surfaces including tongue, oral mucosa, oesophagus, abomasums, jejunum, colon, coecum and urinary bladder. Hemorrhagic punctuations were found on the larynx, trachea, pericardium, endocardium and gall bladder. Epicardium of the right atrium was thickened and covered with fibrinoso-haemorrhagic exudates. In the eyes, congestion and oedema with bluish opacity were noted. Sharply demarcated necrotic skin lesions on the thorax were also seen. A brain was congested and the lungs were oedematous. Following the autopsy, organ samples were taken for histopathological analysis. After formalin fixation, the samples were embedded in paraffin and cut on 5 µm thick slices which were deparaffinized and stained with routine haematoxylin-eosin method. Histopathologicaly, the most important finding was very significant perivascular and intramural arterial infiltrations with mononuclear cells, mostly lymphocytes. Real-time PCR. Formaldehyde fixed samples from brain (73a, non-identified region), cerebellum (73b), spleen (73c, 73d), and lymph nodes (73e, 73f) were obtained. 25 mg from each brain, cerebellum, and lymph nodes or 10 mg from spleen were washed twice with phosphate buffered saline (PBS) before DNA extraction. DNA was extracted from tissues using the QIAamp DNA Mini Kit (Qiagen, Basel, Switzerland) according to the protocol of the supplier. In order to reduce viscosity, the lyzed sample was transferred to a QIAshredder column (Qiagen) and centrifuged at room temperature for 5 minutes (ALBINI et al., 2003). The DNA was eluted in a volume of between 70 and 100 µl. Fluorogenic real-time PCR amplification specific for OvHV 2 DNA was performed in duplicate wells with 10 µl template or with a 1:10 dilution of it, using the primers, probe, reaction mix and thermal cycle conditions essentially as described previously (HUSSY et al., 2001). A synthetic 72mer consisting of the primary target sequences was used as a positive control. Negative controls consisted of one sample without added DNA (negative control 1) and one sample containing the eluted from an unloaded column (negative control 2). Results are shown in Table 1. Indeed, OvHV-2 DNA was detected in brain, cerebellum, spleen as well as lymph nodes, indicating that the corresponding animals had been infected with OvHV-2, the agent of sheep-associated malignant catarrhal fever. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 53 Table 1. Detection of OvHV-2 DNA in samples from Croatian cattle with suspected MCF. Sample Positive control Ct value Interpretation 29, 31 OvHV-2 DNA detected Negative control 1 Not applicableb Not detected Negative control 2 Not applicable Not detected Brain (73a) 26, 26 OvHV-2 DNA detected Brain (73a) 1:10 33, 32 OvHV-2 DNA detected Cerebellum (73b) Not tested a Cerebellum (73b) 1:10 32, 31 OvHV-2 DNA detected Spleen (73c) 28, 28 OvHV-2 DNA detected Spleen (73c) 1:10 27, 28 OvHV-2 DNA detected Spleen (73d) 26, 27 OvHV-2 DNA detected Spleen (73d) 1:10 26, 26 OvHV-2 DNA detected Lymph node (73e) Not applicable Not detected Lymph node (73e) 1:10 24, 24 OvHV-2 DNA detected Lymph node (73f) 27, 27 OvHV-2 DNA detected Lymph node (73f) 1:10 25, 24 OvHV-2 DNA detected Ct values from two independent wells are shown a If a Ct value has not been detected until cycle 40 of the real-time PCR reaction, the corresponding sample is considered to be negative. The term “Ct value” is therefore not applicable for negative samples. b DISCUSSION Suspected cases of SA-MCF in cows without identification of the agent have already been reported in Croatia, especially in northwest areas where cows usually share stables and meadows with sheep. Also in this case epidemiological data revealed close contact of heifer with sheep. Clinical findings were consistent with those already described in literature (OIE, 2004), but regarding the fact that clinical findings and gross pathological examination can not be relied on, cause they can be extremely variable, histopathological examination of a variety of tissues has been preformed. Finding of significant perivascular and intramural arterial infiltration of mononuclear cells, mostly lymphocytes, is characteristic for SA-MCF and provide us a more certain diagnosis. It must be emphasised that SA-MCF is one of the few known infectious diseases for which an etiological agent has never been isolated. An evidence of OvHV-2 infection relies only on presence of antibodies in reactions where AVH-1 infected cells were used as antigen and on the detection and amplification of viral DNA in various clinical materials such as peripheral blood leukocytes of clinically affected animals as well as fresh tissues and paraffin-embedded samples collected post mortem (LI et al., 1994; HUSSY et al., 2001). Since viral DNA has been detected, a various highly specific and sensitive PCR (Polymerase chain reaction) methods have been employed worldwide in studies of the disease in clinically affected animals and the natural hosts. Fluorogenic real-time PCR amplification specific for OvHV-2 DNA was performed in our study and OvHV-2 DNA was detected in brain, cerebellum, spleen as well as lymph nodes. Detection of OvHV-2 DNA in a variety of tissues from animals with MCF-like disease, clearly demonstrates 54 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 that those animals had been infected with OvHV-2. Since OvHV-2 is found only on extremely rare occasions in healthy animals (MULLER-DOBLIES et al., 2001A, 2001B), a causative involvement of OvHV-2 in the observed disease is extremely likely. However, inhibition of the PCR reaction in undiluted samples has previously been observed (ALBINI et al., 2003). Therefore it was not surprising that one undiluted sample reacted negatively, whereas the Ct values obtained from the 1:10 dilution were often equal to or even lower than Ct values obtained from undiluted DNA. A PCR method, especially real-time PCR emerged as a robust test that can be employed to detect viral DNA in various clinical materials such as peripheral blood leukocytes of clinically affected animals as well as fresh tissues and paraffin-embedded samples collected post mortem (BAXTER et al., 1993; LI et al., 1995; HUSSY et al., 2001). Finally, for the first time, using fluorogenic real-time PCR, OvHV-2 was identified and quantified in one Croatian cow as the causative agent of SA-MCF. LITERATURE ACKERMANN, M. (2006): Pathogenesis of gammaherpesvirus infections. Vet. Microbiol. 113, 211-222. ALBINI, S., W. ZIMMERMANN, F. NEFF, B. EHLERS, H. HANI, H. LI, D, HUSSY, M. ENGELS, M., ACKERMANN (2003): Identification and quantification of ovine gammaherpesvirus 2 DNA in fresh and stored tissues of pigs with symptoms of porcine malignant catarrhal fever. J. Clin. Microbiol. 41, 900-904. BAXTER, S.I.F., I. POW, A. BRIDGEN, H.W. REID (1993): PCR detection of the sheep-associated malignant catarrhal fever. Arch.Virol., 132, 149-159. BEREZOWSKI, J.A., G.D. APPLEYARD, T.B. CRAWFORD, J. HAIGH, H. LI, D.M. MIDDLETON, B.P. O’CONNOR, K. WEST, M. WOODBURY (2005): An outbreak of sheep-associated malignant catarrhal fever in bison (Bison bison) after exposure to sheep at a public auction sale. J.Vet. Diagn. Invest. 17, 5558. HUSSY, D., N. STAUBER, C.M. LEUTENEGGER, S. RIEDER, M. ACKERMANN (2001): Quantitative fluorogenic PCR assay for measuring ovine herpesvirus 2 replication in sheep. Clin. Diagn. Lab. Immunol. 8,123-128. KIM, O., H. LI, T.B. CRAWFORD (2003): Demonstration of sheep-associated malignant catarrhal fever virions in sheep nasal secretions. Virus Res. 98, 117-122. LI, H., D. O’TOOLE, O. KIM, L. OAKS, T.B. CRAWFORD (2005): Malignant catarrhal fever-like disease in sheep after intranasal inoculation with ovine herpesvirus. J.Vet. Diagn. Invest. 2. 17, 171-175. LI, H., SHEN, D.T., D. O’TOOL, D.P KNOWLES, J.R. 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XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 55 56 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Detection of persistently infected (PI) calves with bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) using “Ear Notch Test” and comparing it by Immuno-capture ELISA Otkrivanje perzistentno inficirane (PI) teladi s goveđim virusom virusnog proljeva (BVDV) koristeći rez uške i njegova usporedba s Immuno-capture ELISOM Nadalian M.1, Sadeghi-Nasab A.2*, Hemmatzadeh F.3, Nadjafi J.4, Seifoori P.4, Gorjidooz M.6, Bahonar A.7 1 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tehran, Clinical Sciences, Tehran, Iran Junior school of veterinary medicine, Bu-Ali Sina University, Clinical Sciences, Hamedan, Iran 2 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tehran, Department of Microbiology, Tehran, Iran 3 Iran Veterinary Organization, Department of pathobiology, Tehran, Iran 4 Bovine herd helth manager, Tehran, Iran 6 7 Facutly of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tehran, Department of Food Hygiene, Tehran, Iran *Corresponding author’s e-mail: sadeghinasabali@basu.ac.ir Abstract For detection of persistent infected (PI) calves with bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) immunohistochemistry (IHC) using ear notch samples compared with an antigen-capture ELISA (ACE) technique and confirmed by RT-PCR. Blood samples of 552 Holstein calves and cows with 6-24 months old from 15 dairy farms located in Tehran province (Iran), submitted for detection of BVDV antigen in buffy coat cells using ACE, RT-PCR and also their formalin fixed ear notch samples by IHC. The results analyzed by SPSS for determination of sensitivity, specificity and Kappa value of ACE and IHC. Calves were classified as PI if they remained positive by 3 separate weeks double ACE or RT-PCR. Accordingly, RT-PCR confirmed 13 PI calves but ACE detected 6 cases, 46.15% (6/13) and IHC 10 cases, 76.92% (10/13), correctly. According to RT-PCR, specificity of ACE and IHC was determined 100% and 84.21% respectively. Kappa value between IHC- RT-PCR and ACE- RTPCR determined 0.61 and 0.493 respectively. The results have shown that IHC is more effective method for detection of PI calves than ACE. Ear notch is an easy, accurate and less expensive ante mortem diagnostic test for detecting PI calves. But the results confirmed that using double ACE and confirming its results by RT-PCR is better than using IHC and RT-PCR for screening of PI calves. Key words: BVDV, RT-PCR, Immunohistochemistry, ear notch, PI calves Sažetak BVDV uzrokuje česte infekcije u goveda koje se manifestiraju različitim sindromima. Prenatalna infekcija može kod teladi prouzrokovati imunotoleranciju i perzistentnu infekciju (PI), kao i bolest sluznice. Telad s perzistentnom infekcijom je najveći prenositelj bolesti unutar i između stada. Tako se strategije spriječavanja BVDV-a većinom svode na identifikaciju i eliminaciju takve teladi. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi pouzdanost i provodljivost imunofistokemijskih metoda koristeći uzroke rezova uha, te ih usporediti s ELISA tehnikom za detekciju BVDV PI životinja (potvrđenih s RT-PCR). Materijali i metode: Uzorci krvi od 552 Holsteinse teladi i krava starosti od 6 do 24 mjeseci, sa 15 različitih farmi iz teheranske regije (Iran), korišteni su za dokazivanje BVDV antigena u buffy coat stanicama koristeći ACE, RT-PCR kao i formalinom fiksiran rez uha za IHC. Rezultati su zatim analizirani s SPSS za determinaciju senzitivnosti, specifičnosti i Kappa vrijednost ACE-a I IHC-a. Rezultati: Telad je klasificirana kao PI ako je XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 57 ostala pozitivna u tri zasebna, s razmakkom od tjedan dana, dvostruka ACE i RT-PCR testiranja. S RT-PCR-om je ustanovljeno 13 PI jedinki, dok s ACE-om 6 jedinki, 46,15% (6/13) I IHC 10 slučajeva, 76,92% (10/13). S obzirom na RT-PCR, specifičnost ACE-a I IHC-a bila je 100% i 84,21%. Kappa vrijednost između IHC-RT-PCR I ACE-RT-PCR je iznosila 0,61 i 0,493. Zaključak: Rezultati IHC-a I RT-PCR-a se nisu podudarali kod 6 teladi. Kod 3 teleta , IHC je bio pozitivan, dok je RT-PCR bio negativan. S obzirom da se virusni antigen može dokazati u tkivima i duže vrijeme nakon što virus više nije prisutan u krvi, vjerojatno je telad ranije imala epizodu akutne infekcije te se rezidualni virusni antigen još uvijek mogao dokazati u tkivima. Tri teleta pozitivna RT-PCR-om nisu bila pozitivna s IHC-om. To je vjerojatno virus te teladi nije bio otkriven označenim protutijelima ili pak virus nije bio prisutan u koži. Ovi su rezultati pokazali da je IHC metoda dijagnostike uspješnija za detekciju PI teladi od ACE-a. Ušni rez je jednostavna, točna i jeftina posmortalna metoda otkrivanja PI teladi. Rezultati su pak pokazali da je za skrining PI teladi bolje korištenje dvostruke ACE i provjera rezultata RT-PCR-om nego korištenje IHC I RT-PCR-a. Ključne riječi: BVDV, RT-PCR, imunohistokemija, ušni rez, PI telad Introduction Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) is a common pestiviruse infection of cattle causing many of disease syndromes (2, 6, 15). Prenatal infection can also result immunotolerance and persistent infection (PI) in calves and mucosal disease. PI calves are regarded as the major source of spreading BVDV within and among herds. Therefore, eliminating BVDV strategies are most relying in part on accurate identification and removal of PI calves from herds(12, 18, 19, 20). The objective of this study was to evaluate the reliability and feasibility of immunohistochemistry (IHC) using ear notch samples, comparing to an antigen-capture ELISA (ACE) technique for the detection of BVDV PI animals (confirmed by RT-PCR). Materials and methods Blood samples of 552 Holstein calves and cows with 6-24 months old from 15 dairy farms located in Tehran province (Iran), submitted for detection of BVDV antigen in their buffy coat cells using ACE, RT-PCR and also their formalin fixed ear notch samples by IHC. The results analyzed with SPSS for determination of sensitivity, specificity and Kappa value of ACE and IHC. Blood samples were collected from jugular vein in 10 ml vacutainer tubes contain 1 ml of 3.85% sodium citrate and delivered to the laboratory in the ice containers (4 °C) maximum within 24 h. The skin biopsies were collected from the distal part of the ear using an “ear notcher” to obtain a cylindrical 1 cm diameter of the ear pinna. Notcher was washed with water and disinfected with 2% formalin solution between each collection. Samples were fixed in 10% buffered formalin solution. 3-1) Antigen-Capture ELISA (ACE): Detection of BVDV antigen in Buffy coat cells was performed using a commercially available kit (Pestivirus antigen detection kit, Moredun Scientific Limited, UK). According to the manufacturer’s instructions, after sample preparation and antigen extraction, assay protocol at 450 nm within 30 minutes and based on recommended OD limits (C1 >0.8, C2 = 0.4-0.6, C3 = 0.2-0.4, C4<0.2) was performed. 3-2) Reverse Transcription–PCR (RT-PCR): Reverse transcription–PCR, as described (22) and modified previously (14), was performed on buffy coat samples from all examined calves. TriPure isolation reagent (Roche diagnostic GmbH, Mannheim, Germany) was employed for RNA extraction. After this stage cDNA was synthesized and then PCR procedure was performed (14, 22) 58 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 One primer set, forward (5’-ATGCCCTTAGTAGGACTAGCA-3’) and reverse (5’-TCAACTCCATGTGCCATGTAC-3’) specific for all of pestiviruses was used for RT-PCR according to Vilcek et al (1994) which was modified by Kargar Moakhar et al (2004)(14). In this PCR process, one positive cDNA derived from NADL strain and one negative cDNA obtained from non-infected cell culture was used as positive and negative control, respectively. The electrophoresis analysis of the PCR products was run in 1.5% agarose gel using TAE buffer at 100V for 45 min. Visualization of ethidium bromide stained DNA bands was performed by a UV transilluminator and gel images were printed using video camera and thermal printer (Figure1). 3-3) Immunohistochemistry (IHC): From formalin fixed ear notch samples referred to pathology lab serial sections were performed. Five-micrometer tissue sections were mounted on poly-L-lysine-coated slides and stained for BVDV by using a manually procedure adapted from a previously described technique (11). Anti-BVDV (pesti) monoclonal antibody labelled with fluorescein isothiocyanate (BIO 316, Bio-X diagnostics kit, Belgium) was used. Stained sections were examined by fluorescent microscopy. Positive Immunofluorescent (IF) staining for BVDV was green fluorescent evidnce within the cytoplasm of keratinocytes of epidermis and hair follicles, sebaceous epithelial cells, mononuclear cells in dermis, vascular smooth muscle cells and chondrocytes (Figure2). Results Calves were classified as PI if they remained positive by 3 separate weeks double ACE or RTPCR. Accordingly, RT-PCR confirmed 13 PI but ACE detected 6 cases, 46.15% (6/13) and IHC 10 cases, 76.92% (10/13), correctly. According to RT-PCR, specificity of ACE and IHC was determined 100% and 84.21% respectively. Kappa value between IHC- RT-PCR and ACE- RT-PCR determined 0.61 and 0.493 respectively (table). Figure 1) Gel electrophoretic analysis of PCR products using a specific primer for pestiviruses. Lane 1 positive control, lane 2-7: positive samples with 288bp band, lane 8: negative control and M: 100bp marker. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 59 P Value 84.21 SE□ 76.92 Kappa value Negative predictive value 76.92 Positive predictive value Sensitivity % 16 Specificity % Non PI and true negative detected 10 Non PI but false positive IF٭ PI but false negative Tests PI and true positive detected Table) Comparison of results of Immunofluorescent and ACE with Rt-PCR 0.61 0.145 0.001 ACE♣ 6 7 0 19 46.15 100 100 70.83 0.493 0.144 (٭IF) Immunofluorescent ,♣ Antigen-Capture ELISA (ACE) , □Standard Error 0.001 3 3 84.21 Figure 2) Positive IHC staining for BVDV. Green fluorescent evidence within the cytoplasm of keratinocytes (A1, A2, B3), sebaceous epithelial cells (C5, D6), mononuclear cells of dermis (C4), chondrocytes (D7). 60 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Conclusions Surprisingly, the lowest sensitivity was obtained with ACE, which resulted in higher numbers of false negatives. Several factors could account for this; occasionally, PI valves can produce neutralizing antibodies which will reduce viruses to the undetectable levels by ACE, but Rt-PCR will not affect (3). Rt-PCR can detect trace amounts of viruses in blood of transient infected animals (8) and finally it is likely, our positive cases were not being enough for evaluation of used kit efficacy. IHC technique has been described for detection of acute (1, 5, 17, 21) or persistent infection (4, 10, 11, 13, 16) with the various performance. Results of IF and Rt-PCR of 6 calves were in disagreement. In 3 calves, IF were positive but Rt-PCR was negative. Because viral antigen may be detectable in tissues for an extended time after the virus has been cleared from the blood (4, 17), it is likely, these calves had undergone an acute infection prior and that residual viral antigen was still detectable in their tissues. Three PI calves which were detected by Rt-PCR were not positive by IF. It is likely, the viral antigens of these PI calves were undetectable by used labelled monoclonal antibody (the used monoclonal antibody is directed against the NS3 protein) or may be undetectable as a cause of long lasting formalinization (2) or lack of sufficient viral antigens in the examined skin sections (1, 11). IF staining is inherently subjective in interpretation, even in the hands of experienced diagnosticians (5). This is compounded by the relatively poor definition of cells and tissues afforded by poorly prepared tissue sections. In addition, the immunohistochemical staining procedure uses proteolytic enzymes that may allow the recognition of viral antigens that are masked as a result of autolysis and therefore not detectable using the routine FA testing method (5). Use of different monoclonal antibodies may have accounted for some of the disparity in results between the FA and Rt-PCR and even other IHC studies. The results represent, IF is more effective method for detection of PI calves than ACE. Ear notch is an easy, accurate and less expensive ante mortem diagnostic test for detecting PI calves. But the results confirmed that using double ACE and confirming its doubtful results by Rt-PCR is better than using IHC and Rt-PCR for screening of PI calves. According to this study, the sensitivity of IF is greater than ACE for detection of PI animals (76.92% versus 41.15%). Kappa value between Rt-PCR and IF is 0.61 which represent a good agreement (P value=0.001) (9). IF could be used as a screening test but false negative cases would be missed because it is a single step test. Despite of simple sampling, transporting, inexpensive and other advantages mentioned, it is better to use conventional protocol, double ACE with 3 weeks separation for screening PI animals in herds (7). References 1. Baszler, TV; Evermann, JF; Kaylor, PS; Byington, TC and Dilbeck, PM (1995). Diagnosis of naturally occurring bovine viral diarrhea virus infections in ruminants using monoclonal antibody-based immunohistochemistry.Vet. Pathol. 32, PP: 609-618. 2. Brock, KV (2004). The many faces of bovine viral diarrhea virus. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice. Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus. 20, PP: 115-169. 3. Brock, KV; Grooms, DL; Ridpath, JF and Bolin, SR (1998). Changes in levels of viremia in cattle persistently infected with bovine viral diarrhea virus. J. Vet. Diagn. Invest.10(1),PP: 22-26 4. 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Virol. 136, PP: 309-323. 62 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Investigation of Bovine Herpesvirus-1 (BHV-1) Infection in Relation to Fertility in Repeat Breeder Cows Istraživanje infekcije goveđim herpes-virusom-1 u odnosu na plodnost krava koje se preganjuju Ayhan ATA1, Mesih KOCAMÜFTÜOĞLU 2, Sibel HASIRCIOĞLU 3, *, Mehmet KALE 3 Dept. of Theriogenology and Artificial Inseminatiom, Faculty of Veterinary Medecine, Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, 15100, Burdur, TURKEY. 2 Dept. of Gynecology and Reproduction, Faculty of Veterinary Medecine, Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, 15100, Burdur, TURKEY. 3 Dept. of Virology, Faculty of Veterinary Medecine, Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, 15100, Burdur, TURKEY. * Represent author:sibel_has04@hotmail. com 1 ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to determine the seroprevalence of BHV-1 and investigate the relation between BHV-1 infection and fertility in repeat breeder ( RB ) cows in Burdur province, Turkey. For this purpose, serum samples were collected from 108 RB cows and tested by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for antibodies against BHV-1. Seroprevalence was 9.25% (10/108) in these animals. Although no significant difference was detected between ages of seropositive and seronegative RB cows, the difference between seropositive and seronegative RB cows for open days (OD) was statistically significant (P<0.01). The difference for conception rate (CR) between these groups was statistically found insignificant (P=0.37). The difference between ages of seropositive and seronegative pregnant RB cows was found significant (P<0.001) whereas OD of these pregnant RB cows was not statistically different (P> 0.05). Also, the difference between non-pregnant seropositive and seronegative RB cows for calving to fourth insemination date interval (CFIDI) was statistically significant whereas the difference between ages of these non-pregnant animals was statistically insignificant. In conclusion, the results of this study showed that there was a close relation between BHV-1 infections and fertility in RB cows and seropositivity for BHV-1 in these animals affected the fertility of herds negatively. Keywords: Dairy cattle, BHV-1, repeat breeder, fertility, ELISA Sažetak: Cilj ove studije je utvrditi serološku nadmoć BHV-1 virusa i istražiti odnos infekcije BHV-1 i plodnosti mliječnih krava u provinciji burdar u Turskoj. Stoga su prikupljeni uzorci 108 krava s preganjanjem i testirani ELISA testom za titar antitijela protiv BHV-1. Serološka nadmoć ( seroprevalencija je utvrđena u devet.25% (10/108 ispitivanih životinja. Iako nije uočena signifikantna razlika između životne dobi seropozitivnih i seronegativnih krava, razlika u broju dana seropozitivnih i seronegativnih je bila statistički signifikantna (p<0.05 , P=0.02 S druge stran erazlika postotka koncepcije (CR između ovih dviju skupina nije bila statistički signifikantna ( P=0.36. Zaključili smo da su rezultati ove studije pokazali da postoji bliska povezanost u infekciji BHV-1 s neplodnošću mliječnih krava koje se preganjaju. Također je očito da seropozitivnost na BHV-1 utječe negativno na plodnost čitavog stada. Ključne riječi: Mliječna goveda, preganjanje, plodnost, ELISA INTRODUCTION The bovine herpesvirus–1 is a member of the genus Varicellovirus within the subfamily Alphaherpesvirinae, which belongs to the family Herpesviridae (Murphy et al. 1999). This virus causes respiratory disease- Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) -in cattle, genital diseasesinfectious pustular vulvovaginitis (IPV) in females or infectious pustular balanoposthitis (IPB) in XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 63 males- and other clinical syndroms such as conjunctivitis, metritis, mastitis, encephalitis, abortion, enteritis, loss in milk production and generalized systemic infections. Many infections run with a subclinical course (Straub 1990). BHV–1, like other alphaherpesviruses, can set up a latent infection in neurons of sensory ganglia (Ackermann and Wyler 1984). Due to stressful conditions or corticosteroid treatment latent BHV– 1 can be reactivated and re-excreted at irregular intervals. Therefore, cattle latently infected with BHV–1 can also be a source of infection (Pastoret et al. 1984). IBR/IPV infections cause substantial economic losses such as weight loss, decrease in milk production, abortion, neonatal and embryonic death, stillbirth and fertility disorders such as endometritis and repeat breeder (Hage et al 1998, Miller 1991). The most important reproductive disorders that the genital form of disease cause in infected cows are necrotising endometritis and necrotising oophoritis. Also, these disorders can lead to the problems of repeat breeder and infertility in infected cows (Kendrick and McEntree 1987). In many study done, infertility problems have been associated with BHV–1 infections (Elezhary et al. 1980, Miller 1991). Miller (1991) reported that the use of semen contaminated with IBR virus for natural/artificial insemination probably would cause temporary infertility, lasting one to two weeks. The aim of this study was to determine the seroprevalence of BHV–1 and investigate the relation between BHV–1 infection and fertility in RB cows in Burdur province, Turkey. MATERIAL AND METHODS Farm: The study period started on March 10, 2006 and ended on April 25, 2007. The samples of this study comprised 108 Holstein-Fresian RB cows (aged 2 to 10 yrs for cows ) kept at 30 different dairy farms in Burdur, southwest Turkey. The main cattle-rearing activity is mixed (crop-livestock), small-scale (2–10 cattle) dairy production. Cattle are primarily kept for milk production. Average annual milk production on these farms was 6,000 L per cow. All animals on each farm were housed in the same free stall barn with intensive contact between animals. Data were collected at individual cattle and farm levels. Animals: RB cow reproductive status was determined by palpation and condition of the fetus was recorded. All the dairy cows in this study were examined vaginally, and were healthy and free of anatomical abnormalities of the reproductive tract. To exclude the possible effects of reproduction problems related to nutrition deficiency RB cows with body condition lower than 2.5 score were not included in this study. Body condition scores were allocated on a scale of 0–5 (in increments of 0.25), with a score of 0 representing extremely thin or emaciated cows and 5 representing extremely fat or obese cows (Domecq et al. 1997, Loeffler et al. 1999). During the study none of the RB cows exhibited any overt clinical signs of BHV–1 or any other disease. None of the animals had ever been vaccinated against BHV–1. Data collection and artificial insemination (AI): Interviews were performed in order to gather information about the farms. Information regarding the herd and each animal sampled were recorded through a personal interview with the farmer or farm manager. AI dates, presence of pregnancy following 6–8 weeks insemination by rectal palpation records were recorded by the inseminator. All inseminations were performed by the same experienced veterinarian using BHV–1 free frozenthawed semen containing at least ten million of motile spermatozoa (Consorzio Semenzoo-Italy Via Masaccio, 11- 42010 Mancasale, Italy) of proven fertility from a single bull (VANZETTI VALENT 64 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 RAUL ET). Fourth insemination was carried out on the day of spontaneous estrus. The stage of the estrus cycle was determined by rectal palpation and observation of the secondary signs of estrus. The insemination coincided with mid-estrus, as evidenced by cervical mucous discharge (CMD) and high myometrial tone and contractility. The semen was placed into the corpus uteri. They were subjected to AI according to the routine a.m.-p.m. scheme and used for fertility assessment. Breeding day (day 0) equals the day of onset of strong estrus signs. Calving dates were obtained from the farmer’s records. Pregnancy control and calculations of conception rate: Eight weeks postinsemination, rectal examinations to determine pregnancy were carried out. When an insemination led to a positive pregnancy check, it was defined as successful. If the outcome of an insemination was not known (e.g. due to slaughter before pregnancy diagnosis) this observation was omitted from the calculations. If two inseminations had occurred less than 10 days apart, they were recorded as only one insemination. CR was calculated as the percentage of inseminations resulting in pregnancy lasting at least 8 weeks. Serology: Blood samples (10 ml) were collected from the tail vein of each RB cow at estrus period before fourth AI, using disposable needles (21x1.5 mm) and vacutainer tubes. After centrifugation at 1700 g for 15 min, separated sera were stored at -20°C until analysis. BHV–1 antibodies were determined by using a commercial available ELISA kit (Institute Pourquire IBR-ELISA). ELISA was performed according to procedure described by the manufacturer. Test results were expressed as positive and negative. Statistics analyses: The mean values and standard errors of means were calculated for both BHV–1 serologically-positive and BHV–1 serologically-negative groups. The data were determined by Chi-square test and student’s t-test, and values of P<0.05 were regarded as significant (SPSS software, version 11.0). RESULTS BHV–1 seroprevalence was 9.25% (10/108) in RB cows in Burdur province. Conception rate was higher in BHV–1 serologically negative cows (58.62%) than BHV–1 serologically positive RB cows (50.00%) but was not statistically significant (P>0.05). Average for OD (open days) of BHV–1 serologically-positive RB cows (344.00 ± 35.11d) were different from those of BHV–1 serologically negative cows (184.37 ± 5.96d) and was statistically significant (P<0.01). The difference for CFIDI between seropositive and seronegative non-pregnant RB cows was found significant (P<0.01). OD of seropositive and seronegative pregnant RB cows was not statistically different (P=0.114). Also, no significant difference was detected between ages of seropositive and seronegative RB cows. But, this difference between seropositive and seronegative pregnant RB cows was found significant (P<0.001). The difference between ages of seropositive and seronegative non-pregnant animals was statistically insignificant (P=0.091). Reproductive parameters of BHV–1 seropositive and seronegative RB cows are presented in Table 1. and 2. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 65 Table 1. Reproductive parameters of RB cows with BHV-1 (seropositive) and BHV-1 (seronegative) Parameters ODa Age (day) CRb a BHV-1 (seropositive) BHV-1 (seronegative) n=10 n=98 P< COWS 344.00 ± 35.11 184.37± 5.96 P=0.001** 2448.00 ± 316.58 1738.78 ± 58.57 P=0.053 NS 50.0 58.62 P=0.37 NS Open days (day), b Conception rate (%), NS= not significant, **P<0.01, Values are mean ± SE. Table 2. Reproductive parameters of pregnant and non-pregnant RB cows with BHV-1 (seropositive) and BHV-1 (seronegative) Parameters ODa Age (day) Parameters CFIDIb Age (day) BHV-1 (seropositive) BHV-1 (seronegative) n=4 n=54 PREGNANT COWS 319.25± 60.00 187.03 ± 8.61 1800.00±0.00 1586.67± 55.91 BHV-1 (seropositive) BHV-1 (seronegative) n=6 n=44 NON-PREGNANT COWS 373.28 ± 40.97 182.14 ± 9.00 2880.00 ± 455.37 1925.45 ± 105.05 P< P=0.114 NS P=0.000*** P< P=0.003** P=0.091 NS Open days (day), b Calving to fourth insemination date interval (CFIDI), NS*= not significant, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001 Values are mean ± SE. a DISCUSSION IBR/IPV is a important disease treating genital tract and causing the problems of infertility in cows as a result of this. Consequently, it cause substantial production and economic losses in livestock/dairy cattle industry. Up to now, several studies have been done to detect the relationship between IBR infections and infertility problems of cows (especially RB cows) in Turkey and the world. Çabalar and Akça (1994) collected 624 serum samples from cows with infertility problems (repeat breeder, metritis, abortion) and tested for the presence of IBR/IPV antibodies by microneutralization assay. They found to be 425 (68.10%) of 624 serum samples for IBR/IPV virus neutralizing antibodies. They suggested that IBR virus may be an etiological agent in infertility problems of cows since high incidence against IBR/IPV virus had been detected at herds. Özkul et al. (1995) collected 538 serum samples from cows with infertility problems (repeat breeder, abortion, metritis ) which were housed in 19 closed dairy herds and tested by serum neutralisation (SN) for the presence of neutralizing antibodies against IBR/IPV virus. They found to be seropositive 113 (21%) of 528 serum samples tested for IBR/IPV virus. They reported that IBR/ IPV virus might cause infertility in cows produced in closed dairy herds. Bulut et al. (2003) collected serum samples from 120 RB cows and 85 healthy cows to investigate frequency of BHV–1 infections in RB cows and tested by ELISA. They found that 85 (70.8%) of 66 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 120 RB cows and 59 (73.7%) of 85 healthy cows were seropositive for BHV–1. According to the result of investigation, they concluded that there was no significant relation between seropositivity of BHV–1 and repeat breeder statistically (P>0.05). Biuk-Rudan et al. (1999) investigated the prevalance of antibodies to IBR and BVD viruses in dairy cows (mostly RB cows) with reproductive disorders in four different farms. For this purpose, they collected serum samples from 73 cows with reproductive disorders and 47 cows without reproductive disorders and examined for IBR and BVD viruses by SN. They found that seroprevalance of IBR was 8.2% (6/73) in cows with reproductive disroders where as seroprevalance of IBR was 14.9 (7/47) in cows without reproductive disroders. In tested all cows, they found that seroprevalance of IBR was 85.8. Also, they found that 80.8% of cows with reproductive disorders and 46.8% cows without reproductive disorders had antibodies to both IBR virus and BVD virus. They reported that differences in antibody prevalance among groups with/without reproductive disorders was statistically significant (P<0.01) and suggested to be a connection between reproductive disorders and simultaneous infections with IBR and BVD viruses in dairy cows. In this study, it was determined the seroprevalenceof BHV–1 and investigate the relation between BHV–1 infection and fertility in RB cows. The seroprevalence of BHV-1 in RB cows was detected as 9.25% (10/108). Although this rate detected was found in agreement with the rate detected by BiukRudan et al. (1999), it was found lower than ones by reported Çabalar and Akça (1994), Özkul et al. (1995) and Bulut et al. (2003). That is why sensivity of tests used as well as many factors such as the structure and size of herd sampled, individual and regional differences. Magana-Urbina et al. (2005) investigated the risk factors affecting serological prevalence such as age, flooring type, origin of replacement heifers (same location, different location), herd size, abortion history. They reported that the highest risk of IBR positive serology was found in animals >4 years, in herds with >10 cows and in herds which replacement heifers come from other locations. However, they explored that IBR serological prevalence increased as animal age increased. In the current study, it was not in agreement with the results of Magana-Urbina et al. (2005) since factor of age among seropositive and seronegative cows was statically insignificant (P=0.053). But, all seropositive cows were aged 4 years and older as reported by Magana-Urbina (2005). In this study, the other reason of low seroprevalence of IBR virus can be related to be chosen from small herds (from herds with <10 cows) with low population densities and not to be entered animals from other herds. According to restriction endonuclease analysis (REA), BHV-1 has been reported to be three different subtypes (1, 2 and 3). Types 2 are divided into subtypes 2a and 2b. BHV-1 subtypes 1 and 2a are the main causes of the respiratory form of the disease and abortion. Sub-type 2b is responsible for the venereal form of disease (IPV and IPB). Common serological tests do not discriminate between the different BHV-1 subtypes. The BHV-1 detected are described as IBRV’s (Buik-Rudan et al. 1999, Hage et al. 1998, Miller et al. 1991). Since BHV-1 causes infections in both respiratory and genital system, the presence of antibody detected in this study might not be originated from an infection only in genital system. Miller et al. (1988) and Chiang et al. (1990) have described a decrease in the CR of initially seronegative animals after experimental BHV-1 infection. Elazhary et al. (1980) reported that the reason of the low CR and the high number of services per pregnancy in a herd having abortion and infertility problems could be due to the virus infection of the embryo resulting in its death and absorption in the early stage of pregnancy. But, Hage et al. (1998) reported that it is doubtful that early pregnancies are terminated by BHV-1 infection although they detected a significant decrease in XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 67 the number of successful insemination in seronegative and seropositive dairy cows in a study which they carried out. Allan et al. (1975) reported that BHV-1 infection was no effects on pregnancy. In a study carried out by Ata et al. (2006) in Burdur province, it was reported that the difference for CR among these groups was statistically insignificant although CR was higher in BHV-1 serologically negative cows than BHV-1 positive cows. Our result was in agreement with with the results reported by Ata et al. (2006) in this study, a difference for CR between seropositive and seronegative animals was not found statistically. It was concluded that BHV-1 seropositivity did not affect CR of RB cows. In a study carried out by Ata et al. (2006), it was reported that there was a difference for open days (OD) between seropositive and seronegative cows and BHV-1 serologically positive cows required a longer time to conceive. But, in a study done by Magana-Urbina et al. (2005) in Mexico, it was found no difference for OD between seropositive and seronegative cows. Our results agreed with the results of Ata et al. (2006), concerning the OD. It has reported that Holstein cow is profitable if she has a calving interval of 12 to 13.5 months, if milk yield exceeds 13.500 kg milk per lactation and the ideal number of OD is 90. Among animals examined herein, the numbers of OD in seropositive and seronegative cows were too long than this time stated (Jainudeen and Hafez 2000). In conclusion, the results of this study showed that there was a close relation between BHV-1 infections and fertility in RB cows and seropositivity for BHV-1 in these animals affected the fertility of herds negatively. Especially, in this study, since OD period is found long (P<0.01) in seropositive RB cows, we consider that BHV-1 infections cause substantial economic losses by prolonged the calving interval. REFERENCES Ackermann M, Wyler R, 1984, The DNA of an IPV stain of bovid herpesvirus-1 in sacral ganglia during latency after intravaginal infection, Vet Microbiol, 9, 53-63. Allan PJ, Dennett DP, Johnson RH, 1975, Studies on the effects of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus on reproduction in heifers, Aust Vet J, 51, 370-3. Ata A, Kale M, Yavru S, Bulut O, Buyukyoruk U, 2006, The Effect of subclınıcal bovıne herpesvırus 1 infectıon on fertılıty of cows and heıfers, Acta veterinaria,56, 267-273 Biuk-Rudan N, Cvetníc S, Madic J, Rudan D, 1999, Prevalence of antibodies to IBR and BVD viruses in dairy cows with reproductive disorders, Theriogenology, 51, 875-81. Bulut H, Rısvanlı A, Tonbak S, Gulactı I, Azkur K, Bolat Y, 2003, Dol tutmayan ineklerde bovine virus 1 infeksiyonlarının sıklıgı, F U Saglık Bil Derg, 17, 23-6. Chiang BC, Smith PC, Nusbaum KE, Stringfellow DA, 1990, The effect of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis vaccine on reproductive efficiency in cattle vaccinated during oestrus, Theriogenology, 33, 1113–1120. Çabalar M, Akça Y, 1994, Fertilite problemli ineklerde enfeksiyöz bovine rhinotracheitis/ enfeksiyöz pustular vulvovaginitis (IBR/IPV) virus izolasyonu ve seropidemiyolojisi. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 41 (3–4), 337–349. Domecq JJ, Skidmore AL, Lloyd JW, Kaneene JB, 1997, Relationship between body condition scores and conception of first artificial insemination in a large dairy herd of high yielding Holstein cows, J Dairy Sci, 80, 113-20. Elazhary MASY, Lamothe P, Silim A, Roy RS, 1980, Bovine herpes virus type 1 in the sperm of a bull from a herd with fertility problems. Can Vet J, 21, 336–339. 68 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Hage JJ, Schukken YH, Dijkstra TH, Barkema HW, Van Valkengoed PHR, Wentink GH, 1998, Milk production and reproduction during a subclinical bovine herpesvirus 1 infection on a dairy farm, Prev Vet Med, 34, 97–106. Jainudeen MR, Hafez ESE, 2000, Cattle and buffalo, In: Hafez ESE, Hafez B, editors, Reproduction in Farm Animals, 7th edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Maryland, USA, 159-71. Kendrick JW, McEntree K, 1987, The effect of artificial insemination with semen contaminated with IBR/IPV virus. Cornell Vet, 57, 3-11. Loeffler SH, de Vries MJ, Schukken YH, de Zeeuw AC, Dijkhuizen AA, de Graaf FM, Brand A,, 1999, Use of technician scores for body condition, uterine tone and uterine discharge in a model with disease and milk production parameters to predict pregnancy risk at first AI in Holstein dairy cows. Theriogenology, 51, 1267–1284. Magana-Urbina A, Rivera JLS, Segura-Correa JC, 2005, Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis in dairy herds in the Cotzio-Tejaro region of Michoacan, Mexico, Tec Pecu Mex, 43, 27-37. Miller JM, Van der Maaten MJ, Whetstone CA, 1988, Effects of a bovine herpesvirus 1 isolate on reproductive function in heifers: classification as a type-2 infectious pustular vulvovaginitis virus by restriction endonuclease analysis of viral DNA, Am J Vet Res, 49, 1653–56. Miller JM, 1991, The effects of IBR virus infection on reproductive function of cattle, Vet Med, 95-98. Murphy FA, Gibbs EPJ, Horzinek MC, Studdert MJ, (1999), Herpesviridae, Vet Virol, Third Edition, Chapter 18, 301-311. Özkul A, Çabalar M, Bilge S, Akça Y, Burgu İ, 1995, Süt sığırcılığı işletmelerinde rastlanan IBR ve BVD virus enfeksiyonlarının infertilite olgularındaki rolü, Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 42, 381-387. Pastoret PP, Thiry E, Brochier B, Derboven G, Vindevogel H, 1984, The role of latency in the epizootology of infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis. In: Witteman, G., Gaskell, R.M., Rziha, H.J. (Eds.), Latent Herpes Virus Infections in Veterinary Medicine. Nijhoff Martinus, Dordrecht, 211-227. Straub OC, 1990, Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus, Virus Infections of Ruminants, Edited by Z Dinter and Morein B, Chapter 11, 71-109. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 69 70 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 PrPsc ANALISYS IN SICILIAN SCRAPIE OUTBREAKS Analiza PrPsc kod pojave svrbeža u ovaca na siciliji Tiziana Lupo, Daniele Macrì, Vitale Maria, Antonella Migliazzo, Stefano Reale, Fabrizio Vitale Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Sicilia “A. Mirri” – Palermo, Italy AIM OF THE STUDY The analysis with rapid test for the presence of prion protein revealed positive animals in more then 35 outbreaks in Sicily. The initial outbreaks had been managed by stamping out the entire flocks but lately the genetic analysis on prion gene had been performed to eliminate only the animals with genotypes sensitive to the TSE. Moreover a genetic selection plan has also started in Sicily involving autochthon breed since 2 years. The identification and genetic selection of resistant animals will be useful to the sanitary qualification of the flocks targeted to important implications of commercial nature and represents the new sanitary management of the ovine TSE within the Europe. The genetic selection is based on molecular tests revealing some polymorphic sites in the PrP gene targeting the susceptibility or the resistance status. The aim of this work is the increasing of the frequency for the genetic resistance in the ovine population. It could be useful for the eradication of the TSE ovine and to the selection of flocks with “low risk level” for the safeguard of human and animal health. The Decision (EC) 2003/100 of the European Commission starts the realization in the Member States, of regional plans of genetic selection in ovine and the guidelines concerning the sanitary monitoring of the breeding and the genetic test for the selection of the subjects with resistant genotype. BACKGROUND Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy are natural degenerative neural disorders present in human but also in several other animal species and in ruminant. The disorders have long time period incubations and so only aged animals can manifest symptoms since the etiological agent is represented by a different structure of a protein (Prion protein) naturally present in many different tissues. The protein is specie-specific and passage from one animal specie to other one is a very rare event in experimental conditions. But The prion strain of the Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) showed to be particularly virulent and passed from cows to man as showed by the appearance of the new variant of Creuzfeldt Jacobs. The Scrapie is a tissue disorder of sheep and goat analogous to the BSE for the neural aspects but it doesn’t seem to be transferable to the man. The illness takes the name from an intense itch that induces animals to rub against any surface. In Italy eradication planning has included the scrapie in the list of the impeachable infectious illnesses from 1991 and the first case was officially notified in 1995. The causative agent of Scrapie is a protein called PrP; the illness is influenced by the charge of the PrP and the susceptibility of the individual. In sheep the susceptibility is linked to the genetic profiles at the PrP gene of the single ovine subjects as confirmed by experimental infections studies first and the analysis of data coming from the active surveillance on TSE, lately. The aminoacids at positions 136, 154 and 171 of sheep prion protein are particularly important and the genotype ARR/ARR is the more resistant to TSE disease. For this reason the European Community decided a plan for genetic selection for TSE resistance on ovine flocks in Europe. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 71 MATERIAL AND METHODS In Sicily samples collections for molecular screening have been carried out in the IZS laboratories in collaboration with Veterinary Organizations competent in the countryside. The used method is based on the DNA extraction from whole blood with EDTA. DNA was extracted from the blood samples by Gene Elute mammalian kit ( Sigma cat N° G1N- 350) following manufacture’s instructions. The DNAs, after electrophoresis on agarose gel, were amplified by three different primer sets targeted to the polymorphic sites. The amplicons were employed in reverse hybridization tests using special strips exposing specific biotinylated labelled probes homologue to allelic discriminants. Moreover A Real time test based on allelic discrimination, was applied on the dubious cases too, to confirm the previous results. This method permitted us to distinguish the homoziogote or heterozygote status by comparison of detected fluorescence signal. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS The tests were performed in Molecular Biology Department of the IZS Institute in Palermo. 3400 animals were tested during a period from 2005 to 2007. The general percentages of PrP genotypes are described in Figure 1 Figure 1. Percentage of Scrapie genotype in general populations The results in the general population showed that the resistance genotypes ARR/ARR is present at 19,7% and the heterozygous ARR/ARQ is present at 41,8%. These percentages are quite high and so it is possible that genetic selection can be reached in a short time. New genetic analysis was finalized to the individuation of resistant animal subjects as reproducers and in different Sicilian autochthon breeds: Comisana, Valle del Belice and Pinziritta Analysis on individuals of specific autochthon breeds showed differential percentages but still quite high presence of the “good genotypes” as shown in figure 2 72 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 It is noteworthy that highest percentages for resistant genotypes (class 1 ARR/ARR) are present in Comisana and Pinzeritta breeds while in Valle del Belice that derived by a cross with Sarda sheep also, is reduced to 11% The project will allow to realize in brief times the genetic selection for the resistance to the scrapie Figure 2: Distribution of relative genotypes in individuals of pure breeds present in Sicilian territory. REFERENCES 1) Bossers A, Schreuder BEC, Smits MA (1996) PrP genotype contributes to determinino survival times of sheep with natural scapie J.Gen. Virol 77: 2669-2673. 2) Hunter N (1997) PrP genetics in sheep and the implications for scrapie and BSE. Trends Microbiol 5: 331334 3) Vaccari G., Petraroli R., Agimi U., Eleni C., Perfetti M.G., Perfetti M.A., Di Bari M.A., Morelli L., Ligios C., Busani L., Nonno R. and Di Guardo G.. 2001: PrP Genotype in Sarda breed sheep and its relevance to scrapie. Arch Virol. 146: 2029-2037 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: The authors wish to thank Dr. Alberti Placido and Mr. Giangrosso Ezio for technical assistant. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 73 74 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 SEROLOGICAL, VIROLOGICAL AND HAEMATOLOGICAL EXAMINATION OF CORONAVIRUS INFECTION IN CALVES WITH DIARRHEA AND THEIR DAMS Serološka, virusološka i hematološka pretraga na koronavirusnu infekciju u teladi s proljevom te njihovih majki S. YAVRUa,*, O. YAPICIa, M. KALEb, Ş. ŞAHİNDURANc, F. PEHLİVANOĞLUd, M.K. ALBAYc, O. AVCIa Selçuk University, Faculty of Veterinary Medecine, Dept. of Virology, 42075, Konya-TURKEY. b Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Faculty of Veterinary Medecine, Dept. of Virology, 15100, Burdur-TURKEY. c Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Faculty of Veterinary Medecine, Dept. of Internal Medecine, 15100, Burdur-TURKEY. d Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Faculty of Veterinary Medecine, Dept. of Microbiology, 15100, Burdur-TURKEY. * Corresponding author. E-mail: sibelyavru@gmail.com a ABSTRACT In this study, following clinical examination of 3500 cattle and their calves from 25 number of dairy farms. 184 calves (<1 - ≤6 months age, a twin calf) with diarrhea and their dams (183) (≥2 - ≤6 age) were sampled for coronavirus presence by ELISA (investigated for antigen in faecal samples and antibody in blood serum samples of calves and only antibody presence in blood samples of their dams). Additionally, all blood samples were examined by hematological methods. One hundred seventy two (%93.99) cows and 172 (%93.99) calves were found seropositive. While the high level of antibodies for coronaviruses were detected as 36.05 % in dams 6 years and older ages, the lower level of antibodies were detected in ages between ≥2 - <3 and ≥5 - <6. In the calves, Ab to coronavirus were found at the highest level (25.26%) in the female calves ≥5 - ≤6 months age but the lowest level (11.69%) antibody was found in the male calves ≥2 - <4 months of ages. Coronavirus (Ag) was detected in only faecal sample of a (%0.54) calf. hen the haematological parameters were compared between Ab (+) and Ab (-) dams, only White Blood Cell (WBC) values were found statistically significant (p<0.05). When the haematological parameters were compared between Ab (+) and Ab (-) calves, WBC (p<0.05), Lymphocyte (p<0.01) and Granulocyte (p<0.01) values were found statistically important. When haematological parameters were compared between each positivity degrees of coronavirus Ab (+) dams and Ab (+) calves no statistical difference were detected. When the haematological parameters were compared between coronavirus Ab (+)/Ag (+) and Ab (-)/Ag (-) calves, both lymphocyte and granulocyte values were statistically important (p< 0.01). Acoording to haematological parameters, Ab (+) calves had lymphocytosis when compared to Ab (-) calves. Sažetak U ovom pokusu praćeno je 3500 krava i njihova telad s 25 mliječnih farmi. 184 teleta (<1 - ≤6 mjeseci starosti, blizanci) s proljevom te njihove majke (183) (≥2 - ≤6 ??? starosti) uključeno je u pretragu na koronaviruse ELISA metodom (dokazivanje antigena u uzorku fecesa i antitijela u uzorcima krvnog seruma teladi te dokazivanje samo prisutnosti antitijela u organizmu njihovih majki). Dodatno, na svim uzorcima krvi sprovedena je hematološka pretraga krvi. Sto i sedamdeset i dvije (%93.99) krave i 172 (%93.99) teleta uključenih u ovu pretragu su bili seropozitivni. Dok je visoka razina antitijela za koronaviruse otkriven u 36,05 % krava starih 6 godina i starijih, niža razina antitijela je otkrivena u krava starih između ≥2 - <3 i ≥5 - <6 godina. U teladi, antitijela za koronaviruse pronađena su u najvećem postotku (25,26 %) u ženske teladi starosti 5 – 6 mjeseci, dok je najniža razina antitijela (11,69 %) pronađena u muške teladi starosti 2 – 4 mjeseca. Koronavirus (antigen) je otkriven XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 75 samo u uzorku fecesa u 0,54 % teladi. Kada su parametri hematološke pretrage uspoređeni između Ab(+) i Ab(-) teladi, samo su vrijednosti bijelih krvnih stanica (WBC) bili statistički signifikantni (p<0.05). Kada su parametri hematološke pretrage uspoređeni između Ab(+) i Ab(-) teladi, vrijednosti bijelih krvnih stanica (WBC), limfocita (p<0.01) i granulocita (p<0.01) su bili statistički značajni. Kada su parametri hematološke pretrage uspoređeni između koronavirusa Ab(+)/Ag(+) i Ab(-)/Ag(-) u teladi, vrijednosti i limfocita i granulocita su bili statistički značajni (p< 0.01). Ključne riječi : Koronavirus, proljev, serološka pretraga, virusološka pretraga, hematološka pretraga, mliječna goveda. INTRODUCTION Coronaviruses, described the first time with EM in 1968 (Mostl, 1990), are in Nidovirales (Van Regenmortel et al., 2000) order Coronaviridae family (Park et al., 2006, Park et al., 2007a). Coronaviruses posses the largest genome among RNA viruses and linear, nonsegmented, single stranded, positively polaritated (De Viries et al., 1997, Kapil et al., 1999). Virions have had 5 major proteins, nucleokapsid (N) protein, peplomer (S), transmembrane (M) and small transmembrane (E) glycoprotein, and hemagglutinin-esterase (HE) (Lai and Cavanagh, 1997, Chouljenko et al., 1998). Coronaviruses, identified as a diarrhetic agent in calves the first time by Mebus et al. (1972) in 1973 in USA, cause diarrhea in calves (Cho et al., 2000, Bridger et al., 1978), winter dystenteria in adult cattle (Durham et al., 1989, Benfield and Saif 1990, Saif et al., 1991, Clark, 1993, Fukutomi et al., 1999, Cho et al., 2000, Park et al., 2007b), and respiratory system infections in various aged cattle (McNulty et al., 1984, Hasoksuz et al., 2005). In this study, the presence of Coronaviridae infections in both calves and their dams in private dairy managements with diarrhea problems. Additionally, the animals were evaluated haematologically. MATERIAL AND METHODS FECAL SAMPLES- The fecal samples were collected from 184 calves with diarrhea signs determined with clinical examinations in 25 private cattle managements in Burdur. The fecal samples were transferred under cold chain in a cooler to the laboratory and kept at -80ºC until tested. SERUM SAMPLES- The blood samples were collected from 184 calves with diarrhea signs determined with clinical examinations and their dams in 25 private cattle managements in Burdur. The blood samples collected in normal sterile vacuum tubes were transferred under cold chain in a cooler to the laboratory and santrifuged at 2000-3000 rpm for 10 min. for serum separation. Then, the serum samples were inactivated at 56ºC for 30 min. and kept at -80ºC until tested. ELISA- Serum samples of both calves and their dams were analyzed for presence of antibody to coronaviruses by indırect ELISA (Bio-X Diagnostics,Belgium) according to test prosedure. The fecal samples of calves were thawed and tested for presence of coronavirus antigen by direct ELISA (Bio-X Diagnostics, Belgium). HAEMATOLOGICAL PARAMETERS- The blood samples were collected in the sterile tubes with EDTA from v. jugularıs. For determination of blood parameters, MS9 Cell Counter Equipment (USA) was used. The samples were tested at the same day. RESULTS While the highest amount of antibody to coronavirus was detected in female calves with ≥ 5 - ≤6 months of age, the lowest amount of antibody was detected in male calves ≥2- <4 months of age. 76 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Coronavırus antigen was detected in only one calf fecal sample (0.54%) among 184 fecal samples by direct ELISA. Total 172 (93.99 %) calves and 172 (93.99 %) cows were found seropositive to coronaviruses. While the highest seropositivity (36.05 %) was detected in the dams with 6 years and older ages, the lowest antibody level (11.05%) was found in the dams ≥2- <3 and ≥ 5-<6 years of ages. According to haematological outcomes, total leucocyte counts increased in antibody positive dams and calves (p<0.05). Lymphocyte (%) rate did not change in dams but the rate (%) was higher in Ab (+) calves than Ab(-) calves (p<0.01). While no change was seen in granulocytes in Ab (+) and Ab (-) dams, the number of the granulocytes decreased in Ab(+) calves as compared the number of granulocytes in Ab (-) calves (p<0.01). When haematological parameters of Ab (+)/Ag (+) and Ab(-)/Ag (-) calves were compared, Ab (+)/Ag (+) calves had decreased lymphocytes (%) and increased granulocytes (%), Ab (-)/Ag (-) calves had increased lymphocytes (%) and decreased granulocytes. Between two groups, statistically important difference was detected (p<0.01). When haematological parameters were compared between each positivity degrees of coronavırus Ab (+) dams/Ab (-) dams and Ab (+) calves/ Ab (-) calves no statistical difference were detected. DISCUSSION Coronavirus infectıon is one of the infections causing important economical loses in cattle managements (Bridger et al.,1978, Saif 1993). ELISA used for detection of antibodies to coronaviruses can also be used for detection of coronavirus antigen (Gaber and Kapil 1999, Hasoksuz et al., 2005, Reynolds et al., 1984, Schoenthaler and Kapil 1999). Sato and Akashı (1993) have been stated that ELISA can be used both rutin coronavirus detection in fıeld fecal samples and virus isolation from diarrhetic faeces. The researchers (Sato and Akashi, 1993) examined 202 fecal samples with ELISA and found 40 fecal samples positive for coronavirus antigen. Abraham et al. (1992) stated that the probability of calves to succumb to BCV infection in the fırst 5 weeks of their life is quite high and especially in the fırst week antigen detection rate was 51.5%. The researchers examined 108 fecal samples from diarrhetic calves by ELISA and found 38.9% of the samples were positive for coronavirus antigen. Snodgrass et al. (1986) examined 302 fecal samples from diarrhetic calves from 32 farms and 11 samples were found positive for coronavirus antigen. In Turkey, cattle coronavirus infections was reported the first time by Alkan (1998). The researcher collected 83 fecal samples from diarrhetic calves (1-30 days of age) in 6 managements and 15 calves were found positive by ELISA to BCV antigen. Eight of them had coronavırus alone and 7 of them had bovine rotavirus together with coronavirus. In this study, 184 calves feces were tested by ELISA and only one fecal samples was found positive for coronavirus antigen. The reason of low antigenity can be related to maternal antibodies gained their dam. In the study, the highest antibody to coronavirus was found in 5 - ≤6 months of age female calves and the lowest antibody was found in ≥2- <4 months of age male calves. Alkan et al. (2003) examined 116 fecal samples from adult cattle in 5 dairy mamagements for coronavirus antigen by ELISA, and 919 blood serum samples from adult cattle in 9 managements XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 77 by microneutralısation. The researchers did not detect any positive cattle for coronavirus antigen by ELISA and but in these managements the seropositivity changed between 4.4 -100%. In our study, 172 calves and 172 dams were found seropositive. While the highest seropositivity rate was found in the cattle 6 years and older, the lowest antibody presence was found in ≥2- <3 and ≥ 5-<6 years old dams. The reason of high seropositivity in calves can be related to maternal antibodies gained their dam, but not infection. Hasoksuz et al. (2005) allocated the diarrhetic cattle in 29 managements in 23 villages to 3 age groups (0-30 days, 4-12 months, 2-7 years). The fecal samples from these animals were tested by using 3 different monoclonal antibodies by indirect antigen capture ELISA. At the end of the study, fecal shedding rates of the virus were found as 37.1% in 0-30 days group, as 25.6% in 4-12 months group and as 18.2% in 2-7 years group. Hasırcıoglu (2005) tested the fecal samples from 63 calves and 77 adult cattle by ELISA and found 3% seropositivity in calves and no seropositivity in adult cattles. Hasırcıoglu (2004) found 25% seropositivity in 36 calves blood sera and 76% seropositivity in 46 dam blood sera. Important haematological changes does not occur in coronavirus infections. But, if the infection courses with persistent dystenteria more for more than one day, anemia can develop. In this situation, blood clots can be seen in feces of the cattle (Murray and Guard 1990). In our study, no fecal clot was seen in any of the fecal samples collected. Also, anemia was not detected in any animals. However, in our study, leucocytes (%) in seropositive calves were found higher than leucocyte (%) in seronegative calves. This increase depends on the increase in lymphocytes (%). From this data, we can conclude that in Ab (+) calves had lymphocytosis when compared to Ab (-) calves. Hematological investigations showed that in the conventionally contaminated Trakai district the levels of erythrocytes, hemoglobin, leukocytes and segmented neutrophiles were decreased, while those of eosinophil and methemoglobin (2–4% by total hemoglobin) increased in the blood of healthy bovine and in coronavirus-infected cows (P < 0.05) than those in the conventionally clearer Ukmergë district (Dringeliene et al., 2004). When haematological values of Ab+/Ag+ and Ab-/ Ag- calves are compared, in Ab+/Ag+ calves lymphocyte (%) decreased and granulocyte (%) increased. In Ab/ Ag- calves, lymphocyte increased and granulocyte decreased. This was also found statistically important (P<0.01). This results is compatible with the results of the study conducted by Dringeliene et al. (2004). REFERENCES Abraham G, Roeder PL and Zewdu R (1992) Agents associated with neonatal diarrhoea in Ethiopian dairy calves,Trop Anim Hlth Prod, 24, 74-80. Alkan F (1998): Buzağı ishalllerinde rotavirus ve coronavirusların rolü Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 45, 29-37. Alkan F, Bilge-Dağalp S, Can Şahna K, Özgünlük İ (2003) Sığırlarda coronavirus enfeksiyonunun epidemiyolojisi. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 50, 59-64. Benfield DA and Saif LJ (1990) Cell culture propagation of a coronavirus isolated from cows with winter dysentery, J Clin Microbiol, 28, 1454-1457. Bridger JC, Woode GN and Meyling A (1978) Isolation of coronaviruses from neonatal calf diarrhoea in Great Brıtain and Denmark,Vet Microbiol, 3, 101-113. Cho KO, Halbur PG, Bruna JD, Sorden SD, Yoon KJ, Janke BH, Chang KO, Saif LJ (2000) Detection and isolation of coronavirus from feces of three herds of feedlot cattle during outbreaks of winter dysntery-like disease. J.Am.Vet.Med.Assoc.217, 1191-1194. 78 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Chouljenko VN, Kousoulas KG, Lin X, Storz J (1998) Nucleotide and predicted amino acid sequences of all genes encoded by the 3ı genomic portion (9.5 kb) of respiratory bovine coronaviruses and comparisons among respiratory and enteric coronaviruses. Virus Genes, 17, 33-42. Clark MA (1993) Bovine Coronavirus. Br Vet J, 149:51-70. De Vries AAF, Horzinek MC, Rottier PJM, De Groot RJ (1997) The genome organization of the Nidovirales: Similarities and differences between Arteri-, Toro-, and Coronaviruses. Semin. Virol., 8, 33-47. 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Mosby Company, Missouri, USA. pp. 816-817. 80 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 GH and some haematochemical parameters variation during the first two months of lactation in mouflon (Ovis gmelini musimon) GH I VARIJACIJE NEKIH HEMATOKEMIJSKIH PARAMETARA TIJEKOM PRVA DVA MJESECA LAKTACIJE U MUFLONA (OVIS GMELINI MUSIMON) Carcangiu V. 1, Mura M.C. 1, Vacca G.M. 1, Parmeggiani A. 2, Pazzola M. 1, Dettori M.L. 1 , Bini P.P. 1 Dipartimento di Biologia Animale, Università degli Studi di Sassari, Via Vienna 2, Sassari; 1 2 DIMORFIPA, Università degli Studi di Bologna, Via Tolara di Sopra 50, Ozzano dell’Emilia (BO) ABSTRACT The aim of the research is, starting to one of the most important physiological phases of the mouflon, such as lactation, to observe the behaviour of GH, PRL and some metabolic parameters. Eighteen female mouflon were used (10 lactating and 8 dry) aged between 5 ± 3 years. The animals were kept in a large roofed pen, where they were fed with 400 g/die of concentrate food for ovine. The female lambed, between March and April, only one cub (Group A), which was suckled for the whole period of the observation. Following the 7th day after lambing, for two months, every week, from each animal blood samples was taken. The same procedures, with regular blood samples, were followed for the females that did not lambed (Group B). GH plasma level were dosed by radioimmunassay. Concentration of glucose, triglycerides, total cholesterol, total protein, albumin, urea, Ca, P, Mg, Fe, Cu, Zn, Cl, were quantified with colorimetric method, Na and K were quantified using flame spectrophotometer. The results were subjected to statistical analysis (ANOVA). GH blood concentrations within the dry group animals showed a constant state, while in lactating animals there was a marked increase in the second, fifth, and seventh blood samples. Moreover the lactating animals presented higher values of GH compared to the dry. The blood levels of glucose proved to be higher in the dry animals, with significant statistical differences compared to the other group at the first, third, fifth, seventh and eighth blood sample for P<0.05 and at the second and fourth blood sample for P<0.01. The triglycerides plasmatic levels showed variations (P<0.01) among the blood samples in the lactating animals only, while between the two groups significant differences were noticed for P<0.01 at the first and fourth blood sample, and for (P<0.05) at the fifth and eighth blood sample. The total cholesterol, the total protein and the albumin have not shown variations, neither among the blood samples, nor between the groups, while urea levels presented differences in both groups (P<0.01) among the blood samples. The minerals examined in the lactating animals showed variations on: Ca (P<0.05), Mg (P<0.01), Zn, (P<0.01), while the other group of animals presented variations on Mg (P<0.01) and Zn (P<0.01). The comparison between the two groups of animals demonstrated significant results within the values of Ca at the first and second blood sample, Mg at the first and at the fifth, and Fe at the first and last blood samples. With regards to Cu and Zn the higher values were recorded in the dry animals with significant differences for all the samples (P<0,01). P, Cl, Na and K remained constant for all the observation period without significant variation in both groups. The differences detected during examination in the GH plasmatic concentrations, and in many other parameters, as above evidenced, show how the lactating mouflon are subjected to an intense organic effort with the aim to produce milk for their lambs. Therefore, in order to guarantee an optimal management of this faunistic patrimony it is to be hoped that there will be interventions for assure and improve availability of food, which, as proved here, is absolute necessary during lactation for the animal wellbeing. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 81 Sažetak Cilj istraživanja bio je, počevši sa jednom od najvažnijih fizioloških faza u muflona, kao što je laktacija, proučiti kretanje GH, PRL i nekih metaboličkih parametara. Korišteno je 18 ženki muflona (10 u laktaciji i 8 u zasušenju) u dobi od 5 ± 3 godine. Životinje su držane u velikom natkritom oboru te su hranjene sa 400g/dan koncentrata za ovce. Ženke su janjile, između ožujka i travnja, samo jedno mlado (Grupa A), koje je sisalo cijelo vrijeme trajanja istraživanja. Počevši sa 7-im danom nakon janjenja, uzimana je krv svim životinjama svaki tjedan tijekom 2 mjeseca. Isti postupak primjenjen je i na ženke koje se nisu janjile (Grupa B). Nivo GH u plazmi je određivan RIA-om. Koncentracije glukoze, triglicerida, ukupnog kolesterola, ukupnih bjelančevina, albumina, ureje, Ca, P, Mg, Fe, Cu, Zn i Cl su određivane kolorimetrijski, Na i K plamenim spektrofotometrom. Rezultati su podvrgnuti statističkoj obradi (ANOVA). Koncentracije GH u krvi životinja koje se nisu janjile imale su stalnu razinu, dok su u životinja u laktaciji zabilježeni značajni porasti u 2., 5. i 7. uzorku krvi. Štoviše, životinje u laktaciji imale su više vrijednosti GH u usporedbi s onima koje se nisu janjile. Razine glukoze u krvi bile su više u životinja van laktacije, sa znakovitim statističkim razlikama (P<0,05) u usporedbi sa drugom skupinom u 1., 3., 5., 7. i 8. uzorku krvi te sa P<0,01 za 2. i 4. uzorak. Razine plazmatskih triglicerida su pokazale varijacije (P<0,01) između uzoraka samo unutar skupine životinja u laktaciji, dok je između skupina utvrđena razlika P<0,01 u 1. i 4. uzorku krvi te P<0.05 u 5. i 8. uzorku. Ukupni kolesterol, bjelančevine i albumini nisu pokazali varijacije niti između uzoraka krvi, niti između grupa, dok je razina ureje pokazala razlike u objema grupama (P<0.01) između krvnih uzoraka. U životinja u laktaciji utvrđena je varijacija u sljedećim mineralima: Ca (P<0,05), Mg (P<0,01) i Zn (P<0,01), dok je druga skupina imala razlike u Mg (P<0,01) i Zn (P<0,01). Usporedbom među grupama utvrđena je znakovita razlika unutar razina Ca u 1. i 2. uzorku, Mg u 1. i 5. te Fe u 1. i zadnjem uzorku krvi. Glede Cu i Zn zabilježene su više vrijednosti u životinja van laktacije, sa znakovitom razlikom u svim uzorcima (P<0,01). P, Cl, Na i K su zadržali stalnu razinu tijekom cijelog istraživanja bez znakovitih razlika među grupama. Razlike utvrđene tijekom istraživanja u plazmatskoj koncentraciji GH te u mnogim drugim parametrima, kako je gore zabilježeno, su pokazale da su muflonke u laktaciji podvrgnute snažnom pritisku na organe s ciljem produkcije mlijeka za janjad. Stoga, kako bi se osiguralo optimalno rukovođenje ovog faunističkog naslijeđa, neophodno je intervenirati kako bi se osigurala i poboljšala dostupnost hrani, koja je, kako se pokazalo ovdje, neophodna tijekom laktacije za zadovoljenje dobrobiti životinja. INTRODUZIONE Lo sfruttamento agricolo e industriale della superficie terrestre ha provocato cambiamenti ambientali tali che hanno determinato una selezione restrittiva nei confronti di diverse popolazioni di animali selvatici. Infatti, la riduzione e la frammentazione delle aree da loro occupate e il conseguente ridotto scambio genetico, ha provocato la scomparsa di alcune importanti specie di animali silvestri e la riduzione numerica di molte altre. Gli effetti dell’antropizzazione hanno sortito, anche in Sardegna, notevoli modificazioni ambientali con una diminuzione della già scarsa mammofauna presente. Tra queste specie il muflone (Ovis gmelini musimon) riveste un ampio interesse faunistico, che non è circoscritto solo alla nostra isola ma si estende a tutto il bacino del mediterraneo, in quanto solo in Sardegna e in Corsica è sopravvissuto all’estinzione (Cugnasse, 1994). Per questo motivo, tale ovino, suscita l’interesse di molti ricercatori sensibili alla conservazione di questa biodiversità (Shackleton e Lovari, 1997). Infatti, molti sono stati i progressi fatti per la salvaguardia di questo patrimonio genetico ma occorre, senza dubbio, una conoscenza maggiore dei loro ritmi biologici, dei loro assetti metabolici ed ormonali al fine di migliorarne le condizioni di vita. Questo monitoraggio risulta particolarmente utile per gli animali selvatici che vivono allo stato libero, nei quali non è facile verificare con certezza la qualità e la quantità di alimento introdotto, e per quelli tenuti in cattività, per le particolari condizioni alle quali si devono adattare. La conoscenza dell’assetto metabolico e minerale assume un’ulteriore importanza in particolari stadi fisiologici quali la lattazione. Quindi, lo 82 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 scopo della ricerca è quello di studiare, il comportamento del GH e di diversi parametri metabolici in mufle in lattazione e in asciutta. MATERIALI E METODI Per la ricerca sono state utilizzate 18 mufle (10 in lattazione e 8 in asciutta) dell’età di 5 ± 3 anni. Gli animali venivano tenuti presso la Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria in un ampio recinto, provvisto di tettoia, dove ricevevano 400 g/die di concentrato del commercio, l’acqua e il fieno erano ad libitum. Le mufle avevano partorito tra Marzo e Aprile, un solo redo, e lo allattavano per tutto il periodo delle osservazioni. A partire dal settimo giorno dopo il parto, per due mesi, a cadenza settimanale, da ciascun animale, sono stati effettuati prelievi di sangue dalla vena giugulare. Con la stessa cadenza sono stati eseguiti anche i prelievi agli animali che non avevano partorito (Gruppo 2). Il sangue veniva subito centrifugato e il plasma ottenuto veniva congelato a -20 °C fino al momento delle analisi. Le concentrazioni plasmatiche del GH sono state quantificate è stato dosato mediante metodica radioimmunologica (Gaiani e Mongiorgi, 1984). Il glucosio, trigliceridi, colesterolo totale, proteine totali, albumine, urea, Ca, P, Mg, Fe, Cu, Zn e Cl sono stati definiti con metodiche colorimetriche (Sentinel Chemical, Milano); il Na e K con spettrofotometro a fiamma. I dati sono stati sottoposti ad analisi della varianza (ANOVA). RISULTATI Le concentrazioni ematiche del GH in entrambi i Gruppi hanno mostrato un andamento costante durante le osservazioni (Grafico 1). Nel confronto trai due Gruppi quello in lattazione ha presentato i valori maggiori di GH (P<0,01), in tutti i prelievi, rispetto a quelli in asciutta. I tassi plasmatici del glucosio risultano più alti nei soggetti in asciutta con differenze statisticamente significative rispetto all’altro gruppo al primo, terzo, quinto, settimo ed ottavo prelievo per P<0,05 e al secondo e quarto per P<0,01 (Tabella 1). I livelli plasmatici dei trigliceridi hanno mostrato variazioni (P<0,01) tra i prelievi solo negli animali in lattazione mentre tra i gruppi sono state riscontrate differenze 9 significative per P<0,01 al primo e al quarto prelievo e per P<0,05 al quinto e all’ottavo. 8 7 GH ng/ml 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 S a m p le G ru p p o A G ru p p o B Figure 1 – Andamento del GH nei due gruppi nel corso dell’osservazione in osservazione XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 83 Il colesterolo totale, le proteine totali e le albumine non ha mostrato variazioni ne tra i prelievi ne tra i gruppi mantenendo un andamento costante per tutta l’osservazione (Tabella 1, 2). I tassi ematici dell’urea hanno presentato differenze significative in entrambi i gruppi (P<0,01) e tra i prelievi (Tabella 2), mentre tra i gruppi non si è osservata alcune differenza. Tra i minerali esaminati nel Gruppo 1 hanno mostrato variazioni il Ca (P<0,05), il Mg (P<0,01), lo Zn (P<0,01) mentre nell’altro gruppo il Mg (P<0,01) e lo Zn (P<0,01) (Tabelle 3, 4). Nel confronto tra i due gruppi sono risultati significativi i valori del Ca al primo (P<0,05) e secondo prelievo (P<0,01), del Mg al primo (P<0,05) e al quinto (P<0,01) prelievo. Invece, per quanto riguarda il Cu e lo Zn i valori maggiori sono stati registrati negli animali in asciutta con differenze significative (P<0,01). Il P, il Cl, il Na e il K (Tabelle 3, 4, 5) si sono mantenuti costanti per tutto il periodo delle osservazioni senza variazioni significative in entrambi i Gruppi. Tabella 1 - Valori medi del glucosio, trigliceridi e colesterolo totale. Glucosio (mg/dl) Prel. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Gruppo 1 93,25 83,42 106,95 102,42 94,58 116,67 87,35 81,42 * ** * ** * n.s. * * Trigliceridi (mg/dl) Gruppo 2 Gruppo 1 187,53 16,22A 139,57 10,82A 165,40 27,35AB 168,98 13,52A 163,46 12,58A 125,42 39,67AB 147,74 51,08B 146,88 18,77A ** n.s. n.s. ** * n.s. n.s. * Colesterolo totale (mg/dl) Gruppo 2 Gruppo 1 61,27 41,18 17,10 56,85 37,84 47,83 40,96 56,65 28,44 71,25 40,10 83,40 65,10 54,55 46,12 54,30 n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. Gruppo 2 39,47 50,20 40,86 47,22 62,82 49,82 43,60 47,00 Sulle colonne lettere maiuscole indicano differenze significative per P<0,01. Sulle righe * = P<0,05; ** = P<0,01; n.s. = non significativo. Tabella 2 - Valori medi delle proteine totali, albumine e urea. Proteine totali (g/dl) Albumine (g/dl) Urea (mg/dl) Prel. Gruppo 1 Gruppo 2 Gruppo 1 Gruppo 2 Gruppo 1 gruppo 2 1 6,58 n.s. 6,20 4,05 n.s. 4,03 13,96A n.s. 16,03A A 2 6,80 n.s. 5,97 3,70 n.s. 3,85 12,88 n.s. 16,30A B 3 6,80 n.s. 6,42 3,70 n.s. 3,88 16,19 n.s. 22,62B 4 7,15 ns 6,52 4,03 n.s. 4,52 24,82C n.s. 27,23C 5 7,05 n.s. 6,76 3,68 n.s. 4,04 17,26B n.s. 18,02A 6 6,87 n.s. 6,66 3,98 n.s. 4,24 22,42C n.s. 24,05B C 7 7,52 n.s. 6,90 4,15 n.s. 4,24 27,32 n.s. 31,28C C 8 6,91 n.s. 6,58 4,40 n.s. 4,38 29,64 n.s. 35,47C Sulle colonne lettere maiuscole indicano differenze significative per P<0,01; minuscole per P<0,05. Sulle righe * = P<0,05; n.s. = non significativo. 84 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Tabella 3 - Valori medi del calcio, fosforo e magnesio. Calcio (mg/dl) Prel. Gruppo 1 1 7,20a 2 7,10a 3 7,82a 4 8,20b 5 8,62b 6 7,95b 7 8,55b 8 8,01b Fosforo (mg/dl) Gruppo 2 Gruppo 1 * ** n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. 8,47 8,15 8,96 8,24 8,22 8,28 9,04 8,42 6,85 4,87 3,75 5,45 4,63 3,05 3,45 4,30 Magnesio (mg/dl) Gruppo 2 Gruppo 1 n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. 5,83 5,00 5,38 4,92 4,60 3,40 3,60 4,78 1,82 1,12A 1,37A 1,20A 1,40B 1,10A 1,52B 1,45B C gruppo 2 * n.s. n.s. n.s. ** n.s. n.s. n.s. 1,40B 1,07A 1,26A 1,26A 1,10A 1,12A 1,56B 1,38B Sulle colonne lettere maiuscole indicano differenze significative per P<0,01; minuscole per P<0,05. Sulle righe * = P<0,05; ** = P<0,01; n.s. = non significativo. Tabella 4 - Valori medi (± d.s.) del ferro, rame e zinco. Ferro (µg/dl) Gruppo Prel. 1 1 193,25 n.s 2 181,75 n.s. 3 173,50 n.s. 4 167,50 n.s. 5 131,00 n.s. 6 175,75 n.s. 7 210,00 n.s. 8 189,50 n.s. Rame (µg/dl) Gruppo Gruppo 2 1 182,67 73,28 ** 189,75 76,27 ** 09,60b 76,42 ** 194,60 82,87 ** 156,20 81,50 ** 195,80 78,72 ** 211,80 84,17 ** 191,60 82,85 ** Zinco (µg/dl) Gruppo Gruppo 2 1 91,53 71,45A ** 90,67 73,03A ** 94,32 72,15A ** 93,72 74,90A ** 93,90 71,97A ** 93,96 78,52B ** 98,18 81,42B ** 95,80 82,85B ** Gruppo 2 89,53A 89,52A 90,18A 91,24AB 92,01AB 90,94AB 95,06B 96,40B Sulle colonne lettere maiuscole indicano differenze significative per P<0,01; minuscole per P<0,05. Sulle righe * = P<0,05; ** = P<0,01; n.s. = non significativo. Tabella 5 - Valori medi (± d.s.) del cloro, sodio e potassio. Prel. Cloro (mEq/l) Gruppo 1 1 93,28 n.s. 2 98,22 n.s. 3 96,95 n.s. 4 95,98 n.s. 5 96,97 n.s. 6 99,40 n.s. 7 100,67 n.s. 8 101,52 n.s. n.s. = non significativo. Sodio (mEq/l) Gruppo 2 Gruppo 1 96,30 97,45 96,14 96,98 99,30 99,84 103,34 98,88 141,45 133,03 142,15 134,90 131,97 138,52 131,42 142,85 n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. Potassio (mEq/l) Gruppo 2 Gruppo 1 139,53 135,52 140,18 131,27 139,21 140,24 135,36 138,34 4,04 3,85 4,12 4,01 3,95 4,03 3,92 4,25 n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Gruppo 2 4,15 3,87 4,08 3,95 4,01 4,10 3,98 4,00 85 DISCUSSIONE Nella lattazione dei ruminanti una funzione abbastanza importante viene svolta dalla somatotropina che attraverso il suo effetto omeoretico favorisce la secrezione mammaria (Bauman and Currie, 1980). Infatti, questo ormone determina una condizione anabolica del metabolismo favorendo appunto la produzione lattea (Chilliard et al., 1998a). Tale effetto viene esplicato, principalmente, contrastando l’azione dell’insulina, inibendo appunto il trasporto del glucosio all’interno delle cellule (Vernon e Finley, 1988). Inoltre, questo ormone fa si che l’animale possa andare in bilancio energetico negativo attraverso la mobilizzazione di sostanze di deposito al fine di soddisfare la richiesta della ghiandola mammaria (Bauman e Vernon, 1993). Pertanto, i livelli maggiori di GH riscontrati nelle mufle in lattazione sono da imputare a questa importante funzione svolta dal GH nel favorire la produzione lattea. Tale comportamento della somatotropina è in accordo con quanto si rileva anche negli ovini domestici (Carcangiu et al., 2004). I livelli più bassi di glucosio osservati negli animali in lattazione sono da ricondurre ad un maggiore utilizzo della mammella di questo substrato per la formazione del lattosio (Manunta, 1981). Inoltre, i tassi riscontrati risultano elevati in entrambi i gruppi, particolarmente in quello in asciutta, e possono essere dovuti all’azione stressante causata dal confinamento degli animali in uno spazio ristretto per poter facilmente effettuare la cattura e il prelievo. Infatti, la glicemia viene modificata notevolmente durante lo stress, in quanto gli ormoni che intervengono in queste condizioni hanno spiccata azione iperglicemizzante (Carcangiu et al., 2004). I tassi di proteine totali e albumine sono risultati simili a quanto ritrovato nella medesima specie da Naitana et al. (1988) e leggermente più bassi di quanto riscontrato da Coda et al. (1987). I livelli del Ca e del P si sono tenuti nei limiti fisiologici per la specie (Naitana et al., 1988). I tassi più bassi del Ca negli animali in lattazione sono dovuti alla notevole escrezione di questo minerale nel latte. Infatti, il Ca è il minerale che presenta le più alte concentrazioni nel latte e svolge un ruolo importante nella stabilizzazione delle micelle caseiniche (Naitana et al., 1992). Le concentrazioni più basse del rame e dello zinco negli animali in lattazione sono da attribuire alla secrezione di questi minerali con il latte (Cousin, 1985). Cl, Fe, P, Na e K si sono mantenuti costantemente nei limiti fisiologici in entrambi i gruppi senza subire variazioni legate allo stato produttivo degli animali. Le differenze riscontrate per le concentrazioni plasmatiche di GH, di glucosio, trigliceridi, Ca, Cu e Zn evidenziano come anche le mufle in lattazione siano soggette ad un intenso sforzo organico al fine di garantire la produzione del latte per i loro redi. Pertanto, per una ottimale gestione di questo patrimonio faunistico, anche per gli animali allo stato libero, sono auspicabili mirati interventi sull’alimentazione, ancor più necessari nel periodo in cui vi sono soggetti in lattazione. BIBLIOGRAFIA Naitana S., Nuvole P., Marongiu A. (1992) La lattazione. In: Aguggini G., Beghelli V., Giulio L.F. Fisiologia degli animali domestici con elementi di etologia. pp 781-806 UTET, Torino Bauman D.E., Currie W.B. (1980). Partitioning of nutrients during pregnancy and lactating: A review of mechanism involving homeostasis and homeorhesis. J.Dairy Sci. 63, 1514-1529; Bauman, D. E., and R. G. Vernon. 1993. Effects of exogenous bovine somatotropin on lactation. Annu. Rev. Nutr. 13:437. Carcangiu V., Vacca G.M., Parmeggiani A., Mura M.C., Fanari U., Bini P.P. (2004). Relazioni tra GH, BCS e livelli produttivi in ovini di razza sarda durante la lattazione. S.I.P.A.O.C., XVI Siena 29/9-2/10 2004, in c.d.s. Chilliard, Y., F. Bocquier, and M. Doreau. 1998a. Digestive and metabolic adaptations of ruminants to undernutrition, and consequences on reproduction. Reprod. Nutr. Dev. 38,131–152. 86 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Coda S., Ximenes L., Petruzzi V., Tarantini S., Varia G., Bolla G. (1987) Il nuovo Progresso Veterinario, 22, 3-6; Carcangiu V., Vacca G.M., Parmeggiani A., Mura M.C.; Dettori M.L., Bini P.P. (2004). Effect of age and sex on plasmatic levels of cortisol and some haematic parameters in sheep subjected to shearing. Procedings of the 55th EAAP, 2004, 148. Cousin R.J. (1985) Physiol. Rev., 65, 238-309; Manunta G. (1981) Tinarelli, Bologna. 1565-1662; Cugnasse J.M., 1994. Révision taxonomique des mouflons des iles méditerraées. Mammalia 58, 507-512 Gaiani R., Mongiorgi S., 1984. GH, PRL and insulin variation in lactating goats. Proceeding of Annual Meeting Società Italiana delle Scienze Veterinarie XLI, 269-273 Naitana S., Ledda S., Loi P., Bomboi G., Falchi S. (1988) La Clinica Veterinaria, 111(3), 158-162. Shackleton D.M., Lovari S., 1996. Conservation of Eurasian wild sheep. An overview. Proceding of the second International symposium on meditettanean mouflon, 2, 20-36 Vernon R.G., Finley E, (1988). Roles of insulin and growth hormone in the adaptations of fatty acid synthesis in white adipose tissue during the lactation cycle in sheep.Biochem J. 256, 873-878. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 87 88 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Serological detection of a Bovine herpesvirus 1 related infection in buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) by using BoHV-1 blocking ELISA Serološko otkrivanje goveđeg herpesvirusa 1 povezanog s infekcijom u bufala ((Bubalus bubalis) Romero Tejeda A., Thiry J.1, Preziuso S., Thiry E. 1, Petralia P., Valente C. 2, Cuteri V.* Department of Veterinary Science, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Camerino, Italy 1 Department of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, Virology and Immunology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Liege, Belgium. 2 Department of Diagnostic Pathology and Veterinary Clinic, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Perugia, Italy. ABSTRACT Among the subfamily alphaherpesvirinae, Bovine herpesvirus 1 (BoHV-1) is responsible for genital and respiratory tract infections in cattle. The infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) is one of the most important causes of economical losses in the cattle industry in association with the related Bovine herpesvirus 5. The BoHV-1 envelope includes at least ten glycoproteins (g), where gB, gC and gD are present in large amounts, meanwhile the less abundant gE is important for virus cell-to-cell transmission. To control the disease, IBR marker vaccines based on gE deletion mutants of BoHV-1 and BoHV-1 blocking ELISA detecting specifically gB or gE antigens have been developed in Europe and used in different voluntary eradication programs in order to differentiate between infected and vaccinated animals. Several ruminant alphaherpesviruses have been shown to be antigenically and genetically closely related to BoHV-1. These viruses are not restricted to their natural host species. Thus, buffaloes can be successfully cross-infected with BoHV-1 under experimental conditions and can express high antibody levels against BoHV-1 as demonstrated in cattle. Recently, the host specific Bubaline herpesvirus 1 (BuHV-1) has been isolated after a latency reactivation treatment with dexamethasone in Italy and has been shown responsible of a subclinical genital infection in buffaloes. Taking into account the close relationship between BoHV-1 and BuHV-1, it can be hypothesised that a BoHV-1 gB blocking ELISA could detect a BoHV-1 related infection in buffaloes. Thus, the prevalence of such infection has been investigated in 415 unvaccinated buffaloes from Central Italy. Knowing that gE is genetically less conserved than gB, a BoHV-1 blocking gE ELISA has been used to try to discriminate BuHV-1 and BoHV-1 infections. The apparent seroprevalences obtained were 95.66% and 72.05% for gB and gE respectively, meanwhile 72.05% of animals were positive to both tests. In other hand, 16.87% of animals were positive to gB and negative to gE, presuming that these animals are probably infected with BuHV-1 due to the lack of gE antibodies production, converting the serology in a possible tool to differentiate between infections. These results demonstrate a high prevalence of a ruminant alphaherpesvirus infection in buffaloes in Central Italy. This suggests a previous contact of animals with BoHV-1 or the closely related BuHV-1. Due to the detection of antibodies against both glycoproteins, a BoHV-1 cross-infection of buffaloes can be suggested although, as BoHV-1 and BuHV-1 are genetically closely related, a BuHV-1 infection is currently the most consistent hypothesis. The survey of the prevalence and the differentiation of both viruses could offer important knowledge about the herpesvirus epidemiology in buffalo, and for that purpose it is necessary to complete the differentiation between BoHV-1 and BuHV1 infections using molecular methods. BoHV-1 infection in buffalo could interfere systematically with the serologic diagnosis developed for the IBR control programs. These animals could be a dangerous reservoir of BoHV-1 for uninfected bovines, mainly in regions where the disease has been previously eradicated. At the same time, and for the closely phylogenetic relationship of BuHV-1 with BoHV-5, an evaluation of the susceptibility of BoHV-5 infection in buffaloes could be an interesting research to develop in the future. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 89 Sažetak Unutar subfamilije Alphaherpesvirinae, goveđi herpes virus je odgovoran za infekcije spolnog i dišnog sustava goveda, pogotovo goveđeg rinotraheitisa (IBR), koji je zajedno s goveđim herpesvirusom 5, jedan od najznačajnijih uzroka ekonomskih gubitaka u govedarskoj industriji. Ovojnica se goveđeg HV-1 sastoji od deset glikoproteina (g), od kojih su gB, gC i gD prisutni u velikim kojičinama, dok s manjeprisutni gE važni prilikom prenošenja na druge stanice. Kako bi se bolest kontrolirala, u Europu su uvedene marker vakcine dobivene od delecijom mutiranih gE goveđeg HV-1, kao I ELISA analize kojima se detektiraju specifični gB I gE antigeni korištene u različitim eradikacijskim programima kako bi diferencirali inficirane od vakciniranih životinja. Više se vrsnonespecifičnih goveđih alfaherpesvirusa pokazalo antigenskii genetski povezanim s goveđim herpesvirusom. Tako se bufali mogu zaraziti križnom infekcijom s goveđim herpes virusom i razviti viši titar antitijela od goveda. Nedavno je herpesvirus bufala izoliran u Italiji nakon latentne reaktivacije terapijom deksametazona , te se smatra de je taj virus bio odgovoran za subklinički spolnu infekciju bufala. Uzevši u obzir usku povezanost BoHV-1 i BuHV-1, smatra se da bi BoHV-1 gE detektirani ELIS-om mogli detektiratu istu i kod bufala. Tako je istražena prisutnost ove infekcije u 415 nevakciniranih bufala u centralnoj Italiji. Znajući da je gE genetskii promjenjljiviji od gB, BoHV-1 blocking gE ELISA se koristila za razlikovanje BuHV-1 and BoHV-1 infekcija. Utvrđena seroprevalencija iznosila je 94,7% i 72,05% za gB i gE, dok je 71,8% životinja bilo pozitivno na oba testa. S druge strane, 16,87% životinja bilo je pozitivno nag B I negativno nag E , predpostavljajući da su te životinje bile inficirane sa BuHV-1 zbog manjka stvaranja gE protutijela, što dovodi do mogućnosti korištenja serologije u diferencijaciji infekcija. Na osnovu ovih rezultata možemo dokazati prisutnost visoke koncentracije alfaherpesvirusa preživača u bufalaCentralne Italije. Pretpostavlja se prijašnji kontakt s životinjama koje su imale BoHV-1, ili pak neki njemu vrlo sličan virus. Pomoću dokaza protutijela protiv oba glikoproteina, može se predpostaviti I kros-infekcija s BoHV-1, s obzirom da su BoHV-1 i BuHV-1 genetski vrlo srodni, no hipoteza s BuHV-1 je prihvatljivija. Pregled učestalosti pojave i razlikovanja dvaju virusa donosi važna saznanja o epidemiologiji herpesvirusa u bufala. Stoga je važno diferencirati BoHV-1 i BuHV-1 koristeći molekularne metode. Infekcija BoHV-1 bufala može utjecati na serološku dijagnostiku koja se koristi kod IBR kontrolnih programa. Te životinje mogu biti opasni rezervoari BoHV-1, pogotovu u područjima gdje je virus eradiciran. Zbog bliske filogenetske povezanosti između BuHV-1i BuHV-5, buduća bi istraživanjea bilo zanimljivo provesti na osjetljivosti bufala na BuHV-5 INTRODUCTION Herpesviridae family is formed by double-stranded DNA viruses, which includes nearly two hundred viruses isolated from different hosts as molluscs, fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. In nature most herpesvirus are closely associated with a single host species, and almost all the animal hosts investigated so far support infections by at least one herpesvirus species 15-18. All members of the family Herpesviridae share a common virion morphology based on an icosahedral capsid symmetry, a cell-derived envelope containing virally encoded membrane proteins and a protein-made matrix 6,10. Viral glycoproteins (g) of herpesviruses play an important role in the interactions between these viruses and their host-cells and they are involved in several steps of the viral cycle, such as the attachment, penetration and maturation. Most of the Bovine herpesvirus 1 (BoHV-1) glycoproteins have already been characterised. The gB, gC and gD are present in large amounts, meanwhile the less abundant gE is important for virus cell-to-cell transmission 6,14. According to their biological behaviour, members of the family Herpesviridae have been classified into three subfamilies, the Alpha-, Beta- and Gamma- herpesvirus. The alpha-herpesvirinae are characterised by a rapid replication, lysis of the infected cells and the establishment of latency mainly in neurones of sensory ganglia 6,17. Seven ruminant alpha-herpesviruses form a cluster of antigenically and genetically related viruses. BoHV-1, a cattle pathogen associated with infectious bovine rinotracheitis (IBR), infectious pustular vulvovaginitis, balanopothitis and abortion, is the prototype. The cluster is formed by Bovine herpesvirus 5 (BoHV-5) causing meningoencephalitis in 90 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 calves, Caprine herpesvirus 1 (CpHV-1) inducing systemic disease in kids and abortion in adults, Cervid herpesvirus 1 (CvHV-1) responsible for conjunctivitis in red deer, Cervid herpesvirus (CvHV-12), Elk herpesvirus 1 (ELKHV-1) causing subclinical genital infections in reindeer and elk respectively, and Bubaline herpesvirus 1 (BuHV-1) responsible for subclinical infections in water buffaloes 15-18. Phylogenetic studies of conserved herpesvirus sequences showed that BoHV-5 and BuHV-1 are most closely related to BoHV-1, followed by ElkHV-1, CvHV-1, CvHV-2 and CpHV-1 18. BoHV-1 related ruminant alphaherpesviruses are not always restricted to their natural host species, indeed, goat, sheep, red deer, reindeer and buffalo are successfully infected with BoHV-1 under natural and experimental conditions18. The cross-serological relationship between these viruses and BoHV-1 was also demonstrated by seroneutralization and ELISA 6,18. Cross-infection studies have been performed in order to gain greater knowledge about risks of acute and latent infections in cattle with other ruminant alphaherpesviruses and about potential BoHV-1 reservoirs among ruminant species other than cattle. In this case, serological studies have suggested that buffalo is susceptible to BoHV-1 and can be successfully cross-infected with BoHV-1 under experimental conditions, expressing high antibody levels as demonstrated in cattle 4,18. A study using the seroneutralization test to indicate a BoHV-1 infection in 43 different species from 7 countries of Southern Africa wildlife showed that high antibodies levels against BoHV-1 were found in buffalo, revealing that this animal plays an important role in the maintenance of the virus 8. In Italy, few serological surveys have been realized about the BoHV-1 infection in buffalo, even if infection is present in this country 4. In the other hand, not only serologic evidence of BoHV-1 infection in buffalo has been reported. BoHV-1 has been isolated in 1971 from prepuces and semen from healthy water buffalo in Australia 7 and Malaysia 9. However, the identification of the specific-buffalo’s herpesvirus (BuHV-1) closely correlated to BoHV-1 has been demonstrated in different researches, where using Restriction Endonuclease DNA Fingerprints, and Restriction Fragment Patter Analysis, it was concluded that BuHV-1 presented a different DNA migration profile comparing with bovine strains1,2. In Egypt, 7.3% of buffaloes were BoHV-1 positive using a Nested-PCR in isolated viruses from clinical samples, however, the nested-PCR negative viral isolates were regarded as antigenically ruminant Herpesviruses related5. Recently, BuHV-1 was isolated from nasal swabs in two buffaloes after a latency reactivation treatment for five consecutive days with dexamethasone in Italy4. Only slight diarrhoea and serous nasal discharge were observed. Unfortunately, there are few data to clarify the pathogenic role of the BuHV-1, knowing that is responsible of subclinical infections18. Due to the preceding results obtained about serological positivity in buffalo, the propose of a previous contact with the BoHV-1 and the possibility of the contemporary presence in the animals of both related viruses, BoHV-1 and BuHV-1, must be studied, also because for the important immunological benefit for BoHV1, that masks the antibodies production against BuHV-1. For this reason and taking into account the close genetically relationship between both viruses, it can be hypothesised that a BoHV-1 gB blocking ELISA could detect a BoHV-1 related infection in buffaloes. In the other hand, a PCR assay based on the amplification of a DNA fragment of the gE gene in different Herpesvirus strains have demonstrated that the expected fragment is not amplified in BuHV-1 and other correlated alphaherpesvirus13. Based on this understanding and knowing that gE is genetically less conserved than gB18, gE blocking ELISA could be used as a tool to identify animals that are probably infected with BuHV-1 due to the lack of gE antibodies production and the contemporary presence of gB antibodies, converting the serology in a possible tool to differentiate between both infections. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 91 In other hand, the properties shared by BoHV-1 related alphaherpesviruses could unfortunately interfere with the IBR eradication program in cattle since the buffalo could be a potential reservoir for the virus8,18. In this context, and when the risk of infection for cattle is high, a better knowledge of these alphaherpesviruses is essential to successfully eradicate IBR, which causes important economical losses in the cattle industry6,10. In Italy the breeding of buffalo is increasing, principally in Central-South parts of the Country, reaching about 360.000 animals, and in some cases the buffalo’s milk production and transformation is more profitable than milk obtained from dairy cows12. Experimental data confirm that BuHV-1 affects the Italian buffalo population 4, and the identification, differentiation and survey of the prevalence of both BuHV-1 and BoHV-1 infections in these animals could offer important knowledge about the herpesvirus epidemiology. MATERIALS AND METHODS a) Animals Four hundred fifteen female unvaccinated buffaloes belonging from 7 farms in central Italy, with an average age between 18 months and 20 years old were sampled. In order to simplify the data, animals were stratified in 2 groups according to their age: younger and older than 2 years. According to this categories, 178 and 237 animals corresponded to each group respectively. b) Serological Test In order to obtain sera samples, 6 ml of blood were collected in tubes without anticoagulant and centrifuged at 2500 rpm for 20 minutes. The sera were tested immediately or stored at 4°C until their use. Samples were tested with two ELISA Antibody test kit (IBR gB / gE IDEXX Herd Check Laboratories) in order to detect antibodies to the BoHV-1 gB and gE. The serological tests were carried out following the manufacturer’s instructions, having both BoHV-1 blocking ELISA’s the same principle. Briefly, the sera incubation in antigen-coated wells for 1 hour in case of gB ELISA and overnight for gE ELISA was required. After washing unbound materials, a competitive reaction was obtained using a peroxidise-conjugated antibody directed to the BoHv-1 gB or gE coated in the plate. This antibody does not bind to the BoHv-1 antigen when the antigenic determinant has been previously blocked by antibodies present in the serum. Following this incubation period, the un-reacted conjugate is removed by washing, and a substrate/chromogen solution is added. In the presence of enzyme, the substrate is converted to a product which reacts with the chromophore to generate a blue colour if no gE/gB antibodies are present in the sample. The substrate-chromogen reaction was measured using a spectrophotometer (Labsystem Multiscan) at a single wavelength of 450 nm for gB ELISA and 650 nm for gE ELISA. RESULTS The serological survey carried out in buffaloes from central Italy demonstrated that from a total number of 415 animals sampled, 397 (95.66%) were positive to BoHV-1 gB and 299 (72.05%) were positive to BoHV-1 gE. In other hand, 17 (4.09%) and 85 (20.48%) animals were negative to gB and gE ELISA respectively (Table 1). The serology results obtained according to the age were that in the group of animals younger than 2 years, 171 (96.06%) of animals were positive to gB ELISA, meanwhile 109 (61.23%) were positive to gE. In the group of animals older than 2 years, 226 (95.35%) and 190 (80.16%) were positive to gB and gE ELISA respectively (Table 2). 92 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Table 1. General serological results using blocking ELISA gB and gE in buffaloes No. of animals BoHV-1 gB + 397 415 17 BoHV-1 gE +/1 + 299 85 +/31 Table 2. Serological results according to the age group using blocking ELISA gB and gE in buffaloes Animals ↓ 2 years old ↑ 2 years old Total Total + BoHV-1 gB - +/- + BoHV-1 gE - +/- 178 171 6 1 109 53 16 237 226 11 0 190 32 15 415 397 17 1 299 85 31 In addition, 299 (72.05%) of animals were positive meanwhile 14 (3.37%) were negative to both tests. In other hand, 70 (16.87%) of animals were positive to gB and negative to gE (Table 3). In the case of group of animals younger than 2 years, 109 (61.23%) were positive to both tests, meanwhile 6 (3.37%) were negative. In the same group, 46 (25.84%) animals were positive to gB and negative to gE. In the second group of animals older than 2 years, 190 (80.16%) were positive to both tests, meanwhile 8 (3.37%) were negative. Twenty four (10.12%) animals were positive to gB and negative to gE ELISA (Table 4). Table 3. General BoHV-1 gB and gE serological results. BoHV-1 gE + 299 70 28 397 + +/Total BoHV-1 gB 0 14 3 17 Total +/0 1 0 1 299 85 31 Table 4. BoHV-1 gB and gE serological results by group of age. BHV-1 gE + +/Total + 109 46 16 171 ↓2 years old 0 6 0 6 BoHV-1 gB +/0 1 0 1 + 190 24 12 226 ↑2 years old 0 8 3 11 Total +/0 0 0 0 XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 299 85 31 93 DISCUSSION Several researches have demonstrated that buffalo is susceptible to BoHV-1 infection in natural and experimental conditions 4,6,18. In Italy, even the few serological surveys that have been realized to study this phenomena, it has been demonstrated that buffaloes are infected with BoHV-1, and also with the specie-specific BuHV-11,2 which has been isolated from nasal swabs in experimental immunosuppressed animals 4. Due to the lack of prevalence reports and to the high risk of interference that could represent buffaloes in the IBR eradication program, the main objectives of this research were the use of both blocking BoHv-1 ELISA gB and gE in buffalo in order to study the relative prevalence of BoHv-1 infection in these animals, and the possible use of serology to differentiate between BoHv-1 and BuHv-1 infections. Taking into account the close relationship between both viruses, it can be hypothesised that a BoHV-1 gB blocking ELISA could detect a BoHV-1 related infection in buffaloes. Knowing that gE is genetically less conserved than gB and that this glycoprotein is not expressed in BuHv-1, a BoHV-1 blocking gE ELISA has been used to try to discriminate between infections. It is important to consider that in order to exclude interferences in the seroprevalence evaluation, all animals included in this research were unvaccinated. The relative seroprevalence obtained were 94.70% and 72.05% for gB and gE respectively. These results strongly demonstrate the presence of a ruminant alphaherpesviruses infection in buffaloes in Central Italy at a high prevalence, suggesting also a previous contact of animals with BoHV-1 or the closely related BuHV-1, due to the detection of antibodies against both viral glycoprotein. Few researches have been carried out in Italy about BoHv1 prevalence in buffalo, reporting a gE seroprevalence of 31.94% in buffaloes from Salerno (Italy), but the discrimination between both viruses using serology was not realized4. In other hand, different and important seroprevalence have been reported in Africa wildlife, concluding that buffalo is an important reservoir of the BoHV-15,8. About gB / gE results of seroprevalence obtained by groups of age, in animals younger than 2 years showed a 96.06% and 61.23%, meanwhile in the second group, animals showed a 95.35% and 80.16% of prevalence respectively. There is not significantly difference between gB prevalence between groups, but younger animals presented a lower gE seroprevalence than older animals. This phenomena could be due to that possibly adults animals have been more exposed in their life to others related alphaherpesviruses than younger animals, but in some way, the presence of antibodies in young animals could corroborate the presence of recent and the maintenance of infections within farms. In other hand, a high percentage of animals (72.05%) were positive to both tests, meanwhile 16.87% (70/415) of a total number of animals were positive to gB and negative to gE. Due to this fact, we presume that these animals are probably infected with BuHV-1 due to the lack of gE antibodies production and the contemporary presence of gB antibodies, and although, BoHV-1 and BuHV1 are genetically closely related, a BuHV-1 infection is currently the most consistent hypothesis. Some works have reported the lack of amplification of an expected product of the gE gene by PCR in different Herpesvirus strains, including BuHV-1 and other correlated alphaherpesvirus13. This phenomena possibly converts the serology in a possible tool to discriminate between infections. The same methodology, using both blocking ELSA’s has been applied to discriminate between BoHv-1 and BoHv-5 infection in cattle, but the sensibility and specificity have been tested only on a very limited number of samples17,18. The survey of the prevalence and the differentiation of both viruses could offer important knowledge about the herpesvirus epidemiology in buffalo, and for that purpose it is necessary to complete and confirm the differentiation between BoHV-1 and BuHV-1 infections 94 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 using molecular methods as Restriction Endonuclease Analysis, Restriction Fragment Patter Analysis and Phylogenetic analyses by sequencing PCR products1,2,4,18 In the case of the results obtained according to the group of age, younger animals showed a lower percentage (61.23%) of positive animals to both tests than group of older animals (80.16%). The contrary was observed about animals positive to gB and negative to gE ELISA, showing a 25.84% in contrast with 10.12% in older animals. This significantly difference probably could demonstrate that younger animals are more frequently infected by the specie-specific BuHV-1, meanwhile older animals could be infected with both related viruses. IBR is a disease of major economic concern in many parts of the world especially in European countries, where control programs are achieving. Because ruminant alphaherpesviruses are not restricted to their natural host species, and buffaloes can be successfully cross-infected with BoHV1, we believed that it is important to study the role of buffaloes in the epidemiology of the IBR. Experimental data confirm that BuHV-1 affects the Italian buffalo population4 and in addition, the results obtained in this research allow to conclude that buffaloes in central Italy are expressing high levels of antibodies against BoHV-1 glycoprotein, suggesting a previous contact with the BoHV-1 and the contemporary presence in the animals of both related virus, BoHV-1 and BuHV-1. This situation could interfere with the IBR eradication program in cattle since the buffalo could be a potential reservoir for the virus, being more important the risk in regions where the disease has been previously eradicated8,18,19. In this context, and when the risk of infection for cattle is high, a better knowledge of these alphaherpesviruses is essential to successfully eradicate IBR. The identification, discrimination and survey of the prevalence of both BuHV-1 and BoHV-1 infections in these animals will offer important knowledge about their infection and epidemiology. In the same way, diagnostic tools, including molecular protocols, able to distinguish between ruminant alphaherpesviruses related to BoHV-1 and BoHV-1 itself are of great interest to reduce the false negative or positive diagnosis. Finally and for the closely phylogenetic relationship of BuHV1 with BoHV-5, an evaluation of the susceptibility of BoHV-5 infection in buffaloes could be an interesting research to develop in the future. REFERENCES 1. Brake F. and Studdert MJ. Molecular epidemiology and pathogenesis of ruminant herpesviruses including bovine, buffalo and caprine herpesviruses 1 and bovine encephalitis herpesvirus. 1985. Aust. Vet. J. Oct; 62 (10):331-4. 2. Bulach DM and Struddert MJ. Comparative genome mapping of bovine encephalitis herspervirus, bovine herpesvirus 1 and buffalo herpesvirus. 1990. Arch. Virol. 113(1-2): 17-34. 3. Claus MP, Alfieri AF, Folgueras-Flatschart AV, Wosiacki SR, Medici KC, Alfieri AA. Rapid detection and differentiation of bovine herpesvirus 1 and 5 glycoprotein C gene in clinical specimens by multiplex-PCR. 2005. J Virol Methods. Sep;128(1-2):183-8. 4. De Carlo E, Re GN, Letteriello R, Del Vecchio V, Giordanelli MP, Magnino S, Fabbi M, Bazzocchi C, Bandi C, Galiero G. 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Mar 31;113(3-4):303-8. 96 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Epidemiological data of intrammamary infection in cattle - a quantitative analysis of published data and comparison with data in Croatia Epidemiološki podatci rasprostranjenosti mastitisa u goveda – analiza publiciranih podataka i usporedba s podatcima pojave mastitisa u Hrvatskoj Marina Pavlak1, Miroslav Benić2, Denis Cvitković1, Marko Tadić1 Department of Veterinary Economics and Analytic Epidemiology, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb 1 2 Croatian Veterinary Institute Abstract Mastitis is defined as an inflammatory reaction of udder tissue to bacterial, chemical, thermal or mechanical injury. It is a common disease in dairy herd in many different counties and the most costly one in dairy cattle breeding causing serious economic losses due to the decreasing milk production and lower quality of milk. The aim of this study is to summarise the literature data on the prevalence and incidence level of spontaneous intramammary infection in dairy cattle and to compare it with the epidemiological data of cattle intramammary infection in Croatia. Analysed data include 118 available published papers on the Current Contents database in the10-years period (from 1997 to 2007) describing epidemiological methods for determining occurence of intrammamary infection worldwide. The data relating to occurrence of mastitis in Croatia have been collected from Croatian Livestock Center, Laboratory for Milk Control, Križevci, Croatian Veterinary Institute, Zagreb and Department for Veterinary Science, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development from 2002 to 2007. Three main categories of comparison were used: the frequency of intrammamary infection (subclinical and clinical mastitis), the frequency of pathogen specific mastitis and the somatic cell count (SCC). In 55 countries, about 30% the prospective studies of incidence rate, about 46% studies of prevalence rate and about 26% studies of molecular epidemiology and risk factors were done. The level of subclinical mastitis varied from 9% to 70% and clinical mastitis from 6.1% to 63.49% depending on milk gland status (dry or lactation period) and a parity. The most frequently isolated pathogens from infected quarters were Staphylococcus aureus, and Streptococcus uberis, followed by coagulase-negative staphylococci, Streptococcus agalactiae, Streprococcus dysgalactiae and coliform bacteria. Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus agalactiae and Streptococcus dysgalactiae occurred more often in herds with a high bulk milk SCC but coliform bacteria in herds with a low bulk milk SCC. In Croatia SCC as well as number of pathogens from 2003 to 2007 decreased. Mean SCC in 2003 and 2007 were 209.063 and 165.216 respectively and mean number of pathogens microbes in raw milk were 236.958 and 54.049 respectively. In 1996 number of intrammamary infections caused by contagious-pathogens were 14.6% and by environmental pathogens 5.9%, but in 2004 they were 13.6% and 8.4% respectively. Sažetak Mastitis je bolest mliječne žlijezde uzrokovana mikrobiološkim, kemijskim, toplinskim ili mehaničkim čimbenicima. To je bolest koja se učerstalo javlja u mliječnih krava i dovodi do značajnih ekonomskih gubitaka koji se izražavaju smanjenom proizvodnjom i kvalitetom mlijeka. Zbog velikih gospodarskih gubitaka koje mastitis uzrokuje, a u cilju sprječavanja nastalih šteta, važno je poznavati epidemiološko stanje mastitisa u zemlji. Stoga je cilj ovog rada bio sakupiti i obradititi podatke prevalencije i incidencije prirodnih infekcija mliječne žlijezde u svijetu i usporediti ih s epidemiološkim podatcima u Hrvatskoj. Analizirano je i obrađeno 118 radova objavljenih u Current Contents bazi podataka zadnjih 10 godina. (od 1997. do 2007.) koji opisuju XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 97 rasprostranjenost i učestalost pojavljivanja mastitisa u svijetu. Ti podatci su uspoređeni s podatcima prikupljenih za Hrvatsku (podatci dobiveni od Laboratorija za kontrolu mlijeka Hrvatskog stočarskog centra, Hrvatskog veterinarskog instituta i Uprave za veterinarstvo Ministarstva poljoprivrede, ribarstva iruralnog razvoja) od 2002. do 2007. godine. Uspoređivani podatci odnosili su se na: stopu prevalencije i incidencije subkliničkog i kliničkog mastitisa, učestalost pojavljivanja mastitisa prema uzročniku, učestalost pojavljivanja mastitisa prema broju somatskih stanica. Ustanovljeno je da se oko 30% radova odnosilo na istraživanje stope incidencije mastitisa, 46% na istraživanje prevalencije i oko 26% radova može se svrstati u područje molekularne epidemiologije i procjene rizika. Stopa prevalencije subkliničkog mastitisa kretala se od oko 9% do 70%, a kliničkog mastitisa od 6.1% do 63.49% ovisno o rizičnim čimbenicima (stanje mliječne žlijezde, broj parenja, dob životinje). S etiološkog gledišta najveći broj mastitisa uzrokovan je s bakterijama vrsta Staphylococcus aureus i Streptococcus uberis, te koagulaza negativnim stafilokokima kao i nekim streptokokima poglavito vrstama Streptococcus agalactiae i Streprococcus dysgalactiae. Podatci su pokazali da mastitis uzrokovan sa Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus agalactiae i Streptococcus dysgalactiae učestalije se javlja u krava s povećanim brojem somatkih stanica u stajskom uzorku mlijeka, dok su koliformne bakterije češće uzročnik infekcije u krava koje imaju manji broj somatskih stanica. Uspoređujući navedene podatke s podatcima za Hrvatsku može se vidjeti da su podatci za Hrvatsku u okviru svjetskih podataka te da od 2003 do 2007 ukupan broj somatskih stanica se smanjivaoo kao i ukupan broj mikroorganizama. Godine 1996. u Hrvatskoj je bilo 14.6% mastitisa uzrokovanih kontagioznim uzročnicima, dok je 2004. godine taj broj iznosio 13.4%., dok je broj mastitisa uzrokovan okolišnim čimbenicima nešto rastao, od 5.9% na 8.4%. Introduction Mastitis is defined as an inflammatory reaction of udder tissue to bacterial, chemical, thermal or mechanical injury. Clinical mastitis, in wich abnormal milk is detected, as well as subclinical mastitis, in which no changes in milk are apperent, are common diseases in dairy herds in many different countries. Both mastitis are the most costly in dairy cattle breeding causing serious economic losses due to the decreasing milk production and lower quality of milk (White et al., 2001; Gröhn et al., 2004; Wolfowa et al., 2006). Some epidemiological data indicated that mastitis is the most important cause of culling. In Swiss dairy herds, up to 13% of all culling are duo to mastitis (Aeberhard et al., 1997). In Ethiopia 27% of cows were removed from herds because of intramammary infection (IMI) (Degraaf and Dwinger, 1996; Workineh et al., 2002). Therefore, in order to reduce the occurrence of IMI in dairy herds as well as the overall cost of the udder health problem, in many countries mastitis control program have been implemented (Kaneene and Hurd, 1990; Ekesbo et al., 1994; Bartlett et al., 2001; Sviland and Waage, 2002; Sommerhauser et al., 2003). Information about the distribution of IMI as well as specific pathogen mastitis in the dairy cows is of great importance for strategic decision-making and optimal planning of mastitis control programs. However, the epidemiological characterisation of mastitis pathogens is important for implementation of IMI control measures. Therefore numerous epidemiological studies in many countries have been performed in order to monitor a frequency of IMI occurrence as well as to identify reservoirs of specific pathogens and the route of infection. The aim of this study is to summarise the literature data on the prevalence and incidence level of spontaneous intramammary infection in dairy cattle and to compare it with the epidemiological data of cattle intramammary infection in Croatia. Material and methods Analysed data include 118 available published papers on the Current Contents database indexed from 1997 to 2007 describing epidemiological methods to determine occurence of IMI worldwide. The data relating to occurrence of mastitis in Croatia have been collected from Croatian Livestock 98 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Center, Laboratory for Milk Control, Križevci, Croatian Veterinary Institute, Zagreb and Department for Veterinary Science, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development from 2002 to 2007. Three main categories of comparison were used: the frequency of IMI (subclinical and clinical mastitis), the frequency of pathogen specific mastitis and the somatic cell count (SCC). Key words used in the search included IMI, mastitis, epidemiology, incidence and prevalence. The papers taken into consideration were original studies and reports on the incidence of spontaneous IMI cases. Results and discussion Table 1. Epidemiological studies of prevalence of IMI (subclinical mastitis) in some countries compared with available data in Croatia Country Time of the study CROATIA 1996 and 2004 Denmark 1999 and 2000 Number of herds/cows/quarters/ tests included into study 34 farms/250 cows/1000 quarters 47 farms/304 cows/1204 quarters Prevalence rate 1996 2004 1999 2000 - 34% 28.7% 16.2% 42.2% Switzerland Germany 1988 and 1995 4495 i 2648 cows/17111 i 10410 samples 2001 216 herds/3282 cows/12661 quarters 1995-1997 118 herds/1816 samples 1997 152 herds/1907 cows** 1990-1996 10 herds/1074 cows 1389 heifers (5 weeks after calving) 21.6% 2529 cows/9919 samples 26.4% 25 herds/3166 cows 52.7% 1997 Estonia USA (Ohio) 1985-1991 542 cows Chile 1998 26 cows*** 46 cows/185 mammary gland 523 herds Ethiopia 1996-1997 162 herds/307 cows Brazil Benić, 2005 Sampimon et al., 2007 Aarestrup and Jensen, 1997 20 herds/180 cows/3382 quarters* Finland Authors 1988 - 47.8% 1995 - 37.8% 31% 47% of the herds 6.1% of cows 21,2 and 34,5% Myllys et al., 1998 Pitkala et al., 2004 Burnens et al., 1999 Busato et al. 2000 Fleicher et al, 2001 Edinger et al., 1999 Out of 374 environmental steptococcal IMI 45.2% CM 59.9% *** 69.5% 55.3% 40.4% (CM: 37.1%, SCM: 62.9%) Tenhagen et al., 2006 Haltia et al., 2006 Todhunter et al., 1995 Benites et al., 2003 Benites et al., 2002 Tadich et al., 2003 Dego and Tareke, 2003 * 4 weeks before and 4 weeks after calving; ** 7-100 and 101-305 day after calving; ***94 samples of milk, 184 samples of mammary gland, 168 samples of gland and 168 samples of teat cistern :positive results: 67% of the milk ; 70.1% of mammary parenchymas; 55.7% of gland cistern; 48.8% of teat cistern XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 99 Table 2. Epidemiological data of prospective studies of incidence rate of clinical mastitis in some countries Country Time of the study Great Britain 1992-1993 1994-1996 1990-2001 1995-1997 1993-1994 France Denmark Number of herds/cows/ quarters/tests included into study 144 cows 20084 cows 205 herds 2146 herds 274 herds/5827 cows/7594 quarters Netherlands 171 herds Norway 1992-1995 New Zealand 28 herds 137 periparturient Holstein cows 1084 tests USA 1990-1991 USA (Wisconsin) 1994-2001 77.172 samples Tanzania 2003/05 Uruguay Rate 32.1 saces/100 cow year at risk 39.9 cases/100 cows year at risk 20.1 cases/100 cows yr 44.1 cases /100 cows year at risk 36-48 cases/100cows year at risk 0.263 cases/365 cow days at risk mean number of CM cases per herd during 1.5-yr period =30.8 12.7 cases/100 cow year at risk 49 cases/100 cows year at risk 12.70% Authors Kossaibati et al., 1998 Barnouin et al., 2005 Fourichon et al., 2001 Barlet et al., 2001 Barkema et al, 1999 Elbers et al., 1998 Sviland and Waage 2002 McDougall et al., 2007 28% of tests Detilleux et al., 1995 20.6 -9.5% Makovec and Ruegg, 2003 85 herds/318 cows/6057 quarters 38.4 cases/100 quarters year at risk or 43.4 cases/100 cow year ar risk Kivaria et al., 2007 40 cows and 1077 cows/4300 quarters * Gianneechini CM: 1.2 cases/100 cows year at risk 2002 SCM: 52.4% of cows et al., *4 weeks before and 4 weeks after calving Out of 118 analysed papers, 71 (60.2%) covered epidemiological studies of incidence and prevalence of IMI, in 15 (12.7%) papers risk factors have been studied and in 12 (10.2%) studies of molecular epidemiology have been done. Out of 71 papers studying occurrence of IMI in different countries, in 57 papers prevalence of IMI have been investigated covering 25 countries. Epidemiological studies of incidence or incidence rates of clinical mastitis (CM) in 15 countries are described in 34 articles. Most articles describing molecular epidemiology analysis had references to genomic typing of Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus uberis followed by Escherichia coli and coagulase negative staphyloccoci (CNS). Most frequently analysed risk factors were influence of hygiene, management practises, feeding, dry therapy, breed, age, parity, lactation stage, teat stage, body condition, leaking milk, type of milking system and seasons. Overview of occurrence of intrammamary infection (IMI) Epidemiological data of occurrence of IMI and clinical mastitis in some countries are presented in Tables 1 and 2. Subclinical (SCM) and clinical mastitis (CM), according to these data, have been present in dairy cows during the whole period of lactation as well as in dry period. However, especially high incidence of SCM and CM in dairy cows has been found in the peripartutient period when the immune response is impeded and cows are metabolically stressed. Dego and Tareke (2003) found that prevalence of mastitis was significantly higher in non-lactating than 100 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Table 3. The most frequently isolated pathogens in cows with subclinical intramammary infection (SCM) and clinical mastitis (CM) in some countries compared with available data in Croatia Country Time of the study The most frequently isolated pathogens CROATIA SCM Contagious pathogens: Environmental pathogens: Denmark SCM CNS SCM Finland SCM SCM Switzerland SCM SCM Germany SCM SCM SCM Netherlands CM CM Estonia SCM New Zealand USA CM CM U S A CM (Wisconsin) Uruguay CM Brazil Chile SCM SCM SCM Ethiopia SCM 7.3 and 14.1% 14.6 % and 13.6% 5.9% and 8.4% Authors Benić, 2005 Sampimon et al., 2007 Staph. aureus: 2% before and 16-48% after partus Aarestrup and Jensen, 1997 Str. dysgalactiae: 20% before and 3-35% after partus; Str. chromogenes CNS: 26.6 and 49.7%; Myllys et al., 1998 Staph. aureus: 36.9 and 63.6% CNS; Pitkala et al., 2004 C. bovis Burnens et al., 1999 Staph. aureus: 16.% and 7.4%; Busato et al. 2000 C. bovis: 25.7% and 45.1% Fleicher et al, 2001 Streptococci 12%; Edinger et al., 1999 Staphylococci 69% E coli 5% CNS 9.1%; C. bovis 7.3%; Tenhagen et al., 2006 Staph.. aureus : 5.7% (21.8% of positive); Str uberis : 1% (3.7% of positive) Staph. aureus; CNS; Str. uberis; Barkema et al, 1999 Str. agalactiae; Str. dysgalactiae Staph. aureus Elbers et al., 1998 Haltia et al., 2006 Staph. aureus, CNS, Str. agalactiae, Str. dysgalactiae, C. bovis Str. uberis McDougall et al., 2007 Detilleux et al., 1995 CNS -23.7% of tests and 86% of positive tests Staph aureus : 17.7 – 9.7% Makovec and Ruegg, 2003 CNS : 12.7-17.5 % Str. agalactiae : 8.1-3.0 % E. coli : 3.1-6.7% Staph. aureus : CM: 37.5% SCM 62.8% Str, agalactiae: CM 5%; SCM 1.3% Gianneechini et al., 2002 Str. uberis : CM 2.5%, SCM 6.4% E. coli : CM 12.5%, SCM 1.5 % Benites et al., 2003 CNS 35.7%; CPS 12.2%; C. bovis 2.4% Benites et al., 2002 CNS 53.8%; CPS 7.6% Tadich et al., 2003 Staph. aureus 36.7% ; Str. agalactiae 13.1% ; Dego and Tareke, 2003 E. coli 10.1%; Str. dysgalactiae 5.6%; Str. uberis 5.1% XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 101 Table 4. Distribution of pathogens isolated in cow with IMI in some Europena coutries Country S. aureus S. agalactiae CROATIA 20.85 -33.36% 1.41-4.20% Italy 22.6% 2.30% Germany 24% S. uberis S. dysgalactiae 29% of herds 1% (3,7% of positive samples) Tenhagen et al., 2006 E. coli 5% Schwizerland E. coli 0.4 – 1 % 7.4-16 % 10.2 % heifers 6.7 % cow Netherland Finland 18.26% 36.9 i 63.6% Norwey 54.9-65.9% 14.2-15.2% 8.2% at quarter level, 22.2% at cow level 22.7% -in correllation with culling 0,4% at quarter level 1.42 % at cow level Litva 102 20.32% E. coli 16.7% in heifers Haas et al., 2002 and 21.5% in cows Koivula et al., 2007 Myllys et al., 1998 Whist et al., 2007 1.2%, at quarter level 1.17% at cow level Osteras et al., 2006 20% prior partus 3-35% postpartus Poland 8.60% Einger et al., 1999 Busato et al., 2000 Reksen et al 2006 4-6% Denmark Authors E. coli 1.69-6.56% P.aeruginosa 0-0.77% Benić, 2003 Klebsiella spp. 0.140.73 Ferguson et al., 2.9% 2007 Serratia marcescens Guardo et al., 20.8% - corelation with 1997 SCC higher than 500000cells/ml Stefel and Philipp, 2007 30% 5.7% (21.8% of positive samples) Enterobacteriace koliform 50% 19.70% Aarestrup and Jensen , 1997 E. coli 52.30% P. aeruginosa 3.60% K. pneumoniae 4.10% E. cloacae 3.60% S. marcescens 3.10% P. mutocida 3.10% Acinetobacter lwofti 3.10% Malinowski et al., 2006 Aniiulis et al., 2003 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Table 5. Frequency of contagious and environmental pathogens isolated in dairy cows in Croatia (Benić, 2003,2005) Year 1990 1991 1992 1994 1995 1996 1998 2001 2002 2004 No of samples 2068 839 641 1046 1067 1537 6853 8704 11566 1197 47.14 44.46 44.77 43.78 41.71 46.52 40.33 38.68 36.54 22.0 37.57 32.42 30.9 32.89 23.43 24.72 26.4 24.71 24.3 13.6 33,36 29.32 26.7 28.68 22.02 21.05 24.78 20.85 20.31 ... 4.21 3.1 4.2 4.21 1.41 3.67 1.62 3.86 3.99 ... 6.09 8.58 8 5.64 9.75 7.37 8.56 10.06 7.56 ... 9.61 11.92 13.03 10.9 18.28 10.6 13.91 13.77 11.56 8.4 1.69 2.26 2 3.63 6.56 2.36 3.03 2.2 2.4 ... 0.24 0.36 0 0.29 0.28 0.39 0.77 0.55 0.42 ... 0.14 0.24 0.73 0.38 0.47 0.28 0.51 0.34 0.39 ... 0.04 0.12 0.3 0.1 0.19 0 0.07 0.02 0 ... % of positive samples Contagious pathogens (%) Staph. aureus (%) Str. agalactiae (%) Other Streptococci (%) Environmental pathogens (%) E. coli (%) P. aeruginosa (%) Klebsiella spp. (%) C. pyogenes (%) Table 6:Data of of the milk quality cotrol based on the BMSCC and TBC (Dakić et al., 2007) BMSCC TBC 2003 209.063 236.958 2004 185.468 180.515 2005 169.546 111.089 2006 166.728 76.122 2007 165.216 59.049 Epidemiological data of prevalence of SCM (Tab. 1) showed that this IMI is present in many countries both developed and developing. The level of prevalence of IMI in some European countries varied approximately from 9-53%. However, in other countries, especially developing ones like Ethiopia (Dego and Tareke, 2003) and Tansania (Mdegela et al., 2004), prevalence of SCM increased up to 70%. The level of occurrence of IMI in Croatia according to data studied by Benić (2005) in 1996 and 2004 (Tab. 1 and 3) stayed within the framework of the frequency of occurrence of IMI in European countries. According to the paper report of Croatian Department for Veterinary Science, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the performed California mastitis test (CMT) in 2007 (from Semptember until December), the following was found: out of 31.813 samples examined on the IMI infection using CMT, 12.975 (40.79%) were CMT positive. Out of 15.689 samples examined bacteriologically, 9795 (62.43%) samples were positive. Out of 6947 control samples (samples taken after therapy and carence period), 1845 (26.56%) were positive. Since the occurrence of IMI also depends on management system and a type of farming, studies of influence of conventional and organic farms on the prevalence of IMI were done. Prevalence of SCM in the organic farms in Switzerland at the cow level were 47.8% to 61.5% depending on the XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 103 period (days) postpartum. (Busato et al., 2000). Roesch at al. (2007) also showed higher prevalence of California mastitis test (CMT)-positive quarter in cows from organic farms. The most SCM were caused by Staphylococci, Streptocococi, Escherichia coli and Corynebacterium bovis (Tab. 1). According to data by Jayarao et al. (1999), Str. uberis was the main pathogen isolated in cow with SCM in the United States. The most frequent causes of IMI in Croatia were contagious pathogens including Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus agalactiae (Benić, 2005). According to analysed data, incidence rate for CM varied approximately from 20 to 50 cases per 100 cow-years at risk (Tab. 2). Reported data were very similar in European countries as well as other countries like the United States or Tansania and Uruguay (Detilleux et al., 1995; Gianneechini et al., 2002; Makovec and Ruegg, 2003; Kivaria et al., 2004, 2007). Therefore, it could be concluded that SCM is more prevalent than CM in developing countries, as reported by Karimuribo et al. (2006). On the other side, in developed countries with incorporated control program, prevalence of SCM was reduced but CM continues to be a great problem (Barkema et al., 1998). In Croatia no epidemiological data of prospective studies of incidence rate of CM were found. There are many risk factors causing CM. Several studies have investigated CM risk factors (Elbers et a., 1998; Barkema et al., 1999a; 1999b; Waage et al., 1998; Peeler et al., 2003; Giovannini and Zecconi, 2002; Mungube et al., 2004; Barnouin et al., 2005). High milk production, very low bulkmilk SCC, leaking milk and use of post milking teat disinfection are the main factors associated with increased incidence of CM. Study of influence of close monitoring of dairy cows on the incidence of CM and SCM in Croatia performed by Cergolj et al. (2004), showed promising results in prevention and eradication of SCM. Overview of the frequency of pathogens cousing IMI According to epidemiological characteristics, the bacterial pathogens responsible for IMI are divided into two main categories: contagious and environmental pathogens. Infection with contagious pathogens results in clinical illness as well as strong inflammatory responses and reduces milk production. Environmental pathogens usually cause sublinical intramammary infection. The most important contagious mastitis pathogens spreading rapidly within a herd and resulting in a large number of infected quarters are Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus agalactiae and Mycoplasma spp. Environmental pathogens include coliform bacteria and environmental Streptococci. The most frequent coliform bacteria causing IMI are E. coli and Klebsiella and the most prevalent environmental Streptococci isolated from udder are S. uberis, S. dysgalactiae (Benić, 2003). Distribution and frequency of pathogens isolated from cow with SCM or CM in some European countries are presented in Table 3. Presented data covered the period from 1990 to 2004. From the data presented in the Table it could be seen that the obtained results showed very similar data of frequency of pathogens in Europe, except of the data on the frequency of Staph. aureus in Finland and Norway (Myllys et al., 1998; Whist et al., 2007). Percentage of isolated mastitis pathogens in Croatia were also very similar to the results obtained in other European countries (Tab. 3 and 4). The data of epidemiological studies performed in Croatia from 1990 to 2002 reported by Benić (2003, 2005) are presented in Table 5. The frequency of Staph. aureus in Finland and Norway obtained in the studies performed by Myllys et al. (1998) and Whist et al. (2007) were higher than in the papers by other authors (Table 3). In Norway in 95% of 178 dairy herds, Staph. aureus was isolated and the prevalence of Staph. aureus at the herd level was about 18% (Whist et al., 2007). Reksen et al. (2006) reported that Staph. aureus is predominant mastitis pathogens in Norway and is estimated to be responsible for 47% of clinical cases of mastitis. Except in Europe, Staph. aureus is also predominant mastitis pathogen in 104 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 the United States where it causes significant mastitis in heifers. In the United States the prevalence of mastitis in dairy heifers (n=233) was 56.5% at the quarter level and 15.4% of quarters were infected with Staph. aureus (Owens et al., 2001). In Croatia during the whole observed period from 1990 to 2002 Staph. aureus was the most frequently isolated pathogen from udder secretion (Topolko and Benić, 1997; Benić, 2003). Analysing the risk factors for Staph. aureus mastitis Zadoks et al. (2001) showed that Staph. aureus infection was higher in bovine herpesvirus 4-seropositive cows, in right quarters, in quarters that had recovered from Staph. aureus or Str. uberis infection and in quarters with extremely callused teat ends. Prevalence of Str. agalactiae in European countries was up to 6%, but the higher prevalence (17.7%) has been reported in 1992 in Canada (Keefe et al., 1997). In Croatia, prevalence rate of Str. agalactiae between 1990 and 2002 varied from 1.41 to 4.2% (table 4), which is in accordance with the results of other authors. The most commonly isolated Coagulase negative staphylococci (CNS) worldwide are Staph. chromogenes, Staph. epidermidis and Staph. similans. In heifers 3 weeks before and 3 weeks after parturition Staph. chromogenes was isolated in 15 % and both Staph. similans and Staph. epidermidis in 1-3% of quarters (Aarestrup and Jansen, 1997). The proportion of Staph. epidedimis-infected cows in Sweden was 22-31% (n=145 cows) (Thorberg et al., 2006). Although the Staph. epidermidis is not very often found in the normal bacterial flora of bovine skin or mucosal membranes (White et al., 1989), from epidemiological point of view, Staph. epidermidis has the great importance because it is most prevalent staphyloccoci found on human skin. Therefore it has been suggested that bovine Staph. epidermidis mastitis may be a zoonosis with human origin. (Thorberg et al., 2006). The most important environmental pathogens causing IMI are Str. uberis, Str. dysgalactiae and coliform pathogens including Escherichia coli and Klebsiella spp. (Tab. 1-3). From the data presented in the Table 3, it could be seen that there are different results of prevalence of study of Str. uberis and Str. dysgalactiae. Pankey et al (1996) found that about 90% of total cases of environmental streptococcal mastitis (12.2%) in heifers in the first 5 days of lactation were caused by Str. uberis. Aarestrup and Jansen (1997) isolated Str. uberis (n=180 heifers) much higher in the first 4 weeks of lactation than in last 2 weeks prepartum. Jayarao et al. (1999) reported that the prevalence of Str. uberis IMI was higher in cow with 4 or greater lactations than in cow with 3 or lower lactation. In the United States the percentage of cows infected with Str. uberis ranged from 12 to 18% of cow/year (Todhunter et al., 1995; Jayarao et al., 1999) and more than 50% of total IMI were coused by Str. uberis (Todhunter et al., 1995). In Norwey out of 178 dairy herds, 45% of the herds showed Str. dysgalactiae positive cows (Whist et al., 2007). The Enterobacteriaceae is classified as a opportunistic environmental pathogens causing IMI, especially in the dry period. In the United States 60% of all new IMI occurred in the dry period (Todhunter et al 1995). Study of enterobacterial IMI in the dry period (3 weeks precalving and postcalving) performed in Great Britain by Bradley and Green (2002) showed that out of 153 CM (n= 629), 40.5% of these mastitis cases were caused by enterobacterial species including E. coli, Klebsiella spp, Serratia spp and Citrobacter spp (Bradley and Green, 2000). The prevalence of the Enterobacteriaceae in some countries are presented in Table 3. In Croatia the most frequently isolated Enterobacteriaceae are E. coli, P. aeruginosa and Klebsiella spp. The prevalence rates of these pathogens during observed period (1990-2002) is presented in the Table 5. Comparing this data XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 105 with the data of other authors, it could be concluded that the prevalence rate of these pathogens was in correspondence with this data. From the epidemiological point of view, the dry period is the very important for environmental streptoccocal mastitis because the rate of IMI in this period is approximately 5.5-fold greater than the rate in lactating period and about 55% of environmental streptococcal IMI present in the first half of the dry period persist to lactation. (Todhunter et al., 1995). Epidemiological study performed in Germany in period between 2001 and 2002 showed that out of 26.4% (n=2614) of samples contained mastitis pathogens, Corynebacterium bovis with CNS was predominant findings, accounting for 62.2% of the positive samples (Tenhagen et al., 2006). In Croatia were isolated Corynebacterium pyogenes (Table 4) with a very low prevalence rate. Comparing the microbiological status of different sites (milk (n=94), mammary parenchima (n= 184), gland cystern (n=168) and teat cistern (n=168)) collected from slaughtered naturally infected dairy cows, (positive results were obtained in 67.0%, 70.1%, 55.9% and 48.8% respectively), Corynebacterium bovis was the predominant pathogen in milk compared to other sites (Benites et al., 2002). Overview of the somatic cell count (SCC) In the most breeding programs, SCC was used as indicator for mastitis susceptibility (Emanuelson and Funke, 1991; Wilson et al., 1997). The dairy industry worldwide has imposed regulatory limits for bulk milk somatic cells count (BMSCC). This limit in Croatia is 400.000 cells/ml (NN 102/2000 and NN 134/2007), in Chile 330.000 cells/ml (Tadich et al., 2003), in th USA 750.000 cells/ml (Wilson et al., 1997). In the Netherlands arithmetic mean BMSCC per herd ranged from 67.000 cells/ml to 422.000 cells/ml for the 274 herds (average 204.000 cells/ml) (Barkema et al., 1998). Factors associated with the high BMSCC are infection status of the quarter, number of quarters infected, age of cows, stage of lactation, season of the year, stress, management (Wilson et al., 1997; Barkema et al., 1999b). De Haas et al. (2002) showed that SCC was high shortly after parturition and in the end of the lactation. Multiparous cows had generally higher SCC than heifers. CM caused by Gram-negative pathogens such as E. coli, Klebsiella spp or Pseudomonas spp occurred much more in herds with low BMSCC (Barkema et al., 1998). Therefore, low SCC herds are considered to have higher levels of environmental mastitis or CM caused by Staph aureus has been observed much more in herds with BMSCC lower than 150.000 cells/ml (Erskine et al., 1988; Elbers et al., 1998). Barkema et al. (1998) also found lower values in BMSCC in cows infected with Staph aureus in the study. In bacteriologically positive cows in Swiss (n=142) having from 190.000 to 566.000 cells/ ml Staph aureus (28.9%) and Coagulase-negative streptococci (28.2%) were the most frequently isolated pathogens (Roesch et al., 2007). Although the IMI caused by contagious pathogens like Staph. aureus and Str. agalactiae has been associated with high BMSCC (Keefe et al., 1997; Wilson, et al., 1997; Tadich et al., 2003), some studies suggested that low SCC was also associated with high incidence rate of CM (Elbers et al., 1998; Beaudeau et al., 2002). These opposite results depend on many factors such as the accuracy of CM evaluation (Peeler et al., 2003), SCC measurement level (Beaudeau et al., 2002) or management practices (Elbers et al., 1998). Erskine et al. (1988) compared herds with a very high BMSCC (>700.000 cells/ml) and with a low BMSCC (<150.000 cells/ml) and found a higher incidence of CM in herds with the low BMSCC. According to type of farm management or management practices statistical higher values in SCC was found in organic than in conventional farms (Roesch et al., 2007). In Swiss, SCC showed linearly increase with increasing numbers of CMT-positive quarters and there was close association between SCC and the number of CMT-positive quarters. About 85% of the analyzed milk samples ranging from 190.000 to 566.000 cells/ml were bacteriologically positive 106 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 (Roesch et al., 2007). Suriyasathaporn et al. (2000) and Beaudeau et al. (2002) have noted that herds with high proportion of cows with low SCCs appeared to be at increased risk of CM. Herds infected with Str. agalactiae had higher BMSCC than uninfected herds (Keefe et al., 1997) In some countries has been noted a decrease in BMSCC in dairy herds in recent years. In Dutch dairy industry has been noted a decrease in BMSCC from 310.000 cells/ml in 1985 to 221.000 cells/ml in 1995 (Barkema et al., 1998). Osteras et al. (2006) also observed decreas in BMSCC from 173.000 to 113.000 cells /ml, but incidence of CM has increased. The reason for this is targeted therapy of cows with the high SCC. The same situation was observed in Croatia where SCC as well as total bacterial count (TBC) decreased from 2003 to 2007 (Table 6). Mean SCC in 2003 and 2007 were 209.063 and 165.216 respectively and total bacterial count in raw milk 236.958 and 54.049 respectively (Dakić et al, 2007). According to the data of Laboratory for Milk Control in Križevci it could be seen that during the observed period (2003-2007), about 70-80% of bulk milk contained less than 400.000cells/ml. In 2003 and 2004 about 15% of samples had more than 600.000cells/m, but in 2005 and 2006 this percentage was about 10%. During this period the mean of TBC of bulk tank milk samples containing less than 100.000 was increased from about 25% in 2003 to about 65% in 2006. In January 2003 was noted the highest percentage (about 70%) of milk samples containing TBC more than 400.000. In December 2006 this percentage was about 20% (Dakić at al., 2007). Influence of season on the level of BMSCC has been also observed. Busato et al. (2000) showed that BMSCC in SCM in organic herds ranged from 79.000 to 142.000 cells/ml depending on season of year and management. In winter BMSCC was lower (79.000 cells/ml) than in summer (94.000 cells/ml). In 300 Dutch dairy farms (Riekernik et al., 2007) the highest BMSCC was found in August and September, but individual cow SCC was the highest in August and May. Dakić et al. (2007) also reported seasonal variation in milk quality. Number of milk samples which fulfil the standards of EU quality, was the highest in March and in December. Conclusion Accordinig to analysed epidemiological data, it could be concluded that the IMI is present in many countries both developed and developing. The level of prevalence of SCM in some European countries varied approximately from 9-53% but in developing countries increased up to 70%. Incidence rate for CM varied approximately from 20 to 50 cases per 100 cow-years at risk. In developed countries with incorporated control program, prevalence of SCM was reduced but CM continues to be a great problem. On the other side, in developing countries SCM is more prevalent than CM. The level of occurrence of IMI in Croatia stayed within the framework of the frequency of occurrence of IMI in European countries. The most SCM were caused by Staphylococci, Streptocococi, Escherichia coli and Corynebacterium bovis. The most frequent causes of IMI in Croatia were Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus agalactiae. The most commonly isolated Coagulase negative staphylococci (CNS) worldwide are Staph. chromogenes, Staph. epidermidis and Staph. similans. From the epidemiological point of view, the dry period is the very important for environmental streptoccocal (Str. uberis and Str. dysgalactiae) mastitis as well as for the Enterobacteriaceae (E. Coli, Klebsiella spp, Serratia spp and Citrobacter spp) classifing as a opportunistic environmental pathogens. In Croatia the most frequently isolated Enterobacteriaceae are E. coli, P. aeruginosa and Klebsiella spp. In the most breeding programs, SCC was used as indicator for mastitis susceptibility. Factors associated with the high BMSCC are infection status of the quarter, number of quarters infected, age XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 107 of cows, stage of lactation, season of the year, stress, management. CM caused by Gram-negative pathogens such as E. coli, Klebsiella spp or Pseudomonas spp occurred much more in herds with low BMSCC. IMI caused by contagious pathogens like Staph. aureus and Str. agalactiae has been associated with high BMSCC, but some studies suggested that low SCC was also associated with high incidence rate of CM caused by these pathogens. In some countries has been noted a decrease in BMSCC in dairy herds in recent years. The same situation was observed in Croatia. Despite of the decreasing trend some pathogen IMI in dairy cows, CM as well as streptococcal and staphylococcal mastitis remain the most common IMI. The most important risk factors associated with increased prevalecne of SCM are early lactation period, lesions on the skin of teat and /or udder, rainy season, at least 8 parities and poor body conditions. The main risk factors associated with increased incidence of CM are high milk production, very low bulk-milk SCC, leaking milk and use of post milking teat disinfection. Obtained results differ in different counties because of specific climatic, housing and dairy breed conditions. Since the results of risk analysis depend on country to country, it could be useful to perform studies of risk analysis for IMI in Croatian climatic, housing and dairy breed conditions. Although in Croatia some epidemiological studies were done, there is still a need for additional epidemiological observational studies on risk for IMI as well as on prevalence of SCM and incidence rate of CM in order to prevent udder health problem in dairy herds in Croatia. References 1. Aeberhard K., R. Bruckmaier, J. W. 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The central molecular interaction, which dictates the selection of the specificity of T cells, depends on the interaction between MHC molecules and peptides derived from degraded antigenic structures. Here, we studied this interaction between bovine MHC class II molecules and peptides derived from foot and mouth disease virus (FMDV). Progress during the last decade in our understanding of the mechanisms underlying antigen recognition by T lymphocytes, opens the possibility to apply this knowledge in new approaches for the development of vaccines. Key words: BoLA-DR molecules, MHC-peptide binding assay, T cell epitopes, FMDV Sažetak Imunoregulacija posredovana T stanicama ima važnu ulogu u imunosti. Središnja molekulska interakcija, koja određuje vrstu specifičnosti T stanica, ovisi o interakciji između MHC molekula i peptida koji potječu od razgrađenih antigenih struktura. U ovoj studiji proučavane su interakcije goveđih MHC molekula klase II i peptida nastalih od virusa slinavke i šapa (FMDV). Napredak ostvaren tijekom zadnjeg desetljeća u shvaćanju mehanizama koji su temelj antigenog prepoznavanja od strane T limfocita, otvara mogućnost primjene tog znanja u novim pristupima za razvoj vakcina. Ključne riječi: BoLA-DR molekule, test vezanja MHC-peptida, epitopi T stanice, FMDV Introduction: Progress during the last decade in our understanding of the mechanisms underlying antigen recognition by T lymphocytes, opens the possibility to apply this knowledge in new approaches for the development of vaccines. Vaccines induce protective immunity: a status of long-lasting pathogenspecific immunological memory protecting against disease caused by the pathogen. T cell mediated immunoregulation plays an important role in protective immunity. This paper highlights fundamental aspects of T cell mediated immunity in the bovine species. The central molecular interaction, which dictates the selection of the specificity of T cells, depends on the interaction between MHC molecules and peptides derived from degraded antigenic structures. Here, we studied this interaction between bovine MHC class II molecules and peptides derived from foot and mouth disease virus (FMDV). Although bovine immunology does not offer us all the tools and reagents that are available in species like man and mouse, cattle and FMDV together offer a unique combination of tools for our goals. FMDV is a disease causing a major threat to cattle farming, and extensive efforts have been made to control the disease, including attempts to use vaccines prepared from short peptides covering areas of the virus where dominant antibody binding sites are located. As a matter of fact, cattle is the only species with so many reported studies on vaccination with peptides. This information is instrumental for our approach. The MHC in cattle is well defined, and our access to animals homozygous for their MHC haplotypes is instrumental. When animals are heterozygous, and therefore two different XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 113 haplotypes are expressed, it is almost impossible to analyse the function of individual molecules at the molecular level. The combination of FMDV and cattle allows us to study the vaccination against a viral disease in its natural host from the molecular level in vitro up to in vivo immunisation and challenge. Previous work on the use of peptides derived from the protein VP1 of FMDV, containing the major B cell epitope of the virus, which lack solid protection, has generated the question whether an anti-viral T cell helper response is required for protection against FMDV at the time of challenge. Bovine T cell responses against. Several T cell epitopes of FMDV were defined and studied by us in the context of animals homozygous for their MHC. By applying an in vitro priming-restimulation assay with bovine T cells, the potential T cell epitopes of FMDV were identified in the context of three frequently expressed BoLA-DRB3 alleles. Furthermore we studied whether these epitopes can stimulate a T cell response cross-reactive with virus as antigen, in our opinion a prerequisite for protection. At least one T cell epitope, namely VP4 [20-34] appeared to be cross-reactive with the virus and also to be promiscuous in the context of the three haplotypes tested. Materials & Methods: The animals used in this study were Holstein-Frisian cattle, homozygous for both MHC class I and II haplotypes. Viral antigen was prepared as described by Van Lierop et al. The sequence of all peptides used in this study was based on the published sequence of FMDV strain A10Holland.. They were prepared by automated simultaneous multiple peptide synthesis (SMPS). In vitro priming of T lymphocytes and lymphocyte proliferation assays were performed as described by Haghparast et al. The purification of bovine DR molecules and the development of a MHC class II-peptide binding assay was performed as described by Haghparast et al. Results & Discussion: The first major issue that we addressed in the present study was to determine the restriction on antigen presentation by bovine MHC class II molecules in relation to their polymorphism. In order to study the molecular interactions between antigenic peptides and bovine MHC class II DR (BoLADR) molecules, we developed a competitive MHC class II-peptide binding assay with bovine MHC class II molecules. Emphasis was given to DR molecules, since previous studies from our laboratory suggested that the presentation of the T cell epitopes of FMDV was primarily mediated by BoLA-DR molecules. The suggestion was substantiated by blocking experiments with a monoclonal antibody specific for BoLA-DR molecules. For the conclusive results, the MHC-peptide binding assay was used. Restriction of the T cell epitopes to certain MHC class II haplotypes was indeed reflected at the level of MHC-peptide interaction. Besides the fact that we developed a tool that can contribute to the improvement of our knowledge on bovine immunology, it confirmed our previous hypothesis on the presentation of the defined T cell epitopes of FMDV at the molecular level. This explained that the bovine MHC molecules can dictate whether an epitope becomes available for recognition or not in the context of that MHC haplotype. This has direct consequences for the use of peptides in outbred species, as vaccine candidates as well as in other applications. The mimicry of T cell responses induced by the retro-inverso(RI) peptides corresponding to the defined T cell epitopes of FMDV and whether this response might be cross-reactive with the Lpeptides and the virus was also analysed in this study. Due to their higher resistance to proteolytic degradation and their ability to induce high and cross-reactive antibody titers, RI-peptides seemed to be interesting candidate structures to mimic the cognate epitopes and thereby persist in the biological fluid for longer periods of time. The successful attempt of Muller to induce high antibody titers by the RI-VP1 [141-159] peptide, which were cross-reactive with the natural L-peptide and the virus, stimulated us to use this concept in the context of T cell mediated immunity. To explore the possibility 114 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 to generate T cell responses against RI-peptide and to study cross-reactivity to the natural epitope, we used the same strategy that was applied in the first part of this study. An extremely poor T cell response and lack of mimicry to the natural L-peptides was found. Consequently, we investigated the RI-peptides by our established competitive MHC-peptide binding assay. We analysed the interaction of RI-analogues of the FMDV derived peptides with purified bovine DR molecules in all possible combinations, and showed that the weak T cell response and lack of mimicry was accompanied by an insufficient MHC-peptide interaction. Our study showed that the RI-peptides are not suitable to be used as peptidomimetics of T cell epitopes, because of poor binding to MHC class II molecules, which is a prerequisite for T cell stimulation. However, one can not exclude their application as therapeutic agents when targeted to other interactions than with the MHC molecules. In the context of the previously successful attempts on antibody induction by the RI-peptides, our findings suggest that the help for the antibody response in those cases most likely came from the carrier molecules that were coupled to these peptides. The experimental lack of mimicry between the natural L-peptides of defined T cell epitopes of FMDV and their RI-counterparts due to insufficient MHC-peptide binding was analysed in more detail by molecular modelling. Employing this approach, we were able to elucidate in more detail, how RI-peptides interact with MHC class II molecules. First, the three dimensional structure of the bovine MHC class II was modelled. The BoLA structures were modelled using the knowledge of the crystal structure of HLA-DR1 complexed with the influenza haemagglutinin (HA) epitope. We observed that it was possible to use the bovine MHC class II models as a basis to design peptide binding motifs. The prediction of the motifs for the three BoLA-DR structures was based only on MHC structural information. There was no defined motif for bovine MHC class II molecules reported so far. The biological properties of the predicted motifs were verified by the competitive MHC-peptide binding assay. The structural and biological results were compatible and correlated in three out of four motifs. This implied that the models could be used for further analysis. Molecular analysis of interaction patterns of RI-peptides with MHC class II molecules revealed loss of both energy interactions and hydrogen bonding patterns of RI-peptides with MHC class II molecules. A motif prediction based solely on MHC structure can pave the way for further applications in more species, and it might have an impact on finding potential candidate epitopes for vaccine development. References: 1. 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ImmunogeneticsJul;51(8-9):733-42. 116 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Parasitology Parazitologija XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 117 118 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 ANALYSIS OF THE PREVALENCE AND PARASITIC INTENSITY BY LUNG NEMATODA IN ROE DEER (Capreolus capreolus) HUNTED IN GALICIA (NW SPAIN): EFFECT OF AGE ANALIZA POJAVNOSTI I INTENZITETA INVAZIJE PLUĆNIM NEMATODIMA U SRNA (Capreolus capreolus) ODSTRIJELJENIH U GALICIJI (SZ ŠPANJOLSKA): UTJECAJ DOBI Díez-Baños, P., Dacal, V., Vázquez, L., Pardo, M., Cienfuegos, S., Díez-Baños, N. **, López, C., Panadero, R., Morrondo, P. Parasitología y Enfermedades Parasitarias. Dpto. Patología Animal. Facultad de Veterinaria. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. 27002. Lugo. ** Parasitología y Enfermedades Parasitarias. Dpto. Sanidad Animal. Facultad de Veterinaria. Universidad de León. 24071. León. ABSTRACT Total of 75 roe deer hunted in different forest districts in Lugo province (NW Spain) within May – October 2007, were necropsied and the respiratory tracts examined for bronchopulmonary nematodes. The recovery of lung nematodes was realized by longitudinally opening the trachea and big bronchia to collect adults of Dictyocaulidae. Lung surface was also examined, and the localization and distribution of the lesions caused by nematode Protostrongylidae were recorded. Finally, the lesion areas tissue were cut up into small pieces, weighed and homogenized prior to use the Baermann-Wetzel method to recover the 1st stage larvae (L1) and to assess the number of L1 per gram of lung (lpg). Data were analyzed by taking into account the age of animals, considering three groups: G-1 (< 3 yr), G-2 (3-5 yr) and G-3 (>6 yr). On the pulmonary surface, especially in the apexes of caudal lobes, macroscopic lesions characteristic of V. capreoli infection were observed in 90. 3% of the animals. Nor lesions or broncopulmonary nematoda larvae were observed in the other lungs. The prevalence of D. noerneri was 16% by the larval migration probe, and a low infection intensity was achieved. When considering age, a similar percentage of infection was obtained in young animals (G-1= 16. 7%) and in the adult ones (G-2= 19. 2%). However, a low nematode larvae burden was recovered. D. noerneri larvae were not observed in roe deer from G-3. Fifty-one percent of the animals had L1 of V. capreoli and no significant differences were achieved by considering the age of roe deer. The number of lpg was significantly higher in G-1 and G-2 than in G-3. Sažetak Sveukupno je razudbom pretražen nalaz bronhopulmonarnih nematoda u dišnom sustavu 75 srna odstrijeljenih u različitim šumovitim područjima, u provinciji grada Luga (sjeverozapadna Španjolska) od svibnja do listopada 2007. Plućni nematodi dobiveni su longitudinalnim otvaranjem traheje i velikih bronha kako bi se dobili adulti Dictyocaulidae. Pretraživana je površina pluća, te su bilježene lokalizacija i raspored lezija uzrokovanih nematodima Protostrongylidae. Na kraju, tkivo u području lezija je isecirano u male komadiće, izvagano i homogenizirano prije nego li je primijenjena Baermann - Wetzel metoda dobivanja ličinki 1 stupnja (L1) i određen broj L1 po gramu pluća (lpg). Podatci su analizirani uzimajući u obzir dob životinja, koje su u tom smislu podijeljene u 3 skupine: G1 (<3 god.), G2 (3-5god.) i G3 (>6god.). Na površini pluća, posebno u apeksima kaudalnih režnjeva, primijećene su makroskopske lezije karakteristične za invaziju V. capreoli u 90,3% životinja. U preostalim plućima nisu primijećene ni lezije ni ličinke bronhopulmonarnih nematoda. Utvrđena je pojavnost D. noerneri probom migracije ličinki od 16%, pri čemu je intenzitet XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 119 invazije bio nizak. Glede dobi, slični postotci invadiranosti primijećeni su u mladih (G1 = 16,7%) i u odraslih životinja (G2 = 19,2%). Ipak, dobiveno je malo ličinki nematoda. Ličinke D. noerneri nisu primijećene u skupini srna iz skupine G3. 51% životinja imalo je L1 V. capreoli pri čemu nisu primijećene znakovite razlike glede dobi srna. Broj lpg bio je znakovito viši u skupinama G1 i G2, nego u G3. INTRODUCTION Roe deer, the smallest of Spanish cervids, are widespread in the northwest of Spain and especially in Galicia, where roe deer are of considerable economic value as a source of meat. In addition, they are a sport hunting species, which also generates economic advantages. The main lungworms of roe deer are Dictyocaulus noerneri, located in the bronchi and bronchioles, and Varestrongylus capreoli found in the lung tissue parenchyma. Both nematodes were reported for the first time in Spain by Carrillo et al. (1995). The work described herein is part of a larger study examining the parasite fauna of roe deer in northwest Spain. The main objective was to establish the prevalence and intensity of infection by bronchopulmonary nematodes in roe deer, as well as the influence of age of animals. MATERIALS AND METHODS Between May and October 2007, a total of 75 roe deer were necropsied and the respiratory tracts examined for bronchopulmonary nematodes. The respiratory tract, including lungs and trachea, was recovered from each animal. The trachea and main bronchi were opened longitudinally with a pair of scissors, carefully examined and, after placing them under running water, the lavage was poured into a container to collect the larvae present. A visual inspection of dorsal and basal edges of the lungs was carried out and the presence and distribution of verminous nodules were recorded. After that we dissected carefully the pulmonary parenchyma, specially damaged areas, under a dissecting microscope to extract specimens adults of V. capreoli. Immediately after we, cut up then tissue pulmonary into small pieces and placed in 8–10 small bags, using the Baermann–Wetzel method to assess the number of first stage larvae (L-1) per gram (lpg). The L-1 count was carried out using Favati or McMaster chambers. Data were analyzed by taking into account the age of animals, considering three groups: G-1 (< 3 yr), G-2 (3-5 yr) and G-3 (>6 yr). RESULTS As reflected in Table 1 when considering age, a similar percentage of infection by D. noerneri was obtained in young animals and in the adult ones, and the same results are seen so in the parasitic burden. Statistical differences in the prevalence and intensity of infection by V. capreoli by taking into account the age of the roe deers were not recorded. Table 1: Lungworm infection in roe deer from Galicia during 2007 Age G-1 G-2 G-3 120 Prevalence (%) D. noerneri 16. 7 19. 2 0 V. capreoli 50 50 54. 5 Intensity (lpg) D. noerneri 1. 7 1. 5 0 V. capreoli 5. 7 4. 9 0. 2 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 On the pulmonary surface, especially on the border of caudal lobes, macroscopic lesions (Figure 1) characteristic of V. capreoli infection were observed in 90. 3% of the examined animals. Figure 1: Locations of the main spot lesions caused by Varestrongylus capreoli The prevalence (16%) and intensity of infection ( x = 1. 6 lpg) of D. noerneri was low that of V. capreoli (51%, x = 3. 6 lpg). Discussion In this study, we have identified two different species of bronchopulmonary nematodes in roe deer: V. capreoli and D. noerneri. Both species are considered highly specific for roe deer. Those species were previously reported in Spain by Carrillo et al. (1994, 1995), and Panadero et al. (2001). These results agree with those of Drózdz et al. (1992), who also recorded these two species in roe deer from Poland. V. capreoli is considered a specific parasite of roe deer, in which it causes important pathomorphological changes in their lungs. The distribution and intensity of the lesions found in the lungs are in agreement with previous studies developed in the same area (Carrillo et al., 1994, 1995, Panadero et al., 2001). V. capreoli was much more abundant than D. noerneri. The tendency of prevalence to increase with host age seems to be a common pattern in Protostrongylids parasitizing domestic ruminants. Bidoveç et al. (1985) reported that the lungs of the oldest animals were the most parasitized. This is of great epizootiologic interest, since the oldest roe deer would play a very active part in the maintenance of the infection, among young animals. In the case of Dictyocaulus, an acquired immunity could have two consequences first becoming effective against establishment of reinfection, and secondly can affect the mortality rate of developing larvae (Scott et al. 1996), so this would explain the low infection rate and larval counts found in this study. Larvae from Dictyocaulus were not found in the oldest roe deer, which agrees with previous XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 121 data on bronchopulmonary parasites in chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra), (Díez-Baños et al., 1990). The absence of Dictyocaulus in chamois was related to the age of examined animals Our results seem to indicate that the youngest animals had the greatest prevalence and intensity of infection by D. noerneri and V. capreoli. Besides this, although the high prevalences of bronchopulmonary nematodes in roe deer from Galicia, parasitic burdens are at low levels, and in general, do not represent a direct risk for their lives. However, it is possible that lung lesions, caused by the former worms, facilitate the appearance of problems due to other pathogen agents that reduce the respiratory function in the animals. ACKNOWLEDMENTS We are grateful to Food and Agrarian National Technology Institute (MEC), Spain by the concession of the Research Project FAU2006-00006-00-00, and Xunta de Galicia (Spain) by the Research Project 07MRU034261PR and especially to Galician hunters and Federación Galega de Caza. REFERENCES Bidoveç, A., Valentincić, S., Kuses, M. (1985). Parasitic pneumonia in chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra L.) in Slovenia. In: Lovary, S. (Ed.), The Biology and Management of Mountain Ungulates. pp. 240–242. Carrillo, E. B., Morrondo, P., Díez-Baños, N., Díez-Baños, P., López, J. L. (1994). First report of Dictyocaulus noerneri Railliet et Henri, 1907 (Nematoda: Trichostrongyloidea) in Spain. Research and Reviews in Parasitology, 54: 265–267. Carrillo, E. B., Díez-Baños, N., Morrondo, P., López, J. L., Díez-Baños, P. (1995). Infección por Varestrogylus capreoli (Stroh and Schmid, 1938) Dougherty, 1945, en pulmones de corzo (Capreolus capreolus) en Galicia. IV Congreso Ibérico de Parasitología. Santiago de Compostela, España. 24-28 julio 1995. Díez-Baños, P., Díez-Baños, N., Morrondo, M. P., Cordero Del Campillo, M., (1990). Bronchopulmonary helminths of chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra parva) captured in northwest Spain: assessment from first stage larvae in faeces and lungs. Annales de Parasitologie Humaine et Comparée, 65: 74–79. Drózdz, J., Demiaszkiewicz, A. W., Lachowicz, J. (1992). The helminth fauna of the roe deer Capreolus capreolus (L.) in a hunting area inhabited by red deer, elk and European bison (Borecka Forest, Poland) over the yearly cycle. Acta Parasitologica Polonica, 37: 83–88. Panadero, R., Carrillo, E. B., López, C., Díez-Baños, N., Díez-Baños, P., Morrondo, P. (2001). Bronchopulmonary helmintos of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in the northwest of Spain. Veterinary Parasitology, 99: 221229. Scott, C. A., McKeand, J. B., Devaney, E. (1996). A longitudinal study of local and peripheral isotype/subclass antibodies in Dictyocaulus viviparus-infected calves. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopatholog, 53: 235–247. 122 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 INFLUENCE OF THE LIVER FLUKE-CONTROL PRACTICES ON THE PREVALENCE AND EGG-OUTPUT IN SEMIEXTENSIVE BEEF CATTLE HERDS UTJECAJ POSTUPAKA KONTROLE JETRENIH METILJA NA POJAVNOST I POLUČIVANJE JAJAŠACA U SEMIEKSTENZIVNO DRŽANIH STADA TOVNIH GOVEDA Díaz, P., J. Pedreira, J. L. Suárez, R. Sánchez-Andrade, R. Panadero, A. Paz-Silva, P. Díez-Baños, P. Morrondo Animal Pathology Department. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. University of Santiago of Compostela. Campus Universitario s/n. 27002 LUGO (Spain). E-mail: mopela@lugo.usc.es. Tel. 34982285900. ABSTRACT In order to assess the influence of the parasite-control methods on the Fasciola hepatica-prevalence and eggexcretion values, 1158 faecal samples were collected from 173 semiextensive beef cattle farms. Samples were directly taken from the rectum of each animal, and they were examined by means of the sedimentation technique. A questionnaire was developed that asked producers for information on their parasite control practices. It was showed that the only control practice used in the farms was chemotherapy, and 31% of the owners reported to never use dewormers. Most of the farmers followed the veterinary advice (98%) for choosing the anthelmintic product, mainly benzimidazoles (80%) in autumn (59%). Nevertheless, it must be pointed out that none of the interviewed owners carried out coprological examinations neither before nor after anthelmintic treatments, and quarantine is not a usual management measure.Herd-level prevalence was slightly lower in farms where a fasciolicide was administered (62%) than in those where an anthelmintic with no efficacy against the trematode was employed (65%). On the contrary, egg-output values were higher in herds dewormed with fasciolicides (Me= 9 epg) than in the rest of farms (Me= 6 epg). The limited fasciolicide efficacy detected in the present study is due to the no adoption of suitable complementary measures for the control of fasciolosis. For this reason, application of integrated control measures is needed, just as a correct diagnosis of the disease, employment of suitable treatments and an appropriate management for control of F. hepatica external stages. It is worth noting the importance of the application of management measures which change the habitats of the intermediate host, the freshwater snail Lymnaea spp., as draining or whitewashing of humid or flooded pastures. Sažetak U svrhu određivanja učinkovitosti antiparazitskih tretmana na pojavnost Fasciola hepatica i količinu polučenih jajašaca, sakupljeno je 1158 uzoraka fecesa sa 173 farme semiekstenzivno držanih tovnih goveda. Uzorci su uzimani izravno iz rektuma svake od životinja te su pretraženi sedimentacijskom tehnikom. Izrađena je anketa za farmere u svezi informacija o provođenim antiparazitskim tretmanima. Utvrđeno je kako je jedini postupak bio (kemo)terapijski, a 31% vlasnika je potvrdilo da nikada nije koristilo antiparazitike. Većina je farmera prihvatila veterinarski savjet (98%) u izboru antihelmintika, uglavnom benzimidazola (80%) u jesen (59%). Ipak, važno je istaknuti da nijedan od intervjuiranih vlasnika nije proveo koprološku pretragu kako prije, tako niti nakon antihelmintskog tretmana te da karantena nije uobičajena mjera u upravljanju farmom. Razina pojavnosti na razini stada je bila lagano niža na farmama gdje je apliciran fasciolicid (62%), nego na onima gje je apliciran antihelmintik neučinkovit prema trematodima (65%). Nasuprot tome, količina izlučenih jajašaca bila je viša u stadima tretiranim fasciolicidima (Me = 9epg), nego na preostalim farmama (Me = 6epg). Ograničena učinkovitost fasciolicida koja je utvrđena u ovoj studiji posljedica je nepostojanja prikladnih komplementarnih mjera za kontrolu fascioloze. Zbog toga je neophodna primjena sustavnih kontrolnih mjera, jednako kao i XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 123 korektna dijagnoza bolesti, korištenje prikladnog tretmana te prikladnog upravljanja kontrolom vanjskih stadija F. hepatica. Bitno je istaknuti važnost primjene mjera koje mijenjaju habitat domaćinu posredniku, vodenom pužu Lymnaea spp., isušivanjem ili kloriranjem vlažnih ili naplavnih pašnjaka. INTRODUCTION Rubia Gallega is an autochthonous beef cattle breed which is located mostly in Galicia (NW of Spain). Its meat has an excellent quality and it is employed to make good use of mountainous pastures because its rusticity and easy adaptation to difficult environments. These animals are mainly managed in a semiextensive system of breeding, and for this reason, the risk of parasite infection is high. Fasciolosis is a parasitic disease caused by the trematode Fasciola hepatica, which has an important negative impact on the animal health, producing substantial economic losses (GonzálezLanza et al., 1989; Díaz et al., 2001). High prevalences by F. hepatica were detected in cattle from Spain, and particularly from Galicia (Díez et al., 1994; Morrondo et al., 2003; Paz et al., 2003; Díaz, 2006). However, there are no studies about methods to keep under control this important parasitic disease. For this reason, a questionnaire was developed to know the parasite control methods employed and the possible relationship between the application of different anthelmintics and the prevalence of infection by F. hepatica in Rubia Gallega cattle from Galicia. MATERIAL AND METHODS From 2002 to 2004, 1158 faecal samples of autochthonous Rubia Gallega cattle breed were taken in 173 semi-extensive farms from Lugo (NW Spain). The period elapsed between the last deworming treatment and the collection of the samples was never inferior to six months. Sedimentation technique was employed to determine the F. hepatica egg output (Tienpont et al., 1979); the results were expressed as number of eggs per gram of faeces (epg). The sensibility of the technique was 3 epg. An epidemiologic survey was designed with the aim of obtaining information about the main parasitic control measures used. So, in the present work we solicited answers from the farm owners in a questionnaire with questions about frequency of treatment per year, time of treatment, anthelmintic used, advice for the election of the drug and dosage calculation. Cooperation with the farmers was fully satisfactory, and all of them participated in the survey. The answers refer to the year before the sampling. The statistical analysis was performed by means of the chi-square and the Kruskal-Wallis tests, performed by the statistical package SPSS (v.14). Median (Me) was determined as tendency marker and the lower and upper quartiles (Q1 and Q3) as dispersion measures. RESULTS The results obtained in the present work showed that the only parasitic control measure used were the application of anthelmintic treatments (69%), following the veterinary advice (98%). Most of farmers administered a benzimidazole (80%), mainly in autumn (59%). The dosage was always calculated depending on the age of the animals. It is worth mentioned that eighty nine percent of the owners who applied a treatment employed a product effective against the trematode. The different drugs used by the farmers are summarized in Table 1. 124 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Table 1. Classification of the drugs employed by the farmers depending on their effectiveness against the liver fluke Fasciola hepatica. FASCIOLICIDE Albendazole Fenbendazole Triclabendazole Netobimin Oxyclozanide Clorsulon NO EFFECTIVE AGAINST F. hepatica Ivermectin Eprinomectin Moxidectin Levamisole Finally, none of the surveyed farmers asked for a coprological analysis either before the treatment or after. Owners neither routinely use coprological examinations to ascertain the presence of parasites nor deworm new animals before introducing them onto the farm. Individual percentage of infection by F. hepatica, as well as herd-level prevalence, was lower in farms where a fasciolicide treatment was administered (Table 2), but the differences were no significant. Table 2. Percentages of infection by F. hepatica taking into account the administration of an effective anthelmintic treatment. INDIVIDUAL PREVALENCE HERD-LEVEL PREVALENCE No effective anthelmintic 26% 65% Fasciolicide 23% 62% TREATMENT When the possible relation between the intensity of egg excretion (epg) and the application of different anthelmintics were investigated (Table 3), slightly higher values of Me, Q1 and Q3 were observed in the farms where a fasciolicide was used. Tabla 3. F. hepatica egg output al taking into account the administration of an effective anthelmintic treatment. TREATMENT No effective anthelmintic Fasciolicide Me (epg) Q1 (epg) Q3 (epg) 6 9 3 6 12 15 DISCUSSION Our results are similar to those reported in cattle from Sardinia (Italy) by Scala et al. (2001), who observed a higher prevalence and egg output in treated than in no dewormed animals. The high F. hepatica prevalences despite of the administration of a fasciolicide drug could be due to the application of no measures for the control of the external phase of the trematode biologic cycle. Previous works showed that the likelihood of cattle reinfection was very high when animals still grazing in pastures contaminated with F. hepatica-metacercariae (Díaz et al., 2001; SánchezAndrade et al., 2001). Nevertheless, these results could also be due to the appearance and development of anthelmintic resistance, as a result of the repetitive application of drugs like triclabendazole or albendazole (Kilgore et al., 1985; Moll et al., 2000, Elitok et al., 2006; Vara del Río, 2007). XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 125 Data obtained in the current work show the need for the application of integrated F. hepatica control measures. Farmers must employ measures to change the trematode intermediate host habitats –like liming or draining of humid or flooded pastures- in addition to the collection of samples for a suitable diagnose of the disease and the administration of a proper treatment. The application of these control measures would reduce the values of prevalence and intensity of excretion by F. hepatica in beef cattle from Galicia maintained in a semiextensive management system. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was supported by the Research Project PGIDT04RAG261009PR (Xunta de Galicia, Spain). REFERENCES Díaz, P.; Arias, M.; Pedreira, J.; Moledo, J.A.; Paz-Silva, A.; Suárez, C.; Panadero, R.; SánchezAndrade, R. (2001). Incidencia de la fasciolosis. El boletín de A.C.R.U.G.A., 15: 12-14. Díaz, P. (2006). Estudio epidemiológico de las principales endoparasitosis del ganado vacuno de raza Rubia Gallega de la provincia de Lugo. Tesis Doctoral. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Díez-Baños, P.; Morrondo, P.; Sánchez-Andrade, R.; Prieto, M.; López, C.; Panadero, R. (1994). Prevalencia de infestación por diferentes formas parasitarias en el ganado vacuno de lugo. IV Congreso Nacional de Buiatría, La Coruña, 10-12 Marzo. Elitok, B.; Elitok, O.M.; Kabu, M. (2006). Field trial on comparative efficacy of four fasciolicides against natural liver fluke infection in cattle. Veterinary Parasitology, 135: 279-285. González-Lanza, C.; Manga, Y.; Del Pozo, P.; Hidalgo, R. (1989). Dynamics of elimination of the eggs of Fasciola hepatica (Trematoda, Digenea) in the faeces of cattle in the Porma Basin, Spain. Veterinary Parasitology, 34: 35-43. Kilgore, R.L.; Williams, M.L.; Benz, G.W.; Gross, S.J. (1985). Comparative efficacy of clorsulon and albendazole against Fasciola hepatica in cattle. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 46: 1553-1555. Moll, L.; Gaasenbeek, C.P.; Vellema, P.; Borgsteede, F.H. (2000). Resistance of Fasciola hepatica against triclabendazole in cattle and sheep in The Netherlands. Veterinary Parasitology, 91: 1538. Morrondo, P.; Díaz, P.; Pedreira, J.; Paz-Silva, A.; Sánchez-Andrade, R.; Suárez, J.L.; Arias, M.; Díez-Baños, P. (2003). Digestive parasitosis affecting to the autochthonous Rubia Gallega cattle. XI Congresso Internazionale della Federazione Mediterranea Sanità e Produzione Ruminanti (Fe.Me.S.P.Rum.), Olbia (Sassari). Paz-Silva, A.; Sánchez-Andrade, R.; Suárez, J.L.; Pedreira, J.; Arias, M.; López, C.; Panadero, R.; Díaz, P.; Díez-Baños, P.; Morrondo, P. (2003). Prevalence of natural ovine fasciolosis shown by demonstrating the presence of serum circulating antigens. Parasitology Research, 91: 328-331. Sánchez-Andrade Fernández, R.; Suárez, J.L.; Paz-Silva, A.; Panadero, R.; Martínez, M.J.; Pedreira, J.; Díez-Baños, P.; Morrondo, P. (2001). Seroprevalence of Fasciola hepatica by direct-ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) and indirect-ELISA of bovine from Galicia (NW Spain) according to their origin. Revista Ibérica de Parasitología (Research and Reviews in Parasitology), 61: 97-101. 126 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Scala, A.; Carfagna, G.; Uras, P.; Poglayen, G.; Gianetto, S.; Gaglio, G. (2001). Rilievi parassitologici in bovini allevati in Gallera (Sardegna). 18th Internacional Conference of The World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (WAAVP). Stresa, Italy. Tienpont, D.; Rochette, F.; Van Parjis, O. (1979). Diagnóstico de las verminosis por el examen coprológico. Janssen Research Foundation. Vara Del Río, M.P. (2007). Control de la Fasciolosis ovina: estudio sobre la fasciolosis ovina y desarrollo de técnicas para su detección y métodos de control. Tesis Doctoral. Universidad de León. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 127 128 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 ROE DEER (Capreolus capreolus) AS A RESERVOIR OF PARASITIC INFECTIONS IN DOMESTIC RUMINANTS UNDER FIELD CONDITIONS IN GALICIA SRNA (Capreolus capreolus) KAO REZERVOAR PARAZITSKIH INVAZIJA ZA PAŠNO DRŽANE DOMAĆE PREŽIVAČE U GALICIJI Morrondo, P., Vázquez, L., Pardo, M., Dacal, V., Díaz, P., Paz, A., Sánchez-Andrade, R., Arias, M.S., Uriarte, J.*, Díez-Baños, P. Parasitología y Enfermedades Parasitarias. Dpto. Patología Animal. Facultad de Veterinaria. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. 27002 Lugo (Spain). *Centro de Investigación y Tecnología Agroalimentaria de Aragón. 50059 Zaragoza (Spain). ABSTRACT From May to October 2007 individual faecal samples from the rectum of 184 roe deer were collected. The alimentary tracts examined were dissected out of the animals killed during hunts in different forest districts from NW Spain. The presence of coccidian oocysts and gastrointestinal nematode and cestode eggs was identified by the flotation technique, trematode eggs by using the sedimentation test and that of bronchopulmonary nematode by migration. Results were expressed as the number of oocysts per gram of faeces (opg), the number of eggs per gram (epg) and the number of larvae per gram (lpg). The presence of infection by coccidian, gastrointestinal nematoda and cestoda was diagnosed in 74% of the animals; trematode infection was not detected, and these results disagree with that from previous investigations carried out in ruminants from Galicia maintained in pastures. The lowest prevalence was achieved in cestoda (3.3%) and the intensity of infection was moderate (308 epg). Higher values for the prevalence and infection intensity for Eimeria coccidian were observed (54.1%). The percentage of roe deer with lung nematoda was elevated (54.1%). We observed 25.7% of the animals had larvae from Dictyocaulus and 44.8% from Varestrongylus. In both cases, low infection intensity was obtained (14 lpg and 3.9 lpg, respectively). The highest prevalence was obtained in gastrointestinal nematode (66.3%) with a moderate egg-output ( x = 136 epg). We identified eggs from Trichostrongylidae (64.7%; Nematodirus (2.7%; x = 132 epg), x = 80 epg), Trichuris (2.7%; x = 50 epg) and Capillaria (2.2%; x = 75 epg). Sažetak Sakupljani su pojedinačni uzorci fecesa iz rektuma 184 srne od svibnja do listopada 2007. godine. Pretraživani probavni trakt je egzenteriran iz životinja odstrijeljenih tijekom lova u različitim šumskim područjima sjeverozapadne Španjolske. Prisutstvo kokcidijskih oocista, gastrointestinalnih nematoda i jajašaca cestoda je utvrđivano tehnikom flotacije, jajašca trematoda testom sedimentacije, a ona bronhopulmonarnih nematoda migracijom. Rezultati su izraženi kao broj oocista po gramu fecesa (opg), brojem jajašaca po gramu (epg) te brojem larvi po gramu (lpg). Prisutstvo invazije kokcidijama, gastrointestinalnim nematodima i cestodima je dijagnosticirano u 74% životinja; invazija trematodima nije utvrđena, a ti rezultati nisu u skladu s onima prethodnih istraživanja provedenih u pašno držanih preživača u Galiciji. Najnižu pojavnost su imali cestodi (3,3%) pri čemu je intenzitet invazije bio umjeren (308epg). Više vrijednosti pojavnosti i intenziteta invazije primijećene su za Eimeria kokcidije (54,1%). Postotak srna sa plućnim nematodima je bio povišen (54,1%). Primijetili smo da je 25,7% životinja imalo larve Dictyocaulus, a 44,8% Varestrongylus. U oba slučaja intenzitet invazije je bio nizak (14 lpg i 3,9 lpg). Najveću su pojavnost imali gastrointestinalni nematodi (66,3%) sa umjerenim nalazom jajašaca ( x = 136 epg). Pronašli smo jajašca Trichostrongylidae (64,7%; Nematodirus (2,7%; x = 132 epg), x = 80 epg), Trichuris (2,7%; x = 50 epg) i Capillaria (2,2%; x = 75 epg). XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 129 INTRODUCTION Galicia is the Community of Spain with a most roe deer density, although are territorial differences to concern their density, and Lugo is the Spanish and Galician province with a more number of roe deer, because of it, in current season permit to hunting already of 4.500 these specimens. Because of it, to deduce that in Galicia we have a population more than 22,500 roe deer. In studies carried out in Spain and in other European countries showed up that parasitic infections are the principal reason of diseases in cervids and roe deer is the most sensible ungulate to parasitic process. In Galicia, roe deer and extensive domestic ruminants share pasture and it can be favourable to exchange the parasitic forms. Because of it, we suspect that wild ruminants and, specifically roe deer, can be a reservoir of parasitic diseases of domestic ruminants in extensive management. In consequence, the knowledge of parasitic species that share roe deer and domestic ruminants will be important and will contribute some solves for cattle and other ruminants that employ the pastures and improve their health. MATERIALS AND METHODS Individual faecal samples were collected between May to October of 2007. The faecal samples were collected directly of intestine of 184 roe deer hunting in different hunting reserves of the province of Lugo. The coprologic analyses (flotation, sedimentation and migration) were made (MAFF, 1986) with faecal samples. Flotation technique was used to demonstrate coccidian ooquists and gastrointestinal eggs of cestoda and nematoda; while sedimentation technique was used to detect eggs of trematode and the method of larvae migration to obtain and to count pulmonary nematode larvae. Later, each sample was examined to the microscope with McMaster cameras, and it calculated the number of ooquists by gram of faeces (opg), the number of eggs by gram of faeces (hpg) and also larvae by gram of faeces (lpg). RESULTS In 74% of the analyzed faeces samples we obtain, in different amounts, ooquists of protozoa, gastrointestinal eggs of cestoda and nematoda and larvae of broncopulmonary nematoda; on the contrary, in no one of studied samples were eggs of trematoda. As it is observed in Table 1, the animals presented a high prevalence and intensity of infection by Eimeria, whereas the prevalence and intensity of infection by eggs of cestoda were little. 130 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Table 1: Percentage of infected animals and parasitation intensity. PROTOZOA CESTODA PULMONARY NEMATODA GASTROINTESTINAL NEMATODA Eimeria Moniezia Dictyocaulus Varestongylus Trichostrongylidae Nematodirus Trichuris Capillaria Prevalence (%) 34.8 3.3 25.7 44.8 64.7 2.7 2.7 2.2 Intensity (opg/hpg/lpg) 913 308 14 3.9 132 80 50 75 Also, in Table 1 details to prevalence and intensity of infection of main genera of broncopulmonary and gastrointestinal nematoda. However, it was observed that prevalence of infection of broncopulmonary nematoda was elevated (54.1%), the intensity of infection was low (10 lpg); on the contrary, the animals presented a high prevalence of infection by gastrointestinal nematoda (66.3%) and the intensity of infection was considered like moderate (136 epg). DISCUSION When comparing the results obtained in this study with previous found by us (DÍAZ et al., 2005, 2007) in extensive cattle of Galicia, we verified that, as wild ruminants as domestic ones, eliminated coccidian ooquists and cestoda and gastrointestinal nematoda eggs and pulmonary nematoda larvae. In the roe deer, the prevalence and intensity of coccidian infection and cestoda were inferior to found by DÍAZ et al. (2005) in cattle of Rubia Gallega in Lugo province (79.8%, x = 44.9 opg for Eimeria and 26%, x = 33,4 hpg for Moniezia). Strongilid infection prevalence in roe deer was less to obtained by DÍAZ et al. (2007) in Rubia Gallega cows (96%); on the contrary, in cattle, DÍAZ et al. (2007) indicates infection prevalences for Nematodirus (1%), Trichuris (1%) and Capillaria (9%) similar to found ones in the samples coming from roe deer. In infected cattle for nematodes have not been observed broncopulmonary nematoda (Dictyocaulus), possibly must that not collected calves smaller than one year themselves they are more parasited generally for pulmonary nematoda. On the contrary, high prevalence of Dictyocaulus noerneri in roe deer can be caused because this species of broncopulmonary nematoda does not produce a protective immunity as happens to Dictyocaulus viviparus in the cattle. In roe deer, trematode infection was not detected, and these results disagree with that from previous investigations (DÍAZ et al., 2007; MORRONDO et al., 2005) carried out in Rubia Galega cattle (24% Fasciola hepatica; 12.9% Calicophoron daubneyi and 6.2% Dicrocoelium dendriticum) from Galicia maintained in common or near pastures with roe deer. Although it is necessary to continue deepening in parasitic species that affect roe deer, in this study we have verified when roe deer and cows share common habitats have identified more genera of protozoan, cestoda and nematoda of which it is possible to be deduced that roe deer could act like reservoir of parasitic infections that affect cattle when it is maintained in extensive pastures. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 131 Our findings support the interest for studies about cross-infections and their epidemiological consequences which are needed to be known to get a better control. ACKNOWLEDMENTS We are grateful to Food and Agrarian National Technology Institute (MEC), Spain by the concession of the Research Project FAU2006-00006-00-00, and Xunta de Galicia (Spain) by the Research Project 07MRU034261PR and especially to Galician hunters and Federación Galega de Caza. REFERENCES DÍAZ, P.; PEDREIRA, J.; ARIAS, M.S.; LOMBA, C.; SUÁREZ, J.L.; PAZ, A.; MORRONDO, P. (2005). Infecciones parasitarias en vacas de raza Rubia Gallega de la provincia de Lugo: influencia de la edad. Buiatría Española, 10: 231-234. DÍAZ P, PEDREIRA J, ARIAS M, PAINCEIRA A, LOMBA C, SANCHEZ-ANDRADE R, MORRONDO P, DIEZ-BANOS P. (2007). Prevalencia de infección por nematodos gastrointestinales en vacas Rubia Gallega explotadas en semiextensivo. Información Técnica Económica Agraria (ITEA), Volumen: Extra (28): 549-551. DÍAZ P, PAZ-SILVA A, SÁNCHEZ-ANDRADE R, SUÁREZ JL, PEDREIRA J, ARIAS M, DÍEZ-BAÑOS P, MORRONDO P. (2007). Assessment of climatic and orographic conditions on the infection by Calicophoron daubneyi and Dicrocoelium dendriticum in grazing beef cattle (NW Spain). Veterinary Parasitology, 149: 285-289. MAFF, (1986). Manual of Veterinary Parasitological Laboratory Techniques. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Technical Bulletin Nº18, London, HMSO, 2-67. MORRONDO, P.; DÍAZ, P.; PEDREIRA, J.; SANCHEZ-ANDRADE, R.; PAZ, A.; DÍEZ-BAÑOS, P. (2005). Trematodosis prevalence in Rubia Gallega cattle from different climatic areas. 13 Congresso Internazionale della Federazione Mediterranea Sanità e Produzione Ruminanti (Fe.Me.S.P.Rum). Bari (Italia), 1-3 Septiembre 2005. 132 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 A SEROEPIDEMIOLOGICAL SURVEY OF BOVINE PARAMPHISTOMOSIS BY USING THE Cd2 ELISA SEROEPIDEMIOLOŠKO ISTRAŽIVANJE GOVEĐE PARAMFISTOMOZE METODOM Cd2 ELISA Francisco, I., M. Arias, J. Pedreira, A. Paz-Silva, R. Francisco, R. Sánchez-Andrade, P. Díaz, J. L. Suárez, P. Díez-Baños, P. Morrondo. Parasitology and Parasitic diseases, Animal Pathology Department, Veterinary Faculty, Santiago de Compostela University. Campus Universitario s/n. 27002-Lugo, SPAIN. E-mail: adolpaz@lugo.usc.es. Tel. 34982285900 Abstract With the aim of gaining more knowledge about the epidemiology of the bovine paramphistomosis, a serological survey was conducted in beef cattle maintained under field conditions. From February 2006 to February 2007, blood samples were collected from 453 autochthonous Rubia Gallega cattle in NW Spain. These are cattle kept under field conditions in semi-extensive management, going out to grazing areas daily and brought into the paddocks during the night. The prevalence of paramphistomosis was calculated by means of an ELISA test to the detection of IgG antibodies against Calicophoron daubneyi. For this purpose, excretory/ secretory antigens (CdES) were fractionated by electrophoresis and a 52-kDa protein recovered by electroelution (Cd2). Data were analyzed by taking into account the age of animals, grazing area, number of cattle in the farm, administration of antiparasites and frequency of chemotherapy. The overall percentage was 63% (59, 67). The highest seroprevalence was observed in the youngest animals (71%; 67, 75). When the percentages of paramphistomosis were analyzed by considering the grazing area, the greatest values were observed in the coastal region (84%; 81, 87) and the lowest in the mountainous ones (62%; 58, 66). By using the Chi square test, significant differences were achieved (χ2= 6.380, p= 0.041). The analysis of the effect of the number of cattle in the farms on the seroprevalence showed higher percentages of paramphistomosis on flocks with more than 25 animals (96%; 94, 98) and lower in that with 15-25 (73%; 69, 77), and these differences were significant (χ2= 6.763, p= 0.046). The seroprevalence was significantly greater in farms where an antiparasitic treatment was administrated (82%; 78, 86) (χ2= 5.977, p= 0.048). Finally, the frequency of deworming did not affect to the infection by C. daubneyi, and similar percentages (82%; 78, 86) were obtained by treating 1 or 2 times per year. Sažetak U cilju dobivanja novih spoznaja o epidemiologiji goveđe paramfistomoze, izvedeno je serološko istraživanje na pašno držanim tovnim govedima. Uzorci krvi uzimani su od veljače 2006. do veljače 2007., na 453 goveda autohtone Rubia Gallega pasmine u sjeverozapadnoj Španjolskoj. Goveda su držana semiekstenzivno, tijekom dana na pašnjacima, a noću u štalama. Pojavnost paramfistomoze računata je ELISA testom kojim su se određivala IgG antitijela za Calicophoron daubneyi. U tu svrhu frakcionirani su ekskretorni/sekretorni antigeni (CdES) elektroforezom, a 52-kDa bjelančevina elektroelucijom (Cd2). Podatci su analizirani uzimajući u obzir dob životinja, pašne površine, broj životinja na farmi, aplikaciju antiparazitika i učestalost terapije.Sveukupni postotak iznosio je 63%. Najviša je seroprevalencija primijećena u najmlađih životinja (71%). Kada su postotci paramfistomoze analizirani uzimajući u obzir pašnu površinu, najviše su vrijednosti primijećene u obalnoj regiji (84%), a najniže u planinskim (62%). Korištenjem Chi square testa dosegnute su signifikantne razlike (χ2= 6,380; p=0,041). Analiza utjecaja broja goveda na farmi na seroprevalenciju pokazala je viši postotak paramfistomoze u stadima sa više od 25 grla (96%), a niži u onima sa 15-25 grla (73%), a te su razlike bile signifikantne (χ2= XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 133 6,763, p= 0,046). Seroprevalencija je bila znakovito viša na farmama gdje se primjenjivao antiparazitski tretman (82%; χ2= 5,977, p= 0,048). Napokon, učestalost antiparazitskih tretmana nije utjecao na invaziju C. daubneyi, a slični su postotci (82%) dobiveni i kod tretmana 1 ili 2 puta godišnje. Introduction The infection by the Paramphistomum spp is frequente in areas with oceanic climate, where mild temperatures and frequent rainfall throughout the year provide the adequate conditions for the survival of Lymanaea spp snails, their intermediate host. Calicophoron daubneyi (Digenea: Paramphistomidae) is a gastric trematode affecting young ruminants especially. The immature stages of Paramphistomidae can cause severe pathology and even kill the host in heavy infections, because they are attached to the wall of the small intestine causing important inflammation, characterized by focal infiltration of macrophages and lymphocytes in the lamina propia and in the interstitial tissue of Brunner’s gland (Silvestre et al., 2000). Digestion and absorption are damaged, and appetite is also depressed, resulting in diarrhoea, anorexia, anaemia and weakness (Spence et al., 1996). There is little evidence regarding the pathogenicity of the adult worms to their hosts, but severe damage to the mucosa of the rumen is provoked in heavy infections (Rolfe et al., 1994). In the present work, the IgG humoral immune response against C. daubneyi in bovine from Galicia (NW Spain), where mild temperatures and high precipitations are present throughout the year, allowing the development of C. daubneyi (Abrous et al., 1999). For this reason, C. Daubneyi excretory/secretory antigens were obtained and purified by electrophoresis and electroelution. A serological epidemiology was developed by using an ELISA test and a 52 kDa protein to the detection of IgG antibodies in cattle under field conditions. Material and methods The present investigation was developed in Galicia (NW Spain) with mild temperatures and high precipitations, which favour the proliferation of Lymnaea snails, the intermediate host for Paramphistomidae flukes (Augot et al., 1996). From February 2006 to September 2007, blood and faecal samples were randomly collected at the same time from 453 female Rubia Gallega autochthonous breed cattle in Lugo (Northwest of Spain) (42º 20’ – 43º 45’ N, 6º 49’ – 8º 00’ W). These are animals kept under field conditions, most of flocks are maintained outside and are only brought into the paddocks during the night. The grazing flock is generally fed on natural pastures, characterised mainly by annual grass species. The results obtained with the ELISA were analyzed by taking into aacount the age of the animals (G-1, <3 years old; G-2, 3-6); G-3, >6); grazing area (coastal, center and mountainous); number of animals per farm (C1, 0-15; C2, 15-25; C3, >25); chemoprophilaxys and frequence of antiparasitic treatment. The IgG humoral immune response was analyzed by means of an ELISA test with a 52-kDa protein (Díaz et al., 2006). For this purpose, excretory/secretory antigens from adult C. daubneyi were obtained and purified by electrophoresis and electroelution (Francisco et al., 2006). Results By using the immunoenzymatic probe, a seroprevalence of 63% was obtained. The influence of the age on the prevalence of paramfistomosis is drawn in Figure 1. The highest seroprevalence was observed in the youngest 134 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 animals (71%), whereas a similar percentage in the animals of the G-2 (3-8 years old) and G-3 (older than 8 years old) was obtained. No significant differences were proved related to the age of the cattle. 47% 71% G -1 (< 3) G -2 (3-8) G -3 (> 8) 44% Figure 1. Prevalence of cattle paramhistomosis according to the age of the animals. As can seen in figure 2, a percentage of 84% prevalence was achieved in the samples form the coastal areas, whereas the prevalence in mountainous ones was 62%. By using the Chi square test, significant differences were achieved (χ2= 6.380, p= 0.041). 100 90 80 % 87% 70 60 84% 62% 50 40 30 20 10 0 Coas t Centre Mountain Fig. 2. Prevalence of cattle paramphistomosis by considering the grazing area. The highest percentage of seroprevalence was obtained in the flocks with more than 25 animals (Fig. 3), and the lowest in that with 15-25 cattle. These differences were significant by means of the Chi square test (χ2= 6.763, p= 0.046). XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 135 Fig. 3. Prevalence of paramphistomosis according to the number of cattle per flock. The seroprevalence was significantly greater in farms where an antiparasitic treatment was administrated (82%;) than in that without chemoprophylaxis (60%) (χ2= 5.977, p= 0.048). We also observed that the frequency of deworming did not affect to the infection by C. daubneyi, and similar percentages were obtained by treating 1 or 2 times per year (82 and 83%, respectively). Discussion In the current investigation a survey to get more knowledge about the prevalence of cattle paramphistomosis was developed by using an ELISA with a 52 kDa protein from C. daubneyi excretory/secretory antigens. A notable seroprevalence of cattle paramphistomosis was observed, which is in agree with data obtained in the same area of study by using native C. daubneyi excretory/ secretory antigens (Díaz et al., 2006). In previous reports a widespread distribution of L. truncatula has been noted in the area of study (Morrondo et al., 1994), which explains the elevated prevalence of F. hepatica-infected cattle (Sánchez-Andrade et al., 2000, 2002). The snail Lymnaea truncatula acts as an intermediate host in the life cycle of the trematoda C. daubneyi and F. hepatica (Augot et al., 1996). It is remarkable that bovine were maintained in the pastures where usually they graze for allowing their reinfection. Neverhteless, strong immunity to Paramphistomidae-infections is developed in cattle (Urquhart et al., 1996), and repeated infections generally produce an almost complete immunity, resulting in a marked reduction in the fluke burdens from challenge infection. In bovine trematodosis as fasciolosis, dicrocoeliosis or schistosomosis, the presence of elevated IgG values has been also noted (Wedrychowicz et al., 1995; Boulard et al., 1995). Our results proved an important percentage of cattle contacted to this trematode in the area of study, and suitable measures for preventing this relationship must be considered. The infection of cattle with C. daubneyi enhances a notable IgG response assessable by an ELISA, which can be estimated by using purified antigens like the 52-kDa CdES protein. This seems to be very useful because of the possibility for standarization of the ELISA tests to the detection of infections by the C. daubneyi trematode. Acknowledgements This work was partly supported by the Research Project XUGA PGIDT04RAG261009PR (Xunta de Galicia, Spain). 136 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 References Abrous, M., Rondelaud, D., Dreyfuss, J., Cabaret, J., 1999. Infection of Lymaea truncatula and Lymnaea glabra by Fasciola hepatica and Paramphistomum daubneyi in farms of central France. Vet. Res., 30:113-118 Augot, D., Abrous, M., Rondelaud, D., Dreyfuss, G., 1996. Paramphistomum daubneyi and Fasciola hepatica: the redial burden and cercarial shedding in Lymnaea truncatula subjected to successive unimiracidial crossexposures. Parasitol. Res., 82: 623-627 Boulard, C., Carreras, F., Van Gool, F., 1995. Evaluation of nitroxynil and closantel activity using ELISA and egg counts against Fasciola hepatica in experimentally and naturally infected cattle. Vet. Res., 26: 249255. Díaz, P.; Lomba, C.; Pedreira, J.; Arias, M.; Sánchez-Andrade, R.; Suárez, J.l.; Díez-Baños, P.; Morrondo, P.; Paz-Silva, A. (2006). Analysis of the IgG antibody response against Paramphistomidae trematoda in naturally infected cattle. Application to serological surveys. Vet. Parasitol., 140: 281-288. Francisco, I.; Lomba, C.; Pardo, M.; Pedreira, J.; Suárez, J.L.; Sánchez-Andrade, R.; Díaz, P.; Arias, M.; PazSilva, A.; Morrondo, P.; Díez-Baños, P. (2006). Getting parasitic antigens for the diagnosis of bovine trematodoses by electroelution. 14th Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants. Lugo (Spain), 12-15 July. Morrondo-Pelayo, P.; Sánchez-Andrade, R.; Díez-Baños, P.; Pérez-Verdugo, L.; López-Sández, C. (1994). Dynamics of Fasciola hepatica egg elimination and Lymnaea Truncatula populations in cattle farms in Galicia (North-West Spain). Reasearch and Reviews in Parasitology, 54: 47-50. Rolfe, P.F., Boray, J.C., Collins, G.H., 1994. Pathology of infection with Paramphistomum ichikawai in sheep. Int. J. Parasitol., 24: 995-1004. Sánchez-Andrade, R., Paz-Silva, A., Suárez, J., Panadero, R., Díez-Baños, P., Morrondo, P., 2000. Use of a sandwich-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (SEA) for the diagnosis of natural Fasciola hepatica infection in cattle from Galicia (NW Spain). Vet. Parasitol., 93: 39-46. Sánchez-Andrade, R., Paz-Silva, A., Suárez, J.L., Panadero, R., Pedreira, J., López, C., Díez-Baños, P., Morrondo, P., 2002. Influence of age and breed on natural bovine fasciolosis in an endemic area (Galicia, NW Spain). Vet. Res. Commun., 26: 361-370. Silvestre, A., Sauvé, C., Cabaret, J., 2000. Caprine Paramphistomum daubneyi (Trematoda) infection in Europe. Vet. Rec., 146: 674-675. Spence, S.A., Fraser, G.C., Chang, S., 1996. Response in milk production to the control of gastro-intestinal nematode and paramphistome parasites in dairy cattle. Austral. Vet. J., 74: 456-459. Urquhart, G. M., Armour, J., Duncan, J.L., Jennings, F.W., Dunn, A.M., 1996. Veterinary Parasitology, Blackwell Science Inc., Oxford (UK). Wedrychowicz, H., Ducommun, D., Gorski, P., Pfister, K., 1995. Somatic antigens of adult Dicrocoelium dendriticum recognised by bile antibodies of naturally infected cattle. Vet. Parasitol., 56: 47-56. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 137 138 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 OCURRENCE OF TREMATODE EGGS IN SHEEP FROM GALICIA (N.W. SPAIN) Učestalost nalaza jajašaca metilja u ovaca iz pokrajine Galicija ( sjevero-zapadna Španjolska) Vázquez, L.; Dacal, V.; Cienfuegos, S.; Díaz, P., Lago, N., Panadero, R., Fernández, G., Morrondo, P., López, C. Área de Sanidad Animal del Departamento de Patología Animal. Facultad de Veterinaria. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. 27002 Lugo. SPAIN. mopela@lugo.usc.es ABSTRACT From February to December 2007, a total of 1403 faecal samples were collected from 59 ovine farms. All the examined animals were older than 3 months and they were maintained in a semi extensive management system. Coprological examinations were conducted by the Sedimentation method and the egg output was quantified using the modified McMaster technique. Sheep from 31 farms (52.5%) were positive for trematodes, although the individual prevalence was much lower (7.5%), with a mean intensity of parasitation of 106.3±18.49 eggs per gram (e.p.g.). When considering the different Genera, the liver fluke, Fasciola was the most common, present in 42.4% of the examined flocks, with an individual prevalence of 6.3%. Dicrocoelium eggs were present in only 11 animals from 7 farms. Eggs from a ruminal fluke of the Family Paramphistomidae were found in 10 animals, with a prevalence per farm of 8.5%. This is the first citation of this trematode in ovines from Galicia. The mean intensity of egg output in infected animals was 111.6±22.07, 76.1±22.09 and 68.0±12.27 for Fasciola, Dicrocoelium and Paramphistomidae, respectively. Co infection was only detected in 2 animals, belonging to the same flock, that were infected simultaneously by Fasciola and Paramphistomidae. In general, we can affirm that the oldest animals were more infected by trematodes, however the differences between the prevalences and the intensities of parasitation of the different age groups were not significant (P>0.05). Sažetak: U razdoblju od veljače do listopada 2007. godine skupljeno je 1403 uzorka fecesa sa 59 farmi ovaca. Sve životinje su bile starije od 3 mjeseca a držane so poluekstenzivno. Koprološka pretraga izvedena je pomoću sedimentacije a dobivena jajašca su kvantificirana pomoću McMasrer metode. KodUkupno (52.5%) ovaca nađena su jajašca metilja sa srednjom razimon invazije od 106+/-18.49 jajašaca po gramu. Uzevši u obzir različite rodove metilja, Facciola je bila najučestalija sa 42.2 % pretraženih uzoraka. Jajašca Dicrocoeliuma nađena su kod samo 11 životinja sa 7 farmi. Paramphistomidae su nađene kod 10 životinja prilikom pretrage buragovog sadržaja. Ovoj je prvi nalaz ovih metilja u ovaca iz Galicije. Srednji intenzitet izlučivanja jajašaca u invadiranih životinja bio je 111.6±22.07, 76.1±22.09 i 68.0±12.27 za Fasciolu, Dicrocoelium I Paramphistomonidae. Mješovita invazija sa Fasciolom I Paramphistomom zamijećena je kod 2 životinje. Zaključujemo, da su odrasle životinje više invadirane metiljima a također nema signifikantne razlike u učestalosti paratitarnih invazija kod različitih dobnih skupina (P>0.05). INTRODUCTION Trematodosis are important parasitic diseases with negative effects over the health and sheep production. The most common trematodes of sheep in Spain are the liver flukes Fasciola hepatica and Dicrocoelium dendriticum. The distribution and abundance of both parasites depends on the environmental requirements of their intermediate hosts, an aquatic snail (Lymnaea sp.) for Fasciola and a land snail and an ant for Dicrocoelium. Whilst in humid regions of Northern Spain Fasciola is XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 139 the most prevalent (Paz et al., 2003) in dry regions predominates Dicrocoelium (Hernández, et al., 2000; Dominguez et al., 2000; Díez et al., 2006). Sheep are more susceptible to Fasciola than cattle, and acute disease has long been associated with high mortality in sheep flocks. Dicrocoelium located in the bile ducts of liver cause less damage but in severe infections there may be extensive hepatic cirrhosis and distension of the bile ducts. Paramphistomidae are gastric trematodes whose immature stages can cause severe damages and even kill the host in heavy infections. Fasciola hepatica and Paramphistomidae have a similar life cycle and the periods of high risk are also analogous. The first citation of rumen flukes in sheep from Spain was made by Martínez-Gómez and Hernandez (1971) in Córdoba. Recently, Morrondo et al. (2003) have cited for the first time the presence of Paramphistomum spp-eggs in cattle from Galicia. Soon after, this parasite was identified as Calicophoron daubneyi (Díaz et al. 2006). While the distribution of Fasciola and Dicrocoelium is well defined in sheep from most Spanish regions, to our knowledge there are only one previous report signalling the parasitation of ovine by Paramphistomidae (Martínez-Gómez and Hernández, 1971). According to recent reports its prevalence is increasing in cattle from temperate areas (Szmidt-Adjidé et al., 2000 and Mage et al, 2002), thus in our opinion its presence in Spain could be underestimated. The main purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence and intensity of infection by the trematodes Fasciola, Dicrocoelium and Paramphistomidae in sheep from Galicia (N.W. Spain). MATERIALS AND METHODS From February to December 2007 a total of 1.403 faecal samples were collected from 59 ovine farms. Samples were individually collected from the rectal ampoule and individually examined. Coprological examinations were conducted by the Sedimentation method and the egg output was quantified using the modified McMaster technique. The egg-counts are presented as the number of eggs per gram of faeces (e.p.g.). The different Trematoda eggs were identified according to Tienpont et al. (1979). All the examined animals were older than 3 months and in order to study the influence of the age, 3 groups were considered: 3-12 month-old (G-1), 13-48 month-old (G-2) and >48 month-old (G-3). Generally, those animals received antiparasitic treatment in spring and fall after coprological analysis. Data were analysed using the SPSS, Version 13.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL). The Chi-squared test (χ2) was used to determine significant differences in prevalence when considering the age of the animals. ANOVA was used to find out differences in the intensity of infestation when considering the different age groups (P< 0.05). When the ANOVA test revealed differences the Bonferroni multiple comparison test was applied to localize these differences. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Sheep from 31 farms (52.5%) were positive for trematodes, although the individual prevalence was much lower (7.5%), with a mean intensity of parasitation of 106.3±18.49 e.p.g. 140 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 50 Floc ks Indiv idual Prevalence 40 30 20 10 0 Fas c iola Dic roc oelium Paramphis tomidae Fig. 1. Percentage of flocks and animals infected by Fasciola, Dicrocoelium and Paramphistomidae. When considering the different Genera, Fasciola was the most common, present in 42.4% of the examined flocks, with an individual prevalence of 6.3%. Dicrocoelium eggs were present in only 11 animals (0.8%) from 7 farms (11.9%). Those results are consistent with climatic conditions in Northern Spain that favoured the development of the life cycle of Fasciola. But the epidemiology of fasciolosis is also influenced by the grazing habits of the animals; so, sheep grazing in wet marshy areas, habited by Lymnaea, are more likely to become infected. The relation Fasciola/Dicrocoelium found in Galicia (6.3/0.8%) is inverted in the study by Díez et al. (2006) in the drier province of León (9.3%/14.45%) and by Hernández in the Mediterranean area (9.4%/32.3%). It must be pointed that in the study by Domínguez et al. (2000) in sheep from Central Spain Dicrocoelium was the only trematode with a prevalence of 3.4%. Eggs from a ruminal fluke of the Family Paramphistomidae were found in 10 animals (0.7%), with a prevalence per farm of 8.5%. It must be pointed that this is the first citation of this trematode in ovines from Galicia. Taking into consideration that the species infecting cattle in Galicia was identified as Calicophoron daubneyi (Díaz et al, 2006) it is probable that this species also parasites sheep; nevertheless further studies are necessary for a properly identification. The mean intensity of egg output in infected animals was 111.6±22.07, 76.1±22.09 and 68.0±12.27 for Fasciola, Dicrocoelium and Paramphistomidae, respectively. Compared with the results obtained by Hernández, et al. (2000); Domínguez et al. (2000) and Díez et al. (2006) in other regions of Spain, the mean egg output of infected sheep can be considered as elevated. That finding has clinical and epidemiological importance, because those animals will contribute to the maintenance and dispersion of the life cycle of these trematodes, and, in the case of fasciolosis, the course of the disease is determinated by the number of metacercariae ingested over a short period of time. In sheep, acute fasciolosis occurs seasonally and is manifested by a distended, painful abdomen, anemia, and sudden death. Chronic fasciolosis is seen in all seasons; signs include anemia, unthriftiness and submandibular edema. Sheep do not appear to develop resistance to infection, and chronic liver damage is cumulative over several years. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 141 200 Intensity 150 100 50 0 Fas c iola Dic roc oelium Paramphis tomidae Fig. 2. Intensity of parasitation by different trematodes in sheep from Galicia Mix infections were only detected in 2 animals from the same flock, which were infected simultaneously by Fasciola and Paramphistomidae. Coinfection by Fasciola and Paramphistomidae could be considered as normal because they have a similar life cycle and the periods of high risk are also analogous (Díaz et al., 2006). 30 25 Prevalence 20 15 10 5 0 3-12 months 13-48 months >48 months Fig. 3.- Prevalence of trematode eggs in faeces of ovine with different ages. As we can observe in Fig. 3 the infection by trematodes was more frequent in adults than in lambs. However, those differences were no significant (χ2= 2.782; p=0.249). 142 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 400 Intensity 300 200 100 0 3-12 months 13-48 months >48 months Fig. 4.- Intensity of parasitation by trematode eggs in faeces of ovine with different ages. Contrary to the prevalence, faecal egg counts were more elevated in young animals (Fig. 4). However, as occurred with the prevalence the differences between groups were no significant (F= 0.753; p=0.474). 30 3-12 months 13-48 months >48 months 25 Prevalence 20 15 10 5 0 Fas c iola Dic roc oelium Paramphis tomidae Fig. 5.- Prevalence by different Genera of trematodes in sheep with different ages. When considering the different Genera, we observed that Fasciola was more prevalent in adults (Fig 5). Those results agree with several authors (Morrondo et al., 1997; Sanchez-Andrade et al. 2002) who found in cattle that the prevalence in calves was lower than in adults, whereas the intensity of elimination (Fig. 6) was more elevated in calves. According to Sanchez-Andrade et al. (2002) adults are more frequently infected by Fasciola because they spend more time on pasture or because they are feed with grass or hay contaminated with metacercariae, whereas young animals have less opportunities to become infected. However, the development of an acquired resistance with age provokes that adults have an inferior faecal egg output. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 143 3-12 months 400 13-48 months >48 months Intensity 300 200 100 0 Fas c iola Dic roc oelium Paramphis tomidae Fig. 6.- Intensity of parasitation by different genera of trematodes in sheep with different ages. With respect to Dicrocoelium, according to Otranto and Traversa (2002) there is no correlation between age and the susceptibility to the infection by this trematode. However, most studies carried out in cattle pointed out higher prevalence in adults than in calves. In our study is remarkable the absence of Dicrocoelium in animals between 3-12 months old. Despite the scarce number of studies working on the relation between age and the prevalence by Paramphistomidae, all of them in cattle, it is considered that adults are more frequently infected by this trematode. The absence of infection in lambs between 3-12 months of age found in our study could be due to the long prepatent period of this fluke or to the fact that they had fewer opportunities to become infected on pasture. In general, we can affirm that adults were more frequently infected by trematodes, although the differences between the prevalences and the intensities of parasitation of the different age groups were not significant (P>0.05). Taking into account that the infection by Fasciola, considered the most pathogenic for ovine, is the most prevalent in flocks from Northwestern Spain, it is necessary to establish a control plan involving appropriate therapeutic and prophylactic measures against this trematode. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Authors are very grateful for the collaboration of shepherds and veterinarians of the Asociación de criadores de ganado ovino y caprino de Galicia (OVICA). This study was supported by the research project PGIDIT06RAG26101PR (Xunta e Galicia). REFERENCES Díaz, P.; Lomba, C.; Pedreira, J.; Arias, M.; Sánchez-Andrade, R.; Suárez, J.L.; Díez-Baños, P.; Morrondo, P.; Paz-Silva, A. (2006). Análisis of the IgG antibody response against Paramphistomidae trematoda in naturally infected cattle. Application to serological surveys. Veterinary Parasitology, 140 (3-4): 281-288. Díez-Baños, N.; Martínez-Delgado, A.; Hidalgo-Argüello, M.R. (2006). Estudio parasitológico del ganado ovino en la provincia de León (España) mediante análisis coprológico. En: Veinte años de Buiatría. Edita Universidad de Santiago de Compostela: 380-383. 144 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Domínguez, I.A.; Gómez, M.T.; De la Fuente, C.; Carpintero, M.; Cuquerella, M.; Alunda, J.M. (2000) Parasitosis gastrointestinales en ganando ovino de la zona centro: modelo de estructura poblacional y distribución etaria. Medicina Veterinaria, 17(6): 147-154. Hernández, S.; Muela, N.; Ferre, I. (2000). Helmintos parásitos del ganado ovino en la Comunidad Valenciana. Medicina Veterinaria, vol 17(3): 69-74. Mage, C.; Bourgne, H.; Toullieu, J.M.; Rondelaud, D.; Dreyfuss, G. (2002). Fasciola hepatica and Paramphistomum daubneyi: changes in prevalences of natural infections in cattle and in Lymnaea truncatula from central France over the past 12 years. Veterinary research, 33: 439-447. Martínez-Gómez, F. and Hernández-Rodríguez, S. (1971). Helminth parasites from sheep (Ovis ovis) in Córdoba (Spain). 1er Multicol. Europ. Parasit., Rennes: 344-346 Morrondo, P.; Díaz, P.; Pedreira, J.; Paz, A.; Sánchez-Andrade, R.; Suárez, J.L.; Arias, M.; Díez-Baños, P. (2003). Digestive parasitosis affecting to the autochthonous Rubia Gallega cattle. XI Congresso Internazionale Della Federazione Mediterranea de Sanitá e produzione Ruminanti (Fe.mes.S.P.Rum), Olbia (Sassari). Morrondo, P.; Moledo, J.A.; Paz, A.; Sánchez-Andrade, R.; Díez-Baños, P. (1997). Estudio de la distribución de la infección por Fasciola hepatica en el ganado vacuno de las provincias gallegas por medio del ensayo inmunoenzimático ELISA. Medicina Veterinaria, 14: 234-239. Otranto, D.; Traversa, D. (2002). Dicrocoeliosis of ruminants: a little known fluke disease. Trends in Parasitology, 19: 12-15. Paz, A.; Sánchez-Andrade, R.; Suárez, J.L.; Pedreira, J.; Arias, M.S.; López, C.; Panadero, R.; Díaz, P.; Díez, P.; Morrondo, P. (2003). Prevalence of natural ovine fasciolosis shown by demostrating the presence of serum circulating antigens. Parasitology Research, 91 (8-9): 328-331. Sánchez-Andrade, R.; Paz, A.; Suárez, J.L.; Panadero, R.; Pedreira, J.; López, C.; Díez-Baños, P. Morrondo, P. (2002). Influence of age and breed on natural ovine fasciolosis in an endemic area (Galicia, NW Spain). Veterinary Research Communications, 26: 361-370. Szmidt-Adjide, V.; Abrous, M.; Adjide, C.C.; Dreyfuss, G.; Lecompte, A.; Cabaret, J.; Rondelaud, D. (2000). Prevalence of Paramphistomum daubneyi infection in cattle in central France. Veterinary Parasitology, 87: 133-138. Tienpont, F; Rochette, F.; Van Parjis, O. (1979). Diagnóstico de las verminosis por el examen coprológico. Ed. Cansen Research Foundation. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 145 146 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 INFECTION BY INTESTINAL CESTODES IN SHEEP FROM GALICIA (N.W. SPAIN) Infekcija ovaca iz područja Galicije crijevnim trakavicama Dacal, V., Vázquez, L., Cienfuegos, S., Panadero, R., Pato, J., Fernández, G., Díez-Baños, P., López, C. Área de Sanidad Animal del Departamento de Patología Animal. Facultad de Veterinaria. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. 27002. Lugo. Spain. dibapa@lugo.usc.es ABSTRACT In this study we investigate the presence of tapeworms in 1549 ovine faecal samples from 59 ovine farms in Galicia (N.W. Spain). In this region, sheep are maintained on pasture for most part of the year. In order to study the influence of the age, 3 groups were considered: 3-12 month-old (G-1), 13-48 month-old (G-2) and >48 month-old (G-3). Coprological examinations were conducted by visual inspection of faeces to detect proglottids and by the Flotation in saturated saline solution method, the egg output was quantified using the modified McMaster technique. Sheep from 31 farms (52.5%) were positive for cestode eggs, being Moniezia the only Genus identified. Seventy-one animals out of 1549 (4.6%) eliminated Moniezia eggs in their faeces, with a mean intensity of infection of 376.0±89.64 eggs per gram. Four animals from 2 farms eliminated spontaneously individual segments in the faeces that were identified as Moniezia expansa proglottids. When considering the different age groups, we observed that prevalence in lambs (G-1, 11.3%) was higher than in adults (3.8% and 4.2% for G-2 and G-3, respectively) with significant statistical differences. In the same manner, the intensity of parasitation was significantly more elevated in lambs than in adults. Sažetak Mali preživači, a osobito njihova mladunčad mogu biti invadirani različitim vrstama trakavica iz pododice Anoplocephalidae. U našem radu istraživali smo prisustvo trakavica u 1549 uzoraka ovčjeg fecesa sa 59 ovčjih farmi u Galiciji????.U ovom području, ovce se većinom godine drže na ispaši. Odlučili smo istražiti utjecaj dobi na invadiranost životinja. Životinje su bile podijeljene u 3 skupine: 1. skupina- od 3-12 mjeseci starosti, 2. skupina od 13-48 mjeseci starosti, 3. skupina jedinke starije od 48 mjeseci.Koprološka pretraga bila je potkriepljena vizualim pregledom fecesa I pomoću flotacije. Konačni rezultat koprološke pretrage kvantificiran je pomoću modificirane McMaster metode. U ovaca sa 31 farme (52.5%) pronađena su jajašca trakavice Moniezia??. Sedamdeset I jedna životinja izlučivala je jajašca Moniezae u svom izmetu a prosječni intenzitet infekcije je bio 376.0+/- 89.64 jajašca u gramu izmeta. Četiri životinje sa 2 farme spontano su fecesom izlučivale proglotide koje su kasnije identificirane kao Moniezia expansa. Uzimajući u obzir različite dobne skupine, primjetili smo da je prevalencija u janjadi ( 1. skupina, 11.3&) veća nego u odraslih jedinki ( 3.8% I 4.2% za 2. I 3. skupinu) sa statistički značajnom razlikom P=0.0001, F=16.973). Također, intenzitet parazitarne invazije je statistički značajan ( P=0.03, F=3.691) u janjadi ( 766.8+/-1019.8) naspram odraslih (326.4+/-920.0 I 178.1 +/-246.2 za 2. I 3. skupinu). Naši rezultati ukazuju na potrebu prihvaćanja mjera kontrole kako bi se smanjio rizik pojavnosti jakih infekcija sa trakavicama, posebno u mladih životinja. INTRODUCTION Galicia is a humid region in the Northwest of Spain with around 240.000 sheep distributed in more than 24.000 flocks. Traditionally, in this region sheep are maintained in an extensive or semiextensive husbandry system that increases the probability of acquiring some parasitic infections. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 147 Small ruminants, especially young animals between 1-6 months, can be affected by different tapeworm Genera of the family Anoplocephalidae (Moniezia, Avitellina, Thysaniezia and Stilesia) which are localized in the small intestine, being the most prevalent and pathogenic Moniezia sp. The pathogenic action of these cestoda depends on the number of adults in the small intestine and the nutritional state of the animal. Animals became infected when they feed on grass that harbours mites of the Oribatid Family containing cisticercoid larvae. The activity of oribatids is seasonal under template conditions and especially in cool climates. Tapeworm segments can be visible in the faeces, with a white rice grainlike appearance. Adult worms, often up to a meter or more in length, can also be seen on post-mortem or, when expelled, as passed in the environment, typically in yards or other areas where sheep are concentrated. This species have a mechanical, irritative and nutritional-subtractive effect on its hosts, and can cause considerable economic losses, especially in young animals. Normally, they provoke a chronic process with intestinal disturbs, lack of appetite and emaciation. Tapeworm eggs can be detected in faecal samples using the standard worm egg count procedure. Those of the Moniezia Genus have a typical tri- or quadrangular shape with a characteristic piriform apparatus. In the last years, there is a continued and increasing evidence of significant resistance to anthelmintics used in sheep. For this reason the inclusion of tapeworm control in a flock health plan would require evidence of their deleterious effect over the health and the production of the animals. The purpose of this study was to study the prevalence and intensity of parasitation by adult cestodes in sheep from Galicia in order to determine the necessity of including routinely tapeworm control measures in our flocks. MATERIALS AND METHODS From February to December 2007 we took a total of 1.549 ovine faecal samples from 59 ovine flocks from Galicia (N.W. Spain). Faecal samples were taken individually from de rectum to avoid contamination. Coprological examinations were conducted by macroscopic inspection of faecal material to detect proglottids and by the Flotation in saturated saline solution method (ρ= 1.2); the egg output was quantified using the modified McMaster technique. The egg-counts are presented as the number of eggs per gram of faeces (epg). Moniezia eggs were identified according to Tienpont et al. (1979). In order to study the influence of the age, 3 groups were considered: 3-12 month-old (G-1), 13-48 month-old (G-2) and >48 month-old (G-3). Data were analysed using the SPSS, Version 13.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL). The Chi-squared test (χ2) was used to determine significant differences in prevalence when considering the age of the animals. ANOVA was used to find out differences in the intensity of infestation when considering the different age groups (P< 0.05). When the ANOVA test revealed differences the Bonferroni multiple comparison test was applied to localize these differences. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In our study, a high number of flocks (31 out of 59) were positive for cestode eggs (Figure 1), whereas only 71 out of 1.549 sheep (Figure 2) eliminated cestode eggs in their faeces, with a mean intensity of infection of 376.0±89.64 eggs per gram. 148 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 p o sitive 4,6% n e g a tive 47,5% p o sitive 52,5% n e g a tive 95,4% Fig. 1. Farms infected by Moniezia Fig. 2. Animals infected by Moniezia All cestode eggs that were detected in this study were identified as Moniezia eggs. Moreover, four animals from 2 farms eliminated spontaneously individual segments in the faeces that were identified as Moniezia expansa proglottids. Confirming that in sheep from the Northwest of Spain Moniezia expansa is the most prevalent tapeworm. Those results agree with those of Hernández et al. (2000), Domínguez et al. (2000), Díez-Baños et al. (2006) and others, who identified Moniezia as the unique Cestode eliminated by ovines in different regions of Spain. The high percentage of flocks that eliminate Moniezia eggs can be propitiated by the fact that in Galicia sheep are maintained on pasture for most part of the year, facilitating the ingestion of the intermediary hosts. Moreover, humid conditions present in Northern Spain can favour the survival of eggs in the environment and the activity of mites acting as intermediate hosts. Despite the high prevalence per flock, the total number of infested animals is scarce, being inferior to the 6.29% found by Díez-Baños et al. (2006) in the neighbouring province of León and the 9.97% observed by Dominguez et al. (2000) in sheep from central Spain, but higher to the 1.04% found by Hernández, et al. (2000) in the Mediterranean area. When considering the different age groups, we observed that prevalence in lambs (G-1; 11.3%) was higher than in adults (3.8% and 4.2% for G-2 and G-3, respectively) with significant statistical differences (P<0.001, χ2=16.973). 12 10 PREVALENCE % 8 6 4 2 0 G-1 G-2 G-3 Figure 3.- Prevalence of Moniezia in the different groups of age XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 149 It is well known that young lambs, 1 to 3 month-old are more intensely parasitized than older animals. Reduction of levels of parasitation with the age is related with the development of a partially protector immune response. According to Elliot (1986) lambs between 4 to 5 months of age commonly pass proglotids or mass of whole worms and tend to expel infection. Those results are in agreement with our findings where both, prevalence and intensity of parasitation are more elevated in young animals. The fact that young lambs were the most infected could be the cause of the scarce number of parasitized animals found in this study, as we only sampled animals older than 3 months of age. Surprisingly, Domínguez et al. (2000) did not detect Moniezia in the group of lambs younger than 1 year, being animals between 1-2 years the most parasitized. In the same manner, the intensity of parasitation was significantly (P=0.03, F=3.691) more elevated in lambs (766.8±1019.8) than in adults (326.4±920.0 and 175.1±246.2 for G-2 and G-3, respectively). Cordero et al. (1999) affirmed that the scarce presence of these parasites in ovine is generally harmless, although the coincidence in spring of high concentration of oribatids and young animals on pasture could provoke the apparition of some clinical cases. Adult sheep show a certain degree of resistance, so that it is unusual to find infections with more than 1-2 specimens/animal, whereas young lambs can harbour a greater number (more than 10-12 tapeworms) with very high egg outputs. 2000 INTENSITY OF PARASITATION (EPG) 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 G-1 G-2 G-3 Figure 4.- Intensity of parasitation by Moniezia considering the age of the animals Taking into consideration our results, it would be necessary to adopt some prophylactic or control methods to avoid the risk of apparition of massive infections in young animals that could be presented under favourable epidemiologic conditions for oribatid mites. Those measures would be orientated to reduce the contamination of pastures and could include strategic treatments to pregnant ewes and 1-2 month-old lambs. It must be also taken into consideration that, despite its low levels of infection, adults act as a constant source of contamination, making necessary their treatment in fall and spring and the adoption of control measures to avoid the contamination of pastures with faeces from those treated animals. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Authors are very grateful for the collaboration of shepherds and veterinarians of the Asociación de criadores de ganado ovino y caprino de Galicia (OVICA). This study was supported by the research project PGIDIT06RAG26101PR (Xunta de Galicia). 150 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 REFERENCES Cordero del Campillo, M. (1985). Principales problemas parasitarios debidos al pastoreo del Ganado ovino en la cuenca del Duero. Comunicaciones INIA. Serie Higiene y Sanidad (11): 19-35. Díez-Baños, N.; Martínez-Delgado, A.; Hidalgo-Argüello, M.R. (2006). Estudio parasitológico del ganado ovino en la provincia de León (España) mediante análisis coprológico. En: Veinte años de Buiatría. Edita Universidad de Santiago de Compostela: 380-383. Domínguez, I.A.; Gómez, M.T.; De La Fuente, C.; Carpintero, M.; Cuquerella, M.; Alunda, J.M. (2000) Parasitosis gastrointestinales en ganando ovino de la zona centro: modelo de estructura poblacional y distribución etaria. Medicina Veterinaria, 17(6): 147-154 Elliot, D.C. (1986). Tapeworm (Moniezia expansa) and its effect on sheep production: the evidence reviewed. New Zealand Veterinary Journal, 34: 61-65. Hernández, S.; Acosta, I.; Becerra, C. (2003). Cestodosis imaginales. En: Enfermedades parasitarias del ganado ovino y caprino. Ediciones Gea, Barcelona. 176pp. Ramajo, V.; Muro, A. (1999). Cestodosis digestivas. En: Parasitología Veterinaria. Edit McGraw-Hill Interamericana, Madrid: 229-235. Tienpont, F.; Rochette, F.; Van Parjis, O. (1979). Diagnóstico de las verminosis por el examen coprológico. Ed. Cansen Research Foundation. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 151 152 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Toxoplasma gondii screening, by molecular and serological methods, in a farm with a rural management in Sicily Istraživanje Toxoplasmae gondii molekularnim i serološkim metodama na farmama sa zastarijelom tehnologijom na području Sicilije Vitale Maria, Scatassa Maria Luisa, La Giglia Maria, Giangrosso Giuseppe, Currò Vittoria, Vitale Fabrizio, and Caracappa Santo Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Sicilia “A. Mirri” Palermo, Italy AIM OF THE WORK: The purpose of this work was to establish a pilot study on a farm with a high rural management and poor hygienic conditions, for comparison on Toxoplasma gondii detection by serology and molecular biology methods. The farm is family managed, and contains sheep, goats and cows in the same place and cats and dogs that are freely running. All these conditions determine a favourable environment for the oocysts spreading and the parasite circulation among different animal species. Sažetak: Cilj ovoga rada bio je provesti ishodišnu studiju na farmama sa lošim higijenskim uvjetima te to komparirati sa učestalošću nalaza Toxoplasmae gondii putem seroloških i molekularnih metoda. Istraživanje smo proveli obiteljskim gospodarstvima na kojem zajedno obitavaju ovce, koze, krave te psi i mačke koji nisu pod nadzorom. Svi tu uvjeti doprinose širenju oocista i širenju parazita među različitim vrstama životinja. Toxoplasma gondii je protozoa koja može inficirati sve toplokrkvne životinje i različite vrste tkiva kod njih. Zbog toga je seroprevalencija te bolesti u svijetu od 20 do 80% i kod ljudi i kod životinja. U životnom ciklusu T. gondii postoji seksualna i aseksualna faza. Tahitoiti predstavljaju invazijski oblik ovog parazita ( brzo se razmnožavaju a akutnoj fazi infekcije ), bradizoiti ( stvaraju ciste u tkivima), i konačno sporulirane oociste koje u okoliš dospijevaju mačijim fecesom. Toksoplazmoza se širi ingestijom encistiranih bradizoita u tkivima, unosom hrane iv ode koje su kontaminirane mačjim fecesom koji sadrži sporulirane oociste ili transplacentalno. Infekcija najčešće protiče asimptomatski ali može biti opasna za fetus tijekom gravidnosti.U koza i ovaca može uzrokovati pobačaj i probleme pri porodu.Serološkim istraživanjem populacija ovaca na Siciliji utvrđeno je preko 60% pozitivnih životinja što je bilo u svezi sa dobi i držanjem istih te prisustvu mačaka. Materijali i metode: Uzorci su uzimani na nasumično odabranoj farmi sa lošim higijenskim uvjetima te su skupljani od različitih životinja tijekom cijele godine. Molekularan analiza provedena je putem PCR metode. Rezultati i rasprava: Prosječna dob ovaca bila je oko 2 godine. Istraživanje je započelo na ovcama u laktaciji zbog toga što se PCR-om dobivaju pozitivni rezultati za vrijeme jutarnje mužnje i negativni rezultati kod poslijepodnevne mužnje. Metodom ELISA-e utvrđeno je 40% pozitivnih životinja.PCR analiza krvi i seruma istih 20 ovaca dala je negativne rezultate. Zboč činjenice da se tahizoiti nalaze u krvi samo u akutnoj fazi bolesti ili u reaktiviranoj toksoplazmozi rezultati upućuju da su inficirane životinje vjerojatno u kroničnij fazi bolesti što će biti potvrđeno PCR metodom nakon uzimanja uzoraka tkiva nakon klanja životinja. Konačno u tijeku je razvoj metode za analizu individualnog uzorka mlijeka seropozitivnih životinja u različitim vremenskim razmacima. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 153 BACKGROUND: Toxoplasma gondii is a coccidian protozoa that can infect all warm blood animals and all different cells. For this reason seroprevalence ranging from 20 to 80 % is quite spread world wide in both human and animals. The protozoa perform a sexual life cycle in the intestine of felids, while an asexual life cycle is present in all animals resulting in tissues cysts formations. The infectious forms are represented by tachyzoites, (rapidly dividing in the acute phase of the infection), bradyzoites (slowing growing inside tissue cysts) and sporulated oocysts eliminated in the faeces of infected felines. (1) Evidences from multi-centres analysis have shown that the major risk factors for T. gondii transmission in humans are connected with contaminated food and water assumption (2). Toxoplasmosis can be spread by ingestion of tissue with encysted bradyzoites, ingestion of food or water contaminated by sporulated oocysts, and transplacental transmission. Infections are quite often asymptomatic but can be particularly dangerous for the foetus when the primary infection occurs during pregnancy (congenital toxoplasmosis). In both sheep and goats congenital toxoplasmosis can cause abortion and birth defects. Because of the Sicilian territorial characteristics a number of small farms is present in which few cows are maintained with sheep and goats in a rural type, family run management. A general serological screening on ovine populations, revealed positive serology up to more then 60% in several ovine flocks depending from the age of the animals, the type of the management and the presence of cats (3). MATERIAL AND METHODS The farm was chosen among several for the type of management and the poor hygienic conditions. Collection of samples from all different animals are planned in different time period all year around. The first screening was performed winter time in sheep bulk milk samples and animal sera. Molecular analysis were performed by a nested PCR targeting the rRNA region on both sera, blood and milk samples. DNA was extracted from the different samples by Gene Elute mammalian kit ( Sigma cat N° G1N- 350) following manufacture’s instructions. Analyses were performed by a first direct PCR using NC 18S RNA sense primer (5’TGCGGAAGGATCATTCACACG 3’, Invitrogen) and NC25S RNA antisense primer (5’CCGTTACTAAGGGAATCATAGTT3’, Invitrogen). The amplified fragment is approx. 1000bp.This PCR was performed for 7 min at 95°C followed by 40 cycles of 40 s at 94°C, 30 s at 58°C, 1 min at 72°C and a final extention of 7 min at 72°C. A nested PCR using Toxo ITS1sense primer(5’GATTTGCATTCAAGAAGCTGATAGTAT 3’, Invitrogen) and Toxo ITS1 antisense pri mer(5’AGTTAGGAAGCAATCTGAAAGCACATC, Invitrogen) was performed for 7 min at 95°C followed by 40 cycles of 40 s at 94°C, 30 s at 60°C, 1 min at 72°C and a final extention of 7 min at 72°C. The fragment amplified approx. is 333bp. Amplifed products were loaded on 2% agarose gel and visualised on chemi doc (BIORAD). 154 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 The sera samples (10 µl) were assayed by the Toxoplasmosis indirect multi-specie ELISA diagnostic kit (ID.VET, code TOXOS 0907) following manufacture’s instructions. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. The average age of the sheep are almost 2 years. The screening started on lactating sheep only because PCR analysis on bulk milk samples gave positive results on morning milking and negative results in afternoon milk. (Figure 1). Figure 1: PCR on ovine bulk milk samples taken in morning (m) and afternoon milking (a): Negative control with water only (k-) and DNA toxoplasma positive control (k+). DNA molecular ladder of 100bp (M) The different results between morning and afternoon milking is not clear and further analysis will be performed in the same farm and in other farms as well. The results by ELISA on the 25 lactating ewes showed 44% positive animals. (table 1) Table 1: Results of Elisa screening. Total sera Positive Negative 25 % 11 14 44 56 Further analysis will be performed on sera of the goats and the cows present also in the farm. PCR analysis on blood and sera of the same 25 sheep gave negative results. Since T. gondii tachyzoites are circulating in the blood only in acute phase or reactivation following immunodepression, the results indicate that infected animals are probably in a stage of chronic toxoplasmosis and tissue sampling for PCR analysis will be performed whenever some animals will be slaughtered. Moreover analysis are in progress on individual milk samples from the seropositive animals and in different time period. The focusing on a farm with a highly rural type of management, with animal promiscuity and poor hygienic conditions that favours Toxoplasma gondii spreading can be propedeutic not only for XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 155 epidemiological analysis but also for the setting up of highly sensitive methods to detect the parasite on different sources. Reference 1) D. Correa, I. Cañedo-Solares, L. B. Ortiz-Alegría, H. Caballero-Ortega, C. P. Rico-Torres (2007) Congenital and acquired toxoplasmosis: diversity and role of antibodies in different compartments of the host. Parasite Immunology 29 (12) , 651–660 2) A J C Cook, R E Gilbert,W Buffolano, J Zufferey, E Petersen, P A Jenum, W Foulon, A E Semprini, and D T Dunn, 2000 Sources of toxoplasma infection in pregnant women: European multicentre case-control study BMJ. July 15; 321(7254): 142–147. 3) Vesco, G; Buffolano, W; La Chiusa, S; Mancuso, G; Caracappa, S; Chianca, A; Villari, S; Currò, V; Currò, V; Liga, F; Petersen, E (2007) Toxoplasma gondii infections in sheep in Sicily, southern Italy Veterinary Parasitology, 146(1) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: The authors wish to thank Mr. Salvatore Marceca and Mr. Giulio Verro for sampling collection. 156 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Genetical markers of resilience to tick borne diseases (TBD) - a research project for the improvement of sheep breeding and management strategies Genetski markeri rezistencije na bolesti prenosive krpeljima (BPK)-istraživački project sa ciljem napredka uzgoja ovaca i srategija upravljanja Pieragostini E1., Alloggio I1., de Ruvo G1., Rubino G2., Petazzi F2. Dept. PROGESA- Università di Bari. Via Amendola, 165/A, Bari (BA) - Italy. 1 Dept. SBA - Università di Bari - Strada provinciale per Casamassima km 3 - 70010 Valenzano (Bari) – Italy 2 Abstract Traditional phenotype-based selection methods have been very successful in improving traits that are easily recorded, such as milk yield and growth rates. Little progress has been also made in traits that are more difficult to measure such as response to disease and reproductive competence. Indeed, the intensive selection for increased production has resulted in a decline in other commercially important traits eg in Holstein cattle there has been a steady decline in fertility that mirrors the increase in milk production. The selection for high yielding animals potentially creates management problems where individuals have a higher production capacity than they are able to sustain, leading to metabolic stress, which in turn results in decreased efficiency of production, high disease incidence and impaired reproductive success. Therefore, it is important that in the future selection strategies do not focus on production traits alone, but consider the whole animal. Sažetak Tradicionalne selekcijske metode, bazirane na fenotipu, korisne su u poboljšanju obilježja koja se jednostavno bilježe, poput dobitka mlijeka i prirasta. Mali napredci su također dobiveni kod obilježja koja su teže mjerljiva, poput otpornosti na bolesti i rasplodne sposobnosti. Naprotiv, intenzivna selekcija prema povećanoj prduktivosti je dovela do pada ostalih komercijalno vrijednih svojstava. Npr. kod holsteinskih krava nađeno je smanjenje stupnja plodnosti što odražava povećanje mliječnosti. Selekcija prema visokom stupnju mliječnosti može dovesti do problema kada jedinke imaju potencijal proizvodnje koji nadmašuje mogućnosti njihovog organizma, te dolazi do metaboličkog stresa, što pak naposlijetku dovodi do smanjenja produkcije, učestalosti oboljenja i smanjenja reproduktivnih sposobnosti. Stoga je važno da se se buduće strategije selekcija ne usredotočuju jedino na reprodukcijska obilježja, već da uzmu u obzir životinje u cjelini. Introduction A project, aiming to the improvement of animal breeding by the use of molecular genetics and lasting from 2007-2010, has been sponsored by the Italian Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry Policy (MIPAF). A part of this project concerns the resistence to stress and diseases in various domestic animal species and this work describe the activity plan of the part concerning the improvement of sheep breeding by the use of genetical markers of resilience to TBD. Apulian native sheep show the ability to thrive in areas of high tick borne disease (TBD), but attempts to improve the their productivity by crossing them with exotic breeds has failed due to the high mortality in generations F1 and F2, as a result of TBD. Since now there are indications suggestive of factors which may limit XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 157 the effects of the infection; particularly, the phenomenon seems to be linked to the ability to cope with anaemia per se as well as to the presence of extra α-globin genes. However, the response to TBD diseases like Trypanosomosis and Theileriosis are known to be under multi-factorial regulation. In this study Apulian and exotic breeds as well as sheep characterized by different alpha and beta globin genotypes will be used as a model for investigating genetic responses to the disease obtained by an experimental infection with Babesia ovis. The timing of activities are being managed starting from the research of animals suitable for the trials which will include, first an experimental infection of Apulian native sheep and sheep of Northeren exotic breeds, then, Apulian native sheep characterized by different alpha and beta globin genotypes. The selection of individuals belonging to native breeds and carrying the appropriate alpha globin haplotypes will be performed by a population survey. Animals. Forty selected animals less than one year of age will be involved in this study. They will be purchased and housed at the Medical Clinics of the Department of Animal Health and Welfare of the University of Bary. Upon arrival at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, the animals will be weighed, and faecal samples will be obtained to establish their worm burdens. The feet will be checked as to foot rot. The animals will be dewormed with a broad spectrum anthelmintic. All animals will be housed in a tick proof isolation unit. Parasites. Babesia ovis will be isolated from a sheep immunosuppressed with high-dose cortisone treatment and allowed to be naturally infected pasturing in tick areas. At the peak of parasitaemia in the sheep, a blood sample will be obtained from the jugular vein and parasitaemia estimated by the buffy coat method. Thirty/fifty ml of blood will be then obtained from the donor sheep and 10 sheep of each group will be inoculated i/v with 2 ml of infected blood by the jugular route. Experimental design The 40 animals of Apulian and exotic breeds as well as sheep characterized by different alpha and beta globin genotypes will be divided into four groups according to their breed and hemoglobin genotype. Ten weeks after arrival at the isolation unit, 5 animals of each group will be infected with B. ovis by i/v injection via the jugular vein while the other 5 animals will act as uninfected controls. All animals will be weighed once a week using a sheep weighing scale and 5 ml of blood will be collected into tubes containing ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid (EDTA) as an anticoagulant 3 times a week. Following microhaematocrit centrifugation, the PCV will be measured and parasites will be identified and quantified by examination of the buffy coat. Clinical evaluation will be done on a daily basis and rectal temperatures will be recorded every morning for 4 weeks post inoculation. Blood and serum samples will be collected regularly during the observation period. The host responses in different sheep groups artificially infected will be compared mainly on typical high fever periods, microscopic observation, antibody response. Particular attention will be given to native sheep carriers of alfa globin extra genes and to their behaviour under experimental infection when compared to that of native and imported sheep with normal alfa gene arrangement. Uvod Projekt (2007-2010) s ciljem poboljšanja produkcijskih obilježja uporabom molekularne genetike, sponzoriran od strane talijanskog ministarstva poljoprivrede i šumarske djelatnosti (MIPAF). Dio se ovog projekta odnosi na odpornost prema stresu i bolestima različitih domaćih životinja i ovaj rad opisuje plan napredka uzgoja ovaca uporabom genetskih markera otpornosti na bolesti prenosive krpeljima. Apulijanske izvorne ovce pokazuju sposobnost napredka u područjima s visokom učestalošću bolesti prenosive krpeljima, ali su pokušaji 158 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 križanja takvih ovaca sa egzotičnim pasminama doveli do povećanog mortaliteta u F1 i F2 generacijama, kao posljedica BPK. Do sada postoje predpostavke da određeni faktori spriječavaju infekciju. Ova se pojava posebice odnosi na mogućnost borbe protiv anemije po sebi ili kao prisutost posebnih α-globin gena. Kako god, poznato je da je osjetljivost na bolesti prenosive krpeljima, poput tripanosomijaze i tajlerioze, multikauzalne regulacije. U ovom istraživanju su korištene apulijanske i egzotične pasmine, kao i ovce s razlličitim alfa i beta globinskim genotipovima kao modeli u istraživanju genetskog odgovora na eksperimentalno uzrokovanu infekciju Babesiom ovis. Početak istraživanja bio je usredotočen na pronalazak najprimjenljjivijih jedinki koje su podvrgnute prvo eksperimentalnoj infekciji apulijanske izvorne ovce, karakterizirane različitim alfa i beta globinskim halotipovima, i ovce sjevernih egzotičnih pasmina. Odabir jedinki izvornih pasmina sa odgovarajućim alfa globinskih halotipovima proveden je istraživanjem populacije. Životinje. U ovom ćese istraživanju koristiti četrdeset životinja starosti do godinu dana. Životinje će biti nabavljene, te smještene u Klinikama Zavoda za zdravlje I dobtrobit životinja , fakulteta u Bariju. Dolaskom na fakultet, životinje će se biti izvagane, uzet će im se uzorak az koprološku pretragu, pregledat će im se papci. Izvršit će se dehelmintizacija antiparazitikom širokog spectra. Sve će životinj ebiti smještene u nastambe provjereno slobodne od krpelja. Paraziti. Babesia ovis će biti izolirana iz ovce koja je predhodno imunosuprimirana viisokim dozama kortizonai puštena prirodnoj infekciji na infestirani pašnjacima. Na vrhuncu parazitemije ivce, iz jugularne vene će se uzeti uzorak krvi i potvrdit će se parazitemija uporabom “buffy coat” metodom. Trideset do pedeset mililitara krvi će se uzeti iz ovce donora u deset ovaca iz svake skupine će se u venu jugularis aplcirati po 2 ml inficirane krvi. Opis postupka. 40 životinja apulijske i egzotičnih pasmina , kao i one karakterizirane različitim alfa i beta globinskim genotipovima, bit će podijeljene u 4 grupe, s obzirom na pasminu i hemoglobinski genotiop. Deset tjedana nakon dolaska u izolacijsku jedinicu, inficirat će se 5 životinja iz svake skupine intravenskom aplikacijom u venu jugularis, ostalih 5 životinja u skupine koristit će se kao kontrolna skupina. Ovce će biti vagane jednom tjednoi, a tri puta tjedno će se 5ml krvi uzeti u EDTA epruvete. Nakon centrifugiranja mikrohematokrita, odredit će se hematokrit i paraziti će se identificirati uporabom “buffy coat “ medode. Klinički pregled će se vršiti svakodnevno, rektalna temperature će se bilježiti svako jutra u 4 tjedna nakon inokulacije. Za to će se vrijeme redovito sakupljati uzorci krvi i seruma. Odgovor organizma u različitim grupama usporedit će se s obzirom na razdoblja visoke temperature, mikroskopske nalaze, odgovore protutijela. Posebna će se pozornost posvetiti ovcama s alfa globinskim genima i njihovom ponašanju u uvjetima eksperimentane infekcije, te ih usporediti sa nativnim i uvezenim ovcama s normalnim rasporedom alfa gena. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 159 160 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 PASSIVE MONITORING EXPERIENCES ON CYSTIC ECHINOCOCCOSIS IN ITALY ISKUSTVA PASIVNOG MONITORINGA CISTIČNE EHINOKOKOZE U ITALIJI Poglayen Giovanni*, Stancampiano Laura*, Varcasia Antonio**, Anna Paola Pipia**, Caterina Bio***, Costanza Romanelli* *Dipartimento di Sanità Pubblica Veterinaria e Patologia Animale, Ozzano dell’Emilia, Bologna Italy.,**Dipartimento di Biologia Animale, Sassari -Italy; *** AUSL 8 Arezzo - Italy, Introduction – Cystic Echinococcosis (CE) due to Echinococcus granulosus is still the main parasitic zoonoses, typical of the Mediterranean basin (Eckert et al, 2001). Recent updating of the Italian situation (Garippa, 2006) shows different prevalence levels that led to divide the territory in sporadic (north) endemic (center) and hyper endemic (south and islands). With the aim to have more epidemiological information on sporadic and endemic areas this paper reports the results of passive monitoring of CE arising from the analysis of the slaughter data of a small abattoir in Tuscany. For a better definition of the circulating strains, the collection of some specimen in order to perform biomolecular analysis completed the work. Sažetak Uvod-Cistična ehinokokoza, uzrokovana Echinococcus granulosus je i dalje najčešća parazitarna zoonoza, tipična za mediteranske krajeve (Eckert et al, 2001). Noviji podaci stanja u Italiji (Garippa 2006) ukazuju na različite stupnjeve prevalencije čime se područje dijeli na sporadična (sjever),endemska (centar) i hiperendemska ( jug i otoci). S ciljem dobivanja više epidemioloških podataka o sporadičnim i endemskim područjima ovaj rad govori o rezultatima pasivnog monitoringa CE dobivenih na osnovu analiza potataka pri klanju u jednoj maloj klaonici u Toskani. Kako bi dobili uvid u rasprostranjenost sojeva, izvršene su i biomolekularne analize nekih uzoraka. Materijali i metode-Analizom podataka o klanju u razdoblju od tri godine (2004-2005-2006) obuhvaćene su 1271 odrasle ovce iz 464 farme, 1209 (95%) domaćih i 62(5%) uvezene (Austrija, Francuska, Njemačka, Nizozemska, Poljska). Ukupan broj ovaca iznosio je 16.999, 14982 (88%) domaćih i 2.017 uvezenih ovaca. Kao što je I bilo za očekivati, ženskih jedinki je u našemi straživanju bilo više (9959. Statistička anliza provedena je u skladu sa Armitageom (1971). Iz dva uzorka germinativnog sloja protoskoleksa sa šest farmi, dobiveno je jedanaest cisti iz kojih je komercijalnim kitom izolirana DNA i PCR protokolom (Dinkel i sur. 2004) razlikovane pojedine skupine sojeva E. granulosus (Eckert i sur. 2001). Rezultati dobiveni PSR-ompotvrđeni su slijedom COI i NADH mitohondrijskih gena (Bowles J, Mcmanus DP, 1993, Int.; Bowles J et al, 1994). Rezultati i diskusija-S obzirom na organizaciju rada u klaonici, podaci o jetri I plućima odnosili su se na skupine, a ne na pojedine životinje. Korelacijska analiza je pokazala pozitivnu korelaciju između broja pozitivnih uzoraka u skupini Pearson’s r 0.82 P<0.001). Ipak ,učestalost pozitivnih uzoraka je bila viša kod pluća (37,5%), odnosno značajno viša (Χ 2 =7639 P< 0.001) nego kod uzoraka jetre (24,5%). Prevladavanje pozitivnih uzoraka pluća razlikovao se od 27,2 % (inozemstvo) do čak 40%u centralnom dijelu i Sardiniji, no te razlike nestaju u nacionalnim razmjerima (Χ 2 = 4.39 P>0.1). Naši rezultati potvrđuju usko razlikovanje sojeva PCR protokolom (Dinkel i sur. 2004), čime su identificirana 11Eg uzorka iz skupine G1-G2-G3. Sekvenca mitohondrijskih gena NADH i COI, dokazala je da svi uzorci pripadaju skupini G1 (obične ovce), osim dva uzorka koji pripadaju G3, ili Bufalo skupini. Sa sociološkog, no i praktičnog stajališt, možemo reći da je proširenost CE visoka gdje postoji neuravnoteženost socio-ekonomskog razvoja I broja uzgajanih ovaca. Svijet uzgajivača se uvijek čini nepropusan za zdravstvenu edukaciju što dovodi do komunikacijskih poteškoća prema veterinarskim službama. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 161 Materials and methods – The analysis of three years (2004 – 2005 – 2006) of slaughter data allowed to check 1271 stocks of adult sheep coming from 464 farms, 1209 (95%) of national origin and 62 (5%) from abroad (Austria, French, Germany, Holland, Poland). The total number of inspected sheep was 16.999, 14982 (88%) of national origin and 2.017 (12 %) from foreign countries. As expected, the female are more represented (99%) in our sample. Statistical data analysis was performed according to Armitage (1971). Two specimen of germinal layer and protoscoleces from six farms was collected and from eleven viable cysts DNA was extracted with a commercial kit (High pure PCR template preparation kit, Roche) and PCR protocols pointed out by Dinkel A et al (2004) applied for discrimination of the various clusters of strains of E. granulosus (Eckert J et al, 2001). Nested PCR results were confirmed by sequencing of COI and NADH mithocondrial genes (Bowles J, Mcmanus DP, 1993, Int.; Bowles J et al, 1994). Results and discussion – Due to the work organization in the abattoir the data about livers and lungs was collected for each stock and not for each animal but the correlation analysis showed a positive correlation between the number of positive livers and lungs in stocks (Pearson’s r 0.82 P<0.001). However the observed lung prevalence (37,5%) resulted significantly higher (Χ 2 =7639 P< 0.001) than the liver one (24.5%). Lung prevalences calculated for different areas ranged from 27,2 % (abroad) to almost 40 % in center and Sardinia but this difference disappears as national areas only were considered (Χ 2 = 4.39 P>0.1). Our data confirming the higher Strain typing obtained by PCR protocols pointed out by Dinkel A et al (2004) lead us to identify the 11 Eg sampleas as belonging to the G1-G2-G3 Cluster. The subsequently sequencing of mithocondrial genes NADH and COI, has determined that all samples belong to G1 (common sheep) strain except for 2 samples that belongs to the G3 or Buffalo strain. Strain typing obtained by PCR protocols pointed out by Dinkel A et al (2004) lead us to identify the 11 Eg sample as belonging to the G1-G2-G3 Cluster. The subsequently sequencing of mithocondrial genes NADH and COI, has determined that all samples belong to G1 (common sheep) strain except for 2 samples that belongs to the G3 or Buffalo strain. From a sociological, but also operative, point of view the key of lecture of these results highlights the CE diffusion with high prevalence levels everywhere sheep are bred independently of the socioeconomic development of the area and the number of sheep raised. The breeder world appear to be always impervious to health education and it is a considerable communication trouble for veterinary services but also for category associations that do not reach to realize control programs even if of low profile 162 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 A Field Report to Compare the Responses in calves with diarrhoea associated with Cryptosporidiosis when treated with Electrolytes with or without Betacyclodextrin USPOREDBA ODGOVORA NA TERAPIJU PROLJEVA POVEZANOG SA KRIPTOSPORIDIOZOM PROVEDENU ELEKTROLITIMA SA I BEZ BCIKLODEKSTRINA Bruce Pauling B.V.Sc., Director, Professional Veterinary Distributors Ltd., Titirangi, New Zealand & Richard Tiddy B.V.Sc., M.Sc., Vet Resource, Te Awamutu, New Zealand Aim A double blind trial to examine whether a commercial electrolyte with added β-cyclodextrin will improve the rate of recovery of diarrhoea from natural field infections of Cryptosporidium parvum in a commercial calf rearing unit. Background: Calves affected with cryptosporidiosis diarrhoea are reported to exhibit clinical signs typically lasting 7 days or more (Fayer et al 1998; Castro-Hermida et al 2002). Farmers offer supportive fluid replacement therapy until the calves start to improve. β-Cyclodextrin activity against Cryptosporidium parvum has been reported in vitro and in vivo in a range of species including mice, lambs, and calves (Castro-Hermida et al, 2000-2004). On many calf units infections are complicated with significant death rates attributed to mixed infections. β-Cyclodextrin is reported as ‘virtually tasteless’ and should be readily palatable to a young calf with reduced appetite. Hypothesis Diarrhoeic, dehydrated calves with cryptosporidiosis when treated with an electrolyte supplemented with betacyclodextrin will have an improved rate of recovery compared with a nonsupplemented electrolyte. It was proposed that the improved rate of recovery will be measured with an earlier return of appetite and a reduced volume of electrolyte to reach full recovery onto a full milk diet. Materials Two electrolyte formulations were prepared, one a commercial isotonic electrolyte (“Enervade™”) with soluble dietary fibre (resistant maltodextrin) added (Ep) and the second being an identical electrolyte mix to which 10 gm betacyclodextrin was also added (EpBCD). Method A commercial calf unit raising 1600 Jersey/Friesian cross calves per year with a history of cryptosporidial diarrhoea presented 25 simultaneously diarrhoeic calves for the study. The presence of cryptosporidial oocysts was confirmed in cases prior to the trial, in subsamples of enrolled calves, XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 163 and sentinel calves were also monitored to a limited extent for cryptosporidial oocysts and other pathogens associated with neonatal calf diarrhoea. The calves were typically aged 6 – 12 days of age, and weighed 24-32 kg. Treatments were blinded to both the herd manager and trial monitor and randomised. Following assignment, calves were placed alternately into one of two adjacent hospital pens and fed from communal electrolyte/milk feeders. Treatment started by withholding milk for 24 hours. Calves in each pen were then offered one of either electrolyte treatments at least twice daily for 24 hours according to “demand” (ie consumption rate). Calves were then offered milk twice daily to assess the return of appetite, and were fed milk if they desired, otherwise electrolyte was continued. Each group continued to receive the assigned electrolyte at least once daily over a three day period. Voluntary electrolyte consumption was encouraged. Results Cryptosporidiosis was confirmed among affected diarrhoeic calves. Calves treated with βcyclodextrin electrolyte (EpBCD) recovered their appetite more quickly than the control electrolyte (Ep) (P < 0.001), and the total electrolyte volume required was significantly lower in the EpBCD formulation - 33% less on day 5, (95% CI 25-40%) . Relapse diarrhoea cases occurred in each group following the re-introduction of milk. G r a p h Sh o w in g Pr o p o r tio n o f C a lv e s r e tu r n e d to s o le ly m ilk fe e d s Proportion of calves returned to solely milk feeds 1 .0 p = .0 0 1 0 .8 0 .6 Ep 0 .4 EpBC D 0 .2 0 .0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Da y Average Litres of Electrolyte consumed per calf over 6 days Av e r a g e Ele c tr o lyte C o n s u m p tio n o f v a r io u s Ele c tr o lyte s p e r c a lf s u r v iv in g to 6 d a ys 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 se se L itre s C o n s u m e d Ep EpBC D Legend Ep – Commercial electrolyte without β-cyclodextrin. EpBCD – commercial electrolyte with β-cyclodextrin.. Death rates were 5/13 in Ep electrolyte, and 3/12 in the EpBCD group being typical of the death rates on the property for this type of case. 164 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Conclusions There was 1. A significant increase in the rate of recovery of appetite in the group of calves treated with the electrolyte formulation containing betacyclodextrin compared with the control electrolyte formulation. 2. A significant (33%) reduction in the total volume of electrolyte used in the time to full calf recovery onto a milk diet. 3. No significant difference in death rates between treatment groups, however numbers were low and numerically, fewer EpBCD affected calved died. *** Don’t know that this is important here – might be better leaving high impact statements alone at end. Some of this could go in the intro. Loss of appetite for milk feeds is common in calves with cryptosporidiosis, and is an important sign that increases weight loss and slows recovery. An improvement in the rate of recovery is an important factor for farmers in reducing the impact of this disease in calves. During recovery and at re-introduction of milk feeds some effort may be required to only offer small volumes of milk. * corresponding author; # Kryptade is a registered veterinary medicine in New Zealand USPOREDBA ODGOVORA NA TERAPIJU PROLJEVA POVEZANOG SA KRIPTOSPORIDIOZOM PROVEDENU ELEKTROLITIMA SA I BEZ BCIKLODEKSTRINA Bruce Pauling * B. V. Sc., Director, Professional Veterinary Distributors LTD; Titirangi, New Zeland & Richard Tiddy B. V. Sc., M. Sc., Vet Resource, Te Awamutu, New Zeland Cilj: Dvostruka slijepa proba za određivanje komercijalnog elektrolita uz dodavanje ß-cyclodextrin će poboljšati stupanj oporavka od proljeva uzrokovanog prirodnom infekcijom Cryptosporidium Parvum u zemaljskom uzgoju. Opis slučaja: Prijavljano je da telad pogođena kriptosporidiozom pokazuje kliničke znakove u trajanju od 7 dana ili više (Fayerlet al 1998; Castro-Hermida et al 2002). Uzgajivači primjenjuju potpornu terapiju tekućinama dok telad ne počne pokazivati znakove oporavka. Aktivnost ßcyclodextrina protiv Cryptosporidium Parvum-a se pokazala efektivnom in vitro i in vivo u više životinjskih vrsta, uključujući miševe, janjad i telad (Castro-Hermida et al, 2000-2004). U mnoštva teladi prijavljene su komplikacije sa visokom smrtnošću pripisane miješanim infekcijama. ßcyclodextrin navodno je bez okusa, te se može upotrijebiti peletiran čak i u teladi sa smanjenim apetitom. Hipoteza: Dehidrirana telad sa riptosporidijama uzrokovanom dijarejom pokazuju kod terapije elektrolitima sa ß-cyclodextrinom pojačan stupanj oporavka od neterapirane. Predloženo je da se brzina oporavka mjeri ranijim povratkom apetita i količinom utrošena elektrolita do potpunog povratka na prehranu mlijekom. Materijal: Pripremljene su dvije vrste elektrolita – komercijalni izotonični elektrolit („Enervade TM“) sa dodanim otopljenim dijetnim vlaknima (otporni maltodekstrin) (Ep), i, kao drugo, isti taj elektrolit sa dodanih 10 g/ml ß-cyclodextrina (EpBCD). XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 165 Metoda: Komercijalni uzgoj sa 1600 Jersey/Friesian križane teladi sa povijesti kriptosporidijske dijareje odvojio nam je 25 bolesne teladi koja su počela pokazivati simptome u isto vrijeme, za istraživanje. Prisutnost oocisti kriptosporidija dokazana je prije početka pokusa, u umatičene i kontrolne teladi u koje je također utvrđena manja količina oocisti kriptosporidija i ostalih patogena utvrđenih u neonatalnim dijarejama. Telad je bila stara 6-12 dana i težine 24-32 kg. Terapije su davane nasumično i bez informiranosti upravitelja stada i mjerača rezultata. Terapirani su u oba veterinarska centra (lječilišta) i hranjeni iz hranilica koje se uobičajeno koriste. Terapija je počela uskraćivanjem mlijeka 24 sata. U oba centra nakon toga im je ponuđen jedan od dva elektrolita dva puta na dan u 24 sata, ovisno o želji. Nakon toga nuđeno im je mlijeko 2x dnevno za procjenu povratka apetita, te im je isto dano ukoliko su ga htjeli, a u suprotnom je nastavljena terapija elektrolitima. Obje grupe nastavile su dobivati elektrolite barem jednom na dan kroz period od 3 dana. Poticano je dobrovoljno uzimanje elektrolita. Rezultati: Kriptosporidioza je potvrđena u teladi pogođenom dijarejom. Telad tretirana ßcyclodextrinom u elektrolitu (EpBCD) povratila je apetit znatno brže nego telad koja je primila kontrolni elektrolit (Ep) (P<0,001), a ukupna količina utrošenog elektrolita je značajno manja u EpBCD grupi – 33% manje petog dana, (95% CI 25-40%). Recidivi su se pojavili u obje skupine prilikom ponovnog uvođenja mlijeka u prehranu. 166 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Metabolic Diseases - Nutrition Metaboličke bolesti - Hranidba XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 167 168 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 NEUROLOGICAL MANIFESTATIONS AND LIVER DISEASE IN DAIRY COWS Neurološki poremećaji i bolesti jetre u muznih krava Marisa Masucci, Michela Pugliese, Alessio Scardillo, Antonio Sutera*; Ferrantelli V.*, Giuseppe Licitra** Departement of Veterinary Pubblic Health, University of Messina - *Zooprophilactic Institute of Palermo**ASL n. 7 – Ragusa (Italy) Summary The liver cannot be examinated directly in large animals and the signs of liver disease – among them the hepatic encephalopathy - caused by failure of its functions may not appear in the early stages of disease or may be very subtle. Many blood constituents may be altered because of failure of the metabolic functions of the liver and of hepatocyte damage. This study evaluates the relationship between serum parameters changes indicative of hepatic damage and alterated nervous system functions in dairy cows. Sažetak Jetru je nemoguće direktno pregledati u velikih životinja pa je ponekad teško na vrijeme prepoznati bolesti jetre kao što je npr. hepatička encefalopatija koja nastaje zbog poteškoća u funkciji jetre jer su simptomi vrlo blagi ili ih uopće nema. Različiti sastojci krvi mogu biti promijenjeni usljed metaboličkih poremećaja jetre i oštećenja hepatocita. Svrha ovog rada je utvrditi povezanost između promjena u krvi koji ukazuju na oštećenje jetre sa poremećajima živčanog sustava u mliječnih krava. Introduction Hepatic encephalopathy is a clinical syndrome, characterized by neurological symptomatology, that occurs when portal blood bypasses the liver (congenital or acquired shunts) or when the blood goes through an inadequately functioning liver (hepatic insufficiency) (Pearson, 2002; Lorenz and Kornegay, 2004). It occurs because the liver cannot adequately metabolize and detoxify substances that are normally absorbed form the gastrointestinal tract (ammonia, mercaptans, short-chain fatty acids, aromatic amino acids) and thus their blood levels increase (Pearson, 2002; Lorenz and Kornegay, 2004). They cross the blood-brain barrier and act as false neurotransmitters or alter the balance between inhibitory and excitatory neurotrasmitters (Pearson, 2002; Lorenz and Kornegay, 2004). A variety of clinical signs may be present: lack of coordination, beahvioural changes, mental status alterations (hyper-excitability or depression, stupor or coma), seizures, blindness (Pearson, 2002; Lorenz and Kornegay, 2004). Signs of hepatic encephalopathy are often subtle and not specific and frequently the clinical picture waxes and wanes (Pearson, 2002; Lorenz and Kornegay, 2004). The goals of this study is evaluate a possible relationship between serum parameters changes indicative of hepatic damage and neurological signs in dairy cows. Materials and methods Eighty-nine cows, between the 4th and the 74th week of lactation, were examined: 83 Friesian, 3 Red-dappled, 2 Brown, 1 Friesian – Red-dappled cross. All the animals were healty in herdsmen’s opinion. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 169 Neurological examination (observation of posture, gait, mental status and examination of cranial nerves) was carried out in all the animals. In all the cows the following serum parameters were determinated: urea, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), γ-glutamyl transferase (GGT), total and conjugated bilirubin, triglycerides, cholesterol, total proteins and electrophoresis of proteins. The following ranges were considered normal: urea: 10-45 mg/dl; AST: 0-130 U/l; GGT: 2-18 U/l; total bilirubin: 0.01-0.5 mg/dl; conjugated bilirubin: 0.04-0.44 mg/dl; triglycerides: 15-45 mg/ dl; cholesterol: 80-140 mg/dl, total proteins: 6-8 g/dl; albumin 3.1-3.7 g/dl; α1 globulins: 0.1-0.3 g/dl; α2 globulins 0.5-0.7 g/dl; β globulins: 1-1.6 g/dl; γglobulins: 1.8-2.5 g/dl; albumin/globulins ratio: 0.4-1.2 (Fioretti et al., 1983; Kaneko, 1989b). Statistical analysis was made using the Fisher’s exact test and linear regression test. Differences were considered to be significant when P< 0.05. Results Eight cows (9%) showed neurological deficit: pelvic limbs proprioceptive ataxia (3 animals), hyper-reactivity to environmental stimuli (1 animal), bilateral amaurosis (1 animal), monolateral amaurosis (3 animals). The animals with neurological signs had the following biochemical alterations: • decreased amounts of: cholesterol (2 cows), triglycerides (6 cows), albumin (6 cows), β globulins (2 cows), γ globulins (2 cows); • increased levels of: GGT (5 cows), AST (2 cows), cholesterol (7 cows), total proteins (4 cows), α1 globulins (8 cows), α2 globulins (4 cows), γ globulins (1 cow). There was a statistically significant difference between animals with neurological signs (group A) and without neurological signs (group B) with regard to: • hypotriglyceridemia (P = 0.0162), which was found in 75% of the animals of group A (X 13.6 + 5.4) and in 30% of the animals of group B (X 17.4 + 5.4); • hypocholesterolemia (P = 0.0072), which was found in 25% of the animals of group A (X 182 + 75.8) and in any animal of group B (X 188 + 60.7); • increased levels of AST (P = 0.0205), which was found in 25% of the animals of group A (X 89 + 31) and in 1% of the animals of group B (X 74 + 17). There was no significant difference for the prevalence of high levels of: GGT (62% of the cows of group A and 85% of group B), cholesterol (87% of the cows of group A and 79% of group B), total proteins (50% of the cows of group A and 21% of group B ), α1 globulins (100% of the cows of group A and 99% of group B), α2 globulins (50% of the cows of group A and 54% of group B), γ globulins (12% of the cows of group A and 10% of group B). There was no significant difference for the prevalence of decreased amounts of: albumin (75% of the cows of group A and 52% of group B), β globulins (25% of the cows of group A and 48% of group B), γ globulins (25% of the cows of group A and 60% of group B). There was a positive linear regression between: • triglyceride and α2 globulins ( r = 0.3645, P = 0.0004) 170 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 • cholesterol and urea (r = 0.3369; P = 0.0012) • cholesterol and albumin (r = 0.6482; P < 0.0001) • AST and total proteins ( r = 0.2999; P = 0.0043) • AST and γ globulins ( r = 0.2689; P = 0.0108) There was a negative linear regression between: • trygliceride serum levels and GGT (r = - 0.2675; P = 0.0113) • cholesterol and total bilrubin (r = - 0.2368; P = 0.0263) • cholesterol and total proteins (r = - 0.3930; P = 0.0001). Discussion The results show a significantly higher prevalence of hypotrigliceridemia, hypocholesterolemia and high levels of AST in the cows with neurological signs and a significant correlation between this and other serum parameters indicative of hepatic damage. Triglyceride serum levels are sometimes lower in hepatic lipidosis, because of the inability of the liver to secrete them, that are deposited within the epatocytes (Pearson, 2002; Aubadie-Ladrix, 2004). The liver secretes triglycerides as VLDL lipoproteins, which migrate in to the α2 globulins position (Kaneko, 1989a). This explains the positive correlation between triglyceride serum levels and α2 globulins. GGT in cattle is the most valuable serum marker for disorders of the hepatobiliary system (cholestasis, hepatic lipidosis, hepatocyte necrosis) (Verrièle and Bedouet, 2000). The negative regression between GGT and triglycerides may be due to a progressive decrease in blood triglycerides when the hepatic damage increases. The low cholesterol levels are due to its decreased hepatic synthesis and/or its inability to leave the liver (Schouvert, 2001; Pearson, 2002). Urea provides a non toxic means of excreting ammonia generated by amino acid catabolism and the intestinal microflora and its production occurs almost exclusively in the liver (Carlson, 2002). Albumin is synthesized by liver too. The failure of the metabolic hepatic functions may be a determining factor of decrease in blood cholesterol, urea and albumin and of positive regression betwen cholesterol and urea and cholesterol and albumin. The negative regression between cholesterol and bilirubin may be due to a impairment of excretory function of the liver associated with failure of metabolic functions. The negative regression between cholesterol and total proteins may be due to association between hepatic failure and inflammatoryinfectious diseases. AST is used rather ALT in cattle (liver of large animals contain only insignificant amounts of ALT) and, althoug it is not liver specific, is useful in measuring hepatic necrosis, although is not liver specific (Cornelius, 1989). The positive regression between AST and total proteins and γglobulins may be due to association between hepatic damage and inflammatory-infectious diseases. This study suggests a relationship between hepatic damage and neurological manifestations and shows a significantly higher prevalence of hypotrigliceridemia and hypocholesterolemia in the cows with neurological signs.It would be interesting to clarify if these lipidic disorders are simply a marker of liver failure, responsible of neurological symptoms (hepatic encephalopathy), or if you do not have a direct role in the symptoms (lipids are a very important role in formation of structural neuronal membranes and mielinic sheaths. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 171 The subtle clinical signs showed by animals were not perceived by herdsmen or in a superficial observation and were detected only by an accurate neurological examination. So it is likely that the neurological system involvement in hepatic failure is under-estimated, and that it may occur not only in the terminal stages of disease (Lorenz and Kornegay, 2004). References 1. Aubadie-Ladrix M. Esami biochimici ematici nella bovina da latte. Summa numero monotematico: Esami complementari in clinica bovina, 2004, n.9, pp.13-19. 2. Carlson G.P: Clinical Chemistry Tests. In: Smith B.P. Large animal internal medicine. Third edition, Mosby, St Louis, 2002, pp. 389-412. 3. Cornelius C.E.: Liver function. In: Kaneko J.J. Clinical biochemistry of domestic animlas. Academic Press, Inc., San Diego, 1989, pp. 364-391. 4. Fioretti M., Antonimi S., Bertoli M. Diagnostica in medicina veterinaria. Attualità in laboratorio. EdiErmes, Milano 1983 5. Kaneko J.J. Serum proteins and dysprotidemias. In: Kaneko J.J. Clinical biochemistry of domestic animlas. Academic Press, Inc., San Diego, 1989a, pp. 142-165. 6. Kaneko J.J. Appendixes. In: Kaneko J.J. Clinical biochemistry of domestic animlas. Academic Press, Inc., San Diego, 1989b, pp. 877-901. 7. Lorenz M.D., Kornegay J.N. Handbook of veterinary neurology. Fourth edition. Saunders, St Louis 2004. 8. Pearson E.G. Diseases of the hepatobiliary system. In: Smith B.P. Large animal internal medicine. Third edition, Mosby, St Louis, 2002, pp. 790-823 9. Schouvert F. La steatosi epatica nella vacca da latte. Summa, 2001, n.8, pp. 21-27 10. Verrièle M., Bedouet J.: Gli esami ematici nei bovini. 1. Le chiavi per utilizzare la biochimica clinica. Summa, 2000, n.5, pp. 27-31 172 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Effects of sex on histological characteristics of skin in Lori sheep Utjecaj spola na histološke osobitosti kože u Ovaca pasmine lori ABBASI, M1, and GHARZI, A.2 1 Department of Basic Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Lorestan,Khorram-Abad, Iran Department of Biology, Faculty of Basic Sciences, University of Lorestan, Khorram-Abad, Iran 2 Abstract Skin is a remarkable and versatile organ, which not only covers the whole body but also has a number of other important functions. About 15% of the body weight in mammals is skin. This organ is composed of two principle layers, epidermis and dermis. Epidermis is ectodermal in origin and forms most of the cutaneous appendages including glands, nail, hair and wool follicles. It consists mainly of a multilayer of keratinocytes. Beneath of the epidermis is dermis a thick and tough layer of connective tissue. It has been indicated that the detailed anatomy and histology of the skin and its appendages varies not only in different species but various parts of the body in an individual also shows considerable changes regarding these factors. In present study we aimed to compare some characters of skin, including the epidermis and dermis thickness, density and diameter of primary and secondary wool follicles (PF & SF), in the various parts of skin in male and female of Lori sheep. To fulfill this task we were provided 20 sheep skin and removed our samples as small pieces from their different regions. The samples were first observed by a binocular microscope to examine the density of wool fibers per square millimeter. Afterwards, they were fixed in formalin saline and processed for more histological scrutiny. To improve our survey, we stained the 7 µm cut sections with H&E method. The sections were observed under a light microscope equipped with a graded graticule (to the nearest 1 µm) and several informative characters, which were already mentioned, were recorded. Observations, which were made here, showed that the mean density of wool fiber in this breed is 6 per mm2. Moreover, although no significant difference was observed regarding the thickness of epidermis and dermis, some clear differences were showed in the case of follicles diameters between two sexes. In general, we demonstrated here that in lori sheep the sex influences on quantitative and qualitative characters of skin and its main epidermal appendages namely, wool follicles. Key words; Sheep, Skin, Histology Sažetak: Koža je svestran organ koji ne samo da pokriva čitavo tijelo nego sadrži mnogo važnih funkcija. Otprilike 15% tjelesne mase sisavaca čini koža. Načelno ovaj organ se sastoji od dva osnovna sloja: epiderme i derme. Epiderma je ektodermalnog podrijetla i čini većinu kutanih tvorbi uključujući, žlijezde, nokte, kosu i dlačne folikule. Sastoji se uglavnom od višeslojnih keratinocita. Ispod epiderme i derme leži debeo i čvrst sloj vezivnog tkiva. U ovom istraživanju željeli smo usporediti neke osobitosti kože, uključujući debljinu epiderme i derme, gustoću i promjer primarnih i sekundarnih dlačnih folikula na različitim dijelovima kože mužjaka i ženki pasmine Lori. Kako bi izvršili ovu zadaću dostavljeno nam je 20 ovaca kojima smo uzeli male uzorke kože i različitih dijelova tijela.Uzorci su prvotno pregledani binokularnim mikroskopom kako bi ispitali gustoću vunenih vlakana u kvadratnom milimetru.Rezovi su pretraženi svjetlosnim mikroskopom koji je mikronsku skalu, a neke od značajnih promjena su primljene. Naša zapažanja su pokazala da je prosječna gustoća vunenog vlakna u ove pasmine 6 mikrona u kvadratnom milimetru. Štoviše, iako nije uočena signifikantna razlika između debljine epidermisa i dermisa uočena je jasna raznolikost u promjeru dlačnih folikula među spolovima. Općenito uzevši dokazali smo da se utjecaj spola na kvantitativne i kvalitativne karakteristike kože lori ovaca manifestiraju kroz dimenzije dlačnih folikula. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 173 Introduction Skin is a remarkable and versatile organ which not only covers the whole body but also has plays a number of other important roles for the body (Dellman, 1993). This organ is composed of two principle layers, epidermis and dermis. Epidermis is ectodermal in origin and forms most of the cutaneous appendages including glands, nail, hair and wool follicles. It consists mainly of a multilayer of keratinocytes. Beneath of the epidermis is dermis a thick and tough layer of connective tissue ( Junqueira and Camerio, 2003). One of skin appendages in mammals is wool that covers the body of sheep and some others in this class. The wool fiber is product of wool follicles, an epidermal appendage which penetrates deep into the underling dermis (Carter, 1955). Histologically, there are two types of wool follicles: primary follicles which produce thicker fibers than their secondary counterparts (Brown et al, 1968). Of main characters that determine quality and quantity of wool produced by sheep are density of follicles and the ratio of secondary to primary follicles (the so-called S/P ratio). There are some documents that in sheep sex affects the density of follicles (P & S) as in females is higher than males and this is a reflection of having more weight and greater skin surface in female (Buttler, 1981). One of main area in breeding of sheep in Iran is Lorestan province in southwest of the country. The sheep which is bred in this region is called Lori sheep. In this research we aimed to investigate some characters relating the skin of this breeds. It was also tried to find whether the sex has any impact on quality of produced wool or not? Materials and methods Twenty reproductively mature Lori sheep (10 ewes and 10 rams) were identified according to their phenotypic features. The sheep were killed in a local slaughterhouse and their skins were dissected out. By using a punch, small pieces, with total area of 2 cm2, were removed from different regions of the skin, including left and right flanks, left and right shoulders, left and right hips and mid-back. The specimens were immediately placed in formalin saline. Afterwards, by a binocular microscope the total number of wool follicles (P & S) in these pieces was counted. The specimens were then processed through a serial steps for histology examinations. Hematoxylin and eosin method were used for staining of histological sections. The sectioned were examined under a microscope which was equipped with a graded graticule by which the diameter of follicles (P & S) and the thickness of epidermis and dermis layers were measured. In general, 8 parameter, including density of wool fibers per mm2 (FD), number of primary follicles (PFN) and secondary follicles (SFN) per mm2, diameter of primary follicles (PFD) and secondary follicles (SFD), thickness of epidermis (ET) and dermis (DT) as well as the S/P ratio in both sexes in above-mentioned regions were measured (Humason, 1979). The data provided were later analyzed statistically. All statistic analyses were processed in SAS software (SAS Institute, 1998). Results After examining the punched pieces with a total area of 6 cm2 under a binocular microscope and counting the wool fibers which exist in this area we found a mean density of 6.063 per mm2 (with a standard error of 0/166). Considering sex and region, no significant differences were observed in fiber density between two sexes and different regions (P > 0.05). 174 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Epidermis in both male and female and also in different regions shows a thickness between minimum 8 and maximum 45 µm with an average of 17.54 µm. The highest thickness of epidermis is seen in female (18.69 µm) and the thinnest epidermis exists on the hip region (16.63 µm). The epidermis is made of 3-8 cell layers and regarding its thickness a significant difference was observed between two sexes (P < 0.0082). In general, the epidermis in female is thicker than its counterpart in male. Dermis is a tough and thick (1- 4.9mm) connective tissue that forms projections termed papillae which interdigitate with downward projections of epidermis. Within the dermis wool follicles, sweet and sebaceous glands and arrector pilli muscle are clearly observed. Compared to female, the male shows a thicker dermis. The wool follicles are seen in groups and each group consists of a large primary follicle and several smaller secondary follicles. The sex has a distinct effect on the number of secondary follicles (P < 0.05) and S/P ratio (P <0.01) but not on the primary follicles number (P > 0.05). The mean value of both factors was higher in female compared to male. Moreover, sex showed a clear outcome on the diameter of primary (P < 0.01) and secondary (P < 0.05) follicles. In regard to the diameter of primary follicles, a significant discrepancy was observed at various regions of skin (P < 0.01) as in back region the follicles were thicker. However, such correlation was not seen in case of secondary follicles (P >0.05). Discussion It has been shown that the structure and the thickness of skin vary in different breeds of sheep. For example, in Bulgarian breeds, Native Karnoboat and Karakachen, skin has a 3.3 and 2.5 mm thick, from which the epidermal layer forms on average 18 µm (Stankov et al, 2004), while in Merino sheep, the epidermis constitutes 24.9 µm of whole skin (Britt et al 1985). We here demonstrated that in lori sheep the skin on average is 2.4 mm thick including a 18 µm epidermis the remaining is composed of the dermis. Also, in relation to epidermis thickness, a significant difference was found between two sexes as in females this layer is thicker than its counterpart in male. Moreover, in female, dermis was also thicker than male. However, regarding the thickness of the dermis in various portions of the skin, a distinct difference was not observed between these parts. It has been documented that the quality of wool depends on the SF/PF ratio so that a higher ratio means a better quality for the wool (Hynd, 1995 and Clarke et al 1997) and the highest ratio is found in Merino sheep which mounts to 16.5. In other breeds this ratio is lower as a six months old Awassi fat-tailed sheep displays a ratio of 4.2. Another point revealed by these researchers in this particular sheep was that the SF/PF ratio in male has been higher than male (Fayez et al, 1976). There are some indications that this ratio is hereditary but diet can have an effect on it too (Gifford et al, 1995). In present study, we showed that in lori sheep the mean SF/PF ratio is 2.26, which means in comparison to other breeds, such as Barki, Sannen and Togenburg that show a ratio of 2.4, 3.9 and 2.4 respectively, the quality of the produced wool is nearly satisfactory but is not ideal, of course, if compared to Merino sheep. Moreover, in female this ratio was higher than male, once again a clear discrepancy was not observed in different parts of skin. The undesired quality of the wool in lori sheep is also reflected in a low density of wool fiber per mm2 (6/mm2) since this density is much higher in well-known breeds. Considering the diameter of wool follicles, the current study showed that in male sheep the follicles are thicker and since there is a straight relationship between follicle diameter and fiber thickness, it can be concluded that in lori sheep the females grow and produce finer or better wool. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 175 Again various parts of skin in both sexes are closely similar and for this parameter and no considerable difference was seen in these regions. In general, in this survey, we introduced macroscopic and microscopic characters of lori sheep skin and showed that in these aspects there are some differences among male and female. However, the quality of the wool produced in this specific breed is not very satisfactory and is comparable with many endemic uro-asian breeding. Acknowledgement The authors would like to thank research department of Lorestan University for financial support. References Britt, A.G., Cotton, C.L., Kellet, B.N., Pitman, I. and Traska, A.J. (1985): Structure of the epidermis of Australian merino sheep over 12-month period. Aus. J. Bio. Sci. 38: 165-174. Brown, G.H., Turner, N.H. and Dolling, C.H.S. (1968): Vital statistics for an experimental flock of merino sheep. V. the effects of age of ram, maternal handicap and year of measurement on 10 wool and body charactristics for unselected rams. Aust. J. Agric. Res. 19: 825-835. Buttler, L.G. (1981): Effect of sex and birth status on the wool folicle polpulation in unselected Corridale sheep. Anim. Prod. 33: 67-70. Carter, H.B. (1955): The hair follicle group in sheep. Anim. Breed. Abst. 23(2): 101-116. Clarke, C., Roberts, G., Behrend, R., Marland, D. and Dolling, M. (1997): Quality management for wool growers: Sheep Breeding and Selection. Ararar, DNRE, Victoria. Dellman, H.D.(1993): Text book of veterinary histology. 4th ed .,Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia.USA. pp:285295. Fayez, I., Marai, M. and Taha, A.H.(1976): Wool follicle characteristics in the Awassi fat-tailed sheep. Acta Anat. 96(1): 55-69. Gifford, D. R., Ponzoni, R. W., Anoell, M. C., Hynd, P. I., Walkley, R. W. and Grimson, R. J. (1995): Genetic studies on wool quality and skin characters of Merino. Wool Technology and Sheep Breeding, 43(1): 2429. Humason, G.L.(1979): Animal tissue techniques. 4th ed.,W.H.Freeman and Commpany, Sanfrancisco,USA. pp:113-118. Hynd, P. I. (1995): Skin and follicle-based selection for wool production and quality. Wool technology and sheep breeding. 43: 15-23. Junqueira, L.C. and Camerio.J.(2003): Basic histology. 10th ed, The McGraw-Hill Companies,USA.pp: 368381. SAS Institute. (1998): SAS user’s guide. Rev. G. 04, SAS Institute, Cary, NC. Stankov, I., Tjankov, S., Slavov, R. and Pamukova, D.(2004): Study of the histological structure of the skin of lambs from aboriginal breeds in Bulgaria. Trakia journal of sciences. 2(2): 49-51. 176 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Metabolic profile determination in calves from different management in NW Spain ODREĐIVANJE METABOLIČKOG PROFILA TELADI S RAZLIČITIH UZGOJA SJEVEROZAPADNE ŠPANJOLSKE Blanco-Penedo, I.1; López-Alonso, M.1; Miranda, M.2; Castillo, C.1, Hernández, J.1, Prieto Montaña, F.3, Benedito, J. L.1 1 2 Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Departamento de Patoloxía Animal, Facultade de Veterinaria, 27002 Lugo, Spain Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Departamento de Ciencias Clínicas Veterinarias, Facultade de Veterinaria, 27002 Lugo, Spain Universidad de León, Departamento de Patología Animal: Medicina, Cirugía y Anatomia Veterinaria. Facultad de Veterinaria, León, Spain 3 ABSTRACT Blood biochemical parameters were used to identify constraints on farm type, geographical area and age in beef-cattle in NW Spain. Blood samples (n = 199) of calves aged between 2 to 10 months and reared on farms with different feeding strategies and management (intensive, organic, conventional) were collected during their whole life cycle production. Levels of glucose (GLU), total serum protein (TP), urea (PUN), creatinine (CRE), cholesterol (C), albumin (Alb), total billirrubin (TBIL), triglycerides (TG) and non-esterified fatty acids (NEFAs) and activities of the liver specific enzymes aspartate transaminase (GOT), glutamate dehydrogenase (GLDH) and creatin kinase (CK); were determined. In general all groups of calves presented safe blood metabolite ranges according with references. The study of blood metabolites can help in understanding the peculiar features of animals in many different physiological, environmental and management conditions in order to adjust farming and feeding systems to animals needs. Feed ration must be appropriately constituted for ruminants in all the life cycle and animal requirement should be covered to keep physiology balance on the animals. Sažetak Krvni biokemijski parametri korišteni su u određivanju stupnja obuzdanosti tovnih goveda u sjeverozapadnoj Španjolskoj, u različitim farmskim uvjetima, zemljopisnim područjima i dobi. Uzorci krvi (n=199) teladi, u dobi od 2 do 10 mjeseci, držanih na farmama sa različitim hranidbenim protokolima i uzgojem (intenzivni, organski, uobičajeni) uzimani su tijekom cijelog proizvodnog ciklusa. Određivane su razine glukoze (GLU), ukupnih serumskih bjelančevina (TP), ureje (PUN), kreatinina (CRE), kolesterola (C), albumina (Alb), ukupnog bilirubina (TBIL), triglicerida (TG), neesterificiranih masnih kiselina (NEFA) te aktivnosti specifičnih jetrenih enzima aspartat transaminaze (GOT), glutamat dehidrogenaze (GLDH) i kreatin kinaze (CK). Sveukupno gledajući, sve skupine teladi imale su normalne razine krvnih metabolita, u skladu s referentnim vrijednostima. Analiza krvnih parametara može pomoći u shvaćanju osobitosti životinja u različitim fiziološkim okolišnim i uzgojnim uvjetima kako bi se sustavi držanja i hranidbe prilagodili potrebama životinja. Obroci krmiva za preživače moraju biti prikladno sastavljeni u svim životnim ciklusima. Moraju se zadovoljiti životinjske potrebe kako bi se održala fiziološka ravnoteža životinja. INTRODUCTION Animal welfare is becoming essential for achieving an integrated animal health, that implies a good quality of life and the possibility to perform a natural behaviour getting feed suitable to its XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 177 physiology (Lund, 2006; Haas et al., 2007). This is one of the goals of organic farming approach, where ruminant diet should be based on locally or in-farm produced forage with a low concentrate feed-supplementation (IFOAM, 2002). It is well assumed that grazing offers a quality of diet to cover cattle and calf requirements when these are well matched with grass growth (Andrews, 1991; Bengtsson et al., 2003). In fact, the nutritional value of well-managed grass is high and on good quality pasture a cow’s welfare can be maintained with low levels of concentrate supplementation or even none (Kennedy et al., 2006). However, during seasonal deficiencies, the limited feed stuffs can cause imbalances in the diets (Sundrum, 1997) expecting to have negative effects on animals if it causes an increasing mobilisation of body reserves and a more negative energy balance (Buttler and Smith, 1989). In this respect, there is a conflict in the basic organic ideology between the aim of good individual animal health and welfare versus environmental concerns and food safety. During such situation, supplemental or replacement feeding is necessary to meet production goals (Mathis and Sawyer, 2007), so, the supplementation of organically grazing cattle can be used to fill the gaps and provide nutrients that are inadequate or missing in the forage (Loy, 2007). In conventional farms supplementary extra concentrate feeding is routinely given to achieve an economic production level, even tough when the quality (and quantity) is high. Nevertheless, this concentrate feed supplementation can be uneconomic if the supply of good quality pasture is sufficient to meet herd demand and the increased concentrate mostly substitutes grass. On the opposite situation than organic and conventional farming are intensive production systems where diets are based on high levels of concentrate feed without any grazing. In regards to nutrition, the main energy source for calves fed with a high-concentrate feed is non-structural carbohydrates (NSC) instead fibber from pasturage in grazing cattle. With the introduction of cereal grains into the diet, the principal substrates for microbial fermentation are no longer slowly digested plant-cellwall components (e.g. cellulose and hemicellulose), but rather rapidly digested starch. Consequently, these diets often induce unstable fermentation conditions that favour the accumulation of acids in the rumen and lead to ruminal dysfunction (Owens et al., 1998). The excessive production of acid in the rumen is often either the cause of or a significant contributing factor to metabolic and nutritional disorder in feedlots. It is known that decreasing the percentage of highly fermentable concentrates in feedlot diets by increasing roughage level or limiting feed intake should decrease the incidence of these disorders (Galyean and Rivera, 2003). It has been stated that the study of blood metabolites can help in understanding the peculiar features of animals in many different physiological, environmental and management conditions in order to adjust husbandry and feeding practices to animals needs (Grasso et al., 2004). In connection with this, blood chemistry can give us such information on many metabolic processes and the welfare of the animal which otherwise would be difficult or impossible to know due to subclinic courses (Mannimen et al., 2007). The aim of this study is to determine the influence of different management and feed practices (organic, conventional and intensive) on blood parameters in beef-cattle in NW Spain. MATERIALS AND METHODS Farm selection. Livestock practices are highly standardised in intensive beef-cattle farms in NW Spain; basically the feed ration consists of a high-grain diet based on 80-90% concentrate (ca. 16 %CP-DM basis and 5-8 %CF-DM basis) and 10-20% of roughage with an indoor management. On conventional and organic farms, on the contrary, milk intake dominates calf performance in the first 178 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 3 months; during the growing phase (3-6 months) calves were fed with ryegrass/clover pasture with different rotation on each farm, milk and a small percentage of concentrate and the based finishing diets is roughage (fresh grass or harvested) and concentrate (5-30%). Farm selection was made in the districts of Baralla (latitude 42º52´, longitude 7º23), Montederramo (latitude 42º16´, longitude 7º30´) and Vilalba (latitude 43º18´, longitude 7º40´). In each district, an organic, conventional and intensive farm located in the neighbourhood were selected, finding farms and conditions that were similar in other respects for the comparison. All the components of the diet were in according to the practices and legislation of each system. Sample collection. Blood samples were collected during one year corresponding to whole life cycle of calves with age-range from 2 to 11 months. All blood samples (10 ml approximately) were taken from the jugular vein using heparinised vacutainer tubes. Serum was obtained by centrifugation (3,000 g for 15 minutes) of clotted samples within 6 hours after collection. Three aliquots of serum were stored in acid-washed (10% nitric acid) tubes at -20ºC until analyzed, except enzymatic determinations which were refrigerated and analyzed within 7 hours after collection. Weight of carcass were collected when the animals were slaughtered. Sample analysis. Glucose (GLU), total serum protein (TP), urea (PUN), creatinine (CRE), cholesterol (C), albumin (Alb), total billirrubin (TBIL), triglyceride (TG), were determined by enzymatic-colorimetric methods, employing standards kits (Spinreact Laboratories, Spain; Human HR Laboratories, Germany; Gernon Laboratories, Spain). Serum non-esterified fatty acids (NEFAs) was assayed by an enzymatic technique using a standardized method (Randox Laboratories, United Kingdom). Activities of the liver specific enzymes aspartate transaminase (GOT), glutamate dehydrogenase (GLDH) and creatin kinase (CK) were measured in serum by using commercial diagnostic kits (Gernon Laboratories, Spain). Data analysis.All statistical analyses were done using the program SPSS for Windows (v.15.0). Normal distribution of data was checked using Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Analysis of variance (general linear model) was used to evaluate the influence of type of farm (intensive, organic, conventional), zone (Baralla, Montederramo, Vilalba), and age on the metabolic profiles in calves; with farm, zone as fixed-effect factors and age (in months) as a covariate. Tukey´s honest significant difference (HSD) test were used to determine the significance of differences in the metabolic profile between farm type and zone. Pearson rank correlation was used to analyse the relationship between metabolic parameters concentrations and proportion of concentrate on the ration and weight carcass. In all analyses statistical significance was taken to be indicated by p<0.05. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Blood metabolic parameters assessed in calves from intensive, organic and conventional farms in this study are presented in Table 1. Most of the calves in all farms were within physiological limits. The concentrations of glucose were little higher than the range described by Kaneko et al. (1997), Radostits et al. (2002) and Smith (2007) for this specie (45-75 mg/dL) and similar than previously reported for grazing and housing beef calves by Aoki et al. (2006) and Doornenbal et al. (1988) for beef calves. Total serum protein, urea and creatinine levels in our study were within the ranges described by Kaneko et al. (1997), Radostits et al. (2002) and Smith (2007). Mean Alb levels registered on this study were within the range described by Kaneko et al. (1997) for this specie (4-4.4 mg/dL). All triglycerides levels assessed on this study were higher than the range described (0-14 mg/dL) by Kaneko (1997) and similar than those previously reported by Arai et al. (2006) for calves. Cholesterol levels were on the range described by Radostits et al. (2002) for this specie (65-220 XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 179 mg/dl). All the groups presented levels of total billirrubin within the reference levels (Radostits et al. 2002; Smith, 2007). NEFAs were within the range described for this specie (0-0.6 mmol/L; Radostits et al.; 2002). In relation with hepatic enzymes, GLDH and CK were within the references levels of our laboratory. GOT levels were lower than the references levels for this specie (Kaneko et al., 1997) but similar than previous studies for calves (Gregory et al., 1999; Castillo et al., 2008). Table 1. Metabolic parameters in calves from this study. Glucose (mg/dL) Total Protein (g/dL) Urea (mg/dL) Creatinine (mgdL) Triglycerides (mg/dL) Cholesterol (mg/dL) Albumin (mg/dL) Total Bilirubin (mg/dL) Nonesterified fatty acids (mEq/mL) Glutamate dehydrogenase (UI/L) Aspartate aminotransferase (UI/L) Creatine kinase (UI/L) N 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 Media 87.2 6.98 22.1 1.16 27.5 129 4.09 0.412 GSE (85.7-88.5) (6.93-7.03) (21.8-22.4) (1.15-1.17) (26.9-28.1) (128-131) (4.09-4.10) (0.407-0.416) Median 85.4 6.95 21.4 1.18 26.6 126 4.1 0.4 Minimum 45.8 5.56 8.13 0.74 15.4 77.9 3.55 0.28 Maximum 157.6 9.84 33.7 1.61 72.9 193 4.45 0.66 CV 22.1 10.4 20.9 13.4 31.2 16.8 2.67 15.7 185 0.389 (0.385-0.394) 0.39 0.26 0.53 15.5 132 7.07 (6.98-7.15) 7.19 5.16 9.05 13.4 188 188 35.6 133 (34.9-36.2) (131-134) 33.4 138 19.9 87.3 54.2 160 24.6 13.6 Table 2. Results of the general linear model analysis of metabolic parameters with factors zone and farm type and the covariate age. GLU TP PUN CRE TG C Alb TBIL NEFAs GLDH GOT CK R2 0.132 0.161 0.032 0.078 0.040 0.105 0.012 0.123 0.014 0.057 0.783 0.357 Age F(1,199)=0.885 F(1,199)=0.313 F(1,199)=0.094 F(1,199)=2.124 F(1,199)=2.114 F(1,199)=0.325 F(1,199)=0.051 F(1,199)=0.177 F(1,185)=0.545 F(1,132)=0.957 F(1,188)=3.761 F(1,188)=78.12*** Farm F(2,199)=1.242 F(2,199)=11.16*** F(2,199)=1.531 F(2,199)=5.721** F(2,199)=1.225 F(2,199)=5.281** F(2,199)=0.066 F(2,199)=9.274*** F(2,185)=0.299 F(2,132)=0.938 F(2,188)=275*** F(2,188)=0.084 Zone F(2,199)=3.389* F(2,199)=2.207 F(2,199)=1.278 F(2,199)=0.855 F(2,199)=0.521 F(2,199)=0.518 F(2,199)=0.093 F(2,199)=0.489 F(2,185)=0.025 F(2,132)=1.099 F(2,188)=1.734 F(2,188)=0.132 Interactions F(4,199)=4.423** F(4,199)=2.744* F(4,199)=0.132 F(4,199)=0.523 F(4,199)=0.640 F(4,199)=2.780* F(4,199)=0.411 F(2,199)=2.819* F(4,185)=0.281 F(4,132)=0.075 F(4,188)=0.587 F(4,188)=0.142 The results of the general linear modelling to determine if the type of farm (intensive, organic, conventional) in the different zones (Baralla, Montederramo, Vilalba) was a significant source of variation in metabolic profiles of calves in this study are presented in Table 2. Significant interactions between type of farm and zone were observed for glucose, total serum protein, cholesterol and total billirrubin concentrations, which indicates that variation of these metabolites in calves in our study showed a different behaviour by farm in the different zones, and for this reason is not possible to 180 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 CRE 1,24 1,22 1,2 1,18 1,16 1,14 1,12 1,1 1,08 1,06 1,04 1,02 int GOT Org Conv 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 int Org Conv Figure 1. Effect of farm on CRE and GOT concentrations on calves from intensive, organic and conventional farms. establish a common metabolic pattern related to the farming type. Zone by itself was not a significant factor for any of the parameters analysed in this study Type of farm was a significant factor in the analysis for creatinine (p<0.01) and GOT (p=0.000). Significantly lower creatinine levels were observed in calves from organic farms (7%) compared to the other groups (Figure 1). The significant differences among organic and conventional or intensive groups for creatinine probably are indicative of differences on muscle mass due to the origin of the amount of creatinine released on blood that is the striated muscle (Doornenbal et al.; 1988); in fact, significant correlations were found between creatinine levels vs percentage of concentrate on the ration (p=0.004) and between creatinine levels vs. the weight of the carcass (Rs=0.163, p=0.021). With regard to GOT activity, significantly higher enzymatic activities were found in intensive farms (151-155 %; p=0.000) compared to the other XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 181 groups. Mori et al. (2007) pointed out higher levels of GOT on beef calves fed on larger amount of concentrate diet than fed on pasture, and may indicate slight liver damage by slightly acidotic conditions associated to diet, as a consequence of accelerated function of liver for more nutrients metabolism. Furthermore, as it was mentioned before, the source of energy on concentrate (NSC) is a significant contributing factor to metabolic disorders in feedlot (Galyean and Rivera, 2003). These pronounced higher concentrations of GOT on intensive farms could be explained for the higher demand on hepatic metabolism fed with a high-concentrate feed, for this reason, higher activity of this enzyme was positive strongly correlated with higher percentage of concentrate on the diet of calves of our study (Rs=0.730, p=0.000). A significant effect of age on calves as a covariate in the analysis was observed on CK activity, a downward trend on CK levels being observed with the progress of the age (p=0.000) in all groups (Figure 2). CK CK (UI/l) (UI/l) 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 age ((months months ) Figure 2. CK downtrend progress with the age of calves of our study. CONCLUSIONS Our results indicate that feeding practices is the factor that projects the bigger differences on the metabolic profiles of calves for different farm systems in our study. These results may represent a useful tool for the improvement on the formulating diets and the prevention of possible disorders conditioned for the diet and followed by the management. REFERENCES Andrews, T. (1991). Suffering animals in a green landscape? Dairy Farmer 38, 26-28. Aoki, Y.; Nakanishi, N.; Yamada, T. (2006). Basal levels and responses to glucose infusion of plasma glucose and insulin in beef steer before and after the end of the growing phase on pasture. Anim. Sci. J. 77: 338346. Arai, T.; Tanaka, Y.; Urabe, S.; Kusaba, A.; Tazaki, H., Ozawa, T.; Kimura, N.; Jung, K.; Waragaya, K.; Yuyama, T.; Haseba, Y.; Imai, S. (2006). Changes in peripheral leukocytes enzymes activity and plasma metabolite concentrations in growing Holstein calves. Res. Vet. Sci. 81: 19-23. 182 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Bengtsson, H.; Öborn, I.; Jonsson, S.; Nilsson, I.; Andersson, A. (2003). Field balances of some mineral nutrients and trace elements in organic and conventional dairy farming—a case study at Öjebyn, Sweden. Eur J Agron 20:101-116. Buttler, W.R:; Smith, R.D. (1989). Interrelationships between energy balance and postpartum reproductive function in dairy cattle. J. Dairy Sci. 72: 767-783. 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Radostits, O.M.; Gay, C.C.; Blood, D.C.; Hinchcliff, K.W. (2002). Veterinary Medicine: a Textbook of the Diseases of Cattle, Sheep, Pig, Goats and Horses. Ed. WB Saunders Company, London. Smith, B.P. (2007). Large Animal Internal Medicine. 3 ed. Ed. Mosby. Sundrum, A. (1997). Assessing animal welfare standards of housing conditions-possibilities and limitations. In: Sörensen, J., Livestock Farming Systems. More than Food Production. EAAP, Publ. 89:238-246. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 183 184 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 A field outbreak of Aflatoxicosis with high fatality rate in feedlot calves in Tehran Province - Iran IZBIJANJE AFLATOKSIKOZE S VISOKOM STOPOM SMRTNOSTI U TELADI UZGAJANIH U ZABRANU PROVINCIJE TEHERAN U IRANU Tooloei, M.1 Nadalian, M.1, Khosravi, A.2, Helan, J. A.3, Najafie, R.4 Department of Clinical Science, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tabriz, Iran 1 2 Department of Mycology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tehran, Iran Department of Pathbiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tabriz, Iran 3 Doctor of Veterinary Medicine 4 Corresponding author ’s E-mail: Mtooloei@tabrizu.ac.ir Abstract Aim of the study: To identify a deathly problem of feedlot calves in a farm and to treat it. Background: Aflatoxicosis is caused by the aflatoxins and is the most important disease due to the ingestion of the feed contaminated with Aspergillus spp. especially A.flavus, A.parasiticus and some specious of Penicillium. AflatoxinB1, a hepatotoxic metabolite, is the most important in the pathogenesis of the disease. All animal species are susceptible, but outbreaks occur mostly in cattle, sheep and pigs. Hepatosis and hepatic insufficiency are the principle effect, but mutagenic and teratogenic effects are recorded. Material and Methods (case report): In January 2007, several stall-fed calves from a farm at the suburb of the Goum city in Iran were examined. The farm had approximately 200 crossbreed and Holstein calves. The calves were suffering from chronic diarrhea, and about 35 calves had died during 4 months. Different antibiotics such as OTC, penicillin, lincospectin and … had been administered by farmers but there were any responses. In the clinical examination of the about 20 affected calves, the following signs were found: anorexia, weight loss, mild to severe chronic diarrhea, dysentery, severe tenesmus, rough hair cout, fever (until 40 °c), braxism, bradycardia (40-50 bit per min.), hyperpnoea, blindness, keratoconjunctivitis, ataxia and falling. Terminally recumbence and death were followed by convulsions. All breeds had affected but 5-8 months old Holstein calves were most susceptible. At the inspection of the environment and the feed, the sunflower cake, with abnormal smell and appearance (dark color and slightly mouldy smell) were found as a part of the calves feed. The animals were feed with the cake from 6 months ego. Blood samples were obtained from 3 affected calves for hematological and serological examinations. The mycological tests were applied on the cake sample and the calf’s serums. Results.At the necropsy of the two died calves, swelling of the liver and kidneys, mild enteritis, as well as thickening and parakeratosis – like lesions of the ruminal walls, were observed. Neutrophilia and monocytosis were found at the hematological examination. The levels of the SDH, ALP and SGOT in the calf’s serums had been increased. Serological examinations for detection of the leptospira and BVD antibodies were negative. Toxicogenic specious of the aspergillus (mainly A. flavus) grew in the culture of the cake specimen. Aflatoxins B1 were demonstrated in the cake and serum samples. Histopathologic examination revealed congestion, zonal (periacinar) hepatocellular necrosis, fatty change and severe megalocytosis in the liver. Severe congestion and acute focal tubulointerstitial nephritis were present in the kidney. Conclusions: The diagnosis of Aflatoxicosis was confirmed by the evaluation of the clinical, hematological, serological and mycological findings as well as histopathologic changes. Providing of aflatoxin- free feed to all animal and therapy for liver failure in affected calves prevented further clinical cases. Key words: Aflatoxicosis, feedlot calves, Tehran XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 185 Sažetak Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi uzrok smrtnosti teladi na farmi te izliječiti bolesne. Aflatoksikoza se razvija prilikom uzimanja hrane kontaminirane toksinima vrste Aspergillus (pogotovo A. Flavus, A. Parasiticus) i nekim vrstama Penicilliuma. Aflatoksin B1, hepatotoksični metabolit najbitniji je u patogenezi bolesti. Primljive su sve vrste domaćih životinja, ali se epizootije najčešće javljaju u goveda, ovaca i svinja. Iako su hepatoze i zakazivanje jetre najčešća poslijedica, opisane su pojave mutagenih i teratogenih učinaka. Materijal i metode (opisani slučaj): U siječnju 2007. g. Pregledali smo nekoliko teladi iz štalskog uzgoja okolice grada Gouma. Na farmi je držano cca 200 križanih i Hollstein teladi. Telad je patila od kroničnog proljeva, a tijekom četiri mjeseca uginulo je 35-oro teladi. Različiti antibiotici kao OTC, Penicilin i Linkospektin prepisivani su stočarima, ali nije uočena pozitivna reakcija na terapiju. Kliničkim pregledom 20 oboljele teladi uočeni su slijedeći simptomi: anoreksija, gubitak težine, blaga do ozbiljna kronična dijareja, dizenterija, tenezam, ogrubljela dlaka, febra (do 40oC), braksizam, bradikardija (40-50 udaraca bila u minuti), hiperpneja, sljepilo, keratokonjunktivitis, ataksija i padanje. Terminalni stadij bolesti bio je obilježen konvulzijama i uginućem. Bolest zahvaća sve pasmine, no telad Hollsteina u dobi od 5 do 8 mjeseci bila je klinički najsumnjivija. Pregledom držanja i hranidbe, u krmi su uočene suncokretove pogače sumnjiva izgleda i mirisa (tamna boja i memljiv miris). Životinje su hranjene tom hranom kroz proteklih šest mjeseci. Uzeti su krvni uzorci tri oboljela teleta za hematološku i serološku analizu. Na krvnim uzorcima i uzorcima suncokretove pogače učinjene su mikološke pretrage. Rezultati: Sekcijom dva uginula teleta uočena su otečenja jetre i bubrega, blagi enteritis, kao i parakeratoza i zadebljanje buražne stijenke. U serumu je uočena neutofilija i monocitoza. Razine SHH, ALP i SGOT u serumu su porasle. Serološkom pretragom nisu dokazana antitijela za leptospirozu i BVD. Toksogeni sojevi aspergilusa (uglavnom A. Flavus) izolirani su iz svih uzoraka suncokretove pogače. Aflatoksin B1 je uočen u svim uzorcima pogače i seruma. Histološkom pretragom utvrđene su kongestija jetre, zonalna hepatocelularna nekroza, omašćenje i znatna megalocitoza. Također su uočeni značajno otečenje bubrega, fokalna tubulointersticijalna upala bubrega. Zaključci: Dijagnoza aflatoksikoze potvrđena je vrednovanjem kliničkih, hematoloških, seroloških i mikoloških nalaza, kao i histopatoloških promjena. Opskrba oboljele teladi hranom slobodnom od aflatoksina i terapijom insuficijentne jetre spriječili smo pojavu novih slučajeva bolesti. Ključne riječi: aflatoksikoza, telad u zabrani, Teheran Introduction Aflatoxicosis is caused by the aflatoxins and is the most important disease due to the ingestion of the feed contaminated with Aspergilus spp. especially A.flavus, A.parasiticus and some specious of Penicillium. Aflatoxins (AF) include AFB1, B2, G1, G2, M1 and M2 which related chemically to and probably derived from dicoumarin compounds.(1,12,3) Other important toxins produced by the fungi include Ochratoxin, Patulin and Sterigmatocystin.(2,1,12) A great deal of aflatoxin ingested in the feed by cattle is physically bound to ruminal content and as little as 2 to 5% reaches the intestine(3). AFB1, a hepatotoxic metabolite, is the most important in the patogenesis of the disease. Level of AFB1 in excess of 100 µg/kg of feed are considered to be poisonous for cattle(12). Aflatoxicosis has been reported in most country and on many feeds such as: peanuts, cottonseed meal, sorghum grain, corn, sweet corn and moldy bread(4,6,12) The mycotoxin (AF) is not destroyed by milling of the grain. All animal species are susceptible, but outbreaks occur mostly in cattle, sheep and pigs. 3-6 months old calves are the most susceptible animals. Pregnant and growing cattle are also more susceptible than adults. The disease has public health importance due to excretion of the toxin into the cows’ milk in the form of AM1 and present in meat of animals eating contaminated feed which can cause the human hepatocellular carcinoma. The toxin residues in the milk are approximately equal to 1-2% of the dietary level.(13) A maximum level of 0.5 ppb of the aflatoxin is permitted in bulk tank milk. Hepatosis - hepatic insufficiency and renal damages are principle effects of the mycotoxin, but mutagenic, carcinogenic and teratogenic effects through binding to DNA and protein to form adducts, development of monoclonal antibodies and mutational specificity of the genotoxic compounds have 186 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 also been recorded. Role of AFB1 in the etiology of nasal tumors in cattle through Bioactivation of the toxin in the bovine olfactory mucosa and consequently DNA binding, mutagenicity and induction of sister chromatid exchanges have been demonstrated.(5,14) The nasal olfactory mucosa has a much higher capacity than the liver to form lipid-soluble, water-soluble and tissue-bound AFB1metabolites because of the differences in the cytochrome P-450 isoenzymes. Hemorrhagic disease with increased prothrombin time, depression of the immune system functions and impaired protein formation and coagulation are the other recorded effects of the toxicosis. Effects of aflatoxin ingestion on the development of Moraxella bovis infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis(11) and on absorption of zinc (7,17) through the intestine have been also discussed. In cattle clinical signs include: anorexia and weight gains, blindness, walking in circles, ear twisting, braxim, frothing at the mouth, diarrhea and dysentery, sever tenesmus and anal prolapse, abortion, phothsensetive dermatitis, staring hair coat, keratoconjunctivitis, hemorrhagic disease, convulsion, recumbency and death. (15) The disease is confirmed by detection of AFs in feed materials, blood, urine and liver and measurement of serum hepatic enzymes. AFs in Feed materials may be detected by Black light and Chromatography techniques including thin-layer chromatography (TLC), gas-liquid chromatography (GLC) and high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) as well as serological methods such as ELISA and immunoaffinity chromatography. Grain infected with Aspergillus flavus produces a compound called Kojic acid, which characteristically produces a greenish-yellow fluorescence when examined in a dark room under long-wave ultraviolet light (black light). Symptomatic treatment of hepatic insufficiency, administration of a broad-spectrum antibiotic to prevent of secondary infections, detoxification of aflatoxin by phyllosilicate clay (10) and hydrated sodium calcium aluminosilicate(9), avoiding of the other types of stress as well as providing of a clean uncontaminated (toxin-free) medium-to high-energy protein feed help to improve the disease. The aim of the study was to identify the causative agent of death of feedlot calves in a farm and to resolve the problem. Material and Methods (Case history) In January 2007, several stall-fed calves from a farm at the suburb of the Goum city in Iran were examined. The farm had approximately 200 crossbreed and Holstein calves. The calves were suffering from chronic diarrhea, and about 35 calves had died during 4 months ego. Different antibiotics such as OTC, trimetoprim, penicillin and lincospectin had been administered by farmers but there were any responses. In the clinical examinations of about 20 affected calves, the following signs were found: anorexia, weight loss, mild to severe diarrhea, dysentery, fever (up to 40°c), braxism, bradycardia (40-50 bit per min), hyperpnoea, blindness, keratoconjunctivitis, ataxia and falling. Terminally recumbency and death were followed by convulsions. All of the breeds were affected but 5-8 months old Holstein calves were most susceptible. At the inspection of the environment and the feed, the sunflower cake, with abnormal smell and appearance (dark color and slightly moldy smell) were found as a part of the calves feed. The animals were feed with the cake from 6 months ego. Ten and three ml of blood samples were obtained from jugular veins of three affected calves for haematological and serological examinations, respectively. Haematological tests such as total cell blood count and differentiated count were achieved by standard procedures. Level of the serum SDH, ALP and SGOT were evaluated through biochemical enzymatic colorimetric kit. Mycological evaluations were applied on the sunflower meal samples and the calves' serums so that meal samples cultured on SGA medium and both of serum and the meal samples were XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 187 analyzed for Aflatoxins B1 by standard sandwich Elisa- Gibco co. The sera were also analyzed for anti leptospiral and anti bovine viral diarrhea virus antibodies by Microscopic Agglutination Test and Pestivirus Kit Elisa Morden UK, respectively. Results At the necropsy of the two died calves, slightly swelling of the liver and kidneys, mild enteritis, as well as thickining and parakeratosis–like lesions on the ruminal walls were observed. Neutrophilia( 42, 51 and 73%) and monocytosis (5, 7 and 3%) were found at the hematological examination. the level of serum ALP and SGOT had been increased and were ~540 u/l and ~420u/l, respectively. Anti leptospiral and Bovine Viral Diarrhea disease antibodies were not detected by the serological studies. Fig 1 and 2 show the toxicogenic specious of the aspergillus (mainly A. flavus) which grew in the culture of the cake specimen on SGA medium and microscopic view of Aspergillus flavus, respectively. Fig 1: Powdered or granular appearance colonies of Aspergillus flavus which have grew in the culture of the infected meal samples on SGA medium. The colonies were Wight color in first time and intense yellow to yellow – green color at the time of spore production. Fig 2: Microscopical views of Aspergillus flavus. Thick-walled, coarsely roughened long conidiophores. Globose and fertile vesicle. Biserata or uniserata phialiders 188 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Fig 3: Fatty changes in liver. Small and large fatty vacuoles within the hepatocytes. (H& E Staining, Magnification ×40) Fig 4. Fatty changes in liver. small and large fatty vacuoles within the hepatocytes (H& E Staining, Magnification ×1000) Fig 5: Severe megalocytosis in the liver. enlargement of cytoplasm and nuclei of the hepatocytes due to the inhibitory effects of aflatoxins on cell division especially division of nucleus. (H& E Staining, Magnification ×1000) XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 189 flatoxin B1 were demonstrated in the meal and serum samples. The sunflower meal was infested with A.flavus and contained AFB1 with total levels as high as160 ppm. Histopathologic examination revealed congestion, zonal (periacinar) hepatocellular necrosis, severe fatty change and megalocytosis in the liver (fig3to5). Severe congestion and acute focal tubulointerstitial nephritis were present in the kidney. Discussion and Conclusion The diagnosis of Aflatoxicosis was confirmed by the evaluation of the clinical, hematological, serological and mycological examination as well as histopathologic findings. In this outbreak, similar to the other reports (8,3), 5-8 months old Holstein calves were most affected animals with aflatoxicosis. Clinical signs in the affected calves such as: anorexia, weight loss, mild to severe diarrhea, dysentery, fever (up to 40°c), braxism, blindness, keratoconjunctivitis, ataxia, falling and terminally convulsive recumbency and death were also similar to signs reported in the other world surveys(16,13,15). With attention to the young calves suffering from chronic diarrhea and eye problems as well as renal lesions the animals tested to anti BVD-MD virus and anti leptospiral antibodies, respectively but they were not detected by the serological studies. Mycological findings such as growing of toxicogenic specious of the aspergillus (mainly A. flavus) in the culture of the meal specimen on SGA medium, and detection of Aflatoxin B1 in the meal samples as high as160 ppm and sera as well as histopathological finding such as hepatic lesions especially severe fatty change and megalocytosis in the liver confirmed occurrence of aflatoxicosis in the calves. Only by providing of aflatoxin- free feed to all animal and therapy for liver failure in affected calves such as infusion of 5%dextrose solutions prevented further clinical cases during approximately 30 days Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Miss Hashemian M., the employee of University of Tehran in Veterinary Mycological department for her kindly help in the mycological evaluations. References 1. Andrews, A.H., Blowy, W., Boyd, H. and Eddy, R.G. (2003) Bovine medicine. 2th ed. Blackwell science, Oxford . PP:933-4. 2. Blood, D.C., Studdert, V.P. (2000) Bailliers comparative veterinary dictionary. Baillier Tindall, WB Saunders. 3th edd. Pp: 75. 3. Colvin, B M; Harrison, L R; Gosser, H S; Hall, R F (1984) Aflatoxicosis in feeder cattle, JAVMA, 184 (8): 956-958. 4. Hall, R F; Harrison, L R; Colvin, B M (1989) Aflatoxicosis in cattle pastured in a field of sweet corn, JAVMA, 194 (7): 938. 5. Larsson, P; Pettersson, H; Tjälve, H (1989) Metabolism of aflatoxin B1 in the bovine olfactory mucosa, Carcinogenesis, 10 (6): 1113-1118. 6. McKenzie, R A; Blaney, B J; Connole, M D; Fitzpatrick, L A (1981) Acute aflatoxicosis in calves fed peanut hay, Aust. Vet. J., 57 (6): 284-286. 7. Neathery, M W; Moos, W H; Wyatt, R D; Miller, W J; Gentry, R P; George, L W (1980) Effects of dietary aflatoxin on performance and zinc metabolism in dairy calves, J. Dairy Sci. 63 (5): 789-789. 8. Osweiler, G D; Trampel, D W (1985) Aflatoxicosis in feedlot cattle, JAVMA.187 (6): 636-637. 9. Phillips, T D; Clement, B A; Kubena, L F; Harvey, R B (1990) Detection and detoxification of aflatoxins: prevention of aflatoxicosis and aflatoxin residues with hydrated sodium calcium aluminosilicate, Vet. And Hum. Toxicol. 32, Supp.: 15-19. 190 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 10. Phillips, T D; Sarr, A B; Grant, P G (1995) Selective chemisorption and detoxification of aflatoxins by phyllosilicate clay, Natural Toxins, 3(4): 204-213 11. Pugh, G W, Jr; Richard, J L; Kopecky, K E; McDonald, T J (1984) Effects of aflatoxin ingestion on the development of Moraxella bovis infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis, The Cornell Veterinarian, 74 (2): 96-110. 12. Radostitis, O.M., Gay, C.C., Hinchcliff, K.H. and Constable, P.D. (2007) Veterinary medicine. 10th ed., Saunders Elsevier, London. PP: 1624,1687-1689, 1698. 13. Robens, J F; Richard, J L (1992) Aflatoxins in animal and human health, Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicolo. 127: 69-94. 14. Tjälve, H; Larsson, P; Andersson, C; Busk, L (1992) Bioactivation of aflatoxin B1 in the bovine olfactory mucosa: DNA binding, mutagenicity and induction of sister chromatid exchanges, Carcinogenesis, 13 (8): 1345-1350 15. Vaid, J; Dawra, R K; Sharma, O P; Negi, S S (1981) Chronic aflatoxicosis in cattle, Vet. And Hum. Toxicol. 23 (6): 436-438. 16. Van Halderen, A; Green, J R; Marasas, W F; Thiel, P G; Stockenström, S A (1989) field outbreak of chronic aflatoxicosis in dairy calves in the western Cape Province, J. South African Vet. Asso. 60(4): 210-211. 17. Wyatt, R D; Neathery, M W; Moos, W H; Miller, W J; Gentry, R P; Ware, G O (1985) Effects of dietary aflatoxin and zinc on enzymes and other blood constituents in dairy calves, J. Dairy Scie., 68 (2): 437442. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 191 192 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Subacute rumen acidosis in dairy herds: diagnostics tools Subakutna acidoza buraga u mliječnih krava: dijagnostički postupci Morgante M., Stelletta C., Cannizzo C., Casalone M., Coppola L., Gianesella M. Dipartimento di Scienze Cliniche Veterinarie, University of Padua, Viale dell’Università 16, 35020, Legnaro (PD), Italy ABSTRACT Subacute rumen acidosis (SARA) represent one of the most important metabolic disorders in intensive dairy farms that affects rumen fermentations, animal welfare, productivity and profitability. The aim of the present study was to study SARA in intensive Italian dairy herds and to determine the correct clinical approach to diagnose this disease. During the last four years forty commercial dairy herds were investigated. Twelve cows in good body condition, between 5 and 60 day in milk and without clinical signs of disease were selected randomly from each herd, to perform rumenocentesis and obtain rumen fluid. Ruminal pH was determined immediately after sampling and concentration of SCFA in ruminal fluid was determined on samples after storage. Blood samples for hematochemical and hematological profiles were obtained from the same cows that had rumenocentesis performed by jugular venipuncture. Milk yield quality was determined in the cows were we performed the rumenocentesis. The herds were divided into three groups depending on the mean rumen pH: group A counted farms with average ruminal pH > 5.8 (normal), group B included farms with average ruminal pH between 5.6 and 5.8 (risk), and in group C, dairy farms presented an average ruminal pH < 5.6 (acidosis). Results were subject to ANOVA and correlation analysis using SIGMA STAT 3.05. We had no sampling problems with the 480 cows of our study series, and no animal developed any health problem during or after the procedure. In particular dairy herds show an average SCFA concentration of 121, 147 and 162 mmol/L for normal, risk and acidosis herds, respectively. The differences among particle size showed a light discordance between the three class of herd, a result which suggests more attention in TMR preparation and management, especially in large herds where the attitude of the personnel responsible for feeding the cows is of paramount importance. Milk yield quality were not statistical different in three groups. Statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) were observed for various blood parameters observed: these data suggest that modifications of some haematological parameters can be observed and in particular the total and differential WBC count were significantly higher in the dairy cows belonging to the farms affected by SARA. Sažetak U radu je proučavana subakutna acidoza buraga miječnih krava. Riječ je o kompleksnoj bolesti utječe istovremeno na fermentaciju u buragu, dobrobit životinja, proizvodnju i profitabilnost. Promatrano je 40 komercijalnih stada u intenzivnom uzgoju tijekom 4 godine kako bi se ustanovilo ispravan klinički pristup dijagnostici navedenog stanja. u svakom je stadu odabrano 12 krava koje nisu pokazivale znakove bolesti a bile su u dobroj tjelesnoj kondiciji i 5. do 60. dana laktacije. Na tim je kravama provedena ruminocenteza i uzet je buragov sadržaj. U buragovom sadržaju je određen ph i SCFA a paralelno je uzeta i krv iz v. jugularis i određeni hematološki i biokemijski pokazatelji. Ukupno je pregledano 480 krava, a nijedna nije imala nikakvih zdravstvenih poteškoća nakon pokusa. Na osnovi rezultata za Ph buraga, SCFA i rezultate krvnih pretraga podijelili smo krave u zdrave (ph buraga preko 5,8) rizične (ph buraga 5,6-5,8) i bolesne (ph buraga ispod 5,6). razine SCFA su za navedene skupine iznosile 121, 147 i 162 mmol/l. na osnovi promjena krvne slike u navedenih bolesnih životinja, zaključili smo da je diferencijalna krvna slika odnosno njene alteracije siguran pokazatelj subakutne acidoze buraga. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 193 INTRODUCTION Subclinical rumen acidosis, also known as subacute rumen acidosis (SARA), represents one of the most important metabolic disorders in intensive dairy farms that affects rumen fermentations, animal welfare, productivity and eventually farm profitability. The onset of SARA is linked to the intake of low fiber high energy diets, often combined with a ruminal environment not yet adapted to highly fermentable feeds. Under these conditions, rumen papillae are not fully developed with consequent slower absorption of SCFA. The concentration of these latter thus increases, leading to a decrease in ruminal pH below physiological limits (Kleen et al., 2003). According to Nordlund and Garrett (1994), SARA can be defined as a condition characterized by rumen pH below 5.8, increased total concentration of SCFA, ratio between acetic, propionic and butyric acid shifted towards propionic and butyric acid, and elevated concentration of lactic acid in the rumen fluid not exceeding 5-10 mmol/l (Hibbard et al., 1995). Clinical signs of SARA include decreased DMI, laminitis, rumenitis, liver abscesses, pulmonary bacterial emboli (Nordlund, 1995) and, furthermore, displacement of the abomasum (Sarashina et al., 1990), mastitis and metritis (Enemark et al., 2002), low fertility (Britt, 1995). These problems are linked to rumen pathology because of the exceptional osmotic capacity shown by the rumen and the increase in the adsorption rate of ruminal products, which may have toxic and vasomotor effects. However, the factors associated with SARA vary, and provide ambiguous clinical signs, thus defying definitive diagnosis based only on clinical signs (Garrett et al., 1999), but the only way to obtain a correct diagnosis is to observe and correlate many aspects (Oetzel, 2000; Morgante et al., 2007): correct collection of the history and clinical analysis of the herd, diet evaluation (NDF, NDF from forages, NFC) and examination of ruminal fluid; this is the most important test because it is the only one that allows us to assess the condition of the rumen in that particular moment (Nordlund and Garrett, 1994). The determination of ruminal pH is a key factor for the diagnosis of SARA (Enemark et al., 2002). Common field techniques for collecting rumen fluid for SARA diagnosis include rumenocentesis, by percutaneous needle aspiration (Nordlund and Garrett, 1994) and oral stomach tube (Nocek, 1997). According various researcher (Garret et al. 1999, Duffield et al. 2004, Morgante et al., 2007), rumenocentesis may be useful for the collection of rumen fluid for pH determination. MATERIALS AND METHODS During the last four years forty commercial Italian dairy herds were investigated. The visit to each herd was organized in cooperation with the local veterinarian and the farmer to obtain the rumen fluid samples just 4-6 hours after feed distribution. In each farm a general investigation was performed, with particular attention to herd management and presence of typical clinical signs of SARA. Farms were selected with these characteristics: high average milk production (about 10000 Kg for year), over 100 lactating cows, housed in free stalls and in the early part of their lactations (first 60 DIM), use of TMR and adoption of steaming-up in the final part of the dry period. Twelve cows without clinical signs of disease, with good body condition and between 5 and 60 DIM, were randomly selected from each herd to perform rumenocentesis. Ruminal fluid was sampled from each cow 4 to 8 hours after TMR distribution, a timeframe chosen because ruminal pH likely reaches its minimum. According the procedure of Edmonson et al. (1989) body condition score (BCS) was recorded for all the cows studied. Ruminal fluid was obtained by rumenocentesis as described by Nordlund and Garret (1994) without sedation, using a 13G 105 mm needle (figure 1-4). Rumenocentesis was chosen because it is most the used technique, providing the most accurate results (Garrett et al., 1999; Enemark et al., 2002; Duffield et al., 2004). Ruminal pH was determined immediately after sampling using a portable pHmeter (Piccolo, Hanna Instruments). An aliquot of 8 ml of rumen fluid was immediately acidified 194 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 with metaphosphoric acid (25%wt/vol) and stored at 4°C until the samples arrived to the laboratory where they were stored at –80°C until subsequent determination of concentration of SCFA by high performance liquid cromatography (HPLC). A TMR samples were taken after TMR distribution: feed samples were stored –20°C until subsequent analysis by near infrared spettroscopy (NIRS) and a TMR sample taken was sieved with a modified Penn State method (Lammers et al., 1995) to determine particle size. Blood samples were collected from the same cows by jugular venipuncture; hematology profile, hematochemical parameters and serum total proteins were determined. Milk yield quality was determined in the cows were we performed the rumenocentesis. The herds were divided into three groups depending on the mean rumen pH: group A counted farms with average ruminal pH > 5.8 (normal), group B included farms with average ruminal pH between 5.6 and 5.8 (risk), and in group C, dairy farms presented an average ruminal pH < 5.6 (acidosis). Data obtained were analyzed by ANOVA to verify the effect of farm using the statistical package SIGMA STAT 3.5 according the following model: “Yij = µ + FARMi + eij” Where: Yijk = dependent variable, µ = overall mean; FARMi = effect of different class of herds, and eij = error term. Pearson linear correlations were also calculated between the parameters. RESULTS We had no sampling problems with the 480 cows of our study series, and no animal developed any health problem during or after the procedure. The three groups (Normal, Risck and Acidosis) were homogeneous for average DIM (32 ± 29, 38 ± 25, and 34 ± 32, respectively), BCS (3.05 ± 0.30, 3.08 ± 0.27, and 3.06 ± 0.29, respectively), and all the animals were on absence of external clinical signs of disease. Table 1. History and milk (production and quality) on three class of herd N° lactacting cow Dry-off Laminitis Diarrhoea Ketosis Mastitis Riproduct. problems Note Milk production (Kg) Fat (%) Protein (%) Normal 275 56 Low Low Low No signific Risck 294 55 10-15% 20% Low No signific Acidosis 330 57 25-30% 25-30% Low No signific No signific No signific No signific / / Management problems 1153 1116 1101 3,8 3,3 3,6 3,3 3,5 3,3 XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 195 Table 2. Chemical composition (%) of diets used during steaming-up (S-UP) and during early lactation (LACT) on three class of herd CRUDE PROTEIN ETHREAL EXTRACT ASH NDF NFC DRY METTER (% s.s.) ADF STARCH CALCIUM PHOSFORUS MAGNESIUM SODIUM POTASSIUM CLORUM DCAD (meq) S-UP 13,75 4,88 7,79 40,12 34,475 59,63 24,56 15,6 0,955 0,38 0,315 0,255 1,595 0,32 30,725 Normal LACT 15,96 5,21 7,28 31,28 40,27 69,375 18,52 25,25 1,095 0,44 0,325 0,58 1,375 0,36 38,245 S- UP 13,355 4,725 8,54 39,86 33,525 60,78 24,12 17,845 0,9 0,43 0,34 0,545 1,45 0,42 37,065 Risck Acidosis S-UP LACT 13,22 16,405 4,235 5,41 9,63 7,61 42 32,12 30,91 38,45 59,51 68,83 27,74 20,195 15,655 24,665 1,03 1,105 0,44 0,47 0,36 0,365 0,42 0,68 1,765 1,495 0,305 0,36 38,705 35,525 LACT 15,762 4,92 7,702 34,51 36,992 52,956 21,358 23,298 1,01 0,468 0,314 0,628 1,326 0,374 37,996 Table 3. Results (%) of particle size of sampling on three class of herd SIEVE HOLES DIAMET. SIEVE I SIEVE II SIEVE III SIEVE IV PAN 22 mm 19 mm 8 mm 5 mm / OPTIMUM QUANTITY 15 gr 5 gr 3% 1% >200 gr > 40% < 200 gr < 40% Normal Risck Acidosis gr % Gr % Gr % 8,5 8 107,5 155 132,5 1,9 2,05 24,95 40,75 30,3 12,5 8 122 138,5 140,5 1,36 1,85 31,45 32,35 31,3 21 6,8 87,6 153,2 230,8 4,22 1,44 17,36 31,06 46,2 Table 4. Mean values of principal short chain fatty acids (mmol/L) of rumen fluid on three class of herd total SCFA Acetic Acid Propionic Acid N-Butyric Acid N-Valerate Acid 196 Normal 121.4 76.4 28.8 13.5 1.9 Risck 142.3 87.3 32.4 15.5 2.1 Acidosis 167.2 90.5 38.1 15.2 2.3 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Table 5. Average values of haematological and haematochemical profiles, expressed in their conventional units together with the related standard deviations on three class of herd, and statistical significance observed. Normal Risck WBC (10 /µl) 5.58 ± 1.67 5.55 ± 2.61 RBC (106/µl) 5.91 ± 0.60 6.00 ± 0.78 MCV (fl) 49.81 ± 3.36 50.09 ± 3.85 Albumin (g/l) 33.32 ± 2.56 30.11 ± 2.82* Alpha-1 (g/l) 4.76 ± 0.75 5.83 ± 0.88* Alpha-2 (g/l) 8.89 ± 0.91 7.96 ± 0.89* Beta-1 (g/l) 6.05 ± 0.82 6.37 ± 1.10 Gamma (g/l) 18.88 ± 4.16 22.79 ± 5.12* Albumin/Globulin 0.88 ± 0.14 0.85 ± 0.16* Significance: * vs Group A p < 0.05; † vs Group B p < 0.05 3 Acidosis 8.09 ± 1.56*† 6.29 ± 0.64 46.50 ± 2.80*† 30.45 ± 3.05 4.76 ± 0.89† 8.67 ± 0.96† 6.79 ± 0.55* 21.39 ± 4.74 0.86 ± 0.16 DISCUSSION The aim of this study was to survey the incidents of SARA syndrome in dairy herds in Northern Italy. Therefore the farms were chosen based on their correspondence to the established parameters and not in relation to previous suspect of SARA. Herds were homogeneous for several characteristics (table 1): Holstein cows (except herd 5, where we had also Jersey cows), high production, presence of more than 100 lactating cows, free stalling, a feeding group in early lactation (first 60 days), utilization of TMR and utilization of steaming-up at the end of the dry period. However we also stress that information given by farmers does not always correspond to the real situation. Several herds showed an unfit flooring and a poor system of effluents ejection; this situation can induce limping or influence the welfare of animals, a key factor for the onset of numerous diseases, including those studied here. The data of the initial chemical analysis of diets (table 2), showed that cows were fed correctly; the value of NDF, ADF, NFC, starch and crude protein, resulted on three class of herd similar to the values reported in the literature (Nordlund, 2001). However, the particle size of diet at sampling (table 3) showed a large portion of residual feed on the last sieve (more than 40% is the optimal value) in acidosis herds. This indicates the presence of large quantities of small particles (especially concentrates) in feed, or excessive grinding of TMR. A large quantity of concentrates promotes the development of amylolitic bacteria and decreases chewing, with consequent curtailed salivary secretion, a situation that can facilitate the occurrence of SARA. We observed smaller than optimum quantities of NDF from forage (essential portion, because able to chewing stimulation) in several herds. In fact, previous studies (Mertens, 1997; Stone, 2004) showed that the best value of peNDF (physically effective NDF) should be about 22% of ration DM to maintain an average ruminal pH of 6.0. We had no sampling problems with the 480 cows of our experimental series, and no animal developed any health problem during or after the procedure, including peritonitises, local abscesses or even decrease in milk production. An analysis of SCFA determination reported in table 4 show that the concentration of acetate in rumen fluid resulted higher than reference values reported by Murphy et al. (2000). Propionate values varied between 28 and 38 mmol/l, thus resulting higher than the concentration of 25 mmol/l reported by Murphy et al. (2000). In all farms, butyrate concentration seemed to be slightly lower than range values (13-16 mmol/l) reported by Murphy et al., 2000. Valerate and isovalerate showed values higher than those reported in the literature where XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 197 traces of these SCFA are taken into account (Kristensen et al., 2000; Allen et al., 2004). From our data total valerate concentration ranged between a minimum mean value of 3.73 mmol/l and a maximun value of 5.25. N-valerate is a toxic acid, derived from proteins (rather than from carbohydrates) that is absorbed by the rumen wall (Kristensen et al., 2000; Allen et al., 2004). Little is known about its metabolism. N-valerate reaches the liver (where it may induce damage) or the mammary gland when it is released into the blood stream. A previous study (Morgante et al., 2004) showed a significant correlation between N-valerate levels in the rumen and the presence of somatic cells in the milk. Although our study didn’t show a statistic correlation between herds with low ruminal pH and high levels of valerate concentration, we think it is important to extend the investigation and define the role of valerate in respect to SARA. Subacute ruminal acidosis is certainly related to management errors, especially in large herds where the attitude of the personnel responsible for feeding the cows is of paramount importance. Substitution or replacement of feeding personnel may lead to differences in feeding schedules, proportion of roughage and concentrate, with consequent considerable impact on unstable ruminal environments. These problems, although mainly reported in feedlots (Elam, 1976), may apply also to high-producing dairy herds and should therefore be regarded as a potential hazard for the health management of the herd. Milk yield quality were not statistical different in three groups: in particular we showed an average of 3.8, 3.6 and 3.5 of milk-fat % for normal, risk and acidosis herds, respectively, and the same values (3.3) of milk protein %. Although ruminal pH is reported to drop in experimental situations of inducing low milk-fat, this alone does not justify those situations to be characterized as being SARA. The three groups were homogeneous for average values of DIM (32 ± 29, 38 ± 25, and 34 ± 32, respectively), BCS (3.05 ± 0.30, 3.08 ± 0.27, and 3.06 ± 0.29, respectively), therefore the variations about haematological and haematochemical profiles between groups are more likely to be related to different ruminal pH values. The calculated erythrocytic indices showed that the values obtained for MCV, MCH and MCHC were within expected normal ranges. Although no substantial changes in the level of RBC, MCH, MCHC, and MCV were observed, dairy cows with SARA in the present study exhibited a significant decrease in MCV and MCH, and an increase in MCHC, in contrast to observations made by other authors (Akinbamijo et al., 1998; Omer et al., 2002). It is possible that the slight increase in MCHC observed in the herd with low ruminal pH is a compensatory erythropoietic action in response to the slowly decline in the HCT. The values of these factors were essential for the classification of anemia. Although anemia is an important symptom reported by other authors (Bonfanti et al., 2004; Mbassa et al., 1994), its precise link with subacute ruminal acidosis is still unknown. White blood cells were significantly higher in the dairy cows belonging to the farms of group C (acidosis). As suggested in previous studies (Jacob et al., 2001), this involves an increase of cortisol levels that are significantly involved in various events during periparturient period including initiation of parturition. In effect, according this previous work (Jacob et al., 2001), were the study was conducted to estimate the serum cortisol concentration in cows and the neonatal calves in order to correlate the effect of cortisol on certain haematological and biochemical parameters such as blood glucose level, total plasma protein, lymphocyte:neutrophil ratio and mitogen induced lymphocyte proliferative response, our study confirmed that the dam at the time of parturition and neonatal calf before taking colostrum are under a high risk of infection and diseases (for example subacute ruminal acidosis) because of the low profile of immune status. 198 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 REFERENCES Akinbamijo OO, Bennison JJ, Jaitner J, Dempfle L, 1998. Haematological changes in N’Dama and Gobra Zebu bulls during Trypanosoma congolense infection maintained under a controlled feeding regimen. Acta Trop 69: 181-192. 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Journal Dairy Science 87 (E.supp.): E13-E26 XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 199 200 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 INFLUENCE OF PROPYLEN GLYCOL IN FEED FOR PROPHYLAXIS OF KETOSIS IN PERIPARTAL PERIODS OF DAIRY COWS utjecaj PROPiLEN GLikOLa u hrani na spriječavanje ketoze u muznih krava prije poroda Biljana Radojičić1, B. Dimitrijević1, A. Krasnić2 Ketosis is a relatively frequent metabolic disorder of dairy cows with high milk yield, which mostly occurs as a consequence of the nutritive-metabolic inadequancy of an organism. It manifests itself in amassing of free fatty acids in the blood, in decrease of the glucose concentration in the blood, and a considerable presence of aceto-bodies in the blood and the urine. It can take a sub-clinical (more frequently), or clinical form (accompanied with the loss of appetite, decrease in milk yield and acetobodies in the urine). It occurs as a primary or secondary disease, mostly during the puerperium of high yield dairy cows (Blood, 1994). In prevention and treatment of ketosis various substances have beeen used (molasses, nicotinaamid, Na-propionat, glycosol, propylene glycol) as additions to dairy cows’meals, in different quantities and at different times, before and after delivery (Markovic, 1991, Studer et al., 1993 Formigoni et al., 1996). Propylen glycol is a dominant substance in the Glucolac plus energetic compound, which contains some vitamines from the B vitamine group and some oligo-elements, which basically is a gluco-genoplastic substance aimed at prevention of ketosis, and which is used in variously recomended dosages of 100-300 g per, at different times, but generally 30 to 15 times per days before delivery (Sauer et al., 1989; Formigoni et al., 1996; Krasnic, 2005). The way in which propylen glycol works is through enzime inclusion and intermediary metabolism which takes place within the liver cells. Simultaneous evaluation of metabolisnm and the liver functional activities can be followed using certain biochemical parameters in the blood and the blood serum (metabolic profile), and by way of them a sub-clinical ketosis can be revealed, so it can be timely prevented (Blood 1994; Samanc et al., 2004, Radojicic Biljana et al., 2007). Since numerous parameters are used in these researches, the objective of some of them was to determine parameters exactly and reduce thewi number to achieve a better diagnostic significance in evaluating metaphylaxis of the liver. So many researchers have determined that the suimulataneous finding of hypoglycemia, hypoalbuminemia, hyperbilibirubinemia and higher activity of AST in a blood serum, is a valid indicator of the disturbed metabolism and liver disorder (Brugere-Picoux Jeane and H. Brugere 1987: Lotthammer, 1991; Kasagic, 2005; Krasnic, 2005; Radojicic Biljana et al., 2002; Radojicic Biljana, 2007; Radojicic Biljana et al., 2007). Sažetak Ketoza (acetonemija) je dobro poznata bolest uzrokovana neadekvatnom prehranom krava muzara, posebice pri visokoj proizvodnji mlijeka, u krava bilo koje dobi, uglavnom tijekom prvih 30 dana laktacije, rijetko u prvoj laktaciji. Profilaksa i terapija ketoze koristi različite peroralne preparate: nikotin amid, propionat, glicerol i propilenglikol. Aplikacija propilenglikola, zajedno sa nekim vitaminima B skupine pozitivno utječe na glikemiju u krava u peripartalnom razdoblju. Istraživanje je provedeno na kravama holstein pasmine, u kasnoj gravidnosti, starih 4-6 godina, koje su imale ketozu u nekoliko ranijih navrata. Životinje su podijeljene u 3 skupine. Prva skupina (10 krava) je dobivala propilenglikol i neke vitamine B grupe u jednokratnoj dnevnoj dozi od 200g u obroku, 14 XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 201 dana prije poroda. Druga skupina (10 krava) dobivala je propilenglikol počevši 7 dana prije poroda pa do 7 dana nakon poroda, također kao jednokratna dnevna doza od 200g u krmivu. Treća skupina krava (10 krava) je bila kontrolna grupa kojoj nije dodavan propilenglikol prije poroda. Uzorci krvi uzimani su za određivanje metaboličkih parametara prije i nakon pokusa venepunkcijom v. subcutanea abdominis. U krvnom serumu određivana je razina glukoze, albumina, ukupnog bilirubina te aktivnost enzima AST testom „Reneal Finechemical Co“. Takođeer tijekom pokusa redovito je praćena razina ketonskih tijela u mokraći Rhotera-Ross testom. Analizom dobivenih rezultata zaključili smo da u kontrolnoj skupini krava nakon pororda razina bilirubina ima statistički znakovit rast (p<0.05), kao i razina aktivnosti AST, a razina albumina pada, što se potvrdilo u pojavi kliničke ketoze u dviju krava (pozitivan nalaz ketonskih tijela u mokraći). U prvoj grupi životinja aktivnost AST enzima je stabilna, kako prije, tako i nakon pokusa te unutar fizioloških vrijednosti (x=62,37 ± 15,32 : 72 ± 24,36 U/l). U prvoj skupini krava nije došlo do pojave ketoze nakon poroda. Ipak, razina glikemije je bila niža (x=1,97 ± 0,65 mmol/l) u odnosu na kontrolnu i drugu grupu. Vrijednosti razine AST u prvoj skupini u odnosu na drugu i kontrolnu skupinu su pokazale kako je AST znakovit parametar kontrole statusa jetara krava u peripartalnom razdoblju. Dobivanje propilenglikola u hrani najmanje 2 tjedna prije poroda ima hepatoprotektivnu ulogu u profilaksi ketoze. Hiperbilirubinemija i visoka aktivnost AST u serumu indikatori su subkliničkog oblika acetonemije u krava. Ključne riječi: propilenglikol, profilaksa, ketoza, metabolički parametri Materials and methods Investigation were conducted in the high yield cows, Holstein breed (n=30), ages 4-6 years, divided into tree groups, in the farm »Kopovo«, Starčevo. Prior the experiment cows have been one or two time in ketosis in the earlier lactation period. The first experimetal group (n=10) two weeks prior delivery intake with the feed Glucolac plus, 200 g, in single dosis per day. The second group (n=10) 7 day prior and 7 days after delivery intake with feed Glucolac plus, 200 g in single dosis per day, and control group od cattle (n=10) stand without Glucolac plus in feed. Blood sampling for analyses was provided prior and after experiment with venepunction from vena abdominis subcutanea always in the morning. In the blood sera we determined concentrations of glucose, total bilirubine, albumine and activity of enzime AST with spectrophotometar Basic Secoman, using comercials tests »Reneal Finechemical Co«. Every morning we controled urine by Rother-a test to establish presence of aceto-bodies. In the ketotic cows we provided standard therapeutical treatment. Results of biochemical analyses in the blood sera were statisticaly processed with description methods, and statistical significance were determined using Studen t test. Results After conducted examination and blood sera analysis, results were statisticaly processed, interpreted, and showed in table 1, 2, 3 and 4. In table 1. it can be seen that mean values of glucose concentration in cows blood serum of I experimental group was the lowest (x=1.28±0.35 mmol/l), while the second day after delivery it was x=1.97±0.65 mmol/l , which was significantly higher compared with the beginning of experiment (p< 0.05). In II experimental group dropping of glycemia occured at seventh day postpartum, compared with the glycaemia at the beginning of experiment, namely before propylen glycol application 202 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 (x=1.84±0.87 : 1.55±0.63 mmol/l). In control group, mean values of glycaemia were in physiological range (x=3.08± 1.4 mmol/l), but in that group two cows were with glycaemia 1.17 and 1.22 mmol/l, i.e., it was clinically manifested ketosis (findings of aceto-bodies in urine samples). Table 1. The mean values of glucose concentrations (mmol/l) in blood sera of cows in experimental and control group Stat. param. x SD SY Minimum Maximum CV (%) * (p< 0.05) I group prior 1.28 0.35 0.1105 0.75 1.75 27.26 I group after 1.97* 0.65 0.2068 1.23 3.31 33.17 II group prior 1.84 0.87 0.2760 1.10 3.73 47.76 II group after 1.55 0.63 0.2000 0.86 2.96 40.82 Control group 3.08 1.04 0.3033 1.17 4.69 33.57 Table 2. The mean values of total bilirubin concentrations in the blood sera (μmol/l) of cows in experimental and control group Stat. param. x SD SY Minimum Maximum CV (%) I group prior 9.32 4.21 1.3314 4.91 18.13 45.18 I group after 13.61 3.58 1.1322 7.50 20.10 26.30 II group prior 9.44 2.97 0.9397 5.11 15.00 31.47 II group after 13.84 7.37 2.3291 4.89 26.70 53.24 Control group 9.00 5.18 1.6372 4.92 21.51 57.50 In table 2. it can be seen that mean values of total bilirubine concentrations were higher than physiological values (>8.0 μmol/l), in all of animals during all the time (experimental and control group), although the cows of second experimental group, at seventh day after delivery has the highest values, x=13.84±7.37 μmol/l . Table 3. The mean values activity of AST (U/l) in blood sera of cows in experimental and control group Stat. param. x SD SY Minimum Maximum CV (%) ** (p< 0.01) I group prior I group after II group prior II group after Control group 62.37 15.31 4.8420 42.10 88.50 24.55 72.00 24.36 7.7026 4.850 123.50 33.83 82.46 43.79 13.8487 49.10 182.00 53.11 100.55 48.53 15.3462 46.70 200.10 48.26 116.23** 54.90 17.3602 67.10 225.10 47.23 XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 203 In table 3., it can be seen that activity of AST in blood sera was significantly higher (p<0.01) in control group, and was x=116.23±54.23 U/l. The highest values of AST activity were noticed in two cows with clinically manifested ketosis ( 225.10 and 210.2 U/l). Decidedly stability of AST activity was in I experimental group before and after experiment x=62.37±15.31 : 72.0±24.36 U/l , respectively it was in physiological range (up to 80 U/l) during the both period of examination. Table 4. The mean values concentration of albumin (g/l) in the blood sera of cows in experimental and control group. Stat. param. x SD SY Minimum Maximum CV (%) ** (p< 0.01) I group prior 37.28 7.51 2.3760 31.50 57.90 20.16 I group after 43.34** 11.55 3.6509 24.60 58.10 26.64 II group prior 33.34 3.26 1.0294 28.00 37.70 9.76 II group after 35.43 3.44 1.0872 29.40 40.70 9.70 Control group 36.58 4.09 1.2930 31.80 46.50 11.18 In table 4. it can be seen that mean values of albumin concentration, in all of examined groups, were in physiological range, although it was significantly higher (p< 0.01) in cows of I experimental group (x=43.34±11.5 g/l ) at the end of experiment, compared with the II experimental group before experiment (x=33.34±3.26 g/l). In cows of control and I experimental group, albumin concentrations were somewhat lower compared with the cows of I experimental group, but it is out of statistical significance. Discussion Ketosis, as one of most frequent metabolic disorder in high-yield dairy cows, occurs in 20-38 %, as a consequence of the nutritive-metabolic inadequacy of an organism (Krasnić, 2005). It occurs mainly in older cows, after delivery, in a period when they should be in a most productive time ( at 3.-5. lactation). Ketosis carry out to dropped milk production, bearing calves in neonatal acidosis, as well as reproductive disabilities, what is reflected in important economical loses. It manifests itself in decrease of the glucose concentration in the blood, and a considerable presence of aceto-bodies in the blood and the urine. It occurs as a primary or secondary disease, mostly during the puerperium of high yield dairy cows For clinical form of ketosis is hypoglycaemia and aceto-bodies in urine. It can take sub-clinical (more frequently), or clinical form. Detectione of ketosis is posible with determination biochemical parametres indicate in the same time status of metabolism and functional activity od liver cells (Šamanc et al., 2004; Radojičić Biljana et al. 2007). Among of many parameters it is established that four of them can be used for validation of metaphylaxis of liver status in order to prevent ketosis (Brugere-Picoux Jeane and H. Brugere 1987; Krasnić, 2005; Radojičić Biljana et al., 2002; Radojičić Biljana, 2007). Glucolac plus is energetic compound, which contains some vitamines from the B vitamine group, and some oligo-elements, as couper, which basically is a glucogenoplastic substance aimed at prevention of ketosis, and which is used in variously doses and diffrent time. recomanded of may authors (Sauer et al., 1989; Studer et al., 1993; Formigoni et al., 1996, Krasnić, 2005). Lotthammer (1991) sugested that for ketosis in clinical form the level of glycaemia is lower then phisiological value (2.2 mmol/l) , i.e. it was 1.8 mmol/l, but, Blood (1994) sugested that 204 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 level of glicaemia is 1.6 mmol/. However, in our investigation in the condition of hypoglicaemia we did not find clinical form of ketosis into first group, where mean values of glucose concentration prior application of Glucolac plus was x=1.28±0.35 mmol/l. Application of Glucolac plus two weeks before delivery lead to statisticaly important increase (p<0.05) of glycaemia level, x=1.97±0.65 mmol/l, in the first group. In the control group we found statisticaly important increase activity of enzime AST x=116.23 ±54.23 U/l, and hyperbiliruminemia and hypoalbuminemia in the two cows in clinical form of ketosis. In the cows before delivery hypoalbuminemia, hyperbilirubinemia and high activity of AST is valid parameters for detection of subclinical form of ketosis (Brugere-Picoux Jeane and H. Brugere 1987; Lotthammer, 1991; Kasagić, 2005; Krasnić, 2005; Radojičić Biljana et al., 2007). Stabile activity of enzime AST in the first group in peripratal period indicate that Glucolac plus have hepatoprotective role, and AST can be used as valid parameter for metaphylaxis of status liver in cattle (Krasnić, 2005 ; Radojičić Biljana, 2007). Conclusion Application of Glucolac plus in feed for high yield cows, in single dosis at 200 g per day (100 g propylen glycol) two weeks before delivery, resulted with imoprtant increase of glycaemia level, stabile activity of AST in the blood sera, prior and after delivery, which was not case in the second and control group. Determination of AST activity is good parameter for functional evaluation of status liver in high yield cows in peripartal period. References: Blood D.C. (1994): Pocket Companion to Veterinary Medicine. Chapter 7. Disease of the liver and pancreas. Baillere Tindal Brugere-Picoux Jeane and H. Brugere (1987): Particularites de la biochemie clinique des ruminants. Rec. Vet. Med., 163 (11), 1043-1053 Formigoni A.M.C., Cornil A., Proudi A., Mordenti A., Rossi D., Portetelle and R Removille (1996): Effect of propylen glycol supplementation around parturition on milk yield reproduction perfomans and some hormonal and metabolic ccharacteristics in dairy coes. J. Dairy Res., 63: 11-24 Krasnić A. (2005): Primena propilen glikola i nekih vitamina B grupe u preveniranju ketoze visoko mlečnih krava. Specijalistički rad, Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd Kasagić D. (2005): Koncentracija trijodtironina, tiroksina, insulinu sličnog faktora rasta I i biohemijskih pokazatelja metabolizma u krvnom serumu junica pre i posle partusa. Magistarska teza. Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd Lotthammer, K.H. (1991) : Uticaj i posledice neizbalansirane ishrane na zdravlje i plodnost mlečnih krava. Zbornik predavanja XX seminara za inovaciju znanja veterinar, 71-102, Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd Marković S. (1991) : Uticaj amida nikotinske kiseline i L-metionina na metabolizam lipida krava u visokom graviditetu i ranom puerperijumu. Magistarska teza, Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd Radojičić Biljana, J. Bojkovski, D. Janković (2003): Neki biohemijski parametri kontroli metabolizma visoko mlečnih krava, Veterinarski žurnal Republike Srpske, Vol. 2., br./No 1-2, 31-35, 2002 Radojičić Biljana (2007): Opšta klinička dijagnostika kod domaćih papkara. Naučna »KMD«, ISBN 978-8684153-76-2 Radojičić Biljana, Bosiljka Đuričić, D. Matarugić, D. Kasagić (2007): Značaj hematološko biohemijskih analiza u diferencijalnoj dijagnostici oboljenja kod visokomlečnih krava. II Kongres veterinara Republike Srpske 24-27. okotobar 2007, Veterinarski žurnal Republike Srpske, Vol 7, Broj 2, str. 128-134 XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 205 Sauer F. D., J.K.G. Kramer, and W. J. Cautwell (1989): Antiketogenic effect of monensin and propylen glycol in aerly lactation. J. Dairy Sci. 72:436-442 Studer V.A., R.R. Grummer and S.J. Bertics (1993): Effect of prepartum propylen glycol adminstration on periparturient fatty liver in dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 76: 2931.2939 Šamanc H., Radojičić Biljana, Mira Kovačević i R. Đoković, (2004): Some endocrino-metabolic parameters in the blood serum of healthy and ketotic cows. The 12th Congress of Mediterrranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants, Abstract book, 26 Istanbul, Turky, 16-19 september, 5. 206 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Electrophoretic study of plasma proteins in dairy cows with clinical and subclinical mastitis by Agarose gel procedure Istraživanje proteina plazme elektroforezom u mliječnih krava s kliničkim i subkliničkim mastitisom postupkom gel Agara Tabrizi1, Afshin Davasaz; Roozali Batavani2, Siamak Asri-Rezaei2, Malahat Ahmadi2 1 Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Islamic Azad University of Tabriz, Iran 2 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Urmia, Urmia, Iran Abstract The mastitis is one the most important diseases from point view of economy in milk cow breeding industry, which it causes reduction in milk producing, treatment expenses, reduction in cattle genetic progress and fall in milk combination quality. The aim of this study was to survey Holstein dairy cow plasma with different protein bounds ratio changes in the case of clinical and subclinical mastitis. Samples from dairy farms around TABRIZ were taken. For recognizing subclinical cases Californian Mastitis Test (CMT) was used, and instances of two positives and three positives were considered. In the case of clinical mastitis one group in the name of mild (sub acute) diagnosed, Which had milk containing abnormality and clots, and other group in the name of moderate (acute) determined which in addition to milk, they had inflammation changes in udder tissue. The numbers of samples in every 4 groups were 25 . Besides of these affected 4 groups, we chose 25 healthy cows which both their (CMT) tests were negative and it was not separated in their milk culture pathogenic bacteria. In all groups blood samples from jugular vein were obtained, using vacuum tube and containing of EDTA and plasma separated. The next phase, the samples by using protein hydragel by electrophoresis were measured. The results on albumin bound although the mean amounts of these protein in affected groups were lower than control group, it does not show significant difference (P>0.05). In alpha-1 bound , there was significant difference between CMT2+ group and control group (P<0.05), also it showed significant difference with clinical mastitic groups. In alpha-2 bound clinical mastitic groups had difference with healthy group (P<0.05). However, there was not difference between clinical and subclinical groups (P>0.05). In beta-1 bound it showed difference only in the affected to clinical moderate mastitis group (acute) with other groups (P<0.05). In Beta-2 bound there were not any difference among groups (P>0.05). In gamma-1 bound , there was significant difference between control group and CMT3+ group (P<0.05), And in gamma-2 bound there were not any differences among groups. In conclusion, regarding to the results obtained this is what understood, with increasing the inflammation and infection intensity, the increase in proteins amount, especially in alpha-2 and beta-1 bounds are significant . Sažetak Mastitis je jedna od najizraženijih bolesti koja utječe na mljekarsku industriju uzrokujući pad mliječnosti, rast troškova držanja, genetsko nazadovanje i pad kvalitete mlijeka.Cilj ovog istraživanja je procijeniti omjere proteina u plazmi Holštajn mliječnih krava sa subkliničkim i kliničkim mastitisom. Uzimani su uzorci krava s mliječnih farmi u okolici Tabriza. Za dokaz subkliničkog mastitisa korišten je Kalifornijski tesz za mastitis (CMT) te su u obzir uzeti slučajevi dvije i tri pozitivne reakcije. U slučajevima s kliničkim mastitisom jedna skupina je bila blaga kod koje je mlijeko sadržavalo krpice i grudice, dok su u drugoj umjerenoj skupini uz promjene u mlijeku uočene upalne promjene u tkivu vimena. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 207 INTRODUCTION Mastitis is the most frequent and expensive disease associated with current intensive dairying It has adverse effects on the economics of milk production by reducing the quantity and quality of milk (De Graves et al., 1993), and increasingly through the imposition of financial penalties by milk purchasers for high numbers of somatic cells in milk which increase as a result of intramammary infection (Booth, 1997). Per acute clinical mastitis has also been recognized as the major cause of mortality in adult dairy cows (Menzies et al., 1995). Mastitis can be caused by a large number of bacterial species. Subclinical infections are those for which no visible changes occur in the appearance of milk or the udder, but milk production decreases, somatic cell count increases, pathogens are present in the secretion, and composition is altered. Clinical mastitis is recognized by abnormal milk, varing degrees of mammary gland inflammation (redness, heat, swelling, pain) and with or without illness of the cow. Milk production declines, bacteria are present in the milk and the milk can vary from having a few milk clots to serum with clumps of fibrin in the secretion (Tyler and cullor, 1990). Early identification of udder health problems is essential for dairy farmers and veterinarians to ensure not only animal well-being but also milk quality and dairying productivity. Economic aspects interfere with the routine application of bacteriologic examination of quarter milk samples. For this reason, alternative parameters are used to identify trends in the development of the udder health in a dairy herd, although these parameters indicate inflammation. MATERIALS AND METHODS Animals were selected from two Holstein dairy herds located Tabriz in east Azerbaijan province of Iran. Cows were milked three times daily by machine milking. All cows were subjected to postmilking teat disinfection, those were dried off approximately 2 months before expected calving and all quarters of cows were infused with an antibiotic preparation approved for use in non lactating cows following the last milking of lactation. Milk samples were collected from cows just before morning milking. Teats were washed thoroughly and dried with a single-use paper towel. The first three streams of milk from each teat were discarded. The teat end and orifice was sanitized with cotton swabs soaked in 10% ethyl alcohol and approximately 10 ml foremilk sample were collected from each quarter of cow in a sterile tube held horizontally. Clinical mastitis was recognized by the dairymen on each farm in the usual way, by observation and palpation of the udder. In 25 case mastitis was diagnosed by the presence of clots in the milk (defined as mild mastitis), and in 25 case by the presence of clots and observable inflammation in the infected quarter such as heat, pain, redness or swelling (defined as moderate mastitis). Subclinical mastitis was determined by California mastitis test (CMT). The CMT results were interpreted as negative (O), 1+ (traces), 2+(gel) and 3+(clumps), (Busato et al., 2000). CMT 1+ cases were eliminated from this study. CMT 2+ and CMT 3+ cases (25 case from each score) were submitted in the research. CMT(0) and culture negative cases were considered healthy (Control). Milk samples were also taken from an unaffected, nonmastitic, diagonally opposed quarter of the udder of the healthy and mastitic cows, as intra-animal controls. The number of samples in each group were 25 case. Jugular blood samples were taken from each dairy cow. Venoject tubes with EDTA and For bacteriological examinations, standard procedures was performed according to the guidelines described by sears et al.(2003) and Quinn et al.(1994). To investigate protein fractions in the serum and uterine fluid, the samples were diluted (1:10) with normal saline and run on agarose gel media (commercial kits, sebia Performance, France) with a buffer consisting of barbital (1.8g/l), tris [tris(hydroxymethyl)amino methane] (7.2g/l), sodium azid 208 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 (0.1g/l) and sidium barbital (10.3g/l) included in the kits, at 100 V and starting flow of 25mA for 25 min.The gel was rinsed with double distilled water, fixed 15 min in fixing solution and dried in a hot air current ,then, stained in the staining solution (acid violet, 2g/l asetic acid 10%,water 90%) for 15 min and cleared by repeated washing in the de-staining solution (acetic acid, 10ml; ethanol 95%,350ml; water up to 11).After drying in the hot air the amount of each protein fraction was calculated. RESULTS Bacteria isolated from the mastitic cows included the usual range of pathogens. The isolates from subclinical mastitis cases were coagulase negative staphylococci (40%), staphylococcus aureus and corynebacterim bovis (each 12%), streptococcus spp. (6%), Serratia marcescens, Enterobacter aerogenes and Proteus spp. (each 4%). 18% from subclinical mastitis cases showed no growth on bacteriological examination. Clinical mastitis cases had the following bacteria isolated from them: taphylococcus aureus (26%), coagulase negative staphylococcus (18%), streptococcus spp.(10%), corynebacterium bovis and E.coli (each 8%), Pasteurella multocida (6%), Bacillus cereus and Arcanbacterium pyogenes (each 4%). 16% from clinical mastitic cases showed no growth on bacteriological examination. The somatic cell count in milk from quarters with subclinical and clinical mastitis were significantly (P<0.01) greater than in the milk of the control cows, also was significant difference between each four mastitic groups (P<0.01). (Table 1). The level of albumin in affected group did not differ from control group (P> 0.05). there was considerable difference between CMT 2+ group and control group in Alpha-1 fragment (P<0.05). Alpha-2 fragment showed meaningful difference in both mild and moderate clinical groups (P<0.05), but there was no difference in subclinical mastitis groups. Considerable difference was only observed in moderate group relative to control group in Beta 1 fragment (P<0.05). Other affected groups did not show any significant difference. There was meaningful difference between CMT3+ and control group in gamma-1 fragment (P>0.05) but other affected groups did not show any meaningful difference relative to control group. Any meaningful difference have not been considered between affected group and control group in gamma 2 fragment (P>0.05). Table 1: Mean concentration of protein fractions in plasma in different groups (Mean ± SE, gr/dl) Albumin α1 α2 β1 β2 γ1 γ2 Control 2.98±0.35 0.44±0.2 0.6±0.2 0.19±0.12 0.57±0.1 1.27±0.19 1.48±0.32 CMT 2+ 2.66±0.47 0.66±0.22* 0.73±0.14 0.33±0.27 0.63±0.19 1.62±0.4 1.99±0.57 CMT 3+ 2.55±0.46 0.55±0.1 0.81±0.2 0.29±0.08 0.71±0.15 1.96±0.42* 2.12±0.43 Mild 2.84±0.17 0.41±0.09 0.96±0.2* 0.43±0.29 0.73±0.27 1.66±0.44 1.77±0.62 Moderate 2.43±0.8 0.45±0.16 0.95±0/32* 0.52±0.31* 0.78±0.35 1.59±0.35 1.64±0.53 Groups *: Significant difference with control group (P<0.05) XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 209 DISCUSSION The bacteriological results from the subclinical cases was showed coagulase negative staphylococci (CNS) were most frequent isolate bacteria. CNS organisms, group of staphylococcal species, have become the predominant pathogens causing bovine mastitis in many countries (Pitkala et al., 2004). Although the CNS usually cause only subclinical or mild clinical mastitis, they are harmful since they increase somatic cell count (SCC) in milk (chaffer et al., 1999) and may slightly decrease milk production (Timms and Schultz, 1987). Mastitis caused by CNS responds well to antimicrobial treatment (McDougall, 1998). Staphylococcus aureus was the next more causative organisms of subclinical mastitic cows. Staphylococcus aureus still as one of the most infectious agents which produces mastitis in cattle. Other bacteria that was often isolated corynebacterium bovis. C.bovis are generally considered as opportunistic pathogens and inhabitants of teat canals (Rainard, 1987). The infection causes minor hispathological alterations in the udder parenchyma without affecting the secretory function of the tissue. Environmental streptococci from 6% of subclinical and 10% of clinical mastitis were isolated. In countries where the prevalence of intramammary infections due to the contagious pathogens has been reduced or eradicated, the proportion of intramammary infections associated with environmental streptococci has increased markedly (Radostits et al., 2007). The bacteriological results from the clinical cases of mastitis shows the staphylococcus aureus is the most frequent organism. S.aureus is ubiquitous in the environment of dairy cattle. The infected mammary gland of lactating cows is the major reservoir and source of the organism. Transmission between cows occurs at the time of milking by contaminated milker’s hands and teat cup liners (Radostits et al., 2007). Inflammation of the mammary gland leads to a variety of compositional changes in milk either because of local effects or because of serum components entering the milk and the movement of some normal milk components out of the alveolar lumen into the perivascular space (Harmon 1994). Theoretically, all changes in mammary secretion during inflammation might be used to measure the effects of mastitis, but problems of instrumentation and standardization have prevented farm application of most tests. In dairy herds, mastitis is a production disease of major importance. Cows with clinical signs of mastitis are easily spotted by farmers and proper treatment can be applied. However, subclinical infections may not be observed and remain untreated. Cow-side tests, such as the California Mastitis Test, are available but laboursome and time consuming if applied to a large number of animals (Petersen et al., 2004). For the screening of herds, the somatic cell counts (SCC) are used despite the fact that high levels do not necessarily reflect mastitis. In order to detect subclinical infections, APP might be applied. For a test be useful in routine investigations for mastitis, it is important that it can be applied to milk samples which are readily available than serum or plasma. Plasma albumin concentration is higher than other proteins, so that 55-66 percent of plasma total protein consists of albumin. Synthetic albumin level in liver corresponds to nutrition and its concentration in plasma. Because of small size, albumin is easily observable in urine relative to other proteins in glomerular damages. Albumin decreases in liver disease, inflammatory states, malnutrition and urinary secretion. It is not valuable to diagnosis alpha 1 globulin increase in animals while Alpha 2 globulin increase indicate important sign of acute inflammatory disease. It mostly belongs to acute phase protein. Beta globulin increase is not solely high in animals. It is usually seen in active liver disease, infectious skin damages and sometimes it is observed in nephritic syndrome. Gamma globulin increase in chronic inflammatory diseases like chronic liver inflammation, liver abscess, septic diseases, and immunologic diseases. The results of plasma proteins fragment study showed that there is no meaningful statistical difference between treatment and control groups in 210 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 albumin level (P>0.05). Albumin is a negative acute phase protein, and it is reduced in infections and inflammatory states. In current study, albumin average level is lower in mastitis suffering cows, than healthy cows. But this reduction did not lead to meaningful statistical difference among groups. There was meaningful difference between clinical mastitis suffering group and treatment group in Alpha 2 fragment. According to this fact that the main acute phase proteins in cows are in this fragment from increase in haptoglobulin, serum amyloid a point of view, this considerable difference is explained easily. So haptoglobulin level increase related directly to inflammation severity. Meaningful difference between moderate mastitis suffering group and control group was considered in Beta 1 fragment (P>0.05).In spite of higher average protein level in affected group, there was no meaningful difference in Beta 2 fragment (P>0.05). There was meaningful difference between CMT3+ and control group in gamma 1 fragment. This difference was not related to severity and inflammation level of course, in other group’s, in spite of meaningful difference, gamma 1 fragment average was higher treatment group. In study of gamma 2 fragment, according to this fact that protein average level was high in affected group relative to control group meaningful difference was not considered. In conclusion, regarding to the results obtained this is what understood, with increasing the inflammation and infection intensity, the increase in proteins amount, especially in alpha-2 and beta-1 bounds are significant . REFERENCES Booth, J.M., 1997. Is mastitis being reduced in the 1990s? cattle pract. 5, 61-65. Chaffer, M., G.Leitner, M. Winkler and A. Glickman, 1999. Coagulase- negative staphylococci and mammary gland infections in cows. J. Vet. Med. B 46, 707-712. Chassagne, M., J. Barnouin and J.P. Chacornac, 1998. Biological predictors for early clinical mastitis occurrence in Holstein cows under filed conditions in france. Prev. Vet. Med., 35: 29-38. Conner, J.G., P.D. Eckersall, M. Doherty and T.A. Douglas, 1986. Acute phase response and mastitis in the cow. Res. Vet. Sci., 41: 126-128. De Graves, F.J. and J. Fetrow, 1993. Economics of mastitis and mastitis control.Vet. Clin. North. Am. Food Anim. Pract., 9: 421-434. Eckersall P., F.J. Young, C. Mc comb,C.J. Hogarth, S. 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Shoud mammary infections caused by corynebacterium bovis and coagulas – negative staphylococci be eliminated?Ann. Rech. Vet, 18: 355-364 Sears, P.M. and K.K. Mccarthy, 2003. Diagnosis of mastitis for therapy decisions. Vet. Clin. North Am. Food Anim., 19: 93-108. Thomas, J.S., 2000. Over view of plasma proteins. In: Feldman, B.F., J.G. Zinkl and N.C. Jain (Eds.), Schalm’s veterinary Hematology, fifth edition. Lippincott Williams, Wilkins, Philadelphia: 891-898. Timms, L.L., L.H. Schultz, 1987. Dynamics and significance of coagulase – negative staphylococcal intra mammary infections. J. Dairy Sci., 70: 2648-2657. Tyler, J.W. and J.S. Cullor, 1990. Mammary gland health and disorders. In large animal internal medicine. 3rd Edn. (Eds. By smith BP), Mosby, London: 1019-1022. 212 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 SECONDARY COPPER DEFICIENCY IN CATTLE FROM MOLYBDENUM INTOXICATION: CLINIC AND PATHOLOGICAL STUDY. [HIPOCUPROSIS BOVINA SECUNDARIA A MOLIBDENOSIS: ESTUDIO CLÍNICO, HISTOPATOLÓGICO Y HEMATOLÓGICO Sekundarna deficijencija bakra u goveda otrovanih molibdenom: Klinički i patološki nalaz Bustamante Cano J1, Hernández Arroyave W.2, Gutiérrez Chávez A. J.3, Alonso Alonso P.3, González Montaña J.3 1 2 Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Universidad de Pamplona. Pamplona (Colombia) Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Universidad de la Paz. Barrancabermeja (Colombia) 3 Departamento de Medicina, Cirugía y Anatomía Veterinaria. Universidad de León. León (España) SUMMARY Copper deficiency in cattle it’s the second important disease only after of phosphorus around the world, especially in grazing conditions. There are two types of copper disorder, one for molybdenum-induced followed for their interaction with iron (Fe), sulphur (S) and zinc (Zn) and direct copper deficiency. In Colombia region, soils and grass have high concentrations of molybdenum and frequently to observe toxicosis cases caused for this element. However, there are few clinical reports about this condition in this country. Therefore, the objective for this work is described the clinic and pathological findings and changes observed in secondary copper deficiency. All animals are reared in extensive conditions with local pastures, water and common salt. Soils have not been applied some fertilization treatment. It was observed in some animals poor growth rates, infertility and reproductive failure. In a lot of sixty Zebu crossbred female and males animals between 2 and 3 years old were observed clinical signs suggested for copper deficiency. It was chosen three females and three males for pathology study. Soil and forage samples were taken for determined molybdenum and copper levels by mean Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). Some clinical signs as poor growth rates, achromotrichia, fragile skeletal systems, anemia, infertility and reproductive failure were recorded for these animals. In four of six animals it was observed a decrease of blood cell pack and hemoglobin concentrations. Histopathology changes as slimming of epidermis atrophy in hair follicles and sebaceous glands, hepatic sinusoids were engorged with blood. Most hepatocytes were degenerate or necrotic with eosinophilic cytoplasm, glomerular congestion and lymphocyte infiltrate in parenchyma and cortex kidney. Molybdenum and copper concentrations in soil and forage in dry season were 3.9 mg/kg and 9.0 mg/kg, respectively. Copper and molybdenum high concentrations in soil and forage with additional information about clinic and pathological findings observed and recorded in this study suggested the presence of secondary copper deficiency was induced for previous molybdenum toxicosis. The bovines with symptoms were quickly recovered with copper borogluconat treatment by subcutaneous route. Sažetak Nedostatak bakra u goveda je po važnosti druga bolest nakon nedostatka fosfora . Rasprostranjena je diljem svijeta posebno u pašno držanih goveda.Postoje dva tipa poremećaja u metabolizmu bakra, prvi je uzrokovan molibdenom, a drugi je uzrokovan zbog djelovanja iona željeza, sumpora i cinka.U regiji Columbia, zemlja i trave sadrže visoke koncentracije molibdena i često uzrokuju otrovanja tim elementom. Zbog toga, ovaj rad XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 213 opisuje kliničke i patološke nalaze koji su utvrđeni kod sekundarne deficijencije bakra. Sve životinje su držane u ekstenzivnim uvjetima pri čemu su se hranile sa autohtonom vegetacijom uz dodatak mineralnih soli. U pojedinih životinja primjećeno je zaostajanje u rastu, neplodnost i problemi u reprodukciji. U populaciji od 60 križanih Zebu goveda različiog spola, u dobi između 2 i 3 godine starosti zamijećeni su klinički simptomi koji su upućivali na nedostatak bakra.Za istraživanje odabrne su po tri jedinke muškog i ženskog spola. Uzeti su uzorci tla i krme za utvrđivanje koncentracije molibdena i bakra pomoću atomske apsorpcijske spektrofotometrije(AAS). Kod ispitivanih životinja zamijećena je kržljavost, akronotrihia, anemija, fragilan koštani sustav, neplodnost te reproduktivne poremetnje. Kod 4 od 6 životinja primjećen je smanjen volumen krvnih stanica i koncentracija hemopglobina. Patohistološke promjene ukjlučivale su atrofiju epidermisa, dlačnih folikula i žlijezda lojnica, a jetrene sinusoide bile su prepunjene krvlju. Većina hepatocita bilo je degenerirano ili nekrotično , primjećena je i kongestija glomerula i limfocitna infiltracija parenhima i srži bubrega. Utvrđena koncentracija molibdena i bakra u tlu i krmi za vrijeme sušne sezone iznoslia je 3.9 mg/kg za molibden i 9.0 mg/kg za bakar. Visoke koncentracije bakra i molibdena u tlu i krmi zajedno sa kliničkim i patohistološkim nalazima ukazuju na sekundarnu deficijenciju bakra. Životinje sa simptomima otrovanja brzo su se oporavile nakon potkožne aplikacija bakar-boroglukonata. RESUMEN En los rumiantes las deficiencias de cobre, después de las de fósforo, son las más frecuentes a nivel mundial. La absorción del cobre se ve antagonizada por algunos microminerales, siendo quizá el moblideno (Mo) el más importante, seguido del hierro (Fe), azufre (S) y zinc (Zn). Por ello en muchas ocasiones las concentraciones elevadas de molibdeno, frecuentemente, desembocan de forma secundaria en hipocuprosis. En algunas zonas de Colombia la intoxicación en bovinos en pastoreo por concentraciones excesivas de molibdeno en el suelo es muy alta, aunque apenas existen estudios sobre la patología en este país. Por ello el objetivo del presente trabajo es describir el cuadro clínico, los cambios hematológicos y las lesiones histopatológicas halladas en algunos órganos. Todos los bovinos del hato, de raza cebú comercial, eran explotados de forma extensiva, en praderas naturales y sin ningún programa de fertilización, disponiendo de forma permanente tanto de agua como de sal común. La mayoría del ganado presentaba mal estado de carnes y diarrea, deficiencias reproductivas y las hembras alcanzaban su madurez sexual tardíamente. Se seleccionaron 60 cebuinos, de ambos sexos, con edades de dos y medio a tres años, que presentaban sintomatología compatible con molibdenosis y de ellos se escogieron seis animales (tres machos y tres hembras) en los que se cuantificó el hematocrito y la hemoglobina. Posteriormente se sacrificaron y se recogieron algunos órganos para el correspondiente estudio histopatológico. Asimismo, mediante espectrofotometría de absorción atómica, se midieron las concentraciones de molibdeno y cobre en suelo y en pastos. Los signos clínicos hallados en los animales enfermos fueron diarrea profusa, enflaquecimiento progresivo, retardo en el crecimiento, disminución en el porcentaje de fecundidad, dolores articulares y acromotriquia. Cuatro de los seis bovinos que fueron sacrificados presentaron disminución en el hematocrito y en la hemoglobina, y se evidenciaron cambios histopatológicos tales como adelgazamiento de epidermis, atrofia de anexos, folículos pilosos y glándulas sebáceas, tumefacción turbia de hepatocitos, hiperplasia de células de Pkuffer, presencia de polimorfonucleares en sinusoides, congestión glomerular, descamación del epitelio tubular renal y focos linfocitarios en el parénquima cortical renal. n la época seca, en la cual se realizó el estudio, la cantidad de moblideno en el suelo fue de 3,9 ppm, mientras que el pasto su concentración fue de 9 ppm. La valoración de las concentraciones de Cu y Mo en suelo, acompañada de los signos clínicos y de los hallazgos hematológicos e histopatológicos permiten concluir se trata de una hipocuprosis secundaria a una molibdenosis. Es importante destacar que el resto de animales afectados que presentaron sintomatología respondieron positivamente al tratamiento con borogluconato de cobre por vía subcutánea, recuperándose rápidamente. Sažetak Copper deficiency in cattle it’s the second important disease only after of phosphorus around the world, especially in grazing conditions. There are two types of copper disorder, one for molybdenum-induced followed for their interaction with iron (Fe), sulphur (S) and zinc (Zn) and direct copper deficiency. In Colombia region, 214 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 soils and grass have high concentrations of molybdenum and frequently to observe toxicosis cases caused for this element. However, there are few clinical reports about this condition in this country. Therefore, the objective for this work is described the clinic and pathological findings and changes observed in secondary copper deficiency. All animals are reared in extensive conditions with local pastures, water and common salt. Soils have not been applied some fertilization treatment. It was observed in some animals poor growth rates, infertility and reproductive failure. In a lot of sixty Zebu crossbred female and males animals between 2 and 3 years old were observed clinical signs suggested for copper deficiency. It was chosen three females and three males for pathology study. Soil and forage samples were taken for determined molybdenum and copper levels by mean Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). Some clinical signs as poor growth rates, achromotrichia, fragile skeletal systems, anemia, infertility and reproductive failure were recorded for these animals. In four of six animals it was observed a decrease of blood cell pack and hemoglobin concentrations. Histopathology changes as slimming of epidermis atrophy in hair follicles and sebaceous glands, hepatic sinusoids were engorged with blood. Most hepatocytes were degenerate or necrotic with eosinophilic cytoplasm, glomerular congestion and lymphocyte infiltrate in parenchyma and cortex kidney. Molybdenum and copper concentrations in soil and forage in dry season were 3.9 mg/kg and 9.0 mg/kg, respectively. Copper and molybdenum high concentrations in soil and forage with additional information about clinic and pathological findings observed and recorded in this study suggested the presence of secondary copper deficiency was induced for previous molybdenum toxicosis. The bovines with symptoms were quickly recovered with copper borogluconat treatment by subcutaneous route. INTRODUCCIÓN En todas las especies domésticas se ha descrito la presentación de efectos adversos por deficiencias de Cu (Radostis y cols, 1994). Los rumiantes presentan con frecuencia concentraciones inadecuadas de este elemento bajo una amplia diversidad de suelos, condiciones nutricionales y climáticas. Se considera que las deficiencias de Cu son las segundas mas frecuentes en los rumiantes en todo el mundo después del fósforo (Wikse y cols, 1992). La carencia de este microelemento posee incidencia geográfica y ocasiona serias pérdidas productivas en sistemas extensivos de cría bovina basados en el consumo de pasturas naturales (Rearte, 2004; Underwood, 1997). En los suelos de Colombia se presenta una deficiencia generalizada de cobre. De más de 500 suelos analizados por el INPEC, el 68% presentaba un contenido deficiente de este microelemento. Estudios realizados por el Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario en la región del litoral Atlántico y en el Valle del Magdalena Medio, demostraron la existencia de bajos niveles de cobre debido a deficiencia primaria o secundaria (Bernal 2000, De la Cruz 1983). Como otras deficiencias minerales, la hipocuprosis puede ser causada por un bajo aporte del elemento en la dieta, deficiencia primaria, o bien puede ocurrir que ese aporte sea adecuado pero que otros factores de la dieta interfieran con el aprovechamiento del Cu ingerido, en cuyo caso se puede referir a una deficiencia secundaria o condicionada (De Rosa 2002; Quiroz 2000). En los rumiantes, el Cu es el microelemento que mayor número de antagonistas presenta. Uno de ellos, quizás el principal, es el molibdeno (Mo), seguido del hierro (Fe), azufre (S) y zinc (Zn) (Gooneratne 1997; Humphires y cols 1983, Keen y Graham 1989). Cuando existen concentraciones elevadas de molibdeno, frecuentemente se presentan casos de hipocuprosis (Humphires y cols 1983). El mecanismo por el cual se presenta esta interferencia es principalmente a nivel de rumen por la formación de compuestos (thiomolibdatos) que se unen al Cu impidiendo su absorción (Gooneratne 1997; Humphires y cols 1983). Son descritos varios signos clínicos en la hipocuprosis tales como anemia, infertilidad variable, diarrea, acromotriquia, mala estructura de lana, predisposición a enfermedades infecciosas, crisis XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 215 hemolíticas, úlceras abomasales, polioencefalomalacia, claudicación, mala condición corporal, disminución en la ganancia de peso y muerte súbita (E.E. A INTA 2004; NRC 1999). Las plantas utilizadas como forrajes contienen en promedio de 8 a 11 ppm de Cu y de 3 a 5 ppm de Mo (en M.S.). Se ha comprobado que aparece molibdenosis cuando, encontrándose normal el valor de cobre en los vegetales, el contenido de molibdeno en la planta se eleva de 6 a 10 ppm (Radostits y cols, 1994). MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS En una explotación dedicada a la cría de ganado, localizado en el municipio de Yondó, Antioquia, Colombia (75 m altitud) con una temperatura promedio entre 26ºC y 35ºC, con una humedad relativa superior al 85% y una pluviosidad de mas de 2500 mm/año, correspondiente a bosque húmedo tropical, se seleccionaron seis animales (tres machos y tres hembras), entre dos y medio y tres años de edad, de un total de sesenta bovinos de la raza cebú comercial. Estos bovinos eran manejados en sistema de producción extensiva, en praderas naturales sin ningún programa de fertilización. La sal común (ClNa) y el agua estaban a disposición permanente para todos los animales. Casi todos los bovinos presentaban mal estado de carnes y diarrea. El estado reproductivo del hato era muy bajo y las hembras alcanzaban su madurez sexual tardíamente. A estos animales se les realizaron exámenes clínicos y a las hembras adultas se les practicó un chequeo ginecológico, a través de palpación rectal. Adicionalmente fue realizado un examen de hemoparásitos y muestreo de materia fecal para determinar la carga parasitaria. Tras el examen clínico, medición del hematocrito y hemoglobina y de realizado el examen parasitológico, se sacrificaron los seis bovinos y les fue practicado un estudio histopatológico. Igualmente se tomaron muestras de suelo y fueron enviadas al laboratorio del Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario (ICA), ubicado en Tibaitatá (Cundinamarca) para la cuantificación de molibdeno y cobre a través de la técnica de espectrofotometría de absorción atómica (EAA). En una fincas cercanas, donde las condiciones de manejo eran similares, se seleccionados al azar 16 cebú, de un grupo de 50 bovinos machos de raza cebú comercial, y con edades entre 30 y 34 meses. Cuantificación de cobre en el suero de los bovinos Para la obtención del cobre sérico, a cada uno de los 16 bovinos le fueron extraídos 10 ml de sangre sin anticoagulante mediante venopunción en yugular. Las muestras de sangre fueron remitidas inmediatamente laboratorio de la Universidad Industrial de Santander, en Bucaramanga, donde luego fueron centrifugadas a 3000 rpm para la separación del suero. La determinación del cobre sérico se realizó, utilizando la técnica de espectrofotometría de absorción atómica, obteniendo valores expresados en µmol/l. Cuantificación del cobre en hígado Para la cuantificación de los niveles de Cu en hígado los 16 bovinos fueron marcados y rastreados hasta el matadero municipal. Allí se obtuvieron fragmentos de hígado, aproximadamente de 2 cm de espesor, de cada animal. Estos fragmentos fueron conservados para su posterior procesamiento, utilizando la técnica de espectrofotometría de absorción atómica, expresando los valores resultantes en pates por millón (ppm). Cuantificación de cobre y molibdeno en el suelo en el municipio de Yondó 216 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Se tomaron muestras del suelo de varias fincas, en el municipio de Yondó, para cuantificar los niveles de cobre y de molibdeno. Las muestras fueron enviadas al laboratorio del Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario (ICA) localizado en Tibaitatá (Cundinamarca). Se utilizó la técnica de espectrofotometría de absorción atómica con horno de grafito y se expresaron los valores en ppm. Determinación de Cobre y Molibdeno en forrajes Para la cuantificación de niveles de Cu y Mo en los forrajes de las fincas en estudio, se tomaron muestras representativas tanto de gramíneas como de leguminosas que sirven como base de la alimentación para los bovinos objeto de estudio y fueron procesadas aplicando la técnica de espectrofotometría de absorción atómica en el laboratorio del Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario en un equipo Perkin – Elmer con lámpara de cátodo hueco, reportando sus valores en mg/kg (ppm). Para la recolección del material vegetal se emplearon bolsas plásticas con sellado hermético y se enviaron refrigeradas con el fín de evitar la fuga de algún material volátil. El material vegetal fue recolectado en las horas de la mañana y se guardó en refrigeración hasta el momento de su análisis. CASO CLINICO Casi la totalidad de los animales del hato, correspondiente al municipio de Yondó, presentaron mal estado de carnes, con pelaje amarillento y mucosas pálidas. Además mostraron diarrea profusa, de color oscuro y con espuma abundante. La diarrea se agudizó en los periodos con abundantes lluvias. Algunos animales presentaban adelgazamiento extremo, sin embargo ninguno de los bovinos estudiados presentó anorexia. Tabla 1. Hallazgos histopatológicos en los bovinos del estudio en el municipio de Yondó. Tejido Alteración microscópica nº de casos Piel Adelgazamiento de epidermis 6 Atrofia de anexos folículos pilosos y glándulas sebáceas 6 Hiperplasia de células de Pkuffer 3 Tumefacción turbia de hepatocitos 4 Presencia de polimorfonucleares en sinusoides 6 Hígado Congestión glomerular Riñón Descamación epitelio tubular hacia la luz Focos linfocitarios en parénquima cortical Inflamación aguda Bazo Alta concentración de hemosiderina 6 6 6 6 2 El examen ginecológico, realizado por palpación rectal, reveló deficiente actividad ovárica. La mayoría de las hembras adultas presentaron un útero de tamaño muy pequeño y no mostraban manifestaciones propias del celo. El porcentaje de preñez era inferior al 50%. Los frotis sanguíneos para evaluar hemoparásitos dieron resultados negativos, así como el resto exámenes parasitológicos que no evidenciaron de carga parasitaria alguna. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 217 El examen sanguíneo (de los 6 cebú) reveló una disminución del hematocrito en cuatro de ellos (20%, 23%, 23% y 20%) y una reducción en la hemoglobina (6,6 mg/dl, 7,0 mg/dl, 6,7 mg/dl y 6,0 mg/dl) respectivamente. Ante la sospecha de una posible hipocuprosis y como ensayo terapéutico, algunos bovinos del rebaño fueron tratados con cobre vía parenteral, obteniéndose la desaparición de la diarrea dos días después de la aplicación. Durante la necropsia no fueron encontradas lesiones macroscópicas relevantes. En la tabla 1 se puede apreciar como los cambios mas frecuentemente se localizaron en piel, hígado, bazo y riñón. La medición de cobre y de molibdeno en el suelo de las fincas estudiadas arrojó una concentración de 4,57 ppm y de 3,90 ppm, respectivamente. La concentración media del cobre en pasto fue de 10 ppm (resultado de los niveles obtenidos en los diferentes pastos muestreados). DISCUSIÓN Los resultados del examen clínico practicado a los bovinos, asociados a los hallazgos de las necropsias, invitan a pensar que estos animales estaban padeciendo una deficiencia de cobre. La alta concentración de molibdeno, presente en los suelos de la zona donde se realizó este estudio, implica un alto consumo de este mineral por parte de los animales, dada la interrelación suelo - planta – animal para cada elemento en particular. En general el cuadro clínico presentado por los bovinos, es coincidente con el comunicado por otros autores acerca de la hipocuprosis secundaria a molibdenosis (Balbuena y Mastandrea 1992; Brem y cols 2002; Quiroz y Bouda 2000). Es importante destacar el mal estado de carnes presentado por la mayoría de los animales, e incluso con adelgazamiento extremo en algunos casos, a pesar de la exuberancia de las pasturas. Similares condiciones corporales fueron observadas en recientes estudios al provocar experimentalmente una hipocuprosis al suministrar molibdeno, en forma oral, en bovinos de raza Brangus (Brem et al, 2002). La presentación del cuadro diarreico, con heces de coloración verde oscura y presencia de espuma, es frecuentemente observada en la hipocuprosis secundaria ocasionada por un exceso de molibdeno. Se mencionan dos mecanismos fisopatologicos, una atrofia acinar pancreática debida a la excesiva peroxidación de los lípidos de membrana y la infiltración de proteasas séricas o bien una alteración en la conformación de la mucosa intestinal. La lisil oxidasa participa en la síntesis de colágeno y elastasa, por lo que su deficiencia causa una mala conformación del tejido; además, la disminución de citocromo oxidasa promueve la atrofia de vellosidades (Suttle 1986). La acromotriquia posiblemente se debe a la deficiencia de cobre en el organismo. Es conocido que el cobre es necesario en la síntesis de la polifenil oxidasa tirosinasa. Esta enzima es utilizada en la transformación de la tirosina en melanina y dopamina. La melanina es responsable del color de la piel y del pelo. En la hipocuprosis el pelo de color negro se torna rojizo, mientras que los pelajes rojos adquieren un aspecto amarillento (Grace 1994). La anemia observada, en estos bovinos, es coincidente con la hallada por otros autores (Brem y cols 2002; Humphires y cols 1983; Quiroz y Bouda 2000) y puede ser ocasionada por la deficiencia de cobre; pues este elemento participa de manera crucial en el metabolismo del hierro, fundamental para la formación de hemoglobina principal componente del eritrocito (Balbuena y Mastandrea 1992; Quiroz y Bouda 2000). Cuando la hemoglobina disminuye, se limita la absorción del cobre, así como su contenido total en el cuerpo y por tanto se ven la movilización a los tejidos se ven disminuidas. El 218 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 hierro se absorbe como Fe++ y se transporta como Fe+++, pero esta conversión requiere de una enzima dependiente del cobre, la ferroxidasa II (Tanner y cols 1988; Tocarnia 1968). El resultado final, es una anemia microcítica hipocrómica grave. Aunque todavía es incierto el papel de la hipocuprosis en la infertilidad, se ha sugerido que el problema es debido más al aumento de molibdeno que a la deficiencia primaria de cobre. Sin embargo, existen informes que señalan a la hipocuprosis secundaria a la molibdenosis como causa directa de problemas en la fertilidad (Phillipo 1987). Entre los efectos adversos que causa la hipocuprosis está la alteración de la duración del ciclo estral llegando a veces al anestro, retrasos en la pubertad, alteraciones en la ovulación, presencia de ovarios quísticos y reducción de los índices de concepción (Brem y cols 2002; Graham 1991; Under 1997). La reducción o supresión del estro y la muerte embrionaria han sido identificadas como síntomas comunes en la deficiencia de cobre en ganado de carne (Underwood 1997; Suttle 1986). En un estudio reportado por Phillipo et al (1987) novillas consumiendo una dieta con niveles marginales de Cu y altas en molibdeno exhibieron retraso en la pubertad, baja índices de ovulación y baja tasa de concepción comparadas con novillas que recibieron una dieta conteniendo altos niveles de cobre. Igualmente, en estudios realizados en la región del nordeste argentino en suelos ricos en molibdeno, el suministro de cobre vía oral a novillas provocó resultados muy positivos sobre la fertilidad (De Rosa 2002). En la misma línea, en Cuba, se demostró que la aplicación de cobre en ganado lechero afectado de hipocuprosis mejoró ostensiblemente la fertilidad de las hembras (Garcia y cols 2006). Los hallazgos anatomopatológicos indican alteraciones provocadas por una deficiencia de cobre (Blakley 1987; Graham 1991; Gooneratne 1989). En este sentido Tokarnia et al (1987) describen hemosiderosis en hígado, bazo y ganglios linfáticos de bovinos con deficiencia de cobre. Por tanto, bajo las condiciones de este estudio, es posible señalar que el cuadro clínico, los hallazgos histopatológicos y los cambios hematológicos encontrados en los bovinos en el municipio de Yondó corresponden a una hipocuprosis secundaria a molibdenosis. Además, las altas concentraciones de molibdeno encontradas en el suelo de este municipio, pueden estar reafirmando este diagnóstico. Como hemos indicado la concentración media del cobre en pasto fue de 10 ppm, alterándose la normal relación que según algunos autores (Radostits y cols, 1994; de Rosa, 2002) debe tener normalmente el suelo y las plantas (Cu:Mo 2:1). BIBLIOGRAFIA Balbuena O, Mastandrea R. Clinical symptoms of cattle grazing on melilutus alba with high molybdenum concentration in the central Chaco area. Vet Arg. 1992; 9: 612-615. Bernal J. El cobre en los suelos, pastos y animales. Asociación Colombiana de Criadores de Ganado Cebú. 2000; 315: 28 – 33. Blakley BR, Hamilton, DL. The effect of copper deficiency on the immune response in mice. Drug Nutr Interact 1987; 5: 103-111 Brem JJ, Mestre J, Pochon D.O, Trulls HE. Alteraciones del ciclo estral provocadas por un alto ingreso de molibdeno en vaquillonas Brangus y su respuesta a la suplementación con cobre. Rev Vet Arg. 2002; 13: 2001-2002 De la Cruz ML, GIL A. Contenido de molibdeno y cobre en pastos y su relación con algunos tejidos y enzimas del bovino en el litoral Atlántico Colombiano. Rev ICA 1983; 18: 279-281. DE Rosa, Mattioli GA. Metabolismo y deficiencia de cobre en los bovinos. Analecta Veterinaria. 2002; 22: 716. E.E.A INTA. Animales sin cobre. Rev Brangus. 2004; 26:64-66. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 219 Garcia J, Cuesta Mario, Pedroso R, Gutierrez M, Mollineda A, et al. Efecto del cobre sobre la reproduccion en novillas lecheras de Cuba. Rev MVZ Cordoba. 2006; 11: 790 - 798. Gooneratne SR, Buckley WT, Christensen DA. Review of copper deficiency and metabolism in ruminants. Can J Anim Sci. 1989; 69: 819-845. Gooneratne SR, Howell JMc, Gamthorne JM. Intracellular hepatic distribution of copper in normal and copper loaded sheep. Res Vet Sci. 1997; 27: 30-37. Grace N. Managing trace elements deficiencies New Zealand: Ag Research, New Zealand Pastoral Agriculture Research Institute Ltd. 1994. Graham TW. Trace element deficiencies in cattle. Vet Clin North Am: Food Anim Pract. 1991; 7: 153-215. Hill R, Thambyah R, Wan SP, Shanta CS. The copper status of cattle and buffalo in Malaya. J Agric Sci. 1962; 59: 409-414. Humphires WR, Phillippo M, Young BW, Bremner I. The influence of dietary iron and molybdenum on copper metabolism in calves. Br Nutr. 1983; 49: 77-86. Keen CL, Graham TW. Trace elements. In: Kaneko JJ, editor. Clinical biochemistry of domestic animals. 4th ed. San Diego (Ca): Academic Press. 1989: 271-83. NRC. Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle. 7th ed. National Research Council, National Academy Press, Washington, DC; 1996. Phillippo M, Humphries WR, Garthwaite PH. The effect of dietary molibdenum and iron on copper status, puberty, fertility and estrous cycles in the cattle. J Agric Sci. 1987; 109: 321-336. Quiroz-Rocha GF, Bouda J. Fisiopatología de las deficiencias de cobre en rumiantes y su diagnóstico. Vet Méx. 2000; 32: 289-296. Radostis O.M, Blood D.C, Gay C.C. Veterinary Medicine 8th ed London (UK): Bailliêri Tindall. 1994. Rearte D. Situación de la Ganadería Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria, INTA. URL: www.inta.gov.ar/expo/intaexpone/charlas.htm. 2004 Suttle NF. Problems in the diagnosis and anticipation of trace element deficiencies in grazing livestock. Vet Rec. 1986; 119: 148-152 Tanner DQ, Stedinick J.D, Leininger W.C Minimal herd sample size for determination of blood copper status of cattle. J Vet Med Assoc. 1988;192: 1074-76. Tokarnia CH, Canella CFC, Guimarães JÁ, Döbereiner J. Deficiência de cobre e cobalto em bovinos e ovinos no Nordeste e Norte do Brasil. Pesq Agropec Bras. 1968; 3: 351-360. Underwood EJ. Trace Elements in Human and Animals Nutrition. 4th ed. New York. Academic Press. 1997. Under AP. Some nutritional factors affecting the fertility of dairy cattle. New Zealand Vet J. 1997; 25: 305308. Wikse SE, Herd D, Field R, Holland P. Diagnosis of copper deficiency in cattle. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1992; 200: 1625-29. 220 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 NEONATAL PERIOD AND HAIR CORTISOL IN CATTLE AS A MARKER OF STRESs NEONATALNO RAZDOBLJE I DLAČNI KORTIZOL U GOVEDA KAO MARKER STRESA Comin A.1, Tidu L.2, Cornacchia G.3, Cappa A.4, Renaville B.1, Prandi A.1 Dipartimento Scienze degli Alimenti, Sezione Fisiologia Veterinaria e Nutrizione, Università Degli Studi di Udine, Italy 1 Centro Veterinario Militare Veterinary, Grosseto, Italy 2 Veterinary Mantova, Italy 3 4 Agronomist, Vicenza, Italy ABSTRACT Cortisol is a key component of the physiological response to stress. It is involved in several events during peripartum period and it is very important for the beginning of parturition. The aim of this work was to test cortisol in the hair of neonatal calves and cows to determine its significance as biomarker of neonatal stress. The cortisol was assessed on new hair growth samples from 21 calves on the day of parturition and to six months old; from 49 cows after the parturition and 257 non pregnant dry cows not exposed to stress and healthy (controls). Hair cortisol was extract by methanol and analysis was carried out using the RIA method. The hair cortisol concentration in calves on the day of parturition was significantly higher (P<0.0001) than at six months (24.30 ± 2.18 vs 5.90 ± 0.56 pg/mg) and than controls (3.96 ± 0.16 pg/mg). The cortisol level in calves at 6 months was similar than in cows after the parturition (5.74 ± 0.37 pg/mg) and significantly higher than in controls. These results suggest that neonatal but also postnatal period in calves are very stressing conditions and hair cortisol is a potential stress biomarker which could be very useful in valuate the cow welfare. Grant MIUR 2005 KEY WORDS: hair cortisol, stress, cattle Sažetak Kortizol je ključna komponenta fiziološkog odgovora na stres. On je uključen u nekoliko procesa tijekom peripartalnog razdoblja, a veoma je bitan i za sam početak poroda. Cilj ovog rada bio je odrediti kortizol u dlaci novorođene teladi te u krava kako bi se odredila njegova uloga biomarkera stresa u novorođenih životinja. Kortizol je određivan na uzorcima novoizrasle dlake 21-og teleta, na dan poroda te nakon 6 mjeseci; na 49 krava nakon poroda te u 257 negravidnih, zasušenih, zdravih krava neizloženih stresu (kontrola). Dlačni kortizol je ekstrahiran metanolom, a analiza je učinjena RIA postupkom. Razina kortizola u dlaci teladi bila je znakovito viša na dan poroda (P<0,0001), nego nakon 6 mjeseci (24,30 ± 2,18 vs 5,90 ± 0,56 pg/mg) i u kontrolnoj skupini (3,96 ± 0,16 pg/mg). Razina kortizola u teladi nakon 6 mjeseci bila je slična kao u krava nakon poroda (5,74 ± 0,37 pg/mg) i znakovito viša nego u kontrolnoj grupi. Ovi rezultati ukazuju da je neonatalno kao i postnatalno razdoblje u teladi veoma stresno stanje te je dlačni kortizol mogući biomarker stresa koji može biti veoma koristan u procjeni stanja dobrobiti krava. Ključne riječi: dlačni kortizol, stress, govedo INTRODUCTION Transition from pregnancy to lactation in dairy cow involves considerable metabolic adaptation that induce stress in the animals. Many different hormones are involved in the stress response XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 221 (Matteri et al, 2000). Among these ones, cortisol is recognized as a stress hormone and is involved in initiation of parturition and in various events during peripartum period. Indeed the timing of parturition is dependent on a cascade of endocrine signals from fetal hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis (McMillen et al 1995) and it is a physiological event that involves stress in mother and calf. As well neonatal period is a critical phase of the animal’s life cycle. In this period, the metabolic adaptation which requires immediate changes in the endocrine regulatory molecules, would be compromised by postparturient mastitis or other infections as well as by environmental changes as social regrouping or relocation or by weaning. All these events are responsible of noticeable stress. The concentration of cortisol is widely used an indicator of stress and the hormone is currently tested in blood, saliva, urine and faeces (Negrao et al, 2004; Mostl et al., 2002; Hay et al., 1998). Blood, saliva and urine collection needs manipulation of the animal which cause stress and might alter the cortisol levels.in the samples. An alternative source for hormones may be found in hair, which can be collected noninvasively. Hair is easy to obtain, to store and to transport. The analysis is unaffected by the stress of capture (Yang 1998) or by acute stress. Incorporation of hormones in hair is thought to occur mainly via blood circulation during the formation of the hair shaft (Conn, 1996). The measurement of cortisol in hair has already been validated in humans, rhesus macaques, dogs and cats (Davenport et al., 2006; Accorsi et al, 2008; Villain et al., 2004). Since hair grows approximately 0.4 cm/week, a hair sample of 2-4 cm reflect average hormone levels over months and it is used to evaluate cortisol variations in the long-term and a condition of chronic stress. The aim of this work was to measure cortisol in hair of neonatal calves and cows to determine its significance as biomarker of neonatal stress. MATERIALS AND METHODS The cortisol was assessed on new hair growth samples from 21 calves on the day of parturition and to six months old; from 49 cows after the parturition and 257 non pregnant dry cows not exposed to stress and healthy (controls). The hair samples were carefully taken with clippers from the animal’s forehead. The calves were shaved at birth and then six months later, always in the same area. The hair samples were stored in dry tubes at room temperature until analysis. Hair strands were washed in 5 ml isopropanol, as suggested by Davenport et al. 2006 and hair cortisol extraction was determined as described by Koren et al. (2002), modified by Accorsi et al. (2007). Hair cortisol analysis was carried out using the RIA method described by Tamanini et al. (1983). Intra-assay and inter-assay were 5.45% and 9.6%, respectively. The sensitivity of the method was 0.21 pg/mg. RESULTS The concentrations of hair cortisol in newly born calves were very high (24.30 ± 2.18 pg /mg) and significantly different (P <0.0001) than those detected in the same animals to six months old (5.90 ± 0.56 pg /mg) (Figure 1). Hair cortisol in cows after the parturition (5.74 ± 0.37 pg/mg) was similar to concentration in calves to six month old. The value in calves and in cow after the parturition was significantly higher (P<0.001) with respect to levels detected in non pregnant dry cow (3.96 ± 0.16 pg/mg) (Figure 2). 222 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 30 hair cortisol pg/mg 25 20 15 10 P<0.0001 5 0 c alv es at parturition s ix -month old c alv es Figure 1. Hair cortisolo level in calves. 30 hair cortisol pg/mg 25 20 15 10 P<0.001 5 0 c ow at parturition non pregnant dry c ow s Figure 2. Hair cortisolo level in cow. DISCUSSION In this study we used a new matrix for measurement of cortisol levels in cow. This assay has limitations but also notable advantages associated with method of sample collection, storage and sending. The hair hormone concentrations reflect average levels over month and non acute levels. Hair cortisol level has potential as biological marker for chronic stress. Critical phases of cows life cycle, which may induce stress, include neonatal period, postpubertal reproduction and lactation. In this study we analyzed the hair cortisol levels in calves and cows on the day of parturition and we compared them with those in non-pregnant dry cows. The non-pregnant dry cows are animals not exposed to stress and healthy and can be considered a representative control. We haven’t chosen calves as control because, in high yielding dairy farms, during the first years of life calves are subject to changes in biological state (weaning and puberty) and management. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 223 Pregnancy and parturition can be considered a highly stressful period for the calves which contributes to increase hypercortisolemia. The mechanism of labour coincides with a highly stressful time for the calf. High cortisol concentrations found in calves at labour are essential for the beginning of parturition and are the expression of stress period. The process that led to this high incorporation in the hair, had a significant duration comparable to a chronic stress. In six months old calves, cortisol levels decreased about four times. Hence, it may be inferred that the stress associated at birth is overcame. However, the cortisol concentrations found at six months of age are statistically lower than those found at birth but similar to those of cows at parturition. Stressful conditions in livestock like weaning, social regrouping and relocation, factors typical of neonatal period, can explaine these high levels. Indeed changes in social groups, new animals introduction into a group, resulting in increased social stress and reduction feed intake (Boe and Faerevik, 2003). Frequent regrouping may to lead to signs of chronic stress, such reduced growth rate, immune responses and health, although less than other species (Veissier et al., 2001). An increased susceptibility to disease in neonatal calves may be attributable to high corticoid levels that influence immune reaction (Anderson et al., 1999). Disease incidence is a major cause of reduced performances and survival of neonatal dairy animals (McGuire et al,1976). In conclusion hair cortisol level has potential as biological marker for chronic stress during pregnancy and neonatal period and can be used to evaluate animal welfare. REFERENCES Accorsi PA, Carloni E, Valsecchi P, Viggiani R, Gamberoni M, Tamanini C, Seren E. 2008. Cortisol determination in hair and faeces from domestic cats and dogs. Gen Comp Endocrinol. 155(2):398-402. Anderson B.H., Watson D.L. and Colditz I.G. 1999. The effect of dexamethasone on some immunological parameters in cattle. Vet. Res. Commun. 23: 399-413. 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Acta Endocrinol 102:447-450 Veissier I., Boissy A., dePassilé A.M., Rushen J., van Reenen C.G., Roussel S., Andanson S., and Pradel P. 2001. Calves’responses to repeated social regrouping and relocation. J. Anim. Sci. 79:2580-2593. Villain M., Cirimele V., Kintz P. 2004. Hair analysis in toxicology. Clin.Chem. Lab. Med. 42: 1265-1272. Yang H.Z., Lan J., Meng Y.J., Han D.W.1998. A preliminary study of steroid reproductive hormones in human hair. J. Steroid Biochem. 67: 447-450. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 225 226 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Diseases of sheep on Croatian islands Bolesti ovaca na hrvatskim otocima Kostelić1, A., Branka Artuković2, R. Beck2, M. Benić3, M. Cergolj2, I. Štoković2, Z. Barać3 Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb, 10 000 Zagreb, Svetošimunska 25, Croatia 1 Faculty of Veterinary medicine, University of Zagreb, 10 000 Zagreb, Heinzlova 55, Croatia 2 3 Croatian Veterinary Institut, Zagreb, Savska cesta 143, Croatia Croatian livestock center, Zagreb, Ilica 101, Croatia 4 Contact: Mr.sc. Antun Kostelić, DVM,University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture. Phone +385 12393915; E-mail: akostelic@agr.hr Abstract According to the Croatian Livestock Centre’s data (2006) over 100.000 sheep are bred on the islands for the purpose of producing meat (lambs) and milk (cheese). The majority are raised on the islands of Krk, Cres, Rab, Pag and Brač. Autochthonous (island) breeds predominate on these islands while Istrian and crossbreed sheep are represented in smaller numbers. The sheep are kept extensively and feed on the numerous types of Mediterranean plants there. During the winter period, they are fed on hay, concentrats and pelleted alfalfa. The aim of our research was to establish which diseases affect the health of sheep on Croatian islands. The study was carried out on 40 flocks on the islands of Cres, Krk, Rab, Pag and Brač from 2004 to 2007. The following diagnostic methods were used: clinical examination, necropsy, serological blood tests and coprology tests. It was established that they most frequently suffered from parasitical, infectious and digestive system diseases. The following internal parasites were found: gastrointestinal nematodes, Eimeria sp., Protostongylus sp., Dicrocoelium dendriticum, Fasciola hepatica, Paramphistomum sp., Nematodirus sp., Moniezia sp, Haemmonchus contortus. and Trichuris sp.. As far as external parasites are concerned, the presence of Rhipicephalus and Ixodes ticks were established. Invasion of Melophagus ovinus was identified on the island of Rab. The parasites most frequently affect the health of lambs and young sheep. The presence of abscesses caused by puncture wounds was also established in the sheep. Clinical mastitis was diagnosed on all islands indicating the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus as the major causative agent. The following infectious diseases were found: enterotoxemia, actinobacillosis, contagious ecthyma, footrot and the Brucella ovis infection. As far as diseases of the digestive system are concerned, bloat was found, as well as various forms of indigestion, which are a consequence of overfeeding on green grass, figs or acorns. Diarrhoea widely occurs in sheep since they lick sea salt the so-called posolica drifted by a north-eastern wind to the areas where sheep are bred. Most diseases identified in the study can be prevented and controlled by implementing elaborate safety precautions. When choosing precautions, both breeders and veterinarians have to take account of the size of a flock, objective and stage of production, breeding area, epizootiological situation, diseases identified in the flock so far and season. Key words: diseases, sheep, Croatian islands SAŽETAK Prema podacima Hrvatskog stočarskog centra (2006) na hrvatskim otocima se uzgaja preko 100 000 ovaca s ciljem proizvodnje mesa (janjetine) i mlijeka (sira). Većina populacije se uzgaja na Krku, Cresu, Rabu, Pagu i Braču. U uzgojima prevladavaju autohtone (otočke) pasmine: paška, creska, krčka, rapska (škraparica), dok su istarska i križane ovce zastupljene u manjem broju. Ovce su držane ekstenzivno pri čemu se hrane brojnim vrstama mediteranskog bilja. U zimskom razdoblju dohranjuju se sijenom, smjesom i peletiranom djetelinom. Cilj našeg istraživanja bio je utvrditi bolesti koje ugrožavaju zdravlje ovaca na hrvatskim otocima. Istraživanje je XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 227 provedeno u 40 stada ovaca na Krku, Cresu, Rabu, Pagu i Braču u razdoblju od 2004. do 2007 godine. Korištene su slijedeće dijagnostičke metode: klinički pregled, razudba, serološka pretraga krvi i koprološka pretraga. Koprološkom pretragom utvrđeni su slijedeći paraziti: gastrointestinalni nematodi, Eimeria sp., Protostongylus sp., Dicrocoelium dendriticum, Fasciola hepatica, Paramphistomum sp. Nematodirus sp., Moniezia sp., Haemmonchus contortus i Trichuris sp. Od vanjskih parazita na otocima je utvrđena invazija krpeljima rodova Rhipicephalus i Ixodes. Na otoku Rabu je utvrđena invazija i Melophagus ovinus. Utvrđeno je da paraziti najviše ugrožavaju zdravlje janjadi i mladih ovaca. Zatim je utvrđena prisutnost apscesa koji najčešće nastaju kao posljedica ubodnih rana. Klinički oblik mastitisa je utvrđen na svim otocima, a kao najčešći uzročnik je izoliran Staphylococcus aureus. Od zaraznih bolesti dijagnosticirane su: enterotoksemija, aktinobaciloza, zarazni ektim, zarazna šepavost i infekcija ovnova Brucellom ovis. Od bolesti probavnog sustava dijagnosticirani su pjenušavi nadam i različiti oblici indigestija koji nastaju kao posljedica prežderavanja zelenom travom, žirom ili smokvama. U ovaca se često javlja proljev zbog lizanja morske soli tzv. posolice koju je bura nanijela na površine gdje se drže. Većina bolesti utvrđenih našim istraživanjem može se spriječiti i suzbiti provedbom temeljitih preventivnih mjera. Kod odabira mjera uzgajivači i veterinari moraju uzeti u obzir veličinu stada, cilj i stadij proizvodnje, područje držanja, epizootiološku situaciju, dosadašnje bolesti utvrđene u stadu i godišnje doba. Ključne riječi: ovce, bolesti, hrvatski otoci Introduction According to the Croatian Livestock Centre’s data (2006) over 100.000 sheep are bred on the islands for the purpose of producing meat (lambs) and milk (cheese). The majority are raised on the islands of Krk, Cres, Rab, Pag and Brač. Autochthonous (island) breeds predominate on these islands while Istrian and crossbreed sheep are represented in smaller numbers.The sheep are kept extensively (Pict. 1) and feed on the numerous types of Mediterranean plants there. Picture 1 During the winter period, they are fed on hay, concentrats and pelleted alfalfa.Such sheep breeding favours development of numerous diseases bringing a fall in production and sheep deaths quite often. Supported by the Centre for Sustainable Development of Northern Adriatic Islands and 228 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development a study was carried out objective of which was to determine which diseases exist among sheep flocks on the islands. Apart from diseases, safety precautions have been identified that might fight and prevent them. Materials and working methods The study was carried out on 40 flocks of native and crossbreed island sheep breeds on the islands of Cres, Krk, Rab, Pag and Brač from 2004 to 2007. The flock size ranged between 20 and 400 sheep. The following diagnostic methods were employed: clinical examination, autopsy, serological blood test and parasitological and bacteriological tests. Some diseases were determined on the strength of data on development and course acquired from breeders. Results and discussion The study found diseases among flocks of native and crossbreed sheep breeds in most cases to be a consequence of an extensive way of breeding and insufficient feeding. Diseases occur individually and only rarely a larger number of sheep or a whole flock develop a disease. Sheep health on the islands is primarily harmed by parasitic invasions, insufficient feeding and watering while infectious diseases occur rarely. Coprological tests proved sheep on the islands of Cres, Krk, Rab, Pag and Brač to be most often exposed to invasions of mostly identical parasites. A sheep breeding location on single islands provokes invasions of single parasites. Coprological tests and necropsy identified the following parasites: gastrointestinal nematodes, Eimeria sp., Protostongylus sp., Dicrocoelium dendriticum, Fasciola hepatica, Paramphistomum sp. Nematodirus sp., Haemmonchus contortus,Moniezia sp. i Trichuris sp. Kostelić et. al.(2005) mention the majority of sheep flocks on the island of Rab and Pag is invaded by gastrointestinal parasites andEimeria sp. On the island of Rab as against the island of Pag a larger number of sheep is invaded by a small fluke (D. dendriticum) whereas a larger number of Nematodirus sp was determined on the island of Pag. Our study revealed the presence of D. dentriticum, Protostongylus sp., Moniezie sp., Eimerie sp. and gastrointestinal parasites on all the islands included in the study. Not only coprological tests, but also dissection proved sheep were invaded by a small fluke in which process a large number of D. dendriticum was found in bilial ducts of sheep and lambs from the island of Cres. Čanković and Džakula (1988) quote D. dendriticum invasions are determined in craggy areas and on the islands of Cres and Brač as well as the fact the disease is rarely visible in clinical terms. Our study found the presence of D. dendriticum in sheep flocks on all the islands included in the study. Čanković and Džakula (1988) and Jensen and Swift (1982) claim most determined parasites pose a threat to lamb and younger sheep health while causing clinical signs to elderly sheep only in certain circumstances such as insufficient feeding. So far as external parasites on the islands are concerned tick invasion of Rhipicephalus and Ixodes genus were identified causing allergic reactions on the spot stung and anaemia and the so called “tick paralysis” in lambs, if invasions were stronger. Invasion of Melophagus ovinus was identified on the island of Rab. The dissection of several sheep found verminous pneumonia following an infestation by small lungworms. Parasitological invasions are mainly caused by both slow growth and productivity of native island sheep breeds.In rare cases these may lead to death, as this is the case of verminous pneumonia. With respect to infectious diseases, enterotoxemia, contagious ecthyma, footrot, actinobacillosis and ram infection Brucellom ovis were identified. Enterotoxemia was diagnosed on all islands occurring individually as a result of lamb’s overeating milk or cereals used for supplemental feeding. Cvetnić (2002) and Pugh (2002) say mortality of a two-to-three-week-old lamb is 100%, which was also proved by our study. Our study revealed the presence of contagious ecthyma on all the islands included in the study. On the island of Krk infectious sheep footrot was diagnosed that has XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 229 not been eradicated yet. According to the data acquired from breeders, the disease occurred some ten years ago after infected sheep were transported to the island from the mainland causing spread of the disease in several flocks around Malinska. Cvetnić (2002) says the disease is to fight most successfully in summer by removing a wall horn and treating a hoof with 5% copper sulphate or formalin. Additionally, he mentions vaccination as one of the measures; however, immunity lasts from 4 to 12 weeks so that the author raises the question over economic cost-effectiveness of such a prophylaxis. Actinobacillosis (PicT. 2) was diagnosed in one case of a two-year-old sheep on the island of Rab. Picture 2 The Croatian Veterinary Institute data report on a ram infection by Brucella ovis identified on the island of Krk. It was established that the infected rams had been purchased in the area of Istria and then transported to the island of Krk without veterinary surveillance. Cvetnić (2002) alludes to B. ovis as the commonest cause of infection in rams releasing the bacteria by sperm, which significantly reduces their fertility. B. ovis and infectious footrot occur strictly due to the vicinity of and connection to the mainland of the island of Krk as well as ignorance and veterinary regulation infringement by single breeders. Clinical mastitis was diagnosed on all islands indicating the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus as the major causative agent. When dealing with dairy animals, owners seek veterinarian’s help while they do not do so when sheep aimed at producing lamb are involved. Ruminal bloat was found to occur in sheep occasionally as a consequence of their overeating of acorns and figs. Forenbacher (1975) says ruminal bloat is a rare and more dangerous sheep disease when compared to bovine cattle. He adds the disease develops fast and may cause death of a larger number of sheep. Breeders treat acute ruminal bloat quite successfully by applying olive oil to rumen. Necropsy of a ram from the island of Pag found pieces of a plastic bag in the rumen contents (Pict. 3). 230 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Picture 3 Forenbacher (1975) says the existence of foreign objects in the rumen indicates monotonous nutrition or meals lacking in some minerals and proteins. Since the aforementioned ram was bred in the area of sparse vegetation it may be concluded that the cause of its peculiar appetite was monotonous nutrition that is lacking in both quality and quantity. Diarrhoea widely occurs in sheep since they lick sea salt the so-called posolica drifted by a north-eastern wind to the areas where sheep are bred. Breeders have to provide sheep with larger amounts of drinkable water to prevent dehydration caused by diarrhoea. Abscesses were found on all islands mostly on sheep’s heads. These were identified to be a result of a puncture wound received when sheep pass through the bushes. In most cases a bacteria Archanobacterium pyogenes was isolated from the abscesses contents (pus). A rare case of basosquamosa skin carcinoma (Pict. 4) was reported in a four-year-old sheep on the island of Cres. The same sheep also developed verminous pneumonia. Picture 4 XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 231 On the island of Cres a similar death of 9 sheep was detected that were caused by urea poisoning used in spreading manure on the olive-groves. Deaths of three sheep and two lambs caused by lightning in bed weather were reported on the island of Rab. Non-native game inflicts untold damage to sheep breeding on the island of Cres (wild boars) and Rab (jackal). Damage done by wild boars is multiple: they knock down dry stone walls (a part of cultural heritage), frighten sheep causing them severe injuries (bone fractures), make sheep produce up to 40% less milk due to stress and eat lamb and attack sheep in the lambing period. Although it is an unknown how jackals have appeared on the island of Rab, they have slaughtered more than 200 sheep and lambs over the last two years. Sheep breeders seek veterinary help rarely, except when a larger number of head is involved since service charge is (too) high and often exceeding the value of the animal. Most diseases identified in the study can be prevented and controlled by implementing elaborate safety precautions. When choosing precautions, both breeders and veterinarians have to take account of the size of a flock, objective and stage of production, breeding area, epizootiological situation, diseases identified in the flock so far and season. The fighting of parasitic invasions must be systematic and continuous while choosing a drug and treatment season should be based on the results of coprological tests and production stage. Making sheep used to green pasture and cereals within ten days can fight various forms of indigestion. A sufficient amount of drinkable water must be provided without regard to pasture quality and the sheep breeding area. As far as the fight against the occurrence of contagious diseases is concerned, such as footrot and B. ovis, breeders are obliged to adhere to veterinary regulations when purchasing and introducing new sheep to a flock i.e. to the island. Taking into account the population size, way of breeding and diseases identified in flocks of native island sheep breeds the study has proved a wellknown fact that we are dealing with modest yet quite resistant animals. References Cvetnić, S. (2002): Bakterijske i gljivične bolesti životinja, Medicinska naklada, Zagreb. Čanković, M., N. Džakula(1988).Invazione bolesti ovaca i koza. U «Bolesti ovaca i koza», Spectrum, Zagreb, 133-188. Forenbacher, S. (1975): Klinička patologija probave i mijene tvari domaćih životinja, svezak I/1 klinička patologija probave i resorpcije. JAZU i Sveučilišna naklada Liber, Zagreb. Hrvatski stočarski centar (2007): Godišnje izvješće 2006. Ovčarstvo i kozarstvo. Zagreb. Jensen, R., B.L. Swift(1982). Diseases of sheep, LEA&FEBINGER, Philadelphia. Kostelić, A., Dagny Stojčević, V. Rupić, D. Karolyi, K. Salajpal, Z. Barać, G. Kiš, R. Beck (2005): Sheep internal parasites on Pag and Rab, Italian Journal of Animal Science, Proceedings of the 13th Internatonal Symposium “ Animal Scinece Days”, Vol.4-2005, Supplement 3. Pugh, D.G. (2002): Sheep and goat medicine. W.B. Saunders Company, str. 341-358. 232 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 The influence of calcium-propionate in diet on energy status in dairy cows Utjecaj dodavanja propionata u hrani na energetski status mliječnih krava Stojević, Z.1, Natalija Filipović1, Z. Tuček2, Blanka Beer Ljubić1, K. Dolanski3, Lina Bačar-Huskić4 1 Department of Physiology and Radiobiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Zagreb, Heinzelova 55, Zagreb 10 000, Croatia 2 3 Center for Animal Reproduction of Croatia, Planinska 2b, Zagreb 10 000, Croatia Osatina proizvodnja promet i usluge u poljoprivredi, K. Tomislava bb, Semeljci 31 402, Croatia 4 VETERINA, Animal Health, Inc., Svetonedjeljska 2, Rakov Potok 10 436, Croatia Abstrac The energy metabolism in dairy cows in the beginning of lactation is a metabolically most demanding period, because of rapid increase of milk production. The ruminant is completely denied of glucose, since all carbohydrates are converted to volatile fatty acids, by digestion in the forestomach. The vital glucose needs, necessary for metabolic demands and lactose synthesis, are satisfied by the gluconeogenesis in liver, primarily from propionate. The quantity of propionate, which originates from the fermentative digestion in rumen, is often insufficient to satisfy the need for glucose. In relation to above mentioned, we wanted to investigate the influence of the calcium-propionate supplement to diet of dairy cows on the energy metabolism in the beginning of lactation, by measuring of blood serum indicators of energy status. The research was conducted on HolsteinFriesian cows during the first 30 days of lactation. Control group was fed with a standard diet, which was adapted to the phase of lactation. Experimental group was fed equally, with addition of 80 g of calcium propionate twice a day, beginning from the first to the 30th day of lactation. Samples for blood analyses were taken on day 1, day 10 and day 30 after calving in plain vacutainer tubes. In separated blood serum, the concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), beta hydroxybutyrate (BHB), total cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose and urea were determined. The concentration of NEFA and BHB was significantly lower in experimental in comparison with control group, on day 10 of lactation (p<0.002 and p<0.03, respectively). On day 30, significant differences of concentration of NEFA and BHB between control and experimental group were not observed. In the same period, experimental group has had significantly lower concentration of total cholesterol and urea (p<0.01 and p<0.001, respectively) and higher concentration of glucose in serum (p<0.001). The milk yield was not different in control and experimental group. The presented data indicate that addition of 160 g of calcium propionate diminish mobilisation of body fat stores and production of ketones, and keeps the stabile concentration of blood glucose around the day 10 of lactation. Observed decrease in concentration of urea on day 30 of lactation is probably a result of the diminished protein degradation. We conclude that the addition of calcium-propionate as a supplement to diet of dairy cows has positive influence on energy status. In the same time, we conclude that the higher doses of calcium-propionate are needed after day 10 of lactation. Additional investigations should include the dry period and the later stages of lactation and the precise determination of optimal dose of calcium propionate for different periods of lactation. Key words: calcium-propionate supplements, dairy cows, energy status, blood serum Sažetak Energetski metabolizam krava u početnom razdoblju laktacije metabolički je najzahtjevnije razdoblje, zbog naglog povećanja proizvodnje mlijeka. Specifičnost probave u preživača onemogućuje opskrbu organizma glukozom prijeko potrebnom za vlastiti metabolizam kao i sintezu mliječnoga šećera, laktoze. Svu potrebnu XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 233 glukozu krava namiruje glukoneogenezom, prvenstveno iz propionske kiseline, koja nastaje procesom vrenja u buragu. Nastale količine propionske kiseline često nisu dovoljne za podmirenje potreba za glukozom. S tim u vezi željeli smo istražiti utjecaj dodavanja kalcijeva propionata u hrani na energetski metabolizam krava početkom laktacije, praćenjem biokemijskih pokazatelja u krvi. Pokusi su obavljeni na kravama holštajnske pasmine tijekom prvih 30 dana laktacije. Kontrolna skupina dobivala je hranu prilagođenu proizvodnom ciklusu. Pokusna skupina hranjena je istom hranom uz dodatak 80g Ca-propionata svaki dan dvokratno, počevši od prvog do tridesetog dana laktacije. Krv za analizu uzimana je prvi, deseti i trideseti dan po porodu punkcijom vratne vene u vacutainer epruvete. U izdvojenom serumu određena je koncentracija neesterificiranih masnih kiselina (NEFA), beta-hidroksi maslačne kiseline (BHB), ukupnog kolesterola, triglicerida i glukoze. Rezultati pokusa pokazali su značajno nižu koncentraciju NEFA (p<0.002) i BHB (p<0.03) kod pokusnih krava desetog dana laktacije. U tridesetom danu laktacije ne postoji značajna razlika u koncentraciji ova dva pokazatelja. U toj fazi laktacije pokusna skupina krava imala je značajno nižu koncentraciju ukupnog kolesterola u plazmi (p<0,01) i ureje (p<0,001). Istovremeno zabilježena je značajno viša koncentracija glukoze u plazmi pokusne skupine (p<0,001). Količina mlijeka nije pokazala značajne razlike u kontrolnih i pokusnih skupina krava. Na osnovi dobivenih rezultata može se prepostaviti kako dvokratni dodatak 160g Ca- propionata umanjuje razgradnju tjelesnih masti te stvaranje ketonskih tijela oko desetog dana laktacije (NEFA-BHB), održava konstantnu koncentraciju glukoze u krvi. Pad koncentracije ureje tridesetog dana laktacije može se pripisati smanjenoj razgradnji tjelesnih bjelančevina. U zaključku, primjenjena doza Ca-propionata pokazuje pozitivan učinak na energetski status mliječnih krava. Istovremeno preporuča se povećanje doze Ca-propionata poslije desetog dana laktacije te proširenje istraživanja na period kasnog suhostaja te do tridesetog dana laktacije. Ključne riječi: propionat u hrani, energetski status, krvna plazma, mliječne krave Uvod Početak laktacije prijelazno je razdoblje u kojem dolazi do naglog povećanja potreba za tvarima nužnim za sintezu mlijeka, osobito energetskih; glukoza, masne tvari, bjelančevine. Specifičnosti probave u preživača onemogućuju dotok jednostavnih metabolita iz probavila, posebice glukoze. Naime, probava ugljikohidrata odvija se u predželucima fermentativnim procesima. Tako konačni produkt razgradnje ugljikohidrata nije glukoza već niže masne kiseline, ponajprije octena, propionska i maslačna. Glukoza prijeko potrebna za osnovne životne procese kao i za sintezu mliječnog šećera, laktoze nastaje glukoneogenezom najvećim dijelom iz propionske kiseline. Kronični nedostatak glukoze, osobito u početku laktacije, povećava učestalost metaboličkih poremećaja (Goff i Horst, 1997; Hardeng i Edge, 2001). Pad razine inzulina s posljedičnim porastom koncentracije glukagona rezultira povećanim opsegom lipolize i ß-oksidacije nastalih masnih kiselina. Nastali acetil-CoA ulazi u ciklus limunske kiseline, ali samo u količini koja je ovisna o raspoloživosti oksal-acetata, a koji ovisi o količini glukoze. Preostali acetil CoA skreće u ketogenezu (Bruss, 1997). Osobitost metabolizma preživača je niska koncentracija oksal-acetata u mitohondrijima (Vernon, 2005) što dalje pridonosi nastanku ketonskih tijela. Dakle, osnovna prevencija u sprečavanju metaboličkih poremetnji je dovoljna količina glukoplastičnih tvari. To može biti laktat (mliječna kiselina) koja vrlo lako prelazi u glukozu. Međutim, mliječna kiselina može polučiti jak toksični učinak. Vrlo široku primjenu ima i propilen glikol, no novija istraživanja ukazuju kako i taj pripravak ima toksični učinak (Filipović i sur., 2008). Preostaje jedino propionat (propionska kiselina) koja fiziološki nastaje vrenjem u predželucima. S tim u vezi željeli smo istražiti utjecaj dodavanja propionata u hranu na energetski metabolizam krava u početku laktacije. 234 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Materijal i metode Pokusi su obavljeni na kravama holštajnske pasmine tijekom prvih 30 dana laktacije. Kontrolna skupina dobivala je hranu prilagođenu proizvodnom ciklusu. Pokusna skupina hranjena je istom hranom uz dodatak 80 g Ca-propionata po kravi u obliku komercijalnog pripravka Biomax®tranzit (200 g po kravi dva puta dnevno). Krv za analize uzimana je prvi, deseti i trideseti dan laktacije punkcijom vratne vene. U izdvojenom serumu određena je koncentracija neesterificiranih masnih kiselina (NEFA), beta-hidroksimaslačne kiseline (BHB), ukupnog kolesterola, triglicerida, glukoze i ureje komercijalnim kompletima. Rezultati Rezultati pokusa prikazani su na slikama 1-6. Rezultati pokusa pokazali su značajno nižu koncentraciju NEFA (p<0.002) i BHB (p<0.03) kod pokusnih krava desetog dana laktacije. U tridesetom danu laktacije ne postoji značajna razlika u koncentraciji ova dva pokazatelja. U toj fazi laktacije pokusna skupina krava imala je značajno nižu koncentraciju ukupnog kolesterola u plazmi C H OLESTER OL 7,09 6,09 Control P ropionate mmol/L mmol/L T R IG L YC E R ID E S 0,16 0,15 0,14 0,13 0,12 0,11 0,10 0,09 5,09 Control 4,09 P ropionate 3,09 1 2 2,09 3 1 p e rio d 6,09 4,09 Control 3,09 P ropionate 2,09 mmol/L mmol/L 5,09 1,09 0,09 2 8,50 8,00 7,50 7,00 6,50 6,00 5,50 5,00 Control P ropionate 1 3 2 3 p e rio d p e rio d NEFA BHB 1,49 1,09 0,89 1,09 Control 0,89 P ropionate 0,69 mmol/L 1,29 mmol/L 3 UREA GLU C OSE 1 2 p e rio d 0,69 Control 0,49 P ropionate 0,29 0,49 0,09 1 2 p e rio d 3 1 2 3 p e rio d XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 235 (p<0,01) i ureje (p<0,001). Istovremeno zabilježena je značajno viša koncentracija glukoze u plazmi pokusne skupine (p<0,001). Količina mlijeka nije pokazala značajne razlike u kontrolnih i pokusnih skupina krava. Rasprava Rezultati pokusa ukazuju na pozitivno djelovanje dodavanja Ca-propionata u hranu mliječnih krava. Na osnovi kretanja biokemijskih pokazatelja u krvi može se pretpostaviti kako primjenjena doza propionata umanjuje razgradnju tjelesnih masti na što upućuje niža koncentracija NEFA desetog dana laktacije uz izdašniju sintezu triglicerida. Koncentracija glukoze u krvi tretiranih krava bila je konstantna kroz pokusno razdoblje iako nešto niža prvog dana, ali značajno viša tridesetog dana laktacije. Ovi rezultati upućuju na učinak propionata u održavanju normoglikemije. Kretanja koncentracija BHB nedvojbeno ukazuju na protektivni učinak propionata u sprečavanju ketoze. Niže koncentracije ureje u krvi pokusnih krava upućuju na zaključak da upotreba propionata smanjuje obim razgradnje tjelesnih bjelančevina u svrhu glukoneogeneze. Ovakvo mišljenje temelji se na činjenici da su obje skupine krava hranjene istom hranom dok u proizvodnji mlijeka nije bilo razlike. U zaključku, primjenjena doza Ca-propionata pokazuje pozitivan učinak na energetski status mliječnih krava. U isto vrijeme, rezultati upućuju kako bi se istraživanja trebala proširiti na veće količine propionata u hrani poslije desetog dana laktacije kao i na period suhostaja. Literatura Bruss, M. L. (1997): Lipids and ketones. In: Clinical biochemistry of domestic animals. 5th ed. Kaneko, J. J., J. W. Harvey, M. L. Bruss. Academic Press. pp. 83-115. Filipović Natalija, Z. Stojević, Blanka Beer Ljubić und Nina Poljičak-Milas (2008): Der Fettstoffwechsel bei Holstein-Kühen in der Trockenstehzeit und zu Laktationsbeginn. Tierärtzl. Umschau 63, 59-64 Goff, J. P., R. L. Horst (1997): Phisiological changes at parturition and their relationship to metabolic disorders. J. Dairy Sci. 80. 1260-1268. Hardeng, F. V., L. Edge (2001): Mastitis, ketosis and milk fever in 31 organic and 93 conventional Norvegian dairy herds. J. Dairy Sci. 2673-2679. Vernon, R. G. (2005): Lipid metabolism during lactation: a review of adipose tissue-liver interactions and the development of fatty liver. J. Dairy Res. 72. 460-469. 236 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 The Clinical Efficiency of Minerasol® Which is a New Trace Element Combination on Sheep Učinak kombinacije minerala u pripravku Minerasol na nivo nekih elemenata u ovaca KAYAR1, A., Mehmet Erman OR1, Remzi GONUL1, Banu DOKUZEYLUL1, Ali Rıza KIZILER2, Birsen AYDEMIR2, Abdullah AKSU3, Cağla PARKAN1, TAMERCAN MORKOC4 , and BORA BARUTCU2 Istanbul University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, 34320 Avcilar-Istanbul/TURKEY 2 Istanbul University, Cerrahpaşa Medicine Faculty, Department of Biophysics, Cerrahpaşa-Istanbul/TURKEY 3 Chemical Oceanography, University of İstanbul, Enstitute of Marine Science and Management Vefa-Istanbul/TURKEY 4 Interhas Limited Company, Ankara/TURKEY. 1 Introduction The importance of many inorganic elements classified as macro and micro elements in nourishing and growing of animals is accepted (2,19). Trace elements have an important role on growth, reproduction and productivity of domestic animals. Mineral deficiency or imbalance observed in nearly everywhere in the world causes significant losses in terms of both production and economy (3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 19). It is reported that the losses caused by trace elements are as important as the losses caused by infectious and parasitic diseases (19). Although trace elements are very important for increasing resistance to diseases in living organisms (4,19). Minerasol® used in this study, is a hypertonic infusion solution that includes calcium, phosphate, potassium, magnesium and sodium salts and iodine, iron, cobalt and zinc trace elements. Mineral substances and trace elements are critical co-enzymes necessary for the activation of the effects of biologically important substances like hormone, enzyme, vitamine and other functional proteins (21). Any deficiency causes specific or non-specific disorders in cells’ metabolism. In this study planned under the light of all these information, the effects of Minerasol® application which is a new mineral combination, on blood serum parameters were examined, its efficiency on sheep breeding and its safety on the treatments of diseases caused by macro and micro element deficiencies. Sažetak Uzgoj ovaca zauzima važno mjesto u gospodarstvu države. Ovce nam daju mlijeko, meso i vunu te na taj način čine industrijski značaj u stočarstvu naše zemlje. Bolesti uzrokovane nedostatkom makro i mikroelemenata su vrlo važne. Debilizam, anoreksija, pad produktivnosti, anemija, proljev i poremetnje plodnosti su najvažniji klinički znakovi uočeni na životinjama. U ovoj studiji cilj je odrediti učinkovitost Minerasola, koji je kombinacija minerala na nivou nekih elemenata ( Fe, Cu, Zn, Mg, Ca ( .S tom namjerom otprilike 10 ml krvi bez antikoagulanata izvađeno je ukupno 40 ovaca na Fakultetskom dobru te su određene razine elemenata u serumu. Nakon toga smo intravenozno aplicirali 6ml Minerasola razrijeđenog fiziološkom otopinom. Tjedan dana kasnije ponovo smo izvadili krv i ustanovili promjene. Nakon toga ponovo smo aplicirali 6ml pripravaka intravenozno. Nakon tjedan dana ponovo smo odredili razinu elemenata u serumu bez aplikacije Minerasola. Svi elementi određivani su pomoću AA-680 Schimatzu Atomic Apsorption spektrofotometrom na Zavodu za biofiziku medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta Cerrahpas u Istambulu i dobiveni podavi su statistički obrađeni. Usporedbom razine elemenata u serumu prije i poslije tretiranja pripravkom uočen je porast razine Fe, Cu, Zn, XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 237 Mg i Ca. Za Zn i Mg uočen je signifikantni porast (p<0.001 razine u serumu. Konačno, zaključili smo da je tretman minerasolom kroz program dnevne njege moguće isključiti probleme vezane za nedostatak minerala u tragovima čime je moguće prevenirati predispozicije za bakterijske, virusne i parazitarne bolesti. Ključne riječi: Ovce, Minerasol, serum, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mg, Ca Material and Methods This study was carried out in Istanbul University Veterinary Faculty Farm. 40 sheep that were determined to be healthy after the clinical examination were included to the study. About 10 ml of blood without anticoagulant was drawn from the animals before drug administration and serum element levels were determined. Then, each animal were administered IV 6 cc Minerasol® that includes calcium phosphonate 65.00 mg, potassium chloride 4 282 mg, calcium gluconat 300.00 mg, potassium lodide 50.00 mg, sodium iodide 50.00 mg, magnesium chloride 6 H2O 19.64 mg, iron (II) chloride 4 H2O 12.96 mg, cobalt (II) chloride 6 H2O 0.164 mg, zinc chloride 0,1355 mg in one ml, blood was drawn one week later and the variations were determined. Then 6 ml of Minerasol® was again applied intravenously. After one week, without applying IV injection of Minerasol®, blood was drawn and serum element levels were determined. All the element levels were measured in AA-680 Shimadzu atomic absorption spectrophotometry in Biophysics Department of Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine, hemogram parameters were measured in Istanbul University Veterinary Faculty Central Analysis Laboratory and the data were statistically assessed. Results When the Minerasol® levels before and after the application were examined, it was determined that there was no statistically significant change in hemogram levels but there were increases in Fe, Cu, Zn, Mg and Ca element levels and that the increases of Zn, Mg and Ca were significant in p < 0.001 level (Table 1). Table 1: The changes in blood serum levels in sheep before the application and one and two weeks later after Minerasol® (n=40). Before injection 1 week after injection 2 weeks after injection Fe (µg/dL) X ± Sx 120,815 ± 9,30 X ± Sx 122,19 ± 5,60 X ± Sx 110,944 ± 5,45 N.S. Cu (µg/dL) 61,91 ± 3,77 61,34 ± 2,01 70,13 ± 2,70 N.S. Zn (µg/dL) 92,44 ± 4,77 76,44 ± 1,81 79,06 ± 2,29 *** Mg 3,64± 0,057 3,52±0,064 3,30 ± 0,07 *** Ca 8,02± 0,13 7,76±0,16 7,12 ± 0,20 *** N.S.= p > 0.05, ***p<0.001 Discussion Compared to other countries, while our country is one of the leading countries in terms of economically valuable animal count, its place is much worse than expected in terms of products like meat, milk and skin obtained from these animals (1, 4). Deficiency of trace elements plays as much role as infectious and parasitic diseases in the formation of this table (19, 20). A similar appearance was observed in Northwest Turkey and after discussions with breeders and veterinary physicians it was reported that there were many diseases caused by parasites and trace element deficiencies. 238 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Particularly, complaints like walking disorders in calves, fertility related problems, loss of weight, diarrhea, predisposition to infections, decrease in fleece quality were compatible with symptoms reported in literature (2,15). Calcium is present in the structure of tissue and bones and is necessary for healthy bone, muscle and nerve function. It is essentially responsible for blood clotting. It enables the interaction of reticuloendolthelial system and suprarenal gland (21). It has a regulatory effect on acute and chronic metabolic abnormalities and reproduction activities due to its effect on phosphate interim metabolism. It is necessary for healthy bone and dental growth and its maintenance (21). It is also known that, calcium and phosphate deficiencies cause many metabolic diseases (5, 9, 17). In our study, when the changes in calcium level of blood serum was observed, it was a significant increase seen in calcium quantity, statistically. It was decided that injections of calcium with phosphate could decrease the risk of metabolic diseases. Copper has an important role in hemoglobin shaping and body growth, symptoms like failure in metabolic funstions like immune function, increase in mortality rate, debility, depigmentation, walking disorders, demyelinization in nerve tissues, low osteoblastic activity and loss of weight caused by the failure of oxidation in tissued and diarrhea are reported (16,19). Copper and zinc are the most important essential minerals necessary for the normal functioning of animals’ reproduction functions (11, 22). Zinc is an essential mineral for healthy skin, hair and nail situation, reproduction, bone and cartilage growth, carbonhydrate, lipid and protein metabolism, enzyme and immune system. It has a vital role in DNA synthesis. Decrease in consumption, decrease in growth rate, growth retardation, anormal estrus behaviour, decrease in testicle magnitude, spermatogenesis malfunction, decrease in the development of secondary sex organs and fertility, decreases in resistance to infections, significant compression on immune response, pathological changes in skin and hair, parakeratosis are observed in the animals with zinc deficiency (19,21). Magnesium is necessary for bone and tooth formation and the maintenance of normal muscle functions. It was reported that the inclusion of Zn, Cu and Mg to the ration in sufficient rates plays an important role for fertilization and increasing the life chance of embryo (22). In this study we observed that serum Cu, Zn and Mg levels increased after injection and it might be efficient on preventing the diseases related to these minerals. Although half of the researchers reported that the risk of enzootic ataxia increased with the blood copper levels under 50 µg/dL, it was observed that no such risk was present in the animals in our farm and Minerasol® administration completely eliminated this risk by increasing the serum copper level more. Fe deficiency along with the Cu deficiency is known to cause violent anemiae and predisposition to parasitic diseases. Iron enters the structure of hemoglobin necessary for moving oxygen from lungs to body cells. In case of insufficiency, decrease in immune response, cell mediated immune abnormalities may be seen and the killing ability of neutrophilia can be significantly reduced (21). Authors (1,14) reported that high amount of cobalt, zinc, cadmium, mangane and copper found in ration decreased the absorption of iron. In our study, it was observed that the blood erythrocyte count, haematocrit level and hemoglobin level before and after the injection did not change and all the parameters were reported as normal (18) in sheep and all that this was compatible with the presence of blood serum Fe and Cu levels within normal limits before injection. Potassium administered to the animals with Minerasol® administration are necessary for the maintenance of cellular integrity and for healthy nerve and muscle function (21). Sodium and Chlorine are necessary for the maintenance of healthy nerve and muscle function (21). İodine is the structural component of thyroid hormones called Thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) and XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 239 has a regulatory and activating effect on metabolism. The normal growth and proper functioning of reproduction organs depend on the thyroid situation. Since blind and hairless calves, abortus in cows can be seen in its deficiency, iodine supplementation in various concentrations has a positive effect on reproduction performance (21) . Cobalt is necessary for Vitamin B12 synthesis in the large intestine of pigs and horses and the rumen of cattle. The field experiences indicate that the population performance in sheep and cattle is deteriorated and ovarium function is deteriorated in cattle, the rate of getting pregnant, deliveries and milk and wool production decreased (21). However, although we did not have the chance to examine the changes in K, Na, Cl, I and Co levels in blood serum after the injection, it was decided that these were increased similarly to the others and this may be effective on preventing diseases due to mineral deficiencies. Minerasol is used for treating, preventing specific or non-specific diseases and disorders caused by deficiency, lack or imbalance of the components ( Zinc, Cobalt, Iodine, Iron, Sodium, Potassium, Phosphor, Calcium and Magnesium ) in its constitution and supporting the animal (21). It’s specific areas of use are grass tetany, milk fever, bone disorders, disorders in hair and skin related to zinc, anemia related to iron and cobalt deficiency (Vitamin B12), hairless calves due to iodine deficiency and it is used for removing the negative situations caused by the deficiency of substances in its constitution mentioned in pharmacological properties section (21). It can be used for prophylaxis during pregnancy and lactation for the prevention of diseases which are likely to develop since the need of animals for substances within Minerasol® is increased during these periods (21). Consequently, it was decided that with the inclusion of Minerasol® which is a new trace element combination into the routine care and nourishment program, the problems related to the deficiency of trace elements would be eliminated in a short time and predisposition in terms of bacterial, viral and parasitic diseases would be prevented. References 1. AGAOGLU, ZT 1991: Ülkemiz hayvancılığında bazı iz elementler ve önemleri, Veteriner Hekimler Vakfı Dergisi, 57-62. 2. ALTINTAS, A, UYSAL, H, YILDIZ, S, GONCAGUL, T 1990: Situation comparee des Mineraux urles echantillons du serum et des poils chez les brebis hybride et d’Akkaraman- ANKARA. J Lalahan Livestock Res Ins 30, 40-57. 3. BLOOD, DC, RADOSTITS OM, 1989: Diseases caused by nutritional deficiencies, In:Bailliere Tindall editor, Veterinary Medicine, 7th ed., W.B. Saunders, London, Part Two, 1150-229. 4. 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XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 241 242 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Possibilities for teaching reproductive clinical anatomy using laparoscopy Primjena laparoskopije u nastavi reproduktivne kliničke anatomije P. Trojacanec1, T. Dovenski2, V. Ilieski3, S. Trojacanec4, K. Ilievska1, L. Pendovski3 1 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Surgery, Orthopedics & Ophthalmology 2 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Reproduction 3 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Anatomy Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food, Department of Anatomy 4 Abstract Teaching anatomy at the veterinary schools is based on anatomical specimens and preserved cadavers, in the first two years, as well as on live animals for teaching clinical anatomy. However, clinical anatomy is restricted only to exterior body markers, allowing the students only mental depicting of the deeper body structures. Aim of this study was to establish the value of laparoscopy for visualization of the reproductive organs within the scope of teaching abdominal gross anatomy of cows, allowing the students live real time image of the abdominal organs and their position in the abdominal cavity. For that purpose, we used one non lactating dairy cow, planned for culling. The animal was lightly sedated with Xylazine (Xyla, Inter Chemie, Holland) 5 mg/100kg BW and left in a standing position. The left and the right Fossa paralumbalis were selected as the most appropriate site for trocar insertion. Both regions were surgically prepared and local infiltration anaesthetic was infused under the skin and in the deeper structures of the abdominal wall. Two stab incisions were made at distance of 10 cm for trocar insertion. . The sharp trocars were removed and replaced by a 10 mm × 33 cm, 90° laparoscope (Karl Storz Veterinary Endoscopy) connected to a 300-W xenon light source (Karl Storz Veterinary Endoscopy) and laparoscopic camera (Karl Storz Veterinary Camera Pal) and laparoscopic atraumatic Babcock grasping forceps was inserted through the other cannula. Pneumo peritoneum was achieved with continuous insuflation of filtered air. Following this, the demonstration was projected on a monitor so that all students could participate, visualize and discuss the abdominal structures. In this way, all structures of the cow’s inner reproductive system could be observed, as well as the caudal sections of the rumen, intestines as well as the urinary bladder with its adnexa. Furthermore, simultaneously, an assistant attempted to make an endorectal palpation of the uterus and ovaries, in order to enable the students visualize the procedure. The dissector had the opportunity to manipulate laparoscopic tools in a live animal closely paralleling operative experience, and the students had an opportunity to learn abdominal anatomy as well as some features of the reproductive examination from a clinical perspective. Laparoscopic examination and dissection of fresh and embalmed cadavers has been used for training surgeons on new procedures such as colon resection, antireflux procedures, and cholecystectomy. There is no report of this same technology used in farm animals to teach clinical anatomy or reproduction. This approach allows first and third-year veterinary medical students to learn the XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 243 anatomy while exposing them to the technology currently used in surgical practice, and it affords students to visualize some examination procedures that are routinely performed by manual endorectal palpation. Sažetak Savladavanje anatomije na veterinarskim fakultetima temelji se na anatomskim preparatima i lešinama na prve dvije godine studija, a na živim životinjama savaladava se klinička anatomija. Međutim, klinička je anatomija ograničena samo na vanjske tjelesne oznake, ostavljajući studentu samo zamišljanje i projiciranje unutarnjih tjelesnih struktura. Svrha ove studije je utvrditi vrijednost laparoskopije u vizualizaciji reproduktivnih organa, u okviru savladavanja abdominalne makroanatomije krava, omogučujući studentima realni i živi prikaz trbušnih organa i njihovog položaja u trbušnoj šupljini. Za tu svrhu koristili smo zasušenu kravu muzaru, namijenjenu isključenju iz uzgoja. Životinja je lagano sedirana Xylazine-om (Xyla, Inter Chemie, Nizozemska) 5 mg/100kg TT, a prilikom postupka je stajala. Lijeva i desna paralumbalna jama odabrane su kao najprikladnije mjesto za aplikaciju troakara. Obje regije su kirurški pripremljene, primjenjena je lokalna infiltrativna anestezija pod kožu te u dublje strukture trbušnog zida. Dvije ubodne incizije su učinjene s razmakom od 10cm za postavljanje troakara. Oštri troakari zatim su zamjenjeni 10 mm × 33 cm, 90° laparoskopom (Karl Storz Veterinary Endoscopy) spojenim na 300W izvor ksenonskog svjetla (Karl Storz Veterinary Endoscopy) i laparoskopsku kameru (Karl Storz Veterinary Camera Pal) te laparoskopskim atraumatskim Babcock forcepsom koji je apliciran kroz drugu kanilu. Pneumoperitoneum je ostvaren stalnom insuflacijom filtriranog zraka. Nakon toga započela je demonstracija, projiciranjem slike na monitoru pri čemu su svi studenti mogli sudjelovati, vizualizirati i raspravljati o trbušnim strukturama. Na taj način moguće je prikazati sve strukture unutarnjeg reproduktivnog sustava krave, jednako kao kaudalne partije buraga, crijeva i mokraćnog mjehura sa pripadajućim strukturama. Nadalje, istovremeno je jedan asistent izvodio endorektalnu palpaciju maternice i jajnika, kako bi omogućio studentima da vide kako se izvodi taj postupak. Operater na ovaj način ima mogućnost baratati laparoskopskim instrumentarijem u živoj životinji, živo simulirajući operativne uvjete, a studenti su imali priliku savladati abdominalnu anatomiju kao i neke osobitosti reproduktivnog pregleda s kliničkog gledišta. Laparaskopska pretraga te sekcija svježih i konzerviranih leševa korištena je u edukaciji kirurga novim postupcima kao što je resekcija kolona, postupci antirefluksa i kolecistektomije. Nema izvješća o istim postupcima korištenim na farmskim životinjama u edukaciji kliničke anatomije ili reprodukcije. Ovaj pristup omogućuje studentima prve i treće godine veterine savladavanje anatomije izlažući ih tehnologijama koje se upravo koriste u kirurškoj praksi, a ujedno im omogućuje vizualizaciju nekih pregleda koji se rutinski izvode manualnom endorektalnom palpacijom. 244 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Reproduction, Obstretic and Udder Health Reprodukcija, porodništvo i zdravlje vimena XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 245 246 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 PREGNANCY TOXEMIA IN EWES: ALTERNATIVE THERAPEUTIC IN EXTENSIVE SYSTEM CONDITIONS GESTOSIS OVINA SUBCLÍNICA: ALTERNATIVAS TERAPÉUTICAS EN CONDICIONES DE EXPLOTACIÓN EXTENSIVA GRAVIDITETNA TOKSEMIJA U OVACA: ALTERNATIVNA TERAPIJA U EKSTENZIVNOM OVČARENJU González Montaña JR1, Cal L2, Benech A2, Lataste V2, Grille L2, Rodas E.2 1. Dpto. Medicina, C. y A. Veterinaria. Facultad de Veterinaria. Universidad de León. León, Spain 2. Facultad de Veterinaria. Universidad de la República. Montevideo, Uruguay SUMMARY The objective of this study was compared the efficacy of alternative therapeutics for pregnancy toxemia ewe cases which can be used in extensive farming conditions. It was used 30 double purpose ewes (meatwool) maintained in extensive conditions with local pastures; it was recorded the specific breed date and all animals had single lamb. At the 130-d of pregnancy, animals were divided in three groups, which were exposed starved period until glycemia level were reached risk values (28.62±4.33 mg/dl) and animals showed subclinical toxaemia signs. The feeding was restarted and designed one treatment for each group during four days. The animals of the first group received once at day 50 ml glucose hypertonic solution (I.V.) and 20 IU of insulin (S.C.). The second group was applied twice at day 100 ml of glycerol-propilenglycol suspension (P.O.), and animals of the third group were feeding with 150 g/head/d of grain corn. From 130-d of pregnancy to end of experiment were determined twice at day glycemia and urine pH values, and once at day seric β-hydroxibutirate (BOHB) concentration in each animal of all groups. Glycemia values increase in the three groups just after received treatment, but animals of the second group (glycerol-propilenglycol) showed quickly reestablish of glucose levels. Before the treatments, BOHB levels were <3.0 mmol/L, which could be subclinical pregnancy toxemia symptom, however, the BOHB concentration decreased when animals received respective treatment, especially the glycerol-propilenglycol group’s animals. Similar results were showed for urinary pH values. The three alternative treatments recorded a good efficacy to recovered glucose and BOHB blood concentrations. The glycerol-propilenglycol treatment was more efficiency than others. RESUMEN Se comparan algunas alternativas terapéuticas aplicadas a la toxemia de la gestación ovina, teniendo en cuenta que puedan ser aplicadas a ganaderías ovinas extensivas. Se utilizaron 30 ovejas de aptitud carne-lana, con fecha de cubrición conocida y con un solo feto. Las ovejas se alimentaron exclusivamente con pasto natural. En el día 130 de gestación se dividieron en tres grupos a los que se sometió a ayuno total de alimento hasta que la glicemia alcanzó un “valor de riesgo (28,62 ± 4,33 mg/dl)” indicativo de toxemia de gestación subclínica. Además de reiniciar la alimentación, a cada grupo se le administró uno de los tratamientos ensayados durante 4 días. Al primer grupo se le aplicó 50 ml de glucosa hipertónica i/v junto con 20 UI de insulina s/c/animal/día; al segundo grupo se trató con glicerol-propilenglicol p/o, 100 ml cada 12 horas y al tercer grupo fue suplementada su dieta con 150 g/animal/cada 12 horas de maíz triturado. A partir del día 130 de gestación y durante todo el protocolo experimental se valoraron cada 12 horas la glucemia y el pH urinario y diariamente el ß-hidroxibutirato (BOHB) sérico. La glucemia se incrementó en los tres grupos al instaurarse los tratamientos, si bien las ovejas a las que se administró glicerol-propilenglicol normalizaron la glucemia más precozmente. Antes de comenzar los terapias los valores de BOHB sérico fueron inferiores a 3 mmol/l, que puede ser indicativo de Toxemia de XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 247 la gestación subclínica. Tras instaurarse los tratamientos el BOHB disminuyó en todos los grupos. El grupo tratado con propilenglicol fue el que mostró una disminución más pronunciada y más precoz de este cuerpo cetónico. El pH urinario evolucionó de forma similar a la mostrada por el BOHB sérico. Los tres tratamientos ensayados lograron restablecer la concentración normal de glucosa y de ß-hidroxibutirato en sangre, siendo la administración de glicerol-propilenglicol el que logró normalizar estos parámetros en menor tiempo. SAŽETAK Uspoređivana je alternativna terapija primjenjena u gestacijskoj toksemiji ovaca, imajući na umu da budu primjenjive u ekstenzivnom tipu ovčarenja. Korišteno je 30 ovaca kombiniranih proizvodnih svojstava (meso-vuna), sa poznatim datumom parenja i sa samo jednim plodom. Ovce su hranjene isključivo dostupnim prirodnim krmivima. U 130. danu gravidnosti ovce su podijeljene u 3 skupine koje su podvrgnute alimentarnom postu sve dok razina glikemije nije dosegnula rizični nivo (28,62 ± 4,33 mg/dL), indikativan za subkliničku gestacijsku toksemiju. Osim ponovnog započinjanja hranidbe, svaka je grupa podvrgnuta jednoj od zacrtanih terapija tijekom 4 dana. Prvoj se skupini i/v apliciralo 50mL hipertonske glukoze zajedno sa 20 i.j. inzulina s/c po ovci na dan. Druga skupina tretirana je glicerol – propilenglikolom p/o, 100mL svako 12h, a trećoj je skupini obroku bilo nadodano 150g mljevenog kukuruza po ovci svako 12 sati. Počevši sa 130. danom gravidnosti i tijekom cijelog eksperimentalnog protokola određivane su razine glikemije i pH urina svako 12h te serumskog ß-hidroksibutirata (BOHB) jednom dnevno. Razina glikemije je rasla u sve 3 skupine sa započetim tretmanom, iako se u skupini ovaca u kojih je primijenjen glicerol – propilenglikol ta razina normalizirala najranije. Prije početka terapije, vrijednosti serumskog BOHB bile su niže od 3mmol/L, što se može smatrati subkliničkom gestacijskom toksemijom. Sa započetom terapijom došlo je do pada BOHB u svim skupinama. Skupina tretirana propilenglikolom imala je najizraženije i najranije sniženje tog ketonskog tijela. Urinski pH mijenjao se slično serumskom BOHB. Sva 3 tretmana uspjela su uspostaviti normalnu razinu glukoze i ß-hidroksibutirata u krvi, pri čemu je aplikacija glicerol – propilenglikola navedene parametre normalizirala u najkraćem vremenu. SUMMARY The objective of this study was compared the efficacy of alternative therapeutics for pregnancy toxemia ewe cases which can be used in extensive farming conditions. It was used 30 double purpose ewes (meatwool) maintained in extensive conditions with local pastures; it was recorded the specific breed date and all animals had single lamb. At the 130-d of pregnancy, animals were divided in three groups, which were exposed starved period until glycemia level were reached risk values (28.62±4.33 mg/dl) and animals showed subclinical toxaemia signs. The feeding was restarted and designed one treatment for each group during four days. The animals of the first group received once at day 50 ml glucose hypertonic solution (I.V.) and 20 IU of insulin (S.C.). The second group was applied twice at day 100 ml of glycerol-propilenglycol suspension (P.O.), and animals of the third group were feeding with 150 g/head/d of grain corn. From 130-d of pregnancy to end of experiment were determined twice at day glycemia and urine pH values, and once at day seric β-hydroxibutirate (BOHB) concentration in each animal of all groups. Glycemia values increase in the three groups just after received treatment, but animals of the second group (glycerol-propilenglycol) showed quickly reestablish of glucose levels. Before the treatments, BOHB levels were <3.0 mmol/L, which could be subclinical pregnancy toxemia symptom, however, the BOHB concentration decreased when animals received respective treatment, especially the glycerol-propilenglycol group’s animals. Similar results were showed for urinary pH values. The three alternative treatments recorded a good efficacy to recovered glucose and BOHB blood concentrations. The glycerol-propilenglycol treatment was more efficiency than others. 248 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 INTRODUCCIÓN La Toxemia de la Gestación es un trastorno metabólico que afecta a las ovejas preñadas durante el último tercio de la gestación, especialmente en las últimas seis semanas, como consecuencia de la incapacidad del organismo para mantener la homeostasis energética al enfrentarse, en esta etapa, a un balance energético negativo (Harmeyer y Schlumbohm, 2006; West, 1996; González Montaña y Rejas López, 1995). La causa determinante de esta patología es una alteración del metabolismo energético y aunque la etiopatogenia no es completamente conocida, esta enfermedad es esencialmente una forma severa de cetosis, caracterizada por una baja circulación de glucosa en sangre y altos niveles de cuerpos cetónicos (Rook, 2000; Andrews, 1997). Se han descrito varios tratamientos para la Toxemia de la gestación, obteniéndose resultados variables, que además son muy costosos cuando la enfermedad afecta a un número elevados de animales. La respuesta a los tratamientos son generalmente decepcionantes al ser los resultados, como hemos indicado, muy variables con alta proporción de mortalidad materna (West, 1996). Los resultados obtenidos por diferentes autores han sido además contradictorios y a menudo desconcertantes (Andrews, 1997; Marteniuk y Herdt, 1988). Únicamente es posible obtener una respuesta efectiva cuando el tratamiento se instaura en los primeros estadios de la enfermedad, cuando aún no se han establecido lesiones neurológicas irreversibles y cuando el animal aún no está en decúbito (González Montaña y Rejas López, 1995; Marteniuk y Herat, 1988; Bonino y col, 1987). Por ello es muy importante el diagnóstico precoz de la enfermedad, ya que permitirá una terapéutica racional y efectiva. González Montaña y Rejas López (1995) sugieren que el objetivo prioritario en el tratamiento de esta enfermedad es el aumento de la formación de glucosa y su utilización a nivel tisular, debiendo incrementar también la utilización de los cuerpos cetónicos, a lo que Ford (1988), Marteniuk y Herdt (1988) y Bonino y col (1987) agregan combatir la acidosis y los trastornos hidroelectolíticos. Herdt y Emery (1992) sugieren que la mayor meta en la terapia de la cetosis es restablecer el apetito normal, lo cual depende de que se restablezca la concentración normal de glucosa y cuerpos cetónicos en sangre. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS Fueron utilizadas 50 ovejas Corriedale adultas, de entre 4 y 6 años, identificadas por medio de crotales numerados y dos carneros de la misma raza de 5 años. Se seleccionaron animales con una condición corporal por encima de 2,5, valorados en un rango de 1 a 5. Los celos de las ovejas fueron sincronizados con esponjas intravaginales conteniendo 60 mg de medroxiprogesterona (Sincrovin®, Santa Elena) durante 12 días. Una vez retiradas las esponjas se realizó el servicio por monta natural usando 2 carneros de la misma raza con arneses marcadores. Se registró el día de la monta como el día cero (0) de gestación. Entre los días 50 y 70 se realizó el diagnostico de gestación por ultrasonografia, descartándose las ovejas vacías y las portadoras de dos o mas fetos, seleccionando de esta forma 30 ovejas gestando un solo feto. Posteriormente a la cubrición todas las ovejas pasaron a alimentarse durante todo el día a cielo abierto en una pradera con pasto natural. A los 130 días de gestación fueron divididas al azar en tres grupos de 10 animales cada uno. A partir de este momento las ovejas de los tres grupos fueron encerradas en corrales techados con piso de hormigón. Durante el encierro fueron sometidas a un ayuno total de forraje hasta que la glicemia alcanzó valores considerados de riesgo (28,62 ± 4,33 mg/dl) (Cal Pereyra, 2007). Todos los animales tuvieron agua ad libitum. Al retirarlas del ayuno se les aplicó uno de los tratamientos siguientes durante 4 días. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 249 Grupo A (n=10): se administraron 50 ml de glucosa hipertónica intravenosa (Dextrolena®, Santa Elena) junto con 20 UI de insulina en forma subcutánea (Caninsulin®) por oveja y por día. Este tratamiento se realizó tras obtener las muestras de sangre, a la hora 06:00. Grupo B (n=10): se administraron 100 ml de glicerol-propilenglicol (Acetolena®, Santa Elena), vía oral, a cada oveja y cada 12 horas. Estos tratamientos se realizaron después de obtener las muestras de sangre, a las 06:00 y 18:00 horas. Grupo C (n=10): se suplementó el pasto con 300 g de maíz triturado a cada oveja repartido en dos tomas diarias. Estas se suministraron a los animales tras obtener las muestras de sangre (a las 06:00 y 18:00 horas). A partir del encierro (día 130 de gestación) y hasta terminar los tratamientos se sangraron diariamente, en yugular, todas las ovejas a la hora 06:00 para valorar ß-hidroxibutirato (BOHB) y cada 12 horas para determinar glicemia. Estas últimas muestras fueron obtenidas a las 06:00 y 18:00 horas. La sangre para determinación de glicemia se colectó en tubos con fluoruro de sodio, mientras que para las demás determinaciones se recolectó en tubos secos, almacenándose hasta su procesamiento. A partir del encierro y hasta terminar los tratamientos se obtuvieron cada 12 horas, muestras de orina de todas las ovejas (06:00 y 18:00 horas por el método de apnea momentánea) y se procesaron inmediatamente mediante el empleo de tiras reactivas de orina (Human-Test Combina®, Human), para determinar el pH. Se analizó la significación de las diferencias entre grupos en los niveles séricos de glicemia, de BHOB y del pH urinario mediante el test de t para grupos independientes con estimaciones independientes de la varianza. Los análisis estadísticos se realizaron con el programa STATISTICA 6.0. Se consideraron diferencias significativas cuando p<0,05. Todos los valores se presentan como media ± desviación estándar ( x ± ds). RESULTADOS Los valores de glicemia tomados en el momento de retirar a las ovejas del ayuno y comenzar los tratamientos, así como los tiempos transcurridos desde el comienzo del ayuno hasta alcanzar estos valores de glicemia en los tres grupos no mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre ellos (A = 23,8 ± 5,8, B = 27,2 ± 7,1 y C = 26,7 ± 6,5 mg/dl. Una vez iniciados los tratamientos los valores de glicemia comenzaron a aumentar en los tres grupos. En las ovejas pertenecientes al grupo B, la glicemia aumento más precozmente y sus valores fueron superiores a los de los demás grupos durante todo el tratamiento. La glicemia de este grupo presentó diferencia estadísticamente significativa (p<0,001) con la del grupo C a las 12 hasta de comenzado el tratamiento, diferencia que se mantuvo durante 24 horas más. Al comparar la glicemia de los animales del grupo B con los del grupo A se observa que ésta aumenta anteriormente en el grupo B, aunque esa diferencia es significativa a partir de las 24 horas de instaurados los tratamientos (p<0,0001). A partir de este momento y hasta finalizar las terapias, ambos grupos mostraron diferencia significativa en los valores de glicemia, cuando habían transcurrido 24 horas de aplicar tratamiento en el grupo A y no mostraron diferencia estadística en aquellos muestreos en los que habían trascurrido 12 horas de aplicar tratamiento en el grupo A. Cuando comparamos la glicemia de los grupos A y C, vemos que solamente tuvieron diferencia significativa a las 12 horas de instaurada la terapia (p<0,01) no mostrando diferencias hasta el último muestreo (p<0,001). 250 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Al retirar los animales del ayuno los valores de este cuerpo cetónico no presentaron diferencias significativas entre los grupos, siendo de 2,32 ± 0,53; de 2,54 ± 0,53 y de 2,62 ± 0,80 mmol/l para A, B y C respectivamente. En los tres grupos el BHB comenzó a descender una vez aplicados los tratamientos, aunque este descenso fue más precoz y pronunciado en el grupo B. Ya desde el segundo día, se encontraron diferencias significativas con el grupo A (p<0,01) y con el grupo C (p<0,05) diferencias que se mantuvieron hasta el final. Entre los grupos A y C los valores séricos de BHB no mostraron, sin embargo, diferencia significativa durante todo el ensayo. Al comienzo del ayuno el pH descendió en los tres grupos. Al iniciar los tratamientos la media de los valores de pH para los distintos grupos no presentaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre ellos y fueron de 5,8 ± 0,6 de 5,8 ± 0,4 y de 5,6 ± 0,5. El pH comenzó a ascender a las 24 horas de iniciados los tratamientos en los grupos A y B, mientras que en el grupo C este ascenso comenzó 12 horas más tarde, sin que esta diferencia fuera significativa. DISCUSIÓN Si tenemos en cuenta los valores medios observados en la glicemia y el BOHB en el momento de retirar las ovejas del ayuno (glicemia: A = 23,8 ± 5,8; B = 27,2 ± 7,1 y C= 26,7 ± 6,5 mg/dl; BOHB: A = 2,32 ± 0,53; B = 2,54 ± 0,53 y C = 2,62 ± 0,80 mmol/l) y que no se observaron síntomas clínicos, podemos asumir que estos animales previo al comienzo de los tratamientos, se encontraban en una Toxemia de la gestación subclínica (Duffield, 2000). Considerando que uno de los objetivos prioritarios del tratamiento de la Toxemia de la gestación es el aumento de la glicemia (González Montaña y Rejas López, 1995; Herdt y Emery, 1992; Marteniuk y Herdt, 1988), se observa que una vez iniciado los tratamientos la glicemia comenzó a aumentar en los tres grupos experimentales. Sin embargo en las ovejas tratadas conjuntamente con glucosa intravenosa e insulina y en las tratadas con glicerol-propilenglicol, este ascenso fue más precoz que en las ovejas tratadas mediante la suplementación con maíz. Esta diferencia se puede explicar si tenemos en cuenta las distintas velocidades de absorción y/o transformación en glucosa de los precursores utilizados para el tratamiento. En respuesta al tratamiento con glicerol-propilenglicol la glicemia se elevó de 32,2 ± 13,5 a 58,6 ± 8,6 mg/dl a las 12 horas de iniciado el tratamiento. El propilenglicol, es absorbido en su mayoría intacto directamente desde el rumen a una tasa de 40 % por hora (Herdt y Emery, 1992) y alcanza su nivel máximo en sangre dentro de los 30 minutos de su administración, logra su máxima conversión en glucosa sanguínea alrededor de las 4 horas después de su administración. Cuando a las ovejas se les administró maíz, la glicemia se elevó de 33,0 ± 11,5 a 36,0 ± 16,1 mg/dl a las 12 horas de iniciado el tratamiento, alcanzando los 54,0 ± 13,0 mg/dl a las 48 horas de iniciado el mismo. El maíz al administrarse como suplemento del forraje debe primero ser atacado por los microorganismos ruminales y transformado en ácidos grasos volátiles, especialmente ácido propiónico. El propionato una vez formado, debe ser absorbido a nivel de las papilas ruminales, siendo en parte transformado en lactato en la pared del rumen y ambos son transformados en glucosa en el hígado vía neoglucogénesis. Los valores de glucosa en sangre de las ovejas del grupo tratado con glicerol-propilenglicol fueron superiores a los de los demás grupos durante todo el tratamiento. Este comportamiento de la glucosa es debido a que mientras que el propilenglicol produce un incremento rápido de la glucosa, el glicerol es degradado lentamente en el rumen produciendo una elevada proporción de propionato, principal precursor de la glucosa vía NG, dando como resultado una elevación de la glicemia por un período relativamente prolongado (Bonino y col, 1987; Hunt, 1976). Las ovejas tratadas con glucosa intravenosa no lograron mantener una concentración de glicemia estable, produciéndose elevaciones rápidas post-administración seguidas XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 251 de importantes descensos de la misma Este mismo comportamiento de la glicemia fue descrito por González Montaña y col (2001) quienes lo atribuyeron a la eliminación renal de glucosa cuando ésta se administró vía intravenosa. Teniendo en cuenta que otro de los principales objetivos del tratamiento de la Toxemia de la gestación es restablecer la concentración normal de cuerpos cetónicos en sangre (González Montaña y Rejas López, 1995; Herdt y Emery, 1992) los resultados de este experimento muestran que si bien el BOHB sanguíneo descendió en los tres grupos experimentales una vez aplicados los tratamientos, este descenso fue más precoz y pronunciado en las ovejas tratadas con glicerol-propilenglicol, observándose además que en estos animales el BOHB se mantuvo significativamente más bajo durante todo el ensayo. Si observamos el comportamiento del pH urinario después de iniciados los tratamientos vemos que presentó una tendencia paralela a la del BOHB en sangre. Como era de esperar a medida que disminuía el BOHB sanguíneo aumentaron valores del pH urinario. REFERENCIAS Andrews A (1997). Pregnancy toxaemia in the ewe. In Practice, 19, 6, 306-312. Bonino J, Sienra R, Sorondo L (1987). 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Harmeyer J, Schlumbohm C (2006). Pregnancy impairs ketone body disposal in late gestating ewes: Implications for onset of pregnancy toxaemia. Research in Veterinary Science, 81, 2, 254-264. Herdt T H, Emery R S (1992). Therapy of diseases of ruminant intermediary metabolism. Vet Clin of North Am: Food Anim Pract, 8 ,1, 91-106. Hunt E R (1976). Treatment of pregnancy toxaemia in ewes by induction of parturition. Australian Veterinary Journal, 52, 338-339. Marteniuk J V, Herdt T H (1988). Pregnancy toxemia and ketosis of ewes and does. Vet Clin of North Am: Food Animal Pract, 4, 2, 307-315. West H J (1996). Maternal undernutrition during late pregnancy in sheep. Its relationship to maternal condition, pregnancy length, hepatic physiology and glucose metabolism. Br J Nutr, 75, 593-605. 252 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 A Survey of Teat End Hyper Keratosis Prevalence in the Tabriz Dairy Herds Hiperkeratoza sisa u stadima mliječnih krava u provinciji Tabriz Hamali H.1, S. Mosafery2 1 Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tabriz, Iran, Fax: +984113357834, E-mail: hamali@tabrizu.ac.ir Department of Clinical sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tabriz Azad Islamic, Iran 2 Abstract Teat end hyperkeratosis is a very important problem which affects cows in the farms of Iran and many other countries. This disease mainly caused by the over milking and defects in the milking machine function. In a survey focusing on the 4 large dairy Holstein herds in suburb of Tabriz (north-west of Iran), prevalence of teat end hyperkeratosis, was evaluated. In the herds of A (n=300) and B (n=160), cows were milked 3 times/day. In the herds of C (n=162) and D (n=190) cows were milked 2 times/day. Prevalence of the teat end hyperkeratosis in the herds of A and B were recorded as 63.38%. In the herds of B and C this prevalence was 24.86%. Also, according to the wilson’s grading schedule (1986) the grades of 2 and 3 of hyperkeratosis more prevalent between the cows which were milked 3 times/day, than cows milked 2 times/day. Statistical analyses indicated significant differences between the herds of A and B (3 times milking/day) and herds of C and D (2 times milking/day). In conclusion, according to our results, significant relationship exists between the cow’s teat end hyperkeratosis and milking frequency/day. Key words: Hyperkeratosis, Holstein, milking, cow, teat Sažetak: Hiperkeratoza vrha bradavice je ozbiljan problem koji zahvaća mliječne krave u Iranu i mnogim drugim zemljama. Bolest je najčešće uzrokovana zbog prekomjernog dojenja te greškama u strojevima za mužnju. Ispitivanja su provedena na 4 velike farme mliječnih Holstein goveda u okolici Tabriza ( sjevero-zapadni dio Irana). U stadima A (n=300) i B (n=160) krave su mužene 3 puta dnevno. U stadima C (n=162) i D (n=190) krave su mužene 2 puta dnevno. Učestalost hiperkeratoze u stadima A i B iznosila je 63.38%. U stadima Bi D učestalost je bila 24.86%. Prema Wilsonovoj klasifikaciji (1986) 2. i 3. stupanj hiperkeratoze učestaliji su između krava koje su mužene 3 puta dnevno nego kod krava koje su mužene 2 puta dnevno. Statističke analize ukazuju na značajne razlike između stada A i B ( mužene 3 puta dnevno) i stada C i D ( mužene 2 puta dnevno). Zaključno, u skladu sa našim rezultatima postoji signifikantna povezanosz između hiperkeratoze vrha bradavice i broja mužnji po danu. Ključne riječi: Hiperkeratoza, Holstein, mužnja, krava Introduction Milk production in the dairy farms is the basic economic source, which guaranties the life span of these farms. Therefore udder of the cow is the most important organ, which may be attacked by environmental or infectious pathogens. In this case, the main entrance for pathogens is the teat end orifice. Naturally, teat end have many defensive mechanisms, including sphincter and keratinized epidermis, which later one, is extended into the teat canal (4). After every milking, keratinized epidermis, excretes some keratin which in turn closes the sphincter orifice by forming a keratinized XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 253 plaque(10). Hyper stimulation of the teat end by over milking, defects in milking machine function, and unsuitable teat dippers utilization, lead to teat end hyperkeratosis (11). On the other hand, keratin projection from the teat sphincter, will be result in colonization of pathogens such as Fusobacterium necroforum, and finally lead to diseases such as black spot and acute mastitis. The objective of this research was evaluation of teat end hyperkeratosis prevalence in the Tabriz dairy herds and indication of its probable relationship with milking frequency/day. Material and method This research was carried out on May 2007 in the four large dairy herds (A, B, C and D) of Tabriz suburb (north-west of Iran) with the Mediterranean climate and nearly 2000 meter altitude above sea level. Herd A, included of 300 dairy Holstein cows, with mean milk production of 32Kg/day/cow and 3 times milking/day (8 am and 14, 22 pm). Herd B, included of 160 dairy Holstein cows, with mean milk production of 30 kg/day/cow and 3 times milking/day (5 am and 13, 21 pm). Herd C, included of 162 dairy Holstein cows with, mean milk production of 28 kg/day/cow and 2 times milking/day (8 am and 16 pm). Herd D, included of 190 dairy Holstein cows with mean milk production of 31 kg/day/cow and 2 times milking/day (7 am and 17 pm). Nutrition of herds was the same and consisted of hay, corn, cottonseed, concentrates and mineral supplements. In all of the herds, milking procedure was performed by West Valia Company milking machines, Before the milking, teats of the cows were washed and dried by special papers and then, were inspected very carefully and categorized according to the Wilson’s grading schedule. According to this schedule, grade 1, is the normal teat end, and grade 4 is the maximum teat end hyperkeratosis. Finally, collected data were analyzed by soft ware of SPSS version 13 and statistical method of chi-square and Mann-Whitney tests. Results Summarize of results are shown in figures (Fig.1, Fig.2, Fig.3 and Fig.4). Overall rate of teat end hyperkeratosis in the 4 groups (a total number of 807 cows) was 43.84% (fig 5-1). 254 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 54 53.16 52 50 Ne g itive 48 46.84 46 Po s itive 46.84 53.16 Ne g itive Po s itive 44 42 Fig.1. Prevalence of teat end hyperkeratosis in all of the herds (A, B, C and D) But in detail, the rate of teat end hyperkeratosis in the groups of 2 time’s milking/day/cows was 24.86% and in the groups of 3 time’s milking/day/cows was 63.68% (Fig.2 and Fig.3). 80 75.14 60 Ne g itive 40 24.86 Ne g itive Po s itive Po s itive 24.86 20 75.14 0 Fig.2. Prevalence of teat end hyperkeratosis in the herds with 2 times milking/day (C and D) 70 63.68 60 50 Ne g itive 40 30 26.32 Po s itive 36.32 63.68 Ne g itive Po s itive 20 10 0 Fig.3. Prevalence of teat end hyperkeratosis in the herds with 3 times milking/day (A and B) XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 255 The rates of teat end hyperkeratosis in the two groups analyzed by Crosstab and Chi-square tests. The difference between two groups of cows (3 times milking/day vs 2 times milking/day) was significant (P<0.01) (Table 1 and Table 2). Table 1. Comparing the rates of teat end hyperkeratosis in the 2 and 3 times milking/day herds by crosstab tests (Crosstab) Disease Total Negative Count Expected conunt % within Disease % within MILKING % of Total Positive Count Expected conunt % within Disease % within MILKING % of Total Count Expected conunt % within Disease % within MILKING % of Total MILKING 3 2 248 181 296.1 132.9 57.8% 42.2% 44.5% 72.4% 30.7% 22.4% 309 69 260.9 117.1 81.7% 18.3% 55.5% 27.6% 38.3% 50.6% 557 250 557.0 250.0 69.0% 31.0% 100.0% 100.0% 69.0% 31.0% Total 429 429.0 100.0% 53.2% 53.2% 378 378.0 100.0% 46.8% 46.8% 807 807.0 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Table 2. Comparing the rates of teat end hyperkeratosis in the 2 and 3 times milking/day herds by Chi-Square Tests (P<0.01) Chi-Square Tests Value Pearson Chi-Square Continuity Correctiona Likelihood Ratio Fisher’s Exact Test Linear-byLinearAssociation N of Valid Cases a.Computed only for a 2×2 table 53.848b 52.735 55.474 53.782 807 df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) 1 1 1 .000 .000 .000 1 .000 Exact Sig. (2-sided) .000 Exact Sig. (1-sided) .000 b.0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected conunt is 117. 10. On the other hand, according to the Wilson’s grading schedule, the rate of grades 2 teat end hyperkeratosis was more prevalent than grades 3 and 4, in the herds (fig.4). 256 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 35 33.4 30 25 20 15 12.8 10 5 1.5 0 G2 G3 G4 Fig.4. Prevalence of grades 2, 3 and 4 in the herds (A,B, C and D) By using the Mann-Whitney U test for all of the quarters, it was revealed that, the intensity of teat end hyperkeratosis in the 3 times milking/day cows is more than of 2 times milking/day cows (P<0.01) (table 3). Table 3. Comparing intensity of the hyperkeratosis in the herds with 2 and 3 times/day by Mann-Whitney U tests (P<0.01) Ranks Milking Rcr Rca Lcr Lca 3 2 Total 3 2 Total 3 2 Total 3 2 Total N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks 456 350 506 457 349 806 456 349 805 456 350 806 444.02 350.71 202471.50 122749.50 454.99 336.08 207930.50 117290.50 444.13 349.26 202525.00 121890.00 440.46 355.34 200852.00 124369.00 Test Statisticsa Mann-Whitney U Wilcoxon W Z Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) Rcr Rca Lcr Lca 61324.500 122749.5 -7.533 .000 56215.500 117290.5 -9.233 .000 60815.000 121890.0 -7.763 .000 62944.000 124369.0 -6.975 .000 a. Grouping Variable: milking XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 257 Discussion Teat end hyperkeratosis is a very important complication in the dairy herds of Iran and many other countries. Wilson (1986), categorized the forms of teat end hyperkeratosis into 4 grades, which grade 1 was the normal teat end and grade 4 was the teat end with the maximum hyperkeratosis (9). In the 2004, Gleeson and William in a study, reported that, the rate of teat end hyperkeratosis in the Irish Holstein dairy herds is 31.4%, and the rates of grades 2,3 and 4 hyperkeratosis are 20%, 5.5% and 0.5% respectively (6). Kirk (2004) reported that, the rate of teat end hyperkeratosis in the dairy farms of California is 23.8% and the rates of grades 2, 3 and 4 are 24%, 4.4% and 0.25% respectively (7). In contrast with the above mentioned data, our results showed high rate teat end hyperkeratosis prevalence in the Tabriz dairy herds, especially in the herds with 3 times milking/day. Also, the rates of grades 2, 3 and 4 teat end hyperkeratosis more prevalent than of other countries (3).These differences partly are related to the utilization of non-standard milking machines and non-standard teat dippers. But the most important factor in this case, is the milking frequency/day (Fig4). The following factors could be affec the rate of teat end hyperkeratosis in a herd (1, 2): 1- Teat shape: convex teat ends are more susceptible to the hyperkeratosis than flat teat ends. 2- Incidence of teat end hyperkeratosis is more prevalent in the cold seasons (winter and spring), than warm seasons. 3- Defect in the milking machine function, directly lead to hyperkeratosis. 4- Hyper sensitivity to the teat dippers could be cause hyperkeratosis. 5- Increases in the cow age. 6- High milk production. 7- Finally according to our results, milking frequency/day has a direct effect on the rate of teat end hyperkeratosis in the herds (Tables 1 and 2). In other word, Increase in the milking frequency/day lead to increase in the teat end hyperkeratosis and consequent diseases such as black spot and mastitis in the herd. References 1. Andrews, A.H., Blowey, R.W., Boyd, H., Eddy, R.G., 1992, Bovine medicine disease and husbandary of cattle, Sanders London, pp: 7-28. 2. Blowey, R., Edmondson, P.,1995, Mastitis control in dairy herds an illustrated and practical guide, pp: 3268. 3. Bakken, G., 1981, Relationship between udder and teat morphology, mastitis and milk, production in Norwegian Red cattle. Acta Agric, pp: 25-32. 4. Craven, N, & Williams, M.R., 2004, Defences of the bovine mammary gland against infection and prospects for their enhancement. Veterianry Immunology and Immunopathology, pp: 10-71. 5. Dyce, Sack, Wensing, 1995, Text book of veterinary anatomy. By W. B. Sanders Company. pp: 9-45. 6. Gleeson, David, E., Meaney, J., William, 0., 2004, Callaghan Edmond J, Rath. Mylesv, Effect of teat hyperkeratosis on somatic cell counts of dairy cows - teagasc, moorepark production center, fermoy, co, cork, Ireland -vol: 2, No 2, pp: 41-52. 7. Kirk, John H., 2003, Risk factors for Excessive Hyperkeratosis of teat end- Extension veterinarian school of medicine university of California Davis Tulare. C A, pp: 16-26. 258 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 8. Mein, G.A, Neijenhuis, F., Morgan, W.F., Reinemann, D.J., Hillerton, J.E., Baines, J.R., Ohxstad, I., Rasmussen, M.D., Timms, L., Britt, J.S., Farnsworth, R., Cook, N., Hemling, T., 2001, Evaluation of bovine teat condition in commercial dairy herds (Non infectious Factors) - Teat ceub international of Netherlands, pp: 28-35. 9. Neijenhuis, F., Mein, G.A., Britt, J.S., Reine, unn. DJ., Hillerton, J.E., Faransworth, R., Baines, J.R., Hemling, T., ohnstad, I., Cooks, N.B., and Morgan, W.F., 2001, Relationship between teat-end callosity or hyperkeratosis and mastitis, Paper presented at the proceeding, AABP-NMC International symposium on Mastits and milk quality, Vancouver, bcm Canada, September, pp: 41-50. 10. Radostits, M., Otto, Y., 2000, Veterinary Medicine, Sanders London, pp: 46-59. 11. Shearn, M.F., Hillerton, J .E., 2002, Hyperkeratosis of the teat duct orifice in the dairy cow, Institute for animal health, Compton laboratory, Newbury, U.K pp: 18-25. 12. Swenson, K., Melvin, J. and Reece., William, O., 1996, Duke’s Phisiology of domestic animals eleventh edition. By Cornell university, pp: 34-49. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 259 260 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 PERACUTE STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS MASTITIS IN EWES PERAkutni STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS MASTITIS u ovaca Pengov A*, Podpečan O.** *Institute for microbiology, Veterinary faculty of Ljubljana, Gerbičeva 60, 1000 Ljubljana, E-mail: andrej. pengov@vf.uni-lj.si ** Savinjska veterinarska postaja, Celjska c. 3/a 3310 Žalec, Slovenia Abstract Staphylococci are the main etiological agents of intramammary infections in ewes. Staphylococcus aureus is the predominant organism isolated in ovine clinical mastitis, while coagulase-negative staphylococci, traditionally considered as non-pathogenic or of low pathogenicity for the mammary gland of domestic ruminants, are the most prevalent isolates in subclinical intramammary infections. The annual incidence of clinical mastitis in ewes is usually lower than 5%, however severe mastitis outbreaks caused by Staphylococcus aureus are not uncommon. Antibiotic therapy regimes generally formulated for the bovine mammary gland are often unsuccessful in eliminating existing Staphylococcus aureus udder infections. At the time of weaning and start of milking (6-8 weeks after parturition) in a flock of 180 dairy ewes, 29 cases of peracute gangrenous clinical mastitis appeared, during a 10 days period. In 26 cases (90%), Staphylococcus aureus was determinate as the causative agent. In the described case, diseased animals were treated intramammary and parenteral with a cephalosporin preparation designed for cows, immediately after detection of inflammatory changes in the mammary gland. Despite of immediate treatment, which was based on results of laboratory findings, 9 of the animals (31%) died, 14 (48%) lost the affected udder half and only in 6 cases (21%) functional recovery was achieved. Key words: clinical mastitis, ewes, Staphylococcus aureus, treatment Sažetak: Stafilokoki su glavni etiološki uzročnici intramamarnih infekcija u ovaca. Staphylococcus aureus je najčešće izolirani mikroorganizam u ovaca sa kliničkim mastitisom, dok se koagulaza negativni stafilokoki nalaze ka one patogeni ili slabo patogeni mikroorganimi najčešće u ovaca sa subkliničkim mastitisom. Godišnja učestalost klinički evidentnog mastitisa u ovaca je obično manja od 5%, isto tako učestalog teških oblika mastitisa uzrokovanog sa Staphylococcus aureus nije učestala. Antibiotici koji se koriste u liječenju mastitisa kod krava često ne uspijevaju eliminirati infekciju vimena ovaca uzrokovanih sa Staphylococcus aureus. U vrijeme odbića te početkom sisanja u stadu od 180 mliječnih ovaca zabilježili smo 29 slučajeva gangrenoznog mastitisa u razmaku od 10 dana. U 26 slučajeva izoliran je Staphylococcus aureus . Oboljele životinje liječene su intramamarnom I parenteralnom aplikacijom cefalosporina namijenjenim za liječenje mastitisa kod krava. Unatoč brzo započetom liječenju 9 životinja je uginulo, 14 životinja je uzgubilo vime a kod samo 6 životinja zamijećen je potpuni oporavak. Ključne riječi: Klinički mastitis, ovce, liječenje, Staphylococcus aureus INTRODUCTION The increasing demand for ewe’s milk and milk products has been reflected in recent years in fresh interest in raising small ruminants. With increasing production and the introduction of more intensive breeding methods, questions connected with inflammation of the udder and the quality of milk from small ruminants have become more actual in the last decade (Pengov, 2001). XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 261 The incidence of clinical mastitis cases is mostly less than 5%, both in dairy and in meat flocks of ewes. As a general rule, the overall level of infection within a flock is consistently less than that found in a herd of dairy cows. Where ewes are used primarily for meat production outbreaks, mostly associated with some predisposing factors (teat lesions), have been reported occasionally. When ewes are milked commercially the prevalence of clinical and subclinical mastitis is usually higher. As it is the case in dairy cows, the increase in milk production by dairy ewes has resulted in a similar increase in the prevalence and severity of mastitis and other diseases of the udder (Watson and Buswell, 1984). In spite of the variety of organisms, which may be isolated from the ovine udder, there is a basic pattern of distribution, which pertains, in broad terms, irrespective of geographical location, but is affected to some degree by the stage of lactation at which udders are sampled. Thus, regarding clinical mastitis Staphylococcus aureus is the predominant organism, with Pasteurellaceae, Corynebacteria, Streptococci and Mycoplasmas of secondary importance (Kirk et al., 1996). Coagulase-negative staphylococci, which have been previously considered to be non-pathogenic, are definitely capable of producing clinical mastitis in ewes and are the most prevalent causative agent isolated from subclinical mastitis cases (Albenzio et al., 2002). Clinically, mastitis in small ruminants is normally connected with serious disorders in the general health state of the animal resulting in the animal’s death or in complete or partial sloughing of the udder (Calavas et al., 1998). The objective of the present study was to describe an outbreak of peracute gangrenous mastitis in a separate sheep flock, to elucidate the causes and to establish reasonable treatment regimes. MATERIALS AND METHODS Animals. At the time of the mastitis outbreak 180 ewes (domestic dairy breed) were included in the described flock. During a 10 days period 29 cases (16% of the animals in the flock) of peracute clinical mastitis appeared. In 26 (90%) cases, Staphylococcus aureus was isolated as the causative agent. Bacteriology. Immediately before treatment, milk samples from the infected udder halves, were collected into autoclaved glass tubes following teat swabbing with 70% alcohol and after discarding the first streams of milk. The samples were kept cool and streaked, using a sterile swab, within 24 hours on quarter plates of washed ovine blood agar and were incubated at 37oC. Plates were examined at 24 and 48 hours for aerobic bacterial growth. Gram-positive cocci were considered as Staphylococcus or Micrococcus species if they were catalase-positive. Differences in haemolysin production were classified visually by an experienced observer as either β-haemolysin-positive (incomplete haemolysis with a sharply defined margin) or β-haemolysin-negative (no haemolysis or another type of haemolysis) (Jasper and Jain, 1966). The slide coagulase test was performed as described by the manufacturer of the rabbit coagulase plasma (Difco). The slide coagulase test, which detects bound coagulase, was considered positive if clumping was observed within 10 s. If the reaction was weak, or if it occurred after 10 s, the sample was judged as doubtful (Lam et al., 1995). To determine Staphylococcal isolates at the species level the API-Staph test (Bio Merieux) was used (Jasper et al., 1985). Antimicrobial susceptibility testing. The agar diffusion test was used to determine the antimicrobial susceptibility of the isolated S. aureus strains. With a sterile loop the tops of 4-5 colonies of S. aureus 262 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 from pure culture were picked up. The colonies were suspended in 5 ml of sterile physiologic saline. The inoculum turbidity was standardized to equivalent of a 0,5 McFarland standard. The entire surface of a Mueller-Hinton agar plate was inoculated using a sterile swab. Disks containing various antibiotics (penicillin, ampicillin, cefquinome, amoxicillin/clavulanic acid and kanamycin) were placed using a sterile forceps onto the agar surface and gently pressed down to ensure contact. Plates were incubated at 35oC for 20 hours. Subsequently the diameter of the zone of inhibition around each disk was measured. This procedure is conforming to the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS) documents M31-A2 and M2-A7. Treatment protocol. In the described mastitis outbreak, all animals were treated intramammary and parenteral with a cephalosporin preparation designed for cows. For intramammary applications a complete syringe for each udder half was used. For parenteral treatment doses prescribed by the manufacturer were used. In all cases treatment was introduced immediately after the finding of inflammatory changes in the udder. The infected udder halves were treated at least for five days (at ten consecutive milking) and within this period animals received also two intramuscular injections. In the most severe cases the therapy was supported with intravenous applications of trimethoprim. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The factors predisposing to peracute gangrenous mastitis outbreaks in sheep flocks are not always clearly evident. Ruminants are unique in that they have a “dual” digestive system: microbial fermentation and digestion in the rumen and intestinal digestion similar to other mammals. Especially the rumen digestion is very sensitive to rapid changes in nutrition. In high producing animals, disturbances in the general metabolic processes can have a severe influence on the function of the mammary gland (Bocklisch and Wetzstein, 1994). Heavy feeding for increased production can produce clinical mastitis in animals where subclinical mastitis or latent infections had existed previously. In our case, several days before the outbreak of mastitis, the owner of the flock practically overnight changed the feed ration. The sheep were in that period on fresh pasture, and the ration was supplement with hay and protein concentrates. Unbalanced rations in the most vulnerable period after parturition in connection with a number of physical and psychological stressors can be undoubtedly a serious risk factor for the development and course of udder infections (Maisi et al., 1987). The described mastitis outbreak was characterized by a sudden onset at the time of weaning; good milking ewes were particularly affected. Animals were depressed; anorexia and an increased body temperature (41oC and more) were also present. At the early stage of the disease hyperaemia, swelling, pain and severe oedema of the infected udder half was observed. Sick animals remained behind the flock. In the following days two different clinical courses of the disease became evident. Table 1: Prevalence of clinical and subclinical mastitis in the flock over a five year period YEAR 2001 2002 2003 ANIMALS N 157 168 180 CLIN. M. N % 9 (5,7%) 11 (6,5%) 29 (16,1%) S.aureus N % 7 (4,5%) 8 (4,8%) 26 (14,4%) SUBCL. M. N % 29 (18,5%) 24 (14,3%) 16 (8,9%) XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 S.aureus N % 7 (4,5%) 3 (1,8%) 6 (3,3%) 263 2004 2005 195 209 7 (3,6%) 5 (2,4%) 4 (2,1%) 5 (2,4%) 22 (11,3%) 19 (9,1%) 6 (3,1%) 5 (2,4%) Clin. m. = Clinical mastitis; Subcl. m. = Subclinical mastitis Table 2: Mastitis outbreak (2003) TOTAL NUMBER OF CLINICAL CASES ISOLATION OF S. AUREUS GANGRENOUS FORM N % 29 100 26 89,7 16 55,2 In the majority of cases the gangrenous form developed and despite the immediate treatment, which was based on results of laboratory examinations, 9 of the animals (31%) died during the first five days. In 16 (55%) cases a separation of the gangrenous tissue occurred, which gradually falls off. This process lasted a number of weeks and, during this time, the animals constantly lost weight. In the remaining cases an indurative process was observed, edema of the udder and the blue coloration of the skin gradually fade, but because of induration, the diseased udder half was lost. For economic reasons, these animals were no longer suitable for further breeding after recovery. Table 3: Antimicrobial drug susceptibility (Agar disk diffusion test) N = 26 ANTIBIOTIC S % 73,1 76,9 88,5 92,3 96,2 Penicillin Ampicillin Kanamycin Amoxicillin/clav.acid Cefquinome I % R % 26,9 23,1 11,5 7,7 3,8 S = Sensitive; I = Intermediate; R = Resistant Table 4: Treatment results NUMBER OF TREATMENTS COMPLETE CURE CULLING AFTER RECOVERY DEATH N 29 6 14 9 % 100 20,7 48,3 31,0 Staphylococcus aureus mastitis in ewes is in most cases clinically identical with the peracute form in cattle (Bergonier et al., 2003). The course of the disease is rapid and its effects severe. Treatment is therefore invariably directed at saving the life of the ewe in the full knowledge that lesions within the affected udder tissue are often irreversible (Buswell and Barber, 1989). However, early detection of clinical signs and immediate treatment, sometimes enable functional recovery of infected udder halves. 264 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 CONCLUSIONS Considering the achieved recovery rate in the present study, the average mastitis treatment costs exceeded the culling value of the animals. Because of the unpredictable course of the disease and consecutive low cure rates concerning ewes mastitis, permanent and effective prophylaxis is even more important than in other animal species. REFERENCES 1. Albenzio, M., Taibi, L., Muscio, A., Sevi, A., 2002. Prevalence and etiology of subclinical mastitis in intensively managed flocks and related changes in the yield and quality of ewe milk. Small Rumin. Res. (43) 219-226. 2. Bergonier, D., De Cremoux, R., Rupp, R., Lagriffoul, G., Berthelot, X., 2003. Mastitis of dairy small ruminants. Vet. Res. (34) 689 - 716. 3. Bocklisch, H., Wetzstein, D., 1994. Klinische, labordiagnostische und therapeutische Untersuchungen zur Mastitis in einem großen Schafzuchtbestand. Tierärztl. Prax. (22) 524-528. 4. Buswell, J.F., Barber, D.M.L., 1989. Antibiotic persistence and tolerance in the lactating sheep following a course of intramammary therapy. Br. Vet. J. (145) 552-557. 5. Calavas, D., Bugnard, F., Ducrot, C., Sulpice, P., 1998. Classification of the clinical types of udder disease affecting nursing ewes. Small Rumin. Res. (29) 21-31. 6. Jasper, D.E., Jain, N.C., 1966. Hemolytic behaviour of staphylococci isolated from cows milk. Can. J. Comp. Vet. Med. Sci. (30) 63-70. 7. Jasper, D.E., Infante, F., Dellinger, J.D., 1985. Efficacy of the API Staph-Ident system for identification of staphylococcus species from milk. Am. J. Vet. Res. 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XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 265 266 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Onset of ovulation analysis in dairy cows Analiza vremena nastupa ovulacije u mliječnih plotkinja Zobel Robert (1), Darko Gereš (2), Romana Turk (2), Damjan Gračner (2), Damir Žubčić (2) (1)Vetmed d.o.o. Stružec, (2) Veterinarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu ABSTRACT The research was conducted from December, 1st 2004 to December, 1st 2006, in Moslavina, a part of Sisak-Moslavina county situated in Central Croatia. Veterinary service in this concession area are covered by the veteinary ambulance VETMED Ltd. In their covering area there are over 2000 dairy cows and heifers. The research has included 1088 cows , 218 heifers and 870 cows. 598 (54,96%) of them were symenthal breed, 27,39% were holstein-friesian breed , 9% were red holstein, 2,57% were montafon breed and 6,1% were crossbred, dominantly in the type of holstein friesian breed. After detecting the beginning of oestrus, the cows were examined gynecologicaly and by using of ultrasound, in the morning and in the evening. According to the findings, they have been inseminated artificially, till gynecological and ultrasound detection of ovulation. Cows with reproductive disorders weren’t observed, but only those with regular cyclus, e.i. the cows which have concepted after the insemination . Even 64,28% montafon breed cows ovulated within 24 hours from the beginning of estrus, and 49,17% of the symenthal breed, 36,24% of holstein-friesian breed, 33,33% of crossbred and 32,65% of red holstein. Incidence of ovulation manifestation between the 24th and 48th hour was high in symenthal breed (36,46%), and somewhat lower and equal in red holstein, montafon breed and holsteinfriesian breed (22,45%; 21,43% and 20,13%). Average incidence of the delayed ovulation (48 to 72 hours) in red holstein, cross breeds and holstein-friesian breed was 36,74%; 34,85%; 33,89%. Average incidence of the delayed ovulation from 72 to 96 hours was detected in 3,68% symenthal breed, 9,06% holstein-friesian breed, 7,14% of red holstein and 27,27% cross breeds, with the remark that none of the cases of the delayed ovulation has been found in montafon breed. Cows with the delayed ovulation over 96 hours have also been detected (holstein-friesian breed 0,67%, red holstein 1,02% and cross breeds 1,51%). The results of this research suggest that the average oestrus length is extended, and that the ovulation is late in holstein breed. Almost the same values in cows and heifers which were fenotypicali and genotypicali dominantly of holstein crossbred, are the proof of unresonable cross breeding. High average percentage (85,71%) of the early ovulations to 48 hours, tells of a good reproductive health of the montafon breed, even more because of the fact that only cows were represented. It is explicable, since the montafon breed are of the low productivity cows in this area. SAŽETAK Istraživanje je provedeno u razdoblju od 1. prosinca 2004. godine do 1. prosinca 2006. godine u dijelu Moslavine, sastavnice Županije sisačko-moslavačke, smještene u središnjoj Hrvatskoj. To je koncesijski teritorij koji veterinarskim djelovanjem pokriva Veterinarska ambulante VETMED doo.. Na terenu ambulante obitava preko 2000 mliječnih krava i junica. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 1088 plotkinja, (218 junica i 870 krava), od čega 598 (54,96%) u tipu domaćeg simentalca, 27,39% crno-šarog holštajna , 9% crvenog holštajna, 2,57% montafonskog goveda i 6,1% križanih, dominantno u tipu crno-šarog holštajna. Po detektiranom početku estrusa plotkinje su ginekološki i ultrazvučno pregledavane ujutro i navečer. Sukladno nalazu, umjetno su osjemenjavane sve do ginekološke i ultrazvučne detekcije ovulacije Krave sa reprodukcijskim poremećajima nisu opservirane već samo one sa regularnim ciklusom koje su nakon osjemenjavanja koncipirale . Čak 64,28% plotkinja montafonske pasmine ovuliralo je unutar 24 sata od početka estrusa, u simentalca49,17%, crno-šarih XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 267 36,24%, križanih33,33% i crvenog holštajna 32,65%. Incidencija pojavnosti ovulacija između 24. i 48. sata bila je visoka u simentalaca (36,46%), a nešto niža i ujednačena u crvenog holštajna, montafonca i crno-šarog holštajna (22,45%; 21,43% i 20,13%). Prosječna incidencija kasnijih ovulacija (48 do 72 sata) u crvenog holštajna, križanaca i crno-šarog holštajna bila je (36,74%; 34,85%; 33,89%). Prosječni nastup kasnih ovulacije u razdoblju 72 do 96 sati bio je u 3,68% plotkinja tipa simentalaca, 9,06% crno-šarog goveda, 7,14% crvenog holštajna i 27,27% križanih, uz napomenu da u montafonca nije bilo plotkinja sa zakašnjelom ovulacijom. Registrirane su i plotkinje sa kasnom ovulacijom iznad 96 sati (crno-šaro govedo 0,67%, crveni holštajn 1,02% i križane 1,51%). Rezultati istraživanja sugeriraju kako je prosječno trajanje estrusa produljeno odnosno nastup ovulacije kasniji, u plotkinja koje su holštajnske pasmine. Podjednake vrijednosti u krava i junica koje su fenotipski i genotipski dominantno holštajnski križanci, dokaz su nerezonskog križanja. Prosječni visoki postotak (85,71%) ranih ovulacija do 48 sati, govori o dobrom reprodukcijskom zdravlju montafonaca, tim više što su bile zastupljene samo krave. To je objašnjivo budući su montafonci u ovom podneblju krave niske proizvodnje. UVOD Jedan od uvjeta za postizanje zadovoljavajuće plodnosti je rasplođivanje u optimalno vrijeme. Loš postotak koncepcije djelomično je i posljedica osjemenjavanja u krivo vrijeme. Autori pretpostavljaju da bi vrijeme inseminacije bilo bolje određivati obzirom na ovulaciju, a ne temeljem estrusa, ali na žalost, u praksi još ne postoje metode kojima bi se vrijeme ovulacije moglo predvidjeti. Stoga su istraživali korelaciju između karakteristika estrusa i vremena ovulacije (Roelofs i sur. 2006). Ovulaciju inicira porast LH hormona koji rezultira rupturom folikula i otpuštanjem jajne stanice (Espey, 1994). Nakon ovulacije je kratak period u kojem jajna stanica može biti fertilizirana (Brackett i sur.,1980). Trimberger (1948) smatra da je optimalno vrijeme za fertilizaciju između 6 do 12 sati nakon ovulacije, dok je vrijeme preživljavanja spermija u reprodukcijskom traktu 24 do 30 sati. Kako je godišnji gubitak mliječne industrije USA, samo zbog grešaka u detekciji estrusa, veći od 300 milliona dolara, učinkovita detekcija i točno vrijeme inseminacije od najvećeg je značenja za poboljšanje reprodukcijske efikasnosti stada (Senger, 1994). Prema Trimberger-u (1948) trajanje estrusa u mliječnih krava kreće se u rasponu od 2.5 do 28 sati, prosječno 18 sati, u krava vizualno opserviranih triput dnevno. Ovulacija se obično javlja otprilike 28 to 32 sati od početka estrusa (Trimberger 1948; Walker i sur., 1996). Roelofs i sur. (2006) ustanovili su da je prosječno trajanje estrusa 18 sati (4 do 24 sata), a ovulacija nastupa oko 30 sati od početka estrusa (10-15 sati po završetku estrusa). Prema tome, pretpostavljeno vrijeme ovulacije je 29.3±3.9 sati, budući je prosječni nastup estrusa bio 26.4±5.2 sati prije ovulacije. Zaključili su da inseminacija 24 do 12 sati prije ovulacije rezultira najvećim brojem kvalitetnih embrija 7. dana, odnosno da je najbolje vrijeme inseminacije 5 do 17 sati od početka estrusa. Trimberger (1948) smatra da je optimalno vrijeme za inseminaciju u mliječnih krava između 6. and 24. sata prije ovulacije, a postotak koncepcije drastično pada kod UO nakon ovulacije. Postotak koncepcije bio je viši u krava inseminiranih unutar 24 sata od početka estrusa nego u prvih 12 sati nakon početka estrusa (Saacke i sur., 2000). S druge strane, krave inseminirane 12 - 24 sata od početka estrusa imale su viši postotak degeneriranih embrija u odnosu na osjemenjene do 12. sata od početka estrusa. Prema istraživanju Nalbandov i Casida-e, (1942) i Trimberger-a, (1948) mliječne krave ovuliraju 10-15 sati po završetku estrusa ili 27.6 ± 0.6 sati od početka estrusa (Walker et al., 1996). Najbolji postotak koncepcije bio je kada su inseminirane između 4. i 12.sata nakon početka estrusa (Dransfield et al., 1998). Trimberger (1948) je ustanovio da ovulacija u mliječnih junica nastupa 10,5 sati po završetku estrusa. Mliječne krave mogu ovulirati ranije od početku estrusa nego mesne krave. Tako mliječne krave ovuliraju 27.6 ± 0.6 sati nakon početka estrusa (Walker i sur.,1996). Yelich i sur., (1999) 268 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 ustanovili su da Angus, Brahman, and Senepol krave ovuliraju 30.8 sati od početka estrusa. Skraćen interval od početka estrusa do ovulacije u mliječnih krava u odnosu na mesne krave uvjetovan je managementom, hranidbom, laktacijskim stresom i pasminskim specifičnostima. U posljednjih 50 godina istraživano je optimalno vrijeme za UO u odnosu na stadij estrusa. Ustanovljeno je da je koncepcija bila viša u krava inseminiranih između 6 i 24 sata prije ovulacije, pa je preporučan sustav osjemenjavanja “a.m.–p.m” (Trimberger, 1948). To znači da bi krave u kojih je estrus počeo prijepodne trebale biti osjemenjene u poslijepodnevnim satima, a krave koje su se počele tjerati poslijepodne, trebalo bi inseminirati sljedećeg prijepodneva. Ipak, istraživanja su pokazala da se maksimalna koncepcija nije postizala ”a.m.-p.m.” sustavom već osjemenjavanjem u srednje prijepodne u krava koje su se počele tjerati prethodne noći ili istog jutra (Foote 1979). Također, krave inseminirane jednokratno (između 8 i 11 sati prijepodne) imale su podjednak postotak koncepcije kao krave osjemenjene sustavom “a.m.-p.m.” (Nebel i sur. 1994). Prema Dransfield-u i sur. (1998) krave treba osjemeniti ranije nego po sustavu “a.m.-p.m.” jer je postotak koncepcije u krava osjemenjenih između 4. i 12. sata od početka estrusa, bio viši nego u krava inseminiranih 16 sati od početka estrusa. Dransfield i sur. (1998) koristeći metodu kontinuirane opservacije estrusa radiotelemetričkim sustavom (HeatWatch), ustanovili su da je prosječno trajanje estrusa 7 sati. Walker i sur. (1996) su u holštajnskih krava, 42.-49.dana postpartalno, determinirali su početak spontanih i induciranih estrusa HeatWatch sustavom, a vrijeme ovulacije detektirali ultrasonografski 12, 20 i 24 sata od inicijalne pojave, potom svaka 2 sata sve do 40. sata od početkatjeranja. U prosječnom nastupu ovulacije (27,6+-5,4 sata od početka estrusa) nije bilo razlike između spontanih i induciranih estrusa. Cilj istraživanja bio je odrediti vrijeme nastupa ovulacije u 1088 mliječnih krava u ekstenzivnim i poluekstenzivnim uvjetima držanja, na području koje veterinarskim djelovanjem pokriva privatna ambulanta. MATERIJALI I METODE Istraživanje je provedeno u razdoblju od 1. prosinca 2004. godine do 1. prosinca 2006. godine. Na terenu ambulante obitava preko 2000 mliječnih krava i junica. U istraživanju je opservirano 1088 plotkinja, od čega 218 junica i 870 krava, sljedećeg pasminskog sastava: 598 (54,96%) u tipu domaćeg simentalca, 27,39% crno-šarog holštajna, 9% crvenog holštajna, 2,57% montafonskog goveda i 6,1% križanih krava i junica, dominantno u tipu crno-šarog frizijca. U svih plotkinja temeljem anamneze registriran je početak estrusa. Krave su ginekološki i ultrazvučno pregledavane ujutro i navečer, a prema nalazu umjetno osjemenjavane sve do ginekološke i ultrazvučne detekcije ovulacije. U istraživanju nisu opservirane krave sa reprodukcijskim poremećajima, samo krave sa regularnim ciklusom koje su nakon osjemenjavanja koncipirale. U svih je plotkinja temeljem anamneze registriran početak estrusa. Držaoci prijavljuju plotkinje koje se tjeraju do 8 sati ujutro, uz opasku da li su znakove tjeranja primijetili navečer ili tek ujutro. Krave i junice su ginekološki i ultrazvučno pregledavane prvi puta ujutro, a potom ujutro i navečer. Prema nalazu umjetno su osjemenjavane sve do ginekološke i ultrazvučne detekcije ovulacije. U istraživanju nisu opservirane krave sa reprodukcijskim poremećajima, samo krave sa regularnim ciklusom i isključivo one koje su su nakon završenog osjemenjavanja koncipirale. Podaci o vremenu ovulacije bilježeni su za svaku kravu. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 269 REZULTATI U plotkinja montafonske pasmine najviše ovulacija nastupilo je unutar 24 sata (64,28%), nešto manje u simentalca (49,17%), a u ostalih crno-šarih (36,24%), križanih 33,33% i crvenog holštajna (32,65%). Incidencija pojavnosti ovulacija između 24. i 48. sata bila je šarolika, visoka u simentalaca i (36,46%), nešto niža i ujednačena u crvenog holštajna, montafonca i crno-šarog holštajna (22,45%; 21,43% i 20,13%). Viska incidencija kasnijih ovulacija (48 do 72 sata) bila je crvenog holštajna, križanaca i crno-šarog holštajna (36,74%; 34,85%; 33,89%). Unutar 48 sati od početka estrusa ovulralo je 61,32% simentalki, 42,95% frizijaca, 40,13% holštajna, 71,42% montafonaca i 34,34% križanih. U razdoblju od 48-72 sata od početka estrusa ovuliralo je 10,70% simentalki, 33,89% frizijaca, 36,73% holštajna, 14,29% montafonca i 34,85% križanih.(komentar-kasna ovulacija u frizijaca i križanih frizijaca,; utjecaj mliječnosti!!!) Unutar 24 sata od početka estrusa ovulirale su 122 (55,97%) junice i 352 (40,46%) krava. Indeks osjemenjavanja po non-return metodi bio je za 598 goveda u tipu domaćeg simentalca 1,202, crno-šarog holštajna (298) 1,517, crvenog holštajna (98) 1,704, montafonca (28) 1,429 i križance (66) 1,545. Istim načinom indeks za 218 junica bio je 1,353, za 870 krava 1,362, a ukupno (1088) 1,360. Tablica 1. Pasminska distribucija nastupa ovulacije od početa estrusa VRIJEME OD POČETKA ESTRUSA DO OVULACIJE (sati) PASMINA (n;%) Simentalac (598) Frizijac (298) Holštajn (98) Montafonac (28) Križanac (66) UKUPNO (1088) do 12 12 - 24 24 - 48 48 - 72 72 - 96 96 - 120 8 (1,34%) 286 (47,83%) 218 (36,45%) 64 (10,70%) 22 (3,68%) 0 (0%) 13 (4,36%) 7 (7,14%) 95 (31,88%) 25 (25,51%) 60 (20,13%) 22 (22,45%) 101 (33,89%) 36 (36,73%) 27 (9,06%) 7 (7,14%) 2 (0,67%) 1 (1,02%) 2 (7,14%) 16 (57,14%) 6 (21,43%) 4 (14,29%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 2 (3,03%) 20 (30,30%) 2 (3,03%) 23 (34,85%) 18 (27,27%) 1 (1,51%) 32 (2,94%) 442 (40,62%) 308 (28,31%) 228 (20,95%) 74 (6,80%) 4 (0,37%) Tablica 2. Nastup ovulacije od početka estrusa u junica i krava VRIJEME OD POČETKA ESTRUSA DO OVULACIJE (sati) do 12 12 - 24 24 - 48 48 - 72 iznad 72 Junice (218) 18 (8,26%) 104 (47,71%) 16 (7,34%) 72 (33,02%) 8 (3,67%) Krave (870) UKUPNO (1088) 14 (1,61%) 338 (38,85%) 292 (33,56%) 156 (17,93%) 70 (8,04%) 32 (2,94%) 442 (40,62%) 308 (28,31%) 228 (20,95%) 78 (7,17%) 270 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 DISKUSIJA Jedan od uvjeta za postizanje zadovoljavajuće plodnosti je rasplođivanje u optimalno vrijeme. Loš postotak koncepcije djelomično je i posljedica osjemenjavanja u krivo vrijeme. Autori pretpostavljaju da bi vrijeme inseminacije bilo bolje određivati obzirom na ovulaciju, a ne temeljem estrusa, ali na žalost, u praksi još ne postoje metode kojima bi se vrijeme ovulacije moglo predvidjeti. Stoga su istraživali korelaciju između karakteristika estrusa i vremena ovulacije (Roelofs i sur. 2006). Ovulaciju inicira porast LH hormona koji rezultira rupturom folikula i otpuštanjem jajne stanice (Espey, 1994). Nakon ovulacije je kratak period u kojem jajna stanica može biti fertilizirana (Brackett i sur.,1980). Trimberger (1948) smatra da je optimalno vrijeme za fertilizaciju između 6 do 12 sati nakon ovulacije, dok je vrijeme preživljavanja spermija u reprodukcijskom traktu 24 do 30 sati. Kako je godišnji gubitak mliječne industrije USA, samo zbog grešaka u detekciji estrusa, veći od 300 milliona dolara, učinkovita detekcija i točno vrijeme inseminacije od najvećeg je značenja za poboljšanje reprodukcijske efikasnosti stada (Senger, 1994). Prema Trimberger-u (1948) trajanje estrusa u mliječnih krava kreće se u rasponu od 2.5 do 28 sati, prosječno 18 sati, u krava vizualno opserviranih triput dnevno. Ovulacija se obično javlja otprilike 28 to 32 sati od početka estrusa (Trimberger 1948; Walker i sur., 1996). Roelofs i sur. (2006) ustanovili su da je prosječno trajanje estrusa 18 sati (4 do 24 sata), a ovulacija nastupa oko 30 sati od početka estrusa (10-15 sati po završetku estrusa). Prema tome, pretpostavljeno vrijeme ovulacije je 29.3±3.9 sati, budući je prosječni nastup estrusa bio 26.4±5.2 sati prije ovulacije. Zaključili su da inseminacija 24 do 12 sati prije ovulacije rezultira najvećim brojem kvalitetnih embrija 7. dana, odnosno da je najbolje vrijeme inseminacije 5 do 17 sati od početka estrusa. Trimberger (1948) smatra da je optimalno vrijeme za inseminaciju u mliječnih krava između 6. and 24. sata prije ovulacije, a postotak koncepcije drastično pada kod UO nakon ovulacije. Postotak koncepcije bio je viši u krava inseminiranih unutar 24 sata od početka estrusa nego u prvih 12 sati nakon početka estrusa (Saacke i sur., 2000). S druge strane, krave inseminirane 12 - 24 sata od početka estrusa imale su viši postotak degeneriranih embrija u odnosu na osjemenjene do 12. sata od početka estrusa. Prema istraživanju Nalbandov i Casida-e, (1942) i Trimberger-a, (1948) mliječne krave ovuliraju 10-15 sati po završetku estrusa ili 27.6 ± 0.6 sati od početka estrusa (Walker et al., 1996). Najbolji postotak koncepcije bio je kada su inseminirane između 4. i 12.sata nakon početka estrusa (Dransfield et al., 1998). Trimberger (1948) je ustanovio da ovulacija u mliječnih junica nastupa 10,5 sati po završetku estrusa. Mliječne krave mogu ovulirati ranije od početku estrusa nego mesne krave. Tako mliječne krave ovuliraju 27.6 ± 0.6 sati nakon početka estrusa (Walker i sur.,1996). Yelich i sur., (1999) ustanovili su da Angus, Brahman, and Senepol krave ovuliraju 30.8 sati od početka estrusa. Skraćen interval od početka estrusa do ovulacije u mliječnih krava u odnosu na mesne krave uvjetovan je managementom, hranidbom, laktacijskim stresom i pasminskim specifičnostima. U posljednjih 50 godina istraživano je optimalno vrijeme za UO u odnosu na stadij estrusa. Ustanovljeno je da je koncepcija bila viša u krava inseminiranih između 6 i 24 sata prije ovulacije, pa je preporučan sustav osjemenjavanja “a.m.–p.m” (Trimberger, 1948). To znači da bi krave u kojih je estrus počeo prijepodne trebale biti osjemenjene u poslijepodnevnim satima, a krave koje su se počele tjerati poslijepodne, trebalo bi inseminirati sljedećeg prijepodneva. Ipak, istraživanja su pokazala da se maksimalna koncepcija nije postizala ”a.m.-p.m.” sustavom već osjemenjavanjem u srednje prijepodne u krava koje su se počele tjerati prethodne noći ili istog jutra (Foote 1979). XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 271 Također, krave inseminirane jednokratno (između 8 i 11 sati prijepodne) imale su podjednak postotak koncepcije kao krave osjemenjene sustavom “a.m.-p.m.” (Nebel i sur. 1994). Prema Dransfield-u i sur. (1998) krave treba osjemeniti ranije nego po sustavu “a.m.-p.m.” jer je postotak koncepcije u krava osjemenjenih između 4. i 12. sata od početka estrusa, bio viši nego u krava inseminiranih 16 sati od početka estrusa. Dransfield i sur. (1998) koristeći metodu kontinuirane opservacije estrusa radiotelemetričkim sustavom (HeatWatch), ustanovili su da je prosječno trajanje estrusa 7 sati. Walker i sur. (1996) su u holštajnskih krava, 42.-49.dana postpartalno, determinirali su početak spontanih i induciranih estrusa HeatWatch sustavom, a vrijeme ovulacije detektirali ultrasonografski 12, 20 i 24 sata od inicijalne pojave, potom svaka 2 sata sve do 40. sata od početka tjeranja. U prosječnom nastupu ovulacije (27,6+-5,4 sata od početka estrusa) nije bilo razlike između spontanih i induciranih estrusa. Hurnik i sur.(1975) smatraju da mnogi čimbenici u managementu mliječnih krava utječu na osobine estrusa u mliječnih krava. Tako Britt i sur. (1986) te Vailes i Britt (1990) tvrde da krave na mekoj stelji imaju jače izražen i dulji estrus od onih držanih na betonu. Također su potvrdili nepovoljni utjecaj visoke temperature na estrusne aktivnosti. Sezonost i toplinski stres imaju štetno djelovanje na reprodukcijsku efikasnost u mliječnih goveda (Gwazdauskas i sur.,1975; Cavestany i sur., 1985) negativno utječući na razvoj folikula i endokrine funkcije (Wolfenson i sur., 1995; Wolfenson i sur., 1997; Wilson i sur., 1998). U mesnih pasmina utjecaj sezone na osobine estrusa nije ustanovljen. Gwazdauskas i sur. (1983) i Gwazdauskas (1985) ustanovili su da su manifestacie estrusa jače izražene u mliječnih krava, opservirano dvaput dnevno, pri dnevnim temperaturama nižim od 25C u usporedbi s temperaturama iznad 30C. U našem radu plotkinje su opservirane dvaput dnevno Prema Xu-u i sur. (1998), doba dana ne utječe na estrusnu aktivnost, za razliku od De Silva-e i sur. (1981) koji su ustanovili da mliječne krave imaju najjaču estrusnu aktivnost tijekom jutarnjih sati, ali na intenzitet estrusa mogu utjecati varijacije u vremenu mužnje i hranjenja, temperatura okoliša (Pennington i sur., 1985; Britt i sur., 1986). Borges i sur. (2004) istraživali su utjecaj sezone na folikularnu dinamiku i ovulaciju u domaćih autohtonih goveda. Nakon detektiranog estrusa UZV su pregledavali krave svakih šest sati do detekcije ovulacije. Nije uočen utjecaj pasmine niti sezone na dinamiku folikulogeneze, a vrijeme od početka estrusa do ovulacije bio je kraći u krava sa dva vala folikula. Većinom je estrus detektiran ujutro (57.3%) a 28.0%) kasno poslijepodne. Prosječni nastup ovulacije od početka estrusa za gir i nelore goveda bilo je 23,1±5,6 sati. Sezona nije utjecala na vrijeme početka ovulacije (Trimberger, 1948). Rae i sur. (1999) su ustanovili učinak pasmine na trajanje estrusa u Angus, Brahman, i križanih krava. Tako je prvi postpartalni estrus u primipara Angus x Hereford (Ciccioli i sur., 2001) i odraslih mesnih krava (Lents i sur., 2000) bio je kraći 4 do 6 sati. Visoka incidencija ranih ovulacija (do 48 sati, 85,71%) govori o dobrom reprodukcijskom zdravlju montafonaca, tim više što su zastupljene bile samo krave. To je objašnjivo budući su montafonci u ovom podneblju krave niske proizvodnje. Dok je u simentalaca i montafonaca postotak krava sa nastupom ovulacije unutar 72 sata identičan, oko 85%, u holštajna crnog i crvenog on je gotovo podjednak i oko 50% niži nego u simentalca (56,37% i 55,10%), a isto toliko viši nego u križanih goveda (36,36%). Iz istraživanja se može zaključiti kako duljina estrusa podudara sa činjenicom da su holštajnske krave više opterećene subfertilnošću. Podatak da je trajanje estrusa do ovulacije dulje navodi na zaključak da je riječ o kravama koje su fenotipski i genotipski dominantno holštajni, ali i upozorava na štetnost nerezonskog križanja. 272 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 LITERATURA Borges, A.M. C.A.A. Torres, V.R. Rocha Júnior, J.R.M. Ruas, M.M. Gioso, J.F. Fonseca, G.R. Carvalho, V.V. Maffili (2004): Dinâmica folicular e momento da ovulação em vacas não lactantes das raças Gir e Nelore durante duas estações do ano. Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec. 56 (3). Brackett, B.G., Y.K. Oh, J.F. Evans, W.J. Donawick (1980): Fertilization and early development of cow ova. Biol. Reprod. 23:189. Britt, J. H., R. G. Scott, J. D. Armstrong, M. D. Whitacre (1986): Determinants of estrous behavior in lactating Holstein cows. J. Dairy Sci. 69:2195–2202. Cavestany, D., A. B. El-Wishy, R. H. 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Sci. 77(Suppl. 1):230 (Abstr.). 274 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Influence of breed, parity and lactation on PAG and progesterone profiles in pregnant saanen and boer goats Utjecaj pasmine, pariteta i laktacije na koncentraciju PAG i progesterona tijekom gravidnosti sanskih i burskih koza Prvanović, N., D. Đuričić, S. Vince, J. Sulon, J. F: Beckers, N. Filipović, M. Cergolj, J. Grizelj, M. Samardžija, T. Dobranić, M. Lipar Klinika za porodništvo i reprodukciju, Veterinarskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu Klinika za kirurgiju, ortopediju i oftalmologiju, Veterinarskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu Zavod za fiziologiju i radiobiologiju, Veterinarskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu Laboratorij za fiziologiju reprodukcije, Veterinarski fakultet, Sveučilište u Liege-u Veterinarska stanica Đurđevac Abstract The aim of the study was to investigate role of breed, parity and lactation on PAG and progesterone profiles in pregnant saanen and boer goats. All saanen goats were in lactation and milked twice daily till the last trimester of pregnancy. All boer goats were separated from previous kidds and had no milk production. We had two herds of goats, boer goats (n=25) and saanen goats (n=22). We subdivided herds in 2 subgroups each: pluriparous pregnant (boer goats n=17, saanen goats n=14) and primiparous pregnant goats (boer goats n=8, saanen goats n=8). We monitored natural mating of all goats during november 2006. We monitored pregnancy 35 days after mating and monthly later to follow fetal development and detect embrionic mortality using ultrasound probe. The fetuses were identified, counted by ultrasound and later the numbers were compared with the kidding rate. Only goats who kidded at the end of the study were taken in final consideration and used in study. Blood samples (10 ml) were collected from the jugular vein in heparinized vacutainer tubes at weeks 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, and 20 after mating and on the day of parturition. Plasma was removed by centrifugation (at 1500 g for 15 min) immediately after collection and stored at -20°C until assayed for PAG and progesterone. Level of progesterone and PAG in sera samples was determined using standard RIA method. PAG was determined by method described by Zoli and modified by Beckers. Progesterone was determined using standard procedure with conjugated steroids (Coat-A-Count TKPG, Diagnostic Product Corporation) without preincubation. The 125 I in the pellet was quantified using gamma counter (LKB Wallac 1261 Multigamma counter, LKB, Turku, Finland) with a counting efficiency of 75%. All samples were analysed in duplicate with middle value like result and all suspect results were repeated. Program Statistica and ANOVA to perform variance analysis and linear correlations were used. PAG and progesterone level were compared between primiparous and pluriparous groups according to breed, parity and lactation differences. Progesterone and PAG level curve was significantly higher in pregnant pluriparous goats of both breeds comparing to summarized results for both primiparous group (p<0,05). Number of kidds didn’t differ between all four groups (2,4 and 2,6 for saanen groups versus 2,6 and 2,8 kidds for boer groups) and couldn’t influence progesterone nor PAG level. Primiparous goats of both breeds had statistically significant higher individual variations (maximum and minimum) for both parameters (progesterone and PAG) during pregnancy (p<0,05). We compared levels of progesterone and PAG from lactating saanen goats with pluriparous nonlactating boer goats in the same stage of pregnancy and didn’t find XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 275 any significant difference. We concluded that parity influences both level of progesterone and PAG in pregnant goats of both breeds but lactation and breed had no significance. Key words: goat, pregnancy, parity, lactation, progesterone, PAG Sažetak Svrha istraživanja je ustanoviti utjecaj pasmine, pariteta i laktacije na razine PAG i progesterona u gravidnih burskih i sanskih koza. Sve sanske koze su bile u laktaciji i muzene su dvaput dnevno sve do posljednje trećine gravidnosti. Burske koze su bile odvojene od jarića i nisu bile u laktaciji. U istraživanju su promatrana dva stada: bursko (n=25) i sansko (n=22) koji su dodatno podijeljeni na dvije podskupine_pluriparnu (burske n=17, sanske n=14) i primiparnu skupinu (burske n=8, sanske n=8). Sve koze su pripuštene tijekom studenog 2006.Ptom je 35 dana nakon parenja sprovedena ultrazvučna dijagnostika gravidnosti. Za pregled je korišten ultrazvučni aparat Sonovet 2000 a koze su pregledavane transabdominalno i transrektalno (kod svih dubioznih slučajeva) sa sondom frekvencije 7,5 Mhz. Koze su prije pregleda fiksirane a sonda se nakon obilatog premazivanja gelom postavljala na bazu vimena. Koze su pregledavane s obe strane vimena. Nakon pozitivne dijagnostike gravidnosti koze su pregledavane jednom mjesečno u svrhu praćenja razvoja plodova i dijagnostike embrionalne/fetalne smrtnosti. Plodovi su pobrojani za svaku kozu i kasnije uspoređeni s brojem ojarenih jarića. U konačno razmatranje uzete su samo koze koje su se doista i ojarile. Paralelno s ultrazvučnim praćenjem sprovedeno je i uzorkovanje krvi. Krv je uzimana iz v. jugularis u heparinizirane vacutainer epruvete od 10 ml. i to 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, i 20. tjedna po parenju te prilikom poroda. Plazma je odvojena centrifugiranjem na 1500 g kroz 15 minuta neposredno po uzorkovanju a potom je spremljena na -20°C do pretrage. Razina progesterona i PAG je određena pomoću standardne RIA pretrage. PAG je određivan po metodi koju je opisao Zoli, modificiranu po Beckersu. Progesteron je određen pomoću standardne RIA procedure sa konjugiranim steroidima (Coat-A-Count TKPG, Diagnostic Product Corporation) bez predinkubacije. Pri tome je radioaktivni 125I kvantificiran primjenom gamma countera (LKB Wallac 1261 Multigamma counter, LKB, Turku, Finland) čija osjetljivost iznosi 75%. Svi su uzorci analizirani u duplikatu pri čemu je srednja vrijednost predstavljala konačan rezultat a svi sumnjivi rezultati su ponovljeni. Svi rezultati su statistički obrađeni u programu Statistica pri čemu je sprovedena analiza varijance i linearne korelacije. Razine PAG i progesterona su uspoređene između primiparih i pluriparih koza s obzirom na dob, pasminu i laktaciju. Razina progesterona i PAG bila je značajno viša u gravidnih pluriparih koza obje pasmine u usporedbi s zajedničkim rezultatima za primipare koze (p<0,05). Broj jarića nije se značajno razlikovao između skupina iako su burske u pravilu imale više jarića ( 2,4 i 2,6 za sanske naprama 2,6 i 2,8 za burske koze) te stoga nije mogao utjecati na razine PAG i progesterona. Primipare koze obaju skupina imale su statistički značajne individualne varijacije (maksimum i minimum) za oba parametra(p<0,05) . Usporedili smo razine za oba parametra s obzirom na laktaciju ( pluripare burske i sanske) ali nije bilo značajnije razlike. S obzirom na činjenicu da su koze u našem istraživanju imale ne samo veći broj jarića od koza u radovima nekih ranijih autora nego i konzekutivno više koncentracije progesterona i PAG definitivno smo potvrdili kako placenta visokogravidnih koza igra značajnu ulogu u hormonalnom očuvanju gravidnosti. Također, zaključili smo kako paritet utječe na razinu progesterona i PAG u gravidnih koza obje pasmine ali laktacija i pasmina pri tome ne igraju nikakvu značajniju ulogu.. Ključne riječi: graviditet, koza, paritet,laktacija progesteron, PAG Uvod Poznato je da paritet utječe na različite parametre vezane na gravidnost u domaćih životinja. Naime kako su opisali još Ashdell i sur. (1964.) dob i paritet koze utječu na tijek i duljinu gravidnosti budući da je graviditet najkraći a broj oplođenih koza najmanji u prvoj rasplodnoj sezoni u životu koze i postepeno raste do maksimuma u dobi od 6 godina ( Ashdell, 1964). Nadalje Prvanović i sur. (2007.) su opisali kako paritet izravno djeluje na postotak gravidnosti i razinu cirkulirajućeg progesterona 276 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 u gravidnih burskih koza, dok kod negravidnih koza ranija gravidnost nema posljedično nikakav utjecaj na kasnije lučenje progesterona. U svakom slučaju poznato je da je visoka koncentracija cirkulirajućeg progesterona neophodna za uspostavu i održavanje graviditeta kod koza. Pri tome je žuto tijelo na jajniku gravidne koze za razliku od ovce, po svemu sudeći ovisno o hipofizi. Naime, neka ranija istraživanja su pokazala da uklanjanje hipofize u bilo kojem stadiju graviditeta kod koza rezultira pobačajem ( Cowie et al, 1963). dok u gravidne ovce, posebice u zadnjem tromjesečju gravidnosti hipofizektomija ne rezultira pobačajem, već se gravinost normalno nastavlja do poroda. Pri tome je važno napomenuti da je u ovaca placenta vrlo važan izvor progesterona u kasnoj gravidnosti pa tako broj plodova ( a time i placenti) pozitivno djeluje na rast progesterona u serumu gravidne ovce. Iako je placenta koze i ovce jako slična u mnogim morfološkim i strukturalnim detaljima, nema dokaza za postojanje proizvodnje progesterona u placenti koze (Thorburn and Schneider, 1972). Čak i ako dođe do stvaranja progesterona, to je premalo za održavanje graviditeta u odsutnosti žutog tijela. Currie (1977) je smatrala, ali tad nije dokazano, da placentalni laktogen kod koza sudjeluje u regulaciji sekrecije progesterona iz žutog tijela. Istraživanja Maleckog i sur. ( 1987) iz Australije pokazuju da kozi nije potreban materinji hipofizni LH kako bi održala graviditet između 50.-og i 130.-og dana gravidnosti. Isti autori su zaključili da funkcija žutog tijela može biti održana luteotropinima ili antiluteoliticima proizvedenih u maternici. Nadalje, Sousa i sur (1999) opisuju kako je krivulja PAG (glikoproteini gravidnosti s antiluteolitičkim djelovanjem) značajno viša kod gravidnih koza nego u gravidnih ovaca. Također su naglasili mogućnost da žuto tijelo koze može biti sposobno proizvoditi progesteron nezavisno o luteotropinima kao što je ranije utvrdio i Rotschild (1981). Razina progesterona u plazmi, kojeg gotovo u cijelosti proizvodi žuto tijelo gravidne koze, ostaje visoka do otprilike 4 dana prije poroda ( Gordon, 1997). Isti autor navodi da je 19 do 22 dana nakon parenja, koncentracija progesterona u plazmi gravidne koze uobičajeno je veća od 1.4 ng/ml. Koze koje nisu gravidne vratit će se u estrus u tom razdoblju i mogu se očekivati minimalne koncentracije progesterona, sigurno manje od 1 ng/ml. Koncentracija progesterona u mlijeku koza prate koncentraciju progesterona u plazmi, zbog činjenice da je progesteron hormon topiv u mastima pa su njegove koncentracije više u mlijeku. Progesteronski testovi se mogu upotrebljavati na različite načine kod dijagnosticiranja graviditeta koza. Kada je nepoznat datum parenja, može se uzimati nekoliko uzoraka zaredom. Restall i sur. (1990) izvještavao je o dijagnozi gravidnosti tajlandskih domaćih koza, što su pokušali mjereći koncentraciju progesterona u plazmi s 4 sedmodnevna intervala nakon parenja; 96,2% koza sa sve 4 koncentracije progesterona >2 ng/ml su bile gravidne. Na Kubi, Carmenate i sur. (1992) pratili su koncentraciju progesterona u krvi 8 i 21 dan nakon osjemenjivanja koza; 21.-og dana gravidnost je točno dijagnosticirana u 77.4% koza i negravidnih 95.7%. Materijal i metode Sve sanske koze su bile u laktaciji i muzene su dvaput dnevno sve do posljednje trećine gravidnosti. Burske koze su bile odvojene od jarića i nisu bile u laktaciji. U istraživanju su promatrana dva stada: bursko (n=25) i sansko (n=22) koji su dodatno podijeljeni na dvije podskupine_pluriparnu (burske n=17, sanske n=14) i primiparnu skupinu (burske n=8, sanske n=8). Sve koze su pripuštene tijekom studenog 2006.Potom je 35 dana nakon parenja sprovedena ultrazvučna dijagnostika gravidnosti. Za pregled je korišten ultrazvučni aparat Sonovet 2000 a koze su pregledavane transabdominalno i transrektalno (kod svih dubioznih slučajeva) sa sondom frekvencije 7,5 Mhz. Koze su prije pregleda fiksirane a sonda se nakon obilatog premazivanja gelom postavljala na bazu vimena. Koze su pregledavane s obe strane vimena. Nakon pozitivne dijagnostike gravidnosti koze su pregledavane jednom mjesečno u svrhu praćenja razvoja plodova i dijagnostike embrionalne/fetalne smrtnosti. Plodovi su pobrojani za svaku kozu i kasnije uspoređeni s brojem ojarenih jarića. U konačno razmatranje XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 277 uzete su samo koze koje su se doista i ojarile. Paralelno s ultrazvučnim praćenjem sprovedeno je i uzorkovanje krvi. Krv je uzimana iz v. jugularis u heparinizirane vacutainer epruveteod 10 ml. i to 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, i 20. tjedna po parenju te prilikom poroda. Plazma je odvojena centrifugiranjem na 1500 g kroz 15 minuta neposredno po uzorkovanju a potom je spremljena na -20°C do pretrage. Razina progesterona i PAG je određena pomoću standardne RIA pretrage. PAG je određivan po metodi koju je opisao Zoli, modificiranu po Beckersu. Progesteron je određen pomoću standardne RIA procedure sa konjugiranim steroidima (Coat-A-Count TKPG, Diagnostic Product Corporation) bez predinkubacije. Pri tome je radioaktivni 125I kvantificiran primjenom gamma countera (LKB Wallac 1261 Multigamma counter, LKB, Turku, Finland) čija osjetljivost iznosi 75%. Svi su uzorci analizirani u duplikatu pri čemu je srednja vrijednost predstavljala konačan rezultat a svi sumnjivi rezultati su ponovljeni. Svi rezultati su statistički obrađeni u programu Statistica pri čemu je sprovedena analiza varijance i linearne korelacije. Razine PAG i progesterona su uspoređene između primiparih i pluriparih koza s obzirom na dob, pasminu i laktaciju. Rezultati Razina PAG (pregnancy associated glycoproteins) bila je značajno viša u gravidnih pluriparih koza obje pasmine u usporedbi s zajedničkim rezultatima za primipare koze (p<0,05). Pri tome se ne može reći da su pluripare koze imale više razine PAG, već su samo imale veće individualne varijacije koje su dovele do navedene razlike. Krivulje PAG za sve 4 podskupine prikazane su u grafikonu 1. Progesteron je bio ukupno nešto viši kod gravidnih pluriparih koza obaju pasmina, neovisno o laktaciji. Prosječna razina progesterona u primiparih koza iznosila je 15 ng/ml ( minimalna 9,6 a maksimalna 15,2 ng/ml) za obje pasmine Te su se vrijednosti donekle razlikovale za primipare koze koje su u prosjeku imale 13,4 ng/ml progesterona u krvi, ali su minimalna i maksimalna vrijednost bile u većem rasponu (6,5 prema 18,2 ng/ml). Iako je jedno od mogućih tumačenja za tu pojavu mogao biti povećani broj jarića za pluripare koze, nije bilo tako. Broj jarića nije se značajno razlikovao između skupina iako su burske u pravilu imale više jarića ( 2,4 i 2,6 za sanske naprama 2,6 i 2,8 za burske koze) te stoga nije mogao utjecati na razine PAG i progesterona. Primipare koze obaju skupina imale su statistički značajne individualne varijacije (maksimum i minimum) za oba parametra(p<0,05) . Usporedili smo razine za oba parametra s obzirom na laktaciju ( pluripare burske i sanske) ali nije bilo značajnije razlike. G ra fiko n 1: K re ta n je ra z in e P A G tije ko m g ra vid n o sti u sve 4 p o d sku p in e ko z a PAG ng/ml 600 p lu r ip ar e s an s k e 400 p lu r ip ar e b u r s k e 200 p r im ip ar e b u r s k e p r im ip ar e s an s k e 0 tje d n i g r avid n o s ti o d k o n ce p cije d o p o r o d a 278 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Prog. ng/ml G ra fiko n 2: K re ta n je ra z in e p ro g e ste ro n a p o p o d sku p in a m a 20 p lu r ip ar e s an s k e 10 p lu r ip ar e b u r s k e 0 p r im ip ar e b u r s k e tje d n i o d k o n ce p cije d o p o r o d a p r im ip ar e s an s k e Rasprava Sudeći prema podacima koje je objavio Ashdell (1964), nema sumnje da paritet i dob utječu na stopu gravidnosti domaćih pasmina koza. Štoviše, isti autor opisuje rast stope gravidnosti do 6. godine života kada dostiže maksimum. U našem istraživanju stopa gravidnosti je bila statistički značajno veća u pluriparih nego u primiparih koza, no valja napomenuti kako nijedna koza u našem istraživanju nije bila starija od 6 godina. Unatoč tome, broj jaradi se nije značajno razlikovao između primipare i pluripare skupine ( 2,4 prema 2,6 jaradi po leglu). Mi smo u našem istraživanju također proučavali i utjecaj pariteta na razinu progesterona u gravidnih sanskih i burskih koza. Kako bismo isključili utjecaj individualnih varijacija i lažno pozitivnih rezultata pribjegli smo tjednom uzimanju krvi tokom čitave gravidnosti nakon čega smo usporedili rezultate između skupina ( u svim kombinacijama primiparih i pluriparih za obje pasmine). Kako bismo bili sigurni u točnost rezultata, za sve smo uzorke radili dvostruko testiranje s uzimanjem srednje vrijednosti kao približno najtočnije a uzorkovali smo krv čak 10 puta tijekom gravidnosti. Upotrijebili smo RIA metodu koja je vrlo pouzdana i precizna a točnost mjerenja joj za kvantitativne metode prelazi 75%. Sve smo koze također i ultrazvučno pratili što je dalo 100% pouzdane rezultate što su potvrdili i podaci o jarenjima. Prosječna razina progesterona u primiparih koza iznosila je 15 ng/ml ( minimalna 9,6 a maksimalna 15,2 ng/ml) za obje pasmine Te su se vrijednosti donekle razlikovale za primipare koze koje su u prosjeku imale 13,4 ng/ml progesterona u krvi, ali su minimalna i maksimalna vrijednost bile u većem rasponu (6,5 prema 18,2 ng/ml). Pri tome pasmina i laktacija nisu igrale nikakvu ulogu između skupina. Naši se rezultati uvelike razlikuju od onih koje je objavio Bon Durant (1981) koji je dobio bitno niže vrijednosti za gravidne koze. Tu razliku u rezultatima možemo objasniti brojem jaradi. Naime, u njegovom istraživanju su koze jarile u prosjeku 1,5 jaradi, dok su naše jarile prosječno 2,6 jaradi po leglu (2,4 do 2,8), što se sigurno odrazilo i na koncentraciju progesterona u krvi. Slično je i sa rezultatima koje je objavila Sousa (1999) na brazilskim kozama. Ona je dobila signifikantno niže vrijednosti za PAG i progesteron, no njezine su koze u pravilu jarile 1,6 jaradi po kozi. Mi nismo pronašli pozitivnu korelaciju između broja jaradi i koncentracije progesterona iz jednostavnog razloga što je većina koza u svim grupama ojarila isti broj jaradi. Iz svega navedenog zaključili smo kako paritet utječe na razinu progesterona i PAG a posebice uzrokuje veće individualne varijacije u gravidnih koza obje pasmine ali laktacija i pasmina pri tome ne igraju nikakvu značajniju ulogu.. Literatura: Asdell, S.A: (1964): Patterns of Mammalian Reproduction. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, pp623-630 Carmenate C, Pedroso, R., Gonzalez, N., Arencibia J. and Alvarez T. (1992): Pregnancy diagnosis in goats on the basis of blood progesterone concentration, using radioimmunoassay. Revista Cubana dr Reproducion Animal 17-18 (1-2), 93-100 Cowie A. T., DAniel, P. M., Pritchard, m., M., L. and Tindal J. S. (1963): Hypophysectomy in pregnant goats and section of the pituitary stalk in pregnant goats and sheep. Journal of Endocrinology 28, 93-98 XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 279 Currie W.B. and Thorburn, G.D. (1977) The fetal role in timing the initiation of parturition in the goat. In: Wolstenholme, G.E:W. and Knight, J. (eds) The Fetus and Birth Ciba Foundation Symposium No. 47, Associated Scientific Publishers, Amsterdam Gordon I. (1997): Controlled Reproduction in Sheep and Goats, CAB International Malecki J., Jenkin G:, and Thornburn G.D. (1987):Passive immunization of pregnant goats against ovine LH, Journal of Endocrinology, 114, , 413-436 Prvanović N., D. Duricic,A. Tomaskovic, J. Grizelj, S. Vince, JF Beckers, J. Sulon, M. Cergolj, T. Dobranic, M. Samardžija (2007):Influence of parity on pregnancy rate and progesterone level in boer goats, Rev. Rom. Med.. Vet. 3/2007, 197-203 Restall B.J., Milton J.T:B, Klong Jutti, P., Kochapakdee, S. (1990): Pregnancy diagnosis in Thai native goats, Theriogenology, 34, 313-317 Rotschild, I (1981):The regulation of the mammalian corpus luteum. Recent Progress in Hormone Research, 37, 183-298 Sousa N.M.; Garbayo J.M.; Figueiredo J.R.; Sulon J.; Goncalves P.B.D.; Beckers J.F. (1999) Pregnancyassociated glycoprotein and progesterone profiles during pregnancy and postpartum in native goats from the north-east of Brazil Small Ruminant Research, Volume 32, Number 2, 12 April 1999 , pp. 137-147(11) Thorburn G.D. and Schneider W 81972) The progesterone concentration in the plasma of the goat during the oestrus cycle and pregnancy, Journal of Endocrinology 52, 23-28 280 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 An outbreak of Mycoplasma bovis mastitis on a diary cows farm in Croatia Epizootija mastitisa uzrokovanog bakterijom Mycoplasma bovis u mliječnih krava u Hrvatskoj B. Šeol1*, T. Naglić1, H. Ball2, D. Finlay2, K. Matanović1, M. Martinec3 Department of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Veterinary Faculty University of Zagreb, Heinzelova 55, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia 1 Veterinary Research Laboratories, Stoney Road, Stormont, Belfast, BT4 3SD 2 3 Veterinarska stanica Remetinec, 10257 Hrvatski Leskovac, Brezovička 105, Croatia Corresponding author 1* Summary This paper presents our observations during the second outbreak of bovine mastitis in Croatia. On a farm with approximately 700 dairy cows in different stages of lactation a significant increase in severe clinical mastitis cases resistant to antibiotic therapy was observed. The animals were of Friesian Holstein breed and some had been purchased from Western Europe. The acute form of mastitis was characterised by a rapid decrease in milk production, and a rapid spread of infection from affected to adjacent quarters. The animals were unsuccessfully treated with different antibiotics for several months. Combinations of tetracycline, neomycin and bacitracin; penicillin G, dihydrostreptomycin, novobiocin and neomycin; clavulanic acid-amoxicillin, cephalosporines; and lincomycin were used. To investigate a possible role of mycoplasma as a causative agent of a large number of mastitis cases, 421 udder secretions were microbiologically examined. Mycoplasma colonies of typical appearance were cultured from 77 milk samples. Mycoplasmas were identified directly from milk samples by antigen capture ELISA test and polymerase chain reaction for routine identification of M. bovis. All isolated mycoplasmas were identified as Mycoplasma bovis. Mastitic bovine milk originated from a large number of farms in Croatia has been routinely cultured for mycoplasma on appropriate media at Department of Microbiology and Infectious diseases for the last 30 years. On this basis, it is likely that mycoplasma mastitis in Croatia was brought into the country with the imported animals. As bovine mycoplasma mastitis might be a major udder health problem in dairy cattle there is an urgent necessity of coordinated action of veterinary diagnostic laboratories and veterinary authorities in identifying the distribution and control of this infection in Croatia. Sažetak U radu je prikazana epizootija mikoplazmalnog mastitisa u mliječnih krava u Hrvatskoj. Na farmi sa 700 mliječnih krava u različitim stadijima laktacije zablježen je značajan porast broja kliničkih mastitisa koji nisu reagirali na liječenje antibioticima. Krave su bile holštajnsko frizijske pasmine, a podrijetlom iz zapadne Europe. U akutnom obliku mastitis se očitovao naglim padom mliječnosti i brzim širenjem infekcije sa oboljelih na zdrave četvrti vimena. Životinje su liječene antibioticima nekoliko mjeseci bez uspjeha. Korištene su kombinacije tetraciklina, neomicina i bacitracina; penicilina G, dihidrostreptomicina, novobiocina i neomicina; amoksicilina s klavulanskom kiselinom, cefalosporina; i linkomicin. 421 uzorak mlijeka je mikrobiološki pretražen kako bi se ispitala moguća uloga mikoplazmi kao uzročnika mastitisa. Mikoplazme su izdvojene na hranjivoj podlozi iz 77 pretraženih uzoraka mlijeka. Mikoplazme su također identificirane izravno iz uzoraka mlijeka imunoenzimnim pokusom. Sve izdvojene mikoplazme identificirane su kao Mycoplasma bovis. Mlijeko krava s mastitisom podrijetlom s velikog broja farmi u Hrvatskoj na odgovarajućem je mediju rutinski pretraživano na prisutnost mikoplazmi tijekom zadnjih 30 godina na Zavodu za mikrobiologiju i zarazne bolesti s klinikom, no mikoplazme nisu izdvojene. Na temelju tih rezultata može se zaključiti da je mikoplazmatski mastitis unesen u Hrvatsku uvezenim kravama. Smatra se da je mikoplazmatski mastitis veliki problem u uzgojima mliječnih krava te je XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 281 nužno brzo i koordinirano djelovanje veterinarskih dijagnostičkih laboratorija i veterinarskih tijela kako bi se utvrdila proširenost i omogućila kontrola ove bolesti u Hrvatskoj. Introduction Since the first isolation from mastitic milk in USA (Hale and others 1962, Jasper 1977) Mycoplasma bovis and M. californicum (Mackie and others, 1982) have been recorded increasingly frequently as causative agents of bovine mastitis worldwide. M. bovis is considered one of the most pathogenic bovine udder mycoplasmas (Pfützner and Sachse 1996) in Europe and North America resulting in significant economic losses in countries with intensive milk and meat production (Ter Laak and others 1992). This kind of mastitis is highly contagious, affecting more than 20% up to 70% of cows independently of the stage of lactation (Pfützner and Sachse 1996, Kirk and Mellenberger 2001, Nicholas and Ayling 2003). A rapid decline in milk production with visible changes in milk consistency and increased incidence of cases resistant to standard therapy are characteristic clinical symptoms of acute M. bovis udder infection (Kirk and Mellenberger 2001). Subclinical and chronic infection may go undetected if not evidenced by mycoplasma examination of suitable sensitivity (Bulletine 1987). Although predominantly associated with mastitis in cows (Pfützner and Sachse 1996), M. bovis can cause systemic infection with polyarthritis, synovitis and pneumonia in feedlot calves (Langford 1977, Gagea and others 2006, Gevaert 2006), conjunctivitis (Alberti and others 2006), otitis, meningitis and a variety of genital disorders such as abortion and low fertility in cows and bulls (Howard and others 1987, Bocklisch and others 1986, Kinde and others 1993, Stipkovits and others 1993, Kirk and Lauermann 1994, Kirby and others 1996, Waltz and others 1997). This paper presents our observations during the outbreak of bovine M. bovis mastitis in Croatia. Materials and methods To investigate a possible role of mycoplasma as a causative agent of a large number of mastitis cases in cows on a several farms in Croatia, 421 udder secretion samples were microbiologically examined for mycoplasma presence. For that purpose, 3 ml of PPLO broth media with horse serum and glucose (Hayflick 1965) were inoculated with 0.1 ml of udder secretions, and three further 10fold dilutions in PPLO broth prepared from these. The PPLO-broths were incubated at 37 0C and plated on solid PPLO media after 4 d and again at 7 d if the first plating was negative. The plates were incubated for 4 to 10 d at 37 0C in a candle jar. At the same time, the same milk samples collected from mastitis herd were used for antigen capture (sandwich) ELISA. The sandwich ELISA was carried out in microtitre plates described by Ball and others (1994). Microtitre plates were coated with polyclonal antibodies against M. bovis. In each well 200 µl of PPLO broth media with horse serum and glucose (Hayflick 1965) was used. Duplicate samples of milk were diluted 10-1 do 10-3 in mycoplasma medium. In a combined capture and enrichment stage, the plates were incubated for three days. The stages to demonstrate capture consisted of one hour incubation with biotinylated purified M. bovis monoclonal antibodies, one hour incubation with streptavidin-peroxidase (Sigma), and finally 10 to 20 minutes incubation with substrate 3,3’, 5,5’ tetramethylbenzidine (TMB, Sigma). The substrate reaction was stopped with 50 µl per well of 2.5 M sulphuric acid and the absorbance measured at 450 nm with an ELISA plate reader. Positive controls consisted of broth cultures of M. bovis, and phosphate buffered saline replaced the test sample for the negative control. Positive reactions were easily determined. The negative controls always had an absorbance of less than 0.06 and the positive reactions always had an absorbance more than 0.4. Polymerase chain reaction for routine identification of M. bovis described by Ghadersohi and others (1997) and Ayling and others (1997) was used to confirm isolated strains as M. bovis. 282 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Results With the present ELISA procedure, M. bovis was specifically detected from 77 (18.29%) out of 421 milk samples. A total of 421 milk samples were investigated by ELISA and conventional culture techniques. In three milk samples M. bovis was not isolated by conventional culture techniques, but ELISA gave very strong positive reactions. Those milk samples, which were kept in refrigerator at 40 C, were resubmitted to ELISA and conventional culture techniques and at that time, both ELISA and conventional culture on PPLO agar were positive for M. bovis. Ten out of 77 isolates, previously identified as M. bovis (sandwich ELISA), were randomly selected and confirmed as M. bovis using PCR. Discussion The supposition from consideration of the clinical characteristics of a herd mastitis problem, where a large number of animals were resisting antibiotic therapy, could be caused by mycoplasma, was confirmed by microbiological examination. Mastitic bovine milk originated from a large number of farms in Croatia has been routinely cultured for mycoplasma on appropriate media at Department of Microbiology and Infectious diseases for the last 30 years (Naglić and others, unpublished data). On this basis, it is likely that the first case of mycoplasma mastitis in Croatia (Naglic and others, 2005) was brought into the country with the imported animals. Mycoplasma bovis is a major, often overlooked, cause of calf pneumonia, mastitis, arthritis, and other conditions (Nicholas and Ayling, 2003). After its first isolation in 1961 in the USA from a case of severe mastitis in cattle (Hale et al., 1962), M. bovis was isolated in many countries: Israel (1964), Spain (1967), Australia (1970), France (1974), Britain (1975), Czech Republic (1975), Germany (1977), Denmark (1981), Switzerland (1983), Morocco (1988), South Korea (1989), Northern Ireland (1993), Republic of Ireland (1994), Sudan (1996), Chile (2000), Argentina (2002), Croatia (2002), Greece (2007). Our findings are in complete agreement with published data according to clinical appearance, poor response to antibiotic treatment and microbiological findings. All cows in this study found infected by M. bovis had been purchased from other European countries suggesting that mycoplasma mastitis could be a problem of herds that import replacement animals. According to Rebhun (1995) the disease is spread between herds by transfer of infected animals, mechanical transmission of mycoplasma via milking equipment subsequently occurring within a herd. This survey confirmed the association of M. bovis with clinical mastitis in dairy herds in Croatia. As bovine mycoplasma mastitis might be a major udder health problem in dairy cattle there is an urgent necessity of coordinated action of veterinary diagnostic laboratories and veterinary authorities in identifying the distribution and control of this infection in Croatia. Acknowledgments The Croatian part thanks to Dr. Hywel Ball and Mr. David Finlay for supplying monoclonal and polyclonal Mycoplasma bovis antibodies and their assistance, advices and supervision. References Ayling, R. D., Nicholas, R. A. J. & Johansson, K. E (1997) Application of the polymerase chain reaction for the routine identification of Mycoplasma bovis. Veterinary Record 141, 307-308. Alberti, A., Addis, M. 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Definition and guidelines for diagnosis. Int. Dairy Fed. Bull. 211, Brussels. Gagea, M. I., Bateman, K. G., Shanahan, R. A., van Dreumel, T., McEwen, B. J., Carman, S., Archambault, M. & Caswell, J. L. (2006) Naturally occurring Mycoplasma bovis-associated pneumonia and polyarthtritis in feedlot beef calves. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 18, 29-40. Gevaert, D. (2006) The importance of Mycoplasma bovis in bovine respiratory disease. Tijdschrift voor Diergeneeskunde 131, 124-126. Ghadersohi, A., Coelen, R. J., & Hirst, R. G. (1997) Development of a specific DNA probe and PCR for the detection of Mycoplasma bovis. Veterinary Microbiology 56, 87-98. Hale, H. H., Helmboldt, C. F. , Plastridge, W. N. &. Stula, V. (1962) Bovine mastitis caused by Mycoplasma species. Cornell Veterinarian 52, 582-591. Hayflick, L (1965) Tissue cultures and mycoplasmas. Texas Reports on Biology and Medicine 23, 285-303. Hale, H. H., C. F. Helmboldt, W. N. Plastridge i E. F. 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XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 285 286 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 THE ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION OF OVARIES AS A TOOL IN GOAT SUPEROVULATION PROCEDURES ULTRAZVUČNA PRETRAGA JAJNIKA U SUPEROVULACIJSKIM PO¹STUPCIMA U KOZA Grizelj, J.¹, S. Vince¹, A. González de Bulnes², M. Karadjole¹, T. Dobranić¹, M. Samardžija¹, I. Getz¹, N.Prvanović¹, M. Belić¹, A.Tomašković¹, M. Lipar¹, D. Cvitković¹ ¹Veterinary faculty, University of Zagreb, Croatia; jgrizelj@vef.hr, svince@vef.hr ²INIA, Dpto. de Reproducción Animal y Conservación de Recursos Zoogenéticos, Madrid, Spain Abstract The aim of this research was to establish the importance and accuracy of the ultrasonic examination of donor goats submitted to superovulation procedures. For this reason 9 goats were systematically examined by ultrasound: 1) to monitor development of the follicles on the ovaries after hormonal treatement started; 2) to confirm the ovulation(s) and 3) to assess the quality of the corpus/ora luteum/ea (CL) on the respective ovaries. To perform the ultrasonic examination the animals were placed in dorsal recumbency and 7,5MHz ultrasound probe was placed into the rectum.The accuracy of the ultrasound exams was measured by comparing the number of follicles counted on ovaries with number of corpora lutea presented after laparatomy was done to accomplish the lavage of uterus and collection of the 7 days old embryos.The absence of follicle(s) on ovaries after ovulation was expected and does mated was considered as a sign of occured ovulation. The rate of follicles found on the ovaries by ultrasound / number of corpora lutea counted when the uterus was rinsed was 57,86%. If there were less then 10 follicles per ovary the results were even better. The ultrasonic exams of donor goats is appreciable tool by which follicular dynamics can be followed and the success of superovulation procedure predicted and measured. Key words: ultrasonic examination, ovary, goat, superovulation, ovulation, follicle, corpus luteum Sažetak Cilj ovoga rada bio je utvrditi važnost i točnost ultrazvučnog pregleda koza davateljica u postupcima superovulacije. U tu svrhu 9 je koza sustavno pregledavano ultrazvukom: 1) kako bi se pratio razvoj folikula na jajnicima nakon započetog hormonalnog tretmana; 2) kako bi se potvrdila/e ovulacija/e i 3) kako bi se procijenila kvaliteta žutog/ih tijela (CL) na jajnicima. Prilikom izvođenja ultrazvučne pretrage životinje su polegnute na leđa, a 7,5MHz linearna ultrazvučna sonda aplicirana je rektalno. Točnost ultrazvučnih nalaza mjerena je usporedbom broja ultrazvukom utvrđenih folikula na jajnicima sa brojem žutih tijela prisutnih na jajnicima prilikom laparotomijskog ispiranja maternice koza u svrhu dobivanja 7 dana starih zametaka. Ultrazvukom utvrđeno neprisutstvo folikula na jajnicima nakon očekivane ovulacije i parenja smatrano je potvrdom nastupa ovulacije. Stopa ultrazuvučno utvrđenih folikula na jajnicima / broj žutih tijela izbrojanih prilikom ispiranja maternica je iznosila 57,86%. Ukoliko je na jajnicima bilo sveukupno manje od 10 folikula rezultati su bili i bolji. Ultrazvučne pretrage koza davateljica značajna su metoda za praćenje folikularne dinamike te za procjenu i mjerenje uspjeha superovulacijskog hormonalnog postupka. Ključne riječi: ultrazvučna pretraga, jajnik, koza, superovulacija, ovulacija, folikul, corpus luteum XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 287 Introduction The ultrasonic examination of the ovaries allows the visualization and measuring of ovaries and its cyclic structures (follicles, corpora lutea). The use of transabdominal pregnancy diagnostic (5MHz) in the countries where intensive goat industry has been practiced is done routinely. Nevertheless, transrectal exams of the ovaries are restricted to the scientific purposes mostly. The detailed ultrasonographic patterns of preovulatory and ovulatory follicles in goats has not been performed until recently (González de Bulnes et al., 2004). The frequency used to obtain a detailed view of the ovarian structures are higher (7,5MHz) than those used for transabdominal purposes. Although the ovulatory size of follicles is 6-8mm, the ultrasound exams allows the small antral follicles (2-3mm) to be detected as anechoic structures of sphery shape and thin wall and their growth and development (González de Bulnes et al., 1994). Riesenberg et al. (2001) found that small follicles began to rise immediately after the superovulatory stimulus and reach its maximum size during late proestrus or oestrus. It is considered that the ovulation occurs if the absence of follicular antrum was noticed after exams were performed once a day and the presence of increased heterogeneous echogenicity in its site was found (González de Bulnes et al., 2004). It is so due to the fact that the ultrasound structure of corpus haemorragicum does not differ from the rest of the ovarian parenchym (González de Bulnes et al., 1999). The process of the corpus luteum formation allows it to be clearly detected as normo and hiperechoic pattern. It should be mentioned that aproximatively 33% of CL have a central cavity (González de Bulnes et al., 1999) which must not be confused with small follicles. The most important difference is the presence of typical thick wall of CL. Also to be considered is the occurence of partial or total early luteolysis of corpora lutea in 10-35% of does (Chemineau et al., 1999), which as a consequence has a big percentage of retarded and degenerated, non- transferable embryos. The aim of this study was to evaluate the possibility of the prompt detection of ovulation and the efficacy of accurate detection of follicles created after the goats were submitted to superovulatory treatements. Methods Nine females, assigned to produce the embryos by superovulation procedure were systematically examined by ultrasound to monitor development of follicules on their ovaries and to confirm the ovulations. The study was performed during the breeding season (February) using 9 young nanny goats of Boer breed, in average age of one year. The animals were held outdoors and by the beginning of the study they were put indoors, at the facilities of Veterinary faculty in Zagreb, Croatia at a lattitude of 45°N. To perform the ultrasonic exam the goats were placed in dorsal recumbency, restrained in a cradle as used for laparoscopy and 7,5MHz lubricated linear array ultrasound probe was placed into the rectum (Sonovet 2000, Medison Co., Ltd., South Korea). It is known that probes with outer dimensions of 10cm length, 3cm height and 2cm width can be introduced into the rectum without difficulties (Kaspar, 1988). It is necessary that probe can be rotated laterally. If the probe to be used is not attached to a sufficiently stiff cable which can advance the probe into the rectum, a pipe or concave rod should be used to stiff the probe (Kähn, 2004). 288 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 After the probe has been placed into the rectum, with transductor directed ventrally, it is pushed cranially to find out the urinary bladder which, due to tipically anechoic shade, represent the orientation point. After reaching it, the probe is turned a little bit cranially and then laterally on both directions in order to localise the ovaries, which are situated within the curves of the uterine horns. The Boer does were submitted to ultrasonic exams once a day through a 3 days superovulatory treatement with porcine follicle-stimulating hormone (pFSH; Folltropin®–V, Vetrepharm, Canada) and on the day of oestrus detection. The hormonal treatement was divided into 6 parts in decreasing concentration and applied at 12 hours intervals. The doses used were 2 times 50mg pFSH and 2 times 25mg for the second and the third day as well. The ovaries were examined in order to confirm the ovulation 2days after the goats were hand mated as well. Results and discussion Table 1. The accuracy of ultrasound exams of goat ovaries submitted to hormonal superovulation by 3 days FSH treatement. The comparison of number of follicles ≥6mm counted on ovaries on the day of oestrus detection with number of corpora lutea present after laparatomy was done to accomplish the collection of embryos. n° of nanny goat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 n° of follicles ≥6mm 9 12 7 8 7 8 8 11 11 n° of CL 17 28 14 19 10 9 8 18 17 % of accuracy 52,94 42,86 50,00 42,11 70,00 88,89 100,00 61,11 64,71 Σ 81 140 57,86 The ultrasound accuracy was found to be 57,86% which is in accordance with Kähn (2004) who pointed out that sonographic examination could only enable the researcher to establish the tendency in follicle numbers and makes counting the exact number of follicles impossible. González de Bulnes et al. (1999) explained such difference as a consequence of follicular superposition. The follicles placed one next to another could mask each other (Fig. 1., 2.) and consequently provoke mistakes. Moreover, they mentioned that transversal, anechoic section of blood vessels could also be, by mistake, considered as follicles. To avoid it, the probe should always be rotated a little bit to obtain the elongated longitudinal section of blood vessel and thereby prevent the mistakes. The absence of follicle(s) on ovaries, established by ultrasound exam 48h after onset of oestrus, is considered as sign of occured ovulation (Fig. 4). XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 289 Fig. 1., 2. Ultrasonographic image of superovulated ovary with many follicles present Fig. 3. Image of superovulated ovaries after laparatomy has been performed Fig. 4. Ultrasonographic image of ovary 48 h after onset of oestrus; the absence of follicles is considered as occured ovulation 290 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 We also found out that some minor number of follicles did not ovulate and therefore were present on the respected ovaries after ovulation of the great majority of follicles was confirmed. Nevertheless, their presence do not influence the quality of created CL and collected embryos as measured by serum progesterone concentration and quality assessment of embryos. On the other hand, frequent appearance (10-35%) of early luteolysed CL significantly diminish the quality and development potential of embryos (Chemineau et al., 1999). Pierson and Ginther (1988) defined the difficulties of determing the corpora haemorragica by ultrasound due to the very similar ultrasound pattern as a ovarian parenchym. González de Bulnes et al. (1999) pointed out the problem of superposed corpora lutea what disable the corpora lutea to be counted. This study confirmed those difficulties and furthermore affirmed the inability to differenciate the formed corpora lutea one from each other due to their merged outlines, despite hyperechoic pattern attained. Conclusions Although it is impossible to determine by ultrasound the exact number of follicles arised after pFSH treatement was done, the ultrasound examination was found to be very useful tool to estimate the tendency of individual follicular development. It is also a suitable device to determine the occurance of the ovulation of the respective follicles. In this way the ultrasound exams of the ovaries could save the time and the money due to elimination of those animals who did not respond to the treatement or did not ovulated as well before the laparatomy and collection of embryos start. References Chemineau P, Baril G, Leboeuf B, et al. Implications des progres recents en physiologie de la reproduction pour la conduite de la reproduction dans l’espece caprine. INRA Prod.Anim. 1999; 12(2): 135-146. González de Bulnes, A., Díaz-Delfa, C., Urrutia, B., Carrizosa, J.A., López Sebastián, A. (2004): Ultrasonographic screening of the ovulatory proces sin goats. Small Ruminant Research 52: 165-168. González de Bulnes, A., Santiago Moreno, J., García López, M., Gómez Brunet, A., López Sebastián, A. (1994): Observación del ovario en la oveja y eficacia en la detección de folículos y cuerpos lúteos mediante ecografía transrectal: Investigación Agraria, 9: 319-329. González de Bulnes, A., Santiago Moreno, J., López Sebastián, A. (1999): Exploración del aparato genital femenino. Monografías Ovis, 61: 21-33. Kähn, W. (2004): Veterinary Reproductive Ultrasonography, Special ed. Reprint from 1994. Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft. Hannover. pp. 189-193. Kaspar, B. (1988): Beitrag zur Sonographie in der gynäkologischen Diagnostik, insbesondere zur Feststellung der Gravidität bei Schaf und Ziege. Tagungsbericht «Krankheiten der kleinen Wiederkäuer» der DVG, Gieβen. Pierson, R.A. and Ginther, O.J. (1988): Follicular populations during the oestrus cycle in heifers III. Time of selection of ovulatory follicle. Animal Reproduction Science, 16: 81-95. Riesenberg, S., Meinecke-Tillmann, S., Meinecke, B. (2001): Ultrasonic survey of follicular development following superovulation with a single application of pFSH, eCG or hMG in goats. Small Ruminant Research, 40(1): 83-93. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 291 XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 292 SYNCHRONIZATION OF OESTRUS IN KARADI EWES: THE USE OF DIFFERENT PMSG DOSES Sinkronizacija estrusa u karadi ovaca: uporaba različitih PMSG DOza SAIF A. BALIOS Department of Surgery and Veterinary Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, University Of Dohuk, Kurdistan Region, Iraq. Abstract: The experiment was performed on 80 karadi ewes. The ewes were randomly divided into 4 groups. Intravaginal sponges containing 40 mg of FGA, were left in the vagina of groups 2,3 and 4 for 14 d. Immediately after removal of the sponges,PMSG hormones at the doses of 500 IU (T1), 600 IU (T2) and 700 IU (T3) respectively were administered intramuscularly. The first group served as control. Conception rate was slightly higher (p<0.05) in control group (90%) compared with the treated groups ( 80%). Ewes in T1, T2 and T3 groups exhibited the highest ( 12.5, 18.75 and 12.5 respectively) twinning percentage (p<0.01) and litter size (1.12, 1.18 and 1.12 respectively) (p<0.05). In conclusion the implementation of 500, 600 and 700 IU of PMSG in karadi sheep warrants improvement of the reproductive efficiency of karadi ewes during the mating season. Key words: Karadi ewe, PMSG,Reproductive performance. Sažetak Pokus je proveden na 80 ovaca koje su nasumično podijeljene u 4 grupe. Vaginalne spužvice sa 40 mg FGA su aplicirane u 2., 3. i 4. skupini ovaca te su držane tijekom 14 dana. Odmah po vađenju spužvica, intramuskularno je apliciran PMSG hormon u dozi od 500 i.j. (G1), 600 i.j. (G2) i 700 i.j. (G3). Prva je skupina ovaca bila kontrolna. Stopa koncepcije je bila lagano viša (p<0,05) u kontrolnoj skupini (90%), nego u tretiranim grupama ovaca (80%). Ovce u G1, G2 i G3 su pak imale viši (p<0,01) postotak dvojaka (12,5; 18,75 i 12,5) i veličinu legla (1,12; 1,18 i 1,12) (p<0.05). Zaključeno je kako uporaba 500, 600 i 700 i.j. PMSG u Karadi ovaca jamči poboljšanje rasplodne učinkovitosti Karadi ovaca tijekom sezone spolne aktivnosti. Ključne riječi: Karadi ovca, PMSG, rasplodna svojstva Introduction: Sheep are considered to be one of the first domesticated mammals and are known to have been closely associated with man from a very early date. Sheep offer the potential of making an important contribution to providing food and fiber for a growing world population. The fact that most ewes in the agriculturally productive countries are seasonal breeders and in general produce smaller lamb crops than farmers may wish has made sheep an obvious target for the reproductive physiologist’s attention (20). To increase fertility in sheep and thus to benefit more from facilities, melatonin, PGf2 alpha and progestogens are used to stimulate and synchronize oestrus. Progestogens can be used alone or with FSH and PMSG (13). An intravaginal progestogen sponge, followed by PMSG injection has been applied to ewes to synchronize oestrus during the breeding season (17,21). Intramuscular administration of 400 IU and XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 293 500- 700 IU of PMSG at day when intravaginally applied sponges were removed increased the ratio of ovulation and twinning (10, 11). There is no information regarding synchronization efficiency and fertility induced by administration of hormones in karadi ewes during breeding season. Thus the purpose of this study was to investigate the influences of intravaginally applied FGA and intramuscularly injected different doses of PMSG on fertility, twinning rate and litter size in karadi sheep in mating season in Dohuk Governorate. Materials and Methods: The experiment was conducted at the Department of Animal Production Faculty of Agriculture College, Dohuk University, in Kurdistan Region in the north of Iraq during 2006 mating season. Eighty karadi breed ewes (2-4 years old) were used. Animals were allowed to graze cereal stubble and barley grains (400 g for ewe per day) according to their requirements (18). Animals were randomly divided into four groups. The first group (n=20) was served as control (C), and ewes of groups 2, 3 and 4 (n=20) for each of them were intramuscularly injected with 500(T1), 600 (T2) and 700 (T3) IU PMSG ( SYNCRO-PART PMSG, Ceva, France) . The injections were carried out 14 days after the withdrawal of the vaginal sponges impregnated with 40 mg of FGA (SYNCRO-PART sponge, Ceva, France). Active fertile rams (1:10) were introduced to ewes, 24 hrs. after the withdrawal of the sponges. Rams were left with the ewes for 3 estrul cycles together with the control group. For this experiment, fertility (%), litter size and the rates of conception, lambing and twinning were together calculated according to Al-Saigh and Al-Kass(1992) (7). Data were analyzed by using GLM procedures (SAS, 1996) (19). Chi-square test was performed to test the significance of the differences. Results: Effects of FGA vaginal sponge which used to synchronize oestrus and different doses of PMSG on fertility parameters were presented in table 1. Fertility rate was not affected significantly by PMSG treatment. Though it tended to be higher in control group (85 %) (Table 1). Conception rate on the other hand was higher (p< 0.05) in control group (90%) compared with PMSG treated groups (80 %) (Table 1). Lambing rate tended to be higher in T2 group than in T1, T2 and C group. T1, T2 and T3 groups exhibited the highest (p<0.01) twinning rates in relation with C group (Table 1).Treatment with PMSG caused significant (p<0.05) in litter size of treated ewes (1.12, 1.18, vs. 1.05). 294 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Table 1: Effects of FGA and PMSG treatment on reproductive performance in Karadi ewes Treatment Traits No. of ewes No. of Lambs No. of ewes aborted (1) Fertility ( % ) (2) conception rate ( % ) No. of lambs born No. of twins born (3) Lambing rate ( % ) (4)Twinning rate ( % ) (5)Liters_size C 20 17 1.00 85 90 18 1 90 5.88 1.05 T1 20 16 0.00 80 80 18 2 90 12.5 1.12 T2 20 16 0.00 80 80 19 3 95 18.75 1.18 T3 20 16 0.00 80 80 18 2 90 12.5 1.12 Level of significance N.S * N.S ** * * = p < 0.05 ** = p < 0.01 N.S = Non significant. (1) No. of ewes lambed /No. of ram-exposured of ewes X100. (2) No. of ewes lambed and aborted / No. of ram-exposured X 100. (3) No. of lambs born/ No. of ram –exposured ewes X 100. (4) No. of twin born / No. of ewes lambed X100. (5) No. of lambs born / No. of ewe lambed. Discussion: Results of the present study revealed a high rate of fertility (85%) compared with those previously reported by Alkass et al.,(72%) (5) and Al-Khzraji et al.,(45-70%) (6) and in line with that of Imm and Juma (85%) (14).In retrospect,these findings are lower than the previous results obtained by Alkass et al.,(92.2%)(4 ) and Timurkan and Yildiz (100%) (21).One could argue that the main reasons for the reduction of fertility in PMSG treated ewes compared with control group (85%) in the present study could be attributed to both uterine and ovarian causes. This may be due in part,to differences in responsiveness of the ovaries to PMSG (16) reduced sperm transport (15) as well as to alteration in the cleavage rate (2) or in circulating hormonal milieu (8). Considering the present values of conception rates, the low rates (80%) as compared with those reported by Alkass et al, (98.7%) (4) experimented on adult ewes using 600 IU PMSG. Differences as such may reflect the differences in the potency between analogues as well as in the management practices followed .On the other hand the conception rate was similar to the previous finding of Alkass et al.,(84%) (5). Lambing rate in the treated ewes was 90-95% this similar to (90-100%) reported by Timurkan and Yildiz (21) and 90% reported by Crosby and O’callaghan (9). Similar improvement in twinning rate was also observed by Ageel (1) using 500 IU PMSG for adult Awassi ewes. It was pointed out that administration of PMSG increased the number of follicles and therefore raised the twinning rates(12). XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 295 Collectively, increasing lambing and twinning rates would certainly increase the number of lambs born and consequently increase farmers profits under Iraqi farm condition. Treatment with PMSG caused a significant increase in litter size among treated ewes. These results data are consistent with the finding of Al-Haboby et al.,(3). These data indicated that 500,600 and 700 IU of PMSG is a supportive tool in improving some of the reproductive output of Karadi ewes raised semi extensively during breeding season in north of Iraq. References: 1-Ageel, H.M. (1998).Effect of breeding group and hormonal treatment on Reproductive performance of Awassi sheep. M.Sc.Thesis. College of Agriculture, University of Baghdad (Arabic). 2- Ahmed, N., Schrick, F.N., Butcher, R.L. and Inskeep, k. (1995). Effect of Persistent follicles on early embryonic losses in beff cows. Biol. Reprod. 52: 1129- 1138. 3- Al-Haboby,A.H.,Al-salman,M.H., Hassan,H.A. and Faraj,H. (1992). Estrus synchronization and superovulation of Awassi sheep. IPAJ.Agric.Res.2: 126- 174. 4-Alkass,J.E.,Abdulkareem,T.A. and Al-Anbari,N.N.(1999).The combined Effect of PMSG and Vitamin A administration on some Reproductive performance of Awassi ewes .2nd Scientific Conference for Agriculture Research (Animal Production ) Baghdad. Pp.128-135. 5-Alkass,J.E.,Abdulkareem,T.A. and Al-Mjamei,S.M.(2004).Reproduction Performance of Iraqi Awassi ewes in response to treatment with Equine chorionic gonadotropin .J.Agri.Investment.2:74-77. 6- Al-Khazraji,A.A., Abu-Tabeigh,S.M.,Abdulkareem,T.A. and Mahdi, U.A.(2000).Reproductive response s of Awassi ewes to different Level of PMSG administration .Iraqi J. Agric.Sci.31:681-687. 7-Al-saigh, M.N. and Alkass,J.E.(1992).Sheep and goat production Dar Al-Hikma Press.(Arabic). 8-Chow,L.A.,Thatcher,W.W.,Karla,P.S.,Wilcox,C.J. and Chenault,J.R. (1982).Peripheral progesterone,estradiol and luteinizing hormone Plasma levels during and after estrus synchronization in dairy Heifers with melengestrol acetate .Arq.Esc.Vet.34:545-556. 9- Crosby,T.F. and O’Callghan,D.(1991) .Effect of rumen degradable Bolus containing melatonin or progesterone plus PMSG on oestrus Response and lambing rates in ewes.Theriogenology.35:747-752. 10- Cruz,D.G.,DeLa Castaneda,M.J.and Rocha,C.G.(1991).Effects of Oestrus synchronization by means of FGA-impregnated sponges On the fertility and prolificacy of partly housed pelibuey ewes. Anim. Breed Abstr.59:1052. 11-Gonzalez Lopez,J.,Espejo Diaz,M.,Serrano Garride,A. and Alvarez Martinez,Aj.(1987).Increasing lambing frequency by means of Techniques for controlling the oestrus cycle in Merino and Merino x Romanov ewes. Anim. Breed Abstr.55:5083. 12-Gulyuz,F. and Kozat,S. (1995). Synchronization of oestrus in sheep and The effect of PMSG dose on lambs number.YYU J Faculty Vet. Med. 6:64-66. 13-Hafez,E.S.E.(1993). Reproductive cycles. In: Reproduction in Farm Animals. Hafez E.S.E.(Ed),Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia.pp.94-113. 14-Imm,A.A.and Juma,F.T.(1987). Estrus synchronization with hormones And its influence on Karadi ewes. Iraqi J.Agric.Sci.(Zanco)5(3): 71-79. 15- Lauderdale, J.W. and Ericsson, R.J.(1970). Physiological conditions Affecting the ability of cattle uteri to influence the fertilizing Capacity of sperm . Biol.Reprod.2:179-188. 16-Mann,G.E., McNelly,A.S. and Baird,D.T.(1992).Hormone production In vivo and in vitro from follicles at different stages of the estrus Cycle in sheep .J.Endocrinol.132:225-235. 296 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 17- Mutiga,E.R.and Mukasa-Mugerwa,E.(1992).Effect of method of estrus Synchronization and PMSG dosage on estrus and twinning in Ethiopian Menz sheep .Theriogenology 38:727-734. 18-NRC.(1975).Nutrients Requirement of Domestic Animals .No.5.Nutrient Requirement of sheep .Fifth edn. National Academy of sciences. National Research Council .Washington,D.C. 19-SAS.(1996).Users Guide statistics.SAS Inst. Cary.NC. 20-Shelon,M.(1995). Harnessing the biological potential of sheep in Providing protein for growing world population .J.Anim.Sci.73: 243. 21-Timurkan,H.and Yildiz,H.(2005).Synchronization of oesrtus in Hamdan Ewes : The use of different PMSG doses .Bull.Vet.Inst.Pulawy.49: 311-314. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 297 298 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Surgery - Miscellaneus Kirurgija - Ostalo XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 299 300 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Role of Bovine Digital Dermatitis (BDD) on service period of dairy cattle Utjecaj bovinog digitalnog dermatitisa na servis period krava muzara Gjino P.¹, Koleci Xh.¹, Turmalaj L.¹, Grizelj J.², Vince S.2, Lika E.¹ ¹Agricultural University of Tirana, Faculty of veterinary medicine, Albania ²Veterinary faculty, University of Zagreb, Croatia Abstract Several conditions of foot infections of cattle; bovine interdigital dermatitis, bovine interdigital necrobacillosis, bovine digital dermatitis (BDD), lamellar suppuration are described in the literature (5, 6). The bovine digital dermatitis is the most frequent one causing a painful and severe lameness; economic loss due to decreased milk production and reproduction performance (4, 5, 7). The disease was described for the first time in Italy in 1974 as Mortellaro’s disease. It occurs primarily in dairy cattle and have been reported as a cause of lameness worldwide, including Albania. BDD is generally considered as infectious disease (4). This study is focused on the role of bovine digital dermatitis on service period of affected cows. The study was carried out on dairy cattle herd in Tirana, Albania. The prevalence of this condition was evaluated, the main bacterial causes were isolated and the time of successful insemination was surveyed. The animals were divided in two groups. Each group consisted of six cows in same physiological status and management conditions. The first group was composed of cows not affected, while the second group comprised the animals affected by foot infections. The prevalence of foot infections on the farm was 18,67%. The main bacterial agents implicated were Fusobacterium necrophorum, Dicolobacterium nodosus and Arcanobacterium pyogenes. A significant difference between two groups was established. The cows from the first group were successfully inseminated 91,5 ± 13,3 days after delivery. The affected group of cows was successfully inseminated 139 ± 143 days after parturition. Key words: cattle, foot infection, service period, successful insemination Sažetak U literaturi je opisano nekoliko zaraznih stanja papaka; bovini interdigitalni dermatitis, bovina interdigitalna nekrobaciloza, bovini digitalni dermatitis (BDD) i lamelarna supuracija. Bovini digitalni dermatitis je najčešći, uzrokujući bol i jako šepanje te gospodarske gubitke zbog smanjenja proizvodnje mlijeka i smanjenih reproduktivnih parametara. Bolest je prvi puta opisana u Italiji 1974. kao Mortellaro-va bolest. Prvenstveno se javlja u krava muzara, a potvrđena je širom svijeta kao uzrok hromosti, uključujući Albaniju. BDD se općenito smatra zaraznom bolesti. Ova je studija usmjerena na proučavanje utjecaja BDD-a na servis period u zahvaćenih krava, a provedena je na stadu krava muzara u Tirani, Albanija. Proučavana je pojavnost ovog stanja, izolirani su glavni bakterijski uzročnici te je promatrano vrijeme do uspješnog osjemenjivanja. Životinje su podijeljene u dvije supine. Svaka grupa sastojala se od 6 krava istog fiziološkog statusa i držanih u jednakim uvjetima. Prvu skupinu su sačinjavale krave nezahvaćene bolešću, dok su drugu skupinu sačinjavale krave sa bolesnim papcima. Ukupna pojavnost bolesti papaka na farmi iznosila je 18,67%. Dominantni izolirani bakterijski uzročnici bili su Fusobacterium necrophorum, Dicolobacterium nodosus i Arcanobacterium pyogenes. Utvrđena je znakovita razlika između dviju supina - krave iz prve skupine uspješno su osjemenjene 91,5 ± 13,3 dana nakon teljenja, a s druge strane, zahvaćena supina životinja uspješno je osjemenjena 139 ± 143 dana nakon poroda. Ključne riječi: govedo, infekcija papka, servis period, uspješno osjemenjivanje XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 301 Introduction Bovine digital dermatitis (BDD) is a bacterial infection of the epidermal skin of the claw (4, 7). Early lesions are circumscribed, with a red, granular appearance. Lameness is severe, and economic losses are due to decreased milk production and suboptimal reproductive performance (4). Etiology A mixed population of Gram-negative bacteria including anaerobic, microaerofilic organisms and spirochetes has been identified and isolated (1, 2, 3). At least five different spirochetal phylotypes within genus Treponema have been identified whereas Treponema denticola-like spirochetes were the most common (5). Spirochetes isolated from cases of severe virulent ovine foot rot (SVOFR) in Australia, UK and Ireland are closely related to a treponeme isolated from human periodontitis and bovine digital dermatitis. This suggests the possibility of cross-species transmission (3, 5). There are reports about combination between spirochetes, Campylobacter faecalis, Fusobacterium necrophorum and Borrelia burgdopheri. The two spirochetes most likely to be implicated are the Treponemes designated 2-1498 and 1-9185 MED. Experimental transmission of BDD has been achieved by applying fresh BDD exudates on scarified, through eight consecutive days soaked calf skin, using gauze. This shows the extreme importance of wet environmental conditions for the development of the disease. Risk factors Host risk factors. The prevalence increases with age. At the age of one, almost all animals have some epiderman skin lesions of the claw of at least one foot. The clinical disease is much more common in first calf heifer and young cows. The first parity cows have the highest odds of BDD. The odds decrease, in a dose-effect manner, as parity increases. The odds of BDD increase as lactation progresses. The plantar and palmar regions of foot may be more conductive to the development of BDD because these anatomical sites are more exposed to moisture (1, 5, 7). Environmental risk factors. The BDD is about 20 times more likely to be found in dairy herds with muddier corrals than in farms with drier ground surface in corrals. The disease is more common in the freestall confined herds due to the fact that feet are constantly exposed to moisture so they become coated with layer of dried feces. Purchased heifers increased 4,7 times the risk of disease occurrence in comparison with the herds where heifers were not purchased on such a manner. The disease is more likely to appear in the herds were the footbaths are not used regularly. It is more frequent in the herds where the cows are housed in the slatted floor than in animals housed in straw. Feeding with a large variety of dietary present a protective measure (5). Pathogen risk factors. The Treponema strains have adhesion properties and produce high levels of Chymotrypsine-like protease and high level of praline iminopeptidase which present a major virulence factor. Economic importance. The BDD positive herds experience an economic loss due to reduced total milk production per lactation, longer calving to conception interval and higher number of services per conception (5). 302 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Material and methods The study was carried out during the years of 2006 and 2007 on dairy cattle of Frisian / Holstein breed in Tirana district. Firstly, the prevalence of foot root infections on the herd have been evaluated. Thereafter, the cows were divided in two groups. The first group consisted of cows not affected and the second group comprised the animals affected by BDD. The samples were collected with purpose of isolating the bacterial pathogens which were involved on the apparition of digital dermatitis. There was no opportunity to carry out the examination of the histologic smears on dark field microscopy to evaluate the presence of Treponema serovar which may be involved. This study comprised the cows in the last month of pregnancy and raised in the same management conditions. The period of time from calving to conception was evaluated and compared between groups. Results and discussion The prevalence of BDD was 18,67% (48 out of 257 cows). The most affected were first parity heifers. The data are presented in the chart below. Incide nce of B ov ine D igital D e rmatitis in D airy cows according to parity 4 4 Parity 3 3 2 1 2 8 9 num ber of affec ted c aw s Num ber of parity 13 18 0 Num be r of a ffe c te d c ow s The high incidence of digital dermatitis in young cows is considered as a consequence of farmer’s manner of supplying the heifers from the market. The animals were exposed to different stable conditions and management, as well as stress factors like delivery, first lactation and different feed. Mixed bacterial flora was isolated from submitted samples, most prevalently Fusobacterium necrophorum. The main objective of the study was to determine the impact of BDD on reproduction performance. The emphasis was put on their influence on calving to conception interval as well as on number of services per conception. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 303 Dairy cattle Ear tag No 035 692 035 166 035 210 035 070 035 139 035 327 Digital Dermatitis The data for the control group (healthy cows) are presented below. Calving to conception period Date of calving Date of successful service (days) 06. 03. 2006. 08. 06. 2006. 108 12. 02. 2006. 19. 05. 2006. 106 03. 01. 2006. 28. 03. 2006. 84 27. 02. 2006. 15. 05. 2006. 77 11. 02. 2006. 02. 05. 2006. 80 23. 05. 2006. 04. 09. 2006. 94 The data for the second group (affected cows) are presented below. Ear tag No 035 174 035 228 035 479 035 462 035 511 035 613 304 Date of calving Date of service of conception 03. 04. 2006. 11. 01. 2006. 16. 02. 2006. 18. 01. 2006. 24. 02. 2006. 18. 04. 2006. 03. 09. 2006. 24. 05. 2006. 30. 06. 2006. 26. 06. 2006. 24. 06. 2006. 28. 09. 2006. Calving to conception period (days) 153 133 134 159 120 135 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 The data indicated a significant difference between two groups. The service period was 91,5 ± 13,3 days for the first group and 139 ± 14,38 days for the second. We concluded that the prevalence of digital dermatitis is high in our farm. The absence of control program allows and predisposes the high prevalence. The BDD have a big impact on duration of calving to conception period. A control program for the foot rot infection in the farm should be established as a routine procedure, as animals with lesions act as reservoirs of infection for other animals. The important attention should be pointed to environmental factors and disinfection which should be carried out regularly. References: 1. Berberi P. et al. (2003): Diseases of Ruminants 2. Çabeli P. (2006): Microbiology Veterinary 3. Dwight C. Hirsh and Yan Chung Zee., P J. (1999): Veterinary Microbiology 4. Irish Veterinary Journal (2007) Vol.60. Nr.2 5. O. M. Rodostits et al. (2007): Veterinary Medicine, Saunders Co. Ltd., London, Great Britain 6. P. J. Quinn, B. K. Markey, M. E. Carter, W. J. Donnelly and F. C. Leonard, Quinn P.J. et al. (1994): Clinical Microbiology XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 305 306 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 INFLUENCE ON PREVALENCE OF THE DERMATITIS DIGITALIS PAPILLOMATOSA IN THE DAIRY HERDS UTJECAJ NA POJAVNOST PAPILOMATOZNOG DIGITALNOG DERMATITISA U MLIJEČNIH KRAVA Borut Zemljič Dr. Vet. Med. MrSci, PhD, Dipl ECBHM;Veterinary Polyclinic Ormož d.o.o., Ljutomerska 25, SI2270 Ormož, Slovenia, Phone: +386 41 639 087, E-mail: borut.zemljic@veterina-ormoz.si Abstract The trial was performed on six dairy farms with total number of 652 animals. All animals in our trial were twice a year systematically corrected and during this procedure not only correction of the defects, but also inventarisation of all changes on all four feet was made. First systemic correction was made at the end of the winter period, just before on the three farms animals were put on the pasture, on three other farms animals were not on pasture any time. Second corrections were mostly done at the end of October or in begin of November. In between every two weeks material from the manager or the owner of the farm was collected with the data about obvious seen changes during the milking procedure on the claws of the animals. Every individual procedure was reported and all the data were at the end statistical evaluated. On all six farms system of disinfection of the claw was changes during the trial, so we were in the position to measure effect on appearance of dermatitis digitalis papilomatosa. Data were compared and statistical evaluated. There were no statistical significant improvement; only on one farm we observed significant changes in prevalence of dermatitis digitalis papilomatosa. Sažetak Istraživanje je provedeno na šest farmi mliječnih krava s ukupnim brojem od 652 grla.Sve promatrane životinje godišnje su dva puta bile obuhvaćene pregledom i korekcijom papaka a izvršena je zabilježba svih nađenih promjena na sva četiri ekstremiteta.Prvi pregled i korekcija izvedeni su krajem zimskog perioda,pri čemu u tri farme neposredno prije ispusta na pašnjak a u preostale tri farme krave su držane u stajama.Drugi pregled i korekcija su obavljeni krajem listopada ili početkom mjeseca studenog.U međuvremenu svaka dva tjedna rukovoditelj farme ili vlasnik farme je tijekom mužnje bilježio zamjećene promjene na papcima.Svi podaci su statistički obrađeni. U svih šest promatranih skupina dezinfekcija papaka je obavljana, no različitim načinima, a mi smo obradili dobivene rezultate glede pojavnosti papilomatoznog digitalnog dermatitisa.Podaci su statistički obrađeni i međusobno uspoređeni.Nismo naišli na statistički značajne promjene osim na jednoj farmi. Introduction Dermatitis digitalis (DD) or papilomatous dermatitis digitalis (PDD) of cattle has been identified as a major cause of lameness and economic looses in dairy herd production world wide. Dermatitis digitalis is a multifactorial, superficial dermatitis of the digital skin above the coronet in cattle. Dermatitis digitalis was first diagnosed 1974 in Italy by Mortellaro and after that successively in different parts of the world, where intense dairy production is present, was reported. In Colour Atlas of Affections of Bovine Digit from 1984 four diseases were described: Dermatitis digitalis, Dermatitis interdigitalis, Dermatitis verrucosa and Interdigitalis phlegmon, Zemljic reported in 1994 about XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 307 presence of Spirochete like organisms as potential cause of the disease and two years latter same group founded out, that papilomatous changes on the lesions were actually chronic development of the disease; therefore disease was named dermatitis digitalis papilomatosa or papilomatous digital dermatitis (PDD). Dermatitis digitalis papilomatosa (PDD) could be one of the major causes for diminishing production in modern dairy herds. Especially in loos house systems and in Holstein Frisian breed PDD could be reason of the financial problems in the production. In such herds it is necessary to have overview on prevalence of PDD. Anywhere where the prevalence of the disease is over 20 % we must understand PDD as herd problem, where systemic measures must be taken also not only treatment of individual animals must be performed. On the second hand prevalence of 20% is not sharp border between health and disease, between financial success and flap. In some cases we can observe prevalence of 10% with typical herd problem and on other hand we can observe herds where even 20% could not perform problem. In any case it is necessary to treat herd as unit and additionally individual animals. Material and methods The trial was performed at the commercial dairy farms all around Slovenia on six different locations. On first farm - No1- were 132 dairy cows and 35 heifers in production stall in two groups with average production of 7125 kg milk per standard lactation in last year. They used 10% cooper sulphate. At begin of winter period 2006 they changed to KOVEX®, which is used every second day on the way to the milking parlour. Systemic trimming were performed once a year, normally in the spring time. On farm No.2 there were 46 dairy cows and 25 heifers with average production of 9102 kg/ milk per standard lactation. They introduced KOVEX® in November 2006 and they use foam every second month and nothing in between. Systemic correction is made before dry off period and after 150 days in milk. Farm No3 keeps 55 dairy cows and 15 heifers with average production of 8207 kg milk per standard lactation. The mode of KOVEX® use was same as on farm No.2. They do not use any systemic claw trimming procedure, only according to needs in the herd. Herd No4. Have 280 dairy cows and 50 heifers with average production of 7356 kg/milk per standard lactation. They use systemic trimming every year at the end of the winter period and after end of pasture period. At begin of the last winter period (2006) they introduced KOVEX®. They used foam every second day till they began with spring systemic trimming in February. Than they abandon KOVEX® and start to use 10% cooper sulphate. They change solution twice weekly, after the barrier passed about 1300 animals. Farm No5. keep 60 dairy cows and 35 heifers with average production of 8870 kg of milk per standard lactation. They start to use KOVEX® foam at begin of November 2006 in the mode for three weeks, than they pause for next three weeks with disinfection with 5% formalin every second day in between. Farm No6. keeps 198 dairy cows and no heifers on the farm with average production of 8312 kg of milk per standard lactation (305 days in milk). They start to use KOVEX® in November 2006, but they changed back to 10% cooper sulphate after 5 months, because incidence of PDD increased dramatically. 308 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Prior to the trial and also for at least last two years before, cows have been walking through 10% cooper sulphate or 5% formalin solution at least three times per week. All the data about infectious claw diseases were registered and twice in the year individually examined and registered by veterinarian during the systemic foot trimming procedures or during expert v visit on the farm. All six farms housing systems consisted of free stalls and in two cases they have concreted floors scraped with automatic scrapers twice a day and in all other four stalls they have grated floor, where twice a day cleaning were performed manually. In two cases there was pre rinse baths installed before footbath entering in all other cases footbath was changed depending on farm policy, but at least twice weekly. At the begin of this year winter period in all six farms KOVEX® system were introduced to avoid legal problems with using cooper sulphate or formalin in the near future. In five cases KOVEX® systems were introduced at the entrance of the milking parlour on one farm they installed KOVEX® system after the milking parlour, unfortunately in most cases there were no enough free space to obtain application area big enough, but in such cases they try to produce KOVEX® foam of good quality and on such way ensure at least five minutes contact time of the foam on the skin above the coronet. The positive circumstance in all cases was also that foaming area was organised on such way, that dairy cows were not able to jump over, because foam areas were just in front of the entrance to the milking parlour, so animals were obliged to make sharp turn of 90ş from corridor to the milking parlour. Foam was implicated for at least three weeks continuously every day and after that three weeks of break with no disinfection were performed. In two cases they continue to use foam constantly every day for four months. On those two farms, in between and after systemic claw trimming were performed, foot bath with 10% cooper sulphate was introduced again. Every fortnight the registered data were physically controlled by veterinarian during the milking period and data were compared with data produced by milking persons and dairy herdsmen they reported every day. Results After first inventarisation in first cycle of claw correction in spring 2006 we found out on farm No.1 that 12.57% of animals on farm show signs of PDD. After introduction of KOVEX® incidence is diminish to 10.78% what was not significant drop of incidence. On farm No2. the incidence in spring 2006 was 9.865 and after introduction of new disinfectant method it drop to 8.45%, what was also statistical not significant. The situation on farm No.3 stayed the same before and after introduction of new disinfectant method. Incidence of PDD on these farms was not major problem of the production and treatment of individual cows was enough to control problem in reasonable borders. More interesting was the development of the disease on farm No.4 and farm No.6. On farm No. 4 the incidence of PDD before introducing the new method of disinfection was 38.79% and in winter correction session the incidence increased to 42.12% what was not statistical significant. After that we introduced 10% cooper sulphate solutions with every day walk trough foot bath and in one month we observed rise of clinical cases of PDD to 54.55%. Because of recent health, production and welfare problems we introduced topical therapy with 2% oxytetracycline and after 14 days the incidence drop to 22.2% and additional after 14 days to 8.8 % what was significant drop to all parameters of incidence in the herd. On farm No.6 the incidence in spring 2006 was 28.79% and raised in six months to incredible 52.02 % what was statistical significant rise and what also produce lot of problems in the herd. Those problems appear not only as health problem but also as production problem with diminish production XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 309 of milk and raised problem on the reproduction in picture of diminished NR 60 -90 days. Therefore we introduced again 10% cooper sulphate foot bath as walking trough bath and incidence dropped to 27.27% till end of winter period of 2007 and even diminished after introducing pasture in April of 2007 to 12.63 of obvious clinical cases. Table 1. Distribution of PDD before and after introduction of KOVEX® foams Disease PDD PDD Time of evaluation Before introd. KOVEX® After introduction of KOVEX® No1 No2 No3 No4 No5 No6 12,57 % 9,86 % 10,0 % 38,79 % 15,79 % 28,79% % 8,45 % (nons.) 10,0 % (nons.) 4 2 , 1 2 % 16,84 (nons.) (nons.) 10,78 (nons.) % 52,02% (sign) Table 2. : Development of incidence of PDD in herd No4. % before % after intorduction of months of Disease KOVEX® KOVEX® 1 2 42,12% PDD 38,79% (nons to 1) two After 1 month of After 2 weeks of individual topical 10% CUSO4 th. 3 4 54,55% 22,1 % (nons to 2, (sign to 1,2,3 sign to 1) After add. 2 weeks of topical th. 5 8,8 % (sign to 1,2,3,4) Discussion On four farms in our trial we do not found any significant changes in the all year distribution of PDD what was actually expected. The most interesting farms in our trial were farm No.4 and No.6. Those two farms were the biggest in our trial with lot of outside working force. That could be the reasons of high incidences of PDD also before because level of herd hygiene was not on highest level also at begin of our trial. The introduction of new disinfectant method with KOVEX® was not satisfactory. The place of the disinfection barrier was not satisfactory; the time of introducing of the foam was not long enough and on one farm the quality of the foam was because of technical problems unsatisfactory. We observe statistical significant change in the case of use of topical therapy with 2% OTC solution. We can agree that with footbaths there is essential to keep stall and herd hygiene on substantial level, what was effectively performed in our trial on farm No4. Additional to topical therapy with 2% OTC solution during the milking procedure, we undertake serious consultation with the management to keep more attention on careful cleaning procedure with manual correction after automatic scrapping were introduced and also special attention was given to manipulation of the cows before milking (no hurrying, no violence and raised voices). It was also established, that person who deals with claw trimming must undergo special education and new crush for fixing the cows was introduced. With this trial was also practically performed, that when we have to deal with herd 310 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 incidence higher than 20%, introducing of new even more efficient preventative solution can only produce exacerbation of the clinical picture and lead to significant increase of clinical cases. It was proven, that prophylactic measures are not therapeutic ones. It was obvious, that in the herds where good management and stall hygiene were performed, there is no difference which and what kind of footbaths was used. In the stalls where a lot of employed working power is involved in the working process, special problem is motivation of those persons and equivalent knowledge and understanding of the dairy process is necessary. The trial also perform very successful, that also novel formulas successfully exchange old footbath solutions, for which we thought that are the only ones for such purposes, but only as prophylactic measure, not as wonder therapeutic formula. We proved, that only prophylactic foot bathing could not guaranty success and that also other conventional hygiene measures are very successful more important as foot bathing procedure itself. References 1. Blowey R. (2004). Use of novel foot foam in the control of digital dermatitis. Proc.13th Int. Symp. and 5th Conference on Lameness in Ruminants, Maribor, Slovenia 2. Fiedler A.(2004). Investigation of the efficacy of a kovex-foam-system in the decrease of the incidence of Dermatitis digitalis, dermatitis interdigitalis and erosio ungulae. Proc.13th Int. Symp. and 5th Conference on Lameness in Ruminants, Maribor, Slovenia 3. Holzhauer M. et al.(2006) Herd- and Cow level prevalence of Digital dermatitis in The Netherlands and associated risk factors. J. Dairy Science 89: 580 – 588 4. Manske T., Hultgren J., Bergsten C.: (2002) Topical treatment of digital dermatitis associated with severe heel horn erosion in a Swedish dairy herd. Prev.Vet.Med. 53(3) 215 – 231 5. Somers JGCJ, Frankena K, Noordhuizen Stassen EM, Metz JHM (2005) Risk factors for digital dermatitis in dairy cows kept in cubicle houses in The Netherlands. Prev Vet.Med.71:11-21 6. Seymour J et al. (2002) Foot bathing in the management of digital dermatitis. Proc.12th Int.Symp. and 4th Conference on Lameness in Ruminants, Orlando, Florida, USA 7. Vermunt J (2004) Herd Lameness: a review, major casual factors and guidelines for prevention and control. Proc.13th Int. Symp. and 5th Conference on Lameness in Ruminants, Maribor, Slovenia 8. Zemljic B (1994) Current investigations in to the cause of dermatitis digitalis in cattle. Proc. 7th Int.Symp. on Lameness in Ruminants, Banff, Canada 9. Zemljic B (2000) Aetiology of digital dermatitis in one dairy farm in Slovenia, Proc. 7th Congress of FeMeSPRum, Giardini Naxos, Italy 86 –89 10. Zemljic B (1997) Causes and risk factors for occurrence of lameness in cattle, Praxis veterinaria. 451 –2:123 – 129 11. Zemljic B (2004) Influence of foot bathing on prevalence of digital dermatitis after introducing of diseased animal into healthy dairy herd. Proc.13th Int. Symp. and 5th Conference on Lameness in Ruminants, Maribor, Slovenia 12. Zemljic B (2006) Digital dermatitis – the costs and benefits of the control. Proc.14th Int. Symp. and 6th Conference on Lameness in Ruminants, Colonia, Uruguay 13. Zemljic B (2007) Impact of different footbath solutions on Claw health in dairy herds. Cattle Practice Vol. 15-3: 320 - 322 XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 311 312 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Unilateral scrotal hernia in ram JEDNOSTRANA SKROTALNA HERNIJA U OVNA Capak, D1., B. Radišić1, D. Vnuk1, I. Harapin2, J. Kos1, T. Babić1, Marija Lipar,1 and D. Matičić1 1 Clinic for Surgery, Orthopedics and Ophtalmology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia 2 Clinic for Internal Diseases, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia Sažetak Radilo se o ovnu, virtemberške pasmine starom 8 godina koji je doveden na kliniku za kirurgiju, ortopediju i oftalmologiju sa abnormalno povečanim skrotumom. Vlasnik je primijetio oteklinu u području mošnje prije par mjeseci. Po njegovim riječima oteklina se pomalo povečavala, a posljednjih mjesec dana je prestala rasti. Pri dolasku na kliniku utvrđeno je da je skrotum abnormalno povećan, asimetričan i umjereno bolan, a lijeva strana s testisom veća je od desne. Skrotum je veličine ragbi lopte a lijevi ingvinalni otvor je proširen (9 puta 4,5cm). Kao hernijalni sadržaj pipaju se tanka crijeva u mnogo tekučine, atrofičan testis i tvrde tvorbe poput užeta u području funikulusa (najvjerovatnije vene ispunjene krvnim ugrušcima). Rutinskim operacijskim zahvatom u općoj anesteziji hernija je operacijski sanirana dok je desni testis je po želji vlasnika sačuvan. Ključne riječi: ovan, skrotalna hernija Abstract This article is about ram württenberg breed, 8 years old, suffered from unilateral scrotal hernia. Ram was presented at surgery, orthopaedics and ophthalmology clinic. A few months ago owner observed oedema in scrotal region. Oedema had been slowly enlarging. In a period of one month, oedema had stopped to grow. Clinical observation was done. The enlarged scrotum was in a shape of rugby ball observed. Scrotum was asimetric, the left side was significantly bigger in comparison to the right side. Scrotal region was painful. Left inguinal chanel was enlarged (9x4,5 cm). Sac contents were: small intestine, liquid, athrophic left testes and indured funiculus. Funiculus vesles were full of blood trombs. Surgery was performed in general anaesthesia. Hernial sac was resected and left testes extracted. The owner wanted that right testes stay in scrotum. Key words: scrotal hernia, ram Uvod Skrotalna hernija u muških preživaća je doista rijetka bolest. U nama dostupnoj literaturi pronašli smo svega nekoliko izvješća. Izvješća se odnose na ovnove pasmine Merino (Carr, 1972; Dennis i Leipold, 1968; Orr, 1956; Roberts, 1988) i Hampshire (Braun i Cole, 1985). Svi autori sugeriraju da je bolest vjerovatno nasljedna. Zbog iznimne rijetkosti bolesti i zbog našeg slučaja u kojem se javlja hernija u ovna pasmine Wirtenberg odlučili smo ga opisati. Materijal i metode Radilo se o ovnu, virtemberške pasmine starom 8 godina koji je doveden na kliniku za kirurgiju, ortopediju i oftalmologiju sa abnormalno povečanim skrotumom. Vlasnik je primijetio oteklinu u XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 313 području mošnje prije par mjeseci. Po njegovim riječima oteklina se pomalo povečavala, a posljednjih mjesec dana je prestala rasti. Slika 1. Abnormalno povećani skrotum u ovna Pri dolasku na kliniku utvrđeno je da ovan ima abnormalno povećan, asimetričan i umjereno bolan skrotum, a lijeva strana s testisom veća je od desne. Skrorum je veličine ragbi lopte a lijevi ingvinalni otvor je proširen (9 puta 4,5cm). Kao hernijalni sadržaj pipaju se tanka crijeva u mnogo tekučine, atrofičan testis i tvrde tvorbe poput užeta u području funikulusa (najvjerovatnije vene ispunjene krvnim ugrušcima). Nakon otvaranja venskog puta izvađena je krv s namjerom da se utvrdi status životinje. Potom je životinja uvedena u anesteziju, intubirana te je aplicirana epiduralna anestezija. Anestezija Životinja je ispoštena 18 sati prije operacije, a voda joj je uskraćena 8 sati prije operacije. Za premedikaciju je korišten ksilazin (Xylapan, Vetoquinol) u dozi 0,1 mg/kg IM. Postavljena je kanila u v. cephalica antebrachii. Za indukciju je korišten tiopental u dozi 5 mg/kg IV te je životinja intubirana. Anestezija je održavana smjesom izoflurana u kisiku. Za analgeziju je apliciran lidokain (Lidokain 2%, Belupo) u dozi 1 ml/5 kg tjelesne težine epiduralno između zadnjeg lumbalnog i prvog sakralnog kralješka. Za postoperacijsku analgeziju apliciran je ketoprofen (Ketofen 10%, Merial) u dozi 1 mg/kg SC. Operacijski zahvat Ovan je postavljen u dorzalni položaj (na leđa). Operacijsko polje je pripremljeno uobičajeno, očišćeno, oprano te dezinficirano povidonom i alkoholom. Nakon pripreme operacijskog polja i oblačenja u operacijske krpe, operacija je započeta rezom na koži iznad lijevog ingvinalnog kanala. 314 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Rez je produžen na povećani skrotum u duljini oko 50 centimetara. Potom je pažljivo i tupo otpreparirana unutarnja hernijalna vreća (tunica vaginalis communis) s hernijalnim sadržajem. Kroz tuniku koja je veoma zadebljana prosijavaju tanka crijeva, funikulus i testis koji se nalaze u velikoj količini tekućine. Na vrhu hernijalne vreće načinjena je punkcija te ispušten dio tekućine. Budući da je istjecanje serozne tekučine iz hernijalne vreće bilo sporo načinjen je na istom mjestu rez skalpelom dužine oko 2 centimetara te je iz vreće isteklo mlazom oko 3 litre serozne žučkaste prozirne tekućine. Nakon otvaranja hernijalne vreće tanko crijevo je vraćeno u trbušnu šupljinu. Na najvišem mogućem mjestu načinjena je ligatura funikulkusa spermatikusa zajedno s unutarnjom hernijalnom vrećom, te su zajedno odstranjeni. Ingvinalni kanal je rekonstruiran pojedinačnim čvorastim šavima Dexon-om veličine 2. Koža lijevog skrotuma je skoro u potpunosti resecirana i rekonstruirana svilom veličine 2, jer je vlasnik tražio da ovnu ostane desni skrotim i testis očuvan. U ranu je postavljen dren. Pacijent je držan pod antibiotikom (amoksicilin) sedam dana po operaciji. Nakon što je životinja probuđena secirali smo odstranjeni testis i funikulus. Na vrhu funikulusa (dijela koji je bio neposredno pri ingvinalnom kanalu) pronašli smo splet krvnih žila, najvjerovatnije vena koje su ispunjene lističavim krvnim ugrušcima. Rasprava Petog dana po operaciji dren je izvađen, rana zaraštava bez komplikacija. Dvanaesti dan po operaciji izvađene su kožne niti. Rana je zarasla per primam. Ingvinalna odnosno skrotalna hernija je rijetka bolest u svakodnevnoj veterinarskoj praksi. Da li je bolest nasljedna traje diskusija u literaturi već pola stoljeća. Uglavnom autori koje smo naveli se slažu da je u ovna nasljedna predispozicija za ingvinalnu herniju kao što je to dokazano u svinja (Vogt i Ellersieck, 1990). Slika 2. Ugrušci u venama funikulusa spermatikusa. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 315 U našem slučaju interesantan je nalaz ugrušaka u venama koji je najvjerovatnije doveo do povećane količine tekućine u unutrašnjoj hernijalnoj vreći. Osim toga, svi opisi u literaturi se do sada odnose na ovnove pasmine Merino. To su uglavnom razlozi zašto smo se odlučili prikazati našeg ovna pasmine virtemberg. Literatura: Braun, W.F., W.J: Cole (1985): Unilateral scrotal hernia in a ram lamb. J. Am. Vet. Med. Ass. 187, 500. Carr, P. M. (1972): An apparently inhererited inguinal hernia in a Merino ram. Aust. Vet. J. 48, 126-127. Dennis, S. M., H. W. Leipold (1968): Congenital hernias in sheep. J. Am. Vet. Med. Ass. 152, 999-1003. Wright, J. G. (1963): The surgery of the inguinal canal in animals. Vet. Rec. 75, 1352-1363. Orr, A. E. (1956): Inguinal hernia in sheep. Vet. Rec. 68, 2-4. Roberts, S. J. (1988): Scrotal hernia in rams. A case report. Cornell Vet. 78, 351-352. Vogt, D. W., M. R. Ellersieck (1990): Heritability of susceptibility to scrotal herniation in swine. Am. J. Vet. Res. 51, 1501-1503. 316 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Infectious Keratoconjunctivitis (Pink Eyes) in Sardinian Goats: Clinical, Diagnostics and Epidemiological Considerations Zarazni Keratokonjunktivitis (Pink Eyes) u sardinijskih koza: klinička, dijagnostička i epiemiološka razmatranja Cabras*, P. A., A. Firinu*, S. Tola*, A. Orrù*, A. M. Deiana*, S. Usai***, S. R. Poddighe*, V. Petruzzi** * Esperimental Zooprophilactic Institute of Sardinia **Veterinary Faculty -University of Sassari *** Local Health Enterprise – Veterinary Service – Lanusei ABSTRACT Infectious keratoconjunctivitis (IKC) is a highly contagious ocular disease that effects small and large domestic ruminants (V. Petruzzi et al. 2004 ) worldwide. IKC has never before reported in Italy in goats. This report describes microbiological, diagnostic and clinical features of naturally occurring caprine keratoconjunctivitis observed during three outbreaks involving separated goat populatio. The findings suggest that Mycoplasma conjunctivae is the primary agent causing infectious keratoconjunctivitis in the caprine species. Sažetak Visoko kontagiozne pojave keratokonjuktivitisa se pojavljuju u sardinijskih koza uglavnom u proljeće te početkom jeseni i zime. Simptomi mogu različiti i najčešće traju skoro cijeli mjesec. Morbiditet je visok pa bolest obično zahvaća cijelo stado. U nekoliko slučajeva (2-3% ozljede oka su bile posebno ozbiljne te su mogle dovesti do prolazne ili trajne sljepoće. U ovom razmatranju opisali smo neke slučajeve infektivnog keratokon juktivitisa(IKC) uočene na području istočne Sardinije usredotočivši se na kliničke, dijagnostičke i epizootske podatke. Tipični znaci keratokonjuktivitisa uočeni su na svim proučavanim životinjama, uz rjeđe opažanje čira rožnice.Keratokonjuktivalni bris,krv, mlijeko i feces su uzorkovani. Izolacijom, laboratorijskim pretragama i PCR metodologijom izdvojen je uzročnik Mycoplasma conjuctivae. INTRODUCTION Infectious keratoconjunctivitis or PINK EYE is a highly contagious ocular disease affecting small and large ruminants domestic worldwide and wild caprine species in the European Alps and in New Zealand (Giacometti at al 2002; Mothe at al 2003). Its occurrence in goats has never been reported in Italy. The aetiological role of Mycoplasma conjunctivae in IKC has been established in well-documented studies of experimental infectious in sheeps and goats (Trotter SC – FRANKLIN RM – BAAS EJ – BARILE MF – Epidemic caprine keratoconjunctivitis; Experimentally induced disease with a pure culture of M. cong. – Infect immune. 1977, 18 – 816 – 822 – G.E. JONES – The pathogenicity of some ovine or caprine mycoplasma in the lactating mammary gland of sheep and goats –J. COMP. PATH. 1985 – Vol. 95). XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 317 However the aetiology of IKC it’s a much debated question by other authors.. Several bacteria have been described in association with IKC in both domestic and wild ruminants, including Mycoplasma conjunctivae, Chlamydia, Branhamella ovis (vedi Bibl. In MAYER NICOLET GIAC ecc). In the reported case the disease was characterized by a high rate of contagious , rapid onset, intense lacrimation, conjunctival hyperaemia and corneal opacity with neovascularization; in a few cases corneal ulcers. This report describes the microbiological, diagnostic and clinical features of naturally occurring caprine keratoconjunctivitis observed during three outbreaks involving separated flocks of goat. MATERIALS AND METHODS Three flocks of about 150 animals were investigated: all 392 adult females were in the last phase of pregnancy. Two of the affected herds were territorially closeness; all subjects showed more or less serious ocular lesions. Some animals showed also joints lesions. Ocular lesions first appeared at the beginning of October; kids had ocular lesion in milder form then adults. Recurring mild forms were observed on 30% of cases after two months of symptom remission; death occurred in four cases. Health status of the flocks was characterised by Chlamydia, Herpes virus and Caev seropositivity with gastrointestinal and pulmonary parasites. 48 double ocular swabs were collected (48 for cultural detection and 48 in order to check Chlamydia, Q fewer, Rickettsia by PCR. Some subjects were treated locally conjunctiva lower fornix with two drops a day for 5 days with ossitetraciclina (PANTERRAMICINA PFIZER) The conjunctival specimen was obtained by cotton swabs (CULTIPLAST) in a rotating motion if possible from between the third eyelid and the cornea or from the conjunctiva of the lower eyelid. In general both eyes were swabbed. The swabs were inoculated in blood agar and Hayflick for mycoplasma and incubated at 37°C for 5 days in wet medium. Other swabs were inoculated in Mac Conkey, mannitol agar salt and incubated at 37°C for 24 -48 h. Moraxella has been isolated by a blood agar medium, where it needed 24 hours to grow; further identification tests were carried out by API 20 system. DNA extraction – the mycoplasma conjunctivae reference strain HCRC/581 was cultured in standard PPLO broth medium (DIFCO) supplemented with 20% horse serum, 2,5% yeast extract and 1% glucose at 37°C until exponential growth phase. DNA was extracted from culture, purified by standard protocols (Ausbel et al., 1992) and concentration determined by UV absorption (Sambrook et al., 1989). Strains and nested-PCR- All isolates were confirmed to belong to the species Mycoplasma. conjunctivae using a nested PCR method as described by Giacometti al al. (1999). Two primer sets: MOLIGEN1-L/16SUNI-R and McoR1/McoF1, were used to amplify a fragment from 16S rRNA 318 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 gene. In the first PCR, 5 µl of M. conjunctivae total DNA were added in 25 µl reaction mix containing 2.5 µl buffer 1o (Roche) plus 25 mM MgCl2, 1 µl of MOLIGEN –L and 1 µl of 16SUNI-R at final concentration of 25 pmoli/µl, 0.5 µl of 1.25 mM dNTPs, 0.5 µl of 5 U/µl Taq polymerase (Roche) and 14.5 µl of H2O. PCR was carried out in a DNA thermal cycler (GenAmp 9700, Applid Biosystems) using the following parameters: 35 cycles with each 30s annealing at 51°C and 1 min elongation at 72°C. In nested PCR (two step PCR) 1 µl of amplicon from the first reaction was used as template in the second step. In nested PCR were used the primers McoF1 at final concentration of 25 pmoli/ µl. DNA was amplified using the following parameters: 35 cycles with each 30s denaturation at 94°C, 30s annealing at 54°C and 1 min elongationat 72°C. A final extension at 72°C for 10 min was used. Amplicons from PRC (1063 bp) and from the second PCR (748 bp) were analyzed by gel electrophoresis on 1% agarose gels and visualized after straining with ethidium bromide on a UV transilluminator. (figure 1) 1 748 bp 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 M 1063 bp Figure 1 – Agarose gel electrophoresis of amplicons from first step PCR (lanes 1 and 5) and lfrom the second step nested-PCR (lanes 2 and 3).M, marker lambda Hindiii (Roche) RESULTS CLINICAL SIGNS The following clinical signs were often observed: blefarospasm, photophobia and frequent blinking, epiphora, conjunctivitis with injection of the scleral blood vessels, follicles in the third eyelid and micopurulent exudates. Corneal opacity always began at the margin of the cornea. In more advanced stages the process extended ever the whole cornea, causing a blue-greyish turbidity vascularization began as a “brush border” of vessels from the conjunctive and spread centrally into the cornea. The mild form of the disease appeared to be self-limiting with the usual course of disease taking about 10 days. In severe cases the disease persisted for as long as 12 weeks. Three of the goats developed severe keratoconjunctivitis with deep ulceration of the cornea. Most animals developed unilateral ocular disease, but bilateral involvement was seen in 30% or more goats examinated. Some subjects were treated locally( conjunctival lower fornix) with two drops a day for five days with ossitetracicline ( Panterramicine Pfizer) XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 319 There were six cases of recurrent eye disease. Mycoplasma Conjuntivae was isolated from 21 out 48 ocular swabs; it has to be considered that 7 out 11 cases other ocular pathogens were found: Moraxella in 4 cases, Staphylococcus Aureus in 2 cases and one case unidentificated microbial flora. CONCLUSIONS In goats clinical signs were similar to symptoms observed in other domestic and wild species. Mycoplasma conjunctivae seems to be the main, sometime only one, causative agent for keratoconjunctivitis in observed cases. The role played by Moraxella and S. aureus is not easy to understand at present .The recurrence of the eye disease in some animals tends to indicate that little protective immunity is obtained after Keratoconjunctivitis or that immunity is of short duration, because of the recurrent disease appeared to be less severe , some grade of protection may have occurred. Moraxella ovis is generally regarded as an organism without an obvious pathogenic significance in ovine IKC, often isolated from flocks without signs of IKC; for this reason further investigations in order to know its real role in goats IKC will be needes. Why kids show a mild form of disease? As reported by many authors severity and development of IKC ocular lesions are not strictly dependent by aetiological agent, but environmental and sanitary conditions with immunitary status of animals play a fundamental role. In fact ocular lesions of animals in which were found more than a germ were not more serious than those in which has been isolated only Mycoplasma. The better immunitary status of kids could explain why the ocular lesions were less serious and more short without recurring symptoms. About the important role of environmental conditions it has to be considered Petruzzi et al, referred a Pinkeye case affecting with particular impact fattening calves of 4-6 months of age bred in insufficient space. In most cases the infection is resolved naturally; however treatment should be applied in severe cases; preferably treatment should be specific to microrganism identified. To date, no vaccine exists to treat pineye in goats. A PCR reaction based on unique sequences of the 16S rRNA of M.conjunctivae was use for the identification of the species. This method, described by Giacometti et al. 1999, has permitted to identify M.conjunctivae isolates also from eye swabs of our flock. REFERENCES 1) Ausbel F. et al., 1992- Current protocols in molecular biology.-Wiley interscience 2) Bass E.J. et al., 1977-Infection and Immunity-18,906-815 3) Giacometti M. et al., 1999 –J.Vet.Med.B. ,46;173-180 4) Giacometti M. et al., 2002, J. Wild Life disease 5) JonesG.E. et al., 1985 J. Comp. Path. Vol 95 6) Laak E.A. et al., 1988 the vet. Quartrly,1,73-83 7) Mayer D. et al., 1996, J.Vet. Med. , 43,155-161 8) Petruzzi V.et al., 2004 , 12° congress Femesprum –Istanbul 9) Sambrook J. et al., 1989-Cold Spring harbour Lab. NY 10) Surman P.G. 1973 , Ajebak, 51, 589-607 11) Trotter SC. Et al., 1977- Infection and Immunità,18,816-822 320 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 THE FIGURATIVE OUTLINE OF HORN DEFORMATION AND HORN INJURIES OF THE FARM CATTLE TREATED IN THE WIDER SURROUNDING COUNTRYSIDE OF ZAGREB SLIKOVIT PRIKAZ DEFORMACIJA I OZLJEDA ROGOVA FARMSKIH GOVEDA OBRAĐENIH U ŠIROJ OKOLICI ZAGREBA Babić, T., Kos J., Smolec O. Klinika za Kirurgiju, ortopediju i oftalmologiju, Veterinarskog fakulteta, sveučilišta u Zagrebu SAŽETAK Budući da je odrožnjavanje goveda na farmama i individualnim gospodarstvima uzelo maha u Republici Hrvatskoj tijekom posljednjih pet godina, omjer zahvata na ženskoj teladi u odnosu na broj starijih kategorija mliječnih krava podvrgnutih kupiranju rogova (tzv. «horn tipping») znatno se promijenio u korist odrožnjene teladi. Stoga se sve rjeđe uočavaju deformacije i ozljede rogova odraslih goveda, te je broj intervencija na odraslim pacijenticama znatno opao. Hrvatski stočari su pod dojmom informacija stočara iz zemalja razvijenijih ekonomija, prvenstveno iz Europske Unije, bitno podigli svijest o nužnosti odrožnjavanja goveda uključenih u intenzivnu proizvodnju. Zaključili smo da bi bilo vrijedno prikazati fotozapis zabilježen tijekom zahvata vezanih za problematiku rogova u goveda, kao trajan dokument rastućoj potrebi za odrožnjavanjem u intenzivnom uzgoju goveda, kako bi slična klinička stanja postala predmetom povijesti i u hrvatskom stočarstvu.U našem izlaganju prikazat ćemo i opisati odabir od 24 fotografije različitih kliničkih manifestacija, vezanih uz rogove goveda, koje su prikupljene tijekom višegodišnjeg praćenja i liječenja takovih stanja u široj okolici Zagreba. SUMMARY Considering that dehorning of cattle in dairy farms is more engaged in our country for the last five years, the ratio of dehorning performed on female cattle compared with the number of dehorning of the other (older) cathegories of the dairy cows has been changed in the favor of the young animals. Therefore the malformations and injuries of the horns are less frequently observed. The number of interventions on the horns of fully grown dairy cows also decreased. Croatian stockholders, under the influence of informations from their collegues from economically better developed countries (primaryly from the EU) have significantly upraised their understanding of importance of dehorning. We estimated that fotodocumentation of our previous experiences in solving horn issued clinical states would be contribution in making those situations history in our stockholding presence as same as it is in EU. In our presentation we will present and coment the choice of 25 photographies collected during several years of our field work in the wider surrounding countryside of Zagreb. UVOD Odrožnjavanje je općeprihvaćen postupak u većini zemalja s razvijenim stočarstvom, budući da smanjuje mogućnost samoozljeđivanja i međusobnog ozljeđivanja životinja u intenzivnom uzgoju, olakšava manipulaciju stokom tijekom transporta i olakšava držanje životinja (1). Potreba za odrožnjavanjem uočena je već krajem 19. stoljeća, a do sredine prošlog stoljeća razvijene su različite tehnike izvođenja zahvata. Usporedo s razvojem raznolikih tehnika odrožnjavanja provedena su istraživanja utjecaja zahvata na zdravlje pacijenata poslije operacije. U našem prošlom izlaganju (2) utvrdili smo da bez obzira na objavljene radove koji sugeriraju nepotrebnost preoperativne anestezije prilikom izvođenja zahvata na određenim dobnim skupinama pacjenata, naše iskustvo pokazuje da je anestezija n. cornualis po Emersonu tijekom odrožnjavanja ne samo preporučljiva, nego i nužna. Cilj ovog izlaganja nije bilo polemizirati s rezultatima ostalih istraživanja, već samo komentirati XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 321 niz patoloških stanja vezanih uz rogove, koja smo zabilježili tijekom višegodišnjeg terenskog rada. Na taj način željeli smo sačuvati trajan dokument o kliničkim promjenama na rogovima, koja u zemljama EU pripadaju prošlosti. MATERIJALI I METODE Građa koju prikazujemo prikupljena je tijekom izvođenja nastave na Ambulantnoj klinici, veterinarskog fakulteta, sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Obilazeći individualna gospodarstva s mliječnim govedima u intezivnom uzgoju zabilježili smo svaki slučaj malformacije ili ozljede rogova, pri tom liječeći akutna klinička stanja ukoliko je to pojedinačni slučaj zahtijevao. Pri tome smo skupili više stotina fotografija, od kojih smo sačinili izbor, koji vam prikazujemo. Izbor uključuje dio pacijentica koje su odmah obrađene, kao i posljedice različitih ozljeda roga. Među dokumentiranim stanjima nalaze se i reznolike deformacije u izrastanju roga, svježe ozljede, kao i posljedice spontanog cjeljenja ili nestručno izvedenog odrožnjavanja. Također smo zabilježili način na koji vlasnici mliječnih krava pokušavaju riješiti moguću problematiku međusobnog ozljeđivanja rogatih životinja. Budući da smo u ovom segmentu našeg rada obrađivali mahom odrasla goveda, koristili smo jednu od uobičajenih metoda odrožnjavanja za tu kategoriju životinja. Pacijentice su sedirane intramuskularnom aplikacijom 2% Xillazina (Xillapan, vetoquinol, Švicarska) u dozi od 0,25 ml/ 100 kg tjelesne težine 15-20 minuta prije aplikacije vodiljne anestzije. Sediranoj životinji aplicirano je 10 ml 2% lidokaina po rogu (lidokain 2%, Belupo, Koprivnica, Hrvatska) ispod lateralnog ruba čeone kosti na sredini između lateralnog očnog ruba i baze roga. Otprilike 15 minuta nakon aplikacije vodiljne anestezije izvršili smo kupiranje roga između mjesta traumatizacije i baze roga. Kupiranje roga («horn tipping») učinjeno je embriotomskom žičanom pilom, a na rog je postavljen kompresijski suhi zavoj. Postoperacijski apliciran je depot – antibiotik i TAT serum. Prilikom obrade slučaja avulzije dijela čeone kosti ispod baze roga, učinili smo eliptičan rez oko baze roga te u cjelosti ekstirpirali odlomljenu kost i dio čeone kosti. Fotografije su snimljene kamerom Olimpus – mju, te skenirane i digitalno obrađene za prezentaciju. REZULTATI I DISKUSIJA Tijekom našeg rada izabrano je 25 fotografija najupečatljivijih malformacija u rastu rožine roga i najdramatičnije ozljede na rogovima farmskih goveda. Budući da je trend odrožnjavanja ženske teladi u Republici Hrvatskoj u porastu (barem u odnosu na naša prošla razmatranja) (2,3) ovakvih će promjena biti sve manje. S obzirom da odrožnjavanje još uvijek nije postalo standard u našoj zemlji, a u široj regiji vjerojatno još dugo neće postati, mislili smo da bi bilo korisno prikupiti fotodokumentaciju koja će govoriti u prilog ovom zahvatu. Prikazujući odabir najdrastičnijih problema koji prozlaze zbog držanja rogate stoke u poluzatvorenom držanju mliječnih goveda (tzv. «lauf štale») željeli smo argumentiraqti opravdanost ovog zahvata, kao bitnog čimbenika u smanjenju mogućih šteta i ozljeda u sustavu intenzivnog uzgoja goveda. 322 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 slika 1. (fig. 5) – kupiranje deformiranog roga slika 2. (fig. 13) – anestezija n. cornualis prije kupiranja deformiranog roga slika 4. (fig. 24) – eliptičan rez oko baze roga na kojem je nastupila avulzija processus cornualis od čeone kosti prije godinu dana slika 3. (fig. 20) – “izuvanje rožine” uz frakturu processus cornualis čeone kosti LITERATURA 1. Agricultural animal Care guide. 1988. Guide foe the Care and Use of Agricultural Animals In agricultural Recearch and Teaching, ASAS/ADSA Association Headquarters, Champaign, IL 2. Kos J., T. Babić, A. Brkić and D.Capak: Our Experiences in Dehorning of the Cattle. III Middle - European Congress for Buiatrics, congress reports, 2001. pp. 168 – 171 3. Babić T., J. Kos, D. Vnuk, M. Kreszinger, A. Brkić, D. Capak, O. Smolec: The importance of continuing education in the advancing of dehorning cattle in croatia. Monograph of lectures and the papers presented on VI Middle-European Buiatrics Congres in Cracow 2005. 511- 514 XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 323 324 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 PENALTIES FOR BREACH OF EC FOOD LAW IN ITALY Kazne za kršenje EC zakona o hrani u Italiji Morelli C.1, Cubeddu M.G.2, Calabrò G. 3, Russo M.1, Di Pietro C.1, Passantino A.4 1 Research Doctorate in “EC countries’ norms concerning animal welfare and protection” - University of Messina; Istituto di Patologia Speciale e Clinica Medica, University of Sassari, Italy; 2 Department RIAM, Faculty of Economy, University of Messina - Piazza Pugliatti 1 98124 Messina, (Italy); 3 Department of Veterinary Public Heath, University of Messina - Polo Universitario Annunziata. 98168 Messina, (Italy) 4 Summary In order to ensure a high level of protection of human life and health and consequently the safety of food, the Community legislator has established with the EC regulation 178/2002 the general principles and requirements of food law. Member States will also lay down the rules on measures and penalties applicable to infringements of food law. In Italy, a penalty system (Legislative Decree no. 190, 5th April, 2006) for the breach of some of the provisions of EC regulation 178/02 has been established in order to facilitate accountability and enforcement. The Italian legislative system imposes monetary penalties for the food business operators who do not fulfil the obligations of articles 18-20 of EC regulation 178/2002. The new penalties apply only if the act does not constitute an offence. In case law, this offence exception applies when the act is the same as the one which is governed by criminal law. On the basis of these considerations, the Authors carried out an analysis about the obligations and responsibilities of food business operator and on penalties. Sažetak: Kako bi osigurao visoku razinu zaštite ljudskog zdravlja i posljedično sigurnosti kakvoće hrane zakonodavac Europske unije donio je EC-propis 178/2002. kojim se osiguravaju opća načela i zahtjevi zakona o hrani. Države članice su usvojile, pravila, ciljeve i kazne za prkršitelje zakona o hrani. U Italiji je ustanovljen sustav kažnjavanja ( Zakonska odredba br. 190,5. Travnja, 2006. za prekršitelje odredbi EU regulative 170/02 kako bi se olakšalo provođenje zakona. Talijanski zakonski sustav nameće novčane kazne za proizvođeče i distributere hrane koji ne ispunjavaju članke 18-20 propisa EU 178/2002. Nove kazne se primjenjuju samo ukoliko čin ne sačinjava prekršaj. U sudskom slučaju se izuzeće prekršaja se primjenjuje ukoliko je čin kažnjivo djelo. Introduzione: Con il regolamento (CE) n. 178/2002, il legislatore comunitario, tenuto conto della necessità di garantire la sicurezza degli alimenti, ha stabilito i principi e i requisiti generali della legislazione alimentare, rimettendo però agli Stati membri il compito di determinare le sanzioni da applicare in caso di violazione della normativa. Il legislatore italiano ha ottemperato a tale dovere con il Decreto Legislativo 5 aprile 2006, n. 190 che definisce la disciplina sanzionatoria da applicare in presenza di violazioni degli obblighi previsti dalla normativa comunitaria agli artt. 18,19 e 20. Destinatari degli obblighi e, di conseguenza, delle relative sanzioni, sono gli operatori del settore alimentare (OSA) e dei mangimi (OSM). In particolare, il Decreto Legislativo 190/2006 prevede che gli operatori del settore alimentare che non rispettano gli adempimenti relativi alla rintracciabilità degli alimenti, previsti dagli artt. 18XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 325 21 del Regolamento CE 178/2002, siano puniti con sanzioni pecuniarie amministrative di diversa entità, a seconda della fattispecie e della gravità dell’infrazione, salvo che il fatto costituisca reato. Gli autori effettuano una disamina degli obblighi che gravano sugli operatori del settore e le relative sanzioni. Normativa L’art. 2 del D.Lvo n. 190/2006 fa riferimento alla sanzione che viene comminata laddove gli operatori del settore alimentare e dei mangimi non ottemperino agli obblighi previsti dall’art.18 del regolamento CE n.178/2002. L’art.18, prevede al I comma, l’obbligo di garantire la rintracciabilità “in tutte le fasi della produzione, della trasformazione e della distribuzione, degli alimenti, dei mangimi, degli animali destinati alla produzione alimentare e di qualsiasi altra sostanza destinata o atta a entrare a far parte di un alimento o di un mangime”. La “rintracciabilità” è lo strumento attraverso il quale il legislatore comunitario si propone di raggiungere l’obiettivo di permettere alle Autorità di controllo la possibilità di avere tutte le informazioni necessarie in presenza di un eventuale rischio sanitario, al fine di poter attuare correttamente le procedure di ritiro ed eventualmente il richiamo del prodotto alimentare o del mangime, laddove non fossero state già poste in essere dagli operatori, per quanto di competenza. I commi successivi dell’art.18 puntualizzano gli adempimenti che gli operatori del settore alimentare e dei mangimi devono attuare per facilitare il raggiungimento dell’obiettivo sopra illustrato. In primis, si richiede che gli OSA e OSM siano in grado di “individuare chi abbia fornito loro un alimento, un mangime, un animale destinato alla produzione alimentare o qualsiasi sostanza destinata o atta a entrare a far parte di un alimento o di un mangime”. Tale disposizione sta ad indicare che l’OSA o l’OSM, nel momento in cui riceve un prodotto, sia esso alimento, mangime, animale o sostanza destinata all’alimentazione, deve essere in grado di indicare il soggetto fornitore (sia esso singolo che impresa). “A tal fine detti operatori devono disporre di sistemi e di procedure che consentano di mettere a disposizione delle autorità competenti, che le richiedano, le informazioni al riguardo”. Gli operatori dovrebbero tenere, dunque, adeguati registri dei fornitori di materie prime e di ingredienti in modo da consentire di identificare la fonte di un problema. Tali informazioni, nonostante la lacuna normativa, dovranno essere conservate per un congruo periodo di tempo. Una politica alimentare efficace richiede la rintracciabilità dell’intero percorso dei mangimi e degli alimenti nonché dei loro ingredienti; pertanto, l’OSA o l’OSM nel momento in cui cede i propri prodotti, deve essere in grado di indicare esclusivamente le imprese a cui ha fornito i prodotti. A tal proposito il III comma dell’art.18 stabilisce che: “Gli operatori del settore alimentare e dei mangimi devono disporre di sistemi e procedure per individuare le imprese alle quali hanno fornito i propri prodotti. Le informazioni al riguardo sono messe a disposizione delle autorità competenti che le richiedano”. Dalla normativa risulta evidente la volontà del legislatore comunitario di obbligare gli OSA e gli OSM di garantire la rintracciabilità dei prodotti destinati al consumo alimentare sia a monte che a valle, pur essendo evidente che per l’ultimo anello della filiera vale solo l’obbligo della rintracciabilità del prodotto a monte ma non a valle. In caso di inosservanza di tali obblighi il D.L.vo 190/2006 prevede una sanzione amministrativa pecuniaria da € 750,00 a € 4.500,00. 326 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 L’art. 3 del decreto disciplina le sanzioni da applicarsi agli OSA e agli OSM nel caso in cui, avendo fondato dubbio o, addirittura, la certezza che un prodotto alimentare o un mangime da loro importato, prodotto o commercializzato, non risponda ai requisiti di sicurezza, secondo i requisiti previsti dagli artt. 14 e 15 del Regolamento (CE) n. 178/200, non attivino le procedure per il ritiro degli stessi. Infatti, laddove dovesse verificarsi tale ipotesi l’OSA o l’OSM, per agire correttamente e non essere passibile di sanzione dovrebbe identificare il prodotto o mangime, identificare l’ambito di commercializzazione (nazionale, comunitario e/o verso Paesi Terzi) e provvedere all’immediato ritiro del prodotto. La sanzione amministrativa pecuniaria prevista in caso di violazione di tali obblighi va da 3.000,00 euro a 18.000,00 euro. È previsto, inoltre, l’obbligo per gli OSA e gli OSM di informare immediatamente le autorità competenti territorialmente (AA.SS.LL.) dell’avvio delle procedure di ritiro e le motivazioni che hanno determinato tale evenienza, pena l’applicazione di una sanzione amministrativa pecuniaria il cui ammontare verrà determinato, tenuto conto delle circostanze e della gravitò del caso, tra i 500.00 euro e i 3.000,00 euro. L’art. 3 del D.L.vo 190/2006 disciplina un ulteriore obbligo posto a carico degli OSA e degli OSM, la cui inadempienza è punita con una sanzione amministrativa pecuniaria il cui valore è ricompresso tra i 2.000,00 euro e i 12.000,00 euro, è quello di fornire alle autorità competenti tutte le notizie utili e una piena collaborazione. A garanzia della tutela degli interessi dei consumatori è previsto, sempre a carico degli OSA e degli OSM, un obbligo di informazione nei confronti dei consumatori; l’informazione dovrà essere efficace, accurata, tempestiva e dovrà indicare i motivi che hanno reso necessario il ritiro del prodotto dal mercato. In caso di mancata ottemperanza di tale obbligo, l’art. 4 del D.L.vo 190/06 prevede l’applicabilità di una sanzione amministrativa pecuniaria da 2.000,00 euro a 12.000,00 euro. L’art. 5 prevede invece l’applicazione di una sanzione pecuniaria amministrativa (da 500,00 euro a 3.000,00 euro) nei confronti degli operatori della vendita al dettaglio o della distribuzione che non incidono sulla sicurezza o integrità del prodotto (attraverso una manipolazione diretta, quale ad esempio lo sconfezionamento, riconfezionamento, porzionatura o attraverso l’apposizione di un etichetta sul prodotto), nel caso in cui, venuti a conoscenza della non conformità dei prodotti ai requisiti di sicurezza, non avviano le procedure per il ritiro. L’art. 6, invece, si rivolge solo agli OSM statuendo che: “Fatte salve le eventuali diverse disposizioni impartite dall’autorità competente, gli operatori del settore dei mangimi i quali, dopo il ritiro dal mercato di mangime non conforme ai requisiti di sicurezza, non provvedono alla distruzione della partita, del lotto o della consegna di tale mangime, sono soggetti al pagamento di una sanzione amministrativa pecuniaria da cinquecento euro a tremila euro”. Il decreto prevede, inoltre, nell’ipotesi di reiterazione delle violazioni esaminate, in aggiunta alla sanzione amministrativa pecuniaria, la sospensione del provvedimento di autorizzazione all’esercizio dell’attività, causa dell’illecito, per un periodo non inferiore ai 10 giorni e non superiore ai 20. L’accertamento delle violazione e l’irrogazione delle relativa sanzioni è rimesso, nel rispetto delle proprie competenze, alle regioni e province autonome. La normativa considera, infine, il rinvio, per quanto non espressamente disciplinato, alle disposizioni della legge 24 novembre 1981, n. 689 e successive modificazioni, in quanto compatibili. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 327 Conclusioni L’impianto sanzionatorio italiano si presenta chiaro, preciso e puntuale. È, pertanto, auspicabile che gli organi a cui è stato affidato il compito di accertare le violazioni e, conseguentemente, irrogare le relative sanzioni assicurino una corretta applicazione della normativa anche attraverso l’espletamento di controlli sui sistemi utilizzati dagli OSA e dagli OSM per garantire la rintracciabilità dei prodotti zootecnici. Bibliografia: Regolamento (CE) N. 178/2002 del Parlamento Europeo e del Consiglio del 28 gennaio 2002 che stabilisce i principi e i requisiti generali della legislazione alimentare, istituisce l’Autorità Europea per la sicurezza Alimentare e fissa procedure nel campo della sicurezza alimentare. Pubblicato sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale delle Comunità Europee L 31 del 1.2.2002, pp. 1-24. Accordo 28 luglio 2005 - Accordo, ai sensi dell’articolo 4 del decreto legislativo 28 agosto 1997, n. 281, tra il Ministro della Salute e i Presidenti delle Regioni e delle Province autonome sul documento recante «Linee guida ai fini della rintracciabilità degli alimenti e dei mangimi per fini di sanità pubblica», volto a favorire l’attuazione del regolamento (CE) n. 178 del 2002 del Parlamento e del Consiglio del 28 gennaio 2002. (Rep. atti n. 2334). Pubblicato in G.U. n. 294 del 19.12.2005. Decreto Legislativo 5 aprile 2006, n. 190. “Disciplina sanzionatoria per le violazioni del regolamento (CE) n. 178/2002 che stabilisce i principi e i requisiti generali della legislazione alimentare, istituisce l’Autorità europea per la sicurezza alimentare e fissa procedure nel settore della sicurezza alimentare”. Pubblicato in G.U. n. n.118 del 23 maggio 2006. Legge 24 novembre 1981, n. 689 Modifiche al sistema penale (Testo coordinato ed aggiornato con le modifiche introdotte dalla Legge 23 dicembre 2000, n. 388, dal D.lgs. 11 aprile 2002, n. 61, dal D.P.R. 14 novembre 2002, n. 313, dalla Legge 12 giugno 2003, n. 134, dal D.lgs. 30 giugno 2003, n. 196, dal D.L. 30 dicembre 2005, n. 272 e dal D.lgs. 2 febbraio 2006, n. 40). www.fao.org www.europa.eu.int/comm/food www.efsa.eu.int 328 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Penal and Civil Cases in the matter of cattle: forensic observations - Il contenzioso penale e civile in materia di bovini: osservazioni medico-legali KRIVIČNE I GRAĐANSKE PARNICE S PREDMETOM GOVEDA: SUDSKI OSVRTI Cubeddu G.M.,*Lai M.G., Coda S., **Fois G.M. Istituto di Clinica Medica veterinaria-Università di Sassari. *Veterinario libero professionista. **Avvocato. Summary: the authors make a set of forensic observation on the nth legal case regarding animals, in particular cattle (bull). They take as a starting point the civil and criminal cases regarding a lawsuit for the grant of the right of property of a bull, ended after nine long years, when both the plaintif and the defendant, besides the animal, that now it would have had a lawful owner and its own shelter, died. The criminal trial for the presumed theft of the animal purpose of the case, the withdrawal of the action from the plaintif, let the two civil judges decided on the right of property of the bull, the latter in November 2007 granted the right of property of the animal to one of the involved parties, without knowing that the law of nature had already put and end to the judicial case. In the case in point, the authors weigh up the difficulties of interpretation of the rules on the guarantee for the buying and selling of animals, on the damages caused by animals, on the aspects of a sure identification of the cattle, besides the modern rules about the animal wellbeing. They refer to the articles of the Civil and Criminal Code enforced to the case, theme of the discussion, making a careful examination on every controversial aspect of the cases. In the end the authors, trying to avoid the slowness of justice in the cases regarding animals, propose some modifications to the present rules, that in some case, run the risk of saying that who breaks the principles of legitimacy is right. In the end, they address an invitation to the legislator to resolve these problems, both revising the competence of the justice of the peace and finally, foreseeing to issue the so many hoped for the ‘Special Rules’ on the subject of guarantee for the animals. Sažetak Autori su predstavili niz sudskih osvrta u parnicama sa predmetom životinja, posebice goveda (bikovi). Kao polaznu točku uzimaju građansku i krivičnu parnicu u kojima se tražilo pravo vlasništva nad bikom, što je završilo nakon 9 godina kad su obojica, i tuženik i tužitelj, osim životinje, koja bi danas mogla imati zakonski određenog vlasnika i štalu, umrli. Kriminalistički sudski proces glede pretpostavljene krađe životinje, ostavilo je sudcima odluku o pravu vlasnosti nad bikom, te su kasnije, u studeom 2007. dodijelili pravo vlasnosti nad životinjom jednoj od uključenih strana, bez da su znali da je zakon prirode već donio svoju presudu u tom sporu. U konkretnom slučaju autori procjenjuju problematiku interpretacije pravila garancija pri kupnji i prodaji životinja, štetama uzrokovanih od strane životinja, probleme pouzdane identifikacije stoke, te napose suvremena pravila o dobrobiti životinja. Referiraju se na članke građanskog i krivičnog zakona vezanih za slučaj, temu diskusije te iznoseći pažljiv pregled svih kontroverzija slučaja. Na koncu autori, pokušavajući izbjeći sporost pravde u sporovima sa životinjama, predlažu neke izmjene važećih pravila, koja u nekim slučajevima staju na stranu onoga koji krši legalističke principe. Osim toga, upućuju poziv zakonodavcu da riješi te probleme, kako revizijom ovlasti prava na mir te predviđaju izdavanje dugo očekivanih posebnih pravila glede garancija za životinje. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 329 Riassunto Gli autori compiono una serie di osservazioni medico-legali sull’ennesimo episodio di contenzioso giuridico riguardante animali, in particolare bovini ( toro ). Prendono lo spunto da una causa civile e penale riguardante una lite per l’assegnazione del diritto di proprietà di un toro, conclusasi dopo nove lunghi anni, quando, sia l’attore, sia il convenuto, oltre all’animale, che ora avrebbe avuto un legittimo proprietario ed un ricovero tutto suo, sono venuti a morte. Il processo penale per presunto furto dell’animale in oggetto, la remissione della querela da parte dell’attore, lasciavano a decidere sulla proprietà del toro due giudici civili, il secondo dei quali, nel novembre del 2007, assegnava la proprietà dell’animale ad uno dei contendenti, senza sapere che la legge della natura aveva già posto fine alla vicenda giudiziaria. Nella fattispecie, gli autori valutano le difficoltà interpretative delle norme sulla garanzia per la compravendita degli animali, sui danni cagionati da animali, sugli aspetti dell’identificazione certa dei bovini, oltre alle moderne normative in tema di benessere animale. Fanno riferimento agli articoli del Codice Civile e del Codice Penale in applicazione alla causa in oggetto, facendo una disamina su tutti gli aspetti controversi della vicenda. Infine gli autori, nel tentativo di evitare lungaggini della giustizia nelle cause riguardanti animali, propongono alcune modifiche alle leggi attuali, che in qualche caso rischiano di dar ragione a chi viola i principi di legittimità. Rivolgono da ultimo un invito al legislatore per risolvere queste problematiche, sia rivedendo le competenze dei giudici di pace, sia prevedendo di emanare, finalmente, le tanto auspicate “Leggi Speciali”in tema di garanzia per gli animali. Introduzione L’amministrazione della giustizia in Italia sempre più spesso assume connotazioni particolarmente delicate, sia sotto il profilo della ricerca di una giusta sentenza, ma soprattutto sotto l’aspetto dei tempi lunghissimi di risoluzione dei vari tipi di contenzioso. In particolare quando ci si trova, sempre più frequentemente, di fronte a processi civili e penali che riguardano gli animali, si assiste ad un continuo e reiterato andirivieni di giudici, consulenti del tribunale e di parte, a frequenti rinvii del processo per assenza del giudice ( nel frattempo sostituito ), o per richiesta degli avvocati, i quali, ad arte, chiedono l’acquisizione di ulteriori elementi di valutazione, sino ad arrivare a casi limite di processi per la stima di danni da e/o ad animali durati la bellezza di trentaquattro anni. In Sardegna il comparto zootecnico rappresenta una fetta importante dell’economia regionale, e sempre più frequentemente veniamo chiamati a dirimere contenziosi riguardanti danni da cani randagi, da intossicazioni alimentari da mangime, da calamità naturali, da incidenti stradali che coinvolgono animali, da richieste di risoluzioni contrattuali per vizi redibitori e/o mancanza di qualità etc. Materiale e metodi La vicenda giudiziaria ha inizio nel 1998, quando l’attore, il quale rivendica da subito la proprietà del vitello di cui è causa, denuncia ai carabinieri il furto di due vitelli con segni padronali U.B. che rappresentavano i propri nome e cognome. Qualche tempo dopo uno dei due vitelli fa ritorno ( da solo !) in azienda, mentre l’altro viene reperito in un terreno di un comune confinante, non distante dalla zona delle smarrimento. L’attore, credendo di riconoscere sull’animale i segni padronali, ne rivendica la proprietà, e il torello inizialmente viene preso in consegna dalle forze dell’ordine. Seguirono, nell’ordine, due sequestri e altrettanti provvedimenti di dissequestro ed un processo penale per presunto furto. Da quel momento si alternano attestazioni di proprietà, si attribuisce al vitello un codice comunale e una data di nascita (gennaio 1997 ), e l’animale viene sottoposto a visita da parte di tre veterinari. Il primo ( A.S.L. ) non nota sull’animale segni particolari, il secondo rileva alcuni 330 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 segni di abrasione sulla groppa, oltre tracce sulla groppa di marchio a fuoco, peraltro imperfetto e indecifrabile. In sede di processo penale, a seguito della denunzia per furto, il terzo veterinario ( CTU ), rileva nella coscia Sn. dell’animale un marchio a fuoco secondo lui sovrapponibile ad una U, ed una serie di cicatrici che potevano essere riconducibili ad una B. Nel frattempo, durante tutte le indagini, il vitello subiva costanti e ripetute tricotomie, nella ricerca di un qualche segno che potesse fornire utili indicazioni al riconoscimento della proprietà. Un anno e mezzo più tardi, nel corso del procedimento penale, compariva anche un investigatore privato, il quale esternava ai giudici alcuni dubbi su una presunta compravendita dell’animale da parte del convenuto; lo Sherlock Holmes della situazione non portava alcun contributo utile alla causa, lasciando ancora una volta le parti e i giudici nel più profondo dubbio. Le spese giudiziarie sempre più crescenti, oltre ad estenuanti comparizioni in tribunale, l’intervento di terzi, facevano sì che si raggiungesse un accordo in sede penale, con la remissione della querela. A quel punto l’attore, stanco di perseguire il convenuto si rivolgeva al tribunale civile rivendicando comunque la proprietà del vitello ormai diventato adulto. Dopo circa quattro anni dall’inizio della vicenda si decideva, con l’accordo delle parti, di macellare l’animale, frattanto diventato pericoloso, ed il ricavato veniva messo a disposizione dell’autorità giudiziaria. Il tutto anche perché l’unica prova che avrebbe potuto consentire l’effettivo riconoscimento dell’animale (DNA), non si era potuta effettuare in quanto i supposti genitori del vitello erano stati a suo tempo regolarmente macellati. Nel frattempo, sempre in vigenza della causa civile, venivano a morte, nel 2004, l’attore della causa e nel 2005 il convenuto. Ma la giustizia decideva comunque di chiudere ugualmente il caso con la sentenza depositata in cancelleria nel 2007, a firma di un altro giudice, che assegnava la proprietà dell’animale all’attore. Osservazioni personali I fatti suesposti offrono lo spunto per fare alcune considerazioni critiche, peraltro già espresse in altri lavori precedenti, sulle evidenti lacune legislative in tema di contenziosi riguardanti gli animali. Il caso descritto rappresenta la punta dell’iceberg sulla lungaggine della giustizia nelle cause civili e penali riguardanti animali. Paradossalmente questi impedimenti burocratici favoriscono spesso chi, nelle cause come questa in oggetto, ignora e/o viola i principi di equità. Per questa ragione pratica, nelle fattispecie giuridiche come queste ( compravendita, stima di danni da e/o ad animali, certificazioni di proprietà, garanzia per vizi ), sarebbe necessario rivedere in tempi brevi alcuni dei punti nodali del Codice Civile, nel IV libro delle obbligazioni, soprattutto per offrire una maggiore tutela delle parti che siano state danneggiate. La vicenda, tra l’altro, si sarebbe potuta complicare ulteriormente attraverso risvolti giuridici quali la vendita di animale altrui e/o i danni provocati dall’animale ( pericoloso ), non potendosi peraltro, in questo caso, attribuire le responsabilità di cui all’art. 2052 del Codice Civile ( danno cagionato da animali ). Si sperava che l’avvento dei giudici di pace ( Legge n. 374 del 3/11/91 e successive modifiche ), i quali hanno iniziato la loro attività dal 1/5/1995, avrebbe portato sostanziali cambiamenti per apportare i giusti correttivi alle problematiche di questo tipo. Ma già un primo ostacolo si è interposto al cammino della giustizia: i giudici di pace hanno competenza per cifre non superiori ai cinque milioni di vecchie lire, con rare eccezioni per l’incidentistica stradale e pratiche condominiali. Ma nelle cause riguardanti i nostri animali, nella maggior parte dei casi, si raggiungono cifre nettamente superiori a quelle di competenza degli stessi giudici di pace. Basti pensare ai danni da mangime in grossi allevamenti ovini, a compravendite di equini, arieti e/o tori di pregio e di alta genealogia. A tutt’oggi, la lungaggine delle cause non favorisce senz’altro la parte danneggiata, la quale si trova in posizione di netto svantaggio, costretta ad aspettare anni per vedere riconosciuti i propri diritti, con tutti gli oneri e i doveri nei confronti degli animali di cui è causa, soprattutto oggi, con le normative in materia di benessere animale, che XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 331 pongono l’animale stesso, in quanto essere senziente, al centro dell’attenzione e delle cure amorevoli da parte del proprietario. Conclusioni Nel tentativo di dare una risposta alla migliore amministrazione della giustizia nelle cause riguardanti animali, proponiamo alcune brevi riflessioni utili alla risoluzione del problema. Intanto è auspicabile che venga attuato quanto prima in Italia il “Progetto Idea” ( identification elettronique des animaux ), avviato dalla Commissione Europea nel 1998, attraverso il quale, con l’applicazione di un trasponder endoruminale nei bovini, si garantirebbe, oltre alla tracciabilità dei prodotti , anche e soprattutto la legittima appartenenza dell’animale; questo cancellerebbe immediatamente qualsiasi dubbio sull’identificazione del proprietario. In alternativa, il legislatore dovrebbe prevedere un aumento delle competenze in denaro per i giudici di pace nelle cause sugli animali: in questo modo si raggiungerebbe una maggiore rapidità nella risoluzione delle cosiddette “questioni civili” riguardanti animali, offrendo peraltro in tempi brevi il giusto ristoro economico all’effettiva parte danneggiata. Ma non solo attraverso l’aumento di competenze per i giudici di pace si potrebbe arrivare rapidamente alla soluzione di questi contenziosi. L’art. 1496 del Codice Civile, trattando della garanzia nella compravendita di animali, così recita: nella vendita di animali la garanzia per i vizi è regolata dalle leggi speciali o, in mancanza, dagli usi locali. Se neppure questi dispongono, si osservano le norme che precedono. in forza a quest’articolo, ove la garanzia è regolata da Leggi speciali, che a tutt’oggi non esistono, si può senz’altro prevedere un arbitrato rituale, con la costituzione di un collegio di 3-5 arbitri, che in tempi brevissimi porterebbe facilmente alla risoluzione di problematiche di questo tipo. Questa soluzione, applicata per estensione a tutti i contenziosi riguardanti animali, potrebbe finalmente assumere il carattere di legge speciale, così da costituire una rapida soluzione alle controversie in oggetto, oggi sempre più numerose. Auspichiamo infine che, prendendo lo spunto da quello che nei processi penali rappresenta l’incidente probatorio, si possa in tempi brevi rendere obbligatorio, in cause civili riguardanti animali, l’accertamento tecnico preventivo, già previsto dall’art. 696 C.P.C. Questo è uno strumento alternativo di risoluzione delle controversie, con finalità strettamente conciliativa, non assimilabile “quoad effectum” alla relazione del CTU, da espletare nel corso del giudizio di cognizione. Con questi correttivi riteniamo che si potrebbero colmare quelle gravi lacune legislative che, in ultima analisi, si ripercuotono in maniera determinante anche sul benessere degli animali. Bibliografia 1) Canuto e Tovo: Medicina legale 1970; 2) Cinotti S., Peccolo.G.:Protezione animale-Utet-1997; 3) Codice Civile – Libro IV delle obbligazioni; 4) Codice Penale: articoli 638 e 727, legge 189/2004; 5) Cubeddu G.M., Pintori G., Bassu G., Maninchedda G.-Differenti valutazioni sul danno e risarcimento in ovini di razza sarda. Atti del VIII Congresso SIPAOC., Sezione Patologia, pag. 397, 1988; 6) Gasparini U.: Appunti di Medicina Legale Veterinaria, Legislazione Veterinaria e Deontologia-Ed. Esculapio 1983; 7) Ghisleni P., Ghisleni G.: Trattato di Medicina Veterinaria Legale. UTET, Torino 1925; Mainardi, D., Papalia, S., Etologia e protezione animale, Editoriale grasso (1991); 8) Nisini: Comp. Infort. La tribuna 1978 tratato di diritto privato; 9) Pezza F.: Diritto e Legislazione Veterinaria-Utet-1997; 11) Ruffo G.: Legislazione Veterinaria-Poletto Editore-luglio 2003; 12) Torrente A.: Manuale di Diritto Privato. Giuffrè, Milano 1981. 332 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 EPIDEMIOLOGICAL DATA ON INFECTIOUS KERATOCONJUNTIVITIS (IKC) OF SHEEP AND GOAT IN SICILY EPIDEMIOLOški pokazatelji zaraznog KERATOkonjUNTIVITISa (IKC) ovaca i koza na Siciliji Pugliese A., Tortorella A., Di Marco V.*, Di Pietro S., Russo M.*, Gruppillo A., Scardillo A., Niutta P.P. Departement of Veterinary Pubblic Health – University of Messina Zooprophilactic Institute of Barcellona P.d.G. (Messina)- Italy Abstract The authors in this study show the results about the epidemiological diffusion of the sheep and goat infectious keratoconjuntivitis (IK) on Sicilian territory. The animals were subjected at clinical evaluations and serological tests were performed, applying the cytological and microbiological analysis on conjunctivae tissues. Out of 7664 sheep and goat examined, belonging to 32 Sicilian breeding, 539 subjects showed ocular lesions at different stages of evolution, related to the disease. The various animals showed corneal lesions similar in clinical aspect in despite of the variety of the isolated microrganisms. The Authors report the results of the performed clinical, microbiological and serological tests. Some microrganisms, such as Mycoplasma agalactiae and Moraxella sub-genus branhamella ovis, were isolated as aetiological agents of the keratoconjuntivitis, while other microrganisms (Rickettsiae and Chlamydiae) were absent. Abstract U ovoj studiji autori analiziraju rezultate epidemiološke rasprostranjenosti zaraznog keratokonjuktivitisa u ovaca i koza na Siciliji. Kod navedenih životinja izvršena su klinička i serološka istraživanja, te je učinjena citološka i mikrobiološka analiza tkiva očne spojnice. Pregledano je 7664 ovaca i koza koje iz 32 uzgoja. U 539 životinja nađeni su različiti stupnjevi oštećenja očiju koji se mogu povezati sa tom bolešću. Oštećenja rožnice uočena kod različitih životinja ovisila su o vrsti izoloiranog mikroorganizma. Tako su kao uzročnici keratokonjuktivitisa izolirani mikroorganizmi kao što su Mycoplasma agalactiae i Moraxella sub-genus branhamella ovis, dok Rickettsiae i Chlamydiae nisu nađene. INTRODUCTION Infectious keratoconjunctivitis (IKC) is a highly contagious ocular inflammation frequently reported in domestic sheep and goats; it is reported also in bovine and in wild Caprinae. This disease is caused by various microorganisms (11;1;8;), which establish ocular inflammation. This pathology is widespread into the ovine and caprine farms on the Sicilian territory and it has a marked impact on the same farms, determining much economic losses. So, we considered important to perform a retrospective study on the incidence of the IKC in Sicily, in order to identify the major etiological agents and to evaluate the epidemiological diffusion of this pathology among the Sicilian farms. Infectious keratoconjunctivitis in small ruminants is included into the “contagious Agalactia complex”: a pathology that determine mastitis, arthritis and ocular involvement. The ocular lesions are characterized by different stages on the basis of severity: XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 333 First stage, 1-4 days: acute conjunctivitis, with hyperaemia of the eyelids and the bulbar conjunctiva, ocular lacrimation, blepharospasm and photophobia; Second stage, 4-12 days: diffuse corneal oedema, improvement of the conjunctiva symptoms; Third stage, 12-25 days: formation of corneal ulceration with hypopion and total loss of visual function; Fourth stage, after 25th days (improvement phase): spontaneously regression of the ocular lesions without therapy until to the return of the visual capacity, if an irreversible damage there wasn’t. Sometimes the ocular lesions can be very serious, such as corneal erosions, deep ulcers and panophthalmitis. In recent years there has been increasing recognition of the prevalence and importance of disease syndromes of multifactor aetiology. It is often difficult to elucidate the role of each of the infecting microorganisms, especially because the relative importance of each may vary in different cases. Synergism between Mycoplasma ssp and other bacteria or viruses in ruminants has been frequently described. However, the organisms may act sequentially rather than in concert and may not be present in the lesion or the affected organ at the same time. In sheep and goats the role of Chlamydia spp. as a major etiological agent in IKC is well established and Mycoplasma spp. And Rickettsia spp. is also considered a primary pathogen in establishing eye inflammation (3;2;15;4;). From the corneal sac of sick or clinically healthy animals various microorganisms also be isolated as Pasteurella spp, Achromobacter spp., Acinetobacter spp., Bacillus spp., Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp., Branhamella spp. (8). Among other microorganisms, usually Branhamella ovis (9;14) or Moraxella ovis are frequently isolated on healthy animals (12) and some Authors (8;7) confirm the pathogen role of Branhamella ovis in small ruminants infectious keratoconjunctivitis. MATERIALS AND METHODS The study is performed on 32 farms of sheep and goats on the province of Palermo, Caltanissetta, Trapani, Messina e Catania. N° 7674 free reared animals were visited, which presented keratoconjunctivitis at different stages of evolution. Various serological, microbiological and cytological test were performed in order to obtain a diagnosis and to relate the symptomatology to the presence of a specific aetiological agent. On all animals that showed ocular symptoms referred to the disease and on 5% of healthy animals the tests were performed. The serological test to identify the anti- Mycoplasma agalactiae antibodies by ELISA test and the anti- Chlamydia antibodies by Complement Fixation were performed, considering positives the results superior to a dilution of 1:16. The affected animals were submitted to ocular swabs and conjunctival scrubs, after the instillation of hydrochloride ossibuprocaine in the conjunctival sac. The collected materials were inoculated into Agar blood and McConkeey’s media. The cultures were propagated at 37°C and examined after 24, 48, 72 hours. The collected materials were inoculated also into PPLO medium, with addition of penicillin, thallium acetate and equine serum 20%. The media, were incubated at 37°C with CO2 and examined after 48 hours and daily for 7-10 days. The 334 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 conjunctival scrubs were coloured with Gram coloration, with May-Grunwlad Giemsa to finding Mycoplasma spp. and with Gimenez coloration to finding Rickettsia spp. or Chlamidia spp. The identification of mycoplasma isolates was made by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for Mycoplasma agalactiae and Mycoplasma mycoides sub. mycoides LC (10). RESULTS The controls, performed on 7674 animals belonging to 20 ovine and 12 caprine farms, showed on n° 539 animals the presence of ocular lesions, as keratoconjunctivitis at different stages. Totally, on 20 examined ovine farms eleven were positive to Mycoplasma agalactiae, eight to Moraxella sub-genus Brahnamella ovis and one at Mycoplasma mycoides sub. Mycoides. On 12 caprine farms eight were positive to Moraxella branhamella ovis, two to Mycoplasma agalactiae and two to Mycoplasma mycoides sub. mycoides. Moraxella branhamella ovis. Serological tests for Mycoplasma agalactiae by ELISA technique showed always positive results except into the outbreaks where Mycoplasma mycoides sub. Mycoides was isolated, because the antibodies used in the test were species-specific. The tests to research the antibodies anti- Chlamydia showed negative results. The swabs on blood agar allowed the isolation of Moraxella sub-genus Branhamella ovis. The bacteriological test performed on samples of conjunctival sac of healthy sheep and goats resulted negatives to finding Branhamella ovis. The cytological test showed the presence of neutrophils and conjunctival epithelial cells. A lot of Mycoplasms were attached on the surface of the epithelial cells (5;6). The presence of this type of cells can be related with their phagocytic activity against the neutrophils present on the samples. The ocular lesion, mono or bilateral were more severe in the adult subjects; the clinical signs vary from a light conjunctivitis to a serious form with lacrimation, photophobia and corneal oedema. Different degree of corneal opacity with new vascularization, before superficial and then very deep, was observed. The IKC appeared during the May and June months and the ocular lesions remained for 20 days. Generally the outbreaks of IKC in the affected farms disappeared into two months. CONSIDERATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS The results of this study show that infectious keratoconjunctivitis of small ruminants is caused by various etiological agents considered endemic into the Sicilian farms. Furthermore, the obtained results about the positivity to Moraxella branhamella ovis, Mycoplasma agalactiae, Mycoplasma mycoides sub. mycoides. Moraxella branhamella ovis are according to the literature , showing a major percentage of morbility in the goats than the sheep (11). The ELISA test and the microscopic examination for Chlamidia spp. negative results always provided, such as all the samples. The absence of anti-Chlamydia antibodies proves the negativity of the tests to direct identify the etiological agent. In fact, the presence of other secondary microorganisms can determine the disappearance of the Chlamidia organisms by the conjunctival tissue and it can causes the negativity of the conjunctival samples by sick animals (13). XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 335 The results of bacteriological tests confirm that the major etiological agents in IKC in domestic sheep and goats into Sicilian farms is Branhamella ovis. The endemic presence of Contagious Agalactia in Sicily justify the major frequency of Mycoplasma agalactiae as cause of IKC into the Sicilian farms of sheep and goats. Although it is important underline the isolation of Mycoplasma mycoides sub. mycoides as etiological agent of IKC into 4 examined farms without a clinical pattern related to contagious Agalactia . The clinical examination and the microbiological tests on milk of the affected animals showed the absence of clinical signs at udders and joints and the absence of the microorganism in the milk. The findings of severe forms of keratoconjiunctivitis in adult subjects is related to a hypersensibility reaction due to a precedent exposition of the eye at the etiological agent. In recent years the studies on the etio-pathogenesis and the epidemiology of the infectious keratoconjunctivitis of small ruminants are processing, considering the wide diffusion of the pathology in the Sicilian territory. These researches need to further surveys in order to define in detail the etiological agents and the clinical evolution of IKC in Sicily, considering the severe economic losses into the affected farms. 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Australian Journal of Biological Science 21, 447-467. 336 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 THE ECONOMICS OF EXTENSIVE BEEF PRODUCTION IN SPAIN Isplativost ekstenzivnog uzgoja goveda u Španjolskoj Robles-Robles, R. (1); Revuelta, J.F. (1) (2), González-Montaña, J.R.(1) (1) (2) University of Leon (Spain) CSIC. Estación Agrícola Experimental de León (Spain) Abstract Cattle, plays an important role in many Spanish mountain or less-developed regions, as it’s the case of Castile and Leon, contributing to the sustainability of both, local economies and environment, but the continued existence of this activity is certainly conditioned by its economical results. In this sense, this study aims to analyze the economical results of dfferent kinds of extensive beef holdings applying the European Account System, as a metholodogical approach, to the data obtained by a statistical survey representing all the different holdings in this region. Results manifest the existence of many different economical situations depending on the livestock’s size and on the complementation of this activity with other agricultural productions(2). (2) This study has been financed by Junta de Castilla y León, Consejería de Educación y Cultura (Castile and Leon Regional Governments, Education and Culture Council), through the annual programm to support research projects (Order EDU/1143/2004). Sažetak Uzgoj goveda zauzima važnu ulogu u ruralnim, planinskim područjima Španjolske kao što su Castile i Leon. S tim u svezi ovaj rad analizira ekonomske učinke različitih načina ekstenzivnog držanja goveda koji vrijedi za European Account System. Na osnovu statističkih podataka iz različitih područja zaključili smo da ekonomska isplativost ovisi o broju grla te o suradnji sa drugim vidovima poljoprivredne proizvodnje. 1.- Introducción y objetivos Desde hace varios años, las explotaciones de vacuno de carne en España se hallan inmersas en un proceso de reestructuración motivado por distintos factores: Elevada competencia internacional, excedentes de producción en la Unión Europea, crisis alimentarias –EEB-, y por último, aspectos relacionados con el bienestar animal y el respeto al medioambiente, que cuestionan las producciones de tipo intensivo. Varios mecanismos han tratado de poner solución a la problemática anteriormente descrita, abogando por una extensificación de los métodos de producción, aunque no siempre los resultados obtenidos han estado en consonancia con los objetivos propuestos. Así, la reforma de la PAC del 92 abordó un primer intento para mejorar la situación a través de la reducción del sostenimiento de los precios, compensando los menores ingresos de los agricultores mediante ayudas directas a la renta e introduciendo medidas para estimular la extensificación. Más adelante, la Agenda 2000 profundiza en estos aspectos, de modo que la reforma de la Organización de Mercado de la carne de vacuno, aprobada por el Reglamento (CE) 1254/1999, que establece la nueva OCM, tiene por objeto, entre otros: Incentivar en mayor medida a los productores a fin de que se orienten hacia la extensificación. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 337 Sin embargo, aunque los mecanismos de gestión del mercado aprobados en la Agenda 2000 parecían haber sido lo bastante sólidos y flexibles para facilitar la recuperación del mercado de vacuno, y la extensificación de la producción fue ganando terreno, gracias a la redefinición de la prima por extensificación, se aprecia que los instrumentos de la OCM no han conseguido desalentar la producción intensiva tanto como se esperaba. El hecho de que los pagos sean por cabeza, que la carga ganadera esté basada en las primas solicitadas y no necesariamente en el número real de animales, la exención del requisito de carga ganadera en el caso de los “pequeños ganaderos” (máximo 15 UGM), fueron algunos de los factores que favorecieron la persistencia de la intensificación de la producción. Por ello, la Comisión propuso eliminar los pagos por cabeza y sustituirlos por un único pago de apoyo a la renta por explotación, basado en los derechos históricos, junto a exigencias de condicionalidad más estrictas. Ésto rebajaría la presión que conduce a la práctica de una producción intensiva y contribuiría a equilibrar el mercado (COMISIÓN EUROPEA, 2002). Asimismo, se considera esencial que los incentivos que reciban los agricultores estén ligados de alguna manera a los objetivos relacionados con el medio ambiente, el bienestar de los animales, la seguridad y la calidad alimentaria. Introducir medidas de este tipo en los procesos de producción habituales supone un aumento del coste y una pérdida de eficiencia de los agricultores comunitarios, con relación a sus homólogos internacionales, que de alguna manera hay que limitar, lo que determina que los pagos directos continúen siendo imprescindibles. Finalmente, en junio de 2003 con la reforma de la PAC se aprobó el régimen de pago único (RPU), un sistema de ayudas anuales pagadas a los productores sin vínculo con la producción («disociadas») y que constituye la principal característica de la PAC reformada. El RPU combina varios pagos directos percibidos actualmente por los agricultores en un único pago calculado a partir de los pagos recibidos durante un período de referencia (REGLAMENTO (CE) n° 1782/2003). No obstante, los Estados miembros podían optar por la introducción del RPU en su totalidad, combinando todas las ayudas en un único pago, o decidir mantener una parte de las ayudas directas pagadas a los agricultores bajo su forma actual («disociación parcial»), cuando consideren que el tránsito al RPU pueda implicar perturbaciones en los mercados agrícolas o un abandono de producción. Así, en el caso de España, aunque se decidió desacoplar totalmente algunas ayudas como la prima al bovino macho, sin embargo, otras decidieron mantenerse acopladas total o parcialmente (prima a la vaca nodriza, sacrificio). Mientras es de esperar que el desacoplamiento total repercuta en una disminución de las producciones intensivas, el mantenimiento de las primas acopladas, podría repercutir en una mayor extensificación de la producción (COMISIÓN EUROPEA, 2005). En cualquier caso, para que este proceso se convierta en una realidad, el ganadero, como cualquier otro empresario, debe percibir un beneficio en los resultados económicos de su explotación, bien sea a través de los precios del mercado, bien a través de los soportes y políticas institucionales, que tratan de compensar la ausencia de remuneración de los servicios sociales aportados por este tipo de empresa. En este sentido, el objetivo del presente trabajo, es precisamente analizar los resultados económicos de este tipo de empresa. 2.- Metodología 2.1.- Obtención de la información La realización de cualquier investigación requiere en un primer paso, de la obtención de la información que permita conseguir los objetivos establecidos, que en este caso procede tanto de fuentes primarias (encuestas), como de fuentes secundarias (censos, estadísticas y publicaciones relacionadas con el objeto de la investigación). Las primeras constituyen la base de los resultados 338 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 presentados en este trabajo, mientras que las segundas se han utilizado fundamentalmente para el diseño del plan de muestreo, así como para el contraste e interpretación de los resultados. De este modo, tras realizar un estudio previo y pormenorizado de la situación y problemática del sector, se procedió a elaborar el correspondiente cuestionario, formulado en su mayor parte a base de preguntas abiertas, y tomando como base para el diseño de las mismas, estudios desarrollados por otros autores, que han llevado a cabo investigaciones similares en otros sectores (SOLER y PERDIGUER, 1992; PUENTE, T, 1995; REVUELTA et al, 1998; ROBLES et al 2001a; ROBLES et al 2001b). A continuación, a partir del censo de explotaciones de carne de tipo extensivo en Castilla y León, se procedió a la selección de la muestra objeto de estudio. Para ello se utilizó un muestreo aleatorio simple. De acuerdo con este método, se procedió a la determinación del tamaño muestral, teniéndose en cuenta que no siempre una muestra más grande proporciona mejores resultados, sino que a partir de cierto tamaño, apenas se reduce el error y, sin embargo, aumentan los costes y pueden aumentar los errores ajenos al muestreo. Por otro lado, la investigación debe buscar un compromiso entre el coste de una muestra grande y la fiabilidad de los resultados (GRANDE y ABASCAL, 1995). Para las encuestas a ganaderos la expresión utilizada ha sido: e=k⋅ n − n pq ⋅ n −1 n Donde: e = Error absoluto. N = tamaño de la población n= Tamaño de la muestra. p = q = 0,50. K= 2, aproximadamente equivalente al 95,5% del intervalo de confianza de una distribución normal. En este sentido, se ensayaron distintos tamaños muestrales, calculando para todos ellos el correspondiente error muestral, y se decidió adoptar un tamaño de muestra constituido por 250 explotaciones, lo que supone un error de 6,2%. La muestra se obtuvo mediante el método de los números aleatorios, quedando distribuida como sigue (tabla 1). Tabla 1. Distribución de la muestra a ganaderos. Fuente: Elaboración propia. Provincia av bu le va pa sa se so za Total 0-20 20 8 11 21-50 7 9 2 51-100 12 4 2 101-300 10 8 4 1 19 4 3 5 71 3 20 6 3 3 20 6 3 50 50 4 32 5 1 4 68 301-500 1 501 1 7 2 3 1 10 5 XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 total 51 29 19 0 11 101 24 10 9 254 339 En cuanto al modo de administración más conveniente para llevar a cabo la encuesta, a la hora de elegir éste, se consideraron distintos factores, como: el objetivo del estudio, las características de la población, y el presupuesto disponible. Se optó por la encuesta personal, como modo de administración más adecuado, ya que aunque puede presentar algunos inconvenientes, como: (i) Un coste de obtención elevado debido a la lentitud del proceso y al tiempo empleado en la recogida de datos, y fundamentalmente, en nuestro caso, debido a los gastos correspondientes a los desplazamientos, dada la dispersión de los distintos municipios y la distancia geográfica; (ii) Lentitud del proceso, debida en parte, a las pérdidas de tiempo en los desplazamientos, a la imposibilidad de concentrar las citas, dados los quehaceres de los ganaderos y a la duración de la propia encuesta, que dada la diversidad de datos, la concreción y la dificultad que suponían algunos de los aspectos, llegó, en ocasiones, a superar las dos horas de duración. Sin embargo, presenta asimismo algunos puntos fuertes de considerable importancia, que animaron a realizarla de este modo, como la posibilidad de obtener un porcentaje de respuesta más alto que el obtenido a través de otros métodos (GRANDE y ABASCAL, 1995), característica de notoria importancia en el caso que nos ocupa, dada la tendencia de parte del encuestado a la desconfianza y al rechazo de las encuestas, sobretodo en el caso de preguntas relacionadas con datos de naturaleza económica. 2.2.- Obtención de los resultados económicos Una vez realizadas las encuestas, se procedió a la determinación, para cada una de las explotaciones, de una serie de indicadores de naturaleza económica, de cara a evaluar la situación económica de las mismas. El objetivo final es disponer de los principales indicadores de las rentas generadas por la actividad productiva en las explotaciones ganaderas. Para la obtención de estos indicadores se utilizó la metodología de la Red Contable Nacional (MAPA, 2003). A continuación, se resume el cálculo de los principales indicadores: Producción Bruta Vegetal: Refleja en € el valor de la producción agrícola. Incluye el valor de la producción generado por la agricultura. Producción Bruta Animal: Refleja el valor en € de todo lo producido por la ganadería. Producción Bruta Total: Suma de la animal y la vegetal Producción Final Agraria, PFA: Es la Producción Bruta Total menos el Reempleo. VAB a precios de mercado: Se obtiene restando a la PFA los costes de fuera de la explotación y los impuestos y tasas. VAB a coste de factores: VAB a precios de mercado + Subvenciones VAN a coste de factores: VAB a coste de factores menos amortizaciones. 340 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Disponibilidad empresarial: Se obtiene restando al anterior los salarios de la mano de obra contratada, y los arrendamientos/alquileres. Refleja lo que queda disponible al empresario para remunerar la mano de obra familiar (no pagada), los intereses del capital (propio o prestado) y su propio beneficio por la gestión. 2.3.- Resultados La tabla 2 resume los principales indicadores económicos de las explotaciones encuestadas agrupados por tamaño de la explotación (según número de vacas nodriza). Tabla 2. Valor de las variables económicas en los distintos estratos. Elaboración propia. Estratos (Número Producción Producción Producción Vacas Bruta Vegetal Bruta Animal Bruta Total Nodriza) 0-21 Promedio 4053 3967 8020 varianza 89936677 9885861 20-51 Promedio 6589 11206 varianza 163227251 220346794 50-101 Promedio 7198 27946 varianza 168797346 331388991 100-301 Promedio 22271 68163 varianza 1331853893 1472237569 300-501 Promedio 100320 160330 varianza 2947239467 688278873 >500 Promedio 52800 416904 varianza 0 0 PFA VAB a precios de mercado 6804 1420 5401 4605 3779 106019513 88178364 52373433 89964684 83936949 79671556 17795 14810 284756405 245823957 35144 31286 527944391 452045746 90433 78808 3848613803 2706452608 260650 194996 5920157720 5529162713 469704 416904 0 0 1883 200412009 9599 555432288 34290 1780183578 114743 1360492713 181399 0 16269 286792398 37314 502654727 97141 4053458564 283263 573040938 399111 0 13896 274928096 34801 498251404 90894 3781147645 271770 357227847 396111 0 11004 250534904 29089 562080040 76075 2847585744 199272 420871988 361111 0 VAB a coste VAN a coste Disponibilidad de factores de factores empresarial Entre los principales rasgos socio-económicos, merece destacar los siguientes hechos: El valor de la producción total aumenta con el tamaño de la explotación, debido fundamentalmente al aumento de la producción animal. La participación de la agricultura sobre la producción total es muy variable, alcanzando los valores más altos en cuanto a participación en las ventas y en la Producción Total en las explotaciones ganaderas más pequeñas (menos de 50 animales), en base a una mayor diversificación de la actividad. En el estrato de 300 a 500 vacas nodriza, la producción agrícola vuelve a ganar peso, pero en este caso motivada por el reempleo de las producciones agrícolas en la alimentación animal. La mayor producción agrícola por hectárea cultivada, corresponde a las explotaciones ganaderas de mayor tamaño (más de 300 animales), que son las que presentan asimismo un mayor porcentaje de superficie de regadío. Asimismo, la Producción Animal por UGM aumenta con el tamaño de la explotación. El mayor peso de los gastos fuera de la explotación sobre la Producción Bruta Total (PBT), tiene lugar en las explotaciones con menos de 51 vacas madre (especialmente en las de 20 a 51). Para las explotaciones con más de 50 vacas nodriza, el peso relativo de los gastos de fuera de la XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 341 explotación disminuye a medida que aumenta el tamaño de la explotación ganadera, minimizándose en el caso de las explotaciones más grandes. Las subvenciones tienen un peso notable sobre el conjunto de la actividad, especialmente en las explotaciones más pequeñas (las explotaciones con menos de 100 animales son las que presentan una mayor participación de las subvenciones sobre el Valor Añadido bruto a coste de factores, disminuyendo ésta en los restantes estratos a medida que aumenta el tamaño). En cuanto a la participación de la agricultura y la ganadería sobre el total percibido a través de la subvención, evidentemente, destacan las subvenciones vinculadas a la ganadería, que suponen entre un 66 y un 97% de las subvenciones totales, aumentando su participación lógicamente con el tamaño de la explotación ganadera. La casi totalidad de las explotaciones utiliza mano de obra familiar, sólo en las explotaciones de más de 300 animales la contratación de asalariados reviste cierta importancia, el resto recurre a este factor de forma esporádica. 2.4.- Conclusiones Aunque la actividad refleja resultados positivos en todos los estratos analizados, sin embargo debe tenerse en cuenta que no han sido deducidos los costes correspondientes a la mano de obra familiar, ni los intereses del capital. De deducir éstos de cara a obtener una aproximación al beneficio empresarial, los importes correspondientes se sitúan en niveles claramente inferiores e incluso reflejan pérdidas en las explotaciones más pequeñas, en las que la actividad es un mero complemento de otras rentas. Cabría distinguir tres tipos de explotaciones: Aquellas donde la actividad tiene carácter empresarial, reflejando resultados económicos positivos, capaces de competir por sí mismas en los mercados, aumentando este rasgo con el tamaño de la cabaña ganadera (más de 300 animales), y aquellas otras (menos de 100 animales) en la que los beneficios económicos son escasos, o incluso en algunas ocasiones llegan a reflejar pérdidas. Entre ambas existe un estrato intermedio (101-300 animales), que reúne características intermedias entre ambas. Dentro de las primeras (“explotaciones empresariales”), encontramos negocios bien organizados, donde la presencia de la mano de obra familiar va disminuyendo en importancia frente a la mano de obra contratada, a medida que aumenta el tamaño de la cabaña ganadera; Son explotaciones capaces de subsistir por sí mismas generando beneficios independientemente de la percepción de subvenciones relacionadas con la actividad. En las segundas, la actividad ganadera, no genera siempre beneficios, e incluso en el caso de las más pequeñas (menos de 50 animales) no permite la adecuada remuneración del trabajo familiar y los capitales invertidos, aunque supone un complemento de otras rentas, no siempre procedentes de la agricultura, que contribuyen al mantenimiento de la población en el medio rural, y a la aportación de servicios sociales y medioambientales. En cualquier caso, la supervivencia de la mayor parte de las explotaciones (menos de 300 animales) pasa por el mantenimiento de las subvenciones existentes; sin éstas sólo aquellas explotaciones mayores de 300 animales podrían generar beneficios. 2.5.- Bibliografía COMISIÓN EUROPEA (2002). Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament. Mid Term review of the Common Agricultural Policy. Bruselas. COMISIÓN EUROPEA (2005). Prospects for agricultural markets and income 2005-2012. Julio, 2005. 342 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 GRANDE, I. y ABASCAL, E. (1995). Fundamentos y técnicas de investigación comercial. 2ª edición. ESIC Editorial. Madrid. MAPA (2003). Red contable agraria nacional, Secretaría General Técnica. PUENTE, T. (1995). Simulación de políticas ganaderas en las comarcas agrarias de León. Tesis doctoral. Escuela Superior y Técnica de Ingeniería Agraria. León. REGLAMENTO (CE) 1254/1999, del Consejo de 17 de mayo de 1999 por el que se establece la organización común de mercados en el sector de la carne de vacuno. DO L 160 de 26.6.1999. REGLAMENTO (CE) N° 1782/2003 del Consejo de 29 de septiembre de 2003, por el que se establecen disposiciones comunes aplicables a los regímenes de ayuda directa en el marco de la política agrícola común y se instauran determinados regímenes de ayuda a los agricultores y por el que se modifican los Reglamentos (CEE) n° 2019/93, (CE) n° 1452/2001, (CE) n° 1453/2001, (CE) n° 1454/2001, (CE) n° 1868/94, (CE) n° 1251/1999, (CE) n° 1254/1999, (CE) n° 1673/2000, (CEE) n° 2358/71, (CE) n° 2529/2001 y n° 1156/2006. DO L 270 de 21.10.2003. REVUELTA, J.F.; PUENTE, T.; FERNÁNDEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, F. (1998). Costes de producción en las explotaciones ganaderas vacunas en la comarca de Laciana (provincia de León). 6º Congreso de Economía Regional de Castilla y León. Zamora. Comunicaciones 3, pp. 1698-1714. ROBLES R.; PUENTE T. and REVUELTA J.F. (2001a). Explotaciones de vacuno en el Páramo de León: Estructura y Orientación Técnico-Económica. Ganadería, Nº 10, pp 26-29. ROBLES R.; PUENTE T. y REVUELTA J.F. (2001b). Importancia socioeconómica de la ganadería bovina en la comarca del Páramo leonés. Paper. Fe.Me.S.P.Rum. IX International Congress. León (Spain). SOLER, P. y PERDIGUER, A. (1992). Prácticas de investigación de mercados. Siete investigaciones completas. Ed. Deusto. Bilbao. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 343 344 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 CERTAIN FEATURES OF RAW SKIN FROM LARGE DOMESTIC HOOFED ANIMALS NEKA SVOJSTVA SIROVIH GOVEĐIH KOŽA P. Džaja1., M.Čuljak2, J. Bagarić 3., V. Vrkić4., K. Rukavec5, F. Martinković6., E. Šatrović7 ,M. Radačić8, I. Vranješ9., A. Lokin10., I. Semren11 Zavod za sudsko i upravno veterinarstvo, Veterinarski fakultet u 1 Veterinarska stanica Oborovo 2 Veterinarski ured,, Sarajevo 3 4. Student Veterinarska stanica Sesvete 5 6. Zavod za parazitologiju i invazijske bolesti s klinikom, Veterinarski fakultet u Zagrebu Zavod za sudsko i upravno veterinarstvo, Veterinarski fakultet u Sarajevu 7 Dalmacija vino, Split 8 Veterinarska stanica Križevci 9 Veterinaska ambulanta Pakoštane 10 Student-diplomski rad 11 Summary Criteria for raw skin quality are defined by the standard from 1985. Large domestic hoofed animals include calf’s skin, baby-beef’s skin, cow-hide and buffalo-skin. Specified skins classified in 4 category. Feedstock (raw material) characteristic depends on the form, structure, pile coat and integrity of the pile. Age, sex and breed affect on size, fatness, structure and pile coat. A the skin we should distinguish admittance weight, weight of salted skin, weight of dry salted and salted skin. Utilization rate of raw skin is percentage of raw skin weight against body weight. Abatement of skin we define as losing skin weight during preservation in salt and storage, as well as after preservation in salt. Key words: raw skin, hoofed animals, features Sažetak Standardom iz 1985.g. određeni su uvjeti kvalitete za sirovu kožu domaćih velikih papkara u koju spada: teleća, juneća, goveđa i bivolska koža. Teleća koža razvrstava se u 4 klase kao juneća, goveđa i bivolska. Sirovinska svojstva kože ovise o obliku, građi, dlačnom pokrivaču i potpunosti kože. Starost, spol, pasmina utječu na veličinu, debljinu, građu i dlačni pokrivač kože. Kod kože treba razlikovati ulaznu težinu, težinu soljene kože, težinu suho slane i suhe kože. Radman sirove kože je postotak težine sirove kože naspram težine tijela. Pod kalom kože podrazumijevamo gubitak težine kože za vrijeme soljenja i skladištenja te nakon soljenja. Ključne riječi: sirove kože, papkari, svojstva UVOD Krupna koža stavlja se u promet bez kože glave, donjeg dijela nogu i repa te se s nje mora odsjeći koža vimena, mošnica, čmar i stidnica i uvijek mora imati dvije podjednake polovice (jedna polovica kravlja može biti nešto veća). Tako je teleća koža definirana kao koža mladih goveda, potpuno ili pretežno pokrivena mekom dlakom, koja su se isključivo hranila mlijekom, a nema razlika u debljini na leđima i vratu. Pod junećom kožom isti standardi podrazumijevaju kožu mladih goveda obaju XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 345 spolova, koji nisu upotrebljavani za rasplod i imaju jednolično razvijenu dlaku, a koža nema izrazito deblje niti tanje okrajine u odnosu na kožu leđa, zatim koža vrata nije izrazito deblja ni tanja od kože leđa. Pod goveđom kožom podrazumijeva se koža odraslih goveda koja je pokrivena oštom dlakom različite duljine a razlike postoje i u debljini na leđima, vratu i okrajinama. Bivolska je koža bivola obaju spolova. Prema standardima koji su vrijedili na ovim prostorima teleće se kože sortiraju u mliječne i slamožderske kože težine do 3,5-4 kg svježe težine i iznad te težine. Teleće kože po kvaliteti, prema navedenim standardima, razvrstava se u 4 klase i onu koja ne može udovoljiti uvjetima 4. klase razvrstava se u škart. Teleća koža prve klase vrjednija je od kože druge klase za 10%, od treće klase za 20%, od kože četvrte klase za 50%, a od kože pete klase za 80%. Juneće kože razvrstavaju se u dvije kategorije: kože junadi-obična i kože tovne junadi (baby beef). Juneća koža razvrstava se u 4 klase, a one koje ne ispunjavaju uvjete 4. klase, spadaju u škart. Juneće kože prve klase vrjednije su od koža druge klase za 10%, treće klase za 20%, četvrte klase za 40%. Goveđa koža dijeli se na kravlju, volovsku i bikovsku. Bivolske kože u promet se stavljaju odvojene, dok se kravlje i volovske kože mogu staviti skupa. Kravlja koža ima izrazito velike i tanke okrajine i kožu vrata tanju od kože leđa. Volovska koža ima izrazito debelu kožu leđa i razmjerno male okrajine, a koža vrata je tanja od kože leđa. Bikovska koža ima masu veću od 34 kg svježa i slana oko 30 kg, koža leđa joj je tanja u odnosu na debelu kožu okrajina i vrata. Goveđe kože razvrstavaju se u klase kao juneće kože, s tim da je goveđa koža prve klase za 7% vrjednija od kože druge klase, 15% od kože treće klase i 40 % od kože četvrte klase. Bikovske kože razvrstavaju se u dvije kategorije prema masi: -od 34 kg svježe ili 30 kg slane mase do 63 kg svježe ili 55 kg slane mase i iznad 63 kg svježe ili 55 kg slane mase. VAŽNA SVOJSTVA KOŽE ZA OBRADU Sirovinska svojstva kože, kao što su oblik, građa, dlačni pokrivač i potpunost kože, odlike su koje koži daju mogućnost prerade u kožu ili kožno krzno. Oblik kože određen je njenom površinom (dužina, širina i debljina), građu predstavljaju tkiva a dlačni pokrivač čine sve dlake koje su na njoj izrasle. Pod pojmom potpunosti kože podrazumijevamo stupanj zastupljenosti prirođenih svojstava i neoštećenja. Životinjska koža dobiva oblik sirove kože skidanjem sa životinje, a prirodna svojstva trebaju biti sačuvana do početka njene prerade u kože ili krzno (Bayer 1978.). Koža pobačenih teladi mala je, tanka, siromašne građe i potpuno gola ili tek slabo pokrivena rijetkim dlačicama. Kod novorođenoga teleta koža je pokrivena prvom dlakom, nema razlika u debljini pojedinih dijelova, a repna je dlaka fina i priliježe uz rep. Koža teleta hranjenoga samo mlijekom imat će razlike u građi ovisno o pasmini, dobu i spolu i ta je razlika jedva zamjetna. Razlike će biti veće što je tele starije i što se duže hrani drugom hranom. Prema navedenim standardima nema razlika u debljini kože (leđa, vrat i okrajine), a dlaka je meka kod teladi hranjenih samo mlijekom i razvrstava se u dvije kategorije po masi do 4 kg svježe ili 3,5 kg slane mase i više od 4 kg svježe ili više od 3,5 kg slane mase. Muške su teleće kože nešto deblje od ženskih telećih koža iste dobi i pasmine, a leđni je dio deblji od vratnog i trbušnog dijela te ima tendenciju stvaranja nabora. Trbušni su dijelovi kože su uski i tek nešto tanji od leđnog dijela. Ženska telad ima široke i tanke trbušne dijelove i tanak vratni dio. Bikovske kože imaju vrlo tanak leđni dio i široke i debele trbušne dijelove te debeli vratni dio s brojnim naborima. Kravlje su kože u području vrata tanke s naborima koji rastezanjem nestaju, kao i trbušni dio, dok je leđni dio uzak, ali deblji od vratnog i trbušnog dijela kože. Volovska koža ima debeo i široki leđni dio, tanje i uže trbušne dijelove i vratni dio tanji od leđnog, a deblji od trbušnog dijela. Manje pasmine goveda imaju zbijeniju i deblju kožu nego mliječna goveda, a goveda uzgojena u hladnim predjelima imaju deblju kožu od goveda uzgojenih u toplim predjelima. Postoji utjecaj dobi, spola i pasmine na građu telećih i goveđih koža. Teleće kože imaju finija vlakna, gušćeg su spleta od goveđih. Splet 346 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 vlakana volovskih koža gušći je nego u bikovskih ili kravljih koža. Kože muških životinja imaju deblje snopiće vlakana nego kože ženskih životinja iste dobi. Mliječne pasmine imaju labaviju građu od mesnih i radnih pasmina. Goveda intenzivno hranjena krmom koja sadrži mnogo masnih sastojaka imaju spužvastu građu u usporedbi s kožom goveda uzgajanih na pašnjacima. Gladovanje smanjuje debljinu kože i čini njenu građu siromašnom. Postoje razlike u dlačnom pokrivaču prema dobi, spolu i pasmini goveda. Mlade životinje imaju finiju jednolično po koži rasprostranjenu dlaku, neznatne razlike u duljini i debljini. Odrasla goveda imaju grublju dlaku, deblju u bikova nego u volova i krava. Repna je dlaka teleta fina, ravna i priliježe uz rep, goveđa je repna dlaka kovrčava, gruba i strši od repa. Goveđe kože iz hladnih predjela imaju deblju i gušću dlaku od onih iz toplijih predjela. Dobro hranjena goveda imaju gustu i sjajnu dlaku koja priliježe uz tijelo, a gladna goveda imaju tamnu, čupavu i rijetku dlaku. Epidermalno područje sirove teleće kože zauzima najmanje polovicu od cijele debljine kože, a kod odraslog goveda to područje zauzima trećinu debljine kože. Korijum teleće kože ima gušće snopiće vlakana negoli korijum goveđe kože, ali pletež vlakana korija kod goveđe kože jasnije je izražen (razvijeniji je). Ukupna debljina kože raste od teleće ka goveđoj koži. Izgleda da je epidermalno područje teleće i goveđe kože relativno isto a glavni dio rasta odvija se u području korija. Apsolutni broj dlačnih mješića isti je na telećim i goveđim kožama, ali je razmak između njih na telećim kožama manji. Klaonička ili ulazna masa kože masa je kože koju svježa koža ima nakon skidanja sa životinje. Vaganje svježe kože vrši se tek kada je koža izgubila tjelesnu toplinu, tj. pošto je primila temperaturu okolice u kojoj se nalazi. Svježa masa vaga se pošto je s nje odstranjeno sve što standardi traže. Kada je na mesnoj strani kože vidljiva krv, voda ili prljavština, od ustanovljene mase odbija se najmanje 5%, a ako je mokra i zaprljana dlačna strana, najmanje 10%. težina suhoslane, suhe kože x 100 Ulazna težina:---------------------------------------------------------- 100 – dopušteni kalo (60 ili 45) Soljena je koža bilo koja koža koja je 48 sati potpuno potopljena u zasićenu otopinu NaCl, ili je stajala najmanje 14 dana potpuno prostrana i nasoljena dovoljnom količinom soli. Masa soljene kože dobije se nakon toga što je presoljena zasićenom otopinom soli te se ocijedila za 48 sati, ili je soljena suhom soli te se nakon istresanja preostale soli važe 24 sata nakon toga postupka. Suho-slana koža –koža je koja je nakon soljenja na zraku osušena tako da su rep i uši otvrdnuli. Suha koža -koža je koja se na zraku potpuno osuši tako da rep i uši otvrdnu. Masa suhe kože masa je koja se postigne vaganjem kože nakon toga što rep i uši potpuno otvrdnu. Radman sirove kože goveda podrazumijeva postotak težine sirove kože (skinuta koža s glave i nogu) naspram težine tijela i ovisan je o pasmini goveda (primitivne pasmine imaju viši radman), spolu, dobu (ženska i mlada goveda imaju obično niži radman sirove kože u usporedbi sa starijim i muškim govedima), težini (što je govedo manje i mršavije to je radman manji) i kondiciji životinje. Tako se smatra da je kod goveda u intenzivnom uzgoju radman sirove kože 7%, a kod primitivnih pasmina 10%. Ovo se može raščlaniti i reći da je u krava 6- 6,5%, junadi 6,5-7%, volova 7- 7,5% i bikova 7,5-8%. Sirovu kožu vrlo brzo zahvaćaju raspadni procesi, a kad se kuha u vodi, raspada se u tutkalo ili kelj, dok potpuno uštavljena koža teško trune i vrlo se kasno raspada, a kuhanjem u vodi ne mijenja se. Životinjska se koža sastoji se od vode, bjelančevine, masti i mineralnih soli. Ako neka koža sadrži više masti, sadrži manje vode. No najvažniji su sastojak kože bjelančevine, a od osobite su važnosti XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 347 kolagen i kreatinin. Od kolagena su građena kožna vlakna, a od keratina orožnjeli dijelovi epiderme, dlaka i ostale rožnate tvorevine (nokti, kandža, papci, kopita i rogovi). Kolagen je nositelj štavnih sposobnosti sirove kože i ima svojstvo da privlači vodu i da s njom nabubri. On osim u vodi bubri i u kiselinama i lužinama, a kuhanjem se polagano pretvara u želatinu koja nema štavne sposobnosti i zbog čega treba izbjegavati svaki dodir kože s vrućom vodom. Dok su neke kože osjetljive na vruću vodu, neke podnose, bez ikakvih posljedica, i toplinu od 65 stupnjeva. Bayer (1950) navodi kako u pravilu pri radu sa sirovim kožama nikada ne treba upotrebljavati vodu topliju od 30 stupnjeva. Juneća i goveđa koža dovezena sortirana i kategorizirana i spremna za soljenje i slaganje u tzv. štos. Juneća koža, nasoljena i složena u štos Teleća soljena koža složena na paletu za trnsport na preradu Juneća soljena koža složena na paletu za transport na preradu. Osnovni sastav kože je: 50% ugljika, 25% kisika, 7% vodika, 17,8 % dušika i oko 0,2% ostalih mineralnih sastojaka. Danas nema postupka konzerviranja kojim bi se sirove kože potpuno i neograničeno dugo sačuvale od raspadanja bez ikakvih šteta za sirovinska svojstva koža. Za dobar rezultat konzerviranja jedan od bitni uvjeta je da je koža svježa, a da bi se dobila dobra kondicija kože, uz navedeno, treba voditi računa o načinu prestanka života životinje, vremenu od smrti životinje do skidanja kože i do 348 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 trenutka kada se koža počinje konzervirati. Raspadni procesi na koži počinju prije negoli se okom mogu vidjeti. Glavni su znakovi raspadanja: promjena prirodnog mirisa kože (miris kože, pojava mrlja na lešini), popuštanje dlake u korijenu, promjena boje mesne strane kože te gubitak elasticiteta i čvrstoće sirove kože. Ako se koža ostavi na životinji, ona će se pod istim uvjetima brže raspadati nego ako je odmah neposredno poslije prestanka života odvojena od tijela. Svježa koža ima jednak miris kao za života, a ako koža poprimi zadah po lešini, znak je da su u njoj počeli razgradni procesi. U slučaju gubljenja dlake zbog raspadanja, mjestimice ili na cijeloj koži ispadaju sve vrste dlaka i ostaju gola mjesta, što se razlikuje od mijenjanja dlake (linanja) kada se na koži razlikuju dlake različite dužine i debljine. Kod manipulacije kožama pri ispadanju dlake zamjećujemo to na svim mjestima istodobno, a najprije na onim dijelovima na kojima su zadržani ostatci mekanih dijelova (meso, potkožje, slanina, žlijezde i sl.). Također ponekada dlaka ispala zbog kožne bolesti životinja, što treba razlučiti i istaknuti da to nije posljedica mijenjanja dlake, odnosno raspadanja kože. Kod kožnih bolesti ispadanje dlake prate i druge patološke promjene kože na mjestu ispadanja (boja, otok, krasta, rana, čir i sl.). Svježa koža koja potječe od dobro iskrvavljene životinje ima sjajnu, glatku, bijelu, svijetloružičastu boju mesne strane, koja s raspadanjem postaje zagasitije boje. Raspadanjem kože javljaju se mrlje koje su u početku svjetlije boje, a daljnjim raspadanjem ta boja prelazi u tamnu boju. Tako od svijetložutih, crvenkastih i smeđih mrlja nastaju zelenkaste, tamnozelene, plave i crne mrlje. One su u početku raspadanja malene i odvojene od okolice, a s razvojem raspadanja, osim promjene boje, postaju veće te se međusobno spajaju i zauzimaju sve veću površinu na mesnoj strani kože. Kože uginulih, ubijenih i ustrijeljenih životinja koje nisu iskrvarile imat će glatku i sjajnu mesnu stranu u kojoj će biti vidljivi tragovi neiskrvarenja i bit će crvenija strana mesnog dijela kože. Kože životinja uginulih od bedrenice karakterizira mesni dio kože hladatinasto nabubrio ili prožet crnom katranastom krvlju. Neće biti razlike u boji i karakteristikama kože životinja koje su zaklane i kože životinja koje su stradale tako da su iskrvarile. Ostala krv u koži, uzrok uginuća i vrijeme proteklo od uginuća utječe na bržu pojavu raspadanja na takvim kožama. Na takvim kožama brže će se razviti znakovi neugodna zadaha, popuštanja dlake na koži, promjena boje mesine negoli na iskrvarenim životinjama. Toplina, vlaga i mikroorganizmi ubrzavaju raspadanje životinjske kože, pa tako pri temperaturi od 10 ºC ostat će sirova koža tijekom 48 sati bez mikroskopski vidljivih promjena. Ako koža ostane na temperaturi 10-12 ºC, već za 24 sata uočavaju se promjene u građi kože, a koje se nakon tri dana mogu uočiti tako što se potkožje i epidermalne tvorbe pokriju tankim slojem sluzi. Pri temperaturama od 23 ºC ova se promjena može uočiti već nakon 6 sati stajanja kože, a što je to vrijeme duže, to je jače pokrivanje sa sluzi. Ako koža stoji na vlazi od 70%, onda se ta pojava može ustanoviti i pri temperaturi nižoj od 23 ºC. Nakon smrti životinje na koži se mogu naseliti razne bakterije i gljivice hraneći se sastojcima kože, uz istodobnu razgradnju. Samo one bakterije koje znatno utječu na razgradnju kože znatno utječu i na kvalitetu kože kao kožarske sirovine. Konzerviranje kože treba obaviti čim je koža skinuta sa životinje. Danas se konzerviranje uglavnom provodi soljenjem, sušenjem, hlađenjem i dezinfekcijom. Soljenje je dobro obavljeno ako dana koncentracija soli, i to što prije, da počne kočiti razvoj bakterija i aktivnost proteolitičnih enzima. Pri pravilno obavljenom soljenju na ohlađenoj koži navedena se koncentracija postiže u koži pri temperaturi zraka od 10 do 20 oºC već za 34 sata. Ako je okolna temperatura viša od 30 ºC, razgradnja je kože brža nego zasićenje vode kože solju. Ako je relativna vlaga zraka iznad 90%, rezultat soljenja će biti slabiji, a ako je preniska –tj. ispod 75%, koža će se početi sušiti prije nego se stvori dovoljno salamure na mesnoj strani. Konzerviranje soljenjem zasniva se na oduzimanju vode (15%) pomoću kuhinjske soli, a ostala voda u koži prelazi u zasićenu otopinu NaCl. Na koži nastaje stanje koje nepovoljno utječe na rad enzima i razvoj bakterija. Ovaj način konzerviranja ima XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 349 dobru stranu jer se tkivo kože ne mijenja a koža vrlo brzo primi izgubljenu vodu kod konzerviranja bez oštećenja kožne supstance, i tako možemo, osobito kod debljih koža, dugo sačuvati kožarska svojstva kože. Negativnosti koje proizlaze nakon konzerviranja kože soljenjem jesu što koža zadrži mnogo vode, a to je opterećenje pri transportu. Sve to traži veliku pozornost pri uskladištenju jer se lako kvare. Tanke kože bujne dlake, ako stoje duže od 30 dana, u manjoj ili većoj mjeri počinju gubiti dlaku a jačina ispadanja je jačina što je temperatura prostorije viša. Konzerviranje sirovih koža soljenjem obavlja se u hladnim prostorijama s temperaturom nižom od 15 ºC, a rok konzerviranih krznarskih sirovina je do 30 dana za uobičajenu manipulaciju. Soljenje suhom soli jeftin je i jednostavan postupak konzerviranja i traje od 4 do 6 dana (ponekada 14) na 5-20 ºC, a soljenjem u slanoj otopini svi se dijelovi kože ravnomjerno izlažu soli i proces traje od 24 do 48 sati, sirove kože prije soljenja otopinom moraju se oprati te zbog toga imaju manji postotak nečistoće. Kod soljenja suhom soli sol se otapa samo na mesnom dijelu kože. Kože soljene suhom soli sadrže od 9,5 do 14% soli nakon soljenja, a kože soljene otopinom soli od 11 do 13%. Koža za vrijeme soljenja gubi određenu količinu vlage koja je veće mase od mase soli koja se difundirala u kožu. Ovaj gubitak mase, koji se nastavlja kasnije skladištenjem i sušenjem (isparivanjem), za vrijeme soljenja i skladištenja nakon soljenja, nazivamo kalo. Kalo ovisi o vrsti kože (s obzirom na životinjsku vrstu), količini masti, dlačnom pokrivaču, vrsti soli te o dobi životinje. Kože s većom količinom masti (ovce) imat će manji gubitak mase nego kože koje ne sadrže mast (juneće) pod istim uvjetima soljenja. Masa kože nakon soljenja povećava se kod koža s debelom vunom, a kod koža mlađih životinja, kod kojih kolagen ima veću sposobnost da bubri, gubitak je vode manji negoli u starijih životinja pod istim uvjetima soljenja i skladištenja. Ovaj je kalo manji kod mladih i dobro uhranjenih životinja. Kad kalo prijeđe 20 % ulazne težine, znak je da se dio soli ponovno kristalizirao iz kožne vode, kože prelaze u suho-slano stanje. Za konzerviranje krznarskih sirovina soljenjem suhom soli treba uzeti 30 do 50% soli od težine svježe kože, a pri salamurenju treba na svakih 100 litara vode dodati 30 kg soli, a za svaki kg kože u salamuri 0,25 kg soli. Tako Bayer navodi da je za prvo soljenje goveđih, bivolskih i konjskih koža potrebno najmanje 25% soli od ulazne težine, a za svinjske teleće, pseće, ovčje, janjeće, kozje i jareće najmanje 30% soli od ulazne težine kože. Literatura Bayer, Z. (1947.): Sirove kože divljači-Priručnik za izobrazbu stručnih kadrova, II nadopunjeno i prerađeno izdanje. Nakladni Zavod Hrvatske Zagreb. Bayer, Z. (1950.): Domaće sirove kože za krznarsku preradbu. Tehnička knjiga Zagreb. Bayer, Z. (1978.):Sirova koža. Zagreb. Standard GB1.001/1961. Standad GB1.006/1985. 350 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 THE MOST COMMON JURIDICAL CASSES OF CATTLE SINCE 1923 -2007 NAJČEŠĆI SUDSKI SLUČAJEVI IZ GOVEDARSTVA OD 1923-2007. Džaja P1., Z. Perić2, M. Vujić3, J. Kos4, Ž. Grabarević5, E. Šatrović6, J. Bagarić7, M. Radačić8, B. Artuković5, A. Lokin9, *T. Zubak10 Zavod za sudsko i upravno veterinarstvo, Veterinarski fakultet u Zagrebu 1 Veterinarska stanica grada Zagreba 2 student 3 Klinika za kirurgiju, ortopediju i oftalmologiju, Veterinarski. fakultet. u Zagrebu 4 Zavod za opću patologiju i patološku morfologiju, Veterinarski fakultet u Zagrebu 5 Zavod za sudsko i upravno veterinarstvo, Veterinarski fakultet u Sarajevu 6 7 Uprava za veterinarstvo, Sarajevo Dalmacija vino, Split 8 9 Veterinarska ambulanta Pakoštane student diplomski rad 10 ABSTRACT: At the Department for forensic and juridical veterinary medicine, Faculty of Veterinary medicine, University of Zagreb there were elaborated up to 440 juridical expertise of cattle related issues since 1923rd to 2007th or approximately 5.17 cases over the year. The earliest juridical expertise of cattle related issues were made in 1930-1, 1931-4, 1932-1, 1933-1, 1936-1, 1937-1, 1938-1 etc. The most common juridical cases are related to the fattening of beefs and calves 90 (20,45%), then follow 53 (12,61%) cases related to calving problems, 39 (8,86%) cases related to digestion system, 34 (7,72%) cases of infective diseases, 26 (5,90%) cases of intoxication, 20 (4,54%) cases are associated to assessment of meat validity, then there were 22 (5%) cases of abortions, and 21 (4,77%) of other cases. From the rest of 135 (30,69%) cases, there were 13 (2,95%) most common cases related to parasitological diseases, then 12 (2,72%) cases of liver, kidney and spleen diseases, problems related to artificial insemination and absence of placenta, 11 (2,5%) cases of determination of fatherhood and fertility,and 10 (2,27%) cases of udder disease and prolepsis of vaginae. From the rest of 56 (12, 72%) cases there are 8 (1, 85%) problems associated with castration of bulls, 7 (1, 59%) related to transport, 6 (1, 36%) related to puerperal paresis, deficiency diseases, respiratory diseases and veterinary service responsibilities, and 4 (0, 9%) cases associated to assessment of age, eyes diseases and gravity diagnostic. On the rest of 11 expertise goes 2,5%. Key words: cattle, juridical cases SAŽETAK U Zavodu za sudsko i upravno veterinarstvo Veterinarskog fakulteta u Zagrebu u razdoblju od 1923. do 2007.g. izrađeno je ukupno 440 sudskih ekspertiza iz govedarske problematike ili prosječno 5,17 slučajeva godišnje. Najranije sudske ekspertize iz govedarske problematike izrađene su 1930.-1, 1931.-4, 1932.-1,1933.1,1936.-1,1937.-1,1938.-1 itd. Najučestaliji su sudski slučajevi vezani za tov junadi i teladi- 90 (20,45%), u svezi s teljenjem bilo ih je 53(12,61%), probavnim sustavom 42 (9,5%), zaraznim bolestima 34 (7,72%), intoksikacijama 23 (5,2%), procjenom valjanosti mesa 20 (4,54%), pobačajem 22 (5%)i ostalim 21 (4,77%). Od ostalih slučajeva 135 (30,69%) najučestaliji su oni vezani za parazitarne bolesti- 13 (2,95%), bolesti jetre, bubrega i slezene, problemi vezani za U.O. i zaostajanje posteljice imali su po 12 slučajeva (2,72%), određivanje očinstva i neplodnosti 11 (2,5%) i bolesti vimena i izvala rodnice po 10 (2,27%). Od ostalih 56 slučajeva XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 351 (12,72%) na probleme vezane za kastraciju bikova otpada 8 (1,85), transport 7 (1,59%), ležanje poslije poroda, deficitarne bolesti, bolesti dišnog sustava i odgovornost veterinarske službe po 6 (1,36%), procjenu starosti, bolest očiju i dijagnostiku graviditeta po 4 (0,9%) slučajeva. Na ostalih 11 ekspertiza otpada 2,5%. Ključne riječi: goveda, sudski slučajevi UVOD Od prvih održanih predavanja školske godine 1923./24. iz predmeta sudsko veterinarstvo prof. dr. sc. Ljudevita Juraka navodi se da se izrađuju sudske ekspertize iz sporova u trgovini stokom iz cijele bivše države, a o kojima se redovito raspravljalo na sjednicama Profesorskog vijeća. One su uglavnom imale obilježje fakultetskog nadmišljenja-superarbitrija. Kasniji nastavnik predmeta toga prof. dr. sc. Ivo Babić, koji preuzima nastavu sudskog veterinarstva školske godine 1929./30., počinje s prikupljanjem materijala za forenzičku zbirku, i to ne samo ekspertiza izrađenih na Fakultetu već i sudskih presuda kotarskih sudova na kojima se raspravljalo o sporovima u trgovini stokom i stočnim proizvodima. Iako se navodi da je prve ekspertize izradio prof. Jurak, ipak je vidljivo da su prve ekspertize u Zavodu za sudsko veterinarstva iz govedarstva izrađene 1930. g., to jest za vrijeme prof.dr. Ive Babića. Poslije će sudski slučajevi s Fakulteta biti prosljeđivani stručnjacima Zavoda. Ako broju sudskih slučajeva iz govedarske prakse (440), koji su izrađeni u Zavodu za sudsko i upravno veterinarstvo, dodamo 233 sudska slučaja vezana za konjogojstvo (od 1927.—1994.) i 82 slučaja izvan suda, proizlazi da je u Zavodu izrađeno ukupno 440 +233 +82 sudska slučaja vezanih za govedarstvo i konjogojstvo, ili prosječno 8,8 slučajeva godišnje, plus svi drugi sudski slučajevi vezani za drugu problematiku u svezi sa životinja, proizvodima, sirovinama, otpadom i dr. Za vrijeme drugog svjetskog rata od 1940. do 1946.g. ne postoji ni jedna sačuvana izrađena ekspertiza, pa prvi sudski slučajevi počinju pristizati na Fakultet 1946.-2, 1947.-3 itd., a svoj vrhunac dosegnut će od 1970. do 1980. godine. REZULTATI i RASPRAVA Razdvajanje sudskih ekspertiza po tematici nije uvijek bilo jednostavno zato što se u jednom slučaju navodi različita problematika, to jest ponekada je uzrok uginuća tražen u više dijagnoza, odnosno više je problema koji su uzrok sudskog slučaja. Kroz navedeno razdoblje izrađeno je 440 sudskih ekspertiza, od čega najviše otpada na tov junadi (20,45%), zatim na probleme pri teljenju (12,34%), na probavni sustav 9,5%, zarazne bolesti 7,72%, otrovanje 5,2%, pobačaje 5% i procjenu valjanosti mesa 3,54%. Svi gore navedeni razlozi zbog kojih se vode sudski slučajevi zastupljeni su po 20 i više puta. Od deset do trinaest sudskih slučajeva zastupljeni su zbog parazitarnih bolesti (2,95%), bolesti jetre, bubrega i slezene, zbog problema vezanih za U.O., zaostajanja posteljice po 2,72%, određivanje očinstva 2,5% te zbog bolesti vimena i izvale rodnice po 2,27%. Na ove sudske slučajeva otpada ukupno 364 (83,58%). Problemi vezani za kastraciju bikova rješavali su se 8 puta (1,8%), transport 7 (1,59), odgovornost veterinarski organizacija, deficitarne bolesti , ležanje poslije poroda i dišni sustav po 6 (1,36%). Po 4 puta (0,95%) rješavani su problemi vezani za procjenu starosti, bolesti očiju i dijagnostiku graviditeta. Iz dolje navedene tablice nije teško zaključiti da na ginekološke probleme, probleme i bolesti produkcije otpada ukupno 148 sudskih slučajeva ili 33,63%. 352 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Tablica 1. broj sudski slučajeva razvrstani prema problemu nastanka 01 02 03 04 05 06 70 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Tema Tov junadi i teladi Teško teljenje Probavni sustav Zarazne bolesti Otrovanja Pobačaj Procjena valjanosti mesa Ukupno Parazitarne bolesti Bolesti jetre, bubrega i slezene Problemi vezani za UO Zaostajanje posteljice Određivanje očinstva i neplodnosti Bolesti vimena Izvala rodnice Ukupno broj sudskih slučajeva 90 53 42 34 23 22 20 284 13 12 12 12 11 10 10 80 8 Kastracija bikova Transport Odgovornost veterinarski organizacija Deficitarne bolesti Ležanje poslije poroda Dišni sustav Procjena starosti Bolest očiju Dijagnostika graviditeta Ukupno Svi ostali 7 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 51 25 % 20,45 12,61 9,5 7,72 5,2 5 4,54 64,54 2,95 2,72 2,72 2,72 2,5 2,27 2,27 18.18 1,8 1,59 1,36 1,36 1,36 1,36 0,9 0,9 0,9 9 5,68 Iz tablice 2 vidljivo je da najviše sudskih slučajeva iz govedarske problematike otpada na tov junadi -90 (20,45), od čega zbog neispunjenja očekivanih rezultata otpada 46 (51,11%), pneumonije 14 (15,55%), prevelikog utroška hrane u tovu 9 (10%), nekvalitetne krmne smjese u tovu 6 (6,66%). Na ove slučajeve otpada ukupno 75 (83,33%) od broja slučajeva u tovu ili 17% od ukupnog broja slučajeva. Na svu ostalu problematiku u tovu otpada 16,66%. Tablica 2. Sudski slučajevi u svezi s problemom tovu junadi. Tov teladi i junadi Problem Tov teladi i junadi problemi vezani za neočekivan rezultat Pneumonije Prevelik utrošak hrane Nekvalitetna krmna smjesa Produžen tov Nedostatak hrane u tovu Tov zimi Otuđivanje junadi Neredovito napajanje Problem ulazne težine Nepovoljni zooh. uvjeti Bakteriološki loša hrana Utrošak kukuruza u tovu Prehrana sušenom sirutkom Ukupno Broj 90 46 14 9 6 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 90 % od broja vezanih za probavni sustav 51,11 15,55 10 6,66 4,44 2,22 2,22 1,11 1,11 1,11 1,11 1,11 1,11 1,11 % od ukupnog broja slučajeva 20,45 10,45 3,18 2,04 1,36 0,9 0,45 0,45 0,225 0,225 0,225 0,225 0,225 0,225 0,225 XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 353 Iz tablice 3. vidljivo je da na probleme vezane za pomoć pri teškom teljenju otpada 53 slučajeva (12,045%), od čega je najučestaliji problem vezan za stručnu pogrješku pri pomoći kod teljenja- 16 (30,18%), na rupturu uterusa pri teljenju, bez obzira na odgovornost, 14 (26,41%), uginuće krave nakon teljenja 5(9,43%), te na teško teljenje nepoznata razloga 4 slučaja (7,54%). Navedena problematika zastupljena je s 39 slučajeva (73,58%), a na sve ostale otpada 14slučajeva (26,42%). Tablica 3. Sudski slučajevi u svezi s teškim teljenjem Sudski slučajevi Stručna pogreška Ruptura uterusa Uginuće krave nakon teljenja Teško teljenje Trauma poslije teljenja Prevelik plod Carski rez Torzija maternice Iskrvarenje nakon teljenja Ozljeda laika pri teljenju Odbijanje pružanja pomoći Loša pomoć bolničara Asfiksija ploda Teljenje uz pomoć laika Broj 53 16 14 5 4 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 % od broja slučajeva vezani za probavni sustav 30,18 26,41 9,43 7,54 5,66 3,77 3,77 3,77 1,88 1,88 1,88 1,88 1,88 1,88 % od ukupnog broja slučajeva 12,045 3,63 3,18 1,13 0,90 0,68 0,45 0,45 0,45 0,225 0,225 0,225 0,225 0,225 0,225 U tablici 4 prikazani su sudski slučajevi nastali u svezi s problemom probavnog sustava- 42 (9,54%). Najbrojniji su problemi vezani za strano tijelo -26 (61,90%), upala crijeva i akutni nadam po 4 (9,52%), a na svu ostalu problematiku vezanu za probavni sustav otpada 8 (19,1%) slučajeva. Tablica 4. Sudski slučajevi nastali u svezi s probavnim sustavom Problem u svezi probavnog sustava Strano tijelo Upala crijeva Akutni nadam Alimentarna inoksikacija Opstrukcija jednjaka Alimentarna indigestija Začep % od broja slučajeva vezani za probavni sustav Broj 42 26 4 4 3 2 2 1 61,90 9,52 9,52 7,14 4,76 4,76 2,38 % od ukupnog broja slučajeva 9, 54 5,90 0,90 0,90 0,68 0,45 0,45 0,225 Tablica 5 prikazuje sudske slučajeve vezane za zarazne bolesti kojih je bilo 34 (7,72%), od čega su problemi vezani za tuberkulozu i tuberkulinizaciju zastupljeni s 13 (38,23%), liječenje bedrenice i cijepljenje protiv bedrenice 9 (26,47%), slučajeva a dok na sve ostale bolesti otpada 12 (35,29%) slučajeva. 354 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Tablica 5. Sudski slučajevi svezi s pojavom zaraznih bolesti Zarazne bolesti Tuberkuloza i tuberkulinizacija Bedrenica i cijepljenje bedrenice Parainfluenca Enzootska leukoza Aujeczsky Aktinomikoza Trihomonijaza Šuštavac Parašuštavac Slinavka i šap Rinotraheitis Spolni osip Broj 34 13 9 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 % od broja slučajeva vezani za probavni sustav 38,23 26,47 5,88 5,88 2,94 2,94 2,94 2,94 2,94 2,94 2,94 2,94 % od ukupnog broja slučajeva 7,72 2,95 2,04 0,45 0,45 0,225 0,225 0,225 0,225 0,225 0,225 0,225 0,225 Problemi vezani za intoksikaciju goveda bili su predmet 23 (5,22%) sudska slučaja, od čega je najbrojnija pitanje, jesu li životinje otrovane- 5 (21,73%) slučajeva, te odgovornost za otrovanje i otrovanje protumetiljom bili su predmet po 3 (13,04%) slučaja te otrovanje urejom i kuhinjskom solju 2 (8,69%) slučajeva. Na ostale probleme otpada 8 slučajeva (34,78%). Tablica 6. Sudski slučajevi u svezi s intoksikacijom goveda Problem Trovanje Otrovanje Odgovornost za otrovanje Otrovanje protumetiljom Otrovanje urejom Otrovanje NaCl Otrovanje Pb Otrovanje meksakloretanom Otrovanje kreazanom Otrovanje neguvanom Otrovanje severinom Otrovanje distocidom Otrovanje umjetnim gnojivom Otrovanje tiadanom Boj 23 5 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 % od broja slučajeva vezani za probavni sustav 21,73 13,04 13,04 8,69 8,69 4,35 4,35 4,35 4,35 4,35 4,35 4,35 4,35 % od ukupnog broja slučajeva 5,22 1,13 0,68 0,68 0,45 0,45 0,225 0,225 0,225 0,225 0,225 0,225 0,225 0,225 Iz tablice 7 proizlazi da su problemi vezani za pobačaj zastupljeni u 22 (5%) sudske ekspertize, od čega su najbrojniji određivanje uzroka pobačaja u -6 (27,27%), traumatski pobačaj u 4 (18,18%) te određivanje odgovornosti za pobačaj, određivanje uzroka uginuća ploda, te pobačaj nakon tuberkulinizacije u po 3 (13,63%) ekspertize. Na ostale problemi odnose se 3 slučaja. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 355 Tablica 7. Sudski slučajevi nastali zbog problema vezanih za pobačaj goveda Problem-pobačaj Pobačaj-uzrok Traumatski pobačaj Odgovornost za pobačaj Uginuće ploda Brucelozni pobačaj Pobačaj nakon tuberkulinizacije Pobačaj nakon cijepljenja protiv bedrenice Pobačaj-hernia uterusa Broj 22 6 4 3 3 1 3 1 1 % od broja slučajeva vezani za probavni sustav 27,27 18,18 13,63 13,63 4,54 4,54 4,54 4,54 % od ukupnog broja slučajeva 5 1,36 0,90 0,68 0,68 0,225 0,225 0,225 0,225 U tablici 8. prikazano je 17 (3,86%) sudskih slučajeva koji se odnose na procjenu valjanosti mesa, od čega se 8 (47,05%) odnosi na valjanost procjene mesa, procjenu mesa -klanje iz nužde 3 (17,64%), 2 (11,76%) slučaja odnose se na prodaju nepregledana mesa. Na ostale probleme odnose se 4 sudska slučaja. Tablica 8. Sudski slučajevi vezani za procjenu valjanosti mesa Problem: procjena valjanosti mesa Je li procjena mesa valjana Klanje iz nužde Prodaja nepregledana mesa Odgovornost za pregled Nesavjestan pregled Pregled-privredni pijrestup Ritualno klanje Broj 17 8 3 2 1 1 1 1 % od broja slučajeva vezanih za probavni sustav 47,05 17,64 11,76 11,76 5,88 5,88 5,88 % od ukupnog broja slučajeva 3,86 1,81 0,68 0,45 0,45 0,225 0,225 0,225 U tablici 9. prikazano je 13 (2,95%) sudskih slučajeva, od čega se na metiljavost odnosi 9 (69,23%) slučajeva, dok se ostala 4 slučaja odnose na ehinokokozu, cisticerkozu, distamozu i sarkosporidiozu. Tablica 9. Sudski slučajevi vezani za zarazne bolesti PARAZITI Metiljavost Ehinokokoza Sarkosporidioza Cisticerkoza Distomatoza 13 9 1 1 1 1 % od broja slučajeva vezanih za probavni sustav 69,23 7,69 7,69 7,69 7,69 % od ukupnog broja slučajeva 2,04 0,225 0,225 0,225 0,225 U tablici 10 prikazano je 12 slučajeva vezanih za bolesti bubrega, jetre i slezene. Na krvavo mokrenje odnose se 6 (50%), na pijelonefritis 3 (25%)a na kronične upale jetre, apscedirajuću upalu slezene i nefritis odnose se tri sudska slučaja. 356 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Tablica 10. Sudski slučajevi vezani za bolesti jetre, slezene i bubrega BOLESTI JETRE, SLEZENE I BUBREGA Hematuria Pijelonefritis Kronična upala jetre Apscedirajuća upala slezene Nefritis Broj 12 6 3 1 1 1 50 25 8,33 8,33 8,33 1,36 0,68 0,225 0,225 0,225 U tablicama 11,12,13 prikazano je po 12 (2,72%) sudskih slučajeva vezanih za umjetno osjemenjivanje, određivanje neplodnosti i očinstva te zaostajanje posteljice. Od 12 slučajeva vezanih za umjetno osjemenjivanje 9 (75%) se odnosi na stručnu pogrešku pri liječenju, a 2 (16,66%) na pobačaj nakon umjetnog osjemenjivanja. Tablica 11. Sudski slučajevi vezani umjetno osjemenjivanje UO Sručna pogjreška Pobačaj nakon UO-stručna pogrješka UO-negravidnost Broj 12 9 2 1 75 16,66 8,33 2,72 2,04 0,45 0,225 Tablica 12. Sudski slučajevi vezani za određivanje neplodnosti Određivanje neplodnosti i očinstva Procjena neplodnosti bika Određivanje valjanosti pedigrea Određivanje očinstva Određivanje proizvodnih svojstava 12 8 2 1 1 66,66 16,66 8,33 8,33 2,72 1,81 0,45 0,225 0,225 Tablica 13. Sudski slučajevi vezani za zaostajanje posteljice u krava Retencija sek. Retenciaj sec. Hidrops plodnih ovojnica i ret. Sec. Retencija-Piometra Retencija-ruptura uterusa Retencija-endometritis 12 7 2 1 1 1 58,33 16,66 8,33 8,33 8,33 2,72 1,59 0,45 0,225 0,225 0,225 Tablica 14. Sudski slučajevi vezani za izvalu rodnice Izvala rodnice Izvala rodnice-pružanje pomoći pri teljenju Izvala rodnice-pogrješka u liječenju 10 8 2 80 20 2,27 1,81 0,45 XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 357 Tablica 15. Sudski slučajevi vezani za bolest i nedostatke vimena Bolesti i nedostaci vimena Mastitis Jamstvo za mliječnost Nerazvijeno vime Jamstvo za bolest sise Jamstvo za zdravo vime Nedostaci na sisama 10 5 1 1 1 1 1 2,27 1,13 0,225 0,225 0,225 0,225 0,225 50 10 10 10 10 10 Tablica 16. Sudski slučajevi vezani za kastraciju bikova Kastracija bikova Kastracija burdizzo kliještima Katracija-stručna pogrješka Sepsa poslije kastracije Odgovornost za kastraciju Katracija-šuštavac Kastracija-parašuštavac 8 2 2 1 1 1 1 25 25 12,5 12,5 12,5 12,5 1,81 0,45 0,45 0,225 0,225 0,225 0,225 Tablica 17. Sudski slučajevi vezani za transport Transport Uginuće u transportu Određivanje kala u transportu Transport-akutna slabost srca Transport teladi –kaznena odgovornost 7 3 2 1 1 42,85 28,57 14,28 14,28 1,59 0,68 0,45 0,225 0,225 Tablica 18. Sudski slučajevi u svezi s dišnim sustavom Bolesti dišnog sustava Upala pluća 5 Emfizem 6 5 1 83,33 16,67 1,36 1,13 0,225 Tablica 19. Ostali sudski slučajevi Ležanje poslije poroda Ležanje poslije poroda-uginuće i klanje 6 5 1,36 1,13 Defiicitarne bolesti 6 1,36 4 4 4 6 35 0,90 0,90 0,90 1,36 Procjena starosti prema zubima Određivanje graviditeta Bolesti očiju Odgovornost veterinarski organizacija Ostalo U tablicama 14, 15 i 16 prikazani su sudski slučajevi vezani za izvalu rodnice, bolesti i nedostatke vimena te kastraciju bikova. Od 10 sudskih slučajeva vezanih za izvalu rodnice 8 ih se odnosi na optužbu veterinara koji je pomagao pri teškom porodu i nakon čije je intervencije nastala izvala rodnice, a u 2 slučaja veterinar je optužen da je napravio pogrješku u liječenju. Od 10 sudskih slučajeva vezanih za bolest i nedostatke vimena 5 se odnosi na mastitis, ostalih pet zastupljeno je po jedanput, a odnose se na jamstvo za mliječnost, nerazvijeno vime, jamstvo za bolest sise, na jamstvo za zdravo vime i sise. Od 8 sudskih slučajeva vezanih za kastraciju bikova po dva se odnose na 358 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 kastraciju burdizzo kliještima te stručne pogrješke koje su nastale obavljanjem kastracije. Ostala 4 slučaja odnose se na sepsu poslije kastracije, na odgovornost za kastraciju te na nastanak parašuštavca i šuštavca nakon kastracije. U tablici 17 prikazani su sudski slučajevi nastali zbog transporta životinja, a koji se odnose na uginuće poslije transporta- u 3 slučaja, određivanje transportnog kala u 2 slučaja, te na akutnu slabost srca i kaznenu odgovornost za transport junadi u po jedan slučaj. U tablici 18 prikazani su sudski slučajevi vezani za probleme dišnog sustava, a koji se odnose na upalu pluća u 5 i emfizem pluća u jednom slučaju. U tablici 19 prikazani su sudski slučajevi koji se odnose na ležanje poslije poroda i deficitarne bolesti, na odgovornost veterinarskih organizacija u po 6 slučajeva, ležanje poslije poroda u 5 slučajeva, te na procjenu starosti prema zubima, određivanje graviditeta i bolest očiju u po 4 slučaja. LITERATURA Džaja P., J Perić (1994.). Pregled forenzičkih slučajeva zbog bolesti i mana u konja. Vet. st. 25,6,1994. Pismohrana Zavoda za sudsko i upravno veterinarstvo. Winterhalter M. Spomenica 1919-1969.. Zagreb 1969. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 359 360 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Outbreak of the BVDV induced gastro-neuropathy in a feedlot calves around Tehran (Iran) POJAVA BVDV-OM INDUCIRANE NEFROPATIJE KOD TELADI U OKOLICI TEHERANA (IRAN) Bazargani T.T.1, Hemmatzadeh F.2, Nadjafi J.3 and Sadeghi-Nasab A.*4 Department of Clinical Science, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tehran, Iran. 2 3 Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tehran, Iran. Department of Pathobiology, Veterinary Reference Laboratory, Iran Veterinary Organization, Tehran, Iran. 4 Junior school of veterinary medicine, Bu-Ali Sina University, Clinical Sciences, Hamedan, Iran *Corresponding author’s e-mail: sadeghinasabali@basu.ac.ir Abstract After an out break of a lethal disease with the signs of the CNS as well as the GI system (GIs) engagement in 4-6 month old Holstein calves of a feedlot around Tehran, necropsy samples of GIs, liver, kidney, spleen and lung from 3 died animals referred for histopathologic examination. Blood and formalin fixed ear notch samples of 6 sick calves submitted for RT-PCR, Antigen-Capture ELISA (ACE) and Immunohistochemistry (IHC) of the BVDV. Results of ACE of buffy coats were negative but RT-PCR of all 6 cases and IHC of 4 cases were positive for BVDV infection. In the presence of clinical signs, macroscopic and microscopic pathology findings in the GI and brain and laboratory results, we strongly suggest that the BVDV may represent a gastro-neuropathogen strain. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first outbreak report of gastro-neuropathogenic BVDV infection, maybe acquired postnatally. Key words: BVDV, Gastro- neuropathogen strain, RT-PCR, Immunohistochemistry, Histopathology Sažetak Ustanovljena je pojava atipičnog i značajno težeg oblika infekcije BVDV-a, koja je zahvatila sve dobne kategorije goveda. U ovom radu opisana je pojava BVDV-a u obliku nefropatije teladi. Materijali i metode Nakon pojave febrilne, letalne bolesti, sa znakovima CNS-a i gastrointestinalnim poremećajima kod teladi Holsteinske pasmine u dobi od 4-6 mjeseci, izvršena je razudba, te su od tri uginule životinje uzeti uzorci probavnog sustava, jetre, bubrega, slezene i pluća za patohistološku dijagnostiku. Od 6 bolesnih životinja uzet je uzorak krvi, te uzorak uha fiksiran formalinom za različite anlize BVDV-a, tj. za RT-PCR, Antigen-Capture ELISA (ACE) i imunohistokemiju (IHC) analizu. Klinička slika se sastojala od stomatitisa sa nekrozama na nepcu, desnima, na dorzalnoj i ventralnoj strain jezika, običnih ili hemoragičnih proljeva i izrazite depresije, ležanja i uginuća. Neka telad je pokazivala znakove nekoordinacije i konvulzija, te je takva uvijek i uginula. Rezultati Nađena je izrazita hiperemija, proširena i vrlo izražena hidropična degeneracija mukoznog sloja usta i jednjaka, hiperemijai i infiltracija upalnim stanicama submukoze papilla buraga. U sirištu je pronađen jaki edem, hiperemija s infiltracijom upalnih stanica i nekroza i erozije mukoze. Na mukozi debelog i tankog crijeva nađeni su znakovi su cistične degeneracije. U uzorku mozga nađena je hiperemija meningi, glioza te neutrofilna infiltracija leukocita infiltracija, dok je u malom mozgu prevladvala hiperemija. Zaključak Na osnovu kiničke slike, makroskopskih te mikroskopskih nalaza u probavnom sustavu i mozgu zaključili smo da se radi o gastro-neurološkom soju BVDV-a. Akutni neurološki znakovi su se podudarali sa spomenutim XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 361 mikroskopskim i laboratorijskim nalazima. Uzevši u obzir stupanj lezija, zaključili smo da su životinje uginule od akutnog meningoencefalitisa. Koliko nam je poznato, ovo je prvi opisani slučaj pojave postnatalne neuropatogene BVDV infekcije. Ključne riječi: BVDV, gastro-neuropatogen, RT_PCR, imunohistokemija, histopatologija Introduction Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) belongs to the Pestivirus genus, Flaviviridae family which is an important worldwide viral pathogen of cattle causing many of disease syndromes (Brock, 2004; Hemmatzadeh et al., 2006; Nettleton and Entrican, 1995). The virus has been described as affecting the reproductive, respiratory, gastrointestinal, circulatory, immune, lymphatic, musculoskeletal, integument and the central nervous systems (Brock, 2004). Prenatal infection of the BVDV can also result in homologous immunotolerance and persistent infection (PI) and its complications as mucosal disease (MD) in PI animals (Brock, 2004; Nettleton and Entrican, 1995). Materials and methods In a Holstein breed feedlot around Tehran, with 800 populations which 270 of them stabled in 3 separate yards, 4-6 month old calves were affected in severe outbreak of a fatal disease. At risk animals transported in different party to the feedlot from dairy farms of around Tehran after weaning. These calves fed on alfalfa, hay, corn silage, ground corn, ground oat, cotton seed meal, soy bean meal, beet pulp. For dealing with disease at the first step, after history taking, at least 25 cases clinically examined carefully and 3 dead cases were necropsied. At the second step and nearly 3 weeks later, blood and ear notch samples were collected from 6 Holstein calves 4 to 6 months old with the same clinical and macroscopic signs. Blood samples were collected from jugular vein in 10 ml vacutainer tubes contain 1 ml of 3.85% sodium citrate and delivered to the laboratory in the ice containers (4 °C) maximum within 24 h. The skin biopsies were collected from the distal part of the ear using an “ear notcher” to obtain a cylindrical 1 cm diameter of the ear pinna. Notcher was washed with water and disinfected with 2% formalin solution between each collection. Samples were fixed in 10% buffered formalin solution. Formalin fixed specimens of palatine, esophagus, rumen, abomasum, small and large intestines, brain, kidney, lung, liver, spleen 3 dead cases of disease were performed and referred to pathology lab for sectioning and Hematoxylin-and-eosin staining. 3-1) Antigen-Capture ELISA (ACE): Detection of BVDV antigen in Buffy coat cells was performed using a commercially available kit (Pestivirus antigen detection kit, Moredun Scientific Limited, UK). According to the manufacturer’s instructions, after sample preparation and antigen extraction, assay protocol at 450 nm within 30 minutes and based on recommended OD limits (C1 >0.8, C2 = 0.4-0.6, C3 = 0.2-0.4, C4<0.2) was performed. 3-2) Reverse Transcription–PCR (RT-PCR): Reverse transcription–PCR, as described (Vilcek et al., 1994) and modified previously (Moakhar et al., 2004), was performed on buffy coat samples from all examined calves. TriPure isolation reagent (Roche diagnostic GmbH, Mannheim, Germany) was employed for RNA extraction. After this stage cDNA was synthesized and then PCR procedure was performed (Moakhar et al., 2004; Vilcek et al., 1994) One primer set, forward (5’-ATGCCCTTAGTAGGACTAGCA-3’) and reverse (5’-TCAACTCCATGTGCCATGTAC-3’) specific for all of pestiviruses was used for RT-PCR 362 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 according to Vilcek et al (1994) which was modified by Kargar Moakhar et al (2004). In this PCR process, one positive cDNA derived from NADL strain and one negative cDNA obtained from noninfected cell culture was used as positive and negative control, respectively. The electrophoresis analysis of the PCR products was run in 1.5% agarose gel using TAE buffer at 100V for 45 min. Visualization of ethidium bromide stained DNA bands was performed by a UV transilluminator and gel images were printed using video camera and thermal printer. 3-3) Immunohistochemistry (IHC): From formalin fixed ear notch samples referred to pathology lab serial sections were performed. Five-micrometer tissue sections were mounted on poly-L-lysinecoated slides and stained for BVDV by using a manually procedure adapted from a previously described technique (Haines et al., 1992). Anti-BVDV (pesti) monoclonal antibody labelled with fluorescein isothiocyanate (BIO 316, Bio-X diagnostics kit, Belgium) was used. Stained sections were examined by fluorescent microscopy. Positive IHC staining for BVDV was green fluorescent evidnce within the cytoplasm of keratinocytes of epidermis and hair follicles, sebaceous epithelial cells, mononuclear cells in dermis, vascular smooth muscle cells and chondrocytes. Results 4-1) Clinical findings: Fever (40-42 ˚C), sever anorexia, hyperpnoea and coughing, nose mucopurulent discharge, conjunctivitis, stomatitis with erosions in the palatine, gum, dorsal and ventral side of tongue, simple or hemorrhagic diarrhea with or without melena and progressive weight loss and severe depression, recumbency and death were the most important signs in the affected calves. In addition, some calves showed incoordination and severe convulsion. All of calves with these later signs died. 4-2) Macroscopic pathology findings: Besides the lesions mentioned in clinical findings section, single and multifocal erosions of esophagus, ruminitis with clumping of its villie, multifocal erosive abomasitis with dark containing were observed. Enteritis in small and large bowels with zebra line and some time melna in large intestine were obvious sings. Hyperemia of the brain and cerebellum surface was another symptom (Figure 1A). 4-3) Laboratory examination findings: 4-3-1) Microscopic pathology: Hyperemia, widespread and severe hydropic degeneration of mucosal layer of mouth and esophagus and edema, hyperemia of submucosal layer with infiltration of inflammatory cells in rumen villie were remarkable. Severe edema, hyperemia, with infiltration of inflammatory cells to submucosal layer and widespread necrosis and erosion of mucosal layer of abomasums were seen. Severe edema, hyperemia, with extention of inflammatory cells to submucosal layer and widespread necrosis and erosion of mucosal layer of small and large intestine with cystic degeneration of mucosal layer were obvious signs.Hyperemia of meninges, gliosis and mild neutrophilic lymphocytic PVC in the brain specimen (Figure 1B-D) as well as hyperemia of cerebellum were nervous microscopic pathology signs. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 363 Figure 1) Hyperemia of the brain surface (A), meninges (B), Hyperemia & mild neutrophilic lymphocytic PVC (C), gliosis (D) in the brain specimen (H&E staining, 10.20×) Abnormalities of lung specimen including hyperemia, atelectasia and emphysema, hyperplasia of pneumocytes and severe interstitial pneumonia, were observed. Interstitial nephritis with dilatation of tubules, squamous forming of tubular cells as a reason of hyperemia and proteinuria (nephritic syndrome) were detected in the kidney samples. 4-3-2) ACE, RT-PCR and IHC: Results of ACE test were negative in all of 6 cases, but 4 cases were positive in IHC (Figure 2) and all cases were positive in RT-PCR. 364 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Figure 2) Positive IHC staining for BVDV. Green fluorescent evidence within the cytoplasm of keratinocytes (A1, A2, B3), sebaceous epithelial cells (C5, D6), mononuclear cells of dermis (C4), chondrocytes (D7). Discussion According to history, clinical, macroscopic and microscopic pathology findings and severity of the outbreak, the disease is highly resembled to BVDV infection. It is likely that the 4 IHC positive calves were undergoing an acute BVDV infection and were viremic at the time of testing. Detection of BVDV in skin by IHC following acute or persistent infection has been reported to be inconsistent (Baszler et al., 1995; Brodersen, 2004; Brock et al., 1998; Cornish et al., 2006; Fredriksen et al., 1999; Grooms and Keilen, 2002; Haines et al., 1992; Luzzago et al., 2006; Njaa et al., 2000; Ridpath et al., 2002; Thur et al., 1996). Principally, interpretation of IHC sections is highly objective and this problem will be worsening when these sections are prepared badly (Ellis et al., 1995), more than 2 weeks formalin fixation (Luzzago et al., 2006), lack of sufficient virus antigen (Njaa et al., 2000) and presence of virus-antibody complex in the examined skin sections (Baszler et al., 1995) are the likely reason for these results. RT-PCR can detect genome of neutralized and semi neutralized viruses, in contrast, neutralizing antibodies can mask viruses and make negative ACE results (Brock, 2004; Brock et al.,1998; Cornish et al.,2006; Houe et al., 2006; Saliki and DuBois ,2004; Sandvik, 2005), and this might be the reason for different results of RT-PCR and ACE. In contrast of, viral antigen may be detectable in tissues for an extended time after the virus has been cleared from the blood (Cornish et al., 2005; Grooms XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 365 and Keilen, 2002) and is not affected by maternal (Grooms and Keilen, 2002) or humoral antibodies (Brodersen, 2004). It is speculated that cold, high velocity wind and remarkable difference between night and day temperature stress and immunosuppressant effect of BVDV, accompanied by decline of maternal immunity might be the reason for this severe incidence. Different type of GI tract lesions from mouth to terminal intestine is the pathogenesis effect of BVDV (Brock, 2004; Nettleton and Entrican, 1995). Furthermore, BVDV Type 2–Induced Meningoencephalitis in a 15-month-old, female Angus Heifer, with a 48-hour history of central nervous system engagement is reported (Blas-Machado et al., 2004) and to the best of our knowledge, this article is the second report of neuropathy of BVDV infection, and first outbreak of gastro-neuropathy due to this virus infection acquired postnatally. In general, little is known about the mechanisms of neuropathy and neurovirulence of BVDV in cattle. The most commonly reported brain lesion in calves with transplacental infection of BVDV is cerebellar hypoplasia often associated with hydranencephaly, hydrocephaly, microencephaly and or porencephaly. The acute neurological signs observed in these cases were consistent with the microscopic and laboratory findings described before and the severity of the lesions indicates that these animals died from acute meningoencephalitis associated with BVDV infection (Blas-Machado et al., 2004). Like the first report (Blas-Machado et al., 2004) on the basis of our findings, we propose that the BVDV detected in these cases may represent a neurovirulent strain of the virus. Additional studies are needed to corroborate such proposed mechanisms of BVDV type 2 neurovirulence and neuropathogenicity in cattle. Additional studies are needed to determine genotype and biotype of virus and confirm such neuropathogenicity mechanisms of BVDV in cattle. Acknowledgments With the best thanks of Dr. Parvaneh Seifoori, Miss Tybeh Ghasemi and Mr. Mohammad Mehdi Ghaffari for their experted supports and technical procedure in the microbiology and pathobiology lab. References Baszler, TV; Evermann, JF; Kaylor, PS; Byington, TC and Dilbeck, PM (1995). Diagnosis of naturally occurring bovine viral diarrhea virus infections in ruminants using monoclonal antibody-based immunohistochemistry. Vet. Pathol. 32, PP: 609-618. Blas-Machado, U; Saliki, JT; Duffy, JC and Caseltine SL (2004). Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus Type 2–Induced Meningoencephalitis in a Heifer. Vet. Pathol. 41, PP: 190-194. Brock, KV (2004). The many faces of bovine viral diarrhea virus. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice. Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus. 20, PP: 1-3 & 76. Brock, KV; Grooms, DL; Ridpath, JF and Bolin, SR (1998). Changes in levels of viremia in cattle persistently infected with bovine viral diarrhea virus. J. Vet. Diagn. Invest.10(1),PP: 22-26 Brodersen, BW (2004). Immunohistochemistry used as a screening method for persistent bovine viral diarrhea virus infection. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice. Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus. 20, PP: 85-93. Cornish, TE; Olphen, AL; Cavender, JL; Edwards, JM; Jaeger, PT; Vieyra, LL; Woodard, LF; Miller, DF and O’Toole D (2005).Comparison of ear notch immunohistochemistry, ear notch antigen-capture ELISA, and buffy coat virus isolation for detection of calves persistently infected with bovine.viral diarrhea virus. J. Vet. Diagn . Invest. 17, PP: 110–117. Ellis, JA; Martin, K; Norman, GR and Haines, DM (1995). Comparison of detection methods for bovine viral diarrhea virus in bovine abortions and neonatal death. J Vet Diagn Invest. 7: 433-436. 366 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Fredriksen, B; Press, CM; Sandvik, T; Odegaard, SA and Loken, T (1999). Detection of viral antigen in placenta and fetus of cattle acutely infected with bovine viral diarrhea virus.Vet. Pathol.36, PP: 267-275. Hemmatzadeh, F; Mommtaz, H; Keyvanfar, H and Bani-hasan, E (2006). Antigenic pattern of BVDV isolated in IRAN. 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Laboratory diagnosis of bovine viral diarrhea virus infections. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice. Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus. 20, PP: 69-83. Sandvik, T (2005). Selection and use of laboratory diagnostic assays in BVD control programs. Preventive Vet. Med. 72, 1-2, 3-16. Thur, B; Zlinszky, K and Ehrensperger, F (1996). Immunohistochemical detection of bovine viral diarrhea virus in skin biopsies: a reliable and fast diagnostic tool. J. Vet.med. B 43, PP: 163-166. Vilcek, S; Herring, AJ; Nettlton, PF; Lowings, JP and Paton, DJ (1994). Pestiviruses isolated from pigs, cattle and sheep can be allocated into at least three genogroups using polymerase chain reaction and restriction endonuclease analysis. Arch. Virol. 136, PP: 309-323. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 367 368 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Comparison of conventional and digital radiography of phalangeal bone and soft tissue in cattle Usporedba konvencionalne i digitalne radiografije kosti i mekih česti falangi goveda M. Šehić1, V. Butković, D. Stanin1, B. Škrlin1, B. Radišić2, J. Kos2 1 Department of Radiology, Ultrasound Diagnostics and Physical Therapy Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb, Heinzelova 55 2 Department of Surgery, Orthopaedics and Ophthalmology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb, Heinzelova 55 Abstract Conventional radiological diagnostics using imaging on an x-ray film has been in use for more than a century. The principle of this diagnostics lies in the detection of x-ray radiation on film which is then developed relatively slowly, manually or mechanically, in dark rooms and then stored in overcrowded archives. The diagnostic image is obtained by using cassettes in which the x-ray films are placed. The cassettes contain fluorescent foils which transform the incoming x-ray radiation into light radiation of a certain spectrum. As the film and the foil are in contact, this leads to a direct exposure of the x-ray film. The exposed film is developed by a chemical process and contains a permanent recording of the organic structure which is of diagnostic interest. New radiological diagnostic devices, contrary to the previous ones, do not use recording on the cassette, but have digital detectors instead. Digital detectors transform the incoming x-ray into an analogous signal of a certain level, which is then digitalized by means of an A/D converter. In this form the signal is being sent to and is processed in adjoining computers. An image so obtained, displayed on the monitor, directly serves the diagnostic purposes. It can be stored in the archive, shared with other computers in a network or printed on a special printing device. Developed countries of the world in the last several years also use mobile digital devices in large animal practice. We demonstrated the advantages of digital radiography over the conventional one by imaging the bovine phalanxes using both methods. Digital radiography proved significantly better in the imaging of fine structures of soft and bone parts of bovine phalanxes. The radiograms show the fine resolutions of digital radiography images which have a higher quality than the xeroradiogram. The picture obtained in digital form is ready for various kinds of subsequent processing which provides us with extraordinary possibilities for a faster and more reliable diagnostics. Sažetak Konvencionalna radiološka dijagnostika koristi x-zrake i film već više od jednog sstoljeća.Princip je ove dijagnostike u prolsasku x-zraka kroz tkiva i prenosi se na film koji se nakon toga razvija manuelno ili mehanički u tamnoj komori a nakon toga se pohranjuje u zatvorenoj arhivi rendgenskih filmova. Nova radiološka dijagnostika koristi digitalnu detekciju koja transformira ulazne x-zrake u analogni signal koji se potom digitalizira preko A/D konvertera.Tako dobivena slika se čuva u kompjuteriziranom obliku ili se ispiše posebnim pisačem. Razvijene zemlje svijeta zadnjih nekoliko godina koriste mobilne digitalne radiografske aparate osobito u dijagnostci bolesti velikih životinja.Mi smo prikazali prednosti digitalne radiografije nad konvencionalnom u prikazu članaka prsta goveda i to koštanih struktura i mekih česti.Napominjemo da slikedobivene digitalnom radiografijom daju mogućnost dodatnog kompjuterskog procesuiranja koji će omogućiti još bržu i kvalitetniju dijagnostiku XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 369 Introduction The limping of cattle, regardless of the conditions of keeping, is usually due to diseased distal parts of extremities. The hoofs are exposed to non-hygienic conditions, are infrequently trimmed and are often traumatized. The diseases of hoofs and other phalanxes of various etiology demand thorough clinical and radiological examinations. The outcome of radiological diagnostics is closely related to the technique of imaging, the choice of foils and films and preparation of hoofs for radiography. Present-day radiology uses more and more frequently the digital systems for imaging of human or animal bodies and these systems gradually substitute analog devices in clinical practice. Digital technology has been in use for quite a long time in computerized tomography (CT), ultrasonography, magnetic resonance (MRI) and nuclear medicine. Experiences gained so far are mostly based on analog imaging. An analog image is the standard radiographic recording on an x-ray film. Conventional diagnostic image is obtained by using a cassette in which x-ray films are inserted. Cassettes contain fluorescent foils which convert the incoming x-ray beam into light of a certain spectrum. As the film and the foils are in contact, the x-ray film is directly exposed. After that, the exposed film is developed by chemical means and it provides a lasting recording of the diagnostically interesting organic structure. Analog images are permanent. For instance, the black-and-white x-ray image of the thorax is an analog image because it represents a permanent configuration of the intensity of light patches as functional positions on the radiograph. In photography images are created when the light is focused onto a film. In radiography x-rays pass through the patient and are projected on the x-ray film. The digital procedure of image processing was first developed in NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in the California Institute of Technology. The technology of digital processing continued to spread quickly and found its application in fields such as astronomy, geology, forestry, agronomy, cartography, military science and medicine. In medicine, a particularly fertile soil for this technology is diagnostic imaging (Huang, 1999). Digital image processing is a multidisciplinary affair including physics, mathematics, mechanical engineering and computer science. Digital images are numerical representations or pictures of an object. The forming of digital images requires a digital computer. Any kind of data entering the computer must first be digitalized, i.e. converted into numbers. An important component here is the Analog to Digital Converter – ADC which converts a permanent signal into individual signals or digital data (Luiten, 1995). The computer receives digital data and processes them as required. The results of such processing are always digital and can be shown as a digital image (Seeram, 1985). The future of digital imaging promises various applications such as 3D imaging (Huang, 1999). Digital radiographic systems are divided according to types of detectors into computed radiography (CR) and direct digital radiography (DDR). Computed radiography (CR) uses cassettes just as the standard radiography, but instead of film and foil it uses plates coated with phosphorescent material, often called simply phosphorus plates, though this term is not quite precise. The means of working with such cassettes is very similar to conventional radiography, formats are the same, and the digital image is obtained on common points which substitute the dark rooms. CR can be attached to existing radiographic devices for which reason its implementation in a hospital environment is cheaper than the DR. Direct digital radiography (DDR) uses special flat-panel detectors. The panel is installed in the table or fixed onto a vertical gantry. DR systems can use an indirect conversion by means of a glittering screen and a deposit of amorphous silicon or a direct conversion by means of amorphous 370 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 selenium. When the phosphorus plate is exposed to x-rays an analog latent image is formed. By means of digitalizer and a scanner it is then transformed by digital conversion into a digital image. The scanner in the digitalizer reads the data from the phosphorus plate line by line until the entire plate is displayed. Materials and methods The bovine phalanxes from the slaughterhouse were first filmed by conventional radiography, and then by computed radiography (CR) or direct digital radiography (DDR). Radiography was made in two basic projections. Analog radiographs were scanned and digitally processed. Computed radiography and direct digital radiography were done in university hospital centres. Computed radiography or the CR system uses a plate over and over again to obtain the image instead of film. This plate contains a layer of photo-stimulating phosphorus in which the image is stored. When the plate is exposed to x-rays, the electrons within the phosphorus crystals are set in motion and find themselves in a state of semi-stable high energy. The CR scanner scans the plate by means of laser beams. The laser energy releases the blocked electrons, creating a visible, emitting light. This light is stored and converted into a digital bit sequence which encodes the digital image. Phalanxes were imaged by the FUJIFILM PROFECT CS device, and the processing was done in the software of the same device. The elements of imaging were the same as in the imaging of a human knee. Direct digital radiography uses devices with in-built FD – flat detector plates 35 x 43 cm in size. DR system was designed to improve the possibilities of examination on two levels. First, the system enables a significantly faster course of examination and, in addition, an examination can be immediately repeated. Secondly, within and between the examinations, these systems can enhance the course of work by means of network distribution of diagnostic images. After the imaging, itself lasting only a few seconds, the images are ready for viewing on a monitor, and can be always be retrieved from computer memory. Due to the fact that they are digital, they are always identical enabling the production of multiple identical copies. Amorphous selenium plate uses the amorphous selenium coating, a thin-film transistor (TFT) to receive and convert the energy of x-rays directly into digital signals without the use of a scintillator or phosphorus. As there is no scattering and an optimal signal to noise ratio, the quality of the image roughly corresponds to a medium-grain film. The amorphous silicon (a Si) flat plate uses a scintillator which consists of caesium iodide or Gadolini oxysulphide which converts incoming x-rays into visible light. This light becomes electricity by means of distribution of sensors of amorphous silicon. Earlier developments of the detector of amorphous silicon manifested a high level of noise which makes amorphous silicon usable only in real time. Results Conventional radiography of phalangeal bones of a cow from slaughterhouse was done in two basic projections using the Bucky grid (foils and films are from the green spectre). In sagittal projection elements of imaging 55 kV and 22 mAs were used (Fig. 1). The same elements were used in the profile projection (Fig. 2). The same phalangeal bones were also imaged in two basic projections by means of the direct digital radiography (DDR). The elements of imaging were similar to those of conventional radiography (Figs. 3 and 4). XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 371 Fig. 1. Sagittal image of a cow’s phalangeal bone obtained by conventional radiography Fig. 2. Sagittal image of the phalanx of the same cow obtained by computed radiography The phalangeal bones of the second cow from the slaughterhouse were imaged by conventional and computed radiography (CR). Elements of imaging by conventional radiography were 53 kV and 22 mAs in both projections (Figs. 5 and 6). The same projections were used in computed radiography with approximately the same elements (Figs. 7 and 8). Fig. 3. Profile image of a cow’s phalangeal bone obtained by conventional radiography 372 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Fig. 4. Profile image of the phalanx of the same cow by computed radiography Fig. 5. Sagittal image of a cow’s phalangeal bone obtained by conventional radiography Fig. 6. Sagittal image of the phalanx of the same cow obtained by direct digital radiography Fig. 7. Profile image of a cow’s phalangeal bone obtained by conventional radiography Fig. 8. Profile image of the phalanx of the same cow by direct digital radiography XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 373 Comment Computed radiography is classified as a system of digital imaging because it uses a computer in the creation of the image. X-rays pass through the patient and reach appropriate detectors which convert photons of x-rays into electrical or analog signals. These signals are stored and digitalized (converted into numerical forms) for further computer processing. The process of digitalization of data and the image processing are done with appropriate computers according to the type of image processing required. Numerous types of digital imaging in radiology use the processes of image processing, including digital radiography and fluoroscopy, nuclear medicine, imaging by magnetic resonance, ultrasound and computerized tomography. The main objective of digitalization is that the digital image can be computer-processed, which yields numerous advantages. These are: - the image can be made to look more satisfactory for the viewer. Certain characteristics, such as contours and shapes can be enhanced to improve the quality of the image; - lower quality images can be filtered to remove the unwanted “noise”. Filtering can also help to remove unnecessary fine details in the image, known in the technique as “soft”; - the analysis of the image is also called the scan analysis. This procedure “aims to separate the data contained in various objects in the scan” (Marion, 1991); - the image offers the observer the possibilities to view specific shapes, contours or structures, disregarding the others; - sample recognition. A computer may “see” the structure and recognize the sample; - geometric transformation. The image may be rotated or adapted to the screen by changing the position of pixels; - compressing of data. Compressing of a digital image is significant for the storing and transmitting of data. The last generation of digital detectors of x-rays are matrix detectors of x-rays. The main feature of matrix detectors is that they consist of a large number of sub-millimetre detectors of x-rays, electrically connected so as to form a matrix of a certain number of rows and columns which are individually displayed. The advantages of matrix detectors in relation to conventional radiography consist in the following characteristics: - high quality of the image. Matrix detectors have a superb sensitivity to incoming x-ray beams, much better than the standard combination of x-ray film-plus-foil. A very small pixel size and a good modulation transfer function enable a superb sharpness of diagnostic images; - relatively high sensitivity of matrix detectors to x-rays and the possibilities of subsequent digital processing of the image mean that these techniques will use smaller doses of radiation than standard examination; - a relatively simple integration of the matrix detector module with the classical radiographic system and image processing in real time speeds up the diagnostic procedures many times over and gives a simultaneous possibility of later digital image processing. Due to the ability of matrix detectors to process static radiographic images, currently are being developed matrix detectors which will serve to digitalize dynamic images (diascopy, angio procedures 374 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 and the like). Existing matrix detectors are capable of digitalizing 25 images per second. The quality of the image remains equally good. Digital images offer numerous advantages in the form of processing and handling the images. In spite of numerous advantages, it is necessary to weigh numerous factors when deciding to switch from conventional to digital radiography. This paper has given an overview of various imaging of the phalangeal bone of cows by means of conventional and digital radiography. The images obtained by the above methods were compared. Digital images have a higher quality in terms of greater resolution, while the histogram was similar in both techniques. From the spectrum of digital imaging techniques, CR and DDR systems were used. Computed radiography and direct digital radiography have specific fields of application by using various types of flat detectors. Present-day technology offers advantages of digital radiography over the film-based ones. XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 375 376 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 SEROLOGICAL SURVEY OF MAEDI-VISNA IN SHEEP IN LUGO (NORTH-WEST SPAIN) SEROLOGICAL SURVEY OF MAEDI-VISNA IN SHEEP IN LUGO (NORTH-WEST SPAIN) Fernández, G.*; Lago, N.*; Pato, J.*;López, C.M.*; Díez-Baños, P.*; Cienfuegos, S*; Viña, M.** *Dpto. Patología Animal. Facultad de Veterinaria Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. 27002. Lugo. Spain. E mail: gonferna@lugo.usc.es **ACIVO. Regional Association of Ovine Flocks. Galicia.Spain. INTRODUCTION Small ruminant lentiviruses (SRLV) are non-oncogenic and heterogeneous group of infectious agents belong to the lentivirus subgroup and family of Retroviridae, causing multisystem diseases in sheep and goats: maedi-visna (MV) and caprine arthritis encephalitis (CAE). Maedi-Visna virus (MVV) causes chronic inflammatory disease in the lungs, joints, mammary glands and central nervous system in sheep. Clinical disease caused by SRLV infection develops slowly and about 30% of infected animals develop clinical disease. The general consensus was that economic losses due to SRLV infection are significant. MMV and the disease have been recognized in most major sheep-producing countries. No country has data about MV seroprevalence in the entire state and only in France there is a national accreditation scheme of MV-free flocks. In Spain, MV was first described in 1984. The extent of the disease seroprevalence in the entire country is not known, as Lugo district. The mayority of realized research in others districts of Spain are about dairy sheep with an more intensive handling. These research show high percentages of infection, so that in some districts it is difficult to find an uninfected flock. In some districs of Spain there is an accreditation scheme of MV-free flocks. Lugo is in northwest of Spain. In Lugo the ovine production are based in meat sheep and with semiintensive handing. All important breeders have joined the regional association ACIVO and participated in this study. Transmission in a flock takes place predominantly between dam and lambs via infected mononuclear cells in colostrum and milk. Horizontal transmission does occur, especially among housed sheep. MATERIALS AND METHODS All the sheep >6 month of age 6490 animals altogether, from 38 surveillance flocks from Lugo district were sampled in the 2007 survey. The sera was frozen to -20ºC until its processing. All the sera were examined for MVantibodies with the Institut Pourquier maedi-visna/CAEV ELISA test kit (Institut Pourquier, France) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The true XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 377 individual prevalence was calculated with sensibility (Se) of 98,0 and specificity of 97,4 (Tolf et al., 2007) RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS The positive results of the serological research are shown in Table 1. The role of colostrum and milk and horizontal repsiratory in SRLV transmission depend of several factors particularly the sheep production system (Radostits et al., 2000). The production system of the flocks of this study is semi-intensive, and the animals are several hours in the pasture every day and are not housed for long periods in close confinement as in the dairy sheep. In the Spanish Autonomous Community of the Basque Country (ACBC), infection is present in over 95% of dairy sheep flocks and 54% of sheep with more than one year old were seropositive (González, 1989) and Autonomus Community of Aragon with an 100% de flocks with seropositive sheeps (Rubio et al, 2005). The results of this study show a flock prevalence lower than results found in other region of Spain. Table 1. Prevalence of animals and flocks Apparent individual prevalence (%) True individual prevalence (%) (Se= 98,0; Sp=97,4) Apparent flock prevalence (%) 24,8 28,7 81,6% Apparent seroprevalences in herds of different sizes are shown in Table 2. These results indicate that the prevalence of seropositive animals increases significantly with increasing flock size. In other studies made in other regions of Spain, the average size of the flocks was high than in this study (265 animals in Aragon). If consider only the breeders with more than 100 animals, flocks prevalece is near to other studies made in Spain. It is logical to think than herds with less than 100 animals have introduced less animals of another breeders and it has permitted that the disease didn´t come so easily. Table 2. Prevalence in herds of different sizes Size (>6 month of age Nº flocks 1-100 13 101-200 15 >200 10 Nº flocks with seropositive animals 7 14 9 Apparent seroprevalence Apparent flock of total flocks prevalence (%) (%) 53,8 3,9 93,3 14,6 90,0 35,0 Apparente seroprevalence of positive flocks (%) 6,4 15,4 37,1 If only considerer the prevalence of positive breeders, we can see that it increase clearly with the size of the flock (table 2). So the size of the flock relates with the possibility of presenting the disease and with the seropositive animals percentage. To the program of control will be very important keep the sanitary status of negative flocks, thinking as a source of replacement animals to other breeders in spite of his smaller size. Also including in the serological studies small flocks with higher probability 378 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 of being free of MV can be interesting and they can be used as a source of replacement animals to bigger flocks. Flocks with apparent prevalence < 10%with different sizes are listed in table 3. The number of flocks with prevalence < 10% decreases in the >200 animals group. Table 3. Flocks with apparent prevalence < 10% Size (>6 month of age) 1-100 101-200 >200 Nº flocks with apparent prevalence < 10% 6 7 2 % flocks with apparent prevalence < 10% 46,1 46,7 20,0 In view of the specificity of the test, there are difficulties to classify breeders with very low seroprevalence as free or not free. This fact make necessary to establish other criterions to know the sanitary status of these breeders, like the origin of positive animals, results of later serological controls (as much seropositive animals as hole flock), etc. The flocks seroprevalence in Galicia (North of Spain) do necessary to establish a control program of MV disease. It is therefore important to clarify the actual routes utilised by the virus so that attempts to control or eradicate SRLV infections could be made more efficient because it may allow developing specific control strategies for particular sheep production systems. REFERENCES Gonzalez, L., Badiola, J.J., Gelabert, J.L., 1984. Neumonia progresiva (Maedi) en el ganado ovino del Pais Vasco. Medic. Vet. 1, 277–284. Lujan, L., Badiola, J.J., García Marín, J.F., Moreno, B., Vargas, M.A., Fernández de Luco, D., Pérez, V. 1993. Seroprevalence of maedi-visna infection in sheep in the north-east of Spain. Prev. Vet. Med. 15, 181-190. Ruz Ruvio, J.M., Picazo Purroy, R.M.(2005). Control del Medi-Visna: evolución de la seroprevalencia en rebaños de raza Ojinegra (período 2002-2005). Jornadas SEOC.S. Spain. 322-324. Toft, N., Akerstedt, J., Tharaldsen, J., Hopp, O. 2006. Evaluation of three serological test for diagnosis of MaediVisna virus investion using latent class analysis. Vet. Microbiol. 120, 77-86 __________________________________________________________________________ This study was supported by the Research Project PGIDIT06RAG26101PR from Xunta de Galicia XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 379 380 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 Posters Posteri XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 381 382 XVI. kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produktivnost preživača (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 SPINAL CORD TISSUE DETECTION IN COMMINUTED BEEF IN A PRIVATE ABATTOIR IN SOUTHERN TURKEY Detekcija tkiva leđne moždine u usitnjenoj govedini iz privatne mesnice u južnoj Turskoj M. Kale a*, Ö. Kurşunb, A. S. Akcan Kalec, F. Pehlivanoğlud, S. Hasırcıoğlua, S. Yavrue Department of Virology a, Food Hygiene and Technology b, Microbiology d, Faculty of Veterinary Medecine, University of Mehmet Akif Ersoy, 15100, Burdur, TURKEY. c Ministry of Agriculture, State Control Laboratory, 15100, Burdur, TURKEY. Department of Virology e, Faculty of Veterinary Medecine, University of Selcuk, 42075, Konya, TURKEY. *Corresponding author. drmkalex@yahoo.com Abstract In this study, the distribution of Central Nervous System (CNS) tissue contamination on the joints of beef during cutting of 88 carcass halves into edible meat parts in a private slaughterhouse was investigated. The high level contamination (>0.4) was detected at the highest ratio on the neck (75.0%), antre cote steak (62.5%) and thick flank (50.0%) areas. The moderate level contamination (< 0.4) was detected at the highest ratio on the contre-filet (87.5%), sirloin steak (50.0%) and silver side (50.0%) areas. The low level contamination (< 0.3) was detected at the highest ratio on the rump (62.5%) and contre-nuar (75.0%) areas. Both the moderate and the low level contamination were found at the similar and highest ratio on the topside (37.5%) areas. The high level contamination (>0.4) was found at the highest ratio on the knives (62.5%), cutting tables (62.5%), moving cutting tables (100.0%) and aprons (100.0%). In conclusion, by this study the first time in Turkey, the level of contamination of spinal cord tissue as CNS tissue on the joints of beef during cutting the carcasses into the parts was shown. Additionally, the high level contamination risk was found on the knives used for cutting the carcasses, cutting tables, moving cutting tables and aprons. Keywords: SRM; spinal cord; joints of beef; edible meat; ELISA Sažetak: U ovom istraživanju ispitana je rasprostranjenost tkiva središnjeg živčanog sustava kroz zagađenost zglobova toplih polutki 88 goveda, koja su rasječena u konzumno meso u privatnoj klaonici. Visok stupanj prisutnosti živčanog tkiva (>0.4 uočen je na vratu (75,0% antre cote odresku ( 62,5% i području flama ( 50,0%. Umjereno prisustvo tkiva SŽS-a (<0.4 je uočeno kod contre-fileta ( 87.5%, i mjestu rasjeka ( 50,0% . nizak stupanj prisutnosti SŽS tkivom uočen je na sapima ( 62,5% i kontranuar području (75,0% . I umjerena i niska kontaminacija utvrđena su u najvećem omjeru na površinskim područjima ( 37,5% toplih polutki. Visok stupanj kontaminacije ( >0,4 je uočen najviše na noževima (62.5% , stolovima za rasijecanje ( 62,5%, pokretnim radnim površinama (100%. Ovim istraživanjem smo po prvi put u Turskoj pokazali kontaminaciju tkivom leđne moždine (SŽS) u zglobovima prilikom rasijecanja goveda u konzumnu govedinu. Dodatno je uočen visok stupanj rizičnosti kontaminacije na noževima, radnim plohama, pokretnim radbim plohama i pregačama. Ključne riječi:Leđna moždina, goveđe meso, ELISA INTRODUCTION Contamination of beef with CNS tissue including spinal cord has been a concern from the food safety standpoint because of potential human health implications in relation to bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). Introducing CNS tissue (i.e., brain and spinal cord materials) to the edible portion of the carcass is suspected of increasing the risk of human infection with new variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD). In an effort to prevent CNS tissue from being introduced into the XVI Congress of the Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPrum), Zadar, Croatia, 2008 383 human food chain, the European Commission (EC) in 1997 endorsed a proposal to regulate the use of specified risk materials (SRMs) such as brain and spinal cord presenting a BSE risk, and decided that specified risk material (SRM) must not to be