December - North Shore Music Teachers` Association


December - North Shore Music Teachers` Association
The Monthly e-Newsletter of the NSMTA
January 2013
Journal articles
suggested by Jane
McInnis. More about
Favorite Duets
Page 2
As President I attended the Fall 2012
ISMTA Conference and enjoyed myself.
The programs I attended were full of
useful information. Mary Beth Molenaar,
Yeeseon Kwon, and Marcia Bosits
presented their programs. Lynd Corley’s
composer friend talked about her recital,
“Music is Fun” with music that he wrote
for her students ranging in age from six to
sixteen. I bought tickets to the Ian
Hobson concert listed in our Conference
booklet. Well, little did I know the
Beethoven Ninth Symphony was
included: A choir of 120 singers plus
marvelous soloists. It was an unexpected
and wonderful happening. This was held
at the Krannert Center at the University
of Illinois. Afterwards we waited for the
crowd to disperse so we could “catch a
cab.” There was a gentleman playing
The SCORE, December 2012
T E A C H E R S ’
Bruce Berr, Editor
Registration for
Information, and do’s
& don’ts
December 2012
Announcements Reference
From MTNA and
Pages 5-6
Picts from last year’s
Festival, extensive
duet list, updated
member info
Pages 3-4
Pages 7-9
cocktail music, etc. The post-evening
continued with Ian Hobson playing
Rachmaninoff and Chopin, plus the
crowd singing and even dancing “Joy.”
Lynd Corley, Jennifer Cohen and Karen
Tobias have all done this in the past, so it
is time for new helpers. If you need an
activity for your yearly certification
project this would be great. Your work
will be needed in August and then you are
done for the year. A treasurer is still
needed for ISMTA. There is a small
stipend included with that job. Is anyone
Betty Benton
President, NSMTA
At our last meeting John Ford’s program
on memorization was not only
informative, it was entertaining. I hope
we hear from him again. After hearing
Elaine Felder tell us about the stern harsh
assistant to St. Nicholas, I could just hear
him judging the little children as she
played Schumann’s “Knecht Ruprecht”
from Album for the Young.
I want to thank all the people who helped
us clean up at the end of the meeting. See
That’s why we do our scales, exercises,
technique—so folks can have experiences you at our January meeting at the
Steinway store in Northbrook.
like these.
Now to business. I need to find someone
to do our Directory for the next season.
Betty Benton, President
No meeting in December . . .
Minutes from the November meeting will appear in the January SCORE
Next meeting is on January 28 at the Steinway Store in Northbrook
Journal articles will be discussed
at the next meeting in January
From your Program Chair, Jane McInnis
This fall I’ve been sorting and purging: teaching materials
from the ancient days of mimeographs, supplementary piano
collections which I once thought promising but didn’t deliver,
textbook freebies, teaching aids which aren’t relevant any
longer or are missing parts. I ran into a couple magazine
articles I had saved, one from Robert Weirich’s “View from the
Second Floor” in the November, 1989 (!) issue of what used to
be called Clavier (it’s now Clavier Companion) and one from
the Indiana Music Teacher Association Spring 2006 newsletter.
It seems that the issue of burnout was and continues to be
relevant. The tremendous worth of what we as music teachers
do continues to appear as a topic in many articles as well.
Included in this issue of The SCORE (in the Appendix at the
end, past the Reference section) are the two articles mentioned
above, plus an address to incoming Boston Conservatory
music students by Karl Paulnack. Finally, you will find a short
article about one of my favorite American composers, Eugenie
Perhaps reading these four articles will get some ideas flowing
for discussion at our upcoming January 28th meeting. Please
feel free to scan and send Bruce additional articles that you
think would make for good discussion, and he will distribute
them with the January SCORE.
Susan Corkum and I spoke with Brian Keady in the Steinway
Gallery of Northbrook last week. All the folks at the Gallery
look forward to welcoming us, and there will be no shortage of
pianos for us to demonstrate favorite pieces for one, two or
more participants!
More duet favorites from Fall
Many duet favorites were played and discussed at the
September and October pre-meeting workshops. In the
previous issue of The SCORE, several of these were listed.
You can now see many more recommended duets in the
Reference section near the end. Most are standard repertoire,
but there is also a special Christmas section as well. All the
lists were compiled by Jane McInnis, Program Chair.
Debbie Gillette receives NSMTA’s Member-of-the-Year
Award from ISMTA’s 2nd Vice-President Deborah Lynch
The SCORE, December 2012
The SCORE will
appear on the 8th of
each month
The SCORE will start to appear on the
8th of each month beginning in January,
Registration for the
Festival begins
December 14
From the Festival Co-Chairs, Yeeseon
Kwon, Eric Sutz, and Bruce Berr
Registration for the 2013 SonataSonatina Festival (SSF) begins on
Friday, December 14, and like last year,
registration can be done only online.
The SSF was created to give the
students of NSMTA teachers the
opportunity to perform their music
before two judges. All entrants will
receive a written critique and the
opportunity to receive a bronze, silver or
gold medal.
The composer of the year is Alexander
Tcherepnin. You can substitute two of
his Bagatelles from Op. 5 for either a
Sonata or Sonatina; see the Yearbook or
the September 2012 SCORE for more
details about this substitution.
Application Procedure
The application deadline is Monday,
January 14th 2013—there are no
exceptions to that deadline.
The registration process is easy. Go to and look at the left
column. Click on programs and forms.
Scroll down to the Sonata/Sonatina
Festival and click on the online
registration link. You will then be
directed to the registration page.
Remember: Your NSMTA dues must
have been paid by October 31, 2012 to
be eligible. Non-members must pay an
The SCORE, December 2012
2013. The deadline for getting materials
in will be the 4th of the month.
This change will be made in order to
accommodate those months in which
meetings are relatively late in the month
(they are held on the fourth Monday of
the month). The later date of appearance
will also give chairpeople more time to
additional $25. This is a one-time fee
per calendar year.
Send in a check that includes the fee
amounts for the total amount of all of
your students or use the PayPal option
on the registration form. No cash please.
A $26.00 non-refundable fee should be
submitted for each student. There is a
maximum of seven (7) students per
teacher that can be entered.
prepare materials to be submitted.
Finally, it will also create less lead-time
between published news and
announcements, and the time of the next
So don’t forget—deadline for materials
for the next SCORE is Friday, January
4, 2013.
that in the registration form and they
will be scheduled within the same hour.
Be certain to double-check all of your
Location: Music Institute of Chicago,
300 Greenbay Road, Winnetka, IL
Only students and room monitors will
be allowed in the hallways to reduce
congestion. Parents will need to wait in
the central lobby. Only students and
judges will be allowed in the
performance rooms.
Running this festival is a huge job that
needs a great deal of support from the
participating teachers. All teachers are
asked to help with the
festival. If you are unable To see photos from the All music must be memorized
to take a job or help with Judges’ Room from last and without repeats. Judges
the festival you will need year’s festival, go to the must be provided with a clean
Reference section at the unmarked copy of the same
to pay a fee. The fee is
edition that the student uses
back of this SCORE.
$15 per student entered
and measure numbers marked
with a maximum cap of
at the beginning of every
$45 per teacher. Add this amount to your
photocopies are allowed.
check if need be.
The judges will have the authority to
If you choose to mail a check instead of
stop an entrant before the end of a
using the Pay Pal option, please be
performance and their decisions will be
certain to make the check out to:
NSMTA Student Foundation and send
the check along with a print-out of your
A Request
registered students and festival job
status to: Yeeseon Kwon, SonataNow that our registration procedure is
Sonatina Chair, 8300 Concord Dr. Unit
completely computerized, it is important
311, Morton Grove, IL 60053.
that the data you enter is accurate and
consistent in format so that the Judges’
Please read all of this information
Sheets (which will be seen by many
carefully. If you have questions you can
people—students, parents) are
text, call, or e-mail Eric Sutz at
informative and professional-looking.
847-204-6954. His e-mail is
Although we have already specified
certain criteria for entries of repertoire
and composers in the September 2012
SCORE, we present them once again
Additional Festival Information
here on the next page, in a slightly
different format, to help clarify. Your
Students may request either AM or PM,
cooperation is greatly appreciated!
but specific time requests cannot be
honored. However, if there are siblings
playing in the festival, please indicate
A quick primer for entering students in the Sonata-Sonatina Festival
On-line registration begins December 14, 2012
Beethoven, Clementi, Kuhlau, Dussek, and Spindler use opus
numbers, so your catalogue column should look like this:
Op. 55, No. 1 or Op. 36, No. 1
Not: Opus, op.157, Allegro, no.4, OPUS 2, C major, or blank
Beethoven's short Sonatinas look like this:
Anh. 5, No. 1
Not: Blank
Mozart is catalogued by K and numbers. So Mozart should look
like this:
K. 545
Not: Opus, K, op 545, Rondo, or blank
Haydn is catalogued by H and Roman numerals. So Haydn
should look like this:
Hob. XVI:35
Not: #8, No. 12, Op. 73, New Jersey I95, or blank
We do not need or want any titles for any of the above composers.
Titles are reserved for a Sonatina or Sonata that does not have a
catalogue number.
There are more teachers that are entering pieces by Olson,
Strickland, Faber, Bastien, etc. For these pieces you would use the
In Flight, Silver, Snorting Horse, Winter
Not: Allegro, 2nd movement, last one
Important: Do not use any punctuation marks marks in the
titles or catalogue fields (such as ",#,*,) because this may
cause problems when we import data from the website to
our database.
The SCORE, December 2012
2013 MTNA Grants
Applications for the Affiliate and
Teacher Enrichment Grants must be
received by January 4, 2013, to be
considered by the selection
committees. All applications and
supporting materials must be
submitted online through the MTNA
Foundation website.
Teacher Enrichment Grants are
provided to music teachers for private
study, specific college-level course
work or other projects that will
MTNA benefits from
your Amazon
MTNA is a participant in the Associates Program. As
an associate, MTNA
Piano Learning
Center Curriculum
Five $200 cash prizes will be awarded
for the best and most innovative
curriculum items submitted by PTG or
MTNA members for the online Piano
Learning Center. The PTG Teacher
Relations Committee is looking for
interactive activities that encourage
hands-on learning, and are appropriate
for use by teachers and/or music
students from beginner to advanced.
Entries can be in the form of
individual or group games (online,
The SCORE, December 2012
enhance the performing and teaching
skills of the applicant.
Affiliate Matching Grants are
available to MTNA-affiliated Local
Associations, new Local Associations
and State Affiliates.
Local Association Grants are awarded
to MTNA-affiliated local associations
for projects that provide educational
opportunities for students and
teachers. Grants are also given for
projects that support the promotion of
music in the immediate community.
Matching grants are available for
established associations. Start-up
grants are available for associations in
the process of being formed.
State Affiliate Matching Grants
provide assistance to MTNA-affiliated
state associations for professional and
educational development of their state
membership, along with the creation
of innovative programs that will
promote and enhance music and the
development of music technology
throughout the state, and to enhance
and strengthen MTNA membership
alliances in state associations.
To apply or to find out more about
these grants, visit the Grants Page on
the MTNA Foundation website.
receives a 5 percent commission on
purchases whenever customers access
the store via MTNA’s website at If you are seeking a
book, CD, DVD, video, wireless
phone or any other number of
electronics, software or kitchen
gadgets and accessories—even patio
and lawn furniture—Amazon is a great
place to look and buy online. You can
browse through Amazon products and
read summaries and reviews of items
that interest you. Amazon also offers
very competitive prices and is a quick
and convenient way to shop.
apps, print), puzzles, lesson plans for
teachers, independent or group study
projects for students, and any other
types of learning materials that can be
accessed or downloaded via a web
site. They should focus on how a
piano works, or how knowledge of the
piano can help improve learning and
It features a dynamic, ever-growing
library of fun and educational
materials focusing on the piano and its
unique features. Visit the Piano
Learning Center to see what type of
materials are currently available.
The Piano Technicians Guild is proud
to support piano teachers and their
students through the free learning
resources available in the Piano
Learning Center at
Launched in 2006, the Piano Learning
Center brings together a wide variety
of materials for teachers and students.
Accessing Amazon via the MTNA
website is easy, simply click here.
Entries are due by December 31, 2012
and should be submitted electronically
via e-mail, as a web site link or on CD
to the Piano Technicians Guild, 4444
Forest Avenue, Kansas City, KS
Click here or contact the Piano
Technicians Guild at 913-432-9975 for
complete rules and an entry form.
National Piano
Thanks in part to a generous grant
from the NAMM Foundation, the
National Piano Foundation is offering
a limited number of scholarships up to
$500 to MTNA-member piano
teachers who are interested in and
committed to learning more about
Recreational Music Making (RMM),
and developing an RMM program for
their studio and/or their community.
These scholarships are to be used for
travel, lodging, membership and
registration fees and other costs
associated with attending MTNA’s
2013 Pedagogy Saturday event.
Old music journals
are available free
Marlene Chatain has a collection of
old music magazines and journals that
The RMM Teaching track at Pedagogy
Saturday 2013 is an excellent
opportunity for piano teachers to learn
about RMM teaching, with a variety of
topics and presenters. It will be held at
the 2013 MTNA National Conference,
at the Disneyland® Hotel in Anaheim,
California, March 9.
To be considered for a scholarship,
• Must have a minimum of two years
piano teaching experience (group
teaching experience preferred)
• Must be age 21 or older
• Must demonstrate a commitment to
developing an RMM program for
their independent studio or their
community (in partnership with a
local piano retailer, music school,
senior center, or other appropriate
• Scholarship applicants must submit
a short application form, a resume of
their teaching experience and a 500word essay on why they want to
pursue RMM teacher training and
how they plan to implement a
program in their local community.
The application deadline is December
31, 2012. For more information and
applications, click here. You can find
the application under “Quick Links” in
the bottom right corner.
• Must be a member of MTNA (a
portion of the scholarship may be
directed toward MTNA dues)
were given to her by Bea Isaak when
she left the area. The collection is
extensive as it is a combination of
collections acquired by both Bea and
her husband, the late Prof. Donald
Isaak. If you are interested in
acquiring the collection, please phone
Marlene at 847-475-3635. If Marlene
still has the collection by the end of
December, she will need to dispose of
Quotation of the Month
“Craft and art are not the same; a craftsman knows in advance what the finished result will
be, while the artist knows only what it will be when he has finished it.”
W.H. Auden, the English poet
Please e-mail your suggestions for a future “Quotation of the Month” to Bruce Berr
The SCORE, December 2012
From the Judges’ Room at last year’s SSF . . .
Thanks to Eric Sutz for providing these photos . . .
The SCORE, December 2012
Additions & updates to membership
New Members
Nives Cvijovic:, 6066 N Albany 1st fl.,
Chicago, IL 60659, 312-719-3010
Veneta Angelova Nedelcheva:, 6114 N Damien,
Chicago, IL 60659, 773-426-7442
New e-mail addresses
Ellie Bonebrake:
Inah Chiu:
Kathy Heetland:
New Address
Brian & Clara Christian:, 1362 Cove Dr.,
Prospect Hts., IL 60070, 773-770-8916
Klin Ton:, 701 S Wells Unit
1204, Chicago, IL 60607, 312-451-1061
Please be aware that the NSMTA website always has up-to-date and
complete information on all members.
More recommended duets
compiled by Jane McInnis, Program Chair
A few more favorites by Robert Vandall: Turn It On & Brightwood
Barn, Myklas Press; Festival Suite, Alfred; all intermediate level
(some tricky rhythms)
Stamp on It! By Walter Noona, Belwin Mills, late intermediate.
Similar to Olson’s Round and Round, performers stand and stamp
throughout piece. Fun!
Easy Classical Piano Duets, Books 1 and 2; Kowalchyk and
Lancaster, Alfred; Elementary (5-Finger position) with teacher
accomp.; similar to Primo Light and Primo Profiles.
Any duet collections by Weekley and Arganbright, Kjos; especially
Baroque Pieces, including Bach’s “Siciliano” and “Arioso” and
Romantic Piano Duets, including Mendelssohn’s “Venetian Boat
Song” and “Song without Words,” Op. 30, No. 1
Four Centuries of Piano Duet Music, various levels, edited Cameron
McGraw, Boston Music Co.
Duet Classics, Books 1 and 2, edited Kowalchyk and Lancaster,
Alfred; intermediate, equal parts
Country Gardens from Everybody’s Favorites, Series 7, Amscp
Music Publishers (still in print?); also is in Duet Recital, volume A,
edited Denes Agay, Warner Brothers Publications
The SCORE, December 2012
Anything by Eugenie Rocherolle including Let’s Duet and Headin’
South, Kjos, intermediate
Anything by Lynn Freeman Olson, especially An All-American Folk
Gathering and A Folk Gathering, elementary level; includes optional
rhythm instruments
The Orchestra by Noona; Heritage Music Press, early elementary;
fun on electronic keyboard
Grand Trios, Books 1-4; Melody Bober, Alfred, elementaryintermediate
Folk Tales for Two, edited Robert Pace, Schirmer, Inc. includes
Lightly Row, Casey Jones, Lavender Blue and Skip to My Lou,
Anything by John Robert Poe; have used Noah’s Ark for costumed
recital; Kjos, elementary
“Allegretto” from Three Fantastic Dances, Shostakovich, transcribed
Geoffrey Carroll; Willis; intermediate
Simply Sacred Duets, Margaret Goldston, Alfred, Book 1 and 2,
elementary-late elementary
Music for Sharing, Margaret Goldston, Alfred, Book 1, early
elementary (Chop-ticks from this volume)
(continues on next page)
(Continuation of recommended duets)
Kaleidoscope Duets, volumes 1-5, Jon George, Alfred (Bagpipers
and Pow-Wow in bk. 1)
Let’s Duet and Let’s Duet Some More, Elvina Pearce, CPP Belwin,
early levels
Christmas Gifts, duets or trios at one piano, Jeanine Yeager, Kjos;
fun for non-pianists and non-musicians; works out well in various
Christmas Carols for Two Pianos, Bastien, Kjos, including “We
Wish You a Merry Christmas,” “Jingle Bells,” “Silent Night,” and
“O Little Town of Bethlehem” Early Intermediate
Christmas Selections
The Magic of Christmas, volume 1 and 2, arr. Dennis Alexander,
Alfred; intermediate, equal parts; published 1989, but still appealing
A Christmas Tableau of Piano Trios, arranged for violin, cello and
piano, Rocherolle, Kjos, intermediate
Christmas Memories for Two, Books 1-3, Bober, Alfred, early
intermediate-late intermediate
Celebrated Christmas Duets, Vandall, volumes 1-5, beginner-late
Scherzo Finale
Not your parents’ recital . . .
Thanks to Jane McInnis for submitting these shots!
The SCORE, December 2012
Please e-mail any lighthearted or humorous studio photos for “Scherzo Finale” to Bruce Berr