January 2016 - Gracious Spirit Ministries


January 2016 - Gracious Spirit Ministries
Marianne Esther Zinn
Gracious Balance
January 2016
Inside this issue:
Messages From Marianne
This month’s newsletter contains lots of messages from one of
my favourite sources, Peggy Phoenix Dubro. Notice on pg. 2 that
she is offering a free energy session this Friday. Don’t miss
enrolling. Even if you are not able to attend live, you can listen to
the replay. It is well worth attending any sessions Peggy has to
offer. You will not be disappointed! Notice also on pg. 3 Peggy’s Declaration of Evolutionary Consciousness. When it is
read from the heart, there is so much wisdom and hope for the
future in it. Examine it closely.
I also want to bring your attention to pg, 4 where you will notice the poster for the next
Kryon event coming to the Toronto area. I will have an EMF Balancing Technique table
there and hope to be able to give some free intro-sessions to folks. It will be an awesome
2 days!
Messages from Marianne
A Gift fro Peggy Phoenix 2
Declaration of Evolutionary Consciousness
So, what about 2016? Where are we going next? Everyone talks about 2016 being a year of quantum
leaps in consciousness. I am so ready!!
Humanity spent the time from the Harmonic Convergence in 1987 preparing for the prophetic marker
of 2012, awakening one by one. Here is a quote from Jose Arguelles in the August 11th, 1987 edition
of the New York Times, in the article, “New Era Dawns—or Just a New Day?”...
Kryon Family Reunion in 4
The vibratory infrastructure holding the Earth together is in a condition of intense fever called resonant dissonance. Influences such
as the arms race and insults to the environment could cause the breakup of the Earth into smaller bodies not unlike the Asteroid
Belt…This can be averted, by harmonic convergence achieved in a synchronized collective of human beings, through which the possibility of a New Heaven and a New Earth is fully present.”
The marker occurred on Jan. 1, 2012. Didn’t it really feel like a new day and a new time? It did for
me. The change was palpable. We have spent the time from Jan 1, 2012 until Dec. 31, 2015 integrating the meaning of this marker. Much old energy rose up to be looked at and decided about. It has
not been a very smooth ride at all! Now on Jan. 1, 2016, we enter a new energy, the energy of actually building our heaven on earth. What we create during these 8 years will affect the world for generations to come.
For me, the understanding that the time of building is here means that heaven is already available
to us in a very tangible way. Now it is up to us to
decide what we want it to look like. What do
you want to do in your new life in earthly
heaven? Who do you want to be? What do
you have to give to the world? What would
you like to receive? These questions are so
much more meaningful when you think of them in
relation to actually living in a paradise yet to be
built, rather than just living in one of paradise’s
distant outposts.
Using Essential Oils for
Weight Loss
Upcoming Events
Gracious Balance
Page 2
A Gift from Peggy Phoenix Dubro
Register Now for a FREE energy session and listen live and/or listen to the recorded session from the link you receive later by
From Peggy Phoenix Dubro
The Keys Within the Numbers
We are now completing 2015, an 8 year ... 2016 to 2024 is an 8 year period of time and 2024 is another 8
year. This pattern of numbers creates an 888 - an unusual Triple Infinity Alignment with great potential. Within this cycle is 2018, an 11 year carrying with it the resonance of enlightenment - love that this
resonance will be with us so strongly only 2 years in the future!
Remember the Lions Gate 888 in August of 2015? It too was an unusual Triple Infinity Alignment to assist
in spiritual evolution. As we travel through the Triple Infinity 888 Alignment of 2016-2014, balancing heart
and mind in the frequencies of enlightenment, opening new portals of reality ... with all of this 888 energy,
perhaps, or maybe I should say surely - this is an opportune time to let the 666 energy fade away!
Quantum Leap anyone?
As I considered/pondered the larger view of our evolution, the energy of LEAP was a recurring theme.
First, I realized that 2016 is a LEAP year as are 2020 and 2024. Then I noticed that where ever I placed
my attention, many of the patterns had an energy of making big LEAPS. You know I have always urged us
to go step by step and of course allow for quantum LEAPS of conscious evolution. We are entering into a
time of great LEAPS ... opportunities to change for the better what is happening in our lives and in the
world. We have the opportunity to be the Evolutionary Wild Cards, the game changers no one expected!
Welcome to the Community of Conceptual CoCreatives
We each have a concept of what is possible to attain within our realities. As we unite in our visions we can
inspire and empower one another to co create the reality of these concepts in our lives. Let us initiate a
quantum leap of empowered enlightenment in a way never done before. The resonance of this 8 year cycle
is a clarion call for all of us who have been in recalibration practicing our mastery all these years as we become more of who we are. During this 888 time frame there will be many energy alignment portals offered
to us by the Infinite Universe - to help us co-create new ways of being. It is up to us to be ready to adapt
and adjust!
Calling all Conceptual Co-Creatives
Redefine and Renew Free Energy Event
January 8 Friday 1 ½ hrs FREE
1:00pm-2:30pm EST
A gift from my heart to yours, an energy event to help you redefine and renew the commitment to who you
are right now. An 888 alignment and channeling of energy patterns through a very special Phoenix I&I energy session to support us all in this most pivotal time of Self introspection.
Peggy is offering a set of 4 energy sessions following this one for a bundled price of $188
USD, entitled HOME!, BODY!, MIND! And SPIRIT!. Her sessions are amazing!!!
Gracious Balance
Page 3
Declaration of Evolutionary Consciousness by Peggy Phoenix Dubro
Declaration of Evolutionary Consciousness
Accepting what is ...
As Evolutionaries, we wholeheartedly accept ourselves exactly as we
are in this moment of time. We affirm, we are enough as we
are ... I Am that I Am!
As Evolutionaries, we accept the inner presence of the ever evolving
Infinite Universe ... I Am that I Am!
As Evolutionaries, we accept the invitation of the ever evolving
Infinite Universe, and we wholeheartedly enjoy becoming
more of all that we are ... I Am!
So we may more clearly see what can be ...
As Evolutionaries we join together in the energy of Infinite Love to
co-create a Quantum Leap of becoming more of who we are,
individually and collectively ... We Are!
As Evolutionaries, we contemplate the following:
Message from the Infinite Universe to the Human
"I am with you always, because I Am You"
Message from the Human to the Infinite Universe
"I am with you always, because I Am You"
Heart to Heart ... Peggy Phoenix Dubro
Gracious Balance
Page 4
Kryon Family Reunion in Toronto, ON
“The Best of Kryon”
Up Close Seminar and TWO Live Channelings
with Lee Carroll & KRYON
Information from the 2012 shift and beyond…
Creating the NEW HUMAN!
Over the past two decades, Kryon has given a great deal of profound insight about so many things! The profundity of the past information
is still there, and amazingly current in this new energy. However, the news since 2012 is really new, and spans myriad topics.
This year's program is PACKED with 'The Best of Kryon' from both past, present… and the future! Lee will share new info about
DNA, the energy of Akash and 'Innate'. You'll learn how to create synchronicity as Lee reveals new paradigms for the Old Soul.
And during the 'Story of Easter Island', Lee shares Kryon's stunning revelations that explain how they moved the mammoth, ancient stones. But there's much much more...!!
Dr. Amber Wolf gathers women to reawaken their Divine Feminine Essence and activate their Lemurian DNA during empowering initiations into the ancient Lemurian Sisterhood.
Would you like to learn how to put the Kryon teachings into practice? Lee, Kryon and Dr. Amber demonstrate practical applications that
will help you navigate what Kryon calls the 'New Normal' in daily life. Knowledge is one thing. Putting it into practice in quite another.
Michelle Karen brings the weekend to a powerful close with a sacred Ayni Despacho Prayer Ceremony that accelerates spiritual growth
and brings you into right alignment with your life.
You won't want to miss the loving wisdom of Kryon during live channelings during ALL THREE events. I hope you can join us!!
To find more information and for registration, go here:
January 2016
Page 5
Using Essential Oils for Weight Loss
It is the time of year when folks take a fresh look at their health and wellness, and after the holiday, especially their weight. Here are
some hints about how to use essential oils to assist in your weight loss program.
Cinnamon Oil
Cinnamon oil is incredible because it balances out GTF (glucose tolerance factor) and balances out blood sugar. You can simply diffuse
that oil. You can also add a single drop into a smoothie.
Grapefruit Oil
Grapefruit oil might be the most powerful essential oil for weight loss and metabolism. There’s a medical study on just smelling Grapefruit oil that’s shown it contains compounds that starts activating enzymes in your body that help you break down body fat. The best
way to use grapefruit oil is simply smell it or, drinking one or two drops added into water is very effective as well.
Peppermint Oil
Peppermint oil really supports your metabolism and supports digestion. If you want to digest well, you’ve got to get your gut healthy.
Peppermint oil can support better absorption and digestibility of your vitamins and minerals, like B vitamins and certain minerals that
support fat loss.
Ginger Oil
Ginger contains gingerols, and it’s highly anti- inflammatory. Tissue swelling can cause you to store unwanted body fat.
Other Oils
Cedarwood and rosemary work directly with your kidneys and can
help work as a diuretic.
So if you are looking to essential oils for weight loss, consider grapefruit oil, cinnamon oil and ginger oil. Sometimes you can get these in
compounds, or you can use these three individually.
You can put one single drop of each in water and drink it that way, or
you can actually put it on topically or diffuse it. When you’re putting it
on topically, I recommend using a carrier oil like coconut oil, especially when you’re using the cinnamon oil. Or one of my favorite ways is
just diffuse it, such as on your desk at the office or around your
home. It has a great scent. It will activate parts of your body that will
actually support weight loss.
Essential oils have been used for over five thousand years. They’re
one of the most powerful forms of medicine in the world, but grapefruit, cinnamon and ginger are probably the most effective essential
oils for weight loss.
EMF Balancing Technique®
Gracious Balance
Transform your life!
556 Royal Beech Court
Waterloo, ON
Waterloo : 519-886-0035
Cell: 647-439-3852
Deepen energetic connections to your Infinite Self.
Honour and acknowledge your sacredness
Experience profound peace-filled self-empowerment
Integrate body, mind, emotion and spirit gracefully
Organize your infinite consciousness which is expanding
Other Offerings From Marianne
Christ Blessings
The Christ Blessing is an ecumenical
and sacred connection with Jesus and
The Holy Spirit. It accelerates the conveyance of Spirit many fold as in the
receiver of the Christ Blessing sits in
prayer. The outpouring of Grace is
I am a certified trainer for the Zengar NeurOptimal® neural feedback unit.
NeurOptimal® is a designed to be a non-linear,
dymamical system (quantum) that focuses on the
central nervous system - the hub of all functions in
the human body. As such, it is not surprising that
users have experienced successful outcomes across a
broad spectrum of concerns.
As clergy of Canadian International Metaphysical Ministry of Canada and Spiritis
Church, I a would be honoured to officiate
any of your celebrations including Weddings, Funerals/Life Celebrations, Eucharist/Communion, Baptisms/Naming Ceremonies and Vow Renewals.
I am a certified Christ Blessing teacher
for those wanting to learn to do the
ceremony for themselves.
I will be offering a one day Christ Blessing training this Winter. The cost is $99
Contact me to set the date and enroll
Contact Marianne to book trainings in
any of the Balancing Work techniques
Clients typically find NeurOptimal® neurofeedback
systems effective in improving pre-diagnosed issues
in five general categories:
• Wellness and Personal Growth
• Slowing the Effects of Brain Aging including
“chemo brain”
• Achieving an Artistic or Athletic Performance
• Help with Specific Cognitive, Emotional, or Physical Challenges (e.g., ADHD, anxiety, chronic pain,
The ceremonies offered can be religious,
spiritual or civil.
I honour the
original teachings
of love and inclusion.
As a community
of home parishes,
we offer to bring
the church to