February 2011 Coyotes Tri Club Newsletter


February 2011 Coyotes Tri Club Newsletter
Coyotes triathlon & bike club
Volume 6,Issue 2
February 2011
Surf City Marathon & Half Marathon
Special points of interest:
 Surf City Marathon &
Half marathon
 Tour de Palm Springs
Inside this issue:
Members &
9 Endurance
Events to do in
Carlsbad Marathon & Half
(Results )
Surf City Half Marathon is
just around the corner and
one of our coyotes will be
participating in this great
event. Monica Lewis will be
participating in this as a local
having grown up and raised
in Huntington Beach and will
continue to use it as a tune up
for Wildflower. This awardwinning course is considered
one of the best half marathon
courses in the country. As
our most popular track, it is
well known for being scenic
and flat. Runners come from
all over to experience this
exhilarating run. Start along
Pacific Coast Highway and
pass by the famous Hunting-
ton Beach pier. Enjoy the
beauty of the Bolsa Chica
Wetlands as you start your
turn. Kick it up a notch for
the crowds at Main Street on
your way to a monumental
finish line moment! More
than 1,000 volunteers and
several bands will be along
the way cheering you on and
making sure you have plenty
of nourishment and energy!
This is always a challenging
run early in the season, and it
has been very cold and rainy
the past 4 years, making it
particularly difficult for competitors and testing their will
to endure pain and strength
in the rain.
Good luck to our local O.C.
girl who will be going home to
give couple of Ahuus O.C.
Style. Have fun, enjoy your
time back home and crush the
February 6, 2011
Tour de Palm Springs
Join us for one of America’s
most beautiful and successful
charity bicycle rides.
Since 1999 the Tour has gone
from 300 riders to over 7,500
riders. We have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars
for our non profit groups.
We have become the largest
ride of its kind in the Western
United States. And this year
we have one of our Coyotes,
Brandon Flipping participating in this great event for the
second year running. Brandon has continued to train
after his long season and PR
at IM Arizona. He will be
using this ride as a tune up
for his upcoming 2011 season, following this ride he has
signed up for the Palm
Springs Half Marathon,
where he will be testing his
legs on the run portion. Brandon promises to drop his
time of 10:54:31and get closer to the lower 10’s and in
search of that coveted IM
Kona slot. Ahuuu, please ride
carefully, enjoy the beautiful
route and have fun while giving the locals a couple of
proud Ahuuus along the way.
February 12, 2011
Members & Birthdays
Please Welcome this months
newest members:
2011 Sponsors
Happy Birthday to all, remember to celebrate in style and be
ready for a new age group challenge in 2011.
Our total number of coyotes is
now 55 with the potential to
keep growing.
Happy Valentines Day to everyone, we hope that you value
your friendships, teammates,
partners, family and loved ones.
February has 5 coyotes celebrating their birthday on our
coyote birthday tracker .
Remember to show all of your
family members and friends
that support you through the
race season how much you love
them and appreciate them,
without them we would not be
able to do what we do.
Bill Matizza — Feb 4th
Marc Guerra — Feb 7th
Jose Luis Garcia — Feb 11th
Gabe Garcia— Feb 20th
Glenn Kaplan—Feb 23rd
Happy valentines day
- Wildflower is on the horizon
and we need to make sure that
everyone has coordinated their
camping or their hotel stay, so
that we can be sure to meet up
and have a way to meet prior to
race day. So far we have 11
Coyotes registered for this race,
so we need to motivate the rest
of the club to sign up and show
up for what has been known as
the Coyote stronghold, last year
we had 18, lets try to match or
increase that number in 2011.
- Please remember to pay your
2011 Renewal Fee and return
the form to me no later than this
month. This is a club built out
of trust and we need everyone to
do their part to make it and keep
it fair for everyone, so please do
your part to keep up to date.
Everyone that joined in 2010
will have until their joining day
before they are dropped from
the distribution list, everyone
who joined prior to 2010, you
dues are late, please pay up.
- 2011 Uniforms are here and
we are in the process of placing
an order, if you want one, I
need your order and $$ ASAP.
9 Endurance Events to do in 2011
Runners, cyclists, swimmers
and triathletes: Make 2011 your
favorite season to date. From
new races to old favorites, here
are 11 events that you won't
want to miss.
Baja Epic
Rosarito Beach, Baja California,
Mexico - February 10-12
100th Bay to Breakers 12k
San Francisco, CA May 15
Volume 6,Issue 2
5150 Triathlon Series
Various dates and locations
35th Annual Swim Around
Key West
Key West Florida, May 4
Xterra Triathlon Series
Various dates and locations
25th Annual Pat Griskus
Sprint Triathlon
Middleburry Connecticut, July 13
Country Music Marathon
& Half Marathon
Nashville, Tennessee , April 30
Death Ride Tour III Ride
for Life
Southwestern Colorado, June 1012
Full Vineman Triathlon
Guerneville, California July 30
Page 2
Carlsbad Half Marathon (Results)
The Carlsbad Marathon took
place on Sunday Jan. 23, 2011
and this year we had 4 of our
Gabe Garcia 1:43:55—PR
his horrible 2010 injury and
back at the race course. He is
not committed on doing a triathlon yet, but his desire is
starting to burn again, so hopefully we can get him out riding
soon. Monica Lewis has been
Coyote to cross the line was
Karrie Egoroff, who was running instead of injured husband
Dan. She has been on a running
training rampage and finished
her first ever marathon in December up in Sacramento, so
this quiet Coyote has continued
to stay under the radar and continues to run well. Karries time
of 1:59:55 is a testament that all
her hard work and training has
paid off. The 5th Coyote would
have been in the form of Nancie Constandse, but thanks in
part to her lovely husband getting her sick the Friday before
the race, she was unable to start
and decided to pull a Wellington on race morning and not
start this race. She is still waiting for a race in 2011 to test her
fitness level and put to test the
winter training she has been
doing. Congratulations to all of
our Coyotes who participated in
this event, and way to start the
2011 season with a PR and very
Coyotes participating in this
great event. The day started
with perfect conditions and
thanks to the Santa Ana winds, Monica Lewis—1:51:36
it was nice and warm for our
runners out there. The first of
our coyotes to finish was Gabe
Garcia who posted a PR for his
half marathon times, and started the 2011 season with a bang
for the Coyotes. His time of
1:43:34 was the fastest half
marathon he has done, and has
set him up for his triple crown
pursuit. He is hoping to better
his time in the up coming La
Jolla Half and then improve on
that on the Americas Finest to
seal the deal on the triple
crown finale. The second and
Mark Simpson—1:51:28
third coyotes to cross the line
were Monica Lewis and Mark
using this race to test her early
Simpson, who decided to run
season fitness and she has anthe race from start to finish
other Half Marathon coming
Karri Egoroff— 1:59:55
together. These two pushed
up in two weeks, so time to do
each other the entire way, and
some quick analysis of what
respectable times. Ahuuuuuuu
it was good to see that Mark
went wrong, right and put it
Simpson has finally surpassed
into action in February. Our 4th
Volume 6,Issue 2
Sponsored By:
Beaker Concepts, Inc.
Photos By:
Page 3 Brightroom Photography
Coyotes triathlon & bike Club, Inc.
6096 Citracado Circle
Carlsbad CA, 92009
Phone: 858-449-3066
E-mail: triclubcoyotes@yahoo.com
Facebook: Coyotes Triathlon & Bike
Club, Inc
Coyotes Triathlon & Bike Club is an organized club dedicated to the
educational, recreational and social pursuit of triathlon, cycling and
general physical fitness of all ages and abilities, enabling them to
achieve their athletic goals and represent the sport of triathlon within
the community .
It was founded by a group of friends sharing a common interest to have fun
and socialize at the same time while doing something good for our health.
Coyotes triathlon & bike club was founded on June 2006 and continues to
Coyotes Triathlon
& Bike Club, Inc.
Thank You to our 2011 Sponsors:
3rd Annual Coyote
Holiday Party
Hector Marquez, Marc
Guerra, Melissa, Madison Garcia, Regan