November 2010 Coyotes Tri Club Newsletter


November 2010 Coyotes Tri Club Newsletter
Coyotes triathlon & bike club
Volume 6,Issue 11
November 2011
Silver Strand Half Marathon
Special points of interest:
 Silver strand Half Marathon
 Ironman Cozumel
Inside this issue:
Members &
Coaching Tips
San Diego Triathlon Classic
The 12th Annual Silver
Strand Half Marathon & 5K
is Sunday, November 13,
2011. Run along the Strand
from Coronado to Imperial
Beach! Coronado is located
across the bridge from downtown San Diego. Imperial
Beach is located twenty miles
south of downtown San Diego, and this year, we have
two of our Coyotes participating in this late season run,
which is also the start of running season. Lori Ann Stevens and Brian Turner will be
representing the Coyotes in
this race and hoping to capitalize on their summer work
to do a PR. Silver strand is
considered one of the fastest
half marathons in San Diego
due to it’s relative flat course,
however don’t let that fool
you, the strand is also famous
for its wind. Being that it
parallels the ocean shoreline,
you never know if you will
get cross, head or tail winds.
Lets hope our coyotes get a
nice tail wind that propels
them into victory and PR’s.
Lori Ann will be coming off
another Half Marathon at the
Nike Women’s Only half
marathon in San Francisco,
and will be looking to improve on her time there . We
wish our coyotes the best of
luck in this race, and don’t
forget to give the crowd and
fellow competitors a bit of
our club love by giving our
famous Ahuuuuuu’s as you
pass by or get passed.
November 13, 2011
Ironman Cozumel
2011 Sponsors
The 2011 Ironman Cozumel
will take place on Sunday
November 27, and this year,
we have 2 of our Coyotes
participating in this great
event. Alfredo Zepeda will be
competing in his first Ironman Cozumel, but his 4th
overall ironman, and will be
using his experience to try
and get an edge on the competition. Jose Luis Garcia will
be taking on his first ever
ironman in his home country.
Both Coyotes will be in full
representation and we wish
them the best. The ironman
Cozumel, has quickly become
one of the favorite destinations for triathletes, with
beautiful non wetsuit swim
that mimics the beauty of the
Hawaii ironman swim course,
it is simply spectacular. The
bike course is a two loop circuit that although flat, challenging with it cross and head
winds pounding you with
little relieve or cover. The run
is a 2 loop course and it takes
you through the beautiful
downtown of Cozumel, and
it is said to have an incredible
spectator support through-
out, making it impossible to
not finish this race once you
make it to the run. After the
Ironman, there is plenty of
partying and relaxation in
order. Best of luck to both of
you and don’t forget to give
Mexico a couple of ahuuuus
November 27, 2011
Members & Birthdays
Our total number of coyotes is
now 33 with the potential to
keep growing.
November has Zero Coyotes
celebrating their birthday on
our coyote birthday tracker, so
we will take a moment to celebrate October’s Birthdays.
Shane Ressie—Oct. 6th
Nancie Constandse—Oct 8th
Meredith Stumpo—Oct 8th
Karri Egoroff—Oct. 30th
JC Constandse—Oct. 31st
Happy Birthday to all, remember to celebrate in style and be
ready for a new age group challenge in 2011.
2011 Sponsors
out them non of this would be
The Turkey goes “Gobble”
“Gobble” Coyote...
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone, please spend a moment to
give thanks for this special club
that we have created with incredible friendships and sponsors, thank you everyone for
your continuing support to the
club and a great 2011 season.
Please remember to thank your
family and friends for the support provided, remember with-
Happy Thanksgiving
- Due to Daylight savings time
this weekend, the majority of the
week workouts will be affected,
we will evaluate the amount of
light available, but we may suspend weekly evenings events for
the winter as end of season is
here. We will resume our Friday
swims, Saturday rides, and we
may re-instate the Sunday Run
- Uniform and Equipment: Reminder that we have plenty of
Coyote socks, visors and vin-
tage gear for anyone that is interested in stocking up on Coyote gear.
- Congratulations to Tim Wilson for placing 5th at the
Carpinteria triathlon on September 25th, This was Tim’s
fastest triathlon ever and did a
personal best. Tim has also recently finished the Long Beach
Marathon, with a time of
3:22:57 . A new PR for Tim and
a re-qualification to the prestigious Boston Marathon, which
will be held in April of 2012 .
Congratulations to Tim Wilson
for a superb season and incredible results. Ahuuuuuuuu
Coaching Tips— 7 Steps for Successful Swimming
Rest is one of the most important
yet most overlooked aspects of
training, especially as a goal race
approaches. Many athletes feel
the only way they will improve is
to push every day. Always remember, however, that your easy
days are just as important as your
hard days. This is called the overload principle. After a hard day at
the track (overload) a day or two
of relaxed recovery runs will allow your body to superVolume 6,Issue 11
compensate from the effort you
put in on your hard day.
Thus, you will be stronger and
slightly better than you were prior
to your hard workout. With a
proper balance of overload and
recovery, your fitness will improve
at a steady rate. However, without
enough rest you will start to fatigue. This fatigue can produce a
lack of motivation, sickness or
injury. Many athletes prefer a consistent, regimented training pro-
gram. Indeed most triathletes must
adhere to a structured training
schedule to fit their workouts into
an already busy day. However,
knowing you will be on the track
every Wednesday, rain or shine,
can start to take a mental toll after
a few months. You still need your
hard run workout, but don't be
afraid to throw in some variety.
By Active. Com
Page 2
San Diego Triathlon Classic (Results)
The 2011 San Diego Triathlon
Classic took place on Sept.
incident, Juan Carlos was back
in uniform and racing. His
emotions could not be held
back as Juan Carlos was even
seen smiling while swimming.
We are not sure how he managed this incredible feat, but
Daniel Galvin 2:20:38—PR
17th 2011 and this year we had
two of our coyotes participating in this race for the first
time. Our first Coyote to cross
the finish line was Daniel Galvin who set a PR at the Olympic distance with an amazing
time of 2:20:38. Daniel had a
breakthrough season this year
and was in peak shape for this
race as well. Daniel was in the
most competitive age group at
this race with the top 3 of his
age group also placing top 3
overall in the race. Daniels result was good for a podium
finish coming in at 5th place.
The second of our Coyotes to
cross the finish line and with a
very special and emotional
meaning for him was Juan Carlos Baca, who also set a PR on
this course for an Olympic
distance with a time of 2:52:10
and first time he broke the 3
Hr. barrier. Juan Carlos had a
very critical accident in June
that almost cost him his life.
Just 4 months after that horrific
Volume 6,Issue 11
Daniel Galvin 2:20:38–PR
needed to get away from his
bike demons and the poor little
soul needed a new bike, to
which he ended up getting a
Cervelo P3, and we are still
trying to determine if it was the
bike, the emotion or the adrenaline that propelled this athlete
to ridiculous bike splits, because
we all know that Juan Carlos
Sponsored By:
can’t bike this fast (or maybe
Beaker Concepts, Inc.
that was old news). Regardless
of what the drive was, Juan
Carlos smile as evident on his
finish photo was priceless, and
a definite sign that he is back to
triathlons and in full mode.
Juan Carlos has since taken a
position for a very prestigious
company in Europe and will be
moving permanently to the EU.
He will be our first European
Coyote and promises to represent the Coyotes colors in another country. We wish him
luck in his new endeavors and
know that you will always have
a coyote Ahuuuuu at any race
Nancie Constandse 13:43:29—PR
Juan Carlos Baca 2:52:10 –PR
good for him as he exited the
water in 10th position in his age
group, not too shabby for
someone who had a broken
collar bone and required surgery to fix. As part of his recovery process Juan Carlos also
Juan Carlos Baca 2:52:10 –PR
you participate in. Ahuuuuuuu
Photos By:
Page 3 Action Sports International
Coyotes triathlon & bike Club, Inc.
6096 Citracado Circle
Carlsbad CA, 92009
Phone: 858-449-3066
Facebook: Coyotes Triathlon & Bike
Club, Inc
Coyotes Triathlon & Bike Club is an organized club dedicated to the
educational, recreational and social pursuit of triathlon, cycling and
general physical fitness of all ages and abilities, enabling them to
achieve their athletic goals and represent the sport of triathlon within
the community .
It was founded by a group of friends sharing a common interest to have fun
and socialize at the same time while doing something good for our health.
Coyotes triathlon & bike club was founded on June 2006 and continues to
Coyotes Triathlon
& Bike Club, Inc.
Thank You to our 2011 Sponsors:
Coyotes Friday
Tim Wilson, XX, JC
Constandse, Marc
Guerra, Murph
McCarthy, Blaize
Baehrens, Monica