2016 NFTY in Israel Brochure


2016 NFTY in Israel Brochure
Rabbi Alexander M. Schindler
Summer travel adventures for teens
Our daughter had a fabulous
summer on NFTY in Israel. She is
a changed person, comfortable
in her skin, wild about traveling,
curious about the world, and
passionate about her Jewish identity.
–Susan & Jeffrey, Maryland
Since 1958, thousands of families have chosen NFTY for more than just a
thrilling summer experience. For over 30,000 young people, NFTY programs
have turned a spark of interest into a summer of exciting challenges,
wonderful new friends and lifelong Jewish involvement.
Each year, more than 350 synagogues, 19 youth regions, numerous Jewish
summer camps, Jewish federations and communities turn to NFTY to
provide the ultimate teen travel experience to Israel.
NFTY offers a unique travel itinerary and educational curriculum
Participants learn about Israel and Judaism in an experiential, fun and immersive program. Their
connections to Judaism and to the land and people of Israel are strengthened and nurtured by
caring and experienced counselors and educators from North America and Israel.
NFTY’s number one priority is health, safety and security
NFTY has been a leader in the field of outstanding summer and semester programs in Israel
since 1958, and has earned a well-deserved reputation for providing the highest standard of
health, safety and security. Much has been learned in six decades about how to operate a
program that always places the welfare of young people entrusted to our care above all other
considerations. We take extreme care in designing and implementing our summer programs.
NFTY staff and senior group leaders are available 24 hours a day throughout the program.
All itineraries are reviewed daily to ensure safety. We only travel on private chartered
air-conditioned buses. All of our accommodations and routes are chosen carefully, and we
have extra adult supervision at every overnight accommodation. We use English speaking
doctors and nurses to care for our teens. The NFTY Brit Kehilah (Code of Conduct) is signed
by all teens and their parents before they leave their hometowns. For more information, visit
www.nftyisrael.org/about/safety. Do not hesitate to contact us with questions or concerns.
Program Durations
NFTY Adventure: 4 weeks (departures mid-June through end of June)
NFTY L’Dor V’Dor: 5 weeks (departures end of June through beginning of July)
NFTY EIE Summer Session: 6 weeks (departs last week of June)
Mitzvah Corps Israel: 3 weeks (departs end of June)
“NFTY did a great job helping us feel safe. I never once worried
about my safety; the thought never even entered my mind.”
–Lisa, Colorado
“I had very high expectations for my NFTY trip. I wanted to have fun,
see all the amazing places, explore my Judaism and meet great people.
All of my expectations were met and so much more.”
–Rebecca, Massachusetts
NFTY’s dedicated professional staff makes it all possible
Upon returning home, our alumni have unlimited opportunities for Jewish
involvement in our URJ-affiliated synagogues, youth groups and camps.
North American Professional Staff
Paul J. Reichenbach
Laurence Jacobs
Rebecca Bigman
Daniel Garwood
Robin Kulwin
Denise Bulnes
Director, URJ Camp and Israel Programs
Coordinator, NFTY in Israel
Coordinator, URJ Israel Programs
Registrar, NFTY in Israel
Director of Admissions, NFTY-EIE High School in Israel
Bursar, NFTY in Israel and NFTY-EIE
Israel Professional Staff
Rabbi Richard Kirschen
Baruch Kraus
Rabbi Loren Sykes
Ruby Sommer
Rabbi David Wilfond
David Solomon
Director, NFTY in Israel
Principal, NFTY-EIE
Principal, As of January 1, 2016
Associate Director
Director of Education
Assistant Principal, NFTY-EIE
Four Weeks in lsrael
The NFTY Adventure program is a unique and challenging experience
created especially for teens who seek a meaningful journey to Israel filled
with amazing memories and friendships that will last a lifetime.
From ancient Jerusalem to modern Tel Aviv, from the beautiful Galilee
to the stunning Negev Desert, you will become part of an intense Jewish
community of teens travelling from all over North America. With NFTY’s
renowned tour-guide educators leading the way, you will:
Meet Israeli teens • Visit the Kotel (the Western Wall) • Ride a camel
• Wander the ancient alleyways of the Jewish Quarter in Jerusalem •
Explore the modern city of Tel Aviv • Learn about Jewish mysticism
and Tikkun Olam in Tzfat • Discover the natural beauty of the Galilee
and the Golan • Float in the Dead Sea • Work on a real archeological
dig • Snorkel in the Red Sea • Swim in the Mediterranean Sea • Raft
on the Jordan River • Eat falafel, shawarma, and olives • Climb Masada
at dawn • Go hiking and camp out in the Negev Desert • Enjoy
traditional desert hospitality as you eat and sleep in a Bedouin tent •
Spend four days pursuing your own interests on the Chavaya experience
With an extraordinary summer of shared fun and friendship as a backdrop,
you’ll return home with an intense personal connection to the land, history
and people of Israel, proud of yourself and proud of your heritage.
“The amazing thing about the trip is that it allows you to
experience Israel as opposed to hearing about it in the
classroom... These are tangible experiences, they are hands-on
experiences, they are memories that you come back with and can
articulate to your friends and family: this is what I experienced,
this is why my relationship with Israel is so strong.”
–Alex, New Jersey
One Week in Prague and Poland
Four Weeks in Israel (NFTY Adventure Itinerary)
Experience the epic story of the journey of the Jewish people from
Prague and Poland to Israel. Together with NFTY friends from all over
North America, you’ll begin your adventure in Europe, exploring more
than one thousand years of our rich European Jewish heritage. You’ll
come to appreciate the beautiful community and culture our ancestors
created and its virtual destruction during the Holocaust.
For two intense days you will explore our roots in Prague before traveling
to Poland. Continuing on to Krakow, you will have an opportunity to visit
Auschwitz and Birkenau, including a memorial ceremony to those who
were lost in the Holocaust. On your final day, you will visit the Warsaw
Ghetto before making your way to Israel.
Once in Eretz Yisrael, you’ll spend four weeks exploring the land together
with teens from across North America. From ancient to modern, from
border to border, from sea to sea, you’ll do it all and see it all following
the NFTY Adventure four-week Israel itinerary.
“The summer was an experience of a lifetime. I feel so
privileged to have gone!”
–Jonathan, Georgia
Six Weeks in Israel
NFTY’s High School in Israel Summer Session is an opportunity for students
who want the incredible EIE experience, but are not able to spend a full fall
or spring semester in Israel. This extraordinary summer program incorporates
many of the highlights of the traditional EIE experience, including the Jewish
history curriculum in class and in the field and the EIE Hebrew Uplan.
Students will receive an official transcript from the NFTY-EIE High School
in Israel for full academic credit for two semesters of Jewish history, one
semester of Hebrew and one semester of physical education. EIE is fully
accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools and all
alumni have received full academic credit in their hometown schools.
NFTYEIE.ORG/SUMMER • 212.650.4073
10 Day Post High School Free Trip to Israel
URJ Kesher is the only Birthright Israel provider sponsored by the Reform movement.
This program is a free 10 day trip for 18-26 year olds that offers a unique opportunity
to experience Israel with other young adults. NFTY in Israel alumni are now eligible
for the gift of Birthright Israel! Traveling with URJ Kesher is an not only a fun
adventure, but a meaningful and inspiring trip, guided by our shared progressive
values. Travel with friends from NFTY, camp, and your URJ community!
Visit gokesher.org and follow us on Facebook and twitter for more information.
GOKESHER.ORG • 202.370.4026
4 Month Fall and Spring Semesters
Back by
Three Weeks of Service Learning in Israel
Mitzvah Corps Israel is a three week Israel journey through social action, service
learning and exploration. Participants will immerse themselves in Israel, Israeli
culture and form relationships with Israelis while taking part in hands-on service
projects. Learn firsthand about Israel’s multifaceted society while engaging
in a variety of meaningful service projects in Israel’s modern and progressive
communities. Spend time on a travel adventure through Israel’s amazing and
historic sites with your new friends, taking in all of Israel’s beauty.
“I can now put a picture, a memory and a feeling with the place I’ve
been hearing about for my entire life. My connection to Israel is
much stronger now.”
–Heather, Ohio
The Eisendrath International Experience (EIE) is an outstanding fully accredited
high school semester in Israel (fall, spring or summer) for young leaders of Reform
Judaism. Immerse yourself in the history, people, culture and language of Israel
while keeping up with your studies from home. Visit our website for a detailed
course catalog and to apply.
NFTYEIE.ORG • 212.650.4073
Go off the Beaten Path
Ascend to the summit of Masada at dawn for an unforgettable sunrise. Float in
the Dead Sea and cover yourself with its famous healing mud. Crawl through
ancient caves where Jews hid in times of rebellion. Relax in the waterfalls of a
desert oasis.
Desert Exodus Adventure
Hosted by Kibbutz Yahel, the first Reform kibbutz in Israel, the Desert Exodus
Adventure is dedicated to understanding the ancient roots of our people.
Explore the desert, where we first started our journey and where we evolved
into “Am Yisrael.” Snorkel in the Red Sea, hike and camp amidst beautiful
backdrops of black and red granite mountains and deep blue seas, ride a camel,
and sleep under the cover of the most amazing star-studded skies.
Galilee, Golan and Kinneret Together with Israeli Teens
For one week, seven to ten Israeli teens will join each bus group. Together you’ll
explore the Galilee, Safed and the Golan Heights during your stay on the banks of
the Kinneret at a guesthouse in a kibbutz along the coast of the Sea of Galilee.
Experience the Magic of Jerusalem, the “City of Gold”
Make your pilgrimage to the Kotel (the Western Wall), the ancient city of David
and the Southern Wall excavations. View sunset at the famous Tayelet Haas
Promenade overlooking Jerusalem. Stay at beautiful kibbutz guest houses in the
Judean Hills surrounding Jerusalem. These hotels are on kibbutz grounds in a
contained, safe and secure area about 15-20 minutes outside of the city.
Explore Modern Israel
In the modern city of Tel Aviv, you will learn about the creation of the State of
Israel with a visit to Independence Hall, and come to understand the connections
the State of Israel and the Jewish Diaspora share. Upon returning to the Jerusalem
area for your last days in Israel, you will visit Yad Vashem (Israel’s Holocaust
memorial and museum), walk through the national and military cemetery at Mt.
Herzl where some of Israel’s greatest leaders are buried, and plant a tree in the soil
of Israel with your own hands. As you prepare to fly home, you will reflect on your
spectacular summer of adventure, personal discovery, growth and friendship.
Before leaving for Israel, you will select a “Chavaya,” a special interest
module. During Chavaya, you will spend four days pursuing your own
specific interests with new friends from other NFTY groups.
Yam El Yam (Sea to Sea)
Join this four day trek from the Kinneret (the Sea of Galilee) to the
Mediterranean. Gain experience climbing, orienteering, hiking, mountain
biking and camping.
Tikkun Olam (Repairing the World)
Explore critical social issues facing modern Israel and make your own personal
contribution. Projects may include working with new immigrants, special
needs children or the elderly. Upon completing this option you will receive a
certificate for 15-20 hours of community service.
Indiana Jones in Israel (Archeological Dig)
Discover the art and science of archeology and the history of Israel under the
supervision of professional archeologists. Get in touch with our people’s roots
at an authentic archeological dig.
Gadna (Army Training)
Experience what it’s like to prepare for service in the Israel Defense Forces.
Participate in simulated basic army exercises while living on an Israeli Army
base. Experience first hand the unique culture of the IDF. Completion of this
basic training program is an accomplishment second to none.
Start Up Nation (Hi-Tech Israel)
In a country with hardly any natural resources, discover the secret behind
Israel’s amazing Hi-Tech revolution and why Israel is one of the leading giants
in technology. Meet the people behind the apps, inventions and innovations;
experience modern miracles in the land of Israel, a “start up nation.”
What’s Included
After we receive your application and $500 refundable deposit, we will mail you
a package containing program information on packing lists, passports, baggage,
etc. You will be billed for the balance due. Please note: the program fees listed
include anticipated grants and special subsidies that NFTY has received in the
past. If these are not forthcoming for Summer 2016, there may be an increase in
program costs.
What’s Not Included
The application deadline is May 1, after which applications will be accepted on
a space available basis. Register before January 4 and receive an early bird
discount of $400.
Visit our website for more detailed itineraries, application instructions and
instructions to pay program deposits by credit card or by check.
Passport fees; pocket money for incidental expense such as snacks, gifts and
laundry; expenses associated with chronic disease management or sickness
or continuing medication such as allergy shots; cost of travel to departure
point and back to your hometown, unless specified above; any costs incurred
through damage to, or loss of, personal property.
Payment Schedule and Scholarships
until May 1!*
MEMBER (save $200) (save $400)
The program fee includes round-trip international airfare from New York,
professional adult supervision, three meals a day, hotel accommodations
and the complete touring program (including guided tours, admissions, and
special programs), basic medical coverage while traveling with NFTY and all
departure taxes. All fees listed are based upon round trip airfares and land
costs as of October 1, 2015, and are subject to change.
“I will always know that I am among the elite of American Jewish
teens who have traveled to Israel and experienced our homeland.”
– Jonah, New Jersey
$500 registration fee is required with your application. An interim payment of
$1,500 is due by March 1. Final payment for the summer program is due June
1. Many communities understand that teen travel is a powerful Jewish identity
building experience and have allocated unprecedented scholarship funds.
Speak with your rabbi or temple educator about scholarship opportunities.
Many synagogues and Jewish Community Federations offer scholarships.
*Risk free registration until May 1; receive a full refund if you choose to
withdraw for any reason.
Flight Deviations
For any deviation from the planned flight arrangements, there will be a $200
administrative fee and you are responsible for any additional transportation
costs that are incurred. Transportation rates are calculated on a group basis.
Special requests must be made in writing and there is no guarantee that all
requests can be accommodated.
Requests to be Placed with Friends
We will do everything possible to see that you are placed in a group with
your friends, provided that the request is made on the application, you are
participating on the same program and you have the same departure date.
Refunds and Cancellations
Anyone who needs to cancel his or her participation before May 1 for health
reasons will receive a full refund. After May 1, a non-refundable airline deposit
will be deducted from all refunds. No refunds will be made once a program
has begun. See our website for full details on refunds and cancellations.
Participants must be at least 15 years old during 2016.
Call 212.452.6517 or email nftyisrael@urj.org
8,522 square miles of awesome are waiting for you...
Photo Courtesy of Alex Scherzer, Lexington MA. 2008 Photo Contest Winner
Want to speak with a real, live human being?
Get in touch with us here:
633 Third Avenue, 7th Floor
New York, NY 10017
p: 212.452.6517 f: 212.650.4016
Want another stellar experience for next summer?
Try these on for size:
The URJ Kutz Camp in Warwick, NY, is the center of Reform Jewish teen life. Kutz
offers aspiring leaders entering grades 10-12 unparalleled skill building in leadership,
social justice, Jewish learning, arts, and music. For more than fifty years, Kutz has been
an incubator for creativity and innovation. Kutz helps prepare teens for meaningful
leadership roles in high school and build skills of resilience that will stay with them
throughout their lives. This exciting and fun residential program takes place in a
beautiful college campus style environment, and brings teens from across North
America and around the world together for a month that will forever impact the
trajectory of their lives. For more information, visit us online at KutzCamp.org.
KUTZ.URJCAMPS.ORG • 845.987.6300
Mitzvah Corps connects Jewish teens with immersive social action opportunities
throughout North America, Central America, and Israel. Explore the world alongside
a group of peers, learning with grassroots organizations that provide unique hands-on
experiences and a deeper understanding of the major issues facing their communities.
Spend your summer building lifelong relationships while obtaining the skills to play an
active role in making our world a better place. If you want to make a difference,
Mitzvah Corps wants you! Program options include Mitzvah Corps Israel, which
combines service learning with the best of the NFTY in Israel travel experience.
MITZVAHCORPS.ORG • 212.650.4071