Zain Bhikha Live in Concert! - Muslim Community Association


Zain Bhikha Live in Concert! - Muslim Community Association
May 22nd, 2009
Jumadi-ul-Awwal 28th, 1430
Muslim Community Association, c/o Newsletter, P.O. Box 180, Santa Clara, CA 95052 -
Starting Sat 05/23/09
5:00 am
5:00 am
Saluting Islam's
Merciful Warrior
Jonathan Gornall
Memorial Day BBQ Volunteers: We are
looking for volunteers for the BBQ. If you are
interested to help out, please attend the volunteer meeting on Friday May 22nd at 7 PM in
the Board Room.
A photograph of Emir Abd el Kader,
on horseback, taken during his exile.
Courtesy Monkfish Book Publishing
Company. In 1891, a French army
Maghrib Sunset
officer published a book in which he
recalled the horrors of the French
10:00 pm 10:00 pm conquest of Algeria, which had begun
in 1830 and, by some accounts, by
Jummah 12:15 & 1:20 pm the turn of the century had led to the
1:30 pm
extermination of an estimated one
million Algerians.
At A Glance
“We would bring back a barrel full of
ears harvested, pair by pair, from prisMCA Bookstore Logo
2 oners, friends or foes,” wrote Count
Design Contest
d’Hérisson in La chasse à l’homme
(The Manhunt); the French army, he
Zain Bhikha Live in
3 said, had inflicted “unbelievable cruconcert
elties”. The French colonization of
Algeria began on a pretext – to pun4 ish a supposed insult to a French
New Muslims Class
diplomat – with the real aim of giving
France a foothold on the far shores of
MCA Community
5 the Mediterranean and a chance of
curbing the free-ranging British navy.
According to Olivier Le Cour GrandMay 25th 6:30 PM
7 Prom Tips for Teens
6 maison, a modern French historian,
“the means employed were atroMore details on page three
cious”. Writing in Le Monde DiploWeekly Reminder matique in 2001, he said the army
Zain Bhikha's Art of Creative Expression
“massacred or deported villagers en
Workshop ACE
masse; and took children hostage;
Ages 13 - 22 Tuesday May 26th 4 PM – 8 PM
harvests and livestock and deThe Prophet said: stole
stroyed orchards ... The careers of
Free Pizza Included
'There are two several field marshals and a minister
More details on page three
of war owed a great deal to the piles
blessings that
of Algerian and Kabyle corpses.”
Muslim American Society (MAS)
many people fail Such horrors were not uncommon
during Europe’s years of ruthless imSummer School
to make the most perial expansion; but the truly surprisJune 22 - July 23, 2009 @ MCA
feature of France’s 70-year reign
of: good health ing
Monday – Thursday/ 9:30AM – 1:30PM
of terror in Algeria was how one IsFor Children Ages 6-12
and free time.' lamic warrior responded to it – not
with equally mindless violence and
Deadline for Registration : TODAY
terror, but with a mercy and humanity
For info: call (408) 209-3463 or
even more uncommon then than it is
Bukhari Vol 8:421
1:30 pm
1:30 pm
Zain Bhikha Live in Concert!
Continued on page eight
to download application
visit MCA or MAS websites
MCA Free Medical Clinic
Dr. Yaminali Javid, Pediatrician will see children on May
23rd from 10:00am to 12:00pm
Dr. Haleh Sheikholeslami, Family Practice physician will see
patients on May 30th from 10:00am to 1:00pm
Walk-ins are accepted, provided we have not reached our
maximum capacity of patients.
To make an appointment please call 408-727-7277 ext
411 or Email:
MCA Bookstore Logo
Design Contest!
Calling all artists or community members with some
artistic talent! Design the logo for the MCA Bookstore
that will be used to help brand the bookstore. A
SMALL PRIZE will be awarded to the artist of the selected design. Additionally, the winning design be
printed on all MCA Bookstore advertising material, and
the artist will gain sadaqa jariya assisting the masjid
for the sake of Allah (swt).
Submitted all designs to
All entries must be submitted by: TODAY
Hidaya Foundation & Santa Clara Fire
Dept:Disaster Preparedness
Start Date/Time: Saturday, May 30, 2009
End Date/Time: Saturday, May 30, 2009
Location: MCA Main Boardroom
Are you prepared to help yourself and your loved
ones when the next big earthquake strikes?
Organized by Hidaya Foundation through its
"Disaster Preparedness Team" project, this MCA
sponsored event will include a presentation from
Fire Captain John Combs of the Santa Clara Fire
Department about how to be prepared on an individual and family level in case of a disaster such
as a major earthquake in the Bay Area.
Contact Information: Hidaya Foundation,
For early registration please contact:
Human Development
is holding its 6th Annual Silicon Valley Benefit Dinner on
Saturday, May 30th, 2009 from 6:00-10:00pm
at Wyndham Hotel in San Jose
Keynote Speaker will be Hon. Mike Honda, Member House of Representatives
(US Congress, 15th District)
Tickets are $35 per person
($40 dollars after May 20th).
Geet & Ghazal program
by Hanif Noor Mohamed
Limited seating. Babysitting provided.
For tickets info please call 1.866.762.5806 or
Online ticket purchase at
The World of Jinn and Shayateen
with Sh. Jamaal Zarabozo
Tuesdays, Between Maghrib & Isha
April 28th thru June 2nd
In the Men's Prayer Hall at MCA
Who are the Jinn? What is their origin, their nature
and their relationship with mankind? Who is Shaytaan? What are his goals & what methods does he
employ to deceive us? How do we protect ourselves
from being harmed?
Khutbah Committee Announcement
Send your feedback to
Speakers/Khateebs for Friday, May 29th, 2008
MCA at 12:15pm: Sh. Jamal Zarabozo/ Br. Rajab Ali
MCA at 1:30pm: Br. Moulana Ateeq/Ahmed Bastavi
Dr. Irfan Saadat
Masjid An-Noor at 1:20pm: Br. Hafiz Aijaz
MCA Social Presents
Live At The MCA
Nasheed Concert
Monday May 25, 2009 6:30 PM
MCA, 3003 Scoot Blvd
Santa Clara, CA
Online Tickets Per Person: $25
At the Door: $30
But Tickets Online At
For more information Contact:
Or call 408.727.7277 x415
Free Babysitting Available
(2 years and above)
Helping Hand USA- Official Sponsor of Zain Bhikha USA Tour
Orphan Sponsorship Tour
Zain Bhikha's Art of Creative Expression Workshop ACE
Ages 13 - 22 Tuesday May 26th 4 PM – 8 PM MCA Banquet Hall Free Pizza Included
This is a FREE workshop designed for high school students between the ages of 13 and 22 years inclusive. The
workshop has adopted a fresh and dynamic approach, which is captivating from the beginning to the very end!
Internationally recognized singer and songwriter, Zain Bhikha will present the workshop.
“The Art of Creative Expression” workshops were created out of the need to develop ways in which the youth can
be constructively engaged. This amazing initiative is aimed at creating a platform for the youth to learn and share
methods of creative expression and valuable life skills. The workshop encourages students to express themselves
through individual and team activities. It also promotes the interaction of students from diverse backgrounds. The
first workshops held In South Africa in 2008 proved to be highly successful. Teenagers overwhelmingly declared
the workshops fun and useful. As one teenage participant claimed, “I’ve never experienced a day like this before –
it was fantastic.” There is so much to offer to these students! Some of the features of the free workshop are:
Interpret pictures – and see how your perception differs from those around you.
Learn ways to deal with life’s difficulties.
Brace yourself for a journey of sound, where you can find yourself walking alongside a stream in a calm,
tranquil environment…or find yourself on a battlefield amidst thousands of soldiers!
Express yourself through creative design.
Listen to Zain Bhikha live and share his personal life experiences.
Become more confident in yourself.
Unleash the actor within as you perform a play. “Lights, camera, action!”
Become the next famous poet. Your work could be published on for the entire world to see!
And for the most EXCITING part- a competition will be held between the participants. At the end of the series of
workshops the best pieces of work will be selected and used as the lyrics for a CD that will be developed by Zain
Bhikha- Yes, the world could be singing along to your lyrics!
Dates: Saturdays and Sundays from April 11th to May
24th between 10am – 2pm
Also We will be open for registration on the
MCA Outreach offers free classes to
following Fridays May 8th, 15th, 22nd between 1-3pm
help new Muslims learn
Registration Ends Promptly on May 24th at 2pm.
the basics of Islam.
Location: WIS Office in front of babysitting room
Admission is subject to seat availability. Lottery by
Each term is 14 lessons long and covers many topics,
family of available seats will take place on June 7th
including the five pillars, stories of the Prophets, fun2009 at 2:00pm in Women’s Lounge. Parent or Authordamentals of Islam and other key concepts.
ized representative must be present during lottery to
The classes are taught from a convert perspective
secure registration. If admitted, payment will be required
the goal is to help introduce new Muslims to their
at the time to secure the seat.
Forms are available for download at http://
We will be starting a new term on
Saturday, May 30th
More info contact:
Al-Arqam School
Al-Arqam School is accepting registration for the
2009/2010 school year.
We may be contacted by phone at 408-727-7277 ext
401 or by email at Our offices are open during School hours: Friday evenings
4:30pm-6:00pm and Sundays 12pm - 5:00pm Please
visit for more info.
from 11:30am-1:30pm at MCA
Email or call
Classes free of charge and babysitting is available
donations are gladly welcome
MCA Community Night
Al' America:
Travels through America's Arab and Islamic Roots
with author and San Francisco Chronicle Staff Journalist
Jonathan Curiel
Four out of ten Americans say they dislike Muslims - according to a Gallup poll.
In a lively, funny, and revealing riposte to these sentiments, journalist Jonathan Curiel offers a fascinating
tour through the little-known Islamic past, and present of American culture.
Friday, May 29th
Dinner will be served at 6:30pm,
Free Lecture begins 7:30pm
Book-signing at 9:15 pm
Free baby-sitting; Chai will be served.
Pre-register online at
$7 per person, $25 per family (At door: $8 per person, $30 per family)
Employment Opportunity at Granada
Islamic School
We have the following openings for the 2009-10 school
Lower grade homeroom teacher
Lower grade Quran/ Arabic /Islamic Studies
Computer teacher
Librarian & Media Specialist
Yard duty supervisor
To apply submit an application form, résumé and cover
letter stating the type of position(s) for which you wish to be
considered and why you wish to work at GIS. E-mail your
application materials to, or
fax/send the information to: Granada Islamic School, Attn:
Mrs. Nihad Mourad, 3003 Scott Blvd., Santa Clara, CA
95054 or Fax: (408) 980-1120.
Minimum Qualifications for Teachers
Bachelor's Degree
U.S. Teaching Experience
Successful completion of CBEST
Teaching Certificate Preferred
Legal Work Status
English Proficiency
MCA Women’s Committee contact:;
For sisters’ page info, email
To subscribe to the sisters’ email group, go to
7 Prom Tips For Teens
by Sound Vision Staff Writer (
You've resigned yourself to the fact that you aren't going to the
prom. It took a lot of heated discussion with your parents and
Muslim friends, self-searching and emotional wrestling, but
you've finally made that decision: you're not going. If only it
were that easy. Now, your non-Muslim school friends are upset
and can't understand why you wouldn't want to be part of the
wildest bash of the century (at least that's what your friend on
the prom committee said it's going to be). Even though they
know you don't date, drink, do drugs, etc. they are still trying to
pressure you to come. Below are some tips and suggestions
about how you can deal with prom pressure:
Tip #1: Be firm
"I had to be very firm and have a very forward opinion on it,"
says Amber Rehman, 21, about telling her friends she was not
going to participate in the prom. "If I let myself, I could have
been persuaded.
Tip #3: Plan early
The sooner you decide not to go to the prom, the better. This
will give you more time to plan your alternative. If a small
party in your basement is way too simple to satisfy the Prom
urge, plan a really fancy one with the works: fancy hotel, lush
carpets, nice dresses, etc. Except this will be only a motherdaughter affair. Or a father-son affair.
You can get those older rich brothers and sisters in the community to help you out with the funding. After all, you would
be doing their kids (if they have any in their teens) a favor
If you're living in a small community with few Muslims, planning in advance will give you the time to get in touch with a
nearby Muslim community a few miles away. This way you
can still spend prom night with fellow Muslims, even if you're
community is small or apathetic.
Tip #4: Hook up with the MSAs
Muslim Students' Associations (MSAs) play a very important
role. They should be one of key institutions in the community
organizing activities. And since they are made up of young
people, they should be involved with organizing a Muslim
youth awards ceremony, for instance.
"You have to keep in perspective that you're a servant of Allah
and Allah has placed great nobility, if you protect yourself from
these things," she adds. Your strength and clarity about not
going will take some time to sink in, but it will eventually give
The advantage of hooking up with the MSAs is that you have
your friends a clear message: nothing they say or do will change
better access to funds and spaces to hold activities. As well,
your mind.
you would have the guidance of brothers and sisters who may
But it should also be made clear that this is not a personal inhave gone through the prom pressure experience themsult aimed at them. You are simply trying to maintain your Isselves.
lamic principles, and you would not be able to do that in a prom
Tip #5: Hang out with your family
environment, that's all. You and they can still play baseball, go
It may sound strange to do this when the Prom is about being
shopping or hiking, but the prom is just one activity, which you'll
with your friends. But think about it. For many, this could be
have to skip.
one of the last happy occasions you have with your family
Tip #2: Plan an alternative
before moving away for college.
"We need to see Islam as a cool alternative, not a loser alternative," says Shaema Imam, 22. While the prom may seem hard
to beat, there are alternatives out there. It requires creativity
and intelligence.
Prom night isn't just about you finishing high school. It should
also be a tribute to your parents for helping you through the
experience, whether it was by taking care of your basic necessities, helping you with homework or paying for expenses.
After getting over the initial shock and disappointment of not
going to the Prom, go to Plan B. Get a couple of your friends
who are not going to the prom together and plan some Halal
fun. Contrary to popular belief, the possibilities are endless.
Tip #6: Don't become arrogant because you didn't go
While it does require strength for many Muslim youth to say
no to the prom and similar activities, this is no excuse to look
down on those who do not have that strength yet. The
"For the brothers if you have hockey they'll come," says Ali Sha- Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon hi, ) said:
"No one who has an atom's weight of pride in his heart will
yan, 21, of Ottawa, Canada.
enter the Garden (Paradise)." A man said, "And if the man
Sports are almost always a favorite for brothers. Think about it: likes his clothes to be good and his sandals to be good?" He
while the guys at the prom are sweating it out in uncomfortable, said, "Allah is Beautiful and loves beauty. Pride means to reexpensive tuxedos and making almost complete fools of them- nounce the truth and abase people" (Muslim).
selves on the dance floor, you could be skillfully honing your
It is by Allah's Will and Mercy that you were able to resist goathletic talent in comfortable clothes with your non-prom
friends, looking cool and really dignified. For sisters, you could ing. Pray that your brothers and sisters will do the same.
throw an all-sisters party at your place. Have all the fun of a
Tip #7: Encourage others not to go
prom party minus the Islamically questionable elements. Get
By doing this, not only will you be helping others, but you will
dressed up, made up and revved up for a night of Halal fun.
also have more people in on an alternative to the prom.
MCA Youth Committee Contact: ; 408-727-7277 ext 444. Halaqa Leaders Contact: youthhalaqa@mcabayareaorg
Just Remember
By: Imad Ansari
Zain Bikha Youth Workshop
Remember oh believer,
For more information please contact
The command of the divine
Mai El- Sadany at
The five pillars you must uphold,
In their noor you must shine.
MCA Youth Present:
Recite the Kalimah,
Always keep it in mind,
Join us for a fun & educational event for high school and colGreater it is in weight,
lege aged youth
Than the heavens and earth combined.
that will highlight the similarities between Judaism, ChristiRemember your salat,
anity and Islam in order to ultimately
Say it five times a day,
further communication, bringing peace and awareness in our
For unsuccessful are those,
Who do not pray.
Bring your High School and College friends to share in this
Remember zakat and of course haj and
enlightening experience!
The benefit of each,
Will surely be ever lasting.
Remember that day,
Which has been foretold,
When only your deeds will remain,
Not the status or wealth you hold.
When the trumpet will sound,
Will you then realize your blunder,
Too late!! The earth will shatter,
The heavens will split asunder.
Every soul will die,
And then each one resurrected,
Falsehoods and misconceptions,
Will all be corrected.
That day you will stand,
With the rest of creation,
Saturday, May 30th, 2008
Infront of your lord,
4:00 - 8:30 pm
To be granted mercy or face the retribution.
MCA Banquet Hall
3003 Scott Blvd. Santa Clara, CA 95054
When the judgment begins,
is a FREE EVENT, open to all communities!
Every action you will be made to rememTHE PROGRAM INCLUDES:
- Introduction to similarities between the Abrahamic Faiths
The choices that you made,
- Panel Discussion between Jewish, Christian & Muslim
To their fate you will have to surrender.
So remember and reflect,
For this lesson you must learn,
- Dinner & more!
To Allah we belong,
To him is our final return...
Continued from page one
as told by Kiser is “highly relevant to
what is going on in the Islamic world.
The extraordinary but largely forgotten
Abd el-Kader is the embodiment of the
story of Emir Abd el Kader, one of the
true moral, theological and rational
key leaders of the tribal resistance to
ideas taught by Islam.”
French aggression in Algeria, has now
been told in a book by an American auIn 2005, Dr Reza Shah-Kazemi, a rethor. In Commander of the Faithful, John search associate at the Institute of IsKiser restores to the spotlight the repumaili Studies in London and founding
tation of the only Arab after whom a
editor of Islamic World Report, wrote
town in the US is named. The book, with that, while “few doubt that the ongoing
its provocative sub-title, “A story of true
injustices in Palestine and other parts of
jihad”, has inspired both Muslim and
the Muslim world give rise to legitimate
Christian commentators and leaders to
grievances”, there was “nothing in Islam
compare and contrast the activities of
that justifies the killing or injuring of civilKader with those of the jihadists of toians, nor of perpetrating any excess as a
result of hatred, even if that hatred is
based on legitimate grievances. “The
“Today more than ever, Muslims and
non-Muslims alike need to be reminded pursuit of justice must be conducted in
of the courage, compassion and intellect accordance with justice; the means
of Emir Abd el-Kader,” Prince Hassan bin should not undermine the end: ‘O ye
who believe, be upright for God, witTalal of Jordan has said. Kader was a
nesses in justice; and let not hatred of a
“truly great treasure for the world”,
people cause you to be unjust. Be just,
whose conduct “in war, prison and in
that is closer to piety’.” And this was the
exile represented the true concept of
creed by which Kader, a scholar and
jihad” and “provides Muslims with a
much-needed antidote to the toxic false warrior, lived his remarkable life.
jihads of today, dominated by anger, vio- In 1841, General Bugeaud, the new
lence and politics”. For Muhammad Am- French govern-general and a selfmar Khan Nassir, the editor of Pakiconfessed “ardent colonizer”, landed in
stan’s monthly Al Sharia, Kader’s story
Algiers to take control of 80,000 troops
and launch a ruthless campaign to
crush the Arab resistance. He became
known in the British press at the time as
“the butcher of the Bedouins”. That year,
however, Bugeaud found Kader to be not
the merciless adversary of French myth,
“who was said to be little better than a
savage beast”, but a man who knew the
meaning of honor. The despairing wife of
a captured French officer, holding her
young daughter, had gone to the Bishop
of Algiers, begging him to intercede with
Kader for the life of the child’s father,
her husband. With little hope, the bishop
wrote to Kader. To his surprise, the
Emir’s response was immediate: why not
ask for the freedom of the hundreds of
captured Christians, he said, in exchange for “an equal number of Muslims
who languish in your prisons? It is written: do unto others as you would have
them do unto you.” Some prisoners were
exchanged, before the French put an
end to the practice. The invader’s
“columns from hell” continued to prowl
the country; Kader, meanwhile, strove to
end the time-honored practice among
his warriors of cutting off the heads of
anyone found alive after a battle.
Continued on page eleven
CAIR-SFBA Mid-Year Fundraiser
Professor Richard Falk
UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights
in Palestinian Territories,
as featured in chilling documentary Occupation 101
SUNDAY, MAY 31, 2009 @ 5:00pm
MCA Banquet Hall
3003 Scott Blvd, Santa Clara
Adult $25 | Child $10 (9yrs and under - incl. childcare program)
1. VISIT MCA Boostore, CAIR table @ MCA Banquet
Hall and SBIA at Friday Prayers
2. Call 408 986 9874
3. Click
4. Email
5. Text 'CAIR' to 41411
Islamic Books, Clothing for Men & Women, Hijabs,
Audio/Video, Gift Items, Perfumes, & more
Off Sale
Grand Opening
with $100
Of Our New Location
New Arrivals:
• The Life of Prophet Muhammad Medina
Period Part 2 by Imam Anwar Awalki
• Al-Karam Abayas in several different
styles and sizes
• Larger selection of Hijabs in several new
styles & colors
• Casio Compass Watch
Our new larger location (only a
few blocks from our old location) 2905 El Camino Real,
Santa Clara
Phone: 408-249-0393
Hours: Daily 11am-7pm,
Friday 3-7pm
All Offers Valid from 5/1/09 till
5/31/09 and while supplies last
Featuring Guest Speaker Br. Ali Ataie, Founder and President of the Muslim Interfaith
Council and has been involved in interfaith activities for over ten years.
Mohsena Ahmad, DDS
259 Meridian Ave., Suite 12 San Jose, CA 95126
Periodontist: Dr. Alpagot, DDS, Ph.D.
Pediatiatric Dentistry: Dr. Triuvur, DDS
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Modern facilities and equipment
All General Dentistry
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PLEASE CALL: (408)275-0768
Caring Friends
Are you in need of a friend, would like someone to visit you or
just talk on the phone? Are you injured, sick or disabled and
would like someone to transport you for medical appointments,
or for shopping? Would you like someone to prepare a light
meal or do light housekeeping? If so, then please call Caring
Friends at 408-727-7277 ext. 460 or email This is a FREE service provided
by MCA in collaboration with Stanford Hospital's Partners in
Caring program. Caring Friends program needs your help as a
volunteer. Please signup today.
Personal Coaching & Islamic
Family Counseling Services
MCA is glad to offer confidential, private and professional
coaching and counseling services in the following areas:
• Islamic, Family, Youth & Marital Counseling
• Pre-Marital Coaching for prospective couples
• Personal and Self-Development Coaching
Sessions are available with Sister Nijoud Bataineh on
Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays and with br. Kamal
Shaarawy over the phone on Sundays. Starting June 5th br.
Kamal will be visiting MCA for in-person counseling every
other weekend, inshaAllah.
To book an appointment or for more information visit:
Continued from page eight
“At a time when the French were mutilating Arab prisoners, wiping out whole
tribes, burning men, women, and children alive; and when severed Arab
heads were regarded as trophies of war‚
the Emir manifested his magnanimity,
his unflinching adherence to Islamic
principle, and his refusal to stoop to the
level of his ‘civilized’ adversaries,” wrote
Dr Shah-Kazemi. Instead, Kader offered
rewards for live prisoners and even questioned his captives to make sure they
had been treated well.
It was Kader’s religious knowledge,
writes Kiser, that gave him the authority
he needed to persuade his warriors “to
adhere to the reformed morality ... After
all, he was only implementing the admonitions of the Prophet himself. The emir
knew the hadiths by heart.” By the summer of 1847, Kader – increasingly harried by the French, aided by tribes which
had betrayed him – was on the run, once
again “a pure Bedouin, a child of the
wind”, deprived of fixed bases and his
dwindling army and nation reduced to
little more than “a migratory city of goat
and camel skins”. Eventually, Kader retreated to Morocco, but the end was in
sight: Muslims were turning on their
brothers, betraying the cause, and on
Dec 21 Kader called together his council. It was time to surrender and, with
100 followers – including, to the surprise
of the French, 21 European women who
had married Arabs and chose to remain
by their side – he was sent into exile. He
agreed never to return to Algeria and he
kept his word. His finest hour, however,
was yet to come.
After a period of imprisonment in France,
Kader was sent first to Turkey and then
to Damascus, where, according to Colonel Charles Churchill, a British army officer who was to become his friend and
biographer, “The whole Mohammedan
population turned out to receive him ...
to feast their eyes by gazing on the renowned champion and hero of Islam ...
no such Arab had entered Damascus
since the days of Saladin.”
Kader, surrounded by his extended family, hoped to live out the rest of his days
in peace and prayer among the Muslims,
Christians, and Jews of the city. It was
not to be. Throughout 1860, rumors of
an impending widespread “correction” of
Christians, filtered through to Kader. In
vein he wrote to various Muslim leaders
in the region, hoping to head off the imp
ending disaster. Then, on July 9, 1860, a
row over taxes flared into wholesale reprisals against the Christian community
in Damascus.
According to contemporary accounts, as
mobs began to rampage through the
streets in a hunt for Christians, Kader
and his two sons rallied their battlehardened Algerian soldiers and plunged
into the Christian quarter, rescuing anyone they could find, including priests
and diplomats from European nations.
“The furious mob ... glutted with spoil,
began to cry for blood,” wrote Col Churchill. “Men and boys of all ages were
forced to apostatize and were then circumcised on the spot ... women were
raped or hurried away to distant parts of
the country where they were put in harems”. The Turks, he added, “connived at
it, they instigated it, they shared in it.
Abd el-Kader alone stood between the
living and dead.” At the head of his heavily outnumbered men, Kader confronted
one mob, imploring them to turn back.
According to Churchill, in his Life of Abdel
Kader, published in 1867, the response
was: “What! You the great slayer of Christians, are you come out to prevent us
slaying them in our turn? Away!”
“If I slew Christians,” the emir responded, “it was in accordance with our
law – Christians who had declared war
against me and were arrayed in arms
against our faith.” By the following day,
the emir’s house had become a refuge
for hundreds of Christians, including
diplomats from France, his old enemy. A
baying mob gathered at the gates, demanding that the Christians be handed
over. Again the emir and his band of veterans, weapons drawn, confronted them.
“Wretches,” Churchill recorded Kader as
saying. “Is this the way you honor the
Prophet? Not a Christian will I give up.
They are my brothers. Stand back, or I
give my men the order to fire.” His men
reportedly shouted, over and over, “God
is great”.
Whatever was said on the steps of the
emir’s fortress-like home that day, the
crowd melted away, but five days of riots
left thousands of Christians dead in the
city. Thousands more, however, owed
their lives to Kader and his men, who
later accompanied a party of 3,000 to
safety in Beirut. The Story of Kader’s
actions flickered like a flame around the
Christian world. For Le Gazette de
France, “One of the most beautiful pages
of the history of the 19th century will be
devoted to him”; “When the carnage was
at its worst,” reported Le Pays, “the emir
appeared on the streets, as if sent by
His fame crossed the Atlantic, where the
New York Times noted that 20 years ago
the emir had been “an enemy of Christendom, hunted through the ranges of
his native hills”. Today, however, “the
Christian world unites to honor the dethroned Prince of Islam, the most unselfish of knightly warriors, risking limb and
life to rescue his ancient foes ... This
indeed is a chapter of glory”. It was, as
the Times concluded, ”no light thing for
history to record that the most uncompromising soldier of Mohammedan independence became the most intrepid
guardian of Christian lives and Christian
honor in the days of his political downfall
and in the decline of his people”. Honors
and tributes poured in from world leaders, including the Pope, Queen Victoria,
Napoleon III and Abraham Lincoln, who
sent Kader a pair of Colt pistols. The
emir survived another 20 years, succumbing to kidney failure on May 25,
1883, at the age of 76. He was, wrote
the New York Times three months before
his death, “foremost of the few great
men of the century”.
Today, as Americans battle Muslim fighters in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan,
history throws up an irony in the name of
a small town in Iowa, in the American
Midwest. In 1846, Timothy Davis, a New
York lawyer who had headed west to
make his fortune, teamed up with two
other men to build a mill and a settlement on the banks of the Turkey River. At
the time, in an America where the yoke
of British occupation had been thrown
off only a generation earlier, the exploits
of Kader were being widely reported in a
press hostile to the French brand of imperialism. Davis, inspired by the struggle
of the “daring Arab chieftain” in Algeria,
named the new town Elkader in his
honor. And, on the banks of the Turkey
River, the story of the emir was not forgotten. Researching Commander of the
Faithful, Kiser found the following tribute
to the Muslim warrior, recorded in Elkader High School’s 1915 year book: “A
scholar, a philosopher, a lover of liberty;
a champion of his religion, a born leader
of men, a great soldier ... a chivalrous
opponent; the selection was well made,
and with those pioneers of seventy years
ago, we do honor The Sheik”.
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Company: Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc.
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needs. With less than 3% market penetration, the growth potential is phenomenal.
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Company: Hair Factory
Position: Retail
Location: Sunnyvale, CA
Job Description: Ideal candidate will have an upbeat personality. Communication skills is a must. Day to day handling of customers. Cash register transactions will also be handled.
Company: Ricardo's Tailoring and Men's Wear
Position: Sales (Looking for a male sales representative)
Location: Sunnyvale, CA
Job Description: Local suit retail shop in Sunnyvale is looking for a great sales representative. Clothing retail, specifically suit retail background is a must. Ideal candidate will be great with customers and have an upbeat personality.
Company: Kragen Auto Parts
Position: Retail
Location: Sunnyvale, CA
Job Description: Handling customers on a day to day basis. Handling of cash register. Good communication skills.
Company: Ideon
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Location: Pleasanton, CA
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Career Opportunity
Job Opening: Executive Director
Work for the leading Muslim advocacy group in the U.S.
Council on American-Islamic Relations, San Francisco Bay Area Promoting Justices, Enhancing Understanding, Empowering American-Muslims
Full-time position located in Santa Clara, in the heart of the dynamic and vibrant Silicon Valley, and representing
the Bay Area community. BS/BA plus community activism experience required.
Primary Responsibilities:
Community relations, fund development, public and media relations, civic and government participation, program
development, board of directors relations, strategic planning, and organization, general operations and financial
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