iConnect iLearn 2013 `un`Conference
iConnect iLearn 2013 `un`Conference
More information available at http://iconnectilearn.ning.com or http://www.facebook.com/iConnectiLearn Early Bird Discount ---Register by April 30, 2013 $150 per site- two days $100 per day – (one day only) $250 for all 4 days includes interactive sessions, resources, refreshments and lunch Registration by May 24, 2013 $175 per site- two days $125 per day – (one day only) $300 for all 4 days includes interactive sessions, resources,, refreshments and lunch Registration After May 24, 2013 and Onsite $200 per site- two days $150 per day – (one day only) $350 for all 4 days iConnect iLearn 2013 ‘un’Conference June 6 & 7 Registration: 8:00 – 8:30 am Day 1: 8:30 am – 4:00 pm Day 2: 8:30 am – 3:30 pm includes interactive sessions, resources, and refreshments Group Rates Registration Fee: Team of 3 (save $75+) or Team of 6 (save $150+) Must enroll together and submit one check or purchase order. Call (785) 460-5004 or email icil@colbyeagles.org for details on group or school discounts Pre-service Educator Special: Colby Community College by May 24, 2013 - one to three undergraduate credits Enroll with Krista Carter, Colby Community College (888) 634-9350 (tuition & $30 registration fee for each site) School Districts, Board members or Community– call for special discounts Colby High School 1890 S. Franklin Ave Colby, Kansas 67701 (785) 460-5000 Register Today! Name __________________________________________________ Position ________________________________________________ Level (Check all that apply) ___PK-4 ___5-8 ___ 9-12 ___ Post-Secondary June 10 & 11 Registration: 8:00 – 8:30 am Day 3: 8:30 am – 4:00 pm Day 4: 8:30 am – 3:30 pm ___Other: Please indicate ________________________________________ Reno Valley Middle School Nickerson Public Schools 1616 Wilshire Dr. Hutchinson, KS 67501 (620) 662-4573 Organization _____________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________________ Phone # ________________________________________________ Email Address ___________________________________________ ___ All four days June 6-7 and June 10-11, 2013 ___ One day only: June_____,2013 ___USD315-Colby June 6-7, 2013 ___USD309-Nickerson (Hutchinson) June 10-11, 2013 One (1) graduate credit for each site offered through Baker University ($65) One (1) to three (3) undergraduate credit(s) CUSTOMIZABLE to Personal Needs $65 per credit hour 200 Level -Colby Community College Contact Krista Carter (785) 443-3058 Krista.Carter@colbycc.edu Please make check or PO payable to: Colby Public Schools 600 W. Third Colby, Kansas 67701 (785) 460-5004 Today’s date: _________________________ Total number registering ___________ Payment method: ____ Check (enclosed) _____ Check (onsite) ____ Purchase Order # ________________ ____ Credit Card ___ Visa ___ MasterCard Number _______________________________________________ Expiration date ____________________ Payment amount: $ __________________ Upon receipt of registration, confirmation and overnight arrangement information will be emailed. Virtual Conference Participation: No Charge iCiL 2013 Team will broadcast some committee-selected sessions and archive others on ihigh.com/iconnectilearn -or-iconnectilearn.ihigh.com. Fax: (785) 460-5050 Contact Colby Public Schools for additional information or to register. Phone: (785) 460-5000 Fax: (785) 460-5050 icil@colbyeagles.org Diana Wieland (785) 460-5005 Miran Krannawitter (785) 460-5004 This workshop is organized in collaboration with Colby, Goodland & Nickerson Public Schools, ESSDACK, Colby Community College, Northwest Technical College & many more. June 6-7 @ Colby HS Colby, KS and / or June 10-11 @ Reno Valley MS, Nickerson, KS Targeting the Educational Needs of the 21st Century Learner to be College, Career and Global Ready iConnect iLearn 2013 ‘un’conferernce is a fun, invigorating way for educators to obtain relevant and essential knowledge and skills to prepare all students to be College and Career Ready. Participants will leave with an abundance of tools and ideas to implement 21st Century techniques as well as a large, supportive network of colleagues, allowing for ongoing collaboration. Enhance your personal toolkit by learning about these strands and topics: • 21st Century Skills for College and Career Readiness Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Next Generation Assessments Habits of Mind KWIET for Writing Across the Curriculum Understanding Student Growth & AMO's Digital Age Testing Problem-,Project-, and Challenge- Based Learning STEM HIRE Education CTE Programs of Study Career Focused Education • Professional Learning, Leadership and Collaboration • Use of Social Media in Schools Facebook in Schools Distance and Online Learning Data-driven decisions - Using post secondary resources Student-Lead Conferences Building capacity for continual improvement MTSS: Team Collaboration Using technology as a professional learning tool • Leveraging Technology to Enhance Learning • iPad Deployment iPad Basics iPad Apps Integrating Technology Technology planning to implementation Adaptive technologies for Special Populations Using the LiveScribe SmartPen in the classroom One-to-one implementation iHigh: to share with family and community Web 2.0 Tools My Big Campus New and Improved Technologies Device Maintenance • Safe, Empowering Learning Environments (classroom & virtual) • Designing new learning environments Enhancing School & Family Partnerships Digital Citizenship Combating Cyberbullying Creating a safe learning environment Differentiated Instruction Anti-bullying Strategies If you would like to facilitate a session, please submit you proposal by April 15. To submit a proposal, go to: http://tinyurl.com/iCiL2013-Fac What’s Connect iLearn 2013 'un'conference? It is more than a learning opportunity; it's organized to effect change. As participants share the latest technologies, applications, practices, and enthusiasm, iCiL 2013 seeks to disseminate powerful, innovative learning approaches to schools all over the state and country. Who should attend? · Elementary, middle school, secondary, and postsecondary educators · Superintendents, school administrators, and teacher leaders · Career and guidance counselors / advisers and CTE service providers · Fine arts educators · Special Education providers · State and national organization leaders and members · Local/state school board members · Kansas state Department of Education, Kansas Board of Regents and Service Center Consultants · All interested in joining in the 21st century challenging conversations For online registration, go to: http://tinyurl.com/icil2013-Reg For more information go to: iCiL 2013 'un'Conference tab on http://iconnectilearn.ning.com iCiL Facebook and LIKE us at http://www.facebook.com/iConnectiLearn or contact Diana Wieland or Miran Krannawitter at 785.460.5000 or icil@colbyeagles.org
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