Year 6 to Year 7 - The Essington Weekly Bulletin


Year 6 to Year 7 - The Essington Weekly Bulletin
From the Acting Assistant
Head of Middle School Year 6
Monday 11th April
Term 2 Commences
Wednesday 13th and
Thursday 14th April
Middle School Parent
Teacher Discussions
3:00pm to 6:00pm
Tuesday 19th April
House Cross Country
(Years 4, 5, 6)
Wednesday 20th April
House Cross Country
(Years 7, 8, 9)
Monday 25th April
ANZAC Day Public
We have limited vacancies at most year
levels, and waiting lists at some year levels for
this year. We have forward commitments to
new enrolments in Terms 2 and 3 this year so
places will remain tight.
2017 is likely to be tighter as we will not be
increasing our student numbers beyond our
current capacity. If you know of people
wanting to enrol for 2017, please encourage
them to do so in Terms 2 and 3 this year to
ensure they have a place for next year.
Similarly, early enrolments for 2018 are
End of Term 1
Congratulations to
all the Middle School
students for
completing Term 1.
Term 1 is recognised
as one of the most
difficult terms in the
school year as you
settle into new
surroundings, different classrooms and
become familiar with new routines, teachers, We have had a very smooth start to the
2016 school year, and it is all down to the
and expectations.
hard work and dedication of students,
All assessment pieces have been submitted, parents, and staff. We would like to
and Academic Interim Reports will be posted personally thank you for all your support
throughout this term, and wish all the
home next week. Parent/Teacher
students and their families a very safe and
Discussions will be held in the first week of
relaxing holiday.
Term 2.
The Middle School Student Representative Council hosted an
Easter Egg Hunt last Thursday.
Experience is what you get when you don’t get what you want.. – Unknown
A huge thank you to the amazing
student representatives of our Middle
School Student Representative
Council. Thanks to you, the term has
not been all about ‘school work’! The
varying activities, fundraisers, sporting
competitions, Spelling Bee, and more
have added to the enriching
environment we have here at The
Essington Darwin Middle School. Be
on watch for the up and coming events
for next term!
Casual Clothes Fundraiser
Thank you to all Middle School
students for their generous donations.
We managed to raise a substantial
amount of money to donate to Beyond
Blue, an organisation who is dedicated
to helping those in need of mental
health support.
Parent Teacher Discussions
As you are aware, Parent Teacher
Discussions for Years 6 and 7 are
being held on Wednesday 13th April
and Thursday 14th April from 3:00 –
6:00pm. Please call the School Office
on Phone: 8985 0100 to make your
appointment. We encourage parents to
make these appointments with your
child’s Homeroom Teachers.
Communication between student,
parent, and teacher is vital for us to
ensure your child’s academic and
social needs are being fulfilled.
Middle School Upcoming Dates
 Friday 1st April – Friday 8th
April – School Holidays.
 Monday 11 April – Term 2
 Wednesday 13 April – Thursday
14 April – Middle School Parent
teacher Discussions.
 Monday 18 April – Friday 22
April – House Cross Country
 Monday 25 April – Anzac Day
Public Holiday.
 Monday 2 May – May Day
Public Holiday.
 Wednesday 4 May – Year 6
Athletics Carnival.
 Thursday 5 May – Year 7-12
Athletics Carnival.
 Monday 11 May- Friday 18 May
- Year 6 Camp (Specific class
dates to be confirmed).
 Tuesday 12 May-Thursday 14
May – Year 7 and Year 9 NAPLAN.
Monday 25th May – Wednesday
3rd June – Year 7 Camp (Specific
class dates to be confirmed).
Tuesday 31st June – ICAS
Science (Years 7 and 9).
arguments, however, Essington (Team
2) lost the debate by a close margin.
Well done to all speakers for their
fabulous efforts last week.
The fourth round of Middle School
Debating Competition was the first
Sara Matarazzo
time our teams were faced with an
Acting Assistant Head of Middle
unprepared debate. The debaters
School Year 6
were not given the topic of “that
compulsory volunteering should be
Year 8 Film viewing – “He named
part of Australian citizenship” until they
me Malala” (PG)
arrived at the venue. All three teams
In the final weeks were arguing the negative, therefore
of Term 1, Year
worked together to prepare their
8s will take part in arguments in a short amount of time.
learning activities Unfortunately, all teams lost their
around Malala
debates by a very close margin, some
Youzafzai’s Nobel by only two points! The topic was a
Peace Prize
very controversial one, and our teams
Speech and the
presented the very strong argument
documentary film “He named me
that volunteering, by definition, cannot
Malala” (PG). These learning activities be compulsory, however, the opposing
support and consolidate the students’ teams were able to convince the
study of the novel ‘Parvana’ by
adjudicator that compulsory
Deborah Ellis. The refugee
volunteering would in fact be beneficial
perspective, as well as the themes of
to Australian society.
our novel study will be explored in the
context of Malala Youzafzai’s story.
This week, we were faced with another
Please contact Cassandra Kawiukunprepared debate on the topic of
Jones with any questions or concerns. ‘Education’ for our fifth and final round.
Unfortunately, our teams had to forfeit
Literacy Plus
the round due to availability. This was
Literacy Plus is being offered on
disappointing, however all debate
Thursdays in Room EC10 at 2:50team members can be very proud of
3:35pm. Students may attend on a
their efforts and successes throughout
drop-in basis to receive Literacy
the competition. It was especially
support from English staff, including
pleasing to see so many students
assistance with homework and
participating (the most in Middle
assignments. Please contact
School for quite a few years), and
Cassandra Kawiuk-Jones with any
several first time debaters getting
involved. Thank you to Jo Masters and
Cassandra Kawiuk-Jones for their
Middle School Debating
efforts in coaching and supporting our
teams, as well as Mark and Sara
In Week 8, the Middle School Debating Spring for assisting. A Debate Team
Teams argued the topic “that we
Celebration will be held at school in
should introduce a junk food tax”.
Term 2 for all students who
Team one and three were arguing
against each other, with Team 1
representing the affirmative and Team Dorothea Mackellar Poetry
3 representing the negative. These
teams remained at Essington for their Calling all poets! The Dorothea
debate, which was videoed in the TV
Mackellar Poetry Awards is a national
studio by Media Teacher, Kylie Hyde. competition taking place from 1st
The debate has yet to be adjudicated, March to 30th June. Throughout this
and we are eagerly awaiting the result, period, Middle School students are
Either way, we will come away with a
encouraged to enter the competition
win for Essington! Team 2 travelled to by submitting their poems online under
Casuarina Senior College to represent The Essington School Darwin or via
the negative against Darwin Middle
their English classroom teacher. The
School. All speakers were well
optional theme for the poetry awards is
prepared and presented convincing
‘Waiting’. There are several categories
The Essington School Darwin
and many prizes to be won! We are
very much looking forward to seeing
entries from our talented poets in
Middle School.
Next term, we will be offering a series
of Poetry Workshops to assist students
in submitting entries for this
competition. The workshops will be run
concurrently with Literacy Plus on
Thursdays after school. Dates and
further details will be announced in
upcoming Bulletins. Please contact
Cassandra Kawiuk-Jones for more
information or visit http:// to view details
and past entries.
Cassandra Kawiuk
Acting Middle School English
Year 6 Snapshot
The Year 6 Team
would like to
congratulate all
students in Year 6 for
their efforts in their
first term in Middle
School. They have all
worked so hard,
reaching their goals, and becoming
integral members of the Middle School
Community. It has been a pleasure to
watch them overcome their initial fears
of the ‘big school’, and take on the
opportunities that they have been
offered. Whether it be joining into the
vast array of Student Representative C
ouncil activities on offer, or joining a
new After School Club or being a
member of The Commando Boys, they
have all strived and succeeded,
socially and academically.
The Annual General Meeting for The Essington School Darwin Ltd will be held on
Thursday 28th April 2016, at 6:30 pm in the School Library on the main campus.
Nominations for Director positions on the Board close at 4:00pm on Thursday 7 th April
2016, at the Company Office (Reception of Essington Education Centre, Chrisp
Street, Rapid Creek).
A copy of the Articles of Association of The Essington School Darwin Ltd can be
found on the Our Parents section of the school’s website. Other information relating
to the Annual General Meeting will be progressively posted on the school website (in
the Annual General Meeting section of Our Parents on our school website).
Cyclone Tracey hit Darwin on
Christmas Eve, 1974. The historical
skills to analyse a photo have been the
focus this term, which the students
have mastered well. In Mathematics
for the last week, we reflected over the
Term 1 Test, and spent the week
revisiting areas to improve, ready for
Term 2, with fractions and worded
problems being our main focus.
preschool. She is leaving us to go with
her family to Toowoomba, where she
will definitely trade in her summer
clothes for winter woollies! We wish
the O’Shea family lots of luck on their
new adventure.
Term 2 will be an exciting term, with
the Litchfield Camp, Cross Country
House Sport, The Dance Showcase
with Ms Lisa, The House Athletics
The last day of Term 1 was a blast for Carnival, as well as all new topics. In
all in Year 6, as thanks to Mr Harvey,
English we study Shakespeare and
we headed out for a House Sport
take a peek at five of his most famous
event of T-Ball. Even the teachers got works. The students then perform at
their sneakers on and gained points for The Essington Globe Theatre at our
their House. In the afternoon, we went Senior Campus at the end of term for
to The Language Centre and watched their families. In History, we investigate
‘The Croods’, which was a fine finale
the wonderful world of Ancient China,
for our historical study of The
the inventions, dynasties and
emperors that ruled throughout the
different eras. In Science, not only do
We say a final goodbye to Caitlin
we get to visit the new STEM Centre,
O’Shea from 6A who has been at The but learn all about electricity, batteries,
Essington School Darwin since
and more.
As the term comes to an end, so do all
the many assessments that the
students have been focusing on. In
English we have finished our first novel
study, ‘The Giver’, and have had many
debates on whether we agree or not
with the ending. The students have
worked collaboratively in small groups
to create a presentation of their
version of a ‘Utopian Society’, which
were very creative, interesting, and
Science came to an end this term with
a stormy look at cyclones, and how
they affect us all. A cross curricular
focus in History, as the students
analysed photographs taken when
At the Middle School Easter Egg Hunt, we even had a quick visit from three
Senior College students who 'hopped' over to say hello!
The Essington School Darwin
We encourage students to ensure they
restock their stationery, paper, pens,
books, etc. ready for the first week of
Term 2. Making sure you also have a
water bottle and hat.
From the teachers of Year 6, have a
safe, relaxing holiday break, and we
look forward to seeing your smiling
faces, ready for the adventures that
await in Term 2.
The Year 6 Team
Year 7 Snapshot
It has been a busy
few days as we wind
up the term and
prepare for our term
break. The students
in Year 7 have
continued to work
exceptionally hard
right to the very end.
In Mathematics, Year 7 classes have
been revisiting the Fractions Unit,
learning how to find equivalent
fractions, as well as simplifying and
converting between mixed and
improper fractions. They also handed
in their ‘Whole Numbers’ assignment,
which demonstrated the skills and
understanding they have learnt this
term, as well as their research skills
into ancient numerical systems.
During English lessons in Week 10,
Year 7 have watched ‘Bend it Like
Beckham’, and compared the movie to
From the Principal/CEO
You will be
aware that our
students are
performing at a
very high level
on national
literacy and
such as NAPLAN. Again in 2015 our
students were in the Substantial
Above or Above category the
Australian schools average. This is an
outstanding achievement and is noted
by other leading interstate schools and
education bodies. Our use of tried and
tested literacy and numeracy
some of the characters from their
novel study, ‘Boy Overboard’. Students
then finished off the term with a game
of ‘Kahoots’, based on all the themes
and content they looked at during
English in Term 1.
Also this week, students delivered their
PowerPoint or poster presentations for
Year 7 Science. The standard and
quality of these have been amazing! In
Humanities, students presented their
Viking models to their classes, which
are absolutely outstanding- the time
and effort put into making these is very
alert to intercultural understandings.
This will provide an excellent base to
continue their language learning, and
Ms Masters is very excited about their
Bahasa Indonesia journey.
A huge well done to all the children for
their efforts in every subject. It is hard
to believe that they have already
completed their first term in Year 7,
and I hope by now everyone feels well
and truly settled in. Whenever I visit
the Year 7 classrooms, I am so
impressed with the interest and
involvement the students show
towards their new subjects and topics,
and by the mature and positive attitude
they present. I wish all students in
Year 7 and their parents a very happy
term break, and I look forward to
seeing you all again in Term 2.
In Year 7E, Indonesian students are
concluding their first term topic
entitled: Kami dan Kita- Who are we?,
where we focused on enquiry such as:
‘What is languge?’, ‘What does it mean
to me?’, ‘How do we use languages?’, Gemma Keirl
and ‘Who are you? Who am I?’. The
Acting Assistant Head of Middle
focus this term has not been on
School Year 7
vocabulary but on the system of
language and being able to remain
Year 7s Humanities projects of Viking models were impressive.
programs (such as Literacy Pro and
Prime Maths) and our use of data is
delivering improved results for our
You may not be aware that our
students also perform at a very high
level on international literacy and
numeracy assessments such as PISA,
PIRLS, and TIMMS. Again, our
students perform significantly above
the Australian schools average on
these international assessments.
As a school we continue to lead the
way in terms of curriculum and
programs that allow our students to
reach their highest levels of
performance. We have for many
years, whilst implementing the
Australian curriculum at a high level,
The Essington School Darwin
looked to international curricula and
programs to value add our Australian
curriculum. This is very important as
our students need to prepared at a
high international standard to
maximise their opportunities in the
global world we live in.
Since 2014 we have been using the
Cambridge international curriculum,
developed by the UK Cambridge
Education Centre linked with
Cambridge University, to enhance our
Australian curriculum.
The reason we are doing this is
because at an international level,
Australian literacy and numeracy
levels are slipping and our county’s
position in the western world has
continually declined. Few people
would be aware that in March the
OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) singled
Australia out for its declining
performance on the world stage. (The
Sydney Morning Herald did report on
this OECD news). Andreas Schleicher,
the education chief of OECD was
quoted in the Sydney Morning Herald
as he ‘slammed Australia over its
declining results in international
student assessment (PISA)”.
Australia’s PISA results have been on
the slide since 2003. He went on to
say “Students from Poland and
Vietnam are now outperforming
Australia’s teenagers”. The Australian
Grattan Institute also found that
‘Australia’s own domestic assessment
system was also found wanting’.
Our parents can be confident from our
NAPLAN and international results
(including our PISA results) that our
students are performing at a high
international level. We need to keep
setting the bar high and at an
international level to give our students
the best chances in the future.
We have chosen Cambridge
Education programs because they are
well established and have been highly
regarded for over 40 years. Over 9,000
schools worldwide use Cambridge
Education curriculum and resources.
(The International Baccalaureate is
found in over 3,000 schools). The
Cambridge curriculum also allows us
to pick and choose those parts of their
curriculum we need to enhance our
Australian curriculum. Our school was
the sixth school in Australia to be
accredited by Cambridge Education.
There are about 14 schools in
Australia accredited to deliver
Cambridge programs and we are
pleased to hear that a local Darwin
school is following our lead and
introducing Cambridge Primary
We look forward to sharing more
information about our work with
Cambridge Education in parent
information forums in Term 2.
We were pleased to receive notice
recently that the NT Government has
provided a $1m Refurbishment Grant
for our school. Meetings have been
held with our architects to prepare
drawings for the following three
projects: Dance/Drama Studio, Food
Hospitality Centre, and Refurbishment
of Preschool Centre in Cummins
The first project to commence will be
the creation of a modern Dance/
Drama Studio where our old office
area is located off Rossiter Street. We
are hopeful that this project will be
completed by the beginning of Term 2.
The refurbishment of our current
Middle School Science Centre to
create a Food Technology and
Hospitality Centre for our students will
take a little longer but we expect it will
be completed by the beginning of
Term 4.
students in this area through our Elite
Sport Program.
On Friday at the Senior College
Assembly we were able to
acknowledge the success of nine of
our top Senior College sports students
with their induction in to our
Academies of Excellence Elite Sports
Program this year. Tim Weatherald,
our new Director of Elite and
Community Sports, assisted by Shaun
Theiber, Sports Coordinator for the
Senior College, presented students
with a certificate and engraved
Academies pen and keyring.
Our ten Year 4 to 6 students working
with our Writer in Residence, Joanne
van Os, has been making great
progress on developing their narratives
for their individual children’s picture
story book. Our students have really
embraced the challenge of becoming
an author and Joanne is enjoying
working with our students.
The children’s books they are writing
and we are publishing will be aimed at
The third project we have identified is
students from three to six years of age.
an very needed major refurbishment of Each book will feature a different,
our Preschool Centre in Cummins
common, NT animal found around
Street. This will require detailed
Darwin or in our backyards. The series
architectural plans to be completed
will be launched at our NT Children’s
and is expected to commence in mid- Book Fair at our School Fete on the
Term 2. This project will take longer to 20th August, 2016
complete and is expected to be
completed by November. It will see a
significant increase in space in the
Term Two is an eleven week term
Centre and a significant modernisation which is unusual as our school terms
of the facility.
are usually always ten week terms.
Terms 2 and 3 are usually very busy
We are also planning to add an
terms when a large number of outdoor
additional twelve parking places at the activities and programs. Our School
back of our Essington Education
calendar (on our School website) will
Centre off Chrisp Street to reduce staff have many events listed already, but
parking on Chrisp Street.
there will be many other events that
will occur. Term 2 will see more camps
Our primary teachers currently have
and many sporting and community
access to Cambridge Primary
activities, and additional House
Curriculum and resources and from
Term 2 this will increase. We are
Many of our students are excelling at
focussing on English, Mathematics
sport at a high level. They have been
and Science in our first stage of adding selected for training for NT teams (in a Our After School Clubs program for
Cambridge curriculum to the Australian variety of sports), or are representing
Term 2 has been finalised and copies
curriculum in the primary. This nicely
the NT at national competitions. To
of the program (and booking details)
links with what we are doing in the
date we have identified some students are available from our offices on the
middle years curriculum with our first
from the Junior School, Middle School main campus. Again we have a varied
students in October sitting for the
and Senior College who are
and exciting range of activities for our
Cambridge primary curriculum’s
performing at an elite level in sport.
students and some new activities.
IGCSE (International General
We are completing our checks to
Places are limited and will be
Certificate of Secondary Education) in ensure we have identified all our top
allocated on a ‘first come’ basis.
English. Students completing these
sporting students for this Academies of
exams will have dual qualifications in
Excellence Elite Sport Program. We
David Cannon
the IGCSE and the NTCET.
are keen to assist, support and extend Principal/CEO
The Essington School Darwin
Music Notices
What a fabulous term we have
had in Music. I would like to
commend the students on their
wonderful efforts and hard work.
Violin and Piano Recital
We were very excited to have
overseas musicians visit our
school on Thursday 24th March.
The music was outstanding, and
the violinist, Dr Silva, and pianist, Marian Pivka, were
brilliant. Not only did they share their passion and love of
music but also took the time to share their experiences and
knowledge. The performance was an inspiration and
encouragement to our aspiring musicians.
The visiting musicians complimented the students on their
excellent listening skills, and were amazed at how attentive
they were during the concert. They also commented on
how friendly our students were as many came over to say
hello to the visitors after the performance. Thank you to our
Middle School Music Leaders and Mr Ambrose for his
assistance at this special event.
Territory Young Achiever Awards Gala Dinner at Sky City
Casino. The choir will be opening the evening with the
Australian National Anthem and will also be providing
background entertainment prior to the event as the guests
arrive. We look forward to the opportunity to showcase the
Premier Choir at this prestigious and formal event.
Permission letters with all details will be given to students.
Assembly Performances
Thank you to all our talented musicians for their
performances at the Junior School Assembly during the
term. Parents, teachers, and students certainly look
forward to the Music items at Assembly every week.
Encourage your child to play for family and friends. The
more they perform the more confident they will become. I
encourage students who would like to perform in Assembly
next term, to speak to your Music Teacher or myself and
we will gladly assist you.
Lauren To and Sjaida Sayers are to be commended on
their performance at the recent Jam Session on the Oval.
We wish our teachers and students a well-deserved
mid-semester holiday break.
Leanne Bakker
Young Voices of Melbourne
We were delighted to have the Young Voices of Melbourne Music Administration Coordinator
visit our school on Wednesday 30th March. The Young
Voices of Melbourne is one of Australia’s finest children’s
choirs, and presented music by a variety of Australian
composers, world music from other countries, and
international classics. Special thanks to Mark O’Leary,
Principal Conductor, the musicians, and the choristers on
their amazing performance. Thank you to Melody Lay,
Premier Choir Leader, for her assistance and to Ms
Tomsen for organising this special music opportunity.
Any students who have a passion for singing and would
like to be part of our Premier Choir are encouraged to
speak to Mr. Ambrose. The Premier Choir practises every
Monday afternoon from 3.00pm in Room MS9.
Upcoming Premier Choir performance
The Premier Choir are busy preparing for their first
performance on Saturday 16th April at the Northern
Dr Silva, violinist and Marian Pivka, pianist, performing
at the Violin and Piano Recital.
Our Middle School Music students and Mrs Bakker pictured with the visiting Violin and Piano Recital musicians.
The Essington School Darwin
We are very excited to have some Break Dance
instructors coming every Monday afternoon from 3.00We had a very productive workshop
3.45pm to work with the boys. This is part of our
on Tuesday this week with our very
afterschool Dance clubs program and enrolment forms are
talented guest choreographers, Elle
Milne & Kiara Musco. Thank you to all available from the office.
the students for your hard work and
Please keep an eye on our Friends of Essington Dance
focus throughout the day.
(FOED) Facebook page where we communicate our
Dance program happenings including social events and
Notes for permission in the Dance
Showcase planning projects.
Showcase THE RISING SUN were
issued last week. These notes are
Students are invited to perform ‘Fight Song’ at the
also available on the Middle School
Seabreeze festival on Saturday 7th May around 4.30pm on
homework website under Electives/Dance.
the Dance stage which will be located near windsurfers’
point this year. Notes regarding this performance will be
Year 6 and 7 Contemporary Dance students are
required for holiday rehearsals in the Auditorium from issued shortly.
12.00-2.00pm on Friday 8th, Saturday 9th and Sunday
Semester 1 Date Claimers:
10th April.
Please note: all the rehearsal and performance dates are
as provided in the permission note.
Costume requirements will mostly be provided by the
school Dance wardrobe however the girls will need to
purchase a black leotard (singlet type) & black tights. Boys Community Dance Performances:
 Melbourne Ballet Company April 2016 @ Darwin
costumes will be provided by the school. Dance World
Entertainment Centre.
Darwin provide a discount for Essington students, or
Seabreeze Festival 7 May 2016.
alternatively, some of the department stores currently have
 Sydney Dance Company June 2016 @ Darwin
leotards and tights in stock.
Entertainment Centre.
Commando Boys will also be performing in the Dance
Showcase as well as the Youth on Health Festival. Please Lisa Svara, Dance Teacher
return permission notes. Their costumes will be provided
by the school.
Dance Notices
Language Corner
Language Perfect Pizza
Congratulations to Mr Spring
and Ibu Putu's Indonesian Class
6D for winning the Term 1
Language Perfect Pizza
Competition. You put in an
outstanding effort throughout the
term, reaching an incredible
15,924 points and attempting an
amazing 52,227 questions. The pizza party will be held
Monday in Week 1.
Class Results
1st Year 6D Indonesian
2nd Year 7D Japanese
3rd Year 7A Japanese
4th Year 8 Japanese
Top 10 Performers
A big congratulations to all students who competed, and in
particular, to our Top 10 performers in the competition this
1st Ben Goldney
2nd Anna Kim
3rd Besna Tom
4th Flynn White
5th Jillian Wong
6th Jenti White
Jasmine Lay
Sourab Sebastian
Sharfan Shah
Matthew Rawsthorne
Language Perfect Certificates
Language Perfect Certificates this week have gone to the
following students:
Blue Certificate (500 points)
Ashan Fonseka (Indonesian)
Jerome Jomon (Japanese)
Bronze Certificate (1000 points)
Ella Hoy (Japanese)
Year 6 Indonesian
Congratulations to the following students from Ibu Putu’s
Year 6 Indonesian classes for outstanding performances
this week:
 Piper Mules for delivering excellent pronunciation.
 Lara Taprell for delivering excellent pronunciation.
 Helaina Smid for always work cooperatively with
her pair.
 Gus Solomon for consistently displaying active
Linda White
Middle School Coordinator Languages
The Essington School Darwin
House Notices
This week we held our first House
event for 2016. Students played
T-Ball in warm conditions on the
Oval. A full report will be in the
first Bulletin next term.
Term 2 is a busy term for House
Sport. In Week 2 on Tuesday 19th
April, Year 6 students, and on
Wednesday 20th April, Year 7 students, will participate in
the House Cross Country event at East Point Reserve.
This is the first time we are holding a school based Cross
Country event. Year 6 students will be the last to run on
Tuesday at approximately 1:30pm, and the Year 7 will be
the first to run on Wednesday at approximately 9:00am.
Students will complete a 3km course around East Point.
The track will be very similar to the one they use for the
Darwin Region Cross Country and NT Titles. Once
students receive their permission notes for this event,
please return them as soon as possible to the Main
Reception office. The second major House event for Term
2 is the House Athletics Carnival. Year 6 students are on
Wednesday 4th May (Term 2, Week 4), and Year 7
Sport Notices
Essington Representative Teams
Years 4-6 Darwin Region Netball
Gala Day
A brilliant show of talent and
sportsmanship was on display at
the Years 4-6 Darwin Region
Netball Gala Day on Wednesday
at Marrara. The fifteen girls
across Years 4, 5 and 6 braved
the hot and sticky conditions, to
give each and every game all that they had. It was a
pleasure to witness a great ‘have a go attitude’, with many
girls playing outside their preferred positions, whilst being
encouraging to each team mate. We were victorious in the
day with our Division 2 Team coming home as Winners of
Division 2. Our Division 1 Team just came shy of winning
students on Thursday 5th May. If you are able to assist
with either the Cross Country or Athletics Carnival, please
get in contact with me.
Outdoor Education Notices
The Year 6 Camp for 2016 is being held at the
Environmental Education Campground in the Litchfield
National Park. Two classes will go on Camp together. The
first camp is in Term 2, Week 5 on Wednesday 11th May
until Friday 13th May. The second group will go on Monday
16th May and return on Wednesday 18th May.
The Year 7 Camp for 2016 is being held at Lake Bennett
Wilderness Resort. Students spend three days
participating in teams and completing a variety of
activities. The Year 7 cohort will be spilt into two groups,
each spending two nights on Camp. The first group will go
to Lake Bennett on Monday 23rd May (Term 2, Week 7)
and return on Wednesday 25th May. The second group will
leave on Wednesday 25th May and return on Friday 27th
Spencer Harvey
House and Outdoor Education Coordinator
the day, finishing Second. Congratulations to all the girls!
Well done to many of the girls who also took on the role of
umpire and scorer for games as well. A big thank you to
the Middle School Netball Captains for their organisation
and coaching abilities on the day.
Division 2 Team – Winners of Division 2
Chloe Cooper
Lucy Weatherald
Katie Weatherald
Charlotte To
Pia Lee
Riley LaPira
Mia Butler
Jasmine Elliott
Division 1 Team – Second Place
Lily Politis
Sophie Palmer
Abbie Jervis
Darcey Tomkinson
Molly Ashley
Bella Mullan
Verity Hudson
The Year 4-6 Darwin Region Netball Gala Day.
The Essington School Darwin
Darwin Region Soccer Year 7-9
Congratulations to those students who have been selected
to represent Essington at the Middle School Soccer Gala
Day that is happening in Week 1 next term, Tuesday 12th
Darwin Region Netball 4-6
On Wednesday 30th April, eighteen Essington Junior
School students competed in the Darwin Region Netball
Gala Day. Our students competed in Division 1 and
Division 2. The students did their best all day in the hot
conditions. Division 1, finished Second overall, and
Division 2 finished First. Congratulations and well done to
the girls, and a special thank you to our Middle School
Netball captains, who coached and umpired our girls all
day: Reagan Wilkins, Kaiya Hancock, Lily Sonntag, and
Kiara Bernard. Well done girls.
Darwin Region Selection Trial Dates
Wed 27th, Thurs 28th, Fri 29th April
Where: Bagot Road Soccer Fields
3.30 to 5.30pm
For possible selection into Darwin Region Teams to
compete at the SSNT 12/13 & Under Soccer
Championships students must attend at least 2 of
the 3 trial sessions.
Wed 20th, Thurs 21st, Fri 22nd April
Where: Sitzler Netball Courts, Marrara
3.30 to 5.00pm
For possible selection into Darwin Region Teams to
compete at the SSNT 12/13 & Under Netball
Championshis students must attend at least 2 of
the 3 trial sessions.
To be eligible for selection in the Darwin Region Team
students MUST attend 2 out of the 3 trial days, however
we strongly recommend attending all 3. At the end of the 3
trial days, selectors will identify the students that will make
up the Darwin Region Team or Squad. Darwin Region
Team members will compete at the School Sport NT 12/13
& Under Tennis Championships being held in Darwin from
22nd to 24th June. Students will be selected based on
their ability to participate as a team member, attend
training, meet game specific criteria, and agree to meet
cost. Trials are:
Gardens Tennis Courts
Wed 4th May 3:30 - 5:00pm
Thur 5th May 3:30 - 5:00pm
Fri 6th May
3:30 - 5:00pm
A sailing program designed for kids 8 – 12yrs old.
This program focuses on having fun in boats and creating a
love of being on the water. Kids will learn fundamental sailing
skills whilst making new friends.
Come and enjoy the sunset whilst your kids discover the magic
of sailing.
15th April – 24th June @ Darwin Sailing Club 4.30 – 6.30pm
$100 (or a sports voucher))
To Register:
Phone 8981 1700 - Sponsored by Yachting NT
Darwin Region Cluster Days Term 1 and 2
 Week 1 – 7-9 Soccer – Tuesday 12 April
 Week 3 – 4-6 Soccer – Wednesday 27 April
 Week 4&5 – Cross Country, Thursday 5 May &
Wednesday 11 May
 Week 6 – 4-6 Touch Football – Friday 20 May
 Week 7 – 7-9 Touch Football - Tuesday 24 May
 Week 7 – 4-6 T20 Cricket – Friday 27 May
 Week 8 – 4-6 Hot Shots Tennis – Friday 3 June
Essington Team Trials – Friday Lunchtimes
 Week 1 – 4-6 Soccer – Friday 15 April
 Week 4 – 4-6 Touch Football – Friday 6 May
 Week 5 – 7-9 Touch Football – Friday 13 May
 Week 5 – 4-6 T20 Cricket – Friday 13 May
 Week 6 – 4-6 Hot Shots – Friday 20 May
Student Achievements in Sport
Sports Star of the Month - March: JOSH STAPLES
This month, Josh competed in the NT Open and Age
Championships, and was awarded Swimmer of the Meet,
Champion Distance Male, and Age Group Champion.
Josh also broke an NT record for the 12 year old boys
400m Individual Medley in a time of 5.27, and a 12 year
old boys club record for the 200m Butterfly in a time of
Earlier in the year, Josh competed at the South Australia
Age and Open Championships in Adelaide, and was the
highest individual point scorer at the meet. He achieved 8
Gold medals and 2 Silver. Congratulations Joshua!
Angela Foley
Director of Sport
Online registrations now open.
All abilities and ages from 3 years old upwards. World
class facilities, all new program developed by the
Northern Territory Institute of Sport in conjunction with
Darwin Athletics Club coaches.
Low cost membership.
For more information:
The Essington School Darwin
Academies of Excellence Elite Sports
Palmerston Tennis Easter
Over the Easter weekend, a
number of our students competed
in the four day Palmerston Tennis
Tournament with fantastic
success. We congratulate, in
particular, the following students:
Lefika Kgosiemang (Year 6) came third in the Boys
12 and under doubles.
Many of these players will be busy over the next few
weeks with a number of tournaments including the 2016
Scope Building NT Carnival from 2nd-5th April in Alice
Liam Franklin will also be travelling to Adelaide to
participate in the 2016 14 and Under Australian
Grasscourt Championships, to be held in Adelaide from
9th-14th April. The 14 and Under Australian Grasscourt
Championships will feature the best 32 players from
around Australia. This is an event that the current
Australian Men’s player, Bernard Tomic, won as a junior.
Liam Franklin (Year 9) was the 14 and under
Champion and Mens doubles champion he also came
second in the Mens Singles.
Kyle O’Donoghue-Ellis (Year 10) 2nd in 14 and under
Boys Singles.
We wish Liam and all our other Tennis players the best of
Nicholas Tremblay (Year 5) came third in the 12
luck in these upcoming tournaments.
and Under Boys singles and second in the doubles.
Mason Peek (Year 5) was the 12 and under Division
Tim Weatherald
1 Singles and Doubles Champion.
Director of Elite and Community Sport
Kyle O’Donoghue-Ellis and Liam Franklin at the
Mason Peek with his medal.
Liam with his trophies.
U14 Girls Basketball Team
with Coach Daniel Boyle.
The Essington School Darwin
The Essington School Darwin
Middle School Student Representative Council
(SRC) Easter Egg Hunt
On Thursday March 24th, the Middle School SRC
celebrated Easter! Over 500 plastic eggs were
hidden around the school, and students who found
them could exchange these for some delicious
chocolate eggs at the Canteen. There were also
twenty hidden Easter bunnies which, if found, could
be swapped for a chocolate one! It was wonderful
to see all the students from Years 6-9 searching
high and low for their eggs; it just goes to show, you
are never too old to enjoy an Easter Egg Hunt!