DATEA Centre Management
DATEA Centre Management
DATEA Centre Management Your Key to Attractive Shopping Centres Facts about DATEA Centre Management DATEA is a leading Danish operator of asset management services, administration and development of shopping centres. We manage 15 shopping centres in Denmark with a turnover amounting to 8.5 billion Danish kroner (DKK) in total, and 48 million customers annually. Our shopping centres house more than 750 retail shops, and represent 17% of the total turnover in shopping centres in Denmark. Our mission is to create attractive shopping centres - both for the customers and for the retail tenants. By doing so, we ensure that the customers have a positive shopping experience each time they visit one of our centres - and the retailers get the best possible conditions for reaching a satisfactory level of business. Our mission makes us focus on creating shopping centres with the right mix of shops and concepts, which give the centres the unique identity and attractive layout that provides the best possible basis for successful retail business. We have more than 20 years of experience within asset management of shopping centres, and our experience ranges from management of small, local centres with 20 shops to large, regional centres with more than 100 shops. DATEA Centre Management covers the full scope of services from commercial responsibility for the shopping centres to the technical aspects related to operations and maintenance of the premises, and asset administration including rent collection and legal aspects. The DATEA organisation is able to provide expertise in all these fields, which makes us a professional, efficient and competitive business partner. Facts Number of shopping centres 15 Property value DKK 8.6 billion Turnover per year DKK 8.5 billion Visitors per year 46 million No. of shops 750 Part of retail sales in Denmark 4% Centre Management Commercial aspects Technical Dept. Operations, maintenance, planning and design Administration Accounts man., legal aspects and rent collection Overview of DATEA shopping centres Shopping Centre Town Albertslund Centrum Albertslund Ballerup Centret Size Retail sales turnover Visitors Shops 17,500 sq m 525,000,000 3,000,000 61 Ballerup 30,700 sq m 810,000,000 4,600,000 70 Egedal Centret Stenløse 17,300 sq m 485,000,000 3,100,000 73 Farum Bytorv Farum 14,700 sq m 641,000,000 3,100,000 49 Frihedens Butikscenter Hvidovre 12,000 sq m 407,000,000 2,400,000 31 Holte Midtpunkt Holte 5,700 sq m 350,000,000 2,200,000 23 Hørsholm Midtpunkt Hørsholm 13,200 sq m 595,000,000 3,000,000 64 RO’s Torv Roskilde 47,000 sq m 690,000,000 3,500,000 86 Spinderiet Valby 25,300 sq m 479,000,000 2,600,000 47 Waterfront Shopping Hellerup 15,400 sq m 174,000,000 2,000,000 27 Waves Greve 77,500 sq m 2,000,000,000 6,200,000 114 Ølby Torvecenter Køge 5,900 sq m 400,000,000 2,500,000 17 Nørreport Centret Holstebro 16,000 sq m 230,000,000 2,300,000 25 Sct. Mathias Centret Viborg 14,500 sq m 400,000,000 3,200,000 33 Viby Centret Viby J 8,600 sq m 507,000,000 2,300,000 26 We Know our Customers We know that insight into customer composition, purchase behaviour and preferences are crucial in order to further improve and develop the shopping centres. Therefore, we conduct thorough customer analyses in all our centres on an annual basis. The results of these, together with keeping in close dialogue with the retailers, enable us to constantly adapt the marketing, the shopping environment and the mix of shops. Based on the retailers’ monthly reports of turnover along with the customer tracking systems, we get valuable insight into the continuous development of the centres regarding customer-flow and turnover. Facts about DATEA property asset management DATEA Centre Management is only one of DATEA’s core competences. We are a knowledge house with a multi-discipline team experienced in the fields of property asset management, accounting, operations, project management, centre management, real-estate development and commercial leasing. We tailor solutions to owners of all types of investment properties along with cohousing and owner associations. We use our unique, professional expertise and proactive approach to create value for our clients. Whether they be tenants, property users or associations, we are particularly aware of the service and dialogue needed to support their business. To offer the best services, we employ the best people. People who have the passion, empathy and interdisciplinary skills to understand the needs of our clients before they create the right solutions for them. Our knowledge, experience and expertise make a partnership with DATEA a most suitable match. DATEA – your key to the best solution. Contact DATEA Centre Management Email: Tel: +45 45 26 01 02 DATEA · Lyngby Hovedgade 4 · DK 2800 Kgs. Lyngby · Tel +45 45 26 01 02