Rebel Times Newsletter
Rebel Times Newsletter
VOLUME 13 , ISSUE 3 OCTOBER 2013 REBEL TIME AASD Message from the Principal: Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s), It is hard to believe we have almost a month of school in already. The school year is off to a great start and it was good to see so many of you at our Open House in August. All students will be taking the MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) assessments in reading and math over the next couple of weeks, if they haven’t already. These assessments are then given again in late April/early May to determine if every child has made adequate progress during the school year. MAP may also be administered in January to determine midyear progress. On October 29, we will begin the Wisconsin Knowledge &Concepts Examination (WKCE) standardized testing assessment. Please see the letter also included in this newsletter regarding this test. (Pages 12, 13, 14) We held our first late start on September 11, 2013. I thought I would share a few of the collaborative activities staff members were engaged in that morning. The English Language Arts/Social Studies teachers met as a group to discuss current research in the area of Response to Instruction and to practice a reading strategy they can use with our students to help with summarizing, interpreting, and synthesizing information. We shared successes and answers to questions and challenges. The Math/Science department met as a whole group to coordinate our STEM speaker series activities and plan out the next phases of moving that initiative forward. An 8th grade teacher also led an internal professional development session on how she incorporates writing in her math classroom based upon the identified essential question of the current lesson. The pacing guide was also modified to share with encore staff in-order-to better identify themes during the year to plan for interdisciplinary instruction. The Middle School P.E. department got together to evaluate, adjust, and re-create 1 of the 5 district rubrics used for assessments for our students in Middle School P.E. We are also working on refining our Goal-Setting Rubric, which will be addressed at the next meeting. The middle level school counselors met to formalize a student pre and post assessment. This questionnaire will be given to students both before and after the school counselor facilitates classroom activities related to career exploration and high school planning. The middle level orchestra staff collaborated on what reading and math have in common with Orchestra and how we can more directly connect with those departments and boost student learning. Brainstorming did create more possibilities for more direct reading and writing in the strings classroom. We also began discussion on how to tackle the Individual Proficiency Assessment Form from building to building for strings. A variety of content area staff met to collaborate on new Homeroom curriculum as per our buildings 2013-2014 Continuous School Improvement Plan (CSIP) goals. The team discussed various details including; academic and behavior goals, PBIS expectations, career planning, and career pathway posters. Inside this Issue: Message from the Principal 1, 2 A endance Line/Appointments 2 DPI School report cards 36 Literacy Lens 7 Save the Date/Concordia Sign up Info 8 Community First Credit Union 9 KA Vendor Expo 10 Appleton Career Academy/Disabili es Informa on 11 KA Resource Commi ee/Parent Booster Club 12 GO PINK 13 Ka Charter School Board 14 October Lunch menu 15 WKCE Tes ng Le er 16, 17 18 Scrip order forms 19, 20 LEAP 21,22 Calendars 23,24 Contact Information: Roosevelt Middle School / Kaleidoscope Academy 318 E. Brewster St. Appleton, WI 54911 Main O ce: (920) 832 6294 A endance: (920) 832 5707 Fax: (920) 832 4605 School Websites: h p:// h p:// h p:// SiteDirectory/scndry/RIOO/default.aspx NEWSLETTER TITLE Page 2 MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL CONTINUED We are always looking for parent involvement with our schools. Please note that our Parent Booster Club meetings will be held on the second Monday of each month starting promptly at 4:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend any and all of the meetings. It is a great way to meet other involved parents and stay abreast of what is going on within the school. Each month we will conduct the clubs business and have something informative for the parents. For the month of October, we will give information on how to interpret the school report cards being published by the Department of Public Instruction (DPI). Roosevelt’s and Kaleidoscope’s report card from DPI are included in this newsletter. I hope that all is well with you and your family, and you are enjoying the Fall colors and cooler weather. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions, concerns or general feedback. Your feedback is important to us so we can continue to strive to make Roosevelt and Kaleidoscope the best schools ever. Sincerely, Al Allen J. Brant Principal APPOINTMENTS DURING THE SCHOOL DAY and THE ATTENDANCE LINE... Sometimes it becomes necessary to make an appointment for your student during the school day. If this happens to you, we ask that you follow the easy steps listed below. Send your student with a note stating what time you would like them to meet you in the office. The student watches the clock and on their own, comes down to the office to meet their parent. The parent/guardian comes into the office to pick up their child. There is no need to call the absence line or to call the office with the appointment information. By following these few easy steps it helps to eliminate the office staff from interrupting classrooms throughout the day. Also, by your child watching the clock and coming to the office promptly, it helps to keep everyone on a timely schedule. Please call the attendance line (920) 832-5707, not the school office, if your child will be late to school, will be late due to an appointment, is ill, will be attending a funeral, or they will be absent due to a prearranged absence to name a few examples. Your cooperation would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! Literacy Lens Reading: Fact or Myth? Please read through the following statements and decide as to whether you think they are “fact or myth.” You will find the answers in this article. Being able to read is the number three indicator of high academic success, meaning doing well in school and/or standardized tests. The top five percent of U.S. students read up to five times more than students in the bottom five percent. Most likely if someone is able to read well they will be able to write well too. Being able to read (literacy) endows a person a higher self esteem. The best way to become a better reader is to read, read, read! Source: Kelly Gallagher’s Readicide (2009) At Roosevelt/Kaleidoscope, we are committed to teaching reading using the very best practices that offer proven results for student success. As stated above, it is a fact that “practice” (read, read, read) is the BEST way to become a better reader, and the top 5% of U.S. students DON’T read five times more, They read 144 times more! That makes reading the number 1 indicator of academic success!!! With that known, it is not difficult to see that being literate endows a person with a higher self esteem, and in most cases good readers make good writers just because they are constantly exposed to examples of good writing. So what do we offer during the academic day, and what do we need from you? We teach students to use the very best reading/thinking strategies to “grow” their reading. We provide time in school for students to practice reading (SSR – 20 minutes per day). We teach vocabulary weekly with our “Roots,” because of “word poverty.” In other words, “When words are not heard, concepts are not learned (Gallagher).” Because time does not permit us to give our students the essential practice time they need, we ask students to practice reading a minimum of 20 minutes outside the school day, each and every day. Becoming a proficient reader (the basis of everything) is no different than playing a sport or musical instrument. The more you practice, the better you get. Not only do you increase your reading ability by doing this, you increase your attitude toward or “likability” of it. The bottom line is that we are in this together trying to prepare our students to be successful in a world that becomes more challenging by the day. We ask that you partner with us by instilling in your student(s) the importance of such a basic, but highly necessary skill. Please find those 20 minutes each day just to enjoy reading. I suggest to my students that they carry a book with them everywhere since we spend so much of our lives “waiting.” It is amazing how much we can read in the amount of time we wait in a week. NEWSLETTER TITLE Page 8 SAVE THE DATE: Roosevelt Middle School and Kaleidoscope Academy are excited to invite you to our second annual Literacy Night. We will be offering an evening of reading and writing for adults and students. Please mark your calendar for Thursday, October 17th, 5:30-7:00. More details will be coming soon. CONCORDIA SIGN – UP SOON! WORLD LANGUAGE NEWS This year, our annual 8th grade trip to Concordia Language Villages in Bemidji, MN for students of French, German and Spanish will take place Thursday, March 20th through Sunday, March 23rd (yes, two days off of school). To ensure our spots for the district, we need to complete our registration in October to secure a spot for the AASD students. We will send home initial information the week of Sept. 23 and for students who sign up, we will collect $50 deposits and registration/health forms on Wednesday, Oct. 11th. The balance of the Concordia money (about $175) will be due Wednesday, January 15th. We will also require a final commitment to go on the trip at this time. Anyone who drops out after January 15th will still be responsible for paying the bus/substitute cost to keep the price consistent for the rest of the students going on the trip. We do not know the bus/substitute cost at this time, as we have to know the number of students going so we can accurately divide the cost of the bus, gas and substitute teachers. If you have questions about the cost and other trip logistics, please contact your child’s World Language teacher ASAP (Mrs. Amel and Mr. Dodd for Spanish, Miss Busch for French). Please try to verify ahead of time any conflicts so your child does not end up having to back out of the trip after signing up. This trip will take place around the end of the third quarter, before spring break. We strongly encourage our students to take part in this fabulous opportunity. Every year Concordia runs different cultural themes for it’s programs, such as “A Trip Through Central America” (Spanish), “The French Revolution” (French J), and “The Alps” (German). Ask your language teacher about the themes for this year’s trip. Each village has the kids doing activities, learning, games, scavenger hunts and even meal times in the target language. Don’t miss out on the fun! VOLUME 13 ISSUE 3 Page 11 8TH GRADERS! PREPARE FOR YOUR FUTURE NOW! The ACA (Appleton Career Academy) is the interdisciplinary high school in the Fox Cities that builds essential life-long academic and career skills. The ACA will be holding shadow days on: Monday, October 21st Wednesday, November 13th Thursday, December 5th for those 8th graders interested in learning more about this unique school. Please email Renee Ulman, ACA Coordinator, at to get more information and sign up. SPECIFIC LEARNING DISABILITIES INFORMATION Wisconsin’s rule for identifying students with specific learning disabilities (SLD) has changed. This is to notify you that, beginning on October 7, 2013, initial SLD evaluations at Roosevelt Middle School and Kaleidoscope Academy will begin using information from a student’s response to intensive evidence-based interventions when making special education eligibility decisions. If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact the AASD Student Services Office at 832-6129. NEWSLETTER TITLE Page 12 Kaleidoscope Academy Resource Committee: Help us plan future fundraising Join us for our first meeting of the year on Tuesday October 1st, at 4:30 p.m. at KA (look for sign in lob- by with room location). The Kaleidoscope Academy (KA) Resource Committee works to coordinate fundraising activities to raise money for our school and we are looking for new ideas for this year’s activities! So far, we have our 3rd annual Vendor Fair scheduled for Saturday, November 2nd. This event includes over 30 vendors selling their home sales product lines or crafts as well as a bake sale and choir performances. In the past, other fundraising activities have included cookie dough, pizza and Entertainment book sales and our annual Food For Thought event (silent auction and student showcase). Funds are used to support our great technology programs that help make KA unique including: Moby-Math and Achieve 3000. In addition, funds help purchase additional hardware items such as iPads, cameras, and laptop computers. If you are available to help with the fundraising activities, or would like your name added to the Resource Committee e-mail list contact Dawn Fritzell at PARENT BOOSTER CLUB: We are off to a great start! At our meeting on September 9th, we identified areas that you can choose to be involved with – they are: Sports – concessions, support coaches needs Fine arts – work with staff on needs; ex: artists in residence 8th Grade Farewell – planning, chaperoning, set up, clean up Staff appreciation- planning, providing items, set up, clean up Fundraising – Box Tops, soup labels, Scrip, concessions at non-sports events We have some committee chairs in place (thank you!) but still have lots of opportunities for everyone to play a role in student success. Our next meeting will be held on Monday, October 14th, at 4:00 P.M. Join us if you can. If that doesn’t work but you want to be involved, please contact Al Brandt or Lou Hull. Roosevelt/Kaleidoscope Go PINK!!! 2013-2014 In a joint effort, Roosevelt Middle School and Kaleidoscope Academy would like to recognize October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We will show our support for this cause by participating in the community wide GO PINK celebration called Extend-Awareness, which is sponsored by Salon CTI in Appleton. All money stays local and is donated to help with preventative and diagnostic screenings, as well as helping The Joy Rising Foundation which makes custom wigs for breast cancer patients. In the last three years, Roosevelt/Kaleidoscope has raised over $10,000! Partnering with Salon CTI in Appleton, staff and students can GO PINK by purchasing a pink hair extension for $15.00 each. Students may get more than one hair extension for an additional $15.00 each. The hair extensions will be put in by a Salon CTI stylist at Roosevelt/Kaleidoscope on Wednesday, October 9th from 10:45 AM -1:00 PM. Friends and family members are welcome to sign up and get an extension, too! If our date and time doesn’t work for you, you may also go directly to Salon CTI to get your extension. If so, PLEASE tell them you are affiliated with Roosevelt/Kaleidoscope so we can add that amount to our total raised. The hair extensions are real hair and are treated the same as your own hair. One can wash it, dry it, and curl or straighten it. Your hair is not dyed. The extension is a little clip that attaches to your hair at the base of your scalp. The extension can be taken out whenever you’d like or you can let it grow with your hair. Boys can get a pink hair extension too if their hair is 2 inches or longer. Other monetary donations of any amount will be gladly accepted. These donations will be used to help students who would like to participate but are unable to raise the full $15.00, so it is greatly appreciated. Please have permission slip and money turned in by Thursday, Oct. 3rd, so we can provide a count to Salon CTI. They should be turned in to homeroom teachers. If your son/daughter would like to participate in the GO PINK event, please sign below and send in cash or a check written to Salon CTI with this form. If any other member of your family would like to come in for a hair extension, please sign up below along with the time that works for you between 10:45-1:00. ALSO, we will gladly accept donations to provide a hair extension to a student who is unable to raise the entire $15.00. Student name _____________________ HR Teacher ____________________ Grade _______ Other family members/friends getting hair extensions and time of arrival: __________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Total number of hair extensions: ________ Additional donation amount: _________ Total amount enclosed:___________ Parent Signature __________________________________________________________ The Kaleidoscope Academy Charter School Board is currently accepting applications for Board member openings. You can obtain an application form from the KA Office, or on the KA Website: To be considered for Board membership for the 2013 – 2014 school year, all applications should be turned in by October 15, 2013. If you have questions, contact Al Brant for more information: 832 6299 ROOSEVELT MIDDLE SCHOOL AND KALEIDOSCOPE ACADEMY SCRIP ORDER FORM Date: Adult Name: Adult Contact Phone: Child’s Name: COMPANY Homeroom: % TO SCHOOL SCRIP GIFT CERTIFICATES HOW MANY OF EACH CARD DO YOU WANT TO PURCHASE? School: ROO or KA (Circle one) TOTAL FINAL DEADLINE FOR THIS ORDER IS: October 11, 2013 $10.00 or more Applebee’s 10 $25.00 Barnes & Noble 9 $10.00 & $25.00 Bath & Body 13 $10.00 & $25.00 Buffalo Wild Wings 8 $10.00 Burger King 4 $10.00 Cabela’s 11 $25.00 CVS/Pharmacy Chipotle Mexican Grill Dick’s Sporting Goods 6 $25.00 10 $10.00 8 $25.00 Family Video 12 $10.00 Famous Dave’s 12 $25.00 GAP/Old Navy 14 $25.00 Gordmans 7 $25.00 HuHut Pay in full at the time you submit your order form, by either cash or check. All checks should be made payable to Roosevelt Middle School. Orders should be turned into the school office no later than October 11. Funds are deposited immediately to cover order costs. $10.00 iTUNES 10 $15.00 & J. C. Penney 10 $25.00 Jo-Ann Fabrics 6 $25.00 KFC 8 $ 5.00 Kohl’s 4 $25.00 Kwik Trip 9 $25.00 & Marcus Theatres 9 $25.00 Michaels Craft 4 $25.00 Outback 8 $25.00 Panera Bread 10 $10.00 $25.00 $100.00 Visit for a complete list of vendors. If you find a Scrip card you do not see on our lists, please feel free to add it to the bottom of this order form. ROOSEVELT MIDDLE SCHOOL AND KALEIDOSCOPE ACADEMY SCRIP ORDER FORM (PAGE 2) COMPANY % TO SCHOOL HOW MANY OF EACH CARD DO YOU WANT TO PURCHASE Papa John’s 8 $10.00 Papa Murphy’s 8 $10.00 Quiznos Red Lobster & Olive Garden 10 $10.00 9 $25.00 Roundy’s 4 $25.00 & Sear’s 6 $25.00 ShopKo 3 $25.00 Starbucks 7 $10.00 & Subway T J Max & Home Good 3 $10.00 7 $25.00 Taco Bell 5 $10.00 Target 2 $25.00 Toys R Us 1.5 $20.00 Uno Chicago Grill 14 $25.00 Walgreens Walmart and Sam’s Club Younkers and Boston Store 6 $25.00 2 $25.00 $25.00 $ $ $ $ TOTAL DOLLAR AMOUNT Do you want your Scrip order to be sent home with your student? Yes or $50.00 No I give my child permission to bring Scrip home with them. I understand Roosevelt Middle School/Kaleidoscope Academy is not responsible for lost or stolen Scrip cards. . Required Parent/Guardian Signature $25.00 . Student Name Homeroom: I have received the Scrip cards to bring home to my parent and/or guardian. . Student Signature I DO NOT want my order sent home with my student. I will stop in the office to pick it up. If you would like a merchant that is not listed on this form, add it to your order. Add merchants to left of the arrow. October 2013 Sun Mon Tue 1 Wed 2 Thu 3 GO PINK permission slips/ money are due. Fri 4 End of 1st Qtr. Progress Reports Sat 5 Picture retake day 8:00 a.m. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 16 15 16 17 18 19 MAP Testing window closes 5:30-7:00 p.m. Literacy Nigh 23 KA 8th Gr. 24 25 26 Fieldtrip to Cuff Farms 12:30-3:20 p.m. STAFF DEVELOPMENT ALL DAY 4:00 p.m. Booster Club mtg. 20 21 22 Two Hour Late Start (9:50 a.m. start) 10:45-1:00 p.m. Hair Extensions KA 7/ROO 8 PAC Fieldtrip “Letters Home” NO 27 28 29 WKCE Testing window opens 3:00-5:30 p.m. Fundraiser mdse. pick-up in the Commons 30 31 SCHOOL SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 18:00 a.m. Ski Club Infor- 2 mational mtg. for students P.M. Assembly “Keep It Real” 6:30—9:00 Dance/Activity Night END OF FIRST QUARTER 3 10 4 11 4:00 p.m. StudentLed Conferences 4:00 p.m. Parent Booster Club mtg. 17 18 24 25 5 Credit Union Deposit Day 6 9:00 a.m. KA Vendor Expo 7 4:00 p.m. Student- 8 Veterans Day As- 9 Led Conferences sembly Time: TBD Credit Union Deposit Day 4:00 p.m. StudentLed Conferences 12 Two Hour Late Start (9:50 a.m. start) 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 Credit Union Deposit Day Credit Union Deposit Day 11:50 a.m. Early Dismissal NO SCHOOL