Santa Cruz NorteÑo Graffiti - Basta
Santa Cruz NorteÑo Graffiti - Basta
WATSONVILLE NORTEÑO TAGGING & GRAFFITI The following local photographs represent Norteño criminal street gangs in Watsonville: •North Side Watson (NS, NSW) •Varrio Green Valley (VGV, GVL) •North Side Watson Chicos (NSC) •Mesa Village (Mesa, Mesa Locos) •North Side Watson Hynas (NSWH) •Watson Varrio Norté (WVN) •City Hall Watson (CHW, WCH) •Landis Street (LST) •Loco Park Watson (LPW, LP) •Lomas Varrio Norte/Hillside (Lomas) •Clifford Manor Locos (CML , 265) WHY GANG GRAFFITI IS DANGEROUS The purpose of gang graffiti is to glorify the gang. Gang graffiti is meant to create a sense of intimidation and may increase the sense of fear within a neighborhood. Gang members use graffiti to mark their territory or turf, declare their allegiance to the gang and to challenge rivals. WATSONVILLE NORTEÑO TAGGING & GRAFFITI This tagging represents the Watsonville Norteño criminal street gang called “Landis Street.” WATSONVILLE NORTEÑO TAGGING & GRAFFITI Depicted in these photographs are the Watsonville Norteño criminal street gang called “Clifford Manor Locos.” Notice in the first photo the words “Scrap Killa.” Scrap is a derogatory term for Sureños. Also the photo on the right reveals gang members using graffiti to claim the turf or neighborhood as gang members cross out each others tags. WATSONVILLE NORTEÑO TAGGING & GRAFFITI Depicted in the photographs are the Watsonville Norteño criminal street gang called “Clifford Manor Locos” tagging the car of a rival gang. WATSONVILLE NORTEÑO TAGGING & GRAFFITI Depicted in the photographs are from the Watsonville Norteño criminal street gang called “North Side Watson Chicos.” The graffiti has the gang members nicknames in the first photo. The second photo is graffiti honoring their fellow gang member who was killed. WATSONVILLE NORTEÑO TAGGING & GRAFFITI Depicted in the photographs is the Watsonville Norteño criminal street gang called “Varrio Green Valley” “VGV.” WATSONVILLE NORTEÑO TAGGING & GRAFFITI This graffiti says “WVN” which stands for “Watson Varrio Norte,” a Norteño criminal street gang in Watsonville. WHAT SHOULD YOU DO IF YOU SEE THIS KIND OF GRAFFITI IN YOUR CHILD/STUDENT’S BELONGINGS? • Talk to your child/student. Ask open-ended questions, listen with an open-mind. Encourage an honest discussion. • Ask questions to understand their level of involvement. • Understand who is influencing them (friend, neighbor, relative) and set limits accordingly. • Discuss the consequences and dangers of being in a gang. • Set clear expectations. • Parents: talk to a teacher, school counselor or administrator at your child’s school and ask them if they have noticed any changes. Make sure they are aware of your concerns. Teachers: talk to the school counselor, administrator and to the student’s parents. • Get your child/student involved in extra-curricular activities like sports, clubs, music, volunteer work, etc. Make sure to have positive, fun family time. WHAT SHOULD YOU DO IF YOU SEE THIS KIND OF GRAFFITI IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD? Within the city of Watsonville: Call the Graffiti Hotline at 831-768-3133 Within the City of Santa Cruz: Call the Graffiti Hotline at 831- 420-5303 Call 911 If you see someone “tagging” or suspect vandalism is going to take place, do not hesitate to call 911. Adopt-A-Spot Do you keep seeing the same pole on your street getting tagged? Get a free graffiti removal kit as a volunteer for your home or work place. You can make a direct difference in your community with the convenience of a no-hassle volunteer program. Call the hotline at 831-420-5303 for more details about getting the free graffiti removal kit. For more information: Email:
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